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No. 391232[Reply]

Thread 1 >>47022
Thread 2 >>63152

We've got plenty of underrated dudes on lolcow but are there any men that you're ashamed to say you'd fuck for any reason? Men who are ugly, unattractive, average-looking, creepy, weird or just plain shameful? It doesn't have to be a big reason that you're ashamed, just say why.

Admit your thirst, farmers.
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No. 410936

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I didnt watch GOT and only know him as Simon from Misfits

No. 410966

He had pedophile physiognomy

No. 410967

Why are you bumping a thread when you already have the unconventional tractions? You autistic retarded bitches need to be euthanized for bumping threads for no reason, seriously(alogging)

No. 411092

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younger michael knowles (political commentator)

No. 411099

Mormon missionaries as well, they dress so nicely

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No. 62754[Reply]

I'm going to be starting college soon and I can already see myself getting overwhelmed between schoolwork and a part time job. I'll be living with my parents so I won't have to worry about rent but they don't buy me anything expect for birthdays and holidays. Do any of you guys make money online? Please share, I'm pretty desperate. Also, how much do you make?

Inb4 Camwhoring, Not an option. I live with my parents.
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No. 388466

Thanks nonna!!! I’ll look into all that!!! I don’t mind the learning curve if I can get a return on it someday. (Also I only reddit space cause it just helps me gather my thoughts better. Kek. )

No. 388473

Like other nonna said, to play it safe, look for something that is consistent, has some necessity within society, and within all that, look at how more people are reliant on this particular company overall. I played it safe and decided to invest in one of the biggest banks in the US. I've dived into cryptocurrency and did gain a few double digits during the Dogecoin fiasco, but it was a really high stress investment for my first time. Start with something stable and something you're not going to feel like you need to check in on a weekly basis once you feel confident you're not going to lose. See the profits from that and see how it's going and you can put in more.
I compared the gain percentage of the stock I invested in through all time to how much I'm earning in APY percentage from my high yield savings account and it gave me enough confidence to throw in about $25USD to start, the next time I threw in $100. Next time I get paid and check in I might hold back on contributing to my HYSA and put half of that in the stock I have. That's just my strategy, but definitely don't put in more than you can afford or risk to lose out on.

No. 388484

>Definitely don't put in more than you can afford, or risk, to lose out on.
This is the big catch! Always follow this rule, at the end of the day anything can happen and your stocks go kapoot.

No. 410225

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Perhaps dump question but are there any online careers other than sw?

I already do that because I am a disabled thirdie but I would love to also do something else as a backup

No. 410230

Classic things like art commissions. If you crochet or knit you can design patterns and sell them, or even make patterns for other people on sites like Fiverr. I do know that designing planners on Canva and then selling them on Etsy is really popular right now. If you look up "digital marketing", there's tons of ideas. These are more like hustles rather than careers (I'm assuming you're not asking for remote jobs), so sorry if it's not helpful.

If you have a lot of free time, you can also use sites that give you money in exchange for reaching certain milestones on apps. I've personally used a couple, it's more like a little side income for when you're desperate though and not really worth it if you have something more stable. I've used gain.gg which is good. I don't recommend Freecash and Swagbucks only because they will eventually ask for a pic of your ID and won't let you withdraw money until you give it to them. If you do this, just go on Reddit and see which offers are worth it/actually possible before doing them.

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No. 160656[Reply]

Ever since I can remember I have felt old, even as a child in elementary school. Back then I told myself it's silly and I'm still a child but now, after turning 20, I am slowly starting to stress over my age again despite still being very young.
I am convinced that many women and girls feel the same as social media is especially obsessed with youth which must be rotting our brains to a degree.

>What are your thoughts on getting older? Do you struggle with accepting it?

>Have you ever had an experience in which you were perceived as lesser due to your age?
>How do you cope with the unrealistic age related expectations put on women?
>Do you have any tips to help other women with the problems mentioned above?
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No. 410252

Asian media and standards have crept in. Outside of butthurt incels and pedos moids really do not care. Moids do not give a shit about wrinkles in general, the ones that do are faggots.

Zoomers in general seem to think life ends at 30. Pornsick scrotes absolutely contribute to this but so do 80 IQ kpop stans oogling over jung kwoo duk until he turns 25 and is shoved into an office cabinet for the latest model

No. 410284

Remember that movie “13 going on 30”? The character was a teen who wanted to be “thirty, flirty, and thriving”. Don’t see much of that lately.

No. 410287

Kpop has been a disaster for the human race. It’s just a giant child-trafficking ring honestly, they even go to other countries and “scout” girls who get taken back to Korea not even knowing the langue sometimes. No one can convince me this is okay kek I can not imagine why the parents let them go. And then, like you said, they literally throw them away when they’re mid-twenties like they’re expired. Just stealing their youth and glorifying it during their idol days, then toss them before the botched effects of all that plastic surgery start showing

No. 410333

This. And they’re all getting fillers and Botox thinking it makes them look young, when all they’re doing is making themselves look like they’re in their mid 30s to 40.
I keep seeing videos of women with injections saying “I’m 23 and I look so young!” And they look 42.

No. 410334

Kpop industry is ate stage capitalism on steroids but kids just don't understand that.

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No. 89948[Reply]

Okay so I saw a few post about Xander Corvus and James Deen so male pornstars thread? male pornstars thread!

Post your favorite bi/straight/gay male pornstars.

>In pic chad white, he eats pussy like his life depends on it.
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No. 347967

How did you find this?

No. 347968

I scanned it using Google Lens, and I observed it to be Russian wallpaper, searched for Russian gay porn videos, and the one that appeared the most similar I searched for. The last thing I googled to find that was "aaron russia twink gay porn".

No. 347971

Not exactly that video but the guys look alike in this too.

No. 347985

>I observed it to be Russian wallpaper
You're totally amazing nonna! He really does have that sadness you only see in eastern european gay porn.

No. 409789

I want to put bomb collars on every single male porn'star' and detonate them all at once (in minecraft)

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No. 183298[Reply]

A thread regarding baking and cooking.

Feel free to:
>share recipes
>post what you've made
>show what you want to make in the future
>ask questions about what you're struggling with
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No. 409627

There are foods that go best with something carbonated to refresh adn I don't like sweets (soda is out) but want some body to the drink (carbonated water is out). Beer remains. I also just love the taste of beer, so I really miss it after quitting drinking. Socially too, I feel more left out and tempted to drink if I'm just having something like a soda while everybody else indulges.

No. 409664

Thank you and I'll cut down the heavy cream too! I need to make this I want it so bad rn

No. 409673

Alcohol is banned where I live so I can't try it, but it seems interesting. All the beer and wine I've been drinking is 0 alcohol, which is why it's sold in supermarkets.

No. 409716

Thank you anon! Some girl in my apartment building was moving out and she left a bunch of stuff in the hallway for people to take, including the plates (couldn't believe it!). I swiped 'em as soon as the coast was clear.

No. 409953

Awh, it's usually not above 1.5 but it's understandable

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No. 69267[Reply]

What are your thoughts on getting engaged / married? Are any farmers here already the latter? Did you get a ring or have a proposal? How was the wedding planning experience? Have you discussed it with your s/o or maybe don't want to get married at all?

Just anything you want to add to the discussion!
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No. 402089

She's probably being sarcastic

No. 404722

this was 100% correct. weird how indignant the responses were.

No. 404731

No. 404770

I also want to know. It was 6 years ago, I wonder if they're still married.

No. 409586

I didn't want my BF doing a corny public bent-knee proposal so what I did was I initiated a conversation about getting married and asked him, not in some proposal-esque way with scripted lines and down on one knee, but just in the regular tone of a question that comes up in a regular conversation. When he said 'yes' I moved things quickly as hell to prevent him from thinking he had to follow up my real proposal with a performative one in public and all of that. I was especially determined to avoid the horror of a public proposal.
It worked. He went along with everything, including handing me the engagement ring immediately after paying for it, to avoid the dreaded performative surprise proposal with photographers lurking in the bushes somewhere.
We've been married five years. The only part of it I regret was my reason for doing it. I have a lot of anxiety issues and I felt like, even though I wanted to marry my husband, being put on the spot the way moids typically do with their public photographed proposals might have left me too anxious to give him a clear and immediate yes. It might have hurt his feelings if I'd let him do it the traditional way, because my initial reaction could have been interpreted as a rejection.

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No. 378416[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/g/363824

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Avoid infighting, report and ignore bait.
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No. 409034

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Why are you retards fighting over who's more black now? Wasn't there a civil way to discuss this sort of subject? Can't you be normal?

No. 409035

I think the amerifag sperg is just pointing out how africans only call americans mixed race when there are plenty of diaspora that have similar histories but aren't mentioned as often.

No. 409036


So if I apply that to black Americans who have the lowest reading and math scores across the board and the highest incarceration rates, then what? If I point out that the prosperity of America is due to its governance and the majority of people in government are white and have been white, then what. Because you seem to have this weird antiblack chip in you that allows you to reject all nuance until it applies to your own specific ethnic group. Why are we in the most prosperous country but performance lower than immigrants from less prosperous countries?

No. 409038

I agree with you. I did not see any disrespect until that one amerifag started slinging mud. It’s a bit tiring to see someone sling mud and then expect a respectful response back.

No. 409040

So they're biracial too? According to the other anon

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No. 407791[Reply]

A place for rich farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a rich woman and the upper class world. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

You count as rich if your net worth is in the top 5% for your country.
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No. 408223

ughhhhhh i don't know what my gender is.. i was thinking of demigirl but maybe i'm genderfluid? also can someone try fae/faer pronouns with me? thanks!!

No. 408240

I don't like when I show a friend something I got and they come back with the "you spent X amount of dollars on this? you're crazy". Ok so I have disposable income and I can do whatever the fuck I want with it, why am I crazy? It annoys me actually

No. 408891

Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

No. 409010

Everyone is judging me on insta for being hotter than them, it really makes me upset because like just get off your ass, go to work, and buy plasma facials?? Not my fault you're lazy and ugly.

No. 409389

same, honestly. unironically. especially considering that i don't spend my money on clubbing or international holiday trips like they do, but spend it on nice shoes and clothes instead. having a $500 leather coat for a lifetime is better than having a $100 plastic faux leather coat that will shed in 5 years. i don't think i'm "unwise" with my money. i think it's far worse to buy a fuckton of $12.99 bibelots that add up to hundreds than to buy one good expensive thing in one go.

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No. 203317[Reply]

Share any experiences or thoughts on current day sex work.

Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted? How did it impact you psychologically?

Can sex work be something empowering and fulfilling, as Twitter prostitutes claim it to be?

Should sex work be legal and regulated? What do you think about Onlyfans and the recent ban reversal on it, etc.

Previous thread >>90992
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No. 407360

nonna is implying that she's from the third world. disabled third world nonnas dont have the luxury to not turn to SW for survival and NEETbux is only reserved for first worlders.

No. 407455

Weirdly enough, a lot of third world countries have well formed programs for autistic people, especially in Africa

No. 408280

I always wondered what SW think about the yachting industry then

No. 408914

this anon again -
I have a few apps. this week with financial advisors, professors, etc.
so far my goal is for the next few months
>fix my car
>flip other cars
>buy land + house
>pay off debt
>go to nursing school
I get a few thous a year in div yields, but for anyone asking this is IRL and I do erotic massages

Long term plan is to leave SW completely

No. 409903

yeah not really a thing here. Idk what to do with my life tbh other than suicide if sw stops working and i cant get on welfare

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No. 70148[Reply]

Is anyone a gold digger? Not a sugar baby. The type of gold diggers I talk about are basically scammers because they never give up sex.
How did you get started and what was the biggest gift/request you received?
I've started reading the book Ho Tactics and it's pretty good.
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No. 408542

> What about converting to Islam and marrying a Saudi
You would be better off dead

No. 408543

Is your life truly that awful right now or are you trying to have fun with a stupid question?
White women are relatively more "prized" by racists with inferiority complexes but you still have to be beautiful AND skilled AND charming especially if you're trying to marry up.

No. 408549

>I just realized that the most vocal incels tend to be brown men.
Why do white incels always say this? Most brown men are married in their 20s.

No. 408552

Arranged marriages

No. 408578

That makes them not incels then

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