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No. 561095[Reply]

Post about yourself as if you were your own personal lolcow. This thread can be used in the personal lolcow format, i.e. a greentext summary of your milkiest behaviour / what would warrant a thread, or simple one-offs that you're ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with self-awareness, farmers. Moo.
802 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106433

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>actually has a future yet still somehow pathetic in the process
>due to unrestricted internet access i turned into a massive retard weirdo thus was bullied my entire elementary/middle school years lulz
>toxic mom and narc dad
>draws dumb shit
>psychology major
>cutting myself in the year 2024
>mexicunt but never actually learned spanish
>socially retarded, 0 friends irl
>kinda fat
>tried trooning out when i was ~15 in 2020 but no one took me seriously bcs of my fat tits so i gave up lmfao
>unironically want to be a housewife
>virgin loser despite being somewhat attractive
skimming through this thread i realize im pretty boring compared to some of you jesus christ

No. 2106485

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>Deranged husbandofag
>weird kinks
>Unironical schizo
>Severe autism
>Dropped out her first job after only 5 hours
>Mentally 19yo at most
>Chronic baiter/troll
>Hasn't even held hands with a guy
>Mentally stunted
>undercover bpdfag
>Only two mental breakdowns away from turning into Lucinda

No. 2106499

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I've got some hopefully funny cow qualities mixed in here.

> Early twenties

> Long, loooooong family history of mental health issues and very dark secrets, we all kinda just have a "that's the way it is" mentality about it
> Bio dad embodies the word "deadbeat"
> Had abusive stepdads
> 90% of my CV is lies
> Got outed as bi in a religious school and was literally catfished by bullies (one of whom is now an "anti-woke" "influencer")
> Somewhat attractive but was such a spergy weeb edgelord that I was only ever asked out as a joke
> School hosted a competition about who could write the scariest poem OR the best poem about a serious social issue. I did SUCH a good job that my entry was immediately pulled and got me a meeting with a psychiatrist.
> Still can't drive
> Still daydream about cringe self-indulgent comfort characters
> Have been addicted to the internet since I was six and would intentionally seek out disturbing media with my traumas in it, leading to the aforementioned edgelord sperginess
> Played Moshi Monsters and Club Penguin beyond the acceptable age
> Had MLP, Tokyo Mew Mew and Warriors OC's beyond the acceptable age
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No. 2106504

You're not a cow, just the average farmer neet.

No. 2106524

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> Samefags often
> Still kind of scared of the dark at my big age
> Actual autistic stimming kek
> Constantly had like…"ghost encounters" and sixth sense moments as a kid which would freak the rest of my family out? There was one incident where I accurately predicted how the tenant in my great-grandad's house before him died, it was weird.
> Was a handmaiden on Tumblr for a bit and probably would have been a themby if I hadn't had a eureka moment

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No. 1962884[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1801622
622 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105382

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There's these pyramid scheme jobs called devilcorps that fucking plague my local listings and while I'd like to get a better job than my current possibly starting off in marketing all these fucking MLM ass door to door selling inside Costco losers are obscuring the legitimate jobs. Picrel is one of thousands of their spawn.

No. 2105450

How is that a phenomenon? There have always been people holding down multiple jobs.
I fully support it when people are not being paid what they're worth and work for an employer that would lay them off without thinking twice (Which is most employers in the US). You don't owe a company any loyalty and your loyalty will never be recquited.

No. 2105485

nayrt, but it’s because a phenomenon is simply “a thing that happens”. and yes, as you have pointed out, people working multiple jobs has been a thing that happens for a long time now. some examples of other phenomena would be solar eclipses, taking a shit every day, and burning dinner because you got distracted and forgot the stove was on.
anyway, regarding the subreddit, it popped up as a suggestion in my home feed once a while back. seemed interesting, so I browsed a bit. users seemed a bit smug (but that’s most of reddit). it does feel shitty when you can’t even find 1 legitimate WFH job and you read all these posts from people with 2-3.

No. 2105923

Thanks anon for jumping in, you summed it up perfectly. I don’t care if people have a part-time job, freelance, or have a side business. That doesn’t affect other people negatively. Now taking another full-time job that could otherwise give someone professional experience, rent money, and health insurance just so you can rack up a yearly salary of $400k is selfish as fuck. Do I think there are increasing costs of living that are probably influencing this desperation for multiple jobs? Sure, but unless you’re in San Francisco or New York, sabotaging others for anything above $300k is not necessary and is your own greed to live extravagantly. That subreddit often has people talking about the joys of buying luxury cars from the dealer for full price. They also write about being able to pay off their credit cards and shitty loans, while actively fucking over everyone else in this job market (particularly young professionals). I’m employed but I know I’m just one layoff away from being back in this situation and having to compete against these people for jobs. Perhaps this is also why applicant counts are so astronomically high on job postings as well, kek.

No. 2106451

So were you open about how you were planning to return to school during interviews? Sounds similar to my situation.
I'll include the retail job I worked during the pandemic in my resume but not sure if I should omit my more white collar jobs (or maybe I should just focus on the aspects relevant to the positions?)

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No. 1330104[Reply]

Was there something you recently impulse-bought that ended up unexpectedly impressing you? Was there a product you had been eyeing for months that ended up a complete disappointment when you finally made the splurge? From vacuums to vibrators who cares, share whatever mundane buys you want to rave or bitch about. Stock photo of the item preferred in-post.
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No. 2105490

that isn’t amazon you fat retard

No. 2105576

Nta but why? Are skincare products from there not legit?

No. 2105863

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I got these pens and I really like them, very smooth on the paper. I’m using themt for school work and sometimes sketching


No. 2106420

nta either but yes apparently buying skin stuff from amazon is very risky as it’s tough to verify the seller/warehouse it’s coming from

No. 2106423

also i said everything but i forgot that the lip balm was complete ass

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No. 2099122[Reply]

Biden just fell out of a coconut tree. Kamala is unburdened by what has been.

Previous thread >>2088051
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No. 2106457

No. 2106458

God bless America

No. 2106482

Yeah JD Vance is literally spouting the "miserable crazy childless cat lady" boogeyman rhetoric with his whole chest with no shame and wants childless people to pay more taxes to make up for not reproducing. If Trump wins, he's going to be the vice president. He's approved of the president of the Heritage Foundation responsible for the Project 2025 document and praises his ideals. Who knows what he gets up to if he rises to power. He's such an open extremist that even Trump is panicking over him ruining all the gaslighting he's trying to do to hide what republicans are up to.

No. 2106516

That fat crackbaby needs to stfu.

No. 2106580

What about my right to not want men in women's bathrooms and locker rooms? To not want to give men easier access to women to prey on by allowing them in wherever they want? To not want men taking accomplishments and titles away from women in sports, or snatching away jobs like modelling and acting gigs from real women? To not want men harassing lesbians and being homophobic towards them for not wanting penis? Cannot believe you guys actually think a world where troons infest every single inch of every formerly female space is the ideal.

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No. 2097274[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/2012701 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/1997877 (FTM general)
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No. 2106277

I’m gay and only somewhat butch (tall, deep voice, some “masculine” mannerisms, pretty buff from the gym, but I dress pretty femme most days) and genderspecials tell me CONSTANTLY stuff like “well you’re not REALLY a woman because you’re not femme,” “you’re such envy vibes, like a knockoff version of a woman!” shit like that. Like sorry I’m a confident athletic adult woman and not some giggling bimbo baby stereotype. Quite frankly a lot of it is straight up homophobia too, they see lesbianism as somehow inherently not cis unless you’re acting out a ridiculous porn version of lesbianism, and even then they’ll still try to get you to go she/they.

No. 2106281

>like a knockoff version of a woman!
You should knock her out.

No. 2106287

Do they have an excuse for why they think this isn't a sexist thing to say?

No. 2106432

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yeah that's her. ugüu pink kawiwi personality and art style, looks like a run of the mill pastel instathot but "call me he/they or else"

No. 2106505

It's always fuckers who draw this kawaii pink art enstars pjsk genshin yaoishit who get the angriest about people assuming they're a woman lol, gotten to the point I just assume anyone who draws that is a vagina wielding he/they before proven otherwise.

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No. 2104812[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2020501
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No. 2105783

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No. 2105797

I'm working on a thread similar to it, will be up in an hour or two

No. 2105838

nta but cant wait! sounds milky

No. 2106181

They didn't see it and they don't believe it because "the government said we're all fine!". It's unbelievable after COVID and how much controversy and lies went around (on both sides, not bias) thinking the government is possibly dishonest with us is immediately regarded as some crazy bizarre mental hospital tier behavior when it should be practically standard to question how honest released statistics are

No. 2106568

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So they recorded this woman without her knowledge or permission, then posted it uncensored online? Ew. The guy looks like a full on deformed midget with those proportions too, not a normal short guy. Btw this ogre is 44 years old holy shit. If he were actually successful in dating, he'd have a wife and kids by now.

Bless you anon. I've always hoped we'd get a revival of the ricecel threads. I have so many r/AM caps to share.

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No. 1606262[Reply]

Keep on posting all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous thread >>>/ot/1419137
980 posts and 265 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105713

Nta, but this. That post ignores that there are motivations and reasoning behind any action and acts like "good deeds" are some kind of metaphysical constant. I guess for troon loving sjws simplemindedness is a given lol.

No. 2105723

Blogger is a tranny, and judging by their other posts you just know this means "I'm a good person despite my fucked up sexual interests because I reblog posts about Palestine"

No. 2105911

This entire post is null because these freaks fully endorse punching TERFs for committing the worst thought crime of all: calling a male in a dress a male. They can all shut the fuck up about there being no "thought crimes" kek

No. 2106155

Nonna, I see what you're trying to say, but at that point it's not a thought

No. 2106177

Anon you know damn well these people also love to go on about how "people use our retarded pronouns but they still don't SEE us as the gender we say we are!!!" How is that not thought crimes.

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No. 854762[Reply]


Previous thread: >>>/ot/204765
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No. 2097769

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whenever this thread gets bumped it makes me want a cosmo

No. 2097796

Gunpowder and pink gin. We might be drunk but we're still righteous and justified

No. 2098438

God fucking damn it I'm such a retard when I'm drunk. I can't keep doing this. I'm quitting drinking. Sayonara nonnas.

No. 2104541

sometimes i feel like the only way i can achieve warmth and peace is with getting drunk or high. a single light beer for me tonight. I will chug it within 2 minutes of me clocking out of work, smoke a joint, and spin around in my computer chair

No. 2106134

getting drunk with some shitty cup noodles and watching mean girls
PEAK friday night xoxoxo

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No. 2041281[Reply]

ITT: post your favourite lyrics or song. What does it mean to you? Why is it memorable? What made it stick with you?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules and let's have fun sharing some real bangers.

Thread #3: >>>/ot/1440188
Thread #2: >>>/ot/913463
Thread #1: >>>/ot/660956

It's much appreciated if you attach a nice picture to your post that encapsulates the mood of the lyrics or how you hear them.
223 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105897

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Bang bang choo choo train
Wind me up I'll do my thang
Get it, get it
Got it, got it
Uh and let it roll
Uh and let it roll

No. 2106052

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Face turns white like the sky in December.
I wanna go home.
I wanna go home.

There's a black house burning in the moonlight,
We're standing at the door and there's no one in sight.
This will all be over tonight.

There's something in the dark and I wanna go home.
There's someone else here, we're not alone.
This will all be over tonight.

No. 2106118

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my armor slows me down
my weapons are too heavy
my story is overdone
and this costume makes me sweaty

No. 2106528

excellent, love you nona

No. 2106536

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nothing's happened but i think it will soon
so i sit here, waiting for god and a train
to the astral plane
magic rings that i made have turned my finger green
and my mystic roses died
guess reality is not as it seems
so i sit here, hoping for truth and a ride
to the other side

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No. 2084765[Reply]

Selena Gomez embarrasses herself as usual >>2047826
Billie Eilish goes on a rant about her porn addiction, for some reason >>2048062
Nicki Minaj posts a video of herself strung the fuck out >>2048105
Danger at Bad Bunny show >>2049357
Lana goes on Ozempic, ending her fat redneck era, at least for now >>2049709
Zac Efron's jaw healing up >>2049929
Azealia being herself >>2050492
Madison Beer, Ice Spice wearing gross stripper style outfits >>2050564 >>2050603
Lana begs for scrotes on Bumble >>2051881
Sabrina Carptener being forcefed to all of us similarly to how U2 was in 2014 >>2051062 >>2051064
Justin Timberlike arrested for DWI >>2054738
Katy Perry continues working with Dr. Luke Gottwald >>2055178 >>2055185
Lana and Quavo do country >>2057040 >>2076466
FKA Twigs starts having deepfake interviews be done instead of actually participating in them herself, because she's that incapable of human interaction >>2059188
Charli and Lorde come up with a weird drama storyline to try to make their album more attractive (it doesn't work) >>2059206
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896 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106573

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No. 2106584

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No. 2106589

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This reminded me of the brazilian cow Andressa Urach whose son films her content

No. 2106598

So she has cancer?

No. 2106600

Ewww, what level of emotional incest is this?

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