My GP put me on bupropion + naltrexone for food cravings and I think it has inadvertently cured my hypersexuality/pornsickness. This is life changing. Not only have my food cravings disappeared, but I have NO sexual cravings. Sexually stimulating visuals don't really have an effect on me anymore. I can still get aroused and orgasm when I have sex, but the relentless sexual thoughts and objectifying people around me has stopped. Porn doesn't appeal to me anymore. I have been so mentally sick all my life thanks to porn. I've struggled with depression, anxiety, and been suicidal since I was 7 years old. Been in and out of therapy for my entire 20's. Nothing was effective as this stupid pill.
For some context: I was first exposed to internet porn at 5 years old in the 90's. I was instantly hooked. I looked at it every day, multiple times a day, and masturbated several times a day. At first it was just softcore lesbian porn, but I eventually discovered hardcore. I sought out increasingly extreme/taboo/illegal content over the years and I also sent photos and videos of myself to men when I was underage. I was a full-blown porn and masturbation addict for most of my childhood. I was victimized by pedophiles online and offline. Romanticized my own abuse. It wasn't until I turned 17, realized I was a massive creep and decided to unfuck my life, that I quit using porn. Cold turkey for 8 years. That was a huge improvement, but the damage was done. I viewed the whole world through a perverted lens. Honestly, I was just as bad or worse than the average male, but I was pretty good at keeping it under wraps.
People now call me innocent and a prude. They just don't know what's going on underneath it all, nor do I want them to. I have relapsed with porn and risky sexual behavior a couple times in my late 20's. At my worst, I slept with a couple married, older men just for the thrill. I'm years past that low point and trying to be better every day, but I'm still sick. Seeing a woman scantily dressed or doing anything sexual instantly turned me on. I'm not even a lesbian. I'm just broken by all the weird POV porn. I was always seeking novelty, not intimacy. With how much soft and hard core porn and sex work is shoved in my face via social media and the news, I am barely coping at times. It shocks me how normalized the explicit/taboo porn is now. The whole "gooning" thing makes me nauseous. There are huge communities of people who would celebrate my sickness
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