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No. 2327835[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

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No. 2410424

Their bloodlines never recovered from the radiation caused by the atomic bombs

No. 2410428

>well the baiters must be pedos
I think the worst part is that this has been proven true a couple of times. Nonetheless, those cases are fairly rare, especially in comparison to all the cases where the predator catchers have had their lives put at risk by pedos who feel threatened by them, or even a case where one was murdered by a pedo.

No. 2410466

Yeah there are exceptions like that but i do think all normal minded people secretly feel disgust towards pedos and want to see them punished, and the baiters are just acting on that instinct. In general I think anyone who sympathizes with pedos is probably one, and anyone who thinks they’re disgusting freaks probably isn’t one. That’s what I’ve observed through internet discourse, and the way pedos talk about themselves/other pedos. Most of the time it’s a lot of “we are not monsters and deserve sympathy and tenderness”. I think the ones that truly feel shame end up killing themselves, but that’s a pretty small amount of them

No. 2410503

I mean there's definitely a subset of women who are obsessed with it (namely, women who are really tall themselves and don't wanna be taller than their bf). But it's not all or most women like incels always claim, and sure as hell not the shortest women like they also claim.

No. 2410717

sorry for necro but wtf. What the fuck is even the point of men when 99.99% of them are psychopathic parasites. Please Get away from that trog anon.

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No. 2041281[Reply]

ITT: post your favourite lyrics or song. What does it mean to you? Why is it memorable? What made it stick with you?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules and let's have fun sharing some real bangers.

Thread #3: >>>/ot/1440188
Thread #2: >>>/ot/913463
Thread #1: >>>/ot/660956

It's much appreciated if you attach a nice picture to your post that encapsulates the mood of the lyrics or how you hear them.
906 posts and 530 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2406619

Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright, alright

No. 2406736

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No. 2409758

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You're drowning me again.
The lights go off,
I'm falling.

You fear me when I talk.
I'm leaving this room again.

"Don't let me down" I say.
But, your eyes are closed
& your hands still shake.

Your breath is in my face.
My heart is bruised
by your whisky stains.

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No. 2409855

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No, I won’t say please
One more look at the ghost
Before I’m gonna make it leave
I’ve got the pieces here
Time to gather up the splinters
Build a casket for my tears

No. 2410374

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I'm a lyrical lover
No take me for no filth
With my sexual physique, jah know me well-built
Oh me oh my, well well
Can't you tell
I'm just like a turtle crawling out of me shell

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No. 2407864[Reply]

Might as well, since there's a hate thread on just about every other major social media platform. Post about retarded tradwives, Christard grifting, straight-up neo-Nazi content, and other such garbage that makes up the platform.
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No. 2410268

come on nonna he probably fucked minors back in the day

No. 2410306

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People who think mainstream nu-metal is "scary" are the fucking worst. Same goes for the people in the comment section going "hurrdurr listen to slam" as if that somehow isn't even worse. Anyone who brags about listening to "edgy" genres is fucking annoying.

No. 2410307

I hate getting reels that are rage bait. Especially the ones that the OP stole from TikTok and slapped on a ragebait text over it for engagement.

No. 2410385

people like this always remind me of vidrel

No. 2410500

I kind of understand and agree with this, in the sense that it's not really about how you dress but more so about how you participate in your local scene - which I think is something this woman failed to mention making her argument extremely superficial. I've been into punk and everything mildly related since before I was a teen and I've been a part of the scene in my small eastern euro country since then. Outwardly you can't really tell, I do have a lot of tattoos and a face piercing but my dressing style is semi normie and always has been, I don't wear makeup and my hair has never been dyed. At most I'd wear converse, vans and band tees and most women around me did that too. I'd say a minority of women and men went above and beyond to style themselves but we all attend our local shows, events etc. Only once I visited richer countries with bigger scenes did I start seeing people with extremely alternative styles on a regular basis kek

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No. 475318[Reply]

Post about your journals and journal inspirations here!

Some icebreakers:
- What made you start?
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
- Where do you get your journals?
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
594 posts and 132 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2405852

I try not to engage as much or ignore those kind of posts. I do have two pens - one fountain and one dip for using ink, but I'm only using what I already own. Ink lasts a crazy long time and is generally cheap at art stores so why hoard $25 bottles. I also don't buy layout stickers because it seems like such a money sink when you could just draw your own layouts or make a stamp.

Hobonichi used to be much cheaper but their prices have nearly doubled, especially in the international market vs how much they cost in Japan.

No. 2405882

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This held me back from journalling for a while. Or at least, it was partially this. I didn't want to do it "wrong." I only started actually getting into journalling last year, and I found watching videos from older men, and older women with smaller accounts was better for me. They had "messier" journals, made their own pocket journals, had no haul videos. They were simple and to the point, which was more my style. I still watch some more "aesthetic" ones, Megan Rhiannon is someone I like to watch, I love her bog autism, but in general I stay away from those types of videos. I also make my own layouts. I like the hobonichi weeks, so every week I turn my plain journal into a sortof Weeks set up. I currently use a journal I got as a gift, but I'm really enjoying it so I'll probably get another from the same company (Chronicle Books), and they're only 15-20 dollars. Also I find thrifting for things is a good option. I've seen moleskine journals at thrift stores before, never tried them but I've seen them talked about a lot. Ultimately I'm not really a part of any communities, so I don't care about the hottest new thing, and my journalling is still very minimal so I don't put a lot of time into caring too much about pens. I have a stock of stickers though, so at the end of every week I add a couple if there's space. Honestly, I do prefer the look of just the ink and paper, but stickers are fun to use kek. I have told myself though, that when it's a really good formed habit, I might buy something more expensive. I don't know that it'd be a journal though, maybe a leather ring binder, a cover, a pencil case. Something that's reuseable like that.
I guess it just comes down to personal tastes though, since I'm not really interested in my journals being too aesthetic. Definitely keep your eye out at thrift stores though, most aren't going to be familiar with random office supply prices so you'll probably land good deals.

No. 2406185

as a result of having too hard a time deciding on one look or calendar format or layout, my journal is 100% DIY, I made my own dot grid pattern and printed and cut all the pages, print images to use as stickers, I go 1 week at a time and when the month is full I bind them into a little notebook. the only things i've bought were pens, a paper guillotine to cut pages easily, and different kinds of paper for special effects like half-transparent overlays or glossy stickers. I do A6 so 1 sheet of A4 printer paper quartered so I never have to measure anything and wherever I am even if I don't have my journal with me I can just grab a regular sized sheet and fold it twice and add it to my pages later.

No. 2406195

I don't like clutter in my living space so that makes it easy

No. 2410304

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I've tried keeping journals a few times before, but I always crap out because I am boring as hell kek. This year I've been making an effort to write things down just to have a timeline to look back on, mundane or not. I think, in the past, I was more concerned with making the journal pretty and readable for an imaginary audience, so if I messed up a word or my doodle was ugly I'd just quit. So far this year, I've been jotting down things I did or places I went or ideas for a story I am working out. Just whatever. Something. Not even every day, but at least every other day. I'm thinking of buying a mini photo printer so I can add snapshots to pages.

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No. 2382560[Reply]

The last thread filled up pretty quick after the Grammys. Because of course it did.
>Lilly Allen confirms she's not going to rehab >>2342902
>Russel Brand defended Andrew Tate >>2343934
>Some girl named Olivia shades Megan The Stallion >>2344600
>An alleged alt account of Taylor Swift's is creeping her ex's profile >> 2345354
>Austin Butler and Kaia Gerber broke up >>2345430 she's allegedly seeing a guy named Marcello >>2345436
>Azalea Banks comes for Matty Healy and his wife >>2346067
>Bad Bunny is a Chappell Roan fan >>2346315
>Neil Gaiman accusations >>2346642 >>2345913
>Noel Fielding’s show is canceled >>2348216 and he fled to France maybe? >>2349497
>Brad Pitt Catfish scandal >>2348346
>Director David Lynch has died >>2349106
>Blake Lively says she's Khaleesi and says Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Swift are her dragons, because that's normal >>2350088

>Roseanne for some reason is sporting braids, and is now a MAGA r
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1187 posts and 236 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2410777


No. 2410817

Means ugly

No. 2410930

She publicly admitted she hasn't in an interview, lmao. It's actually so fucking pathetic to do this, even the most hetero aligned bisexual women have had some sort of homo experience by the age of 26

No. 2410966

But if she's pretending to be a lesbian, how is she going to date men without destroying her career? Lady Gaga and Katy Perry never claimed to be lesbian in their gay pandering phases, so they could freely date men in the future. It'll be interesting to see how Chappell's career progresses kek

No. 2411082

i've always wanted to know how it feels to look in the mirror and see a face that's not really yours.. she looks like a completely different person
i hope she's doing okay

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No. 2116172[Reply]

I was about to make this thread about Artist Alley nonas but I decided to extend this thread to everyone who does arts and crafts and sells it for a living or a side income.

>What do you make?

>Where do you sell? Cons, local markets?
>What's the item that sells best/worst?
>Any advice for old and new artists and crafters?
>Somebody tried to scam you? Rob you? Harrassed you? Any horror stories?
>What's something you cannot stand in a con/market? Cringy cosplayers? Rude people? Other vendors being insufferable?
539 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2410154

I cringe so hard at this moidy ass adhd tumblr hentai artstyle

No. 2410172

Good for you for being rich before starting. Most people cannot stock 10,000 dollars worth of items at their first con, nor should they because that would be pure idiocy.
>Anyone feel turned off when booths are this crowded?
Yeah, it gets overwhelming
Going to a con this weekend, should I bring a pen to write terfy shit on bathroom walls?

No. 2410222

You should. Make sure to do it with a strong pen too so it’ll be a pain in the ass for them to remove it.

No. 2410397

Yes you should kek
I like her art but can agree the display feels overwhelming. I think she crammed too much in a 4foot display. She should have downsized her merch since she didnt have a full table.
Procreate ipad art all has the same "look" to it. The cringe basic-ass npc "small business" trend needs to stop. Even though it's funny to laugh at shit like >>2404349

No. 2410568

I did not phrase that correctly at all, sorry. I meant that popular artists on YouTube and the like make those videos of how they got lots of money at markets and then how lots of people were inspired to make a bunch of anime keychain slop to emulate that success. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with showing off success or people trying their hand, but I really wish there was a modicum of effort put into it.

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No. 2382949[Reply]

ITT complain about Donald Trump.

Complain about his appearance, or his government, or his words, or his actions, or anything relating to Donald Trump. You can also write long theories and tirades or manifestos about how Donald Trump is the destroyer of America and democracy and goodness in this thread. You can post images or videos relating to Donald Trump in this thread and discuss those images and videos in this thread too. Anything that is related to Donald Trump in any way can be posted in this thread.

Do not defend Donald Trump in this thread. Do not try to bait or infight in this thread.
346 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2410095

First of all, there are twice as many examples of redheads being replaced by black people than your example. Secondly, Commissioner Gordon has been replaced by Gary Oldman in your example, but he's also been replaced by Jeffrey Wright in the other one, so not a good example. I'm sure there are other doubles, but I don't religiously keep up with comics. You're also using Pepper Potts, but Gwyneth Paltrow was a redhead in the earlier Iron Man movies, so that example doesn't count either.
Some would say it's dorky as hell to replace white characters with black characters instead of just plain writing black characters. It was fun over a decade ago (Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury), but now I tend to agree. Stop remaking the little mermaid with live action Halle Berry, and just make new shit with black characters.

No. 2410110

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You misunderstand; I didn't make the image. I don't care about anybody's representation and I have no opinion on making new media with black characters or white characters. Maybe I'd care if any group of women were portrayed with misogynistic or racist stereotypes or something, that would suck, but it's a nonissue otherwise. Modern remakes of old/existing IP are just slop, and that wouldn't change if everyone was white.
I've just observed that people who are like, seething mad because a non-human alien character with red hair (Starfire) was played by a black actress have ulterior motives. They don't love or care about redheads, or most characters. They just don't like some races of people.
On the Starfire note, although I think Anna Diop is pretty, someone with SZA's skintone would've fit the bill better IMO, they wouldn't even have needed orange body paint.

No. 2410321

It's not. Watermelonfags shot themselves in the foot and they only have themselves to blame for being racists and/or misogynists over Kamala

No. 2410591

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Oh wow, what a DISGUSTINGLY WOKE piece of art. Anyway; nonas, meet your new director of the FBI! It's the author of this wonderful, non-propagandistic, ideologically neutral book, Kash Patel, a tiny Indian man with a coke habit and a below average hard-on for Trump. Anyone who is against this is just a fearmongering lib

No. 2411070

you poor thing. Homeless people and war torn kids have nothing on you, boo hoo no one asked for this anyway

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No. 1949746[Reply]

We have things we ate, things we're craving, but what about a general food thread? No ana-chan sperging please.

Possible discussion topics:
>Unpopular food opinions
>Cooking tips/advice
>Asking for dinner ideas
>Cuisines you enjoy/don't enjoy
>Food pet peeves

Picrel is a beetroot and goat's cheese terrine.
1070 posts and 264 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2409547

What a coincidence, I had oatmeal for breakfast today. I add ground ginger and cinnamon with whole cardamom and cloves, and some forzen berries, some sweetener and some milk. I top it with a banana and a scoop of peanut butter.

No. 2409554

Reminds me of nourish2flourish

No. 2409568

Nta but i started adding frozen berries to my oatmeal, do you just bite through the cold berries or defrost them separately beforehand?

No. 2409625

You're supposed to put the frozen berries into the milk and oat mixture before cooking it. Once it boils the berries will melt into the oats and it would have a jam-like consistency and much stronger berry flavor. But if you just want them to be garnish, my method is to put the frozen food I'm using for granish in a bowl and pour boiling water on it and let it set for a while so it would melt while I prepare everything else, I drain it out after it reaches room temperature so it doesn't get mushy or soggy.

No. 2410075

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I love getting these, it’s such a great deal for the price given that they usually ask you 5€ for 5 gyozas. I’d rather have these in my freezer and have multiple servings.
I’d like the pork ones, but there’s only the chicken and the vegetable only option in my Asian market sigh.

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No. 2178237[Reply]

Post deranged things only a defective male would say.

Previous thread >>1484820
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No. 2409672

troons are better than foids anyway

No. 2409676

I know she's mid, but i couldn't find anything better. Woke shit invading the mod community too

No. 2409879

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I just don't get it bros. Last evening I even posted my screenshots of my self-insert giving headpats to my new cute recently adopted daugteru. She's such a headpat slut. I'm going to give her lots of love tonight as her daddy. She literally made to be taken care of.

Btw did I mention you could savagely rape the girls in my game? I won't do that to my cute daugteru because I'm a gentleman. Why yes I did try the routes where she was taking 5 dicks at once and got hard while doing so.

No. 2409973

dude, my coworker, 100% butterface but man if I could have anything as my final fantasy it would be to put my tits in-between her dicks.
if you know what I mean.

No. 2409997

Farted on my girl's face while she was sleeping. Funniest shit ever. Now she's mad because I sent the vid to my bro and he made a tiktok? Bitches need to get some humor.
She's also screeching about getting pink eye. Maybe it's all your filthy cats.

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No. 2201280[Reply]

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262
887 posts and 225 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2409960

samefag. of course it doesn't mean you are rich anymore. many east asians have indoor jobs nowadays, rich or not. but the ideal stuck around

No. 2409972

Yeah, I'm aware of that. Maybe you're right about that, but the character fan art that made me write this post is of a Canadian Chinese character going to a public high school in a fictional Toronto-eque city with futuristic technology and she lives in the suburbs. Why would she be tan? And this applies to many rich Chinese American/Canadian characters fan art. It doesn't even make sense regarding their canon writing. I'd understand if it's an east Asian character who works on a farm on the sea like that Daisuke dude from that mouthwashing game who works on a ship.

No. 2410158

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No. 2410229

This is so retarded. I grew up in extreme circumstances and I don't need cartoons to teach me fucking morals. Why do people who watch baby shows get defensive when you point out they're for children?

No. 2411081

This is XXI century,maam

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