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No. 388941
>>388939What do you mean? I assumed they would mostly be looked down on, except by their fans who ofc don’t care about skill or personality
Related: I really can’t stand cam workers talking for prostituted women
No. 388944
>>388941I dont know I hope I'm wrong in that idea.
I always had this feeling maybe it's from stupid tumblr that they were put on a pedestal for being "feminine" or "free" so people idolized them. Like Vice and Buzzfeed tout them as "inspirational" and shit.
No. 389070
>>389013This. Especially when those same men freak out when women mention how
abusive the industry is, or if their girlfriend doesn't want them watching it. So… women are immoral trash for putting themselves in fappable situations, but the men consuming and creating the material are totally blameless and even somehow
victims. Cool.
No. 389078
>>389019Except obesity doesn't cause human trafficking, getting fast food workers addicted to drugs, and if anything makes men more docile and pushable instead of aggressive.
Axe to grind much.
No. 389079
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>>389073it's true. you can't tolerate extremist viewpoints as if they're capable of being reasoned with in the public without shifting the overton window further and further to the extremist side, which is dangerous in the case of neo-nazis, unlike silly dumblr girls or whatever is supposed to be equally as threatening for the left. also your post reminds me of this comic
No. 389086
I think the widespread calls for censorship of the NZ shooter video aren't to protect the people or "avoid giving the shooter what he wants", but to hide the incompetence of the New Zealand police force. In any other developed country, this man would not have been able to simply walk into a building with a gun, kill swathes of people, calmly walk out, get to his car, pick up another gun, go back in to do some more shooting, shoot a woman yelling "Help!" on the sidewalk, drive erratically, do some drive-bys, and only get caught after it's over and done with.
People are not as safe as they think they are, but the authorities are determined to maintain a false sense of security. That's why this shit can keep happening. "That doesn't ever happen here", "That can't happen to me".
I think the sooner first worlders can harden themselves to violence in their own homes, and understand how egregious it is, the sooner they can form an organized unit to hit back at terrorism and force the government to be more proactive in prevention. No more "leaving it all to the professionals", because evidently, they're faltering. When you first see and hear these things, you are afraid, but then, you get angry, and that's how change comes along.
No. 389095

>>389086>the sooner they can form an organized unit to hit back at terrorism and force the government to be more proactive in prevention. No more "leaving it all to the professionals", because evidently, they're faltering. When you first see and hear these things, you are afraid, but then, you get angry, and that's how change comes though, when the majority of the people that are worried about violence and have a general interest in fighting are the ones so involved in militias like what you're advocating for? the ones that are most likely to take an interest or work towards this are the literal ones most likely to commit the crime. i think this 'we basically need a militia because the experts are incompetent' opinion just ends up creating more psychos seeing imaginary threats all around them, while trying to lobby for the right to carry an AK at Applebees or advocating for everyone having a handgun on their person at all times
vid related
No. 389098
>>389095It's not militias I advocate for, but awareness of one's surroundings in general. To see the signs, and demand better protection wherever possible. Personal intervention should only be an option when there is no other choice, and even that should be seen as a last resort, and blamed on the authority's failure to effectively protect its own populace.
I don't think it's at the point where everyone should have a gun, but people are too blind to this shit until it happens to them.
No. 389107
>>389013agreed. the only thing more disgusting is people who think that prostitution should be legal because those ~poor widdle men who cant get their dick wet need a way to get sex~ whilst blissfully ignoring that legalizing prostitution leads to higher rates of human trafficking.
its so disturbing how so many men will gladly prioritize their dicks over the wellbeing of other people.
No. 389127
tbh nothing wrong with middle eastern people but when middle easterners on the internet come out to defend muslims and say that they're also muslim, i automatically feel they're just… not that bright, and i think a lot of people feel that way. like, i understand that one muslim nutjob has nothing to do with normal muslims, but it is a similarly cringy religion as the rest of them, and irrespective of violent interpretations, the entire religion is such in-your-face silliness, much like, say, orthodox Judaism, that i think to be an atheist or agnostic while defending muslims makes them sound a lot more credible and just, less gullible to the majority of people they're trying to appeal to, tbh.
No. 389141
>>389010Wtf? I think it’s creepy and I definitely am not attracted to kids or watch child porn.
There’s a cute Disney junior show for girls called Sofia the first. It has an adult fandom and a lot of people age her up (others just don’t bother) to put her with a character who must be at least 30. This girl is like 6 at the oldest in show.
How is that NOT creepy??
No. 389157
>>389149Yeah tell that to all the East European countries. My "Socialist Republic" country was run by the Communist Party. And it became a total wreck anyways.
I don't care if you call shit poop, it will still be shit.
No. 389166
>>389150It’s still creepy because someone is looking at a kid going “mmm damn would be a fine head on an older body” or they’re just aging them up to look less like a pedo. Either way they’re looking at a child and going “hmmm how can I make this sexual” and that’s fucked to hell
Also their character and worldview is influenced by their age. People are fetishizing childlike personality characteristics
If someone looked at your kid and told you that they’re imagining them as an adult fucking them would you not kill that person?
No. 389171
>>389166My hypothetical kid would be a real person. Anime/video game teenage characters aren't. That's dumb, it's like saying the passage of time makes you a pedo.
This is a case by case basis. If you're aging up literal grade schoolers, thats weird. It's also a lot weirder coming from men than women. If you're writing fanfic of the characters from riverdale who are all played by legal adults, then who cares. or the new spiderman actor who is also a literal adult who is playing a fictional teenager, who cares. there are so many canons where theres a timeskip involved, is JKR a pedo for aging up harry potter in the epilogue?
what is freaky and pedo are loli bait characters who look like children but the canon excuses it by having them be actually a hundred years old.
No. 389178
>>389171No because Harry Potter evolves as a character as he ages. People who age up are taking a snapshot character and turning them, otherwise unchanged, into sexual adults. It’s pedo-y for similar reasons that age play is.
In fact, you just made me realize that loli —where the character looks like a kid but is really a thousand —is just the end point of aging up. they produce the same thing
No. 389179
>>389010I agree that it's something people should be able to do legally, every character is eventually going to grow into an adult and eventually die whether or not a show/comic/game plays out their whole life, so it makes sense to me that people might create their own idea of how a character will grow up to be. Especially if you kind of grew up with that character but then out-aged them or if there is a character that acts pretty much like an adult anyway.
However if people want to publicly share their rule34 then they should be ready to hear when someone calls them creepy for it. Freedom of speech works both ways.
I would personally call someone creepy for aging up characters that completely look and act like children because it's a red flag for any adult to be interested in those characters to begin with like
>>389150 says but I don't think creating an actual aged up version should be illegal or make them a paedophile. People that just write than an obviously child-like character is now 18+ without changing their attributes and behavior are the true creepiest fucks, as are people that try and insert any kind of r34 into non-porn spaces.
My related unpopular opinion is that even though I think people that fap to loli/shota are disgusting and that it should be taken seriously as an indicator of paedophilic tendencies (whether by cause or effect I don't care), I can't support making any kind of 2D drawing illegal. I think it's correct to keep 3d computer graphics or anything that an average jury might think is 'real' illegal, but I just can't get behind putting people in prison for fictional characters.
No. 389180
>>389149I'm from an ex soviet country and my mom always gets so peeved with outsiders insisting communism has ever been achieved in praxis (she's not a tankie or anything, just likes politics), your comment reminded me of that in a cute way.
as to the whole "but it was called communist party!" yeah, and north Korea is called democratic people's republic of Korea, don't think anyone thinks it's democratic though, you can name things other things, often something that lines up with your ideas (such as attaining communism or being real democratic)
No. 389181
>>389166Adults almost never write child characters accurately, anyway. So many of them are basically like mini-adults or teenagers. Even when I was a little kid, I always felt like characters that were meant to be my age seemed so much older, cooler and more mature. If an anime/cartoon/whatever has an appealing design and a likable personality, someone will get a crush on them. Shit happens. In the event where the child character is actually very childish, though, and the "aged up" version acts the exact same way, that's definitely suspicious.
I'm personally more concerned with people who don't bother aging up underage characters, and relentlessly sexualize them as-is. The fact that they can get it up to a child's body is concerning on all levels.
No. 389186
>>389184they are the opposite thing, anon.
what is the point of a loli who looks 12 and acts 12 but is technically 5000 years old? the fact that she looks and acts 12. if it wasn't, she would look and act older, because when you're dealing with a 5000 year old dragon or whatever you can just as easily bring home the disconnect between their real age and their visual age with a 19 year old or a 25 year old.
what is the point of a character who is 12 or 15 or whatever in their own story but has been aged up to an adult by a fanfic writer? the fact that they have been aged up to an adult. if it wasn't, the writer wouldn't bother to age them up at all.
No. 389192
>>389186What? In the Sofia example one thing I noticed was that the character calls the older guy “Mr. See-dric”. It’s a personality trait she has because of her age. When they age her up they still have her saying that and being childish. Most other age-ups are the same.
And 90% of age-ups are for the purpose of putting them into sexual contexts. It’s not creepy to wonder what a character would be like as an adult, but what most fanfic and fan art does is to put them into sexual contexts.
No. 389197
>>389192Your concept is the extreme age up of a six year old into an adult. Most age ups in a fandom context are taking teenaged anime characters and making them college students.
If a weirdo really wants to kink on pedoshit, they're not going to bother aging up a character. It's only became a big "thing" because of antis and fandom social justice being the wave. High school AU's became a hot button issue, so people aged up characters more to write their fic/do their fanart and then that became an issue too.
No. 389262
>>389246>>389252rebecca sugar seems like a fucking weirdo tbh. ik this probably sounds like extreme pearl cluching, but most of the fusions definitely seem at least a little sexual from what ive seen in the show, and its completely inappropriate for a show airing on a childrens cartoon channel.
also, i might be wrong, but i swear that there are no children who actually like steven universe. its always adults and teenagers.
No. 389269
>>389262I wont be surprised if the new generation gets a load of weird fetishes from this show. Just like certain cartoons of the past have done.
I always hear Totally Spys gave a ton of kids weird fetishes lmao
No. 389276
>>389269You can't tell me this particular song wasn't some fetish shit she slipped in.
>All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant womanLike…
No. 389282
>>389191I chuckle internally when I see them whinging on cgl about people not be accurate to the character or what not. I don't see why it matters, your not shooting a movie who cares.
I just see the whole hobby as a huge waste of money.
No. 389283
>>389277yea i probably dont remember too well lol. those are the shows i meant when i said i was bored by them. my dumb ass preferred things like tom and jerry, scooby doo, basically anything without an actual connecting plotline. id probably like the shows you mentioned more now. i think those were designed for a more mature audience too tbh.
at least they didnt have ridiculous fetishy shit in them lmao.
No. 389285
>>389191Oldfag cosplayer of over 10 years telling you that yeah, most cosplayers are unbelievably autistic and ridden with a ton of insecurities. Watching today's cosplayers chase social media fame is sad to say the least and the root cause of most of their issues.
The hobby can be very fruitful when it's done right. Crafting is extremely fun and rewarding, photoshooting the costume with effort put into the setting can create straight out art, I've also met great friends that have stood with me for years and years. But I simply can't deny the fact that most cosplayers (including myself when I was younger) are awful fucking people that deserve a big old slap in the face.
No. 389351
>>389330I feel like this is racebait, but I still want to say: I've literally never seen Asians talk on behalf of black people. The closest I've seen is some on Twitter saying we
need to support Crazy Rich Asians because it's their version of Black Panther (and they didn't even support Black Panther themselves, at that, lol).
No. 389353
>>389351I’m mixed Chicana and I hang out in poc spaces and all the time Asians talk about black issues saying “as a poc” and then go on to invalidate or downplay black issues. They like to be vague instead of specifying that they’re Asian because they know they have no authority to be talking about it.
>>389352I wasn’t including whites they aren’t oppressed at all. Asians make the most money and are most accepted, Maybe their biggest problem is how easy Asian women are fetishized.
No. 389363
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More on Steven Universe, I don't get why the show seemed to go out of its way to sexualize Stevonnie (a fusion between Steven and Connie, two children) with male gaze-y pans, give them a markedly "grown-up", curvy body, long legs, and make them into a "hot babe" who makes all the female-attracted characters' jaws drop, only to acknowledge how uncomfortable the whole thing is by having one character who was flirting with them outright say "Two kids?! I'm out" when he finds out they were two kids fused, but then not…actually stop. They toned it down later on, but I fail to understand why they did it in the first place.
What exactly were the creators trying to say with that? What was the point of sexualizing this character on their own when they know it's creepy?
Gif related is from the character's first introduction, for those who have no idea what I'm talking about.
No. 389371
>>389330>>389353>>389352The only time Asians talk about and non-white minorities is when they see them in the way of achieving wealth and status (ie. the Affrimative Action Law suit happening) or they try to use them as a way to get more money (ie. selling low tier cancer ridden stuff in low-income communities).
Asians cry about no one taking racism against them seriously but don't hesitate to be buddy buddy with who they perceive as white.
It's disgusting and weird when I get them complimenting me on my skin tone and then try and talk shit about the Hispanic and black students in our class with me as if I'm giving them a cookie for doing so.
They want to be seen as a
valid victim yet the perfect non-white model citizen that "doesn't start trouble" and successful and fuck that noise.
Sorry, but they can't have their cake and eat it too.
No. 389378
>>389373Oh fuck off. Nobody was talking about incarceration rates until you.
>>389374How do you think their family got rich in the first place? And what about all the asians born in medium/low income families that still did well in school and get high paying jobs? Until very recently 1st gen asian migrants have not been rich at all.
No. 389379
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My sister in law is trying to make me get mad at a documentary of a veteran showing his experience in war bc it’s not ‘an accurate representation’ since he’s being critical. This is so fucking stupid bc her argument is that he’s trying to speak for all vets, she’s especially mad because my brother is a veteran but who CARES, and I’m like well doesn’t he have a right to share his story you can’t just censor anyone that’s critical of the military. Lmao sometimes I forget she’s just a retarded army wife.
No. 389386
>>389382Are you really that dense? Men are the highest earners and black men are all in prison, how the fuck they working in there?
And uh, black people were a little bit busy with Jim Crow while Asians were integrating and building their empire
No. 389387
>>389381Boy do I have news for you anon, all of their designer clothing is fake
Even the ones with rich parents have fake designer clothes that have absolutely no idea how to piece together into a cohesive outfit
No. 389393
>>389390Nice reading comprehension there lmao
Men as a class earning more than women currently is a fact. Black and Latino people earning the least of all races is a fact.
No. 389397
>>389396Actually no you’re being disingenuous. I said that incarceration rates is PART of the reason, and mentioned men as they earn more and are most of the incarcerated. Learn to fucking read.
It was also really beautiful how you ignored the part about Jim Crow
No. 389407
>>389330Piggy backing off of this, can someone please explain to me how Jews aren’t white and are apparently oh so oppressed when they globally hold a huge amount of power and wealth
And before someone brings up WW2, Slavs (in particular Pols) were also part of the genocide yet somehow still fall under the white umbrella and aren’t considered oppressed despite the huge amount of ethnic discrimination they go through wherever they immigrate
No. 389414
>>389407At this point, I think the only people who are actually convinced Jewish people aren't white are /pol/tards, and certain Jewish people who might want some sort of minority points.
I remember swathes of people getting buttblasted whenever this was pointed out just 2+ years back, and I'm glad people are actually acknowledging it now.
For a while, I wondered if I was just completely race-blind when it came to Caucasoid peoples, or something.
No. 389417
>>389412As someone with African immigrant parents, I see what you mean, but there were MANY times my parents and friends were denied housing and banking loans to start up businesses even while we are being frugal as well with good credit scores and everything. I'm sure you know African immigrants study just as hard but at the end of the day everyone sees us a black and treats us as such so you can't just say "lol get gud" when the entire game is set up to put you in last place.
People are nice to us (to use as as their pity party pets) till they start seeing us succeed. Then they try and bring us down and when we slip up they use that as confirmation bias so we NEVER win and that we can't succeed on our own. I've seen it and I'm sure every African kid who grew up in America (even the adults that immigrated) can attest to that on SOME level.
There are statistics that female blacks that grow up in American society are more likely to suffer from pregnancy complications and deaths than any other race REGARDLESS of health or socioeconomic status. No. 389419
>>389385not sure how honest they are here as they really do distance themselves from the other students. my only direct encounter was earlier in the semester when i accidentally got sorted into doing a group project with one of them and he legit copied all of my contributions (we were making a powerpoint online) and pasted them as his own without bothering to alter them even a bit despite us doing vastly different sections and thus it being nonsensical. i didn't notice it until the last minute (didn't think anyone would do that you know!) and changed my section a bit so we wouldn't look stupid. he struggled presenting his "og content" too which i found quite surprising as you do need to pass a certain level of english proficiency to get admitted and he sure as fuck wasn't hitting it (as a fellow esl i would know). he did a similar thing at a class rep meeting too but i cba to write another novel.
whoops, it turned into a vent thread material>>389387god i hope so otherwise it's a huge waste of money, the guys especially literally look like they dressed in the dark but in the middle of harrods kek
No. 389426
>>389412Also, ever heard of the Tulsa race massacre? A successful African-American town full of black owned businesses, one of the few that weren't obstructed by Jim Crow / racists and they BOMBED it to the ground out of envy.
You should look into COINTELPRO and their focus on disrupting African American progress in the 70s and 80s.
Start asking why? When something doesn't make sense, ask. We have middle class blacks in this country but they still are left behind over time because it just takes 1 person, a banker, travel agent, business adviser, student counselor, to give them purposefully shitty advice when they aren't aware because they are trying to play the game fairly but the game was not made for them in mind.
No. 389498
>>389494unless you are talking solely about out and proud gays from deep south or whatever, it most definitely is out of a sense of superiority - within the whole tumblr "i'm the most oppressed and gay bby bean" bs, which those people are obviously a part of, being qweer is superior to being straight so they flaunt it to hell and back, it's a source of pride to them. that's how you get all these straight girls who id as demiromantic heterosexual whatever like pixielocks who have adopted that identity to squeeze above the basic straighties.
wouldn't say "not like other girls" and gender nonconforming women both can be destilled to focusing on what makes them different form other women as for the later it's about rejecting the societal expectations women face, while for the former its about pretending that they are elevated above other women, often accompanied by pandering to men aka enforcing those societal expectations (in case of tradthots or shuwu for example)
No. 389612
>>389262There are plenty of kids who like the show, but the writing is obviously pointed more at teens and adults.
>the fusions definitely seem at least a little sexual from what I've seen in the show, and its completely inappropriate for a show airing on a children's cartoon channelDo you watch a lot of cartoons anon? Having sexual things in a kid"s show isn't a new thing, and the fusion stuff is nothing compared to some other shows that came before it.
>>389276This is a…huge reach
If anything most people develop weirdo fetishes because of the internet/fanart, not the shows themselves.
>>389191Agree, same with lolitas/jfashion in general
No. 389624
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>>389612>This is a…huge reachIn the context of the whole show and how certain characters/scenes are portrayed? With exactly who the creator is and her track record of drawing porn of underage characters? Nope, it, uh…really isn't.
It's all well and good if you like the show, but there's nothing to defend here. Just take it as it is.
No. 389627
>>389624Point still stands though, complaining about sexual shit in a kids show is just yelling into the void.
I don't doubt that Rebecca is a weirdo either, but then again so are most people who make cartoons.
No. 389718
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I really dislike the inoffensive pastel kawaii "aesthetic" style, especially when it's combined with edgy stuff(I think that's called menhera). It is babyish and shallow, to me it's close to ageplay levels of repulsive. I look down on people who like it.
No. 389751
>>389363I think you're overreacting anon. I was a casual watcher and I had the impression that the show was intended to be for and grow with preteens and teens watching. I saw the episode to be about physically reaching puberty while still feeling like a child inside which is a phase all preteens go through. I never felt like the show was being creepy at all. The show focuses how important consent and boundaries are.
Male gaze would be like agent honeydew from dexters lab lol
No. 389800
>>389796Arthur punching DW really upset me :(
She’s only 4!
I love DW she’s smart and snarky
No. 389851
>>389842Nope, middle child and grew up in actual poverty.
But I have had tiny siblings, and raised 4 year olds. DW is pretty mild in annoyingness on the scale
No. 389859
>>389852I really wonder what'd happen if someone asked the part of the fandom that gets mad about people drawing rule 34 of underage SU characters, or Stevonnie, about that?
Like, by their own logic, they should completely trash the show and whatever Rebecca Sugar creates because of that.
No. 389860
>>389859I also wonder, but a lot of them are the type of SJW that probably MAP supporters. Or write it off because sex pozzie and it’s super kweer.
I never wanted to watch it because it seemed weeby, which was confirmed when they made episodes named after anime and the influence from Utena
No. 389862
>>389854She doesn't personally host them anywhere, other people saved the image and rehost it themselves, she can't scrub it from the internet.
Didn't know she was 20 thought it was from her high school journals.
Tbh I don't get the impression that Sugar or her crew are creeps. More that they are bad writers. Sugar purposefully doesn't run a tight ship and the story isn't scripted but plotted directly on storyboards. Being a good animator or boarder isn't the same as being a good writer and everything to do with fusion is super inconsistent because of that. I think the idea is cool it's just been handled very badly largely because it's portrayed differently from episode to episode.
No. 389977
>>389906anon every female ever involved in fandom ever is like that, a woman with weird fetishes could never be as creepy or dangerous as a man, think of the creators of clarence and the loud house
to me the saddest part about rebecca is her falling into the dumb nonbinary shit, i think she'll cringe looking back on it
>>389926idk what to tell you guys besides most cartoons have had weird fetish shit you might not even realise, like inflation, tickling, crossdressing, feet closeups and more. ive read threads where its like 'how did you get into x?' and people listing some specific episode of rugrats or simpsons or totally spies or whatever
i think the biggest issue for me about the show is the fanfiction-tier writing, its a bit tiring that they pull a ohh this character was just revealed to have done a terrible thing but jokes!! they were a good guy all along, or shit like that bitch lapis who is edgy and moody all the time and somehow shes meant to be likeable (i mean most people do like her, i think its because shes pretty) or that somehow shes the
victim in the fusion situation (spoiler: shes not, shes was literally the one keeping the other gem chained and trapped)
No. 389986
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>>389977I've seen someone here saying how Totally Spies was not a weirdass fetish show hidden in a kid's cartoon and I can't agree. I remember watching it as a 12 y/o weeb and feeling uncomfortable with all the bondage scenes. It always seemed to me like creators of animesque cartoons like TS or Winx Club watched too much hentai in their free time.
No. 389988
>>389977> a woman with weird fetishes could never be as creepy or dangerous as a manUnironically this.
>>389978The creator, Chris Savino, got suspended after it was found out that he sexually harassed a bunch of women he had worked with, including blacklisting women who didn't want to have sex with him.
No. 390004
>>390002Well your subconscious mind is just a little fucker I guess.
I mean I did get a weird insomnia fetish from watching The Angry Beavers when I was like 8 and there was nothing sexual at all about an ugly beaver trying to keep himself wake for 72h but damn I did feel weird watching it and kept rehashing the scene over and over in my mind that night.
No. 390022
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>>390002Just look up all the Kaa fetish art online on even places like Deviantart. That scene by itself caused countless people to get weird fetishes.
No. 390024
>>390010have you even watched totally spies tho? Teenage girl spies are being tied up and put into nurse/catgirl for plot reasons. Absolutely.
I feel like they put the fetish shit as a fanservice for adults watching the shit. Sort of like adult jokes that go over kids' heads.
Plus the creators/writers were deviants themself, probably.
No. 390073
>>389986Thirsty hoes claim it a fetish show cause the looney tunes stuff is happening to girls. If they were guys no one would say shit.
Wouldn't be suprised tho if the faggots that created that meme got hired later on.
No. 390094
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>>390076The lack of this thing in america actually traumatized me
No. 390098
>>390096Toilet paper and baby wipes. If you don't got baby wipes, put some sink water on your toilet paper.
Baby wipes are nasty, some brands leave behind a nasty gym sweat smell and your coochie stinks like you haven't bathed in weeks.
If we want a bidet, most of us would have to look in an Asian grocery store and they ain't cheap.
No. 390115
>>390096Not American but I try to time it so I can shower afterwards as much as possible, or I use a baby wipe.
I'll segue into what I assume is an unpopular opinion since I never see anyone else mention it: people who shit in public toilets are disgusting. It's so inconsiderate and gross to stink up a room people (other than your family) need to use, possibly even making more dirty work for the poor cleaner, AND walking out of there without ensuring 100% cleanliness unless you keep baby wipes on you. It's not that hard to make your body expect to go in the morning or night instead.
No. 390121
>>390094>>390096I'm not American and have never even seen such a thing. Everybody supposedly has this outside of the US? Where? I've been to a fair share of toilets (both in hotels and private homes) in various european countries and there were none either…?
I always only use toilet paper, who cares if your ass is dirty lol That sounds like such an american thing, being obsessed with being 100% clean, bringing baby wipes everywhere, constantly showering…
>>390115Honestly, I have IBS, I go to the toilet minimun twice a day, sometimes I simply have to while at uni/work. Also, there are people who might just work very long hours and therefore have to go away from home as well? I know it's not ideal, but some people really can't help it.
No. 390171
>>390115>people shouldn't shit in public restroomsDo you want to live in India or something? They'll just end up shitting in the streets if it doesn't happen there. I doubt the majority of the population have the time or bodily makeup to train their body to shit on the dot in the morning or night.
Nobody likes public restrooms, anon. Stop hanging out in them. Just do your business, use some wet wipes, wash your hands, and get out.
No. 390200
>>390115This isn't really an opinion but can anyone else physically not shit in public?
I can only shit at home, on vacations I go for more than a week without shitting.
No. 390222
>>389166I was talking to an older father once and he expressed grief over how his elementary school daughter might grow up to have her mother's amazing tits one day and this whole debate made me think of that. I feel gross and I hope he dies before she hits puberty.
But anyways, "ageing up" is gross imo purely because of hearing that from a grown ass man with a child.
No. 390257
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I understand if someone is shitting on garbage lazy character design, what i don't understand is when people complain about a character that shows a lot of skin. Bonus points if they double down on their barrage of idiocy when they discover women were heavily involved in said development. I don't know about most people, but whenever i play a game with tons of sexy clothing options i just like to play dressup. I always love when i have the option to look nice while kicking ass.
No. 390323
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>>390257Bouncing off of this but
I just want to be able to make cute male characters half naked too, is that so much to ask?
I feel like things are improving on that tho
No. 390369
>>389412I'm sure it's partly hard work, but to deny the role that ethnic nepotism plays in their success is stupid. Is the fact tiny Chinese minorities own literally 99% of Southeast Asia also purely due to "hard work"? No, it's because they form tight knit, exclusionary communities and keep the capital within those communities.
I've got no issue with FOBs, but second and third generation Asians are so goddamn annoying with their whining.
No. 390371
>>390369Also it's irritating how they take behaviors/cultural attitudes that are applicable to just about any immigrant first-generation group and dress it up as an "Asian thing". No, re-using plastic bags before the era of environmentalism wasn't just an "Asian thing", my mother and her family (Russian) did exactly the same shit. Even now when we go out to eat she considers it a huge wastes and kvetches about it.
Idk, Asians born in America always seem to want to affirm their identity through these little pieces of trivia that aren't exclusively Asian because they usually don't speak their own language or have any real connection to the actual culture.
No. 390397
>>390371I kind of think that many poc get their ideas on how white people live from tv shows.
>re-using plastic bags before the era of environmentalism>when we go out to eat she considers it a huge wasteThat's literally normal for nearly everyone.
I'm white and many would probably say I'm privileged or even rich, but that's only because my grandparents and parents were and still continue to be frugal - just like the majority of other people throughout all other races as well.
I really don't get why people expect pity points or praise for "I'm [insert 'minority' race] and we've worked sooo hard, you whities can't even imagine…you wouldn't understand, being frugal is an asian/black whatever thing!" No, it's not.
I hate the "it's a … thing" in general. Many poc for example pride themselves in having had strict parents, having to be very respectful, and so on, but when you try to say it's the same for your family(country, you get "No, it's a […]-only thing, white/western parents are all so lax and as a result their children are spoiled rotten…" Simply again taking things they've seen on tv or whatever as the real deal.
It's kind of the same with the stereotype that only asians are respectful enough to take off their shoes when entering a house, when in fact everybody else does this as well - the only exception being people in american movies.
I'm sick of people telling me that because I'm white that must mean that I supposedly lack all respect, that I don't value family, that white people don't take care of their elderly parents etc., because it's simply not true.
No. 390412
>>390397>Many poc for example pride themselves in having had strict parents, having to be very respectfulI think the not having strict parents thing is more of a middle class Anglo thing. My mother is Russian and my dad is Southern European and my brothers were as terrified of my dad as much as I was of my mom. He'd literally take off his belt if he heard so much as a single curse word from them (he was softer on me though). I say middle class Anglo because the upper class and working class anglos I've met are just as if not more strict than my parents were on the whole. Also it's a bit much when I hear a black person trying to lecture me (they see all white people as the same) about how their parenting is better given how much more likely they are to have absent fathers, and how many black kids are out there committing petty crimes after dark.
>I kind of think that many poc get their ideas on how white people live from tv shows.Yeah. Goes to show how polarized our society is really. Most non-white people know absolutely nothing about white people. First step is to stop being apologetic to them, tell them to fuck off.
No. 390414
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>>390397I would've agreed with this, had I not experienced having white American people or males telling me "Just ignore them lol they're your parents they'll just cope they can't control you :)))", or not understanding why pic related is a disappointment, lmao.
No. 390417
>>390415I'm not American. You sound unnecessarily flustered.
The fact that you don't seem to get that it's not about the Danish cookies themselves just bolsters my point. No hints if you can't Google, either.
>>390416Where? Because it was the exact opposite in my experience.
No. 390420
>>390417It's literally a wypipo food, in a wypipo brand fro a wypipo country.
Think about how pathetic it is that this small piece of trivia is a "culture" that non-white americans feel makes them distinctive.
No. 390423
>>390419Ah. None of the Americans in my friend group are southern, that might be why.
>>390420You're both angry and wrong. Take a pill, kek.
No. 390425
>>390422Literally search "butter cookie tin meme". This isn't rocket science, some deep esoteric lore, or even unique to Americans of non-white descent (just non-white people from wherever that particular brand or other tinned confection brands are sold, I'm guessing).
Thank you for unintentionally being a walking example of my point, though, anon.
No. 390465
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>>390417i'm white and from the south and my mom does this. so does my paternal grandmother that lives in new york and my maternal grandmother that lives in california. it's not unique to non-white people. if anything, it could be considered generational I guess
>The tin, then, always had value outside of the biscuits. "The use of biscuit tins for buttons and sewing [stuff] goes back at least pre-World War II," explains Rachel Laudan, a food historian and author of Cuisine and Empire: Cooking in World History. "Tinplate containers came in in the 18th century for tea, sugar, etc., because they were waterproof and rat-proof and creepy crawly-proof… Giving people biscuits in a tin was a double gift. No. 390480
>>390352I like it too. Only cringed with the "feminist" scenes of the movie
why did they have to put "I'm just a girl" in a fight scene?Wish Hollywood stopped trying to cash on feminism.
No. 390487
>>390483Honestly people act as if immigration is a new thing and that cultures have only recently mixed.
Isolated human groups are very rare now. We've been trading with each other for centuries globally, I believe there such a thing as a collective consciousness.
Most people behave well and are frugal we really do suffer at the hands of a few. This is why civilisation works, obviously some places have inequalities but the goal is to fix them I believe.
My ma has always been tight, she does the biscuit tin and the bag thing. She's passed that on to me god bless her
No. 390567
>>390561The "All you have to do is look at famous twitter accounts" at the end was such a way to tell on themselves, lmao.
I wonder if that's the same person who kept posting that "ALL PORN = MADE BY JEWS AND FEMALE JEWISH WHORES" picture in early MH threads and tried to pass themselves off as a feminist who wanted a fellowship with the alt-right.
No. 390575

>>390552White = Nordic
Ok retard then everyone else in Europe Australia and America isn't white.
Notice how the concept of whiteness has shifted. It ultimately relies on the idea that white = not black.
As long as you don't have a drop of black / a black ancestor is far back enough in the family tree / look ambiguous on some level, you can deceive and say your white.
Have you seen what's going on with Hispanics?
So many Cuban/ south Americans that have lived in America for decades already see themselves as white. As the demographics shift, there will be more Hispanics and to quell the fear of "whites" they will be counted as white. Ever hear of that retarded "Nick Fuentes?" A 1/4 Hispanic white nationalists. We have Asian and Hispanics in "white power" groups now. Wtf is up with that?
The same is said for North Africans, they aren't considered black/ sub-Saharan, and some appear European.
The same shit happened with the Irish, Italians, Poles and Greeks.
There was a time Jews were considered white.
Asians are considered "honorary whites" but Go to places in Russia / Kazakhstan that line is blurred even more.
Whiteness is ultimately the absence of sometime. What that is depends on who the fuck is talking.
So anytime you have white supremacists/ nationalists talking about a pure white nation, just remember those faggots don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Excuse the rambling but this is something that has played out in history and at this moment is continuing without people realizing it.
No. 390593
>>390575So many dumb racists like to play racial purity games, but are quick to loosen "the rules" the moment they realize "the others" outnumber them. It's a very obvious, underhanded game to anyone who's been paying attention.
The funny part is that they still get
triggered whenever anyone says "Race is a social construct", because they're either too stupid to understand and think you're saying "DNA isn't real", or they just don't want anybody exposing their bullshittery and changing definitions.
No. 390599
>>390575>this honestlyAmerican racists who have never actually delved into the history of American racism typically are what make up the alt right and they know nothing about the evolution of conditional "whiteness" in American history.
There was a time when current "white" people hated other "white" people and did not see them as being on equal footing. Like Benjamin Franklin was afraid of the French or something despite the fact that the French and British are considered both white now. Falsified eugenics "research" propaganda was pedaled to demonize not only non white people but groups who are considered conditionally white today; Jews being a big one, but also as you mentioned; Italians, Russians, Poles, Greeks etc.
Most white Americans are so racially mixed that they can't even pinpoint their main European ancestry group anyway. They probably don't know the first thing about their ancestor's "culture".
No. 390641
>>390638What do you mean by cancel?
I've read a theory that since white people are going to be in minority, especially blue eyed and blond people, that they're going to be extremely desired to the point of some sort of neo aryanism.
I hope I'm dead by that time but who knows.
No. 390664
I think most people are naive about racial and cultural differences, and how groups naturally stratify and clash. Up until recent third world migration to the west, there' hasn't been a single multicultural society in history in which one group didn't subject another, and even in the west white people are still really maintaining the status quo that allows the mirage of the multicultural dream to exist.
But you have to look at when things don't go well in places where different cultures live together to see how horrific it can turn. The Balkan genocides during the 90s were just that, and they involved different white people. The level of ethnic cleansing would've been dialed way up if it was radically different races such as Indians, Chinese, British and Somalians all living in close proximity.
Rwanda is another example of how fast this can move, 800,000 Tutsi's slaughtered in 100 days, at the hands of their neighbors. There's a reason romantic nationalism was such a big deal in the 19th and early 20th century, people were aware of what it was like to not have a homeland or to be ruled by an austrian fuck hundreds of miles away.
I'm not even a /pol/tard, I personally don't care too much about race in my personal life, I even think it's too late to reverse the trend and prevent multiculturalism from being the norm. But people need to expect that this is about as good as race relations can get, and that there's not much in the way of lynch mobs and ethnic conflict occurring.
No. 390665
>>390661So why didn't he do the world a favor and track down and kill muslim terrorists instead of innocent people including children?
"People with the same religion did bad stuff so I'm gonna shoot some random kids" - not helpful bro
No. 390667
>>390665Who cares? Muslims in Europe use the exact same collective argument against us. They say it's our government who bombs them so anyone with white skin deserves to be punished.
I know I'm using weasel words to excuse him. But those same weasel words have been used by a thousand Muslim talking heads in the media after Islamic terror attacks (the society is the problem, he was angry because of racism/western imperialism etc).
No. 390669
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>>390665>innocent peopleShe was also innocent (what happened to this girl was what pushed BT over the edge apparently, even her grave as repeatedly vandalized by an illegal immigrant).
No. 390671
>>390667>>390669Again, why not be helpful and go after actual terrorists and radicalized muslim men? Too cowardly, I guess. Innocent civilians are easy
No. 390732
>>390664Biologically humans aren't hardwired to maintain knowledge on 1000s of individual humans. Back in the day we would have lived in smaller communities and tribal. Obviously humans learnt to communicate and trade with each other to form symbiotic relations.
Stereotypes and generalisations happen because instinctively we size up 'foreign' bodies. That's why you get sectarian, racism, sexism etc, it's a primitive coping mechanism.
To say humans cannot overcome these learning/coping issues is saying civilisation should have never happened.
No. 390784

>>390766>Improve educationLol. Let me guess, this means more money for schools and teachers right? Even though there's never been a proven link between school spending and academic performance.
Monthly reminder Japanese schools receive significantly less funding per pupil than American ones and still perform far better. Anyway if you were to stand a shadow of a chance of changing the increasing amount of racial conflict, you'd have to control immigration more and encourage the formation of a proper group identity because honestly what the news and entertainment media does now is encourage what's basically non white race nationalism.
>>390669Pic sort of related. When I see this I feel very little sympathy for the people Brenton killed. White people can't be expected to turn the other cheek forever.
>>390784I really don't get why anons are talking about islamic terrorism like it only affects white people in the west when really it's an international problem and the whole world needs to deal with it, so more so then others.
In regards to the attack, i believe the the problem is that this attack if going to do nothing more but radicalise more muslim men to become terroists. Giving the attack a seal of approval creates a cycle of revenge the will eventually spiral out of control. I don't know how we can solve the issue with islam. Outright banning it only causes problems and gives radicalised muslim men an oppertuninity to feel marginalised. Islam is an mra's wet dream in my opinion.
No. 390789
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>>390775They already do, just mostly to themselves, see pic.
>>390780Tarrant was an edgy poltard who the world would be better off without, but he himself had Vienna and Shipka, battles of defense and liberation respectively, written on his weapons. Or did those, like the Barbary slave trade never happen?
No. 390793
>>390789>they only do that themselvesOk, I'll keep that in mind when white priest rape thousands of kids and white hispters and boomers kill themselves via suicide and opioates.
They do it to themselves.
No. 390794
>>390552>"White" was almost exclusively used to describe Nordic peopleYes, that idiocy ended, of course, the moment they've realised most if not all of the European achievments and culture was created by Mediterranean Europeans.
>not even the Celts, who live right next door to the Anglos were considered "white" in AmericaIt was not based on any science but on rivarly between different religions.
No. 390809
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>>390793Hey, you're not wrong. Pic related book does posit the heroin-opioid correlation and documents a lot of the black-tar coming from Mexico.
But traitors before enemies, as the saying goes.
No. 390817
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>>390816Why would having a higher population impact
per pupil spending?
No. 390907
>>390862I think a lot of the bitching comes from young, spoiled adults who just aren't used to actually having to budget. They lived with their parents rent-free and were able to spend all their income (or they had no income and their parents just gave them spending money) on frivolous things, once they stop being supported they "feel poor" with a lower-middle-class salary out of college because they can no longer afford the things they used to afford.
Here is my unpopular opinion, I feel a little sympathy for them because it's difficult to change your lifestyle.
No. 390935
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Unif's clothes can be cute, but they're stupidly overpriced. Like, help me understand why this early 2000s "found in the dollar store"-looking mesh top is worth $78. Does it grant 3 wishes? Is it woven by angels?
I don't blame anyone who just buys a shitload of knock-offs of all their crop tops, mesh tops and tanks from TB and AliExpress at all.
No. 391008
>>391007It's really not, aside from it sounding like outdated american pop. But the way the industry works, the promotions, idol culture, etc are totally different and that's what kpop stans are in it for, not the music.
Not praising it btw it's worse than western music industries in many ways.
No. 391058
>>390772"yall" has been distanced from being a purely aave word for a long time now
i get tetchy with the whole aave policing thing, it's not like saying "y'all", "ain't", or any inoffensive derivative of aave that's been long distanced from its origination as aave, is equivalent to using the n-word.
No. 391323
>>391305This, usually it's some douche upset that all his friends are getting laid and having adult relationships and he has nobody to drink and smoke weed with anymore
Most of the time the person in question even wants to hang out but has less time
No. 391391
In the same vein as
>>391356, ramen is probably the most overrated dish ever created. Soup noodles are boring and weebs are incredibly annoying for hyping them.
No. 391482
>>391481Lmao, I just saw a comment on my fb feed about moms being "unsung heroes" and clicked out tab to lc and saw your post.
Moms are praised a lot, I have no clue what these unhinged bitches are squealing about unless they have a problem with not receiving asspats 24/7.
It's like they want others to know how good they are rather than just being good for goodness's sake for their children. Because they can't get enough attention, as if the outcome shown via how their children grow up wouldn't be proof enough I suppose.
Reminds me of people who always post about how good their relationships are. Yeah, well maybe if their relationship was so good they would just let it speak for itself instead of trying to convince others that it is.
Maybe if mombies sacrificed so much it would actually start to show in their children instead of being just words they type on the internet.
No. 391511
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>>391499>I'm a womanSure, the same way pic related is. Even if you are a woman, everything
>>391503 says is correct.
It's people like you that should be barren, since you typically spread your ignorance and hatred to the next generations.
No. 391514
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I hate that there are adults who think this is funny, rather than alarming and pedophilic.
What father looks at his own child spreading their legs and has sexual thoughts? Who thinks of that when they see a baby, period? It's fucking disgusting. This and the "Future Hooter's Girl/Make 'Em Drool Early" shit is just so horrible to me.
I hate that misogyny starts from birth. People are ready to call girls/women sluts and thots for the sin of existing, before they even know how to fucking walk.
No. 391519
>>391514I notice people trying to age up their babies in general.
I hate it when someone has a baby boy and they say retarded shit like "OMG LADY KILLER OVER HERE HE'S GONNA BE A HEARTBREAKER HAYYYY XD11!!11"
It really skeeves me out.
No. 391522
>>391514Ugh wtf. Like
>>391521 said I didn't understand it until I read your post.
No. 391525
>>391514How does this have so many likes??? How do people not see how disgusting and
problematic this is??? This isn't funny or cute at all. There should be laws against posting shit that blatantly sexualizes your children.
No. 391645
>>391583agree somewhat untill i realized i'm an incredibly unhealthy person (epileptic, smoker, big history of arthritis, deafness and breast cancer in my family) and now i'm just scared of sickness that comes with age.
But I'm not scared of old age loneliness or wrinkles.
No. 391790
>>391764>marrying a japanese person in a country where that's 98% of the population is not fetishisationThis. I think these weebs in denial are really just jealous that
they don't have a Japanese spouse or boyfriend. Japan and its people are not that special, girls.
Imo, it's fetishisation to seek out and date the only Japanese(-American) person available at your American highschool just because of their ethnicity. But it's not fetishisation to end up with a Japanese person while living in Japan. Who else are you supposed to date there? But they don't seem to get that.
No. 391820
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Here's a REAL unpopular opinion and I know y'all are gonna bully me but I like those 2005 gaudy hair styles on Japanese boys. I think it looks better on them than modern white boy normal cuts and the korean bowlcut is definitely a nogo on anyone and gives me azn baby mushroom head flashbacks from the 90s
No. 391835
>>391764This is 100% PULL and it's leaking over here from time to time, people that are ridiculously insane with jealousy when some basic weeb girl has a Japanese husband and is living in Japan. They are dedicated to nitpicking every part of her life apart such as the Kenna stans sperging out over her eating something western instead of having Japanese cuisine for each meal. And as you said, it's always closeted weebs in denial ("I hate anime, I only love Japan for the culture!!!11") which makes it even more pathetic. You all probably filter your selfies in Meitu way more than this cow does so stop lying to yourselves and move on with your lives.
>>391766Dakota hasn't been milky in 5-6 years, in other words ever since she moved to Japan and stopped being involved with Kiki. Her thread should be nuked for absolute autism such as "HER CAREER IS GOING TO FAIL SOON!!!!" sperging and photoshop sniping.
No. 391896
>>391888what are edible flowers?
what is floral tea?
No. 391904
>>391896floral tea is terrible and memetier and i think thats the only reason why people drink it
>>391898i still don't see how that's a logical conclusion to jump to. not eating edible flowers on cake -> burgers and fries all of the time? people aren't chowing down on edible flowers like legit vegetables (except for maybe squash blossoms, and even then, they're ok at best)
No. 391971
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>>391952holy fuck, are you me
No. 391975
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>>391952Man, I'll probably sound like an edgelord but same. People just suck. Both sexes are guilty of behavior that suck.
No. 392016
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>>391952How is this unpopular tho, most people hate most people because humans are scum.
No. 392023
>>391952Me too, and I'm really ashamed of it. I guess I have a lot of internalized misogyny after years of hanging out in "boys only" spaces like 4chan as a teenager. These days I try really fucking hard to be nice to any woman I meet, but I tend to be judging them constantly for their flaws. Although I guess it doesn't help that I meet people mostly online these days due to my hobbies, and the women in those spaces tend to be either be attention whores who reek of daddy issues or mentally ill in some fashion. Then again, maybe I'm just perceiving these issues because I simply don't like other women.
I only have one real friend who is a woman, and we've been best friends for over a decade and I love her to death. And it's not like she isn't flawed in various ways. I don't know why I can't extend the same empathy to other women. Maybe it's because it's easier to dehumanize people online vs. real life.
No. 392047
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There are actually many woman-hating anons around here?? Can you tell me more about why you hate women?
I was severely bullied my whole formative years by females so now that I stop hating women, I’m kind of really preoccupied with gaining their approval…which makes me suck at making friends, esp normies but I’m obsessed with that girl gang shit.
No. 392064
>>392048>>392047OP here. My hatred of women mostly stems from women who have turned a blind eye to my sexual abuse, years of being viciously bullied by fat "friends" in high school and a few years after, and almost every woman in my life has been an extremely
toxic presence besides my mom and her mom. I have an "evil step mother" fit for a Disney movie, my paternal grandmother was an
abusive hellscape that left me with lifelong emotional scars, and I have never had a solidly healthy female friendship. I will fully admit that I'm a
toxic cesspool, but my female friends certainly were as well and mostly far more so.
I have a few really great friendships with guys, but none with girls except for one. The thing with guys is that in general they're more socially clueless and it's often easier to see their true colors in a friendship sooner than later. Girls are often a lot better at concealing their flaws and it sets you up for so much more disappointment when it turns out they're garbage after you've invested a year into what you thought was an amazing friendship.
Just a few examples of shit I've dealt with from females. Not even including the worst because it's too painful to think about.
>told my boyfriend dying isn't as bad as her boyfriend breaking up with her because "at least you know he loved you">told I'm disgustingly skinny on a daily basis>had two "best friends" try to cuck me>one girl said my boyfriend at the time raped her because she was pissed at him and I (luckily there was a bunch of evidence proving he didn't, so she was proven a liar, but it was still horrifying and awful)>when I was raped by my "best friend" (male) my female friend, who was super jealous of how close I was to him, said he should press rape charges against me because he was ~too drunk to consent~ even though I was the one so drunk I was passed out (he didn't because he knew this was retarded and there were several witnesses to him carrying me into the room… all female… none of whom stopped him)Not to mention the countless other examples of ridiculous shit from my female friends and the horrible women I see online/read news articles about.
But don't get me wrong, like I said, men are much much worse. However, being less shit than men is still a low fucking bar.
>>392049Around here it seems to be. Also, my misandry is much more intense but that's by no means unpopular in these parts.
No. 392065
>>392050>Around here it seems to be. This isn't called the Unpopular Opinions
on lolcow thread.
No. 392067
>>392065>>392065Plenty of people have posted unpopular lolcow opinions in these threads, honey.
Also, straight up saying you hate women is unpopular outside altright and incel communities.
No. 392072
>>391835My favorite is when the PULLtards sperge over a weeb going to japan and getting a spouse visa. Theres one thread for a koreaboo vlogger and they are kissing her ass because her fiance moved into her apartment and she’s not going to be on a spousal visa like those OTHER sham marriage having weaboos who only got married ~for the visa~. As if being on a spouse visa is only for lowlife dependent losers who have nothing better to do but to leech off of the poor poor fetishized asian men.
They care so much about these western girls lives and speculate about fake relationships and how they are all scamming the visa system and living abroad ~illegaly~ (while legally being in the country) yet never say a word about actual illegal workers from SEA who knowingly work under the table and overstay their visas.
They all arent faking about living abroad though. I’m part of a lot of different korea expat groups on FB and sometimes the occasional Morena vid or some rando they stalk’s viral post will pop up and an obvious pull user will come and in link their fucking thread. It even happened to a girl WHO WAS ALREADY A PART OF THE FACEBOOK GROUP. There were probably like 10 people coming out about how this girl was
problematic lmfao Fucking cringe. I’ve seen them crop comments from the group and post them in their threads, saying things like “omg look what this rando said. Even strangers agree with us!!” when it’s obvious its them. Then you go to their facebooks and they’ve all got ugly dorky asian bf’s and they puff out their cheeks and make peace signs in every picture kek
No. 392075
>>392073>provides perfectly understandable reasons to have issues with women>Sorry, but you kind of sound like a hot mess.Explain to me how this is any less legit than when women give their reasons for having issues with men on this site?
>>392074>acknowledging women are often super fucked up while still maintaining men are worse means you must be a manCome on now, don't be a moron.
No. 392079
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>>392073It's almost like people get fucked up after having a room full of women let them get raped.
No. 392113
>>391820Jaw too big, pls shave :^)
On a related note, my unpopular opinion is that the kboy bowlcuts are precious but only pale east asian dudes can pull them off.
No. 392125
>>392079Have you never heard of the bystander effect? How can you be certain they
all knew he was going to rape her, since she claimed they were best friends?
No. 392182
>>392131I'm conflicted on how to feel about that situation. I think it depends on how autistic he actually is. Clearly he isn't
that low functioning since he works a normal job, has cars, lives alone with Phoebe, etc. If he's one of those very high functioning autists who just come off as weird unkempt douchebags then yeah I totally agree with you.
No. 392188
>>392125We're talking about a man taking a passed out woman into a room. Even if they thought nothing of it initially, how does a person not question why he's staying in there with the door shut? Would you be making these excuses if the group in question were male?
Plus there was the envious sack of shit that tried to make HIM the
No. 392201
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I like wooden pencils
No. 392210
>>392047I had a horrible mom. And no, not the "you look terrible today hunny uwu" type, the I'm-going-to-grab-you-by-your-hair-and-beat-you type. The constant screaming, fighting, beating you and then crying about it type.
A lot of people seem to have suffered the opposite.
Abusive dads and dotting mothers. My father was my rock, and I know now that he was
abusive too because he stayed with my mom, but when I was sick or needed something he was the one who would take off of work and be there with me. He bent over backwards to make me happy, and he still does.
They divorced when I was 10 and had shared custody but he was always fighting to get full custody. Too bad he married an equally
abusive crazy woman who abused me and her daughter too.
From an early age, I learned to trust men. I learned that women were neurotic, manipulative, dangerous and violent. Women meant chaos and men meant stability.
I know this is the opposite for a lot of people, and I know that not all women are terrible, but I think being surrounded by such horrible women for the foundation of my childhood left me pretty fucked up. My dad is an exceptionally great man, despite his weakness for crazy women, and I am lucky to have had him because otherwise I would have been a lot more fucked up.
No. 392215
>>392047was bullied through out my entire my life by girls
only Joy I had in my life was my older brother who genially was the kindest human being I knew and I loved him
his gf was super
abusive and emotionally manipulative to him he never spoke about It but I among others knew
he took his own life sadly
his gf barely if ever mentions him and often makes jokes about killing men and male tears on facebook
I hate that bitch so much for what she did to my brother
No. 392220
>>392047I used to have internalized misogyny and hate women/myself, but not anymore. (And men are way worse anyway, kek) My mom had huge internalized misogyny and it really affected her kids.
The worst relationships in my life have been with women, and the absolute best relationships have been/are with women. I love how caring some fellow ladies can be.
No. 392222
>>392210I have the same experience with my
abusive mom. I used to love my dad too for protecting me from her. Now I think he is just as big of a piece of shit as she is. If he cared about you he would have never let your mom do anything to you. He acts like a savior but he isn't.
No. 392228
>>392224Are we talking about mainstream general appeal action games with shit armour or outright ecchi/hentai games here?
Many games are otherwise good but make disappointing decisions re:female characters because of male pornsickness. I agree with supporting better games though.
No. 392241
>>392224you're kind of an idiot, because most games pander to men. you say "boobygames" but there are truly only a handful of very famous games where female characters aren't sexed up. that's not how most female characters are depicted.
that's not the point. the point is that they're sexed up for no reason other than to pander to males, and we're not talking about hentai games.
No. 392251
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>>392241 Is right
It's incredibly rare to find a mainstream game that isn't male-centric. Even in games with sizable female communities, game devs are laughably out of touch with what the community wants.
No. 392279
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>>392270As far as just drawing/sketching goes, just a regular ink pen is my favorite thing to go to. Even a good ballpoint pen (pic related) can achieve remarkable rendering. I just have a strong aversion to dry mediums in general though. Pencil and charcoal require a lot of patience if you want a nice drawing from them and the dry smudginess of them just turns me off.
No. 392280
>>392275I'm not projecting. any good dad wouldn't let the mother touch their child in an
abusive way.not once, not ever. its shameful you don't see that.
No. 392294
>>392291So this, I agree with, the other anon was retarded just asserting that he "acted like a savior". Like wtf? No, a savior says "look what I've done for you" and constantly reminds you of it. A savior puts the other parent down constantly and tries to convince you that they've done no wrong.
My dad never did any of that. My mom did, which is ironic enough considering she was the abuser. I am sure my dad was aware but he was not confrontational. Does that make him an abuser? No, he didn't abuse me, my mother did. Was he complacent? Sure. I am not going to call my dad a shti father because he did stand up for me. And he did fight the courts and try to get full custody. But he didn't fight hard enough, so, you're right. I am not asserting that he's a perfect person but being afraid of an abuser yourself is not akin to actively abusing.
What hurts me the most is that he decided to do it again with another woman, but I don't hate him for that.
>>392286>You hate women? That's nice but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.That literally was the topic at hand.
No. 392298
>>392262Assuming you're the anon I replied to, you sound like a
triggered weeb who honestly doesn't have room to shit on other people's beauty standards.
No. 392307
>>392300My dad being a big manbaby and getting domm'd by
abusive women is apparently more of an issue than the
ABUSIVE women themselves.
No. 392320
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I strongly dislike how dainty female superheroes are usually portrayed. I understand the need to have a pretty face and please the masses but just once it would be nice if the actress can have a bit of visible muscle akin to that of an actual female athlete.
No. 392331
>>392047Don't hate women but women generally have no affinity for sisterhood and there isn't genuine trust, or like for each other, even in sites like lipstickalley or this one, and other female-centric communities, women go at the throats of other women far viciously and excessively than they do at the throats of men, even when they're so called "misandrists".
Women don't like each other. Men don't like women. Nobody likes women. It sucks, but women are the worst for doing that.
No. 392334
>>390789yet whites are still statistically dropping off more like flies because of their anti-religion, anti-nuclear family, anti-traditional everything (even the so called "conservative" ones are liberal as fuck in comparison to most non-white conservative types, what a joke), and general embracing of antisocial, degenerate, humanist, and individualistic values that does nothing to promote or grow their community.
the homicide rates are a blip compared to what whites have been doing to each other since the Enlightenment. LOL.
No. 392342
>>392341I have female friends I am close to and like and I generally prefer the company of women over men, for many obvious reasons, pointing out patterns I see doesn't mean I dislike this or that. Why do people think you're against women or men because you see the flaw in how both genders behave and interact with each other and between each other in society?
Men always get passes and everyone always has their back, no matter what, people always want to watch women's behaviors and shame them to put pressure so they can act a certain way. I'm not going to go deep with examples unless you want me to, but look at how the public reacts to female celebrities getting into drug abuse, promiscuity, and other bullshit vs male celebrities. One is called terrible and horrible and all kinds of shit and the other is just seen as funny, amusing and even likeable. Tbh it's not even that bad in the Western countries but you still see it enough to be affected.
No. 392345
>>392339Not even lesbians like women.
Compare how high fags sympathy for men is to dykes sympathy for women.
No. 392347
>>392343I felt sorry for them when one of them came out and said he saw a used condom after she left because that seemed like rape to me.
But then he admitted he took her back to his hotel room because he wanted to fuck her and the reason he never came forward about her robbing him was because he was intending on cheating on his girlfriend and didn't want her to find out.
No. 392350
>>392224I agree. I refunded DMC5 because of that and bought Sekiro instead. I know that most games pander to guys but there's a line and DMC5 has crossed it.
I can't talk to anyone about it but here less I want to be known as the evil feminazi. I did tell my brother about it and he told me "But what about all the muscley guys in games? They're clearly handsome!!!"
Yeah, they are. But they also seem to have their own agency and purpose and the way the player sees them is as heroes or badass villains, the way the player sees the female characters is as eye candy, dolls, walking fleshlights. My bro, whom I love very much, already accused me that I want game companies to put 300 pound hamburger munching female characters in games, and I absolutely hate that as soon as you object to objectification, you get these absurd accusations.
Also, he told me that those are just video game characters, why should it matter? But things like that imo just re-enforce and perpetuate the idea that women are not good for anything else but being fucktoys.
sorry for another dmc5 related rant lol
No. 392351
Lesbians have always played a large role in the feminist movement. But hey, you call homosexuals fags and dykes so I guess one shouldn't bother trying to change your mind on the topic.
No. 392364
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>>392345>>392355These two posts are the definition of "talking out of your ass". What a load of bullshit.
Be a misogynist if you want, that's not unpopular at all, but don't drag down other women with you.
No. 392383
>>392343I do feel bad for her
victims, but I don't think the fact they were sexually assaulted and robbed makes them any less scummy. Like if a woman was drugged, raped, and robbed by a guy she was planning on cheating on her fiance with, men would be
victim blaming her far more than I've seen anyone
victim blaming this guy.
No. 392387
>>392331>Women don't like each other. Men don't like women. Nobody likes women. It sucks, but women are the worst for doing that.What no one on this site realizes for some reason, is that men hate men too. Typically more than they hate women. Look at all of human history and even now. They are for worse to each other than they are us. They think of male life as absolutely worthless/expendable and only care about the rights of males because it directly impacts them. Yes, they want men to be in power, but only because that means THEY are among the gender in power. Even on woman hating sites like /r9k/ and incel boards, the hatred for other men is so rampant. Hell, Elliott Roger killed mostly men.
Think about anytime a story of a male being victimized in some way goes viral. Who are the ones empathetic to the
victims? Women. Men will either twist logic in whatever way possible to blame the
victim if the perp is a man, or they will say the
victim should feel "lucky" if the perp is a woman. The only time they're critical of a female perp is for the sake of "muh double standards!" They don't give a rats ass if a male child is sexually abused by an adult woman as long as she's at least a little attractive.
No. 392397
>>392366That's a popular opinion doe.
No one's obliged to like them, but it's good to remember that they're still women, not "dudes"
No. 392399
>>392387You have a fair point BUT men not feeling bad for male children being sexually abused by adult females and downplaying male
victims' trauma in other situations (when they can't turn it hypocritically to a "see woman do it too" type of whinging) has little to do with a like or dislike preference for their gender, but the sexually-oriented and low empathy (not low emotional because being emotional and empathetic are separate things and men are very emotional) personalities men generally have. Yes, men often have a sense of camaraderie between each other and a good sense of brotherhood, generally, in interpersonal relationships. Think of a bar, men spend time bantering and insulting each other but forget about it and move on the next few minutes. Tbh men are simpler than women and see things in less complex ways, their feelings on things is much more linear for instance.
It's not to say men can't hate each other and be competitive because they DO but it's just saying.. generally. Now in healthy communities when women aren't competing with each other for the opposite sex and beauty isn't the only thing that women are valued for sisterhood forms between women but this is not really happening in the U.S atm. Ironically shit like sex positive feminism or cancel culture and the like is just making it the worst. And let me not get started with women who let gay men into their spaces and say all kinds of misogynistic bullshit like liking dick automatically means you're just like a woman, or some shit.
Thanks for replying to my post, tho, I did have another post on here where I explained a bit more. Again pointing out the social ills of both genders doesn't you mean you "hate" the other and I don't trust anyone who can't criticizes themselves. The reason why I criticize so much because I care about it, a lot.
No. 392402
>>392341I used to feel the same way when I was younger. When I was in high school and even the beginning of college my friends and I were so fucking competitive with each other, almost
always over guys. We were so obsessed with getting guys to like us that we threw each other under the bus constantly in order to impress guys as much as we could and spend as much time with them as possible. And the guys definitely encouraged it bc it got their dicks hard to see us fighting over them. I honestly can't even count the number of times we blew each other off for a boy, called each other bitches and sluts to each others faces and behind each others backs, lied to each other, etc. I'm lucky none of my friendships ended because of this and we all came to our senses.
Strong, close, supportive female friendship is amazing and I'm so glad I've been able to overcome a lot of internalized misogyny I had. I still have a lot to work on, like I still get kind of annoyed/jealous when I see a woman being very successful instead of being proud of/happy for them. I feel like as you get older you realize this more and more.
No. 392404
Is anybody else also envious of male friendships?
I don't prefer men over women, because the former were the ones who always bullied me in school.
While girls also hated/ignored me, they at least didn't mock me outright and sometimes even stood up for me, defended me, simply because they thought that's the right thing to do.
When I was a teen I was in a friend group consisting of my brother, his friends and some members of a club we were both in. We always went to McDonalds, to the cinema or just hung out at home. It was so comfy and fun, because they didn't give a fuck about how they looked, I could also relax. Whenever I go out with female friends I always feel like I have to dress up a little bit, maybe even wear makeup.
Girls always plan every detail, meanwhile guys just do everything spontaneously, like saying "Hey, can I come over?" "I'll get you in 10 minutes" I feel like men allow themselves to be more childish and act more embarassing, while women try to keep face in public/care more what others think.
On the other hand (at least that's how it was for me) do talk about feeling as well. Just not as excessively as women. I also like that when I'm around men I can eat whatever I want, meanwhile around my female friends I stand out if I e.g. drink anything else other than just water or tea.
Maybe I just have weird friends, but similar to lolcow, a lot of talk turns around how stressed or sick they are, and so on. Kind of depressing. Even the movies most girls like to watch or often sad. I wish women wouldn't feel the need to be so serious and deep all the time.
No. 392414
>>392402Well yeah this is what I'm talking about. A lot of women keep on doing this shit even some when they're still in their 40s. There should be a female version of "bros over hoes" because shit like this makes me ANGRY. It's all socially engineered and not biological. Men should never be so important you compete over them, ever, you have the sexual advantage not them.
>>392412Yes true never doubted it I'm just contrasting and comparing to illustrate a point I still think men are the "worse" sex/gender in general because they make all the violence ect.
No. 392417
>>392404Honestly I think that's just your experience, and it's dumb to generalize. My ideal friendship would be a mix of both of what you described, people to have fun with and people to be able to talk about how you feel with. Your description of male friendship sounds basically like how I am with my female friends.
Maybe find new or better friends?
No. 392421
>>392417It's dumb to generalize but I bet if the person said something positive this wouldn't be said. It's only dumb to generalize when it's not showing you in favor, huh?
If something is being said constantly by different people there's probably a varying degree of truth in it stop being close minded and defensive.
No. 392429
>>392421Lol what? Do you think I have something personally to gain from telling anon that you can have fulfilling female friendships, sheesh. I basically told anon to have a more open mind in forming friendships, but here
you are calling
me close-minded and defensive…
Idk why I'm so surprised that there's so much of this mindset going on here considering like 75% of the site is based on insulting and shitting on women
No. 392433
>>392429you're the one that came with the defensive energy from the jump in response to anon talking about their experiences and you and i both know your post wasn't genuine advice but more like a reproach if anything.
i dont get how someone's experiences means they have a lack of open mind, the fact that they want this and that means their mind is already open. but i also don't know anon's mentality behind their opinion so i can't say for a fact but i didn't get a malicious intent from their post
No. 392435
>>392417>My ideal friendship would be a mix of both of what you describedMaybe that's what you prefer, but imo just mixing those two that I described together makes it less easygoing, fun and also close - so, simply worse - than the friendship I experienced in that male group. And what those guys did or talked about seems to be the norm for most guys, so nothing unusually positive about them either. Men just seem to take everything less seriously.
I work retail and noticed that old men also tend to be a lot less bitter than old women. Similar to younger guys they seem just a lot happier and more light-hearted. Meanwhile old women treat me rudely, complain about every little thing, love to talk about which parts of their body hurt and sometimes even say shit like "Well, who knows how long I'll still be down here…"
I seriously wish that I won't turn out like this.
No. 392447
So what are your personal interests and hobbies?
No. 392449
>>392399the camaraderie among men is a bit of a meme tbh, when things get stressed(i.e. 2 friends liking the same girl) things get ugly real fast. whereas female friendships tend to stay strong in the face of these conflicts, (women even willingly "bowing out" from pursuing a guy if their friend likes them or vice versa) most men will always "shoot their shot" regardless of how their friend might feel. men are also more likely to sleep with a friends gf or ex, sometimes just days after a breakup, while women doing this is pretty rare.
men are basically high quality "fairweather friends". when things are going good theyre great, but the moment theres any trouble they fuck off, or betray you in the worst ways.
No. 392451
>>392433I'm sorry that you misinterpreted my post but I genuinely think that if anon doesn't like her female friends she should try to find new friends instead of being stuck in unfulfilling friendships. I think that classifying all female relationships as X and all male relationships as Y is pretty close-minded. Anyway, it wasn't advice for you.
>>392435To me it sounds like you just want surface level friendships.
No. 392456
>>392455Yeah but doing drugs =/= making it apart of their identity
They can just do it semi-occasionally or every rarely you know
I find nerds and weebs more annoying (and less fun/interesting) than drugtards tbqh
No. 392460
>>392404Eh, that's very anedoctal. I have male friends who spend one hour getting ready to go out and need to plan the hang out at least one day prior, and female friends who ask me to go out in 30 minutes. I've known men with a stick up their asses and women who don't give two shits of what people think. It depends on the person.
The "guys don't gossip" is a meme as well, because the nitpicking and petty shittalking I've seen from (obviously ex) male friends, and I'm not talking about 1-2 of them but entire groups, is unbelievable. I've heard such robot-tier nitpicks from normie guys that not even the female bullies from my class in high school have ever dared to utter. Like laughing at some girl for having a "male voice" when it was actually a perfectly normal voice, saying a girl had a "nigger nose" when it was actually fine… it was like hearing the most unhinged nitpicky farmers irl
No. 392461
>>392451Don't get me wrong, I do love my female friends as well, but meeting up with them is just a lot more stressful and difficult. I can never fully relax, because they never just want to chat, it always ends up to be meaningful talk. When I'm down and tell my male friends, I know that they will do their best to cheer me up, meanwhile my female friends might say things like "Same!…" and then we end up discussing our hardships and our future for hours instead of just having a happy time. With males I'm met with positive encouragement, with females I'm sadly often met with (self)pity. Life is already hard in itself, so I think friendship should help you get your mind off and put you at ease. Which I am not, when I'm beind dressed up, sitting in a bar or in my friends house and listening to a "should I break up with him or not"-story. I much prefer sitting in fast food loint, with a guy who's wearing a tracksuit, who talks about the movies and music he loves, who shows me funny videos he discovered during the week, who laughs out loudly instead of talking in a hushed voice, because he doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks of him.
No. 392527
>>392505Is this really an unpopular opinion?
I'm the same, I also like really honey-like tans. All three are hot, but only when it's a complete extreme result, nothing in between
No. 392543
>>392271no he wasn't
I have spoken to his other ex-gf's they all told me he was a nice guy just too emotional and self deprecating for their liking
No. 392546
>>392303boo you weakling, they smell great
I like both wooden and mechanical pencils the same honestly
>>392461>I much prefer sitting in fast food joint, with a guy who's wearing a tracksuit, who talks about the movies and music he loves, who shows me funny videos he discovered during the week, who laughs out loudly instead of talking in a hushed voice, because he doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks of him.This almost sounds like a weird copy pasta
No. 392595
>>392575It's true. Even Harry Hays, billed as "the father of gay liberation", was a testament to the prevalence of this sort of thing.>When questioned on his support for NAMBLA in a 1983 New York University forum, he remarked "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world", highlighting his own relationship with an adult man when he was 14This is a thing that the "G" part of the LGBT absolutely needs to address. When NAMBLA wanted to march in pride parades, it was
lesbians who were the first to stand against them, not gay men.
No. 392598
>>392575I don't think its offensive I just think its a fact people don't wanna acknowledge. One of my sister's gay friends (mid 20s) has a crush on my (then) 16 year old brother and my mom and sister just think its oh so cute. I was like uh don't you think that's a little creepy, a 25 year old or something man being attracted to someone he's aware is 16? They were both like nah he's almost 18, so even outside of the LGBT community people don't see it as creepy as it would be for a hetero relationship and I don't understand why. Part of it could be because my brother did come out as gay and then bisexual a few years ago, not sure if he still holds onto that label but I think its part of the reason they think its cute and chances are my sister told her friend about it, maybe the dude's "hopeful" or some shit.
Not really an unpopular opinion but waiting until someone's 18 doesn't make it any less creepy
No. 392646
>>392624what do you mean parents "don't like to admit it"?? Everybody I know with kids openly admits that at least one of them was unplanned. Sometimes it's a full on oopsie baby and other times it's a "if it happens it happens" kinda thing where they go off bc but aren't actively trying for a baby.
It makes perfect sense anyway, there'd be a lot less babies in the world if unplanned pregnancy wasn't possible.
No. 392670
>>392404I work in a male-dominated field of work, have had a ton of guy friends and this "sincere brotherhood" meme is imagined up by movies. In reality they barely hang out, never talk to each other about their emotions and all they to when they get together is get drunk. They also talk a boatload of shit about people not present and can be just as catty and nitpicky about the smallest things. Sometimes even way more than women.
> I also like that when I'm around men I can eat whatever I want, meanwhile around my female friends I stand out if I e.g. drink anything else other than just water or tea. Literally what? I honestly think this is all either in your head or you hang out with shallow normie women instead of women who aren't the embodiment of lifestyle instagrammers. Nobody is judging the fuck out of you if you order anything else than a water and a light salad. Nobody else than 16-year olds with eating disorders do this.
No. 392685
>>392350What happens in DMC5 that's so bad? I've watched a playthrough because I still don't have a PS4 and I never really noticed anything particularly misogynistic expect maybe for
Lady and Trish just being there because they're popular characters from the previous games where they had an active role and not because they do anything for the plot. And them being naked for a few seconds, I've got to admit it was ridiculous but short enough to be forgettable.
>"But what about all the muscley guys in games? They're clearly handsome!!!"I mean, it's not wrong if we're talking about DMC specifically but I have a feeling your brother thinks the same thing for other games where it doesn't apply at all, or not to the same extent. I know I really dislike it when people compare the fanservice in MGS for the male gamers and the female gamers because it's clearly not the same for example. Sure, most of the main guys are hot and have ambiguous relationships with each other (or sometimes not so ambiguous), they're sometimes barely dressed, but it's never as awkward or ridiculous and in-your-face as with some of the female characters.
No. 392697
>>392685Nta, but anon wrote about it in the gamin thread
>>>/m/1850Basically Nico is too sexualized with her outfit and bends over in the shop
No. 392712
>>392706Good troons. Sure anon.l
Cause there’s a good and benign way to have an identity disorder.
No. 392717
>>392706>good: contrapoints"She" might not be a fetishist, but that doesn't change the fact that "she" made shitting on women her livelyhood. "She" thinks "she" is better than all of us, including you, anon.
And no matter how funny you find Blaire to be "she" still transformed "herself" into a walking stereotype of a woman. If real women would style themselves and behave as bimbo-like as "she" does, they would only get shit on. Again, "her" criticism focuses mainly on women as well.
They want us to accept them, yet repay us with negativity.
No. 392737
>>392706Anon, this is pure cope. I used to be in this exact mindset. When you hit peak trans, you're going to be shaking your head at this post.
ContraPoints literally admitted in a video about Blanchard that AGP is legit and that he does find transitioning sexually appealing. Then, he went on to backpedal with some "B-BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN…!" shit. TiMs are TiMs. They may not all be evil people, but just like with "regular" men, way too many of them are, and too few of them speak out against the shitty ones.
Also, they pretty much all share a common goal in infringing on women's spaces and reducing our safety for their own personal satisfaction. The moment they start demanding to be called women, they water down the meaning of what it is to be a woman, because they're not, they never were and they never will be. They don't know what it's like, and they're okay with besmirching the female experience and even trying to censor discussions on things we go through (like reproductive health) because of their own mental illness. They want the world to change not because it's of benefit to anyone, but because it makes them feel better, and they don't give a damn if other people are hurt in the process. However you look at it, it's pure selfishness and narcissism. Even when I meet a nice TiM, I instinctively raise my guard, because I know, more often than not, that this is a delusional person who sees nothing wrong with trying to browbeat others into following their will. They're fond of gaslighting, engaging in misogyny when it benefits them (but also playing
victim to feel more "included"), being entitled, insisting cheap stereotypes of us are true, and other shitty acts.
Also, fakebois are pretty much the exact same as all the "good" trans people you listed. In fact, when it comes to track record, they're markedly less malicious than MtFs (but still misogynistic, typically). They don't infringe on men, rape little boys, or make a habit of mass-gaslighting men. They probably just have a worse reputation because they're female and only males are allowed to get away with being delusional freaks, lmao.
No. 392765
>>392737>>392717>>392718op of
>>392706 here, starting to think i may not be privy to some of the things blaire and contra have done? i've only seen a few of blaire's videos outside of the onision one, most of them i strongly disagreed with. tbh the main reason i like contra is not because she's trans but because i think the way she goes about discussing the alt right is very level headed, i still watch some trans related vids from various people tho, including contra, because i wanna learn what life's like from their point of view.
what have nat and blair done to shit on women other than just disagreeing with terfs and presenting as "bimbos"? are there instances of them invading womens spaces? not being confrontational just asking cause i haven't heard about it or noticed it.
i know hailey (can't remember his real name), a gross misogynistic old man, was invited as a speaker at vancouver womens march and drove out all the actual women which is clearly invading womens spaces which is why i want him to be drop kicked into the sun.
i suppose you're right about fakebois, i actually went through a fakeboi phase myself at 15 lol so i see where you're coming from. they're not bad, just a bit cringeworthy
(ps: i'm not using female pronouns for trans women to be pc, i'm using it because these people pass and register as females in my head and it would be kinda dumb to go and change them to satisfy a perception i personally dont even hold. i use male pronouns for obvious predators like chris and hailey that don't pass anyway because again, that's how they click in my head)
i might've missed something but i can't be fucked writing anything else for now
No. 392807
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>>392706>listening to her talk about how she came to be trans was very interesting because it seemed to be quite the introspective journey Yeah you really think """she""" was telling the truth?
No. 392813
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>>392765None of the people you listed pass.
No. 392821
>>392765contra used to "troll" feminists before doing a 180 and being full lefty. he still dislikes them though. has done a video on fascism, le alt right ideology, and incels but not a single one defending women(unless its twanswimmin) even though misogyny is a big component of the alt right, 4chan culture shit he's trying to "fight" against.
blair used to shit on other trannies for not passing as well as "her". says hes not really a woman, but gets buttblasted when anyone else points this out(basically a not-like-other-trannies tranny and hypocrite)
tbh i dont follow most of their videos either so i could be wrong about this, i mostly shitpost the threads on snow
No. 392833
>>392829not good enough honestly, specific alt right talking points get entire videos (like him debating "the west", capitalism, and even the "are traps gay" question) but the best women can hope for is being tagged along on a list of reasons why incels r bad?
a stand alone video tackling mysogyny on the internet would make me think a little better of him, but not by much though.
No. 392842
>>392821How was the incel video not defending women? The whole point was discussing the ridiculously intense misogyny these men have as a result of their violent entitlement to sex. One of her first videos discussed the misogyny wri6rdly prevalent among atheists. There's also a brief reference to the need to protect abortion in one of the Capitalism videoz, but I don't really count that since it was just mentioned and not really expanded on.
Also, even though I'm on the TERF spectrum, I like Contra because she has an entire video stressing the importance of troons putting effort to at least look like they identify as female, and actually tries to have real discussions about gender critical talking points instead of threatening violence against us. Honestly, if more troons were like Contra I would be far more accepting of them.
No. 392847
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99% of people with service dogs are batshit insane
No. 392883
>>392842Except he didn't really discuss misogyny at all in the incel video. He mocked some of the more outrageous misogynistic incel quotes but he didn't go in depth into their misogyny or entitlement to women's bodies. He moreso went into the psychology of their defeatist attitudes and catastrophic thinking.
He expressed his sympathy towards them and hinted to agreeing with them that women have some "privilege" of sorts when it comes to dating. He illustrated this by saying he'd rather be bombarded with gross, degrading and objectifying sexual messages on dating apps and hit on all the time, than not being hit on at all. That just seems like such a distinctly male point of view to me. He didn't even bother to consider why women (REAL women at least) might feel differently.
He then found some way to tie in trans bullshit and go on and on about himself. So in a video about incels, whose primary characteristic is their burning hatred for women, he managed to make the bulk of the video about trannies having low self esteem just like them.
He's touched on misogyny a few times, like you said, in other videos. But it's always brief and he refuses to address radfems/gendercritical arguments without strawmanning them ridiculously and boiling it down to all of us being obsessed with mystical vagina energy or something.
I think he's misogynistic because it's obvious, at least to me, that he hangs on to some of his old MRA beliefs from the past. He used to be a edgy anti-feminist atheist type back in the day. And I don't like how I'm supposed to respect the "feminist" theories of a dude who still sympathizes a little too much with those types either.
No. 392892
>>392847That’s because they’re usually munchies who use their service dogs to get
triggered at anyone who looks their way
No. 392955
>>392927I agree anon. Alcohol is straight up poison and imo one of the worst social drugs because it makes people aggressive. Where is the fun in getting shitfaced, doing things you regret and feeling miserable the next day? I have a lot of friends doing that every single weekend. A one off thing is cool but I'd rather not destroy my body while I still have some fleeting youth.
>>392946It's funny that they whine about this when they're well aware that a perception of ineptness keeps women from questioning why they're mothering both their children and their husbands.
No. 392959
>>392946Men are idiots. I have yet seen a sitcom where mother characters were written with a modicum of decency, always fetishistic or down right antagonistic.
These the type of men that that blame the media for their made up belief that all women only want 6ft 6 figure Chads, while shitting on accomplished actresses for not having a big enough ass. I think men, being innate raging narcissists, can’t admit that they have all been meme’d by other men, that they all hate and are constantly threatened by other men, that most of them are the so called betas. So they cope by blaming it all on women, weak meek agreeable beatable rapable women.
No. 392960
>>392927Meads and sours are delicious though, ten times better than trying to tolerate standard pisswater light beers any day imo.
If I don't have those options then I find that beer pairs well if I'm eating something salty, otherwise most beers taste so vile on their own. Don't even get me started on the masculinity pissing contest that is pretending to like IPAs. Blegh.
For me it's not about getting totally shitfaced anyway. I like the soft, fuzzy feeling of being a little tipsy and freeing up my inhibition to cut loose. Actually I hate being drunk because I often have intrusive, suicidal thoughts and when I become alone I cry until I pass out. Being shitfaced is way overrated.
No. 392961
>>392927Alcoholics are the worst. People who never stop drinking always turn out to be angry and act weird as fuck.
It's the most boring drug ever too, it's not even fun unless it's your first drug and you're in your teens. I have cool stories of even cough syrup trips but zero about me sitting around drinking, that's how lame it is lmao. I don't even really feel anything from it and when I do, passing out literally feels like you're dying. There's just nothing fun or good about it.
No. 392974
>>392953>>392960This is the life I tried to live as an underage teenager who got access to alcohol through my older, irresponsible weeb friends lol. I used to be able to get to that buzzed stage but now I'm 23 and I go straight to nausea, erratic increased heartrate, and if I drink too much, uncontrollable shaking. Can't even feel the nice fuzzy, wobbling anymore. I get Asian glow, but the worst bit isn't even feeling embarrassed because I turn red, it's all the other symptoms that make me feel like I'm fucking dying. I'm genuinely jealous of you anons.
For 2019 I swore off alcohol for my own health reasons, but before this I've been trying my hardest to find drinks that didn't taste like shit. Mead is still unpleasant to me. I like my drinks so watered down with mixers that I might as well just be drinking just the mixers, I'll never get even slightly buzzed with a shot of whatever mixed into a gallon of orange juice to mask the taste.
>>392955>>392961Started realizing how uncomfortable it made me when my best friend just would not stop drinking at a con we went to. It was a 24hr con with a HUGE arcade room and lots of concerts, and she still basically insisted on drinking before going down to the arcade, as if… we can't have fun playing DDR for hours sober? Ngl, I'm always a little salty cause my friends want to do girl's night but almost always want to go to a bar or something.
I feel like I'm the one with a stick shoved up my ass but it just kinda sucks to be sorta excluded irl from doing fun things with friends cause they only want to go out drinking and I literally can't unless I want drop to the floor because it's hard to breathe lol.
No. 392984
>>392980I'm sure they're aggressive because you're implying they have a mental disorder and while attaching a stereotype to depression itself. Are you really concerned that they have a mental issue causing them to drink, or is it rather than you feel their drinking alienates you from a certain kind of fun? Why do they have to experience fun in the same way you do for it to be
valid fun anyway?
No. 392991
>>392961As a struggling alcoholic, can confirm. My biggest motivator to not buy alcohol is knowing how unbearable I am when I'm drunk.
Sad unpopular opinion: drinking people under the table isnt cute, quirky, or impressive, and your friends arent really friends if they encourage it.
No. 393041
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>>392892Exactly! They're so ridiculous and dramatic. Especially on yt where they always have clickbait titles like "Someone punched my service dog!", "Someone pulled my service dogs tail!" "service dog harrassment!!" but it's no wear near that extreme and it's just a vlog of them talking about how sick they are. I've also seen others where the service dog owner has a shitfit if they spot someone else with a dog out in the open, minding their own business. Or when someone touches their service dog, they film it for a while first on purpose THEN tell the person to stop. I really can't take any of them seriously…
>>392918Those people are just as bad, and some of them get real ballsy and even try to pass peacocks as support animals ffs
No. 393052
>>392847ok blogpost; i have a family member who set up a gofundme to get a service dog for her autistic son and to have the dog trained. she was literally asking people for $10k and the entire time i was so confused because this bitch goes on multiple vacations a year and her parents happen to be loaded.
every other month she'll go on facebook to whine about how she's so distant from her parents and they disowned her and she's so independent and can't afford much and then the next day, she's making a status going "teehee impromptu vacation with my child!" and she's in the neighboring state at some fancy restaurant.
like… you definitely got that money from your parents, now when something is serious you start asking strangers for money? the nerve of some people, i swear.
i'm just glad only like 3 people donated to her gofundme, she ended up getting their service dog and is now trying to turn him into some social media star.
No. 393061
>>393041My dad has a service dog that he actually needs and the fake service animals/ESAs drive him and my family crazy. I should note that he doesn't always have her with her and usually only when my mom or someone else can't go out with him. He told me he has encountered dogs who are aggressive and one time a french bulldog attacked her. So I can kind of see why it is nerve-racking for people to see another dog which is dubiously a service dog in public (but I agree that the YTers and IGers are really overdramatic a lot of times, and a lot of them don't even need SDs). He said it's not that big of a deal if a little kid or something comes up and pets her too, but if it's an adult he will ask them not to politely. Again, it's not exactly something he welcomes but it's not the end of the world if someone does it and he's not rude about it.
IMO I think having a service dog should be regulated… your dog should have to go through and pass standardized training and should be required to have some sort of verifiable identification to denote that. And stores/restaurants/etc. should be allowed to ask you to show that identification.
No. 393156
>>393136I think lots of men want children but none of them want to actually 'parent' the kids. They want to keep the same lifestyle they always had and also have a wife to do all the domestic chores and child rearing while they sit around playing video games.
The horror stories I've read from mothers about their lazy, selfish manchild husbands have turned me off having kids forever tbh.
No. 393157
>>393156>>393156no, if they don't want to pay for, take care of, or be involved in their lives, they don't want to have kids. they miss the freedom, financially, physically, sexually, etc. they underestimate the responsibility and it ends up being the women's 'fault'. they think it'd be nice to continue their "legacy" or "carry on their name", that's all. they don't actually want kids. plus, lots of men that claim to want kids now believe that white people are going to die out or whatever.
No. 393194
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>>393187I mean its a big country with hundreds of different ethnic groups with huge amount of difference in Physical appearance and culture
No. 393196
>>393195Its pretty diverse
I think in Pakistan their is some sort of common bond and mutual understand among the people in regards language save for my own balti (which is spoken by less then half a million people)
No. 393201
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Jasmin Gains doesn't look like a tranny at all, and she and Vegan Gains seem to be a nice and happy couple.
No. 393303
>>393295stanning any youtuber is ridiculous
their are ppl who stan imallexx and emma chamberlain ffs
No. 393320
>>393201She looks like a normal woman and not like a thophy instagram gf like a lot of male youtubers appear to go after.
Vegan gains is an instable asshole though, it seems really bad idea to marry a gymbro manchild with anger issues.
No. 393341
>>393304I truly hate this. In the city I live public transit is free for parents moving around with a stroller which is nice and adds more safety as they don't have to leave the baby alone while going to pay for their ticket, but people end up abusing the privilege up its ass.
During commuting hours the bus is crowded to the point people can barely stand, yet some lazy ass parents jams in the fucking tank of a stroller, stays there for a few stops, then gets out and goes on on their way. Motherfucker you could've walked that half a mile without breaking a sweat! And then the next one gets in and does the same bullshit over again. It's so frustrating and you can see how the parent glares at the people like they are the devil incarnate for daring to take up the space. The worst case is when, like you said, the kid is like 6 years old and perfectly capable of surviving without a huge ass aircraft carrier and could do just fine with a compact folding stroller. But no, yall gotta get the biggest model just to piss everyone off.
And god help you when you're at some small store without a lot of space and you see one of those coming right at you in some narrow isle so you just gotta make love to the shelves trying to avoid being run over. Fuck those ginormous things. Fuck them.
No. 393576
Are you saying women can't make bad choices via bad judgement influenced by society? you a camwhore or something?
No. 393580
>>393576Lol no I am not a camwhore, and that's far from the only subject they do that with. They've done it with far less questionable decisions.
And you realize people make those exact kinds of arguments against things feminists hold essential? Like the right to abort for instance. Antiabortion types love to use the logic that the woman ~might regret it~ or ~could be pressured by the father~. Yet you guys use the same exact logic to take agency away from other choices a woman might make in other scenarios. You can't have it both ways. Either women have agency or they don't.
No. 393600
>>393587Except that, as I already pointed out, I wasn't the one to even bring the specific issue into the thread. That was your side.
>you 'omg radfems treat us like babies!!!' anons are so obnoxious Not as obnoxious as you radfems treating all women like babies.
No. 393644
>>393625Are you fucking kidding me?
>Women who put up with their bfs jerking off to other women are cuckqueans and have been abused and gaslit by society into accepting it.Yeeeah, that's not the same as "women in general have been pressured by society to accept porn". Dont pretend your side was being totally polite and reasonable. There was also a poster who was like "sorry you can't please your man". Such great examples of feminism.
(ban evasion) No. 393651
>>393558"hehe i know you're that same person now your argument is destroyed btfo"
why do people on this site argue like this? it looks cringely petty and corny as fuck it doesn't disprove anyone lmao
No. 393712
>>393201She looks fine. The only thing unfortunate about her is her hair, brows, and awful choice in glasses and all of those are fixable.
>>393521That goes for any doctor except
certain specialists and depending on your condition. Physicists and neurologists for migraines are total bullshit and they get paid to persuade you to/take shit that has nothing to do with them. Weed and mdma have done a lot more for my PTSD than a psych and therapist ever have.
No. 393728
>>393584Considering the number of anons who got assmad in the last thread to the point of saying I condone rape when I said their hated of girls who have to dress like men to survive (ex: The Breadwinner, Arya Stark, etc) is a suburban libfem attitude at the least and at the worst an incestuous combination of internalized misogyny and misdirected anger at patriarchy, I agree. Too many farmers get enraged to the point of sounding like a cow themselves when you disagree with them or point out something that makes them uncomfortable, and also believe that they're some sort of ambassador for women everywhere.
Like I said, it's libfem shit at it's finest.
No. 393775
>>393772Eye makeup is the worst part though, it always looks fake af and ages you. Light mascara is okay at most, eyeliner and eyeshadow are rarely an improvement and are usually OTT for daytime wear.
Light, dewy foundation is fine to make your skin look more even while still looking natural and youthful.
No. 393778
>>393772This is very bizarre and such a weird generalization. I get contour looking bad, but concealer is just to cover your dark circles and literally nobody even sees it. It blends right in.
A nice bb cream which is lighter than foundation looks like your bare skin but 10 times better because it evens out any weird tones and slight uneven pigmentation in your face. I can't speak for foundation because I never had a reason to wear it but you just sound really bitter about something and not very knowledgeable on what you're talking about.
No. 393902
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>>393815Farmhand you used an used an emoji!
No. 394009
>>393986I was starting to think I was the only one! I don’t care about your one anime that “isn’t like that”. Overwhelming majority of it is, and it’s so harmful to women and girls in general and especially in Japan.
You. Can’t. Be. A. Radfem.
No. 394016
>>394000Double post but anon is right. I haven’t met a single person within 4 years of my age who isn’t a fucking weeb and plays games. It’s all they ever talk about and they don’t have any other hobbies. The guys are all
abusive and the girls are all harassing creeps too.
No. 394024
>>394016>I haven’t met a single person within 4 years of my age who isn’t a fucking weebOutside of college where I was surrounded by weebs I can tell you that's definitely not my case. At work whenever my coworkers were having small talk and where talking about their weekends, if me or another one of my coworkers said we played video games or even watched anything on Netflix without even going into details they would act like that's something only the biggest nerds on earth do or like the conversation was suddenly awkward. We were all in our 20s and those were the same people who would brag about watching feminist porn in their free time during our lunch breaks.
It really depends on your "group" of friends or coworkers or whatever though, the people from my previous job were into games and anime but not huge nerds either.
No. 394028
>>393774I think I could agree with that, the main problem I have with a lot of foundation and concealers is the matte or powdery look they leave on people's skin looking weird to me.
>>393775By ages you, do you mean it makes you look older or causes the worst aging skin damage?
>>393778I don't really see how my post sounds bitter at all anon, that's a weird critique. I don't have any ill will towards face makeup wearers, I was just expressing my opinion that I don't like the way it looks. I'm not at all saying people should conform to my standard or that anyone who wears face makeup looks horrible.
No. 394059
>>393986Imagine saying you can’t be a radfem if you watch movies because most films are made by men and are sexist af.
Producing anime and manga and by extension dj and light literature are something a lot of Japanese women love doing and they are great at it. These women get to employ their artistic skills, imagination, emotional intelligence (all traits unappreciated in their corporate drone nuclear family culture) to make a living for themselves.Tbh I don’t care that that much that fictional characters are
problematic or whatever. I care that Japanese women are getting recognition and independence doing something they love. Not to mention the fact that many female authors write such good fucking stories with emotional depth and awareness and vulnerability that they’d never be able to express otherwise. Feminist by western standards or not, their works reveal their psyche as a woman in a society like sexist Japan. Have some fucking empathy.
You can consume weebs shit ethically if you’re selective, wow what a concept.
No. 394063
>>394059Anime is a subcategory of movies/tv, movies/tv is way more broad. Although I’m not the best person to argue this with, because I don’t really watch movies or tv either. There’s maybe 3 movies I like.
When 99% of your ‘medium’ is disgusting pedo garbage, it’s time to throw the whole damn thing out. Manga and anime are male dominated anyway, and it encourages pedos and grooms little girls and gives them body image issues.
This just reminds me of that argument that “but some women like sex work!1!!” Who the fuck cares when it does way more harm than good?
No. 394068
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Take it to the radfem thread to talk about how much you hate anime
No. 394069
>>394063This just proves you barely knows anything about anime but make sweeping statements. Anime just means animated and include movies/tv shows too you know. Not mentioning manga/games/dj, anime alone is just as broad as 3d movies/tv in genres and appeals. Just because 99% of what you see on image boards are loli.jpeg doesn't mean it's the majority, arguing with made-up statistic make you sound absolutely retarded.
How fucking dare you comparing widespread epidemic of real women getting abused irl with a subgenre fiction within a subgenre of fiction. Holy shit.
No. 394073
>>394066TIL that anti-pedophilia is a “gc thing”
>>394069In anywhere outside of Japan anime means specifically Japanese animation (which by definition means that it can’t be as broad as movies), and on top of that, everyone knows what we’re talking about when we say anime. Stop being disingenuous. I also like how you keep piling on more and more categories when the conversation was about
anime No. 394110
>>394106Agreed. As somebody who's straight, the thought of being with a guy who already fucked a man or whom I might lose to a man is just ew.
That's also why I feel especially sorry for women with trooned out husbands who suddenly start being "straight". Like how horrible must it feel like to be replaced by a person of different gender? There's no way this wouldn't fuck up anybody's self esteem completely, e.g. "Was he always into men and only together with me because I look ugly and manish?!".
No. 394119
>>394106This. Personally it's not for the fear of them cheating (it's not like lesbians don't cheat), and it's not because I think that they're "tainted" for having been with men or something like that. It's because of the so called bi-cycle, because many of them tend to leave since being in a same sex LTR brings a lot of discrimination and pressure from other people that you wouldn't face in a straight one, and because I like the shared experience of being a lesbian.
The ones who are the most vocal about "le evil lesbians not dating them, so dumb!!!1" are usually the ones only looking for a one night experience anyway (or worse, a third)
No. 394137
>>394106I'm bi and I agree with this tbh, everyone has their own insecurities/dislikes when it comes to dating. I don't think I'd want to be with a troon, or someone who looks like my relatives. I've been told I'm racist because I wouldn't date this sexist Korean kid from our class.
Conversely, though, some women need to just get over those insecurities after awhile. I was with my partner for 6 years (in which she inflicted daily psychological and emotional abuse) and she was constantly afraid of being cheated on, especially obsessing over imaginary men I may leave her for. I was understanding, we tried therapy, I even proposed to her; but after 6 years of abuse and fabricated accusations, I couldn't handle it and had to leave her. It took her awhile but I think she's very happy now. The whole issue is that she couldn't be honest about what she wanted, tbh; a full lesbian partner whom she can relate to.
No. 394175
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I unironically think Lady GaGa is beautiful.
I mean, I don’t think that’s a very controversial opinion. She was never perceived as a bridge troll but the media doesn’t shill how attractive she is as much compared to other female pop stars. I know a lot of anons on lolcow rag on her apperances and I’ll admit there are a lot of unflattering photos of her out there. But still something about her is striking when she’s not doing crazy shit. I especially love her nose. I always loved big noses, especially on women and I feel like they can look very beautiful in a mature and powerful way. I was born with the opposite and I feel like I look too cutesy and girly in comparison to sexy and womanly. She looked great in a Star is Born.
No. 394182
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>>394180No sane, rational person would read the comments of both and think they are equally bad, are you fucking nuts? Anons dislike dogs due to bad experiences with them, and vent about it here because it's socially unacceptable to dislike dogs irl. The monkey haters are some inexplicable, fucked up shit, maybe even a coverup for a pedo ring or something bizarre like that. They're on completely different levels.
No. 394184
>>394180>>394181You speak of lack of self awareness, but a quick read through that thread shows a hatred of dog owners, not dogs themselves. The most violent replies come from one dog loving sperg who had to be banned repeatedly for saying that cats deserved to be violently murdered, and screenshots from other websites mentioning an extreme hatred and wish for violence against human children, humans, cats, etc…
In fact there was only one person who truly suggested anything violent against dogs, and if you'll notice, they were immeadiately shouted down like the sick fuck they are and banned.
If people complaining about entitlement and simply not wanting an animal in their face is the same as people
literally masturbating to and writing paragraphs about the violent murder of monkeys, I don't think there's much to be said. You either lack reading comprehension, or are a shitty entitled dog owner suffering cognitive dissonance.
Literally everywhere else on the internet will let you jerk off over dogs and your violent hatred of humans and other species, and you can't handle one thread full of pissy criticism? Lol.
No. 394187
>>394180unpopular opinion: I hate when anyone brings dogs or cats up anywhere on lolcow because it brings out the same 5 people who post about how much they hate dogs
>>394182>>394184then the thread get derailed and dog haters prattle on about their right to hate dogs
it's so unnecessary and happens literally every time dogs or cats are brought up
No. 394236
>>394198I honestly don’t give a shit if you dislike dogs. Not everyone is going to like everything and that’s okay. But to sperg constantly about something that’s ultimately rather harmless (Inb4 someone brings up vicious pitbull attacks. It sucks and a feel for the
victims but to act like it’s a phenomenon like gun violence and mass shootings is ridiculous) is just pathetic tbh. Calm down and get yourself a hobby.
No. 394268
>>394236>Inb4 someone brings up vicious pitbull attacks. It sucks and a feel for the victims but to act like it’s a phenomenon like gun violence and mass shootings is ridiculousI hate to break it to you, but not all of us are American, gun violence is literally not a thing in many, many countries. However dog attacks happen everywhere.
>>394184Good response, anon.
This already happened a few times now, that somebody complains about the evil dog haters out of nowhere, then somebody defends us, then we're accused of constantly sperging about our hate of dogs.
Stop trying to start shit, this will only make us hate you and your doggo babies even more.
No. 394330
I'm not offended by the term TERF, and I don't consider it a slur. I am trans-exclusionary, and all women have the right to be. We don't owe men anything just because they claim to be women. I don't know if that makes me a radical feminist, but I'm sympathetic to a lot of radfem talking points, so it doesn't bother me being included with them, either.
I don't even personally see anything derogatory about it. Only someone under the delusion that we should be including TiMs/TRAs in the first place would actually see something wrong with it. Like, what exactly am I supposed to be offended by? Someone else's ignorance? It's like pro-lifers screaming "WOMEN'S AUTONOMY DEFENDERS" at pro-choicers and thinking it actually makes sense as an insult outside of their own deranged minds. At least they have "baby killers", what do TRAs have? "FARTs"? Pitiful.
After watching Hontra's video where at the end he spits out the word "TERF" like it's valid as an insult, it really hit me how toothless it is. They really have nothing on us. All this "punch a TERF today" shit is overcompensation. They can't actually argue with what we're saying, so they just threaten violence, and revive the "burn the witch" mindset. Decades from now, people will be asking how, in a time where misogyny was meant to be so frowned upon, men could still get away with publicly saying "Kill all women who don't accept me".
No. 394341
>>392347>>392383didnt the guy that accused her confirm it was a false accusation tho lmao
people would be bringing out the pitchforks if a woman falsely accused a man of drugging and robbery, but all i see is people online defending the guy
No. 394343
>>394330I want FARTs to take off. Troons are so desperate to take the label of feminist off us so they can fully colonize feminism that they've overlooked the fact that FART sounds ridiculous.
Sure, you can't convincingly argue FART is a slur. But it's a double-edged sword. Right now troons tell boogieman stories about evil TERFs killing thousands of innocent stunning trans women a day and the more gullible people actually believe it.
Now imagine troons telling people that FARTs kill thousands of trans women. Nobody's going to take that seriously. Everyone is going to laugh.
So let's make it happen. FART it is.
No. 394359
>>394357Anon, it depends what you posted. I guarantee that cringey stuff back then is nothing compared to the shit that kids post today.
The only 'you're fucked' scenario is if you posted something with racial/homophobic slurs that people can use to 'cancel' you with. But if you haven't done that then I don't think it's going to affect you.
No. 394436
>>394373Because it's controversial since she died, and because I'll be labeled as an SJW for even thinking that.
What's also relevant is that both killers of the girls (Mollie Tibbetts and Samantha Josephson) were non-white. I feel like the whole "non-white man kills white woman" probably had something to do with it, and wonder how it would be if it were white men who killed them instead.
No. 394566
>>394555>radfems are not trans exclusionary. they're male exclusionaryI really don't wanna sound like I'm saying "NOT ALL MEN" or "NOT ALL RADFEMS" but not all radfems are male exclusionary
while a good chunk of radfems are male exclusionary they are not the majority
No. 394570
The basic of radfem is that men have no place in feminism as it is for liberation of women. Either you are confusing personal life choices with ideology/politics or those 'radfem' you know are actually libfem.
No. 394661
>>394555The transgender movement is spearheaded by males above all, even if liberals refuse to admit it.
>they accept TIFs. I'm convinced that deep down, TiFs know this, TiMs know this, TRAs know this, and libfems know this. Everyone knows this. They just play dumb. The misnomer aspect falls apart when you take a single look at what we say and do.
That's why the only "transphobia" TRAs ever complain or care about is the kind that affects TiMs, not TiFs. They betray the fact that they don't care about anyone born female at every point.
We almost never complain about TiFs, and they see that, so they just try to scare TiFs with "W-Well, you know they don't like you either, right?! You're just as much of a tranny freak as me! The bathroom debate applies to you, too, don't forget!!!" and use them as attack dogs or weapons in arguments.
The sad thing is, TiFs are often naive, scared or self-hating enough to believe them and attack us, too. But if there's any hope for them, they'll eventually see the light and come around, anyway.
No. 394715
>>394701oh well i was unaware that east coast asians were using that, and i agree that it's not a term that they should use if they have no connections to hawai'i. I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of asians (many in California) that are or have family from Hawai'i.
also, if it makes you feel any better, many younger generations of mainland asian americans are now understanding that hapa may not be the most appropriate word for them (since appropriation is a big topic nowadays)
No. 394720
>>394715right, i think heritage is important. you certainly can use whatever terms from your cultural heritage you want. i don't necessarily think it's appropriation, but it leaves a bad taste when others, especially ones with no relationship with the word use it to describe other people who also have no relationship with it. when i was referring to the term as useless, i more meant the idea of trying to short hand calling someone half-x asian, which is what the term is used for outside of those communieies
>half-hawaiians/asians from hawaii calling themselves hapaOK
>calling non-hawaiian affiliated half-asians hapaNG
No. 394773
>>394436Well as long as your not an asshole about it, I think any reasonable people will agree, or least understand where you’re coming from. You can feel bad that she died and for her family but still acknowledge that she only got a lot of attention because she’s white.
I don’t study media trends that much but I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole “non white man kills white woman” narrative gets pushed. Seems like the Trump crowd loves to eat that shit up and Trump shamelessly panders to it while other conservative presidents at least had the decency to distance themselves away or at least be subtle about it.
No. 394776
>>394268>Implying that gun violence is just an American phenomenon. Are you forgetting about the massacre that happen in New Zealand a couple of weeks ago? Or that the two biggest mass shootings that ever happened in Kenya and Norway? Just because it disportionately happens in America doesn’t mean other countries are completely safe.
But in retrospect perhaps I should’ve added “terrorist attacks” among there as well.
No. 394782
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>>394719I actually started liking her recently. Her resting bitch face has grown on me.
No. 394913
>>394909Same anon but male cat haters are misogynistic dudebros or straight up incels who see them as a "femenine" thing or fall for the "40 yrs old cat lady" meme. Cats make them feel cucked for this reason. Also they are weak unlike owning pitbulls or other big dogs they supposedly "love", but mostly treat like shit. Most males sees anything phisically inferior as worthless (including women and children).
Female cat haters are narcissistic or BPD attention whores who can't stand cats not worshipping their every step like a dog would. Some of them abuse their cats and are surprised when a frightened animal isn't affective.
Even people who doesn't hate pets are absolute shit are taking care of them. Not unlike raising children, most of them are either negletful or
I'm not american/ live in a bananero country and that's my experience on the matter. Maybe things are different across the worls but still.
No. 394967
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>>394964100% of the people that hate a specific animal give strong psycho vibes.
No. 394969
>>394968I actually checked out the Reddit in question because I was curious and from what I saw, most people on the sub AGREED with him. It was fuckin sick, tbh.
It says a lot about people who really hate animals like this/in general
No. 394978
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>>394972Yeah, they sure sound like normal well adjusted people.
No. 395032
>>394905I've always believed people who hate dogs have mental problems.
A dog is literally an animal bred over years to be human's best friend. The one animal we get along with the most. If you still take issue with them, chances are
you are the problem, not the animal that was very specially made to get along with us.
That's why I don't even give the dog hate thread users the time of day when I see them acting up in these threads. The reason they constantly rush in to defend themselves when anyone says anything not supporting them, pretend like they're some sort of oppressed group for not liking dogs, and shit on people who do like dogs, is most likely because they have legitimate brain problems. There is nothing you can say to them. This
>>394978 shit actually seems sensible to them. I've seen "dog haters" on LC say similar shit, whining about "dog culture". These people are simply not functioning properly.
Anyone who hates animals disgusts me, but dog haters, I think, are their own kind of aberration.
No. 395043
>>395032Anon, there are plenty of reasons to dislike dogs that don't amount to being a mentally ill zoosadist. Most dogs are spoiled, poorly trained or not trained at all. Most dogs smell bad and have rancid breath. Most dogs are needy, obsessive, loud, potentially violent, and potentially deadly. They shed, drool, may destroy your possessions out of boredom, are liable to eat feces, are liable to eat garbage, etc.
A lot of people prefer to have quiet, clean homes and quiet, clean lives. Dogs are largely incompatible with this.
Yes, I know "not all dogs!!1!" That's why I said "most."
No. 395048
>>395043What you're talking about is reasonable. What I was referring to is a completely different ballpark.
There's a difference between "I don't really like dogs or want them as pets, I think they're messy and a handful", and going out of your way to spend your time in actual "dog hate" threads, subreddits, forums, etc to complain about "dog culture", circlejerk over how horrible you think they are, have special terminology for people who like them ("dognutters"), look for any reason it's "
valid" to hate them, etc. The latter group goes out of their way to surround themselves with the very animal they hate (or any sort of discussion/media about it) and bitch about them day by day. It's honestly comparable to the YouTube monkey hate community, but I imagine dog haters with sadistic tendencies know to keep it elsewhere.
No. 395104
My thoughts on dogs: I love MY dog. I don't mind well-behaved dogs in public. If your dog is poorly trained, jumps on people, barks constantly, then it is annoying and so are you. Animals are luxury goods that come with responsibilities. If you bring your dog into a public space (like a park), then it must be under your control. If it is in a store, then you better be blind or in a wheelchair(or issues of this severity), otherwise you are a narcissistic sack of shit. If you have anxiety and can't go to a restaurant without Pookie in your purse, then you don't deserve to go to restaurants.
My unpopular opinion: I hate whales and porpoises. They look gross, they creep me out, I don't care if the Japanese eat all of them. I mean, it would probably truly fuck up the ocean's ecosystem, which would suck but still. These animals really inspire body shaking horror in me. And yes, dolphins are awful too. No they aren't cute, they're the gimp suits of the sea.
No. 395175
Piggybacking off the pet stuff: reptile people, but specifically snake people, who don't rescue, are the worst.
There's no reason to have a snake unless you're saving one. Buying one is terrible. Pet ownership is a little bit fucked up in general, but with cats and dogs at least there are plenty of of them that you can provide a better life for. People that are breeding pythons for cool morphs or whatever, and in general, reptile people pretend to GAF about reptiles but their entire aim is just to breed for $$$. It's disgusting. Promoting snake culture is so careless. The majority of snake owners won't be good snake parents and the majority of people that own snakes shouldn't. Snake owners are edgelords that try to fight to live feed poor mice at the risk of hurting their snake, etc. Just get a fucking dog, you psychos. They all desperately want to feel special and think they're special for wanting an unconventional animal. These animals are glorified house ornaments and it's sad, and they're often let loose or abandoned by these edge lord fuck faces and it ends up affecting all of us.
And snake parents are always dumbfucks like Taylor who put the snake to their faces or constantly end up intimidating their snake for "cute" shit. They're the most selfish people. People buying wild caught reptiles to feel special, etc, it's all disgusting. The reptile community is trash. The excuse "but I've always loved scaley things!!" is cool girl tier bullshit. So what? Unless you're rescuing, so what? I've always loved monkeys but I'm not trying to force a capuchin to live in 30 Sq ft of living space for my satisfaction and to feel unique. Such selfish fucks.
No. 395183
>>395176exactly, anon. "but frozen mice have no nutrients!!! it's NATURAL!!!", yeah, just like it's fucking natural to keep your pythons in sterilite containers, right?? the no nutrient shit isn't even true. i've read plenty of accounts of people having to euthanize snakes that have had their eyes clawed out and snakes cut down to the bone by the poor mice fighting to survive. they are 100% sickfucks. there are COUNTLESS videos of live feeding on youtube and they should seriously all be taken down. i think it's a 'mild' gateway for edgelord boys to get into sicker shit, tbh. i wish all this "danger noodle xD" shit would go away. yes, snakes are cute, but basically anything other than a garter snake shouldn't be a fucking pet (save for rescuing neglected dangerous snakes that would otherwise create havoc in the wild).
>>395178gervais talks shit about troons and is decent about animals. i think he should mostly just stick to doing based activism because that show about the retarded guy was soooooo embarrassingly awful that i can't believe he got approved for another show, and he's the only relevant, big time comedian that's willing to keep calling out trannies
No. 395193
>>395191It's called The Reptile Channel. The owner of the channel is almost certainly a furry called Jonahsvore/Jonahvore who has a history of creating "RL vore" videos for people to jerk off to. There hasn't been much outrage because Jonah has masked the videos as "educational" now and has hired a female host to narrate the videos which throws people off. It's almost impossible to tell people that the channel is a fetish channel in disguise because most people can't comprehend the idea of vore being a fetish.
This post sums up the whole thing pretty well: No. 395194
>>395183I can't believe Derek is a thing I have a couple of disabled people in my family and after dealing with how average people perceive them day to day I didn't want to watch Gervais do a shit job with it.
I haven't saw any backlash about Gervais character in afterlife essentially handing a suicidal person a noose like he did with the addict. He's just a dick. I've dealt with a family members suicide and while you're angry there's a difference between grieving and being a wanker
No. 395209
>>395071Cant stand people who love pit bulls/bulldogs/whatever because you know they like them just to be unique and cool. They obviously dont actually like dogs because they are the same people who turn around and say small dogs are shit. Like damn, dogs dont choose to exist or be bred, fuck off and throw your good boy pitbull in your tiny backyard for 23 hours every day like usual.
Pug lovers are total shit people too because they're the big, glaring epitome of ignorant dog owners. If you know anything about dogs, you would NEVER want a pug unless you rescued it off the street. You'd never buy one of those sad suffering from a breeder.
I dont even like dogs.
No. 395211
>>395209Or they have to score validation points for loving "misunderstood" animals. No you dumb bitch, that breed has a history of freaking out and attacking the nearest creature because of a genetic issue. They have been bred to cause massive amounts of damage. Its like being proud of keeping your fireworks collection near your scented candles. Oh yeah, you're so fucking badass for owning a potential liability and calling it your precious baby.
Don't get me started on exotic pet owners. Those poor creatures are so rarely given the minimum requirements for a good life, it is just heartbreaking. Pets are generally treated as an accessory to make the owner feel good. Makes me furious.
No. 395243
>>395176>glorify how big their dogs balls are.The way you say it implies you've seen that more than once and i am legit scared of the kind of person that would glorify the size of their dog's balls
>>395175Hard agree. People who feed their snakes live animals should honestly have never gotten snakes in the first place. An ex-friend once sent me a twitter threat where the dumb fucks gave the snake a live rat to eat, they seemingly became "friends" until the rat ate the snake. It was fucking brainlet tier of the owners to give it a live animal, not to mention an adult one.
Also on this subject, the kind of people who defend live feeding are literally psychos. Once i've seen a guy defend a guy giving his enormous snake a puppy and filming the snake as it crushed the puppy and i honestly think that should be enough for locking someone up for being willing to hurt living beings for their entertainment.
On that matter everyone who hurts animals/children/vulnerable old people are also complete sociopaths to me.
No. 395246
>>395243>On that matter everyone who hurts animals/children/vulnerable old people are also complete sociopaths to me.Hard agree
I agree also with the live animal feeding, I'm shocked at the amount of people who go out of their way to defend that kind of thing.
Was the snake yellow? because if it was I recall some psycho posting a webm of it on /cgl/ fucking scum
Also, Tube tops are ugly and look good on no one
No. 395250
>>395243>>395246You know, you really would be surprised the amount of people who justify this kind of thing. First off, 90% of people who own snakes do it for unique points, but I'd say like, 70% of male snake owners try to defend live feeding because "IT'S ENRICHMENT!!" or "NUTRIENTS!!!" but did you guys hear about that middle school teacher (apparently a reptilefag who owns a python too) who fed the live puppy to the snapping turtle in front of his students and was found not guilty of animal cruelty? The brainlet tier kids were all defending him. I'm serious, reptilefags/snakefags are huge redflags, especially when they're men.
>The jury also heard a recording of Crosland from an interview with prosecutors in April during which he reportedly said, "I honestly thought I was doing the right thing by putting it out of its misery. That is why this has been so hard. I was always taught to not let the animals suffer."
>Crosland also said during that interview that he had fed a puppy to a different snapping turtle years ago, per the State Journal. According to, Crosland also tried feeding the dying puppy to his python on the day of the incident but the snake wouldn't eat it.Allegedly it was 'dying', but yeah, okay, you're out here keeping these 'dying' puppies alive long enough to entertain your students, and have a history of feeding puppies to your animals. I hate the US.
>>395193Kiwifarms hasn't been working for me. Is anyone looking to take this channel down? This is fucking bullshit. Given that apparently Youtube gives no fucks about animals, maybe uncovering the fetishism and with the whole 'inappropriate content disguised as being child friendly' fiasco they've had recently, maybe they'll respond that way?
No. 395297
>>395296Yeah it's embarrassing. I'm a first generation immigrant born in America and a lot of times when I would tell people about my heritage, they would try to humblebrag about how they're so cultured because of their French/German/whatever ancestors. Like, it has literally no impact on your life other than being a fun trivia fact or an explanation about the origin of your last name. I just get buttblasted that Americans shit all over first gen immigrants for not being real Americans or not American "enough" but then want to brag so hard about how their great grandmother came to Ellis Island from Poland or wherever the fuck.
I like to think of it this: if you go to a family reunion, what language will the majority of people be speaking? If people are actually speaking with Irish or British accents or speaking French/German/Italian/etc., then fine, it probably is an actual part of your identity, but if every single person there is speaking American English, shut the fuck up.
No. 395298
>>395297Tbh if they are ethnically Polish or anything else behind the iron curtain they either won't brag about it or will speak the language and be hardened patriots/Poleaboos. Generally people with that heritage were and sometimes still are seen as second class citizens so they were more encouraged to learn the language by their parents and be proud of where they come from, but only in the privacy of their own homes, because their folks also wanted them to be "all American" and be seen as normal.
Source: ex-yugoslav diaspora with lots of 2nd gen Slav friends
No. 395331
>>395296As a Yuro, it's so annoying. The other day there was a new girl in a discord server I'm in, who was boasting about her being Italian, having an "Italian beauty" and all. I was like "Oh, cool! From where?"… crickets. She ignored the message and only kept on replying to the other user from the original convo. Later she mentioned living in America, and I was like "…oooh, now I get it". Bitch couldn't even name a random region or city, kek.
>You: "I'm Italian/Russian/Swedish/whatever">American: "Oh me too!">can't speak the language (aside maybe from a couple of malpronounced words thrown around at any occasion)>has never been there, maybe only once on a school trip>their knowledge about the food and culture are based on movies and tv shows>their "heritage" is most likely a grandgrandgrandpa who was half Italian/Russian/Swedish/whateverJust say you're American, there's nothing wrong with that.
No. 395332
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Lorena Bobbitt did nothing wrong. It's not even a man-hate thing. Tbh I don't think cases where a victim murders their abuser should be treated like regular murders. He didn't even die, but the same logic applies here for me.
No. 395337
>>395032>A dog is literally an animal bred over years to be human's best friend. The one animal we get along with the most. If you still take issue with them, chances are you are the problem, not the animal that was very specially made to get along with us.That's not even true. Cats evolved alongside humans too, some people just do not have a personality that jives well with a needy animal like dogs. Not everyone is a narcissist who only likes animals that specifically cater to them.
I like most dogs but this everyone who doesn't like what I like is mentally ill!!11 shit is boring and childish.
No. 395339
>>395335Idk maybe public opinion has changed about her a lot. I was watching some old comedy specials and a lot of jokes about her came up - most painting him as the innocent
victim of a psycho lady.
No. 395364
>>395337You do realize cats were never domesticated, right? They just kind of showed up and we were cool with it.
Dogs, on the other hand, were very specifically bred to exist on our terms, look how we found most appealing (for better or worse), look after our various stations (from farming to childcare to transportation), etc.
It's not even about your personality not meshing well with them. Lots of people don't get along with animals, that's life. This is about
hatred. Face it. If you actually, unironically
hate the creature literally catered to human whims over years, chances are, you are the problem. That's why the people in these communities fixate so hard on the worst possible dog-related stories. They're grasping for a reason to justify their issues.
No. 395387
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>>395306>I had a david brent poster in my room at 14 I hope this is a lie anon
No. 395408
>>395339I think public opinion about her has definitely changed a little along with the times. If it happened in this year's climate I could see internet misogynists and fox news etc. giving her shit but I'd like to think that late night hosts, mainstream comics and mainstream culture wouldn't treat her like they did in the 90s. I especially think John would not get the kind of sympathy he did, and would be the butt of most of the jokes himself.
I definitely recommend the documentary series about the incident that came out recently, if you haven't seen it.
No. 395409
>>395296As an Americafat, totally agree. Back at Christmas my dad was trying to tell me how we're part Scandinavian but it's like, dude, we're BLACK. No one is going to give a shit about our sliver of lost White ancestry.
That said, it's really fun to interrupt people who bring up their ancestry and say I'm the same. It's like a non-white person also having an Irish grandmother suddenly makes them realize it's not worth talking about.
No. 395484
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>>395475Maybe it’s just me coping since I have a wide face, but I do think they tend to accentuate women’s cute features. And hey, cuteness sticks around through aging a lot better than sexiness so that’s a bonus
No. 395491
>>395364Both wild cats and dogs co-evolved with humans to form mutually beneficial relationships, and it doesn't actually help your point to say that cats naturally get along with humans, you realize that right? It would be different if you were talking about domestic animals in general but your fixation is on dogs and only dogs so that anyone who doesn't share your preference must have something wrong with them.
>It's not even about your personality not meshing well with them. Lots of people don't get along with animals, that's life. In your original post you stated the opposite, stop contradicting yourself.
>A dog is literally an animal bred over years to be human's best friend. The one animal we get along with the most. If you still take issue with them, chances are you are the problem, not the animal that was very specially made to get along with us. Not everyone is going to like what you like, get over. The fact that you insinuate they're mentally ill just fuels the
victim complex like in that gay guy's reddit post.
No. 395492
>>395491Nothing you said contradicts my point unless you honestly believe I'm claiming dogs are better than cats (I like and have owned both, lmao).
>In your original post you stated the opposite, stop contradicting yourself.Stopped reading here. I literally type "hate" multiple times in my original post, and highlight exactly who I'm talking about not only there, but in
It's not my problem if you can't read. If you couldn't understand what I was saying, everything else you have to say will surely be based on your poor interpretation, and thus not worth acknowledging.
tl;dr: Avid dog haters and other assorted people who make a hobby of REEEEEing about dogs are not well. Fixating on an animal specifically to hate on it is pretty much always the sign of a sick person. Accept it and deal, goodbye.
No. 395592
>>395590Nobody freaks out over you liking pets…? Why are you making shit up?
People just hate getting accused of being psychos simply because they happen to not like them.
No. 395636
>>395581No one's going to be baited by your pathetic strawman.
You have a containment thread for a reason. Get back to it. Go back to bitching about how you're oppressed by dog culture and obsessively collecting pitbull stories there.
No. 395637
>>395104>whales>body shaking horrorI know it's your opinion but I'm here laughing at the idea of a whale jumping out of an ocean swallowing you whole
Which will never happen.
No. 395645
>>395296I got my DNA tested a year ago and it was cool to see where my ancestors came from, but I never flaunted it around like it made up my personality. Like it just explained why I have certain physical features.
My dad, however. Will not shut up about our ancestry. Every time I visit him, he wants to talk to me about ancestry shit, like it gets boring. I think the only cool shit is if you find close relatives who were adopted or their families broke apart before they were born or something.
No. 395648
>>395296That's bad but something that annoys me even more is when Americans attribute their ugly features or bad personality traits to having a certain heritage when that nationality doesn't even share that trait?
"Yeah I'm really argumentative, it's my Fightin' Irish ancestry."
"My nose is so big, I got it from my Italian side!"
Like no, you're just ugly or have a bad personality. How can you speak about the appearance or culture of a country you and your parents have never even been to?
No. 395681
>>395666I always knew about this, but reading about what happened with Haiti especially was the final nail in the coffin for me.
The whole thing is depressing. It's as if colonization never actually ended, except in name. Meanwhile, /pol/tards will keep reeeing about how they support all these countries with "foreign aid", as if that's not just their own countrymen scamming them with fake charities and high taxes, lmao.
No. 395687
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idk how unpopular this is but i think thongs are insanely gross and people who wear them instead of regular underwear are gross. i can see wearing them temporarily like for foreplay or something but like, unless you spend 5 minutes cleaning your butthole every time you take a shit, there's going to be fecal matter buildup on the part that digs into your asscrack. and the sweat which is unavoidable. i don't understand it.
No. 395690
>>395687I used to have a pair of underwear that would always ride up my buttcrack, I hated it. Threw them away after the 3rd wear.
I don't get how people like the feeling of a thick string in your buttcrack all day.
No. 395698
>>395687All female underwear rides up your asscrack though
Mens boxer briefs don't so I wear them when I don't have to worry about panty lines
No. 395699
>>395687This. I have a absolutely never understood the hype of thongs. I own a pair, but only for sexy shit with my bf.
I had a roommate who only wore thongs. She convinced me to buy a pair when we were out at VS. I could not for the life of me wear that shit with normal clothing. The string against my butthole felt absolutely horrible haha. I don't understand it. Do you just get accustomed to a tight string pressing against your bumholio constantly? Fuck that shit. Thongs are rotten
No. 395732
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>>395687Fitting that this was posted less than a day after pic related was posted on /m/
Agree though, fuck thongs
No. 395785
>>395592There’s been entire vent threads taken over by anons sperging out over how much they like or dislike cats and/or dogs.
They were diagnosing each other with sociopathy and all sorts of accusations of animal abuse and dog fuckery went on for days. There’s literally no reason to start defending yourself.
No. 395817
>>395799Yeah I kind of feel the same.
>>395803>pompous libshit soyboys with trap fetishesThat would be /r/ChapoTrapHouse
No. 395823
>>395817Is he not the one who posts there and rees at the gender critical sub reddit?
>>395815No, seriously. Those are the
only men who know what a terf is. Men who aren't chasers don't specifically wk troons.
No. 395839
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>>395799why do you handmaidens like that moron so much
he's a literal Idiot
>>395834you don't punch someone for mildly insulting you
No. 395841
>>395839nta but I think he's the sort of person that would be cute as a character on a sitcom or something, but irl is terrifying.
He's really out there.
No. 395845
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>>395841Like a character from "Its Always Sunny" sure he would be funny to look at from afar but horrible IRL
also the horrible advice keeps on posting
No. 395847
>>395846ok imagine if his cousin was a woman and "she" kept on provoking Confucius08 and Confucius08 punched her in the face
would that still be right ?
No. 395848
>>395847nta but that sort of reasoning is dumb, sure he is already stronger than his male cousin due to being a boxer but with a woman the strength difference would be massive.
That's some tranny reasoning you have, "
No. 395850
>>395847it wouldn't be physically fair at all, like, not even remotely close, so no. i'm not in the business of defending male bullies though and i really don't care what comes to them. i don't care about men punching shitty men. i sympathize a fuckton more with the dude that's suicidal and obviously openly unwell and is being mocked by his shitty family than the dude that takes it upon himself to mock and pester someone that he knows is suicidal. you sound like a robot or something.
>>395849>>395848kek tbh i literally do not care about male on male bully vs
victim violence. really crazy how anon is out here calling everyone who doesn't care about his shitty cousin a handmaiden.
No. 395853
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Also his favorite musical was GG Allin
No. 395862
>>395850>really crazy how anon is out here calling everyone who doesn't care about his shitty cousin a handmaiden.I think it must be the same anon who posted his posts a couple times in the Pink Pill thread even though it was completely off-topic. Here
>>395050 and here
>>395378>>395855>I'm not defending the cousin Im saying that its common for Handmaidens to go after "broken men" and try to fix themAnd who's trying to fix him here? Some anons just said they find him likable.
No. 395871
>>395862tbh i'm almost positive that the anon that has the hateboner for him is a guy and he's
triggered that we think he's likable because he's violent toward men or something and is unintelligent. no one is moving in with the dude, i just think he's deserving of sympathy and i don't think he's a cow, just a guy that's plagued by mental illness.
>>395867because he's helpless and dumb but has enough common sense to come to the right conclusions. not a lot of men are GC so he clearly has more sense or integrity than 99% of men on the left that are instead attacking women for being GC.
No. 395884
>>395871he seems to have no Idea about leftist ideology
I bet Y'all like him because he said he liked masculine women
No. 395885
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>>395884found the comment
No. 395888
>>395887how is that based ?
he has a fetish for lesbians
No. 395901
>>395896his flair is "Straight male in a relationship with a Transman"
thats on oxymoron
No. 395904
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>>395903>>395902Then explain this
No. 395920
>>395919let me guess
you're a hairy women with short hair and andro clothing
No. 395923
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>>395921just remember this great advice anon from your "mentally ill uwu boyfriend"
No. 395935
>>395933except its horrible advice
"as long as your strong mentally nothing on this earth can beat you"
thats just a delusion
No. 395944
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This is probably my hottest take yet, but I find Skins to be overated for what it is, dramatically unrealistic to teen life and romanticizes mental illness, drug use and etc. to a young audience.
No. 395949
>>395946I think he might
the way described himself of how survived so much and how only he can kill himself and no one else be allowed to
No. 395956
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well he posted again and its exactly what I expected
No. 396260
>>396143Subtitles take up a considerable amount of your attention so you can't enjoy the cinematography and the acting as much. It's all about where you want to spend time looking. Your eyeballs have a very narrow area of focus and it's a bit ridiculous to get mad at people that don't want to use that precious attention to read text when it's a moving picture medium.
I've never seen someone prefer dubs because they're above a foreign language.
No. 396267
>>396260So if something isn't dubbed, it makes sense to miss out on 100% of the cinematography and acting rather than 1% because you have subtitles to read? I'm not even sure if that makes sense since it takes half a second to read a line of text and few scenes are that short. You just read it quickly then concentrate on the rest right away.
I actually prefer eng language with subs because missing a bit of the dialogue is way worse than not completely taking in the visuals at all times.
No. 396268
>>396143>My sister pulls this bullshit with Netflix content, if she stumbles across a foreign show with subs, she won't even watch it because it has subs.This is such a weird mindset to me, my native language is obscure and I had to watch EVERYTHING subtitled growing up and also today because my country rarely dubs anything. Even now I will always pick subs because I want to enjoy the original acting and associate dubs with children's cartoons because that's the only stuff that gets dubbed in my country. And that's also why I think people who prefer dubs are a bit slow.
>>396260What??? You literally watch the screen and your mind subconsciously registers what the subtitles are saying. You don't really have to "read" them. Just see them.
No. 396279
>>396260>Subtitles take up a considerable amount of your attentionNah, they really don't.
I've been watching everything with subs since childhood and don't miss anything. If anything I've gained an increased vocabulary, more accurate spelling, and faster reading speed.
No. 396371
I'm honestly okay with calling TiMs and TiFs by their preferred names/pronouns as a kindness to a mentally ill, possibly suicidal person.
I just think it's ridiculous that now people have taken that kindness to the point where they're okay with trampling over anyone who doesn't have that mental illness, and honestly believe their feelings can change biology. A TiM will never belong in a woman's space, because when it comes down to it, that's not a woman. It's a man who wants to be one. The two will never be the same.
And somehow, TiFs are never as maladjusted or forceful as TiMs. They often have internalized misogyny, but we never see them harassing men, being pedophiles/rapists, physically attacking people, showing off their pornsickness (they're often fond of bashing fujoshi, even when they themselves are often just that) or screaming "IT'S SIR" at store employees while damaging private property. Why is that? It absolutely screams the validity of gender socialization, but I guess that's just another TERF lie.
No. 396403
>>396382Killing themselves is something that transpeople are actually pretty good at though.
If you've seen any of the horror stories about the SRS procedures I'm not surprised. I'd kill myself if my vag was rotting and falling apart too and I'm not even trans.
No. 396413
>>396403not really, with the amount of baiting they do, the actual suicide stats aren't that high, and it's not the young guys out here committing suicide most frequently. i dont think the majority of them are committing suicide because they have rotting inverted dicks. again, i dont think they're actually nearly as suicidal as they claim. it's an emotional blackmail manipulation tactic. all of them bait constantly while having the audacity to threaten women and believe they're deserving of being catered to constantly. 30% are probably actually suicidal while 100% claim to be
>>396405first off, i didn't know he killed himself, but really, i think it had less to do with transness and more to do with him publicly humiliating himself and being a target for harassment for many years. plus he was like, recently homeless, and with things like self immolation and public suicide where you're out here reciting letters, i think it has a lot more to do with performance than actual anguish. these people live their lives like they're in a movie and that's all they care about, being the suffering but admired mpdg to their internal indie film
No. 396454
>>396436I assume you live in the US because it's uncommon for people outside of the US (who aren't Jewish or Muslim) to circumcise.
My bf is cut (extremely rare where I am) and I think it looks good. I hate the appearance of wrinkly penises (they don't look sexy to me, they look like the tied end of a balloon) but that's an unpopular opinion where I am. Anytime I mention liking the appearance of his dick or how he'd like his hypothetical future sons to be circumcised I get fucking attacked. I don't get it, men are so sensitive about their uncut penises.
No. 396491
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right wingers were right about not letting gay people have rights. it led to a degradation of society. gays fought for decades to have their rights and honestly I don't have anything against them for being gay, but drag culture is mainstream now. girls are out here using drag queen makeup techniques. kids are being exposed to drag culture in ways that can be really fucked up. trannies are just completely out of control.
Sucks to realize this because I am bisexual and I've been in love with other women so I kind of feel like I am betraying myself with this but I came to this conclusion and I've been unable to talk myself out of it so far.
No. 396494
>>396491Damn anon, you're going to get roasted for this.
I'm a little less intense than you. I don't mind lesbian or bisexual women, but I absolutely despise gay and bisexual men.
Gay men are some of the most perverted, degenerate, sick fucks out there and I truly wonder why their degeneracy is so beloved and supported.
No. 396497
>>396491Err drag isn't the same thing as homosexuality.
>>396494I really doubt that they are even worse than straight men though. Most sex crimes including csa are male on female.
No. 396500
>>396494the benefit of posting on an anonymous imageboard is that I don't really have to care whether or not people roast me lol. I know though.
>>396497drag as we know it today pretty much originated from the gay subculture. it didn't become mainstream until like 10 years ago. to try to distance it from the gay community is disingenuous.
>>396498God, I wish that never happened. Unfortunately, it did though and I have a think that most of the LGB community is still pretty trans-positive. I don't know what the way out of this shit is.
No. 396502
>>396436Never got the appeal of cut dicks at all since they often have that scar on them and just look dried out. I don't mind if a partner has a cut dick though but I seriously wish it wasn't such a thing in the states.
>>396454It's one thing to like how a cut dick looks but people are going to judge you if you want to force the procedure onto children who cannot consent to it.
No. 396504
>>396317Lmao I go to the romantic category every time I wanna watch something new and a big chunk of the top of the list are Indian romance movies. I think you're the one who has never looked at the categories.
Not about the subtitles either, but the other convo in this thread about subs made me think of it. Just dont feel like watching weird cheesy monopolized Indian media.
No. 396510
>>396456>>396454How do you suck a guy off when he doesn't have a frenulum?
>>396500>to try to distance it from the gay community is disingenuous. It depends what you mean by drag. Drag acts have been a thing for decades, it's even done by straight men. The idea of an actor playing a character of the opposite sex for dramatic or comedic effect goes back centuries.
No. 396527
>>396491Semi-related on the subject of gay rights.
I love anime boys and I love when anime boys do erotic things to each other.
But I actually dislike IRL homosexuality.
It's weird because the "fujoshi" community uses gay men as a shield against criticism, but I'm like… yeah I'm a degenerate and I don't give a fuck about your social issues.
No. 396538
>>396535>fetishizing gay relationshipsThat's like saying you fetishize straight relationships if you watch heterosexual porn. I just like seeing cute boys do lewd things. Together, alone, or with a girl (though not frequently because the girl is the focus 99% of the time)
I don't care for irl gays or their rights. I'm just tired of people trying to force a political agenda on masturbating alone in your room to anime.
No. 396541
>>396538But people aren’t against straight porn. Fetishizing is already a pain in the ass for marginalized people, but to also not even support the core idea that yaoi comes from is just retarded.
I personally don’t give a fuck, it’s your personally sex kink but disliking real gay people seems off
No. 396542
>>396541I don't give a fuck about your "marginalized people". Gb2 tumblr.
>support the core idea that yaoi comes fromI support the Japanese artist who draw good content, not gross 3d western homosexual men and the fujoshi trying to kiss their asses.
No. 396580
>>396541I agree that it's kind of dumb to be homophobic IRL but like yaoi, but IMO, the larger problem is the amount of men who despise women, but obsess over porn and prostitutes.
Women (both straight and bi or lesbian) enjoying drawn porn doesn't influence the lives of actual gay men one way or another, but men fueling the pornography and human trafficking industries directly influences the lives of women and young girls. But, no one seems to care about that. In fact, they think it's normal. Why are men the only ones allowed to get away with not being #woke and open-minded on the basis of their jerk-off material?
The gay male community is not, has never been and never will be reliant on fujoshi for solidarity or strength in numbers, lmao.
No. 396653
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>>396592Some men can be attractive in spite of it, but it's hard to pull off. If their facial hair grows in light it looks the same color as their skin and gives the face a melting appearance.
No. 396720
>>396694Why do I have to support or even think about your gay identity politics just because I find 2d boys together cute?
No one ever expects that of anyone else.
No. 396725
>>396694Why would porn fans owe anyone political allyship just because some real life situations (superficially) resemble the porn? Nobody questions this behavior when men perpetrate it, but when women do, it's suddenly a problem. The truth is, fujoshi were never meant to be allies, and yaoi was never some form of gay expression.
It's not even the same as some straight women suddenly picking up gay romance novels or media for the "forbidden" aspect. Yaoi was never even for gay men (even if fudanshi exist), and it's not even about them, except on the most superficial level.
Like…this is a genre for women who either just can't into het porn, or have issues fully identifying with women in other forms of erotica.
It's literally a bunch of women creating a genre of porn and/or romance with a thin layer of detachment from themselves, so that they can bypass whatever mental blocks they have around NSFW content as a whole. It's not even really about some "hawt forbidden gay boys" taboo aspect, it's just women projecting their sexual desires through fiction in a way that leaves them comfortably untouched and un-targeted. Conflating actual, human gay relationships with a made-up fantasy like that is flawed reasoning. There is no "real life yaoi", so a heterosexual fujoshi would have no place involving herself with LGBT stuff.
No. 396779
>>396720>>396725fujos and men who like lesbian porn view homosexuality as fetish that exists to satisfy their own selfish desires.
Neither of you have refuted what
>>396694 has said.
I get why the lgb community hate yaoi, a lot of straight girls love to intrude and snoop on the relationships on real life gay men, even if you personally find real life men gross and can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
No. 396788
>>396785>So we should stop giving a shit about them, especially when it's about fucking yaoi of all things.This. So much this. I don't get why all the tumblrinas are so concerned over ~male feewings~ when most gay men don't even care that girls read BL and even the RL gay porn has a ton of straight actors who aren't actually gay but doing it for the money. And like you said, men in general don't give a shit about women. Funny that the snowflakes being
triggered over BL never, ever speak so loudly about straight men consuming lesbian porn and asking lesbian couples if they could "join in" or "watch them fuck". For some
strangest reason they're only interested in policing other women.
No. 396794
>>396779>Neither of you have refuted what >>396694 has said.Then you didn't fully read my post. I'm saying yaoi is not about fetishizing homosexuality, it's about women projecting their fetishes through a detached lens of it coming from male characters. It was never actually about men or gay relationships. It was never a gay genre, or a gay rights genre.
Straight women have never had any hand in LGB rights. They don't belong in it. Leave that to women who are actually part of the LGB (many of which are themselves fujoshi), and stop expecting straight women to care one way or another. Again, no one expects any level of wokeness from men just because they like certain fantasies, but with women, it's a different story. Why?
>a lot of straight girls love to intrude and snoop on the relationships on real life gay men, even if you personally find real life men gross and can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.The exact opposite is what's happening here, but you're still upset about straight women not kowtowing to a certain view. Just allow them to not give a fuck. Straights gonna straight. Eternally. At the end of the day, this is porn. It has nothing to do with gay men. It doesn't exploit gay actors or gay men themselves in any way. In fact, gay men are more guilty of exploiting each other with the prevalence of harmful gay porn, but I don't see much pearl-clutching over that.
No. 396797
>>396796>Fakebois don't like BL because they think it fetishizes them even though they're absolutely not shown or talked about in this genreThis will forever be my favorite meme when it comes to TiFs. It's literally when internalized misogyny and guilt mix with being a fujoshi.
They've deluded themselves into thinking they've reached a point where they can look down on other women. They think they are
the real life yaoi, and they are just
horrified at these awful
women capitalizing on
their totally legit, not completely fictional, not 100% female-invented experience. In their eyes, these
demonic cishet females need to stop appropriating very real, painful seme and uke culture, lmao.
All of them are literally just fujoshi who just took their shit too far. I immediately stop taking a TiF seriously the moment I see their name is some Japanese bullshit, they wear short cosplay wigs casually, they're into J-fashion and girly makeup, and/or they call themselves "boys" or make any allusions to being a "soft boy". They are so obviously fiends for the concept of being an anime boy that it's pitiful. They're like a far, far less ugly (but still fetish-sick) version of TiMs who grossly obsess over being anime traps or lolis.
No. 396798
>>396796Fakebois don't hate BL, they hate that OTHER girls like BL. They're your basic fujos in denial who just put he/him pronouns on their social media and act like they're better for saying that "all fujos are straight bitches who fetishize me, a smol gay boi uwu". Literally the only people screeching obsessively about fujos are either incels
triggered by female sexual autonomy, Cool Girls™ and all the woke Aydens and Olivers of the world.
And gay men couldn't give two shits. If anything, they fucking SUPPORT female BL mangakas straight or not. They fucking LIKE the porn and ask for more.
No. 396801
>>396797> immediately stop taking a TiF seriously the moment I see their name is some Japanese bullshit, they wear short cosplay wigs casually, they're into J-fashion and girly makeup, and/or they call themselves "boys" or make any allusions to being a "soft boy".Same for me. I block them on social media as soon as I see anyone like them. There has been drama with Leslie Hung liking a fanart and almost all the people harassing her fitted that description and were sometimes into worse things than what the fanart depicted, like furries or guro.
>>396798Yeah you're right, I oversimplified it. It's that "I'm not like other girls" attitude and internal misogyny as well as what
>>396797 said about the guilt. They're all guilt-tripping each other all the time, directly or indirectly while shitting all over fujoshi by twisting it's actual meaning in super long essays on twitter. I remember a lot of girls decided to become fakebois when a bunch of other fakebois told them to stop reading BL and slash because it's unrealistic even though they wouldn't know that thanks to their personal experience. I saw that on tumblr circa 2013, I don't know about other online communities. Although I've seen fakebois claiming they loath BL while reading and watching Western and fanmade BL, but I guess since it's made by Western fans with no talent then it doesn't count from their point of view.
No. 396941
>>396802I could never connect to other women in anime circles cause most of them are fujoshis and are into boy-centric anime stuff. I am on the opposite end of that spectrum as a lesbian who's only into series with all girl casts. I always felt I was weird for never being interested in things with men in it.
Shipping is annoying tbh, I never knew what the fuck the plot of Voltron even was cause nobody talked about it.
No. 396969
>>396961Low empathy detected, it's pretty normal for people to be able to get invested into stories and subsequentially characters, liking them like how you would like a real person.
I don't understand why so many anons here are so against anime and cartoonfags. Really my biggest complaint is that some of them act a little underage.
No. 396972
>>396959>>396969I can somewhat understand husbandos and waifus
but having maternal feeling for anime and cartoons boys just doesn't seem right
No. 397098
>>396779>a lot of straight girls love to intrude and snoop on the relationships on real life gay men.Not fucking really. This is so blown out of proportion. Socially awkward teen girls in 2007 said cringey shit to a gay couple they knew. But that's really the extent of "fujoshi harassment".
As if men need protection from socially awkward girls in the first place.
No. 397254
>>397202omfg anon how dare u imply drawings arent real life thats the excuse all the pedos use wtf drop dead you fucking degenerate admin pls ban this bitch!!!!!11111!!1
And yeah, the PC spergs just love to police women because they know women will be intimidated and they'll get their precious power trip at the expense of some harmless girl who liked anime boys. They never confront predatory men who openly groom IRL minors because they ain't got the fucking guts to do shit that's scary but actually matters.
>>397203This kind of absolute retardation happens all the time now. The worst part is that they make up some bullshit callout tweet with no sources, just yelling about a certain user being a pedo/abuse apologist/racist/~twansphobe~/whatever and you'll completely ruin their reputation because the woke crowd goes feels first and facts… never.
No. 397562
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Hatsune Miku and Kizuna Ai are honestly the most boring, oversaturated characters in current weeb culture. I'm tired of seeing them.
The Taylor Swift and Katy Perry of the internet weeb world.
No. 397571
>>397562I hate seeing them being fawned at too. I notice the majority of people who praise Miku and Ai all the time are the forever alone greasy weebs.
>>397375I notice it with a lot of people I went to school with too. I just pass it off as them not having a gym class anymore or having to walk to class all the time. However, you can really see them balloon up in college and you know for a fact its because of them drinking all the time. I can't imagine having to buy a whole new set of clothes because you like to party every 4 days. Having a change in activity levels, like you got an office job or something, the weight gain is slower and more manageable because all you need to do is eat a bite or two less or make time to get 5-15 minutes of more movement in your day.
No. 397573
>>397562Leave miku alone. She's a vocaloid singer, she doesn't need to be interesting or deep beyond that.
Fuck ai and the unfunny pairing shit though.
No. 397575
>>397562Miku and Ai aren't really on the same level. Miku has so much content done by so many different authors, a lot of it I'm not a fan of but a lot of it I am. She does deserve her popularity I believe.
Ai's has a set personality and most of her content is done by one group (unless you want to count stuff like MMD). Her stuff is mostly the same boring shit, she only has a handful of interesting videos.
No. 397804
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that stupid “hurhurhur potato chips are just 50% airrrrrr” meme shit is dumb. Lays aren’t exactly breaking the bank and you arent paying for somebody to fill the whole fucking back to the top. You pay for the weight on the bag, and they use bigger packages to prevent your chips from being crushed.
Almost as bad as hearing “you like my dress THANKS IT HAS POCKETTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS” crap. I care too much about the overall fit and silhouette of clothes to sperg over not having deep pockets like men do. I hate when men jam their keys/wallet or whatever and it looks like they have lumps on their sides. Plus it’s uncomfortable carrying stuff around in just pockets.
No. 397826
>>397804>>397825>If I’m not wearing a jacket I’ll use my pants pocketsSome people don't wear pants though.
I find the sperging about it cringe, but it
is good to have pockets for precisely that - keys, pass, phone. If the dress is flared/loose, there's no reason not to have pockets other than "nobody thinks to add convenience to women's clothes because all they care about is looking good anyway" - and apparently you two are really as shallow as men expect women to be.
No. 397867
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Tumblr lesbians/bis thirsting over Brie Larson is the gay equivalent of straight girls liking the most bland, generic, milquetoast white boys.
No. 397874
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>>397867Anon you're fucking right. I see tumblr lesbians drool all over these boring one dimensional women, like is appealing about them?
No. 397893
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I think lolcow is too negative sometimes but at the same time, it's not because anyone online is fair game here. I feel a weird ambivalence about it.
I think it is stalking and that cyber-bullying to a degree is real and damaging because we live in times where parts of our identities are shifted to and placed in a virtual world.
I also think most cows and flakes are mentally ill and confused and really sad individuals. I don't want to white-knight and say x dindu nuffin wrong and that anyone should stop browsing lolcow or feel bad about it. This is just my personal opinion for now.
At the same time I don't see it as a black and white thing because it's a place where moral is shifted and you are allowed to talk shit and do whatever and be brutally honest and that's also the fun and liberal part of it.
Of course, cows and flakes are responsible for themselves and their actions but in all the armchairing, stalking, disecting, nitpicking, anonymous detached often self-righteous judging, frothing at the mouth sperging, documenting with real names attached, tinfoiling, involving family members and minors and cow-tipping it's just blatantly obvious that farmers can be really destructive, too. And that includes me, too, of course.
Maybe I'm missing some self-awareness in parts of the userbase or feel out of place with this mind-set because I'm afraid someone will jump at my throat and tell me to go back to PULL or tumblr.
I'm also an internet addict and somehow picked this place as my virtual residence which is weird. I want to reduce online time but I'm weirdly attached to and sentimental about this board. Maybe I need to be more consequent about reducing online time.
I want to see this board thrive and be a part of it but I also wanna leave and graduate from it.
No. 397908
>>397893>I think it is stalking and that cyber-bullying to a degree is real and damaging because we live in times where parts of our identities are shifted to and placed in a virtual one is forcing anyone to have an online presence. and no one is obligated to spill the details of their lives on social media. if someone is retarded enough to embarrass themselves so openly, then its fair game.
and really though, this kind of shit has happened for decades with tabloids and magazines and whatnot. its just worldwide and most all have access to it now.
No. 397909
>>397893I agree with you so much… Some cows post in public, but it makes me feel bad for the ones that have their private accounts infiltrated. At the same time, most cows I am interested in are pretty shitty if not hopeless people (Onion belongs to the second category), so I don't feel too bad about them. I really dislike nitpicking and needless hostility (a-logging). Good thing that both things will get you a ban.
Fun thing is that I rarely consider cows to be ugly and then I see anons sperging about how they look hideous, kek.
I really dislike threads that are just sperging about some boring weeaboo's looks (like the Kiki or Kota ones for example)
No. 397922
>>397893Same anon, it's like you spoke my mind. But generally imageboards bring together the worst kinds of people and it's really easy for things to get out of hand when everyone is hidden behind anonimty. Lolcow has brought good things into my life but very bad things at the same time, it's very helpful to have a place where I can vent about my deepest issues and some of the posts I read on here are really wholesome and some are really funny. On the other hand, if you take this place too seriously it becomes
toxic and a lot of the posts consist of extreme nitpicking and a lot of ideologies are taken to the extreme, the same with opinions, fanaticism is never good in any context. I know this defies the original purpose of lolcow but personally I don't check out cows or snowflakes that much anymore because everytime I do it just feels wrong and it makes me feel like there's something very wrong about me too.
No. 398110
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>>397867>tfw thirsting Brie Larson, Kristen stewart and other unpopular-with-general-public girlsIdk what it is either I must have a type
No. 398167
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>>398139Try the chef boyardee pizza kit anon! It's so bad for you but it's the best slightly undercooked. I usually get an extra bag of shredded cheese because what they give you in the kit isn't much, stuff good though!
No. 398183
>>398139I feel you anon, I’ve always enjoyed that ine scene in the movie Big when they go to that pizza restaurant for Tom Hanks’s character and the waiters are putting on a show with pizza dough and throwing pieces of tninto their mouths.
I also used to love raw biscuit dough as a kid (not talking about cookie dough, American biscuits)
No. 398238
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I fantasize that my bf is my brother during sex.
No idea where this came from. I’m an only child.
No. 398254
>>398238I can relate to this, I felt it with my now-husband when we were dating. I loved him so much I wanted a stronger bond. Nothing stronger than blood.
Being an only child was probably a factor.
No. 398279
>>398277The enraging thing is that when women ARE extra cautious around men, men get so fucking
triggered. If you tell a man straight up that you don't feel comfortable drinking at a party or being alone with one, they act like you are straight up accusing them of being a rapist, no matter how much you insist it's not about them specifically.
There is absolutely no winning with men when it comes to any of the shit they blame us for or insist we do.
No. 398288
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>>398278Made me think of this
No. 398309
>>398303I'm very tall myself, so of course I'm only into tall guys. Doesn't need to be taller than me, just not shorter.
But I really don't get couples of 5ft girl + 6 ft-something guy, that's no longer cute, it just looks weird.
No. 398312
>>398303I feel secure I guess
As a tall girl feeling short next to someone is a new feeling i don't dislike, idk it's hard to describe
Also sometimes tall guys eill lean closer to you if they mishear you or something and I think it's ckinda cute
>>398309Big height differences look freaky to me
No. 398342
>>398303You are wrong to assume that height is more important than personality. Of course nobody sensible will date an idiot just because he's tall (or short, depending on preferences). It's just a nice bonus.
>>398309There's nothing to 'get' unless you subscribe to femcel ideology. People date who they find attractive, whether you like it or not.
No. 398346
>>398331agreed. manlets in my country have an extra hard time, since men are relatively tall here on average (180cm). ive never dated a guy below 185cm
my unpopular opinion is that tall women look much better as well. im of average height myself and i look unattractive beside my handsome, tall bf. i want to give off an impression of elegance, femininity and seriousness, esp in the business enviroment. i feel thats harder if youre short
No. 398355
>>398255>>398258Ayy yo it's OT now but I wanted to say it's not weird at all to want someone you love to be a member of your family.
ON TOPIC: short boys are adorable, don't lose hope all you lurking beta cuties!!
No. 398359
>>398348I consider manlets to be 3" less than the average man of their country. Here in mooseland I'd say short guys are 5'5"-5'6" and under. 5'7" would still be pretty average.
I'm a hardcore manlet chaser if that contributes to my perception lol.
>>398303I care about height the opposite way and for me it's just aesthetics+feeling tall myself. I love how little men are proportioned and how they feel next to me, I imagine it's just the opposite for tall-lovers.
No. 398371
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>>398355it get a bit awful when you know, you think about them being your sibling with their dick in you. that is gross. and will never be anything other than such
No. 398385
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>>398377lol wat? just because someone has never experienced a sibling bond before doesnt excuse them for wanting such with a boyfriend/girlfriend. a deep bond can surpass family, you can feel closer to other people than family and it really is sad that adopted kids and only children will never learn that good life tip. i fucking hate the majority of my family and am deeply emotionally connected with someone in my life, but to think about them in a family sense while i fuck them is some gross anime tier shit and there is no way to excuse it.
No. 398428
>>398427I hate that not only do they revel in it, they unironically think it's novel or poetic.
Yes, we know you're a disgusting freak and you're mad that we're not still cavemen so you can live out your shittiest fantasies. You let that slip every day. Your "base" and "raw instinct" are common knowledge. Got anything new, remotely cerebral or even interesting to say? No? Then just shut the fuck up. The only real exception was probably Burzum and all its copycats, but Varg Vikernes, just like the rest, had to live up to the metal stereotype of being a piece of trash.
I will say, I used to be into depressive black metal because it's different from a lot of the typical stuff in content and execution, but it's honestly so generic.
No. 398637
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I think people should be allowed to euthanize themselves.
No. 398652
>>398491>the content she posts and the regularity just feel so attention whorey and narcissisticBecause that's the type of person who constantly posts about how they're so afflicted by dead people years after the fact. Their intentions are to get attention and remind everyone about
their emotions, it's not in good faith to remind people of the deceased.
Can't even call this out because they'd retreat into bUT eVerYonE GrIEVes D1FferENTly!!~
No. 398673
>>398658I agree. I used to be fat, now I'm 110lbs. Thin privilege is real, and anyone who denies it is lying to themselves.
I did not work hard to get this skinny, I just succumbed to mental illness. I still eat garbage, just less of it than someone who's 200lbs. I am not a paragon of health, and never have been. But people still find me pretty and cute. They think it's "funny" and "adorable" when I obsess over food. My life has been improved not by becoming healthier, but by becoming thin. There is a difference.
The inconvenient truth is that in some ways, the pro-ana dumbasses are right. Your life is 100x improved by getting skinny. It doesn't actually matter how you do it, just the outcome.
No. 398675
>>398668I don't think anon is under the delusion that fat and thin people eat the same
amounts of junk food, but the fact of the matter is a thinner person who eats fast food and soda everyday isn't better off healthwise just because they eat less of it. Their health is still suffering the consequence of a poor diet without the stigma of the weight gain.
I honestly do feel for fatties who are eating better to lose weight knowing that it'll take them a good few years before they reach a normal weight. In the meantime everyone assumes they're horking down fast food with their cheeto fingers and swilling that down with mountain dew. It must suck.
No. 398680
>>398676Who cares about calorie count? My choices are still nutritionally unsound and unhealthy in every way. The only difference is the amount of fat stored on my body (which is, very coincidentally, proportionate to how physically ugly I'll be considered - I eat an amount that ensures I won't be seen as ugly).
The amount of calories consumed should not dictate on whether a person should be scorned for bad choices. They are still bad choices.
No. 398694
>>398690>>398684Ask yourself if you'd ever want to be fat. Let's say, in this hypothetical, you keep your health as it is now, by some miracle of Jesus. Your life is exactly the same, but you are a fat person now. Would you want this? Why or why not?
Then, ask yourself how you believe the rest of society might answer that same question. Why do you think they would want this, or why not?
Therein lies the answer to whether or not "thin privilege" is real. Sad but true.
No. 398714
>>398694that's not what privilege is nor is that how it works. also thin privilege can't be a thing because fat people being fat
is actually a detriment to people around them and themselves.
No. 398721
>>398673I was in the same position as you a few years ago when I had an ED. I started losing my hair and stopped having my period, but everyone around me started treating me better because I was thin.
>>398684Lol that’s not all I meant by thin privilege. Anyways I think it’s pretty obvious that overall thin people are treated better in society regardless if their lifestyle is actually healthy.
No. 398724
>>398694I used to be obese, I had more friends when I was obese because they saw me as the funny girl, it gave me confidence. I lost weight because I ate like shit. It personally made me feel like shit. I don't drink or smoke or eat sugary or greasy food and people don't want to hang around me because I don't need go anywhere to feed myself at whatever fast food place they want to hang out at.
Idk man get some new friends, it's the people you surround yourself with.
No. 398734
>>398658Privilege is the wrong word to use imo. Yes, no doubt being skinny gets you further in society than being fat, but unlike race/sex/orientation/disabilities, it can be changed. Calling an attainable situation 'privilege' is just going to make people think it's out of reach for them when it's not and just lets them do mental gymnastics to avoid hard work to get what they want. You wouldn't say 'good grades privilege' or 'skilled athlete privilege' or 'talented artist privilege' even though people benefit from all those things, because they aren't inherent and you aren't born with them. You have to work for them and being thin is not very different.
I've been fat and still am not as thin as I'd like, but fully acknowledge this is due to my personal failings. If I wanted thin privilege that badly, I'd eat less so what right do I have to bitch about it?
No. 398779
>>398734You just got done spieling about losing weight being hard work, so much that some people may avoid it, yet by the end of your post you're acting like you could easily have it all if you simply just ate less.
I think you know this whole mess is a bit more complicated than that.
I think deep down you also realize that some people are born with physiological characteristics that will make them more athletic, talented, and smarter than other people. It's unfair, but it's true.
>What right do I have to bitch? You DO have the right to bitch. Eating less in a world where people are constantly bombarded by highly caloric, delicious, and convenient food as they try to cope with societal stressors and cultural pressures fucking sucks, and is extremely difficult. Especially when more people are being forced a la jobs to be more sedentary than ever. "Personal failings"? More like a stacked deck and an uphill battle.
Go easy on yourself.
No. 398781
>>398745unlike naturally skinny people, people aren't born obese anon, they become obese and very rarely not on their own volition, most of the time it's mass degradation of lifestyle that causes the weight gain, rather than genetics? for the morbidly obese people who have ballooned far beyond the current "average" size in many western countries (typically US size 12-16), there are plenty of morbidly obese ppl who had normal metabolisms that fucked themselves up beyond all belief just by excessively overeating and living sedentary lifestyles. I think that fat acceptance whining is sad for the reason that they try and act like they're some kind of oppressed class.
yes, you can have an overeating disorder like anachans or miachans undereat or have binge purge cycles but very rarely do FA people who are excessively fat or obese due to their own negligence acknowledge that their fatness is usually their own fault, even if it is driven by a mental problem, you're basically seeing the same denial mechanism as you see with anachans except on a fat scale with the additional "fatty is a marginalized group now" nonsense that FA people try and push when anachans or miachans don't tend to push that agenda
to be fair as a former anachan I went through a denial phase not wanting to accept what'd happened to my own body either, but at the same time I didn't claim I was part of some specialized group of anachans who somehow couldn't control their desire to starve themselves, my denial was mostly internalized and directed towards my family/friends rather than projecting on society as a whole and venting about how everyone hates me because im skelly or whatever.
No. 398808
>>398779> you could easily have it all if you simply just ate less. Well, yeah? I could, simple and difficult are not mutually exclusive. Eating less is hard to do, but easy to understand. I don't hate myself for it or anything, I'm just admitting that I prioritize comfort and short term gratification over the long term. Everyone has flaws and that's one of mine.
Of course, some people are more naturally talented, athletic, smart and thin than most. I'd just call that luck, not being privileged. Your average person can still do well in school, or learn to draw, or get good at a sport without significant advantages if they put effort in, same goes for being thin.
No. 398827
>>398781People are raised to be overweight or obese from childhood in shitty, unhealthy families.
I agree that the fat acceptance shit is dumb, and fat people are not "oppressed", but thin privilege is a thing. Women are pressured to be thin in society, or to only have fat in their chest and ass, and we are rewarded with better treatment for it. It's not just or sensible, it's based purely on aesthetic and the desire to control a woman's body (and therefore, how she navigates the world). The sooner we all accept that, the better.
No. 398868
>>398694You proved my point that the word "privilege" isn't the one you should use for that. It's too strong. When I say that I'm not as privileged as some people I talk about being poor, coming from a poor family, being a
victim of racism and sexism, not being taken seriously in a job environment because I'm a non-white woman which means I'll earn less money than I could, which means it'll be harder than for everybody else to improve my standards of living, etc. And then again I'm talking about things I cannot change about me, while being fat can in theory be changed.
You're talking about more personal situations where you're personally insecure because guys you don't even have to interact with treat you kind of badly . At least use better exemples where fat people are discriminated against for no good reason whatsoever, like at work. I was going to say you could even be discriminated against when you seek medical treatments but the fat people I see complaining about that are sometimes in the wrong.
No. 398912
>>398843I swear, please lurk harder in radfem spaces. Even though some points are the same, their reasonings are completely different.
Christians don't like transgenderism because anything slightly LGBT is sin, we don't like transgenderism because it's glorified internalized homophobia and sexist stereotypes.
Christians don't like porn or kink because they feel everything should be pure and kept secret from the public, we don't like porn because it's been proven most are abused and traumatized from the objectification.
No. 398916
>>398912^^^^^^^ I also want to point out that porn is of the most underrated addictions and is just a cycle of abuse for both women in porn and the women in these men's lives.
I was taught that it was normal to watch porn, that it's normal for men to want to watch it when they already have a girlfriend. I was taught that they'll look at other women, they may find these women sexually attractive and even better looking than you, but they're really just with you because they love you uwu. I was taught that this is okay. It's such fucking bullshit.
No. 398926
>>398919>Are there studies that prove negative impacts on males who watch a lot of porn?So many. Have you been living under a rock?
I personally think it's ok to indulge in a little porn now and then, in the same way you might enjoy a Saturday night with a few lines or bottles, but don't lie about it yourself and say the stuff is harmless to you or who those who make it.
No. 398942
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Beyonce is definitely overrated, but people like this who rant about disliking her and try to downplay her obvious singing/dancing talent and fame sound very, very bitter (and often, pretty racist when they decide to bring up her race out of nowhere).
It's like she not only has insane fans, but a dedicated, angry hatedom. It's probably the same people who were offended by her having kids or something and took after-birth photos of their own to "retaliate". Who cares this much about pop stars? It makes no sense to me.
No. 398952
>>398942Yeah it's such a stupid circlejerk on Reddit to talk about how Beyonce is so overrated and her fans are obsessive and cultish. I kinda get it but most of it is a massive exaggeration and overreaction. I swear I've seen more dudes on Reddit complaining about rabid Beyonce fans than I have actual rabid Beyonce fans.
Also she would get nowhere near as much disdain if she weren't a black woman but of course you can't say that or else they'll freak out about you being a SJW snowflake even though it's true and we all know it.
No. 398978
>>398959I'm glad your sex life improved and I'm not surprised it got better by him stopping porn.
My boyfriend is rather open about not watching porn and he'll explain to other men why he thinks it's bad if it's brought up. He'll call a guy a cuckold if they say they watch porn because they're watching a man have sex with a woman they find sexually attractive. He says porn is part of the reason why we see a rise of cuckold fetishists and why more people are becoming more sexually depraved.
No. 398991
>>398933 said. Also, if he really wants to have porn to jerk off to, it should be by your nudes or like a video. You're boyfriend shouldn't think anyone is prettier than you and you're no one's #2.
No. 399027
>>399008Who tf is telling you this is unreasonable? I can imagine many men bitching about, but it's ofc because they don't want to give up their drug. I've seen women enable their shit because "oh, they have penises."
But nah anon, it's not unreasonable to want to find a partner who loves you. I don't think it's selfish to ask the one you love not to lust after others, but for you. Any man who acts like this is an unreasonable request will never understand true love. Honestly, I've never felt more loved by anyone other than my boyfriend. I feel like he loves everything about me, I really do feel pretty, and it's nice to know he wants a future with me and I'm sexually adequate. It's also nice to know he'd also get upset if I thought someone was more attractive. It's just really comfy to love someone and knowing they just want you to love them and they love you back.
I really do feel like casual sex, porn, and poly relationships cheapen one's self-worth. Like, literally the best person to fuck is someone who knows you, loves you, and cares about you.
Sorry for the ramble
No. 399031
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>>399008This but not for cuckqueen reasons. I don't give a shit that it's ~the other woman~ and uNfAiTHfUl, I just don't want a feral degenerate that will feel entitled to barely legal painal gangbang blowjobs from me. Miss me with that shit.
No. 399064
>>399056I don't watch porn or want a partner who watches porn partially for the reason you stated. The abuse in the industry is awful but even with "consensual" porn it's desensitizing and can condition people into developing paraphilias. Men who watch a lot of porn tend to get symptoms of erectile dysfunction and it has a similar impact on women's libidos.
This "cuckquean" shit anons keep moaning about is probably least thing that's wrong with porn. Do people even fantasize about fucking the actors? When I used to watch porn, it was for the simple fact that watching people have sex made me horny. That's just how arousal works. Your bf can't cheat on you with a video.
No. 399068
>>398991> You're boyfriend shouldn't think anyone is prettier than you and you're no one's #2.This board is clearly full of girls in their 20s or teenagers. At some point this just stops being realistic. When you're like 37, every 22 year old girl that's even slightly above average will be prettier than you, even if you are a very pretty woman. It's even worse if you are not pretty in your own age range.
So sooner or later you and your man will have to find a way to deal with that. Nothing wrong with getting old, we all do, but just be realistic here. If you and your guy don't have an answer to "what to do when much younger women are prettier" then your relationship is doomed anyway.
No. 399076
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>>399068The answer is I immediately proceed to bang broke college soyboys with bigger dicks and more stamina, of course. We'll see who finds more success.
All of you are cucked to hell and back if you think men would tolerate the same rationalizations from you. "Yeah I routinely get off to hardbody twunks with 4 hr boners but of course it would never compare to your limp dadbod, boyfriend-kun! I'm totally not imagining him cratering me in every way possible uwu"
No. 399099
>>399069Soooo not unlike women projecting themselves into the girl getting fucked? Do you view men and women watching romantic movies as cheating because they project themselves into the characters and experience the feeling so the movies convey?
Porn is so normalized in our culture that most of us just compartmentalize it. Most women don’t conflate porn-induced arousal with love or intimacy or even interpersonal sexual chemistry. There’s a clear disconnect. Most women do not desire sex with the porn actors given the chance. So I’d say more men feel that same way than you think. Not caping for porn, just disagreeing that consuming porn automatically equates emotional infidelity or psychopathic behaviors like anons love to suggest. There are a million reasons why porn is bad and “your partner is cucking you” isn’t one of them and you’ll never get to normies like this.
No. 399107
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>>399099>she actually thinks men and women are the same
>implying men compartmentalize their expectations from porn at all
>implying porn doesn't make them expect dry anal tittyfuck pozfests from you
>implying men don't see porn models and ethots as surrogate girlfriends when this is their entire selling point
>literally believing anything men say in the year of our lord 2019Anon, you're literally compartmentalizing to cope.