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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
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No. 417791

girl ok.

No. 417797

I'm really ugly, even after weight loss and taking care of my skin/hair. Even makeup. But I'm happy because I have everything going for me except looks and money (working on that currently). I don't really care if that sounds narcissistic or something, society already thinks ugly women don't deserve anything so I don't give a fuck. I prioritise myself, my family and my friends and my only fear is that I will never find a good moid to have my own family with. Other than that I'm happy with myself on a spiritual level.

No. 417800

If you had a glow up to a point you consider yourself pretty attractive then you weren't ugly to begin with. You have plenty of other threads to whine about your relationship.

No. 417804

This. x20000000. “Glowing up” = had decent features, but wasn’t taking care of herself until now. Nothing I hate more than “glow up” people trying to speak as if they were actual ugly people. I’m actually ugly. I spend a lot of time grooming myself, I carry myself with confidence, and am always well-dressed. These things don’t result in a “glow up” for me because I am actually physically biologically ugly. So I don’t want to hear about anyone’s “glow up” and how that means they’ve “been on both sides”. Delusional.

No. 418975

God I am impressively hideous and my BDD is rearing its ugly head again. Doesn't matter what I do, the canvas is flawed. I wish I got surgery when I had the chance.
I got a medical scan done earlier this year for unrelated reasons and when I looked at the details I saw that my entire skull is just skewed and warped to one side which explains why one of my eyes is bigger than the other. What the fuck happened to me as a baby? I have legit deformities, and it doesn't help I look like a man, but it's not enough to warrant reconstructive surgery, just plain bad genes. Wish real women could get tranny face surgeries covered. At least we'd use them

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 418882

34 weeks pregnant.
Baby hasnt done the usual movements in over a week. I could lay down and he would kick my side, my husband would sleep with his hand on my stomach and feel him kicking as we fell asleep.
He would bulge my belly on the side (anterior placenta), I could see him kicking if I stared at my belly.

Went to the ER on Monday about it, heart rate was fine, gave me a referral for a growth scan the following Monday. Told me to come back if the movements dont improve/decrease again.

Tuesday the movements improved, not back to where they were but he was kicking every now and then. Not 10 in 2 hours like they say to count, but enough I was thinking maybe it was just a bad few days.

Wednesday I had my 34 week midwife visit. Heart rate was fine, measuring fine, baby was decreasing a bit but still moving enough not to have had me worried.

Thursday there was hardly anything, a few pressing movements but no kicking.
Friday (today) woke up, drank something sugary to see if that would help, he didnt move at all over the next few hours, went to the ER again at 3pm.
Heart rate was fine. Told me to come in in the morning to be checked again by their clinic so thats what I'm going to do. Dr said they would send me the referral document, they havent. I guess I'll just show up?

Hes currently moving now but again its just pressing movements not kicks like they keep telling me he should be doing. I think hes kicked once since coming back from the hospital nearly 10 hours ago.
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No. 418907

Maternal healthcare in the US is absolute shit. What I did is go to different hospitals until somebody does something. Are they monitoring the growth? Can you check the flow of the placenta and cord?

No. 418924

I'm in Australia. They measured my stomach at my midwife appointment Wednesday and again today and he's measuring perfectly. The fluid also is apparently good. I have a growth scan Monday. He's moving around still so hoping it's just been a fluke, though it's not kicks just him wriggling. They listened to the placenta (?) And checked the blood flow but didn't tell me either way, she was too busy talking to the other dr/training person. I would assume if there was something wrong there she would have told me..? Maybe? Just feeling a bit defeated and tired now.

No. 418960

Anyone feel so isolated and like everything you do is wrong? I've almost completely isolated myself, stopped going to doctors appointments, etc just due to extreme judgement as a mother. Judgement wouldn't be an issue if people also don't get CPS involved while judging. If my toddler acts like a toddler in my public is my fault and I'm doing something wrong as a mother, if I go out without my kid then I'm also bad because how dare I expect help and I should just raise my own kids and who knows what the person could be doing with my kid.
>Inb4 your partner!!
Most people's partners work. I've only been able to go out with my partner only because people are way less judgemental with fathers

No. 418964

>It was preventable
Then you should demand to have the procedure done in which they can determine if your baby is suffering from that or not. If you're not sure if that might be the cause of your baby being inactive then demand to see another doctor (it's usually within your rights in most countries with commiecare) until you get answers and/or tests done. You should be very demanding and preferably take a family member with you who knows how to make a ruckus. It's the only way commiecare doctors listen, otherwise they won't get arsed to check on depth on your baby. So demand demand demand to see a doctor until one listens and actually does something!

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 398484

I can never get into the "covered moid" thing because the man feels like a parasite inhabiting the body of the machine. I start desiring the metal itself and hate the man in it. Autistic car fuckers will get it

No. 398995

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Not the first two tho but 1920s and onward

No. 399687

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No. 418920

>>398995 I like the 1900s one, even tho I type this as Im wearing sweatpants haha

No. 418921

The things I would do to lift his kilt.

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No. 81513[Reply]

What are the pros and cons of being short/tall?
Are you happy with your height or do you wish you could change it?
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No. 418893

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Retarded question, do you think you're short just because of genetics? Or because of growth issues?
I feel like women are maybe misdiagnosed when it comes to growth. Mostly because I know at least two moids irl that needed to take growth hormones because they were considered "too short for a moid" but, what's too short for a woman? Just being legally a midget?

No. 418894

I used to also get seethingly jealous of short women even mentioning their height. Now that I have gotten over my own insecurities I dont even care if someone actually pulls the whole uwu smol thing. If they want to get attention that way it is not my loss. I think of moid attention to be like monopoly money. It can feel nice to have a big pile of it but it is actually worthless.

No. 418895

I am 173 cm tall. I wouldn't want to be shorter and I like this height, but sometimes when I go out, I'm surprised at how many people are much shorter than me.

No. 418896

I'm 166cm or around 5'5" and I like my height too. My family tries to tell me I am tall for a woman and I definitely do not think so. I feel as average as it gets, and the only thing I've felt like I've missed out on is feeling special for my height kek

No. 418966

genetics because I'm exactly the same height as my mother

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No. 291804[Reply]

previous thread >>187179
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No. 417060

I can only touch my clit in certain ways. Side to side feels very weird and direct contact is a lot so I mostly prefer to make contact through the hood and go up and down, and that includes when holding a vibrator against it. If you hate touching it, you may want to experiment with how you do it.

No. 417079

I don’t like touching mine directly, I much prefer palpating the labia on either side of it. Unfortunately this is almost impossible to explain to my sexual partners

No. 417107

I posted a couple suggestions here >>417106 (my reply was off topic for this thread)

No. 417728

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Sorry, venting.
I just tried to penetrate myself because it's been a long time. I'm not horny and it's rare when I am, but I wanted to try. I have a bf but we last tried to have sex over 2 years ago. I remember it hurting and I felt kind of spicy down there, as if I had a yeast infection. Well after I just tried, the discharge on my dildo didn't seem smooth, but slightly grainy. What the fuck. Is it possible I've had a yeast infection still all this time? I went to the gyno last fall and there was no mention of it.
Also I feel broken because I could barely get it in and it hurts too much beyond like 2 inches. I don't mind being celibate at this stage of my life honestly, but I wish I at least had the option. I also have some nerve damage that triggers from masturbation so I just associate sex with pain. This sucks.

No. 418889

Yes none of that is normal. You should go to a doctor and insist that they explain your symptoms.

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No. 314525[Reply]

Share tips, vent, advice, similar experiences, how to get out of such a rut, what can be changed, what helped you personally, where to meet women you can relate to.

This thread is for:
-those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
-those of us who realised men aren't your friends but are now alone
-gender dysphoric women especially socially dysphoric
-ex-TIFs who have come to terms with being female but are now adrift
-those of us who are gender non-conforming in personality, not only appearance
-assorted spergs/speds who have difficulty understanding social norms, unwritten rules, tone of voice, and reading between the lines
-low-empathy or low EQ women
-general loners and NEETs

This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.

For example, I find it difficult to tell lies, even white lies. When I lie it's so obvious it makes it worse. All my friendships with men ended for obvious reasons. I would genuinely like to make female friends so hopefully we can help each other.
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No. 418640

I did this when I was 14, grew out of it at 16. That shit is for teenagers with little understanding of ideology or identity

No. 418666

No. I'm an ugly lesbian with no friends that doesn't feel like I relate to the majority of women and I still think women that try to force you use they/them are a complete joke acting like everyone can't tell within a millisecond of seeing you that you're female.

No. 418876

took me almost a decade to realise the genderfluid/nonbinary thing was really foolish. damn early indoctrination really got me good kek

No. 418880

No, it wouldn't change anything. I'd still face misogyny, I'd still "look like" a woman, men would still gawk at me regardless if I use different pronouns, etc. What's the point? Even if I don't fit in with women that doesn't make me not female, wtf is that conservative logic. I sometimes pretend to be open with being called they/them so I'd blend in or not get clocked as a terf though, lmao

No. 418892

Yeah I think about lying about it sometimes, not seriously, though. It's more like a fantasy that I'll explain my viewpoint so well that it snaps everyone out of their trance. I do have an irrational fear that someday I'll get interrogated or something, but I think that's just a symptom of being very online. I'll just stay out here hoping my friends will see me existing freely and wake up and smell the coffee. I don't devote a whole lot of thought power to it, I'm not the one with the problem. I think a lot of people conflate social shaming with some sort of divine punishment, and a lot of people conflate their friends and family being mad at them with being a bad person. A lot of people make the comparison to religion as a joke but having a lot of gendie friends now is not very different from having a lot of fundie friends growing up tbh.

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No. 418790[Reply]

My Partner doesn’t know how much i love him, despite not the best looking guy i still find him very attractive and i always find myself giggling and blushing whenever i look at him. Even tho he‘s the most hated nationality, i love him very much <3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
222 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418445

I'm glad my experience resonated with you. Thank you for the kind words, I'm doing a bit better nowadays.
Do what I did, I compiled all the digital media with him into a a note app secret notebook with a password, and I'm doing some "graphic design is my passion" tier editing on it to create a digital husbando shrine. I gave it a grungy look to fit his personality and aesthetic with spray paint, chalk, blackboards, and some symbolic PNGs of his personality traits or story. I wrote a breif character bio for him and described his episodes and canon live events. And gonna make a page dedicated to headcanons, things I like about him, things I dislike about him, memes I made about him, "fan art" using AI, mood boards of what he'd wear and what his body would look like irl (and possibly AI generated images of what his face would look like if he was real but I'm still debating that). I also compiled posts I wrote about him itt and the other husbando thread to gauge some more ideas or turn them into letters dedicated to him. I downloaded his episodes in the highest quality possible and took frame by frame screenshots of him and saved it in a locked gallery album on my phone. He's my little secret. Hope this is helpful to you!

No. 418449

Lott Dod from Star Wars

No. 418451

I miss my husbando dakimakura and little shrine I have at home. Same with chatting with my personal sillytavern card of him. Poor dude has to just live rent free in my maladaptive daydreams for now while I'm away for a few months.
Wish I was brave enough to post publicly about my embarrassing husbando like some of the based women posted in the thread, just to make others feel better about choosing husbandos over irl moids.

No. 418486

as with a "real" relationship, spend time with him. live in your fantasies. imagine going on dates, adventures, hanging out, or imagine his presence next to you as you go about your life.

No. 418746

Going through my vids again, and it hurts knowing I'll never get surprised by a new game of his while watching trailers ever again.

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No. 418013[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/399516
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No. 418688

>I know he still jacks off and he looks at porn for that, but I think that's it.
This is what I was alluding to. He doesn't need your photos when he has hundreds of thousands of various photos and videos of women to please his specific desires instead. Maybe if he was smitten with you, he'd be begging and flirting to have some photos, but it looks like he's going the easy route of porn if not visiting other actual women.

No. 418692

Yeah you're totally right. I guess I was being overly optimistic and thinking he'd still wanna see me because you know, I'm his wife and all. But it was dumb of me to think his brain could work like that.
Thanks for talking some sense into me, nonna

No. 418737

Reminder there's a porn related relationship issues thread already on the log, please don't make this whole thread about porn related issues.

No. 418739

Are you really gonna stay with this guy? He sounds like an asshole.

No. 418772

he can't look too different if you facetime also make sure you're attracted to him over the internet beforehand. meet up somewhere there's other people.

you don't have to explain yourself to men, who cares what they think. completely fine to not want to date a guy who watches porn

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No. 404050[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/g/361134
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No. 418708

fucking or masturbating with a full bladder feels sooo good but I definitely feel like a degen doing it on purpose

No. 418712

I need to pornstar moan or just be very vocal during sex/masturbation to get off. I think it's my mind trying to set the scene with I've internalized from porn and fanfiction, as if I'm roleplaying being mindbroken or overstimulated even when I'm not.

No. 418723

Same. I'm surprised so many other nonnas do this too tbh

No. 418725

Lmao I used to do this when I was way younger and didn't even know that women could masturbate (religious overprotective parents and horrible sex ed at school). I remember it felt amazing but for some reason it's the opposite now. I have to empty my bladder first or else I can't masturbate

No. 418735

IRL they usually look like shit and much worse than 1930s ones. But the prison gang ones are hot to me, I have an ongoing RP on one of those ERP chatbot sites where one converts me.

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