File: 1661490114838.jpg (98.39 KB, 600x300, Depositphotos_5720149_xl-2015.…)

No. 43447
File: 1661522550389.jpeg (162.33 KB, 750x1196, A69DE094-9D07-4E94-A047-8ED1B5…)

would I be able to dispute this?
No. 43457
>>43448Your tinfoil is so bad
Anons are using the Aki and Trash Taste threads, like anons have been saying,to cross post and its the Belle-anons derailing and nitpicking who is allowed, as a foreigner, to not have Japanese memorized as a non-first language. It's utterly retarded and I bet if mods checked it, they'd see its being used for off topic discussion and anons using in place of a filled thread.
Arguing over who should know better Japanese because their BF knows Japanese/is Japanese or "they've lived there long enough" isn't milk and it's massively retarded paragraphs of posts too. Reeks of an IP hopping samefag too.
>>>/w/242451>>>/w/242398>>>/w/242484>>>/w/242551 No. 43470
File: 1661550934673.gif (2.75 MB, 640x640, 50BD51AA-15DD-455A-806E-BD0004…)

mods whenever they see a “the black problem” thread posted every 5 seconds:
No. 43485
File: 1661605599207.png (118.12 KB, 400x400, 0DDD162B-AE75-4725-A4A4-F3C067…)

Y’all been on it today ty ♥
No. 43486
File: 1661606203135.png (42.5 KB, 738x438, troons.png)

What's the plan for when the twitter trannies come for us next? Do we have DDOS protection?
No. 43487
>>43486Remember the bunker threads? Lol, yeah, if they were to DDOS it would be a huge inconvenience and would probably wipe out /m/ for the second time electric boogaloo style and we still haven’t even received an explanation as to why that happened. Mods obviously are limited in their powers
and collective intelligence and are also not sure what tf is even going on, I think the server just expired and they had to renew it again. I think this website despite the nonexistent admin presence and inconsistent moderation will be fine, worst case scenario everyone will have to move to the official discord or visit other sites until the website is repaired.
No. 43499
File: 1661620738825.jpg (117.98 KB, 652x502, 1661620746331.jpg)

Absolute sped detailing the Jillian Pixielocks thread. I suspect they're ban evading too.
No. 43506
File: 1661623398061.gif (1.97 MB, 615x413, YaU9Hrf.gif)

>>43470This is the first post that's ever made me KEK out loud
>>43486Imagine all the issues KF is having but x1000 worse
No. 43513
>>43510>>43510At the risk of getting a ban, I was one of the anons in the infight. I literally only made one post saying Jill does not have BPD, and I wasn't even the original anon who started the infight. Pixielocks is the only thread I visit on /w/ and I rarely even go on that board. I don't know why you guys are so hung up on the idea of it being just one person.
Either way, /w/ is an actual cesspit as the Belle/Venus/Pixie threads can corroborate. It's like 2% milk and 90% general retardation. I honestly thought /snow/ was the worst cow board, but /w/ should genuinely be launched into interstellar space.
No. 43514
>>43513Meant to also quote
>>43499It's also disingenuous to only focus on the anti-Jill-has-BPD crowd when the pro-Jill-has-BPD group is equally as spergy with their hyperfocus on how many times an anon deletes and reposts their reply and other weird idiosyncrasies. In any case, /w/ is in dire need of more moderators
No. 43516
>>43515I have honestly just stopped checking /w/ because of how annoying the anons can be over there. I only stopped by today to see if anything was different, but alas, same old same old.
Kiwi Farms was my other go to place since the cows are generally more entertaining/milky (or I guess since they have more cows) and the discussions are less shitty except for when a thread gets featured and all the tards come out of the woodwork. But of course, Keffals and his groomer troomer squad had to DDoS the website and create this domino effect to keep me from getting my daily keks/cringe. I'm honestly pretty nervous of what might happen to lolcow if KF really does go down for a while, whether they end up targeting us or if lc becomes even more biohazardous
No. 43517
>>43516Hoping Admin comes through with some sort of response or a town hall soon.(I know November is barely here yet but still) it’s kinda worrisome. Unknown days among us
No. 43522
>>43521Yes, this. Remember when pull shut down? this is going to be even
No. 43527
>>43524I don't recall a "server transition" being mentioned by old admin, nor the "new" admin claiming that this is an extension of the original plan (the important part), but I'll take your word for it.
>That has been planned/worked on for over a yearSo work has essentially stalled and this site is being left to rot. Good to know.
And yes, I know it takes time for these things to be implemented. But certainly not more than a year, which only implies that the website is woefully understaffed. Moreover, a year is plenty of time to have hired new help or to write codes that could benefit the website in its present state. If the old admin ever did explain what the transition meant, she did not do a proper job of conveying it. No. 43532
>>43531Autist mad another anon told them. This is an imageboard. Anons just posting in the new Jvlog thread just to derail.
>>>/w/243165 I know for sure mods have told this autist to post caps before.
No. 43549
>>43541another nona suggested another hellweek, I think that might be a really good idea at this point. Maybe in combination with what
>>43547 says.
No. 43555
File: 1661747561869.png (470.7 KB, 1125x2436, 70F994DF-9A63-44C0-B812-26C923…)

Still waiting for a response to what “unspecified reasons” were for this. People were asking for one in the Yeonmi Park thread so I made one.
No. 43578
>>43577And their retarded derailing in the lolita thread. This anon says they are making the new thread. Mods, don't let that happen.
>>>/w/243458 The same anon keeps making the Belle threads and you can see how that turns out.
No. 43595
This anon has been going on and on and on about old milk from 2 threads ago on top of trying to say Tom and Taylor's baby is going to be in danger because of the shitty, but legal, gravure shit that China allows and how it's going to harm the baby in the future.
It's all sorts of retarded thinking and absolutely derailing
>>>/w/243655 They have been going on and on about this and its old discussion and yet anon is trying to say "when the baby is an adult".. It's a fucking baby right now.
No. 43598
>>43596Tbh, you're probably them, but a mod will deal with it, but the anon who posted it is probably the same anon, who repeatedly across /w/, accuses their shitty posts of getting redtexted because a mod is pretending to be a farmer who "WKS ALL THE PRETTY COWS". Anons won't take accountability for their derailing/fake milk/autistic nitpicking [which is where the collages come in], and so they want to blame it on mods who are apparently "in on it". It's shitty tinfoil and all the bans have been 100% warranted.
>>43597No one said, at all, that anything on the website was "fine", you sicko. Move on and report the website like another anon suggested if you're this mad about his website still. Hate to break it to you, but teen gravure is legal in places like China and Russia. It's a shitty reality, but they aren't going to do anything if reported. The only reason that one article even got removed was because Westerners harass Taylor about it. Had nothing to even do with him.
No. 43635
>>43628Idk if it's the same anon, but damn how many posts do we have to see in /meta/ about the Bellefag being the greatest evil the farms has ever seen when we have a mentally ill [redacted] spamming CP, gore and racebait 20 hours a day? Why they can't stay in their containment zone and continue yelling here into the void I'll never understand.
>>43624That thread has been absolutely nuked with autism but who actually cares enough that Belle's pimp/business partner/co-porn star is included in the OP? It doesn't mean anons are obsessed with him what a weird statement.
No. 43637
>>43636not true, nonnies asked it to be redtexted kekk
In any case I hope more shit gets redtexted, for funsies
No. 43644
File: 1662050045942.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.27 KB, 800x517, 1237819158275.jpg)

Asking this here because I don't want to derail the Big Shaynus thread.
Why do vomit reaction images need to be spoilered? Using images of people vomiting to show disgust has been around since /cgl/. This is just catering to tumlrtards and twatterfags that can't cope with the most basic level of image board culture.
No. 43646
>>43645I'm different anon. I'm asking because it's the second time it's happened in the Shay threads. The first time it happened it was because of an image that I posted. It was an old image that predates LC and I had posted before and no one complained. I was confused then and I'm confused now.
Here's the image I posted being used to show disgust in PT thread on /cgl/ in 2012's unspoilered.
No. 43647
File: 1662051334021.jpg (377.49 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_2022-09-01-11-54-56…)

Some troon or kiwifag is spamming the kf thread, I'd avoid for now in case they start spamming
No. 43652
File: 1662053271055.gif (3.43 MB, 498x399, 122.gif)

>>43649>Anons are using a lolita's outfit as a branching point to start derailing about Hitler and the Jews and how anons must secretly hate Jews because they are upset about anons derailing about Hitler./w/ is /w/ild holy shit
No. 43663
File: 1662057494232.png (501.72 KB, 542x954, that IP desperation.png)

Imagine desperate hopping around like this, thank you mods, except now they are back again too
>>>/w/244344 No. 43668
File: 1662058654831.png (194.61 KB, 498x500, little.png)

thanks for being on top of it mods
No. 43676
pedophile schizo tranny in rachel thread
>>>/snow/1561022 and kiwi keffals thread
>>>/snow/1631130 No. 43691
TW for the following: Feeling
triggered by
toxic nonnies playing
victim, silencing the based &
valid transphobic
TERF comraderie of Very
abusive behavior.
POC WOC No. 43699
File: 1662118239071.png (62.8 KB, 578x547, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_draw…)

Cp on /snow / raid once again. It's the first time I see it happen live and I've been using lolcow on and off for a few years and knew it was a recurring issue.
I think i officially got too much of it for me to see it happen. It's so gross.
No. 43775
>>43706You're obviously too new to remember Nicolefag being told to fuck off by admin in the complaints thread op. You're not getting the thread taken down by crying in meta everyday. Report and ignore it and quit coping while posting Freudian slips like this
>The same ones who made the retarded Belle thread OPs and their obsession with JoshThat awful thread should remain out of principle at this point.
No. 43807
>>43776Saw that post too, anon. Sounded like Blaine to me, or at the very least a similar unhinged troon with a vendetta. Why the fuck would a site so openly hostile to trannies appoint a troon as a mod, and if there was a tranny janny, why would he be so permissive about ~twansphobia~? I mean I guess I can kind of understand the tinfoil about there being troons early in the site's history, but admin hiring one recently would make no sense whatsoever.
He's just trying to stir up infighting and/or advance whatever agenda he has with the Literal Who cows he keeps bringing up. I'll be curious to see what redtext his sperg thread in snow gets lmao.
No. 43808
>>43785What do you mean by IP hopping? Because plenty of anons have used VPNs to ban evade in the past. Iirc like half of the Opera VPN IPs are permabanned because of a sperg anon who used them to ban evade.
Do you just mean people who use different IPs to samefag (as in an anon pretending to be two different people and talking to themself)? Because I absolutely believe people do that, though it's probably a rare thing. Just seems like a lot of effort for something really insignificant and pointless.
No. 43843
File: 1662212822451.jpeg (15.86 KB, 229x200, 0890BCC8-5FFB-4D05-B47E-4E599A…)

Cranky because you’re never going to be accepted aren’t you
No. 43857
File: 1662213531116.png (5.1 MB, 1280x1813, 25774687-506B-492E-AC29-B783DE…)

Troon is samefagging and schizzing rn
No. 43895
>>43893He really is so amazingly bad at this, thankfully I didn't see the CP but I'm not surprised he's posting it, at the same time he's doing other obnoxious shit (maybe if he's really smart, via a different proxy like he bragged about the one time) AND SOMEHOW EVERY TIME it is happening when he's here. Like within minutes. His piss poor testorone-driven moidal impulse control makes him so unbelievably bad at gay gayslighting ops that he'll probably be in here in no time calling himself "they" and "she" and a protector of women.
Oh, wait.
No. 43938
File: 1662241163647.jpg (19.62 KB, 540x400, 1bdeb1982490d65b3e8451fba58c24…)

When will the mtf thread not be autosaged anymore? I feel like things will be back to normal now, by the way maybe the kiwifarms thread should be autosaged, it was fun when there was actually keffals vs josh stuff, but now it's just a bunch of nothing with kiwis and kiwis rejects still hanging around.
No. 43945
File: 1662245316690.jpg (139.61 KB, 707x971, 1662245360262.jpg)

Shit it's really down now
No. 43970
File: 1662273404385.jpg (37.91 KB, 552x710, c7ebk.jpg)

Mods deleting KF retardation fast rn, thank you
No. 43971
Adding to this
>>39572He now uses images from KnowYourMeme, you can tell because of the filenames. Please keep reporting him on sight, there's a lot of posts by him that are scattered about on different boards that have been up for hours or even days and no one seems to have noticed despite it being obviously Blaine posts.
No. 43977
>>43974You necroed a 4 month old inactive thread you retard and you are wondering why you got banned?
''im not a newfag'' my ass.
No. 43987
>>43986>>43985>>43984okay? out of the years I've been here that's a new and weird threat, I dont think a nona has ever threatened my health or privacy. I wonder how many kiwifarmers are in our midst. I'm in meta about this one thread, I just want the one aussie one I posted in back, sorry I offended you?
thinking of just starting a new aussie one in like /g/ or /m/ anyone else keen?
No. 43988
>>43984 wasnt the one who made that threat. Im pretty sure it was another sperg or probably you samefagging idk.
No. 43999
>>43997>>43998I don't see that going down better than just posting in the original thread. I'd make a new thread as we speak but I could get permabanned cause fuck know what is going on here lately
but I'm doing it gimme 5 I'll pee and pop a thread see what the happs is, already been accused of being a filthy scrote enough to be able to larp as one surely.
No. 44003
Anons have been infighting for days about someone not posting a video when they at least posted a cap of what context they were talking about and now it's just over 4 days worth of anons shitposting/infighting about it.
>>>/w/244473>>>/w/244671>>>/w/244132>>>/w/244943>>>/w/244963>>>/w/244961 Random racesperg about China
No. 44006
>>44003wah wah waaaah! moooooom! stop deleting cp and gore and safeguard my waifu cow!
duh, the person demanding videos is retarded, that ain't what lc is for.
found the China anon btw
No. 44033
File: 1662320703751.png (153.28 KB, 2786x344, mods confirm tranny spams cp.p…)

>>44029they already are, mods know its the pedophile schizo tranny spamming cp and gore and stuff
admin needs to step up and either implement some new mod techniques like image filter autobans etc or ban vpns altogether as mods can only do so much with the current tools
No. 44034
File: 1662320742067.png (60.22 KB, 2782x160, mods confirm tranny talks to h…)

>>44033also mods obviously know he samefags and ip hops to talk to himself using vpns
No. 44046
File: 1662322472898.jpg (83.02 KB, 720x349, 20220904_213341.jpg)

No. 44055
File: 1662323309183.jpg (174.43 KB, 720x671, 20220904_213109.jpg)

Interesting how pedo allegations seem to follow Blaine wherever he goes. He tried to get his thread removed from OnionFarms and specifically mentioned pedo allegations, I wonder why
No. 44057
File: 1662323601458.jpg (82.12 KB, 720x325, 20220904_214410.jpg)

Maybe it's because you stupidly spam your sick shit at the exact time you spam your meltdowns
No. 44059
File: 1662323673327.png (3.33 MB, 1081x12619, screencapture-lolcow-farm-meta…)

>>44049If only you knew how bad things really are. For reference, pic related is an example of the amount of patheticness we're dealing with. The red circled posts are the ones that got mass deleted, aka. the tranny's.
No. 44071
>>44068not by the admin directly but by the mods/jannies at least although surely admin must be aware too
since he posts things like cp plus threatening to kill government officials which can get the site taken down so agreed something more needs to be done about it asap as the "report and ignore" strategy doesn't work for the illegal content he spams
No. 44103
>>44033>ban VPNs altogether anyone who suggests these retarded ideas has to be concern trolling. HURRR DURRRR let’s get rid of everyone’s right to privacy because this one tranny is being annoying!!! what a brilliant fucking idea, go ahead and implement it and see how much no one posts because the farmhands like banning anyone with a pulse and how everyone becomes vulnerable because we are also a target just as much as kiwifarms is. everyone uses vpns now, you clearly just want to punish everyone because you’re an authoritarian psycho who gets mad at arguments in /ot/ or some shit instead of eating a banana and going outside. none of those things are ever going to stop him from posting here or being a nuisance, they can simply just unplug their fucking router and restart it, call up their ISP and change their own IPs, change their own physical locations, it’s all limitless to them. the problem has always been cultural, we do not put up as much as a ruthless foothold as the other imageboards/websites because no one takes spaces dominated by women seriously. men browsing this website is inevitable, they are actually the main market and users on the internet which is concerning because we can clearly see it’s huge negative effects. jannies/mods are not the answer to the problem, they are only long-term placeholders to a wide, larger issue that has existed since forever on the internet and even IRL. they come, they clean up the shit, and manage it the best they can, the problem is that we have too much retarded farmhands and not enough of good quality ones.
No. 44104
>>44103vpns aren't useful for privacy these days as most vpn companies will gladly hand your info over to law enforcement if requested, some have even been caught selling user data to third parties before, and a few have had security breaches putting user data at risk
it's not just that he is being annoying and invading a womens only space but he is also spamming illegal content like cp and terrorist threats which can get the website taken down/dropped by hosting providers - probably the reason he has been spamming stuff like that is to try and get this place taken down so banning vpns would make it a lot more difficult to do that
we don't have "too many" retarded farmhands as we barely have any to begin with and admin even admitted this recently that the site is understaffed
what recent examples do you have of farmhands being bad? I see them taking down the troon spam, redtexting infighting and unsaged posts and hi cowing, basically doing their job the best they can despite there not being enough of them
not trying to start infighting, I am genuinely curious for some actual examples of how they are being retarded as personally I haven't seen any of that myself lately but maybe others have?
No. 44107
>>44105idk they seem pretty on top of it these past few days but yeah it could be due to complaints plus the excessive spam pushing them to get it together
I agree about the admin thing though, there really is no good reason why admin can't take 5 minutes every now and then to at least type us up a brief update post or give us some sign of life especially after taking all those donations to keep the site going
No. 44108
>>44107samefag I actually just checked the kofi page and it looks like there has been an update from admin with the announcement of an emergency town hall meeting this month along with other site-related stuff
weird how it wasn't posted here too though
No. 44112
File: 1662348080687.png (33.4 KB, 420x393, 1.PNG)

>>44108Thank you for posting about this anon, I wouldn't have known. Communication is so fucked on this site. I don't know why we keep getting updates about this site everywhere but /meta/, especially when the Ko-fi page seems pretty dead.
Posting pics for other anons who may not have seen.
No. 44123
>>44091"brown woman" kek fuck off, she was as white as casper.
>>44112Oldmin still playing games, great. Very believable updates, cool story. And a town hall this month? Where, on kofi? Discord? Fucking reddit? Cause apparently this fag is allergic to actually posting here.
No. 44137
>>44130>>44132>>44134speaking of spot the troon lmfao
>>44112yeah honestly i dont hate myself so i could never be admin, i respect that, but from the outside looking in its so hard for me to understand why this site has been around for so long and there appears to be basically no protocols for how mods and anons interact, even like a simple flowchart of where to go for what and who does what where and what updates get posted where and where/when they can be expected by nonnies who want to check idk i have a lot of thoughts. the complaints threads and town hall threads arent even pinned on their respective boards for fucks sakes
No. 44138
>>44137I agree with your post but
>the complaints threads and town hall threads arent even pinned on their respective boards for fucks sakesWhat do you mean by this anon?
No. 44148
>>44146Once in a blue moon maybe, they could still talk to us more
Admin if you see this I hope you add more new banners to the new site, I know you already added some but there's so many good ones I swear
No. 44172
>>44171if you check the doodle room thread on /ot/ they sometimes host gartic phone or other drawing games for nonas to join in
I think the last one was a week or so ago? maybe even less than that and there'll probably be another this weekend if you wanted to join
No. 44209
File: 1662530179488.jpeg (170.63 KB, 792x772, 6A0471EE-C0C9-4D88-9654-71864B…)

thought I'd share admins new post here in case some nonas don't browse the thread it was posted in
honestly I'm still confused what this post is referring to though, can someone explain to me? is it the schizo pedo troon, something to do with kiwifarms, or what?
No. 44213
>>44209what thread?
Also, good. If they're talking about Bl**ne, he's also targeting random anons on /ot/ now. He's posting his discord all over and urging others to add him. DO NOT add anyone who posts their discord account on /ot/ on the next days.
No. 44220
File: 1662533296079.png (40.81 KB, 300x163, kekkkkkkkk.png)

someone pls photoshop the troon's mug on the slug
No. 44222
>>44216he threatened he's going to shoot and kill a particular US government official during one of his hrt-fueled meltdowns so hopefully that threat is taken seriously and they drag him off to the funny farms
I wish admin will come back and gives more clarification to wtf is happening
No. 44224
>>44209I didn't want to derail the thread this was posted in so I qant to say based Admins for standing ground against looney troon-ery. These hypocritical MEN are like "omg I was doxxed for being a pedophile groomer" then proceed and harass and threten everyone who is ""transphobic uwu"" against them. Evern though LCF has its shit problems, I am glad to to a part of a place that won't allow this to happen.
Admin and mod, be safe and smart. Don't fall far these men's fake attempts of sympathy and share something that will bite you in the ass. God speed and thanks for trying to fight fire with fire to protect us. <3
No. 44228
>>44227samefag because who has
already threatened a prior admin ("not for the first time") etc?
No. 44239
sorry farmhands that you have to constantly deal with this tranimaniac, thanks for not giving up
No. 44247
File: 1662535942403.png (765.36 KB, 1051x592, Screenshot 2022-09-06 22.01.49…)

kitten to knock CP off the front page
No. 44248
File: 1662535966649.jpg (126.72 KB, 880x880, 7b495926ba45d5f76ad2de961b0d1c…)

No. 44274
>>44273he keeps schizoposting about the shooting threats and cp spam he's made here and trying to use it to get lc taken down, admin or farmhands can you please elaborate a bit about the post made earlier in
>>44209 ?
No. 44281
>>44276he posted a photo of a gun awhile ago in this thread while samefagging and threatening his own family, and posted other threats too of course
>>44280 pretty sure that is the troon you're replying to and he obviously knows it's none other than himself samefagging and making the threats against himself
No. 44292
File: 1662574372987.png (10.63 KB, 1260x73, Screenshot 2022-09-04 at 23-01…)

>>44286Blaine also claimed to be the one that swatted Marjorie Taylor Greene. Likely bullshit, but who even knows at this point
No. 44293
>>44292That obviously wasn’t him
He also claimed:
>took down kiwi farms>hacked Nulls account>was admin for lolcow>was a mod for lolcowand other retarded shit. He just wants to take credit for MTG thing because he’s a nobody.
No. 44294
>>44292I believe he is crazy enough that he
would do this but also that he is too just plain outright nuts to be able to pull it off.
No. 44304
>>44302 Newfags come on here and just shitpost. Several
POC threads popped up on /w/ too, no one has commented anything in them in months, including when anons asked for proof. /w/ has a clear racesperg in it, but those threads get to stay up.
No. 44390
File: 1662684205202.jpeg (313.46 KB, 750x724, EFB5A4D6-9949-4F96-AC4A-3A77B7…)

Repost from kiwifarms/keffals thread. A nona suggested I post in /meta/ but wasn’t sure where or which thread. Apologies, I’m op, would post here but I’m currently Phonefagging at work. Just letting the mods know here
No. 44393
>>44390This is probably the tranny and another one of his retarded falseflags. Not too long ago, he's been spamming garbage here trying to blame it on that website literally no one but him knows or uses. See
>>44059And before that, he also did the same call for invasion on another imageboards for soyjaks, then spammed here after they told him to fuck off and tried to blame it on that board.
No. 44414
>>44412>>44410Yeah I wish people would stop replying to her/them (if it's more than one person). It's pointless.
Ok you can think a joke someone made is "retarded", just say that and move on, no need to start a huge fight that goes on for hours because others didn't care about your opinion. Who the fuck does that? Only an autist.
No. 44419
>>44413My point exactly. It's bizarre to have someone complain that they hate people being immature in /ot/ and then express that by waging an autistic war across multiple threads. She's even in the lolcow caps thread accusing people of intentionally stirring the pot by posting the hammie posts
>>44415Honestly, yes. The constant Blaine posts and attacks are making everyone so irrate and lowering the tone. That's the whole reason I even made the hammie posts, it was an attempt to kickstart the more normal lighthearted nature of things
No. 44432
File: 1662734296259.png (788.37 KB, 864x1462, Screenshot_20220909-093841.png)

>>44426I haven't made a post in a hot minute so I don't think I caught a ban?
No. 44459
>>44458it sucks but there is nothing we could do about it, they came here after the kiwi fall-down.
The jannies are doing their best at banning them when they fail at integrating.
No. 44474
File: 1662813820934.jpg (13.04 KB, 307x51, 845654.JPG)

>>44467it's in the thread description sis
No. 44478
Refusing to post caps anon is back
>>>/w/246785 and wants to complain how it's spoonfeeding when it's the bare minimum to do.
No. 44486
File: 1662828039349.png (765.97 KB, 720x499, 1658011768425.png)

black porn spammer in vent thread
No. 44540
This is obvious bait, right?
>>>/w/247459>And outside her one accusation tweet that chris sharla cock and cunt sucking fansWho the hell talks like that?
No. 44575
File: 1662943250931.png (149.01 KB, 720x728, hmm_today_i_will.png)

>>44566we appreciate the effort you guys have to put in all the time
No. 44607
you retarded? cp content is posted on Facebook, Twitter, other forums. It gets removed, eventually, but can stay up as long as DAYS. Twitter literally has nothing they can do to prevent that content from being posted. "Unable to put a stop to it" that's impossible, that would assume that admin is able to predict what can be posted. Twitter cannot do that either, because some of the same stuff is spammed, so if they had the ability to detect an image and remove it automatically, they would have. But they don't. Neither does lolcow and that's fine. As long as it's clear to the public – which clearly has the ability to sway an organization's opinion– that we obviously are not the ones doing it nor are we wanting it, then it makes sense that we should archive our complaints and reactions.
No. 44620
>>44618so it is the mod team's fault that an idiot can't sage? is that what you're trying to say because youre sounding stupid as all fuck right now .
btw theres been a couple of dark ccs for a long ass time already but seems like you're too much of an idiot to find them out
>>44619dont forget all the nasty shit going on in YT too.
No. 44633
>>44632Ex-jvlogger refers to a vlogger who used to film in Japan. It was created after prominent vloggers in the jvlogging community moved out of Japan and continued filming in other countries. Lily is not a vlogger and was previously only mentioned in the context of being a jvlogger's (Abroad in Japan) girlfriend. Anons, who are clearly fans of Abroad in Japan and Sharla in Japan (Abroad's current girlfriend), keep spamming irrelevant, unmilky screenshots of Lily's tweets, especially when anything negative is said about Abroad in Japan or his girlfriend Sharla, which the mod has deleted in the past.
This particular anon has also repeatedly complained in meta and tried to get people banned for calling out their derailing posts about Lily.
No. 44653
>>44652Not a farmhand and hope they are taking good care of themselves but this reminds me to post Maybe this could be worth sticking when this stuff happens.
No. 44655
>>44623>>44627terrible idea. learning to sage is an important part of integration and it's
meant to be non-obvious to weed out shit stirrers, self posters, and other retards who are just passing by. This prevents nonnies from taking bad actors seriously and prevents needless infighting.
No. 44670
>>44654So let me get this right. You lot come here from Reddit/Sharla’s inner circle/wks to completely overtake a thread, turn it into some kind of PULL/subreddit tribute/Sharla Chris and lily circlejerk, and expect farmers to just accept your newfaggotry?
Jannies, I know there are bigger fish to fry but they will call us out for ‘minimodding’ if we mention the rules/how2imageboard or try to get us banned for disagreeing with them. Do farmers a favour and lock the thread/remind them what an imageboard is pretty please?
No. 44674
File: 1663068977280.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 2174x788, proof.png)

>>44673Proof, also reminder that the disgusting schizo troon is also a furry.
No. 44689
>>44687Across /w/, yes there is. There are several posts in multiple threads where redtext samefagging has been put. That doesn't magically disappear because you aren't in those threads. I'm talking about in general in /w/ too, anon, not your weak ass infighting attempt with another anon ITT. I'm saying it wouldn't be a surprise if it is the same anon, as mods have confirmed before there are people on /w/ IP hopping around
in general, so them showing up in the Jillian thread wouldn't be a shock.
No. 44692
>>44684Stop playing dumb. Ex-jvlogger was created from Thread 9 to refer to vloggers who moved out of Japan because prominent vloggers from the jvlogger clique like Sharla, Kim and BiiBii, left Japan and started vlogging in other countries. Lily is not a vlogger or even a youtuber. She’d only ever been mentioned in the context of being Chris' ex-/girlfriend for years until Chris and Sharla fans started invading lolcow, after this thread was mentioned in Chris’ subreddit and on twitter, to try to derail discussion whenever something embarrassing or negative about Chris or Sharla is shared.
OP and none of the Lily whiners ever even bothered to link to Lily’s (defunct) channel or any of her videos until today after it was pointed out, and they can only post links to videos that have been privated or deleted years ago that they’ve never seen before and know nothing about. Unless Lily does or says something connected to an actual jvlogger, her daily goings like cooking fish is completely irrelevant.
OP, who has been trying use meta to get people banned for calling out their shit, is so obsessed with Lily and blinded by their love for Chris and Sharla that they even complained about Lily tweeting herself making soup three fucking months ago in the thread summary, instead of reporting actual milk from the previous thread, like TokyoLens, a married man with a kid and reputation for harassing women, mysteriously opening a studio in Akihabara when he’d just moved down to Kyushu to train to become a pilot, or Chris planning to do three different events in three different countries, including boxing despite being in his worst shape ever.
No. 44700
>>44693Pot kettle black anon, you aren’t the gatekeeper either.
Lily isn’t a vlogger, no one would even know who she is if it wasn’t for Chris.
I am just as amazed as you are that mods won’t shut the shit show down. You’re all weird obsessed fans that literally nitpick every single minor detail and frame it as milk when it isn’t!
>>44695Anons making a big deal because you lot are being so fucking pedantic over it. Lily was never part of the main clique - that is what the thread was originally about. Lily is not a vlogger in that context, she has no content.
No. 44702
>>44701NTA but continually going on about lily when she’s irrelevant would be considered derailing.
Stop trying to call anons out for this, go to Reddit if you want to bitch about Chris’s ex girlfriend - she’s got nothing to do with jvlogging ffs
No. 44775
>>44715>>44710>>44712Nonnies this is an anonymous website with very limited moderation. I don't see why it's so hard to believe that autists would take advantage of this by samefagging incessantly, especially considering (when there were more mods, many moons ago) that people used to get redtexted for samefagging all the time.
>>44714Kek this is what lolcow has been like for the past year or two
No. 44793
>>43448>>43469>>43555This is my experience too. I got a completely random and unfair ban once a year or two ago for "doxxing" despite the fact I posted no personal information at all. I came here to politely talk about it because I thought it must just be a genuine mistake and some sperg was furious at me, telling me to fuck off to kiwifarms. I always suspected it was the janny in question trying to discourage me from contacting people about it so they wouldn't get in trouble for doing that.
Anyway I'm not trying to drag up old shit, but I'm adding this here incase this is actually a problem and it happens to someone else.
>>43701It will always be a problem, this is a tiny site in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't even have a captcha (not that it would help with this issue because it seems to be manual). I understand people are asking for more moderation to combat it and I don't disagree because there's been times where that shit has been up for hours, but I think people need to be realistic too and accept that this site will always be a target of that stuff and there isn't a ton they can really do.
It's a reason I have stopped coming to the site over the years because I realized it won't really change. I've been on the internet for a long time, including other imageboards and the first and only time I ever saw cp was on this website.
If I could make a suggestion, it would be to integrate a system that blocks certain image hashes (I believe there's a cp image hash database you can download specifically for this purpose), but I doubt admin has the money or tools to incorporate something like that in to the site.
Either way it's an awful job and I can't criticize the staff for this one. Having to constantly see that shit must be horrible and they really have to be commended for doing it.
>>44594No, they are right. Captchas are not going to stop anything because it's not a bot doing it. All it will do is stop advertisement spam but that's never been a problem on the site so it's pointless.
Blocking VPNs may help but if someone is determined it won't do anything. This has been going on probably a decade now, that schizo isn't going to stop even if you block VPNs. All you're doing is fucking over your actual userbase. I have nothing to hide personally but I don't really trust the site, they have exposed users many times before. Were those times deserved? Yes, but the fact remains that they can identify people if they want and I don't trust users of a gossip forum not to be malicious if they really want to be. Making that easier for a malicious actor is not a good idea. It's a privacy concern and I agree with them.
No. 44802
File: 1663228220959.jpeg (130.15 KB, 828x318, 77682B47-D70D-4E00-933C-13FB6F…)

I unironically hope the stupid bitch that keeps repeating this in celebricows has a stroke
No. 44809
some retard shitting up the thread in
>>>/w/247405samefagging, spamming, doxxing attempts. god i hate men
No. 44810
>>44809Mate the thread is already shit, this just confirms it even more.
Can this thread be locked now, please? If mods don’t want to do anything based on the content of discussion (it’s basically a subreddit) at least do something about the autistic cock rambling?
I’ve always suspected someone from the jvlog inner circle keeps that thread alive. Move it to /ot, idk but please do something?
Thank you!
No. 44895
File: 1663344429269.jpg (339.42 KB, 1080x870, Screenshot_20220916_090807.jpg)

>>44894This anon and others won't stfu about whos personally more handsome or pretty.
No. 44898
>>44897nevermind found it
>>>/meta/32230>just change the URL from "shorts/" to "watch?v="Please add it to that thread so it's easy to find
No. 44903
>>44826>>44828Tell me you don't know anything about privacy, ISPs, data retention laws and a bunch of other shit without saying it.
No. 44904
>>44899>newfagI've been here for years.
>why spoonfeedThere's simple post styling listed there so I don't see how adding that line is "spoonfeeding" if a spoiler BB code or an alt code heart isn't.
No. 44924
File: 1663358169638.gif (1.25 MB, 220x171, anime-stfu.gif)

leftcow thread in snow derailing into infight about the martha's vineyard situation, can mods please nuke them all back to r/politics
No. 44994
>>44990Its faster, if its loading slower it might be on your end. I tested the website loading speed and its good but to be fair idk how fast it was before the site went down.
>>44951Ok but why the hell did she not bother to announce this a few days beforehand? How hard is it to pin a message saying the website will be down because of updates? Also does she not have her own discord account?
No. 45027
File: 1663591061951.png (47.54 KB, 822x604, cloudflare.PNG)

>>44951but its still hosted by cloudflare?
No. 45034
>>45020anon, they're lying. if admin was doing what they claimed they would have at least mentioned it on discord before
yesterday. and why is it back up if she's not done?
No. 45107
>>45058This comment makes no sense considering other imageboards do use announcements on top of the page… and this one did not too long ago, as well
I don't really mind the lack of updates for when the new site is going to be ready etc. But I think if Lolcow is going to be down for maintenance for some days, putting a message on top of the page should be a good thing for everyone, considering many people here (and retards on twitter) thought the site was getting taken down. It was an unexpected thing, I wish nonnies didn't have to use CC and just waited a couple days, or use the movie room instead to hang out, it came out of left field
No. 45187
File: 1663688514136.jpg (Spoiler Image,470.1 KB, 2048x1463, 1650462949582.jpg)

racebait in the vent thread and another moid thread in /ot/
No. 45287
>>45286Also here is their other post in case one was deleted, even though it's the same post, because anon posted using the wrong IP
>>>/w/250216 because we know anons have been doing that.
No. 45296
File: 1663738592228.jpeg (103.9 KB, 1242x684, DkiBk5RUUAAhWEx.jpeg)

No. 45304
File: 1663754266777.jpg (23.08 KB, 485x204, bump.JPG)

>>45303It was a user post not a spam link for sure, those don't get cleaned up that fast. This was deleted immediately to bump the thread
No. 45369
It's good that he looks exactly like he acts though.
No. 45394
File: 1663796833684.png (256.38 KB, 341x454, 6540678067840.png)

No. 45432
File: 1663812962499.png (22 KB, 152x166, me (2).png)

Mods wake the fuck up and do something
No. 45452
File: 1663855216713.png (204.35 KB, 1823x715, srs bsns.png)

>>43429nonnies I'm crying
No. 45488
>>45487Same anon is trying to bait others by reposting deleted posts and continuing to derail on top of it
>>>/w/250845 This is getting stupid all because someone made a comment they didn't like.
No. 45506
A doomposting retard samefagging and using the same pictures from an artist to avatarfag here:
>>>/ot/1312695Also accusing others of being trannies
No. 45508
File: 1663978488779.jpg (79.56 KB, 736x579, 1660179405763.jpg)

just saying thank you again to the lovely mods who've been unlocking the weekend bunker thread on fridays now. thank you!
No. 45529
Belle autism
>>>/w/250934Anons really think that if a thread is not bumped it won't be noticed
No. 45536
Multiple unsaging retards in /w/.
>>>/w/251089 (wants to doxx cows)
>>>/w/251090 (refuses to post caps or any info about this super secret "milk")
No. 45544
>>45541actually people have been pretty good about not replying to him except probably the kiwi tourists who pop in from time to time but it doesn't seem to matter, he posts his bullshit anyway
locking the thread I'm not sure there is worthwhile discussion there sometimes but I'm not sure whether it is (a) containment that keeps the kiwifags in one place or (b) attracts the kiwifags who get bored and infest other threads
No. 45546
File: 1664070124893.jpg (583.99 KB, 3231x4620, 20220924_210742.jpg)

kf thread swept, thanks farmhands
No. 45559
File: 1664109488795.gif (3.32 MB, 600x338, 89646e070e3a8d09a838334e0ddeb4…)

>>45558go back
oh wait, you can't No. 45566
>>45564one or two sounds about right. lolcow has never had more than a couple active mods at a time. but it's never experienced the radio silence the mod team is currently exhibiting either. well, aside from the lovely sperg going crazy with redtext, which is a redflag because they aren't supposed to be doing that. tells a story that the other mods really don't give a fuck anymore and decided to promote the one janny who still had a smidgen of energy left, but couldn't be bothered to properly teach them how to deal with boards outside the one they were brought on to clean up. all this while surprise downtime round 2 is on the way. guess we shouldn't expect anymore of a heads up than that goddamn discord post.
but pls trust us with your RADbux, gyns! if the site goes down and stays down for several days on account of us not using it enough to notice again, you have no one to blame but yourselves! the site is in good hands!
No. 45590
File: 1664145717245.jpg (230.92 KB, 933x1154, IMG_0985.jpg)

gore all over the site. just posting images to get it off the homepage
No. 45595
File: 1664146152735.jpg (33.76 KB, 720x597, FB_IMG_1586050263344.jpg)

moids are dumb and gay
No. 45602
File: 1664149632360.jpeg (43.78 KB, 476x383, CD6B2ABA-5958-45E4-BB1F-8135BC…)

gore being spammed across the site. will never understand why moids get a kick out of this shit. ooo a dead body so edgy im so offended
No. 45624
File: 1664150663510.jpg (65.61 KB, 761x1254, IMG_5037.jpg)

>>45622kek, that freak is on this website as well?
No. 45654
File: 1664171777805.png (14.3 KB, 620x148, are you fucking retarded.png)

>>45653now they're probably samefagging and acting retarded. This is what the original post says and they're defending it saying it's not really a racebait and to "calm down". Anyone who says this shit is suspicious to me.
No. 45659
File: 1664178824522.jpg (193.03 KB, 691x920, 1664178706348.jpg)

Can you please delete the posts of the samefagging racebaiter in jillian vesseys thread? It's painfully obvious they are defending themselves and the derail is annoying
No. 45665
File: 1664193625676.png (72.72 KB, 632x806, dojacow.png)

Doja atleast dont be a coward next time and mention the site instead of that post where we say your head looks like a bicycle.
No. 45666
nonnie. It's better that she didn't mention the site by name lest we receive more twitterfags on an already partially-decayed imageboard
No. 45691
>>45676Oh fuck no
>>45675Based, I fucking hate how the anime fags are somehow exempt from the no avatarfagging rule
No. 45695
File: 1664226460852.jpg (426.85 KB, 1753x2102, plzmakemejanny.jpg)

>>45693actually getting confused; are they in every thread? I don't clock them in most threads and don't get
triggered when I see them talking in a relevant thread. Do people get annoyed by autistic passion or is there a sect of people that derail irrelevant topics all the time I'm not seeing?
No. 45711
>>45701 Can we maybe agree on something: that as a curtesy, it should stay pragmatic. People who love a theme, character, etc., should mix up what they use as images enough that it'd be hard to know who they are. If it's a context that makes sense/relevant thread, then it shouldn't really be a big deal if there's repetition.
I think some of it is a natural hazard of being extremely passionate about something. For example, take
>>45697 who refers to the draw thread which is awkward. It's very slow and that's why that person seems over-represented as a very prolific artist that is extremely invested in getting better and isn't one-sided about it either so it'd be awkward to say that the only solution is to slow down or stop.
No. 45733
File: 1664282919242.jpeg (35.29 KB, 490x290, 1631449650090.jpeg)

No. 45734
Not surprised that admin has backed down on their word. A week has passed since the outage and no new updates. Pity.
>>45729We had a "black problem" spammer a few weeks back
No. 45740
>>45738I said what I said because it would infringe on nonnies' right to talk about certain subjects in their proper containment thread, and it would galvanize vendetta posters that just don't like what they post about sometime. I have noticed this with some people obviously being into specific things, not always characters, so it would get messy otherwise.
Also I don't post specific characters myself.
No. 45747
File: 1664306509331.jpg (24.79 KB, 275x239, 1655207627264.jpg)

I'm sorry but picrel.
No. 45778
>>45771Nonna I’m
>>45772I meant what you said is correct
No. 45792
File: 1664424210029.png (90.76 KB, 612x364, tranner.png)

No idiot, some tranny is spamming shit
No. 45811
File: 1664497794175.png (499.77 KB, 1010x584, 6.png)

the soyjack srotes are doing this now. If you see someone calling you a scrote for unjustifiable dumb reasons, just report and move on. They're spamming their dumb shit on purpose.
No. 45823
Anon having a mental breakdown because anons are tired of the useless social media posts ITT and constant "PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!! FILTER!!!!!!" autistic defense this anon gets when called out
>>>/w/252329Your either apparently the cow herself or her super special fwends trying to defend her for pointing out that the constant cries of photoshop aren't milk or new.
No. 45891
File: 1664681445014.png (451.85 KB, 720x1386, image_2022-10-01_223047407.png)

Is there anything going to be done about Pixielocks and her recent mention of lolcow? Can you reveal her post history please?
No. 45900
>>45898I heard some sites have a filter that bans specific pictures so it stops them from being posted on the site or
triggers an immediate deletion. I hope we can sort something out because it's getting too frequent and I really have to consider abandoning LCF because nothing is worth being exposed to something like that
No. 45936
>>45923>>45926retard is ban evading now
i think deleting their posts is for the best
No. 45945
File: 1664761291517.jpeg (426.08 KB, 1242x911, 1585062751594.jpeg)

turbo autist STILL spamming pixielocks thread and also has a second and fully active shitpost thread too
they wont stop talking to themselves and they are incredibly unfunny
No. 45998
>>45900Yes, 4chan has something like that. When you try to upload the image, it gives an error.
t. once repeatedly dumped fujo pics in an /a/ general a few years ago which bothered the janny so much, they blocked specific pictures they hated kek
They also have a way to permaban people who try to use specific names in the namefield. You can try it out by trying to namefag as "Proud to be asian" on cgl kek.
No. 46705
File: 1666532303508.png (99.75 KB, 327x320, Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 13-38…)

>>43429The Vent/Get it Off Your Chest threads are getting filled with schizos from /r9k/. The posting style is the exact same as the "letter threads" there, and it's probably the same scrotes shitposting both here and there