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No. 428929
previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama ( [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy])>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers>interviewed by about internet popularity in her basement room>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick">started streaming on younow for money>Colin broke up with her, now dating girls only through tinder>Got a tattoo of her cat after getting told her wand plan was a bad idea and throwing a fit about it>Full time youtuber now>Got into a crappy fashion/design school close to mommy>Currently dating normie girl >Keeps crying about YouTube demonetization because she can't fund her shopping and sugar addiction >Says she's pagan/a witch but won't talk about it because apparently people are touchy about religions>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 429018
>>428937i can't wait for her to meet normal functioning people her age when she goes to college. it's going to be such a reality check for her. but in all honesty we know she's going to whine about how everyone's just a ~bunch of normies~ and that she's a ~speshul smol soft witch that no one understands~
she's so disconnected from the reality of the world. she's living so far away from real life that she finds it daunting and ~so stressful for muh anxieties~ when she gets even a hint of real life
No. 429071
>>429064I've never thought about that, but now that you mention it, I think that's really interesting. I know it's not fair to compare illnesses (Annika's chronic illness and Jillian's mental illness), I think Jillian needs to take two steps back and look at what she's allowing her life to be like, especially considering how hard Annika works in comparison to Jillian.
I know how hard it can be to shake mental illness but at this point Jillian is kind of just indulging her mental illnesses, and it's going to make her feel worse. She needs to try to help herself because it can make such a big difference. But she won't. Come on, girl.
No. 429257
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i suppose you were supporting this jfashion magazine? no? you don't actually support the jfashion industry in any way? interesting.
No. 429366
>>429316>>429344>>429363It's Jill who calls it a j-fashion (or heavily heavily implies it with the -kei), everyone else thinks it's bullshit.
I think her excuse was "b-but it's
inspired by j-fashion!!", which still does not a Japanese street style make. I think she was trying to emulate Peco (so, y'know, an actual Japanese woman involved in actual Harajuku fashion)
If she claims "party kei" is what she's wearing now, it's really all about throwing on a bunch of gaudy western brand clothes anyway, so that excuse doesn't really fly anymore. The original concept was just fairy kei with a Jill Seal of Approval tacked onto it anyway.
No. 429377
>>429370I thought the
>her OWNpart was kind of meant to be pointing out how stupid it is, but I get what you mean, we shouldn't humour her.
Her bizarre weeby future-cat-lady fans definitely call it that tho lmao
Typical Jill - Why do you have to actually live in a country to pretend your shitty made up 'style' is from there? Why does j-fashion have to have so many RULES uwu
No. 429429
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Thoughts? I think it’s hideous
No. 429561
>>429429I actually like the tattoo but it seems a little weird for a 40+ year old woman to get.
I also like her hair color in that pic.
No. 429729
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This literally speaks for itself.
No. 429773
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>>429429>>429458I don't think it's
hideous, but I do think it's too dark and kinda muddy, the pastel-ish colors by the side don't help with this, they only highlight how muddy it is. I do think realistic cat tattoos are beautiful (you can google those exact words and see for yourself), but the artist clearly didn't know their values properly, so everything is too dark. Pic related, a nice b&w cat portrait with good value work. The face on Louise's tattoo is also a bit wonky, but that could be forgiven if the tattoo wasn't so dark and muddy. I think getting rid of the black background around it would've helped tons. Or doing it with colors instead. Maybe it will look a bit better healed?
Glad we all agree it's heaps better than Jill's though. kek
Saged for tattoo sperg.
No. 429806
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jill has been up kelly eden's butt for a while and i saw this in her twitter likes…when cows collide
No. 429836
>>429729uhh this just keeps getting more bizarre, you know she'll take ~instagram aesthetic pictures~ of her doodling shit in the bathtub now, and her fans will praise her for it
I know she said she isn't into ageplay, but she sure as hell isn't acting her own age
No. 429896
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Jill what ever could you possibly being doing this week that will only leave you with enough time to upload a single video? Didn’t she quit Claire’s so that she could work on her videos to have them done ahead of time in case stuff came up? Also very family friendly Jill
No. 429974
>>429907 and like other anons pointed out it's not that I'm butthurt about the fact that she isn't making more videos, I understand the fact that it can be hard work and I can honestly live without a new 20 minute shopping spree this week.
It's just that I've kept up with her pretty much since she started YouTube and she's always had immense trouble with this, which is fine if it was just a hobby or if she didn't even have a schedule in the first place.
But she actually quit her job to do this fulltime. In the very least she should communicate with her viewers more clearly. Always just saying that you're "busy" or that you'll have a "fucky" week gets a little old and untrustworthy after a while.
On her streams she even talked about how she's worried that maybe she just won't feel 'motivated' to make videos in winter, in which case you either have to prepare a little or you shouldn't be self-employed.
Sorry for the long explanation, just wanted to make it clear that I don't care how many videos Jill actually uploads, I just think she keeps handling this incredibly badly.
If anything this will end up hurting her own 'career' so I'm not mad about it at all.
No. 429976
>>429974Imagine if you had an actual,job and acted like this. "Sorry my attendance this week might be a little fucky, and I can't tell you when I'm gonna come in or if I'll do any work! Oops lol"
If you're gonna brag about being ~a big boy fulltime youtuber~ maybe actually treat it like a job and respect your followers who actually do care about your videos.
No. 429978
>>429976Yeah exactly, Jill just wants to be able to call herself a fulltime YouTuber and enjoy her silver playbuttons and what not, but then she doesn't want to put in any of the actual work.
At this point I don't have much sympathy left for her. I see a lot of way smaller YouTubers who also work a fulltime job who are able to prerecord videos/stick to their schedules, and yet Jill is just unable to plan that far ahead for some reason.
The thought of her ever becoming an independent fashion designer is ridiculous with a work ethic like that.
She said she'd start up her own Etsy store next year and I'm already afraid of the outcome lol.
No. 430054
>>430052Oops ignore that comment, I didn't read yours properly!
But really she still quit her other jobs and lowered her hours at Claire's because of YouTube, quitting altogether was the last step I guess.
No. 430109
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Stolen from the Kelly thread
No. 430352
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In the same Lazy Oaf sales group as Jill, and it looks like she's selling her Christmas(?) gifts from last year.
wasn't as in love with it as she thought?
No. 430405
>>429488They were radiation therapy tattoos. My mom had the same, they're to help the machine know where to target the radiation. It's not a "commemoration," it's literally so they can hit the same spot every time.
No. 430445
>>429997Didn't Jill actually mention something about Christine's fans being obnoxious or something similar in a stream recently? For someone with seemingly annoying fans, she sure seems to have her shit together better than Jill does.
>>430054And yet she has the balls to bitch and complain about how her videos are getting demonetized when she willingly gave up her job to do an already-flaky hobby full-time just a year before she moves to go to a "fashion school" and live on her own. I'd love for her to continue making content while she's young and has the time to, but I've no sympathy for someone who's so ignorant about her self-made financial situation that she's blind to just how close she is to screwing her own self over.
No. 430465
>>430405Anon, that's literally what I said. That's why I said they would have been necessary for her treatment
rather than some kind of reminder that she beat it like some people like to get, which is why she may not have wanted to count them as a "first tattoo".
No. 430567
>>430513applause applause?
caught the wrong fish because im just a reg. anon?
No. 430653
>>430352BUT- the fucking picture? Why wouldn't you just take a fucking picture of what you're selling?! i was so confused because she wears the dress a lot but no. she's not even selling the dress, she's just bragging that she has it. what the hell. can she go more than one second without bragging about the shit she buys?
>especially after that facebook had a HUUUUGE ol' bitchfest about Pixielockswere they dragging her?
anyways i doubt anon cares that people know he's a farmer.
No. 430714
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No. 430786
>>430716Well looks like she's wearing the dress from here
>>430352, still has her overgrown rainbow nails, and I think we all know for a fact that she still hasn't even redyed her gross rainbow hair, so…
I don't even know if Jill is simply too socially unaware to actually wear something fitting for the occassion, or if she just wanted to make sure to draw attention to herself lol
No. 430823
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right after kelly eden posts her video about managing depression, to the surprise of no one
wish she made it a poll so I could vote "hell no" without getting blocked kek
No. 430866
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Was the prime minister thing toady? If so this was her outfit lol
No. 430869
>>430823muh struggles and muh TRAUMA
>>430866Yes, this is how she looked among all the other people who were probably dressed semi formally. Tfw you have no social awareness but also are an attention whore. No doubt people thought Louise was dragging her special womanchild around.
No. 430940
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No. 430941
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Looks like she'll be posting it tomorrow if she doesn't change her mind.
No. 430943
>>430818lol what?
plenty of people like trudeau. he appeals to moderates, has done enough to sate a lot of the left (acknowledging indiginous issues and trans rights) who were sick of a decade of harper, and so many late teens/early 20s voted for him because he promised to make weed legal and they don't care about politics otherwise
No. 431085
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No. 431102
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if it werent for the damn beret she wore i dont think i wouldve found her. she even did the thing where she runs her hand down her braids
No. 431142
>>431134thats alright! the pic you got was small and i was just gonna grab a bigger one until i got to looking at it closer.
>>431119>>431138sage for curiosity only, but i'm starting to wonder if Jill would even wear her gaudy outfits to a funeral. im hoping she'd be sensible and, y'know, not dress like a total moron, but then again this is the girl that cant even keep her style in-check so god knows what shit she'd do
No. 431193
>>431188I mean great for her if those things help her, but no deep set, legitimate depression can just be cured with fucking tea and naps.
A lot of people NEED medication to even function normally.
Why the fuck is she even still taking her meds then? Lately everything she says just makes it seem like she never actually suffered from mental illness, this is just infuriating.
No. 431228
>>431210>>431222I understand what you are saying but ot still irks me that her whole motivation is to be able to film a kawaii tattoo (big cheeky duh-dooh) video.
I am sorry i know i am harsh but i just hate when stuff like this is planned and not a spontanuous sit-down or whatever
No. 431244
>>431207I can't stand this video
"It gets better"
Well Jillian, nobody has a perfect life when they are going through puberty/growing up. Growing up is awful, that doesn't qualify it to be a mental illness.
"Mah eating disorder, mah depression"
Mental illness isn't something you grow out of.
I think my point is that I cannot stand when Jillian tries to be an "advocate" of something she experienced for like 3 years.
No. 431246
>>431244> Growing up is awful, that doesn't qualify it to be a mental illness.Being admitted to a hospital due to self-harm / suicidal ideation is not a normal part of childhood, anon.
> Mental illness isn't something you grow out of. So receiving treatment and medication means your mental illness was never real in the first place? Gatekeep harder.
No. 431247
But what the fuck is with all these people who get weirdly proud of jill all the time? If you all want her to succeed or enjoy her content that makes you fans not farmers
No. 431251
>>431247The point of lolcow is to document, discuss, and laugh at the antics of cows. If you find yourself actively hating or wanting bad things to happen to a cow, that just makes you a sperg, not a farmer.
As the Kiwi saying goes, "Don't get angry over Lolcows. If you need to tell people you're better than someone, you're probably not."
Plus, this is /snow/, not /pt/. The people here aren't even fully-fledged cows, just people of interest.
No. 431255
>>431247bad take. i don't enjoy her content that much, but i do want her to get better and more self-aware. my distaste for jillian isn't so mindless that i'm going to jerk off to her failures. she's young and naive and embarrassing to watch but she's also a person and if she's capable of reaching post-Cow enlightenment then good for her. (she isn't, but it's refreshing to see progress.)
sage for salt.
No. 431256
>>431247I'm not that anon but I don't think a comment telling someone to not take what Jill says so personally is the equivalent of taking pride in and worshipping what Jill says.
Either way it's not healthy to be so angry at someone on the internet who doesn't effect your life whatsoever.
No. 431308
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No. 431317
>>431308I feel like she just HAS to leave in the prices even though she could've easily cropped it.
Sage for ot blog I have that autism sweater and I want to return it because it'll remind me of Jill
No. 431328
File: 1511552106072.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1048x551, leg.png)

>>431210here's a picture of her leg in case anyone doesn't watch the whole video. she flashes it for like less than a second.
(spoilered because imagines of self harm)
No. 431338
>>431244Seriously same. I too appreciate how serious she handled the topic and I understand that talking about it must've been hard for her but the overall content was shallow as hell, just like literally everything else she does. I know she only filmed the video to explain the scars for her next tattoo vid, but her "tipps" were shit you can read on self diagnosed tumblr teen blogs, while also looking down at therapist/mental wards and not talking about meds. In what way is that seriously helpful or curing for a mentally ill 16 yo? She just had to put herself into the spot of the "expert"/"advocate" again, despite everything we discussed in this and previous threads.
I also don't get where she is self-reflecting either. We're talking about Jill here, who leeches of her mother, hides at home doing nothing but taking naps and online shopping, calling herself a fashion designer despite designing next to no fashion, being a men-dating lesbian and then tells everyone how great her life is and that your mental illness will get better and you can have such a life too, if you just buy a cat, drink tea and listen to music.
Please explain.
No. 431342
>>431210 Summary of Jill's vid:
Mental illness is hereditary but:
>power dominated unhealthy relationship with a age gap between a 13 y/o and a 16 y/o>Relationship ended and (self harm?) Jill's anorexia and bulimia developed. Would stop eating for three days max.>5"0 and 90-95 lbs but still wanted to be smaller so self harm.>She says it gets better because elementary and middle school were the worst situations ever. High school was more circumstantial and wasn't that bad.Was just a kid in es and doesn't remember much from when she was 9 or so and her life as a teenager was just self harm and ed.
>Says that it gets better and that you're not alone. Says all the good things in her life.> Jill has learned to love girls again and hasn't let one person ruin everything for her (I think she's earned the right to say the word gay every second now, and talk about how much she loves girls.She never said that she hated men) . She has to photoshop out her sh scars from every picture (on her right upper thigh).
>Wants her tattoo to say "Strong, Kind, Beautiful" and cover up the scars.
>Hasn't had a relapse in two years and it wasn't that bad.
>Has her sketchbook from when she was in the unit 9 mental ward and doesn't like to like to look at it bc it's really sad.Listens to muse and layed on her bed. Her mom brought her flowers and cranberry juice. Hated being in the hospital because she missed her mom. Didn't go well with therapy bc therapists always said that the way that she dressed or the things that she liked were why she was sad or that it was unhealthy. They got Neko as a emotional support animal for Jill.
>Struggling with being emotionally ready to move away from her friends and family. No. 431347
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hey jill maybe you shouldve not skipped out on college
No. 431352
>>431207I actually was pleasantly surprised by this video, it does explain a lot about her. I noticed she said how her life was just her as a kid and then just her eating disorder as a young teen. It makes me wonder if she really recovered from that or just let it develop into her shopping problems because they're really excessive and not healthy either. I'm glad she has beat this don't get me wrong, but it seems like she's almost gone in the other direction by overindulging in everything materialistic. She always says she's an 'all or nothing' kind of person, that's why she couldn't stay at her first job that didn't like her hair, or why she just HAD to be a lifestyle lolita, she couldn't just enjoy the fashion like a normal person. If she went straight into anorexia and bulimia as a young teen I get why she's like this. She's still not able to do anything in moderation because she doesn't know any different. Even if she's not cutting and starving herself anymore (which is great) she doesn't seem to be able to do anything in healthy amounts. I think she'd really benefit from therapy even if she had shitty experiences in the past. She needs to work through not being able to do things in moderation, or else she's going to be on hoarders in 10 years. Overindulging in peeps tea and naps is not going to help her work through her unresolved issues.
Her saying that her one relationship with a girl is what sent her into a downwards spiral, and it made her scared to date girls again makes sense. It's great that she's overcome that now and wants to try again if that'll make her happy. I don't think anyone on here was saying she's totally straight or anything, but after the way she treated Colin and Tristan as props it's no surprise that people would think the whole gay thing was just for show. Especially after she said she'd call her self a lesbian if 'she wasn't dating someone with a dick' (Colin) That was pretty fucking shitty of her, regardless of his gender identity. I don't believe that she's straight but I agree with the anons who think her ~lesbian uwu~ schtick is annoying. It is, especially with the car thing, she was 100% trying to get attention for being such an ~oppressed lgbt bean~ that someone keyed her rainbow car. To be honest I'm just really glad to see a video with any substance on her channel for once.
No. 431362
> Mental illness isn't something you grow out of. So receiving treatment and medication means your mental illness was never real in the first place? Gatekeep harder.
Thanks anon, I don't get it either. Like any illness, you can treat and you can get better with effort, time and the right professionals. It doesn't mean it wasn't real it the first place.
No. 431644
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I feel like a couple people will interpret this as a sex thing but when it’s coming from Jill I think it’s a laziness thing knowing her
No. 431646
>>431638well if you learn to live with it-then it does get better..
it's like what do u want someone to do?? feel shit and victimise themselves, fixate on their misery..and then just cut more
or force themselves to be first it'll be hard but eventually if you try at it enough and have support it becomes a part of you
literally what she said is what any psych would..don't cut you'll regret it, you'll get out of it etc etc
No. 431683
>>431659Have the white knights arrived or something?
Nayrt but the issue is that it's excessive and useless with the amount of clothing she already owns and barely wears. Imagine she would save up that youtube money for actually creative courses or some that will be beneficial for her fashion major. Imagine she would save up for the time when her parents won't support her anymore, when she has to be an adult and all her clothes become low priority items.
No. 431695
>>431683No not a white knight I was just curious because I never understood why people complain about someone who has the money spending the money.
Does she really need to save up though right now? Jill's in no position where in the near future she'll be tight on money. Her parents are still in good health and wealthy and surely if something did happen to them they'd leave money behind for her. And "saving" for creative courses seems silly too since I'm sure she already has the money on hand if she really wanted to do it.
I think Jillian is immature but she's only like what, 18, 19? Theres no need for her to be saving money right now while her mom is still taking care of her. She might as well live a little and enjoy luxuries while she can. That being said I don't think she's smart enough to know that in probably 4-5 years or less youtube won't be working for her anymore. I can't see Jillian holding her following enough to make a living off of it once she's in her mid twenties.
No. 431700
>>431368If she were any normal college-bound kid not being supported by her parents–yes.
But Jill lives at home and gets plenty of money from fans. Let's not pretend she has any real responsibilities. She
could be saving that money of course, but Jill isn't mature enough to have that kind of foresight.
>>431695>Does she really need to save up though right now? Wouldn't be a bad idea.
>Her parents are still in good health and wealthy and surely if something did happen to them they'd leave money behind for her.Neither you nor her should assume this. I've seen kids spend irresponsibly and blow through hefty inheritances anyway, she'd have to save wisely for that situation to mean anything. And does she have a good track record of not spending money the second she gets it? Nah.
Just because we know she's immature doesn't mean the criticism isn't warranted. Most kids her age find out the hard way.
No. 431742
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No. 431755
>>431695>>431659I agree.
I go to a private university, where lots of the students are of a wealthier background. The first couple weeks at school, some girls on my floor blew $500 on a shopping trip, and it didn't seem like a big deal for them. Yeah I'm jealous but it's not like it really made a dent in their parents' bank accounts.
Growing up, do you think daughters of wealthy people like Paris Hilton or Ivanka Trump had to worry what they spent money on? No.
My parents have supported me all through college, and I think it's the norm for a lot of my peers here and at other private schools. We don't have to work, which I think is the norm for upper middle class kids.
It's probably for the best that Jill learns better money management skills, but she could probably get through life being supported by mommy and daddy's money. It's not fair but that's just life.
>>431700I wonder what Jill would do with the money if her parents died. I hope she has a trust fund lol.
No. 431756
>>431244You sound bitter as hell anon. Cutting yourself isn't a "ugh stupid fragile teens" thing, and it's not normal.
I don't think Jill is a great advocate for mental illness because she's clearly not very mature or comfortable talking about this, but you can't just decide that people don't struggle with mental illness just because they're annoying.
Also it does get better, treatment exists for a reason. If you're in a bad situation, even a change in your life can help a lot.
No. 431760
>>431308What the fuck are those bear nipples on the dress? It looks super unflattering in general.
Sweater is cute but not 150 CAD cute.
No. 431765
>>431755Also I have to add it seems pretty par for the course that people in J-fashion blow tons of money they probably shouldn't spend.
I know that lolita dresses can be resold for a lot, but it doesn't seem like used lazy oaf is all that cheap either.
I do think it's bizarre how Jill constantly is buying new clothes while trashing her old ones.
No. 431771
>>431742I missed the first 40 mins of the stream but this is what I got:
>random questions >Christmas gifts>talking about last vid>more random questions >wants to do sewing vids but feels like o one will be interested in watching them bc they aren't hauls.>might do a vid series where she makes things with the fabric that ppl send her!!!!!!>she's in the basement because Jill's family we're going to move to a bigger house but her dad is really attached so they called it off but Jill was looking forward to it so instead she got the basement.>peeps and crayola are in Pennsylvania….she wants to go the the New Years peeps party but might go on her birthday.
>Hyper Japan meetup.>Signing off to go to a Christmas parade with her gf, but she can't vlog it bc their relationship isn't that public. No. 431776
>>431771When will it occur to her that people aren't actually that interested in her hauls and prefer other videos?
Good she's not vlogging though, at least she seems to heave learned something from the mess with Colin.
No. 431778
>>431772You seem aggressive. None of that projected nonsense discredits anon's post about how she's an irresponsible spender. Don't take it so personal, miss Sephora haul. None of us would be the wiser about what Jill spends her "hard earned" money on if she wasn't
vlogging it for all the public to see.
No. 431780
>>431772You sound like a more haggard Jill. Maybe you need your own thread!
There are so many white knights coming to wee baby child Jill's rescue here for no reason (I'm not any of the anons here arguing about this shit by the way, this is an observation).
Criticising her spending habits isn't the same as being jealous. Don't be absurd. Like the other anon said, you're projecting like all hell.
It looks more like a horde of Jill's fans came in to her defense because they relate to her shitty habits. If anyone's taking this thread too seriously and personally, it's her defense team. No one gives a shit about you all being offended in the place of someone you don't know and the infighting is annoying.
No. 431799
>>431771I watched it back and worth mentioning:
>Her mom apparently doesn't want to go to Japan and complained about Jill's incessant shopping trips to Takeshita Dori. >Say her mom "Still had fun" thoughI'm not surprised Louise didn't super enjoy walking behind Jill and Sharla and looking at pastel crap in WC.
No. 431804
>>431780The infighting is annoying but some people seem to hate Jill an unreasonable amount as well. It's no surprise people get heated when it comes to topics like spending and mental illness.
Case in point
>>431795 No. 431814
>>431798>Why does she feel the need to broadcast her pathetic life all over the internetPeople have been asking about this, but I think the answer is obvious: she gets a fuck ton of attention as a youtube celeb. It's the same reason everyone else puts their life on instagram and facebook nowadays, but Jill has been able to make money off of it too.
>Why the hell aren't her parents concerned for this imbecile's safety and the fact that she is making a complete fool of herself in the public eye.Jill could be more discreet with her information but do you really think youtube celebs are in danger from their lifestyle? People are way too paranoid about stranger danger on the internet, imo, especially considering how millions of people have put their info online and so little has happened.
>>431804Totally agree on this. So many people are way too harsh on Jill imo and they are also making it personal.
>>431780>Criticising her spending habits isn't the same as being jealous.Why can't we admit we are jealous? I wish I had a couple hundred dollars extra in spending money and I could buy whatever I wanted. Or put it in my retirement/savings. Doesn't everyone?
>louise doesn't want to go to jpn again bc it was just shopping.>would like to live in jpn for a couple years.How would Jill live in Japan? She is not cut out to live in a foreign country. Except for Anglophone ones, of course.
No. 431826
>>431814You can admit you're jealous and no one's going to stop you, but not everyone in this thread is jealous of Jill. I think most anons come here to watch and comment on the trainwreck of her poor decision making. Anyone who feels something beyond that should take a step back, jealousy isn't very healthy. Saged for pointlessness.
>>431804True, I think the mental illness arguing was obnoxious. Either anons making random assumptions about Jill's former mental state, or
triggered anons coming in after reading those posts… It's really not that serious.
>>431811Anyone else notice how she talks about the same old shit in every single stream? She's so boring.
>louise doesn't want to go to jpn again bc it was just shopping.kek
No. 431840
>>431700What if she does have a paycheck's worth (what people suggest) of saving's though? She easily could considering how much she gets a month + the fact she has no bills to pay. I do agree though that we don't know what she would do with inheritance. I guess I'm putting blind trust into her that she'd be smart enough to be tight with it while trying to bring in real income to live off of if such a situation occurred.
Not trying to cause infighting I just think there's a lot of better things to criticize Jillian for other than an agreement she has with her parents about how money is moved around. If her parents are okay with feeding her cash then we're not really in any place to complain. If she were sucking it out of parents working minimum wage, full time, hardly able to pay their bills? Yes. But her parents have no issues. At the end of the day if they cared about how their money was being spent all they would have to do is not give her money, or make her pay rent, food, ect for herself like a lot of parents do with kids Jill's age. But at the end of the day it's their choice not ours lol.
Is Jill a shopping addict? Maybe. I was there a few years ago and she seems pretty similiar. But buying a $300 article of clothing doesn't really make you a shopping addict (lolitas?), shopping non stop for things you don't need/can't afford does. If there's purchases Jill's making ontop of what she is now I would say she's pushing it, but so far all she really buys is some clothes and home decor, so I don't think it's too bad. I would be worried if she suddenly showed up with hundreds of dollars in makeup out of nowhere (not in relation to con traveling) though.
No. 431920
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When I read about her wanting to go on Project Runway, I am suddenly reminded of Project Runway Australia season 3 which had a pink haired girl who just came out of college with an ~anime aesthetic~. She basically sucked at making garments and relied on others to help her while she had breakdowns etc. She was awful and I tried looking her up, but she is no where to be found online so I guess she gave up on that fashion career lol. Her name was Rachael, pic related. Jill on a reality show would just be the producers abusing her mental state and anxiety to get reactions out of her. I mean, all she wants is for people to 'notice her' so she'd fit in, but I'm not sure if she'll be able to handle the way they'll exploit her emotions.
saged for blog
No. 431961
>>431960Can someone do anything about these confetti drones that have stumbled out of the safe haven of the YouTube comment section?
If you haven’t noticed, there are 16 threads on Jill. You’re preaching to a thick wall.
No. 431974
>>431920She looks like she got stuck in 2006, I'm impressed.
Agreed though, Jill doesn't seem to realize that these shows are about entertainment only and not actually for the benefit and well-being of any of the contestants, and people are generally framed in a way that's most entertaining to watch. She'd just be framed as the weird emotional drama queen for people to laugh at. There were some amazingly skilled people at that show but most of them quickly faded back into obscurity anyway.
No. 431981
>>431975I'd be more inclined to believe her fatigue has a physical rather than a mental cause. She seems to be doing relatively well at the moment, to the point where she thinks tea and baths help more than meds. That doesn't scream "clinical depression". It's probably her shit diet and the lack of sunlight making her tired, maybe also a side effect of her meds
Don't know why it took her so long to figure out she should visit a doctor about it though
No. 431984
>>431839Going to language school requires a student visa.
Since she’s from Canada, she could get a working holiday visa for up to one year.
No. 431985
>>431961Nah, not everybody here hates a 19 year old for having money and loving parents. And for overcoming a mental illness?
Complain about her horrendous style, greasy hair and unhealthy food preferences all you want. That's what we are all here for. It's just that some of these cows sound so bitter about Jill's situation in life.
Sage for pointless complaining.
No. 432009
>>432005>she is also 19 years old and that is not an uncommon occurrence for someone in her age bracket.I'm not sure if you're being ironic, so I'll just answer like an autist.
Is it though? It might be a cultural thing but around 18/19 years old no one, not even the upper middle class children burned through as many hauls as Jill does. A lot were also told to make their own bank account or are gifted their own passbook when they hit 18 to save remaining money at the end of the month or a specific amount every month on.
How is it in america and canada?
No. 432025
I bet a lot of niche fashion is propped up by spoiled kids like Jill. Stuff like 6% Doki Doki isn't cheap. Look at rich Chinese lolitas - do you think they've all earned their own money? For her own sake Jill shouldn't spend so much but if her parents and other parents are fine with the amount then it's better for these businesses. Apparently the way young adults in Japan have been able to afford niche fashions is because they live at home and don't pay bills, like Jill.
>>432017What do morals have to do with it? Why is it not "morally" ok if her parents are fine with it?
>>432009When you live at home and don't have to pay bills, of course you have a lot of money for random shit. Jill seems to make at least $10,000 a year so that's a lot of spare money for hauls.
>>432005I agree with this.
>>431964>but the doctor's I've went to say "Virtually everyone in Canada should be taking Vitamin D supplements"This doesn't make sense for Jill. Europe is on a higher latitude than Canada. White people have evolved to need very little sunlight. you only need about fifteen minutes per day if you're white. Black people are more at risk for vitamin D deficiency.
No. 432030
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>>432022golly gee whiz, which of her meds could possibly be causing this constant exhaustion?? kek
i was surprised she was going to see a doctor considering weight gain and sleeping 12+ hours are pretty standard reactions but w/e jill maybe your hormones are all outta whack or something
No. 432031
>>432030I wonder if she's on the regular or extended release. my Dr. started me out on extended release and that shit made me a complete zombie all day, no matter how much I slept. Switched to the regular kind and it works much better, so she might be able to just switch if she's on XR
Sage for slight blogging
No. 432033
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Jill in two years.
No. 432062
>>432046>But just look at her, a lot of her super special snowflake behaviour could partly be a result of her parents pampering and spoiling her too much. It's shitty for her development.A lot of kids today are special snowflakes regardless of their parents. Jill just happened to be able use a video camera.
>Why bother seriously committing to a career or job if her parents would pay for everything anyway?Idk, plenty of parents have helped out their adult kids to varying degrees. Being a trust-fund kid isn't something unique to Jill. I don't think it would be good for Jill's development if her parents refused to pay for her college, though they should have tried to send her to a better institution.
>Why put effort into something if you can just half ass it and get the same amount of praise and attention? That's the thing, this is not how the world outside of youtube and her parents works.Yeah it is. It's called nepotism. Plenty of untalented people get jobs because of connections or whatever.
>No matter how lulzy Jill can be, I wouldn't like to see her stay a womanchild forever like the OG Pixy.You really think she is like Pixy?
No. 432065
>>432025>Why is it not "morally" ok if her parents are fine with it?No one in this thread knows how her parents feel about her leeching, so you're just assuming something here.
Even if they're fine with it now, I'm sure there will come a day when either her mom or dad won't be cool with one of their kids doing nothing all day, when they don't see her as a kid anymore. At some point they're going to want to retire and if Jill's the same lazy ass then and still relying on the donations of tweens to fund her "lavish" lifestyle then I'm sure her parents will grow unaccepting. This is an assumption, too, though, that Jill will be in the same position in x time, but I think it's inevitable her parents will start comparing her to her successful brother at some point.
>>432062Not the anon you're responding to but Jill reminds me more of Allie Kay than Pixyteri.
No. 432066
>>432065>No one in this thread knows how her parents feel about her leeching, so you're just assuming something here.Well duh, it's an assumption. But if they really aren't ok with it, then maybe they ought to start charging Jill rent or something instead of being pushovers. Since they haven't, and Jill's mom has been willing to shell out money for plane tickets and such, I'm going to assume they are fine with it.
>Even if they're fine with it now, I'm sure there will come a day when either her mom or dad won't be cool with one of their kids doing nothing all day, when they don't see her as a kid anymore. At some point they're going to want to retire and if Jill's the same lazy ass then and still relying on the donations of tweens to fund her "lavish" lifestyle then I'm sure her parents will grow unaccepting. This is an assumption, too, though, that Jill will be in the same position in x time, but I think it's inevitable her parents will start comparing her to her successful brother at some point. Yeah there are a lot of parents who would stop being supportive, but there are a lot who won't. Who knows?
There's a lot of parents who support their kids with money well into adulthood. Some people even get enough money they don't ever have to work.
No. 432080
>>432070This is why anon is so upset at us, she's taking what we're saying about Jill as a personal attack against her adolescence. Easier to call us "bitter" and "jealous" than admit her choices were less than mature (and tbh if she feels most 19 year olds take advantage, then what's so hard about owning up to it? idk).
There's really no need to double down on pretending that her parents don't support her when obviously if they're paying the rent, bills, and everything else…yeah they are.
Most non-enabling parents would pull the financial plug or be angry if they worked hard to support their adult child only to find out that child's blowing hundreds on haul shit and contributing nothing. Jill's mom is whipped, although I think even she is starting to take off the rose colored glasses.
No. 432158
>>432018What's upsetting about some stranger wasting money? I think laughing at it is one thing, but if you're seriously offended or upset by her spending you need to work on yourself, it's not that deep. She has no bills to pay, even if she saves half of her paycheck that's still more money than most people her age have available to spend.
>>432025Most people are Vitamin D deficient in winter because modern lifestyle means you usually spend the daylight hours in the office or at school. You won't die from it, but it's there.
No. 432195
>>432100Hi there, long-time lurker here—and someone who does theatre as a semi-serious hobby. Jill doesn't seem to like rules, and when you're in theatre there are a LOT of rules for everyone involved. Actors and designers have some creative control over what they do, yes, but those decisions need to be approved by the director. And depending on the director, sometimes there's little to no wiggle room; the director has a very specific vision for what they want and you either do as you're told or be replaced by someone else who will. Even in productions with a more collaborative focus, you still have to be able to discuss your ideas maturely, take criticism, and be prepared to have your ideas shot down.
I go to the same cons as Jill and have seen her performances live, and I do think she's pretty good. And based on her past lolita coordinates, I think she has a basic grasp of color coordination and piecing together a nice outfit. With more training I think she could definitely have the skills to work in the theatre industry, but her work ethic and attitude towards rules would need a serious shift.
No. 432212
>>432163Again, why are you offended? I don't think it's reasonable, I just don't give enough of a shit about what strangers do to actually be emotionally invested in it.
>No one on this board is here to accept spoiled youtubers spending their money -earned from laziness- on shit they actually don‘t need. So you're bitter because these people get paid for talking to a camera and have the means to be wasteful in the first place.
I've definitely dragged Jill and other cows for their reckless spending, but you seem genuinely hurt, as do other anons. Just take a breather.
Anyway don't want to rehash this discussion again, so I'll shut up about this now.
No. 432263
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>>432243this dress makes her look so big
No. 432295
>>432250They have Project Runway in multiple countries, Canada being one of them. It's like ANTM has editions in other countries.
>>432220I don't think her teeth have any sinister cause, yellow teeth can happen quite easily. If it was from purging, the stomach acid probably would have fucked them up more.
>>432243She bought Crayola Play Dough? Girl.
Jill is really someone who becomes extremely obsessed with something and then just moves on once it stops being exciting, that would also explain why she never seems to have a large rotation of clothes and just gets rid of older shit pretty quickly.
No. 432314
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>>432187Seems like commenters have caught on
No. 432325
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(samefag) Looks like Jill's out with her super gay lesbian princess gf and has been listening to her snake idol Taylor Swift lately
No. 432341
>>432330I think between her EDs and her mom's cancer, it makes sense why her parents always spoiled her and support her financially while she fuels her shopping addiction. They're probably just happy to get to see her grow up, let alone go to college and do something with her life. I still don't think her behaviours are very healthy (shopping addiction, unhealthy diet, putting off college and quitting her job for youtube etc.) and she'd benefit a lot from seeing a decent therapist instead of taking 20 naps and lush baths a day, but I understand why she is how she is. I don't want to seem like I'm whiteknighting Jill, her lifestyle,mannerisms and fashion sense are god awful and she's done a lot of shitty things for sure. But I think her past explains a lot about why she is how she is. I wish we could see the more real side of her more often, not sure why she is so obsessed with having no substance when there's clearly more to her than just the hauls and shopping that she's centred her whole yt persona around.
>>432187Wasn't Jillian a fan of Peachie in the past? I wonder how she'll react to this. I know Jillian never liked Lor and ignored her criticisms, but she did like Peachie, even drew fanart of her back in the day. Wonder if this will make her realise what the general jfashion community - not just the 'meanie lolitas' really think of her. Probably not as she lacks any self awareness but I'm expecting some passive aggressive response.
No. 432358
>>432341Her mom had cancer?
And she treats her like THAT?
No. 432405
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No. 432416
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No. 432420
>>432416There is so much irony within this post. Absolutely amazing. She's delusional. Maybe she feels guilt about treating Collin like an accessory, so her fans shipping her new relationship are
triggering her? lel
>>432405Absolutely no one is commenting about your nonexistent religious beliefs except for you, can you not, Jill?
No. 432421
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With this as well…
No. 432429
>>432426This. I hate perpetual victim complexes.
She's more angry that she won't get attention for it anymore.
No. 432458
>>432243is it just me or does she always seem to address or mention things in the next video if we've talked about it on here? i.e. we call her out for not supporting jfashion, then in the next vlog she's all uwu angelic pretty bag uwu
also we were calling her out for never getting out of the house, and then in this vlog we see her going out and actually being at least somewhat of a real person. very interesting
No. 432490
>>432458It’s been obvious since many threads back that she lurks here because she’s self absorbed. It was even confirmed her “friends” lurk here with the Kate screen grab.
It looks like she tries to address anything brought up that she sees detrimental to her image. Too bad you can’t get it through your head Jill that it’s your entire online persona people can’t stand…
No. 432494
>>432263didn't anon a while back mention how jill used to play the piano? and that it was odd that she never featured her piano skills on youtube? and now she's suddenly posting a video specificaly showing her piano skills…after like two years of not mentioning piano at all… How strange.
>>432458 this isn't the first time things like this happen, she def reads here.
i think she reads here so often that she knows not to engage with us directly. but whatever we talk about in here she always ends up adressing on her livechats so…
No. 432495
>>431974i respect her level of commitment to 2006. she put more thought into her style than jill ever has. as dumb as it is. at least it ain't this ugly this
>>431308 props to emo girl
No. 432556
>>432325This bitch is so annoying with her 'omg look at me being gay, eating my gay donut.'
Jill, stop.
No. 432557
>>432416>>432420This. Colin was like another over priced hand bag to her, but suddenly her gf is 'off limits.' ?
Also, she wants to be youtube famous/youtube if her job. She should know that if you want to be big on youtube, you dont really get a private life. Look at Pewdiepie and Markiplier for example.
No. 432586
>>432585Goes to show she was probably right by not talking about her ED problems.
>anons complain she doesn't actually talk about substantial things and keep her online persona centered around vain shit>she decides to open up>anons call her fattywew lad
No. 432614
>>432586Haven't people been calling her fat regardless of whether she has opened up or not?
I think in some of the earlier threads people were being too harsh but it's clear her weight has been increasing over time.
No. 432636
As someone who’s recovered unless you’ve like suffered with an ed for YEARS ON YEARS you don’t gain weight that fast after recovery if you eat right and work out
No. 432678
>>432640i've been following jill for years lmao
i'm not being a white knight. i just think it's dumb when people reach
No. 432697
you wanted her to stop making her relationship an instagram fest, and now you're complaining lmao
No. 432701
>you wanted her to open up about ED, yet you still call her fat
>you wanted her to take our advice, now she is
>you wanted her to keep relationships private, what's the problem
The problem with anons saying these things is we're simply not all the same people with the same opinions. As seen with the recent finances debate, not everyone dislikes Jill due to spending/bragging habits, while others do. Not everyone here hates jfashion, but some think it's all obnoxious ageplayer tier. Some of us, like myself, have never once put down her weight or pointed out her teeth while others primarily participate in this thread to complain about her appearance.
Not to mention, some of us have been following Jill since 2013-2014 so we have a large frame of reference of her problematic behaviors, yet we can still be cheering for her to grow and better herself.
Others only started posting in this thread because they already browsed lolcow and were looking for entertainment.
So there will never be a consensus as to why Jill irks us. Different strokes for different folks.
No. 432722
>>432716The only one being a creep is Jill posting every fucking detail of her pathetic, lack luster life on the damn internet. Kek NEWS FLASH Jill no-one cares about your ugly, fat psuedo lesbian gf or you for that matter.
Sage for sperging.
What a clueless, self absorbed cunt always looking for attention over nothing.
No. 432733
>>432728I literally feel
triggered by that peepermint nightmare.
No. 432748
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>>432728doing some quick googling it looks like her candy crush tea, plus the one peep, plus the 2 cubes of sugar she said she puts it in is about 14g of sugar a CUP and about 57 calories a cup. The average cup of tea has about 3 calories and should have basically no sugar unless you add cubes like jillian. Ontop of that you aren't supposed to have more than 20g of sugar a day. Jillian is fucking crazy. This one cup of tea takes up 75% of her daily sugar intake…
No. 432762
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No. 432767
>>432416I looked through the comments and there are a bunch of people asking to reveal MG's face, "OMG WHO IS SHE", that sort of thing. Nothing out of the ordinary.
I guess Jill hasn't realized yet that having a large audience means people will feel entitled to know everything about your personal life, best not to mention it if you don't want to be pestered.
>>432728I almost want to try putting marshmallows in my tea just to see what it tastes like, I can't imagine it being anything but disgusting.
No. 432773
>>432767would be hilarious to me if Jill didn't even enjoy the peeps tea herself but just did it for the ~aesthetic~ now
I mean I can't imagine anyone enjoying it the peeps don't even dissolve, do they? does she just eat the soggy peeps after finishing the tea then? why even add it at all?
No. 432783
>>432728Being someone who consumed way beyond the amount of sugar I should've had as a child (and even now), this is going to catch up with her quick. If her eating habits are like mine, she's doomed for a weak immune system. That'll lead to more excuses to sleep and rest ("muh health!").
Also, peeps actually are disgusting due to how much of a sugary mess they are.
No. 432792
>>432728This is why we don’t feel bad for making fun of her for being fat. Actually, I don’t usually comment on her weight, I just come out of the lurking hole when she is trivializing mental illnesses.
Speaking of which, I wasn’t aware putting peeps in leaf piss was a form of self-care. Gee, I’ll suggest this to my therapist since he had the audacity to suggest eating a “healthy” diet. What a quack, clearly the way to go is this sugary vomit concoction.
No. 432797
>>432792yeah, people disregard how important it is for your body and mind to have a healthy diet
just stuffing yourself with sugar is the worst thing you can do when you have depression, it just makes you sluggish and doesn't give you any energy
that's one of the biggest reasons I'm annoyed with her ~selfcare~ shit
for some people eating junk food, drinking every night or taking drugs feels good even though it's actually shit for your body, should you encourage that kind of behavior just because they would consider it 'selfcare'?
No. 432916
>>432864They taste like the aborted baby of a regular marshmallow. I remember being 3 years old, very excited to try a peep for the first time, only to find out it tastes awful and I watched in horror as my parents continued to eat and enjoy the rest of the peeps in the package.
>>432889Hot chocolate and peeps actually makes sense though. Even though peeps are the redneck inbred cousin of a normal marshmallow, they are still marshmallows and pair well with chocolate. I don’t drink tea but I’m pretty sure marshmallows aren’t usually put in leaf piss.
No. 432917
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Did you guys see this in the Pk group it's very interesting to see Jillian saying this. Also there is more comments on the comment shemail made on this post about Peachie's video but I just put up the main comment.
No. 432919
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Oh no, god forbid your top 3 aren't Japanese brands! Shameful! Disgrace! Really, though. No one cares.
No. 432958
>>432919She was getting some flack on /cgl for not wearing any Japanese brands and still applying for the kawaii i contest. I don't think she lurks there at all but someone could've alerted her to it I guess.
>>432944I agree with this so much, she doesn't realise she is literally just as bad as Gwen Stefani or Nicki Minaj. Even though she appears to be 'crediting harajuku' she never wears anything that resembles the fashion at all. She's using the dying subculture as a hashtag even though she doesn't take part in it. No one would even notice that she started wearing all western brands if she didn't force jfashion as such a big part of her persona. I think she probably fell out of love with jfashion after going to Japan and is trying to convince herself more than anyone else. Or maybe she still wants to cling on to the 'unique harajuku' label for her image because it's the only thing that sets her apart from every other fat white girl on yt with bright forever 21 clothes and badly dyed hair.
No. 432975
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I can't get them to post toget her but here are the comments
1st screenshot
No. 432976
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2nd one
No. 432979
File: 1511816005852.png (182.72 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-11-27-15-48-31…)

3rd one
No. 432982
File: 1511816045520.png (157.8 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-11-27-15-48-39…)

4th one
No. 432984
File: 1511816084535.png (103.67 KB, 540x554, Screenshot_2017-11-27-15-48-44…)

last one
No. 433004
File: 1511817454857.png (243.8 KB, 728x745, 1453816347789.png)

>>432958>>432975>>432976God, it's astounding she doesn't see the similarities between Gwen Stefani/Nicki Minaj/Katy Perry using Harajuku as a marketing tool and
herself using Harajuku as a marketing tool.
I wish she'd actually practice what she preaches with all her "support indie brands uwu!!" or just drop the subject entirely instead of pretending to know what she's talking about and criticising public figures to deflect the fact she's doing the very same thing.
No. 433029
>>432975“Hey let me speak on topics I don’t know much about.”
Also, how do you relate Katy saying “I want to skin them and wear them” with treating them like a toddler? Is it common to skin toddlers?
>>432984>donating 100% of textile scraps and clothingI’m confused, wasn’t she selling all her expensive designer shit? Or does that not count because it’s expensive?
No. 433038
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Is anyone else concerned about her driving? Falling asleep while driving/just being too tired when driving causes thousands of accidents a year. All her talk about being tired a lot and needing naps, and ontop of that driving makes me super worried. Especially considering she also VLOGS while driving which can impair her even more, considering she keeps looking away from the road to look at her phone and she's focusing on having a conversation when she should be focused on being aware of whats around her. It sounds like an accident waiting to happen to me.
No. 433139
>>433038How to kill yourself and others:
be an inexperienced driver and vlog while driving.
god what a moron. Reminds me of this story I heard of a vlogger who actually caused a fatal accident by vlogging while driving. And we all know Jill is self obsessed af so she's probably looking at the camera most the time (haven't watched the video)
No. 433140
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Taken from Kelly Eden thread. Kelly seems to be all over Pixie lately, even has done rainbow hair out of the blue.
No. 433142
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>>4331402/2 Also for your consideration. They sure seem to be starting to get buddy-buddy lately
No. 433156
>>432919For someone who constantly says how inspired they are by J-Fashion and calls their style aomoji-kei/harajuku style? Yeah, it kinda is.
At least she's supporting a small brand like lazy oaf now instead of getting all her shit at H&M, AA and F21.
No. 433170
>>433139She seems to keep her eyes on the road most of the time, but I generally think vlogging while driving a car is dangerous and unnecessary.
>>432979I honestly think her admiration for Annika Victoria is the cause for this, she used to just dismiss people who tried to talk to her about sweat shops and fast fashion in her hauls. Glad she's making that step though.
No. 433174
>>433012>How do you slip up not buying from specific places? Just don't go into the stores or look at their websites.>You don't 'accidentally' walk into a F21 and come out with a bunch of stuff.Dude seriously, it's not hard, you only buy from either indie designers or used/thrifted clothes (or sustainable clothing lines but they're usually very boring). There's tons of great clothes on ebay, even facebook groups, and supporting small designers is always good. Jill is such a fucking poser.
No. 433177
>>433174I think Jill is just gonna pull the same thing she did with Zaful, the whole "ohh noo I had no idea :(((" crap, simply because she's too stupid or lazy to do any proper research
She's probably going to keep buying from brands that use sweatshops and then claim that it was too difficult to find out or that no one told her or some shit
No. 433402
>>433156Is Lazy Oaf a small brand? I see tons of their products on ASOS constantly, which usually carries popular/big brands.
I don't think her motivation to buy from Lazy Oaf is due to them maybe being a small brand anyway. More than likely it's because they're expensive (good for taking totally subtle screenshots of your shopping cart total to share online) + they make uglier clothes than the HM/F21 which are now too basic and lower class for this snowflake.
No. 433428
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Strong kind beautiful tattoo countdown
No. 433503
>>433140>meet-up in Pennsylvaniammm no
>>433038Good god I agree with this so hard. Few years ago I made the mistake of driving 30-35 minutes away from home to an event after being sick for two days. I did fine going over there but started nodding off just a mile or two out of town on the way back and wound up veering off the road towards a field before I managed to snap to attention and get the truck stopped at the risk of possibly rolling the truck. Thankfully I didnt hurt or kill anyone else or tear up my sibling's truck I was driving, but because of that, I can no longer trust myself with driving if I'm anywhere close to being tired. Jill is the exact same age that I was when I did this, and I too had a bad habit of taking a lot of naps and not having a decent sleep schedule during that time, so she's just as likely to do the same shit, especially since she's vlogging a good bit of the time and especially since she's taking meds that are likely causing her tiredness. Assuming she plans on driving to Pennsylvania for this possible meet-up (if it even does happen), I sincerely hope she takes someone with her- mystery girl, a friend, her mom, I don't care who- ANYBODY COULD GO so long as she has someone who can watch and make sure she doesn't fall asleep or take her eyes off the road just long enough to cause a severe car accident.
Jill, if you're reading this, please stop vlogging in your goddamn car because you get people hurt.
No. 433573
>>433501Because attention. How are we supposed to know that she's so gay and has a gay girlfriend and they go on gay dates eating gay food and wearing gay clothes if she doesn't post about it constantly? I mean I don't think casually mentioning her gf every now and then would get the point across
No. 433582
>>433573lol does Jill realize how ridiculous she is?
just imagine if a hetero couple did this:
>"just two cutie straight people holding hands ^^" >"teheh look at us being quirky and straight :P" >"I love my hetero cis mystery bf uwu"I mean even when she was dating Colin she was trying to pass it off as some grand LGBT relationship, why does she crave that so much?
No. 434302
>>434289Yeah, especially since Jill travelling with her mom was probably the least offensive thing about their Japan trip. Jill acting like a spoiled ignorant toddler 24/7 was the thing people made fun of, a lot of anons actually seemed to sympathize with Louise a lot.
If anything it was cringey how Jill made Louise her cameraman and even made her tag along when hanging out with Sharla and such.
People online constantly make fun of her for overspending on dumb crap and she hasn't stopped doing that yet lol.
No. 434325
>>429429i personally don’t like hyper realistic tattoos, and i think the colour flowers mixed with the b&w cat is weird, but the art itself is good.
the lines are nice and it looks like the cat it was supposed to look like.
it’s good for what it is, and looks like a well done tattoo, but it’s not my cup of tea.
No. 434351
>>434345pretty much, in one of her vlogs (around halloween) she ate a cupcake for breakfast with a cup of "peep tea". In one of her much older vlogs from earlier this year she only ate some cornflakes, which isn't something I would call a proper breakfast.
idk but maybe it's just me being an eurofag but I always wonder, where is the bread? Some fruit or some fried egg? I miss something REAL to eat and start the day. No wonder she is tired all the time.
No. 434360
>>431360people like to forget that some mental illnesses are in fact ‘curable’ and do in fact get better over time.
people depression and most anxiety disorders can recover from them, and not suffer from them anymore.
they might always have a disposition to them, but you can in fact, have a mental illness and then not have it after you’ve recovered.
jill’s got an ED, depression, and an anxiety disorder. she has the possibility of recovering from from and not having those anymore.
No. 434386
>>434360This isn't true. You don't get "cured" of those things. You go to behavioral therapy and develop coping mechanisms and take medication and you learn how to maintain recovery.
For most people it's something you spend your entire lifetime doing, even after you feel "normal".
If someone gets "cured" it's most likely whatever they were experiencing was situational and not pathological.
No. 434388
>>434360“Anxiety is curable”
Loooool. You can learn how to make anxiety attacks pass over quickly and less intense but you can’t get rid of anxiety. What health books are you reading? I’ve been in counciling for 9 years and even if I have months where I feel normal sometimes they just happen for no reason. Anxiety is with you for life the same as any other mental illness.
No. 434391
>>433436they ARE an indie brand though, and asos does sell quite a few indie brands from time to time.
they’re popular on the internet but they’re not mainstream or popular at all compared to f21 or hm.
No. 434396
>>434388 learn how to sage.
many anxiety disorders can be cured and recovered from. ‘anxiety’ isn’t a disorder on its own, it’s a type of disorder, in the same way that mood disorders are a type of disorder.
ptsd, for example, is an anxiety disorder that can be cured by therapy and medication and many people who did have ptsd don’t have it anymore, that’s what ‘cure’ means.
individual cases may be life long, but they’re not like bipolar in that they are inherently permanent.
It sucks that you’ve been doing counciling for 9 years and you still have ‘anxiety’ but that doesn’t change the fact that many people do completely recover from anxiety, especially when they’re jill’s age, just like people can recover from drug addiction.
my aunt had pretty severe generalised anxiety when she was in her 20s, but now that she’s in her 60s, she hasn’t had an episode of anxiety in 30 years or so.
if you seriously think that you carry ‘anxiety’ forever and you can’t recover from it, that’s probably why you still have it.
No. 434399
>>434396PTSD is probably the worst example you could have chosen for your argument, anon. For more than one reason.
Anyway, this thread is about Jill not chronic vs. episodic mental illness so we should probably get back on topic.
No. 434691
>>434446 hahahahhaa holy fuck. Just opened up the video and…
Did anyone else notice how shes wearing that Candy Stripper dress she bought in Japan? After we were all complaining in here for days about her not even wearing any japanese brands anymore
No. 434693
triggered by her not knowing if there was batteries or not in the chibi moon stick. I always take the batteries out of my stuff if they are going to be sitting around for a long time because of battery corrosion
No. 434805
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Looks like she's got an eye infection and the ever present yellow teeth. Jill please stop being so revolting.
No. 435140
>>435122Since it's Jill, that could easily be a cop-out, but I actually feel pretty bad for her if she feels like she needs to be cautious about designing anything else just because some sorry excuse for a designer thinks she owns the entire concept of a pastel tennis skirt and decided to chimp out at her online.
Having said that, if she wants to work in fashion design it's probably good for her to get used to petty shit like this and if it's still stressing her out when it was almost a month ago, that's not a good sign.
No. 435764
>>435741why is she still pretending to know anything about anime?
it's pretty clear by now that she's too stupid to understanding that isn't aimed at toddlers
No. 435767
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>>435741sage for no milk
but i lost my shit when she tried on her coke bottle lens glasses
this poor girl and her eye sight
No. 435791
>>435741"they were cheap so i decided to risk it" oh ok
"for 75 dollars" what the FUCK ??? those ugly ass glasses were $75???
plus if her vision is as bad as she says it is, usually you need a refined prescription for a reason…especially if your eyes aren't equal strength
No. 435866
>>435852Jill knows absolutely dick all about the things she claims to like and obsess over, they're literally just status symbols to her.
More news at 11
No. 435975
>>435741kek she likes the stupid anime literally made with a car company to sell cars.
i dont understand how she can be so snotty about madoka if her taste is so bad.
No. 435981
>>435741i know its been mentioned but gurl needs to set her tripod on something other than her bed…
jill, please set your tripod on something stable… a tripod on a bed is counterproductive
No. 436080
>>436073(pardon me for weebshit derailing)
eh i don't think all cgi anime is that bad. i mean sure you have shit like berserk 2016 but then theres stuff like bbk/brnk. it's just another medium used to convey things that ordinary animation can't. you see it all the time in most modern anime.
No. 436096
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When cows collide
No. 436175
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putting yourself in danger by mixing your medication with alcohol is very quirky and naughty you’re such an inspiration jill
No. 436176
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>>436175the drink looks really gross as well
No. 436185
>>436175The fuck is wrong with her? I know she’s trying to be funny but she has so many fans that are mentally ill and vulnerable and she’s sending the message that it’s quirky and rebellious to mix alcohol with her meds. I hope she doesn’t plan to fucking drive. She could actually get herself killed or seriously injured, or she could hurt someone else. She did the same thing at her last con and got super sick, why the fuck does she think it’s cool to do it again much less promote it?
Jill, if you’re reading this; stop combining alcohol with your meds. It’s not a fucking joke and you could literally drop dead.
No. 436193
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>>436185fucking exactly.
she even jokes about drunk tweeting, as if that’s a cool thing to do.
it’s embarrassing to get drunk by yourself in your room on a friday night whilst you’re on a medication you shouldn’t be mixing alcohol with, and then brag about drunk tweeting.
also i don’t know what she fucking did to that pop shoppe but it looks nothing like any that i’ve ever seen.
No. 436198
>>436175this is obe of the most pathetic things I've ever seen
no Jill, mixing meds and alcohol won't make you 'cool', it makes you look like an ignorant twat
after this happened at the con before Jill said that she 'didn't know' she wasn't supposed to mix the two, and now she's suddenly abusing it as something to look cool to her 12 year old fans, such a great rolemodel
No. 436202
>>435741Honestly, i feel for her with the glasses thing because I'm legally blind and it sucks a lot wanting to find cute glasses that work in a horrible prescription.
Saged for irrelevance but yeah.
No. 436351
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she just mentioned giving away signed photos of herself for the giveaway lmfao
No. 436401
>>436383i thought she was a pansexual bean though?
jill, either stick to one consistent label, or stop labelling yourself for thousands of people on the internet to see because it’s annoying.
No. 436409
>>436378's her wishlist
who would've guessed, it's all overpriced magical girl crap with a sprinkle of peeps
No. 436458
>>436435stuff like
>>436337 totally is giving a pass tho. i think anon meant that she's not acting as if she needs to get better, which contradicts the whole coming out about it and stuff, even if that's more common among people with mental illness, it's not a positive thing. plus it makes her seem overdramatic. and i get she might need some kind of support for her depression, but random fans are not that.
if jill is really that bad off mentally, she shouldn't be on sm promoting dangerous habits.
No. 436473
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>>436409$75 for a damn peeps candle? What are priorities?
Isn't she going to college soon? She'll be crying later for more practical shit and will wish she asked for more adult things like appliances earlier in her spoiled life.
No. 436552
>>436541I bet it's because of the "Homu is abusive!!!11" opinion or other "
problematic" things that tumblr likes to lose their shit about.
No. 436675
Jesus Christ, I only missed this thread for 2 days and already there's a ton of milk. Mixing medication with alcohol and being such a quirky edgy drunk tweeter on the ~weekend~, missing the d, spending over 100$ on Pusheen merch, dropping her amazon wishlist for her fucking underage followers to buy her shit.
God, this bitch is so pathetic. I really find it disgusting how she lets literal children send her gifts or money through various websites like her stream or amazon now. And the way she repays her fans is by bragging about being an irresponsible retard who mixes drugs, drives distracted, lashes out on simple questions, wastes the money her fans gift her on worthless overpriced stuff, and does so much other stupid BS like promoting shitty people or posting tutorials on how to blind yourself with glitter. The fact that she's a hoarder is just sad, but her using her fans to fund her frankly pathetic lifestyle is enraging.
No. 436886
>>436458yeah, exactly, jill is at a risk of alcohol abuse so why doesn’t she take that seriously since she doesn’t abuse alcohol yet?
you know what i did when i started taking seroquel? i stopped drinking alcohol.
wow… incredible… what a concept.
the problem is that jill is promoting her alcohol use to her young fans, she’s literally promoting herself drinking when she has a high chance of becoming an alocoholic.
the problem isn’t that she’s at a risk for alcohol abuse: we all know that. the problem is that she’s promoting mixing alcohol and anxiety medication that shouldn’t be mixed to her young audience.
No. 436889
>>436858her cats aren’t hypoallergenic, but people with light to medium cat allergies tend to be better around the breeds she owns.
she just wants an excuse to buy pedigree cats so that her weirdo followers don’t yell at her for not adopting from a shelter.
the only cat that i’m aware of that’s actually hypoallergenic is sphynxes because they have no hair, but people who are severely allergic to cats might still have a small reaction.
No. 436906
>>436893none of the breeds jill has are considered hypoallergenic, but there are a select few cat breeds that are.
sphynx are one of them.
and yes, all cats produce the protein that people are allergic to but they’re still hypoallergenic, you buffoon.
No. 437116
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>>436905all I can see is Bubbles
No. 437469
>>436905Well that's super attractive. /s
>>436886Because she's a goddamn young adult (hardly acts like it) that thinks she's on top of the world because she's YT-ing full time and is ~~ACHIEVING HER KAWAII DREAMS~~. God, every time I come back to this thread it's like any respect I could've had for her just dies a little more inside.
>>437462How do you miss a weekly vlog when you have no life to occupy your mind
No. 437476
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Giveaway update, also kek at the 666 likes
No. 437483
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>>437476this looks like a bunch of crap she found in her room that she forgot she bought with a signed picture slapped on.
this is so tacky man.
"thank you 12year olds who watch my videos here's some shit i found in my room."
like she couldnt give some "party kei" starter set or something? it would help promote her stupid style and build her brand.
No. 437485
>>437470Dude.. calm down. Are you
If Jill had drank then we probably would know. And she drinks like one drink, max. Not really the safest thing to do with her max but why are people acting like she constantly gets wasted? I think it's ridiculous.
And no, Jill doesn't have to work without youtube because her family is rich.
>>437483I didn't know people were obligated to give away certain things for a giveaway.
No. 437501
>>437485I think that
>>437470 has a valid point on the criticizing of Jill's drinking alcohol while using her meds. She may not drink a lot of them, but any sensible human being wouldn't even consider it in the event that their meds may have a reaction to whatever alcohol they do take in. We don't really know how often Jill drinks (if she has stated that, we don't know how truthful she is in saying so), but we can figure her meds do attribute in some part to her depression and constant fatigue, so the last thing she needs to be doing is mixing meds with any alcohol in any amount.
And the giveaway makes some sense, since any giveaway could literally be anything of some value to those that want it, but what gets me about it is that, as
>>437483 is talking about, most of this is simple shit you could buy at Claire's or Hot Topic. Jill could've done without adding the Claire's accessories and it'd be just fine, but including the signed picture makes her seem very vain/shallow, especially as someone who functions in a very niche interest/focus point.
No. 437503
>>437485>If Jill had drank then we probably would know.she did drink
>>436193>alcoholic pop shoppesalso it doesn't matter if she's only having one drink (which you also don't know) because the medication she's on makes the effects of alcohol much more intense so you need LESS to get drunk. along with being fairly small (even at her current weight she probably doesn't exceed 130lbs) and an inexperienced drinker, those will make her get drunk more easily and experience more severe hangover symptoms because she's doubling down on depressants
No. 437507
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saw this comment on her latest stream and forgot to post it. kek
No. 437508
>>437462I checked both her instagram accounts and her twitter and it doesn't seem like she even announced she was going to miss Sunday's video. She just waited for people to ask and made posts referencing the fact she hadn't uploaded afterwards. That'd be like me not showing up at work and only letting my boss know I wasn't coming in when he calls to ask where the hell I am.
I can appreciate when some youtubers claim it's a real job, but if it was anything like that for Jill, she'd be fired by now
No. 437546
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This was posted in the last thread. Is it true then? As she's confirmating that she drinks regularly…
No. 437553
>>437546I'm extremely sure this is just made up bullshit.
At the beginning of her last stream she was bragging about how easily she gets drunk because she's so smol uwu, she said she doesn't even like the taste of alcohol but she likes feeling 'silly' once in a while (I guess to her that means playing animal crossing in a gay bar).
She sounds like a 12 year old whenever she talks about booze and seems to feel the need to tweet obnoxious stuff whenever she actually drinks, I think it would be pretty obvious if she drank more.
No. 437559
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Also samefag but here are some recent tweets.
I mean I can understand being upset about a pet passing away but that's not really a valid reason to not pursue education…
Also she should've just done vlogs with content from the whole week from the beginning on, her last 4 vlogs or so have just been her getting Starbucks, getting mail and buying crap at Home Sense or something, it's boring as shit.
No. 437635
>DrunkielocksLol no that’s def not true, you can tell when people use and she doesn’t
Also drinking while on anxiety meds isn’t all that bad, depending on the medication
Like with all my meds it says not to because it’ll make me sleepy, that’s the only side effect
But yeah she’s still really irresponsible to be like “I’m cool!!!!1!!!” When poorly kids watch her
Plus I used to drink by myself all the time because of anxiety + depression because it helped, like drinking alone is never a good thing ??
No. 437670
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My god, just leave poor Colin alone…
No. 437673
>>437670lol wtf??
Jill was the one who pushed her pastel bullshit on Colin, it seemed like he just ended up getting fed up with it?
it really seems like Jill isn't over Colin yet, I feel kinda bad for her new gf
No. 437683
>>437677Yeah, I thought it was quite disappointing as well.
I mean 50% was just stuff she either had laying around or that were 'doubles', so just shit she didn't want/need.
Then with something from her merch shop she's just kinda putting money into her own pocket, and all the Claire's stuff was just cheap shit. Not even gonna mention the signed picture lol.
I mean she claims to be both a designer and an artist, maybe she could've at least offered to draw a picture of the winner or something, or custom print a shirt for them or such. But yeah I guess this is just typical Jill.
No. 437781
>>437485why are you whiteknighting jill so hard? those are valid criticisms man chill.
she is getting wasted. in her tweets she admits to drunk tweeting. in order to be drunk you need to be wasted.
youtube fags always do giveaways to increase their numbers. it attracts more viewers and views. a giveaway should include something that differentiates the youtubers from the rest and is representative of the youtuber. arguably clown junk from under her bed sounds a 100% jill but its a terrible representation of her "brand". she wants to be a fashion designer but has zero skills in basic networking. so might as well take this chance and peddle her fashion style. she already has an audience that eats this shit up so it would be perfect.
whatever man just my two cents.
No. 437785
>>437485"a drank a cooler and a half"
-jill, animaritime vlog
No. 437907
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Oh dear god
No. 437921
>>437907honestly as someone who cant even come out yet im so mad at her and her fucking bullshit
and she so obviously craves the attention and validation of being seen as weird/different, god shes desperate, goes to show how deeply boring she really is without all the rainbow vomit, shes so aware of how boring she is, i bet when she was a kid before the punk stage/ed/lolita/etc she was always ignored by the other kids and accepted but never needed. typical privileged kid with no personailty
No. 437942
>>437781>why are you whiteknighting jill so hard? those are valid criticisms man chill.Because so many people on lolcow are nitpickers who have no sense of perspective. I'm not really sure what I could do to convince you I'm not a fan of Jill, it just seems like people are ragging on fairly average teenager behavior.
>she is getting wasted. in her tweets she admits to drunk tweeting. in order to be drunk you need to be wasted.What? Never knew that wasted = drunk. Wtf are you on? She probably had one drink and decided she was ~so drunk~.
>youtube fags always do giveaways to increase their numbers. it attracts more viewers and views. a giveaway should include something that differentiates the youtubers from the rest and is representative of the youtuber. arguably clown junk from under her bed sounds a 100% jill but its a terrible representation of her "brand". she wants to be a fashion designer but has zero skills in basic networking. so might as well take this chance and peddle her fashion style. she already has an audience that eats this shit up so it would be perfect.I'm not really familiar with youtubers or giveaways so I didn't know that. I think Jill's giveaway is lazy in that light and not good for her career, but I don't think any youtuber is obligated to give their fans something. Why Jill has fans is beyond me. If they don't like her then they should stop watching. Hence why I don't participate in the youtuber nonsense in general.
>>437661Is this a benzo she takes every day? Or I thought she had one just for anxiety attacks? I just don't see how it is good to take benzos every day with or without booze, but that's a different topic.
>>437635I agree people are freaking out too much over the idea of mixing any meds + alcohol. It's not a great idea but I think some degree of risk is ok.
I do think Jill needs to keep that shit private just because she has a lot of young fans.
I don't agree that drinking alone can ever be a good thing. That just seems like a one way ticket to alcoholism.
>>437546Do you seriously believe this rumor? It's bullshit and is nothing like Jill. She is really lame and thinks 2 wine coolers is ~cool~.
>>437503Sorry I missed seeing the post where she did. I think she does tweet every time she drinks. But she had like one drink. Even with meds I don't think the hangover would be that bad. But plenty of rich and poor teens drinks and get hangovers, why complain about normal teen behavior?
No. 437957
>>437950Funny that Jill goes on a rant about how people keep intruding on her
super private lesbian princess relationship and then posts spoilers like that. Sad that MG has to witness her new gf continuing to drag her ex through the mud on Twitter while simultaneously promoting her new totally-genuine-lovey-dovey-gay relationship. Not too surprised Jill's disrespecting MG so early already.
>>437942She's not just a wee teen anymore, she's now a legal adult but has only become a bigger, more dependent baby. The last thing she needs is more strangers coddling her. Compare her to other 19 year olds who are a year into college, have part/full time jobs, live outside their parents home or commute to get to their responsibilities everyday. Most fellow young adults who had the same opportunities as her are doing these things, which is why many anons criticize her lifestyle.
What 19 year olds do you know who just stay at home napping, shopping, and shitposting, doing nothing else? Doesn't sound like average behavior to me. If Jill didn't want attention she wouldn't be posting her whole life online, or contributing to this thread (kek) – there's no need to defend her against constructive criticism.
No. 438003
>>437951I don't think she is a fraud but I think even 19 year olds should know better than to go around talking about how GAYYY they are all the time. It's more appropriate for someone who is 13/14.
No. 438017
>>437907no they don't jill! no one cares! you're not a celebrity
>>436351 and no one's checking for you. if people stare at you is because your roots are fucked up, sis. ahhhh
>>437921your comment is completely right anon. coming out was shitty to me too. seeing jill's privileged rich bitch ass… pretending that people do "hate crimes" on her care and that everyone is checking for her… bitch you live in canada. try living in a third world country. not even just canada, you're rich and your job is buying clothes online. her life isn't any harder for coming out of the closet. she's such a phoney who craves attention and it sucks. it brings me back to the "were your favorite queer couple" saga. jill stop using your "sexuality" as something that deserves praise and attention. she would love laineybots channel
No. 438192
>>437485>>438096She said in stream she drank two pop shoppes and one double shot, so yah more than one drink.
And I don't think she necessarily broadcasts every time she drinks. Her mom posted on facebook (this was discussed in a previous thread) that she drank whiskey to feel better after the Collin breakup and this was not on Jill's personal social media as far as I know.
No. 438193
>>438113>>438119jfc anons, bitter much?
sage for OT but there is a difference between not being a hugbox and just being assholes
No. 438394
>>437907Lately Jill always makes me think of the overtly gay guy from Key & Peele.
I mean it's great that she can be open about her sexuality, but come the fuck on. I'm surprised her magical girl tattoo isn't going to say "GAY, kind & beautiful uwu" at this point.
No. 438401
>>438375Jill is just a disgusting person who smears herself all over the internet posing as a lesbian, had no damn clue the actual struggles actual LGBT people have to face in the world and that it is not a fucking fashion trend.
I really can't believe this bitch has the audacity to be so presumptuous about the way LGBT people are. My best friend is gay and he got thrown out of his house for coming out at 18 to his bigot family and got bullied in school for it . So if this cunt actually thinks she knows what it is to be gay and face adversity think again.
No. 438420
>>438401Honestly as much as I think Jill is using the "gay" label as an accessory, she's just a young adult trying to figure out who she is and although I think at 19 she should know better than to parade it around the way she does, it's not the end of the world that she's trying to find her identity and it's not her fault that she's lucky enough to come from an accepting family in a progressive country.
Although what
is fucking disgraceful is that she seems to want to play the oppression card when it's not something she's actually had to go through, like when she treated her car being keyed as some kind of hate crime just because the car has a rainbow stripe.
No. 438558
>>438521Not that anon but wishing death/serious injury on someone is a little extreme imo even if she's being an irresponsible cunt with her meds.
Also she's annoying, yeah, but lets not act like her family wouldn't be devastated if something happened to her. Her mum obviously loves her a ton even if she does unfortunately spoil her
No. 438647
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No. 438653
>>438647This is so shitty, even if it's a meme I wouldn't be surprised different she saw retail work as "bottom tier" and it's actually annoying how much she needs to emphasize YOUTUBE IS MY JOB!!!
I know it's easy to see this as being bitter and jealous but it's mostly annoying. We get it, Jill. Enough already.
No. 438698
>>438558>Also she's annoying, yeah, but lets not act like her family wouldn't be devastated if something happened to her. That is her problem. Maybe they shouldn't have raised such an irresponsible daughter.
>>438558>>438592Her getting hospitalized would probably increase the amount of attention she gets
No. 438703
>>438653I also don't think she has any right to call herself a "fashion youtuber" tbh - buying clothes =/= having any actual fashion-related skills. She does the occasional lookbook but the vast majority of what she does is just shopping.
She's also conveniently ignoring that she used to work retail
and do youtube? Honestly to me this just comes across as her trying to convince herself she's accomplished something this year when really she's just the same as before except even more of a hermit.
No. 438706
>>438647earlier this year:
-had a stable job
-left the house regularly
-had more human interaction
-moved around way more
-didn't need to whine/worry so much about demonetization every time she uploaded a video
I mean good for her that she makes enough money, but I really think her situation earlier this year was better for her (mental) health
No. 438747
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>>438647is she serious?
>started at the bottom now still at the bottomgraduating high school and working <15 hours weekly as a cashier to sitting at home all day online shopping, posting a shitty stream like millions of other people do online, every other day. much growth, such inspire, wow.
nice classism mixed in the post, not that we should expect any less from jill.
No. 438864
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Which ex is she talking about?
No. 438905
>>438747I'm sure to Jill, how far you're going in life is literally just determined by how much money you make or how much attention you get online and not much of anything else.
She could have talked about how she is starting school or how she's in a queer aesthetic relationship or literally any fucking thing else but no, it's about "youtube!! Is my job now!!!"/money and how she's made it even though her complaints about demonetization are constant
No. 438928
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i smell bullshit.
and it smells like peeps and desperation.
No. 438930
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>>438906>>438878>>438861>>438647I hate to disappoint you all but she's done the meme again, only now she's showcasing her nasty hair decisions of hamfisting her Youtube job in everyone's face.
No. 439074
File: 1512577532197.jpeg (97.74 KB, 598x407, B0239086-82E6-4BF4-A4B2-E7D22E…)

I wish I had this photo as the header for when we had the Grandma edition thread. Oh well. I hope somebody makes this the next one.
I love it because it’s truly fucking terrifying.
No. 439098
>>439086>>439080that's y I called her cheap!! IDK Y IT
she spends so much on her self..all the I thought maybe she'll go all out but lol NO
No. 439105
>>439101well in her last stream Jill mentioned that her gf talked about dyeing her hair once, so now Jill is super excited!!! uwu to get her to dye it an unnatural color and has been bugging her about it.
…exactly like what happened with Colin lol
like come on Jill, people can make their own fucking decision on whether or not they wanna dye their hair. it really feels like she thinks any kind of natural color is 'boring' and any kind of unnatural hair color is just far superior.
No. 439110
>>428929Funny how her gf was a fan of hers, keeps getting attention "anonymously" and we still get posts and videos about her despite Jill throwing a fit about wanting people to leave her "private life" alone. Gf probably loves the attention since whats better than being included in the life of a popular internet person you admire.
Also, don't blame your shopping addiction on being girly. You just like to blow money, that's it. And now you sit around with someone else deciding want to blow money on because she enables your bs.
No. 439116
>>439115Just imagine if one of her SOs ever told her to change her style/tone it down.
Like to color her hair a natural color or ditch the obnoxious Party Kei shit. Jill would cry about it for months, so idk why she think it's ok to do that to other people.
No. 439155
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This was on her most recent video kek
No. 439203
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I’m an enabler.
No. 439241
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>>439233>>439237so essentially:
>buys a lucky pack>doesn't like the contents>"let's get double the amount of lucky packs next time!"flawless logic
seriously though, I assume that most of the items would be the same in the WC one?
>>439239Japanese brand, here's the lucky pack she wants to get: No. 439345
>>439070Price checking her gf's presents?
> Kat Von D "glimmer"- $22usd> Kat Von D "liquid lip"- $20usd> wonderful stars- $16usd> blotting paper- $7usd> wink mug- $13usd> book- $12> bathbomb- $8total? $98usd
the makeup is what made the gift "expensive"
i feel like jill is going to be the one who ends up using the makeup more than MG.
No. 439351
>>439330Yeah, it felt like she bought all of the gifts for herself, especially the makeup and the graveyard girl set for her mom.
It annoyed me too how she gifted some stuff away that she just found 'laying around', like she could just give that to her friend without an occassion and then actually get her something special for Christmas.
Also does she not get anything for John, her supposed best friend? She hasn't brought him up anymore at all
No. 439502
>>439475Do you expect people to be able to buy nice, tasteful gifts for everyone? Sometimes people just have to get something for people like Great Aunt Bertha out of custom. Also my family doesn't really do Christmas gifts so I don't see the big deal.
I do think it's different that Jill is so careless with gifts for her brother and girlfriend, while probably expecting a nice gift in return.
No. 439511
>>439502This is Jill, and she's buying crappy gifts for the only 4 people who are close to her. Her giveaway gifts are thoughtless dollar store (claires) crap too. Not to mention she's opening up gifts for her gf and using them…
I don't think the gf needs a super thoughtful gift since they just recently met? But for everyone she buys stuff she just wants for herself, meanwhile her mum searched the internet for that one plush last or 2 christmases ago or something, and Jill gets like 20 special gifts per holiday from her parents. The similarity to Dudley from Harry Potter is so strong, its pretty funny.
No. 439526
>>439511This is just something I noticed this evening, so my view could be off but I noticed on Twitter she posts products she wants quite often. Normally this wouldn't bother me but the Peeps items in particular, she's had fans reply to those tweets saying they're buying the items for her.
I know it's their own prerogative if they want to gift her items, but someone who's getting paid $3k per month to do virtually nothing at all getting gifts from her fans rubs me the wrong way? Just because it almost seems as though when she tweets about such and such item it's her baiting her fans?
No. 439539
>>439528I don't see her fairing out well in college for the simple fact that she seems incredibly entitled and lazy. Jillian really hasn't had to do an honest day's work in her life. I understand that she previously worked at Claire's and The Freak Lunchbox, but let's be honest - this was only supplementing her YouTube income/any expenses her parents paid for her.
Yes, I get that she is young but come on. She didn't go to college/university straight out of highschool (not necessarily a bad thing! I didn't either), and instead of using that time to create a sizeable nest egg for herself, she hopped on the YT bandwagon and gets paid to take videos of herself raving about Peeps and David's Tea.
She's lucky that her parents are seemingly well off, because the majority of PEI is not in the same position.
No. 439566
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No. 439574
>>439566Top kek she must've just caught up to this thread huh
I doubt this will last long, I mean, she said the same last week and continued posting personal stuff. We all know she craves the attention. The girlfriend is also a fangirl of hers so maybe she wants to be 'flaunted' like an object in videos and posts.
No. 439595
>>439566Jill: I'm going to title this video "WHAT I GOT MY GF FOR CHRISTMAS" even though it's my gf, family, and friends.
Jill: I'm going to stop talking about my gf online.
No. 439599
>>439345actually these are more expensive in CAD
> Kat von d glimmer is $30 CAD> Kat von d liquid lip is $24 CADetc
No. 439698
>>439510>>439566Wait am I just stupid or did Pixie make her girlfriend change her insta name?
When I try to look at it it says page can't be found.
No. 439720
>>439698As far as I can tell, it's still lyssbrianne_
Maybe she blocked you?
No. 439722
>>439650Jillian did have an ASMR channel, with like two videos on it. It's whisperpixie on YouTube. She wasn't very good at it haha.
Also, I saw Jillian's " ~ super gay ~ " car this morning at Papercakes Pretty salon, so I guess she's getting her nails done again. Hopefully they're better than that blobby rainbow set she's been sporting for a while now.
No. 439872
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Just saw this on cgl, according to this Jill would be one of the final candidates for the kawaii.i fashion contest.
Couldn't find the source on the pictures myself but the vote officially ends today/tomorrow so we will see for sure.
No. 439875
>>439872looks like every other girl has some kind of visual concept going on, where Jill just looks like a mismatched pastel rainbow clusterfuck.
Idk it's the least pleasant picture to look at imo
No. 439880
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>>439872If these are the finalists I'm really sad that Kammie isn't one of them, since she has been pulling off the whole rainbow pastel aesthetic way better since before Jill was even around (and she's a way better rolemodel(and she wears J-fashion more than just twice a year(and she manages to consistently have her rainbow bangs look nice)))
No. 439885
>>439875I agree. Her top would work with more of a sort of sweet, natural Ank Rouge-esque style (probably because it's gingham) and the skirt looks more like something you'd get from a shop like F21 and it makes no sense.
I know she doesn't wear a whole lot of it anymore but surely she still has some actual jfash from her trip to Japan that would've probably looked nicer than her poorly made clothes with a 6% Dokidoki necklace thrown on just to make it seem more Japanese?
I'm also noticing that most of these girls went with a fairly simple background (the girls who used a busier background made sure to keep it looking tidy or taking a closer shot with less background) so it just makes Jill's photo look even more busy and disorganized in comparison.
No. 439888
>>439880I know Jill wants to wear her skin but it's a shame she doesn't take a leaf from Kammie's book other than having rainbow hair.
This looks super cute because she's co-ordinating only a few colours together so that her outfit doesn't clash with her rainbow hair.
It's been said before but I really feel that if Jill wants to go all rainbow, she'd look better if she kept her hair and makeup looking natural, but she seems to look down her nose on people who do that because it's too normie to not look like a clown
No. 439909
>>439785 I don't feel like the people here doubt her gayness, so much as they doubt her lesbian-ness. She obviously feels some attraction towards males since she spent years dating men, and she still feels attraction to Collin who identifies as non-binary. And she did recently claim that she misses masculine body types (dick). If she called herself bisexual or pansexual I think there would be less uproar.
Also the constant posting about how shes "uwu a big gay jillybean boi~" is real fucking annoying
No. 439923
>>439880This. Kammie completely deserves to win a spot, she's a regular jfashion supporter with her own style, her own business, constantly supporting small brands and artists in the west, and she actually goes to meet ups and supports Jfashion.
Idk if Kammie has a youtube or not but if she does she should be getting tons more support than fake ass Jill. All this contest will do if Jill wins is boost her ego and she'll never stop with how much she "supports Jfashion" and "party kei is a jfashion guys". I feel like people in Japan would be too nice to tell her how stupid she sounds.
No. 439927
>>439566That's actually a really reasonable thing to do, but she should have changed the title of the video then.
>>439872As far as I can recognize these people, most of them have significant followings on social media. That's not a coincidence.
No. 439929
>>439880Kammie didn't make the cut because they're only after white girls that don't know shit about fashion, see: Kelly Eden. The whole show is a joke, even Beckii cruel was a leader at some point. Kammie would be too good for this shit. Part of me wants Jill to win so we can get more milk of her in Japan, but at the same time I don't want to give her the satisfaction because she knows fuck all about jfashion and she has the worst coord out of all these girls. I don't think many legitimate jfashion personalities have any respect for Jillian anyway, it's just her 12 year old weeb fans that don't know any better that vote for her.
>>439909Everyone knows she's attracted to women and if she had a bad experience the first time dating girls that put her off that sucks, but she's really obnoxious about being gay, almost like she's got something to prove. No one is doubting that she likes women too, but it seems like she's pushing this 'I'm totally a lesbian now' shtick to stick it to Colin or something because she's obviously not over him if she's still throwing shade on twitter and in her livestreams.
Either that or she wants the extra oppression points that come with being a lesbian ('uwu someone keyed my rainbow gay car what a hate crime') that she can't get by just labelling herself pan or bi like she did for years. We all know she still likes dick, so that's why it's annoying. No one is saying she can't be attracted to women, but the lesbian label just seems so disingenuous coming from her.
No. 439971
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Jesus Christ, we all know wtf happened. How many times does she need to talk about her ex and quitting her job for youtube. Get a life already and stop beating a dead horse.
No. 439991
>>439971I'm excited for more Colin shade tbh
Poor guy, he must've realised what a fucking bullet he dodged when she recorded going to the starbucks he worked at and making bitchy remarks about it and then freaked out when he deleted her on facebook.
I know at 19 people can be a bit emotionally underdeveloped but she acted like a full-on psycho bitch just because she wasn't the one who did the breaking up for once.
No. 439998
>>439997The funny thing is, this whole contest is a ploy for Kawaii.i to gain publicity, but no one actually gives a fuck about the show itself. It's cringe-worthy and the hosts are total nobodies who don't even wear Jfash…what is the point of it all
No. 440021
>>439971This is why you should never date someone who likes to play pretend with having a youtube career. So much self-importance and milking of old news because she's boring as hell.
>>439991She keeps acting unhinged about it, still posting about it everywhere and how much it
triggers her. Collin gets dragged but her fans are supposed to keep out of Jill's and her new doormat's business because
they want privacy.
No. 440072
>>440031>playing animal crossing with her nose at the nail tech's What the fuck is this level of autism
I can't even begin to imagine how retarded she must have looked
I'm getting more and more on board with the idea that anyone who has to interact with her must think she has some kind of cognitive disability and just awkwardly try to act nice about it
No. 440154
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No. 440155
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Apparently she was trending in the UK today??
No. 440168
I cant get the link for it but on there is a introduction video for pixie that she made
No. 440181
>>440154Now that I've actually been able to look at the entries, I'm disappointed in the fact that Jill, for all her fashion dreaming bull, is the least bit presentable compared to everyone else. She is wearing those crappy crayon earrings with her outfit. The vivid shades of her hair clash horribly with the pastels of the skirt, and her top still looks ill-fitting. Her background looks too cluttered, and we know damn well she could've done one of those simple backgrounds she's done for any of her lookbooks. But nope, she gotta be lazy.
sage because those crayon earrings still piss me off
>>439997As shit as this contest is (NHK y u do dis), that's literally the only chance Jill has at winning. Contests like these are just popularity contests, they're just like beauty pageants. If you have enough of a following to commandeer, you've enough of a chance to tilt the vote to your favor.
No. 440183
>>440031>>440072thats pretty rude to play a game on your phone while getting your nails done, especially with someone doing your nails that you're likely able to hold a good conversation with.
then again, this is the same girl that played the same game at a night club that she probably went to with her friends. yknow, people you should also be able to hold a good conversation with.
No. 440213
>>440168video summary:
>introduces herself as Pixie>talks about her YT channel>talks about fashion designer goals>talks about sewing space>shows off sewing and her magical girl wands>shows off closet>she states that her favorite brands are "Lazy Oaf, WC, Irregular Choice and Candy Stripper"
>obligatory cat No. 440264
>>440261I could never really stand Pastelbat but honestly I think she deserves winning way more in comparison to Jill.
Pastelbat has been well known for years and her style has evolved a lot, she actually buys Jfashion but is able to combine it well with Western fashion, I think she really has found her own "kawaii style".
Jill looks so fucking grimey in comparison to everyone else lol.
I feel like the only reason people vote for her is because she's """relatable""", her looks are average as fuck, she can't even be bothered to dye her hair or get her nails done before filming, she makes way too much of her life public etc.
She just doesn't seem professional at all.
No. 440266
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she just put her christmas wrapping video up. ft extremely fucking dirty socks…
No. 440280
>>440271She doesn't care enough to easily prevent this but will
just DIE if her cats passed away suddenly
No. 440289
>>440285uwu but he must know its from me!!
>>440287Leslie is a legend, don't disrespect her like that anon.
No. 440338
>>440263She can afford it though. Candy Stripper is about the same price/only slightly more expensive than Lazy Oaf (which she buys a lot), and a few dollars is nothing when you're spending a ridiculous amount on clothes.
Also bear in mind that she spent 600+ CAD on two pairs of Irregular Choice shoes that she never wears, that she actually bought with the intention of only using them as decoration. Jill will buy expensive clothes for the sake of it so I don't buy her excuse that Candy Stripper is "too expensive"
No. 440457
>>439991Wait- when did she record a video going to his Starbucks and making bitchy remarks about it? (Sorry, I'm just curious. I tried using custom search but I couldn't find anything)
In any case, good for Colin getting out of that relationship.
No. 440484
>>440481Anons, sometimes we have to do things (like go to our fav store or Starbucks) even tho our ex works there are people are allowed to comment it's awkward. It's not like she was whining and crying about it, she just made a funny remark.
Please get over the fact that she goes to the same place her ex works. It's not that big of a deal.
>>440285Ugh this bothered the shit out of me. Like out tradition is SOOOO important and then she goes and does that. Why you lying?
No. 440564
>>440561Right? If she avoided him completely, people would say she's being childish and still has feelings for him.
I think Jill is a snowflake for so many reasons, but this one is just stupid lol.
No. 440618
>>428929>>440168Jill, I know you're reading, so let me just pass on some sage wisdom from my instructor in writing school:
"You have to ask yourself, are you a creator? Or are you a consumer?"
The only thing I get from you, Jill, is insane, neurotic consumption, and anyone worth their salt in the creative industry can see that from a mile away.
I won't, however. begrudge you your obvious talent and passion for performing. While your mannerisms drive me crazy, it's obvious you have a performer inside you. Consider costume design, or working in the theatre.
And now I'll go back to being a bitch.
No. 440634
>>440578People already deduced there were only TWO starbucks in all of PEI. One has a drivethru and the other doesnt. Colin works at the drivethru one.
There is no hard evidence he was working at the time but the way she reacted made it seem like he was the one working. Because of "lol that was awkward…"
She seems like the type of ex to try and go to her exs work, filming a video, to try and rub in his face how ~successful~ she is.
No. 440646
>>440634To be fair, PEI isn't the kind of place where being a YouTube ~celebrity~ has much merit. The vast majority of people here probably think she has some form of developmental delay or autism with how she dresses and acts OR just don't give a shit/don't see it as a real career.
Thus, I don't think Colin or anyone else here would be amazed by her ~success~
No. 440667
>>440646I don't think a huge amount of people (other than her tween fans and maybe parents and gf) care all that much about her youtube "career", but I get what that anon is saying. She seems to think she's some kind of hard-working, successful, career-driven type when she posts shit like this:
>>438647Another anon said she did actually agree with a fan on a livestream when they said something Colin must've broken up with her because he was "intimidated by her ambition" or something lmao
>>365295 No. 440823
File: 1512813515745.png (583.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171209-095708.png)

The glitter roots… They've returned…
No. 440825
>>440823i didnt think those roots could look worse but oh my god i was so wrong
>>440267>>440276her life motto in a nutshell apparently
No. 440826
>>440823her hair looks so greasy, I can't tell if it's because of the stupid glitter roots, outgrown roots, being actually that greasy or all above together. It makes her look so dirty.
Also, this entire outfit just screams tumblr kid ca. 2015.
No. 440830
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>>440823also looks like Jill is going mint-green next. Can't wait for this mess.
No. 440849
>>440823Why does she insist on doing that pouty bitch face? It doesn't fit her kawaii magical girl shtick and also makes it really obvious how poorly she applied that dark lipstick.
On the other hand, at least it's not the cheeky tongue between teeth face.
No. 440927
>>428929>>440154I enjoy voting for someone else everyday :)
tbh if you look at the contestants, there's no comparison, Jill is NOT kawaii at all :/
she should stick with pastels…she looks so much better with muted palettes (just look at her older videos)
No. 440957
>>440924Is she saying anything interesting at all?
I used to have them on in the background in the past but they were literally the same "bo beep!! magical girls!! peeps!!" talk every single time.
No. 440962
>>440960>Probably no vlog tomorrow because she's been having a hard time.??what
did she specify at all?
No. 440976
>>440962 I think she means having a hard time with vlogging but she said that she's probably going to redye her hair tomorrow (mint green) and she might vlog.
>>440966She "has a new group of friends who like to party."
No. 440977
>>440976>a new group of friends who like to party>probably just a bunch of 40 year olds in the local gay bar also I can't believe she mentioned her girlfriend again after saying she would completely stop talking about her lol
thank you for taking notes anon! you're great
No. 441007
>>440960does she engage in any thoughtful discussions on LGBT platforms/circles at all? bc then she'd know bisexuality has long grown out of its transphobic definitions…
also 'feminine men', as if the personality of the men she's attracted to matters ???
No. 441011
>>440960>Hasn't sewn in a while because she's in a rut.Already? Didn't she only sew one thing?
>Asked her gf if she could use her for mild click bait, she didn't mind.So much for wanting a private relationship..
No. 441018
>>441014Sorry my phone corrects into spanish:
"She explained that she likes to drink pineaple whiskey. She said shes a vodka girl and she hates gin.She went to a liquor store last night because they were going to a " basic hoe bar" and she was too scared to ask for a drink there, as it wasnt her usual hipster bar where people are in the music scene. She wishes all parties where only preparties like house parties because she doesnt like going to bars. This new group of friends are her girlfriend's. It also has a gay couple and a bi
No. 441028
>>441018She feels bad today although she only took like a shot and a drink, appart from a lot of water. She got tipsy with one of the gay boys and they were playing Animal Crossing being super wild, while his boyfriend and her girlfriend were sober and serious.
She didnt wash her face today, she just applied mascara over the krusty old one.
No. 441096
>>441028jfc it takes like 2 minutes to wash your face
I would never want to livestream for hundreds of people without showering/making myself look nice first, but I guess that's what makes her 'relatable'?
No. 441397
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No. 441458
>her rainbow tumblr dyke revengethe girl she's dating looks as basic and vanilla as ever tbh. i doubt she has experience dating women too. their relationship is probably just hugging and kissing on the mouth. like a billie and lainey type of "zomg im so gay" bff relationship
>>440960lol she was annoying the shit out of everyone with her posts about how
GAAAAAy!! she is. so now she's full damage mode 1. randombly making her relationship private and 2. now she's saying she doesn't consider herself a lesbian. so predictable. can't wait for this dumb reboud relationship to be over.
No. 441542
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No. 441543
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No. 441551
>>441397I wonder for how long her fans will keep eating up this shit. Whenever she makes one of her pity party announcements all of them just tell her that "it's ok Jilly bean uwu!! just don't do it if you don't feel like it!".
Like come on, her last 2 vids were her talking about her shit gifts she bought and then wrapping them, THAT should've been the content for one vlog video tbh. There isn't some incredibly high quality standard going on here.
Also good luck to her once she starts working a real job again, I'm sure her bosses will be just as lenient lol.
No. 441611
>>441589Yeah that's what I don't get either.
Is she really doing so little within a week's time that she can't cut together a 15 minute video?
Her fans seem satisfied with fluffy meowzers!! uwu bath bombs!! uwu peepy tea!! uwu so I'm not sure why she's suddenly going on about the quality thing.
No. 441959
File: 1512969487854.png (44.33 KB, 583x391, ss (2017-12-10 at 09.17.50).pn…)

No. 441960
File: 1512969740974.jpg (74.52 KB, 564x439, ss (2017-12-10 at 09.22.08).jp…)

No. 441969
>>441968This is an image board, post caps or don’t say anything.
Anyway provide us with the milk
No. 441975
File: 1512973824971.png (128.89 KB, 1706x878, Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 1.29…)

>>441968anon's reasoning is because she doesn't have "a relationship" to show, however if you go to MG's page, it says they're still dating.
If it is something like Jill breaking up with MG and removing it from FB, the MG's relationship title would be under "In a Relationship" without Jill's name.
No. 441980
File: 1512974125902.jpeg (437.07 KB, 2400x2400, 8C67AFDA-C608-4654-93F8-7044CE…)

No. 441989
I was fine with the men
Who would come into her life now and again.
I was fine 'cause I knew
That they didn't really matter until you.
I was fine when you came
And we fought like it was all some silly game.
Over her, who she'd choose
After all those years I never thought I'd lose.
Its over,
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
It's over,
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
You won and she chose you,
And she loved you and she's gone.
It's over, isn't it?
Why can't I move on?
War and glory, reinvention. Fusion, freedom, her attention.
Out in daylight my potential: Bold, precise, experimental.
Who am I now in this world without her?
Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt her.
What does it matter? It's already done.
Now I've got to be there for her son.
It's over. Isn't it?
Isn't it
Isn't it over?
It's over
Isn't it?
isn't it?
isn't it over?
You won and she chose you.
And she loved you and she's gone!
It's over,
Isn't it?
Why can't I move on?
It's over,
isn't it?
Why can't I move on?
No. 442026
>>441980>>441982Lol she's so dramatic.
At least now she's satisfied the bisexual requirement of having "dated" a girl, now she can go back to chasing boys unfettered and if anyone says something she can point back to this time and shout "BUT I'VE DATED A GIRL!"
No. 442030
okay, same anon from
>>441975MG's relationship status is no longer in view.
>>442016well i guess its a good thing that all the things she got MG were things she would have kept for herself.
No. 442031
File: 1512982986612.jpeg (44.19 KB, 640x719, 41AAC9E9-E134-4DD8-92EC-46BD01…)

Posted on MG’s Insta, this makes it seem like there relationship was so flimsy and fake
No. 442040
File: 1512987535740.jpg (942.27 KB, 1080x1920, 17-12-11-02-15-31-962_deco.jpg)

I hate that legitimate artists are humoring this shit
No. 442058
>>441980Maybe the whole "her name is mystery girl, I don't want another public relationship uwu" shtick was because Jill was unsure about it all along. I wasn't expecting their relationship to end this early on.
Kind of sad that Jill decided to do this right before Christmas.
No. 442066
>>442016Dont worry, she already used MG's presents.
>>442031These two have the maturity level of middle schoolers.
>>442058Seems like Jill got dumped, not the other way around.
No. 442067
>>442058I don't really want to believe anything until Jill comes out and says it, but yeah, I'm pretty sure Jill was the person who broke up with Alyssa since she would be freaking out if it was the other way around
I can't say I'm too surprised though, the whole thing screamed "rebound" from the start. I wonder if she'll be using the presents she totally bought for her gf and not for herself lmao
No. 442079
File: 1512994989330.jpeg (158.97 KB, 1242x871, 0DA7ECFF-CC09-41B9-B550-6FA530…)

>>442040I love Oceaninspace but I remember when Jill got gifted one of her sweaters and Jill didn’t even credit her at all. She didn’t even know who made it, all she knew was that it was “expensive.” /eyeroll
No. 442093
>>442082Because her gf was “mystery girl”, therefore she’s pearl, and the song is called “it’s over, isn’t it”
I don’t think it goes any deeper than that
No. 442096
>>442093yeah the song definitely isn't meant to be a 1 to 1 comparison of their relationships. she probably just posted one of the few break up songs she knows lol
anyway i'm thinking alyssa dumped jill. she probably realized jill wasn't over colin
and this is the second of jill's relationships that has ended right before xmas. i almost feel a little bad for her because that shit will ruin your holidays
No. 442100
>>442099Those are taylor swift lyrics anon
It's not that deep
No. 442104
>>442082>>442093>>442096The thing Alyssa posted about "But I was there to watch you leave" and Jill posting "Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do" and the fact Jill isn't having a fucking psycho meltdown like she did when Colin
dared to be the one doing the breaking up is definitely giving me the impression that Jill ended it.
Jill just likes SU and thinks Pearl is "literally her uwu" or something.
We won't know if they're even actually broken up until Jill posts about it though (and I know she said she'd keep her relationship private but I doubt she will)
No. 442111
>>441980Oh shiiiiit, and after she bought her all those xmas gifts too.
Although she did manage to open/take most of them anyway.
No. 442115
File: 1513004962066.png (48.26 KB, 528x207, Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 3.08…)

>>441980Jill was pressured into sex maybe?
No. 442141
>>442104Being alyssa’s first girlfriend (which made her come out to her family) after initiating the relationship shows how power hungry jillian is.
As previously mentioned, Jill deals with break ups just fine when its all on her terms. This entire charade of a relationship has been on her terms. From scouting out a bicurious girl on tinder who happened to be a viewer of her channel, asking her to make it an official relationship then breaking it off a month later.
It’s like she regained all the power and control she lost throughout her break up with Colin. Tristan was the whipped perfect boy friend for two years before Jill jumped onto Colin. She probably expected Colin to be whipped af too, and he took her by complete surprise when he chose his independence over her superficial plans to get married and move to Fredericton.
She was at such a loss with that situation, she had to regain her power dynamic with someone vulnerable and be the one to initiate a break up.
At least all the anons who said this would be short lived were completely right.
No. 442190
This is big news to come suddenly and I need to know more. One month relationship before ending after she made a big deal about being a big gay lesbian with her big gay girlfriend, there's got to be something juicy there. Must be embarrassing to have made all these gay lesbian with a girlfriend videos and she's going to have to take it all back now.
>>439971I wonder if she was planning it since this comment. Perhaps its just something else to talk about in a video.
No. 442215
File: 1513018087170.png (38.58 KB, 590x302, jilte.png)

I mean Jill tweeted this only a couple days ago, I assume it was someone asking about Colin and she got triggered about it?
Maybe it got to her quite a bit.
No. 442235
File: 1513020022084.png (1.74 MB, 1632x1190, Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 3.16…)

Guess she's dying her hair mint soon.
This picture really lets you see how patchy her tattoo is. Both of the browns aren't smooth at all, and they're starting to bleed down below the whiskers. Also the border on the inside of her arm looks super wonky .
No. 442245
File: 1513021116020.png (430.95 KB, 480x750, teeth girl.png)

Please someone make this the next thread's image
No. 442252
File: 1513022406364.png (97.13 KB, 719x384, DEXATI20171211145838.png)

Ol' jabba the hutt lookin ass
No. 442275
>>442215>vagueposts about personal shit on her account with thousands of followers>gets offended when people ask what shes talking aboutgoddamm jill, you're one whiny twat, don't pretend you hate the attention.
>>442141 you're absolutely right about jill being power hungry and rotten inside.
i hope MG comes in to spill the diabetes tea on jill, it'd be fascinating to hear one of her former fan's journey out of delusion.
No. 442334
>>442066Sorry if I sound too autistic but sasn't MG a farmer though? I think someone casually brought up this possibility earlier on here or in the previous thread. It wouldn't surprise me tbh.
I too think Jill was dumped and not the other way around.
Sage for speculation.
No. 442357
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No. 442367
File: 1513036830445.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171211-155821.png)

Idk what's up with these weird text posts I get on my YouTube app now but this one came up and I keked
No. 442441
>>442428As someone who has little to no problem with acne until after high school, fuckin' SAME. How the actual hell does she manage to not have super gross skin with all the makeup she wears and how shitty her skincare routine is??
Actually, I would not be surprised if she has body/back acne instead of facial acne.
No. 442497
>>442495I honestly don't think Jillian is nice to any of her fans unless they're the type to blindly praise her for everything.
I mean, I started out enjoying her content and thought she was generally just a sweet girl with a cutesy aesthetic. I'm not into any of these party kei/kawaii/anime communities but I enjoyed her videos regardless. However, after seeing how she interacts with fans on Twitter, live streams, etc I can see this is quite a facade.
No. 442515
>>442508I completely agree. For someone who feels the need to constantly remind everyone that YouTube is her FULL TIME JOB, she really doesn't put much effort or time into her content.
How does she have the audacity to say she can't upload on this day or is cancelling her live stream for this week etc? I'm a full time student who ALSO has a full time job, and I could put together a fifteen minute vlog clip each week even though I'm run rampant…how can she not seem to do this when she's doing NOTHING ELSE?
On top of that, for someone who is supposedly so serious about fashion etc why isn't she using this time to improve her sewing skills?
I'm convinced all she does is shop online, take baths, drink tea, play Animal Crossing, and occasionally leave the house to buy shit for her hauls.
No. 442533
>>442515exactly! and there's the fact that she doesn't put this effort into her videos or her skills, yet shes perfectly content with spending money that can't possibly be all her own on these hauls; it's very hard to take her seriously when you can piece together all her slip-ups and see the result of them. i wont criticize her for "muh issues/struggles" as she may have some validity there health-wise, but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you're going to do a job full-time like Youtube, you have to dedicate your time and thoughts into it a bit more than just repeating the same things over and over (demonetization, mystery girl, college, fashion hauls-whatever) and then claiming some tiny issue for canceling a video one week and not making up for it unless you have a major issue going on. jillian has the time, she has the support, she has the means, so why cant she put forth the effort?! i mean, aside from her spending more effort on chewing people out for asking questions about her "private" life that she "vaguely hints to" so blatantly on social media.
No. 442566
>>442491I dont know if she washes them, but she has had that yellow flowered bedsheets for years, and Theyre the only ones she has.
She also takes naps with her expensive clothes on. Almost all the clothes she has worn are slept on. She gets in bed with the clothes from the street ew
The clothes have stains, all her socks look gross, and remember that rainbow dress.
No. 442578
File: 1513070170277.png (575.67 KB, 566x450, rtwertu.PNG)

sage for late night brain diarrhea, but i was looking into the Melanie Martinez and saw that one of her tattoos looked a little similar to a certain one Jill has. basically just the heart and the frill around it, otherwise its just a brain fart i had
No. 442646
>>442235she did everything wrong when getting that tattoo. she didn’t find an artist who’s work she liked, she just went with the closest guy, and she got her own drawing done by someone else.
it’s such a shitty tattoo, do your research, jill, and stop being a narcissist.
No. 442719
>>442578Speaking of her tattoo, isn't Jill getting her next tattoo tomorrow?
>>433428I'm so curious about the motive she gets, she only said it will be a DoReMi wand. Prob some tumblr shit like "fight like a girl" or so.
No. 442776
File: 1513104689351.png (314.97 KB, 640x1136, 0E207579-2F0D-4BE3-BE4A-19CDE2…)

She liked a tweet asking if she broke up with MG hmmmmmm…
No. 442777
>>442776The attention whoring begins…
Wouldn't most people be a lil ashamed/embarrassed to share or hint at such personal things publicly, to strangers? It's like she's got no emotional connection to this breakup at all, like another anon mentioned, she would be flipping out if MG dumped her. Instead she's being all snarky about it and was happy to use her temporary girlfriend as clickbait while she could. Truly a pathetic person.
No. 442778
>>442777Well personally I'm glad that she keeps sharing all of this stuff, but you're completely right anon lol.
These threads would move so much slower if Jill just learned to keep that stuff private, but no, she apparently just has to air her dirty laundry online.
It's like she's more concerned with providing fresh milk than quality content for her fans lol.
No. 442786
File: 1513106519153.jpg (166.7 KB, 1080x1162, Screenshot_20171212-192032.jpg)

MG knows she has been used
No. 442795
File: 1513106837321.jpeg (140.66 KB, 640x1001, 5DD92A74-1C95-4FE4-BED2-DA2E30…)

She looks mouldy
No. 442803
>>442786Don't be dramatic. Used for what? Choosing to date someone dumb for one month counts as being used now? And it's not like Jill's bad personality was a secret.
I don't get why people feel so bad about Colin either. I feel like in general, people need to learn how to say no and recognize red flags.
No. 442847
>>442786>>442803Not the person you're replying to, but I think it's been made clear throughout these threads that Jill has qualities of a manipulative narcissist. Not in the sense that she manipulates her significant others like some evil mastermind, but she obviously manipulates how her fans view her relationships in a gross way for attention, who knows if it's purposeful or not. Colin and MG are doormats and they chose to date her but that doesn't discount how she 'used' them to further her 'YouTube career' mostly without regard for their feelings.
Just look at how she's treated MG when only knowing her for a short time:
>Presumably felt the need to prove her lesbianness post-Colin breakup and tracked down the first insecure girl she could find on Tinder right away>Spammed everywhere about her super ideal lesbian princess relationship, hyped everyone up with hint photos, seemed to have led MG to believe she was so perfect and had plans for the future>Asked MG if she's fine with being video title clickbait (kek), apparently opened up presents for MG on video (kek)>Lashed out on people for asking about MG, continued posting about her anyway, simultaneously shitposts about Colin>Dumps MG right before the holidays and only days after clickbait video, appears unaffected by it after all this hype A lot of anons guessed that she would try to find a gf to date for a few months after Colin and they were totally right, guess she's satisfied with parading her gayness around for now.
Saged for longpost summary but yes, IMO she uses people and used MG for attention, that's a typical narcissist trait. It's not that deep or as uncommon as you might think, you can be a simpleton and still 'use' people.
No. 442910
>>442795I don't think I would call that classify that as mint…holy hell
Also, WHY OH WHY must she continue the god awful rainbow bangs?? Jillian would look so much better with one colour all throughout her hair, and perhaps side swept bangs…not these elementary school/friar-esque looking things.
I can only imagine the horror a hair stylist would feel if she stepped into an actual salon.
No. 442936
File: 1513117941766.png (138.91 KB, 372x214, Cwc_hair.png)

>>442795I'm being super harsh here but I'm sorta getting Chris Chan vibes from this new hair colour.
No. 442991
File: 1513123331367.jpg (38.47 KB, 798x309, qPDVg6q.jpg)

>>442215might have something to do with this comment on her gift video lol
No. 443006
File: 1513125370067.png (247.51 KB, 1512x874, mg peeps tea 1.png)

Pretty sure this is one of MG's friends. She basically confirms their breakup on twitter
No. 443009
File: 1513125479156.png (134.28 KB, 1158x710, mg peeps tea 3.png)

>>443006>>443007and she also comments on one of MG's recent instagram posts
So yeah, if it isn't obvious enough by now, Jill definitely broke up with her
No. 443010
>>443009Emily is Alyssa's older sister, I remember from the light snooping I did when Jillian first made the relationship FB official.
I'm sure Jillian will spill the beans in an upcoming live stream because she loves painting everyone in a very bad light…
No. 443013
>>442974Jill is quiet and embarrassed because she knows her confetti club will start to question her intentions if she openly discusses breaking up with rebound girlfriend.
She'll probably mention something about the break up at least casually in the upcoming ~year in review~ video.
No. 443014
File: 1513125915705.gif (495.05 KB, 500x375, MrW5mUX.gif)

>>443006>>443007>>443009>>443010maybe jilly will try to drag alyssa through the mud and her dramatic friends will swoop in to spill some tea
No. 443020
>>443014I've been dreaming about Alyssa coming here to spill since the breakup happened
Sage for hyperbole
No. 443031
>>442841Idk. I think going through breakups suck in general but I don't really understand why people would be attracted to Jill in the first place.
>>442847>but she obviously manipulates how her fans view her relationships in a gross way for attention, who knows if it's purposeful or not.Well, I think a lot of social media stars do this, and people who have an audience (not necessarily online) do this in general.
>Colin and MG are doormats and they chose to date her but that doesn't discount how she 'used' them to further her 'YouTube career' mostly without regard for their feelings. I think a lot of people use their SOs to make themselves seem more cool and interesting, myself included.
>>Presumably felt the need to prove her lesbianness post-Colin breakup and tracked down the first insecure girl she could find on Tinder right awayHer parading her lesbian-ness is dumb but who says that MG has to be insecure? I feel like she might be in the same boat as Jill, a tumblrina who wants to explore her sexual identity.
>Dumps MG right before the holidays and only days after clickbait video, appears unaffected by it after all this hype I think MG might have dumped her.
>Saged for longpost summary but yes, IMO she uses people and used MG for attention, that's a typical narcissist trait. It's not that deep or as uncommon as you might think, you can be a simpleton and still 'use' people.I don't really "get" armchair psychologists who love to throw NPD disgnoses on every social media celebrity. Who in the world doesn't "use" people for attention? Sorry, but I'm just not a fan of the idea that lolcows are just evil and not just similar to people irl.
No. 443053
>>443031>I think a lot of people use their SOs to make themselves seem more cool and interesting, myself included. Can you explain how most people exploit their S/Os for props to the same degree as YouTubers like Jill? I don't know anyone like that outside of the internet apart from parents who brag about their kids or s/t.
>who says that MG has to be insecure? I figured MG is insecure from her online presence. The melodramatic poems contribute to it. You could also question if she would date Jill if she wasn't already a fan of hers, that set their relationship up for failure.
>I don't really "get" armchair psychologists who love to throw NPD disgnoses on every social media celebrity. Who in the world doesn't "use" people for attention? Sorry, but I'm just not a fan of the idea that lolcows are just evil and not just similar to people irl. The second sentence is "NOT in the sense that she manipulates her significant others like some evil mastermind." Obviously she's not evil but she still comes off as a major narcissist again and again in her interactions with
everyone around her. Example, you have to be pretty narcissistic to go on an overseas trip with your mother and refuse to do anything she wants the entire time, that's on a different level of self-absorbed than most people.
I don't get how "everyone in the world uses people for attention?"
No. 443114
>Who in the world doesn't "use" people for attention? Quite a lot of people, Anon. Hence why people get upset when they get used. Because
they don't do that.
No. 443277
File: 1513160032605.jpeg (539.29 KB, 2048x2048, 173623E0-C2F7-40FD-8E12-D7EB36…)

A girl can reach, I mean dream, right?
No. 443279
>>443277Not really much a reach lmao wouldn't surprise me if Jill really did copy Lor
Also hi jill
No. 443304
>>443277well god forbid someone dye their hair a similar shade to you, it has to be because they're trying to copy your style ohmigawd
only thing about jill's hair is that now it doesn't even blend it well at all, you can clearly tell her damaged-af natural hair apart from her extensions
No. 443335
>>443279You misunderstood my meaning, I was saying I was reaching, not Lor. So we can chill on the hi Jill thing, we already know she lurks.
>>443304I think it's mostly because there's some weird beef between them that seems to have been started by Jill. Neither of them follow each other on anything, and Jill definitely said something negative about Lor, so for her to even be ~inspired~ by her is pretty weak.
No. 443348
>>442795why is jill so opposed to dyeing her hair only one color at a time? imo she suits having all bright pink hair pretty well and it would clash much less with whatever "party kei" is supposed to be.
i hope she takes a long break from coloring her hair for a while after this tho, it looks so fried. how has it all not fallen out yet?
No. 443388
File: 1513179587748.jpg (32.57 KB, 358x406, okaay.JPG)

>>443380Is it just the light or what is this yellow patch on her hair?
No. 443411
>>443380The beginning of the video… what the fuck?
Artic Fox reached out to her to offer to send her some hair dye, but she didn't notice for months. "If you email me with a business inquiry and I don't respond, forward it to me again because my inbox [unintelligible]."
What? Your entire "job" is to have be on top of your online presence. What do you mean you just didn't notice? My god.
No. 443416
>>443277Alternative people being mad about other alternative people having the same hair color as them, espically when hair dying is mainstream. Good luck with that. It's not even exact and Jill is obviously gonna keep a rainbow no matter what.
>>443380That color looks so bad. Her bangs look fake and hair shallow, I swear she's actually bald and wearing a wig. She's gonna lose her shit when her hair is too shitty to keep being rainbow.
No. 443422
File: 1513204661393.jpg (45.25 KB, 627x465, 20171213.jpg)

holy shit every other tweet of hers is just about being depressed, sad or crying nowadays
maybe that peep and bath bomb selfcare therapy isn't working out so well for you Jill??
No. 443475
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No. 443478
File: 1513208617742.jpg (14.36 KB, 350x516, 1Mkkckv.jpg)

>>443475this reminded me of pic related
No. 443480
>>442235>>443388Holy shit her hair is so fried, it looks awful. She should seriously just shave it all off because no amount of dye, product and extensions can salvage how gross and damaged it's gotten. How delusional do you have to be to think this looks good?
Also the bright rainbow clashes far too much with the soft mint. I know she has concept of colour coordination but how did it not occur to her to do a pastel rainbow? The mint will probably be gone in one or two washes because it's so light so she'll be suck with no main colour/washed out greenish blonde and then slightly faded rainbow bangs. I wonder if that's what she was going for, so in a few weeks she can throw some other random colour on top of it without doing the bangs?
Also the rainbow bangs are apparently part of her identity now, has she forgotten that she stole the idea from Kammie?
No. 443504
File: 1513211864228.png (293.51 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20171213-163515.png)

Fuck this reminds me of her fried ass scarecrow hair.
No. 443548
File: 1513217708317.png (201.95 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20171213-180851.png)

Sage for old crap but dammit she looked so much better a few years ago the fuck is she thinking with the new hair color and trainwreck party kei style?
No. 443554
>>443548I still don't like the blunt bangs on her face shape, but the colour looks SO much better with her complexion!!
Jillian isn't an ugly girl, she just doesn't know how to properly cut/style/colour her hair and wear makeup that accentuates/compliments her features.
No. 443621
>>443380Sage for hairdye sperging but oh my god this is so bad. Bitch needs to learn about TONER. The yellow monstrosity that is her roots every time she bleaches her hair could easily be fixed with some GODDAMN TONER, but instead she gets this disgusting brassy mess that is never going to take color.
I'm also majorly
triggered by the fact that she just straight bleaches out all of her hair every time. That's why it's so damaged and falling out, there are much better and safer ways to remove color than bleaching your already bleached head.
No. 443758
File: 1513249147068.png (909.79 KB, 1125x2436, CF6007D4-77F3-4E5C-8AFC-B4D6E5…)

This whole twitter feed makes me want to vomit lol.
No. 443799
>>443540It's just weird because when she made that video about her mental problems before she basically said that things have gotten so much better now and that she only sometimes struggles with them a bit, but then she just constantly talks about being depressed.
Not sure if she's just attention whoring or not realizing that she hasn't actually improved that much.
She seems to think that just because she makes enough money to buy gaudy shit every month her life is going well, but one of these days she has to understand that buying stuff won't fix her issues.
No. 443853
>>443380The rainbow highlights and bangs just clash way too much with that mint. And don't get me started on the roots.
If she dyed her whole hair mint (and by mint, I mean a little more blue and a little less green), it would look pretty good honestly. The rainbow just looks bad with the mint base.
>>442936Got the CWC vibe too. kek
No. 443867
>>443857She sure does suck at her job, but who the fuck wants to watch her dye her hair?
Seriously, these are the most bland and painful videos. She's been doing this for 8 years now and she's still complete shit at it, and she also doesn't even seem to care about improving either because being lazy is ~so quirky and relatable uwu~.
No. 443875
>>443867I just want to point out that she is getting paid copious amounts of money to do basically nothing with her channel…and she uses this money to buy cheap Claire's trinkets so she can post haul videos that require literally no effort.
Why doesn't she stop buying all this useless crap, and use the money she's saved to get her hair PROFESSIONALLY CUT AND COLOURED! God knows she has enough money.
No. 443880
>>443867 From the looks of Jillian's roots when she lets the dye grow out completely, I have the same natural hair colour as her. I would NEVER attempt to bleach and colour my own hair because with hair that dark naturally, it's too much bleaching.
If you went to a reputable hair stylist, they would not take your hair from dark brown to rainbow or pastel in one sitting.
I just…I don't understand her?? Does she WANT her hair to inevitably just turn into dust??
Like many of you already mentioned, wigs are an option! And they'd probably look a hell of a lot better than her shittily obvious extensions that DON'T BLEND.
No. 443888
>>443886Nah it's a different tattoo artist, a woman that specializes in cutesy/colorful ones.
She's also getting her first one touched up there I think.
No. 444005
File: 1513288506198.jpg (344.28 KB, 1440x1872, IMG_20171214_135310.jpg)

This is so cringy. Please stop pretending like the reasons you care are anything but about how it'll effect you specifically.
No. 444008
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Like honestly with this being an issue her quirky uwu reactions to this plus more screaming about muh youtoob cahrear is actually kind of enraging.
No. 444030
File: 1513290177101.png (650.02 KB, 727x549, 124324.png)

so obnoxious, tattooing over scars really isn't that different pain wise (I have a full sleeve over heavy self injury scarring), seems like she just wants an excuse to talk about her scars because she's so ~uwu strong and brave~
No. 444042
>>444030What the fuck is up with her nostrils??? I know this sounds nitpicky but are nostrils usually that long? And they squiggly. Did she shoop her nose? Or has she had a nose job?
Idk maybe I just don’t look at enough nostrils from awkward angles.
No. 444045
>>444008What an entitled little shit. How about consider people that will truly be affected by it - people who don't have regular access to internet that they need in order to
find jobs, for example. How the fuck would it even affect her ability to watch shitty anime? I wish it would scare her into getting a legitimate job again though.
No. 444096
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kek she would like Nico. Pink and cutesy but kind of self centered.
Taking bets that Jill will drop love live because isn't geared towards toddlers or isn't ~rainbow aesthetic enough for her like Pripara. Then again her friend Wendy love it so she might actually stick it out, who knows.
No. 444099
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>>444062I took multiple pictures of my nostrils at awkward angles before I posted that to make sure I wasn’t crazy lol. But looking at this pic of her (which ik has already been posted but I’m using it as an example), her nostrils look fine.
I wonder if she shops her nose. No hate if she does, we all have our insecurities, but it’s just weird that she does it on pictures that are intentionally awkward, yknow?
No. 444134
>>444096did she seriously type out "rabu raibu"?
Wow Jill mild racism ain't kawaii
No. 444171
>>444116Spread awareness without making it about her with her "oh noes my anime!! how will I have my mediocre career without my us following uwu;" shit, for starters.
It's not that she isn't doing anything, but she's being a self centered cunt about it as usually when it affects others in more real ways than not being able to sit around on her fat ass and drink peeps tea and naps all day.
No. 444203
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No. 444205
>>444182Hi Jill, maybe you'd understand that saging is for things that are off topic and we're still talking about you here.
You're completely missing the point, again. Its not about obligation to say anything, it's about how to be tasteful when bringing up shit like this. Get it now?
No. 444209
>>444203Looool what happened to "black lines aren't aesthetic kawaii magikaru enough, it'll be fine", Jill?
Everyone who she sassed because they were right and she couldn't accept it until now deserves an apology lol. This bitch.
No. 444240
>>443875Professionally cut and colored to her means going to that one chick who used cheap box dyes before the Japan trip, probably because she has a similar aesthetic to Jill or something equally stupid, just like how she chose her manicure girl.
>>444005>>444008>my jobOh, fuck off.
>>444203That end is giving me penis vibes!
It looks… pretty uneven? Like the part above the "Beautiful." Did the artist even sketch this thing out prior or just dive in tattooing the wand after the ribbon with no forethought? It's better than her first one but the wand is obviously curved af, not sure if it's the angle or what.
>>444223>obvious jokeNah. More like obvious troll who consistently gets offended over something petty on a daily basis.
No. 444243
>>444203Shakey in places but honestly so much better than her first. The choice of the weapons is odd (She's not fond of Luminous so why is the Heartiel there?) but they compliment each other. This should've been her first tattoo and she will probably regard it as her first.
The cat splodge I wonder if she'll have covered.
No. 444274
Thank god my internet works now, because there's more milk! :D
>>443880As a former hairdresser that has dark brown hair and was the one that went from black hair to light blonde in the course of one day of class because science reasons, you
really have to consider the state of your hair when you're going in and bleaching everything, especially if you're rebleaching over hair that was formerly processed to take in a vivid dye. The fact that Jillian had gone ahead and done her own hair, then went around and told her viewers to get their hair done at a salon, just showcases how lazy she is. Her roots are so brassy that they don't take the dye well, and lord knows a proper hairstylist would've been able to walk her through the proper care and technique to go from having those nasty roots to a lighter level that would've taken the dye better and not look half-assed. I can get through Jenna Marbles' dyeing her hair dark blue because that's her level of not giving a fuck, but for a beauty vlogger like Jillian to be that lazy to not get her hair done properly, it just pisses me off.
>>444030>>444203Was she really getting this tattoo to cover the scars? Because honestly I feel like it just draws attention to them even more. I mean sure, it keeps her from having to shoop them out of every picture where her leg was out in the open (and yes I get the meaning behind the tattoo), but it feels like it defeats the purpose.
No. 444325
>>444289no they aren't lmao
the people on here who think they look anything like sex toys are just giving themselves away as being underaged
No. 444339
>>444335I've noticed the gradual weight gain too..coupled with the apparent lack of motivation and plenty of venting on twitter, I wonder if Jillian's mental health is declining again.
From the way she portrays herself online, I can see how it could be difficult for her to maintain friendships…she's extremely self centred, for one.
But, I also feel bad for her if this is the case?? I could be totally wrong, but I've been in the same place before - hygiene going unchecked, sleeping a LOT, lack of drive - so it seems very familiar to me.
No. 444346
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>>444305>>444325Am I seriously the only one who thinks her tattoo resembles sex toys?
No. 444361
>>444210I agree. It's a little cheesy but has a sweet meaning and it's a billion times nicer than that shitty cat tattoo.
I personally wouldn't get a tattoo from a franchise because you're more likely to grow out of it, especially at 19, but that's just a problem future Jill might have to deal with.
No. 444376
File: 1513318557833.jpeg (141.13 KB, 750x996, 2464BE94-69BD-4754-9986-EB45AE…)

Quality line work desu
Not one line is the same width or straight
No. 444392
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>>444376Yup, but some of the fuckups are an illusion from the risen skin of her scars and also hopefully from it being fresh. The fat ribbon in particular I don't like, it's how amateurs draw twirling ribbons, though perhaps it matches since it's altogether childish.
No. 444394
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>>444203I thought it looked familiar, and then looked at a sheet of stickers my friend sent me the other day. I know sailor moon tattoos are relatively popular right now, but is the wand with the ribbon and inspirational quote the go to?
Sorry for the shitty image quality, the sticker was small.
No. 444402
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>>444400You might be right. I did a quick search for the general description of the drawing, and found pic related, but no reference to who the original artist is.
No. 444403
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I also found this, not sure if it's her's as well
No. 444407
>>444402>>444403I just checked her abandoned art tumblr and they're both on there so I guess they're hers. Did she ever sell them as stickers like in
>>444394 or did someone rip off her art? Iirc she sold prints and shitty headbands but I don't remember stickers. Ignore me if I'm wrong though.
No. 444479
File: 1513343453133.png (599.15 KB, 599x530, 2017-12-15.png)

>>444403>>444402These were both drawn by Jill circa 2015 for her first tattoo. She ended up not using them because of all the white space within the wand.
She would pick a fit really quick if she found out her drawings were being re-sold online. I'm pretty sure at one point she did sell the first illustration as a print on her pixiecherie site before she opened the new merch shop? I could be wrong though.
>>444376>>444203I'm sorry, Jill claimed Helena specialized in this style of tattoo but it really doesn't appear to be that way. I don't see anything else on her Instagram that would be considered kawaii-inspired.
When I lived in Halifax and was searching for an artist who could do cartoon/anime-related tattoos, there was basically no one who had that experience. I asked around the con scene as well, everyone said they had to travel to bigger city areas to find decent artists. Maybe Helena gained a reputation and fulfilled some of that demand in recent years but I don't think she delivers the same results as ACTUAL experienced/specialized artists for that particular style.
Sorry for projecting my own standards but I would definitely be disappointed if I were in Jill's shoes right now.
>pic related: simple but well done No. 444486
>might have toIt's not really "the norm" to grow out of something or not grow out of something, it's just something that often happens with media people like, especially considering most media is targeted towards a certain age range. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with still liking something with a younger demographic, I'm just saying it's a possibility, especially considering the good few identity changes Jill has been through in the past.
Honestly I hope she doesn't grow out of magical girls though. It's a cute tattoo and I imagine it'd be a bitch to cover up.
No. 444505
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does she not care for herself? why is she so half assed with everything she does? she can spend so much money on not so cute clothes but not on her own hair? does she not realise that soon..maybe in a year..she won't be into this style and the clothes will be useless but the hair will be on her head forever!
No. 444507
>>444503also the purpose most ppl do hauls is to sort of inspire ppl and show them whats out there so they can get it too if they like it and so they usually leave links
which never does so to me it seems she has a show off tendency and a purchase is only valid if everyone is made aware of it
No. 444509
>>444508I think now it's
Wednesday - video
Friday - video
Saturday - livestream
Sunday - vlog (but not really anymore)
No. 444526
>>444503Her new hair is so vile. Why couldn't she just dye it all mint green? And the roots are untoned and look so damaged. I doubt she even uses a deep conditioner or olaplex to fix her hair. Damn gurl, love yourself.
The adorbs counter pissed me off and everything she bought online is hideous and oversized.
No. 444547
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I made a wish account just so I could look this up kek.
So yeah it looks like her design is on these sticker sheets. I searched on there "Sailor Moon Stickers" to bring them up.
I really wonder if she'll mention this or bring this up anywhere that shes being ripped off, when the information came from farmers lmao
>Its in CAD because I'm Canadian, please dont tinfoil that Im jill. I think there are quite a few leaf-fags in here
No. 444555
>>444479>>444502I think the issue is that in the Maritimes there are virtually no tattoo artists who fulfill the style/aesthetic Jillian is after, so she settled. I've seen it happen quite a lot among friends and acquaintances, too. They want a tattoo, but we live on an island that has hardly any reputable artists, and those that are any good may not cater to your specific needs.
Although, with all that being said I'm not sure why Jillian didn't put more time into researching artists that would fit the bill. For example, isn't she going to London at some point? It's not like she never travels…if she was willing to travel 4 hours to Halifax to get this tattoo, why not go the extra mile to get it done elsewhere with someone who specializes in the style?
No. 444562
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It blows my mind that someone cares about Jill enough to dedicate a fan instagram account to her and make these weird TMZ style posts. Then again, I guess these threads aren't much different kek
No. 444570
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Are those mystery girl's gifts? Or the goth girl's? Both?
Seems weird she'd literally have them on display either way.
No. 444626
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My god. she spent $1000+ at Sephora this year. That’s nearly $80 a month.
No. 444628
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>>444626Here’s the reference pic she posted to explain what VIB rouge means
No. 444658
>>444653There's shopping online though
>>444628With all the makeup she buys I'm surprised we haven't seen more makeup hauls.
No. 444680
>>444626goals af
>>444547I would not pay $9 for those stickers, and definitely wouldn’t pay $20 lmao. Should someone tweet this at Jill? I will if it doesn’t count as cowtipping. I used to draw fanart and post it online and I know I’d be really upset if someone stole my art and was selling it.
>>444505As a blonde, y’all have no idea how much it kills me to see her hair like this. I nearly died when I saw her dye her extensions while they were still orange/yellow. She doesn’t even have to use a real toner, she could at least wash her hair in purple shampoo after bleaching it. You let the purple shampoo sit on your hair (I do it for a couple of minutes, count to 120) and wash it out.
No. 444692
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Funny she doesn’t even follow this.
No. 444732
>>444653She drives 4 hours one-way to another province for the closest Sephora. That must be why she hit VIB rouge today, she’s in the same city for her tattoo. And if you hit rouge in store, the cashiers are obligated to congratulate you, make a big deal out of it and give her their “top-tier” gifts along with her new card.
She was there in September for halcon when she bought Too Faced products, and again last month when she went to the ikea with her mom and bought KVD for mystery girl. So I don’t think it’s far fetched to assume she has bought most of her purchases in store. Same goes for lush products because she does a lush haul every single time she drives off island.
I don’t see why she doesn’t vlog her shopping for next Sunday. It would be such an easy video for her. It’s not very creative content but it’s better than finding excuses to not upload any vlogs at all.
No. 444881
>>444739It's easy to blow $1000 at Sephora for people with no self control and who are hoarders. It's a ridiculous amount of money unless you're a legit makeup guru or are just rich enough to afford $100 lipsticks or something. Jill has about as much makeup skill as Kailyn Wilcher, who she has sooo much in common with (sorry anons I just find this comparison hilarious), including VIB Rouge status, lmao. Why buy that much worth of makeup when you don't even know how to put it on and it makes you look worse? Jill I know you're reading, do an AMA for this please!
>>444653The bath bombs aren't even from Sephora! They're from Lush, and are like ~$5-7 dollars each, I believe. She basically drops money to soak in her filth mixed with colorful glitter and open herself to skin irritation/UTIs. Maybe she doesn't bathe often because she doesn't have enough bath bombs for them and showering is for poor plebeians.
>>444732What's sad is I think she must justify spending absurd amounts of money every time she goes to the "faraway shopping centers" because they're not close to home, despite how often she splurges on equally expensive junk online. Imagine not being able to drive a couple hours away from home without feeling the need to buy several hundred dollars worth of stuff in order to make the trip worthwhile.
No. 444903
>>444739Aren't you humblebragging? Why do you need so much makeup? I don't see why anyone would spend that much
>>444870I guess she's blowing $200-300 per haul? I haven't really felt like Jill's had a huge shopping addiction until now for some reason, but this feels like too much for me. At least with clothes you can resell them.
No. 444934
>>444903makeup is a hobby and a form of art. no one truly needs "so much makeup", but if you can afford it, and if you want it, then why not? kek sorry you find joy in policing what other adults do with their money
sage for kind of ot and also rant
No. 444939
>>444903They're not humblebragging? VIB Rouge genuinely isn't a difficult status to obtain if you've had a Sephora account for a few years and your purchases added up over time thus granting you the status.
Chill the fuck out.
No. 444986
>>444946Really more like it’s been going on for weeks. The Onision thread just got a warning from a farmhand about farmers trying to be mods and police the thread. Hopefully we can get that warning too because I’ve had salty anons start shit with me.
so, how does Canada Sephora work? If she spent $1000 CAD, that’s only $775ish in USD. Also, their products “cost more,” because of currency rates it’d be easier to make it to $1000 than it would here in the US because of price differences.
No. 445006
>>444903poor person work harder skincare is expensive
no need to be salty if someone has $$$
No. 445029
>>444503First off 25$ for track/sweatpants is not cheap at all. And 80$ is absolutely outrageous. Personal opinion, but no pair of sweatpants is worth more than 10$ because they're so abundant in thrift stores
Honestly Jill needs to not buy any more clothes and spend a year sewing her own clothes if she wants to be a serious designer. She has plenty of clothes stocked up already and she needs the practice. She should have just thrifted cheap track pants and added snaps.
And I find it super weird when she doesn't realize something about a super expensive product before purchasing. Like she doesn't seem to look too hard before purchasing, which you would think she would before buying something that costs so much. Like the cat bag being embroidery, the bunnyrees being corduroy, the pink track pants saying maneater on the butt.
Also 'fancy fake rich person' kek
No. 445098
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>>444946I HONESLTY don’t understand why she’s buying shit now…. I can bet anything shell find an excuse to not move and say she doesn’t need college to became a “super famus fashon designur uwu”
No. 445126
>>445098Her shopping is so out of control that she uses it as therapy and self care. There's no way she'd last without her parents income as a base.
Since when is moving an hour away "leaving behind your family and everything you've ever known"? dafuq? She has a car, it's not that far of a drive. She's so dramatic. Being pathetic and helpless is NOT cute.
No. 445137
>>445047Stop being a bitter broke ass cunt, anon.
>>445029Jill's choice of clothing to purchase was out right ridiculous. Nothing coordinated, looked well made and was just plain sad.
No. 445143
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no, no she wouldn't
No. 445144
>>444739I was thinking this too. If makeup was your main hobby or Sephora was somewhere you shopped elusively, it wouldn't be hard to rack that much up.
>>444903>humblebraggingWell you're not-so-subtly bitter. Who the fuck cares about your feelings? Maybe anon's just really into makeup. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean some people wouldn't spend money on things you wouldn't. Everyone has their thing.
No. 445147
Ok I just don't get why everyone here calls Jill materialistic and selfish and then act like blowing thousands of dollars on makeup is soooo different.
When people say it's fine for Jill to spend HER money as she likes, people here call her a white knight.
>>445068Lots of people are blowing money on makeup without creating videos, why does Jill need to do it too?
>>445080Why is spending money on makeup different than spending money on toys and clothes?
>>445144I don't blow thousands of dollars on anything.
No. 445150
>>445144Yeah I guess I am jealous of people like you guys and Jill who can blow a ton of money on materialistic goods.
Jill's hobby is "fashion", why is she not allowed to spend money? People here have even called Jill immoral based on the way she spends money.
It just seems really hypocritical to me.
No. 445152
>>445147i dont feel like anyone who spends a lot of money on something needs to justify it with a video sorry if that how i came across, i just feel like it would be better for her channel. call me a white knight if you must but i dont hate her and i want her to be Good At Youtube because seeing her fail, while funny in the short term, is kind of sad for me to see in the long term.
since she isnt actually doing any designing for her brand but is still spending so much money on so many things it would make more sense for her to spend more money on one thing that is her brand as opposed to many things that can make a video but doesnt really "establish" ?? her as a youtuber. if that makes sense :)
No. 445153
>>445147>I don't spend thousands of dollars on anything.Good for you. You want a gold star?
>>443277I like Lor, but what?
Also, Artic Fox dye is shit and I'd know because I wasted money on it after using a coupon from Lor thinking it might be that good. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill has a coupon for it now and is shilling the brand after how they treated her. It stays for about 5 washes, Artic Fox itself says. I hope they both have fun having to reapply all of that in less than a weeks time.
No. 445160
>>444613Well yeah? Anybody can see that.
What I'm saying is that the fact it's targeted towards a younger age range means there's a higher chance she'll grow out of it. Tons of people still like things aimed at kids though so maybe not. It's just a possibility.
No. 445173
>>445164There’s simply better brands than Artic Fox, but you can’t expect much from a dye you can find at Hot Topic lol. You sound new to unnatural dyes and need to shop around more if you think you need to wash your hair that little just to keep color in. It’s definitely a “get what you pay for” brand.
That being said, how much does Jill wash her hair with the coloring she does? Has she ever brought it up?
No. 445182
>>445029I asked her in a livestream if she would upcycle thrifted stuff and she answered absolutely no, all designed from scratch by her.
Also, ArticFox trait with each youtuber has been different. Lor replied and communicated with the brand so they sent her free extensions and a code. Jill was only sent the dye and she had to purchase her own extensions (80$) because she didnt even read the email.
No. 445185
>>445029She seems to still have no idea when it comes to sewing related stuff. Like anything that doesn't immediately fall apart is "well made", I mean even when she did the haul for the Chinese rip off site she seemed to genuinely like the quality of all the products.
Seriously, you're trying to become a fashion designer and tell me that some $10 taobao shirt is "great quality"?
And yeah, idk how she seems to pay no attention to item descriptions and pictures, usually it always says "embroidered tote bag" or "corduroy dress", what the fuck is she even looking at while buying those things?
No. 445250
>>445147The thing is makeup is one hobby for people, that they prob use multiple products of every single day, so splurging a bit on it here and there can easily add up to $1000. Not to mention if you also purchase skin care, hair care, perfume, or gifts for other people there.
With Jill we're on her for her spending because she is CONSTANTLY spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on really unnecessary things. Yet she can't spend the money to get her hair bleached right. And she's spending all this money on clothes while calling herself a designer and creating a series on it while barely designing anything. We've seen like what, a total of five pieces she's designed? AND she is moving out on her own in a year so she will not be near this financially stable. AND she's quit her jobs for YouTube, constantly brags about it, all the while complaining every other day about demonitization and her JOB IS AT RISK GUYS.
That is why people can hit VIB rouge and still feel ok about judging Jill's spending. Jill is extremely annoying and vocal about exactly bow much every little thing she buys costs, so of COURSE people are gonna judge her kek
No. 445251
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Can't believe Jill is playing beggar for her friend on FB. Seriously, she could have just given her friend Becki the amount she was asking for what she spends on her shitty hauls.
No. 445256
>>445164Not that anon and I haven't had an unnatural hair color for a time now so I don't know about how good brands are these days but back in 2012/2014 I used Special Effects/Directions and it used to last a lot more than 5 washes. Granted I never really tried pastel colors.
sage for blogpost but with the amount shit I had to do to keep my hair hydrated, no way I could live washing it only 5 times a month
No. 445291
File: 1513442641578.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1080x1061, 20171216_164208.png)

How do you fuck up your hair that badly. Just how
No. 445294
>>445291holy shit what is going on here??
the roots look fucking nasty, but the mint doesn't look any better
please for the love of god Jill, get an actual haircut and dye your hair a natural color, it would make you look 300 times better
No. 445340
>>445337Diff anon, but she also said that the eating was because of the breakup, and she's scared to try and lose weight because of her ED.
Someone asked her how she overcame her ED, and she said she doesn't remember how it happened, but she started feeling better after she started dating Tristan.
No. 445346
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>she's not a lesbian because she "enjoys a peen or two"Wow. I am so shocked! Who knew! Jill, liking men?? You mean the lesbian thing were just for brownie points and aesthetics? Oh my God!
No. 445349
>>445347It's not like she's a sociopath, she definitely liked Colin a lot. Seems like a touchy subject for her, I honestly suspect that the way she kept pushing him into her "aesthetic" definitely didn't help the relationship.
Wanting to marry someone you're dating is not that creepy though imo, who knows what they talked about.
No. 445351
>>445347I think Jill bases her identity too much off of being in a relationship. She's almost never single and constantly has to rebound. IIRC, didn't she start dating Colin very shortly after breaking up with Tristan?
Also, her comment about her feeling better about her eating disorder once dating Tristan makes me raise an eyebrow. I'm no psychologist, but I feel like you should cope with your mental illnesses from within, not depend on your partner to help you with them.
No. 445352
>>445349I think they mean talking about marriage when you're only 18, super immature, and haven't been dating that long might be creepy? plus the fact she p much stalked him before dating, idk
she was moving pretty fast with him tbh, I'm sure she had to convince him to get an apartment together, then he got sucked into paying for half of that ugly pink sofa (wherever that went)
No. 445354
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has she ever NOT bought something she came across that she liked? like what use does she have for this…
No. 445357
>>445098I really really really hope she gets the courage to move. Can't wait to see the mismatched vomit mess of furnishing she's going to have to do with her hoard. I just can't believe anyone would buy so many things for a place they don't even have or know the size of yet. Linen, tableware, hangers, bathroom essentials sure, but sofas and rugs and big things like that she could easily buy after the move? That's just stupid. And I'm pretty sure she won't even be able to handle school, she's going to get super pissy she can't do exactly what she wants at all times.
I'm super excited
No. 445358
>>445357lmao anyone remember the rough sketch ups she made for her apartment before?
I remember that it looked like the waiting room for a kids doctor's office or some shit, can't imagine that it would look any better now that her aesthetic is even more bright/mismatched/obnoxious
No. 445359
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>>445358lmao I forgot about her plans for her flat omg
No. 445360
>>445359>CCS on the TVgets me everytime
now that she has actually gotten a CCS tattoo, I really wonder if she has ever finished the series
she said before that it had too much filler/she was only 40 episodes in or something, and then in a more recent video she said it was one of her all time favorite anime suddenly?
No. 445363
i saw jill irl at my work within the last month or so and tbh one of her biggest problems is that she doesn't know what flatters her even a little bit. clothes, hair, camera angles, nothing. she's chunky for sure but not as big as i would have expected based on how she presents herself online. the shapeless, pastel clothes she wears do her no favours, nor do those bright, stringy ass hair extensions. they age her face considerably.
actually, rainbow in general just isn't for her. i didn't get a good look at her make up bc i only saw her briefly but i remember she wasn't wearing any of her favourite ugly colours (yellow, bright green, hot pink, etc) on her eyes and looked so much closer to her age than in most of her videos and selfies. like she'd be capable of not looking like a 47 year old woman who can't accept that the 80s are over if she understood that her party kei style doesn't suit her.
someone who was near the counter didn't know who she was and asked me if i knew what she was dressed up for.
No. 445365
>>445363>someone who was near the counter didn't know who she was and asked me if i knew what she was dressed up for.kek
are you the same anon who saw her car parked outside of the manicure place? regardless, these Jill sightings are great
No. 445380
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>>445375You forgot to include an Expensive Purebred Cat™ choking on the glitter