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No. 1327847
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New thread.
No. 1327850
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No. 1327855
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>>1327851Kek Columbia's hips
No. 1327856
>>1327850Can't wait to get banned from this app for blocking
tw lol
No. 1327857
>>1327855Yikes looks like tumors
>>1327851I didn't know tranny pageants were a thing why do we need to include them in women's pageants again?
No. 1327890
File: 1632021846119.png (197.47 KB, 450x437, image_2021-09-18_232402.png)

>>1327879The Uk tranny has the same malnourished look going to on too, as well has having the stereotypical ugly imbred british look. The look like a melted version of the australian tranny. Truly tragic.
>>1327855I thought this picture was them sitting on the steps. Seeing it in motion is even more tragic. Clearly done in a hotel room. Also, more botched surgery
No. 1327916
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>>1327850>Getting banned from a lesbian app for saying you don't like cockI'm done.
No. 1327917
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I used to think Insta Moore kinda passed but I recently seen him a pic Quannah Chasinghorse (native American model) posted and I mistook him for a flamboyant man at first. He's on the far left
No. 1327919
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This woman hating weirdo likes to blame women for every little thing meanwhile he is dating a fucking rapist lol I'm glad hes starting to age like the sad little man he is
No. 1327928
File: 1632024657015.png (792.13 KB, 1081x1101, screenshot.png)

the entitlement
No. 1327951
>>1327851After watching this I've come to realize men cant have cinched waists, their hips are too high. Look at the swimsuits. On almost all of them their hips sit far higher than the hip band of their bottoms. The only ones that weren't so were gangly with long torsos.
Not to mention that a majority of them were wearing high cut bottoms, which are supposed to sit just above your hip. And they would, if they were on a woman.
No. 1327957
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No. 1327961
>>1327950Could you elaborate,
Nonnie? I was thinking of becoming a organ donor.
No. 1327965
>>1327946>>1327950I never used to mind the idea of "respecting my body postmortem", until I realized scrotes would likely still sexually defile or pervert my remains. The only reason I still want to be an organ donor despite this is that I'd rather have my organs on standby for women who desperately need them, even if the people who give them the organs are deranged or horrible. I'd
rather know for sure my body won't be defiled, and it's sickening to me that I have to risk it to potentially help other women, but I'll take that risk, simply because I value the health of living women over the sanctity of my corpse. I wonder if there's a way I can only grant access to my body to female surgeons and scientists, but I doubt it.
>>1327928>>1327957How about this: Moids won't prolapse without uteruses, whereas women often (if not always) do. Your feelings do not outweigh actual medical crises. Even following troon logic, we need to understand priority of treatment. That being said, troons do not need uteruses. It will not cure dysphoria, or "make them more of a woman". It would be no different from putting a swim bladder into a human body.
No. 1327971
>>1327950I remember reading about male medical students performing "vaginal examinations" on their female patients when they were unconscious under anaesthesia because the women never agree to it when awake.
But it's not just medical students, all males in medicine are capable of this disgusting shit.
No. 1327986
>>1327950Getting sexually assaulted post-mortem is proof that women can never find peace from men. Not even when they are dead.
>>1327965You're a kind soul, anon. But you might not be helping women at all. Women are way more likely to donate organs than men are, but men are more likely to need them. There's a chance your organs will be given to some moid instead. It's always women giving and men taking.
No. 1327988
File: 1632031414668.jpg (342.12 KB, 1080x1872, 20210919_005611.jpg)

sage for retarded, but i can't tell if this is an agp or a man blitzed on meth
No. 1327989
File: 1632031555457.webm (2.66 MB, 296x640, OkDglCRdS0qdgO_O.webm)
She needs to grab her daughters and leave
No. 1327996
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>>1327850The fact of the matter is that if these men would date each other no one would ban or complain about lesbians.
No. 1327998
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No. 1328008
>>1328003The Former are lesbians and that's the closest they can get to passing as male, the latter are straight and find those type of males attractive
They are essentially becoming their own childhood dream boyfriend
No. 1328011
>>1327928Holy shit these people are sick in the head.
>>1327957How do they end up doing a complete 180, be misogynistic and still call for progressiveness? Women are already denied their rights for reproductive health and their concern is shoving a female reproductive organ into a male body?
No. 1328018
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>>1328003>>1328008However "becoming the bf" has mixed results, cause their adult women trying to look like skinny teenage boys
No. 1328040
>>1328031Alot of gays are desperate for straight approval. I get wanting to be seen as normal but trying to force people who oppress you to fuck you and larping as a straight person is fucking pathetic. I feel bad for normal gay dudes. The gay and tranny scrotes that have no concern for the women who's wombs they rent for children, fetishize pregnancy, brag about stealing closeted gay/bi men from their biggest supporters (women),and now these freaks want to play God and stick women's body parts in them like a fucking serial killer psychopath. I only include gay men because besides TIMs certain gay men also have deep womb envy. They need to embrace that they're gay men! And that's ok! But no these freaks wanna be women they literally have alot of the same talking points MRAs do and I NEVER seen any of these men say they want to be a mom and actually nurture and take care of the baby. It's always crude jokes about their bussy stretching (barf), orgasmic birth, breastfeeding fetishes, etc. Idk how women see gay men as our allies they are even more thirsty for straight male approval than we are some of these fools seek out homophobic closet cases just to feel validated that a "straight" man wants them. It's why gay, bi, and trans women always come for women instead. They are so desperate to be accepted as one of the guys by straight men (yes alot of these fools wanna replace their gfs/wives but also they just prefer the company of men to women because they are men and want to be included by het men). These fools used to preach to be urself and it gets better but some of them figured being a gay man wasn't good enough and decided to get abuncha of surgery, hormones, makeup, wigs to look like the opposite sex in hopes of maybe finally being accepted by straight men.
No. 1328042
>>1328040I think gay men & troons seek out straight men because they grew up hearing how they're weird/sinful for being gay and seeing most people be in hetero relationships.
So they try to fuck straight men to prove in a way that being gay isn't weird. Because if a straight man is out here having gay sex that means it must natural or something. It's a really warped sense of thinking, especially since they say straight men are their oppressors but want to fuck them. They like fucking closeted married men so they can feel like they, as gay men, are as
valid as the wife/gf, but really these men are fucking homophobic closeted gay/bi dudes who like using women for emotional labor and other things and gay men/troons for sex. They are literally proud of being cumrags to gay/bi dudes who are too pussy to come out or just leave unsuspecting women alone. Ive even heard of some gay men wearing wedding bands pretending to have wives so they get more play from other gay men LOL
No. 1328046
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>>1327850Brave and stunning trans woman chimes in to mansplains how being a lesbian is the same as hating 'roasties'. Once an incel, always an incel.
No. 1328047
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>>1328046And he's a 3D modeller weeb, calling himself Yukiko, very 'emotional and sensitive' looking for a 'top'. What a bunch of stereotypes.
No. 1328090
File: 1632046978855.jpg (1.15 MB, 1280x8392, Cringe.jpg)

This is the most AGP thing I've ever seen
No. 1328098
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>>1327850Why can’t that sub’s mods recognize trannies stealing pictures from women? They can on /transpassing. This scrote stole pictures from Insta model Abby Rao and he’s getting ass pats in the comments. What’s creepy is that he posted the same picture on the same sub in 2016. No. 1328107
>>1328105Maybe it's some troll trying to make troons feel shitty and '
trigger their dysphoria' kek
No. 1328110
File: 1632049519098.png (466.71 KB, 994x2797, screencapture-reddit-r-Lesbian…)

>>1328098Look at the handmaidens defending this troon who probably looks like Chris Chan. I think trannies do this so they can get their dicks hard in a "wow lesbians find me attractive" way, like a fantasy. I agree, it's disgusting that mods allow it to happen. Abby is famous on Tiktok too.
No. 1328173
>>1328168They've been brainwashed into thinking that troons are harmless
victims instead of predatory coomers.
No. 1328178
>>1327309>>1327318ayrt, failed to reply in the last thread sorry. i stumbled upon the scat tranny while looking for pedo degenerates to report who like tweets from the pedo accounts from this thread
>>>/snow/1316004he replied to multiple extremely pedophilic and misogynist tweets with pictures of him eating shit
No. 1328185
>>1328168>>1328110I think a lot of liberal white women have accepted seemingly every position that's the opposite of the mainstream right, It doesn't matter if its nonsensical they believe that they are correct if that position complies with mainstream progressiveness
This has been a disaster for women politically in this last decade and its only going to get worse, the more outrageous positions mainstream feminists take up the more its going to alienate average people from feminism and left wing politics as a whole, this is what's happening in Europe with the liberal parties talking about shit that only appeals to a minority of Online Zoomers, English speaking twitter feminists, academics and Journalists
The right is going to win more and more cause of people like this
No. 1328196
>>1328185If I'm being honest, I'm fairly certain it comes from a mix of intellectual laziness and political ennui. Most of the libfems I've met will openly admit to thinking things are "too complicated" and that they base their politics on "just wanting everyone to be happy". Libfem women are exhausted by daily life as women and by the constant feed of suffering we all consume through internet communication, and they don't want to expend further energy on creating nuanced sociopolitical views,
especially if they involve acknowledging grand scale horrors such as human trafficking or femicide, because they understand that this knowledge is painful. They want to live in a world where there isn't a problem as catastrophically unchecked as 50% of the population having violent hate for the other 50%, that the worst problems in the world are easily-resolved disagreements caused exclusively by ignorant bigots, and that evil is rare, and far away from them and everyone they personally know. I don't say this out of any malice or sense of superiority, but as someone who was a libfem who realized that my views came from this exact intense coping mechanism, myself.
No. 1328212
>>1328196See you are part of the problem as well, you spout shit that only appeals to an extreme minority of overly online people in your case, libfems do this as well
Its like no has ever heard of the concept of Optics, at some point it feels like the right wingers deserve to win cause they don't act like Idiots by alienating the majority
No. 1328252
And, yes. Just look up sexual assault in morgues and sexual assault in medical forensics.
No. 1328284
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Nikita did a 4th nose job where they put a piece of his rib cartilage inside his nose to get a "caucasian" look. He's completely healed so this is his result next to a normal Asian woman's side profile.
No. 1328330
File: 1632070129463.jpg (Spoiler Image,646 KB, 1080x1459, IMG_20210919_184538.jpg)

I hate commie Twitter when they rt shit like this
No. 1328359
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And everyone clapped
These are like tumblr attention seekers I swear
No. 1328363
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>>1328359>"I just… pass now?">started estrogen as a 33 year old manSure hon
No. 1328398
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I saw this person on lil marikos insta and thought it was a nonbinary woman on testosterone bc the voice was so weirdly going back n forth between sounding feminine to a high pitched gay dude so I'm positive this is a man
No. 1328409
>>1328405i'm pretty sure her point
is to confuse people
No. 1328414
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>>1328405Dorian Electra is literally a woman, moron. She looks confusing because she's non-binary. Did you do any research before jumping to conclusions? sorry to get snappy but we've discussed her before on this site many times and a simple google search will show you older content of hers
No. 1328422
nonny are you just now discovering what nonbinary is?
No. 1328474
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>>1328330I appreciate you putting this shit behind spoiler but what the actual fuck.
No. 1328631
File: 1632097901066.jpg (91.8 KB, 456x960, tumblr_nne5m92QK01twgjgpo1_640…)

so here's another rendition of a tumblr special forces MMA tranny Alana McLaughlin from the previous thread
remember. long hair=woman No. 1328634
File: 1632098059616.jpg (156.04 KB, 1027x958, Collage 2021-09-19 17_32_17~2.…)

The autism is off the charts here.
No. 1328676
>>1327957Seriously thinking about adding a "don't touch my fucking uterus" clause to my will now. If it's not
in my body when I get cremated, someone's getting haunted.
No. 1328814
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>>1328809the comments are actually hilarious though
No. 1328831
>>1328809This kid, Charlie, was put on puberty blockers and transed, so I can't judge him for being retarded.
There's also this: rich family trying to pitch white Jazz Jennings… good thing it wasn't picked up by any network.
No. 1328844
>>1328168Handmaidens don't actually give a shit about the people they "advocate" for. They'll do or believe literally anything for the sake of looking morally superior. They'd let a lesbian bleed out on th street it it meant getting asspats online.
That's how men trick women into going along with their bullshit– they manipulate us into believing their retarded, selfish agendas have a moral basis. See pro-life women for another example of that.
No. 1328847
>>1328841That's still white,
anon. They speak English exclusively, they live in the United States, and they have light skin.
No. 1328858
File: 1632116427210.jpg (287.8 KB, 1194x669, libfems.jpg)

I hate libfems so much, there's really no hope for them
No. 1328866
>>1328858>The position with less nuance/explanation must be the better oneNever understood this logic, it just strikes me as anti-intellectual. Sometimes things are complicated, retard. You could just as easily flip it around and have the GC woman be saying "Sex based oppression is real" and give the libfem a wall of text explaining why troonism isn't like transracialism and somehow doesn't reinforce gender stereotypes.
Imagine applying the "short explanation better" logic to anything else. It's like believing "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" because it's more concise than "steel is an alloy that loses its structural integrity long before it reaches its melting point, an explosion from a jet engine is more than enough to destabilize a large building."
No. 1328893
>>1328866It can be accurate or funny in some cases. I always read the whole post of anyone I debate, and there are a lot of people who type out endless paragraphs of poor justification of their worldview without any substance, so it fits there. But versions like the one in the post you replied to are essentially saying "I've already decided that I'm right, so I don't bother reading what you have to say". I think the best ones tend to post the "one sentence" figure stating a problem, rather than an arbitrary slogan.
Anyway, any real GC/RF would just respond "rights to what".
No. 1328908
Louis Rossman had to prematurely leave a meetup at a restaurant last week because his wife's stalker showed up and ruined the mood. The dude traveled over 1000 miles to harass the wife of a guy who makes videos about circuit board repair and NYC slumlords. You know how troons and libfems insist that no man would ever troon out just to creep on women? Anybody with good sense should see right through it.
>>1328185This is on point. My grandmother used to say
>Don't cut off your nose just to spite your face.I never realized the full meaning of it until watching women over 30 who are still going through their Hot Topic "fuck you mom and dad" phase.
No. 1328935
>>1328910>>1328913Race is unironically a social construct but there is different ethnicities of jewish people like sephardi and ashkenazi. For sane people white as a concept only exists to explain and understand racism.
>>1328912>>1328925Pedophilic dream
No. 1328940
>>1328075If you sign up to be a donor where I live, they list the organs that are eligible for post-mortem donations and uteri are not in any way.
Also if you're an organ donor your body doesn't end up in medical schools, it's given back to your family.
I think everyone should look into the process where you live instead of this fearmongering of tranny uterus transplants & medical students fingering your corpse.
No. 1328964
File: 1632135699282.jpg (1.38 MB, 2000x2177, pcm_al.jpg)

Been scrolling through the transgender_surgeries subreddit. How the fuck is this shit not illegal? Literal legalized mutilation
I refuse to believe any of the stealth stories, they must be larps/fantasies or rape by alcohol/drugs
Also saw a dude who got botched and ended up with 2 holes?? Like not just inside but externally, with skin in between. Not posting the pic but have a meme instead
No. 1328984
>>1328935>>1328925>>1328912>Pedophilic dreamThis, most "transkids" don't ever look like women, they look like little boys in wigs and dresses, a pedophiles perfect fantasy
Think how many of these underage boys are doing photoshoots showing off their artificially adolescent maintained bodies, its must be an treat to all the pedos
In one of the previous threads an anon posted about a "GNC boys camp" where boys could be feminine and do what they like, which yeah is cool but it was mostly photos of little boys in very sexualized female clothing and make up and most of the boys ended up coming out as Trans, like Jesus Christ that's fucked up
No. 1329009
>>1328989I don't think they 'deserve' to suffer per se, but I'm not terribly bothered when the troons they spend their lives defending end up turning on them. If they so vehemently insist on constantly gargling tranny balls, why should I be surprised when they choke?
>>1329007Jfc, that's fucking awful. You should report her if you haven't already, that's beyond unacceptable.
No. 1329013
>>1329007what the fuck? report her. i hope you get closure
nonnie, so sorry this happened to you.
No. 1329022
>>1329007I’m sorry that happened to you, anon. One of my psychologists was similar. I was telling her about how a TIM (a programmer, who could have guessed?) at my work was always making degrading comments about my body. My psychologist just said that maybe it was because I was “
triggering her gender dysphoria” and that I should be more understanding of how “privileged” I was to be a cisgender woman.
No. 1329027
>>1329007I actually lost a very dear friend of mine over this, she wasn't a completed libfem and was even against some tranny nonsense like with transing kids but she always was insistent on using a TIMs pronouns
she claimed that not calling certain TIMs women regardless of what they may have done is like calling certain black people nigger if they ever committed a crime
I fucking hate that I lost one of my best friends cause of Troons and TRA bullshit
No. 1329028
File: 1632143319775.jpeg (174.83 KB, 750x712, 39D19BED-0A8D-4700-B36C-009F20…)

>fuck a man without protection
>wowee gee is it possible I could be pregnant??
The people defending troons are just as delusional as the troons themselves
No. 1329038
>>1328989It's 50/50 for me. Some libfems are just ignorant and "want everyone to be happy". If you show them enough peak trans material then they might begin to have doubts. Some of them will be libfems in public but also "crypto terfs", which I find quite cowardly but it's better than nothing.
Others are downright malicious towards their own sex, think TIMs are superior to women, and are completely delusional but still under the impression that they are the "true feminists". It's impossible to convince those ones and they are indeed a waste of time.
No. 1329039
>>1329026To me its not about being GNC, its that things or activates shouldn't be pointlessly gendered, for e.g a girl liking blue or a boy liking pink or purple, tts the dumbest shit cause kids like bright colors regardless of gender, I think kids should be really want, no kid wants to dress up in sexualized clothing but all kids like comfortable clothing, they like whatever toys they can get their hands on and they like bright colors
that's what I want for kids, this shouldn't be GNC it should be normal
No. 1329051
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No. 1329052
File: 1632146133713.png (Spoiler Image,4.57 MB, 1125x2436, 895B8C4D-6483-43C2-A870-41DB2B…)

oh my god i CACKLED (2)
No. 1329080
>>1329058Most of them date other troons from what I've seen. They WANT to date lesbians, but in real life they still usually get told to fuck off so they end up with other troons
Wild how they're basically okay with being in a sexual relationship with another dude despite being straight, just to validate their twaw feelings
Some of them do date bi women though
No. 1329081
>>1329074Why do so many Trannies do this, I know a TIF who took the name of her sister's son who died when he was nephew
its super inappropriate
No. 1329095
>>1329051I checked his page and saw pics with some enby libfem. Maybe he's talking about her? I can see how she would play along with his delusions.
No. 1329104
File: 1632150423423.jpg (112.18 KB, 442x810, tumblr_inline_nrz2d35e3h1scbr8…)

>>1328631This tumblr,jesus
No. 1329107
File: 1632150743599.jpg (33.38 KB, 640x175, j7dgyf01hqn71.jpg)

1. you will never be a woman
2. you will never be an anime girl
3. friends, family and coworkers will be disgusted by you, as normies are getting familiarised with AGP (I've described it to countless of normies online and they are equally disgusted kek) will kys when you come to your senses.
5. your corpse will read as male for all eternity
No. 1329189
>>1329027Absolutely inappropriate and disrespectful towards
victims of racism.
No. 1329201
>>1328858i see they're copying right wing memes again, just like with
terf bangs etc
No. 1329205
>>1329163oh sure it is the "calling us men in dresses gets us killed because we are actually women and thus the wrong targets for these crimes, sure men can keep killing men in dresses but leave trans women alone uwu"
how about you argue that men shouldn't be killing men in dresses the first place?
No. 1329287
File: 1632164045320.png (349.81 KB, 1000x636, 1591236394502.png)

>>1329107Tranny cringe is so bad that it can cause physical pain
No. 1329309
File: 1632166371399.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.05 KB, 720x960, 185836090_4245082535557299_618…)

I did a tranny deep dive on facebook and can't believe this shit doesn't violate their TOS. I hope the younger ones know that this is their future unless they 41% themselves. Look at this dude sitting on his ween with an old ass naked man fondling him.
No. 1329327
>>1329319The worst part is, it doesn't
really even do that. Some of them jack off less often because their dicks don't work, but I haven't met or seen a TIM who recovered from porn addiction while on estrogen. They continue to be coomers in every detrimental way they were before taking horse piss.
No. 1329343
File: 1632169415439.jpeg (425.51 KB, 750x989, D7F805C8-0EB2-421B-9BEB-48E847…)

Ugh can we not? I’m so tired of the tranny asslicking on Reddit. Bet the tranny never once thought of not being offensive to lesbians before the date
No. 1329345
File: 1632169613920.jpg (1.86 MB, 2560x1600, kek.jpg)

>>1329331Samefag. The constant coping and seething about not being a white (anime) girl is hilarious. He is proud of his shrived up dick and balls as seen on his page. There's gifs/videos of them having sex in their room and he looks like a Jewish twink. Their room must constantly smell of shit.
No. 1329394
>>1329345God its that tranny with the "thick ass" that he constantly shows off
Someone a posted a pic of him in a previous thread and his full body was fucking hilarious to look at
No. 1329486
>>1329401I want this too, I've seen scrotes bitch about gay porn or trans porn being in the wrong sections on pornsites, and I often think, "If troon/man was in the straight section of all pornsites, I wonder if straight men would truly rise up" or if it'd make them chasers. I've heard stories of men freaking out on seeing troon porn/gay porn in the wrong sections. I'm honestly surprised no troon has cried about that.
"Why is trans porn in it's own section? Transwomen are women, so a man and a transwoman having sex should be in the straight section!!"
No. 1329495
>>1327525Lmao I'd love to see a libfem or tranny try to explain how males having an inherently higher red blood cell count
isn't an unfair advantage in sports. Estrogen doesn't change your bones– that includes the marrow, where red blood cells are made. Taking horse piss isn't gonna do shit to get rid of the blood cell disparity
No. 1329499
>>1329227>They sure as hell aren't fantasizing about changing shitty diapersAn alarming number of them fantasize about
wearing shitty diapers, though.
No. 1329502
>>1329287Literally none of these things are true kek, particularly
>improved mental stateright, because if there's one thing trannies are known for, it's being mentally stable. whoever made this meme must have somehow forgotten about the whole 41% thing.
No. 1329511
>>1327850I had to uninstall this app because it was so infested with troons. It's so out of control that I started questioning my own judgement about potential matches; if a woman looked even slightly unconventional, I was paranoid that she might be a tranny and ignored her like. Most of the dudes on the app are obvious, but some are just ambiguous looking enough that it's not hard to get tricked into striking up a conversation, so I can see how the OP ended up in this predicament.
I really hope that some based woman creates a women only app that isn't trash someday. We shouldn't have to swipe left on dozens of troons just to find each other.
No. 1329572
File: 1632186336471.jpeg (151.33 KB, 1280x957, 5F47FF5C-59B4-4415-A533-CD1E87…)

>they actually believe this>>1328631Fuck whatever comm that lets these things in. I’m glad more Lolitas are becoming TERFs
No. 1329626
>>1329616AYRT I actually do think some straight people have sexual relations with the same-sex for money, society pressuring them to do so, or in pursuit of a crazy fetish. I knew a straight woman who would have sex with other women to impress her boyfriend (he would watch).
But a woman who is actively going on dates with other women and falling in love with the same sex is definitely not straight. That's' genuine sexual attraction.
No. 1329713
>>1329345You know these 2 could actually have a decent audience if they marketed themselves differently, currently they are trying to appeal to trap fags and coomers who like femboys but the market of "traps" online is over abundant and dime a dozen at this point, however if they tried to appeal to Fujoshis they could gain a sizeable audience
I mean one's a skinny white guy and the other is a skinny Asian guy, plus the anime aesthetic
Its perfect for Fujoshis
No. 1329743
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>>1329737>Hell no the white guy is ugly as fuckdo you think that's just stopped Fujos in that past, honestly the only requirement Fujos seem to have is being male and not being fat
He could be a mediocre looking white guy at best and that's all he'd need
No. 1329975
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>>1329345I love how his bf is sat in the background completely disinterested
No. 1329996
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No. 1330017
>>1330005His bf identifies as bisexual.
To the surprise of absolutely no one.
No. 1330044
>>1329731I always thought fujos
were trannies.
No. 1330047
>>1329927For a second I thought you were talking about 4chan's mecha board and wondered why anyone would be bringing up mpreg there, kek
>>1330044A lot of the younger ones are, unfortunately. Usually they troon out specifically to enjoy their hobby without being accused of fetishizing homosexuality, only to become the fetishistic, predatory gaydens you see over in the fakeboi thread.
No. 1330098
>>1329942I'd argue that reddit hates trannies cause they dont let them in their porn space like the totally
valid beautiful women who pass that they are. If they were to fight against this oppression I'd unironically put our differences aside and support them.
>>1329938Is freelancing photo editing for troons to look more feminine a sustainable business?
No. 1330122
>>1329921Fujo Aidens are annoying, but I'll always have a place in my heart for regular fujos due to how absolutely furious they make the game/anime bros in fandom.
Constant streams of violent, depraved hentai? No problem. Fanart of two male characters blushing while they hold hands? Absolute fucking meltdown. It's hilarious. Keep on truckin'
No. 1330148
>>1330135male feminist doesn't get enough attention for being sympathetic to rape
victim in cartoon show, becomes ultimate
victim instead
No. 1330158
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mtf just shows how they see what makes a woman, strong woman? They aren't women-only weak people are
No. 1330165
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>>1330158Low-T male tings.
No. 1330174
>>1329104Troons have the most hilarious body proportions.
>>1329975His implants are gross. They're just sitting on top of his chest motionless. If you draw a line across where his nipples are you see they're crooked and most of it is on top.
No. 1330177
>>1330168>I know a fujo and she actively posts her hate for troons.I know one too on twitter, she's hilarious. It's too bad most aren't as based.
>>1330169I think troonacy spreads to easily in these circles because they're comprised of girls who are uniquely vulnerable to trans ideology: usually young, often on the spectrum or suffering from some other kind of social dysfunction, uncomfortable with growing up and/or the expectations placed upon women, etc. But instead of realizing that being a woman doesn't mean you have to accept all the social baggage that comes with being one, they decide to try and opt out altogether. It's honestly heartbreaking.
>>1329996Literally every 'progressive' man with a presence in fandom spaces troons out. Literally every time. I almost prefer the dudebro coomers since at least they don't pretend their fetishism is a form of activism.
No. 1330209
>>1330165>"I can't make meringue anymore!">"Neither can I! I messed it up twice!"Literal gramdmas make meringue, what the fuck?
>"Men's strength surprises me!"You
are a man, and that strength is exactly why you can't be trusted in women's spaces. That, and moid degeneracy and violence.
No. 1330283
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Hey look Sexism 2 finally dropped!
How do tifs not find this incredibly patronizing
No. 1330526
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Even the chasers know HER is infested with troons
No. 1330552
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No. 1330656
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In 2000, Grace married Tiffany Danielle Kay. The marriage ended in divorce four years later in 2004.[6][57]
In March 2006, while touring as an opening act for Alkaline Trio, Grace met visual artist Heather Hannoura, who designed merchandise for Alkaline Trio and other bands.[3][58] The two spent the summer together on the Warped Tour, began living together, and got tattoos of each other's names.[3] They married in December 2007, after a year-long engagement.[3][6]
Grace and Hannoura have a daughter together, Evelyn, born October 30, 2009.[3] Grace's feelings of dysphoria "started coming back really strong" about the time Hannoura became pregnant that February, but were not acted on.[3] The family moved to St. Augustine, Florida, in 2010, when Evelyn was about a year old.[3] The couple separated and then divorced in 2013.[59]
Right now, I'm in this awkward transition period. I look like a dude, and feel like a dude, and it sucks. But eventually I'll flip, and I'll present as female."[3] In 2015, Grace said, "I think it's perfectly valid [for a trans person] to never undergo bottom surgery".[65] Grace plans to continue performing in Against Me!, saying "However fierce our band was in the past, imagine me, six-foot-two, in heels, fucking screaming into someone's face."[3][64]
This is a man.
No. 1330663
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>>1330656Look at this album cover. Tell me this isn’t literally comparing a woman to meat. Why is every anarcho punk guy a complete predator?
No. 1330895
>>1330165>loses some muscle tone, may be experiencing muscle cramps>fantastic feeling of weakness uwulol can't even hide his humiliation fetish
>>1330867Wife is probably a they/themlet now.
No. 1330917
>>1330234There's a big difference between the very mainstream fetishization of lesbians among straight men and the niche hobby of BL among geeky women. Men viewing lesbianism as a display for their sexual fulfillment is just part of a patriarchal system of oppression that strips us of our sexual autonomy. It's "punching down," basically. The women who like BL are basically just looking for a fantasy about a relationship where the systemic power imbalance inherent to straight relationships doesn't come into play.
Basically, if you think it's "equally bad" for women to objectify men as it is for men to objectify women, when men are the oppressors historically, you need to have your head examined.
No. 1330927
>>1330044A lot of them are. Though the TIF fujos will claim they are not fujos because they are actually "gay men" and say it's only the non-tranny fujos who are the fetishists. Yaoi shit is a degenerate hobby so it's inevitable that TIF fujos make up a large proportion of the demographic. There's also some who like the same shit TIMs do, like cross-dressing moids and mpreg.
There's a lot of weird conversion therapy stuff, too. I think some TIFs will turn the male characters they identify with into their TIF self-insert and ship them with gay males because they think it validates the "male" identity of the TIF character (and therefore themselves). Transbians do this a lot too where supposedly lesbian characters become obsessed with fucking transbians because the transbians have a cock (they think it's impossible for a woman to not like penis) but since the transbian is also a "woman", it's all okay and it's not actually "homophobic".
No. 1330962
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No. 1330973
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The UN are posting this when they should look into troons raping and abusing women in prison and sex offenders and rapists going to women’s shelters to continue their crimes.
No. 1330980
>>1330656He looks more male in the right picture lol. The human brain is a
No. 1330989
>>1328866what's really funny about this is… in a lot of cases libfems/TRAs trying to explain gender will go off on thousand word tangents compared to the explanation for everyone's understanding of what sex is being simply male/female down to your DNA
>>1329026to be fair, there's a lot of things that are considered GNC, such as being gay.
>>1329287>improved mental statecope, HRT increases the risk
early onset dementia
>wide hipsyour bones done change with hormones kek
>thicker hairthe wig ain't real
>>1330552>aloknot this moid again.. sure, the text is coming from somewhere else, but all of these are pseudoscience philosophies. majority of other genders were pejoratives for GNC men.
>>1330917this. the reason men are into lesbianism is because their fantasy relies on them ending up with the women, successfully converting them.
No. 1330993
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>>1330587It’s a fetish and low T men are still way bigger and stronger than women. It’s the same argument MMA troons use.
No. 1330995
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>>1330973>UNWomen being treated like shit since time immemorial: cool & good.
Degenerate males from Anglophone countries crying that no one allows their fetish(es) in public: awful, must support them at all costs.
Wonderful world, love to see it.
No. 1331023
>>1330973I like how the troon they chose for the picture is a hulking rapehon with five o' clock shadow. Maybe there's a
TERF in their marketing department.
No. 1331049
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This thread is so refreshing. I live in a country where the "birth certificate sex" debate is raging on and I can't help but wonder what the old school TRA's would think of this. Say what you will but at least they actually had something to lose and all they wanted was not to be arrested or attacked at queer spaces instead of fighting their way into women's spaces. They would probably turn their noses up at this shit and want the certificates to say FTM instead, since they knew that the distance between them and cis women was an ocean.
I fucking hate how fragile modern troons are. If you're so determined to dress like the ugliest chick at vidcon and call yourself a woman then fucking own it. Don't have a panic attack every time somone takes a look at the stub-legged broad-shouldered hunchback in front of them and assumes they're a man. If this is really who you are deep down then it's not going to matter what anyone else thinks, right? And if gender really is just a construct, it shouldn't offend you so much to be misgendered. My sexuality isn't so flimsy and my sense of self isn't so fragile that I throw a hissy fit and write a four-page thinkpiece every time someone assumes I'm straight, so what makes you so special?
For any of the troons hatereading here, take with you this: You're never going to be a pretty woman, and that's okay. Lots of cis women aren't pretty women and they still manage to live their lives. HRT and bolt-ons aren't gonna make you Kate Upton. If that's the reason you're wanting to transition, save the surgery money and spend it on some therapy.
Sage for finally sperging it off my chest.
No. 1331052
>>1331049Thanks for sperging. The mini-series La Veneno really highlights the difference between ye olde trans and new Twitter trans. Even when the old guard were horrible crippled ogres hooking for pennies to pay their
abusive pimps and on the lookout for roving Nazi punks who bashed them, they were still happier than the limpwristed speedrunners of today.
Not to say that they were happy really. The underlying mental illnesses like depression and self-loathing were still there, it just didn't completely envelope their whole being.
No. 1331070
>>1331049>Say what you will but at least they actually had something to lose and all they wanted was not to be arrested or attacked at queer spaces instead of fighting their way into women's spaces.That's not even true. While homosexual transsexuals used to make up the majority of transsexuals throughout history, autogynephiles have always been around. Even back in the 70s they were declaring themselves lesbians, harassing women, and arguing with radical feminists about the root of female oppression. Janice Raymond and Sheila Jeffreys both made predictions that transgenderism would become one of the
most challenging problems radical feminists would have to deal with within the next few decades. And they were right.
No. 1331072
>>1331055I was going to say this. Also, he wasn't even at Stonewall when the cops raided, according to witnesses and his own report. Neither was Sylvia Rivera, there were no witnesses who mentioned him being there, and Marsha said Rivera was passed out on a park bench when he was heading to the bar (though, Rivera is arguably a troon). Stormé DeLarverie
was there, and I've seen some troons try to say she was a TIF, but "weirdly" (it's the misogyny) most of them aren't enthusiastic about the prospect of a non-TIM troon being the "hero", even though it would still mean that a "
POC troon" was the "savior of Stonewall", if she was. She wasn't, though, she was a butch lesbian and drag king. From what I understand, there wasn't a "first brick", it was more likely a "first punch", and the most reported candidates for who did it are Stormé or some unknown, white-passing gay man.
To be honest, I wouldn't say troons were "better in the past". Most of the ones you hear about having
any concern for LGB people, or other people in general, are poor HSTS, mostly nonwhite and prostitutes. You can find the same shit we see now from the white, middle class or higher ones, fairly far back, though. I recall a newspaper submission claiming that troons were better than "gennies" (a historical version of "cis"), and I sincerely doubt the AGP types that buried their fetishes were less misogynistic or had more concern for LGB people than the ones we see today.
No. 1331077
>>1331073Michfest makes me so sad. I'm gay and live nearby, so I would have loved to have gone, but it was gone by the time I could've attended. You can't even talk about how fucked up what happened was, without people deciding you're a
TERF. Bands were harassed until they pulled out from performing there, troons camped nearby to heckle and harass women trying to go male-free for a little, and lesbian couple and their son were murdered by a troon in a sick form of "protest", but somehow the festival and its attendees are the evil ones, along with anyone who feels that this should be talked about.
No. 1331078
>>1331042it means "old fashion, old school".
so basically a 50's housewife fetish. classic troon fetish misogyny.
No. 1331088
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>>1331055So the supposed gay media company LGBTQ Nation turned against Stonewall veteran Frank Sargeant because he was "anti trans". I swear to god, all these gay rights groups and media companies ONLY care about trans rights now. I think they hate actual gay people. PinkNews is the worst one.
No. 1331158
>>1330656>>1330656>They married after a year of knowing each other>Grace's feelings of dysphoria "started coming back really strong" about the time Hannoura became pregnant that FebruaryHoly shit, what a narc. I didn’t want to look into this because I like their music and was like “uuuh I bet he’s not one of those troons… right?” but here we are.
> imagine me, six-foot-two, in heels, fucking screaming into someone's thanks, we’ve seen this already enough M’lady. It’s nothing revolutionary if a man wears heels while screaming at someone you fucking idiot.
No. 1331191
>>1331176Tumblr likes to make things diverse without actually taking facts into account. There were obviously
POC involved, but it Stonewall absolutely is not a case of
POC being pushed to the side. These people were gay. They didn't have privilege or else they wouldn't have to start Stonewall in the first place. Tumblr people seen Hammilton, said "yes", and now make every single part of history out to be a
POC genderkweer revolutionary act no matter how irrelevant being
POC or being gay was to the situation.
Fighter pilots in ww2? Gay Spanish people. The trail of tears? All the natives were gay. England battering Ireland? The Irish were mostly Muslim and the Muslim gays saved Ireland
No. 1331206
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just your local e-beggar and medical resource waster here
No. 1331207
>>1331191Hamilton was the result of tumblr-esque diversification of both media and histiry, not the cause. People were already dumping race-changed, disabled versions of characters from popular media with pride flags attached well before 2015. To make a point, Hamilton was released January 20th 2015, and the "caucasian" joke in Homestuck, which was a response to obsessive fandom policing about making the characters nonwhite, happened either on the 13th of the same month, same year, or earlier. Corroborating this is the fact that Lin-Manuel Miranda is friends with the McElroy brothers, who are also known for pandering to tumblr wokesters. What's funny is that,
it still wasn't enough. When Hamilton dropped, tumblr immediately made it
more diverse. I have a feeling that, even if Miranda released Hamilton with the versions of the characters tumblr made (trans, pansexual, black Thomas Jefferson wearing a Miku binder), tumblr would have made it "even woker".
No. 1331222
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>>1331049fixed this for you
No. 1331223
this video is not new but I haven't seen it posted, and even if it was I think it's worth posting again. might help peak someone who is starting to listen to reason.
No. 1331229
>>1331227He made slave owning white men
poc lol and glorified colonizer, also something about Puerto Rico? I don't fully remember what he did there but yeah he's
problematic now
No. 1331251
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>>1331049No offense but your silly meme and post made you sound like a libfem who'd just peaked and still separates the "good true transwahmen" from the "bad troons".
No one is born knowing how much TIMs are a menace but you gotta realize that they've never liked us, not even 50 years ago. This has nothing to do with looks or passing, their raison d'être is enabling their mental illness and seething envy. They know this [current year + 6] crybulling/fake fragility gets their way, even if it crushes women in the process.
Example: some gringo forcing his way into Japanese lesbian spaces (who already aren't in a good spot as real women in Japanese society), crying about it to the Anglophone media, then getting away with it.
No. 1331339
> wrote that the bar had no official policy regarding trans customers and should be clearer about what they mean by “women” when they hold women-only events.Owner puts up “cis/assigned woman at birth only”
kek. fucking based
No. 1331346
>>1331251Even knowing how troons and their enablers are, I'm still shocked by how brazen this guy is and how easily his "cause" was championed. Gay rights are basically nonexistent in Japan, social homophobia and misogyny rife, and Japanese lesbians barely have a place to call their own… so wokesters decide to harass one of the few lesbian bars into admitting some hulking, awkward, Japanophile white male father-of-three because of his laydeefeels? Unbelievable.
I hope this troon's poor wife divorces him and the Japanese government sends his gaijin ass packing.
No. 1331350
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>>1331318This happened on 2019, so Shinji Page was only a pathetic lesbian handmaiden at the time.
>>1331346He invoked the Law of Troon Suprise in 2018 on his wife and "they" are (well, him) still suing the Japanese gov to recognize his laydeeness., it's a gofundme. He checks all "transbian" boxes (white male, creep, privileged enough to inflict his fetish on everyone, crybully, weeb, e-beggar).
No. 1331358
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reminder for all who believe in "old school trannies are different from current trannies" meme
No. 1331393
>>1330663jesus fuck that should have a spoiler, that is some absolute serial killer shit
>>1331350is his wife wearing a transflag poncho??? girl RUN
No. 1331416
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>>1331369based, please post pics when you do
No. 1331426
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I'm convinced all trannys (scrotes too probably) have narcissist personality disorder, I truly can't imagine walking around looking like a sped edition troll doll and thinking anyone would even give me a second thought.
No. 1331459
File: 1632338809032.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.26 MB, 2560x1600, gross.jpg)

>>1330962This dude is easily the top 10 most disgusting troons ever posed.
No. 1331476
>>1331258I googled her name and came across this article about her
>Trigger Warning: Contains Transphobic Content Below>In case you didn’t already know, some of the most hurtful and hateful speech against transgender people comes from radical feminists. Not radical in the sense of radically inclusive, rather they are radically exclusive. Led by lesbian separtists these groups say really awful things about trans people. Many believe the only reason a man would transition to a woman is to rape women, while any woman that would transition to a man only does so to escape sexism and assimilate into patriarchy. Entire websites are dedicated to the discrediting, dehumanization and shaming of trans people and the queer movement. This undoubtedly contributes to the culture of violence, suicide and harassment that trans people face on a daily basis. Fortunately, these extremist views are shunned within the feminist movement at large. However, as a vocal minority they certainly make their presence felt.
>What you may not have known is that the organization that acclaimed author Derrick Jensen co-founded and is the figurehead of, Deep Green Resistance (DGR), is one of the more vocal and prominent supporters of the radical feminist and anti-trans agenda. In addition to referring to trans women as men and denying the existence of transphobia they’ve also posted links on their Facebook page to the most hateful transphobic websites. Even more, the transphobia and bigotry known to many activists within the organization was publicly confirmed on Saturday when DGR released a video that they claim represents their “official policy and position towards gender.”
>It’s important to note here that while Aric McBay co-wrote the Deep Green Resistance book with Jensen and Keith he left the organization in 2012 due to their transphobic policies. He writes:
>I left the organization at the beginning of 2012 after a trans inclusive policy was cancelled by Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith. Many good people and good activists left the organization for that reason.>I find these transphobic attitudes to be disgusting and deeply troubling, and it bothers me a lot to have any past association with people promoting transphobia.>For me, trans rights and trans inclusion are fundamental to building effective movements and to building a world worth living in.
>One prominent example of the transphobia comes from Derrick Jensen’s response to a DGR member asking him to clarify their position on transgender people. Jensen wrote:
>Dear All,>I have no ego investment in the following. I liked what I said to Julia or whatever his name was who wanted to join DGR: You are not a woman. You are a man who believes he is a woman.>Thank you, >Derrick
>Rachel Ivey, the 23-year old activist who gives the newly released Deep Green Resistance presentation on gender, acknowledges that their position is controversial. It’s their only perspective that has caused them to be banned from speaking at events she states. Deep Green Resistance factions have defected over it. She also explains that “there is no debate” acceptable within the organization about their policy on gender. Further evidence of DGR’s unwillingness to engage in dialogue or conversation about gender comes from an incident where they were banned from the Flying Brick Library. They state,
>When we responded to DGR, we made it clear that we were willing to host them as a group – as long as they were willing to discuss these issues and how environmental and anti-civ work are intrinsic to resisting gender oppression – and vice versa.
>Sadly, Deep Green Resistance made it clear that they are not willing to let anybody but themselves guide the conversation, and that as we insisted on such, that we are not ready to fight the (so-called) “real fight”.
>Further evidence of the absolutist position DGR takes on gender comes from a former member who is trans. In addition to being denied access to female spaces she highlights how Jensen and Keith played central roles in spreading the anti-trans message.
>I was told that in wanting access to women’s spaces I was implementing the male violation imperative. Saba Malik, Lierre Keith and Derrick all sent emails to my chapter and one other chapter that supported trans folks with the usual rad fem attacks. Gradually my group and the other chapters were presented with a choice: put up with trans phobia or hit the road. To be in DGR was to be rad fem in the exclusive sense.
>Trans-TextIn the 40-minute video Rachael reads the words of DGR co-founder Lierre Keith. Keith is the author of the provocative book “The Vegetarian Myth” and editor of the “Derrick Jensen Reader” in addition to co-author of the book “Deep Green Resistance.” What exactly does Keith believe? Among other things, that the “phenomenon of trans” was created from porn culture and “that men insisting they are women is insulting and absurd.” Rachel not only celebrates Keith’s position but she labels it as DGR’s official stance and states that she can’t understand why people were bothered by it. After hearing Keith’s statement those in attendance break out in applause.
>As the video above states this view on gender the “core of DGR.” After making this claim she went on to read part of this quote from Lierre Keith (see video below),
>Well, I’ve personally been fighting about this since 1982. I think ‘transphobic’ is a ridiculous word. I have no strange fear of people who claim to be ‘trans.’ I deeply disagree with them, as do most radical feminists.
>Try this on. I am a rich person stuck in a poor person’s body. I’ve always enjoyed champagne rather than beer, and always knew I belonged in first class not economy, and it just feels right when people wait on me. My insurance company should give me a million dollars to cure my Economic Dysphoria.
>Lierre Keith is the author of “The Vegetarian Myth.”>Or how about this. I am really Native American. How do I know? I’ve always felt a special connection to animals, and started building tee pees in the backyard as soon as I was old enough. I insisted on wearing moccasins to school even though the other kids made fun of me and my parents punished me for it. I read everything I could on native people, started going to pow wows and sweat lodges as soon as I was old enough, and I knew that was the real me. And if you bio-Indians don’t accept us trans-Indians, then you are just as genocidal and oppressive as the Europeans.Gender is no different. It is a class condition created by a brutal arrangement of power. I can’t fathom how mutilating people’s bodies to fit an oppressive power arrangement is frankly anything but a human rights violation. And men insisting that they are women is insulting and absurd.>There is no such thing as ‘woman’ or ‘man’ outside of patriarchal social relations. These are not biological conditions–they are socially created, by violence in the end. If I can’t be a rich person born in a poor person’s body, then I can’t be a woman born in a man’s body. Not unless you are going to argue that man and woman are biological or essential conditions. The whole point of feminism is that they are neither; gender is social to the roots, and those roots are soaked in women’s blood.
>So there it is.
>I would highly recommend reading the work that radical feminists have produced critiquing the entire culture of queer, including s/m and porn, that gave rise to the phenomenon of ‘trans.’ Sheila Jeffreys’s books _Unpacking Queer Politics_ and _The Lesbian Heresy_ would be a great start.
>[The Trans Community is] in fact deeply misogynist and reactionary when it comes to any understanding of male power. Indeed, they often claim it ‘oppresses’ them to even use the words ‘men’ and ‘women.’ Meanwhile, men are raping and brutalizing women on a mass scale. I hate to say this, but it’s porn culture that really created the whole concept of trans. I watched it happen… for your own edification, you might want to read up on Pat Califia, whom I talk about at length, and whose life and writing proves every point radical feminists make about queer politics, pornography, violence against women, sado-masochism, the eroticization of power and breaking boundaries (including the boundaries of children), and trans. All of it is right there.This is a short clip from the talk. See below for the full talk. (The entire video has been downloaded just in case it gets taken down.)
>Any flack that Keith has received for her transphobic statements is “unfair” according to DGR. This isn’t surprising given that Keith’s statement reflects the core of the organizations beliefs.
>I’m not going to respond to Keith’s entire statement, but we know that people have deep felt experiences of gender throughout life which of course differentiates it from things that aren’t biological like an experience of race or class. This is why Rachel’s question “Why is being a trans woman acceptable when deciding that I’m trans black is not?” is ridiculous. Gender is influenced by both biology and society. And of course trans or gender variant people existed long before the advent of “porn culture,” in a wide variety of societies.If they make trannies seethe so much they are based imo
No. 1331507
File: 1632341373020.jpeg (135.81 KB, 750x938, EE1218D0-C214-4D9B-A309-C7A16C…)

>>1331459Hory shit…the ‘tism in this one…
No. 1331672
>>1331664I think the problem is that since radical feminists are very left-wing and have been ideologically opposed to trannies from the very beginning, the TRAs call anyone who disagrees with them a "
TERF". They were even calling Donald Trump a "
TERF". Yeah, because Donald Trump is such a radical feminist.
No. 1331679
>>1331654They are equally bad. To say or believe otherwise is the desperate cope of people who really think that either political demographic are "The Good guys" who will suddenly solve the troon problem.
The Left in Charge?
>Okay with taking away a woman's right to safety and choices regarding their own bodies.>Infantize women to the point they believe they can't speak for themselves.The Right in Charge?
>Okay with taking away a woman's right to medical attention and choices regarding their own bodies.>Objectify women to the point they're considered fancy lawn ornaments.Nonnie, there's no hope. The only thing to do is burn it all down and create anew.
>>1331664People can believe in two separate things. There's no rule or law against it. ie. A person can be a republican and still be pro-choice.
No. 1331721
File: 1632352076052.jpg (28.41 KB, 500x535, 6725a978c167564218a050531f6175…)

>>1331689Is there someone shilling conservatism in the thread again?
No. 1331737
File: 1632352723264.jpg (25.35 KB, 492x449, 1497368589464.jpg)

>>1331680Not that weird, they just don't read. "Radfem" is nothing but an edgy label and a nice repackaging for them, it's useful for furthering their goals. The same thing that happened to libfems will happen to conservaterfs: conservatard moids will pretend to give a shit about women's rights for a while (say, kick troons out of sports,
maybe out of female shelters), then pull the rug from right under them when it's convenient (bodily autonomy? oops, can't have that). Again. Just like moids took over libfem.
Same dance, different song.
No. 1331789
File: 1632354777561.png (487.88 KB, 760x871, Screenshot_20210922-165118.png)

Sincerely fuck these men, she was a lesbian. Mags is a clown
No. 1331790
File: 1632354778708.jpeg (281.37 KB, 750x926, 8482B42B-B9C0-4272-8D20-27305E…)

There’s a new anthology of stories from women who were harmed by AGPs.
The introduction is up on medium and touches on how women get silenced and made to feel crazy when they get abused by these men: No. 1331793
His Twitter is a whole mess
No. 1331801
>>1331789Androgynous beauty =/= trans
No. 1331869
>>1331752Anyone who believes that two groups are ideologically related simply because they have one minor view in common is a retard. The processes by which radfems and right-wingers arrived at the conclusion of "troons bad" are completely different, like convergent evolution. Conservatives think troons are bad because it goes against tradition, basically. Radfems think troons are bad because they reduce womanhood to a costume and ignore sex-based misogyny.
Basically, conservatism is a broken clock. It happens to be right on this one issue, but that doesn't make it any less wrong about damn near everything else. As much as I despise trannies, I'd still rather side with the party of troons than the party of banning abortion.
No. 1331881
>>1331790>endlessly scolded for the language we used to talk about those who harmed usUgh, why is this so hard for people. You want someone to believe you, you don't express that you have an incentive to lie.
>She raped me.It's not that hard to swallow your pride (never thought I'd say that about women lol)
Obviously I'd never tell a
victim this, but it actually does get on my nerves.
No. 1331947
File: 1632370450826.png (506.38 KB, 507x437, 4324234.PNG)

>>1331942Not only has the American troon remained married to his pickme Japanese wife but he even has a Swedish artist girlfriend who lives together with his wife and three children. Oh, and the Swedish lady is some type of gender abomination too since she uses he/him pronouns.
No. 1331948
File: 1632371016820.png (106.4 KB, 590x1037, 78678432432.PNG)

>>1331251I am so tired of libfems like Heidi. Whenever a woman points out how terrible troons are, 80% of the time it's another woman who rushes in to tell her to stop being disrespectful to men in dresses.
No. 1331949
File: 1632371383241.png (940.97 KB, 932x591, a gringo and a pickme (clown w…)

>>1331942He even roped in his wife into his ultimate weeb fantasy: opening a dance club with a moeshit theme. can read more about the mindset of his progressive™ wife and how he has her completely wrapped around his finger.
>>1331947So he even managed to check the last transbian box: having a polycule. Fascinating.
No. 1331951
File: 1632371680372.jpg (494.42 KB, 1166x1656, Ca_eGdyUAAEiQvf.jpg)

>>1331942I can see why he wants to get into a Japanese lesbian bar. Not only does it validate him but lesbian bars in Japan advertise themselves with flyers that make them look like strip clubs or JAV DVD posters.
No. 1331960
>>1331950He had 3 children with his wife, surrounds himself with like-minded gringos and americanized Japanese people who enable his fetish 24/7. He's not getting rid of it.
Only a minority of TIMs get the chop, btw.
No. 1331985
>>1331984Maybe it's something to do with Japanese culture. Like, single and/or divorced older women being looked down upon, so they have to find a man and stick with them no matter what; doesn't matter if he's violent, if he's cheating… or if he troons out.
(Idk, just guessing. Read about this years ago but I don't really remember.)
No. 1331997
>>1331679>>1331654TRAs call literally every singe woman they dislike a
TERF or a radfem, even J.K Rowling who is a moderate liberal is now a
TERF for them
when you get called a radical feminist so many times, you at one point start believing it
No. 1332046
File: 1632386608837.png (225.03 KB, 860x904, 396-3968885_transparent-tina-b…)

>>1331507Bob Belcher trooned out
No. 1332072
>>1331948>Muh intersex peopleThese retards keep bringing this up, as if there isn't access to a huge library of information to tell us that intersex people aren't both/neither sexes. They're one sex with genetic mutations that result in
some opposite sex characteristics. As far as I've seen, there's no intersex condition that results in having both sets of genitals, especially not a
functioning set. The "biological diversity" they screech about is women with some extra male characteristics, but don't produce semen, and men with some extra female characteristics, but don't produce eggs or have wombs. Most of these people seem to grow up to look like troons (Caster Semenya looks like a TIM, for example; and he pretty much is), or actually being deformed, crippled, or sick. It doesn't support troon logic at all. In fact, if they want to equate themselves to intersex people, they're not the gender they identify as, they would just be deformed versions of their birth sex.
No. 1332081
>>1332074They always do this, as if Googling things didn't lead us to our solution. Not everyone is uninformed, just because you want to be the smarter, better-read person in your discussion kek.
>>1332075>"Waifu is less derogatory/dehumanizing than wife"Waifu is literally a term used for your 2D brain bangmaids with one-dimensional personalities, but okay. I guess anything is more respectful than actually being married to this scrote.
No. 1332083
File: 1632392017048.jpg (394.64 KB, 1440x1148, 20210923_110652.jpg)

It will never fail to make me kek how TRA'S think anybody with 5 working senses wouldn't immediately be able to clock 99.99% of trannys without looking at their disgusting rotting frankenholes. Also kek at the 'but what about the non-passing cis folk' the levels of copium these twitterfags consume is immeasurable.
No. 1332092
File: 1632394377086.png (942.71 KB, 870x1033, 0314245.png)

I just want to ask him why…
No. 1332100
File: 1632395098300.png (1.25 MB, 2036x1243, 02985170498083.png)

>>1332098He's gay, ex military (?) comes from a conservative family, gun owner. He went from a handsome gay chad to whatever this is. His account has been inactive for 2 years, depressed tranny moid + gun owner ended in suicide most likely.
No. 1332105
File: 1632395660963.png (305.93 KB, 986x967, rip tranny.png)

This is his last post on Reddit. Homie is dead. What a shame.
No. 1332128
>>1331789kek when do you guys think trannies will rehash the michael obama conspiracy on their terms? this could hypotheticaly be a funny little gayop for any lurking tranny larper accelerationists.
>>1331980sometimes? all academic circles in the west (and as evidenced here, even elsewhere) are infested with the most retarded bullshit you could possibly imagine. academia really attracts 120iqlets who feel think they're much too clever to do actual work like a prole but aren't smart enough to actually make something of themselves.
>>1332068the saddest pill to swallow is realising that some women must also be mercy killed in the great solanas cleansing.
>>1332092how the fuck has his face changed so much??? did he really get muscle wasting on his fucking facial muscles?? the recessed chin jumped the fuck out.
No. 1332139
File: 1632400734438.png (58.72 KB, 1314x199, Toxic Masculinity.png)

>>1332092>>1332100>>1332133mandatorily have to post this
No. 1332152
File: 1632403094411.jpeg (106.59 KB, 640x480, 282FBC8D-B77A-4BCF-8CB9-48A700…)

Seen on Reddit
No. 1332158
>>1332152>admitting they're socially awkward pussiesKek so much for muh punch a
No. 1332168
>>1332139>toxic masculinityAll masculinity is
toxic because gender is a harmful social construct. “
Toxic masculinity” is one of my least favorite libfem terms. It’s up there with “slutshaming” and “whorephobia” in terms of stupidity. Radfems have funnier terms like “handmaidens”, “yonic”, and “not my Nigel”.
No. 1332190
>>1331949"The following morning, I told Midori about it and she was so enraged that she looked like a Super Saiyan."
My fucking sides
No. 1332208
>>1332092What the fuck, this sudden muscle loss must have been so daunting on his body. Forgive me but I'm feeling sorry for this one.
>>1332190Weeb levels are off the charts
No. 1332249
>>1332152interesting that they masculinize the "
terf" (woman) against the uwu dainty trans girl as if she's the "true" woman
No. 1332254
>>1332114kek anon I thought the same thing
>>1332115He was probably always addicted to porn tbf. Most men are.
No. 1332265
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I… just.. wow
No. 1332367
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No. 1332397
>>1329996This kind of shit makes me so angry. He had five seconds of empathy and now he claims to be a woman. He is dressed like an alien who never saw a woman in his life. I hate that so much. He watched a show made by a woman, 50% of the world population is female but he can't understand what a woman is.
No, it doesn't make sense. Men hate us and are appropriating our struggles just to have fun, to gain power over us. That's how unwashed and unloveable men are controlling us.
No. 1332406
File: 1632423710766.jpeg (78.89 KB, 240x340, CCD85F6D-0C81-48F6-AB82-4E4E8B…)

>>1332265holy shit it's troon sartre
No. 1332418
File: 1632426486435.png (68.47 KB, 496x394, Screenshot_20210923-134116.png)

>White man describes black people as sub-human monsters
>"It's okay, he said he was sowwy!"
>Woman says that sexism is based on physiological sex
>"Irredeemable! Burn all of her books!"
And these retards have the nerve to call themselves "feminists."
No. 1332426
File: 1632427235407.jpeg (826.82 KB, 831x3464, thathappened.JPEG)

This reads like a really bad lesbian porn script, definitely never happened
>we entered a coloring competition together
>she tongued my anus
>she called my dick a clit
>she totally saw me as a real woman and was not a chaser
men are so fucking weird
No. 1332430
>>1332418>Lovecraft was a product of his timeHe wasn't, though. Lovecraft was extremely racist, even for his time. People regarded him as a terrifying and hateful man, even when he was alive. He also was surrounded by minorities (his Jewish wife of two years and several gay friends come to mind) who were nothing but kind and patient with him, but he never changed his mind. The "renunciation" was him saying "maybe I shouldn't have been as
openly hostile", which is simply the pathetic last realization of a man dying practically alone.
JK Rowling, on the other hand, has been very kind and liberal for her entire career. She's only shown support for LGB people, nonwhite people, and women; For all the claims of her being "hateful", I've never seen her do or say anything hateful, at least not without prompting, and only to malicious people when she does. She was quiet, passive, and gentle with her initial essay, not saying anything derisive about troons, just "I've seen a lot of misogynistic and homophobic attitudes from those circles, to the point it's become dangerous for vulnerable people" It was
only when she was srnt endless death and rape threats, and had posts of literal children's drawings responded to with porn and violence, that she became hostile. I'd say that's well deserved.
The two aren't comparable at all.
No. 1332433
>>1332414Silence moid.
>>1332418My sides. Lovecraft was and forever will be a degenerate scrote.
No. 1332438
>>1332426There is so much in this to comment on, that I would be writing a novel if I tried. This definitely didn't happen, though. Perhaps the most telling part imo is "We walked arm in arm back to her place, smiles on our faces discussing feminist philosophy or some serious shit like that". There's something so childlike, bitter, and unknowing to it. It's like he hates the idea of women talking about feminism, but wants to be one, and thinks all of them do that any time they're together for more than an hour, so he "has" to do it.
Also, writing the totally real ex girlfriend as being bigger than him ("she loved how small I was uwu"), stronger than him, taking the dominant role, but she's a full femme (I assume with no visible muscles? kek) who is super interested in everything he has to say and does everything he wants without him ever having to communicate any of it. It reads as fake to such an extent that I don't buy that this moid has ever had sex, or even kissed
anyone, let alone this perfect dominant bangmaid he's written.
No. 1332484
>>1332473Lesbian writing about her first date with a woman:
>"We watched a movie, walked around a bit, then went to her place to get to know each other better."Scrote writing his self insert first date lesbian smut:
>Ten paragraphs writing about a woman who agrees with him in every way, has all the same interests as him, and has kinky sex with him in the exact way he wants on the first date.And they expect us to but it kek.
No. 1332503
>>1332481You have to take into account that Japanese people give white people a pass so they can get away with
a lot more in Japan. If you’re a Japanese person doing it then you will be shamed, if you’re neither white nor Japanese then you will just be hated in general since you don’t have any racial/ethnic privileges.
No. 1332549
>>1332479not that he wasn't a shit, but the creepy stare is bc he was partially blind
>>1332426this man has ever spoken to a woman tha isn't his mother
No. 1332558
File: 1632439560147.png (Spoiler Image,440.36 KB, 612x454, noelfielding.PNG)

A Starcrawler reply guy. I can't spoiler this enough.
No. 1332584
>>1332426>She was a strict lesbian, but she experimented with menNot really a "strict" lesbian then, is she? Or really a lesbian at all, sounds more like a bisexual in denial. I'm a lesbian and just the idea of putting my mouth anywhere near a man's hairy ass makes me want to vomit. All of that is neither here nor there though, because this didn't happen. Sex on the first date isn't necessarily uncommon, but anilingus on the first date definitely is. Even women who are into it (talk about pickmes having shit taste kek) don't start with it. When straight people (including the fictional cis woman in this story) do it, it's to "experiment" or "mix things up" in an established relationship.
Gay scrotes do it on first dates or one-night-stands (lick it before you stick it is an old adage among them) but we're talking about women here. The fact that OP's creative writing sounds more like something gay men would do tells you everything need to know about his insight (or lack thereof) on women.
No. 1332588
File: 1632443295833.jpeg (462.51 KB, 1021x947, B65A34F8-8F48-485D-9AE2-9722BA…)

Black trannies hate black women, but they especially hate ones that don’t need to (or want to) sink tons of time and money into looking feminine.
No. 1332617
File: 1632445604855.jpg (114.21 KB, 744x495, Darren-Agee-Merager.jpg)

So I just heard some news about Darren Merager, the troon who walked around Wi Spa in Los Angeles in front of women and girls with his dick hanging out. Andy Ngo reported on this guy: apparently he's now a fugitive after a second arrest warrant was filed. This also isn't the first time he's done this to women and girls, in 2018 he did the same thing to girls (as young as 10 years old, according to Andy) in a pool changing room. This is why I wish it was legal to just kill these people on sight. No. 1332618
>>1332610Things that would be considered feminine stem from secondary sex characteristics. E.g. petite, thick hair, rounder eyes
Things like makeup are used to add emphasis
People's idea of femininity isn't just "eurocentric beauty standards"
No. 1332619
>>1332418In Praise of Shadows made a very TL;DW video about Castle Freak and H.P. Lovecraft and at one point says, apparently completely seriously, that he believes Lovecraft was trans.
I nearly choked on my drink laughing.
No. 1332621
>>1332303Male hair
trigger temper induced by having entitlement (nearly) questioned.
Your poor mom!
No. 1332637
>>1332619That video is really cringe, because he falls on his face trying to pretend that he's not saying "for sure" that Lovecraft was a troon, and that he's not using troonacy to justify Lovecraft being a terrible asshole, but he also
definitely did both of those things. The fact that he implied Lovecraft could've been a troon at all, right after pointing out the much more obvious source of any effeminate behavior and bodily insecurity (his schizophrenic mother constantly referring to him as ugly and wishing she had a daughter instead of him), is almost comical. Reading that many racist diatribes to "show what a piece of shit Lovecraft was" and "prove he's not excusing him" feels weird, too. Anyway, he's not wrong to suggest Lovecraft fits in with your average TIMs, but he
is wrong to suggest that that's because Lovecraft may have been a woman. Lovecraft was a man; a spiteful, bitter man who hated women, gay people, and anyone not sufficiently "ethnically pure" enough for his liking. He fits in with TIMs because they're the same thing. Sad, angry, hateful men. He did the math right and got the wrong answer.
No. 1332638
File: 1632447607557.png (101.13 KB, 621x439, öälä.png)

>>1332168toxic masculinity specifically means when masculinity backfires and hurts men. It's implied that masculinity is bad for women. At least that's what it originally meant
No. 1332711
File: 1632454709781.jpeg (573.35 KB, 750x1202, 8AB0C978-C99B-4CC8-9B17-292B64…)

>>1332660Bonus: Troon looks like this.
He works at Dollar Tree btw.
No. 1332734
File: 1632457003462.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1488, DDDF0F7D-736B-414C-BB7F-75BB84…)

Why do all troons own this cheap 2 dollar choker from Shein?
No. 1332744
File: 1632459608076.jpeg (167.85 KB, 485x356, 56A07D1D-F874-47F0-A1CE-DE03BE…)

>>1332734>that crusty, worn-out, unlined black lipThey really don’t do themselves any favors do they
No. 1332771
>>1332619While it's still stupid I can understand them wanting to headcanon heroic historical people like Mulan as trans, but why the fuck would woke idiots want to trans the misanthropic racist who wrote "on the creation of niggers"? lmfao
In a hundred years will idiots be making videos about how far right personalities from our time like Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes were actually stunning and brave transwomen?
No. 1332797
File: 1632466924870.png (233.29 KB, 929x703, 1619508628950.png)

>>1332771They are literally trying to Trans Ernest Hemmingway of all people
The main proof of the trans-ness Hemmingway was that when he was a baby his parents followed the then upper class Victorian tradition of having kids wear gender neutral clothing frilly clothing up until the age of 4, that and Hemmingway insecurities regarding his masculinity, I'm not a Hemmingway fan by any means but even I think this is disrespectful
No. 1332803
>>1332426Fascinating how these anonymous troons online always manage to find a kinky "femme top" mommy bangmaid who aggressively wants to make out like in a porn movie all the time and eat and finger their unshowered asses. And of course she as a lesbian gets so off to fingering a man's ass that she orgasms from that alone.
>>1332473I often think about this as well and I can only guess that they know it's bullshit but want to live a fantasy life and believe it's real.
No. 1332809
File: 1632469798020.jpg (60.45 KB, 1200x385, Italian.jpg)

>>1332422>>1332425his life is hilarious in all the wrong ways and honestly his racism isn't even offensive to me cause its so fucking comical, he's a literal /pol/ serotype who didn't even consider Welsh or Irish people white
No. 1332849
File: 1632475743476.png (Spoiler Image,864.83 KB, 804x1279, Screenshot_20210924-054727.png)

Is this the "missed childhood" they wish they could've experienced? Looks like a pedo's fantasy. It seems the manga is about the kid being non-binary and 14-15, but of course egg_irl loves this image for some odd reason.
No. 1332857
>>1332847In their mind sex is biology and "gender" is just their way of defining their personality. They say "gender" instead of personality, that's literally it. So if a girl has a strong or "dominant" personality, doesn't like dresses, is tall and muscular and isn't interested in pregnancy and children, then her gender is "man" because girls who aren't petite and super feminine aren't girls. Then if a guy doesn't want to or can't live up to standards, he's obviously a woman because "failed" male = woman. Their whole ideology is rooted in bigotry and bullshit gender roles. Also men seek to slither in women's spaces and diddle children, so the trans and woke shit offers a good shield for them.
>>1332849>Looks like a pedo's fantasyBecause the majority of them ARE pedos, anon.
No. 1332862
File: 1632477765611.png (253.13 KB, 1824x4040, E6BUrWhWUAA90Vn.png)

>>1332849>>1332426another mommydom feminization fantasy comic
No. 1332929
File: 1632483502389.png (1 MB, 1134x1087, wth.png)

He wasn't good looking before but why do they always look 1000x worse after transition? It's scary how worse they look now compared to before.
No. 1332934
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No. 1332941
File: 1632484131022.jpeg (263.31 KB, 1536x2048, 2F3200D3-D13F-4235-837C-2DDCCF…)

Found this hon in the wild on Twitter @simonetheboss2 don’t even know where to start here. And of course he has pictures of himself at work looking like just another normal fat dude inbetween larping as a woman. Peak male privilege.
No. 1332975
File: 1632488017251.webm (3.88 MB, 480x270, 2392625-4c0919d14dbe98f33731c3…)
Found this and thought you might also enjoy it
No. 1333028
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No. 1333033
>>1333031Most women who are into rape-play were raped at some point in their life or molested as children. Your early experiences shape your sexuality for the rest of your life. Replaying the scenario, but consensually where the woman is in control and can stop it at any point sometimes helps with trauma.
Sadly a lot of people who were abused as children will forever have a fucked up sexuality and often perpetuate the cycle by becoming abusers themselves. As long as they don't hurt others and keep it to themselves I honestly don't give a shit what other people do in the bedroom. My main issue is how normal it has become to completely overshare shamelessly and talk publically about your "kinks". Just keep it in the bedroom.
No. 1333043
File: 1632492899099.png (394.75 KB, 587x559, male_feet_on_a_wc.png)

>>1332947Why do they do this, seriously?
No. 1333046
>>1332862Every moid on earth wants a mommy bangmaid who caters to their every need and gives them kinky sex on demand. Troons just get to pretend this basic male fantasy is uwu empowering,
valid and gender euphoric.
No. 1333065
File: 1632493681600.jpg (171.84 KB, 529x801, bra_fetish.jpg)

>no boobs
>wants to wear bras
>feels unfeminine when not wearing one
>is concerned about not wearing a bra LIKE women do (not while sleeping)
This is almost as ridiculous as pretending to have periods.
No. 1333070
File: 1632493966078.png (1.75 MB, 2559x1599, when will it end.png)

the other accounts don't have pics up, and that's a little boy at the bottom asking how to "squeal" like a girl. Totally not a fetish.
No. 1333075
>>1333031Rape fantasies are insane period, but I do draw a line between genders on this topic. Women who have them (especially those who go as far as to act them out with men) tend to be mentally damaged pick-mes reenacting childhood trauma in unhealthy ways. Moids who have them are actual rapists too cowardly to act on their impulses who seek out “consenting”
victims for plausible deniability. They are not the same to me in terms of harmfulness and sheer degeneracy.
People can do what they want in their bedrooms, but any woman who publicly discusses an interest in gross kinks is a fucking idiot bc it’s guaranteed to attract the worst scumbag moids around.
No. 1333085
File: 1632495282018.png (594.4 KB, 557x676, 94D09DA7-2942-4820-8B74-4D320E…)

They’re so upset. Yes honey, I’m sure you’re petite and cute.
No. 1333090
>>1333085But the second pic is an obese person regardless of gender kek. I always wonder what's the relationship these guys have with their mother's, I'd love to see him saying that to his mother's face.
Also, straight men only interested in women, who'd have thought
No. 1333091
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No. 1333111
File: 1632497001179.jpg (183.46 KB, 1016x778, tumblr trancel.jpg)

No. 1333132
>>1333033Exposure therapy is often used to justify why rapeplay might be healing or therapeutic for rape
victims, however exposure therapy
does not work for trauma/PTSD. They do not sit combat veterans down and light fireworks to get them used to them again, and you cannot recover from being raped by trying to get used to it. It’s one of the most vile copes of this generation, trying to tell traumatized women that they should just simulate getting raped again and again until their sense of self preservation is so dead they think they’ve recovered.
No. 1333143
>>1333132NTA And you're right that it doesn't work, but it feels a bit fucked up to call women who have a kink that's clearly a vad coping mechanism for trauma a "piece of shit" like
>>1333031 did. They're mentally fucked, yes, but they aren't rapists or monsters– They're
victims of misogyny who need psychological help. It's like what
>>1333075 said, women with rape kinks are most often
victims and men with rape kinks are most often (if not always) monsters.
>>1333136We're not blind, no.
No. 1333172
File: 1632501368178.png (Spoiler Image,3.21 MB, 1504x1804, rofl.png)

had the misfortune of seeing this pasty nerd in a very obvious chestplate, so you have to see it too
No. 1333173
File: 1632501561460.png (Spoiler Image,359.59 KB, 756x660, rofl2.png)

>>1333172and this is what his actual moob growths look like
No. 1333178
>>1333172I hate the Western concept of bigger breasts = better, to the point if unnaturally large chests being an extremely common fetish. If a woman had breasts that big, I would be deeply concerned for her and hope she gets a reduction for health reasons.
>>1333173Why do all troons get these long areolas and nipples? I think I've seen them on TIFs, too. It looks like someone put their nipples on a stretcher in an actually horrific way.
No. 1333185
>>1333178I’m not an expert but I do have a morbid curiosity for these kind of things.
The troony moob or pointed troon nipple is an example of extreme nipple play on the part of the troon. In some circles it is believed that you can induce breast growth with nipple play or induce lactation with breast pumps. HRT and estrogen do not guarantee big anime kasan oopai. Some coomer troons will go to these length to make their hentai fantasies reality.
Unfortunately they’re more likely to kill them selves than actually grow hentai milkers.
No. 1333213
>>1333202NTA But other kinds of therapy. Anti-anxiety treatment, coping mechanisms, learning limits and how to avoid your worst
triggers when needed. Exposure therapy just causes panic attacks, reinforcing that certain stimulus is always a danger to you.
No. 1333216
>>1333202Nta but while exposure therapy is used, it’s partial exposure, in a controlled environment, with a professional and probably a team of professionals there to help in case something goes wrong.
Not in the bedroom, with a retard fucking you until you pass out, nor on Twitter, reading about how a guy wants to rape you until you bleed, nor reading about getting your corpse fucked.
Seriously, the internet has made so many people think they can do anything when in reality, they’re just messing themselves even more while
also fucking up gullible people’s lives.
No. 1333222
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I don't know what to say
No. 1333227
>>1333198I feel the same way, Anon. It’s oddly interesting. I try to understand the enemy (the troon) to an extent. I blame my curiosity. A man is easy to understand and manipulate. Even if they think they’re women or know the mind of a woman.
A lot of troons find their interest in alternative hentai themes such as BE (breast expansion), Male BE, and TG aka gender bending. Through their interest in many alternative hentai comics they try to find real world cheat codes to achieve to grow anime tiddies. Some try herbal concoctions of supplements. Others try breast pumps, massages , and nipple sucking sects toys. The desperate will try everything. None will get satisfying results.
Most coomers troons and closeted AGPs can discern reality from eechi fantasy but it’s obvious from the many tranny threads that so many believe they can achieve an alternative hentai life only to find that they’re always going to be perverted men.
No. 1333257
>>1333222Wow, it's almost as though troons don't have any understanding of what a female childhood is actually like and are pretending it's all sleepovers and dollies because that's what the fiction they masturbate to tells them. This Hand-Aiden was so close to getting it, but she had to find a woke way to spin "males don't understand what little girls do through," to uphold her worldview. Pathetic.
The juxtaposition between "suffering" and skirt-go-spinny almost feels like a pisstake.
No. 1333263
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>>1333198Women and men’s breast are built fundamentally different. No matter how “big” their moobs get they never look as good as a woman’s of comparable size, because theirs cannot physically fill on top like ours and cannot have the right shape. That’s why the “bigger” their boobs, the more downward and tubular.
No. 1333290
>>1333222The responses going “see TERFs are just jealous that trans women are actually happy as women!” …Is it that hard to realize women have been saying this whole time that males are so happy as “women” because they aren’t oppressed like us? That’s literally the entire point. We are born into an oppressed class and they’re playing dress-up for fun and then playing
victim when anyone doesn’t go along with their uwu super happy fun skirt-twirly game. As always I’d love to see them apply this logic to transracialism.
No. 1333293
>>1333222>>1333257It's actually sad to me that they come this close to realizing that, yes, being a woman in this patriarchal, misogynistic world is, in fact, suffering. Suffering isn't innate to womanhood, though, it's
just because men fucked it all up for us. If you were born into a world without men, there wouldn't be anything particularly awful about being a woman. The reason why TIMs "make womanhood look fun" is because they view our being as a fun game, a fetish, or both, in a way that women born into this world cannot, because we are all uniformly oppressed on a biological basis using the things these men opt into and can choose to give up at any point.
Even as a feminine woman who enjoys feminine things, you are forced to live with the reality that these things are expected of you, and that you would be shamed if you stopped enjoying it, and you are treated as an object for doing so. Femme lesbians understand this deeply: They revel in their femininity, but are treated as sexual fantasies and objectified by straight men. Femininity cannot
just be something fun for women, as it is responded to with sexualization and condescension, just as gender nonconformity is responded to with hate and violence. Regardless of what kind of woman you are, the fact that you have XX chromosomes and a womb (or a body denoting such) results in dismissal, violence, and sexualization. A TIM has no experience with this, and never will have experience with this, so when you see a TIM "enjoying femininity", you are actually seeing him enjoy male privilege that you cannot replicate.
No. 1333301
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>>1332265looks like an infinitely more busted paul scheer lmao
No. 1333303
>>1333300Is…his penis squished
inside of the metal thing?
No. 1333335
>>1333235I remember when an anon once posted about how she used to be into violent and degrading sex and thought that was the only way she could have any sort of pleasure, until she met a normie bf who didn't indulgence those degenerate desires and instead tried to please with her normal vanilla sex and she ended up finding the latter more enjoyable
I feel any normie male has to do is just be a decent person who actually cares but most don't, they take advantage of these vulnerable girls cause they know they can get away with it
No. 1333339
>>1333290>I’d love to see them apply this logic to transracialism.Here you go
forgot to tagI love trans blacks for lots of reasons, but I think the biggest is that growing up as a black person for me was SO hard. horrible. nightmare. But they make it look happy and enjoyable… they redefine what personhood as a black person is to me from something horrible to something beautiful… very hard to explain… me being a white is awesome… and seeing trans blacks love being black in a way I couldn’t is even better. Thank u blacks.
I look at my mom and ask “what is it like to be black?” She shrugs and says “idk, suffering?” I look at my now black partner to ask for the same question and he/she just puts a rap song to dance to it.
No. 1333362
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>>1333339>>1333356Lets say you were to make an argument for transracialism using the same logic as TRAs do, how would you explain it ?
related to comic btw
No. 1333386
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>>1333172where is his dick… this store that sells breast plates and other weird shit have a gallery and 100% of the pictures are of men, even though they sell abs and male body suits. No. 1333388
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>>1333234>>1333270Okay so I looked for an answer out of morbid curiosity and the first thing that popped up on his twitter was a video of the thing, he pushes his dick inside his body with it and it looks painful has hell
No. 1333397
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>>1333362I picture it like the obssession it is. Big autism about to start: You're a white child, you're crazy about japanese stuff and anime. You've watched a lot of anime since you're very young, it's the only thing you enjoy. People mock you. You fantasize about an irrealistic ideal of Japan that you've build in your head from your anime obssesion and lack of other reliable means of knowledge. You're miserable because you obssess over the idea that if you're unhappy it's only because you aren't an actual japanese living in Japan. You start ''learning'' japanese on your own through an unconventional process, leading to poor results. You start dressing and styling yourself like your animu characters because that's how you think they dress in Japan and also start mimicking anime characters' mannerism for the same reason. You decide what's actually japanese based on what you like. You get to a point where you're starting to convince yourself that you've been japanese all that time and your ''journey'' is the result of yourself naturally leaning towards your true culture. You believe you have a japanese soul. You choose a new name for yourself, a japanese name. You even start pretending you have a japanese accent while talking in your actual language. You approach real japanese people and act towards them as if you were one of them, which they don't buy at all but they respond nicely because they see you are mentally ill. You finally move to Japan, there you larp until you realise nobody wants to follow your delusions. You get angry at them for being ''westenized'' and not being traditional japanese like you. At some point you realise you will always be a white guy with a fetish. You commit sudoku.
No. 1333400
>>1333033>>1333161"Rapeplay is totally healing" is a meme that has been taken way too far by the
scrote-positive sex-positive crowd. Ever heard of Pavlovian conditioning? This type of roleplay is exactly it.
SA survivors are not learning how to take control of their dysfunctional sexuality, they're eliciting a pleasurable response from their own abuse.
Guess who benefits the most from this "therapy" being normalized?
Hint: they have a broken chromosome. No. 1333404
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Anyone remember the immense screeching from TRA's when some women said they thought Terry Pratchett would've been gender critical? According to them radfem Discworld fans are ghouls who desecrated a dead person's corpse, just because they wondered what his politics would've been like.
Meanwhile TRA's have no problem with literally taking quotes from dead terfs and changing them to fit trans ideology (nobody did this with Pratchett). Trans activists are the real ghouls.
No. 1333412
>>1333143Not all women into rapeplay were former
victims of rape and a lot of women who hate the women who encourage it are actually rape
No. 1333418
>>1333412I think this falls under "misdirected anger towards women". Women aren't coming up with rape "kink" on their own, they're exposed to it by degenerate scrotes who want to tske advantage of them or other women via relationships and surplus of heavily spread/marketed rape porn. The monsters here aren't the misled women who, if they haven't yet been abused,
will be abused by men. The monsters are the men who fetishize raping women, make the porn, encourage women to partake in it. It's the exact same as BDSM. Just another tool to oppress women, to convince them that the abuse they suffer through is natural, healthy, or even enjoyable.
No. 1333473
>>1333468Nah, he may go enby so people will stop REEEing at him (like Janelle Monae unfortunately had to do), but he won't troon out. He's a proud & annoying gay guy, that's his whole thing.
If he wanted to trans his gay away he would've done it years ago before fame like other black TIMs (Laverne Cox and that black TIM from Pose).
No. 1333491
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My brother says he suspects that one of his friends might transition despite being straight (allegedly the friend keeps saying he’s “so in touch with his femine side” and that he “feels more female than male”, openly likes to wear dresses and make-up at home, watches trans youtubers, openly and explicitly fetishizes transwomen, watches anime, etc.).
My brother says he wouldn’t end the friendship over his friend becoming trans.
Should I be worried that my brother might troon out himself since he’s so accepting? He showed no other signs before. I don’t think I’d be able to handle losing my brother like that.
No. 1333496
>>1333491Being accepting =/= being on the same degenerate pipeline.
Unless he's showing the same signs/patterns of his friend, you shouldn't worry.
Btw, you should tell your brother about autogynephilia.
No. 1333497
>>1333491Tell him if he troons out you will always think he's an AGP coomer and want nothing to do with him. Just be honest.
My brother toyed with the ideology himself and I told him exactly that. Granted my parents were on my side, might not work if you have a pick me mother.
No. 1333498
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>>1333494She looks like a page boy.
No. 1333500
>>1333453Weirdly enough, Arin Hanson gives me troon energy. He checks off a lot of the typical boxes
-overly sexual
-had a femsona that he was obsessed with for a bit
-cross-dresses "ironically"
from Florida No. 1333504
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>>1333453>>1333500+1 for Arin I’m shocked he hasn’t been discovered to be a non binary groomer. This last podcast guy always gave me troonout vibes and is friends with the McElroys
No. 1333509
>>1333503Another reason why anon should tell her brother about AGP. Normies don't know about this, they still think all trannies are broken gays.
Besides, if her brother's friend really troons out, he is going to see the horror unfold right in front of eyes anyways.
No. 1333515
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>>1333453I'm surprised Travis doesn't identify as non-binary already.
No. 1333519
>>1333453Any moid from Breadtube who hasn't already trooned out, Arin Hanson, xQc, Travis McElroy, Brian David Gilbert, or Nick Robinson. It's hard to telk, because it's usually "the less relevant, the more likely", so the ones you can think of off the top of your head or easily find on lists of influential personalities are less likely to troon out than the ones who are desperate for attention.
>>1333504What the fuck is wrong with his nail? It looks dirty or infected.
No. 1333534
>>1333494her face looks wrong. like her skin looks waxy and her smile looks like her mouth is hooked to her ears. if that even makes sense.
it’s fucking me up.
No. 1333535
>>1333519>BDGgod, pls don't. Not all theater kids are troons in the making, come on.
It would be depressing af if he trooned out, specially for his gf.
No. 1333537
>>1333526He plays Overwatch and does troonish things with his hair.
>>1333529Horny, irrelevant creep gamer.
No. 1333542
>>1333188binding, esp long term, can deform breasts kind of like breast ironing does.
>>1333535would genuinely give up if he trooned
No. 1333548
>>1333543The edgelord to troon pipeline is real.
>>1333535>>1333542Sorry nonnies but he's a scrawny, sensitive white man who's into theatre and worked for Polygon.
No. 1333569
>>1333491Even JK Rowling has trans friends (I know she's not really a radfem but transgenders act like she's an extremist), so being friends with them doesn't necessitate buying into trans ideology.
If your brother watches anime too (or western shows like Steven Universe and MLP) that's a red flag though, especially if it's ecchi or moe anime.
If your bro brings up these things about his friend feeling more in touch with his female side by wearing dresses, you can mock it by bringing up transracialism, like suggesting his friend should get in touch with his black side more by eating some fried chicken and watermelon (if he's black use some other stupid racial stereotype). Trans activists usually have no defense against transracial arguments, so it just makes them look like idiots.
No. 1333583
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>>1333565Normal people in general (lesbians included) don't know about autogynephilia, they still assume that all transexuals are either "gay+" or "born in the wrong body"; those who dare asking questions are crybullied and/or deplatformed by the watchful eye of middle-upper class white AGPs and their footsoldiers (pickmes and chasers). The only way normies can peak is through exposure.
Picrel has left a very bad taste in everyone's mouth. There's also that ex-military MMA fighter who's recently made the rounds on Twitter, the female prison situation, women's shelters situation… and many cases out there that are being swept under the rug.
Maybe Anglophone countries will stop spreading this virus by 2025 after Big Pharma gathered enough lifelong cashcows. Maybe.
Detransitioning will be phase two of this whole thing, imo.
No. 1333589
>>1333453If Andrew Dobson ever returns to the internet it will be as a "lady".
>>1333565I think things will get worse before they get better but keep in mind most normal people don't buy into this. The people who do go along with it often don't even know or think about what they're supporting. I've rarely heard of someone with GC opinions becoming a TRA but GC spaces are filled with former trans allies and moderate supporters. It's an ideology that thrives the less people know about it and the ugly truths will eventually seep out. There's still hope.
No. 1333620
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>>1333388Jesus Christ, I'm in pain just looking at that and I don't even have a penis. Is there anything these scrotes
won't do as a fetish?
No. 1333668
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>>1333404How many normies peaked with one tweet, I wonder…
No. 1333683
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>>1333678It's happening everywhere. In Finland I even see our version of NPR/the public broadcaster using words like "pussy haver" except the word is more like a baby talk word for vagina/vulva than a porn-y one. Baby talk is fine, using words that make men in dresses cry is a no no. Literally every single time a women's issue is mentioned someone has to weasel in the compulsory not everyone who does/is/has x is a woman, it's so fucking tiring. If those women try to identify out of being women why are they so hell bent on being grouped together with women?
No. 1333691
>>1333678because ignoring the fact females exist means sexism isn't a thing, a very progressive stance towards true equality. "woman" is just an identity and anyone who wants to feel a
victim to something can call themselves a "woman". only "women" are meant to be traumatized and abused and feminine, misogyny has
nothing to do with being seen as inferior due to the sex your are born as. also remember that some men can also have a uterus and boobs!
No. 1333706
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>>1333704……I had no idea this was even a thing.
No. 1333709
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>>1333491Dam she looks fucking horrible in that suit
No. 1333713
is a social construct though. "Race" is a relatively modern concept. Ethnicity is much older but it's always been an illusion since new ethnic identities get formed, people end up joining new ethnic groups through assimilation or adoption, a lot of ethnic groups are extinct etc.
Biological sex isn't a social construct like money or race are at all. I'm not saying a white person can just identify as black, of course. Money is a social construct too but a rich person can't just identify as poor. However, people who think transgenderism is ok but not transracialism are seriously confusing. The greatest genetic difference is between the sexes so all women across the world are closer related to each other than they are to men of their own ethnicity.
No. 1333723
>>1333714>>1333709>>1333718This oversized mess Shinji is wearing is Balenciaga, it's "supposed" to be tacky. Her day-to-day instagram look is not boyish, she dresses normal (she has the same dead-eye stare in most pictures, btw, but ppl pretend they aren't noticing and would rather
"YAAAAAS KING" her instead).
No. 1333763
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It’s that time again, the time where you can’t browse an online shopping site with reviews without seeing some gross AGP shit.
>>1331369be my friend please I’m serious
No. 1333776
Question for nonas into online shopping: was this
>>1333763 normal 10 years ago?
No. 1333787
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>>1333548>>1333535>>1333537>>1333531>>1333531>>1333519>>1333776>>1333453>>1333445>>1333515None of this stuff leads to tranesss though, I think any male can potentially troon out and it only requires two things
1)be a coomer and complete porn addict with ever increasing fetishes
2)have a noticeable level hatred and envy against women(the envy against women being the most important factor)
bonus reequipment is having an extremely online presence, men who are extremely online are all fucked up one way or another and need to get off online
Im thankful the DIY scene is still safe, however online based and modern "punk" in general is filled trannies, handmaidens, kweers and genderspecials who don't know the first thing about punk and just use it for their "gender expressions" while bashings on the previous generation of punk artists, honestly punk is dead the "kweers" have claimed it
picrel is what the average punk band looks like these days
No. 1333804
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>>1333793>hon (she)It's been 10min and I can't stop laughing help
No. 1333859
>>1333565AGPs will AGP, some will detransition out of shame because in 5 years, normies will know what AGP is and thus MTFs will be looked at in disgust everywhere they go. The ones who continue to larp as having female souls and deny that it's a fetish will be isolated from their families, probably end in suicide. AGP isnt the only thing that will shift public opinion. As more and more troons are allowed into women's prisons, shelters, sports teams, locker rooms, bathrooms, the inevitable will happen: more WiSpa situations, more Hubbards and Laughlins, more troons raping and abusing women in shelters and prisons. Majority of people are already iffy about troons, but it will get worse.
The trans kids will suffer and have a reduced life spans as a result from puberty blockers, surgeries and HRT, especially TIFs. Testosterone on the female body is devastating and they will have some major complications if they don't stop. SRS is even worse.
I think Reddit will be investigated by the FBI for grooming children, but idk, the government loves to protect pedos.
No. 1333880
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This man dient even bother changing his common male name. Yet he intrudes a large girls only facebook group to shit on terrible moms that dont teach their kids not to laugh at him.
> the facebook group has been around for long
> over 100k swedish girls
> mostly non political, just normie girls
> many muslims, so racism is a big no but its genuinly normies just talking about wall quotes or "fun" things kids have said
> the rules have the normal no homophobia or sexism and so on but usually the biggest fight is when vegans sperg out
> there is literally nothing of enjoyment to find unless you are a straight girl who wants to talk about babies or hot actors
> reeeeeee i ask you adults, but especially mothers, please teach your kids about trannies and to respect them. im tired of kids pointing and laughing at me.
> i go to his public fb page
> its only hentai
No. 1334079
>>1334064>>1334070I talked about this in the FTM thread, Femininity and masculinity are social constructs, think about how right now Pink is so very associated with Femininity even though just 100 years ago it was associated with boyhood or how historically across cultures skirts were considered gender natural, masculinity and femininity are in a sense bullshit
Its feminine to like cooking but masculine to like grilling even both those overlap
so even GNC behavior is also arbitrary, a guy liking the color of pink, fashion and other "girly" stuff isn't gonna troon out, he's a man at the end of the day but a tell tale sign of trannyness is the coomer behavior and the envy and hatred these males posses against women
No. 1334236
>>1334011I agree with you. Nobody is 100% gender conforming in the first place anyway and gender is a social construct that changes throughout history. A lot of tradthots know how to read/write, are strongly opinionated, go to college, and are employed for example lol. None of those things are traditionally feminine.
I feel like a lot of straight TIMs and TIFs are respectively more masculine and feminine than the average population. Yeah, sure, maybe the TIM like skirts but he’s also obsessed with programming and porn, is ex-military, and has such extreme levels of misogyny. TIFs are complete doormats who will do anything to please men. They love their fashion, makeup, fanfiction, and astrology. I never wear makeup but a lot of TIFs do and they dress up girly than me which is very strange.
No. 1334342
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No. 1334350
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No. 1334363
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>>1334350This is the full list of surgeries for anons interested
No. 1334371
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No. 1334393
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>>1334342>>1334350>>1334363>>1334371Here's my contribution after browsing that sub. Kek the only thing worse than his boob job are his tattoos
No. 1334396
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>>1334372These burgers get FFS covered by Starbucks. Their healthcare system is fucked
>>1334393The tattoos looks like the surgeons kept drawing
No. 1334423
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>>1333583>Picrel has left a very bad taste in everyone's mouthI'm from New Zealand and no one's mentioned Larry since he choked. He did some sad little interview post-games in a shitty baby voice about how he's just going to slink back out of the spotlight after all the hard work and effort he put in to achieving fucking nothing. Probably busy wiping his tears with daddy's food group CEO/ex-mayor of Auckland money as we speak.
Even the typical stunning and brave media response was pretty watered down, if there at all. Most transwomen/active TRAs in NZ are Maori/Pacific Islanders (blog but I know two Fa'afafine who have been crossdressing since they were early teens), and they probably called bullshit on a man living happily as a man until transitioning at 34. Even the handmaidens I know IRL couldn't justify it kek.
The real icing on the cake is at that the same year our OC tried to humiliate us with this bullshit, Lisa Carrington became our most decorated Olympian ever, winning six medals (five gold) in one year, a title that was previously held between three men. After all the focus on Bravel & Stunnard, it was nice to see an actual woman making us proud on the world stage.
No. 1334427
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>>1334389Brain-dead comments
No. 1334488
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>>1333386The bodysuit stuff is extra creepy in my opinion
No. 1334490
>>1334417Yeah it sounds like she's one of those people who hasn't seen the hard statistics that expose the reality of these TIMs and how most of them are not "harmless" HSTS but are really a majority of AGPs. And even then, HSTS are still full of shit as well and you can't give them a pass i.e think they're "tRuE tRaNs". You either critique them all or none at all.
>>1334426Are there any ways that can help show normies what Autogynephelia is? And if more normies were aware of Autogynephelia, do you think they would still support trans ideology?
>>1334427Yeah exactly, that's the BS I was talking about kek
No. 1334605
>>1334350Now he looks like he's missing a chromosome.
>>1334363Anybody getting all-in-one cosmetic surgery is a certified retard.
No wonder insurance vultures are all over it, it's easy money.
No. 1334623
>>1334566Thailand is this contradiction where its considered to be the most LGBT-friendly country in Southeast Asia (apparently Bangkok is the second most gay-friendly city in all of Asia after Tel Aviv) but Thai society is
very heteronormative. You can be openly gay and the country is working on a same-sex marriage bill but people seem to only be ok with your relationship if it mimics a heterosexual one. It's actually acceptable to be a lesbian but
only if it is a butch/femme couple.
I blame Buddhism tbh. I think on one hand Buddhism influences Thai people to accept that homosexuality is an inborn condition that is not a choice (so it can not be altered) but it also tells Thais that Buddhism is the result of a screwed up reincarnation. So if you're a gay man then you must have actually been a straight woman in your past life. Getting surgery done is to "correct" your body and fit into heteronormative ideals.
No. 1334630
>>1334613Non-western countries that tend to have a lot of trannies or "third genders" are those that have strict gender roles. They usually think these people were born defective in some way and they need to put these people into some separate gender role.
This option is usually offered to men and not women because lesbians are expected to birth babies no matter what. Women are an important population resource unlike men and having her remain celibate and/or non-reproductive would be a waste of her eggs. Meanwhile putting the gay man into a "non-man" role can remove him from the male-male competition of straight men for brides and property.
No. 1334679
>>1334375>too small = not being taken seriously in jobs, relationships, attracting pedophiles, etc)This reminds me of my dermatologist and my endocrinologists telling me I could have our public health insurance pay for a boob job if I felt dysphoria or dysmorphia
not sure about the correct word about having less than an A cup when I was a teenager. This was caused by a growth hormone deficiency and I already had growth hormone injected in my body for 8 years everyday to look like a normal person and not a perpetual child so I thought that was normal if public health insurance covered the boob job except they only would have covered a very small amount of money and I would have had to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist several times to prove I felt bad about having small breasts and THEN I would have to prove all of this to my private health insurance to maybe have a small part of the cost covered by them. It seemed so incoherent to me, thank god I never wanted surgery in the first place.
At least in my country trannies have to "live" as the opposite sex for 2 years and go to a psychiatrist they can't pick and choose before having their surgery paid by the government.
No. 1334691
>>1334685It would repel future costumers/suckers if the insurance coverage is removed. Trans Surgeries business is booming in 1st world countries because the elites noticed there are plenty of XY retards willing to burn thousands of dollars for a fantasy.
Regular women looking for a breast reduction or augmentation will only do it once, maybe twice for a revision. TIMs will always be unsatisfied and desire for more.
No. 1334692
>>1334691iirc when you get breasts augmentation you need to replace implants every ten years or so, so it's only in case of reduction that the patients will only need to surgery once or twice. Maybe you don't need to change implants as often now though, I got this info when doing research for myself ten years ago because of
>>1334679 so it's been a while since then.
No. 1334706
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>>1334692Ayrt and yeah, you're right about needing to replace implants. I thought it lasted for 15-20 years though.
Either way, normie women aren't gonna be obsessively messing with their body unless they're chasing a fantasy (even then, they could be denied when it's risky).
TIMs will literally do anything, if they're denied a procedure they will choose underground "surgeons" or just 41%. Since they're so willing, surgeons are free to try anything on them. They're perfect cashcows.
No. 1334730
>>1334725Samefag but this isn't some "homophobia didn't exist in the Global South until western colonialism introduced Christianity" BS because homophobia did
still exist but it didn't manifest itself in the same way as Europe and the Middle East. Gay people in Thailand are thought of as abnormal but there was never any concept of it being a "sin" that required the death penalty.
No. 1334760
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The level of delusion these scrotes have never ceases to disgust me
No. 1334770
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>>1334739sage for OT but Buddhism has many sects and subcategories all of whom have wildly different beliefs. philosophies and practices
most westerners are familiar with zen buddhism which is just one sub-branch of of Mahayana Buddhism but there were also sects such as the Tendai school in Japan which was also a sub-branch Mahayana Buddhism, which came to the conclusion that death is the ultimate reality of life and to kill and to be killed is the greatest act a human being can bestow on others
so they became a military death worshipping cult that would Islamic extremists to shame, they cared nothing for human life cause they believed that death was the greatest gift in the world
No. 1334774
>>1334342Because it’s literally a surgical wound. God forbid doctors and nurses use correct medical terminology.
>>1334373Plenty of “third world countries” have good surgeons anon, you should get out more. Thailand isn’t the surface of the moon, it has hospitals like everywhere else.
No. 1334805
>>1334746trannies think femininity = female and that gender trumps sex. i am annoyed that many women think they same. like, there are women who will accept timmies as women as long as they dress/act feminine and get their dick chopped off. even if a man did all of that, it still doesn’t make him a woman.
>>1334798no, i meant its stupid. but i feel that way about mahayana in general.
theravada = actual buddhists
mahayana = dumbed down
vajrayana = extra retarded voodoo shit
No. 1334825
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>>1332797Yup, look at this gorgeous woman.
No. 1334888
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the FaceApp tranny psyop is getting out of hand.
No. 1334898
>>1334884I follwed her on twitter before her ban. She used to roast trannies like crazy. Good times.
>>1334494I need to rewatch Silence of the Lambs. I haven't seen it in years.
No. 1334904
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>>1334888Yes, no one noticed insane men have lived among us
I am now enlightened by your wisdom
No. 1334948

>>1334898Its one of the most based and lowkey pink-pilled films of all time, the conformation between bill and Clarise is just pure cinematic perfection imo
the real villain in the film was the Male Gaze and buffalo bill was the ultimate embodiment of that gaze
In the near end scene where Clarice has bill cornered, he cuts the power and the lights go off, Clarice is effectively blind while bill with the aid of night vision goggles has all the power as he can see her every movement, he see's her fear and he revels in it, bill becomes the personification of the male gaze in human flesh, he toys with her and he takes his big very phalic gun and aims it at her hear head, but the loud sound of when he COCK's his gun alerts Clarice and due to having sharper shooting experience catches him off guard and unloads on him and her stray bullets damaging the walls and windows which let's the light shine in, and we see Bill as he lay dying, his appearance and even the sound he's making not resembling a man but rather an insect like creature
No. 1334954
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>>1334948I always bring up the same thing, the morgue scene is also a good example.
No. 1334995
>>1334793Okay, not
everything has to be rooted in misogyny
>>1334735I'm pretty sure it stems from straight men being repulsed by the idea of having sex with another man (likely instinctively)
No. 1335015
>>1334977I live in Yuropoor country, so my gen X parents don't give a shit about trannies, but I had a talk about troons with my brother a while ago and we had a laugh about their suicide rates. On the other hand my brother has pretty conservative views overall, so his approach towards troons stems from a different pov, but we usually avoid talking politics.
My friends show some shades of tranny friendly views, but thankfully we don't have any troon acquaintances, so the topic barely comes up.
No. 1335038
>>1335015similar situation here. my family doesn't even think about it but if i asked them they'd probably think it's super retarded. they're also very homophobic and i will probably stay a closeted lesbian til i move somewhere else and will come out after they die.
howeverr i've noticed among younger women especially gen z that libfem is the norm and they support troons cuz they're braindead and haven't really thought about the logic behind it. they have no idea that autogynephilia exist and have no idea what the average troon looks like. so i have hope they'll wake up before this fuckery comes to our part of the world too.
No. 1335041
>>1335030scat fetishes are wayyy rarer and not something you would be publicly since it doesn't extend beyond the bedroom.
And I really doubt men actually strategize oppression like that (or need to)
No. 1335045
>>1335041just an extreme example but you get the point
and they need to strategize it because they do this shit subconsciously it's in their dna
No. 1335051
>>1335032So weird. Chubby/skinnyfat women NEVER have such terrible fat distribution. Even unfit or apple shaped women have undeniably womanly figures.
These moids with their potbellies and straight legs look repulsive.
No. 1335082
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No. 1335091
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Glad he pointed out he was born male, it's pretty hard to tell
No. 1335102
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>>1335094I think she was being sarcastic
No. 1335107
>>1335030>>1335061That may be explanation for traditionally pagan patriarchal cultures for where it was outright stated, Homosexuality was awful when you were the "bottom" but this isn't the case Abrahamic religion's where it was just the mere act its self that was despised and you were murdered regardless wether you were "passive" or not
Judaism was developed along clan lines, where the family was seen as the most important aspect of the state, it wasn't just a matter of bearing children for the next generation but a religious order by their god and the Hebrews had a fanaticism in their religion that no one in the world possessed
No. 1335112
>>1335038Ayrt, I'm sorry to hear about your homophobic family. My parents are actually ok with LGB crowd and it seems they've come to terms with me being bi.
As for younger women, I've had some online friendships broken over arguments about trannies, because even in my conservative country libfem is the default choice among both millennials and zoomers. People lose their shit over a handful of local terfs, even though trannies are ironically the most privileged part of LGBT here.
No. 1335114
>>1335106Ugh I forgot about this one.
It's dumb because chasers are the ones who want to catch stuff, not the ones who like spreading it
No. 1335122
>>1335118NTA But both are misogynistic, and I'd rather be isolated than interact with either. You don't have to "side" with
any misogynists, and choosing to align yourself with either is retarded.
No. 1335130
>>1335122I get it but I’m not aligned with any side.
Just trannies in general are a waste to life where as literally anyone else is worth talking to.
Enjoy your isolation.
No. 1335140
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Based dad kek.
No. 1335144
>>1335136I generalize all trannies as coomers and midwits and you’re comfortable derailing because I, one Anon, would rather talk to conservatives than a troon.
So cool of you.
No. 1335149
>>1334730This. Cultures outside the influence of Abrahamic religion (either because they predate it or had little contact with it's associated cultures) do not exhibit the violent revulsion towards homosexuality typical of homophobes today. At worst, they have heterosexuality as the ideal while being ambivalent about homosexual behavior, and at best it's a cultural institution (as it was in ancient Greece or Japan.)
>>1334635This is not even remotely true. See what I said about Abrahamic religion above. There are numerous cultures throughout history where there wasn't systemic homophobia.
I would argue that not caring about homosexuality one way or the other is the most "natural" response. Some anthropologists have speculated that homosexuality occurs in highly social species as a way to reduce conflict between males in the "herd." The vast majority of non-human species with homosexual behavior are communal: bats, lions, ducks, sheep.
Also, justifying homophobia by calling homosexuality "unnatural" is fucking retarded because the word "natural" is basically meaningless. If something is unnatural because it's a human invention (which homosexuality isn't anyway but whatever) that would mean literally everything we "invented" is unnatural and therefore bad. Cars, glasses, medicine, and computers are all bad now uwu. You retards have no argument outside of christfaggotry, illogical nonsense about things being "natural" and "ewww buttsex" to justify your hatred of an entire subset of law-abiding human beings and it's fucking exhausting. For the millionth time: this thread is for hating trannies, NOT gay people.
No. 1335152
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>>1335107>>1335061>>1335030>>1335149okay I found it
>The Hebrew patriarchal family was a vast economic and political organization, composed of the oldest married male, his waves, his unmarried children, his married sons with their wives and children, and perhaps some slaves. >The economic basis of the institution was its convenience for cultivating the soil; its political value lay in its providing a system of social order so strong that it made the state —except in war— almost superfluous. The father’s authority was practically unlimited; the land was his, and his children could survive only by obedience to him; he was the state. If he was poor he could sell his daughter, before her puberty, as a bondservant; and though occasionally he condescended to ask her consent, he had full right to dispose of her in marriage as he wished. At first marriage was matrilocal; the man had to “leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife” in her clan; but this custom gradually died out after the establishment of the monarchy. Yahweh’s instructions to the wife were: “Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” Though technically subject, the woman was often a person of high authority and dignity; the history of the Jews shines with such names as Sarah, Rachel, Miriam and Esther; Deborah was one of the judges of Israel ,and it was the prophetess Huldah whom Josiah consulted about the Book which the priests had found in the Temple.>The mother of many children was certain of security and honor. For the little nation longed to increase and multiply, feeling, as in Palestine today, its dangerous numerical inferiority to the peoples surrounding it; therefore it exalted motherhood, branded celibacy as a sin and a crime, made marriage compulsory after twenty, even in priests, abhorred marriageable virgins and childless women, and looked upon abortion, infanticide and other means of limiting population as heathen abominations that stank in the nostrils of the Lord. And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.” so basically while family was important for all cultures the Hebrews made it a religious obligation to boost their population, Homosexuality condemnation was a byproduct of this population policy where anything limiting population was deemed a sun and sacrilegious
No. 1335153
>>1335106>Vanguard AmericaAh yes, a literal neo-nazi organization. What a reliable and unbiased source.
Neck yourself, /pol/fag.
No. 1335158
>>1335155Anon was referencing the post they replied to, but it is
very funny that they took it so literally.
Singular they because I'm not sure if it's a scrote or not kek. No. 1335168
>>1335158It’s really interesting that you’re under the assumption that I’m a scrote just for not agreeing to another Anon. I’m a woman. Like most posters ITT. Also, I was using hyperbole.
>>1335155JFC I’m fully aware of this, Anon.
Also just to make it clear. It shouldn’t bother any of you that one Anon dosen’t agree with you. It doesn’t matter what I think at all be it shouldn’t bother you. Just saying.
No. 1335200
>>1335195Aids technically has been 'cured'
nonny but you have to take medication for the rest of your life.
No. 1335372
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>>1335139>I guess because the conservative is least likely to be dressed and trying to impersonate a woman.AGP doesn't choose a political lane, all it takes for it to take root in a man's mind is having a porn addiction and/or a twisted perspective of societal roles & femaleness. article, that was scrubbed from The Atlantic archives, talks about this fetish on conservative TIMs and their distorted views.
No. 1335389
>>1335139Lol 50% of troons are polcels or psycho Afghanistan marine veterans
>>1335202ok handmaiden, how’s Texas going?
No. 1335408
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>>1335403>no u embarrassing lol wow great thanks
No. 1335413
>>1335195First off, obligatory "fuck off tradwhore/scrote."
Second, PreP already reduces HIV positive people to below the viral load for transmissibility. It's basically already "cured," and non-PreP cures are on the horizon.
Third, most of the people with HIV worldwide are straight sub-saharan Africans, not homosexuals. Even if every gay and bisexual man on earth suddenly vanished, millions of people would still exist with HIV.
Fourth, plenty of straight people fuck each other in the ass and I don't see you squawking about that. Not to mention the significant subset of gay men who aren't into anal at all.
Fifth, you're using a device Alan Turing, a gay man, helped pioneer the invention of. You wouldn't be able to spout all this retarded nonsense if it weren't for a faggot whose work was 100x more important than anything you'll ever do.
No. 1335419
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Why do black trannies beg for money for hotel on Instagram? And why is a radfem account I followed supporting them?
No. 1335431
>>1335424radfems don't have to hate trannies they just believe they're not real women and have no place among them
>>1335413no shhh listen telling them that globally HIV/AIDS is a woman's issue perpetuated by straight men male violence so much so that most AIDS ngos are mostly focused on them and not the gays wouldn't let them be reactionary weirdos
No. 1335470
>>1333222I'm sorry but this makes me a-log so fucking hard. What the fuck. These women need to take a good look at what they're saying.
>Women have to suffer the shockwaves of structural misogyny and their whole lives are made ten times harder than if they were born with a dick>But my tranny "wife" having enjoyed decades of male privilege loves spinny skirts soooo much! Good for her for being so positive about womanhood awwww! How do you not see it? Are you just thinking that this will help your cause too? Because men co-opt womanhood you think it'll get better for you eventually? Or maybe if you're trooning out yourself you feel less guilty about being "a failed woman" if your role is being taken by a man who performs femininity "better"? What are the mental gymnastics behind this? Do they really think trannies are interested in using their male privilege to improve female rights when you yourself even admit that they have no understanding of how far actual womanhood is from the fetishized, male-gazey sleepover fantasy they have?
>>1333293>Femininity cannot just be something fun for women, as it is responded to with sexualization and condescension, just as gender nonconformity is responded to with hate and violence.Well put. Every time a woman wants to wear something cute just because she thinks it looks nice, she's sexualized and fetishized through and through. MTFs on the other hand can do the same thing without these consequences. Of course they can "enjoy" womanhood a lot more, they can opt out any time they want and wear femininity as a costume when it's convenient for them. I still don't understand how handmaidens don't see the parallels with blackfacing, it makes no sense to me.
No. 1335520
>>1335419I'm a non American, so my experiences with American troons are admittedly limited, but I can't help but notice that every black troon in America is exactly the same. They're all asking for hotels because their family kicked them out and literally all of them keep begging for transport money to move to a different hotel claiming their cousins are coming to beat them up.
What the hell is going on? Its wild that there is this weird split between BLM troons sperging about how black people can do no wrong but then black troons are constantly in fear of being murdered by their families. Like… what's happening?
No. 1335532
>>1335091"i'm quite feminine"
kek where? Is it the facial hair and giant hands? The massive forehead and strong browbones? The typical male hairstyle dyed in blue, the color associatd with males even on the trans flag? The military shade of khaki green jacket and hoodie? The very male unposed stance of making zero effort to look good?
Or does he simply mean he maybe has slightly effeminate gay mannerisms compared to your average working class straight guy, just like a huge chunk of other gay and bi men?
No. 1335542
>>1335520most black troons are homosexual neets that spent their formative years larping as "yaaass queen" hood girls, and now that their families aren't legally bound to put a roof over their heads they have to either go into prostitution or e beg until theyre killed for looking at a homophobic black guy wrong.
Sometimes they live in homophobic households but most of the time theyre just insufferable misogynists that take out their jealousy and self hatred onto the black women around them and online. Black trannies are the worst typet
No. 1335561
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>>1335520OMG Anon, you can't ask why black people are constantly asking for handouts! That's sooooo racist!
(racebait ) No. 1335563
>>1335557Dang, someone needs to go watch Tariq NaSneed's documentary masterpiece "Buck Breaking". Then you will learn that not only are black people the LEAST homophobic, they also helped built the women's movement AND blacks are only ever gay because whitey broke they spirits with rape on the plantations to KEEP A NIGGA DOWN!
>>1335542Nah sis, black people iz owed reparations by the whuite man. Even trannies know this. If it wasn't for whuitey black people would be THRIVIN in a fucking superior society in Africa right now where gender don't exist and everyone was rich n shiet.
(racebaiting) No. 1335634
>>1335542Ayrt. Yeah, but I mean most troons are claiming to live in homophobic/transphobic households, and while some of the white troons are absolutely ebegging, pretty much all black troons are begging AND have the exact same stories. I'm not racebaiting but it deeply confuses me how there is significant transphobia in the
poc community and yet nobody capes harder for
poc equality, specifically BLM, than trans people…. but cos white women who have are by far the majority of hand maidens are bad?
Troons showing their retardation right there
No. 1335662
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No. 1335667
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No. 1335669
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No. 1335678
>>1335662>Starbucks employee for the insurance>Skinwalking his high school crush>Ugly and instantly clockableThe only way he can be a bigger stereotype is if he killed himself.
>>1335667>Mad about Mitchfest still, even though troons successfully killed it with moid entitlement and violence>Knows that his fellow troons will never replace it because they're truly useless scrotes who can't build anything, just destroyCope and seethe. Dilate, even.
No. 1335716
>>1335715*is not subjective
sage for correction
No. 1335744
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"wanting to be a girl is the number one symptom of being a girl"
Most girls don't want to be girls because of shit we have to deal with so apparently, we are trans because we don't want to deal with shit. This whole post is cope
No. 1335752
>>1335744>You know who wants to be girls? Girls.According to
whom? I've never met a girl or woman who wanted to be a girl or woman– they just
are. The only people I've ever met who explicitly wanted to be a girl are male. Wanting to be female is something exclusive to males, since you can't long to be something you already
are.That aside, sex is not "broad" or "a spectrum". There are males, there are females, and, sometimes very rarely (less than 1%), there are males and females with horrible medical conditions. Transsexuals are not part of this minority, they are merely mentally ill. If you are born with XY chromosomes and can produce sperm¹ you are male, and if you were born with XX chromosomes and produce can eggs¹ you are female.
¹Or have been able to produce (sperm/eggs, respectively) in the past, will be able to in the future (if you're a child), or have the anatomy denoting that you should produce one and not the other
No. 1335793
>>1335744I think I figured it out the Tranny life cycle:
1. Unhappy, depressed, incel moid.
2. Egg_irl browsing
3. Egg_irl browsing causes the moid to become deluded with all the cute anime girl postings.
4. Troon "comes out as a girl", uwu celebration follows.
5. Troon asks for advice on makeup and clothing, tries them on, feels dysphoric, tranny disillusion creeps up, tranny is told to wait for the HRT effects and that "it takes time".
6. Same as 1, but this time as a tranny. Keeps staring at the physical changes time chart, gets more depressed when they realize it's all a lie.
7. Cope posts about TERFs, pronouns, cis wimmenz, Cis hets, dating, muh tranny surgeries, dysphoria blah blah blah.
8. If smart: stop now or Suicide
If dumb: continue, become a Vtube avatar, and LARP as that on social media.
No. 1335796
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This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak womanhood looks like.
No. 1336013
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They fucking wish. Also I know creepy men attaching onto MLP is nothing new but of course these freaks attach themselves to a new MLP series attempting to get away from Friendship is Magic and go back to the target young girl demographic.
No. 1336035
>>1335752>inb4 some faggot on /tttt/ screencaps this and calls you an egg for "not wanting" to be a girlWhen women say that womanhood sucks, we're talking specifically about how being marginalized in a patriarchal culture sucks. What I want to is be treated with respect, dignity, and fairness, and I think that's what Aidens want too, deep down. I like my body just fine, it's the oppression that comes with it that I object to. I can't opt out of it or pretend it isn't the case, but I can try to make things better for women in the future.
Men are disgusting and the only reason anyone would ever "want" to be one is because they're in a position of privilege and power. Or because they're a pornsick fujoshi Aiden lmao.
No. 1336137
>>1336035AYRT and I know that troons (particularly reddit/4chan TIMs) would suggest I'm an "egg" for that post, but the issue is that neither I, nor any of the women I'm talking about (99% of the population), desire to be anything else, either. There is no desire to be either sex, except in cases of wishing to escape misogyny and oppression, which isn't
truly "wishing to be male" or "wishing to be something other than male or female", it's the wish someone would make to stop being oppressed, when they have no hope the oppression itself will stop. It's a
compromise. That in mind, the vast majority of women don't actively want the features of either sex, and the ones who do (TIFs) are trying to forge that delusional compromise. They don't truly "want to be men", they want to stop experiencing misogyny and/or homophobia, and they know the only way that's possible is if either misogyny/female oppression stops (they have no hope for this), or they stop having the biology they're oppressed for. Uniformly, when women (including TIFs) say "womanhood sucks", they're talking about external problems (oppression/abuse for being female), not the biological reality of being a woman, itself. Troons are incapable of understanding this, since it crumbles their fantasy instantly. If the only thing they have in common with girls/women is wanting to be girls/women, but no actual girls/women actively
want to be girls/women, then they have no similarities whatsoever. Not only that, but understanding why no female desires to be female means accepting that either womanhood exists as a mundane biological reality, misogyny targets people on a biological basis, or worse yet, both (this is the reality). This realization would force them to confront that they are not, nor will they ever be, female. As such, it's unacceptable.
No. 1336151
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imagine your Co worker calling a meeting to show you his transition power point
No. 1336153
>>1336151NPD or autism?
You decide.
No. 1336177
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>>1336171absolutely haram
No. 1336224
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>>1336171>speculate as being an anti-troon psyopIt's a 6 year old account. Unless it's a very dedicated troll, it's real.
That's a 52 year old narc boomer who was messed up for being abused, convinced himself for years that his sexual attraction to women = lesbian, then got on Reddit to connect with like-minded narcs and now will torment the wife with his fetish from now on.
No. 1336242
>>1336224AYRT Thanks for digging. Reddit is really difficult to navigate on mobile for me, it constantly blocks me from viewing by telling me to get the app, unless I go in "view in desktop" mode, and certain page elements just won't load. All troons are misogynistic, homophobic creeps, but this kind is the lowest of the low. At least the "incel in his 20's" kind openly signals that he's trash from the start, and will likely kill himself. They're still dangerous and shitty, but you can mostly avoid them, instead of getting tricked by them into thinking you're with a good guy, only for him to reveal that he's been fetishizing his time with your children and that he wants you to say you're in a lesbian marriage, when you married a man. I really feel for hetero (and bi) women who have to deal with this.
No. 1336277
>>1336224"if HRT made me be attracted to men"
the fact that they think homosexuality (or any sexuality) is this easy to change or "cure" proves they have no idea what they're even talking about. They really think people choose to be gay in countries where it's punishable by death if simply taking some hormones would change it?
They're either closeted gay/bi men, or perhaps even more common, AGP men thinking a woman is nothing but an object to be sexually used by men so they seek it out for their twisted gross AGP validation
No. 1336284
>>1336277That's just the pseudo-bisexuality phase AGPs go through (some of them are permanently stuck on T4T/prison gay though, kek) but now they're justifying this phase by blaming it on HRT. It's exactly what you said, they're validating their womansona by being used by men… then, they revert back to being straight when the buzz wears off.
Real gay or bi men were already out before trooning, like Blaire White, Kat Blaque and Gigi Gorgeous.
No. 1336338
>>1335742I'm the fucking retard that fueled it with posting the heritage foundation vid without thinking, sorry nonnies
>>1335799yeah looks like a straight guy larping a tranny for shits and giggles. what a fucking joke that this has to be even considered to be sincere.
you'd think TIMs would be scared about possibly transphobic straight men larping as a fellow transbian, but nah, it's just the women that don't want to spread their legs (nor see the troon do the same) that are scary.
No. 1336351
Suggesting this one
>>1331222 for next thread pic.
>>1336337He's just a gay retard going through a self-inflicted multi-layered conversion therapy (being an openly flamboyant gay man, transing himself to a "woman", then becoming a "lesbian" by dating a butch woman who'd turned out to be a "non-binary man").
Pretty sure his marriage to Nats Getty is just for money. Nats also benefits from it by looking straight for her (possibly) homophobic old money family.
Just rich people things. lol
No. 1336368
File: 1632830665549.png (139.3 KB, 1044x506, Screen Shot 2021-09-28 at 10.0…)

ughhhhhhh just stumbled across this comment and i cant even articulate how fucking disgusted i am by it or why i feel like its so fucking disturbing
No. 1336371
>>1336368Man making sex about himself, what's new.
Also she could at least have suggested getting her clit rubbed, get an orgasm out of it at least wtf
No. 1345727
>>1329030they think misgendering/transphobia is worse than anything as long as its being perpetuated against a woman. Just look at the Paul Denyer case. He murdered 3 innocent women by brutally stabbing them to death (including the mother of a 12 day old baby), when asked why his
victims were women, he said: "Just hate 'em.". Then he trooned out. When he demanded to be called "Paula" in prison, most prison guards obliged. A former prisoner said Denyer revels in the privacy and guards pander to his requests for an easy life. Guards give him makeup. He has shown absolutely no remorse for what he did to those women, and many of the articles ive seen covering his case have referred to that disgusting transvestite as a "she". In a letter obtained by the Herald Sun, Denyer said he killed because he didn't feel like a man. Although the court labeled him a "danger to all women", he will be eligible for parole in 2023.