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/g/ - girl talk

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No. 311901[Reply]

This thread is for images of women (can be fictional too) who look a lot like males that you'd fuck.
It's not about butches, it's about women who basically look a lot like males that makes you not mind/forget that they're actually females.
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No. 414616

Where can I find a girl like this…

No. 414617

I googled her pictures and oh my god. This thread makes me so angry, I want a gf so bad

No. 414762

Stop posting takarazuka, I’m a makazefag/kikifag still recovering from being shot to death with a machine gun by the universe.

No. 414918

This is making me miss the times I looked like that, a bit more ratty but it's pretty close. I wonder what my life would have been if i stayed looking like this and wearing this.

No. 417486

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Her ass in this gif… I’m going insane. I have to delete this file off of my phone because I’m spending too much of my work day watching this 10 by 10 pixel gif on a loop. Someone please tell me to delete this off my phone for my own good.

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No. 255346[Reply]

thread for harm reduction, support and venting
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No. 417409

>have long term an-p
>bmi goes from low 14 to about 15.5
>feel ugly as fuck and unloveable
>urge to lose the weight again so i can be "pretty" and people will want to date me
>anorexic voice tells me i'm a stupid greedy cow and don't deserve love

How do I resist spiralling?

No. 417412

i purge too but could never get that low how di you do it?

No. 417418

It’s a combination of restricting (not the kind where I only eat salad though) and purging, absolutely do not recommend it but also don’t know how to cope with the pain of the world without my ED

No. 417427

same it is the ony thing that stops me from suicide.
so fasting? how do you restrict with purging because when i try to restrict so i can purge less i get deppressed

No. 417470

if your binging is brought on by restriction then you need to either allow yourself to have small amounts of the pastas and desserts you make or not cook them in the first place so you won't be tempted to binge. cooking food that you find pleasurable and then either binging on it or not eating it at all is just setting yourself up for disaster over and over again. it's great if you enjoy cooking, especially if you're gifted at it and other people enjoy what you make, but it sounds like putting so much emphasis on food is causing you to stay trapped in this cycle.

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No. 408697[Reply]

Explain why you‘re against plastic surgery, discuss its influence on women and society as a whole, share stories of botched plastic surgery, expose evil plastic surgeons etc. etc.
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No. 417188

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I would kms

No. 417190

So true, nona. I used to follow this Ukrainian adventure/urbex vlogger who was so cute and alt, but now she has monstrous lip fillers and looks like a standard issue post-Soviet blowup doll T-T
Pic is before, vid is after(emoji)

No. 417194

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I’m dumb, tried to post both in one. Here is pic.

No. 417197

you're a massive newfag but i love you so much for being a slav urbex enjoyer

No. 417370

this is so sad holy shit. She was so lovely before. why the fuck is everyone into fillers. they look terrible every single time. i hate walking outside and seeing this shit every day

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No. 413592[Reply]

This is a thread dedicated to all questions regarding parents. Mums or dads, step mums, step dads etc.
This is not a specific thread about a specific topic, just in regards to parents in general.
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No. 413611

The Ace Attorney games are pretty comfy if he's not opposed to story heavy games? World of Goo is good if he's into puzzles. Stardew Valley for maximum relaxation.

No. 413616

Nta, The Rusty Lake series might have the elements you're looking for. A simple to play point and click game, but it's a puzzle game with crazy intricate plot and details, so far there are 15+ of these games and it's still going. It's also affordable if I'm not mistaken, and there's mobile and PC editions, some games are free on mobile but paid on PC though.

No. 417168

so am i the only person here with an actually good mom

No. 417256

my mommy is perfect too don’t worry

No. 417272

I can't wait for the day I have a daughter of my own, so that I will love her the way my mum loves me. I love my mum so much it makes me emotional at how much she endured throughout her life

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No. 407216[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-Actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 417151

On the other hand, has anyone else here been on the receiving end of this? Been told that your husbando(s) wouldn't be into you/your OC for whatever reason?

No. 417161

Nta, but after reading your post I went and drew mine just for fun and ended up bursting out laughing at how ugly my drawing is, thank you for this post, it was fun. I deleted the drawing though so I can't show it, and even if I still had it, I'd bd too embarrassed to post it.

No. 417170

Made this for the next thread.

No. 417174

Is it "3dpg"? Not "3dpd"?

No. 417179

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You're right.

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No. 284445[Reply]

Discuss medications:
>Side effects
>Whether they have helped you
>How it has made life easier/harder for you
>Why you started/quit taking something
>Did it have an effect on your period? I don't see this being talked about or mentioned often enough, even in the pamphlet they often leave it out.

Obviously for both physical and mental illnesses.

THIS THREAD IS NOT MEANT TO DISCUSS RECREATIONAL USE. Prescripted drugs in the prescripted amounts only.
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No. 411006

i started concerta for ADHD 5 months ago. it really helps with my focus and organization. but when it wears off in the evening i have this period of like 40 mins of intense anxiety/depression (i do not have this typically) and i usually have to cry it out to go back to normal, it is a very intense comedown. and i feel SO THIRSTY all the time. my mouth is always dry and i am drinking so much water im pissing every 15 mins, but still dehydrated. and on days i dont take it, i just lie in bed and dont have motivation to do anything. i dont like the idea of being dependent on anything. but its doing its job and actually helping me. i really do not want to take this forever. but i am doing so much more now because i'm managing my time better and working much more productively, and i am able to stay on task and finish shit because im not getting distracted by random things, and i really like this momentum. i don't want to go back to unmedicated demotivated underachiever, and my responsibilities have increased with being capable of doing more work now, so unmedicated me im worried just couldnt do it all kek. my country only has ritalin and concerta, and then non-stimulant meds like strattera which ive heard just has brutal weird side effects, so i dont want to switch. has anyone had experience with tapering off adhd meds while somehow maintaining the boosted focus?

No. 411011

>has anyone had experience with tapering off adhd meds while somehow maintaining the boosted focus?
Nope. ADHD isnt fixable without medication, it's a lifelong condition that seriously affects motivation and function. Meds are pretty much the only thing that work to quell the symptoms for a while. The side effects you listed are normal and common.

No. 411154

DA but damn, I guess I'm fucked since getting a doctor to prescribe ADHD meds are expensive where I live.

No. 411709


Still on Lexapro. I think in the end it did help me with my depression/anxiety. I still deal with it but it's on a smaller scale now. But I was able to make some super big changes in my life and I think Lexapro helped. I'm talking about getting an adult job, flying across the country for the interview and even moving a few states away from home.

My period appears to be regular now. My sex drive is a bit different. I can still orgasm and can still feel aroused. But again it's on a smaller scale. My main concern was if I'd be able to orgasm when I first started lexapro and the first week or two it took me nearly an hour to reach climax which was super unusual for me. After some months it's never been a problem but I don't feel the need to masturbate nearly as often as I used too.

No. 417087

Nonnies who've taken lamictal (100mg) did you notice an extreme drop in your blood pressure? To the extent where your clit has shrunk a lot and you can see your veins through your skin very clearly?

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No. 409345[Reply]

A thread for anons to discuss makeup and the cosmetics and skin care industry in a critical way. Feel free to critize and vent about societal norms that are expected of women around beauty in general. Important: anon's mileage and the way / situation they may or not use certain products in could vary, try not to infight.
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No. 417064

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total moid death

No. 417076

egirl makeup literally freaks me out, it looks like clown makeup, and not in a cute way but in a scary pennywise way. i got recommended a peachysofia video and it was like a jumpscare

No. 417141

What I can't justify about makeup, is the time women use when getting ready on a day-to-day basis. My routine is concealer, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. I do my makeup on the train on my way to work kek and it only takes like 5 minutes. I have always had even and clear skin and people usually think I'm wearing foundation when I'm not (KEK sorry if this sounds like a huge brag, but it's the truth), except for the darkness around and under my eyes. When I've dropped the eyeliner and mascara, no one gaf, even though I have stereotypical thin Asian lashes that point downwards. But if I don't use my concealer, people genuinely get worried that I'm sick. So I kinda get why people with acne feel the need to cower it, because I assume that unfortunately other people might point it out, come with unsolicited advice or treat them differently because of it.

No. 417152

I feel there's a pressure now to like a specific set of girly things including makeup, also other stereotype stuff like girly dresses, accessories, specific music, hello kitty, being expected to agree with all those meme images of "i am a girl". If someone doesn't particulary care about some of these things, other women start accusing of being a pickme.

No. 417157

When your hormones change for example with birth control, you realize how the whole hair training idea isn't true. Your scalp/hair is subjected to your hormones and what you eat/drink.

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No. 90960[Reply]

I can't be the only one who constantly has to deal with selfish and clueless guys who've obviously got their idea of sex from watching too much porn.

So let's share our worst and cringeworthies sexual experiences in this thread!
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No. 416940

>calls you a hooker
>sucks his dick

No. 416948

I was laying down and the guy put his knees to my sides so he was on me, but still standing so it was like being an ant looking at a person. He asked if I like to get hit. I felt so much cringe. Later on he also wanted me to say things, like women do in porn, and the various ridiculous poses too. Incredibly embarrasing, cringe, akward and disgusting.

No. 416950

27 or 28 I think
Because I approached him/asked him to take me home and we hadn’t been flirting at all really
The shame will follow me forever

No. 417023

Worst sex I’ve ever had was when I was dating a moid during high school. A few months into our relationship we started having sex and he was extremely rough every time. He fingered me without any technique, just shoving his fingers in and out really quickly without even touching my clit. I tried telling him how to rub it but he would just mash his thumb into it like a joystick. When he tried touching my g-spot, he curled the tips of his fingers in like he was trying to fucking scrape and dig into my vaginal wall with his fingernails. On top of all this, he had a below average sized chode. Honestly at that point I should have just dumped him, but the painful sex wasn’t the dealbreaker for me so much as his desire for me to play with and lick his asshole for some reason. Now, I’ve always wanted a boyfriend who would let me fuck his ass, but he needs to be well groomed and freshly showered and not have a hairy asshole like this guy. During sex he would present his ass to me and spread it expecting me to give him a rimjob. One time he even shoved my face into his ass and forced me to lick it. Just thinking back on it makes me gag.

No. 417030

Every time I open the catalog and I see this thread I’m reminded of the time I had sex with a sexy Russian guy but accidentally kicked his face when I was turning over

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No. 54209[Reply]

Maybe it's just me, but I feel as though birth control is something that women don't talk enough about despite it being so complex and many people using it regularly. Let's post our comments/questions about birth control!

- contraception
- acne control
- PCOS management
- hormonal treatment
- ring vs. pill vs. non-hormonal
- side effects/benefits
- weight gain/loss
- etc.
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No. 406909

The manosphere are bad faith actors who go around taking real criticisms that people have and twisting them into something retarded.
Just because some tard moids say they don't like BC doesn't mean there isn't any legitimate criticisms against big pharma and their treatment of women.

No. 416149

Correlation between long BC exposure, lipedema and IBS? Or similar diseases. What's your personal experience?

No. 416245

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Just got prescribed Nextstellis after not being on any form of birth control for over 5 years. Never been sexually active and don't plan on it. Has anyone had any experience on this pill? The formulation is 14.2 mg Estetrol and 3 mg drospirenone. My gynecologist informed me this is a newer, plant based estrogen derivative on the market. This worries me as I haven't heard much about it nor have my friends even heard of this medication. The previous pill I was on was lo loestrin and stopped taking the medication as I was fearful of developing poor side effects. My primary concern with this pill is that it will altar my mood, cause weight gain and painful acne. Besides, it's expensive.

No. 416500

does anyone have expedience with lamictal and pill contraceptives? over the last year i’ve found a perfect dosage with lamictal to manage my bipolar II and i’ve felt so much happier with it. i’ve been thinking of starting some contraceptive medication but i’ve heard conflicting testimonials on if it influences the effectiveness of lamictal on bipolar II, which is very hormone based (especially for women). thank you so much for any input!!

No. 416835

If you’re on birth control for sex reasons you’re a pickme in my eyes. Killing your libido so a man can use you as a fleshlight is the antithesis to feminism. Net zero benefits for the woman

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No. 367662[Reply]

A place for latina and hispanic women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss latin american and hispanic culture. Spanish and portugese talk welcome.
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No. 394150

Interesting post.

Just learn Spanish? You have your foot in the door already if you know some, proper or not. Also, sober Mexican men aren't exactly rare, I've known more sober ones than addicts and I'm not even from a particularly great neighborhood either.

No. 395220

Comparing UAE to Europe is a bit crazy here. Even in the US people are still super racist depending on where you live. Some white people do not care and others treat you really badly. I'm white but growing up in AZ and CO I've noticed this, some places the two mix together very well, and other it has a very segregated racist feel.

No. 407159

That's definitely true. White peoples definition of white is like.. idk Slavic or British looking. And where I'm from, where it's mostly Mexican immigrants and their kids and grandkids, white is when you're not dark skin. I am just so used to George lopez looking people in my family in friend groups calling me white. It was a culture shock moving to a southern state where the white people look like mama June and honey booboo.

Also I feel very called out with the albino mexican comment. Lol I definitely used to refer to myself as a vanilla bean

No. 407167

I noticed when I am talking online to a person from Latin America I don't mention that my mom is Mexican, they are impressed by my spanish speaking/writing skills but then if the topic comes up somehow they are kind of like, annoyed with me? This happens like 90% of the time when I talk to Mexicans. Like we will literally be online besties but then when I mention I have family in Guanajuato they are like disgusted and tell me how I talk like a ghetto mexican. I literally had one dude tell me I talk like a Blood in Blood out character.

But when it's someone from any other country they aren't annoyed per say but they will be like haha ur so mexican!!

I also notice Mexicans will kind of be upset I don't identify as mexican, like they think I'm ashamed of it. But they will also get annoyed that I mention it like I am stepping on their toes and trying to act like I'm more mexican than they are. Non Mexicans seem to accept me more and will be omg u are latina like me ! And they will positively bring up me being Hispanic and how it's a good thing I can communicate in Spanish

So now I don't mention that my family is mexican if I can avoid it mostly because I don't wanna piss actual Mexicans off with my ghetto ass Spanish. Which makes me sad because I like talking to people from different countries and I like hearing from people in mexico but because me being like gringo washed pisses them off I mostly make friends with latinos from Argentina.

No. 411120

I wish there were more spaces online to talk to other Latina women. I feel like using the internet too much is seen as lame and pointless in our culture. I guess its a good thing as it makes us a less terminally online peope but for introverted latinas like myself its already so hard to make friends irl let alone online

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