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Vote now on the future of VPN posting on this site! Poll closes at 23:59 GMT on the 18th March.

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
277 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 489793

I watched porn as a teenager as a form of self harm. I never even enjoyed it, but I was violently sexually abused as a child, and so would watch other women being abused and imagine it as myself when I had self hate spirals and imagined it was me. Then I would feel sick and disgusted and cry and depersonalize for hours after. I really think it's a psychological weapon at its core, thankfully after having many years of therapy and learning to stop hating myself, I no longer feel any compulsion to watch it.

No. 489958

Wow nonnie I have a very similar "relationship" (or whatever you want to call it) with porn. I hope I can get to where you are and stop using it to harm myself.

No. 490161

>When did you decide to quit?
>I kinda couldn't yet. I'm here for advise.

No. 496318

My GP put me on bupropion + naltrexone for food cravings and I think it has inadvertently cured my hypersexuality/pornsickness. This is life changing. Not only have my food cravings disappeared, but I have NO sexual cravings. Sexually stimulating visuals don't really have an effect on me anymore. I can still get aroused and orgasm when I have sex, but the relentless sexual thoughts and objectifying people around me has stopped. Porn doesn't appeal to me anymore. I have been so mentally sick all my life thanks to porn. I've struggled with depression, anxiety, and been suicidal since I was 7 years old. Been in and out of therapy for my entire 20's. Nothing was effective as this stupid pill.

For some context: I was first exposed to internet porn at 5 years old in the 90's. I was instantly hooked. I looked at it every day, multiple times a day, and masturbated several times a day. At first it was just softcore lesbian porn, but I eventually discovered hardcore. I sought out increasingly extreme/taboo/illegal content over the years and I also sent photos and videos of myself to men when I was underage. I was a full-blown porn and masturbation addict for most of my childhood. I was victimized by pedophiles online and offline. Romanticized my own abuse. It wasn't until I turned 17, realized I was a massive creep and decided to unfuck my life, that I quit using porn. Cold turkey for 8 years. That was a huge improvement, but the damage was done. I viewed the whole world through a perverted lens. Honestly, I was just as bad or worse than the average male, but I was pretty good at keeping it under wraps.

People now call me innocent and a prude. They just don't know what's going on underneath it all, nor do I want them to. I have relapsed with porn and risky sexual behavior a couple times in my late 20's. At my worst, I slept with a couple married, older men just for the thrill. I'm years past that low point and trying to be better every day, but I'm still sick. Seeing a woman scantily dressed or doing anything sexual instantly turned me on. I'm not even a lesbian. I'm just broken by all the weird POV porn. I was always seeking novelty, not intimacy. With how much soft and hard core porn and sex work is shoved in my face via social media and the news, I am barely coping at times. It shocks me how normalized the explicit/taboo porn is now. The whole "gooning" thing makes me nauseous. There are huge communities of people who would celebrate my sicknessPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 498844

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No. 57290[Reply]

Can we have a thread for depressed NEETs who use their bed as a sanctuary?

Do you spend most of your time in bed? Does anything work for you? Does exercise change your outlook? Have any changes helped?

Any contribution is appreciated. We all need a hand sometimes.
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No. 313453

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I have a major problem wasting my time in bed when I have nothing to do that day. As much as I hatred my early morning job I did have to force myself up and get going so that made me at least a bit productive. though some days I'd sleep in and not bother showing up because I was late anyway It's been worse for me in the wintertime because I don't have great heating and I am so cold waking up I don't even want to touch the floors or get out of the covers. What do you nonnies that live in cold places do to get up when it's freezing?

No. 313550

I have very bad circulation due to an illness, so I'm cold all the time. I have a thermos that holds heat for about 12 hours, I fill it with hot water and have it on my bedside. I drink the hot water once I wake up then I will warm up in bed for about 5-10 minutes before I get up and get ready for work, I suggest wearing socks and using slippers if you don't want to touch cold tiles. I hope this helps

No. 313624

Get fuzzy socks and a bathrobe keep them right by your bedside. Right, when you get up, put on the socks and the bathrobe and you will warm up to start the day.

No. 489665

Something that helped me a lot to get out of bed was removing apps from my phone and limiting what I browse on the net.
My phone is alsmot a dumbphone at this point, and I moved my computer to the living.

But I can't stop my love from being in bed. At night I'm so eager to have dinner early so I can have more bed time.
I'm fighting my demons and today I was out of bed by 10:10am, yay me?

No. 489720

I did this way too much so I bought a floor mattress that must be rolled up during the day so I wouldn't be tempted to lay down and rot in bed all day. Has worked quite well for me personally.

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No. 291182[Reply]

No male larpers please

Post some women who you use as style inspo or have the look you aspire to have. Pic related, i love late 60s-70s giallo actresses
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No. 477657

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and her iconic hair

No. 482298

A very Heather-coded post kek

No. 484675

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Theda Bara is always a huge inspo to me, mostly for makeup and hair. I have a very pre-Dust Bowl face type, and I looked all kinds of weird when I tried styling myself more modern-goth adjacent. The Biba-style vamp makeup works well on my features, and I like I using Theda's casual wear as inspiration for more historically-influenced gothic outfits (that don't feel like a Victorian Halloween costume).

No. 489253

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YESSS I absolutely agree she is a huge inspiration for me. I personally like older photos of her where she looks less uncanny and had less work done, because she really was just naturally so beautiful. Ethereal fashion sense

No. 489662

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I love her so much

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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 478390

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I want to hear him ramble on about Linux

No. 479263

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Found on /wsg/

No. 489468

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The only reason I downloaded this game was to objectify him

No. 489469

your man needa shave

No. 492509

? It's already shaved.

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No. 487151[Reply]

Still only writing to Women edition

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 489054


No. 489055

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No. 489056

making the next op!>>489047

No. 489058

Next thread pic pls

No. 489086

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No. 54209[Reply]

Maybe it's just me, but I feel as though birth control is something that women don't talk enough about despite it being so complex and many people using it regularly. Let's post our comments/questions about birth control!

- contraception
- acne control
- PCOS management
- hormonal treatment
- ring vs. pill vs. non-hormonal
- side effects/benefits
- weight gain/loss
- etc.
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No. 488470

No, this is a scrotoid myth. I've never once tried hormonal birth control but I've always preferred pretty boy type men who almost look like butch lesbians sometimes. Most women start to prefer 'manlier' men as they get older, it's normal for teenage and adolescent girls to prefer cute boyband types over hairy older muscular men. Also, both of those moid pics are ugly lol.

No. 488473

Yeah, it might also be because I'm getting older and my biological clock is ticking. It's just such a surprising thing to happen, before I scoffed at bodybuilder type high-t men but now it's like there's this primal urge to procreate with one KEK

No. 488477

This. I've never used hormonal birth control either and used to prefer pretty boy types during my teen years, but got more into conventional masculinity during my 20s. OPs pic looks neanderthal kek. That said i do think hormonal birth control can affect your libido, so if there is any correlation at all it's tied to the menstrual cycle. You might feel more sexually aggressive during follicular phase vs luteal phase, but i don't think the effect is so big as to matter within a relationship. That is to say i'm attracted to my nigel every day of the month. My ex was more of a pretty boy and I found him more tolerable during certain days of the month when i was less horny but sadly he wasn't my type in general

No. 488508

Yeah, I have always preferred cute men. Before birth control, during birth control for 10 years, and after no longer taking birth control for 3 years I still prefer cute men. Preferences can change but they also might not, it has nothing to do with birth control.

No. 488522

Idk I liked ugly men on birth control and now that I am off it I like prettyboys

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No. 414433[Reply]

Since a lot of posts in the relationship advice thread are concerning their bf's porn habits, I thought I'd make a spinoff of the subreddit LAP: a support thread for nonas who have dealt with or are currently dealing with a bf/husband who is a porn user/addict.

Feel free to vent, ask other nonas for advice or advise others, etc.

Please keep it respectful and avoid raging at others, as it's a sensitive and all too common problem for many modern women.
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No. 485724

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No. 485755

there are romance books for men? I didn't know that

No. 486484

It's been a year since my ex and I broke up. I feel so much more at peace like I can finally breathe and enjoy life. I've slowly gained my confidence back. I sleep so beautifully now that I don't have to go to bed wondering what that demonic entity is doing and waking up thinking about the same thing again. I'm not the same person I used to be before everything happened and went downhill, but I can at least say I am a happier version of myself right now. If you're looking for a sign and you have the privilege to leave, GO. I promise you can live without him. You'll be okay.

No. 488163

you can't change him into being a better man or steer him away from his addictions. Just dump him.

No. 488430

Same. Are men even capable of getting off to romantic/erotic literature with no illustrations? I can't imagine it. Men are able to separate love and sex very cleanly.

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No. 402287[Reply]

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:
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No. 488398

No the fuck they do not. I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural. The nipples always look like chopped pieces of pepperoni stuck onto an oddly shaped ball of fresh mozzarella. Yes, even when fully healed.

No. 488409

Stay out of relationships with men and don't have children. Stay inside as much as possible. Reducing sun exposure and more importantly reducing stress will keep you looking younger. Single women with no children have less stressful lives so don't age as quickly. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. It just wastes your time while you're young.

No. 488709

>I have literally never in my life seen a breast lift result that looked remotely natural.
How many have you seen? kek

No. 489623


No. 489828

PRF (platelet rich fibrin) is much more effective. I do at home microneedling and have had one professional PRP microneedling before (no injections). I really enjoy the results of microneedling but I don't think it's worth the hundreds to see a professional unless you want to go reaally deep (my machine goes a little over 2mm, which I'm fine with). PRF really interests me and I'm debating going to a professional or learning to draw my own blood myself. Injections I've never done but I could see it helping with those problems (assuming you're not doing a filler like EZ gel). Again, PRF seems much more effective and I would look more into that if I were you.

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No. 482015[Reply]

A thread to share, appreciate and discuss male hands
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No. 482635

Based! Keep posting nonnie!

No. 482749

hands that signal you actually use them for more than video games. also incels have weirdly soft hands, I assume it's all the lotion from jacking off

No. 486948

No. 488047

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Does anybody really like rings? Especially when the guy obviously has hand hair but you can tell he's a little insecure about it and shaves it?
I think 3 per hand is a little too much though, and this hand is a little ugly but this is the best image I could find on goog

No. 488052

signet ring on the pinkie is a classic and always hot to me, but I feel like younger guys don't wear them that much. seems like an old moid trend

I think that hand is hot too lol, like when the fingers look like uniform sausages and the palm is broad and meaty

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No. 396128[Reply]

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.
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No. 487618

This retarded newfag has never heard of dlsite, kek

No. 487749

Unfortunately I have nothing to offer apart from my sympathies, nona. I haven't found anyone apart from august whose tone of voice, cadence, acting etc. I can listen to without cringing. It's a curse being this picky lol

No. 487834

honestly voice actors shouldn't do face reveals it always ruined it
one day a va i liked revealed and he was FAT and i can't listen to him ever since

No. 487836

you guys keep spamming previews so yeah i've heard of it, i simply will not register my credit card and start paying for porn just because you're too lazy and call uploading audios "spoonfeeding". this kind of laziness is the reason this site is dead tbh
i mean i don't even like audios that i can't understand either way, so i couldn't care less that you actually do upload it, i'm just notifying you that you're extremely lazy

No. 487931

I know this is a very late reply (sorry for that, nona!) but I kinda like this idea, would be a fun resource to have. Although I don't know how we'd be able to choose which categories to include and which to filter out, which content creators' voices are hot enough/which are too cringe etc. All of those things are quite subjective and deciding on the standards might be difficult.
I know r/gonewildaudio has had a couple of those filtering tools to search for audios, such as https://mrbrumbly.github.io/gwasearch/ but this doesn't store the audios anywhere, only directs to the reddit post. Were you thinking of hosting content on a site?

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