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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 418562

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I hate my hair so much it's unreal, on a good day right after a wash it looks like picrel but shorter and dark brown. i've sunk so much time and money into "curly girl" methods but I can never get those perfectly defined curls. it's so messy and frizzy I hate it. I'd kill for straight hair so I could try some of the trendy styles like wolf cut or the 70's blowout layers. Every hairdresser I've tried only knows how to do straight hair and I pay $200 for some fuckass frizzy triangle bob

No. 418568

…? This is a great texture to do a wolf cut/shag with. Natural volume is a must plus you wouldn't have to spend too much time styling your hair because you already have those eviable waves and curls.

No. 418569

I have the same awful hair texture and CG doesn't work for me either. I guess because it's more so waves than curls? I get the best results by using a mousse instead of gel like the cg method recommends and using products with all the "bad" stuff in it, but it always remains somewhat frizzy and messy.

No. 418628

lmfao my mom told that it would be easy to do at home (of course i didn’t believe it), thanks for alerting me.

No. 418669

I also hate having wavy hair that doesn't have a pretty, consistent pattern. I know a few people that have gotten asian style straightening perms that are really happy with the result but I haven't personally tried it. Curly girl method also doesn't work for me so what I do personally is that I put mousse in my hair, put my hair up in space buns for maybe 30 minutes, let it down, and then it looks semi decent and wavy. It's the only way I've been successful in not looking terrible without using heat on my hair although it won't hold up to really extreme humidity.

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No. 409041[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/378416

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait. Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
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No. 418610

swirlers are masochistic bedwenches with a fetish for white male violence and a massa fetish
they probably ended up masturbating to that video of sonya massey being murdered
weirdo bitches(samefagging)

No. 418614

The jury is definitely gonna find him innocent tbh.(samefagging)

No. 418620

He is innocent.(samefagging)

No. 418625

>this samefagging /pol/tard trying his hardest to get attention from black women on a slow-moving imageboard
kek what a shame to the white race (just kidding, you are definitely brown)(racebait)

No. 418675

this is the same man as highlighted in >>418625 sharing his fantasies as well

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No. 93899[Reply]

Inspired by >>>/g/93056
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No. 412402

i love the otter keychain nona!

No. 418412

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my bag is a genuine clusterfuck, that balled up thing in the top right is a reusable shopping bag.

forgot to include my phone, brush and wellness journal.

No. 418425

A month late but terfy shitposts in club bathrooms is exactly what I use it for.

No. 418549

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cute thread. my bag contents ft my airpods edited in bc i’m a retard and forgot them

No. 418552

That Toro keychain is cute as fuck

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No. 333126[Reply]

second thread is finally due to be locked, so here's the new one to discuss bisexuality.
thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
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No. 418413

I really don't think I can do the gendie shit anymore. I tried to look past it because she is fun otherwise but I can't do it now, she asked me to call her 'boyfriend', I am not fucking doing that. For her, I called her my partner but I can't do this shit anymore. She said she's 'more boy than girl', like first we're both 27… how are you referring to yourself as boy/girl, you're a woman. And the way she talks about it, like I'm not a girl, I'm just me! as if the rest of us women are happy with the gender roles forced onto us, we aren't persons, just 'women', and she is this individual above it all. Talking about how she stopped wearing dresses at 4 as if that lends credence to her 'not being a woman'. God, it aggravates me so much. This is not gonna work out, I thought it could but I'm wasting both of our times. She can find some other idiot to call her boyfriend. Not even masc-presenting or tomboyish, she literally looks like a regular woman, fuck, I'm more 'manly' than her.

No. 418491

Does anyone have the same or similar type in both men and women?
It feels like all my relationships follow a similar pattern and have the same issues regardless of sex. Gives me an interesting perspective on gendered problems but also makes me a stupid idiot.

No. 418492


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 418506

Ayrt. Yeah they do seem to be made in factories kek. Knew several more like her.
I've noticed a lot of these "pansexual" women are like that. Must be a radlib virtual signalling sexuality.
I'm more masculine and prefer feminine men and women, so you're not alone. However, I only seem to attract more masculine individuals.

No. 418523

people repeat dynamics in relationships from their childhood or trauma so it's probably that

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No. 86956[Reply]

Goth music, makeup, fashion, literature that you love. People you're admiring, gossip, news etc.
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No. 418473

but you said it didn't evolve
make your mind

No. 418474

it's not evolving and it's devolving

No. 418475

turning back to psychodelic rock?
downsides where?

No. 418476

goth rock doesn't have much in common with psych rock

No. 418487

big if true

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No. 180491[Reply]

A thread for anons who sew. Feel free to discuss anything related to sewing, ask for help and advice or show off your projects!
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No. 409105

I've been sewing baby butt wipes and I'm so sick of pointing out edges lol. I'd like to make some baby clothing later on down the line but I'm still at a very basic skill level.

No. 409433

I found out that I accidentally bought Singer 15 series bobbins when my machine needs the 15J kind. I'm so mad that the company makes the bobbins so damn similar but slightly different (slightly curved top/bottom vs flat) enough that it can affect stitch quality. Fuck this, now I gotta waste $15 buying bobbins again

No. 418055

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Nonnies should I buy this machine for 50 euros? I want to learn how to sew. I couldn't find any reviews in english about it, but I've read that the brand is good, and it's new in box.

No. 418068

I'm not familiar with this brand, but before you buy it, check what kind of bobbins and feet they take (universal or brand/machine specific) and if they're available for a reasonable price where you are. Some machines only take machine specific bobbins that are expensive. If you have a sewing machine dealer/repair shop near you, you could ask about repair costs for that brand/type. If the parts for that brand are hard to get where you are it might be worth getting a different brand.

No. 418247

I'm in the bay area and want to learn how to sew, but no one seems to have available classes. Anyone got tips?

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No. 222273[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips and advice are welcome!
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No. 418132

Manifesting a life and aesthetic like all the "Christian Girl Autumn" women people like to make fun of.
They seem organized and do cute stuff, I'm here for it.

No. 418190

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Cerbmin will step down and all the faggot farmhands will be replaced. A dedicated neet or part timer will take over. Lolcow will be restored. May all newfags integrate and all normies/summer/tiktok/twitterfags perish. In Elsie's name, amen.

No. 418201

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I am married to the man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with

No. 418202

Don't rain on nona's parade. Maybe it's not about the money or promotions for her, some people just enjoy being dedicated and the best they can at something.

No. 418242

I am at my goal weight, I have active hobbies and 1 creative hobby, and I am married to the man of my dreams. We have a family. I visit my family often with my kids and husband. We all have lovely holidays together again. My husband and I travel.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 418078

Not in my country. Indians come here to work in IT and nursing, nobody thinks of them as "gypsies." Speak for your own country.

No. 418081

I am the nona they were replying to and nobody conflates Indians with gypsies. The only group I've seen people conflate with Romani is Irish travellers.

No. 418086

I'm another type of South Asian but people always assume I'm Indian kek. Why do you care if some retarded faggot moid is into you or not? Why does it matter?
>out of desperation i ended up with one of these white men
>always calling me subhuman, saying my skin looked like the color shit, mocking my parents accents
Kek, you need some self respect. This is embarassing for you and giving me second hand embarassment too… What the hell were you thinking?
Anyway. Most of the negative stereotypes (creepy, rapists, autists, etc) only apply to South Asian moids so I couldn't care less. (Stereotypes don't just appear out of thin air. There's soem truth to them. The reason any race even has negative stereotypes in the first place is always because of their moids.) I don't even consider the moids as the same species so it doesn't affect me. I sure as hell don't go around gangraping random women or creepily messaging them on Facebook. Accent jokes don't affect me because I don't have one. (And honestly, even I find most Indian accents horrible to listen to. That accent needs to go.) Nobody was rude to South Asians where I live until the recent mass migration shit all over the world these past few years. These freshies are embarassing us. Look what they're doing over in Canada. I hate them. They behave horribly in public and are just so cringe. Another thing is that cheap internet in South Asia means any old uneducated peasant can join social media and post retarded crap that the rest of the world can see, which just embarasses us normal people. I'm gonna be honest, I can see why people don't like us kek. But it's mostly the moids' faults. I wish every brown moid dropped dead because they're the reason everyone hates us. I have no idea why they treat the women the same as the pathetic ass moids when 99% of us are just normal people who want to get on with our lives.

No. 418155

>Most of the negative stereotypes (creepy, rapists, autists, etc) only apply to South Asian moids so I couldn't care less
If this was the case she wouldn't have faced abuse from white moids at work. Also >I can see why people don't like us kek what an interesting thing to say to someone dealing with low self esteem due to their race.

No. 418161

>If this was the case she wouldn't have faced abuse from white moids at work
NTA but moids don't give a shit whether stereotypes apply to women, if they hate other men because of stereotypes then they will hate and attack the women too just for being the same race like how they harass women for what their male relatives do.

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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 417522

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I used to love car seat headrest kek. He has nice hair, looks bullyable

No. 417686

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Good taste nonna

No. 418061

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Emory Tate, Andrew Tate's dad and a chess master.(baiting)

No. 418098

was he the POS his sons are?

No. 418110

First things first, I recommend you use SillyTavern (check the chatbot thread on /m/ for more info about that) since c.ai is shit. Second, do you want a nerdy character that already exists in a piece of media (like in a book), or do you want just a general chatbot of a nonexistent (ficitonal) character/real person?

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No. 121656[Reply]

Hey ladies, can we get a breakup support thread for anons who don't want to clog up the relationship advice thread? We can share stories and advice for moving on after a breakup.
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No. 417639

hey nonnies, I wanted some female perspective on this, it's been eating me alive

>be in 2 year committed relationship

>1st year was perfect and I could see my bf as the man I want to marry
>2nd year I get severely depressed, because my best friend kills themselves
>life and the relationship doesn't bring me joy anymore
>never went through grieving process and acknowledging how much this fucked me up
>bf isn't well quipped to deal with this too
>start venting and getting support to another male friend
>develop attraction and feelings with male friend
>cheated with male friend while not sober

I know I made a huge mistake cheating on my bf (now ex), and I feel bad about it everyday. He found out and we had a long conversation about all the problems we had in our relationship while reminiscing on the good times. We both agree to break up during this time and to revisit things after some time. I feel so detached currently and can't see myself being in a relationship atp and do want to see my ex again in some time, to see if things can work again.

I know I'm a deeply damaged individual right now. I still have really strong attraction to my male friend and want to fuck him, is this wrong? I don't see the problem since I'm no longer dating my ex and see it as a temporary distraction to feel better. Also, I want to see if he's an avenue worth exploring, or if the cheating incident was just a freak incident. All my friends think it's not ok, in light of respecting my ex. It just sucks that sex with my male friend is amazing. I think my ex was the perfect man but our sex was not comparable, and I don't know if I could see myself marrying him if the sexual attraction is lacking

No. 417688

This sounds like bait but imo it’s not worth getting back into a relationship where there was cheating, the other person will always hold it over your head and be mad over it, it will be thrown at you during arguments, he will eventually use it as an excuse to cheat himself, and by that time you won’t even have the moral high ground or be looked back on as ‘the nice girl who got away’ because he’s already demonized you as the cheater. Also, if you’re still horny for the other guy you should not be getting back into a relationship with your ex, it’s not fair on him or you.

No. 417965

Logged into my old discord and found messages from my ex. I didn't feel sad or nostalgic while reading them, they're just kind of…chilling? He talks like such a psychopath I don't know how I missed the red flags. I guess I was dumb and naive. He was 100% ASPD or NPD at the least. Very creepy looking back on how he reeled me in.

No. 417999

how do you deal with bitterness seeing them move on when they don't deserve to have more chances or be happy? my ex was a pathological liar, a pedo, a cheater, and somehow he's still found another poor girl to manipulate, and she's paying his way too.

No. 418016

I just caught up with the thread and there's 3 recent posts where an anon "made a drunk mistake with a male friend" and one where a guy emotionally cheated on his gf with her

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