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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
682 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407803

The economy has been going to shit for years but let's bring in more people that will surely help and by the way you are racist too! The citizens can't afford housing anymore, there's more people coming in then what we can build (and it's mostly "luxury" housing being built anyway). This only serves the capitalists that are hungry for cheap labor. They keep cutting social services. We have become too weak as a nation and are afraid of being called named for standing up for ourselves. As much as we make fun of the Ottawa convoy during the pandemic, at least they were fighting for what they believed.

No. 2407814

I lived through that in Ottawa. It was nothing like how it was presented. It was just a bunch of scrotes drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking ounces of weed while partying through the streets acting like asses and then sleeping in their cars. Nobody was fighting for what they believed in. The very idea that Canadians would do that is laughable.

Figure out your exit strategy. Get off the sinking ship while you still can. Don't be blinded by nostalgia or beguiled by the false hopes for the future.

No. 2407868

I like Canada tho and not everyone wants to uproot their entire lives and live in South America or Europe. I'm not delusional enough to think that moving will magically solve everything in my life and that other countries are a utopia paradise.

No. 2407913

Same and it's not that easy moving out to another country if you don't work in an high demand field or are not already rich. I also like living my life in French and the other French countries are mostly hell holes.

No. 2409052

I actually don't really like this thread for that reason. Mostly feels like a bunch of Canadian transplants that live in the U.S. camp on this thread. It's good to actually discuss the problems in Canada without constantly advocating to move out because it is not feasible or, shocker, preferrable for most people.
Yeah, it pisses me off too especially with the Ontario elections looming and the federal election. I can't believe people are buying Ford's schtick about being "anti-American" when he's actively destroying education, the already over-taxed healthcare system and other social services. It bothers me that we barely know the other candiates.

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No. 599737[Reply]

Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
Have you made friends? Has your life changed? Has your worldview changed?
Have you experienced the opposite? Post away!

Personally, I love this website. I used to be kind of paranoid of posting, but I think there's so many smart, amazing farmers, it's really cool to talk to all of you!
379 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407540

I also like calling people retards. It's like a filler word and my truest form of argumentative rhetoric, and also, I am impatient and impulsive and I need to release this on someone. So glad I don't get banned or deleted for it

No. 2407546

lc is eventually how you talk to your friends when you spend every day together. Reddit is how you talk to new/work friends

No. 2407569

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>the way women act in that sub is just so… walking on eggshells, and I feel that way about a lot of female spaces
I was only semi-active in female dominated subreddits and I know what you mean. Snark subreddits specifically were unusable as people attempted to justify their criticism as coming from some morally superior position so it wasn’t actually gossiping or bullying. Like how redditors claimed they followed amberlynn because she was a harmful, toxic woman who lied and not because she was fat. I don’t care about being a better person I just want to make fun of people, let me be a bad person in peace dear god.

No. 2407691

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I no longer feel guilty for identifying as transphobic thanks to LC. Anything with "-phobic" in it felt like a no-no word, but what else could I use to describe the uneasiness I got every time I went to the bookstore and saw an obvious AGP with greasy hair wearing a tacky pleated miniskirt? Something didn't feel right, even as a former handmaiden.

No. 2407719

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It's nice to know that there is a place for women with worldviews similar to mine.

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No. 1724622[Reply]

my sunburnt countrywomen standing at the limit of an endless ocean, join me in observing this prisoner island.
free fairy bread and a sausage sizzle every sunday arvo
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No. 2407120

I can't give you any practical advice but now I'm wondering are you planning on using IVF or banging a random moid you find on the street and running off into the sunset lmao

No. 2407134

IVF or IUI depending on what the doc says. A real moid would be cheaper and easier ngl maybe if I'm feeling stingy I'll go on tinder kek

No. 2407142

Family is on Centrelink and it sucks ass. It might not be the same for your payment specifically but they'll cut you whenever they want and if you don't have a document that's eaten by cockroaches from 1999 then they can't confirm you.

No. 2407548

I'm currently in Vietnam and went to Bali last year. It's so much cheaper here!! I can't believe it. And Vietnam is so cool, so much richer in culture and the streets are so alive. The only thing is the air pollution sucks, and you have to be really choosy on where you go to eat. I was surprised Vietnam has such shit food despite the cuisine being so good. I've only been to Saigon though, I imagine other cities probably do this better.

No. 2409355

The moid has rights even if you choose IVF. Single mothers and lesbian couples are always at risk of the father reappearing and demanding access to them and the kid. Also schizo sperm is used here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-28/ivf-clinic-sperm-donor-tracked-down-mum-and-boy-four-corners/104031378

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No. 1466841[Reply]

Thread for all desi noonies
Thread rules:
>DO not infight because of someones nationality or beliefs
>no pak vs India debate
>keep paki-chan autism to a minimum
Discuss how desi cultures either empower or objectify women .
>no religion shaming
Old milk:
>The month long femicide happening in Pakistan which had three female victims of honour killing
>Indian concert molesters
501 posts and 104 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2406772

IRC every country has it's own standard size I'm supprised India is doing it now.it can get confusing between American and British sizes if the situation is the same in India as it's in Pakistan (we usually follow the British sizing) but some fashion clothing has started using a more broader size
Traveling to any country poses a risk but more so as a woman,if your going to solo travel India or Pakistan AVOID THE RURAL AREAS LIKE THE PLAGUE

No. 2406991

indiachan? more like FAGchan

No. 2407227

I went there once and it was just full of porn

No. 2407239

same here, went into one thread and that was meant for creep shots, the only "contributing" post was by a scrote that visited his sister's hostel and some other room's girls had their underwear drying on a rack outside that he took a photo of, but that was quite a while ago.

No. 2409382

What are some internet forums where Desis congregate? Tiktok and FBs giving me brain damage and non-algorithm forums are always American

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2406913

that was something that really freaked me the fuck out, apparently she became notable online prior to her death because her nudes were being aired on that underground pedophile news show?

No. 2407138

This random mashup suddenly sprung back into my mind, I saw it on MTV or another music channel some 18 years ago and since it was the first mashup I ever heard I was like "wtf how did they do that, are they even allowed to do that???".

No. 2407343

I remember seeing this when it first came out.

No. 2407414

love it, thanks!

No. 2407473

This fucking game

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No. 2389570[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2378543

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
1197 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2402133

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



No. 2407429

I am tired of people choosing the dumbest ways to segregate from one another. The categories are getting dumber, the nitpicking on why "she is different from us!" is getting more contrived. Even if we were all carbon copies, it'd be something that one picks out from the rest to be us versus them. I'm tired of being forced to pick sides, of being the odd one out, of it all. I just want to talk about stuff we have in common. Fights are fine, we are animals. But this segregated behavior bullshit is grinding my gears.

No. 2407433

That segregated behavior which is just tribalism is nature, nothing else about it. The problem is we keep mixing people up and it’s causing constant conflicts with others, if you want this commonality with other people and be in singular agreement about the same things as people then to do that is to find your own “tribe”, there is none where all tribes come together and live in harmony. That’s why debates are so retarded, nobody is ever going to agree on anything or change their minds, it’s just animalistic slap fighting.

No. 2407443

Start a fence-sitters political party and find likeminded people

No. 2407444


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

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No. 2195213[Reply]

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related

Previous thread:
562 posts and 132 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2406835

Kekkk what is with these zippertit larpers? It’s the same with that aubrey aiden who shot up that school full with children, it’s almost like TIFs are unconsciously peaked about men and realized to be a man is to be a species incapable of not committing crimes against humanity lol

No. 2406841

I remember the true crime/hybristophile comms on twitter and tumblr were like 80% Aidens, before they got nuked. Nearly all those Columbiners, Lanzafags/Rooffags/Pekkafags etc etc were just edgelord tifs in Natural Selection t shirts.
My guess is Aidens feel rejected and bitter at women and society for finding them a laughing stock, so they end up relating to the misogynist incel mindset.
Being on testosterone also makes them batshit insane. A shit ton of tifs end up doing porn for the male gaze too, it's insane that people used to think tifs were just confused radfem butches, when theyre really the most scrote pandering pickmes of all.

No. 2406847

>were just confused radfem butches, when theyre really the most scrote pandering pickmes of all
Yup, you’re so right. I honestly would wish they would take that bitterness and use it to actively attack and destroy men but because of what you said they’re too pickmeish and weak to do anything, they’re also the ones who make those “men cry too!!!! male mental health” posts, even though you’re clearly a woman who’s so brainwashed by her internalized misogyny it’s made her think she’s a man wtf kek

No. 2406850

What's weird is that nobody mocks and ridicules tifs more than actual men do, but tifs still feel a compulsion to hate women instead.

No. 2407387

The problem isn't their high libido, it's the entitled attitude and desire to dominate unwilling women that these men have. This applies to most things tbh. You could be the most mentally ill, messed up person, you could have the highest libido, the highest whatever it may be, and someone else could be going through the same exact thing (or even worse) and have a different reaction to it and still not want to harm others over it. Some mentally ill people go on to become cows while others will be mentally ill to the same degree but still not become one. In the end it's really all up to the individual and what they decide to do about it, and all of this is just an excuse for men acting out and making it out to be like the rapists are just poor uwu victims of their libido instead of it being a conscious choice they've made. It's pretty much the same as excusing an incel shooting up a school with "but women were big meanies to him and never dated him so he had no other choice". You could go through the worst possible life and it still wouldn't justify raping and killing people who didn't really do anything to you, and the reason males do this isn't because of their libido or because they're treated uniquely worse than women. It's because they're inherently weaker emotionally and more violent so they're more likely to lash out and hurt others when things don't go their way.

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No. 2119117[Reply]

A thread for the admiration of the cuddlesome, soft babies known as felines. Post your cute cat pictures NOW!

Previous threads:
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No. 2407317

I love my cat so much I genuinely call her my baby because she is. I don’t care if other nonnas say “cats are cute but they’re not a kid” yeah I don’t care, she is my whole entire world ♥ It will be her first birthday in a week! Does anyone else celebrate their cats birthdays?

No. 2407363

>Does anyone else celebrate their cats birthdays?
Yes! I invite my cat's favourite people and they bring him presents - a treat or toy
From me he gets an olive - he's crazy about olives, literally loses his mind when he smells them around, but I only give them to him on special occasions because they're so high in salt

No. 2407369

The reason why he is obsessed with olives is because they contain similar chemical properties to catnip. A healthier alternative is to get him a toy made from olive wood, it should have the same effect.

No. 2407373

Weird, he's totally indifferent to actual catnip. I'll try the olive wood toy though, it has more chance to work since it's, well, olive

No. 2407419

Yes! I have both of my cats' birthdays in my calendar, and my parents' cat too, kek. I make them a special little dinner with the birthday cat's favorite food, and sprinkle treats and catnip on top. One of my cats is a princess so he gets to eat it on my bed away from the other cats when it's his day kek.

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No. 1381303[Reply]

i'm not actually sure what to call this, it's not memes and it's not pop culture references (ok, thread pic is but it's more than that), it's more like a few people make a situational "relatable" observation and then the entire internet grabs onto it and repeats it like it gives them a fun personality and they're the ones who thought of it? other examples off the top of my head are "i hope ____ steps on a lego", "thanks, it has pockets!!", "do not perceive me" etc etc etc
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No. 2351806

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Sir this is a Wendy's

No. 2407099

I despise the terms boy kisser and girl kisser

No. 2407185

"Nice try diddy" has gotten really fucking old

No. 2407332

“crash out,” whatever that means

No. 2407354

"Stealing [insert person or idea]'s nachos" like girl what the actual fuck does this mean lmfao

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

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No. 2397097

Eiks se pmnp joskus laulanut miten maailma on vaarojen karikko kek

No. 2397525

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laita vähä kunnioitusta Maijan nimeen, nyymi!

No. 2402494

Miten vitussa te nyymit tässä langassa meette näin helppoon baittiin ihan oikeesti nyt

No. 2403242

en vaan koskaan kyllästy tuohon keskusteluun

No. 2407269

>vain kehä kolmosen ongelmat

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