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No. 377370
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://www.fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.com (404)
http://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.orghttp://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.comhttps://www.genderidentitywatch.com https://www.transgenderreality.comhttps://www.theuntameableshrews.comhttps://womenarehuman.comhttps://www.womansplaceuk.orgBlogs
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended)
https://lilymaynard.wordpress.comhttps://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://www.4thwavenow.comhttp://www.gdworkinggroup.org Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Murphy Parker Woman's Place threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248>>>/ot/341517>>>/ot/351615>>>/ot/360163"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 377371
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No. 377388
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Quoting a recent post on r/GC: MRI studies from a few years ago that showed transwomen had feminised brains used TIMs who been insisting they were trans from a very young age. These are virtually all gay as adults. So those scans were of gay adults.
Other MRI work has shown gay males have feminised brains.
So in 2017, another study was done because it was realised that the older MRI studies were comparing GAY trans brains to hetero non-trans brains and was likely only picking up their homosexuality. It turns out the differences observed were almost entirely down to their homosexuality.
It also turns out the hetero TIM's weren't showing up as any different to a normal male. Which is probably why transbians register as totally unfeminine.
The paper and relevant snippets from it.
>After controlling for sexual orientation, the transgender groups showed sex-typical FA-values. The only exception was the right inferior fronto-occipital tract, connecting parietal and frontal brain areas that mediate own body perceptionBasically only one very small area was different between the gay TIMs and gay men. So if gay TIMs are women, so are all gay men. If anyone is interested in the one difference, I'll dig out what I've got.
>Thus, in contrast to the highly significant sex difference between heterosexual men and women, the homosexual groups differed barely from each other.
>Of the eight brain regions that distinguished male from female brains, the heterosexual transsexual sample differed from the male controls on none.This last quote: it means hetero TIM's do not have any feminised parts to their brains. Whatever is going on there is not a mismatch between prenatal gender hardwiring and body. This is considered to be good evidence for the autogynephilia theory of hetero TIMs.
I know someone has posted this here before but I don't think the importance of it as a trans debunker has really been appreciated.
So the next time someone posts something claiming to show TIMs have female brains point out that it didn't correct for sexual orientation, and its not true for hetero TIMs at all.
No. 377397
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>>377388You mean these ppl don't have female brains?
No. 377428
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Man receives genital surgery to become a futanari (NSFW WARNING!)
No. 377525
>>377428Why even bother getting reassignment surgery if you're gonna keep your dick? Like what is the actual point of the surgery? He can't even pretend this hole was to mimic a vagina, he literally just put a gaping wound in his dick for no reason at all.
>my vaginaWhy do they all believe the vagina is just a hole and that all they need is a hole to have a vagina? It's not the same. A vagina contracts, it stretches, it lengthens, it lubricates. I wish they'd stop equating a fairly complicated part of female anatomy to a hole.
No. 377528
>>377397>definitely arousedNotice how he never says "they told me they were aroused", he just decides for them.
>their nipples reactOkay? I won't lie, my nipples have been hard in a changing room. It's not because trying on clothes gets me off, it's because some changing rooms are chilly and I'm literally removing layers.
>>377380It's nice to see how many cities are listed as having groups.
No. 377577
>>377400I'm so annoyed how "SJW pandering", is used for anytime black people are represented IN ANYTHING! Like it's a crime for us to exist in any video game.
>>377413This is great, why are you angry about this? Who gives a shit that gay people or black people are getting represented even if it's forced, that's a good thing.
No. 377578
Didn't read the image, apparently it's a joke. Not really funny, I don't get why anyone would want video games to stay mainly white male dominated, it's nice to see other races and sexes.
No. 377592
>>377428Is it just me or does it always seem to be dudes with little dicks who wanna go trans?
Like Zinnia, Terra to name some lolcows. A friend of mine who's a TiM started dumping "sexy" selfies in a group chat once and his cock was like 2-3 inches. There's no evidence for this beyond the anecdotal, but it feels like a trend.
No. 377597
>>377400uh, how is this gender critical or relevant at all
sorry the game isn't a bunch of white faces with a couple token dark-skinned folks and sorry you feel threatened by people who look different from you i guess. this isn't trans criticism
No. 377639
>other sexesWhat other sexes?
>>377597Thank you. I reported it for derailing right after it was posted, but mods never seem to give a shit about this thread under the old Admin and the new.
No. 377775
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I didn't realise how many men are absolutely retarded tranny chasers. Homophobic to boot, because they won't admit they aren't straight if they bang a biological man. They don't even care about women's interests, they just want to give trannies privileges based on how bangable they are. Because once they are bangable they have all the value women have anyway to them. Men don't give a single fuck about our safety and rights.
And holy shit why are they so bad at clocking. I saw a whole pack of men drooling over pic related saying it is so beautiful and bangable and they would have never known it was a man if they weren't open about it.
No. 377777
>>377775Tbf, transwomen, especially the ones that pass easily look like women, so they are gonna attract heterosexual men. Gay men will see women and won't experience any sort of attraction, because they present as women not men.
>Once they are bangable they have all the value women have anyway to them.Yep.
No. 377835
>>377775anon, men posted about how they want to fuck bb-8 after it was "revealed" that bb-8 was female.
there were posts like "i thought it was just a ball but then when i read that it was a girl i wanted to fuck it so hard."
men are fucking cave creatures.
No. 377840
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A bisexual woman being kicked out of a LGBT athlete group for saying that women's sports should be for women and not men. How dare she oppress these poor troons by acknowledging biology?
>trans athletes and their right to access and compete in sport free from discrimination
Oh, like how women should be able to compete without being discriminated against men who have a clear biological advantage over them? If only there were some way to categorize sports so that athletes can compete in a physically fair and equal way.
I'm honestly disgusted that real women are being pushed to the wayside so that handmaidens can pat themselves on the back for feeding the fragile male ego. Aww poor wittle men aren't good enough to compete with other men? It's okay, give yourself a female name and cry dysphoria and you can play with the girls and dominate us all and take away our achievements! For fuck's sake.
No. 377915
has the channel 4 documentary series 'making of me' been discussed? ( It's being mostly praised for so pro trans in the media, but it is horrifying. One of the people on it brought hrt online because obvs they had no choice!! the nhs waiting list kills!!! "I hate taking it, but I have to." The professionals point out how dangerous it is buying drugs online, especially as the ones brought aren't even proscribed due to side effects. He doesn't end up getting legally prescribed hormones at that instance, and he acts like it is a death sentence. I can't believe the public are on board with this shit.
No. 377962
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I just realized how Rhys McKinnon speaks exactly like Onision. NPD is really a bitch, huh.
No. 377965
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Almost as though a huge part of women’s right focuses on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.. fucking troons man
No. 377970
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I was dicking around with a friend and told him he reminded me of the kid who made that "gingers have souls" video, and it made me curious as to what he was up to. fucking kek No. 377988
>>377985Samefag but he seems to have either snapped out of it or was trolling?
He has a beard now and looks masculine (twitter/yt is coppercab)
No. 378283
>>377965>natural biology is eugenicsWe'll just breeze past the fact that it is currently promoted in the media to sterilize trans people via SRS, thus reducing the chances of progeny, TR activism being in that regard, a movement of eugenics against trans people.
Nah, it's biology itself thats eugenic, he nailed it
No. 378303
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I'm so tired of this fucking world…
Link (but it's super long and only talks about the headline near the end) No. 378378
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Ever just want to fucking scream? Because shit like this makes me want to fucking scream. I don't want to act like the stereotype of women all being mumsy and nurturing is true but find me a SINGLE woman who would say something this repulsive and vile. This is a whole ass man speaking.
No. 378380
>>378378To me the best thing to do in these cases is to just remind them of who they are, something like "Typical man" or "Wow, that's really what a woman would say! /s", or some joke about scientists from the future discovering his skeleton and instantly clocking him as male.
Remind them that they're men, it's what hurts them most.
No. 378383
>>378380My favorite is saying "Wow, you have such a male energy!"
I say it in an innocent way, like I'm just making a neutral remark and not intending to be hurtful. It cuts them so deep it's hilarious.
No. 378443
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No. 378447
>>378443>"only two genders: male and female" signed as the most transphobic thing to sayI'm confused, what would it have to be with trans people? A TIM identifies as female and a TIF identifies as male. What other genders are there?
Unless they included enbies, that is. In that case it still wouldn't make sense, because enbies aren't trans? So how would it be
No. 378458
>>378443somewhere between overt and subconcious
transphobia apparently
No. 378468
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>>378462For ref, the racism scale.
No. 378475
Some TRA made this extension, that's supposed to highlight
transphobia on the internet for the other weaklings who downloaded it. attention to their "Not enough to mark as trans-friendly" examples:
>We must all stand against homophobia and transphobia, and support gay, lesbian, bi and trans people.This post is apparently not "trans-friendly" enough because, as they explain below:
>Condemning "homophobia and transphobia", supporting "LGBT": Many people just really think of "gays and lesbians" when they say "LGBT", and they can still be biphobic or transphobic. Don't tag as t-friendly unless a post is specifically talking about trans people. No. 378476
>>378443>I will put my safety, health, and freedom on the line for trans people. Uh… This is motherfucking cult mentality right there.
>>378468>fantasizing about killing a black person for being black is literally the same as saying that there are only two genders and that there is something psychologically wrong with trans peopleYou know I was just thinking about how campaigning against racism used to be the woke thing before trannies took over and even THAT phase didn't go this overboard. I guess the moment 30-year old white males were able to enter the game and take the lead they took their movement further than anyone had ever done. Because they're able to do so. Because they're white, middle to upper class males in their 30's.
No. 378478
>>378380"typical male response" gets them. They loathe being reminded they're not in 'the club' and how can they after theyre so vile towards women and losing kids. They want their cake and eat it too
This reminds me of that Dr who believes tims deserve wombs and wants womb implants in the UK. And the comments from that article basically was a collective
>fuck off not through nhs>this is insane>no No. 378676
I'm actual mad right now so I need to rant a bit here.
In the stream chat of one of my favorite streamers (who I'm subscribed to) just a bit ago, the following happened:
Person 1 asks "Can't you be jailed for misgendering someone in Canada?" (out of nowhere but streamer just moved to Canada)
Person 2: "It's MA'AM!"
A tranny (I didn't know this at the time) comes out of silence and proceeds to flip out saying there's transphobia in the chat. I said there wasn't and the guy was just quoting a viral meme video. People seem to agree a bit. Streamer doesn't know the video but understands the kind of video it is, as I repeatedly explain, it's a typical public freakout video. Streamer asks - increasingly - that the argument get dropped, because tranny keeps repeating himself aggressively. Tranny then generalizes chat as "literal human garbage" and then says the video is "alt-right". Wtfff. This is all in the midst of the tranny repeatedly saying "I'm done" and even lashing out at me when I said I had faith we could all be nice together again (he said something about transphobia, mocking me).
To be clear, the only controversial things I did were to say "it's not that bad" or something regarding the video, explain the video being viral/meme and just a freakout video, and said I didn't see any transphobia (which people agreed with).
Anyway streamer abruptly ends his stream after only being on for like 30 minutes because of all this. Tranny had to be timed out right beforehand because he wouldn't stop.
Then in streamer's discord, everyone is discussing this, and apparently the tranny did in fact have an issue with me specifically but everyone else agreed with what I was saying (except one other possible tranny or handmaiden that came in toward the end and spouted that bullshit "when a trans person who has experienced transphobia tells you something is transphobic, listen to them".) Anyway tranny proceeded to harass me again for trying to end things with a "we can all be nice and happy" again sort of statement, as well as my objection to being called "literal human garbage" as I said that's the ONLY time I've felt uncomfortable at the stream. This is what he thought was totally acceptable to respond with:
"I'm glad I could give you such a visceral experience, Probably the most you've felt in years"
I laughed of course and people continued to call tranny immature and hateful (since he was also saying "I hate you all").
Eventually the tranny stopped talking and went to mobile maybe idk.
While I was typing this people started posting (after silence) about unsubscribing lmao.
This started people asking what the drama was again, and the streamer shrugging off people being mad about him trying to control his chat, and then the tranny comes back !! suddenly !! and is like "Imagine still talking about this in general chat" as if it wasn't his friends that started shit right back up when everything was calm again.
Oh and all this is considering that this streamer plays often with 2 well known "trans women" on his team. This is common knowledge and everyone has been respectful even though their voices are 1000% male.
This is just such a fucking joke and I weep for logic becoming what is truly oppressed. So much hypocrisy in how these troons stir up drama and hate, and expect super special treatment of never being held accountable for their own behavior (calling people garbage, public freakouts, and obviously much more sinister things). I've been peak trans but now I'm peaked twice over.
No. 378753
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>>378748Dropped pic. Couldn't screencap the whole page, but it was really mostly trannies.
Lesbian dating online in 2019. Lol at "Kendall"
No. 378767
>>378753This is horrifying, holy shit.
I want to find a girlfriend (or simply a friend even) and was thinking of trying OKCupid (never used it) but this horrifies me.
No. 378780
>>378767Trannies have taken over every dating site/app, it's probably time to go back to basics and hang out at lesbian bars like it used to be in the beginning.
"1% of the world population" my ass, in the last 5 years the number must have increased by 200% at least. They're definitely more than the lesbian population.
No. 378789
>>378780I'm 31 (look/sound early 20s though) and feel like the bar scene isn't for me… very introverted. :[ But yeah I'll look around for various options in my area.
Over a year ago i tried the "HER" app and it was like half troons - probably worse now. The sad thing is they allow this in their gender selection lol. So trans men aren't allowed actually… not that I'd want to date one either.
(I did meet one girl up for coffee but it was kind of a disaster of no chemistry/disinterest and we never met up again.)
>>378786Yeah, about the same level as the truly meme incel pics. Average incel being better looking is a fact I'm sure of. The psychology is probably just as rotten inside. Lots of troons are basically incels anyway.
No. 378804
>>378796From what I've been able to see they're not very likely to be in lesbian bars. They're mostly basement dwellers with no friends, walking into a crowded bar and letting people see them in their 6'3 ma'amness, without all the instagram filters and facetune would be too much for them.
At least in my area, at the local lesbian bar I've only ever seen 3 TIMs. It would be better if there were 0, but at least it's not flooded with trannies unlike dating apps.
No. 378819
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This one ma’am keeps posting their lewks to a makeup group I’m in and holy shit. No one points out how bad it is or makes fun of it, just comment upon comment with shit like “uwu ur a beautiful stunning gal”. If a real woman posted this shit she’d get ripped a new one.
No. 378831
>>378825i'm sure, anon. it makes me peak trans all over again whenever i think about it.
people have actually gotten in trouble for crossplaying at the con i went to. if he was crossplaying, he wouldn't have been running the panel at all.
the funny part to me was that he was telling people not to swear because there were children there and yet he was flashing his balls to people whenever he moved his legs.
the whole con was a nightmare. a lot of people were selling pronoun pins and those stupid hearts with flags in them.
the thing that really pissed me off was that i wanted a lesbian one because i had a little bit of cash left over, and they didn't have one at any of the tables. too much demand for genderspecial flags from troons i guess.
No. 378842
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Not related to TIMs or TIFs, but wtf? The only thing that consoles me is thinking that surely, this is as far as the gender ridiculousness can possibly go, right? (Had to delete and repost because dropped pic, oops.)
No. 378844
>>378842That's been around for a while. Saw it on a list of sexualities at a group I went to.
There's also "gynesexual" and "androsexual." It's essentially lesbian and gay but "not
Gynesexual is defined as "a sexual attraction to breasts, vaginas and femininity. But the person who has those features does not necessarily need to be a female. Gynesexuals are typically attracted to clean shaven, feminine men or overtly feminine females."
I feel bad for all the lesbians and gay men that fall into the trappings of this shit to avoid being
No. 378869
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Some troon i have on FB that i keep for the lolz posted this
No. 378881
>>378863Same. Especially since they'll never date each other because, deep down, they see trans women as men too.
>>378869Surely if they identify as a woman then they could argue that this sign includes them? Seems to me like they idenity more with the men mentioned.
No. 378884
>>378879As a small bit of information, no one self identifies as a TERF. It's a term used to shut up anyone who questions trans rhetoric, even if they're not a radfem.
As for the rest of those messages, they all sound like the kind of stuff that should've been left behind in HS. "some people are X get over it" is hilariously childish.
No. 378912
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Sorry to post about a rando but this agp pisses me off, a tumblr that I like sucks up to him because she's ~woke~. He's a transbian and won't shut up about his pussy, I know these are joke-ish posts but they're still so gross. He's said creepier things in the past but I don't feel like digging through his whole tumblr.
No. 378933
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>>378912What a disgusting pig.
No. 378953
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in a reply to a thread about women ranting about their debilitating periods, these freaks cannot resist making it about them
1/2 here's the tweet thread
No. 379076
I love it when the TIFs on Ask Transgender try to talk about how TIMs have male privilege without being accused of TERFery. TIM at the bottom ranting about how acknowledging sex-based oppression is real makes you an evil TERF.
No. 379090
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>>379076so close to the realisation and yet so far..
No. 379095
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>>379090doublepost, but I think I found the scrot
>>379076 mentioned, at least he is downwoted in his own hugbox kek
No. 379138
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>>379098>>379127honestly every single one of his replies is painful but seeing the downvotes does make me happy!
No. 379143
>>379138>I specifically said that its fine to point out sexism […] unique to their anatomy. But pointing out that its unique […] is problematic."It's fine to X, but to X is
problematic!" lmao
>Discuss it all you want […] BUT pointing out the uniqueness over and over again […] is needlessly provoking people's dysphoriaWhy do these men want to expierence reproductive oppression so bad. Be happy your bodies aren't policed the way ours and TIF's bodies are.
No. 379144
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>>378863That's exactly what's happening, at least on Okcupid… there aren't almost any lesbian/bi women anymore, and the bi women on there are usually just looking for a third. No way their boyfriends are going to accept a tranny lmao
>>378753Whenever you hear a tranny saying stuff like
>Brace yourselves, cis women, we're going to replace you!or
>Cis women are soo jealous of us xdjust remember this picture.
All these troons one after another, there isn't even ONE woman inbetween… holy shit. And they're all so damn ugly. It's like that old 4chan meme rating men from 1/10 to 10/10, all these blokes would be solid 2/10s. Literally deformed.
No. 379178
>>379144I like how the 9/10 and 10/10 part of that chart are essentially men who do what women are "supposed to." Y'know, stuff like shaving, bleaching, wearing makeup, wearing "fragrance products" (lol)
Like, under that logic all troons would be 9/10 and 10/10 if they had a decent face beforehand, but we can see that that's obviously not true.
No. 379228
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People are resigning from England's Tavistock Clinic, which is where they send kids to get blockers and hormones. An independent report looked into the clinic and discovered that clinicians are literally not allowed to say no to children or their parents requesting to transition in any way, even if it's blatantly obvious the kid isn't trans.
They've confirmed what us evil terves have said all along, that trans is just rebranded conversion therapy.
It's being reported on by The Times, The Guardian and now the BBC.
No. 379231
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>>379170It really is a gold mine of cringe. I feel like the men who act like this, if they hadn't become trans, would make fun of these types of girls they emulate…
No. 379263
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these threads are why i secretly support eugenics, we can't let these things reproduce or influence any more young children into this cult
No. 379322
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>>379231I'm gonna have nightmares tonight
No. 379597
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spotted in a group about calling out misogyny.
Imagine dumping a friend because they said that females menstruate
No. 379607
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I hit peak trans everytime I log onto Facebook
No. 379608
Still on the bright side at least they're harassing straight women for once, instead of their favorite target: lesbians.
No. 379614
>>379607Did the word "mouthfeel" become a meme among troons or something? I've been reading it a lot lately. What the fuck does it mean "mouthfeel"?
Anyway, the only good "girldick" is the one you can buy and wear as a woman. Sorry troons
No. 379645
>>379630Voice, hands and height. Those are the three things they just can't change.
Voice can be changed either by being on hormones VERY young like Jazz Jennings or by insanely dangerous surgery, but that's not realistic for most troons. And there's absolutely nothing they can do about hands or height.
No. 379656
Trans man burns down his own home, while his pet dogs and pet cats are still inside, then claims it was a hate crime committed against him:, and because he also identifies as gay it's just being reported as a gay man doing it in every headline. You have to read the article to discover it's a troon.
No. 379663
>>379639Very weird to hear that from transbians, it's almost as if they're aroused by their own dicks.
>>379645Voice, hands, height, body, face…
No. 379759
>>379742He's friends with sh0eonhead and her creepy boyfriend.
sh0eonhead regularly befriends troons, probably because standing next to them makes her feel like the smol dainty uwu girl she wishes she was. But she's viciously racist and misogynist, troons are just willing to overlook that since she's pro-trans. Her boyfriend is even worse.
No. 379782
>>379753This whole fucking scenario.
>My mom called me gay for going out with Jazz and I'M NOT GAY!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEWhat the fuck. The whole transgender movement is so strongly based on homophobia they don't even have to be subtle about it.
>>379759I wouldn't say June is alt-right because she's just a garbage fence sitter that hops on any popular bandwagon that passes by and has no actual beliefs other than passive aggressive hatred towards other females. However she's replaced her previous blatant alt-right misogyny with the more socially accepted "trans women look better than most cis women" narrative and claims that the infamous "happy women's day" image was ~done in the past when she was a young (25yo) cringy gamergater teehee~.
No. 379856
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>>379607>mouth feel Trasbians are so fucking mentally gross.
No. 379943 BBC have a new doc up called Trans Kids: Why Medicine Matters.
More young people than ever are exploring their gender identity. Last year, two and a half thousand under-eighteens were referred to NHS England's gender identity clinics for support. Some are hoping to get access to potentially irreversible treatments as soon as they can. Doctors are divided about the best way to help.
Dr Faye Kirkland investigates how much we understand about the care being offered to transgender children.
No. 379948
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tfw a stranger didn't know your gender
No. 379976
File: 1551223052051.jpeg (258.48 KB, 1435x1499, 280C9146-D88A-44CE-B9D6-B86032…)

i can barely go on Facebook anymore. Due to graduating from an arts high school 90% of the time my timeline has shit like this on it.
HAHAHAHA do you mean wound
No. 380014
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>>380004He still refers to himself as "he" so maybe he's a Miranda Yardley?
No. 380015
File: 1551227187061.jpg (64.01 KB, 800x1000, ln5kWjqxQwF8mFKlFTkI.jpg)

>>379976I live near here, got a news notification about this actually. It's going to be on the local news tonight ugh. The article said that he has literally never been assaulted but they use his ~dead name~ and it
triggers him to the point of fearing for his life lmfao. The most disturbing part? He's a licensed clinical social worker, meaning he's allowed to provide mental health counseling (and did so prior to going to prison apparently).
Also, imagine choosing the fucking name Kanautica yourself.
No. 380026
>>379732It's just ignorant, well-meaning people blindly accepting what others say, anon.
TRAs have been working tirelessly to curate their image and sweep all the fetishistic/dangerous elements of their identity under the rug.
No. 380033
File: 1551228616693.png (159.89 KB, 621x842, Screenshot_2019-02-26-17-42-52…)

A british rapper named Zuby made this post on twitter today. The tweet thread is pretty great, he's replying to folks calling him "bigoted" with their own logic about gender. No. 380037
File: 1551228777161.png (35.6 KB, 616x247, Screenshot_2019-02-26-17-45-22…)

>>380033absolutely stunning
No. 380040
File: 1551228909627.jpeg (157.94 KB, 1242x341, 82D5CA10-B7EA-4B9A-A19E-26DCCC…)

>>380033I can’t even tell if they’re joking because I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re so brain dead as a TRA that they’re not.
No. 380048
>>380045Understandably, but often talking to people unanonymously they sort of… hold back. I want advice from the kind of people who will tell me its all bullshit for this, this, and this reason.
Would have posted in /g/ or something but I didn't think gendercrit stuff had any place there.
No. 380210
>>380014he was referencing himself in the past before he accepted that he was a tranny or whatever, so he referred to himself as a he. he's 100% a tranny and considers himself a tranny and is a TRA.
>>380004remember all that handwringing he did about being GNC and just being a transvestite etc etc for literally like 20 years? now that it's cool and acceptable and now that transvestism is seen as a symptom of transgenderism, this literally always happens with transvestites or crossdressers, or any gnc guys.
No. 380353
File: 1551293064808.png (3.95 MB, 1235x1953, LM surely you jest.png)

They're beyond parody at this point.
No. 380369
File: 1551295975281.jpg (18.27 KB, 655x369, FB_IMG_1551295767570.jpg)

Sure Jan
No. 380372
File: 1551296387636.jpg (26.04 KB, 628x546, FB_IMG_1551296392231.jpg)

> implying troons pass
No. 380374
>>380369i've seen plenty of cis women be called sir or dude. usually they don't even bother to react. when they do they just go "haha, actually i'm a woman."
they don't start reeing and punching people like some people do.
No. 380375
>>380372So I saw a funny story once about a gay man who mistook a butch lesbian for a cute twink. And SHE mistook HIM for another butch lesbian. And they were flirting and then realized their mistake and laughed it off and went their separate ways.
Except by troon logic, they're actually bisexual, because they were attracted to someone of another gender. Never mind the fact that the attraction died the moment they found out the truth.
No. 380387
>>380372It's really rare for a TIM to just remotely pass irl, most can't even pass in facetuned pictures.
And strangely enough, the most passable ones are ALWAYS gay men, never straight dudes aka transbians.
Transbians tend to be the ugliest, most obvious unfortunate ones of the bunch. The issue is nonexistent.
No. 380420
File: 1551301840273.png (245.42 KB, 481x344, it's a man baby.png)

>>380389Expectations: *insert one of the selfies they post on instagram with filters, facetune and careful angles
No. 380529
>>380389They make Jaclyn look so good here lmao
Eden’s voice just sounds…wrong to me? Like painful almost? Idk
No. 380572
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This dude is fucking insane. Why does anyone listen to this 19 year old moron
No. 381373
File: 1551351488353.png (229.77 KB, 456x810, tumblr_inline_o82w662hVL1sjp8w…)

Shit like this makes me hope the drop the t campaign is a success.
No. 381396
>>381373they make everything feel so degenerate and seedy, even innocent, nice things. is there anything about womanhood they won't fetishize and jizz all over? fucking nasty.
the fact that even an art piece depicting something female is considered
transphobic to them is absolutely laughable. if they had it their way, we'd be nonexistent. the bitterness is outstanding.
No. 381415
>>381373Why do they always sound aroused by their own dicks? They're supposed to have dysphoria and want to be a woman, yet they just slap on a dress and high heels and then go in fetishistic details about their "hot loads" and "big cocks". Weirdos
>>381380Transmisogyny is the biggest bullshit 1st world problem the tranny crowd has ever been able to produce. Appropriating the term "misogyny" is super shitty, and nobody outside of the SJW crowd sees TIMs as women. If you're not a woman, and your "haters" don't see you as a woman, how could they be misogynists?
No. 381432
>When a transgender athlete claimed there was no scientific evidence of a competitive advantage as a powerlifter competing against biological women, @AbigailShrier hit back with facts. at this tranny and his smug, condescending smirk as he says that "There's no scientific evidence to back up that a male born body is stronger". Then, as the woman explains her argument and says "women" to refer to biological women, he interrupts her to say "cis women".
I'm thankful for these delusional troons though, they're helping the general public hit peak trans.
No. 381439,amp.htmlI don't really have any words for this.
>When she asked him what his mother in Philadelphia has said about her, Steward responded that “she would say ‘he’ and ‘that’s a man’ because he was born a man.”
>Jazz, 18, responded, “So she misgendered me,” referring to when someone is called by the incorrect pronoun. “So she just sees me as a guy,’’ she said.
>In his confessional to viewers, Steward added that “the most hurtful thing my mom said was that Jazz was still a man and that I would be gay for being in a relationship with Jazz.”
>He elaborated, “I lost it because I’m not gay. I’m not attracted to men and Jazz is a female so it just didn’t make sense to me.”To be fair, I don't think this kid is gay for being attracted to Jazz. I just think he's drank too much TRA juice and thinks that neovag is the same as a real woman.
No. 381446
>>381435His whole identity is wrapped up in a consumeristic fetish. It's honestly unreal to me at this point.
Take away all of his clothes, metal piercings, makeup, and who is he?
No. 381447
File: 1551370645978.png (434.56 KB, 720x404, 1551283323934.png)

>>381439I honestly think that Amir kid is trying to leech off her, he said in a clip that he might get kicked out for being with her - he seems to be angling for staying with her family. Because of this Jazz seems to want to move out (asking her sister to move in together with her sister's savings lol).
He must be getting money for appearing from TLC too.
No. 381456
>>3814355 minutes in, he talks about how he's realized he has problems with disassociation? wtf dude that's a major transition red flag
a tif at my work the other day talked about they disassociated all weekend and i wanted to scream
how can they not see that they're treating this gender transition as a way to bolster how they can disassociate? how has no therapist pointed this out to them??
No. 381460
File: 1551372811951.jpg (29.93 KB, 584x210, IMG_20190228_173959.jpg)

>tfw cwc read my lesbian experience…. and you know he only enjoyed it cause he thought it's about him cause he is a ~lonely lesbian soul in a male body~ who lost virginity to a prostitute
Also he could not stop shilling his crap for a moment. Typical male.
No. 381464
>>378228holy fucking shit men are so entitled to letting literally everyone not only listen to what their sexuality and desires are but have them constantly accept it without their own personal boundaries. his mother is absolutely fucking ridiculous and what teenage girl has ever had a stay in boyfriend before, trans is literally just a way for a man to put on a dress because he's turned on by it and stop his feet and demand privilege because that's all they think women do.
has anyone ever had any success interacting with a woman brainwashed by this and got her to be more critical, or to stop criticizing you for protecting women spaces? i'd love to know productive ways to approach this
No. 381465
>>381435This reminds me. Nyx has a friend (another reviewer) who's a bisexual male that got called a TERF for arguing with him. Tumblr absolutely dogpiled on the fucker.
Just for arguing with a troon that he was "friends" with, he became a radical feminist. Who knew that's all you had to do.
No. 381482
>>379976Yet he thinks that trans males should be housed with hundreds of women who all have vaginas
>>380389Dear Blaire is looking particularly manly in this video
No. 381495
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>>381482he looks like he models himself on inflatable sex dolls.
No. 381534
>>381525Speaking seriously, it was quite a surprise for a good chunk of this board to know Blaire was a man, including onision.
Why picking on Blaire when she doesn't call herself genuine woman, she points out that she is in fact a tranny and will never be a true woman, she made videos about her manly features that.
(white knighting) No. 381548
>>381456I’ve met a legally transitioned TIM who straight up claimed to have multiple personality disorder. You’d think that would make mental health professionals pause and consider that maybe this is somehow related to his claims to be a woman and would require further analysis, but apparently not.
>>381529I wonder if high profile GNC people who deny being trans are hounded by the trans lobby, and if ‘coming out’ as trans is simply the path of least resistance. Men who simply like dresses and don’t think that makes them women don’t fit in the TRA worldview. They can’t even abide historical women who crossdressed to escape oppressive gender roles, and insist they must all have been trans too.
>>381534Nah, he’s a vapid misogynistic asshole. Farmers cheered him on because he took on Onision but they did the same thing with JoyBS initially. It doesn’t take much to look good in comparison with Grease.
No. 381557
>>379753everyone's reaction is like "can we change her views on trans" instead of…being shocked at the fact that Amir's mother would be throwing him out for being gay. This is a homophobia prolem not a "
transphobia" problem.
>>380572nothing innate about sexuality ? excuse me what?
No. 381578
File: 1551390404371.jpg (43.29 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1551390304644.jpg)

I hit peak trans again
No. 381586
File: 1551391202217.jpg (116.68 KB, 830x499, lol.jpg)

Yes it's a real vagina. Bits of it die and fall off, just like real vaginas do!
No. 381590
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>>381589 this is what he looks like jfc
No. 381592
File: 1551391543371.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.86 KB, 960x720, jk3o9ed98v521.jpg)

>>381586 it's not as bad as i thought it would be, but still tragic
No. 381637
>>379607>dump you p.o.s. abusive boyfriend and get an unhinged fetishist!No thanks. I will pass.
>smoother, softerAlso, erectile dysfunction isn't attractive.
No. 381642
>>381578Didn't an anon post a study here recently saying that transition doesnt reduce depression or suicide? Clearly "proper emotional function" isn't a result of the procedure.
Also the concern with hormones isn't addiction, it's the side effects. Doctors discourage menopausal cis women from taking HRT for more than a few years because of its link with breast cancer- imagine the side effects someone taking it for their whole lives could experience.
No. 381643
>>381590He's got the trademark tranny receding hairline lmao.
At least his obesity helps him look more androgynous.
No. 381648
File: 1551401379411.jpeg (6.39 KB, 225x225, 1551389028294.jpeg)

someone posted this on /m/ and it made me rage.
No. 381650
>>381648jesus christ
do they have no self-awareness?
No. 381807
File: 1551441924456.png (519.94 KB, 579x513, 9IvGULL.png)

>>381435I used to like Nyx, but I started getting a weird vibe as his style shifted, and then unsubscribed when I found out he was a troon.
I can't take him seriously for a moment when he posts shit about being a "gay girl" and then dating a TiF (or enbie idfk) named "Elliot" whose real name is Emily and probably hooked him on this trans koolaid, based on his abrupt channel style change. His name is Mason but now he goes by May.
It's pretty sad I knew it was a NyxFears video before even starting it or it having a discernible thumbnail, simply from your description and the title of the video.
Also his Twitter is a riot and he cries about being misgendered. related is an example and also where I got the "gay girl" comment I cited.
>>381458Same, that's why he pisses me off a lot now (plus his old video style with the skeleton was way better).
>>381590I wish this photo didn't make me think of John Goodman.
No. 381820
>>381807Scrolled through his Twitter, saw several e-begging posts and some stuff I thought belonged here.
This whole thread is funny:>So when I tell my cis coworkers that I desperately need to leave and that this is killing me, they call me unprofessional and tell me that if I cared about them, I'd just deal with it like everyone else. So I stand here, dead inside instead of going home and feeling safe.>I wanna start a black metal project about my own chaotic feminity.>I must resist the temptation to send 'hey cutie' to my ex boss who was super transphobic but also very hot>I kissed a girl and I liked it>Shout out to the girl I kissed @Ryuldah
>Before you ask>1) chapstick was tops>2) our boyfriends didn't mind itFrom that same thread:
>But neat that you think I (a woman) am smart.>Just got my gender marker and name change letter from my doctor. It's real y'all.There's another troon in the replies that I'm pretty sure was in these threads before, too. Sloth furry.>So yeah, I'm native american, and not like…a little bit, but like…this has been my whole life and my family has spent most of it trying to make me more white. And until now I haven't really embraced myself in that way.>Growing up I was often bullied for having olive colored skin. Honestly I never understood why that was something I was attacked for and you can't much see it in pictures because I heavily edit my photos. I also wear makeup shades lighter than my skin to cover it up. No. 381830
File: 1551447799884.jpg (138.66 KB, 900x1200, Dw6ugzkXcAAyxA3.jpg)

>Trans/Sex: Masturbation is tough for trans women. I know first-hand he wants is multiple orgasms! But it's not a fetish you guys! How dare cis women exist, every time we come we're oppressing these poor trans women uwu
No. 381835
>>381830I am so fucking sick of how troons talk about muh feminine full-body orgasms.
There's nothing gendered about an orgasm that you seem to feel throughout your body. Some women get them. Some men get them. Some women don't, some men don't. Stop thinking porn is an accurate depiction of real life women, it's fucking annoying.
No. 381839
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>>381812>>381815Posting it because I know not everyone will click through and the comparison is golden.
No. 381919
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Related to lolita community, but figure it fits here. Saw this post on Rufflechat, a lolita FB group. I got curious bc of course this person would have a Haruhi icon. I figured at first they were a TIF but….
No. 381920
File: 1551461390953.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1240, 0274EFCE-9FAC-4314-9196-6375EF…)

>>381919It was a TIM. And of course he looks like this.
No. 381925
File: 1551462505711.jpg (54 KB, 638x638, FB_IMG_1551462396405.jpg)

>>381920 some troons in the comments
No. 381926
File: 1551462548470.jpg (44.25 KB, 720x722, FB_IMG_1551462354728.jpg)

>>381925 what's the difference between a sissie and a troon? Nothing.
No. 381929
>>381928 He said: “I thought being a trans man would solve all of my issues and inner battles with finding out who I was, but I wasn’t as happy as I expected to be."
what a shock
No. 381951
>>381919I don’t even want to look at the thread. It’s full of comments going
>omg yass kween of course and fuck any stupid bitch who doesn’t unconditionally accept you!!isn’t it? Maybe with some references to Mana thrown in for good measure even though he’s not even trans.
No. 382061
>>381856Was this anon banned for this comment alone? Because I think they were just making a joke about the etmyology of the word hysteria rather than being a robot.
>>381940I will never understand why they wear corsets but never actually lace them up tight enough to get anything CLOSE to a feminine shape. If you're not willing to go through that and you don't have the shape naturally, just don't wear one. All it does it emphasize their masculline waists.
No. 382090
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Their false equivalencies to civil rights make my blood boil
No. 382107
>>382090They are really shooting themselves in the foot by constantly using black (and intersex, and gay) people to misrepresent the reality of the situation.
Yes, it literally is about the bathrooms and how men invading private, isolated spaces are a proven physical danger to women.
No. 382120
>>381830>My clit It's a fucking penis. You can't call it a "girldick" and a "clitoris" simultaneously. Jesus christ.
>>381833I can't stop laughing at this post
No. 382391
File: 1551534300761.png (858.5 KB, 640x783, 78A236FA-38C0-464A-82F8-6A6CA0…)

Disgusting pervert
No. 382396
>>382122Unfortunately they're dragging LGB down with them. Most people just think T is some sort of special LGB thing, they don't see it as its own thing. This has worked for troons in the past, they've hitched their wagon to LGB and people have assumed they should just support T because they're not homophobes after all.
But now people are judging LGB for the actions of T. T is going to push back public acceptance of LGB, and possibly even rights.
No. 382400
File: 1551536365445.jpg (66.09 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1551536322338.jpg)

A penis made out of rolled up forearm is totes better!!
No. 382402
File: 1551536769210.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.44 KB, 621x643, 1-s2.0-S0022534717772485-gr1.j…)

>>382400seriously. this should be so fucking illegal.
No. 382427
File: 1551540558121.jpeg (21.87 KB, 750x120, A0F48633-C11B-48F8-B459-A3E1FB…)

>>381425 this made me sick to my stomach and ofc these little man babies have a “no judgement!!! no meanies!!!” policy right at the top of the sub page
kek men are such fucking losers and this man especially is a loser
imagine being such a desperate pathetic waste of oxygen that you take advantage of a HOMELESS WOMAN because you want to get your dick sucked
who was it that said “when you see a starving woman, your first instinct should be to put food in her mouth, not your cock” or smthn like that????? why are men such degenerates? shit like this makes me lean towards the biological aspect of male degeneracy, because entitlement like this has to be inborn.
No. 382453
>>382423I recently went to 4chan (after a few years) specifically to check /mu/ and /tv/ both were terrible, except I noticed the Jazz thread. Honestly, I've been reading /jazz/ general the past few days - and from what I remember of 4chan it's still retarded but the actual trans discussion is actually clear-minded and sensible.I ncluding women's rights a lot of times –I feel there is a lot of radfem ideology there and they don't realise it? Like there is concern for women's rights and almost no-one agrees with trans (although that's not really surprising). I've seen discussion women in sports, the protection of fake women, neovaginas and toilets etc all being discussed.
Obviously still incels, ariposting and shitposting is normal but discussion itself is really interesting I especially like that it's a very active thread.
I was really surprised and glad I found it - reading it is my secret pleasure.
No. 382476
>>382427Men are disgusting. When you look at stories of genuine charities and people helping each other for the greater good, it's always women in charge.
Men think with their dick, but even worse, society tells them it's okay to be that way. No one stops men from being sex obsessed and this is the result. they see a women who needs a helping hand and all they can think of is 'can i get her to fuck me in exchange for money?'
fuck men. i hate them so much
No. 382477
File: 1551547980037.gif (245.02 KB, 240x178, RemarkableAccurateEasteuropean…)

>>382402That's fucking vile, holy god. Just looking at that made my thighs itchy.
Why. Why would someone want this. What madman would perform this. Why.
No. 382511
>>382493I don't like confrontations and don't want to be witch-hunted so I just use the name and pronouns I'm asked to use and distance myself gradually. If I slip up I say "She…sorry, he" and don't linger on it or start apologizing or sucking up like I did something wrong. They're the ones who look crazy if they object after I calmly "corrected" myself anyway.
Then I just give them the slow fade. Slow enough that they can't accuse me of doing it because they trooned out.
No. 382533
>>382402This is horrific. I knew the surgery but this looks absolutely inhumane for a result that looks… ridiculous.
I'm curious which is more common: the arm surgery or leg surgery to form a "neo-dick"? I know June's friend had the arm surgery done, and I saw some other troon on YT ages ago with the arm scarring as well. (She was talking about hating her scar.)
Also what happens to the clit? It's too precious and important and I'm really hoping it's still utilized somewhere in that mess for pleasure… Otherwise this would be even MORE tragic.
(Also I'm guessing they must get some kind of internal surgery first to stop menstruation.)
Ugh as a woman with a love for women's sexual education/health/etc this just breaks my heart a bit… And the woman in the spoiler picture
had a nice frame/body from what's shown, too.
No. 382547
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No. 382566
File: 1551556335846.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.45 KB, 1300x953, metoidioplasty-CPNF1K.jpg)

>>382533There's two types of surgery for FTMs.
The less common one is metoidioplasty which "frees" the clit by removing the hood and then uses a tissue graft with fat from the inside of your cheek to form a shaft, and then sews the labia together to form "testicles". it looks pretty fucked up (see photo) and the dick is always small and you can't use it to pee standing up so FTMs don't like it much even though this type of dick can actually get erect on its own.
the more common type, though still not common at all, is phalloplasty, which is when they take skin from the leg or arm. The clitoris gets embedded at the base of the dick. you can't get erect by yourself with this type, you have to get a pump in the dick, and the control for the pump is placed inside the fake balls, so you literally have to inflate the new dick by squeezing the balls.
No. 382597
>>382479I watched this the other day and I've never heard something more accurate. It's ridiculous that these genderspecials bill themselves as "sooo inclusive uwu ur
valid". I hope their infighting breaks them from the inside
No. 382598
File: 1551560218351.png (677.75 KB, 647x640, Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 20.5…)

9 photos, 2 poses. These dudes sure do obsess on the things they think make them look good. The fuck is that hand thing though? I have never seen a woman do that.
No. 382632
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No. 382638
>>382632>"You are so loose."Ouch!
Makes sense though, a neovagina doesn't have the muscles that a real one does.
No. 382642
>>382598I imagine the hand thing has more to do with hiding the natural waistline than it does with anything else. It's also why they all do a slight off to the side pose, because it hides a masculine jawline on the face and gives the appearance of curves on the body.
>>382638It can't contract either. And I could be wrong, but I don't think they have the ability to "clench" it.
I actually feel sorry for the TiMs who have bought into the "it's just like the real thing!" rhetoric. Maybe in the future it will be but it's not right now.
No. 382644
File: 1551563581982.png (76.85 KB, 585x531, 1551550015187.png)

>>382423I don't post but I've read it a little bit, glad there's some sanity.
What really creeps me out is the posts about certain discords or whatever groups actively trying to turn men on 4chan into troons. It's not enough that trooning out is a fetish in itself, some people have a fetish for making people become troons. Scary and unsurprising that pathetic 4chan incels would be easily manipulated by anime traps and some encouragement.
No. 382663
>>382653Yeah I am genuinely confused by his reaction.
Don't most men think if you're "too easy" (ie meeting up after the second date) that it's purely a sexual relationship? Why is he surprised about this.
No. 382672
>>382632Fucking people without telling them your trans is pretty disgusting so karma's a bitch. That's full on rape by deception. Troons need to get it through their thick skulls that they are not the opposite sex and have an obligation to be candid with people they want to be intimate with.
He's damn lucky that the guy was overall okay with it and didn't chimp out, but
>he doesn't want a relationship with me so it's twansphobic!!1!Some people want biological children.
No. 382676
>>382547Lol this description is so male it's unbearable. Also fucking degenerate.
>>382632Karma that should have happened much sooner. Fuck this troon. That is so repulsive and I feel bad for the guy who was deceived but I'm glad he didn't mince words. The additional continued attempts at lying from the troon really show he is a horrible individual.
>>382672Exactly, it is a form of rape.
No. 382677
>>382671>changes name>gets pissy that someone else will have their old nameWhy? Besides, I know a shit ton of people that have the same first and second names. It's not a big deal.
>>382632>I do not reply to not make things more suspicious>I didn't tell him that I was trans because it didn't cross my mindIt obviously did if he literally thought about being "suspicious".
And how can anybody be sure that the guy didn't want a realtionship because of
transphobia? He was chill about it. They met the guy on TINDER for god's sake. Everybody and their aunty knows half the people on tinder are just tryna fuck and not get tied down. Or maybe the fact he outright asked about scars and lubrication and was still met with a complete lack of honesty was enough to make him decide he didn't want a relationship with this person.
No. 382690
>>382671What a melodramatic retard. If anything, shouldn't it be a good thing for the troon that the nephew has his "deadname"? Now when people hear that name they'll think of the nephew and associate it with the baby instead of the troon.
But I guess it's just soooo
triggering and invalidating to hear your horrible evil male name in a context that has nothing to do with you. Is he gonna throw a hissy fit if he has a coworker with his birth name or watches a movie with an actor with that name? Grow the fuck up.
No. 382694
File: 1551568986434.jpg (71.67 KB, 453x695, 20190302_181456 (1).jpg)

Alright hope I'm being careful enough as this person seems very serious about legal action using their pics but assume I could post what's written in their profile. Anyway, not sure if they are pre/post-op but either way this is from a tranny.
No. 382698
>>382690He doesn't want to use logic nor calm the fuck down about it and be reasonable, he just wants to be
triggered and everything to be about him.
No. 382702
File: 1551570644360.png (1.62 MB, 1000x1123, 11028994.png)

tRaNs WoMeN aRe So BeAuTiFuL tHeY wIlL rEpLaCe CiS wOmEn
No. 382735
>>382632The fact they paint this guy out as a
transphobic asshole is sickening. He was extremely chill about being deceived into having sex. He would have been totally justified to freak the fuck out. They're lucky he didn't kick the shit out of him.
Trans people should be legally required to disclose their actual gender.
No. 382763
>>382736lol why does every male troon, be they straight or gay, try so hard to emulate the stereotypical valley girl lilt while describing women as nasty catty cunts who are so inferior to sweet loving trans women who don’t have fishy pussies or nasty periods
oh wait it’s because they’re pornsick males and they have no idea of what womanhood is outside of porn lol
No. 382766
>>382763they don't want to be women, they are just fetishists. gay tims realize that how ugly they are as a guy and they think they would get more dick as a girl so they troon out. straight tims want to creep on women and be able to yell
TRANSPHOBIA!!!! DATING PREFERENCES KILL TRANSWOMEN!!! whenever someone doesn't want to fuck them.
reminds me of some posts in earlier threads where anons mentioned how in lgbt-only apartments gay women and tifs tend to do all the housework while gay men and tims just sit around not even helping.
No. 382787
File: 1551598842530.jpg (299.02 KB, 1080x1079, Screenshot_20190303-072545_Sam…)

Wants to stay a man but wants a vagina. Totally not a fetish guys!
No. 382803
>>382632Maybe tell that you're trans right away so you don't have to deal with the people who are turned off by it and wouldn't want a relationship to begin with? Choosing to mutilate yourself and masquerading as the opposite gender narrows down your dating pool significantly and you just have to deal with it. A huge portion of trans people wouldn't want to date other post-op trans people themselves.
>>382671The sister even explained that it's a name that's been in the family (the other name was her partner's grandpa's, the other her own father's). This just reminds me of the statistics about the high prevalence of NPD within troons.
>>382702Honestly are those chris-chan like droopy eyes related to low testosterone levels or autism or something? I see TiMs with them ALL THE TIME and it's freaking me out.
No. 382828
File: 1551615475268.jpg (136.39 KB, 1079x321, 7 INCHES OF DEPTH.jpg)

No. 382829
>>382825The weirdest bit is
a) it's always too far up, because the penis and the vulva sit in different positions
b) the labia never close around the actual hole. Whereas a real vagina looks like (8), theirs has the labia around the clit and urethra and then the vagina just sits underneath, where the labia has already come to a stop. it looks so weird.
No. 382830
>>382747Holy fucking shit, I just googled it and 1/4 of them have HIV. repeat. ONE QUARTER OF TRANSWOMEN HAVE FUCKING HIV.
Having a 1/4 chance of sleeping with someone with HIV is totes better than settling for those gross period havers amirite?
Seriously though, anytime a tranny tries to say they're ~superior~ bring up this fact.
No. 382836
>>382763It's funny when they drag ciswomen down for being "catty" - as though sitting there and bitching about ciswomen is any less catty.
They always wonder why they're excluded from female things and tbh it's not because they're trans, it's because they're assholes. Nobody wants to hang out with a dude that thinks he's a better woman than women. We wouldn't want to hang out with a woman with a superiority complex, why would we want to hang out with a transwoman with a superiority complex?
No. 382842
>>382828the average REAL vagina canal is about 5 inches deep. And it can actually self clean, self lubricate, etc etc etc. This is such a disgusting tweet. Imagine a real woman bragging about this.
How long until this tr00n kills himself?
No. 382845
>>382830" Compared to all adults of reproductive age, transgender women had more than 48 times the odds of HIV infection."
Source: again…
"Transgender people are one of the groups most affected by the HIV epidemic and are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV than the general population.1 Globally, it is estimated that around 19% of transgender women are living with HIV.2 Data from Latin America and the Caribbean show that HIV prevalence is much higher among transgender women sex workers than among non-transgender male and female sex workers."
Source: fact exists on multiple AIDS/HIV information sites. I'm sure the men out there who otherwise might have been straight but ended up getting hooked on shemale porn then just had to go out and try trannies for real don't read these facts ahead of time. It should be a warning label on the porn like cigarettes I swear. But whatever, best of both worlds right? Ultimate fantasy!
The avert article lists a lot of reasons why this happens to them in particular.
No. 382853
>>382851i think it's also stupidity mixed with narcissism (60% of troons have npd after all). they don't get pregnant so they don't need birth control. normally you would think that you should use a condom anyway to protect from hiv, but troons tend to be extremely homophobic. i wouldn't be shocked if they think hiv is just a gay male thing and of course they're not icky gay fags, they're brave and stunning straight women, so they'll be fine!
boom, hiv.
No. 382860
>>382858A lot of it is explained here : to gay/bisexual men, they may be sharing needles used for hormone injections, they have ED from the hormones and can only take on the receptive role, all the healthcare with transitioning costs a lot and adding PreP on top of that costs even more, sex work esp unprotected sex pays..etc..
No. 382862
File: 1551622504761.jpg (139.29 KB, 640x1024, Trannyselfawarememe.jpg)

They keep making memes that indicate they're self aware on some level, how can you willingly ruin your life for something you know deep down is a fetish?
No. 382863
>>382862it's always in sexual situations they wish they were the girl. when they see a woman succeeding in the workplace or inventing amazing things or doing well in sports they never say "oh my god i wish i was a girl!"
they sexualise women's lives and experiences. women are just sex to them, not full individuals with lives and needs that are often totally unrelated to sex.
No. 382878
File: 1551626037213.png (150.18 KB, 907x461, NF88370ENDU322.png)

TIMs believe they'll age better and look more feminine than menopausal women, once again their true desire is not to live a woman's life, it's to be fuckable.
No. 382890
File: 1551630121333.png (178.85 KB, 1440x922, Screenshot_2019-03-03-10-19-07…)

Trenders are so fucking annoying. They'll throw the word cis in anything to get attention. The word they really mean is heterosexual. Which is completely unrelated to a person's gender identity. It's sexuality.
I bet a lot of these people are just straight.
No. 382892
>>382878Except that female hormones as medication were originally intended for older women to compensate for losing estrogen. And plenty of women do take them.
And aging trans women are terrifying. Their appearance gives off such a serial killer vibe.
No. 382934
>>382828The thing I really don't understand about Jazz's operation is that they went out of their way to make Jazz a fuck toy.
In the initial consultation, they said she didn't have enough tissue to make a vagina. Yet they gave her seven inches of depth just so she could accomodate larger dicks? It seems weird to have little to no tissue and make a vagina seven inches long when they could have made it five or six. An extra inch is a lot of additional work because to get an extra inch of depth you'll probably need a few inches of width.
No. 382992
File: 1551639667713.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.6 KB, 875x318, 5886e4127346e00a2a1ea141b5c113…)

>>382989even more clockable. a particularly ignorant male might mistake a well-done neovagina for the real thing, but even a total retard would never mistake a neophallus for a real dick.
No. 382996
>>382952Oh god this is so scary and horrifying.
Honestly, I feel like more and more people are starting to come around through exposure. I used to be a massive handmaiden until I actually spent a lot of time with trans people and realized we're catering to the delusions of extremely mentally unhealthy people. This seems to be the route quite a few people I know are going. All it really takes to hit peak trans is to spend enough time with the especially crazy ones.
No. 383018
File: 1551645594796.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 2746x3008, 1548883524483.jpg)

>>382868Someone on pol made a whole collection lol.
No. 383023
>>383018Oh god no.
I honestly feel so fucking bad for these people. Imagine being this sick that you put yourself through this shit for something you will never actually achieve? It's so sad.
No. 383024
>>383022Because they're extremely mentally ill. That's what literally the entire transmovement boils down to at the end of the day. All the delusion, all the absolutely illogical things they say, the disturbing mutilation they put their bodies through. It's all because they're mentally ill.
And our society is enabling it.
No. 383050
>>383018That third one DOES NOT LOOK HEALTHY!
And, what's up with the first one? It looks like a fucking axe wound.
No. 383056
>>383050That' because it isn't. He lost his "labia" to necrosis, as well as his "clitoris". Here's a link: is extremely graphic and I don't recommend clicking this, but this is the source of the third pic.
No. 383058
>>383056Clicks on link before seeing "I don't recommend clicking this"
Me….I am a fool…. Jesus Christ that looks awful I feel kinda bad for him
No. 383074
>>383056it's identical to the real thing, though! we're gonna replace those stupid fishy cis women in no time! /s
still better than the stink of rotting dick skin, i bet.
the fact that they have the gall to call these nightmare inducing messes "vaginas" is astounding. it's an insult that they think we have nothing more than a slit with a loose, collapsing sleeve attached to it, with its only use being to pleasure men.
that shit looks more like a dropped lasagna than anything vaguely vagina related.
No. 383099
>>383056I’ve been laughing along with many anons about some of these people but this really made me cry. It just got worse and worse! What if this happened to someone you loved? Even if they are crazy, no one deserves that. This is so horrible that this is allowed to happen and this whole “Wild West” of a medical community is making bank of their mental illness and misery. I recognized the name of the first “doctor” , Kathy Rumer, right away. A bunch of trans groups call her a butcher and ex-patients describes her as having a cold, uncaring demeanor like she secretly hated them. A lot of trans say Marcie Bowers botched them too.
The mainstream TRAs love to bury the fact that so many surgeries are disasters and there is no specialized training or school for sexual reassignment surgery or trans-specific healthcare. But yeah, let’s keep pushing more and more GNC little kids to trans out and expect this type of future. More human guinea pigs and less homosexuals, right?
No. 383106
>>383099Isnt psychopathy more common amongst surgeons.
yeah I think this is p tragic and awful too :/
(:/) No. 383121
File: 1551675913599.jpg (131.81 KB, 946x1200, D0UQ6vTVYAED8Ok.jpg)

>>383087I think it is.
>>383107it will never not be funny to me that his ~deadname is tim.
Related: he started transitioning as a child and his hands still look like this.
No. 383151
Has anyone else seen the comment section of this: then the trans people going "transtrenders aren't real!!" there's a surprising amount of people questioning if a 14 year old should be able to have hormone treatment.
No. 383152
>>383151Even if people never wake up to how sexist, homophobic and regressive the entire concept of transgenderism is, we can at least be sure of massive backlash when these poor kids grow up and sue their doctors. Not seeing much concern to 'first do no harm' in their case, or when you have shit like
>>383018 and
No. 383155
File: 1551685695838.jpg (786.88 KB, 1548x1024, kim-petras-2018-april-u-billbo…)

>>383149He still reads as a young boy to me, but he has that effeminate look to him that makes him androgynous. But upon further examination the hairline is a dead giveaway.
No. 383165
File: 1551691361321.jpeg (189.35 KB, 638x978, A2EEDE71-164C-4691-9A02-B07E86…)

I’ve just seen this on /b/ and I’m fucking choking why are trannies so ugly literally ruins my day when I see an ugly tranny. They make me so uncomfortable. I have to laugh to not get pissed off
No. 383177
>>383165Trannies who support Trump really showcase how obsessed with gender roles they are. They want to go back to the 50's, but they want to be the subservient housewife because that's what they get off on.
And of course since delusion is their specialty, they conveniently disregard that he is actively trying to legally mandate that people be recognized by their birth gender.
No. 383204
>>383195In my experience most people are like this. They can see through most of the tumblr genderspecial nonsense as simply a superficial adolescent need to be special but still believe that “real” trans people were born with their brain in the wrong body and are just like gay people in the sense that they can’t help it, aren’t hurting anyone and should be accepted and sympathised with. Whether they think trans-identified people need surgery depends on who they’ve been talking to but both sides of that narrative seem to be accepted no matter how contradictory. As far as I’ve been able to tell, the only people who cut through the “brain in the wrong body” narrative
without reverting to traditional sex roles are people with a certain understanding of gender critical feminism. And goodness knows they rarely get heard.
No. 383227
>>383165I bet the one praising reply was him samefagging. Outside of /tttt/, 4chan thinks that troons are disgusting, even the most passable ones… let alone Dra'nakyuek, Destroyer of Worlds.
Today a video titled "Questions you shouldn't ask to transsexuals" (yes, transsexuals) came up in my youtube recommendations, it was in my language (I'm from a European country that is still pretty conservative, it's becoming more and more open to LGBT but the troon epidemic and supremacy hasn't hit us - and never will) and I watched it out of curiosity.
There are four TIMs answering questions.
>Question 1: What's a transwoman?>TIM 1: "It's a man who feels feminine">TIM 2: "I define myself "neowoman", because I'm not biologically female, I'm different and I had a different life experience">TIM 3: "It's someone who doesn't feel right in their body">TIM 4: "Let's leave womanhood to women, we're only trans and will always be"They even looked less crazy than your average TIM posted here. Even peaceful, I'd say. What went wrong in the rest of the West? I wouldn't have issues with them if they all acknowledged that they're men, didn't claim to be on par or even better than women, and accepted therapy. (and didn't step into female only spaces)
No. 383342
File: 1551734319697.jpg (471.35 KB, 714x3491, tumblr_pnn1g65Jva1ruiduy_1280.…)

If I had not already hit peak trans this would have made me snap.
No. 383349
>>383177Exactly. Shit like this is proof that it's just a massive fetish. It's layers and layers of doublethink.
"Look at my feminine birthing hips."
No. 383352
File: 1551735294134.png (3.28 MB, 1684x1476, tragic.png)

God, this one just makes me sad. He needed therapy, not this.
No. 383365
one thing that fucks me up about the trans question is that it has been making some of you super weirdly militant in the other way and insisting on gender roles and frankly pretty sexist shit like
>>383351 I get what the pic is trying to convey, but don't pretend like natal women don't ever have thick pube like hairs around their stomachs.
>>383203>self painted cornersis this just autocorrect or am i missing something here…
No. 383366
>>383352Yet another proof that even handsome men make fugly, scary looking women.
No. 383367
>>383365When men like the one in that image are claiming to be more "feminine" than women, they need to be reminded of what they really are.
Also anon unless a woman has PCOS, hair like that is NOT the norm. Having HAIR on your belly is normal. Not pubes though.
No. 383371
>>383367Is it not? I'm a hairier woman, and I have hairs like my pubes (very coarse and thick like that troon's belly hairs tbh) around my belly button. Not to that extent (though, I always shave and haven't let it grow out to rly know), so I wouldn't rule it out. I also have the soft, tiny hairs that just is on skin that I think you're thinking about.
I have had no reasons to believe I might have PCOS, so I'm probably hormonally fine. Just the idea that, in anti-troon backlash, you'd claim that only women with hormone disorders might have that type of hair is the kind of shit that fucks me up
No. 383428
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No. 383431
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>>383428Lmao I saw that post, this was in the replies. Pure gold.
No. 383459
File: 1551760465508.jpg (8.71 KB, 236x208, f31300a81666a8b37f4ba59e3c0cca…)

I don't want to throw shade to bi women here but why is always some bi girl defending transbians? especially when lesbians are involved. Why they're so fixated on force lesbians to like dick wtf, like, they understand what being lesbian means right? why is everyone so surprised when a lesbian doesn't like dick? what is even going on?
No. 383462
>>383459Even some bi anons on here have trouble understanding that not everyone is into the same thing they are. They tend to think
everyone is bisexual deep down and people who say otherwise are lying for personal or political reasons, for ex. "lesbians who don't like girldick are transphobes plain and simple! there's no other explanation!"
No. 383539
So one of the mod's of TwoXChromosomes on Reddit commented that she doesn't think MTFs should compete in female sports if they're not on HRT.
The other mods, who are TIMs, banned her.
They are now deleting comments and banning literally anyone who says anything other than TWANZ WOMEN ARE WOMEN I LOVE BRAVE STUNNING TRANZ GALS. No. 383544
>>383431Is the group public? I want to go see all the comments. Also, based Ren.
>>383435If I were there I would've commented exactly this. This is the world they have built now, we can hit them back with their same "logic".
>>383451There's no win with troons. They WANT to be
victims, you just can't do right with them. Nothing will ever be enough.
>>383539Funny how a community with such a "terfy" name would do that… what are TIMs doing in a sub about people with "two X chromosomes"? You can self-ID your chromosomes too now?
No. 383550
>>383544TwoX used to be the main women's subreddit, created back before troon drama was as big a thing. Then two things happened: troons got on to the mod team and the subreddit was made a default, so everyone who signs up to Reddit gets it on their feed automatically, which meant lots of male posters. Women started leaving the community to go to TrollXChromosomes, but now troons are infesting that community too.
There are now secret, locked subreddits for women you need to be invited to get access to, made specifically to keep males of all stripes out.
No. 383553
File: 1551797926668.jpg (237.52 KB, 542x1434, fuck off.jpg)

For a group of people who claim to have female brains, they still talk like men when it comes to shit like rape.
No. 383558
>>383557Yeah, isolating people from other friends is totally not an
abusive or cult-like tactic.
No. 383568
>>383553Did he delete those comments? They don't show up for me.
What a vile person though.
No. 383583
>>383459Maybe im alone in this but as a bi woman i really don't like. Crossing things over like
I like men who have dicks and are men
I like women who have vaginas and are women.
The point is I like men and women.
I don't like super hairy women with overgrown clits and deep voices and I don't like men in dresses with small flaccid dicks
Crossing genders like that like, putting everything that makes a man and everything that makes a woman in a blender to create weird mixes of the two is gross to me.
No. 383594
>>383583I'm bi and I agree
but I love feminine men who aren't afraid to be - however, as soon as they start to entertain the delusion that they're "lesbians" I get incredibly disgusted and disappointed
No. 383595
>>383583I'm bi and I agree
but I love feminine men who aren't afraid to be - however, as soon as they start to entertain the delusion that they're "lesbians" I get incredibly disgusted and disappointed
No. 383605
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>>383459As a bi woman, there’s so many straight girls pretending to be bi to please men. Also I think it’s because bi people are sometimes ostracised for not being straight and not being gay so they some feel like they relate to refusing to stick to a binary.
Of course they’re wrong but I don’t have time to tell them how they’re wrong.
No. 383609
File: 1551807328769.jpg (73.3 KB, 634x528, 10604824-6773463-image-a-33_15…)

>'I can orgasm just by thinking': World's first legally-married transgender couple open up about their VERY lively sex life, revealing how they can enjoy '198 orgasms in just 90 MINUTES'>Despite neither woman undergoing bottom surgery yet, they say they both 'orgasm like females', meaning they experience 'rolling orgasms' a fetish, etc.
No. 383614
>>383459I agree that the most
toxic sjws are usually bi/pan sjws, they see it as some kind of woke, inclusive thing and not just a normal sexuality. It's mostly people who identify as pansexuals tbh, they don't even identify as bisexual because ~~it's discriminatory~~. Bi and pan SJWs tend to be the ones who attack the evil cishets and gays for not being into both dicks and vaginas as if they can understand what it's like to be into only one sex. They attack other bisexuals who don't date troons too.
No. 383616
>>383613Any other anons have "once and done" orgasms? I have never understood multiple orgasms, after one it hurts to do more and I lose all sexual desire anyway.
Sorry if off-topic.
No. 383625
File: 1551808675415.jpg (21.63 KB, 321x193, 70825100.jpg)

An online friend told me about planning to go to a women's march in her city with some classmates, until she found out that the organisation they wanted to go with was an organisation supporting sex workers under the slogan "sex workers are feminists too!"
I looked up some articles written by members of the organisation, and of course one of them is a transwoman.
No. 383631
>>383612Uno spazio per radfems italiane, intendi? C'era una pagina facebook che faceva anche memes, ma dopo l'ennesimo ban non l'hanno più ricreata. Sicuramente ci sarà un gruppo imboscato da qualche parte, ma avendo io un profilo con nome e foto tendo ad evitare. Gli unici spazi che frequento sono internazionali, su reddit e qui, dove sei anonima e stai sicura che non subirai doxxing o altre merdate. Magra consolazione, ma almeno i nostri trans è raro che siano pazzi scatenati come quelli che postano qui (e che vedo nelle community lesbiche)… credo
>>383616I have a high sex drive and multiple orgasms have definitely happened to me. I've never had 198 orgasms in 90 minutes like xir above, though.
No. 383634
>>383615>because libfems see mtfs as guests in women's house, so it makes sense to revoke things like pronouns when someone makes a mess in your houseYou even see this with some gc feminists who use female pronouns for likeable TIMs like Miranda Yardley. Somehow being relatively reasonable means he deserves female pronouns as if they’re a badge of women’s approval.
Many libfems I know still tend to use female pronouns for TIM rapists, though. Maybe they’re just further gone than others.
No. 383701
>>383056Oh, FUCKING HELL. Please tell me they can sue. Wouldn't wish this on anybody. Fuck.
>>383199Nah, man. I don't see how anyone can laugh at this. What this person when through is horrifyingly. Every one should be be able to feel sexual pleasure, unless their libido is dangerous to others and I'm not seeing evidence for that.
No. 383711
File: 1551828563142.webm (2.51 MB, 1408x788, 1551598082686.webm)

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
No. 383721
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A handmaiden I know just posted this
No. 383723
File: 1551831622870.jpg (17.1 KB, 526x335, 1531432488479.jpg)

>>378842i was really debating replying to this because its 9 days old, but it just didn't sit right with me; poly is more or less the in-between of bi and pan. the way i can best describe it is being pansexual but excluding a few genders
not to blogpost but i'm poly simply because i'm attracted to everyone EXCEPT for TiM's
keep in mind i am still detransitioning from my mogai phase so if it sounds like bullshit it probably is and i just dont know it yet
No. 383732
>>383553>rape>overpowering lustSoooo. Rape is only violence when it's directed at a MTF, otherwise it's just lust
Rape is lust
They are the same
dialling emergency services No. 383735
>>383730Does bisexuality only exclude agender and genderfluid trans people then? If not, isn't bisexuality itself "
transphobic" to identify as, since it categorizes trans people as different from cis?
Really, the distinction between bisexual and pansexual is only made to make people appear more "woke." Any claims you could make about bisexuals not being attracted to someone that lies in the middle of the gender spectrum are no different from other personal attraction preferences.
No. 383736
>>383735Pan is a stupid term made for snowflakes to seem "woke" because they DID claim that bisexuality was
transphobic. There's 3, MAYBE 4 sexualities that are possible in humans, and pan is not one of them.
No. 383739
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>>383736Thank you. They’re all the same shit I’m so tired of this argument. Saying this as someone who used to do the pan for woke points thing but finally learned more about bisexuality and it’s history.
No. 383741
>>383740Bitch, it isn't
valid. All nonbinary people are either male or female. There are only two sexes ao there are only three sexualities.
No. 383755
>>383741>>383744>>383747>>383749alright, i think i get it now anons. thank you for explaining!
>>383751no, no, i agree - i'm just kinda stupid
No. 383756
>>383735This is the funny/hypocritical thing once again: Trans people and handmaidens (who go by pan) still "othering" trans, even though "THEY'RE WOMEN/MEN TOO!!" But for some reason bisexual is a no-no!!
It would exclude agender, I guess, simply by strict definition of course.
I'm bisexual and only attracted to actual men and women.
>>383615This actually describes how I used to see things as a SJW too. Perhaps excluding the "not actual trans" part, though, but people bury those stories in the SJW community anyway.
No. 383766
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>>383721Troons and TRA can make all threats they want to make but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re not women and never will be. So many of them are insanely jealous of actual girls and women and it reflects in their weird fetish talk.
No. 383794
>>383730>Bisexual generally excludes transThat doesn't make sense, they aren't some new third gender. Either you see troons as their real sex or you believe their self ID 'gender' is their sex, but either would be viable for a bisexual person.
Troons being crazy uggos is what really removes them from a bisexual person's dating pool, it's not a matter of exclusion from the orientation.
No. 383835
>>383757I was just speaking from the TRA/SJW logic of why they use "pan" (yes it is virtue signaling) and how it is ultimately contradictory to their belief of "trans women ARE women" to say the term "bisexual" excludes trans women/men. Kek
Of course they are all bisexual. Definitely not arguing otherwise as I love these threads and find myself in good company here.
>>383794EXACTLY. That's what I'm trying to say but I think you are better at explaining.
No. 383861
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I was scrolling down my dashboard on Tumblr, saw this, and wondered why this very poorly edited selfie set of an average-looking person had 79 notes. Then, I checked the blog, noticed the tags "#mtf #transgirl" and it all made sense.
The bar is so low for them.
No. 383864
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>>383840Karen Adell Scott
No. 383874
>>383553The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off. Women are raped AND murdered on the daily for their gender, yet it doesn't even count as a hate crime. Women have always been and still are in danger of being targeted by brutalities and it's treated as fear-mongering hysteria. But for some reason we should be more worried for men in dresses because they
might be raped and sometimes murdered? Despite the statistics showing that this usually happens to prostitutes who are trans, not upper middle class IT professionals with purple hair and rainbow socks?
>We are often murdered or seriously injured as a response to discovering our genitalia.Gee that must be awful, being systematically murdered and raped for your genitals. But what would we dumb privileged cis women know about that??
>>383711I love this pasta, it's always so delicious.
>>383721>violence is cute and quirky uwu>>383861I love when chasers and trannies post photos of overshopped troons taken from a flattering angle and claim that ~ traps~ are superior to biological femininity. Too bad you can't photoshop IRL and personality disorders aren't very kawaii in the long run.
No. 383912
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This stupid bitch completely misses the point of why people are against guys competing in women's sports. It's not just about the height. Way to go and dismiss women, sportswomen no less, because you want to virtue signal to other troons.
I hope she gets run over in a terrorist attack or acid attacked. Handmaidens only deserve painful death.(Don’t post about wishing bodily harm on a subject or group. (a-logging))
No. 383936
>>383766I noticed that they tend to be especially jealous of petite women, especially if thin and with small breasts. Hmmmm… (insert giant thinking emoji here)
>>383911Looks like a wig to me
No. 383982
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No. 383993
>>383912This is so infuriating.
I am 5'' taller than the national average for women. I thought it meant I was safe. That I was strong. That I could defend myself.
When the day came that a man decided to hold me down, all that height didn't make it possible for me to get him off me.
Women are women are women. My height didn't protect me from assault. Men who deluded themselves into thinking they're female wouldn't understand.
Average men will always fare better in sports than even above average height women.
No. 384001
>>383993I'm so sorry that this happened to you, anon.
Shit like this makes me scared. My height has always been the main reason of why I don't feel scared alone at night, but reading this…
No. 384002
>>383999Jazz just looks like a child to me. Not really male or female, just a kid with pre-puberty androgyny that some people have.
>>383658I just got the chance to watch this. Ahmir's mom makes a good point in the first bit, and I paused it before Jazz's mom started talking so I don't know what sort of homophobic stuff Ahmir's mom said.
>When you're with somebody, whether they change their appearance or live a different way, she was still born the same way you were born.She even called Jazz "she" which means she didn't "misgender" him. So it seems to me that "bio sex doesn't real" has spread to mainstream trans shit. Which is very disappointing.
No. 384004
>>384003>>384001Studies show that taller girls are less likely to be attacked by strangers.
I'm very sorry that that happened to you as well, anon. Especially by someone close to you.
No. 384006
>>384004Makes sense, since rapists also have voiced paying attention to whether a woman is wearing a ponytail/belt/similar cues. Obviously they would factor in height as well for potential
No. 384014
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>>382391"Jessica" is entering the Miss British Columbia Pageant. No. 384022
>>384014Just wait as he gets rejected and sues them all for
transphobia like he did with the women who didn't want to wax his greasy balls, lmao
No. 384038
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>>384030 new policies are: Inmates may now ask for a gender-specific deputy to do a visual body search - the first such jail to allow this in the nation; and they can express a preference where they would like to be housed so that their safety while showering and overall privacy can be better assured, Sheriff Vicki Hennessy said. In addition, effective immediately, inmates now can fill out a "statement of preference" form identifying their gender and how they want to be addressed in jail.
No. 384043
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I play a game that's pretty much occupied by SJWs, gamers, and christian horse girls. I run into a lot of TiFs on there unfortunately.
Kin shit is included because I always find that stuff funny.
No. 384050
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>>384043Did a little digging, apparently in a relationship with a 17 year old fakeboi.
What's with troons and being pedophiles? Digging said they'd been dating for a year, which is creepy for obvious reasons.
I swear TiFs must have higher rates of pedophilia compared to other, non-TI women.
No. 384064
>>384014>I fight for equality and I fight for human rights!>piece of shit racist that said he didn't want immigrants around him because they were "dirty, loud and rude">was also extra mad about the Latina women in a makeup group calling him outI don't know what's funnier, the fact that he thinks he can compete against real women that put a fuck ton of effort into their appearance or that he thinks a beauty pageant of all things will stop discrimination.
Also what does '2' and 'S' represent? I don't think I've seen that before.
No. 384089
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Sometimes I just go on troon accounts because I am a masochist and how they fuck are they arguing it's not a fetish when they post shit like this? How is it any different from a sissy fetish?
No. 384096
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>>384089'Cis women should strive to look like transwomen' lol
No. 384108
>>384096>Lots of cis women look more like trans women than a lot of trans women do.…And they say they aren't mentally ill, he straight up sounds delusional. Even the broadest and bulkiest woman still looks female next to some troon. Damn, NPD is one hell of an illness.
What a disgusting human being.
No. 384170
>>384050No offense anon but claiming a 21 year old dating a 17 year old as "pedophilia" makes you look like a sperg. Cool it down a notch.
>>384096Fuck, that is a bad case of NPD talking right there.
>L-Lots of cis women look like men too but I mean that's cool I guess, w-well we, the men, are the peak of femininity and beauty anyway so everyone should look like us!! No. 384176
File: 1551950726356.png (39.5 KB, 824x262, sofuckwomeniguess.PNG)

>"Especially within jobs, where you have to represent something, gender roles are quite obvious: Women may be allowed to wear pantsuits, but heels are expected. Within english speaking countries pantsuits are discouraged."
>"Especially in Great Britain, the dress code is conservative, which forces women to wear heels and make up. It is to consider, whether gender neutral clothing could be allowed for all those who don't consider themselves male or female."
The way they spent the entire paragraph discussing the unfair expecations of women only to conclude it with "BUT IT SHOULD PROBABLY BE ALLOWED TO NOT WEAR HEELS AND MAKE UP IF THEY'RE ENBIES!!!!!!!!!!" is hilarious.
No. 384187
>>384096I thought it was impossible to tell trans women apart from women… Uh oh, I think someone is a
transphobic bigot with confirmation bias.
No. 384231
>>384050>21/17>pedophileIt's pretty fucking insulting to
victims of actual pedophilia to clasify a freshman/senior age difference as such.
That being said, I've definitely noticed a disturbing correlation between being trans and being into lolicon. But use actual examples next time.
No. 384255
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>>384096>lots of cis women look more like trans women than a lot of trans women doSad cope! TIMs can only wish. The max they can aspire to look like is Gigi Gorgeous, and he's still manlier than any woman could ever.
>>384119In lesbian circles there are always radfems (mind you: LESBIAN circles, not LGBTQAADSHDG+ circles, not "queer" circles). The only reddit lesbian community that's TRA-free, r/truelesbians, is also gc. Avoid whoever calls themselves "queer" and "wlw", because with them there's a 99,9% chance they're TRAs.
Slightly related but I know irl a radfem around my age, she wears very short hair and is tall and gorgeous. She's straight, though.
:(>>384235Even worse, 81.4% of troons have a personality disorder. About 60% has NPD, the remaining 20% has BPD, both of them being very serious, cluster B disorders. No wonder they're so bad at life.
No. 384258
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>>384230>paying hookers to party with him in "girls only" pretend-partiesI've been following this for over a year and am loving it can we have a thread please
No. 384259
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He landed a Getty heir. Old man Getty must be fucking SPINNING in his grave kek
No. 384262
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>>384230I just read the entire thread on KF last weekend. Peak AGP. He took in a distant teen relative and paid for her transition and top surgery before he depleted his millions paying women to party with him. Now he's moved to LA to become an
actress! Kiwi put together a compilation of clips entitled Katie Buffalo Bill Charm. It is what you think it is. No. 384265
File: 1551975616334.jpg (57.1 KB, 462x623, troonpds.JPG)

>>384255No, even worse. The study showed that out of the 81.4% of them who had been diagnosed with a personality disorder had around
3 PDs diagnosed in total per patient.
3 personality disorders per patient. NPD was most frequent at about 57.1% of the diagnosed PDs, BPD was the least diagnosed. Obsessive-compulsive was the second most frequently diagnosed followed with masochistic-sadistic, paranoid, antisocial and histrionic. No. 384266
File: 1551975736881.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1163x1536, Go_Mag_2.2018_53243.jpg)

>>384263Yes and I meant *heiress as well. Even with all the surgery Gigi's had you can clearly tell who the real female is.
No. 384268
>>384259All that photoshop and the butch lesbian next to him still looks 100x more womanly. No Gigi, baboon lips won't make you look more feminine.
>>384263>lesbian coupleAm I a joke to you? Also interesting to notice actual lesbian people/couples getting called "queer/queer couples", but a TIM in a relationship with a bisexual woman makes a "lesbian couple". Like, this is the case when you should say "queer".
No. 384269
>>384259Ugh. Speaking of this trash, he made a video stating why he didn't get the chop.
It's obvious. Because he's still a gay man larping as a 'lesbian'.
Once he finds a way to have a child with Nats, he's going to suck the money dry and run off with either another gay guy or bag himself a tranny chaser like Blair did.
The fact he and Nats got kittens because 'omgz it's such a stereotypical lesbian thing to do' speaks volumes.
I hate this cunt and can't wait for him to crash and burn.
No. 384330
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>>384014Yaniv's Twitter is public again.
>LGBTQ2SIA and human rights activist.>This year, I'm taking a stand against discrimination and running for the Miss BC Pageant and standing up for the LGBTQQIP2SAA community. Society needs to move forward. Let's do this. Donate today <3Is this the new gender speshul Scrabble?
No. 384334
>>384266the woman on the right is cute and you can tell she's a real women immediately. Sad, but she's definitely bi if she's sleeping with a tranny. Gigi looks gross and manly as hell.
>>384263>lesbian coupleNo , that's not how that works
No. 384433
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In the next OP I will add a list of comics, art, and sources for GC stickers, flyers, and memes.
Please reply with suggestions! No. 384437
File: 1552030116825.png (241.28 KB, 800x801, Screenshot_2019-03-07-23-19-43…)

When shit went down with Wordpress I wondered if she would be relocating her site.
Looks like it has all been archived. No. 384451
>>384006please dont tell me you got this from that chain email.>>384014Holy shit, I thought this was another troon, but it's the pedo. That man has no fucking shame or grasp on biological reality.
No. 384452
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>>384437Yes, it was a violation of TOS suspension. No, she hadn't made back-ups. one in the comments has mentioned Some of her entries and image files are there like The Snowflake Books No. 384476
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No. 384484
File: 1552048461863.jpg (34.81 KB, 620x372, 1588.jpg)"Trans" inmate with a history of sexually violent crimes sent to a women's prison where he sexually assaulted multiple female inmates.
>Crook has previously said: “It is a very toxic debate, but I think prisons have probably been influenced by some of the extreme conversations and have been bullied into making some decisions that have harmed women." No. 384486
Not sure if this has been posted here yet, but I just found it and it's an amazing resource. of course, the idea that transwomen could potentially be a threat to women is just bigoted and unworthy of even entertaining the thought of discussing.
No. 384508
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Do any of you know of Bex Taylor Klaus? She played Audrey in the Scream tv show and is currently in the Voltron cast. Get a load of this:
>when she played a butch lesbian in "The Killing" she used to say "Yes, I'm a straight woman playing a lesbian woman, doesn't mean I'm gay"
>two years later she comes out as a lesbian
>two years later she comes out as a they/them nonbinary
>claims to have gender dysphoria and to be trans, and yet she posts pictures of her tits with only the nipples censored (another "enby" gnc woman who does the same thing is Mads Paige, she posts her naked boobs A LOT for someone who doesn't even indentify as female)
>hardcore, annoying SJW and TRA, gets in twitter fights with gendercritical people (iirc she had a twitter fight with Graham Linehan or someone else from the famous GC crowd)
>comes from a loving and accepting upper middle class family, has an acting career, is well liked by the fanbase of whatever show she's on, but claims to be "unprivileged" and "scared" of being attacked by evil transphobes
And the cherry on top:
>she's buddy buddy with our favorite rapist, Eli Erlick! I guess all those words of spreading love, being unproblematic and siding with the oppressed people didn't prevent her from rubbing elbows with actual rapists…
She's cute, what a waste.
No. 384511
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>>384508i really liked her in scream bc cute butch lesbian in media duh, however, the reality is such a let down, really wish she hadn't drank the coolaid
:-/ No. 384539
Jazz's mom commands Jazz not to talk about SRS complications because she's concerned it might "turn off kids from getting this surgery". 2:00
No. 384548
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Found this gem on tumblr.
No. 384550
>>384548i've never seen a radical feminist get friendly with a nazi.
seen it from multiple trans activists though! including their beloved chelsea manning.
troons projecting again.
No. 384551
>>384508Jesus fuck I hate this person so much. The prime example of a privileged, rich white girl who hopped on the NB partywagon and started taking shits left and right for social media oppression clout.
>she's buddy buddy with our favorite rapist, Eli Erlick! I guess all those words of spreading love, being unproblematic and siding with the oppressed people didn't prevent her from rubbing elbows with actual rapists…This was news to me. She's literal garbage.
>>384539????? Is Jazz's mom getting funding from medical companies offering the surgery or something? This is fucking sick. If this was only out of good will and bringing awareness, they would openly talk about the risks included with a surgery that mutilates you irreparably.
No. 384558
File: 1552063772960.jpg (554.87 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190308_104649.jpg) theres a Woman's Day March in Tokyo and apparently it's a setup by gaijins trying to push troon agenda. Most signs are in English, besides Japanese women, there's white men marching along with them, most of the signs have American movie characters in them, most Japanese feminist anons aren't even aware the event happened.
No. 384559
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>>384558More photos from the march
No. 384560
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I love that men are 2nd on this list and are above female rape victims and girls who are denied education. On International Women's Day too. Fuck this world.
No. 384570
>>384548>one of THE MOST vulnerable minority groups out thereis this a joke? the most vulnerable, my ass. jfc, these people are utterly delusional.
some of the most obnoxiously loud, aggressive, entitled, narcissistic, frightening, fetishizing pieces of shit are troons. yet somehow, women disagreeing with them is violence and murder and worth us being assaulted over kek okay. sure, we're oppressing you. it's us violating every last one of YOUR spaces and being creeps to you. sure. so vulnerable.
No. 384584
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>Not buying a car because one guy called you sir
Troon logic
No. 384586
>>384571I think it's not only the fear of backlash but the fact that many major media corporations have major ties to the healthcare industry. I hate to sound tinfoil but that "Inauthentic Selves" article seriously opened my eyes to the fact this trans epidemic isn't just because of fetish-obsessed men. It has been seriously blown up by companies in order to make money. They helped reinforce the TRA rhetoric in order to get people on their expensive drugs that they need to be on for life and also their expensive surgeries/other treatments.
This is why I really feel bad for the guy a ways up who's faux labia rotted off. Some were commenting how they had no sympathy but I can only imagine how that doctor used his mental illness to literally ruin his body, his bank account, and his life.
Most of these people are disgusting fetishists but many are seriously mentally ill and need proper therapy. The healthcare industry is more focused on selling their products than helping the ill and making disgusting AGPs think it's okay to shove their fetish in everyone's face.
No. 384602
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I had a shower thought about a possible reason why nowadays there's this sudden influx of genderspecials in the West.
First of all, it's a first world problem: notice how you don't see people from poor countries being trans/enbie and fighting and kicking over people not rolling out the red carpet as they walk.
Also, notice how very often said trans/enbies are white or Jewish at most, straight and coming from well off families. Basically they want to be victims and want to feel "special". Why and why now, specifically? Look at instagram influencers/celebs, youtubers, e-celebs in general. Before it was harder to be "famous", especially on the internet, while right now is easy, too easy. The spotlight is oversaturated, and all these "special" people can be found in one click. Plus, minorities are finally having a lot of spotlight, too. This could have something to do with the sudden influx of genderspecials: average (or below average) people with nothing to offer that want to feel special at any cost, and claim to be part of oppressed minorities as both a shield from criticism and a "quirk" to stand out more and escape from their white, straight, (mostly male) reality. See Lainey.
The last part makes less sense out of the shower and it's just a tinfoil anyway, but here's my theory.
No. 384610
>>384586western governments have been doing this shit for
decades even centuries. from the radium craze, to induced STDs and other incurable disease,to abortion experiments to circumcision and now essentially castration and forced infertility. this shit preys on people who are vulnerable. and yes, insane misogynists in skirts
are vulnerable, being that misogynistic is a mental illness.
No. 384622
>>384603I don't know if you've read the rapid-onset gender dysphoria research article posted a few threads back but I highly recommend it.
Within the article it shows specific connections between people (usually young female teens) pressuring each other to be anorexic back in the 90's, and the same demographic pressuring each other to be trans nowadays. Really opened my eyes.
No. 384637
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Saw this posted on r/legaladvice the other day. Was surprised at first to see a post about a woman getting abusive over refusal of intimacy, but then its revealed said girlfriend is a trans woman and I can't say I was all that shocked any more
No. 384640
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No. 384641
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No. 384649
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they cant make anything not about themselves huh?
No. 384650
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>>384649in the replies too lmao
No. 384686
>>384366The whole two spirit native thing pisses me off. There are only 3-4 tribes who practice 3 genders and in all of them a person is told they are the third gender it's not some innate feeling the individual has. In the Canadian tribes 2 spirit people are "recognized" by tribal elders before they are born and in most of the great plains tribes only men can be third gender mainly because they are failed men and haven't been excepted in their peer group.
Between native 2 spirit and indian hijra bullshit TRA really show their racism and complete lack of cultural awareness
No. 384692
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The Wing is a women’s only club, which I like the idea of, but why the hell are they inviting men to give speeches and be members?
No. 384693
>>384637Looking at their post history and…
>Fell into even deeper love with someone I thought was "the One.">"The One" left their ex-wife and infant to drive cross-country in hopes of also giving their child a better life, and together we signed a lease.>"The One" ended up being both emotionally and physically abusive. Sitting here alone on Reddit while they are at work, so close to escaping a lease and toxic relationship…Sounds about right for a troon.
But this was 3 months ago, and this post was 4 days ago so it doesn't seem like they are surprised about the assault considering they knew they were
No. 384696
>>384508As a Voltron fan, I know of her antics all too well. It's annoying and sad, she's still in her early 20's I think, so she's hardcore drank the ~ kweer ~ koolaid. And this could be armchair psychoanalizing on my part, but she was part of that big The Fappening leak. I'd imagine that does something to your psyche.
Even so, there's no fucking excuse for her to be hanging out with a piece of shit rapist. I've grown to like her less and less, but that just takes the cake. Fucking disgusting.
No. 384710
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Here these unhinged assholes go again with the comparison to black women. Amazingly, I even saw some of the dumb handmaidens calling him out for how racist this sounds.
No. 384719
>>384602Glad you realized this but lmao we all already knew. Everyone wants to be the most special and vulnerable. It's a competition to see who is the most traumatized and disenfranchised. But the people in these circles usually grew up very comfortably and have little to no personal trauma or generational trauma. They are boring as fuck so they need to create a personality.
This applies to almost every single person on LC kek. Some fake illness. Some shill to NEET weebs. Some pretend to love BDSM and hate SJWs. Some just go the extra mile and troon out. It really is the best option for them because then they can act insane without fearing backlash and having legions of whiteknights…because troons/enbies are ~sO oPpReSsEd~!
No. 384747
>>384558It really disturbs me that not only were there so many foreigners involved in the disproportionate trans representation at that march, but many of the Japanese accounts promoting that march/spreading Western-style trans activism(including trying to popularize the usage of TERF) are actually run by foreigners living in Japan. It’s not representative of Japanese culture. The majority of Japanese transgender people I have observed actually do try to pass and simply blend in with the general population like a normal person. There is acknowledgment of biological differences but also a desire not to stand out negatively and make others uncomfortable or reflect badly on other trans people. I really hope hostile, confrontational, irrational, female-phobic trans activism does not take hold here in Asia.
>>384635Strong GNC bisexual women can never get a break, can they?
>>384650Yeah, if we were to include them, when was there ever a case where the Trans woman was not exclusively fighting for trans rights?How do they relate or benefit the rights of the majority female population in any way? Women have fought for and aided trans women but never the other way around.
>>384686Weren’t homosexual men thrown into that 2-spirit group as well?
>>384710I finally got caught up with KF’s thread about McKinnon because surely, a person cannot be as antagonistic and unpleasant in every single Tweet, right? My blood pressure was not ready for that.
No. 384757
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No. 384796
>>384635how did these people go from "fuck gender stereotypes, wear and do whatever you want!" to "she was masculine, therefore she was definitely trans!"
masculine women exist. bisexual and lesbian women exist, and still did back then. fuck this regressive nonsense.
they think they're being progressive but it's in the name of shitting all over women and stereotyping us (again). if we're not frail and dainty and submissive, we're straight up men, now? complete idiocy. i had a male nickname as a kid, had male friends and wore male clothes. some girls just be that way.
No. 384833
>>384710McKinnon is batshit crazy. There's not a single tweet written by him that doesn't leak NPD and delusion from all sides. He's constantly celebrating himself, saying how smarter than everyone he is, and claiming to have "excellent arguments and debating skills" while cowering and not responding after Fairplayforwomen invited him for a polite debate. He's the absolute worst.
>>384747It's true, Asian troons are usually more reserved and interested in blending in rather than standing out and having a red carpet rolled out for them at all times - unlike our lovely AGPs. They acknowledge biology and respect boundaries, too. That's why this type of troon is the only one I'm okay with.
No. 384842
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Honestly I'm just sick of trans shit being so normalized. It's terrifying. Several of my ex "boyfriends" are now troons and one of my ex girlfriends is non-binary trans. Two people in my own family.
I don't understand how transgenderism gained acceptance and legal protection so quickly because ten years ago nobody gave a shit really. Feels like the result of some crazy psyop.
No. 384854
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Men always the first.
Also one thing I noticed, they list "queer" women, which is a general term for LGBT. It's much more performative to give troons a special shout out, which is the only reason the tweet was made no doubt. They don't care about the actual other women, just the troons.
No. 384864
>>384862It's because people who identify as "kweer" are usually TRAs, whereas lesbians (because they're same sex attracted) and bisexuals (because it's
transphobic to be bi for some reason) are usually "transphobes"
No. 384913
>>384909Because they know deep down it's just a costume and wanting to be the other sex is just for woke and
victim points
No. 384915
>>384909yes, anon!
my favourite example when it comes to bands/music is this: it's literally called BUTCH, but of course these absolute fucking mongs are making it out to be about a ~twans guy~ instead of it being… Gosh, I don't know, about a butch lesbian? revolting!
No. 384921
>>384635Things like this makes me so sad.
I already hate it when people said that women who are cool must be lesbians, because clearly no heterosexual women ever dares to take no shit from men, but to claim that they're not even female feels like a slap to your face.
"Cis" hetero girls and young women are really not allowed to have just one female role model who's not a big titted bimbo catering to men. I'm not even talking about strong characters, just somebody who's normal and not completely weak and demure.
I remember when I was a child I always dreamed of becoming a knight or a samurai - until I grew older and people started to say "women weren't allowed to be this". Well, what else did women do back then? Getting treated like dirt while being forced to marry young and give birth until they die at an early age. Great.
No. 384943
>>384939Is that the dysphoria blues troon or whatever? Or is that a different band?
I remember that one troon that had songs about murdering terfs. Terf genocide or something.
No. 384946
>>384921>"Cis" hetero girls and young women are really not allowed to have just one female role model who's not a big titted bimbo catering to men.i'm sorry but, what the fuck are you talking about? do you live beneath a rock?
tons, and i mean tons of hetero female leads are out there. to give you a few MAJOR examples, hermione, katniss, clary etc.
not trying to be rude but you just sound really whiny here lol
No. 384961
>>384950Also NTAYRT but Hermione is JKR's self insert, if you care about that at all. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it bugs some people.
And Clary is just a very badly repackaged Ginny Weasley by a shit writer so idk why anyone would add her to a list like that.
No. 384965
>>384963Yeah, I don't think it's a huge deal, it's just something I've heard some people complain about.
I THINK they're referring to Clary Fray from the Mortal Instruments series (the demographic/genre checks out) which is a very poorly written GinnyxRon(? or draco, but theres some weird incest shit in the books, so i think Ron checks out) HP fanfaction that managed to get published as it's own book.
No. 384994
>>384990A couple of years ago someone hacked the icloud of many female celebrities, leaking all their nudes and posting them on a website. JLaw was one of the
victims and iirc spoke out about it
No. 384996
>>384990It happenedi n 2014 if I remember correctly, some dudes hacked into the iCloud (which is set to automatically back up your files, or at least was at the time) and found a bunch of celebrity nudes. So of course, they promptly leaked them on 4chinz. Only the female ones, naturally. Bex was one of the
victims of it, some private pics of her and her with her girlfriend at the time got leaked.
If you ask a bunch of older 4chan users when the site really began to turn to shit, they'll usually point out the three punch cancer of The Fappening, Gamergate, and Trumps election, as bringing in a new type of cancer the site had never seen.
No. 385052
>>385018Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think these women should be able to have biological children, same with those that need surrogates. Both require other women’s bodies to be commodified and as the article stated, it’s not a life saving transplant - it’s purely for selfish reproductive purposes. If you’ve been dealt a shit hand in life then go and adopt one of the thousands of children in your country that are in need of loving homes
Just seems unethical all around
No. 385056
>>384961One series that has some strong women is Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire, but obviously these are very adult in themes/content and shouldn't be consumed by young children (teenagers are fine though and will watch it anyway).
I know some might disagree due to some of the things that happen in the book/show but I thought of Arya pretty quickly reading through the poor female representation that was listed off.
No. 385066
An observation I made about TIF's
their was a thread on r/GenerCriticalguys a couple days made by a guy who had a TIF coworker who had a crush on him
going further though his post history revealed he was a depressed,bipolar,suicidal and violent man and by his own admission someone having a crush on his was him was odd concept
The reason this struck me was because I have experienced a similar story and I couldn't work it out yet.
A TIF (not medically transitioned, the whole gay boy vibe) I used to talk to has been dating a guy in DnD group, she's been obsessing with him and call him level-headed and mature, wouldn't cause drama. So I suppose that could be good then..
Until not too long after she's been calling him 'stoner loser' as well, but she's still obsessed with him. He seemed to have a better social life than the OP though, but his friend group contained a number of people with 'behavioural issues' from the TIF words.. again.
She has a lot of mental issues herself
Since I haven't seen her boyfriend in real life I couldn't judge only by what she told me, could actually be a decent guy. But it seems to be a trend with 'gay TIFs' going after questionable men head over heels.
and I figured it out
Anime specifically Yaoi
A lot of Yaoi love interests are damaged societal rejects who are either masculine
here are some examples see a trend with these ships
its usually a shorter bottom male who the TIF's self insert as and a masculine taller male who is "damaged" in some way
No. 385086
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Can somebody please explain what exactly is non binary about a MALE with a beard, traditionally male clothes and appearance???? That’s LITERALLY being binary. He’s not doing anything atypical to his sex. Buddy sounds like a predator who just wants to be ~non binary~ so he can get access to female spaces.
No. 385150
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every visit to /lgbt/ makes my blood boil. it's entertaining asf though
No. 385175
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>>385150I have never felt the need to say this but what a degenerate.
No. 385220
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…yes we are so concerned with you dating each other
No. 385221
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>>385191I feel bad for laughing, but Jazz's reaction at Amir's disgust is hilarious. Poor kid really had no idea that normal people wouldn't usually react with delight hearing of stomach lining turned into a "vagina"… he's been surrounded by yes men (and women) his whole life encouraging his self harm, he reacts poorly when people don't clap their hands at whatever he says like trained monkeys
No. 385234
>>385191Never actually heard Jazz talk. He really sounds like a young boy, not like a teenage, nearly adult girl.
Also, poor Amir. He does not deserve to have to settle for a neovagina. You know that if he breaks up with Jazz, anything and everything he does is going to be ridiculed for months.
No. 385245
>>384710Does this retarded, racist rhetoric ever even work out positively for TRAs? Who told these men it was ever a good idea to keep black women's names in their mouths?
It just makes black women (and anybody else who isn't a vile racist) hit peak trans that much faster.
No. 385249
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>>385150Why are they like this
How is it even possible to turn dishwashing into a fetish
Wonder how "hot" it would be for them to wash dishes in a thankless,
abusive household for years, lol. They'd probably "stop being a woman" due to the sheer depression and weight of the emotional labor.
No. 385256
My thoughts have changed quite a bit this past fortnight, and I guess it started from being forced to scroll over this thread and its comments. Honestly it was only after reading the Manhate, now Pinkpill thread where I started to understand where "TERFs" where coming from. Also, It was mostly persusing the GC subreddit to see what was so bad about them. A lot of the things they said, especially in the #Peaktrans threads where I was agreeing with thoughts that I'd long kept hidden for fear of being attacked, ostracized or worse. It made me feel emboldened to see there were others out there who felt the same way. I've done a lot of reading since, this essay I just read may be the nail in the coffin.'m still far from as militant as you guys, who would see me as too "Lib Fem". I'll respect pronouns (unless it's zen zir shit.) And I don't believe bullying anyone transgender is cool. Despite that a lot of the things I questioned before and the things I believed now would still get me treated like a prariah anywhere outside of GC spaces.
No. 385315
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because it's completely sane and healthy to take drugs to try and change your body so you can live out your misogynistic fetish
No. 385334
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>>385086He believes he has an internal essence that is neither man nor woman, and/or neither male nor female(but good luck getting him to define those things). He calls this essence his gender. According to genderist ideology, he does not need to express his gender in order to have it.
Genderists say 'gender identity is different from gender expression'. Meaning he is still supposedly non-binary even if he is perfectly gender-conforming.
If you knew the first thing about gender ideology you'd know all of this. Please don't criticize tranny ideology until you know the first thing about it and can make a logical criticism. Posts like yours are an eyesore, I'm so tired of seeing arguments here that prove that many of the people here are just like people who misrepresent radical feminists, because they don't care to find the truth of the matter. Gender-critical people (I am one myself) have a point, but some choose to make invalid arguments instead of logical ones.
No. 385363
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>>377370I look through before and after pictures of trans women and although there are definitely some ugly guys who transition,there are also some very good looking ones
Contrpoints is a good example
No. 385382
>>385256There are plenty of people within the GC community or labeled terfs who are just like you. Once you stop buying into this idea of the true terf you realize how bullshit it is. Women get labeled terfs for simply asking questions.
There are radfems I disagree with but I still consider myself GC or I guess gender abolitionist is a better word. It's not a hivemind
No. 385434
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>the kind of agenda straight men controlling lesbian websites love 2 push
This makes no sense. Why would straight men controlling lesbian websites want lesbians to affirm their non-attraction (or outright repulsion) toward dicks? If anything, they'd be trying to encourage lesbians to "at least try" sex with someone who has a penis as much as possible, or insist it'd be bigoted not to give him a chance.
It's almost like this user is projecting the agenda of their own side or something. Hmm.
>lesbians saying they don't want sex pushed on them
>a travesty
No. 385437
An observation I made about TIF's
their was a thread on r/GenerCriticalguys a couple days made by a guy who had a TIF coworker who had a crush on him
going further though his post history revealed he was a depressed,bipolar,suicidal and violent man and by his own admission someone having a crush on his was him was odd concept
The reason this struck me was because I have experienced a similar story and I couldn't work it out yet.
A TIF (not medically transitioned, the whole gay boy vibe) I used to talk to has been dating a guy in DnD group, she's been obsessing with him and call him level-headed and mature, wouldn't cause drama. So I suppose that could be good then..
Until not too long after she's been calling him 'stoner loser' as well, but she's still obsessed with him. He seemed to have a better social life than the OP though, but his friend group contained a number of people with 'behavioural issues' from the TIF words.. again.
She has a lot of mental issues herself
Since I haven't seen her boyfriend in real life I couldn't judge only by what she told me, could actually be a decent guy. But it seems to be a trend with 'gay TIFs' going after questionable men head over heels.
and I figured it out
Anime specifically Yaoi
A lot of Yaoi love interests are damaged societal rejects who are either masculine
here are some examples see a trend with these ships
its usually a shorter bottom male who the TIF's self insert as and a masculine taller male who is "damaged" in some way
No. 385451
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Dr. Christopher Salgado, aka the surgeon who performed SRS on Jazz Jennings, was fired from the University of Miami.
>A University of Miami surgeon has lost his job after sharing graphic images of his transgender patients without their permission.
>Christopher Salgado, a genital reconstruction surgeon, was discovered posting the images on his since-deleted @sexsurgeon Instagram account, Trans Advocate reports.
>Salgado, who has worked with transgender people for many years and given talks and presentations to other medical professionals on transgender healthcare and gender confirmation surgery, was found to be mocking his patients through questionable images, captions and hashtags.
>In one post for Valentine’s Day, Salgado took the recently removed penis of a transgender woman, fashioned it into the shape of a heart, and wrote: “There are many ways to show your LOVE…”
>He then added various hashtags, including #whatisthat, #whatthefuck, and #whatthefuckisthat.
>That wasn’t all. Discussing the case of a person who had a large dildo surgically removed after it detached while they were having sex with a transgender man — including a CT scan of the dildo inside the person — Salgado said the “mishap… could have been avoided if the transman had a real phalloplasty.”
>He then added the hashtags #realdicksmatter, #megacock, #analfun, and #realdickpleaser, among others. No. 385457
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S i g h s
No. 385458
I thought I had deleted this
No. 385463
>>385457Jesus Christ its always either were
manhating lesbians and female separatists or TARD wives with children
No. 385465
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found this being shared on on some Pro-Trans subreddits
any idea what this is referencing cause I can't figure it out ?
No. 385482
>>385478Yeah, Someone in an earlier thread posted stuff from a South Korean RadFem twitter and I've come across many black radfems on twitter and tumblr.
It's so funny how troon try to make us look like racist when they have fucking tweets like this
>>384710 No. 385503
>>385457>no evidence or statistical dataTrust, plenty of "PoC" and/or LGBT women are "TERFs" (and many, many trannies love making racist comments, are Neo-Nazis, are misogynistic and intensely lesbophobic).
In fact, I honestly think it's only North American WASP (and some European) cultures that
wouldn't be classed as "
transphobic, transmisogynist TERF trash" by these people.
No. 385512
>>385455Admin has made her feelings towards the thread more than apparent.
>GC is for tranny sperging and the radfem thread is for radfems to fight about who's the most radfem of them all.Who gives a fuck about women's rights on lolcow, amirite?
No. 385528
>>385512Still, to put a thread on autosage unannounced simply because you and other members of the administration personally don't like it seems kind of shady/shitty.
Sounds like a mod's taking some liberties without telling anyone.
No. 385533
>>385512In /meta/ admin said it was a farmhand who put the thread on autosage and she didn't know about it.
I bet the farmhand is a troon kek
No. 385536
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I truly believe people are hitting peak trans due to the trans athlete debate being mainstream
No. 385561
>>385457>well over 10,000 TERF accountsWhere are all these TERFs hiding? Apparently there's a whole fucking gaggle of them I'm missing out on.
>>385478They're lying, or they're lumping in a bunch of alt-right shits in with TERFs to make gender critical women look bad. I see plenty of black gender critical women on Twitter, not to mention the current rad fem/GC movement in South Korea.
No. 385574
>>385572I don't think they'd be interested in modding a female community.
A >girl would be infinitely more likely to do it, since they love to infiltrate woman-only spaces
No. 385582
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Do you ever see a thumbnail and nope out immediately?
Why the fuck is he talking for 35 minutes on this subject anyway
No. 385611
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Notch, creator of Minecraft, Tweeted this not long ago. The comments on it are interesting.
No. 385628
>>385465It's a reference to this TIF partner is apparently a fakeboi too regarding what he said. The OP sounds like he's in a bad rut, but it's so weird that yaoiboi going after him as well.
No. 385650
>>385635they're basically incels with dresses on kek
i've heard a lot of them try to giggle, it's haunting
No. 385668
>>385478 95% of blacks are gender critical, we just don’t call it that or have organized conversations about it because it’s the general consensus that most troons are white, mentally ill, and have a huge
victim complex.
You can’t convince us that we’re oppressing white men for wearing dresses and not fucking them
No. 385696
>>385683Wtf, no woman (or any normal human being for that matter) gets turned on when hugging family members? It has nothing to with MuH bOdY's CoNfUsEd BeCaUsE iM iN tHe WrOnG bOdY or whatever mental gymnastics these perverts come with. This is seriously concearning and scary. Stay safe degenerate dude's sister.
>>385670This is beautiful anon
No. 385709
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>>385221“it’s basically the same material as a vagina”
No. 385781
>>385458>>385442>>385437I'm the poster of this observation on reddit, the post was compiled from mine and someone's else reply.
Not expecting to see it posted here as is, but nice to see someone liked it. It's supposed to be about this
>>385465 guy and a similar case I've met for comparison.
It's quite pitiful mostly
No. 385793
>>385220This is 1:1 comparable to incel sperging, seriously.
>WAHHH WOMEN DON'T WANT TO FUCK ME I HATE THEM>WHEN SEX ROBOTS BECOME A THING GET BETTER SEX THAN ANY WOMAN COULD GIVE ME, YOU'LL BE OBSOLETE IN A FEW YEARS ROASTIESNo terf ever had a problem with transbians fucking each other anyway, in fact most of them encourage it to stop them from preying on lesbians. Just like women don't give a shit if bitter incels want to fuck robot pussy instead of harassing actual women. If you're gonna stitch together a strawman to punch at least make a believable one.
No. 385826
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>>385736Be prepared to be utterly speechless.
No. 385828
>>385827chances are the human race would be on the brink collapse by 2070
so it really wont matter it
No. 385829
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>>385827Not when the children and teens now being medically transed begin suffering the consequences in 10 years.
Feminist Heretic is back! am amassing links of GC comics, stickers, fliers, and other agitprop for the OP.
No. 385842
>>385451LMFAO even the surgeons think that it's a degenerate fetish, they're just pushing it upon mentally ill people to make money off their delusions.
>>385827To be honest, I don't really care. The whole ideology is based on make-believe, it's bound to crumble at some point.
No. 385851
>>385847Does he regret his decision at all? I'm happy he's starting to get back on track. I bet a lot of TRA supporters will blame their confusion on something else.
And this 'sorry, not sorry' thing isn't just a men think, that's an easy strawman. Look at TIF on Tumblr who framed everything as "at least I learned to have empathy with trans people and know more about gender identities uwu"
No. 385858
>>385848Then give me links of sites more in accordance with your gen z sensibilities, because your generation is the only one that matters.
You do realize she is mocking boomers?
No. 385860
>>385847>All the butthurt troons in the comment calling him an "exception" and not "true trans"That being said, the story is fucking horrifying. No therapist looked into his abused childhood or the fact that he has a high chance of suffering of PTSD due to years of serving in the military, they just gave him the free pass to go mutilate himself and live a fantasy life. His whole story is oozing personality disorders and all the therapists turned a blind eye. It's fucking baffling.
>>385848Anon, it's making fun of the boomer facebook PSA images concerning the "Momo challenge".
No. 385873
>>383616most of the time yeah only one. sometimes if i'm super horny i'm able to give myself another one, never had more than two in close succession though.
i also get off most if i pretend i'm a dude in my fantasy?? so much for women being turned on by themselves lmao. i have autoandrophilia or something. (not trans)
No. 385877
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Saw this in the comment section of a video about a lesbian new anchor coming to terms with her sexuality and trying to navigate being GNC in a very image-oriented and gendered environment. It was in response to someone saying "I'm not queer but I've always been a tomboy…yada yada". Someone told them not to call people queer because it's a slur and this is the response.
This annoys the shit out of me. Is queer the worst thing you could call a gay person? No, but this person is spewing utter bullshit. First, the idea of queer being a slur was not invented by TERFs. People have been saying that a long time. I even remember back in the day, SJW types tagging things with "q-slur" on Tumblr.
This person's exception is if the person is "old enough" to have had it used against them. How old exactly do they think that is? They must have been very sheltered or lived in a progressive neighborhood because I still remember having Smear the Queer where I grew up and I'm only 21.
The word queer doesn't bother me so much because I'm deeply offended by it or anything (I know some people are traumatized by it though). It's more that if someone refers to themselves as queer, I don't really know what they mean by that. There's a good chance they're just a regular old straight who's non-binary or polyamorous or some other dumb shit. Queer let's people like that lump themselves in with actual gay/lesbian/bi people and it gives straight people the impression that it's totally ok for them to call us queers because queer is progressive now.
No. 385879
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No. 385889
>>385882FTMs always pick the kind of names teenage girls like. Kai is popular. Also popular is Eli/Elliot, Finn, Spencer, Aiden/Brayden/Jayden/Kayden and Levi. None of them ever choose something like John or James or Mark. It's always the kind of name you'd see on a floppy haired hipster.
MTFs are harder to pin down but I've noticed a lot of them choose Zoe, Luna, Lauren/Laura, Lily or Chloe.
No. 385892
>>385889I swear I've seen variations of Eli such as Elis, Ellis a thousand times
and MTFs really want to sound like either strippers, underage anime girls or princesses - Jessica, Alice, Allison, Ashley, Elizabeth, Fiona, Laura/Lauren
No. 385914
File: 1552410234312.jpg (54.23 KB, 747x602, the avatar tells.JPG)

>>385889>>385892I'm not an American or a native English speaker to begin with so I have no idea what's the demography behind each name, but even I can swear half of the fakeboys I've seen pick a cutesy name like Eli, Levi or Nate, and the other half get some name they dug up from old English/French literature or some sort of a reference to wolves. What the fuck is it with FTMs and wolves? I don't get it. Even in my own country I've seen a ton of genderspecial women who have taken the name Wolf.
Chloe is spot on though. I've seen so many TiMs take the name Chloe, Alice or Allison. Are they considered princess-ey names in the English language?
>>385902This too, they often tend to pick the name of their crush whether actual or fictional. It just goes off to show how deep they're in their skinwalking, autogynephilic fetish.
In other news, I came across this and is hilarious how one ~twansphobic~ tweet made JK Rowling into a monster. Has anyone else noticed how
transphobia has became a bigger sin than racism, homophobia and misogyny put together?
Because it's a movement driven by narcissistic, unstable, entitled and aggressive straight white men. No. 385925
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>>385863Do these meet with your approval? hope you realize that your criticism was not so much of me but of feminists who are actively propagating the GC movement.
What have you done for the movement? If you don't like what's out there, then create your own.
No. 385928
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I am unable to find a repository of redkatherinee's art. Is there one? It seems to be scattered all over, mostly on tumblr. But TRA's have inserted their bastardizations into the search results.
No. 385934
>>385927What is your activism? Have you created better GC agitprop? Written letters to legislators in protest of codifying gender ideology? Stood up to TRAs at marches?
If you are so ready to shit on the efforts of other women, then undoubtedly your activism must surpass theirs.
In the least post sites that you think are good, then.
No. 385938
File: 1552415388729.jpg (236.66 KB, 1200x1200, Dvsu3RvWwAASzRh.jpg)

>>385928>>385933I can't just post a tumblr search string for redkatherinee or #redkatherinee on, say, Twitter because it pulls up shit like this.
No. 385941
File: 1552415503396.jpg (87.74 KB, 939x1200, DWLtMyvWsAAFffU.jpg)

>>385938Which uses her characters.
No. 385944
>>385914Wolves are generally seen as a very masculine animal. Dog is man's best friend sort of thing. Wolves are the violent step up.
You tend to see a lot of little boys getting wolf stuffed animals, and older men getting wolf tattoos (usually tribal-looking ones)
I think it's a subconscious
or conscious association of wolves with masculinity, frankly.
No. 385948
>>385947I can't pay myself, but I'm really hoping there are people who have the extra cash to get these hand delivered. Especially in more conservative states.
In no way do I agree with most of conservative ideology but they're the most likely to listen
No. 385951
>>385945She's obviously a lesbian lusting after girlcock, anon.
>>385946I'm looking for her GC and radfem art.
No. 385952
>>385889I hang out on the Reddit namenerds sub a lot. In general trans people are prone to picking out names that are overwhelmingly given to little children and are rare for their age cohort. name websites are oriented towards baby names so they go on these sites looking for name inspiration and are met with picks that are popular to give to current babies.
The sub generally tries to direct them towards names more common for their age cohort. Ftm are more likely to pick really short one syllable names and Mtf are more likely to pick really frilly feminine names.
No. 385961
File: 1552417288325.jpg (80.95 KB, 1200x898, D0wiUIAXQAAOq7_.jpg)

StickerWoman arrived in San Francisco in time for Women's Day. Who is printing this version?
No. 385978
File: 1552419094117.jpg (55.58 KB, 640x477, tumblr_ovuzslTV2r1td5vf7o1_640…)

Of course autist troons fail to understand satire.
No. 385990
File: 1552419803996.png (376.27 KB, 2562x960, b99.png)

A lot of her GC art is completely gone from Google image search compared to when I last looked five months ago during thread #7. Is this due to the tumblr purge? Complaints by TRAs?
No. 386008
File: 1552421182327.jpeg (799.51 KB, 1366x2048, Dx_kMKrWoAE6Hz8.jpeg)

>>386000ReSisters UK and ReSisters United were responsible for the multi-country Woman t-shirt action
What is your activism?
No. 386010
>>386008NTA but can you stop? No one gives a fuck about shitty memes/image macros. You can stop spewing "muh activism" when people tell you to stop posting them (and even then where the fuck is
your activism if you're trying to call out others?) It's not really even contributing to the thread at this point.
No. 386014
>>386010If anons think they are so bad, then why aren't they contributing what they think is good?
The point of my posts going back to
>>384433 was requesting contributions, inspired by
>>384119 and the increasing amount of tranny art cropping up everywhere.
No. 386021
File: 1552423572057.jpg (51.68 KB, 634x396, tavistock_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqZT…)

>>379228>>383205NHS transgender clinic accused of covering up negative impacts of puberty blockers on children by Oxford professor
An Oxford University professor has accused the NHS’s only specialised clinic for transgender children of suppressing negative results while undertaking experimental treatment on adolescents.
Dr Michael Biggs, an associate professor at Oxford’s Department of Sociology claims the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) has been giving puberty blocking hormones to children, without robust evidence as to the long-term effects.
It comes after the governor of the clinic based in London with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust resigned last month in protest at its “blinkered” response to doctors who had raised the alarm about “woefully inadequate” care. There is also another centre in Leeds.
Declaring the trial a success, the clinic has continued to treat over a thousand children with the hormones but Dr Biggs’ research suggests that after a year of treatment “a significant increase” was found in patients who had been born female self-reporting to staff that they “deliberately try to hurt or kill myself”.
Parents also reported “a significant increase in behavioural and emotional problems” and a “significant decrease in physical wellbeing” in children born female, he claims. According to his research, there was no positive impact on “the experience of gender dysphoria”, the diagnosis given to those who are described as feeling intensely uncomfortable with their biological sex.
Parents did report their children suffering less “internalising behavioural problems”, however.
Dr Biggs said: “Puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria. Yet the study has been used to justify rolling out this drug regime to several hundred children aged under 16.”
(continue reading) No. 386031
>>386020I have not posted any images that are unrelated to discussion or without a link to a related resource or article.
>read the OPI wrote the OP. Did you read my posts? I am not asking for image dumps. I am asking for contributions of links to add to the OP. The work of archiving resources does not discriminate based on personal taste or perceived artistic merit. Perhaps the greater take away from this discussion is that there is a dearth of GC art, comics, etc if anons are unable to come up with contributions.
No. 386035
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What's this between Arielle and Magdalen?
No. 386050
File: 1552426433836.png (387.87 KB, 800x1011, Screenshot_2019-03-12-14-25-20…)

>>385957Why do they keep getting away with violating the law?
More citations of the Equality Act in the thread. No. 386072
>>386053The purpose and value of any archive is two fold: for the resources themselves and as a record of the status and trends of the subject being archived. Only by amassing all of the resources for GC art, comics, memes, etc that we can find are we noticing that there is not much out there. And in noticing this, we begin to ask questions.
Why is there so little GC agitprop, art, comics, etc? Why is what is available so difficult to find? Why are Etsy stores that sell GC agitprop shut down as soon as they are opened? Why is redkatherinee's GC art disappearing from the internet? Why are TRA's so successful in shutting us down?
Above all, may we be inspired to create what we wish to see.
No. 386089 if this has been posted before, but in Iowa tax payers now have to pay for troon surgery?!
Saged for blog, but my mother has a gene that meant she had a 1:3 chance of getting breast cancer, therefore of course wanted to get a mastectomy and she had to fight to get our insurance to pay for it. That's just so unfair. Even in the wealthiest first world countries people are still dying because they can't afford the best treatments etc - but instead of helping them money and research time goes to useless tranny stuff…
No. 386107
File: 1552433818018.jpg (48.6 KB, 600x420, insurance-medicaid-map.jpg)

>>386089More and more states are adopting bans on exclusions of trans surgeries. Thanks, Obama! Seriously, gender and gender identity becoming a protected class under the DHHS, EOCC, etc is his fault.
This map is from 2016, the most recent I could find in a cursory search.'m in CA which has some of the most liberal
everything for trans. When I had my excision I could not opt for a double mastectomy with MediCal (Medicaid). Now I have extremely uneven breasts which cause me physical discomfort and mental distress. But I'm sure what I and other breast cancer patients experience is nothing compared to tranny feels. I'll just have to hope I get cancer in the other breast so I can have them evened out.
No. 386111
>>386107this is the kind of shit that fucks me off pretty good. there are some places where discussion of facial feminization surgery being paid for by medicaid is a thing also, which is also upsetting as hell.
there's a clinic in san fran called the deschamps-braly that prides itself on the ffs work they do. oddly enough, it was difficult to find before and afters for the work they do, and they state on the site that they're not interested in showing pictures of said masterpieces, but there's a redditor who constantly uploads pictures of himself and was amazed by his 'results'. i'm pretty certain this same person featured on the cover of a publication with one of the doctors at the clinic. he appears to be one of two people who's gone there. i'm sure their prices are astronomical, which is why i think a line needs to be drawn as this is elective surgery, at every level. pic related, he paid 60k for this. i still think he looks like a dude, no matter how much jaw they shaved.
maybe we should all claim to be trans women and thereby get free surgery on the taxpayer's dime whenever we so choose? the very notion of feeling unhappy with your body after a mastectomy that you've had to get because your health is in danger, but having insurance companies quibble over that and not some delusional idiot who wants to lop off their healthy body parts is just infuriating.
No. 386112
File: 1552435807752.jpeg (72.37 KB, 576x768, 8FAA1920-BC03-44AD-B66E-E528A4…)

dropped pic
No. 386115
Old but new to me:"The statistics for trans women who have done sex work is disproportionately higher than for cis gendered women."
Are they really, now?
No. 386116
>>386115It's because a lot of them end up being poor gay men who go into prostitution for the money.
It doesn't help that there's a significantly higher sample size for women than for transwomen.
No. 386117
File: 1552436252056.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.08 KB, 768x768, 8B01C19B-2889-479F-83CE-45D76F…)

>>386114he looks extremely unhealthy. his skin is sallow. when the work was first done he was heavier and looked better, still not like a woman, but not as sickly.
No. 386119
File: 1552436650935.jpeg (93.42 KB, 768x768, 87B3B808-4A8C-4FDF-8CF7-2E87CF…)

last photo, just as a comparison from before the surgery.
these people never look like women to me. i'm sorry, but they don't. he thinks this is a success. i think he wasted his money, but go ahead.
No. 386124
>>386121Samefag, but addon to the r/fitgirls post that always makes me laugh
>13% to 9.2% bodyfat>For females, body fat percentages below 15-20 percent are considered dangerous.They'll never be female, kek
No. 386125
>>386121Fucking gross. You know he was preening from all the negative attention he got. Thanks for the links, anon.
What a pig. From one of his follow ups: "Regarding the hypothetical cis-gendered women who might be uncomfortable by the sight of my genitals in the locker room, I would say that yes, change is uncomfortable, but change happens nonetheless. I imagine that there were white women who were unhappy when they suddenly began seeing black women in their locker rooms after they were desegregated. There was a period of adjustment. This is now seen as totally normal."
Black women aren't sporting dicks, you pig. Just wow.
No. 386126
>>386125more to the point
any woman in a locker room isn't trying to show off her vagina.
No. 386127
File: 1552437792046.png (284.45 KB, 1788x790, 1534741353080.png)

>>386120Here is at least one of the times he's been discussed here.
Always Autumn.
>>>/ot/283064 No. 386129
>>386127Hahahaha wtf? What woman gets completely naked in a locker room and then dresses in front of the mirror (which is normally in a central location of the locker room??)
Everyone else subtly changes with a towel or at least positions themselves in a way that is not offensive to anyone else
It's all just sexualized garbage
No. 386131
>>386125Hey nice work to this dickhead by bringing black women into it.
Maybe if black women historically did 96% of the rapes and murders it would be a fair comparison. It's more what the dick is attached to that's the problem.
No. 386140
>>386127wow, i posted this guy because of his belief that ffs should be free, i had no clue he came with extra drama!
no one gets ready in front of the mirror stark naked. no one. what an asshole.
this is the trouble with calling it a bathroom bill. i guess no one can see you in a stall, no. in theory i don't have to look at some 6' tall tranny leering at me over the top or taking a creepshot. but in a locker room, they let it all hang out, as we can see. if you look at the removeddit for some of his posts, posters were telling him it was uncool and he just did not care. he has the right to show you his dick if he feels like it.
can you imagine being around this narc? he never posts anything that isn't about him or his body or his face, all me me me all the time.
No. 386145
File: 1552441037981.png (95.42 KB, 974x590, 35bucks.png)

>>386111In Googling Deschamps-Braly, I found this post about someone getting FFS for $35. That just.. astounds me.
>>386119He has one of those Korean surgery jawlines that goes all the way up to his ear.
No. 386155
File: 1552441800860.jpg (53.7 KB, 529x268, 8PXaShy.jpg)

what if they took this train of thought … and applied it to trans women, whose male privilege and misogyny shouldn't be erased the second they put on a cheap pink wig and calls himself Samantha
No. 386158
>>386155>>386155Generally the people who make posts like this are close to peak transing because of exactly what you said. They realize that it
should apply the other way around, and realize that the trans ideology wouldn't let them say that.
No. 386179
>>386035Unrelated but anyone know what were the full details behind Magdalen Berns Attack ?
I remember a couple months ago Magdalen was attacked by some asshole then another man (I think it was her brother or her girlfriends brother) intervened and got the worst of the beating. and She escaped with some bruising
I still don't know what the details were behind the attack and whether or not she was targeted for any specific reason
No. 386242
>>386111riley j dennis went to the same clinic to get his jaw shaved and his adams apple removed.
still looks like a man tho lmao
No. 386246
File: 1552479561248.jpeg (61.65 KB, 696x221, F3B62506-8FA0-44B8-AF90-382548…)

why is it that with every troon you interact with, no matter how seemingly "chill" and normal they pretend to be, they always hate women deep down?
No. 386248
>>386117TiMs need to learn what tits look like before they buy a pair for themselves. These are bolt ons. Whoever does boob jobs for TiMs hasn't worked out that something needs to be done around the armpit to make them look real. They look like melons on an action man.
>>386119The thing about them is they never get surgery that feminises THEIR face. They get the surgery to look like an anime girl. This guy could have left his jaw. Doing an extreme V make his face look longer and his head look bigger, making him look more masculine overall.
No. 386261
>>386107>>386111This stuff makes it even more obvious who's pushing the trans propaganda and for which reason. Surgeons and pharm companies are thriving, and people are allowing this without questioning it.
Hey, I have BDD and I suffer too, give me a free nosejob funded by tax payers please.
>>386119He looks even more masculine than before, lmao. I guess it's what he deserves for being a disgusting creep. Isn't it the same clinic where Rapey J Penis went? They both have this unnaturally elongated, alienish manly face.
No. 386263
Does it work to shut down people responding "What about transwomen?!" to actual feminist points with "I'm not a transwoman"? Like, we all know that if a person doesn't know specific experiences, like how being a certain race and/or a specific religion or culture personally impacts a woman on top of the sexism they face, they can't really speak reliably on it.
In the same way, even if we were entertaining TiMs, wouldn't it be retarded to ever speak for them, or on their behalf? What unites women of all races and upbringings is that we were born female and have faced different forms of sexism since birth. The same is not true of anyone born male, and visibly appears male all their life, so what can we actually relate based on? Maybe the few passing ones can relate to us on some of the most shallow levels, but they'll really never know our full experience, and we can never know theirs.
So, why should we be doing their grunt work for them, and why is the onus on us to support them?
They started off as visible males with male privilege, so why don't they use that to create "feminist" spaces on their own, and then invite us cis women so we can #AllWomen it up, lmao? This is still assuming we're in the best case scenario, in which they have anything to offer us at all, mind.
Instead of them calling us trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) for not including them, shouldn't it be us calling them trans inclusionary radical feminists (TIRFs) and explaining why we should be on their side? How are their rights our rights? How can they uplift women as a whole? Do they think it's a valuable tactic to try and scare sexists with "Your "son" may actually turn out to be your daughter, so watch out" or something? These should be questions they all answer before demanding inclusion with feminists.
No. 386308
>>386304I don't even want to admit my attraction to women to myself because I'm so tired of the current situation tbh
I feel like the lgbt community where I live is one big horrible clique who excludes everyone not updated on the current newspeak, filled with catty BPD women, butches who went FTM, and creepy transbians
No. 386310
>>386304I know how you feel. Nother lesbo, I have a girlfriend who went enby (back when we both drank the koolaid, thankfully no hormones) and I had to radpill her to get her back. But we still have "friends" from that time period who are non-binary and trans, and I can't mention being attracted to the biological sex of female without being called a bigot
I've noticed "normie" gay men and women tend to be the best. Like people who are just sort of unknowingly supportive tend to be the easiest to convince that lesbians have the right to bodily autonomy. Best wishes finding yourself some friends, it's nice once you find the right ones.
No. 386311
>>386263The problem is that according to their logic, their experiences growing up and navigating the world are "female experiences" because they identify as women – despite the fact that that's not how that works. At all.
>>386304Also a lesbian and yeah, I'm at a point where I no longer feel comfortable in LGB spaces or even identify with the LGB community because both are no longer made for us.
No. 386334
>>386324the worst city to be a lesbian in right now is fucking portland OR. i used to love it there. like, it was so chill and laid back and honestly filled with cute butch girls. now it is a literal nightmare and the trannies there are pushy and nasty af.
san fran might be bad too, but SF has always been a gay man's city, not a place for lesbians imo. portland has been ruined by these men. it's so sad. now i wish they'd have that cascadia earthquake and drop off the continent.
No. 386340
File: 1552507755182.jpg (172.67 KB, 640x480, t(y)rannies enter the bathroom…)

Media representation is important
No. 386345
>>386340that reminds me of how tumblr decided buttercup is trans because she's a tomboy.
it genuinely made me a little sad, because i really liked her in the original
because she was less feminine than her sisters.
No. 386353
>>386338I unironically had a FtM phase (I didn't take anything thankfully, I was underage and in my country that shit doesn't fly) and went back to realize I was just a lesbian.
I'm FtMtF, fight me trannies.
No. 386366
>>386334We now have the world's first Transgender Cultural District, but not a single lesbian bar left. the Bay Area is home of the Degenderettes and their TERF bashing bats.
No. 386379
>>386250That's what I noticed. Dipshit spends thousands for a "feminine" face but doesn't have the sense to tweeze his Groucho Marx eyebrows.
Men are idiots.
No. 386532
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No. 386535
>>386454Id probably be considered gnc by this thread, and yeah the term bothers me for the reasons I stated, why do you have such a
victim mentality that even a single comment will make you go ‘we can’t have anything!!!’
No. 386567
>>386433They really aren't. Recently I pissed some handmaidens off by posting about how it pisses me off how every masculine female, fictional or not, is hijacked to be "trans representation" instead of being just that, a masculine woman. It just drives the narrative that if a woman isn't conventionally feminine and attractive to men, she shouldn't be a woman.
>>386451By your logic we couldn't use terms like "butch" and "femme" because it's ~tearing us apart~. Stop being bothered over petty things and terms, that's what TRAs do. Every society has stereotypical gender roles and people who don't conform to them, NGC/GNC is a very appropriate term to refer to the people who don't conform to them, it's just a fact no matter how much we hate it.
No. 386575
>>386535>victim mentalitylmao as if gender conforming women weren't acting like
victims when women who don't conform talking about their experiences is somehow an atack against them?
fuck OFF. as someone, who isn't just gnc because of the way i act or look but i am physically gnc and well, with the lack of better term "not like other girls", and have faced quite lot of torment for it, yes, as much as i realize that no woman is fully gender conforming there are some experiences and struggles that come with when you don't conform
No. 386576
>>386338we should start doing this. their own ridiculous arguments work against them too.
"you can't be trans!"
"because you have a vagina."
"um, not all trans women have penises."
"well, you're xx!"
"i haven't had a karyotype, i might not be."
"you were assigned afab and afab can't be trans women."
"that's so exclusive. next you'll say afab can't be men or amab can't be women."
No. 386584
File: 1552559036201.jpg (161.27 KB, 895x317, Screenshot_121.jpg)

>>386125was reading the replies to that thread and came across this fella which lead me to this thread No. 386659
>>386584>their discomfort is not a law I have to follownot a surprise that he thinks this way, they probably all think this way about women. funny how they wanna make easing their discomfort and catering to their delusions a law WE have to follow, though.
no matter what laws they nag people into passing, they'll always be men to me. it's logical. idc how they feel or what they want in the slightest. partially because i know they think like the asshole in this post.
No. 386673
File: 1552583894599.png (798.07 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190314-171713.png)

The news said.. woman breaks pi record?.. Is this actually a man?
No. 386680
>>386673>>386675>"Oh, a woman did something groundbreaking!">click>"…Oh, it's actually a man who calls himself a woman because he has brain problems"Why didn't they just call him a trans-woman? Why "woman"? How long can this madness go on? Is this just men's sneaky way of censoring actual women's accomplishments by obfuscating it all with men who call themselves women? I swear, decades from now, one hot misogynist argument will be "All women who ever did anything notable or accomplished anything in the world were actually born men, or were trans-men in hiding because their society was too prejudiced to accept their identity". It really feels like they hate us and are trying to erase us from history as much as possible.
Is there anybody who's really convinced that an obvious man with long hair, a name-change and some women's clothing is actually a woman? I feel like everyone without nefarious ideas in mind is just trying to be accommodating to mentally ill folk, but now it's gone too far.
No. 386683
>>386680>>386673I'm confused, how do we know they're trans/ a man?
I'm assuming she's a butch lesbian?
No. 386686
>>386576i witnessed a real argument on twitter between a TIF and TIM on this. the TIF was a "afab non-binary demi-girl". she was saying that nonbinary people are trans, and that she is a demi-girl, therefore she can call herself a "trans woman"
and the TIM was just having a shitfit lmao. i think it might have been katelyn burns honestly
No. 386687
>>386683I might always be wrong, but that looks very much like a man to me. I even see a little bit of beard shadow in the first cap, not to mention the strong jaw.
Butch lesbians can indeed look pretty gender non-conforming, but I've never seen one like that exactly.
No. 386689
File: 1552586795524.png (135.82 KB, 872x864, tweets.png)

>>386687I think you could be right.
They tweet quite a bit about trans but doesn't seem like they're talking about their-self…? pic related makes me feel like shes an actual female?
No. 386691
>>386686We should all start doing this. How can they even argue, lmao? By their gospel, gender is really just a social construct, so a lot of us are just demigirls who were assigned female at birth. We're forever pursuing this strange, illusory concept of being female/feminine, especially in the vein of performative femininity, so in essence, we are all trans.
When is the government going to pay for demigirls' gender affirmation plastic surgery to get more conventionally pretty faces or bodies? Anything less is
transphobia, after all.
No. 386701
>>386688Oh man didn't even clock, definitely a dude.
I take back
>>386689 also the newest comments for twitter trans search link lol: sent to @googlestudents "Do you have to be trans now to get a job at Google if you don’t already have some other sort of
victim class identity?"
lol it's true though. He's making diversity/equality quota look good while thinking he's a women and then they can congratulate themselves how a man beat another man's record??? (I also find it strange imho that we congratulate women on things like this, while although an amazing feat why focus on her gender? Makes it seem like it would be a unusual for it to happen.)
>>386692Definitely a dude voice too.
No. 386708
>By their gospel, gender is really just a social constructGender
is a social construct.
>We're forever pursuing this strange, illusory concept of being female/feminineFemale is a biological reality.
Feminine is a social construct.
No. 386734
>>386673Y'all really looked at this and thought "well maybe it's a female"
that's a man, baby
No. 386743
File: 1552597674462.jpg (116.77 KB, 720x1254, 5r2sluxplemz.jpg)

>>386742whoops, dropped pic
No. 386782, PA — A student at Honesdale High School filed a complaint with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights March 14, saying she felt violated by seeing a student of the opposite sex changing with her in the women’s locker room.
“Opening up restrooms and locker room facilities to members of the opposite sex is sexual harassment, and like many forms of sexual harassment, the girls in this school have little power over their situation,” Andrea Shaw said in a statement released with the video.
No. 386805
File: 1552612019372.png (536.44 KB, 599x638, IT boys.PNG)

I love representation! /s
No. 386807
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>>386692Adams apple at 2:09.
No. 386813
File: 1552614249552.png (446.92 KB, 951x524, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 01.4…)

Even his damn Twitter pic highlights his Adam's apple. Professionally lit and shot photos can help (even if not entirely convincing), but troons often seem to disregard those for their own shitty pics. Narcissism strikes again?
Semi-related: it's sad that seeing 'queer' in a profile, posts about gender identity, even the rainbow flag now make me instantly think TIM rather than gay/bi woman.
No. 386817
File: 1552615103612.png (326.85 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_2019-03-14-21-49-40…)

>>386782Decided to give the video a watch, and the state of the comments is absolutely insane. I'm only hanging out with normies now….
This comment tho… These people are really defending a man being in the locker room with women. Disgusting.
They're so adamant on comparing this to the civil rights movement. Race cannot be changed and it's the same thing with the two sexes. The deluded freaks.
No. 386851
File: 1552624064764.jpg (160.22 KB, 720x626, 20190314_054922.jpg)

The fact that they have rhe audacity to claim this is infuriating. Last I checked, gendercrits weren't attempting to errode sex segregated spaces and women's sports.
No. 386858
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>>386813Lmao, not a comment from his twitter but this was posted on the googlestudents twitters tweet about him
No. 386879
File: 1552630309108.jpg (90.2 KB, 637x881, zir.jpg)

>>386805This is great going to have to keep checking the comments on this now.
I used google translate for the last comment in Russian and it says "
Are you completely fucked there?"
No. 386881
File: 1552631052601.png (331.38 KB, 800x1173, Screenshot_2019-03-14-23-19-11…)

Jonathan Yaniv is being erased from Wikipedia by troon editor mods.
No. 386899
>>386692That sounds very ambiguous to me but for some reason I feel like this is probably still a man
I have a deep voice myself, never get mistaken for a man but was commented that I could sound 'like one'. No adam's apple tho
No. 386901
>>386881>transbian>Also diagnosed with BPD Whoda thunkit!
These white male IT professionals who claimed to be the most ~opwessed~ class in the society sure do hold a lot of power for someone so underprivileged, they can take down whatever the fuck they want for criticizing the trans movement.
No. 386910
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No. 386913
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This site is aggregating trans crime articles.
No. 386925
>>386910Just so I understand what the parent is saying:
Their son who wanted to transition has found that estrogen results in soft dick and has decided to stop taking estrogen? That sounds like a good thing and a place where therapy could start.
No. 386933
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What happened to teaching children that there are biological differences between the sexes? You know, reality?
No. 386938
>>386933>3-4 year old doesn't understand biology and is unable to express his feelings in a more abstract way when he idolizes a female role model in his life>YOU THINK HE'S TRANS????Christ. Trans kids are the product of full on munchie parents.
Also has anyone ever noticed that in almost every trans kid's case it's always a boy? A male child expresses the slightest admiration of female gender = he has to be trans. These boys often have older sisters they idolize too, but nobody bats an eye when they want to change his name and put him on blockers as soon as possible.
No. 386947
>>386944Honestly, 4thWaveNow is a pretty decent resource for parents I think. It's not heavily radical, it's just facts for normie parents who have no clue what this stuff is.
But this stuff makes me sick. 6-8 year olds should not be doing anything with their genitalia aside from peeing.
No. 386972
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Debra Messing literally killed trannies with cupcakes!
>I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong. No. 386977
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I’m surprised Germany put this out lol.
Nice try, but the women‘s Ticket is really only for women.
No. 386986
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dumping some images from recent jazz threads on /tv/
No. 386988
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>tfw you find out the dude who made the what about nascar vine is a MtF
No. 386999
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>>386993Ahmir is thinking, "What if I don't like it because of how effed up your whole vagina is?"
No. 387000
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Is this how he gets out of being gay?
No. 387002
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>private, private, private
No. 387003
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>I'll be answering all the questions
No. 387004
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No. 387005
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In last week's episode Jazz got a cortisone shot to treat the scar tissue. From the summary on KF:
next scene: at Dr Ting's office.
"It still doesn't look good," says Jazz.
"It just looks different than when Marci saw it, I don't know if that's good or bad," Says Jeannette.
"It still doesn't look like a vagina yet," Says jazz.
Jeannette asks what the cortisone shot would do. Dr. Ting explains that the scar (he makes a shape with his hand, seems to indicate that there is a ring of scar all around the "vulva") will soften and look more like normal skin with the cortisone shot.
"What we are talking about now is letting the scar soften and mature enough so that we can manipulate that skin, and, you know, create the labia," says Dr. Ting. He later says they need to make a hood for the clitoris.
Jazz asks, "Is it gonna hurt?"
Dr. Ting says, "Yes."
They give the shot and Jazz says, "I didn't feel anything."
Jazz asks the doctor if she is cleared to do sexual activity after the shot.
Jeannette says, "No! Never!"
They cut to an in home interview and Jeannette says, "It's not that she's too young! It's that her vagina is too young!"
No. 387007
>>387005Haha, it's funny that even despite all of the $$$$$ shucked away on hormones and surgeries the fat still collects around natural male points. And even funnier this is with some obvious shooping involved. Can't escape that heart shaped pelvis.
Also, "her vagina is too young"… Can you imagine if it had been the father that said that?
No. 387034
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>>387029Too tight boyshorts at that with no labia and no clitoral hood. Good thing he's completely numb.
And the bra he designed to strap up his tuberous breast deformity.
No. 387060
>>387033Absolutely. Jazz is a very clear example of how horrific it can be when parents push their children into the gauntlet of puberty blockers, HRT, and surgery just because they were/are GNC. Jazz's parents have ruined his youth and set him up for a lifetime of medical dependency, confusion and conflicted feelings over how he was robbed of the ability to ever experience a normal body, sex, etc. (feelings which he has already expressed many times). These poor kids can't actually consent or begin to comprehend the long-term and permanent effects on their bodies, health, and development. But all over the place we're seeing boys like Jazz, or girls who turn 13 and struggle with their changing bodies, gender expectations etc. and instead of being able to work out their body image issues in a healthy way and explore gender nonconformity freely, they're set up by peers, internet subcultures, parents, and exploitative doctors to go full steam into permanently altering and damaging their bodies.
No. 387062
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>>386972I hate when they bow their heads to these lunatics. Not acknowledging them is the best way to make them disappear. A similar thing happened to Sarah Gadon on last year's IWD, she apologized too.
One person that didn't bow their head is Marina Diamandis. She posted this in 2015 and there are outraged tweets calling her
transphobic and "cissexist", she ignored their cries. What the fuck, TRAs really want to erase female anatomy. They literally get
triggered just at the sight of a shirt with a uterus. Marina didn't even write anything "terfy" or implying anything. They're crazy.
No. 387076
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>>387068He has not had any breast surgery.
Tuberous breasts (or tubular breasts) are a result of a congenital abnormality of the breasts which can occur in both men and women (also see Hypoplasia), one breast or both. During puberty breast development is stymied and the breasts fail to develop normally and fully. The exact cause of this is as yet unclear, however, a study in 2011 of the cells in the breasts of both males and females with tubular breasts suggested a genetic link in a disorder of collagen deposition.
No. 387090
>>387081I assume this means he would have developed some degree of deformity had he not taken hormones. But being on what I assume was a fixed level of estrogen for years perhaps made his breasts develop differently (eg rate, structure) from how female breasts develop.
Do we have examples of other pubertal troons with tuberous breasts?
No. 387104
>>387090By which I mean adult TiM who transitioned during puberty, not seeking underage tuberous trans tits. No paedo!
ETA: The number of threads on Reddit about tuberous trans tits is as endless as the tweaking of estrogen and progesterone levels in an attempt to achieve the perfect breasts. No. 387111
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>>386848>>384851What's with this assertion that transgenderism is a result of postmodernism? Trans ideology is in complete opposition to postmodernist thinking…that's exactly what makes it so regressive and full of irony
No. 387126
>>387062This stuff infuriates me. We have to see dick-related shit everywhere. Why is female anatomy so fucking
triggering to troons?
No. 387128
>>387111It's literally not… I love Foucault for many things but his views on sex shaped up a lot of Judith Butler's thinking and gave intellectual validity to the whole sex posi movement.
Postmodernism is reactionary politics repackaged as progressive. Read up some Jameson and Habermas.
On another note, I really hate how so many transbians are into harsh noise. It really ruins the scene. I wouldnt get any gigs if word got out I was a TERF.
No. 387133
>>387066He shows typical NPD signs, too. Guess it was bound to happen, having a NPD munchie by proxy mom who elevates you as the golden child because you're her cashcow.
>>387126Exactly. Notice how you don't see TIFs throwing a fit everytime they see a dick.
No. 387135
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>>387111Well, there's this book to start with.
No. 387155
>>387111Are you the same anon who posted similar gifs of Willow with your posts? If so it's probably a good idea to not avatar post since it makes your posts distinguishable.
>>387066>>387133It's also worth noting that - yes he is the manipulated golden child - he never went through the changes of puberty as anons mentioned a bit above, so his development there is also stunted. He understands some concepts, but not social norms. Now that I think of it, the uterus thing might actually be a product of the whole mess (abuse, really) he's gone through his entire life and his surgery and stuff and the kinds of things he has to hear/do/describe on a daily basis. He doesn't understand how absolutely abnormal and inhumane it is because it's all he knows and it's all he CAN know.
I feel really bad for Jazz but am also curious (perhaps a bit morbidly) to see what will happen as he grows up and hopefully gets free of his mother to actually try to experience life. Best case scenario: He does some sort of tell-all. Worst case scenario is pretty obvious.
I kind of view Jazz the same way I would view those people who were kept in a solitary room from an early age for years and years and upon leaving are extremely damaged and have to learn what life is completely.
Both are near-lifetime cases of controlling behavior that isolates a youth from everything that life is.
His parents should be criminals for this shit. Especially the mother. I found the Kiwi thread on Jazz to be fairly decent and informative if anyone wants to look into the situation further.
No. 387165
I'll fully admit I went down a hole through the internet, but I found a post about boobs and it seemed interesting. A lot of the women were talking about their boobs after pregnancy and breast cancer and how it affected their self perception.
Then I ran into the troon.
>"Six months into hormones — and still not telling anyone that I was a girl — I had a girlfriend who I had just begun to date again after years of being broken up. I had come out to her just before we began dating again… We slept in the same bed one night. New Order's 'Temptation' came on, and she stuck her hand up my shirt and touched my budding, sensitive breasts for the first time. In that moment, I began to overcome shame about my changing body.
>I had breast growth and intense sensitivity (remember puberty?) from years of hormones, but I always identified aesthetically as someone with bigger boobs. Having that surgery felt integral to my personal narrative
>identified aesthetically No. 387227
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Putting our children at risk so pedophile drag queens can get an ego boost.
No. 387279
>>386988Lmao I followed his vine account back in the day because he had some funny stuff but even back then he was a troon and had “she/her” in his bio. I’m pretty sure his vine name was a male name too which is funny. I think he made some references to not being “out” to his family yet but I guess now he’s fully transitioning.
But he just looked like a dude with long hair and had a man voice and any time a commenter would refer to him with male pronouns his followers would freak out.
Sad because he had a good sense of humor and I liked some of his vines but knowing he was a troon made my skin crawl, especially since he hadn’t transitioned at all yet and was still demanding people refer to him as s she. Ick
No. 387419
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I love the media coverage of this story. "He" identifies as non binary kek
No. 387428
>>387419"I think like a woman."
It's time to make men explain what they mean by this.
No. 387628
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>>387128>I love Foucault for many things but his views on sex shaped up a lot of Judith Butler's thinkingso trans ideology isn't a result of postmodernism…but a result of feminism.
>Postmodernism is reactionary politics repackaged as progressive? PM is deconstructive and liberational, trans and queer ideology reconstructs social boundaries and identity
No. 387736
>>387628Foucault is peak pomo and Butler is directly influenced by Foucault.
What do you even consider post modernism ? What authors and ideologies do you attach to it ?
Also stop avatar posting, it's ugly, cringey and just shows you're a newfag.
No. 387744
>>387736Just because one author influences another does not mean the latter becomes representative of the former's ideas that they misinterpret and mutate.
>thinks posting images is ugly and means you're newCarry on making dumbfuck posey statements like 'POMO = TRANS'
No. 387797
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>>387135This book was published in 1997, btw.
No. 388113
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Why is everyone so obsessed with being gay and totes oppressed
No. 388134
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I just wanted to take a video game survey. Jesus Christ.
No. 388145
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>non-presenting trans woman
why are troons always e-begging?
No. 388151
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>>388145the aforementioned trans “woman”
No. 388181
>>384043>Why is everyone so obsessed with being gay and totes oppressedI just watched a video from a girl who identifies as asexual/"ace". I clock her as 100% straight. She made this long ass video about how asexual people belong in gay pride parades. She was getting more and more angry and annoyed as she talked. I think she has a guilty conscience.
She wants to go be in the parade with all the fun colors and attention but she isn't LGBT in the slightest. I would bet anything despite being "ace" she will end up settling down with a dude in 5-10 years
No. 399343
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A question on the housing application for my university.
(Listing is alphabetical which is why Woman is at the bottom, but the whole visual effect of it was just stroke-inducing)