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No. 394891[Reply]

A thread for butch lovers, by butch lovers.

>Post images of butches you find cute please

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
>Vent for troonism within the community?
>History with butches or current crushes?
>Butch Lesbian Scene?
>Media with butches?
>Are you butch4butch, butch4femme, or butch4both?
>Are you stone, switch, or a bottom?
180 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 484405

Why not anon? I'm sure you're fine

No. 493358

Tips for looking butch while being overweight? How do I avoid looking like a 13 year old tif? I want to cut my hair really short but I just know I will look like shit with my current wardrove.

No. 493416

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I want to give off the same energy as these Asian butches in suits but instead I look like a fakeboi wearing her big brothers prom handmedowns.

No. 493739

A lot of butches are overweight, anon. Look at classic American menswear and don’t dye your hair.

No. 495951

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
I like the term masc, it's sad to me how the term butch within zoomers is starting to be used by a bunch of retarded gendies. I hate watching them powerscale how much T they take and the fact their retarded girlfriends always enable it. i heard the term "fat butch bodies" be used once and I wanted to kill myself. I'll use both terms interchangeably though
>laugh about it with her male friends
I wouldn't call her a "pick me" because that term only applies to osas but she definitely wants some validation and to feel more like a scrote herself if she's doing that shit around moids. I don't get why other butches kiki with moids but some lesbians act like that and it's so retarded. she probably did that shit for her own amusement too duh but doing it with moids is especially lame
i remember seeing this kek, the ftm ones always look stinky

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 496037

in addition to a secrets thread i'd like to propose the idea of a lolita images or 'coord reference' photo dump thread in /m/ if anyone else would like to contribute. my folder of image references was basically depleted by a hard drive crash a couple years ago so I don't have very much i can populate it with but I think we should balance out the drama/ita threads with at least one 'good coord' thread.

No. 496072

I'd love this. I'll gladly dump some of my faves when I have some time to sift through my saves.

No. 496250

There is a general jfashion thread on /m/ that we could probably use for this already, but it's not lolita or "good" specific.

No. 496260

I want to bite the bullet and order something from taobao, I've seen it mentioned here and there and want to ask if anyone has used Superbuy as a proxy, I have no idea where to start.

No. 496314

I've used superbuy several times. It's not difficult really, you just put the url of the item you want into their search bar essentially.

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No. 332611[Reply]

I’ve been here for quite some years and I know a lot of you have been, too. Surely a percentage of posters here are around 30, or over 30. For those of you that are - how are you handling it?

Share your successes, insecurities, and life wisdom. Share fashion and beauty advice.

How do you feel about nearing 30/being over 30? Have you found the incel cope about 30+ women to be true in any way? What were your biggest fears, and what are your biggest triumphs at your current age?

Absolutely no Zoomers allowed in this thread, unless you’re an elder Zoomer. Zoomer ageism is peak stupidity and we won’t have it here.
1081 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 495746

I notice the high cost of groceries but then again doesn’t everyone? It’s especially hard hitting for single people. Everything comes in bulk and I hate the fact that I have to buy overpriced cheese slices for $6 when you get more for a big block but the problem is you can’t eat that big block by yourself and it gets mouldy and if you do manage to eat by yourself then you get fat. Hell, I can’t even buy half a dozen eggs where I’m from and am forced to buy a dozen eggs and eat them fast when I’m not in the mood for eggs everyday. I’m also so sick of frozen bread! Why can’t they sell bread slices in a small bag instead of a full loaf?! And when you buy a nondairy milk it goes bad in 7 days. I have to chuck out half a carton of milk because I can’t manage to drink all of it by myself. Sage for OT vent.

No. 495770

Doing just a little self improvement in an area adds up way faster than you'd expect. If you wanna do something new like learning a foreign language, its easy to throw yourself into it 100% spend all this time doing it, then get nowhere and get discouraged and quit. Instead you should do an hour a day, expect nothing, and treat it like a bank account that grows interest. If it becomes a habit it feels like brushing your teeth, where you almost forget about it, but over the course of a couple years you'll occasionally have moments where you'll realize how far you've come and it's fulfilling. This goes for any skill you want to work on, drawing, an instrument, programming. Almost everything worth doing is a marathon not a race. Just get something like this, in a couple years you'll be a more capable, interesting person, and it's really good for your brain.

Also this. I used to get weird feelings about people then give them the benefit of the doubt cause "I'm being mean… they've done nothing wrong". Just listen to your intuition, its not wrong and it's there for a reason.

I know this is Unpopular but it's not totally wrong… I've not dated after 30 but I have heard from other people it does get really bad, from both men and women. A lot of the emotionally stable good options get snatched up quicker. Ive known a girl who married at 32 and has a good husband though, so its not impossible just tougher. But also if a dude seems bad initially and throws a red flag don't waste time on it. Throw it back and try again. When I was in my early 20s I kept getting with guys, ignoring the red flags because I wanted to make it work. It just screws you over and you'll find yourself unhappy. during mid-20s I got tired of it and started rapid dating and throwing them back at first sign of something I didn't like, main goal was finding someone who was compatable. that worked a lot better. A lot of guys i dated i thought i could maybe sort of see a future..? Then once I met my husband, after a month I knew it was 100%, engaged at 6 months. I've been married 5 years now and had a kid, very pleased. The best dating advice is just knowing when it give up because it's usPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 495802

>A lot of the emotionally stable good options get snatched up quicker
Does that mean I am unlikely to be a ‘emotionally stable good option’ because I am single over 30? Dating is a mindset game.

No. 495836

Look into FIRE, that's that kind of retire early shit, they probably have the numbers somewhere. How much you need would obviously depend on where you live.

No. 495888

Idk look in the mirror and ask yourself that
There's a lot of normal reasons someone might be over 30 and dating, they spent the time backpacking or working, but there's also a lot of negative reasons. They could be emotionally turbulent and their relationships have aot of conflict, they're undesirable for one reason or another, they dont want to get married. If someone has a lot of good traits, isn't prone to conflict, and wants to commit, they're going to do it at some point then they're off the dating market. the older the person is the more likely it's already happened. The crowd just thins. Doesn't mean you're undesirable, there's still plenty of desirable 30+ people, but I've heard it does get harder.

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No. 180491[Reply]

A thread for anons who sew. Feel free to discuss anything related to sewing, ask for help and advice or show off your projects!
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No. 486818

nothing helpful but wool can be waterproofed and actually the vikings ships used woolen sails!

No. 488196


The best thing you can do is unstitch the tape that covers the armpit part and place another fabric doing the same job so that it is optimal. From the textile you can see that it is easy for it to break and rot (is this a dress that you wash in the washing machine?)
They already sell some ribbons that come ready-made, bias tape, in different textiles that already come with a hem and are ready to sew.

No. 489166

hi nonnas. does anyone have advice for working with faux fabric? im so overwhelmed. i just want to make a simple plush but its so messy. i took to outside with a mask and cut out all of the pieces. i just dont know if this project is worth going through with. do i just hand sew it outside and keep shaking/vacuuming/lint rolling each faux fur piece until there is little to no shed? wont it still shed when the piece is done? not to mention the little microplastic fur pieces feel like they are in my throat despite masking up. to salvage or throw away and use a normal fabric for the plushie?

No. 489396

definitely try a fabric that doesn't shed because every faux fur fabric does this (extreme of it depends on the length of the hairs) and it will remain aggravating no matter how much you try to stop it shedding

No. 495877

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A good qualify faux fur won't shed after your plushie is done, it'd shed only during cutting. If always sheds then I would recommend you use something else.
My way of working with faux fur is
>cut carefully so I mostly cut the fabric supporting the fur and not the fur itself, see vidrel. The plushie I made using this was >>>/g/448324
>follow a pattern and cut all the pieces in one go
>grab the big parts resulting mess and shove it into a bag + use a lint roller to collect the rest of the sheddings, cleaning/replacing the lint roller if it gets too dirty

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
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No. 495601

It's not a scrote just bisexual zoomers. She was extremely popular on tiktok few years ago.

No. 495613

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>what’s with the new wave of anons like this?
>Scrotes or self-promotion
>yeah. the posts aren't even trying to blend in, it's probably just SEO posting to get her name out there so she can climb the ranks and make $5/month instead of $4
LMFAOO at both.
>Weird to see a ppcocaine poster in the year 2025
>she bragged about sleeping with female prostitutes numerous times and flashed her coochie on stage.
Oh no that's horrible :/(:/)

No. 495761

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Riley Gaines. Extreme right wing fundie MAGA ultra terf. Dubious politics but let’s not go there. The terf element is based though.

No. 495838

Yeah i guess lusting after mentally ill roided tifs with titchop scars is the only lolcow approved way of liking women

No. 495839

I mean straight anons coming into our threads and going “I’m straight but-“. Just leave. It’s called women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck.

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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 487995

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I’m really sorry if this is gross, but I can’t figure out if this is dry scalp or dandruff. I shook my hair vigorously and collected what came out and this was it. My hair and scalp are both dry and not itchy at all. I’ve been dealing with this for years and everything I try fails to help.

No. 494272

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How would one achieve a texture of hair like this? Mine is curly and thick, ringlets almost, which always seem to change depending on the day, and even when I straighten it, it maintains that thickness and fluffs out a bit at the ends. I had picrel hair when younger but can’t seem to achieve it naturally now. Should I get some extensions?

No. 494336

If you shook sour hair and it fell out it’s flakes from dry scalp. Do sou use a strong shampoo? Sometimes product can build up too but it would rather be a layer on your scalp that you can scratch off.

No. 495786

Is it ok to use two leave in conditioners or is it gonna fry my hair? I already use an anti frizz one but it also straightens my hair and gets rid of my natural waves so I was thinking of using it together with one for wavy hair.

No. 495798

try some shampoo with zinc oxide. before you shampoo try oiling and massaging your scalp, any oil works, something like almond, rosemary, grapeseed, whatever you can find/afford, I like using a mix of 90% almond 10% tea tree, as long as it's a natural oil without silicones. while washing, exfoliate using a scalp brush with the zinc oxide shampoo and right afterwards use a hydrating shampoo, in smaller amount. make sure you soap your entire scalp the first time and actually clean it, the second wash will remove anything left. the oil should protect your scalp from actually drying out. if your hair gets dry, use some mask. do this 2-3 times a week and comb your hair from the scalp everyday. I dealt with flakes for years and a routine like that is the only thing that helps me, I have almost no flakes nowadays.

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No. 433552[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
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No. 494131

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Any nonas have advice or tutorial recs for getting into bodyweight exercises? Also, advice for building a routine? I'm looking to gain flexibility and stamina/strength and hopefully build up the confidence to go to the gym I also wouldn't mind toning my belly and building my glutes kek but not a priority Losing weight is not a goal for me so I'm not looking for super intense workouts or diets.
Picrel is from my playlist of tutorials on youtube. I also have a lot of reels saved. I just don't know where to start, how often to do it, how to make sure my form is ok and so on

No. 494279

Went back up to obese BMI again so I've been eating 1,000-1,400 calories on my workdays and eating 100g+ of protein on average. The doctor's scale weighed me at 75.5kg I'm also not very tall (between 1.57 and 1.58 meters). I'm about 31-33% body fat. My first goal is 64kg and I hope I'm in the middle acceptable body fat percentage at that point. My next goal hopefully will be 55kg and upper end of fitness lower end of acceptable. I've been doing this for three weeks now I've been noticing subtle changes. My face has been more angular and I see more of my collarbones now. When Spring comes I'll exercise on my off days. I plan on biking, walking, skateboarding, and lifting weights. Some of my weight gain was muscle some of it was fat. Cause I still wear the same sizes comfortably as I did last year at 63.5kg. And I also feel stronger not bloated. But it wouldn't hurt me to lose a lot tbh.

No. 495628

me again! I've lost 8.2kg now, I got into a bit of a plateau recently as I was going out with family and friends for nice meals but now it's going well again.

No. 495688

>Last Wednesday's weigh in: 123.8
>Today's weigh in: 121.8
>Difference: 2 pounds
Incidentally, I hit the exact weight that I calculated I would lose a month ago! My clothes fit better, my cellulite is way less visible, and I feel great. This concludes my monthlong experiment. Alternate day fasting is super easy and it works!

No. 495784

I'm looking to get a pull up bar bc I work out from home and I'm missing pull ups but I'm worried it'll destroy my door frame. I don't mind smudges that I can wipe off but the whole frame ripping off or massive chunks coming out would be awful lmao.

I'm about 50kg so most should be fine, right? I was thinking something like this, I don't like the bulkier ones.


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No. 392562[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting
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No. 495697

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No. 495702

shes so hot

No. 495741

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She’s way more beautiful than Swift IMO

No. 495744

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No. 495745

scrolled right past the other Ripley post, based nona

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No. 432617[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
727 posts and 195 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 495620

I wish we had cards or something to prove we're actual females.
I'm sick of these morons spreading their cancer everywhere, scrote scums.

No. 495656

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honestly this entire thread seemed pointless to me because women arent shilled as attractive the same way men are, but this is the only woman that i agree fits here. Like everyone goes on and on about how cool she is and how great her skin is when her image is the generic influencer package, her skin looks exactly like all the million other celebrities with thousands to spend on expensive treatments, and honestly her face is just ok. Like shes not ugly by normal people standards, but shes just mid. Do people actually think shes beautiful? she just looks like an average woman why is she a model..

No. 495662

That's the actress who played Regina George in the musical remake.

No. 495663

She was cast as Regina George (who is supposed to be one of the prettiest girls in the school) in the Mean Girls remake

No. 496166

she’s fucking creepy looking her stalker behavior doesn’t help either, all of the Baldwin bloodline is disturbing to look at.

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No. 406216[Reply]

Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: https://www.astro-seek.com/
Vedic: https://www.astrosage.com/freechart/
487 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 494813

No. 494942

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Can I please get a chart reading? What will my (non-exist) love life and my future career look like?

No. 495071

You said you were a perfectionist lol
>sun conjunct mars in 6th house
lol no wonder, this one kind of feels like the “responsible” hall monitor aspect, constantly watching and micromanaging others like a hawk. sun conjunct mars in libra but your sun being just enough to get into scorpio would make you aggressive in your diplomatic, social tactics including at work but it makes it easier for you to balance those energies. also makes it harder to trust you, because of the secretive and ruminating aspect of it.
>emphasis on work in your homeland/home region so it feels like a cultural thing
>home felt like there was a necessity and pressure to perform and overcompensate for the family’s lack of inheritance/money/social standing?
>some sort of job where diplomacy, negotiation and communication are highly important and necessary
>father provided from afar but was not emotionally present
>kind of mirrors some of the values of your father or important caregiver which could really turn people off, super serious demeanor ig
>something where you’re more reserved and diligent with your money and the amount of time you spend with others outside
>sometimes a little too snarky or chirpy, some might find you too intellectually overwhelming or overly formal

No. 495638

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Dear soothsayers, why am I such a goober?

No. 496726

Well gosh. Thanks, nona

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