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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2432034[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1366720.html
smoker salt goes here https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1307162.html#1307162
55 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2456559

Ways to only treat myself to a joint. Not smoking 5-6 a day, not feeling like I have to smoke before everything I do. (Even little tasks like popping down to the shops). I just want to be more present and aware of my usage.

No. 2456561

Gourmet candy or chocolate instead of blunt time. Or some kind of elaborate or tasty non-alcoholic beverage that will entertain your hands and brain to create

No. 2456568

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I've always wanted to make boba from scratch, maybe I could make yummy drinks.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm hoping at the end of these weeks, I will have made new routines and self care rituals which aren't just being zoinked.

No. 2456574

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Spring is always a really good time to do that stuff anyways nona. Best of luck with your endeavors

No. 2461476

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Dad's funeral boring as fuck. I'm gonna get high, ride my bicycle and sit in a pool

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No. 2270607[Reply]

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS.

Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.

>But why?

It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.

>Isn't this thread redundant?

If only.

>But what about-

Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2141150
665 posts and 132 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2460299

Aren't tear troughs common in South Asians? My friend had them since she was a child. I don't see the big deal either.

No. 2460470

nona we live the same life… thankfully my glasses take away the attention from my drug addict like eyes

No. 2460643

Today i thought about buying a bunch of yarn online because it was on clearance. I've used and loved this exact yarn, but the only colors they had left weren't very nice. Spent about an hour convincing myself i'd bleach and re-dye it and then I managed to talk myself out of it at the last second. I'm probably still gonna blow my tax refund on expensive yarn, but not today!

No. 2460658

Good job, anon!

No. 2461278

Not sure if there's an applicable thread to post it in but I'm complaining about something written by a woman so whatever. Am currently in a course where each student has to sign up to present on one of the readings for the week. The one I'm reading is so poorly written, I'm suprised it was even published. The tense changes throughout, bad comma usage, and some terms that aren't quite slang but aren't professional enough either. I'm a grad student and I'm pretty shocked this is an assigned reading. Lazy professor probably didn't even read it before assigning it.

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No. 1803431[Reply]

Generational General
A place to converse, ask questions about, and give your opinions on any and all recent generations (Boomers - now)

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No. 2461244

Calling zoomers kids is kind of an exaggeration. The vast majority of them are 20+ now.

No. 2461249

Or maybe people just realized that being drunk in the company of people you don't even know that much and losing control is dangerous and not fun at all. I'm not a zoomer and I never understood the appeal of getting shitfaced, doing embarassing shit and feeling bad afterwards and also potentially getting raped if you're a woman. These people sound like they really want to get people drunk so they can act like rapists.

No. 2461250

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I think this is phrased as an indirect insult on the other generations, because this is basically pointing out that zoomers are smarter for avoiding situations like that. The way this is phrased begs the question of why women before zoomers relatively normalized the idea of getting "white girl wasted" at a party or a club while surrounded by scrotes they don't know. That's dumb. It was dumb in the 80s. It was dumb in the 90s. It was dumb in the early 2000s. It's a stupid idea all around. Good on zoomer girls and women for NOT participating in "party culture". I'd rather zoomers be shat on for being "shy" and "virgins" than raped and victimized like how previous generations would glorify this behavior.

No. 2461315

alcohol is nasty and i hate alcoholics lol. imagine dedicating your entire life to drinking some nasty bitter shit that makes you sick and retarded and eventually kills you. let’s not even mention drunk drivers

No. 2462298

The oldest of them are 30 now and my hatred is now to Gen Alpha

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No. 1949746[Reply]

We have things we ate, things we're craving, but what about a general food thread? No ana-chan sperging please.

Possible discussion topics:
>Unpopular food opinions
>Cooking tips/advice
>Asking for dinner ideas
>Cuisines you enjoy/don't enjoy
>Food pet peeves

Picrel is a beetroot and goat's cheese terrine.
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No. 2460975

Why even get nonfat yoghurt in the first place

No. 2460987

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It literally says "yogurt" right on the label, why are you people like this?

No. 2461003

It's just an example, that's not the exact yogurt I got. It's just the same brand

No. 2461230

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I'm sorry, nona, I didn't cook it myself. It was in the bottom of the freezer, it's Iceland brand if you're a bong. It's literal trash but so good I had another already.

No. 2461234

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No. 2448502[Reply]

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread. Same goes to cat haters.

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2168422
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No. 2458650

I hope it diarrhoeas in all her expensive handbags and all over her beige aesthetic apartment and bites her bf on the testicles.

No. 2459410

tbh its better for a (im assuming) suburban young woman to buy an overbred companion breed puppy from a long line of completely psychically and physically neutered accessories than to buy an adult shitbull mystery meat blend with an unknown aggression history from a corrupt shelter that will lie about health and behavioural concerns to get it off their hands. the worst thing a mutant pom will do in society is bark incessantly. the worst thing a fighting line "rescue" will do is kill someone.

No. 2460118

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Found on a neighborhood watch page. I feel sorry for any delivery driver or mail person that has to come to this persons door. Why do shitbull owners think this is ok?

No. 2460159

People like this should lose Royal Mail privileges.

No. 2461177

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No. 1302690[Reply]

ITT: Post the delusional ramblings and nonsensical streams of consciousness of internet users found throughout Youtube comment sections, twitter, reddit and other Internet spaces

one rule - no satire or shitposts, the ramblings have to be genuine
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No. 2461098

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No. 2461116

I choose to be… idk if it's playful, but definitely retarded. I am free

No. 2461121

>anything I do in my personal life = this is an objective sign of high intelligence or other favorable qualities
Narcs everywhere on twatter kek

No. 2461159

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No. 2461226

incel looksmaxxer mindset

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No. 1952006[Reply]

It's sakura season!
A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
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No. 2460945

Are there more than two of you? Because your airline sounds very generous if you can take that many suitcases in without extra charges. I feel you there, going around with a lot of luggage is a big pain. What kind of souveniers did you get?

No. 2460965

From my experience with Japanese beauty standards, there are Japanese men who go absolutely wild for this look, precisely because it is less common over there. She's not fat, just well-endowed, as you said.

I've watched her vids before and agree with >>2456092 that she seems genuine.

No. 2461108

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No. 2461181

1. She is a foreigner so people won't really expect the same standards and she's pretty with big boobs despite being a bit fat. I'm sure her selling point is that she's a blonde foreigner 2. Being slightly overweight isn't that rare, even among native japanese in their 20s in Tokyo. You can see plenty of shop girls and women working at themed cafes who are a bit chubby/overweight maybe bmi 25-26 ish, even more randomly on the street etc. It's not like it's every other person like in burgerland but it's not rare enough for you to be shocked at seeing a fat person. Then it's slightly more common among old people/grandpas. Seeing morbidly obese people is quite rare though, but you'll probably still see a few even if you only stay for a week

No. 2462068

Most airlines that aren't shitty allow two free checked bags and a carry on. We just have to pay for one extra bag which we are fine with. We got all sorts: figures, gacha, food, laundry beads (i wanted to test them out), 4 items of clothing (too many one size shops aside from disney), lots of keychains, small trinkets, stickers, plushies (i won 3 big ones at gacha lol), a pillow from disney, a couple cups, coffee (lots of stores had sakura coffee and i definitely wanted to try the starbucks tokyo blend at home), some beauty stuff (but very few due to having sensitive skin).. we traveled to a lot of places from tokyo all the way to Osaka for several weeks, so we have prefctual items that are specific like onsen towels saying which onsen we stayed at. The figures and art books took up so much space lol we had to get the 7th suitcase because of them

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No. 955088[Reply]

Official stalking and snooping thread. I really thought I would be able to find a specified forum devoted to this kind of thing but I couldnt.
What do you watch for? What tips you off? How do you dig deeper. I’d love to share me knowledge and for others to share theirs.
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No. 2460711

Did you not use a fake account?

No. 2460938

Show them how?

No. 2460940

if I have someone's phone number saved in my phone, is there any easy way to see what apps they are on? for example if I go to Snapchat and load address book, would their account show up? and then I have to do that for every app?

No. 2461094

It's possible for Instagram, Twitter and some other apps. But that's only if they have their phone number linked to their account.

No. 2461472

Is there something like this for Twitter too? Does it show if your tweets are being shared off platfom?
I don't have an account there, I often just use a Nitter instance (proxy to view twitter) to see peoples tweets but I swear there's always like one person who I like reading their posts but they seem to lock their account shortly after I view it every time like every month.

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No. 2327452[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1601035
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No. 2455986

That's great anon! I'm so happy to hear. Here's to us staying this way as long as we can!

No. 2460448

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I’m the same! I came here to post that my meds are starting to work and I feel hopeful, resilient and joyful for the first time in years.

No. 2460868

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I just can't believe that sheep are real. Wow!

No. 2460899

I finally got a really good remote job, I've tried so hard and had a bunch of interviews with different places but always been second best. It feels good to finally be picked and to try my hardest, I was unemployed for way too long and it was making me go insane.

No. 2461016

I love the temperature in spring time! It's chilly but not cold so my walks every day make me feel energised and happy. I wish it was like this all year but I'm grateful for the several months I get ti enjoy it.

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No. 1899367[Reply]

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.
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No. 2420111

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No. 2424712

Now that's uplifting. I'm glad taxpayer money won't be wasted on keeping him alive in prison and the girl he raped won't have to live with the knowledge that her rapist is walking free.

No. 2424733

Finally, the 41% is doing its thing.

No. 2424853

if only they triggered their 41% powers before molesting children or animals.

No. 2461015

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