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No. 1985099[Reply]

Witajcie nonki, gdzieś wątek polski zniknął, więc zakładam nowy. Niech żaden mod go nie usuwa.
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No. 2384150

A kobiety też zaciągane????

No. 2404558

co nowego w polsce i na świecie?

No. 2404572

Dlaczego oni ciągle pierdolą o niskiej dzietności kobiet i dlaczego fundacja patriarchat planuje zniewolić kobiety?

No. 2405321


No. 2410764

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oto dlaczego kobiety nie powinny się godzić na rodzenie dzieci, zwłaszcza mizoginistycznym konserwatystom, pic rel

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No. 837722[Reply]

Thread for anons recovering or fighting with long terms internet/smartphone/social media/video game addiction and the manifesting problems it causes (ADD, low self-esteem, lack of ability to commit to long terms processes, inability to learn new hobbies and skills, inability to tolerate silence ect). Feel free to also use this thread a support network. Brain training, healthy brain foods, building up gray matter and executive functions back up, unlearning destructive habits ect also covered. Avoiding digital junk information landscape in general (adblockers ect) can also be discussed. Any type of technology or media addiction can be covered, including things like netflix or youtube binging that wouldn't be normally considered addictive.

Ideally this thread could be similar to the health and wellness threads, but for our brains and the type of information we consume.
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No. 2410639

Maybe you're into something. I have an easy time moderating my phone usage and I think it's because I grew up using a desktop computer and have a strong preference for that setup. Phones aren't fun or comfortable for me to use, they're just a bunch of convenient tools in one device. As soon as I get home I'm on my computer and ignoring my phone.

ofc it's possible to be addicted to a desktop computer instead and I definitely was but I got that out of my system when I was a kid (on neopets, myspace, msn, the sims, wow, etc), I don't feel like it negatively impacts me as an adult.

No. 2410646

>can i come over?
>this takes me back to setting up dates with friends over actual landlines
>i also really miss the way the internet used to be
i miss it too, i hate what the internet became vs what it used to be. also i loved landlines back in the day, that was so fun
>I wish we could all hang out and not look at our phones, kek
both of you nonas can come over and we can listen to my tiny flip phone FM radio while i put a VHS on
>I think it's because I grew up using a desktop computer and have a strong preference for that setup.
same here nona. do you also get frustrated when computers, their applications and websites try to mimic mobile interfaces? i've always preferred the computer setup as well, it's just superior. i hate how everything has to look like a "button" it's so annoying

No. 2410656

>do you also get frustrated when computers, their applications and websites try to mimic mobile interfaces?
It drives me insane!! I hate UIs being dumbed down, streamlined, with lowered functionality so the lowest common denominator can use it but the more advanced users are suddenly hamstrung. I hate windows constantly forcing me to update because I lose features every time, for no fucking reason, I'm dreading having to upgrade to 11. What do they have against small taskbars? Why do they want to force me to have gigantic app looking buttons instead? Why can't they let us customise shit if we know how?

No. 2410673

I agree with you nonas that desktop is superior. Let phones be phones! You can be an internet addict with only a computer but you can't drag a large desktop with you everywhere and surf the web at least.
>both of you nonas can come over and we can listen to my tiny flip phone FM radio while i put a VHS on
Great, then we can also discuss our opinions of the movie afterwards while being focused and not googling anything or messaging other friends or whatever.

No. 2410740

True I also like using my laptop way more than my smartphone for a lot of things, especially when shopping online or checking videos. I find smartphones very useful and convenient for specific things but not the way the normies I was talking about do I guess.

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No. 1899367[Reply]

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.
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No. 2403504

Talk about a living legend

No. 2403506

How can you ban womens clothing in prison?? Its all the same! I've been to jail. The only difference is the color of the stripes.

No. 2403510


No. 2410680

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>Spain's former football federation boss Luis Rubiales has been found guilty of sexual assault for kissing player Jenni Hermoso without her consent and ordered to pay a fine of €10,800 (£8,942), Spain's High Court has ruled.

No. 2410735

It's a consequence for his actions and that's more than we normally get, I'll take it.
Incredible. We need more women like her in the world. I hope she comes out of this alive.

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No. 2303329[Reply]

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.

Previous: >>1904216
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No. 2410666

Samefag, drop the name of the college and I'll report it myself if you don't care enough to.

No. 2410716

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Should I go to a concert by myself and pay €200+ for a hotel and public transport or just stay home?

No. 2410718

If it's really important to you, it's safe for you to go and you can afford to pay that, sure. If you need to put that on a credit card/Afterpay and you're planning on living off ramen to afford it, stay home.

No. 2410719

Yes. You will make friends there and it will be a fun experience

No. 2410734

I didn’t know they supported trannies kek. But in this day and age everyone is queerio if they want to be marketed, just wait for the troonism to die down. It’s not really a big deal.
But I would not spend any penny on these polyester stuff. It’s way too pricey for the quality they’re giving you.

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No. 2149098[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1930878

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
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No. 2410641

Have you been eating anything different from what you usually do?

No. 2410644

I've been eating a lot of PB&Js and tortillas. And I had a powerade yesterdau.

No. 2410645


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2410649

It could be related to that as diet definitely affects BO, I know that mine reeks whenever I eat curry

No. 2410672

yeah you're right it was a UTI. i had one when i was a kid and it was TERRIBLE so i thought whatever i have now is not a UTI because it doesn't hurt THAT bad. turns out the antibiotics i'm taking for unrelated reasons have been suppressing it slightly.

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No. 1109566[Reply]

What kind of food are you craving, nonny?

previous thread: >>>/ot/236372
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No. 2410554

Anything with fresh garlic but it's so expensive these days. My mom buys minced garlic which has this weird preservative sour flavor and just imagining the taste makes me gag now.

No. 2410561

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Maybe dried minced garlic would work better for you?

No. 2410564

NTA, but it just isn't the same as fresh garlic for some recipes. I was craving risotto when out of fresh garlic once, and foolishly tried to substitute dried minced. Never again.

No. 2410566

AYRT and that's even worse lol. Garlic powder is a tiny bit better.

No. 2410634

Where do you live that garlic is expensive? Genuinely curious

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No. 599737[Reply]

Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
Have you made friends? Has your life changed? Has your worldview changed?
Have you experienced the opposite? Post away!

Personally, I love this website. I used to be kind of paranoid of posting, but I think there's so many smart, amazing farmers, it's really cool to talk to all of you!
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No. 2407546

lc is eventually how you talk to your friends when you spend every day together. Reddit is how you talk to new/work friends

No. 2407569

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>the way women act in that sub is just so… walking on eggshells, and I feel that way about a lot of female spaces
I was only semi-active in female dominated subreddits and I know what you mean. Snark subreddits specifically were unusable as people attempted to justify their criticism as coming from some morally superior position so it wasn’t actually gossiping or bullying. Like how redditors claimed they followed amberlynn because she was a harmful, toxic woman who lied and not because she was fat. I don’t care about being a better person I just want to make fun of people, let me be a bad person in peace dear god.

No. 2407691

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I no longer feel guilty for identifying as transphobic thanks to LC. Anything with "-phobic" in it felt like a no-no word, but what else could I use to describe the uneasiness I got every time I went to the bookstore and saw an obvious AGP with greasy hair wearing a tacky pleated miniskirt? Something didn't feel right, even as a former handmaiden.

No. 2407719

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It's nice to know that there is a place for women with worldviews similar to mine.

No. 2410557

I belong here permanently. Too bad I have to redownload other social media to keep in contact with events irl. I just want to get rid of everything and sit here on the farms

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2407138

This random mashup suddenly sprung back into my mind, I saw it on MTV or another music channel some 18 years ago and since it was the first mashup I ever heard I was like "wtf how did they do that, are they even allowed to do that???".

No. 2407343

I remember seeing this when it first came out.

No. 2407414

love it, thanks!

No. 2407473

This fucking game

No. 2410544

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I would NEVER forget pacthesis but I'm hoping this jogs some nonas brains, I am in love with these games

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No. 2346005[Reply]

Discuss all topics pertaining to Autism, Aspergers or ADHD/ADD experiences as a woman here.

Talk about the difficulty of diagnosis as a woman, the struggles that accompany autism, or share strategies that you developed to help cope with your diagnosis. For anons with ADHD/ADD, discuss your struggles, or share your advice to cope with your issues related to your attention disorder.

Or even discuss your thoughts on how recent attention to autism/ADHD on social media affects those afflicted.

Previous threads:
#5: >>>/ot/2022269
#4: >>>/ot/1687145
#3: >>>/ot/1438835
#2: >>>/ot/1198440
#1: >>>/ot/586560
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No. 2410548

Yep this is the general recipe I'm talking about. I think autism and bpd can be comorbid

No. 2410553

NPD needs the genuine grandiosity and abusive behaviour though. Learning to read people does not make you inherently manipulative, though a lot of autists especially women can feel they are.
Not saying NPD and autism can't be comorbid because I've seen some textbook cases, but autistic women thinking they're narcissistic just makes me sad kek

No. 2410558

I think there was an autistic anon involved in an ot infight recently. There were baiting anons insisting she was having an emotional reaction or otherwise personally invested in the infight but it was obvious she couldn't tolerate incorrect info being posted unchallenged. I think autistic women and NPD/BPD-moids are the worst combination bc they believe the actual issue is that they're not being understood, instead of realizing they're being baited/manipulated

No. 2410560

>autistic anon involved in an ot infight recently.
Can you be more specific?

No. 2410563

Damn this was my experience with a bippie kek. I should have known that they are very low in logic levels and do not care, so it's useless to try and feed them info because it's not the root of what they want

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No. 2324263[Reply]

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No. 2409349

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Your average “queer” nowadays.

No. 2409662

I would kill myself if someone said I have "tgirl swag".
I only agree with this for men because men can jerk off to pretty much anything and loads of "straight" guys act incredibly homosexual and also want to fuck troons and little boys. Most men can be memed into wanting to fuck anything if they're exposed to enough porn of it.

No. 2409680

Im not going to post screencaps for obvious reasons since i don't want to give that account attention but there is a account with over 145k followers who posts content of people getting shot to death, stabbed or dying in freak accidents. This isn't the first account who posts this snuff-tier content either on twitter.

No. 2409688

If you witness or observe drunk men in the wild, they almost always display homoerotic behavior. I deeply feel most men are bisexual or faggots who hate women.

No. 2410447

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In a way I agree with him. I think men should be deprived of all their desires. They have been proving themselves for the last millennia that they do not deserve to enjoy anything whatsoever.

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