File: 1526933458658.png (889.25 KB, 533x707, gross.png)

No. 521479
-Crack Confidence Edition-
Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420
IG: [new] [old]
>previously also known as howl1996, junkhun and funeralhome420 >22 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive >Gets by acting like a lost soul online>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!" >tries to be exactly like courtney love>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles>sqandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year >visible arm infections>Lurch deleted facebook after "tessa" came forward with him attempting to seduce hem but still uses messenger according to last update>always "short on rent" or otherwise in need of donations >overdosed on heroin, didn't encourage her to get clean>RIP ROGER>Tuna and Lurch can't pay rent because all their money came from Roger's social security so the ebegging is ramped to 100newest milk:
>EVICTED>Lurch and Luna move in with her ex-addict mother>brings along moldy, nasty stuffed animals and complains about not being able to move her other belongings>tries selling nudes, shitty art, and ebegging to supplement the money they stole from Rodger>Her "abusive" Dad continues to buy her shit from Amazon>posted pictures of her and Lurch looting through a cemetery>possible 2nd OD>newfound crack confidence causes her to post too many pictures of her fried egg titties>possibly will go to a methadone clinic PREVIOUS THREADS
>>497850 No. 521513
File: 1526943502065.png (354.4 KB, 800x820, Screenshot_2018-05-21-18-55-33…)

sure tuna. i'm still perplexed by her lip. was she born with it this way? i remember it was still kind of funky in her old pre-heroin pics. but since she's been on hard drugs it just looks 100x worse.
No. 521536
File: 1526947130804.png (68.49 KB, 522x204, 1465000169935.png)

Pic from the first thread, normal skin complexion, lips look alright, doesn't look anaemic, plump and youthful and she has life in her eyes!
No. 521554
>>521513Why does she keep posing her mouth that way. It's fucking weird and makes her mustache stand out. Fix your face, Tuna!
>>521550Tuna's too busy taking retarded selfies and Lurch is too dead to show any signs of life.
No. 521694
>>521622Half the anons here, myself included, are ex-hard drug addicts. We know the signs/symptoms. Bottom line, no one knows for sure. That said, crack is usually more affordable than heroin, especially if she has an opiate tolerance. Other behaviors and appearance also factor into our substance abuse speculations, but at this point I believe many here use the term 'crack confidence' more freely than literally gaining confidence from just crack. More like 'unwarranted, haggard drug addict delusions' in shorter terms.
Personally agree with
>>521645 this time around, though. This is all some str8 up benzo shit, especially with the amount of bars she's showing off.
No. 521710
>>521616I work fairly close to her she's in my old town. Some of us are locals and I recognize the warehouse outside her window its very distinctive.
I won't post the address since its doxxing and its her moms place and she has shared her address in the past but this is a new address so just wait until she posts something with it
No. 521716
>>521513TBH her lips are so fucking weird, and the nude color she exclusively uses does her NO favors. She honestly looks like she puts foundation on them or something.
They're so oddly shaped and wrinkly, I wonder if she is covering up some cankerous mouth sores? And is that a wart on the bottom of them or a piercing?
>>521536She's always been kinda ugly. But at least she looks healthy….
No. 521717
>>521716It's cus she's so dehydrated like try not drinking all day and your mouth kinda looks like hers and I guess it's from all the heavy lip stuff she puts on
>>521513Does her dad have prime? lol she posts about clothes she wants and then the next day she's wearing them. god I know you can't just abandon your kid but I wish her dad wouldn't enable her awful materialist ways like if he wants to spend money on her get them to take her to a rehab or whatever
No. 521730
>>521716she does use concealer on her lips, she’s been pretty open about that being her ~look~ for years. also that’s a piercing under her bottom lip.
and yeah i agree she’s always been ugly IMO regardless of weight, but that’s genetics and not really something she can control. but she didn’t look like a walking corpse back then and definitely didn’t manipulate people to feed her drug habits. her ugly personality has made her uglier.
No. 521769
File: 1527010960619.png (130.48 KB, 579x645, KTTOZWi.png)

No. 521773
>>521769What does this even mean?? Is this song lyrics or something?
With the proper documentation and money, talking to a landlord is usually exciting, Tuna.
No. 521808
File: 1527018339989.png (154.08 KB, 744x573, GO59rBa.png)

I'm trying to find where she talked about her mom's government housing in the earlier threads, but found this. Some anons were wondering how everything she touches becomes so incredibly filthy. Well, this should answer your question…
No. 521831
File: 1527022356562.png (162.27 KB, 793x501, khXV08X.png)

>>521828I don't mean to keep bringing up old shit, but from one of the earlier threads she confessed to stealing her dad's belongings. So basically I wouldn't put it past her. But this anon
>>521829 has a point.
No. 521839
>>521829>>521830True, but consider this: Luna's dad is aware of her having his amazon account. She must realize there is a limit to her ability to exploit him.
You guys have seen her make tons of collections of items she wants, right? Sometimes she goes weeks without buying anything. I am guessing that when that happens, it's because she splurged too much on her dad's account and he changed the password or something. After some amount of time, she gets her amazon privileges back– as long as she doesn't go crazy and buy too much.
I think Luna exploits her amazon privileges just enough to where she can still use her dad, and also get cheap shit she doesn't need. It fits her classic manipulative MO.
No. 521843
>>521839I'm the one who wrote
>>521828 and I definitely considered this as well. I think either are plausible for sure.
No. 521848
>>521843Are you confused, anon? Because I am
>>521839 and I also wrote
>>521828 .
No. 521860
File: 1527027286710.png (36.78 KB, 514x366, oY6fTba.png)

Finally I found the mention of government housing.
"On Section 8 since I was a baby"
No. 521864
File: 1527027811296.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180522_142813808.j…)

>>521730Older pic of her lips (still revolting) and a bonus pic for you anon
No. 521873
File: 1527028487569.jpg (1.2 MB, 4235x1920, inCollage_20180522_153053779.j…)

Same anon as
>>521864 but looking at that pic as compared to today makes me wonder if she's closer to death than I originally thought. Not that I think she's going to drop dead tomorrow, but damn her body is unhealthy as fuck. What a waste of youth. I would imagine the failure of her lips to heal themselves and her lack of hygiene (you just know she's not washing her lips or face, much less exfoliating the dead skin) have resulted in the mess on her face we are confronted with today. Imagine what her lips would taste like…brb literally dead at the thought
No. 521885
>>521873I mean I think she's got a lot of reserves to burn through first but ya
>>521875I almost have PTSD from this type of "poetry" lol
No. 521909
>>521847She would fare much better on ebay. Based on the stock photos she posts from her wish list, those are
most likely the same kind of things that sell for $3-$10 for the same quality. I mean, Amazon is faster with the 2-day Prime shipping but if she likes getting stuff in the mail then maybe waiting 2-3 weeks to get something would be even more of a surprise since you rarely get tracking on those orders.
No. 521948
File: 1527043067604.png (132.87 KB, 720x1030, governmentbuilding_illegal.png)

So I messaged her and was bullshitting her for a little while. She lurks here so Im sure I'll be blocked now but whatever. She was pretty boring anyways. Im only posting the vaguely interesting stuff. Dump incoming.
No. 521949
File: 1527043105170.png (96.08 KB, 720x517, 2nd_od.png)

No. 521950
File: 1527043131247.png (166.65 KB, 718x818,…)

No. 521951
File: 1527043159931.png (164.07 KB, 720x1026, moms_on_couch.png)

No. 521953
File: 1527043213009.png (128.24 KB, 720x736, pretty_much_useless.png)

No. 521954
File: 1527043236940.png (45.23 KB, 720x225, landlord_checks.png)

No. 521956
>>521954God, I hope Luna ends up homeless. I truly do. She’s such a spoiled brat.
Thank you for the screenshots, anon! Keep em comin.
No. 521960
File: 1527043554377.png (160.17 KB, 720x1030, context-1.png)

No. 521963
File: 1527044040731.png (137.7 KB, 720x669, bread_and_butter.png)

She said she was waiting for her foodstamps, would probably have them by Wednesday (iirc) but today she said she got a loaf of bread and butter but then immediately asked for food money.
And dunno Whats up with her random "I really AM bipolar uwu!" message.
No. 521964
>>521962I think tuna was referring to back in the day when she was paying her rent with the inheritance money.
But yeah, its fucked up of her to put her mom at risk of being homeless again.
No. 521969
File: 1527044461959.png (66.22 KB, 720x362, cant_stay_at_moms.png)

Her mom clearly doesn't want her there.
No. 521975
>>521963anon I know you prolly won't but please don't give her any cash she's so full of shit
I don't really know a lot about bipolar disorder but do you normally have manic episodes that last for a day and a half
No. 521989
File: 1527045448561.png (49.69 KB, 703x317, tuna_panties.png)

No. 521994
File: 1527045524683.png (100.37 KB, 720x449, fire_crotch.png)

She also sent me a pic of her weird looking boob. Not sure if it was one she posted on Tumblr/Twitter too or not.
No. 521995
File: 1527045949447.png (70.14 KB, 720x389, cringe.png)

No. 521996
>>521994I thought she was a brunette? And she's already giving away freebies, scaring off potential buyers. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
>>521995This is why people ignored her ass on Facebook. She spams and begs the fuck out of them.
No. 522000
>>521995so embarrassing lmao
can't she just get a fucking job! it's crazy tuna you get paid like once a month, real money! for you to buy some amazon tops and ds games and heroin
No. 522013
File: 1527048453309.png (95.39 KB, 1035x275, 0krlofa.png)

>>521950>i'm tired of being laughed at. it hurts. the threads about me hurt. idkidk why, but this reminded me of a kf post. it's funny she doesn't have this same thing in mind when she's laughing at abby brown. why does she deserve to be laughed at and not luna?
anyway thanks for the caps anon and don't give her cash.
No. 522162
i know we are days into this thread but I just wanted to tell this anon
>>520308 that Im sad their edit didnt make it as OP image but a cheap knoff-off instead
>>521950>idk if I want to get fully cleanbitch
No. 522183
>>522162You're nice my dear anon. Editing Lurch into all sort of things is my passion.
(ugh…I miss sage option)
No. 522195
File: 1527098765780.png (379.06 KB, 561x447, C8iAKZE.png)

No. 522206
>>522205I think Tuna meant "I'm a natural deadhead with a fire crotch" and the fire crotch is due to the many many bugs, crabs, diseases, and cuz it burns when she pees.
She's an awful saleswoman, I've seen craigslist ads for shit fetishes that were more appealing than this.
No. 522232
>>522222maybe its like how men get some red in their beard? lol ew
kinda wish in a morbid way that her pics weren't so much so we could see the true horror but idk it's probably pretty scarring
No. 522313
>>521788Landlords are often incredibly shitty people, but that's more often the case when it's an individual person renting out a place that doesn't do background/credit checks and/or references so as to attract desperate tenants who can't raise a fuss about the landlord breaking laws or building codes. Shitty landlords and shitty tenants have a symbiotic relationship.
>>521860How did Luna's dad manage get an apartment in Manhattan and apparently earn a good deal of expendable income if he's a former addict who spent time in section 8? Usually people like that are lucky to make it to middle class. This seems like an unanswered question about Luna's life.
No. 522316
File: 1527120633967.jpg (42.12 KB, 500x500, c8bac1ff-6d3a-4cc9-89b3-5e6da9…)

>>522114i absolutely agree. but i think she's far gone. old ugly bf is never getting clean, so she's never getting clean. if you go through the old threads you can see she hasn't changed at all. bitch is gone. never gonna look good again or do something with her life. i'd buy her art/prints if i didn't know she was going to spend all the money on drugs honestly. i think she'll start hooking eventually as long as she can get drug money.
>>522132that's so fucking funny oh man
No. 522323
File: 1527121565720.png (33.6 KB, 720x258, premium_snap.png)

>>522303Yeah she said it was a typo. She also said that she already had one person buy her premium snap, which she said she'd update with pics daily.
These screenshots are from a few days ago btw. She stopped messaging me. Prolly lurks here and I was blocked but oh well, I was getting bored af talking to her anyways.
No. 522325
>>522195Nitpicking a little but I'm
triggered as fuck over the fact she's using (probably her mums) mug as an ash tray. She was showing off her pink ash tray in a pic like a week ago so its not even like she doesn't own one?
No. 522327
>>521975>>522069>do you normally have manic episodes that last for a day and a halfi dont want to get to far into medfagging, so i make this short:
yes and no. There is bipolar disorder that is similar to major depression with severe depressive episode and severe manic episodes both usually lasting for long times (weeks to months). there are also lighter versions of that with a faster pace and less severe episodes.
I still call bullshit, because overly dramatic, drugs and bpd.
her being "manic" might have just been high on anything and organizing her room for a bit or something. I wouldnt think she actually has a feeling of how she would feel like as a normal person without any drugs constantly in her system.
No. 522329
File: 1527122523081.png (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 750x1334, 1496768958160.png)

>>522031>wonderfully cleanthis was posted threads ago.
spoiler because gag No. 522332
>>522330ewww …
it's especially beyond me, because the head part has a silicon cover that you can pull off and easily clean… or at least take some goddamn wet wipes good lord I feel like i can smell that through the screen
No. 522356
>>522348I think you mean… areola.
It's not like luna can help her saggy boobs, they're partially from weight loss.
No. 522372
>>522323i wonder how long that person will continue paying for her nasty nudes?
if shes gonna do this "cam girl" thing, the least she can do not wear her disgusting blood stained sweater, jebus christ
No. 522403
>>522359Doesn’t not wearing a bra actually make your pecks or whatever stronger so your boobs are actually less saggy. I’ve heard since bras support your boobs and make those muscles work less they actually will cause you to sag.
I think her saggy boobs are a mixture of just natural and her unhealthy weight loss.
I’m also not buying the bipolar thing either. She claims to have never been manic before so that’s suspicious. And like someone said on one of her posts: people with bpd can actually have mania once in awhile.
No. 522421
>>522327>>522406>>522403Jfc, I am prolly gonna be banned for derailing, but the misinformation is
triggering tf out of me
IRL everything but dissertation for my PhD in psychology here. Anyway, I don't see much bipolar disorder due to the fact I do a certain kind of counseling clients with BP usually are already medicated when they come to me. So I am not an expert and just know what I had to for exams. Luna does NOT have mania. Mania is far more extreme and characteristic of BP1. There's BP2 with hypomania/depressive symptoms. While BP can have rapid cycling, there's no effing way Luna can go from a hypomanic episode to fine in a little over an hour or a day and a half. The DSM-5 says the hypomania episode has to last at least a week. Rapid cycling is 4 or more (hypo)mania episodes in a year.
When assessing mania, the first question out of any professional's mouth will be asking about substance use. Luna has shown pictures of bars of Xanax and has talked about other drugs before. So…yeah. Probably drugs.
(armchair) No. 522425
>>522403Those studies are nonsense, anon. While gravity is going to eventually cause almost any kind of boob to sag, bras or support of any kind will help delay the process at the very least.
Luna was already doomed though, bad genetics, poor care, and excessive weight gain/loss.
>>521950>i'm tired of being laughed at. it hurts. the threads about me hurt.You know, I could maybe sort of, kind of feel bad if it weren't for her participating in the whole Abby Brown hate group thing. She wants to cry about people making fun of her, but was literally doing the same exact thing.
No. 522523
>>521536She looks like a gremlin there…
Let's just be honest, as shitty as Luna is on the inside, she's never been a looker physically.
No. 522575
>>522570Yep, this really. Her art has always been gross to look at, especially when you consider that some of the girls in them(if not all) is Tuna. She even included her nasty ass vibrator in a few before, don't nobody want to see that shit. Tuna probably did have a few friends who tried to help her and blocked them because of it. She always acts like a cunt to people who want to help her get clean and is only nice to them when she's begging for money.
Drugs didn't make her treat Roger or her dad like utter shit, Tuna did that herself. She's always been an entitled piece of shit and she's not going to change.
She got evicted and did that change her? Nope, because there will always be someone to fall on. She even said that she constantly begs because it works and that she isn't going to stop until it stops working. Did she get a job? Nope, she's doing everything that she can to keep from getting one, including selling nudes of a body that she claims to hate. Tuna has been this way for years now. The little money they do seem to have, they spend on drugs instead of saving for a place to live. If she truly cared about her mom not becoming homeless again, she wouldn't have put her in that position in the first place or saved up. Until she becomes completely homeless without her expensive things and goes
truly hungry, she's not going to get a wake up call.
No. 522577
>>522562Doesn't her dad encourage her to get clean? And we all see how she treats him for doing that.
It looks like her mom is trying to get her clean too. Either way, she's never going to be able to do it with Junji Ito face around.
>>522570Yeah, her art isn't interesting at all. I think she has raw talent actually, some of the drawings posted here from when she was a teen were good for her age, but she just makes the same self-indulgent "woe is me" Animal Crossing fanart over and over again. The longer she is on drugs, the worse her art gets. She's interesting enough to have 18 threads on this site, but still can't draw inspiration from her experiences.
No. 522732
>>522710>what we say about her could push her to commit suicide or somethingDoes she wonder that about Amy Brown?
She's not worth your concern anon, trust me.
Anon have said everything, better than I could with my crooked english.
>>522575 No. 522741
File: 1527227892264.png (3.18 MB, 2455x1957, Screenshot (68).png)

>>522714I'm actually really surprised she hasn't started panhandling yet. I'm sure she could find someway to convince herself it's cool.
No. 522836
>>522805She blocked this anon
>>522323 soon after they posted their convo, so maybe she does read here like that
No. 522911
>>522639>>522662>rehabhasnt she admitted at one point how back then she didnt thought crack was coming up in a drug test, which is why she only did crack during that time?
but of course it came up in a drug test and then they either kicked her or told her she could only continue with detoxing first or something?
No. 522913
>>522706first off, she is not yet homeless. not really.
second, what about winter time?
No. 522917
>>521479>>522912I think she just doesn’t give a shit tbh. Even if her mom gets evicted because of her, she’ll find a way to victimize herself.
But I can’t picture tuna becoming homeless. With all this shits going on, I’m 100% sure that lurch is searching for a place to stay if they can’t stay here. He knows that mama tuna and evil dad don’t want him around so he definitely needs a back up plan
No. 523080
File: 1527294769246.png (129.25 KB, 703x632, 20_dolla_box_fan.png)

>>523077Jfc. Because its not that interesting? But here ya go.
No. 523089
File: 1527295355879.png (353.18 KB, 568x482, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at 5.42…)

No. 523114
>>523089>>523103lol right
I couldn't even work out what this was for a minute
No. 523282
>>523089God she really doesn't even bother with the slightest effort, even though this is probably the only way she's going to earn money legally for the foreseeable future.
Most people who sell pics/clips will at least figure out which tags attract dirty old men and drop advertisements in for more exposure. It takes ~30 seconds to tag a Tumblr post.
No. 523310
File: 1527322884332.png (601.22 KB, 536x824, k67wvdn.png)

No. 523311
File: 1527322899149.png (739.19 KB, 540x720, HpFHTCS.png)

No. 523313
File: 1527322944380.png (503.42 KB, 540x712, XSD9ash.png)

No. 523314
File: 1527323111798.png (430.1 KB, 513x593, BLh5YOJ.png)

No. 523316
File: 1527323126413.png (544.01 KB, 851x598, VzaWTfK.png)

No. 523318
File: 1527323144289.png (567.46 KB, 936x458, FGgAg4o.png)

No. 523319
File: 1527323199893.png (844.78 KB, 890x593, DiLi3dH.png)

No. 523321
File: 1527323240039.png (792.79 KB, 556x587, swamp creature.png)

No. 523323
File: 1527323263494.png (556.24 KB, 553x591, SIqriz9.png)

No. 523357
>>523311eeeeewwww that poor beauty blender wtf did she dip it in shit?
and what is that fupa thing in the lower left corner of the image???
>>523313what causes those jesus-tier stigmata on her knees?
No. 523359
>>523320That’s not even a nude tho
>>523357Shooting up most likely? Former addicts pls confirm
No. 523409
>>523408Samefagging but nvm, sorry for the mental image.
Theyre cigarette self harm burns she mentioned last week.
>>521364 No. 523423
File: 1527345080796.png (108.54 KB, 150x310, wtfluna.PNG)

>>523311As nasty as all this is, I'm more concerned with what this is. It looks like a face roller that's been dunked in shit.
No. 523628
>>523432Yeah, it's a decomposing rabbit plushie.
>>523519Dunno, she's pretty lazy… I personally can't see her working the street. She's far too stuck up to think she would ever need to touch someone else.
No. 523669
File: 1527374581990.png (143.72 KB, 720x849, just_send_the_cash.png)

No reply after I said my cat died, but when I sent the $10 message a while later she answered immediately. Ofc.
No. 523671
File: 1527374621130.png (127.94 KB, 720x825, insurance_issues.png)

No. 523690
>>523688Dammit. Its just a throwaway account but still.
>>523673No, im just bullshitting with her.
No. 523692
File: 1527376553133.png (132.02 KB, 720x876, needs_shampoo_lol.png)

No. 523718
>>523671Man. She’s all talk to get you to cough up some money, but as soon as you said you’d paypal, her behavior changes to
>okay. insurance issues.I bet she’d ghost you if you ever sent some money.
No. 523745
>>523724Life imitates art.
>>523669Not judging you, but why is she still asking for handouts when she should be looking for a job? I can't wait for her mom to give her to boot.
No. 523764
>>523692>need soap, shampoo, conditioner.yeah I bet she's struggling without those.
if anyone wants to truly help her, they should be paying for store gift cards. hell, send her an Amazon GC and see how she'll end up with more velvet tracksuits and still without soap and catfood.
No. 523766
>>523745i’ve known a few addicts in my life and they’ve all at least
attempted to get a job. i know luna is virtually unemployable but she isn’t even trying. she’s had nothing beyond a couple of summer jobs - she has no idea what adulthood is really like.
lurch is even more pathetic. he’s what, 39? and won’t even look for a job. does he even have any type of employment history or has he literally just been dealing drugs his entire adult life?
No. 523772
File: 1527389475994.png (137.81 KB, 720x852, rly_rly_need.png)

>>523719Lol. These are from lastnight.
No. 523773
File: 1527389496999.png (129.92 KB, 720x858, enjoy_I_guess.png)

No. 523778
>>523772lmao you should reply "sometimes you just gotta treat yourself :)"
i can't believe she'd be that passive aggressive when you were giving her FREE MONEY.
No. 523788
File: 1527391980300.png (4.73 KB, 573x110, JtFhR8A.png)

>>523772>sorry about your cat but give me money so i can buy more useless shit>>523773>well enjoy i guessShe is such a raging asshole, holy shit. Just earlier this week she was trying to claim that she doesn't want to hurt anyone else uwu. In reality she couldn't care less about anyone but herself.
No. 523789
>>523724I'm the one you're replying to and an actual image is almost just as terrifying and hilarious as the mental image, thanks anon.
>>523773"Sorry I really don't care about your cat, can I get that money now? No? Oh, okay I needed it more than you, but okay."
>>523782I was going to ask this too haha. Did you ever ask her, anon?
No. 523844
>>523772Love how she made cat death about herself and her fears and then went straight back to asking for money. Yikes.
Sorry about your cat, anon.
No. 523910
>>523773Hey anon, if it’s not made up or anything I’m terrible sorry about your cat.
>oh okayLiterally the most passive aggressive phase ever. Love hearing narcissistic pricks say this when they figure out they can’t use you.
No. 523969
>>523773She is so unbelievably greedy. At one point I actually felt bad for her and wanted to send her some cheap bulk hotel toiletries since I knew better than to send cash but she's really shown how rotten she is.
If you're still talking to her see how long she has left at her mom's place. She should be getting up on the end of "staying a few weeks" by now.
No. 524006
File: 1527437075361.jpg (634.86 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180527-085216_Pok…)

Kek why is his ugly face everywhere? This Pokemon highkey resembled Lurch so I renamed it.
Kinda miss sage option tbh
No. 524029
>>523773Anon this absolutely killed me, thanx for this.
I agree with >>523927 we need to make this a constant in her life so she'll think twice before selfishly begging from random people [or her friends for that matter].
(Do not harass anyone) No. 524041
File: 1527450287839.png (135.22 KB, 702x1026, lmao_blocked.png)

She finally blocked me haha. I love that it was because she was expecting me to just give her free stuff.
No. 524065
>>523773>Well enjoy I guessOMFG anon, you got her good! Telling her you were just gonna buy drugs instead was fucking beautiful. You know she was just sat there jealous and dopesick.
This bitch is getting salty over someone spending THEIR OWN MONEY on themselves instead of her lmao
No. 524066
>>524041Jesus C… This just speaks volumes to what a horrible person she is, clearly living in an alternate reality where she's a pretty pretty princess who thinks the world owes her shit.
Bless you for this, anon.
No. 524140
File: 1527463293720.png (100.28 KB, 1009x429, QWvqyOf.png)

Someone on KF calculated the cost of her plushie shopping spree. She can afford $73 worth of toys but she's mad at anon for spending $10 on herself.
No. 524149
>>524117oh my god, we're having a fire!
No. 524314
>>524276I feel like I'm probably misremembering this, but I
think she made a post quite awhile back insinuating that she may have done some sort of sexual favor for a "friend"? Something along the lines of her boasting about making 50-something dollars one night or whatever? Idk, maybe someone else knows what I'm thinking of.
No. 524983
File: 1527606118130.jpeg (155.79 KB, 640x1315, 81CDD83A-55C0-4AC1-9755-E62181…)

Whitney Wisconsin (the dog fucker) posted this screenshot of her “helping a fan” and look who popped up. She’s trying to learn from more scammers.
No. 525044
File: 1527619364065.jpg (13.84 KB, 288x197, oh.JPG)

>>524983I wouldn't be surprised if tuna will be fucking dogs for money now
No. 525081
File: 1527623879327.jpg (52.43 KB, 540x720, VaHLJOy.jpg)

he doesn't look human. and they're still at her mom's
No. 525111
File: 1527627494583.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1200x1598, 83DCB816-8AB9-46C1-A1A3-DD6E20…)

>>525108I can’t believe a thousand year old vampire manages to have more expressions than Lurch.
No. 525134
>>525081He looks like hes dying. Of AIDS. Like he could have been an extra on Dallas Buyers Club.
Also. Lmao how far hes got his pants pulled up. Sexy… You've got a hot one, tuna.
No. 525406
>>524983Cows collide (cows collide).
Also, Luna's either a much sicker fuck than she lets off if she's a fan of Whitney, or she's kissing up to well-known sleazebags because her friends won't buy her shit anymore.
No. 525415
>>525406>>525406Luna could ~ironically~ be a fan of the dog fucker, like she was ironically trying to get an Abbey Brown shoutout a few threads ago. Because Luna is just
so much better than those two, obviously
No. 525510
File: 1527686586620.jpeg (132.54 KB, 750x1334, 04419A2A-B9B5-453F-AD49-45E9FD…)

She posted a selfie in a junkie group and then posted that she also sells nudes oh my god she’s embarrassing
No. 525524
File: 1527690183536.jpeg (142.87 KB, 750x960, D4304759-AAE9-42C6-B29A-44680E…)

>>525514This is the group + a screenie I took a week or two ago but forgot to post ahah
No. 525541
File: 1527692287349.jpeg (550.88 KB, 750x1095, 605534CA-5CBC-4302-B970-62FFA1…)

>>525535It was just that dumb one in the “be nice to drug users”
No. 525639
File: 1527706014971.jpeg (27.8 KB, 750x177, 1CCDFA8F-1ABB-4341-BFA2-29B53B…)

Luna’s response to
“What's the craziest thing you've ever done on Ambien?”
No. 525659
>>525657If she'd actually overdosed on ambien she would have gone on about it (and ended up in hospital since there's no quick save)
Pretty sure she's just trying to be the edgiest person in the group
No. 525745
File: 1527720888722.png (171.9 KB, 563x558, cowscollide.PNG)

I'll never get over how people doubt that Luna browses here because she couldn't handle the comments but she's in FB groups making snotty comments about Abby Brown and following Shay on Tumblr.
No. 525747
File: 1527721051112.png (328.29 KB, 547x486, 2.PNG)

No. 525748
File: 1527721089764.png (476.74 KB, 537x582, 1.PNG)

I'll never get over how she puts her fake nails on crooked. Wonder which store she stole these from.
No. 525811
File: 1527731484723.png (48.5 KB, 543x301, ZcD4PiX.png)

No. 525833
File: 1527733833336.png (Spoiler Image,7.71 MB, 1242x2208, 8D923015-4A25-4A2A-AA13-D8D4DD…)

No. 525869
>>525081is lurch sitting on the sofa? on tuna's mom's bedding, where she sleeps?
>>525541they both look half dead. brutal
No. 526021
File: 1527779320079.png (820.47 KB, 720x971, Capture _2018-05-31-10-06-19.p…)

She's back at it again complaining about how uncomfortable her moms bed is. Bitch should be grateful af she's not homeless after getting kicked out of Rogers place.
Which, btw im pretty sure its been 3 weeks, or close to it. She needs to gtfo of her moms house.
No. 526046
File: 1527782844002.png (7.87 MB, 1242x2208, 0D169FED-1016-45F1-A0FA-0D17D2…)

>>526045Haha sorry forgot to post the pic. This is the close up of the spoilered one we just posted.
No. 526054
File: 1527783937492.png (99.82 KB, 236x334, ZTMIZiQ.png)

>>526021>kicks her mom out of her own bed>calls her "useless">complains about said bed being uncomfortable while her mom risks homelessness I swear to god, she's the most selfish cow on the site. And she's always bragging about how good of a person she is and how she never tries to hurt others. Truly rotten to the core.
This is what the Hello Kitty sailor plush should look like fyi
No. 526056
File: 1527784318974.jpeg (132.11 KB, 626x773, FA95CE97-0833-4025-A870-B86F9A…)

>>525833There are some moments when I think Luna has potential, this photo is one of them. If she’s going to be selling nudes over her phone she should really download facetune.
No. 526109
File: 1527791242040.jpeg (397.12 KB, 2048x2048, EAE42555-2961-4300-AF27-D4D8E9…)

>>526054drugs. not even once.
No. 526114
File: 1527792018025.png (Spoiler Image,3.56 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_05-31-07.38.45.png)

>>526056I tried to do a similar thing but it's god awful bc I'm sick and busy and on mobile but I wish she would stop with the pastel colours and go full grunge kinderwhore, even though I don't like the style. Download FaceTune, put effort into your photos, background and poses, wear more neutral warm or dark red lips and a softer bigger Smokey eye wing. And tone your hair properly please tuna
No. 526117
>>526114You're right, it is awful. She looks like a sexy chipmunk.
I do like the colors that you chose, though. Those would suit her way better.
No. 526129
>>526124It's okay anon, you tried to fix a hot mess. Unfortunately it would be as hard as trying to fix Lurch's face. I mean… just look at it
>>525081 That's some scary shit right there. Imagine walking home at night and seeing that face blocking your path.
No. 526172
>>526168He does act like a zombie 99% of the time.
>>526160She goes on and on about how ugly she is but will always boast about how good she looks. Why edit your photos when you're that delusional?
No. 526219
File: 1527803552428.png (322.55 KB, 582x378, qJnsRSX.png)

I wonder if her mom's ever commented on these crust ass plushies of Luna's. Surely it must bother her to have them in her home, it's a relatively clean place
No. 526263
File: 1527807831033.png (663.93 KB, 926x554, 1466043826197.png)

>>526173>>526207I dont "get" the grunge look most of the time, but I dont think Luna ever pulled off the grunge look.
When she was 17, before Lurch, she had that whole "New York Hipster" look going on, which was influenced by her hippy friends who took her to Woodstock. That eyeball stuff and bohemian layers? That was a style her friends in highschool had. Wouldn't surprise me if she was so well-dressed as a teenager because they weren't her clothes, and she was borrowing them from one of her friends. Even when she got her inheritance, and started spending thousands of dollars a week with Lurch, she never bought "nice" clothes.
Once she started dating Lurch, she just stopped showering and cleaning her clothes, and started buying cheap counterfeit junk. She owns at least 2 fake Playboy shirts that are old enough to have holes in, most of her clothes are just cheap tat.
She's just unwashed, and the longer she goes without regularly washing, the grosser she gets. Her style hasn't changed, she's always worn a missmatch of "thot clothing" and "Kawaii". Pic related, it's from the first thread and somehow manages to encompass both
No. 526636
File: 1527882748055.jpeg (294.58 KB, 748x1288, EC167D16-4FF9-4DB1-9D1E-E77A29…)

Luna seems to have a constantly unstable image of herself. It’s never the same. One day, she will crawl out of her hovel looking like garbage and say she looked cute. She will post dozens of pictures of herself cracked out and slathered in makeup, and then a few days later (like this) will say that she hasn’t even been able to look into the mirror. But somehow, today, she looks cute.
I realize we all have our good days and our bad days, and we feel like on some days we look better than others. But stable people have a constant image of how they look, even if it’s bad. Luna just seems to go all over the place.
No. 526646
>>526638>>526636she doesn't need to have BPD, she has drugs. that's a guaranteed flop of self esteem/worth when you're frequently abusing literally any kind of drug
not to mention her shit diet, lack of exercise, no motivations, no goals, no nothing
>>526641she has never been sober for a long enough period of time to be officially diagnosed. not to mention she's quite young and bpd often cannot accurately be diagnosed in youth (not to say it has never been, but of all the cows/flakes she is one I seriously doubt to be 'bpd' - again, personally, everyone else can think whatever the fuck they want since we're all just speculating anyway).
drugs would undoubtedly make the symptoms of bpd worse in a person who has it, but her claimed 'bpd mood swings' fit hand in hand with her drug abuse. her anger/downs happen when she's coming off drugs/hurting for more, her ups happen when she has them, etc etc
there are enough of us ex-drug addicts here that have countless times attested to that
really does not help that she's obsessed with that era of tumblr-aesthetic where everyone claims they have bpd
I don't know how anyone here can take her claims of having it with more than a pinch of salt after reading even just one of her threads (no offense to you guys if you sincerely believe she has bpd, I just can't see it)
No. 526652
>>526636Cute? It looks like she swapped her hair for a tumbleweed.
>>526638There was no official diagnosis of that.
No. 526688
>>526682I'm guessing that's why people like luna try to claim it, so they can try to excuse their awful behaviour
Which just adds the stigma that BPD has
No. 526794
File: 1527908141507.png (765.38 KB, 943x477, qr7DnjZ.png)

No. 526795
File: 1527908158744.png (578.78 KB, 865x596, yix2lLY.png)

No. 526796
File: 1527908180004.png (728.32 KB, 819x591, B7780NK.png)

No. 526797
File: 1527908197371.png (673.78 KB, 483x597, HhqX9J2.png)

No. 526825
>>526796Kissing Lurch too many times is making her face as flat as his.
Also: "Natural firecrotch!" Nice brown underarm hair, Tuna.
>>526797Channeling her inner beady eyed fish I see.
No. 526926
File: 1527941891472.png (225.9 KB, 790x714, YC38dfS.png)

>>526653she says she was diagnosed with bipolar at 17 then bpd at 18. this is years old though so who knows what her present day story is
No. 526933
File: 1527943342290.png (601.45 KB, 840x598, 8.1.png)

The artist in her early years.
No. 526934
File: 1527943385008.png (447.89 KB, 511x579, 7.2.png)

No. 526967
>>526825Is it just me or does the word "firecrotch" just does not sound sexy at all…? If someone told me that, I'd be more grossed out than I would be turned on.
Leave it to Luna to describe pubes as sexy. Vom.
No. 527014
>>526906I don’t think she has a seroquel prescription? if she does, it’s probably just used for sleep. I’m pretty sure it’s lurch’s tho and she uses it to knock herself out
>>526926wow she was so special. “a lot of BPD posts only show the less scary symptoms” fucking stop
No. 527197
File: 1527994528780.jpeg (467.88 KB, 1242x1595, 79FDF5AD-2E4D-4ADE-9375-F07048…)

No. 527199
>>527000It's Tuna. The same girl who took things from a dying man.
>>526906That could have come from anywhere, anon. She's a junkie.
No. 527313
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No. 527314
File: 1528038785434.jpeg (232.15 KB, 750x1071, 50CAB47C-096D-4C7B-A3A2-AE8B7C…)

No. 527315
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No. 527316
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No. 527329
>>527319could you imagine doing that jfc
>>527315great a job! yea what a great look for buying drugs or sitting inside all day and what's with the new faces she keeps making
No. 527358
File: 1528049319499.gif (1.09 MB, 512x512, tumblr_p9r4shKo4j1wyvcq4o1_540…)

Caption: this blog will probably be deleted soon tbh i just like looking at other ppls stuff
No. 527359
File: 1528049377136.png (401.27 KB, 571x607, DAvFzc2.png)

No. 527360
>>527313doesn’t have time to get a job or volunteer or go to school or go to therapy
but has time for photo shoots in her mom’s section 8 housing
No. 527372
File: 1528052671199.png (382.84 KB, 566x514, A73swZH.png)

>>527315Same pic, different caption
>cheap assI'm guessing her dad was nice enough to buy her clothes again and this is her thanking him, by acting like spoiled brat
No. 527443
File: 1528061965027.jpeg (60.67 KB, 500x500, E57653AF-E24B-473D-9A5A-8E1E98…)

>>527426Pretty sure it’s just a succulent. They’re safe for cats.
No. 527615
>>527197whats wrong with his neck? could be bruises from shooting up there but its hard to tell… fuck man imagine shooting up in your neck. that’s insane
>>527310i frequent r/opiates and i haven’t come across anyone that sounds/writes like her, if she’s on there she’s not a frequent user, i dont see her as the type of frequent reddit
No. 527841
File: 1528139083520.png (243.23 KB, 720x502, Capture _2018-06-04-14-04-03.p…)

>I have to keep getting rid of things
>continues to order useless shit off amazon
Okay, tuna.
No. 527856
File: 1528143906066.gif (736.62 KB, 500x273, 1497118931932.gif)

>>527844Read the old threads then? There are many reasons why people don't believe her. She claims to have several different mental illnesses, grew up on tumblr where they're glorified, hasn't been officially diagnosed, we can't armchair, and she is on so many drugs that it would be hard for a doctor to even say she has it.
No. 527863
>>527844She lies about everything and anything under the sun for sympathy, asspats and donations. It's not hard to believe she'd lie about her mental illness.
>>527856To be fair she has been officially diagnosed if you want to believe her. And the "tiny pizzas" therapy was specifically for BPD patients according to the anon here
>>527385 No. 527950
File: 1528158514269.png (49.45 KB, 571x217, CBpX53L.png)

No. 528013
>>527904>>527965Considering that when she was in outpatient she lied to their faces about her drug use, and then lied to their faces
again when she was busted by a piss test… yeah, no chance she'd disclose her drug use for the sake of accurate mental health care.
>>523963 No. 528140
>>528139I’ll even go as far as to say that none of the goals she wrote on her DBT worksheets were legit like they’re looking for answers like “get a job, fix my marriage” like real actual long term goals to function in society, and a lot of hers were vain little tidbits like “I’m kind. I’m good. I want to be beautiful” which has nothing to do with making the mental changes needed to be high functioning as someone with an illness such as BPD, bipolar, etc. it is true that there is a lot of depersonalization with those disorders, and that definitely plays a part, but I have seen a lot of posts of hers talking about I’m so high I don’t even know who I am and shit like that which really makes me think that a lot of this depersonalization is drug induced. She probably has real symptoms, but I’ve honestly had things liek that happen to me from being too high on weed, much less from a drug cocktail with heroin with crack, benzos, and methadone plus god knows what else.
No. 528150
>>527982she 100% has narcissistic traits as well. I’ve never noticed any guilt or empathy in her, which is totally unlike other borderlines and addicts. ie. addicts may steal because they’re deathy afraid of withdrawal, but then they’ll actually feel ashamed of their actions. luna has NEVER expressed remorse, and she’s overshared quite a lot on the internet. she scams and steals and feels very entitled
>>528111I feel like she may have spoken about it in order to gain sympathy votes, but that’s it. It really wouldn’t be that hard to hide heroin use with a psychiatrist. a therapist experienced with addiction would probably be able to tell, sure, but not a psychiatrist. (and I’m also a recovering long-time addict here)
No. 528212
File: 1528232109309.jpg (173.69 KB, 1080x1683, 222.jpg)

her teeth are so fucked up
No. 528217
File: 1528232703066.png (149.92 KB, 390x394, i3iI93C.png)

>>528212Lurch's eye in corner is oddly creepy.
There's not a single part of him that's not unsettling.
No. 528242
File: 1528235940409.png (1.07 MB, 720x961, Capture _2018-06-05-16-57-21.p…)

>packing up
Why do I doubt it.
I wonder if she's going to camp at evil dads next. And what about lurch.
No. 528406
>>528402I know, right? So fucking dumb. Instead of at least ensuring she’s begging on the street sorrounded by her scribbles to get a higher dollar/more pity she chose to make sure all of her filthy “valuables” were out first? Tuna has no common sense and continuous to prove it smh.
On another note, I doubt her dad will let Lurch stay with him even if he does let Luna and her cats crash there. So Tuna is gonna spend her time on the streets with lurch tryna score soon while coming back to her dads to sleep and shower and take selfies with his stuff and the cats. What a pitiful 23 year old junkie existence.
No. 528455
>>528357Fuck importance, why did she wait til literally the day the locks were being changed to pack/move her shit?
She knew this was coming it wasn't some surprise wtf lol
No. 528493
>>528455Because she's delusional and thought she could just come and go as she pleases.
I'm surprised she's not throwing a fit over her mother throwing them out. Probably is under the impression she'll stay somewhere else a few days and then her and Lurch will come back to her mom's place the minute things get tough.
No. 528515
>>528494>>528494>Has she ever gone into any detail about how her dad is abusive? She actually has. There are posts about that stuff in the very early threads.
The only one post of hers that I remember is the one where her dad yelled at her for pretending to be a cat. It's a rude thing to do, but it doesn't exactly scream abuse.
No. 528560
>>528527I remember she recently said he called her a cunt but I don't consider that abuse, its just a shitty thing to say.
I wonder if she does have a place lined up. If she were going to be homeless, I feel like she'd be talking about it.
No. 528566
>>528560Can't say I blame him if he called her a cunt. This is the girl that wants her father dead cause she thinks that she's going to get his apartment when he does kick the butt.
How did that work out when Roger kicked the bucket, Tuna? I see Matthew's inheritance from Roger is treating you quite well. Look at all of the new places that you get to travel to! Soon he'll treat you to the life of the great outdoors with those big bucks.
No. 528584
>>528515>The only one post of hers that I remember is the one where her dad yelled at her for pretending to be a cat.I think this is Luna's mental illness shining through tbh, she used to consistently complain about how "people yelling at her" = abuse. When she was younger she used to keep a lot less secrets, and used to complain about Roger and Lurch yelling at her too.
I think she's just overly sensitive to people calling her out on her shit.
My favourite one was Lurch yelling THIS IS HOW YOU GET MOULD because she spilt a drink and left it seeping into the carpet.
No. 528587
>>528566>Can't say I blame him if he called her a cunt. This is the girl that wants her father dead cause she thinks that she's going to get his apartment when he does kick the butt.Yeah she used to (and still does) outright brag about stealing his belongings. Papa Luna probably caught her in the act and got pissed kek.
She treats him like such shit online.
I can't imagine how she treats him irl. She supposedly loved Roger with all her heart and saw him as her actual father, but she still ended up stealing his donated goods when he was dying. So why would she treat her actual dad any better? Most people would lose their temper with someone like that around.
>>528584>My favourite one was Lurch yelling THIS IS HOW YOU GET MOULD because she spilt a drink and left it seeping into the carpet.Dude has no place to talk. He pisses in juice cartons and leaves fucking heroin needles all over the carpet
No. 528628
File: 1528336458726.png (412.79 KB, 720x843, derpp.png)

No idea how to post video here but tuna posted a video of someone's cats that she filmed thru a window and lurch is with her, pointing out the cats "huge testicles" several times and talking a mile a minute. Fucker was high on something. And tuna was all "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" at the cats.
Lurch sounds like a fucking nutter tho, at one point hes talking so fast I cant even understand what he says.
No. 528646
>>528630As the caption says, they're at a laundromat, and you can see a sign for an atm inside it as well if you look closely. They aren't just creeping outside a random person's house.
Although it is amazing that tuna is anywhere near a laundromat.
No. 528737
>>528736ily anon
I'm actually
triggered by whatever the fuck Lurch says
No. 528756
>>528738That's so fucking true. I was wondering what they were doing at a Laundromat.
Also, did lunch talk this fast in tunas previous videos?
No. 528803
>>528741>i expected him to sound more like a slow dying tuba in d minorSeriously! He looks like he would have a deep, slow voice.
>>528782Can you blame us? She's been quiet lately
No. 528812
File: 1528408997901.gif (1.99 MB, 332x215, 1506437375269.gif)

>>528803Maybe she's been job hunting.
Just kidding we know she's too lazy for that.
No. 528822
File: 1528411316696.jpg (53.46 KB, 400x600, Courtney Love Saint Laurent Fr…)

I wonder what Luna thinks of Courtney Love nowadays with her designer clothes, fashion show invites, no more heroine, no more Kurt…
No. 528846
>eldritch horror faceI actually choked on my laughing
I've heard many times before that hard drugs use locks you into the age you started using so you never mature, so maybe that's why he sounds like 21 year assistant day camp counselor.
No. 529020
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No. 529056
>>529054as if he has a "prescribed benzo" too lol hes probably seizin cus of the cocktail of drugs hes been on for so long
>>529039idk i'm sure i remember her saying he was just out dootin around and had a seizure too
No. 529081
>>528934anon from earlier. thanks guys for linking, i appreciate it! also holy shit she really
is cracked out. i’d lowkey love to meet her IRL just for the tea.
No. 529119
File: 1528506684307.png (574.29 KB, 818x595, T04Qurc.png)

No. 529120
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No. 529122
File: 1528506747396.png (587.48 KB, 936x470, grO6FE9.png)

No. 529124
File: 1528506762389.png (610.31 KB, 936x497, 5wb75Mi.png)

No. 529135
>>529127ohh she meant packing up other peoples belongings at the graveyard anon
>>529119i always forget how wide her lower half is
No. 529137
File: 1528509482494.png (1.01 MB, 720x850, Capture _2018-06-08-20-57-44.p…)

No. 529138
File: 1528509537597.png (1012.72 KB, 720x850, Capture _2018-06-08-20-58-08.p…)

Theyre SO nasty, look at all those stains on both their shirts..
No. 529140
File: 1528509705070.png (1021.71 KB, 720x893, Capture _2018-06-08-21-01-46.p…)

No. 529158
>>529135>i always forget how wide her lower half isBut she's starving, anon! Always!
>>529137Lurch looks like some creepy old guy slobbering all over the face of a young girl who's really disgusted by him judging by her face in
>>529138 . That's the "I have to suck his old limp dick, please donate.".
No. 529205
File: 1528537773206.jpeg (78.65 KB, 639x715, 57D132E4-BE55-4253-BE45-2B977A…)

What the fuck is wrong with her thumb? I feel ill
No. 529226
>>529205omg i saw her whole arm in the clammy lookin tshirt and thought it was her skin lol
i love how cool they think they are, esp lurch you just know he thinks hes hot shit
No. 529359
File: 1528609628198.jpeg (428.6 KB, 2048x2048, DB17201B-3D0E-4D17-9E52-BEFF43…)

New posts from her Facebook.
No. 529360
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No. 529362
File: 1528609927390.jpeg (430.07 KB, 1242x1305, 68E1B0DC-A4BB-4FAD-A334-85FDE8…)

No. 529384
>>529362>why do I feel so aloneBecause you're talking to plants.
>>529359>Homelessness is so close and I feel like the walls are closing in on my life…So get a job. And tell your boyfriend to get one too cause he's damn near 40 years old and refuses to get off of his lazy, smelly, corpse ass.
No. 529387
>>529384Get a job!? Oh no, what about her poor cotton-eyed Joe knee and her BPD and her anxiety and insomnia and her hangnails and her hips and she's just oh so sad! Its all so crippling she just. cant. work. How can you be so heartless, anon?
She can make runs to the Bronx for her drugs and wander around in cemeteries and rummage thru peoples cars and whine and beg and make stupid videos for insta but there's just no way she could possibly work.
No. 529388
>>528242>>529127>>529135ugh just thinking about her graverobbing for trinkets just makes me mad. Some of those things could mean a lot to a deceased person. I hope the junkie bitch gets haunted by some angry ass ghosts.
>>529374She just waits around for the next worst thing to happen and believes everything is out of her control. She could be going to a methadone clinic to prove to her mom she wants to be clean, maybe extend her stay there because it’s her fucking mom and she wants her to do well most likely, but nah. Playing junkie lovers with Lurch is way more fun for our dear Tuna.
No. 529430
>>529360>love me and my feckless sounds high ofc like you're going to feel depressed and aimless if youre not doing anything with your life
>>529388>She just waits around for the next worst thing to happen and believes everything is out of her control.exactly like shes not doing anything to change her situation, not that she seems to really want to, its like she gave up on a real life ages ago but still wants to complain about what shes got herself into. she kinda hurts my head cus i think we could all think of advice for her but she wouldn't do any of it
No. 529462
File: 1528652213239.jpeg (275.17 KB, 1242x1811, 26651C07-B9EC-462B-9B37-76B0B1…)

No. 529593
File: 1528672007122.png (11.6 KB, 525x215, errr.png)

Remember when Luna let it slipped that her "deadbeat" abusive dad gives her $200 every month? I wonder if this is still a happening. It would explain how she's getting more plants
No. 529651
>>529593Tuna: I'm so broke, I can't afford to eat
Also Tuna: Fuck my dad and his measly $200! Who cares if he pays for the phone that lets me talk shit about him!
No. 529718
>>529620In 2015, when that post was written, luna was 19 and a legal adult. I've heard of adults in America staying on their parents insurance until 26, but her father doesn't owe this fully grown adult anything.
I'm p sure he took her off his insurance this year and that's why she keeps whining about how nobody will take her insurance. "Boohoo I don't get free drugs from my doctor and sell for heroin, i need to steal my mums" my heart bleeds.
I get the feeling that her dad wasn't there for Luna's very early years and she guilt trips him with the "deadbeat" bullshit.
>my dad gives me $200 a month, pays my phone bill, buys me gifts every time I see him, but THAT DOESNT MAKE UP FOR ALL MY LOST BIRTHDAYS AND RUINED CHILDHOOD, DEADBEAT. Or something to that affect.
No. 529719
File: 1528694226443.jpeg (95.51 KB, 1242x574, E52FD53B-86C9-4DB9-AD49-A38ADD…)

No. 529720
File: 1528694271843.jpeg (273.58 KB, 1242x1642, 510A8605-DB35-450F-96E4-5CBC48…)

No. 529721
File: 1528694301288.jpeg (426.53 KB, 1242x1581, C1AAA161-2A8A-42C5-90BF-E33CB2…)

No. 529722
File: 1528694420268.jpg (98.15 KB, 1280x348, IMG_20180611_061620_088.JPG)

>>529718Huh sorry for spamming the thread with samefaggotry, but I'm not american and it turns out you DO pay child support into someone's 20s in New York… Damn.
luna hit 22 in April right? I mean her dad could have argued that she's living independently with Lurch and therefore wasn't eligible, and cut her off before, but it'd be kinda a douche move. Technically her dad didnt legally
need to support her, and he definitely doesn't need to now.
No. 529723
File: 1528694438537.jpeg (763.75 KB, 2048x2048, 9133D31F-5F9D-4397-8D43-078907…)

No. 529726
>>529723I hate seeing baby pics of her, it makes me realise how much she fucked up her life
>>529721>I lost 90% of my possessions because the landlord stole them.>look I pulled something out of my grime pile I've not seen in 4 years!!!How the fuck did you manage to pack something without noticing it jfc.
No. 529829
>>529722 I believe it's 24 if they're not in college and you pay until they graduate when they are in college.
Also since she's 22 and not working there are insurance companies that will cover her for free with no co-pay until she's 24.
No. 529843
>>529834she got excepted into a writing program at pratt. it wasn't for her art.
>>529362feeling alone because your mom is kicking you out of her government housing that she kindly let you stay at in the first place? jesus christ this girl is so deluded.
No. 530122
File: 1528811073298.png (540.9 KB, 1242x2208, E5E86449-CDE6-4499-906B-17F2BF…)

>>529722You have to read the full articles anon.
Her parents didn’t have to support her at all once she moved out so her dad was just being generous and she was being a spoiled brat.
No. 530140
File: 1528819212913.jpeg (5.26 KB, 64x75, 75286E30-502B-432D-B811-2E7B0E…)

>>529966she calls herself a natural ginger to make herself feel ~unique~ even though like you said, it’s definifely brown. (you can also tell because of her eyebrows, pit hair, mustache, etc) there’s definitely nothing wrong with being a brunette, but you can add this to the list of shit she’s lying about.
not only that, but most people’s hair darkens over time. she’d be at a medium to dark brown right now.
when she dyed her hair red several years ago, she said she was “dying it back to her natural color”. pic related (sorry for the quality)
No. 530884
>>530864I've tried to look around tumblr using predictable luna lore as keywords but so far no luck, might be too early to look.
Her old tumblr 'lilcherub1996' got taken over by someone else, and 'angelhair1996' is still hers but hasn't updated since last year. 'funeral420' isn't hers, and 'funeral1996' doesn't exist
No. 530898
>>530892No worries, thanks for looking all over Tumblr for her.
It's odd how selective she is with Insta when she'll brag about her addiction and beg for money on FB groups with thousands of members or post nudes on her now deleted Tumblr.
No. 530947
>>530944>She’s gone weeks without posting before.this, and I have a feeling if she does so again this time, she'll come back with a convenient sob story about how every day she was absent she was out groveling at her horrible abusive dad's feet to shelter her.
I'm thinking her dad would take her in no problem but his condition is that she can't drag Lurch along, which brings me to point b) will Lurch for the time being try and stay with some relatives of his? Thus giving Tuna inspiration to possibly create a new tumblr blog and weep about how cruel life is for disrupting their grimy domestic coexistence. And after they're no longer living together I don't think Lurch will give enough of a fuck to keep seeing her now that her money's not rolling in as much as it used to.
No. 530965
File: 1528946187213.png (17.49 KB, 560x539, uhohlurch.png)

I was googling around trying to find SOMETHING, and found that lurch has a new court date this month. Anyone know what VCQ is?
This is off the NY State Unified Court System defendant search
No. 530967
File: 1528946994312.png (44.37 KB, 777x278, 01.png)

>>530964samefagging after last post. any info apart from this is behind a paywall
No. 530969
File: 1528948037201.jpg (79.98 KB, 720x397, ms1.jpg)

It like he just has to regularly check in with the court for his community service sentence. It's for the drug charges he got last year.
No. 530971
File: 1528948066174.jpg (100.26 KB, 779x526, ms2.jpg)

No. 530972
>>530965Can anyone get the WebCriminal pages to work? They load blank pages for me., there should be an eviction suit filed against him in civil court in Westchester County.
No. 531109
>>530939>>530944Her dad has paid for her cell phone for years and she has data, remember all her long pokemon walks?
I wouldnt be surprised if she posted selfies with sad captions if she was actually homeless.
No. 531126
File: 1529000419553.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20180614-201625~2.p…)

This nipple is so down low it looks like it has completely given up
No. 531157
File: 1529003933445.jpeg (268.22 KB, 750x1275, D99B0988-89E3-4226-BEE3-2C7916…)

Don’t worry everyone, she’s awake and posting on Instagram as of an hour ago.
No. 531158
File: 1529003949677.jpeg (268.15 KB, 750x1291, 29ABC803-4FC5-4738-947F-211BA6…)

No. 531159
File: 1529003963134.jpeg (271.77 KB, 750x1267, 43FF69C4-5520-4705-ADAF-FA91F5…)

No. 531185
>>531159Looks like she's still at her mom's.
Also, these are the legs of a lazy, sloppy person who spends more time on their ass than someone who is wheelchair-bound. Cottage cheese anyone?
No. 531206
>>531158why they just loose in a dish instead of in your prescription bottle tuna?
>>531159>>531157her body is…unfortunate. why cant she keep that bra on? please tuna
No. 531290
>>531157She lives.
Looks like she's still putting her mom at risk. It's already been more than 3 weeks. Wonder how long she'll manage to stay there
No. 531297
Why the fuckkk is she in her bra and panties in her mothers kitchen?
No. 531306
File: 1529018107932.png (540.14 KB, 720x924, Capture _2018-06-14-18-13-12.p…)

She posted another cat video, this time she's talking all slow and whispery. Must be dat xanax! Or dope.
No. 531423
>>531290Tuna doesn't give a single shit about her parents, only what they can provide for her.
I hope she gets caught, gets kicked out and ens up completely homeless cause this cunt
really needs a wakeup call.
No. 531451
>>531440don't even know what her mom is like but i'm guessin she isn't too pressed about luna being there or she wouldn't have offered in the first place
it's so irritating that they didn't try to find somewhere before they were kicked out, someone said it before but luna doesn't think even a week ahead, she's just like oh got some plants to pose with that's all i need oh why am i so depressed now. i wish we could look like 5 years into the future and see what she's doing lol
No. 531460
>>531425Im assuming theyre Laundromat cats again.
Tuna and lurch must be shopping out of the washers and dryers.
Idk how to post it, sorry, otherwise I would.
No. 531641
File: 1529088637597.jpeg (286.89 KB, 750x1272, A3DF85D7-3269-478B-BB6F-9D9B47…)

ssssh children, stop fighting. there is new content.
Lurch is manhandling those poor kittens. How many fucking pictures did Luna take of those cats while she was tweaking the fuck out at the laundromat?
No. 531642
File: 1529088672293.jpeg (339.73 KB, 750x1268, 28CA5285-A552-40CF-BB10-FF4F14…)

No. 531644
File: 1529088744072.jpeg (260.63 KB, 750x1252, FCA9B9AA-6B50-43E4-B7B0-BD24BB…)

No. 531645
>>531643Oh anon, you know that Luna’s going there to get her grubby paws on other people’s stuff.
Incoming “got this cute tank top from a church yard sale that was also on the last day so they were giving it out for free it doesn’t fit me right because I ~lost weight~ from my ~eating disorder~ tho so please send money to paypal@lunaslater if you can babe i’m so close to being homeless”
No. 531646
>>531643you poor, sweet anon. these cunts steal from people's graves … of course they're going to the laundromat to rack stuff.
>>531645accurate. that or the old standby of 'found it on the street'
No. 531754
File: 1529112117033.png (702.7 KB, 870x562, xMiNp8Y.png)

No. 531755
File: 1529112164731.png (656.56 KB, 770x561, ioyJTfJ.png)

No. 531769
>>531645You forgot
>anything helps bbyBut other than that, top marks.
No. 531844
>>531796… what?
there's generally fucking loads of old, torn up phone booths that for some reason haven't been removed all over almost all major cities still.
I really doubt they stole anything, considering it looks like these booths were ripped apart years ago. there's zero interesting anything about this picture.
>>531826eh, a lot of people take pictures of random crap like that. it ain't a big deal.
No. 531897
>>531844it was a joke, anon. it's not that deep.
and there isn't much interesting about a lot of the pictures that get posted, really. how many times can we be bothered by the same saggy udders in the same grandma nighties?
No. 532061
File: 1529194074962.png (381.56 KB, 750x1334, DA3252D9-0A5E-4FB0-9346-344951…)

Please forgive my phone’s battery life in the screenshot, I’m too tired to crop it out. Luna posted these today.
No. 532088
>>532085i doubt its nice irl its just that its kinda thick
>>532061omg the whole "roger was like a father to me" is like a meme to me at this point and this is all bs she obvs is in love with herself. if she wants to feel better maybe try getting a goddamn job and being productive instead of posing for insta all day
No. 532090
>>532061>I'm trying to keep living but I'm scared of being homelessTHEN GET A JOB! Holy shit, she's going on and on about being close to suicidal because she wants to continue being a lazy piece of shit! This is no one's fault but your own, Tuna. Shut the fuck up, grow up and stand on your own two damn feet. Nothing is wrong with your fucking knee. Stop whining and get a job.
>>532065>>532066>>532068>proceeds to post a million selfies after instead of using the internet to find a jobAaaaand this is why nothing in her life will change.
No. 532116
>>532069are her [hand] veins healing or is she just using her feet/legs these days? I cant imagine how she can afford dope rn. If lurch gets it, he probably controls her use so he can use the most. but she hasnt complained about WD so idk. did she ever go to that methadone clinic?
>>532090she’s doomed to working minimum wage jobs if she does work anyways, google her name and you’ll find all her drug pics and lolcow.
Literally how can one be so stupid as to use their real name on a drug blog???? Bruh
No. 532123
>>532116Even if she got a minimum wage job she would probably not turn up and just get fired.
And I don't think she was ever very smart to be honest, she lacks a lot of common sense.
No. 532153
>>532061the best way to show someone you love them is to neglect them and trash their place while you steal gifts intended for them.
hurry up and be homeless, Luna, you soulless cunt.
No. 532156
File: 1529219199974.jpg (242.43 KB, 720x732, 20180617_090315.jpg)

In case you wondered how Luna maintains her very good skin. The other product is apricot scrub
No. 532349
File: 1529284295839.png (367.73 KB, 720x935, Capture _2018-06-17-20-08-04.p…)

No. 532350
File: 1529284329160.png (181.63 KB, 720x754, Capture _2018-06-17-20-08-42.p…)

No. 532354
File: 1529284495839.png (183.22 KB, 710x861, Capture _2018-06-17-20-09-57.p…)

And this ones from a pic of her n roger.
No. 532361
File: 1529284961477.png (68.2 KB, 541x294, 1480637414115.png)

>>532350>I think she'd be proud of youWhat is there to be proud of?
>>532354>I love you so much roger that's why I stole from you every chance that I gotTuna has no idea what love is.
No. 532375
>>532354>I hope things straighten out soon so I have a moment to grieve you……….?
She has literally nothing but moments to grieve. She sits around all day doing jack shit.
No. 532385
>>532375well she's homeless even tho she has a home and i assume she's trying to find a new apartment by doing nothing so she's pretty busy, can't believe roger selfishly died so they couldn't use his benefits to keep living in his home oh did you hear that roger was like a father to her?
>>532231lol spot on
No. 532392
>>532161She probably over exfoliates (very easy to do with that particular scrub) without properly moisturizing. Considering she barely showers it's obviously not that she exfoliates every day so it's each time she uses it plus she likely has very dry skin from drugs or whatever and doesn't actually use the cream enough
>>532350Also Luna is fucking disgusting here. She's actually blaming her grandmother's death for her life choices. If she didn't want to chose this life she wouldn't have, grandmother or not. If she wanted to respect her grandmother she wouldn't have done something her parents did which likely caused a lot of grief that Luna totally would have seen in her grandmother. I mean a mentally ill elderly woman having to care for her grandchild because her parents are too drugged up to do so couldn't have been good for her.
And then Luna decides to shit on another member of her family by ignoring her actual supporting father who is still alive and doesn't give her drugs. Like go ahead and mention Roger but don't shit on your dad when you're just going to use him again and steal from him like you did Roger
No. 532462
>>532375>>532385she's crazy busy you guys, she has all these selfies to post.
i'm not sure that you understand just how stressful it is finding the right shade of grey lipstick to wear and the correct succulent to pose with, let alone the precision required to contort her body into such strange angles
i need a handful of xanax and eight hours of bed rest just thinking about it
No. 532494
>>532474Bless you my friend. It's beautiful.
>>532481And stealing the gifts his friends gave to him and exploiting his death for drug money. Luna only cares about Luna. Everyone in her life is there to take care of her so she can be the junkie princess starving artist she thinks she is.
No. 532619
Luna just blows my mind. I was a heroin addict at her age, and acted a lot like her. It was miserable way to live, so I signed up for Medicaid, got on Suboxone, and got my shit together. It's not easy, but it's not as hard has she makes it out to be. She's lucky to live in a state that even has additional resources for addicts beyond just Medicaid.
It just makes me so mad watching her whinge and moan about how hard everything is, while refusing to use the free, easy resources around her to get her shit straight. It's not like the olden days where your only options for recovery were cold-turkey hell, or expensive-ass rehab.
She has options. She doesn't have to live like this. But she knows there's nothing she can glamorize about sobriety, and people will stop feeling so sorry for her if she gets sober, so she won't be able to take advantage of them with her junkie so stories. It's so disgusting when there are so many addicts who would KILL for a supportive family like Luna has. You know her dad would totally pay for a cushy rehab if she asked but no, she's too proud for that shit.
Imaginary sage and apologies for my OT blogging. It's just so infuriating to watch her act like this when I remember sobbing on the floor begging god, or whoever, to send me some help. This bitch is surrounded by support programs and loving parents who want the best for her, but she's too good to take them up on their offers for help. It's repulsive. If she put even a little effort into getting on Medicaid and finding a Suboxone doc, she could be off heroin by this time next week. But no, poor precious baby angel Luna is just too *~~depressed~~* over Roger's death, and can't be arsed to do anything that would make her presence less of a burden on her parents. Pathetic.
No. 532654
>>532619> I was a heroin addict at her age, and acted a lot like herIm confused what blows your mind about her then? If you acted like her aren’t you basically saying there’s still hope for her and she can get clean if both of you had the suboxone/methadone option?
I hate her because of her awful narcissistic traits. It’s not even her addiction, it’s her blatant lack of remorse, self-centredness and lack of empathy. It’s one thing to steal some money bc you’re worried about getting sick then feeling awful about it, but the way she scams money out of other poor people is repulsive
No. 532700
>>532654>>532619they did go on to say its cus luna has access to help and keeps talking about how shes miserable but doesn't get the help
i think luna wants to be like this cus she doesn't want to be "normal" and i kinda understand that but her life is awful. she'd have much more fun bein some art school kid and having friends and like, leaving the house for a reason other than to steal but whatever we can only watch
No. 532789
>>532700Ya I meant cuz anon had that same access too (lived in state where they could get suboxone). If anon acted like her I’m sure they relate to that “not wanting to get help” aspect?
she’s been romanticizing her addiction since before she even had one (she admitted this) tbh it’s all she knows. that and the narcissism…
No. 532825
>>532654Sorry, I didn't elaborate. I didn't like, think heroin was cool like Luna. But I was camming to make money, selling/pawning all kinds of shit for cash, getting evicted, etc. The difference, however, is when I went to the needle exchange and they asked me if I had insurance, I said no, and they helped me register for Medicaid. I did some googling and found a Suboxone doc that takes Medicaid, and that was it. The second I was offered help, I took it. I committed to it. I'm 2 years clean with no relapses, weaning off the last .05mg of Suboxone (started at 16mg). Even if I relapse, there's naloxone in my Suboxone that keeps me from being able to feel the high from heroin. When I'm totally off Suboxone, I will still take naloxone daily to keep the temptation of relapse away.
I'm not out of the woods, obviously. I could relapse tomorrow. But if I relapse, I'm not going to bitch about it for Tumblr asspats, I'm dragging my ass to a doctor to change up my therapy plan and handle the relapse. That's what Tuna needs to be doing.
I guess what it comes down to is privilege. Luna has her mom to take advantage of and her dad to be a safety net if she fucks up. Even at my worst, I refused to burden my parents, I didn't manipulate friends, steal from the elderly, rob graves and laundromats. I had nothing to fall back on, so when help was offered, I accepted immediately.
We've seen how Luna reacts to help. She whines that she can't bring Lurch to live at her dad's, she overstays her welcome and puts her mom at risk. When she's in a hospital program, she complains about the free food, and leaves when they tell her she needs to get sober. She doesn't want to recover, she wants to roleplay Girl, Interrupted.
There is hope for her, but only if she has a major attitude change and gets away from Lurch. She has to try, not expect everything to be handed to her. One day, when Lurch has overdosed and died, her Mom refuses to let her stay, and her dad gets sick of her, she might realize how fucked she is and try to get it together. But by then, it'll probably be too late.
I've never seen someone so deep in their addiction but also so demanding, shameless, greedy. Addicts are known for these traits but they usually at least feel shame. Luna has no shame, and it shows every time she proudly wears stolen clothes, shows her abcessed track marks, posts photos of her Xanax stash, and asks for handouts constantly. It's disgusting.
Sorry for the blog post. I lost another friend to heroin this week and this stupid cow has me
triggered AF. I generally have more sympathy for addicts because I've been there, but holy shit, even at my worst, I was at least ASHAMED of my life, grateful for any handouts, riddled with guilt. Luna thinks role-playing Courtney Love IRL is a fun game. It's like she doesn't realize that if she loses this game, she forfeits her life.
(blogposting) No. 532920
File: 1529407829929.jpeg (200.01 KB, 750x701, 4037D393-04B0-4ACD-B865-DF4914…)

Lol she posted in a post that said “post a selfie and we’ll guess your DOC” (I have notifications on). I want to reply witth something like “Methadone?” but I don’t wanna doxx myself
No. 532922
>>532913samefag but the only thing I can think of is depression? But she doesn’t really seem depressed to me at all
a bath while you’re high on dope feels nice. Usually one is relatively productive high, assuming you’re not nodding too hard. that’s probably how she’s able to take all these sefies and shit, but idk why she can’t bathe.
No. 532924
File: 1529408088505.jpeg (392.06 KB, 750x731, F15D8ECD-BABA-4720-A8BC-31A9FD…)

So sorry for the spam but I just found this too
No. 532926
File: 1529408486695.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.05 KB, 500x750, eggtiddy.jpg)

>>532924Damn, basically took an identical screenshot, you beat me to it.
~I was conceived on the stairs of a methadone detox~ who even types like that?
Spoilered pic is lewd egg art that I mistook for Luna.
No. 532965
File: 1529426687331.jpeg (663.79 KB, 750x1074, A889CAF0-A04B-46A7-B78C-87D67B…)

Jesus fucking christ what a narc. “since this is getting great feedback here’s a list of mental illnesses i think i have pls feel bad for me thank you”
Everyone in this group is chill and then there’s luna. I want the admins to ban this bitch
No. 533005
>>532983Holy shit yeah, she looks like she smells like poop and mildew.
>>532965I think it's great communicating about your struggles with a like-minded group of people, but she's literally flaunting her problems like gems. Working hard to understand where you mental health issues come from is good to do but only if you want to change. She obviously just sees her hardships as badges of """honor""".
No. 533007
>>532998Lol I want someone to piss her off and list everything she listed plus an additional few illnesses
>>533005> Working hard to understand where you mental health issues come from is good to do but She’s not even doing this though tbh, she just wants [other sick and struggling] people to give her attention and feel bad for her. “I’m interested in the hereditary aspect” my asssss
No. 533048
>>533021she wants to make people 'get' her. she's such a tortured artist, adrift on the cruel sea of junk life, with only her evil parents to give her shit and keep her off the streets because let's not get too authentic here. #RIPRoger #misshisbedroom
anyway pls paypal me some money in lieu of ~getting~ me uwu
I don't know if she is just <undefined> fucked in the head or if she is trying to mimic what she thinks is normal behaviour because she's some kind of robot. Like, an actual one.
No. 533135
>>533066she talked a lot about how she never got accepted for food stamps (not sure how true that is) so she was mooching off Lurch's as well as her mom's.
I think Lurch is also the one that cops the drugs for both of them. She used to brag about hustling on her old tumblr account, but not much after that.
No. 533142
File: 1529458471677.png (1016.49 KB, 720x906, wideload.png)

What's up with that's rats nest? It looks like she did a really bad job at attempting to back-comb her roots and it just turned into a tangled mess.
No. 533150
File: 1529459420124.png (839.85 KB, 720x812, slob.png)

>>533142>random junk and newspapers on table>towel thrown on chair>more newspaper on floorIt was alot more tidy in the first kitchen selfie she ever posted.
No. 533172
>>533068Not even one person. EVERYONE else has at least one comment lol
>>533142He most I look st her hair the worst it gets. I used to think it looked relatively decent about a year ago but now its just… agh
No. 533176
>>533142she thinks she looks so cool but the way she's standing makes it look like her body morphs into some slug like form. I'm always amazed at how wide she is cus she doesn't seem to carry that much weight in her face
>>533150oh those thighs girl, I've never seen legs that are 100% cellulite
No. 533183
>>532913I remember she said at Roger's place the shower was broken or something along those lines. Maybe she just got in the habit of not showering. Who knows if that was true though or if it was another one of her lies for $$$ympathy.
>>532965>eating disordersLuna pls. Spending all your food money on drugs is not an eating disorder
>>533066It's so weird how she sticks her nose up at everything yet worships Lurch of all people? With her attitude you'd think she'd feel above him.
No. 533207
>>533183BPD has a weird cycle of adoration followed by hatred, if she's legit BPD she probably does feel like she's above Lurch half of the time.
The way she used to gush about Lurch being soo smart because he reads wiki articles was hilarious. Not all smart people read books!
No. 533292
>>533207idealization doesn’t mean feeling above anyone, that’s narcissism
>>533240can you link me to where she said this? I’ve been really curious as to how they afford heroin rn. I wonder what he sells. If it’s dope, how do they just not use it all lol
No. 533319
>>533292she doesn't even have to say it (tho she has) he was arrested for it.
>>530969idk how he got that "intent to distribute" dismissed. i might've said snitching if not for De Blasio trying to close Rikers and starting all these supervised release programs to reduce incarceration in NYC. It still seems off to me, he didn't even get probation? court mandated substance abuse treatment? its not like he got caught with weed, community service is not the norm for heroin in nyc.
No. 533645
File: 1529551689673.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.97 KB, 640x622, boobs11.jpg)

No. 533731
>>533292>idealization doesn’t mean feeling above anyone, that’s narcissismI meant the hatred part. When she's cycled around to hating Lurch, she probably feels like he's a useless drug addict keeping her from achieving her true dream of ~uwu tortured artist like Basquiat~.
Lunas a lot more useless than Lurch tho, don't get me wrong. Everyone remember acid anon from a few threads back? That shows how fucking useless she is, she got Lurch to fight her battles because she's too busy crying in the corner for attention.
>>533319Not a New Yorker, but other anons implied hed get off pretty lightly at the time. They could have dropped the distribution charge because they didn't have any evidence other than bulk weight. There are a LOT of heroin addicts in NYC and the probation/jail resources are probably stretched thin.
Lurch has no priors, and has a sob story about how he slipped into heroin from prescription meds (as well as "caring" for Roger at the time). I imagine that helped mitigate his sentence.
No. 533836
File: 1529607157208.jpeg (270.91 KB, 750x1299, 1C8BCE9E-1480-41DB-A333-CC3015…)

No. 533842
>>533837>>533836If they ever had kids (that weren't stillborns) they would be the most deformed, retarded little druggie spawns the world has ever seen. Two very unfortunate looking people.
What that in his shirt pocket?
No. 533843
File: 1529607939080.jpg (50.39 KB, 720x781, IMG_20180621_200148_922.jpg)

>>533838Lmao what the fuck is that bong? This feels like it's objectively worse than her older work, her linework has always been wonky and terrible but wtf? The ruffles on the clothing don't make sense and it looks flat as fuck. I might be wrong but I swear she's losing basic artistic abilities like "being able to control a marker properly." Her colouring outside the lines doesn't look like a stylistic choice, this literally looks like it was drawn by a tween after smoking their first joint.
Also lol it doesn't have a belly button, Lunas drawing weird clone creatures now.
No. 533845
>>533836>He loves me!>Most effort he'll make for a selfie is a half-assed hand in her faceSure.
This is weird but I suddenly feel kinda bad for Lurch. Those are the eyes of a man who desperately wants out, but the retard fucked up his own life by being a heroin addicted pervert, so I don't feel THAT bad.
No. 533849
File: 1529610005399.png (109.91 KB, 400x258, b1xONGO.png)

>>533837I'm not trying to nitpick, but what are those bumps?? on her lips
>>533840>so let's hopeWhy bother? She'll just steal from her boss again
No. 533851
File: 1529610590265.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1242x1545, 3A58509C-5AB6-4DD5-9362-808EBC…)

why would she post this ??? what is the point ??
No. 533852
File: 1529610676500.jpeg (2.17 MB, 1242x1504, 9903AB1D-6CB7-4B91-893B-2D5748…)

No. 533853
File: 1529610752757.jpeg (211.57 KB, 1242x1138, 4CB6CA66-F745-4AC4-B7E5-7F1979…)

1. why does her lipstick end halfway up her cupid’s bow? 2. what are those scratches on her cheek?
No. 533854
File: 1529610830341.jpeg (228.32 KB, 750x1288, 3B62C9AF-128F-4E09-BCC9-363D5F…)

>>533851She’s having a very productive day
No. 533861
>>533853the 'scratches' are probably just mascara clumps she smudged.
what fucking
triggers me is she doesn't fill in her eyeliner all the way around her eyelashes
No. 533862
>>533852looking a special time of fucked up here
>>533840have you guys noticed that she says this every few months? it's the only hope not uh look for jobs online or irl but wait for someone to maybe call you back
>>533838is she fucking serious w this price?
No. 533863
>>533851can we make this the next OP image lmao
she's on crack I see
~crack confidence uwu desu~
No. 533903
>>533849What the fuck, the lumps move around too, they're on the top of her lip in this one
>>533853I don't mean to nitpick but that shit ain't right. Is it herpes or something? Does smoking crack cause blisters due to the heat of the pipe?
No. 533920
>>533915i thought she never got the mural job because "the woman never called her back"
other than that i think she only had that office job that she said made her BPD worse
No. 534161
>>534034Yeah I'm pretty sure this is the same boss from like a month ago, when she said that she kept calling him about a job.
I feel bad for her old boss, getting repeated unwanted phone calls from some junkie. Most people get the hint when someone says "I'll call you back when I have something" and then never call you back.
No. 534272
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No. 534273
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No. 534278
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No. 534279
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No. 534281
File: 1529707761499.png (3.55 MB, 1584x1668, 1.5.png)

No. 534288
File: 1529708079576.png (292.02 KB, 875x567, 4.15.png)

No. 534289
File: 1529708154760.png (551.53 KB, 873x564, 4.19.png)

No. 534292
File: 1529708238817.png (2.74 MB, 1656x1572, 4.19.png)

No. 534299
File: 1529708463874.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 772x1128, 11 (1).png)

Last one. Thanks to KF for the caps
No. 534310
>>534292Her art looks as nasty as she does.
>>534288It looks like she's shooing away liquid fart.
No. 534430
>>534417I was looking at old pics, and yeah I think they were stretched she just didnt have plugs in them.
And also, looking back at old threads made me miss her drug-blog days. She used to actually be interesting!
I wish she'd start posting shit about her life again instead of just her shitty art and ugly selfies.
No. 534613
File: 1529763095826.png (20.94 KB, 840x163, 652ADADB-0CAC-4F38-9023-9DA4F8…)

was browsing second thread and came across this suddenly relevant gem again
No. 534615
>>534613lol she sounds like she's describing herself in this post, she's ridiculous
I wonder how she'll react if/when people stop funding her life and she's actually struggling as much as she's claimed she is
No. 534789
File: 1529795765491.jpeg (228.36 KB, 750x1267, 0E31E34A-3B0E-4B4B-BE88-0DF403…)

image dump from Instagram incoming.
No. 534806
File: 1529796666007.png (682.23 KB, 1080x1129, 20180623_193158.png)

>>534793 Eeewww is that a dead roach?!
No. 534839
File: 1529800736979.jpg (22.09 KB, 400x300, little-britain-vicky-pollard.j…)

>>534799sorry tuna this is where my mind went as soon as I saw you
No. 534843
>>534806just looks like a stain to me
>>534796she’s getting rid of papers in her sketchbooks bc she has no space? what is ripping out a paper gonna do… other than get her more money so she can use it on everything but rent and food? Smh
No. 534854
File: 1529802504818.jpg (21.72 KB, 275x270, 1529446553770.jpg)

"please buy me Amazon knick knacks because I'm about to be homeless uwu"
I can't with this bitch forreal. Pic related. I have those same pastel markers and she's gonna wreck them within like a week, mark my words.
Luna,the only way you're getting hired anywhere is if someone holds you down and Clairisonics the shit out of your face, and manages to distract you with drugs long enough to drag a brush through that rat's nest. For the love of god, at least put some fucking lip balm on your wishlist and learn how to use it. My eyes can't take it anymore. I mean, that has to hurt, right? I know liquid lipstick can be hella drying but like…you can let it dry and put lip balm over it?? You don't have to have a crusty purple anus for a mouth?? Plenty of instathots manage to apply lipstick without looking certifiably bugfucking crazy??! YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS.
(apologies for skincare sperging, this bitch skin got me triggered AF)
No. 534905
>>534904$10 for nudes, $40 for shitty doodles on printer paper or torn out sketchbook paper.
Such a businesswoman.
No. 534910
File: 1529810425862.gif (1.07 MB, 275x170, 1428421281717.gif)

>>534792Typical Tuna. "I'm so close to killing myself! Buy me things I lost most of what I owned a couple of months after my father in law died who was the only father who I ever loved and was like a real dad to me, by the way I'm gonna be homeless soon please order these for me it's the only way I can cope".
Go fuck yourself, Lunatic.
>>534798>>534799What's with that dirty mustache?! Girl needs some fucking shame goddamn.
>>534866You forgot, "and he only buys me cheap stuff".
No. 534957
>>534897I feel like it’s not just almost rude, I think it’s torally rude. I would be hurt if I tried to give someone a gift but all they could talk about is how cheap it is.
Luna is, above all, horribly inconsiderate and lacks empathy.
No. 534994
>>534968That’s one thing I’ve never understood: how are Luna’s bangs barely greasy?
Maybe my skin is oily, but my bangs get gross by the end of the day and I can’t skip washing them or else I look like a stringy grease factory. How do hers manage to look decent when she never takes off her makeup, washes her face, washes her hair, or even showers?
No. 535066
File: 1529838928411.jpeg (260.6 KB, 750x1280, 1529795915511-01.jpeg)

>>534799Hahahaha I put this picture thru an auto-fix app to try and make her look better but it just did this. I think it removed all the blur?
I was in agreement with anons about her hair, but I think it's just easier to blur her hair grease in photos.
No. 535295
>>535274Yeah. That pic should have been spoiler-ed. I clicked it and it
triggered my gag reflex. Had to exit out of that asap!
No. 535888
File: 1529977116341.png (888.8 KB, 711x894, Capture _2018-06-25-20-38-11.p…)

No. 535889
>>535888He looks dead.
No, genuinely. Like a corpse she propped up and opened its eyes to make it look alive. what the shit
No. 535951
>>535888It looks like they're still at her mom's. It's been well over a month by now. Is she planning on living there forever or what
>you and me, were always two peas.How profound.
No. 536020
>>535891>as long as our skin can touchI felt some visceral inner disgust at the mere thought of Lurch and Luna's gross sticky skin mashed together.
>money can buy happiness, but your love is definitely medicinal??? This is nowhere near as profound as she thinks it is, it just makes her look shallow as fuck. Doesn't say she appreciates or enjoys his love, just applies it like a drug.
>the world could finally come to an end but we'll hold hands while everything crumbles I know it'll be alrightthen why the fuck has she been whining CONSTANTLY about being ~homeless~ with ~no possessions~ ~any art supplies/money would be greatly appreciated because Roger's dead wahhh~? You can't suicide bait over your homelessness, then act like Lurch's love conquers all evil. If Lurch's love is so fucking great, then why does she rely so heavily on her parents?
The second and third verse are even more bullshit tbh. VI makes me angry with it's stupidity lmao
>Writing like >this doesnt make>you a poet.>just because you're sad>doesnt make you profound
>In heaven>Hiding from the "Crests of Hell">from above>That's fucking stupid>Luna can't carry a metaphor.
>crazy bitch>You won't ever leave me>because I said so >I love you I love you I love you>Isnt that right baby?>If I manically scream I love you>after shouting at you all day>that makes it ok>cuz we're in love>My paypal is No. 536037
File: 1529989263224.png (759.68 KB, 711x894, 1529977116341.png)

>>5358895 minutes of my life I'll never get back
No. 536047
File: 1529989728637.jpg (998.21 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180625-220850_Ins…)

Subtly begging for more ugly slippers
No. 536057
File: 1529990655621.webm (799.07 KB, 639x1136, StorySaver_funeral1996_3523933…)
Bonus insta story of her gross lips
No. 536171
>>536057She thinks she's so cool, doesn't she?
And what's even the point of wearing all that makeup when you're just lazing around home…
No. 536185
>>536007She probably wants people to see it and feel bad for her lol
How the fuck does she still have working hand veins? It’s been YEARS.
No. 536233
>>536057Wtf she legit is turning into Lurch. Since when was her face so long and flat?
>>536225I think that's why she stopped wearing her doorknocker septum ring, she was wearing a far too heavy piercing and the weight of it stretched the hole further down.
No. 536236
>>536047…she already owns a pair of fuzzy pink slides.
>>536057why is she holding it like a kid getting ready to slather that shit all over their face?
No. 536303
File: 1530027691058.png (Spoiler Image,643.81 KB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20180626-093856.png)

No. 536306
File: 1530027996707.png (1.26 MB, 1074x1679, Screenshot_20180626-094657.png)

No. 536311
>>536306um luna honey, you're wearing lipstick rn
still so crazy how she does all this makeup to like sit at home all day
No. 536313
That's so funny.
No. 536323
File: 1530028896272.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1632, Screenshot_20180626-175717~2.p…)

that cat has seen some shit
bitch, he probably meowed at you for food or because you stink
No. 536324
File: 1530028924076.png (29.1 KB, 720x169, Capture _2018-06-26-10-59-42.p…)

I like how she says she can't wait to have her own place again. She's never had her own place, she moved into Rogers house. It was his, not yours. Bitch.
And how does she expect to have her own place when all she does it sit around and slather on makeup?
No. 536332
File: 1530029519612.png (967.42 KB, 720x913, Capture _2018-06-26-11-11-50.p…)

No. 536372
>>536233>Since when was her face so long and flat?Since Lurch started kissing her.
>>536236I really don't get why she's holding the lipstick like a caveman with a stone either.
>>536332She looks like a chubby yellow fish.
No. 536428
File: 1530039168234.jpeg (253.02 KB, 750x1279, 9BB3F6F0-4454-45FF-9CC0-03BD5D…)

>>536332So self-conscious
No. 536594
File: 1530056154752.gif (1.57 MB, 640x324, 1495285827328.gif)

>>536593>>536428Ordering a shirt with a gofundme open for rent money because she was going to get evicted.
What are priorities.
No. 536603
File: 1530058002036.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 734x1298, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 00.5…)

>>536057I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of H, but is that mark on her thigh from tying off her leg?
No. 536648
>>536631they are, but people use them, and the jugular regularly.
doesn't look like a tie off bruise to me. just a regular one. bruises from ties look like if you were to pinch your skin; sorta little clusters of tiny really dark spots. sometimes in a little line.
leastways that's what they tended to look like on my arms. never used my legs.
No. 536687
>>536662i hope comparing their actions to my shit isn't drifting way off course, BUT: I used the crooks of both elbows off and on for 10+ years. When one side started getting hard to flag on, I'd switch to the other side and so on.
It's entirely possible they're rotating various spots to prevent veins collapsing, tearing, whatever?
Or are they too stupid and short-sighted to think of something so basic?
No. 536759
>>536341>>536405 is describing Section 8 housing which is funded by the federal government's Department of Housing and Urban Development. large cities have supportive housing programs which are funded by a combination of resources. No. 536843
File: 1530126354810.jpeg (434.16 KB, 640x910, CBB62D71-94C0-4D8D-8DD8-8E7AE0…)

She used to be cute. :(
No. 537039
>>536847agreeing with ^.
looks like the leg band of those little shorts or whatever was squeezing her thigh, more than anything else.
No. 537046
File: 1530152699636.jpg (183.51 KB, 1300x953, man-milking-a-cow-by-hand-sett…)

>>537040Get to work farmer
No. 537068
>>536605she was accepted to pratt but couldn't afford to go, so she went to brooklyn college instead. she complained about it for months on tumblr beforehand and made absolutely no effort to go to her classes or make friends when the semester started because she was "too good" for them.
around this time she also started posting strung out poetry readings on her youtube channel, mostly centered around how much she hated her roommate. all of them have been taken down since then and unfortunately i haven't been able to find any archived copies of them yet. you can still view her youtube watch history though, which is just about as weird as you'd expect: No. 537076
>>537068some of those video thumbs made me want to vomit. why the hell would anyone want to watch videos of maggots or whatever eating a man's head down to the skull and all the rest of that shit?
All the hurt animals. At-home tooth extraction? Was all this before or after she started using down?
No. 537080
File: 1530159023321.jpeg (198.05 KB, 750x1269, BA99DAE2-48DB-436E-A324-3D7146…)

>>537076She’s so gross.
She’s also still bothering those poor kittens at the laundromat.
No. 537084
File: 1530159352566.jpeg (392.24 KB, 750x1275, DE8F4D06-DA82-43DB-807A-182D97…)

>>537082Poor Luna had such a hard day.
No. 537112
>>537084I really, really dig the "it'll be ok!" pill bottle!
Her art has been steadily deteriorating, sadly. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I always liked her style. But it became less and less genuine expression, and more and more gimme bucks for dope, and it really shows.
No. 537158
>>53709885% different
Wow.. sounds like she probably traces her “base”’ for a lot of her doodles lol
>>537112Ok anon, I’ll bite. Why do you like her art? Which of her “pieces” do you have affinity for?
No. 537193
>>537158For the same reason anyone likes anybody's art - I find it aesthetically pleasing and it resonates with me.
Let me ask you something. Why are you being such a dick about it, why the belittling tone? What provoked you?
No. 537320
File: 1530205703314.jpg (387.17 KB, 1600x795, large_Polly_Nor_Interview_04.j…)

>>537259>>537259Polly Nor, maybe?
No. 537336
>>537193Why are you so sensitive, anon? That anon wasn't much of a dick about it.
>>537310This. Tuna doesn't care about improving, being creative or anything of the sort, she just wants to make some money. Maybe once upon a time she cared but she stopped within the last couple of years.
No. 537505
>>537193I’m sorry your taste in art sucks, anon. Take a fucking art class or two at a reputable college or maybe just read an art history book? You’ll understand why everything she does in her doodles is not worthy of appreciation or praise. There are SO many real artists on social media selling their work for an appropriate amount of money who use their supplies with skill. Luna just pencils a fucking character from that stupid RPG game she plays on her phone, draws some clothes on it that she wished she was wearing, draws some distorted pill bottles and occasionally throws in a Down syndrome looking angel.
Get some help, anon. Your taste is terrible
(calm down) No. 537513
>>537505NAYRT but you deriving your self esteem from having "better taste" in something completely inconsequential and purely for the sake of enjoyment is far, far sadder than some anon enjoying at looking at Luna's doodles ever will be.
Bragging about your taste on a mongolian portrait website is literally the highest form of cancer.
No. 537556
>>537513ok your reply is obnoxious too anon
Pretty sure most people would agree that lunas art is awful like pills with "I'm sad" on ok but if someone's basic enough to like it then that's cool too
No. 537575
>>537513Lmao what? Who said anything about self esteem? Anon you need to start taking your crazy pills again your sperging is ridic but if you want to drop $100 on one of Luna’s sharpie marker doodles so she could stick those proceeds right up her arm, then you do you. I’m just here for the milk.
Speaking of, any new insta posts and amazon hauls?
No. 537771
File: 1530261828721.jpeg (51.84 KB, 640x640, 0D186D75-D0E4-4453-A938-ED8A0B…)

>>537619>>537636nayrt, but it’s a meme that began on 4chan. It’s a satirical thing that pokes fun at the seriousness in which people take chan-type imageboards, which includes lolcow. I believe it initially started as “Mongolian spearfishing forum”.
No. 537824
File: 1530286971866.png (967.02 KB, 720x862, Capture _2018-06-29-10-40-58.p…)

New insta activity, maybe we can shut up about her shitty art now?
No. 537825
File: 1530287035400.png (891.19 KB, 720x811, Capture _2018-06-29-10-41-12.p…)

No. 537826
File: 1530287121136.png (879.56 KB, 720x835, Capture _2018-06-29-10-41-46.p…)

T-rex arm
No. 537829
File: 1530287337369.png (1.01 MB, 720x920, Capture _2018-06-29-10-48-02.p…)

No. 537830
File: 1530287401866.png (1.08 MB, 720x935, Capture _2018-06-29-10-48-53.p…)

No. 537832
>>537829At first i thought she had her arms behind her back and was doing some contorted head twist. Lmfao
>>537825Body builder pose?
No. 537850
>>537824>>537825>>537826>>537829>>537830What's with her eyes? They are all cloudy and terrifying.
She is starting to look more and more like lurch, flat face, corpse eyes, dead stare and emotionless expression. It's honestly creepy
No. 537875
>>532924She's talking about how her mom still struggles with an opiate addiction. I just realized Luna not only put her mom at risk by living at her place illegally, but now puts her at risk of seriously relapsing into a full-blown heroin addicition now that Lurch and Luna are using it around her.
Fuck, that's so callous and ungrateful towards the woman who made her. How can anyone be THIS selfish? Not caring if her own mom gets homeless, and not caring if her own mom gets sick/dead from drugs. Goddamn.
No. 537891
>>537824>>537825When will someone take the phone away from their "sexy" granny.
>>537827You're far too delusional, Lunatic.
>>537829>>537830Why does she keep doing the dumb Zoolander face? It's not cute and doesn't compliment her beady fish eyes.
>>537875It was the same when she was living with Roger. Put that poor guy at risk and harm every single day and gave not a single shit.
No. 537932
Amen to that
No. 537987
>>537898At least Roger gets a hundred posts about how great he is and how much she loves him. Her mom doesn't even get that. It's just "oh yeah, I'm living with my mom now and got to move in last minute with my pedo boyfriend. We trash the place and use drugs in her community housing putting her at risk of eviction every moment we stay here but whatever, who cares about her"
Even her dad gets some form of a reaction out of Luna (sure it's bad but it's better than indifference)
No. 538066
>>538010I doubt they're that cunning. Especially Lurch's barely sentient ass. I bet Luna just guilt trips her mom to hell and back every moment of the day like she does with her followers.
"But mooooom, I lost 90% of my belongings"
No. 538075
>>538066Until you said
>but mooooooooooooooooooomI didn't realise Luna was cartman.
No. 538118
>>537987>>538010Earlier in this thread she mentioned that her mom has a methadone and Xanax prescription (
>>532924 ). Luna was being super judgy saying "she's nodding out as I speak" but it sounded like she's sorting her life out.
It really fucking annoys me how she has to justify her shitty existence by dragging everyone else to her level. At least her mom is avoiding HEROIN, she's getting her drugs LEGALLY, and ISNT STEALING OTHER PEOPLES PRESCRIPTIONS because she's too retarded to work out medicaid, unlike Luna.
I hope to god her mom doesn't relapse onto full blown heroin because of this. And fuck Luna for jumping from one vulnerable drug/den supply to another.
Stop stealing your mom's legal prescriptions and stop judging her when she's done nothing but enable you. If her mom becomes the new Roger and they live with her until her preventable death, I'm fucking noping out soo hard. They even stole her bed and made her sleep on the couch. I was expecting Luna's karma to kick her ass by now.
No. 538188
File: 1530325721281.png (Spoiler Image,502.45 KB, 768x569, 5.4.png)

No. 538192
File: 1530325830108.png (482.32 KB, 767x573, 25.png)

>>538189Sorry! My bad didn't see them. They've been deleted now. Thanks for the heads up.
Don't think this was posted.
No. 538196
File: 1530325931093.png (621.35 KB, 762x561, 16.png)

No. 538198
File: 1530326012006.png (620.91 KB, 880x438, 10.png)

No. 538201
File: 1530326262194.png (37.96 KB, 574x205, 0GJgOmE.png)

A rare Twitter update.
No. 538252
>>538245Nothing like smelling cat shit while you eat.
>>538229Her mom would deserve it for not kicking them out already. She's going to have to call the cops to get them to leave.
No. 538308
>>538252>Her mom would deserve it for not kicking them out already. She's going to have to call the cops to get them to leave.God I feel so fucking bad for her mom, I don't see it as her fault that she can't say no to her only child. Makes her a pushover who's getting taken advantage of, but she doesn't deserve to lose her home because Luna is a dick.
Luna's constant guilt tripping, and hearing how "she stole thousands of dollars from Luna" so she
has to help her now must be annoying as fuck. Luna probably blames her entire life on her grandma/mom/dad despite having lived independently for like 4 years.
I imagine her mom must feel TERRIBLE seeing her old dealer slowly suck the life out of her only daughter like a lich or some shit. That entire living situation is weird as fuck.
No. 538309
File: 1530353515785.png (13.49 KB, 488x161, Untitled.png)

>>538253I don't know specifically NYC's squatter's rights, but they could legally be able to stay there until they're evicted by the courts.
A quick google says that after 30 days in NYC a person is given squatter's rights so Luna and Lurch could SERIOUSLY fuck her Mom over. If they refuse to leave, and argue squatter's rights, there's nothing the police can do and they'd literally need a court order which takes time and money.
No. 538357
>>538316NYC has some pretty hardy accommodation laws and regulations due to the scummy landlords of old. I dont know much about section 8 housing but it sounds like the worst they can do is threaten to take you off section 8 ( - only real thing I could find on the matter). You have these rights regardless of who you're renting from afaik.
No. 539048
File: 1530489102873.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, 1CB43E5C-A90A-4DD2-9F3B-CE5596…)

No. 539051
File: 1530489224791.png (189.6 KB, 750x1334, 10B24265-6731-490A-BDF1-FC89ED…)

>only 60 dollars
No. 539343
File: 1530542962981.jpeg (225.7 KB, 750x1197, 62E53409-969A-4822-BCE0-965D52…)

>>539287Please stop defending yourself just because you were too stupid to crop your icon out.
No. 539345
File: 1530543039634.jpeg (335.71 KB, 749x1207, 1786D87B-B6A9-4D7A-BA32-E4AFED…)

>>539344I think Luna wore that outfit for at least three days now. I don’t want to know what she must smell like by now.
Bonus: cat!
No. 539346
>>539343i'm not the person that posted the screencap but ok.
people itt getting
triggered over plants, let's move on
No. 539348
>>539346sure you’re not :^)
>>539345at least that critter has some space to move around in.
No. 539350
File: 1530543669827.png (160.58 KB, 540x960, 36565380_2570311159861159_9156…)

>>539348since you're so tilted about it.
she never accepted my request
No. 539359
>>539350that’s great! you’re still retarded and also derailing the thread. contribute something or fuck off.
>>539051I don’t understand why she doesn’t just offer her drawings for cheaper. she makes them on poor quality paper and they are neither large nor framed. she must think that she can con idiots into paying $60 for some of her scratches.
(derailing) No. 539360
>>539359you always cry when you're wrong about incredibly insignificant things on the fucking internet?
also, the people that have bought her art in the past are the exact same caliber of filthy junkie luna is, and they're just as into her "aesthetic".
i'm more interested if this bitch already got another tumblr or not.
No. 539475
File: 1530566491048.jpeg (730.01 KB, 746x1117, B91FAAB1-4A00-4598-91D0-B2C960…)

Here’s one she’s asking 70 for.
I can see $20 maybe, if she had a decent reputation of not spending all her money on drugs. No one wants a self portrait of a whiny mentally ill selfish loon, especially not for 50-70 bucks
No. 539510
>>539475This is the first thing in years she's drawn without a dumbass animal crossing face (round eyes with 3 lower lashes, big anime mouths).
I wonder whose style she's copying now.
The eyes look so much better without three eyelashes poking out the bottom, the animal crossing style is so weirdly childish for her subject matter.
No. 539569
File: 1530580436988.jpg (411.13 KB, 796x1432, aja.jpg)

>>539475she's literally trying to sell shitty fanart of a drag queen which is highly frowned upon in the community. not only that but i'm sure aja would be offended by the caucasian-looking version of herself with saggy tits.
No. 539570
>>539569oh whoops my bad didn't see her little caption about it being her favorite aja outfit. (which is bad because there are much better ones to choose from. leave it to tuna to pick the gaudiest looking one.)
aside from that, the colors aren't even correct and the hand…that poor hand…
/sage even though we don't have sage
No. 539719
>>539688Agreeing with
>>539689 that Stinky here doesn't really give a shit about art. She uses it as part of her aesthetic, and that's about it.
Also, am I the only one cynical enough to find it weird that people imagine some kind of redemptive arc for Tuna? I could see it if she was the more stereotypical 'wish I could quit' kind of junkie, or a sadsack who has grown resigned to their shithole of a life but might still have some hope in there somewhere. Luna is not only a nasty cunt, she has dedicated her life (such as it is) to this being her life. She wants it, and more importantly, she deserves it. Come on, homeless saga!
No. 539830
>>539814as far as i can tell, a lot of the people in this thread have followed her since she was really young, during her hipsville days when she had loads of friends both online and IRL. she went to shows all the time, wrote decent poetry, seemed really genuine, and was enjoying her youth. it’s hard to remember that, and then look at what she’s become, and not hope she betters herself. but simultaneously it’s difficult to make excuses when she steals from dying people, loots graves, e-begs for working people’s last dollars, etc… we’ll never know if she was secretly a horrible person before the heroin or if she’s a monster created by lurch and heroin alone.
No. 539892
>>539719Personally I think Luna is a bit too young for me to completely mark her off as a lost cause. Lurch will likely die soon and tbh when that happens I kind of expect her parents to finally be able to force her to stay with them or to go to rehab or a psych ward. I don't think she'd decide to do it on her own but I think there is hope that in a case where she's forced to she'd be able to start getting better. I suppose I just really do feel bad for her, she clearly had some issues prior to lurch grabbing her up and think that maybe with some help and a lack of drugs she'll be less of a heartless bitch. Don't get me wrong, I love the milk and all this (that's why I'm on this board), nor would I ever excuse her actions, but I'd never be against a shitty person becoming better.
It's likely at least part naivete but I can't see someone with her potential support systems with the majority of their life in front of them statistically impossible to get better
No. 539974
File: 1530658493591.png (888.57 KB, 720x963, Capture _2018-07-03-17-51-51.p…)

Why even wear makeup at all!?
You never leave the damn house because you don't have a life…
No. 540020
>>539719There are two main characters in this story. Luna, who is a lolcow, and Heroin, who is EVIL.
Of course we want the main villain to be defeated. And nobody can do that except for our lolcow. That's why we're all rooting for her.
No. 540061
>>540020Speak for yourself, I'm not rooting for her. She's a spoilt little cunt and what she did to Roger while he was dying and on his deathbed had nothing to do with drugs. You can't blame drugs for her shitty behavior, it only adds to it.
Hell, even the way she treats people keeps many of us from rooting for her. She treats people and friends like they're her personal bank accounts. She doesn't deserve shit and I look forward to seeing this cow get bitch slapped by karma.