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Vote now on the future of VPN posting on this site! Poll closes at 23:59 GMT on the 18th March.

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No. 463347[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>297242

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
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No. 499311

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maruntear@proton.me, I have a discord I can give out through mail.
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
I dunno, 22-32, give or take a year.
>How would you describe yourself?
Curious about life and always looking to learn more. A bit of a doomer conspiracy schizofag but trying to allow more positivity in my life. A good listener, always interested in other peoples' lives. Very very gender critical (tho isn't that the norm here kek).
>Hobbies and pastimes
Video games (classic WOW, OSRS, GW2 mostly), fashion esp alt fashions, art (collage and sketching and charcoal), esotericism and occultism, true crime, animals, languages
>Favorite movies/shows/music/books/etc
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No. 500536

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>How long this contact will remain active?
Eastern European Standard Time
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Easy to get along with. I think I'm a good listener and a solid conversationalist, I always try to ask questions and show genuine interest in others. I tease, but it's never that deep.
>Hobbies and pastimes
Cooking, learning languages, working out, traveling, I used to be really into art, but not so much anymore.
>Favorite movies
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No. 500768

If you like Chernobyl, check out North Waters and the Terror. And if you’re a sims 2 fan, check out Ani Bats on YouTube.

No. 501101

>Age range
Around my age, a bit younger or older is fine
>Describe yourself
Recovered internet user turned normie. I don’t have social media so I might be a bit out of touch, can be awkward but nothing I can’t push past. I do like anime but I go through phases of not watching and then binging. I read a lot of fiction, currently reading Wild Seed, just finished The Stand. I do my nails very often, take baths very often. I do needle felt but it’s been a long time since I have. Tried to crochet but I might be a bit inept. Otherwise I don’t do a ton. Looking for someone I can chat with about crafts, books, nails. Very basic. I’m also a very good listener so if you like to vent, I would love to listen!
Better Call Saul, The Wire, The Gap Cycle, any sci fi tbh
I lurk /snow/ but only certain cows, Taurus
>Looking for
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No. 501416

What anime do you like?

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No. 430575[Reply]

Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.

Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.

Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.

Thread #1: >>153246
Thread #2: >>>/g/344673
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No. 498633

Kek my mom was very into romance when I grew up and she always complimented telling me she’d have to beat the boys off with a stick or something and it made me very fearful when I was 11 because I feared every man would “pounce” if given the chance. It might be autism. Or a weird mother. Who knows

No. 498650

My mom has this weird distorted view of myself where she thinks I'm some kind of giga Stacy and that all the moids who talk to me are attracted to me, whereas it couldn't be more untrue, I'm totally invisible kek.

No. 501412

I know I can’t like women because I’m squeamish about oral sex. Do you nonas agree

No. 501417

>mom thinks I'm some kind of giga Stacy
Based mom.

No. 501634

Giving or receiving? Do you feel as squeamish when you think of going down on a man or a man going down on you?

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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
479 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 500843

When I let go of this retarded mindset and surrounded myself with media of people that oook like me I got free. African features aren’t manly, they are African, black women are beautiful and we don’t have to prove shit to a bunch of racists who will never see us as anything more than “blackies”. I could care less what a white or non white person thinks of me.

No. 500847

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Like look, she’s gorgeous.
I see women who look like me and I find them beautiful. No one could ever make me hate my skin, not anymore.
Get your issues fixed nonna, because it’s setting you back.

No. 500976

I'm gonna keep it real and say this looks awful. Like, this woman almost doesn't even look like a real person. She looks like a sex doll, AI, or some borderline botched plastic surgery patient. Her eyes do not look right at all.

No. 501386

She's edited as fuck. Zoomers are retarded.

No. 501407

There used to be this weird doublethink culture on certain sides of the internet re: race, which is basically "If racism or race is ever brought up, and you make even a plain, simple statement about racial hatred not being good, if a racist sees it, gets mad and starts chimping out at you, both you and the racist are the same (and in the wrong)". Has anyone else noticed it? It's less true nowadays (right-wingers have been embarrassing themselves so much lately that it's hard to "both sides" things anymore if you watch the news), but I've observed it in some online communities. I feel like the point of this moderation style is to lessen the workload for whoever's in charge of handing out bans in a community, but all it does is imbue a false neutrality on things. Like, imagine finger-wagging at someone for saying Nazis committed evil acts in WWII all because some Neo-Nazi showed up and started sperging lmao.

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No. 462334[Reply]

Gentleman Jack Edition

This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.

>what is a gold star lesbian?

a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has never had sex with a male.

>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.

>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.

>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax.

>Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain.

Read more about Anne Lister here:
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No. 501354

Incoming cope about how GBs are totally lesbian, even though they look at a male and think he would be hotter as a woman. Yeah they are not straight but they are not gay either. If a moid looked at men thinking how he would love to fuck them if they were female that's already kinda gay.

No. 501355

If you could make one celebrity a GS who you suspect isn't, who would it be and why? Can be les, bi or straight this is a light hearted fun question so please no sperging

No. 501392

I wish Natasha Lyonne was a lesbian

No. 501485

sorry for the reply to an old pic but i love this one so much because it looks like me and my gf

No. 501486

sorry for the reply to an old pic but i love this one so much because it looks like me and my gf

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 501124

Matiere Premiere is kinda overpriced trash but Akro is pretty decent.

No. 501210

Yes!! I had been looking for something that smelt like ‘clean summer evening linen’ kek, anyway i was so surprised when i found them. Their “Rain” one is the one i got. It’s a great mid day refresher too, just smells. Well, clean
Reasonable prices too

No. 501377

Am I the only one who doesn't like YSL Libre Intense? I tend to prefer more fresh smelling scents, but I am okay with heavier fragrances as well. I even like Chanel no.5, which is universally seen as a gramma scent. Anyway, it sucks because it was a blind buy from a year ago that I bought because I saw everyone hyping it up.

No. 501380

Yeah I've noticed a few of the Matiere Premiere perfumes have an extremely similar base after a few hours of wear. Others are just incredibly underwhelming (Vanilla Powder) and boring for the cost. Crystal Saffron has ended up being a favourite however because it's so strange and chlorine-like at times. I think most people find the initial top-note smell somewhat distressing so it'll be good for dispersing large crowds in hot weather. Akro has been great fun in the gourmand department, but so far outside of that havn't really been too impressive.

No. 501391

Libre Intense just smells like generic perfume to me. It's not bad but nothing about it stands out to me. It's a perfume that smells like perfume.

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No. 432617[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
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No. 501308

She's cute as fuck but her videos are often ridiculous. If she removed herself even 20% from Trump's ass I'd be ready to make her my gf

No. 501309

She's also very cute, imo. I wish women critical of the left didn't join alt right moids

No. 501389

It’s so obvious she’s gay too kek

No. 501452

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>Midsize women aren't overweight or obese
Yes they are. Every single one of these women is noticably overweight.

No. 501537

I think she's cuter than the ben shapiro in a wig girl

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No. 437064[Reply]

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050
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No. 500573

I lowkey might be some form of lesbian hybristphile at this point. I love reading the nonnies here talk about their more violent fantasies, there's something really hot about the idea of a woman who is so deranged that she wants to torture and kill others is kinda hot

No. 501373

are you sexually attracted to the teeth or just think they look cute? like i get genuinely aroused seeing certain sets of teeth lmao i feel so weird

No. 501382

I'm an antinatalist and I would never want to get pregnant myself, but I think pregnant women's bodies are beautiful. I like how their breasts get bigger and their nipples darken. And the bump is really cute. Especially the side profile. But it's only the look of the body I like. The complications and risks are horrifying to me

No. 501397

It doesn't cross into raw arousal but i am attracted to them. I also want to lick them while kissing kekk so i guess it's a little more than aesthetic preference

No. 501526

what's your fave kind of teeth? i love crooked too but my most recent obsession is a guy with a bunch of fillings in his molars and is missing one of his top canine teeth, they are nice and white but he's this young cute guy with a fucked up mouth and i love it lol

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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
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No. 499376

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Been feeling inspired by Anne Rice lately. Should I just embrace my full-blown autism and create my own OC husbando to fall in love with?

No. 499402

No. 499565

Do it! I have a hard time finding female characters that compel me sexually AND emotionally so I've thought about doing the same.

No. 500260

Yes. Having an OC husbando/waifu is the truest form of pygmalionism.

No. 501381

Whenever it's cold at night I grab an extra blanket and pretend he's spooning with me. I love him.
Do it nonna! I developed mine when I was like 14/15, best thing I ever did. He's a combo of 3 moid singers I used to be a fan of, he's perfect. Taking people from shows or real life always sucked because others liking them pisses me off and it's always a possibility something weird comes out about them. I spent so much time gawking over this one guy only to find out he had like 80 different kids with 80 different women, I can't even listen to his music anymore because I'm just so disgusted.

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
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No. 500795

i genuinely thought that was pic of lana del rey kek

No. 500821

i only have surface knowledge of this woman, does she make these weird expressions on purpose or what?

No. 501299

So does Dasha actually like pussy or is that just a fantasy nonnies collectively have?

No. 501323

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Thats unfortunately just how her face looks like

No. 501325

She is unfortunately very straight but fortunately she's a pick me who could feasibly be tricked into a lesbian relationship if she thinks its gets her male attention.

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No. 408483[Reply]

Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or receiving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers. General discussion pertaining to the topic is also allowed.

>Info for people seeking a reading

If you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.

>Info for readers

You can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, length of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't answer (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.

>Info for people seeking a trade

As a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the length of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.

>Info for people learning any divination method including tarot

Feel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.

Have fun!
Last thread: >>>/g/288268
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No. 499426

What is blocking me from my goals and how can I overcome it?
Pisces, F, 25

No. 500914

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I decided to do this since I was bored and curious.
The future of lolcor, spiritual woowoo edition:
I forgot to write the cards I got for this down but everything the tinfoilers have said kept popping up in my cards. The number on thing is that poster’s information is not protected here. I can’t tell if there’s a deliberate effort to sabotage the website or the person running it has never been competent enough to run it. Somebody in the future will try to acquire this website because of this incompetency, and it might contribute to the downfall of the
>What are some secrets about the BTS of this website
strength, knight of wands, knight of swords, two of cups ace of swords, queen of swords rx, page of pentacles, two of swords rx queen of wands hermit rx knight of cups, three of swords rx three of cups rx
The people who run this website run it like vikings and barbarians, they don’t have strong point of leadership. Weak and chaotic leadership and structure. Playing both sides, so this person not only influences stuff here but also influences stuff on another website. The anon who said the old admin is still around is correct because there’s someone here we’ll never acknowledge or meet who pulls the strings and is honestly the most popular and liked compared to the Queen of Swords. There’s also the concept of turf wars but one group functions more chaotically, likes starting drama and the other is more diplomatic and more understanding, but I feel there’s also mixed roles here, some are mods and some help with the technical side of the website. Another unknown person is upset because they feel like they contributed to the financial and technical aspect of the website and feel they should have more control with the code. Remember when this website was magically taken down for like two weeks? I feel like their piss poor explanation on what really happened (didn’t they explain it as some extortionist attacking the website or something?) when that website was down was not truthful, they personally knew the person who tried to attack the website because they were involved with the project, the website as a whole, and they added contributions to it. I feel like they were ostracized outside of their little clique because they felt like they didn’t do good enough of a job. Btw, this person is probably a male. There is also some male energy involved here as well. Someone who’s more prominent and activPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 500998

This is super interesting nonna, thank you for that.

I think most seasoned farmers already assumed that there is a bigger male population than we think on here and that there is at least one who also has control over this website. But I'll be honest as long as the culture on here doesn't change - so be it. I would love for it to be 100% women, but it's not possible, moids always seem to find a way. So I cope by pretending everything is fine, because as much as it sucks, this website is still the closest (that I know of) to the women only society that I've always dreamed of, without any of the "well the GOOD men are allowed to be here too!". The infestation is not as visible apart from the rare instance of obvious scroting.

I've always imagined the downfall of lcf having to do with moid raids being so frequent that it becomes unusable or a gamble to visit. So I'm glad to hear that it may be an external factor in a way. Sounds more like slowly dying off rather than an abrupt end. But the Elon Musk part makes me wonder if he knows about his thread on here (he is very online after all), because he could just offer a mil or two to the Admins and close it or make it into a weird Elon thing kek

No. 501073

can any tarot reading nona read if my life will actually improve or get better a little in the close future? i am getting desperate

No. 501270

Hello, could I get a first week of April reading? Lots of chaos is going to happen around this time for me. I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone and having to adjust to other peoples schedules instead of my own. Any advice or predictions through tarot is much appreciated!

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