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No. 816850
A thread for YouTubers/Vloggers that don't warrant an entire thread, but are still involved in drama. Previous topics discussed include:
>Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie>H3H3 aka Ethan & Hila Klein>Emilia Fart>Drama Channels>Vloggers>Lifestyle Bloggers>Family Bloggers>LetsplayersPrevious Thread:
>>>/snow/460232Community/General Threads:
>Pet Youtube: >>>/snow/730730>Beauty Community: >>>/snow/806516>Game Grumps/ProJared: >>>/snow/812124>Shane Dawson & Collaborators : >>>/snow/697489Youtuber Specific Threads:
>Taylor Nicole Dean: >>>/pt/666025>Onision: >>>/pt/661493>Cyr & Dasha: >>>/pt/616102>Trisha Paytas: >>>/snow/54084>Baylee Jae: >>>/snow/748723>shoe0nhead: >>>/snow/756206>Poppy & Titanic Sinclair: >>>/snow/581474>Venus Angelic: >>>/w/46865>Kelly Eden: >>>/w/46240>Grav3yardgirl: >>>/snow/483139>Nikocado Avocado: >>>/snow/361206Please don't feed the PewDiePie trolls. Just a rule reminder:
>7. Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting) No. 816894
Mumkey Jones cheated on his girlfriend with a furry paedophile.
His response No. 816930
>>816918ethan’s raging misogyny is getting so fucking old. actually, it’s always been old. but the last few times i attempted to watch the podcast i was distracted by the fact that he seems to fucking get off on talking about how stupid and pathetic and useless random women are. women he’s never even met or spoken to, mind you. just random fucking women online, everywhere from kim k to trisha paytas and everyone in between. his wife is too cute for that shit and i wish she’d tell him to stfu more often
>>816925>what happened to this girl who admits she uses drugs?gee anon i wonder
No. 816962
>>816932it pissed me off that it felt like he co opted this movement of exposing instagram's lies to call women landwhales while still looking like a good guy who's promoting positivity.
Insulting people's real appearances while then saying they don't
really need photoshop is so contradictory, how do his followers still eat that up?
No. 817021
>>816984I read I think on their subreddit, that Ethan said Hila made him take out “really bad” comments he made in the Instagram vs reality vid, so she’s was completely fine with the finale product.
She reminds me of Marzia, she says fuck all about the bad shit her partner does/says and gets a free pass.
No. 817079
>>816887Shes just mentally ill and a rape/child molestation
victim. I hope nobody directs any hatred towards her because I havent seen her do anything particularly bad and she doesnt seem to be a bad person? Shes going to be chewed up and spit out by Trisha though and theres nothing anybody can do about it because Emilia is basically defending their new found ~bff friendship~ because its "her dream". Its really sad. Trisha clearly wanted nothing to do with her until she found she could use her.
No. 817104
>>816903>>817079>>817100I think she is just sick and uses impulsively venting on YouTube as an unusual coping strategy. She's said things like "my therapist doesn't like when I post videos like this." she's also admitted to being addicted to alcohol/hard drugs as a teenager (before/after age 14 iirc) and that she partied HARD for several years. she's completely sober now.
I would totally believe the combo of trauma and drugs on a developing brain just fucked her up mentally. she's clearly paranoid+delusional and I've personally speculated that she's on government support, if her family isn't just wealthy and floating her.
she seems (mostly) genuine apart from her obviously playing into her own delusions of grandeur to film herself being a shameless creeper in public. Overall she's harmless. But yeah I just pray Trisha leaves her tf alone and doesn't damage her even more with """fame""", she deserves to live out her own weird life in Canada posting goofy shit that makes her child mind happy
No. 817106
>>817079You're right. I saw about 0.5 seconds of Trisha's "giving best friend a make-over" video and Trisha makes a joke about having overfilled duck lips, Emilia says she wants hers filled and was thinking about using the fucking quack (pun intended) who does Trisha's, and Trisha says "oh yeah, she's great! She's never done anything, like, wrong or anything."
I hope she doesn't go along with it to give her some views and turn herself into some kind of weird Mini-Me version that Trisha can parade around to make herself feel better.
No. 817108
>>817106I dont think that Emilia is functional enough socially or intellectually to be a ~mini Trisha~ tbh. Theres a clear difference there. Like the reply here says
>>817104 she has a child like mind due to whatever all happened to her in her teen years. After hanging out with Trisha for a bit I do think she going to withdraw herself again to her own devices. Shes riding a high right now of >Trisha is paying attention to me!! And she probably genuinely feels shes in a relationship with her now, to an extent. And Trish is of mind enough to know that you have to be more careful around some people, but shes a piece of shit cunt who just doesnt give a fuck, and much like the other youtubers shes used, when Emilia is no longer of use to her, she's going to create some weird drama with her, talk shit about how "weird and scary" Emilia is, just like she did with Nicocado, and Emilia is going to take it really hard Im sure. It wont be pretty.
No. 817119
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lol i asked for this thread to be made and then didn't even check to see it was made
>>806433Lia has been on a downward spiral since mid 2018, I remember her cultists plastering pics of her smoking and acting like a trashy druggie all over 4chan.
She chopped all of her hair off, got a nose ring, started getting tattoos (or writing on herself?), dying her hair, going to parties (
I hate how all of a sudden everyone is blowing up about this for attention. Her drugginess is old news. This hideous neoweeb Repzilla hopped on the clout train and did a video on her, he first came to my attention when the Taylor Nicole Dean drama was in its infancy. I can't stand him. He's so disgusting and creepy looking and I can't bear with his nasally half-British half-retard accent.
No. 817174
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>>817163He's from like special ed with whatever sped accent he's pulling off, he looks like a 40 year old ex-scene band frontman pedophile, everything he does screams "please pay attention to me" from the subject matter of his videos to the funko pops and google images anime posters propped all over his filthy dank abode
No. 817293
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>>817119>>817174>>817277>>817290oh! you're the repzilla-sperg who tried to make like 7 different threads and threw a hissy fit when mods shut you down for not providing any milk/no one caring? and your 8chan thread didn't work either so you're back here to sperg about it? welcome back lmao. I'm like your #1 fan repzilla-sperg. I bookmarked your 8chan thread to see if there was actually any milk (because I would be interested if there was) but you still didn't provide anything other than vendetta shit.
>But one of the lolcow mods/possibly the admin is up his buttYou literally created an entire new board as an admin on 8chan for your vendetta. There's nothing else there….but sure, it's lolcow that's the problem. Mods have honestly explained this several times already. You can't just say "
guys seriously he's done fucked up shit I swear you have to believe me!!" and not provide any actual milk/proof. He doesn't need his own thread (or his own board, what the fuck) if you have milk to share just share it here. Why don't you do that instead of tinfoiling about mods and accusing everyone of being him? Speaking of, inb4
reee ur shane!!!!. You've just created a real Streisand effect for yourself is all.
No. 817376
>>817293Uhh no, that wasn't me. I've never had anything on this board deleted and I don't use 8chan. I just hate him.
>>817195I did not know he had a brain injury. Most people I know/have seen with brain injuries didn't develop speech issues from it so I guess I was ignorant, I apologize, I still can't stand him though
No. 818333
>>818301it was about jake.he wanted to appear as a saviour while he had no solid arguments aside from "ur a cyberbully" which isnt even the case.he was mostly projecting imo
Im glad cody got exposure out of this idiot's stupidity
No. 819204
>>818321Speaking about Cody, he made a that's cringe video, reacting to this…
Never in my life I was so put off and disgusted by molly or whatever the shit they are on.
No. 819215
>>819204I went in expecting to be cringed but actually I'm just sad that I'm not half of a young supermodel hippy couple that lives in some beautiful minimal apartment, spending our whole days on the beach, painting and making smothiebowls whilst saying how much we love each other.
It's true this can't last forever for them, and their life might not even be as good or filled with live as they're presenting, but what a great snapshot to look back on when they're older and more straight laced.
I've never even had a smoothiebowl.
>you're literally the best artist on this planet ever shout out Kanye and Picasso…. And Steve JobsIconic
No. 819273
>>819215Neither of them have anything going on between the eyes; are they even capable of reminiscing? Claire seems like the type who'll end up in prison for grifting anyway.
>>819242Their 'lifestyle' doesn't exist. The closest you get to it in reality is retirees who've stopped giving a fuck about the world around them moving to Florida.
Claire has some of the most highly-curated videos on social media; every scene is selected for its maximum appeal to tired, anxious women who've read Eat Pray Love one too many times and believe that they can escape their problems and find meaning by moving to a place where life is perceived to be simpler. It's a dangerous mixture of self-absorbed ~discover yourself~ New Age woo and retirement community-tier advertising with the production values scaled up and the target age scaled down.
You know how you're totally happy to go home after a lengthy beach vacation? That's because spending all day on the beach and doing leisure activities becomes boring as shit really quickly unless you're brain-dead. Most people have to be working towards something or otherwise contributing to a wider community in order to feel fulfilled.
No doubt that Claire spends most of her downtime peeled to her phone, as she, like all of the other New Age instathots, has forgotten one of the most important aspects of living a meaningful life- community. The reason why people in places like Micronesia and other island nations are/were content is not because they live on tropical islands, but because they have/had a strong community with strong traditions, and where everybody contributes to the survival of the group and alleviating the monotony of island life. Moving to an island to live a meaningful, 'self-actualized' life is like putting on a lab coat in hopes that it'll turn you into a molecular biologist. If Claire's happy there then it's not because her life is good but because she's getting high out of her mind on a regular basis and doesn't have much going on there to begin with.
sage for massive sperg
No. 819386
pewdiepie dropped this, the promo is super dodgy? it's an app that asks for like 100% of your info, all the reviews say it's dodgy as fuck. what the fuck felix.
apparently every minute of your life is in game currency/a social media ~experience
do not download this shit. apparently it's hard to delete once it's downloaded/registered. No. 819795
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>>819386what in the fuck is this legit cult shit
No. 819857
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>>819795>>819431>>819645yeah this is starting to get weird. their privacy policy is screaming about how they're going to use your data, dont blame us later uwu!!
I'm digging around now to see what people are saying, will drop relevant milk when i find it. this looks scary, who the fuck actually reads these privacy policies?
No. 819861
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>>819857gonna be saging what I drop from hereon out, any law student anons have any idea how normal this is? PASSPORT INFO? not relevant but seriously reminds me of this lmao life imitates art No. 819959
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just found out a more recent photo of eugenia from late may and she looks so much happy she finally did this for herself (this was posted on her hairstylist's instagram and it's most likely recent)
No. 820155
>>819965go away sperg
>>819982i know it's more than just looks but her expression seems better too if that makes sense.tbh i would prefer if she stayed away from the internet forever so her recovery wouldnt be disrupted by idiots online but it's good to know she at least
seems to be doing better
No. 820185
>>820173at least she looks like a “grandma” than a empaciated skeleton.
>>820155 I seriously hope she stays off the internet too, I guess it’s hopeful seeing her slowly gaining back weight.
No. 820379
>>816894Just what is it that makes these men go nuts once they become a ~big youtuber~ and cheat on their girlfriend? Usually with someone who's a massive downgrade too? Sheep (Mumkey's girlfriend) was the breadwinner and a very sweet person who supported Mumkey's ~youtube career~ while having a real job of her own, the other bitch was a degenerate druggie furry who made her living drawing cub porn.
Idk if people follow that circle of "drama youtubers" but Mumkey's old partner Assburger was jailed recently for beating up his wife in an alcohol-fueled rage. It's a shame because both Assburger and Mumkey could both be very hilarious with their comedy, but
abusive dicks deserve no sympathy.
No. 820602
File: 1560200762285.jpg (140.07 KB, 1080x1212, IMG_20190610_230122.jpg), Slazo, a commentary youtuber close to 1 mln, is having a scandal or more like he's getting cancelled right now. The link is to the imgur album with caps, sorry for not posting them directly but there's a lot
No. 821137
>>821130>lel omg shez like sooo real u guyz" bullshitthe ironic thing is that many of her videos start with her being annoying and saying random shit and towards the end they get "deep" and "serious" and sometimes she cries too.and those videos feel way too scripted and i wonder how people call her real and shit when she does this all the's honestly tiring and forced
I wouldnt mind her at all if she was genuinely weird,but she obviously forces the act to get attention.such a lifestyle and behaviour arent good for her emotional being despite her saying she is happier now than she was when she was more "normal"
No. 821145
>>821137I agree. It's formulaic and predictable as hell. She even speaks in a certain cadence when she gets uwu deep it's cringey af.
Admittedly I find it interesting to watch how readily she admits she loves and needs attention all the time.
Now she's falling into the youtube bullshit. I watched the video where she has a sleepover with Trisha Paytas and Emilia was kissing ass the whole time. I see beyond what Emilia thinks she's projecting and speculate about it in my head lol
No. 821160
>>821112well, it's not fake since Slazo kinda admitted it's true (although "there's a lot of false things in her statement" he said; even though he admitted he apologized before for what he did etc. Classic damage control I guess)
This girl may be just not that eloquent/mature, idk, I don't know her but I see that she's friends (along with Slazo) with the commentary youtube. It's a big thing now in the community, and he's not a small irrelevant youtuber, so I posted.
No. 821163
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No. 821164
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No. 821165
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No. 821166
File: 1560327103265.jpg (274.67 KB, 1080x1720, IMG_20190612_101144.jpg) don't want to flood the thread for those who are not interested, but she posted caps of their convo before "exposing" him I guess
No. 821192
>>821166why is exposing in quotes? she did expose him. dude is a fucking creep. they always say they’ve changed, but there’s always more
victims that haven’t said anything yet.
No. 821197
>>821192sorry, you're right.
I think there's something seriously wrong with him, how manic he acted, lovebombed her and in general sounded like he's fucking delayed with those baby baby i love u-s. Gives me the creeps. And the messages how he can't stop himself and he might rape her, and now he's saying it was because of the distance and his strict parents…? Wtf
I feel sorry for her, because I feel like this is going to get really dirty.
No. 821341
>>821241For now, the response is overwhelmingly supportive because a lot of youtubers (imallexx, memeulous, bluesdank, kingani, basically the crew than hung out with Slazo lately) spoke out in Chey's support. From what I'm understanding, she's friends with some or all of these people so it's not like she's a random nobody (can be wrong though, she's friends with kingani at least)
But he said he wants to "cover it all properly" or something to Keem, so that's what I'm more concerned about. Those fucks can never just apologize, huh.
No. 821564
>>821341I know it's not proof but months ago I got a really strange feeling from some creepy comments he made and I just up and unsubbed because he really just gave me a bad vibe, I guess I was exactly right. He sounds identical to a guy I knew in high school who repeatedly touched girls without their permission and typed the exact same way and the same rapey type stuff as slazo
did and his mistakes are definitely not just innocent errors, it is absolutely proof of being a scummy shitty person with no care for anyone else. Of course he just wants to hide it lol
No. 821821
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>>821818samefag but I'm guessing this is phan sailing? or at least Phil coming out again
No. 821845
>>821841 I got the feeling that they're fuck buddies/in an open relationship. The way he talked about not wanting everything to be out there if something goes wrong.. idk just the general way he spoke about it made me think this.
But I won't lie, it annoys me they just won't be straightforward about it.. now people will just speculate even more
No. 821906
>>821841yeah, that threw me off too. plus like it really makes 0 sense to be like "I'm into guys, Phil was involved with me romantically and we're soul mates but like I want to keep things private". obviously Phil had a big influence in coming to terms with himself so he cannot omit him but then it makes their current status confusing if he concludes it like that, he loves keeping shit ambiguous but like it's weird now that he's proper out.
I legit thought my phan theory days are like a 6 year old past kek, is this how 50 year old ladies dressing up for a disco themed bingo night feel
No. 821917
>>821845>But I won't lie, it annoys me they just won't be straightforward about it.. now people will just speculate even moreThing is at the end of the day, he's a celebrity. He doesn't need to share every detail but expecting people not to speculate is unreasonable.
Gay, straight, bi, whatever if you're a public figure people are always going to want to know about your relationship status. Now that he's confirmed both him and Phil are not straight and potentially outing them to their families is off the table, that puts them in the same league as every other straight couple in the public eye. Most phannies are grown up or have moved onto other fandoms now too, so all the disturbing fanfic and whatnot is much less of a big deal as it was in D+P's peak.
>>821817By dictionary definition yes he's probably just bi but some people just don't like specific words, or don't feel quite comfortable using them to describe themselves. A lot of people still internalise the idea that bi means 50/50 so maybe he doesn't feel like that fits quite right, since he clearly has a preference for guys.
Also if it's a label he clung to in the past to avoid using the word 'gay' then it's understandable he doesn't want to identify with the word now. It sounds like compulsory heterosexuality, which is more of a lesbian thing but it sounds like it could fit his experience too. Him saying about the word bi 'I can like guys…and be normal' rather than 'I can like guys and girls' comes to mind. He seems to be using gay and queer as umbrella terms, basically just coming out as not straight. Whatever he's comfortable with is fine, at the end of the day that's what matters. Some people feel comfortable picking more decisive labels but if he feels more comfortable with using gay and queer as umbrella terms that's cool too.
No. 821956
> he loves keeping shit ambiguousyeah cause he doesn't owe you, me, or anyone anything to do with his life. The only reason he mentioned the romantic part with Phil is because there is an obvious history between the two that got swept under the rug. By claiming he was romantic for Phil he clears the air from HIS side without dragging Phil into it, and also proceeds to shut the lid as far as what happened after that, while making the type of jokes he's always made.
There are some loons in the phan community who only care about dan and phil when it's a possibility of them fucking. It's all they think about, talk about, tweet about, theorize about. It's like they have nothing better to do with their time.
I thought the video was good. For once we get an honest an open discussion about how hard it's been for him to process the word gay and even says it himself in the video "I am gay".
imho they are either still together and dan just likes to make jokes (just like Phil does, too, he just does it more lowkey), or they are just soulmate bffs with a history that never got between them. Either way, not our business, and it was crazy phans making it their business that made them close up.
No. 822014
>>822002Yep the amount of times I’ve been read “I’ve been a fan for so long all I’m waiting for is for them to confirm their relationship then I’m done”
Their entire selling point when they were packaged together whether they liked it or not was ~are we a couple~ They would have to blind, deaf retards to not realise that was the main interest any fans of theirs had.
Phils content is total shit and so dated, I don’t know how anyone could enjoy it tbh
No. 822118
>>822105It's true that the gaybaiting or shipbaiting was the only thing that kept D+P relevant for as long as they were. I'm a lesbian and although I don't feel "betrayed" as you put it, it does feel a bit shady. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he finally came out to his family but to lash out at people saying they knew and not acting like it was the most earth shattering news when he essentially made a living off of alluding to it and letting people fetishise his relationship with Phil for an entire decade is a bit shitty. Essentially telling his audience off like little kids for not being surprised by the internet's worst kept secret. When I came out and people told me they already knew I was fucking relieved, it didn't invalidate my experience of coming to terms with it myself. Many people get disowned or abused or killed for coming out, being told that they already know is literally the best case scenario. One would have to either be living in an echo chamber of privilege, or have a seriously inflated sense of self importance to take offence to that. Especially after exploiting your sexuality for profit for so many years the way he did.
If he couldn't commit to a label for however long or if he doesn't like the word gay that's his problem, but now that the ambiguity is gone and his fans have grown up who is going to care anymore. He barely uploads at the best of times and the are they aren't they of Phan has been their only selling point. They both rode the wave of fetishisation and shipbaiting all the way to the bank, but now that they're both out and confirmed to have been together at some point what reason is there to stick around? For content as mediocre as Phils? I predict his views and subscribers will drop when and if he next uploads.
No. 824877
>>824869I think he hams it up for the camera on her channel, he’s much more relaxed on his channel.
But yeah his commentary can be annoying asf but the fan base loves the dynamic so..
No. 824881
>>824869>>824862Honestly I don't think I've seen her wear rings that often and that's why I'm bringing it up.
Also Julien clearly hams it up for the camera like
>>824877 said, he's pretty sweet in his vlogs and his cooking videos are fun. Hes still goofy but not as destructive.
No. 824888
>>824869Julien is insufferable in her videos, but I think he's toning it down recently, either because Jenna asked him to (imo coughing in her face is just disrespectful after 1000 times of her asking him to stop) or he realized how childish he looks.
that being said, I'm sure they would tell viewers (eventually) if they're engaged. I'm just not convinced now is the time, they just got a new dog and are working with her so it's not a great time to plan a wedding. They did go on vacation for the first time in forever last month though so I could see him proposing on the trip. I don't think it's milk though, Jenna is like an anti-cow even if Julien is a typical annoying entitled straight white rich guy
No. 825077
>>825016I do like the Try Guys but Eugene can be insufferable. In the follow up video "Why I came out as gay" or w/e it was called he legit says this video is going to be the most important video he ever makes. Just… wow. Everyone already knew you suck dick, you've said you're ~LGBT~ for years now, how fucking conceited do you have to be to think your coming out song-and-dance number is the most important thing you're ever going to make??
It's insulting. Yes, you have Asian parents, wow you like dick oh no woe is me your life is so hard. He is so fucking one dimensional, he's in his 30s and he acts like a teenager who's just discovered he likes dick. Idk I think as a lesbian it just annoys me way more than it should. This is why I stay away from gay dudes, most of them are psycho narcs.
No. 826315
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>>826157I was a fan of her years ago and I followed her up until the Content Cop video - I didn't stop watching her because of the video itself, but I noticed her personality changed a lot after the situation cleared up. Her videos went from her sitting in front of a camera being herself for at most 15 minutes to 20-30 minute long tiring collabs with whatever other trendy YouTubers she could hook up with and vlogs nobody cared about. It radiated vibes that she was going through an early mid-life crisis like she realized her only accomplishment in life was sitting in front of a camera in her bedroom talking about getting high and fucked over. She started hanging out with Bella Thorne and her style became more messy, like streetwear hoodies that she threw on the floor and picked up and wore a week later messy. I honestly think she might of went through a depressive phase. I don't hate her and I never thought she was ugly but her looks are fading fast.
Her new content is so bad though, she's ripping off Emma Chamberlain's editing so hard it looks like a parody lol. Did she get lip fillers?
>>826152Her vids with him started popping up in my recommendations a while ago and I was like wtf, how did this even happen? I don't understand how she gets so many people to mess around with her, she's really not that interesting.
No. 826464
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anyone seen this? hope it won’t belong to the ghost thread soon
No. 826482
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Rest in peace Etika
No. 826504
>>826482It's always sad to see somebody ending their life's this way but it does not surprise me at all. At the moment they found his belongings, it was pretty clear how things turned out. This guy seemed super mentally unstable and being around those constant ~ironic~ memes and people didn't helped either.
I always wondered why nobody around him took this serious. Even his vocal ex-girlfriend took all this to chase some clout, rather than idk keeping facts straight or offering some help.
I feel he could have turned his life around with some proper mental therapy and starting a new, meaningful life, far away from the whole gaming/Twitch/youtube thing.
Wonder for how long Keemstar is going to milk this. He was already all about it when he went missing.
No. 827055
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Did anyone used to watch thingamavlogs? and follow the whole mrleozombie and sarasterling situation? I don’t follow Sarah so I don’t know what she posted on her story other than Leo cheated.
No. 829016
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>>829005sage because it was almost two months ago but
get ready, Jared
No. 829053
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>>829016i laughed my ass off.
No. 829113
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>>827055I used to watch every once in a while.
After reading this tweet makes me think that he cheated on her with a guy. Which fucking sucks, i tried snooping around and couldn't find anymore info since they're very family friendly.
No. 829125
>>829113Is she referring to Keith the guy who was in Thingamavlogs at the start but left and then tried to publicly smear them by saying they were evil for looking for unpaid interns to help them?
That's her only other controversy so maybe she's just saying she in general is not someone who wishes ill will on anyone who wrongs her rather than implicating Keith as being involved in this specific situation.
No. 829212
>>821166So slazo released a video giving context to Chey's claims. He admits to being a shitty boyfriend but it looks like the situation was massively manipulated and some downright lying. In one screenshot he shows Chey clearly admitting shes jealous of Slazo and in others she refuses to to give or be shown proof when Slazo asks her.
Whats worse is the youtubers who clowned slazo refuse to watch his video or give any apologies for jumping to conclusions.
No. 829447
>>829212wtf do you mean? i watched the whole damn thing and I think its either somewhere at the 8 or 10 minute mark he shows messages chey left out that say "i told you not to touch me there and you still did it." along with the messages we've already seen where she said she told him no. so the apology makes that okay because she lied about having a bf before??
also in the whole video there's no mention of the fact that he tried to get her to stop taking pills for more sex. No matter what that's still completely unacceptable and retards like you are why women don't come out about sexual assault.Learn comprehension skills. disgustang
No. 829452
>>829212How would anyone believe this video? He “apologises” for, in his own words, “being a controlling and manipulative shitty boyfriend” yet won’t tell us exactly what he means by that. He’s also subtly using “she lead me to believe she had sex before so it’s not as bad that I forced myself on her”
Fuck this guy
No. 829561
>>829543i remember when i first found out his videos and i binged on them bc they were hilarious in an absurd favourites are the ones about infomercial products
it's definitely after his face reveal that his videos went downhill and i dont find him funny anymore.posting daily and having youtube and twitch as his sources of income ruined his content
No. 829731
>>829561Didn't he used to donate all of his revenue?
I remember him posting proof on his Twitter everytime he donated.
No. 829902
>>829731yes but I'm not sure if he does that anymore.He uploads and streams almost daily so I doubt he has a regular job
>>829826what was that video about anon
No. 830302
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I thought Felix constantly made fun of these vapid cunts, and keemstar?? Am I missing something?
No. 830469
>>830374What about videogamedunkey? It's the only "gaming" youtuber I watch, but he's more of a clown and reviewer than a let's player. But at least he doesn't pander to edgelords at all.
I would love for the commentary to die. All those 20 y/o boys thinking they're funny, pulling mad views while making shitty jokes at some bbc documentary about weird people. I used to watch this shit and I still don't know why, I'm bored to death with it now and annoyed how easy it is for them to get popular doing just this. It's shit tier content, the laziest and least creative thing ever and they all act like it's their hurr serious job and they're so tired and writing 24/7 and act like serious creators.
No. 830678
>>830635Sounds like a piece of shit
But will be forgiven because he's Japanese and weebs love Japanese
No. 830681
>>822118They're old news now anon
Half of these you tubers are getting on in their day so…
No. 830780
>>830374vinny is unfunny as fuck and
>"chud"feel free to stay on reddit
No. 830976
>>829731He did, but in a video he stated he stopped doing it because he would read the charity reviews and be mad that the funds weren't truly going to what was in need. At the time he said he was keeping all the money to use for emergencies and that he didn't want to rely on Youtube money, but I think Youtube is definitely his career now.
>>829916He and his friends have -2 charisma combined - I can't stand the podcast and can't understand how anyone can listen to it.
No. 831732
>>831526you watch that fat manchild?
h3 is so boring, unfunny, he literally steals all his content i dont understand why people like him
No. 833150
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Critikal strting to look like leafy
No. 834877
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>>834859Spill posts about new videos this channel puts it out, so you're probably right. She also retweets him regularly.
I did wonder before if Spill is more than one person. Her twitter is very impersonal, only focused on posting announcements when new videos come out or screencaps of drama-related things, so it could easily be managed by a team of people.
No. 834924
>>830374This might fall into the category of "super irrelevant", but I've always liked NintendoCapriSun. He's just some older dude playing games while talking about his day. No bass-boosted intros.
Also runs a collab channel with Chuggaaconroy and ProtonJon, but tbh Chugga is a bit too over-the-top and screamy for me. His channel is mainly marketed towards younger people and nostalgiafags.
No. 836546
>>834877I believe there is a team behind the channel. I've seen a few community posts from her where she says things like "We worked really hard on this."
I always just assumed Brew is maybe a boyfriend or relative who works in tandem with her, and then maybe a few more people to help gather all the facts for the videos. Since she does cover a lot of evidence and is pretty thorough.
No. 837050
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I'd never watched a single Miranda/Colleen video until she gave birth, and then I somehow ended up being fascinated by all her vids on pregnancy/childbirth. Can't speak for the rest of her catalogue, but I genuinely enjoyed hearing someone talk honestly about how awful and weird pregnancy is. I guess most people talk about how awful giving birth is, but the discussion on how awful pregnancy itself is felt….refreshing? Honest? I probably won't watch her much outside of the pregnancy/baby stuff though. (I don't even care about the baby stuff as much as I did the pregnancy stuff lmao)
All that being said…..I am absolutely repulsed by this shit. I know this "making people drink my breastmilk!" has been a thing she's been doing for a while now with all the baby stuff, but it just makes me immediately queasy to even think about. (Not skeeved out by babies breastfeeding or breastfeeding in general, but the idea of an adult drinking milk from another human adult makes my stomach churn). Am I the only one who feels this is maybe crossing a line? (the 700 times she does it?) People seem to just go with it?
No. 837072
>>837050Nah. If it's chill to steal and drink the milk from another species of animal, it's not weird to be given milk to drink from a consenting human adult. Human breast milk is actually widely considered vegan-friendly, since it can be obtained with consent. (no I am not a vegan)
I think part of why it seems so strange (fuck no I would not drink a distant "friend"'s breast milk for views) is because breasts are SO sexualized and perceptually-removed from their natural purpose, that when people are reminded that they produce milk just like all other mammals do, it's jarring to think about. When you stop and think about it, technically we should be more comfortable+familiar with human milk than with any other species's milk. We make it, our babies need it, it's natural for all humans to consume during their lives. but society wants us to forget that titties aren't made exclusively for adult men's pleasure.
No. 839261
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idk where the anisa thread went, so
No. 841899
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I know this freakin idiot has been brought up before, but i cant stand Charlie and his dumb ass. He makes edgelord jokes about his asshole and dick/balls on his shitty youtube and does nothing but movie reviews. He really thinks clown emojis are offensive though?
No. 842079
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>>841899why do i get the feeling a lot of people itt have a hateboner for critikal just because of his politics? being (barely) right-wing does not a snowflake make. he's actually pretty lackluster in terms of milk.
if you wanna make fun of him, make fun of him for looking like an AIDS hapa with 2009 bieber hair
No. 842088
>>842079tbh anon this video is what killed him for me honestly haven't watched any of his videos since didn't even know he was alt right leaning
he's cringe and should have kept his face hidden
No. 842399
>>842079No one gives a shit about his politics. your conservitard
victim complex is showing.
No. 844075
>>843631Does he always look like he was just punched in the stomach 5 seconds ago?
>I called it all off and sent her homePathetic
No. 844117
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>>844017The thing that gets me about this is how little remorse he seems to have for what he did to his ex-gf and how distraught he is over this furry chick. She was his gf for at least 2 years afaik and was financially supporting him for a significant portion of the time. What a mess.
No. 844141
>>844080I've always thought gigi was a real asshole to nats. She's always talking down to her and being rude as fuck.
Big shocker. A famous trans PS addicted sugar baby marrying an ugly no personality billionaire.
No. 844155
>>844123In one of her more recent videos she shows off her beauty room she admits that beauty-tubers have too much make-up but she's going to buy and review more. Even though her application is shit and she doesn't make an effort to do better.
Also, nitpick, but she had her dove in the room and the it was making so much noise you couldn't even hear what she was saying.
No. 844292
>>844123I don't dislike say her personality but some of her talk around weight and her over the top spending and hauls seem like a bad example for a young audience. I'm guessing the kawaii and japan hauls do draw in mostly teens.
She gives off the impression that she lost weight in an unhealthy way as she talks about being pretty overweight for years and just suddenly dropping it all for the sake of fitting in cute clothes? She buys clothes online just to try them on in bulk and use free returns.. to a point where it's abusing the offer
The spending/hoarding is nuts, I don't know where she gets that much money but she's joked about hiding expenses from her partner before
No. 847449
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>>847336I stumbled on his vids a few times but I couldn't watch him bc he was extremely ironic which I found obnoxious (other people found it funny when it wasn't imo)
He sounds so selfish here and yet people support him and say how honest and "brave" he is.yet the first video he makes about his wife leaving (which he didn't even need to make in the first place since that part of his life was unknown)is all about money and the blame goes to anyone but himself.he pretty much says that even though he got material stuff for his wife and provided her with a "good life",that in the end she didn't appreciate it and left.and he said that she was selfish bc he wasn't treating her to stuff proportional to his wealth.even the stuff about his parent's money not ending up to her if her and his parents didn't get along was so what about you my dude?did it even occur to him that he was so detached from her that she just fucked off and left?
Like we don't know the whole story for sure but going to the internet trying to get sympathy isn't a solution.and I bet that if his wife did anything that got lawyers and stuff involved he would say shit like "my money-hungry wife is trying to steal my wealth!!1!1!"
I never got good vibes from this guy but I thought it was just me.he honestly sounds like this pic
No. 847482
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So Brad (Pewds' editor) has apparently quit.
However, in his streams Brad seems very emotional, I wonder if something happened between them.
No. 847534
>>847482>I wonder if something happened between themHe sounds like he takes pride in his editing skills. He calls it "unique creative influence", that's some solid self-confidence.
>I am moving on>We worked so well together>I wouldn't trade it for anythingGratitude, respect and disappointment. My guess is, they had a disagreement over something regarding work and style, and either editor's feefees and pride got hurt or he simply wanted to go solo for more freedom in creativity.
I'm just having fun deep-reading this. If you're into the topic, do tell if I guessed right when the ediot spills
No. 848117
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Am I the only one who cannot fucking stand Rosanna Pansino? Every single thing about her feels completely manufactured to create the perfect "omg adorkable!! xDDDD so smol so quirky uwu" persona. I would genuinely believe she's never played a single video game in her life, and saw just saw this as a market to monetize on because she was failing as an actress and nerds would give her attention. It just feels like she's always "on", you never see her without perfect lighting with her 15 pounds of hair perfectly curled and coiffed and fully made up with her perfectly bubbly personality and sexy baby voice. It even seems like she's backed off from the "nerd" persona now that she's made her bajillion dollars from it.
No. 848224
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>>848117She probably stunted anon, I don't like her myself but she's doing this shit for almost 10 years and started in her early 20s where it was funny and kinda cute in 2010.
It's unfortunate that she doesn't grow with her audience but that's her shitty choice of direction with her channel. Yes she's manufactured but I'm sure she's dead inside and lacks a real personality in real life, She's 34 now and is going to do the same thing when she's 44
No. 848256
>>848251They were referring to the fact that he wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse when he had his first cardiac arrest.
Either way, I can only imagine their medical bills.
No. 848298
>>848251If you stop breathing and your heart stops then you are clinically dead, and he was for 20 minutes. They're not exaggerating. It's absolutely incredible that they managed to bring him back after that long and with so many clots in his heart, nothing short of a miracle.
Honestly I don't know how Corinne wasn't bawling the whole video, I was tearing up the whole time. Just thinking about something like that happening to my husband makes me want to throw up. She's so strong.
No. 848564
>>848251his heart stopped for 20 minutes anon, he's allowed to say he died
jesus fucking christ though, poor corinne. rob doesn't seem to remember much, but she'll have been told that 20 minutes downtime is likely to leave him a vegetable. he's lucky to have not ended up with a stroke with all the autoimmune clotting
No. 849180
>>848117especially dislike her since PressHeartToContinue (or dodger as you may know her) used to be her roommate and good friend until dodger's scummy online gamer/youtuber ex broke up with her horribly and rosanna took HIS side instead of supporting her, and it caused a rift. She moved out and kept up with this super fake persona she's had since
there are super early videos where she was in a small apartment and she sounded much more normal. I bet she doesn't regret throwing friends under the bus since it gave her this success
No. 849374
>>844295Her recent video of plus size shopping in Japan + the Hawaii bikini haul videos make her look like such a try hard. "Look, I'm not ana! I'm inclusive of fatties! Just look at my friend that I obviously think it horrifically fat and can barely hide my disgust!"
>>844148I think she lurks her and PULL. There were some similar comments about her disgusting consumerism on there too, and suddenly she talking about "mindful consumerism" and how harmful Wish can be before her $5 Bikini haul? Like girl, since when did you care about this? And if she honestly did, why isn't she starting all her Wish & similar website hauls with similar disclaimers? It's not like this is a new thing she just learned about it.
No. 849588
>>849374The Hawaii bikini was the worst vid I've seen of her. The hypocrisy with "here are sustainable things but I am still going to recommend you cheap trash", the fact that she whinges about beaches and water the entire video? Why the fuck would you even do a swimsuit video if you hate water so much? Why the fuck go to the beach at all if you just gonna film yourself being miserable? Why post that?
She's a tryhard who just likes to flaunt her wealth and skinny body. She doesn't even have a coherent aesthetic anymore, something I found her and followed her from.
>>848119I never particularly cared for Rob, but seeing him like this, without his usual pretence is making me feel things. If he plays up his asshole side for views or if he is genuinely an asshole, he does not deserve that kind of pain. Can't imagine how hard it was for Corinne either.
No. 849649
>>849588I definitely think he plays it up, there's such a difference compared to their super old videos. I think he hams it up because their respective personas bounce well off each other (I view it as expectation (rob) vs reality (corinne).
He mentions at the end of the video of wanting to do different things, and dying really put things into perspective, and I'm hoping it'll mean he at least tones down the fake blood and asshole persona. I didn't watch a lot of their latest uploads that weren't by Corinne because it felt cringey to watch. Even in the very early Man vs Pin videos, he really puts effort into them and debunks/finds the source of the ones that are fake after putting in effort to try them out (e.g. the moss painting one) and I'm hoping he'll return to something similar.
No. 849775
>>849635>>849636>>849637Shane thread is over here
>>843231It's literally linked in the OP and easily found in the catalogue. At least pretend you know how to read.
No. 850409
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>>850404But don't worry you guise she clarifies that she's actually ummm not an abuser?? (from her twitter)
No. 850437
>>850409I don't condone the way she reacted at all, but to give her a little bit of the benefit of the doubt, he is still relatively young (seems like she got him around Nov 2018) so getting the dog into training (hopefully with her as well and not just leaving the dog to the trainer) is a step in the right direction. Puppies are so much work, and when you willingly get a large breed, you have the added stress and work of training your dog so they don't fucking attack someone or some other animal on the street.
She has a lot to work on as a responsible owner, but even these snippets on how she chooses to use negative reinforcement makes me fear how she's responded to trying to control unwanted behavior before this. Like, is this the absolute worst she's ever treated him? Or is this just the tip of the iceberg? I get frustrated at my dog, and I think she's allowed to too, but fuck there are a hell of a lot of better ways to tell your dog "no" that don't include slamming them down on the ground and screaming at them, no matter how frustrated you get.
No. 850447
>>850404Watching some other videos with her dog and she does confirm he's in training, but also that she understands training with treats for good behavior and ignoring bad behavior, so now it really just looks like she was taking out her frustrations of her bad week on him. Clearly she knows what she should be doing and she just decides to say "fuck it" and treat her dog like shit.
She says she got him because of the stereotypes surrounding the breed. I really do hope her dog gets taken away, she's not ready to handle a dog like that (or really, be allowed to have any). It's frustrating that she won't stop filming to play with him, clearly the walk they just took wasn't enough to tire him out.
No. 850462
>>850404Here's the vid again since this one got taken down>>850437wow fuck entirely off with any excusing of this type of behavior lmao
No. 850531
>>850481Pushing away a dog like that who’s getting in your face is one thing. And if she just pinned her dog down, that would be just an example of ignorant obedience training. But there is clearly something wrong with her when she feels the need to spit on, smack, and kick her dog to get it to obey.
I understand getting frustrated with a very energetic and reckless animal but there’s no excusing what we’ve all seen her do. The way the dog reacts to her raising her hand suggests it’s a reoccurring thing.
No. 850664
>>850549So what the fuck do you think you're saying then, cause normal frustrated people don't slam their puppy on the ground and spit in his face.
Hurrdurr devil's advocate hurrr i only spanked my dog ONCE when he was a PUPPY hurrr
No. 850707
>>850701Seriously, and top of that only an idiot would think a reality TV show for a guy selling a book is a good place to get advice for a massive energetic dog.
No amount of slamming your undeveloped dogs face into the ground is going to get his energy out. Dobermans, terriers, Huskies fuck it, all dogs, need to exercise or they get frustrated and do the same, totally expected regular dog shit that her puppy was doing.
What are these first apartment Beckies THINKING getting these big dogs, when all their family ever had was a hypoallergenic poodle-bischon named Bailey???
No. 850768
>>850738Dogs don't have a pack mentality. Cesar Millan is a fraud at best and an animal abuser at worst. He's just wrong and his theories have been debunked by animal experts.
The whole "alpha dog / alpha wolf" idea is bunk, anyway, since that behavior was only observed in captive wolves who weren't related to each other and so the situation wasn't natural or normal for them.
And he does advocate violence, I've seen him hit dogs in the throat on his stupid fucking TV show.
No. 850810
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>>850701I just saw this tweet that gets exactly what’s so disturbing about how her face drops.
I’ve gotten annoyed with my dog but I don’t think I ever looked at her with such malice. It kind of reminds me of a more extreme version of that College Humor video that parodies makeup youtubers for having dogs only for views.
No. 850860
>>850853It was
abusive behavior towards an animal. I don’t think the girl should be “cancelled” or whatever but I think the vitriol is deserved.
It’s a consequence of her actions and her apology on top of that is bogus and shows that she doesn’t understand why people are upset with what she did to her dog.
No. 850951
>>850810This is exactly what I was trying to explain too.
I saw snips of the video on twitter but not the whole thing and seeing her giving that awful look at the dog then perking up and saying "we love you!" Multiple times was disturbing tbh. Did she upload an unedited version accidentally or something or did she think nobody would care?
No. 851077
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>>851058Agreed with pretty much everything you said. I have to admit her instagram story kinda tips the scale towards the latter scenario though. It’s almost like she’s implying that everyone who criticized her owes her an apology just because she’s been diagnosed with Aspergers. It’s these type of posts that make people hate her enough to dedicate 500+ page threads to her on PULL. I should probably take my sperging over there but I can’t stand the userbase lol
No. 851113
>>851058she's trying to act autistic in this video or is just me? not looking at the camera, rocking a little and all that. it's so unnatural looking.
i do like Kenna, it would explain some of her quirks but can you get a diagnosis with only one sitting?
No. 851119
>>851058>got diagnosed in a foreign country (japan)I wouldn't trust East Asian countries to accurately diagnose high-functioning autistic women, they can barely diagnose typical low-functioning males as it is.
Even in the west there's a real issue with autistic women getting diagnosed with mood disorders instead, or women with mood disorders getting diagnosed with autism. Research on how female socialisation interacts with autism is still too new, too unknown by many psychiatrists. Japan is most likely even more uneducated about the subject.
I'm noticing that in the video she's going through a list of ~totally autistic~ experiences that are extremely stereotypical and strangely hit all the sensory issues one could have, but most autistic people don't actually get overload for EVERY sense. She also so quickly jumps into using autistic symptoms to justify herself and her past behaviour, it's suspiciously defensive.
No. 851151
>>851113I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this, she was definitely hamming it up but you can tell she's going to use the excuse of, "now that im open about my diagnosis i can be myself on camera uwu~".
I just really hope that she isn't using it as brownie points for the Tumblr crowd since almost every girl who uses that site tends to claim to be an autist.
No. 851327
>>851121Not downplaying anything else she did but why is it so terrible that she spit on a dog?? It's an animal and it doesn't understand rude gestures like that. Dogs slobber on each other all the time so it's not like it could feel offended that she spit on him.
OT: It's annoying how so many people get up in arms when anyone "abuses" a dog and everyone sends the person super fucked up and violent things but then ignore speaking out on any other important issue in the world.
No. 855599
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No. 855863
>>855599I have to say, from both their pictures they look so honestly in love. They've been together for a while and I have to respect them for keeping things pretty under the radar. Also that dress is stunning, she chose a great designer and they created something wonderful
It's really refreshing to see two social media stars who are as famous as they are actually be in a loving and happy relationship that isn't shoved in our faces like so many others are (
cough Shane)
No. 856104
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>>855683keeping on the subject of youtubers, have you never seen cinnamontoastken? he's only 33 and gray as fuck. actually, jacksepticeye is the same age as felix and he is even grayer than ken
No. 856225
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>>842079I remember donating him some money every month on patreon because I felt bad for him after his breakup and not having a job.
Then he proceeds to get a bunch of retarded tattoos, put out these shit videos, acting like a faggot, and just generally being an unlikable person.
No. 856468
>>856225Damn he needs a haircut bc a cute guy is hiding under that upsetting sceneboy haircut. I hate grown men that wear their hair like a fucking preteen. Get a haircut or grow it out all the way you cowards.
>>856353You'd be a fool to think the money doesn't matter at all. Maybe she began dating him before he was rich, but she also kept him instead of dumping him. Rich people don't get dumped much, do they? It'll be interesting if they ever get a divorce.
No. 857396
>>856488I was just saying "well they dated before he got rich!" is often used to defend some relationships and it's not really proof that they
stayed together without the money weighing in.
No. 857519
>>851077i know a youtuber who made a video on her, and apparently she reached out to her for an apology. she emailed her and told her that she had Aspergers. the youtuber has a sister with Aspergers and told her while she is happy she got help and has a diagnosis, that doesn't negate her saying a girl deserved to be told to kill herself and doesn't lift her responsibility for her actions.
she was then blocked.
No. 857537
>>857504lol one day I saw he uploaded a video and it was barely pushing 100k views in 2 days, which is terrible for him, then he reuploaded said video with different title and thumbnail. Didn't help, still around 100k. I though to myself, duuude he's
so gonna breakdown… and here he is, lmao.
I've followed him closely for a while, he doesn't really have anything going on in his life besides Youtube. It's a sad existence tbh. If
>>857506 is right and his mates ditched him too, then I feel sorry for him. Even though he's a little self-righteous shit.
No. 857571
>>857504i don't know why he let the slazo thing hurt him so much, he could've easily turned it around and explained that some of the things slazo did were horrible and proven to not be fake despite the girl exaggerating other parts and he could've twisted it so that he was "just trying to be a good person who believes
victims when there is some truth confirmed about it" or whatever. it's not like slazo's video disproved everything and made him look like an angel. instead he just made it worse
No. 857595
>>857571I assume Slazo fans are still calling him out about it. On the Reddit back when it happened, even when the girl came out some people were on Slazo's side making excuses for it or saying she was lying. Some people brought up Alex and were upset with him.
The last time I checked it was right when the video came out and some people were calling out alex and the girl.
I haven't checked sense though.>>857571
No. 857600
>>857396It's the good old Jeffree Star and Nate trick. His stans love to scream "HE WAS WITH JEFFREE BEFORE THE MONEY" to prove their "love" so I get what you are saying.
>>856374I've read a lot about M on Guru Gossiper but they seem to be a tad bit obsessive over making her seem like the devil & making Pewdiepie seem like a poor little boy being tricked or something.
On both her and his thread.
They both don't seem like the best people which may be why they are together.
Or they could genuinely love each other. Or both.
No. 857624
>>857621Of course, I can't stand Pew but he does have a lot going for him, I don't know why people act like it's so crazy she'd go for him or he for her.
it's been YEARS for the two. I just don't like neither but I don't think it's "Oh my god poor Pew, M's a gold digger and she's evil!"Like on GG or how some people think.
That's bullshit. If there's anything to criticize them on, it's the shit they do, not their relationship which is obviously real.
No. 857816
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It's embarrassing to see Ethan the oldfuck be so tryhard and disgusting at the same time.
I feel sorry for their newborn.
Spoilered because you are guaranteed to puke.
No. 860079
>>858900Same, I used to like his podcast but since the guests have run dry because Andrew was the only half way decent host it became so repetitive and boring.
Its always Kaya sperging on how liberal snowflakes are destroying the earth, Jackson is MIA most of the time because they record at 4am his time, Charlie talks like an autist, while Andrew challenges kaya's views so they argue for a solid 20 minutes.
Though I really do think that Charlie really is autistic. All of his childhood stories sum it up to that being the case, like who the hell tells their parents that they're going to go masturbate before they go out as a family to a movie?
No. 860234
Why isn't boogie2988 a cow here? He's always starting some shit and crying about it.
>>860072I've stopped watching all channels like Ethan, more often then not the reporters are pieces of shit themselves while they run around judging CERTAIN people but letting their friends slide.
No. 861518
>>861344I don't know anything about Alex (besides the Slazo shit) but speaking of Slazo, I honestly feel like he's not very funny he's an attractive version of Pyrocynical.
Who I also don't find funny.
No. 864986
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No. 865425
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Anyone ever watch the Hayes Family or have they ever come up on the farms? They make vids of their daughter at Disneyland, which are really cute. But I can't help but think that the Disney actors they meet probably think she has cancer (she has alopecia, so she doesn't grow hair) and the mom might be subtly taking advantage of the fact that these people are always in character and that the mom never has to explicitly say what ailment her kid has, she can just let them believe the worst. I thought it was weird that a rich youtube mommy dressed her kid up as Merida but didn't buy a wig (literally iconic to Merida's look), like she wants to make sure her baldness is visible. I might be thinking too much into it tho, I've only seen a few vids so far.
Youtube families are crazy narcs anyways tho so she's exploiting her kid either way.
No. 866216
>>861344The channel isn’t actually new, it's the same channel that used to be the camp cast and before that was the original ‘internet sensation’ podcast with his ex gf. Alex just purges all the videos whenever he starts a new podcast lol. They stopped the camp cast out of nowhere but Alex and James did both seem genuinely sad about it ending. Since they never said exactly why it ended it’s just speculation but I think James wanted to out so he could focus on his channel more. Also I forget where but recently Alex offhandedly said James doesn’t like podcasting.
Like I said in
>>857506 it was speculated that James and Alex fell out after the Slazo thing because they went from constantly hanging out, collabing on each others channels and interacting on social media to literally never interacting. Alex wouldn’t even say James’ name on ig live so clearly something had changed. Since then Alex has mentioned James now and then but it’s a far cry from the kind of friends they were a few months ago. During the Slazo drama Alex threw a slew of youtubers, some of who weren’t even involved, under the bus in some leaked discord stuff so I can’t blame James for wanting to distance himself from someone like that.
No. 866218
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this interaction was kinda funny, all things considered
No. 866254
>>865293tbh her stopping binge drinking and staying away from ejijah, tana and trisha is the best thing she could have done.
i am proud of her lowkey.
No. 867661
>>866218Alex went into more detail on this in the latest podcast episode
At the same time Alex was sharing this a guy called Kavos was tweeting about wanting to set up a boxing match against Alex, His last four vids have all been on Alex including one where he tries to meet him at insomnia and gets all pissy when Alex was out sick, he jokes about alex having aids and similar shite and somehow sees himself as morally superior
Dude is inserting himself into a shitty situation that doesn't involve him and is milking the whole thing for views and making it about HIM. His teen male audience think a boxing match or aggressive confrontation is how you deal with false allegations. Even when men are fighting for a cause of sorts they have to be aggressive egos with a superiority complex. Men are more drama than women
No. 868026
>>868006People like you think that anyone that leans ever so slightly not left is a nazi. Why don't you go back to watching breatube and hontra? They're right up your alley.
>>865425I don't know about this case in particular, but youtube families are fucking insane. People can make thousands upon thousands off of making their family a public matter. I don't think this is the case for EVERY family channel, but some channels look straight up like child exploitation. Can you imagine being a child and being thrusted into the spotlight like that?
Children on youtube are such a braindead easy market, it's not even funny how much money you can make off of gullible children.
No. 868059
>>868050Nazi-like symbols?
The iron cross on his collar?
You must be American if you think the Iron cross is a nazi symbol lmao
It was used in nazi Germany in modified form but the original iron cross goes back as far as the 14th century and is also used in the metal/rock scene.
Since 2009 it is also used again as a bravery reward in Germany.
I think Felix is a retard but this reach is rivaling his retardation.
No. 868066
>>868059ntayrt but I'm from a country invaded by Germany and wearing that kind of cross is definitely a big no no, it's still very linked with nazis. Ffs it was plastered almost as much as a swastika. You can defend origins of both, but you can't deny what it means in the context.
Especially now with the "new wave". I don't know if you have nationalists raging in your country, but I do, and they definitely use this cross
Felix isn't stupid. I don't think he's ~a nazi~, but he's playing some weird game with all of this
No. 868069
>>868066This anon is right.
I don't think he considers himself a nazi but he sure does agree with a lot of their opinions. And the amount of pandering he does is through the fucking roof.
If it walks like a duck..
No. 868098
>>868059I'm european, you sperg
I know the origin of the iron cross, I know that nazis didn't invent it, but he knows full well the connotations behind the symbol, so either he's a dumb as a rock and didn't realise that he was wearing a symbol that nowadays is only linked to nazism after he has been called out for being one, or he just doesn't give a shit about people knowing what he's just a racist pos
I swear to god he can tattoo a swastika on his forehead and his fans will still defend him saying "oh no, it's just the Hindu symbol! he's not a nazi!!"
You guys are like a fucking cult
No. 868100
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>>868081mfw you are called a racist for screaming racist slurs
>>868086kek most of his fanbase didn't want him to donate to them bc evil corporation wanted poor pewds to be fired from disney + Antisemits complaining bc he's donating to the (((jews))). ADL is Zionist bs anyways, but thinking that he took the donation back bc of that and not bc his fans got
triggered is retarded
No. 868113
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here's pewdiepie saying "fuck anyone who's racist, fuck anyone who's a white nationalist" for reference.
i never thought he was racist, the only thing that i found suspicious was him following multiple alt-right people. maybe he gave them the benefit of the doubt or something.
No. 868123
>>868059Sure, the iron cross may not technically be a Nazi exclusive symbol. But why would anyone wear it who
>isn’t German >has been accused multiple times of being nazi over the last several years>knows that people are sensitive right now about Nazis>has already featured Ben Shapiro on his channel>has already namedropped and reccomemded other art right channelsand why would ANYONE decide to wear anything that even slightly resembled an Iron Cross in their video about taking away a donation from a Jewish organization. Come on, don’t be stupid. He’s a multi-millionaire who knows exactly what he’s doing.
No. 868141
>>868131it also takes a second to look at all the antisemitic conspiracy bs his loudest fans are attaching to all this.
the guy probably isn’t a Nazi, his choice of outfit was probably just coincidence, but he sure does love Nazis and white supremacists giving him views and lining his pockets with money.
No. 868164
>>868113Fuck antifa and fuck commies
Shit, am I a nazi ancap now??
No. 868175
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>>868088Look assuming he did even read the description or even finished the video.
It's possible to care about someone's content and not give a shit about their political alignment.
>>868100I think it's possible to not know the adl was super shitty. I didn't know until a few hours ago.
It could've also been on purpose to fuck with them, which would be pretty hilarious.
No. 868193
>>868175It's cool you didn't know, but are you donating money to them? Then making tweets acting like you care & then later saying, "Hey, this was something I was told to do, I wasn't passionate about this"
He said that he wasn't aware. So he didn't do this for some mastermind to own ADL, especially with the tweet he sent at people mad at him for the donation.
Him doing this to troll them is dumb as fuck & it'd make him look worst using his money to fuck with people.
He withdrew the donation because his fans were upset. Not because he gives a fuck the many ways that ADL may be
and again, who gives a fuck if pewdiepie read the description and didn't care about the asshole's opinions.
HE RECOMMENDED A VIDEO TO HIS FANS. For someone who had such a troublesome time in the media, you'd think Pewdiepie would be a lot more cautious & make sure there's not some bullshit that could make him look bad.
No. 868195
>>868193This dude constantly makes the dumbest "mistakes" and is irresponsible as fuck & constantly fucking up and everytime people try to make it something either deeper, not his fault or some type of long winded plan of his.
Nah. Sometimes the shit is simple, he doesn't care & he knows that people will sit here and defend him no matter what.
No. 868238
>>868234Jokes are jokes.
Where's the evidence? He's denounced nazism multiple times.
No. 868245
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No. 868246
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No. 868250
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This one's from gurugossip.
It's just a joke you guisee!!
If i say that i'm not a nazi then i can do whatever nazi shit i want!!
No. 868263
>>868259I've tried being polite but you need to fuck right off back to pull with your buzzfeed hit pieces. You're the type of cunt to consider a pug saluting a hate crime.
All this proves is there's no milk just a bunch of sjw spergs.
(infighting) No. 868331
>>868274The comment section thing has been around in some capacity for months. I remember Chadtronic was basically used as a guinea pig and had his comment section removed for a while.
It's just YT trying to save their asses because they have a massive problem with children giving away sensitive information on the platform and being exploited by other users. It's not going to fix anything. Frankly as long as children are capable of accessing the site nothing will.
No. 868363
>>868234I fucking swear you Americans are so fucking stupid.
He's from Sweden. Even if he is the most right-leaning Swede in the history of swedes, he will still be more left-leaning than a large portion of American democrats.
What Americans sees as offensive or edgy jokes aren't necessarily the same in Sweden/Scandinavia. I'm a scandi and literally everyone jokes about Hitler and the nazis. Trump, Shapiro and America as a whole is one big fucking meme and everybody is laughing.
It's only Americans and Anglos who get their panties in a twist over his edgy jokes.
No. 868444
>>868363Googling Sweden and Nazis tells a different story but go off I guess.
Too busy counting your Nazi gold.
No. 868466
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>wears iron cross in video of him pulling his donation from a group dedicated to stopping anti-Semitism
so tired of these bad faith arguments from his braindead edgelord fans. even if he's somehow not a nazi-sympathizer he knows exactly what he's doing and purposely riling up his alt right kiddy audience who have proven to be comprised of mass shooters and neo-nazis.
No. 868507
>>868444Swedish neo-nazis are still bigger lefties than Trump kek. I would also like to point out that those 500 neo-nazis that exist in Sweden don't really care about jews, but hate Muslims instead.
There are practically no Jews in Sweden (0.2% of the population), so maybe take off your Americentric glasses and try to understand that the issues that are happening in the US aren't the same in the rest of the world.
You could argue that he has a lot of American alt-right fans, that would be fine, but you instead chose to go full retard and call him a nazi just because he makes jokes sensitive Americans don't find funny instead.
No. 868516
>>868514Are you ignoring
>>868108 on purpose?
No. 868527
>>868466He could go on camera wearing a swastika and people would insist it's just the Asian sign of peace or something. It's insane how untouchable he is when he's not subtle at all.
>>868507You're acting like he's living in a eurobubble when he's been interacting with his majority American audience for literally a decade. He's also lived in the UK for almost 7 years at this point. He's not some awkward provincial Swedish dude who's just a little politically incorrect because of his culture. You have to either be willfully ignorant or stupid to actually believe he just accidentally says the n-word constantly while he's tardraging online or just tripped into a Nazi costume while egging on his school shooter fans because "oh it's not a big deal in his home countryyy just jokes my dude!!!"
No. 868541
>>868466People defending this shit as fashionable 'runes'. No shit almost every neonazi symbol is taken from runes. Mentioning he's worn these clothes before too so "It's a coincidence!!!". You have to be a very special imbecile to think he decided to pick this clothing with a very visible (in frame) iron cross out of all he owns: for the particular video that has him retrieving a donation from a jew anti-hate organization. Regardless of the org being shitty or not, grow a god damn brain.
Neonazis are the first to often disguise symbols into clothing designs or use pretty obscure ones so that the average person won't identify them. His intent is clear.
European here too, I'd like to see him walk around certain parts of europe wearing that shit. He'd be beaten to a pulp. Skinheads have an eye for spotting this type of shit.
No. 868550
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>Oh no, look at Usher wearing a t-shirt with the rising sun flag on it. Because of the clothes he wears we can 100% know that he supports Japanese imperialism. What a fascist. >>868514It isn't in Scandinavia. There's pro-Palestinians hating Israelis, but that's about it.
>>868527Why should he pander to American culture just because Americans watch his videos? He's grown up in a country where nazi jokes are funny and the n-word is used more as a general insult than a racial slur. The world doesn't revolve around your shit country.
No. 868552
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>>868545>>868550Learn to understand context, then read my post again. He wasn't spotted walking around in this, this is the clothing he chose to publicly address a situation that was upsetting his alt right fanbase the most.
No. 868597
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>>868527When you're the largest youtube personality with outreach to a global audience a large percentage of which are children, and your previous actions have led you to being associated with a neo-nazi shooting where 51 people died, I think it's time to take some responsibility to think a little bit about your actions before you upload your videos, doesn't matter if it's "how it is" wherever he came from. Even if it's just ignorance or everything is just all a coincidence, I don't feel sympathy for somebody with such a huge platform who's been doing youtube for so many years and who keeps repeating these same mistakes. Does he not have a management team or something to advise him on his channel?
No. 868729
>>868557 swedish far right cucks have always had this weird superiority complex over all other nordic countries, so i am not surprised by this pewdiepoop shit at all. And my immature mind just cringes at the fact he has an italian wife. inb4 the tards, not saying all
nationality are neo nazis ffs.
No. 869401
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Can we make separate thread for the Current and former Channel awesome crew because their is much goddam milk between all of them
No. 869490
>>869079Pewdiepie is just pandering to his audience of teen autismos nothing milky.
This isn’t LA where they complain about Marzia as if she’s the Antichrist
No. 869492
>>816925I actually have some info on this all of this happened after she was photographed by a woman outed for human trafficking/underage photos of wannabe models
This isn’t the tinfoil thread and this post is super old but her breakdown was pretty shady
No. 869494
>>868141No he fucking doesn't, stop pulling shit out of your ass. He donates the majority of what he makes to charity, and then he has to pay to make his videos tight, he has to pay his editors, he needs to buy stuff to make content about, he travels to meet fans, and he isn't a flashy or extravagant guy. He has a luxury gaming chair, and maybe a couple other nice things because HE'S EARNED HIS OWN MONEY. He's not fucking Jake Paul out here, omg you bitches will find anything to rag on whatever everyone else is hating on. He's not specifically catering to any one type of person. And of all the years I've been watching him, I haven't heard him say or do one racist thing whatsoever. And if you act like you never made a joke about a racial stereotype before, you're lying. Seriously, there are bigger fish to fry, but because you're a feminazi armpit hair dying leftist freak, you want to go after some guy who did a couple mistakes unknowingly but never directly contributed to the hate hinself, you have to virtue signal and pretend to be offended, maybe because you're a broke ass crab in a bucket type bitch.
>>869494>Seriously, there are bigger fish to fry, but because you're a feminazi armpit hair dying leftist freak, you want to go after some guy who did a couple mistakes unknowingly but never directly contributed to the hate hinself, you have to virtue signal and pretend to be offended, maybe because you're a broke ass crab in a bucket type bitch.Anon sorry that other anon shat on your husbando but if you are going to use virtude signaling as an actual argument you sound like a retard from /pol
He’s done decent/left leaning gun things like exposing the gangs that run bollywood in the congratulations video, the donations rumours are fake he gets a lot of cash for his shitty brand of taobao reselling
He’s done great stuff and worked from the bottom
However he’s the poster boy for edgy /poltards and played too much into it to the point he was mentioned on a manifesto
No. 869509
>>869494Move the fuck on. Stop trying to tell people what they can and cannot feel about Pewdiepie. Your seriously acting like people talking about him on this site is going to harm him in anyway.
>but because you're a feminazi armpit hair dying leftist freak, you want to go after some guy who did a couple mistakes unknowingly but never directly contributed to the hate hinself,Your not here to have a conversation, your here to insult people for not feeling how you feel about pewdiepie.
There's bigger fishes for YOU to fry rather than attacking people on an anon board about a fucking grown ass man you don't know and who doesn't give one fuck about you.
No. 869684
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>>868123“why would anyone who isnt a nazi feature ben shapiro on their channel”
youre straight dumb
No. 869856
>>869684There was always that one Jew in the ghetto who cozied up with the nazis because they thought they could be the exception.
Shapiro’s that guy.
No. 870607
>>870544Same ol' plausible deniability bullshit. 'I didn't know guys, I don't care about these things, both sides are just as bad and the media is evil! That channel simply had an edgy joke, people on the internet are so easily
triggered! Lol sorry not sorry'
We heard all this stuff before.
Nice seeing him not so subtly siding with pedojared at the end too. Birds of a feather I guess
No. 870612
>>870607Samefag but I find it super disappointing that jacksepticeye and kickthepj are still buddies with him, they even went to the wedding.
Pj especially is surprising to me. I guess they bond over video games and not lel feminazi jokes, but still
No. 870662
>>870591I think the fangirling got to his head. People saying he looks like Keanu, all the people constantly talking about how "hot" he is.
It's annoying when he's rude/dismissive about something that he pulled out his ass & isn't even right.
No. 870718
>>870583I used to like his new videos a lot, but I unfollowed him after realizing he has like, 3 jokes
Plus he radiates Leafy vibes
No. 870746
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>>870662Keanu? More like Ross. No shade to David Schwimmer, but he's no Keanu.
No. 870753
>>870583He's always had this unchecked superiority about whatever he talks about
Like when he told the story of getting tested for HPV and then told dudes to never get tested because it sucked and didn't matter because the virus doesn't hurt men
And of course his 180 on the pedojared drama
No. 870767
>>870718He does only have a few jokes. Admittingly some of his sex jokes can be funny, 80% of them aren't.
Charlies the type who hates the people who are safe to hate, (the jake pauls, the rice gums etc.) but more then often sucks the dick of anyone else popular & it's annoying.
the other day he said, "I'd love to be on a reality show, if it's not too time-consuming" or something to that effect & it just made me realize how much of an fame whore he can be.
he was talking about some pamela anderson wanna be & saying how it's seen as "normal" to be a stan and brought up K-pop, however, I've seen Charlie suck Pewdiepie's dick & other YouTubers as well.
Maybe I'm just sick of the humor and i'm starting to pay more attention to the shit he says, but he's really getting obnoxious.
No. 870916
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>>870662>people saying he looks like KeanuKeanu I'm so sorry…
No. 870937
I have nothing of value to add but, man the mental gymnastics that people go to defend pewdiepie on Reddit are nuts.
It's one thing to like the guy, it's another thing to make blame everything he does on something outside of himself.
Also, I don't know if Vinny Vinesauce counts as a YouTuber, but man, does anyone sometimes feel like Vinny is boring, depressed and just…weird as shit?
I've been feeling that for a while. Something about him isn't really fun to watch or funny. He barely seems like he has fun.
Then they have like 5 other streamers under vinesauce and most of them barely get over 1k viewers and 1k is them having a really good day.
The whole vinesauce situation is so odd to me.
Is it only me?
>>870746I've always gotten the vibe that his girlfriend walks on eggshells around him. He also has nerve constantly shitting on people seeing he collects sex toys.
It kills me how "Not like other guys" Charlie truly is.
No. 871329
>>871091wasn't it over his recent video? I didn't see it because he freaked out and deleted it before I got the chance. This is hardly surprising though, he has a breakdown on live at least once a month at this point.
not to armchair but I'm starting to think he has some sort of mood disorder because it's insane the way he goes back and forth from 'I love life, I'm gonna make all these videos, make merch, and start a new podcast!!' to 'it's 6pm and I just woke up, fuck everything, I'm going to kill myself'
No. 872257
>>870938Joel is such a fucking baby sometimes, like the weirdest shit tick him off. I know it's stressful or whatever, but he literally lets one guy ruin everything.
It's good he can recover from it well but then chats all, "WHO MADE JOEL MAD" and it becomes a bunch of people trying to insult whoever ticked Joel off.
Who cares
No. 872258
>>872257I sometimes feel like i'm in fucking school with these streamers, like when one person fucks up we all have to suffer.
He's not as worst as Tomato who bans people all fucking day.
No. 873608
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>>816850I'm really confused as to why Tana Mongeau insists she has blue-green eyes.
Bitch, your eyes are fucking BROWN.
No. 873653
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>>873608Anon I hate this bitch too but if anything her eyes are shitty hazel
No. 874772
>>873653Her eyes are brown. They only look hazel or blueish when she's wearing those shitty lenses that Kylie and all the Insta thots wear.
Look at any early videos and photos, not a trace of hazel.
No. 875084
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How long do you guys think before Dan troons out? Knowing his personality and how his views are progressing I wouldn't be surprised if we see Danielle in a few years lol
No. 875476
>>875106Tbh I think it's just that some men are so convinced they can do anything better than a woman can that they even believe they make better women
Though in Dan's case let's be honest, he feels himself up so often normally I'm just convinced his perfect partner is someone who looks or reminds him of himself. He probably finds himself attractive in all forms
No. 877690
>>877679I wonder if her gay, trans or friends in the community will call her out?
she was just praising Shane and Jeffree, wonder if they said anything lol..
No. 877691
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>>877679lmao, she's trolling hard and people on the internet are falling for it as usual. I don't know how she does it, but no matter how many times she comes out with some new persona (lesbian, chicken nugget, republican, catholic), people will get
triggered and not realize she does this all the fucking time and that they're being played.
I just went and checked out GG and they're all over there talking about how she's sew disrespectful to the 'community', and hoping she finally gets 'canceled'. She'll be right back to smacking on a Taco Bell haul in a few days and acting like nothing ever happened.
No. 877693
>>877691So true, most of these people like her, the pauls (who was "over for the millionth time today), the Jeffree Stars, the Keemstars, do the same fucked up shit and they are either forgotten, blown up and then people still are fans or nothing happens.
Trish is going to be just fucking fine, unless someone huge speaks out and even then, she'll probably be fine.
No. 877699
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>>877679Holy shit, that like to dislike ratio
No. 877709
>>877705I think because it's Trisha, people would give someone else benefit of the doubt, but Trisha's whole persona has been trashy,
problematic anything for clout and attention bullshit.
but like>>877691 said, nothings going to happen to her, more often then not these "Over parties" that trend don't really do shit.
She's one of those cockroaches that never die
No. 877754
>>877725Fuck trisha, she's a shit person, not even because of this, but the million other reasons, she's not doing this for some deep meaning, she'd doing it for attention.
She's dirt. She's not a feminist anything.
No. 878121
>>878103Look, I think Trish is just really dumb and not very introspective rather than malicious.
I think part of the problem is her not fully understanding what being 'trans' entails.
I think for her, if what she's blabbing on about in the video is how she feels, she is confusing 'I'm a woman who likes some stereotypically masculine things and may lean that way' and her actual gender/gender identity.
It's kind of like when parents think their kid is goth/emo because they want black hair
No. 878358
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>>878354All of these are filmed in presumably LAX
No. 878375
>>878358What de fuck.
It looks like the disabled toilets due to the size (though that might be the camera angle) but…what..what is the tray of food resting on? Are her other videos filmed in toilets too? I wonder if she is bulimic and yaks them right up again after (I've heard that is a common mukbang strategy) that's the only reason someone would do this.
No. 878537
>>878375IIRC, the disabled stalls in the Tom Bradley terminal (definitely the nicest terminal if you are sleeping over) have a wide shelf just behind the toilet. It's somewhere to put bags you don't want to leave hanging, but is it sanitary? No. Not going to watch the videos just to find out, kek, but
>>878447 sounds more realistic. She would have to be the grossest tier of cheap to have money for a hotel and still stay there.
No. 882332
>>879120It's crazy to me that the narrative is
>everyone is whatever they identify as, passing or not, surgery or not>except trishaJust plain ol gatekeeping from hypocrites
No. 886421
>>886384It doesn't seem like that long ago when he whined about being poor.
>my good friend Post Malone paid for this Vegas trip how dare you!This is three properties now. Where the hell did the money come from?
No. 886632
>>886384Yes…ugh. Teddy Fresh is fine if you're into that ironic hipster style and enjoy massively overpaying for some 90s color block shit you could find at a thrift store.
The podcast is cringey af. Ethan is becoming more blatant in his misogyny every day, and Hila goes along with it. And he's bitter and tearing down women's looks all the time when he's a fat fuck with a cottage cheese ass who's going to look like Boogie soon.
Sorry for the rant, I just hate these 2 so much. Their old videos were funny, but they've now shown their true colors.
No. 886954
>>886929I had no idea they owned 3 homes.
Though, I know they're probably taking out big loans and paying high interest rates, and if they're smart they probably lease and rent their other two homes and keep them either as investments or write them off as inheritance for their child or any future kids if they have more.
Plus 9 million in Bel Air sounds a lot to outsiders, but in LA, that's actually 'cheap' for that area. The home is only 7500 sq ft, that's kind of small for luxury LA. Many mansions in Bel Air exceed that size. 2005 is also 'older' for that area, as a lot of out of country investors from China and the Middle East will buy homes like this, tear them down, and then build a 15,000 sq ft monster mansion and sell it for like, 50 million, if not more. No. 887080
>>887010>>887056I’m a cynic but to me the media - whether it’s free reign bs like YouTube and twitter or mainstream crap like Hollywood and the BBC - is designed to fuck with you no matter what you do.
I don’t think it’s intentional, like we are being controlled by some nefarious Freemason death cult, I just think it’s motivated by greed, the high tower nature of corporate culture, and the general autistic tendencies of average people who don’t care about anything but being entertained.
The media is like processed food. Even if it’s so called ‘good for you’, it’s still laced with preservatives and probably grown in a lab somewhere to make it disease resistant or ‘perfect’. You’re being presented a prepackaged, overly processed vision of the world and normal people like it because it’s much easier to digest someone else’s pre-fab version of reality than to actually develop an opinion of it yourself and experience life on your own. I just got back from Europe as an example, since I haven’t been there in a while, and nothing you see on the news in the States reflected what I saw there with my own eyes.
No. 887124
>>887080Agreed. What I'd like to add to is that both thrive on outrage news.
Which is a shame in my opinion because it fuels a "fake" negative outlook on people/countries/life.
But even that works like some sort of 'fast food', people fueling their anger or sadness.
No. 887220
>>886421I remember that video. They're both so obnoxious. they give a lot of sob stories about being broke and poor. They couldnt make it in NYC, because they werent wanted there, so they moved back to LA with all the other posers and made their youtube wealth there.
>teddy freshi dont understand why anyone buys that shit
No. 887327
>>887080At the end of the day entertainment is entertainment, and the creation of a lot of it is motivated by greed.
There is something really insidious about youtube though. The worship of mediocrity on there is really alarming. The GP in America (and in a few other western countries) are obsessed with mediocrity. It's why I think Lizzo and Billie Eillish are so popular. Both painfully average in almost every facet. It's also why I think Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star are so popular as well. They are such unexceptional men with insane amounts of money. J* lives in an ugly mcmasion with a garage full of every boring luxury vehicle on the market. His house is filthy and poorly decorated. All of his clothing is fresh off the runway designer shit. I don't even have to go into all of the things wrong with Shane lol. Look at the house Ethan and Hila bought. Just another over priced mansion in Bel Air. They are both unexceptional at best also. I feel that way about almost every youutber I see. I can't think of anything truly remarkable that has come out youtube that wasn't backed some conglomerate (IE Lana Del Rey, Tyler the Creator, Clario, all got famous off of going viral via youtube). A lot of independent acts that have gained clout through the internet that helped them break into the mainstream have always come from other social media platforms (Soundcloud, bandcamp, instagram, etc.). Youtube is weird and I hate how much time I wasted consuming media from it.
No. 887664
>>887521Wow, Valleyfolk are pretty small and I didn't expect anyone to be talking about this here. I don't know if we will ever get the real story, but some ppl are gossiping that it Roosterteeth pulling the strings – possibly mad about something she said about Shane Gillis?
I hate how cavalier Joe, Elliott, and Steve seemed in their video though.
No. 888543

Jesus Christ, why do YouTubers all have at least a little drama attached to them?
So, I've been watching TabiEats. Basically a food review channel. They try snacks sent in from viewers, food from around Japan and in other countries, and review kitchen gadgets. The people behind TabiEats are Satoshi Tanaka and Shinichi Mine, an older gay couple living in Japan. Every couple of videos, they tend to have a guest or two. One of the more common guests they have is a friend of Shinichi's who lives in Hong Kong named Laurence, who I have some speculations about.
Majority of the time, when Laurence is a guest, it's usually when Shinichi is away from Satoshi. Shinichi says Satoshi stays behind to watch their dog, Justin. However, there have been a couple times where Laurence and Satoshi are in the same videos, even overseas from Japan. The icing on the cake is they even have a playlist dedicated to videos featuring Laurence. video I attached is from December 2018 and the video that got me questioning if there's something
more between Shinichi and Laurence. At 05:50, Shinichi teases Laurence after taking a bite of food, "Sounds like you're having sex: Mmmm, mmmm, mmm!"
At the time of this post being written, Shinichi is currently in Amsterdam, with Laurence, while Satoshi is staying in Japan editing videos and caring after their dog Justin.
No. 889289
>>888766 participated and won the cringy dating show that Kurtis and Dean liked to shit on. Kurtis chose her to be Deans "bae". She made a few vids about it, featuring Dean, turns out he has a big ego and a shitty personality.
He has accused people of being clout chasers while the only reason he has a following is that he is friends with Kurtis
No. 889373
>>889357I get similar vibes from her. Controversial opinion, but I think she's intelligent and knows how to play on people's emotions by using her gender and appearance to work people up.
She portrays herself as the stereotypical blonde bimbo a la Anna Nicole, Marilyn Monroe, but she has a leg up on them by being a little more savvy when it comes to the industry so she's not a
victim of Hollywood.
She knows this is all a game and she's having her fun. In a way it's kind of genius because she's laughing all the way to the bank, but snowflakes on Guru Gossip have really convinced themselves she's miserable, lonely, and depressed. She seems very content with her life. Idk, if she were a man I think people wouldn't be as pressed, but she's a woman so everybody is outraged?
No. 889378
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>>889373An example of the hand wringing over at gg.
No. 889380
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>>889378Sorry for samefagging but it's entertaining.
>she needs to be reported for hurting our feefees No. 889390
>>889385Hmmm. I've never really seen her as a feminist and it's always interested me whenever fans of her call her that.
I don't really take her that seriously. She knows what she's doing, she seems okay with the 50/50 love and hate she creates around herself, so I just enjoy her antics and the chaos she creates from her trolling.
It makes me wonder how long she'll keep going. I can't see her continuing on into her 40's.
No. 889493
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>>889380Yeah, they're going to ban satire soon because it makes people feel dumb-dumb when they realize they were entertained…
No. 890102
>>889373I also suspect that.
Her having been on the h3h3 podcast was mentioned before and they said something very interesting: Trisha cannot be trans because she still styles herself like a woman.
According to tranny logic that means that they just outed themselves as transphobic because everybody should have the right to self-identify.
Major tinfoil and wishful thinking but what if her intention was to out them and their viewers as the hypocrites they truly are? lol They obviously only act "woke" if it benefits them and their agenda.
I also don't get why Ethan and Hila got so popular in the first case: most of their followers seem to be alt-righters but both of them are jews who are (supposedly) pro-trans…?
>>886421>my good friend Post MalonePost Malone phoning Justin Bieber and Ethan desperately trying to get his attention was hilariously pathetic.
No. 890162
>I also don't get why Ethan and Hila got so popular in the first case: most of their followers seem to be alt-righters but both of them are jews who are (supposedly) pro-trans…?Ethan started fraternizing with the alt-right when he began his podcast by playing to the sarcastic edgy jew memes like Howard Stern and presenting himself as being some archangel messenger for the NEETs and angry gamers.
He's always wanted to be a celebrity, which is evidenced by his recent purchases and the cliques he runs in now. He's just not artistic or creative so he did the next best thing, which is to be an asshole and curate an audience out of the most sensitive group of people imaginable. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows that there's a lot of young, confused, impressionable men out there who are searching for big male egos to attach to, and he curates this image by having this laissez-faire attitude about everything and Hila sitting in the corner drooling for no reason.
To me I think he met his match in terms of trolliness when he had Trisha on the podcast. They're both two individuals who wanted fame, weren't talented or attractive enough to get it through traditional means, so they troll and pander to the LCD mentality. You could tell how irritated he was when she was on the podcast because she was serving him back what he dishes out on other people.
No. 890182
>>890162That, and Ethan also made a lot of
anti-SJW content back when the YouTube algorithm kept recommending "ben shapiro MURDERS libtard epic style compliation #34" type videos. In an alternate universe, Ethan would have made thousands of videos about how cringe neocons were if that was what the YouTube algorithim favored back in 2015/2016.
>>890102I wouldn't call their fanbase alt-righters. They probably align closer with the IDW crowd and centrists (both groups are still as annoying as the altrighters tho).
No. 890193
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Ethan really just disgusts me, even just by purely looks alone. He's just not a good person and got shot in the ass with lucky and money.
No. 890596
>>890538I also think she still has kind of a hard time with English sometimes
>>890500I’m pretty sure they have a nanny for the children now, dont know about the dogs though
No. 890762
>>890738Yeah, I agree, she doesn’t seem stupid, just not well-suited to acting wacky when they want her to (like her cringey “SLAMMIN’” when they had the Bradberrys on)
Honestly, I wish they’d utilize her to use the laptop rather than Ethan because it drives me so fucking crazy that he always fucks up the computer stuff. He can’t figure out how to mute/unmute sound or enlarge shit (in general, just basic stuff) and is always like “hey guys! What’s going on with this?” How about you stop being such a retard Ethan Jesus. AFAIK Hila does/did all the editing for their videos, so she should be in charge of the tech stuff rather than the fat idiot.
No. 891043
>>891015I remember Bart and how popular he was. He COULD take a better, stable job in video editing: He doesn't have to depend on a Chinese company run by a 26-year-old. This is all his choice. It's pathetic that he's even doing this, and the Chinese guy is pathetic for hiring some foreign YouTuber who doesn't speak any Chinese and whose views aren't in line with China's just because he's white and blonde.
No one should depend on YouTube for money or stability. Period. I swear the skepticism of a "youtube career" has been around for longer than just the past few years, but now that big youtubers are actually being effected by it, people are making a big deal. Youtube is allowed to do whatever they want, unfortunately.
Also yeah the journalist's haircut was fucking ugly.
No. 891045
>>891043Yeah, the thing that really rubbed me the wrong way after watching that video is the way they made it out like this guy had no other options besides selling his soul to China. The fact that he's actually
moving to China for this is fucking ridiculous. He looks fucking dead inside and yet is still choosing to do this instead of taking a normal job? Is he seriously too used to a social media lifestyle that he doesn't know how to function in the normal world?
No. 893410
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>>891064She was just an obsessed fan who tried (and failed) to fuck him for clout. She’ll take any famous dick she can get. She fucked Roger Bart, the voice of Hercules, after all.
No. 894280
>>893626is he a confirmed user?
to me this screams intense alcohol abuse, that level where users don't slur or scramble their words anymore because of tolerance.
just wow, i sure hope he's doing better now, his only newer video is from a month ago where he's shilling some sort of meet up.
>>893410quentin fucking tarantino. trash attracts trash man.
No. 894311
>>894296>>894296Hey now Once upon a time in hollywood is a decent movie,
idk how much of tarantino contributed to it but its well worth your time anons.
You can always seperate art from artist, people still listen to Micheal Jackson.
>>893626Lol nearly 7 minutes of a middle aged irrelevent guy spouting bullshit about a random nonsense.
I had no idea Tobuscus still existed,
his speech is almost slurred but who knows if he just speaks like that because his entire channel is dedicated to entertaining the lowest common denominator. Its eery seeing old Youtubers desperately try to maintain relevancy.
No. 894316
>>894197I find both intolerably annoying and don't care about this drama but it's amazing to me there's still people out there "staning" Trisha Paytas
Also trasha having herpes doesn't seem so far fetched so can't blame the ugly nose for doing that lmao
Is this a big drama happening rn?
No. 894333
>>894316I swear she used to admit to having herpes in her total disclosure honesty days years ago, when she talked about escorting.
Or maybe that was some brilliant trolling too. Fell right into her hands etc.
No. 894437
>>893626Isnt Tobuscus that guy who was
abusive to his ex-girlfriend and then had his army of retarded 12 year olds and thot youtubers
victim blaming his ex-girlfriend.
No. 894487
>>894316Yeah, or at least a bunch of commentary channels are making videos about it.
Some people are saying the drama is all staged and pointed out that Trisha kept saying Gabbie wouldn't stop texting her. They pointed out that Trisha never blocked Gabbie on any platform even though Gabbie was "harassing" her. Also Gabbie had a new music video coming out a few days after the drama started.
I don't think it's fake though because Gabbie has been involved in several scandals in the past and it has always hurt her channel. Her views are down now so would she really want to risk it? I wouldn't put it past either of them though.
No. 894763
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>>894753gabbie hanna is a fucking weirdo for DMing random children about this instead of just talking to Jessi herself
No. 894771
>>894768>>894763she has shown herself to be super immature and shady when it comes to stuff like this, like whenever some drama happens with her she has to go on and on about how good her life is and she has good friends and is just living her life blah blah blah and acts like other people are sucking her into their drama
I used to feel like she got an unnecessary amount of hate but honestly now I think she deserves it
No. 894774

>>894437Yep, here's one of his exes, Tara Babcock (who honestly belongs in the e-thot thread) talking about her experience with Toby, defends him & basically says her experience was different because she has a different view of her experience than the other girls.
She's in an open relationship and said she'd have sex with Toby all day whenever they were in the same town, and the only thing she didn't like about him was his affinity for drugs (she says this at the 5 minute mark and later again at 7:45). He'd try to get her to take molly but she didn't like it because it fucked up her stomach, but he was still pushy about it and got her to try taking molly in her ass thinking it wouldn't have the effects on her stomach but it still did.
She also says he'd want to have three ways with her and would some times pressure girls into doing things they seemed like they didn't want to do.
Then she brings up that he needed a ton of validation, or "reassurance that he's awesome" as she put it, and would send her privated videos/songs that he was gonna put up and basically wanted her to praise him for them and just needed a lot of compliments and praise in general.
Then there's a PSA at the end talking about how sad and tragic it is when men get accused of rape when it wasn't really rape, like if a guy "accidentally has sex with a woman who is too drunk".
Toby also stalked his ex girlfriend Jaclyn Glenn, even though he cheated on her, and she tried to resolve it privately but ended up having to make a video about it asking him to stop.
I personally think the rape accusation about Toby wasn't true, but he's still a piece of shit human being who has serious insecurity issues. He's not talented either, his content only appealed to 12 year olds and he was mostly famous for his looks but those are fading now too.
No. 894806
>>894763I always thought gabbie & tana were the same age because of they're alike in being idiots but gabbie hanna is 28 years old??
Why is a fucking 28 yr old woman explaining herself in dms with 15yr old fans? Thats tacky as hell, what a freak
No. 894811
>Is this a big drama happening rn?idiots on youtube keep blowing up shit involving trisha, they keep playing into her trollsona and don't even realize it. I am not in the mood to watch a lot of videos on desperate retards right now, so I've just been skimming info from various sources and it's just so dumb from what I've understood of the situation. So and so said this, then so and so said that. It's like, bullshit that happens in high school. I feel like trisha is grasping at straws for attention, and I had no club who gabbie hanna was until recently.
>Some people are saying the drama is all staged and pointed out that Trisha kept saying Gabbie wouldn't stop texting her. They pointed out that Trisha never blocked Gabbie on any platform even though Gabbie was "harassing" her. Also Gabbie had a new music video coming out a few days after the drama started.I know this happens all the time online but my frustrated brain just cannot compute the stupidity, because it is a possibility. And here I thought gabbie was like, 18 or something from the way they are all acting. I really don't want to believe she's 28 years old, because it just makes me feel like giving up on society all together lol.
No. 894919
>>894911Incredibly fucked up. She posted an “apology” where she said she “didn’t remember” telling Jessie that “Curtis’s friends didn’t rape you” and there’s “no proof” that she did as if repeatedly saying there is no proof of something instead of just denying it doesn’t imply that she DID say it, she just said it in a way that she knew she could deny later because she knew it was bad when she said it.
I remember seeing her on Adam22’s podcast and being baffled by these two Adults that were so obsessed with themselves and the high 21 year olds they surround themselves with that it wasn’t even a conversation, not to mind an interview.
No. 895820
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Preparing & eating a salad right next to a public feminine hygiene disposal. Classy Emilia.
No. 896016
>>895973youtube's Lena Dunham, anon my sides
spot on though.
No. 897178
Someone mentioned Stef Sanjati may have scammed fans out of thousands in the Kelly Eden thread on /w, does anyone have any information about that?
Looks like she gave herself a Wikipedia page which states she got bullied for being "too femine" No. 897181
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>>897178Possibly the scamming was about this gofundme for SRS in 2017, as far as I can tell she didn't post any videos about getting SRS or recovering from surgery as promised in the text of the GFM, so we can assume it didn't happen.
No. 897442
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No. 897508
>>897181wow i forgot about that.
she did get facial feminzation surgery (which honestly didnt change much) before that. she got a fucking butt lift, fillers and like more then one tats within the same time frame after. theres also a video addressing if shes addicted to plastic surgery. its wack.
her videos went from makeup content to sex toys, ptsd, EDs and transgender surgeries and it did a big damage to her subs it feels like.
recently went into rehab from the seems of this video but i cant be damned to sit there for nearly 30 mins so if someone has a tdlr
No. 897864
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>>897517I periodically check to see if there is any discussion about her and I'm baffled too that there isn't, besides the ass-kissing in her comments and a few dead, short threads on various gossip forums. It's annoying how she's trying to do the Trish thing so I'm secretly glad she doesn't get the validation of reading "hurr durr she's not acting guyz" comments.
She's so shallow and self-indulgent it pisses me off that people (kids) fall for it. She reminds me of Myah Alannah in a way with her over-inflated ego and pretentious as fuck attitude and cadence. At the same time there's so much potential milk bc she's (seemingly) pretty candid about her feelings and family and her past and the stupid shit she's done, (are there old milky pics and/or blogs of hers that can be dug up??) etc. Like she really did start wearing a scarf every day to cover her chins, y'know? And I got the impression from the few videos of hers that I watched that she's basically a spoiled brat within her (seemingly well-off, just sayin') family. I don't watch her videos regularly though so I wouldn't have much to contribute. I just want the best shit cherry picked in a thread lmao
No. 897872
>>897864I don’t like her.
She’s not funny and tries too hard. She’s embarrassing.
No. 897880
>>897864When I found her a year or so ago I thought she was kind of inspiring and thought it was cool that she didn't seem to care what people think of her. But it rapidly grew to annoyance when she started saying the same shit every video about ~my light~ and just straight up harassing strangers with her bullshit. It became obvious it was all one big cope for how painfully insecure she is. I don't know if she's faking it or is really as fucked up of a person as she seems to be, but I can't stand to watch her anymore. Like
>>897872said, definitely trying too hard.
No. 897896
>>890801That seems fair.
>>890802Less fair, but thanks for the sympathy, kek.
>>894197Gabbie has struck me as incredibly immature since the scam website promotion.
No. 898221
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Has anyone watched Lifebeingdest? She seems sweet and hard-working but kind of dumb. Like those seams are supposed to be on the backs of her legs kek
No. 898930
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Gabbie Hanna hung out with her friend's (jessi's) rapists' friends. Then she said to Jessi "Curtis's friends didn't rape you".
Now she's wearing a hoodie that says "make sure your friends are okay" on her Instagram story. Okay bitch…
No. 899108
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There's no livestreamer thread, is there? Can I post this here? It feels out of place in the /ot/ vent thread because it's about a public internet snowflake.
Anyways I fucking hate vpgloves, and nobody seems to be talking about his bullshit.
>IRL streamer (who doesn't seem to go outside any more)>Claims to be a homeless veteran>Lives in a hotel with his girlfriend>Bans viewers for questioning his validity in any way>Makes a decent amount of money in donations (at least $200 this week)>Allegedly refuses job offer, refuses help, refuses advice>imo has a generally holier-than-thou personalityHe also seems to be on some kind of drug right now. Tons of twitching and wide-eyed looks. Him and his girlfriend seem to find the time and money to bleach each other's hair on a pretty regular basis, too. I've seen his girlfriend with a laptop but he preaches about how his setup is just his Samsung phone on a tripod to showcase how a "homeless" man is able to stream.
>>> No. 900743
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pewdiepie got robbed
No. 900803
>>900743It was their house in Japan, not the one in the UK
at the risk of sounding like an asshole, i dont really care if a millionare's second house gets broken into
No. 900945
>>900803you do kinda sound like an asshole, cause no matter what, it's someone's stuff they value. wouldn't you care if it was your stuff??
that said, having his expensive valuables at some apartment at the other side of the world is dumb af ngl
No. 901029
>>900945Agreed. It was really dumb of them to leave anything valuable there. I get they're in the process of immigrating to Japan, but they still don't live there and an empty house is tempting to a burglar. They probably fell for the propaganda like
>>900959 said.
Still, it is horrible what happened. Having someone break into your house can mess with your sense of security.
No. 902406
>>902403even the first rewind was presented by rebecca black(the meme of that year).they didn't even bother doing that
"In 2018, we made something you didn't like.
So in 2019, let's see what you DID like.
Because you are better than this than we are"
wtf is this passive-agressive bs?
No. 902449
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>>902384LMAO the passive aggressiveness is real.
also James Charles beating jeffree/Shane in most liked beauty vid is probably gonna be a thorn in someone’s side
No. 903040
>>902384A really bad response to just last years rewind and now they decide to trash the entire charm of the concept entirely? If they're not going to make a somewhat bigger production and some actual fun out of it then they might as well just stop. Thousands upon thousands of youtubers could've made a video just like this (and better).
Youtube just keeps getting worse.
No. 903773
>>903760When was the last time when Ethan said something that's not dumb?
Etan made dumb, offensive, obvious troll joke that western kpop fanbase is based on young girls having fetish for gay looking young boys and masturbating to them, and that twitter kpop stans are crazy fanatics who will try to assasinate him over this joke.
Kpop stans are going crazy as expected, other people are laughing at them, Etan is trolling them even more with tweets about kpop idols suiciding due to pressure in the kpop industry.
Also, kpop stans apparently think that "stan" has positive meaning.
No. 903997
>>900803I agree with this anon.
At a day and age where young couples are struggling to find a flat of a suitable price, these pricks are complaining that their luxury house in another country got robbed, astonishing.
Maybe selling more overpriced merch can help them afford to refill it because they are obviously going through hardship.
No. 904662
>>904519He literally says in the video he'll post another video more in-depth about the court case so time will tell.
There's a lot of religious communities that are basically cults in the US from my understanding so doesn't seem far-fetched.
No. 904675
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rip idubbbz
No. 904678
>>904675is jontron retarded kek
he should be laying low so they don't come for him next considering his record
No. 904692
>>904519the "cult" is mormons.some time ago i looked into it and he was there until he got away and things got shitty with his family
i haven't looked too much into it, but there's something weird about his guy and i can't put my finger on it
No. 905597
>>905013Good tbh
Just because Idubbz (Ian w/e) says the right thing once in awhile it doesnt mean his content was any more revolutionary than anything other video dog piling already disliked creators. Plus did no one find it weird that the king of saying the n word all of a sudden became the one who says when and when its not okay to say it? Like his whole mediocre defense was "well you can either say all slurs or none of its okay" lmao what a joke.
Also its funny to me that people didnt realize his gf at the time had a massive hateboner for Tana and Ian openly said he would never make content cops on girls he found hot. What an absolute clown. But I guess 2016 was a time when all you had to do was have a penis and say something edgy to be the youtube communities golden boy.
No. 905999
>>904519He made a video for you. Its hard to get custody as a man anyways, but the gist is that they got a divorce a long while ago and at that time it was 50/50 for visitation. The ex wanted to move and needed 100% to do so, so they started court again. He felt that since the ex was already getting a sitter it made more sense for him to continue being around since he has the time.
He basically thinks that judge was biased and that is why he lost, used the yt stuff against him and not look into how he is with his kids. So he is moving to be near his kids and in the new area he will try again in a more progressive court.
No. 906022
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Ok so apologies if this is the wrong thread for this but there seems to be a huge fallout between many drama channels right now. Many are involved but it all seems to stem from a livestream petty paige did with other drama channels-I have tried to find the livestream but havent only clips featured in other peoples videos so I tried twitter and only got this. Will try to find more info.
No. 906046
>>906022Nope, belongs in the Beauty Community Thread:
>>>/snow/806516(Which is clearly linked in the OP. C'mon.)
No. 906108
>>905993Yeah, publicizing it as much as he has I don't really agree with either. We do live in the age of oversharing. He seems to hold back some details so I don't think his intention is bad. He just seems consumed by it understandably. His channel was the primary reason he could fund the court case so he probably feels obligated to his fans as well.
I'm sure he's made mistakes and isn't a perfect guy but he seems like a good father to me.
No. 908512
>>908500Haven't watched it yet but just browsing through twitter and it seems like he got caught being
abusive again. Don't know who this girl is but she said him and his friends bullied her to the point of having a breakdown and there's some footage of her having a panic attack near him in her home. Seems kinda milky if true but I can't be assed to watch 40 minutes of this shit so hopefully some channel does a run down soon.
No. 908523
>>908500Ok. Stephanie mentioned in this vid how she in the past was sexually assaulted in her home by someone she trusted. She confided in him about this but he didn't seem to care that much? Not surprised though. This is the same guy who knowingly had an std and passed it to his bf after fucking 12 other guys before. Nik overstepped his boundries with Steph by trying too hard to bring up old drama with her and another youtuber. She felt uncomfortable and pressured to make him happy but it seemed like Nik was only interested in "spilling tea" Nik bullied her with others by mocking her and turning what she said, something innocent like "I've been in and out of sleep", and turning it into a joke. Basically Nik is a fucking weird creep and who doesn't care about anything but youtube views and drama.
Also she mentioned how after her assault, she had installed security cameras and when she went to check on them to review, she noticed Nik taking pictures of the inside of her home and all over the ceilings where there was nothing to look at? Trisha paytas is trash but I think she was right when she said Nik creeped her out and she didn't feel safe. Who the fuck takes pictures of someone's home knowing that the person has a problem with feeling safe in their home.
No. 908595
>>908576the joke he made is actually about the excuse she gave not to see him the next day, that she'd been "in and out of sleep". he made
that into a joke. I actually recommend the video, it's long but bloody interesting, especially if you already had the sense he's a slimeball. I don't think he'll be able to refute it since he has the unedited copy of the video where he set out to make her uncomfortable, so showing more from that isn't going to make it any better. she didn't show the footage of him taking pictures in her home (maybe she can't?) but she would have that in her possession.
trisha was actually right about him, and he took all those clips blatantly out of context about her, the fake cameo too and roasted her- and won because everyone loves to dunk on trisha. and then to make it up to the internet she spent time in a room with this creep.
he's going to try something similar with stephanie I think - he'll try to make her feel very uncomfortable and will fake anything he needs to create that effect in her mind. he's probably fapping to her panic attack footage right now… she also thinks he's recorded her without her knowledge and included a reminder in her video that she lives in a two party consent state.
No. 908994
>>908500Other anons have done a good job of discussing it, but here are my notes from watching. Please forgive the length, there's a lot in this video!
This was originally formatted to be posted here, but I realized it was way too long and it's best off in a pastebin. Apologies for the abundant greentext arrows y'all. No. 912723
>>908595>everyone loves to dunk on trishafor good reason, you have to be equally as
toxic as trisha to still be defending her like some of ya'll are
No. 912976
>>847336I knew someone would mention this guy. His life is becoming a soap opera.
His youtube videos:
>How I got into Google (as a software engineer)>How I made $1 million dollars, what it felt like>How I lost $350K daytrading stocks and what I learned from it.>How I quit Google.>Why my wife left me (how our marriage collapsed)>I got fired from Facebook (for having a YouTube channel).>I'm having a midlife crisis (after being fired from Facebook, as a millionaire).>Why I'm moving back in with my parents. (as a millionaire) No. 914301
>>914275he's 99.9 percent Ashkenazi Jew but go off.
source: he did a dna test lmao
No. 914922
>>914074Did everyone forget that Hila created Teddy Fresh and designs their clothes and afaik is still one of the top people in the company? Honestly that's where the money is coming from now. The podcast and YouTube are not making enough money to afford the shit they've been buying.
Without Teddy Fresh they would be fucked.
No. 915168
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What the fuck did she do to herself?
No. 918059
>>916242iirc shes been caught stealing art, being lazy and putting up the quirky not-like-other-girls persona, even though she bland as hell. She claims she's self made when she comes from a well off family and obviously used Felix's money to fund her numerous hobby-businesses.
I remember her posting on insta that she was getting someone to help make the ugly pots she sells and stated that "her pots will be sold for less than mine" which is just gross lmao
IMO shes not that milky. Bland, uninspired and the milkiest things are surgery speculations.
No. 920175
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Is anyone keeping up with the Jenny Nicholson drama?
No. 920297
>>920248So basically there is an article going around highlighting the abuse Reylos get for shipping what they ship. A lot of people think Reylo shippers are racist because Finn is black and choosing to ship
abusive Reylo instead of shipping Rey with Finn is racist. Anyway, Jenny has been pretty vocal about how the hate Reylo shippers receive is too much and this time she mentioned the article and she also said John Boyega was making anti Reylo tweets to cover up said tweet mentioned before. As it turns out, that tweet was photoshopped by an anti (said something like “Reylos are inbreds”) and when informed it was photoshopped she didn’t back down on the misinformation, she just blocked people.
I think she just got tired of the bullshit ship drama and decided to remove herself from the discussion to be honest.
No. 920319
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>>915168whats up with her styling? tbh this is how i picture what a lot of farmers look like
No. 920634
>>920407for me it's the biggest sign that she's Italian
everything about this screams adult actress playing child on daytime RAI drama, not that she's doing it intentionally
No. 921261
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Does anybody know what happened to Jeff Holiday? He seems to have fallen off the internet. No one wants to relate to him, most of his old "buddies" barely even talks about him or mentions him anymore. Also, anybody heard the speculations about one of his tattoos possibly being a pedophile symbol?
Apparently he had to remake his Twitter in late December due to getting permabanned and this is the most recent set of argument tweets I found from the account. Nothing else though. That Jilly Juice saga was how he got a ton of views in the recent months.
No. 921777
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>>916242Probably not. People are just dicks to personalities' girlfriends. Some people like to say that she's a porn star. It's very try-hard. I can't find anything described in
>>918059, either.
No. 921917
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>>921777gurugossiper are working on a summary-thread on her, it's mostly about her being fake, mistreating felix/her pets, selling her underwear etc.
No. 921967
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>>921777Seems like you didn't bother to look. She deleted her YouTube presence not too long after the pottery situation.
No. 922217
>>921967>Seems like you didn't bother to look.Welp, I did. Try not to infight over your own vague descriptions.
>>921917Looking forward to it!
No. 923591
>>923112Yeah, it's crazy to look back on the videos of her as an actual child and see that her voice is even higher-pitched now. Also, in the clips of her talking to men (especially Sam Pepper) her voice gets somehow even higher. That change in mannerism around men only definitely makes me think she may have been groomed from childhood.
>>923107Also, did you see in the clips where she says "no", he just authoritatively says "Yes" as if he's a parent scolding a bad child? Horrible. I believe J Aubrey cut out some of her 'no's in the clip too, iirc she said no two or three more times in the full stream.
No. 923895
>>923871They're still friendly with BF and are working on/plan to work on the next season of Unsolved.
But that's the extent of it. Buzzfeed would probably tank without them entirely. Tasty is keeping the lights on and Worth It (if that's still going?)
No. 923903
>>923895They've made open jabs at Buzzfeed though (I think it was in the first Watcher Weekly).
They were probably locked into a really fucked contract that prevents them from ghosting unsolved.
No. 925377
>>922027She sells her old clothes instead of donating them.
She's sold used swimsuits (one piece), bras and whatnot. Pretty gross.
No. 927617
>>925644Imo her selling her used stuff instead of donating it when she has so much money leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I would never buy a crusty one piece swimsuit lol
No. 927851
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>>927587i’ve been waiting for someone to post this so i could post this old milk to remind anyone who forgot that gabbie hanna is, in fact, certifiably fucking insane. context is this lady was talking about someone else but gabbie thought the shoe fit, so she wore it ever so gracefully. pic related: the fb post
No. 927852
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>>927851gabbie’s insane ass rambling part one
No. 927854
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>>927853this toucan bitch is so fucking miserable. these texts are a dead ringer for someone i used to know with a certain untreated personality disorder. she needs to check herself into some therapy and get off the fuckin internet, this isn’t the first or last time this has happened.
No. 929670
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only mildly milky but i found this v interesting when i heard about it. so jaclyn hill posted about how she’s feeling extremely fat (bc she is) and eden the doll commented “bloated boots” with a cheers emoji, meaning “me too bitch i’m bloated as fuck” but jaclyn took it to meant that she looked super bloated and got very triggered despite calling herself fat on the same fucking post. anyway blaire white now is throwing shade and saying eden’s always been like this.
eden is kinda unknown to a lot of people outside of that whole boxy charm trip event fiasco with isabel bedoya, but it’s really clear she doesn’t have many friends at all which is weird because she lives in the heart of LA. i bet there’s a shit ton more milk on her but people don’t seem to spill much.
No. 929774
>>929670I'm confused. Blaire does nothing but attack people's appearances, especially for being "fat". But now he's calling Eden
toxic? I mean Eden probably is
toxic but that's like the pot calling the kettle black. Also I don't think Jaclyn is even that fat, just the way she puts on weight is super unfortunate.
No. 929827
>>929774Eden and her have attacked their kind for not being passing enough. They are both idiots and they seem to be misoynistic assholes, so I to don't know why Blaire is pretending to care about someone picking at someone else, especially a woman, since blaire loves to pick on women.
It's just
toxic shemales being
toxic shemales and pretending to be woke knowing they hate themselves and women.
I can't stand them both and hate they even have fans.
No. 929966
>>929670Eden was just trying to casually empathize, right?
>>929774>Blaire does nothing but attack people's appearances, especially for being "fat".Hard agree.
No. 930673
>>930661Even if there was something there, he's a celebrity in the public eye with some knowledge of computers and doxing, anything he wants to keep hidden will be more than securely hidden away.
He's creepy but I don't think he's careless, at worst he probably skirts the same legalities Onision used to stick to
No. 930883
>>930661>>930778Ethan is gross in several ways– enough so that I'm taking
>>930653 's advice to heart by not watching the video yet– but unless it contains something shockingly out of character, how in the hell do you get child molester "vibes" from him? He's famously tougher on ProJared, Michael Jackson, etc., than any other youtuber his size…
>>930673This is pure autism. "Knowledge of doxxing" because he himself was swatted? Ethan's the walking manifestation of poor taste, but this is in
very poor taste. If he's such a criminal mastermind that he can outsmart the FBI, I suppose letting armed LEOs swarm his infant child was all part of a master plan?
No. 933166
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Gabbie Hanna actually made a pretty sincere apology about the Bianca Devins scandal. She got a bit melodramatic in her own obnoxious way but she reached out to the family & shared those correspondences. Vid isn’t worth watching but this comment pretty much sums up the response.
No. 933179
>>933166Eh I'm not buying that her apology is sincere. If she was a first time offender I would believe her, but at this point its pretty clear Gab is a malignant narcissist who is really good at manipulating. Notice how she starts the video with her crying (which is common for her) she's probably teying to seem sympathetic.
Also she said she didn't want to make a public apology because she thought making a public apology would draw too much attention and the family would hear about it. If she's so concerned about it getting attention why did she wait so long to take the video down? Because it was up for quite a while after people started criticizing it.
Also it's nice that the mom wasn't hurt by it, but that doesn't mean what Gabbie did wasn't gross or inappropriate.
No. 936116
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I feel like a weirdo for thinking Julien Solomita and Rome (JennaMarbles' manager) spending hotel night trips and bar dates together and calling each other "like a brother/sister" is uncomfortable, but it's probably because men I've known like to cover up their attractions to other women by saying "She's like my sister," meanwhile it always ended up being the total opposite.
also someone else was too afraid to necro this thread in order to post some drama so hey anon, go for it.(necro)
No. 936189
>>905999its much easier to get custody when youre a man. The court is biased towards men lol
Hes lying
No. 936240
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>>936116…..So then you necro it with ancient tinfoil instead?
>spending hotel night trips and bar dates togetherWhat are you talking about? You mean when all 3 of them were on tour with Jenna, years ago? I don't think she's even showed up or been mentioned in one of their videos in years, I assume because she had a kid and has a second on the way with Julien's partner dude Collin.
>>936169Anon if you can't tell that they're blatantly exaggerating those aspects of their relationship for content and that's clearly not how they actually are when they're alone….I don't know what to tell you, you might be very dumb.
No. 936414
>>936169yeah this is a major tinfoil. julien cranks up his personality for the camera, so does jenna, to me theyre both very mature and down to earth people.
not to wk but sometimes anons need something to be wrong with jenna bc shes so liked. the reach is unreal.
No. 936535
>>936414>not to wk but sometimes anons need something to be wrong with jenna bc shes so liked. the reach is unreal.Right, this. I will unironically put Jenna vids on autoplay on my TV if I just need background noise, that's how vapid and mild they feel to me. I'll happily watch a million hours of cute dogs doing wacky shit.
The only thing I will say that kind of bothers me about Jenna (and this is just total nitpicking) is that her "scandals" feel like they come from her being too accommodating to pet youtube? Like she REALLY lets them get to her.
Like that 30+ minute apology for the fish situation while a great example of how to apologize just felt really unnecessary. It's not unreasonable to think that the guy that works at the fancy fish store taking care of fancy fish all day would be knowledgeable on fancy fish? But pet youtube sperged the fuck out about her "abusing her fish" or whatever to the point where she returned the fish and made a 30 min apology?
Even the recent dog harness video that she re-uploaded with an apology felt totally unnecessary to me. I could see where people would feel uncomfortable with how the dogs were reacting….but Jenna was clearly uncomfortable with it too? Youtube really acted like she duct taped her dogs to a centrifuge for an hour when really she just bought a product marketed for dogs and tried it with her dogs? and then when her dogs didn't like it for the 2 mins they were in it she said they wouldn't use them. It's just not that big of a deal and it really feels like she lets them get in her head way too much.
No. 937180
>>936535The dog apology was so excessive but I think a genuinely caring person is always going to overapologise, it's also the smarter choice given her brand. The whole thing just made her more likable imo, I hope the internet never gets any actual real dirt on her because I don't she would be able to cope.
>>936169They have the right amount of chemistry for how long they have been together at this point imo and it seems like they compliment each other. However Julien annoys the hell out of me too! I don't care how much everyone loves his exaggerated Aries Tornado shtick, I'm clicking on a Jenna video because I want to watch Jenna, not the Julien show.
No. 937907
>>937180Yeah the nastiest thing you can really say about Jenna is that she's pretty sheltered and naive for someone in her 30s. I doubt there's any dirt on her out there.
And sign me the fuck down as another "real fucking tired of the Julien Show" fan. He's exhausting and annoying, and knowing it's a role makes it worse? Like… he could just NOT be an obnoxious manbaby for a change in her vids.
No. 937909
>>937855Ben is kinda sleazy, other examples like his flirting with Tati & making inappropriate comments around her sister. He’s probably one of those “nice guys” who thinks they can never do dumb sexist shit.
Cristine is kinda like an adult manchild that holds responsibilities on the side of her YouTube shit and tbh that’s what I like, her homey Canadian juvenile 2good4 snotty LA schtick is endearing.
No. 937980
>>816850thank you!!
the entire world jerks off to jenna because she is sooo genuine. she is also a 30something woman with the personality of a homeschooled autistic horse girl.
No. 938252
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>>937980….who are you talking to?
>the entire world jerks off to jenna because she is sooo genuineNo, it's because people want to watch "quick no fuss unproblematic entertainment" to steal the phrase from anon. People act like Jenna has cracked some top secret youtube code and give her way too much credit, but that's truly all it is. I see a dog in a turtleneck and I click the video, it's not that complicated. Not sure what you're so butthurt about here.
>>937907Julien annoys the fuck outta me in Jenna's vids, but I honestly used to enjoy his old vlog videos for the most part. They were mostly just dog stuff and him acting way more low-key and them just doing boring couple stuff.
No. 938273
>>938252AYRT; yeah I have no issue with his Last Minute Trips or his personal channel, he can be fun and cool and chill. The very very extra way he behaves in most of Jenna's videos is fucking annoying and has got old years ago.
The only problems I've ever had with Jenna are when her privilege and naivete show up loud and clear (sorry I know it sounds tumblery) - the Detroit Become Human playthrough makes me cringe and is pretty unwatchable for that reason alone. She isn't as woke as she thinks she is.
No. 939258
>>938583Ethan and Hila being on the fence between Bloomberg and Sanders tells you all you need to know.
Ethan is a willfully ignorant idiot who tries to play smarter than he is. Hila echoes his every word.
Hot take: Hila was boring before she ever started speaking up in their lil rip-off JR Howard Stern/Your Mom's House podcast, and she's still dull now because she just backs up whatever Ethan says.
"biLlionArEs aReN't inHereNtlY eVil, tHeY'Ve wOrkEd foR tHeiR monEy"
No. 943985
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A few years ago I used to watch old Tasty videos with Alix cause I thought she's cute and fun but today I saw her star in a Goodful video.
What happened to her? She looks completely different, did she have a lifestyle change or something?
No. 943991
>>943985Shit, she looks 50, what the hell?
I was watching a tasty video with her not too long ago, I had no idea it was even a few years old. She was so cute and bubbly
No. 943998
>>943985At 0:50 she talks about what happened.
Also probably lots of tanning and a bad photo because she looks more normal in the video.
No. 944008
>>938583Lmao at Hila saying he's sounding like a soundbite machine, the lack of self awareness.
Ethan's god complex is out of control.