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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
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No. 500773

Is that really a huge disparity from someone who's posting 'I was cute as a child but then lost it when i grew up'?
it feels like you just crashed out upon hearing one person mention getting a gig as a clothes horse. maybe take it to the infighting thread instead.

No. 500783

Alright, seems it has been decided we are not allowed to gatekeep models out of the “coping with being ugly” thread. The next thread should be called “thread for everyone who has ever felt a little bit self-conscious.” For inclusivity.

No. 500832

>it feels like you just crashed out
Why does everyone keep misusing this phrase lol

No. 501075

nta it's become a stupid zoomer term that's come to mean breaking down/freaking out essentially
i feel your uggo seething anon i also don't think it makes a lot of sense to converse about your looks fading a little with age in a thread about being ugly. there's a big difference between the two imo, the latter doesn't always become "ugly" while the former has always been (or at least treated as such). actually ugly women never get their own space to talk about it, it's always a topic that's awkwardly pushed aside or women who are just a bit insecure will waltz in believing they can relate even though they can't, not completely (and will proceed to talk about how they were models once kek)

No. 501247

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my worst feature is my jaw. like my chin is way too mannish but my jaw shape doesn't match it, so i just look like a retarded mouthbreather with a moid looking chin and a rounded more feminine jawline. i would rather just have a blockier jaw that doesn't manage to look totally masculine like picrel but balances out my ungodly lower jaw issues.

i had braces on for way too long and that's what fucked up my jawline in the first place. when i was a kid my jaw looked more normal, even though i had messed up teeth. one feature can really make or break you, it's my least favorite of all the features i can't stand, i'm trying so hard to figure out how to stop it from sagging or looking uglier now that i've gained a little weight, but nothing is working. i wish i just had a squarer jaw, something most people would never expect a woman to say. because at least having a more squared jaw balances out a heavy lower face.

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No. 447644[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

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No. 500261

nta but are you retarded?
>>496995 was considered attractive in his time and was a matinee idol

No. 500271

Guess they had shit taste back then, this is the conventionally attractive males thread, not the "popular males" thread. Nothing about him is conventional at all. The bar is in hell.

No. 500300

Nona successfully brainwashed by WW2 propaganda

No. 500423

I'll be honest. I don't think that lolcow nonas are experts on conventionality…

No. 501240

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No. 226291[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive males you want to have sex with and have no shame admitting.

Previous thread: >>180161
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No. 501314

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God fucking damn it Jensen Ackles was so hot and he still somehow looks great at 47 (unbelievably rare for scrotes). I never even watched Supernatural but I understand why Tumblr was so retarded for it now. Seeing him as Soldier Boy in The Boys awakened something in me

No. 501358

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It was literally just on a random gif I pulled from Google. Idgaf what bitches who shlick it to cartoons think. He is very gorgeous to me.

No. 501385

i hate how these threads recently have more uglies now than the actual ugly man thread

No. 501399

Too bad this series is so fucking weird at best and unwatchable at worst because he did look quite hot in this role

No. 501400

>Dehydrated skin
>gross beard
>Deep wrinkles
>Badly bleached hair
>greasy looking
Damn anon

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No. 95052[Reply]

What do you think is the ideal penis size? Personally i think its between 6-7 inches as it usually gets me to cum. But i do think their are other factors that can help climax like foreplay or atmosphere/ the sexual tension.

Also, what do you tell guys when asked this? I'm usually honest and tell them around 6 inches. Does this make me look shallow and would it turn a guy off?
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No. 500978

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No. 501225

I mean, I posted 6*6 inches is my ideal penis size in the ideal penis size thread. I fail to see what the problem is besides it being hideous
I did tell him to lemon juice that shit. We'll see if it makes a difference
Besides, I only posted mine cause I wanted to see yours, and literally one nona asked for a pic and nobody posted so it's moot but anyways

No. 501228

Short and brown? Gross

No. 501230

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No. 501632

Nta. Hating wursties is an instinct coded into every woman, pickme's who Chinese Water Torture themselves into tolerating brown poop-dicks are just that- pickme's. The only reason for a white man to have a brown dick is deathgrip masturbation to porn. It's a chaffed, filthy, ruined dick. It's been so overused the only thing left is a little disgusting nub. Get therapy if you think this is normal. Wursties are evil.
Thanks, this turned me lesbian.

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No. 392562[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting
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No. 499869

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nobody gets it…

No. 500247

anons in the "bash the looks of women you are jealous of" thread were hating on her but I agree that she's really pretty

No. 500572

is this mari from smosh? she's so hot

No. 501226

Don't care if she has opinions or views that are weird or something. She's so beautiful to me. The armpit hair is a bonus.

No. 501474

she looks a bit cuckoo but in a cute way , i like the totally spies pfp

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No. 305399[Reply]

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352
569 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 493298

heres a thought that i had, try not to get horny : impotent guy desperately eating your pussy because he feels worthless as a man

No. 493307

a guy who doesn’t want to have sex or is asexual, we’re in a relationship and 1 day while he’s drunk I semi force him into sex, tying his hands behind his back, he swears he doesn’t want it but is hard at the same time.
I’m also insanely turned on by crying, unconscious or scared men and men who have just been slapped or treated roughly by a woman who they thought could never hurt them

No. 493308

Then make the comment in that thread, not in this dead thread.

No. 497762

There's a Japanese friend of my mom's I've met a few times. He's hot. He has pretty dark eyes, tall, and there's a bit of an age gap between us. I'm a little embarrassed because my mom mentioned to him in passing that I like anime so he asked me about it kek. I masturbate to the thought of him a lot. Mostly, I imagine him eating my pussy while making eye contact with me. I'd love to cum all over his face

I fw this so hard

No. 501179

I have been a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series since I was a little girl and my favorite faction was always the Monolith. though if I was in the games universe I'd probably join Freedom since they seem chill
If you're not familiar with them, let me loresplain, they are basically Stalkers that got brainwashed into obedience to the Monolith through the psychic emitters throughout the Zone. They are basically this fanatical religious cult that believes in the Wish Granter and attacks anyone that tries to get to the center of the Zone.
And I want to fuck one so bad!!!

In my fantasy I'm a Stalker seeking artifacts and riches and along the way I somehow manage to take out a group of Monolith soldiers, I think they are all dead until I see one of them writhing of the grass. Full of bullet wounds but still somehow alive, and still praying to the Monolith. I'm a humanitarian, so I decide to finish the poor lad off quickly but seeing his almost dead body pathetically twitching, I decide to be gracious and let him go out with a bang. Probably in a way every man wishes to die, even crazy cultists, despite their childish insistence in the supernatural and aggressive "shoot non-believers on sight" policy, they are still just men… Superstitious boys, if anything!
I kneel on the grass next his dying body calmly, with a kind smile. I move his AKM out of his grasp, it's most likely out of ammo but you can never be sure around those suicidal kamikaze types. He started pathetically moving his arms at me, still determined to savagely rip me apart for his Great Molilith, even if he had to do it with his bare hands. I should be offended, even if he's damaged enough to not be able to do me any harm in this state but I feel nothing but sympathy for the young man. He's not in his right mind, another soul seduced by the Zone, entangled in her unforgiving clutches. And knowing what I'm about to do to him… I'm probably not in my right mind either.
I unzipped his pants and took his dick out, I could see him shiver slightly from the Zone's cold autumn air. He was still soft, I wasn't really surprised, I honestly don't know if he can even get hard in his bloody state but I tried anyway. I guess I was kind like that, truly the Virgin Mary of the Zone, comforting sinners in their dying moments. He softly groaned, I wasn't really sure if it was because of me or because of the several gushing bullet wounds but I was the one Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
808 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 494179

>~Asians are being stupid, they're all the same race!~

Tbh as a SEA person I'd never understand why people lump in SEA and EA together subconciously

No. 495660

If only they could hear a real Asian accent. Especially a SEA one like Vietnamese where the speaker cuts out 70% of consonants at the ends of words and nobody can understand what they're saying

No. 496117

My most favorite SEA accent is probably Singlish since I grow up hearing it often

No. 501149

I just remembered that I got scrotefoiled on LC once for mentioning being Asian and I've seen random posters claim that there aren't many Asian anons but is that true? It doesn't help that some anons on this site are weird as fuck and often have no problem talking about Asian women like some kind of zoo animal
Not SEAsian but Singaporean and Malaysian accents are cute imo, I love them

No. 501175

Idk about the demographics of this site but I’m assuming due to the activity on the Middle Eastern, Desi and Black Girl threads there are more Nonas of those background on here, or maybe they are just more vocal of their issues. The white girl thread got locked on /ot/ due to racebaiting moid lurkers, so I have no estimate on how many white girls are on here.
Is it me or has LC became more of a “femcel”haven now that CC (the old femcel site) has been out of commission since 2021? I say out of commission because that’s when the admin was last active. I don’t believe in femcels tbh, but I’m sure there are some self proclaimed femcels on here — just look at the How to Cope with Being Ugly thread.
I feel like the femcel crowd is mostly comprised of black and brown women because moids commonly have yellow fever or you have those racist nazi pol users who want a white Catholic girl and are viciously vocal about nitpicking women’s appearance online. So then young gullible girls who aren’t part of the sought after group(s) grow self conscious and turn into femcels.
Funnily enough I think the biggest incel demographic is brown moids and then the biggest self hating nazi larper moid is some type of white/non-white mix (mostly Asian or black).
Just my observations on online social reject spaces, 4ch and here and CC.

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No. 499582[Reply]

Luigischizo I Swear Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 501105

>someone wanted to buy him reg clothes. Do they not know he’s in a detention center with a prison uniform?
These people are so fucking stupid and insane. It's like none of them even realize he is fucking prison and not summer camp. Who the fuck are these people and where did they come from? They probably believe the Kr comics are reality too.

No. 501106

can retardigi reply to one of our letters already, i wanna see what he says ugh

No. 501107

That's all anything of this is all about and really the only true way these dumb bitches can support him. Just donate you losers.

No. 501108

>Not married? Not divorced? No kids? Blacklisted.

No. 501109

She's living in a fantasy world

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No. 434936[Reply]

Previous thread:
367 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 498568

I’ve looked into it and there aren’t any other ways. I would do it, except I would go instantly bald so I can’t.

No. 498615

Cupping maybe? But seems easy to injure yourself

No. 498705

Why? Do you think your clit is too small?

No. 500610

Any nonnie else have a VCH piercing? I got mine about 5 weeks ago and I was wondering if other anons have one and could offer any advice.

No. 501038

I’m like, nearly certain I have a specific type of incontinence that only responds to penetration. Hasn't happened lately but I’ve squirted and it also didn’t smell like pee, and once when I was on the couch on my period, tampon in, I pissed myself without even feeling it (also didn’t smell like pee). I read online that it could be a small kink in the urethra and having something (tampon, dick) inside, unkinks it and makes you pee.

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No. 433552[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
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No. 500850

I was forgetting about switching legs kek. I was planning on adding in walking as well but I was going to do it before as a sort of warm up is it especially good to walk after? I also was planning on 3 times per week and will start with that but I was under the impression 6 would be too much and not enough time for for your muscles to recover.

No. 500885

3x is enough tbh. However, the routine is low intensity enough compared to bodybuilder exercises that you can eventually do it 6x a week, especially when you hit a plateau. If you have time commitments, 3x is the bare minimum to reap your results but you really need to add walking on top of that.
If you’re going to walk, aim for 8% incline and 3mph to get you into fat burn zone. Fat burn zone is beneficial because it improves heart health on top of burning fat. I do 45 mins x6 a week even though they recommend 30 min 5x a week. If you can only go to the gym like 3x a week, then try to hit the recommended150 mins during your visits.
Another alternative to the 8% incline walk is to sprint as fast as you can for 30-60 seconds, then walk and catch your breath to lower your heart rate, and then sprint again once lowered. Rinse and repeat for 30 mins.
This is just what I do, I’ve been doing it for 4 months now and feel really good. I exercise for health, mood and appearance, and the bad thing about endurance training when your heart rate is in zone 3/4 is that you get intense cortisol lvls, which makes your face bloated and your mood poor.
Cortisol spikes the most in the morning so if you are going to exercise around this time, make sure you eat a protein and carb within 30 mins of waking up. Working out on an empty stomach is actually really bad for you and you don’t train as hard.
Sorry for exercise sperging, I have been reading and watching too much fitness and health stuff lol.

No. 500892

Oops sorry I forgot to answer your question because I was ranting but yeah you can walk before if you want. I prefer after because walking before weights makes me feel like I’m not going to train my hardest and it’s a nice stretch afterwards too.
I also forgot to add Romanian deadlifts (3x10) to the routine, squeeze it in after squats. Squats, deadlifts, Bulgarian splits, shoulder rows should be done every exercise session. Women should focus most of their weight training on their lower body. I didn’t add curls and triceps because shoulder raises and back rows should target them enough anyways as secondary muscle groups. This routine is if you want to emphasize your curves and appear “slim-thicc” (slim legs, arms, stomach, no back rolls, big thighs and butt and chest) I just threw in the walking/sprint intervals for mood boosting. Though the walking really helps trim your calves and hamstrings, and if you add the incline your booty gets bigger too.

No. 500984

>cortisol spikes the most in the morning
Damn, I had no idea. So would afternoon or evening workouts be better?

No. 501062

Morning workouts are better than no workout at all, you just need to eat something as soon as you get up (within 30mins) to lower the natural cortisol spike. Your body spikes cortisol in the morning because it’s a signal for your sleepy brain to wake up and your brain in the background is mentally prepping you to get through the day. It’s healthy to not check your phone immediately in the morning for this reason (bill reminders, appointment reminders, responding to mail etc) because the natural cortisol spike on top of your self-inflicted cortisol spikes causes bad anxiety. I like to take my mornings slow and do stretches, re-hydrate, and eat a hearty breakfast of protein + carbs.
In my experience, the best time to workout is an hour after eating breakfast and then 30 mins before eating lunch. For me, this is 10am-12pm. It really doesn’t matter when you workout, as long as you fuel your body an hour before and eat protein 30 mins after.
If you have a flexible work schedule, I’d recommend late morning or early afternoon as the best time to exercise because it’s in between meals.

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