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No. 263654
Previous thread
>>>/w/259546 Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.PLEASE refrain from mini-modding or hi-cowing. If there is proof that a cow is posting in thread, report the post and move on. Cows in the SpotlightThe following group was outed as having a #seagull discord server/group-chat that was dedicated to shit talking members of their own community, making fun of their own MENTEES, and admitting to using LC or CGL despite saying they never do on their own social media accounts. Bolded/Italicized are noteworthy cowsagentlemandoesnotconga#8888 = @agentlemandoesnotconga LM: agentlemandoesnotconga
>>254839Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl (name change from auilura)alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairyy (name change from digitalangel96) >>254222ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty LM: Rosequartzroyalty >>259953ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit, (deactivated/name change)
ayo_atomic#8042 = @ayo_atomic, @bombshellatomic
beck#2603 = @beckattack, @everydayalemon LM: beck >>252432biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun LM: biscuitbun
Caitlin505#5468 = @abhorrentfrills LM: Caitlin505 >>259953Cake#9854 = @abbie_666 LM: donutdemon
cardinalcopia#8144 = @kdycu >>259953celestial#8008 = @bumblebat LM: bumblebat >>256978Chocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins, @_chocolapin, @akamuge
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
>>252432Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia, void-whispers.blogspot.comd0a1a8#6603 =
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 = name changed to 23minds#3234
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina >>252432evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe (deactivated/name change) >>252432ghostlie#7579 = @ghostlieangel, @shopbelledreams (name change from ghostliekim)
GildedGhoti#7362 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
>>259683honeygingered#1972 = @honeygingered
Honeykiwi#1525 @lostkiwikuro LM: laceykiwi12
ImNewHere#9064 = @scottywbishop LM: ImNewHere
jellophish#3131 = @oceans.tears LM: jellophish
jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer >>251248JessAnne#4592 = @gomuffygo LM: jessanne
jeunefille#4045 =
Jujuju bi #3579 = @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess
kae#4687 = @yuriathewitch LM: yuriathewitch
_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo LM: kuroeko
Lala Land#7138 = Lyla Hyatt LM: Ensomnia >>259592Lise#1908 = @sc00ppy
>>252432Littl3Murd3rB3ar#9223 = @chuzziebearlori#7634, #fluttershy#7634 = @loriibarbie LM: Mintylori
>>260309 (deactivated/name change)
LostInAFaerieTale#1821 = @lostinafaerietale LM: LostInAFaerieTale
Lucid#9208 = lucidbunny.dreamwidth.orgmelomania#8041 = @meloman1a, @melomania_collects LM: melomania (deactivated/name change)
Neeks#0146 = @momo_a_peachy (name change from neekymomo)
nosoi#4773 = LM: nosoi
opalsauce#4996 = @opal.pasteldream, @oh.pal_PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes LM: PaperSnowflakes (may work at BABY SF)
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowghostbunny >>254433 (name change from marshmallowbnuy)PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
purestmaiden#8700 = @purestmaiden LM: wonderfinch
pwassoncha#2894 = @pwassonchat
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin,
>>252439Radical Eddy#1987 = @radicaleddy LM: RadicalEddy
Reira#5451 = @butterbutterfly, LM: reira, butterbutterfly
>>252432Resh#8336 = @wicked.resh
revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan LM: revan
>>257338 (deactivated/name change)
Rin#7875 = @tartan.rin
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy LM: bunnyboy
>>252432 (deactivated/name change)
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie LM: rougeaerie
>>252432**Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
>>252432sparklepegasus#1031 = @knightofst.lily LM: alovelyspring
>>252307 (name change from alovelyspring)
Spider#8888 = Alexandra Arachne >>259592starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy, @sweetjujushop LM: starstarfairytenya out of ten#7566 = @friletmignon
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku, @pastel_hashiratokkigo#7380 = @tokkigo LM: tokkigo
>>254634Victorx#6766 = ???
>>254821Vudu Juju#6988 = @vudu.juju LM: vudujujuWabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit, @wabbie_chan Resin Market: wabbie_chan (deactivated/name change)
wallpaper-chan#9414 = @voyeurism.s, @funeralism.s, @nofuneral.s LM: velveteenchemise >>260317zepplis#6640 = @zepplis LM: Zepplis >>257257Lady Cocoa#2915 = ???
Mods / Mentors List>Discord Server ( EGL #seagull) mod = Lala Land#7138>Discord Server (EGL) mod = wallpaper-chan#9414 >Discord Server mod (other jfashion/artist alley discord) = Sketchbeetleart#0820>Discord Server (EGL #general) = The_Kraken#0878>Daily Lolita Mod = alys#0310 AKA @digitalangel96>Rufflechat Mod = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty (current)>Rufflechat Mod = ataraxia#7301>Rufflechat Mod = Spider#8888>Fairy Kei FB comm = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty>Closet of Frills mod = jennkitty#3462 AKA @mylesjennifer>Local Comm mod = Spider#8888>Local Comm mod = Honeykiwi#1525>Local Comm mod = MightyMage#8983>Local Comm mod = meido#2292>Local Comm mod = diploskull#9930>R/Lolita mod = Saturn#5252 AKA @peachburger>Mentor = Chryse#0151 @chryse.planitia>Mentor = Cake#9854 AKA @abbie_666>Mentor = raeofhope#0413>Mentor = Rococo#5833>Mentor = chockie#3660>Mentor = zepplis#6640>Mentor = jellophish#3131 AKA @oceans.tears>Mentor = ataraxia#7301 (>Mentor = elipri#5757 AKA @comrade.frill>Mentor = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty (former mentor of nat)>Mentor = harmlessmonster#7160>Mentor = rougeaerie#2278 AKA @rougeaerie>Mentor = kae#4687>Mentor = sailorrori#2791>Mentor = Wabbie-chan#4020>Mentor = pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy , DPP, liv>Mentor = celestial#8008 AKA @bumblebat If you see obvious derailment when discord cows are mentioned, post chatlog caps, but multiple conversations can happen. This is a multi-cow threadChatlog Highlights>Violent Hannah >>253732 >>254545>"Fuck women, misandry is real!" >>253743>Caught red handed talking shit about each other >>253970>CGL hypocrisy >>254029>sjw by day, scawy terf by night = Mod LaLa >>254303>all slurs and no ceeg makes alys a very hypocritical girl >>254336>”Troons unite!” >>254369>Speculating that tyler is racist >>254382>"Everyone on the internet is hateful, but not us" >>254383>terf basedom, sad they're hypocrites >>254388 >>254391>Just mentors being super nice and venting >>254463>"s-she's definitely uglier than us, right??" >>254573 >>254634>paradiso roommate of discord girls gets covid, so they do the totally normal thing and shame her publicly only for it to backfire >>254664 >>254678 >>254679 >>254683>More brandon defense >>254756>homophobic >>257268>lolita (matcha/crybunny in chatlog) attempts to request decency and is met with absolute unhinged violence from opal and others >>257525 >>257532 >>257551 >>257746>surprise surprise, she's cuter >>257559>Zepplis libertarian-lolita Tumblr >>259538>spider shits on fellow comm member >>262050>self aware moment >>262052>delusion >>262053>how ableist of you !!1 >>262060>starfairy meanie >>262063>wannabe meangirls >>262075Celestial / batlatte / acute-bird / coof-police / DISCORD ITA>Mod for kansas city >>259255>Attempted to drag a roommate for spreading covid at paradiso, but chatlog proves that said person may have contracted it at the event and only had the symptoms of a headache and fatique. >>254664 >>254679 >>254683>talks shit about her own mentees >>256978>can’t coord for shit despite becoming a mentor on a “vetted” server >>259466 >>259468>makes fun of other fatties despite being one herself, and most likely posted other girls from the plus size server >>257329 >>259533 >>259540>weird sexual history and post history online kek >>259444 >>259441Beck / beckkattack / 4chan p3d0 lover / racism-kei / DISCORD ITA>outed as dating a former 4chan mod who is infamous for his connection to “vetting CP” but it seems to be something he and beck enjoy >>246920 >>246951 >>246959>Into shota / ddlg / pretending to be a widdle boi, and is a raging racist that likes to say n word hard r even in the last few years >>246988 >>246989 >>246991 >>246992 >>246993 >>246999 >>246999 >>247003 >>247005 >>247042 >>247075 >>247153>cow crossover, she’s the same artist that toast likes >>247042>follows a plethora of l0lic0n accounts >>247240 >>247241 >>247245 >>247248Instagram: @beckkattack
DeeDeeZeta / DDZ / LOC attention seeker / perv police>troll that continues to poke itas for personal amusement >>220460 >>220461 >continues to christ-sperg but then claims it’s just trolling >>217152 >>217271>Someone (either he or one of her followers) change the old proposed thread pic from 8 to erase her perv past) >>243976 >>244007 >>244009>spergz about ”muh gunz rights” as seen in old thread OP >>243911 >still a lolita rejectInstagram: revelation_kitty
Other LOC girls>Melissa = @lifelibertylolita >>253171 >>253172 >>253210>Houston lolitas = @kemu_r1 and @frilly_cross >>257397>@marashinoveins >>257401>Cassie = @allurecross @bunnakins >>257401>Potentially nat, but not confirmed = @oatmilkchan> @sleepy_sakura_san , @cakevacuum , @cakevacuum >>257424 (sleepy_sakura changes her name frequently)> >>257429General LOC Drama>LOC gets into beef with KSK, a lolita shop, and claims they followed them, sold overpriced stained clothing, and posted receipts of them making fake reviews >>259060 >>259059 >>259058 >>259057 >>258210 >>258214 >>259056 >>259062Liv / Dreamy_pastel_princess/ @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xxx / pastel-princess / Texlita / DISCORD ITA Old Milk>Her ageplay history was exposed>>156205 >>156225
>claims on tiktok that her ddlg posts were from when she was groomed as a minor>was caught by lolcow mod for reporting posts and self wking. >>156237 >>156260 >>156394 >same crew continue to shitup threads on cgl and lc >>194116>someone from her discord drops screencaps of them discussing how to mass report threads mentioning her, despite her saying on tik tok that she isn’t on the boards whatsoever >>194622 , >>194624 , >>194626 , >>194627 , >>194629 , >>194630 , >>194632 , >>194633>claims her “personal” information is being doxxed, when it’s just screenshots from public accounts or from her own discord >someone from her group still has a hate boner for mahou.momo >>194633>different ita from her comm is posted as a derail attempt, but the pic itself was posted on “friends only” mode, so the pool is even more narrowed. Unconfirmed, but highly likely either liv or her pals posted it >>194633Updates>MEMBER OF THE OUTED DISCORD GROUP >>252432>Proves to be absolutely obsessed with LC and CGL >>252460>Has not posted or commented on the situation, and halted her tik tok content. >Goes private >>262554>BANNED from metroplex comm >>260573Instagram: Dreamy_pastel_princess
Tiktok: @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xx
Youtube: DreamyPastelPrincess
Hannah / Rosequartzroyalty / Ms. Frizzle / discord dastard / Texlita / DISCORD ITAOld Milk + Background>Texas Tik Tok Lolita confirmed to be in Liv’s friend groups >>218901>Openly uses board terminology but also tells ppl to stop going on the boards >>220745 >>223771>Got posted for shitty hair, and immediately responded via tik tok >>216298 , >>216410>Outed herself last year as being involved in liv’s mass reporting spree >>224189>Multiple posters start accusing Alyssa (a fellow texas comm member and akon angelic pretty model) of being the one who posted hannah. >>220976 >>220990>an attempt at showing proof by comparing phone carrier plans backfires, and reveals it is unlikely to be alyssa >>223333 , >>223319>screenshots come out showing alyssa was in fact privately shit talking liv and hannah, and making unhinged statements (see alyssa section).>Hannah’s crew argues with Alyssa's crew, almost saging the thread in less than a month.Updates>MEMBER OF THE OUTED DISCORD GROUP >>252432>she makes the same kind of tongue in cheek “violent” comments in group chats that her crew was pissed at alyssa for >>253732 >.Proven that she in fact lied about going on boards and engages in bullying >>252763> Proven to be nat’s mentor in the chat logs >Has continued making tiktok content pretending everything is ok>BANNED from the metroplex comm >>260573Tiktok: rosequartzroyalty
Instagram: rosequartzroyalty
Toast Chan / Toast- chaaan / Big teef l0lic0n l0ver / Texlita>Wannabe e-fame hungry texlita with terrile bangs>outed as a ddlg/l0lic0n lover >>242670 >>242779 >>242782>Gets caught posting more sus shit >>251722 >>251725>e-begs for 3k after a “surgery” despite having a huge wardrobe >>252115 >>252116 >Doesn’t say what the actual surgery was for >>252125 >Got caught also posting drama in seagull discord >>261484Instagram: @toastchaaan
Tiktok: @toastchaaan
Sp00pypants / Nat / former based icon / bible lunatic larperOld Milk>Gets kicked out of her comm AND CoF for saying she wouldn’t want to be friends with a troon >>198513 >babylita board releases a statement telling everyone to mass block and/or report her, despite her being a teenager and potentially a minor at the time >>198782, >>198795 , >>198796 >Turns out brandon (therealdrlove / bearded lolita) has been a repetitive creep, lesbian fetishizer, and posts sexual content related to characters drawn as pre-pubescent minors >nat responds, demands an apology from those that kicked her out and posts proof on her insta >>204185 >>204331Updates>Made instagram posts about the discord receipts and came forward about how they all essentially groomed her into being a cow they could make fun >>252550 >>252549 >>252548 >>252547 >>252551 >>252553>Discord receipts prove that they use slurs and/or worse language than nat.Instagram: @oatmilkchan
>Lor related posts, go to her thread >>>/w/39863 No. 263664
>>263662dead people don't feel things, especially if they committed suicide to get away from
toxic people that surrounded them like #seagull sry
No. 263676
File: 1667492520741.jpg (260.74 KB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20221103_090720.jpg)

Dumbass trying to dox non cows just because they are in adiscord wtf?? Anon, go to a mental hospital.
No. 263681
>>263676the discord has been taking jabs at anyone and anything that does not like the way they are acting. I see there's a bunch of black lolitas that were added into OP.
Also maybe trying to join the discord after this drama hit exposed you? Just a thought.
No. 263687
>>263685>>263686Are you here to claim you
totally didn't bully kuru into committing suicide, too?
No. 263688
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So what's the milk??? Posting irrelevant people and calling it milk?? Who the fuck are these people? Why should anyone care they were in a discord when you can't even show what they did. If they were important, they would have a bio each.
No. 263691
>>263687 I'm not even part of the community, I browse /w/, and I venal anon should post it, like all their other logs, if someone said to kill themselves in the discord.
So why won't they do it?
No. 263695
>>263691Kuru committed suicide due to the
abusive shit she suffered, so a coupling up to new abusers around her influenced her to kill herself. Surprise surprise.
No. 263696
>>263672>she has them all blockedWeird because Lara and Nat post conversations with each other in their stories but sure they are ""all blocked""
>>263669Even if some people voice reason (such as "maybe we shouldn't be posting a dead girl with a little sad frowny face by her name"), Lara was still posted and has been posted on these threads for years.
No. 263712
>>263697I just make OPs since no one makes em. Again, I said this was not going to be accurate since no one else was doing it. If you want a better one, make one. I just copy and pasted the master list posted in last thread. Discordfags leave lol
>>263673Do we need to spoon feed nat’s post AGAIN? Like every thread? Lurk moar
No. 263717
>>263712>>263712 You're attempting to dox irrelevant people in your op.
>>263676 was not there before. You added that in because you're a psychopath
No. 263721
>>263546i wish we could just be honest with each other without having to hide behind anonymity
>lolita's should be lovelyim really only on lolcow and cgl because theres no fear of being
cancelled because you gave a
poc trans girl honest concrit
but i hate the opposite too where because there is no consequences to what you say here. there's not much stopping anyone from stalking lying and digging up irrelevant shit on whatever lolita they dont like
No. 263722
>>263717I copy and pasted this
>>260351 , since you need to be spoonfed. call me a psychopath all you want but you’re only making it worse, I don’t think anyone would have noticed until you pointed it out kek
No. 263728
>>263724Have you ever had friends before
nonny? Sounds like a no. Tell me you don’t side eye the bitch at the mall wearing paper cat ears and a tail and laugh about it with your friends after. Everyone gossips and shit talks.
No. 263729
>>263709>when other girls like Lara and Nat develop suicidal ideation it's hilarious.This. These are the very same people.
>>263711This is an image board. Post screenshots.
No. 263746
>>263655 this is an image board im not doing this for money or clout, im not gonna check everything. also, it was already mentioned two threads ago, complain about the first people who posted it instead of bringing more attention to it you idiot
No. 263748
>>263743Sauce on WF befriending LOC people? Ya'll keep making delusional tinfoils in the discord and it's so apparent when you make up dumb shit on this board with no source.
People who discord have gone after since their leak:
-Black lolita community discord
-"LOC": For being 'against them'
-Previous Discord members that left
Am I missing anyone?
No. 263752
>>263751anon I think
that is a constant tinfoil from discord. They continually blame things on this board on people in the logs. LOC is just the new one and now "everyone" against them is in LOC.
It doesn't take a genius to realize discordfags are schizophrenic and need mental help with the new brewed up delusion of the day. Did Alys get out of the hospital?
No. 263755
I don't think lara was treated well, but I also don't think any of us can compare what Nat went through when she was still a teen. we can get over a rough patch in our 20s to 30s, but being fully cancelled (which lara and others have not) at the tender age of 17-18 is a life long impact. I hope lara genuinely gets better and takes a break. She has a nice lolita collection.
>>263752 they literally tried saying the logs were doctored by LOC, which was proven to be false. They have been the scapegoat. I think LOC is annoying as fuck and are huge attention whores who probably believe in misandry, but in what world are they at fault for this?
No. 263765
>>263734That will literally never happen. Hannah and her friends all have a
victim mindset. She’s never going to apologize because she doesn’t think she’s done any wrong.
No. 263767
>>263658What are you talking about? This is the only mention I can even find about Lara in the logs
[12-Apr-21 01:50 PM] elipri#5757
Apparently larasuzanne made some insensitive tiktok about the vaccine and is getting canceled (?) now
[12-Apr-21 01:51 PM] pastel-princess#0753
I saw it and I don’t think people understand the joke she was aiming for
[12-Apr-21 01:52 PM] pastel-princess#0753[12-Apr-21 01:53 PM] Lucid#9208
What does it even mean?
[12-Apr-21 01:53 PM] zepplis#6640
[12-Apr-21 01:53 PM] zepplis#6640
[12-Apr-21 01:53 PM] zepplis#6640
Its a joke
No. 263776
>>263760She claims on her blog to have been in the fashion since 2013 but came into the online community out of nowhere this year and almost immediately started causing/stirring drama and trying to paint DDZ, Cassie, and Nat as poor pitiful
victims who people unfairly canceled. Nat maybe (even if she's definitely engaged in trolling and gossipy behavior herself) but DDZ and Cassie have made it clear they're just pissants who like making people angry by "
triggering the libs" or whatever. Now she's waist deep in this discord shit and STRANGELY whenever she gets brought up or the things she's done (like literally including a dead person on a list of "shit stirrers" with a little sarcastic sad emoji) the conversation MYSTERIOUSLY gets derailed in an insane way. She's definitely milky as fuck and clearly sloppy with it, so I'm sure more will come out soon enough.
No. 263778
>>263776Melissa was also actively in the thread and updating the document to be even more tasteless when people started to post that including kuru was going too far. Someone's a bit
triggered now that her ass isn't getting licked?
No. 263779
>>263770So post some, because
>>263767 straight from the logs looks more like discordchans were defending her
No. 263781
>>263779[12-Apr-21 01:55 PM] elipri#5757
Tbh I don't vibe with that joke, it's wayyyy too early
[12-Apr-21 01:55 PM] Lucid#9208
Could have simply said vaccines in general, and not named a specific one.
[12-Apr-21 01:55 PM] biscuit#2593
I do think it’s just not a very funny video and just comes across kind of bitchy and snobby, but I don’t think it’s cancel worthy
[12-Apr-21 01:55 PM] Cake#9854
it's a bit weird
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
I've been vaxxed and I didn't make it public bc I got it earlier than I should have
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Lucid#9208
It's the type of thing you don't post because people can easily take it the wrong way.
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
I think I basically told you guys and some irls
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] elipri#5757
Oh I don't think it's cancel worthy but I do agree with the people who are calling her out on that. It was in very poor taste
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
it's just like
why brag
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
I know I literally felt so fucking paranoid and still sometimes do
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] celestial#8008
what an idiot acting like this is a problem
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
before I got it
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] Cake#9854
it's just like
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] celestial#8008
touch grass please
[12-Apr-21 01:56 PM] biscuit#2593
I get being excited about getting the vaccine but that is uhhhhhh
not how I would share my excitement
[12-Apr-21 01:57 PM] zepplis#6640
I mean I think this is something that if you're mad about
[12-Apr-21 01:57 PM] zepplis#6640
just bitch to your friends
[12-Apr-21 01:57 PM] zepplis#6640
its not maliciously meant
[12-Apr-21 01:57 PM] biscuit#2593
Yeah I get what you’re saying zepp
[12-Apr-21 01:57 PM] Cake#9854
she must not have got pfizer, if only hot bitches get it
wheeze (8)
No. 263787
File: 1667500228993.png (684.21 KB, 1324x2672, Screenshot_20221103-132941.png)

>>263782You can see the update history on Google Docs. She's a very diligent (obsessive) updater.
No. 263802
File: 1667500982969.jpeg (385.74 KB, 731x1696, EC8921F4-F9DC-43D5-AF0F-AF7ACF…)

>>263795It tracks, she’s schizo in general. She even has a spot on her blog for keeping track of anything bad anyone has said about her.
No. 263810
>>263808Really grasping at straws now aren’t you
We get it, they’re boolies, they act like they don’t boolie, zzzz
No. 263822
File: 1667501578283.png (513.98 KB, 604x641, birthdaycake30.png)

>>263818That may have been a shit post, here's a post from a bit back where she said she turned 30.
No. 263834
File: 1667502958525.jpeg (20.93 KB, 423x228, 94AEAABD-EAED-4122-AE20-4E6D17…)

>>263795Not sure if throwaway but the email is clearly visible. Either she’s just that stupid or it’s a setup.
No. 263849
File: 1667505574715.png (22.38 KB, 1709x181, screenshot.png)

someone is desperately trying to save herself it seems cant imagine why kek
No. 263851
>>263849Lol the history
>>263787even shows that she’s the only one editing. So funny. Try harder Melissa-chan!
No. 263855
File: 1667507051639.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_20221103-131037~2.p…)

Based on this it seems like Melissa/lifelibertylolita/ghstgrl_0mm is a Texas lolita. Explains the hyperfixation on specifically the Texas members of #seagull. wonder why she tries to larp as a Japanese person? Anyways I guess this shows that even though discordchans were out of line its not like their most vocal whistle blowers aren't also batshit insane. I'm sure I'll get called a discordchan for this but believe it or not its possible to dislike both #seagull and LOC.
No. 263857
File: 1667507342395.jpeg (642.37 KB, 665x617, 78F3C22E-3840-40BF-B251-34D48F…)

>>263855She’s not Texas, she’s somewhere close to Seattle since she and Nat are besties
No. 263860
File: 1667507559727.jpeg (514.92 KB, 828x1462, 0B5C54F7-452A-4BC0-A215-A2CAE2…)

>>263857Also not sure if anyone else caught it but Nat is Lolitaconfessions on Instagram. Outfit reveal matches with this group pic.
No. 263872
File: 1667509010649.png (2.46 MB, 1439x1780, Screenshot_20221103-155154.png)

>>263871Melissa is the blonde one.
They want to be edgy 4channers so bad; Makes sense why they've been taking over the threads here.
No. 263875
>>263872Melissa looks like her head stopped growing before her body, or one of her parents was a troll doll.
Nat only looks decent here compared to fatties and man face. Maybe she looks ok otherwise, but her hair is really unflattering in the pic of the group.
The fact that so many of these well known Lolita’s in positions of power are fugly and/or fat is depressing. The last time I paid attention to the online community (around 2010), people at least made an effort. Now people are getting advice from greasy haired trolls who don’t wear makeup? What the hell happened?
No. 263876
>>263875It was 2010
nonnie, we all just wore wigs.
No. 263885
File: 1667512134107.jpeg (281.45 KB, 665x713, BF59AA55-8B5B-4FAF-A482-B0C88E…)

The face of someone who is manically posting on lolcow and obsessively editing a Google doc
Go take a xanny and a nap
No. 263889
>3.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.People are unrelated just because they are friends. This is not milk, it becomes stalking.
No. 263891
>>263875this. like what happened? what happened to leaders / well known lolitas being actually… cute? and good at the fashion? Milkychan wasn’t even drop dead gorgeous but her collection and coords were great. Fanny is the last to survive i fear. Now subpar perma itas are the leaders and they’re giving advice ??? discordfags being prime examples.
melissa looks inbred and her making a google doc was the dumbest fucking thing. i knew that would backfire, i didn’t even feel comfy opening it because of how quickly it connects to your acct i
No. 263894
>>263891I don’t understand this either. Where do these people get off acting this superior when they dress so inferior. Seeing a lot of the main discordfags was astounding.
Also I don’t understand Melissa’s goal. Is it just an insane power trip? Was she trying to set the stage to become a lolita “influencer”? Like, how did you think this was gonna go hun
No. 263897
>>263896gross, is that a tinfoil or do you have facts that say this is what the meet was about? they could really just be goofing off and it doesn't have relevancy.
u need a source for these tinfoils
No. 263913
>>263910This has been going on for a very long time and pre-farms:
[24-Nov-18 06:08 AM] Deleted User#0000
Also this sp00py gal in the itapit is the reason why I’m pretty impatient w noobs at times
[24-Nov-18 06:08 AM] Deleted User#0000
She a complete beginner at sewing and Lolita
[24-Nov-18 06:09 AM] Deleted User#0000
Why make this harder
[24-Nov-18 06:09 AM] Jess#1258
Lolita is too expensive /s
[24-Nov-18 06:09 AM] Deleted User#0000
Her dresses are ugly af
No. 263916
>>263878I literally said she only looks decent because she’s next to ugly people and her hair is unflattering. I don’t pay enough attention to know what she usually looks like.
There are very few people that can pull off natural hair with lolita and have it look good, and no one in this thread fits the bill. Wigs look better than stringy, greasy hair and thin, wavy ass bangs.
No. 263933
>>263931No they didn’t, they even talk about deleting it and banning her for posting that in discord.
Melissa however is grooming Nat.
No. 263936
>>263933[21-Feb-22 02:26 AM] rougeaerie#2278
She was previously in this server and mentoring. She was banned from mentoring for posting photos of a skin rash on her torso while more or less topless at the age of 16. She left this server (I don't think she was banned?) after being called out on Reddit for harassing a girl who posted there about her post history.
[21-Feb-22 02:26 AM] pwassonchat#2894
In this day and age there's no excuse to be transphobic I think :/
[21-Feb-22 02:27 AM] pwassonchat#2894
oof[21-Feb-22 02:27 AM] elipri#5757
Tbh I was mainly thinking about puff as the prime example of changing for the better
👍 (3)
[21-Feb-22 02:28 AM] pwassonchat#2894
Is it the same person we talked about earlier that we think might be a CSA surviror?
[21-Feb-22 02:28 AM] elipri#5757
But it's definitely not anyone's job to educate nat or try to change her mind or whatever. It's up to her and only her.
[21-Feb-22 02:28 AM] elipri#5757
[21-Feb-22 02:28 AM] elipri#5757
And that still is no excuse
[21-Feb-22 02:29 AM] pwassonchat#2894
Yes and it's absolutely fair to not want anything to do with her now or ever
[21-Feb-22 02:29 AM] elipri#5757
Hence she's getting banned everywhere
[21-Feb-22 02:29 AM] elipri#5757
Cause as resh said, she's definitely old enough to know better
[21-Feb-22 02:29 AM] pwassonchat#2894
Definitely not an excuse, I just thought it might explain why she saw nothing wrong with exposing her torso on the internet at 16
[21-Feb-22 02:30 AM] rougeaerie#2278
Honestly, in cases like these, I think a permanent ban is in order. People can change, but it takes a lot to regain that lost trust, and the damage done isn't going to magically be erased because someone had a change of heart.
[21-Feb-22 02:30 AM] elipri#5757
So until she
changes for the better (IF that's going to happen at all in the first place), it's our responsibility to protect trans people from her
💯 (2)
[21-Feb-22 02:31 AM] elipri#5757
And yes, she'd have to earn the trust back
[21-Feb-22 02:31 AM] elipri#5757
Which would take years down the line
No. 263942
>>263940gonna go out on a limb and call you a scrote rot brain.
women are perfectly able to be friends with each other of all ages. it shows that you have only had friends in your teens.
No. 263950
File: 1667527382659.jpeg (448.17 KB, 828x1370, C59B330A-FF77-4014-80D1-0108C9…)

>>263822>>263857So is Melissa 18 or 30?
No. 263954
File: 1667528498586.png (354.88 KB, 1388x1236, rainn.png)

>>263940Ayrt, I don't think we have the same definition of grooming, so never mind. It's not a friendship thing.
You can see some real examples over in the MTF thread, though. No. 263958
>>263681> I see there's a bunch of black lolitas that were added into OPI'm the anon that put together the collective list from the first three threads so it was easy for me to check this. The only black lolita added since my list was purestmaiden kek. She is and has been milky as fuck and will always belong here.
The others added were "**Saturn#5252 = @peachburger [white] and d0a1a8#6603 = [anon blog]"
No. 263963
>>263902people refer to her age differently based on either when she (A) got into the online scene (B) got caught saying troon and (C) how old she currently is. she’s between 19-20 now. But she’s been in these
toxic spaces as young as 15.
No. 263968
>>263966 No, it wouldn't be. They are two seperate topics. One is an outsider stating they knew the basics but didn't care. The other is a group of people being manipulative and bullying people out of the larger community. There is no overlap. She can also be irritated at whatever she wants. People don't have to care about everything.
Everyone is responsible for managing their own damage. No one has to speak on anything or watch everything.
No. 264024
>>263933>grooming kekwhen discordchans in their 30s are still mentoring teens, when every western comm is rife with 30+ year olds hanging out with minors, when irl comms allow agp perverted men to have access to these young girls. the difference being the comms and mentors are full of queer older women openly into lolicon hentai, kink, polyamory and other degen shit, who talk about their kink lifestyles unfiltered at meets in front of minors. im more inclined to be worried about those types grooming teens and young women
…not some trad-tard, anti-degen, perv patrol prude
No. 264025
>>264024Aiu thinks that lesbians are groomers.
[17-Aug-22 07:45 AM] Aiu#0642
Does she want to ban all men? (Probably) But women can groom each other just as well and considering how lesbian the hobby is as a whole, I wouldn't be shocked if it happens
No. 264030
>>264027anon not everyone is melissa, nat, LOC
pls stop being a schizo and breaking the "hi-cow" rules
No. 264033
>>264031It was said constantly. That's all these threads are anymore is discordchans talking to eachother to deflect. At least sage
>>264030 so we don't get excited for milk.
No. 264048
>>264040Melissa has been the driving force behind 3 lolita threads here, she also has been posting here daily, she even posted a blog about ksk using info posted here and then posted the post to get ass pats, and has updating her doc of doxxing info daily based on what is being posted. You really think she isnt here? I dont think Nat actually knows what is up but Melissa has a ton of time it seems.
Its highly likely that she was the one doing a lot of the posts this past month, and is the one trying to escalate it to get people banned, which is all behaviour that is against lolcow culture for years. This site is to gossip not to hunt down people who you dont like.
No. 264057
>>264054before they were doing this about Nat or Sp00py. Guess Melissa is the new target.
Discordfags, listen up, there's evidence of you doing this in the logs. Now stop hi-cowing.
No. 264071
>>264057Spo00py is Nat, that was their ig before it was oatmilkchan.
Melissa is confirmed to be owner of the google doc
>>263834 and the person who was the only editor.
No. 264077
File: 1667582808190.png (40.64 KB, 1832x414, schizoposterongoing.png)

>>264076let me repost this schizo comment for ya
No. 264082
>>264048Its a tinfoil but I wouldn't even be a little surprised. She just LOOKS manic and you can see her very public, meticulous list of times anyone, even anon posts on LCF, said anything about her here:
>>263802>>263806>>263804I had a post previously that highlighted the specific posts I thought followed a similar posting pattern of rapid replies with bizarre, hyperbolic misinterpretation of the people they're replying to, but its pretty obvious if you scroll through the replies any time she's mentioned. They all have someone with a similar way of typing who deflects by saying something like "well the discordchans do way worse stuff but thats ok right???" Followed by some extreme interpretation of what is being said like "Melissa is literally Hitler". Coupled with the fact that she rapidly updates her google doc any time people look at her actions with any scrutiny, it makes sense at least a few of these are her.
No. 264086
File: 1667584230115.jpeg (578.44 KB, 1797x1589, 5B6B65AB-C54B-47B8-952D-FDC3CF…)

Holy shit he’s a man? I always thought he was just an incredibly unfortunate looking woman. Damn, why the fuck would anyone ever let a man in? That’s disgusting
No. 264091
File: 1667584681609.png (432.95 KB, 1079x1355, Screenshot_20221104-105419.png)

>>264085>>264086Oh no no noooo hahahaha! What is thisssss No. 264094
>>264086you've never seen the sperg run on posts he has about how he's trying this and that to be more "~womanly~"?
it's bad. creepy even.
No. 264100
File: 1667585931399.png (306.19 KB, 873x176, biblethumper.png)

>>264091ya'll should let him into the LOC since it's just a group about lolitas who are Christian
No. 264110
>>264095whoa who the fuck let this creep old man in? discordchans be like mel is a groomer by reaching out to some poor kid that yall banned, bullied & want nothin to do with. meanwhile this absolute agp freak runs a predator alert group, mentors minors and shit talks those same young girls in #seagull. mentor mods enabling this shit be like 'enjoy access to our young women' what kind of sick fuck old man, fuckin 50 year old looking ass, wears womens clothes & be hangin out with underage girls & tryna have us thinkin 'naw he cool, dont worry bout him, nothin predatory to see here, move along now
No. 264112
>>264110When “inclusivity” gets to the point where men must be protected from “misandry”
Call me a
terf, but I don’t want to be around men. Lolita is an escape from the eyes of perverts, and yet here they are getting asspats for doing the bare minimum and interacting with young and vulnerable people. I don’t even care if they’re trans women or cis men. If you’re a creep you’re a creep. Same with lolitas and their creepy Reddit boyfriends.Get the fuck out.
No. 264114
>>264113Nice b8 to
trigger the libs, but this has nothing to do with the left or the right.
No. 264124
File: 1667590345406.png (32.12 KB, 414x311, callerisinsidethehouse.png)

>>264118So who are the other 2 admins not listed on the page publicly?
No. 264127
>>264112>call me a TERFThey will. Anyone who is not dedicated to sucking “girldick” for AGP predators or not properly validating the ever-changing pronouns of teenage girls who wear Lolita but insist they are boys, gets called an evol
TERF. This hobby peaked me by showing how completely normal opinions get shot down by misogynists in favor of predators’ comfort. So yeah, guess I’d rather be a
TERF and a lonelita too.
No. 264136
File: 1667591059708.jpg (28.1 KB, 222x478, mods.JPG)

>>264124Here current mod list including old man Scotty Bishop.
No. 264149
>>264145this. in fact, i think people who are very concerned with inappropriate age gap friendships/relationships are going to also be concerned with gender based grooming. People are groomed into cults, religions,
toxic actions, and sexual/romantic relationships. It's all bad.
No. 264156
>>264150>groomed into a religion>"SO yOU ThINK relIGION is BAD!?!please use basic reading comprehension. religion is a personal choice that shouldn't be made under duress or false presentation. many youth groups have detailed strategies of going for depressed teens. women who are socially coerced into hijabs and then who are convinced to say that it was a choice is a great example.
LOC begone, you're becoming just as bad as discordfags
No. 264166
I'm sure she's just playing mommy for a misguided child that talks too much
No. 264168
>>264167if that isn't
ignorant entitlement then I don't know what is
No. 264174
>>264172yup, and where the fuck are mods this is too much. this is a
terf site, idk how that's been lost in translation.
No. 264178
>>264143>40 years oldNonny how can you say that with a straight face when jeunefille#4045 is 40 and this man
>>264086 looking like he's pushing 60, kek. Mentoring anyone younger is sus. They can learn from google like we did.
No. 264179
>>264174>this is a terf site
>[22-Dec-17 01:12 PM] Dif#3371BTW there's a lolcow thread about him, I don't usually enjoy lolcow but it's probably better to rant there because of the CGL security issues and drama rules
>[10-Jan-18 09:52 AM] Lady Cocoa#2915 >>>/snow/433040
>[01-Feb-18 10:30 AM] Prettydebil#3173 >>>/snow/485424
>[25-Feb-18 09:03 PM] Aiu#0642 >>>/snow/503624
>[31-Mar-18 04:01 PM] shinychariot#8116This is my favourite internet crazy
>[12-Apr-18 10:48 AM] Lala Land#7138and
>>>/snow/534254 is going strong
>[13-Jun-18 02:00 PM] agentlemandoesnotconga#8888>>>/snow/607415
>[14-Jun-18 02:09 AM] opalsauce#4996 This is pretty damning:
>[23-Jun-18 04:56 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
>[24-Jul-18 01:49 PM] tokkigo#7380
>[28-Jan-19 01:54 PM] ataraxia#7301>>>/w/10091
>[28-Apr-19 04:16 PM] Spider#8888>>>/w/10091 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
>[19-Jun-19 08:22 AM] d0a1a8#6603>>>/snow/667030
>[24-Dec-19 11:25 AM] tenya out of ten#7566Elveo and Develv are the artists:
>[17-May-21 01:03 PM] zepplis#6640>>>/w/150541
>[18-May-21 10:42 AM] alys#0310>>>/w/58143 it starts there, beware, it's really NSFL ton of REALLY nasty lewd stuff including shit and vomit and underage characters
>[31-Jul-21 09:36 AM] elipri#5757
>[10-Jan-18 09:52 AM] Lady Cocoa#2915>>>/snow/433040 No. 264182
>>264179idk if i follow? is this suppose to argue that because troon lovers in #seagull also use the farms, it means this isn't a primarily
terf site? I'm confused. we're all terfs here.
No. 264191
File: 1667595356929.png (3.6 KB, 462x48, 2022-11-1-mentoring.png)

>>264190because they are grooming in mentoring
No. 264197
File: 1667596689764.jpg (68.22 KB, 439x843, aged.jpg)

>>264186>uwu i look 11no you don't.
No. 264217
>>264213I feel a lot of sympathy for farmhands. Elsewhere on the site theres a scrote cp and gore spamming so its understandable that they can't spend time babysitting this messy ass thread. But I bet these threads would get real quiet real quick if the people derailing and the people responding to the derail got a few 1 day bans and cooled off.
There's not really much to talk about re:discordgate anymore anyways, everything juicy has been posted and everyone involved has gone dark.
No. 264251
>>264189I think this is everything in order from recent to old
[15-Mar-22 03:02 AM] agentlemandoesnotconga#8888
Someone here claims to have found proof of her identity.
>>>/w/198978[28-Dec-21 10:33 AM] elipri#5757
>>>/w/163928[25-Nov-21 07:24 AM] d0a1a8#6603
>>>/w/109410[31-Jul-21 09:36 AM] elipri#5757{Embed}[17-Jul-21 06:29 PM] agentlemandoesnotconga#8888
>>>/snow/433040[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310
the comics she posted on ceeg (she apparently also namefigged)
[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[18-May-21 10:46 AM] alys#0310[17-May-21 01:03 PM] zepplis#6640
>>>/w/150541[02-Apr-21 05:55 PM] Aiu#0642
is this the grandma goose coord u mean?[24-Dec-19 11:25 AM] tenya out of ten#7566
Elveo and Develv are the artists:
>>>/snow/828640[02-Sep-19 03:46 PM] d0a1a8#6603
>>>/w/10091[19-Jun-19 08:22 AM] d0a1a8#6603
>>>/snow/667030[02-May-19 10:38 PM] Spider#8888
>>>/w/46137 "is meme really a guy or not?" holy fuck why are you so invested in this
[02-May-19 01:15 PM] Spider#8888
>>>/w/10091[27-Mar-19 07:06 PM] tokkigo#7380[27-Mar-19 07:06 PM] tokkigo#7380[06-Mar-19 02:17 PM] tokkigo#7380[06-Mar-19 02:14 PM] tokkigo#7380[28-Feb-19 12:46 PM] tokkigo#7380[11-Feb-19 03:03 PM] tokkigo#7380[07-Feb-19 03:46 PM] tokkigo#7380[07-Feb-19 03:46 PM] tokkigo#7380[25-Jan-19 12:28 PM] tokkigo#7380[24-Jan-19 06:10 PM] tokkigo#7380[01-Nov-18 07:53 PM] tokkigo#7380[08-Oct-18 04:32 PM] Prettydebil#3173
>>>/snow/705747[30-Sep-18 08:25 PM] tokkigo#7380[30-Sep-18 08:25 PM] tokkigo#7380[04-Sep-18 02:09 PM] tokkigo#7380[11-Aug-18 01:35 AM] tokkigo#7380[24-Jul-18 01:49 PM] tokkigo#7380[26-Jun-18 03:22 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
>>>/snow/619859[23-Jun-18 04:56 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595[14-Jun-18 02:09 AM] opalsauce#4996
Late but
This is pretty damning:[12-Apr-18 11:11 AM] Aiu#0642
>>>/snow/79127[10-Apr-18 09:40 PM] Prettydebil#3173
>>>/snow/534254[31-Mar-18 04:01 PM] shinychariot#8116
This is my favourite internet crazy
>>>/snow/224892[01-Feb-18 10:30 AM] Prettydebil#3173
>>>/snow/485424[22-Dec-17 01:12 PM] Dif#3371
BTW there's a lolcow thread about him, I don't usually enjoy lolcow but it's probably better to rant there because of the CGL security issues and drama rules
>>>/snow/445742[17-Dec-17 05:42 AM] Deleted User#0000
>>>/snow/119682 No. 264268
File: 1667613322763.jpg (34.58 KB, 750x834, twinklebitchdesigns.jpg)

>>264262What's worst is they ARE cool and nice to your face because they're cowards in person. Anyway I see their all still hiding and rlly I hope this affects sales. Any other ones own wannabe brands?
@twinklebatdesigns aka @le_bat/celestial
@shopbelledreams aka @ghostlieangel
@sweetjujushop aka @starstarfairy
@rougeaerie aka @rougeaerie
@nofuneral.s aka @voyeurism.s
No. 264346
File: 1667651172906.jpg (252.56 KB, 1080x1489, Regretsy.jpg)

>>264268isn't selling right now, sage don't know if it counts. @hannahfrankewirewraps
No. 264347
File: 1667652572932.jpg (156.86 KB, 1078x1887, BibleThumper.jpg)

>>264346Speaking of Hannah Franke maybe she can join the LOC cult since she's banned now, this was 3 years after saying she's not homophobic anymore and trying to micromanage a friend's religon.
>>261521 >>261533 Kek OK, well be sure to take Scotty Bishop with you too.
>>264100 Christfags unite.
No. 264379
>>264353this. like for real? A spreadsheet? The farms itself is the history, we don't need a spreadsheet. if people are too lazy to read than they're a newfag zoomer with zero attention span. I feel like it's also obviously just both sides mobilizing against each other on the thread itself. Both sides are incredibly cringey and should be avoided at this point. not to sound sentimental but i love lolita, and I fear this will actually cause issues in the practice of the fashion/events.
No. 264396
>>264395Pretty certain it's not the same, anon. Liv and Hannah admitted to coming on cgl and lcf after lying publicly about never being on these websites. They are complicit of posting shit on people actively in their community and stirring up drama.
For fuck's sake they ran off Momo.
No. 264411
>>264396Sage for tinfoil
Ayrt I’m pretty sure she left cause of Sainte bothering her. And she didn’t leave lolita just social media
No. 264454
File: 1667698131940.png (83.02 KB, 910x430, Screenshot 2022-11-05 212758.p…)

jeunefille is like 20
No. 264469
>>264454According to the logs she's 41:
[10-Oct-21 12:37 PM] jeunefille#4045
just came back from my 40th birthday party actually.
@comrade.frill/Elina is 27:
[10-Oct-21 12:32 PM] elipri#5757
I'm 26 yo
Also Ataraxia/Taylor is a teacher, yikes. Hope she doesn't bully them like she does mentees.
[10-Oct-21 12:34 PM] elipri#5757
Ata tol and a teacher so I assumed she was my age or maybe a year older
PeachyPies/Noelle is 23.
[10-Oct-21 12:35 PM] PeachyPies#6168
am 22
No. 264470
>>264469she's not lol. have you ever seen a pic of her? i was in the server for a long time and i remember her being 19 at one point. that's 100% a joke
No. 264577
Moving here
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
Saturn#5252 = @peach burger
Nobody#6371 =
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit (deactivated)
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
Spider#8888 = Alexandra Arachne (FB)
Lilac_Y0#8595 = @lilac_myosotis
biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun, @gl_ossuary
Lala Land#7138 = @clefableist, Lyla Hyatt (FB)
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku, @pastel_hashira
rainier#6904 = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Rococo#5833 =
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Piratand#8052 =
Darksilverhawk#3148 =
Dif#3371 =
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia,
opalsauce#4996 = @opal.pasteldream, @oh.pal_, @Opalpasteldream
Caustice Ichor#0416 =
The_Kraken#0878 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairy, @webfairy.wiz, @bitchyangel64
Crunge#9497 =
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
Jess#1258 = (tinfoil this is but no proof)
Plastic Flowers#1785 = (tinfoil this is @pinkfakeflowers2.0 but no proof)
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
Snailu#0713 =
No. 264579
Olivia/Liv pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy (formerly dreamypastelprincess)
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
rainier#6904 (Rainey?) = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Hannah ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
Radical Eddy#1987 (originally from Wisconsin)
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
tokkigo#7380 = (FB: Mani Devlin) @tokkigo LM: tokkigo [particularly heinous offender, ragequit after being posted]
_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = (Ha-Anh Dinh) @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie,
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo LM: kuroeko
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes LM: PaperSnowflakes (works at Baby SF, has leaked secret shop info to discord)
dedizenoflight#5279 = @dedizenoflight (Twitter)
South Bend, INDIANA
Lala Land#7138
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 = name changed to 23minds#3234
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
Cookie Cat#7077 (Chelsea Clarke)= Rose Nocturnalia,
Jess#1258 (
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat, batlatte, acute-bird, coof-police LM: bumblebat [particularly heinous offender]
Lucid#9208 = lychee.cute?, [particularly heinous offender]
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Cake#9854 AKA @abbie_666
UK (POssibly Malaysia?)
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96 @fentanyllfairyy (name change)[particularly heinous offender]
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
Inaka, JAPAN
No. 264586
>>264584Melissa going batshit unhinged was the reason. Still I think these lists are very
valid considering how heinous they’ve been to the online community for years
No. 264587
>>264586I don’t think Melissa is the only one with a death grip on this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the discordfags were in here self posting trying to make it seem like Melissa is more hellbent on exposing the discord more than she actually is. That’s just my tinfoil theory.
The milk has ran dry and there isn’t really anything else interesting that has come to light about the situation.
No. 264597
nonny, updating a spreadsheet every single day for a month, changing Instagrams when you get caught, and constantly wk-ing your besties is a pretty tight death grip.
No. 264603
File: 1667786028527.png (20.1 KB, 275x275, 1495302262238.png)

>>264587It's very obviously Discordfags LARPing with each other in here the past 2 threads. Most people left because it's unbearable now thanks to them. They're mostly newfags who don't realize these threads don't need posted on every day. There's a reason it picked up when that chat got as heinous as it did.
No. 264635
>>264603>>264629>>264626Incredible, everyone is a "discordfag" or "totally not someone else".
>>264579 "inaka" means "middle of nowhere" you retard. If you're going to be weird at least be right.
No. 264733
>>264731that's not cow tipping nor doxxing, the discordfags are dumb enough to associate their real identities with their online presence
it was a bit unhinged though and she was made fun of for it itt anyways but it's not like much is going to happen from the doc except maybe a discordfag or two being banned from a local comm
>>264729idk about all that but it's clear a lot of these retards can't be bothered to read the rules and learn to integrate
No. 264747
>>264732I don’t think it’s so much about their zips being posted
I think it’s just showing how batshit insane someone would be to compile a doc and look for everyone’s LM account
Obviously the Info is out there
The point is that she took the time to look
No. 264757
>>264752nayrt but the only location posting was whoever started this list
>>264579 which other anons have pointed out isn't even correct. like saying Lucidly is Phlox it's not and listing Elpri in 2 different countries ffs. so there's multiple "lists" floating around with different info. it's different anons making them and discordchans were pissed the google doc had their LMs which listed their location which they had to put themselves, keep up retard.
No. 264784
>>264780here's one
>>>/w/259976 not at my pc right now so I can't double check the logs to confirm but I'm pretty sure they did doxx plague chan and made a kiwifarms thread on her/posted her to /cgl/
idk if there was any other doxxing they did aside from ryudenki/plague chan though
>>264782it's because a lot of these hypocritical discord ita lunatics are mods/mentors and use their positions of power to manipulate things and get away with their shitty bullying behavior - people not involved with loc and/or the discord itas should just make their own comms at this point to avoid all this drama
I agree we definitely don't need this many threads on it and obviously there's tons of garbage clogging up every thread, maybe it'll calm down once there's other milk posted besides discord and loc related stuff
No. 264786
>>264784But as stated here
>>264733, and
>>264784, collecting public information that someone posted themselves and then going on to post it to sites like these or in a massive Google document that is updated everyday isn't doxxing. So which is it?
No. 264788
File: 1667878103891.png (49.52 KB, 1920x974, notepad_3ZLt82iRHh.png)

>>264784Oh yeah I'm reading that part of the doc and they spend at least an hour fine-tuning how to type it to make sure that they grab the KF choads' attention. It looks like its just zepplis, celestial, cake, aiu, harmlessmonster, with the first two seeming to be the most intensely focused on this. But none of the rest were like "hey this is a shitty idea". That's pretty gross.
No. 264792
>>264786it's not doxxing if it's publicly available/easily searchable information but it's still unhinged behavior to post peoples personal info like both the discord itas and melissa did - it seems they think lc and /cgl/ are their personal armies that'll go after whoever they personally don't like (we obviously won't kek)
I already mentioned I can't go through the logs right now and that I'm not 100% certain if they actually did doxx ryudenki or not, you are free to check the logs to see if it was doxxing or just them finding and posting already available info
>>264788yeah it's especially gross considering kf has a bad reputation for cow tipping and harassing cows directly, likely why they posted her there hoping the kiwiscrotes would do just that
>>264785thread policing is annoying and if they're whining about actual milk being posted you can just ignore the complainers or report them for minimodding next time it happens
No. 264795
>>264786You put every piece of info you knew on Hollow on KF hopinh they would doxx her. The convo started with Zepplis actually saying "I kinda wanna dox"
>>>/w/259976 Keep "uwu where's proof" but it's right there. zepplis, celestial, cake, aiu, harmlessmonster worked to get her doxxed.
>>264788>But none of the rest were like "hey this is a shitty idea".No one in there when it was happening is innocent I agree.
No. 264815
File: 1668025661988.jpeg (2.12 MB, 3464x3464, 0E9C37A4-18F7-4970-A894-4B3991…)

No. 264816
>>264815I’m sure you trying to say that the person with the blog is making threads but it’s more likely that since LOC were already gathering this info to attack these women they did that on purpose. Just like how they made a fake btb dreamwidth with a lucid email.
The tinfoil response is that is Melissa but she isn’t the only unhinged person in that group.
No. 264820
>>264816LOC was gathering what info to attack which women, and who did what on purpose?
Am I having a stroke or is Hannah just panicking
No. 264822
>>264818Btb was confirmed theirs. You could tell based on who had access to what on dreamwidth. It makes sense they would also make the fake one to fuck with ppl, their whole thing is to troll. The Loc name is a troll, the lesbians hating lesbians is a troll, the mask, etc.
Why would Hannah use the same font as her blog? It doesn’t make sense to link yourself like that when your social media is being looked at daily for a month.
No. 264828
>>264822>Btb was confirmed theirs. You could tell based on who had access to what on dreamwidth.according to the logs it wasnt openly owned by seagull but it was remade by Lucidly real quick. Jeunefille openly followed the account and so did whoever her mentee is too.
[03-Apr-22 10:21 PM] Aiu#0642
that kinda hints at it being a Nat and Bunnakins kind of thing, but could be Nat and ???
[03-Apr-22 10:23 PM] jeunefille#4045
they can be just dumb like me tho
[03-Apr-22 10:23 PM] jeunefille#4045
i saw it clicked join and didnt give it a second thought
[03-Apr-22 10:24 PM] jeunefille#4045
idk what type of person my mentee is but im pretty sure she isnt behind it either
>Why would Hannah use the same font as her blog? It doesn’t make senseyou sound panicked
nonny kek. Hannah hasnt updated that blog since June 2020 and doesn't link it on her social media either. it's obvious she made them, she doesnt advertie the blog anywhere and we know she lives on these threads.
No. 264841
>>264839The dots are connecting a little too well on this one
nonny i dunno
No. 264848
File: 1668034099224.png (516.32 KB, 760x968, cooltext.png)

>>264846all 4 were defenitely made by the same person, here's the other font used and both are on the second page of the same site. sussy that the only other time we've seen this font is on Hannah Franke's blog.
>>264815 typical sloppy work from her.
No. 264851
>>264846how’d you know what to google though? it did occur to me at first that maybe it’s a default font on Blogspot but it’s not, then I tried googling heart font and bubble font and didn’t find it there either.
she’s also a known LCF addict (see thread #7) and seems to have beef with absolutely everyone. precisely the type to make detailed thread pics and then change info later to suit her drama mongering needs.
No. 264857
File: 1668035507337.png (325.01 KB, 818x404, 300x300AnnaShipman-1095974122.…)

>>264815well that was easy kek. Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl (name change from auilura)
No. 264861
>>264857Anon respectfully why do you need to know her real name and where she studied? Some of you are a tad obsessed
>inb4 i'm discordfagI just think you are getting weird
No. 264862
>>264861we don't anon, its proving the info is public. this is an imageboard. she follows rqr's blog proving rqr and aiu have seen the font before and likely are who posted this
>>264846 and or made the past 4 threads. unless like
>>264849 said there's other lolita or jfashion blogs using the same font.
No. 264864
>>264862This is still a gigantic stretch imho.
I feel you are feeding us false narratives in the hopes of using us as a personal army.
No. 264870
File: 1668037597400.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1818x4108, 1617323819976.jpeg)

>>264867Correct, it wasnt doxxing it was googling info publicly available. Ryudenki is some weirdo who make it her legal name and made an account on kf to talk shit about lolitas so they posted her back to get her to stop. So either both loc and seagull dox or neither are.
Like loook at this shit, they wanted to go to work like this. In a hospital.
No. 264879
>>264871they don't need to doxx anyone to be milky anon they are milky because they are insane ita hypocrites who put on a phony wholesome caring personality on public social media while posting their own friends and mentees to here and /cgl/ and even kiwifarms to shittalk them, and have made racist, misogynistic, and homophobic comments while also pretending to be virtuous wokesters
but yeah the milk on them is getting a bit stale now, the logs have been out for awhile at this point and there isn't much more to be said
>>264878yes she got it legally changed to that kek
No. 264890
>>264822>The Loc name is a troll, the lesbians hating lesbians is a troll, the mask, etc. I'm still stuck on this. What does this mean
No. 264903
>>264579If you're going to repost the list I made, at least use the edits people suggested to improve it.
>>264757This was all location info ripped directly from the logs from what the cows said themselves
No. 264915
File: 1668046787301.jpg (55.97 KB, 500x612, rosequartzroyalty.jpg)

>>264831>get your fucking teeth and nose fixedJust to be clear you mean these teeth and this nose right?
No. 264923
File: 1668049114308.png (491.25 KB, 814x730, youhavetobejoking.png)

I didn't know RQR had a blog. Is this why she was Nat's mentor since they both sew? How can she shit on Nat for her sew jobs at 15 when this was her at 12? Censored face because she was a minor in the pic but it's on her blog No. 264933
>>264901Updated. working on a page so these community bigots are put on the wall of shame. It’s a shame people like, Melissa, are stalked to death by these unhinged gang stalkers and clout hungry sjw idiots.
Highly encourage to block their Facebook that put into the Google doc.
Olivia/Liv pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy (formerly dreamypastelprincess)
TikTok xxx_pinkgothicrose_xxx
toastchan#4873 = @Toastchaaan
TikTok @Toastchaaan
YouTube Toast chan
Twitter @Toastchaaan
rainier#6904 (Rainey?) = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Hannah ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
TikTok @rosequartzroyalty
Blog rosequartzroyalty
Radical Eddy#1987 (originally from Wisconsin)
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
tokkigo#7380 = (FB: Mani Devlin) @tokkigo LM: tokkigo [particularly heinous offender, ragequit after being posted]
_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = (Ha-Anh Dinh) @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie,
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo LM: kuroeko
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes LM: PaperSnowflakes (works at Baby SF, has leaked secret shop info to discord)
dedizenoflight#5279 = @dedizenoflight (Twitter)
South Bend, INDIANA
Lala Land#7138
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 = name changed to 23minds#3234
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
Cookie Cat#7077 (Chelsea Clarke)= Rose Nocturnalia,
Jess#1258 (
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat, batlatte, acute-bird, coof-police LM: bumblebat [particularly heinous offender]
Lucid#9208 = lychee.cute?, [particularly heinous offender]
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Cake#9854 AKA @abbie_666
UK (POssibly Malaysia?)
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96 @fentanyllfairyy (name change)[particularly heinous offender]
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
Inaka, JAPAN
No. 264944
>>264933Would it make You feel it better if a website or blog spot was created? I feel like lolcow isn’t going anywhere and gtfomygfash isn’t active.
Would opt a feature of where offenders face are shown and their social links are embedded so blocking is quick
No. 264945
>>264944That's weird
nonny. Who decides what a listable offense is? At least with logs we can read to see how guilty someone is.
No. 265023
>>265004Melissa you have been vendettaposting discordgate for the past 3 threads now, compiled a spreadsheet with everyone's information on it, and updated it nearly every day.
>>265013Strange how all of Nat's new besties are twice her age. It's giving groomer.
No. 265031
>>265022Samefag as
>>265030 but are you the same anon who said LOC is “lesbians hating lesbians” and then proceeded to not elaborate? Please give us a clue lol
No. 265042
>>265040It was proven you made it upthread.
>>264815 >>264846 >>264848 So until you can post proof of others using it, it's very damning for Hannah and maybe Anna too.
>>264857 No. 265045
File: 1668110264521.jpg (702.81 KB, 700x1300, grooming.jpg)

>>265043yea I just said i'm new. they lock but someone has to make a new one right? hannah chose to. i guess i'm not used to have two faced friends. outsiders see what's going on. first you targeted nat, now melissa, and even people who left your group or even were still in there you attacked. you actually groomed nat and still have a photo of a underage girl on your computers and of her with a strap on. is this why you started the mentor server? why you stay even though you hate it? you're getting something from being in there. you're sick.
No. 265050
File: 1668110986115.jpeg (230.14 KB, 828x582, 7F947408-7370-4FCA-8E7B-61D549…)

>>265047Wasn’t nat 15 around this time? Seems like an age gap to me.
No. 265052
>>264933According to RQR's blog
>>264923 she was 19 in 2019 and is 22 on her IG. She is almost 4 years older than Nat. Nat joined Mentor at 15 so Hannah was 18-19+ the entire time. Nat wasn't the only minor in Mentor either and there's still some. There is clearly predatory relationships happening in there and it evolved into grooming in Nat's case.
No. 265053
File: 1668112007774.jpeg (234.48 KB, 1125x1364, 3C87B46F-2118-46A9-B17F-18C2C6…)

>>264815>>264848Could be the ‘Kinkie’ font as well, which matches the thread images and is one of the first fonts to come up when googling ‘heart fonts.’ I’ve seen this font before; it’s not uncommon and isn’t definitive proof that Hannah made the threads.
What IS suspicious is that none of the Ashleigh/“Stalker-chan” milk was included in the new thread, which was arguably Hannah’s most damning transgression. The logs start at
>>260770 for reference.
No. 265055
>>265053It doesn't have the same gradient as Hannah's banner or the OPs. It was pointed out both fonts used for OPs are on the same page of the same site
>>264848 which was found after we were told what to look for kek.
>>264846 Too much adds up.
>inb4 "hi it's me the OP of all 4 threads and I am definitely not hannah" No. 265060
File: 1668114531840.png (10.87 MB, 3874x3156, degenfull.png)

>>264815Holy huge reach. i genuinely wish mods can IP check each thread post because i am nowhere near texas and have made all of these. that text font has been used for lolita/kawaii boards for like over a decade.
In fact DDZ or one of her friends took OUT the original pic that said "Feetpilled 4 christ" and made this shit thread recap
>>>/w/243911 after i took too long and changed it into just "pilled 4 christ," picrel is the original pic that was posted here
>>243468 No. 265061
>>265060samefag, but to add on it's clear how few of you actually read the fucking thread recaps because why in the world would hannah introduce herself into the recaps when she otherwise could have gotten away from the alyssa drama? Her section (first introduced in this thread
>>>/w/226912 ) does not paint her nicely at all, and so far all of her internet activities have consisted of attempting fly under the radar of controversy while also shit talking
No. 265068
>>265065yes exactly, but it otherwise could have died down too. her being included in the thread pic and recap was a tipping point. the moment they suspected alyssa was the person who was talking about her in thread, hannah immediately blocked her and even made that insecure tiktok about how she "t0TallY does thE curlY girl girL mEthod!!!1" the moment someone mentioned her hair. She is definitely afraid of being mentioned on here.
and again, the only "proof" of someone tampering with the narrative in the thread OP/Pic (and don't get me wrong, clearly discordfags tried to shape the narrative IN thread discussions) is when ddz & co took out the feetpilled for christ in the thread pic AND included a gun show section in
>>>/w/24391 which is fucking cringe. If hannah/discord fags were controlling the narrative, they wouldn't be plastered all over the thread recap and pics, they weren't just "sprinkled in" they were the main thing to point and laugh at.
>>265066this, it was just cooltext because it automatically is transparent and easy to import into photoshop kek
No. 265072
>>265060Kek and there's that "I made all the threads but I'm not Hannah I promise" post.
>>265068By that logic DDZ wouldn't be in the thread pic of the post she made at all. It's clear it was at least 2 people since there's 2 fonts. Probably friends who said where to look retard. Attention whores gonna attention.
No. 265073
>>265072DDZ’s not retarded. It would look suspicious to completely remove herself from the new thread image in the midst of new milk. There’s a difference between sprinkling yourself in to avoid suspicion and plastering you and your friends’ faces over four different thread OPs. Especially considering what we know about Hannah’s personality and fear of being blasted on LCF.
> It's clear it was at least 2 people since there's 2 fontsWhat does this even mean, schizo-chan?
No. 265075
>>265068whoops, didn't mean the dakota rose thread, this one
>>>/w/243911 >>265072Sure ddz or one of her friends did still include her in the thread with the altered thread pic, but look at her section:
DDZ / deedeezeta
>has a slap fight with some gross troon that wanted to expose himself in a spa >>232744 >>232916>makes a blog post exposing perverted community members >>238473>old milk resurfaces when gross vendettachan attempts to find dirt on her >>240723>poses with a gun to larp as a badass >>243119>speculation on if she's actually a troon continues kekIt literally calls the poster that outed her pornish past a "vendetta." This a flattering thread summary. This coupled with actually boasting and calling themselves "perv controL" with their guns and relabeling into pilled 4 christ in the thread pic makes it very clear either she or one of them made THAT specific thread. They didn't make the others though
No. 265077
>>265076what does any of this actually prove, though? a photo being unflattering or not is not definitive proof that hannah is the thread OP.
hannah is universally hated already without you derailing with baseless tinfoil. is this really a good use of your time,
No. 265080
>>265076>thread 12 has flattering picany pic of these people are pics they've posted, how does that one look more or less flattering?
>not in thread 11 OP picThat's because almost no one was posted in thread 11 pic? it has an angry wojack and a bunch of text from the logs.
>thread 10 flattering picit's literally a compilation post from here
>>252432 where they all got outed. plz, tell me how she definitely helped out herself after the logs in order to be more "stealthy" kek. what kind of logic is that?
>not in thread 9 pic but 2 of lara and 2 of ddzshe wasn't in thread 9 because guess what? she wasn't mentioned much in thread 8 at all, her name was mentioned 10 times total in the whole thread, and lara was mentioned over 90 times and ddz was mentioned 48 times. so why would she be included in thread 9 summary recap? it's almost like thread recaps summarize what actually took place last thread, not just old milk. she came back in the thread pic when new milk dropped about her. what a sloppy analysis.
No. 265082
>>265077Where did you get the pic of Hannah and Liv for this OP anyway? It was last used on thread 8 OP
>>>/w/226912 with the background removed. Why do you have the same pic of her on thread 12? It's not on her facebook or instagram anymore. Liv has been private since this came out but that pic was last used here
>>>/w/254433, the only pics you could find of them were flattering but everyone else in OP looks bad? I'm not saying they're all made by Hannah but if the font fits kek. I do think you're right this was made by the LOC it's the only different one
>>>/w/243911 since you've been making them.
No. 265084
>>265082i think you're replying to wrong anon, but the pic of hannah was her tiktok pfp for a long time, and if you actually kept up with the threads the liv picture is from here
>>254433 , all of these pics have been posted at some point in the threads or compiled by other nonnas, i've just been saving them all.
No. 265091
>>265089since you need to be spoonfed absolutely everything and haven't read the threads, and completely ignored the proof of where the liv pic came from, here is where hannah's pic (with the background not edited out) was first posted
>>224621 and the pic of her smiling was her tiktok pfp and on her blog.
No. 265093
>>265057Toast and ltracks haven’t gotten in trouble as far as we know
Otherwise Dallas leaker chan would have posted it
No. 265095
File: 1668120684322.png (2.88 MB, 2288x2296, 1666899429321.png)

>>265091I'm the one who posted where the Liv pic came from idiot. The damning evidence is the pic of Hannah was used
>>>/w/224621 +
>>>/w/226912 when every other pic in this OP except her, Liv and Celestial are from here
>>>/w/261896. Liv and Celestial aren't in that photo dump but Hannah is. She purposefully used an ugly pic of everyone except her and Liv KEK.
No. 265098
>>265095i genuinely cannot tell what fucking point you are trying to make, all of these pics have been at some point posted in the threads as proven, and none are more flattering than the others?? nonna i think you just think the others are uglier because none of them look more or less better, these are selfies they themselves have posted. They just all couldn't fit in frame of the thread OP pic, AND hannah/liv/celestial are milkier than the rest so that's why they're separated, idk what's so hard to understand. this proves absolutely nothing.
>im the one who posted liv you idiot!! i was assuming you're the same idiot that asked where it came from here
>>265082 No. 265102
>>265100nayrt - sitting back and eating my popcorn while you try to get us to believe your schizobabble kek
none of what you’re saying is backed up by actual cold hard proof. i come on LCF for factual, evidence-based milk, not retarded tinfoiling
No. 265118
File: 1668125655411.png (322.75 KB, 604x305, 1667490351141.png)

No, anon is onto something here. OP photo #12
>>263654 is not the same ones linked here
>>265095 Same day but there's no parasol. The photo used for this OP was only seen as Hannah's social media pfp. Odd that person who made this thread would have a high resolution square (IG and TT would crop to a circle) picture. Unless you can show us where you got it, like you've shown us other lolita blogs with fonts like she uses.
No. 265121
File: 1668127068992.jpeg (698.86 KB, 1080x1644, 3EDCF884-F692-43B1-944D-31CF6E…)

>>265118Ngl this was boring tinfoil until now but you’re right. The one on her IG and on the cgl COF thread is facing forward with a neutral expression but the threadpic is a previously unseen smiling version…
Does TT really let you download such a high resolution version of someone’s profile pic?
No. 265122
File: 1668127280165.png (585.09 KB, 785x443, 4638746394.PNG)

>>265119 also picrel took me 5 seconds to google her handle and find the pic, even those secondary tiktok repost websites show the entire full res pic of her pfp. you can get the full pic easily online, but not on TT
No. 265127
>>265124She also was the one behind getting DDZ canceled and plotting the downfall of her history. Ask deedee herself or anyone with a logical mind
She trying to cancel herself so she wouldn’t get canceled 100x
No. 265128
>>265123>>265127so hannah made these threads to get herself cancelled, in order to prevent herself from being cancelled?? and what
>>265125 said, it’s a slightly different coord, and it saves high res from other websites. you think it’s more likely that she detailed and brought attention to her OWN discord antics instead of the likely reality that a person keeping consistent tabs on everyone just used a different image? one which she has posted on multiple sites?
tell me, what is the benefit of getting herself cancelled thoroughly? the thread recaps were brutal to her
No. 265129
File: 1668128397520.jpeg (45.18 KB, 720x720, 48b8db9d115502b622804fb0613a52…)

>>265125She wore the same dress, bustier and KC. Not the same day then but it doesn't matter, they've been trying to derail that it's from previous threads, ceeg, and IG but it's not. It's from TT repost sites or her personal camera. We know which one though.
>>265127No Necromemes has a story up crediting ofmelaza and Nat/sp00py.
No. 265130
>>265129>demonstrates the ability to repost the same pic in high resIf the entire argument rests on her making the threads to bash herself because she
checks notes used a high res photo that can be obtained online, then idk what to fucking say. i can't figure what the angle would be. her reputation is in the dirt, and she's been banned from a comm and mass blocked.
No. 265139
>>265137A anon earlier pointed them out
>>265093Is toast even from Dallas? I see her with a different comm every other week.
No. 265146
>>265143the gun-loving lesbian and the “formerly” homophobic asexual… it’s forbidden love!
speaking of lesbians, that one Hannah wk never came back to explain who the “lesbian trio” of LOC is. why keep your milk a secret?
No. 265150
>>265131The argument against ddz (or one of her fans/friends) for making
one specific thread is damning
>removed the Feet pilled 4 Christ>drastically changed summary recap >said the anon who posted her foot fetish/porn industry past was a “gross vendetta Chan bringing up old milk”That’s on face in defense of her. She didn’t make the other threads, but she made that specific thread. The argument for Hannah having made them is
>a high resolution photo that can be found and uploaded to this day was used instead of a different pic. Like are you retarded? The arguments don’t even compare. Again, why would hannah ruin her rep? Especially since she’s a mod of like 10 different groups
No. 265159
>>265157You quoted two different people.
Someone draw NATXHANNAH hentai
No. 265163
File: 1668133149128.jpeg (194.73 KB, 828x485, 76E8BF13-973E-4221-A868-B49264…)

>>265156I ship deedeezeta with Jessica / r0ttind0ll
Her thread >>745428
(;) ) No. 265168
>>265150looking for a 40 year old woman you hates porn is gross. are you feeling called out because you were the vendetta chan in question?
>>265165>>265118 it literally starts right here anon
No. 265179
File: 1668136149536.jpeg (959.1 KB, 1125x1728, EF61BA8A-950F-44A2-A307-0DFF59…)

>>265165you’re not lost, and the evidence for the font is weak too. these retards have no reading comprehension.
>>265066 cooltext vs installed font explanation
>>265129 suspicious photo in question (can literally be found on google)
>inb4 wking. this tinfoil is why i don’t frequent the farms anymore No. 265184
File: 1668138587586.png (601.79 KB, 1060x855, 1256412514545.png)

>>265183>>265177same person? she uses the same name and her real name everywhere if you google it
No. 265206
nonny you can't hate Hannah Franke/Rosequartzroyalty she has 10k followers!!1
>>265081 No. 265288
This basically just confirms Rilu/Stacie is a part of LOC and that the tinfoil she helped leak the logs might have some truth to it. Posting easily searchable public information wasn't doxxing until the same was done to her and now suddenly it's "vendettachan!!!" and "neurotic creep!!!". Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Rilu ever really being talked about in past threads? So where is this accusation
>>265207 coming from?
No. 265292
>>265288Confirmed LOC is Nat, DDZ, Melissa, Rilu, Nef, Lara, WF, @kemu_r1 and @frilly_cross, @marashinoveins, @allurecross @bunnakins, @sleepy_sakura_san, @cakevacuum,
No. 265300
File: 1668192807295.jpg (68.96 KB, 899x399, Screenshot_20221112-075147_Gal…)

>>265295 Loc "we don't post only lurk"
Also loc:
No. 265321
File: 1668195472895.png (80.18 KB, 275x241, 1664639111074.png)

>>265319#seagull be like: ITS LOC
get a grip
No. 265323
>>265295 anyone can find it
No. 265324
File: 1668195857424.png (74.96 KB, 1300x350, Screenshot_20221111-133706.png)

>>265320You are an idiot. I'm capping your replies from now on, since you're just going to delete them after a minute.
>>265322It's the latest thing she posted about on her public Reddit account.
No. 265328
>>265318You’re not reading right, sit down
If I had a dollar for every time someone uses “doxxing” incorrectly ITT I could buy some scalped AP
I have a feeling LoC will eat its own if they have to
No. 265331
File: 1668197149854.jpeg (160.83 KB, 828x1310, 34B0F433-5FBD-49E7-A599-AA6514…)

>>265292Allurecross / bunnakins left social media
No. 265336
>>265331They moved to twitter. Melissa did the same, see her twitter was found here
>>263822 Im sure they all moved over. Check that ghost girl user for others that are confirmed LOC
No. 265343
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No. 265344
File: 1668199651918.jpeg (243.64 KB, 828x1401, 985A121A-0942-4127-966C-EFFB95…)

No. 265359
File: 1668203480502.png (143.4 KB, 624x304, cassie.PNG)

wrong thread, this is for lolita drama.
To keep this on topic I did find Cassie's twitter.
No. 265364
>>265355Wish we could either go back to LJ or have a bulletin board/forum. Something that isn’t on a fugly tech giant like Facebook/Reddit.
Would agree there should be no men. Personally I don’t hate fat ppl but I do concur that if you’re squeezing into clothes that don’t fit that could be grounds for concrit
No. 265378
File: 1668212524730.jpeg (Spoiler Image,176.3 KB, 828x688, 16B1F81C-7940-4B80-8FA9-7710F5…)

Dolls meat post this and wonders why everyone including discordchans shits on her
No. 265431
>>265378>>265379She's not even wearing lolita
This ain't comparable to those sweet lolitas who show their bare ass in angelic pretty
Can't find the pictures right now all the watchdog instagram accounts seem to be dead
No. 265436
File: 1668269583652.jpeg (Spoiler Image,294.96 KB, 828x1223, 9A5F871C-E4F6-4289-9729-B0DCAC…)

>>265431I think she left the internet but @pastelbabyluna was an open degenerate too
No. 265443
File: 1668271476579.jpg (122.12 KB, 1078x1028, sissy_ewcow.jpg)

>>265436Samefag but it's ironic whoever posted @pastelbabyluna follows @sissy_moocow, pic related.
No. 265488
>>265406All lolitas are two faced anon it is no surprise.
>>265442Puritan chan, underwear or plain, naked pictures are not degenerate fetish content. Lolitas do not owe you purity. As long as it is not kinky it's fair game to post if you are above 21.
No. 265549
File: 1668307715566.jpeg (94.32 KB, 678x960, 87BC5C9E-2EBF-4248-A1B6-814AB3…)

>>265545No shit, but speaking of dollsmeat, she was clearly in discord chats with banned older schoolers like Autumn. It's no news that she lurks and posts on threads, especially after getting her hands on Discord gate logs that were uploaded by a base leaker. She was crying over how the discord fags posted her piss in lolita age play challenge
>>86903 No. 265566
File: 1668314475994.jpg (42.05 KB, 1080x688, theangelicforest.jpg)

>>265536Lolitas posting 'sexy' photos for moid attention on or connected to their fashion account is milky. This isn't a revealing outfit she wore to a party, she posted it for likes. At least it sounds like she's getting paid unlike this one kek
No. 265664
File: 1668371222743.jpeg (176.98 KB, 758x1167, EB59F299-D539-4AA5-AAF0-7342D5…)

That gofundme scam got her immigrating to Japan
No. 265677
File: 1668376084683.jpg (103.04 KB, 1141x828, capsu.jpg)

does anyone know who the "racist-chan" lolita that capsule bunny is talking about in this video? she describes her as a australian lolita on the spectrum w/ short blonde hair who modeled for lief at an event
No. 265680
File: 1668376226028.jpeg (49.37 KB, 1360x575, E0AB004E-0403-4AED-8EB8-71AB04…)

>>265672You’re right, anon. The picture and campaign story was removed. She pasted some random junk with Lorem Ipsum into her campaign.
No. 265782
File: 1668419509383.jpeg (110.65 KB, 828x482, 2C1BE07D-34B0-4DCE-A4D8-E21EBA…)

>>265664>>265680It’s the same thing BLM did with collecting donations for their movement and using the funds to buy luxury mansions.
>Toast is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Ayanna Ellington.Who?
No. 265787
>>265782Why is it always black Lolitas who end up scamming or making unhinged moves like this? I can understand wanting the money for surgery, but being this big and demanding people pay for your medical expenses just to turn around and possibly use it as your immigration funds to Japan is highly questionable.
Inb4 someone reports it as "race bait," it’s the same matter that organizations like Black Lives Matter profit from stereotypes to gain sympathy for their scam using black
victims and their families as money-grab opportunities.
No. 265830
File: 1668449792826.png (74.52 KB, 613x617, Android_screenshot_111422_1030…)

>>265677 You were bold to deflect and post Capsulebunny's @capsulebutt content milk right away. The obsession to post about others and stalk them on every Twitter post is insane.
>>265792This is typical of them. She was caught in the discord gate, so they lurked and began deleting or summoning their cleanup crew.
No. 265832
File: 1668450866289.jpeg (190.05 KB, 828x822, 85C262CC-A829-4D4E-9149-31D0B1…)

>>265830>>265677To answer that question anons: The racist Chan ino longer lives in Japan anymore, and she urged her viewers not to go on a witch hunt for her.
But of course, Toast probably wanted to know the information on who modeled from lief and the drama in Japan scene. Aussie Lolita probably don’t even care and may had left.
No. 265836
>>265834It pissed some off when she posted this
>>265664Not necessarily any drama with Japan, but her use of funds from September and seeking immigration
No. 265844
File: 1668460467375.jpeg (319.84 KB, 828x1053, AD128309-A965-40EE-B9A9-36437F…)

So this is where the surgical money went. Wow, I was gonna donate too. Glad I didn’t get ripped off
No. 265850
File: 1668462348490.gif (2.01 MB, 220x275, 2CDE8FCA-C5D8-46F2-9E26-CE6DF9…)

>>265844Oh so she decided to use our money for her dream vacation? Fuck her
No. 265883
>>265858What’s her job? Japan doesn’t let people move there without having a job lined up, a school admission or a marriage. If she’s an English teacher, that doesn’t pay all that much, so she’ll have to live a pretty humble lifestyle.
If you want to make sure she’s excommunicated, collect the evidence of her scamming and call her out on Instagram and Tik Tok. The people who donated to her deserve to know.
No. 265999
File: 1668530831882.jpeg (109.6 KB, 828x1420, FBA6CD62-4225-4636-948C-72DF32…)

>>265782That’s her real name apparently. Did a search and it’s her appearing in the results with her job linkedin. Looks like what anon
>>265883 stated is true.
She made a fundraiser for herself
No. 266119
>>266104guessing you’re from /cgl/ so
>>260545 but sage next time
No. 266122
File: 1668580643656.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3464x3464, E949746A-396D-4C56-999B-16D25D…)

She’s so stupid for posting in her uniform months prior about wanting to get into Japan
No. 266123
File: 1668580711115.jpeg (889.18 KB, 1242x1465, 8E764A78-81F0-47FB-8465-D6170F…)

>>266122In addition by doing this she’s breaking the American Airlines employee code of conduct by representing her company in uniform to post cringe then scam people immediately after
No. 266127
File: 1668581472366.jpeg (593.49 KB, 1242x1548, 72AD1146-1173-444E-B448-0C7A5B…)

>>266123Samefagging but everything toast has done so far has gone directly against AA worker’s guildline
No. 266131
>>266122Adding the video for anon.
P.S. Her audio parody is trash No. 266133
>>266131>”Get to Work B1tch!”Oh, please, you scammed your way to Japan.
That audio recks of annoying foreigners that desperately wants to be Japanese.
“Are you a weeb?”
“You want to see the cherry blossoms”
“You want to see anime stage play “
No. 266182
>>265824 scammers have been a staple of this community forever since it's expensive as all hell. There are scammer-chans of every race. Try poltarding elsewhere.
No. 266277
>>265850Lol the irony of using a gif of a scammy cow to mock another scammy cow
Afaik toast doesn’t even work for AA anymore, I think she quit to go to jp.
No. 266280
File: 1668641557671.jpeg (549.36 KB, 828x546, AEE4F5DD-BEC0-4813-9513-7C7670…)

>>266177how many times must it be explained? it’s not enough to not have lolita in the same photo, don’t post coords and sexual photos on the same page. the least she could do is make another account. or stop tagging her coords with egl and brand related tags. it’s not about her personal lifestyle choices it’s about the sexualized reputation lolita gets with normies when these things are associated, that attracts itas and predators. picrel, coords tagged with #eglcommunity and the like right next to her ass photoshoot.
No. 266295
>>266291Yes, I do care that my family members and coworkers don’t think I am a whore.
>>266292I am sorry for you if you think posting sexual photos for thousands of people to see is ‘adults doing adult things.’ It’s a personal choice but acting like this is normal and expected for adult females… yikes.
No. 266322
>>266135I predict a visa issue saga.
>>266280Another weirdly timed deflection.
No. 266391
>>266367>BDSM LolitaUh…that’s called age play and DDLG stop trying to sugar coat it. Harnesses in Lolita wasn't a fad until recently when degens a made wearing harnesses over clothes edgy. Please kys if you’re going to act like diet pedo age play has “always been Lolita”
Just no.
No. 266426
>>266401I thought this was twitter for a second, where the fuck do you people come from? Are you going to cry about twansphobia next?
>>266411This is a gossip website. People talk about people here, that's literally the purpose of this thread. So what are you doing here?
No. 266427
>>266401this argument sucks. because people have standards and come to lc to complain about lolitas doing gross shit, which is the entire point of these threads, they're ugly and couldn't be in a healthy sexual relationship? no1curr what dollsmeat, tokimekibunny or any of the current and former hoelitas do in their personal time, we want it kept out of lolita.
>>266322not a toast deflection if that's what you're implying, she liked lolicon porn which is a whole other level of nasty from a lingerie photoshoot
No. 266434
>>266351This. It's bad enough to do it for money, even worse for FREE
>>266427>lingerie photoshootIsn't that just her normal underwear? It's not even a matching set. Is it part of the OS 3edgy4u to make even your 'sexy' pics look like you're cracked out?
No. 266454
File: 1668719690136.png (80.24 KB, 400x388, C144C33D-BF08-4160-83DA-7282A6…)

>>266445>I have lots of good sex Sure
nonny No. 266457
File: 1668720925487.jpg (Spoiler Image,327.02 KB, 1242x1642, IMG_20221117_132213_769.jpg)

Spoiler for morbid obesity. Why does KSK think anyone wants to buy these after someone this fat sweat all over the products? She's the same one they put in Kaneko before. Press X to doubt they sanitize before putting any of these back on the shelf.
No. 266462
>>266457that blorp of fat poking out from her right thigh looks downright painful. that's gotta be cutting off her circulation lol
how does KSK even stay in business?? who would buy this ugly outdated pastel vomit shit or their $50 dry rotted meta shoes? i guess we know they have friends write fake reviews, so are the friends their only customers too? is the owner a nepo child? it doesn't make sense. or is rent really that cheap in texas?
No. 266466
>>266296 and I don't know about any of that other stuff, but posting a lewd on your socials isn't milky. Nice Hi Cow tho.
Judging from the number of responses I'm not the only one who feels this way, looks like no1curr but you.
No. 266516
>>266423Japan work culture is
toxic and sometimes goes over your personal time. I don’t think that’s talked much about really
No. 266582
ok anyone else originally from austin and know of the Austin vampire court and/or the Sabretooth Clan? Where LARPers genuinely think they're fucking vampires? There's a already a thread about it, and DDZ was (still is?) in the sabretooth clan cult which has been called out for trafficking girls into The Chateau (aka cat girl manor)
>>>/snow/773289 I'll post some quick background.
>sabretooth clan leader = Father Sebastiaan (longtime friend of DDZ) he's a "fangsmith" and sells prosthetic fangs>isabella = owner of cat girl manor (The Chateau) and also accused of hosting abusers like dahvie vanity, was dating Father sebastiaanvideo embed is a documentary on his little cult/circle and you can see DDZ at the 0:12 second mark, and she's near the end during their "Ritual" too
>>266457jesus fucking CHRIST what would make someone wanna buy this, this comes off like fat fetish content
No. 266600
>>266582further proof of her being an affiliate of the sabretooth cult. she was in alll of the promotional material at all of his events/rituals.
mind you, he had many rape accusations even back then. the owner of the cat girl manor (isabel's now ex-husband) has finally been arrested for stalking and other harrassment issues.
No. 266603
>>266582Another thing how the hell is Melissa going to sit there and obsessively make/update a doc of all the discord cunts information to "protect" the community when one of her buddies is part of this shit?
INB4 Hi discord chan. I know its hard for some of you to understand, but you can agree that the discord cunts are a bunch of two faced bitches and acknowledge that being part of a sex trafficking cult is far worse and far more dangerous.
No. 266609
File: 1668809002320.png (171.98 KB, 1116x201, fangdomddz.PNG)

>>266603exactly, both of these groups are attention seeking bitches that harm the community regardless.
picrel is further proof of her promotion/affiliation with his cult. the "vampire" community was a front for getting goth girls to make out for male pleasure. and before anyone says "maybe she was a
victim!" she literally was a recruiter/makeup artist/performer for his cult events and clearly had higher rank.
No. 266617
>>266609WowNonna, do you think she's still in it? I bet that's where her cat torture operation runs. They sacrifice the cats to their vampire god or something.
I can't believe she kept cult activity hidden all these years. Do you think they know she's trans??
No. 266655
>>266653dyke as an insult, really?
that being said why did this 'LOC is all lesbians' thing come up again, did one of them come out or something? they're all private accounts at this point
No. 266701
File: 1668848454852.png (724.92 KB, 1000x950, Untitled (1).png)

a bit late to the lesbianism discussion, sorry
No. 266706
File: 1668850505696.png (1.96 MB, 2000x3371, yo mr liv.png)

#seagull weighs in on lesbians. alys is obsessed with defining herself as lesbian despite dating an mtf
No. 266716
>>266701this post is hilariously unhinged, like celestial is clearly homophobic by her statements in the logs like others but u can’t attribute those posts to her specifically? proof needed
>>266706kinda love how getting milk from the logs is like an easy button if you just mention anything remotely milky about DDZ. you get the best of both worlds. work smarter not harder nonnas!
No. 266717
>>266706also, wtf does the statement
>being “straight passing” is only a privilege if you can get hate crimed otherwise.celeste, i have news for you.. if people see you as gay you can get hate crimed. they do in fact face legal and religious institutional persecution “otherwise”
No. 266734
>>266703They arent all lesbians they are making fun of you for not realizing they are taking the piss of the situation. Nat is gay but dates trannies, and DDZ is straight but likes causing trouble. Cassie is a very conservative christian girl, and likely some of the others are especially the black girls who stick around these racists.
>>266621Interesting that you think this is too old because its from 7 years ago but also think discord chats from 2018 arent too old then. How old is the limit before it isnt milk? DDZ being a shit bag for as long as you can look back is milk, she continues to say people just hate her because they are lefties but its clear she is a predator.
No. 266773
>>266734Nothing in that video gives way to anything that implies any of them are shitbags. I think your mental illness is acting up, considering the name calling in your post.
Discord chats went for years and are recent, there are active lolitas in there. I was referencing the lolitas in the video, but you have a DDZ stick wedged so far up your ass that you're hallucinating that the video even has anything interesting in it. Just say you don't like goth culture and go.
No. 266786
>>266784why not just say you're a newfag straight up
o wait u did
No. 266788
File: 1668884566645.png (19.93 KB, 872x86, bi grills.png)

>>266787nooo nonnerz these brave keyboard warriors came to fight the lesbian terfs who shit on bi grills
No. 266792
File: 1668885018929.jpg (39.9 KB, 1280x720, 1647640243039.jpg)

>>266706whoever made this, you're a gem. the bi grills sent me (forgot to sage sorry nonnas)
No. 266793
File: 1668885675851.png (40.04 KB, 1684x110, can you be straight if you hat…)

>>266792aww thanks, here's a bonus #seagull meditation on sexuality for your contemplation
No. 266812
File: 1668891841599.png (11.07 KB, 636x130, firstsearch.PNG)

>>266810are you saying discoverable things can't be posted in a thread in which she is in the thread summary? we can't post about cows now? this is a multi-cow thread and plenty of caps of her were posted in relation to the vampire association, doesn't matter if it was from ages ago it's fair game, it's called getting gossip moving. most threads post shit from people's ancient internet past to make fun of. this conversation always happens when she's brought up.
here's your proof, it was literally within the first three results of just looking up her name. she's 36.
No. 266815
>>266813>>266810>>266780didn't realize the off handed comment of her age is an attempt at running a personal army and needs immediate caps. can't remember a single cap of nat's age has being posted, just anecdotal stories but we believe she was a teen (not saying she wasn't, i think she was/still is a kid who was abused). someone is way too
triggered lol
No. 266825
>>266817Ayrt and they finally did
>>266812 and it didn't "out" them, what are you on about? I'm saying you're a newfag if you post like
>>266782 did with no proof. Discordgate brought newfags who need2integrate
No. 266828
>>266816KEK way to move the goal posts, wtf do u mean a "real cow" ?? so posting milk is trying to make it happen? somebody doesn't need to be the milkiest person in the thread to get posted. caps were posted after they were requested, get over it. why so defensive nonna?
>>266818someone's throwing in the towel
No. 266849
>>266841dido, this level of obsessive correction whenever one of them is brought up is so obvious, even discordfags know not to retaliate too hard anymore. it does nobody any good. All of the "newfagz! u must be a teen! oh u know her age? we're not ur personal army!" posts read the exact same. like why make personal attacks instead of discussing milk? like this
>>266816 is so hilariously angry, i just know whoever wrote this was popping a vein kek
No. 266852
>>266851Same fag but I meant to say mentors.
They actually have some kind of influence over the community vs loc.
No. 266861
File: 1668905300513.jpg (131.92 KB, 1080x1132, kek.jpg)

ok saved the top pic to block her when i opened twitter next and i just went to and KEK, guess she saw it nonnas. let's keep this level of shame up for the rest of these degens
No. 266884
File: 1668911912551.png (555.16 KB, 826x532, nif.ward.png)

>>266706Not sure why it was never said but niftynif#3527 is from Pretty Princess Club and runs Royal Vegas Retreat with and Monique Lopez(@shampookie/@neekymomo) made their site. Just another way they have a hold on this community.
No. 266964
>>265576She baits ppl into giving her milk
and gets drama details from her fat Canadian friend.
No. 266979
File: 1668971685254.png (11.68 KB, 405x278, secretsisterhood.png)

from the secret tumblr, can anon who sent this in elaborate what she's like in person? my tinfoil is shes got that fake christian nice girl persona but is just a regular two faced bitch behind your back.
No. 267018
>>266989>"if u want to discuss her only then leave!">the moment she is brought up, people are told to shut up and are accused of being vendettasit's almost like that person is commenting on how it's been made impossible for this thread to be a multi-cow thread. gain reading comprehension.
>>266984i think there's a chance DDZ is just kind of cringey and dumb and liked the aesthetic of being in a "vampire group," but i also can't deny that anybody who is attracted to the "sex vampire" culture is suspicious as fuck. going through the snow thread, and watching the mini-docus on that scene she was (or still is?) in, you can see them constantly saying that the use of fangs is important in exchanging "spiritual sexual energy." Mind you, all of the women are conventionally attractive and thin-ish while the men look like malding fat steampunk fans. Fucking barf,
No. 267024
Call me schizo but I feel there is something bigger going on there with how DD, Melissa and her friends poach younger lolitas like Nat. It smells like grooming.
>>266991who + sage your shit
No. 267040
>>267030it needs caps/proof to make it milk. i could just say "#LadyCoCo4634t36 = DDZ!!11" and that wouldn't make it true.
>>267024i mean they're all going to church together now despite nat being an atheist before lol, probably is grooming, just not sexual
No. 267068
File: 1668994127472.png (494.74 KB, 1007x680, ddzfetishcon.PNG)

>>267062to keep things going, it seems as late as 2018 DDZ was engaging in the "fetish" scene and creating clothing and being MUA for the alt-fetish groups across the region. which makes it pretty believable that she probably worked with girls that got trafficked either in The Chateau or had other affiliations with sabretooth clan cult. i doubt she dealt in the process of actually harming any girls directly, but her being buddies/ a fellow business partner and contractor with these types is so gross.
picrel isn't her, but someone in her materials.
No. 267079
File: 1668995166712.png (Spoiler Image,656.13 KB, 1200x628, secretpartys.PNG)

much like the logs, i think we should just post DDZ's past anytime a certain someone claims it's derailing to even discuss her once. forcing us to halt convos = making it worse.
picrel, more proof of her in the "secret partys" fetish scene and working in it.
No. 267081
File: 1668995693030.png (Spoiler Image,448.1 KB, 623x635, ddzff.PNG)

>>267046here ya go anon, and this is for any other newcomers. DDZ preaches about sex pests (which lolita has a huge problem with and we should address) and still associates and works with sex pests in the fetish industry. she still works with The Castle to this day as a performer and fetish/leather fashion designer. Her linked in shows it as so here
>>266812 picrel is proof of her porn past. looks like she did over 11 volumes kek. And doing the math, she was a whopping 27 at this time (porn is from 2013). all of this has been connected to her lolita name.
No. 267082
File: 1668995799910.png (159.94 KB, 1082x1006, DDZ friends with a pedophile o…)

>>267068I'd like to add to ddz associating with disgusting people too:
ddz is friends with known pedophile sainte on her personal fb and ig (sainte lately shares sexualized loli and softcore porn to his fb page plus has minors added on his fb who see his gross fetish posts and he may be grooming them too). here she is responding to one of his posts from her fb and she obviously is fully aware of his creepy pedo behavior yet has no problems being friends with him.
No. 267083
File: 1668996074260.png (Spoiler Image,649.3 KB, 826x613, Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 8.50…)

>>266621Not sure if you're saying they aren't active in the vampire stuff or lolita, but here's DDZ at a vampire event in 2019. She's probably still involved with their deranged sex cult.
I always thought people were joking calling her a troon, but seeing her next to normal bodied women I'm questioning it kek.
No. 267086
>>267083The other girls look cool.
DD looks like she's holding in a soggy fart
No. 267088
>>267083>#endlessnightvbendless night vampire ball is owned and ran by you guessed it, Father Sebastiaan. this pic is fairly recent too. he mentions endless night events in the documentary
>>266582 where she takes part.
obviously she’s employed by The Castle (the venue) so she probably doesn’t get a say in whose events they put on, but she’s been working there for quite some time and all of the gogo dancers (including her) are also sabretooth clan + they’re pretty enmeshed with the vampire scene. and kek she looks horrible here compared to the other 2.
>>267082wait wtf?? didn’t she also call him out? i’m so lost.
No. 267089
>>267082here is what appears to be an loc retard admitting pedophile sainte is also in loc:
>>>/w/257653and proof ddz follows him on ig:
>>>/w/246279>>>/w/246317 >>267088I don't think so, I don't ever recall her calling him out. looks like he may even be a part of loc actually.
No. 267108
>>267105literally this. she’s speaking from a moral high ground she doesn’t have. it would be one thing if she said “I was once into an unsavory sexual lifestyle but I realize now how it negatively affects women. learn from my mistakes” but she’s not.
>>267104>b-but toast!!we literally all hate toast here and think she’s a lolicon loser. even people in #seagull found her to be clout chasey. pray tell, what new info do you have on her? we can barely discuss someone without any new info.
>she hates pornsick degenerates>she’s a consenting adult into a foot tickling fetish!!!do you hear yourself?
No. 267131
>>267091>>267093if you both and all the other commenters talking about nat being groomed are genuinely worried about her and not virtue signaling, go reach out? it seems like she just needed a friend throughout all the
terf cancellation stuff and the only people brave enough to publicly associate with her were loc. if you actually think someone is in danger the onus is on you to do something about it
No. 267132
>>267131Other strange ass adults from the internet possibly states or countries away who nat doesn’t know (and has no knowledge of their intentions) shouldn’t be reaching out to her, that breach in safety is what started this. Doubt she’d wanna hear it after all the lying she’s experienced from people purposefully trying to get milk from her while pretending to be a friend. I hope she has support in her daily life but where do u get off telling farmers to go protect her?? I agree that not enough people stood up for her when she got royally booted.
But again, this is a gossip board. Don’t try to inspire contact or action. discussing how creepy some people are isn’t virtue signaling.
No. 267135
>>267134this just must be trolling or something at this point
>posters offer sympathy toward nat>derailmentards: um why don’t you reach oUt tO hEr unless you’re just a vIrtuE signaleR!!!?>posters say contacting a stranger is weird and bad practice >derailmentards: ummm just talk about it on the board.. you know she lurksjfc we were ALREADY doing that?? Anyways, DDZ is a troon built pornsick weirdo and is 3 years away from 40, pass it on!
No. 267167
>>267164i think the problem is the comparison. no one was comparing or saying toast is less of a sicko. they're both bad in very different contexts
>>267166nayrt, but it's almost like they were talking about nat and not other lolitas. speaking of 19, i know someone that age relevant to the convo kek
No. 267171
>>267169What are you implying
No. 267191
>>267187I’m not taking shit from a busted mid 30s-40 year old
>inb4 muh lolita models and designers are in their 40sPeople actually respect them and they’ve accomplished so much for the lolita community. Meanwhile you’re pushing 40 fighting with teenagers and 20 year olds on a gossip board. Lol
No. 267206
File: 1669061835970.jpg (917.73 KB, 1080x4768, 1.jpg)

>inb4 D-DEFLECT!!1
This is a general thread. Catching up I noticed doxxing is flung around alot: if it's public information it's not doxxing. So even though #seagull wanted to doxx Ryudenki they didn't post anything she didn't make public herself. These are the relevant posts from KF. (I blocked out divorce papers for privacy.)
No. 267207
File: 1669061865483.jpg (848.23 KB, 1080x4312, 2.jpg)

Seems Ryudenki had encounters with Hannah, Lala Land and maybe others so they started posting her to /cgl/ then she posted Hannah to KF. This is what started their spergout wanting to post her there in the logs.
No. 267208
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No. 267209
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No. 267211
File: 1669062151845.jpg (986.07 KB, 1080x5568, 5.jpg)

No. 267212
File: 1669062231457.jpg (355.37 KB, 1078x2164, KFusers.jpg)

Don't know who Downy Ultra (Ryudenki alt?) or A Seagull are but they seem aware of what's going on with insider information on LLL specifically.
No. 267221
File: 1669064177886.jpeg (30.15 KB, 840x184, BB9E9737-4961-4659-9F9C-054188…)

>>267208This is a fascinating find, thanks nonna
> Lala also secretly hates trans people and will try to test certain people out in DMs by joking about trans members with them to see if they do tooI want to know more about LaLa Land being a not-so-subtle cryptoterf. It would line up with a few caps from the logs like picrel. There was also that screenshot from mentoring posted to BTB marked up with commentary mocking that one TIM, so there was at least one
terf in Mentoring, and probably not one of the mentees since they’re all total SJWs. Hope we get to see Lala defend herself under WF’s lawyer interrogation kek.
Also, anyone know more on Lala's friendship dynamic with Hannah? Does Hannah know about the cryptoterfing, isn’t Hannah’s whole thing that she’s a reformed homophobe turned kweer ally?
No. 267226
>>267206>>267207>>267208>>267209>>267211Despite slightly different typing styles (Downey uses more chatspeak and less capitalization) both Downey and Noncensentual have really difficult to comprehend novels they wrote out about these girls. Its hard to even tell what their gripe is and it makes me sort of believe the idea put forth there that they're both ryudenki.
But idk maybe I'm having a stroke? Can another anon give the cliffs notes?
No. 267233
File: 1669067040276.jpg (31.93 KB, 1080x732, A Seagull.jpg)

>>267226Clif notes if I'm reading right:
>Ryudenki was in their discord server(s) but they didn't get along so she started trolling with friends (could be a cope and it was just her)>LLL and co post her to /cgl/ so she posted about Hannah to KF>They got butthurt and posted her to KF to trigger her>Then Ryudenki spergs saying Hannah and LLL are bad people>A Seagull comes in, calls out the samefagging and posts more info identifying Nonsensical Pronouns as RyudenkiWould be interested on who A Seagull is considering their long post history, could be a discord girl. It got cut off but this is their full post record.
No. 267330
File: 1669102944283.png (1.88 MB, 2000x2000, scam attackk.png)

old milk, but new to this thread. guess who was hiding over in Weeb Artists and Musicians?
>>>/w/8749beck and her pedo boyfriend, who is apparently a DJ, made a gofundme because he LEFT HIS BACKPACK ON THE BUS and will perish without access to at least three formats of luxury electronics. unfortunately for society they exceeded their funding goal and one person even donated a grand. are these people allergic to having a job. maybe they can team up with toast to form a support group for scamlitas.
No. 267379
File: 1669147816231.png (233.83 KB, 1348x767, excuscam.png)

>>267330posting the updates in case they baleet like Toast did 1/3
No. 267380
File: 1669147922366.png (210.92 KB, 1342x761, excuscam2.png)

>>267379beck doesn't have a taobao wardrobe like toast and that lolitadebtcrisis girl, always amazing when lolitas don't think to sell some pieces before they ask for hand outs. if this is his livilhood ok but do people really need to be buying him a new game system too?
No. 267381
File: 1669148095903.png (101.8 KB, 680x888, excuscam3.png)

also ik they live in GA and cost of living is low there, but do they really not have $1k of savings to buy a new work computer? no renter's or home owners insurance they can swindle saying it was in the house when it was stolen? i think accruing a savings acc would be their priority over travel and buying new dresses
No. 267399
File: 1669152980245.png (780.97 KB, 1000x816, a seagull.png)

>>267391kek, i had the same thought after looking at A Seagull's post history.
here's what the user reveals about her or himself (not ruling out yet that it's some larping moid)
>close follower of /w/ type lolcows including venus angelic>went to katsu 2019, zepplis is said to live in NJ, that's about a 3 hour drive so not unreasonable>implied to be older than 24 No. 267401
File: 1669153201289.png (1.75 MB, 2230x1338, zepplis.png)

>>267399holy fuck, sorry to samefag AGAIN but zepplis went to katsu 2019
No. 267413
File: 1669157036463.png (58.54 KB, 1028x872, zep.png)

>>267399Could be onto something nonna. This is Zepplis's LM showing she joined it in 2016 and first feedback is 8/31/16. Joined KF 12/9/2016
>>267233 No. 267430
>>267426I think the offenders for next thread should be
Toast Chan
Lifelibertylolita - Melissa
Hannah, Liv,
Zepplis, Lala, Celeste, and beck
Nat and Lara is irrelevant
No. 267438
File: 1669169222909.jpeg (336.09 KB, 827x838, 3ABD66C5-A4D8-4FA8-B24C-279BCF…)

Insert for next thread pic
No. 267443
>>267438different anon adding to this: I was working on the next thread description but got lazy partway through - here is what I have so far uploaded to a pastebin alternative if anyone else wants to take over. feel free to add onto it and add more formatting like bold and italics when making the thread. ddnazi or the loc lovers of cringe don't make it and edit themselves out kek
No. 267451
>>267447kek you're right, added her to what I made in
>>267443updated version for whoever makes the thread:>>267444I remember asking in a previous thread why he wasn't added to her list of degenerates and of course it turns out they were friends all along
No. 267464
File: 1669183216829.png (8.28 MB, 3874x2300, wip thread pic.png)

>>267451samefag my final update to the pasted doc: tried to make a thread pic too but it's not the greatest kek. we still have like 70 posts left itt so enough time to edit and add things.
No. 267471
>>267466nat is potentially in loc is what that means, we already know her account is confirmed. I copied that from a previous thread so I should've fixed the wording to make it more clear.
>>267468nef and lara aren't part of loc though as far as I'm aware, also isn't lara selling her stuff and leaving lolita?
No. 267474
>>267472I'll do a quick dig through the logs and update the doc tomorrow if someone else hasn't done it already
>>267473my bad, didn't know she was underage there. I'll find a more recent pic and change it out when I have time.
No. 267494
File: 1669201554842.png (8.38 MB, 3874x2300, wip thread pic.png)

>>267464updated yet again. the hannah pic. added stacie to loc list but I didn't add wf, lara, or nef because right now there isn't enough proof of their association.
No. 267499
>>267494looks like garbage, it's a self report to the other threads you're an OP of.
this threads OP image too is a graphic design nightmare.
No. 267517
>>267468Sorry but WF is definitely not a part of LOC. I hate the ugly unibrow bitch but you really think
QUEEN SJW who takes any criticism as people just being ray-ciss is going to gel with the "lel we r anonymus" nazi edgelord trolls?
No. 267538
File: 1669223438983.jpeg (67.67 KB, 565x285, 88E66B56-08BC-413C-8D82-09692B…)

>>267537NARYT but here. All of most members from the LOC Texas meetup
No. 267540
File: 1669223497139.jpeg (597.33 KB, 828x828, 5590A00D-A799-4834-BA83-A12ADA…)

>>267538And the Seattle meetup
No. 267570
Fuck it.
>>>/w/267569I hate the ugly thread image (sorry OP) but no one lifted a finger to make another, so here.
No. 267601
File: 1669229481309.gif (321.79 KB, 450x398, LolitaLCF13.gif)

Here's a draft of thread #13
Still adding in discord gate and noteable offenders like Stacey, hannah, liv, beck, melissa, and more.
No. 267610
>>267494Great ideas,
Nonny. I adjusted it for you anon due to anons screaming about the editing.
No. 267628
>>267601You're late as fuck. And interesting that the shit about DDZ being involved with Saber tooth is hyperbolized to the point of ridiculousness "Vampire Sex Cult Caught in Pizzagate?"
>>267104Sounds familiar
No. 267642
>>267628I can assure you that I am not the same anon, but thought the deflection was a funny comparison. The vampire cult is milky and surprisingly something worth caping.
>>267640My mistake,
nonny. Gif Resolution will be adjusted
No. 267684
File: 1669238642485.png (Spoiler Image,7.86 MB, 1125x2436, 09FA2D4D-454F-4530-9257-C0D967…)

And we allow angelicmacarons in the fashion?