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No. 378038[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/377721

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
886 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418764

Nta but I have the money for it so I don't see the big deal. I've been jogging 3 miles 3x a week for the past year but I've hit a plateau with my weight loss and want a boost. People who get wls could diet too but I don't see anybody up in arms about that.
Thanks for the info I kinda figured I would have to go back down to .25
How's Wegovy going for you?

No. 418836

I'm formally diagnosed with binge eating disorder, something I cannot control or simply stop doing, and this med has pretty much cured me of it. There's no reason to be this ignorant and judgmental when you don't know people's situations.

It's been great! I've lost 26lbs so far with no side effects.

No. 418992

Congrats anon! Also glad to hear you're doing better with your eating disorder, much love <3

No. 419006

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I started eating these as a breakfast/lunch replacement and it’s so worth it. They’re vegan and gluten free with all natural ingredients. I can’t even get through half of one without feeling full and saving the rest for later. Most of them are 500 calories.

No. 419087

Why does high incline walking seem to have no effect on my running endurance? Almost every day I do very high-incline walking at 3.0-3.5 speed for 1-2 hours. Even though the walking is slow it does get your heart rate up and you breeze faster. I think that the walking should have some impact on my cardio endurance in general. Yet, I struggle with running a mile. Is the high incline power walking even enough aerobic activity for heart health?

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No. 418500[Reply]

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.

No. 418507

Yay we finally get to use the cool thread pic!

No. 418518

Is this traced over that Virgins Empire turbo Stacy dyke character?

No. 418778

I just got trolled on HER. Arranged a date but nobody ever showed up and then was blocked. I even gave my address and sent pic of my tits to what could be a greasy scrote oh god the regret. Dont be horny retards like me nonnies, stay safe.

No. 419080

Is anyone else itt celibate? I'm quite picky on top of the 'tism, so if I never get a gf I'll just stay permanently single. Hookups and casual non-monogamous situationships are a massive turn-off. Also obvious moidhate reasons aside, my only experience with a moid only reaffirmed how much I could never stand to be with one, even if he was somehow 100% my type so that's not an option either lmao.
My condolences nona

No. 419084

me, i'm the same way. My type is so autistically specific that all of the very few crushes I've had in my life looked like they could be siblings. And it's not a common phenotype especially where I live so I've accepted I will be alone forever. I used to not mind it so much, but the past few years have been really hard and I've become extremely depressed about it. I hate that I can't control or change my preferences no matter how hard I try. I wish I could fall in love like everybody else.

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No. 411848[Reply]

you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.

Previous Thread: >>>/g/342326
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No. 418995

There’s no such thing as ugly hands, just fat hands tbh.

No. 419005

I have tiny fat hands with short fingers despite being closer to underweight than overweight. It’s weird. I let my nails grow out just to make my fingers look less short, but… well, I’d have to cut them if I ever got a gf kek. And then she’s realize how ugly my hands are and dump me lol

No. 419012

It's kind of just like wanting the person you are thinking about to think about you. It's different. You want them to be obsessed with you, because a woman you like liking you back is inherently appealing. The comic you sent is more like viewing yourself in third person.

No. 419070

I can't stop thinking about making out with another woman in a hot spring/onsen. The temperature of the hot water and our tongues clashing against eachother compared to the chilly air would feel so thrilling

No. 419129

late but can you please post some examples?

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 418143

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But… apparently I need to send them a copy of my photo ID. This is what they said in the e-mail:
>(2) Send us a copy of a photo ID with ONLY your photo and name visible (Please censor other private information like address, etc.)

No. 418167

Where is everyone online nowadays?

That rule is so retarded and it never stopped the scammers and aggressive chinese resellers either. In fact, the platform got worse in general. So glad I made my acc years prior. I'm sorry you have to go through it nonnas, it sucks especially if you want to bid/buy on something that could get snatched fast.

No. 418186

Yeah I took a picture of my drivers license and just covered up identifying info with a post-it note.

No. 418901

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No. 419064

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I know it's been said millions of times before by other lolitas but I'm so jealous of all the classic lolitas that built up their collection in the 2010s when good high quality classic pieces weren't so few and far between. It's the nature of the secondhand market to be a little slow, sure, but since it's been confirmed by some more experienced classic lolitas that its way more common to just sell privately to other longtime classic lolitas it feels kind of painful. I need to find my way into some actual classic-centric comms. I'm a super casual lolita so i kind of dip in and out of the community every few months (usually for broke reasons tbh), which makes connecting with other people tough.

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No. 335170[Reply]

for anyone dealing with sexual problems that may or may not stem from sexual trauma. no active thread specifically for this topic. a place to vent and/or discuss, to feel less alone in these struggles.
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No. 418926

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Is it possible to have symptoms of csa without having experienced it? Or could I have very blocked out memories?
>hate being seen sexually, but very sexually attracted to others
>repulsed by idea of being sexually touched or penetrated
>weird fetishes developed early
>sexually obsessed during puberty but didn't partake due to aforementioned issues
>foggy memory of father and stepmother watching me touch my genitals at age 4, but it was non-sexual and medical (could this cause my problems?)
>very unstable childhood, patchy memories from when I was with my father
>messy boundaries with my mother, unclear if some of our contact is inappropriate (she still uses the toilet in front of me, entered my room while I changed into my 20s, and commented sexually about my body…but in a mom way? Unsure if it was appropriate)
It's kind of okay. I just end up with people who are comfortable "bottoming" most of the time and I do gain fulfillment, but I also long for connection in this way. It is a nice sentiment when my partner is attracted to me and I'd like to actually enjoy it instead of have my skin crawl.

How can I find out if I was abused for sure?
And anons with my issue, is it fixable?

No. 419048

>messy boundaries with my mother, unclear if some of our contact is inappropriate (she still uses the toilet in front of me, entered my room while I changed into my 20s, and commented sexually about my body…but in a mom way? Unsure if it was appropriate)

this can be one cause but also this stuff sounds like autism or some attachment disorders maybe.

>How can I find out if I was abused for sure?

>And anons with my issue, is it fixable?

the only thing that comes to my mind is hypnotherapy.
I fixed similar issues with watching porn on ketamine kek

No. 419101

The good news is that you almost certainly, 99.999% likely do not have repressed memories of being abused. I'm sorry I don't have a better reference for you than wikipedia, but if you look up "repressed memories" or "satanic panic," the wiki articles can give you an introduction to the fact that the idea of having blocked out memories of abuse that still affect you is largely a huge misconception that isn't supported by science, and the reason people think this is something that happens is because of several completely fraudulent pop cultural artifacts, like the book Michelle Remembers.
That said, your sexual hangups do not need a tragic backstory to be genuinely painful. This is a culture that treats women and sex in very ugly and stigmatized ways and I think a lot of women walk away from encounters with degrading porn, sexism from men, degradation of women in the media, and objectification of women in the media with a lot of fear and anxiety related to sex and their own bodies. I'm sorry that you're repulsed by the idea of being sexually touched and that it causes you stress.
Regarding your parents and stepparents: it's possible that their behavior still grosses you out and disturbs you even if other people would find it okay and not traumatizing, and it's possible that their behavior genuinely crosses a line. I don't have advice, but I hope that as an adult, you can distance yourself from any family members that are still acting in ways that disturb you or that make you feel uncomfortable.
About this stuff being fixable: I really, genuinely believe that it is, especially since you've identified it as a problem and something that you'd like to change in your life. I've had similar hangups (extremely sexual/horny yet shy/scared of sex) though my history of SA is different from yours, and at one point, I really felt like I had basically overcome them: after a mediocre but not actively harmful relationship, followed by a really good relationship, I made a huge amount of progress in the field of being okay with being seen sexually and being touched. Then, when I found out that my "good relationship" was with someone who had been cheating on me the entire time, the blow to my self esteem made me backslide a lot, so I'm not going to pretend I cured myself. But I do think that with a loving and patient partner and maybe some other active efforts to addrPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 419102

I left off one of the most important things I wanted to say, which was to specifically spell out that the way that a good relationship can help is by desensitizing you to the scary stuff through exposure to sex in a loving, healthy, happy, supportive way, if your partner's willing to be patient and experiment with you on this, taking it slowly and bit by bit while you figure out what you like and learn to adjust to receiving pleasure and attention.

No. 419104

>the idea of having blocked out memories of abuse that still affect you is largely a huge misconception that isn't supported by science

It's all fun and games until your abuser dies and you suddenly get flooded with memories 24/7 to the point of not being able to function. Not saying it happened to that anon but psychiatry and psychology is overall a very poorly developed field and they don't know what they are doing most of the time.

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No. 396128[Reply]

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.
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No. 418579

painfully unfunny and tryhard

No. 418604

Maybe I'm getting too old, but this sort of ironic meme comedy is banal to me. It's everywhere.

No. 418643

a couple months ago someone on a different website mentioned continually getting recommended the clumsy boyfriend cruise sinks cruiseship. I eventually gave in and watched/listened and had a good kek, but I hate actual ASMR. I had couple recommendations ono my youtube for a few days of other funny ones

No. 419042

ok so im the only one itt whos gonna share good audios or what

No. 419060

Post em

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No. 418074[Reply]

Last Thread: >>331392

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
28 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418912

>she doesn't have it in her to financially and emotionally terrorize her malewife
Okay. Don't project that onto us.
Ma'am is magical.

No. 418963

Kek what? Please explain these.

No. 418967

nayrt but (Arch)Duchess, Empress, Baroness, Despotess, Chieftainess, Matriarch, Viscountess, Principala, Baronetess, Gentlewoman, Vicereine, Marchioness, Abbess, Prioress and Your Excellency as well.

No. 419003

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Her Holiness the most Imminent Magnanimous Grand Daemon Sultan Azathot.

No. 419035

It's a joke list. owner, master or goddess sound better.

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 419068

>Nordic anon here, it's not unheard of at all.
Yes it is. In America, we even have the phrase "going Dutch" to indicate splitting the bill
>We're not some monolith where everything is 50/50 in every relationship
Yes you are. Nordic men and women are both highly feminist. Nordic people even all look the same (tall, blonde, fit, etc.)
>in fact it's a huge problem here that men don't do enough chores at home since you're expected to work as a woman as well
That's every country. Men don't mind living in total filth. If you don't want to have to pick up after a man then you should just stick to dating women. There is no such thing as a man who will do his full share of the housework

No. 419093

I’m also a burger, but the dutch aren’t nordic kek

No. 419146

Nta but she probably means Scandinavian. You know damn well our public schools don't teach us anything about other countries so we're always a little retarded in that regard kek

No. 419159

NTA but Netherlands isn't part of Scandinavia either. Netherlands is in Central Europe kek.

No. 419163

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No. 359606[Reply]

post here if you have a passion for fashion

Previous Thread:

Newest to Oldest Threads:

Pic: John Galliano Fall Winter 2009.
1025 posts and 250 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418646

Can you show a pic of the necklace? There's ways to make it work specially if it's just a cross.

No. 418649

Similar to you I was goth, I struggle with certain items now as it feels too much of a costume. I still wear a ton of black/dark colours, but I pivoted to different clothing types that dress me up a bit. Hard to describe but elegant/classier styling.

No. 418671

i don't buy items from brands popular with e-girl types, or honestly usually not from any goth brands at all, but most of the time wear clothes and jewelry i get second hand and make myself so it looks less costume like because i won't end up looking like a walking killstar catalog. i think this works best for other styles too, not wearing too much recognizable brand clothes where it ends up like looking you are a walking model for them.

No. 419025

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i like statement/novelty jewlery, does anyone have any sites or etsy shops they would recommend? picrel, been thinking about ordering a pair of these to say "clowna" or something like that.

No. 419059

I'm going to order a pair of these that say "YWNBAW"

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No. 393926[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>347288
510 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418777

im sorry to hear how this has affected you. it's especially hard when people try to gaslight you on how dangerous men can be. this may not be what you wish to hear, but life is a calculated risk and you must be brave. those who find it in themselves to use vehicles again after a car accident, enter a relationship again after being abused, go back to school after being in a shooting, etc. know this. everyone has had a different life and learns of the horrors to be afraid of. personally i think little can compare to the trauma a man can inflict on a woman and i don't want to downplay that by comparing it to other things. you can take little steps towards breaking out of your comfort zone, like you have by going outside and still entertaining the idea despite experiencing the cat calls, all progress is good and you have time. and i promise as you age into your early 20s, things will become much easier. this is just the nature of leaving teenagehood behind. (also improvised weapons are allowed in the UK, so a set of keys you can turn into knuckle dusters, can of deodorant, etc)

No. 418899

Went on a few dates with this girl, first couple were fun. Our most recent date rubbed me the wrong way, though, and because I process my feelings on things slowly I ended up scheduling another date. Now, I realize I don't really want to pursue this person. What's the best way to go about this? Like, do I cancel the date now over the phone, go on the date and tell her in person I'm not feeling it, or? I'm an autist so idk what's most polite in these scenarios

No. 418900

Tldr golden child manlet sibling (we'll call him S) watches neighbor with binoculars. I was moving stuff, when S's binoculars fell onto some paint and cracked the lens. Dreading when the whole family will turn against me, accuse me of doing it on purpose, when they find out that S's binoculars are damaged. Is it better to just erm, misplace the binoculars so no one finds the damage? Family might suspect me of that tho.

Was having a nice day with parents until brother (well call him S) casually asks if (elderly woman) neighbor's bedroom window is visible from his. S hates said neighbor all because she walks her dog everyday, and he can hear her talking, and she once talked bad about the condition of our home (which S should fix, as he's 40).

Anyway, S then went on to say how he sits alone in his room, with the lights out, and watches neighbor with binoculars. So S "spies" on her for revenge or listening if shes talking bad about us or something. S stands in the dark sometimes in the yard to listen in on others. If I say anything against this politely then Im ostracised, esp by mom. Mom is my only emotional support rn so I cant deal with her ostracising me.

I was moving stuff and organizing, when S's binoculars fell onto some paint and cracked the lens. Dreading when the whole family will turn against me when they find out the damage. Is it better to just erm, misplace the binoculars somewhere hidden so no one finds the damage? The binoculars were moved into S's room again, and family might blame me for that too.

No. 419024

Just cancel the date over the phone. You've only met her a few times so I wouldn't make her waste her energy by making her show up in person only to dump her.

No. 419055

Abused by parents and bullied at school, dropped out of school at 16 shut-in here. Also SAd by my ex for months and generally have a long history of trauma. Personal band-aid type fixes that worked for me:
weight lifting at home for muscle gain and improving posture and gait and general confidence, wearing clothes that are oversized to make me feel safer and less exposed by not advertising my body shape, wearing platforms to look taller and less approachable, running or doing daily cardio at home to increase stamina in case it's needed

These helped me to get out more on my own which in turn started fixing the issues of of social anxiety just by experiencing being outside and being around people. Also had to learn how to trust my gut which can be challenging.

Maybe try getting out to do some women centered activities like dance classes or fitness classes? If you feel uncomfortable you can always leave during the class, no one will think anything of it.

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