File: 1533681531466.png (585.81 KB, 480x601, 1533579125815.png)

No. 659029
Previous thread:
>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status>still no alien porn>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag>her arby's rost beef vag looks horrible in hi-def>her and fupa are moving into a house together>fupa confirmed for father of three, does shay even know?>Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799 No. 659035
Copied and pasted from last thread
Here's a rough transcript of this video. Sorry for the huge block of text.
"One time I got fucked with my head in a toilet and got my hair all wet, and I lost an eyelash in the toilet. And that was pretty humiliating. Uhm that's one. There was one time I was filming one of my videos, my piss puppy video, and I accidentally pissed myself while the camera wasn't rolling and like no one was even there and it just felt like really, really humiliating. Uhm my first pro-shoot I did with another model, I didn't realize I was going to be working with another model so I didn't shave. And yeah that was not my favorite look on camera and it was not… it was just like… not cute and I was like, really humiliating cause like incoherent disgusted noises. Uhm, I mean it's pretty humiliating how, how bad I am at putting dick in my throat to the point where I literally cry and throw up and that was my first blowjob that I gave my ex-boyfriend. Yeah like, I yeah I got laughed at pretty hard when I uhm threw up all over my ex-boyfriend's dick. It was pretty bad. Uhm so that's four. Oh another thing that happened with me and my ex-boyfriend, the first time we met was uhm, he took me to like a really nice hotel and that was the first time I did anal and the sheets were terrifying afterwards, there was just like blood everywhere and like piss. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I was absolutely fucking humiliated groan and uhm, oh my god sigh. So that's five. Uhm, at my friend's uhm kinky New Year's party I was being beat up by like two girls at once and one of them was holding a leash that was attached to my nose and the other one was like pulling on my nipple and stepping her heel into my leg and I accidentally pissed on the floor because I was trying to focus so hard that I got scared and pissed myself. And that was– I just pissed myself on a hardwood floor in a really nice mansion in front of like twelve people. Uhm there was one time, I went out to the grocery store and dinner with my friend without realizing I had cum all over my t-shirt until she pointed it out to me, and yeah, that was fun. That's seven. Uhm one time I filmed an entire video without realizing I had period blood all over my leg. Eight, uhm, oh my god this is awful. I'm such a dumbass. Uhm, let's see, I started camming when I was underaged, that's nine. And on top of that for number ten, I once had some guy pay me by buying me a nice Nikon camera and I had it sent to my house, and my mom found it and brought it to the police station. laughter That's humiliating. Uhm, I had to film my first anal video for Manyvids three times because long pause I kept crying, it hurt so bad. Uhm twelve, I used to lie tie myself to my bed when I was a kid because I liked feeling helpless. Thirteen, uhm I also used to like, when me and my friends would play pretend I would always long pause ask if like, they would tie me up too. Uhm, uhmmm, oh my god this is so many, it's so humiliating. Uhm fourteen, I used to fuck myself with an electric toothbrush incoherent squealing. Uhm fifteen, I rolls eyes I was really confused about why I loved touching myself so much for like a really long time because I had like sex-ed really closed off from me and my family, so I would like just spend hours in my bed just touching myself and rubbing my clit to the point where now I feel like that's the only way that I can cum, by rubbing my clit. Sixteen, uhm I used to get a lot of surgery, I had surgery about like five or six times when I was younger and I think that's a part of the reason that I'm like extremely into like, like I have a huge medical fetish and I'm like really humiliated and ashamed of. Like, and it's weird cause I like hate going to the doctor but like, oh my god. Uhm the thought of like, I don't know, just being someone's like experiment sounds hot, I guess? I don't know. I don't know. Ahh oh my god this is awful. Seventeen, uhm oh my god sighs and shakes head. Seventeen, uhm the first time I ever did a camshow on MFC– er no, the first time I ever did a cam show from my ex-boyfriend's house, I accidentally left the shades open and his mom was out in the garden and she knew I was camming before my ex-boyfriend. Uhm, eighteen, my dad found my dog cage in my bedroom at his house, that was pretty embarrassing. Nineteen, my dad asked me if I punch myself in the face for money, that was pretty fucking humiliating. Jesus christ, uhm scoffs. Uhm, twenty, I guess I'll give you a big one since we're near the end here, uhm I'm absolutely humiliated by the way my uh pussy looks, and I do porn. There you go. And to top it all off for number twenty-one, I'm extremely humiliated by the fact how wet I am from talking about what a humiliating life I've lead thus far. Thanks for being patient with me, I hope this was worth it cause I sure feel disgusting."
No. 659039
>>659003>>659036well, the ones i reckon she's lying on (could be wrong) are the ones where the mentions being tied up as a kid (she touches her face and nose a lot, fidgets a lot) and the continuation where she talks about her friends tying her up as a kid. she's touching her face and moving her head back before she mentions the electric toothbrush as well. she's blinking normally before she says that & she blinks very slowly while saying it, which is a sign of someone lying. no idea why she would lie about that though, it's a pretty benign normal thing to do.
she's definitely lying about the medical fetish. touching her face, her nose especially, scratching her arms, can't sit still. no surprise there since she's never made a video or mentioned it before. she shows all the tell-tale signs for that one very obviously. (apart from when she says she hates going to the doctor. adding a truth into a lie makes it more believable, after all)
she seems genuine about the one where she was camming & the window was open, and a bunch of other camming ones, and the one about her pussy looking like shit and she knows it, but that's pretty obvious. i haven't gone through and studied all of them tbh but these ones i mentioned above just jumped out at me.
No. 659046
I was the one who posted it originally. I honestly just made her believe I was a ~super sadist~ who gets off on girls degrading and humiliating themselves (Kyle helped me figure out exactly what to say). She’s literally so stupid, she markets herself to those kinds of people and is so insecure she’ll do anything to make sure that she keeps up her image for them. Add in that she’s gullible, trashy, broke, and desperate for money (the worst combination of personality traits for a sex worker imo) I’m not surprised she didn’t even question the request. My name was literally Daddy D on Snapchat and she was fine telling me all those things. So honestly??? She lowkey asked for this shit to get leaked. I didn’t even suggest the price, she gave it to me after I made the request; which kind of goes to show how much she really values herself and her custom videos at when actually discussing them with someone, VS how she much she pretends to be worth for manyvids and tumblr.
That being said, she repeatedly lied to me and made excuses about when she was going to make the video, I waited days after when she said she would do it to get what I paid for, just for her to be rude and defensive when I told her (really respectfully too) that I was unhappy about being lied to when she could have just said it would take her some time to get to. Lmao so not only is she ugly, diseased, and has absolutely no sex appeal, she’s horrible at customer service too.
Sorry for the word vomit we were just mutuals at one point and she is such a piece of shit that it’s so satisfying to see her continue making a fool of herself after all this time. I really hope she never stops tbh
No. 659058
>>659035>he took me to like a really nice hotel and that was the first time I did anal and the sheets were terrifying afterwards, there was just like blood everywhere and like piss. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifyingWHY DOES SHE NEVER USE LUBE?!
like holy shit what a dumb fucking bitch. even the dumbest bimbos know to use lube.
No. 659061
>>659058Because she’s hardcore, anon! Everyone knows
real porn stars don’t use lube! Only girls who lie about their kinks and fetishes would need lube to seem turned on, but not Shay. She just uses her own piss, shit, and blood.
No. 659069
>>659066Why does she think anal is too much or not normal? That's what someone not-kinky thinks. Maybe if she sticks two dicks up her ass, sure but anal on it's own is pretty vanilla in the grand scheme of things.
Pissing herself I guess is a kink, albeit a gross one and not using lube is a choice… nothing really hardcore about any of it. I don't get what she's trying to sell at all lol
No. 659151
File: 1533693065576.jpg (115.53 KB, 720x960, dollartreelies.jpg)

>>656786lol okay but look what I found in the party section of dollar tree today.
No. 659154
>>659151That file name made me kek. thank you anon.
honestly I don't see Shay just changing her image and becoming successful like some anons here think she could. she is not only physically but mentally fucked up and she isn't good at any aspect of sex work. She would still be shit at it no matter what she looked or spoke or acted like.
She should just delete her tumblr and do something else.
No. 659155
File: 1533693637590.png (6.85 KB, 299x240, right.PNG)

No. 659157
File: 1533693718910.png (17.26 KB, 294x509, umnosweaty.PNG)

Her style is more STD ridden white trash on steroids but ok
No. 659163
File: 1533693894113.png (31.61 KB, 564x442, goodstart.PNG)

So only Shay's crude drawings have room on Fupa's fridge. Fuck his real children, amirite?
No. 659164
File: 1533693966654.png (29.45 KB, 561x389, sokewlandedgy.PNG)

No. 659166
File: 1533694032814.png (91.31 KB, 565x822, thanksforthefollowersshay.PNG)

I swear Fupa had under 1000 followers before Shay. Funny how many he has now since she is in the picture.
This is why Kyle Perkins left his children behind. Tumblr fame.
No. 659170
File: 1533694388173.png (40.1 KB, 561x352, incredible.PNG)

These dudes are blind. That shoot was horrific. How did anyone find her attractive in those pictures…?
No. 659231
>>659229I am not saying he should be talking about his kids on a kink blog? Please don't tell me what kind of opinion to have lol. My point was that he should not even be doing this shit in the first place.
Damn, Fupa and Shay sure have a lot of white knights in this thread.
No. 659235
File: 1533700518807.png (236.36 KB, 473x358, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 11.5…)

She's back on
>>659231Also yes the amount of WH is pretty disturbing lately. Even the mods are acting a bit weird in her threads recently
No. 659251
File: 1533701512648.png (969.29 KB, 987x743, Screenshot_895.png)

They dont want to hear about your fashion magazines, wth.
No. 659255
>>659251I know no one gives a fuck, but I wear the same damn thing most days (don't take that too literal), and I can still co-ordinate an outfit if I need to. This bitch has literally nothing to do with her time; 'reads' fashion magazines, dicks around online all day, and still can't dress herself.
That's just sad.
No. 659287
File: 1533704730843.png (246.71 KB, 466x355, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 1.04…)

Back and drinking her ~pink wine~
No. 659288
File: 1533704852244.png (Spoiler Image,219.44 KB, 469x359, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 1.06…)

Old man ass/legs back at it
No. 659294
File: 1533705333058.png (260.3 KB, 370x488, Screenshot_902.png)

No. 659302
>>659298She told the new years "2 girls put a hook leash in my nose" story again, but with different details.
I wonder if she knows we've all seen the other version of the story yet?
No. 659305
File: 1533706101581.png (588.99 KB, 685x517, Screenshot_903.png)

No. 659337
>>659089Agreed, this feels likes when fupa had an actually good answer to a question about prepping for anal and shay ruined it because she couldn't accept that people might read that and think she has safe "not hardcore" anal sex. She just had to reply with "oh but you say this despite the fact that when we have anal I scream and cry and you go in dry uwu". She doesn't understand that to be able to have anal you need some form of lube and you need to prep. You can't even do any really hardcore anal without those cause the friction is too high and it isn't enjoyable to the Dom either even if you pretend that the sub isn't actually supposed to enjoy bdsm. Like at most I could maybe see someone having anal without lube if they prepped enough or if the dick is small enough lube but no prep but you at least need one!
>>659321Ew, omg that's horrible. But that also makes me wonder. The original plan was a two day shoot. Was it that they planned on filming a video over two days but changed it to the live show? They were doing a video and a live show then stopped the video? Or maybe they cancelled on of the live shows and gave her a better time slot?
No. 659346
File: 1533712793980.png (1017.88 KB, 750x1334, 5DE3055A-5997-4E8F-9ED7-79747B…)

Did someone cowtip?
No. 659354
>>659346It seems what it is is some tumblr blog that takes shit about her was scrolling through her page and accidentally hit like on one of her post
Or what's potentially more likely is they liked a post calling her out but she was the first post in the thread so she got the like as well. A lot of people don't realise this is how liking posts work (offtopic but tumblr needs to change that)
Few people like her and many talk shit about her on tumblr too and not just here so it's likely not one of us. I mean it could be, but I kinda doubt it. Why discuss shay in two seperate places? She's great, but not that great to talk about and this thread pretty much moves 24/7 so no dry days you'd go to tumblr for
No. 659371
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Wow she was desperate today
No. 659372
File: 1533717385311.png (4.48 MB, 1242x2208, C358D06F-73BA-4993-BF4D-C71795…)

Usually she won’t even talk to you if you dont tip but now she’s paying just to have small talk kek
No. 659378
>>659372that makes me feel really sad… imagine being that lonely and broke
Unrelated, but this hairstyle fits her so much more than her usual curls. She could shave it all off and wear a wig in this style.
No. 659401
>>659251It's hilarious that she gets called out for being classless and trashy, so she go and gets some magazines in an attempt to hopefully learn about fashion and how to dress. KEK. She calls herself "tres chic bimbo baby" yet there's nothing very chic about her.
She literally looks like a grandparent.
No. 659408
>>659036>>659035Her camming underage story where her mom finds the camera is somewhat consistent with her "how her mom found her blog and disowned her story". She talks about a receipt of some sort from a follower for a "wish list" item. Could be all about the same event.
can be found here: reposting the entirety of the archived links for full reference
archived answered asks- theres so much more than these but just wow. (taken from previous thread)
>>>/snow/520071(welcome to her blog-y she hates her mom -if ur new) they found her blog) how her parents found out about her camming) her mom doesnt understand her n how she shoved misogyny down her throat and how she doesnt get that shayna wants to be a cam girl n how her mom send her emails/txts for schools and jobs- boo hooo soo abused by an awful bitch) literally makes me want to vomit- asked how her mom found her blog- she literally says "she’s the type of person to try and dig up dirt on me so she has an actual reason to be mad at me other than just being a bitch"-wow shayna) such a shitty mom… makes up but then proceeds to still bash her to her followers) she is courageous for sticking up to her mom- lulz) y she's a strong person bc of what she went thru w/ her mom) her blog was private/ brother backs up mom) asker u dont need parents- more about her mom and how she compromised their lives- her mom lost her poarents when she was only 12) thes dumblr loser minions perpetuate her delusions and warped thinking)
asked y her mom is such a bitch and how they better be blessed w/ a child like her!! other pples mom like her more her mom is jelly) boo hoos and how her mom told connors mom about the camming) justifying her blog to her mom) from her awful parents… blog or us) about suicide, her experience w/ her parents n what they were doing pushed her) other archived links from the deleted threads:
This ones long, talks about her childhood and rape highlighted is of an ASK where she mentions kinks to overcome rape) rape & mentions shaving her head) eating disorder weed allergy No. 659412
>>659396it's not specifically her, it's a bug with all of tumblr & happening to everyone. i hope they fix it soon (i use it as an art portfolio)
>>659401i laughed at that too, 'tres chic bimbo baby' in what universe? she's more like a 40 year old wrinkled meth addict mom who talks with a husky smoker's voice and dresses up to go to bingo
No. 659414
>>659408>consensual non consent helped me gain control over a situation i once couldn't stop from happeningwhy does every sub who's into 'rape play' say shit like this? do they not think about the guy who gets off on pretending to rape them? do they not have a single braincell to realize that a man who gets hard when they're yelling 'no' & 'stop' is actually into rape. it's so dumb
and this doesn't excuse shayna's pedo videos at all. she wasn't abused as a child so she can't pull that bullshit. which is bullshit. i guess it's one thing working through that yourself, but a whole other thing to make videos of yourself with titles like 'daddy's bum baby' wearing diapers & pacifiers & talking like a child ('im a widdle baby') catering to pedophiles. and then when anyone calls you out on that shit saying 'i was abused as a kid!!' yeah like that's an excuse to make videos feeding pedos' desire to rape kids.
shayna doesn't even have that excuse because her childhood was sunshine and roses and the only gripes she has with her parents is 'they don't want me to ruin my image and all future job prospects for myself and my life in general by posting loads of gross pedo-pandering videos and close-up shots of my diseased pussy online!! that's basically abuse guys!! my mom even tries to send me jobs so i can improve my life and that's really abusive! i can't believe they lie about what i do to their friends and family, they're so ashamed of me!' like of course they lie shayna, even if you were just a normal stripper or pornstar they would lie. they're ashamed of what a laughing stock you are.
No. 659469
>>659464>>659466i guess i would buy it if she seemed at all enthused by it. she seemed utterly turned off and depressed by her "humiliation" confession video.
i feel like she got the humiliation kink idea from reading anons here and now she's just trying to go with that as a last-ditch effort to save her cam "career". i mean if she has to beg people to come and TALK to her in her cam chat, then she's certainly gotten to a point of extreme desperation.
No. 659603
File: 1533747362051.png (98.28 KB, 512x512, 2018-08-08 12_54_56-come eat c…)

lmao what on earth is a "diet day"
No. 659671
File: 1533751338119.png (811.62 KB, 982x550, tumblr_pcr0jhDXxR1rmiw96o1_128…)

how long do we think it will take for shay to wash her hair since she's gotten it done? We all know it's gonna be a frizzy, even deader mess since she can't stay away from the bleach and do a big chop.
No. 659673
File: 1533751405772.png (780.29 KB, 976x546, tumblr_pcr0jhDXxR1rmiw96o2_128…)

Nothing to see her, just Shayna pretending to be a baby ~uwu~
These are some shots from that nasty video she just did that she recently posted.
No. 659674
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No. 659703
File: 1533753561841.png (83.55 KB, 520x728, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 19.3…)

>>659408this is a screenshot from her old 'shay-gnar' blog. how funny how times have changed…
No. 659749
File: 1533757837520.jpeg (331.5 KB, 634x801, ADE720EF-E586-4637-A32F-288383…)

>>659674I truly hate this. This is so unflattering why did she think this was a good photo at all. She looks like squidward.
No. 659753
File: 1533758062170.png (19.98 KB, 553x291, no.PNG)

It's always these insecure abdl/ddlg bitches that gas nasty Shay up. If it weren't for her insecure female supporters and the nasty men who pay for her stuff, she wouldn't be shit.
No. 659801
File: 1533761023416.jpeg (36.54 KB, 600x451, 4F4B50AD-B8DA-4895-9CA5-DC5E97…)

>>659749Squidward is far more attractive than that bulimic meth head mess of a human.
No. 659804
File: 1533761220266.jpg (116.56 KB, 625x415, squidward-isnt-a-squid-and-the…)

>>659801thats what she thinks she looks like, but this is closer to the reality
No. 659807
>>659804I just think it’s rude to desecrate the name of Squidward by comparing him to this idiot,
No. 659854
File: 1533764239182.png (459.05 KB, 812x597, 2018-08-08 17_34_53-DollyMatte…)

she looks like a possessed grandma trying to dress like her middle school granddaughter
No. 659856
File: 1533764327831.png (12.23 KB, 272x318, boilho.PNG)

>>659854wow she looks so weird with her artificially big eyes and the way she edits her face.
our favorite boil covered ho is getting moving boxes. Can't wait for her to move in with Fupa so they can get rekt.
No. 659864
File: 1533764600073.png (361.71 KB, 558x650, ewgod.PNG)

>>659857She is scamming again. She ain't really going to order boxes from Amazon. I bet you any money it's for some other dumb shit off of Amazon since cheap ass Shay shops there so much. I have literally never heard of anyone ordering boxes. And you
can order them, but they are not worth how expensive they are.
>adorable and sexy No. 659876
>>659856On cam last night, she claimed she cant just go grab boxes from stores because she cant put them in the back of an uber and take them home.
This fucking lazy entitled little bitch.
No. 659879
>>659874Anyone dumb enough to believe she's going to order boxes deserves to get scammed tbh lol
Like anyone who's ever moved house saves themselves the money and just goes to a local business for some free boxes.
No. 659882
>>659871Well it is Amazon giftcards otherwise that would have been my initial thought as well. It definitely isn't for moving boxes, this bitch is not slick..
She is a desperate dumbass who doesn't know how to work for her own stuff and thinks handouts grow on trees. What a failure.
>>659873she's a dumb baby bimbo, anon.
new lovingly handmade garbage: fake moaning makes me want to punch her in the face for some reason.
No. 659888
>>659882those actually sound way more real than the ones from her insex shoots. this guy actually seems good at what he does (what he does being bdsm, not necessarily video production) and her moans sound like someone who’s been getting edged.
But those angles are just terrible…woof.
No. 659891
File: 1533765926225.png (1.45 MB, 1007x689, catfish.PNG)

Shayna the Catfish.
No. 659925
File: 1533768589544.png (292.3 KB, 315x597, shoop.png)

if she changed from this piss poor 'blonde bombshell' image and went down the pastel/pastel punk road, it would suit her so much better
No. 659937
File: 1533769557597.png (135.98 KB, 259x359, get ur shit together…)

tbh not mad @ the gray, just wish she'd use some of her riches to find somebody that will show her how to style herself
No. 659957
File: 1533770671922.jpg (43.96 KB, 413x550, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)

>>659937Very Electra Heart.
No. 659966
>>659961They're both grey toned blonde hair with waves and a ribbon, yeah it is.
Anyway think what you want, not going to derail this thread over your autistic stanning of a random pop singer.
No. 659969
>>659966I was just saying we really shouldn't flatter the bitch with the comparisons.
Not trying to show off my stan badge here but you guys are looking at a heavily edited photo and complimenting her kek
No. 660010
>>659969Not much of a compliment to compare her to a woman who sexually assaulted her bestfriend.
Plus Marina's style is ugly too
No. 660017
>>660010That was Melanie Martinez, not Marina.
Jesus there are a lot of idiots in here lately.
No. 660044
>>659940 literally said Melanie Martinez.
>Jesus there are a lot of idiots in here lately. No. 660060
File: 1533778045259.jpeg (155.62 KB, 640x592, 4CC11913-8EA1-4D9A-93BA-580347…)

I am so excited to see their brand new ca. 2002 Midwestern McMansion.
No. 660121
>>660079I fucked up and typed Marina instead of Melanie. I just quoted a person talking about compliments.
My bad
No. 660158
>>659882Thats probably why that guy punches her in the face. LMAO
also what the fuck this guy straight up smacks people on the genitals with nettles?! dude!!! that can't be safe or sanitary. maybe thats why shayna's puss is all messed up. she got hella poison ivy.
No. 660185
File: 1533784502088.jpg (Spoiler Image,949.27 KB, 1423x2229, 20180808_201356.jpg)

She's on cam now, showing all her boils off
No. 660209
>>659937She looks like an old man. She went to the salon twice and came home with
that? You think she meant to go grey? Or was this an accident?
>>659856It's hilarious how her relationship with Fupa is fueled by necessity for housing and an early midlife crisis on his end.
No. 660212
File: 1533785949502.jpg (Spoiler Image,267.4 KB, 986x728, Screenshot_20180808-203830_Chr…)

Hair really doesn't suit her
No. 660219
File: 1533786314363.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.76 KB, 674x557, hi5.jpg)

>>660213hi fiving w/ her foot
No. 660221
File: 1533786431459.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.74 KB, 744x576, pussyfoot.jpg)

she sits naturally with her dirty foot up to her already nasty pussy all the time. explains a lot
No. 660228
File: 1533786725755.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.8 KB, 977x573, e45.jpg)

eewww her pussy is disgusting, you can see the boils even with her pubic hair grown out
No. 660232
File: 1533786938284.jpg (233.14 KB, 972x729, shaypunchingherselfforpocketch…)

No. 660235
>>660228How does she expect to get any work out of this? Can she just… not cam for a while until her body calms down? Get checked out for once?
If these are as gross as they are in motion I can't imagine putting two cents into that.
No. 660237
File: 1533787042606.jpg (Spoiler Image,255.28 KB, 981x737, 20180808_205709.jpg)

No. 660238
File: 1533787114633.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.82 KB, 745x613, slp.jpg)

slappin her boils
No. 660241
File: 1533787173774.jpg (Spoiler Image,265.13 KB, 993x751, 20180808_205925.jpg)

No. 660243
File: 1533787226919.jpg (118.25 KB, 737x1123, pnch.jpg)

No. 660257
File: 1533788221022.jpg (Spoiler Image,237.11 KB, 942x707, 20180808_211627.jpg)

No. 660258
File: 1533788371947.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.26 KB, 939x714, 20180808_211645.jpg)

No. 660263
>>660241A fucking black hole of warts.
>>660060I know it's the wrong state, but imagine if she ended up with Gerg's McMansion just to ~show da haters~
No. 660287
File: 1533792632324.jpg (295.79 KB, 850x933, Screenshot_20180808-222915_Chr…)

I wasn't listening in on this part, but did Shay admit being 5'5" here?
No. 660290
>>660286ooh good catch anon. Shayna the Scammer at it again..
Funny how shitty her hair looks on cam. I thought it was okay by the pictures but it looks dull and dry as fuck when she is on cam. Figures.
>>660287>5'5 is not smallI can hear Shay's smol heart breaking kek
No. 660308
File: 1533794593395.jpg (Spoiler Image,310.48 KB, 945x2041, scm.jpg)

She avoided trying to turn around the whole time while "showing off the plug" so they wouldn't see her her breakouts. (pic)
She's an idiot, she actually has tippers in her room who suggest she stays a little longer, but she leaves. kek
No. 660325
>>660308Does she not understand she'll get paid if she stays and that these people don't necessarily come back later? Especially if she were to leave without doing what they wants
In her industry she has to sometimes pull extra work to keep a customer or to get all she can out of said customer
No. 660338
Unlike most in this thread I think this hair change is a huge fucking improvement and makes her look younger (as much as you even can make someone so haggard look younger). Though it could definitely be better and I agree she looks best with warm/dark colors. It'd probably help if she washed it once in her life so the over toned grey faded.
Defo get the impression others have had that she's lacking real life experience and has mad arrested development. The tacky giant lashes, over lined eye wings and sceneyteen hairstyles really give the vibe she never out grew her early high school years, never grew into a style or personality and doesn't know what to do with herself/her appearance
>>660325What the fuck could she possibly need to leave for, anyway? Is she cutting into her sending herself anon asks on tumblr time Lmao? Does she have to drink her 1 toddler sippy cup of water for "dada"? It's not like this smelly hoe has anything important or scheduled in her life… like the gyno-derm appointments she so desperately needs. I'm actually shocked people willingly wax her nasty, unwashed snatch. Girls I know in that profession here refuse the service to anyone visibly sporting issues and refer them to a doctor like wtf…
No. 660342
>>660338I'm guessing she goes to the seediest places imaginable that won't care and would wax her regardless of if they should or not. Likely doesn't help her situation down there since they probably burn her and of course spread her infection everywhere. At the very least prevents it from healing
Also haven't you heard? Dada gave her a "bedtime" that she obviously obeys, just like all of Dada's other orders (I'm positive she stays awake much longer but I don't have access to desktop tumblr to see what times she posts)
No. 660381
>>660338>>660355Her hair is not platinum blonde. It isn't even ash blonde. It is straight up grey. Anything is an improvement from brassy yellow and trailer park roots, I agree. But the grey hair paired with her super deep set forehead wrinkles just cements the "grandma" look even further.
>>660342>>660354Porn and pussy breakouts? She's a walking contradiction. Thats seriously having a farm stand and selling moldy, rotten fruit with maggots poking out of them.
No. 660445
File: 1533818581269.png (94.05 KB, 272x794, right.PNG)

I rack my head trying to find out what the fuck Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma means when he showers Shayna in these empty accolades and compliments.
What has Shay started to do differently? How has she improved? I feel like he has made her worse, not better.
No. 660446
File: 1533818644941.png (24.48 KB, 552x357, anheroalreadyfupa.PNG)

I would rather Fupa get stranded on an island with a gun and just pull the trigger already. What a loser ass edgelord.
No. 660448
File: 1533818712261.jpg (78.43 KB, 398x750, tumblr_pd6gi9GXmI1wkuxmho1_500…)

He looks like he is preparing to take a steamy shit.
No. 660450
File: 1533818773839.png (14.33 KB, 266x588, lkjjjejjejje.PNG)

No. 660451
File: 1533818874094.jpg (80.33 KB, 411x810, tumblr_pd08mepmbD1vtr738_540.j…)

Fupa posted this picture of Shay abusing Snapchat filters and looking very tres chic.
No. 660454
File: 1533818990305.png (12.32 KB, 556x222, shitshow.PNG)

Don't fall over yourself with excitement
No. 660455
File: 1533819112143.png (10.04 KB, 541x241, jacuzzilookslikebathtub.PNG)

ahh yes, brag about your cheap tulsa home and it's jacuzzi that Shay thought was a bathtub kek. can't wait for you two to move in together so you can truly become acquainted with one another kek.
No. 660571
File: 1533830972798.jpg (247.24 KB, 1200x1200, dying-yoda-return-of-the-jedi-…)

>>660448when i look at his face, all i see is this
No. 660621
File: 1533835327414.png (35.76 KB, 254x876, shutupdumbass.PNG)

Our perpetual victim crying about something that nobody gives a shit about. Poor Shay.
No. 660623
>>660621samefag but it bothers me how Shay acknowledges she entered a relationship with someone who she knew was talking to other girls and thought "she could handle it".
The guy likely assumed she wanted to be in a relationship like that. It's not like he lied to her about what he was doing. She literally makes herself a victim when it comes to everything. It's fucking exasperating.
No. 660627
>>660623"I felt left out and willingly entered a polya relationship that I knew I couldnt handle and it ended the exact way that I thought it would. Pity me"
Also isnt she talking about the ex that fucked Jess? because i remember her talking about them all being polya and that him cheating on her was just those two playing without her.
like in polya relationships, you're not gonna be the number 1, 100% of the time.
but okay Shay, throw a pity party because you didnt know how triads worked and thought you'd just be getting the attention from two partners at once 24/7.
No. 660632
>>660627I think you are correct anon. Shay would intentionally omit that part in order to garner more sympathy from her neckbeards and the stupid women who think she is a role model of some sort.
>dont settle 4 things ur not ok w/ 4 the sake of having a relationship.Learn to take your own advice Shay. You can think you've got it all figured out with Fatty Fupa all you want but the truth is, you are making a terrible decision to move to fucking Oklahoma with some lousy sperm donor "4 the sake of having a relationship".
No. 660633
File: 1533836373381.png (367.18 KB, 547x949, nohunny.PNG)

That picture she took yesterday with the catfish edit. The response underneath makes me ill.
This bitch must have the most swollen ego ever.
No. 660634
File: 1533836529681.png (4.66 KB, 500x71, girlshutup.PNG)

>>660621And the tags. as if people don't know they can choose whether or not they want to be in poly relationships? Don't try to make this stupid anecdote that you are telling people about for attention anything more than what it is.
No. 660635
>>660633lmao the girl that commented that is a certified landwhale tho
where do these people even come from and how do they find shay???
No. 660730
File: 1533844952223.png (51.99 KB, 562x784, 2018-08-09 16_01_21-Tumblr.png)

i like how fupa is trying to make his hashtag a thing
No. 660794
>>660621>>660634Uhh.. Duh…. Maybe if she did things genuinely and not just for the sake of
attention/fitting in, or being "edgy". This applies to so many other things she's done/does. She's a scammer and a fraud though and through.
No. 660814
>>660748he needs to be arrested for showing pictures of a child’s penis like that
oh wait that’s his actual dick size
No. 661041
File: 1533874788237.jpg (178.34 KB, 810x601, 20180809_211854.jpg)

She's online. At least she's actually been keeping up with her schedule for the most part
No. 661048
>>661041oh man i hope the gif making anon is on here. She's doing the weirdest unsexiest shit rn.
Why is she like this?!!!
No. 661059
File: 1533876165920.jpg (Spoiler Image,294.44 KB, 1031x800, 20180809_214211.jpg)

She can't strip to save her life
No. 661060
File: 1533876233997.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.92 KB, 1051x810, 20180809_214325.jpg)

No. 661087
File: 1533878450856.jpeg (Spoiler Image,245.42 KB, 664x504, AF45853D-85EB-401E-9DF6-97DE35…)

No. 661101
File: 1533879253368.png (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 2048x2048, doyouknowwhatshedidyourcunting…)

is this all she can do? i've never been so bored watching a camgirl in my life.
No. 661267
File: 1533906970594.jpg (Spoiler Image,673.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-091149.jpg)

>our timeline was cut down by like weeks
Wonder what this is all about? Looking more like 20 days than 39 or whatever they said earlier in the week
No. 661297
>>661267Aaaaaah so excited for the milk. It's going to be cringy neckbeard dom roleplay shit like that belt gif.
I forgot to mention earlier but it doesn't make sense for him to have 8,000 followers if he doesn't get that many notes on his stuff? A quick scroll on his blog and the only ones that have a decent amount are Shayna's. His posts where he is the source get at the most 400 notes and that's even after Shayna reblogs them and he keeps reblogging them for more. Doesn't really add up to me. I don't think he has had this tumblr for that long either.
No. 661312
File: 1533912787588.png (15.04 KB, 533x213, Screenshot (59).png)

>>661297seems obsessed with being tumblr famous. Hes so proud of his post having 1k notes even though 500 of them are him reblogging it everyday
No. 661316
File: 1533913076789.png (55.15 KB, 640x474, IMG_2119.PNG)

No. 661361
File: 1533917105961.jpeg (150.52 KB, 750x901, 72160B33-1C05-4FB0-ACF0-541D8B…)

she’s on cam and just stated that she ‘loves to shower’ especially because her job gets her all sweaty, KEK why lie shayna
No. 661365
File: 1533917189084.jpeg (79.87 KB, 750x556, B8FFF206-C205-444C-A387-3EF61E…)

showing off her talons that she apparently ripped off the other day
No. 661408
File: 1533921347757.png (27.09 KB, 560x520, 2018-08-10 13_14_29-Tumblr.png)

is this growth? it's so basic tho.
No. 661457
File: 1533924172201.jpg (715.85 KB, 1440x2250, 20180810_110153.jpg)

How she tagged this reblog lol
No. 661493
>>661297I’m excited to see how this will play out.
Just a week ago he had himself listed single on his Facebook. How is he going to explain to his family and friends that he suddenly has a 21 year old girl moving in with him? Is he going to tell anyone and introduce her to family and friends, or will he just be ashamed of her and keep her locked up in the house?
Will his children still visit him, and see her drawings on his fridge?
What will his work buddies say?
It really seems like Kyle N Perkins hasn’t thought any of this out.
He doesn’t realize he’s going to have to give up all of his privacy for a girl he’s met twice irl.
No. 661508
>>661502Do you have caps, without any names or personal info? I’d love to see what she’s been saying about that deadbeat so we can know what shay is in for, but I know family shouldn’t be involved on here.
Would it be allowed to post caps with all the personal info blocked out?
No. 661539
>>661475shayna's MO is she leaches off someone til there's nothing left, the other person realizes how lazy and selfish she is, and they get sick of her shit and kick her out. it's happened to each relationship of hers. kek
but tbh, fupa seems like the desperate type i doubt he'd kick her out.
at least she's blind to the fact to all he's lacking. vice versa. they're perfect cows together
No. 661548
File: 1533930491799.jpg (Spoiler Image,743.71 KB, 1898x4386, eqw.jpg)

Even sitting far from the cam, bad lighting, pubic hair, and low def, her boils are still visible… wtf ew
No. 661650
File: 1533935627842.png (449.04 KB, 983x884, 2018-08-10 17_10_31-Dolly Matt…)

damn she's getting desperate. $2 a video?
the skype session prices are ridiculous tho lmao.
No. 661663
>>661650just watch, barely anyone will buy anything besides the cheapest ones and she'll be sleeping on the piss rug again.
seriously though, what guy would want her dirty panties? even the ugliest neet loser would generally have higher standards and would fear disease, as do we all when merely looking at her dirty skanky ass through the computer screen.
No. 661684
>>661297Porn bots/spam blogs. There are a TON of them on tumblr. I have a SFW gaming tumblr and I get followed anywhere from 2-10 a day.
Since Fupa has more or less, a porn blog, this probably makes up a large percentage of his followers as well as Shay's. Most people block/report these blogs, but they obviously don't.
No. 661710
File: 1533940049265.png (283.96 KB, 544x873, sadscks.PNG)

Oh you mean harassing your tumblr friends via anon? Nobody wants your Fupa, Kylie.
Shay had you as sloppy seconds after the first girl you really wanted snubbed the hell out of you.
No. 661714
File: 1533940131348.png (26.58 KB, 282x521, alotgoingforus.PNG)

I hope Shay has the homeless shelters in Tulsa on speed dial for when Kyle Nathan Perkins inevitably ditches her for the next young and dumb ho.
No. 661717
File: 1533940305737.png (7.51 KB, 255x243, delusionall.PNG)

Shay is definitely an inspiration. She is a living, breathing example of what NOT to fucking do with your life.
Thank you for inspiring us to do better by failing miserably in every way, Shay.
No. 661719
>>661650so shay's trying to charge $45 for 1 photo but $10 for a 5 piece photoset? really?
and i have no idea why she thinks anyone would pay $45 to talk to her for 15minutes on skype when you can watch her cam show for free. and also that would be the most boring 15 minutes ever. pay shayna $45 or watch grass grow for free. i'd rather pay the grass.
No. 661720
File: 1533940578602.png (12.31 KB, 563x216, theout.PNG)

So basically you haven't read a book since you were 13.
No. 661814
>>661650her legs look grey in these and she's tan in some spots but pale in others.
>>661719maybe she meant to put $5 and wrote $45 by accident b/c she's a ~bimbo baby uwu~.
No. 661866
>>661650Again she's thinking her "fans" would support her relationship.
No, the few teenage retards that keep kissing her and fupas ass don't have money and the horny desperate men who actually buy her content won't pay another dude to fuck her.
She's so fucking delusional and spoiled
I really hope she's planning to move ribmeat though. I don't trust her to not just leave the cat behind
No. 661896
File: 1533959698840.png (Spoiler Image,381.05 KB, 556x423, Screenshot_936.png)

Shes on cam right now
No. 661902
File: 1533960158169.png (Spoiler Image,401.06 KB, 567x443, Screenshot_937.png)

No. 661906
File: 1533960342719.png (Spoiler Image,367.1 KB, 554x428, Screenshot_939.png)

She really does only know how to do one thing
No. 661912
File: 1533960787226.png (Spoiler Image,380.62 KB, 559x424, Screenshot_942.png)

No. 661913
File: 1533960881184.jpg (Spoiler Image,226.05 KB, 720x541, IMG_20180811_121320.jpg)

No. 661914
File: 1533960981226.png (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 750x1334, F4A20B24-ED5E-442B-98BD-41CC9F…)

Cute Shay
No. 661915
File: 1533961048415.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 750x1334, 8D33302E-A0DB-4FDB-A5AF-796D31…)

Wow I get why you guys call her Hank Hill now.
No. 661917
>>661914“I was a baLLeT DanCeR”
I’m sure that’s why you have such great posture Shay
No. 661919
File: 1533961208040.png (Spoiler Image,343.82 KB, 533x380, Screenshot_943.png)

No. 661923
>>661921shes doing much better tonight than normal.
Shes also drunk right now.
No. 661924
>>661921I guess compared to what she normally does, it's an improvement?
but she never did much in the first place so I don't know.
No. 661931
File: 1533961880542.png (480.86 KB, 836x573, girls.PNG)

>>661924samefag but is it just me who thinks a few of these people in Shay's room are girls/tumblr orbiters?
"sapphicangel", "wyobabe"?
Shay should make this girls tip or something. I feel like she has recruited them for conversation on MFC since she ignores paying customers and claims they don't wanna talk to her.
No. 661938
File: 1533962180735.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1683x722, nooo.PNG)

She is literally using her hitachi in free chat for 45 tokens. and the only people who were talking/tipping were those obvious girls from tumblr.
She is also paddling her breasts. for 45 tokens.
learn to fucking cam Shay.
No. 661952
File: 1533962775082.png (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1715x757, teehee.PNG)

Shay holding up literal children's underwear, talking about how much she loves them.
Idk why but that disturbs me.
No. 661953
>>661952to.. sell.. them..
No. 661954
She’s doing this for literal pennies. Oh my god, I had no idea.
No. 661955
File: 1533962944078.png (368.59 KB, 638x591, greasy.PNG)

Shayna is sitting on MFC smoking a blunt, showing off the children's underwear she wants to sell, and using a hitachi on her boil-y cunt for $2.25.
I am so jealous right now.
No. 661958
File: 1533963122796.png (326.85 KB, 553x416, Screenshot_944.png)

No. 661960
>>661944probably just texting or checking tumblr notifs but since we know she lurks, i wouldn't be surprised if she checks here while live sometimes
>>661955some camgirls don't even get fully nude and get much higher tips to do less, she
really doesn't know what the fuck she's doing
No. 661965
she keeps talking about how fucked up she is. she has to be up at 5 in the morning to go to the hardtied shoot. a profeshunal.
>>661964sorry deleted my original to add more info. but yeah, she gonna look rough.
No. 661966
File: 1533963630562.png (45.01 KB, 580x46, Screenshot_945.png)

No. 661968
>>661965also says she is so blessed to have a job where she gets to travel to beautiful places.
and that she is so happy.
overcompensating much, Shay?
you don't have to show off your nasty pussy to go on a CA vacation, dumbass.
No. 661971
File: 1533963783492.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1679x842, baka.PNG)

freaking out at a 33 dollar tip. shay, you have failed big time. go get a normal job.
No. 661973
File: 1533963918851.png (Spoiler Image,421.21 KB, 559x416, Screenshot_946.png)

No. 661976
File: 1533964152860.png (Spoiler Image,342.11 KB, 534x412, Screenshot_948.png)

No. 661978
File: 1533964229918.png (Spoiler Image,277.07 KB, 501x338, Screenshot_949.png)

oh my
No. 661982
File: 1533964394360.png (Spoiler Image,771.78 KB, 750x1334, 236FE1A1-074B-4BC2-B3AD-AB8F79…)

Oh no
No. 661985
File: 1533964707641.png (Spoiler Image,299.16 KB, 553x418, Screenshot_950.png)

No. 661988
>>661985Amazing ice balancing
No. 661995
>>661989A whole hundred dollars, lame. Why does she show so much for so cheap? She has no clue about this shit at all.
She needs to drink water if she’s leaving for this shoot at quarter to six, she’s going to look like hell.
No. 662008
>>661906the smell of this pic is making me throw up
does anyone else literally feel physically repulsed when seeing these types of pics of her? i swear the air instantly smells gross and i feel so grossed out, she looks physically dirty
No. 662053
File: 1533974808696.png (7.15 KB, 670x100, asdfghjkl;.png)

this comment is on the gross diaper video lmao
No. 662058
>>662057No, Manyvids.
Also lol @ her having her whole ass pussy out on Youtube.
No. 662060
>>662057LOL i didn't know what diaper video they were referring to and i thought the comment was on youtube because of how it looked, sorry
to be fair i have seen diaper fetish vids on youtube, they don't take everything down..
>>662058 No. 662115
>>661985what did she do recently that fucked up her vagina so much? i cant tell if it's prolapsing or bad discharge
>>661913 >>661101but her labia majora looks inflamed as hell
not to fuel her delusions but aside from the sagginess and bumpiness it looks like a baby's diaper rash, like from sitting in their own shit for hours
No. 662195
File: 1534005483741.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1284, B7D9D34B-27C6-4545-85B9-2F861A…)

lmfao she looks like your alcoholic druggie aunt who just went on a bender last night and needs to wear huge shades to cover how fucked up her face is.
No. 662205
File: 1534006297074.png (8.81 KB, 287x345, haasure.PNG)

Anything for attention.
No. 662228
File: 1534008197236.png (Spoiler Image,660.75 KB, 727x582, 7657657676537.PNG)

>>662214This is peaking nsfl territory.
No. 662236
File: 1534008727185.gif (777.65 KB, 480x270, C30D236F-0B7E-498D-9A0F-BA66A6…)

>>661101Her vagina literally looks like the entrance to hell.
No. 662258
File: 1534010616171.jpeg (985.78 KB, 1242x667, 8256BD06-5B77-4761-9909-016ABE…)

ZUUL MOTHAFUCKA! aka what shayna’s vagina looks like
No. 662259
File: 1534011170126.png (8.79 KB, 519x224, whythefuckyoulyin.PNG)

Bitch shut the fuck up.
You know damn well your cheap, Amazon loving ass hasn't spent 100k. Bitch stop lying.
Girl. I can't with this dumb ho. Does she think people will fucking believe her? With all the cheap shit she has? Has she ever bought a single decent thing? The only designer she has are some heels she found at a thrift store.
No. 662266
>>662259Yeah, there’s no way she has made $100k with her cheap, shitty porn and even worse camshows.
I love when people who smoke and drink like Shayna are like, “Oh gosh, where did all my money go?¿?”
No. 662419
>>662214uhh that one loser in her chat who said "hey dolly, do you like fearless by pink floyd? it reminds me of you"
triggered me so badly, how on earth could a song like that remind you of some repulsive brainless hoebag like shay? how is she fearless in any way? also did this person expect a girl like her to listen to that type of music? nitpicking i guess but i'm really annoyed by this retarded shit lel
No. 662426
>>662423oh okay. i'm still
triggered that someone implied that a song called fearless reminds them of her of all people though lmao
No. 662476
File: 1534034682050.png (616.07 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1774.PNG)

When you get that 30 cent tip
No. 662478
>>662441She should make it 10$ for the first extra day then make it go up higher for each additional day. Maybe bonuses for things she can do instantly like piss in it or whatever these nasty-ass people like. It'll take less effort out of her and she can get a bit more money
Side note, shay really needs to realise that 100$ is not that much. Sure any Rando could look at 59 videos for 100$ and go for it but it won't get that many cause she has no reach on social media for customers and she doesn't have influence over all those she reaches. Maybe if she advertised it on other places but still, very few people will buy her shit so she needs to make it worth it for herself and increase the price at least a bit (or give less intense bonuses for that price). Not to mention now that these people have all her videos, snap, and a custom set they're never going to buy anything from her again cause they have all that she can offer. And of course any new guys'll be pissed when they see the state of her and think "well that's what I get for what I paid"
No. 662480
File: 1534035488892.jpg (1.52 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180811_205733271.j…)

Lmao does she not realize it's embarrassing how much she talks about him making her bathe?
No. 662486
File: 1534036073395.jpg (435.52 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20180811-190148_Chr…)

I'm not sure how to take this video and post it so non tumblr farmers can see but this is so vomit inducing.
No. 662489
File: 1534036293115.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.96 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1786.JPG)

No. 662513
File: 1534038593363.png (Spoiler Image,368.38 KB, 399x483, shaymericangnathic.png)

>>661919I literally am so bad with photo editing but ive never seen someone look so broken and unamused
No. 662526
>>662512>are you doing a hecking mustache?Kyle Nathan Perkins from Tulsa, OK has 3 children and is above the age of 20, claiming to be a "daddy dom" and says shit like this.
this is probably the cringiest shit i've ever seen.
also, why bother hiding his face still? we have those goober pics of his workplace, it's not like his face is some big scandalous mystery lmfao
No. 662528
>>662512imagine being one of this man's three children. i feel so bad for them..
even worse, imagine being the mother of his three children.. THIS is what the father of your children ended up doing in the future. i don't think i could handle it, i would lose my fucking mind. i have much pity and respect for this reject's ex wife and kids, i'll pray for them tonight.
No. 662530
>>662528Casual reader here, is he definitely the same Kyle who has 3 kids? And now he makes videos with a tumblr cam girl
Is this karma
No. 662720
File: 1534078427870.jpg (238.97 KB, 720x754, IMG_20180812_205042.jpg)

No. 662757
>>662720I really wish she would grow the fuck up. You can't beg for shit your whole life. You can't claim you're a hard worker then beg for the shit you should be procuring yourself.
This business strategy isn't going to work forever and I can't wait for her to receive a rude awakening.
And obviously Kyle is a broke ass too because he can't even help her out. What a pair.
No. 662880
File: 1534093636710.jpg (504.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180812-130649.jpg)

Lmao @ fupa even thinking he could generate clout???
No. 662896
>>662886yeah i'm blocking about 20 new porn bots a day & my content is all sfw so who can imagine what percentage of kyle perkins's followers are pornbots? i'm guessing about 80%. and all the rest are either anons laughing at him or those basement-dwelling weirdos that idolize shayna.
ofc, this wouldn't fit with kyle perkins's 'daddy dom leader in the tumblr bdsm community' image he's desperately trying to create. which is totally serious, that's why he lets shayna post embarrassing videos of him calling him a 'goober'. cos nothing screams dom like spongebob.
No. 662929
File: 1534097543042.jpeg (114.08 KB, 1242x259, 35717387-9234-4E98-B597-A49F9C…)

>>661650how has no one commented on the tags of this post? “i just can’t be without him anymore” bitch it’s been 5 months tops you barely even know the dude. this roughly translates to “i can’t afford my lifestyle because i’m horrible at what i do and i’m not willing to change it so i need someone else to support me so i can sit around and do nothing all day.” she’s so desperate it’s pathetic.
No. 662935
>>662929sometimes i forget that she's like 20 because she looks 35 most of the time.
she is being so naive, believing that a relationship can fix her mental health and problems in her behaviour/emotions that are from WITHIN HERSELF.
the butterflies and feel good hormones do help at the beginning but mental illness always comes back to bite you in the ass if you don't adress it.
not the first nor the last to make that mistake tho.
No. 662950
File: 1534098990502.png (994.04 KB, 1242x2208, EF8624AC-F8BA-427E-BD61-43BEEA…)

No. 662958
File: 1534099303660.png (13.78 KB, 483x285, hmm.png)

>>662950interesting contrast from this (unnecessary) reply she posted an hour ago
No. 663046
>>662976I don't think a lot of sex workers even mention their boyfriends at all, or rarely. She is making a mistake by involving him in her work. Even if SO's are in videos, it's mostly just POV vids. Nobody wants to pay to see Kyle Perkins nude. Nobody would want to for free. Gross.
Also, I don't know if it's just me but the spoiler photos are showing up really faded for me for some reason that I can barely see them. But I guess I should kind of be thankful for that in this thread.
No. 663083
File: 1534108438008.jpg (356.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180812-171341.jpg)

Why are these mostly black celebrities/historical figures???
No. 663126
>>663111Lebron James does stuff like set up a high end school for disadvantaged folks. Shayna enables pedophile fetishes…
Fupa is prolly both a racist and a pedophile.
No. 663170
File: 1534115333946.png (779.41 KB, 1124x1212, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 00.0…)

'What's your favourite pic of Dolly?' He proceeds to post 7 pictures, 5 of which have the lovehearts snapchat filter that makes your face look cuter and evens your skin tone and makes your eyes bigger. Even Fupa doesn't like the way Shayna's unedited face looks.
No. 663173
File: 1534115402773.jpg (60.8 KB, 421x750, tumblr_inline_p928qicJbr1vtr73…)

>>663170Here's another picture he posted in that ask
No. 663176
File: 1534115526761.png (468.01 KB, 539x960, tumblr_inline_p928vi8pIU1vtr73…)

>>663173And another one. I'm not going to post them all but you get the idea. It's weird that Shay doesn't actually look good with this filter that makes everyone look good. I bet she wishes she could film porn videos with that filter on. I bet she's tried in the past.
No. 663276
File: 1534122887395.jpeg (432.12 KB, 1242x1155, 5D0886F8-D918-4086-8AD0-B707D7…)

I am laughing my fucking ass off right now. This is what you’ve been doing Fupa. How fucking dumb are you.
No. 663278
File: 1534122958766.jpeg (217.96 KB, 1242x671, 95B35875-E27A-4EF5-811D-6DEB2C…)

No. 663280
>>663276does Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK not understand that his entire relationship with the pink hag is clout chasing? the lack of self-awareness is really embarrassing.
>>663278can she not just go to a fucking walmart and get boxes for cheap for her move? it's like she looks for things to whine about.
No. 663345
File: 1534129564279.jpg (152.27 KB, 812x1600, tumblr_pdc0lzCtlV1vtr738_1280.…)

Here's a new pic that we haven't seen from that thread of photos that Fupa adds to mentioned here
>>663170It's nice when her face is partially obscured with the Snapchat filter. Pretty sad.
No. 663348
>>663343thanks again wannabe farmhand.
there was no fighting, so either report the post to an actual farmhand or stfu
No. 663353
File: 1534130052919.png (39.17 KB, 564x509, sodeep.PNG)

Yeah, I am sure you will bring out her best qualities Kyle.
No. 663354
File: 1534130163020.png (40.53 KB, 564x490, 2weeks.PNG)

Soo shay spent two weeks holed up in a hotel in Mexico? This bitch really knows how to pick em.
She left ribmeat alone for two whole damn weeks. we all know damn well this bitch has no friends who came to look after her.
No. 663398
>>663354>her little voice was so panickedyeah right fupa, shayna's voice is everything you want to imagine but little
also, I feel so bad for ribmeat, I hate when irresponsable people owns pets and doesn't take proper care of them
No. 663447
>>663353>I’m not afraid to hide her from anyone!Except your friends, family, and co workers…
Mr. Single on Facebook.
No. 663462
>>663354Ugh you cannot leave a cat alone for weeks!!!!!
I bet all of her walls were scratched and there was poo and cat piss everywhere when she came back.
The poor animal had to survive on dry food and old water :( Shay is a horrible person.
No. 663532
File: 1534161831314.jpg (148.23 KB, 1280x649, deleteitfat.jpg)

This angle makes them both look really fat. Why does everything they do/touch turn to shit?
No. 663533
File: 1534161948925.png (602.74 KB, 522x619, nosheisnt.PNG)

Look at those tiny faggot fupa hands. Why does he insist upon calling her tiny all of the time?
Makes him sound like a real predator tbh.
No. 663536
File: 1534162031581.png (13.48 KB, 1047x181, momentarylapseofreason.PNG)

Self awareness?
No. 663537
File: 1534162191348.png (27.03 KB, 557x463, idontdrink.PNG)

The guy who doesn't drink or do drugs apparently gets drunk. Fupa, you gotta learn how to be consistent.
No. 663592
File: 1534173516308.png (248.44 KB, 511x507, 2018-08-13 11_15_54-if ur wond…)

looks like she still hasn't washed her hair
No. 663612
File: 1534176385666.jpg (326.41 KB, 1461x1280, IMG_0966.JPG)

i just realized that fupapi's jacked face reminds me of a wrinkly humanoid version of sulley from monsters inc kek
>>663533yup, sounds about right. my ex used to always insist how i'm 'sooo tiny' and never missed an opportunity to give comments like these, whenever i would get carded at bars he would get so excited and say 'thats cuz you're so small and young!'. later on i found out he frequently masturbated to underage girls, more than to normal porn (13-14 year olds). he always told me he'd change but i caught him multiple times. it makes me sick just thinking about it. but he was 23, this guy is 10 years older than that which makes it so much worse. no mentally sane man gives a shit about 'small' and 'young' that much, it's a huge red flag if they do. i only see that kind of
problematic shit on this site, not so much irl. shay should fucking RUN but we all know she's gonna wait until she's dumped for someone smoler and younger.
remember anons this is not normal. this man is absolutely sick and twisted; thats no news, but after a while on this thread you can kinda get desensitized (just like shay has been desensitized after years of pedo-pandering and thinks this is normal and desirable)
(blogposting) No. 663643
File: 1534178936961.png (14.62 KB, 558x280, 2018-08-13 12_47_21-Tumblr.png)

>>663596>>663533just for you, anons
No. 663649
File: 1534179106040.png (26.68 KB, 738x283, Capture.PNG)

>>663533>>663532posted under this post. god, he's creepy.
No. 663653
File: 1534179439707.gif (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 500x279, tumblr_pd9onzpWod1whn1o8o1_500…)

>>663612He posted this too. Disgusting.
No. 663655
>>663649I hope Shay realizes that there is no way this "love" can last. As she gets older, he will discard her for someone young and naive again. He will continue to trade in whoever he dates for a newer, just as insecure young adult.
How can she envision a genuine future with this person when he fixates on her age like this? With each passing year, her insecurity would grow.
And yes,
>>663652, he has a daughter. Thank goodness she is barely around him. It is probably for the best considering how nasty this asshole is.
No. 663678
>>663649What like your own daughters, you actual fucking loser cunt? I need to take a shower, this fucker is so goddamn nasty.
Polite reminder that Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa OK is a deadbeat father who loves dd/lg and shitty fake snuff porn.
No. 663697
File: 1534183742854.png (13.85 KB, 264x446, 2018-08-13 14_07_08-Mozilla Fi…)

>always broke/begging for money
>just now realized she needs a cam schedule
No. 663723
>>663697Great, so now she cams while depressed
Like starting a schedule to keep depression away is a good idea but you actually need to put effort into that thing you're doing or you'll just get depressed doing it and start to resent the things you should be doing even more
No. 663730
>>663728i give it 60 days tops if they actually move in together.
they've only been around each other for a total of like 2 weeks in the time they've met so i don't think they actually understand what they're getting into.
i'm interested to see if shay keeps camming under his roof (hopefully he doesn't have many house guests ever) and if he ends up full-on camming with her (with i guess his own pseudonym?)
No. 663745
>>663732Not that anon but my guess is that he'll force his way in somehow. He'll interrupt her streams, get jealous and text her to block guys too into her, or be behind the camera watching what she does.
Also I'm sure it'll be worse to deal with her not showering when they actually live together, and for her it'll be worse to actually go and get jobs while he is right there dictating her job under the guise of being a "daddy Dom" (aka insecure and abusive/controling asshole)
No. 663821
File: 1534193424120.jpg (25.21 KB, 584x329, 1531875372468.jpg)

>>663612Anon my sides. I can't unsee now
No. 663846
>>663592She's never used a bath bomb before? I want to say I dont buy that, but its dirty ass shayna here. So this probably is her first bath ever.
Surprised she didnt get a pink bath bomb. Even the cheap drug store bombs come in rainbow and pink.
No. 663894
>>663849Who makes bath bombs that do that? I use them all the time and its always obvious what color the both will end up.
Shes just an idiot who bought the first cheap one that had pink on it.
And likely didn't bathe properly after so incoming UTI she'll never get treated.
No. 663945
>>663533>look hugelol. key word
look, meaning they
appear that way, but in reality are tiny compared to her man fingers. kek
No. 663952
>>660621Can anyone confirm?
Was the "tall brunette gf" she cammed with for a week at her first place with the bed, the
same girl she's talking about in this story?
Is her ex bf the same as her "old roommate" - the guy that was super tall
(from here)
>>380928>>380929>>380932was it also the same people she was in a poly relationship with and "walked into" while they were fucking around and made her feel like shit
(cant find which thread it was in)
No. 663956
File: 1534206161903.jpeg (20.72 KB, 600x337, holywatereye.jpeg)

>>663653Sweet jesus, I did NOT need to see that
No. 663964
>>663745The problem with them living together will be more from her side and her insecurities. For example his responsibilities with his fam and being a father. It's going to be her selfishness, insecurity, and incapability to understand and accept those things. Can already see her freaking out that other people call him daddy/dada/dad.
He's made a big deal in stating he doesn't interfere with her "business", and only makes suggestions for "productivity". He's going to have to uphold those statements for a while to not look like douche. TBH, I doubt it'll get like that, I might be giving him too much credit, but if he's an adult, he'll keep his feelings in check. It's how she makes her money. He's old enough to not let someone's existing job make him insecure. If I'm wrong, then that's just beyond pathetic.
No. 663967
File: 1534207200607.jpg (76.24 KB, 445x810, tumblr_pdf49uVned1rmiw96o1_540…)

Here's her work schedule for this week. Can she not handle an 8 hour day? All she does is play on her phone and smoke blunts on cam most of the time. It's not like she plays games with her customers or tries to engage them in any way. Why is she always working for four hours a day?
No. 663972
>>663967>>663969BC her "camming" is basically her sitting far away and finding ways to cover her nasty pussy by sitting in positions, being only seen in certain angles, and using her limbs to block
and hide her boils from view. Doing that is pretty exhaustive work.
On her good days, she'll just get drunk or high enough to forget her breakouts until someone reminds her or she catches it on her monitor then she'll just log off and come back when it's darker.
No. 663981
>>663964> Can already see her freaking out that other people call him daddy/dada/dadI think she actually did, near the beginning of the relationship. Made some condescending post about how only SHE can call him daddy.
She’s really gonna freak out when she meets his 3 children.
No. 664072
File: 1534218261390.jpg (571.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180813-234339.jpg)

This is the weirdest thing to brag about
No. 664133
>>664072You know, this would be a whole lot more impressive if she actually did shit with her highschool diploma/knowledge
Also, I utterly respect those who go to vocational schools and do great things with their lives because it's the best schooling for them. But I 100% think shay went to one solely cause her parents knew she was utterly incapable of anything involving writing or typical school work and sent her to one hoping she'd be able to find something she could do with her life. I mean, this girl can't even write a tumblr post and I know this isn't just because she's high or playing up being a bimbo. Her life decisions have been nothing but idiotic so it's not to far a stretch that this isn't entirely a act. Her poor parents tried everything and all she can do is shit on them and brag about the school she went to with nothing to show for the education she got there except that she tried so many different jobs and skills but decided to throw everything away for doing terribly in sex work
No. 664139
>>664128You can crack the whole adobe suit and is as simple as watch a YouTube tutorial so I'm with
>>664134 theory and also think fupa cracked her Photoshop
No. 664188
>>663967Her face in this looks like the annoying orange
>>664072If she's such a photoshop pro why does she keep using shitty snapchat filters instead?
No. 664304
File: 1534254292397.jpg (385.75 KB, 1280x2048, FB_IMG_1534253764509.jpg)

No. 664332
File: 1534258407829.png (72.14 KB, 1153x837, seekhelp.PNG)

Shay, you are an idiot.
I hope you know Fupa is not going to make your sadness disappear. It will only worsen. You are trying to run away from your problems without realizing how many of those problems are things you need to work on about yourself.
But don't listen to any of us. Go learn the hard way. We want milk.
No. 664333
File: 1534258492365.png (5.61 KB, 262x314, boofuckinghoo.PNG)

Shay reblogged this. Oh the poor 21 year old victim. At what age will Shay learn how to take responsibility for her shit?
No. 664397
File: 1534266684622.png (11.44 KB, 568x66, Screenshot_946.png)

>>664332kek someone recommend a bath
No. 664414
File: 1534267921796.png (Spoiler Image,162.41 KB, 750x886, IMG_8769.PNG)

reblogging photos of actual children on her age play porn blog.
No. 664428
File: 1534269114828.png (42.32 KB, 399x655, Screenshot (67).png)

wtf is this
No. 664447
File: 1534270696976.gif (993.5 KB, 500x500, tumblr_otk233oAYd1ugzonko1_500…)

>>664428what happens in relationships like these when the young person who is likely being groomed gets older?
this shit is so disturbing to me. holy fuck.
No. 664478
File: 1534273518074.jpeg (396.82 KB, 570x1106, F62D228C-E47A-4136-BD54-B3405A…)

That fucking face, kek
No. 664483
File: 1534273966697.gif (2.02 MB, 540x304, F9C46510-FD2B-4BB8-A76D-A36531…)

she looks drugged up
No. 664519
File: 1534277670147.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x1983, FA7FA8D2-567C-4024-8635-553E53…)

I’m not going to cap all of the photos she posted with captions but here’s the link to the post:’s pretty much always had that drugged out meth face look with super puffy eyes and dark circles. She did look healthier and a bit happier with herself in the beginning though.
No. 664527
File: 1534278415175.jpg (808.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-162549.jpg)

>>664519At the bottom of this post
>porn starLMAO where tho
No. 664530
File: 1534278862151.jpg (28.78 KB, 449x306, cw9Dhs2.jpg)

>>664332me reading this: wow people suggested decent things, better than I expe-
>the grumples No. 664599
File: 1534286292056.jpg (16.33 KB, 225x400, screenshot_193729.jpg)

kek, i run a sfw blog mostly just about shitposting and memes and i still end up with things like this on my dash. i wonder how many of her 150K are bots or inactive (or people just there to watch her be an idiot) seeing as how the majority of tumblr dislikes her.
No. 664600
File: 1534286480130.jpg (504.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-184102.jpg)

Guess they're not getting the house with the "jacuzzi"?
No. 664604
File: 1534286634115.jpg (644.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-184327.jpg)

Lmao I'm imagining him face timing her making her buy soap
No. 664626
File: 1534287517092.png (66.95 KB, 1074x512, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 6.58…)

No. 664630
>>664626ew this sadbaffoon person is a deluded cunt like shay, what a shocker
i can't stand these entitled annoying tumblr cunts
No. 664750
>>664332The "grumpies"
Yeah, cause childhood depression totally isn't a thing. Also cause counting to ten totally helps depression. Like if she was talking about just self care when feeling down then I'd just roll my eyes and carry on but the fact that she mentioned counting to ten over it basically confirms to me that she isn't even bullshit depressed at all (kinda down/sad). I don't think she knows anything about actually being depressed or sad even. It's amazing how bad she is at lying, and honestly the fact that she isn't depressed about her life surprises me too given her sorry state of a life. Plus her lazy, motivationless personality
No. 664757
>>664750counting to 10 isn’t so much a coping skill as it is a means to get your focused/grounded, instead of spiraling. All it does is help keep you in the moment and gives you a chance to breathe. It is 100% NOT a coping mechanism.
Mental health on tumblr is probably the most toxic and unhealthy thing ever.
No. 664797
>>664777>>664633Read the thread description as well as old thread descriptions. There’s way to much to condense into one post.
Some major points would be the fact that she has posted about liking Hitler, has called another sex worker baby Hitler, made a “parody” video of Donald trump’s sexual assault comment (making a joke of it), multiple people proving that she’s a scammer, and lots more.
No. 664801
File: 1534301236074.jpeg (312.81 KB, 1242x697, 98D15162-B614-4F05-B05A-C2A4AF…)

Lmao she’s really trying to sell fucking SCREENCAPS of a video. How pathetic can you get really?
No. 664814
>>664808I think it makes it way more funny that Shay bragged about a place she and Fupa weren't likely to settle on. Not to mention they have been trying to rush all of this shit so it wouldn't be surprising if they did settle for one of the first things they saw. They shouldn't even be looking at houses when they haven't even spent that much time together.
Shay is the one who made a big deal out of the jacuzzi and hypes up this entire process. It's hilarious that she and Fupa have been acting as if they are going to get this amazing place when in reality it's not going to be anything but average.
No. 664817
>>664478Congrats anon you can use that age robot but no one cares
Not even a clear picture of her face either
No. 664824
>>664817why so serious anon?
fucking relax man.
No. 664826
>>664817That website has clocked Shay as old looking and haggard more than once anon. Kek do you think Shay is the prettiest princess?
>no one caresBut your jimmies are rustled kek
No. 664891
File: 1534307712184.png (Spoiler Image,2.79 MB, 1334x750, E59F16C5-7279-4C63-B78B-C097AA…)

She’s on cam showing off her diseased pussy
No. 664971
>>664757Exactly, and honestly the way she portrays it as "the grumpies" and this cute childish thing is among the worst I've ever seen anywhere, including tumblr. Like I've seen parents tell their kids to count to ten in order to calm them down and I've done similar things for my own shit, but Shay acting like this is all just part of being a cutsey "little" is just insulting on so many levels. As bullshit as some people's fake illnesses on tumblr are, at least they hold some marginal knowledge about the illnesses they're faking and will post legitimate coping and self help things. Shay is a total moron and privileged beyond most tumblr whores. It's no wonder she doesn't actually care about her lack of a life or career, she's never worried a day in her life
(Sorry for being so
triggered, something in this really made me snap)
No. 664973
>>664971shay is always saying 100% false deluded narcissistic shit about herself, the hoebag has no functioning brain lel. we just need to accept it because trying to comprehend her bullshit
triggers me honestly.
No. 665074
>>664826She’s undeniably repulsive but enough with the age robot was my point lmao we get it
They keep getting posted like it’s interesting but it’s the same every time
No. 665131
File: 1534339890738.png (82.2 KB, 552x1224, 2018-08-15 09_25_42-Tumblr.png)

kek trouble in paradise?
looks like fupa was having a bit of a meltdown over this whole moving situation. he is def not seeming as excited as shay about this whole process.
No. 665143
>>665131Oooh. He said "hopefully". This is juicy.
Shay has been acting like her life depends upon this move and Fupa is freaking out.
It's such a dumb idea. Yeah, Shay is sitting back being lazy af and Deadbeat Dada is putting in all the work to get the place. And they've known each other for like 4 months.
Also, look at how Fupa has to ask tumblr idiots for support and Shay often vents via tumblr. They can't even rely on each other for emotional support. What a wreck. Guess that's what happens when two immature fucks get into a relationship with each other and try to rush it as fast as they can.
No. 665177
>>664332Still waiting for Shay to realise she's not a grumpy little girl but an adult woman who most likely has mental health issues and is headed for a dead-end in her life.
>>664428The "littles" are already bad, but I worry more about the """doms""" who get off on adults age-regressing into a toddler.
No. 665307
>>665287lol no one knows, seriously. she probably didn’t have the money (after bragging about how her agency gets “everything” for her now that she’s a porn star) and had to cancel.
The irony is so hilarious.
>my agency pays for all my trips now cos I’m a pr0n STAAAAAR!>oh they’re not paying for this trip and I’m broke whoops No. 665312
File: 1534354454980.jpeg (944.96 KB, 1242x930, 5182939C-A451-4BE3-8F8E-F64D10…)

Kek, shes showing off her infamous bread knife again
No. 665322
>>665312So edgy. Shouldn't she be working or something instead of taking pictures of bread knives next to tasers?
She should stop smoking cannabis. I think if she took a long break she might clear up the mental fog and lack of motivation. I know stoners don't think there are consequences to smoking all day every day, though.
No. 665362
>>665307When did she say they pay for her trips? If that's the case she should have already been back to LA more than once by now.
Perhaps it got around to some in the industry casting that her vagina n ass are riddled with open sores, boils, and scarring. All they have to do is look at one photo.
No. 665372
File: 1534359081425.png (7.42 KB, 275x289, lol.PNG)

orly Shay? you don't have a reputation for being mean?
you don't harass girls on tumblr because you are desperate for a 33 year old deadbeat with a vienna sausage for a penis?
No. 665373
>>664604Uber KEKS. Is she so oblivious that she's sharing the fact that her bf so desperately wants her to bathe… AGAIN!?
She probably stank so bad the 2 times they were together .. All her postings of Fupa's rules, reminders to shower/bathe, and talk of soap just confirm the fact that Fupa
knows she is dirty, smelly, and gross.
Reminds me whe Mia got her in the shower for a "vid".. before touching her, lulz.
No. 665375
File: 1534359274283.png (26.37 KB, 565x359, shutup.PNG)

Aww we all knew this would happen to these idiots. That is what you get for trying to buy a house before your tumblr ho gf's lease is up. This is just a sign of what's to come for you two.
No. 665385
File: 1534359562248.png (15.92 KB, 561x302, sojelly.PNG)

I didn't realize Mia was still being a huge cow. Why do people think anyone is jealous of these two? Cos they get reblogs on tumblr sometimes?
>>665379I think that unfortunately there are some people, especially people new to the BDSM scene on tumblr who don't know what they are doing, who look up to this sorry excuse of a dom.
We all know he isn't a dom, but he gets attention for being one and people constantly compliment him for it.
No. 665397
>>665385LOL of course he's going to
approve the messages that compliment him. You're not going to see the negative or ones criticizing/correcting him. He's an attention seeking beta in need constant validation from his 16 yr old followers, or from his other non 16 yr losers just as desperate for any validation and attention like him. It's a circle jerk.
No. 665399
>>665391Jesus Christ anon. do you remember the time that Fupa got called out because he was proud of Shay for never using her safeword?
That person had a back and forth with Fupa that garnered a lot of attention. I tried to find it but I think it's a couple threads back.
The person that Fupa was arguing with was a submissive woman. She told him that she called him out not because he is a dumbass, but because people view hm as a leader.
The tumblr BDSM community is largely toxic anyways. So if those people are looking up to him, it isn't a reflection of the entire BDSM community. Just that shitty one on tumblr. I don't know why you are getting so mad at me about it.
No. 665501
File: 1534366260557.png (473.96 KB, 516x583, 2018-08-15 16_49_26-servin som…)

she's gonna murder fupa
No. 665521
>>665518gonna go with the latter
it looks like she hasn't done laundry since she moved to seattle either
i stg everything she puts on looks like she dug it out of the bottom of a laundry hamper
No. 665547
>>665501Funny how she dresses in goth when Fupas upset about something.
Y’know, the style he’s so desperate for her to change to. She’s so desperate to keep him around, it’s pathetic. She’d even change her whole personality if it meant keeping him.
That is not a healthy relationship at all.
No. 665557
>>665553andrew vanwyngarden of mgmt
is there a definitive date for when her lease is up? end of august?
No. 665574
>>665570tf are you talking about?
since when does "realness" = mtf
maybe the term "trap" but ive never heard of "realness" be referred to as a suggestion to being a passable transperson
No. 665814
File: 1534381170974.jpeg (295.58 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-16-08-57-13…)

uhh, right
No. 665864
File: 1534384392558.jpeg (411.7 KB, 750x1287, D6D5A358-A7D6-4270-8862-9C9E1D…)

LA trip?
No. 665919
>>665864She just posted photos with all of her luggage the other day and they looked fine but now theyre falling apart?
When is she not begging for something new?
begged for free cardboard boxes, begging for luggage. She can go to walmart and get suitcases hella cheap, but she needs to ask rando's to buy her ~~pretty pink~~ suitcases off amazon instead.
No. 665926
>>665131Hostel, wow, how edgy. Such Dom
Besides the fact that it's a shit Eli Roth movie, being the best Dom has nothing to do with how much you'd like to see someone being killed. Plenty of sadists don't have the self control required to be a Dom. Side note, he's also admitting to getting off to two random college guys being tortured and killed with pretty shitty effects for anyone who doesn't know the film. Funny to me cause he feels like a super "no homo" kind of guy
>>665864Well, I guess she ran out of weed money and is pretending it's going to luggage for a trip that was supposed to have already happened. She clearly lurks so maybe she took a page out of Luna's book?
No. 665938
File: 1534389370120.png (Spoiler Image,230.78 KB, 473x352, Screen Shot 2018-08-15 at 11.1…)

She's on with her scene bandana again
No. 665939
File: 1534389439755.jpg (13.55 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

She look like the mean mom in Matilda kek
No. 665941
File: 1534389541841.png (Spoiler Image,213.41 KB, 462x349, Screen Shot 2018-08-15 at 11.1…)

No. 665945
File: 1534389781439.png (257.69 KB, 484x351, Screen Shot 2018-08-15 at 11.1…)

She gets drunk every time she's on, she looks like an alcoholic
No. 665951
File: 1534390275427.png (Spoiler Image,209.65 KB, 463x350, grossmatel.png)

No. 665985
File: 1534394322167.png (Spoiler Image,389.2 KB, 554x416, Screenshot_948.png)

No. 665994
File: 1534395147399.png (Spoiler Image,200.15 KB, 473x352, crackhead.png)

>>665989Jesus fuck I'm retarded. Bear with me, I'm sleep deprived.
No. 665998
File: 1534395520752.png (32.79 KB, 960x716, 1364957-1454969768064.png)

>>665951This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this
No. 666077
>>666008exactly, not even her "music taste" is a true trait of her personality.
>>666067i like how she's one of those hoes who thinks they're more unique because they are sluts + they "listen" to music like the doors. it's just such classic shay, that and her warts and horrific hygiene + begging to get viewers in her room and offering them free porn just to talk to her just brings her look together perfectly lool
No. 666147
>>665864Lol, it's hilarious how she makes posts after reading the threads. Esp wanting new luggage after someone says this
>>661723 You think she'd have done something about her disgusting vag by now
No. 666150
>has her face covered"she looks good decent for once"
No. 666264
File: 1534432805433.png (692.63 KB, 798x597, 2018-08-16 11_17_06-DollyMatte…)

she's online just blasting music and headbanging
said she had a dream about the "really nice house" she's going to get
No. 666268
File: 1534432916897.png (41.84 KB, 601x63, 2018-08-16 11_20_49-DollyMatte…)

>>666264welp. she's getting naked.
No. 666272
File: 1534433150362.png (Spoiler Image,591.17 KB, 814x617, 2018-08-16 11_23_09-DollyMatte…)

>>666270the state of her vag even with the hair is sad
No. 666286
>>666272I know it gets picked over endlessly, and compared to her horrifying snatch it's no big deal, but jesus christ her nipple freaks me out.
I know breasts and nipples are never perfectly symmetrical, but that shit's weird.
No. 666709
File: 1534470069114.png (26.1 KB, 264x360, Screenshot 2018-08-16 at 8.36.…)

do realtors normally text their clients? the ones i contacted while buying just had like… office phones unless they're renting or buying through the owner… in which case that wouldnt be the realtor.
And an hour ago, would have been around 7.30pm his time which isnt typical office hours, either?
am i reaching or?
No. 666737
File: 1534471472960.jpg (461.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180816-220356.jpg)

Wonder what exactly she has that hasn't come out yet?
No. 666740
File: 1534471602293.jpg (420.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180816-211941.jpg)

Pls tell me this is a farmer
No. 666829
File: 1534481987510.png (Spoiler Image,240.33 KB, 469x353, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at 12.5…)

Good thing that most men are so gullible because that fake moaning is truly a mess
No. 666840
>>666270Poor girl has an actual hank hill ass.
>>666272>>666829Her pubic hair looks so weird an patchy. Is it due to scarring from her boils/warts/pimples/whatever?
No. 666843
File: 1534483628941.png (19.02 KB, 628x42, Screenshot_958.png)

This persons been in her streams a lot lately, tipping quite a lot, shes on tumblr under the same name. Did shayna actually find another gullible orbiter to milk for cash? Does fupa have a fake tumblr to fake this shit so she looks better? Wtf is this chick?
No. 666844
File: 1534483821150.png (Spoiler Image,983.71 KB, 1262x562, Screenshot_959.png)

No. 666852
File: 1534484965459.png (349.65 KB, 550x410, Screenshot_961.png)

No. 666997
>>666843she must be a new orbiter. i was browsing thru the tumblr of the same name and it appears this is another girl that also cams on mfc, except she's 25 and "pansexual".
she's prob hoping to piggyback off shay's alleged "success". who knows tho. i guess it's possible it could be someone else?
No. 667020
File: 1534516281337.jpeg (262.31 KB, 640x795, D427C8DC-DA7E-41DD-9F9D-BC0DB2…)

Saw this and immediately thought of Shayna.
No. 667111
File: 1534528366065.png (4.63 KB, 556x170, 2018-08-17 13_51_09-Tumblr.png)

so deep…….
No. 667138
>>667111Wasn’t this a fucking Jaden Smith tweet?
Is he seriously trying to take credit?
No. 667183
File: 1534534980010.png (Spoiler Image,569.87 KB, 482x877, fupakek.png)

kek she thinks this is cute
No. 667266
File: 1534544056954.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.05 KB, 480x672, unemployed pls buy my porn.jpg)

I've loved this thread since the beginning so I made you guys something
No. 667357
File: 1534555867068.png (125.07 KB, 720x931, Screenshot_2018-08-17-21-28-11…)

When $86 is the most you've evvvvvver made on cam….. In 3 years
No. 667360
File: 1534556007533.png (Spoiler Image,521.13 KB, 720x991, Screenshot_2018-08-17-21-28-26…)

No. 667362
File: 1534556030277.png (Spoiler Image,983.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-17-21-28-46…)

No. 667435
File: 1534562709848.png (826.28 KB, 1252x515, Screenshot_965.png)

Dolly and her orbiter are back on cam
No. 667445
File: 1534564077742.png (405.81 KB, 558x416, Screenshot_966.png)

No. 667446
File: 1534564115341.png (375.73 KB, 521x412, Screenshot_967.png)

No. 667451
File: 1534564274003.png (8.66 KB, 443x410, Screenshot_968.png)

Interesting… They had a avi of themselves kneeling in a dress, face cut off, blonde hair.
Now no avi?
Are they a lurker?
No. 667509
>>667467>>667366GOD that’s so sad. the most she’s ever made a night is $80 something? Not even a bill?? And she’s crying from joy…That’s a bad night even for mid-tier whores Shay
She’s literally not even making minimum wage! I wonder how she feels about her fellow whitetrash dumbasses like Pumpy pulling 6 figures their first year
Truly the bottom of the barrel… Bet she thought she’d be fucking your dad for Gucci slides in 3 years times lmaooo
If bitch worked at McDonald’s for 3 years she’d be a manager with a livable wage and intact dignity…
No. 667516
>>667512Nailed it. She prob thinks she's in the same league as those instagram girls who sugar, but the reality is so grim lmao
Just one look at Kyle and I'd run. Short, fat neck beard who wears Hot Topic? No thanks.
No. 667629
>>667357Are we sure it was $86 all night, or was that just her high tip?
I just can’t believe it, it’s too pathetic.
No. 667645
>>667512This perfectly sums up shay and kyle anon omg
Also he activated his snapchat again, he really can't go a week without attention kek
No. 667744
>>667723Well if she only made $86 then she made 1,720 tokens. If that was triple her goal than her goal was really really tiny, under 600 tokens.
Are you done with the WK now?
No. 667857
>>667744Not really sure you could consider that white knighting, more like trying to provide proper facts instead of inaccurate numbers just to make her seem more pathetic.
She’s pathetic enough as is, she doesn’t need help.
No. 667916
File: 1534638505504.jpg (100.59 KB, 451x499, Tumblr - Google Chrome 8182018…)

No. 667917
File: 1534638592190.jpg (44.83 KB, 486x183, (2) Tumblr - Google Chrome 818…)

No. 667919
File: 1534638765395.png (302.12 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2018-08-18 at 7.31.…)

Wait, does this mean I got blocked? I don't even interact with him or Shay.
No. 667937
File: 1534640314769.png (22.43 KB, 549x264, stfukyle.png)

>whining doesn't fix anything
No. 667975
File: 1534643774795.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.85 KB, 540x596, nails cut.JPG)

did….did she actually get her nails done a reasonable length or is this an old pic? she still looks like a drugged out auntie in the first pic regardless.
No. 668049
>>667975Lol in her tags she said “chopped my claws, gotta get ready to live suburban life”
I’m pretty sure Kyle Perkins just asked her to cut them so it doesn’t look like he’s taking out a meth head prostitute every time they’re in public together.
No. 668147
>>667977 this is not suburban barbie? this is second hand store, trailer trash, discount dollar tree plain jane. kek
omg her hands are so manly. that shorter maniucure def just makes you notice how huge and masculine her hands and fingers are. she just can't win.
also her butt is riddled in it's usual breakouts and sores. gross.
No. 668212
File: 1534678320592.png (161.03 KB, 1024x1128, Screenshot_2018-08-19-07-58-19…)

I find him talking about how people will fake and overcompensate during bdsm to seem more into it than they are or more comfortable/experience than they are quite ironic. Also any shamless watchers here that can comment on it? I'd laugh my ass off if the relationship he's talking about was actually abusive and here he is romanticizing it as a good beginning to bdsm (basically wondering if it's 50 shades of grey)
No. 668215
File: 1534678660100.jpg (751.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180819-080115.jpg)

Double posting but he reblogged this from himself again and I just have to wonder what he thinks about their relationship is remotely related to being a power couple. They don't make any power moves, he actively lowers her chances of being remotely successful by removing her b/g porn as a possibility, she does nothing to help his job and could lead to him losing it, and she's moving in with him to the middle of nowhere in a town far away from the porn scene she wants to get into and the one she is already into, etc. Not exactly money moves so to speak
No. 668216
>>668215They are both so fucking haggard. The very definition of "rode hard and put away wet."
He reblogs that "drink some fucking water" post literally every day and it's like… he must have
just found out you're actually supposed to drink water instead of Monster Energy 24/7, judging by how rough he looks, and now thinks he has stumbled upon some kind of secret life hack.
Also, imagine being 30+ and still dressing like this kek.
No. 668241
>>668222did any of the videos she apparently did pop up somewhere? Meanwhile we know that she keeps silent about all her "pro" shoots but LA has been over a month ago and there is still not a single video about anything she could have done. Where are the big productions, shay? Where are the big moves you did in LA?
I think it's pretty obvious that her current stage of her vag and all over appearance just killed any chance to go full pro and the fact that fuppa let her remove the b/g tag, killed any last chance to get into the business.
No. 668348
File: 1534705241220.png (92.89 KB, 309x323, 8A6E560C-925E-4DB7-B388-BFC3F9…)

Shayna really reminds me of Darla Dimple from “cats don’t dance” only for the fact that they have her make hellish faces the entire time, kek.
No. 668418
>>668386"fter fucking her for a bit with the rod heated to 118°F"
no wonder why she looks so beat up. bitch burned her asshole. what the fuck.
No. 668423
>>6684181. what the fuck is wrong with men
2. what the fuck is wrong with shay
No. 668610
>>668386I don't really feel bad for her when she plays up her ~bdsm princess~ thing so much and she only thinks its slapping and punching or something. If she hasn't even looked up any actual BDSM porn I don't feel bad for the awful shit she is going to put herself through.
>>668212The whole point of that episode was that Kevin was trying to do it right, but he loves V so much that he didn't want to harm her and felt bad doing it. Something he probably wouldn't understand.
No. 668694
>>668610Ok, so it was an episode basically saying that bdsm isn't for everyone and some guys can't be doms.
He should show that to shay so she realises not everyone can be a sub and that's actually fucking ok. Honestly she'd at least enjoy herself more if she did videos that involved other forms of sub torture like orgasm denial or something. There's so much more to bdsm than punching and hitting people (and whatever that creep comes up with in "lovingly" handmade). But the idiot shot herself in the foot on that one and only caters to the pain part, doesn't even mix any pleasure into it
No. 668696
File: 1534742272560.jpeg (61.68 KB, 750x391, 274A531C-10E2-4C58-91FB-91DC95…)

what the FUCK
No. 668697
>>668696girl you should be embarrassed, this is fucking nasty licking up old crusty cum that fat lard wanked out
what the fuck
No. 668698
File: 1534742594249.jpg (69.66 KB, 400x369, 1j9ywu.jpg)

>>668696I wish I could unread this
No. 668705
File: 1534744574107.gif (2.43 MB, 363x269, BAA1012E-3C73-4826-98FD-DB2015…)

>>668696I fucking can’t. My Cheerios are going to come back up.
No. 668709
>>668696OT thread racking up the most disgusting shit the sw's & thots in snow/pt have done when?? I cannot believe Shayna is
this willing to bury herself socially and financially 6ft deep.
No. 668734
Why would you admit to that???
No. 668751
>>668696i was having a shit day and this just
No. 668810
>>668696the obvious fucking disgustingness aside… why tf was a grown man using a t-shirt as a cum rag? is shay really that bad off that she can't even afford a couple towels or wash cloths??
also why on earth does this have so many notes?
No. 668833
File: 1534775513335.jpg (28.34 KB, 320x240, 1402462738919.jpg)

>>668696Disgusted but not surprised.
No. 668914
File: 1534786152176.png (92.34 KB, 640x827, IMG_2146.PNG)

kyle nathan perkins is so insecure that shayna has to tell people not to call her baby.
No. 668916
>>668914oh my god this is so autistic
the chick was not literally calling her "baby" in the same context fupa would
jfc these two
No. 668940
File: 1534789941319.png (19.51 KB, 536x203, Screenshot (166).png)

what does this even mean lol?
No. 668953
File: 1534790748828.jpeg (69.09 KB, 1242x415, CF5A600E-D619-441C-9605-D942CE…)

He is really fucking dumb isn’t he?
No. 669048
File: 1534797688641.png (77.65 KB, 661x510, 2018-08-20 16_38_17-kyle natha…)

lol @ searching "kyle nathan perkins tulsa" on google and shay's last thread showing up on the first page of results
No. 669088
File: 1534801871296.jpeg (605.13 KB, 1242x1461, 8A2371AB-DCFA-45B7-B253-5D3C9D…)

“Let’s make sure we prove to everyone on tumblr how absolutely totally in love we are to solidify our relationship status”
People like this with relationships they feel the need to broadcast about 24/7 are always such dumbasses
No. 669326
>>669312Is he wearing a shirt? LOL
So insecure he has to cover up while fucking her
No. 669334
>>669327Shay is fairly gross and pretty awful but Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is far worse. Shay is estranged from most of her family, has no friends, has little money, and is so fucked in the head you can essentially pay her fifty cents to punch herself in the face. The only sort of man who finds a young woman like this attractive is a predator, and it appears Kyle Perkins, who works for AT&T is just such a man.
She's not enjoying herself. She's playing the role she needs to play to keep Kyle Nathan Perkins interested in her. She's so young and she's already bemoaned online that no man will stay with her. She's broke, needy and desperate for love so yeah, she's gonna do what she has to do to keep this dude around, even if it means acting like a baby while he fucks and hits her.
Do not misunderstand me - Shay's an asshole. But she's not inflicting violence on others, even if they act like they want it. She hasn't essentially abandoned three kids. She didn't lie about herself or misrepresent herself as a wealthy woman traveling for an executive job. She's an asshole but he's worse, far worse.
I fear that when moving day comes the house deal (lease, let's be real here, motherfucker isn't buying a house) will mysteriously fall through. I worry Kyle Nathan Perkins made promises he had no intentions of keeping in order to keep Shay around long enough for him to fuck her and hit her until he got tired of her. I bet some of the stress he claims is coming from the fact that his face is linked to his name and that he will have a ton of negativity come his way when Shay gives up her apartment only to have nowhere for her and her cat to go.
He didn't pay for her ticket to Mexico, he paid nothing extra for her staying with him in the hotel, he didn't take her to nice restaurants - he barely bought her food at all, and he did even less when he came to see her in Washington. It's very hard to believe that Kyle Perkins is even renting a house for her given his past performance and if he is it is probably a shit heap unlike anything in the pics he showed her.
It's too bad Shay is such a bitch that she doesn't have any real friends to talk sense into her.
No. 669341
>>669334Agreed, Shay isn't an amazing person or anything, she's pretty shit but honestly Kyle is so much worse.
Like I hope this all falls apart, but I hope Shay doesn't end up homeless, or maybe that's for the best because she'll only have her parents left to bail her out
No. 669346
>>669340See I hate stuff like this. I have despised shay since before these threads. Before she was 18. When she was just a entitled prick on tumblr, and oh yeah. She deserves some shit. But to say she deserves to be homeless and/or beat and fucked while acting like a baby JUST to feel like she matters, is so messed up.
That’s a little girl. Barely an adult, Who made a lot of mistakes and has ruined her life. I really don’t think her being beat by Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa Oklahoma, the predator, is something she deserves. Possibly homelessness. Maybe then she’ll go the fuck home. But not beat by a fucking predator.
No. 669391
>>669313these are some Lynchian levels of depressing and grotesque.
that little baby fist bopping ugly Shay in the face, binky in mouth, fried hair splayed across the filthy pillow, the shitty grainy lighting that makes her look like a crackhead…just….ugh…stomache turning.
No. 669403
File: 1534831588674.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1863, 3EAEA0F8-7D61-44C8-BBFA-2585A0…)

the bar is on the floor
No. 669405
File: 1534831710670.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.41 KB, 750x924, 32E4C28D-FABE-430F-A985-2E33B7…)

It’s most definitely still August shaytard
No. 669420
>>669313>>669334Anyone else get the feeling that if they -do- manage to start living together, it'll be no more than 6 months before Kyle Nathan Perkins starts non-consensually beating Shayna on the reg, taking all of her money, and abusing her sexually?
Kyle Nathan Perkins is a predator, and Shayna is perfect for victimization: immature, inexperienced, desperate for approval and attention, seeks out humiliation and degradation, isolated, codependent, easily impressed, weak sense of self, and thinks that if someone loves you, they'll treat you like a retarded child.
Sorry for the arm-chairing and WKing. Shayna's trash, but I can't help but be worried about her. Kyle Nathan Perkins is a red flag personified.
No. 669433
>>669420Hardly WKing when you're speaking the truth. We all know Shay is trash, but she doesn't deserve to be abused.
Kyle Perkins is 100% the type to abuse someone and claim it's BDSM.
No. 669437
>>669420He’ll probably verbally/emotionally abuse her when they fight but doubt he’ll get physical with her cuz he just looks like a try hard pussy no matter how much he claims to be into torture porn and snuffs
When they inevitably fall out though, Kyle Nathan Perkins is gonna be deemed a rapist abuser by Shay anyway
No. 669447
>>668914That shitty "french tip" isn't exactly suburban. Also does this mean she's going to drop the bimbo baby look entirely? Cause the claws aren't the only thing that don't fit suburban life…
>>668940So he's stalking other blogs and turned off double tap to like so he doesn't accidentally like one of their posts revealing himself. Wow, how pathetic. I feel bad for whatever poor guy/girl had the misfortune of talking with Shay that got fupa all worked up (my god are these two made for each other)
No. 669460
>>669088He types it out as if she’s his experiment or something.
Maybe he failed as a father, and sees her as his second chance.
No. 669536
>>669451even if they had sat down & discussed their boundaries, there would be no way shay would've told the truth about her's. fupa's proved that she cares more about 'pleasing her dada' than using her safeword in that text post he put up (which was 'totally a joke' only when he got called out on it). and, like you mentioned, they're both totally so 'hardcore' that they'd be lying through their teeth about what they're into anyway if they did ever discuss it. shay just has to be the 'most hardcore submissive down for anything bdsm princess' who lets her nipples be stretched inches from her body & kyle perkins is the 'badest sadist daddy dom' who ignores his sub's safeword & jacks off to hostel.
>>669311this clip is so disgusting. no one would get off to that unless they were a pedo. not saying that shay looks like a kid cause we all know she looks 30 but carrying a stuffed animal and wearing a pacifier? i bet his daughter carries a stuffed animal. and i bet his daughter wore a pacifier. this kinda shit is disgusting enough but it's a whole other level of horrifying knowing he has kids. i'm hoping his ex wife keeps them far away from him.
No. 669589
File: 1534862878892.jpg (102.58 KB, 469x454, tumblr_pdojm9ZjOC1rmiw96o1_128…)

No. 669633
>>668764lol yes the truly wild thing about it is she thinks it's so ~*~humiliating~*~ and that people will think she's obsessed with him but it's just sounds like some autismo shit. Cool that's she's a literal scum sucker though. But if it were really true why wouldn't she mention it in that humiliation vid?
>>669315God it's sad how she looks like she gives up as this vid goes on.
>>669589It looks like she wet her hair but didn't bother to wash it. I know it's thick and curly but it's standing straight up from her head for Christ's sake. She gross.
I can't wait until they move in together. Shay, being unemployed with no real hobbies besides her "career" and no ability to make friends, is gonna get bored & needy for Kyle's attention. She's going to want his constant affirmation like she does now (except it's not all through a texting app anymore) and it'll drive him up a wall in no time. Plus he'll start to resent financially supporting her while she runs off to CA to do porn for pennies. Kyle, as he's already been shown to do, will start vagueposting about her non-stop, probably with a bunch of fake-wise quotes about how a real live-in gf should act. Milk-wise, an oversharing Tumblr boyfriend is the best thing to happen to us.
No. 669640
>>669589She looks like she desperately needs to exfoliate her face, generously apply moisturizer and drink
lots of water. No doubt her getting sunburnt also damaged her skin as well, as she's never heard of the concept of sunscreen.
No. 669646
File: 1534867365323.jpeg (32.45 KB, 225x400, 1E2C843E-EEEE-45AA-B2EB-274D46…)

I know you guys all hate her but you cannot tell me honestly that this doesn’t make you sad. To compare what she looks like now to a few years ago just gives you an idea of how rough her lifestyle is on her. She scams people for shitty porn but in the end she’s the one that loses. Her name is completely dragged through the mud because she made incredibly stupid decisions as a very young adult and her life is basically ruined.
No. 669704
File: 1534873920404.gif (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 269x529,

new and improved version of
>>663769 after recent developments
No. 669717
>>669704Incredible, anon. Next thread pic please. Unless it’s too nsfw.
I just wonder what Kyle Perkins co workers would think if they googled him and saw a video of him beating a 21 year old girl.
No. 669850
File: 1534885711281.png (Spoiler Image,712.98 KB, 562x732, 2018-08-21 17_07_13-Tumblr.png)

is her vag finally clearing up or has she just stepped up the photoshop?
No. 669862
File: 1534885916137.png (33.72 KB, 569x571, 2018-08-21 17_10_20-Tumblr.png)

lmao does fupa really not see the irony in this months old anon ask he dug up?
No. 669865
>>669860i mean compared to
>>662228 kek
No. 669903
>>669312EWWW her patchy balding afro pubes what the hell
and his chubby gunt and little nasty dick grosses me the hell out, that poor abused stuffed animal.
No. 669915
>>669862This is so funny. Shay completely dragging herself. She doesn't have a job, sits around in her shitty little apartment on her piss-stained rug, getting goldfish dust and fupa's dried cum all over her keyboard. No one's dad would waste their college fund on her Which is clear, bc if they were, then she'd actually have expensive equipment. I bet that anon laughed so much at her response.
It's so funny that Luna gets more new stuff than Shay. Luna, who is on the 'brink of starvation' is constantly able to buy loads of clothes and other crap. While Shay, who's apparently drowning in college fund money by sooo many anons' 'dads' can't even afford cream for her ass.
No. 670106
>>670097Who really fucking cares tbh?
We all know she came from a well off suburban family. She had iPhones and cars when she was in high school, and she has expressed how upset her mother was that she decided not to go to school, because they had saved up the money for her to go.
No. 670112
File: 1534908661974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,543.64 KB, 1242x751, E511B6BC-5211-49BD-8283-1C2A33…)

She calls this aesthetics. How basic can you get?
No. 670114
File: 1534909050808.jpeg (644.84 KB, 1242x1773, 1DA80DCD-B498-4A95-B11C-EAC626…)

The gif is a dude shaking his head going “nah” and in the comments he wrote “hahaha be mad”
Okay, it takes 2 seconds to block someone. Not everyone is going to enjoy your content, Kyle Perkins. It really does bother some people, and not JUST because it’s you and your dumpster possum “girlfriend” Shayna. He’s such an edgelord dumbass I stg.
No. 670122
>>670112“Aesthetically pleasing” she doesn’t even know what she wants to be. She tries to be a bimbo and dumb baby at the same time. Half the time she looks like a trap
If she actually cracked and asked to come home would her parents even welcome her?
No. 670197
>>670114Why wouldn't Shay want to block this girl? She's obviously not gonna buy her shit nor reblog/like her stuff and she asked nicely while staying her reasons. I mean, Shay literally blocks her fans but the vindictive bitch won't block some girl who asks and doesn't want to see Shay and Kyle Perkins doing their shitty excuse for bdsm? Like this girl is probably legit
triggered by seeing Kyle Perkins hit his gf and punch her when she clearly doesn't like it. Not to mention as another tumblr porn girl
triggered by the shit porn quality and lack of jerk material unless you get off to medical atrocities like Shay's vag
No. 670203
>>670197tbh it feels like he's just mad that they're not kissing his ass. plus they're both toxic and spiteful.
"you enjoy seeing my posts? blokt."
"you dont wanna see my posts? no blok. stay mad"
no one is mad, they just dont wanna see your bullshit anymore.
Im pretty fucking tired of them both acting like they're hot shit.
Kyle used to do nothing but piss and moan about the girl who didnt want him, but now that he's with Shay and has 5K followers, he's a hotshot.
(I did follow him for a long time before he got with Shay tbh)
No. 670219
>>670207tbh i dont know if it is his or not, but hes the one that typically responds with those gifs and the person said "you and your girlfriend" so i assumed.
Mostly the same, minus the ego and add in a lot of mood swings. I think he made a post about having BPD at one point, but take that with a grain of salt.
I know that once things with him and that Bunny girl (sugarpiehoneyboo) were publicly over i saw him reblog a picture of a stuffed bunny rabbit toy thing hanging by a noose and that gave me a little bit of a weird taste in my mouth because i followed her as well.
He seemed to be super upset that she wasnt as public about their situation as he was, which is one of the main reasons i feel like his relationship with Shay revolves around attention.
No. 670367
>>669850She looks tired and empty behind the eyes.
>>669862Seriously, what is she doing with her life?