File: 1692025000508.jpeg (343.22 KB, 1043x2069, IMG_9762.jpeg)

No. 918027
>Her “couture” business is going so well that’s she’s giving garments away (totally not because no one wants to buy that literal trash) >>865189>Reverse image searching confirms our suspicions that she’s re-selling aliexpress landfill at an outrageous markup >>865201>Presented without comment >>865395>Don’t worry ladies, you can rest easy knowing that she won’t steal your man… >>865421>…Unless you’re “disrespectful”, then all bets are off >>865422>Is apparently “in recovery”, for what (if anything) is anyone’s guess >>865442>This is what a 3000-dollar-an-hour model looks like, nonitas >>865663>In case anyone has forgotten what her true form is >>865686>Wow, so luxury, much designer >>865764>Because her lies aren’t egregious enough, claims she designed this herself and also invented filigree… >>865915>…and that she’ll totally be down to collab with Donatella Versace (like that’s something in the realm of possibility, she is completely fucking insane holy shit) >>865974>More deteriorating tattoo quality >>866088>Apparently she’s “part Buddhist” now >>866341>More evidence to support the belief that she is genuinely intellectually handicapped >>866349>Please Icky, continue to tell us how you’re so far above onlyfans whores >>866558>There is no way this stinky fat loser isn’t an actual sped >>866646>Expanding her “couture” range to include aliexpress Buddhist “shrines”, this is all time peak of cringe, even for Vicky’s standards >>866700>Announces that she has to give up her cats due to an alleged “sensitivity”, press x to doubt >>867323>More lies, though admittedly her “love” must have no sense of smell whatsoever if he can stand being in her unwashed proximity >>867407>Just when you think her sloppy shooping can’t get any worse >>867424>Attempting to sell a white tank top with a stock image on it for 1000 bucks, she has fucking lost it >>867890>Thank you so much for enlightening us as to what is happening in Ukraine, Icky >>868572>Victoria Bella-Morte aka missvictoriamurder aka Viper aka Victoria Emma Shingleton of Ontario, Canada will hereby be known as “Vee Venum” >>868663>She has totally stopped drinking, smoking and has lost 25 pounds y’all! The alcoholic hamoid chimney doth protest too much methinks >>869285>Just gonna leave Icky’s quora profile here, there’s a lot to unpack >>871617>Back at it with middle school tier responses to criticism on Google, never change Ick >>873090>BUHBYE! >>873127>Allegedly has a long term illness, doesn’t say what it is but it’s totally not contagious u guise (cue extensive speculation as to what is wrong with her, my money’s on something alcohol-related) >>873146>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047>Returns as soon as she has a new boyfriend to show off… >>892030>…only to post about how much she loves being single five minutes later >>893163>Muh “sometime mabye good, sometimes mabye shit” Mensa IQ >>893699>Showing her true misogynist colours yet again, at least e-whores make money from showing their crusty holes on the internet, Vicky. Keep posting your catastrophically shooped unwashed pussy lips and pancake tits for free >>894622>LARPing as Megan Fox (but remember Vicky did it first!) while telling cringey boomer “jokes”>>895783>I don’t even know where to start with this >>896669>Reveals yet another boyfriend, file under “images you can smell” >>896946>Tags a picture of him as Ronnie Radke, her followers are so fucking retarded that they think it is actually Ronnie Radke >>896971>Vicky, how is this Halloween outfit any different to what you wear every damn day? >>897174>Yet more sperging about OnlyFans, stay mad Icky >>897491>Her assistant was kind enough to let all her adoring fans know that she’ll be taking another break from social media >>897761 Latest milk:
>Victoria Bella Morte blames a woman for hating her child and killed the baby even though it was Victorias ex boyfriend that murdered the baby >>897975
>Victoria trying to convince people she doesn’t use drugs or have mental health issues >>989357
>Vicky’s public google reviews are found where she goes on and on about soy sauce and McDonald’s not being up to par cause she totally use to be a chef. >>898460
>Victoria writing many reviews about walk in clinics and hospitals for medication looking like she’s doctor shopping for more pills >>898777
>a Vicky heritage moment was posted when she said isis told her their plans for world domination >>898845
>Vicky going on about she doesn’t like talking about being sick when that’s all she does while being vague and posting her hospital braclets >>899174
>Victoria still stating she’d never sleep with your man unless she hates you >>900147
>icky trying to claim she isn’t a groupie while calling herself a groupie >>900178
>ickys Quora profile bio is.. something >>900560
> another unhappy client of Victoria stops by that will never get their money back >>900733
>Victoria on Quora talking about 15 year olds and their sex lives >>900958
>Victoria speaking as her assistant again saying she’s too sick to answer work emails but can date and take selfies>>901062>901105
>ickys vague posting trying to gain sympathy abiut her illness and how she might not make it >> 901504
>Victoria saying if she listens to music it’s usually something she wrote? >>901575
> celebrating being single >>906771So of course she’s posting her vagina flaps out right away on Facebook
>>908339>and her requirements to date her >>908441
>the beginning of victoeia telling everyone her boyfriend beat her up>>908445
>and the ems beat her up which she caught on tape that she never shows >>908502
>takes badly about girls with OF butt posts her nipples on Facebook, sucking her finger where her dad can see >>908638
> posting her self naked in bed, rubbing her face, saying RIP, grandma>>908737
> always goes on about how she has millionaires in mansions, trying to date her but then posts about her ex-boyfriend being a schizophrenic that beat her up >>909180
> she had women warn her about this boyfriend, but she hates women and just wants men’s attention so dated him anyway, and got her ass beat up >>909191
>anon found the boyfriend that beat her up and it’s a 24 year old emo kid from Hamilton >>909195
> she’s too lazy to work, but has Dylan Pound town over to take mirror selfies while they hold each other >>909717
> she was so ill and in pain she was in a wheelchair but now she’s taking mirror selfie’s whipping her head around with her ass cheeks out licking a knife, >>901396
> Victoria shooting her shot with Dylan Pound town to be shot down >>911130
> blasting her ex-boyfriend’s mental health issues for attention >>913512
> the movers from Guelph. Movers were treating her poorly because she didn’t want to date them.>>913917
> another loser Victoria dated and is blasting online like she isn’t the common denominator between all of these losers men >>914610
> make several posts about how she doesn’t want to keep a man that’s why she hasn’t been able to in her late 30s even though she was engaged>>914635SOCIAL MEDIA:
Professional Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/pt/761425 14
>>>/pt/820650 19
>>>/pt/897829 No. 918029
File: 1692026337346.jpeg (204.22 KB, 616x1138, IMG_9766.jpeg)

>>897975When Victoria said on Quora that the mom killed her own daughter when in fact, Victorias ex boyfriend was charged with manslaughter for beating the two year old to death. Imagine hating women so much you’ll publicly claim it was the moms fault when this guy beat the child when the mom was at home and he had taken the child out to beat her. Stay classy Vic
No. 918032
File: 1692031527142.jpeg (307.55 KB, 1289x1513, ISIMG-849668.jpeg)

The amount of warping in this video when she moves side to side is ridiculous.
No. 918050
File: 1692057387809.webm (9.55 MB, 1080x1920, V beyond help.webm)
The last three videos she's posted are just free onlyfans clips behind 4 filters and body warping, taken with an iphone 7. The fake accent she's still trying to roll with kek
No. 918052
File: 1692062720929.jpeg (266.23 KB, 1290x1602, IMG_9831.jpeg)

“I don’t mind being looks at” clearly girl. You’ve made getting creepy old men looking at you on Facebook your whole personality.
No. 918053
File: 1692062933758.jpeg (413.06 KB, 1289x2127, IMG_9832.jpeg)

Ah yes. Facebook clout from your 13 hangers on. She doesn’t have a college degree or even a job at this point, but she has Facebook clout.
Most people would just block a troll, not icky. This guy is making this up for her MySpace fame.
No. 918054
File: 1692063130078.jpeg (311.62 KB, 1289x1526, IMG_9833.jpeg)

Clout: influence or power.
Has she rot her brain so hard she thinks she famous? I thought maybe she was joking .. but here we are.
Studies show that English and English guys are more gentlemanly. Man said he was from Sweden?
Does she think that’s in England or?
No. 918055
File: 1692063280824.jpeg (142.6 KB, 1289x1136, IMG_9834.jpeg)

You know what would be better ? Getting a job and stop living off of welfare / the rest of us in Ontario
No. 918056
File: 1692063925563.jpeg (351.86 KB, 1289x2139, IMG_9836.jpeg)

The amount of upvotes on this should be a reality check for her but…
No. 918058
File: 1692064158020.jpeg (148.89 KB, 1289x484, IMG_9838.jpeg)

>>918056Going to sage the comments from this Reddit post. There’s 100s but I found some funny ones. Can’t convince anyone she’s not on drugs
No. 918104
File: 1692204709710.gif (350.67 KB, 500x387, 4f51186dc52f050d6475c0118d8152…)

"Make a new Vicky thread, there's milk"
>posts a 3 year old Instagramvsreality post.
No. 918150
File: 1692315189018.jpeg (112.33 KB, 1158x423, IMG_4106.jpeg)

But I thought she totally didn’t drink alcohol anymore! Drinking on a Wednesday. But I guess everyday is a Saturday when You’re a 36 year old unemployed loser living off the government
No. 918269
File: 1692574723775.png (10.19 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0078.png)

New icky photo. Sneak peek from her “magazine photoshoot”
No. 918297
File: 1692634888285.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1255, 368208999_2886522071495744_271…)

Victoria posted this "new" photo from that 2021 photo set where she's holding the flower outside in a schoolgirl skirt. I like the pale hand and orange wrist.
No. 918300
File: 1692636024653.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2032x2306, IMG_4180.jpeg)

>>918297She’s holding a damn weed. A thistle at that. And holding it up to her face. Very high IQ indeed
No. 918345
File: 1692751169608.jpeg (372.4 KB, 1290x2374, IMG_0242.jpeg)

Vick is now comparing herself to an onlyfans model. 1- they look nothing alike. 2- she’s going to start a page this year, I’d put money on it.
No. 918346
File: 1692751307927.jpeg (249.94 KB, 1289x916, IMG_0243.jpeg)

Vicky complaining that a man won’t text her back right away. She would never know what it’s like to work a full time job and just wanna be left alone for the night. She’s never worked an actual job and probably never will. Sit this one out, icky. You don’t get it.
No. 918347
File: 1692751387960.jpeg (332.01 KB, 1289x1999, IMG_0244.jpeg)

>>918346The ice queen is already “into someone else” girl can’t leave the dick alone.
No. 918348
File: 1692751540272.jpeg (193.51 KB, 1289x872, IMG_0245.jpeg)

>>918346She had a man IN TEARS is a self own. You entertain losers icky. Not that this actually happened. These guys are ignoring you cause you’re just a hole.
No. 918350
>>918269already deleted this and the video in the same outfit that didn’t have whatever filter is on the other one to repost a screenshot of this
>>918346 some -dog training- montage & a super cringe short of her in that grey suit thing that must smell so nasty.
if she didn’t mention being a tattoo artist i would never guess it by looking at her instagram posts.
No. 918353
File: 1692755577199.jpeg (288.09 KB, 1290x1688, IMG_0246.jpeg)

So in order to date Vicky you have to message her back right away even if you’re at work. You also have to act as her therapist because she’s too broke to see a professional.
I can’t see why she’d be single at 37. It’s a mystery.
No. 918354
File: 1692755799850.jpeg (160.29 KB, 1290x1268, IMG_0247.jpeg)

>>918269Someone asking what “tattoo magazine” she’s going to be in. She’ll link them means it’s not real, and probably just an onlyfans account
No. 918355
File: 1692756028398.jpeg (64.49 KB, 1289x373, IMG_0248.jpeg)

>>918353You also have to chase her when she acts like a mentally ill child.
No. 918359
>>918353When you’re almost 40 and have these expectations. Absolutely mentally stunted. No wonder she’s alone with no friends in the
picture either. She’s so incredibly unbearable. And what exactly does she have to bring to the table? No income, no life, no redeeming qualities
No. 918365
File: 1692796078092.jpeg (133.88 KB, 1289x700, IMG_0257.jpeg)

>>918353Being traumatized, and pushing people away is unconscious. But here she is having a full conversation about it, and acknowledging the fact. I didn’t think she could become more retarded but here we are.
No. 918382
File: 1692818915026.png (10.77 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0279.png)

Icky uploaded a new photo. First thing I saw was her teeth
No. 918388
>>918346Victoria deleted this status off her Facebook and her Instagram. I was reading the comments last night and she had a bunch of dudes replying who didn't ass kiss her, who said that they work full time and can't always reply to clingy texts, and Victoria was getting defensive saying stuff like "I know doctors who can text back" and "I used to work 11-12 hour shifts and I always texted back."
I think she can't handle even the slightest bit of pushback so she just deleted the post.
No. 918390
File: 1692828123874.png (1.39 MB, 2667x1797, coolshootsforeveryone.png)

Victoria just posted this. I am laughing so hard at her answers.
No. 918395
File: 1692833594970.jpeg (647.69 KB, 666x1829, IMG_4234.jpeg)

>>918382The caption on this was “current real hair colour” but the brown is clearly photoshopped she missed a bunch of spots. She’s such a sloppy liar.
No. 918396
File: 1692833936016.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1274, IMG_4235.jpeg)

She just posted this. Shooped a completely different face on from
>>918382That purse is so ugly and goes with nothing. She needs to lay that party city glove to rest
No. 918398
File: 1692836522592.jpeg (484.94 KB, 1289x1781, IMG_0293.jpeg)

>>918396And she posted it really close up and it’s a nightmare.
No. 918402
>>918395do we know what her actual hair color is? if she did dye it black she probably used cheap box dye, and slapping that over bleach damage will do funky things.
>>918396where is her nose lol. i like how she added the totally real face tats, the wonky eyes and using he arm/the bag strap to try and hide how wide she really is.
No. 918404
File: 1692842534838.png (74.75 KB, 243x256, big.png)

She really porked up. The filter can't hide that growing chin.
No. 918409
File: 1692845565751.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x2204, IMG_4242.jpeg)

>>918402She forgot to photoshop the tips peaking out too. She’s just retarded. This isn’t the first time she lied about dying her hair.
No. 918411
File: 1692848414081.png (205.49 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20230823-203954-725…)

>>918407Fucking lol, my brain auto corrected it. That's hilarious.
Here's some embarrassment from Instagram. This guy is a wannabe pro wrestler and Victoria has turned down many engagement rings.
No. 918419
>>918390For nonnies that dont want to look, she is currently 7th in her group.
Including to be the only one that doesn't mention a tattoo artist as their favorite artist. (They spelled their artists names correctly btw). Is the second Victoria, the other one is cuter and gives way better answers. Kek
No. 918420
File: 1692864863161.png (197.46 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20230823-204522-036…)

Here's Victoria being retarded again, not that the other guy isn't.
No. 918428
File: 1692882986613.jpeg (108.72 KB, 1289x626, IMG_0316.jpeg)

Ass backwards way of answering this question.
No. 918429
File: 1692883074896.jpeg (85.54 KB, 1289x499, IMG_0317.jpeg)

Is she saying … she’d wait for this person to turn 20..? Why would she even answer questions like this from child on the internet?
No. 918430
File: 1692883245498.jpeg (65.31 KB, 838x570, IMG_0321.jpeg)

>>918429Her obsession with answering questions about teenagers love life’s is a common theme on her Quora
No. 918431
File: 1692883343090.jpeg (111.57 KB, 1289x670, IMG_0322.jpeg)

Last one… but brain damage seems a bit excessive for this question. Kek. Projection
No. 918442
File: 1692904424016.jpeg (337.1 KB, 1170x1132, IMG_0463.jpeg)

This is funny
No. 918443
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No. 918462
File: 1692934853816.jpeg (407.35 KB, 1170x1455, IMG_4258.jpeg)

>>918382Incredibly insufferable
No. 918468
File: 1692941632388.png (564.54 KB, 1080x2998, MakeHisExJealous.png)

Peak white trash behavior
No. 918663
File: 1693401509927.jpeg (339.37 KB, 1289x1823, IMG_0649.jpeg)

So Vicky’s idea of modelling for a tattoo magazine was just for her application for inked
No. 918664
File: 1693401620204.jpeg (253.36 KB, 1046x1321, IMG_0652.jpeg)

>>918663She’s also number one in her group whatever that means
No. 918688
File: 1693422580859.jpeg (559.38 KB, 1289x2175, IMG_0684.jpeg)

The photos she used for her “original inked” application are hilarious. She couldn’t even crop out the Instagram / tiktok caption sections.
No. 918693
>>918688different face and body in every picture, cheap outfits, fake backgrounds, hilariously bad photoshop; what a sad look at me portfolio. why do i feel like she purposely put those screen caps in to brag about the likes and views lol.
does anyone know how to view/vote for the other people she's running against?
No. 918706
File: 1693450001189.jpeg (204.07 KB, 1283x1130, IMG_0721.jpeg)

Pick me. Choose me.
No. 918768
File: 1693619299273.jpeg (583.65 KB, 3264x2176, IMG_7135.jpeg)

writing fan fiction about her life and tagging game companies begging them to make a game centred around her delusions of grandeur is all in a days work for this unemployed 40 year old
No. 918783
File: 1693664403508.png (903.63 KB, 1440x1975, Screenshot_20230902-091141.png)

Oh Vic if anyone would fall for a scam contest it would be you. It's pay for votes. You have no idea who you are competing against, how many votes they have or how many you need to advance. Everyone is #1 in their group until they advance where the real competition begins, who has the most money to pay for votes. There are people who have paid thousands for votes in previous years and not place. In the meantime let's watch this >>humble dusty queen prematurely celebrate a win that will never happen.
No. 918787
File: 1693672399220.jpeg (887.59 KB, 1170x1412, IMG_4444.jpeg)

No. 918788
File: 1693672515676.jpeg (102.65 KB, 736x734, IMG_7033.jpeg)

>>918783sage. plus honestly her tattoos make her look extremely shitty and boring, like.. who tattoos a garterbelt? in comparison to her fellow canadian sister anisa jomha’s tattoos at least victoria’s aren’t confusing, there’s actual thought with each of every tattoo and not from some book. when i look at girls from inked, they usually have cool amazing tattoos that look like art pieces. in addition, she’s mot as inked up as the rest of them. i’m surprised because broke people have tattoos all the time .
for example this is ryan malarkey, inked winner
No. 918839
>>918828There are 3, iirc. There's a short one set to a really annoying screaming metal song, there's a long one that is set to a better song that is more techno sounding. I think she also uses nunchuks in that one. The third one is the one that starts with the candles I think.
I have all of them saved on an SD card somewhere.
No. 918880
File: 1693946768277.png (460 KB, 1080x1746, Screenshot_20230905-134723-740…)

>can hunt with long range weapons, I was a long distance medal winner
I'm so happy Victoria is back to her usual self.
No. 918898
File: 1694048697210.jpeg (240.42 KB, 976x1080, 72b57fce136ebe422fc7edbf7c75dd…)

I'm going to die from laughing. I absolutely cannot believe this.
No. 918900
File: 1694058618989.jpeg (266.93 KB, 1290x1400, IMG_1078.jpeg)

>>918898So she got rid of her cats because her boyfriend beat her up and that caused her to have a reaction. Now she has a huge dog she can use as a prop.
The amount of photoshop on this mug is startling.
No. 918903
>>918901Or about to sneeze.
But seriously, it’s obviously photoshopped in. She needs to lay those fingerless biker gloves or whatever to rest. At this point I’m starting to think they’re permanently attached.
No. 919023
File: 1694297551971.png (835.78 KB, 1080x1790, Screenshot_20230909-151445-603…)

Wtf is this?
No. 919043
>>919023not this AI generated atrocity.
Hilarious how her gums are still rotted none the less
No. 919102
File: 1694393475722.webm (5.54 MB, 690x1226, 377546085_766420255240546_7443…)
No. 919103
>>919023deleted, what is the point of even posting. she made this her profile pic on ig and now it's some other nightmare where she looks like she's in a shein tier costume.
>>919102the way she has to carefully pose and stand looks so awkward and stiff. how many fucking times does she have to put her gross fingers in her mouth. remember how she said she got compliments on her tattoo cleanliness but does this lol.
No. 919106
File: 1694394970488.png (5.16 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_1231.png)

I know ickys photoshopping is bad, but I’m pretty sure her Instagram profile picture is literally someone else
No. 919114
File: 1694403370799.jpeg (267.2 KB, 734x721, IMG_4655.jpeg)

Hitting those body filters harder than she hits the bottle. That arm is warped to shit
No. 919139
File: 1694439518593.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20230911-063839-913…)

>>919114Victoria got upset we called out her arm warp so she decided to take this video where she shows her arm by her side for half a second and then claims that the reason her arm warps at the elbow and gets sucked into her fake 20" waist is because… SHE DOES SWORD WIELDING.
No. 919140
File: 1694439601626.jpg (38.93 KB, 492x492, 1694439627635195179123402.jpg)

>>919106>>919135definitely AI, look at that arm kek
No. 919163
File: 1694478878356.jpeg (168.53 KB, 921x910, IMG_7161.jpeg)

>>919139is she creating ai photo simp sock accounts now? or is this the long awaited return of her fake photoshop boyfriend??
No. 919165
File: 1694479217991.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1939, Screenshot_20230911-203706~2.p…)

ok sorry for the "in between posts" layout but didn't wanna post twice.
1. so unfortunately, whilst most likely shopped still; the dog from
>>918898 is real. I just hope it's not actually her dog and has a primary caretaker.
2. near the bottom is the funniest part of
>>919139 IMO, which unfortunately that anon didn't capture – she went out of her way to announce that she "left dust on the mirror so any warping would be obvious" kekkkkk. I wonder what normies think when they read her deranged narcissistic justifications for all this stupid shit.
No. 919174
File: 1694482388218.jpg (229.46 KB, 600x603, ick.jpg)

>>919139Icky, just stop it. You're embarrassing yourself. Holding your arm at your side and palms facing forwards, most people have a bend there. It's just human anatomy, that muscle is called your carpi ulnaris.
isn't possible, is for you to hold your arm to your side, palm facing inwards and have it bend outwards at the elbow like that, unless you have hEDS, even then, that wouldn't bend that far.
Your hair and the shadows warp towards your waist throughout the whole video. Your arm is so warped from editing your waist, that your forearm is now freakishly long.
And your other arm seems to turn to a spaghetti noodle when you move it behind you.
No. 919176
File: 1694483337466.jpeg (256.95 KB, 1289x1955, IMG_1259.jpeg)

“No face makeup or eyeshadow needed”
Her eyebrows are drawn on, she’s wearing eyeliner and she has shit lip liner.
And a photoshoot and self timers aren’t the same
No. 919177
File: 1694483499040.jpg (244.41 KB, 1440x3016, allergictocats.jpg)

>>919163I checked to see how old this account is. He joined in 2015, Vic in 2012. He has 13 followers, 3 posts and 15 former usernames. I tinfoil that these are dead "photographer" accounts she created, just changed the username and made it private. The dog probably belongs to her landlord/roommates renting their musty basement apartment.
No. 919178
File: 1694483519382.jpeg (341.82 KB, 1290x2104, IMG_1260.jpeg)

I have a question. Why are you living in a place that’s falling apart? Or right cause you haven’t had a job in years.
No. 919179
File: 1694483563817.jpeg (85.5 KB, 1289x585, IMG_1261.jpeg)

This woman is going to be 40 in like 3 years.
No. 919182
>>919163MY SIDES this is a gender swapped picture of her, she’s actually unhinged. This is why Vicky is my favourite cow. No one can match this fat retard’s level of delusion
>>919165Hideous mutt, her grimy hovel must stink even more than usual now that there’s two rancid unwashed creatures living in it
No. 919183
>>919140Lmao what the fuck is this outfit? Why are her eyes so close together? How is she so retarded? My god
>>919139I love how she can’t help letting us know that she’s lurking, never change Shingles
No. 919190
>>919176also wearing lip liner/stick bud this her way of trying to convince us her face actually looks like this. if those sad ~face tats~ are real they are as botched as the rest of her life.
she’s probably taking more pix for that competition.
No. 919204
File: 1694538616106.png (324.39 KB, 1440x1345, Screenshot_20230912-120957.png)

She's claiming the dog is hers and she paid for it. Who buys a dog that's a few years old?
No. 919212
>>919204idk if canada has adoptable dogs but super gross if they do & she’s lying to make it seem like she’s got the best dog lol.
pretending her story is real, did someone just randomly approach her & say they breed dogs, does she want to buy one. then she goes & decides to pick an older dog, her larps are wild.
No. 919219
File: 1694561146580.png (87.75 KB, 1080x466, Screenshot_20230912-162722-798…)

>>919176A comment on this video.
No. 919273
>>919249I want to know more about the 2 people in their twenties who Victoria stayed with during the pandemic and they accused her of stealing toilet paper.
But if you have proof of Victoria being kicked out of her last apartment, you should post it.
No. 919274
File: 1694617274796.jpeg (107.52 KB, 1289x534, IMG_1345.jpeg)

German sheppards can grow up to 88 pounds. So she has a large animal, walks him and takes care of him but can’t work? Make it make sense.
No. 919275
File: 1694617786006.jpeg (123.49 KB, 1289x778, IMG_1346.jpeg)

>>919179This account is 100% Vicky’s burner.
>>919177And it’s changed its name 15 times..? Yeah. It’s icky.
No. 919278
>>919274Not to dog sperg, but both my German Shepards were 90- 120 pounds. If she actually owns this dog she's not taking care of it, not meeting its energy needs, and it is shedding everywhere. One of my dogs was such an anxious mess (a rescue), he was on small doses of Xanax to keep him from chewing and swelling wood while we were out. poor buddy even chewed on dry wall and we ended up spending 15 g's over his lifespan handling his impacted stomach.
She's a milky cow, but like all the cows, they never take care of their animals and that shit pisses me off so much.
I hope local animal services gets involved. Also, GS have hip problems as they get older, and we all know she will not pay for the meds or the vet visits required for the basic care. I hope he gets out of there soon.
No. 919334
>>919316what’s the point if nobody wants her to mess up their skin and every tattoo artist in bumblefuck ontario doesn’t want her stinky ass in their stores.
i trust mickey deer tattooing my body before her honestly and i’ve seen how mickey scratches people’s skin
No. 919370
File: 1694733621631.jpeg (301.71 KB, 1284x2156, IMG_7192.jpeg)

this is horrifying
No. 919383
File: 1694757298230.jpg (31.65 KB, 720x963, tumblr_0e7cbbc040804a541ba2355…)

bump don't scroll b/c gore
No. 919388
>>919379Middle aged meth head white trash deadbeat dad coomers.
Her mouth looks like the halitosis would be strong enough to render a medium sized dog or a small child unconscious
No. 919397
File: 1694802713607.jpeg (310.66 KB, 1289x2337, IMG_1503.jpeg)

>>919378This girl is in hard drugs or over taking her meds. This is terrifying.
No. 919589
File: 1695078542131.jpeg (56.92 KB, 621x1000, IMG_5761.jpeg)

>>919587YES THANK YOU that’s what I was trying to think of. She reminds me of a mask like picrel
No. 919621
File: 1695142069663.png (137.98 KB, 1440x915, Screenshot_20230919-115023.png)

She doesn't hide her racism anymore
No. 919623
File: 1695143325148.jpg (59.15 KB, 565x318, 790992366-clerks6.jpg)

>>919621Is she Randall from Clerks?
No. 919627
File: 1695149044612.jpeg (181.38 KB, 1289x980, IMG_1610.jpeg)

>>919621Yikes. I’m case anyone was wondering just show racist Victoria Bella morte is. Her brother is caught with CP and she’s a scammer and racist. Her parents failed miserably
No. 919639
File: 1695158973073.jpeg (150.22 KB, 1289x748, IMG_1614.jpeg)

>>919636Vicky came stalking lolcow she meant
No. 919640
File: 1695159407141.jpeg (266.84 KB, 1289x995, IMG_1621.jpeg)

>>919636Go outside and scream porch monkey. Come on back and let me know how that goes.
Here’s a few more. Maybe in America is normalized, I don’t know.
No. 919647
File: 1695163044618.jpeg (142.78 KB, 1289x961, IMG_1623.jpeg)

I don’t even know what’s happening in this conversation. Is Vicky too busy to work..?
No. 919649
File: 1695164213772.jpeg (724.99 KB, 1170x1651, IMG_4863.jpeg)

>>919647She’s busy laying on her ass all day taking and editing photos for a scam contest of course! She really is the dumbest person
No. 919656
File: 1695173211274.jpeg (448.35 KB, 1289x1887, IMG_1624.jpeg)

>>919652So many people calling out this scam contest for years. I didn’t realize it was so bad.
No. 919659
File: 1695180352667.jpeg (345.76 KB, 1289x2239, IMG_1631.jpeg)

>>919649Also “number one in their group” totally legit
No. 919660
File: 1695180439518.jpeg (556.47 KB, 1289x2599, IMG_1632.jpeg)

>>919659Just a few people that are “number one” quick search and it seems like everyone is in first place.
No. 919664
File: 1695188972972.jpg (582.61 KB, 1440x4525, shesfrombritainguys.jpg)

It's ok guys, she's from Britain. It's racist everywhere you fucking scab.
No. 919665
>>919664>I’d be a cuntGuess what you fat retard, you are a raging cunt. You’re a racist, misogynist,
abusive, thieving, lying piece of shit. And the audacity to call others lazy when you’re a NEET who gets by on the government allowance for spastics and stolen deposits.
No. 919674
File: 1695212428179.jpeg (62.12 KB, 1289x307, IMG_1633.jpeg)

>>919664But of course Vicky moved to Canada when she was TWO.. so 34 years ago.. so she’s British she doesn’t care about being racist.
No. 919675
File: 1695213696433.jpeg (122.62 KB, 828x626, IMG_1635.jpeg)

“Fuckin apes”
No. 919676
File: 1695214281235.jpeg (29.09 KB, 261x275, IMG_1636.jpeg)

>>919675“Black people don’t take care of their kids and that why they commit crimes”
No. 919677
File: 1695214416342.jpeg (49.69 KB, 827x189, IMG_1637.jpeg)

>>919676“Refugees with their aids and shit.”
No. 919682
File: 1695221670418.jpeg (124.41 KB, 1253x1060, IMG_1643.jpeg)

I wonder if her dad ever comes to visit her at all..? Or he just ran off back the the uk and doesn’t care.
No. 919684
File: 1695221894864.jpeg (168.36 KB, 787x1080, IMG_1646.jpeg)

What an odd post for her dad.. and her to comment on.
No. 919692
File: 1695247821156.jpeg (328.95 KB, 1289x1489, IMG_1701.jpeg)

I get icky has never spoken to a black person in her life, cause she would have gotten her shit rocked by people other than her boyfriends.
No. 919704
File: 1695258999152.jpeg (546.86 KB, 1289x2109, IMG_1715.jpeg)

“Who’s life I saved”
“My ex is a coloured person”
Saying “refugees bringing over their aids” isn’t racist? Calling people porch monkeys.. which lets say that isn’t racist, you listed ally don’t have a job Vicky. And you haven’t in years.
By your definition you’d be one. Just lurking Facebook for boyfriends, with no goals or real hobbies.
No. 919705
File: 1695259225767.jpeg (217.37 KB, 1144x835, IMG_1718.jpeg)

>>919704The guy she’s talking to on Facebook under this post is her ex she “blocked” keep your standards high, sticky.
No. 919707
File: 1695259625653.jpeg (262.59 KB, 1225x1135, IMG_1719.jpeg)

>>919705Saged for no new milk. But icky just wanted to move on from Greg, her
abusive drug addict ex just to be talking to him again. This woman hates herself
No. 919721
>>919686Yes that is her actual dad. Last time I checked his Facebook, around 2021 or so, he had tried to clean it up and only posted about current event/issues because he was trying to get involved in local politics in Bumfuck, Northern Ireland. Before that, around 2017-2018, his Facebook was filled with disgusting boomer memes about how he doesn't get his dick sucked often enough. Seriously, it was meme after meme bemoaning the lack of blowjobs in his life.
I'm looking now and it seems he's ditched his political aspirations and went back to posting boomer memes and stuff about motorcycles.
No. 919727
NONNIE she’s from there. Certainly she knows. She lived there from birthday until 1 and a half and her brain stopped receiving new information about her surroundings.
No. 919750
File: 1695332873438.png (209.74 KB, 1080x878, Screenshot_20230921-143949-999…)

Victoria isn't racist because she has a geisha tattoo.
No. 919769
File: 1695345837572.png (713.13 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20230921-174327-473…)

>it's for charity
No. 919772
>>919769Never before seen photos!
What a narcissistic loser. She really does think she’s a big deal
No. 919826
>>919773same, especially since she posted (and deleted) videos in a few shitty lingerie sets claiming she was ~modelling~ but hasn’t shown the results.
also love how she puts down other women for doing onlyfans but is out here begging for votes in exchange for ~exclusive pix~ cos charity.
No. 919835
File: 1695431566892.webm (8.34 MB, 1080x1920, 119918339_126745070513074_6056…)

No. 919869
File: 1695519001374.jpg (14.09 KB, 320x320, 381764162_999505188045871_5431…)

No. 919885
File: 1695599832048.png (986.88 KB, 1080x1788, Screenshot_20230924-165400-384…)

For some reason Victoria posted a video of a cut on her finger that was bleeding and then she licked it with her nasty ass mouth. I hope this is fake. The blood looks pretty bright and the Halloween stuff has been out for awhile.
No. 919895
File: 1695611229928.jpeg (233.39 KB, 1186x1082, IMG_1964.jpeg)

>>919885Yeah it’s real. This 40 year old woman cut herself in the kitchen and sexually sucked the blood off her fingers while calling herself a vampire.
No. 919919
File: 1695660773326.png (146.07 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20230925-095148-204…)

>I know 14 martial arts and am trained in many different types of weaponry
No. 919936
File: 1695682466239.jpeg (425.64 KB, 1290x2272, IMG_2030.jpeg)

Vicky got threads. Of course her neighbours hate her cause she turned down the superintendents mothers dads uncle from down the street. It’s never her fault, even though she’s the common denominator.
Sounds more like people are calling the bylaw cause Vicky got another animal she can’t take care of. People are allowed to let their cats out, retard.
No. 919937
File: 1695682678867.jpeg (428.39 KB, 1289x2098, IMG_2031.jpeg)

Aka she’s been stalking lolcow heavy cause she hasn’t worked in 2 years and her only hobby is the internet. Licking your cut like a thirty onlyfans hoe on your public page for your dad to see. Left that part out.
No. 919940
>>919936This is not sounding very “high class many mansions” level living to me. Sounds like she’s living in a slumlord suburb and pissing off her hillbilly neighborhood
>>919937Given her claims of “pure high class British uwu” heritage, hemophilia would be an easy line to draw
No. 919945
File: 1695705308152.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1786, Screenshot_20230925-221442-470…)

This jump scared me good
No. 919947
>>919946I'm the sole anon who likes the way she does the heavy eyeliner, especially the outline on the inner corner. But that's it. That's the only thing I like. I know it's terrible and I have bad taste.
But yeah everything else about this look is horrific. The bronzer, the white eyebrow highlight, the 2016 nose contour, the anus lips. It's more muddy than usual too. Usually her makeup is more… white/grey. Maybe she's trying a new look. Thumbs down.
No. 919953
>>919951it’s not real, she posted two cringe videos and only remembered the above eyebrow “tattoos” for this second clip. the only way i will believe she actually tattooed her face is if she posts a video with no filters, no makeup and rubs over them with makeup remover.
is she really trying to add singing/rapping to her long list of talents lol.
No. 919954
File: 1695735567406.jpeg (794.75 KB, 1170x1781, IMG_5056.jpeg)

>>919945You forgot to include the cringe caption
No. 919956
File: 1695737782327.jpeg (336.06 KB, 1289x2252, IMG_2043.jpeg)

>>919953“I miss playing with music” hashtag female rappers. Oh dear god…
No. 919957
File: 1695737973277.jpeg (85.7 KB, 658x544, IMG_2046.jpeg)

>>919956The comments do not disappoint. She’s so out of breath “rapping” one line
No. 919970
File: 1695766383132.jpeg (122.24 KB, 1289x551, IMG_2064.jpeg)

Her threads is so unhinged. How do you forget to take your meds when you don’t have a job or any hobbies? The whole day is wide open.
No. 919978
>>919958She’s claimed to speak French and Spanish before, she posted “that awkward moment when you hear people speaking Spanish and realise you can understand them”, like she magically picked up a whole language. On her LinkedIn she put down “working proficiency in French”, lmao okay Shingles
>>919954I don’t understand what this means, what is “clean singing”? Is it because I am ESL or because it’s Vicky?
>>919957I’m always surprised when people reply to her nonsense with anything disparaging because 99 per cent of her interactions come from mouthbreathing inbred basement dwellers who are just as retarded as she is and actually believe her lies
No. 919979
File: 1695777897039.jpeg (256.72 KB, 1290x1708, IMG_2080.jpeg)

>>919978Don’t forget she speaks Japanese as well
No. 919980
File: 1695778027912.jpeg (162.69 KB, 1289x718, IMG_2081.jpeg)

What….? She used the term porch money and now all the sudden she’s calling out ever racist. And where did this girl move? Sounds like a fucking dump.
No. 919981
File: 1695778161971.jpeg (574.64 KB, 1289x2402, IMG_2082.jpeg)

>>919980I honestly feel like Victoria is getting fucking wrecked on her medication cause things just keep getting more weird
No. 919988
>>919978it’s her way of saying there is no auto tune or any other editing/filter on her vocals. any time she has to mention something like that she is lying.
>i miss playing with musichas she ever done anything music related besides that radio show she was on and still brags about lol. guess she has to come up with new things to lie about since she doesn’t give out shitty tattoos any more.
No. 919992
File: 1695786456967.jpeg (60.7 KB, 1289x409, IMG_2085.jpeg)

She’s going hard looking for her next bf online
No. 919996
File: 1695817282462.jpeg (179.91 KB, 1289x1328, IMG_2086.jpeg)

>>919992“My threads is caliente.”
This looks like an OF profile
No. 920016
File: 1695868446943.jpeg (420.5 KB, 1288x2121, IMG_2158.jpeg)

“Inked mag charity”
“To see more awesome photos of me”
No. 920018
File: 1695868766304.jpeg (178.4 KB, 1289x1035, IMG_2159.jpeg)

>>919936She’s only been living in this building for what.. 5 months? So she moved into a place that just happened to have the landlord as a guy she turned down? I mean, a man with a job would be an upgrade for her. Maybe if everyone in her neighbourhood smokes this much meth, she should grow up and get a job herself.. move out of the scum land?
No. 920023
File: 1695874102430.mp4 (2.59 MB, 720x1166, 000535-720x1600.mp4)

>>920021This is an image board
No. 920024
File: 1695876057280.jpeg (198.73 KB, 946x687, IMG_5073.jpeg)

>>920016Frankie photography
>>920018Why is it every time she has a problem with a male it’s because she totally turned them down. Girl is fucking delusional and lives in fantasy land.
No. 920053
>>920023i would say she looks like a drag queen here but that would be insulting to all the drag queens who actually know how to apply makeup.
also this voice doesn't sound like vicky, maybe she's lip syncing? it's awful either way
No. 920071
File: 1695937352346.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, C29772C2-64B9-4F5E-90A5-68369F…)

>>920053yes she looks like Jeffree Star kek but i’m dying at her fave at the end of the video
No. 920133
File: 1696028948849.png (1.2 MB, 1080x2130, Screenshot_20230929-160821-713…)

Here's the "magazine" Victoria is featured in, lol.
No. 920148
File: 1696049579160.png (294.33 KB, 1080x1793, Screenshot_20230929-215223-558…)

>>920133Bottom comment, lol
No. 920160
File: 1696093823673.jpeg (588.1 KB, 1290x1120, IMG_7210.jpeg)

>>920148the only comment on the post by the ~magazine~ which is digital format and you need a membership to the site or purchase the file to actually access her stuff.
No. 920217
File: 1696191198480.jpeg (327.11 KB, 1289x1426, IMG_2326.jpeg)

The edited in abs
No. 920229
File: 1696201476575.jpeg (513.63 KB, 1290x1865, IMG_2338.jpeg)

So if you haven’t had sex in seven years… you’re a virgin again. Retired Hoe logic
No. 920263
File: 1696269459729.png (1.02 MB, 1439x1793, Screenshot_20231002-124703.png)

She rinsed her Vee account of all the vote for me posts. Coming in 8th for a scam contest must have hurt her ego.
No. 920272
File: 1696278362803.png (100.15 KB, 1080x463, Screenshot_20231002-132511-397…)

Victoria, you're 35.
No. 920275
File: 1696281798035.jpeg (312.65 KB, 1289x1393, IMG_2375.jpeg)

“If someone is avoiding you, chase them”
No. 920281
>>920272Spreading those fat thighs for gross scrotes because Shes bored isn’t the flex She thinks it is.
>Guys be likeGirl, You’re almost 40. Stop
No. 920282
File: 1696288872423.jpeg (803.37 KB, 906x1158, IMG_5146.jpeg)

How long is she going to wear the same red bra for? She’s been pumping out a lot of disaster edits and I’m loving it
No. 920369
File: 1696453862682.jpeg (221.77 KB, 1289x831, IMG_2459.jpeg)

Going back in an hour later to exit a post to convince people you have friends is a choice.
The fact that she’s flexing going out to drink with friends, no matter what beer it is, while she’s on medical leave for two years holding peoples deposits hostage is another choice.
Not drinking but doctor shopping cause your popping medication isn’t sobriety either
No. 920371
File: 1696454244742.jpeg (78.5 KB, 1289x369, IMG_2460.jpeg)

>>920369Incoming Victorias comment back: “ I actually rejected him years ago, so it wouldn’t surprise me” kek
Her followers are as brain dead as she is.
No. 920389
File: 1696468852953.jpeg (309.9 KB, 900x1541, IMG_2472.jpeg)

Oh god… she’s not tattooing the public. Just random men. If you’ve given her a deposit you’re shit out of luck.
Has icky ever seen a lion…?
No. 920531
File: 1696707943415.webm (3.4 MB, 1080x1920, 316637717_711066207618058_7351…)

Victoria totally unbothered by lolcow again.
No. 920619
File: 1696804954968.png (249.74 KB, 1080x1317, Screenshot_20231008-154116-660…)

Victoria attracting the most high caliber of men.
No. 920631
File: 1696818192778.png (88.87 KB, 1080x420, Screenshot_20231008-192217-059…)

Lmao I hope she keeps posting about the meth head neighbor.
No. 920654
File: 1696875195928.jpeg (347.58 KB, 1289x2183, IMG_2612.jpeg)

Her entire threads is talking about sex and meth.
No. 920655
File: 1696875264000.jpeg (408.14 KB, 1290x2344, IMG_2613.jpeg)

>>920654While also posting weird, super filtered photos with Edgelord lyrics over them.
No. 920670
File: 1696888657184.png (78.11 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20231009-145621-086…)

>>920654It really is. Even her bio says "my threads is caliente" with the hot pepper emoji.
No. 920686
File: 1696904425205.png (172.38 KB, 1080x786, Screenshot_20231009-191936-290…)

Isn't this the typical experience for most women on Tinder? I love how she always brags about men wanting to fuck her, as if that's some accomplishment.
No. 920696
File: 1696916687135.png (110.13 KB, 1080x466, Screenshot_20231009-224407-953…)

>Unless he was mine first
Wtf is she talking about?
No. 920704
File: 1696942433357.png (302.55 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20231010-055302-286…)

Is this meth? She sure is making lots of posts about drugs lately.
No. 920726
>>920686Let’s see, muh zero sugar protein bar tard Cameron, baby murderer, meth scrote with clothing hangers in his ear, married baby daddy, some dude that gave her a concussion, Mexican teenager.
1% possibility
No. 920739
File: 1696984517524.jpeg (133.39 KB, 1289x538, IMG_2787.jpeg)

>>920696She turned down over 1000 men in a week on a dating app? Like 1000 men that swiped yes to her? Or she’s been talking to that many men..? Either way this makes her look pathetic.
Who has time for this.. it’s so desperate
No. 920740
File: 1696984672722.jpeg (77.42 KB, 1289x643, IMG_2788.jpeg)

>>920739Going through 1000 men and trying to get middle aged ravers attention.
No. 920741
>>920739god she is such a stupid
femcel who probably lies about every diqk she's claimed to fuck. my money is on she's still a virgin.
also she's like the opposite of a pick me girl… weird
No. 920762
File: 1697025138690.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1039x1876, IMG_5378.jpeg)

What the actual fuck is this editing? Put a whole new face on herself. The boobs look like liquid and her shoulder looks broken. Forgot to edit her linebacker thick neck. Keeps editing herself thinner but no collar bone in site. Fat retard
No. 920776
File: 1697037676380.png (9.2 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_2803.png)

The pupils and nostrils going in opposite directions make me so uneasy.
No. 920792
File: 1697080103046.jpeg (856.49 KB, 1007x1065, IMG_5398.jpeg)

>>920762Looks like she just used ai to make a shitty edit even shittier. Honestly was hard to tell at first because all her shoops in the past have looked cgi and so damn sloppy
No. 920795
File: 1697089614444.webm (1.57 MB, 720x1280, 5B4891200533D84F6FFE9BBE3986FF…)

The accent came back.
No. 920824
File: 1697170248543.webm (3.73 MB, 720x1280, 391745048_1378144463073605_766…)

Another video from last night. Guy Victoria is with laughs hysterically at her balls joke.
No. 920831
File: 1697206401278.jpeg (316.51 KB, 1290x1864, IMG_2984.jpeg)

>>920824Vicky: “ I actually like to play with the balls the most, though”
By the way that is the brother of the guy Victoria use to date. The one that killed the baby. I guess they’re bonding over the jail time the loser got
No. 920834
File: 1697211165259.jpg (25.71 KB, 1080x301, IMG_20231012_210739_526.jpg)

Speaking of being sentenced of crimes
No. 920846
>>920834“ Wynonna died as a result of a barrage of blunt force injuries when he assaulted her at the Grandravine Community Centre on his way home from the Metro.” Flores-Romero had offered to take the children to the grocery store because Aliesha, who was expecting Flores-Romero’s child, was feeling unwell.
“The evidence proves that Flores-Romero willfully inflicted bodily harm on Wynonna and he knew that his assault was likely to kill her,” Macpherson added. She explained the Crown’s theory is that he used his hands or feet to punch, slap or kick Winnie – the exact method of assault was not clear.”
By the way the kid that her killed was 3. But yeah Vicky the sad thing in this situation is you didn’t get to be there for him.
No. 920847
File: 1697236968369.jpeg (363.71 KB, 1289x2058, IMG_3005.jpeg)

No. 920871
File: 1697288126280.jpeg (82.92 KB, 1289x441, IMG_3013.jpeg)

“Realizing” maybe realize being an active member of society and get a job.
No. 920881
File: 1697308158781.jpeg (146.47 KB, 1289x761, IMG_3032.jpeg)

What… is she even trying to say? Mariah Carey makes Halloween music? Does she mean Christmas? But it’s not Christmas.
No. 920911
File: 1697375280274.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1115x1534, IMG_5502.jpeg)

Looking extra haggard. That meaty arm
No. 920917
File: 1697389256093.png (243.99 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20231015-091421-699…)

No. 920920
>>920834Ontario tag. Vicky’s baby killer ex isn’t being sentenced until November 18th so either she’s lying for attention or all in the men in her life are abusers and criminals.
Both are probable.
No. 920931
File: 1697423367786.png (701.15 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20231015-192858-216…)

Victoria thinks we're all Chris Chan? Wtf?
No. 920988
File: 1697474258055.png (222.18 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_20231016-093700-316…)

I cannot make sense of this. Her brain is fried.
No. 920989
File: 1697474934826.jpeg (217.01 KB, 1290x1297, IMG_3128.jpeg)

>>920969Straight Boomer energy
No. 921039
File: 1697503048740.jpeg (178.85 KB, 1103x795, IMG_3141.jpeg)

So she’s losing but of course she’s still the hottest and everyone else is buying votes. Not her.. she’s the real winner
No. 921064
File: 1697568328557.jpeg (182.78 KB, 1289x1183, IMG_3151.jpeg)

No. 921123
File: 1697626101864.jpeg (787.12 KB, 1170x1537, IMG_5618.jpeg)

Posting over filters videos in an awful wig at 4am. Imagine this was your life close to 40.
No. 921136
File: 1697644748743.png (233.92 KB, 1080x967, Screenshot_20231018-084251-734…)

>>921123Victoria's descriptions of her eyes are my favorite thing about her.
No. 921140
File: 1697646167764.jpeg (806.79 KB, 1156x1696, IMG_5625.jpeg)

>>921123Re uploaded the video and changed the caption to “brown contact lenses” but it’s clearly a filter as her eyes are shaking around like those filters do when you zoom in
No. 921141
File: 1697646191656.jpeg (459.93 KB, 1170x1447, IMG_5627.jpeg)

>>921140What a fucking sped
No. 921154
File: 1697656056456.jpeg (363.57 KB, 1289x2118, IMG_3215.jpeg)

>>921140“Things we aren’t doing as women in 2023” then she proceeds to say “fuck around with other womens men” even though she’s been open to fucking other womens men if she doesn’t like the woman
No. 921196
File: 1697726509524.jpeg (270.19 KB, 1290x1906, IMG_3275.jpeg)

>>921039Icky falling to last place. Wonder if she’s going to get a job
No. 921230
File: 1697749138214.webm (17.64 MB, 576x1024, 393514290_1363069107652857_647…)

>>921154I saved the video. This is very embarrassing. She's trying to use phrases she's never used like "it's giving" and "girl…" I'm so embarrassed for her.
No. 921238
File: 1697755590077.jpeg (260.96 KB, 1289x1659, IMG_3298.jpeg)

Every weirdo, crackhead ect she turns down (allegedly) why is she in the hanging around such sketchy people that this always happens? Stop hanging out with methheads and get a job. Might help
No. 921244
File: 1697760181486.jpeg (901.85 KB, 1170x1744, IMG_5671.jpeg)

It’s always the broke jobless smooth brains posting shit like this
No. 921260
File: 1697782675287.png (143.68 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20231019-231622-002…)

I dunno about you nonnas but I don't entertain men who act like this, even when I was single. Apparently Vicky does and is giving other women advice about them.
No. 921263
>>921260Makes a video saying let’s empower women!
Refers to women as bitches in another post
Never change sticky
No. 921268
File: 1697810026289.jpeg (350.9 KB, 1289x2083, IMG_3332.jpeg)

“All love ends tragically” these are the kinda guys Vicky deals with. Edgelord emo kids.
No. 921323
File: 1697881962923.jpg (213.41 KB, 1080x1080, Picsart_23-10-21_17-52-34-148.…)

Never change
No. 921341
File: 1697902286129.jpeg (226.8 KB, 601x1417, IMG_3383.jpeg)

>>921323So she either beats up men for fun / hangs out with crackheads and this happens a lot or she’s claiming her ex is 220 lbs / 6’4 ufc fighter
No. 921342
>>921341“He lost me” is listed FIRST. As if that’s the worst consequence of his mental breakdown.
NarciVic, that’s our girl.
No. 921377
>>921323Even trained combatants in the military know there is almost zero way to disarm a suspect with a knife. The general rule is if your enemy has an edge weapon, and is within four-ten feet of you, you’re pretty much dead. You can talk to martial arts expert, weapons expert, etc. the chances of disarming an edge weapon attacker without being grievously injured in the process is slim to none, even if the person has no prior knife training.
Vicky wouldn’t have stood a change. I’ve seen her “coordination” in her sword RPG vids. She’s out of shape and has no hand eye coordination.
She also claims it wasn’t an “actual” DV situation because he has “multiple personality disorder” (which hasn’t existed as that name in several dsm’s) and bipolar which is total bullshit. Mentally ill or not, they still need to have autonomy for their actions. She’s so full of shit no wonder she’s such a tubster.
No. 921439
File: 1698085187931.jpeg (392.62 KB, 1147x1000, IMG_5780.jpeg)

So edgy! Also why is she even entertaining an ex. Mentally stunted retard
No. 921456
File: 1698099246589.jpeg (235.01 KB, 1290x1340, IMG_3603.jpeg)

She joined Twitter cause she thinks she has a chance with Elon, I would put money on it
No. 921471
>>921456She already tried this with her old Twitter, She's beyond pathetic.
No. 921506
File: 1698159990805.jpeg (1020.97 KB, 1170x1441, IMG_5847.jpeg)

She’s claiming that her cheap ugly watch is Cartier. Girl literally lives in a slum and couch surfs but claims to have a designer watch when it’s clear as day it isn’t.
No. 921507
File: 1698160352089.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1574, IMG_5848.jpeg)

What the fuck is this mess? She drops an edited costume every halloween
No. 921516
>>921290Liike, i just wanna know it all. Why did she wanna live w you? Did she have a reson other than retarded?
Mods are being retarded redtexting the milkiest thing we got in ages. Come back nonita and tell us of her vicnanigans
No. 921527
>>921516I will never forgive the mods for redtexting Jackie when she showed up and dumped milk a couple years back.
>>921507This is a mess.
No. 921557
File: 1698242839706.jpeg (225.34 KB, 1290x1649, IMG_3743.jpeg)

You’re a close to 40 year old with no job, never travelled, leech off others, no further education that dates crackheads that beat you up. You’re also a baby killer sympathizer. You’re doing alright on your own.
No. 921593
File: 1698282531778.jpeg (294.62 KB, 1192x1886, IMG_3905.jpeg)

>>921571Jealous of a 40 year old woman wearing vampire fangs, living in someone’s dirty basement . Duh
No. 921594
File: 1698282767286.jpeg (249.48 KB, 1290x1708, IMG_3908.jpeg)

>>921593Victoria actively hating on girls doing OnlyFans.
Also victoria:
No. 921661
File: 1698382399003.png (89.14 KB, 1080x519, Screenshot_20231026-215058-708…)

Some Facebook guy better volunteer to be Victoria's boyfriend soon because I can't remember the last time I've seen her this thirsty. Every single post she makes is about types of dudes she likes, what she finds hot in a man, an insta story with some "dad bod" guy where Vic said "six packs are hot but this is hot too", just constant horny posting from her, for months now.
No. 921733
File: 1698455488295.jpeg (330.8 KB, 1290x1536, IMG_4114.jpeg)

Someone should wife up your friend because she tried on a hot dog costume before Halloween? Doesn’t require a lot to impress, sticky that’s for sure.
No. 921734
File: 1698455700656.jpeg (24.02 KB, 275x259, IMG_4115.jpeg)

>>921733Victoria: I’m so picky with me.
Victorias ex that beat her up, was an active drug user with schizophrenia :
No. 921764
File: 1698527868708.jpeg (224.19 KB, 1180x873, IMG_4230.jpeg)

Victoria trying to get Elons attention but interacting with parody accounts is next level thirsty boomer energy.
No. 921765
File: 1698528342038.jpeg (310.63 KB, 1289x1346, IMG_4232.jpeg)

No. 921766
File: 1698528385585.jpeg (189.69 KB, 1290x827, IMG_4233.jpeg)

“I’m picky and whole on my own.”
No. 921779
File: 1698542721476.jpeg (208.56 KB, 1289x1265, IMG_4261.jpeg)

“I’m a girl, I don’t initiate things” you’re mentally stunted. Grown women do ask men in dates. If you need a man to ask you publicly on Facebook for your ego while actively being unemployed with no education, you should reprioritize.
No. 921783
File: 1698546914588.png (498.36 KB, 1080x1634, ImAGirl_ImALady.png)

>>921779We had the same thought, nonna. Here's more of that exchange.
No. 921805
File: 1698607670631.png (330.37 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_20231029-122609-307…)

She is just the epitome of trash. I don't think anybody here can relate to having a crush on some gutter trash dude who ended up with a lady with an STD.
No. 921815
File: 1698618681343.jpeg (235.07 KB, 1269x1260, IMG_4309.jpeg)

>>921805Another place she probably stopped paying rent at. Going to have to rush out of this place like the last one.
No. 921816
File: 1698619023291.jpeg (207.43 KB, 1289x1080, IMG_4310.jpeg)

Icky openly admitting her ex thought a prostitute was an upgrade is something else.
No. 921861
File: 1698685575030.png (527 KB, 1080x1326, Screenshot_20231030-100540-186…)

She has used this line on like 8 different Facebook dudes.
No. 921887
File: 1698759400521.jpeg (638.23 KB, 836x1442, IMG_6013.jpeg)

Every time she does her signature move of sticking her dirty fat fingers in her mouth thinking she’s so hot makes me feel sick. That lipliner my god ….
No. 921893
File: 1698762347918.jpeg (514.8 KB, 1259x1858, IMG_4360.jpeg)

“She looks more like me now that’s she’s lost weight”
No. 921923
>>921893This lumpy delusional hook nosed bitch wishes she looked like Christina. I honestly can’t stand her.
“Since she lost weight”
Vicky, you need to lose some more weight and stop abusing body filters that warp backgrounds and photoshop.
No. 922026
File: 1698893675061.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20231101-225142~2.p…)

She just posted this to her insta. So now it's confirmed she has moved on from regular Snow filters and onto AI completely changing how she looks. I know for a fact that Marilyn AI photo app is called photoleap, I saw she also used another photoleap filter to make her into an "anime girl" on a different photo on her insta as well. I feel like using AI will make her even more delusional about how she looks, why bother putting in any effort at all if it'll just completely change your face, makeup, hair, and clothes with the click of a button anyways.
No. 922043
File: 1698922923738.webm (10.17 MB, 720x1280, yearbookchallenge.webm)

>>922030Omfg I actually downloaded the "highschool pics" video before she deleted it. Everyone in the comments thought these were actual highschool pics of Victoria and she didn't bother to correct anybody. All she said was that she did this for the "yearbook challenge," whatever that is. I'll see if I have screenshots of the comments.
No. 922057
File: 1698938031457.jpeg (113.01 KB, 1289x510, IMG_4515.jpeg)

You, Vicky. You make your own life hard by hanging out with addicts and not working
No. 922061
>>922057Catch a break? Your whole life is a break. You live off the government and steal deposits off people who actually work hard for their money. You stay up till 4am editing photos and do fuck all. Vicky doesn’t even have her licence so it wasn’t her driving or her vehicle. She just loves to play
victim. Probably will use this as another “health reason/healing” for stealing even more deposits. Lazy bitch.
No. 922068
File: 1698952391371.jpeg (346.31 KB, 1289x2015, IMG_4596.jpeg)

Her Twitter page is just trying to get Elon musk to acknowledge her. ( while talking to parody accounts)
No. 922086
File: 1698974088769.jpeg (386.66 KB, 1284x1738, IMG_2361.jpeg)

What’s up with her eyes, this is probably AI but it’s not even good
No. 922088
File: 1698978449579.jpeg (276.99 KB, 1286x2265, IMG_4619.jpeg)

>>922086Just a “lil makeup” kek
No. 922140
File: 1699063508617.jpeg (436.85 KB, 1284x2082, IMG_7690.jpeg)

god this bootlicking imbecile has brainworms
No. 922145
File: 1699067762370.jpg (760.7 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231103_231506_Chr…)

No PhOtOsHoP. aLl NaTuRaL
No. 922214
File: 1699141971167.jpeg (238.7 KB, 818x1274, IMG_4710.jpeg)

>>922145She’s stopped trying to make it look like a real person. The 4 retards that continue to interact with her on social media buy it cause they’re brain dead boomers
No. 922246
File: 1699211937559.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1463, Screenshot_20231105-121711-173…)

>Miss riding
Another AI photo, this time with generated riding gear. It's understandable that she does this because all the goofy boomers just keep relying "Gorgeous eyes!" and "Amazingly beautiful inside and out."
No. 922252
File: 1699221379786.jpeg (840.01 KB, 1170x1643, IMG_2110.jpeg)

Fuck editing tho
No. 922261
File: 1699228502632.jpeg (89.83 KB, 1289x620, IMG_4761.jpeg)

>>922246Wasn’t she couch surfing at Jackie’s cause she couldn’t afford a place in 2017?
No. 922263
File: 1699229026323.jpeg (271.73 KB, 1288x1605, IMG_4763.jpeg)

“ if I die from people being stupid” says the unemployed 40 year old with no education and spends all her time hitting on fake Elon musk profiles.
No. 922322
File: 1699306664738.jpeg (367.77 KB, 1045x2040, IMG_6173.jpeg)

She put the caption “PL Photography” on these AI posts on her Instagram claiming they are totally real professional photoshoots by a totally real photographer. Just when I thought her lies couldn’t get more outlandish she pulls this shit. Truly pathetic
No. 922323
File: 1699306718876.jpeg (220.95 KB, 488x476, IMG_6171.jpeg)

Changed her Instagram profile picture to another AI disaster she will claim is another photoshoot kek
No. 922325
File: 1699308011110.png (1.96 MB, 1171x1453, Untitled2.png)

>>922323this photo is driving me crazy it's so uncanny valley. I think she put an already photoshopped photo into the AI and it's inserted her photoshop mistakes into the new AI creation, but I can't find the original image. Picrel is close but not quite right.
No. 922326
File: 1699308425384.jpeg (629.15 KB, 1289x2334, IMG_4831.jpeg)

If it was anyone else, I’d think this was a joke.
No. 922337
File: 1699325650671.png (10.86 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4833.png)

In the comments she says “ I found a sea sponge” she’s completely lost touch with the last shred of reality she was grasping onto.
No. 922347
>>922345Absolutely not ai you guys. I just used make up ^_^ also this is a real beach in Ontario during November, that is fresh water by the way…where you can encounter sea sponges!!!
Your eyes ever roll so far back that you almost black out?
No. 922366
File: 1699355141947.png (223.03 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20231107-040529-631…)

Victoria flirting with her most recent ex, the one who stalked her after the ex before that beat her up. She sure picks winners.
No. 922371
File: 1699361283768.jpeg (571.5 KB, 1141x1347, IMG_6233.jpeg)

Not married at 36 because she’s just too picky! Whoever gets to marry this welfare queen will be a legend and so lucky to be with a narcissist who can’t even keep a shitty room in an apartment rent paid
No. 922373
File: 1699364002339.jpeg (232.14 KB, 1289x1124, IMG_4840.jpeg)

>>922371She brought up sponge Bob so many times. People thinking the AI photos are wedding photos isn’t that serious, Vicky.
No. 922399
File: 1699390880285.jpeg (427.95 KB, 1283x1735, IMG_4950.jpeg)

>>922371“The guy who can finally get me to say yes will be legend”
The guy she said yes to:
No. 922409
File: 1699406925363.jpeg (74.21 KB, 1289x520, IMG_5062.jpeg)

Is she talking to her period on threads..?
No. 922412
File: 1699408675639.jpeg (418 KB, 1284x1788, IMG_2410.jpeg)

My fav comment is “gorgeous, where was this taken?”
No. 922416
File: 1699410044396.jpeg (20.43 KB, 459x251, IMG_2410.jpeg)

>>922414It’s the eyes in every one of these for me what a mess
No. 922422
File: 1699415966515.png (2.86 MB, 1606x1132, Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 10.5…)

>>922345check out the gobbledygook text at the bottom, classic AI image generator bug as they mostly cannot generate legible text. i'm guessing she typed in "blonde woman on beach" or whatever and then just shooped her face on
No. 922423
File: 1699416346582.jpg (558.37 KB, 1075x913, 1598171456098.jpeg.jpg)

>>922412AI Vicky is fun and all, but I'll always prefer the real deal.
No. 922425
File: 1699418024239.jpeg (152.7 KB, 604x720, IMG_2411.jpeg)

She must love that she can pump out multiple AI photos a day with a click of a button, wonder how long these photoshopped pictures used to take her. This photo is over a decade old and she hasn’t changed one bit
No. 922479
File: 1699500455157.jpeg (459.75 KB, 1289x1548, IMG_5181.jpeg)

Or maybe this is to show that you should t compare yourself to people online cause editing and photoshop exists. Vicky is so bothered by her own photo fails, she thinks pointing this out is cutting up a Kardashian.
No. 922480
File: 1699500709043.png (8.61 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_5184.png)

>>922479Speaking of photoshop fails
No. 922484
File: 1699504123312.png (183.74 KB, 1080x769, Screenshot_20231108-212741-911…)

Victoria wants to charge video game companies to use her likeness in a video game. The delusion. This is under a Facebook post about how she's stuck in bed and playing Fable 3 on Xbox.
No. 922508
File: 1699559629846.jpeg (240.15 KB, 1289x880, IMG_5212.jpeg)

This is what happens when you live in trash apartments and have slumlords. This isn’t a gotcha moment, you get trash cause you live in it.
No. 922509
File: 1699559694827.jpeg (16 KB, 275x134, IMG_5213.jpeg)

>>922508Also remember when she said one of her landlords came in with weapons. She gets kicked out of every place and couch surfs from Jackie’s place and other people. Get a job
No. 922510
File: 1699560419314.jpeg (227.83 KB, 1290x1320, IMG_5214.jpeg)

First it was Christina lost weight and now it’s “before plastic surgery” kek.
No. 922511
File: 1699560463155.jpeg (114.84 KB, 1289x692, IMG_5215.jpeg)

No. 922517
File: 1699565904825.png (1.06 MB, 1440x3601, ohick.png)

>>My character is a chick.
No. 922520
File: 1699567146322.png (960.61 KB, 1080x2041, Screenshot_20231109-144705-732…)

Victoria's ex replied to my old post with her Quora profile and said "Looks like my ex fiance is on her same ways." Went to his profile. He only has one post, where he's looking for random Reddit hookups and describes himself as being a tattooed, hung, 6'4" guy.
Link to Reddit: Victoria is super picky!
No. 922526
File: 1699570199142.jpeg (66.25 KB, 1289x502, IMG_5242.jpeg)

>>922517“Yep hot and nerdy” jfc. She’s lost touch with reality more than I thought she ever could. She thinks she can be a politician cause she’s one in a video game
No. 922527
File: 1699570989310.jpeg (353.6 KB, 1289x799, IMG_5245.jpeg)

He lost full use of his limbs you say? This is from the late summer and she post this long post in the spring..?
No. 922528
File: 1699571284804.jpeg (2.53 MB, 2558x3909, ISIMG-920198.jpeg)

>>922517How many times she edited this is wild.
No. 922546
File: 1699579775267.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1284x2206, IMG_2430.jpeg)

Imagine reaching 40 and tagging your posts with scene queen … cringe
No. 922550
File: 1699580757747.jpeg (406.19 KB, 1171x1875, IMG_2434.jpeg)

“It’s all her real hair” yet you can see her actual hair and it’s mostly extensions
No. 922554
>>922550literally nobody asked and also you’re lying and it’s blatantly obvious.
Eyeliner is SO jacked up even with the insane “I’m 40 and delusional about my appearance “ filter, meth head behaviour. Enjoy your low income drug addict housing, vic. You belong there.
No. 922559
File: 1699586872855.jpeg (386.28 KB, 1289x1958, IMG_5262.jpeg)

>>922550More so for thickness? The extensions are like a foot longer than her real hair?
No. 922579
File: 1699622381030.jpeg (85.72 KB, 1189x649, IMG_5290.jpeg)

Vicky: says hola.
adds “speaks Spanish” to resume
No. 922582
File: 1699628455715.jpeg (451.19 KB, 1289x1823, IMG_5295.jpeg)

There is so much to unpack here. That school shooter manifesto thing a previous anon said is starting to ring true. Talking about “ but he’s wanting to sound cool” while trying like a 14 year old Edgelord
No. 922583
File: 1699628486366.jpeg (343.82 KB, 1289x1854, IMG_5294.jpeg)

No. 922591
File: 1699632425940.jpeg (112.84 KB, 1289x460, IMG_5296.jpeg)

Hamilton is a good hour away from Guelph. So the chances of her clients driving out there to see her is slim to none. Not that she was going to honour those deposits anyways. So she probably got out of Guelph for government housing or a friends place couch surfing. Makes sense why there’s so many crackheads around, Hamilton can be pretty filthy.
No. 922593
File: 1699632624265.jpeg (902.46 KB, 1170x1922, IMG_6278.jpeg)

>>922583Why would she even post this??? The filters on filters couldn’t even help her double chin. Saying term “fuck boys” when pushing 40 is extremely embarrassing behaviour when at her age she should be seeing Men and not young boys. Mentally retarded and destined to die alone with no true friends or love. Sad.
No. 922647
File: 1699710055696.jpeg (621.07 KB, 1170x1415, IMG_6291.jpeg)

Her fantasy world in fable sounds like the fantasy world she larps in real life. This is so cringe
No. 922659
File: 1699733849088.jpeg (245.34 KB, 1289x892, IMG_5404.jpeg)

Anxious and blows up her phone all the time cause she avoids her partners. Sounds super healthy. She needs a therapist, not a boyfriend.
No. 922674
File: 1699770992624.jpeg (737.04 KB, 1015x1727, IMG_6304.jpeg)

Vic is def the “friend” that can never pitch on food or pay bills but still insists on going out
No. 922684
>>922678she definitely has the credentials, she did go to Stanford
and Yale
’s YouTube channels No. 922697
File: 1699832845826.png (213.88 KB, 1080x1009, Screenshot_20231112-164719-972…)

This woman is such a pill seeker. I wonder how many new Google reviews of walk-in clinics and hospitals she's made in the last 6 months.
No. 922700
File: 1699837272588.png (415.08 KB, 1080x1888, Screenshot_20231112-180005-678…)

>>922699She said something about getting into a wreck and wondering when life was going to give her a break, post here
>>922057Anyway, she just posted this and I'm so so so embarrassed for this 36 year old woman.
No. 922708
>>922697Do you mean to say
>>how many new Google reviews of walk-in clinics and hospitals fuck around has made Let's not misgender find out.
No. 922718
File: 1699905856348.png (851.36 KB, 1080x1948, Screenshot_20231113-150406~2.p…)

This was the rap she claims she freestyled herself and is her voice. I don't go on social media often so I don't know if this is a TikTok sound or not. I can't link Instagram reels unfortunately, but you can scroll to the September 25th post she made on insta to hear for yourself.
No. 922720
File: 1699909043634.jpeg (219.85 KB, 1160x1039, IMG_6327.jpeg)

>>922718Also the comment of heart eyes emoji left by Vic herself off her ai male sock account. She is the most unhinged. Who the fuck makes a male ai sock to suck your own dick??
No. 922725
File: 1699918385236.jpeg (20.88 KB, 640x242, IMG_7740.jpeg)

>>922720the way she talks to herself in the comments of her posts is so fascinating. here’s one i caught where she was telling herself to answer the phone lol.
No. 922726
File: 1699919374725.gif (2.91 MB, 498x406, tenor.gif)

>>922725Brilliant. Never change, Vicky.
No. 922734
File: 1699925514121.jpeg (288.54 KB, 828x1035, IMG_0940.jpeg)

Screenshotted this last night and it looks like it’s now deleted.
She’s unhinged
No. 922736
>>922734So she fucked a guy to get back at a woman.. a guy that publicly talks trash about her and hates her. And then continues by saying she’s a 30 second cum dumpster.
Stay classy icky. That’s very sticky of you and not very “ ignoring the haterz”
No. 922737
File: 1699927363939.jpeg (79.05 KB, 1289x479, IMG_5579.jpeg)

Is it finally paying taxes like the rest of the adults instead of living off of them.
No. 922738
File: 1699927747631.jpeg (189.4 KB, 1080x1966, IMG_5580.jpeg)

>>922734Never forget. Somewhere came here posting a conversation they had with adrien on Facebook. Vicky punched adrien in the face and denied sleeping with her.
No. 922748
>>922734“Fourtunate” KEK
Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe this crusty idiot. People who “don’t care” don’t post paragraphs of incoherent nonsense like she does. She doesn’t even realise how transparent this is, this wall of text is dripping with “I’m a pathetic cum dumpster who doesn’t respect other women or myself, nor do I actually know how to move on, I’m perpetually 15 in my head and I’m burning up with hate”. How would she know this guy is talking about her if she wasn’t stalking his account?
Narcissists being both unapologetically vain and insecure af is honestly too much.
This hag needs to get some hobbies, being chronically online is rotting what’s left of her pickled brain.
Stop projecting icky, no one is jealous of you and we can all tell by the pounds of makeup, editing and filters that you’ve aged like milk.
No. 922795
>>922734I once witnessed a drunken woman publicly screaming at a man for saying her “pussy was no good”; I hoped that was the worst I’d ever see a grown woman embarrass herself.
Way to top it, Vic.
No. 922836
File: 1700091939692.jpeg (203.44 KB, 1289x767, IMG_5718.jpeg)

Her posts become more unhinged. It’s always men she beat up, methheads have restraining orders on, her landlords that want to bang her. The list goes on. Didn’t her neighbour call animal control on her as well? And she’s no longer posting the dog.. so I’m assuming she lost it.
No. 922838
File: 1700092095451.jpeg (268.46 KB, 1289x1090, IMG_5719.jpeg)

>>922836“ you got a fuckton of time on your hands” pot meet kettle
No. 922853
File: 1700100638209.jpeg (539.14 KB, 1289x1745, IMG_5725.jpeg)

>>922836Came back three hours later to edit it to make less sense.
No. 922854
File: 1700100728145.jpeg (414.81 KB, 1289x1767, IMG_5724.jpeg)

>>922836Someone said she beat her dog.. and honestly I believe them
No. 922855
File: 1700101335629.jpeg (73.06 KB, 953x308, IMG_5726.jpeg)

Seems like her neighbours have complained about her dog too. Considering icky said she couldn’t get out of bed.. who’s walking her dog?
No. 922869
File: 1700141359383.png (5.51 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_5750.png)

I don’t think Vicky smokes meth or drinks. At this point she doctor shopping as she wrote a bunch of reviews for different doctors all weeks apart. She seems to be over taking medication, cause there’s no way. She’s been getting so much more unhinged with time. If not her mental state is just in the GUTTER, recently and needs a therapist.
She was couch surfing now it seems she’s in Hamilton government housing.
No. 922915
>>922902“Prices to adopt a career change dog range from $0 to $1,000+. The high prices are often attributed to the significant amount of training and health screening and maintenance that these pups undergo during school.”
So either she paid $1000+ for her dog or she adopted one that had little to no training.
And yes you would have to go through a lot of interviews, which she’s not qualified for. You even have to go through interviews at the shelter and they check your home in Ontario.
No. 922957
File: 1700230641524.jpeg (357.92 KB, 1279x1541, IMG_5832.jpeg)

>>922918Trying to imagine icky reaching out to old clients saying she’s going to back to work and needs more deposits so she can buy a $18,000 failed trained police dog to post on Facebook kek
No. 922976
File: 1700244647350.jpeg (809.52 KB, 1063x1854, IMG_6404.jpeg)

36 year old who doesn’t even have her licence or a vehicle but posting bad drivers.
No. 922990
File: 1700260155628.jpeg (358.19 KB, 1289x1697, IMG_5885.jpeg)

I’m curious what her current state is that she needs to use this much filter. Nightmare fuel. She looks like Dwight Schrute from the episode of the office when he wears the face of a CPR dummy
No. 923003
File: 1700276494982.jpeg (419.77 KB, 1289x1940, IMG_5916.jpeg)

>>922990Her ex Rodrigo Flores-Romero was sentenced to 11 years in jail today for killing a 3 year old. And Victoria is blaming the mom because she’s human trash.
No. 923005
File: 1700277005901.jpeg (222.07 KB, 1284x1396, IMG_5918.jpeg)

>>923004He has a different last name on Facebook, but this is him. He was engaged to the mother of the little girl. He took her daughter to the grocery store and when she came back she had wet herself and was “not feeling well”, her took her upstairs to the bath and she died up there.
He claims he fell on her and she died.
And Victoria is blaming the mom. Victoria is trashy but this is next level disgusting.
No. 923034
Just so everyone is aware that Victoria Bella morte, vipermodel, Victoria shingles, Victoria Murder not only steals deposits.
She actively blaming a mother for her child being murdered.
These are the FACTS:
• On March 19, 2021, her “cheeky, funny brave baby” Wynona, just two months shy of her third birthday, went to the grocery store with her fiance Rodrigo Flores-Romero.
• When they returned, Winnie had been beaten so badly that she died of internal bleeding soon after.
• For the brutal manslaughter of a vulnerable Aboriginal girl, Superior Court Justice Phil Campbell sentenced the 30-year-old to 10 years in prison. With credit for his time in custody, Flores-Romero has six more years to serve.
• the mother hadn’t been feeling well and asked him to get her lemons; after dinner, he left with the kids for the nearby Metro.
• He didn’t buckle the kids properly in their car seats and could be seen driving through stop signs. On their way home, just a few minutes from the apartment building, Flores-Romero left the main road and parked in a dark, obscure location in the parking lot of the Grandravine community centre away from any surveillance cameras.
• He testified that he’d stopped because Winnie had to go to the bathroom and on their way back to the car, he accidentally tripped on her foot and fell on her. ( he was letting the baby pee in a ditch) The judge called it a “preposterous” explanation for the toddler’s horrific injuries.
• An autopsy would show seven cuts on her head and neck, 15 on her torso and a dozen more on her arms and legs. Blunt force trauma had caused fatal internal bleeding from her diaphragm, intestine, liver and pancreas.
• Without telling her mother what happened, he took Winnie up to the bath. He later told Noganosh and the doctors that she had slipped in the tub.
When Noganosh saw her daughter’s grave condition, she desperately tried CPR. With Flores-Romero driving, they then rushed to the nearest hospital. But her little girl was already gone. And her fiance was under arrest for murder.
• In his pre-sentence report, Flores-Romero said his father was an abusive alcoholic deported from Canada and that he suffers from a long history of mental health and addiction issues.
So he testified that he did this and blamed mental health.
So what did Victoria hear on this “phone call” she’s a disgusting pig.
No. 923114
>>923104defamation only matters if it demonstrably hurts the
victim's reputation. nobody gives a shit what vicky says and a judge would just tell her to block vicky and move along
No. 923168
File: 1700519120330.jpeg (174.7 KB, 1170x751, IMG_6439.jpeg)

Guess she’s too distraught from a child murderer being locked away or running from deposits again.
No. 923228
>>923070Those examples of her brother and her ex are so black and white wrong and she always defaults to putting 100% of accountability on female family members who were the last line of protection against molestation/murder towards the baby or child. It makes no mother fucking sense, how would that even appeal to her demographic of man children, why would they gIvE their CoAt to a woman who would allow their bLoOdLiNe CoNtInUaTiOn to be murdered or molested?
How fucking incompetent do you have to be as a man that you murder a baby girl because being asked to get lemons is just too much pressure? And of course he has the lack of any value to put the family through a trial with the defense of actually it's all his big mean daddy's fault. That's not mental illness that's male entitlement to violence.
No. 923248
File: 1700622387594.jpeg (144.68 KB, 1290x592, IMG_6106.jpeg)

>>923247Yep. Just as expected. Someone fucking with her is another way of saying “ the consequence's of my actions” have caught up
No. 923249
File: 1700622606836.jpeg (251.96 KB, 1290x1360, IMG_6107.jpeg)

“Exclusive content” sounds like something an onlyfans girl would say.
No. 923339
File: 1700744667634.jpeg (150.64 KB, 1284x448, IMG_2479.jpeg)

Breaks already over, why even announce a 2 hour break from posting
No. 923350
File: 1700756162300.jpg (676.3 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231123_111613_Fac…)

Ummmmmmmmm what happened to the part between her nose and lip
No. 923363
>>923350Shhh don't ask questions. We wouldn't get it, we're not pretty like her.
Going live on twitch would def show us
No. 923370
File: 1700774870152.jpeg (75.93 KB, 696x600, IMG_6534.jpeg)

>>923350This editing is hilarious when we all know how her real hooked nose and big ass chin looks I. Reality as seen from her last beautiful twitch stream
No. 923453
File: 1700926909859.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1887, IMG_6562.jpeg)

>>923350Candids don’t lie
No. 923534
File: 1701068143944.png (181.66 KB, 750x1121, iamverysmart.png)

sage for old 2017 screenshot I just found on my PC
No. 923579
File: 1701122744989.jpeg (992.52 KB, 1161x2122, IMG_6606.jpeg)

Victoria posting about her friend that passed and all I read in that paragraph is ME ME ME ME and nothing really about Her friend in true narcissist fashion. Looks like her friend let her go on her bike once and Victoria is acting like she’s a bad ass motorcycle babe. Fucking loser
No. 923580
File: 1701122807641.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x2178, IMG_6605.jpeg)

Also her cover photo is now just an extremely far away photo of her for reals you guys standing on a motorcycle
No. 923582
>>923579Wow. Vic’s cherished memories of her beloved departed friend are all of the friend’s thoughts and concerns for Vic.
Victoria Emma Shingleton truly has no soul.
No. 923584
>>923579if it’s the same one as on instagram i refuse to believe any of it is real. quick shots of someone on a bike, some weird closeup where it looks like she pasted her face on and an ai generated image of her alleged friend she didn’t have any other pics of.
she has so little in life she has to make up whole ass ppl to lament over.
No. 923586
File: 1701137911304.jpeg (438.43 KB, 1336x2671, IMG_7759.jpeg)

>>im suuuuper picky
yet you’re engaged for 3 years to this crusty scrote trolling reddit for hookups?
No. 923592
File: 1701142744761.jpg (1.19 MB, 1440x6662, ohvic.jpg)

>>I may not be photoshopped to death like people wanna say
No. 923606
File: 1701184473348.jpeg (379.36 KB, 1290x1505, IMG_6440.jpeg)

>>923592“I’m crazy” is the most real thing she has ever said.
And “I’m so fucked up even working on myself won’t help”
No. 923668
File: 1701272767005.jpeg (169.84 KB, 1290x880, IMG_6456.jpeg)

>>923606Like he stated before, Vicky. Get a therapist. Jfc. You really need one
No. 923669
File: 1701272833083.jpeg (355.75 KB, 1290x1792, IMG_6457.jpeg)

Her new profile picture on Facebook is her spread eagle.
No. 923670
File: 1701273019829.jpeg (367.41 KB, 1290x2504, IMG_6458.jpeg)

“Get hotter or go after men that hurt women” she has the mentality of a 15 year old
No. 923674
>>923669Lol at the grandma hand on her thigh. Looks like the AI missed it.
She took a page from madonnas plaqybook w the motorcycle glowes kekek
No. 923678
File: 1701278626581.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1817, IMG_6644.jpeg)

>>923669She always manages to look so cheap and trashy. The plastic rose always sends me. The tit edits are always a fucking mess because she has flappy sad pancake tits. Her whole body looks extremely off how is she still so bad at this? That face when zoomed in is something nightmares are born from. Not one photo she posts looks natural it’s always some blurred and warped bullshit. Blows my mind that the only thing she does instead of working a job is lay around with cheap Chinese wish/Amazon trash taking a bunch of photos and then heavily editing them for Facebook likes.
>>923670Kek why would she even respond to this ugly nobody in the DMs and then post like it’s a flex of wisdom? No women would give a moid like this the time of day and leave them on read. Constantly giving relationship advice yet she’s alone at 36 with nothing but facebook likes from thirsty uglies
No. 923679
File: 1701278991251.jpeg (969.17 KB, 1170x1305, IMG_6645.jpeg)

Her father honestly creeps me out. Gross ass old man
No. 923730
File: 1701354514835.jpeg (185.49 KB, 1290x754, IMG_6560.jpeg)

Ramblings of a crazy person
No. 923743
File: 1701373373258.jpeg (223.14 KB, 1290x840, IMG_6585.jpeg)

All she does is moan, complain and brag about herself. What is she talking about. She hasn’t worked since 2021 and hasn’t stopped whining since.
No. 923749
File: 1701382173152.jpg (554.84 KB, 1080x1512, Oopsie.jpg)

>>923584I think she really did just alter one of her own pictures with a different face. I could have sworn I've seen this picture before and it's got big early Ick vibes. I searched the threads and couldn't find the exact picture BUT I did find several with that same dumb finger jewellery. I love that she lacks the ability to stop and have a think before she posts.
No. 923751
File: 1701383464669.jpg (750.7 KB, 1080x2163, Screenshot_20231130_173103_Chr…)

>>923749Reverse image search found this obituary but I can't find anything else about this person. No. 923775
File: 1701403610007.jpeg (351.92 KB, 1290x1961, IMG_6608.jpeg)

Girl hasn’t worked in years, nobody remembers your work.
No. 923776
File: 1701403681168.jpeg (421.69 KB, 1290x1728, IMG_6607.jpeg)

>>923775Victoria is also more trained than a doctor in reactions and can read blood work.
No. 923790
File: 1701420992756.png (548.59 KB, 600x799, IMG_0441.png)

I know it’s still edited and it’s from aeons ago but this style and the dark hair looked so much better, I don’t know why she thought the tranny lot lizard look was preferable and has stuck with it ever since
No. 923791
File: 1701421180202.jpeg (103.76 KB, 500x671, IMG_0438.jpeg)

>>923669I love how she spergs about onlyfats but posts shit like this for free, she’s such a fucking retard. I wish we had more candids of her, if this is what she looked like a decade ago imagine what she looks like now
No. 923796
File: 1701437268717.jpeg (113.73 KB, 1290x666, IMG_6609.jpeg)

This is for sure her used a fake account.
No. 923839
File: 1701477866402.jpeg (935.83 KB, 3264x3264, IMG_7800.jpeg)

>>923791lol, this is still edited to the heavens anon. Vicky’s true form is only captured in candids which is why she has desperately avoided them for so many years.
No. 923852
File: 1701487105841.jpeg (518.34 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_6628.jpeg)

She photoshopped all her tattoos off..? Or she plastered her face on someone else’s body. Considering she has no friends and lives in the ghetto I’m going to say, this is someone else’s body cause there’s no way she’s in a shower like that
No. 923876
File: 1701532127811.jpeg (641.98 KB, 1170x1263, IMG_6715.jpeg)

>Water in collar bone challenge makes me laugh a bit. Ladies you’re beautiful with or without. Because I can do this doesn’t mean shit. Love yourself. I’m so pale without tanner, my tone in my body doesn’t usually show without it. #collarbonechallenge #bodypositive #loveyourself
But she’s flexing her shoulder for dear life to make her collar bone pop. Way to show the haterrrrz that you’re skinny and not fat at all! Normal skinny girls just have that without having to twist and flex their shoulder. Fatty is big mad
No. 923927
File: 1701577952518.jpeg (447.49 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_6688.jpeg)

I can’t get over the fact that she’s posts this kinda shit as her pfp on Facebook for her dad and pedo brother to see
No. 923951
File: 1701617165757.jpg (117.89 KB, 637x1266, SmartSelect_20231203_162624_Ch…)

>>923796I think you're right Nona.
That's two AI generated pfps talking to eachother kekeke
No. 924081
File: 1701806333495.jpg (291.74 KB, 576x1400, SmartSelect_20231203_162937_Ch…)

>>923955Nona SAME! Also, that bloated corpse leg, huge kek
No. 924082
File: 1701807122762.jpg (363.06 KB, 1080x1080, 20231205_210625.jpg)

A few of my fav eyesores
The coal black tooth, the fucking hole in the wall, corpse leg (kekeke body filter could only cover that much mass) and that fucking party city wig kek "muh natural hair"
No. 924085
File: 1701808560420.jpeg (596.81 KB, 1022x1511, IMG_6749.jpeg)

>Bedhead. Rare day where i look well rested lmfaoo. Girls have filler, Lash extensions, “natural” makeup” guys don’t even know what no makeup really is anymore lmfao. I do not have filler I love my face and lips as is. I’m all for the glam and body mods, but don’t forget to love both sides of yourself. <3 #nomakeupchallenge #bodypositivity #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #natural#noinjections #nofiller
But she is clearly wearing make up and drew on her tragic brows?? This photo is filtered to hell and back. Couldn’t help her gum line that’s rotted and going grey tho
No. 924092
File: 1701813953812.jpeg (236.89 KB, 1170x528, IMG_6751.jpeg)

I’d like to take a moment to appreciate this old status she posted 6 years ago. She never owned a home it was a crusty room in an apartment. She doesn’t even have her licence so idk how she’d be looking into purchasing a vehicle. 6 years later and still no car in sight. Forever a loser who’s amounted to absolutely nothing. She can’t even afford a decent wardrobe let alone a car or home.
No. 924100
File: 1701824659390.jpeg (626.55 KB, 1147x1825, IMG_6754.jpeg)

I just love the classics. This is a text conversation with her mother who wanted to take her stinky grown daughter shopping for something for a funeral and this is how Vicky responds. And to top it all off posts it on fucking Instagram.
No. 924105
>>924100You can tell she just wants to hang out with her daughter. Vicky’s mom cheated on her dad ( which like, we’ve all seen him. ) and he hates Victorias mom, so Victoria hates her mom.
( unless she needs a place to stay) Victorias dad left back to the uk years ago and never comes back to visit. Vicky has been seeking her dad’s approval her whole life and he clearly doesn’t give a shit about his kids.
No. 924106
File: 1701826779356.jpeg (397.03 KB, 1290x1799, IMG_6755.jpeg)

>>924105Why she’s online pretending she rides bikes for her dads attention
No. 924108
File: 1701826994642.jpeg (409.44 KB, 1290x2106, IMG_6756.jpeg)

No. 924114
File: 1701830000187.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0907.png)

>>924113It’s really fuckin weird
No. 924126
File: 1701848212394.jpg (598.15 KB, 904x1129, 1000044385.jpg)

>>923927Baffling editing. It looked like there was hair covering her sweater but she blacked it out?? Maybe to make the warping on her body less obvious?
No. 924220
File: 1702043707207.jpg (450.2 KB, 2048x2048, 1508009581813.jpg)

>>924126I'll raise you a vintage milk Nona.
This was 6yrs ago, how has she not gotten better at her shooping
No. 924283
File: 1702134061843.png (1.75 MB, 1080x2046, 1000003242.png)

Got a Viper reel pushed to me in the wild, what joy. Cackling that she's making shitty collages of AI photos she made from her photoshopped selfies. Cackling harder that this geriatric sow is still riding the ripples of her Myspace days (because of course she couldn't resist the opportunity to remind people she was Myspace faymus)
No. 924305
File: 1702173702020.jpeg (248 KB, 1290x1597, IMG_7060.jpeg)

Just taking her welfare cheques to go out and scam people out of deposits. Didn’t think she could get worse but here we are
No. 924307
File: 1702176682790.jpg (204.49 KB, 1080x1868, 1000003251.jpg)

>>924301Sorry nonna, but can't get the recording loaded. You're not missing much. AI impressively can make Vic look more human than she can. Kinda terrifying honestly, can totally imagine her catfishing normal Canadian boys with AI selfies
No. 924308
File: 1702176878286.jpg (202.98 KB, 1080x1868, 1000003255.jpg)

Vic reminiscing on when she was less crusty
No. 924318
File: 1702204192180.png (2.61 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_4450.png)

Having trouble uploading video but it looks like she tried animating her AI boyfriend
No. 924331
File: 1702240715890.mp4 (323.46 KB, 658x1170, W?H!A?T!.mp4)

>>924318For archival purposes as it’s more crazy than the still can convey.
No. 924352
>>924318Anyone speaking drunk tard and feel like translating?
And HELP! She really think this is "natural looking"? Like, she ACTUALLY tryna fool us this her bf? Help
No. 924365
File: 1702256627686.jpeg (781.15 KB, 1054x1888, IMG_6914.jpeg)

>>924352She can hardly type a proper sentence. She’s deff on one right now or drunk out of her mind
No. 924366
>>924331Wild, if this guy actually exists. Congrats to Vicky for bagging a hottie.
I hope him and Vic post more videos together, would love to see her prove the haturzzz wrong!
No. 924397
>>924387yea it’s literally just her. The spacing between the eyebrows is the same, the eyes, and the nose tip are exactly the same.
Plus I’ve seen enough videos of vic eye fucking herself to know how she barely moves her body and face when she’s talking or lip syncing so the filter doesn’t glitch.
No. 924408
File: 1702325351963.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1054x1820, IMG_6921.jpeg)

Girl, you never owned a bike. The lies never end
No. 924415
File: 1702332634527.jpeg (339.1 KB, 1170x975, IMG_6923.jpeg)

I never seen this review posted before. Add sushi connoisseur to the list of bullshit she spews out of her rotten mouth
Absolute retard
No. 924417
File: 1702336539114.jpeg (301.52 KB, 1290x1828, IMG_7089.jpeg)

She has a public, free OnlyFans like instagram and wonders why she gets messages from weirdos
No. 924421
>>924415Kek “sushimi”. And what the fuck is a “personal sushi connoisseur”?
>>924417And you just know she thinks this is flattering and brag worthy (clearly, because she shared it) and not nauseatingly disgusting like women who aren’t retarded would feel about it. She’s so embarrassing
No. 924430
File: 1702352552772.jpeg (36.05 KB, 1290x325, IMG_7101.jpeg)

>>924417Commenting as her ai bf on this post.
No. 924431
File: 1702353913390.jpeg (1.46 MB, 3967x3549, IMG_6955.jpeg)

Found the crusty cheap jacket she’s trying to now claim is balenciaga on her insta story
No. 924448
File: 1702380563136.jpeg (727.74 KB, 1031x1860, IMG_6951.jpeg)

Her Instagram stories are always something…
No. 924456
File: 1702391703229.jpg (571.42 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231212_093537_Gal…)

>>924430Imma leave this here
No. 924487
File: 1702410869737.jpeg (35.05 KB, 346x484, IMG_0227.jpeg)

>>924464Vic has reached Nora Desmond levels of insanity, and I’m here for it!
No. 924507
File: 1702421848339.jpeg (457.39 KB, 1170x1790, IMG_5247.jpeg)

Didn’t see these posted. Vicky holding a full conversation with herself Lillee Jean style.
No. 924519
File: 1702435178863.jpeg (174.07 KB, 828x1291, IMG_1311.jpeg)

>>924464They’re still arguing, her new personality and the people that follow icky are so amusing
No. 924521
File: 1702435285755.jpeg (158.87 KB, 828x1424, IMG_1313.jpeg)

Imagine being this obsessed with yourself
No. 924523
File: 1702436558575.jpeg (332.18 KB, 1170x1614, IMG_5255.jpeg)

She shared this tweet on her Instagram story. She must be proud of it.
No. 924535
>>924521Is she wearing thigh highs over her leggings to mimic the bombshell sports gear leggings or is it just a ~look~ kek. I’m loving how lumpy she is, very Tunesque like the other anon said!
>>924519>Dude >bruh >”””chillax”””Vicky stop trying so hard to sound like a totally male man KEK the AI generated gender swap boyfriend saga is such a good stocking stuffer this Xmas season
No. 924538
>>924519Can’t even help but to type like herself. I’m getting a nosebleed from all this cringe and second hand embarrassment
>>924521Damn, all those angles and still couldn’t hide her hammy upper arms or back rolls.
“At least I’m hot” coped the nearing 40 year old single women with an empty savings account
No. 924553
File: 1702474061573.jpeg (94.58 KB, 1034x739, IMG_7108.jpeg)

>>924521When the filter slipped
No. 924557
File: 1702475813629.jpg (105.95 KB, 734x960, D3fQnArW0AIpUb1.jpg)

>>924545>the garden variety ugly dumb man-on-internet truck selfie in sunglasses typeReminded me of this kek
No. 924559
File: 1702478072222.jpeg (377.45 KB, 1290x1900, IMG_7114.jpeg)

>>924557Her entire “liked” page is trump stuff on Twitter
No. 924560
File: 1702478105451.jpeg (193.11 KB, 1290x1376, IMG_7113.jpeg)

>>924559So she’s literally pandering to that type of middle aged men that will “ grab women by the pussy”
No. 924563
File: 1702478460085.jpeg (507.98 KB, 1170x1226, IMG_6977.jpeg)

>>924521Love how the table in the background is warped to hell. Her hair is so disgusting. It’s 3 different colours of piss blonde and that weave looks knotted and ratchet
No. 924566
File: 1702481904412.jpeg (16.43 KB, 278x295, IMG_7116.jpeg)

>>924553Is she missing teeth
No. 924591
File: 1702501923946.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x2169, IMG_5264.jpeg)

>>924559She’s liking QAnon propaganda.
No. 924592
File: 1702503472545.png (865.44 KB, 1080x1936, Screenshot_20231213-143611-766…)

Victoria is the only person I know who never grew out of being obsessed with their own eye color. I knew a few "my eyes change in the light" girls when I was in middle and high school. Those same people stopped saying that after awhile and probably look back on it with embarrassment. Not Victoria.
No. 924594
File: 1702503773543.jpg (113.27 KB, 684x1280, IMG_20231213_144332_919.jpg)

I guess Vic made it official with her AI boyfriend, lol.
No. 924598
File: 1702505536515.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1290x1900, IMG_171252_0.jpeg)

Made this mistake of opening one of her highlights on Instagram.
No. 924606
File: 1702512859452.jpeg (241.67 KB, 1125x2000, IMG_6989.jpeg)

>>924592She can’t even post a simple eye picture without running it through filters kek look at those blurred weird ass eyebrows.
>>924598Good god those rotten gums on the upper left. Why would she post this it’s disgusting
No. 924629
>>924627I think it’s not that she’s not bothered to open her eye, it’s just that from the two this is maybe better for her.
In photos where she has eyes fully opened she looks like she’s slow in a derpy way. With the try hard „siren” look she’s going for she looks slow but in a lobotomy way. It’s certainly a choice.
No. 924847
File: 1702780529470.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1930, Screenshot_20231216-193435-686…)

No. 924855
>>924847Why does one leg look super tiny and the other look humongous kek
What is even going on in this photo
No. 924868
>>924847Oh my god, are we supposed to believe that this AI mess is actually a picture of her in a club? I am fucking cackling
>I wear sunglasses in the club Girl what? You’re not even wearing sunglasses in this picture but okay
No. 924881
File: 1702823797731.jpeg (217.91 KB, 1170x649, IMG_7037.jpeg)

>Big tiddied big bootied
Girl, where? You have pancake tits and no ass but go off I guess.
No. 924883
File: 1702828894246.jpeg (156.03 KB, 1290x1561, IMG_7393.jpeg)

>>924847“All different nights” how many raves did you go to while holding peoples deposits, into much pain to work?
No. 924898
File: 1702832825031.jpeg (163.4 KB, 827x819, IMG_7039.jpeg)

>>924897I do. it’s the first thing that came to mind.
No. 924901
File: 1702834946465.png (1.23 MB, 1438x2404, Screenshot_20231216-203106~2.p…)

>>These are from different nights of fun. No. 924929
File: 1702868450781.jpeg (899.58 KB, 1170x1690, IMG_7046.jpeg)

Her ai saga is honestly just the best
No. 924950
File: 1702908978966.jpeg (502.93 KB, 1170x1934, IMG_5313.jpeg)

Her Instagram account is restricted kek
No. 924951
File: 1702909285802.jpeg (309.85 KB, 1170x1072, IMG_5314.jpeg)

>>924950she also deleted AI boyfriend’s fight
>>924519 No. 924955
>>924950>>924951Kek I wonder if her fake interaction got her temp banned. The language she used with her sock puppet was a little aggressive for IG. Idk how bans work but I imagine it’s a device ban? The timing is
sus and the argument is gone.
No. 924977
File: 1702930773599.png (2.68 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7440.png)

No. 924979
File: 1702931097655.png (1.92 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7442.png)

>>924978Victoria found the Reddit of her ex calling her out. She still has this bum in her phone.
No. 925016
File: 1702945781805.jpeg (399.85 KB, 1170x2154, IMG_7064.jpeg)

>>924883>>924901So all that footage she stole is from their Instagram and it gets worse when you see it’s from FROSH WEEK for a university that happened in September. She just flipped most of it and cropped it. Even in the situation that it is her footage that’s fucking creepy a 36 year old was at parties meant for 17-20 year olds starting university. Both are bad and unhinged.
No. 925040
File: 1702958012234.jpeg (291.53 KB, 1290x2110, IMG_7471.jpeg)

>>924979It’s probably him.
No. 925056
File: 1702977687581.png (2.09 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_2642.png)

AI bf made his profile open and posted this shit video to prove he’s real, she probably told him you better make it public right now so they can stop making fun of us. Even posted a pic of icky giving the finger. Only likes are him and icky, has no followers and just follows a bunch of local young girls that looks like he would have found on tinder. Whole thing is fishy.
No. 925057
File: 1702977773778.jpeg (210.28 KB, 1284x1966, IMG_2637.jpeg)

>>925056Is this the best they could do?
No. 925061
File: 1702985379655.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x1985, IMG_7070.jpeg)

Wonder where she stole this video clip from. This is such bountiful cringe. The vehicle doesn’t even have Canadian plates. I’m drowning in milk
No. 925062
File: 1702985546728.mp4 (6.63 MB, 1080x1936, 1000046152.mp4)

>>925056>>925057>>925058Took a quick screen record
No. 925066
File: 1702991111110.png (8.31 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7473.png)

>>925062Is that suppose to be a tongue? Girl. Victoria. This is so fake, please get help. Making your
abusive boyfriend jealous isn’t worth all this embarrassment
No. 925067
File: 1702992077433.jpeg (121.9 KB, 1290x895, IMG_7478.jpeg)

>>925056These apps aren’t always accurate, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say they are this time
No. 925075
File: 1702995257890.jpeg (318.33 KB, 1284x1701, IMG_2634.jpeg)

This one is from August 30th but she’s been thirst posting about being single and what kind of man she wants for the last few months
No. 925080
File: 1702997265988.jpeg (547.67 KB, 1290x2345, IMG_7481.jpeg)

>>925057Pretty sure icky has shared this to her stories as well
No. 925085
File: 1702998694449.jpeg (769.8 KB, 1125x1126, IMG_7078.jpeg)

She can’t even keep the eye colour, face, or face tattoo consistent just like herself. Milkmas came early!
No. 925089
File: 1703001327254.jpeg (727.08 KB, 1170x1991, IMG_5340.jpeg)

>>925085That terrible face tattoo looked familiar, is she using old photos/videos of this guy and pretending he’s her new bf?
No. 925091
File: 1703003247690.jpeg (222.69 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_7594.jpeg)

>>925089That’s her ex she drew tattoos on him for Halloween so he’d looked more like Ronnie radke
No. 925095
File: 1703004613777.jpeg (257.41 KB, 1245x922, DDBE367E-82F3-4F1B-8024-258FFB…)

>>925075It’s the same AI photo as the display pic expect the AI hand melting into face is edited out and more heavy filters added I’m dead it’s definitely her or she’s met her photoshop AI fail perfect match
No. 925100
>>925095Oh lord this is too milky.
Hope she let us know where they registered so I can contribute to the wedding
No. 925102
File: 1703009747639.gif (4.87 MB, 600x689, IMG_7080.gif)

Lmfao I honestly can’t get enough of how fucking psychotic this bitch is to make such a masterpiece ai video of her fake bf. This has been living rent free in My head all day and the fact she thought it looked real and convincing is just sending me. Everyone is with loved ones for the holiday season and Vicky is in her hovel making ai mash ups of a fake boyfriend and a fake Instagram account. Unhinged doesn’t even begin to describe this
No. 925109
File: 1703014210576.jpeg (278.79 KB, 1259x1386, IMG_7735.jpeg)

Widowed now ? Did her ai boyfriend die?
No. 925118
File: 1703018680270.jpeg (363.75 KB, 1170x1358, IMG_7089.jpeg)

When the ai gives her fake bf a massive gap tooth
No. 925120
File: 1703019206286.jpeg (51.93 KB, 836x404, IMG_2645.jpeg)

>>925116I think the blue eyes are major photo shop fail, I mean the whole thing is a fail but yeah
No. 925121
File: 1703019442979.jpeg (840.53 KB, 1284x2537, IMG_2644.jpeg)

>>925118AI bf posted a reel from this guy and honestly it kind of looks like she took a photo of this guy and asked AI to change it up a bit, funny enough this guy also seems to change his eye color in every photo of himself
No. 925124
File: 1703022271902.jpeg (254.67 KB, 1019x976, ISIMG-939697.jpeg)

>>925121Omg she’s used this other dude from Canadas face to make her AI BF
No. 925129
File: 1703025549844.png (12.48 KB, 130x275, IMG_1356.png)

>>925102Girl is making out with a doll and then edits in a still of one of her ai masterpieces I’m HOWLINGG
No. 925148
>>925124I think you’re right nona. The earring in the top photos also explains the random earring in this one
>>925095 on the left
No. 925167
File: 1703061027963.jpg (25.51 KB, 1001x1001, 41q9FbtwBXL.jpg)

>>925102It looks like one of these. Someone find the accurate one kek
(sage your shit) No. 925169
File: 1703072167342.jpeg (448.48 KB, 1170x1295, IMG_7098.jpeg)

Using ai bf to make someone specific jealous confirmed.
No. 925180
File: 1703077470712.jpeg (325.47 KB, 1290x2297, IMG_7817.jpeg)

>>925172She’s not hiding it with the female pov reels she’s reposting as “him”
No. 925205
File: 1703107069372.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1155, IMG_7115.jpeg)

New awful shoop just dropped
No. 925206
File: 1703107128926.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1837, IMG_7114.jpeg)

Same fag but WHY WOULD SHE POST THIS!!! THOSE CHOMPERS. Her only British attribute
No. 925211
File: 1703110179589.jpeg (136.91 KB, 1290x883, IMG_8046.jpeg)

>>925209Either she’s lurking here hard or he IS a real person and she’s met her retarded twin.
Imagine dating a person and they tell you all about lolcow
No. 925222
>>925213God, I am so embarrassed for her. Imagine it’s 2k23, Christmas time, people sharing festivities with families and loved ones.
And you sit on your stinky couch, tongue an aliexpress-bought mannequin, and spend your time generating AI avatars to pretend to be your boyfriend.
What’s best, even her fake boyfriend she presented having
toxic shitty arguments with her and treating her like trash.
No. 925229
>>925206Why does shoe always make the stupid derp face. Like close your mouth.
Love how her right pupil is legit melting and morphing into a cat eye.
Floating cross necklace and shooped earrings
No. 925230
File: 1703124697348.jpg (754.25 KB, 1080x2316, 1000013573.jpg)

>>925206I see no difference
No. 925232
File: 1703125588518.jpeg (1002.37 KB, 1290x1360, IMG_8952.jpeg)

>>925205could she not be bothered to edit in a better background lol.
is this little “fu” on her nails for us? aw, we love you too icky.
No. 925236
File: 1703127678788.jpeg (807.67 KB, 3264x1836, IMG_7912.jpeg)

Hmm, Vicky’s totally real bf is following one of Vicky’s “stalkers”? Wild.
No. 925247
File: 1703133719430.jpeg (37.91 KB, 302x375, IMG_6859.jpeg)

Oh look Carli got married to a fat balding neck beard like her. I suppose that’s the best she can do when she’s 300 lbs and spend all her time obsessing over a skinnier more talented woman.
No. 925249
File: 1703133820061.jpeg (184.55 KB, 1125x1456, IMG_6836.jpeg)

Alii stokes another stalker on here looking so popular stalking for over a decade with eyes that have a different zip code and a face that is shaped like a Lego head.
Poor thing must be so hard.
No. 925252
File: 1703134442240.jpeg (34.67 KB, 372x541, IMG_6860.jpeg) look isn’t this also the
abusive ex the kids mum dated who tried to conveniently kill his ex in her house while she was out?
How about the lying about keeping her kids ribs in the freezer before the autopsy, or massive cps record the mother had for beating the child.
Oh, or how about the fact that she is bipolar and lied on the stand he wouldn’t let her out of the car to get the child to the hospital when he ran in with her in his arms for help while the mum didn’t want to cps involved and preformed cpr.
CPR on a breathing adult can crush ribs cause cardiac failure organ rupture and death, she was untrained doing that on a conscious 4 year old.
She also killed the child her and Rodrigo had together. A+ woman.
Defend a domestically
abusive chick who would hit her own children and not call an ambulance for fear of the cps order given.
Pander to that.
Manslaughter - accidental death by failing to do something or accidently causing harm ie- dropping a hammer on someone’s head
Murder - purposefull death - planning or purposefully killing them- ie waiting for them and then killing them
Rodrigo was charged unanimously with manslaughter with the jury looking for more criminal negligence as she wouldn’t let him call an ambulance, and had a history of violence towards him.
Now she is nude begging online looking for more attention.
No. 925254
File: 1703134569221.gif (207.91 KB, 340x249, IMG_0062.gif)

No. 925256
File: 1703134796397.png (3.77 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_5415.png)

Oh look it’s Paige the cheap jealous prostitute that stalks for 7 years since every man she wanted turned her down to date V, so she became nasty and jealous spending all her time on here when she isn’t sucking diseases smelly cock, no wonder she turned to prostitution, being a stripper and changing her name constantly wearing cheap Halloween wigs, while spreading numerous diseases.
HIV is a hell of a thing. Should probably be carefull around that.
No. 925263
File: 1703135856847.jpeg (338.2 KB, 1289x1999, 1686179760884.jpeg)

>>925252Merry Milkmas anons. The retard herself has graced us.
No. 925264
File: 1703135893049.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1576, IMG_0582.jpeg)

No. 925277
File: 1703139783915.gif (2.13 MB, 320x256, 59A79013-663C-424D-AAF8-F2726F…)

Oh my god I have been waiting years for this moment. Since her first unhinged appearance, I have always loved vicky. Vicky is the most underrated cow and I’ve wished she was more active. She is in her schizophrenic spiral arc and I am here for it.
Merry milkmas, nonnies
No. 925281
File: 1703141882048.jpeg (95.35 KB, 980x585, IMG_1091.jpeg)

This is not very Harvard scholar ice queen girl boss of you Vick. Being on disability, dating meth scrotes/baby murderers, making out with cpr dummies and your aliexpress Versace bra being on its last leg must eat away at you.
What happened to your tattoo career?
See you next year vick
No. 925282
File: 1703142395004.jpg (84.36 KB, 287x574, Screenshot_20231220_266727_Ins…)

Long time lurker but I had to chime in.
How can you do an AI generated shop, stare at it for 45 minutes to an hour, and still sign off that this is quality? Jfc your arm is sloping off so hard that it's lost all shape. I'm scared.
Vicky you can hardware spoof your dookie chromebook for 7-day trials of Photoshop if you really need it. If you can't afford that then GIMP is free and has a liquify tool. Go fucking crazy but give the people the shops that they're used to, the shops that we all know and love. AI shops are getting dull and the excuses you're riding to defend them are retarded.
No. 925286
File: 1703150219949.png (127.88 KB, 1080x550, Screenshot_20231221-021700-101…)

Merry Milkmas indeed, nonnas! What a wonderful gift. Now Victoria is saying that her AI boyfriend was JUST PRETEND to get all the many men to stop asking her out. She's really upset that we figured out her AI boyfriend.
No. 925293
File: 1703160665402.png (1.35 MB, 1164x1572, IMG_7131.png)

That low engagement but the followers are totally legit and not bought, right? So famous!
No. 925301
File: 1703167101544.jpeg (141.88 KB, 366x549, IMG_7132.jpeg)

We watch you because you’re a whole ass schizophrenic circus. Keep it up!
No. 925304
File: 1703170144185.jpeg (329.96 KB, 1290x1708, IMG_8071.jpeg)

>>925247Carli is out on her honeymoon, living her best life. Victoria.. you’re alone, no job, living off of tax payers money pretending you’re sick while going to fake photoshopped raves, making out with a literal mannequin pretending you don’t have this forum in your tabs obsessively coming back her every hour. You’ve based your whole life on photoshop that you’ve forgotten that education and experiences make you a better person. Not ratty hair extensions and likes from men your fathers age. Too bad your actual father didn’t give you the attention you so desperately needed so you wouldn’t look
For it on Facebook your whole life.
No. 925306
File: 1703170683338.jpeg (252.9 KB, 1290x1595, IMG_8072.jpeg)

Victoria is SO FAMOUS she’s spreads her legs on Facebook for 100 likes. Shes completely lost touch with reality. Victoria, serious question. How does your dad feel seeing this on his timeline.
No. 925307
File: 1703170911820.jpeg (90 KB, 1290x748, IMG_8077.jpeg)

>>925247If Carli was actually trying to be you ( she’s not) her real life, and life online seem to be doing better than you can even do, sticky.
No. 925309
File: 1703171088567.jpeg (187.83 KB, 1290x1813, IMG_8086.jpeg)

>>925286“I pretended to be dating someone” girl you didn’t have to dry hump a mannequin. You can just block men?
No. 925310
File: 1703171090451.jpeg (21.7 KB, 155x275, IMG_7136.jpeg)

>>925302Never forget that Jackie came here and posted all the receipts. Vicky still owes her a new couch because her cat pissed all over it multiple times and when Jackie had enough she kicked her out. Vicky even begged her to come back and stay with her but Jackie denied her. Stay seething you dusty couch surfing bitch!!!
No. 925311
File: 1703171092260.jpeg (85.16 KB, 798x730, IMG_4400.jpeg)

Since when was it she stopped talking to Jackie? I was sent this. I know she tried to live with her a third time.
No. 925312
File: 1703171343696.png (293.09 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_6918.png)

>>925258This receipt Jackie posted claims other wise you delusional retard. You can’t lie your way out of this one ya hammy cunt. Nobody you come in contact with can stand you
No. 925313
>>9252521) she’s had an abortion, because who would want to have a baby with the man that killed your 4 year old?
2) you linked to a case that doesn’t have to do with Rodrigo killing a 4 year old. Its irrelevant
3)“I know there are no words that I can say that express how horrible I feel over this. There is no forgiveness. Aliesha, you must have felt a lot of pain, confusion and anger. I hope you know, you’re a great mother and friend,” Flores-Romero said in court
“(The child) died as a result of a barrage of blunt force injuries when Flores-Romero assaulted her at the Grandravine Community Centre on the way home from the Metro store at Wilson Avenue and Keele Street“
All of this is pubic. Just wanted to post this here, so people can really see who Victoria Bella morte / Victoria Emma Shingleton is standing up for. A baby murderer that has acknowledged his wrong doing
No. 925327
File: 1703179474161.jpeg (878.58 KB, 983x1705, 966C4F4B-41A9-4C57-BE58-95476C…)

>>925286>I humiliated myself by making a fake boyfriend and sucking on a hotdog to make it seem like we were making out all so men would leave me aloneKek the secondhand embarrassment is real. Vicky please…go to therapy. Your life is a wreck.
No. 925328
>>925246Wow… Icky truly is an awful person, she can hardly judge us when she’s rage posting in her own thread telling people to kill themselves, dragging other women she feels intimidated by, lying to herself so she can feel better about how little she’s accomplished in a whole ass decade.
People who are “unbothered” don’t frequent their own threads. I see she pointed out it’s her annual visit but I think we all know she lurks here constantly. She often posts about her anon “stalkers” so it’s obvious we live rent free in that rotted brain of hers. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an insufferable cunt.
If she actually did something productive with her life and wasn’t acting like a fucking clown 99% of the time, there would be no milk and she could graduate from cow status.
Being a narcissist she perceives us as “fans” “stalkers” etc, the reality is it’s like reading a gossip magazine, she’s trashy entertainment at best, at worst she’s a risk to public safety; she’s unhinged, a thief, a freeloader and scratcher. This thread is a PSA if nothing else, kek.
No. 925330
>>925247Talent? Bitch, where? You can’t tattoo to save your fucking life. Over 10 years in the industry and you have no clue what the fuck you’re doing. Everything you tattoo looks like dog shit. Sad.
Balding? Girl, YOU’RE the one who’s balding. All that bleach and you have to do thin comb over bangs to hide that receding hairline. Sit the fuck down before you open your rotted out mouth about others.
Skinnier? You’re a lumpy bitch who has to edit their body and use body filters. Humble yourself and your droopy pancake tits.
Carli has a better happier more fulfilled life than you ever will and that makes you boil with anger. Stay mad while you live in a poor low income area in some crusty room kissing mannequin heads. You should be embarrassed of yourself and what your life is. Meaningless with no accomplishments or human connections.
No. 925331
File: 1703187094842.png (113.91 KB, 1440x732, Screenshot_20231221-132654~2.p…)

Why don't you share with your crusty boomer followers the fake boyfriends IG and the videos of you face fucking a mannequin head to prove how desirable you are Vic? It's clear you're not embarrassed, so please show and tell.
No. 925338
File: 1703189086264.png (1.88 MB, 1080x1799, Screenshot_20231221-130455-412…)

>>925331This is so embarrassing. I'm surprised she didn't delete the status from yesterday but she's doubling down today on her second Facebook.
Anyway, here's a new shooped atrocity.
No. 925339
File: 1703189788786.jpeg (137.35 KB, 1290x881, IMG_8168.jpeg)

>>925331“Sorry I have so many middle aged men hitting on me I don’t remember you”
“… it was a joke.”
She’s literally retarded.
No. 925342
>>925331I figured she would do this. “OMG, I’m so irresistible guys (and some girls, even!) just won’t leave me alone!! I HAD to fake a hot boyfriend to get some peace!!!” is the only way she can save face, at least in her easy-bake-oven brain.
But she must be big mad about being caught; it’s been a long time since old Vic has bothered to drop by and tell us to kill ourselves. Kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
No. 925344
File: 1703192663310.jpg (567.81 KB, 2048x2048, VicsDatingPool.jpg)

>>925341This is a small sampling of the moids she's bragging about that are sliding into her DMs based on their public comments.
No. 925373
>>925358Kek also the spacing between the word salad.
>>925263Everything about this is false. It better to have broken ribs than be dead. If you call 911 they literally guide you through CPR while paramedics arrive. They don’t stop and ask if you’re CPR certified.
Don’t do it on someone alive? Why would you give CPR to a corpse. Kek. She’s so fucking stupid it’s painful.
>domestic abuse which also includes men because men can be abused!!! I need to include that so men know I’m on their side!Pathetic.
No. 925376
File: 1703205268799.jpg (778.08 KB, 1080x2316, 1000013579.jpg)

Love the camera in her glasses.
Professional photoshoottttt
No. 925378
File: 1703206021023.jpg (989.66 KB, 1080x2316, 1000013580.jpg)

If you want to be entertained search her on pintrest
You won't be disappointed
Similar search brings up drag queens
No. 925385
>>925246Vick, honest question. Is the negative attention you get on here better than the rest of the world's complete indifference to your attention seeking? Is that why you keep coming back?
This is why narcissists can almost never heal or improve. Even telling people to kill themselves isn't a red flag that your personality is broken. Yikes.
(sage your shit) No. 925387
File: 1703212417268.jpeg (800.14 KB, 1170x1939, IMG_5376.jpeg)

Vicki shared this on the AI boyfriend’s stories. Pretty fitting considering Tyler Durden was a made up friend.
No. 925402
File: 1703223089589.jpeg (313.22 KB, 1290x1303, A8B31A35-29E0-49D6-8FFC-67DCE9…)

>>925400Kek wow these are old. There’s a ton of photos that aren’t Vic but a lot of candids of her. I forgot how she used to have her hands glued to her face in every photo
No. 925403
File: 1703223144846.jpeg (425.97 KB, 1290x1925, F00EC3B8-A34A-40F6-AC77-D0C0FB…)

Trying to hide her Leno-chin
No. 925405
File: 1703223882021.jpeg (592.86 KB, 1170x834, IMG_0591.jpeg)

Imagine calling other women prostitutes while posting shit like this
No. 925406
File: 1703223903618.jpeg (641.35 KB, 1290x1253, 4BFC6FE8-6B72-4606-9FE3-4A129E…)

It’s like a time capsule from 2008 kek
No. 925407
File: 1703224029326.jpeg (703.72 KB, 1170x1159, IMG_0592.jpeg)

jfc those rotten ass teeth, I want to throw up. They must be so much worse now
No. 925408
File: 1703224212381.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1068x1683, IMG_0593.jpeg)

So beauty, much 3000 dollar per hour model
No. 925409
File: 1703224658961.jpeg (641.79 KB, 1290x970, F164221B-6F1C-4225-B549-13C35E…)

The scene queen herself.
I wonder what this vicky would think if she knew that in a decade + she would be making out with a mannequin head “to keep men from DMing her” all while posting photos like this
>>925395 No. 925423
File: 1703250772484.jpeg (496.03 KB, 740x887, IMG_0597.jpeg)

>>925418kek I was just about to mention that too. This is such good milk. Seeing her candids is so hilarious in comparison to her outlandish shoops
No. 925425
File: 1703250955268.jpeg (360.59 KB, 1087x732, IMG_0594.jpeg)

>>925400There is so much gold here
No. 925427
File: 1703253272437.jpg (81.22 KB, 500x500, artworks-QzGlepylLOdEW8mi-rxsY…)

>>925409>Stan Smith chin>Big ass schnoze>Crooked rotten teeth>Atrocious makeup and hair >Will spend the holiday with a cheap Temu dollAren't you jealous, nonnas? I know I am.
No. 925433
File: 1703255776994.jpeg (94.45 KB, 424x600, IMG_0235.jpeg)

>>925391Oh, sweet Nona - look at the long, pathetic history of Vic Shenanigans, none of which she appears to be embarrassed about. Making out with a mannequin head doesn’t even come close to the worst thing she’s done. She’s embarassed by nothing because her narc brain tells her she’s perfect, and that is why she’s my favorite cow.
No. 925434
>>925433Oh no, she gets embarrassed as hell! That's why she's constantly fighting everyone; she needs to prove she's a badass and also take down every single person who says anything less than omg ur perfect uwu. Even the tiniest criticism and she completely loses her shit.
She's also a pathological liar with delusions of grandeur. When reality and delusion collide … it's the shingles show. So she piles on more wild bullshit about beating up terrorists and photoshoots in famous cathedrals to cover up the embarrassment. People point and laugh, Vicky has a meltdown about how not bovvered she is, and the cycle goes on.
tl;dr she's her own worst enemy. She gets acutely embarrassed by herself constantly but can't stop.
No. 925446
>>925434Well if you’re correct, then Vic an even bigger cow than I give her credit for because it means her behavior is more stupid than delusional (although it’s plenty delusional, don’t get me wrong.). I mean, seriously? “I have to invent a boyfriend because dudes won’t leave me alone?” That’s middle school girl logic right there. And she had to know she was going to get caught in her lies, because she ALWAYS gets caught in her lies…,
Okay. Maybe she is just too stupid to see she’s on a “wash, rinse, repeat” cycle. Whatever the reason, it’s very interesting to watch. And still my favorite cow.
No. 925447
File: 1703270666583.jpeg (386.96 KB, 1170x1888, IMG_5379.jpeg)

She’s not embarrassed enough to stay off Instagram. Here’s a list of things we to do need before criticizing Vicki about creating an AI boyfriend and making out with a fake head kek
No. 925460
>>925433I think part of the reason she revisited the thread was because she was embarrassed about getting called out as a “stalker” from her fake bfs account when she’s been screeching
victim a decade.
No. 925461
File: 1703295458823.jpeg (881.74 KB, 1170x2322, IMG_5394.jpeg)

Is she so drunk she forgot she admitted the imaginary boyfriend? Why is she still using his account?
No. 925491
File: 1703351832137.jpeg (255.47 KB, 1170x661, IMG_2552.jpeg)

Sure, Jan.
No. 925501
File: 1703358304720.jpeg (246.05 KB, 1290x1469, IMG_8234.jpeg)

>>925491So she continues to book dates and sleeps through them. Like- just admit that you’re lazy and stop wasting peoples time. She’s such a narc, she thinking this type of behaviour is okay. Also, blaming her sleep schedule meaning this guys are probably asking she to hang out late at night. Which makes sense since her Instagram looks like a ad for a hooker
No. 925511
>>925491Natural beauty, education, hobbies, talents, friends, boyfriends, pets. Is there anything the multifaceted Vicky can't lie about?
What happened to her STD ladened fuckboy Pound Town? I haven't seen him commenting on her posts in months.
No. 925514
>>925286>>9254912 days ago: “ don’t ask me out, I’m not even looking”
6 hours ago: “ I keep sleeping through every date I’m suppose to have”
No. 925515
File: 1703376204514.jpeg (304.96 KB, 1170x1302, 9F75B7D7-B126-4311-A17F-E3496D…)

>>925511Of course he was the one with the problem
No. 925521
File: 1703380074708.jpeg (128.6 KB, 1170x576, IMG_0615.jpeg)

>>925515He probably ghosted her when he sobered up and realised how much of a retarded, narcissistic, fat, sociopathic, catfishing cunt she is
No. 925527
>>925515Kek they met that one time and he was probably thrown back by how much of a catfish narc she is.
I wish he wasn’t such a moron and could figure out how to come here and spill the milk.
No. 925538
File: 1703419675677.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1049x1905, IMG_7266.jpeg)

She posted this and tagged it as adult colouring book. I looked it up on Amazon and it’s a 10$ children’s book with stories. Looks like she just bought someone’s child a cheap af Christmas gift to Me. Why does the unicorn have an extra leg hahaha.
No. 925556
File: 1703440741970.jpeg (456.97 KB, 1170x2381, IMG_7268.jpeg)

No. 925598
File: 1703462009395.jpeg (116.79 KB, 1290x515, IMG_8262.jpeg)

>>925556She’s the only one to review it as well. Did she make a colouring book. What’s happening
No. 925599
File: 1703462813086.jpeg (232.89 KB, 1290x997, IMG_8266.jpeg)

>>925556“… picked by a professional artist” Vicky made a colouring book with ai didn’t she
No. 925603
>>925599Did anyone check the edit history of the description?
Why is she so excited over a cheap poorly drawn coloring book?
Instead of advancing her only skill set by practicing drawing shes coloring a book meant for literal children.
No. 925609
>>925604Kek the description does seem like something vicky would type out. Poor English with exaggerated positives and all.
>high end images to stimulate the young mind picked by a professional artist>picked byShe personally, as a professional artist, picked which ai images she wanted for this coloring book to stimulate young minds kek
No. 925623
File: 1703475157173.jpeg (362.71 KB, 1290x2145, IMG_8267.jpeg)

>>925617Excatly.. girl made an ai kids colouring book. Selling ahitty clothes from China didn’t work so I guess this.
Icky put up a new video on her Instagram showing off her real hair.. but she had bald patches
No. 925658
File: 1703513832463.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1018.75 KB, 1170x2052, IMG_7300.jpeg)

>>925623Why does she think this is a flex? Congrats, your hair isn’t even long and you’ve been wearing extensions for like 18 years. Hairs fried to shit. She also posted a still of her flappy tits too and her nipples are hanging out. Guess she was too drunk to realize before posting
No. 925669
File: 1703527630598.jpeg (104.18 KB, 1290x586, IMG_8299.jpeg)

She’s seems like an absolute gem to be around.
No. 925670
File: 1703527759626.jpeg (111.02 KB, 1290x668, IMG_8300.jpeg)

Happy Monday Vicky. Rolling out of bed and doing the bare minimum seems to be your life story.
No. 925685
File: 1703541096526.png (947.4 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20231225-155229-373…)

Merry Christmas! Here's a bendy cabinets photo of Victoria.
No. 925705
>>925685You can tell her last remaining braincells are holding on for dear life from her cock-eyed gaze.
She reminds me of coconut kitty and how , just before she died, her shoops were getting sloppier and worse than ever. And she was constantly posting weird word salad videos.
No. 925726
File: 1703628002221.jpeg (105.6 KB, 1219x496, IMG_8538.jpeg)

Bitter old lady Victoria is upset people had loved ones to spend the holidays with
No. 925750
File: 1703640592631.jpg (93.25 KB, 576x1029, IMG_20231226_191532_391.jpg)

Victoria made this cope post about how she looks younger than other women her age who have had children.
No. 925755
File: 1703641823842.png (293.51 KB, 1080x2400, 1000002595.png)

Don't think this got posted but her dad put up a photo of them together from like 2001 and Vic posted a massive multi comment sperg thread underneath about her grey green ice eyes and how rare they are and how they indicate her high intellect. She included examples and screenshots. Why would someone do this for their dad kek
No. 925760
File: 1703643561331.png (1.72 MB, 1080x2003, Screenshot_20231226-201815-331…)

>>925755This is deranged. Why would she do this to her own dad?
Here's Victoria thanking her fans for making her Viper Facebook go "viral" lmao.
No. 925769
File: 1703648196973.jpeg (101.22 KB, 1290x649, IMG_8544.jpeg)

Icky answered a bunch of questions on Quora for Christmas
No. 925797
File: 1703698376690.jpeg (350.7 KB, 1290x2029, IMG_8550.jpeg)

>>925793She put up her whole crotch and only got 100 likes in 7 hours. It’s sad cause it’s literally the only thing she has going for her. Attention on Facebook.
No. 925799
File: 1703698680802.jpeg (149.29 KB, 826x819, IMG_8554.jpeg)

The most real thing she’s ever posted. Probably why Mr poundtown stopped posting and dropped of the face of the planet
No. 925800
>>925755Kek having a weak limbal ring isn’t the flex you think it is Vicky.
If she wants to be uwu so rare, idk why she doesn’t larp as a blue-eyed ginger. She wants to be so unique and different it’s nauseating. Is this what being painfully average in every way does to a mf?
No. 925851
File: 1703769519887.jpeg (374.03 KB, 1125x960, IMG_4300.jpeg)

>>925800Ikr, our MENSA medical genius kween doesn’t know that thick, defined limbal rings are more pronounced in youth and are associated with attractiveness.
No. 925878
File: 1703811380757.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2000, Screenshot_20231228-161124-577…)

Hasn't Victoria's dad lived in the UK since she was a teenager? Does she ever see him?
No. 925888
>>925878Victoria's dad lives in Northern Ireland and I've never seen evidence he visited Canada. Her mom got together with a rich guy and moved here when the kids were very young. Interestingly it looks like the pedo brother moved to Scotland.
I'm guessing the photo of them together was made by Victoria in Photoshop. Assuming Vicky's mom is done with her shit, sick of bailing her out and now Vicky is trying to move onto her dad. Too bad he's a dumpster fire himself
No. 926000
File: 1704137742479.jpeg (989.93 KB, 878x1562, IMG_8030.jpeg)

She went and tattooed eyeliner, uneven shitstache lipliner and scribbles on her hands thinking it was an improvement. I’m sure it will age very well.
No. 926013
>>926000She has such meaty man hands kek
Congrats to her even more fucked up face and prison hand tats
No. 926043
>>926000I love Vicky so much.
>I'll always look this>6 million filters>special_needs.jpgShe's so gloriously retarded.
No. 926171
File: 1704344391173.jpeg (277.51 KB, 828x1548, IMG_9730.jpeg)

The person just asked if it hurt. Jfc
No. 926172
File: 1704344548046.jpeg (156.47 KB, 1290x617, IMG_9731.jpeg)

>>926171So she hasn’t worked for 4 years and all she’s been on it what.. Tylenol
No. 926193
File: 1704389407135.jpeg (348.61 KB, 1290x1206, IMG_9738.jpeg)

>>926181“I heal so fast” hasn’t worked since 2021
No. 926194
File: 1704390447824.jpeg (117.33 KB, 1290x699, IMG_9739.jpeg)

You can’t convince me this girl isn’t smoking crack at this point.
No. 926195
File: 1704390614975.jpeg (269.96 KB, 1290x1096, IMG_9740.jpeg)

>>926194“I don’t have the daddy issues to chase a man”
Dates crackheads that beat her up, shows her vagina on Facebook for likes, begs for her dad’s attention in the comment section.
No. 926198
File: 1704391176202.jpeg (112.35 KB, 1290x539, IMG_9745.jpeg)

>>926197“Donated quietly”
No. 926240
File: 1704482621739.jpg (416.72 KB, 1080x1753, the-ick.jpg)

A true poet
No. 926241
File: 1704482646049.jpg (109.22 KB, 1080x601, the-ickier.jpg)

No. 926246
File: 1704498709044.jpeg (415.59 KB, 1290x1607, IMG_9818.jpeg)

If she doesn’t live in government housing, she lives in a crackhead area since she literally stated she lives in a crackhead area herself. In Hamilton, which if you’re from Ontario you know how bad those areas get.
Shes on government assistance, stole deposits and refuses to give them back. She has nothing to give back cause she hasn’t worked since 2021.
Abusing substances is also over taking your medication, that’s why she doctor shops.
Shes not 40, she’s 37.. way to old to be acting like a fucking loser on live writting live journal poems like it’s 2007 still.
Flashing your pussy on Facebook for your dad to see is the worst of all of it.
She also did punch Adrien and scratched down his face when he broke up with her. He had marks. She claims she broke up with him, but that’s not true.
She needs to grow up and take a good hard look at herself.
No. 926247
File: 1704499019655.jpeg (119.54 KB, 1290x960, IMG_9819.jpeg)

>>926246Victoria begs for men’s attention because she’s tried so hard her whole life for her dad to give a single fuck about her
No. 926258
>>926241>r/im14andthisisdeepYou cannot convince me that fat retard isn’t genuinely intellectually handicapped, I’d almost feel bad for her if she wasn’t such a colossal cunt.
>>926253If she is then it shows that she’s getting help unlike Icky the stinky hambeast who is a working example of untreated mental illness
No. 926265
File: 1704556793979.jpeg (163.34 KB, 1290x784, IMG_9844.jpeg)

>>926246“It show more about their character”
Proceeds to out someone AGAIN for their mental health.Never change sticky.
No. 926271
File: 1704566392537.jpeg (124.28 KB, 1290x635, IMG_9855.jpeg)

>>926246Girl hasn’t worked since 2020 talking about accepting things from people. Hopefully she isn’t taking more deposits in bad faith.. but I have low hope