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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
1031 posts and 209 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2242872

high and thinking about how Dakota used to photoshop the shit out of her face and went to Japan because of it but now that's all anyone ever does. it's expected now. weird.

No. 2243809

Uk stoners, am I crazy for thinking that there is a way for me to find a plug without having any friends and without leaving the house kek. I've always smoked with my sister so i've never actually bought my own but I want to so I can smoke whenever I want. I know I could ask her but we aren't talking atm and last time I asked for a number she kinda dodged the question, I guess I have to wait until I get my shit together and make some irl friends huh.

No. 2245120

>Ate an edible yesterday evening
>Wake up
>I think it's all out of my system
>Start folding the towels
>It's the basket of dirty towels that still need to be washed
>Realize it when my mom got angry at me 10 minutes ago
Am I stupid

No. 2248371

yeah just do it

No. 2248376

you're still high nona it's ok

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No. 1180797[Reply]

All the old studying threads were dead. Use this thread to discuss anything related to university/college/general study. Self-study and online courses are also allowed.

Topics can include anything related to studying, such as

- Student life
- Studying tips
- What you're studying
- Diaries/planners/journals
- Stationary and tech
- Notes and notetaking
- Helpful resources for studying
- Advice related to studying
- Learning disorders and disabilities while studying
- Good or bad peers/professors/teachers/tutors
- Talking about your campus (just don't dox yourself)
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No. 1434435

I hate law school. It's boring, it's hard and I found out it's nothing I aspire to do. I miss my wagie job where I just scanned groceries for 9 hours, at least my coworkers were fun and some customers were really nice. I want to go back but I feel like a complete disappointment to everyone.

No. 1434454

If you finish law school you can work fewer days for the same money you earned working 9-5 retail, maybe keeping that in mind motivates you to keep going?

Ironically I say this as someone who also dropped out of law school, I hated it, but I did go back to uni for something I actually wanted to do.

No. 1434592

Ayrt, thanks nonna. I know it will but I hate this too much kek, I'm switching majors in a few months but I still have to sit it out for at least a few months. I just miss having a braindead job, it was easy to maintain myself and work at the same time plus I have a lot of savings now from just a year of working. College feels like a fulltime job you have to pay for.

No. 1439620

my friend went to law school, became a lawyer, hated it and other lawyers, then got a job with the government and makes an insane amount of money for an easier job. She's much happier now too.

No. 2248347

I recommend it! You don't need perfect grades for it (mine were really average).

>you need to have excellent grades
Not from my experience.

>leaving abord is expensive af

You get a stipend through Erasmus though.

>so many exchange students end up alone and feeling lost

Let me be blunt. Those type are the masters of their own misfortune. If you don't have the right attitude and personality, it will be harder for you to make friends. Similarly, if you've never stayed abroad for a period longer than summer holidays it can be a brief culture shock too. THESE EXCHANGES EXIST SPECIFICALLY TO MAKE THE FUTURE GENERATIONS LESS SHELTERED, LESS PAROCHIAL.

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

#9: >>>/ot/1766111
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#5: >>>/ot/1245265
#4: >>>/ot/1176608
#3: >>>/ot/969959
#2: >>>/ot/737511
#1: >>>/ot/222198
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No. 2247909

Myötähävettää suomalaiset, jotka tekee asiasta jotain itkutiktokkeja ja -instagramtarinoita. Joo, vaikuttaahan Trumpin valinta välillisesti meihinkin, mutta tavallisen tallaajan arjessa ei tule kyllä näkymään millään tavalla, niin kuin ei näkynyt edelliselläkään kerralla. Ei ole maailmanloppu tämäkään. Koko fasismi-käsite joutais ylähyllylle siihen asti, että jengi oppii ymmärtämään, että mitä se tarkoittaa.

Ei vaan kiinnosta, niin kuin ei kiinnosta Israel eikä Palestiinakaan.

No. 2248052

Täähän se ois. Musta niin monet on kasvatellu tästä Trumpista ja sen hallinnosta niin ison mörököllin niiden mielissään, että sitä ei oikein voi ees ottaa enää tosissaan. Trump on tietenkin ihan lapio, mutta sen vertaaminen Hitleriin on jo aivan älytöntä yliampumista. Jotkut aivan tosissaan uskoo, että Trumpin valtaannousu tarkoittaa joidenkin keskitysleirien pystyyn pistämistä homoille/transuille/mamuille.

No. 2248063

Kyllä Trumpista saa ja pitää olla huolissaan. Kyseessä on avoimesti demokratiaa vastaan puhuva suurvallan johtaja, jonka teoilla tulee olemaan maailmanpoliittisesti todella suuria seurauksia joita ei välttämättä nähdä kuin vasta vuosien kuluttua. Trumpin vaarallisuus liittyy eniten siihen miten arvaamatonta ja täysin ennustamatonta hänen toimintansa on, esimerkiksi suunnitelma lakkauttaa ilmastonmuutoksen vastaiset toimet sekä uusiutuvan energian tutkimus öljyn suosimiseksi tulee olemaan globaalisti merkittävä isku tulevaisuudelle. Tullimaksut EU-tuontitavaralle tulee vahingoittamaan myös Suomen taloutta mittavasti. Mitä enemmän Yhdysvalloissa sallitaan nais- ja vähemmistövastainen toiminta sitä laajemmalle se leviää myös muualle maailmaan, Suomessakin nykypäivän naisvihaajat ovat pitkälti amerikkalaisten alfa-vaikuttajien ja yhteisöjen mädättämiä. Ei kukaan väitä että keskitysleirit avataan heti huomenna, vaan katsovat kokonaiskuvaa ja sitä miten kaikki vaikuttaa kaikkeen, moni on unohtanut miten Trump on vuolaasti kehunut Orbanin ja Putinin toimintaa joten turvallisuuspoliittinen uhkakin on todellisempi kuin koskaan. Kannattaa muuten lukea miten Hitler nousi aikoinaan valtaan, ei enää kuulosta niin kaukaa haetulta vertaukselta.

No. 2248105

Totta kai saa, mutta suomalaisten huomiohuoraaminen itkuvideoilla asiasta on vaan noloa. Jos huolestuttaa, voi tehdä jotain oikeaa, vapaaehtoistyötä tai liittyä puolueeseen tai mitä ikinä. Oman naaman kuvaaminen ja huomion vieminen niistä, jotka asiasta välittömästi kärsii, omaan performanssiinsa on vaan kiusallista.

No. 2248341

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Suomen elokuvasäätiön tukipäätöksistä löytyi tällainen. Toivon, että elokuva kertoo vaan poikkeuksellisen maskuliinisesta naisesta, mutta epäilyttää aikas paljon.

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
700 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2238786

It might as well be. The only people using yumejin or yumedanshi are taiwanese and western TiFs.

No. 2239910

This person sounds similar to those massively retarded scrotes praising Japan’s low age of consent. There’s a reason why there’s women only trains in the supposed glorious Nippon country. Some pedophile that worked on the Sanrio-fied Tom and Jerry molested a child, who trusted them, whenever she was knocked out and filmed it, got charged for 3 years then still got a suspended sentence for 5 anyway. Imagine being so porn sick that you praise the fact a country can get away with sexualizing real life children let alone raping them if they manage to show good behaviour even after getting charged.

No. 2248301

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ftm mulan yaoi

No. 2248311

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No. 2248768

Bodily proportions in that first painting is ass and pooner mulan is also extremely cringe but I like the pairing

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No. 2239839[Reply]

Since the GC thread is still getting over run by Khelif talk.

Please post all your Imane Khelif bullshit (including: bait, infighting fodder, pity posts, and all other spergouts relating to Imane Khelif) in this thread and stop shitting up every other thread with annoying Imane drama because I'm sick of it.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2124068
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No. 2247984

Can you fags stop lying for one second? Yes he has a vagina, yes he's still a male. Having a blind vaginal pouch still doesn't change the fact he's a man, hebjust has a DSD.

No. 2248111

A hole or pouch isn't a vagina. His are incorrectly developed male genitals, because he's male. Sorry to break it to you but you can't have a vagina, testicles and a penis. The article doesn't even mention a vagina, just that externally a male child with this condition can look like a female to idiots in shithole countries who believe every deformed man is a woman.

No. 2248133

A vagina implies a functional organ, the "vagina" is not a hole, are troon rot pockets vaginas? Of course not and he's the same. He's a disfigured man.

No. 2248263

>just remembered when pro imane fags were comparing this thing to black women who were footballers/boxers, just ridiculous.
I think it was just 1-2 dedicated trolls starving for drama.

No. 2248861

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i hate people saying imane is intersex, because hes FUCKING not.
so if i give birth to a young healthy baby boy and raise him as a female does that make him a woman you fucking retards istg i wanna neck these people

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No. 2126145[Reply]

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from migrant talk, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353
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No. 2247041

Omg nonnie I love the sims 2. I still have this memory of going to Morrisons with my dad and buying one of the expansions and also places like big W

No. 2247062

Samefag, but nonnies do you remember Big W. There was a big one near this shopping place in my town and I remember me and my sister would save up pocket money and go and games or a bratz doll

No. 2247064

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Dropped pic

No. 2247200

Thanks for the resources. I should feel better but seeing the string of child rapists in recent memory holed articles walk free even when they’re found guilty makes me think the judges are crapshot anyway.

No. 2248262

Explain the case of Sean Hogg then. He got a suspended sentence for raping a 13 year old.

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No. 2139249[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:
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No. 2247726

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I wonder if it’s being run by the gross owlmoid.

No. 2247924

Depends, if they're trannies it's funny (nooo they're deadnaming me, time to occupy another country kek) but for women I do feel bad for them. Not a burger so I'm not very knowledgable on what's happening, but from what I have heard on the radio Trump's campaign seems everything but right, hope you all survive these 4 years.
It's gonna suck but it will pass, I think people are forgetting this isn't forever.

No. 2248062

How does style selection like the one on lolcow work?

No. 2248115

Do you mean being able to change a theme/layout with a dropdown? If so, it's done with some JS, here's a tutorial on it

No. 2248448

That's exactly what I meant. Thank you so much.

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No. 2225747[Reply]

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No. 2247776

Everybody are moving to Blue Sky for the same reason.

No. 2247904

I know there has been some recent crackdowns on DIY HRT distributors, mainly in Europe. Hopefully it continues.

No. 2247958

I was going to say you're wrong but at this point normies are being replaced by bots pretending to be them.

No. 2248282

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No. 2248481

kek I needed that laugh

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No. 2224766[Reply]

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/2050407
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No. 2247892

this is why women are generally more attractive than men, there are more variations in which a woman can be beautiful but men can only be cute if they are a beautiful bishie otter (expires at 26 tops) or a sexy strong tall hunk,(expires even sooner) there are cutesy little ladies, and then there are handsome, chiseled women. And there are the ones in between, I feel like women just look better, even unattractive ones because we don't have facial hair and ugly jutted out bones. Men are ugly.

No. 2247906

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No. 2247925

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This DIO edit of him makes me kek every time I see it.

No. 2247981

every tumblr libfem

No. 2248600

1. they don't
2. The put themselves on a pedestal above black Americans until they have their negro wakeup call
3. The second they face racism and violence, they come running to black Americans and apologizing

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No. 495717[Reply]

post your predictions of what might happen in the coming decade!

I think were gonna see another 2008-style economic slump , a likely resurgence of rock music and Onision finally going to prision
899 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2246893

>all of these came true
Nonna is Nostradamus
these aged well
>The weather and seasons getting more and more chaotic.
this one is getting truer and truer by the year
>Falseflagging will take a whole new level, since Deepfakes keep getting more and more advanced.
this one aged well and it's getting scarier
>Huge parts of the internet will continue to vanish without a trace, public archives will start to get censored and first attempts to change the narrative about the internet history in favor of the big 5-something websites will happen.
sadly aged well
>4chan will definitely die.
didn't age well and personally I think it's for the best
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No. 2246900

>didn't age well and personally I think it's for the best
4chan is functionally dead. There's no genuine discussion anymore it's just low IQ retards arguing with bots. The original user base that made the site successful left years ago. The only board that has significant activity any more is /pol/.

No. 2246912

>The original user base that made the site successful left years ago
I'm aware of this because I was part of that group.
It's still somewhat of a containment site, for me it officially died when Moot left, which was almost 10 years ago iirc. I wonder if it officially dies where the remnants will spill.

No. 2246936

>I wonder if it officially dies where the remnants will spill.
I feel like there won't even be an exodus because modern 4chan users all use social media now anyway, so they will just continue using TikTok or whatever instead
Websites are dead, forums like this place and 4chan are a dying breed

No. 2247903

You've overdosed on Marxist studies.
You can change your social standing by becoming rich or educated (and vice versa, you can fall into the underclass by doing crime, drugs and/or becoming homeless). The caste is unchangeable.

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