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No. 230474[Reply]

This is a thread for biologically born women who decided to transition or play a part in the gender scene at some point and since have decided to stop. This thread welcomes women who chose to take hormones, have surgeries done, crossdress as a man, live as a man (on the internet/irl), or simply once thought to transition and then refrained from it no matter how far/not far into the process you were. Women who self identified as nonbinary or similar can also join the discussion.

Talk about your journey from transition to detransition and how it is going for you now.
>What made you do it?
>What made you go back?

Anyone is welcome to participate.
358 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 478647

I see alot of talk about GNC women in this thread.
And if you're someone who was ftm or they are doubting it there is a high chance you were in trans spaces at least once in your life.
Such as tttt.

They always spreg how women are allowed to be GNC and to do whatever we want and that we will be accepted because we're women. Meanwhile poor boys aren't allowed to express themselves the way they want to. I'm feminine as fuck, but I feel like they're full of shit.
Typical moids.

No. 478677

> They always spreg how women are allowed to be GNC and to do whatever we want and that we will be accepted because we're women.

Then how do they explain I was called lesbian, trans, or made fun of by both men and women for not being stereotypically feminine? Usually men doing feminine things are coddled by straight women.

As a GNC woman, some women seemed to see me a someone who betrayed the sisterhood kek, a failed woman. And, because I didn't fit their idea of "fuckable woman", treated me like shit.
Also, just pay attention to the way they treat TIMs, calling them brave and stunning, a real woman. Meanwhile many gnc women are called pick mes for not wearing make up kek.
Men will always get validation, whatever thing they do.

No. 478881

I used to post on /tttt/ back when it was first introduced (I still remember the pop tart memes in the ftm threads) and it is wiiild that men are still spouting this bs about women being able to be more gnc. It's on par with them claiming they didn't get male socialized because they got called faggots for being bad at footyball or something, it's beyond retarded.

They don't know what it's like to be a woman and assume because a woman can wear pants while they can't wear their shitty schoolgirl skirts from aliexpress, that any woman who's actually GNC (not just a "tomboy" a la anime porn where it's a girl with short hair and a curvy body with huge boobs), it's socially acceptable.

No. 479924

Thank you for taking the time to give real advice, idk what to say but it genuinely helps.

No you just can't read.

No. 480052

When I was a teen I was an FTM, and I did a bit of binding but thankfully detransitioned before taking T or doing anything drastic. I had typical low self-esteem from being bullied for most of my childhood. Hated my body after SA. I was also a total handmaiden, and a libfem who only knew shit through circles of Tumblr. Total SJW. Then I started hearing those arguments made by trannies where cis people had to date them or else it was transphobic, and it didn't sit right with me (I can't believe I didn't peak because of all the other shit they were saying going around too, but hindsight is 20/20), because I believed people didn't have to date anyone they didn't want to date. Didn't matter if you had a thing about race, religion, or just because you didn't like the same sports team (which I would have thought is stupid af but people can do what they want), but on the other hand I was conflicted because it was still MuH TRanSpHobia. So, wanting to have a conversation about it, I made a thread on a trans forum with snippets I had found from arguments against it, and my own opinion asking what other people thought.

The thread BLEW UP with posts, and there was like one person who responded rationally to it, where they explained their side (which amounted to "It hurts trans persons feefees so it must be wrong. Anything that hurts feefees is wrong") and the rest of the comments were either calling my post bait, or calling me a fucking retard because it's totally not okay to not date trans people just because they're trans at all ever and how dare I even ask if it could be okay, even though they never gave any explanation as to why (majority of responses were from TIMs if you couldn't already tell kek). I felt really bad about offending the tranny cult, feeling like I had done something wrong, even though I was just asking because I was conflicted on the matter. It actually made me cry, because I felt so bad to have even asked the question. I was a stupid teenager. But this experience caused me to go outside of the echochamber I was in because now I felt distanced from them, and I read some arguments from the other side, and eventually I peaked myself because all of their arguments made more and more sense to me.

I don't know where I'd be, or how fucked up my body would be at this point, had I not made that forum post. I'd like to think that I would have peaked eventually anyway, but I don't know how long it would have taken because back then I baPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 408697[Reply]

Explain why you‘re against plastic surgery, discuss its influence on women and society as a whole, share stories of botched plastic surgery, expose evil plastic surgeons etc. etc.
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No. 458385

No you could be a perfectly healthy introvert and just prefer nighttime. It's probably the extroverts that really go crazy in Alaska but I'm sure everyone does to some degree. If you already have schizoid tendencies they would get dramatically worse without sun though. Maybe try a small town with equal parts night and day if you're hoping to avoid that

No. 478808

what even is the goal here? who is she trying to look like, kylie? do people in 2025 still think kylie is good looking?

No. 479822

I hate plastic surgery so much and the fact that it is still so commonly shilled and normalized is insanity to me. It feels completely dystopian. It's like another form of self harm. Chopping your body up and moving parts around and injecting yourself with toxins. It makes me want to scream that so many women buy into the concept of needing to "improve" and willingly do this to themselves.

No. 480007

I would be especially scared to get plastic surgery in the middle east. I don't want the match the beauty standard of some psychotic misogynist scrote butcher with a medical degree.

No. 480009

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"This valentine's day, DON'T give roses, gentlemen, what they really want is surgery".

I hate most plastic surgeons on TikTok.

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No. 462334[Reply]

Gentleman Jack Edition

This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.

>what is a gold star lesbian?

a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has never had sex with a male.

>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.

>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.

>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax.

>Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.

Read more about Anne Lister here:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
827 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 478214

Is she well medicated and in therapy? Medication is the more important thing for bipolar, but therapy can be helpful. I speak as someone with the disorder, usually if I noticed myself slipping one way or the other (depression or mania), I tell my doctor immediately to have meds adjusted. It can be a hard disorder to live with, but properly medicated it can be very well controlled, so as long as she is good about that, it will probably be okay. Just has to be proactive with her own healthcare.

No. 478570

Is a “lesbian” that enjoys heterosexual porn OSA?(wrong thread)

No. 478580

I think so. The common cope for this is AAP but that's literally an OSA fetish so yes.

No. 478593

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Ive only seen like dysphorics or aaps admit to doing this. they probably pretend they're the man. you have to hate yourself alot to do that tbh. So yeah, obviously OSA lol unless theyre the most insecure lesbian on earth which is pathetic in itself. It's really gross I only really jerk off to photos/videos of womens bodies alone if I need something to jerk off to. Otherwise I just avoid porn

No. 480008

The bisharts are seething over the goldstar label again. Why do they always feel entitled to speak out about lesbian issues that don't affect them in any way?

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No. 420991[Reply]

Share tips, vent, advice, similar experiences, how to get out of such a rut, what can be changed, what helped you personally, where to meet women you can relate to.

This thread is for:
-those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
-those of us who realised men aren't your friends but are now alone
-gender dysphoric women especially socially dysphoric
-ex-TIFs who have come to terms with being female but are now adrift
-those of us who are gender non-conforming in personality, not only appearance
-assorted spergs/speds who have difficulty understanding social norms, unwritten rules, tone of voice, and reading between the lines
-low-empathy or low EQ women
-general loners and NEETs

This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.

Previous thread: >>314525
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No. 479803

None of my friends are married for now but it'll probably happen to me too when they do, I'll definitely distance myself if they have kids because I don't want anything related to children in my circle.

No. 479859

It is if you buy into the internalized misogyny, a lot of us autists give up early on when we realize we can never meet those impossible standards (and tbf neither can most normie women). Once you find goals that don’t involve living up to a dumb aesthetic or what a man thinks you should look/act like, you’ll have a much happier life

No. 479861

Real, even though I gained confidence and stopped being afraid of other women it’s men who constantly make me want to kms. Being more aware of their bullshit just makes it worse, and they always find a way to ruin the things women enjoy

No. 479882

I was a hikki for years and I can't communicate well with people who just flew through their lives. I am ill and unable to leave the house often. Other autistic women I've met are way more higher functioning than me, they know how to mask and live normal lives. Most lesbians here seem normal and I can't relate to them. I feel like I come across as clingy or offputting in my attempts to find some kind of connection, like I'm a hideous overgrown child. I don't ask for advice I just hope if another anon sees this she will feel less alone.

No. 479995

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Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I went from having many female friends in the early years of my life to being unable to connect with any women now. My theory used to be that I was too masculine mainly because even some male classmates would make fun of me for being tall, enjoying sports, not wearing makeup, etc. However, I’ve realized that this is a lie. I’m certainly not very feminine, but I’m not masculine either. At some point when I was young, I felt a sense of rejection toward other women because it bothered me that I wasn’t like them. Fortunately, my way of thinking changed. In fact, it’s funny because the girls who were the complete opposite of me were actually the ones who treated me the best. I really wish it was easy for me to connect with women since they are so nice, it has been always women the ones who were there for me and tried to make me feel good.

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No. 445663[Reply]

Discuss goth music, makeup, fashion that you love. People you admire, gossip, news, etc.

previous thread:
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No. 479874

>not everyone is blessed with creativeness
Then don’t be mad when people point out that pre-distressed fake diy clothes are ugly as sin?

No. 479915

I haven't been to a goth club in a good while because life stuff but I remember sometimes when I would go, I would see younger people (mostly girls, just gonna be honest) be in small groups taking selfies and recording each other dancing and in hindsight, I feel like these are the kind of people you're talking about lol I mean it's okay to take a photo and maybe a little video of the moment because it's pretty normal to do that these days but not when you're doing it for like half your night out because at that point it really does give the impression that they're just there to post for likes on their Instagram or TikTok.

And I agree, buying your "goth outfit" off of Temu, Shein, or even Killstar and not actually getting creative and building your look from thrifting and some DIYing is what kills the magic.

No. 479917

Damn she just really laid it out and we love to see it. Because she's right, you don't need to be a seamstress to make some good outfits. Personally I don't know how to sew and I just rely on finding interesting pieces and thinking of ways to pair them. The most I DIY are just jewelry and it's enough for me. It's just so funny because the "what brand is this?" question, I'm sure we've all got at one point lol

I salute this girl, kudos to her blunt honesty.

No. 479959

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I took a few sewing classes in my 20s and really wish they were available when I was a teen. We had to rely on Hot Topic or mall clothes, and just add enough layers so you didn't recognize it, lol. When you buy second hand, you expect the clothes to have holes or need repairs. I used to be friends with crust punks and even the males could do basic mending. In my sewing class I learned to sew zippers and seams. That really helps if the garment is worn out. Usually I don't buy lace items second hand because they're frayed and the elastic is shot. But it's cool to DIY because it gives me something to do, and I like taking inspiration from 90s stuff like Begotten dresses by Dilek Atasu and Lip Service (when they were good).

No. 480141

That cool. I really need to learn how to sew even if it's just the simple things because I know it'll come in handy like it has been for you. When I'm thrifting I just try to look for things that aren't too worn down or have holes in it and I'm usually lucky enough though I know that if I learn how to sew, buying a destroyed piece won't be a waste of money lol.

>Begotten & Lip Service

Oh man that takes me back to the early 2000s when I used to see those dresses n catalogs and would tell myself one day I would get one and sadly that day never came and now my closet is so full that I don't think I'd have room for a dress by them lol.

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No. 479939[Reply]

A place for Caucasian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Caucasian culture.(this thread topic has been banned before, just led to infighting and sperging)

No. 479940

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>Caucasian culture

No. 479941


No. 479948

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The Yamnaya or Indo-Europeans were half caucasian hunters gatherers.

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No. 78920[Reply]

Post your inspiration

Note: There's already a Thinspo Thread, but it's 2 years old and it turned into "if you don't like Snejana Onopka's BMI 14 body, you must be a fatty!", so i guess it's okay to make a new one.
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No. 479837

The woman is beautiful but I'm kekking at how found footage-esque the framing is

No. 479840

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I want muscles like a female protagonist in a fantasy novel

No. 479841

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No. 479843

She looks so cute in the second pic.

No. 479883

You didn't have to insult her original look to uplift her current body, she's cute both ways

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No. 430575[Reply]

Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.

Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.

Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.

Thread #1: >>153246
Thread #2: >>>/g/344673
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No. 479799

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How do I know if my attraction to women is genuine and is not some polilez cope due to close male family members who, in a not so politically correct term, aren't really great male role model figures (one's a deadbeat, one's a neckbeard NEET, one's kind of okay—but has clear anger issues)?

What if I'm just Chappel Roaning my way out and see women as a "safer" romantic/sexual option (which, they objectively are, but still)?—Like, I fell for the "yuri is the purest form of love" meme unironically.

Since four days ago I've been having nonstop sexual fantasies of women having sex. None of the fantasies involve me, but rather a rotation of OCs I have schizoly created inside my head—some of those OCs do have traits that I have IRL but I would not call them full-blown "self-inserts".

Also, all of these fantasies are from a third-person view and are non-cony. These fantasies do make my pussy tingle a bit sometimes… but I still have dreams of PIV (not really pleasurable, and isn't happening to me) which I attribute to early hentai use biting back my brain.

The majority of my fantasies have been het, I definitely recall one fantasy of two girls having shower sex at fifteen, but the majority of time’s it's been het.

Also, I'm from a Muslim family. While not that strict compared to other families—I would definitely give my poor mother a heart attack if I were to even suggest the idea of having a GF.

I just realllllyy do not want to be that "fake bi girl who LARPs female attraction for brownie points" or whatever.

No. 479800

literally me, down to the muslim hentai fried part. you're probably bisexual, and you need to stop fantasizing (and living, probably) in third person.

No. 479804

I had no idea a lot of gay women feel that way. Thanks nona

No. 479888

What are your thoughts on eating coochie?

No. 480433

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>not attracted to men
>thought i was a lesbian because hey, no male attraction so you must be attracted to girls
>not attracted to women either
>have no desire for sex and see it as a chore/something i'd rather not do
so asexuality is rare, but seems like it fits me to a T.

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No. 70148[Reply]

Is anyone a gold digger? Not a sugar baby. The type of gold diggers I talk about are basically scammers because they never give up sex.
How did you get started and what was the biggest gift/request you received?
I've started reading the book Ho Tactics and it's pretty good.
136 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 479739

>actively seeking child rapist stereotype so I can isolate myself on a third world island for free electronics that anyone can lease or afford, in the year of our lord 2025
I'm surprised you haven't been murdered yet, anon

No. 479745

nyart but in 2025 my child rapist stereotype is 100% the males in politics and entertainment.

No. 479797

I'm curious, when you talk to these men is all the stuff you need to say to get them off just ordering them to give you money and calling them pathetic and shit? Or do you actually need to say something sexual? Or do they describe their micropeen chubs to you, do you need to see their faces?
I'm wondering how soul sucking this type of sw would be. If there's no actual degrading or sexual stuff coming out of their mouths it doesn't sound too bad. Only thing might be for me personally that I'd start to feel sorry for them if they're super lonely and pathetic kek.
Congrats on making it work for you and getting paid!

No. 479807

Responding to myself again. Not even gonna reply to mad people, it’s been years and I’m fine and they can tell that to my Roth IRA that’s got me set for life. You sound so bitter, do you know what thread you’re in? I wanted to suggest something that sounds absurd but might be safer for you. Getting put into old people’s wills. RC airplane and train models, knitting, local gardening, volunteering at antique boating events, wood carving, tractor groups, vintage car restoration, any old traditional trade and befriend old people at these association groups. Find one niche hobby you actually might like, no sexuality included just be nice and make friends with good old people. I’ve heard of it working, especially if they don’t have a ton of family. Not fast money compared to other digging methods but thought I’d share.

No. 479886

lol quit the LARP, I checked the findom tags on twitter and there's like 7 men into it and 2 million girls fighting over them

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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
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No. 479581

Are you the type of person who switches other interests all the time too?
Maybe I'm just lucky that my main guy is from a franchise in a genre that I've always found cool. So even though it's probably never getting a new game and he'll never get new content I'll probably not find a replacement.
~14 years so far, though tbh it was pretty shallow at first, then a little deeper when his second game came out, then it wasn't until I discovered this site ~5 years ago that I went full yume.

No. 479638

It's so cool that you have been liking your husbando for 14 years, even though it didn't seem that significant at first…
> Are you the type of person who switches other interests all the time too?
I wouldn't say so, I think I'm somewhere in the middle. It even takes me a while to start watching new shows or playing a new game or whatever. On the other hand I've never been in the same fandom consistenly for very long. Usually after a year or two I lose interest. I do return to them sometimes though and the cycle repeats. Same with characters that I'm brainrotting over.
As for my husbando's source I actually like it quite a lot and it's in the back of my mind almost everyday. I though my first husbando's source was boring as fuck and my second one's was pretty good, but it was extremely short and didn't have much lore. So, I guess there's hope for me this time?

No. 479681

15 years for me. I can't believe such a dopey loser has captured my heart for this long but here we are. As for you anon, relationships have phases all the time. There are going to be times you're madly in love and there are going to be times that you question everything and worry that you're falling out of love. This is normal. Don't worry about it so much and just love your husbando and enjoy the ride. He will be there for you for however many years you want, and he will be there if you ever decide to take a break should that happen.

No. 479731

I haven't been feeling the spark with my OCbando of 8 years recently but I redid his hair design and it's given me such a surge of inspiration and renewed love. I'm going to think of more outfits for him to wear too.

No. 480335

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Happy birthday to my dumb wonderful husbando ♥ I'm not too worried about losing my feelings, somehow I'm still having fun dissecting him despite the EXTREMELY limited media, and I have tons of art ideas and whatnot I still need to make.

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