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No. 406216[Reply]

Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: https://www.astro-seek.com/
Vedic: https://www.astrosage.com/freechart/
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No. 494813

No. 494942

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Can I please get a chart reading? What will my (non-exist) love life and my future career look like?

No. 495071

You said you were a perfectionist lol
>sun conjunct mars in 6th house
lol no wonder, this one kind of feels like the “responsible” hall monitor aspect, constantly watching and micromanaging others like a hawk. sun conjunct mars in libra but your sun being just enough to get into scorpio would make you aggressive in your diplomatic, social tactics including at work but it makes it easier for you to balance those energies. also makes it harder to trust you, because of the secretive and ruminating aspect of it.
>emphasis on work in your homeland/home region so it feels like a cultural thing
>home felt like there was a necessity and pressure to perform and overcompensate for the family’s lack of inheritance/money/social standing?
>some sort of job where diplomacy, negotiation and communication are highly important and necessary
>father provided from afar but was not emotionally present
>kind of mirrors some of the values of your father or important caregiver which could really turn people off, super serious demeanor ig
>something where you’re more reserved and diligent with your money and the amount of time you spend with others outside
>sometimes a little too snarky or chirpy, some might find you too intellectually overwhelming or overly formal

No. 495638

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Dear soothsayers, why am I such a goober?

No. 496726

Well gosh. Thanks, nona

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No. 442232[Reply]

post here if you have a passion for fashion

Previous Thread:

Newest to Oldest Threads:

Pic: Dior FW 2006
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No. 494110

The shirt is the worst part. Looks like a mini potato sack

No. 495366

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Recommendations for a kitten heel flip flop like picrel? I was going to buy these but a couple reviews said the little caps on the bottom of the heel fell off after walking in these so I don't think they're good quality

No. 495530

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you can get a pair at walmart for $4, and then stick one of these puppies on the bottom for the same effect.

No. 495600

Euro anons where do you buy affordable underwear?? I don't want to pay 20 euro for 2 or 3 panties, they're just small flimsy pieces of fabric stitched together damn it. I thought asos or zalando would have affordable sets of basic underwear but nope

No. 495636


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No. 355760[Reply]

Post characters/actors that you had a crush in your youth but may or may not have any feelings for now

Previous Thread: >>136699
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No. 495449

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Shameful crush but as a kid, I loved her design so much and thought she was so pretty. But I for some reason thought she was a cat.

No. 495495

I have a crush on her too. Not because of the tits but because she made Shadow have a PTSD induced melty so she could get a shiny rock. Hahahahahah fuck you Shadow

No. 495504

Based tbh

No. 495658

honestly this one is so real, i self inserted myself as a robot in that story so i could be with him when he had his edgy arc

No. 495848

This video is so fucking funny holy shit

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 493879

This sounds serious and 100% NOT anxiety. When a retard doctor tells you it's anxiety, it's because they have no clue and would rather blame anxiety than tell you to see someone who knows more than them. Sore throat and congestion are not normal. I would try to put all your symptoms into chatgpt and see if any of its suggestions ring any bells.

No. 494606

When you have the sore throat have you noticed swelling in the related lymph nodes? If headaches occur during this period that could be sinus related. Post nasal drip can cause soreness on one side and set off coughing reflexes. If you have been fighting off a persistent infection in your upper respiratory tract it could cause the facial heat you were describing. Just so you know, illness can set off anxiety; it isn't solely linked to emotional distress. Physical ailments can overload the nervous system and cause a panic response. I would seek a second opinion with a different doctor. In the mean time you could probably use some OTC meds to help ease the symptoms. Enjoying a nice cup of tea that is meant to soothe the throat could also be some nice me time.

No. 494647

hmm, no unless i'm not feeling the right spot. a few months ago one on my chin swelled to golfball sized to the point it looked very deformed - only time i ever noticed lymph swelling tbh - though and on another occasion i woke up with a very severe fever in the problematic side of my throat, like it really did feel like it was on fire. however nothing like that has happened for a while.

and…uh, being honest, i have been diagnosed with sinutis quite a few times over a few years now, rather randomly too after check-ups even before i started having fevers or headaches.
doctor brushed it off tbh.
tbh it was so bad that i really regretted going, i'm definitely going to try switching. at my old doctors i got way more help for what were very mild complaints in comparison.

No. 494967

Recurrent sinusitis can happen but that should have been your doctors cue to look further. You can request a referral to see an ENT. Sometimes doctors will give you one without an appointment and with your history, your doctor should be able to. The goal should be to figure out what causes the inflammatory response. Is it bacterial, histamine or possibly a reaction to medication. I found out my sinusitis was caused my poor drainage related to allergies. To get it under control I was instructed to alternate between oxymetazoline and pseudoephedrine with ibuprofen to reduce inflammation. The reason for alternating the two decongestants was one is a stimulant that can disrupt rest and the other can cause inflammation if over used. After my situation cleared up I was instructed to take a once daily zyrtec. You can get all these things OTC. the real sudafed must be purchased at a pharmacy as it is kept behind the counter but all the others can be purchased at my dollar store. There are a lot of pharmacist with helpful advice. Grant Harting and Dr. Ethan Melillo, PharmD are pretty chill. I really hope you can start to feel better soon.

No. 495194

Hi nonnies could I have some help? I'm going to the doctor soon but I need help so I dont go crazy while waiting.
Lately I have been getting sick very often, the last time was less than a month ago (12 Feb), and then before that it was in December. But now the symptoms are back again, its always a sore throat, headaches, fever and coughing phlemg.
I really dont want to worry but Im paranoid about these things, thank you nonnies

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 494689

i would like to see your chart. maybe i can help.

No. 494901

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Here you go. I hear it’s a bad chart or at best “challenging and dynamic” kek. Would really appreciate some advice or any insights on cycles I need to break out of

No. 495154

My Venus is in Aquarius and my Mars is in Aries. How fucked is my love life?

No. 495159

which houses?

No. 495169

Venus in the 6th and Mars in the 9th

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 495061

>I see the mothers of those disabled children and they’re the ones who put in 100% effort and dedicate their entire lives to their disabled children. They become tiger moms with little return on their investment and dedication. their kids don’t become presidents or CEOs, they just get to function somewhat better than their other disabled peers in society. And they’re forever dependent on you.
Now that I have a baby, I completely understand why a woman would do this for a disabled child…which is why it's all the more important to abort if there are signs that a fetus has a congenital abnormality. Luckily genetic testing and scans will detect most severe disabilities; it's very unusual for a baby with severe congenital disabilities to appear healthy, and amniocentesis screens for all but the rarest genetic ones.
All the drama of a poly relationship can't be good for a child, plus as >>494971 insinuated there's a strong chance the child will end up abused. Having close family spend time caring for your kid is a godsend, though.

No. 495062

It could be white coat syndrome; if your local pharmacy or doctor's office has a bp machine, you could try using it to confirm. Be careful, though, home machines can be inaccurate and bp can become elevated quickly. It's not something you should fuck around with.

No. 495070

Have they tested for protein in your urine? That would confirm pre-eclampsia. Take your monitor in to the office and compare the readings to make sure your monitor is working well (though it likely is, but to be sure). Those home readings are fine and you should be monitored but not induced unless they confirm it is pre-eclampsia because like the other anon said, it might just be white coat hypertension. Good luck, I hope it isn't pre-eclampsia because I had it and it was awful.

No. 495195

When you are ready to try to conceive, 3 months prior to trying make sure you and your partner are on a prenatal/multi vitamin. Also consider COQ10 and omega 3s, which are good for mitochondrial health. Dosing for these supplements are online and fertility IVF clinics have it on their websites.
It won't totally save you if you have so.e under lying issue like pcos or whatever but it'll put you in the best possible position when you're ready. For most people it isn't a huge issue conceiving in their 30s

No. 495503

Well moids also have been known to kill their pregnant/post partum wives when they want to runoff with a mistress and don't want to pay child support. Hopefully that anon isn't really idealing it that much.
Men seem to be at highest risk to be on their worst behavior during their spouse or partner's pregnancy (murder, cheating, abandonment, abuse) I can't imagine creating more opportunity for that

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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
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No. 494915

After almost 3 month of half-assedly attempting to get into drawing, I finally made a sketch of my husbando and it turned out… okay?? I thought I'd die of shame, but I liked sketching him, even though the end result doesn't look all that aesthetically pleasing. I kinda wanna draw him again, but what if the next time I'll draw him in a veeeerrry shitty way? I know that fuck-ups happen and I have to accept that, but I can't help but feel sensitive when comes to my husbando.

No. 494917

Huh? Did you reply in the wrong thread?

No. 495018

I cannot believe this happened to me. But I am truly so infatuated with my husbando that I realized I haven’t felt a modicum of sexual attraction to 3D scrotes in over 2 years. All I can think about is him. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about at bedtime. The only thing that consistently helps me fall asleep is closing my eyes and imagining him quietly entering my bedroom in the dark, leaning down to kiss my neck and covering my body with his, and gently making love to me until I slip into dreamland as he holds me in post-orgasmic bliss. Looking at his pictures gets me through the work day and nobody I know IRL including my close friends would ever imagine or understand the depths of my obsession. I find a sort of comfort in my husbando and I’m also heartbroken that he’s not real…I never would have predicted this in a million years.

No. 495058

nonita, always keep in mind that western fans nearly always are fujo tifs that like to change characters to their own liking (making them trans, gay, hijabi amputees..)

No. 495405

I'd say if you know that you truy love Larry, you should buy him. If I were you, even if I fell out of love with him, I wouldn't regret the purchase.
I checked and there doesn't seem to be one of my husbando, and I doubt he'd even get one if they ever released plushies of characters from his region anyway. That's a relief because it would kill me if I were unable to buy an official plushie of him.

Nah I don't think that was the case, but it's ok, I got over it.

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 495092

nah humans are herd animals. there are biological incentives to being in a community so I think when our brains start ticking off 'loneliness' symptoms it's because subconsciously or not, we're all aware that we benefit from the presence of others.
I was thinking about this recently because I got injured while I was home alone and the difference in bandaging between when I had to tape myself up one-handed vs when someone was around to provide a single thumb's worth of pressure was massive.

No. 495104

How can you have low self esteem and an inflated ego?

No. 495134

The fact that no one else got this, kek.

No. 495544

Maybe I'm just autistic or szpd or something along those lines but I don't understand the appeal of sex. Maybe I'm just result-oriented (aka having an orgasm) and don't care for the process but I cannot feel any "intimacy" in the act. Why bother wasting time with a person when I can do it myself, etc.

No. 495670

The "muh sex is an intimate act" is a meme scrotes peddle around to convince women to fuck them. Women also use the "muh intimacy" thing but it's more of a cope for their bf/husband not making them cum, kek

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No. 482816[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/411848
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No. 494290

I’m so lonely. I just want her weight on me. I wish she’d sit on my lap and hug me. I wish I could lay on her in bed and kiss her face and smell her neck and hair. I am almost 26 and have never had any closeness like this in my whole life and I feel like my body knows it’s lacking a fundamental human need and every year it gets more and more desperate.

I have been thinking of getting a weighted blanket, I feel like it might soothe me and trick my brain into thinking my closeness need is being fulfilled. Has anyone tried this?

No. 494801

I love small round asses I need to squish one

No. 494946

I like small butts too. I want to lay my head on one.

No. 494998

Female fantasy. A well-dressed and femme, basically preppyish woman that takes care of herself and her appearance, will spend on self luxuries and name brands, because she has earned her position and pay … she is my supervisor/shift lead in an office. I am shy and slovenly and frugal, I never learned how to dress well or do little things for my appearance and am pretty self-conscious about not knowing those things and I am a lower worker, not paid great. Not good at the corporate attire or games or attitude. She is mean to me and really critical about my mistakes because she has to fix them and it reflects on her. It didn't start that way though, and she isn't as mean to anyone else on the team, it just seems almost like she enjoys taking out her frustration on me. Sometimes it is even a bit childish, like she bullies/teases me a lot. Anyway one day this imaginary woman is scolding the shit out of me for doing some clerical shit mildly wrong (it isn't something that is a big deal she just wants to tell me I need to get my shit together and stop acting like such a workshy loser and maybe run a brush through my hair for once), but her blouse shoes her cleavage pretty heavily this day and I can pretty much see one of her nipples when she is leaning down even a little and I am too socially inept to make eye contact instead but way too stupid/horny to stop staring, and she notices and gets kind of visibly flustered by it because she didn't think I was like "that", and I get flustered too because I am not out like "that" and I know she is going to give me tons of shit about it now. It can escalate any direction from here and I am really into this. God help me I haven't even worked in an office setting for like two years now either, fml

No. 495036

In the words of another nonna many moons ago- ‘My pussy jumped’
I like this fantasy and would read a gl/manhwa on this dynamic.

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No. 445681[Reply]

Support for nonas going through breakups/divorce and moving on.

Previous Thread >>121656
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No. 494757

not at all, in fact i say it now its biochemistrycally impossible im with my boyfriend for 2 years now and i dont see him the same as the first time i met him. His text messages dont give me any excitement anymore but i know for a fact that he is still the same person i met since day 1 and i also know why im still with him because i love him. Assosiating the honeymoon feeling as love is not a good idea at all since when that feeling fades away thats when people say they lost their feeling of love towards their partner and trust gets broken and doubt settles in, instead of focusing why you wanted to break up with him instead focus on how to build a bond with him long term. Do not dwell on the negatives such as does he make me feel good instead work on things like how can we overcome this obstacle since we are a team

No. 494792

You're going on a tangent about losing attraction after the honey moon phase but nowhere in anon's post did she say it was anything like that

No. 494799

its because people expect the entire relationship to be in a honeymoon phase which is not true

No. 494868

but wouldn't it be better if the honeymoon phase could last permanently?

No. 494899

I know but it is not like that in real life in terms of biochemistry is impossible

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