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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 479412

The most annoying ones are the ones that bring their boyfriends around, and then do this like…uwu shy larp, acting like a small child who’s too afraid to talk to anyone while clinging and burying their face into his arm. I’ve seen this multiple times and it’s so cringe and their nigels are always the creepiest scrotes, you just know it’s part of his ddlg fetish or something

No. 479454

That explains everything.

No. 479475

The ddlg-like behaviour done in public by some of the grown women who join meets is one of the main reasons I'm considering going lonelita.
Last time I went to a meetup a girl adorn in just bloomers, an urban outfitters top and a headdress joined with her creepy boyfriend who was always lurking around her like a shadow. What annoyed me the most was that it was obvious that the lolitas at the meet were uncomfortable with his presence, probably noting the obvious perverted dynamic they had going on. He was leering at some of the other girls too. So upsetting to hear how common this is.

Keep beating this dead horse until people stop bringing tag-alongs with no interest in the fashion for no reason.

No. 479492

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Just a few years ago I was able to find reasonably priced burando on vinted but now since the fashion blew up with tiktofags I keep seeing some mid ETC JSKs worth 50 bucks at the most being sold for hundreds and don't even get me started on Bodyline…
Same with accessories. There used to be many good quality headdresses listed but now the entire app is swarmed with fugly 5 minute crafts shit that looks like picrel and nothing else.
Some girls even try to shill it in our comm server…

No. 479536

The only things I’ve ever donated were these really crappy handmade pieces I bought off comm members for moral support/out of pity lmao. Nobody was ever going to buy those to wear, but maybe a crafty thrifter could salvage the fabric or something.

I’ve had a lot of success selling lolita-esque pieces by brands like Axes Femme and Miho Matsuda on Vinted, sometimes for more than I bought them originally. My most popular listing was a really ugly, low quality Taobao blouse that I had been duped into buying by heavy photoshopping by the brand, but even with my accurate pictures that showed off clearly how shitty the blouse was it still accrued almost 400 likes before someone bought it at retail price within two days. Bless these clueless Vinted itas.

I hate this so much and I wish it was a bannable offence. But of course these women are always munchies who claim to have a dozen disabilities that mean they have to bring their nasty boyfriends along as ‘caretakers’ so gatekeeping would be considered ableist.

The worst part is that even if other lolitas agree that other women’s boyfriends are annoying and shouldn’t be brought to meets, they always think their own bf is an exception, so organising private meets doesn’t get rid of this phenomenon. I thought I had found a small group of based girls in my big comm until I complained about the annoying moid in jeans and a t-shirt at this brand event with limited attendance who went around being obnoxious to everyone and he turned out to be the boyfriend of one of them so they got mad at me. FFS. I have a nigel too but I’d never bring him to a lolita event. Just because I like being around him doesn’t mean others will, and there’s just no reason for him to be there.

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 479170

I'd say 30's and up. By then you should be established and old enough to not give a shit about moid mind games. So your relationships henceforth should be way healthier than the ones in your twenties. Downside being moids hit the wall at 25 so finding a guy in his 30s who is not a huge fatty or bald is extremely difficult. Do not for any reason date older than you. Old sperm causes tard babies.

No. 479187

I think its important to be in a committed relationship before your 30s
Moids that stay single too long tend to be worthless bums.
The timeline of marriage-babies depends on the couples but I would think that its best to marry before 30 so you can have kids in your early 30s minimum. Plus if you have any fertility issues its better to find out younger.
Ive seen a lot of bloomer shorts for toddler girls in America. Walmart has picrel. Cotton blend tho

No. 479188

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Dropped the pic

No. 479447

Im thinking when i reach thirties i'd probably marry a younger moid. No ones stopping me from that. But what are the cons of marrying a younger one

No. 479483

The cons of younger men are usually that they’re flaky, immature and poor

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No. 355760[Reply]

Post characters/actors that you had a crush in your youth but may or may not have any feelings for now

Previous Thread: >>136699
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No. 478532

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Yusei Fudo. His were the first nsfw fanfics I started reading , back when smut was called “lemon” kek. I was 12 I think.

No. 479200

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This guy and Robin, but I think they are the same person? Kek I don't remember.

No. 479201

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I've always loved masked men.

No. 479221

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i loved panchito pistoles as a kid, kek

No. 479261

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No. 116931[Reply]

This thread is for farmers to discuss what their ideal kind of man is and why he is better than what other farmers may think.
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No. 479179

I dont even like Luigi but luigifags are the total opposite of these pickmes. They actually lust after a fit moid who did something good for humanity.

No. 479199

nta but it's hybristophilia repackaged. they only like him because he killed a guy

No. 479211

I would like a guy too if he killed an evil moid

No. 479218

they've been here yeeears before him

No. 479236

Theres a huge difference between people who kill innocent people because they get off on other people suffering and people who kill for moral reasons. Luigi and other similar punch up assassin style killers are more similar with soldiers than serial killers or school shooters.

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No. 289276[Reply]

previous thread >>>/g/193846

the anticipated second containment thread for the irl husbandofags is here! sperg freely about your trash men here and don't forget to have fun
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No. 479126

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quirked up white boy

No. 479127

he fits the female gaze a lot

No. 479152

He looks exactly like a really pretty TiF i follow except he's actually a man… Rarest type of male beauty

No. 479461

I hate his personality but honestly still would. Only thing is his arms are so grotesquely hairy.

No. 479470

post TIFs in the attractive women thread?

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No. 69322[Reply]

Just a thread to freely brag about anything just because why not. No consequences here, this thread is purely just for fun. Can be anything like possessions, body, things that happened to you, or just something you're proud about and want to boast.

I guess I'll start. Today I studied last minute for an exam but managed to ace it!
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No. 478932

I lost 10 lbs in the last month! I got on medication for my hormonal issues and starting eating better/exercising. I have an hourglass figure so I know that slimming down will be sooo flattering.

No. 478969


No. 479115

i've been a long time lurker here on lolcow. WARNING, i'm drunk and i may not make much sense, also English is not my first language.

i'm lowkey a loner with a somewhat extrovert persona/poser. i think i might most likely been dealing with depression for the second time in my existance since the pandemic started. it brought some demons back into the surface.
anyway, my point that afer being a neet for a long time, i now have a stable job and a serious relationship. and the biggest step for me after 4 years of depression, i'm going to move out of my parent's place and moving into a new home with my partner.
i'm so happy and i just want to share it with the gals here that are part of a secreat but really sweet home for me.
thank you, anons

No. 479128

congrats that’s so exciting nonna! i hope all goes well with your new place and you settle in quickly/get to make it feel like home

No. 479270

very proud of you nonna, it takes a lot of patience and consistency to get there. i hope your new home brings you lots of joy and growth.

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 478375

Okay well what do we name the next thread then? "SSA hornyposting yumejo thread" doesn't roll off the tongue as well. Maybe just "waifu hornyposting thread"?

No. 478376

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god I wish that was me
waifu hornyposting sounds good!

No. 478384

No one was saying that bisexual anons aren't allowed? The person the ayrt was talking about claims to be a lesbian and was simply it pointing out.

No. 478854

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She's so cute and now I have a thing for girls with Scottish accents. Spoilers for Arcane: Unsure if she was a Noxian spy from the start, or if she betrayed Caitlyn because she only saw her as a side piece. Maybe she's just a power hungry opportunist that latched onto Ambessa. I fantasize about the different scenarios and a happy outcome where I wife her instead of her dying. But of course with the punishment that results from her betrayal. I'd fuck her so good and make her pledge her loyalty to me again as Commander and promote her. Ugh, even if she was pretending in Act 2 my heart still melts seeing her try to snuggle up to Cait and getting rejected. My poor adorable fascist.

No. 479612

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I love her future counterpart way more than the other one cause she was a sadistic killing machine

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 477159

Does anyone get jaw pain/swollen neck with PMS? What do you do about it?

No. 477177

The week before my period is hell. I live a happy and content life for 3 weeks of the month, but the week before my period I’m completely blinded to that. It makes me hate my life so much. It makes me hate myself so much. It makes me mad at my nigel and constantly want reasons to be mad at him. I hyper focus on the most retarded things. I’m negative about everything. I’m very easily irritated. My mind is just a constant state of hate and anger. I feel so justified to the feelings I feel, and I feel stupid afterwards that I got tricked by my emotions once again month after month. I wish I wasn’t like this.

No. 477925

Big shot in the dark, but does anyone else have an MTHFR gene mutation? I recently found a new doctor to help me with PMDD, we did a blood panel, and everything came back normal except for FUCKED b-9 processing (hence the MTHFR speculation), abnormally high estrogen, and abnormally high inflammatory response. My periods are usually extremely short, with very bad mood swings especially the week before my period, which pointed me to PMDD. It's happened since I started getting periods.
Poked around and it sounds like all of this can be caused by that mutation alone, but I'm curious if anyone else found out they had this and what helped them, or if it affected their cycle too.

I'm re-testing tomorrow for that specific mutation, and another hormone test to rule out lab errors. Currently doing a month-long panel to see how bad it is. I'm hoping it's the mutation and not cancer.

You're not alone.

No. 478842

how the hell do i cure hypothalamic amenorrhea. I regret my anachan ways, but exponential weight gain doesn't have to happen rigghht

No. 478857

I had the implant and it killed my emotions and sex drive, gave me never ending utis and fragile tearing vaginal walls, bleeding for a year straight, and made me feel so hollow inside I tried to kill myself just to see if I would feel anything.

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
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No. 478818

Just stop dating men. Problem solved.

No. 478828

>Anti Porn thread
>Considering accepting my Nigel watching porn
What's the angle here. You know what to do. He can fuck off and go hook up with a lingerie model if he likes them so much

No. 478920

i feel like these guys are twisted in their own way because they literally get off on their ability to dig up endless internet women and enjoy the ego trip of women's sexuality being "for them." like he could just imagine a woman in lingerie masturbating but he has to turn it into a weird seek and find hobby? the entitlement is the same.

No. 480047

I've seen so many nonas talk about how their nigels watch lingerie hauls. I never knew this was such a mainstream form of porn for men. Do the women try them on, or do they literally just do a haul?

No. 480162

They always try them on. You can look up Amouranth's swim/lingerie hauls and its always trying them on and showing them off provocatively

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No. 341574[Reply]

A thread for any questions you may have in regards for your breasts
>any health concerns, bumps, lumps, dry spots and etc.
>breast surgery such as reduction, lifts or implants
>insecurities with breast size and more
And anything else you can think of.

Previous thread: >>>/g/135394
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No. 464176

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I think it's really common. I feel the same way, mine aren't super big but combined with my body shape they make me look really top heavy, I hate it. The clothes I like look best on women with no boobs and even when I lose weight my breasts stay the same. I went through a phase where I really wanted to get the full tranny tit chop but I'm glad I never went through with it tbh, still thinking about other options though.
You probably won't see anyone with A cups after reduction because most women can't afford or don't care to get the surgery unless their breasts are debilitatingly large. Usually they do one of the incisions that's less invasive but can't drastically change the size. The "anchor" one has the worst scarring, recovery, loss of nipple sensation/ability to breastfeed, and complications (I will never forget the skin flaps and weird bulges some TIFs get under their arms when it doesn't heal right). But it's also the only way to go flat if you're above like a B cup. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get to the size you want afaik but it may be worth going to a consultation just to see what they can do. It's hypocritical for me to say but I hope you can find peace with your breasts even with the inconveniences and moids being gross and to be clear, moids will be weird creeps regardless of if you're AAA or DDD they just change their technique

No. 478538

Why are my nipples always erect? Is it normal? They always poke through no matter what, it doesn’t matter if I’m relaxed, cold, hot, aroused. They’re always erect.

No. 478691

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The reason they still look kinda big afterwards is because if you can get them done through insurance, you're not allowed to choose what size they'll be when they're done. I got a reduction that was 100% covered by my parents insurance when I was 22 years old, so I went from a DD-H down to a C-D. I remember it was something like..it had to be half of what I already had, or some other really technical thing like that. Despite that though, hey, I'll be honest. I'd do that damn surgery again in every life I ever got. My back + neck pain disappeared immediately, I was able to sleep on my tummy comfortably which I still do to this day, clothes fit so much better, and it goes on and on and on. My life after breast reduction has been nothing but enjoyable. I'm not and never was trans either, I just hated having basically H cups when the rest of me was only 110 pounds. Being that thin with a big chest was just torture for me physically-not to mention mentally with how many fucking freaks would try talking to me. I faced a lot of pushback about "robbing men" and "self hating" but I didnt give a shit. I got those fuckers halved and lifes been great since.
Anchor isnt that bad, that's the one they did on me for my reduction. I was 22 when I got it, and I am now 35. I can say the scaring is very very light. I never see it at all, unless I lift both arms up and intentionally look at my underboobs to see if they're still there. Facing forward, you cant see anything around areolas, nor the line going downward anymore. Just the seam scar under the boobs themselves, which as said, with your boobs naturally hanging, the lines are always hidden.

No. 478695

Anchor and those TIF flap nightmares are two different things just btw.

No. 478699

damn that is the world's greatest humblebrag but knowing how disgusting men are i also understand your choice

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