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No. 245729
>Previous threads:Unwashed goblin edition
>>>/w/228548Desperate for Attention Edition
>>>/w/209369How to Get Away with Murder Edition
>>>/w/193333Witchy Mental Breakdowns behind the Combini edition
>>>/w/174930Alcoholic Witch Edition
>>>/w/159989Jirai-kei Japanophile edition
>>>/w/144045Onlyfans Plasticine Queen edition
>>>/w/124470Sugar Daddy's cat is judging your life choices edition
>>>/w/110858I have never been this happy!!! Edition
>>>/w/105252Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/92122Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/87866Haven't showered in months Edition
>>>/w/76241Houston, we've got a (drinking) problem Edition
>>>/w/68012Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore but she is presumably still married to him and living together. She has faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month and thotting on OnlyFans.Recent Venus shenaniganss:
> Working on herself, totally for real this time.> Went to rehab, kept saying everyone there basically loves her and they are her friends. > Was considering making OF content while at rehab while because she doesn’t want to “beg for money” from her fans. >Back to her Jirai kei posting>Back to editing her pictures, unedited pics phase lasted just a few weeks despite all the support from her WK. Links:
instagram: youtube: youtube: work links:
OnlyFans: No. 246222
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So marge was right and Benoos is autistic?
No. 246474
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Venus Palermo, catfish queen
No. 246546
>>246479Absolutely. It's been discussed before in previous threads more in depth but basically, her body cannot absorb nutrients properly and your gut health affects every other part of your body.
From WebMd:
Studies show that the balance of bacteria in the gut microbiome may affect your emotions and the way your brain processes information from your senses, like sights, sounds, flavors, or textures. Weight loss or gain may be caused by bacteria overgrowth or lack of nutrients. You have skin irritations. Some skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis may be related to gut issues.
It will have more drastic effects once she starts getting into her later 30s, she still has youth on her side for now (and even then, it's already showing signs.) Add to that her liver damage from drinking (Heavy prolonged drinking can also cause permanent brain damage,) and large consumption of intense pharmaceuticals…idk if she will live a long life unfortunately.
No. 246643
>>246479Perhaps that's why she lacks Dopamine, together with her depression, she doesn't have enough
>>246498>>246498The problem is that she is the type of person that needs to be controlled. You can see, that when she's in a faccility with organized programs, she's trying hard, but the problem is when she'll get out.
imo her fiancee is
toxic for her, he's encouraging her doing OF, which she obviously hates, and I don't think she'll be able to continue with that type of content sober.
They had an idea making a new YT channel, I think that sounds better if he'll help her, cuz she simply can't do things by herself and needs encouragement. I also think she'll never try to study and find a regular job, most of her life revolved around social media so she won't change that so fast.
But if she'll stay with that man she'll spiral downwards all over again. It seems he also has addiction problems (alcoholism) and he's not doing anything to change that. She'll return home to find a still-drinking man and this can easily
trigger her drinking back.
She can't be locked forever in this facility so she has to change her life completely. Anything that makes her want to drink - she has to avoid. This includes her fiancee and her OF.
No. 246645
>>246390Such a narc. "
I'm working the hardest" Me me me, everything I do is the best blah blah blah stfu Margo 2. Also, now it's evident she never went to doctors before. She was definitely self-diagnosing and lying about "seeing a therapist regularly" back when she made YT videos.
No. 246650
>>246643Venus clearly doesn't hate OF. She loves making money doing the bare minimum, which of allows for her. Sure, she's not passionate about it, and no, her fiance is not making her do OF. The one hobby Venus stuck to was taking/editing photos of herself. It's so obvious OF was/is her idea. Enough with this "
abusive fiance forcing poor weenos to whore herself out." She's addicted to instant gratification and is mega lazy and also "above real work like the normies"
No. 246654
>>246650I didn't say he forced her, he encourages her, and its hard for me to believe she likes showing p0rn of herself sucking dick.
Maybe editing those cringy sexy pics she has no real problem with…
>>246651Kinda hard to believe a 20-something year old will make a 50 year old man to drink.
You're giving her too much credit. She's far from being smart and manipulative enough to do something like that.
Obviously he had this problem before her, and I didnt say he turned her into an alcoholic, they most likely encouraged each other's drinking. I agree, nobody's here to blame, besides themselves.
The problem is that she's trying to be sober and he's not. That's fact.
No. 246791
>>246654Didn't Marge say that Venus already drank heavily while they were in Korea? So, before any manager-san or "fiance" were in her life.
Maybe she had exaggerated the seriousness of the situation, this is Crazy-Marge we're talking about after all, but given the turn of events, maybe it was true?
No. 247020
>>246498anon, a lot of us would like to see her be better but she continues to sabotage her own self, time after time after time. she’s been given nearly every single opportunity one can ever be given to change her life and every time she manages to fuck it up somehow by being a neurotic, mean ass piece of shit. yeah she was abused by a raging narc but she’s turning into one herself (arguably even worse than her mum) so, it’s hard to feel sympathy for her when she’s hellbent on destroying herself and degrading her body in front of the whole goddamn internet. i could understand feeling sorry for her if she showed glimpses of redeeming qualities like empathy or genuine kindness every now and then but she never does. she is genuinely an awful fucking person and she gets away with it because of her shitty upbringing and simps like you who haven’t seen her in one of her
abusive binge drinking episodes to naively crusade for her. she isn’t going to fuck you dude and she’s never going to get better so put your sword away and find someone else who deserves it cause she definitely does not.
No. 247748
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Part of me hopes she actually does it so the next thread can be called “Escape from the Psych ward edition”
No. 247754
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Story is milkier than usual
No. 247887
>>247020Of course she's not getting better. She's a deeply traumatized woman who was used by her mother as a cashcow, got used to having her body commodified for money so of course she got into onlyfans so quickly, she was taught to do that since she was a child, and never learnt shit about human relationships. She still has no actual support in her life besides men who use her time and time again or people who try to help her but understandably get away when she snaps because no one wants to really put up with the hot mess she's become.
It's not entirely her fault, actually most of it isn't her fault. But the sad truth is that she ended up like a lot of CSA/abuse/neglect
victims: a shell of herself trying to cling to life without knowing how an relying on every bad coping mechanism ever. She acknowledges she's self destructing. I just hope she doesn't end up as bad as bad as brat-grrrl who got brain damage.
No. 249444
>>247887“deeply traumatized” my ass. Raised by a Narcissist does not =
deeep trauma. Bad Mommy moved them around alot, used her YT $ as their main source of financial support and said mean things to poor delicate Venus, oh noes! Well guess what, millions of people had way more
abusive upbringings than that and didn’t end up literally becoming an even worse narc abuser than their narc parent. Not to mention she’s had way more opportunities than most to get help to deal with her shit and get her life on track and has squandered every last one. But keep rooting for her though - she’ll disappoint you every time, trust.
No. 249505
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No. 249514
>>249505So why don’t you go live with “Zaddy” then? I mean since he’s your
*fiance and all. Why stay posted up in that stinky lil room at Manaki’s when you have a FIANCE?
No. 249541
>>249518Neckbeard vibes. Bet his mask covers his pube like facial hair & acne combo.
Man, Venus even you can do better!
No. 249581
>>249505So she left Doormaki to end up with this fugly Otaku? Venus, what a downgrade, even for you lol
>>249571>>249572Nta but if I remember correctly, it was something Venus mentioned after she ran away from Maggot.
Allegedly her Mom tried to sell Venus' virginity when she was a teen or something.
No. 249594
>>246927Tbf, Venus might have drank
one time and passed out, maybe she wasn't a full on alcoholic that early and Margo exaggerated, but she was at least a social drinker and had drinks here and there. It's also possible she really was an alcoholic then and just hid it until she needed it for menhera/jirai aesthetic.
No. 249595
>>246654How do we know he isn't trying? He doesn't need to be locked in a rehab centre to be trying. We also can't be sure he's an alcoholic himself. Remember, venus also called him a pedophile, if he's the same "ken" from before, she called mana a pedo, an asexual (like it's a bad thing just like her mother did to her), called mana
abusive and made obvious lies about him and even lied about margo to make her life with her seem worse. So can we really trust that he's definitely a full-blown alcoholic who's never made an attempt to better himself?
>hard for me to believe she likes showing p0rn of herself sucking dick. She doesn't. But that doesn't mean the bf is the influencer of OF. She likes money. Easy money. YT videos take too much work for her. Laziness/greed for money and snapping photos and editing, which she did for free for years on IG is what lead to OF. She feels "above real work" and has blatantly stated this while putting the "normies" down. She used Margo to make easy 80k a year saying "boo bye bye boo" in a cam while margo did the brunt of the work. She's been spoiled since at least her early teens. Margo wasn't stingy on the money. She bought her everything she wanted, and unlike margo, venus didn't have to work 12 hour shifts in a store to make that easy 80k. THAT is why she does OF. Remember when she was charging 5k to meet her scrotes and they film her videos? THAT is how lazy and greedy she is. Her boyfriend is not the reason she does OF.
No. 249597
>>249505If this guy really is "Ken", I wonder if his wife/girlfriend of his child knows about Venus? Venus repeatedly cheated on Mana and was apparently with this guy since 2018, so clearly she has no morality and doesn't care about being the "other woman" and ruining a family and child's life (but then again she used said child, plastered his face online and exposed supposed sexual abuse just to make herself look good) so it's not surprising. It explains why they don't live together either. If the dude was divorced or not in a relationship with the wife/gf, then surely they'd be living together by now since he's her supposed "fiance" and "manaki is sooo
abusive". Venus is truly soulless. A visa husbando caretaker is more important than messing up a family dynamic. Wks will justify that with "her traumatic upbringing."
No. 249610
>>249505Oh look guyz, I haz Boyfren!
God what a little slimeball she is. Cheating on her marriage with her spouse visa, not only that but flaunting it on SM. If Immigration gets wind of this her visa-scamming ass will be deported so fast her head would spin. And would “fiance” step up to help? Lol no. And she knows Manaki the human doormat will never do anything, that’s why she feels comfortable enough to pull this shit.
No. 249611
>>249520Yeah, no. “Mental illness” did not make her slander Manaki or her managers. It did not make her slander her bf. Or even Margo. It did not make her commit visa fraud or cheat on others. It did not make her scam people. Lie about abuse. It did not make her act crass and rude and edgy and adopt a performative jirai personality. And it certainly didn't make her exploit a supposedly sexually abused child or accuse both her exes of pedophilia or dress up as a baby for sex content. It didn't make her greedy, selfish, opportunistic and generally a bitch.
Try again.
No. 249759
>>249611And it certainly didn't make her being careless and
abusive with pets. Remember the hamster saga ?
They were cramped in a shitty little cage and she supposedly "dumped them" at her inlaws as soon as they weren't kaweewee anymore.
I wish the hand wringing WK stops writing these long ass fanfictions in every thread. It's always the same armchairing shit and adds nothing to the conversation.
Venus is a shit person, just like Mommy Dearest but nobody's trying to excuse Marge crazy behavior (or any other cows with awful parents) with that same ol' ~muh shitty upbringing~ stuff.
No. 249792
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She is being offensive to look edgy again.
No. 249824
>>249822She wishes she was insane. She's just a Narcissistic Self proclaimed Acholic. Not even worth the definition of "crazy"
Venus can't handle crazy.
No. 249825
>>249792So this means she's diagnosed as a scyzo now? I remember that in her last post she said they asked her to do another test about this.
Does it mean she's "officially" a schizo?
Well then, that's her dark humour trying to laugh out her situation.
I would've as well tbh, if I was in her situation. cuz that's kinda of a big deal…being in that condition.
No. 249836
>>249713To be fair, a lot of what she does is performative. She has never legitimately tried to kill herself, as far as we know. She went to treatment twice. Not "constantly in and out". She lied about therapy for years. Her alcoholism seems somewhat legit, but seriously blown out of proportion for jirai cred. Still, if this dude is the same one as "Ken", he is stupid for being with her, as 1. She will never love him and simply use him, and if he just wants to bang, fair, but she'll never contribute much more than that and 2. She WILL slander him to her audience, unless maybe he's rich af with connections that could fuck her over IRL or something and she doesn't dare cross him.
No. 250020
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someone on the older thread said we might have a muslim Beenos phase…
Halal Venus soon?
No. 250078
>>249611Everything she's been doing is actually a part of the BPD playbook, so to speak. The substance abuse, the slandering of loved ones, allegedly lying about abuse, infantilizing oneself because they're forever mentally stunted and looking for someone to fulfill the caretaker role that their birth parents didn't or couldn't provide usually due to abuse or neglect… hence why a lot of BPDfags are into DDLG, too. it all adds up. A lot of anons want to believe she's just downright evil and spoiled with no explanation, but there is a very clear explanation for her behavior. That's really all I take issue with. It's awful behavior but it didn't spring from nowhere.
>fanfictionsYou keep throwing around buzzwords without actually understanding their meaning, it seems. Nobody's making anything up except you who seems to think someone stating the facts hurts your narrative about Venus or is akin to WKing.
No. 250160
>>250078There's a problem in here, I can't make it understand correctly cuz English isn't my first language but lt me tryto explain my idea of it - if a 10 year old kills his parents because he's mentaly ill, makes him a
victim of his own illness?
I mean, If these "doctors" decided, then yes, he is, but, and BUT is the most significant thing here - most people don't care. they just don't. they see you do bad stuff - they judge you cuz of it. they don't care about your circustances or your "bad life", cuz..lets be real… most of us had "bad" lives. that's called living. But not lot of us has this "urge" just to be so "evil", I know, its part of the mental illness but you just cant blame everything on illness.
No. 250853
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No. 251201
>>251172Ngl, trauma has
triggers. Margo or not. She needs long term therapy.
No. 251265
>>251224She'd be a different person because the abuse shaped her, not sure
how different she'd be, but if margo was actually a decent mother she would have at least attempted to correct her daughters more
toxic traits, instead of create an environment for them to flourish in. That's basically what people are saying when they place blame.on Margo. She was a worse case scenario mother who created a worst case scenario daughter. It's own Venus to recognize she needs real change now that she's an adult, but anyone with eyes can see
how she got here.
No. 251292
>>251224>> People with mental illness still have the capacity to understand right from wrong.THANK YOU. This girl has a functioning brain. She is not some automaton that is programmed to do
xyz* because she had
xyz* input. She’s making choices to do shitty things. You can be mentally ill
and be an asshole, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. She’s both.
No. 251815
>>251351>>251489Yeah yeah mental illness sucks but you can still get better if you want to, unless you have some shit like Schizophrenia.
I have BPD and I don’t act like a retard. She just has to delete social media to stop being an attention whore and study DBT to stop being a piece of shit.
It doesn’t matter if Japan doesn’t have the best psychologists, there’s fucking therapy online. As long as you can pay for it, location is no excuse.
If she has time to lurk here and other sites to find haters, then she has time to read up DBT and be less shitty. There’s free material online, or she could buy a damn workbook.
Zero sympathy for her. She has no excuses.
No. 251838
>>251815And I commend you for being dedicated to your wellness, but BPD is somewhat of a spectrum and notoriously hard for treat. Like Bipolar, it can be managed and one can learn how to cope and avoid
triggering things, but it's not just poof gone after a while. I think that Venus isn't too far gone to put in the work, but when she recently checked herself into a clinic for substance abuse, people claimed it was all done for attention and to fit an aesthetic. She didn't need to be live streaming during it, but she took some initiative at least. Time will tell if she makes progress or falls off the wagon again. Which, is unfortunately common with substance abuse.
No. 251864
>>251489Again, being "mentally ill" does not explain
>>251224 . Doing such things are simply done by ASSHOLES. You don't have to be 'mentally ill' to do these things and plenty of non-mentally ill people have done things like these. So no, it's NOT an explanation for these specific actions, and so yes, you ARE simply making excuses.
No. 251987
>>251984ikr. Its like saying that all people that do bad things in this world is due to their illness so its not their fault.
People for example who have faith in a God like Jesus or whatever, usually try to be good people, and it doesn't matter if they have mental illness or not. They just know that its important to be a good person.
If Venus cared about that, she wouldn't have done half the things she did.
But she doesn't care being a good person. She's selfish and entitled.
(learn2sage) No. 251992
>>246436Beter late than never, but risperodon is also an anti-psychotic and quite a heavy one. 6mg of that is already the max dose. 600mg is the absolute daily max for seroquel/quetiapine. So she is taking multiple antipsychotics, and I'm not sure about how they react being mixed like this. On someone who needs it, anti-psychotics aren't necessarily drowsing depending on the reason for getting them. That seems an insane high dose for "depression and alcohol abuse" tho, especially since quetiapine is only in specific cases used for depression when anti-depressants aren't an option. Speaking from experience with both meds, the label with info that cone with them, and my doctors' explanations.
Which makes me wonder what if she gets a worse episode. On a lower dose they would slowly and controlled raise the dose temporarily, but shes already on the max + another extra…
No. 251995
>>251992Just to make a point. 2mg risperidon in 2 doses of 1mg at a time made me too drugged to get out of bed in the morning being late for school. I had to switch back to 1mg because of that. The 6mg max is for heavy schizophrenia making you pretty much completely drugged.
So she's lying for sure. No way she has 600mg quetiapine + 2mg risperidon a day and functions like normal posting online and doing better. Especially not in 4 weeks in which case they would still be monitoring and adjusting where needed, not even to think they have to built it up slowly so at best she would just have her first dose of that amount… No way that's done already and they're only adjusting those other unnamed (the rest) meds on top of that like she claims.
No. 252180
>>252154I don't care if you care about my BPD or not. Other people might be interested because they don't suffer from BPD and can't sometimes understand why Venus acts the way she does. Ofc not all her actions are bc of BPD and she has an own personality etc. but BPD can lead her doing even dumber shit than she already does.
I also believe that she is going back to drinking, doing nothing, fishing for good and negative attention, etc. She is def in a downward spiral and it's hard to break out of these. Especially when you don't want to but still expect things to "go better". But even if they did, it wouldn't satisfy her.
No. 252182
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best idea of her ever
No. 252270
>>252180this is not pull or the mental illness board
the thread is about venus not you
No. 252386
>>252182So she went in 4 weeks from bottom of the bottle to living on multiple heavy antipsychotics with more unnamed meds still being adjusted, to in about 20 days after that being stable enough for long enough to be discharged?
I'm guessing she just checked out since she came there voluntarily, so she can brag about how well she did until her next breakdown. She does look much better than before tho. Hopes she keeps it up but wonder for how long as I highly doubt she got effective treatment in that short amount of time. It just makes me think stronger she made half of it up to sound worse than it was.
No. 252468
>>252182Uhh okay, good for her I guess?
Hope she's visiting the Dentist next to fix whatever's left of her front teeth.
No. 252524
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>>252521Nope, she’s back in her hoarded-up cubicle in Manaki’s apartment, on that mattress on the floor. Which is where she’ll be as long as he continues to allow it. She’s going nowhere and will continue to go nowhere, and she’ll go back to drinking again within weeks if not days because she has fuck all else to do all day every day.
No. 252526
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>>252331>> not too intense face shoopingStill pretty intense. This is what she looks like irl without shooping.
No. 252608
>>252598Not saying I feel bad for her or anything, as this was all self induced. But now that she posted her Pimp Ken san, I can see why she can't do porn sober. Now we got a nasty, greasy, ugly ass face to go with that tiny dick and hairy legs from the porn videos.
These western weeb chicks kill me cuz they all think they're gonna come flocking to East Asia and be worshipped for their Western beauty features and end up like Taylor R (even she pulled a 2 on a good day. He's ugly af) when in reality they are only able to pull low quality, 4's on a good day. I think its hilarious that this guy is a major downgrade from Mana. He's exactly what she deserves.
No. 253698
>>252965I know white worshipping is a thing here. I live in Asia. I'm more so talking about looks. These chicks think they're going to pull the best looking kpop oppa femboy husbando sama just for being a basic white chick in Asia, but the reality is the vast majority pull a bunch dudes that look like feet at best or get whored and tossed to the side (like Dakota Rose) at worse. Venus is definitely the ladder.
It's hilarious that this greasy, ugly, MF is getting her to blow him on camera and make all sorts of low budget, humiliating porn. To think, all this because she thinks she's too good for a 9-5.
No. 253717
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No. 254587
>>254506ty nona, it's kind of insane she's
still living with him while having a drawing of ken or w.e with her like that out there.. lol
No. 256926
>>256920>I hope she sticks withAnon, how new? Be honest with me.
>>256923She's always shaky because she's a literal drug addict and alcoholic, so yes withdrawals plus she's probably drunk while recording it.
No. 256932
>>256900tl;dw - its a Q&A video about her time inside the ward, 27 minutes long
> she was inpatient for 1.5 months
> how much does it cost? treatment is expensive even if you have insurance, but you can take out a loan or pay in instalments (she doesn't say how she paid for it)
> any scary moments? not really, just surreal/uncomfortable, she mentions disassociating a lot and messed up stuff going on with other patients e.g. other people there were very unwell and screamed all the time, there were meth addicts who paid for it with sex work etc. and were clearly abused> for some reason she apologises for swearing after she says the word "shit"
> how was the support team? she says it was great, she had a doctor, a nurse and her fiancé help her. if she wasn't doing well they'd adjust medication, explain how medication was expected to affect her to put her mind at ease etc., and help her talk through her emotions and understand her behaviour > she mentions in terms of support outside the facility that she is reconnecting with her Hungarian family and between them and her fiancé she is feeling well supported
> did they treat her different despite being non-Japanese? she says not at all, mentions the doctors spoke English and would explain any complicated medical terms to her in English> reiterates again the staff were extremely kind and polite and treated her like a sick person who needs help and not a junkie
> does Japan have bad mental health care? she doesn't know if that's true, but supposes it might be based on the suicide rate. she talks about menhera making talking about mental health less stigmatised in recent years.> she thinks that people not getting the care they need may be because the type of hospital isn't right. tells a story about the last time she tried inpatient but went to a private retreat that was basically for stressed/burned out people with depression and not people with personality disorders/addiction etc. so it did nothing for her and she left ASAP
> how to get admitted to a Japanese mental health hospital? call your city ward and ask for a translator and then explain your situation and they'll hook you up with a hospital> she didn't get into the hospital that way though, she wanted to kill herself and cut her throat but then regretted it immediately and called her boyfriend for help, he called the emergency services but the police turned up as well and she had to spend the night at a police station in a safe room. she doesn't recommend injuring yourself to try and get hospital admission due to this being an awful experience
> did it help? yes, she's been out 2 weeks and has been living a balanced life, not doing anything too crazy and not craving alcohol. she's doing the AA 12 step plan.
> what's the food like? basically always soup, rice, a main dish, dessert and tea. its traditional Japanese food and tastes good, and there is some variety> there's also a convenience store on the ground floor of the hospital where you can buy snacks if you want. if you snack too much your doctor will tell you. she snacked a lot but her doctors said it was probably good for now, as alcohol has a lot of sugar and your body craves the sugar as well as the booze when you're quitting so sugary foods can help reduce cravings
> any strange dreams? no but she lucid dreams more
> what substance was the most popular in the addiction ward? OTC stuff like cough medicine, and meth> she was the youngest alcoholic, and there were very few female alcoholics, at the AA meetings its mostly 40+ year old men> she says she felt out of place in her addiction, alcoholism doesn't usually escalate that quickly, "but yeah… life's funny"
> what was the most helpful thing about the program? being able to go to the nurse station and talk to them. talking helped a lot, they gave her better coping strategies. talking to her doctor and visits from friends and family also helped.
> how was it adjusting to outside life again? at first she was overwhelmed, but after sleeping on it she was back to normal
> can you choose your own meals? no
> what decides if you get discharged early? your doctors and nurses have a discussion about your progress and offer to let you leave early if you are doing well enough inpatient wont provide additional benefits, but they leave the door open because addiction is a life long fight and you can come back if needed
> closing statements are for other addicts in japan or elsewhere, she's praying for them, urges them to get help and says not to try and quit cold turkey because its dangerous
> finally says this isn't a comeback video, just an update to stay in touch, she plans to do a come back video on November 1st No. 256949
>>256932Genuinely wishing the best for her.
She’s been through a lot.
Good luck to her.
No. 257047
>>256926>>256930She’s clearly not drunk anons. We have already established and Venus has confirmed herself that the tremors are from withdrawal/medication. Learn 2 read.
>>256932Thank you
nonnie, I could not sit through all that!
No. 257055
>>257047>Learn 2 read.>>256926>so yes withdrawalsYou quoted a post that listed withdrawals. So probably take your own advice,
>>257050Yeah unfortunately we know this never lasts, when she needs pity money she'll be back on the cycle.
No. 257061
>>256932so she is in touch with her hungarian relatives, wonder what marge thinks about that lmao
well, overall the video is less deranged than the content she was making before she went it
No. 257111
>>257092>>Spoiled materialistically and had everything she ever wanted. Leeched off a dude (and continues to do so) because she is too lazy to work and wants a caretaker. She's been hand-wringed online with ass pats left and right for her fabricated and embellished life story. If you consider having crappy family dynamics and mental health issues as "being through sooo much", then pretty much every human on earth has "been through so much".THANK YOU. This “poor little abuse
victim” grift she’s been shilling for years continues to rope in the gullible and simple-minded, even now when her shitty character has shown itself time after time.
No. 257127
>>257101If someone feels attracted to her knowing all this, they have a shit taste and shouldn't brag about it. I think most people who like her don't know that she's such a bitch or try to make excuses for her.
>>257092This. Venus was just a spoiled brat who turned out to be a spoiled crappy adult. That's just who she is, it's not because she "went through a lot". I know someone who used to be starved and beaten by their parents and they still turned out to be a genuinely nice person in the adulthood. People just try to blame her personality on her past and mental illness, so she can never take an accountability for anything and if they do get mad, she's like "uwu, internet is scawy" and never ever says "sorry, my bad".
No. 257149
>>257101Venus alluring/attractive and fascinating
I snorted so hard I dropped my phone
No. 257152
>>257064I wouldn't be surprised if this was true because like the other anon said, meth is easy to get here in Japan, especially in Tokyo. It thrives due to shit like over work culture.
Meth is also still popular in my country. Ever seen a tweaker before? Cuz considering the rapid decline in Venus's appearance and mental state these past 2 years meth would explain alot lol. Especially the porn stuff cuz meth makes ppl hypersexual. Marg did claim on insta awhile back that Venus told her she was on meth in an email. Doing something retarded like trying meth is right up her alley.
No. 257155
>>257152Venus is not hypersexual. At all.
She's just playing a role to appeal thirsty retards to her OF.
Remember when she claimed to be a 'lesbian'.
Her porn is hilarious. Awkward. Clearly someone with 0 or very few sexual experience.
No. 257290
Venus whiteknights are weird. I understand people that simp but why wk cows that don't care for you.
>>257275It's just someone trying to white knight for her for some odd reason.
No. 257474
>>257294You are kidding right? Must not have been following her that long or know her history. Poor you for falling to her poor
victim me party. Do yourself a favour and get educated.
No. 257475
>>257468Megakek like those tard incels are going to stop people hating the shitty ugly cunt she is.
I can already see the OMG UR JEALOUS U FATTIESSS.
No. 257524
>>257479>>257509I would understand it if Peenus was a pretty or sexy girl. She is neither and a shitty person on top of that.
It always amazes me how incredibly retard thirsty incels can be
No. 257588
>>257294You make good points. I never understand why ppl are so down on Venus for doing OF. Although I don't indulge in porn watching, even I can see that what she does is very mild porn related content.
It doesn't ever look like anything hardcore. I've heard of really horrid porn content but not seen any of that from Venus. Though admitedly I only see leaked stuff as don't sub to OF.
>>257549Agree. No one is going to love everything about Venus but the amount of hate is just tedious and mainly unjustified.
No. 257590
>>257549See guys ? I told you retarded incels would tell us we are JeALOUsS of WeEn0ss
No. 257618
>>257127>>257111>>257092No reason to compare trauma. Venus has had her fair share of trials and tribulations, which were made worse by her internet popularity. Yes, people go through "worse" and come out "better" but usually abused children turn into
abusive adults one way or the other, because they aren't given the tools needed to deal with their trauma. Idk how therapy in Japan works but she's wishy washy so it won't work until she's ready. But it's pretty clear to see how she got where she was. Margo taught her to sexualize herself for money and live off men, so that's what she's doing.
No. 257677
File: 1665527719126.jpg (386.39 KB, 596x596, 1000_F_14161739_Cw19HhDnZZeT5L…)

>>257549Venus WK, you have just been challenged by the nona WK.
I'll have you know that the vast majority of nonas are happy healthy skinny queens and I won't stand for your slander against them. How dare you compare their beauty to this granny prostitute burn out alcoholic. Benoos could NEVER. You are JEALOUS that the ethot you give money to turned out to be a gremlin and now everyone around you has more money.
Retract your statement right now or the consequences will never be the same.
No. 257705
>>257468>> (It's back up btw) It may be back up but a lot of users are still locked out. Josh deleted everone’s accounts and you have to have access to the email you used to originally sign up to get the code to reset your password and log in to your account to post.
Long story short, we’re seeing an influx of homeless forlorn KF users looking for a new home to handwring about Poor Venus. I.e.
>>257549 >>257588 and
>>257618 No. 257811
>>257734Well that's ur problem then. Seems like ppl can make good money on there.
The only thing I'd wanna see tho would be pretty Chinese and Japanese she males. Lots of them on there apparently.
No need to be so prudish and disapproving about a few sexy pictures, no one forces anyone to go there and look at it.
Can't understand these people who want to shut down the world just to suit their own prudery. Anyone would think must a load of fundamentalist religious nuts.
No. 257812
File: 1665586714128.jpg (65.49 KB, 563x403, 20221012_165708.jpg)

She's now from Austria, too?
No. 257814
>>257775I see no evidence of that. It just seems there's a few more rational people here occasionally.
Why does the default position have to be you've got to full-on hate Venus to be allowed to say something on here? Not total hatred towards her and you're out. Why?
Some of us can laugh at her, find fault with her for a lot of what she does but don't feel hatred towards her and can actually see reason to praise her sometimes. That is just a sane,reasoned,and reasonable viewpoint.
I don't get the one sided it has to be hate or nothing or we want you banned. How can there be reasonable debate on anything if only one sided point of view is allowed?
No. 257955
File: 1665634124166.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1242x1738, 75A6917B-1751-4110-A5A3-7368B3…)

Looking like Dakota Rose
No. 257973
>>257816I wanna say quit cappin but yellow fever Japanophile Boku no Pico tranny anon at least makes me lol with their completely untrue weeb generalizations about Japan. These Peenus WKs are just pathetic.
Also I think it's hella sus that same anon dissappeared around when Venus got admitted, but now that she's out, they're back. Clearly this is not Venus because they can write coherent English sentences, but its def one of her dumbass Wks she sends here. Yall think it's pimp Ken san?
No. 257991
File: 1665655714981.jpg (96.76 KB, 660x660, hF7FB2DDE.jpeg.jpg)

>Peenus is out of rehab
>The ~muh soft AZN fembois~ WK troon is back too
Coincidence ?
No. 258043
File: 1665676638495.jpg (627.18 KB, 1080x1475, IMG_20221013_175210.jpg)

>>257991Totally agree with your Tinfoil.
>>257955It's hilarious that Marges edited pictures look good compared to Venus shit. We all know that both of them look like Goblins in real but Venus editing became so worse over the years.
Is there anything this lazy ass Bitch can do right?!
No. 258371
>>257618>Margo taught her to sexualize herself for money Not really. I used to think that until Venus corroborated it's not true, just like a lot of the shit she claimed she's been through isn't true and is just embellished. Venus said she was soooo traumatized when her mom said if she doesn't finish school/work/do YT she might end up a prostitute on the streets. Then when she starts OF, she says it was always her dream to whore herself out/be the dumbest slut/be sexy. Margo recently even found some selfies VENUS TOOK when she was in her early teens that were pics with her cleavage out. Pics of her trying to be sexy. Which I think is pretty normal for a teen to do (experimenting with their sexuality/sexiness), but Venus had us believe it was her mom who "forced" her into this kind of behavior when all she wanted to do was be kawaii, then goes around and says she wanted to be a sex worker all along but couldn't because her family was against it/slut-shamed her. Always the
victim in her story. No matter what.
No, Margo didn't force her to sexualize herself nor to do YT. She did that on her own (I bet the wow they're huge thumbnail was Venus' doing tbh), then when it was convenient and she needed support after taking the YT channel, blamed Margo as "whoring her out" and then when she wanted to do OF as she saw a lot of money in it and needed support, she admit she wanted to be sexy all along (I doubt it was when she was a little kid like she said, that's just embellishment as usual from Venus, but as a teen she probably did want to be sexy but simply wasn't confident enough, the sexy selfies being evidence of that).
I don't believe that Margo "forced" her to sexualize herself, since even Venus has contradicted that story, but Margo sure as hell could have done more to prevent her from doing this stuff – for instance, posting the cleavage thumbnail. Margo probably didn't care because she had access to all of Venus' accounts and could monitor Venus' conversations or she wanted to let Venus express her sexuality, as evidenced when Margo took her bra shopping in her early teens
Margo's still shit but that's not why Venus is doing OF. I'd argue she does OF because Margo spoiled her. Venus was a teen doing nothing of value but showing off clothes/putting on makeup saying boo bye bye boo in front of a camera and making up to 80k with this easy work. No way someone so privileged/spoiled would ever want to work a real job after that. Venus has always for as long as I can remember been extremely vain and into herself/looks. The one hobby she never gave up is taking massive amounts of photos and editing them. OF allows her to do both of these. Avoid real work, take photos and make buck. That's why she does it. Not because of Margo or her fiance, as some want to claim to make her some
victim led astray once again. Also, if the fiance didn't support her OF, she'd just claim "he's
abusive/controlling/slut-shaming" and if he does support it she'll just call him "a creep/groomer/user who forced her into it." She always finds a way to make herself a
victim and vilify those around her.
No. 258408
File: 1665781971880.png (934.26 KB, 1186x695, image_2022-10-14_171010836.png)

I like how the images featuring her edited face are so grainy compared to the food pic. Also what work? It's amazing to me that she considered snapping pictures of her naked body or cosplay pictures as "returning to work." Making a Yt video talking in your room or posting edited photos is NOT work. But I guess she needs to delude herself like this because being a grifter leech who is 25 and never worked a job hurts her pride too much. So she goes around larping as some hardworking innovative girlboss kek. What a joke.
No. 258463
>>258454Well I did get beaten, my mother took offence at the slightest thing from as long as I can remember. My father too, when he was around, was violent for nothing.
I' d prefer to have had Margaret's version of parenting than what I had. At least Venus was able to see the world and not be afraid to travel.
You'd think I would be an alcoholic or be a shitty person not caring who I hurt, but I'm nothing like that, but would go out of my way to help someone. My point is just because my parents were shitty doesn't mean I have to be too and I'm not.
Venus was lucky if she never got beaten or treated to really damaging emotional cruelty and abuse such as some of us had to endure.
Some people are just born the way they are and would turn out the same regardless of upbringing.
(stop with the blogposts) No. 258505
>>258463I don't like competitions of sorrow, but I agree sometimes it's hard. You see her and people like her spiraling over things that could have been alot worse. You got fed? Your existence beyond getting the shit beat out of you was acknowledged? No sexual assult before your age hit the double digits? Sounds like fucking Disney land.
Here's the problem. Some anons don't get that both Margo and Venus are shitty bad people. Neither one's fault at this point. Margo is shitty because,.. duh. And Venus because she's an adult actively making bad manipulative decisions. Is she mentally ill?, probably, it would EXPLAIN her continued state. It doesn't EXCUSE it. It never does. Side note.
Nonny, good on you for not continuing the cycle. You're a brave girl and should be proud of yourself.
No. 258577
>>258463Everybody is different, some people can be badly hurt for insignificant things, while others are undestructible. What is wrong is hiding behind mental illness or personal story to excuse shitty behavior.
And what’s even more repulsing, manipulating people by playing the 'kawaii mentally ill
No. 258602
>>258463don’t you girls have a diary for this?
im here to read about penus
No. 258692
>>258408Her face looks bloated af lately.
Also, how fucking gross is to call someone you're dating "zaddy/daddy". She doesn't call him "fiance" anymore?
No. 258710
>>258692Back to her stupid 'cute' sugarbabe persona again kek.
Wait a few more years, she'll keep on spiralling down and that promises a lot of fun.
No. 258753
File: 1665926850212.png (3.4 MB, 750x1334, 55C4A62C-EC45-4B96-B810-4E3BE7…)

literally look at her story really quick. posted the same pic twice, with “good morning” written on the second one.
now look this may sound over the top but, as a girl whos on insta 24h of the day, and im sure she rewatches her own stories, how did she not notice this?
ill tell u why, its the drugs/meds/alcohol.
u know how druggies lose decorum / stop caring abt appearing in a certain way?
out of character story posting like this makes me think she’s still drinking. this is the pic but before it it’s the same one without the text.
she did not “just make a mistake” i think she just doesnt care/doesnt realize, and its been up for 15hours. i dont have to tell u how much girls care abt having nice looking ig stories.
anyways spazzing aside, she added a “spicy content” arrow to her linktree, guess she needs to pay for the rehab stay
No. 259042
She's prob mixing booze with her meds like
>>258753 is saying and doesn't even realize she's deleting and reposting. The guy she's w/ now looks like then standard alcoholic who spends his days glued to a pachinko machine. Lets be real, their "relationship" is prob them just getting drunk and high together.
No. 259162
>>258463You shouldn't blogpost but I do agree. People seem to underestimate nature and just think it's nurture at play 100%. I know siblings who grew up with one parent and one of the siblings ended up a copy of the
abusive parent who never raised them. I think even if Venus wasn't raised by Margo she'd still be shitty, manipulative, selfish etc. She has Margo's genes after all. She may not have ended up with depression or turned to alcohol, but those two issues are not what make her a manipulative and self-absorbed person to begin with.
>>258454She's not exploited if she wanted to do YT to get famous to be able to live in Japan. I do think Margo was a pushy "momager" though, but let's be real, Venus needs to be pushed to do things and if Margo invests so much time/money/work in the channel to help her Nippon dream come true, then yeah, Venus better be posting shit and taking it seriously.
No. 259201
File: 1666060695821.png (482.58 KB, 1164x1500, image0.png)

No. 259218
>>259201looking at her face here looks like this is some trafficing
victim shit
No. 259243
File: 1666076881873.jpg (628.07 KB, 2560x1440, FfMfj9QX0AAtUu_.jpg)

If I didn't know it's Venus, I would think it's some femboy.
She should ditch that wig and those contact lenses, it doesn't suit her at all.
No. 259246
>>259243Wow. It really would not kill her to exercise and tone herself. Flabby rolls are unflattering…her tits are already sagging so bady…
>>259245Pretty much lying there like a dead starfish is what she'd be doing.
Making that's hedius moans sounding like she's getting oblitrrated by a non existant huge cock.
She can be Patrick from Sponge Bob with that pink outfit at this point.
No. 259268
File: 1666086272889.png (104.75 KB, 300x244, 1666060695821.png)

How can her mouth be that ridiculous kek
No. 259280
>>259256ohhh thats how it works?
i see why she added the arrow then to her linktree, just to make it even more visible, i guess hundreds of people left over the past 5 months
No. 259291
>>259280If she hadnt posted anything for a long time & lost subs then she's got some making up to do in content to try and get them back, or get new ones.
She needs to up her game though.
It seems she only does mundane stuff. Where's all the really perverted stuff she boasted about doing? I only read in here to find out what she's up to on onlyfans & I'm sure it woulda got a mention here if she'd done it.
No. 259299
>>259291Everything she posts is basically the same thing over and over again, with bad quality, cheap costumes and shitty editing, especially compared to OF creators like Hidori Rose and the other girls, who actually put some effort into what they're doing. I hope more people will get tired of her and unsub, because at this point she doesn't deserve the money, unless she starts trying harder.
I think she should just give up and find a normal job, because she's just bad at this and can't even post consistently.
No. 259421
>>259299It has been said already but she doesn't seem to care anymore about anything she uploads.
I mean look at her Tifa cosplay, it screams "I have never played the game but she is a popular character lol".
Bitch couldn't even tell where Nibelheim is.
No. 259459
File: 1666142927116.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1684, 11809C46-6106-4609-90AD-580692…)

No. 259467
>>259459How come her hips look so bulky there? Is it the angle, how she's standing?
I mean she's not fat but sort of looks to have quite a matronly shape there.
It's not flattering. She should pay attention to how she stands and presents herself.
Maybe stand more upright instead of hunched forward, then she'd look more streamlined.
No. 259475
File: 1666148795087.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x2214, 1744C604-E896-499E-BE26-460C14…)

Reusing that greasy blurry pic… couldn't she take another damn selfie?
No. 259502
File: 1666159240615.png (717.28 KB, 654x843, Bez názvu.png)

The number of likes and retweets on her Twitter posts is tragic.
No. 259585
File: 1666205061589.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1170x1447, image0.jpg)

Beware of Venus with a mouth gag, showing off her wonderful teeth.
No. 259615
File: 1666209890778.jpg (211.73 KB, 950x988, 1666205061589.jpg)

Happy early Halloween guys.
No. 259620
>>258723>> she has "mental break downs" every time this guy tells her to kick rocks. Just another emotional manipulation tactic to make him feel bad for leaving her.Same exact tactic she uses on Manaki and how she continues to be planted in that room, despite having a
This dude doesn’t even want her in the same house as him, let alone marry her delusional ass.
No. 259629
>>259459this is easily the saddest thing ive ever seen.
this is like actually what sex trafficking
victims look like when theyre forced to pose for pictures.
ive sperged on this before and got rightfully clowned by anons but shitt WHY keep doing this? she has the means to go back to europe and maybe accumulate some money the
right way and then fuck off to nippon again?
yes she likes japan and “living easy” but shes been killing herself there for the past three years, she cant keep doing this for 50+ years more.
legit just 3 years in europe to get her life back on track, then she can go back to jp to lead a normal life.
she should be planning this now especiallyyyyy after seeing what those girls are going thru in rehab.
the self destruction is intentional and conscious at this point
No. 259646
>>259629She would need motivation to better herself, she doesn’t have it. She lives off attention and
toxic shit.
How does living in Europe would get her life back on track in just 3 years? She only knows how to be a lazy, manipulative whore.
Knowing how dumb she is, if she became a whore in Europe she would probably end up being trafficked or full of STDs.
Also let’s say she magically becomes less shitty, goes to Europe and fixes her shit. Then how could she go back to Japan? During the time she leaves, maybe Manaki would stop being a loser and try to get a divorce. Then Venus won’t have a way to stay anymore.
No. 259665
File: 1666226766056.jpeg (104.72 KB, 1811x1200, B754F75C-621F-49C7-B73B-3D331C…)

>>259585She reminds me of this type of fish
No. 259667
>>259646She's not going to give up easy money. Margo and her are both coin gremlins. Venus arguably worse, because at least Margo did at some point work hard in her life (12 hour shifts, hospital job, even managing YT was more than Venus has ever done in her life). Venus is going to milk OF, hoping to make as much money as she possibly can. And it's so easy too. Spend 1-2 days a month taking pics, edit on snow/meituu or get a photographer to edit it and then just upload a backlog of pics whenever, doing fuckall with her life. She will
never give that up.
No. 259670
File: 1666227859907.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1170x1949, 10CCB3AF-9CE3-44E9-AFC4-B11215…)

>>259664I think she is gaining weight too. I don’t think it looks bad but she looks more soft and I’m surprised she’s showing these pictures given that she idolizes being skinny so much
No. 259723
>>259664Nah, I think she definitely gained weight, her face is wider than before, even in her newest video.
>>259670Alcohol belly.
No. 259729
>>259728Europe is nice tbh.
>>259615Thank you anon, I wasn't planning to sleep anyway.
No. 259765
File: 1666273843305.jpg (121.79 KB, 1080x2400, 23131.jpg)

Venus would look much better if she had Sancty's hairstyle and light brown color. But that's not "jirai kei" enough for her.
No. 259822
>>259803Either smoking, drugs or to much alcohol sugars
Anyone know if she’s a user?
No. 259951
File: 1666304785701.jpeg (147.86 KB, 750x553, 9B9A0234-0720-426C-A4CC-8C8033…)

a CUMSHOT? oh i am SO paying for that! that’s so perverted and freaky and crazy!
didnt she say she would be raising her price to 10$ btw? forgot how long that was, but ive never seen it actually happen
No. 259975
File: 1666309350121.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, 7EE3D5F4-223C-4CAB-BCC1-5BB448…)

new story & post
tagged as #egirl
No. 259989
File: 1666311925532.jpeg (302.4 KB, 2048x1536, 2AE8F217-864E-4096-B5A9-A297BE…)

>>259765Even with a mask covering her face she looks greasy and haggard next to this girl. Who, btw, doesnt mention or tag Venus in her post, and none of the 5 comments do either.
No. 259997
>>259474Her shoulders look fine, its her hips that's the problem. That 'womanly' look just makes someone look older and dowdy.
>>259585That's horrible. What was she thinking? It's just ugly.
>>259615That's an improvement.
No. 259998
>>259670Sad for her. If she had a bit of muscle would be better. Wouldn't look so soft and marshmallows. Not a good look.
And someone needs to tell her, heroin chic is back in! At least in Europe it is.
No. 259999
>>259729Europe is nice? Doesn't it depend whereabouts you are? There's some right shitty places in Europe. Backwaters with horrendous poverty and nothing at all of interest going on.
At least in Japan there's loads going on and appears more cheerful with all the cutesy stuff everywhere.
(derailing) No. 260082
>>259999Banned kek.
And yes Europe is nice and interesting, dumb cunt.
>>259951Is she for real ? Who is thirsty and incel enough in the world to pay that much to see her ugly granny face covered with cum ?
>>259975I love how she exhibits her ring there. I'm excited to see this guy dumping her in a few weeks.
No. 260185
>>260082Rules: love Europe = fine!
Love Japan = banned.
Weird that. Reason? And logical one. Not just well everyone here loves Europe and hates Japan. God the xenophobia here is cringe.
Anyway, the number of times we hear that shit here 'Venus should be in europe' No she fucking shouldn't. She'd be in an even worse state there, with nothing of interest around her, at least not of interest to her.
Japan is her home and where she wants to be. And being there, she's surrounded by Japanese people,she wouldn't be in Europe.
She speaks Japanese fluently and fits in there quite well, to think of uprooting her to make her live anywhere else and think things would improve and she'd be happy is just mental.
No. 260193
>>260185did trannychan improve his writing?
cause the writing is concise but what is being written is retarded
No. 260203
File: 1666368922042.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2289, 60EF0296-25A8-44BF-8E94-283349…)

No. 260204
File: 1666368943417.jpeg (513.96 KB, 1242x2465, 428B44E4-DFDF-4671-8546-B2EC5C…)

Reusing that greasy selfie once again
No. 260209
2. “is rather expensive video was very expensive” +
+ 3. reusing the same selfie for 200 different things
she is mentally not here anymore. i feel like im watching a snuff film, i need to look away.
No. 260217
File: 1666370951034.jpeg (117.68 KB, 953x1280, 83458B3F-572C-4C01-8159-A45F6A…)

I have never seen a more dead face in my life, why would she expect people to pay to see her look like this
No. 260381
>>260200Perfectly legible. Something wrong with your eyesight, or, more likely, comprehension skills.
>>260217You've obviously never seen a
real dead face then. I have. Looks nothing like this.
>>260259So much imagination from people here, and assumption making. Good thing you're anonymous or you'd seriously be embarrassing yourself.
You have no idea of the calibre of any of the people who Venus attracts.
Far too much speculation!action here..People want to hear facts about Venus, not just massive assumptions and fiction from random anons.
No. 260424
>>260217It's like she's going out of her way to look like a sex trafficking
victim. Christ. I guess the bottom of the barrel moid pervs go for this. She did dress as a sexy baby before. That in itself tells me the kinda freaks that pay for her stuff. Like her "zaddy" (anyone got a better name to call em, cuz its so cringe just typing that) is into some weird ass shit.
No. 260439
>>260185"She fits in there quite well" Did you ever see her with some Japanese friends? If I remember, I've seen her with only ONE girl and the rest were foreigners.
Well, good to be surrounded by Japanese people, but not be able to befriend them by all those years she has been living there.
No. 260468
>>260439Do what
>>260454 said and ignore. It's just a lost retard Peenus sent here to derail the thread. Ppl on this thread have actually lived or currently live in Japan. I do myself. Anyone who actually knows about Japanese culture and not yellow fever Japanophile weeb retardation knows why Venus has no Japanese friends and why no Japanese person would want to be caught dead with Venus the way she is now.
No. 260515
nonnie? This is an imageboard.
No. 260520
File: 1666462404656.jpeg (243.29 KB, 828x1123, 45EB7DCF-8C1D-4076-A85F-2A774D…)

No. 260521
File: 1666462522426.jpeg (106.86 KB, 828x693, 582E3341-E77D-4291-80D2-F30F8A…)

No. 260522
File: 1666462618465.jpeg (49.88 KB, 828x306, 05F73751-92F0-4F9D-B613-7A5CB0…)

No. 260525
>>260522dang. the amount of upvotes is depressing. just like the number likes she gets on twitter.
i never thought this would be her end.
was a big fan as a kid. wtf
No. 260530
File: 1666466805530.png (48.61 KB, 383x458, penus.png)

2 Million on Youtube? Venus, don't lie to yourself, 1,78 is still quite far from 2 mil.
No. 260569
File: 1666481417829.jpeg (772.91 KB, 1170x1147, FF250AE4-4906-4786-84AF-67E6B6…)

She did a peeing video but the people who are into that won’t even like the video because the camera angle and her hair blocks the entire “action”
No. 260576
>>260203“the last video where my bf fucks me is rather expensive video was rather expensive”
Drunk (or drugged) posting. Especially since she didn’t go back and correct it. And the pic of her with the unfocused eyes looking in 2 different directions is obv. drunk and/or drugged.
I don’t even feel bad for her anymore. She’s a self-destructive parasite spreading nothing but misery.
No. 260577
File: 1666484083418.jpeg (336.39 KB, 823x1446, 1D0AC1EE-B8FF-4537-8165-CD25BB…)

Posting this on instagram, trying to lure her (many very young) followers to her porn site, calling it a “fan site” with “spicy and cute cosplay,” is vile.
No. 260580
>>260577What's with all the moral faggotry?
Most of her fans are most likely over 18 anyway and even if not are probably teenagers not little kids, and we all know what teenagers are like. Ffs anyone would think some people have never been randy teens thinking about sex stuff all the time. To see some of the comments it makes me wonder where the prudes come from when Venus has been known for sexy stuff for years now.
No. 260584
>>260580Oh right, only a “prude” would object to instagram followers being directed to a “fan site” with “spicy and cute cosplay” that is really an Onlyfans with videos of their instagram idol sucking dick. And trying to squeeze as much $$ as possible from said dying porn site. Nothing offensive about that!
Fuck off.
No. 260599
>>260584Like dick sucking videos are hard to find or something. Really? Easy to find any of that shit if that's what someone wants to see. I don't but obviously some people do, seeing as porn is the most searched for thing on the internet.
Anyone would think it was something very rare that is out of bounds to nearly everyone except just a select band of people. Its readily available and easily found for anyone at all who chooses to look. Its not like Venus is directing people to outright banned stuff, its all just very tame stuff that she does anyway. Even I can see that, never seen anything thats shocked me in anything I've seen from her on here and I'm someone who doesn't even watch porn.
No. 260612
>>260610It's called common sense,
nonnie. Most of her pushed Youtube content is still her old stuff, stuff that'd attract younger people and given today vs even back when she was relevant, many have IG/Snap etc. The old fanbase is older and moved on (or guys swarming her dogshit porn) but young kids didn't cease to exist just because
you grew up.
No. 260646
Venus's fans are mainly minors because new teenage weebs find her old content. The rest are old fans who forgot she exists so didn't unfollow and a bunch of nasty ass dudes that are into "down bad and desperate for money" porn.
>>260569Allow me to reiterate. Ken is into some weird shit. This dude is nasty af. Fucking Mana could not have been that bad. This guy got her pissing on camera. I hope she doesn't go the scat route…
No. 260649
>>260613Analytics and algorithm literally says otherwise
You do not equate to thousands of others seeing her old stuff.
>>260646She'll go the scat route, just not on OF. It's a very common fetish these days and less taboo with SWers than even 2 years ago. It's unfortunate but it IS an untapped market for "bigger names"..
No. 260651
File: 1666530899496.jpeg (Spoiler Image,467.15 KB, 1635x985, C646798A-AC9B-4601-9C0E-387C3D…)

>>260649Girls got a 5 o’clock shadow going on and poop on her butt, looks like she’s already going down that road but I hope she just didn’t wipe probably or something
No. 260700
File: 1666540637738.jpg (Spoiler Image,250.49 KB, 354x611, Orgasm Death.jpg)

>>260679This is how she looks when she's "orgasming" or "in pleasure"..she literally looks like she's dead.
No. 260841
File: 1666555869336.jpg (1.11 MB, 4096x2299, FfMit-7XEAIh3pL.jpg)

She just posted this on her Twitter page. That look on her face is unfortunate.
Also, showing off her SH scars is soooo sexy.
No. 260854
File: 1666557666768.jpg (627.33 KB, 1043x1233, Screenshot_20221023_134050.jpg)

No. 260914
>>260612I doubt actual children wat
ch her videos, as in really. Young. Kids. Teens are all sex mad and sex obsessed anyway so if they saw her sucking someone off, they'd be lapping it up.
No. 260957
>>260599>> dick sucking videos are easily found for anyone at all who chooses to lookThat’s my whole point- these instagram followers are being directed to what she calls a “fan site” wihere she advertises “cute and spicy cosplay.” That is not what those who fall for her unethical advertising find if they do in fact check out the “fan site” They will be confronted with their youtube idol sucking dick and fucking her “bf.”
That’s a sleazy slimy way to business., but then she’s basically a scuzz anyway so it’s 100% in character.
No. 260964
>>260901At no point did I say Venus was being manipulated or forced. He's not forcing her to do anything. I do however believe he is merely suggesting the acts filmed based on whatever freaky shit satisfied his needs. Venus is so lazy, I find it hard to believe she actually thinks of these (nasty ass) concepts/ideas for the crappy porn. Plus whenever they break up, the uploads come to a grinding hault and resume when they get back together again.
I'm sure Venus doesn't even think twice when he makes the suggestions and is more than willing cuz she thinks this will get her decent money and a new scam marriage visa.
No. 260970
File: 1666610787635.png (Spoiler Image,412.39 KB, 600x487, Haha.png)

>>260569Word on the streets is this was a bait post to get people to unlock her latest video as she sent everyone the succubus vid (without a preview) to unlock, she tried to bait fetishists of all people, that's how low she's sunk. Picrel.
No. 261042
File: 1666643324484.jpeg (Spoiler Image,498.73 KB, 1836x1043, 223ADCF8-50F8-4648-AB5D-451809…)

She looks like she’s in pain
No. 261044
File: 1666643406754.jpeg (Spoiler Image,386.73 KB, 1240x1078, 6FF44239-4633-4411-B0DF-CAD0E1…)

>>261042Maybe back pain with the way she’s posing, gives me grandma vibes
No. 261073
File: 1666649176375.jpg (19.48 KB, 321x75, 34244.JPG)

>>260584She even goes as far as trying to lure random redditors to her porn by claiming it's "cute doll content." She's actually worse than Margo and no you're not a prude. That's just trannychan defending Venus because they think hosts clubs and sex work makes for an interesting/fulfilling life and they're still hoping to see her fuck Asian femboys. Moron has been here for like the last 10 threads and is like a rectal irritation that simply won't go away.
No. 261259
File: 1666719021071.png (Spoiler Image,601.56 KB, 595x793, lol even.png)

>>261256Probably from this shoot, which I assume is from the same time as the pee video she never sent anyone that tipped/subbed.
No. 261276
i find it really strange how she never edits her 'professional' photos properly. you see her insta posts and you can tell she is using filters and all sorts of beauty apps to try to remove anything that's less appealing or to completely re-shape her face and body.
however, when it comes to her photoshoots, the pictures are never edited enough (hairy nipples - legs - ankles, blisters, brown teeth, cold sores, etc.). she could easily remove any of these, but she decides not to?
i have this feeling she has nothing to do with the photos.
i just can't believe she would post some of these pics if it was up to her. especially knowing how insecure she is.
(i know she had the drunk live streams etc. where she looked awful, but that's a different story altogether.)
ken must be a pimp of some sort, who is basically trying to sell her like a product (using shitty marketing techniques) to make money out of her. he is most likely the 'photographer' as well, maybe he comes up with the ideas too. he is basically a replacement of margo (except he fucks her lol). venus can not function without someone telling her what to do.
i don't think venus is forced to do this though. she probably thinks it's her only opportunity left.
but ken is possibly a loser too… i mean who the hell would want to work with venus?(sage your shit)
No. 261295
>>261276She has a degradation fetish
When you see how she went downhill since she is with Ken, you miss Manaki. Bro is a doormat but at least he isn't a deviant. He wasn't even interested in her sexually. She just had to be friendly
No. 261429
>>261398I highly doubt your body is any better. Your personality is obviously just as shitty and your body most likely will always look worse Venus’s.
Tranny. Fucking abhor you transgenders.
>>261295She doesn't have a degradation fetish. That content likely does better than her "normal" content so that's why she does it. Money over morality or dignity for her. She doesn't care if random people online who are nothing more than text on a screen she gross shit she makes, as long as she makes cash. She isn't some
victim who hates herself soooo much, she does this as punishment. Fuck off, white knight. She's a greedy, lazy bitch, it's that simple.
No. 261482
>>261276>ken must be a pimp of some sort, who is basically trying to sell her like a product (using shitty marketing techniques) to make money out of her. he is most likely the 'photographer' as wellKek, what a joke. Venus is ALWAYS some
victim being USED by everyone everywhere. You just can't accept she's lazy and greedy for money, she's a coin gremlin, doesn't want to work a real job and even said she's "too good for that like us normies", but of course you have to make the most ridiculous tin foil that she's essentially being sex trafficked. This is what happens when kiwifags invade the farm. And one of her photographers is actually Kaz Takahashi. He at the very least does her cosplay shoots. He also came on her stream acting very "unprofessional" with her. No doubt she lead him on, as we know Venus isn't professional whatsoever herself and uses people any way she can.
No. 261543
>>261473Never said having a degradation fetish makes her a
victim. She gets off on being humiliated and she forces all her audience to being part of her sex play.
As for ken, I don't think he isn't her pimp, she is doing it willingly but you can easily tell she isn't in her right mind and somehow he takes advantage of it
No. 261562
>>261444>>Kiwifarms will be back up soon, go WK her in their backup.KF is dead, the tranny hit squad killed it for real this time. Those refugees have nowhere else to go to handwring about
Poor Venus so they’re congregating here. Lucky us.
>>261557 is exhibit A with this “Why are you haters SO MEAN to poor Abuse
Victim Venus??? All you ever do is hate!!” crap.
No. 261648
>>261557You can't reason with these people, they can't even comprehend a simple written text.
Anyway, can we get back to Venus? These "tranny, wk, incel" fights are boring.
No. 261669
File: 1666875557405.jpg (Spoiler Image,360.07 KB, 593x400, Beenus.jpg)

>Venus doesn't have a degradation fetish!!
Also Venus:
No. 261674
>>261669She never looks like she enjoys it. Like many people here have said, she looks like a trafficking
It was probably the scrote's idea and she thinks fetish content will sell better than her usual boring unsexy shit
No. 261955
>>261543She doesn't "get off to it". It's just easy money to her. And again, saying she isn't in her right mind and is being taken advantage of, IS you saying she's a
victim, which she isn't. OF was more than likely not even his idea. She DOES NOT want to work, and wants to be as wealthy as possible. No surprise she did OF. It's not some coping method, some degradation fetish cause she hates herself sooo much, she's not manipulated into it. She saw an opportunity for easy money, money even easier than YT and took it. She's like HIMR Daniel. Kind of sociopathic rather than emotive and this is just money for her at the end of the day. Concepts like morals/dignity mean nothing to her.
No. 262032
File: 1666927188783.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.44 MB, 2722x3629, 20221025_060220.jpg)

>>261691Its daft because shes not fat, but her body looks soft and flabby.
I'm not saying she should be religiously doing workouts in a gym but if she at least did the right kind of exercises for specific muscle groups, she could tone herself up.
Idont know who this girl is, just some random post I saw on Twitter but this girl is a good example ohow its possible to look, obviously she must be doing exercise or she wouldnt just be blessed with such a perfect body naturally without doing anything but theres no flab on her.
I know Venus wouldnt be able to look as good as this, but with the right exercise she could certainly improve herself, even with the alcohol, she could still offset some of the effects with weight bearing exercise and look less flabby.
You can put a spoiler if you like, I didnt as its only a girl in a bikini, not porn or anything.
No. 262096
>>262032Looks like a prepubescent boy body.
Another pedo.
No. 262112
>>262032what's your obession with flabbiness? that picture you posted looks like a prepubescent little boy, I can't believe you're calling this a perfect example on how a woman should look lmao. downright creepy.
also: of course venus' body is flabby, she has an eating disorder after all. eating disorder = heavily fluctuating weight = flabbiness of skin. not that hard to understand.
No. 262174
>>262032You just exposed yourself as a scrote.
That girl resembles a child, and that’s what you consider a perfect body? fuck off
No. 262198
File: 1666978525351.jpeg (Spoiler Image,241.59 KB, 828x1413, 930FC641-25FF-4D1D-A95A-68CF9A…)

No. 262221
>>262176before clicking on the pic I seriously thought it was an 11 year old or something. She has a baby face, very slim body and a flat chest. Only an scrote would say that’s a perfect body for a woman.
>You know how many fucking asian women have that body typeyeah and that’s why creepy scrotes and all pedos are obsessed with SEA.
No. 262284
File: 1666995694812.jpeg (140.28 KB, 797x1411, 984092D5-004E-434A-A4CA-71D52E…)

She’s basically just using her instagram to advertise her “fansite” (crappy disgusting porn.)
She’s such a scuzz.
No. 262296
File: 1666998409505.jpg (Spoiler Image,465.43 KB, 409x884, Dumb Beenus.jpg)

>>262288Lol, she doesn't deliver on "tip to get" posts, she's thinking she's big enough to scam people.
On a diff forum people have been stating her "tip whatever" post (picrel) no one has received anything.
No. 262319
>>262196I really don't get where they're coming from. The girl just !books well toned and with the physique of a fashion model, even healthier than some of those as just well toned rather than bony and i.ll looking.
Anons seem to be declaring that any adult woman with a body type like this should go without any thought of a loving relationship as only pedos would be interested, which is ridiculous. She looks Latino of some description maybe mixed with Asian. I think she has a lovely figure, but then I'm a woman and straight and don't feel any attraction to womanly shape bodies.
Venus could never achieve this body as she has a more flabby body but she would
look better if she put some effort in.
>>262296This does indeed look better, but mainly because she is using the well-known trick of holding her arm down against her side to hide the widest part of her, so giving the illusion of having narrower hips than she actually has.
No. 262325
>>262319We would recognize your weird, creepy long-ass talk miles away.
Samefagging to give you more credit won't help you you know?
And MEGAKEK @'I'm a woman and straight and don't feel any attraction to womanly shape bodies' you are NOT a woman and we can easily tell it. The way you insist and take us for fools is laughtable. You're just another disgusting PEDO guy lurking on the internet, end of story.
And that girl with the teenage boy body actually made me threw up in my mouth a little bit.
No. 262329
>>262325Sorry but no. The strangest thing is how you assume anyone who doesn't think the exact same way as you, whatever that is, must be a scrote.
>>262328And talking of scrotes, here's one right here! - Either that or a disgusting lezzo.
No. 262333
>>262329You clearly haven't noticed that you are the only one thinking the way you do here -minus all your samefagging which you'll deny ofc.
No man with a normal brain will fap to prepubescent male bodies
No. 262357
>>262333Have no clue what you're on about re samefagging.
What would you know about men with normal brains? Or even men's brains anyway seeing as this site is meant to be all women?
So either you're a scrote, and couldn't possibly know what's in all other men's brains anyway,or you're a woman who's a lez and definitely wouldn't know about men's brains or even other women's brains and making those kind of sweeping statements makes you look retarded. The point is Venus would improve her prospects if she had a fit athletic body instead of letting herself get flabby and so unfit looking.
No. 262362
>>262296I can't wait for the day when enough people report her for scamming, so her acc gets closed and she will be forced to find a normal job that she oh, wouldn't do, because she's better than us normies.
Or they could at least stop giving her money for free when they realize she doesn't deserve them.
No. 262385
File: 1667045158686.png (404.99 KB, 603x574, Venus Deleted.png)

>>262362She's starting to delete posts people tipped on now lol, noticably, the ones with less than 100+ in tips.
No. 262611
File: 1667126677840.jpg (22.05 KB, 593x220, Spooked.jpg)

>>262496>>262508I mean, she clearly got spooked after probably lurking around and seen people are beginning to report and show they're being scammed, lmao
No. 262653
>>262649No it doesn't. I'm asking for if anyone has screenshots of scrotes complaining and using the site messages as proof as most legit people who complain that I've seen on OF do. They usually show they didn't get a message through caps, not random on Reddit and porn sites just complaining. None of that is verifiable. I hope anons aren't taking obvious scrotes and larping farmers on those sites as real proof. That would be embarrassing. Also, for all we know one person tipped $200 and the other $16 is from someone else, so technically only 2 people would've gotten it
>>262296 . Same thing here
>>262385 How do anons know someone didn't just tip $30, but somehow there's 70 complaints on Reddit? Math isn't mathing and without some sort of real proof they didn't get anything in messages, I'm not believe what anons say. It completely kills milk legitimacy.
No. 262773
File: 1667171378159.jpeg (Spoiler Image,513.84 KB, 1179x1276, A42EB572-64A0-46B5-A04D-C051E8…)

>>262649Here is the video in my message box, you can see that I have access to the whole video. Idk why she would selectively send it to some people but not others, so if someone is missing content it was probably an accident or she was just slow. Nobody has complained in the comments on OF
No. 262846
>>262829This is what I'm thinking, especially based on posts like this:
>>262653 and her sudden wonder if people didn't actually get anything like so:
>>262611 it just all kinda makes sense lol.
No. 262864
File: 1667203028536.png (941.37 KB, 1231x826, ig.png)

She keeps promoting her "fansite" on her Instagram more and more often.
No. 262881
She seems to be so desperate with the promotion lately, as if OF isn't paying her as well as she thought it will. At this point she's just embarrassing herself for few sad likes and bucks.
>>262864She looks like she's starting to have a double chin here.
No. 262963
File: 1667237605078.jpg (232.81 KB, 1079x585, Screenshot_20221031_133217.jpg)

Her eyes are either super shopped under her glasses, or she did one of the worst makeup jobs ever.
No. 262978
>>262864Ah yes, back to that crusty mattress on the floor in that poor wretch manaki’s apartment. Where she will remain planted like a human barnacle as long as he allows it (i.e. forever.)
So inspiring.
No. 263285
File: 1667349301837.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x2188, EDB01E1D-157D-47D6-8BE2-18CF0F…)

No. 263298
>>263285"All by myself"
Uh huh, sure
No. 263351
File: 1667389293982.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1804, 271C777F-A1F8-4E2D-ACA5-0FD2F5…)

Venus u ok?
No. 263352
>>263344Pimp Ken san is a certified splenda daddy and is most likely still living in the family home. The fact that he's pulling bitches like Venus, who think he's a "sugar daddy" or "zaddy" tells me all I need to know about his income.
There's a chance that kid she shared a pic of is his, so maybe he's divorced. Who know.
No. 263377
File: 1667399020454.jpeg (754.36 KB, 1242x1404, E25DDDC4-8BD7-4140-90B8-CCCF76…)

No. 263422
>>263416As always they miss all the tea
It is a smart move from Venus making him a public figure. Now if he does something she doesn't like, she can't send her army to attack him
No. 263428
>>263422you see it in her video how she's scrolling the threads here that ACTUALLY expose her tea since she covers her OF saga.
so it means aline actually chose not to mention this tea and i think it's quite misleading.
she says at some point
>"she's been through bullying even when she was just doing cute and kawaii fashion">"she's now claiming to be happy being an actual biatch that will make plenty of money now!">"good for her!"she's missed the point but hasn't missed the tea. it's maybe because she's a libfem though.
No. 263483
>>263416Though it's not something I'd want to do myself, I think it's wrong to assume sex work
always harms everybody involved in it, from people doing it to people watching it, no exceptions. This isn't true, but some people insist on putting that out as though fact.
Meshida did a video on this sort of thing, comedic but made good points, namely certain influential women who are feminists get laws changed to make it harder for AV companies to operate because they think clamping down will help women but it ends up harming the people they are trying to help. Road to hell paved with good intentions is often true.
Also, as Meshida pointed out, these feminists have a very rigid viewpoint that any woman involved in AV work has to be mentally ill or a
victim, usually both. They cannot conceive, and refuse to believe that any woman would be involved in it unless one or both of those two things. And yet that isn't true, as we've seen with June Lovejoy for one.
No. 263553
>>263285If this is true, obviously paid for and arranged by Ken. Why does she insist it's "alone" as it it was all by her work and she's soooo independent, when she literally let the public know about Ken? And if he's not living with her then he def must have a wife/kids and/or other girls on the side. No way she got a 2 storey home, all on her own when she doesn't even have a legitimate job. And even if Ken faked something, like letting her "work" for his company, she still did not do this on her own. This is like the "real" business she had aka Kitano's business and all the "investors" she secured, aka Kitano's investors or gross scrotes on pater.
Also, did she just admit Manaki was taking care of her? She "couldn't do this" due to mental health and was cooped up at Mana's while whining and complaining she does everything and takes care of him. She just stupidly exposed her leech nature.
No. 263557
>>263416She better not be saying venus is also a
victim of ken, manaki, kitano (probably doesnt even know about him), the vtuber manager or claiming she was forced to be a doll and hates the public spotlight like other videos claim. Just another useless biased primink-like video
No. 263563
>>263526You forgot stealing another person's business and claiming all her managers and everyone in her life (mom, mana, boyfriends) are
abusive and changing her narrative with her mom (ie: forced to be sexy then slut shamed then wanting to be sexy and also claiming her mom worked hard and 12 hour shifts when before it was leeching off her) and her mom trying to stop her marriage with mana and being mean to him, became her mom forced her to marry an abuser. Holy fuck the makers of these videos are always so
willfully ignorant just to perpetuate the
victim narrative and excuse Venus' selfish, trash personality.
No. 263566
>>263557she claimed she was forced into this doll play and never wanted this attention
however she said
>"kids from abused homes tend to seek people romantically who'll abuse them in a same fashion, i don't know Manaki so i'll never be able to say it" No. 263573
File: 1667420650434.jpg (1.08 MB, 1046x2220, 1580590375088.jpg)

So, he finally has IG. I wonder what his reaction would be if somebody sent this screenshot into his DMs.
No. 263583
File: 1667425681588.jpeg (110.03 KB, 715x462, 70B1B154-FED6-4049-BBD8-FD2996…)

>>263377Her face looks weirdly swollen and bloated here. Same greasy bangs and brown teeth though.
Regarding the “two story house,” she’s probably renting a room in someone’s house, like in 2019.
No. 263585
>>263583Greasy bangs, brown teeth AND ratty unblended hair extensions. What a prize!
I’m happy for Manaki though, FINALLY getting this greasy gremlin out of his apartment. He’ll have to have that room deep-cleaned and fumigated though.
No. 263587
>>263285>>haven’t had a mental breakdown in 5 weeks!“mental breakdown”= drinking binge (“mental breakdown” sounds so much cooler though)
>>packing is SO exhausting!What tf does she even have to pack though? Her clothes, desktop computer and hoarded trinkets and crap, that’s it.
No. 263607
File: 1667442755099.jpeg (1.72 MB, 4096x3072, EDC3F71B-811F-4BA3-A043-8C72AA…)

off topic but I’ve been trying to figure out what venus reminded me of lately.
No. 263628
>>263416If you look at her video on Eugenia Cooney and you know Aline's drama, you'll quickly understand how portraying people being talked about on the internet being
victims is a way to portray herself as a
victim (she literally cries about being harassed when she faked a dick pic being sent to her by an another YouTuber that made a video about her, she even got him locked up for a year)
Gotta love the whole YouTubers acting scared about gossip threads on the internet but using them as material to make videos about lmao
No. 263640
>>263639This like those videos about her. Nobody dares to say a thing because she's a poor
victim and that would be mean
No. 263646
File: 1667478468422.jpeg (109.67 KB, 828x420, 1150B493-8FDB-4377-95DD-336ADA…)

>>263645She shouldn’t even be living in Japan at all right now with a marriage visa, manaki and Venus do not live together and haven’t done for a very long time, this is visa fraud if I’ve ever seen it
No. 263744
File: 1667495952184.jpg (317.56 KB, 1076x1940, Screenshot_20221103-181532_Ins…)

>>263725Sry, was my first post and had to read up in the instruction manuals first. Here goes.
No. 263780
>>263723>>263744Marge’s outburst was in response to the latest clickbait ‘Poor Abused Venus’ video on Youtube (see
People are spamming her instagram posts with “You’re a monster!” etc. comments. So marge is freaking out because BULLIES! Venoos wants me DEAD!!
Oh and Venus has gained 2K more instagram followers from this, a fresh batch of clueless sheep to stroke her ego and who know nothing about what she really is.
No. 263829
>>263825I know we've all been saying/thinking ken is married. But my question is, how does his wife not know about venus or what's going on? Venus is literally too mentally unstable to NOT harass his wife or do something to mess with their marriage. Also when she's drunk and having a rant about ken, she's never mentioned him being married (I think?), which is weird because she's willing to say shit like 'ken manipulated his assistant to suck her sons dick!' but won't say 'he's also cheating on his wife with me! teehee uwu' when she's in her revenge mode?
Like does his wife know that he's cheating and doesn't care? Does she not really know? Does she know but is using him for other stuff (money)?
No. 263854
File: 1667506961524.png (332.87 KB, 753x512, 1.png)

new vid on her manyvids
No. 263887
File: 1667512291659.png (249.38 KB, 500x501, every-day-we-stray-further-fro…)

>>263854From the aliexpress quality polyester "lingerie" to "uwu am a succubus" setting to her unfortunate looking body to her riding her ol' perverted "zaddy"… I have no words. This is like watching a train wreck after another
No. 263989
>>263959The size is quite normal for an Asian guy, your expectations on dick are just too high.
>>263960You sound like you're too young to be here.
No. 264006
>>264001she had but even then she's made eugenia cooney look like a poor
victim who was too busy to sort out her own life and AFTER ALL she's made an apology so we can "forgive" her.
with Venus she's done the same sort of tactic to fit in her "poor
victim" narrative while claiming to be neutral.
just like
>>264005 said, it's not just her it's every sort of "drama covering" chanel love to give a black and white narrative and don't actually say the facts.
i wish we could have more Geno Samuels who just treat lolcows as a research subject without making things spectacular or dramatic like Aline or TRO would do. (putting audio effects of her reading buwwying messages to make the viewer feel overwhelmed especially, i find it vile)
I'm very tempted to go on /m/ and ask to make a french lolcow thread because at this point we'll derail too much
No. 264130
>>264063>>264111this weekend I'll prepare a profile op green text for a few vaches à lol and I'll ask on /meta/ where to create it (i misstyped for m lol)
/end of french off topic-ism
No. 264142
>>263989Too high? Lmao. Just have preference for something more repulsive more like.
Thank goodness Venus is not with someone with the usual sort of vile massive genitalia that whores male & female seem to like sucking in gross out porn.
No. 264176
>>264142Doesn't matter if it's small or big, her videos would be sad and pathetic either way. Also it's funny how some of you are so
triggered by dicks.
No. 264202
File: 1667597124685.jpeg (785.63 KB, 1440x2560, 4EC02CCB-012E-45FC-AFFF-DE2AC3…)

What is going on with her body? It’s like a man’s body that has a girls face photoshopped on it
No. 264206
>>264138found the asexual.
Also, no one cares. This isn't your personal blog.
No. 264226
File: 1667603061808.png (Spoiler Image,818.94 KB, 532x395, Screenshot at Nov 04 23-58-50.…)

zaddy should really clip them toenails
No. 264230
File: 1667603766183.png (Spoiler Image,3.91 MB, 2244x1184, Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 0.14.…)

i know this is old, but i'd like to share what venus is saying in the gawr gura blowjob video:
sniffs cock
"smells salty and sweaty… you know you should take more showers… i can help you with that too… you have to be nice to me… i guess i can help you, clean up your… little… dick first…"
starts sucking
No. 264232
File: 1667604196973.png (Spoiler Image,3.7 MB, 2276x1176, Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 0.17.…)

also there was an other video where she smeared chocolate on her body and it looks like shit
No. 264234
File: 1667604235248.png (Spoiler Image,3.59 MB, 2270x1178, Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 0.19.…)

No. 264235
>>264228he is sooo filthy, his dick looks brutal too, with skin tags and weird growths.. not to mention that huge bush with the white hairs in it lol.
so so bad, i would be on valium too if i had to suck that cock lol
No. 264269
>>264252She never did any of the stuff she talked about as only Satan would fap to. Seeing as how there's a limit to what realistically
could be done, I can't think what she might of been thinking of. I think bestiality and necro stuff is illegal,and so is cp obviously, unless she was thinking of doing something involving that kid, but surely even Venus would know that would be against the law, that is I presume it's against the law in Japan too?
The only thing she hasn't done is being a dominatrix but that would probably be half hearted and wouldn't come off right if she tried. But then she'd need a better looking partner than zaddy, and considerably younger, so unless she got one of her host boyfriends I can't see that happening, and even if it did she'd be all limp wristed about it.
She could maybe do some gore porn, I don't know if that's illegal or not, but it should be, because horrible, but idk, still curious what she might of had in mind when she talked about the Satan stuff.
No. 264275
>>264230Her teeth are fucking BLACK.
Hiw absolutely disgusting.
No. 264276
File: 1667616583721.jpeg (Spoiler Image,270.47 KB, 1700x972, 21DCD3C1-ACD4-4BD4-9C09-542946…)

THIS is who Aline and her little friends are idolizing and lovebombing, lol. If only they knew..
No. 264303
File: 1667624541713.jpeg (Spoiler Image,441.77 KB, 1179x719, D143C962-20CD-4BF5-9B47-46EF5B…)

No. 264304
File: 1667624566400.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1179x1243, 62DC580C-62B4-4DC6-A048-37B9BB…)

No. 264314
>>264303>>264304Imagine finally escaping your narcissistic mother to live in Japan, moving in with Manaki and being able to make a living from ugu kawaii youtube videos. But you end up like this.
Honestly scary and sad, don't drink alcohol and take care of your mental health nonnas
No. 264320
>>264303What the actual fuck roflmao
I'm dead, how doesn't he realize how ridiculous he looks ? The pose, the sad belly, everything.
I didn't know you could laugh that much in an adult movie
No. 264333
File: 1667646432139.png (1.13 MB, 1604x648, Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 12.02…)

in some of her videos you can see the cut on her face and the bandage on her arm. zaddy must be a very caring man if he was ok filming her like that.
this pic is from the 'chubby bunny' video
No. 264336
File: 1667646781411.webm (3.26 MB, 301x494, Video 05-11-2022, 11 03 38.web…)
I am convinced she's high on meth when she records her porn videos, she titled this vid (Making out with myself)
No. 264423
>>264413Power couple… ok
Yet some things are correct. Her content could have stayed “cute” and she would done better. This whole porn shit ruined not only her career but herself too. Day by day it gets worse. She doesn’t realise it’s not only alcohol that messed with her but her porn job too.
No. 264456
File: 1667698808108.jpeg (331.59 KB, 1443x1366, 3AE5F1FE-09A2-4A14-A11C-882C99…)

>>264226Speaking of nasty nails
>>264304How about these grimy dirty fingernails. Why is she ALWAYS so dirty and greasy? I swear these two are a perfect couple, both physically repellent and lack even the most basic hygiene.
No. 264459
File: 1667699278961.jpeg (205.81 KB, 547x665, CCA9961E-A405-41BD-8B72-DA0091…)

>>264303This doesn’t need to be spoilered. Show “Zaddy” in all his glory.
I can smell him through the screen.
No. 264462
>>264460True, he is disgusting. That hanging belly is especially killing me. And he looks like he stinks.
What a catch.
No. 264486
>>264404I'll never believe she really fell asleep with the burger. To me she faked it on purpose to look like a poor abused sex traffic
victim. She loves to lie and manipulate people but too bad for her, not all of her public lost their brain.
>>264459The pose and the feet, too. Plain grotesque and ridiculous. He looks retarded and cringy.
No. 264494
>>264476It is comical how ugly this dude is. There is nothing "zaddy" about a greasy, small dick, hairy, fat old dude. She's so dumb to trying to flex like this dude like he's a baller and got serious bread just because he treats her to a basic cafe meal and love hotels. How much you wanna bet those gucci scarfs came from a 2nd hand/reuse shop like 2nd Street?
Huge down grade from Mana. If I were him, I'd be lmaoing at how bad karma is fucking Venus. Getting her deported would be petty revenge given where she's at now.
No. 264503
File: 1667746604772.gif (496.2 KB, 500x341, tumblr_madghtZUsa1rx8lgjo1_500…)

>>263854>>264336>>264459Imagine the rancid smell when they are fucking. Absolutely revolting.
No. 264517
File: 1667751499452.jpeg (458.21 KB, 1905x1569, F94D1348-9755-422F-97A6-CDDC1C…)

Zaddy and Venus have matching body’s
No. 264524
>>264459Definition of ‘Zaddy’: an older man "with swag" (charisma) who is attractive and also fashionable.
This>>264459 is not any of those things. In fact he looks like an unwashed alcoholic NEET, iow a male version of Venus. A match made in heaven. Two kindred spirits.
Wonder if the reason he won’t marry or even cohabit with her is that he lives in his parents’ basement?
No. 264602
>>264554 Yes because heaven forbid any woman should be (gasp) taller than a man!
>>264599Says who? Who says men have to be fucking giants? Her bf looks unappetizing but there's nothing wrong with his height from what I can see, or his dick. Honestly sometimes think we're back in the 1950s to see some peoples opinions, where all men must by over 6ft, have dicks down to their knees (like fucking yuck!) and be older than any woman he gets involved with, well can't fault him for that! and must also earn considerably more to keep little wifey at home in the kitchen.
God, haven't we moved on from those archaic stereotypes? What the hell was feminism even for?
No. 264609
File: 1667787575359.jpeg (960.96 KB, 1242x1498, A843A8C2-00E2-4D98-8E68-533CBB…)

No. 264657
>>264602Knee-length giant cock yummmm.
Of course, feminism has to change some women (wait, a LOT of women as we all love a big cock) sexual preferences.
You're completely retard. As much as tranny-chan.
No. 264680
>>264674Apparently a former mod on her discord posted her videos from outside of Japan or something, so she doesn't get into trouble.
The thing I'm wondering about is.. does she even (properly) pay her taxes? Probably not kek
No. 264683
File: 1667825852134.png (50.59 KB, 736x443, image_2022-11-07_135750865.png)

>>264609we can thank Aline and her french wk for these comments on veenos's unpacking game stream, ultrakek
No. 264689
>>2646025'8, not quite up to fashion model standards but considered quite tall for a female. Let's just say the type of men that anons here appear to find desirable are a complete and total turn off for me, and have got pretty fed up with that sort hitting on me, thinking I'll be into them and then they get pissed off because not understanding why I'm not.
I'm heterosexual but I just don't like the type of men that other women are traditionally assumed to like. I like guys the same height or even a little shorter than me. I'm not prepared to be the 'little woman' to some stupid macho type just to assuage his pathetic fragile ego and because it just isn't my type. Venus is in Japan and I think she said once she's 5'6 which is not that tall for European white women but taller than a lot of Japanese women or midget Mikan, but she's not going to be that tall compared to most Japanese men who to me would be an ideal height.
(derailing) No. 264697
File: 1667841198756.jpg (9.98 KB, 270x275, 1665200504391.jpg)

Don't take the troon bait, sweet nonnas.
He's at it for months with his ~muh superior femboi tastes, porn is great and liberating, you uptight terf~ and was banned many times. Report him and move on.
No. 264700
>>264683Wait for me while I go vomit.
Fuufuu~~ suicide bait is kawaii and you fell for it uw<~~☆
Yeah right. Absolutely the nicest person on earth.
No. 264891
File: 1668042846093.jpeg (298.01 KB, 1242x2516, 5895AD74-4C3B-4FBE-B99F-C2A10C…)

No. 264902
>>264711So just an echo chamber then.
Not really a forum at all.
No. 264958
>>264952There's a difference between discussion and replying to a ban evader deliberate troll just taking up posts in a thread.
Shut the fuck up with replying to the troll!
No. 264969
File: 1668080660661.jpeg (631.86 KB, 1434x1241, 063DC242-7A89-4FEF-8B1E-47C266…)

She looks like someones grandma trying to be sexy
No. 264978
>>264952But no ones playing contrarian for the fun of it.
Its just the fact theres some anons here (or the same one pretending to be more) who all seem to have exact same opinions who can't bear to see any opinion not in exact alignment with theirs and try to shut up people who think different by calling them a troll and wanting them banned.
Imagine if real life was like that. It would be an insane dictatorship. So why does anyone want it to be like that here? That's all.
No. 265034
File: 1668107937923.jpeg (172.39 KB, 773x1317, 7A0381D9-E8F9-4F0E-872B-6A6915…)

At least she isn’t stick thin anymore but I’m concerned about her bloated appearance, is this due to her binge drinking alcohol again after rehab?
No. 265079
>>265034Her head looks tiny compared to the rest of her body. Peenus Wreckgelic, Queen of angles…
Also I don't think she's back to booze (yet!). Might be the snacks she's having instead plus meds.
No. 265117
File: 1668125399456.jpg (530.09 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20221109-075004_Ins…)

Yeah, her entire Instagram feed has been a treasure trove lately. I've been meaning to screenshot more of them because they're so good, but picrel is personal fav from the other day of her ramblings
No. 265354
File: 1668201469161.jpeg (772.29 KB, 2311x3327, 312DE4E0-7E31-43E5-93BB-9FA32F…)

I am truly speechless, she posted the top screenshots to her insta story then 10 minutes later she posted her drinking alcohol on her fb page
No. 265636
File: 1668361608019.jpg (372.16 KB, 971x1397, Screenshot_20221113_184538.jpg)

>>264969Those legs are shopped or is her leg just that bumpy?
No. 265789
File: 1668427031200.jpg (941.7 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-11-14-12-50-47…)

No. 265820
>>265789How much you wanna bet those 4 boxes is the sum total of ALL her belongings? About to turn 26 years old and she has
Oh well, at least her ass is finally out of Manaki’s apartment. Now he needs to have that bedroom deep-cleaned and fumigated, move to a new one-bedroom place, get an unlisted phone # and cut off all contact with her. Let “zaddy” deal with her dtinking binges and ‘breakdowns,’ see how long that lasts.
Do it, Mana. DO IT.
No. 265835
File: 1668455055766.jpeg (396.75 KB, 1536x2048, 9DA769D6-036D-4E34-A22C-A33145…)

Venus editing herself to look like an aborted foetus, also is she pregnant? Why is her stomach so big in the past dozen photos she posted(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 265838
File: 1668456552264.jpeg (473.98 KB, 1721x1449, 5C09FA3F-A44F-4943-A8CD-55F7D4…)

>>265835This is SCARY. Not just the alien fetus face but look what she did to her arm. Lol
File: 1668497683848.gif (2.91 MB, 1536x2048, Belle fag editing like a retar…)

>>265838>>265835Belle-Fag, fuck off. Stop editing cows and trying to pass it off as them editing more than they already are. You are so unhinged.
No. 265943
File: 1668505568017.jpg (1.38 MB, 1983x2644, Photo 15-11-2022, 09 39 43.jpg)

Venus needs to calm down on the editing this is terrifying
>>265894 I hope to god she isn't pregnant and that is just a bear belly, pregnant sex worker edition next
No. 265975
File: 1668522800538.webm (15.62 MB, 1080x1920, 10000000_174471751924677_22083…)
No. 265977
File: 1668523177217.jpg (1.11 MB, 4096x2299, Photo 15-11-2022, 14 28 28.jpg)

She's reposting all her older pics but none of them look like the same person because her editing style has changed a lot from edited to oblivion to what her real face looks like
No. 266044
File: 1668539897909.jpg (45.75 KB, 735x412, oh-no-cringe-weird-cat-reactio…)

>>265975> JPop aidoru uwu'Member when Peenus announced she planned to take singing lessons and record a single ?
I'm glad she dropped that like everything else…even Magro's shitty music is better.
No. 266057
>>265975Voice of an angle. Absolutely no notes missed. Perfection.
>>266044Oh, I wish that single could happen.
No. 266065
File: 1668544920752.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2022-11-14-17-15-27…)

Looks like crusty mattress is gone… At least for now.
No. 266097
>>266082I am assuming "zaddy" set this up. It makes no sense for a girl who has a fiance to finally leave the apartment of her visa husband only to move into a two storey house "on her own". Not sure if on her own means she did it all by herself (kek) or she literally lives alone. Neither make sense. And if true, that definitely means "zaddy" has a wife or something keeping him from moving in together with her.
However, most likely what happened is Venus is lying, just like she lied about having a business. First off, if she's renting the place, how can she rent, given she doesn't have a real job? The only way I can see that happening is if zaddy gave her some fake position in his "recruitment company." If so, Venus is not independent and did NOT do this on her own, and is lying because being dependent is one of her
triggers, as is being seen as dumb, poor or fat. There is NO WAY Venus got a real job as Venus Palermo, made a resume, sent it in on her ow, attended an interview, landed a job and now works regularly so she can now rent a property. If she's not renting, then she purchased it. Again, how? All on her own? Did she manage to scam a shit ton of scrotes with offers of 5k to come meet her in person like she was once advertising? She was literally begging for
donations for rehab earlier. Was that a scam and she had money all along (would not surprise me tbh)? But again, if it's purchased, her fiance did it. She might actually live alone, though that makes no sense if you have a fiance, but clearly this is the finaces doing in terms of he's renting or he purchased it and helped her move. She just wants to be seen as a girlboss sooo bad and not the lazy leech she actually is. No one believes she lived with Manaki because she's so kind she wants to help him pay rent. And no one with even one braincell should believe she did this all on her own. Though I do assume she saved a ton of money leeching off Mana, but not enough to buy a house.
No. 266178
File: 1668614532763.jpg (939.32 KB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2022-11-15-17-05-51…)

Looks like she has access to more than one room. This one has different floor. Also… guitar? Doesn't look like it belong to her.
No. 266207
File: 1668619178190.jpeg (302.31 KB, 735x1334, 2BD97B97-0BDD-4EEE-9123-8F38DF…)

>>266178Housemates have access to the entire house.
She’s trying to flex as a
homeowner in addition to successful
business owner/#girlboss and
high-end sugarbaby with a rich #Zaddy.
This thing is not a Zaddy, for starters
(stop reposting pics) No. 266236
>>266178What even is this picture? If she wanted to stick it to the haters, she'd at least post a picture of a table and chairs or a wall, or…something that looks like part of an actual room that adult human beings live in. Not what looks like a gross old blanket and an air bed with no context.
(And yeah, I also wonder whose guitar that is…)
No. 266335
>>266115You're right. I hadn't considered that. But it still makes no sense to co-habit with some random and pretend she is on her own/did it on her own when she has the fiance.
>>266178Looks like she just outed herself as living with somebody because Venus definitely does not play guitar.
No. 266399
File: 1668700663454.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2022-11-15-17-05-20…)

Born makeup guru.
No. 266407
>>266406>So you’re saying nobody in Japan ever rents out a spare room in their house for a little extra $$, ever?In a lot of areas in Japan, no. These are places tourists rarely go.
>And anyone who rents anything, in any type of shared housing must go through an extensive vetting process first? If by "extensive vetting process" you mean they look into who you are and your legal status, yes. Japan is literally known citizenship and moving/renting being a huge deal. This is why it's hard to believe venus just shacked up with some rando somewhere, it's far easier to believe she moved in with 'zaddy'
No. 266480
>>266414Thank you. That’s what I thought.
>>266473We don’t ‘know’ anything about who Ken is or who her current fat greasy ‘boyfriend’ is either. It has been awhile since she’s referred to him as her
fiance though so that fantasy might have evaporated. Now he’s just the ugly 40-something guy she does her sex videos with.
No. 266711
File: 1668852473593.jpeg (260.71 KB, 1176x1651, 14289D39-8610-4188-8C9B-DF23F0…)

>>266178Okay I thought those were neck pillows but they are for this video of her humping the
No. 266712
File: 1668852578957.jpeg (193.39 KB, 1179x1690, 977BF9A0-1B8A-49F3-8462-FEB664…)

>>266711In the video Zaddy (I hate saying it) is there and he moves the camera and you can see some of the unit. Lots of open doors so it looks like they have privacy and the place to herself (or themselves)
No. 266801
File: 1668889275256.jpg (619.62 KB, 600x832, Not Edited.jpg)

>>266711NTA but here's another cap from the video.
No. 266909
>>266879Obviously there are babies with exposure but the people who birth kids with positive exposure are different people from the people who stopped ?? But good for you.
There are center specifically for pregnant women and many offer same-day starts. I doubt it’s the case for Venus (but I guess we will see).
No. 266914
File: 1668938969985.jpg (613.52 KB, 1078x1580, Screenshot_20221120-210854_Ins…)

From … "Zaddy"'s instagram account
No. 266918
>>266914Couldn't she even glue on the missing nails??
She looks horrible
No. 266945
>>266801>>266711I don't think these are pregnancy pillows.
>>265894 This is edited firstly. Secondly, she isn't even using it in the right direction and these aren't even pregnancy pillows. That's like calling a neck rest a small pregnancy pillow because of the shape. Body pillows like this anyway exist for non pregnancy. I'm going to assume none of you have laid on these either and actually realized it does fix your sleeping positions, it seems like such a bad tin foil to say she's pregnant and anons are falling for it.
No. 266965
>>266914What is that eyeliner…
And why do they only take photos in that one room? Kek at her “new home” that is one unfurnished room filled with body pillows.
No. 267001
>>266995It is not “all she knows,” you fucking moron. She has a functioning brain and the power to make choices. She “knows” perfectly well there are many other choices and ways to live. She is not some programmed robot doing X because it had Y input.
You are an idiot.
No. 267009
File: 1668978361092.jpeg (226 KB, 802x1173, 4B0D84A9-B6A5-4E7E-9097-31A119…)

>>266914Intriguing that all this is happening at the exact same time that Margaret is claiming to be married to some guy in Florida.
No. 267010
File: 1668978430219.jpeg (262.08 KB, 813x1206, 1274492D-72D4-4E71-8238-6DB40F…)

Who drives a Harley and a big-ass pickup truck(Margo has her own thread)
No. 267011
File: 1668978624395.jpeg (249.33 KB, 807x1195, E105A62C-4E88-464E-806E-5D3F3B…)

And is a real “Indian” (Cherokee) with an Italian last name.
(Posting here because her thread maxed out months ago and up to now she hasn’t done anything to warrant starting a new one.)
No. 267015
File: 1668979707529.jpeg (103.44 KB, 927x927, 78ABB2C5-DD61-4F10-8BF9-E0FAAE…)

>>267008It sure does look like the same cat from back in 2019-20, when she left Manaki (or he kicked her out) the first time.
So NotAZaddy is the same scummy guy as back then.
No. 267057
>>267009Margo's gotta flaunt her "zaddy" too lmao. Although to be fair, I do remember her vaguely claiming she had a boyfriend waaaay before Venus came out with her fiance but she didn't flaunt it until Venus did. I wonder if he's a visa husband/fiance or they both live in Switzerland and are just vacationing in America. Margo should also keep that hair/makeup style and lay off the filters. She looks ridiculous in some of her other edits.
>>267015So Venus doesn't care to marry a "pedo who SA'd his son" because "lOvEeEeE". I guess it doesn't even keep her up "some nights" anymore, or she just made it up because she's a scummy bitch.
No. 267060
File: 1668992009243.jpeg (59.19 KB, 652x512, 70BC816F-AD44-4290-8267-80F2E2…)

>>267057Well he’s won the prize. Now they can be scummy and greasy and drunk together 24/7. What a pair.
No. 267174
File: 1669053417520.jpg (323.69 KB, 1080x1870, IMG_20221121_185553.jpg)

No. 267230
>actually she’s the most beautiful girl in the world to meI thought that was a really sweet thing to say, and for a second I was even happy for her…
…then I remembered that he’s 20 years older than her, his dick looks like a dirty toe, and they make internet porn for a living.
Oh well.
No. 267250
>>267230You don't really believe that's what "Zaddy" wrote about her, do you?
I'm convinced that the account is managed by Venus herself like she did back than with Manakis.
No. 267253
File: 1669074104013.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 4096x2299, 8F04F435-9B4D-4F39-AC47-222395…)

Her Twitter is a dumpster fire.
Underarm razor stubble is sooo shmexxy
No. 267255
File: 1669074267238.png (1.65 MB, 2048x1536, 4915962C-4FE8-4BF3-A880-D0934F…)

“DM me i wanna buy”
No. 267259
>>267253Ouch, looks like she’s trying to shave too frequently. Some European chicks with dark body hair have pili multigemini affecting their armpit, pubic, and even leg hair. It makes frequent shaving pretty much impossible without cutting yourself, people with it have to let their hair grow for usually a week+ before they can safely shave the affected area - and sometimes the hair is too thick to be safely shaved at all, depending on how many hairs are in each follicle.
She should really consider getting waxed or sugar waxed.
No. 267265
>>267253>>267253>>267253>>267253That is so normal tho, maybe you're too used to over edited p0rn idk, but there's nothing wrong with it
I don't like venus and all, manipulative af, but you guys have mad standards when it comes to woman's bodies
No. 267266
>>266914She looks normal, honestly
I don't see what's mad ugly in this picture, she looks aight
No. 267270
>>267267I don't shave I just groom it??
Anyway, you guys are picking on the silliest things, how she looks is really not the issue
(sage your shit) No. 267274
>>267267>>267267Seriously guys here picking on the color of her asshole, like geez, you guys are too used to mainstream porn where the girls bleach their ass and stuff
Going for looks alone I could do her, as long as she is clean
No. 267301
File: 1669085557232.jpeg (760.33 KB, 1464x1420, 6C072992-530E-47B8-A824-52C190…)

Crusty lips and brown teeth, yum!
No. 267311
>>267154>>later insinuating that video was entirely scripted by margoShe also said margo was against her marriage with manakai then later (when convenient) margo FORCED her to marry manaki. Why do you believe the bullshit she says? She also said her mom was against sex work and she got slut shamed, but before that when she was larping as a "kawaii" girl, margo forced her to do sexual stuff. also margo found selfies VENUS TOOK, including the "wow they're huge" selfie. That was not margo forcing her to take those, as people used to think. obviously, margo still allowed some covertly sexually suggestive content, probably because she had access to all of venus social media so no pedos could end up manipulating her, but she didn't "groom" venus. And taking her to go bra shopping when she becomes a teen is not grooming either, nor is encouraging her to grow up a little bit and be independent. Margo is obviously shit, but grooming is not one of the things she did. especially if it's true that venus was into sexual stuff as a teen, like she said. Venus pretty much contradicted everything she initially said about margo when it suited her new narrative.
>>267159keep spewing fiction, anon.
No. 267316
File: 1669093048838.jpeg (429.63 KB, 1340x2047, FF72E5A4-84F3-4B13-8945-C2A7C3…)

>>267311Plus there’s this old video that she posted on her Youtube channel, calling it “my first porn.”
(Site won’t let me link it for some reason.)
No. 267323
File: 1669096027643.png (362.58 KB, 437x563, NO.png)

>>267301>doing my girl Gambler this dirtyVENUS STÖP
No. 267364
>>267323No1currs about your waifu shit.
>>267338Guys probably are. The phallic shaped object being eaten by a girl/woman thing is very real and disgusting. Men will sexualize a pencil and equate it to their dick. Also this candy specifically did that marketing.
>>267340And there was a video about it. It was when they were living/staying in a top story flat somewhere.. The video was so long ago. Anons sound like they weren't here super early or watched all her content.
No. 267369
>>267355Depends on who's looking. No one is going to think a baby is sexy just for seeing an adult dressed as one.
There are fat old men who dress as babies. Its weird but I guess they get some sort of comfort from it.
Its todays woke climate that get so freaked out and snowflakey over it. It never used to be a big deal until recent times and mainly from America. Which is hilarious given that America is the nation that gave the world such gems as the adverts for Love's Baby Soft perfume! Look up the original ads and videos if you want proof
No. 267488
>>267416It's cringe that she's still acting the same way as when she was a teenager, maybe she thinks that it will make her look super funny and quirky.
Comments are turned off, of course.
No. 267500
>>267488I seriously believe she is mentally stunted in some way. Recently she did a post or video (I can't remember exactly) talking about how quirky and weird she is because she is 'obsessed with memes.' Then she proceeded to spout off a bunch of ancient memes (Over 9000, troll face, firin' my lazer, that kind of stuff)
It's like her brain is stuck in 2010
No. 267522
File: 1669219562218.jpg (Spoiler Image,363.63 KB, 595x336, So

This is sad.
No. 267526
>>267522Everything about this picture is so damn unsexy.
At least take off your socks.
No. 267527
>>267522Do they even have any furniture in that place? Even a bed?
Also she looks absolutely miserable in every pic since she moved. You’d think she would be excited to furnish and settle into her new place with her “zaddy” but apparently not. Which leads me to wonder what it was that prompted this move and whether it was voluntary on her part. She mentioned being busy with packing and “documents,” what could that be? Divorce documents, visa documents or what. And she hasn’t referred to “zaddy” as her
fiance for quite awhile now All this makes me wonder.
No. 267532
>>267522This is just shit content, I can't believe people are paying for this.
>>267527He mentioned on his IG that they are trying to make that (marriage) happen.
No. 267534
File: 1669222773606.jpg (192.79 KB, 1080x1452, IMG_20221123_175644.jpg)

>>267532Someone knows when she supposed to reapply for her visa?
No. 267603
>>267522The grainy quality of the photo and the way she's thrown about on the floor screams "kidnapped girl locked in basement"
I'm not saying she has a bad body or there's anything wrong with her, she just doesn't have a porn body or know how to pose herself to give that illusion even. I can see a boyfriend or husband being happy to see this kind of picture but an audience of porn-brain zombie coomers? Nah, they don't want this. I have to believe the only ones paying for this like to see the destruction and downfall of a kawaii youtuber.
No. 267622
File: 1669230212581.jpeg (305.56 KB, 1837x1270, AB1F40BE-7D23-4B2F-96AF-38E996…)

>>267316These nails look like the ones she had in May 2020 right when she opened her OF.
No. 267626
File: 1669230355987.jpeg (235.29 KB, 1292x1329, D6CB8F1B-7B4B-4F86-83C8-C2F6E1…)

She keeps posting pics of herself with multiple nails missing.
No. 267630
File: 1669230437719.jpeg (214.27 KB, 1055x1152, C0F4CB8A-0E0F-4DA1-8239-DE075D…)

Just doesn’t seem to give a shit.
No. 267633
File: 1669230636981.jpg (Spoiler Image,845.93 KB, 597x819, Eat.jpg)

>>267630She sure doesnt lol
No. 267659
File: 1669234809663.png (Spoiler Image,2.46 MB, 2048x1536, 600914F8-8152-45FF-9A3F-908763…)

>>267522All I see is a naked Danny devito coming out the couch
No. 267670
>>267534Why do you keep posting comments only after this user "inactive" posts? Are you self posting these? Here too
>>267174 Can you not interact with the cows on an obvious side account?
No. 267696
>>267314>>267314Yeah her sex tapes are bad, but is not about her appearance at all, she's just really really bad at it
I do think she is a pretty girl really, I would do her if I knew she took a bath first, by the comments here is seems like she doesn't do it often? That's the deal breaker for me. But she is fine looking
Maybe her personality are making you guys see her distorted and that's understandable
No. 267698
>>267322That's not what I meant at all
I mean actually clean, I live in a tropical country, bathing everyday at least is a must
But yeah, I guess I wouldn't stick it in a sick one? But do you guys ask people if they have stds before you do it, I feel like that would ruin the mood with a girl? You can't always tell by looking either, that's what condoms are for, always keep one close
(learn2sage) No. 267710
>>267698>But yeah, I guess I wouldn't stick it in a sick one? Also bathing doesn't rid you of STDs or STIs. Doesn't matter if you bathe daily or every 4 days. You could do it every hour, that's not how that works. Begone, scrote.
>>267707No, my vision is bad and I couldn't see the green/dark blue for a second. Thanks for pointing it out, actually. Fixed it.
No. 267843
File: 1669305057055.jpg (593.91 KB, 1080x1739, IMG_20221124_164427.jpg)

She's become medium blonde, just like some of you advised. Bad photo quality, but she looks exceptionally groomed. Pretending to be ok, I'm curious how long it would last.
No. 267844
File: 1669305105192.jpg (553.56 KB, 1080x1756, IMG_20221124_164450.jpg)

No. 267858
File: 1669310031980.png (Spoiler Image,741 KB, 596x809, 323.png)

>>267856Nah, she still look busted.
No. 267877
>>267858Now she's really a lolcow.
>>267843Unpopular opinion, but the dark brown hair suited her better. This blonde color aged her.
No. 267887
>>267710Yeah dumbass I know, that's what the condoms are for
See, some of you do need the advice
No. 267899
>>267626Isn't this from the time she did her "my firs tporn" YT short? Is this just a reupload she recently uploaded?
>>267512Yeah, she was never really pretty, even back then. It was just circle lenses, wigs, fancy dresses and heavy editing that made her stand out. Otherwise she's fairly average.
No. 267906
>>267899>> m the time she did her "my firs tporn" YT short? Is this just a reupload she recently uploaded?I guess it’s a reupload (from 2020. I hadn’t seen it the first time.) It’s currently on her YT channel under ‘shorts.’
>>267858Those fat rolls, lol. Is she trying to get chubby chasers now? At least it looks like she has an actual bed in the background.
No. 267939
File: 1669348681540.jpeg (729.78 KB, 1152x869, 1FB66E48-A982-4DE5-84D2-7F7A6A…)

She eats jelly off the bed while surrounded by grease and food residue
No. 267950
>>267939All the anons saying she’s fixing to do scat porn really are onto something. She keeps breadcrumbing it by eating shit that looks like shit but isn’t.
She does look better with blonde hair and it looks like she took her monthly bath!
No. 267959
>>267906>At least it looks like she has an>actual bed in the background.Can you please point where it is? It's hard for me to spot it in that mess.
>>267939Very strategic photo. We can't see her face and she can claim someone else put the text in the corner in case of fuckup. Or maybe it's not a photo but a snap form a video?
>>267950>it looks like she took her monthly bath!I loled, thank you!
No. 268023
File: 1669401557504.jpeg (232.21 KB, 832x1411, 6B731C66-F437-4F6A-A6A2-5BE2EA…)

>>267959>> point where it is? It's hard for me to spot it in that mess.That purple thing looks like a bed, or maybe just a thick mattress on the floor.
No. 268052
>>267966Did she go to the same stylist as Mikan? Even behind the edits/filters her hair looks straw-like. Her hair is already super thin, so bleaching it is a bad idea.
>>267971Those filters working overtime on her face there. She has no respect for her og audience that made her lazy life possible. She doesn't even age restrict and keep shoving shitty porn in their faces, treating them like $$$ bags than an audience she's grateful for.
No. 268072
>>268054Venus would get off on this comment. She loves when people see her as a
victim, when people think Manaki abused her, when people think her current partner abuses her, when they think she's drugged up and not in a right state of mind to make decisions, when they think she was groomed and forced into sex work or her fiance forcing her/influencing her to drink and she's just a perpetual
victim with no other options. She loves this shit.
No. 268082
>>268072i mean its not a whiteknight i know shes still choosing to do the weird sex work shit and fake schizopost on her insta stories but she is on some hardcore medication with side effects. probably why shes blowing up weight wise too. i don't feel like shes a
victim or being taken advantage of by anyone. i didn't say that anywhere either, just said it can make people sloppy and out of it, doesn't mean they're incapable of making decisions, more just how they come off to other people.
No. 268084
>>268052>>267996stop talking about respecting her 'fans' and 'og audience'. there's nothing to respect. She went viral because of being ridiculous with some bunny makeup vid. it got 8m views from being weird and awkward, with each comment being 'what the fuck is this lol'. Then, because she thought she got serious views she continued making makeup etc vids. These were watched by children from the third world who didn't speak English and didn't understand that Venus 8m view video was from people laughing at her, so they were waiting for some kind of good content which they thought must be associated with 8m views. Those kids are adults now living their lives in Brazil and malaysia and if they ever remember Venus they will look at her shit with their adult eyes and see what she was viral for and laugh.
Then of course there was all the drama/pity watchers that was 90% of her base for the last years.
So stop saying she should make content as if people are actually waiting for a makeup tutorial or hoping to 'see japan' from this fucking worldwide laughingstock lolcow
No. 268089
File: 1669417691381.jpeg (260.1 KB, 1957x1162, CA7EC5A7-762A-474E-A686-9652FD…)

>>267971She looks and acts like a dementia patient here. She’s literally drooling.
No. 268169
File: 1669447315293.png (Spoiler Image,509.41 KB, 454x778, 1669310031980.png)

>>268120Where is her baguette fanbase when you need it ?
No. 268211
File: 1669481603541.jpg (498.51 KB, 1080x1521, IMG_20221126_175111.jpg)

No. 268214
File: 1669481738767.jpg (303.18 KB, 1080x1768, IMG_20221126_175515.jpg)

No. 268238
>>268082Not the person you’re replying to but I agree with you.
I’m not a wk either but even if she did like that type of comment, she’s far too high to even notice. She can’t even manage to brush her hair. I imagine her to be so out of it you would have to shout at her repeatedly to get her attention.
No. 268240
File: 1669490541344.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20221126-141947~2.p…)

Looking rough.
No. 268263
File: 1669493852239.jpg (533.22 KB, 1080x1881, IMG_20221126_211701.jpg)

No. 268288
>>268272Hell, she's taller than the average Japanese
man too
No. 268344
File: 1669514470387.jpg (268.54 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20221126-205309_Ins…)

not milky but this made me laugh. coping with comedy is relatable
No. 268352
File: 1669516748793.png (Spoiler Image,5.59 MB, 1179x2556, DC777F3B-5B95-463E-9937-EDAE2D…)

Ew she said she was cleaning up after “squirting” but it’s yellow and so gross on her wood floor in her brand new home ughhh
No. 268369
>>268352While it is easier to clean up on wood..that's not their home until proven otherwise, so her pissing on someone's floor is just vile.
>"Squirting and pissing is different!"She didn't squirt.
No. 268419
File: 1669537168247.png (477.77 KB, 1080x1237, Screenshot_20221127-091735.png)

From "zaddy's" instagram
No. 268420
File: 1669537407789.jpg (144.16 KB, 1080x1099, Screenshot_20221127_092154_Ins…)

her teeth are making me gag
No. 268431
File: 1669539836522.png (930.9 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20221127-100151.png)

He doesn't even try to post something where she looks nice, she looks bad in all of his posts.
No. 268442
File: 1669543579943.png (661.6 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20221127-110350.png)

Her eyeliners are always tragic
No. 268443
File: 1669543731290.png (695.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20221127-110450.png)

I don't know what this Fanta site is, probably something like a Japanese OF?
It feels so desperate when she's trying to promote her crappy porn everywhere. If she wants more people to pay for it, then she should put more work into her content, but she can't even manage to put on her underwear correctly for the photos.
No. 268444
File: 1669543755311.png (5.35 MB, 1242x2208, 914D9E4A-F3A5-4A20-8AC1-6C5C80…)

I guess peenoos likes her sausages and It makes me wanna puke tbh.
I used to love her when I was a kid, she’s only 2 years older than me and I wanted to be her so bad. It’s honestly sad how degraded she is now. How innocent little kid from yt can end up like this? It’s just more and more sad to watch
No. 268469
>>268084You are full of shit. If you look through her comments on YT, that's
exactly what people want. You must be the retard that wants venus to do porn with asian femboys and go to hosts clubs and calling all anons "prudes". Her YT audience DOES NOT want blowjob asmrs that's for sure, dumbass.
No. 268470
File: 1669562561720.jpg (372.31 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20221127-084323_Ins…)

Isn't that The Adult Guide, that online forum where men rate prostitute and nightlife services such as Lorena and her ilk? What a creep.
No. 268472
>>268211Disgusting. How can she post this and think it's funny at all. She's so fucking pathetic and I can't wait until she "ages out" (which is soon) and nobody online gives a fuck about her anymore. She can be 30+ and posting that shit, unloved by everyone except her "zaddy" who will eventually leave her too, like the pathetic washed up trash she is.
>>268442I think she's trying to look like her teenage self again. Looks like she's sensitive about her age, just like Margo. Also, I think I remember her saying she purposely draws her eyeliner higher to attempt to make the eye look larger.
No. 268474
File: 1669563358580.jpg (102.38 KB, 1080x2400, 0.jpg)

I think people do realize, venus. She's literally ruined the lives of everyone she's used so far. And clearly, shamelessly at that. I hope karma gets her good. Deported with zaddy leaving her and her of/yt dead and no internet presence. Then she can get on welfare or get a real job and stop being a massive fucking internet loser.
No. 268512
Anonymous now No. 268510
>>268474At least she’s out of Manaki’s life, hopefully permanently this time. She’s NOTaZaddy’s problem now, let him clean up her messes.
No. 268543
>>268431It’s a thing enamored scrotes do. They get so enamored that they literally think the object of their affections looks good no matter what. He can’t take a good picture of her because he can’t recognize when a picture looks bad - to him she’s a goddessu no matter what
Of my exes, the ones who thought most highly of my looks were the ones who took the most disgusting photos of me. When I’d tell them this, they literally had no fucking idea what I was talking about and thought I looked stunning in the pics. Moids in love are dumb and blind.
No. 268550
>>267858I know its the angle but she looks so fat.
The blonde hair looks okay here but I prefer her with black.
No. 268562
>>268272Thats a nice height to be. Most women are far too short and when they are a larger build just look frumpy and dumpy.
>>268346Why would you prefer someone who was "tiny"? That sounds extremely creepy and pedo-ish.
No. 268564
File: 1669583445186.jpeg (176.94 KB, 1060x1125, 6395002B-27C8-4505-AC02-928948…)

Suggestion for next thread: Marge Goblin edition.
No. 268622
File: 1669601058493.jpg (44.14 KB, 596x303, 1599709499756.jpg)

>>268610her lips aren't actually tiny it's a cringey pose she continually holds to try to larp as japanese. look how much more normal she looked in the left pic here when she had to relax her face for some makeup to dry, and how she turned back into ghoul grandma as soon as she went back to her retarded scrunching
No. 268638
File: 1669607151526.jpeg (270.7 KB, 1525x1532, 86856002-18F6-41C3-A484-4150CA…)

>>268622I think it’s more her unfortunate genes than her trying to LARP. She has the same unfortunate mouthal area as marge. Those genes are brutal.
No. 268657
>>268638She does have a small mouth but she also used to talk about how small mouths are “dolly” and cute looking. I think she edits her mouth smaller in pictures. In videos you can see her sucking her lips in. A lot of times she will catch a glimpse of herself and then instinctively suck her lips in. I’m not sure if it is because she wants a smaller mouth or if she is trying to cover her teeth, but it is super noticeable once your look for it.
Wow I know way too much information about Venus’ mouth, going to go touch grass now
No. 268659
>>268622Not everything is a LARP. By your logic, anyone not Japanese is Japan wants to LARP if you nitpick enough. It's her genetics. This retard
>>268291 tried to say it was skinwalking. I can't stand anons being this desperate.
No. 268767
File: 1669660240568.jpeg (26.79 KB, 340x225, 98C15DC2-2B4A-4456-B713-6D46D0…)

>>268759Drinking, overall bad lifestyle plus bad genes. Aging prematurely and badly like her mother. Also that undereye tape she tortured her face with for years.
No. 268774
File: 1669660963073.jpg (567.99 KB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2022-11-28-19-36-53…)

Mother, mother, mother, blah blah blah.
Tinfoil time!
No. 268775
File: 1669661158286.jpg (315.38 KB, 1080x2248, IMG_20221128_194459.jpg)

With some help form Google lens. Looks like shit tbh.
No. 268787
>>268785That's what I thought about too.
>>268765Why so mad, the anon just said that she looks rough, which is true.
No. 268833
File: 1669677780585.jpg (289.18 KB, 470x797, moo.jpg)

>>268829you could've been a little more creative and censored the photo with an actual cartoon cow or something.
No. 268964
>>268845Oh, totally. We all know her childhood could have been alot more stable and less
abusive, but goddamn if David Pelzer can get his shit together so can she.
No. 272239
>>268442>>268442I can't believe I used to take makeup tips from her and envy her skills, for real lol she's so bad at this
Growing up is a blessing