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Vote now on the future of VPN posting on this site! Poll closes at 23:59 GMT on the 18th March.

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No. 459210[Reply]

This thread passes the Bechdel Test. Do not center your post around the opposite sex.

If you need to vent about febfem, polilez, or horrendous experiences with bisexual women, go to this thread >>>/2X/17680

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about your attraction towards the opposite gender, it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning sexuality thread (check the catalogue). Please ignore the obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc. ragebait as well. If you suspect a poster is XY, pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 499041

My city has a monthly event but I still haven’t worked up the courage to go. I know I should bc I always feel like I isolate myself so much.

No. 499047

Oh wow, that's brave. Do you just go up to groups of people, or people who are alone? What kind of events happen?

No. 499109

how do i draw and post lezzie porn without attracting an audience of moids and trannies……i understand you cant avoid them entirely but i really really don't want to make fap fuel for them(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 499111

I have, it was great, I got invited to/informed of other events I wouldn't have known about otherwise as a result and had the beginnings of a consistent les friend group starting before I had to move away for work. Doesn't hurt to give it a shot and see how things are.

No. 499271

I'm in my mid 20s and I cannot keep pretending I'm fulfilled and happy with a social network consisting exclusively of women who date men. I need to commit myself to really finding lesbian friends because I can tell it's only going to become more intolerable with age. It goes beyond who you you're attracted to these people just have fundamentally different desires in life than I do and lack basic consciousness of existing anywhere outside the status quo.(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

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No. 335170[Reply]

for anyone dealing with sexual problems that may or may not stem from sexual trauma. no active thread specifically for this topic. a place to vent and/or discuss, to feel less alone in these struggles.
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No. 497512

It's okay to feel scared. Easier said than done but when you share the memories, please remember that it's in the past, you're not there anymore, you're safe in the therapy office. If you still cry that's okay. You're in a lot of pain. Just ground yourself in the room and the present as much as you can. One way or another, everything will work out and you'll be okay

No. 497683

I would be fine dating a man but sooner or later the concept of sex would come up. I don't want a penis inside me, not now, not ever. I don't care how effective contraceptives are, the fear of getting pregnant is too large, and also I'm just disgusted by the thought of a penis inside my body. But no man would be satisfied with that, so yeah

No. 499260

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||when I was 16 I got into a relationship with this bihet 20 year old woman. I’ve been going thru this ocd spiral for the past week because I know that despite “consenting” to it the bitch was still a fucking creep.
I knew it was wrong even then but it’s tearing me up inside because i still went along with it.
Thank god that woman is an actual fuck up though and will probably have a thread made about her in the future.
Sorry for how incoherent this is.
Anyways I got into an actual healthy relationship and I think this is what’s triggering this meltdown.||

No. 499382

Is this better for the TMI thread? I'm such a loser. A red banner of a man stopped me on the street when I was having a bad day and visibly upset. Talked to me for a bit and offered to help me work for him selling some things since he had just moved which sounded sketchy af, but I eventually agreed to see the stuff. It didn't look sketchy, it genuinely looked like an older guy who had to downsize from a house without enough time or interest in sitting on fb marketplace to get rid of it.
Ok time to sell, he makes it a fun playful afternoon and pretends to have a couple of drinks with me. I find out after the fact he didn't drink and doesn't drink because of course. He very surprisingly has one of the nicest penises I have ever seen and is very generous in bed. I'm feeling very fuck it, yolo, I'm going to make some money and discreetly enjoy this dickening.
Of course that's not how it turned out, he's an emotionally abusive tiny psycho, who, if he wasn't avoiding me to financially punish me, is this close to being physically violent. He's already physically restrained me a couple of times in spite looking smaller and weaker.
This man is like all of them men who have traumatized me throughout my life put in a blender and spit out an angry little garden gnome. I have enough awareness to recognize him for what he is, I thought I was above it all and could make a little money and let out a little sexual frustration and have enough emotional detachment to not get hurt. It's like I have convinced myself I am fine with this happening sometimes because I had made my version of peace with the fact that I can't have a normal, healthy, loving relationship with someone my age. I just don't know to what extent I am retraumatizing myself or keeping myself from properly healing by engaging with this psycho.

No. 499548

Last night I had a dream that I gave Donald Trump a blowjob. I had been sleeping awful and had lots of night terrors where I woke up in the middle of the night feeling off and scared there was someone in the house. Then I had that nightmare and I woke up feeling disgusted and terrible. I can never admit this to anyone and I’m so ashamed and disgusted and honestly my whole day has been ruined. I will never speak of this. Absolutely horrible. Also his penis looked disgusting.

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No. 203317[Reply]

Share any experiences or thoughts on current day sex work.

Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted? How did it impact you psychologically?

Can sex work be something empowering and fulfilling, as Twitter prostitutes claim it to be?

Should sex work be legal and regulated? What do you think about Onlyfans and the recent ban reversal on it, etc.

Previous thread >>90992
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No. 481504

I experienced the same thing, but
>It's not so much about what they do it's about who they are
is really fundamental. With a single exception in my experience, they're universally broken in some way that makes them feel compelled to use or rely on women and they can't manage it in real life so they retreat into temporary fantasy. It must be an incredible high for them, because they will bankrupt themselves and destroy their real lives for it. The only one I've ever had who was honest about it was a fly-in fly-out worker who didn't want to subject a girlfriend to that lifestyle, so he needed a surrogate in order to make it through the months away in some hellhole. It was truly sad when he admitted that thinking about the next time he'd see me was what got him through each day.

No. 484832

what is your office job, and was it hard to get that position?

No. 484855

only the sexually desperate and most hardened whoremongers don't want to please you, but they almost never can because it's just work. i did have a regular who wanted full girlfriend experience and could actually make me cum, but i never told him and he just thought i was a great actress.

No. 499106

I'm always seeing wokies saying stuff like "normalize sex work" but I have to wonder if serious sex workers (especially the ones who have been in it for a long time) really want that. less stigma = more sex workers = less money. I feel like if I was an escort I wouldn't want that but Idk.

No. 499280

A lot of the time, these "wokies" are naïve young people that haven't had a lot of life experience. Their definition of "sex work" isn't grounded in the reality of the trade. IMO, things like camwhoring, OF modelling, really anything to do with the internet, is not the same as being a prostitute or a escort, and I resent that so many people think they are the same thing. An OF model is the cosplay of a stripper. An camwhore is the cosplay of a prostitute.

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No. 255346[Reply]

thread for harm reduction, support and venting
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No. 496174

I wasn't? I was just surprised is all. Mine are the first thing to go when I drop weight. I don't mind as long as I can see my abs and tone my ass.

No. 496192

I know exactly how you feel, I was bullied a lot as a child for having large breasts and it’s what triggered my eating disorder the most. Even now I have quote “big boobs for an anorexic” it’s my main fear in recovery

No. 496225

I can relate to that. My chest developed when I was 12 and didn't stop growing until I was 20. My teen years were spend trying to hide my chest because I got bullied for it. When I first started to lose weight and got down to 110 lbs I only dropped one bra size. My natural bra size is 30GG. I've been struggling with an ed since my teens and I always had a larger frame and due to my chest I've gotten broader shoulders, bad posture and neck pain. I also have wide hips and even if I lose weight I look quite fleshy and soft which sucks. When I am walking past windows and people are walking next to me I instinctively check if I have the largest frame. I fucking hate my chest and never had a phase were I looked cute - I always just looked vaguely matronly and middle aged.

No. 497705

I haven't been able to shit without using Dulcolax for 6 months due to chronic anorexia. 6 months and not one bowel movement that wasn't specifically Dulcolax, other laxatives didn't work. That's it, that's the post.

No. 499009

i think i'm slowly relapsing into anorexia and since i'm far from being really skinny i don't even consider that as a problem, i just feel disgusted by food, nothing seems appealing anymore

since i don't weight myself, i have no idea how much i've lost recenlty , clothes looks a bit loose, people tell me i'm a bit more thin, but i don't know, i see myself as ugly fat piece of crap

today, i tried making an effort so i made pancakes, ate some, and i had a cheese and egg sandwich for dinner, and i feel so nauseous, it feel like i've had a binge eating episode and it's like i engulfed 4000 calories, i should have tracked what i ate, god i'm really a failure even in my disorders

guess i'm a crazy bitch making a big deal out of litterally nothing,

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No. 65010[Reply]

Does anyone else go crazy over 'em?

For me there's just something so fucking hot about it, especially if it looks very round and perky.

I think the key is where the lower back meats the bottom; if it sticks outward there it just looks super cute to me.
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No. 487822

Like two perfect globes holy shit

No. 487824

No. 488058

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He failed the squat but gawd dayum zaddy

No. 498932

why are they so dirty? what kind of weird fetish video are you watching

No. 498974

Relax, it was a staged nudist video
I mean you can't get any more "natural state" than that, no butt lifts, no implants

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 498701

my period ended 5 days ago and i also had very light cramps this time for some reason. i didn’t have to take ibuprofen at all which i was pleasantly surprised by. my flow was typical though i did pass a very big clot near the end of it, like my biggest one in months

No. 498706

Try liquid iron, I take a polysaccharide iron complex and it doesn't give me digestive issues like other types of iron did. Take with 1000 mg of vitamin C. Also once your iron deficiency resolves, your bleeding may fix itself too. I don't quite understand the science behind it, but ironically, iron deficiency makes your flow heavier. To the point where my doctor thought I had some sort of clotting disorder and ordered tests for it (I didn't). I hope you get better soon, nonna.

No. 498906

How od you deal with premenstrual depression/anxiety? I just want to die so badly. Also I feel so bad for people who experience this 24/7 due to actual depression, at least for me it's just a few days a month

No. 499144

it's such a relief whenever my period starts and I know all the annoying physical/mental shit in the days prior to it is just temporary. unfortunately I bleed so much during it that I wear a pair of shorts over my pj pants to make sure I don't bleed through my bedding. I tried to go jogging once and it was mortifying to find out after that I bled through my underwear and shorts

No. 499803

Had to have my IUD removed today as it had dislodged and was digging into my uterus. Really hoping it’ll take me back down from 4 to 3 day periods: they got a day longer since I had the IUD put in a few years ago and it’s really not been worth it considering I barely have sex any more.

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No. 444331[Reply]

Welcome to the Emergency Room! Experiencing symptoms and need some quick guidance? This thread is here for anyone looking to discuss health concerns, symptoms, or urgent questions. While this isn’t a substitute for professional medical care, farmers can share insights and personal experiences to help you navigate your next steps. But remember, when in doubt, always seek immediate help from a healthcare provider!
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No. 494967

Recurrent sinusitis can happen but that should have been your doctors cue to look further. You can request a referral to see an ENT. Sometimes doctors will give you one without an appointment and with your history, your doctor should be able to. The goal should be to figure out what causes the inflammatory response. Is it bacterial, histamine or possibly a reaction to medication. I found out my sinusitis was caused my poor drainage related to allergies. To get it under control I was instructed to alternate between oxymetazoline and pseudoephedrine with ibuprofen to reduce inflammation. The reason for alternating the two decongestants was one is a stimulant that can disrupt rest and the other can cause inflammation if over used. After my situation cleared up I was instructed to take a once daily zyrtec. You can get all these things OTC. the real sudafed must be purchased at a pharmacy as it is kept behind the counter but all the others can be purchased at my dollar store. There are a lot of pharmacist with helpful advice. Grant Harting and Dr. Ethan Melillo, PharmD are pretty chill. I really hope you can start to feel better soon.

No. 495194

Hi nonnies could I have some help? I'm going to the doctor soon but I need help so I dont go crazy while waiting.
Lately I have been getting sick very often, the last time was less than a month ago (12 Feb), and then before that it was in December. But now the symptoms are back again, its always a sore throat, headaches, fever and coughing phlemg.
I really dont want to worry but Im paranoid about these things, thank you nonnies

No. 498826

I don't know what it is but do tell us when you get some tests done. I have been sick with something mysterious for a half of a year and am interrested if anybody goes through something similar and maybe gets better test done than me.

No. 498887

More iron, more exercise, preferably cardio.
Prolonged stress puts a strain onto ones immune system.

No. 498898

The bioavailability of iron in spinach is not that great, it's no greater than on other green veggies on the average, and its oxalic acid hampers the absorption of iron. Stinging nettles would be a better source of iron, along with your mentioned organ meats, particulary liver, grains like rye, and potatoes.

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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 494901

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Here you go. I hear it’s a bad chart or at best “challenging and dynamic” kek. Would really appreciate some advice or any insights on cycles I need to break out of

No. 495154

My Venus is in Aquarius and my Mars is in Aries. How fucked is my love life?

No. 495159

which houses?

No. 495169

Venus in the 6th and Mars in the 9th

No. 498721

Hey to any astro anons here, how do you feel about astro compatibility charts or ratings? Asking because i did a astro comp chart with multiple people and basically almost all of the people that showed a 90% or 100% with me were people who i do not care about, do not find attractive or are dead.
Do astro signs complementing each other mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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No. 464530[Reply]

Like the title says.
Previous Thread: >>253921
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No. 495025

Kek I'm not an incel, I just have a shallow pussy and want to figure out a decent baseline

No. 496323

I think I'm bad at sex. For context I'm straight and don't watch any kind of porn. How am I supposed to move when I'm the one in control? Should I go up and down? How far up and how far down? Do I just grind? Is it awkward if I ask my partner "hey do you think I'm bad at this? How should I act?"

No. 496324

I'm on the same boat. Started dating a man with a big dick about 5 months ago. I recommend lube and asking him to go slow. Vaginas are actually able to stretch in depth if you're aroused enough so foreplay and oral can help you, but there's a limit of course. Tell him if he's hurting you. If he disrespects you or disregards your comfort dump him.

No. 498618

Communication is key, you can't figure it out without a dialogue.

No. 498629

I'm sensing bait but whatever. Do you enjoy sex at all? Just let the good feelings in your vagina guide your movement. Think of him as a human dildo if that helps. I find it's an easy position to orgasm in, if guys are hopeless at fucking I usually get on top of them to finish myself off. But if you're incapable of it then do a different position instead

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 493070

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No. 493501

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No. 495969

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No. 496205

As faggy as it looks… leather daddy outfit, the one with leather harness and jockstrap

No. 498578

Lmao is that his cock outline on the left pic

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