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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2417659[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2262680
352 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2458265

>pick me died in 2008
Good. Honorary moids deserve nothing less but I hope the moid is rotting in prison with the worst kidney stones and untreatable UTI imaginable.

No. 2462222

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>On March 19, ten days after she first went missing, a battered and bloodied Maria was found dumped at a roadside in Dubai with her limbs and spine broken, according to Russian outlets Shot and Life.
20 year old girl, thought she was meeting 2 men that claimed to own a talent and modeling agency. Dubai is scary and I think people who go there are crazy, muslim men treat women like trash worth less than animals. Lots of porta potty party jokes on reddit, but it sounds like she was kidnapped and likely brutally gang raped and sex trafficked for days. This is so terrible. I at least hope this is a warning for women who think it's safe, the poor baby can't even speak.

No. 2462249

>muslim men treat women like trash worth less than animals.
although i agree but isnt dubai 90% rich foreigners who go there to evade taxes? models being killed isnt sadly recent news there especially those who come from a Slavic or african background

No. 2462262

The men hosting these parties aren't foreigners.

No. 2462264

>isn't sadly recent news
No one is saying it is. It doesn't mean they don't deserve to be considered as people or mentioned in tragedy. Some of you are so detached when you talk about things, what was the point of you even saying this?

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No. 1201446[Reply]

I know that threads dedicated to specific countries are technically banned, but the Suomillanka, North Africa and German threads are fine and since I've been seeing a lot of Dutchfags (perhaps summerfags, who knows) I thought a Dutchfag thread could be fun. Especially since we have a lot of cows, whether it's on tv or just social media. Also, feel free to discuss anything fun! Like music, food, Dutch habits/manners. Vent about the housing crisis, overregulation, Americanisation, all of it!

Major cows:

Family de Mol
>Johnny the Mol beats up his wife multiple times, allegedly daddy paid all witnesses 5000 euros and gave his wife a house in Ibiza so she would shut her mouth.
>Knew about the Voice kids scandal (multiple children and teens were molested and some even raped), did not do anything at all.
>John de Mol has control over the public television, does not allow criticism on him or any associates.

Marco Borsato
>Singer, former coach for the Voice Kids.
>Molested 2 girls (if not more), one was 15, the other 13 at his home barbecue (which was for the participants of the Voice Kids).
>Keeps acting like it's all untrue despite evidence.

Ali B
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No. 2461356

Deze lolcow moet jullie nonna's wel aanspreken. Nederlandse lelijk man. Schoolvoorbeeld van LBH gaat op vieze sekstoerist reizen naar Thailand en vlogt dat. Hij probeert er een soort schaamteloos over te doen maar het is echt kkr triest.


No. 2461798

Hoi medeboerin, ik ben er nog! Je bent welkom in de discord, hoor! Het is jammer genoeg een beetje doodgebloed maar ik ben altijd in voor een praatje.

No. 2461818


Hey hoi hallo

No. 2462240

LBH? Lengte breedte hoogte? Lelijke boy hoax? Leipe boeren hoeren?

No. 2462281

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Zag dit ook, echt zum kotzen. Hij verwijderd alle negatieve reacties dus geen idee hoeveel kritiek hij verder krijgt.

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No. 2458663[Reply]

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
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No. 2462329

True. I am guilty of that when I see women picking bums and douchebags as partners , not leaving at the first black flag (slamming objects, hitting walls to outright besting you for the first time) or constantly going back to their abusers but I never outright express it.

No. 2462331

It just feels like shitting on on a pile of shit for a lack of better words kek

No. 2462332

The only difference is that men unironically deserve it. They'll have an entire friend group and a steady job and they'll still BAWWW about how they're so lonely and have the worst life ever.

No. 2462335

Maybe you get bullied because you're a coward and the people around you can sense your inner weakness. If you don't want to stand by your beliefs just say that.

No. 2462389

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Some exceptions apply obviously, but most nerds do not make good friends and are bullied for reasons other than having dorky interests or being introverted. This goes double if they carry a bitter victim mentality past their twenties.

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No. 2052549[Reply]

A thread to post about looksmax.org and looksmaxxing communities in general. Filled to the brim with insane levels of nitpicking and mental illness. Also a place to post incels/"femcels" in general, since both overlap.
https://loPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2462217

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No. 2462218

gay men want women to also look like men more news at 8

No. 2462219

Okay so being white is the most desirable thing you can be for a woman, yet they all want only black guys or none at all and no one is dating these white nerds. Are they trying to show that despite the odds that they should be succeeding thanks to their superiority, they STILL fail and that's somehow a win for them? I'm beyond confused what the point is here

No. 2462220

Fuckin' macaques monkey.

No. 2462223

Literally. Gay men see women who are built like women and immediately start sperging about how disgusting it is like… hello?? Women aren't meant to look like James Charles faggot

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No. 1628600[Reply]

For random things we like or love, like the Things we hate thread but the opposite.
Anything you wanna talk about is allowed. You might post physical things, ideas, links to random corners of the internet, etc. The things you might post don't have to necessarily be milky/not milky, go as controversial, weird, complicated, pure, simple or vanilla as you'd like
>No infighting
>No things you hate or dislike

Previous likes: >>>/ot/673217
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No. 2459275

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ayrt and kek, but none of those scrotes had the wherewithal. i think picrel is her today, good on her!

No. 2459386

No. 2459533

I mean , one guy did say "nobody yet"

No. 2459853

I love it too, the clouds are like a cozy blanket and it's such a different vibe. Bonus point for me if it's hot and a bit windy

No. 2462192

When I crave a song cover in a different genre and actually find a decent cover in that genre that is also on streaming and I can downloaded it through the pirate ways.

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No. 2458670[Reply]

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from complaining about your Mum buying you a house, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353
Britbong thread #3 >>>/ot/2126145
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No. 2462177

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I’m glad they did it, Paddington bear sucks.

No. 2462342

how dare you!

No. 2462345

I love Come Dine With Me so much. The YT channel just uploaded behind the scenes. It is so weird seeing a face to the iconic voice. Dave Lamb is what makes the show

No. 2462346

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>Paddington Bear sucks

No. 2462425

I love young tom hardy

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No. 2416900[Reply]

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No. 2462017

kek the guy in the back giving a thumbs down

No. 2462035

Ugly outfits too

No. 2462041

Ikr. The non troon looks like a grandmother in 1980 in both outfits.

No. 2462169

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No. 2462174

surprise that bitch with a hair transplant next time

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No. 621962[Reply]

Posteen vacas, drama o lo que sea.
Para empezar:
¿que canales de youtube ven?
¿conocen alguna vaca de su país?
¿es palta o aguacate?
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No. 2460505

Según me dijo un gringo, Trump quiere presionar a Panamá para que dejen pasar a los barcos gringos libremente sin pagar tarifa y que los chinos no logren pasar su mercancía fácilmente. No creo que Trump vaya a invadir; lo más seguro es que Mulino simplemente cumpla las órdenes de Trump, aunque cueste las relaciones que tenemos con China.

No. 2460736

yo sí creo que mulino está dando/va a dar su culo
he dejado de ver noticias porque ya no aguanto escuchar de trump o de la mina o del seguro, me deprimo heavy

No. 2460854

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A todo esto de que la comunidad artística de latam se está llenando puro protranny; conocen algún artista que no lo sea? Llevo años dentro de la comunidad y nunca me e topado con alguno que sea abiertamente crítico con el tema. No voy a contar a los artistas políticos que hacen cómics en su mayoria porque bueno es obvio que lo serán, me refiero más a entorno de fandom.

No. 2460898

chale me quedé pensando un buen rato y no me viene nadie a la mente
si conozco personas que son anti tranny pero no son abiertas al respecto o sienten que no es su problema
lo que yo hago es mirar si tienen pronombres en bio, si no tienen entonces me gusta imaginar que no son trannyamantes, aunque obviamente puede que no sea el caso, por ahí te salen compartiendo alguna webonada cuir

No. 2462149

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creo que aquí no han pasado cosas así de feas pero sí es cierto que no existe respeto hacia los profesores, no solo de parte de los estudiantes. A cada rato los medios y el gobierno quiere pintar a los profesores como unos vagos que solamente sirven para irse a paro y no pueden pensar en "los pobres niños que quieren ir a estudiar"
y si en las escuelas publicas los estudiantes no respetan a los profesores, en las privadas es aun peor, siempre oigo historias de chiquillos de mierda que hacen lo que les da la gana porque son ricos y la administracion de la escuela no se inmuta en hacer nada porque quieren el dinero de sus padres y los padres a su vez defienden a sus pobres criaturas.
existen muchos problemas en el rubro y podría extenderme, es cierto que hay profes buenos para nada como en cualquier otro trabajo, pero siento que la mayor parte del tiempo quieren hacer ver que la culpa siempre es de los profesores y no de los estudiantes, sus padres, la administración de la escuela o el ministerio

en estos días la babosa ministra compartió la imagen de picrel porque los profesores fueron a huelga
insoportable la señora

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No. 1337206[Reply]

Der zweite Treffpunkt der lokal ansässigen Kartoffelbäuerinnen.
Vorheriger Thread >>>/ot/760762
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No. 2461280

Neulich war ich das erste Mal seit gefühlt Jahren mit einer Kollegin (Freundin?) essen. Eigentlich passen wir so gut zusammen, sie hat auch niemanden, ich vermute sogar, dass sie auch noch nie in einer festen Beziehung war, aber gerade weil wir beide so schüchtern sind, schafft es auch keine den ersten Schritt zu machen und regelmäßig was privat zu unternehmen.

Hab letztens meine Mutter darauf angesprochen, warum sie immer mit den Freunden meines Vaters abhängen (und sie sich dann gezwungenermaßen mit deren Ehefreuen anfreunden musste), aber nie mit ihren alten Freundinnen. Hat natürlich alles geleugnet. Sogar die Freundinnen der Kumpel meines kleinen Bruders sind auch schon immer einfach so mit dabei, wie ein Accessoire. Aber natürlich sind diese Männer nicht wirklich die Freunde dieser Frauen, sobald eine Beziehung endet, endet auch der Kontakt zu ihnen.

No. 2461349

am besten dann noch für den Niklas umziehen oder gar ins heimatkaff vom Niklas ziehen, wo er alle kennt und sie die unbeliebte fremde Außenseiterin ist, kek.

No. 2461435

kek und dann wenn der liebe Niklas sie nicht mehr mag und Schluss macht verliert auf einen Schlag alle ihre Freunde und Bekanntschaften während er von einem Dutzend Menschen aus seinem Freundeskreis unterschtützt und betätschelt wird. Passiert echt oft

No. 2461469


Uff das stimmt. Dieses "Freunde hab ich schon genug" Mindset oder halt der Niklas. Gibt ja leider auch viele Mädels, die komplett verschwinden, sobald sie in einer Beziehung sind.

Ich finde ein Grund ist auch, dass bei vielen Leuten Freundschaft als weniger wichtig angesehen wird als die Beziehung/Familie dabei muss das gar nicht so sein, es kann alles gleich wichtig sein.

No. 2462122

die behaupten dann gerne, sie hätten ihre Freundinnen verloren, weil sie mit dem Niklas zusammen kamen, aber in Wahrheit haben sie den Niklas über alles gestellt. am besten noch mit so Aussagen wie "kann der Niklas mitkommen? ich geh nicht gerne ohne ihn irgendwohin…" und das irgendwohin ist die Wohnung der Freundin, wo man aufm sofa hockt und Netflix guckt und lästert. aber klar, da muss der scheiß Niklas unbedingt mit.

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No. 1060419[Reply]

A thread for discussing everything tech-related!
What's a good budget laptop for graphic design? Are smartwatches worth it? How can you tell if your company phone is being monitored? Is Mark Zuckerberg actually a robot? You'll find your answers here! or not
647 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2456468

thank you

No. 2458790

What's involved in creating a website with animated timers like the website below? I want to create one, but with much better animations, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I feel like with a couple of months study, I could create a website with normal timers, but I have no idea if that's accurate or not. And I have no idea what what you need to know to create animated timers. I want to create animated times with like sunrise and sunset in different locations and like some cute animations like a cat playing a ball of yarn or a kitten trying to climb some stairs. I would appreciate any and all advice.


No. 2458802

Try the smallweb/oldweb thread.

No. 2462069

The latest windows 11 update messed up clicking and dragging/scrolling on the touchpad. Tapping twice doesn't work anymore even though it's already enabled in the settings, now I have to hard press the right side of the pad all the time. I already tried all the fixes people online mentioned, restarted the computer, everything. It also feels like everything lags, freezes and is more slower in general now since the update, especially browsers, even though I have way less tabs open than before.

No. 2462384

what model of laptop do you have? i've seen this touchpad issue happen with some specific models that have trackpads from some smaller companies that require installing their drivers separately. Those kinds of non-generic special drivers sometimes break with updates.
Generally you could try something like https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-uninstall-a-windows-update-c77b8f9b-e4dc-4e9f-a803-fdec12e59fb0, it'd help you narrow down if the update was really the problem.

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