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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2450392[Reply]

Post dumb shit you see on Tumblr

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2201280
126 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2461413

First time I heard of it. I did IVF twice and both times, I got female zygotes and only like 3-4 male options. I guess my eggs are just based by default.

No. 2461417

You know someone has a solid argument when it sounds like actual schizophrenic babble kek

No. 2461508

I like how he says all this so aggressively and smugly as if it's a good argument, or even makes any sense at all.

No. 2462051

still pissed off tumblr term'd my blog i had so many good posts on there

No. 2462070

I need this to hit the mainstream because it legitimately makes no sense
But for some godforsaken reason these bizarre incoherent posts never make it to Instagram

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No. 2149920[Reply]

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886
Thread #5 >>1879378
Thread #6 >>1986698
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No. 2460861

The issue is that people literally believe conditions affecting weight didn't exist and there's no point in getting properly treated because "just try harder", if it's possible for animals to have trouble losing weight despite eating and moving the same amount, it would make sense for humans to have similar issues

No. 2460880

Nobody is talking about obesity, overweight =/= obese. I’ve never seen an obese person in my country in my whole life, yet PCOS still exists and fat people still exist at different weights.
Childish black and white thinking is a sign of autism.

No. 2461635

Except the TikTok of the woman who spurred this entire conversation is very clearly obese, not just overweight kek.

No. 2462049

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Kek i just tried to change my tiktok pfp to donald trump yaoi and i was instantly suspended in less than 30 seconds. How the fuck did the bots recognize what this was.

No. 2462195

The thing is conditions that affect weight would just make you chubby at most. Like if someone is supposed to be like 130 and is 160? Yeah I can believe there's an underlying condition making it harder to lose weight or they went on medication causing weight gain, maybe had a baby not long ago, etc. If someone is supposed to be 130 and is 300 lbs? That's just neglect at that point, and this isn't something that happens overnight either, it's caused by constant binging and somehow not noticing/or caring about putting on 5 lbs a week for years

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No. 771638[Reply]

The purpose of this thread is to build a network of faith by praying as a community. By requesting prayer, others farmers have committed to pray with you, and God has already heard your prayer.
Please keep commentary minimal and constructive.
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No. 2453568

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to the good people of this world, may your efforts be met with fulfillment, your love be returned, and your path be lit even in the darkest moments. at minimum, i pray that everyone gets what they need, whether it be a lucky break, clarity, redemption, destruction, et cetera. specifically i'd like to address that people in physical pain find relief and get taken seriously.
also, i pray that i do well on all of my exams despite my shitty life that has made it difficult to focus on school. amen.

No. 2455994

Have to go to a family outing, and share a ride with an elderly woman relative. She is a pick me, otherwise she is usually okay to hang out with.

Out of the blue, a creepy moid relative asked my elderly relative if he could drive us, she said yes. Im dreading going so bad now. He thinks he is cool when he speeds. It only takes a tiny microaggression for him to start driving angrily.

I asked him to slow down around corners due to it hurting me, as I have a medical issue. His response was to ask out loud a question in a way that doubts what I said, as if Im lying or faking it for attention. I hate being trapped somewhere with him. All of this is fine with my elderly female relative.

The entire time, he will whine about slow drivers, or theyll probably both come out with some misogynistic crap. Or theyll enjoy playing loud angry moid music about hurting women. They both listen to red pill podcasters.

Dont know if I should drive, if theyll let me, as I dont even want to sit next to that controlling weirdo or have him behind me. Wouldnt put it past him to deliberately distract me, to mess up my driving, then he can go, "See? I, the rational male, should have drove us!"

Cant refuse to go, as I want to see another loved one at this event.

Pray for me, nonnas.

No. 2456540

I prayed that he dies

No. 2462028

I don't think I did well on my exam I'm just in such a shitty place right now i shouldnt have even signed up for classes. please pray that I at least passed…

No. 2462042

Help me pray that my abuser dies soon. Thank you.

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No. 2435196[Reply]

previous thread: >>2392591
745 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462021

You should have put this in the unpopular opinions thread because druggies get harsher punishment than a lot of violent criminals.

No. 2462025

While I don't agree that druggies should get harsher penalties than violent criminals I do think that anyone who is in prison for selling hard drugs should get equal punishments to violent offenders. The amount of harm they do to their community and cash in on is despicable.
I did consider posting this in unpopular opinions thread but I didn't think it would be controversial enough since druggies are pretty universally hated here.

No. 2462113

When I was five or six I used to fiddle around with computers and daydream of magic that would make this technology come up with whatever I wanted, like pictures of whatever I was thinking. Now many decades later we have AI, but it's absolutely not magic and I hate it.

No. 2462137

I'm more of the opinion that it's dealers that should be more harshly punished, especially the ones who loiter train stations all day long. Drug dealers are not dealt properly with in Europe.

No. 2462427

He is so entertaining! And he isn’t crude or sexual like many other male streamers

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No. 2341317[Reply]

A thread for sharing screencaps of hilarious posts seen around the farms.

Keep the infighting to a minimum you beautiful tards.

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No. 2461930

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Is it just me or is there a schizo infestation.

No. 2462000

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I can never leave this website

No. 2462002

It's the resident /snow/ tradcel that posts and then deletes, probably a janny

No. 2462005

I’ve never seen them be this lax with anyone else

No. 2462074

No, the jannies delete his posts.

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No. 2331214[Reply]

Thread for people who are content creators of any variety and need a place to anonymously vent or discuss things surrounding it.

Examples of content creators: youtubers, tiktokers, streamers, social media influencers, podcasters, artists and crafters who regularly post to a following, no matter how small. Note that this thread is NOT for discussing “sex work” like onlyfans. Make sure to be non-specific enough that no one can find you from your posts, self-posting is obviously not allowed.

Examples of things to discuss:
>how do you deal with hate/stupid comments?
>do you censor your own political opinions on your platform?
>did people ever try to cancel you or are you afraid that it might happen?
>what is your intended target audience?
>have people ever sucked up to you because you’re a bigger creator than them?
>do you show your face and/or use your real name?
>doing collabs with other creators
>have you ever taken sponsorships? would you like to?
>are other content creators you know insufferable in private but act sweet in public?
>did you ever get your work stolen/reposted?
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No. 2461020

You just gotta accept some people won't like you. I've been shit talked on anon and gossip sites before, it hurts at first especially from other women, but you grow a thick skin. Even doxing hasn't resulted in much damage for me, as it's more dangerous if you do political content as the most deranged online people are in those circles. Part fo the job!

No. 2461852

at what point should i make this my full-time job instead? or is that just never a good idea considering how volatile of a scene it is

No. 2461878

Calculate how much you make from your content, if the hourly wage is more than your day job then that's a clear sign. If you end up failing or growing tired of it you can always get a real job again later.

No. 2461905

how do you guys get into collabing with others?

No. 2461943

literally just ask them if they're up for it

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No. 2116172[Reply]

I was about to make this thread about Artist Alley nonas but I decided to extend this thread to everyone who does arts and crafts and sells it for a living or a side income.

>What do you make?

>Where do you sell? Cons, local markets?
>What's the item that sells best/worst?
>Any advice for old and new artists and crafters?
>Somebody tried to scam you? Rob you? Harrassed you? Any horror stories?
>What's something you cannot stand in a con/market? Cringy cosplayers? Rude people? Other vendors being insufferable?
775 posts and 128 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2461620

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Kawaiicon officially responded to the incident, KEK

No. 2461739

It's not often I side with the con when drama happens but this was such a bold and obvious karen moment, I feel bad for the con for having to make a statement like this. They were more than generous when letting her trade booths instead of her having to just pack up and go, it's on her for signing contracts she doesn't read first.

No. 2461822

Random pet peeve of mine I've spotted in others AA booths:
>not sorting by fandom
Absolutely nuts to me! It's sometimes acceptable if there's only a few items in total and you want keychains on one side and posters on the other and so on. But too often I spot something like keychains from a fandom I like and after checking the variety I decide on what to get/not get. But then as I explore the rest of the booth they have more keychains of the same franchise on the other side. Why?! It's so obvious that you should keep them together!

No. 2461832

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How much to you average in sales at a con?
I sell for about $500, mostly stickers and prints but sometimes I'll throw in some mugs or totes. No idea if that's good or bad but I have fun and get to pretend I'm a "real" artist kek

No. 2462141

I don't sort my table by fandom, I sort by items. So all the prints on one side, keychains in their own spot, etc. But I agree, I also hate disorganized tables where items seem to be displayed in random spots without a reason. It's ultimately a disservice to the vendor, having a confusing setup is a great way to lose sales. You don't want to make your customers search your table for your items, imagine if real stores were set up with zero organization like that.

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No. 2324263[Reply]

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No. 2461826

Idg the first tweet But I find the reactions gross too. I remember seeing some Japanese scrotes ranting about feminism when talking about this movie. It's so stupid and childish

No. 2461828

This reads like incomprehensible pidgin to me. Seven words per sentence on average, lol

No. 2461846

I can't stand 120 iq males, but let them keep doing their thing. Take to the streets young working class warrior! It's really a shame they cant vote democrat without losing inches off their leftdick

No. 2461960

she’s the new Eva in the West End production of Evita. also she’s not a nepo baby??

No. 2462277

these idiots think that if a person isn't a hitler youth poster child, they must be black. and they don't like black people, so put 2 and 2 together.

i like animation so i have my fair amount of reasons to not like the new snow white, but these men avoid "girl stuff" like the plague so why are they acting like an oh so elemental part of their life was forever butchered? don't they have maleslop to watch

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No. 2303329[Reply]

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.

Previous: >>1904216
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No. 2459088

Ignore the other anons if you genuinely really like it, a strip of fashion tape will keep it up

No. 2459845

Should I drink another coffee? It's 4 pm

No. 2459909

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Yes! The half life of caffeine is roughly six hours, you’ll be fine.

No. 2459918

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its really cute, i can't tell the fabric composition or the stitch quality in photo but i reckon you'll see to that yourself, you should get it and do what >>2459088 anon says

No. 2461763

A have a skein of scrap yarn the I tied together. I've been planning to use it for like a year or 2 for a pillow or just some sort of project so it doesn't go to waste. should I just throw it out?

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No. 2428892[Reply]

Inb4 "Reee why did you make a new one": it's a containment thread.

ITT: Discuss the controversies and disagreements between fujoshi, yumejoshi, and himejoshi. Note: yumes and self-shipping aren't necessarily the same thing. Slashers and fujos also aren't exactly the same, though they heavily overlap.

Topics include:
>Whether there is a causal relationship between consumption of yaoi/slash and trooning out
>Voyeurism vs. self-insertion
>Yaoi men vs. bara men vs. 3DPD gay moids
>To what degree does the fiction a person consumes need to comport with their real life ideologies and politics
>Female creators' portrayal of male-male sex/romance vs. male creators' portrayal of female/female sex/romance
>Do women read yaoi or slash as an "escape" from misogyny IRL
>Can women be "porn addicts" and/or why are women held to higher standards of moral purity than men
>Whether (or why) lesbians can/cannot be fujoshi
>No True Fujoshi (i.e., does enjoying straight-with-extra steps shit like A/B/O, Mpreg, cuntboy, etc. make someone "less" of a fujoshi)
>General moralfaggotry
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No. 2461764

hnnnng more with these two?

No. 2461784

No. 2461952

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No. 2461957

No one said this. And anyway, the thread is about yaoi, not shota, which isn't unique to yaoi. There's plenty of straight shota crap out there. If your problem is with shota, say it's with shota, not with yaoi.

No. 2461959

>female child rapists are worse than child rapists ackchually
Feminism according to Lolcor

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