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No. 1330104[Reply]

Was there something you recently impulse-bought that ended up unexpectedly impressing you? Was there a product you had been eyeing for months that ended up a complete disappointment when you finally made the splurge? From vacuums to vibrators who cares, share whatever mundane buys you want to rave or bitch about. Stock photo of the item preferred in-post.
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No. 2105863

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I got these pens and I really like them, very smooth on the paper. I’m using themt for school work and sometimes sketching


No. 2106420

nta either but yes apparently buying skin stuff from amazon is very risky as it’s tough to verify the seller/warehouse it’s coming from

No. 2106423

also i said everything but i forgot that the lip balm was complete ass

No. 2106633

I feel like angrily calling literally anyone a fat retard in here screams of projection. Do you feel better

No. 2106634

Many times, no.

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No. 1606262[Reply]

Keep on posting all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous thread >>>/ot/1419137
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No. 2105713

Nta, but this. That post ignores that there are motivations and reasoning behind any action and acts like "good deeds" are some kind of metaphysical constant. I guess for troon loving sjws simplemindedness is a given lol.

No. 2105723

Blogger is a tranny, and judging by their other posts you just know this means "I'm a good person despite my fucked up sexual interests because I reblog posts about Palestine"

No. 2105911

This entire post is null because these freaks fully endorse punching TERFs for committing the worst thought crime of all: calling a male in a dress a male. They can all shut the fuck up about there being no "thought crimes" kek

No. 2106155

Nonna, I see what you're trying to say, but at that point it's not a thought

No. 2106177

Anon you know damn well these people also love to go on about how "people use our retarded pronouns but they still don't SEE us as the gender we say we are!!!" How is that not thought crimes.

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No. 854762[Reply]


Previous thread: >>>/ot/204765
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No. 2097769

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whenever this thread gets bumped it makes me want a cosmo

No. 2097796

Gunpowder and pink gin. We might be drunk but we're still righteous and justified

No. 2098438

God fucking damn it I'm such a retard when I'm drunk. I can't keep doing this. I'm quitting drinking. Sayonara nonnas.

No. 2104541

sometimes i feel like the only way i can achieve warmth and peace is with getting drunk or high. a single light beer for me tonight. I will chug it within 2 minutes of me clocking out of work, smoke a joint, and spin around in my computer chair

No. 2106134

getting drunk with some shitty cup noodles and watching mean girls
PEAK friday night xoxoxo

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No. 2047122[Reply]

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No. 2105925

Sounds like somebody couldn't get their jar to look like the pinterest galaxy jar

No. 2106040

>it would take her 54.79 years to use all of that perfume.
Holy cow

No. 2106106

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No. 2106221

Going out and buying a million tiny plastic pieces isn't very underconsumption core of you nona

No. 2106264


Half that perfume is going to turn rancid before she even gets to use it, but sure, perfume is your happy place and not just hoarding.

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No. 2074849[Reply]

Talk about many things that never really made sense to you from the mundane to schizo (ex. things you were taught in childhood, pineapple on pizza, beans on toast, paying taxes, parking lots full of cars but the grocery store is nearly empty, things your family did in the home that doesn’t make sense to outsiders that you now question, etc.).
>no questions (this is not the stupid questions thread)
>only observations
>no bait pls
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No. 2105736

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Digital art is insane witchery to me, I don't get it. I think traditional art just, kind of makes more sense to me? You grab the pretty colors and pencils and make a drawing using your hands and art stuff on a surface, you use some techniques here and there and there you go, a cool picture.
But digital art is confusing to me, I get so overwhelmed, I can't even understand how to use the controls to do anything other than the simplest doodles you've ever seen.
I mean, I'm a hobby artist anyways and I'm not good at art in general, but I was always gotten shilled digital art as something sooo simple and easy.
I can't even color stuff like if I was doing a digital coloring book because it always looks weird to me.

No. 2105757

Honestly I just treat digital like doing traditional until I get to coloring. Coloring in digital has always been tricky for me, and I'm not sure why

No. 2105777

I think it's a bit daunting because of how it's near limitless. It's like having all of the art supplies and paint colors you could ever need, on top of the digital manipulation you can do in things like Photoshop. Honestly I would start small, watch some videos of an artist's coloring process and just copy exactly what they do, just to learn how to actually use the program. Repeat a bunch until you understand what enough things do and can develop your own process

No. 2105879

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Irish people historically got discriminated against on basis that they're secretly black but white passing, due to some crazy racist "evolutionary theories" about how their skulls and black people's skulls are similar, so they must be black, and therefore should be discriminated against. They faced discrimination in both Britain and America when they immigrated there to escape the discrimination, if I'm not mistaken. It's why there's Irish representation in American shows sometimes, and why it's weird when an Irish (red head) character gets replaced by a black person, because it's perpetuating the belief that "irish=black". Picrel is stuff from that era. Hope this answered your question.

No. 2105889

I feel bad for laughing at this. I love american schizo art. I forgot the name of this guy that did amazing schizo photoshop art of his tinfoil theories about america.

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2105722

No. 2105732

kek i love retard on retard violence

No. 2105747

>Someone posts actual fujocoomer milk
It's like you people want a boring and lame thread what the fuck.

No. 2106585

what all cows say in their threads

No. 2106650

I don't understand, sounds pretty based and nuancepilled

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No. 2093403[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/ot/2088585
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No. 2105437

No. 2105563

yes you are fake news

No. 2105572

I'm sorry but this is so funny

No. 2105580

shooter x trump

No. 2105852

Toxic age difference yaoi

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No. 2028583[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>/ot/1868538
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No. 2105516


For nonnies reading about Sonya Massey, heres more injustice. Apparently her family was not told that a cop killed her and were even told her injury was self-inflicted. Absolutely abhorent disrespect to the entire family.

No. 2105579

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in another version of the story the beaver is in a park after being hit by a car and the woman went home to get a cardboard box etc to take it to a vet, but when she got back the man was with it and it was dead. also all charges were dropped even though he admitted it, he's too insane to prosecute or something

No. 2105621

They should just put down men like this, if he's that insane and scattered with his sexual assaults he could easily end up raping a baby or something. I'm so sick of this shit

No. 2106734

i'm sick of how the rhetoric around cops is how we need to respect them because they risk their lives every single minute for us, when 1. they do not and 2. if they want that kind of praise, fucking put something at risk then. he shouldn't have shot her, he should have risked being burned. put up or shut up.

No. 2106739

my city is over run lately and every time i watch some methhead wander into traffic i'm so disappointed when they don't get hit. they aren't trying to commit suicide of course, these men somehow think they still have the right to live in society and leech off good will that should be going to homeless women only. a few months ago a women's overnight shelter opened up and people were mad another men's shelter wasn't also opened, as if we need more of them. we have plenty, they just don't get used because these useless men want to keep using drugs all the damn time and the shelters won't allow it.

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No. 1806853[Reply]

Thread to talk about stuff you miss, but that doesnt exist anymore, like a fashion trend, a place, a show cancelled too soon, animals or whatever you wanna talk about. Not a nostalgia thread.
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No. 2040114

Old Youtube pre-2012 was great (and something I'd spend hours browsing). After 2012, it started to decline into a shitpit of Google+, excessively long channel URLs and broken algorithms that get a band-aid applied every once in a blue moon.

No. 2040732

Everything pre - 2012 woke 2012 culture.

No. 2045115

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I miss landline phones. I don't like how it's just expected that you'll answer somebody's call immediately now, it feels so intrusive.

No. 2045138

I share your sentiment. Sometimes when i get sick of people i turn off my phone for a week or so and i can feel my mental health improving.

No. 2045220

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I miss when cute wiggers would show you their undies(autism)

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No. 1553987[Reply]

Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.

previous thread >>>/ot/932175
663 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2104887

I've had too many dreams like this, it's more me accidentally posting my face or name on here, falling asleep, waking up to my phone being blown and all that. These are also always accompanied by a scene of Mr driving a car that either doesn't work or I suddenly can't drive, idk if you need me to tell you this but this is the "do you feel out of control in your life, nona" bs

No. 2105233

Do you ever have dreams where it's like you're just watching a movie essentially but up close, like an extra? Like the dream means absolutely nothing and have no significance or Freudian explanation at all, just a result of watching movies? Because the other day I had one where Seth Green and Renee Zellweger were a couple that worked in some sort of bio lab and they were having an argument while doing complicated things with pipettes and slides, and there was even emphasis on Seth Green being like a head taller than her with his tiny little hands. I hate Seth Green, that gnome makes me sick. I don't think I've thought about Renee Zellweger in years, why should I, we have Jennifer Tilly. But I was just standing there like a coworker behind them at some table trying to do work I know nothing about and listening to Seth Green whine about his relationship woes with a gargantuan Renee Zellweger with his disgusting little hands putting pipette droplets into little slides. I hated that dream.

No. 2105253

Seeing Shayna naked is a scary enough thought all its own

No. 2105261

That bitch is rent fucking free for some of you.

No. 2105463

Last night I had a long dream about being in Japan with a friend of mine. It started with us walking around in a sort of naturey area (as opposed to city) and then we got onto some kind of platform (sort of like a wagon without livestock to pull it) and sat waiting for something. We sat and joked and at one point I started laughing and lay onto my back and turned over, and my friend leaned into me and hugged me from behind. It was sweet and intimate but I pulled away and felt like I was enjoying intimacy too much. My friend went out to do something and came back quickly. We sat waiting and he told me to rest while he kept watch but I didn't want to leave him alone. I thought maybe we would cuddle again but I also knew it should not happen. So we just spent the time joking around and chilling. I woke up anticlimactically.

Not much of a dream but it felt very vivid and I have had a lot of these intensifying intimacy dreams with various friends. I don't necessarily feel shame but the friend I dreamed about I could never date and I go through periods of feeling disgusted at myself for imagining such a scenario. I know its just a dream so I wont torment myself but will hold my own little dream as a nice memory. It felt nice to be embraced by someone I will never be so vulnerable with irl. Thanks for reading.

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