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No. 993025[Reply]

It's kinda surprising that a board full of weebs doesn't have a Japan thread yet

A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
154 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2098901

I went recently in March and didn't feel like I was mistreated at all. To be fair, mostly every place we visited was very touristy besides one neighbourhood we stayed in. No issues at all, besides if I was without my boyfriend Japanese dudes would try to pick me up kek. I say you'll be fine

No. 2101039

Yeah, I know there are different passes, but there is no pass that covers every railway in the country. So I wonder whether I can buy tickets from ticket machines/offices for some northern railway company in another part of the country?

No. 2101048

Shouldn't pasmo/suica/etc. do the trick for most of the local public transportation in the country?

No. 2101059

How is sex in Japan. Be honest please.

No. 2101117

Nope, I checked the rules and you can't travel between 'zones' on an IC card.
>It is not possible to travel outside IC card areas. Both, the origin and destination stations have to be located inside the IC card coverage area. Furthermore, it is not possible to use an IC card to travel between disjoined IC card areas. For example, you cannot use it to travel between Tokyo (Suica area) and Numazu (TOICA area), even if they are just nearby. You will possibly get jammed inside the gate.
>You cannot travel from Tokyo Station (Suica area) to Osaka Station (ICOCA area) with only one Suica card, nor travelling from Nagoya Station (TOICA area) to Osaka Station (ICOCA area) with only one IC card type.

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No. 1470488[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.

Previous: >>>/ot/854673
893 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2101213

Troonism. I know it's popular on LC but it still isn't popular to say it openly in other spaces. Fucking sick of having to pretend a grown ass predatory man has anything of value to add about the female experience, let alone that he is now not even a woman but a little GIRL!
I don't care if they have dysphoria that's your own fucking issue! I'm not gonna lie and tell an anorexic she's fat as fuck and need to lose weight, and I'm not gonna tell a troon he's a woman just because he wants to be. Just sick of having to even use she/they for some enby, or pretend "i guess ellen paige is a he now" when she's the same amount of woman as she was before pretending she isn't one and mutilated her body. I peaked years ago but my patience with them just gets worse and worse.

No. 2101318

Sage for OT but this woman's life is a trainwreck. Holy shit. She got psyop'd into developing an ED as an adult by her coomer pedo-adjacent husband.

No. 2101407

All they can do is deflect and project. Every accusation is an admission. Man or woman, they're all on the same bullshit, so I hate when some galaxy brained bippie comes into threads like "NO akshually BPD doesn't exist and it's just a misogynistic psyop to keep women down!!" like… no, y'all are extremely consistent in your bullshit except for the small handful that either have had early intervention or are working hard to manage themselves which is rare. I have a bippie brother who pulls the same shit with the lies, slander when he doesn't get his way, self victimization and pity parties, violent outbursts, etc. so it's definitely not a made-up label like hysteria. Another thing I hate is how they're trying to co-opt Autism because of the well-earned stigma of being BPD. They'll do anything except take responsibility for their behavior.

No. 2101433

Sadly, BPD is over diagnosed in women because the moment you don't act like a stereotypical trad silent girly, many older (and male) psychiatrists just slap the BPD label and that's it, without studying what actually implies. Male could manifest the same exact symptoms, textbook devastating cluster b, but they will most likely let walk out with an autism/asperger diagnosis when it's actually BPD, so women go around and try to romanticize BPD because they don't actually know what being a bippie means. They don't know about the limited empathy, the conditional love (they esp love claiming that BPD implies big emotions and while it's true, all the emotions are conditional and inconsistent), the paranoia, the rage outbursts, lying, self harm and attention seeking behaviour.
If there's something that immediately makes me clock a bippie is their absolutist and self limited point of view: since they don't have empathy, they cannot put themselves in other's shoes so they talk using only their experience, like saying: how I see the world is how the world is.
If they accuse you of cheating it's because they're the ones cheating, for example if you come home later due to job stuff or you met a friend on the way home and they don't have a job or friends, they cannot build up in their minds so yeah, it's definitely cheating and you're a liar because they're the ones who used to cheat and lie.
How can you not like their favourite foods or shows They're so good! What do you mean you don't like to argue? They argue as a way of checking if you still love them, so why you don't do it in the same way? What are you hiding? You don't love them enough to randomly argue and to check it yourself? Wow nonna, you're such a narc for wanting silence! I use the silent treatment for punishing people when I'm mad, what do you mean you are silent because you have to wind down after work? Are you hiding something from me? Are you mad at me? How can you like the silence???

It's all so fucking tiring and most girls I see online sharing those "Beautiful Princess Disorder" memes or tiktoks don't know jack shit about actual bpd.

No. 2102357

The thing is, none of these cluster b defenders are even cluster b themselves. They're all just underage zoomers being retarded. The absolute vile behaviour though, I'd consider it some sort of fleas. It just makes me want to cry how horrible they are though, I've never seen caping like this other than retarded stan communities

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No. 2065764[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:
1202 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2100995

If I didnt already know you were autistic for being a Linux throater, this entire paragraph would've solidified it for me anyway

No. 2100996

>how much could've been done with that power
Uh… so men can download porn and you can shlick it to yaoi at a more pristine frame per millisecond?

No. 2101001

NTA but why are you bring mean to her, I've never used Linux but she's right. The Windows OS is a patchwork mess, and macOS is stupidly vulnerable to malware, among other things

No. 2101004

I'm not. She's funny.

No. 2101119

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No. 1469793[Reply]

I am 21 and i have no idea what do with my life, everything feels like it moves at the speed of light and i can't keep up, does anyone else share the sentiment?. I don't know what career/job to choose that wont get automated in 5 years or will pay me enough to someday afford a house or a good appartment.
A thread to discuss the modern problems of being in your early 20s and what awaits us in the future. Jobs, career, dating, family, etc.
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No. 2066884

>A thread to discuss the modern problems of being in your early 20s
I'm curious, what do other nonas identify as being the modern problems of being in your early 20s?

For me it's definitely the gap between wages and the cost of real estate. I feel like I can never "start" life because I'm too busy scraping nickels and dimes to rent. Where I live, the average 2-bedroom home costs 750k, and most apartments have become AirBnBs or charge insane rents ($2200 on average for a 1 bedroom!) so I feel like I'm effectively locked out of the market. It wouldn't be so bad if the wages were higher, but even as a university graduate it's difficult to find meaningful work that offers benefits and a good wage. I know the economy is a bit of a meme, but I do wish I lived in an area with a more robust economy and job market. Now that I'm entering my mid-20s, I feel a little bit ashamed that I haven't progressed further in life like how I had imagined when I was first starting out.

For any older anons that stumble into this thread, what's a piece of advice that you wish someone had given you when you were in your early 20s?
Inb4 "zoomer!" yeah I am generation Z I'm sorry that I was born in the wrong generation but I can't change that.

No. 2066927

I think you should ideally use your early 20s for at least one psychedelic experience and solo travel. And working in a dead end job like as a waitress or a grocery store, just so you will always be grateful for the 9-5 office cage you'll get eventually. And to try locking in a husband(!) ASAP and not waste even a second with dumb abusive retard losers. All the best men are forever off the market by the time they turn 25, the good men by late 20s.

No. 2100953

this might be unpopular here but i really do not believe that choosing to use psychedelic drugs always benefits people / legitimately expands their mind and comprehension of the world. When some retard chokes down some shrooms it can quickly result in drugs and being 'psychedelic' or a crunchy instagram hippie type and not just pondering on shit

No. 2100957

fuck off with your marriage propaganda cocksucker

No. 2101098

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No. 2012311[Reply]

A thread for anons to talk about their chronic illness. Rant, share how you manage your symptoms, talk about your future plans. Any type of chronic illness is welcome.
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No. 2099757

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Kek nonnies I want to kill myself. I just came back from seeing my ex (we broke up due to my illness) and on my way home some guy handed me a flyer for an "international healer" lmao. I almost want to believe this is divine intervention and that I should call him. I just stood there crying after reading this, it's both funny and sad.

No. 2100676

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Does anyone else struggle with chronic exhaustion? I sleep 12 hours minimum everyday and some days need a 90 minute nap after being awake for only a few hours.

It’s been this way for as long as I can remember, with little to no improvement. My last blood panel flagged my ferritin levels as being dangerously low at 8, and despite taking supplements for three months nothing has improved. Last time this happened I ended up needing multiple iron infusions. I just want to feel normal and be able to do my work.

No. 2100695

Eat red meat/liver. Most iron supplements barely do anything except give you constipation. And get tested for celiac disease.

No. 2100932

Thanks for the suggestion, your advice is 100% right. I already eat a red meat heavy diet. I know OTC supplements are trash as I have been down this road before, but I need to take them for a few months before my doctor will approve the iron infusion. Also so my insurance will pay for it.

I am pretty certain I have a processing issue with iron, I do for b12 and need to supplement with injections. No matter how much or what I eat it is never enough to keep my levels in a normal range. I am hoping to convince my doctor of routine iron infusions going forward since obviously my body is too fucked to be bothered to store it. In the meantime I have no idea how to cope with my constant fatigue while everything else in my life suffers. It’s so frustrating this happened again.

No. 2101095

I have very bad exhaustion issues but other than high HG and high hematocrit my iron levels tested normal and I've no idea what's causing it. It's weird because I'm a self harmer and high HG is probably the opposite of what I should be considering how much blood I've lost over the last few years. Like I should be anemic but my hg levels are fucking high.

The rest of my panels are clean besides genetic high cholesterol.

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No. 1533183[Reply]

Post appalling, dangerous or generally judge worthy parenting failures.
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No. 2098379

>literally edging their kids on with impossible capitalist "goals"
Preparing their kids wonderfully for the economic and housing market kek

No. 2098383

Pit owners are actually insane and should have their kids taken away from them ASAP. Holy shit.

No. 2098390

Then they turn 16 and they force you to get a job while you're still in high school, like you don't already spend 9 hours a day in a desk away from home now you also have to work on the weekends. And then they take half of your paycheck, tell you to buy your own clothes and food, and insist you pay the internet bill because you use it most often. Making you completely incapable of saving and escaping until eventually you find someone you feel safe enough around that you can plan an escape and move out of there. GREAT PLAN MOM AND DAD.

No. 2100788

What do nonnas think of mom shaming? Personally I think we need more of it, after taking a dive into r/shittyparenting, where people on facebook openly discuss how they abuse their kids, and all the comments will be like “you got this mama” or “you’re doing great mama”, when the op is an actual dumpster fire human being. If you call bad parents out they claim their being mom shamed, meanwhile the term was created to talk about how women are shamed for getting a c section, formula feeding, living their own life while having kids, and more. Ironically, the abusive types who post crazy shit online mom shame the women I listed above, and then go post videos of their children feeling normal childhood emotions (aka tantrums) and no one calls them out for fear of mom shaming. And then they brag about being good parents while screwing up their children. If I ever have kids I’m personally going to shame boymoms, and other terminally online toxic mothers because I couldn’t care less what those types think of me and they deserve it. Regular ass moms living their lives deserve so much better than having to put up with women like I mentioned in their communities.

No. 2100792

Also rip sorry for double posting but we 100% need to dadshame as well. Dads are way worse than moms most of the time but I wonder how often boy moms and other abusive moms have a husband behind them who doesn’t give a shit about stopping their wives wrecking their children. If men actually parented maybe moms wouldn’t feel as overwhelmed and then seek internet rabbit holes to cope or give their children ipads

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No. 2023344[Reply]

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

Please follow all /ot/ board rules.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1195 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2085808

No. 2085815

you’re a bit early but the threadpic is good so I won’t complain kek

No. 2100755

Biden is dead. He didnt write that letter of resignation, he has been dead for days. They killed him because their hit at Trump failed, now Kamala is running and it's estimated that democrats will win. In a couple days we will hear that Biden recently died of some bs. Maybe sooner than that.

No. 2100771

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This photo was just taken

No. 2100774

Because Shiela Jackson passed away

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No. 1109566[Reply]

What kind of food are you craving, nonny?

previous thread: >>>/ot/236372
1118 posts and 493 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2035600

I’m aware that this is trash, but hear me out: white rice with a little butter, soy sauce, nutritional yeast, sesame seeds and kimchi juice stirred in. So fucking good.

No. 2061939

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Watched picrel being made on an episode of Dirty Jobs. Unfortunately, not living in burgerland means it'd be damn near impossible to get and enjoy.

No. 2061950

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Crème Brûlée, it doesn't seem to be sold at cafes here just fancy sit down restaurants.

No. 2100261

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I just got a craving for shitty ramen with soft mexican cheese, I haven't had that in years

No. 2100291

Nona you just made me crave this same cheese melted on a corn tortilla with a little red chile sauce.. Best low effort snack of my childhood. Also I used to put cheddar in my ramen and it was sooo good.

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No. 1323616[Reply]

Thread for the admiration of felines. Post cute cats NOW!
1144 posts and 377 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2099824

I guess I had false hope and my cat is dying of old age after all. I said a few days ago that she started eating again, but she stopped eating 2 or 3 days ago and idk if it's because she's too old to recover quickly and she could still live for a bit longer with more treatments or if it's really the end for her. She's back to the vet now and receiving more treatments because she's very skinny. I'm scared but with everything that happened I can prepare myself mentally now. On top of that my father is also hospitalized for something really dangerous at the same time, what a shitty timing.

No. 2099830

That's so cute, anon. My cat isn't the smartest, but whenever I put out the automatic feeder the few times I've left her at home when vacationing, she always learns how to get out extra scraps of kibble from the feeder. She also has learned how to "pick up" kibble on the floor with her paw (and when she does this it looks like she has thumbs lol). Cats sure are precious little creatures.

No. 2100029

I'm so sorry you're going through this, and at such a rough time with your dad being sick too. It could be a complication from the plants she ate, cats don't generally deteriorate suddenly like that. I'm praying for her to get better and for your dad to be OK.

No. 2100124

Damn you have to let her eat, buy wet food if you haven't already, and liquid vitamins. Mine got back up with that, Nutribound. Also check if she's pooping, or there's a paste for that too.

No. 2100288

I did all of this and it seemed to work at first but then she stopped eating and drinking again no matter how often my family members and I tried to feed her. So we're kinda back to square one now and they're feeding her with some sort of tube in the vet's clinic? I'm having an ESL moment I don't know how to describe it but at least they're working on feeding her somehow until she gets better, if she even gets better to begin with. She had diarrhea and couldn't pee easily so maybe it's just a UTI, they'll try to give her antibiotics this week for that just in case.

Thanks anon. You're right, I also thought it was weird that she got sick so suddenly so I also assume it's a consequence of getting poisoned too, even if it's an indirect one like having a hard time recovering because she's old. Which would imply she would be fine if she didn't eat that weird plant in the first place.

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No. 1005978[Reply]

What are the best ways to get revenge on a serial cheater that uses dating apps to cheat. They have done this by hooking-up with 9 different people.
48 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2099446

Nona, idk if you still care about that moid, but if he's sleeping with so many different women, his risk of getting an STD is high. Let's hope it's HIV

No. 2099646

My case is fun because a long time ago he told me that the girl he ended up cheating with and I would make really good friends. Once it happened about a year later, I started talking to her and she and I did become friends because we had a lot in common and it turns out he had told her a ton of lies about our relationship. So now we both kicked him to the curb and he seethes.

No. 2099698

lol that is fun

No. 2099844

No. 2100073

If anyone's looking to get revenge on a cheating scrote, troons are the way to go. Go on his dating apps when he's asleep or drunk and match him up with all the trannies you can find. Apps like that always keep track of who you interact with. The algorithm won't deliberately show him more troons but he'll get a ton of interest from adorkable girlies in IT who really like Runescape and diapers. Best case scenario is that he falls for one who shoops the hell out of himself and goes on a date with a wrinkly scrote in a dress who tries to fuck him in the ladies'. As an aside, this is also a great way to peak moid TRAs.
KEKK they hate it when this happens, it's always hilarious. He fully expected you to hate each other and fight over him. That's probably why he was OK with cheating, he didn't think he'd have any consequences from it.

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