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No. 306574[Reply]

I keep encountering this problem in my dating life, Im becoming hopeless.
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No. 498471

The most influential factor in my "type" is men with (well groomed) long hair. For concrete examples, metal heads and goth men. Honestly, if a guy doesn't have at least shaggy hair I literally feel nothing. Body type is not as big of a deal, other then not too skinny, not too overweight, and not too roided. Balance.

I happen to also be into metal, and enjoyer of goth music and fashion (albeit without the budget to dress more like it). I look like a slightly overweight white woman with blonde hair that dresses like a casual nerd in flannel. I figure my interests align with guys that are my type, but I don't know what they're actually attracted to. I don't get out much so I rarely ever have guys try to talk to me. I suppose I attract socially awkward nerdy guys that have too much facial hair and are too chubby/skinny fat for my tastes. Like 20-something neckbeards.

I'm going to the gym because I want to be more fit, and thrifting to build a better wardrobe for myself. I'm wanting to get more band shirts to fill in my everyday clothes, so maybe aside from showing what artists I really enjoy, it could be a conversation starter if another fan takes note.

No. 498484

All I ever get are retarded metalheads, crypto conservative christians, and animefags. I don't even know at this point, maybe I look easy or plain. Most of them aren't even ugly, they're just so weak that it pisses me off. They start talking to you and get angry or submissive when they can't counter you. They're braggarts who get humbled easily. I know some of you nonas like this but it's disgusting to me. I'm not even that smart, it just feels like they don't even have one original thought.

I just want someone who will take care of me, I will take care of him, and we can take care of others together. Someone strong who doesn't fold and can support me, the type of person who can tell if something's wrong, who will be gentle and patient. I also want someone I can learn from. I don't like men you can order around or who order you around like tradfags.

I don't think I'm the sort of person this kind of man goes for, though, I'm not kind or understanding or even assertive enough. All I get are retarded incel subs but I guess like attracts like, kek.

I got a lot of metalheads with good hair, we can exchange notes if you want nona, kek. They weren't too bad but they needed hardcore mommying, even during the talking stage, at least in my experience. They're not as initially agressive or disgusting as your average moid but can be deeply insecure, and a good amount treated me like shit once I rejected them.

No. 498557

Long hair anon here. You summed up my ideal relationship philosophy absolutely perfectly. I want a "partner", who will fight at my side while I have their back as well. That's corny, but yeah. I'm constantly trying to work on myself, with the expectation of wanting a man who does the same. Maybe that's nigh impossible, but I don't mind waiting. I spent so long in a relationship where I was never cared for even when I tried to be caring, that I won't settle for it again.

I definitely see past the veil that a lot of metalheads aren't as hardcore as their music tastes seem to show. But I also don't want someone who's meek/insecure either.

No. 498575

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I just want a cute introverted guy who will let me abuse him. He needs to be a virgin because I cannot have my first time with someone who also isn't. I may sound really Christian for this but whatever, I find it hot when we get to lose our virginity together. But its so impossible to find a guy im genuinely attracted to, and especially one that'd be ok with my weird fantasies kekk it makes me feel so awkward. I've found one guy im into like that that's a total kissless virgin and really catholic and I find that hot but as I get to know him more I realize hes probably gay kek. he kind of has that voice. I'm having such a hard time not being into him though its making me frustrated

No. 498621

You perfectly describe an ISTP/INTP, go on a personality type dating app and find one nona

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 498302

exactly. How many women are missing out on potentially good relationships because they have been brainswashed to think that they can't make the first move?

No. 498549

He loses attractiveness if he’s passive. I firmly believe women shouldn’t chase unless they’re okay with settling in with a windblown lily of a guy who probably needs to be told to help with chores. Men are naturally inclined to pursue women. It’s a huge turnoff to feel like the pursuer as a woman. Tell yourself it’s femdom of you to do that, idc, I hate it.

No. 498551

>who probably needs to be told to help with chores
unless you are in Germany or the Nordic countries, this is all men. Men don't mind living in utter filth

No. 498553

MANY are, which is why I will only date a man who can at least fucking initiate and show interest in asking me out on a first date. Men gain so much more from a relationship than a woman. The bare minimum is that a man can be sexy and confident and ask you out. Men who wait for women to do this are gross.

No. 498651

>Have you ever had an attractive guy approach you and just straight up ask for your number?
No never, this is why I have to take matters into my own hands.

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No. 332611[Reply]

I’ve been here for quite some years and I know a lot of you have been, too. Surely a percentage of posters here are around 30, or over 30. For those of you that are - how are you handling it?

Share your successes, insecurities, and life wisdom. Share fashion and beauty advice.

How do you feel about nearing 30/being over 30? Have you found the incel cope about 30+ women to be true in any way? What were your biggest fears, and what are your biggest triumphs at your current age?

Absolutely no Zoomers allowed in this thread, unless you’re an elder Zoomer. Zoomer ageism is peak stupidity and we won’t have it here.
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No. 498227

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A lot of people are going to try to scare you by telling you how bad dating sucks in your 30s and beyond. It’s true that men are more picked over, but if you’ve done an appropriate amount of self reflection and growing, you’ll be able to be happy single and you will know yourself well enough to date more efficiently (weed out the time wasters fast). I’m 30 after dumping my useless ex about a year ago. Ive spent the past year doing therapy, self reflecting, prioritizing making and maintain my friendships, re-learning to date, learning about myself, taking care of myself mentally and physically, and setting meaningful goals. I honestly don’t think I’m going to meet my dream man in the near future, but I do suspect I’m going to stumble across him eventually and in the mean time I’m so much happier than I’ve ever been at any point in my life.

No. 498232

There's a difference between married early and just married. Married at 27 is not "early", I'd even say married at 35 is on the later end. I'm in my late 20s now and this is around the period where everyone I went to highschool with is now setting wedding photos as their pfp on Facebook. Around mid-30s you are also having post divorcees entering the dating pool. Post divorcees are not all crazy, but the liklyhood is higher since there's usually a personality reason why the marriage failed.

No. 498240

This is really it… the options are tons when I was in my early 20s but I was so fucking bad at picking men that it didn't matter. It wasn't til I got older and had the experience to know what kind of person I'd be compatable with and how to evaluate if being in a relationship with them was really worth it vs just being single, I had a lot better of a time dating.

No. 498270

Right most of the people I know who got married pretty young were either religious and that’s just “what you do”, or they saddled up with someone because they really wanted to be married. You can even look at divorce stats, it shows people who marry before 25 have higher divorce rates compared to people marrying older

No. 498315

I don't know if this is the right place to post about this but I'm in my early 30s and I'm sad that I don't have a good relationship with my only sibling. My sister is a couple years older than me but we are so different personality/financial-wise. She's nice enough that she's let me stay at her house when I was between rentals but I feel like such a shitty aunt. She used to talk about me babysitting or her kids staying at my house - I've never had a house and I'd probably just be able to afford a mobile home. She owns her own business, a house built from the ground up and I work two jobs to afford renting an apartment. I have zero drive to be around her kids unless they ask me to play sports with them or whatever. If I go to parties at her house I have nothing to talk about with her friends because they're all there for their kids. It's not like I'm mentally impaired but it just feels like I'm such an outlier to what a "normal" family dynamic is.

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No. 496228[Reply]

Nona's Thirst Over Luigi's Rights Edition

Previous threads:
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No. 497873

Yeah but he didn't actually kill him for a reason, he just did it to seem like a hero. It's really obvious. I respect the action but not the braindead scrote behind it. The copycats will probably do better because they can fill in the blanks and attach a real ideological meaning to the action, which Luigi failed to do.

No. 497874

I think this is his spotify. I approve of him liking the xx.

No. 497875

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No. 497876

Nona Luigi is retarded, but he killed Thomson for a reason. The feds want you to focus on him. Think about it.

No. 497877

He really didn't. He's actually a braindead NPC. He wanted to be a hero because he had nothing else to live for because dick dead. I believe the one anon's theory that he spiraled after a breakup.

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No. 280759[Reply]

A concept generally related to disfuncional families, toxic family bonds, lack of boundaries with parents, infantilization in adulthood, the mother wound, growing up too quickly, and much more.

In enmeshed families, members are emotionally fused together in an unhealthy way. More than one member is codependent of the other and individual goals are discouraged. A lot of shame and guilt happens when you try to become independent. You can read more here:

As this is something I very much struggle with, I wanted to see if more anons here have gone through similar stuff, and how were you able to overcome it (or maybe just like me, you are in the process of recovering from). Please share your own experience with family enmeshment here.
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No. 497782

Do I HAVE to allow my toxic brother in my room, under the guise of using exercise equipment? Or is there a way to stand up to him, that wont result in me being abused and/or homeless? Sorry for the long post.

My brother is coddled by mom, and now, he wants to invade my room. He has turned my family against me, esp mom. Mom is only close person I have in my life who I can speak with about certain things. My home life is now tense and distant, thanks to my brothers influence. I just had a bad breakup, Im isolated with no friends or other family, Im going through financial difficulties, have depression somedays, and have to stay with family for a long time. I just want my brother to leave me alone. I avoid him as best as possible, but he wont stop inventing new ways to torment me.

So my room WAS my only sanctuary away from my brother. Now, he wants to use exercise equipment located in my room. Every space my brother is in, he clutters it/takes it right over. I want my room free of his presence, sweat, filthy shoes that he wears indoors and outdoors. I dont want him snooping, leaving recording stuff, or doing who knows what. I dont trust him. He [used to?] snoop on an elderly woman neighbor with binoculars, and used to relentlessly harass me everytime I went to the bathroom. I do NOT want my brother in my room.

If I say no, this could happen
– my mom could physically take the exercise equipment [I got it as a birthday gift years ago] from my room. My brother would love that, it would be devastating and humiliating for me.
– my brother could increase the harassment, and might even take out his anger on me
– at minimum, my mom will likely ignore me/treat me bad until I give in. My vulnerable emotional state cannot take this.

My brother
– did not wish me a happy birthday, ruined it for me. Mom excused it away, because apparently Im not nice enough to him. Mom told me to not wish him a happy bday on his upcoming bday, rather than make him apologize. Yet he enjoyed my bday cake that I made, while harassing me nonstop when I was trying to measure ingredients out. He wants the same cake for his bday, so me trying out a new recipe basically just benefits him. Mom later invited him to go out with us, because we cant have a male feel left out on his sisters bday, can we? He declined, thank God.
– hates women, is a raging manlet with anger issues that are gPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 497789

>If I "willingly" move the exercise equipment out of my room, it will feel like my brother took a part of my identity out of my room, as my room will feel even emptier. Its like he wants me to feel like he can take my possessions over, like nothing is safe.
he wants a reason to get into your room regularly. unfortunately your best option seems to be give up the equipment so he has less of a reason. gym equipment is not your identity, nor is an empty room. i know it hurts and your brother knows you like the gym equipment and is doing it on purpose. maybe try looking up calisthenics? things will probably continue to escalate. i remember reading your posts before, your brother is terrifying and your mother is a stupid bitch of a boymom whose entire existence revolves around kissing her son's ass as a cope for being a failure of a mother. sorry if i'm overreaching or sound crazy it sounds like your brother might want to sexually abuse you honestly by continuously invading your personal space. you cannot trust your mother. you need to tell them less and less if possible, make few complaints, and limit how much ammo you give them. you sound too open and easy to manipulate. can you make plans to move out or get outside help?
>Should I try to take a part out of the exercise equipment to make it not work when he tries to use it, and then have it mysteriously work when I use it, and pretend to not know why? They will both probably call me out on it if I do that, and treat me bad, so Idk.
this is a terrible idea. you live with these people and already cannot maintain boundaries to protect yourself, it sounds very obvious they'll call you out.

No. 497790

Samefag, have you heard of the term "coercive control"? it is the defining feature of what we think of when we discuss domestic violence, victims being heavily monitored, controlled, and manipulated by their abusers.

I'm trying to read your old posts for more context. You need to step back and look at the big picture, the small day abuses are bad but you need a plan and action to get out.

As you get older and mom can't cater to him as well he will expect you to become your mother and do everything for him, and you will also have to care for her too. If your mom dies things are going to get very ugly. You need to make a plan to get out which will be difficult but this is your life you need to save. Your brother is a monster and is very likely to escalate.

Many victims of abuse never understand or accept the reality and stay/side with their abusers for the rest of their lives. You cannot save or help your mother unless she wants it, and she most likely will not because her identity as a Mother of a son will come before you, because you are seen as more understanding and able to be dealt with. She is like a peasant trying to appeal to a skygod, to bring rain.
> everytime I wanted to join a club or have a (rare) friend over, Mom told me to quit and didnt allow friends over because the house wasnt ready. Of course the golden male child was always allowed to have his friends over at the drop of a hat.
Discouraging you from having friends and from getting a job? Your mother sounds sinisterly manipulative too, isolating you. Maybe as a victim of DV, she internalized abuse as the way to keep people around and feel in control.
>everytime I applied for a job, Mom discouraged me, saying focus on school instead, telling me "it'll ruin your life", "you dont want to deal with rude people". I applied anyways and was unsuccessful. I eventually gave up and now I have no work experience, no job references, and I still dont know what I want to do in life. Completely isolated and dependent. I feel broken.
Does your area not have serPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 497810

Thank you for reading, and just letting you know, not all previous posts are mine.

Surprisingly, more recently, they have eased off on messing with my sleep, and they actually try to be quiet. But I dont trust this would last if I had a job.

Youre right, I need a plan. A lot of days, my mood is awful due to the daily nonsense they do, and I cant focus on really important things like setting goals.

I would love to be at peace one day in a different, decent home environment. But its like I cant conceive of actually leaving and living somewhere else. It feels impossible. But youre right, it is possible, and I have to realize that.

I cant do another summer of being this reliant and vulnerable. I was thinking of starting a business, no idea on specifics, maybe something digital? I would have to list a home address, so I almost couldnt move for a while if I did form a business. Or maybe I should start by getting a job? Then theyll know where I work, which hours, etc..but maybe thats necessary to eventually move away. Getting the ball rolling is where Im stuck, I suppose.

The issues: I have no references, my agoraphobia, and due to living in a small gossipy town with hardly any jobs, Ill probably need to rely on transportation. I feel like they will tinker with the family vehicle one day if I rely on it for work, so that it fails. There was a time I missed my brothers text due to his vehicle failing, and he got mad that he had to walk back home in a safe area during the day for like 20 mins lol. Yet he refused to call our parents for help, or an Uber. So he probably wants revenge for that situation he got himself into, that he wants to pin the blame on me for. They wont add me to the names on the vehicle insurance, but afaik as long as I have their permission to use it, I can still legally drive. I have a drivers license. Another thing is, I want to travel so bad, Ive never gone on a vacation. But they keep stalling on getting our passports. They dont have passports either, and they insist on everyone getting their passport at once. Im so isolated I cant find passport references who have known me for x amount of years, required for where I am, so we all have to pay a lawyer to do our passports at once.

I realize Im not gPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 498652

>Thank you for reading, and just letting you know, not all previous posts are mine.
Multiple nonnas being abused like this is horrifying to consider. God, I hope you all can get out one day.
>Surprisingly, more recently, they have eased off on messing with my sleep, and they actually try to be quiet. But I dont trust this would last if I had a job.
Smart, you're right to be wary. Preventing someone from sleeping is a form of torture and will severely degrade the psyche. If you can't really live there and work, you might have to put leaving first. But that's risky of course.
>I would love to be at peace one day in a different, decent home environment. But its like I cant conceive of actually leaving and living somewhere else. It feels impossible. But youre right, it is possible, and I have to realize that.
Your brain can only handle so much. I think reading from more domestic abuse survivors will help with gaining perspective and strategy. Reddit is a shithole of a website ultimately, but it has a lot of advice and venting subreddits you can lurk and read for perspective like r/domesticviolence. Especially if you need resources for contacting dv hotlines but can't call them since you are being monitored.
>I cant do another summer of being this reliant and vulnerable. I was thinking of starting a business, no idea on specifics, maybe something digital? I would have to list a home address, so I almost couldnt move for a while if I did form a business. Or maybe I should start by getting a job? Then theyll know where I work, which hours, etc..but maybe thats necessary to eventually move away. Getting the ball rolling is where Im stuck, I suppose.
>The issues: I have no references, my agoraphobia, and due to living in a small gossipy town with hardly any jobs, Ill probably need to rely on transportation.
It is a really tough battle, I do not mean to minimize that at all. Your mother set you up to be easily controlled and dependent on them since you don't have your own money or work experience to get a job.

You need to find resources and seek whatever options and knowledge you can use in whatever way. This is where Reddit can come in handy too, you can go the subreddit for your Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 106527[Reply]

Ask questions, post cute nail art and polish swatches, discus trends, techniques, products, professional services, etc.

What's on your nails right now, farmers?
653 posts and 208 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 481893

These are cute!

No. 481913

I used to use these.
Literally just use water and a q tip to wash off mistakes.

No. 481914

Yes, but it's just a little more stubborn than a regular polish or gel that stays wet. It can be hard to fix mistakes that are close to parts of the design that are fine.

No. 481998

Any good recs for short natural looking press on nails? I want to break my nail biting habit. I've been a nail biter since I was 10 years old and since then the longest I got without biting them off was 3 weeks. They are really short and bitten off rn and I feel super embarrassed about it. Will getting press on nails help with that? Then I won't be able to bite them off anymore?

No. 497690

I went to a nail salon for basically the first time today, after only doing them at home for a long time. I just asked to have my nails trimmed short and shaped to be round, and to have some cateye gel nail polish. The lady was rough on my cuticles and cut me twice, leaving a good amount of blood on me. She also got some tiny spots of polish cured onto my skin. It looked cute in the end but after telling a friend how I got cut up she told me not to tip so I didn't, and I feel a little bad because I usually tip for most services but I don't know what nail salon etiquitte is like. I was already charged 45 bucks, when my sister who got basically the same thing as me was charged 25. I feel like maybe I should just continue doing my nails at home since it wasn't a really good experience even thought I love the look of gel nails.

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No. 72052[Reply]

Not trying to force any muh tradwomyn stuff onto anybody, but does anyone else genuinely enjoy home care/cleaning, etc? We can also discuss interior design!

I'm not a mom yet, but I've been going to this lady's site for a few years now because I enjoy her cleaning recipes: https://wellnessmama.com/?s=cleaning

The recipe section leaves much to be desired, but her makeup recipes also aren't too bad. Not even gonna venture making that foundation though.

I'm very fond of those dryer satchels that can be made by sewing some fresh lavender into the pouch. Its a nice alternative to dryer sheets. I also have experimented cleaning with a concoction of apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. I've found that lemon juice/oil does cut through grease and lavender oil is potent enough to kill staph. Plus, its a great antibacterial and its even used in hospitals to this day. I began to use natural cleaners after I had a bad reaction to bleach fumes.

Also, do you prefer incense or candles?
215 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 497361

The thing comes with 5 heads and I really only use the default one lol but ya I should look them up finally.
I really only take off the head to get to nooks and crannies. Behind the toilet is the worst place to vacuum. I have a tiny brush head—it was probably made for behind the toilet and I haven’t used it once. I sometimes use the headless vacuum to suck dust off wall panels.

No. 497575

thank you both very much!! im actually in the process of shifting around my room to have more space so this is all very useful info to have, im gonna do my best to keep my spaces clean & see cleaning as an act of self care

No. 497607

I want the bissel little green so bad it’s so cute and charming

No. 497610

What dusters do you use? I’m using a static matic and it sucks.

No. 497618

Anyone a big fan of bleach? I love it, it's so useful. Disinfecting the toilet bowl, getting rid of mould spots in the shower, soaking dishcloths. Best chemical ever.

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No. 444697[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>393926
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No. 497335

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how 2 cope with never having a female best friend ?
i feel like every girl has experienced having a girl best friend at least once in their life and it changed their life for the better. how does one cope with not having one? is it as fun as other women make it out to be?
i see many girls in their 25's having fun in groupchats, hanging out at the mall wearing lolita or alt fashion, going to animeconvention together, like living your avering womanhood in a group. And also how to spot and avoid crybullies in disguise ?

No. 497359

Despite how media glorifies it, lasting friendships are harder to come by than you think. Best friends are even more rare. I've had the privilege of having a few female best friends and being in some close groups in the past but we all eventually went our separate ways and I haven't had a best friend for years now. First, you need to learn to enjoy your own company and be comfortable doing things alone. Eating out, going to the movies, etc. These activities are very fun in groups but never let not having anyone to go with stop you from going out and having a good time. Also, realize that all human connections have a timer on them. If you're lucky, that timer runs out when one of you is gone but it's usually way before then. Make peace with this fact as you go forward and forge bonds. Just because you don't have a best friend doesn't mean other friendships aren't valuable. Put in the work to connect with other women but don't chase anyone if they are clearly not putting in as much effort into the friendship as you. You'll need lots of patience and perseverance, forming a circle can take years. Remember that everyone has a different idea of what friendship looks like and that adult life often gets in the way of hanging out. I was stupid for a long time and chasing that idea of having a female best friend again after I drifted apart from my previous bestie, but then I realized that I had a lot of friends that I had made over the years and sure, I can't call any of them BFF, but they are all still important to me. Let go of your desire and expectations and think of yourself as a magnet, attracting what you want. In other words do put in effort into your relationships but never expect anything from anyone, and accept help and love from others, but always rely on yourself most of all. As for avoiding cyberbullies, I'm not the best judge of character myself but I recommend observing someone and how they treat others before interacting and going forward with all friendships with cautious optimism. I also recommend reading the BPD thread on /ot/ for some red flags on what to avoid. Always remember your worth and that you don't have to tolerate any behavior that is harmful or makes you uncomfortable. Hope that helps anon.

No. 497374

Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it

No. 497578

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so, yeah, this is gonna be a bit gross so be warned before continuing! and yes i am petrified about it.

i have bad allergies in general so having a carpet in my bedroom was already pretty bad but a few months back a mouse got in without me knowing for quite a while and overtime i got more sick. unfortunately i've now finally discovered the carnage in a large area beneath some built-in furniture that's hard to reach spot where i won't be able to use a vacuum or normal carpet shampooer on and after i've uncongested my nose with meds recently i can now smell it, too. i need advice on removing it, preferably with something that won't cause further respiratory issues for me.

and no, unfortunately i have no other place to sleep.

No. 497670

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Nona I’m so sorry but your story reminded me of this one Tay Zonday tweet and it made me laugh out loud. I think a good first step, if you haven’t already, is buying a NIOSH-approved N95 respirator to use for now (or something similar). And honestly, I think it might be best to contact a professional in this situation. They’ll probably be able to clean it up in a way that doesn’t aggravate your allergies, and can also confirm that you don’t have an infestation

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No. 482587[Reply]

It's time to revive my favorite /g/ thread after seven months. Post unusual and nitpicky things that turn you off of a person.

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No. 496145

Social media and the chronically online are always talking about having "Chad jawlines" or whatever it's called these days (do the gen alphas call it mew now?) but any moid I've met with this phenotype has been awful. It's both they think they're attractive and hence will get away with anything, and just inherently part of their personality, like the genes giving them those jaws correlates to having neurotic brains.

No. 496300

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Henly shirts induce a disgust response it doesnt matter whose wearing them… something about the texture around the buttons is visual nails on a chalkboard. Had to ask my ex boyfriend to please stop wearing them since they were grossing me out…

I'm a sucker for blonde men, it makes them go up like 2 points in my eyes. The brighter the better. It sucks they're so rare

No. 496317

Being a picky eater. Like, I can understand having likes and dislikes, but if you are a chicken nuggies fries and "no lettuce tomato or onion on my burger" person who cringes at the idea of vegetables … I'll immediately pass on the idea of dating and they'll become a child in my eyes

No. 497078

Off the top of my head..

– A moid who hates cats is a definite turn off/red flag. He doesnt respect boundaries, does not have patience, and hates true innocence, love, and beauty. He views all other beings, including women, like dogs who are "supposed to" blindly obey him. He only likes dogs not for their inherent worth, but because they reinforce his narcissistic supply of being the "alpha" in a relationship.

– Moids who are pushovers, and moids who are bossy.

– Moids who listen to angry and/or misogynistic music. Moids who have anger or other emotional issues in general. Often manlets but not always, as manlets are more statistically likely to have anger issues. Moids who panic easily are exhausting to be around.

– Moids who enjoy true crime or horror types of media. Feels like he is either plotting something, or views legit horrific crimes as entertainment.

– Moids who glorify and worship veterans or similar professions. These moids will not tolerate their precious murderers for hire being questioned or criticized. Cult like behaviors like wearing a poppy, when they couldnt care less about the women affected by mens stupid wars of aggression. These moids worship other men.

– Mommies boys. Nuff said.

– Moids who are picky eaters. Moids who dont do their own laundry/dishes. These moids usually employ weaponized incompetence. Theyre lying, cowardly scrotes who view all women as appliances.
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No. 497101

it looks like baby clothes

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No. 493752[Reply]

Dungeon Slave Edition

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No. 496218

Lmao what the fuck

No. 496221

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Yes. I pay attention to Luigis cock so much that the feds have forced him to cover it by handcuffing his hands to his rapebelt every time he makes an appearance

No. 496223

KEK yeah it’s my right to thirst over this slut

No. 496226

should say nonnies thirst over my rights

No. 496240

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