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No. 406216[Reply]

Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: https://www.astro-seek.com/
Vedic: https://www.astrosage.com/freechart/
98 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 408569

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yeah I'm just at a weird crossroads in life where I'm feeling very lost and have no idea how to process moving on from something. But your read is reassuring!

I've got this weird spiritual sensation something is gonna go awry right now and while my intuition isn't always correct, I feel a drain on me physically. I've had these before.

No. 408571

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Trying my luck

No. 408703

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please and ty wise and kind nonna

No. 408736

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My relative said my chart was interesting but didn't get a chance to go into it with me and lives far away. If anyone cares, thank you.

No. 415393

Is it true someone could curse or hex you through your birth chart? What to do to prevent and manage that?

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No. 413813[Reply]

Post your favorite examples of men who have aged like milk or ‘hit the wall’.

Discuss the “men age like wine, women age like milk” cope meme, common amongst undesirable men

Old thread >>>/g/152993
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No. 415251

his eyes were too small to start with anyway

No. 415287

A lot of them were propositioned by David Geffen who's still out there doing it today

No. 415289

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No. 415292

Always thought he was uggo even in the Disney days

No. 415304

the beard does not work at all with his girly eyes kek

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No. 156622[Reply]

A thread for anons who do not want kids in any context, whether biological, adopted, or step. Discuss anything relevant to a childfree lifestyle here.

Some topics for discussion to get started:
>miserable parents we know and their nightmareish lives
>the wonderful world of having expendable income
>how much better women without children age
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No. 411796

a lot of those people also don't understand that not having money is also a reason why you stay childfree. I never wanted children, but if I wanted to have some, I wouldn't go through with it because I'm poor and I would never want my children to grow up in poverty. So, I'm childfree, but I haven't been on vacation in 15 years and I don't drown in monbey. If I would get the money people in my country get from health insurance for in vitro fertilisation, I could have a vacation, kek

No. 411800

It looks like one of those alien invasion movies where the evil alien decides to impregnate a human female and it morphs, disables and disfigures your body eating off the very little energy you put into your body to fuel it and it becomes very dangerous and life-threatening when it decides to be expelled from your body like a parasitic worm, also hijacking the logical and critical thinking in your brain and this is maximized by the type of sex that the baby develops into (males are more energetically taxing to carry than females) which turns women into boy moms or women who make it their mission to be jealous of and always working against their own daughters because their lizard brains burnt from the pregnancy makes them see their own daughter as a primitive threat to her survival/for resources and not the moid she worships and praises. She passes down this male-worship through her genes and carries on this self-fulfilling prophecy where it can never be ended. Oh wait, I’m just explaining normal human female pregnancy kekkk, pregnancy literally makes you a weak, defenseless retard and that’s why men who have no intention of being good fathers drool at the mouths when they have an opportunity to cum inside you, they know how pathetic, oppressive and necrotic pregnancy is.

No. 411833

I went to a carnival yesterday with my friends and I think that was the final nail in the coffin that made me never wanna have kids. They're so fucking annoying and loud, don’t understand how people can find them cute, let alone give birth to them that isn’t out of obligation

No. 414608

I haven't had exposure to very young kids in a long time. I'd see my baby cousins like once a year or less, especially since our grandma died, and I disliked having to hang around with them because the bigger they got, the more aggressive, rude and destructive they got (both boys). It certainly made me not to ever have a child when there's a chance it could be male.
I got introduced to my current bf's family recently and he's been taking me along to hang out with them, which usually means staying at his parents' place for a night or two, and also means near constant exposure to his nephews there. I usually get handed the baby even if I never ask for it, but I'm mostly OK with that, because he's a chill baby. But the older kid, holy shit, must be the most annoying kid I've met. He's huge for his age which makes his baby talk make him seem retarded (he's not even 3 and the size of like a 5-6 year old), manipulative as shit, demands attention constantly and, surprise, also aggressive and destructive in his play.
The funny thing is that I'm apparently exposed to the "good side" people talk about, since he gets taken to his grandparents to play around and then gets handed back to his mom when they had their fun, since they live 10 minutes apart. So this is the "you get to only enjoy the fun parts of the kid, golden package"-grandparent experience, and I'm still trying to find the fun part. Any time the Kid is there, the world revolves around him. Sitting down and feeding a kid a fruits for 20 minutes isn't fun. Trying to get a kid to put away the stuff he plays with, and going over the colors one by one is not fun. Him saying he "loves me" 20 times during lunch to which I'm forced to react to because they all go "awwwwwww" isn't fun, it even stops being cute after 3 times. Having to be present to the kid doing everything that might be considered "new" to him and him being ask to show me all his toys every time isn't fun. It feels like a personal circle of hell, where I'm forced to constantly react to things in an upbeat and happy tone when I'm bored to tears and try to sound as non-threatening as possible when scolding a kid that throws a pillow into my face.
I leave the meanest, pettiest part to the end, that this poor kid has one of the ugliest men alive for a father and has his adult man face of his chubby kid body, so he could be called anything, but cute-looking, which makes the cooing over him seem even more bizarre of an experiencePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 415164

Does your bf know you're childfree and don't like kids? Why is he making you be around the kids like this, if he knows…?
>constantly react to things in an upbeat and happy tone when I'm bored to tears and try to sound as non-threatening as possible when scolding a kid that throws a pillow into my face
Ugh, this "gentle parenting" trend is so insufferable and it's already having terrible ripple effects on the kids. Hence why so many teachers are quitting all over… even people who generally love kids can't stand today's kids and that says a lot. Yeah the boys are worse because they're more violent but the girls are bratty and defiant as hell too. So annoying.

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No. 392162[Reply]

>lazy bitches couldn’t be bothered to make a new one edition
>cristoph waltz posting

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

>>>/g/369161(don't use images/gifs like this or spoiler them)
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No. 414730

stupid fucking newfag made the new thread way too early and now we have to wait to post in it

No. 414732

god i had such a big crush on him like 14 years ago KEK he's so cute still, i usually like guys with deeper voices but i find his voice really nice anyways..

No. 417577

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No. 417953

Not trying to be mean lmao but what is attractive about the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog?

No. 417955

you should meet the shadowfags in the husbando thread

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No. 181093[Reply]

A thread for those who are interested in either adopting a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian lifestyle or just less meat in general.

Please feel free to discuss
>challenges you've faced
>brands you recommend
>alternatives you recommend

Please refrain from turning infighting about ethics
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No. 412871

If you're worried about it there are always supplements. I personally only take B-12 and I think people who take 50 supplements a day are insane but I think if it helps give you some piece of mind it's worth it. Regardless of your diet you should be doing weight bearing exercises for your bones and seeing a dentist. To be honest a lot of the problems described by these ex-vegans sound like hormonal issues to me but it's obviously popular to hate on veganism so those types of videos get a ton of views. Also if you want to just see a dietician they can definitely help you out with making sure you're eating a balanced diet while vegan.

No. 413021

Thanks anons for the tips

No. 414025

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this recipe sounds delicious to me https://biancazapatka.com/en/vegan-liverwurst-pate/
I don't see how it would taste like actual liverwurst based on the ingredients (maybe the smoked tofu helps?) but I'm a big fan of bean pastes with bread. I wish there was a whole cookbook for them.

No. 416953

NOT going to lie, Honestly Carrots are DISGUSTING AND VILE how is this shit actually good whatsoever, How TF is this shit appetizing? I'd rather have a vegan possessed meat hot dog

No. 416954

Anybody watch, Carleigh Bodrug, On YouTube? Her Vegan shorts food videos looks bomb, It's really helped find recipes that look good and on the healthier side of things

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No. 348964[Reply]

What is a Seasonal Color Analysis?
>"Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting. It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together."

Kinda similar to the Kibbe thread, this one is specifically dedicated to personal palettes and colors.

>Share good palettes

>Ask for advice on the best clothes or other products for your season
>Find out about your own season
>Vent about your color frustrations
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No. 413655

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This is embarrassing but the celerity closest to my coloring is LD.

What season is she?

No. 413656

I could be wrong but I think she’s a light summer. She suits slightly warmer pastels, creams, and soft browns.

No. 413659

Summers are cool toned. She looks like a light spring, is that what you meant?

No. 413797

>What would y'all recommend for someone with a neutral warm undertone but the brightness, depth and contrast of a winter?
Bright Spring

No. 413802

Also wanted to add that bright spring can have very dark hair and eyes, you probably don't have "too much depth" for it

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No. 92614[Reply]

Girls who like tattoos thread?

What are some of your favorite artists/tattoos? What tattoos do you already have? What do you want to get in the future?

The only other tattoo thread I could find on this website is a thread on /ot that had mainly comments that were anti-tattoo, but it would be nice to have a thread for girls who are tattoo admirers/enthusiasts!
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No. 380905

This tattoo will 100% age like shit. Not to say you can’t get it touched up every few years if you really wanted to. American tattoos use bold lines and saturated colors so they last but they still age. It’s nothing you can prevent.

But some styles age better than others.

No. 380907

Same fag to say that color will fade quicker than black. So black and grey American style tattoos are pretty popular (at least where I live)

No. 380928

Thats gonna look like a bruise in a year

No. 412527

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Thoughts on cover ups? I think it would be a similar amount of money to get another tattoo as it would to get it removed, since it's small. I know the artist does their best, but it ends up looking kind of dark and muddy in the end to me.

No. 412534

Removing a tattoo is often more expensive than covering it (depends on the tattoo, but that’s usually why people just get a blast-over) and takes 10-12 laser sessions until it’s totally gone. It’s usually recommended to get some of it removed (a few sessions to make it fade) before covering it. Again, totally depends on the tattoo. looking muddy is the risk you take when you cover it.

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No. 368030[Reply]

Post about everything fashion related; designers, collections, the industry, jobs, experiences, influences and effects on ordinary people and your life, the past, the future, the present, etc.

>Fashion 101

Teach us the basics, the must knowns, the do’s and don’ts.


Enlighten us with all your knowledge; be either by wallposting, sperging or with extra materials/resources (ex. links, documentaries, articles, PDFs, etc.)

>Personal/Unpopular Opinions

Do you have a personal fashion related thought or a spicy take? Let us have it.


Share all your woes and sorrows about anything and everything fashion related.


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
630 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 412367

you liked the floppy rubber Spirit Halloween ass head slapped on top of the outfit just in case the audience didn't understand "this represents skin"?
the bone one is also Spirit Halloween tier I'm sorry. I like that he tried something. soul does look better in motion.

No. 412368

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Have any of you nonnies watched "making the cut"? I am super curious because I just finished season 3 yesterday and that show put me through the ringer, it was insane

No. 412370

>Spirit Halloween
KKEEEEK nona no need to put me on blast

No. 412372

I saw clips and it seemed interesting but never sat down and watched it. It's good?

No. 412375

Is really chaotic but not in a dramatic way like project runway. In general all 3 seasons have the same formula: they find a bunch of designers who already have pre-established fashion brands, put them in an Amazon warehouse with industrial coffee shop design and make them compete for 1 million dollars. The catch for the viewers is that the majority of them can't sew, after the day ends they leave their scraps for seamstresses to work on for 8 additional hours and if their design wins a challenge the look will be available IMMEDIATELY and I mean literally IMMEDIATELY in the "making the cut" Amazon store. Everything about the show is wild to me, from the "designers", to the judges panel and the challenges. The only good thing about the show is Tim Gunn keeek

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No. 411839[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.
Last thread >>>/g/342326
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No. 411846

I can't find a picture to use from that lesbian manga to make a new one SOMEONE HURRY

No. 411847

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Here’s one

No. 411851

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Sorry. Here's an alternative (i wanted to break the diaperfag mangaka theme)

No. 411852

Nagata Kabi, I love some of her work, but she really is a loser. Thread pic is funny imo

No. 411861

Thread pic looks fine to me lol, I prefer it over continuing the alcoholic mangaka memoir theme

Anyway I want a girlfriend with a slight virginity fetish to induce my period a bit early by fucking me until my uterine contractions trigger it. Her favorite thing is when the timing matches up just right and my period starts near the end so she can pretend that it's actually from my torn hymen and she just took my virginity

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No. 342326[Reply]

same rules as last time. you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.
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No. 411828

>fat pussy
Fat, plump pussies are so attractive. Neuron activation

I love the idea of edging a woman. I want to overstimulate a woman so much she can't tell if she's orgasming or not. I want to slowly melt her defenses, i want to see a woman whimper from very slight caresses on her clit and on her body. I want to lick her all over, and hear her embarrassed cries of pleasure as i kiss her stomach or armpits or feet. For some reason the women in these fantasies are always skinnier and weaker than me, somewhat frumpy and boyish in looks but still very feminine. Whenever i got close to a nerdy woman who was less curvy and/or shorter than me (weak TiF archetype), i'd either develop a crush or have these sex dreams where i pleasured her so much she'd become completely incoherent. I guess i do have a type kek. It's always the same fantasy but these days i also picture this kind of woman in gentle restraints. Nothing too demonstrative, just enough to make her feel really at my mercy.

No. 411829

Do you nonnas like being slapped during sex? I love when my woman is rough with me in bed

No. 411830


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 411840

New thread >>>/g/411839

No. 411849

New thread with a less retarded pic

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