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No. 52467
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I can't get off to fingering myself. I use the shower head or the hitachi wand.
No. 52485
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Wow,I have the opposite problem to most of you here. I feel like my clit is huge.
It's like 1.5 inches long and actually gets erect when I'm horny. When my boyfriend saw it, he couldn't stop talking about how big it was and now I'm afraid of him looking at it.
I'm just happy the rest of my vagina isn't abnormal. I have a cute anime vagina wee it not for the huge clit peeking out at the top. I can push it down and hide it fine when I'm whatever, but it gets really hard and pokes out during intimacy and I hate it. I wish I had a cute, tiny clit, even if it was harder to masturbate.
No. 52486
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I'm just like you physically, and for me enjoying sex has been an ongoing journey of self discovery. It takes time to learn to relax, to let go, to start loving the penis.
What really helped me was dressing up and BDSM. I love clothes, and I realised that I could have a 'secret closet' filled with cheap chinese lingerie from ebay…I strongly advise the crotchless fishnet bodystocking.
It makes me feel like a sexy sloot, gets me in the mood, and makes my fiance go nuts, which further helps me in feeling sexual. It's very vain, but I get off on looking sexy as hell.
I think you just have to find what works for you. Incorporate things you enjoy outside of sex, or your fetishes, into sex and enjoy yourself. Let go and allow your enjoyment to be genuine. Nothing worse than faking sexual pleasure.
No. 52493
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I can't experience sexual pleasure at all.
I mean, some times in the distant past I think I've been horny and penetration has felt okay, but I've never been able to go over the edge, neither do I really… feel horny a lot?
I'm in a committed relationship right now and our sex life is seriously dead. I want to please him, but I just… don't want to have my vagina touched at all.
I'm worried because I do want to have sex with them, but either I feel nothing or I am in horrible pain.
No. 52497
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Ummm, I tried googling, but I only found monster porn clits. :(
Sex toys well change your life. Do it, anon.
That's it. That's an orgasm. Some people just don't have super intense orgasms. Start to listen to your body and just enjoy it. Stop expecting something ~mind blowing~, because must orgasms aren't, and most porn is fake or exaggerated. Just listen to your body and learn to enjoy knowing yourself in different ways. The better you know your body, the better you'll know how to reach better heights of pleasure.
No. 52498
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>mfw I went to a doctor and they said they didn't know what the problem was
>went to another doctor and she asked if I had been raped
doctors are shit in this country
No. 52600
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For any anons worried their vulva isn't 'normal looking'… presenting: The Great Wall Of Vagina No. 52713
I'm >>132439
I'm pretty certain that people have different sensations.
For me, it's similar to when you're just about to pee, but… a bit different. It may sound unpleasant, but if you've ever had a UTI and had aching or tingling (not burning) in your urethra, it feels like that. It's really intense and immediately subsides when I let go. It's a lot of pleasure mixed with mild pain/pressure. It bursts out all at once. Feels ok but I'd rather do clit stuff.
That anon is trolling or is butthurt that someone peed on them. Or they peed on themselves trying to learn how to squirt.
Some people cannot tell the different between squirting and peeing and accidentally piss. It happens, but they are two different things and squirting is not "literally just peeing". Even if there were miniscule traces of urine in it, my "squirt" is basically odorless hot water. Flavorless. It's not that gross. If I have to pee, I run to the bathroom. I don't piss on myself. I'm pretty repulsed by urine so I think I'd know.
I just am not the kind of person who finds dumping ANY kind of fluids, bodily or not, on themselves, their bed, the carpet, etc. to be a fun activity, so I don't do it anymore. Doesn't seem worth the hassle of the cleanup. That's all.
No. 52717
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I have LELO Elise 2 which has dual motors so it feels like it's pulsating (like seriously it swells and subsides in your hand when switched on) which is about as powerful as a Hitachi and I'm really into my pussy-destroying vibrations but I've yet to experience squirting.
I know all girls are supposed to be able to do it but I've just never felt anything coming on before you know, aside from the orgasm.
No. 52805
>>132454Lmfao what? Not everyone is as gross as you, pissbitch. Medical research has confirmed that squirting is urine. science isn't real because it hurts my feels. You're pissing yourself, and your pussy is most likely really loose because your pelvic floor muscles aren't even strong enough to hold urine in.
No. 52892
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Where do you guys find is the best place to purchase toys? I've only ever bought from Adam&Eve, they seem like they have some pretty decent deals going on usually.
No. 52900
>>132469I've always wondered how many people (if any) have bought the $15000 gold Inez.
But yeah, I love how they look. I have a Nea and I love its cute little flower motif, and I think I'm going to buy a Gigi 2 soon since the Nea's vibrations are kind of weak now (I've had it for almost 7 years I think) and I want something insertable. I think the Iris is pretty, but it's not waterproof. :(
>>132471I agree with more lube. I'm 5'3 and my bf is 6'3 and the only time we had this happen was when I wasn't quite wet enough for him, so we keep lube handy.
No. 52907
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Don't worry, guys don't care as long as the rest of you looks good and they're getting some. My clit is even bigger than yours and when my bf saw it (or rather felt it) for the first time, he wasn't that weirded out.
It's perfectly normal and just a genetic curio most of the time, like inverted nipples or having a straight thumb. As long as it doesn't look like a penis, I think you're fine.
No. 52915
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God this, sometimes I just wanna be cute and cuddle/sleep naked after sex but I always wake up a few hours later uncomfortable and have to put underwear on. Also the concept of going comando seems really disgusting and uncomfortable to me.
Reminds me of that scene in Obvious Child where she's talking about how her panties look like they fell into a tub of cream chese or something.
No. 52940
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I exclusively use pads
I had tried tampons, but I remember one time inserting it incorrectly (I was like 12) and that was the first time I ever had bad cramps (I still have them now). And while that is probably not the cause of my having bad cramps, I still am very hesitant to use them because they remind me of the experience of one being inserted incorrectly, and because I don't have the mind to keep track of how long I've had 1 in for in order to change it at the right time.
Pads are pretty easy, and I don't seem to get that wet goopy feeling some women describe when wearing pads all day, although I do go to the restroom often to –set free– some of the blood and clean up a bit. I pretty much only buy overnight pads, change after taking a shower (so like once a day) and it's worked pretty well for me.
Also this, sometimes I use menstrual cups and they are pretty great. I don't get that 'did I put it in enough, and the right place' because it rests against a bone. They're reasonably sanitary (but blood gets on your hands after inserting/removing). They're comfortable, and hard to notice. You can wear one WAYYYYY longer than a tampon. And you can even have sex with one in, my boyfriend said he barely noticed it in there, and it still held in there after some reasonably rough sex.
I'd say the only downside is the -possibility- of the cup getting dislodged, which would be much worse than a tampon because all of a sudden all that blood that was collecting is dumped in 1 moment, and it will likely soak through your pants.
No. 52946
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>It's like 1.5 inches long and actually gets erect when I'm horny. When my boyfriend saw it, he couldn't stop talking about how big it was and now I'm afraid of him looking at it.
One freaky oversized clit please.
>Ugh, I'm the same. Mine is around 2 inches, but mercifully it's all tucked inside so I don't feel like a futanari. The rest is cute, but I hate my clit.
This is priceless female wizardry
yeah this is the only way i can masturbate. i don't even touch my clit. i just lie down and tense my abdominal/pussy muscles up. i can't orgasm from normal sex because of this, i've tried to condition myself into masturbating normally but it just doesn't work.
Bitch you got problems
This. Golden shower bitches.
Good god your pussy must be destroyed at this point.
>As long as it doesn't look like a penis, I think you're fine.
Good god that's disgusting.
Literally kill yourself.
With regards /cow/(ok)
No. 52962
Oh boy I have a bunch of vagina/sex related issues! Let's see…
I am dry as the desert, always. I think it's because I was put on antidepressants (some antidepressants are known to cause dryness) before my puberty started, and I was on them for 8 years. I'm free of all meds now but I guess the meds fucked me up permanently because I have never gotten wet enough for sex in my life, ever. I always need copious amounts of lube, even for masturbation.
I also have the issue of not orgasming, or getting really weak non-pleasurable orgasms. Even the weak ones I can only achieve with a vibrator on max setting. I'm just not very sensitive down there, I dunno if it's because all of my parts are really small? Like for example my inner labia is practically non-existant.
Speaking of which, penetration hurts. My smallness coupled with my dryness means that unless I have sex every day (I don't), penetration pretty much always feels like losing my virginity again. I'm sore even on the day after. My bf (who is the one and only sexual partner I've ever had) is not even particularly big.
And on that note, I might be bi. I pretty much always fantasize about girls and pretend that my bf is a girl during oral.
I'm super insecure and in order to want to have sex I need to feel like I'm sexy and desireable, but I feel like a fat blob because I put on 2 pounds so my sex life is practically non-existant right now. My bf never ever initiates sex because I probably traumatized him one time when I said I felt preassured into sex, so it's always up to me to initiate it. So every 2 weeks I kinda reluctantly go "whelp I'm pretty sure bf is completely sexually deprived by now so I guess I should do something" and then we have sex that's unsatisfying for me but amazing for him because I make sure that he enjoys himself. Poor guy thinks I find him unattractive, when I definitely don't. I just find myself unattractive. Deep sigh.
Sorry for the novel but it felt pretty good to get it off my chest.
No. 52963
>>132534I like u~.
I understand.
Haven't really talked about this but I have to be super super thin in order to feel comfortable with my body although it isn't very sexually desirable, and I can fantasize about sex but I'm never satisfied enough with myself for not being perfect so I don't want anyone to touch me in real life. It's narcissistic, really, but I'm so obsessed with perfection (when it comes to myself only) that it can't be helped.
No. 52966
>>132536>>132537Try shower sex.
My gf gets pretty heavy periods, she's too embarrassed for period sex mostly just for the clean up factor although I don't mind it. When we're in the shower, her bloodflow reduces significantly, you don't see hardly any of it, etc. We fuck all we want in there and she doesn't feel ashamed about it.
No. 52967
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Would a masturbation/fantasizing/2D&3D erotica general need its own thread, or would it be categorized under here? It seems independent enough to warrant its own topic.
No. 52969
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I had my first orgasm without a vibrator today. Ooooohhhh my god, they are a hundred times better. The constant speed on vibes makes me oversensitive when i'm cumming, but it's like my fingers know what to do even when i'm not thinking straight. Fucking A+. Also, no $20/month for batteries.
No. 53051
I'll read through this thread in a bit but first my problems.
Like, I like sex, but it almost always hurts, and most of the time I go dry super fast.
I also seem to be really grossed out by guy's naked bodies. So finding a guy I actually want to sleep with is hella difficult, and maybe if I'm just being picky. I also ofc hate my own body so sleeping with girls is really difficult too cus then I'll compare, and the girl I'm with will always be way more beautiful, to me at least.
Idk, I like to slick and fap though, and I get horny a lot.
But having sex is difficult for me, and a lot of the time when a guy wants to bang I'll go into a "no" mode, and just not be turned on no matter what, and idk I'm probably just fucked up.
Oh also my pubi hair is very dark and I'm rather pale, so my area down there is sorta dark, idk, is there a way to fix that? I think I'll start vaxing soon to see if that helps.
No. 53055
>>132552But that's not real squirting. Like I said, there are people who piss and think they're squirting when they aren't.
REAL squirt doesn't even come from where you piss. It's clear. It's odorless. It isn't piss. There have been women who squirt, there are women who squirt. It. Isn't. Piss.
No. 53069
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Anybody here prefer the non-applicator tampons? They are all I've used since I was 13, and honestly I feel more comfortable with them than the applicator ones
No. 53078
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No. 53087
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What do menstrual cups actually feel like?
I hear they're really great and stuff but when I went to get one it was just HUGE, even the "small" ones, and I have no idea if it would really be worth it. I can slightly feel a tampon no matter how it's placed, it doesn't really bother me it's just a slightly "full" sensation - is it a lot worse with cups?
No. 53098
So I have super sensitive skin when it comes to shaving. every time I shave my pussy, which is like every other week or so, I'm in agony for a few days until I can at least get some stubble. I put on aloe vera, sensitive-skin-no-bullshit-additives lotion, and they kiiiind of help… for a bit. The friction from walking in pants sucks; even just panties is so irritating. Is there any hope for me? I get weird acne from it too, the irritation. My bf likes shaved pussies but it feels like such a sacrifice, and I don't like having too hairy or stubbly either. My legs and arms also get irritated from shaving…
I tried waxing once, with a shitty home waxing kit some years ago. Just burned my skin in a weird way. Like not actually burned from the wax, it was just discolored and felt burned or some shit. Jeez. If ya'll have any suggestions I'd be super grateful.
tl;dr I'm too sensitive for shaving regularly, it sucks, I don't know if professional waxing would be any better.
No. 53105
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You poor thing
No. 53139
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Anyone else read this book? She can be a bit repetitive sometimes, but she really goes quite in-depth into matters of individualized female arousal. Might help some of you anons understand how your personal libido works. Fascinatin' stuff.
No. 53151
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I feel like this board is like /k/ but sex toys
No. 53179
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Not sure if this is the right thread for it, but is anyone really dizzy/can't stand up after penetrative sex? I can have intense orgasms masturbating and still be fine after, but sex just gets my brain all kinds of fucked up.
No. 53182
i was just like you, but they gave me birth control when i was 15 (Logest) and i've been taking those until this year (i'm 23), when i switched to NuvaRing. your period will most likely get A LOT better, bleeding time will probably reduce to 5 days and cramps will get MUCH weaker. i would most definitely NOT skip!
a lot of women have periods like that, our whole women's side of the family is like that. we all got our periods when we were ~10, every 21 days, up to 10 days and insane amount of padding. the thing i don't get is, why did they only now give you birth control? you stated that you visited multiple doctors and just now, ten years later, have they given you birth control to manage your period? or was this your choice?
here's my opinion:
1. don't skip it. at least try two months, please. if you endured it for 10 years, you're strong enough to last for two months more. there's not enough research on the topic and doctors disagree on skipping period. i have a few friends that started using the pill for the same reasons and all of them reported getting much, much better (bleeding reducing even to 3 to 4 days with mild cramps)
2. get a moon cup. i guess you are a little uncomfortable with your body, but don't worry. i started using tampons when i was 21 and only this year have i managed to woman up and buy a moon cup. my mom never mustered up the courage and ended up buying pads up to her menopause. you CAN do it and it will solve your padding problems
3. visit your gyno and discuss combined oral contraception. ask him why he hasn't given you a vaginal ring. take it from me; the pill will most probably take away your libido and this doesn't happen so dramatically with a vaginal ring. discuss pros and cons of oral contraception with your doctor, discuss his clients experiences and discuss it with your friends. i absolutely love the ring
No. 53195
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The area around my vagina is extremely disproportionate. I mean extremely, not just some slight difference only I can see. Not the labia but the actual skin/mound surrounding it? The labia majora
No ones ever said anything during sex but I've also always avoided positions that you could really see anything.
I can't find anything on Google about this because all that comes up is stuff about labia minora. I don't really remember when it started looking this way either or if it always did..
What is with this? I feel so weird about it.
No. 53200
Alright I have a couple of questions about losing your virginity. My boyfriend and I have have been together for almost 2 years now, and we are now living together but we have never had sex. He isn't a virgin, but I am. We have done other things, like oral and all that, but haven't actually had sex. I've always been too afraid to because anytime I have ever put my fingers up there it really hurts, I can get one finger in easily but two is a struggle and I get absolutely no pleasure from it so I just don't. Well recently he and I were messing around, and decided to attempt sex. So I got on top of him, and I was majorly calm so I wasn't super tense, but it still hurt like hell, and my boyfriend is about average, nothing too big. And it definitely wasn't an issue of not being wet enough. I got it almost all the way in, but had to stop because it just continued to feel like tearing. My question is, does anyone else have issues like this? Like i'm afraid I will never be able to have sex because it will just hurt too much. /: Can others please say what their first time was like and how badly it hurt or didn't hurt for them? Sorry if this isn't exactly the right thing to post in here but I didn't know where else to talk about this. Also, does this count as sex or no? The was no "grinding" or whatever when I was doing this cause I was just focusing on trying to get passed the pain….. I don't know if this means I am no longer a virgin or what. Again, sorry if this isn't the right kind of thing to be posting in here and that it's kind of long, just wanting advice.
No. 53214
Last month I had a 40 days cycle, this month I'm already at day 31 and still have no blood loss. Ughhhh! I'm pissed at my uterus, seriously. I've been wearing pads for 4 days just in case, hoping for my uterus to wake up, but nothing’s coming. I have had white discharge for like a week, though. Usually it only last 3 or 4 days for me. I swear my uterus is drunk! And I don’t think my periods are coming any time soon because when they do, I always feel sad/angry/irritable 2 days before and have acne. I’m currently feeling perfectly fine and have no acne, so yeah… I don’t get it. I didn’t lose/gain any weight recently, didn’t change my diet, I’m still a virgin… I’m feeling stressed out but waaaay less than last month so I don't think that's the reason. I’ll wait and see, but I'm definitely going to see a doctor when my cycle finally ends. Just wondering, anyone here experienced something similar?
No. 53217
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>pale as fuck
>pink nipples
>pink hued vagina
>brown around anus
It sucks when you have an anal and spanking fetish, but you're embarrassed to show your partner your ass.
No. 53218
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tbh i have brown skin around my anus too (and p brown-ish labia…….) but then i found out my bf has brown skin around his anus too and idc about mine anymore
No. 53416
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What do you guys think of these period panties? I've backed for 10 of them and I'm really excited for them honestly… I just happened to stumble across the buzzfeed video but it looks really hopeful.
(here's the link to the ks if you guys haven't seen it: )
No. 53432
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What do you guys do with your pubes? Au naturel, shaved, lasered, wax, what shape etc.
I can't stand how itchy shaving is so I've been waxing most of mine, but I find it practically fucking impossible to get all the hair off in the more… concealed areas.
No. 53433
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I got lasered a few years ago. The hair is growing back but it's pretty sparse, which is nice because it was really bushy before. Nowadays I shave and just leave a small patch on the mound (pic related). I've never waxed before I'm just too self-conscious to let anyone look around down there that isn't my husband or doctor.
No. 53439
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Doesn't lasering also involve someone looking around down there? I never looked into the process. I'm also vaguely scared of it like, causing vag cancer or some shit.
I am, yeah. It just always gets itchy as it grows back in no matter what. I think I just have really sensitive skin.
Pic related is a lie that does not work and burns like satan
No. 53448
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>>132786>>132784U guys I am practically crying I am so relieved to hear that I'm normal and dont have a monster vagina. Ty so much anons.
No. 53454
>>132790Given that you wash well daily it shouldn't be anything more than sweat/heat/tight garments.
I had the same thing and found sleeping without undies helped a lot.
No. 53455
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I thank the lord for my super sensitivity and the ability to have multiple orgasms. It makes masturbation and sex so much more fun, currently riding off my high of 5 o's
No. 53472
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So…I started masturbating around 10 and it didn't feel fun with fingers or rubbing so I stuck to sticking any semi-waterproof cylinder in there and I've kept doing that. I mean, I bought dildos (lots of them) but I always end up going back to a conditioner bottle or something hard. I've learned to deal with the consistency of most things on the market now but I still like being able to sort of squeeze around it and not have any give. After 10 yrs though, my body is super set in its ways and fingers can't get me anywhere close.
Problem is I've been with my girlfriend for about 6 mo and we finally found the time to do the do. She insisted that her fingering game is so amazing that she'd cure me straight up but after 40 or so minutes, her fingers were pruney and I was starting to wonder what to make for dinner. (At the hr mark, I said fuck it and switched to finish her so I could call in chinese before the store closed but i digress)
Is there a way to maybe become more sensitive or something to make fingering feel any good? She's easy as shit and usually is fine with just about anything so I'm sure I could talk her into dildos or vibrators -or anything really- to better accommodate me but I really want to be able to get off due to her efforts at least once.
Am I just SOL or do I maybe need to put more effort into it? Is there even a way to "retrain" your body for things like this? What the hell am I doing wrong here?
No. 53485
please h-help a clueless virgin out, /g/
I'm in my early twenties and I'm going to have sex for the first time soon. For background, I've been masturbating via clitoral stimulation since I was around 11, but I've never fingered myself. It never really occurred to me to do it because I orgasmed just fine from rubbing my clit. However, I never tried to do it when I was older because I was always too scared because of the pain. I've tried inserting tampons and it hurt very, very much. I finally had some private time and decided to take a look at my own anatomy, and I was surprised at how much I didn't know about my own vagina.
First, I'm very concerned about my hymen/vaginal opening. I was surprised how much lower it is located on the body than I thought. It is not in the center of my vagina and located very near to the bottom/end towards my anus. (Instead my urethra is located directly in the center.) I can't see the hole and I'm not sure if this is because it very low or because it is very small. I tried to finger myself to prepare for sex but I could only fit one finger comfortably. I tried to put in two fingers and stretch my hymen/make the opening bigger but they will just not fit. I felt like I was at max capacity, for lack of a better phrase. It is not incredibly painful, but it is quite uncomfortable and I'm not really enjoying the experience. I have no idea how I am going to fit something as a large as a penis. Could I possibly have a microperforate hymen i.e. is the hole in my hymen just abnormally small? Is this normal for a virgin who hasn't fingered herself? When I watch porn I see women with large openings that look very deep. In comparison, I look very shallow – maybe because I can't really see the hole. I know that I do not actually have a shallow vagina because I fit the entirety of my finger.
Also, I don't like the color of my outer lips and the skin surrounding my vagina. I understand that it is normal, but I don't like the way it looks. It is darker than the skin inside my vagina and around my pubic area; I'd like to make it lighter. Are there any recommended safe skin bleaching kits/creams without hydroquinine? I'd also like to lighten my asshole lmao
thanks, /g/
No. 53486
it's normal for the actual vaginal opening to look larger during / a while after penetration. Having no opening visible when you're unaroused is typical, especially if you've never had children via vaginal delivery.
Also, the vaginal canal (such hot terminology right?) lengthens during arousal; otherwise 3-4 inches is the average.
Even though your hymen will likely tear even more eventually (just with normal activity + time, not necessarily penetration), it is possible to stretch it without tearing, even enough to accommodate something a large as a penis.
I'd advise you to continue using fingers for penetration with yourself and/or whoever you're going to sleep with until that becomes physically comfortable. And from there use a dildo/vibrator/whatever that's slightly larger than a few fingers. Just keep working up in size, as long as it's not causing you discomfort. For me personally, it was a span of about 3 months to go from a finger to fucking a guy. The number one problem I had was trying to do shit when I wasn't physically aroused enough.
I don't know anything about bleaching, so I can't speak to that.
also not to be a huge downer, but it's entirely possible penetration just does nothing for you and never will tbh. experiment all you want, but definitely don't force yourself to like/want something you don't.
good luck anon, and invest in a lot of lube.
No. 53489
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try love soap
No. 53509
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My 25 y/o bf had camsex with a 15 year old, and now I can only get off while thinking about him cucking me with younger girls (I'm 18). How the fuck do I stop?? I've gotten off to exclusively this for a month, and it's been getting more prevalent ever since it started 5 months ago. I had an age kink for being younger before this, but now instead of picturing myself with him it's underage petite flat girls like she was.(robot)
No. 53511
Sorry for this late reply I honestly forgot about this thread until now. Thank you for the info. It sucks because I had insurance for a few months And then my mother told me I didn't anymore, right when I was about to make appointments. Doesn't help that my gyno went to jail either lol. I'm not aware of any planned parenthoods in SC. Holy shit, just searched and there's 2. Wow.
I now have another problem, sadly. I had sex 9 days ago and immediately started having the heaviest discharge ever. Is that normal? This is another problem I'm facing after not being on bc for a while. The discharge is ruining my underwear!!
Not only that, but I'll shower and sometimes after showering there is still this sort of smell coming from the actual vagina, not the outside (like labia etc). When I had this problem some time ago, I had gotten the yeast infection medicine because it seemed to just seep into my panties and it helped a lot and now it's back?! This problem comes and goes for me and it's only bothersome because it humiliates me lol. I personally don't think it's a yeast infection, but it could be. Nearly all of my underwear is cotton or cotton blend, and I do wear that spandex/therma-fit material underwear, if that's of any help.
I would ask my gyno since he lives with my best friend's mother down the street, but I don't think that's professional, and I don't know if he got his license revoked or not.
No. 53515
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I don't normally do anything since I don't have sex or have anyone looking at my naked body, but I would shave on occasion to change it up. I stopped because I would get razor bumps and/or ingrown hairs like crazy no matter what, especially along the crease between my thighs and pubic area.
I then started using a hair removal cream, and stopped having those issues the first couple times of doing it, but now I get all bumpy along that crease again. Sucks a lot and I'm dealing with it right now.
I think I would like to try waxing, but only if there were something like those plastic sheets you can cut to shape for eyebrows, face, etc. Would make it easier to do shapes and designs with the hair.
No. 53530
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How do I get back into the right mind to masturbate? How do I learn to relax and enjoy it again?
I'm in a sexless relationship that has ruined my sex drive and self-esteem and makes getting off nearly impossible. I have some toys and stuff, but just can't relax my mind enough to enjoy what I'm doing.
No. 53559
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Fuck guys why is my body such a shit?
Trinessa for 6 months -> constant discharge, BV, yeast, 10 day periods. wore down my vaginal tissue until it felt like knives every time i crossed my legs
Yaz for 3 - still pain, but fixed periods
Off BC for 1 month - pain gradually fades for the first time in almost a year. still can't even finger myself though
Nexplanon - Dr recommends it because no estrogen so I shouldn't have problems. Day 3 and the vaginal pain is back in FULL force.
I haven't been able to have sex with my boyfriend all this time. And I've probably damaged myself permanently. AND now they're gonna have to slice my arm open to remove the fucking thing I spent hundreds on. I wish I was born male.
No. 53576
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Has anyone else ever used a dildo they forgot to clean? I have one of those vibes that have the silicone sleeves that go over and while i'm good with cleaning my toys and using a condom I found out that I forgot to clean the inside part of the sleeve and was so disgusted with myself because god knows how long all thats been sandwiched between the silicone and the vibe. It didn't help that the condom I was using on it broke too. Its been almost 3 weeks since then though and I don't think gotten any sort of infections although I might still get myself tested. Even now i'm so disgusted I let that happen…
No. 53578
I trim pubes short with a hair clipper and then forget about it for a long time until it occurs to me I probably need to trim again. That's about as much time as I want to spend on this “problem”.
If you look at porn closeups, you'll see that models spread their legs and stretch the skin from behind. It's hard to look at yourself from that angle without a camera, and it's generally hard to see a vaginal opening in normal poses (porn poses are rarely normal). Depth at which vagina starts and amount of skin folds surrounding it also vary. You can put a big mirror on the floor vertically, lie on the floor next to it with a couple of pillows under your head, and study yourself that way.
Proportions of distance between top of the lips and clit, length of the clit and surrounding skin, distance between clit and urethra, distance between urethra and vaginal opening, end of the folds, and anus can be anything, and different body types also make vulva look different.
I hate to break the news, but some people also don't like the way scars look like on short “circumcised” lips. TUH-DUH. Time to panic!
I thought these worries should disappear after a partner willingly munches your “ham” a couple of times. Apparently, many people still consider sex a kind of social interaction for which you wear a suit (without wearing one) and should perform according to expectations and provide an aesthetically pleasing image.
No. 53595
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Okay so weird period information incoming and I want some opinions about it.
Recently when I've got my period its been heavy-ish flow the first few days and then slight spotting,bleeding for awhile after. Before my periods used to be pretty short too, lasting 3-6 days. But near the end of my period with the spotting the blood is super SUPER dark. Like I just went to the bathroom and its thick and black like fucking tar. Ive been getting this for awhile now but I dont remember this happening when I was younger. Is this normal at all??
On my periods I've noticed the blood generally being thicker and having a few more clots come out but not enough where I think its abnormal. I spray my vagoo with the shower head and masturbate in hopes that it will get all the blood out of there (like maybe its just having issues coming out), but still its coming out like this.
No. 53599
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Sounds like someone is Asexual, as in you just aren't into sex of any kind.
No. 53626
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My labia have been so itchy lately. Am I gonna die?
No. 53641
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I find dicks really hot actually, especially pale uncircumcised ones. There are some types I find absolutely disgusting though.
No. 53643
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Started reading this thread yesterday. It's been extremely enlightening and my empathy levels are off the charts. I was at the HMO today and they had a few jars of this "V Magic" Vulva Cream stuff in there and I did a bit of a double take. Maybe it would be useful for someone? Pic related.
No. 53649
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W-what would you describe the smell/taste like?
No. 53652
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No. 53656
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Yes. The vagina is an extremely volatile environment. At the very least you NEED to go get tested for abnormality of the cervix which can detect cervical cancer early.
>but what exactly should i expect?
You'll be instructed to go behind a curtain and asked to removed your lower coverings including your underwear, and then lie down on a bed. On the bed there will either be stirrups that you place your calves in in order to give the gyno visual access, or sometimes they ask that you put your legs on the bed and arrange them into a diamond shape so that the soles of your feet are touching, again, giving visual access.
Once you're in position they'll come through and apply a clear, lubricating gel, and then they'll insert a speculum (picture related) which will push apart the walls of the vagina.
It feels cold for around 5 seconds, and then you adjust and you can't really feel it that much, you're just more aware of the pressure physically (Fun fact: the higher up the vagina the less nerves there are). They'll inspect your cervix visually and and then insert a long, cotton swab which they'll use to swab the mouth of the cervix in order to collect cells, which can be a bit uncomfortable but not painful. Afterwards they will give you some paper to wipe up the lube, you'll put your pants back on and make an awkward joke about how they should've asked you out to dinner beforehand, they'll send the swabs off to a lab to be analysed for CANCER and you're done. It's over in literally a minute, sometimes less. You'll either get a letter or a call back a week or two later informing you of the results.
And btw the people that are examining you see hordes of cocks and pussy all day, every day. You're just another patient to them, they really don't give a shit about the appearance of your vagina or yourself so long as you're healthy. Right after you're done they'll be calling in the next person to lay back and spread em'.
No. 53663
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Might also depend what kind they did. But sensitivity could be different, I've heard some girls don't find getting hit in the cervix during sex terribly painful, which isn't true for me.
No. 53692
I feel so bad for some of you girls for being so ashamed of your own bodies! There's no reason to be ashamed for things that are completely normal and common.
-Genitals can come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Asymmetry? Normal. Darker color? Normal. Inner labia peeking out past outer labia? Normal. Only if your junk causes you physical discomfort should you consult a doctor. Oh and if a guy ever shames you about the appearance of your vagina, dump that motherfucker.
-Clear discharge? Whitish discharge? Normal, if it doesn't smell super bad. The vagina is self-cleaning. Only if the discharge is clearly yellow, clumpy and smells really bad, should you consult a doctor. Never use anything other than water to clean your vagina, soaps and stuff might disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina.
-Hairy? Not hairy? Both normal. Sometimes women can even have little happy trails up to their belly buttons. Only if you're excessively hairy and are experiencing other symptoms such as irregular periods, should you go to a doctor (might be pcos).
-Gyno check-up scaring you? No need to be scared. While it's never exactly a fun experience, a good gyno knows how to be professional and gentle. They've seen some shit during their careers so most likely whatever you feel embarrassed about your own vagina, they've seen a billion times already. Just relax and think of happy thoughts, it'll be over in less than 5 minutes.
-Dryness and discomfort during sex? Buy some lube and ask your partner for longer foreplay. Some medication such as birth control can cause dryness. If it's affecting negatively on you and your sex life, do consult a doctor. It's an extremely common problem though, so nothing to be embarrassed about there either.
Remember to love yourself and your vagina! Peace out.
No. 53703
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tfw you can't orgasm, take at least 30 minutes to an hour get close, don't get wet or expand until again around 30 minutes to an hour of foreplay just to get wet and expand enough to fit a finger in without extreme pain, and the vast majority of men get annoyed at even 5 minutes worth of foreplay.
Y-Yeah being a woman is great.
No. 53717
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anyone here dealing with penetration problems?
i've decided to start having sex with my boyfriend, but getting him in is so difficult. barely getting in a finger was difficult at first, but eventually with a lot of lube and effort i was able to actually get him inside me. it was pretty uncomfortable and somewhat painful. we didn't even have real sex because he just kept popping out.
anyway, i'm thinking it's a combination of vaginismus and being excessively tight from lack of penetration (being a late bloomer sucks…) advice?
No. 53725
Yes, I have a lot. I've had 4 awake surgeries on them in emergency, what can I help you with anon?
Stop touching them or prodding at them right now. Sadly, as gross as it is, causing it to burst underneath your skin (I mean, yeah the pus came out, but there's still stuff in there) will result in an abscess. Those are the ones that I had to have cut open several times, so you don't want that.
Have a sitz bath 2X daily, do not shave or pull on the hair there, don't press on it to make more stuff come out. It could be blocked naturally like mine is, and pressing just turns the mild blockage into a full blown abscess.
Make an appointment with your OBGYN and see them ASAP, it's something quite common but it also has a much better prognosis and comfort overall if you get it looked at sooner not later.
No. 53726
>>133064What's a sitz bath?
Also does it have to be a bath? I find taking a bath really dirty and gross.
No. 53732
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Thanks! I'll try it out soon!
Here's what they look like! I wear them by themselves since the pad is sewn into them. Whenever I rinse them before laundry day, dark stains appear, but tend to go away once I throw them in the wash with proper soap and everything. I feel very comfortable sleeping in them! My issue when I woke up from sleep with regular pads was it leaking everywhere and feeling gross and the waterfalls that happens once you sit up, but with these period panties it feels completely dry when I sleep, wake up, basically all the time. Even when I feel the blood coming out, it still feels nice and dry down there. When I work out it isn't an issue either! I don't feel it getting nasty and (for a lack of a better word) moist down there because of the blood or anything when I work out. They don't move around very much in my sleep or during workouts either.
(For reference, my period is about a medium flow. I have my heavy days every once in a while, and have only leaked through these panties once in the three periods I've worn them through. Otherwise, they hold up extremely well and I love them so much because I've never felt so comfortable and safe on my period. I don't worry about leaks ever anymore (you can sort of feel it when you've leaked through the panties, but otherwise I always feel nice and fresh))
I sound like an ad but I really love these panties lol. It's inconvenient since I live in a dorm without a private bathroom so I usually rinse them out when I go in the shower since it's a bit embarrassing to rinse them out in the sink, but otherwise there's really no complaints about the actual panties themselves.
No. 53743
Yes, it's ok.
Before I roll into it, I'm a med student, currently working at a Doctor's office - and I've been on Depo for almost two years now, no period at all, I'm 23.
It is a HUGE theory that no period = bad, which is completely untrue. At any time, you can stop taking that BC and you'll regain your period after a few months - at the most.
I actually really like not having a period, I don't want children and I suffered every month from my period. If you're similar too me, then it's nothing to worry about.
If you want to be on a BC, and still want to receive your period, just talk to your doctor and get on a different prescription.
Like >>133081 said, if you're fine with not having a period, depending on your age, diet, and what sort of toiletries you use - go in for a check up. An example would be, if you have a diet in which you're eating fast foods and tv dinners a lot, I would go in once a year because a lot of those foods contain bad ingredients that enable cysts or cancer.
I'm saying this because, when you don't have a period it might be more difficult for you to notice any signs in your body where something might be amiss - like, my period is brown - what does that mean? Etc.
No. 53754
Sure it isn't as wet and sticky as putting fingers into vag but you can still feel something weird on your hand by just touching dick for extended period of time. I have no idea how it works but when you're horny your crotch produces smell that lasts on your hand and maybe some sweat/precum is leaking and smearing all over below the dickhead. Washing hands after fapping should be mandatory.
Depends. Some people can maintain boner after 1, sometimes even 2 loads without any waiting, some need lot of time. Whole sexual performance depends on lot of different things. For example in my best I can come 2 times without pause, then short breaks below 5-10 minutes for total 4-5 orgasms in 2 hours period, in my worst I can't get it up for 30-60 minutes after one load. Depends on died, how much I slepts, if I'm hungry or not, how tired I am, how hot is there (for example in car it gets pretty hot fast), and even position (with girl on top it feels like it's more easy to hold back if needed but doggystyle makes it much harder to not to cum faster).
Anyway, it isn't as easy and simple as it looks if you want to maintain good condition to please your partner.
No. 53777
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>why I keep making baguettes instead of taking his baguette.
No. 53784
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My boyfriend and I shred condoms. It's never happened to either of us with previous partners but I counted and it was 6/10 times the condom was breaking - anyone have any idea why?
No. 53797
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Anyone feel like their libido goes to zero with pills?
I have been taking Yasmin for 2 months I feel like I am sexually braindead. If this doesnt improve I will ask doc to switch.
No. 53798
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I know most of the time vaginia issues are normal, or at least common and cureable. Ever since I started my period when I was 13, my period blood hasn't been red, or liquidly. It's always brown or pitch black. I've read that it's old blood, but it's seriously never red. The consistency is very similar to cream cheese, super super thick, but I don't have yeast infections or anything. It's really disgusting and I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with my vagina. Outside of my period, my pussy's pretty normal. Normal clear, liquid discharge and no smells/itch/etc.
No. 53806
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hi /g/. i was digging in some ancient pic folders and found this classic "sick pussy" picture that i thought some of you might get a kick out of. kinda goes with some of this thread. warning, it's gross.(you should get that checked out.)
No. 53811
Well, it could, but it's not very likely at all. Firstly, its mechanism of action is to stop ovulation from occurring by tricking your body into thinking it's stuck in one phase of the menstrual cycle or already pregnant, - this is what most scientists reckon is happening to most people - by making your normally fluctuating hormone levels stable.
The pill is 99% effective, meaning for every 100 people that use it properly one person will get pregnant. You could be the 1% (kek) but if you've been having otherwise unprotected sex until now pregnancy would have probably already happened. These things aren't set in stone, either. People's reproductive cycles vary wildly, just look at how much people's periods vary just in terms of duration. People's experiences and reactions to pregnancy are all over the shop too.
Honestly if you can, the best things to do is double up on contraception, and ask your mother or paternal grandmother if she had any issues if she took hormonal contraceptives if you're really worried. These things tend to be very similar - you'll usually start your periods and hit menopause at around the same age, etc etc.
Sorry for long reply but I wanted to clear everything up so you're not unnecessarily worried.
No. 53812
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I'm in an upsetting situation where my vagina literally tears whenever I try to have sex with my boyfriend. It's an issue that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
We had previously had intercourse with NO issue plenty of times.
We're in an LDR, I hadn't been with him for a month or so, we got together and then almost immediately my vagina just ripped, and it's usually too painful to have sex for more than a minute now.
So we avoided having sex for weeks, waited for me to heal, tried again and I immediately tore again.
My vagina shows no other signs of infection or anything, I went to an OBGYN and they said my vagina checks out fine and I'm STD free, and they couldn't recommend anything besides more lubrication, which we have tried despite not even needing it. ( I can be drenched, it doesn't make a difference. )
He is gentle and slow, I'm lubricated, we have done it before no issue so I don't understand what the fucking problem is and it's making me so angry.
We ended up going nearly 3 months without having sex and even after all of that the same thing happened. They are PAINFUL and papercut-like fissures right around the vaginal opening but not inside.
No. 53819
Oh my god this is me! You're not alone! The skin under my vagina, the fourchette, has been a constant problem for me for over a year now. No matter how long we wait for it to heal, it just reopens again. OBGYN was no help at all, she just told me to wait and maybe apply some vitamin e oil to it which both obviously did nothing. I've tried everything else, taking supplements to speed up wound healing, salt baths, oils.
I'm currently trying perineal massages, they're what is sometimes recommended to women to do a few months before giving birth for the first time to help prevent tearing. So I'm hoping that will improve the elasticity of my skin, since the issue is that scar tissue is not as elastic as regular skin, hence when it's being stretched it's tearing. When I feel ready to try again my boyfriend and I are going to try having sex from behind at first, because I think it stretches less from the position.
So, I don't really know what the solution is yet, but I hope this gives you some ideas. While foreplay and lubrication are important, like other people said, I don't think they'll solve this issue since it isn't a matter of internal stretching, but rather the stretching of the weakened outer skin (at least it is for me, and it sounds like you have a similar problem).
No. 53837
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I have an obnoxiously small clit, can any farmers relate?
>>literally thought it was a bug bite when first discovered it as a kid
>>pretty much concealed by clitoral hood, can't see it even if I spread my legs
>>straight up quits and powers down during almost all piv sex
>>use vibrator- likes to give up and goes straight from plateau to resolution
>>getting a decent orgasm is like playing a fucked up combo of operation and perfection
No. 53847
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Thank you, yeah, I'm so glad to be able to sit down again, anything more is a great improvement.
It's not clear what happened. He says he's only had protected PIV, but trich can in rare cases live in the mouth. You can also pick it up from a dirty pool/towel/even a toilet seat unlike other STDs. It rarely shows symptoms in men.
I also had been tested a few months ago for trich - it came up negative on the swab, but in the urine culture there were trace white blood cells (a sign of infection, especially a big sign of having this) False negatives for this infection on a swab are very common.
I'm sure I got it from him because symptoms appeared after being with him for the first time. But there's enough gray area that him cheating or lying isn't the only answer. I do really care about him, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here.
No. 53849
man, i just found out that one of my partners gave me hsv-2.
i'd recently started seriously dating this guy who really wanted me to get on bc so that he could cum inside of me (apparently one of his fetishes) and while we were having sex last week, i started bleeding like crazy, like paint-his-dick-red. it didn't hurt, I didn't even notice it until he was done, but it got all over my bed and that was when i was like 'i…should go see a gynecologist.'
The dr. lady told me that I was still bleeding from my cervix when I went to my appointment two days later, and that I needed to be tested for either cervicitis or chlamydia. I was freaked out by the thought that it might be chlamydia, but hey, at least that one's curable, right? instead, my tests came back all clean except for fucKING HERPES
if that's not enough, my boyfriend dumped me after he found out, along with this really long moralizing lecture about how i endangered his heath, also how damaged i was or w/e for having unprotected sex with other guys. in reality, i'm pretty sure it came from the rape that i never told anyone about. i'm so miserable right now, I can't imagine starting a relationship ever again if i have to tell everyone i date, 'hey i have genital herpes btw so we gotta use a condom'
worst part is, that doesn't even explain the rampant bleeding. so now i have to go back AGAIN next week and try to sort that out. i just want to toss myself off a bridge rn.
No. 53851
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>the rape that i never told anyone about.
No. 53857
>>133195Condoms don't always protect against herpes. It depends on if there's a flare-up at the time and where it is located. Even if there's no sign of it, the person is still contagious, so anything sexual can be tricky.
But like anon said, it's not a huge deal. Apparently, herpes is far more common than anyone thinks. No. 53863
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Has anyone here ever dealt with an alternative hymen situation? I realised recently that I've got a septate, like number 7 on this diagram, but horizontal. It's also very resistant to stretching, I've been trying for at least 5 years at this point. I thought I was just tight and virgin-y. Hymenotomy here I come! I wonder how common this type of issue really is.
No. 53877
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Update: two weeks ago I've read an article wrote by a gyno, that talked about my problem. This because I recalled my earlier masturbations and I specifically recalled being able to insert a finger, and also having used a tampon once and successfully inserted it, so I knew something was off.
So… Basically I'm a fucking idiot because I was poking at the wrong hole. In fact, for all this time I've been poking at my urethral opening. I know this is crazy, I'm not uneducated on the matter but apparently many women have had the same problem so I feel less lonely.
So now I can insert a finger without any problem. All that time spent panicking, thinking my hymen was all closed, that I wasn't normal, when in the end it really was such a stupid thing. Vaginismus, you won't have me.
No. 53887
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I stopped using body wash/heavily-scented soap after I developed some sensitivity and irritation.
Now I use regular white Dove bar soap and haven't had any issues. If you're extra worried, they make a sensitive skin/unscented one too, though I found their white bar soap isn't that heavily scented.
No. 53895
>>133072I don't know if you still check this thread, but I just got an e-mail that the people I bought from again are making them again!
Here's the link if you or any other anons here are interested: No. 53904
Hey! I was just writing about this shit somewhere else.
Yeah, so masturbating takes fucking forever and it sucks. Especially with a partner who doesn't understand why it always takes so long, no matter what. Luckily my boyfriend is very understanding of all of this and doesn't get butthurt when I can't cum.
But like, even with my hitachi it can take foreverrrrr. What is wrong with me.
Okay so every girl pretty much has the above problem. Moving on the something I pretty much don't tell ANYONE-
So does anyone else feel, idk, sensations in your clit throughout the day? Like honestly, it's always throbbing to the point where I frequent have to cross and uncross my legs to have one of those mini-tiny-orgasms just to tame the throbbing for a bit. But it's definitely not intense enough to be PAD at all, I've considered that. Some days it's not very bothersome, others it's like SHIT I need to get home and mastubate right away.
Idk, other possible relevant info is I've been maturbating since a very young age, and I used to only be able to masturbate by laying on my stomach and rubbing my clit through my underwear with a small bunched up blanket. Now I can have much more intense/better orgasms laying on my back and using my hitachi. That usually gets rid of the throbbing feeling for a few hours, but ultimately, it always returns…
Please if anyone can relate or knows what I'm talking about, speak up. I don't really talk about this with anyone cuz it's kind of weird? I've definitely googled it before, but it takes forever to find something that isn't about persistent genital arousal disorder and get to something abt ppl talking about anything even remotely similar to what I have.
My clit is definitely smaller than average, but a gyno has never said there's anything abnormal. No piercings or noteworthy STDs (had HPV despite getting the shots, but never had warts and now it's all cleared up on its own & I test negative for it now :)).
And lastly, this isn't anything new. I've had this for as long as I can remember, and I honestly think it's why I started masturbating so young. Like "ahhh! What are these feelings I need to rub them out!l lol. Can anyone relate? Is this normal?
No. 53908
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So I tried using a menstrual cup for the first time today. It went in without too much trouble, and didn't leak. But now I can't get it out. What should I be doing? My fingers are not long enough to reach the base of the cup.
No. 53912
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I tired before, but the instructions said to simply take a deep breath and relax and push down. I tried again, following your advice
> Give birth to that menstrual cup, gurl.
this worked. Thank you so much.
No. 53919
The study that talked about the menstrual cup and TSS case said:
>High placement of a previously handled cup, an abundant volume of menstrual blood and mucosal irritation within the vagina may be considered as other probable contributing factors (for the development of TSS in this case).
To me the important bit is
>mucosal irritation within the vagina
Because the case said she cleaned her cup appropriately, but
>retrospectively reported causing a small abrasion during one of her initial insertions.
What causes TSS in women who use tampons is:
>Accumulation of blood in the polyester foam cubes and chips of carboxymethylcellulose.
>Increase of vaginal pH in menstruation from 4.2 to around 7.4.
>Existence of both oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vagina during menstruation.
Well, cups are silicone, so the top one doesn't apply. Cups also do not affect the pH, so the second doesn't either.
However, the bottom one implies bacteria growth can occur in menstrual blood which can lead to TSS. To get into the body, the bacteria likely enters an abrasion: a tampon is way more likely to cause an abrasion on insertion than a cup.
So the lady seemed to have had the bacteria, which grew in the cup either due to leaving it in too long or not cleaning it porperly, enter her system and cause TSS due to the fact she injured herself when putting in the cup. I'd guess she got a cup too big for her, and inserted it poorly, and that's what caused all of this.
Basically I guess my point is, as far as TSS goes, cups are still way safer since they are not made of polyester/carboxymethylcellulose, and do not change the pH of the vagina. Just be careful to not hurt yourself inserting it, and don't leave it in for like 10 days or something lol.
No. 53925
>>133263An important cleaning tip is to make sure you DON'T use:
>vinegar, >tea tree oil, >scented/fragranced soap, >castile/peppermint soap or any other oil based soap, >rubbing alcohol, >antibacterial soap, >hand sanitizer, >pre-moistened wipes, >baking soda,>hydrogen peroxide, >dishwashing soap, >bleach or harsh chemicals>, you should just clean it by using non-scented soaps and boiling it after your period.
I personally use the soap Lady Gel from the LadyCup people, and I store it in their cotton bag, you don't want to store it in anything air-tight.
Good luck anon! I don't look back after finally getting into the swing of using the cup, but it was a learning curve, but after 3 periods, I became a pro lol. This is actually me from a year ago lmfao >>132655
No. 53930
>>133267It's definitely not a UTI. It's just a gross stingy feeling like his jizz is acidic or something. He has a bad diet so maybe that's why. This always happens though so I was wondering if I'm just weirdly sensitive or something.
>>133268That's bizzare
No. 53966
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i've been reading this thread from the start and i'm in absolute awe at how little knowledge do i have about my vagina. someone said that you can't wash your pussy with soap, but i've been washing it for 5 years with shower gel. now i'm realizing that a lot of my vagina problems and quirks probably come from that. how fucked am i? will my vagina eventually fix itself or am i doomed for the rest of my life?
No. 53989
Got Mirena today. I was so tense. I didn't expect it to hurt too badly, so I hadn't bothered to take any pain killers. Big mistake. I felt like such a weakling, literally yelping in pain a few times. The doctor finished, I sat up, got unreasonably dizzy, laid back down, and promptly started having a panic attack. Normally I'm extremely shy, but I get awful cold sweats during panic attacks and obviously I stop thinking straight, so I ended up yanking my shirt off and laid there, wearing only a bra and socks, with the blanket barely covering my crotch, shaking and gasping and apologizing. I told the doctor to basically ignore me while I got through it, but it kept getting worse so I asked for someone to go get my husband, who was waiting up front because I'm a moron and thought I'd be fine without him. As soon as he came in and put his hand on my (disgustingly sweaty) back, the panic attack started to subside. It was sort of jarring how abrupt it was. It still took a while longer for me to be able to get dressed and walk and all that, but I wanted out of there as soon as possible. I was so embarrassed. First panic attack I've had in months, and it's in front of a bunch of strangers after getting the IUD, and my husband had to rescue me from my own inability to calm down, like I'm a stupid child. Fuck.
3 hours later, I still feel like I've got unusually sharp period cramps, but it's not too bad.
And now I'm ranting to anons on lolcow, because I want to get it off my chest but I'm worried people irl will think I'm being a whiny little chickenshit. Which I probably am tbh.
No. 54010
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Does anyone have the weird pattern of having long periods of not wanting anything sexual, masturbating and so on, and then some day you feel all the urges and masturbate more than 4 times in a row?
No. 54033
>>173869I think you're talking about the old baking powder trick, but I have never successfully removed a decent amount of blood
To clear things up, how much blood are we talking about
>>173854 ??
No. 54037
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If you live near a dollar/discount store, this stuff is pretty good at its job. I'm almost skeptical, like it has to have some negative effect going on that I don't know about.
No. 54046
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I noticed that I might have bacterial vaginosis so I bought some medicine, I have before used some gel you stick with small tube in to your vagina but this time I got some pills that you push in your wookie?
It felt so strange to push some little aspirin looking tabled in to yourself and also I feel now how it's tiny and hard and it's kinda poking side of my cervix and it feels horrible.
Wish me luck that this doesn't last long.
No. 54049
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What the fuck
Tuck her clitoris?
Is she a hyena?
No. 54072
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Here's my recently purchased ersatz vagina.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 54073
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I squirt too much while I am masturbating, which is a problem because I get everything wet and I can't stop thinking about the mess it's doing- that itself makes an orgasm really hard to achieve
Maybe some Anon know some exercise or trick to hold on the liquid?
I've tried urinating before, and even after I'm completely done I can't stop squirting
No. 54075
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sadly this doesn't work, I just squirt way too much
The sheets get wet even with two layers of towel
No. 54079
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I did it on the floor and it was good!Thanks for the advice, I just didn't think about it before lol
I feel ya, squirt-ster. I feel ya.
No. 54081
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>read about women squirting towels-worth
>have never even had a real orgasm in my life
feels awful man
No. 54155
>>54153I am on Ortho Tri Cyclen too (actually it's the generic, tri-sprintec). Never had a problem with caffeine and never took any opioids so can't speak to that. I don't take my vitamins at the same time as my BCP.
I take vitamin d3 and a b-complex - don't see how that could affect my pill. Also have some probiotics and betaine HCL for my stomach but that shouldn't affect it either. I've been on the pill for 4 years and this is literally the first time I've bled in between periods.
No. 54171
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Why do gynecologists ask if you wear a seatbelt? Is it to assess how risk-averse a patient is, or does it have to do with gynecological health?
No. 54190
>>54171Seat belts only relate to pregnancy AFAIK. Like they can crush the fetus or the baby in an accident.
Maybe if affects giant cystic masses on ovaries as well? Although I was never asked about seatbelts and I had softball sized ones.
No. 54529
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anyone else's vag twitch like crazy when masturbating or am i just sensitive? it makes me feel super perverted so then i get more excited and it starts spazzing out even more. the cycle never ends
No. 54732
>>54731thats pretty normal, it varies for different people and at different stages in your life. i think it can be a side effect of some types of birth control too
unless theres irritation/itching/smell/etc its nothing to worry about, especially cus all your tests are clean
No. 54763
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>>54731I'm actually the same as well. When I was younger in my early teens or so, I thought it was cum. After some research, I found out that it's normal and it being clear vs. milky can have something to do with when you're ovulating as well, pic related as gross as it is.
No. 54777
>>54763Ooooh that explains everything then.
Cheers anon, I was mostly worried because my mother and sister called me dirty and thought I was ridden with yeast infections ever since I was small and told me to wash myself if they ever saw a wet patch on my knickers. I grew up in a family of chavs so it figures.
No. 54786
>>54785I'm assuming you're using a sex toy or fingering yourself? If you're bleeding just from clitoral stimulation that's kind of odd. What color is the blood you pull out? Bright red? More dark? Are you on any sort of birth control pills? Kind of need to factor all that in.
Dark blood in between cycles is normal so don't worry if it's that. I've had break through bleeding while on birth control before as well, regardless of where I was in my cycle. Bright red blood too, not just the darker stuff. If you're on birth control it's likely just that.
No. 54802
>>54784Right? We learn early about how dicks work before we know our own bodies. If only feminism these days cared about health education more so than worrying about a man spreading his legs on a bus.
On another note, someone explain lactation please? A few years ago I could squeeze out a drop or two. I wasn't pregnant, nor do I use birth control. When I tried looking up info on the matter I only got pages related to pregnancy or infection. I don't think it was an infection because it didn't smell, wasn't an odd color, and it only happened for a day or two. I have DDs if that means anything. Was it a hormonal fluke or is it something that can be trained to do?
No. 55110
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>>54785Fuck this is my problem rn but the different thing is i dont have a boyfriend and shit like that. I masturbated via fingering and i think i did it too hard(???or too deep) because when I pulled my fingers out there was like blood on my fingers. This was the first time this happened in my whole pathetic life.
Washed it out and no blood stains on my underwear after. Did i cut myself inside? (I had my nails cut and clean when i did it)
Does it help a little bit that i've been feeling cramps a bit these past few days? Please help me /g/ I'm too much of a chicken to go and visit a gynaecologist
No. 55113
>>55110Update : i washed myself after an hour and there was blood like bright red but not that heavy just a teeny spot on my underwear
>>55111Ahh thanks for this ;_;; i was getting extremely paranoid
No. 55125
>>54763Replying because pic is relevant.
I've went to my ob/gyn and she told me it was fine but I still feel like something is wrong. My vaginal discharge is not any of the consistencies shown.. As embarrassing as it is for me, its kind of like.. cottage cheese texture? Not sticky and stretchy at all, but like clumpy and thick. I really hate it because its like no matter how much clean my vagina, its like there is always a little left hiding in my.. "crevices". It's been like this for probably a year now, and I used to have I guess "regular" discharge. I haven't had sex with anyone once this started happening because its embarrassing to me. It has no particular odd smell, color (just white) or anything else like that. I just wish I felt normal again, I hated having regular discharge because it made me feel gross, but now its worse than before.
Maybe someone can help me? I'm not sure if I'm asking for help as much as I am venting about it.
No. 55126
>>55125I have the same issue, feels yucky man. What I have found to contribute to it is…
1. The pill (probably biggest factor)
2. Stress (more stress = more discharge)
3. Ovulation cycle
4. Aging
Sometimes I clean myself in the shower with my fingers but yeah I try not to do it so much because I dont want to irritate my vag. Stress is a huge factor in discharge for me.
No. 55131
>>55125are you sure you don't have a yeast infection? it sounds a lot like it. do some research and i think you can get a test at your doctor's.
if it is a yeast infection, i get them chronically and i find douching with very mild peroxide is the most helpful, as mad as that sounds, because it restores your pH
No. 55144
>>55131I am sure. My doctor already tested me a while ago, and nothing ever came up, which is why it worries me even more, because I can't seem to fix it.
>>55126I dunno, I didn't start going on any kind of birth control until recently (because I'm an idiot), and its not even the pill. I'm not even that old either, I'm 19. My guess is that the only thing on that list that applies to me is stress, but does that really change the consistency of it? But yeah, I find myself often gently scraping at my insides with my nails, trying to get it out of me and be clean, which I know is bad but.. I feel like its driving me nuts.
I've went to various women's health forums and posted about it but it doesn't seem like anyone else has this issue unless there are other things along with it (like an odd smell or color, which I don't have).
Anyways, thanks for trying you guys, guess I'll just stay having a gross vagina or something.
No. 55150
>>55144Do you drink enough water? If I'm dehydrated, my discharge is pretty gross.
Also try testing for yeast infection again, it sure sounds like that. Cottage cheese with no smell is typical for yeast infection.
No. 55154
>>55150I'll give it go, but I don't know why I wouldn't have shown up before. I also don't know why I'd have one for more than a year.
>>55145I feel like its not, but that might just be me in denial. My doctor said it might be hormonal changes but I dunno, I know I should trust her cause shes a professional.. I just want it to go away.
No. 55156
I don't know if this belongs quite into here, but I'll ask anyways.
So now, with my current boyfriend something is weird. We have a normal amount of sex and also a bit rougher. I'm using the pill, so no condom.
And now my issue is, that I keep getting UTIs from him. I pee before and after we slept with each other and still a couple of hours later or the next day it starts burning again.
And I got for the first time of my life two times a yeast infection. I thought maybe I had just used too much soap during shower or that I shouldn't have masturbated with coconut oil, but still this is odd.
Now he has been gone work related for three weeks and I notice that now, since I don't have sex my vagina is getting healthy again? No UTIs at all and I haven't got any kind of infection. And, how can I say, I smell better down there now? I have been noticing that I have started to develop a bit stronger and muskier smell. I thought that this was maybe just related to that I have eaten more meat and garlic or that it just is that way. But now that this has magically stopped and I start to smell a bit more neutral, I wonder if that's also realated.
I should maybe add that I have had two boyfriends. And with my former boyfriend I have had sex a lot of times, 3-4 times a week at the beginning of the relationship and never had any health related issues. I was also back then on the pill, so we didn't use a condom either.
I don't understand, he shaves his pube area and showers normally. Am I just allergic to his cum or something?
No. 55179
>>55156I've had this issue and one of the things that has helped is wearing cotton underwear, no thongs. Also, according to my doctor, if your partner's penis rubs your perineum during sex he could bring bacteria into your vagina or around your urethra. This is the only thing that had made the most sense to me as to why I got my UTI and several yeast infections. I also have rough sex, sometimes it slips out and touches the perineum. Safest thing to do is shower right before sex and after.
More general tips: don't put soap around the inner part of your vagina, no douching, wear clean underwear, don't wear tight underwear, wipe front to back, whatever touches your perineum should not go around your vagina, make sure WHATEVER goes in or around your vagina is clean, don't scrub, don't scratch…I hope these are helpful.
No. 55180
>>55156Are you urinating after sex? If not, it may be keeping some bacteria in your urethra. Urinating will help flush it out.
I know you mentioned that your bf showers normally but is he uncircumcised? If so, does he clean beneath his foreskin?
No. 55185
>>55179I don't know, it might be that it gets to the perineum maybe? I'm not sure I think I'll have to pay attention to that in future.
And well, I wear cotton briefs already most of the time and I think I clean myself correctly already. Since I don't get those issues when I'm single or not have sex.
Also isn't showering both before and after not a bit waste of water? Would it be enough already to just shower afterwards?
>>55180I do pee both before and after, since that problem started. But this doesn't help. And funny thing is, that my current bf is circumcised, whereas my ex that I had no issues with was uncircumcised.
No. 55294
>>55132bruh the lactobacillus produce peroxide as a by product of sugar digestion, which kills the yeast. your vag is acidic because of peroxide and lactic acid. probably should have specified that's what happens otherwise that does sound insane. also i only douche with a tiny syringe of purified water with dilute peroxide, more like a liquid pessary than an actual douche
No. 55296
>>55185It honestly sounds like the problem is with him, try having him take a probiotic and washing very thoroughly but gently every day. presumably you don't see how he washes it, he could not be doing a good enough job.
as a side note the uncircumcised dude might have been able to cultivate a more healthy (for you) microbiome due to his foreskin. bodies are absolutely heaving with microbes and even being around someone long enough means things like your gut bacteria profile starts to more resemble theirs. i know that i never used to get cystic spots on my shoulders until i was with a guy that had them too, and they disappeared when he moved out.
bodies are grosser that we can even imagine
No. 55297
>>55187i have some but my vagina is too short for both, and i need a really heavy one, so i put steel ball bearings in a plastic easter egg capsule thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
they do work as long as you are familiar with all the muscles in your pelvic floor. hard mode is doing boxer-style skipping with one in.
also why do you need to stay tight, does he complain? having a wide vag is like having a wide mouth, there's not a huge amount you can do
No. 55302
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>>55296Geez. It's things like this that make me want to just live in an anime world.
Bodies really are so utterly disgusting, ew.
No. 55941
>>55935I only ever even thought about it seriously after that anal bleaching thread appeared. For a few months I was obsessed with it and now I barely remember how dark it is down there unless I'm actually looking at it in the moment
I'm very pale and its so dark that it almost reminds me of the pigmentation horses have there, but unless you're posting it online publicly for money it doesn't matter, no grown person is going to care
I am kind of curious if any of the whitening works without hurting though but it seems unhealthy and unfairly one-sided
No. 55965
>>55944lmao we were literally having an honest/harmless conversation and u come in w ur salt KEK
>>55941that's true. i've tried this soap called yamashiro organic soap and it lightened my dark areas almost immediately. it's pretty pricey here tho so i can't always stock up on it. plus, the formula is strong. i experienced micro peeling on my arms but it was effective.
No. 55971
>>55949Anon maybe you should… lighten up
>>55965Interesting to know but I'm confused, were you using it on your arms too or just your pubic areas?
No. 55974
>>55971i used it all over my body~ intimate areas included
it helped lighten my armpits too from shaving
No. 56027
>>56026They are also less reliable, can burst, can put you in a bad position when a guy just decide he doesn't want to wear them, or sneakily slip them out during intercourse.
Kek, next you're going to tell me abstinence is the best way to manage my productive rights.
Why should I care anyway, right? Worst case it's only nine month of being an host and 18 years minimum having to care for another human being. No biggie, right?
No. 56029
>>56026Not an Anon you're replying to but the pill is way cheaper at least in my country. I can fuck an unlimited amount of times for 6 months for only ~€25 (prescription + actually buying it) while condoms are what, 20 condoms for €10? Unless you don't have intercourse often at all it's a waste not to be on the pill.
>>b-but muh heavy cramps>Find other ways to deal with it. I did!Mind sharing then?
No. 56041
>>56040Where did I even say that? But you know one or two thrusts can still be sufficient to result in an ejaculation or some seminal liquid containing sperm?
God, it's like talking with a bunch of first graders. Is it that crazy wanting to be the safest as possible?
No. 56043
i know this is the kind of concern/ question that should be saved for a gynecologist, but my gyno appointment is booked a long ways away so i figure it doesn't hurt to vent my frustrations here in the meantime
i haven't had sex in months despite living with my boyfriend of several years. for the last year or so i've been having a problem with vaginal pain and i can't take anything bigger than like a finger or two, and even then it has to be very carefully inserted and not pushed the wrong way. i haven't even worn a tampon this entire time (luckily only rly need panty liners because of birth control giving me a light flow). it hasn't always been this way either and there was definitely nothing traumatic happening to me between then and now (or ever, as far as sexual stuff goes) so i know it's unlikely to be mental even though when i google my symptoms what comes up the most is vaginismus. the first few years with my bf were great sexually and we were super compatible especially because sometimes we would be in the mood for it but if one of us wasn't, the other genuinely wouldn't be bothered by it because we both have always had low-ish sex drives and don't rly place sex as a super important thing (i know you think 'he's a GUY he's lying to you' but trust me, we're so alike that it's terrifying and essentially he's me with a dick and he would 1000% tell me if it bugs him when i don't feel sexual) but more of a fun thing to do every now and then. it's only been in these past few months that i've actually had vaginal pain. no change in medication or lifestyle, if anything i've been healthier. i can't pinpoint where it could be coming from and it's super frustrating because even though we're not totally repressed/ still get each other off orally, and even though he's an angel that doesn't pressure me to feel bad for my sexual shortcomings, i still feel that gigantic societal pressure of 'not having sex on the reg isn't normal and something's wrong with you'. i'm definitely not asexual or anywhere high on that spectrum really but at the same time i don't… miss sex? BUT i know that i need to get checked out regardless because there could be a big underlying health issue that i've been putting off checking up on for a year now. also maybe helpful to note that he's larger than average and i'm pretty tight, but we had sex just fine for years and it's only now becoming a problem so i don't think it's that. i would also do away with the idea that we're using shitty condoms because i've tried a variety of them and even doing it without one and they ALL result in immense shooting pain.
again, this isn't something an anonymous forum is gonna magically solve for me, especially if it is a physical health problem or medical condition after all. i guess i'm mainly posting this to vent, and also to reach out and see if there's a chance anyone has gone through this sort of thing before and i feel safe doing that here because despite tearing snowflakes apart on the reg i feel like this community of women is actually very tight knit and helpful, at least on /g/
No. 56049
>>56043It could be an insane amount of other things - some scary, others very treatable. I wouldn't stress yourself out about something super serious or rare.
That being said, the two things I thought of first were dyspareunia and vulvodynia (provoked vestibulodynia). It could be anything from IBS or whatever though, so don't take my word for it, I'm not a doctor. When you go in make sure they do a pelvic floor exam as well as a pap smear.
No. 56054
>>55156i used to be in the same boat as u, anon! i had chronic uti for 3 years. i still do get uti from time to time but it's rare now. my doctor didn't find anything so i went to a urologist instead to see if it was something in my bladder. he couldn't figure out what was wrong either but he put me on these antibiotics that really helped and from then on it stopped coming as often. you should also check your kidneys! i made this mix that really helps me when i get uti. 15-30 mins depending on how bad it is snd it's gone.
>vitamin c>sodium bicarbonate >cranberry supplement or cranutii take 1 of each if it's not that bad and 2 of each if it's really bad. except for the vitamin c. 1000mg or 500mg is good enough. i hope this helps! there is no greater pain than uti.
No. 56068
>>56021>Human women existed as we know them for 200,000 years and every one of them managedLol no they didn't
Fuck off, you sound like a dumb robot trying to bait.
No. 56078
>>56068Retarded girls like this exist too apparently
I can't believe anon is this dumb
No. 56137
>>56135Lay under a bath tap, that's how I had my first orgasm when I didn't know how to masturbate. It doesn't have to be full blast white water - just constant pressure.
BTW the clit rubbing in porn is incorrect. You shouldn't be using all your fingers, and rubbing side to side like you're trying to start a fire. Just use your index finger and move it in a little circle over the clit. It should move the clitoal hood up and down, which is what feels good (like foreskins on men sliding over the head).
Sorry if this comes off as graphic. I remembered learning all this from tumblr blogs a couple years ago, but I can't remember the URLs so I had to describe it.
No. 56695
>>56382So I might be wrong but I remember hearing a lot of cases of that vaccine making the likelihood of getting HPV worse.
My ex's sister got the vaccine and I remember her boyfriend ended up passing it on to her (they were very on again, off again with partners between breakups) and it developed into full on cervical cancer.
No. 56728
>>56726No, we haven't used them in years but get tested.
The ones that we used to use didn't really change anything.
I'm honestly out of ideas what it could be. Maybe my pelvic muscle or something is weak so it happens? Or is he just too big and keeps tearing me lol Because it happens no matter horny I am. Sucks.
No. 57291
I have a great tip for anyone struggling with vaginal dryness related to birth control (might work for other reasons too, but thats what I used it for).
Get vaginal cream with estrogen. I used to stuggle so much with my genitals after going on bc, and it has improved my life tremendously. I was so dry and lube didn't help, because my walls were fragile and wouldn't expand at all. I had constant tearing, so sex was out of the question. And I got constant UTI. Every single day. But after using estrogen cream, everything is back to normal. No more dryness, pain, tearing, and best of all, no utis.
Its prescription free and pretty cheap,so it doesn't hurt to try.
No. 57332
>>52466I have a tiny clit too but never had any trouble getting off.
try stimulating it enough to make it "swell"?
No. 57364
>>57363Mine's long too.
I don't know man.
No. 57503
>>57417Yeah, I've actually felt shitty about my relationship prospects or being cheated on. Except I will try butt stuff. It's not really my cup of tea on the receiving end but I do like having him inside me and enjoying himself. Except I only did it a little because I'm…really not used to it, lol. I am no goatse
Have you seen a gyno? Might be a good idea because that's how I found out. Thank god I found out before I screwed around too much because I could have gotten hurt… :/
No. 57509
>>57417Recently lost my virginity. Up until that point, I could barely get myself to get a finger in there because of the pain/anxiety of it.
But honestly, it doesn't hurt very much. I would almost argue that the pain I felt medling with my finger was more painful than the actual deal.
It'll happen when it happens. The first like 30 seconds were pretty uncomfortable but fine. Now it's pretty fun. Looking back I almost wonder why I waited so long to try.
No. 57756
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>>57363That's normal, and when you're aroused, it'll swell and be larger. It's actually quite large, but mostly internal.
No. 57940
>>57937>vag tastes really overpoweringly sweet/sour>eats a lot of sweets, chocolate and processed foodwhat exactly do you need help with?
the yeast that is naturally existing in your vajayjay is munching on the sugar you take in.
in can also taste different due to hormonal changes during the cycle. if you dont smell, I wouldnt care tbh. If you smell, your vaginal flora is off.
No. 58099
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So I just fingered myself and my fingers smell overwhelmingly of some kind of alcoholic beverage. Port wine I'd say. Really good quality ruby port too.
The thing is, I haven't had any alcohol for more than a month. For some reason my vagina just smells like this all of a sudden.
What do?
No. 58102
>>58099>What do?Buy some good quality ruby port wine and treat yourself.
Sounds like you want it bad.
No. 58128
>>58122dear anon just google
You can treat most vaginal yeast infections with an over-the-counter vaginal cream or suppository. You can buy these nonprescription products at most large drugstores and supermarkets. Many yeast infection treatment doses come in 1-day, 3-day, and 7-day strengths.Feb 19, 2017
Yeast Infections: Over-the-Counter Treatments - WebMD…/yeast-infection-treatments-over-the-counter-vaginal-creams
No. 58285
>>58235I've been off of effexor for over four months now, but I don't feel the same as I did before I started taking it. At least I can actually have an orgasm now (I couldn't at all when I was on effexor), but it takes an hour or more and it's not very good. My sex drive is also a lot lower now than before. Sex doesn't feel good, either. Everything just feels really numb now. Before I started effexor, I could get off from a light breeze, and have multiple orgasms and I had a pretty healthy sex drive. I just want to get a semblance of that back.
I think the worst part is that I can't come from being with partners anymore, and it makes me not want to do anything sexual with them at all, lest I end up frustrated and they end up disappointed.
>>58237No. Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect of anti-depressants and it makes all the sensations in that area feel very muted (or just completely numb, in my case). Even though I haven't taken them for a while, that numb/muted feeling hasn't gone away.
No. 58318
>>58285I've been on zoloft for a year or so now and I can absolutely contend that it fucking destroyed my sex drive for a while. Before that my partner and I were rampant.
I completely feel you anon. It's really upsetting. I'm still on mine but i've heard that going off of them can let your sex drive come back. Also something that genuinely worked for me before is eating a shit ton of pumpkin seeds, they're an aphrodisiac, might help get things going while you're off them and you can build back up from there. <3 or just get a hitachi wand. it could bring a leg shaking orgasm out of a turnip.
No. 58361
>>58318I went off of mine with hopes that it would come back, but it's not really as good as I hoped. If I was an 8 on the scale of no sex drive, no orgasms, to max sex drive, many orgasms, I was a 1 when I was on effexor and I'm a 3 now that I've been off of it. It hasn't gotten much better now that I've been off of it for a few months, either. I'm scared that I'll be like this forever.
Going out to buy a ton of pumpkin seeds. Hope they work for me, too. And I've been thinking about getting a really strong vibrator (my old one isn't strong enough anymore), but I feel like that would be admitting defeat for good.