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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

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No. 411024

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Nonnies… I've got it bad for her. She's all I can think about these days. I love how kind and hopeful she is despite of the shit that happened to her in the game, and that she's passionate in the best badass way possible. She's bold and brave in a way that I wish I was, so I always imagine her inspiring me to be more daring while I indulge her soft side and pamper her after adventures. Plus, she's a deliciously climbeable and muscular gal. I can only dream of meeting such a perfect butch for me in real life but I have never had any butches flirt with me. I can pretend I'm my type's type in my dreams, at least.

No. 411025

Samefag but I wish every one on Ao3 who writes trannifies her a very kill yourself. God forbid a biological woman is masculine and tough. Writers that write her a magical dick are next on the hit list. The gender mafia is a plague for lesbian media and romance.

No. 411210

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can't believe she got into a relationship in the second game out of nowhere..

No. 414213

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Alastor is my husbando but I saw this gender swapped femme fanart and I…oh, my heart…

No. 417973

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I don't like Overwatch but her smug and cringe in-game lines are so weirdly hot to me. I don't really care about her canon self beyond that and I think her character is very mid writing-wise but her design is still cute. Basically I'm only attracted to her when she says those lines and the fanon version of her as a conceited and insufferable gamer girl. I wish that's how she was actually portrayed in the game but alas.

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 416890

Do period underwear actually work? I’m worried about the blood soaking through into my pants. Used to wear tampons but won’t anymore because of the recent heavy metals scare and pads don’t stick to my panties very well so I always end up getting blood on them anyway

No. 416913

The brand is called period. Idk how much is too much, but the pairs I bought were about $8 each.
Yes, I wore them all day in a white skirt and had no bleed through.

No. 416917

I have a very high flow and honestly they work but on the first day you'll have to change them often. The risk isn't so much them soaking through but them "overflowing" if you lost too much blood

No. 417837

Do other anons have sinus issues before their periods? I swear every time in the week leading up to it I get what feels like mild sinusitis. At least for 1-2 days I'll get a big sinus pressure headache, and in general I get the uncomfy feeling of pressure or fluid moving around my face when I shake my head or bend forwards a little. It feels like a toothache at times due to the closeness of some of the sinus cavities near the nose/jaw. It happens regularly right before so it seems to be related. Maybe my immune system is just more stressed in general around that time, leading me to get more allergies or mild bugs. I know hormones work in strange and mysterious ways.

No. 417887

Yep. I often think I’m coming down with something and then I remember it’s close to that time of the month.

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No. 48533[Reply]

Please feel free to vent or ask for advice in this thread pertaining to sexual abuse or harassment, etc

I'm looking for advice on how to build a healthy sexual relationship with my partner after my bad past. We've been married two years and he's fantastic. But my libido is very low and I have a feeling it might be tied to poor sexual relationships I'd had before. Starting at 8 years old and then on out. I'm not really bothered by the past but I think my mind is instantly associating sex with bad times, which shouldn't be the case since my husband is lovely. But my brain instantly is telling me that I dont want to do this or that its just a hassle. Often times when we begin fooling around I get stomach aches that will go away basically instantly when we stop, like he can tell I'm not in the mood so we wont continue. I never thought much of it, I always thought it was just something I ate. But today I figured out maybe it could be anxiety related.

I just want to be able to have a normal sex life with him where we can fool around and have fun, but I feel so bad for having something -wrong- with me. If anons have any advice i'd love to hear. I'm too poor for a therapist and I've scoured the internet for advice as well
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No. 413979

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I wanted to update on this, turns out no, I did in fact not have vulvodynia and it wasn't anxiety. It was a chronic UTI, and also clitoral adhesions that were causing clitoral pain. Although I guess the adhesions most likely happened because I never wanted to touch my vulva as a kid after getting molested, and wouldn't clean it properly. Life truly hates me it seems, it keeps throwing sexual trauma at me and keeps messing with my genitals. Maybe this is a sign I should never get married or have kids.

No. 414004

I was molested as a child and still have nightmares about it. Last night I had a nightmare where there was a 30-something pedo going around grooming young girls in a small town. He also had a cute baby that he was molesting and raping too but social work wouldn’t take the child off him and I was trying to figure out how to get the child away from him and make the police do something about him, he also had a wife/gf who would join in the abuse and just laughed and sneered when anyone tried to confront them about abusing their child and bragged I couldn’t prove it. I woke up in tears and have been feeling so shaky all day. It ruins my whole week when I have dreams like this honestly.

No. 414005

It’s pretty hard to request a female doctor in an emergency room setting because usually the doctors are already up to their eyes in work and you end up with whatever doctor got allotted to you

No. 414968

Pelvic floor therapy has been helping but it’s so difficult. Still really wishing i never went through this for the second time in my life. It’s as if someone lived several years with a fist clench to the point the clenched fist is the default, and relaxing it takes an extremely conscious effort, yet hearing friends talking about how they can move their hands and fingers freely etc. I hate him so fucking much for doing this shit

No. 418528

i’m coming back to this post ~7 years after what originally happened. it makes me sad remembering how i hard i worked to deny he was capable of harming me, even in the op i downplayed what occurred out of shame. i wish i could get back the years i spent trying to escape the me that “attracted” him by performatively seeking the attention of men i wasn’t attracted to, just to undo the way i “attracted” the wrong person. that same fear-driven compulsion made me repress my sexuality, i couldn’t accept being gay because i felt i needed to atone for being made defective by that man.

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No. 95052[Reply]

What do you think is the ideal penis size? Personally i think its between 6-7 inches as it usually gets me to cum. But i do think their are other factors that can help climax like foreplay or atmosphere/ the sexual tension.

Also, what do you tell guys when asked this? I'm usually honest and tell them around 6 inches. Does this make me look shallow and would it turn a guy off?
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No. 417446

I don't think that's entirely true.
Also, am I the only one who thinks chunky bodies ruin even larger than average dicks? It's super erotic when a guys wrist is skinnier than his dick. I like imagining that it sucked up all his nutrients like a parasitic maggot KEK
>if only I wasn't burneded by this huge cawk maybe then I wouldn't be a starving midget! By allah I'm suffering so much!

No. 417473

Most tall guys I’ve been with had big ones but a couple were average. The biggest dick was on a guy of average height.

No. 417773

>22 cm
how did that work now…

No. 417775

did you measure those dicks yourself or did those men tell you those numbers and "trust me babe"

No. 418046

I prefer smaller dicks, large ones creep me out. I also don’t like penetration but if I had to try I’d want a small one since I can only fit two fingers in and my cervix is very shallow. 3 inches is probably perfect.

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No. 297242[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>215102

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
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No. 416534

>Someone that is not afraid of being judged and that will not judge me
What do you mean by this?

No. 416593

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discord: sonyvera
(I made a discord account just for this)

>How long this contact will remain active?

a long time





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

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No. 417193

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>How long this contact will remain active?

Till the end of time





>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?

27+, I want more friends my age or older

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No. 417743

are trans women allowed?(kys male)

No. 418974

Samefag, my new email is seclusivegirlswag@proton.me as google won't allow me to log in to the OG one (which, ironically, I created for the sole purpose of making it possible for nonnas looking for friends to contact me).

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No. 89253[Reply]

Farmers, how would you love to look like?

>tall vs short
>curvy vs thin
>black, brown, blonde or red
>long vs short
(Texture, style?)
>tan vs pale
>brown, green or blue
>big vs small
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No. 415790

>Hourglass or bottom hourglass
>Jet black, naturally wavy, shoulder length when I straighten it and a couple of inches above shoulder length when it's natural
>Golden, light olive skin
>Light brown, russet brown or hazel
>Medium, teardrop or round shaped
>No foundation or concealer because ideal-me has naturally flawless skin. Just tinted lip balm and maybe brown eyeshadow for day to day, and shimmery eyeshadow, dusty rose blush, clear mascara and red or coral lipstick for special occasions, maybe a tiny bit of gold highlight too
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No. 417735

This is fun

>I like my height (5'5)
>thicker thighs, more roundish ass (I am on the skinnier side but I do have some curve)
>same color, I just want it long enough past my boobs
>Same as I am (light olive skinned)
>I wish I had sanpaku eyes like Billie Eilish. I am happy with the color and shape (brown)
>A bit bigger (I already have large breasts for my frame)
>No makeup
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No. 417738

tall, messy curly brown hair, cute brown eyes, broad shoulders, really good at fighting aliens.

No. 417863

>Average height
>Skinny, built like an anime character (weebing hard over here)
>I guess blonde hair, I dye it weird colors so if the base was blonde I wouldn't have to bleach it first kek
>Long wavy hair, at least waist length
>I'm super pale so I idolize beautiful tan skin
>I'll keep my blue eyes, I like all colors though
>Average boobs, on the smaller side preferably
>natural + edgy art makeup on occassion
>beautiful flowy gowns, or dark alt fashion

No. 418592

>slightly above average height
>stick thin
>flat all over
>rectangle/straight up and down
>delicate bone structure
>not a bobblehead (important)
>either dark brown/black, auburn, strawberry blonde, or ash blonde
>soft waves or straight, not too thick
>most importantly something easier to comb through and not frizzy
>slightly past shoulders
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No. 113303[Reply]

ITT:Just brag about your boyfriend or husband and what he does for you
mine does the cooking,cleans the bathroom,does the yard-work,works out so he's fit,cares for his sick grandmother and loves me unconditionally even when I'm not as fit as I used to be
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No. 416800

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hope you find them one day. idk what to say besides the obvious. be genuine, and if you arent comfortable, gtfo

No. 416813

When my husband is spooning me in his sleep and he snuggles closer and rubs his hand over my belly and the baby kicks at his hand it's literally one of the most perfect moments in my life. It's so sweet it makes my heart explode

No. 417587

Holy fuck nonnies I've literally landed the jackpot. Young nigel who worships me and tells me I'm beautiful every day and kisses me so often. He's smart and has a good job, very sexy and has muscles. Women even tell him he's got a gorgeous face. He is HOT. I love him sm. I wanna say idk how I got this lucky but he tells me he is. I can't wait to ride his dick soo bad. Ugh

No. 417611

I caught a flu and my bf randomly asked if I would eat an orange if he peeled it for me. And then he brought me a bunch of peeled fruits and he made me food and we don't even live together yet. He specifically peeled that white stuff off of the orange pieces because he assumed I would dislike it due to being an autist picky eater. That was pretty cute

No. 417628

this almost made me tear up, i'm so happy for you nonnie

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No. 209934[Reply]

This thread is to do with all gardening related matters!
Feel free to ask for advice or post progress of your garden, indoor plants etc.
Or just have a chat about gardening in general.
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No. 412920

Yeah I have them all in a mix of succulent soil and rocks, it took the lithops a while to get here so I figured I would give them a drink and they did not like that. I only had hen and chicks at first but I managed to keep them alive for two year so I wanted to branch out and I'm still trying to figure out what all the other plants like.

No. 417535

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I'm half satisfied with my garden this year. I have bags upon bags of different variants of cucumber like garden, boston pickling, parisian,early fortune, and even a type of armenian that grew so long, it's almost the length of my arm! There are around 12 large jars of pickles sitting on my counter because of them. I even am forcing some of my friends and neighbors to have some because it's way too much. My bell/banana peppers, eggplant, cabbage grew pretty well except that I got way too lazy with the neem oil/ other organic oils to spray for whiteflies so it destroyed some cabbage and broccoli. Now tomatoes.. I have black russian, orange russian, plum/teardrop, yellow, and some classic red. In some ground beds where I planted them 80% of them have blossom end rot. It's SO ANNOYING especially on the smaller variants and at that point they're unusable and I just throw them to my chickens. I did the calcium treatment way too late and I just have to endure it. Even with that problem I still have a plethora where I canned some tomato juice, forced people to have them, and just used in salads.

No. 417589

What's the best way to preserve a large harvest? I'm too much of a pussy to can anything due to botulism risks

No. 417607

What kind? Depending on your harvest high acidic foods like tomatoes or pickles can not build botulism. Second best is freezing since you just need freeze safe baggies, but if you want to preserve them for a longer time than you have to blanch beforehand. Other ways like dehydrating or drying can work too

No. 417657

>What kind?
Tomatoes and cukes, they aren't ready just yet but there's a metric fuckton of tomateos coming in so I want to be prepared.
>Depending on your harvest high acidic foods like tomatoes or pickles can not build botulism.
That's good to know, I'll make sauces out of them. I guess pickles are my only option with the cucumbers since I can't imagine them freezing well kek.

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No. 311901[Reply]

This thread is for images of women (can be fictional too) who look a lot like males that you'd fuck.
It's not about butches, it's about women who basically look a lot like males that makes you not mind/forget that they're actually females.
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No. 414616

Where can I find a girl like this…

No. 414617

I googled her pictures and oh my god. This thread makes me so angry, I want a gf so bad

No. 414762

Stop posting takarazuka, I’m a makazefag/kikifag still recovering from being shot to death with a machine gun by the universe.

No. 414918

This is making me miss the times I looked like that, a bit more ratty but it's pretty close. I wonder what my life would have been if i stayed looking like this and wearing this.

No. 417486

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Her ass in this gif… I’m going insane. I have to delete this file off of my phone because I’m spending too much of my work day watching this 10 by 10 pixel gif on a loop. Someone please tell me to delete this off my phone for my own good.

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 416085

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What’s a good palette for mimicking 90s Smokey supermodel looks? I’m eyeing that Mario neutrals palette but the price is putting me off. I wonder if there is a smaller version from another brand, especially if i want to carry it around in my purse

No. 416330

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I'm obsessed with the upcoming Hermes September beauty drop, the colors and design of the packaging are so charming to me. I'm not one for "designer cosmetics" but these caught my eye.

No. 416341

tbh i think going for quad/quint palettes which are monochromatic is better option for 90s looks especially as they always feel more balanced than a modern paletted. there are quads from maybelline that are available i think in browns, grays and very late 90s lilac. also luxury brand eyeshadow fits this look well. i swatched lancome's quints recently and they have good shimmer for more late 90s look, also i love quad palettes ftom clinique and i want to get purple one
>t. 90s larper and autist

No. 417435

I agree you should go for a smaller palette. My mom and aunties from back then didn't own any big palettes, they weren't commonly sold compared to trios, quads and quints.

No. 417456

I buy one or two name brand products a year "for the experience" and most of my lip products are luxury at this point, my favorite Guerlain matte lip is not that much better than one from Romand that I used before even though it's 4x the price, but I love it because it has a unique experience of use that gives it "prized personal item" status. The Lancôme lip oil I used before had a unique texture, look and smell. My problem with the Dior lip oil is that the "experience" is kind of boring. It doesn't smell good, does nothing for lip color, texture is meh. It only looks cool when you apply it in front of other gen Z cosmeticfags who can't afford it. It's not terrible by any means, it's just my most disappointing "experience" to date along with Gucci Beauty lipstick that's quite honestly a shitty product but has the remaining quality of looking like a work of art so the swag of reapplying it makes up for having to do it every five minutes. I'm not sure what I was expecting, I guess I just wanted the novelty of buying an actually hyped product after a lifetime of purely personal choices

My favorite lazy day item is the wet n wild blushlighter in the shade "I met someone". It's a duo of a rose gold and beige gold shimmer that you can easily use on your whole face as blush, highlighter and eyeshadow so you don't have to buy several things, and it's very cheap.

90s palettes were usually a simple gradient of 3 or 4 shades based around one color. You don't need all that. Also that palette is really not well designed so you're better off keeping your money. Personally I like the Smoky Brown quad from Burberry, but there's probably a better one for cheaper somewhere.

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