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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay


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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 1[Reply]

Welcome to our new experimental board, the following topics and cows are to go here instead of /snow/ or /ot/:

• Cosplay or costhots
• Lolita
• J-vloggers, k-vloggers
• drama related to any individual or group with an obsession with Japanese culture or a particular trend
Global rules apply. Any threads created that do not fit the above criteria are subject to deletion.
Racebaiting will not be tolerated
Threads not dedicated to drama can go to /ot/ for discussion.

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No. 326236[Reply]

Thread #1 >>54749 Thread #2 >>166105 Thread #3 >>197809 Thread #4 >>208755 Thread #5 >>229285 Thread #6 >>261505 Thread #7 >>284431 Thread #8 >>303389 Thread #9 >>315338

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tchall
Cosplay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManaKnightPage/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manaknight/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManaKnight
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manaknight

Terry Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous", "old (30+)", NB and Ace cosplayer who is actually a 41 year old narcissistic man. He is a known 5’4” moid that meanders around anime conventions by himself trying to collect selfies with "fans"/stalk white and asian girls under the age of 25. Recently, Terry is embracing his AGP side and is looking for face Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 346056

It's so strange how fixated he is on the number of selfies at every convention. It's like his only reason for existing at this point.

No. 346069

it's especially sad when you see him put on a happy face for the selfie, and immediately afterward excuse himself and look for his next victim. Sometimes i walked by afterward and could overheard the cosplayers make fun of the weird old man

No. 346088

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Ok boomer

No. 346170

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How does this man make a plug suit look like a hazmat suit? How is he genuinely okay with posting this and thinking “yep this is it. I am the moment”

No. 346172

He must cry himself to sleep by looking at his own pictures, how does this ana-kun always manages to look fucking obese?

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No. 345108[Reply]

>Adelaide Somers / Addy Harajuku (previously known as addychansenpai) is a terminally online 25-year-old weeaboo tiktoker and self proclaimed “expert” in j-fashion, anime, japanese culture, fandom, cosplay, conventions, and other similar topics she barely has any knowledge about.
>General traits: hypocrite, insecure, thin skinned, and a moralfagging liar.
>She’s known to lurk lolcow threads and has made videos about Pixyteri and Chris Chan, defending the latter as a “vulnerable grooming victim manipulated into raping his own mother”.

>Addy’s online presence can be traced back to the 2010s with multiple abandoned youtube channels focusing on anime figure reviews and general weaboo content. As of today, all her previous videos are privated, but remnants of her attempts at relevancy can be seen across different websites.

>Nowadays, she spends her time dressing in poor attempts at j-fashion, wearing ugly goggles on top of her choppy hair, and creating low quality content for her impressionable young fanbase.
>Some of her most notable examples of said low quality content is her virtue signaling and holier-than-thou tiktok rants discussing what she deems as problematic media: she likes policing others on what figures to own, what creators to support, and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice on the matter, and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, self harm, abuse, and incest, supporting their creators in the process.
>She regularly shills anime girl figures from NSFW sources such as Super Sonico and Saya no Uta to her young fanbase. encouraging them to buy figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW and “body positive”. Being an owner of a raunchy Super Sonico ½ scale figure herself, she sees no problem in recommending similar figures to teenagers.
>Some of her most infamous tiktok rants include the multi-part series called “figures I regret buying” where she whines and complains about certain figures she “totally didn’t know came from a problematic Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 346143

She obviously doesn’t enjoy that kind of music

No. 346156

Her fits are really embarassing lol
I wonder if anyone posted a picture of her, but jp twitter people tend to be super private and locked

No. 346157

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Wish she'd blurred the faces of the passerbys

No. 346162

How old is the retard these to retards are talking about? Some people say she's 16 and others say that she's 17.

No. 346168

Maika already has a thread here >>>/snow/2098202

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No. 343909[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/w/338748

Jirai kei is a j-fashion subculture that emerged in 2020, named after mentally unstable landmine girls (地雷女). It is a derogatory term that is used to label and stereotype a woman as what would be considered a "ticking time bomb" in English.

The western community consists of mentally ill girls that hate each other, abuse otc cough medicine, and spend all of their time on twitter.

General drama:
Newfags raided the thread, acting as prime examples of jiraitwt mental retardation >>340430

Notable cows:
Twitter/Tiktok: meruu218
Instagram: mm2mn1
Instagram baddie from Sweden turned jirai >>340110
Spends a ridiculous amount of money to attend a language school in Shinjuku to live out her toyoko kid larp >>342172
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No. 346110

>posts about wanting a nose job
>"I've got no problem with my nose"
not typically two things that go together

No. 346112

>Using the”I’m a minor” card after tweeting retarded shit about other people
Like clockwork

No. 346114

the biggest example of the pot calling the kettle i've ever seen in my life

No. 346128

Yeah this thread deserved to be autosaged.(take it to /meta/)

No. 346139

Rin is Vietnamese American and lives in southern California(sage your shit)

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No. 343521[Reply]

Jillian Vessey, also known as Pixielocks, of late LACE infamy, is a 26-year-old washed-up Youtuber residing in Fredericton, NB, Canada. She is infamous for her DID & Autism LARPs on social media. She trivializes mental health while managing to compartmentalize every single personality flaw of hers, all while hyping up dubious diagnostic impressions that she received from a poorly-trained “therapist” that wasn’t licensed to diagnose patients. She has been poorly received in a variety of online communities, due in part to her egotism & passive-aggression.

She has eagerly accepted her life changing DID diagnostic impression, & started her LARP with a “Congrats on the DID Diagnosis” cake. She has struggled to maintain this LARP for nearly 4 years, all while smoking copious amounts of cannabis, faking epileptic seizures on her TikTok, & getting into petty arguments with 14-ear-olds from the Pretty Cure Twitter fandom. As the popularity of DID LARPing fades, Jill is promptly moving towards an ASD LARP to keep her waning fanbase interested in her boring & passé content slop.

Early Years:
>Began her run on LCF on /snow/ as a “pansexual” personality involved in the Lolita community.
>Well known in the LACE community for causing drama, poorly photoshopping her pictures while denying it, wearing shit coords, & being a notorious NLOL (Not Like Other Lolitas).
>Later left the LACE community after complaining of petty drama & disagreeing with the community’s “restrictive rules" to created her own “fashion style” in rebellion, called “Party Kei.” It was poorly received by the community & she quickly abandoned it altogether.
>Visited Japan with her mother, on trip paid for by her mother. The main purpose of this trip was for Jill to spend money on Japanese plastic crap. Jill refused to eat Japanese food during this trip & instead consisted on American fast-food.
>Originally, her online content consisted of videos covering Lolita fashion & Magical-Girl anime, before switching to covering topics revolving around “mental health positivity,” which included discussions about: her history of self-harm; her struggling with an unspecified eating disorder; & her severe anxiety.
>Infamous for her egPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 346165

She also talks like normal about her previous mohawk and doesn't immediately attribute it to a personality disorder

No. 346166

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>Happy March, it is the month of March, right now we're about halfway through it as I'm filming this, um, but I want to talk about a very particular day in March, March 5th not only is this the, you know, globally celebrated and extremely important uh holiday of my birthday, uh, but it's also DID awareness day, and I know I've said this before but I will probably bring up how weird of a coincidence that is every single year isn't that weird

No. 346167

The abrupt low-angle cartoon-awooga lips thing she keeps doing in this clip is making me irrationally angry lmao. She's so annoying.

No. 346169

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Holy shit

No. 346171

>she ordered swiss chalet
thats so trashy. This whole picture smells of BO.

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No. 338177[Reply]

What is even happening edition

Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk. PLEASE refrain from mini-modding or hi-cowing. If there is proof that a cow is posting in thread, report the post and move on.

Thank you to the anon who made the timestamps!

Scalping dramas:
>>319057 LM comment fight about an expensive Meta skirt, >>319108 wtf_egl weighs in, >>319122 anon claims the drama was spurred on by the oldschool server
>>324932 The notorious Fril scalper
>>337700 Weizhen brings her huge Xianyu lots over to LM

Indie brands, events, and stores:
>>314942 Bay Area Kei still requiring masks, anons bait and fight about it
>>314978 Backstory/clarification on the past shady behavior of JP reseller GloireSoleil, also known for her indie brand RusanjinRoom
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No. 346066

If they don’t even wear Lolita, why invite them in the first place(sage your shit)

No. 346082

They suck the ass of anyone who is popular at the time or has any relevance.
Then, they pull out the sexual theme (in a kind of lame way) to gain attention in their show.
Whenever they come out, we always roll our eyes…

Btw the way, they seem to use the tag Lolita bc #gothic is overcrowded, so they can stand out a bit. Lmfao.

No. 346086

That’s pretty lame… We shouldn’t enable this behavior. At least now I know not to support them.

It really bothers me when people bring sexual stuff into Lolita fashion. It’s like they don’t understand what hole they’re digging themselves into. Like, we have this NB in our comm who does SW and it really feels like she’d do anything for a dress(sage your shit)

No. 346116

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The same goes for Armand. She's a known scammer who sells fake japanese plushies (Mofusand) she gets off Aliexpress and claims they are original. Abuses photoshop to hell and back, shit talks about other lolitas getting attention (younger ones she started to meet up with), thinks she is some kind of messiah of EGL, she also used to claim some of the plushies were handmade by her (but later they were found on Aliexpress as well).
And let's not forget she claimed her husband abuses her and she covers her bruises, but that was proven fake and she does abuse him irl (power imbalance, she must be the one taking decisions, and treats him like a dog).

Is there any new milk from Isis and Merkades?

No. 346125

>>345080 late to the party. but the irony of this is hilarious
>>>reee politics are getting women killed
>>>reee handmaidens should die

Just say you dont actually care about women nonny and your politics are virtue signal.(derailing)

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No. 326842[Reply]

Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is a Atlanta based cosplayer, motion graphics designer turned full time influencer, with 130k on Instagram. Really, she is a mediocre cosplayer, who is absolutely delusional about her sewing skills and obsessed with over-engineering and over-bedazzling every design she can get her hands on. She posts tutorials with her terrible crafting advice to Youtube for her subscribers to hugbox her and tell her she is The BEST cosplayer ever. She is a known sore loser who will throw public tantrums whenever her shoddy work doesn't place in contests or anybody criticizes her.

First thread: >>79175
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahspaceman
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sarahspaceman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahspaceman

Recap of last thread
>chronic photoshop abuser >>79338 >>79341 >>79716 >>80999
>her terrible interpretation of sakizo looks like walmart's bargain craft bin threw up on her >>90448 >>105560 >>170676
>claimed she INVENTED known sewing techniques because she's just that special >>16Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 344711

This seems almost intentional because she thinks its funny though

No. 344808

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No. 345010


Interesting that Yaya chose not to post this. Thoughts?

No. 345045

learn to embed and sage next time

No. 346058

Drama content suits her a lot better than her shit builds. She should be milking drama for all it's worth, it's not like there's much coverage of cosplay drama from other channels.

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No. 304921[Reply]


former beste with lorena
is dumb and Looks like a old witch
married her pimp with 19 years.
Had a relationship with a 40 years old japanese before. but he didn't marry her.
Often seen at deai cafes
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No. 305222

I wonder the same for most prostitutes with zero job experience outside sex-work and limited resources available to them. Gaya at least seems semi-stable in comparison to others like Lorena, but it's really hard to say. I imagine she's going to just do like many of them do and keep lying about her age until men stop paying for her sometime into her late 40s. By then who knows if her husband will stop being a sad excuse of a man and pimping her out or step up and actually care for her, or drop her for another one of the "models" under his care. Seems like such an incredibly sad way of life tbh.

I do wonder if maybe she's hoping to meet a better man via her line of work to "rescue" her like many do.

No. 305223

Wait she has a kid now?
Is she low on social media cause I can't find her anywhere.(nerco)

No. 305722

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ガヤ 谷口 on facebook. posts in meme groups but no escorting stuff

had her kid about a year ago(sage your shit)

No. 309462

MILF fetishes are like the second most common porn category and search terms in porn both in the west and in Japan. There are plenty of opportunities for older whores.

No. 346009

not in japan though(sage your shit/necro)

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No. 195505[Reply]

This thread is for discussion of any cosplay communities/fandoms/trends you find embarrassing or cringe outside of your average costhotery. Any talk of Patreon, Onlyfans, or generally skimpy cosplays should be taken to the Costhot thread. Every few months a new insufferable fandom or trend pops up and overtakes the cosplay landscape — let’s talk about some of the ongoing ones.

Current fandom examples:
>Genshin Impact
>My Hero Academia/BNHA

Current trend examples:
>cosplay tiktoks with bad lip syncing or shitty dancing
>paper wigs
>cosplayers covering themselves in glue and rolling around in garbage
>wigs so crimped they look deep fried
>drag style makeup for every character

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No. 345999

No BBL will ever look natural, even celebrities with too surgeons look botched after BBL’s and she will be no different. Her new legacy is going to be badly built porn star and once the dopamine high wears off I’m putting 50$ down on her having another career trajectory change while claiming this all damaged her mental health just like how cosplay OvErWhElMeD her and sucking dick on camera was apparently her dream all along lol.

No. 346026

She's happy but it's all so sad. Like she basically came out of surgery 5 minutes ago and decided to make content about how great it went when she doesn't know what it will look like when she isn't bruised and swollen. And even if everything looks great, she won the surgery lottery and is implicitly encouraging people to roll the dice with their life to get a cartoon butt. Maybe I'm just in my feelings with Joann going out of business. I know there have always been costhots, I saw cotton ball Felicias and then later cotton ball sexy no jutsu Naurtos at my first cons in the early 2000s, but it used to be a cute creative hobby! Men used to go to war!

No. 346053


>I'm so incredibly happy

>I am so happy with how I look right now
>I'm so happy with the shape
>I'm really happy with the results, really really happy so far
>I'm so, so happy right now

This looks like a cry for help

No. 346062

This bbl doesn't look too bad tbh. She probably should have waited longer for the true results to come through.

No. 346068

Who even is this? Old men are on facebook, that's why she has a bunch of followers.

This doesn't look over the top, so this might not be bad after all swelling, fluid retention, amd shape finalize. At least she didn't do what Nikki Minaj did or worse, Bishoejomom.

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No. 341334[Reply]

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads

Notable Vtuber Cows:
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No. 345916

God I fucking hate vtubers. I'm not even all that familiar with them but from the few I've seen they all do that faux gratitude shit. "Wow my totally not smelly cuddlywuddlyduddlies I love you all so much!!! Ur support means so much to me!!! U r the best uwu
t. your totally autistic virgin loli waifu". And then they always have to reference some 4chan meme to make sure their audience knows that they're ebin and based unlike those other e-girls.

No. 345918

I'd like some receipts too. I have some stuff archived but her simps are indeed very vigilant.

No. 345958

I didn't realize that the fucking yo mama guy was the one who called her out
if they were attractive or even average they could just become regular e-girls. But they aren't so they settle with pandering to pedophiles/weebs

No. 345959

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Samefag her simps sent him gore. Guess they can't use their cp stash instead without getting in trouble kek

No. 345974

did not expect to see a pedo-pandering vtuber get dunked on by the yo mama guy today
seriously, its the most pathetic, terminally online, parasocial shit in the world. the fact SO MANY people are into it makes me lose faith in humanity. when did anime shit become so gross and lame?

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