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No. 107505[Reply]

This is a thread for crochet and knitting, and other yarn-related crafts.

Anyone starting any new projects or completing old ones? Share some patterns!
297 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 450275

Holy fuck his stuff is almost as ugly as his mug is

No. 455268

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Used up some GITD yarn from my stash to make pic rel. Mittens are https://www.lionbrand.com/products/fairbanks-crochet-mittens-crochet and bag is https://www.lionbrand.com/products/star-keychain-crochet. I obviously adapted those to my yarn. Hat is from an old pattern book that I had lying around. Pretty basic, but I'm pleased with them.

No. 460978

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Any nonnies know of a replacement for garter stitch that still has some veritcal stretch? I hate how garter stitch looks but it's used as a border for the leg holes. I was considering just omitting the garter stitch and picking up stitches to replace with normal ribbing.

No. 460990

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seed stitch is quite stretchy and looks nicer, but I think picking up stitches for normal rib would look better with the waist band

No. 473128

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I recently bought a couple knitting machines for cheap and was thrilled to start working on plushies and hats. I work with my hands at my job which has never made it easy for me to come home and knit normally. I thought these little machines would be a good gateway into using my flatbed machine that I received years ago but never felt confident enough to take the time to learn everything right. I bought new worsted weight yarn for the circular machines and of course half it doesn't work in the machine. Apparently 50% acrylic 50% cotton isn't loose enough for them. The only yarn I recently bought that ended up working was the recycled acrylic and cotton yarn. I hate acrylic yarn tbh but it's the only thing that will work on these plastic nightmares. Some of my old skeins of wool worked okay but I'm afraid of spending too much money on wool as I'm still learning and afraid I won't be able to sell a wool hat or plushie vs all those acrylic made items others sell at lower rates. Now I think I need to clean my flatbed machine and learn how to use it properly in order to make things out of my yarn stash that 90% doesn't work on the circular machines because of fiber or weight. Does anyone else have experiences with Sentro or Addi machines? Anyone have experience using flatbed machines?

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 471542

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I've been having aphasia lately, like within the last 6 months. I regularly cannot come up with the words I need. For example today I couldn't think of the word "tablecloth" and was so humiliated about it i refused to google "fabric you put on a table" so i just sat concentrating for like 2 minutes until i finally remembered the word. It's so embarrassing when this happens mid-conversation on a really basic word. Like I was talking to someone the other day and couldn't remember "fruit punch." I stammered and ummmed until finally I just had to say "party drink". Lately when this happens in the presence of people i'm close to I just say "sorry, I have terrible word recall" and give up instead of taking so long to remember like, the word "toaster."

I used to be very quick-witted, then I started taking Spironolactone for hair loss. It gave me bad brain fog that never alleviated, I've made a fool of myself many times especially when I first became dumb because I still thought I was smart and would assume I was doing everything right and that other people were wrong or things were broken. Now I'm used to it and have adapted to being slow-witted, but this aphasia is new. I haven't changed my dose or anything though, so I just don't think it could be the medication. Why would it suddenly spawn a new symptom after 2 years of taking it?

My parents say I should get an MRI but I have useless health insurance and I can't help but feel that's overkill for a symptom of "forgetting words now and then." IDK. I just am so tired of living like this, and now the aphasia too, I really used to be so quick and smart. But if I stop taking the med my hair will fall out and never come back. Plus the aphasia, I struggle to believe it could really be the meds fault after all this time.

No. 471580

You should see your doctor nonnie. It's possible your aphasia isn't related to spiro. It could be the result of a silent stroke or neurological disorder. I don't mean to scare you or anything, but your parents are right to be concerned

No. 471601

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Have you taken any SSRIs in the past 5 years? Other possibilities off the topic of my head (that you can be proactive and do something about while waiting for examination): low iron (spinach/organ meats, low vitamin d (sunshine/supplements), bacterial or fungal infection (avoiding sugar/foods that convert to high glucose) and lots of psychosomatic reasons like stress, cPTSD, depression, etc. While you're waiting to get checked out, make sure you're eating the cleanest diet possible (as per picrel), getting 8 hours sleep and avoiding high stress/conflict situations (or people)

No. 473094

When should I be concerned if a mole on my body suddenly changes size or flattens out of nowhere?

No. 473098

Yes. Get it checked out

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No. 120388[Reply]

Well, we got a cosplay board, why not use it?
>Cosplay Questions/Help
>What are you working on currently?
>Dream Cosplay?
>What cons are you going to?
>What region are you in?
>Regional Conventions/Cows/Dramu
>Convention Horror Stories
>Seagull Nostalgia/Vintage Milk
>Etc Etc

Related Threads:
>Costhots General: >>33300
>Vintage Milk Usagi Kou: >>54057
>Anime Critical: >>>/m/40244
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 120739

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Oh yeah, no doubt she's prettier than Nigri. But at the same time her face always looked too mature to me? Like her features just scream I'd like to speak to your manager.

As far as why she left, it's all fuzzy but I assume it had to do with seagulls obsessing over her and harassing her. Like, did she really do any other cosplays besides Velvet? I remember there was a scandal about her being a dancer previously or something? Which is an absolutely absurd thing to be up in arms about compared to what cosplayers will do now for a quick buck. Some olde seagull historian probably knows the deets better.

No. 120741

Photoshop still had the dodge and burn tools which a lot of people used, though they were a lot more obvious

No. 120748

I guess all that matters is she’s doing better now. From what I know from other threads, she became Christian and started a family. That sounds like a huge improvement over being a cosplay thot.

No. 120761

Because at the time she was a coke-snorting stripper who wanted to act like she was better than everyone else for the fact that she was "hot" and that superiority complex didn't improve as she switched to being a /fit/izen and tried to insert herself as some kind of savior into peoples' lives like when she tried to "fix" Pixyteri?
Miyu was seething jealous of Jnig too.

If it's true that she finally bagged a man >>120748 and is pretending to be a good Christian woman, then that and minding her own business is the best thing she could have done for herself. And considering she's closing in on 40, it's about time. All the og thots who stuck around to grasp for Jnig-tier cosplay success just wound up being Patreon whores.

No. 473082

Apologies for the necro,

Did anyone go to any conventions recently, I just came back from ALA and had a good time.

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 464177

"Whore"/"Stripper" perfumes are usually have a very sweet and/or flower-y, and slightly synthetic scent. Think VS Bombshell lol

No. 464179

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I recently tried Wood Sage & Sea Salt and fell in love with it. It's such a light fresh scent. I'm hesitant to buy because of the longevity.

No. 464403

But the Dossier dupe. I owned the original and then bought the dupe. It’s very good. When I get home I will see what other perfumes I have that you might like since we seem to have the same taste.

No. 465736

Istg fragrantica reviews are always so off kek. People will write the most flowery praises saying how a perfume smells like vanilla mixed with gods gifts and it reminds them of the comfort of their mother's love or some shit, and then I get a sample and it smells like coriander and urine.

No. 473003

This. Especially when the Tiktokers invade with their gourmand slop. No, the $200 perfume that smells like a cheap candle is not an absolute necessity to own. And that Burberry one smells like synthetic lavender room spray.
I am begging them to recommend something before 2000 like Moschino, that one is so good.

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No. 189175[Reply]

What is your experience with body dysmorphia/hating how you look in general? How to cope?
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No. 469037

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Does anyone else feel insecure about their lower heavy face? My jaw area is a bit bulky and wide and I don't like it that much. It makes me feel insecure. It's similar to pic rels before.

No. 469039

There's nothing wrong with the before picture in my opinion.

No. 469041

Are you the same anon who posted herself in the celebrity lookalike thread ages ago?

No. 469320

Surgery left my gut swollen and I can't see my navel or my vulva anymore. Like I can't even recognize myself. Plus I couldn't exercise for 3 months fml

I miss having curves. I had them 2 years ago don't give me old lady body now pls pls pls

No. 472691

I just want to be skinny. I hate hate hate being thick. I want to die.

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No. 183298[Reply]

A thread regarding baking and cooking.

Feel free to:
>share recipes
>post what you've made
>show what you want to make in the future
>ask questions about what you're struggling with
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No. 409716

Thank you anon! Some girl in my apartment building was moving out and she left a bunch of stuff in the hallway for people to take, including the plates (couldn't believe it!). I swiped 'em as soon as the coast was clear.

No. 409953

Awh, it's usually not above 1.5 but it's understandable

No. 457102

New recipe

No. 472640

Does anyone have a good recipe for light cream cheese frosting or icing or glaze? I only have light cream cheese, not full fat, and every time I try to look up a recipe that uses light cream cheese it’s always full fat cream cheese because they use “light and fluffy” as a descriptor in their baking food blogs

It probably tastes gross since it isn’t full fat but I want to use up my light cream cheese somehow (I have half a tub left)

No. 472643

Just add sugar and a squeeze of lemon to it and whip it the way you'd do with full fat cream cheese. It will probably work out. You can also add gelatin sheets or something to thicken it up if it's too runny, but I doubt you'd run into that issue because to me, light cream cheese is still thick enough.

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No. 470150[Reply]

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No. 472164

Ayooo how's he gonna eat the Cornish hen if he's a vegetarian??

No. 472165

They offered BBQ tofu as well.

No. 472166

bbq tofu

No. 472187

Thanks to the nona who called out Helvetia's shit. Can't wait to see how she responds kek.

No. 472309

Sorry to intrude, I'm a tourist here. Can someone explain schizigi to me? Did he sperg out about something?

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No. 311901[Reply]

This thread is for images of women (can be fictional too) who look a lot like males that you'd fuck.
It's not about butches, it's about women who basically look a lot like males that makes you not mind/forget that they're actually females.
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No. 471463

That's basically exactly what it is. It's the female equivalent of a trap fetish.
>t. I have this fetish

No. 471604

No one wants to hear it because it's retarded and you're wrong. Woman =/= makeup, dress, hourglass figure. Woman = bobs (no matter how small) and vagene. I love all women but butches are my favourite. It's the sexiest, hottest, most perfect way for a woman to be. And no matter what anyone says about their masculinity, you can never take away their womanhood. The posts you referenced arent even roided up tifs with facial hair (personally i draw the line here kek), just hot girls in suits. If this makes me a ""reverse trap fetishist"" then so be it. I already joke that my lesbianism is a vulva fetish. But don't you dare call masc women men or accuse the women that like them of faking their sexuality. I'm so tired of this.

No. 471679

I agree. Personally I find very masculine butches somewhat hard to tell from men (same with some roided TIFs) and so towards the latter end of female masculinity I stop being attracted to them. But it’s a very odd way of thinking to suggest being attracted to masculine women is somehow straight. You’d never see men who like twinks/“femboys” or TIMs even exclusively be accused of actually just being attracted to women. So weird.

No. 472020

Right? It's like people will do anything to belittle or invalidate female homosexuality. No matter the configuration of women involved (butch/femme, femme/femme, whatever) or the personal intricacies of their relationship, it eventually boils down to "you must like/want/need a man, actually." No, I don't! I never have and I never will. And no amount of fiction made up about me or my sisters can change our lived experience. Usually I keep my mouth shut, but I can only take so much homophobia before I snap. I do think infighting about female sexuality is a waste of time (and way too proliferate on this site) so I won't derail any further. Thank you for picking up what I'm putting down nonna. I appreciate it.

No. 478528

>You’d never see men who like twinks/“femboys” or TIMs even exclusively be accused of actually just being attracted to women.
ikr? almost as if society still struggles with misogynistic views of women and our sexuality and the only value we have is based around men and their desires. its bullshit really, had to learn to stop listening after a while.

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No. 209934[Reply]

This thread is to do with all gardening related matters!
Feel free to ask for advice or post progress of your garden, indoor plants etc.
Or just have a chat about gardening in general.
335 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 417657

>What kind?
Tomatoes and cukes, they aren't ready just yet but there's a metric fuckton of tomateos coming in so I want to be prepared.
>Depending on your harvest high acidic foods like tomatoes or pickles can not build botulism.
That's good to know, I'll make sauces out of them. I guess pickles are my only option with the cucumbers since I can't imagine them freezing well kek.

No. 426847

I guess i'm not destined to ever have a pumpkin. It's been 3 years we tried and something always went wrong. Meanwhile there are gardens around that have all sorts of pumpkins even giant ones. This year we focused on one giant pumpkin, gave her all the water all the love and care and good soil and still nothing. I made the flowers have sex manually and the pumpkin fetus died. Today i'm trying another one but it's the last chance. I went to get some male fowers into the pumpkin garden and all of their pumpkins are huge are ready. I fucked the flower with that male pumpkin flowers, then with her own male flower and in the morning bees were i the flowers too so i'm hoping but deep down i know it'll die again.

No. 471140

For the past few years I’ve been growing ‘sweetie’ cherry tomatoes and overall they’ve been a big success, but one issue I’ve had is that the plants grow so tall I can’t support them anymore. My trellis is only 2 meters tall and the plants easily reach 3 meters, sometimes almost 4. Expanding the trellis isn’t really feasible so I tried awkwardly weaving the plants around horizontally which became very messy. I think the resultant crowding also made them more susceptible to blight which devastated my tomatoes towards the end of August last year.
Does anyone have tips? I’m considering trying a different, more blight-resistant variety and encouraging it to grow more bushy and less tall. I do prefer indeterminate tomato plants because in my experience they’re much less vulnerable to slugs and snails.

How did it go, anon? I had terrible luck with pumpkins last year, too. I tried to grow four different varieties but all the plants stayed small and stringy and barely produced any female flowers. My courgettes failed in the exact same way, even though in previous years I had such a large harvest I ended up giving most of it away.

No. 471160

Heyy I got my pumpkin in the end! It wasn't too big because it grew late but at least i got something. It isn't as tasty as hakaido pumpkins but I wanted mass not taste necessarily so it was a success.

No. 471237

I’ve been pushing for a community garden and I think it’s actually going through this spring! The highschool wants to use it for a botany club so highschool students are gonna be planning the planting. Gonna build raised beds and have an automated drip irrigation system going if I get the plans I want. Oh so happy!

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No. 180309[Reply]

I noticed we have a lot of ladies on here who struggle with drinking problems so I decided to make this thread.

>Talk about your relationship with alcohol, negative or positive

>Are you an alcoholic, how much do you drink and how often
>Healthy coping mechanisms
>Brag about sober streaks and encourage other anons
>Tapering, rehab etc discussion

If you're happy and drunk go to the drunk thread. >>>/ot/204765 This is for more critical discussion of drinking once you're sober.
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No. 469346

nonnie you responded to with an update. I went from 49.9% to two coors light bottles a night. I'm drinking one tonight and one tomorrow night, and I think afterwards, I'll be in the clear as far as WD symptoms go (or at least, they won't be as hash)
ty and have a happy new year

No. 469518

nta but wonderful job. Wishing you all the best

No. 469820

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12 days into Dry January! I had brunch without alcohol for the first time in probably 10 years. I didn’t even want to go at first and was really bitchy about it beforehand. (“What the fuck is the point of going to brunch if I can’t even have a Bloody Mary or a mimosa? This is bullshit!”) Even the restaurant has the word Mimosa in its name. Fuck, it was hard not ordering “just one”, but I knew if I had “one” I’d let myself slide and have “just another one, for fun” and then feel disappointed in myself that I broke my streak. I’m really proud of myself for sticking with it.

No. 469832

based nona

No. 470951


So proud of you nonna. How are you feeling now?

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