>>484447Doing just a little self improvement in an area adds up way faster than you'd expect. If you wanna do something new like learning a foreign language, its easy to throw yourself into it 100% spend all this time doing it, then get nowhere and get discouraged and quit. Instead you should do an hour a day, expect nothing, and treat it like a bank account that grows interest. If it becomes a habit it feels like brushing your teeth, where you almost forget about it, but over the course of a couple years you'll occasionally have moments where you'll realize how far you've come and it's fulfilling. This goes for any skill you want to work on, drawing, an instrument, programming. Almost everything worth doing is a marathon not a race. Just get something like this, in a couple years you'll be a more capable, interesting person, and it's really good for your brain.
>>484452Also this. I used to get weird feelings about people then give them the benefit of the doubt cause "I'm being mean… they've done nothing wrong". Just listen to your intuition, its not wrong and it's there for a reason.
>>493813I know this is Unpopular but it's not totally wrong… I've not dated after 30 but I have heard from other people it does get really bad, from both men and women. A lot of the emotionally stable good options get snatched up quicker. Ive known a girl who married at 32 and has a good husband though, so its not impossible just tougher. But also if a dude seems bad initially and throws a red flag don't waste time on it. Throw it back and try again. When I was in my early 20s I kept getting with guys, ignoring the red flags because I wanted to make it work. It just screws you over and you'll find yourself unhappy. during mid-20s I got tired of it and started rapid dating and throwing them back at first sign of something I didn't like, main goal was finding someone who was compatable. that worked a lot better. A lot of guys i dated i thought i could maybe sort of see a future..? Then once I met my husband, after a month I knew it was 100%, engaged at 6 months. I've been married 5 years now and had a kid, very pleased. The best dating advice is just knowing when it give up because it's us
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