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No. 897829
The Basics:
>Vicky is a middle aged scratcher from Buttfuck Nowhere, Hicksville, Canada with an exhaustive recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving disastrous mangled tattoos to her clients. One of the reasons why this thread exists is to warn anyone who happens to Google her name prior to getting a tattoo from her.>She is also a washed up “scene queen” who likes spending her free time reliving her glory days on MySpace by getting hammered and posting poorly shopped thirstpics and embarrassing videos on her various personal and “professional” social media accounts. She then posts the resulting DMs she gets from random horny old men and neckbeards, the sorts of DMs normal women ignore or are repulsed by, seemingly as proof of her desirability - despite, of course, being perpetually single for pretty much her entire adult life.>Vicky exhibits a plethora of curious behaviours such as pretending to be British, pretending to be wealthy, pretending to be a super-fit ninja, pretending to be educated, pretending to be a model and pretending to be the one and only woman who likes/does "X", and of course, pretending to be unbothered by criticism.Historical Milk:
>Jackie came with the MILK (tl;dr Victoria’s cat pissed all over her couch and Victoria was too broke to pay for it, she begged Jackie to stay at her place cause she can’t pay her bills, etc.) >>829023>Vicky creates a new Instagram account for her tattoos, has hardly any followers and ends up making it private >>820656>Continues to post egregiously shooped pics that are looking more and more like an overinflated sex doll with less and less resemblance to her actual self >>820676 >Despite being an award-winning Michelin star chef who has cooked for celebrities as far off as Timbuktu the only thing she seems capable of cooking are Yorkshire puddings (which would explain why she’s so fucking huge) >>820908>Joins TikTok, looks fatter than ever >>821095>Posts a video to “prove” her fake Versace bra is real >>821108>Spergs incessantly about how she doesn’t want to be skinny, hard fucking cope for being a ham planet >>821012>Is so ~ not bovverrrred ~ by lolcow that age continues to post about us on her social media, claims she fucked her ex after he left her for her former friend >>821407>Still making up r/thathappened tier tales about how other girls’ boyfriends want to bang her and how everyone is jealous and crazy (the fucking irony) >>822051>Still claiming that everything posted on lolcow is lies and that we edit her photos to make her look worse because we’re “intimated” by her beauty (my fucking sides, I cannot with this delusional fat retard) >>823263>Insists the only people who post here are the same group of four girls who she’s had a falling out with in real life >>823270>Bunny is true to her promise that if Shingles mentioned her again she’d return to the farm to share more anecdotes, such as Vicky getting kicked out of houses for being dirty >>823340 , texting Bunny begging to hang out >>823358 , and most hilarious of all, how she threw a shit fit over not being able to make pasta on a fucking camping trip >>823482>Her shoops are becoming progressively more insane, indicating that she must have a lot of spare time on her hands >>823740>Claims she looks ~ soooo young ~ despite looking like a 50 year old lot lizard >>823999>Vicky gets called out for being a catfish on TikTok >>824095>Another Ontariofag who has had the displeasure of meeting Shingles comes forward confirming everything said about her her >>824770>More bullshit about how every man wants her, every woman is jealous and scared Vicky will steal their man and how she’s an ~ untouchable ice queeeen ~ >>825345>Another person Vicky has mangled with her scratching pays us a visit to share the extent of Vicky’s butchery to her skin >>825779>Some scrote posts her nonsense to a body building page, Vicky uses the opportunity to screech ad nauseam about how she doesn’t edit her body, which is an insult to anyone with functioning retinas >>827243>People on social media point out that Shingles is a retard for bashing sex workers when she does pretty much the same thing as them but for free >>827341
>Her past milk is approaching Tolstoy levels of documentation so here is a pastebin of that: Cameron Saga:
>A calf is born: introducing Cameron “the contrarian” who gives us a coked-out 18,000 word screed at 1am about muh zero sugar energy bars >>800078 > Cameron goes off on some other irrelevant bitch named kayla for seemingly no reason >>800090 >To the surprise of precisely no one, Cameron looks like this >>800296>He returns later to call us the obsessive losers after writing an entire novel about how Vicky wouldn’t suck his dick >>800376>Congratulations, it’s twins! a second calf, Kayla (when you order Trisha Paytas on Wish), is thrust upon us >>800605 >Cameron comes back yet again to sperg about phone chargers, Vicky’s fridge, and a tonne of other retarded shit >>800642 >Kayla also has a sperg for the ages, posting nonstop on Facebook and to anyone who will listen to her >>800822 Latest milk:
>Vicky has bestowed her impeccable taste and eye for design upon us by opening an online “couture” shop that’s really just drop shipping for fugly as fuck plastic landfill slave labour produced trash from China >>864470>The Terms & Conditions are fucking hysterical, if I didn’t know better I’d think this was satire >>864486>Still bashing OnlyFats degenerates and making herself look like a compete clown by posting softcore porn edits of herself for free >>864554>Continues to be the internet’s preeminent pickme by defending disgusting moids >>864657>She has to be the only person in history whose art has actually gotten worse with time, Jesus Christ Icky STOP BUTCHERING INNOCENT PEOPLE >>864694>Shares client DMs informing her that they need to cancel for medical reasons, you can’t make this shit up >>864734>Her “couture” business is going so well that’s she’s giving garments away (totally not because no one wants to buy that literal trash) >>865189>Reverse image searching confirms our suspicions that she’s re-selling aliexpress landfill at an outrageous markup >>865201>Presented without comment >>865395>Don’t worry ladies, you can rest easy knowing that she won’t steal your man… >>865421>…Unless you’re “disrespectful”, then all bets are off >>865422>Is apparently “in recovery”, for what (if anything) is anyone’s guess >>865442>This is what a 3000-dollar-an-hour model looks like, nonitas >>865663>In case anyone has forgotten what her true form is >>865686>Wow, so luxury, much designer >>865764>Because her lies aren’t egregious enough, claims she designed this herself and also invented filigree… >>865915>…and that she’ll totally be down to collab with Donatella Versace (like that’s something in the realm of possibility, she is completely fucking insane holy shit) >>865974>More deteriorating tattoo quality >>866088>Apparently she’s “part Buddhist” now >>866341>More evidence to support the belief that she is genuinely intellectually handicapped >>866349>Please Icky, continue to tell us how you’re so far above onlyfans whores >>866558>There is no way this stinky fat loser isn’t an actual sped >>866646>Expanding her “couture” range to include aliexpress Buddhist “shrines”, this is all time peak of cringe, even for Vicky’s standards >>866700>Announces that she has to give up her cats due to an alleged “sensitivity”, press x to doubt >>867323>More lies, though admittedly her “love” must have no sense of smell whatsoever if he can stand being in her unwashed proximity >>867407>Just when you think her sloppy shooping can’t get any worse >>867424>Attempting to sell a white tank top with a stock image on it for 1000 bucks, she has fucking lost it >>867890>Thank you so much for enlightening us as to what is happening in Ukraine, Icky >>868572>Victoria Bella-Morte aka missvictoriamurder aka Viper aka Victoria Emma Shingleton of Ontario, Canada will hereby be known as “Vee Venum” >>868663>She has totally stopped drinking, smoking and has lost 25 pounds y’all! The alcoholic hamoid chimney doth protest too much methinks >>869285>Just gonna leave Icky’s quora profile here, there’s a lot to unpack >>871617>Back at it with middle school tier responses to criticism on Google, never change Ick >>873090>BUHBYE! >>873127>Allegedly has a long term illness, doesn’t say what it is but it’s totally not contagious u guise (cue extensive speculation as to what is wrong with her, my money’s on something alcohol-related) >>873146>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047>Returns as soon as she has a new boyfriend to show off… >>892030>…only to post about how much she loves being single five minutes later >>893163>Muh “sometime mabye good, sometimes mabye shit” Mensa IQ >>893699>Showing her true misogynist colours yet again, at least e-whores make money from showing their crusty holes on the internet, Vicky. Keep posting your catastrophically shooped unwashed pussy lips and pancake tits for free >>894622>LARPing as Megan Fox (but remember Vicky did it first!) while telling cringey boomer “jokes”>>895783>I don’t even know where to start with this >>896669>Reveals yet another boyfriend, file under “images you can smell” >>896946>Tags a picture of him as Ronnie Radke, her followers are so fucking retarded that they think it is actually Ronnie Radke >>896971>Vicky, how is this Halloween outfit any different to what you wear every damn day? >>897174>Yet more sperging about OnlyFans, stay mad Icky >>897491>Her assistant was kind enough to let all her adoring fans know that she’ll be taking another break from social media >>897761 SOCIAL MEDIA:
Professional Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/pt/761425 14
>>>/pt/820650 19
>>>/pt/868283 No. 897975
File: 1668530699770.jpeg (199.08 KB, 1282x836, C68790FA-0EA4-4F72-84D5-87C620…)

She’s too busy to respond to clients about her stealing their deposits with nowhere to work but she sure has time to make up dead baby stories on Quora.
What the fuck icky. This is fucking gross even for you.
No. 897977
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“Unless it’s for a really good reason” kek
No. 897978
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She made a new folder on fb called “my fav”
A photo of her and her new bf.
A bunch of videos of her eye fucking herself and this. Cause she has to keep up that she superior.
No. 897995
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>>897989This is his instagram. You can hear fat Vicky slip in and out of her fake accent in this video.
No. 897996
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>>897995His profile is private. But I remember him from this. When he was posting their conversations. Weird that she was calling him a coke head but now he’s the perfect parent
No. 897997
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>>897996Sorry didn’t mean to spoiler the last post
No. 897999
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>>897989Also attached to his Instagram profile is his contracting business. People are commenting on the murder. Victoria hates women so much she places the blame of a child’s murder on the mom just cause. Holy
No. 898000
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She also posted this. People are giving their sympathy to icky. She tattooed this girl once 7 years ago. This girl also died over two weeks ago.. how many times is she going to use peoples death for attention
No. 898003
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>>897995Thisnis the baby killers brother. Icky likes to keep it in the family
No. 898008
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>>897995Found him on Facebook. He doesn’t post anymore cause he’s in jail.
Rodrigo Romero. Hopefully the family of the
victim don’t have to deal with Victoria bella morte.
No. 898012
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>>898003So she fucked a baby murderer and then his brother? What in the world
No. 898028
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>>898008Yeah this is a guy Vicky would date. Checks out. Keep those standard high Victoria
No. 898029
>>898028My god, not just “nigga” but “nigger” with the hard r. You can bet racist, white nationalist anti-vaxxer Victoria Emma Shingleton/Victoria Bella Morte/Vee Venum/Viper bandies it about too
>the only man I kissed happens to be your girlI don’t think he realises the implications of this…
No. 898034
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>>898029No milk, just ironic. Yeah let the baby killer give you tips. Kek.
No. 898036
>>898029>My god, not just “nigga” but “nigger” with the hard rKek is this really the thing that makes you gasp and not the murder of an infant?
>>898034This is uncomfortably ironic. I hope this faggot rots in prison.
No. 898037
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>>898036Sorry guys I’ve went down the rabbit hole. This is the guy Vicky dated and is backing cause she hates women so much. Like I’m sure this isn’t true.. but - holy shit.. only the best for Victoria.
No. 898067
>>898053>>898053I don’t have to censor my words, but coming in lolcow doesn’t automatically make me racist? I don’t say that word anywhere. If you do have a field day. And killing an indigenous baby + hurling around the n word as an insult.., yes that would probably make him super racist.
Shouldnt have had to spell that all out for you.
No. 898103
>>898102It’s concerning that he killed a baby of colour while now also seeing he has no problem using the N word. ( yes, still saying the “n word”. Please don’t get too
I don’t know the details on why he killed this baby, but if it had anything to do with race, would be an even more disgusting detail. Maybe not more concerning, as the murder of a toddler is bad no matter the reason.
I hope you’re okay now. Considering the subject matter, this should be the least of your worries. But alas.
No. 898107
>>898104>>898104Okay but next time someone uses + instead of writing “and” don’t have a panic attack totally different anon and not the same one from above. Kek
Keep seething that people won’t join you in using racial slurs cause you want them too
(sage your shit) No. 898124
>>898107Not that anon, you realise there’s more than one person talking to you, right? Learn to integrate, or better yet, go back to whence you came and never return
>>898039iirc her relationship with this moid ended badly but I can’t be bothered going back through the threads to dig up the caps. I hope her latest relationship proves to be a milky dumpster fire
No. 898126
>>898123>>898124All two of you just happened to come back at the same time? At least spread it out to make it somewhat believable. You’re upset cause I wouldn’t use the N word with the hard R. That’s literally how this got started. Kek.
Mighty sensitive for someone that’s trying to be so edgy.
No. 898138
>>898124 I don’t know why this retard thinks we’re all the same person, I wish all the twitterfags would get off the board. No one is using the word “nigger” in any context other than to reference the exact words of the baby killer, hence the quotation marks, but apparently that’s 3edgy5me. Anyway, moving on, we know Vicky lurks so I hope she sees that this piece of shit scrote has been brought up and uses it as an excuse to come back from her alleged social media break
No. 898147
>>898136>you're twisted if you care more about words than baby murderStop pearl clutching over nothing, nobody said racism is worse than murder. Anon gave information about the scrote Vicky used to date, in Vicky's thread, so anons could have more context. I'm sorry your reading comprehension is so bad that you can't understand normal people anymore, the anon said he killed a non-white baby and given his internet history that's concerning over 2 posts. You're retarded if you read her posts and thought that she said racism is more concerning than baby murder.
>>898138You're a retard too "different anon". 90% of the milk in these threads comes from Guelph anons who aren't permanently online, stop trying to language police them before you scare them off. They'll "go back" to gossiping about Vicky privately. They're not twitterfags kek, who the fuck on twitter even knows who Vicky is? She was a MySpace kween 15 years ago, she doesn't even have a twitter account. All of her fans are 40 year old men on Facebook, the overlap with twitterfags is 0.
No. 898357
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No . You just steal peoples money, fake illnesses and date / defended baby killers.
Maybe a psych ward wouldn’t be a bad choice.
No. 898377
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>>898357She goes on to say she doesn’t eat carbs or go on tiktok.
What about posting your vagina on Facebook for your dad and clients to see? Kek
No. 898380
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First of all this conversation is weird. Secondly, if someone offers you a place in a psych ward..? That sounds like a direct response to lolcow but ok.
No. 898395
>>898357You should be in a psych ward.
What a weird thing to announce while claiming it’s not a response to haters. Her behavior and reviews of various hospitals and EMS services would suggest she needs to be medicated and placed in a psychiatric hospital.
I wonder if there’s a rumor going around town that she’s a fucking nutso kek
No. 898432
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One of her many edits saying “ I don’t take drugs that interact with any of my meds”
10/10 believe Vicky is a pill popper. Going to so many different doctors on google reviews and taking more meds than needed
No. 898460
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>>898451These are all within a two month span and that’s just the ones she reviewed.
No. 898517
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>>898432From the comments on this post. Victoria's inability to decipher humor of any kind (even awful humor) is one of my top 10 fav things about her.
No. 898521
>>898517I'm starting to wonder if she understands what a "vice" is
it must be boring to be so perfect kek
No. 898553
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Remember when Vicky said she was invited to be on ink master but was too busy? Then started telling everyone she was going to for sure be travelling the states doing guest spots as a celebrity tattoo artist? Kek.
No. 898555
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Victoria shingleton aka Victoria murder aka Victoria Bella morte aka viper model would know.
No. 898611
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Some guy in some shitty band stopped a show cause someone was having a seizure. So Manly.
Anyways, she was posting on her stories on Instagram about seizers a few times as well.
Still think she’s going through intense withdrawal from alcohol
No. 898699
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She changed her pfp at 2am. Forgot about these gems
No. 898704
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>>898699She threw a sword around 3 times drunk 5 years ago.
No. 898777
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>>898759They’re drawn out if she keeps drinking and then keeps trying to quit at home on her own. Would explain the review on the ambulance.
It’s all tinfoil at this point. It would be odd if she left reviews for these places she never used / been to.. but it’s icky.
No. 898786
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Haven't seen her twitter posted yet
Surely there's some untapped cringe to be found. She's not very active as of recently but figured it could be fun for some farmers to dig through. No. 898795
File: 1669232892391.jpeg (80.1 KB, 1284x365, B6558B60-C95D-47D1-9066-CD11C3…)

>>898786It’s pretty boring. just reposts from Facebook, tattoo deals and vague posting.
But this? Kek. I wish Jackie would come back
No. 898796
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>>898795And I TOTALLY forgot when she did a deep cleanse of her hair with Clorox and poisoned herself kek
No. 898799
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>>898759Sounds like an alcoholic
No. 898840
>>898799>40 ozOk besides what the other anon said, lets do some math. Diet sperg here.
40oz of jd a day is about 2600 calories.
Consume that for “weeks on end” and that is 18,200 a week OR 5.2 pounds GAINED.
We all see she eats outside of that, so easily in a month she gained 20 lbs.
No. 898842
>>898835That’s a common things teenagers say in Canada. They call everything big a 40.
Ontario fag that did the samething at 17.
No. 898845
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So glad I found this again. This is my favourite lie.
No. 898963
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Covered her body in oil to put her tits up on Instagram? Tell us again how you’re better than of girls
No. 899006
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>>898979It gets worse when you turn up the exposure . Bitch is built like a fridge. No waistline just a shapeless blob with a set of floppy flapjacks attached.
And for someone who claims to be shaped like an hourglass it’s even more tragic to see her in person.
No. 899030
File: 1669398930977.jpeg (787.08 KB, 1164x1989, FC20876A-9B4F-4246-A4D4-69EE81…)

>>898963The warped background where she pushed her love handles way inwards
No. 899123
File: 1669477473595.jpg (144.41 KB, 960x960, 1614231316186.jpg)

Here you go anon.
No. 899159
File: 1669507336015.jpeg (311.38 KB, 1283x1544, DF78CAF4-8E55-424B-9400-B44198…)

That’s so icky.
The age of consent is 16, ickster
No. 899174
File: 1669519682954.jpg (225.27 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_20221126-202642_Ins…)

New insta post, 1/2
No. 899181
>>899176Why the fuck does she keep reiterating that she’s not infectious? As if her retard neckbeard followers even care. And fucking kek, “what did I do deserve this?” Being a lying, thieving,
abusive, racist, misogynistic sack of shit is what you did to deserve it. Sowing and reaping, you useless fat fuck
No. 899225
>>899222Gunky buildup tinfoil: it's an old band from an ER visit earlier this year (we can only see the /22). She's brought it out of its special hiding place in her nasty house, slapped it on her wrist, and taken a pic for attention.
She won't say anything about the "illness". She could have walked into an ER at any time and gotten the shiny bracelet because she fakes seizures. Her silent battle is Munchausen's.
No. 899228
>>899225Oh but Nona, she's such a
victim and soooo sick of it! The EMTs should stop being struck by her amazing beauty and getting into accidents hitting sign posts. (In total agreement with you btw haha)
No. 899274
>>899174Those look old as fuck. The one closest to her hand isn’t even attached, it’s just loosely wrapped around her wrist. The blank paper one looks like anything you get at a ticketed event, and the middle one looks like a newer version of the one on top of it. Literally a dupe. One is upside down the other is right side up. This is all staged. Anyone can walk into an ER for any reason.
I’m convinced she’s a munchie. She lives off of attention.
No. 899290
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>>899174That one band is from a venue or bar. The numbers on the side don’t line with with an Ontario hospital. So either these are old bracelets looking for attention or she went out drinking / using drugs and ended up in the hospital
No. 899337
>>897829youre a communist. lets all just move to china, and you should bend over for president Xi, displaying your gaping assholes.
this is all an excuse/MK Ultra experiment in enforcing specific social norms randomly on people to see what kind of exercise of authority can be enacted on people. Like what if it was the fault of employees or clients and shes perfectly innocent, but instead for some odd reason here we are personally trashing a hooker, I dont get it, are you a fuckin loser
>>899185Since Canada does day/month/year dating system you can clearly make out the /02/22 so this bracelet is from February lol
She's my fave cringe cow
No. 899349
>>899338It looks like the bracelets have a code that ends in "/22" but doesn't have a date before it. One is "EF014260/22".
But then again one is upside down compared to the other and they look pretty crusty so I still wouldn't be surprised if they're old.
No. 899367
File: 1669748712395.jpeg (814.67 KB, 1170x1144, 31A027FF-EFD3-470D-A312-9B234A…)

New Vic profile. The slimming tool abuse on her face and neck is criminal.
No. 899488
>>899391This comment.
I almost spit out my Cabernet Sauvignon.
No. 899560
>>899369Imo it's really the pointed eyebrows that ages her up the most. Like I'm 37 myself and I've never remember any of my peers, even in high school, do that style.. you only see it in like old 80s stuff.
I think in a old thread there was a random instagram of hers posted where she had very light makeup and straight normal brows and I even said she looked cute.
No. 899565
>>899560samefag but just wanted to add that I wonder if she styles herself this way
because of the age cohort she attracts. Like it's a self reinforced cycle. Men in their 60s probably knew women who looked like this in their party years lol
No. 899744
File: 1670012233650.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1162x1147, DB5B09FC-9524-45D7-92B4-CE453E…)

She keeps changing her profile to older pictures. She tries so fucking hard to look like a classy ~rich girl~ but ends up looking dusty and cheap. The shitty fake rose, the costume party city gloves, and the fake red bottoms really reach levels of tacky I never thought was possible. That’s the dress Jackie gave her. God she looks so extra fat here. It’s the man arms for me. Just throw away that ugly cat piss soaked couch already
No. 899774
>>899766They’re just hazel
God I love the dollarama bouquet in the background
No. 899800
File: 1670069268274.jpeg (1005.59 KB, 1117x1802, 5D8C25B9-C93A-447D-82A8-42F2C6…)

>>899744Plastic flowers in a fucking dirty bong. Stay classy, shingles
No. 900011
>>899660… no, it really doesn't. These bands are intended to be digitally scanned for quick access to patient information. Even if she was registered in one department and transferred to another, the hospital would either transfer her existing designation in their system or snip the first band before placing the second, to prevent confusing the scanners.
and yes, the one on the bottom looks like a Fall Risk or Allergy band.
No. 900147
File: 1670336666620.jpeg (123.17 KB, 616x982, EAC9E1E3-2CD3-4956-9AAB-AD006A…)

Also Vicky:
No. 900176
File: 1670347001754.jpeg (88.08 KB, 878x837, 29CE2105-2BC3-45CC-B85F-30C3E5…)

>>900171Girl has no shame AT ALL. Man wants nothing to do with her.
No. 900178
File: 1670347728936.jpeg (197.08 KB, 1105x1144, 304EED5A-2707-4EF2-A49A-2745E8…)

This woman is almost 40. This is so embarrassing
No. 900253
File: 1670406216399.png (677.62 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20221207-174158~2.p…)

Hadn't seen this one kek
Poor SMG
No. 900327
File: 1670447228905.webm (4.79 MB, 640x480, - My tattoo, done by…)
My tattoo, done by myself on myself, in a mirror…yep…
For the assholes who said it was impossible.
A big
Fuck you. :) "
No. 900328
File: 1670448046003.webm (6.08 MB, 480x360, - For Vkontakte, Jul…)
For Vkontakte, Julia & Nastya!
I adore you girls!!!
Find me on these sites :…
No. 900335
File: 1670449077038.webm (2.61 MB, 320x240, videoplayback (1).webm)
Victoria "Murder" Bella-Morte Neuma portrait - Buffy the Vampire slayer"
No. 900336
File: 1670449110042.jpeg (671.14 KB, 1122x869, 9F94889F-71E9-4954-A347-0EC95A…)

>>900328My favourite part is when she kisses her sausage fingers and her cheap greasy lipstick instantly transfers all over her finger tips.
No. 900341
>>900168>not noticeShe's mentally handicapped and believes that she's so stunning that women want to be her
>(believe's Megan fox, Christina Aguilera copy her and she started all fashion looks first) …and every man on planet earth wants her.
>(she makes people hit sign posts by her magnetic beauty). No. 900364
>>900336I wonder if her fingers are discolored like that from multiple different takes, after seeing this. I assumed the red discolorations were impending heart failure, tbh
Taking 1000 carefully contrived videos trying to pwn the haters like its 2001 certainly fits her MO.
No. 900365
File: 1670462982621.gif (152.88 KB, 393x405, 167045037010017826 (2).gif)

>>900336What's wrong, anon? Jealous of her Cheeto dust?
No. 900379
File: 1670468888650.gif (4.48 MB, 459x344, 167045037010017826 (4).gif)

>>900365The hell kind of kiss-blow is this?
No. 900410
>>900379That's how you keep your Cheeto-eating fingers distinct from your kiss-blowing fingers.
One wouldn't want to mix those two up when sucking Cheeto dust out from under those grimy nails.
No. 900437
File: 1670525871459.gif (12.48 MB, 540x720, ezgif-5-61850be51a.gif)

The REAL Miss Victoria Murder
mmmhmmnnn." No. 900441
File: 1670527114427.webm (4.49 MB, 240x320, suppperrrr-sleeepy5-am-just-ho…)
"SUPPPERRRR sleeepy. 5 am, just home from a fashion show ^_^
Mmmhmmnnn ^_^
My voice is effed, and i was checking to see if the camera was on at the start, since it took me like 5 tries for the button to work :P
I'm like "and it's kinda cute, and i realllly like it" is an inside quote, just fyi ^_^" No. 900484
File: 1670552528901.png (2.14 MB, 1440x1471, Screenshot_20221208-200549.png)

No. 900487
File: 1670552848182.png (1.45 MB, 1439x1556, Screenshot_20221208-200653.png)

No. 900523
>>900484KEK why is she holding a dagger on an amusement park ride???
I've never seen this, thanks anon.
No. 900566
File: 1670624469670.png (218.76 KB, 383x600, 167061821841940889 (1).png)

No. 900569
File: 1670625520957.png (90.99 KB, 464x296, 167061821841940889 (2).png)

If you aren't going to blast it, or put your headphones on, don't bother watching. It's not the same ;)
We broadcast live on s t i c k a m . c o m /883angermangement
Every Thursday at 10 pm till 12am.
In order of appearance :
Viktor Vanastra - Headbanging Expert, Legal, Co-Host
Gruesome Geddes- Mosh Starter, Host "The big bossss"
Victoria "Murder" Bella Morte - Co-Hostess, Eye Candy, Metal claw Expert
Anger Management has had the pleasure of working with bands like, As I Lay Dying, Architects, Misery Signals, Abigail Williams and many more.
If you think you think a band is ballin enough, and want to hear them on the show, or are a band and are interested in coming into the studio / a phone interview, hit us up with a message and we will see what we can do.
Stay Metal,
The Anger Management team"
No. 900588
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
This shit was backed up with screenshots/MP4/webm tho?
No. 900592
>>900589Pls tell me that you made webm's or something of it! Holy fuck! SAVED? IT'S SAVED?!
>savedBless you, anon!
No. 900630
File: 1670699380485.jpg (103.82 KB, 600x775, thanks-meme.jpg)

>>900624> I can find it later and upload it again if you want.Omg. YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
No. 900692
>>900630Lol sorry I didn't get to it today but I will sometime tomorrow. I hope Vic goes back to full-time cow status soon. I really miss her online antics.
>>900656That was amazing. So many people in the comments section recognized her. I wasn't even the one who posted that to Reddit. I love the team effort that goes on here, lol.
No. 900740
>>900732THANK YOU, ANON!
Bless you & happy holidays too you TOO!
No. 900743
File: 1670793125169.jpg (117.72 KB, 1284x1435, 1670748665446644.jpg)

>>900732I might be tripping balls but isn't her filter slipping off so frequently that her monster-demon-ghoul form begins to poke through. Mmmmmight be tripping balls ..
No. 900762
>>900754I love that anons who haven't seen this are discovering it now. It truly was something.
Around the same time as this FB live, Victoria created a twitch account and posted a live video or two to twitch, but I couldn't figure out a non complicated way to download those files at the time (and I didn't have a working laptop until months later), so those are lost forever. I feel like I remember the r/instagramvsreality side by side was from one of those twitch streams but it was basically the same thing as the FB live.
I hope Victoria gets better and goes back to being online 24/7. The anons in Victoria's thread are my favorites. Love you guys.
No. 900905
File: 1670918317148.gif (4.38 MB, 540x540, 167091825278914450.gif)

>>900857>imagine the stench No thnx.
No. 900906
File: 1670918908672.gif (83.72 KB, 372x496, 167091825278914450 (1).gif)

>>900857>>900805Lmao! What gets me is that her ninja-warrior-ass can't even unclog a toilet! C'mon NOW!
No. 900958
File: 1670979009574.jpeg (122.04 KB, 1283x584, 57108DA0-27C3-4936-A451-6D669F…)

By toys I really hope she’s talking about Barbie’s. She’s not on Quora telling a 15 year old to….. please god.
No. 900964
File: 1670979404982.jpeg (148.16 KB, 1283x634, 84766490-E9A9-47BC-91E1-4AD622…)

>>900958Same fag but why is she on Quora talking about children, dating old people and age gaps so much. I love how a 21 year old dating a 56 year old is just “a type. It’s like liking blondes or brunettes”
I mean it’s not illegal but that’s gross as fuck.
No. 901052
File: 1671072895147.jpeg (99.73 KB, 1283x998, C9227831-0CE3-4F76-B53B-DAFC96…)

Girl has lost every friend ever for being a rude bitch but okay.
No. 901058
File: 1671076031849.gif (3.86 MB, 340x334, 167096255474803733 (1).gif)

>>901052She says the most nasty shit about others. I can't even…
No. 901062
File: 1671077052607.jpeg (257.34 KB, 1283x1250, E5857E44-A91F-4745-819A-03B52B…)

Speaking of her posting the same shit over and over… here’s he saying she’s not answering messages again as her “assistant” but then responded 15 mins later as herself. We get it icky. 2 of your friends you met once died and her back in the bottle. Get a therapist
No. 901064
File: 1671077224160.jpeg (585.74 KB, 1283x2243, 9B51A651-FFAC-4066-8EA5-C9F32D…)

>>901062Imagine being this bored? People with chronic illnesses can still work. I really think she drank herself retarded
No. 901105
File: 1671116887696.png (718.05 KB, 1440x1744, Screenshot_20221215-085534.png)

>>901062She deleted her comment to her "bestie" and edited her post yet again. Vicky thinks she can keep stealing deposits without consequences. She's going to steal from the wrong person who will take matters into their own hands, it's just a matter of time.
No. 901143
File: 1671139275697.jpeg (266.79 KB, 1050x1544, 1D9164BB-300D-4A99-8F5A-476630…)

>>901105It’s been at LEAST since January 31st (and I’m sure before that) she’s been complaining about being “sick” and not being able to work. Meaning it’s at least been a year since taking clients and she’s giving people grief for being out money?
The person that came here before stating Vicky has their deposit and won’t give it back I’m interested to know if she said what she’s “sick” with. But knowing ickster she’s just giving people the run around
No. 901211
File: 1671235694020.jpg (1.03 MB, 3264x2448, imagine being like this.jpg)

The self-obsession and delusion on her myspace bio was off the charts so I went on the wayback machine and got a couple screenshots. It's SO bad.
No. 901217
>>901211Anon, this is gold. There are so many gems. I think my favorite is, "It makes me smile more than any random rockstar drooling over me." LOL.
>I am humbledTopkek, we can tell.
No. 901331
File: 1671401288803.jpg (324.46 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170711_Lin…)

No. 901333
File: 1671401408058.jpg (383.65 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170721_Lin…)

No. 901335
File: 1671401502679.jpg (334.26 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170728_Lin…)

No. 901337
File: 1671401599347.jpg (273.48 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170734_Lin…)

No. 901338
File: 1671401705094.jpg (312.29 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170742_Lin…)

No. 901339
File: 1671401806450.jpg (268.2 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221218_170748_Lin…)

No. 901347
File: 1671409365114.jpeg (426.55 KB, 1284x1780, EFE44FF7-EB47-4B0D-92EC-AFE577…)

>>901345the trash couture of it all. the weird little hand. i will never understand how she will go to such great lengths to edit her pictures but won’t even wash/edit her filthy hands. ~muh infection control certification~
No. 901398
File: 1671471340609.jpeg (27.48 KB, 192x320, F150B47A-C83F-47A4-A1A2-DB000C…)

No. 901421
>>901398“Brought to my attention” aka I shit post about my boyfriends ex from a decade ago on lolcow. She was brought up here three days ago.
And Samantha, adriens ex before Mel was 100% emotionally cheated on by Adrien. Just like he did with Samantha on Victoria. The man just jumps to other Ontario scene losers when he gets bored.
No. 901422
File: 1671486501444.jpeg (82.62 KB, 1283x423, 2844C943-B58C-444B-B308-EC9002…)

I wonder which one of her bfs she’s claiming is schizophrenic. Maybe the one that killed a baby?
No. 901423
>>901398“I worked with a girl named Samantha who at some point hooked up with Victoria’s then boyfriend Adrien. He claimed Victoria freaked out when she found out he was cheating on her with Samantha, broke his car door mirror and slashed him with her fake nails.”
Remember when Cameron came here with this milk regarding adrien and icky.
No. 901504
File: 1671878348196.jpg (83.82 KB, 720x613, Screenshot_20221224-103742_Fac…)

No. 901509
File: 1671891596734.jpeg (263.49 KB, 1284x1281, 8C07FC74-06FC-43BA-AA6E-1A7ED0…)

>>901504She put this up right before that. Someone is probably making a huge stink about getting their money back. She’s been posting a lot about “ I told you guys I was sick I’m not talking about work for the next 5 years” posts.
She’s planting seeds that her life is in danger from a “crazy client”
Or her “illness” is so bad she might die to garner sympathy.
No. 901510
File: 1671891713799.jpeg (247 KB, 1283x1412, 740F7401-2739-4496-B6A9-029598…)

>>901504She’s making a vague post about “if something happens to me it was nice knowing you” but she’s on Facebook making and responding on her post? Girl doesn’t even want her lies to be believable anymore
No. 901511
File: 1671891828669.jpeg (97.09 KB, 1283x608, 38523485-0849-4D25-A8AA-DB5179…)

Not sick enough to stay off of Quora kek
No. 901516
File: 1671904354466.jpeg (556.93 KB, 1283x2259, 2015955B-9112-4E43-8C15-977654…)

>>901504If you’re so sick, you think you’re going to die the last thing you’re going to be doing is editing your fb status for 20 mins. That’s how you wanna spend your last days on earth? Kek
Girl must owe tons of people money
No. 901520
File: 1671909141986.gif (4.91 MB, 640x360, WaryBackFulmar-size_restricted…)

>>901516Remided me of this
No. 901524
>>901516>do unto others as you would have done onto yourselves>do unto others as you would have done to yourselvesit's do unto others as you would have them do unto you, vic
three edits and couldn't get it kek poor thing just isn't long for this world
No. 901548
File: 1671985734704.jpeg (232.91 KB, 1283x1680, 0044A7DA-FCA8-48DC-8090-DCC85A…)

Happy holiday nonnies!
Vicky’s New Year’s resolution is to take her own advice from this post. ( and look at that, she’s alive and well! Shocking!)
No. 901563
File: 1672032146913.jpg (432.2 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-12-26-02-19-32…)

No. 901575
File: 1672062572526.jpeg (444.63 KB, 1283x1530, 10DB09D6-E27C-4C65-A6C7-DFBAAE…)

Suddenly sticky plays the bass guitar.
No. 901576
File: 1672062633848.jpeg (120.66 KB, 1283x654, 37224F84-ECCB-415E-B728-851CD8…)

>>901575Not only that, but she writes her own songs. Kek. Sure, Jan.
No. 901621
File: 1672151181645.jpeg (100.51 KB, 1284x568, BA6149E3-19C6-495C-A6BC-95B949…)

I wonder how her clients feel knowing she can’t message them back but is up at 3 am on Quora kek.
Also, good advice sticky. I bet they never thought of that.
No. 901741
File: 1672445722096.jpeg (558.35 KB, 1125x1798, 620DB7C7-F22C-4BAC-810F-1678BE…)

We get it. You’re cold and icy.
No. 901871
>>901741Did she respond “I am not alone. I have my boyfriend right next to me”? Kek
She’s so retarded it’s painful.
No. 902128
File: 1673204195410.jpg (84.87 KB, 717x704, Screenshot_20230108-185435_Fac…)

No. 902129
File: 1673204229339.jpg (52.61 KB, 1114x426, Screenshot_20230108-185454_Fac…)

No. 902133
File: 1673205631929.jpeg (107.14 KB, 1283x725, 4BBA31E2-F110-41EE-BF06-0E7074…)

Her sense of humour died along time ago.
No. 902134
File: 1673205859775.jpeg (75.88 KB, 1283x482, 1C1FA1EB-1DA8-4E06-B615-391541…)

Victoria is all over that crackheads page again. No surprise there. Can’t message her clients back to give them any update, but can hit on drug users on fb all day.
No. 902135
File: 1673206111922.jpeg (198.55 KB, 1283x1119, AA36C001-72F9-414B-8F27-E6EDE3…)

Kitchen .. wear?
No. 906414
File: 1673319218622.jpeg (405.3 KB, 1283x1521, 12220DA7-B93F-4824-BE69-BF0986…)

Icky putting up a bam margera post about him having seizures and almost dying. She’s been talking about seizures a lot and considering he has them cause he’s a huge alcoholic, makes sense.
No. 906423
File: 1673332884757.png (2.14 MB, 504x5698, VictoriaSeizureEdits.png)

>>906414I was just coming to post her many many edits on this status, lol. Sorry for the poor quality.
No. 906436
>>906414she's so stupid. don't touch someone while they are having a seizure unless there is immediate danger and/or unless you are trained in this are in first aid. once the seizing finishes you can roll them if they are still unconscious, but if you roll them while they have a seizure their tongue can fall between their teeth and get bitten real bad, even bitten off. teeth are clenching hard enough to bite off someone's finger, which is also why you don't put things in peoples mouths while they are seizing.
source: have seizures regularly and bit the fuck out of my tongue after some idiot rolled me on my side
No. 906567
File: 1673564864886.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1878, Screenshot_20230112-160514~2.p…)

Lol "no editing" because she ran it through a digital camera circa 2003 filter. Wtf is this pic?
No. 906571
>>906567>no editingKek who cares
Also , is that a medical device on her stomach? All the cords? Or is she pretending to have a device. I’ve seen a lot of medical devices on people but never seen anything like that with a bunch of long tangled cords.
No. 906574
>>906571Looks like a holter monitor.
She reminds me of a teenager who's too into Megan Fox/MGK, if that even exists. I doubt even teenagers think that relationship is cool, especially since so many have been exposed to tent cities. Sometimes I feel bad for Vicky because I was also an embarrassing loser when I was an alcoholic. I remember clinging to characters or celebrities sometimes to escape my own wretchedness and posting thirsty/embarrassing pics as well. Then I remind myself that she's not just an alcoholic but an unrepentant asshole and this has been going on for decades now, with no end in sight. I don't even think rehab would work on a person like this because the self-hatred is buried
so deeply under the oceans of narcissism, then reasserted by her sm feedback loop of people just as fucked up and with even lower standards (I know because I live here). I bet some of you would even root for her if she were capable of any kind of change/introspection. I can never figure out if it makes me sad because she seems to enjoy this so much.
No. 906588
>>906571Looks like a fake holter monitor. You usually would only have them on for a few days and there wouldn’t be cords coming off of you like that at home due to the fact that they can get caught and won’t track your heart beat properly.
Also if she’s so sick she doesn’t care anymore she wouldn’t put on a full face, wig and be hanging around taking selfies with jewelry on.
No. 906668
>>906567no editing Proceeds to take it in crap lighting, filter it 50x and upload it in garbage tier quality.
Yes Vic, we believe you that you don’t care anymore. People who don’t care typically don’t need to tell people they don’t care… good lord she’s insecure.
No. 906697
File: 1673844884171.jpeg (155.44 KB, 1283x636, F07BF20E-6026-4B83-A3FB-B7B564…)

It’s a free game…? Good to see she’s spending her time wisely.
No. 906700
File: 1673847386173.jpg (109.47 KB, 734x572, evony 01.jpg)

>>906697On one hand it's really weird she plays that. But on the other hand it makes perfect sense.
No. 906770
File: 1674071183941.jpeg (107.8 KB, 1283x664, FDD3BF38-CF29-46E3-A696-7FD347…)

No way, Victoria dated another loser? Shocking.
No. 906771
File: 1674071236602.jpeg (131.13 KB, 1283x645, A3F67865-282F-4F6B-9E70-508F88…)

>>906770Sure you did, Jan.
No. 906774
File: 1674071950366.jpeg (329.1 KB, 1283x1775, 0AB1A86A-3588-41CC-A4C8-3A70D2…)

Vicky asking for a second opinion on fb.
No. 908037
File: 1674110587170.jpeg (367.27 KB, 4000x1787, A65C1C69-E527-4EAD-915F-EAC1B3…)

>>906770She posted this on her “business page” as well.
No. 908050
File: 1674128237378.jpg (56.86 KB, 719x288, Screenshot_20230119-223640_Fac…)

>>906774lol this was the reply
No. 908097
File: 1674172151761.jpeg (460.61 KB, 1283x2138, 6F804EFB-4510-400D-85ED-0321EB…)

>>908064Here we go already. I wonder how long it takes until she’s feeling a bit better. Not better enough to work but take new selfies
No. 908149
File: 1674211488785.jpg (477.12 KB, 1080x1533, Screenshot_20230120_104252_Fac…)

Put it away, Vicky.
No. 908199
File: 1674250541651.jpeg (231.49 KB, 1283x1276, 09E36ABE-42CB-46D3-8488-0ED58C…)

>>908149One of the comment threads on this spread eagle onlyfans photo.
I think I’ve entered the retard twilight zone.
No. 908241
>>908149Man, she is coming in hard with her old photos at the moment.
This picture is old, and the one posted before that was taken in 2019.
No. 908266
File: 1674345479249.jpeg (125.23 KB, 1283x491, 8114CD98-A87C-41B8-B82C-0047F6…)

The girl that steals money from people, scars up peoples bodies and treats people like garbage is going into 2023 a shitter person? Set those goals high
No. 908331
File: 1674504617114.jpeg (341.61 KB, 1283x2111, 56CAC38E-0A92-42ED-948E-496FD4…)

This is the girl that looks down on onlyfans hoes? Her Instagram is back open and she’s just posting old shit. I think some of her teeth fell out from years of alcoholism and poor hygiene
No. 908334
>>908331 kekkk such a dirty, trashy hoe
I know OF girls with more standards, esp on their "public accounts"
No. 908340
>>908334No one cares, go back to twitter
>>908318Sage your newfaggotry, retard
>>908331How does she still manage to look so greasy, crusty and smelly through all those filters? Ugly fat hog
No. 908352
File: 1674565934673.jpeg (264.75 KB, 1283x2203, 828CC0CD-BE4D-4F5C-AD1E-15504D…)

On her work page. You’re not that tiny? Shaped like a thumb.
No. 908382
>>908352what “ass”? that photo is so dark and poor quality I can’t see a damn thing.
someone says she’s posting old photos/videos because she’s fat, vic posts a photo about her ass, conveniently mentioning her weight.
someone mentions a filter due to the lighting in her bathroom, so she makes sure to tell everyone that’s what it is, lighting.
she could always take the photo somewhere else with better lighting, she won’t though because she looks busted. her idgaf attitude is a facade as always.
No. 908390
>>908372Usually I wouldn’t think this posts are icky, but her favourite thing to tell people is to “kill yourself”
She also thinks she a skinny queen now so calling people fat would be in brand.
She made a post about “ the old me is dead duck around and find out”
I don’t think she’s sick at all. I honestly believe she had health violations from her at home cat pissed studio and blames lolcow.
No. 908398
File: 1674692482136.webm (1010.99 KB, 1080x1920, 164953613_195517359802321_6912…)
>I was heavier here but I rocked it. This is my real hair colour.
No. 908399
File: 1674694108467.jpeg (224.41 KB, 1175x1958, 58DE47AD-7407-4AFF-9D37-928F96…)

>>908398She’s single and now she’s posting her vagina and tits online again. How does she not realize how desperate this makes her look? She rarely posts and then posts five times a day looking for a new lonely dude to bang. Also that is very very clearly a wig.
I would bet this is a new video, she’s still chunky and just lost all her hair
No. 908428
>>908423Complains and calls people trashy for using the word “retard” on lolcow.
Proceeds to tell retards to “kill themselves”
Yep, it’s Victoria kek
(infighting) No. 908430
File: 1674746306342.jpeg (131.65 KB, 1283x659, 9D86F12B-E140-4402-9459-41A65D…)

That’s cause he cheated on you. Again.
No. 908437
>>908430I guess that’s be some karma for all the men she has slept with because their girlfriends/wives were rude. How’s it feel to be on that end of it ick?
I’m curious, I know this may be looked down upon here, but what type of personality disorder/mental illness does this woman have? What do you all think? I mean does she truly believe she is a top supermodel? Does she truly think she took a pic in front of the rose window? I mean that kind of stuff. Is she just a pathological liar or is this even deeper than that? Vic is fascinating to me because of her delusion. I don’t think I’ve ever met somebody that was not in care that is this out of touch with themselves.
No. 908440
File: 1674764306046.jpeg (224.55 KB, 1283x2052, 9049FECF-A676-44AA-910B-64388F…)

She put up another wig video and it looks like she’s missing teeth .. actually. Can’t tell cause she took this on a toaster.
But yeah I think after years of alcoholism, bleaching her hair / washing it with floor cleaner and poor hygiene I think she’s lost teeth and her hair
No. 908441
File: 1674764752978.jpeg (407.53 KB, 1283x1797, E88E9BD8-F7B6-4E6B-8C4E-2C32DD…)

And like clockwork, Vicky put up her dating requirements list. She has her steps when she becomes single again. She’s being doing the same shit for a decade.
Considering she out she will slap the shit out of you if you’re violent. Considering she makes up scenarios in her head, she’ll probably punch you for less. Didn’t she punch adrien for breaking up with her? Just say you’re an abuser icky.
Can her ex fiancé come her plz.
No. 908442
File: 1674764933257.jpeg (320.91 KB, 1283x1689, 9E652978-B372-4352-A766-FAE66B…)

>>908441“My soulmate might be an alien. I’m not racist. I don’t bang cats though”
So happy single ick is back. Kek
No. 908444
>peacefull>respectfull How does she still not know how to properly spell such simple words. She has major brain rot
>isn’t into poisoning people Fucking KEK is she trying to make another wild claim with this?? The only person who poisoned her is herself with all the alcohol and drugs
No. 908445
File: 1674771499735.jpg (88.01 KB, 675x863, muh spinal canal.JPG)

No. 908448
File: 1674772121172.jpeg (22.76 KB, 205x335, F86E7A44-8F25-44DB-A131-7F201E…)

>>908445just for reference, picrel is a slipped disc in the spinal canal. i don’t know what she’s even pointing out in her photo. i don’t see anything.
No. 908460
File: 1674777505145.jpeg (89.65 KB, 1284x342, C58EE4B0-5F6C-4563-85FB-1CA771…)

>>908445Are neck injuries considered .. chronic illness? Um… getting drunk and falling down the stairs yourself is a you problem icky.
after all of this her excuse is she drunkenly slipped down the steps and can’t work for 2 years?!
No. 908469
>>908440It’s giving “lost footage of a slambeast in heat”
>>908441>can’t spell>sick and unemployed>can’t get out of bed >mutually abusive>won’t try to “make her jealous” but has to be okay with her posting bottom of the barrel onlyfans tier flap slapping videos online Garbage attracts flies, she’s gunning for a decent human being and going full speed in the opposite direction
No. 908473
File: 1674785366718.jpeg (76.27 KB, 1284x518, BF3FC5A0-C87D-470F-A902-4E1E58…)

>>908441also not surprising her “engagement” didn’t work out seeing as she posted this three months ago
this man did not get her a ring
No. 908486
File: 1674788511548.jpeg (130.43 KB, 1212x774, 2768D691-B29F-4D03-BF05-07E43B…)

>>908473Any man dating icky couldn’t afford a ring. They were probably just drunk and spoke about totes getting married.
If it’s private info why would you put that on your public Facebook? The attention seeking is TOO MUCH. She said she slipped down the stairs and of course that’s someone else’s fault
No. 908491
File: 1674789650900.jpeg (338.64 KB, 1283x1775, 478846A9-3774-4BDD-B740-B23D1C…)

>>908445And reminder she also posted this for a “second opinion” no slipped disc here either. I have a feeling someone on Facebook gave her the diagnosis. Kek
No. 908511
>>908445She sprained her neck and that’s the whole reason she can’t work and has to wear a heart monitor? Kek I’m not buying it.
Seizures only happen when the herniated disk is pressing onto the spinal cord. Doesn’t take a neurologist to see in her scans that her spinal cord looks perfectly fine (she’s asking for a second opinion in a group for neurologists so I’m assuming she’s still “unwell” when these were taken).
No. 908519
File: 1674826234740.jpeg (252.11 KB, 1283x1296, 4AC161F1-5ACE-4C88-9FC4-CFB313…)

>>908511So let me get this straight. She has a strained neck, but she’s writing reviews about botched dental work, dead teeth and…
No. 908520
File: 1674826427650.jpeg (305.88 KB, 1283x1151, 3F445C2D-4FAA-4B1B-BCEA-03D4A4…)

… after a dentist saved her life from tooth rot, the EMS had to restrain her because her neck was hurting?
Sounds like drugs. Teeth. Drug induced psychosis. The fact that she wrote 15 reviews from different walk ins for medication. She’s using her neck as an excuse for more drugs. I’ll put money on it
No. 908528
File: 1674837934847.png (447.37 KB, 1080x1675, Screenshot_20230127-094409-955…)

>>908520Definitely drugs. Nobody talks at length about how they totally never take pain pills if they actually don't take them.
No. 908536
File: 1674845961329.png (1.36 MB, 1284x2778, 8B620993-A5FE-4E7A-B81F-DC9598…)

>>908528Google reviews say different. These are all walkins, hospitals etc within 3 months of eachother. She’s claiming to need or to be getting meds. Sounds like doctor shopping and not someone that turns down painkillers but okay icky
No. 908546
>>908460Disk injuries are permanent and can cause extreme life-long pain and mobility issues, but it's also common for pain attributed to a 'bad back'/spine to be psychosomatic and it's very common for malingerers to complain about nonexistent spine issues. At the end of the day she could be suffering from pain if she fucked up her spine, but it's impossible to say whether she fucked up her spine
>>908491unless any of us are neurologists, and it's also Vicky
No. 908563
>>908528High pain tolerance = how long you can persist with the physical pain while feeling it
High pain threshold = the point at which something becomes physically painful and felt.
I learned this from a tattooist who commented on my high pain threshold and figured it was something they all knew the difference between.
Clearly not.
No. 908586
File: 1674870386284.jpeg (209.4 KB, 1161x1886, 0EB071BC-38CB-40A7-A360-F4CC51…)

So Victoria has completely dropped the accent now for the most part.
This whole video she’s talking about how the only time she thinks about lolcow is when people bring it up. Which Jackie came here to say the opposite and she doesn’t have friends, nobody is bringing it up girl.
Anyways, remember when we thought she tattooed her face..? What the fuck is that infection ? She had it in another video…
No. 908587
File: 1674870484262.jpeg (166.18 KB, 1283x1093, B2CA2985-CE25-4029-B19A-D81A3C…)

>>908586… this one june 5 2021. Which is around the time she started the “I’m not longer working cause my neck hurts” story. Girls karma is tattooing her face and infected it like she’s done so many others. Beautiful.
No. 908589
File: 1674872160057.webm (10.97 MB, 720x1280, 10000000_497911845755743_86104…)
>>908586Here's the video. She sounds like she's on benzos here. Really really dramatic slurring and not much trace of the fake British accent.
No. 908590
File: 1674874535064.png (703.94 KB, 1080x1891, Screenshot_20230127-195453-478…)

This boomer thinks Victoria is talking about him LOL. Victoria's Facebook boomers are my fav.
No. 908592
>>908589The caption on this video is “About the small handful of obsessed weirdos who stalk my with fanfic of my life”
Has all the time in the world and still can’t get out a coherent sentence.
No. 908607
File: 1674911914096.jpeg (202.73 KB, 1283x1127, 53607938-2FB4-466C-B610-A25AE1…)

Doesn’t sound like he’s hitting on her at all. Sounds like she asked him something and he doesn’t want to answer. Kek. Awkward indeed. Vicky is hitting the bottle again.
No. 908609
File: 1674912056731.jpeg (119.35 KB, 1283x507, 78B8158F-30E3-43C2-9DFA-5BDCA2…)

>>908607So yeah she was trying to talk to him and he wasn’t given her the answer she wanted. Kek. She’s literally retarded
No. 908613
File: 1674916255579.jpeg (165.96 KB, 1283x825, 9C597126-AFF9-46CE-88F7-189A15…)

>>908609GIRL WHAT. She was so high last night she doesn’t remember blasting him publicly? She’s on quaaludes and nobody can convince me otherwise
No. 908617
File: 1674923087196.jpeg (307.99 KB, 1283x2317, 2B2CB221-48CF-4860-B70E-A5E006…)

Didn’t she just make a whole video about not caring what people say online cause she has real life problems. Women get messages like this everyday, and block. They don’t entertain it. Kek. When your real life problem includes paying taxes let us know, icky. Kek
No. 908635
>>908630She does the same thing with the over the top incessant statements that she's
never been broken up with. She's always been the one to do the dumping. Because no man would ever leave her, duh.
No. 908638
File: 1674946250187.jpeg (Spoiler Image,274.9 KB, 1277x1278, 33F67BB0-88D7-4373-B792-0290C5…)

She just posted this on Facebook. Where her DAD IS ON HER FRIENDS LIST.
No. 908646
File: 1674951960685.jpeg (175.02 KB, 1283x967, F2C427CD-CA27-4D72-8B5F-B487A4…)

“THEIR” girlfriends, icky. Thisnis what happens when you get your Harvard degree on YouTube.
Sticky got cheated on by her own loser boyfriend and now she’s a Facebook superhero.
No. 908702
File: 1675045348492.jpeg (230.47 KB, 1283x1846, 8283E9F8-28B9-41CC-9EA8-692FF4…)

Now she’s a dermatologist. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s 37 filters.
No. 908732
File: 1675098830795.jpeg (851.07 KB, 1170x546, A70B7805-F94A-4982-9267-317177…)

Her new cover photo on Facebook which is just a bunch of nobody magazines anyone can apply to be on to show she’s totally a real model
No. 908737
File: 1675106151249.jpeg (754.33 KB, 1153x1871, 26215C38-4659-4D49-86D4-A5D148…)

Her grandma passed away and she posted herself naked in bed looking zoinked out of her mind with the caption “goodbye granny. Love you always” and a song playing over it. She is really something else
No. 908769
File: 1675126914461.jpeg (222.87 KB, 1283x879, C5AF9951-909D-4866-8208-6505E2…)

Victoria is getting MORE meds she said she doesn’t take. She edited this 10 times in 7 minutes. Girl worked at her cousins salon and would take selfies and gossip instead of cleaning up after herself, so that’s rich coming from her.
At least they have jobs
No. 908810
File: 1675180120196.jpeg (618.67 KB, 777x1277, E79B3131-532F-4853-81AB-C5008E…)

She’s posting old videos again. Showing off her black rotting gums and putrid tooth. Absolutely disgusting
No. 908837
File: 1675213959327.jpeg (319.93 KB, 1284x2219, 36AB3D94-BD31-4D8C-A958-6BF5C1…)

Someone allegedly asked her about her stomach tattoo so she posted this grainy, jumpy video. She also said it’s a dragon…?
No. 908855
File: 1675230682959.jpg (389.22 KB, 1080x2340, VideoCapture_20230201-184832.j…)

>>908852She's lost weight but not as much as this video makes it seem - the dark spot near her phone is tattoos, not a waist line. That side of her body is way wider than the other, going by where her hips actually end
No. 908864
File: 1675256619341.jpg (553.89 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230201_080248_Chr…)

Slightly better
No. 908894
File: 1675295849801.png (110.91 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_20230201-165513-923…)

On the comments of her stomach tattoo video. Is Victoria legitimately mentally challenged in any way? I'm going to feel really bad if I've been making fun of an actual slow learner for all these years. How could she think this person was talking about an actual corset in her bare tummy video??
No. 908949
File: 1675386759485.jpeg (363.83 KB, 771x1201, 6EEEFCA8-423D-439C-8571-D5195B…)

No. 909051
File: 1675540240167.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1159x1938, AF7FE4FF-3F59-483D-9F45-B2766A…)

She honestly looks like a tranny from behind. Like she’s built like a man. New totally really photographer name
No. 909117
File: 1675645569404.jpeg (123.6 KB, 829x1067, E123C39C-0AF8-4FC3-B1C6-6F8D38…)

Her responses to people are too much. This is in her dirty ass onlyfans picture
No. 909135
File: 1675655683654.jpeg (234.17 KB, 1284x882, B8786096-43C2-4089-A894-B3D449…)

So she fell down the stairs because someone’s negligence and hurt her neck.
A dentist fucked up her teeth cleaning and botched her mouth.
And now she got chemical burn in her lungs from a fan so she had to get rid of her cat.
This girl is on drugs, 100% on drugs.
No. 909155
>>909135No one asked, no one cares.
You rehoused them because you’re a grotty, lazy skank Vicky. You don’t just “develop” an allergy, you’re a liar, we all know cats and “tattoo studios” don’t mix. Guess what? You lost your “studio” and your credibility, so you gave away your pets for NOTHING. She could not give a single fuck about her pets. Hard decision my ASS. She used her cats for photo ops, she never genuinely cared about them. It’s always all about HER.
No. 909180
File: 1675724365086.jpeg (526.12 KB, 1125x1361, 3AD613C2-E521-4DA3-8D67-440842…)

No. 909181
File: 1675724386302.jpeg (881 KB, 1125x1400, 1BDE72BD-56D9-4847-AE03-EB321A…)

No. 909182
File: 1675724518870.jpeg (163.56 KB, 1125x510, 405A8F6E-574A-4F77-8845-9616B4…)

Why didn’t she use her ninja skills?
No. 909184
File: 1675726709290.jpeg (456.04 KB, 1125x1546, 6933E856-E1C2-4EB5-BFA1-44D988…)

Now she’s claiming she was poisoned.
No. 909191
File: 1675730566617.jpeg (103.32 KB, 1284x496, 543370B5-B968-442D-8CFE-E072C9…)

>>909180Victoria dates literal drug addicts and then is shocked when it goes badly kek
No. 909192
>>909183I'm not a lawfag so I can't work out much.
"Regina" in commonwealth nations = criminal charges. It mentions "The Crown", Regina is the name for the Queen, everyone in a Canada is charged by the monarch in criminal cases. Someone called Gabriel Hodges was charged with a violent assault and seems have accepted domestic abuse classes as punishment. I think it might have been a while ago because the Queen is dead and the male/king version is Rex, but I don't know when the courts change it after a monarch dies.
No. 909195
File: 1675730910352.jpeg (80.63 KB, 275x259, 9007322A-C881-4856-8C3B-9582E4…)

>>909181I knew I remembered that name. This is Gabriel Hodges from Hamilton. He’s been brought up here before. She’s keeping those standards HIGH.
No. 909199
>>909192Wow. I’m stupid. I’m from Ontario and had no idea lol. Thanks
No. 909201
File: 1675733603365.jpeg (144.8 KB, 1283x756, EC8C24B9-E671-4A66-A2C5-3E587B…)

>>909180So she filed charges after he tried to stab her and slit her wrists. Dropped them cause he was being nice, got back with him and got engaged. Oh okay
No. 909208
>>909180Wow she's edited this status like 20 times and now it names him by full name in the post, lol.
I remember that guy too. It was obvious he was a massive druggie. It figures Victoria would shack up and do drugs with him.
No. 909214
File: 1675745996641.jpeg (158.1 KB, 1071x474, 6524A4CA-79B4-4821-9C59-502AB6…)

>>909180This is my favourite comment on this post
No. 909244
File: 1675781514315.jpeg (418.45 KB, 1283x1735, 025EE8F2-D4AF-4B9E-A3D8-EE3289…)

I circled it up at the top. Like is from almost two years ago. So he’s allegedly been poisoning her for two years. She’s been engaged to him for two years and now he leaves her so she puts this on the Internet, got it.
No. 909245
File: 1675781580919.jpeg (332.08 KB, 1283x2182, 1AC257B0-E588-44BE-A8AC-4ED8D3…)

>>909244She’s been posting about men cheating a lot too. He cheated on her and now she’s leaking this.
No. 909246
File: 1675782451287.jpeg (312.05 KB, 1280x1433, 1EADE75E-6A41-46A5-ADFF-DAC7EA…)

>>909181First it was the EMS that assaulted her, now it’s her ex that she stayed with for two more years. Both caught on film.
Can’t wait for gab to drop his own story cause somethings not adding up here.
No. 909331
File: 1675878516272.png (1.9 MB, 1080x1778, Screenshot_20230208-104807-657…)

What the heck is this? Is this supposed to be Victoria?
No. 909341
File: 1675903920614.jpeg (299.03 KB, 1283x1692, A19E49A9-F4F2-4312-90F1-C62EEF…)

The second hand embarrassment is so real with her. She’s almost 40 calling out a random person on facebook about a guy she probably is messaging and doesn’t know their real name. She was publicly asking crayon for a three some with his girlfriend, so I doubt she’s the “saint” she tries to paint herself out to be.
And she slept with the ex a month ago that tried to slit her wrists 2 years ago? Highest of standards
No. 909344
>>909341Can't decide if 1. she's too retarded to understand Kieram is a typo and not a man's name 2. Guelph is the type of place to actually have dudes called Kieram, or 3. she's trying to be clever by pretending to play dumb and not reading the
obvious name Kieran
No. 909345
File: 1675913174281.jpeg (102.94 KB, 1283x625, 4E356217-7AAC-48C2-AC36-3A9E66…)

>>909341Or maybe you should get a job, pay taxes and stop living off of welfare instead of worrying about a fake account on Instagram.
No. 909395
File: 1675954693362.jpeg (155.7 KB, 1283x737, FF663D7D-8043-4369-BDCD-626C72…)

You’re 40 years old, admitting you talk to nasty men on Facebook to fill your time. Well at least she’s catching up on how her life has turned out.
No. 909401
File: 1675961639330.jpeg (170 KB, 1282x792, 05013CC1-2547-49EF-BF0F-EE733C…)

>>909395She’s trying way too hard to be an icy queen. I didn’t think it was possible, but she’s gotten worse with age.
No. 909422
File: 1675979768450.jpeg (433.73 KB, 1170x1716, 33A53963-C05C-42AB-9BC9-0A6CC1…)

No makeup but there’s a thousand face filters that make her eyes look as retarded as she is. These face tatts are fucking awful. Fat bitch arms looking like someone’s thigh
No. 909424
File: 1675981952206.jpeg (104.07 KB, 1284x602, DE8F022E-0E7B-4C74-B7BC-F8AACC…)

I LOVE single Victoria. She just embarrasses herself 50 times a day, the entertainment is endless
No. 909426
File: 1675982183339.png (1.64 MB, 1284x2778, 9B5BAB76-1AFD-45A1-9D5C-F3557B…)

She posted this on her stories… to show people that she’s desirable I guess?
No. 909439
File: 1676004345232.jpeg (209.32 KB, 1170x672, FD7A0CFE-52A4-4681-8500-C1C487…)

I’m loving all her posts
No. 909440
File: 1676004504053.jpeg (82.2 KB, 1122x290, F7946C58-8B27-4C11-A288-364FB8…)

>>909422Wheezing at the comment on this post
No. 909511
File: 1676067943759.jpeg (307.52 KB, 1283x1803, 5656A5D5-11EB-4A00-A3BB-E58BB4…)

I hope that’s a spelling mistake and not how she thinks you spell “ video”
No. 909703
File: 1676237273586.jpeg (281.22 KB, 1283x2031, 61585CA1-BCB7-47AF-9C54-AC14AB…)

>>909532What’s the point of posting blurs.
Talking about her hair? What? Her hair is naturally white? She wears huge T-shirt’s in public? Literally any picture of her in public she’s wearing a corset and thigh high socks. Even to the fucking water park. Kek
No. 909704
File: 1676238077064.jpeg (92.72 KB, 1283x539, B4C03D45-563E-4B22-BA07-885502…)

Icky doesn’t have a job now all the sudden the men she dates can’t either
No. 909726
File: 1676251394379.png (287.17 KB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_20230212-182248-054…)

This is so fucking embarrassing. I can barely get through these messages.
No. 909727
>>909726Of course her ass is better known. The 55 year old men that follow her on Facebook don’t have much else to look at? Posting her vagina on Facebook reels kek.
Weird way to say you have nothing else to offer.
No. 909743
>>909726You cannot convince me that she’s not genuinely retarded at this point. It would be sad if she wasn’t such a colossal misogynistic, racist, lying, thieving,
abusive piece of shit
No. 909797
File: 1676341245386.jpeg (116.45 KB, 573x977, 01A19DB6-6FE5-4B6E-8840-FD1269…)

This doesn’t look like a “just friends” kind of way of standing.. in a bathroom but ok. She’s too lazy to work, but can have random men over from Facebook. Got it. Good luck getting your deposits back guys
No. 909798
>>909797>calm down Kek he’s not raging, Vic. Calm down.
Are they expecting or some shit what is this pose? Men are retarded when it comes to women and the internet. Just look at coconutkitty.
No. 909799
File: 1676341709542.jpeg (386.83 KB, 1283x2084, 1C404C88-29CE-44CD-BDFB-4AF976…)

VICKY FINALLY MET POUNDTOWN. Why is he standing like that? He looks like a bigger fucking hick than I thought.
The captions also go on to say " it's surreal when people meet me and I look like me."
And "people say I'm 300 pounds cause their crush will like me more than them"
Doesn't matter how much you weigh, icky. You're uneducated, jobless, pushing 40, live in butt fuck nowhere and have never travelled outside
Ontario cause you're too broke.
Many reasons nobody is jealous of you.
She dated Gabriel, the 25 year old crackhead that beat her up. Now she has this guy she met on Facebook over to her house the first time they meet. Kek.
No. 909813
File: 1676364298621.jpeg (28.77 KB, 275x227, 73CA3FE5-5846-4F3B-8B41-2510C6…)

>>909799Us and the 300 pounds lives rent free in her head still I see
No. 909820
File: 1676388684688.jpeg (361.49 KB, 1283x2375, 189B7C91-42BE-4F7F-92ED-1BE6F8…)

No poundtown filter. Like they aren’t standing in a room that is poorly lit with a 1999 lava lamp. She should be less concerned about what lolcow has to say, and more about why at almost 40 she has a stranger in her home. Didn’t she just get her ass handed to her by her 25y/o fiancé? Just cause you speak to someone on Facebook doesn’t mean you know them enough to lock yourself in the bathroom with them. Holy shit
No. 909826
File: 1676394692117.jpeg (96.47 KB, 929x937, 2B7D27B5-216B-4322-8FA9-50D673…)

>>909825I’m going to be honest, I’ve never looked in depth to this guys page before. I just saw his pfp and thought “ why is this conventionally good looking guy even speaking to sticky” but looks like they’re a match made in the trash bin.
No. 909831
>>909820Turn on the lights vick; dont be shy. Show us what you look like in shorts and a tank? Carefully curated and crafted for the illusion but icky vicky never backs it up irl.
Also does she only own two outfits? Kek
No. 909833
File: 1676400320838.jpg (146.72 KB, 1283x1561, poundtownmeetsickyvic.jpg)

>>909820If you really want to show the haters take your flabby ass and that diseased dick ashtray of yours outside where there's actual light. His face says it all >>Oh so that's how you catfished me. These two tards together give me life.
No. 909876
File: 1676466742871.jpeg (172.16 KB, 1170x621, 04A07DF0-C604-4EF3-AE43-3B54C6…)

Desired and sought after Vicky didn’t get anything from billionaires, rockstars, and admirers for valentines. Alone and approaching 40 with nobody around
No. 909902
File: 1676498133590.jpeg (179.95 KB, 1170x427, 8C5E6308-95E9-4F8C-BA96-B5A003…)

>>909799This is a “grown women” saying this. You are ugly as sin on the inside and no right man wants a jobless broke loser who has no real life skills. Perpetually 16 forever
No. 909923
File: 1676558794108.jpeg (120.31 KB, 1283x1834, E2C26066-7532-4649-8D58-C40CC7…)

>>909912It’s giving weird drunk aunt that posts inappropriate stuff
No. 909948
File: 1676613195522.png (233.88 KB, 1080x1045, Screenshot_20230216-225133-832…)

Apparently we all have crushes on the mayor of Pound Town and Photoshop Victoria to be obese.
No. 909960
File: 1676642038333.jpeg (452.14 KB, 1283x2047, 6047A7A7-F8DA-4D3B-8B2B-93AA9D…)

>>909948This one too..
she’s getting a record low likes on all her selfies / posts. Thank fuck people are starting to realize she’s a moron.
No. 909964
File: 1676651689038.jpeg (88.9 KB, 1170x828, 23D5699A-90EB-4A10-AD03-B19BDC…)

This retard needs to lay off the bottle. She never can form a proper sentence
No. 910004
File: 1676736855033.jpeg (371.67 KB, 1284x2222, 85798509-65BF-4745-88E7-A8FF97…)

The cycle of Victoria. Guy leaves her, she posts about how much happier she is single, she makes a list of requirements to date her, posts her vagina 1-3 times a day, she meets a guy on Facebook a week later, she stops posting. Can’t wait to see the poundtown thing blow up in her face
No. 910158
File: 1677016482727.jpeg (242.79 KB, 1170x1568, F8A053B5-10E8-4B1B-B4E4-FA93C3…)

She was in a wheelchair now. And she’s so much better 30 seconds after her boyfriend left her. I’m assuming the right people in her life is poundtown since she has no friends
No. 910276
File: 1677189752509.webm (2.21 MB, 1080x1920, 322292812_598817985595657_2146…)
Single Vicky strikes again
No. 910308
File: 1677246183961.jpeg (665.68 KB, 1283x2045, 08086BE1-A4CE-401D-9C3D-F28DCD…)

Can’t convince me she isn’t a call girl.
No. 910377
File: 1677347886079.jpeg (51.72 KB, 1283x510, 3D579136-57BB-4BDD-88DA-D54C12…)

>>910276The almost 40 year old with no job left this on the video of herself sucking off a lollipop. Jfc.
No. 910387
File: 1677358779563.webm (2.04 MB, 720x1280, 333849972_800552851493236_5600…)
Victoria posted this. "No editing needed"
No. 910396
File: 1677365266681.jpeg (208.77 KB, 1283x995, B1FB08AC-C763-40AA-9F14-B9AFF9…)

That camera is from an iPhone 7 or 8. So she’s using an “old phone” the 8 came out in 2017 so while she isn’t using filter, her camera must be fucking dirty as hell. Which is gross. Those iPhone 7/8 cameras were good.
No. 910410
File: 1677371757918.webm (3.51 MB, 720x1280, SomethingAboutPlanB.webm)
Victoria talking about how ugly people should have been aborted, lolz so funny!
No. 910415
File: 1677373091439.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x2267, 236E3B82-0306-4AA6-AA48-0F13D5…)

>>910410Jump scare. She says “ is it too late for your mother to take plan B” I swear she just scrolls Facebook and takes old people memes and tries to pass it off as her own thoughts.
No. 910422
File: 1677394400346.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1284x2778, 72E9CDA5-9912-41C6-87E5-7C2F98…)

These gums… is it the filter or is she super anemic? The fuck is going on here
No. 910446
File: 1677443446631.jpeg (367.38 KB, 2048x2048, 9B214368-90EF-4880-A9EE-65A95A…)

More photos on the cat piss couch
No. 910447
File: 1677443606666.jpeg (121.38 KB, 1283x779, 69C4BF1D-971C-486B-BC79-6227C5…)

>>910446Girl is going to be 40 in 3 years. Not going to happen girl. Also he wasn’t calling you a mother, retard.
No. 910478
>>910446she’s lost weight, however she was only able to do so due to almost breaking her damn neck. She has zero willpower and had to be stuck in bed and unable to properly feed herself to drop enough weight to look like… a cheap onlyfans “model”.
It also appears as though she only owns one tacky bracelet, kek
No. 910482
File: 1677508985356.jpeg (255.78 KB, 1283x2131, B53C6A36-486A-45AE-B1C7-6209F1…)

The filter around her lips keeps falling off. She goes on to say “ being single in your early 30s ( isn’t she 36..?) is better than being with a guy that will make you unhappy” then goes on to say a guy with a bigger dick is out there. It’s a hard watch.
No. 910551
File: 1677591974346.jpeg (873.04 KB, 1170x1503, 047C8BF8-8186-44A4-9879-0A5AD0…)

>>910446she posted another version and edited a totally different face on her body. It’s embarrassing she’s still trying to say the eyeliner doodles on her face are tattoos. Week old face tattoos aren’t shiny. It’s a good thing they aren’t real because Vicki gave herself a gang tattoo that means she killed someone/killed someone in prison kek
No. 910568
File: 1677611330045.jpeg (498.24 KB, 1083x662, 42F4AC24-4F4F-441D-A8B9-F4327B…)

I love when she tells on herself
No. 910592
File: 1677632811521.webm (4.36 MB, 540x960, 333852445_222284473511526_5658…)
Another day, another video where Victoria eye fucks herself on the camera and spreads her legs.
No. 910598
>>910592this bitch out here thinking she's better than OF thots when she puts out this shit
the tongue thing reminds me of a lizard
No. 910614
File: 1677667593940.jpeg (424.89 KB, 1283x1970, 1630413276713.jpeg)

>>910518>>910524>>910539>>910607This is the latest pencil drawing of hers I could find.
>>>/pt/851321 No. 910635
>>910614yeah, you’re right that’s not a great drawing. She’s very heavy handed, only uses one type of pencil and has smudged it. It’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on. Shading and perspective is way off. I mean who does a
rough sketch of a tattoo? Usually the artist creates something far more refined.
No. 910683
>>910650It's Shenron from dragonball z if you were wondering why the chinese/Japanese thing doesn't seem right.
Literally looks like a 10 year old boy drew it in class on a notebook.
No. 910702
File: 1677857536862.jpg (166.24 KB, 2000x1500, occular.jpg)

What in the bright ocular surgery hell is going on here. Did she get the T.I wife look.
Hope she enjoys her oval shaped pupil on the right side because the lens did not sit right.
Is this why she had to go to the emergency room not too long ago??
No. 910706
File: 1677865556383.png (711.02 KB, 1080x1313, Screenshot_20230303-104452-838…)

God help us all. Victoria took "books closed" out of her bio and seems to be taking new clients again.
No. 910827
File: 1677991232955.png (500.19 KB, 1080x1955, Screenshot_20230304-213921-342…)

Victoria posting generic scrote dms to prove how desirable she is, is probably my fifth or sixth favorite thing about her.
No. 910828
File: 1677991850184.jpg (406.69 KB, 718x1000, 63f656fcf55b5e6715b2d50d627523…)

>>910614This is my first time peeking in this thread, so apologies if this has been talked about already, but what the fuck is up with her choice of paper? Not only is it cheap and a magnet for smudges, but do people even use it anymore? I haven't seen any since I was a kid. Was a stack just given to her for free and she hasn't been able to upgrade?
>>910650>Chinese dragon with Japanese dragon elements? As the other anon who replied to you said, this is just a donut steel of Shenron.
No. 910880
File: 1678061089970.jpeg (247.45 KB, 1283x1928, 334B2FEE-A837-4F58-8C58-B2DCA7…)

I really hope these face tattoos are real
No. 910881
File: 1678061159669.jpeg (251.44 KB, 1283x2093, 981890B5-113F-42E1-B2A3-519DB6…)

“New makeup style for fun” you mean filter? Her eyebrow is going on to her hair.
No. 910882
File: 1678061229828.jpeg (148.44 KB, 1283x1950, 8BD6B1F0-D1DE-4034-BFE5-E9FE07…)

Icky proving to herself everyday that’s she’s totes unbothered by lolcow.
No. 910885
File: 1678068933048.jpeg (228.71 KB, 2048x2048, BBD997F7-3030-47F9-B4C7-F96160…)

>>909422>>910881Is she drawing a nose ring too?
No. 910891
>>910880she will never go filter free with a high quality photo because she looks busted af IRL.
this photo is so filtered she hasn’t a fold, line or even a bit of skin texture. she has no confidence, which is in part why she looks especially ugly, she’s just arrogant and that isn’t appealing.
No. 910934
File: 1678142915131.jpeg (218.84 KB, 1283x1629, 64D23E81-3915-4F8B-9A58-DD5EB6…)

Vicky on Facebook wearing no shirt (just her leather jacket) sucking on her finger again.
No. 910937
File: 1678147240704.jpeg (400.95 KB, 1170x1404, 4D7E578F-B079-4A39-8199-59FEC6…)

>>910881Did she get her rotten tooth pulled and a metal one put in?
No. 910948
File: 1678158288326.jpeg (158.45 KB, 1600x1200, EB6854AC-F40B-4500-8BD9-F63C08…)

>>910937not pulled, filed down with a silver crown fitted to preserve what was left of her tooth.
No. 910950
File: 1678159708110.jpeg (Spoiler Image,227.7 KB, 750x1204, CB344E23-4AC2-49BE-9748-BBF80D…)

“I’m not like them onlyfans hoes… I give it up for free!” Kek.
Spoiler because Vic’s saggy tits are front and centre.
No. 910955
File: 1678162208311.jpeg (846.87 KB, 1170x1585, 7E9E06A7-B15F-468F-9284-ABDB1F…)

>>910950No editing but the phone is all warped next to her face
No. 910958
File: 1678164397418.png (707.63 KB, 1080x1982, Screenshot_20230306-214525-785…)

I will never not be embarrassed for her that she posts these conversations.
No. 910971
>>910958“Why do you wanna date me” is the most honest thing Vicky has ever said.
You have no redeeming qualities, so why indeed
No. 910992
File: 1678209267786.jpeg (75.49 KB, 1283x473, AACFE1D3-E7D5-48B8-AD9B-BE58A7…)

Victoria is almost 40 playing games with men cause she’s bored. Dear god. Why do I have a feeling poundtown didn’t want anything to do with her after visiting her in person
No. 911009
File: 1678229628812.jpeg (287.09 KB, 1283x1912, 32A678C3-3D48-4862-BAF4-F91A57…)

“I’ll take their crush” you mean you’ll take their deposit and never give it back after you ghost them for years?
Also, the “photographer” is from Mexico. Her saw her on Instagram over the years. He’s not a very good photographer if he can’t see the heavy editing.
No. 911046
File: 1678282280305.png (209.07 KB, 370x620, CCA8D889-BB8D-4E07-8CBD-92BE6C…)

She’s so disgusting. The fact that sticking her fat dirty finger in her mouth is one of her signature poses just screams trash to me. She thinks it’s hot when it’s just vile. And then she elevates the trashy behaviour by popping it out of her mouth flashing the middle finger every time. Stay classy
No. 911049
File: 1678285304816.jpeg (301.17 KB, 1283x2040, C5C951E9-B388-4261-8D27-DEFFB4…)

What the fuck is actually going on here. She’s pulling at her eye and sticking out her tongue for some reason.
No. 911070
File: 1678310754266.jpeg (105.89 KB, 1283x546, 7F9BA6F4-CA4E-4202-B028-AF26E7…)

I know she’s trying to be funny, but all that it’s giving is another guy dropped Vicky, she was rude as hell and she totally “stopped talking to them” the cycle continues.
No. 911072
File: 1678311220460.jpeg (311.84 KB, 1283x1410, B85BAC3E-226B-4445-9E1F-F3A53A…)

So it’s international women’s day, and Vicky wanted to let us know just because she’s fat, smokes and drinks she’ll live longer than a woman that has settled down and have children. Too bad she didn’t actually read the article, from 2018. From the NYPOST, which isn’t reputable in the slightest.
From another study: “In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest that having children can help women to live longer.”
Science is t that black and white you fucking retard. She reads one nypost article from 5 years ago to help her feel better about being alone and an alcoholic.
No. 911074
File: 1678311882692.jpeg (458.2 KB, 1283x2318, 74C3427C-1860-4310-92A3-E4AA48…)

“Um… of course I love men. They went to the same pool hall as me.”
Does she not realize how fucking retarded she sounds? She must be on ODSP from drug induced brain damage.
No. 911084
File: 1678318554960.png (155.91 KB, 1080x852, Screenshot_20230308-163255-773…)

I can't tell if she's trying to be funny or if she's calling out the mayor of Pound Town here.
No. 911090
>>911049She must have been drunk when she lined her lips jfc
Her new face is weirding me out.
No. 911120
File: 1678373489052.jpeg (106.91 KB, 1283x530, 9AD588C6-B3CF-473C-BB49-B00439…)

>>911046These filers are for polish. Doesn’t a polish make things look cleaner?…
I wonder if Victorias dad has even made an effort to visit her after leaving for the UK. Would make sense why she can’t admit when I man doesn’t like her/ leaves her. The daddy issues running deep.
No. 911130
File: 1678393707944.jpeg (174.12 KB, 1283x1118, 071C46D5-30BB-443A-AC0B-4BFBB4…)

The desperate antics of Victoria. Man regrets smashing for sure
No. 911134
File: 1678398704515.jpeg (183.77 KB, 1283x1327, 5ED69822-7F6C-463F-BF45-D7A55A…)

>>911132Oh no… it’s still there and she’s added to it kek
No. 911136
File: 1678399014071.jpeg (179.48 KB, 1161x724, 1102E575-C35B-4B05-B27C-6B024F…)

>>911134That’s strange because I cannot see it and she doesn’t have me blocked either. He must have hidden it. Are you friends with her by chance? The hidden option hides it so only people friends with the person commenting May see it
No. 911137
>>911136For some reason on Dylan's Facebook, you have to click where it says "2h", or whatever the time is for when he posted, and then the comments show.
Victoria's comments are for sure still there, lol.
No. 911159
File: 1678416283902.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20230309-164734-731…)

Who the fuck is mr.vikashyadav75?
No. 911160
File: 1678416526242.png (2.29 MB, 2240x2139, some_black_guy.png)

Sorry 4 samefag but Victoria is on one tonight. Here she is getting a random guy to defend her against the claim that she flirted with a black guy.
No. 911188
File: 1678458160485.jpeg (122.71 KB, 1283x922, 2225DC7D-8A2F-4ECA-9C6C-69A68A…)

>>911159On the video of her sucking her finger. She literally has a public OnlyFans account.
No. 911189
File: 1678458610531.jpeg (295.15 KB, 960x1280, D0652080-822C-4BDF-8EC6-7D2A00…)

>>911188This is the guy she’s talking to in her public comment section about sucking her unnamed body parts by the way. Top tier for icky
No. 911221
File: 1678481613446.png (256.58 KB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20230310-135242-342…)

Victoria was an award winning radio DJ, lol.
No. 911231
File: 1678484689671.jpeg (653.64 KB, 1283x2385, 734AF650-23C1-4F43-A265-897952…)

>>911221I swear to his this bitch must think nobody knows how to use google. Award winning? At this place? Okay.
No. 911244
File: 1678494300633.jpeg (73.49 KB, 1283x390, 4B32520D-2ADC-4641-82AD-6F0F12…)

Weird way to admit you’re a massive liar, but ok.
No. 911281
File: 1678568220872.jpg (102.39 KB, 758x1280, IMG_20230311_135653_431.jpg)

Spotted Vic commenting on a Psychology Today post the other day.
No. 911311
File: 1678600823168.png (156.77 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20230311-225913-991…)

I can't stop laughing you guys.
No. 911409
File: 1678671943077.jpeg (106.42 KB, 1283x2099, 0A53D5F6-E5DB-43FC-9233-A1DF2C…)

Icky is pretending she speaks Spanish now cause she ran so words through google translate without first seeing what the other person said. They’re asking if she speaks Spanish And she just says I don’t drink for the second time. Then covered up the part where she says she’s on drugs / or medication.
No. 911410
File: 1678672001200.jpeg (117.75 KB, 1283x1768, E2C543BD-9CF5-4CAD-A7B0-065212…)

I guess poundtown doesn’t wanna date icky. Kek
No. 911442
File: 1678734395332.jpeg (156.78 KB, 1283x2192, B2664D7A-5BC8-4B64-AA19-8D8386…)

“When an ex says ‘what’s up’”
“My standards…bye” and then a shot of cheap flowers.
Her eye makeup looks like a literal crackhead did it.
>>911427She got her military training the same place she got her Yale training. YouTube.
In order to get weaponry trining, she’s need to go through basic training first. There’s requirements to do so in Canada. For basic training ONE of the requirements is “Timed 2-mile run”
No. 911443
File: 1678734684684.jpeg (45.59 KB, 824x1021, 16C8C753-E213-45FB-8390-C53CDA…)

>>911442I also can’t tell if this moron actually tattooed her face. They look like scribbles. I’d be so pissed if this “tattoo artist” was holding my deposit but had the time and energy to hop from man to man
No. 911445
File: 1678741692149.jpeg (74.16 KB, 1284x1381, 59FA1B83-B2A5-4A0D-BA88-2B3DCF…)

>>911442it’s the lipliner 1/4 inch above her actual top lip for me
No. 911452
File: 1678776921502.jpeg (34.92 KB, 558x953, 62B32D97-FDCB-4144-AA42-47422D…)

What the fuck is this hair extension placement
No. 911459
File: 1678842211226.webm (5.07 MB, 1080x1920, soimanerd.webm)
>sauuughhh, I'm a nerd
>Haven't seen one like this before
No. 911527
File: 1678914893618.jpeg (191.92 KB, 1125x1799, 9E9A8132-F656-43BE-9F15-BB13A8…)

>>911442the tags are the best part lmao, so desperate
No. 911534
>>911459why is being able to disassemble a computer being a "nerd"? can she tell me what any of those parts are or how they go together?
anyone can take something apart, but at least she's honest when she says she can fix them sometimes kek
No. 911554
File: 1678973044251.jpeg (188.78 KB, 1282x2095, F2AAEDBC-BDC2-45F1-956E-FABFD1…)

What is this even? … “I’m such a tomboy you’d never know how I’m feeling. Unless I touch you, or how I express myself.. or what I say.. and what I do” so bitch, people with eye sight and half a brain cell would know how you feel?
Why would being a tomboy have anything to do with expressiveness? Kek.
No. 911555
File: 1678973160596.jpeg (382.2 KB, 1283x2349, 55035D34-27AC-49E0-8B25-E1AE6D…)

The amount of filter on this woman’s face, holy shit. She’s out and about. She hasn’t worked in a year, but she can have strangers from Facebook over and go out to drink fake beer. Her profile also says she lives in Kitchener now. Isn’t that where her mom lives
No. 911628
File: 1679108311003.jpeg (191.7 KB, 1283x2080, 7F5BCD74-B289-4ACB-8FAB-2A7B85…)

Her entire personality is hating women and getting a boyfriend. Not a job, not being a decent human, not someone that is excited to see the world. No. Finding a boyfriend on Facebook.
No. 911641
File: 1679175979943.jpeg (64.64 KB, 780x440, F2ED80EE-A07D-4F7A-98E6-71BC45…)

>>911637Kek - sure you have,
No. 911669
File: 1679209350050.jpeg (16.59 KB, 480x360, 388599BC-1287-458A-985D-C22B50…)

>>911555Dear lord… It crazy how much effort she goes to just to wind up looking this cheap.
Seriously though, why aren’t her makeup skills improving and evolving with time? It’s not even good “scene” makeup, egirls have got her beat… she needs to retire this “look” as the egregious amount of makeup she wears actually makes her look older, filters or not.
I doubt she’s trying to send “perpetually single, seriously jaded spinster vibes”, but here we are… kek.
No. 911676
>>911628Im convinced nonnas are willingly forgetting their reading comprehension to shit on the cows reposts. Im pretty sure the poster of the video is calling out women who get obsessive over a new bf’s exgf to cope with the moid being a piece of shit by projecting unto the exgf.
There are even nonnas who confess to doing similar stalker shit in /ot kekw.
No. 911684
File: 1679244425483.webm (3.84 MB, 720x1280, 337096131_247695517595872_4299…)
There's no way Victoria isn't on drugs.
No. 911754
File: 1679369321100.jpg (10.56 KB, 245x225, BpJCY0KIcAAJkqT.jpg)

>>911684sounds like someone has a dry pussy problem tbh? Like the minimum a man can do during a sexual experience is get the girl wet.
No. 911787
File: 1679429503706.png (19.99 KB, 1080x545, Screenshot_20230321-131115-257…)

I love that Victoria gives advice on Quora.
No. 911959
File: 1679595721479.jpeg (116.63 KB, 1136x932, 38BEB10B-F972-4259-9EA9-B1A296…)

Old photo she uploaded and it’s hilarious because she photoshopped the whole room and window kek
No. 912092
File: 1679770392996.jpeg (154.95 KB, 1284x1835, 98F73BED-F321-4FDF-9179-E14629…)

“Humble yourself” kek.
No. 912105
>>912092Lol @ the moids turning on her the second she doesn't post her usual pickme shit.
Men aren't your friends if they think they can't access your low self-esteem ass anymore and they are quick to remind you what they really think of you once you start forming opinions. Be careful Vic, or you might actually have to humble yourself and make actual friends with other women.
No. 912462
File: 1680056797127.jpeg (156.55 KB, 1283x2049, 944E023A-F364-487A-816C-EC5DC9…)

She always goes on about “never being dumped”
Remember that time she was she had nowhere else to go so she was staying with her friend. She was posting about that guy so much and how much she liked him
For them to just kick her out and accuse her of stealing toilet paper kek
No. 912475
>>912462why does she always have to stipulate that she has never been dumped? Literally no one believes that and why does it even matter? She’s insufferable and utterly dull, she hasn’t an original thought to share, so she’s out here sharing vids made by women 10 years her junior, vids she cannot even relate to.
If she was so amazing she wouldn’t be single, she can tell herself all she wants “it’s better to be single than unhappily married”…. Uh… Vic, you need to actually obtain a man and keep him around for marriage to be on the cards.
It’s a cope, she could be dating or building a relationship with someone, the fact of the matter is no one wants her, let alone put a ring on her stumpy little sausage finger kek
No. 912504
File: 1680137499088.jpeg (47.77 KB, 1283x510, B2DA9A50-C8F5-42C4-8CDA-61568F…)

Vicky and her crackhead ex breakup.
She’s posts everyday, sucking on her finger with her ass in the air.
Stops posting.
The endless cycle of Vicky E begging on Facebook for a man to validate and date her.
No. 912561
File: 1680231585628.jpeg (47.05 KB, 1284x525, 497B2B3C-072B-4950-A4B3-182EAC…)

>>912504As always Vicky doesn’t understand humor / jokes. She has a 3rd grade IQ.
Maybe she’s autistic for real?
No. 912563
>>912475Because getting broken up with insinuates there was something wrong on HER end and she’s perfect, obviously.
>>912561Even 3rd graders understand humor.
No. 912564
>>912475Because getting broken up with insinuates there was something wrong on HER end and she’s perfect, obviously.
>>912561Even 3rd graders understand humor.
No. 913111
File: 1681249055972.jpeg (144.26 KB, 1170x1138, 1C8F9199-7796-4A2D-907A-F53AF4…)

Changed her profile to another older photo. I can smell the piss couch and musky blanket through my screen
No. 913112
File: 1681249173861.jpeg (27.02 KB, 542x652, E0D68900-7497-47CE-B684-138029…)

>>913111You can clearly see her “photographer” in this photo too kek
No. 913124
File: 1681268264720.jpeg (150.72 KB, 1283x1865, 26A04233-53B6-471D-9F7A-54323C…)

Saged for no new milk but I will never get over the fact that Vicky told a client she was kidnapped cause she was too drunk to show up for a tattoo appointment. Kek.
No. 913139
File: 1681301130641.jpg (39.08 KB, 353x648, 11[1].jpg)

>>913138to give an idea of how ridiculous this is. unless she is a giant who is able to fly
No. 913230
File: 1681474446729.jpeg (219.76 KB, 1147x2187, 9445023E-F3B3-4DEE-B7DD-42DF62…)

What the FUCK.
No. 913231
File: 1681474619193.jpeg (226.53 KB, 1158x2250, DF67D663-05FF-4FF8-BB53-918936…)

>>913230Samefag “Wearing one of these 5 skirts that look similar to annoy girls who know it looks good never gets old.”is the caption
So she used the slimming filter on her whole body and made her head too long or she has an eating disorder and made herself look like a Halloween prop.
No. 913234
>>913230Hold up, did she use electrical tape to tape her boobs up?
Also, what the hell happened to her phone case?
No. 913325
>>913231Oh honey no… no one thinks this looks good, no one’s annoyed, you’re insufferably dense.
She looks objectively bad; the top? Stretched, worn and tacky. The tartan “schoolgirl” skirt(s)? Ugly and embarrassing. What kind of woman in her mid thirties dresses up like a teenager? Seriously cringe.
Her desperate attempts to prove to us she’s not a crusty, deluded loser with a mostly bought following only serve to prove how truly bothered she is.
Literally no one believes she has her life together because this isn’t what a classy, put together woman posts for the world to see. She’s posting publicly viewable lewd images; at least the girls over on onlyfans aren’t giving it up for free, kek.
Vic, get a hobby, it’s painfully obvious you’re chronically online, you’re debasing yourself on a daily basis for low-tier male approval and it makes you look pitiful.
No. 913344
File: 1681765744133.jpeg (57.47 KB, 361x511, viper_og.jpeg)

Call me autistic but I'm pretty sure Vicky has resurrected and stolen the identity of a former Toronto club/party dj who was pretty popular locally during the myspace era. I've wanted to post this for a really long time but Heather is incredibly sweet and these pics are probably 10-15 years old so didn't want to embarrass her or drag her into this. I would normally think it was a coincidence and that a long forgotten electro dj would have nothing to do with someones new name but she seems pretty stuck in this era of 2000s Toronto when Heather was getting a lot of positive attention for this look
No. 913358
>>913344Holy shit Nona you just hit me with one hell of a blast from the past. Good ol C Lounge. Of course it’s condos now
Not saying this to be shitty, but I don’t think her look is unique enough for Icky Vicky to be considered to be ripping her off, imo
No. 913359
>>913358No I genuinely appreciate your input it was the "Viper" (Heather's real last name is Van Riper) and Vicky's favourite era more than anything but maybe women living in the 00 with this aesthetic just arrive at the same sort of edgy identity a lot.
I really liked the cabanas at C Lounge but I think I saw that rich old sex offender there a bunch of times. He might have bought my group a drink but nasty rich/old Toronto men all look the same so who knows. I bet every place I used to like is condos now
No. 913512
File: 1682113087152.jpg (239.62 KB, 1080x2091, Screenshot_20230421_173743_Ins…)

I know this ties I to how weird she's been but I'm too dumb to put it all together
No. 913528
File: 1682132609008.jpeg (13.57 KB, 275x259, 8C28F2E5-B14C-474F-8BB4-674260…)

>>913512>>913513This guy. Her ex “fiancé” from 2021-2023. He’s a drug user from Ontario, so I’m sure he lost the use of his arm from shooting up not from her disarming him. He whooped her ass and she put the paperwork online about the charges she filed but then dropped. I bet she posted this so she won’t look like such a moron when they get back together
No. 913529
File: 1682132729035.jpeg (216.2 KB, 1283x1842, AE8B4AEF-83ED-4BE9-BDA0-B3E158…)

So jump from one relationship to another, don’t get therapy and expect your new partner to deal with your trauma cause you can’t be comfortable being alone. Got it.
No. 913552
File: 1682200930541.jpeg (128.93 KB, 1283x1056, 9DB9074D-ACC5-4017-90A0-EABAD8…)

>>913513This dude. I find it funny that the ems kicked her ass and they caught it on security, but so did her ex around the same time? This girl lost touch with reality a long long time ago.
No. 913553
File: 1682200831432.jpeg (128.93 KB, 1283x1056, 8612EF75-2BA9-44C6-A278-298680…)

>>913513This dude. I find it funny that the ems kicked her ass and they caught it on security, but so did her ex around the same time? This girl lost touch with reality a long long time ago.
No. 913554
File: 1682200896587.jpeg (128.93 KB, 1283x1056, 8612EF75-2BA9-44C6-A278-298680…)

>>913513This dude. I find it funny that the ems kicked her ass and they caught it on security, but so did her ex around the same time? This girl lost touch with reality a long long time ago.
No. 913555
File: 1682200995907.jpeg (128.93 KB, 1283x1056, 9DB9074D-ACC5-4017-90A0-EABAD8…)

>>913513This dude. I find it funny that the ems kicked her ass and they caught it on security, but so did her ex around the same time? This girl lost touch with reality a long long time ago.
No. 913571
File: 1682217009792.jpeg (174.83 KB, 1283x930, 7DE04AE4-D389-44B4-BAC2-D9F2D1…)

So she dated Gabriel Hodges, a known drug user. A 27 year old that has been to jail, most of his friends are in jail. He has multiple personalities, a bunch of women warned her not to date him cause he constantly cheats. Keep those standards high.
No. 913636
File: 1682430288053.jpeg (211.97 KB, 1283x2012, IMG_3141.jpeg)

Unedited. She’s looking older than usual. Maybe it’s the weight loss or the lack of filter in her face. The state of her shower, using dove and dollar store shampoo. Her head is 90% of her body. I wonder if she’s living in a rooming house or back with her mom cause she’s only taking photos in this grimey bathroom recently.
No. 913840
File: 1682832059912.jpg (461.42 KB, 4096x2585, GridArt_20230429_221812073~2.j…)

Pound Town recently posted that video of him and Victoria in a bathroom from a few months ago. Here are some comments from Victoria and Dylan's Facebooks.
No. 913852
File: 1682859085493.jpeg (114 KB, 1283x1412, IMG_3370.jpeg)

>>913840“People tell us we’d be a beautiful couple, but we’re just friends” - Vicky trying to cope. So embarrassing
No. 913915
>>913852Keeping up with Vicky is just sad now. I miss the pseudo-intelligent Facebook IQ pandering. She at least seemed to have a sense of personal pride (narccism or not). She has completely degraded herself, her entire identity and her self-worth into being “fuckable”, despite the fact that most men would fuck a microwaved cantaloupe.
Her posts are meth-head tier cringe or miming dick sucking with her crusty fingers that not even OF moids would pay for. At this point I hope it’s drugs because it’s hard to watch this trainwreck.
No. 913917
File: 1682992959949.jpeg (186.24 KB, 1283x1124, IMG_3435.jpeg)

>>913915I believe it’s drugs. Or she’s just going through some sort of mental health psychosis. She just posted this. She was told isis secrets in a taxi, almost trafficked by another taxi, kidnapped, beat up by a fiancé, beat up by EMS, the list goes on.
She either has the worst luck or this bitch is nuts.
No. 913918
File: 1682993212257.jpeg (63.28 KB, 647x733, IMG_3438.jpeg)

>>913917This place has amazing reviews but of course Vicky deals with them and they are druggie stalkers. What item does this girl own that costs $10,000? Wouldn’t this be defamation if it isn’t true? Cause she has reviews up that were posted here before but she decided to make a new profile to post this from. Kek. She’s insane.
No. 913920
File: 1682993824736.png (112.52 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_3439.png)

This is all her reviews from the past 10 years. If you’re telling the truth why do it from a fake name with no photo.
No. 913936
File: 1683038071237.jpeg (189.19 KB, 1272x1275, IMG_3444.jpeg)

>>913918OF COURSE. Kek. She turned one of them down a decade ago and he “still hasn’t moved on from our queen sticky
No. 913937
File: 1683038240093.jpeg (145.84 KB, 1146x2117, IMG_3446.jpeg)

Victoria found the video editor squeeze in option.
No. 913938
File: 1683038344470.jpeg (29.62 KB, 798x803, IMG_3448.jpeg)

>>913937What are THOOOOOSE.
No. 913945
File: 1683043999247.jpeg (38.32 KB, 505x910, 899E99F1-4975-4F1D-A823-D12606…)

>>913937Kek the fucking door bending space and time behind her. Also her waist warping inwards and outwards during the video. She’s so bad at editing
No. 913951
File: 1683047151157.jpeg (149.26 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_3455.jpeg)

>>913945She also needs to get new pillows. The amount of sweat stains on this thing. At least get a case. Nasty
No. 913952
File: 1683049338033.jpeg (84.12 KB, 1283x645, IMG_3463.jpeg)

Wonder why she was in such a rush to get out of her place. Probably not paying rent again. Hope this company responds to her review
No. 913953
File: 1683049427714.jpeg (116.3 KB, 1283x1878, IMG_3464.jpeg)

Since when did sticky speak Spanish?
No. 913968
File: 1683070469079.jpeg (14.81 KB, 532x521, 27F4FB9B-CD17-41A1-A639-CADD8B…)

>>913937The phone warped to shit
The chicken feet hands
The face looking like a melted wax figure
No. 913982
File: 1683087944979.jpeg (78.4 KB, 828x871, A9BA218C-8EF2-40FD-B318-A52CA5…)

megan fox basically copied miss Victoria murders look from MySpace in 2008, everybody just wants to be vee vee okay
No. 913993
File: 1683124552723.jpeg (227.55 KB, 1283x978, IMG_3521.jpeg)

>>913982And while the “twins” Megan fox and Victoria Bella morte were in the age of MySpace.. Victoria was doing this and Megan fox was starting an actual career.
Pretend to fly topless in the Notre Dame de Paris will always be one of my fav VBM lies
No. 914132
File: 1683413482012.png (1.05 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3651.png)

So my posted this. It’s not that hard to be healthier than your pedo, child porn collecting brother that’s for sure. Or your run away alcoholic dad.
No. 914142
File: 1683461686391.jpeg (Spoiler Image,519.72 KB, 1284x2778, 6BE7F4D1-BA16-46E6-9245-191A6B…)

Sage as no new milk, just an analysis of this train wreck of an image. The level of narcissism she displays despite her looking this crusty/basic is astounding. I’m curious as to why she seems to wear the same socks, skirt, jacket and see through shawl looking thing.. day in, day out.
She looks so cheap, dressing up as a school girl to gain attention from the thirsty af, borderline pedos that for some reason she prides herself on obtaining.
Spoiler as there’s a close up of her pancake tits.
No. 914145
File: 1683489805077.jpeg (52.15 KB, 1289x491, IMG_3658.jpeg)

Wasn’t she just giving her “mental health is serious chat” leave him alone speech a week ago? Now she’s fighting with herself on Facebook about how he’s a problem?
No. 914146
File: 1683489968705.jpeg (110.99 KB, 1289x1312, IMG_3659.jpeg)

>>914145Also… this you guys have an exes group chat or something?
icky always talk about her crazy exes and how she always leaves people. Then I’m the same breath says she get along with all her exes.
And all her ex female friends. And her mom. And her moving company/m. And the ems.
No. 914149
File: 1683504249211.jpeg (119.96 KB, 1290x877, IMG_3666.jpeg)

>>914145She’s talking about her ex that beat her ass and she still got engaged to him. Girl.. look inwards on why your standard are so low.
No. 914180
File: 1683584229043.png (27.77 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20230508-181041~2.p…)

kek. some inbred coomer from Louisiana commented this on one of her desperate videos and she came back with this astute reply 2 months later.
No. 914244
File: 1683762392112.png (49.69 KB, 1080x812, Screenshot_20230510-164231-126…)

I doubt this happened but this makes her look super trashy bragging about this. The comments are great too. I'm gathering those up right now.
No. 914248
File: 1683763437915.png (365.33 KB, 1080x6098, pretend_cheating_comments.png)

>>914245Don't worry, some scrote praised her for that line so she'll probably use it again.
Dropped pic.
No. 914283
File: 1683834411636.png (40.69 KB, 1080x916, Screenshot_20230510-173653-144…)

>>914244>>914248She removed these, lol. Glad I capped it. Anyway, I have been wanting Victoria and Jamie Whiteman to date for like 3 years. She's been reposting his stuff lately.
No. 914320
>>914248“I turn into a brick wall” holy shit she’s a fucking moron, kek.
The way she goes on and on about herself, the irony in her trying to talk about how other people are narcissistic when she’s clearly one herself… talk about arrested development.
No. 914336
File: 1684080099682.jpeg (251.84 KB, 1289x1867, IMG_4231.jpeg)

Gonna be lit, yo. This 40 year old woman promoting raves in a field on nowhere Ontario. Jfc. I hope she goes.. need to see those candids of her rolling on e at 3 am.
No. 914337
File: 1684080165211.jpeg (251.84 KB, 1289x1867, IMG_4231.jpeg)

Gonna be lit, yo. This 40 year old woman promoting raves in a field on nowhere Ontario. Jfc. I hope she goes.. need to see those candids of her rolling on e at 3 am.
No. 914418
File: 1684260212002.jpeg (64.89 KB, 1290x620, IMG_4333.jpeg)

“just get tail end of healing this damn neck.” It’s been 2 years, just say you’re never going back to working and be done with it. Jfc
No. 914509
File: 1684464188026.jpg (946.75 KB, 1440x8363, icky(1).jpg)

I'm just going to leave this here.
No. 914512
>>914509This busted hag thinks she looks young?
>one of our biggest scene queens like I was was a trans named Jeffree StarShe’s really trying to compare her “popularity” with Jeffree. Girl needs to get a grip on reality. She just can’t let go of MySpace shit from almost 17 years ago it’s so pathetic. Brain rot at its peak
No. 914519
>>914509Coherence aside or, rather, lack thereof..
All those edits and STILL couldn't get the proper "you're".
No. 914520
>>910415Funny, that's what one of her younger exes said about her when I met him a decade ago. He said that she is great at repeating sound bites, but struggles to put together an original thought, demands that her partners take pictures together, and then sat around for hours editing. He said that she was socially awkward and combative in private.
As far as Asking Alexandria goes, she and Danny were in a perfection group called VIP. He was 16-17yo and she was 4-5 years older and dating Kalevi back then, old shit. When their guitarist's rich family bank rolled their "American tour" with a thrifted RV, they eventually went to Canada and met her. Word was she was a catfish, but not super ugly back then, just sloppy, tryhard, and dtf. Can't confirm if they hooked up but they were all manwhores.
God, I can't believe she's still out there acting exactly the same after all these years.
No. 914524
File: 1684498352676.jpeg (115.7 KB, 1289x1083, IMG_4500.jpeg)

She’s retarded. Straight the fuck up.
No. 914540
File: 1684534925471.webm (1.46 MB, 1080x1920, 121171953_1319594528595708_123…)
Another video where Victoria sucks her nasty fingers.
No. 914570
File: 1684633609178.png (441.46 KB, 1080x2064, Screenshot_20230520-184724-483…)

Lol k
No. 914571
File: 1684634343027.png (451.25 KB, 1440x2515, Screenshot_20230520-205828.png)

>>914570If she wants to have some of his children, I'm sure he'd ablidge because he's trying to repopulate the earth. I don't care how broke I am and whatever. For myself personally NO THANK YOU!
No. 914575
>>914571>ablidge You’re as illiterate as Shingles
>>914570>she looks like meIs it just me or is she becoming more retarded and delusional? Is she experiencing a psychotic break?
No. 914583
File: 1684644000278.png (506.19 KB, 1080x6770, Greg_McGinnis.png)

Looks like Victoria has another psycho ex. It's Greg McGinnis, the guy with the face tattoos Victoria did. She sure knows how to pick them!
No. 914584
File: 1684644200776.jpg (1.13 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230520_214355684.jpg)

>>914583Here's the text screenshots Victoria posted.
No. 914604
File: 1684698417127.png (114.92 KB, 1440x1599, Screenshot_20230521-144542.png)

No. 914610
File: 1684707095994.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.92 KB, 958x960, IMG_4550.jpeg)

This is Greg McGinnis btw he has a bunch of kids
No. 914617
File: 1684713291913.jpeg (122.88 KB, 1290x2373, IMG_4551.jpeg)

>>914583She was just on his shit 3 days ago commenting. And now he’s crazy and she blocked him. Sounds like another dude that’s sick of her bs and she can’t handle it
No. 914624
>>914570That AI abomination looks nothing like Vic… tall, healthy hair, expensive taste in clothing, slim, makeup that doesn’t look like it was applied in the dark.
Elon Musk might be crusty af, but he still wouldn’t notice Vic in a crowd of people as she looks so basic and haggard, let alone consider dating her. The fact that she’s implying she’s hot enough to attract the attention of a billionaire is laughable.
She’s lazy and narcissistic if it were possible, she’d have tried it. Rich men aren’t interested in funding her lifestyle nor reproducing with a grotty chain smoker with zero ambition or redeeming features. She’s painfully boring and poorly spoken, she’s generally off putting.
The men (or man children) she dates are a far cry from the kind of man she thinks she’s entitled to.
No. 914625
File: 1684759023517.jpeg (159.61 KB, 1289x1793, IMG_4557.jpeg)

“Call it a viper or a v shot” she’s so fucking embarrassing
No. 914626
File: 1684759376092.jpeg (81.13 KB, 1289x544, IMG_4558.jpeg)

She dated that guy that killed someone’s else’s kid. What long term relationship did she have that they grew apart because they wanted marriage and kids. Girl hasn’t been in a long term relationship since
She was in her early 20s
No. 914635
File: 1684772730984.jpeg (171.2 KB, 1289x1077, IMG_4571.jpeg)

She’s acting like she’s been crippled her entire life. Kek. You had a minor head injury now all the sudden you date drug addicts with no jobs? Okay Jan.
No. 914636
File: 1684772850946.jpeg (188.23 KB, 1290x1570, IMG_4572.jpeg)

>>914635You got into these relationships after the injury icky sticky. Using men you find from Facebook to cook for you, knowing they abused past partners isn’t the same. She’s literally so retarded. Just say your desperate and too broke to get someone to help around the house.
No. 914638
File: 1684773860048.jpeg (57.3 KB, 1290x512, IMG_4573.jpeg)

>>914635She’s been trying to convince herself for over 2 years the reason she can’t keep a man cause she doesn’t want one. She’ll keep one around that beats her ass if he cooks for her though.
No. 914642
File: 1684777889176.jpeg (100.93 KB, 1289x1407, IMG_4574.jpeg)

Her interactions with Jamie recently have been amazing.
No. 914643
File: 1684777950893.jpeg (195.6 KB, 1289x1835, IMG_4575.jpeg)

>>914642She’s so desperate, it’s sad as fuck.
No. 914645
File: 1684778216209.jpeg (50.69 KB, 914x982, IMG_4578.jpeg)

>>914644Well icky has been shooting her shot. Her standards are low, so you may be in luck.
No. 914649
>>914645Ty for posting these. I stalk Jamie's page all the time and I've missed these!
I love it when Victoria fights with the other trash bag women in the comments of Jamie's statuses.
No. 914655
File: 1684781580316.jpeg (26.48 KB, 1289x574, IMG_4579.jpeg)

>>914645The fact that she wrote this at 3am.. AND edited it to put in “big time” but she doesn’t drink. Okay girl. This is not sober behaviour. She’s over her over using her medication saying “ I don’t drink”
No. 914656
File: 1684782162686.jpeg (131.24 KB, 610x999, IMG_4582.jpeg)

Looks like one of Victoria Bella mortes tattoo clients that’s never getting their deposit back found the Reddit thread
No. 914661
File: 1684788157731.jpeg (130.14 KB, 1289x988, IMG_4588.jpeg)

So it’s the fact that she’s a cripple that her relationship are abusive.. not that she’s dating known drug users? What did she think was going to happen when her boyfriend is smoking crack?
No. 914663
File: 1684795076623.jpeg (181.94 KB, 1080x1966, IMG_4590.jpeg)

Remember when someone posted a fb convo with Adrien Lomax, Vicky’s exbf. The guy she punched in the face?
No. 914664
File: 1684796014924.jpeg (93.65 KB, 680x822, IMG_4596.jpeg)

>>914663Or the man she was in love with and they saw eachother for a bit but he didn’t want her.. he ended up being a child killer.
No. 914665
>>914656she was
kidnapped? that was her excuse?
No. 914690
>>914656>>914665literally fucking kidnapped
>>>/pt/567585>>914664I missed this though, holy shit
No. 914692
File: 1684866430022.jpeg (119.38 KB, 1290x924, IMG_4617.jpeg)

>>914690The only reason I found out about it cause Vicky used it to answer a Quora question. She of course blamed the mom that has another child.
The child was murdered by Rodrigo, who was charged for shaking the 2 year old and hitting her in the head. He’s currently in jail.
Victoria Shingleton can’t ever blame men for anything. Even murder.. that’s a woman’s fault.
But keep blaming your minor neck injury for picking shit men Vicky.
No. 914693
>>914692HOLY. FUCK. not just blaming the mother that it happened, but insinuating
the mother actually murdered her baby. not Vicky’s ex, who was charged with the murder.
this is seriously a new low for ol’ Vicky
No. 914695
File: 1684867233941.jpeg (105.5 KB, 1190x1145, IMG_4620.jpeg)

>>914693Not only that but the kid she was fucking with for a bit.. well that’s the murderers brother. Keep it in the family I guess
No. 914696
File: 1684867545614.jpeg (109.28 KB, 1289x1078, IMG_4621.jpeg)

>>914695Baby killer, Victoria Bella mortes ex, he’s so sweet.
No. 914702
File: 1684875867554.jpeg (114.27 KB, 1290x784, IMG_4662.jpeg)

Wasn’t she just saying “ well I was in a bit of a rushhhh haha I wanted outta there” like 1 day ago. Doesn’t sound like you miss your buddy. Sounds like you were kicked out for not paying but ok.
No. 914706
So I found actual tea for everyone, Victorias ex who is in jail over the child that the mother beat up, the baby daddy of that child is Brent who tried to kill his ex (in this article) in Alisha, the child’s mothers apartment while Alisha was i absent. She also aborted a baby and went out partying immediately after the child died.
The mother worships Brent him still maintaining his innocence. She also admitted to beating the children severely infront other people and has a Child protection services and domestic battery list so long prior to Rodrigo she lost the other child Mason and was physical with Rodrigo and the children.
Alisha also bailed another violent man out of jail behind rodrigos back.
This is deeper than it seems on the surface, the brother was elsewhere at the time of the child’s death and is not connected.
Hate Victoria all you want but this whole thing is sus.
No. 914712
>>914706 Rodrigo killed a child, Victoria dated this man and defended him blaming the mom. Seems like they’re all fucking gross, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that Vicky stinky would be involved somehow.
That being said, Rodrigo is in jail for killing the child.
No. 914713
File: 1684882651233.jpeg (71.67 KB, 1289x529, IMG_4683.jpeg)

>>914706He was charged, the child had blunt forced trauma. So the mom sucks, as would anyone that would date a man that kills a child. Unsure of your point.
No. 914717
File: 1684885293747.png (76.47 KB, 932x1281, Screenshot_20230523-164142-497…)

What sort of drugs is she on?
No. 914718
File: 1684885816114.jpeg (57.82 KB, 1289x615, IMG_4685.jpeg)

>>914717“No as in cooled fr google” what in the actual fuck. Kek.
Yes, Victoria. As your friend list made up of thirsty white trash and drug users about a house sale.
No. 914719
>>914718her friend is buying a million dollar house but they can’t afford a realtor. they’re asking Vicky, because she buys so many million dollar houses. so she’s asking facebook kek. okay Vick
>>914706who sticks up for a baby killer ffs. I can’t even tell what you’re saying
No. 914726
>>914722but has google lived in
multiple million-dollar mansions? it’s fancy, you wouldn’t get it
No. 914740
File: 1684931152137.jpeg (155.58 KB, 1289x1226, IMG_4732.jpeg)

>>914702Victoria was rage posting at 2:30 IN THE MORNING about lolcow and her baby murderer of an ex. Of course, she’s still taking the man’s side. Shes desperately hoping he’ll get out so she can rope him into another relationship.
She’s almost 40, hasn’t worked in 3 years causes she “hurt” but is up at almost 3am hunched over her fb. K
No. 914743
>>914740kek this makes me think even more that this post
>>914706 is vicky
just because someone was found not guilty doesn't mean they didn't do it. there are a slew of reasons someone who committed a crime could be found not guilty. her brain is so small.
No. 914745
>>914740so Vicky defends pedophiles
and baby-killers. good to know!
No. 914747
File: 1684935924700.webm (741.46 KB, 630x1120, 261705189766474.webm)
how long do you think she spent scribbling all over herself?
No. 914748
File: 1684936745079.jpeg (156.21 KB, 1290x1411, IMG_4742.jpeg)

>>914747I thought this was from her photos she did where she photoshopped herself with Keanu Reeves.. but it’s different. She was up until 3 am rage posting on Facebook and drawing on herself.
No. 914749
File: 1684937084354.jpeg (197.17 KB, 1289x1572, IMG_4736.jpeg)

>>914740The baby was murdered March 19.
The 31 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau and the Child and Youth Advocacy Centre did an investigation and had enough evidence to arrest and CHARGE him May 10th.
Victoria also blamed he brother having CP on his computer on his ex girlfriend. It’s always a woman’s fault.
No. 914757
File: 1684956197999.jpeg (306.81 KB, 1289x2081, IMG_4771.jpeg)

Does this also apply to Victoria punching her ex boyfriend in the face when he tried to break up with her? She wrote this two days ago.. her ex beat her ass so she’s talking about women being abusers.
No. 914758
File: 1684956251368.jpeg (137.27 KB, 1289x1122, IMG_4769.jpeg)

Maybe stop abusing your meds?
No. 914763
File: 1684961470677.jpeg (151.18 KB, 1289x1149, IMG_4774.jpeg)

On her post white knighting for the baby murderer. This isn’t Johnny depp moron, your ex killed a 2 year old. The baby is dead.
No. 914764
File: 1684961869441.jpeg (106.04 KB, 1289x1257, IMG_4775.jpeg)

>>914763Even his friends are on his social media saying he’s a murdered, but go off icky.
No. 914765
File: 1684962662218.jpeg (520.78 KB, 1289x1387, IMG_4776.jpeg)

35 year old Vicky sitting bear ass on the ground in the same nasty kilt with the baby killer and his brother
No. 914768
File: 1684963020869.png (77.13 KB, 1080x1238, Screenshot_20230524-141737-810…)

No. 914771
>>914768Well I’m not going to post it here, cause the mom doesn’t deserve it considering what Vicky is claiming. I found the mom on Facebook. All of her posts are and always have been as a woman. She also has posted as recent as yesterday with custody of her other child.
You know who isn’t posting since before the child was murdered? Rodrigo Romero.
No. 914772
>>914771Victoria is referring to her brother. It's a comment from this post
>>914740 where she mentions her brother.
No. 914775
File: 1684972059659.jpeg (Spoiler Image,118.64 KB, 1170x1757, 50D67B0A-4FB3-443D-86DE-E8325A…)

This retard rum ham posted her droopy pointing downwards nipples on fucking Facebook and tried to blur them out. Way too old school for only fans tho.
No. 914849
File: 1685108831673.jpeg (137.98 KB, 1289x1210, IMG_4834.jpeg)

>>914706Remember when Jackie came here and said Vicky has a lolcow tab up all the time. Seems like that’s true to this day. She just posted this story, the one that was posted here.
Not sure what this has to do with victorias ex Rodrigo killing a baby, but okay.
All this does is drives home the point that Victoria has always hung out with and involved her with low life scum. Even before her minor neck injury that cause her to not work for 3 years.
No. 914889
File: 1685147404195.jpeg (69.2 KB, 1289x707, IMG_4851.jpeg)

Vicky has done some embarrassing stuff, but this took me out.
I wonder how many Nigerian princes emailing her personal hotmail account get responses.
No. 914950
File: 1685278568131.jpg (46.4 KB, 1079x356, Screenshot_20230528-225632_Fac…)

Sure, Vick
No. 915056
File: 1685538472800.jpeg (49.47 KB, 646x845, IMG_5037.jpeg)

Oh god not this again.
No. 915076
File: 1685574136307.jpeg (40.11 KB, 1289x509, IMG_5129.jpeg)

>>915056The absolute state of this woman. She’s in so much pain from the sounds that she can’t post. So she just goes over to her other Facebook page like people won’t notice
No. 915077
File: 1685574294879.jpeg (299.18 KB, 1289x2312, IMG_5130.jpeg)

Tiktok where children dance, people make haha videos and icky just sucks her finger.
No. 915085
>>915056kek i love dropping into vic's threads as she's still mentally stuck in this 2004 time loop with the speshul final fantasy black mage eye color shit. of course even her profile pic is giving that tryhard one winged angel energy. all she's missing is a sword and the stupid theme song.
never change vic.
No. 915090
File: 1685588898251.jpeg (97.71 KB, 1289x1465, IMG_5147.jpeg)

Every middle aged man has used this like once in their life. She went back to edit it a few times to really drive home how funny she is with a “dammmmmn”
She has brain damage for sure.
No. 915091
File: 1685589272689.jpeg (69.53 KB, 752x809, IMG_5150.jpeg)

Remember this review sticky left for macho movers in Guelph..? Well she took the review down. Girl said on Facebook it’s because a man she turned down and had herpes worked there and that’s why her stuff was destroyed.
I hope they called her out.
No. 915104
File: 1685632782058.jpeg (138.06 KB, 1289x1775, IMG_5155.jpeg)

We know men can be abused too. Vicky, you punched your ex adrien in the face when he tried to leave you.
No. 915142
File: 1685820514265.jpeg (93.65 KB, 1289x1186, IMG_5507.jpeg)

Kek. Vicky wooed by billionaires in her own head but fucks murderers and dead beat dads.
No. 915153
File: 1685838377832.jpeg (57.16 KB, 768x673, IMG_1653.jpeg)

>>915142This comment has already been deleted, kek. This fat retard claiming she has changed while still dressing in this hideous trashy hooker style she was wearing two decades ago, spitting her biohazard fingers in her putrid, rotten mouth, now she’s just bigger and more haggard. Tell us again how you’re “old school” and not like other onlyfats degens, Shingles. Besides them actually charging their gross coomer while you’re a broke middle aged NEET posting your unwashed snatch and saggy udders for free
No. 915161
File: 1685866530600.jpeg (82.01 KB, 828x1419, 7465E1C0-1995-439D-9325-D406AC…)

>>915153Still there last time I checked. Surprised she didn’t delete I or reply.
No. 915195
File: 1685926418208.jpeg (50.23 KB, 1289x524, IMG_5573.jpeg)

>>915183The edit to make it worse. “ I’m not even near him for literally over a month”
Sounds like a sentence from someone just learning the English language.
No. 915240
File: 1685990567491.webm (4.8 MB, 1281x706, Modeling kek.webm)
Never forget
No. 915273
>>915240Sorry for the fuck up.(no sage)
Every photo, every video she looks like she has smelt something bad. It is offputting
No. 915313
File: 1686168240266.jpg (197.42 KB, 1080x2316, LolcowTabAlwaysOpen.jpg)

>>914849Jackie was definitely right because less than a week after we mention Jackie, our totally unbothered ice queen posts this! As seen in her story highlights - sometimes its like she WANTS us to find this stuff.
No. 915318
>>915240that clomping is SO out of place it almost seems like an edit
why tf would a club not be playing music?
No. 915321
File: 1686177907311.jpeg (14.57 KB, 610x427, IMG_4745.jpeg)

>>915313Girl must have the lowest self esteem known to mankind if her entire self worth lies in wether or not a man wants to fuck her, not realizing a man will literally fuck a toaster if it felt good.
It’s kind of concerning also how she obsesses over taken guys, like she lives to scorn other women? Tragic.
No. 915325
File: 1686179760884.jpeg (338.2 KB, 1289x1999, IMG_5861.jpeg)

“ don’t do cpr on a dead person you could cause damage”
No. 915328
File: 1686180580401.jpeg (95.33 KB, 1290x1235, IMG_5866.jpeg)

“I’ve changed so much”
“I mean inside beauty”
You’re literally the same. The exact same
No. 915329
File: 1686180650932.jpeg (241.87 KB, 1289x1301, IMG_5867.jpeg)

Vicky posted someone’s baby on her free OnlyFans page. Gross
No. 915331
>>915313Isn’t she over 10 years older than Jackie? Imagine acting like this when you’re almost 40 to someone in their 20’s. She acts like it’s a win when it’s just so embarrassing
>>915329I’ll never get over the shitty pentagram she put on herself with electrical tape in the bottom left photo. too poor to afford a harness or new clothes
No. 915344
>>915313peak narcissism having a highlight reel of memes made of you by thirsty coomers and deluded, brain dead women who look up to you due to your pseudo-fame from your MySpace days, kek.
I think some of these she made herself, how embarrassing.
No. 915354
File: 1686240178543.jpeg (202.2 KB, 1290x1864, IMG_5912.jpeg)

>>915344Omg these are so fucking embarrassing. Kek
No. 915357
File: 1686240654853.jpeg (160.09 KB, 1078x1177, IMG_5917.jpeg)

The two “ hot guys” tagged in these memes by the way.
>>915313And Victoria wasn’t allowed to couch surf at Jackie’s place for the third time so now she’s mad. Vicky get a job.
No. 915358
File: 1686240883914.jpeg (162.24 KB, 1289x1736, IMG_5918.jpeg)

Women don’t fight for attention, it’s not womanly. Says the girl that posts her vagina on Facebook.
No. 915359
File: 1686240950722.jpeg (108.79 KB, 1290x1092, IMG_5919.jpeg)

Oh man, finding Vicky comments on Jamie’s posts is my fav.
I wish he’d come here with proof. Kek
No. 915360
File: 1686241101444.jpeg (56.18 KB, 1289x635, IMG_5922.jpeg)

>>915359And this is how an old school, non attention seeker I’ve queen speaks to a man she turned down? Okay.
No. 915405
File: 1686313787212.jpeg (142.64 KB, 1290x2074, IMG_6029.jpeg)

Vicky and her friend went out for dinner and her friend ( a man. Probably that she met on Facebook) was skipping rocks wile she made a video. She looks like a demon witch, it’s frightening. Imagine rolling up to the beach and seeing this
No. 915407
>>915406“Pretty beach it was misty”
Maybe cause the air quality is shit from all the fires?
No. 915437
File: 1686361252326.jpeg (208.43 KB, 1288x1907, IMG_6058.jpeg)

CIA isn’t Canadian, anyways. And she SAT IN ON A TRIAL. Okay girl.
No. 915443
File: 1686368176488.jpeg (82.66 KB, 1023x841, IMG_6071.jpeg)

Also Vicky:
She posted this convo in her stories. She’s a cam free whore?
No. 915444
File: 1686368240231.jpeg (208.99 KB, 1289x1238, IMG_6068.jpeg)

Nobody is afraid of a 5’3 overweight smoker.
No. 915459
File: 1686405477773.jpg (554.09 KB, 972x3356, Screenshot_20230610-235746_Fac…)

>>915325So much for not needing to edit her posts a million times
No. 915511
File: 1686537319739.jpeg (127.46 KB, 1289x2094, IMG_6138.jpeg)

Why is she flexing this? Her new place looks like a flop house
No. 915515
File: 1686540160362.jpeg (135.15 KB, 1290x916, IMG_6139.jpeg)

She edited this 8 times in 9 minutes.
And this is a lot of words for “ I stole
Someone’s deposit for a scratch tattoo cause I’m never going back to work and they want their money back”
No. 915530
File: 1686578702251.jpeg (89.04 KB, 1289x692, IMG_6140.jpeg)

>>915515She’s been giving this “ I’m nice but don’t piss me off” speech on Facebook far before her fake head injury.
Don’t worry, though her art has gotten better.
No. 915532
>>915515>>915530Tinfoil but she's finally realizing that she's publicly worn out her welcome and triangulating a "
valid" excuse for her shit behavior (as if we all didn't know) - people are way more sympathetic to TBI patients than personality void human pee pads.
I also think she's continually mentioning TBI and long term damage / long term illness in order to apply for SSDI…
I reeeeally hope she tries, if only so we get a bunch of word salad rants about the government and taxes and disability discrimination
No. 915543
File: 1686597755266.jpeg (77.78 KB, 1289x625, IMG_6145.jpeg)

Victoria, you absolute retard… you made your own page and fan page. Anyone with an email can do that, it’s not something to be proud of. Kek. Building her own Facebook fan page is her biggest life accomplishment so I guess it means something
No. 915544
File: 1686598038758.jpeg (35.36 KB, 475x493, IMG_6148.jpeg)

>>915543On top of that, Facebook doesn’t have badges for top viewed. It’s too engagement.
( comments, likes) which are public on her page. These are her top on her “fan page” viper.
No. 915545
File: 1686598237952.jpeg (47.6 KB, 1289x833, IMG_6149.jpeg)

>>915543This is from my own Facebook page for my business. I can’t see people that don’t follow me and views. Nice try Vicky, you’re not smart enough to lie.
No. 915566
>>915515She’s admitting she has literal brain damage… yeah, we know Vic, it’s painfully apparent you’re brain damaged with or without a head injury, kek
Imagine using a head injury as an excuse to be a fucking bitch, just admit that you are and always have been an awful person, be honest with yourself for once in your miserable life.
No. 915590
File: 1686701061339.jpeg (68.01 KB, 1290x614, IMG_6318.jpeg)

What the fuck is she even saying here? Why is it everytime someone tells her off it’s not anything she did.. it’s because she turned them down. Such a narc
No. 915597
File: 1686705979370.jpeg (111.18 KB, 1289x992, IMG_6323.jpeg)

>>915596Forgot to attach.
No. 915598
File: 1686706162648.png (90.17 KB, 998x2125, Screenshot_20230613-182839-154…)

>>915590Only 4 edits this time.
No. 915614
File: 1686768562550.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.75 KB, 1080x1118, Screenshot_20230611_184926_Fac…)

I just wanted to close this one out with some peak vick sophistication
No. 915617
File: 1686777601299.jpeg (78.29 KB, 1289x587, IMG_6351.jpeg)

Every post gets a little more unhinged. Stop hanging out with people that hate you, drug addicts, murderers and abusers? When your bar is set so low for the company you keep, this is what you get.
No. 915618
File: 1686777705529.jpeg (200.17 KB, 1289x1467, IMG_6352.jpeg)

>>915617Doctors don’t send you to specialist cause they’re “scared as fuck” holy this girl is stupid.
No. 915626
File: 1686842753943.png (87.06 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_20230615-082648-840…)

Lmao Vic out here sending UFC contenders to the hospital with her ass kicking skills.
No. 915632
>>915626It couldn’t be more obvious that none of this happened. She couldn’t fight her way out of a wet paper bag to save her life… remember her sword fighting vids where she attempts a high kick and almost falls over? Kek.
Imagine being so fucking boring that you have to make up fanfic about yourself, she really is the most self absorbed, insufferably stupid person I’ve ever encountered.
No. 915646
File: 1686874653118.jpeg (279.99 KB, 1289x2063, IMG_6458.jpeg)

“I’m not interested and I’ll just hurt your feelings”
Your ex beat your ass? The one after that was a drug addict with 2 baby moms and kids he won’t take care of.
No. 915649
File: 1686876828312.png (315.87 KB, 1080x2162, Screenshot_20230615-164703-495…)

She also posted this. I love how, instead of calling out the man's gross behavior, she always jumps to insulting other fictional women.
No. 915657
File: 1686887051737.jpeg (416.46 KB, 1290x2085, IMG_6471.jpeg)

>>915652“Only fan hoe” except this is a free page that her dad is “subscribed” to. Yikes
No. 915658
File: 1686887288424.jpeg (201.37 KB, 1283x1825, 1626546385041 (1).jpeg)

>>915657>her dadHey now, her dad is really proud of the woman she's become.
No. 915659
File: 1686887615173.jpeg (103.91 KB, 1094x1429, IMG_2511.jpeg)

>>915657What the fuck is this edit lmao
No. 915664
>>915658The whole family is degenerate white trash, her father gives me Mike Slack vibes.
>>915657I swear I have never encountered anyone as lacking in self awareness as this stinky fat retard. She posts her unwashed vagina and pancake tits for free on what is supposed to be her professional social media at the age of 40. The second hand embarrassment she gives me is astronomical
No. 915679
>>915654That's close but I think it's from a different sword video that is darker / more black & white. The last frame has the leg hold and the video flashes / gets brighter in order to try to hide the fact that she's holding up her leg.
Unless I'm just remembering it completely wrong. It's probably been 5-6 years since I've seen it.
No. 915707
File: 1686965967643.webm (15.59 MB, 1280x720, vickyshankz.webm)
>>915679>>915685It's been forever since I've watch this, thanks for reminding me of it. 1:07 is the spliced vic kick.
Some other fun things I noticed on a rewatch:
>Knocks a candle off the shelf at the start of the video>Kitchen cabinets/stove in reflecton of mirrors>Large white table top (?) blocking the doorway in random shots>Random spackle patching on walls, holes in floor, presumably from sword>Stabbing KFC gravy container with sword, not catching it, but splicing a vid to make it look like she did>Swapping sword out with flexible tube with some fabric on the end in random shots (~1:50) No. 915709
>>915707This was absolutely top notch omg
Help me
Fucking vicky didnt make that did she? I thought there would way more eye fucking herself if so
>>915668Yes the exact same outfits. The same exact mismatched party city gloves.if anything she shops at value village, ya know its new to her
No. 915720
File: 1687009502755.jpeg (104.26 KB, 1289x1598, IMG_6529.jpeg)

She’s rage posting at 4am living in welfare talking about having power. Kek
No. 915751
File: 1687059174642.jpeg (70.68 KB, 1289x646, IMG_6580.jpeg)

No. 915790
>>915751In her mind, if you laugh at her dumb ass, she has power over you. And if she dates younger guys then she is just like the ‘powerful and beautiful’ celebs! Power! Beauty! She has it all! Definitely!
The insecurity is palpable.
No. 915874
File: 1687285417418.jpeg (203.25 KB, 1289x1781, IMG_6783.jpeg)

I mean she’s not wrong about the kids having the choice to make life altering decisions at a young age. But her constant need to remind people she “one of the boys” is such a pick me move
No. 915916
File: 1687381732351.jpeg (69.8 KB, 1289x659, IMG_6861.jpeg)

Her new bio and name on Instagram. The pick me, edge lord thing is peaking
No. 916084
>>916017Yeah she’s definitely one of the biggest pick-me’s on the internet that I know of.
It’s weird seeing someone base their entire being around looking “cool” and “hot” for gross middle aged nerds on Facebook.
No. 916088
File: 1687820701188.webm (6.18 MB, 650x1156, Ihavethecoolestfansintheworld.…)
She looks and sounds high as fuck.
No. 916162
File: 1687953147920.jpeg (91.37 KB, 828x590, IMG_1758.jpeg)

>>916088Jfc her TEETH, even with that filter on. And this header, how is it even possible to be this fucking delusional? I mean she’s obviously a narc but still. Especially at the age of 40.
No. 916163
File: 1687953208752.jpeg (142.98 KB, 828x1592, IMG_1759.jpeg)

Give it up, Shingles. We know you’re a racist sack of shit
No. 916204
File: 1688008107051.png (419 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20230628-200926-695…)

Oh come on. Her head looks shooped onto her body. What a classy pic.
No. 916279
File: 1688252375148.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20230701-180100-681…)

No. 916283
File: 1688265082249.png (9.38 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7320.png)

>>916279She edited the entire photo and forgot her teeth?
No. 916291
File: 1688292663083.png (373.61 KB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_20230702-051201-031…)

I cannot be more embarrassed to read this.
No. 916308
File: 1688351808693.jpg (2.92 MB, 4096x4096, Mabye.jpg)

Did she photoshop a whole new chest on herself or was this the result of editing out the electrical tape bra?
No. 916316
File: 1688378845809.jpeg (142.47 KB, 1021x1024, IMG_1712.jpeg)

>>916291Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is actually a real person
No. 916332
File: 1688424696420.jpeg (369.97 KB, 1289x1556, IMG_7383.jpeg)

I thought she didn’t like girls that did onlyfans? What’s this?
No. 916340
File: 1688436857742.jpeg (607.67 KB, 1289x2206, IMG_7397.jpeg)

“I barely take selfies” “ I could understand if I didn’t have a lots of photos but I do”
Photos that you took with a self timer..? Like selfies. Does this bitch not think at all.
And to say she has a lot to do. Like what? You don’t work, you don’t travel, you have no friends and you don’t go to school.
No. 916341
File: 1688436953528.jpeg (165.2 KB, 1289x717, IMG_7398.jpeg)

>>916340What he’s saying Victoria, is people are dying. There are real issues in the world and you’ve decided to complain about this while also posting your vagina on Facebook for your dad to see.
No. 916342
File: 1688437070927.jpeg (240.43 KB, 1290x1032, IMG_7399.jpeg)

>>916340Is she comparing an actor getting harassed by the pap to her having 55 year old men on Facebook asking her for a photo?
And of course our badass liar has to tell a story about her assaulting someone.
No. 916358
>>916342Guy: h-
Vicky: I beat up a girl once, I’m basically Keanu reeves
Most normal Vicky response
No. 916362
File: 1688507789089.jpg (523.14 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20230704_175338.jpg)

Holy shit literally no one asked, Icky. She's really been on one with her mania this week, idk if I can deal with the secondhand embarrassment much longer. In this weird little clip she gives her ass a light smack and then gives us the trademarked Icky finger
No. 916364
File: 1688510307378.jpeg (140.02 KB, 1289x845, IMG_7431.jpeg)

>>916362She also posted this on her Facebook for her family to see. This so the most real thing she’s ever said, desperate for any attention she can get.
No. 916365
File: 1688513422970.jpeg (867.69 KB, 1155x1463, IMG_2916.jpeg)

>>916362She doesn’t have an ass she’s just wide and why is her underwear pulled up so fucking high? This is piss poor edited. She also looks like an unhinged tranny in her display photo
No. 916432
File: 1688697485405.webm (1.95 MB, 720x1280, 356321457_642535991171853_5524…)
No. 916440
>>916279Definitely getting porky again, this is what happens when you only lose weight because you physically couldn’t get up to eat. Her lifestyle hasn’t changed so she’s backsliding. If she’s so unbothered she should stop reading her threads and stop responding to what she calls “obsessed stalkers”. Being so
problematic that gossip threads exist outing your stupidity and scamming isn’t “stalking”.
If she’d not posted repetitively in her own thread in the beginning, she’d have been long forgotten, instead people dug deeper and discovered a gold mine of cringe worth talking about. Her orbiters only serve to validate her insane behaviour and bullshit narrative.
Keep telling yourself you’re amused by us icky, whatever helps you sleep at night, kek.
No. 916553
File: 1688888186461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.29 KB, 547x535, IMG_3027.jpeg)

>>916279the amount of editing mistakes in this photo, holy shit. We’ve got bra straps that aren't the same width, different lashes on each eye, melted pupils, weird shading on her torso and around her tits, wonky arm, blurry/bent earring, a faded circle in the middle of her chest, obvious use of the smooth tool, half the bra is shiny the other half is matte and the list goes on.
No. 916641
File: 1689114957550.jpeg (280.24 KB, 1124x766, IMG_3092.jpeg)

Nobody asked.
>because it’s summer
Normal adults work in the summer too. They are not all partying it up all the time. People her age have families and established careers. Such a loser
No. 916648
File: 1689131796762.jpeg (442.58 KB, 1290x1796, IMG_7871.jpeg)

>>916641“People party what drugs I do”. She edited this 3 times and it’s a mangled mess still. Why are you hanging out with drug users that party all summer, icky? You’re almost 40.
No. 916682
File: 1689203638240.jpeg (175.09 KB, 1290x841, IMG_7888.jpeg)

>>916658Aka she’ll start fights with people over slight misunderstandings cause she’s fucking retarded
No. 916715
File: 1689283537021.jpeg (394.34 KB, 1289x1994, IMG_7916.jpeg)

She’s a tomboy cause she’s wearing pants while wagging her tongue around sexually, groping her own tits. Very tomboy like.
No. 916716
File: 1689283830874.png (532.05 KB, 946x1799, Screenshot_20230712-110723-896…)

She is such a neckbeard.
No. 916737
>>916731Not trying to wk here, but I really do think she's pretty thin at this point.
Talking about her photoshop and outlandish tales is one thing, but let's not act like she's chubby at this point. Still not the figure she claims to have, but I don't feel like she should be shamed for having a "gut" here.
No. 916756
>>916738NTA but come on. "Gut hanging over" is language that implies someone chubby wearing ill fitting clothes. Victoria isn't anywhere near fat and hasn't been for a long time. She still wears the same clothes from years ago but that's part of why we love her.
I hope someone is working on a new thread. This is the milkiest Victoria has been in years.