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No. 1540749[Reply]

thread about bipolar and other fucked up disorders similar to it

talk about how bad you have it, cycles, coping methods, medications/not being medicated, and crazy episodes

i was wondering if there were any other nonnas who might have a hard time dealing with bipolar too. i got diagnosed a couple years ago but was never accepting of it until recently.

does anyone else have signs they are about to start manic episodes? i lose my hunger straight away which is my biggest tell.

i've been told schizophernia is similar to bipolar but i am not sure. i figured i would include these disorders as well just in case.
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No. 2427801

It works really well for me when I take it, but the withdrawls are crazy. If I forget to take it I go from 0 to 100 suicidal within a day. Honestly wouldnt reccommend it for the long term because once youre on it it is hard to quit but if youre desparate for something it might work. Good luck, nonnie!

No. 2427803

is it worth doing drugs to experience some euphoria again after being medicated? im stable and mostly content, ive come so far, but also see drugs as bad and immoral. but then i see pretty, skinny girls doing them, having fun, probably with friends whereas i would be alone. but is it worth it? is there a middle ground? i feel like id be less serious and be able to enjoy the moment more

No. 2427940

I am in apsych ward and getting put on antipsyhotics tomorrow. What should I do before I get "nerfed?" I'm dead serious. Movies, albums, else

No. 2427942


No. 2428119

The rash risk is real but low if you're careful building up the dose. I've been on it for 15 years without serious side effects, but it's basically a life choice. You take it and stay on it forever. Missing a dose is like DTs and if you quit it you'll go back to your episodes.

Bupropion. Hypomania wears off completely after a couple of days and you'll feel a bit shitty but that's all drugs.

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No. 1951096[Reply]

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582
1198 posts and 287 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2415565

a meme I believe I've seen on one of the boards but can't find anymore. It was resembling a discord channel implying a conversation was held, then someone posts the "Current character of the week/month" in there, be it fanart by themselves to show off or just obsessing over the character. Trying to attention whore for no good reason. It was very schematic rather than showing a specific incident. I just can't get it out of my head and need to see it again similar as if I was listening to a song one last time to finally stop an ear worm. Thanks in advance nonas

No. 2427850

Being childfree saves your financies, your peace of mind, your body, your relationships with men, if you wanted them, your friendships, your career, your travel fund, your savings.

A child is basically a collossal financial hole you cant return from. They don't even really help you in old age, they set you up to die in a home and ignore you for the most part. There is no such thing as not dying alone because you have kids.

No. 2427851


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2430481

Anyone knows the title and artist of this Indian song? Shazam isn't helping because it just shows the Arabic version.

No. 2430684

I'm looking for a Twitter thread where a woman breaks down princess Diana's life. It's tone is slightly humorous. One of the clear sentences I remember is "Diana's sister smelled a rat."

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No. 561095[Reply]

Post about yourself as if you were your own personal lolcow. This thread can be used in the personal lolcow format, i.e. a greentext summary of your milkiest behaviour / what would warrant a thread, or simple one-offs that you're ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with self-awareness, farmers. Moo.
837 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2426578

milky origins (teen years)
>chronically online fujoshi
>fatty since childhood
>~anger issues~
>halfassed self-harm habit
>failed suicide attempt ending in ER visit
>camgirl/e-whore stint while still in high school
>ddlg relationship with tumblr dom turns into a years-long online situationship
>femcel irl
>klepto phase

relatively boring interlude

newer milk (mid 20s)
>no friends, no nigel
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No. 2426582

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>vaginal opening is too tight, does anal instead

No. 2426913

In a depressed gay unemployed loser virgin with bad skin and bad teeth and a boring personality and I lay down in bed playing video games instead of doing something productive with my life

No. 2427081

anon we can be jobless tumblrinas with saggy tits together

No. 2427823

>spoiled child of immigrant doctor parents
>deemed "gifted" from some test at a young age
>did well in early schooling but never learned how to study, as school gets harder, gets low grades
>does not get along with peers, gets made fun of and bullied
>unsupervised internet access from a young age leads to a lot of cringe phases such as hating furries to being a furry and liking furry porn, edgy atheism as a reaction to conspiracy theorist Christian parents, idolizing school shooters and wishing she could be one, getting brainwashed by hentai and liking cute cat girls and wanting to be one despite being straight, borderline groomed by a scrote on a roblox furry discord server because she had a crush on his furry pfp, being otherkin and thinking she was a cat, then a fox
>likes arguing with strangers online, constantly takes bait
>kinda gets some shit together after entering HS, gets into animu instead
>had a good relationship with first bf in HS but loses interest a few months in after converting to le based Christianity
>bf breaks up with her for being a depressed weirdo who makes him miserable, he troons out a year later
>deconverts from christianity
>uses animu and even more niche animu japshit to fill the void
>gets into radfem
>eventually loses interest in people all together due to apathy, online radicalization, and niche hobbies

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No. 666816[Reply]

All the other ones are super old and locked so i thought itd be cool to start a new one!
>what hobbies have you been into/are planning on looking into?
>skill wise how far along are you are you prioritizing skill or just doing so for fun?
>what hobbies are you interested that for whatever reason seem impossible for you to get into?
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No. 2376600

woodworking, metalworking, gardening, and diy are all active, productive, and creative hobbies you could try

No. 2407971

I've been struggling with singing in key while singing along an instrumental for a while now, but with practice, I'm starting to get better at it and singing with my "full real voice" while singing karaoke.

No. 2408008

i was singing wrong for 5 years. i cant figure out how to understand using the stomach and breathing along with it. i cant breathe and sing simultaneously. kudos to you nonnie!

No. 2408075

It took me a few years to figure out as well, with practice you sort of get there. I have this ability to "hear" and "feel" what part of the body or throat a singer is using while they're singing a specific style, and I imagine and picture myself singing in a similar way then try it out until I finally use the right parts. A good exercise to start using your abs, back muscles, and pelvic floor muscles for singing (yes, you need all of these) is hissing and feeling your muscles with you hand to see if they're moving or not. Once you get familiar with the sensation and mechanism, start applying it to your singing. It helps to stand or sit straight, don't make expressions with your face and make it as neutral as possible (don't raise eyebrows, squint, scrunch your nose etc.), make your mouth a bit vertical or as naturally shaped as possible and don't exaggerate the shapes of your vowels, and place 3 fingers on eacj side of your throat to make sure it's not tense. Hopefully this helps. My voice isn't good though so I'm not one to give advice, as my voice is just too quiet no matter what, even if I push and yell/scream sing it's still too quiet, but at least I hit notes accurate so that's something I guess. Good luck on your singing journey though! It's fun and healthy for you even if it doesn't sound the way you want it to. It helps with breathing and oxygen flow, improves your mood, and even burns calories. I remember once practicing and belting really hard and the next day my abs and back muscles were sore as if I was working out in the gym or something. It's probably the one thing that kept me skinny for so long, kek.

No. 2427741

I want to learn many and every singing styles as much as possible. One of them is this Indian style that may or may not have microtonality.

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No. 1628600[Reply]

For random things we like or love, like the Things we hate thread but the opposite.
Anything you wanna talk about is allowed. You might post physical things, ideas, links to random corners of the internet, etc. The things you might post don't have to necessarily be milky/not milky, go as controversial, weird, complicated, pure, simple or vanilla as you'd like
>No infighting
>No things you hate or dislike

Previous likes: >>>/ot/673217
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No. 2427486

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When I finish cleaning the house, I love the feeling of a clean home.

No. 2427561

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sweet potato fries and yellow mustard oh my gawd

No. 2427567

Are you with child

No. 2427578

i better not be!

No. 2427586

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Being able to eat sugar a few times a month is better than fentanyl for me. (I had fentanyl once in the ambulance when i broke my ankle, it was sublime, i get it.) But I get ridiculously sick from sugar and have to eat it extremely sparingly. I will make huge batches of cookies and eat 3 and send the rest to my neices. I'm not kidding those little hits of sugar are better than the best fentanyl. Thankfully i get really sick and stop myself from going too far…but my god. Why does god do this to me? Well im actually grateful he does nvm

But all I cant think about is baking a cake now

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No. 2297525[Reply]

Previous >>1978406

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
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No. 2427451

No. If anything, if you check the "trap" characters in fujobait like WindBreaker, Twisted Wonderland, Paradox Live, Enstars, etc., they're more likely to look like "a man wearing a dress" than the average trap.
There's a tendency to give them man legs, man arms, emphasizing the Adam's apple, making them tall, etc. compared to the "draw a girl, call it a guy" that other manga, both het and moid, do.

No. 2427493

How do y'all feel about straight yaoi or whatever moids call it

No. 2427494


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2427498

Do you mean when the female lead has a masculine seme vibe? At least, I've seen it used that way. I like them as straight couples but it's not yaoi.

No. 2428894

New thread:

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2427421

Did you reply to the wrong post?

No. 2427426

But what if you want bisexual boyfriends who are open to ALL kinds of things what then nona?

No. 2427437

If you REALLY love watching gay men and want bisexual encounters in your head, for the time being or in real life who can honestly criticize or stop you? A ton of women just think gay men together are incredibly hot. They dont want to transition, they dont even want to find the thing in real life. Its just a thought to explore and its potentially really entertaining. Why do people have to be mired in relationshit at all what if being infinitely entertained is the thing going on there.

Its crazy to me that people work so hard to deny that its something that simple and potentially has nothing to do with real life.(pro fujo)

No. 2429463


No. 2431476

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I'm glad more people are calling this out

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No. 1465903[Reply]

Thread for discussing futurology, AI, VR, transhumanism etc. and how it creates the illusion of a utopian future, whilst being maintained by corporate and technological control.
Share news, technologies, ideas, theories, images/aesthetics and anything else related but keep major tinfoiling to the conspiracy thread.
>Are we doomed?
>What are your futuristic predictions?
>What worries you the most about how technologies are used?
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No. 2421921

Damn, car insurance was too high. I better transform my body now

No. 2422550

Nona, this has been a problem for a long while. This topic has been studied since it was just digital assistants who overwhelmingly have female voices (i.e. Siri, Cortana before Microsoft nixed her, Google Home)and, of course, female robots in sci-fi (art/lit/film). Hell, we can make the case about actual telegram/telephone operaters being women mainly and how that affects how tech is conceptualized today. Needless to say, there's a long history to it which just boils down to basic misogyny and the positioning of women as mere support to men's daily lives.

No. 2427403

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corporations have already started

No. 2427418

People who aren't afraid of the commercial use of AI are either in denial or too cowardly to even start thinking about it. My prediction is an unprecedented wave of unemployment will crash within this year and it will only be the start. Companies would rather have a low cost product made by a schizophrenic nonhuman than a decent quality product made by people who need to be paid.

No. 2427430

>People who aren't afraid of the commercial use of AI are either in denial or too cowardly to even start thinking about it.
A lot people just don't care. They're human drones who don't understand the implications behind removing human input from art and media, they'll eat any slop put in front of them so the actual quality of the content being produced doesn't matter either.

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No. 591108[Reply]

What are some places you have never been to but really want to visit? Which country would you love to go back to? Which place will you never visit again? Have any culture shock stories? Want to share your most surprising travelling experiences? Write about them here!

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that travelling is strongly discouraged during the pandemic, but I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can discuss our past experiences and future plans.
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No. 2284029

If it's the Santa Claus city in Rovaniemi, it's a huge tourist trap (or at least it was when I went 10 years ago) and unless you're super dedicated to Santa, I'd pass on it myself.

No. 2322068

when i’m on the plane and i hear a baby crying i get so sad for them. their tiny ears are probably all stuffed up and they’ve never experienced that before and don’t know how to communicate so they’re probably deeply distressed

No. 2327863

nah. i love kids but people need to leave their young kids at home. they're not gonna remember a single thing in a few years anyway. total waste of time and money. just makes me want to crush their baby in a phone book

No. 2427223

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My husband and I recently bought a house so now we can finally go to Japan since we’re not saving for a down payment anymore. I’ve sent the news to my Japanese exchange student friend from 13 years ago that I finally can come visit her!!! I’m so happy and I’ve been reading this thread to find neat places to visit while we’re there. We’re only going for 10 days or so but hey it’s better than nothing.

No. 2427387

I've planned a trip to London from France with the eurostar instead of taking the plane to save money but I'm not from Paris. so I bought one trip that includes two tickets, one from my city to Paris gare de Lyon and one from Paris gare du Nord to London, which means I have to take a train or subway between the two stations in Paris and according to google maps it takes like 10 or 15 minutes. In total if everything's just as planned I should have 1h30 between the moment I arrive in Paris and the moment I leave Paris from the second train station. But I didn't realize passport/security check could take a lot of time in train stations as well, I forgot about brexit so now I wonder if that won't be enough and I'll miss the train from Paris to London. What do I do? The trip will happen in a few months so I can take time to maybe change one of the tickets if necessary.

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No. 2377057[Reply]

This is a thread to post cringy interactions you've seen or had on dating apps, talk about how shitty they are, etc.
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No. 2396508

This thread is weird. Going onto dating apps just to screen record random women's profile is creep behaviour. This is why people are right to practice internet safety and I'm hoping more women learn to avoid posting pictures of themselves online because of creeps like you.

No. 2396533

I've also posted in this thread but agree that ta is weird

No. 2396723

it's so fucking sad

No. 2423480

Why don't you just use the threads that already exist for exactly this in /g/?

No. 2427379

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not op but i feel like that thread is more for posting personal encounters and not many anons post screenshots to be honest

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