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No. 1478914[Reply]

Mei Yan is a Chinese-American YouTuber and model who creates content about anime, video games, and fashion.

Last thread: >>>/snow/91973

Sugaring, David, and Colette
>Uploads a video about her queer polyamorous relationship, featuring Mistress Colette, a pro-domme, and Olivya, an old friend. Mei mentions that she has two other partners as well, one of whom is “P,” aka David.
Video now deleted, reuploaded here >>>/snow/1471514
>Several comments on the video suggest that David is Mei's sugar daddy. These claims are further proven by Colette's blog (Mei codenamed M9, and likely M3 as well) and several photos of Mei in David's house
>Mei promotes Colette's mistress class to her young, impressionable audience in exchange for free attendance
>Mei flies around in David's jet, goes to Turks and Caicos, hangs out in David's Miami rental
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No. 1960556

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This company makes cute fairy wings and other whimsical accessories, and this post just came up on my IG and I thought “wait a minute is that the same escort girl from lolcow” Kek.

No. 1984971

Sorry to necro this thread, but did Ayumi drop Mei? Every time Mei has gone to Japan they hang out but lately haven’t seen Ayumi since this video(necro with no milk)

No. 1985016

Seems like jewellery companies are willing to forget any past cow dramas as long as enough time passes lol. Just look at how successful is incest loving Yungelita with her shitty egirl jewellery company.
In Mei's case it's enough to be pretty asian girl with pastel hair, wearing cutesy clothes. Her style makes her look girly and innocent (crucial for all these dumbass companies trying to cash on coquette/cute/kawaii looks) while in reality she's far from it. I can't imagine her having a normal job, so i wonder if she still does escorting, just more "privately" this time. and prob with someone else, doubt miss Pervert and her Muppet show wants to associate with her after she got them in trouble.

No. 1985083

These are absolutely tif hands. If not you found the moid with the weakest little hands to do hand modeling with. It's so pathetic, your average scrote has more impressive hands than this shit it's embarrassing

No. 1985155

well seto ayumi is having a baby with her ugly ass moid so the queerbaiting is on hold

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No. 1775242[Reply]


Lucinda is an anorexic, bulimic self-harmer with schizophrenia who is convinced starving and puking helps condition her into a "unicorn state". Creepy, cooky, mysterious and spooky, and overall a trainwreck who makes for great entertainment and milky(often harmless) misadventures.

>trans and neurodivergent

>member from twitter's eating disorder and self harm communities (edtwt and shtwt)
>puerto rican unicorn starving and peeing everywhere
>terminally online, often daily posts naked photos to her mostly underage fanbase
>notorious self harmer, has visible cuts all over her body
>has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitizer and hydrogen peroxide
>purges 11 times a day
>medication is evil and schizophrenia is a lie, i have powers
>poor hygiene, needs a shower

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No. 1992148

She seems happy about her situation. Maybe end of life care would be the best place for her.

No. 1992167

this is lucinda, she's happy about every situation unless it has to do with no longer being a rotting spoop. being unable to digest solids at 27 permanently is fucking depressing but she's fine because a liquid diet is anachan adjacent anyway. she probably sees this as an accomplishment.

it sounds like she's gained some weight wherever she's been this whole time especially since she isn't showing off like she always is and is retweeting about losing weight. and it doesn't look like she's left her house in puerto rico either from the background. i wouldn't be surprised if they'll wait for her to die there before moving.

No. 1992207

>>Maybe end of life would be the best for her.
Fix'd it for you.(alogging)

No. 1992209

If only she wouldn't drag this shit onto twitter, just to fuck up other souls.

No. 1992353

i might be wrong but isn’t ensure SUPER calorie dense? and if she’s not purging then she should be gaining right?

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No. 1970834[Reply]

Meet Lorena Sanchez, a Texan autist, “lolita”, cosplayer and self-proclaimed radfem STEM TERF Stacy
>spends all day upsetting herself by fighting moids on twitter in between venting about her autism meltdowns and eating disorder
>endlessly brags about her high value and standards in dating, but is with a fat 6 years younger 4chan edgelord she moved in with in his college town after only seeing each other a few times and meeting on discord
>part of a Love Live performance group aka does dance covers for shitty weeaboo songs at anime conventions, selling polaroids of herself to “fans”
>known across lolcow.farm discord servers as former mod Hex, has been stirring petty drama and attention whoring for over 3 years now >>>/ot/734680 CTRL+F Hex
>attaches her discord handle to her professional accounts despite constant drama baiting and lolcow.farm connections
>camps out on /meta/ and the crystal.cafe lolcow hate thread all day spamming schizo posts, responds as herself when called out >>>/meta/52188 (one of many examples, again CTRL+F Hex)
>twitter orbiter to many cows featured in the anachan and leftcow threads ( e.g. Dasha)
>namedrops lolcow and crystal cafe on twitter for attention
>possibly selfposts on /ot/ >>>/ot/1846538

Personal/portfolio website: https://renahime.github.io/ https://archive.is/Tgs5x
https://github.com/renahime https://archive.is/Lfw7vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(delete duplicate threads and spoiler gore)
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No. 1984881

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I’m still trying to be light harder as she seethes at me because uhh, I don’t really know what to say to all that.

No. 1984882

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Her being misogynistic and calling me an ugly slag despite me literally being voluntarily celibate (4b movement)

No. 1984883

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More shitposting with Hex seething

No. 1984884

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This is how it ended! 🌟(no emojis)

No. 1984894

Thanks for sharing the screen caps. But yeah it's obvious who you are.

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No. 1984856[Reply]

Can we talk about Theasystem. He’s a 30+ year old guy who is larping as a DID sufferer and says embarrassing shit like ‘believe all systems’ and whatnot. He now identifies as non binary lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1984857

Obvious self post. Posting yourself to a gossip site so you can pull it up to people and pretend you're the victim of online stuff is weird and sad, you're not interesting enough to warrant a thread about you """lol"""

No. 1984862

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No. 1972401[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1894283

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

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No. 1984774

Kek, the testosterone is making her mad but she has nothing to do with the anger and no where to place it so she’s just flailing her arms, putting up the middle fingy like a middle schooler, slapping her clit around and angrily biting her lip kek. And I like how she’s trying real hard to be quiet, like her parents are sleeping in the next room. This is so embarrassing, imagine a clip like this following you around the rest of your life. I’d kill myself

No. 1984790

If an actual teen moid saw this they'd call her weird and roast her to hell. I swear these women have never been around normal people in their lives.

No. 1984801

>Tattooing a woman that use male pronouns because she wants to be like her idol, not because she feels like a man.

These people missed the point with this character. Let's not mention that infamous drawing of her with her tits chopped.

No. 1984809

New thread: >>>/snow/1984807

No. 1984831

>two guys say mean things to her
>"i was hate crimed!!!1!1"
i'd be uncomfortable too if a stranger referenced how he wanted to hit me, but i feel like calling this a "hate crime" is a bit of an exaggeration

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No. 1936763[Reply]

What Happens Next is a webcomic by max graves(@maximumgraves), allegedly about the aftermath of the murder of a 16-year-old Haylie Gorski. The comic instead follows it's TIF protagonist Milo and the queer and trans-people she encounters with in the true-crime and online trans communities.
Other than its awful art and politics, the series is notable for it's large trans/queer audience, most of whom find the awful and perverted behavior of its cast to be relatable to the "trans experience"

Link the comic
Social media accounts:
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No. 1984804

You know, if if wasn't for this thread, I would have thought she asked to someone else to drew that. How sad that she has skills to draw in more styles but is stuck in that ms paint style.

No. 1985666

late but i adore how the blonde one is peak low effort tim.

No. 1988821

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New update, peep vikki being so vain he can't go out at 5am to move a dead body without putting on mascara first https://whathappensnext.webcomic.ws/comics/947#content-start

No. 2009114

You know what Maxine doesn't seem to get? These TIFs cry about misgendering as a form of abuse because it can lead to violence, but what is the ultimate form of violence if not for the rape and murder of an individual? So her sped character commits the ultimate acts of violence, which are lesser by definition than any supposed abuse from misgendering. Misgendering is a potential for violence in their world. It's like saying a lesser potential is worth far more than greater kinetic. Also this art is dog name shit.

No. 2009443


You're confusing neoteny for femininity. The fact some women with arrested development do this online does not speak for how women in general type. Find any woman that used in the internet in the 90s and notice how much more proper it is. Youth trends most people grow out of shouldn't dictate a male or female trait. The fact you come from a gendie background should indicate to you why your belief isn't really accurate.

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No. 1960684[Reply]

ok so I'm a girl who recently fucked danny behind powerviolets back (im danny her boyfriend ) she was making eye contact with me in the crowd  and after I snuck away from violet while she was getting her phone jacked, and we went bathroom separately, and I did a special knock, and then when I came in, he sucked my face off and lifted me in the air, pulled my breast, and started sucking on it while pressing me against the wall, and I could feel his erection, it was good

He told me he we had to make it quick, so I bent over the sink, and he then proceeded to press my face against the glass while pounding away

And then came on my tramps stamp, and said he had to go and give me a kiss bye

And then, when I asked about violet, he told me we’re kinda on the rocks right now

so I’m not sure if they have an open relationship or if he was cheating

https://www.instagram.com/powerviolets?igsh=c2t6Z3c1OXUxbWVl(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1984196

None of this is true hahaha. Be something else if it was tho.! I would say it’s a pretty good story but I have no idea who’s prospective it’s being told from. …. Oh well, At least my imaginary erection was “good”.

No. 1984197

Highly inaccurate. Everyone knows you fuck like a lesbian.(necro just to samefag)

No. 1984170[Reply]

Meet the Singapore guy Kurt Tay who is apparently the lolcow of Singapore. He has created many dramatic events over the years and is still ongoing. But one of the strangest things he has done was actually to himself. He underwent breast enhancement surgery to get himself c cup breaststroke. According to this doc this is something he had wanted for years and felt a version of gr8 joy on having them. Thy have since come out because his wife insisted. I this a common event in lolcows? Wanting breastfeeding enhancement? And then removing them?
Kurt has got himself in a fair bit of trouble in recent months. Having experienced Singaporean culture thy would be very shamed of this Kurt. Do these lolcows exist in other places with tighter social structures where individualism is squashed?
This is the doco I watched.(shit thread)

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No. 1634333[Reply]

Since no one knows how to make a thread here you go.

MyahAlanna a 24 year old Homebody moved back from LA and is currently living with her mother playing video games all day.

Some old milk:
> everyone from her LA trip has dropped her
> Moved out of LA moved back in with her mom
> Is not that active on YouTube anymore but she’s active on tiktok
> still can’t keep her friends
> still does not have a job
> still has an auto immune disorder however drinks a lot of alcoholic and says she doesn’t have a problem.

New milk;
> created the xo discord server filled with her minions
> actually has a lot of half siblings some want nothing to do with her and found older threads.
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No. 1983952

Omg no one cares lol
Also have you seen her insta lately girl is giving SHEIN

No. 1984280

Myah was actively reblogging from seraphure on Tumblr, even when that first unfollow screenshot appeared on here 2 months ago. Now it looks like she went through and deleted every post she reblogged from her. Erasing ex friends out of her life

No. 1984291

the fact that she goes that far to erase people from her life is interesting. how would even care about old reblogs? it’s not like Taylor owns the pics. Myah really hasn’t changed a bit. Still think Taylor was foolish to believe she’d be treated any different though

No. 2002536


Wow is she realizing how bad she was?? One of her comments is asking about her use of slurs because she was so vague about it

No. 2008118

i'm happy for myah. the discord was a huge mistake. she's not a good person but some of ya'll treated her like a circus freak to feel better about yourselves (pedos, trannys, closeted homophobes lmao) myah hasn't been a cow in years but the revenge posting & necromancing by fans turned friends stays funny

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No. 1227555[Reply]

Kelly Ronahan is anywhere between the ages of 2 - 40 (depending on the day) compulsive liar and malingering attention whore from Kelowna, Canada. She previously claimed to be a medical mystery, as doctors couldn't understand why her blood was magically disappearing, though she has recently revealed the cause was simply heavy menstruation due to uterine fibroids the whole time!

Chompy is a 4-year-old cat. He's Kelly's trusty companion, a talented mouser, and an overall fluffer mckitty witty cutie wootie meow meow~ He enjoys sleeping and nommin' on ankles. What a funny guy. Oh my~~~ Kitty~~~

Kelly's hobbies seem to include ballet, her cat Chompurrs (Chompy), auto-exsanguinating, and inducing allergic reactions. Her strategy to avoid responsibility for her erratic behaviour is to claim DID (formerly known as MPD).

The Dynamic Duo were originally mentioned in the Over-the-Top Spoonies and Munchausens by Internet threads.

Munchies 1: >>>/snow/181656
Munchies 2: >>>/snow/201162
Munchies 3: >>>/snow/237479
Munchies 4: >>>/snow/300611
Munchies 5: >>>/snow/345089

It quickly became obvious that Kelly had been lurking and was revelling in the attention and pretending to be upset about it on her social media. She made several obvious self posts and was banned twice, and has since been communicating with the farm via Facebook and Instagram.
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No. 1985407

She needs to be in a straitjacket in a padded cell. This whole debacle is a consequence of closing the asylums.

No. 1985709

Canada is very lenient with the crazies. They set free that crazy cannibal guy who ate another guy's face in a bus after just 7 years, for example.

No. 1985710

She sounds like Gollum but more retarded

No. 1987473

Where did you get these pics, anon?

No. 2007737

This fat ugly stumpy bitch made a video on her and it's all just her sharing her shitty opinions on how kelly is a poor victim and the anons are the monsters kek her videos are dog shit and very opinionated and virtue signaling she's so annoying

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