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No. 2439028[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2414025

Last thread was pretty uneventful this time around, just…
Kanye melting down and being predatory >>2418215
Sabrina Carpenter asking her 12 year old fans if they’re horny for her >>2416120
Bhad Bhabie receives immense plastic surgery >>2419223
Justin Bieber admiring his wife, but looking disgusting whilst doing so >>2419813
Michelle Trachtenberg dead at 39 >>2420007
Azealia looking dehydrated >>2420966
Gene Hackman, 95, and wife found deceased in their home, after being dead for 9 days >>2421258
Tom Holland flexing hard on all the scrawny moid celebrities >>2421536
Halseys 5th BDSM themed music video over the last decade >>2421920
Sabrina Carpenter performs at the Brit awards >>2426136
Chappell Roan dedicates her award for Intl. Artist of the Year to trannies >>2426409
Megan the Stallion dresses ugly, whats new >>2427110
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No. 2462321

Selena Gomez's new album is pretty much all about Justin Bieber and how sad she is that he's abandonned her for another girl, mind you he's been married for seven years he is a brand new father, and she's engaged to her ogre.
Vidrel she has a whole song dedicated to a dream she had about Bieber apologizing to her kek

No. 2462394

Not our fault your fave looks like an unwashed drug addict.

No. 2462401

ok this actually makes me feel like the recent hailey bieber hate train was being pushed directly by selena's people

No. 2462405

Seriously no one interested?

No. 2462422

Definitely. All of the "evidence" against Hailey is fake AF. For example the recent viral thread about her copying Selena. If you look up the actual dates of when Hailey wore an outfit instead of taking the dates whoever wrote the post claims, you'll find that Hailey is actually the one who wore the outfits first and Selena is actually the one who copied her style. They just completely fucking lied to make Hailey look like a stalker. And not only has Selena copied outfits, she's even copied Hailey's tattoos and her makeup brand Rare Beauty has a habit of copying what Hailey's brand Rhode did shortly before. She's fucking nuts and refuses to get over her ex from almost a decade ago. I don't like Hailey for other reasons (the racism) but it's foul of Selena to incite a hate train against a post-partum woman because she's mad the mentally ill hobo cosplayer picked Hailey over her.
My theory is that she's only dating the ogre because he was the only person in Justin's social circle that would have her. I don't know what else she could see in him. Her Hailey obsession reminds me of LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville.

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No. 2458042[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2435593

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-Do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-Screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2462290

women call themselves girls all the time jfc even anons here start their posts with ''girl…'' i know shes an annoying tranny buy accusing her of being a pedo for using the word boy is an insane reach to me. Get real, are you going to call everyone who calls their partners boyfriends pedos too?

No. 2462359

i wish she wasn't infected with gendie brainrot because i like her art and characters

No. 2462366

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Sometimes, man, tutorials do things to my mood. Just… I'm sure it's a ESL issue but jesus christ.

No. 2462369

I don't know why you'd compare a romantic relationship between two lesbians in LDR and a probable straight woman who married her friend for benefits.

No. 2462391

Why does it matter though? As long as they don’t claim that they made the background from scratch

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No. 2457739[Reply]

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread:

Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
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No. 2462313

There’s a fine threshold. It’s either:
>scrote who knows he’s handsome and sleeps with everything that moves
Community dick, only good for fucking
>scrote who’s mostly aware of his looks, has always been handsome, but wants something genuine
Super rare, but very sweet when you encounter it. A nice experience I wish on every nonna.
>ex fattie who started going to the gym and who is still insecure and fucks anything that moves
Will cheat on you

No. 2462354

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drip. i use it becase your data is locally saved.

No. 2462390

Why is tooth pain so much more painful than other types of pain?

No. 2462393

concentrated nerve endings

No. 2462403

Also probably because they're more exposed to nasty stuff/bacteria if your tooth gets damaged, and constant air flow from breathing and talking. I understand why we have nerves in our teeth from a theoretical standpoint but when I had an abscess all I could do is question WHY.

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No. 2436199[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2342535
753 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462386

No. 2462395

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I feel this way about James Marriott. I like his videos with WillNE, but James has started making music and none of it is good. It's that type of indie music that you hear on the radio and all sounds the same. He mentions it a lot in his videos now and spends a while going off topic about it, and it comes off as pretentious (this is not helped by the fact that he comes from a wealthy background, so it's not like he worked especially hard). He also looks like a pedophile now, which is the mullet/mustache trend among male youtubers or musicians. Like the >>2462376 picrel, I'm expecting him to be outted for some kind of abuse scandal in the next 5 years kek.

No. 2462399

I wonder why rich and successful YouTubers don't go into media, like editing or sound production or something like that instead. It seems like a better use of their experience than music, which is an entirely different skill.

No. 2462400

Because they daydream about being like the celebrities they idolize. I had to click out of Britney Broski doing a Harry styles cover, it was too much for me.

No. 2462410

I think some part of it is a mismatched understanding of what respect means. Like the respect you show towards a stranger versus your teacher is different; a stranger you mostly just need to mind your own business and let them mind theirs and that's respect, but you have to do what your teacher instructs when you're in their classroom otherwise it's not respectful. But it feels like a lot of older people seem to expect the teacher-student respect from young people while not being in the position or relationship to deserve it. Some rando on the bus does not have the authority to tell me that my clothes are inappropriate (just using this as an example please do not infight about clothing) and expect zero backtalk, they have not earned that respect from me. But they do have the base respect where I'm not a dick to their face unprompted, which is the kind of respect everybody deserves when they're a regular stranger on the street.

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No. 2456895[Reply]

Did you just remember something? What was it?

Adhere to site and board rules, report and ignore bait

Last thread >>>/ot/2107841
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No. 2462353

I just remembered these magazines for little girls and teenage girls today and how they would have insane articles. Especially the ones about puberty. I remember one about how acne works and it was full of misinformation like how acne is normal for teenage girls so that means you will never, ever have acne again once you're an adult and how you can still indulge in greasy food, candies and chocolate because your diet doesn't have an impact at all on your skin. There was also something about how you can't get pregnant the first time you have sex so you should make sure to use a condom your second time, which was repeated to me by a science teacher in middle school.

No. 2462355

Learning that acne is not actually just teenage hormones and you have to watch your diet FOREVER is like the second wave of learning Father Christmas isn't real.

No. 2462364

Right, these magazines were selling lies to teenage girls. Same thing about how they said the pill had no side effects so you don't have to worry when taking it. I took it for everyday for one week as a teenager because of my acne and it made it way worse.

No. 2462371

I remember magazines from back then encouraging pretty unsafe sex practices too. For example, I distinctly remember one "idea" which involved foods with processed sugar/icing coming into DIRECT CONTACT with genitals. I'm pretty sure it wasn't aimed at teenagers but even so, I hope nobody attempted it kek

No. 2462380

You know damn well at least one couple tried this.

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No. 2195213[Reply]

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related

Previous thread:
893 posts and 199 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462330

This is going on the fidge

No. 2462351

Unfortunately most moids would not get the memo and would grow their facepubes out anyway

No. 2462370

japanese or chinese femicide cases are so fucking heinous compared to other countries because they just dont involve murder but torture of the victim too,moids weebs are such fucking fags dicksucking nipponese moids because anime has brainwashed them into thinking japan is a wholesome paradise that does no wrong

No. 2462377

The catch in this is that if women really did start talking to men like this, it would just give males more ammo to make fun of women for being "bad communicators/not being direct". Males already complain about women not being direct enough, not getting to the point when they tell stories, or talking too much for their liking. Now this faggot wants women to be cryptic so they won't hurt scrote's feelings. Scrotes don't know what they want.

No. 2462433

Yep, this is too subtle for them. The truth is most women communicate like this to begin with because they're afraid of moid chimpouts from hurting his ego, but the men never get the memo and the woman is miserable and unsatisfied with him until she blows up one day and leaves.

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No. 2382949[Reply]

ITT complain about Donald Trump.

Complain about his appearance, or his government, or his words, or his actions, or anything relating to Donald Trump. You can also write long theories and tirades or manifestos about how Donald Trump is the destroyer of America and democracy and goodness in this thread. You can post images or videos relating to Donald Trump in this thread and discuss those images and videos in this thread too. Anything that is related to Donald Trump in any way can be posted in this thread.

Do not defend Donald Trump in this thread. Do not try to bait or infight in this thread.
681 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462208

Is there any trump supporter that's actually a decent person? Very very old people who don't have any access/don't know how to research aside. It feels like almost all younger/gen x, y and z old people who support trump are almost always the worse people alive, not just in terms of politics but everyone who defends Trump's nonsense it almost always turns out they were a child diddler, deadbeat parent, animal abuser, or some other form of crappyness

No. 2462247

you answered yourself

No. 2462303

Remember nonna, if it's anything negative about the Trump administration it's always fake news and/or 5D chess.

No. 2462305

90% of his supporters are actual drone NPCs who just repeat "muh egg prices and kids are being trooned" ad nauseam when asked why they voted for Trump because they simply don't realize the actual issues that affect their lives beyond first step thinking. 10% are lazy sociopaths like deadbeat dads who blame feminism because their kids (who they routinely neglect) don't want to spend time with them, grifters, women and minorities with a "not like other (demographic)" trauma they're trying to fix and rich people who directly benefit from an oligarchy.

No. 2462372

Has he ever considered that he's just fat and ugly?

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No. 2454743[Reply]

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/2224766
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No. 2461060

Kek. Saved.

No. 2462015

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No. 2462292

>right, but.
>okay, let's….

No. 2462297

Colombo va always make me happy

No. 2462337

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samefag but, I love the dog.

>Me fr

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No. 2430952[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith

Previous: >>>/ot/774138
135 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462170

>No need to make a whole philosophical argument about it
KEK no I think anyone who overcomplicates spiritual ideas too much are prob trying to sell you something. I don't think we're meant to completely "understand" it bc it would break our minds or fuck up our experience somehow. An intelligent god would understand why you have these questions and help you find the answers, so if that doesn't happen then there's no reason to believe

No. 2462308

this thread is exactly why you don't raise ur kids in the west. ur all pathetic and obsessed with islam. psyop victims.(bait, defending islam in ex muslim thread, just hide the thread)

No. 2462334

did you miss half of the posters mentioning they currently reside in muslim countries? kek sure its da ebil west that is psyoping us against honor killings and execution over for showing a bit of ankle not out own common sense

No. 2462338

bait/troll/scrote or all 3

No. 2462341

I am proud of all of you anons leaving behind this disgusting pedo religion

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No. 2436002[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

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No. 2462309

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>he does rapid movements on my clitoris
Did this retard rub her bone dry? Oh my god !? She should have thrown boiled water with sugar on him , no way in hell a woman should even put up with this.

No. 2462319

No. 2462322

This story is definitely just ragebait/wank fantasy, but there are probably countless real couples like this and that's depressing.

No. 2462333

That's what I was thinking, mostly cause the poster sounds a bit too sane for someone who'd both date a porn addict and post on reddit

No. 2462350

It's also written like a fanfiction.

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