File: 1648605450742.png (1.61 MB, 1270x944, cover14.png)

No. 871861
>Dasha is outed by lolcow admin for posting 142 times in one thread alone >>>/pt/519998>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina being a sugar baby, implying Edwin is a kiddy fiddler for dating a 20 year old, and praising/defending Dasha>Edwin makes a video about the nonsense, alluding to her posts on lolcow>An old clip resurfaces of Dasha saying "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Nazi salute >>>/pt/525575>Dasha reacts by deleting her Twitter and making her Instagram accounts private, and announces she is getting “phone therapy” for her depression>Dasha’s true form is revealed in pics and videos shot for a pluggednyc campaign >>>/pt/532499 >This was particularly delicious vis a vis her addiction to extreme shooping and the fact that she was also caught out editing Mina’s photos >>>/pt/533091>Dasha and Cyr conspire to take down Edwin’s videos and ultimately have his YouTube channel deleted as revealed in leaked voice messages Dasha sent to her flying monkeys >>>/pt/534251. >Someone who may or may not be Dasha assumed Mina’s identity and succeeded in getting Mina’s YouTube channel taken down (it has since been reinstated) >>>/pt/536040>Cyr himself has yet to comment on the situation, leaving his attack dog NetNobody to whiteknight him against Edwin on Twitter >>>/pt/546541>Videos released by “Anonymous Person” attempting to discredit Mina and Edwin >>>/pt/535521 sound suspiciously like Dasha putting on a British accent >>>/pt/536537>Mina finally responds to the fuckery herself in a dignified video, mentioning that what is currently public knowledge is not even the full extent of Dasha’s psychotic abuse >>>/pt/543633>Dasha reveals an unfortunate-looking bowl cut >>>/pt/612660 while continuing to larp as Mina harder than ever >>>/pt/615087>Is outed as escorting in a public (video) tweet by her john, in which she's dressed in Mina's 15yo sister's shirt, wearing a Mina wig, and with painted-on Mina beauty spots. Video: >>>/pt/615816
>Dasha dated Chandler and was spreading rumors about him after their breakup, causing many to harass him on his socials and twitch.>Previously seen with Yung Bae. A lot of photos taken in the same place, probably lived together (she has the same place & statue in her photos). >>>/pt/696127#795606 ; >>>/pt/696127#798140>Claimed to be on the autistic spectrum, therefore resulting in her behaviors. >>>/pt/696127 ( >>>/pt/696127#819189 )
>Dasha is STILL bringing up Chandler and his gf Missy, talking shit about both… is this going to be a new obsession that repeats history? (in March 2022 and they haven't been a thing since 2020 and she pinned it on her twitter.) Chandler is also a streamer.>Seems to be trying to weasel into the LA gaming/streamer industry(again? >>>/pt/534019#537580) via Cyr's coworkers and friends. She follows many of them but they do not necessarily follow her. Only mutuals have been people she met with Cyr and maybe roomed with. She repeatedly attempts to associate/hangout. Cyr and her still keep in contact it seems, uh oh.—-
>Around late 2016/early 2017, Edwin (Edwin’s Generation), Mina (minaxxbell), Dasha, and Cyr all lived together>Cyr, who was already in a relationship with Dasha and had been for a year, decided to try to have a polyamorous relationship with his ex girlfriend, Mina, and invited her to live with himself and Dasha in LA>Apparently Dasha suggested this arrangement and was the instigator in getting Mina to live with them, and she later admitted that she did so with the intention of ruining Mina’s life>Edwin is made to feel ostracised in his own apartment while Cyr attempts to have a relationship with both girls>Dasha and Mina are featured in some of Cyr’s videos, and they look eerily similar to each other>Mina, Dasha, Cyr, and Edwin all appear together in “Are You Trying to Smash One of My Girls?” on Edwin’s channel>At the beginning of February 2017, Edwin and Mina are kicked out of the apartment, and Edwin makes a distressed vlog as they're leaving>Between November 2016 - January 2017, Mina discovers that Dasha has deleted Mina’s entire Instagram account>It is believed that she did this out of jealousy, as Mina had more followers than her at the time>Dasha streams on Periscope claiming that the problem was Mina and Edwin, and that their actions hurt her and Cyr>Soon after Edwin and Mina leave the apartment, Dasha harasses Mina online through photoshopped memes and sending her minions to bully Mina on Twitter >Dasha’s fans also start to post on lolcow a lot around this time, defending Dasha and accusing on Mina of “hurting” Dasha>Dasha says that one day while Mina was in the shower, Dasha went through her phone and found a fake Instagram account on her phone that was sending her (Dasha) hate. Dasha claims that this account belongs to Mina, and she was using it to harass her because she was jealous>Cyr calls Mina a “crazy girl with an agenda”>Edwin makes a video with Mina titled “Edwin and Mina get Kicked Out by Cyr and Dasha - Sharing Our Story” (uploaded 4/17/2017)>He later makes another video responding to things Cyr has lied about, titled “Edwin Responds to Cyr’s Lies” (uploaded 6/12/2017)>Dasha constantly makes threats to ruin people's lives when they don't give her what she wants>Follows through with these threats in getting Edwin and Mina kicked out of the house, turning Cyr against his friends, and deleting Mina's Instagram account>Throughout the videos, Edwin accounts various times where Dasha was emotionally manipulative of Cyr (with Cyr once texting Edwin that he felt “emasculated” by Dasha)>Video of Dasha responding to Edwin>Quote from Dasha: “…And I told him, yes, I’m fucking, I’m going to actually get you kicked out, if you literally take Mina’s side over your best friend. I said that to him! I’m owning up to that! I told him that I’d ruin his life, because I would, if he takes a fucking British cunt… I’m sorry [smiles], over his best friend. He’s absolutely right, I stood there smiling…”>Around June 2017, Dasha makes a video talking about how many people tell her she’s copying Mina’s style>Dasha seems to continue to talk about how much hate and harassment she’s received because of Mina, and is fixated on people accusing her of copying Mina’s style (spoiler: because she fucking is) PULL drama:
>In early 2017, when the initial drama involving Dasha, Mina and Edwin started, a user named “Fawnie” created a thread about Mina>This account mocked Mina for her alleged use of Photoshop, and posted pictures that had never been seen previously by anyone>In one of Edwin’s videos, Mina says that some of these pictures were never released online, and were pictures that she had left on her camera after a photoshoot>Dasha apparently also intentionally photoshopped these pictures to make her look bigger than she actually was, to make it seem like Mina was shooping herself to be unnaturally skinny>While it hasn’t been confirmed that “Fawnie” is Dasha, lots of evidence points to it being her—-
Dasha: iblamejules
TikTok: @choolishka
Previous threads from most recent to oldest:
>>>/pt/696127>>>/pt/616102>>>/pt/573511>>>/pt/547290>>>/pt/537641>>>/pt/534019>>>/pt/528797>>>/pt/519998>>>/pt/506263>>>/pt/417225>>>/pt/396612>>>/pt/373154>>>/pt/370733>>>/snow/244778 No. 871870
File: 1648612109816.png (904.47 KB, 988x857, dashacopiedminagain.png)

let me start off with a classic intro… this gem is from 2021
No. 871878
File: 1648615378543.png (52.84 KB, 589x320, pinned tweet.png)

this edition is brought to you by Dasha trying to get into streaming circles via Cyr and friends.
Given her behavior and reputation, shit will absolutely hit the fan if she is allowed an audience, support, and receives money as a streamer. Most of Cyr's old followers know of her and how awkward it was.
She has abused Mina, Edwin, Cyr, Tristan (he suicided and apparently was trying to contact Edwin about her nasty ass
>>>/pt/696127 >>755345 >>755966
>>755967 >>756039 ) and now is stirring shit up 2 years later with Chandler and his gf trying to get minions again and now back to getting closer to Cyr's world.
No. 871892
File: 1648624463129.png (5.71 MB, 1125x2436, chandlerriggsdasha3.png)

havent seen anything relevant that is new with Mina and any skinwalking besides that hair.
in 2020 she was still trying to rally minions gained from Chandler's fanbase to go after Edwin still! it's crazy!
>>787278the part where her ex Tristan tried to bring stuff up to Edwin before he eventually passed away is extremely concerning… that he knew to reach out to Edwin seems a pretty big deal.
>>755966 i dont know what else came of that stuff.
does anyone have old VODs of Chandler's or Cyr's stream where she was there and how they were? i cant find anything besides "the one" from livestream fail
check Chandler's face in this one though
No. 872061
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I was wondering if Dasha would ever resurface considering Cyr’s semi-popularity on Twitch. More like he’s in the orbit of popular streamers.
Here’s Dasha telling XQC to tag Cyr in his Instagram post a while back. She’s also constantly trying to get Hassan’s attention. If she somehow weasels her way into the LSF sphere it’s going to be insufferable but probably milky too.
No. 872069
>>872061yes LSF has an old clip of her hijacking his stream way back. he literally remains quiet and just leaves the room previous threads of Dasha people recalled how akward things happened on cyr's stream and chandler's. she will be known by old cyr viewers definitely
No. 872072
File: 1648687433272.png (2.39 MB, 2492x1442, dashaigstory_3.12.22.png)

a story she pinned to her instagram of her going off on twitter
No. 872081
File: 1648691114411.png (629.15 KB, 3022x1382, aboutchandlerdoc_3.29.22.png)

a collection of her replies to comments from a year ago. kek. she is threatening to beat up Missy/Chandler's gf it looks like.
whatever may or may not be true (Hailey one of his exes defends him on tiktok comments) her behavior stays true through all of these years. drama like this isn't supported in the streamer world especially.
she has been harassing them since they broke up i guess
No. 874207
>>874174like is she trying to cancel him for just being a shitty bf? lmao. fighting with 12yr old walking dead fan girls on twitter is not a good look. it’s just sad and unnecessary. just move on.
>>874144she’s making multiple tweets about how he’s hot and chandler being ugly… lmao. guess she just has to be obsessing over something whether it’s mina or now chandler. sad
No. 874239
>>874234nah it looks like he’s living his best life since splitting up with her. he looked absolutely fucking miserable and suicidal during the time they were together particularly during the whole mina/edwin saga and even said as much if we are to believe what edwin said cyr told him. he def doesn’t need dashas
toxic ass back in his life, i’m sure he’s only “friends” with her now because he’s scared of her retaliating and getting obsessive trying to cancel him like she tried with mina and now carl grimes lmao.
No. 874332
>>871861Sage for ot and blogpost
Idk if anyones interested, if not my bad, but for whatever reason I’ve talked to both Cyr and Edwin on different occasions
Edwin was on a kink site as a “daddy dom”… bio was cringe but it’s a kink site everyone is
Cyr nothing milky we chatted on fb and it was a long ass time ago before the Mina/dasha stuff happened cause I used to like his music, he seemed like a super deep person, we never met up so who knows if he’s like that irl but I remember him sending long messages about his feelings and like very artsy boi stuff
Based on that tiny tidbit it does seem likely that he was depressed and lifeless with Dasha since he seems sensitive af
No. 874940
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dasha seems to express regret… but then the tristan thing and chandler/missy thing happened… hard to believe. yet to be seen
No. 874941
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some irony and weird reference to british people… who?
No. 874942
File: 1650864342260.png (89.09 KB, 274x220, garretdasha.png)

she was on garret's stream (he was seen on Edwin's video a night or so before edwin was kicked out)
she talked about having a bf, was on the phone with him. talked about possibly working on streaming which garret said "I told her she should". Her old twitch still has a donation button
No. 875240
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>>874942pic from livestream for anyone who doesn't want to watch her boring rambles about nothing
No. 878799
>>874950Newfag missed out on psycho, lady of the night, queen dasha popping off on onision, sucking the life out of sadboy cyr, obsessing over mina and kicking out mr steal yo girl Edwin from their apartment.
She's still at it now but clings to ex cyr, exposing horse porn lover ex Chandler riggs and probably now obsessing over ruining missymods life a la mina style - even though Chandler loves horse cum more than the two of them put together.
She's actually my favourite cow, lol! Ngl I got a bit bored when her thread died.
No. 878800
>>878799Samefag, but actually I think her worst behaviour is/was using under 18s as her personal army and therapists. A few names come to mind, I'm pretty sure it's already been shared in previous threads but I'm gonna leave this link here anyway of deleted Twitter posts from one of them exposing her,
yeh I know it's an image board but shit phone atm sorry nonnies plus not sure if it's been posted before No. 880916
File: 1655934228908.png (3.16 MB, 2506x2290, hm.png)

here is a small collection of her thirsting after cyr especially recently. and a reference to how obsessive she was with her vincent tattoo back in the day. makes me wonder.
is she stalking and trying to get into the same circle he is in? he ignores all of her comments it seems, except for one or two back in 2021 I guess when they met up. but they follow each other so who knows.
she knows people through being with cyr/shared aquaintances, some streamers and youtubers but is apparently trying to get back to streaming.
No. 881293
>>881171 seconded. had no idea bout the DJ dumping her but saw she would interact with a black haired guy with silver chains figured just a friend.
any milk on why the DJ dumped her? i'm forever spooked by what was said about tristan's death in connection with her
No. 882813
File: 1657462390847.jpg (319.94 KB, 720x1192, 20220710_151105.jpg)

What do you guys think about this situation?
I think it's kind of ironic tbh.
Yes, nonnas, I bumped the thread for this little drop of milk lol forgive me.
No. 882815
>>882813Pot… kettle…
(Nothing to forgib, nonna. I hope Dasha gives us more milk soon, she is my favorite crazy cow.)
No. 882838
>>882814Arzaylea got 'famous' in 2015 for dating a member of 5sos which is a boyband. She's definitely milky in her own right.
No idea why Dasha was friends with her, probably tried to do something 'nice' again with definitely no alterior motive and it backfired - again.
No. 882845
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>>882814She more or less seems to be friends or at least know of cyr in 2015 so she probably met dash through cyr later on and/or through basic la parties
No. 882864
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Arzaylea hit her with a plant pot apparently! If this is true dasha has met her match - her but even more impulsive.
No. 883682
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>>883350 >>883350i've been curious about that too… did someone somehow get her legal, if so who? is she really here illegally?
pic of being most American. looks like maybe idubberz place?(the dude she knew that she claimed Mina was wanting to get with way back when)
No. 885243
To whoever wrote the thread summary, the one link that leads to NetNobody defending Cyr on twitter
>>>/pt/546541 has the wrong link lol leads to a random kiki kannibal thread
No. 886441
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ah shit here we go again…
No. 886442
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No. 887089
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She's posted 4 times in less than 24 hours after being MIA basically all year, and of course it's because she's finally found some clout and dick to suck. Seems weird to me that he'd mess with her considering the other women he can pull but he's making a massive mistake especially at this point in his career. She will try to ruin him the minute he doesn't text back.
No. 887262
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>>887231Idk, but she’s been posting nonstop about it since. Her current boyfriend is roommates with this yung gravy guy and it’s probably loving riding on her new z celebrity associates coat tails
No. 887263
sort of offtopic but to quickly summarize
the moid in dashas tiktok is yung gravy as this anon said
>>887262, hes been fairly popular in the LA/tiktok space for 2-3 years now. he's doing some other cringe shit atm like trying to date addison raes (a popular zoomer tiktoker) recently divorced mom and publicly flirting on social media with her
im surprised his publishing is allowing him to be seen with dasha because he's usually super PR regulated, especially regarding his tours with bbno$ in china and mass produced tiktok audios, he got the rickroll guys approval for a cover which is a bitch to do
regarding dasha, did she get some sort of amphetamine prescription? she looks better but she has to have dropped 30-40 pounds
No. 889292
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Anyone whos worried about trashas weight shouldnt sweat about it too much, shes always been known to have weirdly thin legs and a fridge midsection. I dont doubt shes lost weight though, and could be taking drugs to do so, but we should all know of her editing history by now and keep it in mind. Over all shes got a good amount of weight on her still, especially her gut and shoulder area, dont let her think you worry about her.
No. 889804
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gonna go off lexapro? uh oh honestly worrying
she also deleted her instagram choolishka or name changed i dont know.
No. 890073
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No. 890103
>>890073first one is sad. the neck tattoo is worrying
>>890091wonder why. maybe he caught up on her past or she is acting in whatever way she did to cyr and the kid that ended himself
No. 890108
>>890083I'm in the same boat anon, I have no idea what's been going on with Dasha since she got dumped by horse fucker Chandler, because it's all rando caps that make no sense. The naive "I can't see Photoshop" worries about her "anorexia" make me think it's child fans of chandler who never moved on or grew up. Really thought it was Dasha self posting for a long time, but I think they have a discord where they discuss her and repost their schizophrenia here randomly. Why is there a random cap of Cyr in the collage?
She's been a balding illegal immigrant sugar-baby whore for like 6 years now. None of this is surprising if you knew about her prior to Chandler. She's always been a hot mess who survives by fucking random guys. Literally a sex worker, she accepts money for sex. I wonder why a guy wouldn't settle down with a random hooker that latched onto him for clout and money.
No. 890131
>>890108yeah I'm super confused, like who the fuck is jp? she was dating him? I've been following her for a long time and there's random caps I have 0 idea about.
>>890114okay but like care to explain the other ones? Like who the fuck the jp person is for example?
No. 890242
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>>890131jp is a very recent ex, lived with yung gravy (who she posted more of lmao). he's still up on her recycledandroid ig but they no longer follow each other and is what i suspect
triggered her latest ssri cold turkey schizo mission. his ig is jpclark. cyr was probably fkn grateful she had someone new. but alas….
No. 890324
>>890323I didn't say her mom was living with him? I said they went to an some awards show together. And fyi, dash is highly known to basically move in with whoever shes' dating as per literally every single person shes ever been with so its not a stretch to assume they were living together.
and this isnt kiwifarms or some shit, like people don't know who the fuck this jp person is because its never been posted on the thread before that she was dating. If you're gunna post images like at least post info for other people to understand what theyre looking at. The way it was organized it didn't really make much sense, and it takes a literal 1 second to type out the sentence about it. Not everyone follows her shit on other boards etc so if you're going to post something at least make it clear.
No. 892142
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No. 892304
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It's so hilarious how Dasha tries to stay on Cyr's good side LOL
No. 892305
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She's so obsessed with cyr, I'm waiting for her to sperg out on Edwin. It'll happen any day now. Feel bad for her man bc it seems like they got back together and are following each other again. Her obsession with defending cyr yet emotionally abusing him for years is criminal/psycho lol
No. 892449
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>>892304Keemstar shared Edwin's accusations of Cyr being a groomer and Dasha just HAD to jump in
No. 892450
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No. 892565
>>892449Bruh no one was even talking about him hitting you Dasha lol even though we all know you definitely hit him!
Edwin is talking about an incident before you even KNEW cyr. Dasha will do anything to make it all about her!!!
No. 892591
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No. 892617
>>892449cyr might be breathing through a panic attack in a paper bag rn
kek. someone with insane personal vendetta tendencies calling the kettle black
No. 892619
File: 1663983692416.jpg (250.99 KB, 1080x1350, 300963928_456634586364734_4961…)

saged since its not really milk. saw a different photo from the same one that was posted before where she said she was off lexapro and feeling ~gReAt~. these look like fresh cut marks. now she is on wellbutrin afterall
No. 895491
>>895404yea I saw that on his insta, anyone know what happened/why?
I'm surprised they didn't break up a long time ago. It was kind of obvious they only got together/trauma bonded over the fact dasha was fucking insane.
No. 896463
File: 1666832564343.jpg (448.22 KB, 1080x1608, 20221026_195959.jpg)

Nows dashas chance to apologize to mina and convince her that she was brain washed by ebil edween and that it wasnt dasha who did all those horrible things it was actually the fake accounts and the hate forums attacking Mina all along, not dasha. Just kidding, trasha would never apologize.
(Sorry for autism but someone else had to be thinking it too..)
No. 896795
File: 1667243568013.png (667.29 KB, 1193x589, hmm.png)

sage for tinfoil but the difference in tone between the tweets post breakup makes me feel like they didn't end on great terms. either way good for mina, she deserves someone who isnt a 4/10 manchild who traps someone into a relationship because of traumabonding lol
No. 896820
>>896795watching Edwin's videos back then when they went through getting kicked out of the apt with Dasha and Cyr, it seemed very obvious they were just holding onto each other with no clue what to do. There was no chemistry. Edwin looked to be a little controlling then too. The whole thing was going towards some kinky ddlg thing it was strange. About time.
My guess is his recent outspoken comments about Cyr and underage girls she found out about and is tired of being tied to the unhinged Dasha and Cyr. She wants to move on. Given
everything she seems to have no healthy boundaries either.
No. 896881
>>896795I always thought they were super weird together. like, she made way more sense with Cyr?
it's like they were bearding for each other.
I hope she ends up with someone lovely. she is SO beautiful like genuinely angelic.
No. 899277
File: 1669628040547.png (174.19 KB, 633x863, choolishka.png)

>>871861Interesting how she's started to talk about it again. Maybe she's getting braver now that Mina and Edwin have broken up.
No. 899289
>>899285Right? I have a feeling that she's going to get bolder and start attacking Mina now. Edwin will probably still defend her even if they're not dating though. I'm excited.
>>899282No clue what she was responding to, I missed it before it got deleted.
No. 899296
>>899277This psycho prostitute will never let it go, will she? Although, I agree with
>>899285. She was one of my favorite cows and I hope she starts acting up again, her milk was legendary, kek.
No. 899348
>>899334no idea whyyyy they have to start bringing this shit up again but it does seem like dasha is spiraling based after all of her super aggressive tweets at random influencers
(sage bc i don’t have screenshots to contribute rn sorry hopefully someone else can find and post)
No. 899357
>>899324I'm so confused as well. It seems like no one has let this go. I learned a bit from the interview with Chud (who is fucking obnoxious btw), like how Dasha apparently would try to insert herself into sexual situations with Mina and Cyr? Then again like.. why wouldn't Mina just go back home if she felt that uncomfortable. Everyone in this situation is so stupid and I love it lmao.
It just feels like these two girls hated each other from the beginning and Dasha went completely psychotic.
No. 899400
>>899357I think from an earlier post in the thread, apparently dasha stopped taking her psych meds and has been 'spiraling' since. So I'm assuming she's prob off her meds, prob not even taking therapy anymore, hence going crazy again and rehashing years old drama because she's a psychotic narc who can't let go lol.
Milkmas is coming nonnies!
No. 901448
>>899357it was revealed in the past Mina's home life was not good maybe
abusive so she maybe felt trapped and tried to take an opportunity by leaving england
No. 901674
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Wake up babe new Mina wig came in
No. 901697
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>>901686>>901674True. Dasha's pic is from four days ago while Mina's pics are from 12 december
No. 901949
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>>901707>>901894she was plugging some indie clothing brand and her theme was slutty office worker.
No. 902030
File: 1673039679937.jpg (91.6 KB, 933x717, trasha_pic.JPG)

Dasha's booty in her friends stories vs in her instagram pics
No. 906400
File: 1673307264576.jpeg (381.76 KB, 1170x2033, 187F721E-7D4F-4BED-B812-C60A75…)

I see that the eating disorder is still in full swing
No. 906442
>>906400Her posing and posting photos like this of herself is really sad, she will always be the
victim in her own narrative. Promoting eating disorders to whatever underage fans of hers are left, or have they all grown up now?
No. 906443
File: 1673366212374.jpg (241.13 KB, 720x1280, Heavyweightyoga.jpg)

Heavy weight yoga classes are designed for obese individuals who want to gain some mobility back.
She's lost the plot, ana chan arc.
No. 906444
File: 1673366351108.jpg (195.9 KB, 720x1280, Gfcgegn.jpg)

I knew she was insane when she called this creature hot
No. 906445
File: 1673366425635.jpg (390.05 KB, 720x1280, 20230110_155851.jpg)

She looks up to cyr, that why she hit him guys!!!! Its all because of deep love and not self hatred!
No. 906456
File: 1673383136580.jpeg (572.6 KB, 1170x1217, E2C6FB48-69F2-4496-B831-3DBD3A…)

Currently shitting on Edwin on Twitter, apparently she did some interview with some nobody on YouTube that’s coming up. Possible milk coming soon.
No. 906469
File: 1673395011177.jpeg (688.96 KB, 1170x1481, 77B4A5F1-2C07-4802-90F4-8E4FF8…)

>>906462Interesting. I wonder if Mina will respond to this. That Twitter account is 110% one of her sock puppets, they’re only tweeting about Edwin/Mina shit
No. 906529
>>906515100%. why are they dredging this shit back up? it’s so sad considering they literally are not interacting with each other only to bring the same shit back up again
sad dasha thinks all this is still relevant enough to wait years just to reveal… nothing new
No. 906660
File: 1673742503938.png (1.09 MB, 1549x768, uglymoid.png)

Is it just me or are Cyr's teeth rotting? It's hilarious that Dasha is still obsessed with this ugly lazy scrote when his teeth are about as dead as her influencing career…
No. 908154
File: 1674219594582.jpeg (682.46 KB, 1170x1520, F90A085B-2703-43F2-90E7-F382C9…)

>>908053You mean this kid? The fact that dasha willingly befriends autistic nobodies just to feed her obsession has me cackling
No. 908224
>>908130>cigs…I was thinking he was smoking more than just cigs.. like crack-cocaine, meth, ect.
Does he have mouth cancer or something?! Wtf?!
No. 908305
File: 1674455305445.png (998.48 KB, 1549x768, wtf.png)

How the hell does Dasha or anybody find this greasy goblin even remotely attractive?
No. 908317
File: 1674481290194.jpeg (15.91 KB, 738x415, 10934472929274.jpeg)

>>908305Like a bargain bin version of the dad from Casper
No. 908516
>>908305Imagine making all that money doing almost nothing and still allowing your teeth to rot inside your mouth like that. Dude is rancid.
Really wouldn't surprise me if Dasha lost most of the weight due to a coke habit either.
No. 908823
File: 1675198976632.png (587.87 KB, 795x800, gross.png)

This bloated alcoholic has an unbelievably puffy face for such a skinny moid… Does he get fillers or something? So ugly.
No. 908834
File: 1675210724851.png (782.17 KB, 939x1000, 00000.png)

>>908823Cyr really does look like absolute shit in the newest OTK videos with his rotting teeth, $16,000 in dental work for a reason.
No. 908928
File: 1675366722043.png (9.36 MB, 1242x2688, 5D7BFA83-E97D-4C47-A49F-C0D331…)

No. 908940
File: 1675381351643.png (1.44 MB, 1480x800, 00001.png)

>>908861What's shocking is that Cyr looked relatively normal back in September 2022 with his teeth clearly not rotting like they are now.
No. 908951
File: 1675387380448.jpg (484.5 KB, 577x1042, cokeheadcyr.jpg)

>>908928Kinda suspicious that Dasha had a seizure when Cyr just left LA today after being there for a few days to be apart of some OTK stream event while looking like this, can you say coke bloat? I can only assume that her and Cyr got together to party last night.
No. 909065
File: 1675557930689.jpeg (323.79 KB, 828x1485, 33E40B8D-7EF6-411A-950F-4D3EF3…)

No. 909101
File: 1675620136585.jpeg (454.07 KB, 1170x2028, DDAC2484-3CEF-45E3-9E32-0C7635…)

Sis have you got cancer or somethin
No. 909113
>>909101Jesus Christ those modeling gigs where she looked wide as fuck from way back and constantly being compared to Mina really got to her in the end. Bet she’s proud showing off her chest bones like that.
Sorry Dasha you’re still ugly inside out.
No. 909203
>>909065damn fucking sliced her tattoo
>>909109might be a tinfoil but this seems shooped, the perspective is very warped
No. 909219
File: 1675750107635.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x2560, 1529666322565.jpg)

>>90859810 day old post but here you go nona
No. 909337
File: 1675893889608.png (2.72 MB, 2360x1400, 00005.png)

Well it looks like Dasha is back on Twitter since she apparently got released from the hospital for "pneumonia". Still simping for the lazy alcoholic drug addict with rotting teeth (Cyr), asking him for free shit and making edgy jokes while posting pictures of herself that get a whopping 46 likes…
No. 909340
>>908940to me this isn’t that shocking of a transformation compared to what
>>908973 shared, only there does he looks like someone i would think doesn’t look that bad.
No. 909751
File: 1676275025695.gif (11.51 MB, 600x1063, ezgif-1-8767975cec.gif)

guess her lungs are fine
No. 909895
File: 1676486728002.jpeg (552.45 KB, 1284x2282, 384AE480-D4B1-4468-8A7D-13B335…)

Julia fake smiling in her post overdose quirky outfit. So batshit and directionless, Cyr isn’t coming back to save her.
No. 910103
File: 1676919996799.png (1.01 MB, 1563x792, wtf.png)

Cyr looks unrecognizable these days… That horrible mullet haircut mixed with his bloated face and creepy smile is beyond ugly, it also looks he got botox in his forehead?
No. 910112
File: 1676930575091.jpg (36.76 KB, 584x295, snap.jpg)

When is Cyr going to address his old snapchat of which was his source for flirting/sexting/nudes?
Or the secret porn tumblr which he gave out on this snapchat and possibly allowed minors to send nudes of themselves to him?
Or are we not ready to talk about that?
No. 910117
>>910115His old snap use to be s.kelevra.
I know because I was added onto that snap.
I presume he had a lot of girls on there, snap score was over 14k.
I do remember the porn tumblr but I do not remember the username and its probably long wiped from existance. Just him posting cringe porn gifs on tumblr while having open commentary with possibly fans of his who he deemed were 'attractive enough'
Edwin wasnt lying by calling him a groomer, i'd actually say that's pretty accurate.
No. 910121
File: 1676934265363.png (84.08 KB, 809x660, lol.png)

>>910112>>910117I feel like Cyr has so many skeletons in the closet from his past, it's baffling how he hasn't been cancelled yet. The dumbass hasn't even deleted all his tweets from 2016 when he was being edgy and trying to leech off iDubbbz.
No. 910131
>>910103his swollen gums unevenly enveloping his front teeth, his bloated sickly face, the chins, the overall greasiness. The man was always pretty mediocre, but this is a borderline shayna level of letting himself go. He looks absolutely rancid.
>>910121He absolutely has skeletons, probably why he chooses to play nice with Dasha still. The guy chose to be super close with onision up until his popularity outgrew him being useful in comparison to the drama he was involved in. He's continuously chose to surround himself with scumbags and losers. Birds of a feather.
No. 910136
File: 1676957624308.png (4.15 MB, 1139x10295, jcaquinphoenixstory.png)

>>910112>>910117>>910121It's very surprising that jcaquinphoenix aka "Charlie" never gets brought up, she was this obsessive 16-year old fan of Cyr and Dasha that wrote this now deleted Twitter thread back in June 2020 about how she was groomed by both of them throughout 2017. Dasha would send her weird inappropriate messages meanwhile Cyr was treating her like his personal psychiatrist for venting about Edwin & Mina, also was apparently obsessed with this fan's 17-year old girlfriend at the time. I've tried finding the whole thing, but all that's left is archived articles in pieces and most of the incriminating photos/videos are missing. I remember Dasha apologized for everything when it first came out and Cyr never addressed anything at all, basically just took his longest break ever from social media for a couple of months. Eventually I think the fan deleted everything and everyone just forgot…
No. 910151
>>910132kek when onion drops you
>>910136Cyr probably lawyered up and paid for her silence. It happens all the time.
No. 910328
File: 1677272287236.png (416.21 KB, 815x800, ew.png)

>>910305Go for it because the bloated alcoholic drug addict looks like this now…
No. 910427
File: 1677405410016.jpeg (161.26 KB, 750x327, DAEDC2E9-A1AD-4E21-8A5C-45637E…)

so glad that Dasha is back, she was one of my favourite cows.
No. 910755
File: 1677894914919.jpeg (801.42 KB, 1170x1129, F0B07C63-9D56-4436-B4BF-E3ECD6…)

Watch out Cyr she’s comin’ for ya
No. 910930
File: 1678136387023.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1170x1996, 3C926EE3-AD46-496D-9350-57ED39…)

Imagine having almost 170K followers and only getting 2 comments on your pic
No. 911064
File: 1678302818416.png (603.3 KB, 1239x701, 0000.png)

>>910930Cyr laughing his ass off because he didn't just dodge a bullet with Dasha, but dodged a whole nuclear blast…
No. 911444
File: 1678737166884.png (2.03 MB, 2000x975, ew.png)

>>911433I can't even imagine having to be a caretaker to the human version of Sid from Ice Age
No. 911753
File: 1679367872225.png (2.29 MB, 1299x1947, Screenshot_20230320-220425.png)

No. 911756
File: 1679375100711.png (539.64 KB, 1439x1980, Screenshot_20230321-000448.png)

No. 911762
File: 1679403350449.png (2.45 MB, 1440x726, Screenshot_20230321-075444.png)

>>911759In that vid there's FISH and MEAT..
Is that how vegans eat, anon?
No. 911814
File: 1679468119651.jpg (112.58 KB, 720x1071, Screenshot_20230321_233625_Pho…)

Again with the Russian larp? Не умирай - don't die?
No. 913642
File: 1682438660412.jpg (122.67 KB, 1398x800, 76507506504.jpg)

I have no clue what's going on with Dasha but she has no milk at all lately and Cyr looks like the penguin from Surf's Up now…
No. 914399
File: 1684218284481.jpeg (155.62 KB, 1242x894, IMG_1091.jpeg)

>>913642KEK. Look at this old picture of him from 2016. Why do men age like this
(necromancy) No. 914442
File: 1684326636174.jpg (262.58 KB, 1908x1146, teupkeuk.jpg)

>>914399as opposed to women you mean? i dunno.
(derailing) No. 914479
File: 1684406931558.jpg (488.98 KB, 2048x1969, FwREOsnWAAYzVPn.jpg)

>>913642>>914399I'm not sure what mental illness Cyr developed as a result of dating Dasha for way too long, but he's going through this greasy gym bro arc right now and it's hilarious to see how fat his face is getting as a result.
No. 914535
File: 1684526058854.jpeg (78.42 KB, 526x1024, IMG_5430.jpeg)

>>914479He reminds me of Lars Ulrich in the 2000’s
No. 914585
File: 1684649542553.png (675.44 KB, 1737x1000, Untitled.png)

Jessica Nigri and PeachJars were randomly on Cyr's Twitch stream last night making pizza and getting drunk while being cringe. Cyr has undeniably aged like absolute shit, it was hard to even believe it was him because he looked and acted like a deranged homeless man.
No. 916836
File: 1689566731158.png (206.68 KB, 1080x1478, IMG_20230717_050656.png)

Still bitter
No. 917168
File: 1690348553158.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1527, IMG_20230726_061735.jpg)

No. 917333
File: 1690632186212.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3072x3072, 7D90DF00-A2FE-4411-87DF-F6A73E…)

No. 917348
>>917105 >>917220
>>917238Twitch Streamer? I think you mean OF whore. PeachJars has been serially dating Youtubers / streaming with them in order to inflate her numbers. I expect her to cycle through several more for clout.
No. 917471
File: 1690828193252.jpg (20.65 KB, 668x147, douchatweet.JPG)

what is going with her?
No. 920872
File: 1697293385472.jpg (314.41 KB, 896x456, New Project - Copy.jpg)

No fresh milk but Cyr is officially taking the phrase "coke bloat" personally and Trasha is still being dresperate in public. Bet she drove herself mad watching him associate with actually successful e thots.
No. 920983
File: 1697468639712.jpeg (1016.56 KB, 1170x1818, IMG_5417.jpeg)

No. 921810
File: 1698615501345.jpg (253.75 KB, 1179x2074, 15937503732767.jpg)

covered up her ex's song lyrics she got on her neck
No. 922407
File: 1699401734285.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2032, IMG_6130.jpeg)

Her new neckbeard doesn’t even cover the old tattoo properly. Girl why?
No. 927635
File: 1706948344409.jpeg (97.48 KB, 1125x855, IMG_5773.jpeg)

>>927356idk it’s plausible given that they are both in LA and have some sort of connection to the twitch scene. Also Hasan being a man whore and it being known Dasha sleeps around a lot, it seems they would be a good fit. They follow each other in ig so they at least know of each other.
No. 927710
>>927635it doesn't seem plausible, shes very far from the twitch scene aside from the chandler mess up
her dogs are at cyrs house in texas i noticed in a video p odd
(sage your shit) No. 927734
File: 1707186478872.jpeg (89.3 KB, 1170x520, IMG_3393.jpeg)

>>927710Doesn’t mean it’s not true. She must know all these people through Cyr. Also saw a comment under one of Hasan’s pic where she says he looks like someone who has a giant pic of himself in his house. Also this comment
(learn to sage) No. 927745
>>927365>>927356Egregious self post
>>927741She's spawn camping with comebacks
No. 927787
File: 1707294723465.jpeg (62.74 KB, 746x180, IMG_3079.jpeg)

>>927635She tries to worm her way into the circles of anyone who’s considered internet famous these days it’s seems, popped into watch the h3 podcast for a minute earlier this week and was jumpscared by dasha in the chat
(not bump-worthy, sage non-news like this) No. 927884
File: 1707484889564.jpeg (408.9 KB, 1125x1833, IMG_1631.jpeg)

reminder that dasha still edits her body like hell, this is her without photoshop
secondly, how can she afford veneers, arent they expensive af?
No. 927970
Here is some quick etiquette since this thread is bumped every other day by new fags, type sage in the email section before you post commentary/ non milk ok!
>>927884 those are no prep veneers, basically fake teeth glued on top of the existing teeth, likely not as expensive as actual veneers. Still retarded unless if you have unfixable meth teeth.
No. 927991
File: 1707674972630.jpg (Spoiler Image,715.29 KB, 1000x1266, MV5BZjA2M2M2MzgtZDAxNi00ZGVjLW…)

>>927884She looks like the buzzfeed Troon now…
No. 928064
File: 1707781362623.jpeg (816.3 KB, 1170x1482, IMG_1835.jpeg)

>>927635If she’s really fucking hasan that must be awkward considering he’s friends with Cyr.
No. 930956
(sage this nonmilk) No. 935504
File: 1718198273074.jpg (487.4 KB, 1080x1901, Instagram.jpg)

How does this happens to someone's mouth?
No. 935903
Maybe she had a bad cosmetic surgery?
She looks like a complete different person from the previous photo of her posted on this thread.
On an unrelated topic… Does anyone know why Mina deleted her socials?
No. 936109
>>935504What you talking about? Wherr
No. 936190
File: 1719034944447.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1295, IMG_7364.jpeg)

She literally looks good lol(not milk)
No. 937415
File: 1720310088144.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1563, IMG_7855.jpeg)

>>927884New teeth again???? Lol
No. 937544
File: 1720436627900.jpg (37.17 KB, 363x372, gettyimages-53468332-612x612~2…)

>>937534Definitely went to a celebrity doc. Loooks like she goes to the same guy this one does. Real A list work. & her body looks hard, fake, and painful to the touch (much like those monster teeth). I don't follow this cow, but I call em like I see em.
No. 937971
File: 1721068382864.jpeg (391.63 KB, 1179x1638, IMG_0809.jpeg)

this is an image board. he still looks exactly the same (fucking ugly) on IG.
No. 937973
File: 1721072850189.jpeg (12.87 KB, 194x259, IMG_0627.jpeg)

get your eyes examined, friend, he looks like a scruffy praying mantis just like always
No. 937996
File: 1721080457123.jpeg (Spoiler Image,57.16 KB, 375x514, FullSizeRender.jpeg)

>>937995be realistic for moment. if you had to. Cyr looks dirty and unwashed and you can tell Edwin takes care of himself
(unsaged whiteknight) No. 940654
File: 1723889074048.jpeg (390.19 KB, 1179x1109, IMG_5084.jpeg)

claims in a since deleted comment that she tried to be in touch with Jeremy fragrance who "roasted" her
No. 940958
>>940654Obligatory reminder that Jeremy Fragrance is a rapist.
This isn't talked about enough outside of Germany.
(sage your shit) No. 941500
File: 1724706305646.jpeg (375.92 KB, 1167x1403, IMG_4185.jpeg)

She’s been deprived of it for so long
No. 945097
File: 1728870140107.jpeg (373.96 KB, 1290x2247, 750399892.552254public.jpeg)

That’s marshmellos tattoo, right?
No. 945125
File: 1728909801654.jpg (521.34 KB, 1080x1350, Marshmello.jpg)

>>945097No. He has a big tattoo on his left leg. He's also dating Alissa Violet, who is infinitely prettier than bogged faced box bodied Dasha. Did some random guy convince you he was marshmello so he could hit?
No. 945168
>>945097Dasha is back to boning Z-list has-beens wearing cum crusted shirts I see. Wonder who this guy actually is.
>>945125very obviously not him. The body hair is pretty light in color though. Whoever he is, it's unlikely he's a dark brunette. Hilarious that she's baiting this hard though. The desperation is real.
No. 946181
>>946174She streams on Twitch now lip injections are looking absurd.
No. 946486
File: 1730467175633.jpeg (1.33 MB, 4096x4096, IMG_4449.jpeg)

i thought for a moment that she’d genuinely worked out and got herself some glutes but i guess not. also her costume makes it look like her ass is in the front
No. 947197
File: 1731192304376.jpeg (2.59 MB, 4096x4096, IMG_4479.jpeg)

found on etsy. even with pictures online on how you’re supposed to wear it she still managed to mess it up
No. 950994
>>936192this.Obviously she got WAY too much filler over the years, and it migrated - a while ago, there were pics on her (now private) Insta which were literally grotesque, with migrated filler all around her lips, mouth area, chin. Also, bad lifestyle obviously caught up with her - drinking, partying, eating badly, it all starts taking its toll, as she must be 30 or at least 29 now (I remember she was 4 or 5 years older than Chandler). She is aging badly.
Besides - I wonder if she started going after Missy again, as Missy deleted almost her entire Instagram during the last days and blocked comments on the only remaining pic. Before that, she was attacked in the comment section for "homewrecking" and "man-stealing". Sadly, I yesterday missed out on making a screenshot, and today, EVERYTHING is deleted. I suspect those bully accounts to be Julia. But who knows.
No. 951856
File: 1737578914348.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1410, 1000013488.png)

>>871861Cant find her socials except of a private insta acc, where on a pfp she looks like she found new skinwalk
victim or made up another new persona of hers - same old shit then.
No. 953228
File: 1739999832725.jpeg (161.8 KB, 1987x1419, IMG_2862.jpeg)

her lip filler…(sage your shit)
No. 953523
>>953425Damn so you're saying that random photoshopped images with no context every few months isn't milk??
I love that
someone still cares about protecting Dashas image, talking about how she's involved with famous men, has a plastic surgery addiction and anorexia kek. All the problems of the rich and glamorous amirite? Everyone who remembers Dasha knows she was a notorious photoshopper, liar and poorfag prostitute, who the fuck is supposed to fall for this?
Someone has spent the last 2 years trying to convince everyone that she's still desirable and that young rich celebrities want to pay for her company. Imagine PRETENDING to be a groupie to stay relevant because nobody actually wants you around.
No. 953566
>>953528Genuinely. I never followed her doings until recently and even I knew
immediately that she was self-posting about "cuddling up" to Hasan Piker at a party. She needs genuine help.
No. 953624
File: 1740606069352.png (408.82 KB, 636x757, 434325243.png)

Cyr is missing a tooth now…
No. 954838
>>953624He is so fucking disgusting
>>954743I thought he was so sexy when I was 13 kek