File: 1538420181614.png (175.25 KB, 590x297, 1538206495612.png)

No. 701865
Previous thread:
>Fupa slaps Shay in the face publically and runs off laughing like a 12 year old boy, posts it on snapchat >>694426>twitter suspended again>shay is totally not adjusting to Oklahoma, surprising nobody>apparently just had Mcdonald's and Chik-fil-a for the first time>drunk/drinking daily>same exact shitty cam setup she had in Seattle>"3 hour shower naps">beat her ass with a meat tenderizer in her newest video>still begging on tumblr because fupa has no money to buy furniture>more depressed, anxious and attention-starved than ever since moving in with fupa>fupa posts a video on his free snapchat of shay sucking his unimpressive dick (great for business) >>701509Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
http://dollymattel.tumblr.comhttp://thesaddesthoe.tumblr.comhttp://pinkpussypopped.tumblr.com (suspended)
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799>>>/snow/659029>>>/snow/670334>>>/snow/684027>>>/snow/692588 No. 701873
File: 1538420898618.png (74.96 KB, 200x275, 1537664166509.png)

for quick reference:
"the slap", honestly pretty embarrassing, dick sucking video bonus: shay's story about fupa making her suck his dick and fuck her in the ass whilst crying that may or may not have happened
No. 701879
>>701873god imagine being his kid and finding out that your dad filmed his young ass crackhead gf giving him a blowjob on snapchat that is most likely his one he shares with everyone LMFAOOOOO also aren't him and shay super into the whole ~uwu pay for ur pr0n~ shit and against others posting her content for free on pornhub yet fupapa out here giving it to her underage age ass stans for free…sad!
also the thread pic kEK
No. 701925
File: 1538426271794.jpeg (Spoiler Image,240.85 KB, 675x1151, 818E73FD-B4B4-4BF7-8BD2-25631A…)

You can really tell how excited she is to be sucking his chode.
No. 701957
>>701956i mean it's really horrible quality.
>>701925 really is the essence of the entire vid.
No. 701958
File: 1538429312595.png (5.25 KB, 451x165, 2018-10-01 17_25_43-Tumblr.png)

hoping snap anon comes through on this lmao. naked painting??? does she mean like painting the walls or painting a picture?
No. 701981
>>701958So anon was right on the money about her being drunk kek.
How miserable, and honestly gross of Fupa to make her suck his dick while she's fucked up.
No. 701984
File: 1538431881399.png (8.44 MB, 1125x2436, E293FCF4-D1AD-45F7-AA61-EF6192…)

Girl, ew
You have NO ass plz stop
No. 701990
>>701984i hope those are different panties but knowing shay probably not
also if you're going to look like a crackhead in a faux candid you should probably not have the filter?
No. 702010
>>702005Honestly if she was trying to fuck, he probably just got her to suck him to completion and left her high and dry. Especially because there’s no snaps of them doing it, no cringey post about how good he fucked her. And she’s still “completely dressed” (she literally never has pants on)
Sage for tinfoiling
No. 702033
I'm curious why she doesn't just pump out videos, or at least photosets more through the week. She only cams at night for about 3 hours and has all the time in the world to fix her camming setup (I don't care what she thinks, a setup can't be "iconic" if it's shit), get props for videos and photos, auction off customs, or even figure out the best times for her to can and the best sites to do it on seeing how timezones are a thing. She could be advertising herself more through promos, set up a professional account that doesn't have all the relationship bullshit her clients don't give two shits about at best, and get turned off by her lack of fantasy at worst, go see a doctor, get a therapist or work on her issues, figure out her actual turn ons, learn proper Photoshop or video effects to make better movies and photos, etc
But she does none of that, she's the least serious person I've ever seen in a career and I know students working at convenience stores. Her and Kyle wouldn't know "power" if it took its first steps on their asses on its way to the top
No. 702047
>>702005really? just because you're in a relationship, doesn't mean you can't say no, or not want to do something. spousal/partner rape is a thing. shut the fuck up.
not saying that's the case here, but we all know fatty's a creepy rape fetishist.
No. 702051
For newfags:
Not bathing/showering
>>>/snow/520071>>>/snow/520080>>>/snow/520118Lying about abuse/trauma
>>>/snow/494432>>>/snow/495408Childhood, rape, shaving head, ED, weed allergy
>>>/snow/494583Genital Sores
>>>/snow/639470>>>/snow/494260>>>/snow/487927>>>/snow/487927>>>/snow/487930>>>/snow/487935>>>/snow/480326>>>/snow/645936>>>/snow/645941>>>/snow/645943Begged for customers and followers for money and giftcards to get a new camera for work. Then posts this
>>>/snow/492093but didn't use it for that reason either.
Begs for money incessantly, but criticizes people for creating internet fundraisers like gofundme.
>>>/snow/476865>>>/snow/476867… then sets up a fundraiser for hair a month later… for
hair after doing it herself and having chunks fall out!
>>>/snow/490875>>>/snow/490882Giveaway scam
>>>/snow/482690 No. 702098
>>702047Lmao don't get so
triggered. How often do spousal rape victims brag on Tumblr about how badly they wanted to be fucked? Please. You guys act like you're flies on the wall when it's all speculation. The more incorrect assumptions we make, the more Fupa and Shay think they're right.
No. 702304
>>702295do they… just, like, not see how pedophilic that sort of thing is. does it not register? do they not see how fucking disgusting that is?
No. 702333
File: 1538462261639.gif (2.51 MB, 350x200, giphy (1).gif)

>>702312imagine living with a haggard dad of 3 that "calms you down" by coaxing you into sex, having no job or life experience whatsoever, with a busted non-existent ass and wrinkly, zit-covered pussy, where your only "work" is getting naked infront of strangers that couldn't care less enough to even pay you more than $30, and rage-quitting the minute someone says one even VAGUELY mean thing to you.
T H R I V I N G.
(forgot to sage the first time rip)
No. 702416
File: 1538479316879.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.52 KB, 1280x706, tumblr_pfyooyzx7m1rmiw96o1_128…)

She changed her schedule times, again. She's never going to make any regulars.
It also says that her schedule photos is from her new unreleased video called “Find Me Finger Fucking”
That thought is so disgusting, she doesn't even wash her hands or sanitizes her toys.. EVER
(watch her start making posts about cleaning them just to prove us wrong, hi shayna!)
No. 702464
>>702295Honestly I'm not sure I buy that, Fupa looks fucked up but not old enough to have a daughter in her early 20s. Shay doesn't look like a teenager.
>>702416So she's back to two hours?
No. 702488
>>702485I've watched maybe 2 or 3, but I've never seen her do that actually.
I'm on a different continent and unlike Shay I have an actual job so catching her streams is difficult sometimes. I rely on you brave and wonderous anons to supply the milk.
No. 702528
>>702416Shay, don't reduce your damn night hours because you added a measly 2 extra hours during the day we know you're not going to do. It looks bad. Also the total laziness to not fully cam on Thursday because you think you need literally the whole day to last minute film Friday's video is laughable. Not to mention the stupidity to not cam on Friday of all days when even you might make money with all the extra people who can stay up late cause they don't work at their actual jobs the next day. Then Saturday is blank, Sunday isn't even mentioned, and you've dropped doing a photoset
Well done Shay at starting to take our advice but your laziness preventing you from actually being good. Btw, your hours also don't mean shit when you run away from them
No. 702530
File: 1538493043934.png (119.48 KB, 640x1136, EDC6536E-2D7C-4926-B70F-359F4C…)

Lmao such a hard worker. Sigh.
No. 702639
File: 1538502881133.jpg (263.86 KB, 970x739, Screenshot_20181002-125255_Chr…)

"It's not even 1 p.m. and I'm already tipsy. Tipsy Mattel."
t h r i v i n g
No. 702658
File: 1538504143016.png (Spoiler Image,335.6 KB, 779x467, jesusfuckingchrist.png)

>>702655she just gave us the perfect view of it too
No. 702724
>>701925I can’t wait for the inevitable day when Kyle Perkins is out in public with her, and someone he knows sees them.
How long does he plan on hiding her in that empty house, from everyone he knows? He already acts ashamed with her in public.
Can’t hide her forever, Kyle.
No. 702751
File: 1538511480490.png (6.5 KB, 464x174, 2018-10-02 16_15_58-cam was li…)

lmao you guys in her cam room have been called out
No. 702757
>>702751Imagine being camming for "nearly 3 years" and never done a fingering video.
Wot r u doin Shay?
No. 702881
>>702880tbh it doesnt matter how much "more" she could make, the girl has zero work ethic. she's made enough to skim by (probably with her Dads help, plus all of the e-begging) this long, she's not going to want to get up and work.
she cant sit on her phone, pick her sores, and get cross faded at work.
No. 702974
File: 1538535127511.png (586.14 KB, 1125x2436, BDD418D2-1F3E-444D-B17D-2B5C66…)

pt 1
No. 702975
File: 1538535160539.jpeg (731.5 KB, 1125x2068, F1482526-C36D-46D5-9F85-4DF910…)

pt 2
I’m howling y’all
No. 702998
>>702959lol so much her dada taking care of her wants/needs
>>702974>>702975lmaoooo she stays makes fucking pennies trying to pass it off as making good money. It's amazing and kind of depressing how many people eat this shit up.
No. 703004
>>702975>HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS AN HOURyou break a bill a night like twice a month Shay
she really flexing as if her parents didn’t pay her rent the whole time in Seattle
No. 703029
File: 1538543710185.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.85 KB, 492x526, wtf.jpg)

Even from far away you already see the breakouts.
No. 703030
File: 1538543769008.jpg (Spoiler Image,928.39 KB, 1539x1217, gross.jpg)

She does her uber cringe dance and shows off her asscne and boils.
No. 703033
File: 1538543866289.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.77 KB, 1557x1226, gross1.jpg)

Yikes, She got really close to the cam, her breakouts have been getting ridiculously bad, which is odd since she's been posting a lot about her "bath time" lately.
No. 703045
File: 1538544590929.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.93 KB, 495x436, 6tt.jpg)

All she does is drink, she's already ballooned up so much. give it a couple more weeks
No. 703050
File: 1538544926199.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.51 KB, 518x423, zit.jpg)

Picking at her pubic zits per usual
No. 703057
File: 1538545264094.jpg (33.33 KB, 264x194, drg.jpg)

Doesn't she already have one a dragon dick that she still hasn't made any content with yet? Why is she asking for another?
No. 703071
>>703033well… unless you take a quick shower before or after a bath, you're literally stewing in your own filth. i doubt she's aware of that, let alone would she care enough to put forth that much effort.
that could actually explain how bad her butt acne is lately… especially since they probably didn't do a deep clean on the bathroom, if any clean at all.
No. 703090
She always talks about stealing people's college funds and shit, but yet her dad's the one putting someone else thru university. While she's stuck in white trash hickville Oklahoma, with a loser beta neckbeard from tumblr. Who leaves her in some shitty outdated filthy ass empty house to wallow in her shitty life decisions.
>>702305>>702700As her caregiver, he confirms just how pathetic their life is by leaking vids her looking half dead as she attempts to suck his dick while he keeps his shirt or body shaper on bc of his excess skin and man tits from when he was obese. She's broke as fuck and already has to beg for essensials, yet he still posts the shit for free bc he knows nobody wants to pay for her content anyways but still wants the validation from people seeing, and to prove that he doesn't touch her pussy, and that she actually sucks his chode.
He makes her bathe more in a week than she ever has in a 2 yrs b4 bc even he knows how disgusting her pussy is. Yet all those baths and times falling alseep in the shower still wont wash away all those pussy and ass boils or the fact that this is now her reality. Kek.
No. 703101
File: 1538548927869.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59.88 KB, 400x400, 39FAAB78-3007-4FBD-9A2E-6A2C4F…)

Shay with darker hair. Posted to tumblr with captions “plain Jane to Bimbo barbie”
In her new video you can see where her cat supposedly scratched her, she’s gotta pick either bruises or scabs because both makes her look like a straight crackhead…
No. 703211
>>703090>bc of his excess skin and man tits from when he was obese.>when he was obese.Uhm, what? He still is.
Without that man-corset, sucking it in like a champ for photos, and angles, he is still chub chub.
No. 703249
>>703087>>703058Even though they don't do it anymore, BD always had the stipulation that the Demon Dick was the one you couldn't get for free; not like they dont have tons of demonic looking dildos to choose from though
Sage 4 dildo sperg
No. 703302
File: 1538585388526.gif (Spoiler Image,2.13 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg01w5XZwV1rmiw96o1_540…)

god she is so crusty
No. 703303
File: 1538585440883.gif (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg01w5XZwV1rmiw96o5_540…)

>>703302included in the "find me fingering" gifset on tumblr
that scratch on her boob is not doing her any favors
No. 703307
File: 1538585563178.png (10.88 KB, 239x370, 2018-10-03 12_50_28-Mozilla Fi…)

for the farmers obsessed with the alien dildo still
shay – stop acting like you don't just shit out these video concepts and film them in a day
No. 703322
>>703320sorry for the typo. REALLY
* detail oriented, not turkey.
No. 703376
File: 1538591097476.jpg (621.46 KB, 4000x2249, typhoid-mary-villain-or-victim…)

>>703302What is with her facial expressions in this gif alone? She really is teetering between drunk mom and special needs child lately.
>>703336Typhoid Mary themed video as she goes around rubbing her bits on everything and making 'sexy' faces while doing it.
No. 703402
>>703307So detail-oriented clearly you can see all the aesthetic and artistic intent
>>703303. That terrible camera angle, the total lack of making fingering interesting, the fact that this is no different than her cam shows demonstrates a meta quality of realness…
Ok I'll stop with the Patrick Bateman shit but seriously, the fact that you wouldn't know she changed houses between porn videos isn't a good thing for someone claiming her past place was too small and her new stuff would look nice at the bigger house. Or for her ever making well selling videos
No. 703418
>>703406Yep it is.
>>703414Fupa probably banished her to that one room but even then she could at least get a damn inflatable mattress to use.
No. 703491
File: 1538600130653.jpeg (204.51 KB, 650x1280, 43DD3BAA-9529-4A9D-97A4-903EA7…)

Why…. would you go into the bathroom to take this photo?
No. 703539
>>703511Thats because it definitely is.
t. draft apparel patterns for a living
No. 703629
>>703102>>703107>>703192>>703177Right, because the none of the 3 kids will ever think about their biological dad at all at any point, right? Not like it's ever been proven that an absent parent is detrimental to a childs growth, development or psyche. Not like there are a million published research of this. Especially an absent father.
Stop. No one's defending Fupa here, don't get it twisted.
Not defending past actions, not saying at the current state either, but as a potetial for the future if things are ever right. If the father can ever be in a child's life, granted he's in a good place and the mother or primary caregiver agrees.
There a ton of people who are shitty wives/husbands, ex's, employers/employees, with all sorts of vices, or indulgences in their personal lives, but are amazing parents to their children.
Kids always suffer without their father in their lives, especially during the formative years, it's tied to self-esteem, depression, aggression, more likely do poorly in school, more likely to use drugs, be incarcerated, commit suicide, the list goes on and on.
People can change, and if Fupa somehow proves himself and the mother trusts him, why not?
No. 703653
>>703650>>703642>>703640>>703636>>703634>>703633Thank god for the sane farmers who don't buy into this
>>703629 complete and utter bullshittery.
No. 703687
Right because we all know what kind of a father Fupa is bc we've seen him with his children first hand, and we are all qualified to dictate family and custodial rights in Oklahoma?
Jokes aside, The post said, "potential for the future" and it also included a caveat of their mom agreeing. Obviously if the mom were to ever agree, the scenario and factors have to be exponentially different than how things are. The post was talking in the scenario that he'd be already completely reformed. Obviously if Fupa wasn't a fit parent, then it would never happen.
It's already been posted that the mom is going thru attorneys, so if there will ever be any approved future interaction, it will go thru phases where it will be limited and supervised. That's a long road away, that he may never reach.
All the post was stating was if Fupa were to ever change, and into standards deemed suitable, and ones his ex wife trusts and feels comfortable (which is highly unlikely he ever will) then he should be able to have some sort of relationship with his kids. Because if a parent is evaluated, proven fit, approved by the primary caregiver, and has a desire to enrich and be involved in his kids life they should have a chance, because the statistics for children with absent parents are staggering. And if it's an instances to where the children can benefit, without risk of harm, then why not.
But am I holding my breath, obviously not. Also adding, not like Fupa wants to be with his kids anyways.
No. 703698
>>703695Someone in the last thread said it's because he uses a tracker
I personally am able to delete the
https://www. from the URL and it stops that (Firefox) but someone else said they tried that and it was still doing it so who knows
No. 703701
>>703695He uses a tracker. You can usually get rid of it by taking away the
http://www portion or by clicking him from a tagged post on tumblr.
No. 703732
>>703701Looool like, for what?
He thinks he's so smart and famous.
Idk about you guys, but I'm getting a feeling that fupa is already over Shay. He doesn't really seem to care any more.
Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma
No. 703741
>>703629>if Fupa somehow proves himself and the mother trusts him, why not?1. He lied about Shay to the mother of his kids. He reblogs violent porn and dubiously consensual/legal sexual content.
2. He was a deadbeat dad and a shitty husband to the point that his OWN MOMMA picked the daughter-in-law over him.
3. The kids have a new dad that's miles better than Fupa. I doubt they're going to be too upset about not seeing deadbeat and his special needs girlfriend.
No. 703742
>>703741I don't understand why people like this are so obsessed with the natural father being an absolute necessity to a child's life.
a good step father is leagues better than a shitty or indifferent sperm donor.
Fupa will never be anything but a sperm donor.
No. 703743
>>703741Samefag but I forgot he also lied to Shay and told her that his family were all/mostly dead and he was an orphan or some shit.
So he's lying to his ex-wife/baby's momma about the new girl and lying to the new girl about his ex-wife and family.
Fupa wouldn't give a shit about messing up his kids if he's already fucked over his family, his wife and her family, and now Shay as well.
Fupa's #1 priority is himself.
No. 703777
>>703743Yeah, he not only lied about Shay being a "graphic designer", he also lied about his parents being dead and going through foster care. Wonder what else he has lied about?
>>703741Not only does he reblog violent porn and talk about his murder/kidnapping/rape fantasies, he also partakes in ddlg kink. He refers to Shay as a little girl, has had sex with her while she sucks on a pacifier, etc. Then there's the whole Shay calling him daddy/dada, wearing diapers, peeing in a training potty, wearing little kids clothes, and shit like that.
I'm on board with the other anons saying the kids are better off. They have a stepfather, they'll be fine. They don't need some creepy, gross, degenerate deadbeat in their lives.
No. 703829
File: 1538629402549.png (145.29 KB, 327x242, ratnest.png)

No. 703836
>>703827As a guy in the audience said, "girls shouldn't be on their phones while we're talking to them"
Also she's spewing some bullshit about how camming warps people's idea of camgirls or something. This statement does not apply to her, she's doing nothing and expecting money. An artist gives their portfolio or drafts before someone choses their service. These people aren't asking for free porn videos, just engagement to decide if you're worth the money (your cam record shows only Harley is willing to give you free money). If they wanted some girl randomly spanking herself they'd watch porn, not look for an engaging camgirl. It's free on pornhub anyways
No. 703840
File: 1538629869417.jpeg (53.59 KB, 640x554, E8C98E28-C5B1-4049-8733-41842D…)

Shay you will never have an ass, just stop.
No. 703841
>>703837>>703840seriously, she keeps showing off that fucking zit on that one cheek. it's really gross.
she can't dance and she has no ass, what the fuck is she jiggling? the booze weight she's put on recently? yuck.
No. 703856
File: 1538630488493.png (Spoiler Image,578.36 KB, 640x1136, 4C932970-2BAB-428F-8DF5-A092C1…)

>>703853Dropped pic and sage, apologies
No. 703869
>>703846I'm convinced she doesn't like it. Seeing her more and more, I think she just wants to sit there and have people talk to her while giving her money. Then once a goal is reached, she'll begrudgingly fulfill it like stripping, cum show, etc.
Like she legit just wants to sit there and have people pay to talk to her. Shay, sweetie, honey… you ain't that interesting.
No. 703932
File: 1538642292664.png (Spoiler Image,781.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181004-113500.png)

Snapchat anon here, Fupa posted 1 hour ago some stories about his fav place (aka fast food) and he said "i know you're like it's fast food, it's fat but the muscles are there" or something along these lines and showed his "muscles". And he said that he eats there twice a week and that he doesn't eat cheeseburgers bc those aren't healthy.
No. 703958
>>703846She clearly hates it, body language aside.
>>703788But anon, she's T H R I V I N G
No. 704010
>>7039321- how embarrassing to be a grown ass man recording yourself flexing your “muscles” in a fast food place.
2-it doesn’t matter if it’s cheeseburgers or not (which it probably is) if it’s comes out of a wrapper. It’s generally not good for you.
God is he fucking stupid. And he can’t even be bothered to take shay with him. She’s literally just his fuck doll. What a sad existence. Go home shay.
No. 704044
>>703788Damn bitch just join the local housewife clubs or something. Book club, jogging, etc. Do something. Not that they'd tolerate her for long but maybe she'd find some wine moms/girlfriend to bond with over being miserable and bitter.
>>703805>>703850She wonders why no one tips her or talks to her.
>>703932Same damn shirt again. Does he own less clothes than Shay?
No. 704045
>>703845I agree with the previous anon who said the movements aren't bad, they're not. Her fucking ass is what's bad. If it was a nice ass that would be hella sexy but her indented ass, with pimples and shit is just really off-putting. Play up the boobs and shoulders and less ass and it might be a better striptease.
This here is just awful.
No. 704046
>>703858>>703856>>703844The way she sits is horrific, it makes her vagina look awful, makes her stomach look bad, her posture looks like she's about to have a nervous breakdown. At least
try to look good, it's not that hard.
No. 704087
>>704078Speaking of.. does she actually buy anything useful? I've only been following her a few months now but all I ever see is her begging or buying sex related stuff or food/alcohol. She bought a gigantic teddy bear that she ended up throwing away while begging for a bed.
Her priorities really make no sense to me. She'd sooner cam on the floor than get a futon or something.
No. 704103
>>704097He believed her enough to link himself to her, do porn with her, and capitalize off her reputation/porn identity.
He saw how she lived and instead of bailing he bought a house and moved her in. No way it's just for the subpar sex. He's hoping he can make money off her while he gets reputation from it and all the girls he thought were going to hit up his DM's.
No. 704106
>>703971I can confirm the bowling alley they went to was broken arrow lanes. You could see the words on the wall.
He needs to stop doxxing himself. I recognized that fast food joint as braums too.
No. 704130
File: 1538669123036.png (155.07 KB, 284x413, Screenshot 2018-10-04 at 11.04…)

isnt this the skirt and body suit thing that she got for the alien vid?
No. 704140
>>704117>i don't get cheeseburgers because they have too much fat>instead gets eggs, sausage, biscuit, an extra sausage biscuit on the side and a diet coke….what???
& ew wtf was that weird little music.aly thing he tried to pull at the end?
No. 704152
File: 1538670549057.png (8.7 KB, 240x307, 2018-10-04 12_26_51-Mozilla Fi…)

at least she's not pretending to charge $100 for "advice" anymore
No. 704216
>>704117Seriously. I know someone who would work out and then go eat fast food. Guess what. He didn’t loose any weight.
He doesn’t get a cheeseburger but he eats two sausages so basically a regular hamburger and coke, and not even a small coke. He gets 32 oz of soda. When he could just have water. Which judging my his haggard face he fucking needs.
And he’s showing off his strained muscles in fucking public. I cannot deal with how embarrassing he is. Like shay is embarrassing but she’s young. He’s an old man. Please stop.
No. 704238
>>704146Nah, he thought she was a straight up PORN STAR and wanted to be her suitcase pimp. Leave his own damn job for all that $$$ she makes, right? Gain entry into the real porn world, with hundreds of willing and beautiful chicks right at his fingertips. Daddy Mattel knows how to run game, get pussy, and make bank off hoes!
He's such a fucking obvious retard. You picked him, Shayna.
No. 704250
File: 1538678192855.gif (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 540x304, 71BFEC09-3435-4BDC-91EA-F1E9C2…)

This is her dog cage with a sheet over it
No. 704305
File: 1538683753802.gif (1.95 MB, 540x304, tumblr_pg36efA50O1rmiw96o2_540…)

>>704250lmao i'm seriously dying that she's trying to pass this as a desk
No. 704306
File: 1538683761102.jpeg (353.3 KB, 1242x727, 8B4CC4A6-1EF4-4597-A33F-DB7490…)

>>704250She said she based this on the movie Secretary? Mega kek, it’s about a girl released from a mental hospital who gets into an abusive sexual relationship with her boss. I’m dead.
No. 704308
>>704305Why does she always do these boring ass panning shots? Does she think it’s artistic? It’s only artistic when it’s done well and for some sort of visual purpose. No one wants to see your unwashed toys on your dirty ass carpet with some Christmas lights next to it. Just like no one wants to see some random papers on a bedsheet for no fucking reason other then what she claims to be “
No. 704314
>>704306I’m sorry but that relationship is all but abusive? They get married and are very happy in their properly practiced bdsm relationship
>>704250Did she wear that ugly sweater for this? I swear. In the movie the main girl wears a button up in almost every scene. How hard is it to get things right. So much detail.
No. 704324
File: 1538685222504.png (11.1 KB, 239x324, shaynawhat.PNG)

>"I do my own pro work"
wtf does that even mean? you work for someone you don't make and put out your own professional stuff so wtf is she talking about?
No. 704330
>>704324she hardly even takes care of ribmeat and cant handle her meowing or comfort her when she's obviously under distress, the last thing this bitch needs is another animal.
>flying with a puppy sounds like a painyeah, you couldnt even fly with your cat, you put her in cargo and claimed some rando flew with her on your exact flight to cover your ass.
No. 704414
>>704117Dude looks like a candle that started to melt in a hot attic but solidified midway.
I’ll bet that emperor shirt has a permanent armpit smell to it. Ugh he’s just as crusty as shay.
Also I’m not a germaphobe, but did he just walk across shay’s rug while still wearing his shoes? I find that to be disgusting. Yea that will really help her pussy and ass boils.
No. 704490
>>703932His arms are still so scrawny when flexing. I have to sya though, his traps look way too big compared to the rest of his muscle mass, I think that's what is giving him the appearance of having no neck? Fupapa clearly has no idea what he's doing at the gym if these are his results.
The fast food trips right after the gym clearly aren't helping the issue either. Both he and shay have such unfortunate body types.
>>704250>>704305Could she seriously not invest $30 for a cheap ass desk for a prop?
No. 704519
>>704490Another question I have is couldn't she position this all somewhere that looks more like an office space? Also a chair or something to sit on. I know she also has better props to put on that "desk"
Btw Shay, Ikea has 25$ desks and do delivery. From experience they'd hold a couple of people and don't have a grate on top so they won't be painful to sit on pretending you're enjoying your vibrator/dildo while taking to your "boss" giving orders of screen. It's going to be so funny if she has to sit on top of the crate and gets indents from it
No. 704532
File: 1538710366229.png (528.58 KB, 579x601, Screenshot 2018-10-04 at 10.32…)

what makes her think that these dumbass faces are anywhere near cute?
No. 704581
File: 1538714066352.png (488.17 KB, 1006x413, XAN.png)

I'm laughing so hard at this xan boy
No. 704597
File: 1538714787497.png (31.62 KB, 534x455, y87b768b68778787688768.png)

yeah she's lying
No. 704618
>>704117He’s talking about his Whataburger breakfast platter + sausage biscuit “on the side” like it’s “healthy” and he doesn’t get a burger because it’s
not healthy but like… a burger would be fewer calories/fat/carbs and more protein, pretty sure.
No wonder he’s still a fatass.
No. 704641
File: 1538717507832.png (147.28 KB, 489x278, 7278275825978.png)

straight savage
No. 704644
File: 1538717595923.png (16.23 KB, 348x33, 798782972879.png)

lmao Shay was like "they know about all my outfits" and jumpkitty gives no fucks
No. 704649
>>704645you're scaring her, anon
stop being so hostile
she just scammed people out of their money, why are you being so hostile?
No. 704675
>>704658dehydration pangs can feel like hunger sometimes too so like…bitch keep drinking past the feeling.
is that Beringer white zinfandel or is it rose? cause if it's white zin that REALLY explains the recent flab. white zin is sweet af
No. 704768
>>704250Is this in a walk-in closet?
Are those the designer heels anons speculated are knock-offs?
No. 704778
>>704645>>704642>>704641Why is nobody embarrassed that these are clearly farmers?
You guys are trying to drum up powdered milk, just let it happen on it's own.
No. 704896
File: 1538761707605.jpeg (180.39 KB, 750x1056, 8A128643-C8A2-4051-8E0F-521CEB…)

No. 704900
>>704626If she has 150,000 Twitter followers alone, why would she care about 33 people? That's not even 1% of her followers.
How many people are usually watching her when she's one cam? It would be interesting to see…
No. 704916
>>704914But anon she’ll be
bloated from even a tiny snack!
I don’t think she understands the difference between bloating and just having regular flab on your stomach. She has no core strength so it’s all just flab and she probably thinks it’s bloat.
No. 704926
>>703741>>703742>>703743People's on-line personas are different from irl.
Fupa lies a lot about everything online. He's a revisionist. And wants to look cool for his online friends.
Shows with all the contradicting hypocritical posts. Says he's drug free, Drugs, xanax, sisters death, yet still glorifies that particular drug and it's use. Fake celebrity relatives, yet being orphaned. Yet baby mama, exposes him that his mom is well alive and hates him. Kek. Says he's been a home owner for yrs, all previous dwellings were Apts…
Mexico vacation… Shyana stuck in a hotel for thru worktrip and snacks and water with stipends
Woah… can we get a Fupa "lie list" going.. or expectations/reality kek
No. 704931
>>704925LOL! exactly! Does she not realize alcohol and its empty calories will bloat you like crazy compared to food and real nourishment.
She's been noticing her tummy rolls grow bc her body bloated and has started storing everything as fat bc she eats so shitty and has been drinking almost daily.
No. 704957
File: 1538767003509.jpg (609.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181005-121512_Tum…)

>>704956The water is so low…
No. 704960
File: 1538767073981.jpeg (753.25 KB, 1242x2072, 1D59B5EC-4781-4414-BE48-CEC055…)

Fupa posted this song on his tumblr. Trying the say something maybe? It’s called “all girls are the same”
No. 704963
>>704959How is she supposed to use that toy in the position that it’s in? And why would you bring stuffed animals into the bath with you?
Oh wait, I just don’t understand “
No. 704964
>>704957“I don’t get natural light anymore”
No. 704970
>>704969this is why you dont move in with someone aftr meeting them only twice.
power couple"
No. 704971
>>704956the curtain doesnt even have a rod, it's just pinned up, kek. nothing is the same shade of pink, and she's using an ugly ass cheap bed canopy over the back of her tub?
that shit looks like someone puked all over it. i cant believe that in her mind she thinks this is aesthetic.
No. 704983
>>704977i wonder if she doesnt have the patience to just wait to fill it up. like if she doesnt have the best water pressure and a giant tub it could take a while to fill up. mixed with not being allowed to waste the money on filling the tub to sit in it for 10 minutes to take pictures.
(i have a roman tub that takes like 30 minutes to fill all the way, so i rarely use it)
No. 704984
>>704960Ugh what the FUCK is wrong with him? Sorry, THEM?
He acts like such a fucking teenager. Well he dresses like one, too. Whenever I see his posts here I can feel my brain cells dying.
And Shayna is just so sick. Why does she feel the need to sexualize EVERYTHING? Also she appears so lonely. Does this ~power couple~ do anything together at all any more?
ALL the ridiculous lovey-dovey Tumblr posts have stopped since they moved in together. This whole mess is just so tragic and sad.
No. 704992
>>704959That stuffed animal is going to get so nasty exposed to constant damp and humidity.
Does fupa have his own separate bathroom or something? I'm starting to wonder if they just split the house up into her area and his area and just come together for sex.
No. 705067
>>704999I'm not going to derail with discourse so I hope your question is in good faith, but the culture on tumblr at the time was basically turning camwhoring into a hot new fad for all the barely 18 year olds to get into. Teaching them that its "soo easy & fun" cause you're going to get treated like shit as a woman anyway so you might as well get paid to be, or whatever. Easy oppression points too. Shay still made decisions but her and others were still clearly influenced by this subculture.
Shay is dumb as hell yeah but she's female and the pressure and subtle grooming from society still exists and effects people like her.
No. 705107
>>704907She can, she should, and hopefully soon she will.
Her "sex work" is so obviously unsustainable, at some point it's inevitable that she'll have to do something else for money. Or maybe Fupa will realize she's not bringing in the big bucks like he probably thought, and will force her to get a job.
No. 705131
File: 1538787978263.jpg (258.96 KB, 1125x1118, 45b8ae37-b6e0-4d5c-b724-f73c81…)

As silly as the recent setups have been, she made a new video today and has been kinda productive lately (for her)
No. 705163
>>704936>>704941I could definitely see this whole thing playing out like it did with that one stoner tumblr girl, Speck. Shay puts on weight during the toxic deadend relationship, Fupa uses his new found tumblr "fame" to move onto some new trashy, desperate piece of ass.
>>704960How old is he again? How embarrassing.
No. 705183
File: 1538793372335.jpeg (Spoiler Image,595.82 KB, 1242x678, 0D328C24-DB89-41D7-941F-9A9EEE…)

Wait idk if we already said this but did we realize she filmed this fucking video in a closet???
No. 705194
>>705183lmao “I have no natural lighting and I don’t know why”
Oh idk maybe because you film your shitty videos in a fucking closet?
She is legitimately retarded.
No. 705212
>>705183I really don’t get why fupa couldn’t of assisted in this video. Not even full body. Just his arms and his preteen voice being commanding like a dom.
This is not like the movie at all.
No. 705240
>>705228Videos safe different than cam.
Pumpy fucked her ex and sold it on MV.
Besides that, he would literally just be a prop to make the video more authentic to the movie.
No. 705282
>>704768She said she got them at a thrift store. The one designer item she owns and it's from a few seasons ago and possibly a knockoff. She's so cheap. She use to wear knockoff Calvin Klein underwear sets and such shitty cheap clothing, words were misspelled on them. "Califoinia Barbie" and "Resecting Women"
Shitty amazon clothing, cheap forever 21 and thrift stores are where she gets her clothes.
No. 705285
>>705282It worked for the hippy stoner thing she had going. But now that she’s going for this “you can’t afford me” LA bimbo barbie, And she thinks she can still get her clothes from the same places and no one will ever know.
Guess what Shayna? Everyone notices that your clothes are cheap and dirty, as are you.
No. 705289
File: 1538807206099.jpg (136.41 KB, 851x714, 948.jpg)

She looks straight white trash. She def belongs in Oklahoma.
No. 705310
>>705246Fupa probably thinks giving his girlfriend a hug without degrading her in any way is too vanilla for their ~healthy 24/7 BDSM~ relationship
>>705183She couldn't even get a chair, or a fake typed letter? "Attention to detail", sure.
No. 705328
File: 1538813982897.jpeg (205.81 KB, 379x690, 76C97E75-004D-4B08-8C81-80604C…)

>>705246~**power couple**~
rat face & Fupa. what a power team.
No. 705346
File: 1538820753163.jpg (31.57 KB, 484x189, 1538090056655.jpg)

>>705183You know this is probably one of the funniest and saddest realizations I've had.
She didn't just drag her cage in there to film, that's where her cage is. She asked Kyle Nathan Perkins where to put it and he told her what's in the cap.
She also posted about "having a sad girl nap on the floor in my closet" …where her cage is.
I thought it might be because Kyle doesn't want someone who comes over to ask why there's a dog cage randomly in a room but now I realize he's just ashamed of her. For all their talk about their super kinky BDSM lifestyle, we've never once seen Kyle use anything Shayna owns that's for BDSM.
Here big bad Shay thought she'd spend sexy time in a pink dungeon looking closet in her dog cage sucking cock through the bars when in reality Kyle just makes her go into this big empty closet by herself just to get rid of her.
No. 705406
>>705405Well, yes, obviously. That's why I amended my first impression. At the time I didn't know if his ex-wife brought their kids over or not but now I highly doubt he'll see them again and Shay has said she doesn't socialize with anyone there.
>>705350Who knows. From what she's shown us she has her own designated areas and she doesn't film/photo outside of that.
No. 705458
File: 1538844029292.jpg (69.69 KB, 1079x685, Screenshot_20181006-123930-1.j…)

Don't cut yourself on that edge
No. 705476
triggers psychosis, Shay. fix your life and get help
No. 705492
File: 1538848991926.jpeg (158.53 KB, 640x711, 0956D4EA-16AE-4E4E-88B7-A757DB…)

Jesus she sounds so unhappy. I thought this was supposed to be her ~suburban housewife dream~
But all she talks about is how miserable she is. And Kyle Perkins has barely interacted with her since moving in.
No. 705523
>>705520this is why you dont move in with someone that you've only met irl 2 times, seen them 2 weeks in all, and dated them online for 5 months.
idk i dont have sympathy for her continuously making impulsive decisions and then regretting them.
No. 705528
File: 1538853201474.jpeg (340.14 KB, 1242x970, 11AAAADC-85A5-4036-A687-96857A…)

Please Shay get help
No. 705530
>>705492Jesus. Shay probably thought by moving in with fupa would solve all her problems. In the same way that a lot of people think that money or weight loss will make their life perfect. She's learning that this isn't the case and even though she's in a "nice" house her, all her issues remain. Her mentally unstable posts have increased along with her drinking and she's clearly not making any money. It's only going to get worse from here. Probably should call your real dad soon Shay.
>>705507lol this made me realize how far behind she is in being an actual adult. probably doesn't have insurance, can't pay out of pocket costs or a copay if she did happen to have insurance, no transportation and no ambition to address any of these barriers.
No. 705540
>>705528>they make me feel small and weak it's grossWell there you go, now you're with a man whose whole thing is making you feel small and weak and who put a cage in the closet you sleep in.
Also a good therapist won't make you feel like that, she's just refusing to deal with the problem and deluding herself forever.
No. 705581
File: 1538860225583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,627.13 KB, 1242x699, 28A2060F-0BC4-46AF-89C7-F7F83C…)

Well then.
No. 705624
File: 1538868074763.jpeg (296.19 KB, 1242x528, 9A60A058-C2DC-45FE-950B-4136B8…)

>>705585Well she just ruined it with this comment.
No. 705625
File: 1538868113550.jpeg (229.91 KB, 1242x459, A303AF0C-F703-42C6-BF12-863A76…)

She really doesn’t understand aesthetics…
No. 705626
File: 1538868154117.jpeg (579.92 KB, 1242x1123, 6BDC48D7-63E7-4314-ABF7-724570…)

this is what she considers aesthetically pleasing. A dark room with no natural light and pink everywhere. That’s not aesthetic, that’s lazy.
No. 705628
>>705624lmao “what a genius you are”
you edited a video shayna, what do you want? More asspats for doing something that’s a basic part of your JOB?
No. 705629
>>705492>im a pathetic 5 y/oAt least she admits it. Personally I'm glad she's miserable for once and her Barbie Dream Life is crashing down. Maybe she'll grow up now instead of thinking she can be a pretty pink princess forever.
If she wants to do adult work forever then have at it but at least act like an adult. She could be saving this money instead of wasting it all on kids clothes and stuffed animals.
>>705528>i don't like tht they make me feel small & weakSo like the image you keep pushing that makes everyone treat you like shit? Ironic.
No. 705660
>>705624Don’t ever compare yourself with true masters of stylization and aesthetics, Shayna. And don’t ever make fun of the beautiful cinnamon roll Guillermo Del Toro. At least she didn’t make a Kubrick reference.
She makes me so pissed off thinking she knows what she’s talking about.
No. 705665
>>705626I just noticed that whoever tiled this bathroom didn't tile the entire fucking wall? It looks so cheap like they got some trial tiles because that's all they could afford lol
She's proud of this? Sad.
No. 705725
File: 1538882435232.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1334x750, IMG_4275.PNG)

When you realize your life is falling apart
No. 705747
File: 1538884301481.jpeg (Spoiler Image,712.1 KB, 1242x1252, 2B900531-8F2F-48DC-B998-7C7E5C…)

Lookin like a frog face.
No. 705765
File: 1538887488081.jpeg (79.56 KB, 381x750, D7908B3A-7C59-4332-9151-23D41C…)

That septum whatever is SO extra but legit she looks so much better just because she isn’t wearing pink with ridiculous makeup on. Crusty hair and all.
No. 705781
>>705776Especially with bath bomb water. This girl doesnt know a single thing about vaginal health.
(or any health for that matter)
No. 705796
>>705765Pink is such a bad color on her. Not sure why fucking everything has to be pink. Compared to her recent photos, she looks better.
Just stop with the pink, shay. It’s tacky.
No. 705827
File: 1538901255097.png (68.42 KB, 750x580, IMG_0194.PNG)

oh the irony
No. 705974
File: 1538928088654.jpeg (466.1 KB, 1242x1173, 9B3BF7E7-EAE8-4DFB-9B2E-F01663…)

She’s blowing up Twitter rn about cyber bullying and about how sex workers on twitter are “so much nicer”.
Plus this bullshit. “Just a couple props”
No. 705975
>>705974She’s claiming she’s “barely going to use tumblr anymore” and instead switch over to twitter and insta, even though Instagram is known for hating sex workers and it’s an unsafe platform.
Keep being stupid Shayna.
No. 706054
>>706019She’s on like her 3rd Instagram and her 4th twitter because she can’t follow the rules or thinks she’s above them or some shit. On twitter she could have gotten at least 2 of her profiles unsuspended if she just changed the pic and reported to twitter but noOOOooo we have to get sad girl victim points by claiming the platforms are against her and everyone needs to regollow her and buy her content to make her feel better.
God I hate you so fucking much Shayna. You are a stain on the world of sex work.
No. 706137
File: 1538941851058.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.49 KB, 354x818, 3602.jpg)

>>705827Such a hypocrite.
No. 706142
>>706136>>706135>>706137Sry, for a sec I thought I forgot to spoiler, so I deleted, didn't realize but i had it clicked.
Absolutely anon! She thinks just bc she's wearing pink, it somehow elevates her ballsack, boil infected vagina. But aesthetics… kek
No. 706145
File: 1538942380786.png (78.16 KB, 266x535, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 2.58.…)

i wonder if this is about Fupa's wife knowing about his blog?
No. 706152
File: 1538942920365.png (94.05 KB, 262x617, Screenshot 2018-10-07 at 3.02.…)

>>706150i was only asking because she's talking about leaked information and "people meddling in their real lives". kinda like the person did when they messaged fupas ex wife. it was a genuine question, kek.
No. 706193
File: 1538947173709.jpeg (285.6 KB, 1242x1230, BC606228-8312-4096-A7D0-56ACB4…)

she has some fucking nerve. i laughed so hard at this
No. 706195
File: 1538947212542.jpeg (126.26 KB, 1216x734, B6BCAF76-FB4E-4DEF-9386-8D865F…)

self awareness is a beautiful thing
No. 706237
File: 1538951095872.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1862, 7D65A6FE-6079-4BA2-BB8C-4DF985…)

Why is she begging for money for combat boots if she already has a perfectly good pair of Docs? I’m awarebthis i
No. 706268
>>706237Tbh it feels like an excuse for her NOT to make the video.
“Oops, you guys didn’t pay for the props I claimed I needed! Guess I can’t make any of those videos now! What a bummer!”
No. 706297
>>706237The Docs were conspicuously absent in the photo of her shoe closet posted in the last thread.
>>706015She used to wear septum rings when she was stoner Shay.
No. 706317
File: 1538958406788.jpg (124.73 KB, 1149x781, 5645634135325.JPG)

Just had a snoop on her MV page wall for comments or whatnot.
And I happened upon this, make of it what you will.
/s in case it's old milk
No. 706322
>>706318Well, that is true.
But if you're running a business it might behoove you to actually check those once a month or so?
No. 706329
>>706323Well I don't know fuckall about this website so either one of you might be right.
To clarify: I meant that is true as in "oh if she doesn't get notified then it
could be excused".
But if this is correct
>>706323 then she should turn them on and reply to them regardless of this
>>706325Even if 3 out of 5 are bluffing, with how little she makes the remaining 2 would be a payday for her.
And yeah I know shes super lazy and stupid, but one can always hope I guess, -shrug.
No. 706345
File: 1538961678378.jpeg (Spoiler Image,561.35 KB, 1242x690, 3BBA042F-2405-4470-BF58-FA77C4…)

She looks legitimately mentally retarded. Why do all her “sexy” faces turn into tard faces?
No. 706415
File: 1538968551087.jpg (51.37 KB, 234x622, Capture1.JPG)

No. 706417
File: 1538968644621.jpg (43.91 KB, 500x280, tumblr_pg9fpp4HrE1rmiw96o2_500…)

She cut back her hours again.
No. 706420
>>706418OP here. I misread the response as it being back when she was with her parents but then I found
>>706415 so I deleted the original post and reuploaded without the incorrect commentary.
No. 706432
File: 1538970333755.png (4.54 MB, 1374x1500, hatersarejealous.png)

bored and felt like making something special. saged for shitpost
No. 706433
File: 1538970415146.png (84.51 KB, 750x767, IMG_4285.PNG)

A comment on her newest ig post. It's the pic of her with the pentagram septum
No. 706500
>>706416 Any content of her ever posted here are from her. She's the one who uploads all these photos, videos, and content online to several platforms, as well as release all information about herself. She used her real name as a handle "shay-gnar", and didn't change it when she started sex work because she said "it's already my brand". Not only that she used the same account/blog she's been using for 7 years, and didn't start over all because she didn't want to start over with the follower count. How dumb can you get.
All people are doing is discussing and commenting on the content she releases on her public social media platforms. Platforms she uploads to, that are meant to showcase and promote as well as feature comments. No one here is threatening her, they're just simply commenting also
What was she expecting? For the police NOT to print out the evidence? She's the one who tried to make a police report, all they were doing was routine. Sorry she felt like an idiot because they were doing their job by documenting/printing the forum of content she released, promoted, and perpetuated herself, with people exercising their first amendment rights?
Must have been embarrassing having pages of your sore- covered pussy and people discussing whether or not they're pimples, boils, warts, herpes, or what.
No. 706534
File: 1538985068802.jpg (28.93 KB, 257x237, 5y45j.jpg)

She says this, yet she's the "porn creator" with boils, pimples, and whiteheads all over her pussy, who catfishes customers by hiding her pussy in previews, and them not seeing how disgusting it is until after they buy it.
She's had several customers come forward and complain.
No. 706542
File: 1538986114222.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.41 KB, 269x943, Untitled01.jpg)

>>706137she considers that tasteful? i mean, at least she had the decency to hide the boils
No. 706752
File: 1539020073556.png (70.24 KB, 720x855, 2018-10-08 13_04_23-Mozilla Fi…)

No. 706753
File: 1539020151438.png (1.9 KB, 236x110, 2018-10-08 13_33_38-Mozilla Fi…)

lmao okay shayna
No. 706763
>>706752>>706753>>706756Also implying vaccines are scary and bad, even though she said herself the doctors had never seen anything like it, and never confirmed it was indeed the flu shot which caused it.
Ugh. Fuck her.
No. 706766
>>706753Happy and thriving!!
We been knew Shayna b/p whenever she gets stoned in Seattle and only has booze for meals before her shoots though
Goes to show how neglectful fupa is. He’s a self proclaimed gym rat but lets his gf eat like shit, drink every night, look at thinspo without ever working out
No. 706805
File: 1539023780238.jpg (19.42 KB, 226x340, 122.JPG)

No. 706807
File: 1539023850863.jpg (15.38 KB, 246x177, 123.JPG)

Shay stop talking about yourself.
No. 706904
File: 1539032551572.jpeg (54 KB, 736x427, B3B41A08-AAE0-4AF5-AD43-E40564…)

Really trying to convince us she actually bathes. Someone totally called this in the last thread lmao.
No. 706945
File: 1539035945768.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1200x2092, 735AF6DE-9F5D-4710-8710-7E11A1…)

lmao, she even needs to post a pic every time she bathes to prove it.
No. 706963
>>706945Fupa def has made it a rule for her to wash her body. Like everyone knows how gross her pussy is, it's as if he really enforced it to help
his image.
No. 706972
File: 1539037746573.jpeg (243.15 KB, 1242x449, D51C8A36-F822-4CD5-9852-EE9765…)

She reads this thread too much, kek.
She doesn’t need the props anymore, she just wants them. Stop showing how much you read this thread, cow.
No. 706975
>>706945Washing your hair with braids in leads to tangles, knots, and dreading.
Sooo confirmed doesn’t wash her hair and just washes her icky vago for fupa.
No. 706979
>>706974I follow some sex workers on tumblr and they
rarely ask for prop money, if ever. Even Camdamage who does some pretty intricate shoots never asks for anything for them. Then there's Shay who cant do anything without begging for money to do it. She claims she makes so much but doesn't put any back into her business??
No. 706986
>>706951>>706970>>706975it's good that she's not washing her hair every time she showers, otherwise she wouldn't have any. I'm still
triggered by how matted her hair is in that last video. never washed matted hair or it will just solidify into dreads and be impossible to brush, you have to cut them out. although I doubt she even brushes her hair anymore lol it would all just break off.
No. 707005
File: 1539041284763.jpg (19.91 KB, 279x258, icon.jpg)

(talking about which photo to use as her new icon)
She has such a weird looking face. I've never thought she was pretty. Who lied to her and ever told her she was hot? She has such a blown up ego from far too many yrs of tumblr use. Super ironic since her beloved platform and the "communities" she sought attention and praise from all can't stand her, and she's become the meme of 'that girl with disgusting pussy boils who insists on making porn'.
No. 707043
>>706904Why did she mention such a specific amount of time?? Lmao I'm so puzzled by her rn and also all the time
How long do you think it will take for her non shower curtain and stuffed animals to get moldy from being around the tub? I say a couple weeks.
No. 707110
File: 1539051530794.jpg (55.03 KB, 600x800, atrophy.jpg)

>>706752I know we're all on board here that this is bullshit, but I can't believe she's still at it with this made up "flu shot" story. Tit veins aren't really that unusual and are usually genetic or hormonal. Her's are just a lot more apparent because she's very fair skinned. I don't buy the flu shot story or the muscle deterioration nonsense either. I've seen people with actual muscle deterioration and she obviously does not have any in her chest or arm or there would be a noticeable difference between her right and left side and has nothing to do with her wonky nipples. She's a really terrible liar, but I guess she is that desperate for the attention.
Also, how/why would she be getting teased for tit veins in middle school? How would anyone even know she has them?
>>706806Given her body type, I have a difficult time believing she hit puberty hard enough in middle school to cause her tit veins then? Who knows though, the whole thing sounds made up. I could see her being made fun of in high school for it though maybe? I guess?
>>706945Her hair is straight up disgusting. Shay needs to hydrate that rats nest desperately.
No. 707298
File: 1539075279274.png (264.02 KB, 640x1136, 116E5246-B32B-4E54-8A61-D54B6F…)

No. 707319
>>707298Is it possible she's knocked up? Birth control isn't necessarily 100% effective and fupa seems to historically have working sperm.
Mood swings/podge/tiredness etc..
Horrifying thought.
No. 707385
File: 1539088718983.jpg (913.19 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-075500.jpg)

She was live on Instagram last night (while camming??) but didn't really say/do anything interesting other than being manic and obnoxious as fuck. She was giving me serious momokun vibes lol No. 707387
File: 1539089645547.jpg (522.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-135346_Chr…)

>>707385Man she looks like an actual goblin and that hairs about to snap off.
No. 707390
File: 1539090548011.jpg (486.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181009-060849_Chr…)

What a sad room
No. 707433
File: 1539095548019.png (2.84 MB, 750x1334, AEE9E102-B65E-4BF1-9CA3-39EB31…)

>>707385sorry if nitpicking but wow, this is sad. she literally looks like she’s living in a crack den. they definitely didn’t get new carpets when they bought the house, or even clean them. I’m sure once upon a time those carpets were white or cream. and that washed out crusty old faded pink towel/blanket never fails to disgust me.
No. 707466
File: 1539098634723.gif (4.96 MB, 396x704, Daddyslilcutter.gif)

>>707396>>707417100% self harm marks and they don't look like scars yet to me either.
No. 707493
File: 1539100898442.png (416.32 KB, 528x806, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-43-17…)

No. 707496
File: 1539100942668.png (546.78 KB, 587x1051, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-40-24…)

No. 707498
File: 1539100991121.png (425.91 KB, 554x914, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-44-28…)

No. 707499
File: 1539101025266.png (446.78 KB, 527x970, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-47-54…)

No. 707501
File: 1539101140062.png (414.77 KB, 533x840, Screenshot_2018-10-09-08-50-24…)

"I'm like a giraffe in every aspect."
A video edit anon should loop her giraffe poses.
No. 707511
File: 1539101774621.gif (8.09 MB, 473x840, 2934E445-440E-4B43-9537-F276B0…)

>>707501this is frightening
No. 707518
File: 1539101919361.jpg (464.23 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181009-120958_Tum…)

her tumblr is chock full of shit like this right now, mental breakdown in progress
No. 707525
File: 1539102242027.jpeg (142.9 KB, 1242x544, EAD27476-21D7-4301-8EBF-85C022…)

Don’t worry Shay, just get your Dada to make you suck his cock, that makes everything all better like you said right?!
No. 707540
File: 1539102761452.png (506.36 KB, 553x967, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-13-50…)

No. 707543
File: 1539102948723.png (518.51 KB, 550x989, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-16-17…)

"I'm not drunk. I've only had a beer and a half. I haven't got any weed on me, so I'm gonna drink the fuck out of the rest of this beer."
Binge drinking explained.
She then brazenly burped several times.
No. 707545
File: 1539103036575.png (71.66 KB, 257x411, DrunkardMattel.png)

>>707525She's really not talking about fupa anymore, huh? It's just this now?
It also looks like she's aggressively reblogging her porn, tinfoil but what if she's trying to save money to move out?
No. 707547
>>707511Bless you, anon. The tongue flicking would be a treat, too
No. 707549
File: 1539103146039.png (424.55 KB, 552x994, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-03…)

Miming to Billie Holiday.
No. 707550
File: 1539103179262.png (457.9 KB, 562x960, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-07…)

No. 707551
File: 1539103209347.png (443.71 KB, 546x1004, Screenshot_2018-10-09-09-21-44…)

No. 707556
File: 1539103710544.gif (8.11 MB, 473x840, 5BBBFB2B-B04C-4E0D-9425-4DE237…)

No. 707558
File: 1539103740312.gif (14.04 MB, 473x840, 5B14195F-1DBA-408E-B529-2C538F…)

That self realization moment at the end…
No. 707569
>>707545This actually makes me feel bad for her and I kinda wish she would try to do better by herself. Throwing yourself into kids shows and a bottle of wine are not the right steps though.
Even if she does leave fupa, he has basically commandeered her brand and remaining tumblr following with this 'daddy mattel' bs.
No. 707676
File: 1539109442385.jpg (178.31 KB, 598x672, Screenshot_2018-10-09-19-03-13…)

>>707558Sad shay's souless shack. Haus of Mattel just isn't working for you, there no shame in saying sorry.
Go home, find your family, find your friends, but most of all, find your fucking dignity girl. You don't need a twatty used up selfish old man, you're better than this. Despite what you may think about this place nobodies relishing in your sadness, we may be bitches but we're not entirely without heart.
No. 707686
>>707624Has he been posting at all?
No. 707714
>>707696Fupa 100% embarrassed that this entire thing didn't worked out as he hoped. No fancy 25/7 tumblr bdsm shit to broadcast online, no nice house to flex, NOTHING. Now he has a depressed girl sitting in his house that does nothing but drinking beer and being sad. Also, the house still looks like on day one when they moved in: No furniture or cute spooky decoration uwu but filthy af.
Makes me really wonder how the snap
>>706539 looked like with the current awkward situation between them.
No. 707727
File: 1539111171704.jpg (50.79 KB, 522x816, 4f7j.jpg)

>>707396>>707385Those def look like cuts on her thigh, go to 10:54 sec of the video.
No. 707738
File: 1539111457911.jpg (45.09 KB, 240x347, gok.jpg)

So she's on cam, and she had a song on, Beach Boys' God Only Knows. When it was playing she got really irritated, and jumped to turn it off, and says "I just wanted to put some songs on to cheer me up, but listening to people be happy is pissing me off more than anything"
No. 707745
File: 1539111786432.jpg (55.85 KB, 504x433, regress.jpg)

She regressed hard for a little, then snapped out of it and said she had no weed after getting off cam last night. Then she broke her bong, that she spent 200 couple weeks ago, that she's devastated about. And also after broke her chillum. Then she let out this painful shrill scream. "And that's not even the tip of all my problems" "For once I'm drinking red wine, that's how you know Im sad"
No. 707751
-Talking about how she has the worst dark cirles, and how only zombies and methheads have it worse than her.
"Life is bullshit"
Talking to Harley now… (her orbiter, see
>>707420 )
No. 707762
File: 1539112408081.jpg (136.08 KB, 1020x500, cry.jpg)

.. and she's cracked.
She was in the middle about talking about peanut butter, and outta nowhere says, "i'm crying" and just broke down. I didn't get the best caps of it, sry
No. 707772
File: 1539112634148.png (8.53 KB, 499x89, 787d4aba19f82b94ae980f7f6744a6…)

she didn't respond to this and not long later said "i'm not here to talk about things that are making me sad". oof.
No. 707795
>>707791probably because she knows that wouldnt end well. i can see her jokingly saying that him going full rage.
also i meant to say She* broke his piece.
No. 707805
File: 1539113552811.jpg (13.66 KB, 258x187, cam.jpg)

This on her tumblr
No. 707812
>>707805It’s funny she posted this because then when she’s online she’s getting mad at people for asking why she’s so upset. THEN DONT ASK PEOPLE TO COME COMFORT YOU ON CAM BECAUSE YOURE “SO SAD”, SHAYNA.
I’m 150% sure she’s just using this as a ploy to make people feel bad so they’ll tip her. They won’t tip her for being herself so she has to play sad girl victim.
No. 707844
>>707809Major tinfoil but, could fupa be hiding her card?
It’s probably not at that level of abuse (yet?) but I’m genuinely worried for her. Her poor decisions don’t justify any form of abuse.
No. 707872
File: 1539116449028.jpg (34.47 KB, 272x468, alone.jpg)

lol, posting these while knowing fupa will see it on tumblr, that's just PAST pathetic.
No. 707875
>>707540This reminds me of the "laugh now, cry later" theater masks.
Next thread pic please.
No. 707877
File: 1539116640164.jpeg (190.75 KB, 750x657, B9E2304F-BA62-4F49-8E7A-B25A5E…)

She posted this on twitter
No. 707887
File: 1539117113301.jpg (123 KB, 594x870, fupa.jpg)

fupas blog, tinfoil away
No. 707890
File: 1539117137273.jpg (60.79 KB, 436x464, l.jpg)

lyrics to fupa's song
No. 707957
>>707931>>707937I think that’s the key, actually- I definitely trust that she has a big reach with sex workers and people who follow sex workers especially because of the controversy, but that doesn’t translate to average-workingclass-person reach (if that makes sense.)
Part of me is really rooting for her to get help, get a job and get better, and the other part has no patience for her dumbass obstinately bad decisions. She probably needs this horrible experience with fupa in order to learn, and that’s really sad.
No. 707959
>>707911>>707920just an fyi as a past hiring manager and current recruiter for a large company supporting multiple positions – you can and will be googled and hiring managers will draw whatever conclusions they want from what they find lol
just because they aren't "allowed" to discriminate because of something or other doesn't mean they won't do it quietly and just say you're unqualified or whatever
anyone that is a semi-competent job seeker in 2018 needs to scrub as much questionable stuff off the internet as possible tbh, it can only work against you in the future
No. 707984
File: 1539120848478.png (1.75 MB, 1091x1091, thedownwardspiral.png)

No. 707986
At the company I work at, all applicants are searched on every form of social media and anything remotely off will land an applicant in the no pile.
Realistically, there is nothing she offers in terms of skill that would make her more hirable than any other person, but many many things that would make an employer want to run away.
No. 707991
>>707983Not trying to say she shouldn't
Try to have a normal life but I can't see an employer being okay with what she's posted online if they were to find out. Getting so far into her "super hardcore kinky baby slut" act could potentially come back to bite her if she decided to give it up
No. 708002
>>707994It's really telling that we haven't really seen fupa replying to Shay about anything she's been posting? Even if he's talking to her irl it's still odd.. I've seen some couples on tumblr (Not porn blogs but still) and whenever one would post half as much as Shay does about being sad the other says
something online.
No. 708021
>>707512>Why does this bitch burp so much?Probs because she drinks way too much and is on the path to becoming a serious alcoholic.
>>707569>>707593Yeah, this stopped being funny a while back. She may be crusty and self-absorbed, but she isn't remotely a bad enough person to deserve being in a situation like this.
No. 708022
>>708016>>708019lmao you guys are legitimately on crack for this one
first off this outcome is not indicative of her personality whatsoever
second, when you're applying for a job you don't just "go by a new name" this isn't a 1950's mystery novel
No. 708033
>>708025>deed pollthis isn't the uk
>she has optionsshe's had options this whole time, she just purposefully chooses the most absolutely shitty ones
No. 708087
>>708067Agreeing with this. I doubt she ever filed for a change of address.
>>707877She needs love and attention.. so she got a sex site where her whole job there is to give other people attention and turn them on. Genius, Shay.
No. 708235
File: 1539131179492.jpg (71.02 KB, 921x1253, mattedmattel.jpg)

She looks so rough and her hair is a matted mess
No. 708259
>>707926>>707931She's been around on tumblr for almost a decade. Incessantly reblogging/promoting her own posts. Using the same account for the entirety, only changing usernames when she realized she burned and doxxed herself, but only after she released porn and cammed under her real name and already subjected her follower list full of children and minors to her nasty pedo bait porn. No, she isn't that well known in Tumblr in general. But you might have seen one of her posts if you were in the stoner community during a particular time on tumblr, or part of the kink(dd/lg community) when she started. Her post engagements have dwindled throughout the years, her follower count is mostly inactives, bots, etc. and engagements are at an all time low with Tumblr changing nsfw settings.
She started started out as a stoner blog for several years when they were very popular, that's how she got the majority of her followers. She had other friends/aquaintances from school/same area who had very active stoner blogs as well. The main ones were Jess, Colleen, and Marissa. So you would see them talk to one another on each of their blogs and reblog each other's content, take photos together, etc. Jess, an artist, is the one who got her into taking and posting more smoking pics and videos. The friendships ended, Shayna kept up with tumblr.
She's always reblogged her own posts, 1000x a day to the point she had sideblogs when she'd hit her post limit. As a stoner blog, she promoted her blog to minors and encouraged them to follow her and ask her for advice where she would tag it in her "advice column" (also got in a fight with her mom about how her advice could be harmful to those kids- links on old thread descriptions or
>>494432 ), as well as established herself as a scammer and liar by not shipping out prizes from her giveaways (
>>702051 ). She's always tried several ways of making money like making poorly made festival bras and attempting to sell them on etsy. Or just flat out beg her followers for wishlist items or for other stuff. The whole time, she'd also drum up a shit ton of drama with her illogical contradictory, hypocritical, and ill-informed rants on topics she has no idea about, and always airing her unwarranted opinions on other people's posts or drama. She got so
problematic, she was alienated within the community… (of a bunch of stoners, so you know its bad)
No. 708270
>>708259Same thing happened when she switched to the kink community. *Important note: she switched to sex work using the same account, while still having under-aged followers, and while using the same username, (shay-gnar, which is her real name). She didn't want to start her follower count over or go through all the work of establishing a new blog/username, so she decided to subject a bunch of children to her nudes and porn. The same children she promoted her blog to so she could give them "advice". And at the same time, made posts about "keeping kids out of kink", when she was the one endangering them.
While in the kink community, she basically did the same thing that made her a pariah in the stoner community, making ill informed, hypocritical, uneducated, posts and rants, scamming, lying, spitting out her unwarranted illogical opinion to the point any community she wanted to be a part of so bad, don't accept her.
She also made a post claiming that she didn't want to be nor was she part of the "dd/lg" community, etc.. but while at the same time still tagging her photos and content as dd/lg .
She's become a meme. It's kinda like a freak show and a really bad train wreck. Mostly because of the state of her breakouts on her vagina, yet she churns out so much content and still insists on making porn.
No. 708273
>>708235this is the saddest and loneliest I think I've ever seen her look. Shay change your life
>>708259wh did her friendship end with Jess? She's still friends with Colleen, but I never heard if something happened between Jess and her
No. 708283
>>708268She started changing her handles when her name were solified to the fact that she was a scammer, liar, bad customer reviews, boils on her pussy, giveaway scam, lying for money, not using the money she got for the reason said, etc..the list goes on and on… dumdolly, stupidbaby, dumbkitten, bambiedoll, now dollymattel.
No. 708327
File: 1539134697001.jpg (71.61 KB, 1075x1444, Jess.jpg)

>>708320In case anyone was curious
No. 708378
>>708320>>708327Are you blind?
Jess looks 100x better than Shay, and she never took selling her Snap seriously, I think she only opened it for he followers that kept asking.
No. 708382
File: 1539136171557.jpg (34.87 KB, 260x273, tip.jpg)

No. 708406
>>708403On cam she said that when she accidentally broke his chillum, he considered that “being even” since he broke her bong.
Sorry Fupa, you can get a chillum anywhere for under $10, you definitely can’t do that with a bong. So that’s an asshole move on his part, breaking something of hers and not even offering to get a new one.
No. 708407
>>708399in the stream she didn't say that he threw it, just that he broke it (along with her chillum i think)
>>708382i'm really worried for her but there are so many things she can do to get out of this
No. 708427
>>708407Didn't she say that she's been out of weed?
I kind of wonder if maybe she got in a fight with fupa about getting more since he's basically her ride anywhere and in return he broke both out of anger? He definitely seems like a dude with some repressed anger issues.
No. 708466
File: 1539140371990.png (15.12 KB, 275x500, CqIt36n.png)

>>708460she posted this 3 hours ago so i'm assuming she'll be on tonight
No. 708498
File: 1539142297011.png (3.55 MB, 1242x2208, 1AF185BE-0147-4A0D-B69B-C8F29D…)

>>708494It’s coming to get us all
No. 708540
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No. 708551
>>708545I seriously don't think Fupa gives a fuck about her content or cam streams. The only thing he prob thinks about is his image.
Must suck having to work all day bc you just got a house and then hit the gym bc you used to be obese, but then have to make her food and listen to her breakdown when he finally gets home. I get the whole dd/lg dynamic but Shayna's just plain lazy, selfish, and needy. He's gonna get so sick of her shit real soon, if he hasn't already.
No. 708559
File: 1539149203398.jpg (19.38 KB, 343x260, 3433.JPG)

She's live.
No. 708568
>>708551Aww, poor wittle Fupa. All he wanted was a mentally stable, 100% submissive live-in maid / sex toy that he could smack around with impunity and act out his child molestation fantasies with. Is that so much to ask for??
Fupa's a retard for believing Shay wouldn't be a wreck whose mental health issues would soon overwhelm her codependency-induced desperation to be his perfect little pet.
No. 708569
File: 1539149659807.jpg (20.77 KB, 405x302, food.JPG)

>>708565"Dada" brought her dinner.
No. 708572
>>708569"This is the first time he's cooked breakfast for me so I'm super happy."
She's so hyper and bubbly. Definitely confirmed for faking all this for Fupa's attention.
No. 708576
File: 1539150110475.jpg (22.91 KB, 405x305, 90.JPG)

Shay slapping along to a song like a drunk white trash aunt.
No. 708581
File: 1539150478947.jpg (392.45 KB, 1080x775, 20181009_224722.jpg)

Harley the orbiter in chat again
No. 708587
File: 1539150874100.jpg (21.25 KB, 399x296, 899.JPG)

Getting some transcription practice with this one and I'll keep track of tips for my own curiosity.
Current Tips: 10 / $0.50
>It's nice to be able to leave work. In Seattle I hung out in the same area that I did my work in so I felt like I never really left work and couldn't decompress. And like I have a laundry machine now. I had to pay and it was expensive! It was like $2.75 to run each one! Paying to do my laundry. Something about it was so degrading! I just couldn't do it.. it was too much.
>At my old place there were cop cars going by and people yelling at all hours and then my neighbor went all neighbor from hell on me before I moved. Like I was smoking outside and I coughed and she yelled at me to shut the fuck up and started banging on the walls.
>Why am I eating dinner so late? …no reason. Long day. My phone broke and I need it for work… and then we went to the store … well, what I'm trying to say is.. Well, I skyped with Harley and then.. what did I do after that? Took a shower.. then uh, man I'm blanking, I watched TV for a bit? I felt sick for a bit so I hung out in the shower for a half hour, 45 minutes. And then.. yeah I'm not doing a good job at remembering right now.
(forgetting your emo Tumblr posting, Shay? That's too much weed for you.)
No. 708595
File: 1539151589463.jpg (21.69 KB, 401x307, 900.JPG)

>>708587Current Tips: 44 / $2.22
(and she's already left the stream again as soon as someone tipped)
>Fun fact about me, one time I had surgery and the only thing I remember hours after that was asking my mom if I could eat a saltine and then waking up with the saltine still in my mouth.
>My life is fun! I'm eating breakfast for dinner. My boyfriend made me breakfast.
>I had to run down the stairs to get my Gatorade and I'm out of breath and I have a cramp. I just finished my Gatorade though so if I want to drink anything other than wine I have to go back down the stairs again.(and she's still slapping her thighs and belly to the music. She's like a damned seal or one of those old toothless men banging spoons.)
(She rubbed her hands all over her bare feet and then grabbed a piece of bacon and pulled it apart to eat then went right back to rubbing her bacon grease hands on her feet before going back downstairs for a drink)
No. 708599
>>708587Geez is she really in such a good mood now that fupa showed up and gave her some food? That’s some seriously disturbing codependency.
Also I’m wondering why she needed her phone for work, she accesses MFC on her laptop right?
No. 708603
File: 1539152162490.jpg (22.23 KB, 407x306, daaaad.JPG)

>>708595Current Tips: 74 / $3.70 (75% of her tips are from the same person, JustaSinger. She's yet to go past 10 users in her room.)
(she's off camera yelling "I love you!" to Fupa increasingly louder. Comes back on camera and can't open her drink)
>Daaaaaad! Come open this please! (Fupa comes up the stairs to open her drink. They banter about "Dad being the best" and him saying he's not coming back upstairs a third time if someone tips for water)
(Someone tips for wine so Shay drinks MORE wine after already being tipsy and high.)
(She burps loudly and then apologizes while Googling what Tim Tams are)
>How was my day? It was a day.. it was great. Now that I've had my breakfast.. and wine. (wipes her nose on her shoulder)
>Well no one's tipping me to get naked.. (puts on blanket, reads ask about her card) I didn't even check the mail! No. 708606
File: 1539152476740.jpg (22.1 KB, 396x299, dazedandconfused.JPG)

>>708599It's really shocking to see how she is now compared to the caps from earlier. Fupa takes her to the store and fixes her some eggs and bacon and suddenly it's all roses and sunshine in the Barbie Dream House again.
Also she just scratched her ass cheeks under the cover of the blanket thinking no one would notice.
>My next video is going to be a Harley Quinn video. I just need to order a few things.. and I also have a custom I need to do.(Someone asks about a custom with her riding a dildo)
>I uh.. don't know what that means. Like fucking myself with a dildo? …you could always order a custom. Like.. how would I do that? Trying to think.. No. 708610
>>708606Why is she acting like she doesn’t know what dildo riding is? I don’t understand why she has an attitude about this.. you are on damn MFC not Sunday school
Also pretty sure she just offended a previous customer by not remembering what she custom she did for him
No. 708615
File: 1539153073484.jpg (94.75 KB, 942x411, lol.JPG)

>>708603Current Tips: 74 / $3.70 (5 users in show, only 1 regular chatter and 1 semi-regular chatter)
Only one person is chatting and she's ignoring him because she doesn't know what a 'dingbat' is. They're even suggesting she play games with them and she's ignoring it.
She's also calling it quits because no one is tipping her to wear her blanket and slap her thighs to Led Zeppelin.
>I'm going to try coming back in the afternoon tomorrow. Tomorrow night I'll be back full show 10pm to 1am standard time? Central time? Center time? Yeah, that one. Buy my porn, follow me on twitter. No. 708617
File: 1539153255662.png (311.16 KB, 640x289, 74DEEC81-2D8F-4A5E-9A18-50172C…)

“Have some fun with us” yikes
No. 708628
>>708587"Nice to leave work"
You mean leave your house? WTF?! She works fro home.
It's fucking sad that she was a wreck all day, and Fupa makes food, and she's fine? She always does this whoah is me shit for attention. It happens every week or so. There's always some crisis, and most of the time she needs money to fix it.
No. 708667
>>708635I mean he only made her the food because he saw her tumblr posts and this thread talking about it…if she has forgiven him so quickly because of 1 kind thing amongst dozens of extremely questionable things…that's textbook abuse.
He loves me because he did xI don't think she's smart enough to be as manipulative as we're giving her credit for. Basically I think it is shitty/unsafe situation but she's dumb enough to be won over by a plate of food.
No. 708675
>>708668She's definitely manipulative. She basically shames, guilt trips, corners and manipulates him publicly to get something out of him. Also remember, when she complained a little, or acted sad, a couple weeks ago people went to Fupa freaking out asking why he wasn't taking care of her. He cares about his image, he even responded to it. She knows what she's doing
Don't let her break downs fool you, remember who it is. She does this shit like clockwork for amazon giftcards.
No. 708677
Also, about the breakfast, Fupa works full time, goes to the gym, etc. Had to fix her phone, and then when he should be resting, she makes him take care of the meals. And making him come up and down the stairs to give her shit, in front of her cam audience. She's always done shit like that.
Before with Connor, she even made a post how she made Connor get out of bed and draw her a bath even though he was the one who was super, super sick and needed to be in bed, but she had to broadcast it to her blog to make sure everyone knew, cuz she loves that shit.
She prides herself in it for some fucked up reason. She thinks that's an act of love from their part, when really it isn't anymore bc they've been forced and manipulated into it.
No. 708756
>>708690I hate to say it, because it is really shitty on Shay's part, but he asked for this. He went into this relationship with the expectation that he would be taking care of her fully on the table. She didn't manipulate him into thinking their partnership would be equal. If he's unhappy with this set up it's just as much on him as it is on her.
She's a selfish whiny cunt, but it's not like Fupa didn't know that and feed into it, that's the whole reason they're living together now after all.
No. 708882
File: 1539187734174.jpeg (320.07 KB, 1242x1212, E485A2A6-52CF-4701-A562-2AE620…)

don’t worry guys. she’s fine. it was all a fucking ploy to get money. i feel so stupid because i almost gave a shit. it was all for cash. she’ll never change. she’s cheap and manipulative and truly a piece of shit
No. 708890
>>708882see shit like this is why i never have any sympathy for her.
it's always one sob story after the next, but it's only ever to get something out of someone.
No. 708985
File: 1539192015661.jpeg (294.97 KB, 1242x804, F1739A4B-3762-4EE6-872E-00C6DF…)

Oh look her mental illness is all gone now thanks to money! What a relief! When she needs more it will conveniently pop back in so don’t worry.
No. 709013
>>708987just scroll up, some snapchat anon capped it.
how anons gonna say shit when there's constant posts of her nasty titties and vag, along with the goddamned blowjobs? i s2g this thread is crazy.
No. 709081
File: 1539199017540.jpeg (111.88 KB, 750x414, 7257D154-CA98-4E77-9074-F4C205…)

How is she gonna be Snow white? Is she gonna wear a shitty wig to cover up the blonde straw on her head
No. 709124
>>709086I wouldn’t put it past her tbh. She’s probably going to sexualize the fuck out of a very sweet and innocent character (who is 14, by the by) and make it disgusting just because it’s her.
Thanks for making me hate a classic Disney movie because of your putrid vagina, Shayna.
No. 709136
>>708882lol keep rotting away and getting fat in fupa's empty house shay, enjoy your 140$ on amazon i guess
protip: never feel bad for shay, it's all bullshit
No. 709161
File: 1539203702202.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.67 KB, 1125x758, d8c4971f-aefe-4f28-9832-11ee86…)

>>709092She's making a video