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No. 2400311[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2389570

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
1201 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2405528


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2405568

I really don't give a fuck about that, I genuinely wanted to hear from other women on this. I feel alienated as a woman not capable of loving a man but also feels like my chances of finding a woman I'm compatible with who would want me is nil.

No. 2405572

kek yes this would be great

No. 2405825

have to take a job thats shitty paid and going there and home takes 4hr and 50minutes. basically i will have zero free time. i hate my stupid life. i wanna die.

No. 2406000

dont do it

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No. 2149920[Reply]

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886
Thread #5 >>1879378
Thread #6 >>1986698
988 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2386331

this belongs in the you cringe you lose thread

No. 2387788

Those disgusting meal replacement drinks always leave me nauseous and bloated, then ravenously endlessly hungry after the nausea wears off. A Snickers bar would be better.

No. 2391045

this feels like humblebragging

No. 2391059

Are you okay

No. 2405399

Youtube shorts slop plus reddit fake stories are what hell must be like.

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No. 1625265[Reply]

Vent about how parents and/or other family fucked over you/your dreams by making terrible choices for you via neglect, close mindedness, laziness, totally ignoring what you wanted etc and how your coping as an adult.

Previous Thread- >>>/ot/354814
275 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2390538

One of many things my mother did when I was a kid was do nothing when she found out her best friend's teenage son was molesting me. Her reaction when she found out was to scream at me, blame me for going to his room and not telling her (even though I was five years old and had no idea what was happening or the vocabulary to describe it), then never did anything about it. She just got mad at me, interrogated me about why I did even though I had no choice, then stopped talking about it after a few days. Never went to the police because she thought she'd get in trouble because it happened right under her nose when she should have been watching me (she'd be in the kitchen talking to her friend, and I'd be alone in her friend's living room playing the snake game on my mother's Nokia, which is where her friend's son would just pick me up and carry me to his room to nonce me). Never put me in therapy either.
She gave up her friendship with my rapist's mother, but then a few years later (when I was about eight or nine) they reconnected. She at least didn't bring me over to their house the second time around, but she did organise a trip to another city with her friend, and both of them brought their kids, including both me and the one who SA'd me. They did at least tried to keep us apart so I didn't see a whole lot of him during the trip, but I still had to see him. I remember we went to a park near the hotel with a playground and he was just staring at me from across the playground.
When I was 18 I tried to ask her why she reacted how she did but she had a complete meltdown. She accused me of lying, then accused me of guilt tripping her, then told me I need to get over it because it was years ago, then said I shouldn't feel sad because "you're pretty and have nice hair." I never tried to bring it up again.
Something really infuriating is that she acts like she's the best mother who ever existed, and says the reason she never divorced my dad was because she'd rather have me live with my father than have me live with one of her many affair partners because "she can't trust any man." Even though she made me go on holidays with a man who had already assaulted me and did absolutely nothing to help me through it.

No. 2390763

In kindergarten there was a moidlet who became obsessed with me, calling me his wife and saying he was my husband. During recess he led to this area behind a giant shed thing, which was in the center of the yard so still sorta visible. Cant remember what he said but I know nothing serious happened, thank God.

Later when I told mom about this, all she did was scream at and interrogate me, right before bed late at night. She kept swearing and shaming me for not standing up for myself and telling him no, then blamed the woman teacher for not doing more to keep a moid away from me. I remember saying, "mom Im tired I just want to go to sleep" but she wouldnt let me till she was done punishing me for getting preyed upon. Even tho she has no boundaries and is a boymom herself, so how was I to know any better, with her poor excuse of an example?

That same year another moidlet strangled me. I cant remember her exact reaction, but nothing was done, and I dont think I was even believed. The moidlet is now an award winning nurse btw.

No. 2405071

Grew up with DV between my parents, which really screwed up my ability to form all kinds of relationships in general.

Was running an errand when mom decided to mockingly reenact this DV, due to a minor friendly disagreement she was having with Dad. Then she laughed about it, looking at me for my reaction. For a split second, I thought she was actually in trouble, and that I might have to intervene.

What goes through her mind, to blatantly mock her own trauma and my childhood trauma like that?

I didnt laugh with mom, just stared in disbelief. It hurts.

Now mom is mad at me, is ignoring me, because I did not mock some of my worst childhood memories. Why? Did she do this to torment me?

No. 2405078

She feels really guilty about it and wants you to be okay. If you can laugh about it with her, then she'll feel like it didn't really effect you that much

No. 2408238

My mother made an indirect Facebook post regarding an offhand remark I made 4 years ago dismissing the benefits of drinking bottled alkalized water.

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No. 1149837[Reply]

Hello, it has occurred to me that a lot of us really have had horrible experiences with therapists and the psychology field in general. This thread is to discuss exactly that, either from personal experience or the way people have seemingly gotten worse after "therapy" (like Pixielocks). Discuss away.
528 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2342831

I had to look up what EMDR is and it I can't believe it's basically to distract yourself with movement while reliving a painful memory? That sounds like what I used to do when I had OCD, the idea of someone telling me to move my eyes weird or tap while thinking of trauma sounds really counterintuitive. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding emdr therapies.

No. 2404079

I caved and tried therapy, not for a long time, for like two months, once a week and it felt so stupid every session. She didn't seem like a bad therapist but nothing really went anywhere and I guess she got tired of me, because she said, "Maybe therapy isn't for you right now and you should take a break from it and come back when you 'feel ready'," whatever that means, like wasn't I ready and that's why I came? Anyways, that was that. She didn't even wait for me to think about it.

No. 2404996

When I talk about my trauma getting bullied and having study related stress I sometimes get worse. Like I’m still hurt deep inside and don’t know how to cope.

No. 2405021

I relate to this I”ll see if my therapist can help me getting neetbux I can do it myself but it’s so stressful and never asked these neetbux only others. So I”ll try to go to therapy again to keep my mind in check during this stressful time. Gunny enough I will make an appointment soon.

No. 2405073

That was pretty much my experience as well. It really felt like it went nowhere and the whole thing was awkward each time like why am I giving you money for this…

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No. 859842[Reply]

Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.
1153 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2402761

Thank God I can still postpone working for another week! Woohoo.
Realistically I can postpone working for 2-3 months I hope I can get something figured out by the end of next month and towards april.
I don’t have to work thank God now I just have to destress again.

No. 2404702


This is the way. Worked for me back when I gave a shit. Claimed to work at a closed business, and to have been running an eBay reselling business to tide myself over until I started working again full time.

No. 2404718

this 100% works. closed businesses nearby or remote work for closed startups is the best. especially startups.

No. 2404871

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No. 2404979

What did you sell? I used to sell stuff but it wasn’t enough compared to the time going into selling. I did clothes and books one electronic item.

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No. 1683306[Reply]

Post random things you ate and why. A picture of the thing you ate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here.
629 posts and 204 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2399009

Doubt it, i don't see that mentioned on my chip's ingredient list.

No. 2399031

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Probably not in every product but the point stands about super spice being a gastro irritant.

No. 2399088

Alright, i looked into this and it turns out that capsicum is simply the active ingredient of chilly peppers, paprika has it too and it even decreases cholesterol levels. It is argued that it has positive effect on obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Mexicans eat it all the time and they're fine. So yeah, i accept your concession. Spicy rules!
Btw i'm not affiliated with Samyang Roundsquare Co., Ltd. in no way whatsoever.

No. 2404965

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I made focaccia and homemade pesto, I consumed enough olive oil for the rest of the year but it was so worth it.

No. 2404985

Oleoresins are super concentrated though, which is why it causes gastro issues for some people. Also please don't bank on the spice canceling out those effects from the processed food dear nonna.

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No. 1358370[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/ot/82226

Everything about pets you have or want. Give advice about pets you have, advice on whether or not you should get one and which kind, if you have one and are worried about it, resources links, facilities etc.
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No. 2404703

we rescued a sweet sweet jack russle mix that is 2 months postpartum and 2 weeks post-op from being fixed. i feel so much for her b/c she came from a breeding program where she was mistreated, but ive only owned male dogs before so dealing with her postpartum body has been strange. TMI, there was some bloody discharge that had me running all over google going "is this normal??" like a dolt. short answer is yes, but we're keeping a close eye on her. the name she came with is Hermosa and i think we're not gonna change it.

No. 2404704

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my tortie is a sweetie but she's dumb as a brick. i love precious cats.

No. 2404759

She reminds me of my friends tortie, she's gorgeous

No. 2404881

i love torties, mine is one aswell and she also has a color split at her lips like yours!!

my cat is such a spoilt brat, but i can't be mad because i'm the one who spoilt her… i've been studying at home and whenever i'm busy she DEMANDS that i play with her. loudly. her sister is chill and will wait for me to finish work to play

No. 2404957

Hermosa means beautiful (feminine) in Spanish. A good name.

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No. 2327452[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1601035
80 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2399022

No, they're from Cueva de las Manos. They're like 10k years old cave paintings!

No. 2399059

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Today is such a great day. It's Friday, pay day, Valentines Day, a long weekend, 1 week away from my vacation AND my period just ended. My boyfriend and I are going to make a heart shaped pizza tonight and play the quarry together.
Happy Valentines Day nonas ♥

No. 2399064

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Everything is coming up nonny today, happy to hear it!

No. 2404543

posting here so I dont bump out her wonderful posts but doodlemin you are the highlight of my day and the reason why i stay on this site. your picmixes bring me so much joy

No. 2404615

Its actually amazing having a brand new washing machine. My clothes smell so fresh and feel revived. And so many settings yet better efficiency and cheaper on my electric. I love the anti allergy setting even if it takes 3 hours lol

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No. 569079[Reply]

Are you learning a language? Do you want to ask for/share tips? Want to vent about grammar and complicated writing systems?Wanna share a page of your notebook you’re proud of? Looking for a study buddy? Found an amazing textbook?
Well, here’s the place for all things language learning.
All languages welcome, even English!
PS: no dumb questions like "Do I need to know how to write and speak (insert language here)???" "Do I really have to make efforts??". You won’t get banned but you’ll sound like a retard. Don’t be a language retard.
782 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2391964

Nta but thank you

No. 2404421

German speaking anons, can you suggest a few series-podcasts with standard German accent (if a standard accent exists)? I tried a few but they pronounced some words in different ways, for example the word "fertig" sounding like /fertich/ versus like /fertik/.

No. 2404430

I tried doing this method a year ago and got lost in the sauce while doing anki

No. 2404493

Maybe try something from “Die Maus” its rather for kids but adults enjoy it too. Have you tried watching a show you know in German? Check the German thread because I recall someone asking for stuff like this. Viel Erfolg!

No. 2404583

Thank you anon! My biggest problem is that I don't want to speak in a dialect so I can't just pick any random thing (I think). I will definitely check "Die Maus".

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No. 1962884[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1801622
1199 posts and 146 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2404358

Maybe it would be helpful to look at your career options from another point of view. Something that might help is think of what kind of life you want to lead, do you want to take a lot of vacations? Have a big house or live in a large city? Or would you prefer to do things mostly locally and live a bit more simply? Then look at the market trends for each industry and typical pay. You might also be able to find forums or subreddits where people in that field discuss it and/or rant. Decide if the drawbacks are something you can put up with or not and choose whichever path most closely will afford you the lifestyle you want. Your career doesn't necessarily have to be more fulfilling than that unless you definitely know of a type of career you really want.

No. 2404380

I made it to the final round of the interview process with my dream company, as a Web Developer, I just have to pass this live coding test. They sent me the repo in advance so I can prep, but I’m still so nervous. I haven’t worked with this stack in over a year so I’m a bit rusty. I have a few days to prepare at least. I can’t deal with the anxiety I feel like I’m going to explode. I hate this, I’ve always had horrible performance anxiety.

No. 2404381


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2404811

This happened to me too, but i studied nursing first and then dropped out to work at a cafe. I like it though. Healthcare is really taxing, emotionally and physically. Making lattes and sandwiches is fun.

No. 2407685

10 minute walk

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