File: 1709292753068.jpeg (852.4 KB, 1242x1606, you will never be farmhand.jpe…)

No. 72419
>>72417Yeah, check all the posts you want to report and then use the report box at the bottom of the page.
Honestly, I think they should add this to the info page cause I've been here for years and didn't realize you could report multiple posts at once until I asked here in /meta/.
No. 72424
File: 1709319874394.png (326.08 KB, 670x241, lajwdlkajdl.png)

maybe OTT but this is a creepy banner to have with the controversy over the nymphs being, well, nymphs.
No. 72432
>>72424I have sperged about this banner before in an /ot/ thread. I genuinely do like this painting but it's made by a male artist and based on a myth from an extremely patriarchical society. Men don't even dislike the Hylas myth
alot of them thinks it's hot so the banner doesn't work as a moid hate banner if that was the intention. If not then its a banner that is pretty for the sake of being pretty. There are other banners like that and not every banner needs to be cow or moid related but the other pretty/cozy banners have references to farming or board inside jokes so the Hylas banner sticks out like a sore thumb. I don't
hate it but it does have a cc feel to it
No. 72435
>>72434There already is a Nigel thread
>>>/g/113303 and if they want to complain about their Nigels there's already a relationship advice thread on /g/ too.
No. 72453
>>72424>>72428>"man hate"How anons here interpret this coomer banner as "manhate" somehow is some abstract next gen level of male centering pickme shit kek.
>>72432>Men don't even dislike the Hylas myth alot of them thinks it's hotSo the banner is about age old moid coomer representations of women seducing and fucking men, thanks for clearing that up anon. Man hate apparently means coomer representations of women seducing men to some here. Delusional. It fits right in with the man loving community here who're fooling themselves this banner is anything but, lel.
No. 72454
File: 1709370405527.jpg (110.47 KB, 799x593, 800px-Judith_Beheading_Holofer…)

>>72453Yeah wtf we should have something like picrel and also the threads
No. 72458
File: 1709378428707.jpeg (379.18 KB, 1280x1556, IMG_0917.jpeg)

>>72454No, we should have picrel (by Artemisia Gentileschi) as a banner. Not that namby-pamby, shit excuse for a painting some moid did.
No. 72459
>>72456>crusty anime memes>samefagging> Radfems bad ! Mommy-posters bad ! Farmhands bad ! Husbandofags bad !The metafag is the same meth-head troon who used to raid and post CP.
His posts should be deleted like Shaymin did and he should kill himself.
No. 72475
File: 1709401510851.jpeg (256.8 KB, 1242x484, IMG_2001.jpeg)

>>72459He's still crying over the fact that his retarded bans thread didn't get the support he thought it would now he's trying to make it seem like anons are just saying "Idc" to everything and not just his bait.
No. 72478
File: 1709402253169.png (185.08 KB, 1833x1112, Untitled.png)

>>72477For fucks sake here. I meant replies to these (first one was from the Snoop thread though, last is from bechdel test)
No. 72481
File: 1709402906460.jpeg (828.47 KB, 1242x1932, IMG_2002.jpeg)

>>72478>Nigelposting "I can't find my own clitoris boo hoo!" bait.>"We don't care!"Oh how mean of anon to say that. It's so cruel. I think we need to have some sort of assembly to talk about bullying.
No. 72482
>>72474It pisses him off that he can't post CP or gore anymore since Cerbmin put more protection in place, so he's trying to sow discord between farmers.
He's convinced he's a master manipulator (not surprising coming from a guy delusional enough to believe he's a woman) but it's easy to see through his pathetic attempts to destabilize the site.
As long as he stayed confined in /meta with it was fine, but now he's spreading his shit all over /ot. That's why I suggest to delete his posts.
P.S: Go 41% troon. You will never be a farmhand nor a woman
No. 72484
File: 1709403418516.jpg (344.25 KB, 965x1559, Screenshot_20240302_191815_Sam…)

>>72481Morr from your stupid "Muh hateboner for Farmhands" thread
No. 72496
Third retry.
>>>/g/382723 This seems like
a scrote is trying to urge people to seek out the person's photos and tiktok
No. 72500
>>72492kek you were right anon.
>>72493 >>72499
No. 72504
>>72491>word salad>all caps>samefagging through his scrotoid tears Your little gayop against farmhands and Cerbmin failed meth-troon, like everything else in your pathetic life. Pack it up and go 41%
>>72503The people who rag on Dakota are so strange to me, they're old enough to remember her haydays and yet continues to nitpick her every move.
If I was envious of her career in Japan as a baby weeb, I now realize how ridiculous I was and stopped participating in her threads.
On the other hand, she's one of our OG cows (although the real Ostrenga cow has always been Kiki…and Katie/Scott in a way) and I get why her thread remains open, for nostalgia sake.
May I suggest you stop reading her thread ?
No. 72505
>>72504do you seriously expect us to believe that this and
>>72493 were posted by two different people? which "meth troon" are you even referring to? and why are you compulsively replying to everyone in this thread calling them "baiters" even though replying means the "bait" worked?
No. 72506
File: 1709454790031.jpg (84.13 KB, 420x382, 1682642119459.jpg)

>>72505They're probably referring to this troon.
No. 72507
>>72504Kek look at his creepy sad reply to your post… he's so pathetic. He got sooo pissed off when you id'd him as the meth troon he's malding about it going crazy now. I didn't even connect his baiting behaviours to the old meth head tranny of yore, you're wise for seeing the connection nonna.
>>72505YWNBAW. 41%.
No. 72510
File: 1709455936498.jpg (584.47 KB, 1080x1915, UglyMethTroon.jpg)

>>72503>USYou're not one of us. KYS
>>72506The pic you posted is far too flattering nonita, here's his ugly mug in all its meth glory kek.
What a cute woman uwu
That gross pedo also has a thread on KF : No. 72523
>>72518I agree. He’s currently trying to pull one over on everybody by accusing other people of being him and telling them to “41%” over and over, since that’s what we used to say to him. He thinks if he just starts calling everyone a “meth tranny” we’ll buy it, since similar insults were what made people discount him in the past. So btw,
>>72506 has it flipped, and is either the schizotranny himself trying to accuse others of being him, or someone who is falling for his repetitive ramblings, just to pull a few:
>>72493>>72504>>72507(Countless more ITT, once you know the words he is currently fixated on you can pick them out easily)
TLDR; the schizotramny’s new gayops is accusing anyone who A) expressed discontent with moderation or B) recognizes him, as being him, since he’s seen in the past all it took for anons to start ignoring him was a “that’s the schizo tranny” so he’s trying a reverse UNO. I think the reason for A) btw is to try to prevent farmers from bringing up complaints, so that more people get dissatisfied with the site and leave. Or at least that’s my best guess, it’s difficult to understand the mind of a schizo tranny.
No. 72524
File: 1709490014331.png (136.17 KB, 387x620, 1659153512325.png)

No. 72533
>>72510My post didn't even use the term "us". What the fuck are you on just to spam some troon? Dakota has a shitty thread. Take some meds.
>>72516I did and they got a ban rightfully. If you don't like anons using meta for its intended purposes, hide the thread, minimodfag.
No. 72536
>>72533because you're fucking annoying. "What's with Dakota posters?!"
>go to the thread>it's one posttake some meds
No. 72538
>>72534Okay baiter.
>>72536>Hurrrrrr durrrrr muh Dakota thread has bad post I need to complain about it in meta instead of reporting hurrrr I hate Dakota thread durrrrr.We need to normalize using the report function and waiting some time for farmhands to respond to reports.
No. 72544
>>72541I never seen anons report so frequently that it's an issue. Only people complaining that reports were brought to /meta/ at all. Other users are right that this is why this thread exists. If you weren't supposed to also bring reports here if you wanted to, farmhands would've said it. Sometimes the person running a board isn't active, so coming here alerts someone to mod whatever it is.
It's like logic alludes some farmers. Don't like seeing reports in /meta/ then maybe don't come to /meta/ just looking for a reason to be mad at other posters. If it weren't for the fact that /w/ spergs are always so aggressive, I'd say it was the troon in /meta/ just shitting up the replies to all reports. Most users on /w/ know that there's a lot of shitposting retards who like to complain when they get called out in /meta/ though. Exactly why anons bring the reports here.
No. 72549
>>72544You have every right to post your reports here, until proven otherwise by Cerbmin, but you do tend to dramatize a bit (are you the same anon from the Taylor's thread and the now defunct J-vlogger one?)
If the thread was full of spam, CP or gore, I'd understand the urgency and need to get the mods' attention, but when it's a single silly post, it's a bit ridiculous.
I mean, you do you and I'm not trying to infight here but when you're overreacting like that you also have to expect the other nonnas to laugh at you a bit.
Also, asking for threads to be locked, especially those of OG cows is a bit silly. Stop reading the thread, like I did with the Dakota one, hide it and move on, it's not that hard.
No. 72570
>>72560>not every anon you don't like the opinion of is somehow related to a cow of yours or a board you frequentI don't even read these threads, which I find deeply boring. I only note the presence of one or several anon(s) who whine in /meta every time someone posts something they don't like.
> Waaah someone says Tom is ugly!!! Nitpicking ! This is not milk, please ban this bad farmer immediately and lock the thread ! If you (general you) believe a cow to be milkless, why are you reading their thread/monitoring it like a hawk ? It's so weird.
No. 72608
>>72604seconding this. shaynafags get way too much leeway in general for things that aren't allowed on other cow boards
and other off topic boards, i'm almost jealous of them
No. 72609
>>72606Kek you didn’t say anything about how badly they treated you, just that they were “Stacies” and you weren’t. And you posted it in the britbong thread so you could be uwu not like the other brits and aging gracefully(even though you’re barely 20)
You came across as extremely immature and unlikeable. Now you’ve been made fun of you’re bawwwing to the jannies about it. If they did bully you I’m not fucking surprised because you honestly suck.
No. 72613
File: 1709654743183.jpeg (204.5 KB, 975x515, IMG_6401.jpeg)

>>72610This is you talking about English women being raped by immigrants
>I’m not saying I agree with it, I’m saying you deserve it.You’re just as filthy and depraved as your shitskin fathers and brothers and this is why we hate you.
(racebait ) No. 72616
File: 1709655062089.jpeg (55.5 KB, 540x360, IMG_4105.jpeg)

>>72610just remember that every post of theirs you read, you’re talking to someone that probably looks like this
No. 72622
File: 1709655276736.jpeg (312.53 KB, 873x944, IMG_6402.jpeg)

>>72617You obviously can’t read well because this is what she was replying to.
No. 72625
>>72623b-but we’re the
victims nonny! think about the rape
victims in the new headlines! ignore the fact that i do nothing to personally support
victims myself, being racist to random anons on lolcow is enough activism!
No. 72640
>>72639There wasn't even any infighting or overly hostile responses(or anyone calling her bitch) in the post she seems to be referring to, just anons lightly making fun of and pointing out contradictory larping
>>>/ot/1911347 . OP could've just shut the fuck up and lurk more, but no, she's got to come here like a cliche entitled zooner and cry about farmers being meanies.
No. 72642
File: 1709704334617.jpeg (930.25 KB, 1156x1837, IMG_7371.jpeg)

This is a dumb ban in the Varg thread, imo. It isn’t mine, but the anon was explaining who BAP was, not espousing their own views.
No. 72647
>>726431. Is racebait just ‘mention of race’ now?
2. Yes this is a gossip and rumor imageboard
No. 72653
>>72643What’s with the authoritative tone? Someone asked in a thread
about racists, what is the deal with this specifc racist, and an anon explained their world view and why Varg does not like them. I see zero evidence in that post that the anon is on BAP or Varg’s side. It just isn’t racebait to explain what the story is on infighting within racist Twitter circles.
No. 72659
File: 1709746631730.jpeg (62.5 KB, 579x222, IMG_0665.jpeg)

>>72657because emojis make someone’s typing style too easily identifiable, defeating the purpose of an anon IB. picrel from
No. 72670
File: 1709758090236.jpeg (385.41 KB, 689x696, IMG_0667.jpeg)

NTA but how is this racebaiting? This post didn’t start an infight and it was relevant to the conversation in the thread? Meanwhile anons are free to have pointless infights about Israel/Palestine in the unpopular opinions thread. Are we not allowed to have nuanced opinions? Put down the crack pipe, farmhands
No. 72682
/w/ mod continues to be total retard as usual. It's not "tinfoiling" when there's fucktons of proof.
>>72661>>72662Literally every video ever of them together is proof. Go somewhere else to defend and fangirl over her, that's not what this site is for.
No. 72698
>>72697there isn't actually a difference one is just an upgrade of the other. japan invented the little pictures to represent the text based ones. also emoji is actually the original name for both the text based ones and the little image ones(western marketing made up the word emoticon and it actually used to refer to the image ones we call emojis now which you can see in caps of old msn messenger and aim) emoji of every kind including kaomoji used to be allowed on 4chan but they got banned to try to distinguish it from 2ch.
source: i am a haffu 45y/o programmer radfem dumbass
No. 72705
>>72692>Like go through your own texts and socially retarded ass has literally texted people "Please don't send me emoticons." the very first time they use one in texts with me.
I have loosened up about it in recent years because I just can't be that socially retarded anymore. I might even send one, whatever. But I like that emoticons are banned here.
No. 72709
>>72697I assume someone reported this post and the janny banned it because they determine bans without context. If so they need to be axed
Or the farmhands are incredibly childish
No. 72723
>>72707I absolutely did.
The joy I felt when I read the rules here for the first time and saw that emoticons were banned…. It’s great.
No. 72724
>>72708I don’t really care that they’re banned I just don’t think they’re identifying at all. They’re less identifying than using the same gif for every post you make so that reason is
sus to me. And then they also allow the Unicode heart as you said which is functionally exactly the same thing so it doesn’t make sense
No. 72731
>>72724Some anons are pseudo-identifiable no IP needed. Like paki-chan, cocksucker chan and Manifesto chan because of the content that they write and the way they convey it. Emoticons being banned isn't a means of perserving anonminity like you say; it's just the rules. I don't really see the point of highlighting specific text either like
victim and
triggered among other random miscellaneous terms used by the greater internet like you did with
sus. It's just a point of difference I suppose. Character fagging may not be explicitly against the rules on most boards but personality fagging/namefagging takes away from this anonminity.
No. 72732
File: 1709882970028.png (36.14 KB, 1563x327, 5.PNG)

>>72731Well yeah I'm not saying it's a means of preserving anonymity, I'm saying that's the admin's logic for it. Personally don't see how saying thanks anon colon closed parentheses is that obnoxious. Agree with the rest of what you said.
No. 72763
>>72762DA but Cerbmin's rationale
>>71239 was that Dumbass Shit anons (who almost exclusively post there) are unable to integrate and are adamant they shouldn't have to, go out of their way to ban evade, and are generally disruptive to the site. Repatedly trying to skirt around their decision, trying to turn other threads into Dumbass Shit 2 (like the Bechdel thread and Mundane Shit thread), and constantly complaining about it only prove their concerns right. Taking this confrontational approach is not going to make them suddely change their minds, no matter what you think about this decision.
No. 72781
>>72746You're the faggot that got butthurt other anons called out your lie straight away. Move the fuck on. You desperately wanted to a-log jillybean, got wrecked and now you're here. Pathetic.
>>72767>downmemed kys
>>72775How to tell when you're talking to staff kek. That or one of the newfags pretending they've been here since 2020 BC
No. 72794
File: 1709998338661.png (18.51 KB, 953x199, ban.png)

>>72670I'm that anon. In the farmhand's defense I was banned for another post for the same reason in the unpopular opinions thread. Neither ban for racebait makes much sense to me. I didn't use racial insults or post inflammatory opinions. Although I now realise that I misinterpreted the post I replied to in the unpopular opinions thread. That anon was talking about American politics not Africans being used as mercenaries. The ban in the unpopular opinions thread should have been for engaging with racebait, because in retrospect, that's literally what I did. The post in the tinfoil thread shouldn't have been redtexted at all because nothing I said is false or controversial and I didn't express a preference for either side.
I haven't seen the ban page as I use a VPN that works like a dynamic IP. The farmhand could have provided a better explanation in the ban message. It's not a big deal, farmhands get overwhelmed and shitty bans get handed out. I took a 48 hour break from posting and did other things.
No. 72795
File: 1709998663674.png (560.44 KB, 1125x1624, race bait.png)

I’m the banned anon in picrel and I don’t get why this post is considered racebait. I was making fun of Twitter tards, their lack of nuance and ahistorical knowledge of colonialism. I don’t really care about the ban, but just would like to know why it’s bait so I can avoid it in the future
No. 72809
Yeah I'm reporting all whiteknight accusations. This keeps shitting up the thread.
>>>/w/322526 It's just a way to infight without actually infighting. Basically bait.
No. 72810
>>72804That is not Scott but most likely Luis (the moid who raped the disabled girl) if the timeline is correct. We normally do not ban moids if they bring in fresh milk with caps etc until they start personalityfagging and attentionwhoring as all typical moids eventually do.
That being said, calling lori a whore 20 years ago and talking about how hairy her asshole was (when she would of been underage to boot), is not milk.
No. 72836
File: 1710053586199.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1885, IMG_6449.jpeg)

Can we have the tradthot thread back? Isabella just had a ridiculously ugly baby.
No. 72873
File: 1710156631815.jpeg (263.36 KB, 1242x2208, 2C4E160F-C6AF-4842-B336-7DB43A…)

>>72411I have no idea why I was banned. It lasted like a day but I'm seriously confused. i wasnt infighting or anything. unspecified reason, indefinitely, then reversed? anyone else experience this??
No. 72877
File: 1710169617319.jpg (614.5 KB, 1080x1843, 1000005714.jpg)

Just a quick question, how is discussing cringey cosplay antics derailing in the cringe cosplay thread? No one is infighting either. We don't have a cosplay general on /g/ to discuss cosplayers doing cringey unsafe things like using yaoi paddles on minors who cosplayed, all stemming from a twitter post about con safety. I usually don't complain about moderation, but this one makes no sense. It's the definition of on topic discussion. Anons are discussing safety due to this video abd about how in the 2000s it was definitely worse and not safe and current cons aren'tsage either due to reasons anons are explaining.
>>>/w/322177 No. 72881
Someone has been spamming sillypoo comics in /m/ bc they're so talented uwu
>>>/m/361713pls do something about the whiteknighting it's getting stale
No. 72887
>>72868Retard has returned to continue infighting almost immediately
>>>/m/361694 ,
>>>/m/361699 No. 72889
File: 1710188520088.jpg (69.51 KB, 600x545, lolcorseriouz.jpg)

I know Farmhands' Secret.
No. 72907
Anon infighting in the movie thread because they purposely refused to watch movies and the book is better
>>>/m/361954 Keywords:
movie and
thread. They don't belong there if they are just going to argue the book is better when it's not even a discussion about books.
No. 72914
>>72909My post was
>>>/m/361950 and I did not bring up the book. Multiple anons are posting. Stop assuming everyone in the thread is the same person. I specifically say the movies lol
>>72911Saying "That's just the movie interp" of a movie the poster didn't even watch, in the movie thread, is the point. No one wants to hear about the book, we are discussing movies and the adaptations. Purposely refusing to discuss the movie comparisons because you didn't see any of the movies is not anyone's place to try and teach you about the movies. It's called being a lazy pos and just trying to infight for the sake of an argument in a thread that doesn't involve the book interpretations. It's very easy to see that anons are just baiting in the thread between the pedophilia derailing and saying fucking handicapped people is illegal as if they don't have a right to bodily autonomy.
If you don't want to watch the movies, that's fine, but don't bother posting in the thread and then using "But I didn't want the movie, hurr durr the book is better" as an argument.
No. 72950
File: 1710291438079.jpeg (593.61 KB, 917x1202, IMG_3578.jpeg)

I get slapped for “infighting” and the person saying “have fun getting gang raped” gets nothing?
No. 72954
>>72947They've been banned. Please report them when you see them.
>>72950Not sure what you're talking about since they've been banned as well. Next time please just report them and move on, no point in responding and just inciting more infighting.
No. 72957
File: 1710293985313.png (13.89 KB, 992x268, how when it's past the delete …)

How does the farmhand expect someone samefagging to delete a past 30-minute post?
No. 72961
>>72960It's never been legal. The only way to get it legalized is to put it in between quotations or agglutinate it with another word, example
>I'm tired of Jillian's "uwu" shit>Wow this retard really thinks she's uwukawaiidesuu doesn't she?Etc
No. 72963
>>72962Cant mention anything race related but someone can say they will kill my child and that I should abort it lol.
I assume its just people reporting that gets mods attention, I find the comments made towards me funny so I dont bother reporting it.
If its just mods passing through and banning then I'm surprised that sort of talk doesnt get banned, not that I think they should be banned moreso that its interesting whats tolerated and whats not.
No. 72981
File: 1710322373806.jpeg (Spoiler Image,118.4 KB, 933x948, IMG_3450.jpeg)

so am I(don't reply to the scrote, just report and move on)
No. 72992
>>72990Unless you are also
>>72971 I wasn't replying to
>>72958 Way to out yourself
No. 72993
>>72950I'm not adding anything to this discussion but you did get got anon kek what a weak reply.
>>72976Whichever side farmhands agree with more.
No. 73005
>>72974I don’t want a post counter. It’s flawed. Also I don’t care if one farmer is posting a lot in one thread. Our threads are hundreds of posts long, it takes a month + to max them out, I don’t care if it’s only a few posters.
No. 73019
>>72968agree, some of the niche community cow threads would get a lot more entertaining if we could see how small a discussion it was.
>>73010wdym? they have all the info for poster count on the backend, it’s only a matter of showing it
No. 73024
>>73020It just would be interesting to see? Might cut down on all the Samefagging accusations as well. Though the threads are super slow so maybe yous would be better.
>>73021It’s like… 20 characters anon.
No. 73029
>>7302420 chartacters of gobbledygook for no reason? It would ruin the entire feng shui of the webpage I can tell you have no idea about numerology…
>>73027Your screen cap was a bunch of mumbo jumbo it doesnt make any sense stop being weird its honestly creepy
No. 73043
File: 1710391107619.png (320.35 KB, 1068x603, education for the blind.png)

>>73040We have to be careful these days there are too many dark forces at play here on the world wide web and we cannot allow the last refuge for us to fall to the wicked please listen to me and think critically about what's going on here for our sake we have to protect this place it's very important that this ib stays functioning for the eons to come reference the diagram I've uploaded for further proof
No. 73074
>>73072Because you replied to my post
>>73020 like you were the anon I was responding to
No. 73078
File: 1710425275810.jpeg (157.86 KB, 1178x779, IMG_0736.jpeg)

Just wanted to bring to farmhands’ attention that lc was name dropped multiple times on twitter as the “female 4chan” yesterday, which may be why we’ve been seeing an influx of scrotes and baiters
No. 73097
>>73083you're part of the problem
>>73088lol exactly. i don't mind edgy jokes or w/e but the level of sheer raging hatred for homosexuals specifically is unhinged
No. 73101
File: 1710443980328.png (135.39 KB, 800x385, Screenshot_20240314-201710.png)

The irony of redtexting this as infighting for pointing out the antifujo thread is not supposed to be used as a collection of caps for lost infights from other threads. I'm not even the anon who got banned but the ban is retarded and she is right.
No. 73109
>>73093We still have it, it’s just autosaged.
>>73094Hope that happens soon you miserable cunt <3
No. 73119
>>73105Yes it does. I don't see other anons making extra "anti-" threads for every cringy post they see on here. The thread started off nicely before a certain someone turned it into her archive of infights and personal vent journal. There's enough other abysmal fujo material outside of lolcow too, so there is really no excuse.
>>73107I don't know, but they should be talking about fujo media. If they suddenly started reposting caps of their ebin infights to circlejerk over them, it would be cancer too.
No. 73126
>>73105Here’s the main thing to understand with fujos
>its okay when they do [thing]>its not okay when other people do [thing]>they are always the victim in every situation Once you got that down, you’ll know that replying to them is a waste of time
No. 73127
can this kind of comment spam in Jill's thread be a bannable offense, it's fucking annoying and contributes nothing. I don't see it anywhere but Jill's threads so idk if it's a specific annoying Jill hater or what
>>>/w/323026>>>/w/322747>>>/w/322590>>>/w/322571and on and on
No. 73128
>>73101I was about to complain about my ban but I'm glad you brought it up. At this point the fujo cringe thread in /ot/ is kind of a lost cause because it's mostly caps from lolcow (which is bound to cause infighting) and people sniffing their own farts, so I simply propose we start posting actual fujo cringe we find on the web.
>>73123The problem is that pakichan is kind of infamous at this point so documenting her to warn newfags is to be expected. Her type of concern trolling and constantly bringing up the same shit and hot topics (yaoi, porn, feminized males, etc) isn't easily recognizable as bait if you're new to certain threads. I know I fell for it when I was a newer newfag looking at the tif thread.
No. 73131
>>73129Pakichan has a specific posting style and she takes offense to certain aspects of yaoi and in general weeb girls. She tends to post interesting things as bait to spark conversations where she will concern troll and she's extremely judgemental towards anyone who consumes weebshit.
It's very different from random nonas who laugh at cringy oversensitive fujos and call out their constant
victim attitude.
>>73130I feel like a quarter of the sperging would disappear if nonas didn't have their posts capped and posted there, especially the most boring posts and not like the extreme spergouts.
No. 73146
honestly tired of all the mommy posting and nigelposting. no one's stopping you from having kids or scrotes but you don't have to post about it here, just posts about cows and weebshit like everyone else
No. 73148
>>73146cows are dead
nonnie didnt you hear
No. 73152
>>73146agreed, mommyposting and nigelposting should go to their threads in /g/
>>73148if cows are dead then how come KF is full of them?
No. 73174
>>73166nta and I haven't posted on this issue, nor do I usually post like that:
I like it, as long as the person posting has interesting things to say about each quoted post. I read lolcow to destress after stressful things and I like reading more than a couple lines of text. idk why anons can't just skip over posts they don't like, it's not breaking rules to reply like that
No. 73189
File: 1710539605088.jpg (193.32 KB, 1080x726, 1000013819.jpg)

The tranny is having a schizophrenic meltdown in the Rita thread over Onion Farms >>1976612
Picrel is him admitting it was all him, and linkrel is the "thread" he made with no evidence. Avoid pages 4 through 9 due to gore, page 10 and later has some genuine milk and context as to why the tranny is shitting it up seems he had no evidence Rita was Crimson and sperged out when 3 different people pointed it out.
No. 73223
File: 1710566891951.jpg (365.14 KB, 1440x2220, 20240315_222612.jpg)

How is it possible that LC gets 10 MILLION visits per month and yet /w/ is totally dead? Are most people just here for the non-cow boards?
No. 73231
File: 1710593627892.jpeg (194.3 KB, 933x536, IMG_6530.jpeg)

Admin is a fat fuck haha waddle waddle bitch(ban evasion)
No. 73241
>>73189Keep this shit to yourself. It's constantly fake and never any proof. Most users don't give a fuck what the name of the admin is and everything always brought to meta has been fake or old ass years old 'milk' regarding who
might have been in charge. Stay on your other site.
No. 73247
File: 1710612150763.png (460.76 KB, 1056x1488, Screenshot_20240316-133641~2.p…)

Really? I posted 14 hours later. I understand banning me for detailing or not contributing milk but not for posting twice in a row, fourteen hours apart. Get the hell out of here.
No. 73248
File: 1710612695315.png (386.27 KB, 1371x353, ktCwQ1H.png)

The varg thread is infested with obvious moids, sperging about racial types.
No. 73262
File: 1710625131521.png (38.73 KB, 251x143, Fv_vY8daQAAsNNq.png)

I think its really retarded that people cant complain about perverted/rapist migrants without being called out for "racebait" I saw a canadian girl talk about how the new Indian migrants stare at her like she's meat and she got a warning for that…why?
No. 73269
>>73267Nta. It's unfortunate but it becomes bait in the eyes of racists who see it as an excuse to squawk about their asinine views, it may not be intended to be bait but it baits them in nonetheless.
>Red texting posts for naming languages used to evoke the funny.Well that is just over zealous entirely as you can cover up mentions of race but when something can only be humorous due to pointing out the complete inability to communicate you have to bring it up in detail.
No. 73288
File: 1710641046176.jpeg (174.2 KB, 1242x367, IMG_3620.jpeg)

>>73267Racebait, the way it’s used here, means ANY race related discussion not actual racism. It’s pretty retarded and idk why they’re just blindly following oldmins rules rather than wondering if it makes sense. She was also a schizo sjw so idk why anyone would take this interpretation of the rule seriously.
No. 73315
File: 1710662037678.jpg (25.95 KB, 720x176, 1000003471.jpg)

The fact that these posts stay up for hours at a time is why these fags keep coming back.
No. 73351
Please ban the baiter in
>>>/ot/1859737. I’ll take a ban too for responding to the bait, but as a Jew seeing shit like this is sick
No. 73391
File: 1710775464417.jpeg (321.16 KB, 828x669, IMG_3026.jpeg)

the " trans community threads should be about individual cows" is retarded. so it's not milk unless someone posts stupid shit with their name attached?
i get banning vents and blogposts but the rest is stupid. we have a bazillion community threads that are made to discuss wider phenomena instead of a specific individual but inky the troon threads get this level of scrutiny. are mods trying to kill them or what?
No. 73396
Regarding the art thread, if a farmhand could get back to me about it, I asked this in thread:
>I don't know where I could post this except here, but would art nonnas like to do prompts in thread and then post our versions for others to rate? I don't know if that is thread-acceptable or not.>>>/m/363587I just want to know if this would be the right place or if it would need it's own thread. If here is a thread like that already or if maybe some other anons know.
No. 73404
>>73391then they should delete the
>Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait. since its not milk and we are not supposed to discuss anything but milk in it.
No. 73418
File: 1710819917795.jpg (379.26 KB, 1080x2098, 1000005777.jpg)

This user posting about a baby is not milk even if you try to blame the parents. Anon's asking why it's even milk is apparently whiteknighting now. Where's the mod that actually called out these vendetta posters?
No. 73419
File: 1710819977179.jpg (487.68 KB, 1080x1593, 1000005779.jpg)

>>73418It's 100% vendetta. Claiming anons who don't agree with you are "whiteknights" are a form of baited infighting.
No. 73426
File: 1710829177943.png (67.91 KB, 1586x837, baned.png)

can someone explain to me what rule I broke here, is it because I didn't reply to someone specific?
>>>/m/363546 No. 73431
File: 1710832490481.jpg (118.72 KB, 720x788, 1000003489.jpg)

"All women in Hollywood have downs" anons are getting too comfortable. Enough.
No. 73433
>>73425Because they are jealous. They're literally nitpicking normal trials of childhood and motherhood. Most of the posts there are severely deranged.
>your precious princess taytay Oh, we
all know who you are. It's good you've learned to clear your cookies when using a VPN though!
No. 73435
>>73432How many posts are anons going to make complaining that they don't like a dress she's wearing or just pointing out something
might be sponsored which doesn't even matter since she doesn't have to disclose it the same way in HK as users in bugerland? Other than that, it's about the kid constantly and whether they are good enough parents. It's a ghost town for milk. Thank god a farmhand said that nitpicking her IVF, Tom's age and looks, their communication, and if the kid is mentally challenged is bannable now. They are really eliminating all discussion because of infighting over it so much. Now none of that is allowed to even be joked about.
No. 73449
File: 1710861158620.png (146.79 KB, 562x656, Screenshots_2024-03-19-10-12-2…)

What on earth happened to the post numbers on /ot/?
No. 73453
>>73451nta, but there have been numerous complaints about the moderation in /w/ for at least a couple years now. Whether you agree or not I think anons saying WKs are unduly sticking up for Tom and Taylor would
also say that the moderation in /w/ skews more like, "pro cow" than /snow/ and /pt/. Rarely do anons get redtexted on /snow/ for saying a cow's husband/boyfriend is ugly or their outfit is bad…
No. 73458
>>73455Admins were resolving this issue
>>73449 which required them to disable posting while they looked into it. King Charles hasn't ordered a hit on us yet
No. 73459
>>73448ikr? i can understand foaming at the mouth to wk for taylor, but for that uglyass moid with questionable morals? sometimes i think it's someone they know or a relative that keeps patrolling the thread, because who else would work so hard to cape for a cow and her moid kek
thank god the wk was banned for once. it didn't stop them from ban evading and ranting here, though, but it's a nice start.
No. 73462
>>73461you took it way too personally for someone who was "accused of" being a wk lol
let me guess, you're one of the anons that screams "nitpick" at every second post in the thread and tries to shut down every discussion by whining about poor little taylor and poor little tom being bullied in an anonymous forum.
No. 73463
>>73462This is coming from a neutral post, but the way anons fling the term wk around when someone doesn't agree is pretty ridiculous. Instigating infights by accusing anons of "protecting their precious princess taytay" should be bannable. It's bait the same way accusing anons of wking is another form of instigating.
Also, the post was meant to point out that anons use the term "wk" any time they don't like a post that isn't degrading the cow. You can't even be neutral because it's somehow protecting the cow? It doesn't make sense.
No. 73464
File: 1710878954715.png (19.67 KB, 225x225, ffffffffff.png)

The only reason it gets raided by the deformed y chromosome subhumans is cause it was linked somewhere in /pol/ and the scrotes were seething so hard and this is exactly why we need it back.
No. 73465
>>73463 >accusing anons of "protecting their precious princess taytay"it's not an "accusation", dumbass, that's exactly what the banned wk-chan was doing. shut up and stop ban evading.
>anons use the term "wk" any time they don't like a post that isn't degrading the cowthe same way wks call every mildly critical post nitpicking, hate, vendetta etc. the problem is that mods kept banning critical posts, while wks were left to thrive. that's why wks got so gutsy and entitled, because they know they can show up, shit up the thread, infight, yet grab no bans.
the same wks keep whining about "don't post minors" if there's nothing else to complain about, when mods have said many times it's not a problem in this case. they remind me of "what about the childrennn!!!" that karens throw around when there are no other talking points left.
No. 73472
>>73469Again, talking about threads that were locked well over a year ago, get a new conspiracy, nona…those threads were also
full of white knights and general weirdos. The shooper in the Belle thread was weird, and the jvloggers thread was loads of infighting about whether or not Chris and Sharla clearly cohabitating meant they were dating or not (they were, vindication much like the titfoilers of the Shayna thread kek) and were full of infighting. The infighting stemmed
just as much from WKs who filled the threads with pointless chaff and discussions about whether Belle wearing children's clothing was pedopandering or not, or if Sharla was fat or not. sooo dumb.
No. 73486
>>73428Not sure why you got banned even if you are new this isn't egregious and I've been using this site for 7-8 years.
>>73467So the mommy posters and moid lovers aren't tradthots to you?
No. 73491
>>73426No contribution and instead posted an unsaged opinion that doesn't matter.
>>73488>permanent banTell us you're a newfag without saying it explicitly
No. 73492
nonnie, Thank you for this lesson, I had no idea. Really interesting stuff
No. 73498
>>73497It lead to derailing and tinfoiling about him being
abusive and controlling
No. 73501
>>73499Anon is clearly trolling, claiming pedophilia and fucking mentally challeged girls is all fetish material the film deliberately put in there.
They are just wrong. Keep reporting them.
No. 73502
>>73501You're just reassuring yourself nona, pedophiles try to normalize all the time.
>>73499Honestly this considering the content.
No. 73510
>>73499Yeah there should be a temporary embargo on Poor Things because there are a handful of anons who just can't control themselves and
have to infight about it. I disliked the movie, but I'm not going to run around accusing everyone who enjoyed it a pedophile/pickme.
No. 73520
>>73509I've used them multiple times without getting banned. I don't even think of them as emoticons but words kek.
Speaking of emoticons, why is <3 banned but ♥ is not? What if someone uses ♡?
No. 73522
File: 1711018921398.png (44.06 KB, 2936x343, owo.PNG)

>>73520they're pretty inconsistent with it
No. 73523
File: 1711030924901.png (201.55 KB, 1412x788, not integrating.PNG)

there is a nona on the jill thread that has not integrating for weeks now. ive been reporting her posts. she replies to 4-10 posts within the thread at once and most of the time there is little to no contribution
>exactly this
>i vote vidrel
>reminds me of a passage in a shane dawson book
its too easy to spot this one specific nona and her non contribution/reply style and its shitting up what already is a difficult thread since jill's thread always has so many newfags
No. 73525
>>73521The user said it was about formatting or was it the farmhands because the report page didn't say formatting? How's it asslicking when anon asked what the problem could've been?
>can someone explain to me what rule I broke here, is it because I didn't reply to someone specific?Keep up instead of infighting.
No. 73534
File: 1711043090710.jpg (21.79 KB, 811x117, overzealous.JPG)

What the fuck, farmhand. The OP was fine. Completely typical amount of commentary, and links back to specific posts from the last thread are not exactly universal in these threads (just look at the pro-ana scumbags series that spawned this one). And I've never seen a thread get locked just because the OP forgot to include a link to the last thread, which happens all the time.
>>>/snow/1978390 No. 73536
>>73534Why did you try to bait someone off a post they made by making it the OP image and posting some bait at the top of the OP?
>What a wild few months the last thread turned out to be. Some milk and a lot of infighting. Someone posted, “I say you leave these souls alone.” Whoever wrote that, it’s so ironically iconic that I’ve made it the picture for the thread. Come on anon
No. 73541
>>73534The OP includes a ton of irrelevant detail and first-person commentary while leaving out basic information about cows. In cases of otherwise good threads/milk we occasionally let this slide and I would have given this just the temp ban (for the reasons already listed here
>>>/snow/1978587) without locking it. However, since this thread is extremely newfag heavy and almost exclusively used by the cows in question to dish out their in-community vendetta drama, I'm holding the OP (and commenters) to a higher standard of integration. Reminder to everyone to report suspected selfposters and don't take bait.
No. 73549
>>73548actually I posted about PTs for the first time a while ago and I was accused of samefagging. some of you are just weird. the movie is highly controversial, though I agree it's getting tiring.
also to the farmhands: can samefagfoiling be bannable at least? it'd pretty much solve the whole issue. if the accusation is true then the samefagger can be banned, and if it's not, the foiler gets banned.
No. 73556
File: 1711063842372.jpg (13.15 KB, 260x186, Screenshot 2024-03-21 192918.j…)

would this be considered tinfoiling? samefag-accusing? it's annoying, either way.
No. 73559
File: 1711088732782.jpeg (497.79 KB, 1060x843, IMG_3665.jpeg)

mods when cockbreath chan spergs out all over /ot/ and /2X/: I sleep
mods when one person calls some ugly moid ugly: real shit?
No. 73563
File: 1711099817814.png (535.8 KB, 775x919, 1000022381.png)

not the anon who posted it. but this is not nitpicking in the slightest, get it together.
It's a retarded video.
No. 73567
>>73508It was causing issues cause out of all the the threads on this site it was the one that made scrotes seeth the most. How else do you explain all the raids?
>First raid: weeth fields moid meltdown
>Second raid:Scrotes posting shitty tear soeaked wojak memes malding over childfree women "waaaaa enjoy dying alonnnneeee"
>Third raid: Scrote literally posted a pic of himself "y'all are probably fat anyway Reeeeee"
>Fourth raid: trad wife wojak being compared to career stacy thread pic absolute moid meldown
>Fifth raid: Race baiting and derailing
>Sixth raid: Seething kifiwarms moid posting an unhinged kiwifarms thot and saying all anons were her being jealous of tradthot's amazing normal bangmaid uwu lives (kek)The thread hurt their feelings so fucking bad knowing that the only women who agree with their retarded beliefs do it for clout and money kek not to mention the based radfem and manifesto posts. The moids were crying all over the threads it was epic. We need them back. And if the farmhands can't moderate a scrote magnet thread properly then what's the point of this site ?
No. 73586
File: 1711133541088.jpg (332.82 KB, 1080x1715, 20240322132.jpg)

Mods banning the same anon twice for responding to an infighter? I'd understand if it was banned for infighting, but nitpicking?
I think it's not anon who's nitpicking, but the mod.
>>73581She's not. She's larping about her mom teaching her not to wear shoes at home in the comments and calling it a leg workout, yada yada. It's just another instance of Taylor making a clown out of herself for content and I, for one, would like to be free to ridicule it in her thread. Too bad I'd grab a ban, too, if I respond to it in the thread now.
>>73583It's not mods who want "real milk" it's her fangirls hanging around the thread and reporting every single post.
The post was saged, ffs, so no one's pushing it as milk to start with. Mods really should stop blindly banning everything in the thread as soon as they get a report.
No. 73595
>>73591Not everything retarded needs to be redtexted. We'll end up with trolls making threads unreadable. It doesn't do anything, everyone just ignores it now or chucks a fit.
Ask instead why more and more banners seem to be done teenagers who miss peak tumblr and DA. The 2x banner is the cringiest shit I have seen in a long time. Be CrItIcAl Of MaSs MeDiA? Are we a fucking kindergarten now?
Perhaps redtext kindergarten now because why not.
No. 73597
>>73595I meant redtexted like “
terf” “
victim” “
POC” etc, not that it should get a ban + redtext from farmhands
No. 73598
>>73597nta but im pretty sure anons know what you mean. they are right when saying anons will purposely use those terms to troll threads. It's not a buzzword. You're just personally
triggered by reading the word 'yap' or 'yapping'. are you insulted somehow? lol
No. 73602
File: 1711146240952.jpg (68.74 KB, 1920x620, 426694395_945320576760115_3072…)

She clearly shopped her bump to make it less obvious so the simps keep buying her shitty onlyfails nudes. How about you lurk more instead you discord level retarded NEET mod ?
No. 73608
>>73602Her face is shooped to eternity too kek
also please delete the troon's post
No. 73611
File: 1711159914305.png (Spoiler Image,495.04 KB, 647x848, deleted completely.png)

>>73602Why'd you delete your posts? It's not shopped to hide some massive pregnant belly. Nothing in the background is even warped to prove she tried to hide her stomach. Just because a cow has edited her stuff before doesn't mean everything about her needs to be posted with the assumption it's edited. This is also the only photo on the NudeTv in the white bodysuit aside 2 others. Sounds more like an assumption based on her wearing this outfit rather than actually have truth to it.
She's also not pregnant. Screams shitposting.
No. 73626
File: 1711200861153.png (49.88 KB, 1368x282, are you pretending to be stupi…)

Mods you do realize this wasn't even meant to be homophobic against lezzie's it's just a fact. Men exist in the world you can't really avoid their existence unless you join some society that has no men in the entire city or something, also what happens if you have a son? do you just put him in a basket and send him down the river?
No. 73627
>>73626They should've given you a longer ban.
>do you just put him in a basket and send him down the river?Thankfully there's no need for that when we can just abort moids.
No. 73629
File: 1711208218725.jpg (51.73 KB, 728x410, anime-blonde-wink-anime-girls-…)

>>73626Real women bash male newborn on a rock or abort them before it's too late they carry the Y chromosome so they were aborted at the gene stage anyway. Also no kids don't need male figures in their lives who are more likely to rape and abuse them (check the rates of child molestation and abuse by fathers and step fathers) kids are better off raised amongst female relatives in a safe environement, it's been that way for thousands of years men never did much childcare. Kill yourself scrote.
No. 73633
File: 1711209914792.jpeg (154.1 KB, 1045x356, IMG_6620.jpeg)

Great work dealing with the scrote in the confessions thread. I think I mistakenly reported this anon as a scrote but I don’t think she is. Pls don’t ban her kek.
No. 73647
>>73617>>73586It's a retarded video and anon is right to ridicule her. Mods overreacted but will never admit to it. The second ban is an even bigger joke. Replying to a wk playing dumb is not nitpicking lol. I guess wk-mod is back from vacation.
Too bad I can't report wk-ing in
this thread. Anon that told wk about meta, burn in hell, now it will monitor both the thread AND meta.
>>73628> It's a silly heehee video about shoes in the house not milk or interesting or laughableI find it laughable to what extent of retardation she's ready to stoop just to get engagement. If an influencer posts a braindead video, it's totally acceptable to laugh at her. And, no, judging by her replies in the comments it's not a "silly video", she's being serious, which makes it ten times more hilarious.
The thread is dying because as soon as there's a discussion, wks mass-report and mods blindly ban. This ban is an example of that. The previous threads were not dramatically different from the current one, btw. If anons expect us to unveil things like Tom's shady business every day to consider it
worthy milk, then this site deserves to die and should've died ages ago.
No. 73672
>>73662Anons trying to rebring it up
>>>/w/309543>>73665No one explains where the wking in that thread is kek
>>73586 like here, is the wking in the room with us? Anons not being allowed to post is due to them never having good posts.
No. 73673
>>73672Who said it's the same lol The first one had ground and links, the one you posted is a low-effort bait.
>No one explains where the wking in that thread isLurk more. It's under every second post trying to paint the OPs as weird or dumb for criticisimg Taylor or Tom.
Nowadays wk-chan follows a usual strategy of clinging to words and playing dumb, then when nonnies take the bait and reply to explain that she's wrong, mods come in with the infight and derail bans. Neat strategy, must admit.
Even right now wk-chan is using the same strategy
>>>/w/323589 and an anon already replied to it kek
No. 73678
>>73675I don't use this thread ever and don't know its lore, but I do think "avatarfagging" shouldn't really be punished in /m/ of all places (unless it's off-topic) since it's the main board for pic dumping
>>73674agreed, though I assume it's mostly newfags who don't use other boards peaking in real time. I'm biased about this, but it's nice to see. maybe farmhands can make a post to let them know? though they should be able to read the thread desc…
No. 73682
>>73679nta, but it says taylor posting easter content a literal week before easter is just to entertain levi. how is that not wk-ing? instead of ignoring the post if there's nothing to add or adding something to the discussion, anon chose to make it seem like it's just an everyday fun activity for the kid.
it shows that wk just can't walk past a small criticism like that without commenting on it. I don't think many people die eggs and hunt eggs every day as a fun activity for kids.
No. 73686
>>73685doing holiday-themed activities not on the actual holiday
is stupid. if your friend posted stories about egg hunting with kids a week before easter wouldn't you find it weird and retarded? i would.
No. 73692
>>73689no one dyes eggs a week before easter, stop the wking here. normal people dye them the saturday before.
>>73690the moderation is unhinged and has been so for a while. it's not even funny anymore.
No. 73718
>>73716>don't want to infight >doesn't know how meta worksOkay newfag, make sure you tell all the anons to only use the report button, negate using meta for reports since it's is wrong. You newfags are idiots.
I don't see anons nitpicking over any of these reports brought to meta, minimod.
>>73684>>73675>>73659 No. 73723
File: 1711410688964.jpg (619.24 KB, 1080x1968, 1000005822.jpg)

>>73720Except samefag minimod can't help but post shit in the thread
No. 73727
File: 1711414288253.gif (207.21 KB, 400x278, NGGmbky.gif)

Erm why is the maintenance time written in military time?? And why is the timezone GMT???? I thought this was an American website????????? someone please fetch me a burger, im about to faint
No. 73738
File: 1711450506305.jpg (1.74 MB, 1090x4040, 0000.jpg)

This anon seems to be on a mission to sabotage certain /w threads, notably those of JVloggers, Belle Delphine and now Taylor R, Dakota Rose.
Every time someone posts something in one of these threads, they're :
>Derail the thread with their WKing then abuse the report system
>Come cry on /meta being super dramatic
>Frequently ask for threads to be closed for "lack of milk".
>Accuses anyone of being a vendetta/newfag/minimod/samefag (I mean, look at their reaction when I innocently suggested they use the report system…they're fucking unhinged. They're probably gonna lash out at this post too kek )
Personally, I don't care about these threads (I only read Jill's and Venus's on /w) but I find it regrettable that someone could abuse the moderation system in this way (alas, the shitty moderation from the Shaymin era allowed this sort of stuff to happen)
Cerbmins should take a look at their post and report history and permaban them if necessary.
No. 73743
>>73739>The person saying the Taylor thread needs to be locked again was being sarcasticHow'd you know? Are you that anon?
>Tons of people complain about Taylor being dryAnother ton of people would gladly discuss her braindead insta stories and copycat reels, but wks keep reporting anything that moves in the thread.
>>73742Given how often they whine about samefagging, they probably samefag themselves.
No. 73745
>>73738Those arent even all the same poster kek unhinged as fuck alll because anons get caught samefagging constantly and ban evading. Theres only two wk redtexts in the recent thread even. I think its safe to say the thread is dead and taylor has no milk anymore when anons are trying to make decorating eggs a milky issue kek
How are you going to blame other users for these posts
>>73723 when anons are reaching so hard kek And farmhands aren't listening to users for reports only. Hellweek made it clear the farm can detect devices, so even if anons are going off wifi, the samefagging is still obvious. Hence the wall of samefagging redtexts 3 in a row.
No. 73746
>>73745I'm skeptical all those posts are by the same poster, wouldn't be the first time posters were wrongly banned for samefagging. But I don't know since I'm not a farmhand. What is weird is this anon
>>73712 claiming samefag over basically nothing, what made them say that?
Yeah I am sure farmhands are salivating to check device data about innocuous shit. Get real. Adding "kek" after every sentence doesn't make you look cool btw.
No. 73752
File: 1711468333946.webp (9.74 KB, 254x254, 1709217027168.webp)

>The person saying the Taylor thread needs to be locked again was being sarcastic.
No. 73754
>>73745>Theres only two wk redtexts in the recent thread evenYes, celebrate how rarely you get banned for shitting up the treads. Mods have been called out for closing their eyes at Taylor's resident wk(s) for ages. Proves nothing. I hope you get your brownies from Taylor vegan for all that hard work.
>>73750I just love how anons themselves admit that Taylor's is being overly monitored in one post then claim it's just normal amount of banning for a thread in the next. Literally every single post has been banned for one reach of a reason or another. Should we alert cerbmin to background check the jannies babysitting her thread or something? Anons used to joke it was Taylor's assistant's job, but it's starting to sound less funny now. Who else is jobless enough to religiously follow a thread only to report every single post in it?
>>73749Exactly. How is discussing an influencer's video or post a nitpick? Jannies are as braindead as Taylor's fans. The funniest part is that even if they ban by mistake, they never admit to it, unless anons bring it to meta.
Where did the rule about overusing the report button go? Because someone is obviously constantly abusing it without consequences.
S/N There was an anon wrongly banned in the thread not too long ago and when another anon brought it here, she replied that she appealed and it was lifted. Can't find the post in meta now. Which proves that jannies do ban blindly and if they are called out, they remove traces so you can't pin it on them. Go figure.
No. 73758
>>73738Careful nona, the only time I ever copped a ban in /meta/ was when I was connecting dots about /w/ cows. This was before cerbmin but it really seems to strike a nerve when you suggest that there are certain weeb girls who have threads here that we're not
really supposed to criticize. Anons have been saying this for a couple years now. TBH it's a losing battle to point it out and I think at this point the best we can hope for is that /w/ gets put out of its misery or that they do just dead those threads. Because maybe then the WK(s) would move on.
No. 73766
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>>73765yeah, and can the jannies too? seriously, not being able to identify humor is a hallmark of autism
No. 73782
File: 1711550093549.png (59.33 KB, 730x236, what emoji.png)

I've seen several bans like the one in picrel where an anon is banned for using an emoji when there isn't one. It has me seriously doubting my sanity. Where is the emoji?
No. 73787
File: 1711554073100.png (434.24 KB, 1670x1170, Capture d’écran 2024-03-27 à…)

ths thread is just retards fagirling over the comic and has nothing to do on the cow boards anymore
No. 73788
>>73787Is it getting praise because it's
terf comic or something?
No. 73791
>>73789wowww so the horrible feminazis are bringing up how trans idelology is rooted in misogyny… in the trans ideology hate thread?? how horrible
>>73788it's written by a tif so idek
No. 73796
>>73793Huh? NTA, but it’s the thread in /ot/, anons can blogpost if it’s on-topic. The issue is some anons have zero reading comprehension
and are maybe even TIFs themselves so they try to shut down any conversation that strikes a nerve. While I have seen some legitimate misogyny in that thread, for some reason, it’s the current discussion that really
triggers them
No. 73800
>>73798We actually can't sperg about it in the snow thread, it's for TIF
cows not gender ideology speak… gender ideology talk is for the gender ideology hate thread. Duh.
No. 73807
>>73805Retard ESLchan is once again spamming her
>it has been disproven multiple times>"how?">japanese fujos don't troon out!!!Song and dance. She literally has the same 4 points on repeat and rotation and she is now bordering on personality fagging.
No. 73810
>>73805>>73807mods should ban all of you for infighting already since none of you can stop yoursleves from replying
the thread is for gender ideology anyway. you can always go use the peak trans vent thread in 2x if you need to blog.
also stop using esl as an insult
No. 73817
>>73814>Shayna deserves to be in /pt/ on account of her trillions of threadsReasonable
>She has usurped Pixyteri in terms of Queendom of lolcowsHard no lmao
No. 73819
>>73818this is probably a groundbreaking concept to you
but if you keep replying and dragging out an argument instead of ignoring and reporting you are, in fact, participating in an infight
No. 73827
>>73824There are a lot of newfags arguing about who should or shouldn't be in /pt/ and don't really know much about the old school lolcows. Yes, most /pt/ cows are past their prime in terms of milkiness so it has nothing to do with that. Shayna herself, as you said, is not very milky and her threads survive off of the spergery of Shaytards, and Jill is very similar. Venus is rightfully in /pt/ because she is
well-known within the general lolcow (i.e. not just this website) community and is a very old cow. Neither Shayna nor Jill have anything /pt/-worthy about them (although I'll say that between the two Jill has more /pt/ potential)
No. 73837
File: 1711573214098.png (37.98 KB, 764x588, retard.png)

Do you think I'm saying being a whore is good because I agreed with another anon that it would be LESS DISGUSTING if she had chosen a different paraphillia to cater to?
No. 73862
>>73860Because I don’t think people should be banned just because a lot of anons disagree with them?
>>73861If she actually stands behind her statements then it’s not really bait is it? Bait is said expressly just to annoy people.
No. 73885
File: 1711636268812.png (57.68 KB, 1269x381, 2024-03-28.png)

Ok retarded pedo-protecting mods how is reporting an unhinged scrote E-pimping his 12 year old daughters online to nazi pedos cowtipping?
No. 73888
>>73885Encouraging cowtipping by using lolcow as your personal army, even if by suggestion only. That's usually the logic.
>>73883There's only been a handful in /meta/ suggesting this because those anons want image spam boards. We aren't 4chan.
No. 73889
>>73888Ayrt, I personally want a split board because I
don’t want to wade through all the pic spam threads on /m/, so no. Yes, I hide the threads I don’t like, but that’s literally like 70% of the board, and I have to use catalog for /m/ to be usable anyways. Like no disrespect to the nonnas who use those threads, but what does bad fetish art and doll pic spam have to do with discussing anime? /m/ is one of the slowest and most disjointed boards here, but I really do think it has potential
No. 73894
>>73893I guess my issue isn’t really about classifying something as image dump or not (I don’t have anything against image dump threads, unlike
>>73888. True, this isn’t 4chan, but it’s still an imageboard). But rather, I think “media” is way too broad, and I’d like to have a board dedicated to fandom-type content, which several threads from other boards could be moved to. I get some anons might disagree with this suggestion, but I really think having better organized boards would be a huge improvement. From what I’ve observed, most anons only use like one cow board and /ot/, but I bet way more anons would be interested in using /m/ if it was more usable
No. 73902
>>73868>>73870>>73872I don't know what is mentally wrong with all of you that you need to have it explained to you why it's blatantly false that mothers arent "retarded vegetables" after pregnancy and postpartum. That's a shitty and blatantly
INCORRECT thing to say, especially on a forum full of women and mothers.
No. 73905
>>73903Did you make this post:
>>>/ot/1941491 ?
No. 73911
File: 1711657611693.png (1.2 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4468.png)

>no more Sydney Sweeney sperging!
Ok, but saying something completely normal and constructive about her appearance is fine right, other people have done the same in earlier posts and haven’t gotten banned
>still gets banned
At this point just make her a banned topic, anyone who brings her up in any capacity should get banned. this is not sperging in any way kek
No. 73920
>>73918Learn what samefagging means because you replied to my (
>>73914 ) post instead of your own.
No. 73928
>>73924Sydney posts are allowed (like the one about her and laneige for example), but the reason why people get banned for 'sydney sperging' is because of dozens of posts about how hot or not she is, how her boobs are this or that, or general infighting/derailing about her being a whore or whatever else. There's been many farmhand posts stating that posting about her is fine, but posting your personal opinion about if you think she's attractive or not (which baits infights) is not okay. This is the same for the ATJ sperging, Florence pugh sperging, etc like
>>73922 has said. Sydney especially has been attracting people getting obsessively angry about her for several threads now. People post their opinions about different celebs all the time but if it takes over the thread with people arguing, regardless of who it is, eventually we're going to have to step in.
>>73925Kpop isn't allowed at all. That's been a rule for years now.
No. 73931
>>73929You dumbass thread spergs must think you're like evil scientist Alferd Einstein levels of "smart" or something because it's very apparent to everyone that it's just the same group of dumbass thread posters targeting threads trying to get them locked because "muh dumbass shit wasn't this bad!!" and it's super annoying. Can you all please stop.
>>73930How many times do you need to call X celebrity ugly? How many times? Do we need 500+ posts about calling anybody ugly in different ways? Where is the entertainment value in that. Use your brain if you have one. There's only so many things you can say about 1 person about their looks before it gets repetitive and boring and annoying as fuck to read.
No. 73999
File: 1711751073926.png (40.6 KB, 1176x242, stop being mean.png)

so are we no longer allowed to mention the staff at all outside of meta? how dare we praise you for once, right?
No. 74005
File: 1711752806725.png (857.2 KB, 663x1024, redditspacing.png)

>>73928Put it in "Rules" then.
>>73935It wasn't even discussing K-pop. That post just used some photo of V from BTS and only indirectly referenced K-pop in passing (Something about plastic husbandos, idk I didn't make that post and looks like the nona who did deleted it now).
Also farmhands, learn wtf reddit spacing is. Stop telling me to integrate when you have no clue how it even works. I double-space for readability. Double spacing is NOT reddit spacing.
No. 74020
File: 1711775367470.jpeg (264.48 KB, 1242x703, IMG_3710.jpeg)

Is it mandated to call troons by their actual pronouns here? I thought this wasn’t a political website.
No. 74042
>>74041Calling someone she or he isn't integrated behavior. A lot of posters don't care, but the ones that do, do this stupid grammar crap and it adds nothing to the threads except make themselves look obsessive. Anons know who is being posted about. This isn't a
terf website.
No. 74046
>>74043not every rule is explicitly written because you are expected to use your brain, lurk and deduce how the site works and adjust your posting style accordingly
what is it with this wave of militant newfags refusing to integrate and insisting the rules shiuld change to accompdate them? no one is making you post here
>>74045right. and troonios keeptrying to come here sp if we start to give them an inch they'll overrun the site soon enough. most anons here aren't gc let alone radfems but no one wants males and genderspecials here.
No. 74049
>>74043Admins say to intergrate because this is an anonymus board and you're not supposed to be identifiable. If you call a MTF a "she" you stick out like a sore thumb and most will assume you're a twitter tourist or newfag. It's not a political thing, it's just the site's language.
Like save the infight and just delete one letter ffs, like we call each other faggots and retards here and a pronoun is your issue?
You're also not supposed to lurk in the rules, just in threads.
No. 74050
>>74049I feel like a whole lot of you missed the fact that staff has said this isn't a
terf exclusive website, so they wouldn't be banning people for using the wrong pronouns. I don't know where you got that from. If that were the case, there would be a lot of 'troon wk' redtexts and there aren't.
No. 74051
>>74050>>74050AYRT I know that, I'm not a
TERF myself I just hate male troons. Just expect there to be newly peaked angry anons who call themselves TERFs in every discussion regarding trans people. Look at how fast the Trans Ideology Hate thread turned to shit because people couldn't stop being angry spergs.
No. 74052
>>74050NTA but using accurate pronouns here is not exclusive to “terfs.” I don’t consider myself a radfem really but I’m not going to censor myself to feed into troon delusions either. Some anons are radfems here, some aren’t, but it
is against the rules to self-censor and be unintegrated
No. 74054
>>74047no one is trying to infight we're just trying to answer that person who keeps asking whether the pronoun shit is against the rules and why
again everyone knows this isn't a radfem website and a lot of posters aren't radfems, but this is a female exclusive site that only allows biological female posters and bans all men including mtfs. there's a consensus that way.
the integration rules are unwritten for a reason, so that you have to lurk and work it out yourself. explicitly stating what counts as unintegrated behaviour and what doesn't would defeat the whole point of the rule.
>but you can't dictate my opinions!!!the rules say to adhere to board culture. some things just don't fly here, including self-censoring. again, if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to post.
No. 74055
>>74052But it’s not self censoring. It’s basically saying you have to agree with everyone else on this issue, which goes beyond posting like everyone else. It’s weird to me especially since then explicitly said troon threads aren’t political. So now anything that makes you stand out is unintegrated posting?
>>74044Uhh so if the majority of people do something then everyone has to?
No. 74056
>>74055>But it’s not self censoring. It’s basically saying you have to agree with everyone else on this issueIf you believe that TIMs are women, maybe this isn’t the explicitly female-only imageboard for you
No. 74058
>>74054I've never seen it asserted that lolcow's board culture means addressing troons with bio pronouns. Either MtF or FtM.
>>74055Agreed. I've been here for probably a decade now and I haven't seen any of this ever be enforced. It sounds like some anons trying to make up lolcow 'culture' to appear as oldfags when this stuff was only ever moderated when it resulted in infighting or anons taking bait.
>>74056This is such terrible bait. Move on already, anon.
No. 74067
>>74062Then why does it bother you so much for anons to be expected to not self-censor?
>>74065This debate started because farmhand gave a ban for not integrating. How does shit up the thread?
No. 74071
File: 1711813950344.png (85.91 KB, 1659x405, image_2024-03-31_024857842.png)

Picrel was posted just before
>>74020 so it seems like anons were just annoyed with newfags/newfag sounding anons in this case. So this is likely a big stupid shit stirring by the person who originally post
No. 74081
>>74075oh no not the evil
terf hags ruining muh board
i'll tell you what's ruining this imaheboard, it's the belligerent retards who aggressively refuse to integrate and then proceed to whinge about their bans bc they think the rules shouldn't apply to them
>herwhen someone says she for an mtf is an imageboard staple, there's been memes about it for ages
No. 74092
File: 1711834464695.jpg (158.29 KB, 1508x315, gross.jpg)

farmhands please delete obvious moid posts than just redtexting them.
No. 74095
>>74069Now I’m really lost, isn’t “code switch” a common phrase? What’s wrong with it lol
>>74063No, I don’t care if the use of the word results in 30 replies all saying >she, what I have issue with is there being a mandated opinion that you get banned for. It sets a bad precedent.
No. 74096
File: 1711838716962.jpeg (162.08 KB, 1212x411, IMG_3719.jpeg)

This was an obvious joke, that one person who wouldn’t shut up about “da baiter” really made this place a little bit worse
No. 74101
File: 1711841675332.jpeg (58.21 KB, 750x366, 5F33FF7B-0665-4400-8384-0F9527…)

I’d like an actual answer to this.
>>>/g/388245I was just minding my own business, some aggressive weirdo comes in and starts minimodding telling me to leave the thread and that I’m homophobic, but when I respond, I get redtexted and none of the posts from the instigator do? This makes no sense to me. Not trying to tinfoil too hard, but this interaction reeks of a farmhand defending her own post, or at least exhibiting significant bias.
No. 74103
File: 1711842363732.jpg (619.07 KB, 1258x646, get out of jail free.jpg)

>>74098>It's obviously a joke!Apparently a "joke" is picrel now.