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No. 2404404[Reply]

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2394324
1203 posts and 124 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2408984

i don’t think its hostile for me to correct your definition of scizophrenia…

No. 2408985

What does this even mean?

No. 2408986

3 hours ago OP specified men >>2408555

No. 2408988

ntayrt but she’s been posting pics of men this entire time too..

No. 2408990

You were trying to argue that the conversation was about something else for the longest time.

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No. 605663[Reply]

Are you anti social media, have minimal social media precense, or would like to be? Then this is the thread for you!

Are you anti social media? Why?
Do you hate social media?
Do you preffer anonymous websites and imageboards?
Do you protect your image and data online? How?
What are your go-to accounts and emails, do you have any hidden ones?
Does your job, career choice or field of study require social mefia and how do you manage that?

399 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2367066

>i can’t look at any social media accounts and see anything but a performance
agreed. i was on the old web way before the dawn of social media so i never gelled with it because it constantly feel like you're being "sold" something, even if that something is an idea. i've hardly used social media over the years, and when i did it was very clear that people post very performatively. i feel the whole thing has brainwashed people who have unhealthy relationships with the need for validation that their love for "number go up" makes it harder for them to see what's in front of them. so they end up seeing the world through the lens of "how can i use this as a prop to boost myself up". it extends to seeing family members, friends, children, and random unconsenting strangers as props for their posts.
i drove by several clusters of random girls in crop tops in the winter who were posing in front of mountain ranges and i genuinely wondered if they ever stopped to admire the beauty of the nature around them or, if they unfortunately just see everything as a set and background as if their life is one big instagram reel/movie. i was genuinely just there only to admire the mountains so it really irked me

No. 2367723

And this is why I can't stand people that use social media excessively. I get why some people have social media: it's easy to connect with distant family, to keep in touch with friends, it's socially expected, etc., so even if it's not for me I won't hate on people that have a social media account. But I just cannot stand people that use social media every day all day, constantly posting. I've ended several friendships because of this. My biggest grip is that they can never actually live in the moment. They are only focused on how others view them and their life.

Once, I got invited to a party, when I showed up, EVERYONE was on their cellphones. There was just 15 or so people in a room together drinking, while being completely silent and scrolling through their phones. I ended up staying for less than 30 minutes because every time I tried to talk to someone, they'd give me a one word answer without looking up from their phone. The only time I saw people interacting was when they got up to take photos with each other to post on their social media profiles. My friend showed me a few of their stories the next day, and if you hadn't been there you would swear that they were having the time of their lives getting up to all this crazy shit you'd see in movies, when in reality it was so lame and boring.

No. 2368158

I'm terrified shitless of social media but it's irrational anxiety and internet paranoia.

No. 2407397

At this stage of my life, I look down at others for using social media. I don't want friends that use social media, and I certainly don't want romantic partners that use social media. To me, having a Twitter account in 2025 is basically the same as having syphilis.

No. 2408604

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quit social media and made a blog to type about my day. no 280 text limit is so freeing

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No. 2385632[Reply]

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #33-23:
1203 posts and 193 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2408454

She doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself (only the fact she can lure in attention from gross fetish moids though, not even her health). I'm more surprised anyone else is surprised

That being said, she stopped being friends with social repose because of his cheating scandal but will happily vote for a notorious cheater?

No. 2408473

this is sad, i went to the JFK library as a kid and again recently and it really is nostalgic with the views of boston. i don't care about JFK but the building itself is pretty.

No. 2408607

Nona conservitards are the epitome of hypocrisy.
If they hate gays, they are fucking rent boys
If they are racist, they are miscegenating
If they hate immigration, they are bringing in more migrants who will work for less pay for more hours and replace naturalized citizens
If they complain about the economy, they are making it worse.
etc etc etc
I hate dems because their shunning culture drives anyone who doesn't goose step in line with them perfectly to the right, but conservatives are the ones who ultimately bring on the most destruction.
I think if both parties don't die in exchange for something that isn't quite either of them, it's over for America.(integrate)

No. 2408612

Hes calling himself king, the white house pages are calling him king.. WTF.

No. 2408631

I know this sounds edgy but I want to kick Trump in the balls and listen to him make a funny old man groan in that gravelly voice he has.

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No. 666816[Reply]

All the other ones are super old and locked so i thought itd be cool to start a new one!
>what hobbies have you been into/are planning on looking into?
>skill wise how far along are you are you prioritizing skill or just doing so for fun?
>what hobbies are you interested that for whatever reason seem impossible for you to get into?
76 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2376596

Learn to knit while walking outdoors

No. 2376600

woodworking, metalworking, gardening, and diy are all active, productive, and creative hobbies you could try

No. 2407971

I've been struggling with singing in key while singing along an instrumental for a while now, but with practice, I'm starting to get better at it and singing with my "full real voice" while singing karaoke.

No. 2408008

i was singing wrong for 5 years. i cant figure out how to understand using the stomach and breathing along with it. i cant breathe and sing simultaneously. kudos to you nonnie!

No. 2408075

It took me a few years to figure out as well, with practice you sort of get there. I have this ability to "hear" and "feel" what part of the body or throat a singer is using while they're singing a specific style, and I imagine and picture myself singing in a similar way then try it out until I finally use the right parts. A good exercise to start using your abs, back muscles, and pelvic floor muscles for singing (yes, you need all of these) is hissing and feeling your muscles with you hand to see if they're moving or not. Once you get familiar with the sensation and mechanism, start applying it to your singing. It helps to stand or sit straight, don't make expressions with your face and make it as neutral as possible (don't raise eyebrows, squint, scrunch your nose etc.), make your mouth a bit vertical or as naturally shaped as possible and don't exaggerate the shapes of your vowels, and place 3 fingers on eacj side of your throat to make sure it's not tense. Hopefully this helps. My voice isn't good though so I'm not one to give advice, as my voice is just too quiet no matter what, even if I push and yell/scream sing it's still too quiet, but at least I hit notes accurate so that's something I guess. Good luck on your singing journey though! It's fun and healthy for you even if it doesn't sound the way you want it to. It helps with breathing and oxygen flow, improves your mood, and even burns calories. I remember once practicing and belting really hard and the next day my abs and back muscles were sore as if I was working out in the gym or something. It's probably the one thing that kept me skinny for so long, kek.

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No. 1060419[Reply]

A thread for discussing everything tech-related!
What's a good budget laptop for graphic design? Are smartwatches worth it? How can you tell if your company phone is being monitored? Is Mark Zuckerberg actually a robot? You'll find your answers here! or not
614 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2405088

Yeah he drops his phones a lot, I've never seen someone break so many phones. The recent one fell on a random brick and shattered the screen, it was almost brand new. We have a drawer of broken phones. I got really angry because he's lost photos dropping phones before and didn't back the new one up on google photos or send me copies.

No. 2405125

why are you trying to connect the phone to a TV instead of a computer? plug the phone into a computer and download the photos? only the screen is smashed right??

I guess if suggest doing auto sync with Google photos or something so you'll always have the pics since this is clearly a pattern

No. 2405141

Why doesn’t he get one of those heavy duty phone cases? I’m also clumsy and drop my phone all the time but I’ve never broken it thanks to the case

No. 2407015

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>Starting on February 26th, 2025, Amazon is removing a feature from its website allowing you to download purchased books to a computer and then copy them manually to a Kindle over USB. It’s a feature that a lot of Kindle users are probably not aware of, given books can be more easily sent to devices over Wi-Fi, but it’s especially useful for backing up purchases or converting them to other formats compatible with non-Kindle e-readers.
>It doesn’t happen frequently, but as Good e-Reader points out, Amazon has occasionally removed books from its online store and remotely deleted them from Kindles or edited titles and re-uploaded new copies to its e-readers. In 2009, the company removed copies of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, explaining the books had been mistakenly published. More recently, many of Roald Dahl’s books, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, were replaced with updated copies featuring modified language on various ebook platforms. It’s a reminder that you don’t actually own much of the digital content you consume, and without the ability to back up copies of ebooks, you could lose them entirely if they’re banned and removed.
>The feature is also the easiest way to convert books purchased from Amazon to other formats like EPUB that can be used on alternative devices such as a Kobo. Books downloaded through Amazon’s website are delivered in the older AZW3 format which allows DRM to be easily removed using various software tools.
>Older Kindle models also store books in the AZW3 format, and they can be extracted by connecting the device to a computer with a USB cable. But modern Kindles use the newer KFX format (first rolled out in 2015) which introduced improved font rendering, better layout capabilities, and DRM that’s nearly impossible to circumvent.

No. 2407948

I recently started buying e-books because I discovered the .99 and 1.99 deals section which I can actually afford. It sucks because Amazon seems to have the best deals but I won't buy anything if I can't download it to my PC. Piracy will also be affected because a huge chunk of pirated books are from Amazon with DRM removed. There are other e-bookstores but some authors are exclusive to Amazon.

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No. 794335[Reply]

Discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of the once shitholecommie-state turned high tech superpower.

Taiwan discussion is also permitted as it hasn’t abandoned its ROC label.
166 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407386

-They have paint bucket in a big spray and just spray it piece by piece, if you never heard of this have you researched anything on china ever in your life? kek.
- Ok keep lying to yourself about the renewable energy nonna you're naive. Let's be ecological by ruining the planet even more so we can, in another 25 years, keep pretending to be ecological and lie some more.
- No every country doesn't do this, i know because i live in one. My country is lame but never lies about deaths and crimes that happened. China lies about it because they see every crime as a slight on the goverment, as a failing of the goverment, so without the failing visible they can control people more.
- Then just make a little reasearch on china and you'll find it. It's video evidence online, it's not that difficult and even chinese people have problems with this. Hint hint for example meat being dyed black because meat from black animals is for some reason more expensive.(integrate)

No. 2407389

I'm not gonna bother with an ESLfag that doesn't even know how to greentext KEK

No. 2407628

do you have wechat or alipay? even some historical ethnic village stalls manned by elderly women have QR code payment kek it was a culture shock. that's how prevalent it is and why setting up payment with those apps are a must. power bank rentals are also common in most types of stores if you need them. if you're staying in shanghai, i recommend visiting Yu Garden (豫园) like the actual garden part rather than only staying in the more flashy part that's vidrel as half the food stalls there are kind of disappointing. personal opinion though. but everything is still really cheap over there like you can have a 5 person meal for 30 USD kind of cheap. so if you like peking duck, which is usually expensive in the states, then this is your chance. try to avoid the touristy food stalls and opt for restaurants like 文通冰室 (if you travel to guangzhou). i really recommend that restaurant's 叉烧肉. if you need help navigating, try apple maps rather than google maps because the former is more reliable.

No. 2407935

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Painting the mountains and trees green is old news. Unfortunately very little negative information gets past the great firewall, as saving face is the most important thing to the CCP.


No. 2408179

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i lived in shanghai for a couple years, it's a really cool city. in addition to other suggestions you should absolutely check out the old district in Xintiandi and Huaihai Road. You can eat basically anywhere pretty well for very cheap don't hesitate to go to food stalls and restaurants inside shopping malls, there's some really good stuff there. If you don't mind waiting, the Nanjing Impressions chain reaturants are worth it. For the best tea try Port-tea. Lilian Bakery has great egg tarts, sometimes they have shops inside metro stations. For breakfast you should also try scallion pancake (葱油饼), they sell it in the morning, people buy it hot by the slice, see picrel.
Also the metro is the best way of getting around, it's cheap and all the signage is bilingual.
it's preferable to set up WeChat pay or Alipay, or at least have cash on hand, because not every place accepts foreign credit cards but you can pay literally anything with qr codes.

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
682 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407803

The economy has been going to shit for years but let's bring in more people that will surely help and by the way you are racist too! The citizens can't afford housing anymore, there's more people coming in then what we can build (and it's mostly "luxury" housing being built anyway). This only serves the capitalists that are hungry for cheap labor. They keep cutting social services. We have become too weak as a nation and are afraid of being called named for standing up for ourselves. As much as we make fun of the Ottawa convoy during the pandemic, at least they were fighting for what they believed.

No. 2407814

I lived through that in Ottawa. It was nothing like how it was presented. It was just a bunch of scrotes drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking ounces of weed while partying through the streets acting like asses and then sleeping in their cars. Nobody was fighting for what they believed in. The very idea that Canadians would do that is laughable.

Figure out your exit strategy. Get off the sinking ship while you still can. Don't be blinded by nostalgia or beguiled by the false hopes for the future.

No. 2407868

I like Canada tho and not everyone wants to uproot their entire lives and live in South America or Europe. I'm not delusional enough to think that moving will magically solve everything in my life and that other countries are a utopia paradise.

No. 2407913

Same and it's not that easy moving out to another country if you don't work in an high demand field or are not already rich. I also like living my life in French and the other French countries are mostly hell holes.

No. 2409052

I actually don't really like this thread for that reason. Mostly feels like a bunch of Canadian transplants that live in the U.S. camp on this thread. It's good to actually discuss the problems in Canada without constantly advocating to move out because it is not feasible or, shocker, preferrable for most people.
Yeah, it pisses me off too especially with the Ontario elections looming and the federal election. I can't believe people are buying Ford's schtick about being "anti-American" when he's actively destroying education, the already over-taxed healthcare system and other social services. It bothers me that we barely know the other candiates.

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No. 1724622[Reply]

my sunburnt countrywomen standing at the limit of an endless ocean, join me in observing this prisoner island.
free fairy bread and a sausage sizzle every sunday arvo
235 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407120

I can't give you any practical advice but now I'm wondering are you planning on using IVF or banging a random moid you find on the street and running off into the sunset lmao

No. 2407134

IVF or IUI depending on what the doc says. A real moid would be cheaper and easier ngl maybe if I'm feeling stingy I'll go on tinder kek

No. 2407142

Family is on Centrelink and it sucks ass. It might not be the same for your payment specifically but they'll cut you whenever they want and if you don't have a document that's eaten by cockroaches from 1999 then they can't confirm you.

No. 2407548

I'm currently in Vietnam and went to Bali last year. It's so much cheaper here!! I can't believe it. And Vietnam is so cool, so much richer in culture and the streets are so alive. The only thing is the air pollution sucks, and you have to be really choosy on where you go to eat. I was surprised Vietnam has such shit food despite the cuisine being so good. I've only been to Saigon though, I imagine other cities probably do this better.

No. 2409355

The moid has rights even if you choose IVF. Single mothers and lesbian couples are always at risk of the father reappearing and demanding access to them and the kid. Also schizo sperm is used here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-28/ivf-clinic-sperm-donor-tracked-down-mum-and-boy-four-corners/104031378

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No. 1466841[Reply]

Thread for all desi noonies
Thread rules:
>DO not infight because of someones nationality or beliefs
>no pak vs India debate
>keep paki-chan autism to a minimum
Discuss how desi cultures either empower or objectify women .
>no religion shaming
Old milk:
>The month long femicide happening in Pakistan which had three female victims of honour killing
>Indian concert molesters
501 posts and 104 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2406772

IRC every country has it's own standard size I'm supprised India is doing it now.it can get confusing between American and British sizes if the situation is the same in India as it's in Pakistan (we usually follow the British sizing) but some fashion clothing has started using a more broader size
Traveling to any country poses a risk but more so as a woman,if your going to solo travel India or Pakistan AVOID THE RURAL AREAS LIKE THE PLAGUE

No. 2406991

indiachan? more like FAGchan

No. 2407227

I went there once and it was just full of porn

No. 2407239

same here, went into one thread and that was meant for creep shots, the only "contributing" post was by a scrote that visited his sister's hostel and some other room's girls had their underwear drying on a rack outside that he took a photo of, but that was quite a while ago.

No. 2409382

What are some internet forums where Desis congregate? Tiktok and FBs giving me brain damage and non-algorithm forums are always American

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No. 2389570[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2378543

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
1197 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2402133

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



No. 2407429

I am tired of people choosing the dumbest ways to segregate from one another. The categories are getting dumber, the nitpicking on why "she is different from us!" is getting more contrived. Even if we were all carbon copies, it'd be something that one picks out from the rest to be us versus them. I'm tired of being forced to pick sides, of being the odd one out, of it all. I just want to talk about stuff we have in common. Fights are fine, we are animals. But this segregated behavior bullshit is grinding my gears.

No. 2407433

That segregated behavior which is just tribalism is nature, nothing else about it. The problem is we keep mixing people up and it’s causing constant conflicts with others, if you want this commonality with other people and be in singular agreement about the same things as people then to do that is to find your own “tribe”, there is none where all tribes come together and live in harmony. That’s why debates are so retarded, nobody is ever going to agree on anything or change their minds, it’s just animalistic slap fighting.

No. 2407443

Start a fence-sitters political party and find likeminded people

No. 2407444


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