I have been a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series since I was a little girl and my favorite faction was always the Monolith.
though if I was in the games universe I'd probably join Freedom since they seem chillIf you're not familiar with them, let me loresplain, they are basically Stalkers that got brainwashed into obedience to the Monolith through the psychic emitters throughout the Zone. They are basically this fanatical religious cult that believes in the Wish Granter and attacks anyone that tries to get to the center of the Zone.
And I want to fuck one so bad!!!
In my fantasy I'm a Stalker seeking artifacts and riches and along the way I somehow manage to take out a group of Monolith soldiers, I think they are all dead until I see one of them writhing of the grass. Full of bullet wounds but still somehow alive, and still praying to the Monolith. I'm a humanitarian, so I decide to finish the poor lad off quickly but seeing his almost dead body pathetically twitching, I decide to be gracious and let him go out with a bang. Probably in a way every man wishes to die, even crazy cultists, despite their childish insistence in the supernatural and aggressive "shoot non-believers on sight" policy, they are still just men… Superstitious boys, if anything!
I kneel on the grass next his dying body calmly, with a kind smile. I move his AKM out of his grasp, it's most likely out of ammo but you can never be sure around those suicidal kamikaze types. He started pathetically moving his arms at me, still determined to savagely rip me apart for his Great Molilith, even if he had to do it with his bare hands. I should be offended, even if he's damaged enough to not be able to do me any harm in this state but I feel nothing but sympathy for the young man. He's not in his right mind, another soul seduced by the Zone, entangled in her unforgiving clutches. And knowing what I'm about to do to him… I'm probably not in my right mind either.
I unzipped his pants and took his dick out, I could see him shiver slightly from the Zone's cold autumn air. He was still soft, I wasn't really surprised, I honestly don't know if he can even get hard in his bloody state but I tried anyway. I guess I was kind like that, truly the Virgin Mary of the Zone, comforting sinners in their dying moments. He softly groaned, I wasn't really sure if it was because of me or because of the several gushing bullet wounds but I was the one
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