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No. 605792
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/603048The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
> Still never made an apology video for slandering South Texas Dragons> Admits to live feeding, and knocking rodents out with blunt force instead of a CO2 chamber (as recently as mid Nov, also leaving a live feeder alone with her snake for 20 mins, only checking on it once)> Mushu has been shown without much gill feathering left recently shown much more clearly with facial scarring, even less feathering and stressed posturing> Attempted to purchase two new crocodile skinks on the down low before a smaller pettuber ratted on the cover-up of the deaths> Claiming that she's one of the few pettubers that is actually up front with the accident and the issues they have, despite trying to continuous hide the deaths of her mantis shrimp, lionfish, skinks, pacman frog etc for weeks-months after they happened> More enclosures being shown with completely empty water dishes> Cheese died suddenly, convenietly when she released new merch featuring him, has been pushing her merch harder than usual> She has alluded to a ‘friend’ that has a cowfish twice the size of cheese that she may replace Cheese with (if she hasn’t already)> Gave Cheese a “viking funeral” then sent him for autopsy (put him on a boat during a monetized video)> Videos calling out her care have stated to take over searches for her> Animals purchased in the last ~ month: Texas Rat Snake, Halloween Crab, 3 Rats, 2 Crocodile Skinks, Sinaloan Milksnake, Scorpion, Ghost Mantis> Recent Known Deaths: Orchid Mantis, Mantis Shrimp, Pacman Frog, Crocodile Skinks, Zazu, Cheese No. 605805
>>605801And it would help her massively with dealing with her "haiterz" as she could prove certain animals were still around.
Not to talk about it being cheaper to show the animal stock you already have than continously adding new critters…
But I think the problem is that quite a few more are deceased than what we were told about and her appartment is just too messy for a quick vid…
No. 605807
>>605800I thought it was something like 12 hours if refrigerated immediately after death, and freezing messed with the results. It could be longer, but I'd imagine touching the fish with your bare hands and floating it on a pond doesn't help either.
Unless she cut it out of the video, at the end of her funeral video when she was talking to the vet on the phone they didn't ask how long ago the fish died or how he was preserved, which seems like the first think you'd ask in that situation if really trying to get a necropsy.
No. 605811
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It doesn't necessarily answer your question but I found this from a pdf made by DCPAH when it comes to a necropsy. They also mention that when disposing an animal, they don't give the animal back to the owner unless its ashes.
Not sure if it's representative of all places that do this or if this process applies to fish.
No. 605821
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Yes Taylor, just shut down and avoid the very legitimate claims of abuse. That’ll show the haters! This just seems like an onion narc trip and she’ll return with more sass than ever for a few days and never actually debunk or confront the claims in the video. 1/3
No. 605823
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>>6058223/3 (I miss sage so much I wish I didn’t have to bump 3 times but no comp access rn to collage it)
No. 605847
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it looks like she disabled comments on the video after multiple top comments calling her out on her bullshit
No. 605859
Sorry I had been replying to the old thread as I was catching up / scrolling down:
>>605554Emma etc are so salty that viewers and some pettubers disagree, don't like and respectfully call out Taylor (and thus by association them too) but they're so quick to spin it around and tell anyone that does any of the above things that they're BULLYING, so clearly she can't recognize it.
>>605737The more people that make videos the better, while it's 'trendy' to watch these videos right now any other videos people make will be viewed and it makes it more credible coming from multiple sources.
>>605755"I've never replaced an animal" taylor theres literally posts from a croc skink breeder saying hes shipping them out to you, explain that.
>>605801she could do this but you know she would go out of her way to make sure everything is perfect with her animals and the days she isnt filming she wouldnt bother giving them water
No. 605862
>>605839Thing is, some of her animals are literally living without water and show signs of dehydration. Even Mushu looks like a mess. I don't think she'd pass one visit without there being a concern.
Also, on the subject of Taylor not having a hoarding house - does anyone remember all the animals in her closet? I'm assuming she still has some in there - including her geckos?
No. 605880
>>605862The biggest problem with animal control and TND is that they aren't going to know enough about exotic care to confidently say some of her animals need better, like Mushu. If you don't come across axolotls every day, and most AC people don't, you might not know what they're supposed to look like or that they need very cold water. Most people just don't know about exotic animal care. Which is why she has so many people say they follow her until she got an animal they know about and then they realized all her care was shit.
I could see AC being concerned about the animals not having water, but they'd probably just give her a warning if they can't tell if the animals are dehydrated. The biggest concerns they would probably have, apart from the presumed smell of the place, would be the 3 cats having access to the rats and the fact that she has so many pets in that apartment when there is a two pet limit. If she really didn't get special permission from the landlord/whoever, I imagine AC might try to check up on how many pets she's allowed to have, and then they or the landlord would deal with her breaking that rule.
No. 605881
>>605830Not only is ACS slow to care, they're pretty indifferent and ignorant about pets that aren't dogs or cats.
At the risk of blogposting, I once had a neighbor (in a TX city, no less) who kept chickens for their eggs. Those birds lived in horrible conditions. They were skinny and missing feathers and penned in a box in the unbearable summer heat. They'd sometimes break free and slip through the fence into my yard, where I had no clue what to do for them. When I called ACS, they acted like I was crazy for being concerned about chickens. They never even did a welfare check.
I imagine it's the same with Taylor. ACS doesn't know/care about most animals that aren't cats or dogs unless things have gotten really bad (ie, dangerous for humans in the area).
No. 605884
>>605881Ouch that is terrible…
Well as said if another video goes up that info should get added since shes playing that card to make it seem things are fine.
No. 605897
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This account taytay stans came for aged like a fine wine
No. 605919
>>605908Apparently she was “ran off social media” . I think it’s very dramatic that she’s supposedly run off when nothing said had anything to do with her and she had a complete spazz session making herself look like a nut.
That cycle chart is definitely proving true now. At the stage of mental illness so I can’t wait to see how long she milks “I’m being bullied uwu”. She’s grasping at straws and I think it’s hilarious because she looks dumb. Just wait until it’s starts getting put together how many animals have actually died, the time frame, and all her excuses for it. Now that’s a video.
No. 605926
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>comment on Cheese video
>some fans don't even know about her three reptiles dying
>others get mad and comment "Are you trying to make her look like a bad person?!"
>wake up and check Youtube notifications
Wow she really couldn't handle the people calling her out, could she? She'll have to disable comments on all her future videos now if this is her response to valid criticism she can't delete fast enough.
No. 605930
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>>605800>>605807>>605810>>605811From the last one. Cheese was a tropical fish, wasn't he? (My knowledge on exotic fish is nonexistent)
Either way TayTay's fucked up the necroposy.
>necroposy should be performed as soon as they're found>on ice/refrigerated no longer than 1 to 2 hours>keep cool, not frozen>freezing creates artifacts which interfere with examination>freezing causes delays while tissues thaw No. 605933
>>605931It's basically just a fancy way of telling someone you're going to sue them.
From a google search :
You can create this letter yourself using Rocket Lawyer. However, if you need a Cease and Desist Order, you need to file a lawsuit or other court action to request the court to order the individual or business to stop the action. Often this step is taken if you've received no response resulting from the Cease and Desist Letter.
No. 605940
>>605931A) I don’t think Taylor has the money to actually take this to court
B) As far as I know anon you’ve done a good job covering your bases to remain anonymous so how would she go about serving you said papers? Also, you’re in another country. I know it’s not impossible to sue someone in another country but I feel like it would take a lot longer for you to get served. Worst worst worst case scenario, in a week you have to take the video down but by then it will already have circulated. To cover your bases better in the future, you need to start saying “allegedly” before most claims. Which acknowledges that what you are saying is speculation, even though we all know we provide damning evidence, it’s still a good base to cover.
No. 605945
>>605934I know, what she did with Cheese just isn't a respectful way to treat a dead pet you love. The way she just threw some plastic starfish, feathers??? and load of seaweed in it just seemed so insincere and tacky.
Why not just bury him in a nice wooden box with some seaweed and photos instead of trying to be so CoOl n qUiRkY.
No. 605948
>>605946And trying to get it to trial when video nonny lives in another country… and trying to find a judge that'll take it seriously… yeah right.
That, and that whole pesky GDPR thing might slightly hamper their progress in finding video nonny in real life.
No. 605950
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Found this under a tweet Taylor shared of a rude response to a fan asking about Zazu
Loling at the person who says "[Taylor] doesn't have to show us anything!"
It's her job to post content! If she doesn't "have" to post content then it's not her job anymore, just a hobby.
No. 605963
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No. 605964
>>605962I couldn't agree more. The way she acts in the video is a little bit unsettling to say the last. She prods Cheese's frozen corpse and throws a bunch of crap on the boat with him before putting seaweed all over him… and then wraps him in a piece of cloth.
Was she on drugs when she did all of this, or has she genuinly just had a mental breakdown. I can't believe she even filmed it, let alone upload it to youtube.
No. 605970
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She called this girl out and all it did was blow up the tweet and spread the video more. Originally this tweet had like 9 likes and now it has over 5000 after Tay Tay quotes it.
No. 605971
>>605931international & european law student here
sent you a dm request on twitter with more legal info on how a U.S. citizen with no German residency could potentially file a claim against you (spoiler alert: the chances are very very slim)
No. 605974
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>>605963she's never had such a huge dip in daily subs. shit's finally hitting the fan, i love it
No. 605977
Okay, this may not be very contributing because I don’t work I Taylors area nor do I know how her animal control works, but I think her claim that animal control has come to her house “several times” is very false.
I’ve worked as a volunteer with an animal shelter near me for 5+ years, going on calls and addressing complaints often. When we get a complaint, we go and check it out. If we show up and the place checks out fine, we leave them a warning and inform them that we do not want to get called out there again, and if we do, some sort of action will be taken. Because public complaints are very serious and no matter how you swing it, if a person is continuously calling us about how an animal is being abused or neglected, there’s usually merit to it. We can’t always see neglect or abuse within the short time we are doing welfare checks, and the owner is typically a very different person when the threat of their animals being taken is hanging over their heads. If animal control has really been out there as much as taylor claims, she would not have animals. Animal control does not like being called continuously to do welfare checks. By now they would have asked her to have them moved or rehomed due to the complaints. She would be in danger of having her animals revoked by now if they’ve came as much as she claims!
Again, I’m not from her area but that’s how it works here.
No. 606030
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Okay so, what are the chances she got (or will claim at least) the ashes mixed in with tattoo ink and got a tattoo with his ashes?
No. 606037
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Sorry for the quality but I was searching her social blade and this are the results lol
No. 606040
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>>605839a bit late but this was posted yesterday on reddit about Taylor. A post about pet tube was made in r/hobbydrama
No. 606043
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Why does she have to exaggerate everything? "lmao they were amazed he lived to his minimum life span lol"
No. 606044
>>605981I'd imagine a call/report would have to be pretty detailed anyway. Saying that a person has too many pets is one thing, saying that you're concerned about their water/health status/enclosure is another since that's an actual cause for concern really.
>>606033The majority of them literally say 'they look fine to me' or 'she says she takes care of them so!' which is so dumb. A hoarder could say their pets are healthy but they clearly aren't or there's water when there clearly isn't.
>>606043Imagine if Cheese had actually grown tho… just imagine all the claims she could be making.
No. 606045
>>606033Tbh I think when you work in the animal industry (and I mean truly work, not owning pets and filming them) there are people who have to dissociate from their empathy a little. It can lead to compassion fatigue otherwise.
I volunteer at an animal hospital and have to remind myself of that when I hear some people's reactions to things.
No excuse for Taylor though. She shouldn't be suffering from compassion fatigue because she shouldn't have this many animals dying. It's not as though she does rescue work and each animal is a gamble on whether it will live or not.
No. 606059
>>606056You click on the number of the comment to reply.
Thank you for the advice, but I feel really reassured that she can't do anything now. Should something happen anyway I will try to weave it into the descriptions!
No. 606061
>>606051Sorry for your loss, anon.
I agree with this though, I lost a beloved guinea pig earlier this year, and I would never have held onto her body - at least not in the way and for the reasons Taylor did. I held her for a while after she passed, of course, to try and deal with it but she was buried later that day and her body wasn't messed with beyond that. I'm sure this is blogposting, but I feel it's somewhat relevant given the situation.
The fact that Taylor held onto Cheese's body for days after he died for a YouTube video disgusts me, and the fact that she uploaded the video of him in such shape for a predominantly child/early-teen audience is just as bad. It has educational value if done right, but it feels like she did it for shock value above all else, and it shouldn't have been thrust out to them in such a way. It strikes me as similarly inappropriate to the Suicide Forest video, terribly thought out and showing an extreme lack of compassion.
No. 606075
>>606051Aw, I'm sorry for your loss.
I think anyone who has had a pet they've genuinely loved die can see that her behavior towards Cheese's body is disgusting and very disturbing. I truly don't understand how her stans don't see it
No. 606086
>>606075I assume they just excuse it because she's ~such a good pet mum~ and/or it was "just a mistake"
I hate to keep drawing examples from the Paul brothers, but the way her stans are responding to criticism is almost a carbon copy. I doubt most of them are old enough to know better, and their parents aren't monitoring the content they consume or having open discussions with them either.
No. 606087
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>>606085sorry, newfag, here's the image
No. 606090
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First comments on her last insta… people aren't so nice with tay tay anymore
No. 606096
>>605833at this point she's not getting cheers from me. her pets die and it's always "lmao lol ikr wtf" bullshit followed by videos that reveal a shocking lack of empathy or even a glimpse of real feeling. she's fucking creepy and she fucks a rapist.
she's a nasty piece of work. fuck her, i hope she loses everything. who the fuck hoards animals like her, and then says she's going to set the dead hoard on fire for clickbait $$$ but pokes its body instead like it was a piece of junk?
No. 606098
>>606085Yes. Social Blade usually has these fluctuations in subscribers.
>>606097As far as I know, yes.
H3H3 got sued for that and won. His case was high profile in the YouTube community, so you can see some videos about the lawsuit and the aftermath. What I remember is that it falls under fair use because you're not using the clips as they are for your personal benefit, but rather modifying the content with your critique.
But the clips cannot exceed a certain time limit. I think it has to be at the most 10 seconds or some shit.
No. 606099
>>606090Glad to see people are finally coming around. This video was by far the most disgusting thing she's ever done. Taylor is way out of touch to shoot, edit and then watch and post that vid, thinking it was a good idea. She's absolutely unaware of how heartless and weird the whole thing looks.
Great to see those numbers dropping, because she knows she fucked up but can't make herself look better. A lot of people are seeing her true face and she is in full panic mode. Good.
The only reason she feels so bad is because she fucked up her narc image, and worst of all she can't control what people are saying about her, but that legit scares the hell out of these people.
Watch her beg Jonny to go score. She doesn't want to feel anything right now, but it's not the pain from losing a beloved pet, it's terror that everyone sees how grotesque she is, and she can't do a thing about it.
No. 606100
>>606099Honestly part of me thinks she knew what she was doing with the Cheese video, just didn't care enough.
Any publicity is good publicity when you can buy back subs.
No. 606117
>>606113You don't need to be smart to make dumb decisions like keeping a dead body in a video, there's so many examples of negative attention working well enough.
That or she was high af during the entire thing but idk doesn't seem like it. Looks like a half-assed video in general
No. 606124
>>606119Yeah, same. Well the kitten situation was the first thing that really got me, I know it's been said a million times, but she always goes on about how she wouldn't get all these pets if she wasn't capable of looking after them, but she got 2 week old kittens with no experience at all, and it's no surprise one died. If she thinks she's capable to look after young kittens because she's owned reptiles and fish before then it just shows how delusional she is. And then replacing her within a week or so? Just felt so wrong.
Has she even mentioned on her youtube that Kovu died? I feel like everyone seems to have forgotten about that and it wasn't even that long ago.
No. 606139
>>606124For me it was the kittens too.
Before I was mostly worried about her because of her relationship with Jonny (and honestly, I still am, he's definetly abusive and I hope she gets out of that) and since I didn't have any knowledge on exotic pets I thought anons were nitpicking her care but the fact that she the audacity to believe she was in any way capable of taking care of such a fragile kitten got to me.
To add salt to the wound after one died she bought another one from a backyard breeder and even acceptable to recieve him before he was old enough.
No. 606149
>>605977Do you think she could get away with claiming the complains are false because she's "famous" on youtube? I feel like that's what she'd try to claim. A fake complaint got a pretty famous grey fox killed by the local animal control a few years back though, so I can't imagine Taylor having a better outcome if AC had really been there and interacted with any of her exotics.
>>606060 lol right?? I tweeted at her about her 50+ animals, citing her NY Mag article, and a stan replied "she doesn't have that many, they're just trying to slander her." I guess even professional interviewers are ~haiterz now, guize!
No. 606158
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Spreadsheet anon here. I couldn't find anything saying Asteroid was dead, and found that the last pic of him was on July 2018 so I changed his status to live. Also can’t find any info on the third unnamed crested gecko and Prada the milksnake, and still don’t have anything on the second puffer. As far as I know Mushu hasn’t been mentioned since at least July, possibly longer, and I guess people were worried about his health, should I put him down as ‘Unknown’? Besides that the herps are covered. I don’t actually follow TND so my apologies if I’m missing well-known info. Sorry for no milk but here’s some cool graphs.
No. 606166
>>606158Asteroid is dead. He died a while ago. He was cooked to death supposedly.
Also here's the google doc list of her pets alive and dead: No. 606174
File: 1543443866407.png (849.19 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot_20181128-152244~2.p…)

>>606173The big long story she posted on Instagram about losing the Croc skinks and the pac-man frog is still up.
No. 606176
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>>606169>>606168>>606167>>606166>>606174Thank you! I didn't realize when he died, I'll just copy the date for the crocs. Now all my graphs are fucked lol. With Asteroid dead that means she has 6 deaths this month alone and 10 this year, assuming I've done everything right.
No. 606177
>>606176Holy fuck - broken down like that, it really drives home just how many fucking animals she has bought. 39 is just… nuts. Hell,
just 7 would be a fuckton and more than enough for five years for most normal people.
"Oops, I lost 13 pets this year!" is fucking nanners.
No. 606186
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>>606179Here we go! Last time I checked there was one other picture of this crested that explained he was "shared with a friend", but this is all I can find of him.
No. 606197
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This cracked me up. They make such flawless arguements.
No. 606204
>>606191Genuinely would be interested in seeing her cable management/electrical setup. You can buy extension cables that aren't grounded (usually cheaper) and when "daisy-chained" together with other appliances, especially high voltage things like lights or heaters, can cause shortages and fire hazards. Thing is, it's really easy to avoid this, you just have to shell out a few more bucks to get grounded surge protected extension cables which I hope she would be for something as precious as a living creature. I mean fuck, I have my computer on a UPS (surge protector + built in battery for power outage), and that is a computer not a living creature. I don't understand why she's so eager to throw thousands at fancy new enclosures, which while sure great, she should focus on the technical side of her husbandry. I've always gotten the feeling she doesn't like the "technical" side as much, the maintenance of heat/humidity/etc. It always seems half assed when there are so many wonderful inventions when set up properly, will do the job for you and better than you ever could. Long ramble here, sorry.
No. 606231
>>606228Not unless you count Craigslist.
Most rescues would not give animals to someone who has as many as Taylor does in an apartment that small.
No. 606234
>>606228Not unless you count Craigslist.
Most rescues would not give animals to someone who has as many as Taylor does in an apartment that small.
No. 606238
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the level of intellect we're dealing with here is hard to handle.
No. 606240
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Taylor posted her Cheese funeral video 19 hours ago, and in that timespan she's lost over 5,000 subs. She can ignore all of the constructive criticism & desperately buy more subs, but she won't be able to ignore that people are leaving her channel en masse.
No. 606247
>>606228Kida was supposedly gotten from a shelter.
Nemo & his sister were rescued from a construction site, but I wouldn't count them since Taylor didn't have a clue what she was doing.
Then there was the fiasco with the 80 turtles.
No. 606250
>>606228In theory Star was "rescued". A lot of Taylor's story doesn't add up though.
I don't think she got Star from Craigslist personally, I think she found Star outside and kept her, despite Star being owned by someone (hence the microchip and being friendly and "well-groomed")
No. 606266
>>606229From what I can tell, she has 46 live animals including fish, 39 if we don't include fish. I know for a fact I don't have all her fish listed, and some fish are simply listed as 'school' and I didn't bother making multiples of. Her total of all animals past and present is 107, pretty impressive.
I just can't fathom how she affords all of it. Even assuming she didn't spend a penny on the animals she rescued, the purchasing cost alone as added up to nearly 26 grand. She could have paid her way through college with that.
No. 606271
>>606228Some people might say Nemo, but personally don’t count Nemo’s story as a rescue. it’s got all the classic signs of one of Taylor’s lies.
She tweeted literally that week/possibly even that very day that she was “looking in shelters” for a cat. As many of us have said, it’s highly unlikely any shelter would adopt out to her given her living situation and number of pets she already has. By some magical, Could-Only-Happen-To-Taylor coincidence, after leaving the shelter she was totally going to adopt from, a random lady at the pet store had a box containing two 2 week old kittens she’d “found at a construction site.” and handed those kittens off to Taylor no questions asked.
It tends to get lost in the following controversy of Taylor killing one of the kittens through neglect/ignorance and then buying a 5 week old purebred cat from Craigslist, but I’ve never believed that Nemo story lol.idk where she got him from, but I’ve seen too much of her bullshit on this site to believe such a wAcKY cOiNciDenCe story.
No. 606279
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No. 606288
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>>606280Looks like a thong to me lol
No. 606300
File: 1543450747372.png (Spoiler Image,424.17 KB, 1242x2208, B17B56DD-D279-4CF4-B4A2-5C42A8…)

Great way of handling things. Real damage control
No. 606306
File: 1543451247659.png (517.75 KB, 1080x1675, Screenshot_20181128-172639~2.p…)

It's back
No. 606313
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No. 606317
>>606315I was wrong disregard.
It looked like she had deleted all her comments at first.
No. 606318
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No. 606329
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she just deleted/hid all of her likes on twitter jfc
something shady is going on
No. 606336
>>606333Pretty sure it's a meme since she photoshopped Taylor's head on her her (maddie) body. She wouldn't dear speak against the "queen".
If a video does come out, it will be full of ass kissing and she's just trying to use TND for views.
No. 606337
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Taylor liked this tweet on twitter and it’s not necessarily painting her in the best light. He’s basically saying the video’s facts were right, just presented wrong?
No. 606342
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No. 606349
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Yeah definitely not a real call out video…
No. 606351
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No. 606353
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No. 606355
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No. 606356
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No. 606357
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And my personal fave lol
No. 606359
>>606329b-but she was hacked, anon! or something!
I'd love it if she claimed to have made the Cheese videos in a manic state and therefore isn't responsible for looking like a complete twunt in both and across her twitter/instas as well. Kind of like Moo and her ADHD. She's desperate to try and spin this in a 'poor taytay!' light because as it stands right now she looks like shit.
All her shitty 'lol lmao my pets are dead, amirite' are now gone, I'm assuming?
No. 606372
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her stans are so dumb just reading these comments make me lose brain cells
No. 606375
>>606357 Sorry mini rant incoming.
I used to really like Tori (pugpibblehedgie). I found her videos informative and liked her personally, but i unsubscribed and unfollowed after her ass kissing to Taylor. EVERYTHING Taylor does with her hedgehogs goes against everything tori advises to do. I know she lurks here, so hi Tori, How can you support someone you can actually watch treat a species you love so wrong?
No. 606376
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i cannot deal lmfao
No. 606382
>>606247The turtles was almost the opposite of actually rescuing, since she financially supported the guy selling them and then dumped them on a rescue that was probably already overstrained. The turtles might be better off, but she caused more problems than she fixed for the other people involved, and now that rescue is loaded with dozens of turtles taking up space that could have been used for other rescues.
>>606271 I know it's old milk, but I don't believe her Nemo story either. I did at first, but after she continued to "magically" come across pets people were giving away at pet stores, it casts doubt on that story too. There's no way she got them from a shelter, and idk if 2 week orphan kittens would show up on craigslist either. I'm super curious where she actually got them. Maybe when they break up Jonny will spill the tea on that one.
>>606376Taylor's pets are probably between 2 to 9 times more likely to lose their lives early compared to how long they'd live with a competent pet owner.
No. 606385
>>606381She saw an opportunity to please her queen and get views by addressing what ever's popular video.
It's all so cringe and she is such a hypocrite. She doesn't want to be in the drama, yet is making the video in the first place. Says it's Taylor's place to defend herself, but spends the whole video defending Taylor.
Also implies that Taylor is so upset she may self harm and it's our fault???
No. 606397
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So she is implying Taylor will kiml herself now or something
No. 606402
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>>606401they all never left high school
No. 606405
>>606401Yup. "What if fish had tits?"
This is such a textbook, typical response. "Didn't happen! Fuck you, if it did happen, it's not that bad! If it was, it wasn't really her fault! She's actually the real victim here!" Sigh.
No. 606407
>>606397If you genuinely thought your friend was gonna off herself, the last thing you'd do is make a fucking video about it and post it online. She should be calling her, calling the appropriate authorities, calling her mom or her bf or whoever has some handle on her life right now. Not arguing on the internet with a click bait video. Are these people really not self-aware? Do they lack introspection?
I have to give them credit though, playing the victim gives them a much higher ground. Well played.
No. 606408
>>606397I mean if it's all speculation and there's no grounds to believe it, then Taylor can a) ignore it because it's not true b) prove that it's wrong.
She's doing neither.
No. 606414
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fuck me up fam
No. 606424
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We're a cult now guys.
Also "not even open to a conversation" okay.
No. 606426
>>606420Ikr lol? King of DIY does the same. He also, at the very least, rarely makes the same mistake twice with animal deaths even if he does make a few too many mistakes.
>>606414Yes, Taylor, people have been asking for this for months. Just prove your animals are all alive and have at least the bare minimum for correct enclosures and diet! Idk how she'll win with this livestream, though, if she actually even does it. We'll still probably get proof of the mess she and her animals live in, and her cages likely have issues with sizing, temp monitoring, and enrichment. Meanwhile her stans will be shocked by the sheer numbers of new animals they didn't know about in the video, or old animals they didn't know have died that aren't in the video.
>>606422 tbh that'd be fine, as long as she keeps everything going correctly.
No. 606427
>>606424I didnt know we were only having weekly get togethers.
Iv been fucking this up by comming everyday. sorry guys
No. 606429
>>606424Wait, you guys are having weekly get togethers without me??
Real talk though, someone should get ready to tape/save the livestream if Taylor follows through with it. I would but I'm working so I won't be able to if she does it tonight.
No. 606454
>>606397I mean if Taylor kills herself she’d actually be saving animals
(too far?)
No. 606458
>>606455Threatening suicide to get your way is a legit emotional abuse tactic.
It's fucking disgusting Taylor's little friends are pulling this shit. If you're concerned, truly, call the cops on her to do a welfare check.
No. 606460
>>606376She says that the animal being replaced was a lie spread by someone they dont know.
But it was posted 19 hours before Taylor even announced that her skinks and pacman frog died.
How can they all be in on this.
Now is the time to step up and tell the world everything wrong with Taylor because fans are more likely to listen to former friends of Taylor.
No. 606465
>>606463Yup. Seems awfully conveniently orchestrated to be all about how people are "attacking and bullying" Taylor just to generate drama and pull focus away from the issue.
Wonder if any of her pets will die before the end of the year.
No. 606471
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No. 606475
>>606471Casually ignores the question she’s faced with.
“She ate a great meal!!! She is the epitome of health uwu”
No. 606479
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Someone’s gonna be scrabbling to get those cages together “when she gets back”.
No. 606481
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>>606472The delay absolutely is artificial. One would have every right to claim that she prettied up her enclosures between when people were asking for it and when she actually does it.
It looked like she finally got her place cleaned when her friends came to visit (which, to be fair, is what most people do - but we've seen the state of her apartment normally from photos and videos). Idk why anyone would expect anything less than her using the extra time to cover her tracks
No. 606488
>>606376It's hard to even focus on her bad attempts as crawling up Tay's ass when this chick blends into her wall.
>>606397It's almost as if being a shit pet owner and a shit online personality gets you negative responses to your negative behavior..
No. 606509
>>606506It’s not a link sorry but if you ctrl+f on the snow catalogue you’ll find all her threads (you’ll get the general pet tubers threads also so warning on that)
The leaked texts start in her first thread and I think go on till the the 3rd
No. 606520
>>606518Speaking of Jonny, did he comment on the whole fallout that's happening right now? Like defending his gf/himself?
Also I was really surprised that Jen really took down her YT channel.
No. 606521
>>606479So essentially she is taking this break to fix her cages to what they are supposed to be, that way she can come back and say “SeEe my animal care is perfect!!” and all her stans will back her as usual.
She isn’t going to address any of the shot she’s being called out on, she’s simply going to show improved cages - you know, that don’t have bone dry water bowls like she usually makes them have. Also she’ll make some sob story for the first 10 minutes of her video about how she’s been in such a bad place due to all the “haterzz!!” and possibly mention her being suicidal because of it.
Threatening suicide during criticism is SUCH a fucking textbook abusive, manipulative tactic. Just used to get heat off her back, and get more of a pity party. Fuck off Taylor, there are genuine people who struggle with depression and suicide - and you just use it as your typical crutch.
No. 606522
>>606376Does this apply to Taylor's fans bullying people? What about when Taylor does it, like when she deliberately doxxed someone and her fans swarmed and told this person to kill herself?
Don't pull the bullying/suicide card you entitled, ass kissing cunt. Valid criticism is NOT the same as bullying, but I guess Tay can't handle it and is throwing a pity party.
No. 606530
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Destry commented on the situation…lol
No. 606538
>>606532Basically voice your opinions nicely with cherries on top. That's what they all want. They want people to be super gentle uwu with their feelings uwu.
But the problem is, people have been fucking gentle and nice, and they still take it as a personal attack. Every single suggestion, as minimal or as nice as it's been, is always met with "sHe KnOwS wHaT sHe's DoInG reeeeeee".
If you can't handle the fact that critiques are one of the costs of becoming a YouTuber or public figure of ANY kind, maybe you should look into other type of career. You need to have a thick skin, and it's really pathetic to have your friends making videos defending you, when the one who should be addressing the critiques is you.
It's also super manipulative to go around blaming anon's video for Taylor's mental health. Suicide is a personal choice someone makes. Not a single time did anon's video encouraged Taylor to harm herself.
No. 606542
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Her channel is still steady losing subs
No. 606543
>>606530Ugh again Ghost was 5 WEEKS old. Petco would NOT be adopting a kitten out that young, they are not allowed to until a minimum of 8 weeks. The only way she managed to get a kitten that young was from a backyard Craigslist breeder.
The kitten stuff still being in question really bothers me as I was there the night she "adopted" Ghost and there is NO doubt in my mind that Ghost came from a Craiglist breeder. I remember watching her and johnny's social media, because they had been posting about potentially getting a new kitten. This was fresh off the death of the first kitten, and the fact that it was as young as Nemo and according to Taylor "LoOkS liKE sOMe SoRT oF RaGDoLl miX" there were a lot of red bells. I even went so far to actually text the Craigslist breeder in the add anons found and inquired about the kittens and if I could adopt the full litter of three as a gift to my nieces and nephews for Christmas. I include this to give you a frame of reference, this was someone who just wanted to make money and wasn't necessarily concerned with the best wishes of the kittens. She texted me back reasonably quickly and told me that she had adopted one out that same night but that two were still available.
Obviously not concrete evidence but the timelines matched up even more. I posted screenshots way back when in an old thread but it was on an old laptop, so I'd need to go crawling through the old threads to find it all.
No. 606547
>>606543It really, really bothers me that all these pet tubers stick up for her… Like as friends how can you possibly think this whole situation was okay? How can they not agree that she was NOT the right person, having no prior experience to rearing very young kittens or any other animal for that matter, to take on such young kittens? And just accept that she's lying about rescuing a kitten that clearly came from a backyard breeder?
Honestly I can understand dismissing some of the 'proof' in whatevers video as stringing some things together and making an assumption, but there's stuff she's openly put out there that just aren't okay in the slightest and NONE of them talk about that. They're all honestly pathetic and care more about views than the animals she's killed and will kill.
No. 606549
>>606543I remember that. She also eventually told me on twitter "well I didn't ACTUALLY adopt it was just a FOSTER to adopt, I don't get why people care about the wording." Which was another ridiculous claim, as she'd already confirmed Ghost was being separated from his litter and mother, by the shelter, which is something literally no shelter would ever do. I know all her fans are like 12, but I really don't get how she lies SO badly and still gets her fans to defend her bullshit.
>>606481 Of course she needs a delay. Needs time to replace animals she claims are still alive, and maybe hide some new animals that haven't been announced yet, like if she already got that Cheese replacement that was "kept in a 20 his whole life" or whatever her lie will be when she next brings it up. If she really took good care of them she wouldn't ~need time to be able to mentally deal with haters~~ because there would be nothing we could hate on.
No. 606550
>>606530"dont accuse someone of doing drugs and raping people" Oh okay so his victims should just shut up because???
What kind of thought process is this it literally makes me angry. Jonny is a rapist sorry kids
No. 606551
>>606414Literally no because you know she will fill the water bowls up etc before she films it
Video anons I know you have a lot of content but could you maybe make a video on all the times her little clique have stood up for her unnecessarily, gone out of their way to harass others they don’t even follow, and things wrong with Taylor’s care that they should care about but don’t seem to? If they’re all deciding to cover for Taylor they should all go down too.
No. 606552
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These people ffs. So slandering Sruthi is fine suddenly. Reply All is more professional than they could ever dream of being
No. 606553
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It’s not even POSSIBLE to ACCIDENTALLY disable your Instagram account. There are several steps to do that!
No. 606554
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Looks like she took them out of the closet
No. 606557
>>606554lol she's gotta rearrange before that live video.
But don't the three cats have full access to them now with just a flimsy screen to keep them out? My cats have broken screen doors to outside, I doubt cage screens are sturdy enough for that to be safe.
No. 606560
>>606556Honestly the goal was for her to improve her animal care, so this is not bad.
The problem is that she'll slip back into old habits when everything dies down.
No. 606562
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>>606476Blah blah blah…a bunch of mindless babble…but ka-ching! 3k views in 4 hours.
No. 606568
>>606337So dont mention Taylor, just mention her pet care?
>>606414Honestly, will this make any difference? Even if she has fixed some of the vital things, they'll be back to normal within a week.
>>606555Asked this last night and no one seems to know? I thought they were in the closet with all the other animals stuck there but apparently not?
As for her little group defending her, they can fuck right off. This is Taylor's own mess and y'all need to step the fuck away from people like Leopard Gecko who at least aren't out for the views and the money.
No. 606586
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>>606582he tweeted this (sorry if its already been posted i dont think ive seen it here yet)
No. 606587
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I think the reason for maddie and emma to do their own videos is because an anon is having more views than them.. even Taylor’s latest video lol
No. 606588
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>>606586All his comments towards Taylor reminds me of that scene in Swan Princess. Im on mobile so i cant edit. This tweet is so empty and forced
No. 606592
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don't u h8 it when you accidentally cook ur animals :((((
No. 606598
>>606597"Our" group? lol
How would you know that
No. 606600
>>606597Sure Jan
So she doesnt have a problem kicking out someone she barely even know but Jonny whom not only is using around her but also invite his dealer to the apartment is fine?
Who are you either way? Let me guess, Emma?
No. 606604
>>606552"If we said we didn't want her to use stuff she would say "the microphone is on""
I wonder what kind of things they didn't want being used, what were they trying to hide?
No. 606614
>>606530lol she’s an idiot, sorry I’m late I was asleep.
Her care sounds just as bad as Taylor and it makes sense, of course Taylor is getting more “hate” because she has more subscribers, that’s how numbers work… it’s easier to come across a YouTuber who has more subs than one that doesn’t. And you need to do better as well, don’t brag about your trashy mistakes lol. She’s literally an idiot and that’s so frustrating, petube seems like a bunch of people who don’t know Jack shit.
No. 606638
>>606554Perhaps I’m wrong, but I thought cresties needed really high humidity? Using a screen enclosure cannot be great for them.
Not to mention I know cohabbing crested geckos has become a hot topic of debate in the reptile community recently. A lot of people are taking a step back from their own care and wondering if it really is in their best interest to keep them together like that.
Most of the more progressive and up to date keepers are opting not to cohab their crested geckos. Not to say that’s damning evidence against Taylor since right now the topic is still being investigated by keepers, but I feel like it definitely goes to show how she doesn’t continually research her animals. It’s sooo important to be constantly reading up on the species you keep since we are always learning more about animals and how to care for them. Not doing so is why we have keepers throwing snakes in tiny bins.
No. 606643
>>606638That is actually two different enclosures just standing side by side. Personally i think they are way too narrow, yes cresties like to be able to climb but the width of the tank shouldn't really be neglected either.
Male crested gecko's should never be kept together but females or females/one male is still being discussed I believe.
I'm new to keeping cresties so I don't want to comment too much on her crestie care as I am still learning myself, however I think it is common knowledge that screen enclosures are not recommended.
No. 606649
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im pretty sure the crested gecko enclosures are glass with screen covers
No. 606658
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This girl is very knowledgable about mantis and she made a response video to Taylors mess of a care video. So literally all pets that died recently died too young
No. 606680
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No. 606683
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No. 606684
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No. 606685
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No. 606695
None of them even truly love animals like they claim, if they did they wouldn't defend Taylor and her animal abuse. Complete and utter garbage, every single one of them.
No. 606732
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shakes bag
Taylor is Darla in 10 years
No. 606734
>>606726That’s why they do it, it’s the ultimate crutch of “leave her alone or she will kill herself!”. It’s to shift the tides from going against her. Such a horrible and manipulative tactic.
>>606699THIS. I’m all for her improving her enclosures, but it’s sickening to know that she is just going to do this once and then slip back into her shitty habits. Don’t you think it’s suspicious as fuck that she’s going to take a bunch of time to “fix” things? Essentially admitting that her current care is bad. But she’ll never say it. She is just doing all this to get heat off her back for everything, even though we all know she’ll go right back to her shit care, like letting the animals have bone dry water bowls. Live-streams every few weeks would be a great idea on her end, but you y’all really think she isn’t lazy enough for that?
>>606586Such an empty and forced tweet, kek. These people that stand up for not only Taylor but her manlet boyfriend are disgusting. Notice how all he can really do is say something about her looks and how much he “loves” her. I’ve truly never seen Jonny give a real description of why he loves her. But we all know they hate each other lol, go off Pettubers and keep stanning a rapist junkie.
No. 606735
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after seeing that spiderus comment i realise that emilee girl looks like spiderus hahaaaa
No. 606742
>>606680>>606683>>606684>>606685Well. Again she can't hide she's lurking here..
Or jonny reads for/ to her.
Wow. Such specificness!
No. 606743
>>606730I'd be aggressive too if I was just left in a heated rack all day with no contact except when some bitch handles me like a toy to take photos with.
She'd be better off getting like one or two animals with huge enclosures that she can play with and care for rather than a whole heap that need lots of small enclosures that she has barely any time for. You aren't Ace Ventura bitch, give your animals space and attention.
No. 606747
>>606746haha actually yes that is true.
if she had a small sub count these twots would be calling her out left and right
No. 606753
>>606748See, and because you probably watch and look after them a lot and don't have a million other pets, you have time to make these small but vital observations. Taylor has too many pets with little time to socialise/care so she chalks these problems down to 'this one is a bit sassy' or 'she doesn't like anyone'
If she spent longer on them and had less to care for, she'd notice this shit.
Regardless, you sound like a good owner.
No. 606772
>>606684its hard to have sympathy for someone who is complaining about having to spend money on proper care on their animal hoard.
if you didnt want to spend the money, stop getting new animals retard. and trying to get asspats for doing basic cleaning up after them is childish
No. 606788
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So that's what Taylor told everyone around her? What a dumb fucking excuse. That is literally replacing them.
No. 606790
>>606788"Hey guys drogo and dani died but it's okay because I got these 2 new skinks!"
No. 606796
>>606788…well…killing two croc skinks and immediately buying two more IS kind of replacing them??? First, this is bullshit. Second, it's bullshit that doesn't even make sense.
I just can't with this group
No. 606810
>>606806I can't with this community sometimes, there are times when I look into it and think "oh you think you're better than us because you keep a bunch of expensive exotic animals in your bedroom"
You can tell the difference half the time. Those doing it for more educational have minimal tech set up and don't worry about their appearance, meanwhile pet tube just flexes new items, clothes and a fancy hella rare pet every other week that no one other than themselves can apparently tame.
No. 606812
>>606808Probably so she can "enjoy them myself uvu"
I will never understand the thought logic behind that quote…
No. 606813
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The difference here is that Robert actually tried.
No. 606816
>>606813Do NOT fucking compare the two. RDJ distances himself from the past and worked damn hard to get where he is now. RDJ is an inspiration, Johnny Craig is a joke.
The comparison would only be suitable if JC was actually clean and a decent human not someone who tries to flex on everyone and is clearly still on drugs.
No. 606818
>>606814A few people on here have recommend Snake Discovery (THANKYOU ANONS FOR HER she's great)
I think Clint Reptiles was also recommended.
I'm not sure what people think of the Dark Den but he seems pretty ok to me.
While not pet channels Wild Things and Brave Wilderness offer in my opinion some nice animal education (BW more for the practical aspect)
No. 606827
>>606814Solid Gold is awesome. Started with goldfish but now has reptiles, bunnies, and frogs. She hasn't uploaded recently but she is the pet tube I'm down for.
Rachel O'Leary is nice for aquatics, too.
No. 606831
>>606818I second this.
Snake Discovery has a degree in her field, works as a real pet educator IN REAL LIFE by going to schools and presenting information (she has videos of her doing it). She even rescued a few snakes that were either starving, burnt from owners who used the wrong heating equipment, or from a fire.
Clint Reptiles is also rocking a degree and works at a university. His videos are structured around facts about each reptiles and their ratings as pets.
I don't know much about arachnids but Dark Den has loads. he makes his own containers and such. The latest video I watched, he created a very large shelf for his hamster, and his enclosure for his bearded dragon is HUGE with no doors on both enclosures which is pretty cool.
Haven't seen Wild Things and Brave Wilderness, I'll probably check on those
I also started watching Rachel O'Leary for her care of fishes. Don't expect and amazing decorations but she has a greenhouse which she grows plants for her tanks, and even updates on fishes that gets sick while giving us a view on how she manages it. She's not as young as these other pettubers but she seems like a sweet lady and actually cares.
No. 606835
>>606694>>606735Anons KNOCK IT OFF he shouldn't be compared to her, stop bullying him uwu
>>606814Solid Gold Aquatics, GoHerping, Little Adventures, Skinnypigs1, and Erin's Animals are mainly the ones I watch. Skinnypigs1 and Little Adventures only focus on Guinea Pig care, but they adopt their piggies and you can tell they're very loved and social. Jennie from Solid Gold is awesome because she shows all her enclosures, everything's always nice, clean, and well maintained, and her bunnies n cats are precious, and although I'm not a herp keeper (adopting a turtle in a week), his care seems to be pretty on par. Erin's Animals has a big shed for her Guinea pigs and rabbits, and although there is a risk of bordatella, she keeps them separate.
No. 606839
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She deleted my "Dude, it's just a fish. Fish die all the time."
No. 606849
>>606842I love all animals tbh so I like channels with different fields. I am mostly following reptile channels because I don't know much about them as pets but all these channels that were just posted here, they're now being followed by me. The more I see these great little channels, the more I get
triggered that this pettuber clique of Taylor's don't give a crap about their own pets.
No. 606851
>>606848Oh no anon this is deliberate. It's a pattern of hers.
She goes to Twitter because it's the place where she's the most active, and where people are the most asskissing. It's her personal echo chamber compared to Instagram or YouTube.
That's why she sticks to it to do all sorts of updates and apologies, well, "apologies".
No. 606863
>>606617By personal life you mean JC? Because if so, that still counts.
However if you're not going to prove anything, then it's kinda useless to talk about it. As much as Taylor and her little clique want to think it's all about cyberbullyyyingggg and baseless accusations, we don't take things at face value.
No. 606878
>>606875This made me laugh way more than it should have.
It's true though, Taylor is so dismissive of everything.
No. 606886
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Guys BreezExotics knows something. I wonder if she’s deleting her account because of Tay and her crew?
No. 606897
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No. 606913
>>606910I think it's more that the situation is negative. They've all gotten involved because they presumably know about her shitty care, or don't know enough to be saying "everything she does is fine" with any real clout. So yeah, if they defend their friend it's bad because she clearly needs to change something, but yeah, speaking out against her is also bad because why were they ever so fake in the first place that they got so involved and are just NOW saying something about it? Clearly at that point it's not for the animals.
There's no winning here.
No. 606926
>>606839She's going to get rid of everything she's said and done lately, going into dfe mode. This fucking trash.
Maddie should watch it because with all this whiteknighting she's painting a big fat target on her own back, these people are beyond stupid.
No. 606932
>>606913I see where you're coming from but no one wants to believe bad things about their friends, especially when told by anons on the internet who are so easy to write off as "trolls". Plus she probably feeds them lies everyday and most of them aren't educated enough to see through it, which is another problem in itself.
I wouldn't be surprised if it took all this to make them realize something is really wrong with her and their community in general, so if someone does come out with a vid addressing it I am going to give them benefit of the doubt.
No. 606937
>>606910I mean at this point yeah it’s a bit too late to come forward about Taylor for the pettube crew tbh. We all knew they lurked here after Emzotic got outed for her borderline psychotic posts and were mum about it (other than to slither back and kiss taylor’s ass again) and then they remained silent/dug their heels in (some even dismissing) when that girl came out originally criticizing Taylor after her skinks died. None of them should be saying anything tbh unless it’s apologizing for not coming out sooner. This isn’t about petty “uwu hurt feels”. Animals have died before, during and after this whole fiasco. If it was addressed sooner maybe Taylor would have less animals considering she purchased so many within the span of this year alone.
So yeah I wish I could sage this for no milk but I think it’s ridiculous giving asspats to any of these pettubers who clearly knew what was happening way before even if they do come out now about it. They’re just using Taylor like they use their animals, for a couple of views and some juicy internet validation.
No. 606945
>>606938It’s like she playing both sides. She can be Taylor’s friend and call her out and I believe she should, I don’t let my friends go around doing things I disagree with and I sure as hell wouldn’t give a friend of mines assorts when people were genuinely concerned. If I believed my friend was doing good with their pets I’d tell them to prove it.
The clique seems to be hiding something, or they’re too scared that speaking out will dent their followings and only follow her because she has the numbers. They should criticize her if somethings wrong not tell her it’s okay.
Unless they all think her care is good lmao. But Maddie seems to understand that it isn’t.
No. 606947
>>606932Let's remember Taylor is also quite manipulative herself. You can see it through her tweets, I can't imagine how it must be in real life. I'll cut her "friends" some slack because of this. She also has Jonny probably influencing her and making her worse, too. It must be a mess to be involved with that.
>>606937At the same time yeah, I feel like they kind of want to use her for views, too. Otherwise these ones wouldn't be making monetized ~reactions~ to it. What purpose besides making money does that have? Just go defend her on twitter as usual.
>>606476This also struck me as a self post, the way its worded.
>Another one of the pet tube group made a video I'm sure relates to thisIt's just such a funny way of saying it imo. People know Emma by her name at this point. "I'm sure relates to this" It's literally a reaction video to the drama? Didn't click it tho
No. 606961
>>606950And this one between 3:30-4:10.
This one was uploaded at the beginning of the month, likely filmed at the end of October when she visited Taylor's.
Video previous anon posted was filmed a couple of months ago, shows how long it's been empty for. Don't think there's anything more recent than Emma's video though.
No. 606976
>>606715This, ugh. It's pathetic that she needs time to clean and refill water bowls before a livestream when having your enclosures look decent is the BARE minimum? She's still not going to be able to fix tank sizes, temp/humidity. Her doing this livestream, if she even does it, really won't show much except maybe which animals are still alive.
Also I'm mostly a fish anon so idk how it applies to all pets, but looks don't tell you a whole lot about the health of a tank. Some of my tanks get covered in algae if I don't keep up with it manually or put an algae eating species in there because they get too much sunlight. They look messy, but the water parameters can be healthy. If Taylor really wants to prove Mushu is okay or that her 150 isn't overstocked she could test her water on camera for us. I'd love to know what her nitrate levels are, but she won't do that.
>>606730She's such a mess. She doesn't give animals that need attention any interaction, like her snakes and monitor, but she isn't much better with her observation only type pets either, because she's always taking photos of croc skinks and the satanics which should really be left alone. If she can't handle either end of the spectrum, neglecting pets that need interaction and interacting with pets best left be, she really just shouldn't have animals.
Side note, another really good channel is Kitten Lady. She does rescue and fosters, so she isn't hoarding a billion new species a week for views like the pettube clique is. Plus she gives really good info on how to work with cats or monitor health in kittens, and she knows what she's doing. If TND watched her maybe she wouldn't have killed that kitten.
No. 606989
>>606982I've kept guinea pigs for years, much like
>>606986 hay is usually golden brown with a few strands of green in it. It's certainly not something I've seen much of in my area of the UK.
No. 606995
>>606923I've been keeping chinchillas for 10+ years and it is okay to keep them by themselves if they are provided with a large cage and stimulation. It can be very difficult to bond chinchillas, especially one that has been alone for a while. I had two chinchillas alone because they were opposite sex, when the female passed I adopted another male to bond with my remaining male. It has not been easy and I am not sure they will ever bond.
Also there are many different types of hay, not all hay is bright green like timothy hay. Oat hay is more of a golden color.
No. 606999
>>606995My parents used to breed chinchillas and
>>606995 is correct, given enough space and stimulation they can live long, happy, healthy lives on their own. Some chinchillas do not do well in pairs or groups. I remember one female we had that we had to separate because she killed one of her female cage mates and beat up the others one night, and they were in a huge cage.
Sorry for blog posting
No. 607002
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Taylor stans are truly something else.
No. 607047
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I really hope she does start taking criticism nicer! It would be a nice step.
No. 607048
>>607047She still thinks she's being "attacked". Almost.. almost self aware, but not quite!
Imagine being so sheltered, pampered and privileged that a stranger disagreeing with you on the internet counts as an attack.
No. 607049
>>607045Of course they have dirt on each other. It'll all blow up in that group eventually, despite what they say about being bffs uwu.
This type of blind optimism and excessive need to make everything as nice and gentle as possible will stop at some point.
No. 607079
>>607076"like apes.. apes.. especially apes that looks like humans. like stop."
cringe. no wonder they're far up Taylor's ass because they're clueless like their stans
No. 607082
>>606967Guineanon here,
In the US we have green hay available in all pet stores, but the minimum enclosure is 7.5 square feet, so if she's using a petstore cage she's proooobably not got a large enough one. (Leopard Gecko if you're lurking here, we appreciate how you're speaking out against Taylor, but pls research more on piggie care.)
(nobody cares) No. 607085
>>607048She doesn't just flip out over different opinions. She flips out over mere questions, too. It's classic behavior in those raised by narcissists, and Jen's behavior has always seemed narcissistic. Taylor displays a LOT of avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) symptoms herself:
People with NPD expect some ill-defined and ever-changing perfection from the people in their lives and lash out when they inevitably don't get it. Many kids and partners of people with NPD develop anxious and avoidant behaviors. I have known as least one person with AVPD that could be said to have been caused by an parent's NPD. They so fear the consequences of real or perceived imperfection that they fuck up their own lives with secrecy or inaction and alienate people who care about them.
It should really be stressed here that Taylor exhibits many signs of needing help. It's really sad. But she is only one of many priorities, considering all the lives in her care.
No. 607093
>>607085It's impossible to diagnose someone with a specific mental disorder if you don't have the right kind of training and don't ever meet one on one with the person being diagnosed.
Both Jen and Taylor show signs of not being the most mentally stable people, but let's not start diagnosing them with things they haven't said themselves they've been diagnosed with. Many people have narcissistic traits without being severe enough to actually be diagnosed with the disorder.
They're both trash human beings with garbage attitudes who shouldn't be raising children or keeping pets. That's what really matters here. Not what kind of personality disorder they might have.
No. 607115
>>607112Yes. I was in a nine-year relationship with a man who had NPD that started wonderful and ended in physical, emotional and sexual abuse. So yes, I do know how narcs behave. But I'm smart enough to know that I'm not qualified to diagnose someone, especially over the internet.
And I also know narcs can make you so suspicious of anyone who has even minor traits of narcissism, you start to see them everywhere.
No. 607117
>>607097Taylor says a lot of shit. I doubt she's really talked to psychologists (or listened to their advice). Maybe someone on BetterHelp.
She's also Gen Z. She's grown up with internet, streaming, social media, etc. Starting a YT channel would never be as foreign or daunting to her as it would be to some who are older. But making a "career" on social media, even YT, is a very isolated form of work that she has lots of control over. Even then, she has all this avoidant behavior: "I got sick" "I'm still editing!" "Coming soon!"
No. 607122
is there a succinct requirement list for a pet update vid that would be ridiculous to not do? uhhh i know fuck all about pets but from what ive seen,
>testing water nitrate levels like >>606976 said>using her supposed temp gun to show temps of tanks>showing her cable management lolwhat else?
basically a list that to not do would be sus
No. 607123
>>607085I'm getting a degree in psychology and it's considered unethical for a professional in the field to "armchair diagnose" someone – diagnose without ever having had face-to-face contact with a person in a professional setting over the course of some time.
They both show traits that can be attributed not only NDP, but several other Cluster B personality disorders and that are also present in mental health disorders that aren't part of the personality disorders.
If you think you can successfully diagnose them based on the fact you know/knew someone with NPD, go right ahead. But if professionals are discouraged from doing just that because it's very likely they'll diagnose incorrectly, chances are a layperson's not going to have a better shot at being right.
No. 607130
>>607123 It's inappropriate for psychologists to diagnose someone without meeting them. Good thing no one's professionally diagnosing her here, merely pointing out she and her mom meet lots of the criteria for a couple of disorders.
Jonny obviously has symptoms of substance use disorders. No one in their right mind tries to pretend that's not the case. People just become uncomfortable when we start talking about symptoms common to less physical disorders.
No. 607176
>>607144Thanks! It was hilarious to start all the way at the beginning. I had forgotten so much stuff. I can't believe there's 6 more threads to add to the album. Seeing all her lies together…it's so pathetic.
>>607157Gotta love Judy!
No. 607214
>>607163This is accurate, thank you. I have hEDS as well and do consider myself disabled, but I'm not actually on disability benefits or anything because I can work, just not "normally" and I couldn't ever manage a typical 9-5 with my physical condition. Lots of people with EDS are fully disabled, some are fully bedbound, but most aren't and Taylor certainly isn't.
The thing about Taylor is just that she's ONLY ever complaining about hEDS when it's convenient. She's never like, "oh no, my joints hurt and I can't follow Jonny on tour to make sure he doesn't cheat on me," or "I'm so fatigued/anxious/whatever I might not make it to the reptile expo to buy new animals tomorrow!" She manages to do that whenever she wants to. Plus as
>>607178 pointed out she's able to walk around Disney unaided. I'd have to go in a wheelchair and still probably couldn't go for a full day, definitely not multiple days in a row. Illnesses affect everyone differently but she's about the least affected by her illness person who claims to be disabled I've ever seen.
Plus I don't want to make this too long with medical info, but the diagnostic criteria was changed for EDS mid-2017. Her EDS video was posted only shortly after that, so she was likely diagnosed with the old criteria which mostly looks at how hypermobile you are, while the new criteria requires other things like how severely you're affected with EDS and it's comorbidities as well as family history of EDS. I'm not saying this to cast doubt on whether she has it at all because it really doesn't matter, but for sure having a diagnosis of EDS doesn't say anything about how severely you're actually affected, especially with the old criteria.
(medfagging) No. 607227
>>607215Afaik she wasn't really in contact with animals.
In past threads it was mentioned she was just a cashier at Petco. But even then, she could pretty much work regular shifts without any problem. I do think she may have the illnesses she claims she does, but I also believe she's exaggerating their severity in an attempt to excuse her horrible schedule.
No. 607238
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No. 607239
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No. 607242
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No. 607249
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No. 607259
>>607214I dunno why i forgot about the criteria changing. I didnt get a diagnosis till a short while after that happened. I am currently waiting on funding to find out if im vascular type.
I had forgotten she went to disney. If shes able too do that no problem amoungst all other stuff shes deff milking it for all she can. She really just doesnt help give it a good look.
Finding doctors (at least in my country)who take it seriously is a challenge and a half versus being told to stfu and stop lieing about.
Thanks for helping clear the mist taylor!
(medfagging) No. 607262
>>607253It most likely is. During the family drama both AC and Paramedics were called to check on her, apparently then AC just said they're fine and left.
Which makes it a little hard to believe but I'm not sure how AC works in the US so.
No. 607263
>>607255Yeah they are better frying alive in bare minimum cages in her filthy apartment where they get attention once in a blue moon because the queen is too busy taking pics to Instagram of her new favorite pet of the week.
Worst case scenario is that they get adopted by another hoarder like her.
No. 607264
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No. 607265
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No. 607266
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>>607260I didn’t even notice this! Probably a stress induced drug binge
Taylor playing it off as a joke as if animal control came, inspected and left even though this is clearly a notice and not really proving her innocence at all
No. 607271
>>607242She has to many animals, her complex has a permit for the amount of pets she can keep and she's already broken the no more than 2 cats rule.
I don't know what's going to be said about the rest of her animals though, I'm sure the owners wont be happy knowing that since moving in she's gotten more animals, including rats and cursed a power surge twice.
No. 607275
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So she is broke lol
No. 607277
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sorry for being a twitter daymode fag
No. 607281
>>607268So many rental properties are operated by large companies that don't pay much attention to what goes on unless it's really causing a problem. In my complex it's only the maintenance guys who come around and they're not paid enough to give a crap about what/how many animals people happen to have unless the animal is causing an issue – like a mean dog running loose or something. Might be the same at Taylor's place.
Her animals aren't the types that are going to be noisy. I can't say anything about how they smell, but it it's not seeping into other people's apartments, I doubt anyone knows or is complaining about her pets.
No. 607282
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No. 607285
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I like how she uses 150 gallons as the minimum because that’s what she kept him in, when the actual minimum is much larger than that.
No. 607286
>>607275Why is she acting like an axe murderer is after her?
No idea what her apartment is like, but you need a FOB key to get into the foyer and into the hallway where the apartments are, as well one to use the elevator for mine. What kind of budget apartment does she live in where she thinks someone can get into the building, get to her door AND THEN get indide? Is the security that bad for her overpriced human cage? She's such a drama queen lmao
Also she doxxed herself so this is all because of her own stupidity, as usual
No. 607292
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No. 607295
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>>607292Taylor has 0 room to talk the woman has a cow fish twice the size of Cheese….
No. 607299
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No. 607308
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No. 607311
>>607287Currently, there is no set standard of care for reptiles within the San Abtobio ACS. Some of the rescue groups are working on getting one established but it’s going to be a while before one ever comes up. So reptiles are usually only taken in extreme cases, eg the San Antonio man who had over 100+ snakes and rats in his garage
If Taylor really cared about helping anyone besides herself, she had the perfect platform to help get a standard of care established
No. 607314
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No. 607316
She’s confirming this woman’s cow fish grew twice the size of Cheese in a 120….cheese was so stunted by the time he moved to a 150.
No. 607317
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No. 607326
>>607115>>607259>>607214>>607158>>607146>>607163Do not blogpost/medfag/armchair diagnose.
The thread is not about your personal experiences, your pets or for diagnosing the subjects in the thread.
No. 607329
>>607253At the beginning they allegedly got called, as well as her apartment complex because the dumbass decided to dox herself, but nothing came out of it. She never really seemed to have received a warning or any sort of notice, unlike now.
I think they just called the apartment complex and that was that.
From the looks of it, the complex doesn't really give a shit.
She also claimed that she paid an "extra fee" for the animals she was moving into the apartment, but this was way before she decided to get a shitload of snakes, the monitor, etc. I'm guessing her landlord was ok with it because most of her pets back then were in tanks, but now how will she explain having three cats plus a monitor lizard that she takes out for walks and treats pretty much like a dog?
I honestly don't think getting ACS on her ass was lolcow. This is definitely someone from youtube and/or twitter.
No. 607330
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No. 607332
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except you literally poisoned him with magnesium
you poisoned a fish with no scales who absorbed all of the chemicals. you did fuck up taylor. admit it.
No. 607336
>>607308'lol what an idiot for thinking her cowfish are captive bred'
>>607310'CaPTiVe BrEd muST b Y urs ArE tHrIviNg'
No. 607337
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No. 607339
>>607337it'd be funny if ACS took away her animals on a call she made to herself
also i thought ACS didn't know shit about keeping reptiles? interesting how suddenly they know everything when she's looking to clear her name
No. 607342
>>607337Yes because ACS is going to allow her to film them and put it up on YouTube. And we're never going to see the rest of that stuff.
Kek. Not letting the BS get to her. Her Twitter comments say otherwise.
No. 607346
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No. 607351
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Please don't..
No. 607352
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lol her fans really are clueless babies
No. 607365
>>607238She's so full of lies it's unreal, clearly this is her first or second time at best.. Even if people are calling animal services and they have come, all that means is that she needs to keep her house actually clean and the cages actually clean!
>>607265She's gonna reveal her address again so that will change nothing.
>>607266Honestly she's acting like she knows that she's done for (even though there's no set standards for reptiles), any other animal owner would probably tidy their house a bit and that would be that because guess what - the majority of us provide for our animals.
Either way, acting like stuff will go wrong is her acknowledging her care is shit, and that's all we need. Now for her to actually start caring.
No. 607377
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No. 607384
>>607352Hahahaha, has this person never looked into a band before? SO many bands can tour and work while their members are drugged out.
What a hilarious excuse to try and disprove the drug accusations.
Also love the "I act like that when SoBeR!!!!?1?!1"
Sounds like that person's never consumed alcohol or drugs in their life.
No. 607386
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No. 607401
>>607337"I'll call ACS myself!! That'll show them!!"
Bitxh you literally posted a picture that shows you're required to call them yourself, that's no surprise.
No. 607402
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m dean
No. 607424
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Why does she think every species of snake has issues eating. They don't, unless you're feeding wrong or your husbandry is bad.
No. 607426
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>>607417You’re absolutely right. Other than Taylor’s “thank you, I love you” uwu comment, these are the two top comments on Maddie’s video. There are similar concerns raised throughout the comments, people explaining that legitimate concerns for animal welfare is not cyber bullying or “haters”, people commenting on how biased Maddie is, how she has overlooked the important content in what ever’s video, questioning why Taylor doesn’t just address the real concerns, discussing the hypocrisy of the Petfest crew calling out other bad animal care etc. etc..
I am so pleased to see that the tides ARE turning for Taylor and that despite all of her “lmaos”, these things are coming to light and people are feeling encouraged to be vocal about it. Really well done to what ever. You did an amazing job.
No. 607428
>>607426I don't know if Maddie cares. I really think she just made the video for $$$.
Meanwhile, Taylor is losing subs / followers consistently.
No. 607430
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>>607411The irony of Matt Dean’s response to this popular Taylor call out tweet from a few days ago) with 6.8k retweets currently) is staggering.
No. 607437
>>607402This reads as someone throwing in “big” words and intracacies just to sound “logical”
lol that whole family is fucked
No. 607438
>>607424Why does she always do this??
“This animal is known to be xxx usually but MINE are perfect and SO healthy”
It just comes off as so forced and fake like “the vet said they have never seen a healthier animal!”
Or “all the fish keeperes in town were AMAZED cheese lived so long!!!”
No. 607439
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No. 607457
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No. 607459
>>607242>aggressive monitor lizardShe must be panicking. She's going to call up anyone she can to offload pets before she lets ACS into her apartment.. as if they're not going to see all these suddenly empty cages and realize she's hiding them.
>>607249You can tell she knows she's in trouble.
>they'd be in the pound or in tubs if it weren't for me!!!They're miserable in tubs and tiny enclosures anyway.
>>607292She's channeling her mother I see.
No. 607463
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>>607457Hey taylor remember this? Please practice what you preach..
No. 607464
>>607457Aaaaaaand back to joking about her animal abuse and neglect. Like clockwork.
I thought you hadn’t watched the video Taylor …
No. 607466
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This just proves she thinks she is some sort of savior or actual expert.
What makes her think she is better equipped(especially at the time being so new to snakes) to BUY such a sick looking snake
No. 607469
>>607466>no one wanted to buy a sick snake>I bought himNo one was dumb enough to give money to a bad breeder for a snake that was going to die, thus rewarding the breeder for being a shitty person… except Tay.
No wonder she gets all these animals. It's a mix of flaunting them like a basic bitch would designer handbags/shoes with a sprinkling of Saint Taylor mixed in.
>Oh X died today but it's okay because they were neglected/born with defects/had an illness or condition and they had a short lifespan anyway and no one wanted them so I bought them to give them a home for as long as they lived uwu No. 607470
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Didn’t she say she had 50 animals herself for her NY mag interview?
No. 607475
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She’s spergin out but I don’t want to spam the thread too much.
She bought the snake “to give him a safe place to rest” as if going into a new environment, being man handled for pics or placed in an impromptu set up isn’t extremely stressful
No. 607478
>>607475But she has issues with beginner snakes like ball pythons?
If anything, her point is flawed and it's mainly down to the fact that she just leaves the GTP to do it's own thing
No. 607483
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If only instead of buying constant new pets for internet clout and ad revenue, she put that money in time into volunteering or actively trying make a difference in her community, instead of feeding into the problem.
No. 607484
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She’s doing so well but had to take several days off social media this week? (That lasted only a few hours btw)
And didn’t Maddie imply she was suicidal in her video???
No. 607485
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>>607475Yeah that looks like a snake that's doing amazing and shedding well.
No. 607498
>>607470you don't "think"?
isn't that something you should, ya know…."know"?
i don't that animal protection services or whatever they're called in the US are gonna take away her animals and i don't think they should. the best case scenario in my book would be that this serves as a wake-up call for her and she starts looking for new responsible owners for the pets she is overwhelmed with (like the monitor) and takes proper care of the rest. AND stops buying new ones, obviously.
No. 607510
>>607470When some of your fish have high requirements and live for 8+ years, yeah I'd consider them a pet and not live decoration. By her logic, Cheese isn't an animal she owns. She can look at the spreadsheet and subtract the fish or whatever else if she wants to.
>>607472If you work on the shared document IN google, the document that is shared will auto update. If you work on it on another software and upload it to google, you will have to re-share it.
No. 607511
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someone tagged her to a funny video of a lizard falling off a chair and she immediately made it about herself
No. 607512
>>607507I believe dove is recently cruelty free, that or Twitter promoted and PETA have some explaining to do.
>>607510Coolio thanks, I'll keep the google link then and just move the messy/unfinished stuff to a different one till I can clean it.
No. 607519
FFS. I posted that album of pics showing her fucking pig sty and then she spends all night on twitter having a breakdown and makes sure to post a pic with a spotless floor. kek.
>>607424Hi Tay. Maybe your animal experts can prove to AC that your animals are fine.
No. 607520
>>607516I don't really follow it, I only know about it cause Twitter mobile was shoving it in my face every 2-3 posts.
To be honest when I saw PETA all i could think was "wow could've had anyone but you chose them"
No. 607524
>>607522She might pull an Onion and pretend she never got the paper and just hide in the apartment next time they come banging on the door.
Could you imagine ACS showing up with short-fuse Johnny is there? It would wind up with an arrest and seizure of animals.
No. 607526
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No. 607527
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No. 607529
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No. 607530
>>607526>I don't care about moneyThat why you spend all your animal care money on $$$$ bracelets, Johnny's teeth, Johnny's funkos, your trips, Johnny's video games, etc.
>I do not own animals for attentionExcept you profit off your animals and owning rare/exotic animals and as many of them as you can get.
No. 607532
>>607527As someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts before, you still might want to check in to a hospital or even ring a life line.
You might over come it now but those thoughts will come back and each time they do they just get uglier and uglier.
Given how emotional she's been over the last year, she's only briefly gotten over it but it'll fester…
No. 607534
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Oh for christs sake. Let’s see how long she stays off of Twitter this time, “last thing I’m saying until my video” my ass.
No. 607537
>>607483Kind of weird to assume that just because people are advocating that she does better that we don’t do any of these things as well? If anything the people willing to speak up about her neglect ARE the types of people already trying to better the world for animals in other regards?
Blogpost but I’m vegan and volunteer and wildlife rescues and with environmental conservation programs and am working towards a biology degree to make a career of helping the earth and I’d bet everything I own that I’m not the only person here dedicating their life to trying to make the world better. We are all here, mad at her BECAUSE we care.
How can she sit there on her high horse condemming other people who ARE trying to genuinly make a difference when she has shown no effort to do any of the things she litterally is telling her ‘haterz’ to do. It’s beyond frusterating. If you truly cared Taylor you would follow your own damn advice. You could make tons of awesome youtube content by vlogging helping out at shelters or shit like that.
No. 607539
>>607526imo she is trying WAY too hard to come across as a victim here. Seriously she could have just made a tweet thread of every animals enclosure, and even ended every post with “lol, lmao”
>i put all my money back into my pets!!!!lol????
I know this term is pretty dumb, but she really virtue signals up the ass
Wah i just want to make people smile and laugh!! I’m so smol and disabled pls no booly! I SAVED those animals!! Omg you haterz should be hating on the makeup and meat industry instead!!!
She just comes accross as so disingenuous
No. 607542
>>607529I don’t normally like policing peoples mental health but damn if this doesn’t stink of someone mistaking situational depression and anxiety with the illnesses depression and anxiety…
If she’s telling the truth about being in a bad enough place that she feels the need to check into a hospital, there’s no way she was able to just talk herself into a place where she didn’t feel the need to reach out for help on her own.
It takes so much hard work to fight with genuine mental illness every day, even more so when you are in a rough patch. When I hit points where I feel like I can’t do it anymore, I have to break out all my mental health resources, talk to therapists and medical professionals and helplines multiple times a day and be constantly reaching out to family and friends. And for those periods of times most other aspects of my life go unattended to because it takes every ounce of energy I have to fight past these parts of my life. You can’t just tell yourself YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S FINE, and be okay.
Sorry for rambling about myself but I wanted to illustrate my point. If Taylor can just ‘realize’ that actually you know what she’s fine, means that she’s not fighting menta illness. Even if she does suffer from those issues, that’s not what she’s experiencing right now. She’s dealing with anxiety and depression that is directly associated with her own actions. She’s panicing about how she’s going to be able to deal with consequences of what she’s done. All these horrible feelings would go away if you listened to some of yhe good advice here Taylor. You CAN feel better. You just have to apologize, and actually work towards doing better by your animals, it would free you from this nightmare.
No. 607544
>>607538I'm seconding this. She claims they've been there weekly and closed her case for six months but she's losing her shit for someone who should be used to ACS knocking on her door.
She probably made it all up in the hopes that if she claimed ACS had visited her a bunch and dismissed there being a problem that no one would actually contact them.
No. 607546
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So riddle me this. If ACS keeps stopping by, why does that notice read like this is the first complaint looked at. For an officer who she says stops by WEEKLY it would read more like "here again at Ms. Deans apartment to check on complaint #40." They also wouldn't put "call us right away so we can address these concerns" She would also be able to post each notice, right? Like there has to be some kind of documentation FROM the officers that could prove this weekly meeting and clearance.
No. 607551
>>607547original google doc anon here,
I sent you an editing request to the spreadsheet. I follow the threads fairly closely and could help fill in info should you want it!
No. 607553
>>607547The prices are sometimes exaggerated or up-scaled for whatever reason. I think someone pointed out when she first got Louis she paid well over what is normal for his morph and she claimed she paid $650 I think for her roughneck so yeah, I agree maybe leave the prices out because it's a bunch of extra effort and compared to species and dates, harder to track.
Personally I don't like the idea of being reminded how much an animal coasts, like I would rather remember when I got them not how much I paid.
As for the sorority I'll have a look for you, however I do believe we're looking around the time she was still living at home cause I don't remember it moving with her to her apartment.
No. 607554
>>607546…Lmao because ACS is gonna come in and be like 'WOO GUYS WELCOME TO MY YOUTUBE VIDEO'. They have fucking jobs, most I could see her doing is filming them checking the apartment but that would probably stop nothing.
Fucking idiot honestly, she's in such a panic her lying makes no sense.
No. 607561
>>607546I'm actually excited for this hahaha. If she were this transparent at the start, there wouldn't even be a problem. She was always shady about everything and her stories were full of holes. Yet she refuses to even show her enclosures most of the time or an animal when someone asks/is rightfully worried. Who cares if they're just "rumors" on the internet, if a fan is worried about an animal you own, why wouldn't you show it? It takes two seconds, and she acts like her animals are her life anyway.
>>607424Also late to this post but it really bothered me that she seems to think she gets a trophy for having a snake that sheds and eats? That the NORM FFS. REALLY shows how shitty her husbandry must be if this is some thing to gush about to her.
It's too bad it took her so long to get her shit together though. She's obviously using this time to pretty up all of her tanks and clean them up.
I don't know why she thinks people are just targeting her for fun and to be bullies. If that's how it was, other pet tubers would have their own thread, too. But the pettubers thread in snow is usually pretty dead.
No. 607567
>>607546Funny though if they had just been there then wouldn't they know about your lizard?
>>607242 I bet they're going to slap her with the "more animals than allowed by the City with no permit" thing. Has anyone got any knowledge on what the amount/rules are?
No. 607573
>>607511Is she oblivious to the fact people are concerned with the amount of animals she has and less with the fact she makes mistakes?
I would be just as concerned if I found out the iguana guy had 40+ other reptiles he was keeping in racks. It’s extremely concerning she sees nothing wrong with the actual amount of pets she has. All I see is her focusing on her “care” when in reality that point is moot. No human being can adequately take care of that many exotic animals by themselves no matter how doting they are. Frankly it’s insane that she’s normalizing it as “lel when ur parents let you get a snake and you get 7.” Like that’s not cute? That is the literal definition of hoarding animals
No. 607575
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Repost bc I forgot to hide image
Just so everyone has an idea on how bad ACS is in San Antonio
This is a local pet shop that has been reported by myself and others on multiple occasions. They have been reported for abuse, neglect and for having literal dead animals on display in their store.
This shop has been cleared by ACS every time with no problem. I’m confident they’re not going to do anything about Taylor.
No. 607580
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She needs to realize that her and her family's outburst on social media are not helping her. The best thing she can do is step away from it for a while, and make improvements to herself and her pets
No. 607581
>>607574Animal Limits.
A maximum number of eight (8) cats or five (5) dogs or an aggregate number of eight (8) may be permitted at a residence within the City limits. ) The total number of domestic fowl and livestock allowed at a residence is five (5) which may include: up to three (3) domestic fowl; and up to two (2) animals from the following classes of livestock-equines,bovines,sheep,goats and llamas.
Prohibited Species.
It is unlawful to keep wild animals and many other species within the City of San Antonio. Such animals include monkeys and other non-human primates, wolf hybrids, coyotes, foxes, exotic cats, bears, skunks, raccoons, miniature Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, poisonous reptiles, crocodiles and related species.
There's also a section on dangerous animals. Source: No. 607583
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>>607547 >>607551
Been searching through her videos and managed to get this, excuse the shitty cropping can't be bothered Gyazoing it again.
No. 607588
>>607581Interesting, does she need documents to keep the monitor or does he not fit the category for crocs/related species?
>>607582I don't think her racks would qualify as a safe way to keep the snakes since it has no locks? Is that an issue?
No. 607593
>>607584I would believe so. I mean, I don't know what most of her snakes look like. I know that some of them are so malnourished they probably wouldn't even fit the criteria for 3 feet and/or 15 pounds. That being said, taking her snakes outside is extremely dangerous. If the snake bites her, she could drop it. The snake could not only be harmed, but could then get away and maybe bite someone else too.
>>607588Honestly, I don't know enough about snake racks to give enough of a comment on them. All I can really say is that she keeps them in plastic bins with their name labeled on the front, and that is pretty sad if you think about it.
No. 607596
>>607529all this reads is, ME ME ME and you're making my life miserable so please stop hurting ME. Just like with her videos, it's 90% about herself with a 10% of "animals means alot to me."
If she was really the type of person she thinks she is, she would've opened up her own faults and explain how she's going to try to fix herself in order to enrich the lives of her animals. Then explain how she's going to do that and stick to it. Another thing she could've done is attach a short video of her mistakes and then explain how she's going to fix it (kinda like DIY, where he explains how he's going to fix his fish room). So this whole thing she's doing is unbelievable and it just makes me not like her more.
No. 607604
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No. 607606
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No. 607608
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No. 607615
>>607608God she’s just disgusting now, I know she’s not handling things well but the ‘jokes’ she’s making right now are so insensitive.
Just because your feelings are hurt doesn’t give you the right to take it out on everyone else.
The more it drags on the more I realise I once looked up to a toxic woman whose willing to throw people under the bus.
No. 607619
>>607604Why do people let her brush off the heating malfunction like it was some act of god she had no control over? No matter how you spin it, it points to her making stupid amateur mistakes that she should not be making 20 reptiles in. You need a timer plug! It's as essential as the fucking tank ffs. There's no way you can give her the benefit of the doubt with the story she posted.
Not that I believe her bullshit story about it anyway, it doesn't make any sense.
No. 607629
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Uses neglect to justify neglect
Even if people are leaving dogs in hot cars knowingly, dogs don’t have as hard of a time dealing with heat as reptiles.
And you literally cooked yours to death because you didn’t check on them :/.
No. 607642
>>607608Hey Taylor. Your rat snake looks fine because you haven't had him long enough to ruin his health yet. How about you pull out one of your older snakes who is underfed and dehydrated, take some pics and try to tell us how they're doing wonderfully.
I hope ACS fines the crap out of her and requires she rehome most of her pets.
No. 607659
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I'm kinda assuming Emzotic bc of the movie career comment
No. 607660
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Sorry if this was already posted but when did this get “debunked” I don’t remember anyone calling the seller?? Is she lying?
No. 607661
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>>607659Also appears mama dean deleted her Twitter yet again after her stupid little rant 40 min ago
No. 607662
>>607660UH WTF one anon literally just said she actually texted the breeder that night and the breeder said it was no longer available.
I'm sure the receipts are somewhere but blatant lie lol
No. 607672
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Aaand shes back
No. 607679
>>607672What the FUCK. You can love animals and not have to own every. single. one. you. see. You know that, right, Taylor?
Blogfagging, but the reason I
don't have animals is because I love them… enough to know my disabilities would prevent me from giving them adequate care right now. So I don't have animals. Because I love them, and want what's best for them.
It's really disturbing to me that she thinks liking something means she should have it. That she's entitled to it.
And sure, disabled people can have pets! I've never just seen someone with a disability have more than fifty of them.
No. 607682
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I distinctly remember her claiming her assistant only helped while she was on vacation and her illnesses never prevented her from taking care of them 100% by herself.
No. 607684
>>607672Knowing your limits hahahah. Did you know your limits when you took on 2 week old kittens without any prior experience to raising cats, let alone kittens, Taylor? A normal person in that situation would think "I have no idea how to do this, I'll call an expert to give these kittens the best possible chance". And no Taylor, you are not an animal expert.
I honestly want a breakdown of how much time she actually spends cleaning and interacting with her pets daily, because I don't see how she possibly manages to give her animals, especially the cats, rats, hedgehogs, bearded dragon, leopard gecko and monitor, the adequate amount of time alongside everything else all her animals need. Especially on these days she sleeps for 12+ hours and doesn't feel well.
No. 607690
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>>607662Am said Anon went and dug up old screenshots of the texts she claimed were from the breeder of people harassing them and them also my conversation with the breeder contradicting that story. Don't want to samefag too much but here is my text with breeder. This was same day they got Ghost, litter of three kittens originally. It was never disproved.
No. 607698
>>607694People can care about multiple things at the same time, genius.
Also having 50 pets leaves no room for mistakes and learning uwu.
Just go.
No. 607702
>>607694Let's break this down for you, sparky.
That leave you a lil less confused?
No. 607715
>>607705You assume that Taylor's knowledge is the be-all end-all level of knowledge and that
we have something to learn from her. You also assume we have not tried being nice and polite to her. Guess how that's gone? First two don't count.
People here are upset with her constant malignant negligence because
they know better than Taylor and because
Taylor does not accept any criticism or advice. This has lead to countless dead animals. It has to stop.
No. 607720
>>607718If you're not seeing a point to any of this, why the fuck are you here then, wasting our time and yours?
"I am sorry, this makes no sense, explain everything to me" is such kindergarten level trolling.
No. 607722
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Like mother like daughter
No. 607725
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wow lol
No. 607727
>>607710No one is making you.
No one. Close your browser, get off the internet, and go outdoors. Sounds like it would do you good.
Calling out bad animal keeping that has lead to countless deaths is not bullying, btw.
No. 607730
>>607705If you cared to read these "forums", you'd actually see there's been plenty of discussion about proper animal care. And again, she's been told nicely and politely before about the mistakes she's making that she takes as "bullying".
When you're in a position of certain influence, you have to learn how to deal with criticism accordingly. This is not a "only Taylor" deal. This is literally every single person who holds a position of influence in a certain sphere.
And it is even more important because we're talking about actual living beings under her care.
Either you claim to know what you're doing, or you are still learning. You cannot have it both ways.
Criticizing someone does not equal bullying, you and all the people who think like that have to get this, because you'll have a hell of a hard time in the outside world.
Also, we're not a monolith, and this applies, again to ANY community. There's going to be people who will be nice, and others will not. That is a regular thing that happens that, AGAIN, a person who holds a certain level of influence has to learn to deal with.
Not to mention, that she's also publicly mocked abuse and rape victims and claimed it was all a manipulation tactic.
Now please tell me if it isn't, to a certain extent, justified that people are outraged?
No. 607737
>>607732Again, people have tried being kind and were either completely ignored or blocked.
Also, one mistake is an incident, two mistakes is carelessness, three mistakes is a pattern. She has made numerous mistakes and learned exactly nothing.
Run along now, little child. We'll see you again once you've grown yourself some sense.
No. 607739
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This cow is also willing to throw her “friends” under the bus for the sake of making herself look better? Insane.
No. 607747
>>607743People seem to forget that this fiasco is for the good of her animals. Honestly if it took hurting her feelings a little bit then its worth it
Wellbeing of animals > Hurt feelings
No. 607749
>>607739Oh… ohhhhhhhhh.
Oh that's low.
No. 607750
>>607740Thank you. I understand that, and I do think as a public figure she should address issues better as she is a source of information for lots of people/children. And being angry about her care for animals is one thing, and disagreeing and having better ways of doing something is great. I just don't think it's fair half the comments on here is about her personal life and relationships and are quite hateful. I don't think there has been one girl who looks back to their teen years and is proud of every guy they dated/hasn't dated any interesting idiots. Some things you just have to live through and learn yourself, like when your parents tell you that guy is no good but you date him anyway
Anyway- I just can't imagine how bad she must feel. When I was younger I had a hamster/kept it in the usual pet shop cage because there was no internet for all this information. I thought i took great care of that hamster, with the ball you'd put it in to run around the floor- now I know how bad all of those things are for hamsters and would never do it again and few awful for those mistakes, but my gosh I'd of felt so terrible to have a bunch of people I didn't even know criticise me for it also.
No. 607756
>>607753You're very keen to apologise for someone who's taken on incredibly adult responsibilities and is failing at them dismally, while ignoring people who are trying to help her and who's refusing to take any responsibility of her actions and their consequences.
Again, you're very concerned with Taylor's Feelings. So… in your books… since she's young and prone to getting upset at any hint of disagreement: where do her responsibilities start? When is she accountable? How do her little feelings help her animals, many of which are actively suffering?
No. 607758
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No. 607760
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No. 607761
>>607750And I agree with you, i've posted before how unnecessary the comments about her looks, grammar, clothing, etc are. I think THAT is bullying and it makes everybody else on here look like assholes
But unfortunately its the internet and people are going to say what they want. Disregarding the ones who cant help but insult her appearance and whatnot, we all come from a place of concern and just want to see her animals thrive and be a better role model.
No. 607763
>>607758"Over a decade"? He keeps saying awful shit. He keeps talking about Chelsea and Amanda by name on Twitter despite having a protection order against him.
He keeps calling them crazy exes. She herself had a fucking meltdown because surprise, he was shitty. This is incredible.
No. 607764
>>607762Still not one word from you about anything else besides Taylor's feelings and how victimised she must be.
Here's a hint: The victims here are all the animals she's hurt and killed through awful care and negligence.
No. 607765
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>>607758Only one i have from this morning
No. 607768
>>607766Uh. When does she demonstrate pet care? Let alone
proper pet care? That's… kind of why we're here, you fucking toaster.
No. 607782
>>607706 Hi dizzxy.
>>607694 I agree.. Only a couple of posters here seem to genuinely care about the animals.. the rest are obsessed with Taylor. It's great to care about animals, but why tf are you doing it anonymously on lolcow?? Most of you guys are seriously fucking obsessed
No. 607789
>>607787Right? Because they're all gonna talk sense into us Taylor obsessed haters!
If anything, they should be reaching out to Taylor and tell her to stop making a fool out of herself.
No. 607792
>>607783 Yeah, this forum doesn't attract much in the way of sanity, so don't expect to see much more!
>>607785 You know part the reason her stans are so defensive is because of these forums, right? Because some of you guys legit cyber stalk her and her family, spending every waking second seemingly doing it. And because of all of the ridiculous speculation here "omg! I haven't seen a pic of this pet in 3 days, Taylor is probably replacing it now teeheeee"… "omg taylor is disgustingGg!" This place isn't where righteous animal activists meet to confer and organize to help the animals… it's a place where you HATE on people and their families for mostly speculation
No. 607803
>>607792The majority of us follow rules and not interfere with the cow, most of us who do get blocked by Taylor herself. The only real issue is the video (which is hardly an issue, there's plenty of those)
I don't know how many people are here to grab screenshots and whatever, but we all have lives outside of this forum. Hell, there's even more forums like this everywhere else. The lot of you mentioning moomoo cows and whatever the fuck else are part of this issue. Don't act like saints trying to come here to defend Taylor - you won't succeed for shit lmao.
>>607799Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's a slightly more mature fan trying to be a petuber or something.
No. 607809
Was literally just gonna post 'wouldn't it be wild if she came back with a story on how she tried to commit suicide or smth''
If you guys are so worried, you should be trying to contact someone close to her or her to try and make sure she's fine.
No. 607814
>>607805Threatening suicide with no intention of follow through is emotional abuse.
If you believe Taylor is a danger to herself or others, call 911.
No. 607818
>>607750Dating an idiot is one thing, laughing at his victims and excusing there abuse is a whole different thing.
Sorry guys I had to take the bait
No. 607824
Since it seems this place got really active, I guess it's worth mentioning that I actually like TND's personality, at least from the bit I've seen of her on youtube so far. I understand it's a 'youtube personality' but it's still kinda nice and upbeat.
Hid the cost section for now.
>>607551Sent ;) I would like to keep it just to animals that are known to exist.
>>607583Ok so if i have this right;
July 2016-
>3 females one male>no rehome/death dateNovember 2016
>2 more females and one more male>no rehome/death dateMay 2017
>more (unknown amount) of bettas>By May 2018, something happened (rehomed?) to fishIs that right? A total of 6 plus some unknowns?
No. 607825
>>607813If you scroll up literally in this thread, anons were discussing pet channels they actually enjoy. Ctrl-F is a wonderful tool.
Also this whole “killing herself deal”
Really? We aren’t bullying her, a lot of the people even sending her comments on social media aren’t even all us. A lot of us here even think some comments go too far, and correct each other when someone really exaggerates
Get this, people OUTSIDE of lolcow are actually waking up to her bs
No. 607829
>>607805This is actually pretty manipulative to say. Suicide is a personal choice. If you think someone is suicidal, or in danger of harming themselves, you have to call 911.
Don't pull this shit again.
No. 607833
>>607827"Hate" kek
Point out bad animal care is not hate. Sod off you sorry excuse for a pettuber.
No. 607843
>>607842I have to say the entire thing is so dramatic now, wasn't she the person to start the entire thing and now she's just continuing it?
Like it really should have been kept private imo
No. 607846
>>607826>>607813There are five threads for discussion of other pettubers over in snow.
>>>/snow/560669 3.)
>>>/snow/605517 4.)
>>>/snow/624724 5.)
>>>/snow/730730 No. 607853
File: 1543621210022.png (1.56 MB, 1242x2208, 12FBBDC3-C0A6-4A85-8DDD-D16B8C…)

Already brought her twitter back up
No. 607864
>>607859It would make sense. On here she doesn't have the luxury of blocking out people she doesn't like, although I'm leaning more on the idea that it was a pettuber fighing her battles for her (again).
Regardless, it's really manipulative and dramatic to be threatening suicide and taking your social media down only for it to be back up again after a couple of hours.
If they want to take measures for her mental health, they should take away access to social media or call the police for a safety check instead of going on forums to guilt people about her feelings.
Nobody has ever encouraged her to harm herself or attempt suicide. Even for lolcow standards, people have been called out for getting unnecessarily vicious about her appearance. Plus this is not the only place that's been talking about her, but go off.
No. 607865
>>607805Taylor wouldn't kill herself because of this "hate". If she can't handle taking the blame for her own bad pet care then that's on her.
If anyone was going to lead her to a suicide attempt it would be Johnny being his usual self.
No. 607882
File: 1543625429309.jpeg (428.74 KB, 1536x2048, 241534F8-D53C-4DB2-8C55-EA6C53…)

Guess she’s saying she’s watched it now.
The vid is up to over 413k views.
This thread is on the first page of google under a search for “taylor nicole dean”
TND has lost 13,988 subscribers in 5 days.
No. 607891
File: 1543627343297.jpeg (344.91 KB, 1536x1618, E502174C-4CC2-4800-827C-E1035F…)

No. 607912
>>607891I'm sorry but there's no way she's going to be able to respond to all of what ever's video properly.
She's going to come back with her enclosures all prettied up after taking this "break" and call everyone crazy, I can see it now.
>>607904This. I still can't believe how not long ago that all was. If you think someone like that can change so drastically in such little time.. you're crazy.
I think this is one of the more important and
problematic things about her. When she belittled all of his victims and said they were lying. It's 2018. That shouldn't happen anymore and it's so disgusting, and I don't know why people would still support her after that.
Is there a video highlighting the awful things she said about them and just on that subject?
No. 607915
File: 1543629968653.jpeg (192.85 KB, 1242x1061, 8C6321B6-74AC-4C35-9FFA-87245D…)

>>607911This one.
(Old milk sorry, but it’s just evidence that even she admits he raped his exes, even though she says it in an awful way)
No. 607918
File: 1543630144945.jpeg (623.34 KB, 1242x2208, 68096BB7-6699-4200-B578-D7BE76…)

Ok but what has she done that’s good for the community? Because I can’t think of anything.
Do people think saving feeders (her rats) and giving money to a turtle road side vendor is good??
No. 607944
>>607915"He's all better now."
Her savior attitude extends to her rapist, junkie boyfriend. She thinks she can fix him. Good luck with that, Taylor. He's only along for the ride as long as you're making enough money to buy him shit.
No. 607952
File: 1543633135509.png (4.47 MB, 1888x2832, paint.png)

lmfao I didn't watch the NY Mag interview when it first came out, but since it was linked in here again I actually watched it.
She says she's going to thaw some fish food so she takes it out of the freezer, but I use the same stuff and those are cardboard sheaths around it. She just dunks the whole thing in a pitcher and fills it with warm water??? Why would you want soggy cardboard surrounding your fish food? Just take it out ffs
Also you don't thaw the entire thing. You thaw what you're going to feed your fish, and since she only has 2 tanks (the 150g salt and the fw) that's way too much food she's pulling to thaw. And if she's constantly thawing and re-freezing that's not good either
No. 607956
>>607953 >>607954I’ve been making the threads much sooner because they’ve been filling faster and I don’t want them to get locked from trolls spamming.
On that note, new thread
>>>/pt/607955 No. 607988
>>607710So because we don’t know her personally, that means we should let her continue killing her animals or mistreating them?
ok hun