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No. 2312101[Reply]

Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!

>Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread?

Go ahead!
>Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change?
Do it, nona!
>Do you want to blogpost to compare your life to the cow in question?
Here's the place!

Express yourself, have fun!

Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.

This is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However, you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.

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No. 2410752

I always thought that maybe Ethan preferred living in Israel, even if he didn't realize it at the time. I think that the biggest downfall was that Ethan surrounded himself with yes-men and stopped taking Hila's opinions on things. Their relationship seems less equal as time moves on.

No. 2410845

From experience, if you got boobs above a size D, it's easy to look fat even when you are thin/ skinny/ fit because it makes you look always top heavy. Though I can't imagine carrying breasts that large being good on her spine so a reduction should be considered ( and tbf…even if she reduced it chances are she'd still be busty)

No. 2410938

I still chuckle at Ethan bradberry from time to time. Ill miss the days of binging their reaction videos

No. 2411052

I think the fame and youtube numbers have given him permanent brain damage, his ego is beyond repair at this point. How miserable their family must be, I feel bad for their kids.

No. 2411055

The milk is entretaining but the nonas in the Peater/meat tradhot thread are absolutely deranged. It's full of /pol/tards and pickmes almost worst than the cows themselves. I know people usually follow cows from their circles (camgirls following the camgirls thread, wannabe coolgirls following the redscare thread, goths following the goth cows etc) which explains that behaviour but it's insufferable. There's this poster who has a hateboner on Raf(?) which is understandable but all her posts are about how Raf is sooo fat and how "none of those girls are ACTUALLY skinny" even though they're obviously not fan and just muscled. Out of all threads I check up on regularly, it's the one where the farmers seem most like underage anachan pickmes.

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No. 2386148[Reply]

Hail Sonic, hear our prayers
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No. 2410798

can i do it pleasee

No. 2410894

Should i go to work?

No. 2410896

Well should i ?????

No. 2410899

Will my enemies finally suffer

No. 2411048

Is he ever going to grow the fuck up?

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No. 2409906[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2411035

Are they both esl wtf

No. 2411039

This might be it? We're getting old…

No. 2411047

from what i can see
>proship = ship anything incest lolisho etc
>comship = the its complicated status on facebook
>darkship - basically the dubcon tag on AO3
>lightship - I like my romance ~spicy~ aka a booktoker

No. 2411050

I've mostly seen comship used for ships that are toxic but not outright abusive/"proship" or the person just doesn't want to admit they're a proshipper so they apply that category to their OTP

No. 2411075

Where was I fighting

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No. 2405774[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2351907

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2410891

So would only drawing grapes make you a grape fetishist and people calling you such would be accurate? That's the basis of your argument anon.
Anyone who creates art around a limited subject = obsessed narcissist. Also I didn't call you a pickme so idk. I'm more taken aback on what everyone deems "narcissism" today. Self-portraits have been around forever.

No. 2410893

(I agree with you anon I was being tongue in cheek because the narcissism argument is obviously ridiculous).

No. 2410923

The girl on the right has nothing to do with this. I think you're exaggerating when it comes to self portraits specifically. Humans have done it for thousands of years and I'm glad a talented girl her age is successful from it.
>and all they do is slap on some flags onto a character and call it a day.
They don't care about all that. By the amount of shit pitches that get posted in this thread with multiple racial stereotypes but woke and shit writing, they're not concerned about quality. What the average representation autist wants is a mirror they can plant themselves in front of and jerk off all day. Everyone else who wants representation deeper than a wikipedia page skim gets ignored constantly. Who I actually feel bad for are the people like me who want cool characters and power fantasies, and that's it. There are better options than being part of a cali kid's life journey of proving just how much they love minorities.

No. 2410999

AYRT You're so polite omg
Lemme preface this by saying I know fuckall about traditional media outside of crayons and markers (not even quality ones).
I believe that using a sketchbook is one of those things you can't necessarily fuck up? I'd use it to draw daily. I think another nona had the actual termonology for it but I can't recall, but practicing control over your hand is good with drawing lines repeatedly. You want to use the sketchbook as the cheapest method to establish your basics and also to tackle the fundamentals - line control, hatching, observing reality, breaking things into basic shape, shading, coloring… that kind of stuff. Your first sketchbook will look like absolute ass, and that's why dating your works is important! You gotta keep track of progress to keep motivation moving forward during times of doubt! That's what I tell myself anyway (it gets complicated further in, when progression becomes murkey). During this phase, I'd say, use the cheapest tools imaginable. Once you can draw what you want without the communication between mental visualization and hand-eye coordination being a wall, then you can experiment with traditional media and chew through your wallet.
Looking at the inspirations you posted, I'd day the initial one has a focus on anatomical familiarity, color theory (god help you, that shit is beyond my comprehension), and perspective. Line control there is optional, but could help. The other inspirations look like they're requiring a similar skillset applied differently. Art programs overall are a one-time investment versus traditional media. I could be doing it wrong, but once you net a cheapass tablet (give or take 60 USD), a free art program (Krita for instance) and a laptop that can handle your preferred canvas resolution, you're good until something breaks. Programs like Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint have brushes that can mimic traditional media to an extent, but it's a kind of wild west on the brush settings that look best.

Praying other nonas will pitch in since I probably explained something poorly. Hoard as many tutorials as you can!!!

No. 2411027

I was thinking about this too. I find working on my composition, color theory, and other fundies that isn't anatomically based made my art better compared to only doing anatomy. Sure, you have to make the proportions accurate and avoid any mishaps but everything else should fall into place eventually. It's a lifelong skill. There's no point where it's good enough imo.

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No. 2342535[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2276512
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No. 2410952

Yet you posted in this thread instead of going into that thread and typing "I like this thread!" You are more like us than you care to admit.

No. 2410956

Not really, it just means people have more things they dislike than things they like. I don't drag anyone down/dogpile them, but it doesn't mean I can't still be depressed and dislike the way things are around me. I'm not going to force myself to say I like a million things when I simply don't and when the world has more things in it that I dislike.

No. 2410968

Yeah, and I also don't want to see the thread constantly bumped with tumblr ass shit like "sunset" "the birds" "fried eggs" like yeah I get it, I like those things, too.
I think it's also why the things I hate thread gets bumped more than things that annoy you thread. Just a different subject matter and way of interacting.

No. 2410992

Kekkk yes but my point still stands

No. 2411007

Yeah, that makes sense. Tbh I think others are the ones who are dragging me down by doing things I don't like, my spirit is the one that's more wrecked from seeing things I hate all the time and this is just a place for me to talk about them without being dogpiled myself.

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2410821

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This almost looks like satire with how many stereotypes it checks off. I don't even hatewatch tranny content so I have no idea why it's pushing this on me

No. 2410833

Idk who this moid is but hopefully his gf will read some of the criticism online and realize huss funny haha jokes are plain old abuse

No. 2410841

i want to erase the word "representation" from the entire english dictionary

No. 2410916

Tbh I hate the “it’s just a joke” defense from moids. More often than not when moids “joke” it’s more so a feeler to see how people react or they probably mean what they’re saying. I especially don’t trust the ones that joke about things like pedophilia or beastiality. It’s always a cover for their degeneracy that’s why they get so defensive when they get called out.

No. 2411002

Those type of sympathy bait comments have become some sort of self aware meme/copypasta type thing where they just pile on to the point of becoming ridiculous. I don't look at youtube comments much but they also come in the "i'm 71 years old and this is relatable" format.
They've even become a thing on steam reviews, they're like "i'm 67 years old and i play this game with my son" or something like that

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No. 2311735[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you OR to defend a specific disorder because "[thing] people are actually etc etc" because seeing patterns is not illegal. If your disorder gets posted here, cope and hide the thread, don't be a little bitch.

Previous: >>>/ot/1470488
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No. 2410267

>Moids with even the smallest amount of depression are the whiniest biggest losers who never get help and cry mental health system hates men and whatever else they think of

You described a relative of mine. He wants all the sympathy in the world for being a mentally ill neet who shuts himself in his room all day playing videogames, browsing 4chan, eats like shit, never talks to anyone or leaves his house. Yet he still wonders why he's still depressed while taking ssris and drinking alcohol that make him even fatter kek. Lots of them don't actually want to get better. They're comfortable and that's all that matters.

No. 2410371

It’s the same with anything. Moids get even a little of it and they’re whining all the fucking time about it. Women suffer from migraines much more (actual, neurological migraines), and men won’t shut the fuck up if they get a little headache. Women get severely depressed a lot more (hormones + we live in a moid society), and men get a little depressed and they won’t shut the fuck up about it. They love being victims.

No. 2410550

Whatever insanity my dad has. He was convinced all the time that my mom was cheating, that I was doing drugs and having sex at school when I was fucking seven and knew what neither of those were, beating us regularly over it, convinced I was a criminal during my teen years. He's extremely illogical while projecting that term on everyone as well, whenever I asked him what crimes I was supposedly doing he'd go silent and then tard rage about how I was asking stupid and irrelevant questions, like kek what.
The "every accusation is a confession" phrase isn't the case for him because he was a shut-in retard so he wasn't cheating on my mom or doing drugs himself or anything, so it's not narcissism I'm sure. What I don't understand is why he didn't just report me to the police if he was genuinely so convinced I was a criminal. Like, does this type of mental illness know deep down they're bullshitting? I don't know.

No. 2410654

The night before I had a medical appointment, my older brother just had to make noise all the way til the morning. Then I hear him laugh when the dog starts barking in the morning, which he let happen for a while. Meanwhile when brothers sleeping, myself or mom rush to calm down the dog to not wake him.

I got a few hours sleep. I come down to get food. Guess who randomly walks in from outside? Right off the bat, my brother asks me annoying questions, like if I just woke up. Despite having his own 2 vehicles, he takes the car I was using near the appointment time, so he can get coffee.

I get back from the medical appointment, and just want to lay down. Nope! My brothers using power tools for some pointless truck modification. Surprisingly, mom eventually told him to stop and he did.

Later, just because my brother eavesdropped and heard me saying "I hope I can sleep tonight" to mom, when asking her to tell him to not do the noisy things he did that prevented me from sleeping – he is being eerily quiet and acting depressed. Hes the type to never forget any tiny thing he thinks was mean to him, seething about it for years, with anger issues ofc.

RN hes playing the victim. He does this everytime I set a tiny boundary, as a prelude to his reaction – to turn the entire family against me over this. He whines again to mom who will take his side, as if Im a mean person who "hates them" – mom likes to also accuse me of hating her too, when he does this. This reaction of his is my punishment for setting boundaries. How dare I want to sleep!

What mental disorder is he displaying, besides being an XY? What can I do, when the inevitable boymom/coddled brother turn everyone against me, as if Im evil for not wanting him to keep me awake?

No. 2410998

Whatever drags men into troonism. I know that troonism is its own mental illness but the the mix of absolute narcissism, entitlement, sex depency, compulsive lying (many make up stories to justify their troonism and warp the past and many seems to fucking believe it! How???), lack of personality to the point they jump to the next big thing, the constant attention craving and self harm has to be an illness per se, it has to be a very specific set of traits and if you're sane, you don't fall to troonism. Either they are very elaborate trolls or have deep rooted issues in ther psyches.

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No. 2397894[Reply]

Mundanity is in the air edition

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2381717
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No. 2410947

I used to find it entertaining years ago, the petty faggy drama and hideous outfits/makeup/hair were funny to watch. This was before they allowed trannies on the show though

No. 2410953

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i have also had this before, nona, don't worry. the one i saw was incredibly anorexic and i genuinely could not tell from a distance with them walking away if it was a man or a woman with a genetic disorder like picrel. the voice always gives it away though.

No. 2410971

To be fair, that's normal for drag queens isn't it? It's not like troons who think they're transforming into women, the drag "persona" with female pronouns is just the character the man plays, and everyone knows it. Everyone refers to him as "she" while he's wearing the costume and "he" when he's not.

No. 2410977

Cosmic crisp is a cheaper version of honey crisp. Pink lady has a subtle sweetness. Green apples are good paired with date-peanutbutter caramel.

No. 2410985

>Be me, an optimist who loves life
>Walking down the street and listening to the birds sing
>I'm smiling
>Two people walk by me and I hear:
>"What the fuck is she smiling about?"

Why do some people get so offended by others' happiness? I never understood it. I can't wait until I move out of this shithole.

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No. 2255446[Reply]

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
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No. 2410831

nta but autism in men is linked to paraphilias and paraphilias come in clusters. Pedophilia, zoophilia, agp, necrophilia, sadism you name it. It's the reason so many autists troon out and so many troons are sexual degenerates even when ignoring the troonism

No. 2410838

Islam was connected to Arabs, just like Judaism is connected to Jews. You’re retarded if you think colonized people practicing imperialist religions means it’s a rootless religion, absolutely not. It’s embedded in Middle Eastern history. I’m tired of the same dumb arguments being repeated like it’s gospel, that is simply not true.

No. 2410843

>trump is a russian asset
Put the CNN psyop down kek

No. 2410974

I hate this so much. Women who are hypersexual (due to CSA) and have consensual sex with people their own age are forever bashed for it, called gross, villains etc yet moids will have divorced parents and people give them excuses to essentially wreak havoc on the entire planet

No. 2410990

Ayrt, thank you for your genuine reply.
>Keep them poor and ignorant, give them a boogyman to be frightened of and a witch to hunt. When they do that they fall in line.
100%. It makes me really sad to see people I grew up with fall for this kind of psyop.

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No. 2398330[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like
>report/ignore racebait
>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.

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No. 2410720

you're right, but then also her thing was that she was really plain and unadventurous and wasn't as attractive as her sister or mother.

No. 2410722

ugh, what is that hair? i thought hosts in Japan were starting to skinwalk male kpoop idols?

No. 2410767

They don't look good but if it was in the west they would have facial hair and a visibly receding hairline and look even worse kek.
Neither of them ideally but if I had to pick it would be the hunk. I already feel like men see even pretty women as ugly, old and off putting anyway deep down if you don't look like a cartoon or an airbrushed model, just look at how they treat female celebrities when they see them without the makeup on even when they look perfectly fine.

No. 2410965

You're right and it sucks that men aren't shippers more often. However I don't agree with the idea that I ought to think exactly like a man otherwise I'm buying into a psy-op. ML won't like me, so I ship him with the female MC. ML is his own character so MC is her own character too. It's also a way to help me support female fictional characters. What's wrong with that?

No. 2410967

Instead, i wish men in general thought more like women. They're the ones who should be insecure that their waifu should not find them attractive and so ship her with the male MC.

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