File: 1534942905206.gif (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 269x529, 1534873920404.gif)

No. 670334
Previous thread:
>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status>still no alien porn>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag>her arby's rost beef vag looks horrible in hi-def>her and fupa are moving into a house together>fupa confirmed for father of three, does shay even know?>still has no idea what lube is >made the most disgusting pedo pandering video on the planet, complete with impregnation fetish and diapers>apparently 86 dollars is the most she's ever made on cam in one night. pathetic.>didn't go to LA like she said she would, instead made a video with lovinglyhandmade where she got a heated metal rod shoved in her asshole>finally chopped off her claws into the world's ugliest french tips>thinks that her and kyle nathan perkins have found "the one" house in tulsa, oklahoma and plan to move in next month>openly admitted to lucking kyle nathan perkin's month old dried cum off of a t-shirt Follow the rules:
- no doxxing
- do not include or harass Shay's family
- remember to sage posts that don't contribute to the milk
>>>/snow/595275http://youvebeenwarned.tumblr.comOther threads:
>>>/snow/344490>>>/snow/405758>>>/snow/457531>>>/snow/489642>>>/snow/520702>>>/snow/538195 there really is a lot of golden milk in this thread
>>>/snow/551438>>>/snow/576753>>>/snow/596387>>>/snow/634221>>>/snow/645637>>>/snow/652799>>>/snow/659029 No. 670427
File: 1534958373395.png (Spoiler Image,928.12 KB, 525x1078, 2018-08-22 13_17_26-Jst Sex Wo…)

i don't even know where to begin with this
No. 670429
>>670411kek in the words of fupa, 'Watch'
i love how he tacks that word onto every anon ask about 'what he loves about shayna'. every single one reads like a quarterly review. 'now she's got some structure she's really thriving. i couldnt be more proud. with a bit more guidance, she's gonna do big things (like getting a world record for the most diseased vagina). Watch'
No. 670437
>>670436her pubes look awful right now.
like yeah you can't see the boils and scars and shit but why shave it on the sides and not trim the weird bushy, sparse afro spots?
No. 670478
>>670427lmfao did anyone else notice that this bitch is still on the floor?
maybe ~Dada~ doesnt let her on the furniture, like a dog.
No. 670536
File: 1534969120230.png (13.31 KB, 536x160, Screenshot (170).png)

Yeah not everyone wants porn on their blogs Kyle. Does he class himself as a sex worker now lol?
No. 670590
>>670578Okay but….Shay is white as fuck. She just happens to have dark thick hair. It’s probably patchy from all the waxing, that’s what happens.
Now stfu.
No. 670623
File: 1534974517211.jpg (Spoiler Image,312.21 KB, 1024x1951, 79345745_atkgalleria-18-08-20-…)

Soooo I found Shaytard's (basically) casting couch video from her ATKingdom shoots she did in LA. It's 17 mins so I didn't watch the whole thing. I'll post dropbox link in a min tho because I couldn't get the download links on the ATK site to work.
You can see the preview here: No. 670629
>>670623it never fails to shock me, just how horrible her skin is.
those bumps are awful, i dont understand how okay producers are with having them in their content.
No. 670634
File: 1534975079051.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1435x805, 2018-08-22 17_56_10-[ATKGaller…)

omg they did a close up of her dirty foot and there's literally hair and shit stuck to it
No. 670651
File: 1534975887653.png (Spoiler Image,19.29 KB, 227x258, IMG_3550.PNG)

Fupa snatched himself a real prize kek
No. 670656
>>670623Her body language reads as uncomfortable, doesn’t know what to say, insecure, and really really uncomfortable again.
I’m cringing for her, she seems so scared and awkward. She was not at all prepared for this and it’s not charming in the least.
No. 670671
>>670623she has to entertain an audience, on her own, without prompts, for a solid 5 minutes. it’s so freaking awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
I’ll bet anything they told her what they wanted, she was like “okay” and they just used the first, really uncomfortable take. Watching this is not turning me on, it’s genuinely making me cringe and not because of how she looks but because of how awkward and uncomfortable the whole thing is. She attempts to act like she’s turned on by the “old man behind the camera” but comes off as flippant and insecure. All she can do is spread her legs, put them behind her head, rub her cooch and call it aesthetics.
Get a new job Shayna. You are not a good actress.
To add, it’s really fucking gross that they would leave in her telling a sexual story about when she was in 10th grade. That’s straight pedophile pandering right there.
No. 670689
File: 1534977521033.jpeg (Spoiler Image,543.74 KB, 1242x697, FDED5D11-06D1-4DBF-B4CB-8A271C…)

The last 1:30 is pure nightmare fuel
No. 670694
File: 1534977781497.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.21 KB, 1242x680, 00DAC1A6-8B3E-4978-8123-3FCF5B…)

“I get so wet from using toys on my clit!”
>zooms in on dry pussy
sure, Jan
No. 670696
>>670623god, this just makes me feel bad for her. i didn't watch the entire thing but she seemed so uncomfortable,i really wish she would stop pretending she's happy with this "job" and go back home and start attempting to repair her life already.
on a more positive note, she doesn't look that bad in this video apart from the nails and the usual ass/vag breakout
No. 670758
>>670701Lips and nipple colour can be a good indicator but those are so beaten up too its hard to say
repost w sage
No. 670759
File: 1534982901883.jpg (7.38 KB, 237x272, 37258870_889829827854335_30397…)

>>670746>It's not just about sex to me. It's also like art.This intro is so cringy, with her fake giggling and her nervous ticks like squeezing her thigh fat, but it's also kind of interesting to listen to all of this bullshit that she actually believes. She has this weird air about her during the interview like she's a famous pornstar and people actually give a shit about her.
I'm so horrified by these close up shots though. Her vagina is starting to look like a prolapsed anus.
No. 670771
>>670759It’s funny when you realize she’s trying really hard to sound interesting but she just winds up sounding like every other basic bitch who got into porn on a whim because tumblr or because clout chasing or because they didn’t want a retail job, kek.
There’s nothing special about her and that’s why the video winds up being so boring. Plus the dudes heavy breathing in the background is so weird. Did anyone else notice the smoke in the beginning of the video? So unprofessional. The lighting is also shit. I can’t beliebe she shot with these people and acted like it was her big break, kek.
No. 670776
File: 1534983717929.png (Spoiler Image,990.81 KB, 1213x670, Screenshot (185).png)

''you like those pretty holes?''
No. 670795
File: 1534984715457.png (42.36 KB, 633x363, IMG_2151.PNG)

She looks so dirty!
No. 670803
File: 1534984888951.png (738.45 KB, 1765x267, Screenshot (176).png)

>>670795she pulls some interesting faces
No. 670816
File: 1534985710791.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.47 KB, 1333x493, NSFL.JPG)

>>670746Her butthole looks so disgusting and dirty.
It wouldn't have killed you to do a good cleaning of the nether regions before an HD shoot Shay.. This isn't the potato quality you have at home, we can actually SEE things
too clearly now.
Serious warning, this image is disgusting.
No. 670830
File: 1534986747912.jpg (98.08 KB, 538x288, cinematic parallels.jpg)

>>670808>>670803shrek still looks better
No. 670882
File: 1534992160851.jpeg (592.74 KB, 945x697, 92707B32-5E74-4B49-9283-327CF8…)

No. 670887
>>670858It really is! She doesn’t even know how to SOUND like a sub yet brands herself as “ultimate submissive bimbo baby”. But when it comes down to it she doesn’t have the attitude or acting skills to do it.
Porn is about acting, mainly. And she is just terrible at it.
No. 670921
>>670897True, but a good photographer would be like “are you sure you don’t want to put on more makeup or a nicer outfit?”
This one is probably just so bored with his job he doesn’t even care what white trash dumpster possum walks in.
No. 670926
File: 1534996549773.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.64 KB, 748x731, 70655CE6-685F-4CC7-82B4-0CC3B4…)

But you can see her nasty ass discharge on her shorts. Help.
No. 670933
File: 1534997114375.png (Spoiler Image,217.99 KB, 446x335, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at 11.5…)

She's slapping her vag for a couple of dollars and she looks particularly cracked out tonight
No. 670947
File: 1534998100764.png (Spoiler Image,222.75 KB, 467x358, stinky.png)

No. 670981
>>670926Ugh gross her knickers are fucking YELLOW. Like girl, this is a photoshoot. You wear the discolored old panties at home on lazy days.
Buy some cute lingerie?! She has no idea how to market herself as desirable or even keep her ~aesthetic~ it looks like she showed up in what she wore to bed.
No. 670987
File: 1535002818114.png (Spoiler Image,257.38 KB, 467x343, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at 10.3…)

someone buy this poor girl some concealer
No. 671003
File: 1535005319555.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1313x736, 1535005103442.png)

A crudely done SFW version.
It's all I could think of when I saw it.
No. 671010
File: 1535006367010.png (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB, 1334x750, 0EE8D34B-9184-4C37-A726-BE43C4…)

Definitely nitpicking but her nose is huge. Wonder if getting it done would be apart of her “bimbo transformation”
No. 671108
File: 1535027539045.jpg (608.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180823-083034.jpg)

As if Shay could actually be turned on seeing herself on camera. Girl, you're barely turning anyone else on and your pussy is as dry as the desert. Give me a fuckin break.
No. 671178
File: 1535031459237.jpeg (16.08 KB, 265x190, EAE05643-0B15-482A-90AF-FBE5D7…)

>>671010This will literally be her in a few years, shayna get some moisturizer please
No. 671205
>>671195that's true. i've been tinfoiling she's on something else but tbh i don't know how she would even afford it at this point.
does she eat???
No. 671207
>>671205I think she might be bulimic, her face is always bloated and her teeth are almost browning, probably would have been easy to
trigger her gag reflex with those nails and we all know she could barely put anything in her mouth without gagging anyways.
No. 671209
>>671207jesus this bitch needs help.
and not whatever type of "help" fupa is trying to offer up.
No. 671240
>>671219She probably just doesn’t get wet that easily
and thinks using lube make you less edgy or something. She’s just doing it for the act.
No. 671278
File: 1535037529420.jpeg (457.2 KB, 690x731, 4413051B-E4A2-4563-9E4A-66A8F3…)

>>671245All I can think of is Gordon Ramsay screaming ‘it’s raw’ at shays vile infected puss
No. 671332
File: 1535041662522.png (60.54 KB, 433x74, Screenshot (197).png)

thirstpartyofone asking if fupa will go on cam, maybe thats why shes been tipping shay, she wants fupas dick lol
No. 671337
>>671332>>671335omg glad i'm not the only one that heard that.
what a terrible idea for her lmao.
No. 671378
>>671335Maybe some of her "Daddies" are into cuckoldry too.
What a terrible idea. Except for her diseased looking vag I actually don't think she's ugly and fucking her gross BF on camera is going to ruin the whole illlusion that she's going for.
No. 671475
>>670987It's been how goddamn long and she still has that horrible "tan line" (aka sunburn) bitch needs to learn to use some sunscreen.
Consider we can't even get her to get some cream for her vag though it's a long shot.
No. 671510
soooo isn't shay's moving date approaching according to
fupa's been unusually quiet.
No. 671562
File: 1535058507492.png (129.08 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2199.PNG)

No. 671667
>>671651"Wouldn't want to spread it to girls who actually have a career in the future when they leave our shit company"
Seriously though, this casting call is so freaking unprofessional. The camera guy had no idea where to point the camera or when to zoom. Even watching the video on mute is a mess, and that's before you see the horror behind the panties
No. 671717
File: 1535068951883.png (58.41 KB, 495x278, 153506874051467554.png)

not the op, but this was easy enough to find if no one else saw it before it was taken down. (sorry for the shit editing, im not quite used to my laptops touch pad and also im lazy)
No. 671723
>>671717Thanks anon!
Man is this depressing, Kyle Perkins is such a shit guy that even his mom will acknowledge it and is trying to be there for his ex wife and wants to see her grandkids (I'm guessing Kyle has no custody seeing as she can't see them without the mom). This is the "daddy" shay wanted. At least she got one thing, I'm sure Kyle Perkins would have given away his kids' college fund for some random hoe. Too bad the guy's a deadbeat and broke and never would have saved up anyways
No. 671788
File: 1535073055179.png (86.72 KB, 347x433, worldsbestdaddy.png)

I've wanted to post this for a while and wasn't sure if it was allowed.
No. 671902
File: 1535083950570.png (238.94 KB, 468x351, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 12.1…)

Showing off her cheese woodenboard again (????)
No. 671910
File: 1535084910838.jpeg (569.19 KB, 1242x522, B36C88AE-B4A8-4E3E-9844-9F0DEC…)

gets new lashes, still can’t put on under eye concealer or any other eye makeup. How fucking sad.
No. 671913
File: 1535085165206.jpeg (80.22 KB, 392x677, D7EEEE66-644F-4EC0-BF1D-AEC659…)

Didn’t he do this exact pose with Shay? How depressing. His poor ex and kids. I’m glad they’re doing better without them.
No. 671914
>>671717Yikes. When your own mother talks about how awful you were and sides with your ex? Sounds like Kyle was trash and possibly abusive?
>>671788So he mistreated his wife/kids, then bailed on them for some girl, living in her apartment? Maybe that's the bathroom we've seen him post selfies from previously?
This guy is such a burnout. If they do "buy a home together" how long before he stops making payments on it or he bails on her for a new chick?
No. 671920
File: 1535087096997.jpeg (447.98 KB, 640x889, 4B46D55A-2A71-4BA9-893A-209FAC…)

No. 671944
>>671920Around the same time the meme was posted, in 2015
At one point she posted about how she didn’t like his girlfriend at the time around her kids.
No. 671956
>>671717Imagine your own mother telling your ex you're an asshole and that she misses her.
>>671788Shay is in for such a nasty surprised when her "Daddy Dom" turns out to be a pathetic manchild that she has to clean up after.
No. 671993
>>671913He looks like an old man with low testosterone. He has such a barrel-shaped trunk with spindly little arms and legs. Appearance isn't everything in life, but even so it is hard to see what Shay sees in him. He's physically unappealing, there is photographic and video proof of how bad he is in bed, he's got three kids who never see him, his own mother thinks he's an asshole, and he's not making that much money. If he was at least loaded and had the capacity to be a good fuck I could see overlooking his Humpty Dumpty body but he literally has nothing to offset his appearance.
Same could be said for Shay. She's not as bad physically as long as you aren't looking at her ass or the perma-rash she's got going on, but it's very hard to understand what any man would find appealing about her. I guess she's a sadist's dream girl but punching her in the face will get old after a while and Kyle Perkins of Tulsa, OK will be left with a dumb, unbathed porn star wanna be with fried hair, disgusting nails, zero money and even less discipline. His sx-wife's account shows how much he likes being taken care of and now he's potentially moving in with a woman he has to tell to drink water, shower and when to go to bed.
No. 672017
>>671788I bet this douche is pretty happy at the moment to fulfill his fantasy of having a cam girlfriend, feeling younger by hanging out with someone a decade younger and ignoring his kids.
But I'm 90% sure this will pass him real fast once they start living together. Now instead of having a devoted wife (because she does sound like a stable, nice person enough for his mom to liker her better than him) taking care of him he'll have to deal with a smelly nasty grown child who's gonna throw temper tantrum when he won't want to spend every waking hour managing her abandonment issues.
Once he's out of his midlife crisis and realize what a dumpster fire of a life he's in, he's gonna miss his ex real bad. Now sure she wasn't a 20 something brainless girl with perky tits but at least she had a job and was mentally sound. Good luck with that Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK !
No. 672106
>>671910i'm more
triggered by her, yet again, refusing to wear chapstick. her lips just look like scabs at this point.
No. 672120
>>671956I dunno you guys. Tbh I feel like these two are in it for the long haul, or at least the general near future. 5 more threads for sure.
It’s just that, they’re a gross match made in hell. As long as Shayna has her popularity, no matter how infamous, and as long as Kyle is…. a man, honestly ( because I do think for Shayna it could be a cardboard cutout that repeats “wash your face” and she would be like “structurrreeee! I’m thriving”) I think they’ll stay together. Add in the part where they want to prove the entire internet wrong and also it would be downright embarrassing for them to break up, along with the fact that his full info is out on the Internet, might as well go Big or go home.
It is downright annoying and difficult to buy a house though, and Shayna is too damn stupid to know better. He’s gonna lease that bad boy at best and she’ll be none the wiser.
No. 672138
>>672133He lied about like his entire past. Claimed his mom was a heroin junky and in prison, that his dad died (true) and that his sister was killed in a car accident that involved pills and/or alcohol.
facebook proved most of that wrong.
he probably just wanted to be someone else, just like Shay and her ~so0o aboosive~ mom.
No. 672181
>>672138after doing some facebook stalking i think there were a few grains of truth but he twisted it to be more ~goth boi tragic~
like i saw posts about being 11 years sober on his moms fb, and that guy who died isnt his real dad (hence the surname perkins, real dad is alive im pretty sure) and i think through him there is a sister who died, but still fucking weird to use that for tumblr points.
No. 672182
>>672147exactly this
bitter mid-30s loser that wishes he had no family because his actual family sees him for the piece of human garbage he actually is
No. 672197
File: 1535126390715.gif (Spoiler Image,1.95 MB, 540x304, nojob.gif)

somehow it never fails to surprise me, just how awful she seems to be at oral.
No. 672208
File: 1535126975338.jpeg (434.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-25-00-07-25…)

No. 672210
File: 1535127011207.jpeg (283.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-25-00-07-32…)

(2/2) wow advice(??) for free!
No. 672215
>>672208>>672210omfg this reeks of a NEET
get a real fucking job and then talk to me about the stresses of the industry LOL this bitch hasn't even been doing actual porn yet and she's acting like she's out here on the front lines like a god damn police officer. I'm done trying to understand where her constant victimizing of herself comes from. she sits around and does NOTHING and barely even puts out any content and when she does it's embarrassing.
No. 672315
>>672312Shayna "Trying 2 Decipher Who Ur Friends R" Clifford:
Hasn't been spotted with a "friend" since her 21st birthday almost 2 months ago.
No. 672322
File: 1535135575087.jpeg (183.91 KB, 640x980, 84223710-CF85-4995-A67F-25F5A5…)

found another one, apparently he would put down his wife’s appearance. What a fucking asshole, he’s in no place to be commenting on anyone’s appearance when he is a definition soyboy.
It really does seem like he gets off on hurting women, hope you’re ready for this life Shay.
No. 672339
File: 1535136350809.png (312.84 KB, 408x536, Screenshot (202).png)

No. 672341
>>672210ironic because she lets ugly older men do repulsive sexual things to her, punching her tit so hard the vein looks all fucked up in it now, her vag has wrinkly tears in the bottom part and looks infected, she's having severe acne all over her ass and crotch which is a huge problem etc
like what shay? your whole life is being pathetic and degraded for worthless men online (if they even join her streams since she had to beg on instagram for someone to watch her even if they didn't pay LOL)
No. 672360
>>672210I lose like 10 brain cells every time I have to read a paragraph she writes jfc
she should stop complaining, ranting and whining on her tumblr page meant for her job. Also kek nobody wants to be your friend nor gets off from watching you shayna.
No. 672361
File: 1535138007754.jpeg (128.05 KB, 640x514, FA92E186-0DA6-45D6-9AD6-DFFA9C…)

It’s really bizarre how he went from a cheesy family man and father to an old creep on a teenagers website posting torture porn, and dating a 21 year cam girl
I wonder how it will play out. Is he just going to disappear from his family completely to live with a 21 year old and make porn? He told Shay he was an orphan, so it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever introduce her to them.
Is he just going to abandon his mother and children to live out some twisted power fantasy?
No. 672371
>>672339wtf… they were married for SEVEN YEARS? and he regresses into this fucking bizarre tumblr dom shit? my mind is blown.
his ex's roasts are hilarious by the way. i'm with
>>672365 No. 672376
File: 1535138831159.png (246.18 KB, 750x1158, IMG_7302.PNG)

I was inspired to do some digging too, and wow. He really fucked with her badly.
No. 672378
File: 1535138900854.png (160.62 KB, 745x561, IMG_7301.PNG)

Also since the c-section shaming was mentioned, here's the cap of that.
No. 672391
File: 1535140048573.png (1.01 MB, 1157x699, 2018-08-24 15_45_45-ATK Galler…)

not that anyone wants to see this but here's another video from ATK from when she was in LA
she has a huge zit on her face in this one and fucking acknowledges it
i'll look for the full length but you can see the preview here (i will warn there's penetration even in the preview lol): No. 672406
File: 1535140762571.jpeg (141.68 KB, 639x696, FECE2C5B-9A8F-4356-A88D-E3A9E1…)

>>672365Planning their daughters birthday, it was rainbow dash themed but Kyle just wanted to do a simple pinkie pie cake because it was easier, but his wife wanted to do everything she could to make the party perfect for their daughter.
No. 672411
>>672376>quite possibly the one he was cheating on me withWow Shay you really know how to pick them.
If she’s reading this thread and not seeing all these warning signs, she’s really an idiot.
No. 672458
File: 1535145164197.png (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1539x1060, Screenshot (205).png)

>>672391are they all using the same toys or what? a lot of the thumbnails with that red seat have differet girls using the same toy? is that normal in porn?>>672391
No. 672465
>>672361Honestly those posts are cringy to post publicly, but hilarious to read.
>>672458They should at least put condoms on it, ew.
No. 672497
File: 1535147009340.jpg (104.38 KB, 750x1334, 0c0385db-6aac-4896-bc08-ff943f…)

more caps from kyle nathan perkins' ex wife. poor woman. god knows what he tells his girlfriends about his ex, let alone his children- and that's their own mother… this pathetic excuse for a man is deeply deranged. shay completely deserves him and hope she feels this shit on her own skin for idealizing him so much without even knowing him
No. 672513
File: 1535148436373.png (Spoiler Image,672.51 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2221.PNG)

No. 672524
>>672208>finding out just how many ppl will spend money on u 2 take their anger out on, 2 try & make ur life harder, or ruin ur businessIf she really believed this, she'd have a text to speech bot.
Come on, Shayna, it's findom. I promise it won't just scream racial slurs constantly.
No. 672533
File: 1535149855429.png (40.73 KB, 285x747, IMG_3564.PNG)

I can't tell if his fashion has gotten better or worse
No. 672578
>>672557If she’s going to be jealous of his kids all the more reason for her to stay away, frankly she should just fuck on off. Look at her tumblr, this stupid whore thrives on drama, like she wouldn’t make it for the kids or their mom? Please, she can barely restrain herself from anon asks and bitchy clapbacks, there’s no way she’d be a good or healthy role model for his kids.
Shay needs to try and be a decent human being for once and leave them alone. If that fat abusive fuck is smart, he’ll keep them separate. She absolutely should not be allowed near his kids.
No. 672599
File: 1535156797753.jpg (Spoiler Image,581.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180824-202605.jpg)

Lol is the assne her new aesthetic?
No. 672601
File: 1535156971328.jpg (101.52 KB, 1110x844, Screenshot_20180824-202818-1.j…)

He's such a role model for the community tho
No. 672625
File: 1535159595819.png (4.74 MB, 1242x2208, 5691B20A-2D7A-42AB-9C3B-FDA7C0…)

>>672617hard to find the others cause i guess he blocked them all lol
No. 672693
File: 1535164176691.png (95.73 KB, 400x400, 4loyal.png)

>>672587>>672540it means loyal. My fucking sides. Could he have picked anything less fitting.
No. 672761
File: 1535174518561.jpg (82.92 KB, 1024x920, DDhiGmKWAAA7_46.jpg)

>>672693it's so rare for lolcow to make me legitimately laugh out loud, but FUCK LMAO
this entire thread I've been wondering why he thinks these shrink-wrap tight, feminine leather gloves, mediocre band tees and droopy, pouty scowl were "SOOpeR INitMiDaTinG KrAZy KinKy DaDdY DoM" apparel but…apparently his lack of self awareness goes pretty far back KEK
No. 672764
>>672759Any posts about relationship drama on social media is just ugh so cringe. But in the same breath, evidence that Kyle Nathan Perkins is a total waste of oxygen and a dead beat dad is great milk.
>>672625He’s such a cringy edgelord. Those lady’s gloves tho fucking make me bust an ovary laughing.
No. 672767
File: 1535175662697.jpeg (25.16 KB, 454x418, 9C1E3A01-E607-49F3-8224-D724E9…)

>>672681>>672759For real tho this sounds shady and transparent af, who on earth would feel such a need to drag that fat pig’s ex wife, hmmmmm?
Fully expect this comment to get ripped to shreds or see a bum rush of ‘reasonable’ anons pointing out how and why we should feel no shame coming for his ex, right?
No. 672771
File: 1535177347358.jpg (9.87 KB, 275x162, kek.jpg)

No. 672805
>>672804Also the fact that she was in an emotionally abusive relationship with Kyle Nathan Perkins for 7 years.
I’d be pretty messed up if I had to babysit and deal with that twisted man child for 7 years too.
No. 672808
>>672503>he has a different surname than his supposed 'parents' Probably Kyle has his birth father's surname, which wasn't changed when his mother remarried. His mom, however, changed her own surname to that of her new husband.
>and other relatives stated in his 'fathers' obituary.There's no reason Kyle's biological father's family would be mentioned in his stepfather's obituary.
He wasn't adopted. He's buttmad that his mom thinks he's trash, his bio dad isn't around (maybe dead, maybe a deadbeat), and his stepdad
angry nasally teenager voice ISN'T EVEN HIS REAL DAD.
>>672533He's wearing a ring on his ring finger. Are they pretending to be engaged now?
Also his fat arms make his hands look even more baby-like.
No. 672867
File: 1535202180950.png (223.44 KB, 595x629, Screenshot (209).png)

>>672625is this what he got so upset about?
No. 673072
File: 1535223220128.jpg (131.23 KB, 1073x917, Screenshot_20180825-145137-1.j…)

No. 673073
File: 1535223234898.jpg (265.55 KB, 1080x1793, Screenshot_20180825-145036-1.j…)

No. 673081
>>673073He is trying so hard to maintain his “im still youthful and hip” image lmfao.
Between the emperor shirts (hello? 2004 wants it’s shirt back) the faux hawk and gauges ears …dude is literally having a quarter-life crisis.
I wish we knew what kind of vehicle he drives.
No. 673090
File: 1535223853250.jpg (26.27 KB, 593x128, Tumblr - Google Chrome 8252018…)

Dude, you don't even have a place yet.
No. 673095
>>673072They’ve been “close” for a couple weeks now… how many walk throughs and realtor meet ups could he possibly do?
Just seems like he’s dragging out a lie.
No. 673096
File: 1535224025465.png (1.42 MB, 1242x2208, 5D6A2128-1314-43CA-A7F3-5A16CE…)

old post but I really can’t help but be disturbed he makes posts like this and reblogs other rapey things when he has a daughter
No. 673111
>>673097Absolutely. Makes me wonder if he's getting kicked out or even evicted from his "totally owned since 20 years old!" house
major tinfoil, but that girl his ex-wife mentioned was housing Kyle Perkins of Tulsa, OK? Maybe he's still been living with her, and she's booting him to the curb. Or any girl, really.
No. 673132
File: 1535226831314.png (12.63 KB, 560x407, 2d4.png)

>>673128because no one fucking cares except you. and learn to use the board, newfag.
No. 673148
>>673128You’ve never dealt with divorce, have you?
They had 3 children together, all who loved their dad. Parents will often try to stay together for the kids because divorce can be really hard on them. Especially for 3 children.
And as we saw, after the divorce the children would tell their mom “I love daddy, not you”.
There is obvious manipulation coming from Kyles side.
Anyways we’re not here to attack his ex. We’re not even technically supposed to be talking about her.
The screenshots were only posted to see what an awful husband Kyle was.
The fact that you’re trying to put blame on her when she stayed in an abusive relationship for her children is disgusting.
No. 673162
File: 1535229076582.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.14 KB, 1179x305, tiny.JPG)

Video description
No. 673163
>>673073It's so funny how he went from hiding his face and ignoring shays public "ilysm" posts to this.
It's like the more we expose his nasty fupa life and make fun of him, the less he cares about his privacy. Like he really wants to show and prove us. This man really never grew out of his teenage rebel phase.
No. 673165
File: 1535229142018.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.98 KB, 1200x675, amazingediting.jpg)

Editing skills on point WOW
No. 673167
File: 1535229213565.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.94 KB, 1200x675, forkyle.jpg)

I wonder if Kyle Nathan Perkins likes seeing his girlfriend kiss a guy just as fat and sloppy looking as he is.
No. 673172
File: 1535229293661.jpg (Spoiler Image,402.78 KB, 1200x675, edit.jpg)

All that fancy editing they have in this one, and they couldn't even get the bumps off of her vagina.
No. 673173
File: 1535229334899.jpg (Spoiler Image,436.17 KB, 1200x675, 12.jpg)

No. 673177
File: 1535229468533.jpg (99.54 KB, 873x474, Infernal Restraints InfernalR…)

She is making dying donkey noises this whole time and looks like she's taking a massive shit.
No. 673209
>>673172She has got to stop all the self-inflicted crap she does when she cams. Her outer labia look like she inflated them like a bicycle tire. All that pussy paddling when combined with hours of porn vibrating and questionable waxing is turning her vulva into a bursting sausage.
Between what is happening to her labia and Kyle's bizarre fupa, it's amazing they achieved penetration at all.
No. 673227
>>672327>>672322Well, she is way out of his league, judging both on past and recent images of him.
She (his ex) is absolutely adorable and beautiful, and he is just a bottom-of-the-barrel kinda guy. You know, that guy who is a lil shady, isn't the best looking, but
seems nice. The guy only really desperate girls go for because they desperately want "love" and can't find anyone else willing to go out in public with them or even acknowledge that they know who she is. (But they will fuck her tho because shes easy.) He's perfect for Shay kek.
No. 673229
>>673162>shrink her and put her in a pot of boiling waterWHO the fuck is the target audience for this? Witches?
>>673165I'm crying. This can't be real
>>673219Must be pretty bad. Personally if I were them I'd also be afraid that he might've done something to the little girl…
No. 673240
File: 1535233484111.jpg (Spoiler Image,621.08 KB, 1200x675, 09.jpg)

No. 673283
File: 1535236963518.jpeg (257.51 KB, 1242x874, 318F3C86-E445-4ADE-8F81-79838F…)

Apparently they’re closing on a house by September 9th. Yah okay.
No. 673298
File: 1535238131333.png (1.28 MB, 1252x699, thriving.png)

this is her big porn break everyone
celebrity status right here.
No. 673305
File: 1535238599834.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1310x705, shay hates aftercare.png)

oh and remember how much she said she hated aftercare and didn't need it because shes so edgy?
seems like you like it alot, shay.
No. 673310
File: 1535238854038.gif (139.87 KB, 379x440, 1476402029987.gif)

>>673298ok now that is awful
I know that it's staged but the idea that this stuff sexually appeals to people is disturbing
No. 673311
File: 1535238865311.png (339.66 KB, 470x465, lol.PNG)

her feet are in the couch. this shit is horrible. but i laughed pretty hard.
No. 673315
File: 1535238976232.jpeg (64.28 KB, 773x435, 033FCC5A-9AEC-413F-A73B-D852D1…)

Shayna sure has a type.
Look at his little curly soul patch K E K
No. 673316
File: 1535239070258.png (1.25 MB, 1385x717, babybimbo.PNG)

Hairy legs are no biggie at all. I know there's even a niche market for it in the sex industry. But I think this is just Shay being fucking lazy. Since her being shaven and a "baby bimbo" is her thing.
No. 673320
>>673299I believe they're going for vore fetish but the editing and acting is so bad I'm not sure if people into vore are even getting off to this.
That was comedy I'm sure.
No. 673328
File: 1535239398767.png (Spoiler Image,99.36 KB, 329x200, cringe.PNG)

The dryness on Shay's lips makes me my skin crawl tbh. I have seen dry lips before but hers are particularly gross.
Wew this bitch is gross.
No. 673331
File: 1535239619938.png (26.33 KB, 548x377, scam.PNG)

She went out and bought tape/bubble wrap but had to buy moving boxes on amazon. I swear to god she scammed people for that money she claimed she bought boxes with cos nobody buys boxes to move. And then goes out and buys the other shit they need later on?
No. 673341
File: 1535240226001.jpg (60.87 KB, 750x647, tumblr_inline_pbcp5tft0Y1t8qse…)

>>673298I'm concerned for humanity
No. 673388
File: 1535244734714.jpeg (51.63 KB, 640x266, 405D0196-9A3E-4901-994D-CCBFB8…)

>>673298But she totally loved it, guys!
No. 673446
File: 1535252703258.jpg (157.66 KB, 1080x1369, Screenshot_20180825-230310-1.j…)

It's becoming self-aware
No. 673467
File: 1535257971215.jpg (150.77 KB, 1075x1013, Screenshot_20180826-003055-1.j…)

Their stans freak me out.
No. 673813
File: 1535312577490.jpg (162.82 KB, 663x499, c0cbbc275746f00242e0d78366a425…)

she reminds me of hatchet face so much, shitty makeup and all. kek
No. 673855
>>673650this made me actually cum, unlike shays porn
No. 673881
>>673813don't do hatchet face like that, ffs.
she was one lovely young woman.
No. 673917
File: 1535318963640.jpg (Spoiler Image,270.78 KB, 1080x1790, Screenshot_20180826-172104-1.j…)

Shay and Kyle Nathan Perkins Tulsa, OK have been oddly quiet today on dumblr. Also, I know this is like his "thing" but wtf even is this???
No. 673930
>>673917It’s wild how the try hard shit fupa posts are the opposite of Shay’s Barbie pink ideals.
She wanted her porn star life to be filled with fluffy cuffs, stuffed animals and endless shopping sprees. But fupa wants her to bathe her cunt in mud water and sleep on concrete floor lmao (but she’s soooo into it)
Like what nymphette baby bimbo do you see doing things like this?? Successful porn stars gangbang on yatchs and bukkaked with champagne Shay. It’s sad really, she can not be any less aroused.
No. 674015
File: 1535327633627.jpeg (406.38 KB, 743x1036, F7206117-8B60-467B-AA89-D80052…)

She sounds like a rambling mess
No. 674039
>>674015so she’s literally saying that people should stay silent about
problematic people and it’ll just go away on its own by not feeding into it. that is the most fucked up mindset, Shay.
“If someone has done something you deem immoral then the LAST thing you should do is tell people, DUHHH”
she’s the kind of person that would tell an abuse victim to stay silent and it’ll all just go away.
No. 674042
>>674015it’s also really hypocritical of her to say not to call people out when they’re doing something caused by mental illness. Shay was one of the first people to call a girls suicide fake, and called out plenty of people who were mentally ill. Why does she try to act like some saint that gives a shit about mentally ill people when we all know she’s ripped on them in the past?
She’s also praised Hitler but ya know, call out posts are baAADd
No. 674064
>>674020Isn't this something Kyle Perkins would be into though?
She said in her hashtags she does not support it. Funny.
No. 674073
>>674064it’s even more ironic because there is video proof of her claiming that she sold pics when she was underage.
Fuck off Shayna.
No. 674146
File: 1535340934256.jpg (872.53 KB, 3412x1899, inCollage_20180826_233253469-1…)

I can't decide what's cringier about this selection of posts. Between the fake deep dissection of lil peep (lol) lyrics and the ~super spooky couple~ shit, you have a lot to choose from
No. 674168
File: 1535343415463.jpg (111.03 KB, 640x320, kylenathanperkins.jpg)

No. 674252
File: 1535356061124.jpg (74.79 KB, 704x612, IMG_20180827_092622.jpg)

>>674146Wow, such deep, very emotion
I wish she'd decide if she wants to be daddy's babby or a spooky goth gf. She can't be both.
They are going to be Paul and Karla of their hood lol
No. 674350
File: 1535378648952.png (11.71 KB, 570x220, 2018-08-27 10_02_40-Tumblr.png)

i'm fucking done
No. 674353
File: 1535378972424.png (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1159x728, 2018-08-27 10_05_50-ATK Galler…)

Another ATKingdom video from LA
She seems to be extra broken out in this one compared to the others and the infamous children's hello kitty underwear make an appearance. No. 674390
File: 1535383288023.png (70.7 KB, 690x875, 2018-08-27 11_16_40-Tumblr.png)

So it looks like tumblr is updating their rules and gore will no longer be allowed. Whatever will fupa do?
No. 674391
>>674376God, makes you really wonder what kind of train wreck of a porn it is. Maybe it made her realize how awful she looks in a "pro" shoot compared to her snapchat clips that she tries to sell as serious sex work.
>>674383This. She def thought she will get the hottest roles in the biggest productions bc she is ~dumb dolly from tumblr with a huge porn spam bots following~ and be the next hot shit in the porn industry with her infected vag.
No. 674410
>>674401Sasha Grey is also smart and capable of separating fantasy from reality.
Shay on the other hand…eek.
No. 674429
File: 1535387270830.png (197.96 KB, 821x407, inconsistent.PNG)

I love how Shay's bust size, weight, and age differ on ATK vs Society Fifteen. I find it funny how she lies about this lol.
No. 674432
File: 1535387432940.png (5.6 KB, 509x170, 1522485221155.PNG)

No. 674461
File: 1535390795518.png (487.46 KB, 572x1024, 2018-08-27 13_18_30-Tumblr.png)

it's hard out here in tulsa
No. 674481
>>674461ot but the fact that ppl can carry guns willy nilly in some states is actually such a mindfuck for me as a canadian.
also surely this is not the proper way to carry one? looks unsafe and also just dumb considering what fupapa looks like
No. 674486
>>674481It's incredibly stupid to carry like that and there are so many cases of people shooting themselves because of it
Fupa wants to see hard/gangster when in reality, getting a proper holster would be more dom and in control.
No. 674597
>>674586god its so funny how much cleaning up is gonna need done once they split up.
i was gonna say im surprised she didnt change one to "ivebeenwarned" but she's way too narcissistic, and he just wants all of the attention she and her followers give.
No. 674630
>>674629yeah, the page title was so ironic i had to share.
m o o
No. 674708
File: 1535420160957.png (125.58 KB, 229x345, 1500434445721.png)

>>674116Anon ily. That fucking Mortal Kombat part had me in tears. This is quality OC.
No. 674956
File: 1535461688288.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, DE29D4E0-E91C-48D0-A9C6-B89D6F…)

she hasn’t been up to anything new lately tbh. but how fucking gross is “coloring pics for daddy” i know we’ve talked about it before but damn. they’re sick.
No. 674977
>>674955And let's do not forget that it's about time for them to move together. Fupa always mentioned that he is about to sign everything for the new house in the last weeks for now but went silent about this topic for now because they are def not moving into a house with a jacuzzi lol
I'm so curious how this entire thing will play out and if shay will actually end up homeless for some reasons.
No. 675137
File: 1535486458614.png (18.24 KB, 263x199, Screenshot 2018-08-28 at 2.57.…)

like she did with the alien video right? the one that "she filmed" was supposed to be posted "wednesday" like 2 months ago? The one that she scammed like 500 dollars out of people for to buy the outfit from dollskill or whatever, and the bad dragon?
yeah lets all just pull out our wallets so that some dumb fuck covered in folliculitis can take money for content that shes never gonna make or if she does make will do it half assed.
No. 675145
>>675137HAHA "dumb fuck covered in folliculitis".
shay is literally brain dead though like.. she's both stuck up and delusional and classic trailer trash.
No. 675214
>>675190yep. it's pretty much a formula at this point –
1. cringy baby talk
2. some kind of retarded-ass backstory
3. "edging" with a vibrator
4. fake moaning
we are bored, shay.
No. 675215
File: 1535493635499.png (349.28 KB, 519x488, 2018-08-28 17_58_52-spent thes…)

i like how this is already 3/4 of her wardrobe in this box
No. 675217
File: 1535493760226.png (389.15 KB, 563x867, 2018-08-28 18_01_01-Tumblr.png)

No. 675220
No. 675223
>>675217What a low tier dream. She will soon realise it's actually a nightmare.
Imagine moving in with someone you've met twice. This some stupid shit.
No. 675230
>>675227Trash bags for maximum space saving. Suitcase if you don't wanna iron all your shit after. Then yknow at least you're also transporting a suitcase at the same time.
I bet that big pink bear is getting a cardboard box to itself.
No. 675334
>>675227I've only ever used those big ass plastic bins, because they're reusable for pretty much anything
No. 675385
>>675381more than likely the complex has a shared one or she has to walk/uber to one close enough.
she probably just washes hers in her bathtub by hand though bc thats all too expensive for her and she'd probably be posting about doing it, kek.
No. 675446
>>675381I get the feeling she just doesn’t pay utilities and that’s how she gets away with living so cheap.
She’s admitted to not bathing either, so it only makes sense she wouldn’t pay extra for it.
No. 675533
>>673274They're getting awfully creative in trying to hide her boils and gross pussy. It's painfully and blidingly obvious that it's not even funny anymore, it's just plain sad.
"How do we shrink her boils?…"
"Hmm.. what if we just shrink her…"
"Make the wand giant to obstruct her nasty vag"
"Don't forget to crop her pussy from every scene"
Like seriously…
No. 675535
>>673316She's said she doesn't bother shaving her legs bc the hair is "fair".
I'm just dumbfounded at the state she shows up to her shoots as. Production and post are prob so offended, but at least they get a kick out of it. Imagine having the job in post trying to figure out how to make any of this footage salvageable… and the answer is basically cropping out her vagina, loosing all the close ups, and shrinking her so you can't see anything. Pathetic that all that's left is still
that bad. kek
No. 675537
>>675535I didn't even know she said that kek. What a dumbass she is. It may not be visible on her potato camera at home, but it is with professional shit.
If she had stuck to her stoner aesthetic, she could honestly get away with it. Hairy is a legit niche. But she claims to be some barbie baby bimbo or whatever. With hairy legs, browning teeth, terrible make up and hair, and no sense of style. Tack on an addiction to alcohol and a psychological addiction to cannabis and that's our "barbie".
No. 675538
>>672458I agree, I think shayna has the pink yoy, but not purple. And in this one:
>>674353Shay would never buy a blue dildo. These toys are def from the photog's collection for girls to use. EWWW. I seriously just puked a little.
No. 675544
File: 1535548615443.png (474.6 KB, 1242x2208, 8788492C-BB3E-4214-8144-744F02…)

Trouble in paradise?
No. 675546
>>675544weird. she posted that on tumblr too.
her whole life is troubled, she just refuses to see it kek.
No. 675715
File: 1535569391564.png (8.07 KB, 517x212, 2018-08-29 15_00_17-Dolly! Hav…)

i'm fucking dying imagining fupa dressed up as finn from adventure time……
it's halloween… they're not going to dress up as some xhardxcorex horror movie characters? what a flop.
No. 675740
>>675739she probably always has a bad day/night on cam when foxpartyofone isn't in there tipping her.
i've basically only seen people throw pennies at her otherwise because she's so fucking boring.
No. 675853
File: 1535577003534.png (2.95 KB, 268x161, 2018-08-29 17_08_35-Mozilla Fi…)

Who's got the countdown clock ready?
No. 675867
File: 1535577715459.gif (3.71 MB, 420x236, chair.gif)

>>675853This will be so good - not for them but for us lol.
Can't wait.
>>675854I guess she will send everything via mail? I mean some of the stuff gets into suitcases and everything else in a huge package? She only owns like 10 things tho.
No. 675994
File: 1535588387016.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.51 KB, 508x622, fucking repulsive god save me.…)

she looks fucking hideous in these photos.
and clean? yeah right, shaytard.
No. 676017
>>675994the lack of shame never fails to astound me. does she see herself? why would she post a photo of her hair being a disgustingly tangled mess?
just throw the whole person away and start again. fucking hell.
No. 676021
>>676017LOL that's a perfect solution.
imagine how impossible it would be to comb through her unconditioned rats nest nightmare hair? it looks horrific. we all know she'll never comb or brush it though.
No. 676144
File: 1535603651186.jpeg (27.21 KB, 366x550, AF062879-90D7-41A0-818A-A906FA…)

All this Halloween talk, I found your costume Shaytard, you can thank me later
No. 676151
File: 1535605029427.png (56.26 KB, 640x643, IMG_2172.PNG)

taking off the one gig you get a month is risky, shay!
No. 676169
sure, jan
No. 676223
File: 1535624698771.jpg (24.48 KB, 752x564, KOT11165_o.jpg)

>hair that silkyher hair is fried up to her ears and she can't afford a wig
>the clawshe still has no money
>the shirtit's not bby bimbo pink barbie vomit and she's actually too retarded to cut up a thrift find
>body that firmshe's already flabby from her sugar/alcohol based diet and her giraffe neck won't help
>the asseven though this cheap piece of shit doll is skinny as fuck, it still manages to have TOO much ass for shaynasty to be able to pull off the "ass spilling out of shorts 2 sizes too small" look
No. 676249
>>676223this cheap 'doll' (it's a statue, ffs) cost 80 bucks on amazon which is more than Shay usually earns kek.
She should give up on porn 'career' altogether and just be fupa's hometaker.
No. 676270
File: 1535633509391.png (233.5 KB, 288x636, Screenshot (216).png)

>>676151i'm guessing she means after the 12th because shes doing a live realtime bondage show on the 8th. Heres the forum where people suggest what to have her do etc. (nsfw obviously)
No. 676272
File: 1535633698358.png (134.63 KB, 810x258, Screenshot (217).png)

>>676270the forum layout is so bad but heres her post where she is supposed to say her interests/limits. Very vanilla sounding compared to what some of these people are suggesting.
No. 676289
>>676249this FIGURINE it's ~not a statue ffs~
is /cheap/ in comparison to what figurines like this can and do go for.
No. 676305
File: 1535638896892.jpg (55.51 KB, 720x630, IMG_20180830_161451.jpg)

>>676279A typo and a freudian slip.
No, I don't think she would be good at it.
>>676289Amazon claims otherwise.
Statues are a subtype of figures along with action figures. If it's fixed to a stand and not poseable it's a statue.
Chill, I was pointing out Shay could not even afford it.
I know they can be even more expensive, am a doll and toy sperg in general.
>>676291>being this insistent about using the wrong term No. 676370
File: 1535649029684.jpg (160.13 KB, 1034x756, forshay.JPG)

>>676270I highlighted the part that I think Shay should pay attention to. I dunno if we will be able to see the live show after it airs. Does anyone know if those get leaked?
No. 676426
File: 1535653828621.png (4.44 KB, 523x155, 2018-08-30 14_28_39-tbh sex wo…)

No. 676511
File: 1535661765920.jpg (24.66 KB, 292x386, shaytie.JPG)

this is hilarious cos the bitch only knows one basic as fuck tie. like shit do something different, look up a damn youtube tutorial, theres so many other easy af ties you can do you dumbass.
No. 676518
>>676426She'd take off """work""" because she jammed her pinky in a door.
Also her being proud of a social epidemic of women monetizing their pain and suffering like it makes her 'quirky' and isn't something a majority of women think about or are subjected to, lol. Not even to mention people who actually have the lives she pretends she does (in other words not still being spoonfed by their parents) can't think about taking off work. She's so disconnected from the real world.
No. 676573
File: 1535667989092.jpg (179.23 KB, 1080x1523, Screenshot_20180830-182312-1.j…)

What is her obsession with making call-out posts about blocking people for "liking" her posts? I swear to God she makes one of these every 2 weeks and I don't get it at all. Are other "Tumblr famous (can't even type that out with a straight face)" people like this or is this just her special brand of autism and trying to seem like she's more important than she actually is?
No. 676581
>>676573The fact she keeps ranting about this shit just shows how dumb she is lmao she's blocking so many potential customers
>using my photos as ur header or avatarliterally nobody kek
No. 676649
File: 1535672889103.jpeg (245.75 KB, 1242x1449, D932D3F2-CCC6-401B-B512-CAB922…)

I have crossed out my name. She blocked me after i turned it down, as you can see by the bottom where it says “this tumblr cant receive messages”.
No. 676655
File: 1535673021406.jpeg (571.09 KB, 1242x2148, 9BE2FA55-E60F-436A-A515-70125A…)

I simply did not want to purchase a video that expensive, when I can get the same kind of video that’s 3 times as long, with better quality, for half of that price.
No. 676768
>>676757after looking at her daddy and his tumblr, I’m not sure about how ethical their bdsm practices really are. I don’t even think this man has ever been mentored by anyone.
If they use bdsm just as an aesthetic for porn, I guess it’s fine. But if this is their actual lifestyle they are going about things much too quickly. You should not be collaring (for vanilla folks, collaring doesn’t always mean the physical act of putting a collar on someone, as the collar is more symbolic. It refers to officially “owning” someone, and being in a trust worthy bdsm relationship) after only a few months of knowing someone. You should not be broadcasting it online like it’s how bdsm works. You should not be discussing acts like waterboarding or knife/bloodplay without first having a contract. As I delve more into their profiles, this whole thing just seems like an act. Which is unfortunate for folks interested in the bdsm community.
No. 676801
>>676768having a contract is kind of frowned upon now in bdsm. after 50 shades popularized the idea of it and it was, of course, a very abusive display of what NOT to do in bdsm, most people refuse to have one. an agreed upon set of rules verbally (and maybe even written) is most common, and a lot of people who engage in actual bdsm have a set of boundaries, hard limits, soft limits, and the like for each person in the dynamic when it gets to the point where they consider collaring the next step. a contract isn't necessary or a pre-requisite to knife/blood play, or any play for that matter. as long as they consent to the scene and play involved, they're fine.
probably mini-blogpost but, i'm married to my dominant and we have never, ever had a contract or any sort of written agreement. our dynamic has always been sitting on verbal agreements and trust.
shay and kyle nathan perkins don't have a bdsm dynamic, they have a young, impressionable girl who landed herself in an abusive situation because she's too insecure and too uneducated about the bdsm she claims to love so much to know how to do it properly and seek an actual dominant who has been mentored, will respect and enforce boundaries/safe words even IF she doesn't verbally tap out by knowing his sub and reading their body language/facial expressions, and is safe, sane, and consensual. i'm not sure kyle even knows what those three words mean.
No. 676821
File: 1535679633262.png (415.81 KB, 1242x2208, 044CE570-ACE2-4277-B461-17AA58…)

What now…
No. 676835
>>676821>PeopleWho could this be besides Kyle Perkins? She doesn't know anybody else.
>>676768They don't even do proper bdsm, he just punches her face sometimes…
Just look for leaks here, anon. It's hilarious.
No. 676849
>>676801To add, you may be confused as to what a contract refers to in bdsm.
A contract, in bdsm terms, is not a legally binding written statement. It is simply a written statement (to help prevent he said she said issues) that talk about the relationship dynamic, limits of both (or more) parties, agreements on punishments, agreements on safe words, agreements on playing with other partners, and so forth. Not all bdsm relationships have strict “rules”, but a contract is important as it protects both parties in cases of possible abuse. Then both parties will have a written document stating what was agreed on, and weather or not that was breached.
I am glad the dynamic of verbal agreements works for your personal relationship, however it is not the way most [experienced] community members would advise people to go about it. Simply because a written agreement is a very easy way to tell weather or not limits have been breached.
No. 676856
>>676801You seem very inexperienced as well, but more informed than Shayna is.
Any play that could possibly cause severe injury (serious breathplay, ie waterboarding, drawing blood, rough anal sex, etc) should all be discussed in detail with a written agreement beforehand. So in case any injury does happen, both parties have proof that they consented to it and cannot claim abuse. I’m not talking about little bruises from spanking, or your boyfriend choking you. I’m talking about intense, serious scenes here.
No. 676872
>>676856This thread is about Shay and Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, Oklahoma. They're both try-hard mental midgets who have no idea what the fuck they're doing, and are nothing but an example of what not to do.
Not what you two anons do in the bedroom, and think is The One Trve Way.
However if a contract makes YOU feel better, go for it. not everyone agrees.
No. 676890
>>676863>>676856>>676849These posts just confirm to me that ~serious bdsm~folks are really just mentally disturbed spergs
Even Shay hasn't fallen that deep yet
Looks like fupapa Kyle Perkins is going to abuse her for internet edge points in the future tho
No. 676892
>>676863Most people negotiate in writing so that no one screams consent violation after the fact. When it happens to you, you'll start doing it.
Also, most parties organized by kink groups with non-profit status make you sign for liability>>676863
No. 676896
File: 1535684895033.jpg (68.98 KB, 1072x454, Screenshot_20180830-223324-1.j…)

I wonder if she'll be begging her followers to pay for fupa's (34th, 35th?) birthday party/presents like she did her "moving supplies"?
No. 676984
File: 1535697038503.png (Spoiler Image,3.66 MB, 750x1334, DBF84247-C0FA-454F-B215-E450F4…)

>>676980Not really sure if I needed to spoiler that but just in case, pic is a close up of her newest nail set. Has anyone ever seen someone get a professionally done nail set that looks like this?
No. 677102
File: 1535720646584.png (571.84 KB, 800x1001, Screenshot_2018-08-31-05-59-58…)

>>676270>>676370The other responses.
No. 677165
>>676984definitely press-on's as
>>676000 mentioned a few days ago. she must have ripped off those horrible looking acrylics with the big-ass tips from
>>667975 and tried to cover it up kek
No. 677167
File: 1535730598512.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 602x942, 2018-08-31 11_47_54-Real Time …)

>>677151i'm kind of scared for shay tbh
these are promo pics for some of the other show's they've done…
No. 677168
File: 1535730668379.png (Spoiler Image,451.99 KB, 585x779, 2018-08-31 11_49_19-Real Time …)

>>677167here's the one for the london river show that someone mentioned on that forum. yikes……….
No. 677174
>>677168men are disgusting
shay has gone out of her way to live this life despite everything easy and much more fulfilling being handed to her on a silver platter. it's getting increasingly more difficult to feel sorry for her.
who wants to place bets that some farmers are going to rally others to donate to her inevitable "get me out of this abusive shithole!! sadface" gofundme
No. 677175
>>676272i guess we should start telling her how fat she is, then?
some of the pictures of her pussy that are out now, it looks like she has a mini ballsack hanging out of her vag and it’s freaking me the fuck out, haha but srs what IS that, can’t post right now because work but here’s a great example
>>673172why is she so swollen, did she pussy pump again in this vid? is it the beginnings of prolapse? i’m not watching that shit but wow is she wrecking her vag, it’s horrifying to look at…
No. 677180
>>676898Literally who?
More vendetta-chans, no one cares about your shitty sex life either, do you want a thread?
No. 677188
File: 1535735652423.jpg (12.92 KB, 225x224, download.jpg)

>>677183>>677180We have talked about other grody people in these threads, and people do care clearly. Go smoke a cigarette and come back later.
No. 677322
File: 1535745761576.png (254.64 KB, 218x831, 2018-08-31 16_00_25-Mozilla Fi…)

everyone mark this day in the history books – shay is eating something unprocessed
No. 677353
>>677167>>677168God what the fuck is wrong with humans
Run as long as you can shay
No. 677356
>>677322"sistine chapel"
That meth confidence tho
No. 677387
File: 1535751410282.png (Spoiler Image,639.09 KB, 1205x861, 2018-08-31 17_32_01-Mozilla Fi…)

im just gonna leave the whole page here because there's a lot
>i dunno if there’s anything specifically tht i love learning abt
>Dada’s absolutely amazing at making everything work, especially in difficult, high pressure situations
besides his first marriage
>when i see ppl serial liking my content it kind of jst screams “im putting this in my spank bank w/ no intention of buying ur content or reblogging it 4 other ppl 2 see & purchase”
>big suburban home w/ my Creepy Punk Uncle Ken
> “g’morning Dada !!! i love u!!! put ur dick in me pls!!!!1!
No. 677512
File: 1535761441332.jpg (207.69 KB, 1081x1417, Screenshot_20180831-202154-1.j…)

Jfc the absolute STATE of the fucking carpet never ceases to amaze/disgust me
insert "damn bitch u live like this?" meme
No. 677514
>>677512That's the first thing I noticed. It's not hr carpet though, it's a blanket she laid over her nasty debris filled, and stained carpet to hide the filth, but it didn't work because her blanket is just as disgusting.
Also "Spoiled"? These are necessities. She's so broke and trashy, she thinks buying groceries and some things at Sephora is "spoiling" herself. KEK! Reminds me of her "hauls" of like 4 things from the thrift store or F21, then after she makes a post saying how she is "broke" and needs more money. Sad.
No. 677561
>>677559was just about to say, you really don't need to splurge on makeup at sephora.
some drug store brands are fine.
No. 677690
File: 1535780535060.jpg (55.58 KB, 540x540, tumblr_pbm3lzYTvT1qf3fyf_540.j…)

>>677512she really posted these bum ass "haul" pics on that crusty fuckin carpet.
No. 677697
>>677512Wow Shayna, that’s a great haul of cheap sample/travel size items!
Please everyone, don’t tip her to shit milk outta her ass. She doesn’t deserve it and she will prob release this kind of content in the near future for a couple of bucks.
No. 677699
File: 1535782353571.jpeg (82.28 KB, 636x785, 6C071546-9CB5-4290-925E-FDC1E1…)

>>677512Working hard, spoiled AND thriving!!!!
No. 677746
>>677512>anytime shay replies to asks: ImM TaKing yeR DadS MONeY!! >anytime shay posts about making purchases: I've worked SO hard to spend these 50$ and I WILL flex this 500 point gift box sephora gives that covers over half my items in this picture! Does she not understand that to an average person, seeing a white trash cunt talk mad shit then turn around and flex products any farmer can pull out their ass with a couple of dollars is laughable?
She spends sooo much time talking the absolute most of shit to anybody if she feels it right however its never a daddy that got her any of this, its never rich gross men sending her a spending budget which is woefully pathetic but instead shes so far gone the pennies from punching her face get scraped together so she can finally hit the 500 points and get her spechul xtra box of useless tat to self gratify her awful existence.
Independence is only used when it suits her and she has terrible fucking timing kek.
No. 677769
File: 1535795465836.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.27 KB, 750x994, 6CADF323-6055-419C-BDB3-9A7BFD…)

The poor girl is using submission blogs.
No. 677773
>>677769she has one job and she's not even good at it.
What is she going for with the snapchat filters, it's just tacky at this point.
No. 677791
File: 1535801243216.jpg (27.11 KB, 480x480, 1747_ldfarquaad.jpg)

>>677769her nose reminds me of this nose in mii maker. which funnily enough has been used to make lord farquaad. who she also kinda resembles, apart from the chin.
No. 677895
File: 1535820378344.jpg (250.43 KB, 1081x1802, Screenshot_20180901-124438-1.j…)

Fupa's probably stressed out trying to string all his lies together into something tangible before Shay moves in
No. 677921
>>677387>"Generously" offers previews to the product she's sellingEvery industry does this from makeup swatches to movie trailers. And she says herself that she needs to do it to sell them, not exactly generous if you have to do it and don't even let people look and show their interest in it.
>Fan mentions plugs that fit Shay's aesthetic, doesn't mention size or if she intends to buy them for her "Omg buy them for me! I love plugs and need plugs and even if they don't fit I'll take them anyways!!!">>677905I hope this gives her the wake-up call she needs that she needs to stay within her limits and that being vanilla isn't a fucking bad thing. That she needs some self respect or she'll fuck herself over like this because she's only working for the lowest of the low, men who will literally kill you because they don't understand her as more than an object (also likely because they don't have any women in their lives so they go more and more extreme with porn). A limit of only no electricity and a sad attempt to say "don't hit me too hard" isn't enough here. Either shay didn't do her research or she still is deluded into thinking you're not hard core if you don't go all the way and that she is "hard core". Part of me feels a bit bad for Shay but I'm pretty sure that's more out of the horror of what these men will do to girls desperate for money than caring for Shay herself. She needs tough lessons and unfortunately the only place she'll get it is from the industry who is using her. Kyle clearly doesn't care, I wonder if he'll be in the audience watching without tipping
No. 677993
File: 1535832001783.jpg (101.62 KB, 1079x644, Screenshot_20180901-155751-1.j…)

The narcissist schtick is so annoying lol I can't take her seriously
No. 678004
>>677895I love this "dom" narc role reversal. I see this shit all the time where male doms female subs wind up having to play the role of his mother whenever his clear lack of emotional development rears its head in a nonsexual context. lol
They really try to hammer it into you that you can't do anything without them while simultaneously telling you they cant survive without you either & everything they feel is your responsibility to deal with. Being a comforting or emotionally supportive person is in no way natural to shayna & this is absolutely our soyboy's doing.
No. 678020
File: 1535836135336.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.63 KB, 786x1199, 10E1288A-5D8B-4229-A88B-08BBAD…)

Apparently this is a new vid she’s editing
No. 678092
File: 1535842652180.jpeg (207.68 KB, 1125x505, 63C6585A-E52C-4485-A2FF-2480DD…)

>>678020funny coincidence lmao
No. 678115
File: 1535844468390.png (70.41 KB, 904x1072, Screenshot_2018-09-01-16-27-15…)

No. 678128
Looks like a box to me, after all that's what she's been trying to buy off Amazon right?????
No. 678148
File: 1535849252112.jpg (249.5 KB, 1081x1809, Screenshot_20180830-190409-1.j…)

>>678130Did she delete this off her Tumblr? I capped it a couple days ago but ya someone bought it for her
No. 678338
Kind of sad, she really missed an opportunity, given what a ‘doxy’ is. It would have been a much cuter and more unique name than fucking Dolly.
No. 678510
File: 1535899516288.jpg (81.57 KB, 1080x697, Screenshot_20180902-104152-1.j…)

Why do I imagine this to be like 80% of their everyday conversations?
No. 678511
File: 1535899555376.jpg (86.76 KB, 1082x976, Screenshot_20180902-104211-1.j…)

>>678510cute pic Shay lmao. Dude looks like a gremlin.
No. 678553
File: 1535902224859.jpeg (108.92 KB, 1125x423, 2B4CF207-C8BA-48B2-8353-060C34…)

>>678532kek I hope this was farmers
No. 678716
File: 1535915546993.gif (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 540x304,…)

I think this is the most pathetic I've seen shay yet lmao. From her doxy video
No. 678723
>>678716Wow, she looks super retarded.
Also that buttplug design is so bad, it looks like a blown out asshole.
No. 678726
>>678541I'm going to have to disagree anon, haha. I think they're kind of equal levels of gross.
>>678716Ugh the pink jeweled buttplug was such a bad choice for her. At first glance it looks like she had an anal prolapse. Which isn't a stretch considering her vagina is already starting to
No. 678729
File: 1535916490166.png (72 KB, 750x418, IMG_3626.PNG)

Wow this guy spent a whole 10 dollars on you shayna we're so jealous
No. 678745
>>678716seriously she looks like she has Down syndrome.
Actually no that’s being really mean to people with Downs
No. 678762
>>678759Look harder
It's just a blanket sheet she threw over it
No. 678821
File: 1535923186902.png (5.58 KB, 510x225, Screenshot (222).png)

so apparently they have the house and kyle is moving in thursday (like a week before shayna) i bet hes still where hes been living this whole time and hes just gonna act like he just moved in omg
No. 678826
>>678759That's a blanket she's had for at least a year
>>678821That's a lot of work to do for basically nothing. He's probably gonna drop some boxes around his place to make it look moved in.
Hopefully Shayna doesn't look for any dust bunnies or built up grime proving he's been there awhile
No. 678870
>>678864It’s tulsa….doesn’t seem exactly like a very expensive place to live. Google says : “The median home value in Tulsa is $119,700”.
I’ve never stepped foot in Tulsa or even oaklahoma but from what I’ve seen on TV(first 48, anyone?) it seems like a fairly dumpy city.
No. 679409
>>678821This is going to be so milky.
I haven’t been this excited for a trainwreck since Raven moved back to the US.
No. 679448
File: 1535938086714.jpg (813.56 KB, 1080x2479, 20180902_202603.jpg)

so mature guys. I'm confused, this is one of the girls who paid Shay $10 for a reblog so I wonder why she wants them blocked now?
No. 679473
>>679448Maybe she realised that they're full of shit and is sick of seeing them? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
But can we talk about how embarassing they are? This chick just wants to stop seeing them everywhere but they think it's such a great joke…
No. 679486
>>679473their smug responses make me want to just use my non identifiable tumblr to say "ACTUALLY maybe they want you to block them because shay's ugly flat pimple covered, blown out ass and infected rancid dirty vag grosses people out to the point of vomiting and her embarrassing cringy shit "porn" is worse than burning in hell for eternity, and kyle nathan perkins from tulsa, OK is a fat, hideous short ogre looking wannabe 15 year old gangster near 40 year old who is actively ruining his actual young children's lives and tries so hard to be "edgy" that it's like a parody of a midlife crisis deadbeat douche. MAYBE just maybe that is why they are politely requesting to be blocked."
but instead i'll just rant it all off here to prevent ruining any future milk (if they would care or whatever).
No. 679494
File: 1535943722843.jpg (Spoiler Image,371.6 KB, 1081x1842, Screenshot_20180902-230059-1.j…)

>>679448I honestly think they're making fun of her so much shout it is because her own blog is awkward as fuck
No. 679534
>>679448They're all retarded and petty. This chick needs to get a grip and just ignore their posts or something. There's a million ways she could stop seeing their shit that don't involve begging them to block her. She should have just given up the first time.
Their stupid "u mad" response is just icing on the cringe cake.
No. 679749
File: 1535976216657.jpeg (104.67 KB, 750x498, 4FD340E5-60E2-47B8-A01C-9CE7DA…)

Saw this tweet and immediately Kyle Nathan Perkins from tulsa oklahoma came to mind kek
No. 679751
>>679448>>676573so basically you can do all the shit on shay's block list like serial liking her oc, deleting her captions etc and annoy the shit out of her til the end of time without getting blocked as long as you send her a message asking to be blocked!! i hope this girl takes it and runs with it. i hope she spam messages shay everyday asking for discounts, deliberately steals shay's videos instead of reblogging, reblogs all her stuff and deletes every caption but adds in her own 'check out this diseased vagina' caption.
it'll be so funny cos it'll put shay in a gridlock. either she does what the girl wants and blocks her, or she continues to let the girl get away with all this shit that pisses her off so much she blocks everyone else for it. (girl, if you're reading this right now, you know what to do)
No. 679927
File: 1535996549797.jpg (89.7 KB, 1440x1276, FB_IMG_1535996505383.jpg)

Shay in a nutshell
No. 680001
File: 1536003426594.jpeg (Spoiler Image,43.83 KB, 500x280, 426DED76-57C5-4C47-BD69-19BC17…)

>>679409Me too anon! I hope shay will be equally milky! I just hope they post pictures of their totally bought house in the near future (before she ruins everything wtih pink shit) so we can see the "Jacuzzi" and the "luxury" in the house he "totally bought for her" kekeke.
OT, but also I really hope Raven comes back soon, announcing her brand new divorce kek. (She got married to couchie already)
No. 680027
File: 1536005766461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,536.29 KB, 555x1090, DCEA2405-28C1-4D90-9689-4D0B5A…)

So about a week ago she was talking about on cam that her morning shifts get shorter and shorter because she is losing too many points on her cam score. She was done to an hour, but now non at all. She didn’t even add the hours to her PM sessions when apparently that’s where she’s making the money?
No. 680032
>>680027such work ethic
much thrive
No. 680090
>>680Your CamScore is the calculated average of money you make over time worked.
Just with any average, the more time on cam, dilutes your token earnings, if they don't grow together.
No. 680203
File: 1536019219905.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.77 KB, 1080x1465, Screenshot_20180903-195918-1.j…)

Looking rough and crusty as ever
No. 680396
File: 1536034462075.jpeg (188.51 KB, 750x1170, 4BD7B6A8-8624-4054-978A-0ADE8B…)

This girl is taking farm jokes and using them as her own on tumblr because she’s still upset about fupa and Shay responding the way they did.
No. 680398
File: 1536034674328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,198.66 KB, 750x1202, C9175AC7-3CAF-4AA9-B20A-F0B0A8…)

Petition to start a thread of this cow
No. 680399
File: 1536034771355.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 750x1334, 4A381EB7-14B7-4BB2-9F65-D2FF31…)

No. 680403
>>680398>>680399we get it, she's fat and has horrible taste in lingerie
is she milky enough for a thread though? just throw her in the camwhore thread
No. 680430
>>680398Mildly sus that this landwhale mayb a farmer/lurker who selfposted upthread for farm clout tbh
Bitch-tits and Cunt-boils are disgusting but chicks like this really feed into their delusion that da ‘haters’ are all jealous obese failed whores who resorted to talking shit for attention
Sooo let’s not
No. 680601
File: 1536067810439.jpeg (823.9 KB, 1242x1667, 941E4D6F-419C-46BC-8360-A70E0C…)

she is so unlikable
No. 680667
>>680646probably this
>>680203 since it's the most related thing.
No. 680674
>>680637there’s like an inch of blunt left anon. if that’s a roach to you then that’s a madagascar hissing cockroach.
by the way her already downsy eyes are drooping, i assume the uwu suburban bimbo housewife barbie smoked it by herself in her hovel before snapping some pics of her cross-eyed nipples. how pathetic.
sage 4 roach nitpicking
No. 680694
>>680398>>680399Being fat is not milk.
>>680203This is among the worst she's ever looked. Get some sleep and a retail job Shay, your life will be better.
No. 680726
File: 1536081786220.png (4.57 MB, 1242x2208, CA3625A6-8D0F-4386-BF04-D5FF74…)

sage because this is all old news but did anyone else catch this? what the fuck. was this a farmer or an autistic lurker? also they stole y’alls research wtf. 1/3
No. 680787
>>680730It looks like it could be a farmer. The tumblr is pretty empty.
No. 680793
File: 1536085884722.png (15.68 KB, 562x237, 1154478855455.PNG)

Fupa's tumblr is littered with posts like this from people praising their relationship.
It's pretty fucked up how most of them think this is some amazing opportunity for Shay. Just a bunch of mentally ill people supporting a deadbeat predator and a stupid scamming broke girl who's desperate for whatever she can get.
I can't wait for this trainwreck to be kicked into high gear. Shay is going to learn the hard way that older men who have abandoned their children, serially cheat on who they date, and enjoy being called "dada" are not good life partners.
I also wonder if she realizes on some level how pathetic and broke this maneuver makes her look. She looks like she can't support herself. She hasn't accomplished shit on her own. She's washed up at the age of 21.
No. 680796
File: 1536086018766.png (16.22 KB, 561x244, 5228964444.PNG)

Oh wowwww. Lmfao.
Living together is going to be a real wake up call for you two idiots.
Finishing each other's sentences and thinking alike?!!? Wow let's move in together before we have known each other for 6 months!!!
No. 680805
File: 1536086330473.png (16.78 KB, 267x501, 5633298554478211.PNG)

I know she is excited to see her favorite Fupa #2 at the live shoot. I hope she makes out with him again lmaooooo
No. 680818
File: 1536086860617.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1343x721, hankhell.PNG)

More lovinglyhandmade featuring Crusty Mattel from a couple of days ago. Her fake noises are always so gross. No. 680950
File: 1536097527823.png (20.54 KB, 750x392, Capture.PNG)

>>680787 >>680730
the blog may be a burner or a farmer but the faeblocklist (a blocklist for sexworkers of creeps?) has reblogged posts regarding shay so not even tumblr is arrogant to "lil" miss steal your dad (literally) ways these days
No. 680952
File: 1536097556436.png (Spoiler Image,452.32 KB, 1920x952, yay.PNG)

The threads featuring Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OK moved up to page 2 on the search results for his name.
No. 680978
File: 1536099349716.jpeg (333.18 KB, 1125x975, CADA4713-0CB2-41E9-A9E5-9FDD9D…)

I capped this last night and assumed it’d be posted by now but maybe she deleted? Anyway, no fucking shame
No. 680985
File: 1536099638627.png (Spoiler Image,735.82 KB, 959x639, Screenshot (225).png)

i found a full version of her most recent ATK vid and oh boy im cringing. the site is a bit dodgy without adblock
No. 681004
File: 1536101685182.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1136x960, SHAYNA SEE A DCOTOR.png)

>>680985the assne scabs was one thing but within the first 5 minutes she removed the stretched out hello kitty panties and you see a real cringe thats almost horror film material.
arrows was simply from watching how she acts with her snatch in the video, now none of us here are OBGYNS but there are no words for what is going on here.
No. 681069
File: 1536107633274.jpg (208.43 KB, 1080x1051, Screenshot_20180904-203210-1.j…)

Lol wow, Shay, a whole pizza??? Such thrive.
No. 681082
File: 1536108998926.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.01 KB, 1139x597, IMG_6638.JPG)

This made me fucking gag. This looks like raw, rotting flesh from a dead animal with herpes. This is not porn.
No. 681095
File: 1536110049351.png (Spoiler Image,619.51 KB, 1078x536, retard.png)

sage for stupid tumblr nitpick, but she has the worst tumblr theme ever. her entire career is based on her tumblr and she goes with this disorganized, ugly ass mess?? there are literally thousands of FREE themes out there that are so much better and professional. all she has to do is google "free themes tumblr" and boom there they are. please change your theme, shay
No. 681133
File: 1536112873527.png (Spoiler Image,272.76 KB, 539x293, Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 6.56…)

>>680985her nose looks absolutely gigantic in the whole thing.
No. 681138
>>681082the color of her labia is really not right. based on her lip and areola color it should not be that bright red.
That shit looks like it hurts.
No. 681141
File: 1536113918735.gif (Spoiler Image,7.75 MB, 600x338, cutebimbobarbee.gif)

>>681139oh it gets worse anon. God she is just so bad at every part of her job it's genuinely upsetting.
No. 681169
File: 1536115808371.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.29 KB, 1242x680, DB967C79-EAD4-4BAC-9331-7311CA…)

You look like you just love touching that infected pussy Shayna
No. 681180
>>681138it looks super inflamed like she can say its wet and aroused but it really looks like shes bleeding.
>>681051shes totally going to need surgery within the next few years if she wants to continue using her vagina for other functions then sex. if her uterus fully prolapses and needs medical attention if she would she even go to the ER or the doctor even?
No. 681244
File: 1536120691325.jpg (18 KB, 542x540, 1485579043022.jpg)

>>681141This is fucking hilarious. This really does look like some shit you'd see on Tim & Eric.
No. 681249
>>681141thought it couldn't possibly get any worse especially after
>>678716 but as always with shaytard, we get proven wrong
No. 681332
>>681141Please God can someone censor this with mcmansions or something and slap "It's Free Real Estate" at the bottom. This shit already has me in tears but it needs one more edge and I'd do it poorly.
>>681328Shayna's too edgy Barbie baby uguu to use lube at all (and that's definitely why she's walking around with corn beef pussy) but I wouldn't put it past her at all to try to tinge her naturally darkening privates in such a dumb/dangerous way tbqh
No. 681333
File: 1536132048030.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.11 KB, 856x570, hankgoddamndiggidyhill.jpg)

hank hill who?
No. 681340
File: 1536132866835.gif (2.56 MB, 357x200, 703EEC22-D840-4E4C-B2A2-406D5B…)

>>681141I am SOBBING. Holy shit. I think this is the funniest thing to have ever been posted on lolcow.
No. 681353
File: 1536138139568.png (82.3 KB, 400x213, tumblr_pek7b37HNY1reg2syo2_400…)

>>681141this is the funniest fucking thing i've ever SEEN. it looks like it belongs in the deleted scenes on the eric andre show
No. 681367
File: 1536141625563.gif (15.27 MB, 600x338, 1D4FDDD0-4374-4B36-8520-2B1B9E…)

I loop and reversed her ugly face and it’s the thing of nightmares
No. 681391
>>681138They really push the contrast and saturation in their videos. Look at her overall skin tone.
>>677175Those are her outer labia, not vaginal tissue or uterine prolapse.
The genitalia do not normally change shape and size outside of times of hormonal change (puberty, pregnancy, and menopause).
>hymenThat's the fourchette or frenulum of the inner labia.
>>681180That's not how uterine prolapse happens.
No. 681447
File: 1536154599757.gif (2.82 MB, 200x200, 46c.gif)

>>681141my fucking sides.
No. 681503
>>681391While that’s generally true, we’ve literally seen over time how rough sex/masturbation with no lube and literally punching her vulva have caused it to change. Look at the ATK galleries where her outer labia look deflated and dried out compared to her first few threads. She didn’t always look like this and the cause is abusing her body and dehydration. Pornstars also have a documented history of prolapse and a lot of women don’t last long in the industry for medical reasons due to the amount of abuse your body endures. I don’t think she’s prolapsing but it’s something to be concerned with.
Maybe for like a healthy woman having normal piv sex this won’t cause long term change the shape or size of her vagina. And I think if Shay took better care of herself, used lube, etc in a few years her pussy would recover.
I do think the color is still something to be concerned with. No other part of her body looks that red, it’s definitely irritated.
No. 681519
File: 1536163307965.jpeg (417.22 KB, 750x900, 023279C4-EC63-469D-BCB0-2A40C7…)

Look at those crusty fucking suckers… if they weren’t bad enough, she threw lipstick on em!
No. 681544
File: 1536165219887.gif (1.52 MB, 300x100, shaygnar.gif)

>>681533for the milkmaids
No. 681553
>>681141she looks like she doesn't know if she going to sneeze or not lmao. I bet the camera dude had a good giggle while recording this joke
>>680985>>681004>>681082>>681169Absolute everything about her looks just filthy and itchy. You get the fucking urge to scratch yourself after looking at pictures like that. And I bet they didn't bother to wash the coach after Shay sat on that with her infected ass jeez
>>681549post it in the banner thread in /meta and hope some admin will update the banner thing at some point.
No. 681560
File: 1536166767669.png (21.05 KB, 1038x325, cowwantsacow.PNG)

Cow wants to see some cows. Trouble in paradise? I swear she and Fupa are always using tumblr to vent their frustrations. What emotionally inept idiots.
No. 681574
File: 1536167442329.png (27.91 KB, 530x697, 522561899985452.PNG)

i know this stupid little bitch isn't sitting here acting like her fucking posts and her CRINGEWORTHY ass relationship aren't just as bad as these. You are one stupid little bitch, Shay. Truly. You think you are better than the people who are commenting on your post when you are just like them.
Stupid delusional idiot. can't wait for you to get knocked down a few pegs.
No. 681579
File: 1536167704599.png (Spoiler Image,409.77 KB, 574x848, 99655862162486215.PNG)

>>681574As long as your fat deadbeat dada neglects his children and hangs out with you while posting degenerate shit like this Shay, you will never be better than anyone.
She has no room to judge yet she keeps doing it.
No. 681645
>>680793>>680796I laugh at shit like this, they're grouped in with the people who mass msg to "check out my blog" or tag a bunch of blogs they aren't even mutuals with just for any sort of traffic or attention to be sent their desperate way.
Sending Fupa and Shay
nice anons is just self promotion. Those two are so desperate for validation that they'll gladly plaster those to their blog.
No. 681658
>>680985>>681004How is it, that her own porn is the downfall of her own career. Like what? If I saw "goth girl gets fucked", any of the shit she filmed in LA, or fuck…
any of the porn she's ever filmed… while casually browsing thru pornhub I'd dry up or lose my boner real quick. At least on lolcow we're somewhat prepared for the horror and gore. But those poor poor people…
No. 681809
File: 1536183123859.png (20.02 KB, 472x366, 2018-09-05 17_28_51-How long h…)

she somehow sounds even more stupid when she's trying to be serious.
it still blows my mind that she considers what she does "working" when she sits on her ass, boring as hell, 80% of the 3 whole hours a day she cams.
No. 681812
>>681574this is so funny like all of those things could easily be written by shay or fupa. also the "find jesus" bit is so overused by ppl replying to anons but i bet shay thinks it's such a great burn, on par with "ur dad likes me tho" and "cheeto dust & mountain dew in ur mom's basement etcetc"
i'm sure the hilarious irony of a girl with a diseased vagina who panders to pedophiles telling anyone else to find jesus is not lost on any of us though kekekek
No. 681828
>>681812>>681574Yes exactly. like shay's original post was super cringey. she can't really say anything about a rape fantasy when fupa reblogs from rape fantasy blogs all the time.
>>681809>6-7 months after I turned 18Well shay we all know that's a lie. Yeah it's even more mindblowing to me that she not only considers sitting on her ass doing nothing a job, but constantly implies that it's a much harder job than 9-5 hourly wage jobs!
>it's an extremely hard jobYeah playing video games, ignoring customers and fake moaning is so hard. To be fair, a lot of what she says is true for camgirls. Just not true for her. It is a customer service job where you have to be dedicated in order to make money & engage with customers. But shay doesn't do any of that. She's such a fake sex worker. There's a lot of girls on the streets/in porn/even online who bust their arses to pay their rent but shay's daddy (her irl dad. no one else's) pays for all her things
No. 681831
>>681809>i know what im capable of through this line of workyou mean
>>681141 ??
No. 681978
>>681972She mentioned before that she briefly worked at Olive Garden, before she started camming. Does anyone know how long she was there?
Imagine her resume when she inevitably has to get a job outside her house.
>Olive Garden, for a second, five years ago>????? No. 682105
File: 1536207198108.png (Spoiler Image,616.74 KB, 546x793, 56621148.PNG)

It's a shame that SC filter doesn't cover up her pimply ass.
She is begging her followers for money she should be working for. She had better be flying with Ribmeat in the cabin and not putting her in the cargo. Dumb bitch.
No. 682238
File: 1536228185991.png (254.39 KB, 1084x192, Screenshot (248).png)

she won't be doing an enema.
No. 682275
>>681082It looks so inflamed. She sees her vag all the time on video, how does she think this is ok?
>>681544>>681457Doing god's work, nonnies
>>681574Has she not reblogged ddlg rape fantasy text posts before?? What about getting drugged and fucked while you're asleep Shay, is that not rape somehow?
No. 682404
File: 1536252975668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,18.77 KB, 234x193, 4BE84528-0A36-430B-B0E2-1D93F3…)

Guess it’s cool to have your genitals in your avi now
No. 682408
>>682393well that definitely rules out humiliation as one of her actual kinks lol
it's my dream during one of these "humiliation" jobs that she does for someone to start making comments about the state of her pussy and ass. it's an obvious cheap shot though, i suppose.
No. 682438
>>682434Yes lmao she literally said in her first post on their little suggestion forum that she was into being talked down to
>specifically about my intelligenceShe can't even keep her fake kinks straight for 2 forum posts.
No. 682466
File: 1536260337532.jpg (Spoiler Image,528.8 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180906-145618.jpg)

>>682404Why she chose either of these images to promote herself is beyond me. Girl, you're not even gonna edit the assne out of the header pic? Also I know it's already been mentioned, but who would want a skin-toned butt plug with a giant black hole in the middle? I understand her less and less each day.
No. 682512
File: 1536265090934.png (517.33 KB, 750x1334, 0746AD6E-8AAF-42A0-9174-30E48B…)

Did someone bring up her old call out posts or something? Or is she just posting things like this because she loves drama and never lets anything go?
No. 682515
>>682512I hate bitches like Shay that are rude, terrible, and don't promote "girl power" and get upset when women call them out on how they have been rude and shitty. Only for them to completely ignore the criticism and act like everyone is hating on them because they are jealous.
Nobody is envying you, Shay. Nobody wants your life. Cam models, tumblr hoes, and farmers alike as well as your customers who you burned know the truth about you.
Nobody is jealous of a delusional dumbass with a prolapsing infected vagina who makes cheap, mediocre pornography. You signed to an agency that doesn't even cover your flights. You are fucking a literal deadbeat who has abandoned his children to be with other younger women. The same thing is in store for you. Have fun being homeless in Tulsa.
No. 682527
File: 1536267794588.png (21.34 KB, 269x591, 6663333222555.PNG)

Shay is gonna make mac n cheese with cheez its for her "dada".
actually, we all know she is lazy and we found out Fupa is too so they won't be cooking shit together hahaha
No. 682528
File: 1536267922641.png (17.93 KB, 269x571, 9665854752.PNG)

I think it would be hilarious if Shay didn't clean her apartment after packing her shit up and then got charged for the cleaning the landlord has to do.
No. 682536
>>682527"im the most excited to just fuck. the domestic stuff comes in second. lemme just talk to you about fucking every night and then add in the relationship parts last."
its pretty obvious that their little tumblr relationship is all based on sex&popularity but they're totally gonna last forever u guise ~~~~
No. 682550
>>682238"being called thick as shit could also be avoided"
she's into being a battered and bruised abused babygorl for fupa but don't call her thick!!
No. 682599
>>682527Omfg how delusional can you get. That almost 40 y/o isn’t going to fuck you everyday shay. You’ll be lucky if you get once a week after the “new” wears off.
So sad how she’s just going to end up being this mans mother when she’s half his age.
No. 682709
>>682657I bet he
No. 682782
>>682774Don't forget his faux leather lady gloves. God, who do you think
he is?
No. 682973
>>682821wait, she's acknowledging her height?
that's different
No. 682983
>>681574The first reply is actually kinda cute and sounds like this guy actually gets that BDSM isn't supposed to be abuse or meant to hurt you and is honestly kinda funny. I'm in a bdsm relationship and my partner has accidentally moved me into a wall while I was tied up. Since it wasn't meant to happen and wasn't for pleasure, he was all over me wondering if I was ok. It wasn't as hard as any of his hits but it wasn't meant to happen or for pleasure reasons so he worried, it's just one of those funny things that I'm sure happens to many bdsm couples cause sex is funny and sometimes things go wrong
The second one just sounds like Kyle Perkins if he bothered to pretend he cares about his partner with the whole stupid "big evil Dom" shit. If shay finds this cringy she should find every one of Kyle deadbeat's posts too. Maybe she'll realise that the whole idea that your Dom is supposed to be evil or mean is wrong.
As for the last one, a rape fantasy isn't exactly worthy of a non-joking "y'all need Jesus" moment mixed with angry tags coming from her. She has had rape fantasies on her blog and Kyle does nothing but reblog fake snuff involving rapes. That on top of actual rape or kidnap fantasies he's come up with. And not to try and normalize this fantasy but the girl is talking about a consentual relationship where her and her partner roleplay as rapist and victim vs Kyle being all threatening (not actually threatening but you know what I mean). I'd say it doesn't make her daddy fetish any worse considering roleplaying as an older man and a young child is rape anyways so shay really has no right to shame this girl
Not to mention shay shaming people with fetishes is a bad business move for someone who panders to pedophiles and disgusting men. Plus she's coming off as rather rude to her following and these guys will likely unfollow her for this
No. 683093
File: 1536323317705.jpeg (235.89 KB, 750x1290, FA38CAE3-D216-4C17-B1C3-25DF9F…)

Here’s some tips for shaving your lady parts Shay, from a REAL sex worker
No. 683272
File: 1536346968315.png (85.84 KB, 640x984, IMG_2216.PNG)

she is so tragic looking. lately her nose and teeth have looked like halloween witch features lol
No. 683282
File: 1536347895783.png (285.05 KB, 320x591, Screenshot (251).png)

>>683272at first i thought she had some infected scabs on her chest but its the filter thinking her chest is a face lmao
No. 683303
>>683282omg THE EYES
I'm dead
No. 683373
>>683272god she looks like a crackhead
>>683282did she fucking burn herself and make her body look even more nasty for edge points?
No. 683398
File: 1536359082974.png (9.68 KB, 264x336, 6696324821.PNG)

Says the nasty ho who masturbated on an airplane and filmed it to sell on manyvids.
No. 683427
File: 1536360713186.png (41.92 KB, 1060x323, 5464468944665.PNG)

This is from Fupa's MyLife profile. Do we think this could be legit or nah? No. 683487
>>683272aw, you guys are all so mean! After spooooiling herself at Sephora the other day, Shay obviously finally started using undereye concealer like everyone suggested… and NOBODY is going to acknowledge it? </3
Good job Shay, you're nearly a 5 now!
No. 683577
File: 1536375061823.png (13.95 KB, 280x387, 656 4353154.PNG)

supposedly Fupa got the house. It's most definitely in his name so it isn't Shay's. It's gonna suck when she ends up getting kicked out once he gets tired of her and finds a younger and more naive girl to manipulate.
No. 683674
>>683398Her job is literally to satisfy the desires of these stupid men and yet she gets so pissy any time they try to engage with her.
It'd be one thing if she was shooting down genuine creeps or something but this ask is totally harmless. I don't understand why she continues camming and making porn when she has so much animosity for the men who are supposed to be paying her bills.
No. 683776
>>683721Hahahah as long as she is with him, eh? See Shay, even Fupa knows that by yourself you ain't shit. You need his deadbeat ass kek.
Match made in heaven. It's truly a blessing that Fupa no longer has his kids around (or so it seems) cos Shay does not need to be around them and he's a piece of shit dad anyways. I would be devastated if I found out my dad abandoned me to play dada to some infected cam model who wears diapers, poops out plastic eggs, and pisses in potty trainers while pretending to be a fucking baby.
No. 683839
File: 1536421718262.png (335.94 KB, 846x585, Screenshot (252).png)

kyle's facebook is back and it still says hes single lol
No. 683946
>>683931"Why struggle to pay rent for a tiny studio apartment when you can mooch off someone else" is basically her mindset.
She's probably willing to sacrifice her happiness and any prospect of a decent relationship, any social life for the financial stability of someone else.
No. 683975
>>683965She hasn't posted anything about it online either, no promos or links at all aside from the little mention in her "schedule"
I guess she knows it's going to look bad
No. 683980
File: 1536433296678.png (416.26 KB, 875x556, Screenshot (257).png)

>>683979she only has one outfit. (idk who that random girl is in the cage lol)
No. 684011
File: 1536435826366.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1334x750, 3BB5F7D9-397B-439B-B346-EE78B2…)