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No. 87487
glad to see this is back!!
>bleakest cowvenus
>biggest plot twistvenus posting underage bikini models in her thread
>worst milkthe entire skirby thread
>best threadluigi husbando thread
>worst threadunpopular opinions
>best drawingthe amazing sailor moon animated elsie!
>best picmixthe general tinfoil #20 OP
>most retarded infightyume/fujo wars
No. 87491
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Best Milk
>goober peasWorst Milk
>everything in the leftcow threadFavorite Cow
Worst Cow
>skirbyBiggest Plot Twist
>all LC staff being on the spectrum (not really surprising, but to say it… kek)Horrorcow
Bleakest Cow
>ShaynaBest Comeback
>plasticnproud (was excited she came back online)Best Thread
>Bad/hideous fetish art on /m/Worst Thread
>skirby's threadBest Comment
>troon child birthing hips>the child being birthed>>>/ot/2125615Most Cursed Comment
>nona not understanding language>>>/ot/2075044Most Retarded Infight
>amerifags idiom infight>>>/ot/2069040Best Shitpost
>president nonny's 15 point plan (picrel)Best Cow Fanart
>cow husbando fanart>>>/ot/1896267Best Drawing
>moomin elsie>>>/ot/2042053Best Picmix
>CEO of eggman industries shot>>>/ot/2304101 No. 87492
File: 1734036772925.mp4 (17.75 MB, 700x700, lcbunker10sept2024.mp4)

>>87491oops just realized I did the greentexting backward oh well
honorable mention to all the lolcow 9/11 fanart and edits from when the site went down
No. 87493
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>Worst milkAnything about a cow being fat
>Favourite cowThe peatards
>Biggest plot twistYuripedo doxxing
>Bleakest cowFanny
>Best threadDUMBASS SHIT
>Worst threadUnpopular opinions
>Best shitpostPicrel
>Best cow fanart>>>/snow/2063223
>Most retarded infightAny infight on the post your art thread but especially the ones about Loomis and the one about the anime boy in a thong
>Most cursed comment>>>/g/449862 No. 87495
>Best MilkVenus on meth
>Worst Milk Momokun racist cuck porn
>Favorite Cow Shayna
>Worst Cow Addy
>Biggest Plot Twist Rancefag wasn’t fat
>Horrorcow Fanny
>Bleakest CowPixyteri…
>Best Comeback9/10
>Best ThreadCat pictures
>Worst ThreadBlackpill
>Best Comment >>>/ot/2170759>Most Cursed CommentHarold the midget (deleted)
>Most Retarded Infight Fujoshi vs Yumejo vs Himejoshi
>Best Shitpost>>>/ot/2074318>Best Cow Fanart>>>/shay/168939>Best Drawing>>>/ot/2233147>Best Picmix>>>/ot/2304101 No. 87508
>Favorite Cow/Bleakest Cow/HorrorcowFanny/Null/Laika/probs other aliases I'm forgetting
>Most Retarded InfightThe eternal fujohimeyume war
>Worst ThreadCelebrity thread or ugly male psyop, the latter feels like an extension of the first
>>87495I'll never forget the midget
No. 87512
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>Best Milk Fanny pre-DFE
>Worst Milk Art Commentary Cows
>Favorite Cow Vicky Shingles or Pixyteri
>Worst Cow Skirby
>Biggest Plot Twist Carrey-chan was insane the entire time
>Bleakest CowVenus
>Best ComebackLolcow itself
>Best ThreadLazy Bitches or Chadification Thread
>Worst ThreadUnpopular Opinions
>Best Comment Anon's "ate too many pretzels with hummus" diary entries
>Most Cursed CommentAnon who rubs her vagina on her toilet>Most Retarded Infight Chee Chee VS Regular Show
>Best ShitpostReview of the Constitution
>>>/m/367054>Best Cow FanartI hope this counts, anon is quite talented
>>>/snow/2032586>Best DrawingHomeless Elsie
>>>/m/421850>Best PicmixPicrel
No. 87513
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>Best Milk
Pixielocks wedding
>Worst Cow
Dana Hare and all the reddit newfags she brought with her
>Best Thread
Luigi Husbando
>Best cow fanart
Picrel in the Fanny thread
No. 87556
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>best milkIMO it has to be heather and her civil war ryan. The milk has been so good that it drew me into a cow thread I have historically never read. Everything about it is perfect
>Best threadI'm also nominating the heather thread because the anons there are unusually well-tempered and genuinely hilarious. It's like a shining example of how a good cow thread should function.
>Biggest Plot TwistSeconding "Anons doxxing yuripedo"
>>87490>HorrorcowGotta be Dana Sinnabunny, but Fanny is second.
>Best Comeback/ot/ restoration with everybody's help
>Most cursed commentanon building a husbando doll with her own hair
>Bleakest cowgotta be pixi, just on the criteria that she's the only one I think getting better is truly impossible for and she seems to be circling a smaller and smaller drain
>worst threadall the ones about fujo/anti-fujo nonsense. They fill up so fast and are just one big retard battle arena, my eyes glaze over at the mere mention of the word fujo now
No. 87564
>Favorite CowEpic documentary producer ItsBlackFriday
>Worst CowEmpathchan
>Biggest Plot TwistT H E I N C I D E N T
>Bleakest CowShayna
>Best Comeback/ot/
>Worst ThreadCelebricows
>Most Retarded InfightReoccuring eye colour infight in Unpopular Opinions
>Best Drawing>>>/m/362937>Best Picmix>>>/m/412748 No. 87572
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>Best Milk Fanny the tranny birthname reveal
>Worst Milk shayna's disneyland trip
>Favorite Cow Fanny
>Worst Cow empathchan
>Biggest Plot TwistKyle Carroza being arrested for posession of cp
>Bleakest CowShayna
>Best ComebackCreepshow ''dreading'' art
>Best ThreadFanny's
>Worst ThreadACC because its a mess filled with newfags that dont post caps
>Best Commentthat comment that outed yuripedo's reddit for her typing style alone kek
>Most Cursed Commenteverything on the TMI thread
>Most Retarded Infightfujo/antifujo wars
>Best Shitpostthat one webm
nonny did when lolcow was down
>>>/ot/2159671>Best Cow Fanartpicrel
Best Drawing
fanny's ocs as peter griffin and lois
>Best Picmixall of the luigi kawiwi picmix
No. 87575
>Bleakest CowPT
>Best threadArt requests
>Worst ThreadRadfem cows or fandom discourse
>Most Cursed CommentThe shower gunk eater anon
>>>/ot/2120123>Best ShitpostChadification edits
No. 87583
>>87572>Worst Cow empathchan
I agree.
No. 87590
>Best milkfanny name leak
>Worst milkany thielbux related shit
>Worst cowEmpath or elon musk
>Favourite cowPixyteri, of course
>Biggest plot twistyuripedo lore
>Bleakest cowpt
>Best threadCelebricows, I love the chappell roan milk tbh.
>Worst threadUnpopular opinions
>Most retarded infight"motherphobe" infight in amerifag thread
>Best Cow Fanartlatest fanny threadpic
>>87572Holy shit ours are so fucking similar lol
No. 87591
>>>/ot/2307556and the follow up posts
No. 87603
>Worst Milk Any of the stale milk in the recent pro-ana threads. Still hoping it makes a comeback though
>Favorite Cow Haunted_Butterfly. I was new to her this year but I like that her crazy behavior is relatively low stakes compared to other BPD(?)cows but still absolutely insane
>Worst Cow May from the Cluster B thread is incredibly irritating and milkless at the same time. I get the appeal of documenting her antics but I stopped reading that thread because of her. Similar opinion on Stormy from the camgirls thread
>Biggest Plot Twist Agree with the Pretty Pastel Please death
>>87534 because this thread is how I found out she died, RIP
>Horrorcow Definitely Cinabunny
>Bleakest CowVenus
>Best ThreadHaunted_Butterfly
>Worst ThreadLeftcows. Used to be my favorite threads but the milk has completely dried up
>Most Retarded Infight Incessant Sabrina Carpenter infighting and nitpicking in Celebricows
No. 87620
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>Best Milkfanny was very entertaining
>Worst Milkskirby
>Worst Cow skirby
>Bleakest Cowshayna
>Best Comeback/ot/ images
>Best Threadbad art thread: cozy and has little to no infights
gender ideolody hate thread: a breath of fresh air among all the social media kneeling down to trannies
>Worst Threadskirby, empathchan, blackpill
>Most Cursed Commenti don't remember if it happened this year but that one nona who posted a drawing her nigel made of her. the one with wings and chains
>Most Retarded Infightthe one in the most recent post your art thread
>Best Drawingpicrel
>>>/m/391236also this
>>>/m/421840>Best Picmixeggman inc ceo shot
>>>/ot/2304101fixed my quotes No. 87680
>Best MilkHeather latest ex, his nicknames and their antics are dorky gold
>>>/snow/2065128>Worst Milk Jill Vessey/pixelocks killing off one DID alter/OC only to make another one
>Favorite Cow Heather Steele
>Worst Cow Skirby
>Biggest Plot TwistVenus Angelic nuking her own discord by offending the mods, shitposting on twitter and here to get banned
>Horrorcow Dana Hare. I've never seen a cow reach horrowcow status in under a couple weeks
>Bleakest CowPixyteri
>Best ComebackPlasticnProud
>Best Threadbanner thread
>>>/meta/54709>Worst ThreadAmerifag lmao
>Best Comment
>Most Cursed Comment>>>/snow/2066606>If she swabbed that grody-ass toothbrush and put it in a Petri dish, a new life form previously undocumented by science would hasten to build a entire mouth, tongue, and vocal cords within 6 hours for the sole evolutionary purpose of asking why Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) of Nashville, Tennessee, married known rapist Matthew Alan William Hare, formerly of St. Augustine, Florida.
>Most Retarded Infight idk the specifics but the yuripedo thing and any splinters from that, seems like virgins arguing ad nauseum
>Best Cow Fanartjake munro thread #3
>>>/snow/1983123 No. 87704
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>Best Milk
Heather picking the stupidest song of all time to represent herself
>Worst Milk
Venus being a crackhead
>Favorite Cow
Heather you're so consistent
>Worst Cow
Its Black Friday is approaching Horrorcow with her antics related to her kids I can't believe shes gotten worse as a person
>Biggest Plot Twist
Pixielocks killing off Jerrick
>Bleakest Cow
>Best Comeback
our blessed site lorcor
>Best Thread
The most recent Heather/Haunted Butterfly threads have been chefs kiss
>Worst Thread
half the threads on /ot/ because of the infighting
>Best Comment
>>2062346 so many good ones in the Heather threads
>Most Cursed Comment
any of the fetishes you're ashamed of
>Most Retarded Infight
any celebricow infight, whether its ariana sabrina or lana it shuts out all the genuine milk
>Best Cow Fanart
whoever decided to use a spiderman comic for Jerrick being fused bless you I cackled
>Best Drawing
Sailor Elsie!
>Best Shitpost
anything from the substance use threads, i love you girls
>Best Picmix
love all the picmix made for just the moovie thread alone I can't choose just one on this site noooo its too hard
No. 87711
>>87649>Lolcow going down and anons seeking refuge on a cuckquean fetish boardThe ironic, cinematic symbolism of this hasn't been lost on me.
>>87572>That amazing webmGoddamn it, now I wish I could change my vote!
No. 87716
>Best Milk/Favorite CowHeather really delivered this year.
>Bleakest CowVenus & PT
>Worst ThreadUnpopular Opinions
>Most Retarded InfightAgree with
>>87508, anti-fujohimeyume fighting
>Best Drawing>>>/ot/2280056 and
>>82941 No. 87722
>Best Milk Venus's crazy breakdown and how her discord mods kept coming to lolcow to justify cow-tipping, reporting her on Twitter and nuking her discord, killing off all milk for farmers and then coming back and defending themselves repeatedly
>>>/pt/944566>Worst Milk Taylor R eating gluten-free pizza crust
>>>/w/327993 >Favorite Cow Momokun/Mariah Mallard
>Worst CowSkirby and her vendettafags
>Biggest Plot TwistVenus coming to post to lolcow after all these years
>Bleakest CowVenus
still MIA>Best ThreadAmerifags
>Worst ThreadSkirby
No. 87747
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Best Milk
nonas tracking down the personalityfags
Worst Milk
reading the discord logs in the fanny thread with dog dicks and pedo shit
Favorite Cow
fanny ze tranny
Worst Cow
Biggest Plot Twist
all the lost images being recovered (rip dress up thread on ot tho)
dan the poly pedocow
Bleakest Cow
Best Comeback
Best Thread
Worst Thread
all those vendetta threads made by fujos(the seeth was fucking kino)
Best Comment
>>>/ot/2205034Most Cursed Comment
>that anon who got turned on by liam payne ending the payne dead bodyMost Retarded Infight
fujo/antifujo/yume/hime joshi chimp wars(the only good milk that came out of this is the face reveal of two pests on lolcow)
Best Shitpost
>>>/ot/2205034Best Cow Fanart
>>>/shay/169223Best Drawing
does a 3d model count?
>>>/m/436518Best Picmix
>>>/ot/2141150>greentext your categoryAnd write your nominations below
>best boardtans (all boards) or elsie art? No. 87757
>>87745She got exposed in Tinfoil
>>>/ot/2157564Pro Troon manifesto here thread meltdown here
>>>/ot/2158320 No. 87758
>>87757This has
not been a good year for our personalityfags kek
No. 87866
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just wanted to say merry christmas and thanks for doing the awards again this year. I'm glad you took on our feedback and added more categories for user creations! and its cool you went and found all the posts people nominated, it makes me think you guys actually use the site. I know that seems obvious but idk
No. 87907
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I know my drawing won't win for the nomination, but I still feel so honored that it was even mentioned. I love being a retarded artfag for this site.
No. 87955
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thank you for nominating 2 of my posts i love you all
No. 89453
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its been a month…
No. 89646
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>>89626That cat is too polite-looking, here is another reminder that
>it's been a month No. 89840
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The farmhands learned forbidden knowledge from the results. We'll never see them to save us from the pain of knowing.
No. 90567
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It's never going to be posted is it?
No. 90817
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>Voting is now closed! We will announce the winner in a new thread in the next few days.
Please just give us an update at least. It doesn't take long to write a few sentences.
No. 91068
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Hello Cerbmin, are you alive? Where are you hiding?