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No. 344210
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Nintendo is an arrogant company that has been riding on nostalgia for the last 30 years, they believe they don't have to compete in their chosen industry and they demonstrate this by selling underpowered, overpriced and gimmicky game consoles with first party games that would have been considered mediocre shit if they were a new original IP in 2018 and not the tail end of a 35 year old franchise.
They literally sell a cardboard controller kit for Nintendo switch that lets you "build your own fun" for the low low price of $80 - and their fans ate that shit up on release.
No. 344230
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Nobody is responsible for “checking up on you” and your depression. It’s such anload of shit when somebody offs themselves and people go and blame their friends and family for not catering to their mental illness and knowing that living in a pigsty and overall being lazy meant that they wanted tondieZ
No. 344236
>>344230i just wish the idea that all depressed people or those who killed themselves live slovenly. sure thats a good sign of not giving a fuck but a lot of people cave under the pressure of having to keep up an identity or reputation.
it just reminds the people who knew someone who killed themselves of their own mortality and their own lack of doing more. why not foist the anger and blame on someone else.
i support assisted suicide. go on your own terms. but i fucking hate people who threaten suicide or make other people responsible for their own lack of will to live. i may live in burgerland but even if youre a sad fuck you can still go somewhere to have someone be require by law to give a tiny lil shit about you. l
No. 344239
>>344235So what.
People are always going to hate on 'unattainable beauty', the kind of beauty you can only be born with. Doesn't matter what race you are. Just accept that beauty has been and will always be discriminatory.
No. 344273
>>344264fuck off, moralfag. men aren't like women. most of them probably do enjoy hetero "rape," could've easily stopped it if they really wanted to, and only come out about it for attention or to prove a point.
and it is in no way man hate to acknowledge that male on female rape is worse tham female on male rape. it's just the truth. even most incels would admit that.
No. 344274
>>344273Yeah because women rape men through force by overpowering them. Retard.
And of course it's unheard of that an adult woman can rape a child, the latter not really aware of what exactly is going on.
You might want to ingest tide pods and call it a night, anon.
No. 344286
>>344210I agree that Nintendo overprices their shit like crazy but their arrogance has to do with historical things. They took the video game industry from its massive slump in the 80's by making quality games and having massively demanding standards for their 3rd party developers so that the video game crash caused by shitty games would never happen again and ruin their business. That attitude has survived to this day despite the situation being very different as video games are a fortified part of our everyday lives now.
I don't think Labo is THAT stupid though, I can see it being a fun project for nerdy parents to have with their children. I'm also glad that at least one video game company produces gimmicky consoles and controllers. I don't buy them myself, but I could see how I would've loved them as a kid. As for the underpowered thing, comparing something like a Playstation with a Nintendo console is sort of like apples and oranges anyway, it doesn't make sense to do so. Playstation has always been about more technical prowess and a wide selection of games while Nintendo has been about their own IPs and offering the consumer an experience that goes beyond playing games. I sorta agree about milking 30-year old franchises all over again but they're still popular with a new generation and keep reinventing their game mechanics so it's not really a problem in my opinion. It's nice to have the option to support a company that isn't all about making ultra-realistic graphics and wants to offer something beyond that.
Also not a Nintendofag, just a grandma who was alive to see and respect Nintendo for all it's done for the gaming industry. But yeah literally fuck their pricing, their consoles and other products have always been ridiculously expensive which is one of the reasons as to why I don't buy them.
No. 344287
>>344283Agreed, in principle I would never dismiss anyone's rape as not real rape or less serious or whatever. But female on male rape is vanishingly rare and is only ever brought up to shut feminists down. Men only use it disingenuously as a 'gotcha' despite the fact that they are isolated incidents rather than a pattern or any sort of actual widespread threat to men.
And frankly, considering how hard women had to fight to have rape taken seriously (and the fact that it still isn't), the burden should be on men to fight for themselves as well, not feminists. It won't take much to get women on board but they are their own worst enemies - their biggest goal should be to convince their brodude macho peers who think it's awesome that it isn't. Good luck to em.
No. 344311
>>344286>having massively demanding standards for their 3rd party developers so that the video game crash caused by shitty games would never happen again and ruin their business. That attitude has survived to this day despite the situation being very different as video games are a fortified part of our everyday lives now. This was the attitude that did save gaming from all the shitty Amiga and Atari shovelware in the 80's but it also came back to bite Nintendo in the ass around the Playstation era when many of their top developers such as Squaresoft jumped ship to their top rival because they were easier to develop for. These days most triple A games don't get a Nintendo release, you get a Nintendo console if you want to play Nintendo games - that's about it.
I feel like they're very similar to Apple in their attitude towards tying their exclusive hardware to their software and trying to create a unique 'culture' out of that.
No. 344323
>>344293Ngl I laughed when I saw it in my mentions considering I fucking hate League and Kpop. The video is just sad and feels exclusively targeted towards men and any women enjoying this garbage is probs just mentally stunted kpop stans.
Also yes lol the animation, the 'blacklight' effect was a cheap way to dodge too much costly animating and the 'live show' gave me such NEET vibes ala Vocaloid with thousands of these loser men screaming for their skinty scantily clad uwu digital waifus that can barely dance because the rigs are based off of ana chan dancing by female kpop stars so it just looks like the "yummy dance" with how much lack of life kpop dancing inherently has then mix in shiiiiit model rigs with trash texturing and you have this.
The song sucking was sort of no surprise because kpop? Shit all sounds the same and feels like it was created 5 years too late on a production budget of 10$
No. 344327
>>344199It could hurt for men put yourself in the situation of a man being raped by a hambeast sadistic woman.
But its definitely less intrusive because of the difference between male and female physiology women have hymens and internal sexual reproductive organs males are outside.
Its a little callus to say men don't experience pain fullstop from hetero rape but I see where your coming from.
No. 344332
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>>344293I have no interest in LoL and I thought the rendering in this video was really good and the song isn't THAT bad and it has great ideas, but my god the character models are SO ugly. They honestly look like cartoon Sims characters. Why can't western developers create a beautiful face on a 3D model for once? My unpopular opinion is that it would've worked better with real people in costumes.
No. 344371
>>344341Homophobia exists but you don't see the gays shooting up schools, or slutshamed girls etc
It's a male entitlement thing
No. 344383
>>344341always freaks me out when I say teenager incels. They're like "oooh im 17 and a virgin!" meanwhile I barely know
any people who lost their virginity before 17.
No. 344413
>>344408by "beauty" most people mean conventional beauty
no one is arguing about non-standardized personal opinions lol…
No. 344434
>>344235Not always. To check, whenever someone talks about "classical beauty", gush over women like Dorothy Dandridge, Donyale Luna, Pam Grier, Tura Satana, Eartha Kitt and vintage Bollywood actresses.
Whoever was actually just talking about that old beauty aesthetic in itself will be delighted that you know exactly what they mean, while racists will just start getting angry (and will probably only be able to mention Marilyn Monroe without consulting Google. Hedy Lamar >>>>>, by the way).
No. 344450
>>344287yeah, when it comes to harm done to men, it's usually other men, the kinds who suppress those who aren't as "masculine" as they are- and masculine means something different to them than it would a non-suppressive male, female, or child. In my experience some women, like tradthots, enable the suppressive male's meaning of "masculinity" as well. these are the men who bully both girls and boys growing up, who will continue to hurt women and men who aren't like him throughout his life, and the people who enable him and don't teach him how he's supposed to treat others are partially to blame as well.
for example, i grew up in catholic schools, and there was always "that guy" who would molest girls as "a joke". just thinking about the guys makes me ill. whenever they were outed, the most they got were in-school suspensions. the schools turn a blind eye to boys like this, which allows them to basically get away with it, and i can guarantee they continue to get worse; i was friends with a boy in high school who ended up raping a girl after we graduated. adults are reactive rather than proactive. instead of making damn sure a boy knows that it's incredibly fucked to lay their grubby hands on a person without consent, they wait until after it happens. even then, there is barely a modicrum of punishment for that behavior.
most issues in the world are caused by patriarchal, greedy men who lack empathy. it seems most men have still not learned to keep their damn hands to themselves- you know, a lesson we are all taught in preschool.
No. 344485
>>344328There’s just not enough evidence to prove it and it just sounds ridiculous.
TBH, questioning evolution saved my life. I was srsly gonna kill myself, but I was watching Kent Hovind and hearing him say that you’re not a accident you were intelligently designed gave me hope.
I really just see no reason to stay alive if it doesn’t mean anything and we’re all just accidents, just slightly smarter monkeys. There’s no point.
No. 344499
>>344485We all have valuable traits which were deemed desirable enough to pass on (or our ancestors wouldn't have bred), and worthy of financial recompense (or our ancestors would simply have starved to death)
We are here by our OWN intelligent design. We are all worthwhile, intelligent, attractive and talented people, even if we don't always feel it. I hate people who inflict their own stupid attitude onto others (this idea of "random"). Humans of all things are not random. Survival of the fittest still applies in the western world. The biggest crime is someone being made to feel as if they aren't valuable.
No. 344523
>>344213I played the GameCube version of Animal Crossing as a kid shortly after it came out and got really into it. It was a different game for the time and I enjoyed the relaxing vibe it had as well as all the collecting.
Last year, I started playing New Leaf. Maybe it’s because I’m now a jaded, not easily impressed adult but I don’t get why some people are so into certain aspects of the game especially how they go apeshit over some of the villagers. They all have the same sets of dialogue and responses with only minor variations. The game just doesn’t seem to have changed too much from the GameCube version and I stopped playing it after a month.
It’s a series with a ton of potential though and I hope that Nintendo puts more effort into actually expanding the game.
No. 344553
>>344529I honestly liked New Leaf. It has some mini games within the 3DS and Wii items. It was tons better than City Folk too, fuck that game so much. The Wiimote ruined a lot of the fun.
Also, I bought some extremely cheap programmable NFC chips that are the same type as Amiibo and had a blast programming villager cards. Saved myself a lot of money. Also I was able to program Japan exclusive amiibo chips.
No. 344557
>>344529I honestly liked New Leaf. It has some mini games within the 3DS and Wii items. It was tons better than City Folk too, fuck that game so much. The Wiimote ruined a lot of the fun.
Also, I bought some extremely cheap programmable NFC chips that are the same type as Amiibo and had a blast programming villager cards. Saved myself a lot of money. Also I was able to program Japan exclusive amiibo chips.
No. 344558
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>>344210Nintendo pisses me off, but what's worse is they would suffer the same fate as many old companies if it wasn't for their brainwashed fanbase. Looking at the video game general in OT, you can see how many ass kissers Nintendo has. They legit release the same Mario games over and over, with Princess Zelda being kidnapped and Bowser being the badguy and people still buy it.
They purposely held back on making more amiibos to sell them selectively to fans and make more money. They only allowed certain gamestops and other shops a small amount of their shit and act confused when supply and demand come into play. They could easily re-release 30 yr old games and people would buy them.
Nintendo is a really bad company with terrible tactics and I refuse to support them.
They had a great IP with Metroid and Samus and shat all over it. And Zelda will never be the main character of her own game. Ever. lol
No. 344562
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>>344558>And Zelda will never be the main character of her own game. Ever. lolI mean, she was in this game lmao.
But yeah Nintendo has been dropping the ball hard on just about all their games. I got Mario Odyssey a while back but haven't even opened it and am just thinking of selling it because I have a feeling it's mediocre as hell.
No. 344564
>>344562I heard so many nintendofags giving oddessy 10/10. They did the same for Breath of the Wild and they turned out so mediocre. I mean, Ganon was a freakin
smoke monster?? and the weapon's durability was shit.
No. 344579
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>>344558>And Zelda will never be the main character of her own game. Ever. lolwho gives a shit about this?
No. 344581
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>>344558>They could easily re-release 30 yr old games and people would buy them.This keeps happening already. Bought a classic game on Wii Virtual Console? Too bad they dropped support for it, but you can rebuy access to it through a monthly subscription to their video game streaming service on the Switch (but not actually own it lol). Oh wait, they're planning to drop support for that, but you can sign up for their new Steam knock off they're planning and buy it again.
It's ridiculous how they're selling people the same 30 year old games like four times now. It's even more ridiculous that it's working.
No. 344599
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i hope to hell this isn't unpopular but this makeup is fucking ugly and shitty. i don't like this guy either, he tries too hard and it's cringy.
No. 344606
>>344604>>344602I just don't think it's worth to spend 1h+ everyday cleaning stuff and becoming aggravated when others don't clean up to your standards.
Life is short and a lot of cleaning products are actually harmful to the air and human skin.
No. 344610
>>344605nta, but of course it makes you a fucking snowflake. even people who believe in god or evolution or anything, understand we have no real meaning. that's why religion exists in the first place.
why does anything have to have meaning?
No. 344611
>>344603>"just got beat up in an alleyway for not sucking a homeless man's dick"lmao
also is it just me or does the gloss on his lips looks like it's just drawn on in photoshop?
No. 344612
>>344609Why do you feel so
triggered by that? I mentioned it's only "some", not all women.
I don't think mentioning that 1h+ of cleaning everyday is too much makes me sound like an idiot. You can still do you if that makes you happy anon.
No. 344616
>>344612>complains about other people doing something that doesn't affect them>people can do it if it makes them happy!NTA but you do kind of sound stupid. more to the point you sound like you're bitter that other people clean better than you and that you may be judged against them.
it's extremely easy to just clean up your messes and have a nice house and toss clutter in storage boxes, and it takes like 30 minutes to take care of it.
No. 344618
>>344616>clean better than youI don't care about that
>it's extremely easy to just clean up your messes and(…)it takes like 30 minutes to take care of itNor that. I don't have a clutter problem anon.
I'm specifically talking about people that spend hours cleaning things that are already clean, positioning things so that they are milimetrically in place, clean other people's areas without being asked, and overall make cleaning about the time spent and not about quick results like a sane person.
If someone values cleaning so much it causes conflicts with other people, or doesn't even phantom sharing her living space because things won't be exactly like she wants them to be, I think it's a sign something might be wrong.
No. 344623
either you're shitting on mentally ill people, or you think that regular cleaning is excessive.
No. 344634
>>344321>Darwin was wrong about evolutionPlease don't be a retard anon
Darwin was wrong about a shit tonne of things the theory of evolution is not solely based off of origin of species its built upon decades of observable evidence. No one takes Darwin as the bastion of truth of evolution he's legit just a starting piece. Gregor Mendel did more shit then him and Darwins brother founded the field of eugenics. Scientific theories aren't just thought up of out of no where they have to be tested and evidence must be thoroughly scrutinized a scientific theory isn't the same as the art definition.
>>344485>There's just not enough evidenceYes there is, you just haven't done enough research.
You seem hell bent on creationism retardation which is more damaging then evolution ultimately down the line. Creationist/christian theory has more false hope and blatant lies to peoples existential crises then scientific shit ever could.
However if your hell bent on it no one can stop you its your right to latch on to a self denigrating ideology if you find comfort in it.
There's unlimited beauty in science though you should try looking into some of it, it gives me more hope then self hating creationist bullshit designed to indoctrinate.
You don't "believe in evolution" no one does its as stupid as saying you don't "believe in gravity" it just exists as a natural force like electromagnetism, your lack of belief in it doesn't mean it ceases to exist.
However I do think the edgy atheist crowd like Richard Dawkins is damaging to relations with religious folk.
Molecular scale observable changes occur due to changes in allele frequencies. Evolution occurs every time reproduction occurs artificial selection is something used everyday to make clothing, food and drugs.
Viruses and bacteria undergo evolution constantly so if you get flu shots seasonally or take antibiotics your doing so in retaliation to evolutionary forces.
No. 344642
>>344634How is creationism damaging? I don’t know if the Christian viewpoint is correct, but they seem to be the only ones in the modern day offering an alternative. All creation stories across different cultures throughout history are essentially all the same why is this? Maybe we’re just not that creative.
Microevolution & natural selection are real. I’m not throwing out the baby with the bath water here I just don’t think humans came from monkeys that were lizards that were fish that were bacteria that were rocks anymore.
>>344637I suppose so. I’d just like to think there is a god or gods or some kind of supreme creator now and that I was specifically made for a reason. I have always had friends, family, hobbies, significant others etc that made me happy, but I always felt that pit of despair in me like none of this even matters might as well just neck while I’m ahead.
No. 344645
>>344642>I just don’t think humans came from monkeys that were lizards that were fish that were bacteria that were rocks anymore. It doesn’t seem like you ever took the time to really fully understand evolution.
Also, I’m wondering if you think the fossil record is all faked and that paleontology is a sham.
No. 344686
>>344684Read half the posts in this and all the other unpopular opinions threads, in the confession threads, in the vent threads, and the rest of /ot/ (or /g/) and tell me that's not at least halfway true.
Some of the shit posted here is screencap-worthy. You can't deny it.
No. 344705
>>344697Nta but tbh, it sounds like wishful thinking to me. "uwu most of the anons (like me) are really pretty, just crazy~ teehee"
Just stop.
No. 344709
>>344705I didn't say "like me" until anon claimed I tried to exclude myself, either.
You can continue LARPing that all users here are cave hags, but I doubt it, and the selfposts I've seen bolster that doubt. That's all.
No. 344716
>>344705NTA but
>vent thread posts are 90% struggles with mental illness >posts all over LC about how anons are going to kill themselves over having small tits or their boyfriend being stupid>no one is crazy here teehee sounds like ur in denial bud
No. 344761
the anti-""cringe culture"" thing that's been going around legit feels so extremely forced and blatant moral faggotry. the anti-harassment aspect of it, i can understand, but sperging out and going "HURR U DONT LIKE FUN? WHAT WRONG WITH U?" just because you sneered at some kid's bad discord roleplay or tarded delusional otherkin shit is honestly the most forced thing to come out of internet moral "holier than thou" mentalities, and acting like discord raiding autism cesspools will be a traumatizing experience to the ""victims"" is huge mental gymnastics, since majority of the time, they seriously just grow out of it and forget it, or look back on it and chuckle about it, or they have autist self awareness and shrug it off anyways
i understand the "no being a dick to children" aspect, because what's the fun in making fun of a young artists or writers in the first place, but making fun of people embarrassing themselves in public discords, areas, whatever, and just in general being an annoyance to others, or simply saying you're not a fan of X suddenly has this new craze of moral crusading screeching at you and thinking they're witty for posting the "NO HAVING FUN" image.
No. 344812
>>344716i'm saying most anons are fugly.
anon who's claiming she's some kind of mentally fractured princess is probably just an average fugly weeb. we don't have a selfpost thread anyway so she seems a bit daft either way.
No. 344840
>>344812Just because you're an ugly bat doesn't mean we all are, friend. See
You literally claimed saying as much is "excluding" oneself, then backpedaled when you realized you were just projecting. Seems kind of retarded.
No. 344851
>>344688>be an obese hag while criticizing stick thin girls for being fat and having nasolabial foldsI'm really sick of seeing anons accuse fatties being behind all the hateful, negative comments about weight on this website.
It makes zero sense. It would be like insulting themselves twofold.
Unpopular opinion: Ana girls and girls who are average yet insecure are the ones making the most and worst comments about bodies yet it's easier to make up a fat boogeyman caricature to shift blame on. It's fucking absurd, and if this website has proven anything to me about lolcows and their behavior, it's that pretty and thin people can be absolute cunts.
No. 344852
>>344851NTA, but anon is literally saying it's the pretty/thin girls behind such comments. First this autism
>>344678 >>344692, now this. Why are farmers' reading comprehension so poor lately?
No. 344875
>>344868Because for someone who tries to play cool you're being awful aggressive over something that isn't even important. And when explained why it's not my "reading comprehension," you double down.
I hope you're just autistic and not this annoying naturally.
No. 344884
>>344882>tries to get the last word ironically Hold on there ma'am, I'll be taking
No. 344895
>>344892Why is it even a problem that the rant was unrelated?
Do the holidays make everyone this uptight?
No. 344898
>>344890I often start (or continue) useless arguments and discussions here and on 4chan just for fun.
Sometimes, I wonder if I'm actually emotionally rattling sperg-tier anons, or if they're doing the same thing and we're all bored.
No. 344902
>>344898With the way the arguments go on for the sake of arguing, I think you just have a lust for it.
Half of the time your ilk isn't funny.
I remember trolling actually being entertaining, not a blurring of lines where I can't tell which anons actually have autism.
No. 344920
>>344918I mean, you're either the samefagging autist or the person who earlier confessed to picking up random arguments to be a stand in for the spergs.
Pick your poison? You're a riot girl.
No. 344923
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>>344920Or any of the other posters ITT, or a lurker who chimed in? Just a thought. You really do think it's just three people on /ot/. It's worse than I thought.
No. 344925
>>344923You're very altruistic for jumping in to defend a sped's honor so fervently and for so long, even after they appear to have left. Kudos for your resolve.
Me? In just level grinding in an MMO and trying to see if you take the hint.
No. 344927
>>344926I think you've posted many things.
And reading comprehension? I said I was leveling, not arguing. Gosh~!
No. 344928
>>344927Okay, then go ahead and list all my posts. This should be good.
>And reading comprehension? I said I was leveling, not arguing. Seems like you're doing both.
>Gosh~!>~!Cringe. Figures you'd be a troon, too.
No. 344930
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omg this holiday triggering is amazing. ty anons keep getting angry, cheers
No. 344931
>>344928Woah, wait, since when's ~! troon signaling?
Is the "YOU'RE A TROON" argument coming next? Why anon, and here I thought "IM NOT THE SAME ANONS" was your final form.
No. 344936
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>>344931Who actually uses tildes and exclamation marks besides men trying to look as flamboyant or effeminate online as possible?
I'm still waiting to see all my posts laid out, by the way. Did you renege on that, or?
No. 344938
>>344935nah fam, posted
>>344890>>344936the japanese.
No. 344939
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>>344935NTA but I posted that Pepe. Here's another
No. 344942
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>>344938This is an anti-weeb American-only board
No. 344943
>>344936People on this website do. Ever visit the Sh0e thread? People do ~*~uwu~*~ all the time.
Kinda sad that it appears you don't know anything about the board culture here, and you only know superficial things like hating troons. It's like all you do is set up arguments and pretend to be different people.
>Why aren't you quoting all my posts Never agreed to expend that effort.
No. 344944
>>344942your post is
triggering me because someone on used this reaction image.
No. 344948
>>344943Sarcastic uwuposting to mock Shuwu isn't the same as your embarrassing, passive aggressive sperging. Is "MUH BOARD CULTURE IM AN OLDFAG" your argument now that your "EVRY1 WHO DISAGREES W/ ME IS A SAMEFAG" argument is falling flat?
>Never agreed to expend that effort.So, you can't do it? Thanks for admitting it.
No. 344952
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None of you are funny and you should all be ashamed of your autism
Why is it that every time lc is active it's because of bullshit?
No. 344962
>>344945lol thats pretty good anon
unrelated but as much as i love vidya, i personally think first person exploration games are boring af
No. 344980
>>344948>oldfag and samefag arguments fall flat Better than accusing anons of being troons for using a tilde, or having bad reading comprehension because they quoted your post to agree with you and then state a separate opinion.
>inb4 samefag And you better not respond with more autism after having your reaction pic shitfit.
No. 344990
>>344980You're still dragging this out after everyone's agreed this should end? You really are autistic.
>inb4 "everyone is a samefag hurr" againI "better not" or else what? You'll screech some more?
You never quoted my post to agree with me, you just freaked out at a Wojak picture. Much like you're freaking out now.
Now let the thread get back on topic, shithead.
No. 344993
>>344990>or else whatOr else you'll look like an even more butthurt faggot screeching about how people should stop posting after you've thoroughly shit up the thread. You can't resist.
Being an argumentative brat is in your blood.
No. 344996
>>344994That's what you refuse to do with garbage posts like
>>344993. You're as much of an argumentative brat. Go back to MMO grinding and reeee in there, no one wants to read your BS.
No. 345007
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Before the whole 'No porn' movement, I actually didn't mind Tumblr. I didn't get on it NEARLY as much as I used to back in the day but it was a nice place to go to talk about fandom stuff. I always stirred clear from the SJW types or the overly preachy fangirls so my dash was always nice. But now that anything slightly porn related is banned, I already know there's no point in me even going back. Plus they deleted my second blog, which I frequented and I'm pretty sure they have 0 intention of giving it back.
No. 345022
>>345016>but mod are still good about sending people away for time outsJust to play devil's advocate: Most people in meta complain that they're actually not very good at this.
It does seem arbitrary and ridiculous that common infighting/nitpicking can incite a ban within an hour yet there are some days where gore, pedo porn, and general male raiding goes unaddressed for hours if not entire days.
It doesn't mean the website is spiraling downward into being unusable, it's just an annoyance.
No. 345131
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>Women are better than men due to their gentle natures.
>I say as I shittalk a woman who is generically average in her looks, while I look like a buttery golem.
No. 345143
>>345133No, most women are definitely NOT hypersexual. Up until birth control, sex for a woman had grave consequences (injury, unwanted pregnancies, diseases or death). Sex was forced and expected from women. Access to sex was considered a man's "right".
Still today, woman are told to be sexual so that men may fuck them. All of femininity is molded and shaped by men's sexual desires and desire to control.
Why would I identify with any of it, let alone anything that the patriarchy is encouraging and building?
In almost all cases of sex, it either leads to unwanted trauma, pregnancies or women being ambivalent towards it all. When most heterosexual women can't even cum in long term committed relationships and it's just accepted, I refuse to believe that all women just LOVE sex.
No. 345150
>>345131i wouldn't say it's their gentle nature as there are plenty of bitchy and mean women out there
it's more like being more pacific and less violent than men
No. 345180
>>345143Sure, I'll give you that piv was and still is terrifyingly risky and dangerous for women without rights or contraception, but are you saying that no woman ever felt horny despite it being a dumb idea? Because even in modern day tindr is fucking gross but we still wade through it for some d
Also sexuality isn't always about piv, it's literally documented both genders of kids masturbate from early ages, it's only upbringing and social influences that changes it. Gay people can be slutty too.
Yes there is stuff to be said about how trends of empowerment and sexual performance, both feminine and masculine, pressure people to change their attitudes to sex but don't try and tell me that the patriarchy is brainwashing me or my friends with making us think we orgasms because you think it's not possible I just might genuinely like it. You're also side stepping a bunch of causation in how women end up faking orgasms as if you can say none of them would like to have functional, enthusiastic sex lives that fulfilled them if given the opportunity. You are also detracting from women that are willingly hypersexual even though they don't orgasm for other reasons, because not every body cares about the same thing.
At the end of the day, nobody should care if you personally hate sex and don't do it yourself, but invalidating or belittling other people's choices to have sex for whatever reason is small minded.
No. 345195
>>345173im gonna say it lolcow, prepare your sensibilities:
sex is amazing. i love having sex with my boyfriend and most unbelievable as it is, im not a instathot, snapchat whore or hooker. sex is great
No. 345197
>>345132you're entitled to your opinion
still gross tho
No. 345206
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No. 345216
>>345209>>345195No one gives a fuck that YOU personally enjoy sex.
I was talking about how men have used sex and control of our reproductive capabilities to do what they want and promote even MORE sex and MORE pregnancies upon millions of other women that don't get to choose whether they ~enjoy~ sex or not. That has nothing to do whether some fraction of privileged women enjoy sex with their partners.
You choice feminists make me sick. You'll tow the lines for fun-feminism and feel good about it, but when it involves feminism that involves discussions about YOUR Nigels and YOUR relationships?
~not my feminism anymore~
No. 345231
>>345216okay? i see your point and i agree. i just said
>it's okay if someone's not interested in sexual stuff but it's disappointing to see women judging sexually active women like straight men do on a daily basis>>345221i'm living in the middle east anon..
No. 345237
>>345231I don't really care if women are upset that I'm challenging their views on relationships and sex. Maybe they need to be challenged and critically think about how their relationships with men affect other women and society?
It's almost as if that once radical feminism starts affecting your personal choices (ie being in heterosexual relationships, relationships with men in general) it's ok to stop avocating for the liberation of women…because you enjoy sex lol. Even though participating in these relationships has direct impacts on other women and feminism.
The hilarious thing about this is that I'm straight. I'm not this boogeyman lesbian that you're all talking about. I understand that my CHOICES surrounding men and sex have direct impacts on feminism and society at large, but why can't you guys? Like, you'll only be an advocate for something until it directly affects your life choices, and then it's just impossible to talk about?
>>345216>That has nothing to do whether some fraction of privileged women enjoy sex with their partners.most women would probably enjoy sex on their own terms. It's how our bodies work. The problem isn't with sexuality but the way men use it to control women. It doesn't say anything about the innate moral value of sex. If you don't like it, that's perfectly fine but framing it in these terms is close minded.
No. 345248
Tonight I learned that the fact that I want to put my fingers up a guy's butthole is ruining lives. Thanks, farmers.
>>345243Embarrassing that they just came out and said it, but do you not get turned on looking at people you're attracted to? I've always gotten physically aroused (since puberty) even looking at images of people I'm into.
No. 345253
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have fun being "sexually liberated", aka wasting your time trying to please a man who probably would lack any empathy if it wasn't for you giving up your pussy then.
independency from men is far superior to needing to get dicked down and relying on any male.
No. 345254
>>345253what if i like to fuck and get a lot out of it? does that not exist to you?
abstinence won't make women happy either nor will it liberate them
No. 345262
>>345246Some men are less perverted than others but it seems like the 'Would I fuck her or not?' assessment is like a standard thing they do when they meet/see a woman.
>>345248I have found men handsome but in the same way I find women beautiful. It sounds really stereotypical but I don't develop sexual attraction until there has been some kind of positive romantic encounter/chemistry, and even then I never seem to be as sex focused as the man. The idea of being turned on by an actor or celebrity is foreign to me.
No. 345264
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>>345253Not everyone who disagrees with you is a ~sex posi libfem~ you're just verging on the point of control freakery when you condemn women for the crime of - gasp - enjoying sex. Reminds me of another group of people who get mentioned a lot in these conversations…
No. 345267
>>345258lots of incel anti-sex radical feminists think all sex with men is him assaulting a woman and then rolling over to go to sleep anyway. they firmly believe men like to eat pussy for starters.
>>345262then if you don't get horny don't speak on behalf of other women as if you're the standard.
No. 345279
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>>345221>sick and tired of western libfems thinking women are sexually liberated because they get to choose.what
No. 345301
>>345299stop spamming this thread "lol"
learn how to sage "lol"
No. 345306
>>345146Not related to memes, but to male and female comedians - as with everything, there are always a lot of 'bad' guys and the 'good' ones are just a few.
However, there are some themes that crop up in 'good' male comedian humor that I'm sick to death of. Like the endless sex jokes, piss humor, the sometimes needless vulgarity, "marriage is so hard" jokes, and the list goes on.
I especially hate it when some out of shape, middle-aged guy with nothing exceptionable about him tries to shill himself as an "offensive & controversial!1!" comedian that's some kind of innovative genius for taking the piss out of gays or women, and then millions of neckbeards flocking to his defence when you point it out.
I don't think there is a "funnier" gender, but if there was, I'm even less inclined to believe it should be men.
No. 345307
>>345290>not all wimmin get to choose so let's insult all the pribileged wommyn who get to chooseAre you even thinking about the things you say? Getting to choose when and who to fuck is the ideal.
>>345294I agree. I actually think more feminists should prioritize their well being when they're clearly mentally ill and engaging in radical feminism isn't helping them at all. They just wind up saying the dumbest shit. It makes me cringe.
No. 345317
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>>345312you're so fucking dumb LMAOOO
No. 345318
>>345313nta but you should consider one yourself sweaty. you are tho, love, despite your efforts to believe so. its simple. those who enjoy sex do, those who dont, dont.
forcing politics in it is your own choice.
No. 345321
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>>345318im the anon that started this anti-sex bs and even i find your comment cringy. stop using twitter libfem "yassss drag herrrr" lingo
No. 345323
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>>345318omg yas sweaty!!! let her know
(emoji) No. 345324
>>345318>its simple. those who enjoy sex do, those who dont, dont. And I never said that people should
only enjoy sex. People can do whatever they're comfortable with. Stop strawmanning.
No. 345325
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>>345322what? are you retarded anon?
No. 345357
>>345349My ex would drag me to every fucking Marvel movie. It was irritating how he would fawn over those overproduced heaps and get miffed when I wasn't thrilled to have another date centered around watching one of them.
The plots always had holes that I wasn't supposed to 'think too hard' about, or that I should've read obscure source material to fill in the blanks even though the 2hr movie is supposed to be telling a coherent fucking story.
The characters are always peddled too hard to be likable or relatable, like corporate-created robots that the movie demands the audience must love. Also for some reason arrogant douches and selfish asshole 'heroes' are rewarded immensely in these universes.
The fight scenes are retarded, contrived, and too long.
I could go on but yeah, definitely agree there.
No. 345440
>>345306Modern mainstream comedy is a pulpit for PC horseshit. Idk where your straw man is coming from but it's far from what's being shat out from the top.
>>345309Please go back to your containment website.
No. 345458
I guess my unpopular opinion of
>>345180 was the most unpopular, because even though people carried on arguing with each others opinions about sex for 20 posts nobody cared to even sperg at mine
I don't think my opinions are particularly great, but I think didn't think they were really less interesting than just posting a meme
No. 345565
>>345357Be glad you aren't with him anymore. Men who obsess over comics are the worst, especially now a days. And comics in general are a trash culture. I used to be super big into the Batman comics and you get invested in a character or arc, only to have it retconned since there's 10,000 different writers and artists working on the same story at any given time.
I tried to follow tim drake's robin and had to buy from three-four different comic arcs to fill in just one. It became too much of a confusing money grab.
No. 345581
>>345349Superhero shit is so boring. And men who are into comics get super pissy with women for some reason. One of my friends was into comics and every time she took me with her to pick up a volume she needed, the douchebag clerks would talk down to us like we were retarded animals and some of them even got angry that we were browsing inside. This happened at multiple shops. Fuck comic book nerds, but especially the disgusting men.
>>345325Hello, anon! I hope you're doing well! You don't know me, but I recognize you from your pikawho reaction image lol.
No. 345602
>>345581 Ikr
Nerd boys in general tend to have this behavior. "Oh why can't I find a girl that likes nerd stuff?", and then when a girl actually likes, they go all "oh yeah?? Then list all the first 151 pokémons, and say the name of the uncle of Marvel's creator or you're a poser trying to get attention!!!"
Nerds like this deserve to not find a cool girlfriend
>mfw a guy really asked me the pokémons names to see if I really liked it No. 345616
>>345604>>345605This. I actually do enjoy cape shit but 90% of it is quick-buck trash. Infinity War is the worst. Everyone says it's the best Marvel film but how - Marvel's cinematic division is fucked thinking I'm going to enjoy something when we all know which "dead" superheroes aren't actully dead because we know the next title characters with films coming out.
Infinity War was a cop-out but capefags are so up their ass with Disney and the MCU that they won't admit it.
No. 345620
>>345614That's too spot on anon.
Adding to that, just complaining that tranies are ugly is beyond infantile, the problem is not if they pass or not it's about the danger they pose the rights of real women by denying biology and eroding female spaces.
No. 345637
>>345627>>345631tbh in my heart I agree with you ladies but have forced myself to accept body hair and now have a fetish for it. Only on non-pale guys though, white and Asian men looks best smooth.
And agree that old men just aren't as attractive as young ones. Big meme.
No. 345639
>>345621I’m not talking about normie handmaidens. I’m talking about anons who think they’re being woke and radical while just flexing their radfem cred to feel better than other women.
Pre-manhate thread lolcow
>what a dirty disgusting slut she’s going to get so many STDs and she’s fat so men don’t even want her that’s so pathetic post manhate thread on lolcow
>what a dirty disgusting libfem slut she’s going to get so many STDs and she’s fat and pandering to men sho don’t even want her how pathetic And the anons flexing this cred often aren’t even lesbians, like the anon upthread, but they’re given lesbians a bad name on this site. I just hate seeing radical feminism used as just another tool to throw meaninglessly at cows.
No. 345711
This society that allows PIV sex to happen. SMH
When we all stand together in rejecting all PIV sex, we'll be able to eradicate the jew-ahem, I mean the patriarchy.
No. 345725
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the nanami newfag who's been infecting this board is a flaming faggot
No. 345828
>>345614>>345639Agreed. I'm radfem and these anons are beginning to annoy even me. You can tell that they don't put a lot of thought into feminist critique, lack fundamental understanding of certain concepts, and use it as an excuse to be overly self-righteous towards other women and pick mes. Even worse when it's obvious they're neglecting their mental. The manhate thread was cool for awhile but a lot of the regulars let the opinions of men affect them too much and it's depressing, I rarely look at it now. At least the GC thread is still decent, but you can't expect too much from an imageboard.
Tbh I prefer engaging with the radfem community on Twitter, where there is a lot more down-to-earth discussion.
No. 345893
sorry phone autocorrected.
my point still stands though, there's no need to compare two different things. anons posting unironically about hurting anyone is fucked. it's as fucked as when incels post about hurting women on their shit boards.
this is basically like saying if an anon said she beat up her bf it's not disturbing because men murder.
No. 345903
>>345899you brought it up retard.
>>345854the point is those aren't are users, whether or not it's disturbing has nothing to do with our board.
No. 345913
>>345903I wasn't the anon you were replying to, retard.
>the point is those aren't are users, whether or not it's disturbing has nothing to do with our board.what the fuck are you even talking about?
No. 345922
I like it when people bring their pets to venues. Even moreso when they allow people to pet them. It's cute. I get that some people might be allergic, but technically, having your allergies triggered is a risk you stand whenever you leave the house. Take your medication. If it's to a point where an animal can kill you just by existing in your peripheral vision, rethink going to random public/commnal places for extended periods of time solely for leisure, and consider hanging out at places where pets are explicitly, clearly stated to not be allowed (or the homes of pet-free friends).
It's a bit more iffy when people bring dogs into restaurants for sanitation reasons, but I personally don't see that happen often enough to be pressed about it. As long as the dog is small, trained (or at least docile), clean, not up at a table and not so hairy its fur is flying everywhere, I still don't think it's a big deal. I know there are some dog hate anons in particular, so I'm ready to get yelled at, lmao.
No. 345951
>>345922>I like it when people bring their pets to venues. Even moreso when they allow people to pet them. Solely because I find it cute.vs.
>rethink going to random public/commnal places for extended periods of time solely for leisureNormal people being able to go wherever they want to, even if it's "just" for leisure, and not having to fear for their health/life is more important then people bringing their pets literally everywhere (they already do, nowadays you seldomly come across places there pets aren't allowed) just because you happen to find it cute.
Humans shouldn't be restricted from any places just so that pets can go there instead. What would you suggest? Be born with an allergy -> stay the fuck home? Ridiculously childish.
No. 345965
>>345951Allergies exist, and like it or not, it's up to the person to plan ahead. People need to take responsibility for their health and self-protection instead of blaming people who have nothing to do with them for it.
This is like the news story of those people who were allergic to peanuts being on a plane, and there unironically being discourse about banning peanuts. Might as well ban certain fabrics, drinks, fruits, vegetables (and all foods), soaps, sanitizers, etc to prevent allergic reactions.
No. 345971
>>345951>What would you suggest?You quoted my suggestions already, kek:
>rethink going to random public/commnal places for extended periods of time solely for leisure, and consider hanging out at places where pets are explicitly, clearly stated to not be allowed (or the homes of pet-free friends).This is not unreasonable.
It's childish that you tried to use a "SO WE SHOULD STAY HOME?!?!?" strawman to justify choosing not to be responsible.
No. 345975
>>345972I'm not saying it's unreasonable to not want something, I'm saying it's unreasonable to make your health complete strangers' responsibility and get buttblasted because some random wasn't making their life choices on the off chance that someone they don't know will be affected, as I said here
Think ahead, plan accordingly, work around your issues in life. If it's so serious you might die, take responsibility.
No. 345982
>>345972Look, I agree with you (and I’m a “dog mom”) but unfortunately for people who are allergic or who dislike dogs, it’s just part of the culture of some cities in Europe. Where I live, it’s normal to bring dogs or babies pretty much anywhere you go.
Honestly, it pisses me off when people bring dogs to places where they aren’t allowed. It’s rude and inconsiderate. I love dogs and I love bringing my dog places, but people deserve animal-free places. A supermarket is no place for your ugly Chinese crested dog kek.
No. 345988
>>345957>wait for train, nobody else there yet>three older ladies arive with their dog, somehow have to stand right next to me>they have a stroller with them; it's for the dog>dog constantly whines, despite all three of them cooing over it>they talk about having bought it a tibetian cashmir pullover, which is sooo soft and amazing and totally worth the money>train arrives, they step in, surpire, surprise, their "baby" is even allowed to sit on one of the seatsAnd no, it wasn't a small lap dog.
I also work at a grocery store. Many parents leave their kids to play at the front while they're shopping. Never a problem. Yet yesterday again a fur mommy had to stop shopping two times to run outside quickly to console her barking baby kek. A real kid probably takes up less of your time and patience.
I wonder if these are women who've never had any children to begin with or if they just can't deal with their kids growing up and no longer needing them.
No. 345991
>>345982>it’s normal to bring dogs or babiesAnon, there's a huge difference between those two, don't lump them together…
Nobody is allergic of babies or scared of randomly being jumped and scratched or bitten by them.
No. 345999
>>345991But many adults don’t want to be around babies at adult-oriented places, e.g. bars or wineries. Even a lot of parents get frustrated if they go somewhere to get away from their own kids and someone else’s kids are there. So, I’d say it’s a pretty fair comparison.
It’s just as annoying for me if someone’s dog is acting up as it is if someone’s kid is misbehaving and they do nothing or if someone’s baby is crying and they think it’s perfectly fine to let it “cry it out” in an enclosed public space.
No. 346007
>>346003I'm the anon who said that about allergyfags. You're literally getting pissy at anons who aren't even me, you salty seaweed, lmao. I don't mind babies, either, FWIW.
If you want to stop seeing dogs everywhere because of your feelings, maybe practice what you preach and be considerate to those who don't like kids. Or don't, and continue complaining and being upset.
No. 346103
>>345857Where did I say that?
>>345859Again, where did I say that? I don't condone violence either.
>you're no better then the scrots who posted that abhorrent shit.Explain. Because this just sounds like projection and pathetic virtue signaling on your part.
>>345876Thank you. But apparently if you don't think they are exactly the same it means you condone one of them according to certain idiots here.
No. 346159
>>346145don't even bother with her anon, she knows her post was the same as what men do in this situation.
>anons do x>but men do something worsethese things are not comparable. no need to have evrn mentioned what men are doing when the convo was about our users and what they say.
No. 346216
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All this activity in the thread and it's just fighting. I'm so disappointed.
No. 346358
>>346355Not to be a dick, but is this really an unpopular opinion? I thought most people blamed the owners for an animal misbehaving.
My animal related unpopular opinion is I hate doodles and other designer “breeds” that are just overpriced mutts with cutesy names.
No. 346397
>>346355Not unpopular, literally everyone's thought process whenever Tiger or Fido does something fucked up.
My unpopular opinion is that some animals are just dicks either due to personality or genetics and no amount of good ownership does them any good.
No. 346443
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I think in most relationships the power balance leans more towards women, seeing from all the couples I have met before. I'm not taking in account the abusive ones tho. Imo it's true for most countries, live in a shitty hole and all the bfs and husbands I know do everything for their gfs and wives, they usually have the last word and take care of the money. as well. My unpopular opinion is anons in the men hate thread take it a little too far saying men don't care about women and do nothing for us and etc. since it's not true at all. I'd say it's the opposite, they literally can't live without us and most men are obedient
No. 346467
>>346426From my experience the optimal is early 20s fresh out college. At least 4 years younger than me.
Mine is 8 years younger and was still in college, but it worked out in the end.
>where do you even find younger guys?I found mine in real life, but they're everywhere. I feel like finding men who are single and my age is much harder than finding younger men who are single. Most older men have gotten married etc
No. 346610
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Bullying, especially primary school bullying, is best solved by violence. My Dad taught me at a young age how to crack people behind the legs with a bat in order to incapacitate them. I applied it at school the few times people tried things and it stopped right away. The kids that talked to parents and the school still got bullied regardless. I'll be teaching the same lesson to my children as it's a proven technique.
People's ethics is for the most part determined by their capacity for empathy, the study of ethics is only useful for those that already possess this faculty. The ones without empathy are 'reprobates' and should be either removed from society or severely limited in their autonomy.
Men being taught to be 'nice people' in order to attract women makes men chronically lazy. Almost every childhood movie and show had the hero end up with the love of his life simply as a by product of him existing, and this leads young boys to think that the same thing will inevitably happen to them. If men are taught about attracting women in ways that actually align with reality, it should lead them to be more motivated in life and end the 'nice guy' entitlement that ends up in so many cringe threads.
Women have held power throughout history in many instances and I feel this is downplayed by a narrative from both the feminists and edgelord men, the narrative being that men have historically held most of the power. Upper class ladies all throughout history have exerted 'soft' power and many of the oriental despots were headed and controlled by Machiavellian, Empress dowagers, the Ottomans and China had extensive periods of female political domination.
Children's entertainment needs serious regulation, as media is perhaps the single biggest cause of weird sexual fetishes. My fringe fetish was definitely induced by a movie I watched when I was 3 and is now an inexorable part of my sexuality.
Postmodern, Feminist and Marxist philosophy and literary theory are unjustly hated. There is an overabundance of charlatans in the humanities, and the hatred should be directed there. These literary perspectives are perfectly valid, and no amount of Peterson will change this.
A lot of people in academia are too reliant on certain literary perspectives (not so much Marxism, not since the 1960s at least). It's a problem when people are analyzing, Paradise Lost for example, specifically from a feminist lens. They're missing the glory that is Milton's theology and the beauty of the poem, instead focusing on a few lines on Eve's position below Adam (time would've been better spent criticizing the source material, Genesis).
No. 346618
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>>346610good opinions
>My fringe fetish was definitely induced by a movie I watched when I was 3 and is now an inexorable part of my sexuality.Me too! Do you think the old lady who swallowed a fly sparked the influx of vore fetishes?
No. 346621
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>>346618>tfw same fetishI've never listened to that nursery rhyme, but what done it in for me was being left in front of the TV with a 'honey I shrunk the kids' VCR.
It's the same story on many forums and websites, and with many I've discussed this fetish with. One german I knew developed her fascination through their messed up fairy tales involving vore, so it seems to not take much.
No. 346671
>>346618>>346621Holy shit. I didn’t expect to hear about anyone on here having a vore fetish too. Mine was developed from watching nature documentaries though. I don’t really get turned on by that stuff anymore though.
Honestly, I’ve had similar thoughts to the original post that media can really corrupt children in that manner. If I ever have kids, the ideal scenario would be that they don’t ever get exposed to that stuff as well as the Internet until they’re a bit older.
No. 346722
>>345620tbh I don't really care that much about radical feminism and just like to make fun of trannies because they are ugly and cringey and the potential danger to women they pose tends to come second.
I wish it were possible to make fun of them without being told "blahblahblah take it to Gender Crit"
No. 346735
>>346610>Bullying, especially primary school bullying, is best solved by violence.idk know if that's the BEST solution but it actually works. Kids don't give a fuck if they're traumatizing a classmate by insulting them for no good reason, beating them or injuring them, so you might as well beat the shit out of them to defend yourself. I remember being bullied at school because of my looks (which was because of a kind of severe disorder) and my ethnicity and everytime I reported to the teachers that I was being insulted, pushed or beaten they punished me instead for bothering them during their break. They punished me even more and only me when I fought back. They only gave a fuck when some bitch broke a front teeth, which is still visible, and another one punch me so hard in the face that my lips got fucked up and I couldn't eat solid food for over two months. The school's director didn't even want to call an ambulance even though I passed out and I couldn't stop bleeding because he didn't want the bully who knocked me out to get in trouble though.
If something similar happened to me when we were all adults at work I could have called the cops so fast they would have been fired and sent to jail without even noticing. But somehow when your a kid people don't care if you're bullied so you shouldn't care either. Oh, and you're all supposed to make up after all that too. Fuck this shit.
No. 346744
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I don't know how unpopular this is, but I'm not mad so this isn't a vent, but I see this all the time soo I'm just going to put this here.
I literally do not understand how girls have such a hard time finding a guy that likes you and just one night stands you? Guys are so easy and desperate, the majority of them try to get into relationships even after a ONS. I'm not even very attractive and this happens to me, so I don't get how women can't get into a relationship lol
No. 346765
>>346744Your immediate living and social situation make a huge difference. In terms of meeting men: in school > not in school / public transport and walkable neighborhoods > drive everywhere bc suburban sprawl or rural isolation. You could also have a job where you work alone or work with the same people all day. Your social group can be very closed (meaning your friends aren't meeting new people for you to meet later on) or majority female (and they either don't meet new people themselves or only meet women) or have people paired off young.
I'm not a hermit but I very rarely meet men, I tend to get hit on the most in gas stations lol. Without online dating I'd absolutely be alone and even online dating is iffy.
No. 346767
>>346744It's like people are living different lives and have different situations or something…huh, wow.
Also you sound like a gross ho.
No. 346774
>>346451It's almost as if those other women you're speaking about don't even get a chance to vent their opinion!
I wonder why that is….
No. 347058
>>347055What other website? 99.9% of the internet is dedicated to hating women, there's nothing to celebrate about one of the few places women can talk freely about men and mods and handmaids get joy out of us being silenced.
If mods actually had concerns about the integrity of the thread, they would just delete maleposting. But nope, that's too difficult apparently.
No. 347059
>>347058The mods are probably the ones infighting just so they can have an excuse to ban it. You know some
triggered male mod would do it kek
No. 347096
>>347058Do we really need dozens of threads just to say that men are dumb and violent though? That's pretty much all it boils down to and it's stating the obvious. I mean I enjoyed posting in it at first but it got really repetitive and circle jerky, and creates a negative feedback loop of scaremongering to some extent. Also what this anon
>>347057 said about it attracting incels to the board.
There's a reason why I don't go on male imageboards anymore, and it's because I'd rather not see them REEEEEing.
No. 347102
>>347058There's /r/trufemcels and /r/asktrufemcels
They ban men on sight.
No. 347107
>>346794Post-Modernism can be leftist, but for the most part leftists (I mean Marxist leftists) are bound by historical materialism and their own narratives of history too much to even contend with Post Modernism. Really, the majority of the leftists that do hold post-modern positions are actually rather reactionary, exclusive or nationalistic in their own right.
The intersectionality, circlejerk crowd that is stereotypically 'post-modern', are for the most part butthurt irrerdentists that are upset that their identity ended up on the losing side of history. They are reactionary and are almost no different to the far right stormfags, the difference being that they hold their left politics and post-modern criticism as a tool to only further their groups position. Really, the reason minority nationalist movements are leftist in the first place is simply because they are reacting against the majority nationalist movements, which are almost universally far right/fascist. This pattern repeats itself across the western world, from the 'woke' black nationalists in the states to the Irish irredentists. If for example, blacks were the majority in the United States, the black nationalists would drop the veil of critical theory and progressive politics and instead have their own version of the blackshirts.
No. 347109
>>347066no it's because everyone who participates in that thread is an autist who can't even communicate with each other in a rational manner and then go on to infect the rest of the site with their mental instability.
same thing happened a few years ago when we started having MPA threads, we got an influx of psychotic ana-chans who think anyone who weighs over 80lbs is an obese hamlord who should kill themselves and infected every thread with their insane nitpicking and histrionics. that's why MPA discussions were banned for a long time.
maybe if you guys could stop sperging out at each other and everyone else for 5 seconds you could have your thread back.
No. 347161
>>347057They were my guilty-pleasure threads, too. I liked posting overly dramatic bullshit but somehow ended up actually fucking convincing myself all men are secret pedonecrorapists.
Glad it's gone so I can stop radicalizing myself.
>>347078lol imagine a man-hate chan
No. 347181
>>347178>>347179Indeed especially seeing as it spread to certain other threads on certain boards too, it all seemed a bit staged and a way to blame farmers who, although I do not doubt are a few in there it seems more outside anons.
also tinfoil heard a few mods are males/trannies which maybe a reason they want certain threads gone but no evidence just hearsay>>347180Yep.
No. 347185
>>347182Its just you, although you are correct it was the typical poltard/incel shit flavoured stuff thats been seen before but not locked down when appearing in other threads.
>>347184hmm…good point.
No. 347186
>>347178>>347161>>347057>>347053It just looks like only that thread was locked. The farmhand didn't seem to say anything about man-hate threads being banned, period. Was there an announcement I'm missing?
Can't anons just wait a day or two and make a new one, with a friendly reminder to report racebait from /pol/ scrotes and not to give them the replies they crave?
No. 347189
>>347186I think the problem was people did report the racebait shit which is the reason given for it being locked.
>>347187Careful anon you gonna
trigger the scrots larping as farmers and get virtue signaling butthurt replies lol.
No. 347198
>>347182Honestly, even racebait-wise, it's some of the tamest shit I've seen on Lolcow in a while. I've read far worse from (what I assume to be) real farmers.
It was one /pol/tard trying to pretend that men who are white dindu nuffin, and anons reasonably pointing out that men, regardless of culture/race, are fucked up and destructive. Then, the /pol/tard started trying to claim non-white women are somehow more dangerous than white men, which was also shut down pretty gracefully, and then the thread was locked. The "infighting" may have been the worse issue IMO, but even that probably falls more under "replying to obvious scrote" than actual infighting. It seemed like everyone but the /pol/tard (who may or may not have been female) was on the same page.
I wonder if this is part of a new, more concentrated effort to do away with racebait on the part of mods/farmhands. I want to believe they're just trying to do things right, and that this wasn't some kind of planned takedown.
No. 347203
>>347198I don't think it's fair to lock a thread because a racist invaded a thread. Nobody can stop that happening and the responses were not racist in return.
I guess if they locked the threads because people were responding to the scrot, that's fair enough since we know we're not supposed to. But anons aren't made of stone, if inflammatory opinions (especially if they're pretending to be women) are left up long enough, it's really unlikely everyone is going to happily ignore it forever. Mods have to do their part in deleting unwelcome posters as quickly as possible, instead of just locking the thread. Maybe they really just can't be bothered with that sort of active modding and would rather not have a controversial thread that needs it.
No. 347222
>>347187There were numerous reports of racebaiting, infighting, and maleposting.
Man hate isn't a banned topic. We just ask that until we have some more moderators to wait for a new thread due to the influx of robots.
No. 347238
>>347224Thats an awfully long winded way of saying you're
triggered anon.
No. 347269
>>347241You're backtracking isn't helping your argument, its just making you look even more
>>347261Nice reddit spacing there samefag.
No. 347303
triggered salty-chan.
No. 347305
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The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for developed economies. Anyone on the right I discuss this with downplays the material conditions that determine social relations, and think a simple return to 'christian values' will solve everything. And everyone else is like "who are you to be involved with what people do in the bedroom, like ummm, it's none of your business".
No. 347310
>>347306Declining birthrates, dysgenic selective forces and the increased amount of single parent households. Single parent households have for the most part stabilized, but the dysgenics and declining birthrates are a direct consequence of the sexual revolution.
Without the sexual revolution and birth control we would have a smarter, more intelligent population right now. There would be much less mental illness as more kids would have father figures. Incel and femcel tier hang-ups over sex would be lessened as sex still had consequences.
Ambition is basically being culled from the female gene-pool as they seek meaning in careers, and of the more intelligent women, most are giving birth to autistic, unhealthy children through geriatric births after 40, leading to a further decline in the quality of the population.
No. 347318
>>347310>most are giving birth to autistic,If you'd ever actually researched it you'd know autism is mostly due to old fathers and age gaps ( The real problem is not women having careers or being intelligent, it's that nuclear families are isolated and unsustainable compared to the 'village' support system, and men refuse to 'settle down' until they are old (at which point they throw a tantrum about women being the same age as them, the same illogical nonsense as yours). Most women want children, and most women are denied them by their equals/peers when both halves of a couple are young and healthy, and are forced to date old men and shit out autists.
No. 347325
>>347303NTA you were sperging at originally but if it helps you sleep at night when your antipsychotics don't, ok.
>>347318this. it's becoming extremely difficult for young, healthy couples to have kids whether they want them or not because they can hardly afford to live, let alone support children as well. boomers might've paid a couple thousand bucks total for a college degree and a house but that's not the case anymore. my husband and I are college grads in our 20's with decent jobs in IT but the cost of living is so high we can't afford a house or kids.
as a side note, global warming is going to kill us in the next century anyway so what's the point in propagating at this point anyway.
No. 347329
>>347321self hating blacks have to be the biggest fucking retards lol
always the first ones to go to white websites about how terrible ALL black people are like theyre not one of them lol
on fucking new years too lol
No. 347333
>>347310Smarter, AND more intelligent? Wowee anon, you’ve convinced me. Time to take away sexual freedoms and reproductive control from women
You’re a fucking retard who has contradicted every single point you made in your shitty post. Thank the uptick in disabilities to a fucked economy and old sperm, it has absolutely nothing to do with women having control of their own bodies and fertilities for the first time in history.
No. 347337
>>347333>Thank the uptick in disabilities to a fucked economy and old spermDo you have proof of either of those things? How can a bad economy possibly cause birth defects and disabilities? And where do you get that old sperm are causing it and not old eggs? There's Decades of research showing that women obviously become less fertile and more prone took birth problems with age, but what's your source for thinking it's actually sperms fault? A single radfem blog you read once that sites a single obscure study based on 2 trials or something?
>it has absolutely nothing to do with women having control of their own bodies and fertilities for the first time in history.Then why is it happening right now? You do know they're having fact and plenty of bad economies throughout all of human history before, and men have been having children at older average ages than women for all of human history as well, also without these Modern Problems. So how can you possibly look at the situation and say "no it's definitely not this modern change causing problems, it's things that have happened all the time before now suddenly causing problems they didn't before!"?
No. 347344
>>3473371. Younger people can’t afford to have children. And we no longer live in an age where poor people will have many kids to help with labour and hope that some survive,
2. There are many resources out there which have found that is sperm that is most likely to pass on genetic disorders, and old sperm is more likely to cause neurological disorders. Women have always been blamed for any birth defects so before recently no one bothered checking if it could possibly be because sperm
3. I’d much rather have our population controlled through a drop in birth rates rather than diseases or wars like we have in the past, the drop is a good thing as we are overpopulated and once the boomers die off there aren’t enough children to replace them all and the following generations will be able to prosper
Do some research in the future instead of being a misogynist and expecting people to also spoon feed information to you. Won’t bother replying after this as I know you’re the type of person who won’t have their mind changed, and I’d rather not start the new year off arguing with a self-hating woman and/or scrot
No. 347345
>>347343Want another hard pill to swallow? Women entering the workforce is responsible for most of our current economic problems.
When you suddenly double the amount of workers in the economy, you cut the value of a worker in half. This is what has allowed corporations to screw over its workers for decades and leads to the current imbalanced economy we have. The rich have grown exponentially richer while normal people's wages have increased at a significantly slower rate. We've gone from women choosing to work to now it basically being mandatory for a man and woman to both work in order to pay the costs of a modern household. And you know what definitely holds people back from being able to have kids? When both partners are required to work full time just to stay alive.
No. 347346
>>347179Yeah people who don't know why men are banned here out themselves as newfags immediately. If they weren't we'd be spammed with
>Male here, just telling my opinion as a male on why I would/wouldn't fuck this cow!!! >Male here, I'm here to tell you gals how to please men and what men find attractive, and why this cow doesn't/does fulfill those demands!!shitposting even more. It still happens in certain threads (such as asking for the nudes of the cows because "I'd bang that whore's ass") but thankfully gets banned on sight. It has nothing to do with hating males, it's a precaution to get rid of the attention whores who think they'll be treated as kings on a female-dominant board simply for having a dick.
>>347222Didn't really browse or post to the male-hate thread myself but I really want a place where I can vent about males acting like entitled males when I lose my patience, but it seems that every time you post something negative about men you get labeled as an evil mean femcel. I'm not one of those types that spend their days being hysterical about every man being pedophile rapist but I do lose my patience with them when for example they can't take women's problems seriously or belittle #metoo or my fears of walking home alone after midnight. Hopefully it's still okay to post things like these in the vent thread even though anons seen to go straight to /meta/ to bitch about "femcels derailing with manhate again".
No. 347348
>>347337birth defects caused by old eggs mostly cause mitochondrial diseases which are very severe and the children rarely survive infancy. versus as another anon mentioned, old sperm mostly leads to mental or developmental defects which give rise to retards that are capable of carrying out throughout adulthood. so which is more damaging?
sperm also ages altho it's continuously made unlike eggs due to, to put it in simple terms, increased rate of mistakes made during spermatogenesis as men age.
No. 347351
>>347345Riiiight, so the solution is to oppress half the population and prevent them from gaining any financial independence, leaving them 100% reliant on a man's benevolence for their safety and security.
I, for one, do not give a fuck about lowered birthrates and retarded children if the only viable solution is women being kept from working, especially because anyone who leaves the house knows that most kids don't actually have disabilities. They are still relatively rare, most people have kids in their 30s, it's nowhere near as drastic or dramatic as alarmist /pol/tards think. Men oppose mothers being over 30 because they want to fuck teenagers, not because they actually care about the health of their child.
No. 347354
>>347351No doubt you're the kind of person who thinks women were literally Shackled In Chains and whipped daily by evil men for no reason for all of human history until like 40 years ago. Suffice to say this wasn't the case. Most women were okay with and even happy to be mothers and Housewives. Maybe this system wasn't perfect for literally everyone but it worked. Our current system does not work and the world has been in a steady decline because of it. Women's happiness has been on the decline for decades, just look at you for example.
People are generally stupid, like children.If you asked a child how they wanted to live their life they probably want to eat candy and ice cream all the time and nothing else, but as a responsible adult you make them eat their vegetables even if they complain about it and they wind up better off because of it.
No. 347356
>>347354Have you considered that these women were ‘happy’ because they had absolutely no choices outside of the limited things they were allowed? Hm, I wonder why women even bothered revolting and a huge portion were on antidepressants if they were so happy with their situations
Really makes you hmmm
No. 347359
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No. 347397
>>347366This is fucking weird man. Why is this shit allowed but literal spam/gore is up for 8-12 hours?
Is there seriously a man on the moderation team or do they have no European mods? I want more transparency from the current team. It doesn't matter if it's going to change in a month, we still need accountability from the current team to explain their actions.
No. 347406
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>>347399Unfortunately, that just isn't true today, as much as I would like it to be.
The ideal number of men reproducing would be entirely controlled by women and women only. So I imagine it would be in the 1% of men range.
No. 347424
>>347419It's not a banned topic and it's no longer off topic here. They can post about it if they want and the group of people it
triggers are going to just have to get used to it until the mods make a new man hate thread.
No. 347438
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>What's that? Mods closed down the man hate thread?
>Oooooh I see what the problem was.
>There we go! All fixed. Now back to business as usual.
No. 347445
>>347426>>347438You can bitch all you want but until they ban the topic entirely, it will continue to be discussed in other threads on the site. Ignore it if it
triggers you, which it clearly does.
No. 347495
>>347424Nta but I got banned once for making one post in the vent thread about man-hate, I got banned for "not keeping it in my own thread"
I'm not saying mods are all troons conspiring against us, but the fact they're more willing to leave up scrot posts as they keep invading until hours or days later, but ban us in .5 of seconds if we even vaguely reply to the scrot, just to lock the thread because 1 or 2 anons made race-baiting posts, it sure as fuck seems like it
Mods have always been off, but come on dude, leaving gore up for 8 straight hours but magically being able to ban us in seconds sometime and lock the thread if we fight, lolcow is becoming a joke of a site and they really need to rethink whoever the fuck is modding this site
No. 347574
>>347445You're not in your echo chamber anymore. Anons are going to call you out for being unable to contain your autism about your special manhate interest when you vomit it all over any other thread. Enjoy.
>>347553All these conspiracies about that thread are hilarious. "tHe MoDs ArE hArBorInG mEn AnD siLenCiNg WomEn" no, the entire site's being neglected (as evidenced by daily errors that render the site actually unusable for hours at a time and anons at each others throats in arguments that span the course of days and no one stops them). Sounds like there's very few farmhands who give a shit about the site these days and the manhate thread probably gets the most reports so they nuked it. There's tons of shitty infighting in nearly every thread on the site that goes largely unmoderated too.
>>347572You're still going, eh?
No. 347601
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many trannys do pass and look feminine and pretty. People are being dramatic when they say none of them pass because that just isn’t true. I have no problems with trannys as long as they accept t they’re not women and are just feminine looking men.
No. 347612
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>>347610I think he passes pretty good. I think most people would think I look more male than him.
No. 347613
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>>347608>clockedI highly doubt you’d know this is a man if I never mentioned it
No. 347620
>>347600It's just more proof that women on average have more empathy than men do, IMO.
If you go to any male majority site, they can screech about us and call us walking holes without anyone really caring to defend us much. On the other hand, on a female majority site, there's way more backlash if you attack men, because even on a gossip site like this, women are actually more caring and less spiteful. They think of their boyfriends, husbands, fathers, sons, etc and take exception to anyone being cruel about the whole gender. For some reason, so many men seem incapable of that. Hmm.
No. 347623
>>347616from what I've seen (I don't read /ot/ that often tbf specifically due to all the autism and infighting) anons get branded as femcels when they call people handmaidens or secret male anons for: dating men, feeling sorry for a man, or defending a man against something (regardless of whether they deserve to be defended or not). i haven't seen anyone get clocked as a femcel for reasonable shit like talking about how your bf/dad/x man in your life is a dumbass or something.
>>347612how does this look like a woman to you? genuine question.
No. 347660
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I seriously hate porgs (from the new Star Wars) so much. They were honestly just designed to be a vehicle to sell stupid toys to stupid manchildren and dummies ate it up hook, line, and stinker.
The PS1 was superior to the N64. Like if you don't like Zelda/Mario you have slim pickings on the N64. The Ocarina of time wasn't that good of a game - it was a step back in quality from A Link to the Past. Crash and Spyro were better platformer/adventure games than Super Mario 64.
Pitbulls were literally just bred to be fighting dogs and maul other dogs/animals on command. I support banning them without muzzles in public, because I'm sick of posturing idiots getting them to be 'tough guys' or libfem twitter types trying to virtue signal by adopting a 'misunderstood' animal - and then seeing yet another article about someone's baby getting mauled or someone else's pets being attacked outside.
Cats should not be allowed outside unsupervised. They cause massive damage to local animal populations (they have driven multiple species to extinction) and on average have a life span that is 5-7 years shorter than indoor cats due to larger predators/running into traffic. Cat owners who let their cats outside all day are lazy and selfish.
I think Sam Hyde is hilarious, I've laughed harder at him saying goofy shit into a camera than I have at any multi-million comedy Hollywood has put out in years.
Firefly was never good. The characters were unlikeable, the humor was like someone quoting a reddit thread, and River was a Mary Sue.
Dinosaurs had feathers.
No. 347664
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>>347660>Dinosaurs had feathers.I find the idea of feathers dinosaurs to be cooler. Agile, warm-blooded birds > dumb, slumbering reptiles
No. 347667
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>>347664I agree, it's just that so many people don't want to give up the image of the dinosaurs they grew up with in Jurassic Park or the myth that 100% of dinosaurs died as soon as the meteor hit and didn't eventually evolve into birds.
No. 347670
>>347667>>347664I'm really scared of birds, and now I understand why.
I also had a friend who once told me chickens were basically dinosaur's descendants, and I couldn't unsee it.
No. 347695
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>>347670It's especially telling if you look at something like a crowned eagle which looks like a modern pterodactyl or a cassowary which looks like a mini raptor. Very reptilian looking birds.
No. 347696
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>>347670It's especially telling if you look at something like a crowned eagle which looks like a modern pterodactyl or a cassowary which looks like a mini raptor. Very reptilian looking birds.
No. 347700
>>347660agreed on every point.
I didn't know dinosaurs having feathers was a contentious point though, I thought it was widely agreed upon. feathers are way cooler anyway.
No. 347707
>>347700its agreed upon by people who actually know an ounce of science
anyone who says otherwise is muh jurassic park
No. 347713
>>347712is right. Unless you had ONE ex, I'm gonna be suspicious if all your "ex gf were crazies". Especially considering the fact that 100% of the IRL men that told me that considered jealousy/possessivness as ultimate top notch crazy where the crazy exes from my female friends were legit raping them, beating them and taking all of their money while isolating them from their families.
No. 347715
The point
Your head
No. 347716
>>347711>the truth>uncalled for"My exes are all crazy" is a textbook, commonly known manipulation tactic used by abusive guys. It's a way of
-absolving the guy of their own shortcomings or actual abuse they committed in the relationship
-making them into an innocent victim to lull women into a false sense of security and protectiveness
-making it so these women doubt or even attack their exes if they ever try to warn them about them
On top of that, 100% of the time, you
will be gaslit and called "crazy" yourself if you ever notice anything off about these guys, or if you do/say anything that steps out of line.
Every woman should read "Why Does He Do That?" by Lundy Bancroft. It breaks down the actions and thought processes of abusive male partners perfectly, and this very phenomena is highlighted in it. IMO, 1-2 exes being crazy is credible, shit happens, but any more than that? And you downplay, or simply can't or won't properly acknowledge any faults or fuck-ups on
your end throughout any of those relationships? Nah, you're lying to hide shit, and are probably the one who's truly insane.
No. 347722
>>347717Who said I only think men do that?
>The fact that you think only men do that proves that all probably applies to you.Huh. In all the hullabaloo, I checked out the man hate thread that got locked earlier. This weak "no u! just thinking about that proves that YOU'RE the evil one!" shit is very, very reminiscent of what the racebaiting "huwhite men are innocent and do nothing rong, its the brown mooslems >:(" /pol/ poster said when an anon pointed out the amount of white men who actually feel sadistic pleasure when white women are raped or killed by non-white men.
Your argument skills are very, very weak.
No. 347724
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>>347601>>347612>>347613I agree Sue passes, just as a butterface girl though.
Actually looks like one of my 100% female friends growing up lmao.
No. 347731
>>347722Also the
>no u are the one doing the bad thing I would never doIs a classic male tactic to evade capture. He directs attention away from the problem (him) by accusing the innocent(s) of causing said problem.
No. 347734
>>347726Agreed. What many misogynistic men (and their handmaidens) miss is that fundamentally, even when misandry is brewing, we aren't like them. Many of us still have men in our lives who we love and care for. Women en masse don't go out, kill/rape men/boys and commit atrocities all because they're mad they have no boyfriend, they were in a nasty divorce or because they made and unironically believe in some religion that says men are essentially cattle.
When I shit on men on LC, I'm not actually advocating genocide or pure hatred of them like they do with us. I don't delight in stories about ruining men's days, say a boy who was raped deserved it, or make fun of men who end up having sad paths in life because they were once little boys with dreams of being famous or cool.
I'm just frustrated about the state of society. There are still men I like and even love. It's almost like most men are incapable of that kind of thing, so they think we must be, as well.
No. 347736
>>347729No one does that. We talk about shitty women, and call them out all the time.
I have a feeling you're just mad because you know you wouldn't be able to get away with turning this place into /r9k/ or r/sluthate 2.0.
No. 347738
>>347601Anon, trannies don’t pass. They’ll look feminine but they’ll be indestinguishable. They’ll always have some male features that they can’t get rid of even with shooping and going under the knife, and the only reason they look even remotely feminine is because it’s a photograph so they control the narrative within it.
I’ve seen a few people pop up that say that trannies/sissies are fine as long as they recognise that they’re men, but they’re really not. It’s not just a case of them being more feminine than masculine, they try wear our skin by appearing as female as possible (not just feminine), and their dicks get hard to it too - not just that, it’s a humiliation thing to them, they find the idea of being a woman humiliating which just gets them off even more.
No. 347761
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>>347759Not liking a taste of your own medicine I see.
No. 347762
>>347759>NTA Uh-huh
>These "gotcha" moments make me want to off myself for even browsing this site knowing people like you use the board.Okay, have fun, then.
No. 347779
>>347772so now you have been outed as the shitposting anon you are scraping the barrel for comebacks? Fucking LOL
>This site is 18+exactly, so why are you here? you clearly have the mental capacity of a 12yr old edgelord.
No. 347796
>>347794nta but it's infighting.
>please stoplmao
No. 347797
>>347796Seems more like several of us calling out one anon their bullshit rather than everyone infighting. Hopefully, the BS doesn't get this thread locked too.
>lmaoIt's almost like you're contributing to it.
No. 347811
>>347806I think it largely depends on the context. Call your friends girls can be endearing, but in a professional setting it can come off condescending, in particular if it’s a higher up/man saying it
30+ year old men who are pretending to be teenagers clearly aren’t all that appropriate for this term
No. 347812
>>347805>this shit is hilariousIs it? Are you literally sitting in your computer chair Lol-ing at passive aggressive meme postings and the same tired, bitter infighting that anyone who's browsed this site for years has seen already?
Wow, golly, so funny - if you have a brain stem like a Hooligans!
No. 347841
Bush and Cheney made the right decisions regarding Saddam Hussein and Iraq, from a realpolitk perspective. Turning Iraq into an unstable shithole isolated Saudi Arabia from any potential other allies and forced them to co-operate with the US (and Israel), ensuring a (relatively) stable status quo for a decade. The Arab Spring, and the Syrian catastrophe by extension, were disasters that threw all this out, and couldn't have been predicted by Bush or Cheney at the time.
Israel should never have been created in the middle east, and instead should've been established in Madagascar. But now that it is where it is, it's best if they either ethnically cleanse or integrate Palestine entirely, the creation of a Palestinian state would do nothing at this point to ensure peace as there's been too many decades of butthurt to ever bury the hatchet. The US and the west has to ensure Israel's survival against its neighbors, because Israel would go through with mass nuclear war and the Samson option in a second due to their memory of the holocaust.
France, at least the political elite in France, still has imperialist ambitions and would happily throw French republican principles out in favor of anything that would further this. Whether it's integrating the French sphere of influence in Africa with France proper, embracing Islam or turning to Socialist principles. Russia is of a similar attitude and disposition, but they have nothing other than Putin's autocracy to turn to.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc, in the way it collapsed, was a catastrophe. The entire eastern European economic collapse of the 90s could've been avoided if the Soviet Union reformed along the same lines as China. 'Shock therapy' was simply a collusion between the Russian bureaucratic elite and the west to pillage Russian capital, Russia or the Soviet Union would be on good terms with the United States right now if it wasn't for the disaster of the 90s.
The North Korean government most likely wants to embrace the west, but they're unsure how to go about reforming their system without ending up in a civil war like most 20th century dictatorships that have liberalized. There's probably plans in the works between North Korea, China and the West as we speak to guide this transition, in a way that allows the Kim dynasty to keep their heads and autonomy. This is most likely being kept secret because the Kim dynasty doesn't want to give their army or secret service a legitimate reason to depose their 'reactionary actions'.
No. 347849
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>>347841Iraq was never aligned with Saudi Arabia. Sadams Iraq was a Ba'athist state - which is a pan Arab nationalist ideology and opposed to the existence of Wahhabism and the Saudi royal family. It's also why the Saudis, Israel, and the US collaborated to destroy the other Ba'athist states Libya and (postponed) Syria.
No. 347857
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>>347707how are feathers not cool? a feathered trex is SO cool!
it's not a secret that jurassic park wasn't scientifically accurate, it was based on what we knew almost 30 years ago, and actually the making of jurassic park contributed to the discovery of a link between birds and dinos! it's one of my favorite movies but how is anyone acting like it's a documentary?
No. 347859
Final Fantasy is a shit series and yokai watch 1 & 2 are more fun than any pokemon games in existence
>>347844Meh, grass is greener. I grew up with sony consoles and it completely killed my interest video games until I got a ds and pokemon + animal crossing because I didn't really like any of the kids games. I only actually had fun when my dad would let me fuck around on gta vice city. I do like sony consoles now but I prefer the switch by a country mile. The vita was debatably better than 3ds though.
No. 347866
>>347857heres probably an unpopular opinion, all the dinosaurs in jp are ugly as shit. the jp rex looks so fucking chunky and ugly and i hate that virtually every other dinosaur containing media models its trex after it.
sage for dino sperging
No. 347964
>>347857feathered trex is freakin adorable.
JP was a good movie, but i agree. It's old and was never truly based on science. It's one of those 'haha, look at this cool 90s movie with cool animatronics' but that's it. Anyone who takes it for fact is an actual idiot.
No. 348023
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No. 348045
I mean they look terrible with the shorts and thigh-highs for an event in such country.
No. 348124
>>348019I used to really be into K-pop pre-2014 when the music was still enjoyable and fun and the band members had creative, cool outfits for the videos. Now they look like autistic fashion disasters and the music is just rehashed american pop. What the fuck happened.
>>347968They're just stans sperging over idols having surgery/gaining fat/becoming an ana-chan. It's a garbage fire.
No. 348142
>>348138I feel that a lot of people with gender issues have a lot of much larger underlying issues and they resort to these things just to cope. As an anecdote, I have a friend who’s an obese straight girl who secretly identifies as non-binary but she has obvious issues with her self-esteem and lack of confidence probably in part due to her appearance.
That being said, I agree that people who are secure in not conforming to gender norms don’t use it as a way to cope and probably don’t care about labeling themselves.
No. 348149
>>348142>a lot of people with gender issues have a lot of much larger underlying issues and they resort to these things just to cope.oh, definitely. it's easier/less painful (in the short-term) than processing any of those underlying issues. that's why the label attracts so many teenagers and insecure young adults.
>>348143>what do you believe makes a “real” non-binary person?generally, someone that isn't comfortable conforming to gender roles for reasons outside of insecurity or any other prior issues that would be solved with therapy. basically, if the person is using the label to cope, or to seem special, or to fit in with their online friends, they're most likely having a phase. these people tend to only get more confused and depressed regarding their identity, because they didn't actually solve the real issue.
lgbt people in general tend to be very different online vs irl. non-binary people i've met irl (myself included) don't necessarily care about labels. they're usually fine using nothing, or "non-binary." you don't hear them using labels like demigirl or pronouns like xir/xem. i dress/present myself how i like and don't really make an attempt to look "androgynous" so people assuming i'm female doesn't upset me. sure, it'd be nice if people somehow automatically knew to use they/them for me, but things don't work like that. non-binary people on the internet tend to take that kind of stuff very personally. i'm confident in my identity and know i am non-binary despite looking female, so if people think i'm dumb/faking i don't have to argue with them. i also typically don't bother correcting people at all unless they're friends. it's just less hassle.
No. 348160
>>348152i don't have an answer for you, because i am physically female, dress/act feminine, love pink, and am non-binary, so my reasoning doesn't come from "i'm not like other girls, so i must not be a girl"
i don't believe i expressed myself clearly when i said "someone that isn't comfortable conforming to gender roles" since i do agree that gender roles are mostly manufactured, so i retract that statement. i didn't mean a girl that's a tomboy which is how it sounded. i meant something more along the lines of how the individual personally feels about it. but that brings me to this:
>>348153>Gender is a conceptif this is true, where's the issue with someone choosing to forgo it entirely?
>>348156>Dressing unisex is not a third genderi'm aware. i don't dress unisex, that's not why i identify like i do. may i ask why you think the non-binary label is stupid and shallow? are there circumstances where you don't think of it like that? genuinely curious.
No. 348168
>>348162this is the clearest, least douchey view on this i've seen so far, thank you. going over my posts i probably am trying to justify it to myself, so i'm definitely going to reevaluate some things and think about this for a bit.
No. 348231
>>348202Anime and manga are underrated hobbies for women tbh. Josei, shoujo and BL/fujobait are all made by and for women, if you have any sense you avoid things made for men and you're left with self indulgent stuff for girls. If skinny female characters are a problem, limit it even further to all male casts. CGDCT and haremshit are among the worst media for women though, it's true.
Kpop is also fine if you exclusively stan male idols and ignore what people say about the girls, but they are unpredictable so you just have to hope the male isn't an overt asshole about women.
No. 348238
>>348202IMO, it's not any more toxic than western music, TV shows/movies sexualizing high schoolers (and even middle schoolers with shit like some scenes from It and Stranger Things), and models (a sad amount of which are literally just tall, lanky 14 year olds made up to look like women), to be honest.
Women from Asian countries just tend to be a bit shorter and younger-looking for longer, so of course their beauty standards will reflect that. I agree it's toxic for those who aren't naturally predisposed to those traits, because in a way, they're trying to fight biology and genetics instead of working with what they have, but it's a bit asinine to act like kawaii uguu unnie weeb/koreaboo shit is inherently any worse than anorexic models with grown woman's heights but 13 year old's faces, 20+ year old model/actresses who are cast as high schoolers (making actual teens feel bad about their looks,
and normalizing the sexualization of that age group) or IG thots with fake, inflated asses. It's all bad.
No. 348242
The whole "non-binary" concept is irritating to me, because gender isn't actually much deeper than the sex you were born as. There are women who like and relate to "man stuff", and vice versa, because when it comes down to it, none of that shit is real. Going on about how you don't ~*feel either, or feel both at the same time*~ is lending legitimacy to a fanciful concept. It's true that the two are treated different socially, but like, getting a pixie cut or growing out your hair won't allow you to escape that people can absolutely still tell what sex you are based on your facial features and body shape. That's just life.
I don't understand how so many of these people will readily admit "Gender is a social construct" and "Clothing has no gender" ad infinitum, but then go on about "feeling like a boy today, and a girl tomorrow, or sometimes both or just neither". You've already admitted you can't really "feel" either, it's all just made-up monkey shit, so what is all this you're spouting now? Why are you enforcing this binary shit you don't even believe in? Why can't you just continue to exist as a woman (or man) who likes suits and ties with short hair and some unshaven body hair some days, but also likes long hair, makeup and sundresses on others? Why all this extra "Pls only use they/them with me" shit?
No. 348265
>>348256>defendI never did this. Read my posts.
>Loli shit makes women who are already young (18-22) believe they must look like 12 year olds to be attractive and that theyre going to die at 30 and it makes men believe being a literal pedophile is cute/normal.And in the west, girls who are like 12-16 believe they must look like 21 year olds to be attractive and that they're going to die at 30, and all the 20-25 year olds masquerading as teens and actual 14 year olds doing the most to be indistinguishable from grown women since that's the beauty standard makes men believe being a literal pedophile is cute/normal. We can't even pretend like "THIS girl is 14, can you believe it? Countdown til she's legal brehs. We need to abolish this age of consent shit, it's just made up by jealous 26 year old roasties who are at THE WALL" shit isn't everywhere.
>>348262>Anons here want an easy scapegoat for their problems, they think if they weren’t a weeaboo they wouldn’t hate themselves, but that’s not true, you’d just hate yourself another way.Exactly this.
No. 348272
>>348270Neither are good or acceptable for reasons listed multiple times. It's all self-hate. Little girls trying to look "legal", little girls trying to prolong looking "illegal" for as long as possible, grown women trying to look "legal" but not
too "legal" (because that's hag-status), and grown women trying to look "illegal". Don't defend any of them or RP that any are worse. All are used to justify pedophilia in a different way, because pedos will always find an excuse. Society treats women and our appearances like shit, point blank.
No. 348276
>>348266Every time kpop ends up on mainstream media men make fun of it because they see 5'6" 100lbs asian guys wearing make up and think it's funny. They make fun of kpop and Bieber types because they see them as fap material for chubby teen girls.
>>348269Only losers have yellow fever. Normal men who can get dates have a clear preference for western women. Even incels make fun of guys with yellow fever.
Those men who preach about how their flat chested asian waifus are better than western women are the male equivalent of kpop fangirls who think men are jealous of their oppa.
No. 348281
>>348275>girls have always wanted to look olderAnd women have always preferred looking younger, especially in countries where people age slower. Just because it happens doesn't mean it should be encouraged or normalized.
>and Its better than them finding loli anime then going over to 4chan and cam whoring it up for pedos like ciara and the like.The other side is Danielle Bregoli, whoring it up for pedos in LA (aka IRL), on Instagram, on YouTube, etc. Please, help me understand what is better about this. Both seem like absolute shit.
No. 348573
>>348569kind of agree. i'd rather men ogling teenagers than 8 year olds. in asia most teenagers and 20+ women look pretty similar, and in the west most teenagers in media are "aged up" as far as styling goes, and i think
that is the fucked up aspect. hollywood dresses teens up like 20 somethings and uses 30 year olds to act teen roles and it creates this gross false reality for people to buy into. same with asian media, most teen girls in japan dress frumpy as fuck or in their shitty school uniforms, but coquettishly sexed up idols make a weird normalized fantasy. and i honestly think that the media has more responsibility for constantly shoving this shit down people's throats, than the people who buy into it.
No. 348583
>>348572I was being sarcastic, I completely agree with you. I find the whole trend of "im human garbage/I'm suicidally depressed/anxious" memes to be so overplayed.
I think it's symptoms of living in an increasingly urbanized/digital world that causes these feelings of ennui and anomie. Humans weren't meant to live packed in urban, grey apartment blocks and getting 90% of their social interactions from a glowing screen.
No. 348614
>>348546Having an echo chamber where people negatively circlejerk their depression and anxiety
surprisingly does nothing to make their symptoms any better.
If you engage in toxicity all the time the lines become pretty blurred until you are indeed also toxic.
No. 348671
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>>348564Not the white women I've seen, if the woman cares for herself then she can look fine as she gets older, even then I knew white women who smoked and drank and still look great as they aged, mostly Italian, french, or aushkenazi women, not to mention trying to constantly cling onto wanting to look like a little girl can age you, Yumi King and her followers for example, it just depends on the woman, not "you fugly Western white women are gonna hit the wall unlike my ugu perfect Asian waifus that's why men hate you, all white women age bad no exceptions"
However saying "the wall" is at 19 or 20 and obsessing over it is ridiculous regardless of race or if you believe all white women turn into raisins by 19 no exceptions and Asians are youthful forever or not
(racebait) No. 348723
>>348707Don't even get me started on that one psycho anon who's been infighting for years here
Those anons who see people fighting, point to one anon to tell them to stop, wonder why infighting worsens, those anons who obsess over certain anons they fight with and go around to different threads and accuse everyone of being that one anon they fought and obsess and harass that one anon they fought with, this place is a mess
No. 348795
>>348671can we just stop with the asian women vs white women shit. This whole thread has become shit talking about asian girls and asian idols like holy shit can we move on.
Here's my completely unrelated unpopular opinion. Johnny Depp is so damn hot, funny and charismatic that I don't even care if he's abusing women
No. 348798
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>>348795truly swoonworthy
No. 348826
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>>348798jesus… he looks like a trailer park meth dealer
No. 348840
>>348671Someone please explain to me, where in this post at all, was I intiating some east vs west discussion and race-baiting or "insulting Asian girls" and
>>348564Dindu nuffin
(samefag/ ban evasion) No. 348851
>>348840How am I ban invading if you didn't even ban me first of all
Second, I still want an explaination about how anything I said was race-baiting and the other post, which was actual race bait, wasn't
No. 349089
>>349070Agreed. The nuclear family is way too isolating (particularly due to ease of travel), it's too much pressure to rely on two people and the strength of their bond for a child's wellbeing. There needs to be more support, financial and just in terms of child raising, so it's not the end of the world if the parents split up.
You can tell there's something inherently wrong with the nuclear family structure when men insist it is being destroyed by feminism. If the only way it can function properly is by having one half of a couple chained to the stove, it's not a resiliant system at all.
No. 349113
>>349070>>349089People coming up these days with their ‘traditional’ values are odd individuals. There’s nothing really truly traditional about treating women as property or the subjugation of ethnic minorities - it’s primitive at best and pure human greed. I was raised Christian, and even though I’m an atheist now, my family and most of the people I knew advocated for women’s rights and civil liberties. I was always raised to value myself as an individual. Sure, if you take the Bible out of context you can make it into whatever you want, but in general religion has attempted to elevate people out of the quagmire of ignorance, whether or not they were successful at doing so.
I do think modernism needs to be addressed, but I doubt the raging anarchists in today’s social movements would be happy whatever time period they lived in.
No. 349169
>>349159Yeah cause radfems are murdering men just like incels kill women.
Also women being sick of being raped and harmed for their sex is same as neckbeard pissbabies calling for female enslavement cause that hot one chick did not want to suck their dicklets.
No. 349180
>>349169>like incels kill womenAnd that's happened what, twice? Yet you seem to think it's a daily occurrence.
I'm sure I could find that many instances of radfems murdering men actually.
No. 349213
>>349180Ha, please post links to murders commited by radfems.
I WISH there was an army of radfems out there killing rapists and pedos.
No. 349247
>>349089Actually the Nuclear Family is a post neoliberal myth. Before WW2 families lived with grandparents in the house, and over seas (like in my families country) it's common for grandparents to live with the family to help raise children.
Nuclear is a meme, extended families were how children were reared for decades. It takes a village to raise a child after all. Kicking kids out at 18, buying a new home every generation, and shoving your parents in a nursing home are all neoliberal memes.
No. 349288
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Here's a REAL unpopular opinion: Sanrio sells more than pineapples
No. 349301
>>348149non binary is a joke. it's honestly the same bullshit trans people pull. They expect you to either be extreme princess feminine or truck driving, bear punching masculine and any in between is ~non~binary.
fuck, that annoys the shit out of me.
No. 349359
>>349345Depends on your situation I guess. If you're a battered mom with no support system and completely isolated and controlled it's really hard to leave. Some women are actually in fear of their life, for good reason. Obviously there are dangerous men out there who will actually kill you if you try to leave.
If it's like Onision's wife who is a complete doormat even though her parents would welcome her back with open arms, shes educated and could have a good future, everyone from complete strangers to fans tell er to get out - don't feel bad for her tbh.
No. 349363
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Graffiti and tags look like shit 100% of the time and only tools who watched too many bad gangsta movies do it or think it looks better than crayon scribbles.
Everyone who tags shit is a douche. There has never been an exception.
No. 349398
>>349362>I mean, "abusive relationship" is a broad term. Well it shouldn't be. Letting a serious term like abusive relationship have such a broad definition only invites lots of people to participate in a victimhood circlejerk or serve as fuel for man-haters to claim as large a number of men as possible are evil.
It just makes it so if you say someone is abused others start to think "oh so your boyfriend didn't take you on an expensive date on your anniversary so you think you're emotionally abused now".
No. 349402
>>349398It’s a broad term because of the many different forms of abuse not because someone didn’t get taken out on a date, are you genuinely this obtuse
Getting hit isn’t the only form of abuse; physical, emotional, sexual, financial, in cases of a dependent partner neglect, these are all abuse. And notice that majority of them don’t leave bruises
No. 349405
>>349398>serve as fuel for man-haters to claim as large a number of men as possible are, I like how you automatically start attacking man-haters and claim it's women doing that, meanwhile go in the man-hating thread, you can have a montage of examples of men claiming things that aren't abuse at all, are abuse, like how the study that showed women abused more, when it was investigated, as it turns out, men were marking things such as not having a hot meal, as abuse, but yep, poor oppressed men, those evil women, manipulating the definition of abuse
>Researcher Elspeth McInnes… recounts some of her research that showed that when men talked about women’s violence against men, some cited abuse as not having a hot meal on the table, not having the children bathed before bed, or women spending money on gambling or shopping. At the more severe end of the spectrum, they nominated verbal and emotional violence as abuse. Then, a tiny minority documented physical abuse, and an even smaller minority named sexual abuse. >>349402haven't you heard anon? emotional abuse is only valid and "just as bad as physical" if a woman is doing, what he considers abuse. when a woman gets abused, unless she's being physically beaten, she is just an evil victim-complexed woman, hell even then women get blamed for their physical abuse
No. 349547
>>349363im not into graffiti but you should know that its goal isnt to "look pretty" or whatever, it's to vandalize. It's often ugly on purpose.
>>349372>art isn't objectively hideouskek. I personally don't think graffiti is art but if you think that art has to be beautiful (even subjectively beautiful), you literally have no clue.
No. 349597
>>349590Except TG's third album featured naked pictures of a little girl on a bed, Bennett's lyrics in Whitehouse and album art constantly veered into weird shit about CSA (and he called his album about abuse "sexy" lmao). Him associating with Sotos for so long and writing with an actual pedophile with a "hurtcore" obsession puts him in the hotseat too, though. It's essentially like having Soren as a creative partner, collaborating/supporting her Tumblr porn blog full of pictures of kids and writing stories with her.
There's being edgy, and there's very focused concentration and fascination on certain topics.
No. 349681
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She annoys the shit out of me, it's cringe how hard she tries to be ~relatable~ and I think the stories about how Republicans were outraged over an old video of her dancing were manufactured. I'm quite liberal but tbh wouldn't want someone whose experience is basically just being a bartender representing me in Congress lollll, i'm tired of hearing her complain about how poor she is
No. 349694
>>349547Vandalism is objectively ugly.
Art, even ugly art, is at least interesting.
Some 14 year olds nickname poorly written in texta is the furthest thing from any sort of art to have ever existed.
No. 349733
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Matt Furie’s body of work has more creativity and artistic value than the entirety of 4chan’s shitty memes. I don’t care for his political views but any 4chan memer who denies or downplays his creativity or screams that he is a no-name artist has no clue how the art world operates.
No. 349786
>>349694I agree…
However, that still doesnt change the fact that graffiti isnt meant to be pretty. Vandalism its often meant to be ugly and its often political. I dislike graffiti as well but the fact that it's ugly just isnt a good argument.
No. 349791
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>>349786Eh, I’ve never seen political graffiti just hideous tags. It’s literally just names in a shitty typeface. That’s not subversive or political it’s just wankers.
Graffiti that’s actually something other than names and dicks on a wall might mean something but you don’t get that as often as pic related which is pure garbage.
No. 349798
>>349763Have you considered that the people telling you "stay in your lane" are not the exact same people who say you're not doing/saying anything?
You sound a bit like men crying that they can't be halfway decent to women or support women's rights because women will say "Stay out of this, entitled chauvinist scrote, it's not about you and you're just trying to get pussy anyway", kek.
No. 349799
>>349792I am old people.
You sound like you tag shit.
No. 349999
>>349871the idea would be to damage private proprety, like making ugly a rich person's house.
With monuments, it makes even more sense. I live in Europe too and the monument of a famous colonizer often gets vandalized.
I still agree it's not art and that it's ugly tho, but nevertheless most people dont know what they're talking about when they talk about it.
No. 350272
>>350271I was thinking about actual sports too because people overrate athletes in society and sports fan can be the scum of the earth. Actual sports involve skills that involves more than sitting on your ass and pressing buttons.
Also, I wasn’t dismissing discrimination because of course that’s always awful. Esports are fucking lame though. Most women probably know better and avoid getting involved in that sort of autism anyways since a lot of people also complain about how women are underrepresented in esports.
No. 350273
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>>350272>Most women probably know better and avoid getting involved in that sort of autism anywaysYou couldn't be more wrong.
No. 350481
i dont think lainey/taylor was grooming sarah or is romantically or in any way interested in sarah, even for greg. i dunno about sarah's interest in lame or greg, but i don't think taylor is into sarah romantically. i don't think she's into any women at all romantically, and i think people are giving her way too much credit in thinking she'd actually be into any female at all. it's kind of weird how everyone is freaking out about the way she acts towards her as if it's not normal in female friendships to be fake 'flirty'.
i don't think she was showing interest in sarah with her behavior toward her. there's honestly nothing weird about close girl friends seeing each other without tops and such while changing or hanging out with each other and showing them memes while they take a bath or whatever, or jokingly talking about dating them or wifing them up or commenting that they're a 'hot tamale' or something on their insta pics. imo, that's normal between female friends. it was inappropriate given that she was likely underage when the bathing happened, but i truly think taylor sees sarah as a peer and doesn't see so much wrong with it. after all, sarah IS more mature than taylor, so the actual age thing probably doesn't strike her as such a big deal. my best friends have asked me to sit in the bathroom and talk to them about stupid bullshit while they take a shower or a bath. this isn't weird between girls. there's nothing sexual about it.
obviously, because she's tied to greg, it's going to be seen as predatory, and i'm not sure if sarah has any actual interest in lame or greg, or whatever, but as far as taylor's intentions, i think they were all non-sexual and she doesn't see her as anything more than a friend, personally.
greg would definitely have sex with sarah, but i don't think taylor thinks he's into her and that's why she is so ok with bringing her around. i think she did think he would find her unattractive, especially because she was less conventionally attractive when she first brought her in. it's like how she's pretty okay with bringing that jess girl around. she was pretty confident grease wouldnt be into her.
tl;dr imo lame isnt into sarah bc shes straight as can be, first of all, and second, she thought of sarah as the DUFF that would be safe bringing around greg, especially since sarah was chubbier and more awkward looking before
No. 350482
>>350425Remember when the Munchies and Jaquie threads were banned almost a year ago and r/illnessfakers was created? Predictably, the mods got drunk with power. Not even six years months in they permanently banned several members who had been in the sub from the get go for disagreeing with them about certain aspects of how the sub was run, not for actually breaking rules. Ironically they decided to prohibit blogposting which was the reason the threads were banned here.
They refused to engage with appeals which violates reddit's rules for mods. Two of the bans were substantiated with jaw droppingly hypocritical ableism and blatant gaslighting.
One mod quit and closed her account when she was called out, but opened a new account with essentially the same name. But even she got offended by management and left. The founder of the sub fucked off for months at a time but wouldn't relinquish control and threatened to delete it.
And then there was the time she encouraged someone claiming to be one of the cows nurses during her ER visit to violate HIPAA.
In less than a year it became its own kind of nitpicking hugbox and betrayed its founding ideals in true reddit fashion.
BRAVO! No. 350492
>>350481I would agree if it wasn't confirmed by lane 2 years ago that lainey and greg planned to pursue sarah romantically when she was 16, and then have the same thing confirmed by ayalla.
And if that isn't enough Greg confirmed it himself on his stream recently lol.
I agree she's straight but it doesn't change that she's been grooming girls for greg.
No. 350501
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>>350492except all of that is terribly vague, and honestly, i don't think 'lane' knows as much as she says she does, same for ayalla. lane has always seemed thirsty to be in their business. as far as what ayalla says, i honestly believe there's a lot of twisting to make fake flirty bullshit seem more sexual and planned than it is. like, stuff that always seemed obviously jokey to me is claimed to be so incriminating, even WAY before these supposed confirmations. she claimed they had 'flirty' and/or 'romantic' conversations. what did these 'romantic' conversations consist of? how do we even know she used the word 'romantic'? 'flirty' conversations aren't anything odd for taylor. lame talks that way with literally every female she encounters, including fakebois, who we know for a fact that she isn't romantically into. she talks flirty to everyone with a vagina because, first of all, that's how like, 90% of female friendships are, and second, because she knows she has no actual interest in them. all of the 'evidence' being second and third hand without any proof of it doesn't really convince me, tbh. until it comes straight from sarah, i remain unconvinced.
like literally before all of these confirmations everyone was flipping their shit about how they spoke to each other, like 'flirting' between girlfriends jokingly isn't normal. it is. if someone that wasn't used to female friendships overheard my 'flirting' with my friends, they'd call it 'flirty' and would probably think i'm into my friends, too. ayalla just saying they had flirty convos means nothing. without them full on sexting with proof of it or some shit, i really don't buy it.
until texts from sarah admitting word for word that taylor wanted her for a poly relationship, herself, come out, i don't believe it. lane and ayalla have never been sooo close to the source, and they both have reason to come out against greg and taylor. i think both lane and ayalla are biased as theyve both been maligned by greg and taylor, and obviously greg is disgusting and sarah SHOULD def get out of there, but i don't think her relationship w taylor is as sexual as they think. that ayalla thinks the bathing thing is so odd just makes me think they have a narrative to push (a sensible one considering greg is so gross, but i don't think sarah really was a planned trinity member).
No. 350503
>>350425> and people acting all badass in the comments talking about how theyd kill anyone who harmed their dogwhat's so badass about that? Of course, I wouldn't kill but if someone hurt or poisoned or killed my pet, I'd do anything to punch back. Are you a sociopath or something?
And I don't understand the hatred against reddit. Sure, it has many faults but you can also get some decent info. It's like with any media or platform, you need to learn how to filter the trash in order to get to the good parts. I do wish we could bring the old forums back.
No. 350504
>>350501also, i think it's pretty sus that 'lane' deletes all of her messages dealing with drama and/or negativity but frequently came out/comes out to shade online people. like, obviously grease and taylor deserve to be shit on for so many things, but it just seems super convenient that this girl said both that her phone crashed and wiped out all her messages, and also that she deletes any messages related to drama/negativity, ensuring that any proof will never be seen.
it's just sus. if she had screenshots from sarah, i'd be super convinced, however.
No. 350511
>>350501>>350501I may act affectionate with my adult female friends but certainly not anyone underage while I'm 21 and older like Lainey did. That's gross, especially the Twitter "jokes". And they both have a history of dating minors.
Is it also appropriate for Greg to comment on Sarah's ass while she's underage? He was nervous about her reaction and sent her away because of it. Sarah also told multiple people she's dating Lainey and/or hopes to in addition to being openly jealous about girls they are interested in? She told her cousin she might be next for the trinity.
And called Lainey her girlfriend on social media.
You sound new or like you need to lurk more. Or an onion flake.
No. 350512
>>350503>I wouldn't kill but if someone hurt or poisoned or killed my pet, I'd do anything to punch backlol except in a lot of the posts people comment this under, the person who harmed or killed the dog was in the right e.g. people getting outraged over a farmer shooting a dog who was on their property and posed a risk to their livestock. i guess we should just let the little angelic pupper maul those farm animals to death kek. ive also seen waaay too many posts where police officers shoot dogs that attacked them and people in the comments are defending the poor innocent doggo uwu the ebul police officer should have known better. like no, if your fucking giant creature that could bite my neck in half if it wanted to was charging at me and trying to attack me and i had a gun id shoot it too.
also someone who harms or kills an animal is not the same level as someone who harms or kills a person. theres something horribly wrong when someone who picks a puppy up by the scruff, or grabs a puppy by its tail, or is just giving their dog up for adoption is posted in the same place as fucking murderers and rapists.
No. 350516
>>349846Writing your name at the train station isn’t political. It’s kids with sharpies leading to wasted tax money being spent cleaning up after them. Lmao at thinking that writing a stupid nickname on a wall is political or sticking it to the man.
You sound like you’re 15 and having baby’s first rebellion.
No. 350526
>>350502i did, iirc, the worst he said was she was 'hesitant' to date sarah, which, to me, says everything about HIS intentions for sarah, not taylor's. he's always talking about taylor's supposed interest in dating such and such person, when we all know it's just HIS interest in dating them. taylor doesn't want to bring anyone in to date him or her because a., she's straight, and b., they're a threat. i do think she's complicit in preying on other girls for him, but not this one. it sounds to me like he's saying "well, i've expressed interest in her, especially recently, but taylor is hesitant because despite her not admitting it publicly, she does realize that this is one retarded, roundabout way for me to publicly cuck/cheat on her".
i think, if anything, taylor was jokingly flirty with her as she does with most of her female friends, and she felt flattered when she realized later on that sarah wasn't just joking, but that she was actually into her, and so she continued to be flirty as she typically is because she would get genuine compliments and self-esteem boosts from sarah being into her, but i dont think she was into her or spoke to her with the express purpose of roping her in for greg. like, i think she fanned the flame of sarah being into her once she realized sarah wasn't just joking the way taylor was, which, is incredibly inappropriate, but these people are fucked in the head. i just don't get the feeling she has ever had actual interest in her or intended to use her as greg bait.
>>350511yes, it's inappropriate, but as i said, taylor is very immature and, i think, doesn't realize the severity of the situation because she truly sees sarah as her peer. sarah is more mature than taylor is, imo, so i don't think she understands that typically there is a significant emotional and mental difference between a 24 yo and an 18 yo, or a 22 yo and a 16 yo or whatever she was, so it's jarring to everyone normal, but it isn't to her because she's so stunted. yes, it is inappropriate for greg to do that. i already said like ten times greg is disgusting and he def would've fucked her. still doesn't mean taylor was into her or wanted to bring her in as a trinity member. and not an onion flake at all. as i said before, i think taylor felt secure bringing her in previously because she was sure he wouldn't be into her, same as jess.
No. 350530
>>350527It’s such a grey area morally that imo people can’t be civilised and talk about it without flipping out. Someone always comes in and gets angry about people wanting to have babies and to sperg about how they don’t understand the adoption process but you’re literally hitler when you can’t adopt or get ivf. Fuck those people.
Imma high functioning autist so I’d be shit outta luck despite wanting children. Feels bad but it’s understandable. I don’t disagree with it in cases where the kid will have anencephaly or ameliorated limbs or be really retarded. There’s zero quality of life for some babies and it’s cruel imo to carry those pregnancies to term and birth a suffering baby.
Are you talking forced sterilisations? Forced abortions? Or a less aggressive method?
No. 350578
>>350540Yeah nah I’m with you anon.
Forced anything I’m not okay with but there definitely needs to be more responsibility on the part of people having kids.
Genetic screens, mental health, financial security, and general parenting abilities should be confirmed before someone gets knocked up. Too many people in my town, my age, have at least one kid and none of them can handle it.
Unvaxxed kids, four year olds wearing nappies and owning pacifiers who can’t speak in full sentences, school-age kids who can’t write their own name, mum and dad smoking bongs in the kitchen while making kids dinner. It’s disgusting.
I will add that most people I’ve seen discussing this stuff who have disabilities are very against the idea of passing on their abnormal genes. More often ime it’s the Christian fundies bleating that their baby’s status epilepticus is a blessing.
No. 350601
>>350599They’re hurting people just by reinforcing their ideology, surely you can see that anon. The entire idea that a man can become a woman puts our safety and rights at risk, people will always put the men’s feelings and entitlements above women’s well being.
I’m centrist, and I don’t like the idea that ‘if it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s fine’ because people never seem to realise that this means people outside of your immediate contact as well - the promotion of some lifestyles and ideas will always harm others, whether you mean for it to or not
No. 350604
>>350599I agree. I have no real problem with trans people as long as they're not trying to silence cis women, force us into sex, insult us, attack us, belittle us, etc. The problem is that all those things are even done by cis men, so the closer in proximity you are to a trans woman (who, at "her" core, is really just a conflicted, mentally ill man trying to find peace and self-acceptance somehow), the more risks will pop up. Individually, though, I don't take issue until something comes up.
I do think it'll be funny if society ever starts to document trans women as the exact same as cis women, and rates of "female" rapists, murderers, assaulters, burglars, etc skyrocket, though. Everyone will know exactly "why" and "who" is driving those numbers up, but they'll be too afraid to say it.
No. 350607
>>350599Guessing that you’re lucky enough to not have seen the hundreds of claims that ‘estrogen made me bad at maths teehee!’ Or ‘I’m more woman than you!’ Or all the crying that lesbians are oppressing them by not wanting their girldicks. How about the ones who scream at women for pointing out that they don’t have pms?
They’re reinforcing the worst stereotypes of women and literally erasing female spaces. The sort of people who say planned parenthood is too focused on women are not the sort of people society needs, no matter how they self identify.
No. 350616
>>350606Feminist, Ivanka Trump.
You can only pick one, cause the woman supporting less access to abortion is as far from feminist as you can get.
No. 350619
>>350604That’s already happening in the UK, and surprise surprise nobody talks about it. Just people going ‘See, women are violent too!!!’
And don’t call us cis. We’re women. They’re the other, there’s no need for a word to distinguish a woman from a transwoman as trans already differentiates them
No. 350625
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Lean cuisines are delicious. I prefer them over the similarly priced Stouffers frozen entrees that are triple the calories.
No. 350652
>>350647they already do, when the the bathroom thing came out several years ago, I kept pointing out cases of troons assaulting people in the bathroom, of course libfems came in ranting about how "ooo poor oppressed trans are actually the ones getting assualted not vice versa"
women aren't even allowed to talk about getting assaulted without men screaming how we're all evil liars who are trying to ruin poor innocent mens lives, but a troon, or a male in general can tell the most ridiculous and obvious lie story ever, and be believed no questions asked, as well as everyone else coming in and screaming "see? ebul ebin are just as bad as men" card, when will women ever be able to talk about issues without someone coming in and playing victim?
No. 350654
>>350647Not really involved in the conversation, but I do believe they are victims of violence
but that the violence is perpetuated by men, and nowhere near as much as how women are subjects of violence by men.
Men slaughter MtF trans all the time. For this reason, we still need to acknowledge that men wanting to be recognized as women are still biological
I think FtMs are harmless.
No. 350658
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>>350652Not surprised in the least. Unreal that so many women are supporting men being allowed in women’s places.
>>350654I know men are the main perpetrators, that’s why men who call themselves women shouldn’t be allowed near women’s changig rooms or loos.
They’re all harmful in that they’re perpetuating creepy gender stereotypes and normalising mental illness imo.
Not deserving or maiming or murder, just not welcome in women’s places.
No. 350678
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I thought this thread was called "Unpopular Opinion Thread #13" and not "Gender Critical Thread #634747457"
No. 350685
>>350678Complains about discussion of an unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread.
The rest of the Internet loves to race each other to swoon over troons.
No. 350689
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>>350658lol reminds me of the girl scout troop that gets disqualified in dodgeball
No. 350691
>>350689Somehow all that arm hair is still more feminine that the handball players face and chest.
That bloke is making all of Australia look like assholes rn.
No. 350712
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>>350695i don't know the intentions of the artist or that anon but it's from crystal cafe
No. 350751
>>350747Depends entirely on individuals functionality.
Severe autism is a curse on everyone living with it, high functioning is just a bit weird.
T. High functioning autist.
No. 350813
>>350730>women can't ever draw cleavage or boobsCan't believe I've been banned from drawing titty now.
I'll have to stick with the boy butts I guess.
No. 350944
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The stay hydrated and nourished uwu meme is annoying and I hate it.
No. 351057
>>350966Not an unpopular opinion. That's outrage culture for you and why online debates for racism are quite pointless. Whether it's an Asian pointing their fingers at a white person, a black person pointing their fingers at Asians etc., at some point you just stop taking these things seriously because everybody is equally selfish and expects others to care about their issues without reciprocrating.
I also see the same thing with men who explode at the smallest criticism aimed at them but insult and blame women for all their problems. They want to have all the freedom to criticize other people but are unwilling to examine themselves and get defensive instead.
No. 351814
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>shitgon of assod trying to spread the "women don't care about looks!" Meme to incels.
Great. Everyone prepare to be harassed by a bunch of ugly goblins who think they're suddenly desirable because they "worked on their personality "
No. 351862
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>>351857 do you figure? It says, based on most reports, that female retail salespersons are only making 70-73% of what male ones are. It affects people all across the board, really.
No. 351927
>>351847Same opinion kinda goes for me. I usually see sex work as being a porn actor/actress and stripping. Maybe escorts.
All else to me is prostitution (average hooker etc).
Some of these people feel entitled to be respected, you earn that.
Another thing is that some of these people want like $20-$50 to fap on their Snapchats lmfao. Get over yourself, most porn actresses/actors are worth it but lord the average cam whore/tumblrina charges that (cringy). Another thing happens to be when taxes come, you should be taxed. You say it's a real job, you wanna flex get taxed.
Personally I feel like some of the women in the sex work field just want validation from others, to be independent (not a bad thing). They shouldn't see that from others, but themselves. I do wish the sexwork industry would chill out, truth betold not everyone's gonna pay for your SuPER PrEmIUm ScS and Medias. People gonna fap whether you like it or not, and common sense sees that you're gonna get it free once it's leaked on PornHub or something.
Maybe it's just me, and thanks
>>351847 for essentially summing up my feels sort of.
No. 351930
>>351847Taking your clothes off is a lot easier than years of training and work experience (or even starting your own business), so
>taking clothes off for men= empowering>Being successful in your career = silence, because those people are too busy to post on the internet all dayHaving a great job or business is much more empowering and a better display of freedom. I agree that your corner of the internet seems to be magnifying this message.
No. 352064
>>351847>feel like there's something wrong with you for not selling nudesGood grief, who are you hanging out with?
I don't have any friends who are women atm (somehow…idk how it became this way), but is that what it's like now? From afar I have noticed it happening with the rise of instagram and such, but didn't know it was a regular normie occurrence.
No. 352473
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everyone in the celebricows thread hates grimes and ariana grande but i like both of their music and fashion styles.
dangerous woman and artangels? pop excellence, baby.
No. 352476
>>352106It my depends on the autists functioning.
I’m an atypical autist and my husband is normal and it’s not predatory cause I’m not retarded. (Sorry for small blog)
It seems predatory when the person is cognitively or emotionally at the level of someone much younger but if they’re mostly normal with some sensitivity issues or just a little odd it’s fine.
No. 352477
>>352473Me too, but I admit grimes is embarassing.
I like a lot of nicole dollanganger's music too, especially that shitty ep(?) she made like a year ago and her newer stuff.
No. 352484
>>352479wrong, but ok
we need less people in the world anyway
No. 352499
>>352493Life begins at ejaculation!
Such a stupid argument. If a mass of cells is a person then so is a tumour but you can’t make anti-women’s rights fans see that. They just want control over women’s bodies and sexuality.
No. 352500
>>352499No I agree i'm also saying the argument is pretty flawed
>They just want control over women’s bodies and sexuality.Pretty much.
No. 352502
>>352490>>352491I never said I was against abortion. I just said that it absolutely is murder, but murder without the usual bad things associated with murder.
People just need to get real and quit with the stupid mental gymnastics they use to shield their conscience. You're killing a person, usually because you simply dont want to deal with it. Kill it if you want, I don't really care, but don't be delusional about what you're doing.
No. 352505
>>352502"mental gymnastics" but you refused to answer our questions, and my questions were about when do you think embryos are people because as i asked they are used in scientific research but you didnt answer your stance on that.
But sure play the "you are making assumptions!" line.
No. 352506
>>352490nta but im pretty sure scientific research done on human embryos is illegal internationally. they mainly use animal ones because theyre similar in early stages. an animal life is worth less than a human life anyway so who cares.
and also people reeeing about how its just a bunch of cells, its not alive, etc., open a human developement text book and stop with the mental gymnastics and stop trying to sugar coat it. if youre going to advocate for abortion rights then you need to include the bad parts too. imagine if it was socially acceptable to say to someone about to undergo major surgery that there are no side effects, nothing can go wrong, even though theres a good risk they will be injured or die. the whole movement is just pure delusion at this point.
No. 352507
is socially acceptable to say that you utter retard.
No. 352508
>>352506>nta but im pretty sure scientific research done on human embryos is illegal internationally.Yeah maybe you need to do some research.
>and also people reeeingOnly one doing that is you anon
>if youre going to advocate for abortion rightsNot advocating anything, just questioning where people draw the lines
No. 352512
>>352500Oh shit I didn’t mean to imply you were wrong or disagreeing! My bad! I agree with you wholeheartedly.
It’s really sad imo when women will tell other women that they don’t deserve bodily autonomy.
No. 352513
>>352505Your questions were fundamentally flawed because you were assuming I was against abortion to begin with.
But if you insist, I really couldn't care less what gets done with the babies corpse. If it can be used for something useful then go ahead. Now can you admit abortion is murder?
No. 352514
>>352504How does it not?
You’re literally telling other women that their body doesn’t belong to them, and that they are obliged to make babies to keep someone else happy.
No. 352517
>>352507sounds like a medical malpractice suit to me kek. also how shit do you have to be to tell someone "uwu its ok youre only about to go into surgery which you might not survive uwu but im going to tell you there are no risks anyway uwu"
>>352509its prohibited or under strict conditions and control in most countries as it should be. stem cell therapy is a meme anyway.
>>352511im talking about pro choice people lying about the murder part. regardless of how you try to paint it, abortion is murder. i cant really think of any other medical procedure where lying about the fundamental details is socially acceptable.
No. 352519
>>352510Can you quit reeing at everyone who disagrees with you? Every single time someone makes a post against abortion itt it starts an infight that lasts for hours.
>>352514No, I'm not ~liturally~ doing that at all
No. 352521
>>352519Okay red-pill chan.
Enjoy pushing to take away women’s autonomy.
No. 352522
>>352517>i cant really think of any other medical procedure where lying about the fundamental details is socially acceptable.literally every fucking seemingly minor procedure under the sun.
teeth pulling, blood donation, circumcision, even wart removal.
No. 352530
>>352526nope, you're not. i've gotten many teeth pulled and they literally say nothing.
like i said before """murder""" is a social construct. you can believe whatever you want is murder, but that doesn't make murder anything less than a feeling.
No. 352533
>>352502You don't need to say you're against abortion, because each of your comments is drenched in pro-life leaning rhetoric. especially this line right here
>usually because you simply dont want to deal with it."I don't want to have a child" is a perfectly wonderful reason to get an abortion, actually.
No. 352539
>>352530What backwoods clinic doesn’t have medical consent jfc. That’s terrifying.
In my country you have to sign a form saying that you understand the risks involved after the procedure and risks are explained to you. Doesn’t matter if it’s a flu shot or an abortion or chemotherapy.
I agree murder is a social construct, and that you can’t murder an embryo because it’s not a person.
No. 352544
>>352538If the fetus is a girl it has ova inside it and you’re killing those too. Double murder.
There’s no end to the ridiculousness you can claim according to these nutcases.
No. 352545
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Fetuses 24 weeks or less can't feel pain and aren't viable until 21 weeks. A fertilized egg is not a human being - over half of fertilized eggs never even develop past the point of conception. Do you consider that suicide? Lmfao
No. 352546
>>352539USA has a lot of that tbh. much of the time they only give you the part of the form you sign, and they never tell you shit. even in some other cases (like circumcision) they don't even have a consent form signed until
after the procedure. my sister got asked if she wanted it done 10 minutes after she had the baby and was still drugged up. drs in US are sick.
No. 352548
>>352526>>352517I think that wisdom teeth removal is largely a scam and most people don't need them removed. Does this mean dentists need to start telling their patients this? No, they don't, because that is just my opinion. Just like abortion being murder is your opinion.
Legally, abortion is not murder. The facts and the law don't back you up here. Your comments here are the equivalent of saying "the sky is blue" and insisting its a fact. If you had said "in my opinion abortion is murder and I won't have one" no one would give a shit.
No. 352551
>>352546That’s horrific. Nobody should go through that sort of shit.
Also shame on anon using America’s widespread medical malpractices as anti-women rhetoric. Claiming it only happens for abortions is an asshole move.
>>352548Thinking that’s a scam is kinda weird. They often get cavities because they’re hard to reach with a toothbrush, can be extremely painful growing in, and can push other teeth around causing crowding and pain. They don’t always need to go, but it’s like tonsils in that it’s better to get rid of them before they become a bigger problem.
No. 352557
>>352554US medical system is hungry for money.
Honestly from outside the country it’s genuinely terrifying. Is it as stressful as it sounds?
No. 352575
>>352548>Legally, abortion is not murder. The facts and the law don't back you up here.And? If the government passed a law declaring the earth is flat would you believe that too? When corporations and rich lobbyists get the government to pass laws that let them hurt the economy, destroy the environment and ruin people's lives for profit do you say "well the government says it's ok, so that means it has to be".
A law is nothing but the written will of people with the power to enforce it. Abortion not legally being considered murder proves nothing but that delusional people like you who see the world through their feelings outnumber / have more sway than rational people who see the world through facts.
No. 352579
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>>352564This is my unpopular opinion
America, out of any great power in history, has been the most benign and beneficial. I'm not saying it's perfect, or even justifying the shit that they've done, but all the alternatives have been and will be much worse. The British, Russians, French and Germans have all proved themselves as shit alternatives,Concert diplomacy was much more devastating for developing economies and the United Nations (and the League of Nations before it )is incompetent. The world struck lucky with the USA during and after world war II.
>the soviet union was fucking shit but at least they kept america in check for a while. The Soviet Union made the United States a lot more paranoid and worse, especially in Latin America. All the worst deposing and puppet regimes the US set up were done during the cold war. Venezuela would've been coup'd a long time ago if the US was still thinking like it does during the 1950s, just like Honduras was by the United Fruit Company.
>>352567If you listen to the experts and officials, and not just western news outlets and leftists, you'll find Russia isn't thought of as that big a threat. Barrack Obama is on record saying that Russia is a declining, soon to be second rate power, and he's right, it's just the 'act big' of a second rate power trying to be a major player, like Italy in the early 20th century.
No. 352584
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>>352580The absolute state of some people. Being this ignorant should be illegal.
No. 352592
>>352580Here's a hypothetical for all you people claiming you'd fight to the death to defend the viewpoint that fetuses aren't people and killing them doesn't count as murder or anything bad.
What if a time traveler appeared before you, grabbed you and took you back to when your mother was about to let your dad come inside her. But history had been altered and she wants him to come on her face. She's sitting under your dad still hesitating about if she'll do it, but will eventually decide yes, come on my face. Only you can possibly convince her to take your dad's seed. Do you just stand there and let yourself be killed and eraesed from history because "Well I'm just a clump of cells, not a person, so she can practice safe sex if she wants"?
Now I know what's going to happen. Some of you are going to lie and say yes, you'd kill yourself to defend your viewpoint. Some of you will run, saying time travel isn't real or doesn't work that way so you don't have to answer the question. But I know what you'd actually do. We all know what everyone would actually do. You'd fight tooth and nail to stop the pull-out because that "clump of cells" is you, a person, and you don't want to die.
No. 352597
>>352595I mean, you can’t make something inherently shitty look good.
You can polish a turd but it’s never gonna not be a polished turd.
No. 352646
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>>352595>pro lifers>looking good everPick one
No. 352648
>>352641I'm worried about similar things because this is a huge generation of participation trophies and 'dont fall and hurt yourself.'
I dont advocate for bullying, but if you grow up in an echo chamber filled with 'you're the best' all the time and ~special snowflake~ bullshit, you're gonna grow up and not know how to handle difficult situations.
No. 352684
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>we are overpopulated as it is!
No, North america and all of europe are below replacement levels. The lowest fertility rates in recorded history, in fact.
You are effectively saying, you believe there are too many white people on earth, since african population is projected to be 4bn by 2030.
At least be transparent about it.
No. 352685
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>I'd rather have no children if I am not financially secure and already established in my career.
Okay, then how about the billions of dollars in aid to africa are repurposed to help our indigenous populations?
No, that wouldn't do! We need to virtue signal right up to our dying breaths.
No. 352687
File: 1547185733433.jpg (90.18 KB, 616x548, 24f80501fb5b3c127687fdcce3159a…)

Pic related is the UN projections for the immigration programme ushered in by the migration compact in Morroco.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 352690
>>352688This was surely a proportionate response.
Moreover, did you really dismiss the data on the premise that it comes from wikipedia? It literally hyperlinks to the World Bank, Population Reference Bureau, and CIA factbook.
You are unwell.
No. 352701
>>352692>Nobody gives a fuck about ~securing a future for our white children~ on here lmao.I see. I admit I didn't know the userbase of the imageboard was in favor of mass immigration and the declining fertility rates of white people. Point taken.
>>352694Yes, I was unaware but I can readily see it now. I'll see myself out.
>>352695The issue is being combated with unchecked immigration from the middle-east and africa. It's a replacement policy, that's the actual terminology they used in the UN census and the EU commission for migratory policy. Replacement of aging populations.
>>352697>>352699>>352699This is a false-flag to derail from the topic. Amateurish at that.
>>352641Seconding, living through this and I can say it's no joke. I hope you don't mind me blogging since it's /ot/
My parents were exactly that overbearing but socially negligent, but also adding an extra on physical abuses from my dad. There were barely a playdate. There's also no typical 'you're the best, (I'm just a constant disappointment to him) That was enough to get me misdiagnosed with autism at the first year in school. Then being put in special ed because they are both 'wanting the best for me' (more like they don't have time to actually care) I wasn't allowed to hang out with friends outside school, wasn't allowed to even walk out of home until 16, knew nothing about sex.
It's got better after I moved out for college though, but it's been a massive struggle to catch up socially and I still miss what should be normal teenage experiences due to stunted social skills at the time. Now I'm mostly fine, but having a large group of friends gossipping and dating in highschool is forever gone.
I've felt like I rapidly grew up a decade in a few years out but not yet there. …and the saddest thing is with the identity issues, I have always been believing that I wasn't autistic comparing myself to other autistic kids, even high-functional. Then being re-evaluated by multiple psychologists that pointed out that my behaviour did not fit into criteria and it should be Attachment disorder.
My existence disturbs neurodiversity people a lot because y'know "AuTiSm iS uNdErDiagNosed iN FeMalE" and thought autism dx is always right. I guess it's just an extremely rare occurrence but if you put a 4-yo child in front of TV without any real social interaction unless it's beating them up for failing to complete handwriting excercise then I wouldn't expect them to turn out normal even if they have a normal brain.
Not saying that autism is overdiagnosed, but if anyone's turned out to not have it but they got it wrong because of the upbringing I wouldn't be surprised.
Don't shelter kids, let them explore, play, and love them in the way that teach hardships but don't make it all conditional by academic achievements.
I need no pity party, and now recovering from it. This is just too real.
No. 352738
White women, this is what other women think of you.
You consume more, you pollute more, you apparently have no culture and your cathedrals and marble statues are not worth preserving.
They want you to be ashamed.
The poster that did not break any rules was summarily banned, but people like the poster above face no recourse, while they are implicitly expressing that whites have no merit and nothing to be proud of.
The people that live off of welfare, by and large, and reside in white countries, are the same people that express their hatred so adamantly.
You are conditioned to shut up and take it. You are so cognitively dissonant that you can't reconcile that they mean YOU when they spout their hatred. They mean YOU and your parents, and your grandparents, YOU apparently have no culture, YOU apparently enslaved people, YOU apparently can't even season your food and YOU apparently should keep silently paying for your own replacement.
You are so confrontation-averse and agreeable and you can't even offer a single word of dissent.
The person that posted the graphs about fertility rates was attacked in mere minutes. The people like
>>352733 parrot pretty mainstream talking-points and no one is batting an eye.
I bear no ill will towards the black lolcows that have an inferiority complex, they can't help it. I will be eternally disappointed at the white women that see nothing wrong with people viciously attacking them and their peers, and instead of speaking up against it, they clap.
No. 352746
>>352743>implying I care about terminology>implying I ban evaded>implying the tired "virgin" shaming does anything.Address the argument, not the person. How to avoid ad hominem 101. Stay in school.
You didn't say that
>>352733 is race bait. You don't find that post to be race bait? Interesting.
>>352733You’re shitting me. You really believe caucasians as whole have no culture? Caucasians are more than the stubby Americans you see in America, there are so many ethnic variations with dramatic cultural differences within this one racial group. What culture have white people given to the world? Hmmm. Let me see. Many musical genres, film, classical literature, many revered cuisines, scientific discoveries integral to the civilised world, feminism, industrialism (granted, this has proven to be a double edged sword), the list goes on. But yeah, fuck any of that because all white people are wonderbread. Why does race baiting shit not get banned as long as it’s against whites
Another thing that no one likes to admit? The only reason non-white majority countries don’t pollute as much as white ones do is because they’re not as well off and can’t afford to. And I’m sure countries like China have absolutely nothing to do with the worlds declining climate and overall health, anon
No. 352755
>>352753That's a quote from one of your posts, not
>>352733 isn't even a reply to that post.
No. 352759
>>352756What European practices were applied to North American culture? When did she say anything bad about cathedrals? She said she understood why there'd be a panic around European culture being erased, but not Murrican.
Just seems like a stretch.
This is derailing and just leading to even more race sperging like the weird "White women, THIS is what all other races think of you" post, anyway. Don't we have an immigration thread or something to discuss these things sanely?
No. 352762
>>352759Pretty much all culture in 20th century america was european. 90% of americans were europeans. They didn't magically sprout on american soil like carrots.
Even today, that's not different. Go visit bantu, somalia, mexico, pakistan, senegal, israel, and let me know if american culture looks anything like that. Then go visit france, italy, germany, greece, sweden, the UK and spain and tell me if you find more similarities there.
No. 352765
>>352762>visit bantuKek, okay, anon. That really says all that needs to be said about the level of knowledge and understanding that was present at the start of this discussion, and how much anyone can gain from it here. It's fruitless.
No race should die out, end of story.
No. 352769
>>352765Yeah, dismiss on semantics. Bantu as in the whole sub-Saharan area that speaks the language. At least don't be a pedant.
>No race should die outOnly whites are below replacement levels, and the world at large revels on it. We apparently deserve it.
Kindly fuck off.
No. 352770
>>352769Racebaiting, sperging and derailing sure makes people agree with you.
You kindly fuck off, go back to your safe space on /pol/ and stop shitting up this place. Last (You) for you.
No. 352771
>>352770>Stating observable, demonstrable facts about fertility rates is racebaiting. >people attacking whites as cultureless savages that deserve extinction is not racebaiting.
>exhibit A - banned >exhibit B - still up Yeah, I'm the one racebaiting. Is this imageboard legitimately an indoctrination farm consisting solely of BLM activists and self-hating white women?
Shove your (you) up your ass, I'm out.
No. 352776
>>352771I'm not even white and could see how unfair this is. Funnily it's always been 'white' people hating on each other for wokeness.
'Race' shouldn't even be a thing, it's not even a biologically relevant concept. (The landmine of 'Are middle easterners white?' for example) Tired of having my culture being reduced to a nebulous concept of the 'good and perfect PoC'.
No. 352778
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I don't think there's anything wrong with Photoshopping your pictures. The photos can even be considered a form of digital art, if executed a certain way. I like(d) Dakota Rose's early photos in the sense that they looked idealistic, beautiful and were almost aspirational, not that most humans could feasibly actually look like that. I imagine they were aspirational for her, too, in a sad way. It's tragic that she let her greed/narcissism blind her and ended up having to try and actually become those pictures.
It's only a problem when someone tries to achieve monetary gain or fame as a "beauty"/"beauty influencer" (like with modelling) from photos they have to spend hours editing. Things like that should be seen only as an aesthetic point, the same way 3D characters or photos of Marie Rose from DOA are popular on Tumblr for looking nice, not an actual pretty person or makeup/style icon.
No. 352781
I heard that an artist died of heart failure at Comiket, and felt sorry for him.
Then I looked up his art:…and now I think, good fucking riddance, pedo creep. Hope it happens to more doujin artists like him.
No. 352789
>>352787Brainwashed college aged Marxist detected.
Just look at the difference between America controlled West Germany and Russia controlled East Germany following World War II to see just how "horrible" America is and how "wonderful" your precious Russia is.
People were willing to risk being shot trying to cross the Berlin wall and Escape being ruled by Russia. But hey if everyone at your antifa rallies says America is the real bad guys how can they possibly be wrong am I right?
No. 352794
>>352789amerifat detected. first of all, open a history book, russia and the soviet union are different entities. the ussr was a superpower that fell almost 30 years ago, russia is a modern day declining power.
take a look at the middle east before and after american interference, to see the uwu benevolent and beneficial shit they did there. who cares what they did 70+ years ago, what matters is what theyre doing today. im sure all the innocent people theyve bombed and killed in syria are very grateful.
>>352792there has always been tension in that region, it was obvious yugoslavia wasnt going to last tbh.
No. 352797
>>352795wtf? Soviet union and yugoslavia where enemies. YU didn't receive money from the USSR.
When I talk to people who lived during Yugoslavia they list both positive and negative stuff. On one hand, you didn't get all the stuff you have today, the markets where half empty etc., but you also got a guaranteed job with a shit pay and an apartment.
Everyone agrees that Yugoslavia was bound to fail but it wasn't that bad either.
No. 352802
>>352797wasnt yugoslavia a 3rd world country, as in they werent aligned to either US or USSR?
tbh what you said sounds pretty in line with what ive heard from people from former eastern block countries.
>>352796if anything, its the other way round and israel is an american puppet. i mean fuck it, most developed countries are pretty much puppets who go along with whatever america says.
No. 352806
>>352795Honestly, it depends on who you ask.
My grandpa worked in Germany, so my mom's side was able to have some nice things but they still hate Yugoslavia for what it was
No. 352830
My unpopular opinion seems to be that I think you can act the same in your 30s as you do in your early 20s if you want, and your 40s only needs to be slightly more respectable as kind as you pay for your bad choices with your own money. Unless you have kids, in which case you can still be quirky but their emotional needs and stability then come first.
>>352824>nobody will care about your online fame in the futureAnd yet here I am, refreshing for the past five years in hope our queen PT will come back to us
No. 352831
>>352829Same, going back to non existence or becoming one with the cosmic entropy would be pretty cool.
Maybe she would even be able to actually do something of her life if it wasn't for me, too bad she didn't listen to my grandmah lol
No. 352864
>>352794i agree it was never going to last but my point is that it did very well while it lasted and now all the countries there are kinda shit compared to 30 years ago.
>>352795bitch I'm from Yugoslavia. Nor me nor anyone in my family knew anyone actually poor. Yes, there werent many RICH people, but everyone could afford food, housing, etc. Now, there are plenty of ACTUAL poor people, beggars, people who sleep in the street etc.
No. 352893
>>352864i wouldnt say it was a rich country or doing very well, but it did a lot better than a lot of neighbouring/nearby countries.
ot, but the yugoslav war was terrible and people did disgusting things, but the nato bombings definitely didnt help the situation, and id also question the motives for the bombings too tbh. it was a bunch of rich nato countries ganging up on a smaller poorer country, occasionally targeting civilian areas, to force them into submission.
i think the 1 thing the former socialist countries got right was that there werent many rich people, but there were also a lot less desperately poor people too.
No. 353021
>>353017My late uncle had downs and my family struggled.
You have no idea how hard is to deal with that both economically and socially.
Unless you are ready to be an unpaid 24/7 carer don’t have children that you know will suffer incredibly
No. 353029
>>353021I didn't say you couldn't abort, I just said I wouldn't advocate aborting every baby detected to have downs syndrome eugenics-style because I've known several to be what you'd call 'high-functioning' and independent.
>>353028Yeah I know that. Maybe if testing got more advanced they'd be able to tell what the severity was. Same with autism/aspergers, though they can't even detect that yet in utero.
No. 353154
Nobody was rich (except like…Tito) but no one was starving. People had to travel to Austria, Italy, London to get fashionable items, electric guitars etc but they were able to travel there or to ask family friends to travel there and to get them. In big cities (Sarajevo, Zagreb, Beograd), women were treated better than today sexism wise.
An old lady with whom I spend my summers every year (she's been prole her whole life, not educated but really smart) said to me "Tito was stealing, granted, but he was also giving to us." There was less crimes and much much much less drug issues.
The war was terrible all over, it scarred people in so many ways but I agree the NATO bombings shouldnt have happenned. The UN was the worst in the whole situation imo tho. They were witnessing everything, doing nothing and recolting all the applause back then. France had very weird positions during the war but is so quick to shame balkans countries now. Miterrand leftist my ass.
No. 353743
>>353671Lots of abusers "want" their women pregnant and then "change their minds."
It's a harsh reality.
No. 353757
>>353671Point being is that regardless of the emotional status of their relationship, they literally could not handle a third child financially. It was going to cause strain no matter what they might have wanted initially. That's why Shannon was freaking out after she came out with her pregnancy and thought Chris might leave, because she said how she couldn't be taking care of three kids all by herself. Did their $400k+ bankruptcy not set off any sirens about what they could and couldn't afford? MLMs don't pay much.
It's not calling her bossy to point out how she put herself in a vulnerable position, or that trying to salvage a failing relationship out of love isn't always the great virtue.
We can say things about dead people without implying that their actions were deserving of murder, you know.
What would you tell her if she were alive and a poster on lolcow asking for advice in the relationships thread?
>"Help I have two kids and just made a third pregnancy announcement to my husband and it seems like he changed his mind and now we're fighting more and he is acting distant and I can't take care of all these kids myself I've tried multiple times to fix it but it seems like all I get are promises that he breaks but I still love him what do I do?"How many anons would be telling her to stay and work on it?
People would tell her to find a supportive circle and to D U M P H I M.
No. 353758
>>353671Point being is that regardless of the emotional status of their relationship, they literally could not handle a third child financially. It was going to cause strain no matter what they might have wanted initially. That's why Shannon was freaking out after she came out with her pregnancy and thought Chris might leave, because she said how she couldn't be taking care of three kids all by herself. Did their $400k+ bankruptcy not set off any sirens about what they could and couldn't afford? MLMs don't pay much.
It's not calling her bossy to point out how she put herself in a vulnerable position, or that trying to salvage a failing relationship out of love isn't always the great virtue.
We can say things about dead people without implying that their actions were deserving of murder, you know.
What would you tell her if she were alive and a poster on lolcow asking for advice in the relationships thread?
>"Help I have two kids and just made a third pregnancy announcement to my husband and it seems like he changed his mind and now we're fighting more and he is acting distant and I can't take care of all these kids myself I've tried multiple times to fix it but it seems like all I get are promises that he breaks but I still love him what do I do?"How many anons would be telling her to stay and work on it?
People would tell her to find a supportive circle and to D U M P H I M.
No. 353803
File: 1547407903709.jpg (145.02 KB, 1280x766, 033f6ab5-e43b-4867-b32d-c393d7…)

There is not a single funny tiktok in existence and the ironic soyboy meme humor that plagues that app gave me hives. Pic unrelated…
No. 354080
>>354067you stupid? most aren't going to whine about shit like anon said. this is totally a woman.
>…like yeah we get that you're an ignorant white suburbanite who's never had to hide your uwu adorable skirts/femininity in general, but unfortunately men have made such a shitty and violent world for women (now and in the past) that it isn't possible for little girls everywhere to live as freely as you do. do you really think men think this?
No. 354131
>>354115Nayrt maybe you're just joking but you're proving her point
I can't be bothered with another flame war in this thread but lately it seems that if you don't agree with an someone here you're a femcel/samefag/libfem. Especially in the gc thread, which is so hypocritical.
No. 354139
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>>352493LMFAOOOOO this is the most retarded thing i've ever read
No. 354157
>>354048>>354040Come back when you have a better argument.
>>354082Not everyone who wears jeans and has short hair is a dyke, but thanks for that healthy dose of troon bullshit.
>Omg y u defending it :(I'm not. I said in the first place that it isn't great literature. If you want my full opinion, I think GoT is basically just a more violent starwars; dumbass fantasy material.
>y u like/defend rape!1!1!…what? Nowhere did I say I liked, nor did I defend sexual assault. I defended it's depiction
in a fucking book about the medieval ages and warfare because
that's what happened. If you don't like that women got the shit end of the stick throughout history, go take it up with men. This handwringing you do over shit that doesn't matter is laughable and a way for you to continue living as the comfortable little holier than thou handmaidens you pretend to be while men fuck up the world for everyone outside your suburban bubble. Libfem bullshit at its finest.
And look at that, absolutely none of you addressed the fact that the criticism leveled against the tomboy character Arya for simply dressing like a boy
in order to avoid rape and murder on her journey is literally retarded. Or do you think you'd be just fine escaping a warzone in a frilly skirt, fully advertising the fact that you're female to every mercenary/bandit/etc along the way? I thought so.
If you want strong female protagonists who don't have to contend with the shitty reality men have made for them, so she can do all the magical Disney princess shit you believe women everywhere are as free as you to do, go read something from the young adult sex on and shut the fuck up.
No. 354158
>>354157>Not everyone who wears jeans and has short hair is a dyke, but thanks for that healthy dose of troon bullshit.??? What do lesbians have to do with trannies? Not even that anon, and I don't necessarily disagree with the GoT thing (the whole series is painfully boring shite, though), but this shit is going too far.
Some people are literally going stir-crazy without having the man hate threads to vent in, even with the continued survival of the GC thread. Goddamn.
No. 354159
>>354146>>354146i think it might have something to do with this recent ddlg wave of 'daddy'/'little' obsession or something that is really popular now. i don't think it's a good thing all around to be seen as younger or slightly younger, especially with regard to dating and stuff, so it's really fucked to brag about that, but i have terrible anxiety and i am treated better when people assume i am younger (that is, they don't treat me poorly for being anxious in legal, medical, or career settings, etc), and it is very good in that respect, so i can understand not minding if people think you're younger when you have anxiety and just have a difficult time being kind of competent in dealing with people. people can be really nasty when you have anxiety and think you're pathetic if you don't have that kind of thing sorted, so it does help a lot, tbh, it can definitely be advantageous in that regard, but if you have no problems and really WANT to be seen as a child/teen so you can be seen as attractive to pedos and think that's bragworthy… that's really fucked up.
if you're talking about people like shuwu, i think we all know it's bc she obviously wants to be a loli and pander to ugly dorks that will adore her. idk where this loli gf thing came from and why it's kind of so popular in the mainstream now? why is this gross weeb shit becoming so popular?
No. 354167
>>354146Media has always pushed the idea that you are only youthful or an old hag, but ps, photo editing and shilling makeup as self care are pushing it into overdrive. People that measure their self worth in attraction are editing their well angled selfies and then believing the superficial comments until it becomes a feedback loop where everyone is role-playing ageless sex dolls
People that brag about themselves in any way are the worst, learning to just cut the conversation off will greatly enhance your will to live
No. 354217
>>354152can we stop with lolcow's bizarre obsession over height ? I've only ever seen women bragging about being short and "smol" online. I'm pretty average height (162 cm) and I wish I was taller. Literally every girl I know agrees that it's better to be taller and every short girl wants to be tall.
I'm generally annoyed by women infantilizing themselves (even when it's not about height, but just general affect, like purposefully speaking in a child-like voice and acting "gamine"). I swear to god, only in weeb communities you'll see this retarded height sperging. Get over yourself.
No. 354386
>>354159I know what you mean, I don't have anxiety or anything but I'm definitely quite clumsy in social situations, and I feel like people let it slide easier and don't put too many expectations on me if they think I'm a couple years younger than what I actually am.
That being said, I wouldn't touch any guy with a 10-foot-pole if he was into DDLG, lolis, etc. If someone thinks my height is cute, that's fine, but if I ever hear them refer to me as "IRL-loli" or some shit I'm getting the hell out. Fucking ew.
No. 354399
>>354217i've always found this so fucking weird. i'm 173 cm and if anything i wish i could grow 2 cm. 175 cm is the perfect height imo.
like you said, it's probably related to weebish beauty standards. a lot of people irl look up to super models, who are tall, or ig thots who might be short, but their shortness isn't a part of their appeal. i don't think being short is bad (lol) or ugly, but combined with the self-infantilizing it gets gross.
being short does not make you younger, nor does it make you resemble a child. that shit is weird and creepy as fuck, stop deluding yourselves.
No. 354494
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>>354180>>354180This, all of it. Usually the people that get mad at someone for being a centrist are dogmatic extremists that cant think critically for their lives. You dont even have to be one, just implying that there are beliefs you disagree with or that their personal boogeyman its not all that bad makes these kind of people so mad.
>People who are irritated about others being centrists are just mad that they can't screechExactly, they will just call you a fence-sitter, like, stop believing propaganda and think for yourself for a second ffs. Its not like they can come with anything better than cookie-cutter arguments they just learned from youtube or imageboards and they spew them just to virtue signal because they think theyll be cool, or accepted. I've seen robots talk about how we need another Hitler to solve all of their problems, like, do they seriously think that if Hitler was alive he wouldnt send their genetic waste sorry asses to the nearest oven? Please.
You get the same shit on the left where everything must be accepted without questioning, god forbid someone labels you whatever -ist is trending this week.Or how all the basic bitches jump to whatever queer fad thats going on without even bothering to learn about it just to be WoKe, and as person whos been publicly living as an homo since I can remember, with all the shit that you get just by existing, seeing all these fucktards screaming oPpReSsiOn at everything and all of these fake LGBTTBHBBQ++(Dont get me started on how ridiculous this shit is) ruining what little forms of entertainment or spaces we had that specifically catered to us makes me mad.
And of course you cant discuss anything beyond platitudes with anyone without that person getting
triggered unless you're part of their political party, and even then is just some variation of ''THEY BAD WE GOOD''.
Im sorry for any typos, english is not my first language.
No. 354713
>>354708Agree, but also not into when expectations are placed on personality because of race (submissive Asian thing).
I don't see anything wrong with a big racial preference just based on visuals. That's how attraction works lmao, people who are offended by that are dumb.