Do I HAVE to allow my
toxic brother in my room, under the guise of using exercise equipment? Or is there a way to stand up to him, that wont result in me being abused and/or homeless? Sorry for the long post.
My brother is coddled by mom, and now, he wants to invade my room. He has turned my family against me, esp mom. Mom is only close person I have in my life who I can speak with about certain things. My home life is now tense and distant, thanks to my brothers influence. I just had a bad breakup, Im isolated with no friends or other family, Im going through financial difficulties, have depression somedays, and have to stay with family for a long time. I just want my brother to leave me alone. I avoid him as best as possible, but he wont stop inventing new ways to torment me.
So my room WAS my only sanctuary away from my brother. Now, he wants to use exercise equipment located in my room. Every space my brother is in, he clutters it/takes it right over. I want my room free of his presence, sweat, filthy shoes that he wears indoors and outdoors. I dont want him snooping, leaving recording stuff, or doing who knows what. I dont trust him. He [used to?] snoop on an elderly woman neighbor with binoculars, and used to relentlessly harass me everytime I went to the bathroom. I do NOT want my brother in my room.
If I say no, this could happen
– my mom could physically take the exercise equipment [I got it as a birthday gift years ago] from my room. My brother would love that, it would be devastating and humiliating for me.
– my brother could increase the harassment, and might even take out his anger on me
– at minimum, my mom will likely ignore me/treat me bad until I give in. My vulnerable emotional state cannot take this.
My brother
– did not wish me a happy birthday, ruined it for me. Mom excused it away, because apparently Im not nice enough to him. Mom told me to not wish him a happy bday on his upcoming bday, rather than make him apologize. Yet he enjoyed my bday cake that I made, while harassing me nonstop when I was trying to measure ingredients out. He wants the same cake for his bday, so me trying out a new recipe basically just benefits him. Mom later invited him to go out with us, because we cant have a male feel left out on his sisters bday, can we? He declined, thank God.
– hates women, is a raging manlet with anger issues that are g
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