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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2436002[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

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No. 2462309

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>he does rapid movements on my clitoris
Did this retard rub her bone dry? Oh my god !? She should have thrown boiled water with sugar on him , no way in hell a woman should even put up with this.

No. 2462319

No. 2462322

This story is definitely just ragebait/wank fantasy, but there are probably countless real couples like this and that's depressing.

No. 2462333

That's what I was thinking, mostly cause the poster sounds a bit too sane for someone who'd both date a porn addict and post on reddit

No. 2462350

It's also written like a fanfiction.

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No. 2352326[Reply]

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.
718 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2460833


No. 2461425

You don't ever listen to me. Ever. You think you do but you don't do it. And I keep trying and trying but it's never enough. I'm so tired…

No. 2461747

Actually really bleak that "ewwww you're so fucking creepy and gross" isn't something that can get past your thick skull and into your fucked up degenerate brain and instead you get off on it. There's a name for being obsessed with ignoring consent and hinging your entire life on exploitation.

No. 2462310

Girl, he used to run servers and channels grooming underage girls into EDs. You're not just a pickme you and him need to be put down.

No. 2462316

I still feel bad for you and I don’t hate you but my god, you are pathetic. You are delusional. You are genuinely mentally ill and the fact that you need a social media hug box to constantly give you asspats and reassure you that you’re the only fan of that character is genuinely pathetic. Genuinely, how do you function in the real world? Can you drive without ramming into another car because they’re in the same lane as you? Do the people at your school just smile and nod whenever you open your mouth or can you not even do that? You say people should die over shipping things you don’t like— which even as a joke is pathetic because you literally will not stfu about it. You screech about it constantly. You want your followers to unfollow the people that you dislike so that you can still delude yourself into thinking you’re the only person on this whole wide internet that likes this character. I’ve seen your selfies, you’re the pastiest motherfucker I’ve seen and yet you draw yourself way darker.

It’s all about you you you and I have no idea how you have the following that you do. How do people put up with you yelling all the time? I wouldn’t even be typing this whole rant up if you were just nicer about everything. Is it so hard to just block people and call it a day? Do you really have to add to your 10k+ tweet repertoire where you’re bitching about ships and the people you don’t like? It makes me want to get better at drawing and writing, just to spite you. I’m mentally ill too but holy fuck. Thank god I have CPTSD like a normal person and I’m not a BPDchan like you. Why can’t you be normal? I know you’re mentally ill but if you’re seriously considering suicide or if you’re at the point that you feel sick over seeing certain people on the internet, you need to log off. I’m only following you because you’re a cow to me. I hope that I’ll be able to get into your private account too. I don’t even want to do anything, I just want to laugh at you. You’re so, so unlikeable. You’re pathetic. I hope you get better because you’re an adult. I can’t believe that I’m only three years older than you. We could’ve been friends if you weren’t so goddamn annoying. I don’t care that you have BPD, either be normal or get off the internet.

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
1170 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462276

Relatable. I got shit genes so i always look so bad even when i shower every day and brush my teeth 2 times a day.

No. 2462282

Maybe unpopular opinion but anons who try to give unsolicited beauty advice to random women who want nothing to do with them or didn't ask are obnoxious and hypocrtical. There's no reason to care about the beauty routine of a random woman who clearly foregos those conventions anyways. It's one thing to look at a woman with like, terrible unflattering makeup or botched ps and have notes but when a woman clearly isn't into any of those things, you're just being a whingy autist trying to play barbies with their appearance.

No. 2462289

It’s always weirdly aggro and unhinged too. I got called a pickme who is falling for the patriarchy’s scams for saying I wear light foundation and have a skincare routine because I have acne and am frankly tired of strangers calling me dirty and telling me to wash my face better and then my acne would go away. Then of course when I say that the response is to stop wearing foundation because it’s causing my acne, that I had before I was allowed to wear makeup.
They always somehow know better than you even though you’re an anonymous stranger they can’t see because it’s actually just an excuse to bully someone. I just ignore the responses but it’s annoying because they won’t even let you have a normal exchange with another anon and will spam reply you calling you a pickme cockbreath the entire time when I never mention men even once.

No. 2462312

The finger wagging over acne is the worst kek I got so much unsolicited advice from people in real life too. Especially over wearing makeup. I had terrible cystic acne for three years and an established skincare routine by the time I started wearing foundation but of course someone always had to make a retarded comment about how I’m just vain and stupid and making the problem worse. I had to get 2 years of laser treatments to clear my skin and it’s still really sensitive and flares up all the time. Some of us just have shit genetics!

No. 2462336

That's a problem here, there's nothing more off-putting than the anons that want to talk at people instead of to people, like they think they're giving a Ted talk or that they've got a PhD in knowing everybody fuckin business. They'll read between the lines and say things that no one asks about and pretend you needed the advice or were too stupid to understand that for yourself. They'll note the most obvious talking points like???? Duh, this is a board for adult women–we know those basic things. I guess that's what happens when you spend your day binging sped up tiktok essays.

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
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No. 2442976

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I've been a non-NEET for a few months already but I need to know
>have any of you also felt guilty for not working while at home?
I have a weird schedule, some days I only work in the afternoon, some days I work full day and somedays I work only in the morning. Sometimes I go to my second job but I call it a prostitute job because I only go there when I get called.
My boss wants me to create extra content that the company does need, buy my parents keep telling me that I don't have to work while I'm at home and that I should only work on that while in the office.
But I feel really guilty because i haven't worked at all during my NEET days, so I try to relax but all I do is end up thinking about work, and when I was a NEET people would always tell me that I don't know what real work is like and I still feel like I don't have a real job somehow, so in the end I end up doing at least one job-related task so I don't feel too bad, but now I feel tired as fuck.
I also feel stressed because my boss keeps accepting random projects and they all fall on me because I'm the only one in the company who knows how to do those things.

No. 2443541

Your parents are right. You don't owe your job the time you wasted on neethood, you owe yourself that time. You need constructive hobbies for that guilt feeling. Like learning/practicing music, art, writing, bird watching, a sport, teaching yourself programming, basically anything that's not just sitting around watching streams or playing video games. When you feel like you should be doing something, do something for yourself.

No. 2445470

I've been officially employed for a month now, but somehow I can't help but still feel like a NEET despite working from 7-4 every day. I guess it's because I've been a NEET for my entire adult life, so it's hard to stop feeling like one right away.
I don't like working very much. But it's nice to have money going into my account every week, even if it's just basic minimum wage. Still better than living off the piddly allowance my dad gave me like I was before (you can't get NEETbux in my country unless you've already worked and paid taxes before)

No. 2445477

NEETS i support your grifting endeavors wholeheartedly, but I'm surprised that in other countries there aren't forums where they set up apartment complexes together like princess jellyfish where you all live in little units and never look at or talk to each other

No. 2462288

I have a job interview at a beauty supply store tomorrow, I've been rejected from 3 interviews so far and it's been kind of discouraging. Any tips on seeming more enthousiastic and less like an autist? I'm excited to work there but every time I'm interviewed I get some kind of imposter syndrome, I feel like I can't act too excited because it feels fake even though I'm not lying.

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No. 2439481[Reply]

3 months after announcing it, Cerbmin has finally created a poll that will decide the fate of VPN posting on LCF.

You can check and vote in the poll here:

The Poll can be broken down into two options:
>A VPN ban should happen.
>A VPN ban shouldn't happen.
The former option has four different caveats which take into consideration the ways in which the potential VPN will apply.

Since posting is disabled on the /meta/ thread, I thought it might be useful for anons to use this thread to discuss the poll.

>Share which option you voted for.

>Share why you voted for that option.
>Share your opinions of why a VPN is necessary or not necessary.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
821 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462126

we shouldn't ban vpns because we would lose our schizos. schizos are a precious resource that must be protected at all costs

No. 2462275

That is silly. How would a VPN help in that situation? It would be more important to clear internet history. Also actually searching for those DV help sites. LC is the wrong place to get serious help.
Yeah god forbid we never see another hour long a-logging schizo meltdown again from a PBP.

No. 2462279

My post was for dv victims as well as women who are beginning to question if their situation is abusive, esp women who dont have a support network they feel comfortable sharing things with.

Not all abuse looks the same. Your anecdote doesnt line up with all abused womens reality. Its like youre implying women arent abused until they dont have access to the internet.


Not sure why youre so emotionally invested in banning vpns from an anon board. What do you get out of a vpn ban?

"Use a virtual private network (VPN) to remain anonymous while browsing the internet, signing a new lease or applying for a new home loan. This will also keep your location anonymous from anyone who has gained access to or infiltrated your device."


No. 2462280

Those posts arent from schizos, theyre from deliberately inflammtory trolls. Actual losers who want to post here know they can reset their browser and continue posting at any time.

No. 2462343

You're right. There are ways of tracking sites visited via a router (not all routers permit this & the person has to deliberately activate these logs). My ex turned on a parental controls feature that logs some web activity. Luckily I was often logged into my work VPN.

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No. 2346005[Reply]

Discuss all topics pertaining to Autism, Aspergers or ADHD/ADD experiences as a woman here.

Talk about the difficulty of diagnosis as a woman, the struggles that accompany autism, or share strategies that you developed to help cope with your diagnosis. For anons with ADHD/ADD, discuss your struggles, or share your advice to cope with your issues related to your attention disorder.

Or even discuss your thoughts on how recent attention to autism/ADHD on social media affects those afflicted.

Previous threads:
#5: >>>/ot/2022269
#4: >>>/ot/1687145
#3: >>>/ot/1438835
#2: >>>/ot/1198440
#1: >>>/ot/586560
861 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2461991

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Reminds me of a taffy machine. I just want to jump right in I bet it would feel good.

No. 2462182

Sorta. Its not that useful of a skill so I dont think about it often, but when people ask me opinions on things like movies or trips, if its less than a month from experiencing I am telling them I need more time to think. Basically I can only recognize feelings when they turn into memories and thus become more generalized.

No. 2462193

I dunno if I have adhd but a lot of those struggles are familiar to me, and the way I cope with them is that I pay people to be my "teachers". So that there are tangible deadlines and expectations from me, then I can enter the "last second effort" mode to get something done. But its obviously rather stressful, so there are months of downtime for my seasonal depression, but at least I end up actually learning something in life.

No. 2462267

Its been 2 hours on straterra and i dont want to post anymore

No. 2462424

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They do, and there are different variations like picrel that are less childish

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No. 621465[Reply]

I didn’t see a copy pasta thread, so here it is! Pasta all of your copies here:
>the fresh
>the stale
>the gross
>the milky
>the dairy free
>others’ pasta
>even those in your own pockets
And so much more! If you could add pictures related to them, that would be even better.
Let’s try saving all those huge spergs that have been posted on lolcow by cows and farmers alike!
this is my first thread so no bully pls
1034 posts and 215 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2449558

It makes me a fat bitch from Tumblr to not want shit on me? You people are so nasty and weird it's disturbing

No. 2449562

Give it up precious

No. 2449570

Stay living in your shit dungeon

No. 2462252

When I lived in Devon, which is a few years ago now, I worked with a very nice woman who was a part-time magistrate. (For friends outside the UK, magistrates are all part-time volunteers - carefully selected and trained - who judge all cases initially, with the more serious cases being sent on to the Crown Court by the magistrate.) Because of the way the magistrates' court operates, she sat in various courtrooms across Devon and Cornwall.

During one of our conversations about this fascinating role, she told me that the magistrates’ courts this part of England see disproportionately large numbers of cases involving paedophilia. It was something that magistrates in Devon and Cornwall had to get used to and learn to deal with. I asked her why she thought this was the case. Why would this beautiful area of the country, popular with holidaymakers and tourists and retired people, be a magnet for paedophilic men?

The answer? According to my friend, and the collective wisdom of the magistrates and the police, developed over many decades, it’s because Devon and Cornwall have some of the best beaches in the UK. All summer, there are thousands of children in swimsuits (or just a nappy, or naked) at beaches all round the coast.

Very soon after she told me, I took my son (then nine years old) and a group of four of his friends of the same age to the beach. As the five of them jumped in and out of the waves in their shortie wetsuits, I noticed a man on his own looking at them, and I noticed the way the wet neoprene emphasised their slender bodies and cute little bums.

Of course, now I know this, every time I go to the beach, I notice the men on their own. I’d never noticed them before, because they make every effort not to be noticeable. Sitting on benches, sitting on the sand, at a distance from other people. Fully dressed, no bag of beach paraphernalia, not looking around to see where the rest of their family has got to.

Next time you go to the beach, you will see them too.

No. 2462266

I fucking hate simps so much. Those dumb fucking libtard simp cucks. Imagine simping for any fucking woman, let alone a libtard OnlyFans thot. You’re over here edging to some sub-5 roastie until you’re the colour of a Grimace shake, while I’ve been mewing and jelqing for the past 5 years to become more skibidi. Now, while you’re STILL shilling her OnlyFans, I am such a based and redpilled gigachad sigma rizzler that have multiple level-10-gyatt Livvy Dunne lookalikes guzzling my glizzy on the regular.
And I can see you malding from your gooncave in the chat right now, saying that all my yapping is just capping, but that copium is about to run out. Peep the board. It’s up to 10 kills already and I just wiped out tomato town. Now I’m locked in and on my way to collect the final Fanum tax, yet here you are without a chug jug.
You’re cooked, beta. This is the end of the grind for you. You can either griddy towards the nearest rickety stool and ropemaxx or suffer the full extent of the brutal mogging that’s about to take place. Either way, it’s time to get this ratioed.

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No. 2154863[Reply]

Make fun of weird ass fetishes and the degenerates who like them and no you can’t crosspost nonas from /g/

Last Threads
304 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2461663

Femdom is very patriarchal. 19:21 in vid, (also RunawaySiren940 RIP)

No. 2461669

Why do none of you actually read the posts you respond to? retard. You are the reason so many traumatized women get groomed into in maledom.

No. 2462259

>men find it humiliating to be dominated by a woman.
>a-acktually, being spat on and called a whore isn’t humiliating at all for women!!!

No. 2462293

Are you speaking from personal experience, kek.

No. 2462421

There are more options than just maledom and femdom. You could just not be involved in BDSM whatsoever. Which I imagine is the view of most people posting in the kinkshaming thread.

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No. 2458998[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like
>report/ignore racebait
>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.

159 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462088

The feeling of being half awake to the psyop/coming out of it is weird. You’ll be having sex with your beta that you chose because ‘muh personality’ or ‘muh hobbies are the same’ (never do this) and then you realise you’re kind of repulsed by him and then have to scramble to rationalize why. So you psyop yourself that ackshully I love him. Very crazymaking.

No. 2462256

That walled scrote is 18?!!! There's no hope anymore, we will never have cute moids again yes, I am starting to think the yumejo route is the only option

No. 2462283

oh right the end all of women's emancipation - women sitting and accepting their "fate" or else men beat them up
fuck off with this defeatist mentality, we have opportunity not to waste ourselves on pig disgusting men and you're here trying to rationalize this is the natural way. set an example to other women, change starts with you

No. 2462317

he’s “18” lol already aging poorly. the comments are beyond retarded but thankfully there’s some who are rightfully calling him a slob

No. 2462344

Can’t relate.
And this just makes you want to settle instead of staying single, why?

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No. 2417659[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2262680
352 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2458265

>pick me died in 2008
Good. Honorary moids deserve nothing less but I hope the moid is rotting in prison with the worst kidney stones and untreatable UTI imaginable.

No. 2462222

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>On March 19, ten days after she first went missing, a battered and bloodied Maria was found dumped at a roadside in Dubai with her limbs and spine broken, according to Russian outlets Shot and Life.
20 year old girl, thought she was meeting 2 men that claimed to own a talent and modeling agency. Dubai is scary and I think people who go there are crazy, muslim men treat women like trash worth less than animals. Lots of porta potty party jokes on reddit, but it sounds like she was kidnapped and likely brutally gang raped and sex trafficked for days. This is so terrible. I at least hope this is a warning for women who think it's safe, the poor baby can't even speak.

No. 2462249

>muslim men treat women like trash worth less than animals.
although i agree but isnt dubai 90% rich foreigners who go there to evade taxes? models being killed isnt sadly recent news there especially those who come from a Slavic or african background

No. 2462262

The men hosting these parties aren't foreigners.

No. 2462264

>isn't sadly recent news
No one is saying it is. It doesn't mean they don't deserve to be considered as people or mentioned in tragedy. Some of you are so detached when you talk about things, what was the point of you even saying this?

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