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No. 1391941[Reply]

>What is a femboy?
They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.

>What makes them cow material?

In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.

Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.

Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.

Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.

>What is a boymoder?

A boymoder is basically the same shit as a femboy, except they are honest about the fact that their goal is to fully troon out. Boy moders have a fetish for being called women while they make zero attempt to look like one. They will dress in hoodies and jeans and have long hair and wear female underwear underneath. They take HRT and fully intend to troon out "once they pass". They get boners when being told that they can not conceal how girls and femme they are while yelling "UUGGHH YOU DUMMY! I AM A BOY!". Basically tsundere trannies.

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No. 1999501

>half look 45 and are norwooding already

"men age like fine wine"

No. 1999517

Are those really teens? They look 35 minimum
What's is in the Polish waters? Kek
Slavic women look gorgeous and moids always look they come out of SCP foundation

No. 1999611

that looks like podlasie, nonnies. they are another breed.
jokes aside, styling does a lot. short-cropped hair and unfashionable practical clothing is the go-to for most, because it is no-nonsense, and that is what masculinity is. any guy who cares about his appearance gets called a faggot. and voila, they embrace being called a faggot, even if they're straight, and they put on these long socks and eyeliner to prove to the ladies that they are "sensitive" and that "they are not like those boorish manly men".
this is my unironic statement as to femboys in poland.

No. 2019227

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exhibit A

No. 2019228

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exhibit B

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No. 2014335[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl:

>ahegao selfies

>accuse each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
>always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>making callout posts about anybody they currently have beef with
>room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>japancore weeb/jojifuku aesthetic
>loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into ddlg/pet play
>tries to look Asian
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No. 2018412

I was saying her face looks normal in the small pieces we see of it in a candid video anon, relax
I'm not saying she as a person is normal and cute. She just edits herself to look so ugly because her brain is so fried from the raver girl turned kawaii moe jojifuku uwu larp

No. 2018788

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The millionaire trust fund cutecore collector's attempt at being relatable I guess
She's gonna see this and immediately deny it and say she is able to order thousands of dollars worth of figures and shit to clutter her room with using what, art commission funds? The "job" she claimed to have and now doesn't yet is still spending thousands anyway? The other rich lazy kids who supposedly paid her to do their homework? Come on.

No. 2018889

holy shit, is she being for real right now? what is she even trying to prove by posting this? it's almost like she's trying to brag about how much of a degenerate loser she is. i don't know enough about her, has she ever posted her face before or is the "i'm ugly" statement so true she hasn't dared lol?

No. 2019217

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No. 2019224

That post has reached pxdo Twitter btw

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No. 1994237[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from the last thread (#48: >>>/snow/1966502)

Dasha tries her usual “laugh hysterically at anything a man says” routine in an awkward episode of whatever pedophile Sam Hyde's show is called now

NYT throwing shade at Elena Velez's show platforming the freaks in this scene

Tariq Nasheed roasting Anna for 15 minutes

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No. 2019113

lmao there was a post by Kamala HQ that mentioned the podcast without the name a few hours ago. thought that was deliberate but i guess not.

No. 2019121

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She says different things, idk when exactly but swear she’s claimed hundreds but also said 70-80. Last year she said this
Love that predictably males who have been here for 2 months push their anti women candidates and racebait

No. 2019131

If someone wants to fuck a bunch of random people, that's their prerogative, but I fail to see how this is a flex? Dick is abundant and of low value. There are couch cushions with "body counts."

No. 2019210

I can't find it now because X search function is messed up. But there was a time someone posted a pic of dasha's flat bod in a white bikini with the head cropped out alongside a headless pic of an intensely curvy busty AI generated girl. People were asked which they preferred and the votes were going mostly to the curvy AI pic. Dasha herself reposted angrily saying that she is attractive and has fucked "hundreds" of men

No. 2019213

The autistic males running Twitter smoothly

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No. 2000480[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/snow/1977489


N2F is truly flourishing with new baby and new life, anons continue to wish her ongoing stability. The twins seem to have replaced her crown of Grimiest Living Circumstances, as evidenced by their fridge.

In a similar vein, Niamh appears to be moving on from her EDtwt days - trying to follow in Ro’s footsteps of making a career out of her weight restoration, complete with menses.

Elzani is still going forwards in the right direction. Fi is still breathing, networking off her autism LARP and being a recovery activist blogger in the meantime. Ganer is gaining back her mobility, after osteoporosis gave her leg a reality check.

Laura hates her weight and yet continues to do little about it despite her newfound freedom in the community. However, our dainty ballerina queen has finally got a part time job!

May is currently bombarding her team, in addition to hounding her ex university. Continues to lie about being SEED despite not being underweight in nearly two decades, and larping ADHD&ARFID.

Casper has avoided another ICU coma and is now locked in a hospital for another half a year. Following in Lara’s tracks?
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No. 2019123

Has she ever been IP or in an EDU?

No. 2019204

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Same! I really hate her. Flexes in all the photos. Is trying way too hard. But is good pretty constant flow of milk

No. 2019206

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Have to admit this is a new low for her. Why I’m watching her awkwardly stuff chips into her face like some sort of weird rodent. She’s really gobbling them down. And awkwardly laughing with someone? Who would want to eat with someone who is filming themselves? Her face is so weird like bug eyed. I really recommend watching the video on her Instagram, it’s so weird. It looks like a public place also. Just no.

No. 2019215

Jesus Christ, if she tenses her neck any harder she’ll give herself an aneurism kek

No. 2019223

No but her main time active was around 2017-2019, one old IG was “delicate.ballerina” and she was first introduced as an add on from another old cow “jessloveslucie” which was even earlier iirc. Searching those terms should get you what you want.

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No. 1980215[Reply]

Ethereal electronic-alternative hipster musician turned washed-up imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and performing shitty DJ sets. Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter.

As of late:

>Grimes goes on a date (presumably with new current boyfriend, Italian producer/DJ Anyma) >>1919069

>Grimes tries and fails to channel Dune in Rolling Stone interview/photoshoot with K-pop group Aespa >>1919105 , >>1919106 , >>1919114
>Rumours swirl of Elon dating CEO Ty Haney (married mother of two, btw) >>1919119
>Grimes’s manager gets on his hands and knees to beg people to give a fuck about lazy dj sets and stolen A.I. ‘art’ >>1919146
>Elon engages in some late night blabbering about wokeness with Stephan King >>1921922
>Grimes drops new single ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ with Sevdaliza, one of the most lacklustre music releases in the history of sound >>1923560 , >>1923827
>Claire reminisces the good times of having ex bottom bitch HANA ghostwrite/produce for her >>1923936
>Grimes showcases bedraggled third rate extensions at iii points festival >>1925653
>Elon attempts to dodge custody papers across at least 12 different locations including a hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2019193

Why would that make anyone more sympathetic towards him? Bohoo, tranny son of a literal billionaire. Yes, he's a deadbeat retard but his son is an agp retard who is so pornsick he managed to troon out before 20. Keep trannies and handmaidens off lolcow, mini Elon is as much of a cow as adult Elon.

No. 2019198

ofc the spergy faggot is a bad father, but that doesn't mean you start she/hering a whole moid or feeling bad for him. most people had shitty fathers, womp womp. go back to reddit if you want to sob about his poor widdle missed twans girlhood. also, I'm tired of people acting like any of these fags transition for "lack of good male figures". most men don't have a single good male figure in their lives because, newsflash: most men are misogynistic deadbeat rapeapes, and they still don't troon out. the only reasons a moid troons out are porn addiction and dysphoria (more often than not, it's both)

No. 2019202

>mini Elon is as much of a cow as adult Elon
I mean, yeah, but people are acting like the kid is lying about his father not knowing him. I believe the kid on this. Elon had many chances to intervene and he even signed off on his son getting puberty blockers. It's embarrassing he's trying to spin a victim yarn to Jordan Peterson (another victim mentality man with muh addiction) about how he was "tricked", he's just trying to avoid all responsibility and no shit, how shocking that when you have oodles of kids that it's hard to know any of them or meaningful interact with any of them as a father figure? Muskrat needs to stop shilling the breed, breed, breed narrative. For all we know his other sons have trooned out too but they're just quiet because they saw what happened with him. It's very common in twins to try and differentiate themselves and I can see how that would manifest in a subpar way with zero positive male figures around him and a brother that just shits on him all the time.

No. 2019203

I haven't called the troon a she/her, so why are you sperging? Your logic is really grasping at straws because porn addiction is more of a given among Gen Z than absent fathers.

No. 2019207

youre literally writing bibles of excuses to defend people she/hering the scrote, retard. yes, many gen z scrotes are porn addicts but not everyone reaches the sissy porn addiction levels it takes to troon out. Integrate or go back to reddit for your updoots(infighting)

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No. 1983123[Reply]

Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Ex boyfriend of a "goth" YTer who helped him get his career off the ground. Cheated on her (after a decade together) with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates all left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Uses Joker-esqe makeup while mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Had big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star as "JesterJake", but after falling for multiple Nigerian avatar scams and constantly breaking his equipment, this "dream" flopped. Has made his grand return to OnlyFans to scar us with ugly photos of his teenie weenie. Dislikes: women not being hot, women having opinions, zoomers, being hungry, any alternative man hotter than him (so basically all of them)

Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything. Hobbies include: pole-dancing, poorly cosplaying Jake's questionable fictional crushes (d.va, tinkerbell, etc.), constantly cleaning up after her manchild, and poorly editing her photos.

Highlights from last thread:
>>1886746 Jake and kat apparently buy their entire wardrobe off SHEIN
>>1887409 Jake has a meltdown on stream about the lack of donations, says he "can't do this for free anymore"
>>1887707 The neckbeard catboy vtuber Jake tried to leech off of ends up becoming more popular than him
>>1888547 Kat posts about giving birth to her son, posts porn immediately after
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No. 2018756

Kat took photos in her child's bed? I entirely missed that one what the fuck

No. 2019096

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So fucking dramatic…

No. 2019130

Can't be bothered to give his last few loyal snaccs who bought him a new gaming chair a real answer about his "retirement", but can rub it in their faces that he's gone. It really does seem like he actually hates them.

No. 2019197

He did say that he doesn't like having a mostly female audience and he seemed very bitter about it kek a narc like joke only sees them as views and not real people.

No. 2019219

Did he start saying that once he got with Kat? He certainly didn't seem to mind it when he was flirting with various snaccs on stream and trying to work out onlyfans requests via dm. He seemed to really love the attention then if anything. I'm sure he never valued them beyond the dollar signs though and was bitter none of them were even slightly attractive. We all know how he can't keep it in his pants in regards to conventionally attractive women considering the allegations against him and all.

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No. 1954742[Reply]

Thread to talk about people who are radical feminists, but are batshit insane OR claim to be radical feminists, but are just using it to gain money and/or notoriety.

Warning: This is not a thread for ranting about TIMs, TIFs or COVID. Please go to the respective containment threads for that.

Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.
>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces for the leader of a Neo-nazi party in Canada.
>Currently making a transition as a financial guru and stocks investor.

Vanessa Vokey
>Anti-mask psycho who compared face masks to hijabs.
>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a mask.
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No. 2019169

and i have seen the photo because i reported those fucking tweets myself, it doesn't matter you couldn't see the girl's face, it doesn't matter there wasn't nudity, it obviously showed an assault and there was absolutely no fucking need to post that photo with the news story, no one apparently stopped and thought about how the victim would feel about those photos being posted for everyone to see. did this piece of shit pig ever think about what if people who know the girl use those photos to torment the girl further, what if her male classmates or peers see those photos and use them to mock the girl and sexually harass her more? did she ever think that some pervert freak might ask her for those photos just to see if there's anything he could get off on?

No. 2019175

Normies don't repost cp when you find it challenge (impossible)

No. 2019183

> especially the males bc I find female troonery questionable in its genuineness
WTF??? It's the opposite, actually. Troon scrotes never have actual dysphoria, It's just about the coom for them, even the hsts.

No. 2019196

exactly! many TIFs have a history of sexual abuse when they were children or are trying to escape the hyper sexualization of women, but MTFs ALWAYS troon out bc of the coom
>even the hsts
yeah, even the gay moids who get the frankengina admit they only do that to have sex with straight men

No. 2019205

>quite happy to show elon musk child rape scene photographs

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No. 1971031[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1873055

Thread recap:
>SuperMega apology videos, Lex/Ethan/Leighton/Nick shit flinging and dead-horse-beating ft. alleged troonphobia, suicide jokes, cheating, leeching, and manipulation
>Pat and Paige, Cody Ko and Kelsey, Dunkey, and Danny Gonzalez have babies
>Leafy is fat and ugly, would fuck trannies
>Kurtis Conner is friends with a racist and called out by zoomer fanbase
>Boogie is dating a 20 year old
>Linus Tech Tips' company LMG accused of shitty behavior and making bad reviews, former employee posts about hostile work environment and getting belittled by HR to the point of cutting her leg open to avoid work
>F1NN5TER the not-tranny's friend Giggly Goonclown is a severely porn-addicted pedophile who grooms minors on Discord
>Streamy Awards hosted by MatPat ft. characters like MrBeast and Dylan Mulvaney
>GlitterForever17 gets a VICE interview about her pill addiction, gay ex-husband, and OnlyFans
>Jacksfilms is creepily obsessed with parodying SSSniperWolf's shitty videos in opposition to YouTube promoting her, she doxxes him by posting the outside of his house
>Dream argues with Amazing World of Gumball voice actor, posts more pictures of his fatty past
>Dan Howell dresses as a catboy in desperate attempt to regain relevancy among former fujo fanbase
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No. 2019168

it's zoomers who are into that shit though. this is just an out of touch moid wanting to project his own CP addiction on girls who read smut. reading a romance book with smut is so far from actual gooning it's ridiculous to even compare the two let alone equate them like this.

No. 2019182

When a moid is severely disgusted with himself, his primary defense mechanism is to project on mommy. All moids measure themselves against women in the end.

I'm guessing his life is proper ruined by the coom with no way out. Up next is either going Catholic or trooning out.

No. 2019184

I watched this yesterday kek. I don't think they go too hard on women reading smut, most of the video is him reading book parts (which are pretty bad let's be honestl) with a "funny" voice. He should shut the fuck up about women though. I watch some of his commentary videos sometimes as background noise but he has the worst and most useless takes. His animations are too ugly, unfunny and idiotic for me to watch however.

No. 2019186

it shouldn't be allowed for moids to even speak on the booktok sarah j maas shit before they address game of thrones and the witcher which are both literally worse in all aspects

No. 2019229

>hate when youtube recommends me the gay boy she messaged
Its so transparently clear how that shit was just a marketing ploy to get attention.

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No. 1992015[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1955417

Tranny who got aang blacklisted ended up being a weirdo himself >>1956372
Colombian girl lied about working for hayao miyazaki, used traced art for her portfolio and charged money for classes teaching art students how to work for ghibli >>1956743
goosetranny old fetish account >>1956807
literal who cartoon reviewer releases shitty movie with a beatbox puppy >>1958368
aang now thinks she's an alien, drama starts >>1962038
new sperg cartoon pilot with a tranny cast for womanchildren wants your money >>1964374
Mr.Enter made a video exposing pedophile tranny ex editor >>1976758
Daftpina cancelled his pilot after getting bullied for sucking at animation >>1976974
Meanwhile LS mark releases a trailer for his pilot that might or might not release within this decade >>1978755
The Ramshackle pilot is out >>1983914
Saberspark releases documentary on butch hartman >>1988044
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No. 2019135

I can barely see any correlation between these comparisons nonna.

No. 2019151

this is like saying every orange haired character is copying daphne from scooby doo. Animal crossing doesnt own the concept of “cat with bangs”

No. 2019191

>which cartoon reviewers can actuallly draw besides maybe pan and lsmark?
neither pan nor lsmark can draw

No. 2019214

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Yeah, about that nonna.

No. 2019220

why is he so obsessed with that ugly ass mouse? there are even plushies of him already. Its such an ugly design.

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No. 2016968[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 2019129

>I believe she is relevant to this thread as trans ideology began to take root with her parents’ generation and she is an expert on the destruction it causes.
This is a massive reach. This would be better suited to the book thread in /m/, the terrible parenting thread, or the gender ideology thread in /ot/. Snow threads are for milk from the community at issue. This lady's parents weren't troons, and the elevator music she makes isn't milk.

No. 2019138

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i love how you only have to click the first link in any if the ftm subreddits and any post you find is sure to be an absolute doozy
Based and true

No. 2019173

Of course she can't work through her sexuality herself, she has to ask the cult's council if its OK, so that she can keep her super special "gay man" label with them

No. 2019190

the ftm (and mtf) threads attract a lot of homophobic, misogynistic and conservative anons, even more so in recent times it seems. fucking hate seeing this shit shilled in one of the only places online where you can expose troons and gender ideology for being horrific and predatory without having to be grouped in with tradthots and alt-right dickriders.

No. 2019221

Preach anon. Being able to clown on troons in a lefty environment has kept me sane. There are a million places online dedicated to conservatives hating everyone who isn't straight or gender-conforming. There are very few places for leftist women to criticize troons specifically.

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