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No. 875859[Reply]

Inspired by the Twitter Hate thread, a thread dedicated to cringe and delusions found on carrd and similar sites.

It's easy to find carrds and uwus of all kinds, simply use a popular character or franchise as a url and search away.

Vendettas need not reply
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No. 2429441

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bingo!!! i think we'd be best friends.

No. 2429448

Fentanyl? Why would anyone like one of the most potent drugs?

No. 2429449

femtanyl with a m is a tranny "musician" that makes songs about dog cock (that hurt to type). but i guess i hate the drug too kek

No. 2429451

Oh I didn't notice the m, thought it was a typo lol. Ofc it's a troon though kek

No. 2429659

the hell is neultralship? Can zoomers speak normally?
Songs about what dog?

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No. 1952006[Reply]

It's sakura season!
A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
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No. 2425553

Clearly anon just shitposting.

No. 2428067

Nonnas i did it, i made it to japan! And I'm exhausted. Fuck flying 19hrs lol

No. 2428113

Hope you have a lovely trip! Make sure to eat lots of tasty food!

No. 2429598

Thank you, nonna. Day one was great. Needs are hard AF, omg. Did a lot of shopping first day including finding a CHILLAXY store where I was able to buy a CRBD pen from a cure old man in a weed motif suit. Went to the cinnamon cafe, was so nice!

No. 2430469

The gaijin seat thing is bullshit. Don’t listen to TikTok’s and the like.

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
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No. 2422202

Roommates may care if you get nosy ones, but as long as you don't want people to keep silent hours the whole time you're in bed, no one will care what you do on your days off. I think you should risk the roommates rather than continuing in your current situation.

No. 2422228

If your family home is like that I'd say move out. It sounds like you can easily afford that and I'm a firm believer that mental soundness contributes a lot to earning potential. You'll have a different set of issues acclimating to a new living situation with strangers, but it's better than feeling unsafe and confined.
Source: moved out and absolutely hated my roommates but it was still better than being at home

No. 2429071

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going to try and go to the local church 5 minutes down the street for sunday service, first time actually going somewhere and being independent in an entire decade thanks to homeschooling and forced isolation (im 19 le zoomer etc). a little scared of what my parents might say/do since i dont want to get potentially kicked out or just outright told "no you're not doing that", trying to be hopeful about it though. wish me luck nonnas ill need it, i want to move on with my life

No. 2429374

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Good luck! You got this!

No. 2430354

I'm here to support you nonna, but mostly to know where is that gif come from, it's so cute!

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

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No. 2422886

Huut, tossa tarkoituksissa ei puhuta mitään lahjoitusten vastaanottamisesta. Se lienee ollut kuitenkin yhdistyksen tärkein tehtävä?

No. 2423182

juu ei, ei edes ruoka-, tai tavaralahjoituksista.

tää kans hieman haiskahti:
>Tilasimme viikoittain Lidlin rekan pihaan ja ostimme noin 10 000 eurolla ruokaa, minkä pakkasimme kasseihin ja kuljetimme avustajien avulla noin 1 000 ihmiselle per viikko, toimintakertomuksessa sanotaan.
yliksen pekkalangassa joku väitti käyneensä läpi näiden somepostauksia, eikä löytänyt yhtään lidlin rekkaa. kuulostaa myös aivan helvetin typerältä toteuttaa tuo, että kahden hengen voimin rahtaillaan tuhansittain ruokakasseja ensin vantaalle, ja sitten sieltä ympäri PK-seutua viikon aikana. miten tuossa edes säilyisi kylmäketju? mitä enemmän tästä Apuna Ry:stä lukee, sitä enemmän tulee se fiilis, että ei ihan puhtaat jauhot pussissa oo sielläkään.

No. 2428793

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Oksettavaa että Suomeenkin on rantautunut BDSM:llä naisiin kohdistuvan väkivallan selittely. En muuten ollut kuullut koko äijästä ennen kuin rupesin tutkimaan vaalikonetta, on listannut itsensä siellä muunsukupuoliseksi ja vastaukset täynnä edgyilyä. Luulisi että puolueet vähän imagon takia katsoisivat kenet ottavat ehdokkaaksi, onko kuntavaalit niin epäsuositut että kuka vaan kelpaa listoille?

No. 2429534

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>Luulisi että puolueet vähän imagon takia katsoisivat kenet ottavat ehdokkaaksi, onko kuntavaalit niin epäsuositut että kuka vaan kelpaa listoille?
ei kiinnosta puoluetta, kun ei kiinnosta äänestäjiäkään, niinkun sun kuvassa näkyykin niin kaveri on jo nykyisessäkin Espoon valtuustossa.
wikipedia-artikkelin perusteella tän koko ura vaikuttaa perustuvan epämääräiseen trollailuun ja edgyilyyn, vastaavia sankareita persuissa kyllä piisaa https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiri_Keronen

No. 2429705

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>onko kuntavaalit niin epäsuositut
On. Joillain puolueilla on vaikeaa saada lista täyteen.

Jep! Tässä puolueessa rikostuomio on sulka hattuun.

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
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No. 2419961

If someone in your community has committed rape, sexual assault, violence against children etc you should be immediately ousting them, not worrying about their pronouns and lecturing other people to respect their pronouns. If someone stabs.a.child. you should not be more concerned with mentioning or correcting pronouns than you should be them being completely excommunicated from your community. You shouldn't be more empathetic and compassionate toward predators than you are their victims. Anyone who thinks it's okay to violate the bodies of children should not be anywhere on your priority list when it comes to respect and compassion. LGBT community always talks about religious trauma and how the church shields and protects predators but they're literally doing the same thing by not distancing themselves from these kind of people. If someone is being discussed for STABBING CHILDREN you should not be correcting people in their pronoun use, it's delusional and really shows what you prioritize. If you acknowledge yourself as completely different from someone willing to harm children, you shouldn't be so angry at other people calling them a man. Sinking your own ship.

No. 2421278

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No. 2428718

I see stuff like this and it makes me depressed. Study hard, go to university, get a good job - all you get is 28m². Toronto is one fat ripoff.

No. 2428773

I was out of the country for a week, came back yesterday and did some grocery shopping and my jaw literally dropped. $250 for groceries at superstore. I had 3 bins of groceries and 1 bin was all produce. I made sure to buy noname for everything that I could and even skipped a few items because of the price.
Did they jack everything up yesterday because of the tariff announcement or is it expected to go up again soon? absolutely insane.

No. 2430193

Don't choose a profession where you're forced to work and live in the city. If I knew this when I was 18 I would have chosen some other career.

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No. 230337[Reply]

There is not really an organized thread for programming related topics. Feel free to share books and resources here. Post whatever you're working on and feel free to ask questions anons!
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No. 2404293

can nonnies suggest anything on machine learning/python? beginner and advanced please ty

No. 2404301

You are asking for very different things
>machine learning/python
skill and language
>beginner and advanced
like that's obvious

How much do you know nonnie? Can you do hello world or are you deep in enterprise architecture and thinking about switching?

No. 2404304

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Sorry this thread just made me flashback to the programming book parodies I saw in college

No. 2404337

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What in the goddamn
What kind of ML? Do you wanna work with existing LLMs? Train your own model for something specific like natural language processing (you can use NLTK), imaging, etc? Training your own LLM is out of the question, you'd need megacorporation level resources, but most have APIs you can consume. OpenAI has no free tier but afaik Gemini does.
For python, there are tons of beginner tutorials on youtube and online that are very good. There are also good tutorials on intermediate python too. As for advanced, you'll need to learn concepts like generators, decorators, iterators, concurrency, protocols, inheritance, what ducktyping actually means, etc.
Regardless, genAI can help you learn a lot faster. Ask chatgpt for project suggestions and help implementing them, explanations for concepts, etc.

No. 2428404

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Just started at a new job and they use effect. Wtf is even going on

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No. 1805584[Reply]

A place to discuss whatever you find trashy in society, trends, fashion, or people in general. Post examples, vent, contribute to the discussion. You can post anything you find personally upsetting to you. No racebait allowed. Tiktoks/Youtube/MP4s/Webms highly encouraged.
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No. 2421907

This is some poor people shit. I also hate smartwatches in general they make me laugh because they look so fuckin goofy

No. 2428375

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Maybe a little specific but I keep seeing people both IRL and online have these ugly camera protectors. I've heard they can ruin the camera quality too

No. 2428381

So then what are zoomers addicted to

No. 2428615

No. 2429453

A wider variety of shit.

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No. 1413046[Reply]

Italian thread / Filo o thread italiano
Previous thread / Filo o thread precedente:

Cosa c'è di nuovo?
Cosplayer, scene varie, personaggi dell'Internet italiano vari, virus, vaccini, nuove presidentesse e quant'altro nella sfera italofona
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No. 2402238

Hanno vinto tre merde. Brutti, che "cantano" come idioti e pure misogini. Una vergogna, tutto questo pagato con il canone. Non so se seguirò il prossimo.

No. 2402289

Una cagata immane proprio

No. 2404061

In generale la musica italiana mi fa cagare ma non ho capito come abbia fatto a vincere il primo posto quella canzone oscena poi hanno il coraggio di dire che i testi di Elodie sono banali (e non sono fan di Elodie ma canta meglio di Fedez sicuramente )

No. 2428318

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“Devo mettere in prima posizione gli uomini perché sennò guai a te”
Il femminismo è per le femmine, punto e basta, mica per i maschi falliti. Poi i trans se ne fregano altamente della misoginia e dell’’oppressione femminile, anzi, cercano sempre di dipingersi come le principali vittime nonostante di oppressione non abbiano proprio un cazzo e non fanno altro che parlare sopra le donne. Far diventare un qualsiasi movimento trans inclusive non fa altro che diluire obiettivi e oscurare le donne. Che poi perché non si può avere un femminismo solo donne? Non vedo movimenti anti razzismo che combattono anche per i bianchi, quindi perché le donne dovrebbero essere raggruppate con questi troll?
Lilith ti guardano strano perché sei alto 1,90 e hai la gonnellina con un trucco di merda e pensi di essere donna e lesbica, non perché vivi la misoginia.

No. 2428320

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Testo completo di questa cagata

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No. 1152627[Reply]

Hello, this thread is to post either articles or journalists that we find snowflakey and cringe. You can post milky findings and dumb funny shit. All areas of journalism welcome!
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No. 2273675

is she larping as gypsy rose, but skinny

No. 2342252

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No. 2428308

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No. 2428311

both posters are fucking shitlib cunts using a girls death for their shitty agenda, she was bullied and both raped by a family moid fucking leave her alone

No. 2428385

Previous info literally only and specifically identified her motivation after having been bullied and threatened with deportations so yeah given limited information people would think that's the primary cause while she was actively being bullied for being dark/having undocumented family

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No. 2227469[Reply]

Previous Thread >>1209563
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No. 2427396

no surprise they´re all alcis
voted against but the country doesn´t care. This crap happens nearly every day.
nice so these idiots get funded, thanks

No. 2427405

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One of my favourite desserts was named after this beauty (Cielaviņa - Hazelnut meringue chocolate cake).

No. 2427467

I'm Swedish and it's not unheard of, sadly. Swedish parents don't really care, state raises our kids so we don't have to.

No. 2428032

sadly no one let's me vote to erase all men

No. 2428102

Unfortunately there's no way to vote moids out of the country. Our one feminist party doesn't get mysterious anonymous millions in funding like a certain other retard right wing party.

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