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No. 879529
Instagram: [ed tumblr] [sw twitter]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”>Has overdosed thrice>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides shitty art and poetry>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her (now 42) year old “fiancé” (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”. They’ve been together now for 7 years>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, etc>Constantly buys cheap shit on Amazon while complaining about being penniless>Milks her ex-gf’s suicide for struggle pointsHistorical Milk:
>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lost the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s sick dad) by squatting in his apartment and leeching off his social security until he died. They were soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom poverty home, ultimately drives her mother to relapse and go to inpatient >>795390>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spreads ashes on her faceSex Worker Saga:
>Then began a “sex work” career, taking grimy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more dead in every photo>Made premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>Anon leaks a ‘commission’ video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off >>758647 WARNING: SAD AS FUCK >>758661>SW CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video >>761016, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her SW twitter. Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775, >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” vids that they bought but didn’t leak at the time: >>811491, >>811554Eviction/Sobriety Saga:
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600, >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets shut off >>813209 and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as "her landlord" despite admitting on facebook that they're not supposed to be there >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MOM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MOM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock has broken, Luna and lurch build sad little barricades >>816475, >>815981>The cops pay a visit >>813338 and find drugs, paraphernalia and a knife. Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990, >>822424, >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the reg, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718, >>822657, >>823499, >>823823, >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober >>824858, >>825465, >>827008 despite still taking fucking Xanax >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses >>825466, is “dying” >>825993, >>826190, Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimmy checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by neighbor’s pitbulls totally not while stealing >>831109Assault Saga:
>Luna claims to have been raped by a stranger in her building >>840784, >>840941 Anons infight about whether or not she's telling the whole truth>Reports the rape to the police >>841832, >>841834, It seems to go quite well>Police now don't entirely believe her rape story >>843957, now suspect her of submitting a falsified statement>Luna gets psych warded >>846413, Calls it the "worst day of her life" but not explaining why, posts unsettling selfies with her ekg stickers still on >>846458>Seems to be police-related >>847120, Current theory is she lost her shit when she took all of her klonopin and psych wouldn't give her moreRecent milk:
>our dear tuna regains some crack confidence, mustering up the bravery to post nudes on reddit >>875061, >>877686 (there are more, browse at your own risk)>shockingly, anon spots some suspicious bruises >>875166>influencer tuna tells us things >>875302>tuna is so lucky to have found her cigar store indian statue >>875418, >>875467, >>875468, >>876924>stealing xans from her "high ass mom"? it's find bc mama tuna ruined her anniversary, don't worry >>875489, >>875538, >>875582, >>875807>anon posts some pink gamer chair statistics (it's still there) >>876463>pumpkin is still clearly a victim of neglect. poor baby >>876736, >>878866>tuna's life is in danger apparently >>877534, >>877603>lurch spergs out on twitter >>877551, >877554, and then on facebook >>878362>tuna wants to ditch the filters >>878086, this endeavor does not last long>ED larping that is just… see for yourself >>878395>tuna morphs into a hartley hooligan, then bathes in her own hair dye water >>878821, >>878846>the search for a new squat on reddit continues >>879028>lurch is still creepin' on twitter >>879104>lurch posts on tuna's reddit account saying he's 8 days clean. so much for that sobriety larp >>879209>tuna films herself hocking a loogie onto her floor (or maybe not…) >>879299>more lurch drama on twitter. this time he battles a fellow boomer >>879336, >>879338, >>879341, >>879360, >>879361>tuna "finds" a stash of drug-related supplies >>879419thirty three
>>>/pt/848981thirty four
>>>/pt/859618thirty five
>>>/pt/865357thirty six
>>>/pt/869724thirty seven
>>>/pt/874997 No. 879532
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Tuna has had a very eventful day. Looks like she may have actually tried to do her taxes this morning which went badly, then she landed herself in the ER for self harming and immediately used it to sympathy beg. All the while Lurch was spazzing out on twitter again. I have a lot of screnshots to drop.
No. 879533
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Thanks for the new thread! Sharing some updates from the other farms- Luna has injured herself and had to go get it stitched up and is now e-begging for “aftercare” items (1/4)
No. 879534
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No. 879535
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No. 879536
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Open wound (3/4)
No. 879537
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No. 879538
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Lastly some comments. Kek at Lurch at the bottom (4/4)
No. 879539
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Lurch on Twitter while she was in the ER
No. 879540
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Post ER photo shoot, of course
No. 879542
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It's not worth screencapping all of them but she also made a post with just "aesthetic" posts of her hospital band
No. 879543
>>879534> i hate to askScummy liar. All you do is ask for shit.
> im gonna need money for a lot of aftercareBut I thought you had thousands saved to pay for a year’s worth of rent.
>>879538> Fucking cheap dollar store knives, I’m going to sue THE MOTHERCUKING HELL OUT OF THESE COCKS&&kersSue them because she self-harmed? Kek
>>879540What a fucking loser.
No. 879546
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Also Lurch being hypocritical again kek
No. 879549
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And just a side note, Tuna did manage to work on the most important aspect of filing taxes: picking what to wear
No. 879551
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ok last currently irrelevant thing I have
No. 879555
>>879547Same. Tuna has never self harmed that deep before and she wouldn't do it on one of her tattoos.
Although she did post earlier that her fingers were crossed that she may be getting an apartment thanks to reddit. And then posted something about a horrible day. So maybe she found out she (obviously) wasn't getting the apartment and that she wasn't getting any tax money back, ate all the pills she showed off earlier, blacked out and stabbed herself
Either way her IMMEDIATE pictures and begging were fucking pathetic.
No. 879556
>>879553This morning:
>>879551>>8795494 hours ago:
>>879534Everything else was within the last 2 hours. Another anon posted the photos from KF before I got the chance to, so i have to give them credit too.
Also I was bored today and waiting to see if there would be a shit storm after the taxes thing, kek.
No. 879561
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She's on Tumblr saying she stabbed herself as self harm. Multiple posts begging for money for "prescriptions and aftercare" but not even 5 posts earlier she made a post about all the new shit she just ordered.
No. 879562
>>879560No, you can see in
>>879540 she's outside with the bandage
No. 879563
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No. 879564
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No. 879565
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No. 879567
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No. 879568
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No. 879569
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No. 879570
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No. 879572
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No. 879574
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Oh god she's posting vagina pics on reddit again. Open at your own risk
No. 879577
>>879569"Can't afford to get home"
Also luna
"I can pay up to a year up front"
No. 879588
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>>879587fucking disgusting
No. 879598
>>879596Tinfoil but maybe she was expecting a years worth of rent back for her taxes and when she didnt get anything back she freaked out and stabbed herself as plan b to beg.
Thats probably why she went in to get her taxes done bc she assumed she was eligible
for any tax credits
No. 879604
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Tuna keeps a roach in her pill box…
No. 879624
>>879621tinfoil ahead. It looks like she tried to cut (for whatever reason, tax stress, I guess) and maybe got in an argument with her lovely friend and somehow stabbed herself. You could get such a wound from cutting, but you would have to cut at one tiny place over and over again, so it's more a stab wound and in her post on Tumblr she says that she stabbed herself.
>>879622I find his reaction so damn funny and out of the world. If your partner self harms you normally wouldn't go like "that cheap knife, I will sue them". It feels like in his fucked up brain he thinks he could sue a company for knives that don't work well as a self harming tool. She hasn't self harmed for some time and I somehow feel like it's been an idea of Lurch so they can get pitty money and both of them being on drugs it sounded like a good idea to them.
No. 879629
>>879621It is a weird wound. Like
>>879622 said, it’s a straight up puncture wound as opposed to a cut/slash. I can’t see how an accident with a knife would cause that no matter how blasted she was, it’s too neat.
No. 879630
>>879572>>879538Nope, her story doesn't check out. Why is Lurch angrily threatening to sue dollar store knives if she supposedly did this to herself? It'd be all her fault. Surely if this was always self harm to begin with, Lurch would try his absolute hardest to make his neanderthal brain formulate some encouraging words instead. Sounds like it was a genuine accident and she later took advantage of the situation by claiming self harm for sympathy. Personally I've never heard of self harming via a single stab. Why such an awkward method when she's never been known to do it in the past?
Luna's always been an e-begging scumbag but this one takes the cake. This is the proudest "self harm" claim I've ever seen. It rivals her e-begging attempt when she brushed ash on her face after a fire in the home
No. 879636
>>879606NTA but I can imagine it's likely…the skin was broken entirely, you can see muscle I think? Plus, if she picks at the stitches or rubs her k beauty shit on it…maybe it'll be "fine" like her recent piercing, but judging from the visible filth still on her hand after they bandaged her arm, I wouldn't bet on it.
Can't wait to see a pic of the scar with those sparkles on it…maybe a pair of eyelashes haha
No. 879639
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Read thia comment and realized it's amazing that Lurch can't even pretend to care about Tuna for sympathy points. This and his baseball spam posting on twitter last night while she was in the hospital just further shows it
No. 879640
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Filtered pics of her blood and paperwork, of course. She'd really loving what this does for her aesthetic
No. 879641
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No. 879648
>>879646as much as i'd hate for that to be the case, i'm so torn on what i actually think happened. i was originally thinking it was an accident that she's been trying to present as self harm to milk the injury for donations and attention but
>>879642 is right about it being a super nonsensical accident. not that anything in tunaland makes sense, but i'm stumped on this one.
No. 879653
>>879606I mean she's filthy and lives in filth. Honestly depends on how much she takes care of it but there's a good chance of it if she doesn't. Unfortunately I think with all of the "addicts luck" she's had she'll be fine.
I do think she's just using it for gimme points though, didn't someone post an ss up thread of her saying she's 8 days clean? So she's definitely using again, what a coincidence that she has an accident with a cheap knife- I mean sElF hArMs, and needs money.
No. 879656
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saged because it's not new milk, fakeboi is just fucking annoying
No. 879657
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may the large areola saga never end
No. 879662
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Never change, Tuna
No. 879663
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No. 879665
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>>879663kek she looks like rodrigo alves here
No. 879666
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Wot in retardation
No. 879667
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No. 879669
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No. 879672
>>879671 Yep, and I'm sure some anon could find her last instance of ebegging that she's miraculously forgotten.
That cowtipper is right though, this is hard to watch, esp if you've actually pulled yourself out of a rough situation with no help from internet enablers or Evil Dads.
No. 879674
>>879669she just recently begged for a canvas and you know she's begging for shit in DMs to anyone that will open her messages
Also it's probably way back in other threads but I remember at least one time she cut herself while she was using and immediately posted pics
No. 879676
>>879667if you've been clean for a year then who's been posting on your reddit account saying it's only 8 days, toona? I mean it's either her or the easter island head, and even if it's him there's no way she's not partaking whenever he does. and she has a short memory if she thinks she doesn't ask for things anymore. I guess she thinks she's being subtle when she posts that she needs more skincare/art supplies/unflattering shein garbage in the hope that someone will get it for her.
I really think she's dumb enough to assume nobody would look for her reddit and she can say whatever she wants on there without anyone from insta/tumblr/any other platform she uses for ebegging finding out about it. so she might think she can talk about using 8 days ago on reddit and keep up the 1 year of sobriety story everywhere else.
No. 879679
>>879674I remember that too, I'm sure she was posting stuff about self harm while they were living with Roger and she was doped to the max the whole time back then.
also didn't she tell a story about how Chief Areola went to see another girl and she cut herself really deep because of it? that might have been during her year of "sobriety" though
No. 879680
>>879624I was active on this thread/her tumblr/insta when she posted that she stabbed herself and she didn't use the word "stabbed" until after a
nonny here said it. Tinfoil but interesting imo
No. 879681
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>>879551Seeing Lurch with a (knockoff) LV backpack is sending me
No. 879683
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No. 879686
>>879684I wouldn't be surprised if they planned it out together to get money out of people. Tuna knows that sympathy is the best way to get money and she can't ask for "rent money" since she's been telling people that she already has rent money. Lurch is obviously using again and needs more money. They probably didn't expect for it to cut as deeply as it did cause "cheap dollar store knives". It also wouldn't be surprising if she was being an idiot and holding a knife towards herself while cutting food or something and it slipped. Happens to people all the time.
It's hard to say what actually happened to her cause she and Lurch are pathological liars.
No. 879689
>>879688 Right? Mine has dumbass cutesy ones too, but they're circular and actually make it easier to operate. She's going for that "korean acrylic nails with a fuckton of hello kitty shit glued to them" look with all of these handhelds, but tbh all these consoles just look so
busy, it's impossible for them to be pleasing to the eye.
No. 879691
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Did she really cut it out and scrapbook it? Tuna, how embarassing
And now she's blaming it on her psych, maybe lurch will sue them too kek
Do you think this was some ploy for meds? Painkillers and/or anti-anxiety or something?
No. 879692
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No. 879696
>>879692I bet the "emergency" she contacted her psych about was that she was out of her meds before the refill date and wanted a re-up. Same thing that happened last time.
And tuna, leave your mother alone ffs
No. 879697
>>879691and again, it's never her own fault. Oh, taxes are so hard, I need to take drugs, I can't function, the taxes fault I need medication. Oh no, I self harmed, no one listend, my psych had other things to do, it's her fault. It bothers me that she is never responsible for her own actions and never tries to change anything and yes, I understand mental illness, but if you are doing the same thing for years, maybe your brain might click and tell you, that it's not the right thing to do.
>>879692and then it's her mothers fault again. Yes, her mother won't win an award for being amazing, still, if you know what you are up to, you just cut contact and go your way. But guess she still wants that free bullshit her mother buys her from time to time. Also, why would you send your mother a picture of your self harm, isn't she in any way embarrassed that she relapsed? This is all for attention and nothing more.
No. 879700
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No. 879703
>>879691this bitch is unbelievable. what is a psychiatrist gonna do besides prescribe meds that she has stated several times "don't work"? It's not your psych's fault because you're incapable of going to therapy and learn to cope with things appropriately. meds are an aid, not some magical tool that makes everything better. you have to put in the work to get better luna.
>>879700pretty sad when bree is the voice of reason lmao
No. 879716
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No. 879717
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No. 879721
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Meanwhile in Lurch's likes
No. 879734
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Some replies that haven’t been posted yet (incoming dump)
No. 879737
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>>879669Either they deleted their comments or Tuna did
No. 879739
File: 1654922408039.jpg (154.7 KB, 720x1212, Sc.jpg)

She gotta put the bandage in frame for a million selfies now. First slide is similar to this.
No. 879740
>>879735He's calling it an accident but she's keeps saying it's self harm, these idiots can't even keep their stories straight on the same post. This was on
>>879535 where she had already claimed it was self harm in other comments.
No. 879745
I love that he doesn't know the whole "lemmings jumping off cliff" thing was staged for the documentary. God they're both retards.
>>879739 She's really developing that strabismus, eh?
No. 879748
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This specific lurch tweet is sending me
No. 879754
>>879656> fakeboitherottengirlEven more pathetic than Luna, which is quite an achievement.
>>879682She deleted it shortly after it was brought up here and on the other farms.
>>879692Luna, a week ago (literally) you said and I quote
>>>/pt/878812> appreciation post for my mom > she doesn’t have a lot but knows how depressed and overwhelmed i’ve been and how hard sobriety has been on my mental health. i’ve been out of all my skincare stuff for a month at least and she let me order some stuff plus grabbed me some more auburn/red hair dye and some sheet masks at the store so i can make my hair redder as my confidence has been in the shitterI truly hope come your eviction, you remember you’re done with her. She’s scummy but you’re even more so. Better yet, I hope she’s done with you.
>>>/snow/167514 No. 879765
>>879763Definitely a thing for daily drug users that use for years like them. They have trouble gauging what normal conversation is and try to overcompensate. It’s crystal clear to people even relatively sober but they have no idea.
And lets end the “Luna is blind” saga right now, she was just high. She has alluded to overdosing several times this week, has had clear tracks, has admitted to it, has been posting pro heroin comments in groups….bitch is DEFINITELY USING. This is not tinfoil. She has also been messaging people privately for money for weeks. And the idea that Tuna accidentally cut herself while making food? KEK you think Tuna does food prep in her cat piss kitchen?! Don’t be silly. This was a drugged out accident turned grift.
No. 879774
>>879767it was madzemoji, she doesn't really get discussed anymore but she posted mouldy wraps back in the day. if n2f had vision problems too that would explain A LOT.
>>879735wtf is he on about? trying to prove his status as an expert mathmetician with all these random figures? reading both of their ramblings I can't imagine sitting through a conversation with either of these goons, I bet they spout their dumb pseudo-intellectual shit to each other all the time and think they're having really deep groundbreaking conversations. they really do deserve each other.
No. 879802
>>879765i agree, it's been very obvious she's back on heroin for a while now. the extreme e-begging is just the latest part of the saga. it's bizarre to me that she thinks the self harm angle is gonna work. like surely it would create more sympathy (donations) if she claimed someone else stabbed her. why would anyone donate to help with something self inflicted that could've been easily avoided?
not that i believe it was self harm. seems more like a stupid drugged up accident that luna & lurch are attempting to capitalise off.
No. 879811
>>879734so let me get this straight based on both accounts - tuna's mom came to watch their unit while the two were gone as a favor, but obviously lurch viewed it as them doing her mom a favor bc they have ac and a tv (that belonged to her before they got her relocated) she tried swindling some shit bc junkie, and when she expected they pay for her ride back home after, he thought she could benefit from walking in the same dangerous area he just warned tuna to never walk alone in bc they dont owe her a commute back home
drugs truly fried his brain
No. 879816
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This was a direct snap
No. 879819
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The story has evolved. Now they can only pay 5-6 months rent upfront with money from lurch's "lawsuit" and they both get paid "under the table"
No. 879821
>>879819Hah, the moment someone says "OK, provide bank statements to show POI" they'll say they're only paid in cash. Then they'll waffle about when it comes to providing references to back up these lies.
God they're so fucking cooked and have no clue what all goes into renting.
No. 879822
>>879529Absolutely insane that neither of them can just get a fucking min wage job to show income. After YEARS. What is their fucking endgame? They think they’ll hit lotto or something?
They’re not even smart enough to welfare grift
Also $1600 is gonna be imposssssible to even find. With no provable income. “Under the table” fucking kek
No. 879823
>>879821The rental market in NYC tristate is so fucking tight right now that people are outbidding each other on rentals. The cheap ones go the fastest. They’ll just move on the the next applicant.
My friend just put a shitty apt up for rent in NJ for $1800 and she got 250 applicants in one day.
(sage) No. 879824
File: 1654990501670.png (42.7 KB, 696x325, big toona.png)

trust this bitch to come onto an opiates subreddit with a picture of benzos and a pube, and then start talking about her bald pussy. I bet in her tiny drug-shrivelled mind she thinks this is a sexy thing to say.
No. 879841
File: 1655010803029.jpg (Spoiler Image,451.19 KB, 904x1750, Screenshot_20220612-001034_Tum…)

Went to look at the "mold" on her pill case that was mentioned along with the pube and was startled when I noticed her fingernail instead. What the hell even tuna!? lmao so gross
No. 879857
File: 1655027474034.jpeg (140.89 KB, 555x1655, PgFbhpUOoguo3Wqm5dFKuhKFU6yBq5…)

>>879828Lurch strikes me as the Lucky from King of the Hill type. I'm sure he uses any misfortune to sue and files IFP so he doesn't have to pay
kinda looks like him too kek
No. 879882
Luna has been caught commenting on Kelly the Leg Picker's threads on Reddit. Did her benzoed out, BPD brain see the attention Kelly gets from her wounds and try for a different form of fucking around? Has Kelly gotten decent drugs recently? I can't watch her, but that'd be enough for the tiny little thought gears to start turning in Luna's mind. That's my tinfoil about the strange wound, since everybody else shared theirs.
>>879842>>879880NTA but it doesn't take a lawfag to say court in the US is slow. Maybe you think you're enlightening but that's pretty fucking basic knowledge for anyone over 18. You spouting a "Lawfag here" introduction like you're important, when there are actual lawfags on this site who've posted relevant and interesting information. Fucking summer.
No. 879886
>>879882Okay, needlessly aggressive
nonny. Just thought the original person who posted
>>879828 was possibly not from the US and might like some context for how sluggish courts can be if you’re claim is junk. You got me, no a lawyer, just related to one whose work revolves around rooting out bullshit stories from plaintiffs just like Lurch. People like the gruesome twosome who have a history of filing frivolous claim after frivolous claim are hilariously common. Opposing counsel literally hunts down social media of plaintiffs like him looking for exactly the kind of “I’m gonna sue” posts he makes on a weekly basis to discredit them.
>>879819I’m not sure where Tuna got the idea that redditors are going to solve their housing issue but is there even evidence they’ve successfully toured a single apartment? I feel like Luna would have live-blogged it all if so.
No. 879894
File: 1655052865734.png (244.4 KB, 480x671, lunakf.png)

>>879886Way to continue outing yourself as a summerfag. Lurk more. But since you're such a sweet helpless lil baby, I'll spoonfeed you.
December 2020-
>>807537 >>807539They looked at two apartments in one building, they weren't good enough for her, and that set her back 3 weeks!
While looking back, on 4/6/2021 Luna posts proof & admits to relapsing on Heroin
>>830307 on April 29th she makes another comment about trying to get off. And on 5/15 she claims Lurch had been sober for 3 months. I think these are the dates they are probably counting from for their sobriety larp.
Also, this pic shows she has no problem "ruining" her tattoos for the aesthetic, like some anons it mentioned she wouldn't do on purpose.
No. 879899
>>879896They looked at these apartments before the incident where the social worker came and moved her mom out & Luna is on video saying her mom's life "was basically over". It was in the Pre-barricade Era.
It was her mom & them being evicted originally. I'm sure her mom's social worker took a look at the situation and realized what happened. So then her mom was transitioned to a different sober living, for which Tuna specifically didn't know the address (and still doesn't I believe). And Lurch & Tuna stayed squatting.
They've known about the pending eviction since Thanksgiving time, 2020.
No. 879902
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No. 879903
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No. 879905
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No. 879906
File: 1655062199897.png (61.02 KB, 226x226, 75afcaffecf9ce623e31f49c7d0eab…)

>>879857anon i was gonna make this comment yesterday and even downloaded a pic of lucky but then forgot! lol. anons love lucky though, even though he was a jobless bum that refused to marry luanne at first when she first got pregnant because "hrr i need to be a better man" but that didn't matter when he was chasing teenagers and not using condoms. He fucking sucks.
No. 879927
>>879837Former NY Lawfag here.
Case could have settled pre-suit, thus it wouldn’t come up on a court search.
No. 879933
File: 1655083761693.gif (4.6 MB, 400x224, wanna hat.GIF)

>>879930I knew if I
>>>/pt/864273 waited patiently you might come, Nona.
No. 879934
File: 1655084370645.jpg (180.34 KB, 1080x1536, Screenshot_20220612-150335_Ins…)

Mini Tuna posts dump. I came across this one a few hours ago and it's since been deleted. This slide was the worst
No. 879935
File: 1655084446027.jpg (179.62 KB, 1080x1497, Screenshot_20220612-183358_Ins…)

More edgy scrapbooking
No. 879936
File: 1655084497078.jpg (176.34 KB, 1080x1615, Screenshot_20220612-183724_Ins…)

No. 879937
File: 1655084593161.jpg (307.67 KB, 1080x1815, Screenshot_20220612-183716_Ins…)

that hairline
No. 879945
File: 1655087804559.jpeg (59.26 KB, 583x438, 3E169A3C-80F5-47FF-955C-0B7FE9…)

>>879933Oh my god lmao bless this site
No. 879961
File: 1655099859927.jpeg (66.77 KB, 750x352, 2DEEFAF2-2CDA-444E-901E-516C02…)

Stolen from KF
No. 879964
File: 1655111291283.jpg (167.93 KB, 720x1377, Screenshot.jpg)

>>879961Some comments, one was "read the fucking rules. No minor injuries or self harm." The other were telling her to take care and heal, one added to seek a therapist.
No. 879969
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No. 879971
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>>879934She didn't bother to scrub off the adhesive after ripping off her tenanus shot bandage I see
No. 879980
File: 1655128201007.png (106 KB, 1036x713, tuna reddit.png)

This sounds like a farmer but ngl it feels good to see her get called out in the wild like that
No. 879984
>>879961Damn Looney, take a hint; no one is going to hand you enough money to move. She should have had a more “credible” accident. I can totally see her all
dressed up for H&R for her pay day, and the preparer being like “ you get $50.00” and then she goes home and decided its easier to stab herself than get a job.
What will she do when no one donates?
Better scheme quick Tuna, clock is ticking
No. 879986
>>879961What’s with her and Lurch obsessing over the “dollar store knife “ detail? Warped junkie trains of thought are always hard to follow, but this particular detail is weirdly important to them.
>>879984>>879980They’re never gonna learn that the donor money has been drying up since naive tumblr fans started getting wise to the act like 6 years ago. No one’s as much a fool as they were in the tumblr days, they’re not gonna give them something for nothing anymore.
Well, with the exception of this retard
>>879912 No. 879987
File: 1655130718597.jpg (Spoiler Image,650.87 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220613-073111_Red…)

Full nood toon you've been warned
No. 879999
>>879986I’m also confused about this. I’m assuming it’s because Lurch is convinced they can get lawsuit money out of it and has convinced Luna of that too. She might also feel like it absolves some of her blame/makes her more of a
victim. Who knows? I do think it’s weird that they want to sue because the knife was sharp. It’s a knife, obviously it’s going to be sharp, even if it came from the dollar store. Even if this was an accident, they’d have no case.
No. 880001
File: 1655139568436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,448.8 KB, 828x1027, 35CE52AA-A7C9-4E0A-95C0-286B6B…)

her left boob looks seriously weird, why does it look so lumpy she should get that checked out yikes
No. 880007
File: 1655142698648.png (Spoiler Image,10.69 MB, 1125x2436, B5B51F3B-60AA-4C02-BF0C-64D57D…)

Oh my fucking god she is vile
From her Reddit
No. 880008
File: 1655142731824.jpg (Spoiler Image,198.53 KB, 1186x2208, p6i9zy4khe591.jpg)

>>879998>>880004Took one for the team.
No. 880029
File: 1655148943028.jpg (184.61 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20220613-122331_Ins…)

The complete lack of support and the massive fat roll
No. 880032
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No. 880033
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No. 880034
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No. 880038
File: 1655151438725.jpg (291.55 KB, 720x1414, 1655149740254.jpg)

>>880034Her skin looks tragic.
No. 880041
File: 1655151870720.webm (17.47 MB, 720x1418, XRecorder_13062022_124247_1-1.…)
Someone should edit the song to be goodbye horses instead..
No. 880043
>>880041When she lifts up her bra and her belly fat drops kek
This bra must be so uncomfortable.
No. 880048
File: 1655155771187.jpg (183.8 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20220613-142857_Ins…)

more trailer trash looks
No. 880060
>>880048Shouldn't she have taken the bandage off her stitches by now?
And also, her SW photos/videos are so fucking embarassing and she will NEVER make enough stable income to pay rent anywhere so what is she even doing?
No. 880062
File: 1655161507853.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.61 KB, 1080x1709, Screenshot_20220613-160258_Sam…)

She posted her ass on reddit too. The filters are letting her down on the sides of it lol
No. 880067
File: 1655163137339.png (73.39 KB, 687x293, fromkf.png)

>>880032>do i look hotNo.
>>880033>black satin just makes everyone hotI think it may have found an exception.
>>880041For someone who "can't move their fingers normally" she sure is moving her fingers normally a lot.
No. 880068
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No. 880075
File: 1655165756939.webm (16.01 MB, 720x1400, XRecorder_13062022_153721_2_1.…)
No. 880076
File: 1655166205043.webm (10.43 MB, 720x1400, XRecorder_13062022_153721_2-1.…)
No. 880078
>>879945Hi, Nona, hi!>>880068She just confirmed the supposed settlement is from the supposed pit bull attack.
>>880068>>880075>>880076So heavy-footed and awkward. Her voice reminds me of an exaggerated cracked out Drew Barrymore impression.
No. 880081
File: 1655167436362.gif (555.69 KB, 132x247, 0000.GIF)

>>880059Was this one of the gif?
No. 880083
>>880067why did she put “emergency patient” in quotes? because she knows she isn’t an actual emergency patient?
i’ve been in actually bad rock bottom spirals and also known a lot of people that have been in low places and they aren’t taking and posting a billion selfies in the middle of an actual psychological crisis.
No. 880085
File: 1655168557021.jpeg (193.3 KB, 750x1072, F0A48248-1C4B-4310-9D0E-E427A7…)

1/9 slides of the same vapid bullshit. do i really need to post them all?
No. 880086
File: 1655168598671.gif (2.26 MB, 528x247, 0-0000.gif)

These might be the gifs
>>880059 mentioned. Courtesy of the other farms. One poster theorised the Tumblr might have been taken down due to the self-harming photo(s)
No. 880094
your icon is showing. You might want to change it. Thank you for collecting these.
No. 880097
>>880085You are also privileged, Luna. You’re just too ungrateful and self absorbed to realise.
>>880087> ignore the rumbling and smoke> newport's or chug ice water> this isn’t as easy at 26 as it was at 17Where you also buying bags of candy
>>880076 at 17?
>>880088> I told my psychiatrist > four days later i was in the ER So, you did speak to her? I also don’t think she’ll give you what you want because you go into a BPD rage. She’s trained to spot them, after all.
>>880091> while i cling to my cat, the only> innocence left in my lifeUnfortunately for Pumpkin.
> i never knew i was so vulnerable Oh, brother.
>>880095Very astute observation, Nona.
No. 880099
File: 1655170224450.jpg (237.88 KB, 720x1358, VideoCapture_20220613-183013.j…)

No. 880105
>>880101> i want a talent that most do not possessIn the next lines
> i want to sew bears with two heads and gothic rabbits wearing floral dresses with petticoatsAs if it were the height of creativity and not something which has been done to death.
No. 880107
>>880105I can’t believe (yes i can) that these are her priorities when she’s a couple weeks from being actually evicted this time.
Her arrested development should be studied. i’ve never seen someone grow and mature 0% in like, 8 years. even some of the stupidest cows like ALR have matured a little more than luna.
No. 880119
File: 1655175965789.jpeg (904.11 KB, 1242x2169, DB349ED0-C586-4FF9-ACE1-5AD1C8…)

“luna attempts to bleach over her dyed auburn hair and melts her scalp off” saga coming soon.
No. 880128
File: 1655179487037.jpg (80.12 KB, 777x1280, IMG_20220614_010459_706.jpg)

No. 880139
>>880137One could think people learn about internet security while reading threads on LC, where farmers find really everything a cow posts on their social media accounts.
Blogpost: LC actually made me even more aware of staying private on the internet and people can't find shit about me searching online. At least their behaviour keeps the milk flowing more or less, kek
No. 880154
>>879717“Best gore video”
Was this a custom content/gore video for cash situation? Would explain how self harm & accident only kinda explain what happened.
No. 880163
>>880085>get houses from their parentsLuna, if I’m not mistaken you got a house from your grandmother that you frittered away and didn’t bother paying taxes on so you
lost it. Rich of her to assume her classmates aren’t just working their asses off and getting a down payment outright.
>>880087>potatoApt, honestly.
>>880102God that night she spent like 8 years ago on a dirty blanket in the public park with Chief Areola and his monster condoms for his magnum dong are like the most important thing that has ever happened to her.
>>880103>We. No. 880169
>>880163Right?? Jfc really has some nerve to bitch about her classmates “getting houses from their parents”
>>880162I am assuming she changed the names of her Tumblrs, she does that every once in awhile. I’m sure someone will dig it up
No. 880171
File: 1655218472549.jpeg (355.55 KB, 750x606, 2A8F1962-9543-4AC7-8B6E-46A678…)

She updated her Reddit bio. What does she consider her DOC anyway, heroin? It’s easy to be “sober from heroin” when you switch it out for fentanyl lol. So manipulative
No. 880207
File: 1655238288333.jpeg (533.37 KB, 1170x1169, 6C8A703C-3986-4E28-AC39-F42EEB…)

Pic rel cracks me up, you can always spot a hostile Lurch takeover on her socials because she goes from “bby do u love my curvy body?” to boomer baseball paragraphs.
No. 880212
File: 1655241663471.jpeg (1010.71 KB, 1242x1342, BE048FF8-34A9-4C42-A770-E6B787…)

>>880076surely they overbite can’t be comfortable
No. 880221
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No. 880222
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No. 880224
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She still has the nasty gauze on. Of course because then she'd have to get more creative about showing off her "self harm" I guess
No. 880226
>>880222You must not be, because your eye can't even look at you in the camera.
>>880224She always tells on herself in her tranny selfies. She said that her fingers don't work normally but they're always at 100% for selfies.
No. 880229
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No. 880236
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No. 880239
>>880238Thank you
nonnie, doing the lords work
No. 880247
File: 1655266991826.png (137.75 KB, 735x465, from kf.png)

Any translators out there that are fluent in junkie? What the hell can he even add to a topic on female body problems? He knows about as much as his munchie junkie which is nothing.
No. 880268
File: 1655295802339.jpg (Spoiler Image,660.35 KB, 811x1469, Screenshot_20220615-072245_Sam…)

Her black eye slime is making me nauseous
No. 880269
>>880247“Not as long as it’s lucrative for Purdue to do so” I believe. I think he thinks he knows something because Tuna also has PCOS. She definitely did not get it from hormonal birth control considering I don’t think she was ever on it. I would say she should be but I don’t think the two of them have had sex in years.
>>880268Get an oil free makeup remover in your next haul, god!
No. 880281
>>880224i wonder where she took this one.. looks like a bathroom maybe at a clinic or hospital
i can't believe she goes out in public like that
No. 880282
>>879884If these fools are so desperate why don’t they start looking into roommate situations? It’s normal for 30 and 40 somethings living in cities like SF and NYC who don’t work in tech or finance to have roommates because shit is so bonkers expensive. And usually it doesn’t require a credit score or a complicated lease beyond month to month.
In this case I feel like their internet trail and not the credit score would be the problem tho, I wouldn’t want these scammers as my roommates. But they could probably find some other junkies who don’t want normal people as roommates to judge them.
No. 880285
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No. 880287
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No. 880289
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No. 880292
>>880217>>880213sorry for the blogpost but her titty looks a lot like mine did when i had a fibroadenoma as a teen. they can get quite large if ignored and completely change the shape of the breast. maybe when her nipple inevitably becomes inverted she'll be freaked out enough to see a doc…
probably not tho
No. 880295
>>880292honestly, breast cancer would get her so much more sympathy than self harm like she's angling for…especially as she gets older. Plus, it wouldn't be her fault at all.
Tuna, use your medicaid and get screened and get help…they may even provide transportation.
No. 880300
>>880284If they did they'd probably try to move out as soon as they realized not everyone will put up with them chain smoking indoors and trashing the place. Though a "my roommates are
abusive!!" saga would be interesting
No. 880312
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No. 880319
>>880314it is possible,
to be both blind,
and an attention whore,
>>poem by tuna shoe No. 880332
File: 1655387646170.jpeg (424.63 KB, 1170x806, C173D98C-5688-44B0-940C-6CE42E…)

>>880328Agreed. I smell scrotes.
There are many things to hate Tuna for, but discharge isn’t one of them
No. 880333
File: 1655387790973.png (2.78 MB, 2160x2985, a long 8 years.PNG)

Anyone else thinks Matthew is love bombing Luna to make sure, come eviction, she chooses him above anything else?
No. 880336
nonny. This isn’t lovebombing if he talks about her like a literal prison sentence.
No. 880337
>>880332Considering Tuna’s personal hygiene, it’s completely
valid for anons to think the worse.
No. 880352
>>880333To distract from the clitty litter conversation
Yes. This is exactly what he’s doing. He’s cementing himself a permanent place in her life so she will drag him alone wherever she ends up. I have a feeling if she ends up going to her Dad’s or whatever they’ll likely have a strict “No creepy drug addicted boyfriends with a receding hairline” rule and Lurch is scared.
No. 880353
>>880351 It's dead cells from the epithelial lining of her vulva. Anywhere there is soft tissue, which includes the area surrounding the clitoris, sheds cells of the epithelial layer of the skin. When one had a yeast infection–or in Tuna's case, is not cleaning themselves frequently enough (literally just a light rinsing should do it)–the smegma accumulates in any fold it can find, including any wrinkles in the labia, and the not-perfectly-smooth area around the clitoral hood.
FFS, nonnies. Can we move on now?
No. 880358
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This must have been embarrassing for the cab driver
No. 880359
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Even more skin products
No. 880363
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Lurch being a creeper
No. 880364
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No. 880365
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No. 880369
File: 1655416618644.jpeg (361.68 KB, 750x912, ED609AE7-22A3-4D63-A185-180A15…)

Why won’t anyone just give her an apartment?? This is so unfair she deserves her own studio!! Like she would shave her head for one come onnn
No. 880373
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No. 880375
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No. 880377
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No. 880378
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No. 880382
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No. 880383
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No. 880384
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No. 880385
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No. 880389
File: 1655422058523.webm (10.53 MB, 720x1398, XRecorder_16062022_160438.webm)
No. 880390
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No. 880401
>>880369>settlement check after nearly being killedLmfaoooooo from the dog "attack" that he didn't even need to go to the hospital for iirc????? HAHAHA tooney
I'm really interested in what she's gonna do once evicted because shes not gonna find a place doing what she's doing right now
No. 880402
File: 1655427612745.jpg (83.54 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_20220616-175801_Ins…)

>>880363why are they both so creepy with her. do they genuinely not know how to talk to people anymore? This is a high school friend of Tuna's and their only interaction now seems to be Tuna aggressively hitting on her
No. 880407
File: 1655429239439.jpeg (493.37 KB, 1170x1860, 3791C81F-802E-462B-B5D4-9A1B2B…)

>>880369Oh man, all the comments are advice she should take but decided to ignore
>try a roomshare, why can’t you get a roommate?>get a 1 way greyhound ticket>speak to a homeless shelter ahead of time>leave NY state>can’t you just get any crappy retail or food service job for a few paystubs?And then there’s pic related full of advice for a fictional Luna who has pay stubs for being a “cam girl” and can show proof of rental payments! I’m dead, these poor well -meaning redditors have no idea how screwed these two really are because she lies
so much in her “I’m scared plz help us” posts. It’s curtains for them very soon if she doesn’t shape up and find a job.
No. 880413
>>880369>after nearly being killedThat dog didn't try hard enough. I hope people tell her to get a job.
>>880383That thing says $12.99. The Aphogee says $7. She spent nearly $20 on those two products alone but can't afford aftercare bandages?
No. 880414
>>880369> 4-6 months rentWith each iteration of the story, it’s less upfront.
> i'm working my ass off trying to find us a homeLuna truly doesn’t know shit about the world, huh?
>>880376She needs the bandage to signal to everyone she encounters she’s broken and hurt. I wouldn’t doubt that’s why
>>880359 allowed her to not pay full price.
>>880384This is for that
nonnie who swore up and down Luna was using a red bath bomb when she was in fact sitting in her dirty water.
No. 880415
>>880391It’s very hard to make out but doesn’t seem to be in relation to Luna. Unless the driver thought Luna was a man. If so, he mentions at 00:30 to 00:33 (or so)
> Como se vea, como huele.How (he) looks, how (he) smells.
What’s interesting is that in the beginning of the clip the driver, while obviously speaking to someone, says:
> Se ve que este güeyIt looks like this dude
> ¿Ves este güey?Do you see this dude?
And for a bit I wondered if he was FaceTiming someone in reference to Luna. I feel that’d be too far fetched though.
No. 880419
>>880389"Se ve que, ¿ves este guey? si, si… acércate, como que acércate, se ve que hasta tiene la pinche loción chida, ¿entiendes? y pues por ejemplo con él se va a hacer mas (unintelligible) como se ve, como se vende…"
So, the taxi driver was saying:
"It seems like, ¿do you see this guy? yes, yes… get closer, try to get closer, you can see he has the high quality perfume, ¿do you understand? and for example he's going to (unintelligible due to car sounds) how he looks, how he advertise-sells?- himself…"
I also hear someone else, a female voice, in the car. It isn't Luna. Se goes like "mhmm".
I am inclined to think they were talking about Luna inside the car, because otherwise why would they say "get closer". It also makes sense because she's doing all this weird gestures etc. But it could also be unrelated and they were legit talking about some other dude.
No. 880420
>>880416No, he definitely says:
>se ve que… ves a este wey… ves a este wey y se siente… o sea, de… sin, sin acercarte, como que hasta tiene una pinche loción chida. ¿Sí entiendes? Y pues, por ejemplo con el Sebas, más se le… más [inaudible, car noises] …como que no le ponen (un) pinche… [inaudible] … siente, a cómo se ve, a cómo huele, a… [inaudible]He's most likely not talking about her.
No. 880421
>>880416You might be right! I hear more:
> Se ve que> Ves este güey> Ves este güey y se siente He repeats himself there.
I found interesting (again) that he says
> Hace el papel Plays the role/part
And that’s why on the first listen I thought he might be talking about Luna and confusing him with a man. What’s your take, nonita? And feel free to tell me I’m wrong. As I said, I thought it was far fetched.
No. 880423
>>880420samefag, let me try to translate:
>It looks like… you look at this guy… you look at this guy and you feel it… like… without getting close, like he's even put a cool lotion on. ¿You know? And well, for example with Sebas (nickname for Sebastián) even more… [car noises] looks like they don't give it a fucking/don't put a fucking (whatever) on it… [inaudible] …feels, to how it looks, to how it smells, to… [inaudible]Yep, it's definitely about something completely unrelated.
>>880421>> Hace el papel What? when does he say that?
>>880422You're welcome nona
No. 880427
>>880420>más se le… másOK I listened to this part once more and it sounds more like "más se ve… así" ("it looks more like… like this/like that/like (something)")
Not a very big difference imo, considering we don't know what he said immediatedly after this.
To me, it sounds like he was comparing two characters or two guys he knows.
>>880424Ah, yes, he's most likely saying "sin acercarte". There's no way that's "hace el papel", it would've sounded different, intonation-wise.
No. 880440
>>880314…Because she can't see? She overtly craves attention, yes, but I doubt she
tries to be a horrorcow.
No. 880443
>>880442Such as? She's literally just retarded. Her filth isn't contrived in any way
No. 880447
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>>880445I went to have a gander and this comment by Megan killed me
No. 880451
>>880383 Is she too stupid to realize she can bathe without getting one arm wet?…
But I guess that doesn't get her uwu points for getting yet another chance to mention her "self harm"
No. 880461
File: 1655472846393.jpeg (417.08 KB, 1170x1165, CC6B288F-E780-4682-8C63-089C6E…)

Welp, Tuna has conveniently ignored any of these responses that say get a roommate or get a job. Literally half of these say get a job or you won’t be able to show proof of income. I think milk is coming this summer, nonnies, because Tuna will never work for a living.
No. 880477
File: 1655482233897.jpeg (214.33 KB, 750x563, 683ADFD6-EA80-4CE4-89B5-C75F8C…)

Just squat in an Airbnb you degenerate retard
No. 880478
File: 1655482382827.jpeg (1.45 MB, 3840x2880, 72CE4A32-0175-4A01-ABB5-77FA9D…)

Her constant bandage flaunting and wannarexia shit has been making me want to alog. I haven't been able to get over how fucking fat/wide she is kek. She will never look like that again it's hilarious, pathetic and brightens my day. I sincerely hope this comparison will ruin hers.
No. 880480
>>880477>open to doing anything except work kek
>two people and a clean cattwo flithy and smelly junkies and a poor clean kitty
I really hope this cat escapes those abusers and finds a nice home where it's properly taken care of
No. 880483
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>>880478Looking like a damn weeble
No. 880489
File: 1655484928468.png (2.83 MB, 6494x2160, i'm working my ass off trying …)

Luna is still
working her ass off trying to find a home. She answered some of the comments made on this
>>880369 Reddit post. Since she’s so hardworking, she also made a new post (picrel) and it’s interesting to see the mod’s response. I think he perused her history, kek.
No. 880494
>>880492Yeah it's from
>>880041 kek. How hard she was eye fucking herself so hard in that video while looking like that is so fucking crazy. She's so fucking gross I don't get how she can think she's hot and "thick".
No. 880509
>>880478 Nonnita, I legit thought the left was photoshopped. This one gets my early vote for next thread pic. Look at the size of this lass, what an absolute unit.
>>880504 I think what's happening is dad said no to Lurch living with him, but doesn't want Luna on the streets, so is offering to pay the deposit/first few months rent at a new place to get her out of his hair until the next eviction saga. She doesn't physically have the money, but dad will pay if she can find a place. Hence her e-begging being focused on housing itself, not money for housing.
Tinfoil, obviously, but that's what makes it so retarded–if she actually was a camgirl, like on a cam site, she'd have steady income and proof of it. Hell, if she was actually the ~talented writer~ she thinks she is, she could easily get a freelancing gig at a small gaming site that won't require a CV or really look into her past, especially if she cleans up her social media and changes her first and/or last name. It will never happen, but she's retarded for not even trying.
No. 880517
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>>880477She isn't going to like the replies kek
No. 880518
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Keke @ her posts being removed
No. 880523
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She keeps ignoring every single reply telling her that it's illegal for them to accept that much rent in advance.
No. 880533
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No. 880542
>>880531She keeps ignoring everyone saying she needs a job, any job. She’s got over a month to get paystubs. $15 min wage in westchester. If they both simply worked 40 hours a week at ANY job, they’d be able to get a shitty studio together. Amazing just how fucking lazy they are.
And based on her classy “getting my taxes done” outfit, no landlord is going to want to rent to her just looking at them with her lack of income.
No. 880544
File: 1655522368988.jpeg (837.25 KB, 1242x1080, EAAA75F7-83B3-427C-95F4-A998AE…)

sage for not on topic at all but does anyone know if she got her septum repierced? or if the jewelry just is way smaller? it was way too low for years. also throwback tuna with equally bad makeup, whoever said she’s probably blind is right
No. 880545
>>880542Especially with going out in public with clown makeup. Her nose in this video
>>880389 looks like she shoved it into a pile of cocaine.
No. 880554
>>880543Gas stations, smoke/head shops, seedy sex stores, Amazon FC, 24-hour coffee shop where old men play mahjong, weird knockoff retail store in a dying mall…
There's lots of smelly gross people with minimum wage jobs out there. Tuna's just lazy
No. 880577
>>880568 NTA but what's your guess then? 80-100 seems reasonable, she's not Amberlynn (yet).
>>880574 Nonnie, please sage your posts. Both cats are dead now, the new cat is Pumpkin, who she stole off the street and is almost certainly someone else's outdoor cat, as he was in excellent health before Tuna snagged him, and now looks miserable and lives with indoor chainsmokers.
No. 880586
>>880574the second one that passed, she had his body and was totally
devastated on her way to get him cremated or whatever, took selfies and showed her fit and begged for attention on ig, utterly abhorrent, heartless shit
No. 880608
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No. 880611
>>880608If you really hated it you would take all those redditors’ advice. You must love it or you wouldn’t be clinging to it so desperately instead of doing anything in your power to leave.
Way I see it options are:
>stay begging Reddit for a free apartment until forcibly removed by police, wind up on street>one or both of you get real jobs for pay stubs and proof of employment >break up with Lurch and move in with dad No. 880632
>>880608If only her sticky fingers could find a way to make a matching screw appear and a small screwdriver after a stroll through any hardware store. Or just pay the $8 for both… or use Daddy's Amazon account.
Or move.
No. 880633
File: 1655605754769.jpg (1.2 MB, 1079x1727, Screenshot_20220617-212015_Sam…)

Suddenly she "misses allicins backyard" after no interaction on her insta posts in months since their little fallout kek
No. 880635
>>880607more than that, she stated her lowest was like 199 or something but that wasn’t during this era, she was significantly larger in the right pic. i’d estimate like 220? . she lied about being 175 during her crack days but later backtracked on that. keep in mind even during the days when she was thinner on the right pic, she was still LARGE LARGE like she’s like almost six feet tall and was wearing like a size 18-20. shes good at angling her body but she’s never been below 199 according to her own words.
also yes i have kept track bcuz it’s one of the most entertaining things about her IMO is how much she over shares her weight and size related shit. and then later back tracks. and then lies again. it’s giving 250-lb-amberlynn
No. 880639
File: 1655617331063.jpg (175.58 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20220618-223030_Chr…)

I was wondering if her wall-eye could be an indication of her terrible vision and.. of course it is. Are her eyes always wonky or is it only when she's high out of her mind? Has she always had a wall-eye? I don't think so but can't be bothered to look.
No. 880659
>>880656It doesn’t say on those but she did get her eyes checked and those glasses are the result of said appointment
>>>/pt/840469 she then went on and on about her glasses she got at said ophthalmologist. None of this is conjecture, you’re invited to visit previous threads.
No. 880665
>>880639I have this and it's largely dependent on your vision before the split happens. So even if your weak eye gets worse and worse, you're not ever looking through that eye so it doesn't matter.
Also can confirm that it gets worse when I'm sleepy, drunk or stoned. Your brain gives up on the nonessential task of making you look normal…
No. 880671
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>>880662well you’re wrong, so
not only did she literally say on her tumblr that she was at 236 months ago when she was much smaller, but also, that’s a fucking dumb guess. you realize how tall she is right?
pic to include photos from mybodygallery
and lastly putting her at 230 would put her in Obese Class 1 on the BMI scale when she’s clearly well into Class 2
you’re wrong, give it up.
No. 880673
File: 1655667422652.png (609.8 KB, 562x828, xfuhbsodifnbofdhvos.png)

>>880671Yah, she's def closer to 290 I'd say
No. 880676
File: 1655683227825.jpg (393.36 KB, 1080x1382, 20220619_195957.jpg)

Lurch using Luna's reddit acount again.
No. 880691
File: 1655704166391.jpeg (307.86 KB, 828x1730, D70538B2-F5DD-4FBC-9DF5-2FAA8D…)

lurch had a bad day
No. 880718
File: 1655749346419.png (98.88 KB, 1222x711, Screenshot 2022-06-20 142018.p…)

>>880477She deleted this one but left a comment.
No. 880719
>>880718learn how to drive holy shit.
blogpost but i didn’t learn to drive til i was 24 because my boss told me i couldn’t be promoted at my job unless i could commute. it took like 6 months for the whole thing. i know her short-term-gratification loving ass would think that’s a very long amount of time but she could turn her whole life around if she was able to drive.
of course that’s assuming her drugged out, blind as fuck ass would even be able to get a license.
No. 880742
>>880738yeah, i just saw a tik tok of a line just to
see a 1 bedroom apartment in manhattan. so anyone with the money is going to look in the surrounding area, including her neighborhood. she’s fucked. she looked for apartments like twice and decided to just maybe scroll through zillow a couple of times. she needs a car or a friend’s house for the long term until she and lurch gets jobs or a way out of that expensive area.
No. 880745
>>880718every time someone bothers to give her advice i imagine a "bzzzzt, wrong!" buzzer going off in her head instantly
she doesn't want advice or honesty, she wants offers and instant fixes. she's waiting for these various lines she casts to draw in a sucker with a spare bedroom they can squat in immediately. she's banking on an idiot, and it could still happen
some people
can get by professionally mooching, but she's too stupid, lazy, mid looking, and able-bodied to make it work well. it's not an easy ride and she wants easy
No. 880747
>>880746exactly, she's already resigned herself to a world where these hurdles are impassable. she doesn't intend to fix anything that holds her back. she wants someone to find a fix
for her that requires she do nothing different but provides her everything she wants currently
No. 880758
>>880718in the time it takes this literal walking trash bag to make endless e-begging posts and sob stories, she could just… get a job…?
but that wouldn’t fit the tragic tuna backstory I guess!
No. 880772
File: 1655817286444.gif (667.22 KB, 480x287, giphy.gif)

>>880745>a "bzzzzt, wrong!" buzzerKek I imagine picrel
>>880533This one really makes me wanna a-log. All her effort here spent on typing out how she is sooooo impoverished and down-and-out and uwu unlucky, blah blah… No one fucking cares Luna, you're not 12 years old.
No. 880781
>>880758I was going to say she should ditch Lurch and find a sugar daddy but she is far too busted looking for that now. Luna really needs to accept the loss and embrace her new path in life as a fat hooker. Not just posting rancid pussy photos on Reddit, like being an actual lot lizard and giving cheap cheap cheap blowjobs etc every night. It would definitely give her something to write about!
I feel like I should add that my heart aches for the exploited women out there who hate sex work but do it anyway because they got forced into it/have no other choice, but Luna is not one of them. She had so much handed to her (a house, an education, inheritance money) and squandered it all. It is not too late to turn things around but she just cannot be bothered! Which is so baffling to me. She has made zero steps to getting an education, refuses to get a job, won’t go to rehab, mistreats those around her, and lies about her sobriety therefore I don’t feel bad if she goes the fat hooker route…
You reap what you sow Luna!!
No. 880784
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>>880783I dunno,
nonnie. Luna is an extremely special case. Most survival sex workers have second or third jobs, able-bodied Luna and Lurch refuse to even have one between the two of them. Reddit begging doesn’t count.
No. 880785
She's been awfully quiet. Nonitas who follow her on Instagram, still no updates since like
No. 880790
File: 1655841501642.jpg (360.17 KB, 1080x2034, Screenshot_20220621_205731.jpg)

>>880785no instagram posts for 5 days, but she liked some tweets recently
No. 880802
>>880785Yep absolutely nothing new on her insta, I think this
nonnie post
>>880478 really spooked her into hiding for a bit
Perhaps she wants to go on a quick little crack diet before posting again?
No. 880809
>>880744Tuna said if they can't get an apartment, (Daddy is) going to get a motel room for the Gruesome Twosome which will drain her (Daddy's) money until he says no more.
She's not going to be actually homeless any day soon.
No. 880814
>>880811Kek reminds me of when she was larping as a street smart junkie and saying "US junkies are mAgiCaL and we can make something from nOtHinG".
Bitch you can't even make an ID appear when you have access to the internet and legs to walk your fat ass to take the cheap passport pics
No. 880859
>>880855She claims to have an expired ID.
You don't need ID to pick up controlled meds- I've had friends pick mine up with no ID. Medicaid doesn't look at your id and Tuna can still apply using her expired ID. Undocumented people have medicaid.
>>880829Of course she wants to marry and lock in her Prince Sharting. But when faced with 2 options, Tuna will always choose the laziest, no- effort option and not doing anything to change her situation always wins. It also allows her to keep bitching and gives her an excuse to not do anything.
No. 880860
>>880859her way of living is so flawed in so many ways, the way she expects everything to be handed to her. housing, cheap cheap shein purses, amazon hauls, food, friendship, etc and admittedly most of that can and has actually been handed to her. but marriage?? you can’t give that to someone. even if she had her ID and birth certificate, she’d just wait around until marriage magically happened. does anyone actually think she’d put in all the effort to find someone to marry them, fill out the application at town hall, get witnesses to sign, file to have her last name legally changed, etc etc ?? it’s a long ass process to be legally married.
No. 880882
File: 1655916680716.jpeg (94.56 KB, 756x279, 41213329-62F1-43FE-ACE6-28ADB8…)

>>880859maybe it does differ from state to state, but in new york this seems to be the law too. it's actually a law in many places in the country
including where i live, and my pharmacy knew me and would still ask for ID picking up a controlled substance, they'd definitely be asking lunas sketchy ass for ID No. 880895
>>880886Idk NY law but I have worked at a pharmacy for 16 years. We only adk if there is a note on the profile for any C2 meds, and that usually comes at the families request. As long as general questions can be answered (dob, address, telephone etc) they will get their drugs
Not stop sperging and stay on topic
No. 880925
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No. 880930
>>8809254 months of rent says thats Lurch again. He has SO many tells that don't follow her manner of writing. Most obviously ".." instead of "…" and run on sentences galore.
Tldr; Lurch not Luna.
No. 880976
still no new selfies since
>>880478, you must’ve really got to her
nonnie lol
No. 881033
>>881032Personally I'd rather Lurch kick the bucket first…it feels like he deserves it more yknow?
Luna's alive and well I'm sure. She's probably just sulking and playing vidya and buying cheap cheap cheap shit with dad's Amazon account. She does this every few months. She'll be back on her bullshit in a couple days,
nonnie No. 881059
>>881051 Right? Dunno why that anon is so mad but maybe they should take their own advice.
If Luna ever does get sober, she's gonna gain 80lbs. It happens to most junkies, they need to replace the high with food. Part of me wonders if she didn't put on a lot of her current weight during the brief "sober/tring to be sober" saga and didn't realize how much she'd gained. Hell I didn't even realize until we saw those side-by-side pics. Gorl is W I D E.
No. 881083
File: 1656098947107.jpg (405.74 KB, 1440x2421, Screenshot_20220624-152652_Red…)

Can we stop tinfoiling if she's dead? She's too narcissistic to kill herself and Lurch keeps her from ODing into the big sleep. She's been posting in her video game subreddit, highly doubt that was Lurch.
No. 881094
Don't feed the troons, ladies.
>>881083 I'm sorry but "ODing into the big sleep" just sent me. Nonnies on this thread have been especially funny this week.
No. 881108
File: 1656124709950.jpg (137.22 KB, 913x1280, IMG_20220624_233653_212.jpg)

No worries nonnies, she's very much alive, and replied someone on reddit 18 minutes ago. (sorry for the shitty edit, I'm on mobile and screenshot right)
I hope it doesnt take too long for her to post again. I wonder if she has already remade her tumblr.
No. 881116
File: 1656144190091.jpg (2.4 MB, 1807x3213, 20220625_014658.jpg)

Still alive, still wearing a grimy ass bandage that should probably be off by now.
No. 881149
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No. 881165
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No. 881202
File: 1656285292110.jpg (533.35 KB, 1080x1948, Screenshot_20220627_001344.jpg)

New insta posts
No. 881219
>>881203I think she could benefit from leting her roots grow and have a pixie cut. By the end of the year, her hair could be chin lenght and she could go blonde again at a professional hair salon, where they would properly bleach, safely opening the hair cuticles etc.
But she of course won't do that.
>>881204I really hope she goes back to drawing somehow. I miss her paintings I hate-love them idc. If she was smart she could buy a Tablet and draw with cp studio and never worry about art supplies again. Even make money by doing porn comissions idk but she won't do that. She would rather cry than work.
>>881202I think it's funny she posts meme about not being able to own property when she did, sometime, 8 years ago. I never see her complaining about that, probably because that would make her look bad and shatter the illusion that she's a street hustler, not a girl that had so many Golden oportunities handled on a plate to her.
No. 881220
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No. 881221
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No. 881222
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No. 881224
>>881220kek she's resorting to roomates now
Good luck Tuna! Anyone who goes trough your reddit will see trough your bullshit.
No. 881228
File: 1656298121058.jpg (268.52 KB, 1080x1437, IMG_20220626_224709.jpg)

Is okay Luna a few of them are archived here
No. 881231
File: 1656299106548.jpg (593.21 KB, 915x1819, Screenshot_20220626-182933_Sam…)

I think she deleted this off her insta soon after but I only grabbed the zoomed in version. What is going on with her lip? It looks like her labret got infected and she got it repierced in the center. And it looks swollen/freshly pierced
No. 881244
>>881218Lurch prolly fronted her mom a bundle one time and that gargantuan’d into “I paid my moms public housing rent for a year”. Do people in her mom’s situation pay rent? I’m not a burger but you’d think unemployed addicts wouldn’t have to pay for section 8 or whatever her mom’s deal was.
>>881226It looks like it’s cutting into her arm. She’s outgrown the bandage in two weeks. If she hadn’t chopped up the care instructions she was given to “get back into” creating the worlds laziest outsider art, she would have seen she’s supposed to change it AT LEAST once a day. She would have also known that after 24 hours she could shower. Using a garbage bag she found (in the garbage? an alley? who knows!) to wrap around her week old bandage is classic Luna. Doing the complete opposite of what knowledgable people tell her to do and ensuring it’s a thousand times grosser.
No. 881246
>>881231Her lips are really wonky and uneven, so probably why it looks more centered here. Wouldn’t be surprised if Luna couldn’t hold her head still for a piercing and the piercer had to mark her at an angle like this one
Also, I don’t know bridge piercings that well, but are the bars supposed to be that tight? Her body looks like it’s about to swallow that thing whole
No. 881248
>>881225No, her original bandage was way larger with different tape (Went back to her instagram to check)
This one looks like it replaced the original one on June 14th, so she’s had it on for a really really long time
No. 881253
>>881251sorry, that last reply was to you
nonnie, my bad
No. 881258
File: 1656330536415.jpg (118.85 KB, 720x1044, Screenshot_20220627-023748_Ins…)

>>881231Yeah she deleted, but I captured the 2nd slide
No. 881264
>>881258And filters, heavy filters.
>>881261She is. Does anyone know why?
No. 881269
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No. 881271
>>881220sure, that person won't look at your reddit history and then decide, that they are perfect roommates.
>>881221wonder if that wound is already alive again and we can give that thing a name soon.
>>881228kek, you can't post self harm wounds on tumblr, she should know that by now and every careful person would have a copy of their poems.
No. 881281
>>881277even if she did pay mom’s rent, the money would have just gone into lurch’s arm anyway
plus, mom definitely paid that back and more with the squatting years, so they’re at least even now
No. 881282
>>881258the eye rash cream the doctor gave her isn't working. You know she hasnt been to a dermatologist since she last mentioned it 2 months ago kek
>>871854perfect skin.
>>881215Luna was paying rent for them both before she moved in with Lurch, 17-18. idk what happened with Grandma's house but a persistent rumor is that she lost it from not paying property taxes. I've not seen receipts, but people who knew her in high school seemed to believe it.
It's been like 7 years since she's has paid any sort of rent. Roger was paying for the last place, and her mom was paying for the section 8 because she owed Luna.
No. 881320
>>881315>>881315Her mom is in a group home sitch now, like a room in a boarding house, so that's not an option.
Seems like her dad will 100% not take Lurch too, so she's gonna have to make some hard decisions.
I hope maybe her dad will at least take in the cat
No. 881323
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Yeah she's deleting other slightly older posts like
>>880358 as well
No. 881324
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The chair is still lurking in the background kek. The comment is about being in love with her aesthetic. I suppose to some “dirty hovel dwelling lard-ball” is an aesthetic
No. 881325
>>881324I imagine them just chugging directly out of that carton of juice on the counter
Maybe she is scrubbing in case people look up her socials while she's looking for an apartment?
No. 881333
File: 1656447479615.jpg (102.12 KB, 900x859, IMG_20220628_171505_572.jpg)

She obvs looked better in hs, pre heroin use. when talking post heroin, I think she looked the best in 2017, picrel, she would've been 21 back then. Luna was never going to be pretty or thin due to her unlucky genes, but she could've been.. Not what she's now.
No. 881334
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This is how Tuna looked post high school, pre heroin, for those too lazy to check older threads.
No. 881342
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No. 881343
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No. 881383
>>881333I wonder what she would have looked like in a timeline where she's some fitness junkie instead. Yes her body is genetically unfortunate, but with her huge hips and proportionately smaller upper body, she could have turned it into the kind of slim-thick people pay to have.
I know this is so far out of the realm of possibility, but Tuna, get an ID, get a job at Planet Fitness, trade in the heroin for Pre-workout and protein powder! If she had even an ounce of actual work ethic, she could build a whole new platform based on bettering herself. I know it'll never happen nonnies but it's just so sad when the actual potential is there but we know she'll never take it. It's not too late to get the Good Ending, Tuna.
No. 881385
>>881339The last one was "old Hollywood" and lasted for about ten minutes.
>>881383This is worse than meth-chan insisting that would at least give her some energy.
No. 881404
>>881399She's completely sedentary. She literally does nothing except sit on her apartment. She's obviously not active in the slightest because she doesnt clean her apartment or do anything.
Have you listened to her breathing? She gets out of breath literally just walking 5 feet lmao
Combine that with her very obviously poor diet and she's just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
No. 881405
>>881399She was never like under 200 lbs, she was always very heavy. It's just that she knew how to use camera angles, and the ammount of weight we are seeing now is the result of 2 years of barely leaving her bedroom and replacing heroin with benzos and uber eats.
If Lurch left her, that'd be entertaining, but the dude is always high off his mind and probably sleeps a lot due to dope dizziness. He'll never leave her, he's too lazy to, and won't find another guilliable middle class jailbait courntey love wannabe to mooch off.
Luna would rather loose 95% of her belongings and live in motel rooms than not be with Lurch. Buckle up, nonas, only one month till eviction day, she might not be as online as much tho.
I just hope by the end, pumpkin is safe.
No. 881408
>>881383>>881385My favorite sperg vote goes to ASMR-chan.
>>881405No way she was 90 kilos at her skinniest, like in the photo in a grey shirt and skirt set. Can't find it, but I think it was reposted recently.
No. 881416
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>>881412luna is shaped like the goddamn grimace
human body typology is not applicable here
No. 881418
>>881408Shes' 5'10 (1.78m) tall. At a body weight of 200lbs (90kg) she would just appear big (considering her body type is the one that weight sets at her thights) and not morbidly obese. I hate dragging this discussion longer but it feels like some of you often forget how tall she is.
Moving on, she's been quiet on reddit too. I wonder how the apartament hunt is going
No. 881451
>>881449Ohhhh so maybe she can
not be allowed to legally drive with her
No. 881486
>>881445americans are so fat they get
triggered if someone cant drive kek
No. 881490
>>881486in order to have a job and contribute to society in any way whatsoever in america you need to learn to drive unless you’re wealthy enough to take rideshares everywhere you fucking retard. have you ever seen an american city? are we supposed to walk across 3 highways to get to work? they’re not walkable at all and 99% of this country commutes a solid hour to get to work if you want to make a decent salary. i hate america but your comment is fucking stupid
so yeah luna IS a lazy sack of shit. lurk more.
No. 881521
>>881506They would never. They think they’re far too good to hang out with anyone but themselves.
The ex Jersey Shore crew is much more like able
No. 881525
>>881515I could easily see her threatening to self-harm if her dad didn't let Lurch stay there. "He has nowhere to go and uh
out of breath, I'd definitely stab myself if he uh
out of breath wouldn't be able to stay here, dad. Why do you have to be so mean?!"
No. 881545
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No. 881546
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No. 881547
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No. 881550
>>881545It looks so moist and wrinkly I could gag. You know it smells like steaming hot ass omg so fuckin nasty
It looks like it was healed long ago is she gonna leave the stitches in forever now?
No. 881567
>>881562After the 14-day mark, it doesn't take long for the skin to get pissed off. The scarring can get pretty gnarly and keloid and be more susceptible to infection than what that sweaty sock-smelling wound already is.
Skin also likes to start growing over stitches when left in too long, and digging stitches out of infected angry scar tissue isn't fun for either party.
We all know Tuna won't go into an ER unless she "knows" for certain she's gonna score or get those sweet uwu bux off her followers, and a simple stitch removal in an ER isn't very exciting (at least not to people who properly care for themselves unlike her), but given her level of grime she may wanna make a quick pit stop to get those stitches out.
No. 881577
>>881220When I was looking to rent out my spare room I found requests like this soooo fucking annoying. I literally had mfs trying to get 2, sometimes even 3 people into one room for 500 per month.
Like, you realise the 2/3 of you combined would use more than 500 in utilities in the current energy crisis, right??
As a landlord, 2 people wanting to share room in a house signals that one or both of those people aren't employed, would not touch with a 10ft pole.
No. 881605
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blend your makeup you absolute clown
No. 881606
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No. 881608
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No. 881613
>>8816021 is the most likely scenario. Luna won't live with her dad, he's aboosiveee. She won't leave lurch either and lurch won't leave her, they have became co dependent at this point. They don't have jobs and don't want to get one either. No one will lease to them, no one will have them as roomates. They don't have friends to take them. The most likely scenario (after they drain their savings, which probably isn't much, in motel rooms) is they end up squatting in Luna's mom's place again. Poor pumpkin will probably end up in the streets or a shelter, unfortunately.
I hope this month goes by fast, I really want to see where this is going!
No. 881615
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flashing her utters on Reddit again
No. 881635
>>881608holy fuck my sides! that wing is so sloppy & the "highlights" look like smears of white out
>>881614seriously why do the front two look orange?!?
this new clown makeup lewk she's so into lately is doing her zero favors, but tbh it's kind of fascinating to watch her move through different phases of appalling makeup (RIP to the pin eyes & pale crusty lips era)
No. 881651
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Lurch having access to the internet again is great
No. 881652
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>>881620Zooming in… Kind of gives you an idea. Ngl I'm loving fat clown kween era, by all means Tuna head on over to /w/ and use Jill as a reference.
No. 881653
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No. 881654
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No. 881655
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No. 881657
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No. 881658
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No. 881662
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>>881603Same in my city, I have no idea what
nonnie is talking about. Post pandemic, the cost of used cars and property values have skyrocketed. In every city I’ve lived none have been terribly walkable, just like Luna’s situation. But in America if you want and need a job, you walk the whatever number of blocks it takes to get to a bus stop and go to work so you don’t wind up on the street. She just doesn’t mind playing with fire.
>>881615I’ve never seen her look more like Leatherface.
No. 881677
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“Pandemic weight”
No. 881687
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>>881658what an absolute unit
No. 881696
>>881654>>881657It literally looks like she applied paint or glue to her face and this bitch is proud as hell of it.
>>881658An extremely embarrassing video, but she feels no shame.
No. 881713
>>881677the pandemic deeply affected those of us with full time jobs who were furloughed or laid off completely. it affected those of us with families to feed, and family who have been hospitalized with covid.
how the FUCK has it affected luna? she stays inside all day not doing shit and has been unemployed her entire adult life. her life has gone on as if covid never even happened. fuck out of here with that pandemic excuses bullshit. save that for the people whose lives have been made hell by covid. god she’s fucking infuriating.
No. 881723
>>881525>>881613I bet her dad is strict with enforcing his boundaries with her, which is probably exactly why he's soooo evil and
abusive in her mind. She's very "all or nothing", if you're not indulging any and all of her bullshit then you're actively working against her. I can absolutely see him being adamant about Lurch not being welcome in his home and not budging on that no matter what BPD nonsense Tuna screams at him. Imagine picking squalor and hopelessness over real, decent opportunities in life for that fucking loser this many times. She sacrificed a college education and being a homeowner for a grown ass man that refuses to get even a part time job, and according to her calls her names on a regular basis. He's so utterly fucking useless and embarrassing that he tries to interact with porn bots and cam girls on Twitter. That is so fucking pathetic it's hard to even put into words. It's weirdly comforting knowing that she's also such a hopeless cluster B, sad sack, obnoxious, unrepentant scum bag herself. I don't even have to feel bad about this gross human embodiment of a grease fire.
No. 881729
>>881606She awkwardly angles that stupid rose tattoo into every damn photo and it's so ridiculous- looking.
Btw, please stop smiling with that Pennywise from It smile.
No. 881734
>>881731I’ve been following her since roughly 2012 and iirc it was a mix of spending large amounts of money in her teens on clothes and whatever, paying her mother’s rent for some time, large amounts of spending in her adulthood i.e tattoos and clothes, and then drugs. lots and lots of drugs. since she refused to be employed at any point, that was her only access to money thus it was only able to fund a handful of years of her life. however i don’t believe that it’s fully gone, because she still spends like a maniac despite being unemployed and almost homeless.
it’s shitty that her deadbeat mother stole a large part of it (supposedly, her words not mine, but i believe her on this one tbh)
she also lost the house she supposedly inherited, but honestly i can’t remember where farmers got this information from, but judging by her snobby rich alt girl exterior in 2012-2014 i wouldn’t doubt it. (people always say she was soOoOo nice back then, and while she was definitely nicer than she is now, she was still kind of insufferable) - also important to note she was doing benzos in her teenage years too.
TLDR she had a better start to life than she wants us to believe. she lived with her grandma who spoiled and adored her for the majority of her life, was left a massive inheritance when she died, got into a great school that provided housing, and had friends who would die for her. most kids these days have none of those things. she squandered it all away in favor of a man who looks like he smells like hot dog water, and lots and lots of heroin. she wants us to believe this was ~just her fate~ but it wasn’t.
No. 881735
>>881731We don't know for sure, we can only assume it probably went to drugs.
iirc, Her grandma died in 2010 when Luna was 14, and her will had Luna as the sole heir of granny's house. Luna got her hands on the house and inheritance money in 2014 when she turned 18.
Luna used her inheritance money to pay for her mom's bills and rent, apparently. Luna lost her home due to not paying propety taxes. Luna started living with Lurch and his father in the same year.
What else she did with her money other than paying rent for her mom is unknown, but we can highly assume it went to drugs, Lurch may have stolen it too.
I think she inherited 100k from her grandma, beside the house, which I don't think she ever actually lived in. As far as I can remember, she moved out of her mom's house to live with Lurch and his father as soon as she graduated high school (wich would've been in may 2014, a month after she turned 18)
It is also important to remember she met Lurch at her mom's house, when she was 17 (and they "oficially" started dating 3 weeks after she turned 18)
I don't remember when she started using heroin but I think it was right after she started dating lurch/turned 18. Before that, she only smoked pot.
No. 881755
>>881747>>881747nta but I did some light googling ages ago and it looks like her grandma owned an apartment/condo/coop type place rather than a house. But in the town it was in, it would be worth $$$. Luna (or the estate) prob didn't pay the HOA/co-op fees.
Based on public records it doesn't look like she ever actually legally owned it tho
No. 881759
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No. 881760
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No. 881762
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She's gross and seems to have too much confidence for someone so positively disgusting.
No. 881778
File: 1656798935991.jpeg (511.69 KB, 2048x2048, 1472419432263.jpeg)

kek I found this old stuff somewhere and I wonder if she still sees herself as a "cute lil smart girl", when she was never cute much less "lil" and definetely not smart. Can you believe this was 7 years ago? And nothing changed. What a trainwreck
No. 881780
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New Tumblr
No. 881784
>>881778jesus, she's been at it for so long that this pic makes me feel nostalgic.
Almost nothing about her or her life has changed since she posted this, but I doubt she thinks of herself as cute, smart, or lil anymore. All she does is post about how much she hates herself and how shit her life is nowadays; she barely even expresses delusional aspirations for the future anymore.
No. 881785
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No. 881815
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Incoming: shitty new poem ft evil father
No. 881816
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No. 881817
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I hate you dad please love me
No. 881821
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No. 881823
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End of “poem”
No. 881824
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Also: good luck
No. 881832
>>881718Fucking kek, I meant to say “lose an entire ass house”, losing “an entire ass” wouldn’t hurt though. But yes, I’ve been following Luna for what feels like forever
she’s actually how I found lolcow way back when we were on the very first thread and to this nona’s point
>>881752 she lived with her grandmother because her mother was a useless junkie and she her grandmother coddled and spoiled the fuck out of her, which arguably had a hand in creating the monster we see today
>>881768She has the nastiest udders/areolas I’ve ever seen save for what gets posted in the degenerate onlyfats thread
No. 881843
>>881762We can't fucking tell.
>>881824I wish to expel every shred of luck you get, out into the universe for people who deserve it more.
No. 881856
>>881726Oh yeah, im on the west coast so that makes sense. Damn, that's really sad. Like, the whole opiod epidemic in general is sad, but i see so many more people ODing now, because of fetty.
>>881724yeah, i dont know what i was thinking. I really cant picture her dragging all of her dirty plushies and useless knick-knacks into a squat kek. These dumbasses are really going to end up on the streets after they run out of motel money.
I've literally never seen more useless junkies in my life.
No. 881884
>>881847>>881845What are you talking about? She lies about her hair being her natural colour,which it isn't. Claimed her dad stole her money, which he didn't. She doesn't consider herself financially dependent on her father, she is??
She doesn't admit any faults outside of "I'm ugly and not an artist" and accuses her father of crimes (tax evasion)
>My Facebook memories mock me with photos where I was thinner, ice blondeNo Luna, it wasn't Facebook was it? We are mocking you.
I'm shocked she's so fucking shallow and won't do anything about it. She's fine crying over how fat and ugly she is, blaming everyone around her and then getting high to escape the bad thoughts. Just lose some weight if it's that important to you!
She's sad and not BRAGGING about being a heroin addict, but this isn't self aware lmfao
No. 881898
>>881845>>881884I don't know how long you've followed Luna but it is never her fault, she always deserves the best and the people around her (except Lurch I guess, though he's the biggest scumbag of them all) are trash,
abusive and making her life worse in some way according to her.
>I fancied myself an artist, a writer, a poet, a creator of.. something. But I'm just a person, wasting the best years of my life and any small talent I had.She admits here that she IS at least part of the reason her life is shitty, I was actually surprised to read it because I don't think she's ever done that before. It's always 'uguu starving artist here addicts are people too so pay for my hello kitty shit' but she admits to wasting her life. I doubt it is any significant growth but it's something.
No. 881903
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From her new Tumblr bio… anyone know what she meant by “baseball bear reader”? I’m stumped lol
No. 881904
>>881892Luna seems to have the exact same “epiphany” every few months or so… yet she still hasn’t done anything to better herself.
Until she goes to rehab, gets an education, or gets a job, nothing has changed. Actions speak louder words.
No. 881923
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>>881892lol she hasn’t realized anything, I can’t be assed to post the whole thing but in yet more drivel posted on kf she says ‘I know it’s all my fault’ and literally one line later starts bitching about the ‘shit hand she was dealt’ and how other people are so privileged and how she hates her parents.
Besides, her self-flagellating with shit like ‘this is all my fault’ and ‘I did this to myself’ is just more of her self-obsession. She says it because to her it’s tragic and dramatic. Just because she claims to be a
victim of herself this time doesn’t mean it’s not the same woe-is-me victimhood.
No. 881926
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Skinny queen
No. 881930
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No. 881932
I'm really concerned about the cat. No matter what it'll be in a better home away from tuna. But i hope her dad takes it in and finds it a good home. Imagine smoking indoors when you have an animal living with you or not having savings in case it needs to go to the vet. I fucking hate her.
>>881864Ayrt, I'm literally taking my suboxone right now kek. Luna just makes me feel better about myself because i can actually hold down an okay job and never had to e-beg for my drugs
and im actively trying to get clean and married a straight edge nigel. No. 881937
File: 1656876091210.gif (895.1 KB, 480x270, xTiTnDEYium4DNXj5C.gif)

>>881930The chair has now been broken for 135 days, which is 2 days more than half the time she's had it. Luna's laziness is truly a sight to behold.
No. 881969
>>881945All I can think is that this post was from tuna herself, upset that we haven't figured out that she got the rose to symbolize a syringe kek
Tinfoil but it entertains me.
No. 881972
>>881930it’s giving me strong Howard the Peace Lily Era vibes. those were more entertaining days.
(for newbies, throwback to when she had a peace lily she kept letting the 2 elderly cats eat “but it’s fine because they throw it up” and then when people told her to get rid of it because it WILL kill those cats, she lied and said she threw it away but it was spotted in the back of a ton of selfies moving to different spots in roger’s shithole apartment)
I hope for Pumpkin’s sake these are non
toxic. However that cat will soon be homeless anyway so it’s lose/lose
No. 881979
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No. 881980
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No. 881981
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No. 881983
>>881979Luna is such a poseur.
>>881981How worried can you truly be when you’ve done nothing about it?
No. 881987
>>881785Some anon into stats please calculate the percentage of pics posted either by her or by us in the thread where her stupid hand rose tattoo is shoved into every picture. I don't follow her so I don't know if all of her pictures are itt.
Too bad mathematician Lurch isn't here to do some Rainman-esque calculations.
No. 882006
>>881952If you’re in a relationship it would cost the same to rent an entire apartment than to pay double the rent of a shared room.
If a couple approached me wanting to share a room I’d charge them double the rate due to utilities and such. No landlord will agree to give you a 2 for 1 deal on a bedroom lol
No. 882011
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>>881824Shocker. Probably did a Google search of her name.
No. 882022
>>882006Typical greedy ass burger trash
>>882007Seriously, I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and no one does that here. But then adult couples don’t tend to live in sharehouses anyway
>>882021This is Tuna we’re talking about, that’s way too much effort for her. Plus living in New York is basically a personality trait for her, not to mention the proximity to their regular dealer
No. 882023
>>882018Long sleeves to hide the track marks and clown makeup
>>881980 No. 882027
>>882011Dang. Should have added more good luck emojis onto the post, that probably would have done it
You know, instead of like you and lurch getting a stable job 5 months ago or something ???
No. 882031
>>881972Well she’s got a rubber plant and a Monstera adansonii/Swiss cheese plant which are
toxic as fuck to most plants. The one on her right is a parlor palm which isn’t
toxic to cats but since she probably doesn’t feed her cats in a regular basis they’re going to been eaten down to a nub. Tuna such a shit pet owner. Like someone else said I hope her dad does rescue the cat.
No. 882032
>>882029lol yeah they aren’t exactly a stand up looking couple from the city. Like others have said if they cleaned up…actually even if lurch cleaned up he’s so predatory looking next to her she shouldn’t bring him…so actually if Luna cleaned up put on a long sleeved top and some jeans/pants washed her hair and put it in a bun she’d get some better results.
I remember when I found this fool in 2017 and she is still at these same fucking antiques.
No. 882040
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tumblr updates
No. 882047
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No. 882048
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No. 882053
>>882040Just sobriety things.
>>882044It's always the same from the "not to wk but wk wk wk" anons. All her old 'art' and 'poems' had the same themes, the same admissions and the same "introspection". It's been going on for years constantly and these tards are acting like it's new.
>>882047Loving the clown makeup tbh. Makes me think of the meme and wondering when she'll add some white facepaint or a red nose.
No. 882059
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No. 882062
>>882057She even took pictures of his bed sores from wasting away on the mattress in the living room.
Tho for charity's sake, they left him to die alone in the hospital. They ignored the phone ringing all night because they "knew".
No. 882065
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>>882047She’s on the ground like WHAT?
No. 882070
>>882047LAYING on a new york sidewalk? What a disgusting bitch. And you know she went back to her squat and laid in her bed right after she did this
>>882059>>882054So funny and accurate but I lowkey feel bad for the walrus :(
No. 882090
>>882085Don't hurry nonna, we still got 100 posts left. If you start the OP include the stab disaster though as you said, and thanks for making the new thread. And
>>880478 has my vote for the thread pic kek.
No. 882096
>>882082what are you talking about,
nonnie? It looks like the floor of their garbage room maybe, but not a pool. Luna doesn't go swimming because she's too lazy to bus to the closest pool. And her hair's just greasy
No. 882102
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>>882098well what do you know i put it into google earth and
No. 882105
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just from her ig as well
No. 882106
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No. 882107
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No. 882108
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No. 882109
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No. 882110
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No. 882112
>>882109Evil psychiatrist doesn't want Tuna to get better via eating pills, woe is life.
No. 882125
>>882117He died in the hospital, and they took ages to go pick him up, ignoring the phone calls because "they knew". But before that, he was rotting in a sheetless old mattress, with bed sores and all. They only took him to the hospital right before he died.
>>882108>all I know is it include my future husbandIt is really sad that she sees no life beyond being with her groomer, and extremely pathetic that she think being married will solve all her problems kek
No. 882132
>>882107When I read the title I thought "Oh nice, she wrote something about nature/ocean for a change"
But no, it's still the same ol' Me-Me-Me bullshit ~poem~
I'm a fool kek
No. 882183
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>>882125Back in thread 13 she posted about this, not calling an ambulance or anything literally just asked Facebook. Second post was like 4 months after when they got him an ambulance as
>>882178 mentioned and if I remember correctly he passed in the hospital not particularly long after this ambulance trip.
No. 882184
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Samefag forgot to mention this is all I could find with regards to Roger after his cremation and all I could find relating to what anon mentions here
>>882162 but that does appear to be the shoebox his ashes were kept in along with the folded flag on top
No. 882194
>>882183Imagine letting your own dad rot on a filthy sheetless mattress in the next room over. That’s advanced levels of fucked up.
>Luna:but the cop complimented my cat okay
No. 882209
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Thoughts nonnies?
No. 882210
>>882209Good for her, bad for the airbnb owner. If she's smart, she won't take pictures of her room, lest someone rats them out (because they'll obviously trash the place…)
She's using the oh so real money of "6 months of rent up front" she has for this, but what after?? We KNOW she won't get a job, to have Credit to rent a place.
I just wonder what she'll do with her hoard and poor pumpkin…
No. 882211
>>882209uhhhhhh why no more homelessness fears??? you only have 6 months to figure it before you’re on the street again. you should absolutely be fearful.
anyways. can’t wait for “kicked out of airbnb” saga
No. 882213
>>882183Any new anons I highly recommend lurking all of the threads, not only for your own information, but they are so much more entertaining than the past few threads. Between her cats sleeping amongst used heroin needles, drinking Lurch’s piss accidentally, drinking her own piss purposefully, effectively killing Roger, using Tai’s death for donations, smearing ashes from a fire in her dad’s condo on her face for donations, Howard the peace lily, and literally stealing flowers and trinkets from graves, the old threads are the gift that keeps on giving!
No. 882224
>>882222I give it a week, tops.
Keep in mind there’s also the possibility they’re renting a room in a larger apartment, as that’s what most of what’s available under like $2,500/mo is.
They will 100% expect to smoke inside
The host will take one look and nope the hell out of this reservation once they arrive.
No. 882237
>>882190>>882201>>882195Whew what a sad trip down memory lane. I remember being i. that thread and anons were so fucking disgusted some discussed cow tipping to report for elder abuse/ sending the old man some flowers cause god damn…really had him on a FILTHY fuckin mattress with no sheets. They deserve to be homeless.
Seeing the amount of bums though pulling squatters rights in vrbos and air bnbs during the pandemic has me thinking they’re planning this bullshit. Either that or daddy caved and threw some cash her way.
No. 882238
>>882213that photo of lurch strung out looking at that dog from the old thread never ceases to kill my sides from laughing.
Her drinking lurches piss to then drinking her own for pocket change sure happened fast though huh
No. 882245
>>882224You're right. I checked in the site (in the area near her current address cuz we all know she won't go far from that kek) and there's no whole places for her price range, only rooms. They'll have to share a kitchen and maybe even a bathroom with other poor tennants. That is, if she is actually renting an airbnb, she could be renting a motel room and calling it that.
Either way, we shall brace ourselves for impact! Incoming tons of e-begging and gofundme for food, totally no drugs
No. 882248
>>882242God, I forgot about that.
Friends of Roger (who seemed an okay-ish person with genuine connections to people) would drop off gifts and care packages and 100% of the time Luna would take them.
Have fun on the streets yall!
No. 882262
>>882236But anon, didn't you read her moving poetry here
>>882108 ? Her heart is just too big and it weighs her down!
>>882245That's excellent lmao they'll be out on their asses in a day when the other tenants have to deal with them. Either that or it will be infested with other scumbags and be the same as what they have now but they have to pay for it. Bring it on.
No. 882307
>>882242>I knew she and lurch by extension were in salvageable human beingsWhat do you mean "by extension", Roger was Lurch's actual father and he didn't give any fuck about him. Whatever Luna did, he never stopped. Never shown any care for his father or his remains. I don't know if it makes him just as bad as Luna or worse, but let's not minimise his role in this shit.
>>882295Pretty sure Luna complained about Lurch and him screaming at her for stuff like spilling water. It was on her private junkie blog. Meanwhile she was praising both to high heavens on her regular account
No. 882316
>>882311Roger can’t be that great of a person if he produced Lurch: Misogynist Extraordinaire and was fine with him grooming a teenager and then eventually moving her in after her 18th birthday
Luna only started liking him once he was visibly dying and she knew she could take some of his shit.
No. 882323
>>882313Roger won't fuck you. If you are not a newfag, you should know that this was posted on her secret "Not-Luna uncensored" blog where she was posting shit contrary to her True Love uwu narrative, and was full-on posting about her heroin addiction. That's as reliable as Luna's gonna get. I don't know why you care so much about defending Roger's image of a pure angel single-handedly destroyed by Tuna (Lurch was comatose the whole time, I guess). Even if Roger was shit, his final year or so was still horrifying.
>>882311 you could take it as Lurch being the only voice of reason among junkies (which is why his son is screeching at him), but it's a stretch and I'm agreeing with
>>882316 No. 882328
>>882326kek nona
>>882323I agree, even if Tuna is fabricating shit about him being an mean alcy he can’t have been that great a person if he bred Lurch and continued to enable his fuckery well into adulthood, but that doesn’t change the fact that the way he was treated by his own son and “daughter he never had uwu” was despicable
No. 882335
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No. 882336
>>882308I mean, they can’t do what they did to the landlord here if it really is an AirBNB. There’s no ambiguity, they will be signing a contract to stay there and if they violate it the property owner can (and definitely will) call the police to have them booted out. I imagine there will be cat shit in the kitchen and stuff tacked to the walls to better fit Luna’s “aesthetic” for decor. Neither of them have ever purchased a cleaning solution or spray, they don’t even shower! This is going to be gross. I remember 4 years ago when they started squatting with mama Tuna, I thought it looked so strange to see them in a clean environment for once. They’re termites, this place will be thrashed in a month.
>>882318I really want to know what they do with the trash heap in their current squat. How much of it will they be able to bring without an arrangement for a truck? I’m certain they’ll leave the rest rotting in corners all over the apartment that will require an excavation team and hazmat suits kek.
No. 882338
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No. 882339
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No. 882341
>>882331This doesn’t make sense considering you’re forgetting the whore arc where she filmed herself for a john calling her dad to say gross shit, shes drank piss not just out of lurch's OJ carton and done a plethora of other rock bottom acts for dope money that you know she would never do if she had funds stashed away. It would also imply self restraint, which is laughable when directed at tuna.
Its clear that moments like the lowest points of the whoring arc makes it difficult for her dad to distance themselves financially, he clearly pulls away support but then she starts hitting real tragic milestones and suddenly the cheapcheapcheap shit is back and so is outside support.
I get it no matter how much anons scream enabler, if she isnt supported she will throw herself out in the streets for nickels and even section 8 mama tuna doesn't want that for her so she stays a perpetual toddlers flirting with inevitable doom.
No. 882348
>>882325Even if it was her dad, that’s crazy expensive no? Maybe airbnb works differently in America, but in the UK the airbnbs at this stage in the game are all as expensive as any hotel. I get that the longer you stay there will be discount - but I don’t see how a 6 month airbnb is less expensive than 6 months in a shared house. I can only assume pricing is very different over that way.
>>882335A place to stay is different to a place to move Tuna