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No. 407189[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

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No. 418996

Old, not attracive and not conventional.

No. 419000

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No. 419038

I'll probably say it in the more retarded way possible, but the layout of his face is very beautiful. It feels like every feature is exactly where it's supposed to be.

No. 419096

post-wall and not attractive

No. 419097

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No. 402287[Reply]

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:
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No. 419041

That is not true and blonde is quite common. Black is probably more rare

No. 419054

I mean slavic is an extremely broad category. There are a ton of blondes in Poland or Belarus for example, a lot less among south slavic countries such as Bulgaria or Serbia.

No. 419066

Nah, most Russians have the most basic ass shade of generic brown hair. Only in the far northern. parts next to Finland and Belarus do you find a lot of blondes. Everywhere else most people have brown hair.

No. 419071

we're talking about slavs, not Russians specifically?

No. 419091

If you’re East Asian or black, yes. If you’re white/middle eastern then no, go to turkey.

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No. 379519[Reply]

for mixed-race women to chat, vent, discuss culture dynamics, and generally gather. this goes for any mixed ethnicity woman. thread was suggested in the Asian girl problems thread.

Refer to site/board rules. Avoid infighting, please.
162 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418093

Could be the white parents, you're right. Either way WMAF/AMWF is one of the worst pairings out there.

No. 418129

I'm from California where there are tons of Latino/white mixes and they don't seem to have the same problems that mixed Asians do. I hate to play into this stereotype, but I do think hapas genuinely seem to have a lot of racial hang ups and personal issues, though the personal issues are likely the result of their parents more than being mixed race. There are a lot of theoretical reasons why, like Asian and Western cultures not meshing well, plus the types of Asians/whites who go after each other.

Aside from appearance, I think location plays a role too. The better adjusted mixed Asians I've known came from more diverse places.

No. 418881

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Are you me nona? Tbh I used to have all these issues being a SEA hapa in the lily-white midwest, where the few asians may or may not talk to you, the whites usually have a complex/fetish about blacks, the blacks are mistrusting, and hispanics are the only ones willing to talk to you like a normal person if you have something in common. Everyone is super standoffish if you don't look like you fit neatly into some kinda racial category, and it's depressing to see how many ppl just don't have a personality, and default to surround themselves with copies of themselves. From the outside looking in, it seems like I have to "prove" myself as entertaining, confident or hyper-competent just to get people to be normal around me - which is probably not an exclusive experience to mixed ppl, but I think only mixed ppl have to do it everyday, to everyone. It's really hard to find people able to stand on their own capabilities and interests instead of blending into whatever group they look like.

I've ended up identifying with my white side most of my life, because I wanted to fit in with those around me, and realistically speaking I don't have a lot of my other parent's culture around anyway. I want to enjoy that culture as much as I can, since I've been ignoring it my whole life and there are great things about it. It just sucks ass sometimes, I had to brood a long time to conquer the psychological need to be recognized as belonging somewhere, despite not having a network of people who could model that for me.
And I could've gotten over it faster if so many people weren't incapable of being realized, developed human beings and made a fucking pattern of being friendlier and nicer to me the few times they think I'm their race. Like what is it that I'm missing out on here? How many people are out there effortlessly intermingling with these assholes because you look like you could be their cousin? Not the mixed kind of cousin like me or mine, really like a cousin. It's very tiring, and the only coping strategy I've found is to be upfront about your racial mix and lead with your personality. I can't opt out of looking like me, so I have to blacklist even the unconscious-bias racists just to survive professionally and find a community.

No. 419090

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Do any of you nonas feel like you look weird due to your racial background? I genuinely look like a randomized sim, like objectively. My facial features clash together strangely which makes me look racially ambiguous in an uncanny valley sort of way. People have always found me cute though, so I don't have a negative relationship with my appearance, I just look a bit off. Maybe it's that I've just never seen anyone who has the same combo of facial features as me? I also have ginger hair with lose curls which adds another layer to not really looking like anyone else (not even my parents kek).

No. 419118

Latinos are already half white to begin with, so that's why they mix well with whites.

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No. 378038[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/377721

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
886 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418764

Nta but I have the money for it so I don't see the big deal. I've been jogging 3 miles 3x a week for the past year but I've hit a plateau with my weight loss and want a boost. People who get wls could diet too but I don't see anybody up in arms about that.
Thanks for the info I kinda figured I would have to go back down to .25
How's Wegovy going for you?

No. 418836

I'm formally diagnosed with binge eating disorder, something I cannot control or simply stop doing, and this med has pretty much cured me of it. There's no reason to be this ignorant and judgmental when you don't know people's situations.

It's been great! I've lost 26lbs so far with no side effects.

No. 418992

Congrats anon! Also glad to hear you're doing better with your eating disorder, much love <3

No. 419006

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I started eating these as a breakfast/lunch replacement and it’s so worth it. They’re vegan and gluten free with all natural ingredients. I can’t even get through half of one without feeling full and saving the rest for later. Most of them are 500 calories.

No. 419087

Why does high incline walking seem to have no effect on my running endurance? Almost every day I do very high-incline walking at 3.0-3.5 speed for 1-2 hours. Even though the walking is slow it does get your heart rate up and you breeze faster. I think that the walking should have some impact on my cardio endurance in general. Yet, I struggle with running a mile. Is the high incline power walking even enough aerobic activity for heart health?

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No. 418500[Reply]

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.

No. 418507

Yay we finally get to use the cool thread pic!

No. 418518

Is this traced over that Virgins Empire turbo Stacy dyke character?

No. 418778

I just got trolled on HER. Arranged a date but nobody ever showed up and then was blocked. I even gave my address and sent pic of my tits to what could be a greasy scrote oh god the regret. Dont be horny retards like me nonnies, stay safe.

No. 419080

Is anyone else itt celibate? I'm quite picky on top of the 'tism, so if I never get a gf I'll just stay permanently single. Hookups and casual non-monogamous situationships are a massive turn-off. Also obvious moidhate reasons aside, my only experience with a moid only reaffirmed how much I could never stand to be with one, even if he was somehow 100% my type so that's not an option either lmao.
My condolences nona

No. 419084

me, i'm the same way. My type is so autistically specific that all of the very few crushes I've had in my life looked like they could be siblings. And it's not a common phenotype especially where I live so I've accepted I will be alone forever. I used to not mind it so much, but the past few years have been really hard and I've become extremely depressed about it. I hate that I can't control or change my preferences no matter how hard I try. I wish I could fall in love like everybody else.

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No. 392562[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting
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No. 418749

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I love her in casual outfits on stage. Her rehearsal pictures tend to look really hot.

No. 419076

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Both of them are gorgeous in their own way

No. 419077

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Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucis daughter is gorgeous. Her dad is so ugly but she turned out nicely thanks to her mom.

No. 419079

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One of my few celebrity crushes. This is so niche but I love women who could straddle the line between dainty and eerie.
Wow, she looks amazing here. This colour is so much better on her.

No. 419095

mama mogs her daughter to oblivion

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No. 411848[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/342326
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No. 418994

I feel the same way but I low key want to kill myself now because I have such ugly hands fml

No. 418995

There’s no such thing as ugly hands, just fat hands tbh.

No. 419005

I have tiny fat hands with short fingers despite being closer to underweight than overweight. It’s weird. I let my nails grow out just to make my fingers look less short, but… well, I’d have to cut them if I ever got a gf kek. And then she’s realize how ugly my hands are and dump me lol

No. 419012

It's kind of just like wanting the person you are thinking about to think about you. It's different. You want them to be obsessed with you, because a woman you like liking you back is inherently appealing. The comic you sent is more like viewing yourself in third person.

No. 419070

I can't stop thinking about making out with another woman in a hot spring/onsen. The temperature of the hot water and our tongues clashing against eachother compared to the chilly air would feel so thrilling

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 416330

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I'm obsessed with the upcoming Hermes September beauty drop, the colors and design of the packaging are so charming to me. I'm not one for "designer cosmetics" but these caught my eye.

No. 416341

tbh i think going for quad/quint palettes which are monochromatic is better option for 90s looks especially as they always feel more balanced than a modern paletted. there are quads from maybelline that are available i think in browns, grays and very late 90s lilac. also luxury brand eyeshadow fits this look well. i swatched lancome's quints recently and they have good shimmer for more late 90s look, also i love quad palettes ftom clinique and i want to get purple one
>t. 90s larper and autist

No. 417435

I agree you should go for a smaller palette. My mom and aunties from back then didn't own any big palettes, they weren't commonly sold compared to trios, quads and quints.

No. 417456

I buy one or two name brand products a year "for the experience" and most of my lip products are luxury at this point, my favorite Guerlain matte lip is not that much better than one from Romand that I used before even though it's 4x the price, but I love it because it has a unique experience of use that gives it "prized personal item" status. The Lancôme lip oil I used before had a unique texture, look and smell. My problem with the Dior lip oil is that the "experience" is kind of boring. It doesn't smell good, does nothing for lip color, texture is meh. It only looks cool when you apply it in front of other gen Z cosmeticfags who can't afford it. It's not terrible by any means, it's just my most disappointing "experience" to date along with Gucci Beauty lipstick that's quite honestly a shitty product but has the remaining quality of looking like a work of art so the swag of reapplying it makes up for having to do it every five minutes. I'm not sure what I was expecting, I guess I just wanted the novelty of buying an actually hyped product after a lifetime of purely personal choices

My favorite lazy day item is the wet n wild blushlighter in the shade "I met someone". It's a duo of a rose gold and beige gold shimmer that you can easily use on your whole face as blush, highlighter and eyeshadow so you don't have to buy several things, and it's very cheap.

90s palettes were usually a simple gradient of 3 or 4 shades based around one color. You don't need all that. Also that palette is really not well designed so you're better off keeping your money. Personally I like the Smoky Brown quad from Burberry, but there's probably a better one for cheaper somewhere.

No. 419067

What kind of makeup should I wear if I have a pretty asymmetrical face and uneven eyes? I find that any kind of 'point' makeup just emphasises the unevenness of my face. But I find it hard to do more soft/blended/natural looking makeup. Like for instance anytime I try to do even a very barely noticeable thin eyeliner on my upper lashline, it seems to look very noticeable and highlights my eye height asymmetry. I'm not sure if its because the liner im using is too black or something.

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 418143

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But… apparently I need to send them a copy of my photo ID. This is what they said in the e-mail:
>(2) Send us a copy of a photo ID with ONLY your photo and name visible (Please censor other private information like address, etc.)

No. 418167

Where is everyone online nowadays?

That rule is so retarded and it never stopped the scammers and aggressive chinese resellers either. In fact, the platform got worse in general. So glad I made my acc years prior. I'm sorry you have to go through it nonnas, it sucks especially if you want to bid/buy on something that could get snatched fast.

No. 418186

Yeah I took a picture of my drivers license and just covered up identifying info with a post-it note.

No. 418901

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No. 419064

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I know it's been said millions of times before by other lolitas but I'm so jealous of all the classic lolitas that built up their collection in the 2010s when good high quality classic pieces weren't so few and far between. It's the nature of the secondhand market to be a little slow, sure, but since it's been confirmed by some more experienced classic lolitas that its way more common to just sell privately to other longtime classic lolitas it feels kind of painful. I need to find my way into some actual classic-centric comms. I'm a super casual lolita so i kind of dip in and out of the community every few months (usually for broke reasons tbh), which makes connecting with other people tough.

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No. 408483[Reply]

Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or receiving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers. General discussion pertaining to the topic is also allowed.

>Info for people seeking a reading

If you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.

>Info for readers

You can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, length of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't answer (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.

>Info for people seeking a trade

As a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the length of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.

>Info for people learning any divination method including tarot

Feel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.

Have fun!
Last thread: >>>/g/288268
254 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418627

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If you’re still bored nonny I will gladly take a reading on my future. Either in love or career, your choice.

No. 418842

Taurus f26. I made a career switch and need advice.
> Is this feeling of dissatisfaction in my new/current job temporary or am I in the wrong career path? Is it just the job/team I’m in?
> Job/career advice? Can you tell me if it’s saying whether I should go back to my old career path and if so, how?

No. 419049

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You don't have anything to be paranoid about you will be fine.

>Who you are - III of Cups

I have a feeling this card is mental, and represents that you are in a highly creative mental state. It could also be literal, that you are a friendly, sociable person with lots of friends. But this reading gives me the feeling of actions done on a stage. Overall, you are living in somewhat of a comfort zone now, living your life like an actor performs on stage. Perhaps it feels a bit like a performance and that is what is causing the uncanny feeling: that reality might tear down the set any moment now.

>Your shield - II of cups

The next act: It is time for you to integrate with your opposite. This will most likely be mental. You have been stubborn, and i feel like there is something big you have been repressing, trying to run away from, forget, or disown. Your protection will be to integrate this into yourself, come to terms with it, and make it a part of who you are. Think of it in the alchemical sense, two opposite parts will join to create a third, better than the previous two.

>What you are afraid of - VI of pentacles reversed

Injustice. Especially when it comes to wealth, and you are afraid to be on the losing end. Perhaps you have been on the recieving end of injustice and are afraid to let it happen again, so you are trying to keep things status quo. However, the universe doesnt work that way. Energy has inertia, and when it doesnt move it stagnates and becomes putrid. Especially when it comes to money, energy likes to move like a stream, leaving and being replenished quickly. Of course with no rain and too quick of a current the stream will soon dry up, but attempting to hoard it and not let it flow will only leave you with swampy water.

Your environment - II of swords reversed
The time is right to unblock this energy flow. This will require vulnerability, as you have put up your defenses and created a stalemate. Look to your shield on how to move forward, as your swords fall, the caduceus rises. The time is right and you may see signs soon on how to proceed if you dont already know.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 419063

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>Your current state - III of Wands, The Tower XVI Reversed

You are more than ready to set off on this new chapter of your life, but it may be too hasty. Something from your past is re-forming itself. Maybe you are falling back into bad habits. A necessary catalyst has failed to spawn. You might be eager to get into this marriage as a way to run away from something. But do not be deceived, if you go off without addressing this it will follow you into your marriage and most likely cause problems very similar to the ones you are trying to avoid. This card may also be trying to warn you that the relationship is destined to fail, but you are trying to hold on despite your best interests.

>Your fiance - VII of Swords, The Moon XVIII

He is also trying to run away from something by entering the marriage. While you are trying to get away from some problem, he is trying to get away with avoiding growth and self development. I'm really sorry but a lot of these cards indicate some kind of betrayal or trick, he may be having an affair, or trying to trick you for some financial reason. I get the feeling he is in love with somebody else, or that he has a family or another woman that is important to him, but he doesnt want to grow up and be there for them.

>What is keeping you two apart - XII The Hanged man

One or both of you have reservations about the marriage. I think this is for the best. If you do end up getting married, it will likely take a long time to happen and come with a lot of self-sacrifice.

No. 419065

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Can you do a reading for me? What the heck is going on with my love life? 34, water person
Thank you

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