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No. 408612
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
Radical Feminism thread
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | https://www.transgenderreality.comhttps://womenarehuman.com | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Resilience Project Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Nina Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://www.theuntameableshrews.com Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248>>>/ot/341517>>>/ot/351615>>>/ot/360163>>>/ot/377370>>>/ot/387259>>>/ot/396926"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 408613
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No. 408675
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This is Kendrick Castillo hr died in a brave, selfless act, to spare the lives of his classmates.
He should be remembered rather then those 2 retards
>>408618 No. 408679
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i hate this shit so much. let us females be angry about something without bringing your fakeboy bullshit into it. no one is fucking talking about you, we're talking about ACTUAL MEN WHO HAVE BEEN MEN SINCE BIRTH WITH MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS.
No. 408691
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>>408679Meanwhile the person who wrote that isn’t even a TIF. The name “May” and username tipped me off so I checked. It’s a man, a “non-binary trans femme.” Another male silencing women speaking on male oppression of females. Oh, and he loves anime lesbians. His other tweets include saying that trans women are the first to be disproportionately harmed by lack of bodily autonomy—yeah, not females denied abortions.
No. 408706
>>408698I feel especially bad for high school athletes because of how important sports can be for college. Good performances in your sport can be the difference between getting a full ride to a good school or being shit out of luck and having to pay thousands of dollars for college. But the feelings of men are always the most important thing! These troons are
sooo brave for doing the bare minimum to get cheap easy wins over girls who don't stand a chance against male biology.
I'm really concerned about TiMs in contact sports. Sorry to blogpost but I play beer league ice hockey, there's no hitting/checking since it's coed and just casual games for fun, and it's fucking insane seeing the huge difference between men and women. Even short, schlubby guys who aren't super fit have an obvious advantage and could easily destroy me if they wanted to. The biggest thing isn't just the strength difference, but also the fact that men are naturally more aggressive and risk seeking. Whereas the female players tend to be more cautious and nimble, the men will crash through like a bull in a china shop without any spatial awareness. Any big spills or accidental contact that I've seen during a game has always been caused by a male player being too reckless.
Checking actually isn't allowed at any level in competitive women's hockey, but do you really think an aggressive, competitive male would play nice and not cause any trouble? Stupid athletes in almost every sport will always take cheap shots at each other in the heat of the game, no matter how strict the rules are. But normally those players are roughly equal size and strength. What happens when it's a male vs a female?
This shit really pisses me off. But I hope it helps more people hit peak trans.
No. 408715
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Is there a snarky term for lesbians like the author of this article who betray what it means to be a lesbian and participate in their own erasure?
I was looking into the history of the slogan "The Future is Female" when this article popped up.
Can Lesbian Identity Survive the Gender Revolution?My expectations of a gender critical affirmative read, based on the title, were thrown into doubt when I saw that it was posted on Buzzfeed. Sure enough, after presenting some worthwhile historical info it devolved into twisted logic rationalizing trans inclusion, screeching about TERFs, and insulting Alix Dobkin and the original message [pic related].
Hell, maybe even the tides will turn and lesbians could start seeming cool. But the word “lesbian” has carried such a deeply uncool connotation for so long — sometimes for terrible reasons (ugly, old-fashioned, essentialist stereotypes) and sometimes for extremely legitimate ones (a history of transmisogyny) — that’s it’s worth considering if making the term cool is something we should really want at all.Could the "cis privilege" guilt be any thicker?
Of course, there’s nothing more inherently radical about lesbianism than any other queer identity, especially since it has some deeply oppressive roots.An historically marginalized sexual orientation? Oppressive? Do you hear yourself?
Maybe the future really can be female. It all depends on how we choose to define it.What a traitorous trash fire of an article.>>408636
>bring back lesbian dating appsBring back lesbian spaces, period. The article cited the loss of lesbian spaces as a threat to lesbian cultural identity. But instead of recreating these spaces, becoming more inclusive is what the lesbian community needs!
No. 408721
>>408689Gender critical movement in Spain is non existing, suddenly all people are now pro-queer gender theory and can't tolerate feminist spaces that talks about women issues related to our genitals because it's "transphobia"!! And if you say terms like FtM/MtF or TiM/TiF you aren't a feminist according to them. They will attack you in social media if you don't agree their queer theory to the 100% instead of trying to understand what are "terfs" claiming for us women, so that's basically why there's no gender critical movement here
Their whiny actitude is what's sickening me, I don't care that much for other people identities if they're happy that way and respect other people's spaces
No. 408734
>>408679>>408691Someone told this person that if you can get pregnant and have a child you're biologically a woman and the very intelligent response was
>shut up>>408721In theast thread plenty of anons expressed how the loudest pro tras are often quietly radical and gc but fear being harassed. I see that so much it hurts. Online everyone has to be extreme sjw pro trans everything but irl, people are quite gc and don't subscribe to most of the talking points tras bring up
No. 408737
>>408733(deleted my reply but i'm the same anon who posted about poland and i was kinda scared because i'm first time poster but long time lurker)
it's shame that our hospitals are underfunded, most people have lower living standard and i don't have equal rights both as woman an a lesbian but i don't have to worry about TRAs calling me a terf because i won't suck a totally femine dick
>>408689also i did some quick research on polish feminist sites and some of them endorse troons but not as in the west, they still put females over that bullshit. but i'm glad that catholic right and church bash that shit and troons are only sought after by tranny chasers
No. 408753
>>408747It’s because of the way men view women vs women view men
women view men as humans and channel masculinity in a way that is appealing but powerful without revealing too much and maintaining the idea that they are real people
men (especially gay men) view women as hysterical catty sex objects that have no purpose but to be sexy and churn out babies
it’s literally women embodying masculine humanity vs men reducing women to objects
No. 408776
>>408689I'm from Ireland. The only other gc feminists I know are people who post on social media anonymously from burner accounts. There's no organised movement here.
I posted about this in the last thread but the feminist movement here is extremely libfem. there is a lot of overcompensation in an effort to be the wokest of them all, because we were rather conservative by anglosphere and western european standards until recently.
No. 408784
>>408747>>408753from r/GC by John Mulaney
>“I have lots of drag queens around and I like to study them—and I mean, more of your high-end type of drag queens, not like your tenderloin drag queens. Who, I'm sorry, aren't even fucking trying. Like a lot of them just have a mop on their head and a skirt and are like, "I'm a gal!" You're not a gal. You're not a gal.>Really fancy drag queens are funny though, 'cause like a lot of drag queens, it's like they're under the impression that they're like, a celebrity. It's like they all have this attitude of like, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Strawberry Alarm Clock." It's like, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you. It's just I don't hang out in the one bar where you get free drinks.">I wanna say this though, I think it's fine if someone wants to be a drag queen, that's great, if you wanna like, express your inner woman. But why, with so many drag queens, is it always the same type of woman? Like, why is it always like, a big and brassy woman? With like, a beehive hairdo and alligator skin shoes? It's like, what is your notion of a woman based on? A housewife in a Far Side cartoon? Why is that what you think femininity is?>And then, some of these drag queens, they'll go out on the street, and they'll bully me. They will. They'll be like, "Oh-hoh, look at him and his little shirt." It's like, why are you mean? Why is that part of it for you? And it's not little, it's a medium. Small is little. You went through all the trouble to put on a nice dress, and now you're gonna be rude and bossy to people? It's like, do you know what your version of a lady is a lot like? A guy. You could've stayed a guy if you were gonna be an asshole about it.” No. 408794
>>408675I have yet to see someone trans speak about or even mention Kendrick and not focus on the how the shooter is trans themselves. Can't they just get their head out of their butts for one second and recognize that he lost his life through a selfless act.
My condolences for the Castillo family as they are going through their loss…
No. 408795
>>408794How would you feel If someone you loved died in a brave act protecting innocent people
yes you would obviously be devastated but also proud in some way
No. 408817
Recently was thinking that abolishing the gender binary destroys a lot of ambiguity inherent in the sexes and gives people harmful labels that stereotypes themselves and makes people see others as stereotypes.By making every deviation its own gender, plain old male and female is left with nothing but complete heteronormativity. You're an androgynous, feminine man? Well maybe you're a demigirl instead of a real male man, because some aspects of your personality don't fit the male stereotype. Only full male stereotypes are male. Oh, you're a girl who prefers to dress masculine? Well, then you're not a "full girl", you must be queer in some way.
Instead of all flavours of men and women collectively creating an idea of what men and women is, and by that allowing ambiguity because so many different people and personalities fall under the same term, you destroy it through the nonsense differentiation and create a wrong way for people to look at the world, ie people will ask themselves, "what kind of gender are you?" and try to put you into a certain category, rather than not sorry about the differences and accepting them as they are simple as male and female, regardless of what doesn't fit the norm.
No. 408832
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So It seems like Tatsuya Ishida os finally tackling Trans Stuff in Sinfest
No. 408856
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No. 408871
>>408835>>408836>>408834>>408833Wow. I kinda wondered if he ever would but wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't. I'm fascinated by Tatsuya Ishida – Sinfest was one of the best of those early webcomics, so totally at home in that gamer dude lols world and….who could have guessed it'd become this? I'd love to know more about him and why he made such a sharp change when he decided to take Sinfest political.
Tbh when he started to talk a lot about feminism I kinda expected him to come out as a trans woman at some point. I can't remember another time I've seen a dude care THIS much about feminism without making it about him.
No. 408876
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Kek, these people actually think sane men will troon out because of a simple Snapchat filter
No. 408901
>>408834>>408833>>408832>>408835>>408836Jesus christ I'm left speechless. I've spent so many years thinking that he went full pandering but I'm amazed he actually made this.
>>408871To be honest I've been suspecting for a while that Tatsuya is actually a woman. Has anyone ever met him or seen him irl? Nobody knows anything about him and he surfaced around the time when women weren't that many in numbers in the online web comic artist scene and a lot of women took male pencil names in the 90's. It might be a reach but would explain a ton.
No. 409001
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Holy denial Batman
No. 409055
>>409001"Don't speak out of hand about my experiences!!"
Proceeds to speak out of hand out of others' experiences.
Love it.
No. 409082
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Anyone starting to suspect Ishida's a farmer?
No. 409085
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>>409082Like…how does a man get this way, and why are so many other men just trash? He actually seems to have some degree of hope. I don't know how to feel about this.
No. 409092
>>409090The thing is we have absolutely no Idea what Tats personal life is like hell we don't even know when he was born
All we know is that he's a Japanese American man in his early to mid 50's and he might have a son
No. 409120
>>408817Absolute preach. I can't understand why people can't just act and live as they want, allowing ambiguity and differences, without having to completely deny their original gender. Now you cant be a feminine boy or a masc girl, apparently for these idiots the only way to even possess those "gendered" qualities is that deep down you actually aren't a woman or a man. It's the most retarded and harmful shit i have ever heard yet they sell it as something "feminist" and "totally not sexist" thing to say to people, especially children, which are the most damaged in this situation.
This happened because they started to confuse gender with personality, instead of seeing gender as a simple and basic part of your identity.
No. 409149
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No. 409190
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>>409178>top post of all time on egg_irlI guess I’m a big buff black man in my heart then because of the time I customized my Fallout character that way.
I’ve noticed tons of troons saying their evidence for “always being a girl inside” is playing as female characters in games sometimes or thinking some female character was cool. But every girl I know grew up mostly playing as male characters, loving lots of male characters and imagining being them because they’re cool, and thinking nothing more of it.
No. 409193
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Behold the chapocel
No. 409194
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>>409190wow that reddit is so fucking creepy
No. 409202
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I get that the current threat to women’s reproductive rights in the US is a major existential threat to women, but has anyone considered the REAL issue at play here? That abortion rhetoric invalidates trans guys’ feefees?
No. 409219
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No. 409232
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No. 409245
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>>409242Because they think one day they'll get titty skittles for free thanks to glorious communism.
Oh and they totally won't be working at a factory getting peanuts for it like the rest of the working class. Oh no, they'll be privileged party officials, sitting in their cushy offices and making others search for wrongthink.
No. 409258
>>408675ugly incel lol
the shooter probably did him a favor ngl
No. 409263
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A trans nobody named "UguuGames" or "Jalae Lain Casaus" advocates for the production and consumption of child porn, and released a rant on twitter discussing it and defending it and believing that it is "preventive."
No. 409282
>>409263What a fucking idiot, he literally admits in writing to watching child porn. Disgusting. Luckily someone made a thread about it on Twitter encouraging people to report him, and it's gained quite a bit of attention. know of someone who got caught with CP and this guy is going to have the Secret Service bust into his house any day now. It's no joke for a good reason.
No. 409284
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> "I don't condone the touching of minors by adults"Yep, because CP is made by children themselves with no adult interference whatsoever.
>no "desire"That's BS, he literally said that he watched CP and the only ones that he "liked" were "1 or 2 girls doing it for fun."
He violated TOS on twitter and made a new account @JaeleNistra. No. 409291
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>>409282Here's another source detailing his BS, with archive link in case it gets ethered to protect this "awesome trans gal" from abuse and harassment: of me is pleasantly surprised his account was suspended, considering the internet has shown where they stand with shit like
>>409219 and Jonathan Yaniv.
>maybe a puppy rape video spares another puppyI want to fucking vomit. This "person" and others like him deserve the rope.
No. 409333
>>409309This honestly reads like a right-wing attempt to fear-monger. A little questionable but still a reach.
>>409193Holy fuck. I recognize of the the people in those photos. They're an online acquaintance from Discord. Used to talk to them when they solely identified as a depressed cis dude. After a few months of not being in-contact, I come back to see that they now identify as trans with a female variation of their originally male name. Kinda freaky to stumble across them here.
No. 409357
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No. 409374
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>>409356He still uses female pronouns and follows tranny logic, so fuck him. I'm glad he got butchered. Hopefully he suicides in the near future.
No. 409382
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>>409291>content of the video is different from the acts themselvesRope would be too kind.
No. 409442
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>>409309Kids can be born gay. It happens? I think it's common for people to realize that they're gay around puberty (10-13). Obviously coming out is another situation.
There are cultures where kisses on the lips (typically with moms?) are normal. It's kind of weird with dads though ngl? But again. Cultural differences. The people in the picture might not be American, so who knows. The kid in particular might have been adopted from somewhere else.
Anon, we trash trannies here, not gay people. Gay people aren't barging into women's locker rooms with their dicks out- that would be trannies (aka dress-wearing incels who creep on lesbians). In fact, trannies who used to be gay men are usually the LEAST obnoxious of the lot (though they're still
toxic in their own way).
Most of us here are trying to DEFEND gay people and lesbians FROM trannies, in fact, since gay kids are the ones getting transed and lesbian women are the ones being creeped on.
No. 409464
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shapiro is dumb but when he gets it he Gets it
No. 409476
>>409242any society with a hierarchy will always place troons on the bottom because they are born losers, so their only hope is to establish a classless society
too bad they'll literally all probably die in any sort of revolution, fuck they off themselves at 40% during peace time and have mental breakdowns over wrong pronouns but they think they'll be able to fight the entire global order and win
No. 409500
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Women can't even have motherhood anymore.
Everything is about men playing dressup.
I'm just so tired.
No. 409529
A audio interview (This American Life) with Griffin Hansbury, who started life as a butch lesbian woman, but began taking massive testosterone and now lives as a "man". It’s just 17 minutes long, and quite "interesting" in a way. You won’t find any real science here but it remains an interesting glimpse on the mindset of TIFs
The most striking change was she described having this incredible boost in her sexual desire. Where as before she would fantasise and embark on constructing a long inner verbal narrative around the women she would find attractive, she now simply objectifies, and lusts after their beauty. Everything she now touches turns to sex. She describes how she can now see that even cars can be sexy - their artful forms. She described herself as previously being very much a butch feminist but has now even been called a misogynist because of her newly found desires, and behaviours. She now identifies as a “post-feminist”, and describes her inner battle between what she was told to think as a feminist, and her now newly found powerful lust.
She claims that she even found a new interest in science after taking testosterone - that she finally understands it for the first time.
She now finds she cannot have a good cry anymore, that she can’t befriend women with the same closeness as her prior self. American Life: Testosterone - scroll right down the page to find “ACT 2”, and play it from there.
No. 409544
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Oh fuck off
No. 409546
>>409525There are a few young TRAs in UK politics like child rape enabler 'Aimee' Challenor (Greens/Liberal Democrats) and overall class act Liam 'Lily' Madigan (Labour) but I don't think any of them are really in influential positions. Personally I think the push comes from influential
lgbT organisations like Stonewall and Mermaids which have a lot of money to spend on propaganda. Stonewall in particular provides "training" to teachers and police officers on how to best coddle trans-identifying people and use their authority to harass anyone who doesn't agree with the latest trans narrative.
No. 409581
>>409523Trans people are not oppressed. They are protected unlike any other group, and it happened extremely fast. No other movement or group ever achieved this much protection so quickly. Women and black people have fought for hundreds of years against oppression and still are treated like shit personally and systemically. This is due mainly to the fact most trannies are MALE and the healthcare industry/Big Pharma supports it. Notice how trannies in media are always TIMs. Where are all the TIFs in movies, TV, interviews, etc etc etc. They aren't there. There's a few but nobody gives a shit. TIMs are mostly straight males and they have the most power in society, and the greedy American healthcare industry backed their insanity and brainwashed the public in order to line their pockets with more money.
The combination of power, perceived injustice, and big money should never be underestimated.
No. 409584
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>>409500Ugh I saw that tweet yesterday but didn’t check the comments to see if anyone else was annoyed. Most of the comments are negative besides the rabid RPDR stans. It’s funny though, if a company were to hire a woman to be in an advertisement celebrating drag queens the RPDR stans would suddenly become
triggered. Although there is something especially tone deaf about hiring a man pretending to be a misogynist caricature of a woman for a Mother’s Day ad.
No. 409587
>>409523Trans people aren't oppressed. The law allowing them to legally "change sex" was introduced in 2004, the law to protect gender reassignment in 2010 (within the Equality Act). Hate crime laws seem to protect them more than anyone else, and that's saying a lot considering how sensitive the UK police are to racism/Islamophobia. Society being like wtf?? isn't oppression - that has to be systemic in some way.
>>409525Because more often than not marital battery and child grooming means prosecuting men for their shitty behaviour. Prosecuting twansphobia usually means silencing and threatening women. (And before anyone starts with the misandry bullshit, why don't the police chase up complaints against stalkers the way they chase up complaints against GC people? What's the common factor here?)
No. 409618
>>409597Ugly ginger trancels: kill cops uwu dae all law enforcement bad because state violence???? Praise kropotkin
Also ugly ginger trancels: literally assimilating into state violence to persecute people for mistriggerment
No. 409642
Haven't been around here for a while, so I've been reading up on threads. In the last one, someone brought up why it seems like a lot of troons end up being exposed as pedophiles or broadcast it themselves. I have a personal experience with someone like this (saged btw, just in case).
I used to have a friend; he was a guy in his mid-20s that I met somewhere online. We talked for a while, and at some point he told me he had a really "dark secret" he's never told anyone. Turns out he was blackmailing young girls (some as young as 10) for their nude photographs. He was doing this whilst pretending to be a young girl himself. He said that at one point, he had thousands of CP images and was really interested in very young girls, and was absolutely addicted to doing this (to the point where he said he believed some of the young girls might have even killed themselves because of his blackmail). I got him to talk about this more (so I could report it), and he also eventually ended up telling me he was thinking about going to a doctor and getting hormones and coming out as trans. He said he thought he liked looking at young girls probably because he was a girl himself, and it helped him, in some sick way? And that "women aren't looked down for these kinds of things like men are". Anyways, I did report him to the police and last I heard, they did find CP and he has felony charges now.
But my point is, maybe some of these guys want to transition because they also have sick beliefs like these, or think there will be more leniency towards them if they're found out, because they think "women get off easy" or their troon status will save them.
No. 409680
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Anime-identifying males just can’t quell their sex’s natural resort to violence, can they?
No. 409689
>>409642I think many of them try to
justify it by transitioning. "I was only looking at naked little girls because I never got to be one, officer!"
No. 409761
>>409642I think that would make some sense, lot of troons are incels who think women live the "easy mode" life and want to become girls themselves because of that.
Sadly everyone coddles trannies and their "women have it easier" delusions get validated because they think they're treated like women
No. 409802
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>>409500The more comments you read in that post the more gold you discover lol.
No. 409808
>>409805It's easier to sell and mock women than men.
Women's appearances, iconography and (male writings about our) personalities have been commodified all over worldwide media for a long time, while the same is not true of men.
No. 409817
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Taken from a thread on GC, and generally people can see this retarded-ass mindset for what it is, but occasionally I'll read from rfs or GC people pointing to pic related type stuff as to why test and men are truly terrible and it's crazy. It's obvious that using any TIF to gauge the negative effects of test are so ridiculous considering how they tend to be the most misogynistic type of woman. Also obv just crazy that, damn, TIFs are truly so deluded by obviously fake bullshit.
No. 409844
just taking testosterone won't turn you into a sociopath
that TiF obviously always wanted to be like that
No. 409860
>>409817Sorry for the blogposting but I had a TIF phase when I was younger and was on HRT for 6 months. Some of the things she mentioned happened to me and are pretty universal for TIFs based on what I saw in the communities, like fucked up high sex drive and loss of hability to cry. Now for "now I'm good at science and maths!!!" is pure sexism. I'm an IT student and my performance didn't get any better, in fact, it was harder to do anything because my stress levels were pretty high. I had to exercise to alleviate it or I'd be punching walls.
It makes my blood boil to see TIFs saying testosterone made them more "logical and rational", occasionally there were MRAs looking to talk to TIFs in the forums because it was a proof that LE TESTOSTERONE FUELLED BRAIN was superior.
No. 409871
>>409864Samefag with the TIF past here, actually it's not that uncommon specially in conventions and similar contexts. Just pretend you buy into the TIF's fantasy that it's gay sex and it's the easiest sex ever. I was going celibate so I didn't run into any of this in my time but I saw it everywhere in communities. Posts about "oh my god bois this cis "gay" guy wants to have sex with me it's so validating we're so gay!!".
I feel sorry for the young ones, though. So many predators taking advantage of young females dying for some ~validating gay sex~.
No. 409875
>>409864I think the main reason is that TIFs
really want to be seen as male, and most "bi" men aren't actually comfortable with a relationship where they actually
have to identify as gay. The strap-ons, pack-in wieners, and more common desire to be on top (compared to TIMs) also makes it a lot harder to see the actual real vagina as "worth it" (not to mention the side effects of HRT on that area if they're actually taking hormones).
The cognitive dissonance with TIMs is just easier for most "bi" or "straight" dudes.
No. 409903
>>409544It's either hated because the cis men are having fun using it while troons feel dysphoric over the fact that they can't be cute girls irl. Or troons love it because they can finally be a "cute girl other women are jealous of"!
I bet troons will start using it to try to catfish lesbians. But it's easy to spot since no one looks that airbrushed irl unless they are using a sc filter.
No. 410009
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Totally not a fetish though!
No. 410016
>>409284Devil's advocate here, but
>Yep, because CP is made by children themselves with no adult interference whatsoever.True, unless you loosen adult interference up to things like internet connection. When I was younger I made CP of myself because I found porn online when I was like 11. I wasn't abused. Actually my upbringing was strict catholic
(maybe this led to it) but from seeing Webcam girls I kinda thought "that's looks kinda fun" in some very bad way. In retrospect I was a stupid kid, but once I started camming on places like omegle on my own (unsurprisingly only a small handful of people tried to stop me) that's when adult involvement happened. I did this until I was like 15 before I realized what I was doing. I never got money from it, and thankfully wasn't stupid enough to give my address out. I almost did when someone told me they'd get me a 3DS though…
Just saying. It was still wrong and I still regretted it but I was initially doing it out of my own preteen vouyerism and there was no adult contact.
No. 410023
>>410016NTA but Kids do stupid things to explore their sexuality. That's something that's pretty usual, especially with, as you said, strict upbringings.
However, the issue here is CP being "made with no adult interference" won't stay that way for long. Kids (pre-teens and teens) will, on the internet, start interacting with adults who encourage it - as you said - and therefore it will have adult interference.
Not to mention no kid is going to end up on CP sites posting their own videos.
No. 410033
>>409871I used to know a guy who boasted about doing this. He'd look in troon dating forums, pick up a TIF, claim he was gay (he was straight) and then use them for sex. He used to laugh about how easy it was and how willing they were to do degrading shit that other women wouldn't do since they were so grateful a "gay" man was with them.
He was a piece of shit to be honest.
No. 410157
>>410033The thing I’m wondering about these women is why they’re willing to have shit sex for the rest of their lives if they go through with SRS - women don’t have prostates and their clit will be munt beyond repair. What exactly do they have to gain even if they do have
totes gay smex?
No. 410171

>>409500Don't be tired. Chips Ahoy did us all a huge favor. This is a victory. The backlash is huge. Clown World emojis everywhere. I searched youtube for "Chips Ahoy" in the past week and most vids are like the one below (Chips Ahoy part in the middle).
This is when all those who want to laugh at troons, those that want to speak out against trasngenderism and don't want this pushed onto kids, tired of the normalization, tired of trans women are women, this was an opportunity to be heard and not attacked and called a transphobe…etc. 9.3K comments and counting, very few positives. The word degenerate comes up more than stunning and brave.
I know there's a difference between drag queens and troons but judging by the comments on twitter people mostly equate it as the same.
Thank you Chips Ahoy. Thank you for fucking up so bad. As you can clearly see, we don't accept this. It's not right. Stop pushing it.
As for you anon, rejoice. Women are mothers and it's not about them.
No. 410258
>>410016I don’t disregard that a kid will probably masturbate at some point and explore their sexuality. There’s an average age of 11 for when boys start watching porn. I first saw it at 7 and it raised so many questions for me as a girl.
However, I still don’t think a child would do much beyond touching themselves (i.e, touch an ADULT) without some sort of adult coercion. I’m not disregarding kissing friends your own age and whatnot but children are not inclined to touch adults. Children are often not likely to film something to be distributed (key-word here). Chances are, if it’s on the internet, it was probably circulated at one point by an adult. It was also probably like you said, coerced out of a child by some creep either threatening or promising something, taking advantage of a child’s lack of brain development.
Point is, kids cannot consent and anyone who doesn't understand that is absolutely devoid of empathy, which is why it makes sense that it’s so often that these child abusers turn out to be NPD cross dressing fetishists.
No. 410266
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>>409546>>409597>>409600>>409618So did anyone else see the story about the 55-year-old police gender advisor who violently assaulted a (female) teenage passenger with a hammer in a parking lot and caused her to be hospitalised with a head injury because the (male) driver parked in a space for disabled people? Thank goodness UK police have people like this to educate them on gender equality.
No. 410271
>>409309I would normally think nothing of a parent kissing their own kid on the mouth,
but with this context and that kid looking like an adopted Brazilian orphan makes me nervous
No. 410295
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He's right you know
No. 410305
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Finally found the worst one
No. 410307
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>>410305*I stand corrected, as she seems to be female she's just the worst handmaiden
No. 410323

>>410305>>410307Oh for fuck’s sake. I could understand if she were talking about TIFs (as disingenuous as it is to say "ackchully men can get pregnant too! UwU") but TIMs can
never get pregnant and will
never need an abortion. Pregnancy means uterus. No uterus, no pregnancy. Pregnancy and any legislation related to it by definition excludes people who cannot get pregnant. That’s nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’.
>trans women are also subject to coercive reproductive laws under the patriarchy…How? Afaik TIMs aren’t even required to jerk off in a cup before being prescribed hormones or elective genital surgery. Anything they do that affects their reproductive ability is 100% their own choice. The patriarchy isn’t coercing them to do diddly squat, much less forcing them to reproduce against their will.
I posted this video last thread but I’m going to post it again because it’s so fucking prophetic. The only thing they missed is the men turning on Judith for daring to oppress “Loretta” with her very existence.
No. 410381
>>410023>>410258Definitely agree when I look at it like that. I'm sure my videos are floating around the dark web, and I never uploaded those. I did distribute the same videos/pics into chat rooms I was in for multiple (sick) people to download but by that point they were already usind and manipulating me. I wonder how many of them have come out as "trans" since then.
Semi related but there was one person at that period who befriended me pretending to be a girl my age. I was sent various pictures like "does my vagina look weird??? Can you do this and show me if it stretches like this?" turns out it was a guy using pics of someone else… But I can imagine troons doing something similar. "Im another girl, I just wanna see how your vagina looks like because I'm self conscious a out mine!!"
No. 410498
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>large tits
>breasts looking like one of pubescent girl
their obsession with wearing bdsm gear and collar in public is so fucking nasty
(found on kiwifarms)
No. 410577
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>>410488Ginger hair is more common in Ireland and the UK.
No. 410601
>>410595heh they really can't escape being men no matter how many drugs they take can they. I wonder how
triggered he'd be if someone said that his boobs were actually moobs.
No. 410603
>>410305>stop centering conversations about reprouctive rights around genitaliaFuck right off.
The law affects people with vaginas. People with wombs. People who have the ability to get pregnant. I'm not pandering to people who will literally never be physically affected by the law just because they have feeeeeeelings about it.
No. 410604
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TRAs never make any good criticisms against terves, it's always "terfs are stupid and smelly and should die"
No. 410622
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No. 410797
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Any man that respects women is actually a Trans woman in denial
No. 410800
>>409193lmao the second leftmost man on the top isn't a tranny, he's just a guy who has mommy issues and vocally hates women. his current account is IDFshill iirc
>>409291>>409282>>409402It's probably sunk cost fallacy at this point. Imagine having to spend the rest of your life in a butchered body that you have to constantly maintain; you're probably going to try and hold onto whatever you have left.
No. 410803
>>410797Aren't something like 70% of TiMs narcissists?
It makes sense that a narcissist would only "respect" a group if they think they deserve to be a part of it, or that they "belong there (on the inside)".
No. 410844
>>410617They hate that there’s a group with a
valid reason to exclude them, and that women fundamentally do believe that a “transwoman” will never be a woman in the same way that we are. Feminism will never include men for good reason, so they have to invade our movement and create a bs term like “TERF” when feminism should pertain to women who are oppressed for their biology.
They seriously hate and know that they are not actual women. Hence why they’re constantly brainwashing libfems, and harassing people with “TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN.” Newsflash, saying something over and over doesn’t make it any more
This is also why they’re so obsessed with dictating conversations about our reproductive rights, our periods, birth control, etc, because they will never truly have any
valid connection to what makes a woman a woman.
No. 410896
I was just reading up a discussion on a big, national normie forum about a transgender male having children and it's like a breath of fresh air seeing people treating it as it is, a mental illness. Even the normies don't get why transgenderism needs to support gender roles and why a feminine man needs to become a woman and vice versa, and it really emphasizes how crazy the whole movement is when the lone TRAs come in to "educate" poor ignorant bigots about muh gender identity. What makes me especially happy is that almost all of them say they think homosexuality is fine and makes sense, but transgenderism is a big load of baloney. It's a shame such a small powerful minority dominates the discourse in the media but also comforting that a big majority considers them insane.
>>410803This. They literally don't have the empathetic capacity to care about a demographic they don't belong to. And like any other male feminist their "respect women" bit is essentially "respect women who worship the ground I walk on and accept me as their superior". All others are swerfterfs and deserve to be beaten up, raped and burned on a cross.
No. 410922
>>410614Really, put Meghan Murphy next to your average Benjamin Franklin tranny. Not even a competition. Trannies are just seething.
>>410617Simple, because "terfs" are women. They'll spend their whole days ranting about a group of women for not admitting them to their private party while men are the ones actually murdering them.
No. 410973
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>>410922pictured: EVIL, UGLY, GROSS, SMELLY, VILE, NASTY TERF vs beautiful, flawless, stunning, brave, gorgeous, peak of femininity trans woman uwu
No. 411015
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seriously…? they only care about gender neutral terms, not the actual issues
No. 411061
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Holy shit amazing snapshot of AGP lmao
No. 411066
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Saw this on reddit, it's the casting list for some Stonewall documentary/movie
No. 411112
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>Hollywood’s big players stay quiet on Georgia abortion law>The muted reaction is in striking contrast to what happened just three years ago when Netflix and Disney threatened to pull productions if a law allowing faith-based refusal of services to LGBTQ persons was passed. Other companies also publicly denounced that proposed law, including AMC, Time Warner, Lionsgate, Sony, NBC Universal and CBS.These are the same people who immediately flipped out about North Carolina's trans bathroom law. Nice to see, once again, that men in dresses matter more than the lives of women.
Here's the article if you're curious. No. 411150
>>411015It's not nearly as powerful. Abortion access, to pro-lifers, would not "save lives."
We need to say abortion access saves
women because that's really what the argument is about. We're talking about saving women - not just "lives" (a weak word) but women.
No. 411161
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>>411061The Law of Larps proven true yet again.
No. 411185
>>410604fuckin wild how the only attributes they ever cite are about looks
almost like it's the only thing they think matters about a woman
No. 411291
>>411209Same situation, anon. Keeping it stealth is what I've been doing for years. Best advice i can give is to not praise them and just give lip service, not encouraging their delusions and not denying them either doesn't leave much reason for them to call you out.
>>411253Hopefully it will end soon… As more detransitioners come forward and the primary audience of children/teens/young adults move onto another alt fashion (trans stuff will get dropped akin to a huge me-too like movement methinks) Because let's face it, the 14 year olds on hormone blockers will eventually grow up and mature. The side effects of hormone blockers and hormones in general, SRS defects, and general emotional impact on this generation is only mounting up. I wonder when's the turning point.
No. 411296
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This just….speaks for itself. They literally admit it when they're in "safe spaces".
But I guess we're just a bunch crazy TERFs, lmao.
No. 411302
>>411112>mfw I see people going more "UM EXCUSE ME NOT ALL WOMEN GET PREGNANT PLEASE REFER TO THEM AS ABORTION HAVERS OR BIRTHERS" than being horrified that women's bodily autonomy is in jeopardy and feminism is being taken back for decadesI want to get off this ride.
>>411158This. It's still relatively niche enough not to affect a lot of people so it's easy for men especially to campaign for it, because they're essentially protecting their own kind. Defending, say, homosexuality, is a lot more difficult for Straight White Cis Men(tm) because even the biggest heterosexual male feminist is still subconsciously threatened by the thought of being the submissive party to a male. There's a reason why almost every tranny in the spotlight is a straight white male transbian - they pose no threat to men and act at the expense of female rights. It's a win-win deal to them.
No. 411341
>>411209Same here. The cheerleading doesn’t necessarily bother me because I know many of them are just trying to be kind to a group of people they genuinely believe to be vulnerable and oppressed, but what really makes me feel isolated is the extreme hostility to ‘TERF’s. Every time an acquaintance posts about how terves are vile and disgusting and the world would be better off if they all died horribly I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from asking what they think these evil terves actually believe, because many libfems are completely in the dark about this and just parrot what TRAs tell them. But there’s no way to do this (at least, more than once) without outing myself as a ‘TERF-sympathiser’ and being blocked, discredited and ousted from that social circle. In these people’s minds, trying to discuss the gender critical argument in any nuanced way is akin to defending the holocaust. You can’t even say you only read some gc posts to better understand ~the enemy~ because it’s treated like a contagion where any exposure may lead to infection and those who've been infected must be purged. It’s so disheartening to know that many people I get along well with on a surface level would not hesitate to burn me at the stake for my opinions without even taking the time to understand what those opinions
Secretly I hope that they themselves unwittingly step out of line sooner or later and get the “burn in hell turf!” treatment from the people they’re caping for, so that maybe they’ll take off their blinders long enough to realise that the women being denounced as evil terves are not, in fact, all horrible puppy-murdering villains. Most of us just think it’s wrong to force dick on lesbians or question if it’s a good idea to expose children to experimental hormone treatments.
No. 411346
>>409642You can tell me if this isn't meant to be here but I was sexually assaulted by my 'best friend' who was FtM trans as well as being in a controlling friendship (they wouldn't let me make new friends and talk to me 24/7).
My therapist told me I shouldn't blame them or think they're bad because they were dealing with so much stuff and they were obviously struggling with their identity.
okay? so cause they're confused I have to be their disgusting experiment??? needless to say I dropped that therapist immediately. But yeah, i guess being trans lets them off a lot of shit.
No. 411363
>>411291>not encouraging their delusions and not denying them either doesn't leave much reason for them to call you outSometimes it does. When I used Tumblr sometimes I used to get some anonymous questions asking me why I shared pro-lesbian stuff but never shared anything pro-trans or even just mentioning trans people.
>>411296>Ksenia Lmao, that tripfag troon. He most likely looks like the Benjamin Franklin tranny himself.
No. 411413
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>Thirty-one-year-old Bailey Coffman is a transgender woman from New York. She says that "my gender is not a costume."zero self-awareness…o i am laffin No. 411478
>>411456In some circles they already are, exactly because of the reason listed in that article and because drag queens supposedly make a mockery of TiMs by being satirical and over the top.
Back in 2016 there was an article about how
problematic it was to have “cis” men like Jaden Smith as the face of women’s fashion because
>The danger for trans women is that if wearing what are traditionally women’s clothes becomes the norm for men too, then trans women will no longer be able to rely on these props to help them display a female gender identity - and for many, that could be a serious problem. No. 411486
>>411478lmfao horse faced shims admitting that they are indistinguishable from cis men in women's clothing
No. 411576
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>>409680Based grandma, by the way he is 20 and she has to drive him to work because he doesn’t have a license
No. 411579
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>>411576Very violent always. Not a single birth name with human profile picture combo among them, ever.
No. 411583
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Would you let a man fit you for bras at Victoria’s Secret? Fuck, can women’s intimates stores NOT hire men please?
No. 411586
If only more troons would be open to hear how they have nothing in common with a woman. You'd expect of someone who was always a woman in their soul to know what rules women live by socially. What kind of pressures we succumb to, how we are expect to behave, how we communicate. No amount of repressing can erase this kind of socialization. If you were always a woman trapped in a man's body since birth you'd have picked those things up even if your shell is that of a man.
No. 411592
So, this is a hypothetical: What do you say/do if you have a son who claims he's transgender and that he's "actually a girl", or a daughter who claims vice-versa?
How do you explain to them that they can't be the opposite sex, and that they most likely have the wrong idea about what "a boy or girl" even is?
Because when I read about TiMs' parents, it seems like a lot of them straight-up ignore or shut them down (like
>>411576), but they don't drop the bullshit. They grow into adults who attack their families, calling them "
abusive" for not putting them on HRT in their childhood. How can that be prevented?
No. 411602
>>411592I honestly don’t know. I will always remember my mom saying when I was a kid, “you like me now, then you won’t like me for a while, then you’ll like me again” and she was so right. But I’m mentally sound and not an aggressive male. Is it really that all parents can do is just “wait it out” and hope their TiM kids grow out of the phase?
I feel so sorry for their parents. What a nightmare of a parenting situation.
No. 411605
>>411592I don't know if it can be prevented. Either they come out of it and realize their parents were right, or they realize their parents were right and dig their heels in deeper, calling them
abusive as you said.
No. 411607
>>411592I'm honestly curious as to how you can raise your child to not be like this. I would guess that never bringing transgenderism up around them and telling them that it's fine for girls to like boy stuff / vice verse and it doesn't make them a boy. I feel like in most cases it's either the ultra liberal parent trying to force it on the child or an attempt at rebelling from ultra conservative parents. IMO the best way to try and prevent it would be to keep your kids involved with as much IRL stuff as possible and limit internet use (not by restricting it, but encouraging other activities). Get them interested in some sport and make sure they have a solid group of friends that they can rely on.
It's definitely important to not restrict your kid and say "this is not allowed" but also not to encourage it. Allow them to be who they want to be but instill in them that they should love the skin they're in. I feel like a lot of transgenderism comes from severe insecurity and lack of confidence. This is coming from the perspective of raising a young child, though. Not sure what to do if they suddenly start on it later in life… sorry for the long and convoluted rant!
No. 411612
>>411592To be honest most of this shit is cult behavior. Modern trans people act and think in the ways presented in these threads because they're apart of a
toxic online community that serves as a surrogate family that, well, "eggs" each other on.
The goal is to raise your child to be happy with themselves and be able to form healthy friendships and relationships so they're not susceptible to falling into dysfunctional groups of insecure people who enable and take advantage of each other. Of course life gets in the way of having a perfect happy family so just not letting them spend all day on the internet unmonitored is probably the safest bet. Stops them getting their minds fried by porn too.
No. 411715
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so, have we studied the affects on newborn children who have been born to a FtM?
No. 411717
>>411592I would tell them no. My country thankfully doesn't have any laws about how "not supporting a child's identity is
abusive" so I could just cut them off from the internet and take them to the therapist. I had a lot of crazy ventures as a teen and my mom was always stern about not playing into my delusions, the kid will eventually get tired of pushing it despite kicking and screaming at first. For most trans teens it's that their parents gave an inch and they took a mile, just humoring their LARPing identity by switching to gender neutral pronouns or using their new name is enough to have the rock rolling. If you treat it as a stupid idea and don't give them an ounce of validation, they will grow out of it at some point.
Parents are often so terrified of the "trans suicide rate" spooks that they tend to forget about how teens have always experimented with their identity with extreme measures. If your kid was dressing up as a hardcore goth and wanted you to call them Raven you would just roll your eyes and not think much of it, but for some reasons parents are indoctrinated to crawl on their knees when their Jessica gets a haircut and becomes Ayden.
No. 411734
>>411576Cue the Gofundme where he whines that he has to get out of this ~~
abusive home~~ that made him so ~suicidal~
No. 411749
>>411715 why you want to troon out when you want children? this should
trigger her "dysphoria"
in kiwifarms tranny news thread is an article about a TiF who didn't knew about being pregnant and kid was a stillbirth, without prenatal , because physician treated her as male instead of female. Hormones could play role in it too, the generation of children born to trannies probably will have health problems. We don't have studies about effects of HRT on pregnancy (or using TiMs sperm), because there is almost non-existing study population. But in 10 years or more maybe someone will finally do a proper, unbiased and not funded by big pharma study and people will look back at troon craze with a big, big shame
No. 411753
>>411749I doubt TIM's sperm has any substantial difference then any other human male
children born from TIFs will turn out similar to children born Eastern bloc female athletes
No. 411766
>>411749Blurred lines: A pregnant man’s tragedy tests gender notions
May 15, 2019
When the man arrived at the hospital with severe abdominal pains, a nurse didn’t consider it an emergency, noting that he was obese and had stopped taking blood pressure medicines. In reality, he was pregnant — a transgender man in labor that was about to end in a stillbirth.
The tragic case, described in Wednesday’s New England Journal of Medicine, points to larger issues about assigning labels or making assumptions in a society increasingly confronting gender variations in sports , entertainment and government . In medicine, there’s a similar danger of missing diseases such as sickle cell and cystic fibrosis that largely affect specific racial groups, the authors write.
“The point is not what’s happened to this particular individual but this is an example of what happens to transgender people interacting with the health care system,” said the lead author, Dr. Daphna Stroumsa of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
“He was rightly classified as a man” in the medical records and appears masculine, Stroumsa said. “But that classification threw us off from considering his actual medical needs.”
Stroumsa would not say where or when the case occurred, and the patient was not identified.
Transgender men, who are considered female at birth but who identify as male, may or may not be using masculinizing hormones or have had surgical alterations, such as womb removal.
The 32-year-old patient told the nurse he was transgender when he arrived at the emergency room and his electronic medical record listed him as male. He hadn’t had a period in several years and had been taking testosterone, a hormone that has masculinizing effects and can decrease ovulation and menstruation. But he quit taking the hormone and blood pressure medication after he lost insurance.
A home pregnancy test was positive and he said he had “peed himself” — a possible sign of ruptured membranes and labor. A nurse ordered a pregnancy test but considered him stable and his problems non-urgent.
Several hours later, a doctor evaluated him and the hospital test confirmed pregnancy. An ultrasound showed unclear signs of fetal heart activity, and an exam revealed that part of the umbilical cord had slipped into the birth canal. Doctors prepared to do an emergency cesarean delivery, but in the operating room no fetal heartbeat was heard. Moments later, the man delivered a stillborn baby.
A woman showing up with similar symptoms “would almost surely have been triaged and evaluated more urgently for pregnancy-related problems,” the authors wrote.
“It’s a very upsetting incident, it’s a tragic outcome,” said Dr. Tamara Wexler, a hormone specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center.
“Medical training should include exposure to transgender patients” so health workers are better able to meet their needs, Wexler said. “A lot of doctors who are practicing didn’t have that in their training” but can still learn from such patients now.
Nic Rider, a transgender health specialist and psychologist at the University of Minnesota, said training isn’t enough.
“There are implicit biases that need to be addressed,” Rider said.
Health records may use male/female templates for gender but “it doesn’t mean that we just throw out critical thinking or think about how humans are diverse,” Rider said.
The case is horrifying but “not terribly surprising,” said Gillian Branstetter, a spokeswoman for an advocacy group, the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington.
Transgender people often run into problems getting gender-specific health care such as cervical cancer screening, birth control and prostate cancer screenings.
More needs to be done to improve medical awareness and recognition of diversity because “the consequences can be so dire, as this case shows,” Branstetter said. No. 411773
>“He was rightly classified as a man” in the medical records and appears masculine, Stroumsa said. “But that classification threw us off from considering his actual medical needs.”How can somebody possibly have been "rightly classified" if that classification led to a serious medical issue and a lack of appropriate treatment?
The whole point of distinguishing between male and female in a hospital environment is so that their specific biological needs can be considered.
If people accepted that sex is biological and that men and women don't have to conform to traditional gender roles to "belong" to that sex, stuff like this wouldn't happen.
Changing your listed sex isn't helpful. It's the same as telling doctors you don't have a pre-existing medical condition even though you do. It just makes things harder.
This isn't wokeness, it's the same pink-for-girls-blue-for-boys bullshit that society has always spewed.
No. 411783
>>411763Epigenetics causes certain genes to be expressed more then others but the genes still remain the same
a estrogen taking TIMs sperm may have certain genes that would be expressed more then others the genes would still be male
No. 411794
File: 1558194836324.png (1.27 MB, 1197x1309, smh.png)

I know it's not a big deal but it's really annoying when artists/designers etc are clearly pandering to these people.
What was wrong with the original (bottom) design? I've been seeing a lot lately even in what I thought were not on the overtly-sjw train.
(side note: tbh it's already the most unnecessary t-shirt design by being so specific. And it would make me think the person wearing it really has no depth to virtue-signal so hard.)
No. 411800
>>411794samefag never-mind the brackets since the proceeds go to a charity
Didn't read the full caption
No. 411814
>>411809FTM can get pregnant only if their ovaries haven't atrophied enough AKA she still has her period. If she doesn't still have her period, it's more of a fluke pregnancy and it's probably because she was having unprotected sex under the assumption she couldn't get pregnant.
Either way, I think they're recommended that you stop taking T while pregnant.
No. 411842
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>>411812I felt pretty sad reading this, too. These people don’t understand that they can’t identify out of their biology, and that they’re already part of the conversation. It’s so sad and backwards. Splitting hairs over the use of the word “women” is the DUMBEST waste of energy while we are faced with crises like this.
No. 411851
File: 1558210717198.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1408x5896, 1529111261546.jpeg)

Still can't believe someone would do this to themselves.
No. 411863
>>411842>>411848This bullshit right here. If these idiots willingly chose to 'become men' and abandon their womanhood, they dont deserve anything. Real women need help right now with these awful anti abortion laws. and wtf does non binary have anything to do with anything?
If you are a woman and able to get pregnant, and cannot legally get an abortion, that is all the matters. Why are these people making this harder?
No. 411928
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I think he might need more than that. Fuck.
No. 411929
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>>411583which one of you sent him this kek
No. 412043
>>411583I used to work at a similar store and we would get actual men applying all the time.
(Not troons, probably just due to how few of them there were in our area, but we did have them as customers occasionally.)
These men would not only just apply, but come in store or call us as a follow-up. My manager would have to word her rejection in a million different ways without outright saying it (legally we can't discriminate based on gender) and they would never get it. How delusional do you have to be?
No. 412055
File: 1558276113219.png (396.91 KB, 1440x1249, Screenshot_20190519-092341(1).…)

Make it even more inclusive and say cis men and trans women shouldn't be making laws about cis women and trans men's bodies, but they don't wanna hear that part
No. 412068
>>412055Yes, wonderful, "pregnant bodies" doesn't objectify and demean women at all, just like the crazy side of the abortion-ban supporters…wonderful, great
We are just bodies who are pregnant! Truly inspirational.
No. 412070
>>412055When whoever was unfortunate enough to birth this person was pregnant she was a
pregnant body
>Hey mom, remember when you were a pregnant body? What was that like?Literally makes women sound like dead meat on a slab. Horrible language. Shoot whoever wrote that into the sun.
No. 412178
>>411715The comments.
>mtfs are entitled to what females get, right? just like how FtMs are entitled to get what men get.>Wanna know why? Because mtfs (such as myself) are women, and FtMs are men. Women get what women get. Men get what men get ;DWomen get maternity leave for having a child. In their wombs. Which you don't have.
No. 412262
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>>411928And apparently he's two years HRT'll be having nigtmares tonight
No. 412270
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>>411456oh, they already are. hell, rupaul himself went under fire for saying that trans women aren't really "drag queens" because by their own definition, they are women, yet… somehow they should still be allowed to compete in drag competitions because they aren't men in dresses? troons can't make up their fucking minds.
anyway have some vomit.
No. 412351
File: 1558329817319.png (53.85 KB, 1194x214, Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 10.1…)

Decided to check out the comment history of one particular troon. Found this comment in a thread regarding Elon Musk and that time he joked about being a catgirl. This sounds like too retarded to be taken seriously but I have a feeling they weren't joking.
Seriously what is it with TiFs and their obsession with anime girl archetypes?
No. 412411
File: 1558344194005.jpg (210.68 KB, 1080x903, IMG_20190520_111616.jpg)

Me being white inevitably means I'm a privileged bitch, but a man growing up male, getting socialized as male, taking all the opportunities being male offers him for a good portion of his life and then transitioning is just as much of a victim as women 200 years ago dressing up as men so that they could get a job instead of being married off and living as a baby machine. Okay.
Lol at all the people commenting, b-but maybe those women who wore male clotges were actually trans too??? Assuming they're cis is transphobic!…
No. 412428
>>412423they have a higher chance because mostly men decide to study sterm careers and women refuse to enroll, or if they do end up quitting and complaining that math is sexist.
There´s more and more initiatives to get women into those fields and women don´t take the bait. If you have the choice and still opt out is not society´s fault.
(Derail) No. 412434
>>412411holy fucking shit imagine being so high on your own excellency that you draw fake parallels like this. Men choose to troon out and live their waifu fantasies, women dressed up as men to hide what they were born as, constantly living under the fear of being found out. Women had literally no choice but be a housekeeper back then, dressing up as a male was the ONLY way to get out of it. These fuckers are in the process of rewriting history to suit their agenda.
>>412423Working in tech I've seen multiple trannies who complain about not being hired being just insufferable people with below mediocre skills and a cocktail of mental issues. They should work on at least one of those things first before complaining about muh oppression.
>>412425Yeah exactly this.
No. 412440
>>412428Women don’t refuse to enroll, more and more women enroll in STEM courses and are succeeding over their male peers - the issue is that they’re not taken seriously because it’s a male dominated industry, and any field that women become even close to 50% of starts be seen as lesser (see biology). And the women that make leaps and bounds are dismissed for their male colleagues, having both awards and research grants snuffed away from them. And of course don’t forget the hostile environments that are extremely male centric - women in China with masters degrees are hired to comfort and cater to their male colleagues.
STEM is a boys club and they don’t like it when women show that they have any worth within it
No. 412491
>>412440This. I have a master's degree in biomed and while ~70% of my graduating class was female, women still made up less than half of the groups I've worked in and only a small fraction of group leaders are female. My last job was a very hostile work environment where female grad students and techs were expected to clean up the messes left by male grad students and techs, male colleagues would make derogatory comments about women in general on a daily basis, new female hires were rated on the attractiveness of their LinkedIn profile picture and any woman who objected to any of this was mocked as a "
triggered feminazi". The worst part was that almost all the other women in the group went along with this shit in an attempt to be the Cool Girl, and the hospital's HR policy was to just let employees fight shit out amongst themselves and not get involved unless someone could prove they actually feared for their safety. I'm not proud of myself but I ended up just keeping my head down for the duration of my contract rather than starting a fight and making things even more miserable for myself.
Also is it just me or does that poster's typing style remind anyone else of the PedoJared whiteknight from the GG thread?
No. 412496
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>>412351>being an animu moe catgirl is officially "trans girl culture"CAN'T. MAKE. THAT. SHIT. UP.
This has to be autism, there's no other way. Imagine if gay men's culture consisted in yaoi mangas.
No. 412630
>>412582That’s awful, but wow only 4 in the entirety of the US, and it’s almost June? That’s impressively few. I thought terves murdered hundreds of trans women every day.
>>412626Men seek out violence in the streets while women are killed in their homes.
No. 412636
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Reading this shit blows my mind. Women who are having unprotected sex who apparently don't even have pregnancy cross their minds because "I'm male!!" Who wants to bet she probably blamed the doctors, too.
No. 412656
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According to r/transpassing’s top posts, this user is supposedly what “passing” looks like.
No. 412661
File: 1558386528121.jpg (268.33 KB, 768x1002, 20190520_150805.jpg)

>>412659dropped image, sorry
No. 412670
>>412656Those man hands
They really rarely pass
No. 412686
File: 1558390388578.jpg (39.89 KB, 581x193, cap.jpg)

>>412682I assumed it was a drag bar/gay bar so it was somewhat "acceptable," at least to TRAs
Here's a cap cause I realized I sound like a crazy bitch
No. 412688
File: 1558391122178.png (66.31 KB, 706x483, husband.PNG)

>>412661That reminds me of the "I like my introverted boyfriend" post on /r/GC. A bunch of ChapoChuds took it out of context and said 'look how weird GC women are'. I just find that funny because Chapochuds say the dumbest shit. Spiderverse wasn't good because Miles dad was a cop (cop=bad≠black), someone said shutting down the sub for a subscriber joke (420,69) was bad because people depended on CTH for 'emotional support', and the fact the sub is currently going through upheaval because all those nazi/terf/etc they made caught attention of admen.
Trans people are also trying to flip the AGP rhetoric by saying 'GC like effeminate boys and hate that we're taking them' or 'HA HA SLUT! YOU'RE SCARED YOU'RE BEING REPLACED'.
No. 412812
>>412686How much time does he spend hanging around in women's bathrooms for all these women to figure out that he's a man (despite him passing perfectly) and then get infuriated about it? Does he announce his penis when he meets someone's eye at the sink?
If this isn't entirely made up to push some "catty jealous wimmens are threatened when men are better at womaning than them UwU" narrative, they're most likely annoyed at him for swanning around a bathroom he doesn't belong in while they're just trying to pee.
No. 412825
>>412814kind of a long answer and I have already posted this on reddit a couple times
there's a tension between the kind of leftism that emphasizes class struggle, and the kind that emphasizes SJW issues, like trans rights,Anti-Islamophobia,immigration e.t.c. and both are often time at odds with each other (Muslims aren't the biggest supporters of gays and Troons), but I noticed that often people emphasize one side much more than the other. As we know, the people who care about issues like slut shaming or gender pronouns are not the working class people, they're the well-off academics and hipsters. Therefore, it's easy to see if someone is committed to supporting the working class, they might ignore issues that those people don't care about. And conversely, if someone really cares about non-class social justice issues, they might look at low class people with condescension as unsophisticated, since they are usually the biggest opponents of social liberalism.
now the leftism that Chapo preaches goes back all the way to the birth of the Soviet Union
Western leftists mainly in France and Germany were applaud by the actions the Soviets did from Stalin and even Lenin they couldn't face the fact the only way for a revolution to happen involved lots of violence and death and needed violent and vile people so they tried to form of a new school of Marxism one that focused on cultural aspects and less of class one they presented themselves as the alternative to the violent and cold style of communism that the Soviets and later Chinese practiced the US actually supported this style of non-violent Marxism and as the cold war raged on the wall fell down and the soviet style of communism just died all that was left was the non-violent kinda non masculine communism and it was the only viable option for people
No. 412877
>>412688>Trans people are also trying to flip the AGP rhetoric by saying 'GC like effeminate boys and hate that we're taking them' or 'HA HA SLUT! YOU'RE SCARED YOU'RE BEING REPLACED'.Sounds like incels when they claim women are quaking in our boots over sexbots replacing us.
Troons and incels continue to be the same people.
No. 412878
>>412686Why would some random drag queen who passes infuriate us?
No matter what, he still has a dick and balls. That alone makes every single woman on earth better at being a woman than him.
No. 412883
>>412679>>412686>telling random people in the bathroom you're a drag queen instead of just doing your business, washing your hands and leavingWeird flex but ok
What do these people think even goes on in public bathrooms? I swear they're not living in reality.
No. 412893
>>412891are you okay, anon?
if a tif is a lesbian it means she becomes a tif to be "straight", not that she becomes a tif and decides to be "gay".
No. 412899
>>412895They wouldn’t have been straight either, just closeted bisexuals - these men seem to find homosexuality humiliating but somehow larping as a mysoginistic ideal of femininity makes taking a dick up their ass while being told they’re a good little slut totes not gay
But I agree, I’ve never heard of a lesbian turning into a gay fakeboi so I’m not sure what that anon is on about
No. 412900
>>412884>>412885>>412889>>412891>>412893>>412895>>412898I know I'm retarded but I couldn't help cracking up at these exchanges.
This is like a small-world demonstration of the wider confusion and obfuscation this trans shit and its changes in accordance to language brings into people's lives.
No. 412901
>>412898NTA but they’re bisexual because they’re women that like women but then once they start pretending to be men they like men
Didn’t think I’d ever need to vocalise something so fucking retarded in my life but here we are.
No. 412916
>>412885victims of conversion therapy and self-hating lesbians for me
i remember when i used follow one TiF on tumblr who said that won't have sex with males, only with other TiFs. Totally not a lesbian
No. 413063
>>412950I saw the trailer for the new show Euphoria when I was watching HBO
A TIM is a main character. Passes pretty well especially the voice. him up on instagram and it goes far enough back to where he was in like elementary school creepy to see.
No. 413076
>>412825I appreciate your response and it was definitely informative, but it didn't answer my question.
Why is the CTH subreddit specifically so full of weeaboo transbians. It's basically a trans sub now. Like I said, there are other far-left subs on Reddit that aren't like this.
No. 413109
File: 1558492632928.jpeg (353.23 KB, 750x744, 0307A51A-C4B5-4D56-A0F4-61B80A…)

i’d slap the first weirdo cis girl who comes and mouthbreathes in my ear about ~muh friends proNounz~. maybe convince your friend to pass a little better or stop being a fakeboi/girl.
No. 413132
File: 1558501765571.jpeg (190.65 KB, 1298x748, 3D9AC976-AD3F-4E7D-B169-17A5C3…)

From what I’ve seen, TiFs pass better than TiMs most of the time. >pic related is from a convention of TiFs by the way. The people in here seriously don’t look like the skinwalkers that are common among pre-everything TiMs.
I kinda wonder now if that could be partly why TiMs are so much more vocal about being oppressed or whatever compared to TiMs. Many of them will never pass regardless of how much money and time they’ve invested in hormone therapy, new clothing, surgeries and the like. They’ll usually appear as Buffalo Bill clones and never fit the fantasy of looking like some underage anime girl—which leads to TiMs being the faces of these movements as TiFs are put in the backdrop.
No. 413153
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>>413149>>413132these two look the most male in my opinion
No. 413156
File: 1558508746932.png (508.44 KB, 1120x1037, 1558476613846.png)

>If you act like a boy or vice versa you must be a closeted tranny
I hate these people
No. 413158
>>413132I guess it's because all fetuses start out female so it's easier to activate the effects of testosterone instead of reversing them. I don't know, it's just my best guess. TiFs are more clockable by voice, behavior and height.
>>413157It's fake, checked and the article doesn't exist. There isn't even any text under the header image.
No. 413160
>>413158Oh, the voice is usually a give away but multiple TiFs I’ve come across gain significantly deeper voices after undergoing T. TiF post transition voices can sound prettty masculine whereas most TiM still sound like muppets or bitchy gay men impersonating women after fully transitioning. Came across a video of guy on the far right of that pic and they’re one of the most passable people I’ve ever seen—from the voice to the build and pretty much everything else wouldn’t make you think twice.
As for height, it’s definitely more common for shorter men to exist than it is for women over six feet tall. TiFs have an advantage in that regard.
No. 413166
>>413160>Raised religious>Hated the word "lesbian" preferred gay>Family had image of perfect familyA lot of these TIFs have super similar stories. I know it's been said a few times before, but they really don't realize how common this is.
>>413162Yes, their eyes are way doe-y and bright compared to how men's eyes are. Even the TiF on the left in the back with the gold chain. Those eyes.
No. 413203
File: 1558520961786.jpg (202.08 KB, 1200x1695, gettyimages-542906307.jpg)

>trannies of ye oldeDid anyone else hit peak trans watching
The Danish Girl? What a disgusting display of whiny male entitlement and autogynephilia.
No. 413243
>>413103Effeminate men and masculine women are cool as hell because they're comfortable in their own skin and don't support the erroneous idea that gender stereotypes=gender. They also aren't narcissists who were driven to self-mutilation by a combination of fetishism and mental illness. These trannies actually think that our support of gnc people comes from a fetishistic place? Oh, the irony.
I honestly think transgenderism should be classified as a form of BDD. Think about it- both chase unreachable aesthetic goals, both have a high incidence of cluster b personality disorders, and both aggressively seek the attention and approval of others.
No. 413288
File: 1558539444542.jpeg (16.01 KB, 200x200, rinsenpai.jpeg)

Thoughts on crossdressers who still identify as cis? I've always found Rin-senpai and other crossplayers interesting for not subscribing to the trans movement bullshit. He doesn't put on a performance like drag queens do either.
No. 413297
>>413232you're a bad person, says the troon in response to a pic of their sticker scrubbed off the surface.
right under a photo of the radfem's sticker having been scrubbed off a surface by themselves.
troons love hypocrisy.
No. 413317
File: 1558546456569.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86.22 KB, 750x391, EFA298DF-7FB0-4CC5-958D-D68F01…)

literally never seen or heard of a girl doing this but ok, also you act like women don’t live a dangerous existence and literally get murdered for rejecting men and raped on a daily basis by creeps.
No. 413321
>>413317How does a "cis" girl saying "I have a dick" make life dangerous for troons?
They just love blaming male violence on women, don't they?
No. 413324
>>413142TIMs love to claim they age better than real women too. The "logic" is that real women lose estrogen after going through menopause, while TIMs pop an estrogen pill every day so they have a steady supply.
The thing is they still age much worse than real women though.
No. 413331
>>409087Easiest way I've gotten men to be GC is to bring up the men in women's sports issue, and to point out that women who we're assaulted by penis may not want to see penis in the locker room etc. I try to keep it simple for them.
>>409169This is accurate. Men will take to GC easier than Radfem.
No. 413333
>>413288They're fine, so long as they don't try to intrude into women's spaces. A guy wants to be cute and wear women's clothing, but still be a guy? All the more power to you, dude.
I feel sorry for some of them, because apparently a lot get pressured into transitioning.
No. 413351
File: 1558555775020.png (50.31 KB, 500x234, mental illness.png)

I only ever see this kind of dishonest truth bending and insane mind game "logic" from troons. What kind of mental illness is this?
No. 413406
>>413232Tinfoil but I think this is staged. The TERF stickers are the same shape and size as OP's stickers, and they're always gone really cleanly in pictures (indicating that OP put them there for the picture and peeled them off right away). The TERFs only have two stickers (one of which is in mspaint and isn't a well known TERF phrase), indicating that OP didn't want to spend more than five minutes on the strawman stickers.
Interesting that the TERF never hand-writes anything, whereas OP hand-writes everything. If both were hand-written or neither were, it would be obvious that this is also the same person.
I would never waste my time with stupid bullshit like stickers on phone booths, but I think the stickers should say, "71% of transgender women have narcissistic personality disorder", "Estrogen manufacturers fund transgender rights groups because they personally profit off of trans people", "transgender women have sexually assaulted women when placed in womens' prisons", or stickers that are literally just screencaps of crazy shit trannies have said online.
No. 413416
>>413232I like how this person never stops to consider that the stickers that are peeled off instead of covered could have been removed by the council. They look like shit, make the area look tacky and will be removed if they're reported.
You're not actually allowed to post stickers on without permission. If she hated the "terf" stickers so much, she could have just reported the flyposting, but I guess that wouldn't get her the internet saint points she desperately needed.
No. 413420
>>413203Never seen the movie, but I know his story since I'm a fan of Gerda (his ex-wife's) work.
In classic troon form, Einar died because, surprise, uterus implants are a bad idea.
No. 413422
>>413351Can't get pregnant until scientists improve artificial wombs to the point of being possible to implant in living bodies. And then all you have to do is scream TWANSPHOBIA!! at the evil scientists not wanting to implant wombs in mentally ill people that simply don't have the body structure to maintain a fetus.
Is this what trannies believe? Do they really think that smart people are developing artificial wombs for their mentally ill fantasies? There are billions of things more important than some tranny's feelings.
No. 413441
File: 1558574490259.png (897.88 KB, 879x463, wtf.PNG)

Contra got his facial surgery… This shit is buuuuusted
No. 413472
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libfems and wokebros try to assure a male that it's okay to keep watching horribly misogynistic sissy porn and he shoulnd't at all try to fix himself No. 413476
File: 1558585188199.jpeg (725.27 KB, 2048x2048, 046CE31A-7493-4C69-B6A6-5B46AD…)

Small collection of hilariously unaware admittance of AGP I found on a TiM Facebook meme page. Those pages always have a bunch of sub/dom stuff and girls in fetishy weeby outfits shared on them too. They are always such public perverts.
No. 413557
File: 1558608647250.gif (391.44 KB, 320x218, ejhlbx.gif)

>>413441Why didn't his surgeon do anything about his cheekbones or nose. He doesn't look more like a woman now, he just looks like a mix of Buffalo Bill and Benedict Cumberbatch.
>>413502>Hontra's makeup skills are better than mineHow? Do you apply makeup with a dustmop? Love yourself, anon, ffs.
His makeup is gaudy and tasteless. Men have no grasp of color theory or subtlety smh
No. 413577
>>413441Did he actually get FFS? Or is this like the time Transscribe said he got FFS and it turned out he meant hair plugs?
The FFS results I see are usually much better than this. I hate Riley Dennis but his FFS turned out very nice.
No. 413598
>>413596He looks like someone who feasibly could have been born female now. Only facially, his wide shoulders, voice and manhands still give him away.
I think troons forget that the goal of FFS is not to look like a hot pornstar but to look like a woman, and women aren't always hot models. At least Riley's FFS surgeon seems to understand that much.
No. 413624
>>413608There’s that one study where they “prove” that a handful of gay men who’ve been on HRT for years have one particular brain structure that looks slightly more similar to that of straight women than that of straight men who haven’t been messing with their hormones. Voilá, brain sex!
There’s also the fact that many doctors are happy to prescribe HRT and surgery and obviously when doctors do a thing it must be 100% scientifically
valid and safe. Lobotomies? Thalidomide? Never heard of those.
No. 413637
>>408612I hate how much wokebros buy into Contrapoints. Ezra Klein has jumped on the Contra train recently and I've always considered him to be one of the most reasonable and nuanced of the white dude neolib crowd. Radfems or even libfems don't get this much enthusiastic, unasked-for support.
Just goes to show how much men will go out of their way to support other men unquestioningly. Nick "I want to feel ornamental ergo I am a woman" Wynn's downfall can't come soon enough.
No. 413639
>>413637I hate that people praise him for turning alt-right bois to the left, and then everything's considered fine. Meanwhile radfems/terfs are seen as "incurable" (not that we want to) and should just get "punched".
Nazis are met with more sympathy than normal women.
Sage for blog, but I literally had one friend of mine say "I hate radfems, nazis and pedos"…
It's 2019 and women who get an abortion commit a crime, women who say chopping off or adding body parts is an illness, but men no matter what they do deserve second chances.
No. 413663
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i hate how these freaks are obsessed with their chidren's genitals and sexuality. poor child, if they are on puberty blocker their fate is fucked up so much
No. 413669
>>413663So the kid is "trans" before even knowing anything about their biological sex and therefore only understanding gender roles. Yeah, great time to lock them into a decision that will alter the entire rest of their life.
I'm sure she'll put her kid on hormone blockers in the next couple of years "so they have time to decide what they really want" that have already been proven to have permanent health effects, some of them devastating as with Lupron having caused chronic pain, severe osteoporosis and complications like cracked spines and hips, seizures, mental illness and suicidal thoughts, and all kinds of other horrible things.
No. 413674
>>413669 in UK/Europe they use different GNRH type medication, probably the same like in the dutch protocol, which was around already in late 90s/early 00s if i'm correct. when i first read about it it got me shocked that already around 20 years ago they did same shit but on lesser scale
sage for sperging
No. 413690
>>413563"We get raped more often than women" - are there any actual statistics on this? Because I'm willing to bet the reason that TiMs are attacked is because it's visibly apparent that they're men cosplaying women–not because they actually look like women. Men will attack women but they will also pick on gay men and anything that doesn't look like their masc norms.
In fact, I think the reason that men attack troons is because they are defying gender stereotypes, not because they successfully 'present' as the other gender. Why does the trans community not address this? These people are delusional, listen to that man voice, kek.
Also I'm sick of trans idiots saying that we shouldn't be worried about kids getting surgery because they won't even get HRT until like 16 or 17. My sister's friend got top surgery at 14 years old; there's Facebook groups where parents are sharing surgeons that have operated on their 13-15 year old kids.
No. 413691
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No contribs this just made me laugh.
No. 413720
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>>413699Nikita Dragun is one of the most vapid and narcissistic troons to ever become popular. Straight-up looks like a blow-up doll and goes around with his tits and ass out acting like a dumb bimbo to further perpetuate the sexist archetype women have been fighting against for decades. Can't recall all of the details but I remember when he wore one of those slutty porni-fied school girl outfits out in the streets of Harajuku during a trip to Japan. People called him out for attention whoring and he rrrreeeeeee'd in response claiming that since he's 1/8th Japanese or whatever that he was just trying to embrace his culture. kek
>>413691Dunno if this is one of Hontra's other personas or how he dresses typically but that is some tacky fashion sense.
No. 413738
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>>413722Same anon here. Didn't realize that was a wrap dress since it looks more like an old grandpa Hawaiian shirt (with a deeper cut) to me. Dunno what's more laughable–that fact that he thinks the outfit looks classy or that people unironically can compare his looks to that of Keira Knightley's.
Anyway got midway through the most recent video and had to process this moment for a bit. Hontra spent most of his life identifying as a man so he'd be flipping off himself. As for achieving this particular goal of his, well, good luck,
No. 413747
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Saw Kathleen Stock sharing this one on twitter today. No words tbh.
No. 413766
>>413747Dear god, why would anyone but a sick freak watch porn on their way to fucking presentation? In public, no less!
I'm not trying to sound like a prude, but why the hell did he think this was a good idea to tweet about?
No. 413817
>>413777this is really sad. I dont blame TiFs for trying to opt out of being seen as female because of how
toxic our society has become for women, but it seems like she is still suffering as a woman even though people see her as male.
No. 413850
>>413738>undeniable visual archetype of a womanFirst off, he's delusional if he thinks he actually looks like a "normal" woman. I only see women with that much glitch and makeup on TV, no fucking woman in real life dresses like that.
Second of all, he's saying essentially that being the "undeniable visual archetype of a woman" is equivalent to being a woman. Being female just boils down to fulfilling societal expectations of what a girl is supposed to look like. Sorry, women with short hair, girls in T shirts and jeans, and ladies without make-up. You'll never be half the woman of this 6'1" man in drag because he's dressed more like a stereotypical woman than you.
No. 413898
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>>413577You must be joking. FFS was not nice to Riley. He looks like a straight alien now, total uncanny valley. As a dude, at least he looked human.
No. 413905
File: 1558681380775.jpg (444.41 KB, 1280x1327, przw0q7Z4i1x35gg8o1_1280.jpg)

Choose your fighter.
No. 413986
>>413905I've seen every single one of these types in the wild, amazing.
Dana and all the other so-called "lesbians" who just happen to have coincidentally discovered the one man on earth who they're attracted to and insist on telling us all about how they just needed to find the right dick are the worst though.
No. 414009
Saging for semi-blogpost, I'm just amazed that I ran into the path of one of these people irl
>forced to associate with a slightly odd, awkward and off-centre lady for several months
>she gives me strange vibes so I google her name
>sure enough she's an amateur slam poet
>the first video I click on begins "Hiya, I'm a tomato"
>the entire (6 minute long) poem is about how she FEELS like a vegetable, but (gasp! woman in audience recoils) is really a fruit!
>she doesn't identify as a fruit, doesn't dress like a fruit etc etc
>the apples (at this point she does vocal impressions of different breeds of apple, somehow) at their fruit conventions (?) hate her for not feeling like a fruit, even though she is developed like one
>she does not stop rambling, saying "umm" and making jokes that the audience do not laugh at
>at the end, the supreme court decides that tomatoes ARE vegetables
>she concludes that you shouldn't box people into categories
>most poorly masked analogy I've ever seen
how do these people actually exist? I had to be in the same room as her for months in full knowledge that she had made this, been proud of it and performed it to an audience
No. 414037
>>413132they all have such tiny heads.
>>413311she has a destiel tattoo. immediate clock.
>>413406also interesting that the adult human female stickers all look fresh. none of them have any rain damage.
>>413441he looks the same.
>>413502he manages to slap on a full face but his application and blending is really poor. that ~first time playing with color~ eyeshadow look is laughable. You need to keep it simple if you don't have the skill to do it well. He looks ridiculous.
No. 414044
>>414021Had a TiF friend transition after her husband left her and her daughter after the daughter's birth. All around sad and I knew it was a factor as to why she made the decision.
I remember trying to tell her "I don't feel like I need to label myself. I'm just me, however I present is my personal style," I was mostly just worried about her spending money on hormones while only having a single income & taking care of a newborn. She had a lot on her plate. And she just straight up tried labeling me saying I might be non-binary or genderfluid. They really think we just have to conform to a label. Then she just started showing me her folder of body goal TiFs.
I don't know if your TiF friend will listen, but it doesn't really hurt to try, just don't get your hopes up if they don't. Maybe if you have another friend who has similar views as you to discuss things with her.
No. 414063
>>413132this is actually quite impressive. the only one i'd be able to immediately clock is the blonde one on the far left, and maybe the one just to the right of her is slightly clockable too. the others just look like regular, some of them even above average attractiveness men.
meanwhile tims usually either look like an elderly woman taking testosterone or a rotting blow up doll kek.
No. 414070
>>413905This is fuckin amazing and worthy of being the next thread pic. 10/10 to whoever made this
Anyway I have a younger acquaintance who really wants to transition. Kinda fits the stereotype of being a weeb obsessed with anime girls and hentai and actually decided to become the anime gf instead of wanting one. I’m concerned about him passing because he’s 6’0 and has a pretty deep voice and he even acknowledges that he might never pass. Still he seems set on transitioning and I’m worried about the consequences.
No. 414076
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>>414070It's by violetdioxazine on tumblr, check out her comic tag
No. 414078
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>>414076>>413905Lake kinda reminds of Raye Rodriguez
the creator of Guardian Spice that crunchyroll "anime" and also a gay transman(TIF) who posts mainly posts about hot guys on her twitter
No. 414083
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>>414073Saged for slight OT bad; my memory remembered it wrong. But the truth is even funnier. What remains of the thread is a ride. "I was lesbian, but I'll never be with another woman again. I'm straight now because I'm monogamous!"
Imagine struggling that hard not to call yourself bisexual because MUH LABELS and you think being bi = poly.
No. 414097
>>414083At least she doesn't still claim to be a lesbian, I guess. Not that "I used to be a lesbian but the right penis made me straight" is much better though.
I always wonder about the boyfriends/husbands of these women. Do they truly believe they managed to convert a lesbian with their magic dick?
No. 414103
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I wonder why most of troons (even HSTS) in media and entertainment are male fantasy ugly bimbos. Sometimes I wish troons could at least try to look androgynous or like a normal woman. Dara, Teddy Quinlivan, Hari Nef or Omahyra Mota (pic related) are all troons, but don't look as terrible and they got good modeling jobs. Still clockable, but at least they aren't horryfiyng.
No. 414109
>>414103Omahyra Mota pulls off the androgyny great. Teddy and Dara look alright, still pretty uncanny.
Hari looks terrible I don't get how he can land a job.
No. 414118
>>414085omg radfem tumblr drama is sometimes so delicious. i know who you're talking about, but don't remember her tumblr name.
other hilarious incidents were the kelly "i guess i'm not as gay as i thought i as/homewrecker"-shitstorm, and the old goldtar fights between that one ugly girl who was in online relationship with skarver(? who found out she's a lesbian after she fucked a tranny lmao) and some fast food junkie lesbians.
No. 414127
>>414076this reminded me of the girl who made a tumblr post about stabbing terfs in the vagina and pulled an unironic "why are you talking to me about genitals?! I'm a MINOR!!" when radfems got mad with her. it was hilarious.
>>414105she doesn't even look butch, she just looks like a woman with short hair.
No. 414190
>>409180I have to say, the face feminizing surgeries make a hell of a difference in terms of passing. It’s amazing what the minor details do in terms of secondary sex characteristics. It’s sucks that those extras centimeters of jaw, hairline, brow position etc is what makes people hate their male bodies.
There was an earlier comment that men can figure out which sex they’re talking to, and men are actually pretty slow at it compared to women, but even at their slow attention to details, they can eventually notice the measurements.
I think that if people were more accepting of simple shit like a man wearing a dress, this trans thing wouldn’t be an issue. And the men that see this as a way to become their own fantasy woman can not feel the need to completely commit to their cosplay.
No. 414262
>>413738At some point contrapoints plays the soundtrack of the remake of Maniac in the background. A movie about a young man with mommy issues who stalks, kills and scalps his
victims and turns them into dolls. Just wtf contra
No. 414387
File: 1558800303152.jpg (42.63 KB, 660x371, _107077918_d792735f-2fc5-400e-…) won battle to have right to entry single-sex pool which was safe space for woman since 1926. This complex has 3 ponds - male, female and mixed sex one. But why use mixed one? Troon feelings can be only validated when he will get easy access to female spaces to harass and assasult woman.
I feel sorry for woman in UK and any western shithole. I wonder if they will repeal that shit when troons will assasult woman en masse.
No. 414424
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>>414283speaking of Gigi gorgeous what are your thoughts on lesbians who get in to relationships with transbians like Nats Getty
No. 414428
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>>413898He looks like if Jay from Jay and Silent bob tried to cross dress.
No. 414436
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Yep, this. No issue with cross dressers because they're aware of their birth sex.
Any time some retard tries to bring up the fact some troons were once cross dressers / drag queens, I always think of the quote in pic attached.
No. 414437
>>414424from all the videos I have seen of gigi and nats its pretty clear that nats loves Gigi much more than Gigi loves nats and I'm wondering why ?
why does lesbian (or closet bi) woman find attractive about this man with a destroyed body
No. 414441
>>414440but why is she head over heels for gigi ?
thats all I wanna know
No. 414447
>>414442She's also likely just attracted to femininity rather than femaleness in the way men who like "traps" while calling themselves straight also only care about or notice the feminine costume and falsely equate that with attraction to females. Gigi is usually done up like a Barbie doll so that's probably the appeal.
Also, when it comes to women dedicating themselves to broken men who don't love them back proportionally, it happens a lot because we are empathetic and self-sacrificing. Look at all the wives bending over backwards to try to help their poor trooned-out husbands and other women desperately trying to help unsalveagable, selfish men.
No. 414461
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>>414444Quads don't lie.
>>414448I've read many times on gossip sites that Gigi only uses her as a human wallet. I think it's true
No. 414509
>>413720Oh god, I didn't expect to see Nikita Dragun mentioned here. Welp.
Only a few weeks ago, I was in one of my classes, and these girls were looking at pictures of him and saying how much he "looks like a girl" and how "pretty" he is. They wanted me to comment on how Nikita Dragun looked, and I just stood there silently because I was really disgusted on how those girls praised him.
No. 414565
>>414513>she is every negative stereotype about radfems made fleshThis
she's a middle class white woman who calls trans identified people tannies and insults other women as men
claims to hate men but her self dates weirdos
No. 414585
>>414562no unfortunately it's not. she called the belief that sexuality is innate and unchangeable "black magic" in one of her streams.
She's definitely a caricature of what people think "terfs" are
No. 414632
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Anime twitter have been shitting themselves over this, but I'm proud of this group of women for putting their foot down and keeping their space by women for women in spite of what must have been a lot of pressure. Good for them.
No. 414634
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>>414632The full sign. Typically, the replies are getting aggressive already.
No. 414653
>>414650me too. they're still full of testosterone and have the anatomy, get the fuck out.
like seeing straight dudes at the gay bar being like IM GONNA TURN ONE OF THEM, too much experience with that shit to not see this as a good idea
No. 414658
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>>414653>>414632Also of course he‘s American. This link was on his Twitter.
No. 414659
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seems like a great dad
No. 414665
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>>414632Women only is fine as long as it includes men.
No. 414681
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>>414632this guy got turned away by them and made a scene, prompting them to add the part about "cis" women to the poster. this is an email he sent the organizer from his twitter. typical entitled white man in japan shit.
No. 414685
>>414681>>414682Why tf would a white, liberal tranny choose to move to a socially conservative country like Japan? Especially when he's a "lesbian" and his marriage is no longer legal?
I'm glad Japan doesn't put up with this shit. Their treatment of women sucks as it is- they don't need troons making it worse.
No. 414691
>>414681>>414682You know he was psyched when they didn't let him in. Another reason to bitch and moan and get attention.
>>414688Yes lol
No. 414692
>>414691>You know he was psyched when they didn't let him in. Another reason to bitch and moan and get attention.Oh absolutely. Troons constantly talk about "just wanting to be treated like a normal woman!" but that's not true at all, they have huge
victim complexes and feed off of being so oppressed and brave uwu. If people actually treated them like real women they'd get bored of the shtick and go back to being men. It's all one big performance for attention.
No. 414700
>>414681>This fight is for you too and for everyone else at GoldfingerKEK
>Maybe there will be consequences if you write openly that you exclude trans women; maybe you will lose business, maybe you will be criticized. But if you don't want that, you should change your policy.Trannies have people so brainwashed it's insane. People do come in droves to defend trannies like their lives depended on it.
>Why do you exclude us? Why this policy? What do you think is going to happen if you let us in?I can't tell if troons are diluded or if they blatantly choose to ignore the elephant in the room. You know, not born female? Male anatomy and socialization no matter how many hormones? Can't get pregnant? Isn't oppressed for simply being female? Literally no one at goldfinger is going to be able to relate to this idiot. It's a place where women get together and bond over BEING FEMALE.
>>414685This idea that Japan is a nice little anime paradise; that japanese people are always curteous even if you're stepping over them. Japan has its ups and downs like any other country (not to mention a rich history involving women too), not to mention a culture completely different from ours. There's going to be a bunch of twitter retards that are going to be screaming at asia 24/7 but they don't care, thank god. Asian women know enough of their shit to know not to put up with trannies that don't share the same experiences.
No. 414713
>>414692The type of people who actively seek out muh oppression to get
triggered. I'm unsurprised.
>>414632>I asked them to tell the truth and now I'm mad my penis is not allowed uwu don't feel woman enough No. 414734
>>414658This guy has THREE SONS. Imagine how the older two must feel, being half Japanese teenagers and needing a strong father figure so they don’t go full r/hapas , but daddy decides to be both a whiny American liberal AND a troon just last year.
>>414681>You told her she didn’t care about other people and she didn’t have any respect. I had to laugh. Did you even see me standing there?>Meeeeeeee!Why do these dudes stay here for decades and still not understand the basic group dynamics of Japanese culture? It’s not about YOU, bro. It’s about everyone else that wants a woman-only space.
>>414695These weirdos always come to Japan, enjoying a status they could never achieve in their home country and staying for so many years, yet it is never enough for them. And the only social issues they care about are the ones that directly affect them, not those that affect the 99% of Japanese. DV? Child abuse? Elderly abandonment? Nope. Only white men and their fetishes.
No. 414780
>>414634>WOMEN (cisgender)KEK
In parenthesis treated as second after 'woman', as it fucking should be. 'Woman' and 'Man' should imply cisgender as it is.
No. 414812
>>414632Standing next to an Asian woman really brings out his feminine features.
The dude looks manly even amongst white women, he's huge and looks like a middle aged dad with long hair like a hippie. I feel terrible for the wife and kids, having a weeaboo dad who decides moving to Japan and getting a Japanese wife isn't enough for him, and he has to BE the animu wife too. The man's even fucking dying his hair blue, he needs to grow the fuck up.
No. 414815
>>414813lmfao his hands are about 3x larger than hers and hes a solid foot taller than her as well. why do men like this think they should be allowed in female spaces.
is that supposed to be his wife? why does she look so much older than him.
No. 414821
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>>414815I think that photo just happens to be a particularly good angle, he looks older in other photos
No. 414914
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>>414813What kind of event actually
triggers these AGP dudes and why do they always choose an image that so greatly contrasts their former selves? Gangly, huge nerdy men that want to become small alternative/punk chicks. Fat, pot-bellied and hairy men decide to become 10 year old princesses. At least with HSTSs, there tends to be a natural progression of feminization where family members could they always noticed the HSTS was different as a kid or they were not surprised. AGPs always do a 180.
No. 414920
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This shit is horrifying and exactly why informed consent clinics are a terrible idea.
No. 414930
>>414920Damn, this sounds like an
abusive relationship. That poor person.
No. 414933
>>4149271. How does it in any way insult real women? They NEVER look like women because they don’t have our secondary sex characteristics, even the ugliest woman will be undeniably female.
2. Values change constantly, as do ideologies - you’re retarded for suggesting otherwise.
>nucleosynthesis is gonna advance so tr*nnies can get pregnant.Medical science barely understands female reproductive systems, let alone pregnancy, and yet you think that somehow they’re going to get to the point where they can play god and completely alter men’s genetic makeup? Not in our lifetimes. We probably won’t even see self-driving cars rolled out to the masses for ages yet, something significantly more researched and funded.
As for your last point.. I’m not even going to entertain it.
No. 414935
>>414927This entire post is hard to read and unintelligible.
No most of us just want them to stop infringing on women's rights. Maybe actually research what you're trying to critique
No. 414941
>>414923>dream gfsWhat makes this extra disturbing is that so many of these AGPs already have wives and children. They want the wives to stick around and be their mother-housemaid but they still fantasize about the girl they liked back in high school or anime girls.
>>414927Make transbians illegal. 90% of these problems will be solved. Lol
No. 414944
I am gonna be honest, I am pretty entertained by their existence, trannies for me are modern day literal circus freaks so I'll gladly continue observing from afar. Drag queens are entertainers too but in general they don't cut their dicks off or get implants (?) and that's the most entertaining part LMFAO.
What is /gender critical/'s opinion on drag queens btw?
>>414941>Der Trannische Frage No. 414955
>>414944I never used to care about adults over 18 doing whatever the fuck they wanted to their own body. Even if it was a fetish, it didn’t matter. It was no different than extreme mods to me and it was their business. It was only when the misogynistic, porn-obsessed men began forcing themselves into Feminist politics, made themselves front and center, bullied lesbians for being lesbians, disparaged female-centric factual terms and began targeting children. I can’t just sit back and enjoy the freak show when they are actively doing harm to others.
Drag queens are just entertainers and artists to me. Many are actually very talented makeup artists and costume designers, they have jobs and like to work, so they have value beyond the crude jokes.
No. 414997
>>414955Same, I really do still support trans adults who just want to get on with their lives.
I wish we lived in a timeline where transwomen and women could support each other under an alliance, rather than transwoman demanding that they are in fact women whilst trying to push women out with their woke brand of misogyny like womb havers or the cotton celing. The absolute state of identity politics.
No. 415125
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>>415119I'm sure you're right. It's bullshit.
I like that subreddit someone started documenting all the crimes that these men commit as "women."
Here's an old US crime statistic regarding homicides committed by women from 80-08. I can't find anything updated but am still looking.
>Source: No. 415131
>>415097their rethoric feels regressive af, change a few words here and there and their trans speech sounds like any bigoted old coot's.
"women who don't like feminine things are actually men" is the type of thing i expect to hear from a racist southern grandpa, not from so-called "feminists" and trans activists. their logic is so radical and extremist it becomes backwards, now any man who isn't a full on Chad is secretly a trans gurl waiting to jump out of the closet. how is that supposed to help cis men destroy
toxic masculinity if every time a man shows interest in something remotely feminine he's told he's a woman?
No. 415134
>>415131I really feel so much empathy for GNC men who are pushed to transition.
Toxic masculinity is really awful and more men, especially GNC men need to speak out about it.
No. 415155
>>415134Even if he's GNC, a man that identifies as such is going to need to be the most persecuted minority in the world to be able to speak out in any way that could get him labeled transphobic and immediately deplatformed for hatespeech.
This game is rigged. Someone finally gets to speak louder than men but it's just more men in dresses.
No. 415239
1984>Whenever you visit a social network or a comments section, this extension will color known trans-friendly (green) and anti-trans (red) users/pages differently.>As a transgender person, I got used to be distrustful towards people. While guessing the attitudes of an openly conservative person or group towards transgender people is easy, this is much more difficult when you deal with communities that tend to be moderately progressive or with intersectional interests, such as the feminist community, the lesbian community, women's associations and the atheist community.Yup, the ebul lesbian and feminist communities
No. 415241
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>>415239And example for forbidden hate speech
No. 415254
>>415241I like that this is something for only the most deluded of TiMs/TiFs
Transmedicalism and "enby-phobia" are the least crazy parts of the trans community
No. 415272
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No. 415273
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No. 415275
>>415272Jesus christ, it's disturbing how many of them are adult men trying to emulate the brain of a 12 year old girl. It's even worse to think about how many of these men actually THINK they're young girls and will try to reach out to underaged girls to harm them.
>>415273Post any worthy comments, there will definitely be some responses like, "Remove the 'MtF' in your post, the fact that she's trans is irrelevant! You're coming off TERFy!"
No. 415294
>>415278At all my slumber parties we ate junk food and played super smash bros on our n64.
The "sexy pillowfight" meme might be my least favorite of all the sexist generalizations about women
No. 415304
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These are github issues for that Shinigami Eyes extension
No. 415356
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TiM in my college discord server sees me playing Sims 4 (the game was free for a few days) and decides to do the same. Then decides to inform us how he "made [his] first one a (female)teen" while also using WickedWhims, a sex and nudity mod.
No. 415366
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I jus…are they trying to say being trans is a choice?!
No. 415447
>>415417I'm on board with there being more studies too, as long as they make sure to account for sexuality and HRT in their analyses and don't jump to conclusions about the validity of HRT and surgery. Mostly I'm worried they'll find superficial similarities between gay people and straight people of the opposite sex and take that as evidence in favour of transing gay people to make their bodies "align" with their sexuality. The thing with brain scans, especially fMRI, is that there is always a LOT of noise in the data and it's quite easy to find whatever it is you're looking for if you just look hard enough. It's not unlike reading tea leaves sometimes and scientists are as human and subject to bias and tunnel vision as anyone else. Peer reviews are supposed to nip that sort of thing in the bud but when a subject is as highly politicised as trans ideology, there's the potential of reviewers skewing perceptions even harder in one direction or another according to the current dogma.
Maybe it's petty of me but I secretly hope that discussions like this one will unmask AGPs as the deceitful parasites they are. They’ve made themselves the face of the trans movement but don’t actually care about anyone but themselves. Many L’s have caught on already (and are demonised for it) but the rest of the LGBT community needs to wake up to the fact that these men are not their allies. If steamrolling the rights of women and gnc children wasn’t bad enough to make them realise this, maybe their vocal opposition to these tests will. After all, the middle-upper class straight white techbros are the ones with the political influence and funding to make or break this kind of research.
No. 415472
Are there any detransitioners here? Sorry in advance if there's a more suitable thread for this, but I don't know where else to go.
As of recently I'm a former FTM and now a lesbian. I can't say I'm surprised at how I turned out as I was constantly questioning whether or not I really wanted to "be male." Even when I identified as FTM, I lurked here often and found myself agreeing with a lot of GC stuff. It made me realize my desire to transition came mostly from being uncomfortable with performative femininity, and the emotional distress that came with being on the receiving end of sexism almost daily. These are obviously not things that can be fixed if I just "go to the other side" so to speak (especially for those who don't pass at all), and until reading these threads I never realized how weird it is that it's so encouraged nowadays. I'm only 18 and grew up on tumblr and websites with similar userbases. Transgenderism(?) was normalized to me at a young age, and every time I saw somebody question it, they were always shunned and chased off so I never did it myself.
I haven't had any procedures, taken testosterone, anything. However, virtually everyone who knows me knows me as "male" and are all trans ally types. Is there a way to "come out" without it being awkward? As a lesbian, I mean. Not GC. I feel like detransitioning is kind of a shameful thing in that community, and I both emotionally and physically can't simply ditch and ghost everyone and start my life anew. I really just wish I had never been involved with any trans related stuff. I wish I could have experienced my late school years as a simple lesbian instead of a confused one. I also feel like if/when I come out, since I dress in a masculine fashion, everyone will still look at me as if I'm trying to be a man. Is it even realistically possible to no longer be associated with all that shit in peoples' minds if I've been living like that for over a quarter of my life?
I'm also curious if there's any kind of community for detransitioners or people who previously identified as trans, specifically lesbians (I don't know if detransitioning refers only to people who have had physical procedures or not). Discord, reddit, a thread I missed on here, anything.
I'm sorry if this is too much of a blogpost. I don't have anywhere else that I could post something like this.
No. 415480
>>415472I'm a detransitioner too, and I was really serious about my transition. I got therapy for years (with a normal, non-gender therapist) and even took testosterone for 6 months. To be honest, your family will be relieved if you jump out of this. At least mine was happy that I was embracing my true self as a woman. Almost every other detransitioner I know received very positive feedback from detransitioning. Be wary of friends who try to push you into other label like non-binary or genderfluid, this has happened to me. Don't give in to their craziness.
Talk casually about it. You don't owe anybody a great explanation. Just say you realized this identity doesn't fit you anymore, it doesn't make you happy, doesn't make your life easier, etc.
No. 415538
>>415476>>415503I've never heard of this before now. I've watched a couple videos now and I don't know how to describe how happy I am that I found this. Thank you so much.
>>415480Thank you, this is really reassuring. I'm glad your and most others detransition was well received.
I've always felt like my feelings about my identity needed to be straightforward and easily digestible for others. Part of my complex with pleasing everyone, I suppose. I should grow out of that habit and this would be a great place to start haha. I'll keep your advice in mind. Again, thank you.
>>415523The desire to feel included is what makes many people fall for the trans meme, I think. Especially since they paint themselves as an uplifting and accepting community.
No. 415555
>>415523I really wish I didn't peak. I feel like living in ignorance and not being seen as a crazy feminist anywhere else but GC communities would have made me happier, but I can't unsee or forget about the rampant autogynephilia, the justification of predatory behavior by trans individuals, the advocated child abuse on individuals with undeveloped brains, and the amount of trans 'women' who actually are MGTOWs masquerading as 'beautiful transwomen' while screaming over the feminist movement.
I feel like I'd not have such a problem if it wasn't for the trans community like r/GenderCynical using the "dysphoria" excuse to justify trans people being horrible and violent towards others, let alone them saying that the
victim deserved it if they're a TERF. Just yesterday I realized that to r/GenderCynical and now mainstream 'woke' society, that any trans person who writes hateful shit online must be a fake account from a TERF.
So tl;dr: for as long as the trans community continues to ignore and even sympathize with the people that are rapists and creeps within it, I can't take them seriously.
No. 415564
>>415273sorry for blog posting but this sounds so much like my own experience with my ex who told me he wanted to be a girl when we were already months into the relationship, he added me into a discord server with his friends, they talked very sexual stuff, then his best friend added me to a private server between the 3 of us, they were always talking about what they wanted to do to each other, i could only read the sick shit and see the gross pictures they exchanged, and when i told him i didnt like that, and asked if he could stop because i felt worthless he made it all about himself and started crying told me he had a lot of love to give and wanted a poli relationship, i told him i wasn't into that kinda stuff, i dumped him a couple months after that…
again, sorry for the blog posting l but i thought it was weird to find someone with a story similar to mine
No. 415575
>>415472God, the fact that you're so young makes me feel bad. I wish you the best in your new research. I know I'm gonna come off as boomer as fuck but i really do worry about how we're raising kids on the internet and there's information about how to permanently alter their relationships, and worst case scenario, their bodies at their very fingertips. I just know in a few years a bunch of detrans people will have to pick up the slack in place of others.
Also can somebody please fill me in on what TRAs think of detrans? The little I've heard from my diverse friend group is that detransitioners "never really had dysphoria in the first place" even though some of them believed that you could just choose to be trans, so I'm not sure…
No. 415585
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Oh buck :(
No. 415601
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So I saw this on a blog and decided to look up their account to find I was blocked. Plot twist, I don't use the twitter account, its empty. Im assuming this was done on the fact that I liked a tweet saying referring to women as menstrators is dehumanising. I only recently hit peak trans, so this is fine kek.
No. 415604
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>>415603Look at this assholes reply to this concerned woman too. Apparently being gay is a kink. Its funny never heard of him until today, so glad I stopped being a libfem and an apologist to these wankers.
No. 415607
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>>415601>that is how many trans families look likeI think i'm going to vomit.
Funny, i saw this line of tweets recently. I'm not anti-kink or anti-porn myself but if you expose things of a sexual nature to kids fuck you.
No. 415608
>>415601there seems to be a successor to terf blocker doing the rounds. My twitter account is also rarely used and a lot of prominent tras have me blocked.
>>415605this is almost some alok-esque "little girls are kinky" shit. What a revolting human.
No. 415610
>>415601>>415604>>415605>>415607God, they're just proving the homophobes with the slippery slope fallacy right…
The LGB community is going to need to distance itself from the T eventually. Make it stop.
No. 415611
>>415601A TiM walking two women on a leash like they're dogs is "what a lot of trans families look like"?
Well, you said it, not us….
No. 415613
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>>415607Why is it only the manliest of troons who immediately go for violence against women and children… reminds me of that troon who talked about ~painting their nails before punching their grandma in the face~
No. 415629
>>415523>Anyone here ever feel jealous of trans peopleNah man, when I get out of the shower I look the same way I did before I got in. I don't have to spend 2 hours getting dressed doing hair and makeup in order to get hit on by a guy who looks like a big toe.
>You just see them all get the attention, tight knit community and get to feel special. You also get to watch them get stared/snickered at IRL. The internet hug boxes and Kampus Klubz are meaningless vacuums, the "community" equivalent of walmart clothing
No. 415644
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I would like to say, as someone who has been involved in the bdsm community for a long time, i would like to apologise to all the LGB people suffering with this shit. There (used) to be an ethos that you do not expose unwilling participants to your kinks and certainly not the general public. What this narcissist is proposing really goes against what some of us stand for and I now see why people are becoming more annoyed with our community.
No. 415663
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>>415662>>415653related, i went to google his kf thread and he seems to have scrubbed his real name from the suggested searches.
No. 415686
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>>413442He looks like a literal caricature but I get the feeling thats intentional.
No. 415694
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>Complains that being anti-kink is being anti-trans
>Also complains people will treat transwomen as men with a kink
>But is also arguing were it not for kink he wouldnt be trans as would a lot of men.
I guess this is what they mean about talking in circles, talk about fucking dumb. T
No. 415708
>>415644I feel sorry for lesbians and gay men having to deal with this. Back in my home city the annual pride parade used to be good fun. Everyone was invited to take part and see that gay people are no different to anyone else. It had a positive message of community. Forcing kink and sexual content into pride is going to undo all of that and play into the hands of the extreme right who will use it to push an agenda against all gay people.
I'm honestly starting to think that trannies are being used to destroy feminism and the LGB community because they are so effective at it.
No. 415710
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“The Department of Health and Human Services’s proposed regulation would replace a 2016 rule from the Obama administration that defined discrimination “on the basis of sex” to include gender identity. The Trump administration rule would no longer recognize gender identity as an avenue for sex discrimination.
Without the Obama-era language, health care workers would be free to object to performing procedures like gender reassignment surgery, and insurers would not be bound to cover all services for transgender customers.“
Not forcing insurance to cover AGP boob implants is LITERALLY GOING TO KILL awesome trans gals!
No. 415721
>>415607jesus freaking christ, the entitlement is astronomical. first of all, big
oof at "i get traumitized by straight people in public every day". secondly, gay people having been policed or censored for centuries isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card for you to act like an objective pervert in public. i've seen the lgbt community whine endlessly about how they're always labeled sex-crazed perverted monsters by homophobes, but they're also the first ones to stomp and whine and throw a bitch fit anytime someone merely suggests that they dress and behave appropiately and make their spaces family-friendly. maybe the reason people think you're all a bunch of insane perverts is because you act like insane perverts when you're asked not to. just a simple thought.
i hate that this is what feminist and lgtbq spaces have come to now, because i know this isn't the entirety of the community, i know some people are just normal, well-adjusted lgbt people that just want to go to Pride with their kids without seeing a troon on a leash.
No. 415852
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>>415839I don't know if there are long term studies on the effects of estrogen on TiMs, but for TiFs you can look into the East German female athletes who were doped with anabolic steroids to increase their performance. The main side effects seem to be degenerative bone disease, heart disease, a whole host of problems with the reproductive system, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, a decreased lifespan, depression and gender dysphoria. Several of them are TiFs now and openly question whether this would have been the case if they had not been given anabolic steroids without their consent.
>>415846If he’s pro-trans he’s not an actual gender abolitionist. Trans ideology relies on the concept of gender being an innate quality separate from the body’s biological sex. Gender abolitionists believe that gender is an oppressive social construct imposed on us by society, not something innate. Gender abolitionists focus on the reality of biological sex in sex-based oppression (of which gender is a major component) whereas trans ideology obfuscates sex-based oppression by claiming that the
real reason we’re oppressed is because we exude some mystical feminine gender aura. They like to claim that TiMs experience misogyny and even reproductive oppression (see upthread) while TiFs experience male privilege, because according to them those things are based on gender rather than sex.
No. 415867
>>415679He wants to be one of those animu "traps" that look feminine but be like "I'm a boy! uwu", he basically went on HRT and now he is fat and has boobs
>>415676Yeah he is dating a tranny like himself and he cheated on the tranny he's dating with another man then the tranny he's dating slept with the same man he got cheated on with, but I think they are still together
No. 415964
>>415958theyre essentially all rapists by deception. none of those men would sleep with them if they knew they were trannies.
how do men not notice that something is off though. the one in the video is immediately clockable.
No. 415983
>>415958>my past isnt anyones businessThat is his answer on the desire a man might have to have progeny? How selfish and narcissistic!!! Infuriating! How are his rights to keep his past private more important then someones entire future? Something as important as family and children?? I despise people who are so selfish.
>>415964Some men are kinda too nice about it. They think its just a very ugly woman.
No. 415992
>>415964It is 100% rape by deception to not disclose your biological sex.
Blogposting. I'm straight and a few years ago I had a thing with a guy I was interested in dating seriously (but ended up not going anywhere). I heard a dumb rumor that he was actually a TiF, which I'm pretty certain now isn't true. At the time though it really fucked me up to think that I was flirting and saying intimate things to a person who was female and never bothered to tell me. It's a shitty thing to do and while it doesn't justify violence, I understand why men get angry when they get "tricked" by a tranny.
No. 415994
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So womb transplants to MEN are now a subject of conversation. The only benefit of this procedure would be mandatorily giving all of our uteruses to alt-right straight men and making them suffer through the abortion legislation. Luckily this isn't going to happen for some time if it ever does BUT read the comments from the delusional scrotes below: this actually happens in my lifetime, I'm going to remove myself as an organ donor. Luckily it's in the UK for now but the US Democratic Party if in power would probably endorse this as well.
No. 415995
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I have no words, these scrotes get news that they might be able to get a WOMB which should be like the ~best news ever for an awesome trans gal~ and they still have TERFs at the front and center of their mind. Shoudn't they be more concerned how a uterus/ability to carry a baby could affect their dating?
Also, how the fuck would a 'vagina transplant' work? Any farmers with a medical background care to explain? These circus freaks are truly so obsessed and jealous.
No. 416000
>>415956I don't keep up with him but this post
triggered an old memory so i just skimed an old salon article of his from the gamergate era that amounts to "I was nearly one of these guys harassing women on the internet because I felt so anxious and alienated." I think he probably still feels like that, but "terfs" are a safe target as far as his social group is concerned.
No. 416001
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>>415994I don’t believe it can happen, but if it does, this doesn’t at all sound like a safe time to be alive as a woman
No. 416013
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>>416001That sounds so terrifying. Organ theft is already a huge problem in e.g. India, just imagine what will happen if there's a demand for the whole lower torso of women…
>>416009>imagine being enough of a ghoul to want to butcher yourself like this. or have a dead womens genitals grafted into your body. This, they're absolutely sick, they'd plant their brain and heart into a women's body if they could.
No. 416014
>>415994they are absolutely delusional, this will never ever happen lmao
first of all, im pretty sure that a male recieving an organ transplant from a woman has a higher chance of rejection, and rejection rates for uteruses are pretty high even in women.
second of all, this is already a procedure done in women, although very rarely. iirc they usually take the donated uterus out after the woman has had children, because its a health risk otherwise. so its not like theyd be able to keep it forever lol. transplanting a uterus into a tranny would be a complete waste of resources, as well as dangerous and pointless to the tranny.
third of all, they have a male pelvis so its not like they would be able to give birth vaginally, they would have to have c sections, and even then who knows if they would even be able to carry a child to term. and if they could they would have a significantly higher mortality rate than women. knowing trannies, they would start screeching about their ~womanhood~ being invalidated because they cant have a natural birth kek.
and finally, imagine the poor child, having to develop inside a delusional tranny pumped full of a cocktail of artificial hormones, this would most likely have a negative effect on the fetuses development. but ofc troons dont give a shit any of this as long as they can become the ghoulish skinwalkers they have always wanted to be.
No. 416016
>>415994Jesus, I read the comments and "oh, I'm a transwoman, but only
13.5"… ?!
And all those dumb cunts who claim to wish to "donate that useless thing that i don't need, teehee". Bitch, they'd remove so much that you wouldn't survive.
No. 416017
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>>415994Fuck, I would rather take my organs to the grave than risk them being wasted on a TiM.
No. 416039
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>>416037He always pushs his shoulders back to make his body appear smaller
No. 416044
>>415710Even if trump gets impeached, pence would be actively against the tras too. Dems will definitely fight for tras but they aren't looking good to anyone anymore
>>415958>cuz of trannys like this guy men in the middle east claim women are dirty and they are the ones behind the increase of stds, but really it's just men fucking eachother and blaming women.A man is a man is a man at the end. Still blaming and hating women for his bullshit
>>415994OK but from other sites talking about womb transplants for mtf, all the reactions were negative and against it for men. Some women will benefit but something as delicate and complicated like this for men? nobody thinks it's ok. It seems like the general consensus is that this is unnecessary for men so the joy really only comes from online. And with conservative parties rising everywhere that aren't pro tranny, this will just be ignored apart from women who need it.
No. 416047
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Saw this on twitter. Why the fuck are they always e-begging?
No. 416052
>>416048Honestly, is he touched?
How do people end up in foreign countries and not have job/shelter/food/money already figured out with a backup plan.
No. 416092
>>416048he honestly just looks like a regular black guy around here. they all have long dreads lol. especially the ones in their 30s-40s.
i just want to know why he moved out to osaka? he's obviously not native given he can write english. also majority of japan is considered transphobic because they define things by sex.
No. 416094
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Another GEM from r/MtF where SRS horrors were actually taken seriously.
No. 416095
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Now this comment (from a trans person(or detrans?) on r/detrans) actually pisses me the fuck off because this is the same shit that I've been saying–treat the mental issues instead of encouraging plastic surgery or else these people will end up dying anyways.
But since I'm a GCer on reddit it's perceived on condescension and an attack on trans people though I truly do not wish death on anyone and think that it's probably for worse that these people with obvious mental issues are being exploited for money.
OP is here: No. 416096
>>416094My mistake, the post is not from r/MtF but r/detrans.
I should have known immediately by the upvotes that clearly this type of post would not be welcomed on a pro-trans-gals sub.
No. 416098
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Going to spam a bunch of 'milk' but here's a post from an entitled piece of shit TiM that whines how guys immediately back off when they find out that this person isn't actually a woman and has a neovagina.
> Cis guys are so insecure in their own identity that they no longer want anything to do with me as soon as I come out about my medical history."So insecure in their own identity," as if people cannot have preferences at all. This person is literally acting as if people should be forced into dating them.
> Guys who are truly okay with dating a trans woman without being ashamed about it are fucking unicorns. I wish I could turn myself into a lesbian. Women are more open minded about this stuff than guys who are conditioned to be as aggressive as possible. To show no mercy, no empathy and no emotions.Proof that TiMs are exploiting women's conditioned 'niceness' to guilt them into dating them. Maybe this is why there's so many 'lesbians' now accepting of transbians?
OP here: No. 416100
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Lastly, someone posted this bullshit list:
> I want to be a girl [title]>I want to giggle at shit.
> I want to get dressed up and go out and have people check me out.
> I want to drink wine, watch movies, and cuddle up with a stuffed animal.
> I want to do my hair, put some makeup on, and have the confidence that comes with it.
> I want someone to think I'm adorable, pinch my cheeks, and cuddle up behind me and pet my hair while we eat chips and watch Brooklyn Nine Nine.
> I want to be cute.
> Not like physically, necessarily. Realistically, I'm a decently-looking guy.
> But I want to act cutesy. I want to skip. I want to blush. I want to show up to a coffeeshop in my sweats with a book looking like a hot mess that just rolled outta bed to start her morning.As for the critical part, there's a comment (attached picture) that speaks specifically about the harms of gender roles from a TiM–oh you know, the forbidden word because gender roles are totes okay as a tool to use for transwomen and transmen. It's funny seeing the self-awareness and then in other instances how they lash out when GC makes the exact same point, and then cry transphobia afterward.
No. 416102
>>416047First world spoiled little shit. Just go back home! Nobody forced him to move to Japan of all places. And he not only didn’t save up appropriate funds to survive more than a few months, he decided to start transitioning right before he arrived in a socially conservative country where he hadn’t even shown himself worthy of employment. All these trans GoFundMes are almost always set up after the person did something incredibly stupid and irresponsible or they just refuse to find work because of “mental health”. It’s never due to something unforeseen tragedy/accident or trying to start up a legitimate business and make something of themselves.
>>416092Yeah, I noticed how Japanese generally only makes exceptions for passing, gender-conforming trans and glamorous Thai beauty queens. The only trans they seem to tolerate are those who go through full transition while anything else is a cross-dressing pervert. If you look like a busted giant man, they treat you like a busted giant man. They don’t care if you say you have a “woman’s soul” if you are ugly.
>>416093I guess they consume so much trap and futa porn that they think Japanese will welcome them. But traps are actually supposed to be cute, not balding orcs.
>>416098It makes you wonder where all those “Trans women are women! Kill TERFs!” woke bros are when trans women are looking for relationships with men. There are so many of them, yet post-SRS trans women always talk about how nobody wants them even when they pass. Surely, those noble men would be the first to date these special ladies, right? It’s also telling how chasers really only support trans women pre-SRS. This also why trans women in porn are only popular if they have a dick.
No. 416109
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>>416100Maybe im overreacting but reading about this guy thinking that at his daughters recital made me feel gross.
No. 416115
>>416110Sorry i deleted to clarify why it was so creepy. and yeah i agree it just comes across as grass is greener and completely unsympathetic.
>>416114Thats also what struck me, van damme was very open about doing ballet along with other men. Maybe its because he wants to wear the pink tutu? idk.
No. 416124
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>>416048you beat me to it. their twitter is full of complaining about their job too.
these western trannies really out here thinking japan is gonna let them be ugly "women" in their work place. they seem to be a english teacher at a school too. with this behavior i dont think they gonna last long.
the gofundme has over 1.2 now.. No. 416135
>>416124Even after experiencing how shitty countries outside of the anglosphere treat him he still can't stop with his digs against
whities - meanwhile most of the donations he gets are probably from them. Why so stupid? Go back to the UK or the US or wherever you came from and it will be a billion times easier. But no,
princess needs to live in nipponland.
All of these men would be deserving of their own thread.
No. 416144
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What’s with all these ugly old white techies and nerds moving to Japan, marrying a Japanese woman, having kids and trooning out? This is former Apple designer George Arriola, who now goes by Ana. He’s buddies with that other giant mess over here
>>414813 and he wants to help ruin the reputation of Gold Finger bar because they don’t allow their entitled penises for one single night.
No. 416179
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I just noticed that Bar Gold Finger has a FTM bar every Monday and one Sunday a month. No wonder those old men were bitter! Females supporting females. The owner is clearly not “transphobic” and there are so many MTF places already.
No. 416187
>>415958I can understand being catfished (especially online when there's shoop involved) or not immediately clocking someone, but how do you get to the point where you see a tranny's mutilated genitalia and not know? Men continue to shock me. Beyond sight, I have to assume the feel and smell are completely wrong. Not excusing the creepy predators though; trans people definitely do need disclose ASAP and especially before anything sexual occurs.
>>415994This will literally never happen, or if it does it will go terribly wrong and the test subjects will die awful deaths. TRAs should be more concerned that they're being used as guinea pigs, and less concerned about uwu validating their brave and stunning womanhood uwu.
>>416047I love when they go to Japan.
>>416098I can't help feeling a little bad for HSTs at first, but they always ruin it with their misogyny. There's plenty of chasers, hon.
>>416109>my daugherSave her.
No. 416211
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No. 416238
>>415523Not a direct answer to your question but some related feels:
The feeling of community that comes with being in as large a social movement as normie pop feminism was comforting. I never felt like I had to hide my opinions because there would usually be someone who had my back. Since getting into gc/radical feminism, I feel far more isolated. There are some great people in the radfem community, but the difference in numbers and popular support has taken some getting used to. It isn't a nice feeling.
No. 416269
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Never mind homophobia being a driving force behind transactivism.
No. 416284
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>>415653And now Yaniv has accused Oger of defamation and cyber bowling. He likened himself to Amanda Todd. He attempts suicide daily!
He graced the town council with his presence again on Monday to present his proposal for a trans youth outreach program [pic related].
Also, he has filed complaints against two beauty pageants.
He's been quiet today, tho…
No. 416286
>>416284the look on the man's face lmao
(the one on the left I mean)
No. 416288
>>416110I forget if it was here but there was screenshot of a reddit post from an ~awesome trans gal~ who bought a tutu for his first day of ballet class; cue the massive upvotes and comments saying "you go girl!" I CACKLED because as a former ballet dancer you wear leotards for nearly all classes except for trying on costumes for rehearsals.
He looked fucking ridiculous, I can't imagine what the instructor thought when he arrived to the class.
>>416124Why is he posting all of this shit on twitter with a picture of his face? Even the dumbest person knows to not air your dirty laundry out where anyone, especially including your workplace, can see it.
No. 416343
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so many of them look like klingons when they grow their hair out.
No. 416354
>>416310He looks even sloppier on video. Any woman who walked around like this would be ridiculed. Like what is that fucking tiara and the bra sticking out? He looks deranged.
>>416343How do they make such ugly women? Way too little hair, eyebrows are a fucking mess, and what are those panda eyes?
No. 416363
File: 1559254288562.jpeg (159.39 KB, 750x649, BAB4DF70-0240-46A4-9752-F26508…)

They are so, so desperate.
No. 416368
>>416363"chromosomes aside" no dude. you are not a woman.
we can give birth, you can't. get fucked.
No. 416377
>>416100I don't know whether to be disgusted or laugh at this fetishist asshole. They have such deep ingrained stereotypical gender roles in their mind and learned everything they know about being a girl from TV and movies, it's pathetic. "I want to drink wine and cuddle up with a stuffed animal" what the fuck? It's like they have this strange hybrid of an adult and a 12 year old girl in their minds.
>>416109I legitimately winced at this while browsing the thread. This sick asshole is jealous of his daughter because she's skinny and gets to do girly things.
>>416115I doubt it's about ballet in itself, he just wants to be the ~fragile little girly flower~ a ballerina represents in people's minds.
No. 416388
>>416369It absolutely does. A few studies have shown that when a person has failed at a difficult task, they often sabotage others attempting the same task under the mask of 'helping'
It boils down to self-worth and making sure no-one is better than you.
This also highlights the issues with lack of sympathy and empathy towards others that many trans display towards those around them. I liked how one study described schadenfreude as "A vengefulness of the impotent"
Study below deals with the in-group inferiority and schadenfreude toward successful out-groups. No. 416389
File: 1559259640843.jpg (437.01 KB, 1242x1419, 14OoKwL.jpg)

>>416364He alludes to having SRS, so he believes a wound bleeding after being gutted is the same as the natural, healthy process of shedding uterine lining post-ovulation.
This isn’t just a regular crazy troon but a “plural system”! This is the kind of person being approved for hormones and surgeries. Hmm… If this person is multiple entities, which they say can increase “occupants” over time, how can they get consent for all of “them” for transition?
No. 416434
>>416363God this is so fucking disgusting. As someone who had vaginismus I’m extra
triggered lol, if they had perfectly functioning sex organs (a penis) they have no clue what it’s like to be constantly humiliated in front of sexual partners, having what they could wear/do on their periods limited by not being able to use pads/cups, and basically being stuck in a several year cycle of self loathing for not having functioning sex genitals. This is literally proof that they just get off on female suffering, as if vaginismus is some quirky personality trait that vagina owners have. So funny that literally any time they try to relate to women by getting into the girls club, MtF’s just further alienate women.
No. 416452
File: 1559294704402.jpg (78.24 KB, 680x327, DIesk-NUIAYzFUf.jpg)

Good morning, TIL troons have always been disgusting
No. 416454
>>416452This was posted last thread anon. I forget this lady's name but she's actually lauded as a historical figure by the gay community. Fucking infuriating. A fucking proto-fujoshi wearing gay identity like a costume and knowingly spreading HIV to other people because she thinks having AIDS made her "more gay".
She died of AIDS. Imagine being so much of a fucking fujoshi that you die trying to skinwalk gay men.
No. 416461
>>416454Her name was Lou Sullivan. She was nasty and just can't stand that current LGBT movement celebrates this nasty autoarphile who tricked so many gay man.
I'm worried how tranny cult finds channels to very conservative countries outisde of the anglosphere. I've recently talked to one woman who works in school as counsellor and she tried to help mother of TiF. She was worried how this batshit insane cult will prey on young girls to slowly build tranny lobby and TRAs start to become prominent. I think this can jeopardize gay rights activists and current movement who tries to have trannies only on side. I hurts me because I almost fallen for troon cult and i don't want to be harassed by TRAs and handmaidens because i'm a lesbian.
sage for blogpost
No. 416467
>>416460They pretty much already did. I think the episode was called "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" or something. Kyle gets a bunch of surgeries to be black and then his dad gets a bunch of surgeries to be a dolphin. Then he complains when there aren't any dolphin bathtooms lol.
It really underlines how stupid feelings-based gender identity is and how trannyism is basically just a form of BDD.
No. 416474
>>416467The whole character of Garrison is a critic of the trans bullshit. He looks absolutely horrible (like all trannies) and is a degenerate who can't keep his bdsm fetish private (just like irl too
I think it's shocking that they predicted how severe this agenda will turn out, seeing as the character was created long before social justice even was a thing.
No. 416477
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They should let kids grow up instead medicalizing kids from 5 year of life and paying AbbVie sweet Lupron dollars. But never. Tranny agenda and child abuse with homophobia included under veil of progressivism are best for confused kids i guess
No. 416483
>>416470Wow one of the comments is
>TERFs are fundamentally unhappy with their own lives, and insecure, whatever the explanation.How can someone lack so much self-awareness
No. 416487
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>>416477Uhm are her and her tranny husband planning to adopt some poor kid that will totes turn out to be gay and trans?…
No. 416491
>>416391Yes, it's disgusting and sad, a tranny in this post
>>411851 says how his open wound smells bad "like a normal vagina".
No. 416496
>>416391They talk about female sexuality in general like they think porn is reality.
They're always talking about how estrogen made them want to have sex with men, or made their orgasms last for hours, or how they can't help but make noise during masturbation now they're on HRT. It's like they don't even realize that those screaming women in porn are acting.
No. 416546
>>416487>>416525jesus christ, this woman is brainwashed by her nasty AGP husband and he uses her to manipulate more kids to troon out
>>416526 ROGD paper by Lisa Littman. Check also 4thwavenow blog, they cite some studies done recently for sure but you have to dig through archives
No. 416553
>>416526Well they all claim they've felt like a girl since they were a child but that isn't true, being attracted to girly stuff is one thing and wanting to be a girl is another, When I was a kid like 8 or 9 there were times where I liked being girly and other times where I didn't, where I come from guys had more freedom so that's where wanting to be a boy like ONCE came because I wanted to do things guys were allowed to do, it's a phase, right now I love girly things I like to look pretty and I hate boyish stuff.
Kids don't want to transition they are just attracted to different things
No. 416554
>>416551 Showing her botched double mastectomies and phalloplasties which were always fucking dangerous for tiffanies and show also pictures of butchered arms and hips of TiFs which were taken to make an frankenpenis. Show studies about how
toxic is use of Lupron and xhormones since childhood. Expose to gender crit stuff, even with force.
No. 416555
>>416551please talk to them about the complications of getting phalloplasty. once you get it there is no going back. it's essentially mutiliating your perfectly healthy body parts. it's not even worth it, most people will clock it instantly, it won't function like a real dick, it has a high possibility of causing problems in your urinary system.
the thing these people don't understand is that science isn't at the point where they can imitate a body part and implant it to a human's body perfectly. prosthetic legs exist, but implanted artificial legs that you have feeling of and function naturally won't ever be a thing in the near future. you can implant a uterus to a man but men will never be able to give birth because it's not just about having a uterus, it's a whole process that involves your entire body.
No. 416578
>>408876 Graffam, an artist, adjunct art professor and trans woman, tells TIME that she was impressed by how well the feature worked.
“My first initial thought was, ‘Oh my gosh, this is going to make so many people realize they’re trans!’” Graffam says. “I actually had someone reach out to me… and tell me it was like a catalyst for realizing they needed to transition, because you’re able to see yourself in a way you didn’t think was possible.”
No. 416595
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No. 416604
>>416487I've seen this woman on twitter before, she's so fucking embarrassing. Every other post is 'GUYS IM SO GAY' or 'GAY HERE' or 'LOOK THIS CAP MAKES ME LOOK LIKE THE GAY I AM'. Lady you're a straight middle aged woman married to a man and you know it, otherwise you wouldnt have to continuously try convincing everyone and yourself every waking moment of the day.
Hope she catches herself on at some point and realised how much of a idiot she looks but if she's transing one of her kids too she's probably in it for the long haul. He's more like to come to his senses and tell her and his creepy dad to fuck off for ruining his life and publicising the lot on the internet for woke best parents ever points
No. 416614
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came across this on a forum i frequent, and the replies are all about how "passing" he is
….do these people even try, man?
No. 416652
>>416578lol they'll never look like what that stupid filter shows.
>>416595But he's a butiful princess!
No. 416672
>>416595The "wut" comment is killing me KEK
>>416667Honestly I feel so bad for her, I bet he smelled like shit too.
No. 416679
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If anyone has the link for this image would appreciate, would like to see all the responses.
No. 416684
>>416677>that guy>hot>well dressedYou girls truly have weird taste.
>>416601Lmfaooo!! Really though, the fact that she's pushed to the side, literally, so this extra wide face-cancer can take stage upsets me. People will say it's not deliberately but black girls are being extra marginalized thanks to these clown-faced dingleberries
No. 416687
>>416679 comment in the image is the most upvoted, and most of the other comments are in agreement that the sex offender should be left alone, one going "YOU DON'T KNOW THE FULL STORY" lmao.
Males will be males.
No. 416715
Hey along with those last few posts here's some breaking news…
"4 accused of sexually assaulting child while producing porn in New Jersey"
2 of these 4 people were a certain type of person…a type of person mentioned a lot a round here..anyone wanna take a guess? Anyone?? No. 416756
>>416751Mr. Sean Allen, 51, Ms. Marina Volz (formerly known as Matthew Volz), 30, Ms. Ashley D. Romero (formerly known as Adam Romero), 26, and Ms. Dulcinea Gnecco, 19, gall of Coburn Lane in Franklin Township, N.J.
The three men abused this child on video while the 19yr old taped.
No. 416758
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>>416756Look at the piece of shit on the left smiling.
No. 416762
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This popped up on Facebook and it just screams r/thathappened. But honestly if it didn't, why would a troon fucking burden this child about their degeneracy? That's literally the only thing the child knows about them? They wouldn't care or question why you "look different" if you never told them "UwU I feel like a girl so I take medicine" who says this to a child?
No. 416763
>>416756 one uses birth names and lists all the perpetrator's charges.
>Marina E. Volz (formerly known as Matthew L. Volz) – 1st degree Aggravated Sexual Assault, 1st degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (for the manufacturing of Explicit Videos of Minors), two counts of 2nd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (for the possession of child pornography)
>Ashley D. Romero (formerly known as Adam D. Romero) – 1st-degree Aggravated Sexual Assault, 1st degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (for the manufacturing of Explicit Videos of a Minor), two counts of 2nd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor and 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor.
>Sean F. Allen – 1st-degree Aggravated Sexual Assault, three counts of 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (one count specifically for the possession of Explicit Video of a Minor
>Dulcinea Gnecco – 1st degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (for the manufacturing Explicit Video of a Minor and 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a MinorPretty sure "Dulcinea" is also a TiM. IMO, being known and referred to as their male names is the absolute least they deserve.
No. 416768
>>416766 A dick? Excuse me but it's not a dick. Cis men have dicks. The correct term would be a "feminine penis" or you can also call it the clitoris.
Get your biology right bigot.
No. 416770
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No. 416779
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>>416775I've come to loathe pride now. As a teen I went to pride often and had fun. Now it's straight ppl who come to get rainbow facepaint and say how they "want a gay best friend" but "ew lesbians" and troons on how they need to be allowed to wear bondage gear in public cos it's part of their identity.
I'm tired.
No. 416783
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>>416679Holy shit the entitlement and aggressiveness. People look up sex offender registries from time to time, it's not abnormal. It's a reaction to gut feeling and curiosity. They honestly think "Wow so you think all trans are sex offenders so you just look them all up huh?!" No, retard. Obviously OP was friends with them for a while. Bet the commenter has has something to hide too. And theres another comment going "well it could've just been Loli" like KEK way to confirm
that stereotype.
No. 416789
>>416764They are pornsick straight men who have lesbian fetishes and have learned that they can pressure women into fucking them without idiot liberals thinking they're creeps by wearing a dress and using female pronouns.
>>416770This is so accurate kek
>>416775I feel this so hard. The bihets and gawking straight people are annoying, but bearable (at least they're usually supportive towards lgb rights) but awesome twanz gals and pathetic TiFs just ruin it for me. I miss when trans people at pride were actually fucking gay/bi. Sure, it was depressing that they had to butcher their bodies to feel comfortable, and I don't wish dysphoria on anyone, but at least they understood what they were.
No. 416791
>>416789Sorry, meant to respond to
>>416779 about Pride.
No. 416792
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No. 416810
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>>416804I think it's hilarious they don't know how to debate women who say no but only respond with a variation of the STFU TERF meme. Peak activism right there…
No. 416815
This is so funny. TIFs talk about how TIMs dominate all trans spaces and talk over them.
>Gay men and trans women have to dominate everything for some reason.For some reason. I wonder what that reason could possibly be.
No. 416826
>>416775Um excuse you shitlord, trans people literally invented pride and the entire gay rights movement!
>>416815How odd, it’s almost like men and trans-identifying men have something in common.
No. 416846
>>416843I honestly thought they were pretending to be dumbfounded. They really don't get it? Like, it's so apparent.
Why do women and trans men get "called out" the most on social media, but it's treated like taboo to out a trans woman unless another trans woman says something first? Really makes you think, huh.
No. 416851
>>416843Because if they let up on the mental gymnastics they might start to agree with evil TERF logic, which is worse than being a nazi and will lead to them being excommunicated by their entire social circle and targeted for virulent harassment. Sometimes it’s easier to ignore that little voice at the back of your mind and tell yourself you’re simply too dumb to comprehend why 2+2 is actually 5. The emperor sure looks lovely in his new clothes!
>>416850Marsha also called himself a man and admitted that he wasn’t even in the area when the first brick was thrown.
No. 416862
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>>416687what a fucking piece of
hypocritical shit. you bet if the pedo was a cis man they'd be out for blood. i have never once seen any self-proclaimed trans supporter saying this kind of shit when it's a man being outed as a pedophile or rapist. apparently when a trans person does it then it's "just a mistake" and they "shouldn't be outed for it". way to fucking show your true colors, you hypocrite.
"trans women" are allowed to get away with almost literally anything. it's disgusting
No. 416864
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No. 417071
>>417054I definitely feel this. Now that troons are parading around saying "If you're not sexually attracted to ME, you're a transphobic bigot!" Seriously, the narcissism coming from them is sickening.
They need to leave lesbians alone. It'll never work out, even if they tried. It's just manipulative from the moment they try to pursue a lesbian.
Even as a bisexual, I don't want a male who thinks he deserves a vagina to just try to start a relationship with me just so he can compare his body with mine and loathe the entire time. I dated a man who slowly revealed he was an AGP troon briefly, it's mentally scarring.
I'm honestly not as offended by some calling us fakers anymore, especially if we're in current heterosexual relationships. The troons are the ones I'm worried about because they definitely have the spotlight on them now.
We need to keep the sex in sexuality and keep a reminder, the main focus of the LGBT community is the fact people do not accept and are agresssive at the mere concept of homosexual relationships. We deserve to be in homosexual relationships without homophobes trying to "convert" us. Heterosexual trans are basically our number one enemy because they fall under the community. Bisexuals don't do this shit, it's even considered predatory, so why is it okay for them?
No. 417082
>>417054I feel you, anon. The entitlement to sex is one of the main things that made me hit peak trans too. Sadly, people aren't thinking of the trans community/movement critically or don't observe/know enough about it to realize how horrible it actually is. Everyone just wants to be as woke seeming as possible and don't want to risk being on the wrong side of history. I wish more people were aware of the intense NPD rate and other mental health issues they commonly have. Once you find out about the NPD, it's like your eyes are wide open and suddenly the entitlement to sex, raging when women talk about their vaginas, need to put themseleves on a pedastal over real women, and acting like the whole world should cater to them even when it's batshit like sports all makes so much sense. It really changes how you see the community.
Although, even if they know, their allies will just accuse you of being ableist on top of transphobic for daring to insinuate that NPD should impact your view of someone.
No. 417086
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No. 417089
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No. 417102
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I don’t understand how they can beg so much and how they get so much support.
This particular Troon and hid NB gf are always begging for money cause their benefits got cut. Yet, a week or so after this they’re proud to fund some shitty kick-starter.
Is the world blind to this shitty behaviour cause they’re beautiful trans women~
No. 417104
File: 1559483463225.gif (893.75 KB, 540x310, tumblr_prcqc5Zje81u5kd84o2_540…)

This is from HBO's upcoming show Euphoria, already praised by the qweer crowd for featuring a "lesbian" couple that includes a tranny. I saw some scenes and he's clockable as fuck, but this gif really made me gag. He's got a BULGE.
And apparently he models too, which is hilarious because he's awkward looking as fuck and you just know a woman would never get hired to model if she looked like this.
No. 417120
>>417113I haven’t seen a single TIF related thing for pride yet. Everything is about strong and stunning twans women. It’s amazing how once a girl decides to transition it means she’s been socially raised as a man her entire life and gets the same privileges and therefore gets swept under the rug. Meanwhile, call out TIMs for being socialized as men and you get screeched at that there’s no such thing.
TIMs and their brainwashed handmaidens are insane. It makes me really sad girls think they need to transition only to still get treated like secondplace shit.
No. 417144
>>417104This is from the same dude who made Assassination Nation with Hari Nef in it. I'm gonna actually check it out to see where it stands, not on HBO ofc.
Also, not shocked Zendaya's first "gay" role is with a man. Not even shocked she's starring in this, especially since she's big on protect twans women uwu and never says anything about transmen.
No. 417172
>>417155>Jennifer Pritzker>Changed sex in 2013OF COURSE they're part of one of the wealthiest families in America. And that fucking year is right around the time it started getting more mainstream as well.
I hate having his family member as governor, as if taxes here couldn't get any higher. JB's campaign was peak SJW targeted.
No. 417190
>>415278I remember doing stuff like "light as a feather stiff as a board" and "crack an egg on your head, let the yolk run down".
Also pranks like saran wrapping the toilet, putting shaving cream on people hand and tickling their nose with a feather etc.
The closest thing we came to being sexual is turning on a cable porn channel and making fun of how cheesy it was. Or playing truth or dare and daring someone to run around outside (at like 11 pm) with their bra and underwear over their clothes. No one saw, neighborhood was asleep but we still found stuff like that thrilling.
Because we were 13.
No. 417193
File: 1559494105934.png (28.13 KB, 634x209, official trailer euphoria …)

>>417104From the comments.
No. 417195
>>417187I never really thought about it until now but homophobes really do treat lesbians differently than gay men upon knowing they're gay. With men they're in disgust and don't want them near them, but for lesbians they try their best to convince the women they "just haven't found the right man yet" and act worried.
TRAs and troons have turned that "worry" around into anger because of muh transphobia initiated by males who think women are in denial of their sexuality and THEY must be the right man that will make a woman "normal". Wanting to "be the gf" is a fetish. Not transphobia.
No. 417201
>>417104This is his insta can only really pass under certain light/angles, there is no was he can pass through a full season of a TV show. Just not happening.
No. 417204
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>>417201That's a man, baby. His side profile looks even worse, you can see it in the trailer
No. 417208
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>>417104The Netflix show Sense8 has a visually similar “lesbian” couple. How convenient that they get to tick the homosexual, interracial and trans boxes all at once without having to feature any actual icky lesbians!
No. 417213
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>>417209>>417209She drank the koolaid, sorry to say
No. 417218
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>>417208Of course Sense8, it was produced by the Wachowski brothers. They're both troons now.
No. 417276
>>417082>>417054>>417071What trans people are doing by guilting others into having sex with them is RAPE by coercion. This needs to be called out because it's literally everywhere and so
toxic for LGB people.
Slightly personal but I was happy for my younger sister to come out because dating straight men is fucking dangerous for women. Now I feel like she isn't any safer being a lesbian since men have now infiltrated the lesbian community and are now guilting women into sleeping with them.
>>417155Jesus christ, it's funny how many trannies identify as ~socialist~ yet their plastic surgeries and hormones are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the medical industrial complex.
To think that the ACLU is suing Iowa for banning SRS for Medicaid recipients is bizarre–yep because genital mutilation that usually ends up needing follow-up surgeries (and results in the person killing themselves) definitely deserves my taxpayer money.
No. 417277
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>>417276>What trans people are doing by guilting others into having sex with them is RAPE by coercion.Exactly, and its irritating that they try to say "well technically I didnt say that" but im glad there are people not falling for the bullshit.
No. 417286
>>413132It's pretty easy for any average woman to look male with a hair cut and no make up. Men are allowed to be ugly and simple, whereas beauty expectations for women are so much harder for men to emulate.
in other words
f -> m = scaling down beauty, easy mode
m -> f = scaling up beauty, hard mode
No. 417291
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the caption on this was literally just "nya"
No. 417362
>>417353I'm not as optimistic about the future. More men will be open to dating trannies and not see it as gay. The surgeries will improve. More and more kids will get hormones started earlier. Artificial wombs..
It sounds like a dystopian nightmare..
No. 417380’s as if people don’t think about this shit! What did they think was going to happen sending a man to a women’s prison.
“There are about 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, of which 60 are sex offenders.“
It makes me sick that anyone can support these men. When will this idiotic nightmare end?
No. 417398
>>417362We are not at all close to artifical wombs thankfully. There's been research into them for extinct animals like the mammoth. They couldn't place an embryo in an elephant because of the growth difference.
Making an artifical human womb would be a massive task. It would have to be continously being pumped hormones and nutrients from an outside source that would be hard not to contaminate and the artifical womb itself wouldn't be inside a body it would outside of it and have to be monitored. Extremely expensive and would require constant watch. It's not feasible currently and I don't know how it would become legal with the moral and ethical issues. That's why most research for artifical wombs is regarding being able to propagate extinct fauna for ecological reasons.
No. 417415
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What a gem
No. 417436
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>>417380this is how the troon in question looks like. infuriating when articles etc of this and similar events use their own selfies as a way to portray what they look like, which obviously comes across as more feminine and "woman-like", to make them being moved to male prison more outrageous when actually they always look like a men with long hair.
No. 417500
File: 1559575435028.png (253.47 KB, 828x952, 1559070362141.png)

>>412828>>412862>>414241>>414484>>414493this is some of her(Leah) messages that she had with kalvin garrah(TIF).
No. 417516
>>417431There will always truly hetero men who will never want to be with someone with a dick even if they are the hottest "woman" in the room. They won't want them or even accept someone that used to have a dick and now it's gone because its still not a biological woman.
I just wonder about these full of shit guys you mention and their influence on straight men. Also the trannies who want "straight men only!". Like any guy that's on the fence may think it's straight especially guys in their teens who are a lot more open to new effed up ideas vs us old folk.
This is embarrassing and I hate to admit it and my reason for doing it but I went on a site and catfished as a tranny with pics of myself. I said I had a huge dick and was vers but only took pics at angles where you couldn't tell in teddies and stuff. This wasn't it was a sex/ adult site.
I don't know how many emails I got in a few months. 300? 400? But when looking at the profiles of the men who wanted to get fucked by my giant tranny dick, most of them had listed themselves as STRAIGHT. Some had straight listed in their profiles and said they were looking to meet women AND tv/ts.
I never replied to anyone, or outed anyone or shared pics but it was unbievable. Guys with spouses and gf's that want to rim me, probably before they go home and kiss their wife. Getting lots of pics with the same pose… Naked, bent over, ass spread showing their buttholes, hard dick hanging down…
It just kinda freaked me out . Straight shouldn't be redefined because that's how they see it. If a man tells me he's straight I want him to mean it. But if these people in denial of their own sexuality won't call it what it is how can I be sure without asking?
No. 417527
>>417517they are just gay and bi men in denial. sexual orientation is based on sex. i understand that they could find a passing tim hot unknowingly but if they are still attracted to them knowing that they are trans, they are attracted to males. there is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
another problem is that these people complain about sex education being so "cisnormative" as if cis male-tim sex isn't the same thing as gay sex, cis male-tif sex isn't the same thing as straight sex.
No. 417530
>>417509It's not up to us to slide into their DMs, though.
They have to try to come to
us and make complete fools of themselves by demanding validation, just to get shut down with the truth. Idiots like this are just an embarrassment.
If I was still a libfem, this would've made me shake my head and veer even farther away from GC stuff. Walking, loud stereotypes are the last thing we need.
>inb4 some trannies read this and start making insane TERF sockpuppet accounts to false flag No. 417545
>>417509>If they start experiencing hostility because of it they will drop it as fast as they picked it up.I doubt it. In my experience it makes them feel extra justified that they’re the underdog fighting oppression and double down even harder.
Don’t harass people.
>>417517It’s quite common for gay or bi men to be in denial. This is why the term “men who have sex with men” is often used in surveys and on medical forms instead of asking men whether they identify as hetero/bi/homosexual.
No. 417551
>>417509>If they start experiencing hostility because of it they will drop it as fast as they picked it up.Are you literally retarded? Trannies are met with extreme hostility and non-white ones are murdered in hate crimes more than any other group. Clearly hostility isn't the solution.
Also, these people are severely mentally ill, you asshole. The people we should be hostile toward are the health professionals handing hormones out like candy and promoting mutilation as a totally reasonable solution to feeling uncomfortable with your gender. Harassing sick people who are getting horrible guidence from the very people who are supposed to be helping them is not only ineffective, but makes you a shitty human being.
No. 417565
File: 1559584231835.jpeg (48.37 KB, 369x393, E5A81737-AD36-4D3A-A697-21CFBB…)

No. 417568
File: 1559584935392.jpg (127.08 KB, 657x1200, DiO-yVpU0AEHpkE.jpg)

Literally no one asks guys if they choose female characters like that kek
same artist as the twans catgirls uwu: comments on all his art is seeping AGP
No. 417573
>>417527>these people complain about sex education being so "cisnormative" as if cis male-tim sex isn't the same thing as gay sex, cis male-tif sex isn't the same thing as straight sexb-b-but anon, it's
different because having sex with trans people SAVES THEIR LIVES
No. 417576
>>417545If you're going to be in denial about it fine. But I don't think it's right to say you're straight, date a woman, and keep it from her. If you're in your 30's and had a phase in college and never went back fine. But if you are dating around, actively dating women and trans and/or men at the same time they should know. 1 in 5 Gay or Bisexual men have HIV. If you want to be with a Bisexual guy the risk is higher, probably goes for other STDs too.
Also who wants to imagine the guy they are dating on his hands and knees taking it doggy from a tranny? Yuck..
No. 417596
>>417551No, you are fucking retarded and don't do your research.
"There are more bad statistics though. That same article tells us that “globally 1,700 transgender murders have been reported, in the past seven years, according to Arcus data” [emphasis mine].
Your eyes immediately drift to the ‘1,700’ figure, and don’t see the 7 years, do they? That’s why I bolded it. If we take the 0.6% estimate of trans people in the US and apply it globally to a population of 7 billion people, we get 42 million people. 1,700 divided by seven years gives us a grand total of 242 murders a year. That amounts to 0.003 murders per capita of trans people, worldwide, every year. That’s definitely not an epidemic. In fact, that’s a global murder rate lower than every other category on earth." No. 417644
>>417218>>417224here's a pastebin of the rolling stone article mentioned in the hufpo one. found it archived on an old forum yesterday and saved it, but that forum seems to be down now. it's probably temporary but I thought i'd mention it just in case.
No. 417694
File: 1559620301423.png (1.33 MB, 1242x930, D7_0uzoXkAEos-D.png)

>>417667Just tired of them creeping into every social media space with their propaganda. Makes the LGB community look retarded in the first place when we ally with the mentally ill.
No. 417707
>>417694Non-retarded people realized the corporate intentions two years ago when this started picking up. I’ve only seen pushback for it this year.
An awesome trans gal transbian who runs a small Japanese import arcade with other awesome trans gals near me just announced today that they made their logo based on the trans flag colors, so actually they’re celebrating pride all year long~! Troonism isn’t a personality, they say. They’re just like you and me, they say.
No. 417709
File: 1559623257148.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 2448x3264, 1559320346709.jpg)

From /soc/, a woman who transitioned to have gay sex with men. Doesn't even mind the fact she has a vagina, but said that her breasts caused her dysphoria.
I didn't know breasts meant nipples as well
No. 417714
>>417709>I didn't know breasts meant nipples as wellI don't think it does. see
>>413132I wonder if the surgeon she went to gave her the type of mastectomy that women with breast caner are given?
No. 417722
>>417709Well by getting rid of the nipples she’s just that much closer to becoming one of the yaoi boys that she may or may not have been so obsessed with she decided to emulate.
(Idk how familiar this board is with anime but anime boys often don’t have nipples)
No. 417730
>>417722This board is literally like all about anime and there are so many fujos on here. Funny though.
>>417709This is busted as fuck. What the hell. Does anyone else clearly still see a female figure outside of the whole not having a dick thing
No. 417741
File: 1559629209216.jpg (28.49 KB, 830x97, Untitled.jpg)

I hope this guy's fiance visits here soon.
No. 417764
File: 1559634366277.jpeg (124.6 KB, 1080x712, F858FE34-729A-439B-BC84-0B3D9A…)

This is the 20 yr old troon who said he was going to paint his nails the troon flag color and punch his fair, disapproving grandma in the face, the same grandma who drives him to work since he doesn’t have a license. Imagine being so psychotic and internally jealous of women that you’re bitter your own grandma has found a little joy in life.
No. 417765
File: 1559634540826.jpeg (94.43 KB, 1080x640, 4B5ED50F-4C81-461F-8BD6-EC0F35…)

>>417764Would love to hear about those results lol
No. 417767
>>417765Based grandma
>>417764Think he's thread-worthy?
No. 417776
File: 1559636390937.png (433.86 KB, 940x1282, CD815BB1-5A89-435C-994A-2CEB2D…)

>>417773He cancelled his shitty webcomic after the first chapter unfortunately. No mention of twans shit in it but of course his bio is just “20 yr old trans woman and creator of (this webcomic)”. Dem CWC vibez
No. 417807
I see this article was posted before
>>417596 but figured I would also share the summary of what it discusses for those who don’t have the time now to read through the entire thing and to reiterate the importance of that article and the information it contains (copied and pasted from radfem tumblr):
Proposition 1 and lobbying
The juxtaposition of the idea that transgender people are America’s most oppressed minority, while:
“Bathroom Bills” are international news, and met with boycotts if unpassed
Transgender causes get more funding than gay, lesbian, and bisexual causes combined
Transgender Americans have a per-capita (aka adjusted for population size) murder rate lower than any other demographic in the United States.
Astroturfing and social media
Dangers of medical transitioning:
Everything is off-label
Unknown effects on brain development and signs of rapid bone decay from use of “puberty blockers”
Proven increase in cancer and heart attack frequency on HRT
No proven decrease in suicidal ideation from HRT or surgery
The effect on gay and lesbian individuals:
Non-conforming behaviour in children (eg boy playing with dolls) seen as a medical condition to be treated, rather than normal play
A long history of studies proving that the majority of these non-conforming children grow up to be healthy gay and lesbian adults, or simply non-conforming straight adults.
Branding of lesbians as “hateful” if they are not interested in penises
And much more.
No. 417809
File: 1559648991500.gif (3.74 MB, 496x280, badguy.gif)

I kind of wish I could go back to being a blind SJW lefty. Being GC is really not fun at all when you have troon friends and have to navigate what you say to them carefully at risk of being 'canceled'. I do feel as though GC stuff is correct and logically sound but it just makes me feel like the bad guy.
No. 417813
>>417809I think a lot of us here are in the same boat, we have a ton of libfem friends and trannies in our social circles and would probably be socially ostracized if we voiced our opinions. I don't miss my times as an oblivious TRA activist though because I know their pseudoscience simply
can't last long because more and more traumatized trans kids will speak up in the future. Medical companies and trans organizations are just milking the fad hardcore because they know this. They know it'll fall eventually which is why they're pushing it so aggressively.
No. 417824
File: 1559652698814.gif (Spoiler Image,3.96 MB, 375x500, oh my god.gif)

Thank you to our friends over at Kiwifarms for this horrifying gif of a TiF's phalloplasty. She kept her vulva.
No. 417846
File: 1559656142720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2448x3264, lol.jpeg)

This dude's eye make-up killed me. Any regular "cis guy" would be better at applying make-up ffs.
No. 417849
File: 1559656554182.gif (Spoiler Image,5.06 MB, 375x500, noodle.gif)

>>417827Here's the flappy noodle. Totally "cis-passing".
No. 417857
File: 1559657605209.jpg (9.3 KB, 355x247, gogirl.jpg)

>>417856It's the same person as
>>417824, she still has her urethra in it's normal place so she's using an urination device like pictured to pee standing. It's not a troon specific item, it's originally marketed to women going in places where sitting to pee might not be convienent.
No. 417873
File: 1559661205813.jpg (Spoiler Image,568.88 KB, 2048x1536, 1559326397490.jpg)

>>417850unfortunately there's evidence that yes, somehow they do. Also she posted before pics and looked like an actual normal human being. this picture won't show that though
No. 417980
>>417716Hilarious that they all identify as commies too; they're as communist as they are female.
>>417846>being this delusional and overconfident>>417913>>417922I already see a lot of pushback, especially now that TRAs are coming for straight men, and because they can't keep their degeneracy hidden away from the public. People are stupid and susceptible to peer pressure, but there are limits. Unfortunately, I think the LGB community will take a big hit when the public reaches peak trans.
No. 417997
>>417848I'm really sorry to have to link this, but: safe for work, life, or your soul. abandon hope all ye who enter here.
No. 418014
File: 1559686357508.jpg (135.66 KB, 597x867, tumblr_psgz0c7Clu1wpsdwi_640.j…)

I remember a blog getting a lot of questions about transwomen taking japanese names and if its cultural appropriation. I wonder how common this is?
No. 418015
File: 1559686562297.jpeg (250.38 KB, 750x571, 565E7ED5-4E46-46FC-8C49-D7EAC7…)

>>417997Was browsing and found this gem. Of course the comment below is trying to convince him he’s trans.
No. 418021
File: 1559687292294.jpg (752.77 KB, 1079x2032, Screenshot_20190604-150540_Red…)

No. 418116
I made a collage of neovags from
>>417997nsfl obviously.
not uploading here in case someone hovers over it accidentally. No. 418124
File: 1559705357266.png (701.72 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_20190604-222443(1).…)

Happy pride! Only focus on the trans!
>>418014>VowelsIf that's not the biggest indicator majority of of trans people are autistic I dunno what to tell you
No. 418217
>>418212Homosexual will be a TERF term for a while only until a popular troon says "No guys… stop it. I'm homosexual as hell, I love my gf. We're both female. I'm super gay."
Remember, MTF means they can change sex so it's whatever to them.
Now that I think about it, aren't a majority of non binary people considered straight because not everyone's definition of non-binary is the same, so a lot of them aren't dating someone of the same sex. Enby and non-enby relationships are technically straight so they should stop trying to call themselves gay all the time.
No. 418234
>>418217How dare you anon, a gay is anyone who identifies as a gay!
I figured they’ll take offense to hereto/homo/bisexual at some point because those imply that sex is binary and not a social construct or nebulous spectrum. It probably depends on how far gone they are. Even the most fervent libfem allies I know have trouble keeping up with the terminology and dogma and are constantly having to correct themselves and apologise. It must be so exhausting.
>>418218Geek social fallacy #1 would be my guess. LGB people are historically marginalised and ostracised so they band together into a community to support each other. Any community based on a mutual desire for support and acceptance will be more hesitant to exclude anyone because that would make ‘us’ just as bad as ‘them’. When people confuse boundaries with exclusiveness it becomes very easy for narcissistic types to insert and centre themselves in the name of inclusivity, even if those people aren’t who the community was created for at all. You can’t get rid of them because that would be exclusion and Not Excluding People is a founding principle of your community, right?
Adding the T made sense at the time because practically all transsexuals were effeminate gay men or butch lesbians, but it’s what opened the LGB community up to anyone who’s not 100% heteronormative as opposed to strictly same-sex attracted people.
No. 418244
File: 1559731868202.jpg (6.02 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)
>The Catastrophist, or: On coming out as trans at 37
>In March 2018, I came out to myself as a trans woman. Six weeks later, I started having the dream.In it, my wife and I are on the run, driving up the backroads that hug the California coast. I don’t know why we’re running, but I do know we are trying to get to Canada. Our daughter, who doesn’t exist in reality but feels so, so real in the dream, is in the back, too young to understand what is happening.
>The other car comes out of nowhere, crashing into us and running us off the road. Usually in the dream, there’s a jump cut, like my brain is omitting part of a memory it blacked out. A uniformed officer gets out of the car. He drags our daughter from our grasp. And then he shoots me.
>I have the dream enough times that it loses its sting. I try to see past its surface to the crew members who must be just outside the frame, holding boom mics and moving the camera. I try to imagine what happens between the edits. I try to make the dream feel less like prophecy and more like the pastiche I know it is.>It was obvious to me even the first few times I had the dream that my subconscious was disassembling The Handmaid’s Tale — first one of my favorite books and then one of my favorite TV shows — and reassembling it to cope with a reality I was still barely able to think about, not without feeling my very self split apart into atoms. >What happened in the dream bore striking similarities to the opening scene of the TV show, where roughly the same events unfold. I had simply transplanted those events to a more familiar California geography.
>I have never had this experience with a TV show, not really. I watch so much television that my subconscious generally knows how to flush it. But from the moment the series debuted in 2017 to the moment I started having the dream the next year, The Handmaid’s Tale felt magnetic to some part of me, particularly its story of a handmaid named Emily, who watched her wife and son flee to Canada, then found herself suffering a fate worse than death.
>I had the dream for only a few weeks, but I’ve come to recognize it as an important step in allowing myself to acknowledge my womanhood. In my day-to-day life, I slouched through the world, perceived as a man, invisible but miserable. But in the dream, I felt free. In the dream, I wore jeans and a T-shirt, but unmistakably women’s jeans and a T-shirt. I had breasts, and my voice was a smooth alto. My daughter called me mommy. My wife called me her wife. The dream was a tiny gift my brain gave me each night, telling me I was doing the right thing by transitioning. Th article is very long. I only got that far.
No. 418254
>>418250Source ?
It can't be that bad
No. 418266
>>418218In the age of the internet I feel like a lot of people fear they would be disowned by their friends or straight up doxxed if they posted something against troons. Especially the LGB community as we already have a hard time getting people to take us seriously anyway, it probably looks bad to be infighting with the T, even though I personally don't believe the T belongs in LGB anyway. But the T is making us look so fucking stupid right now, we need to get them out LGB for good.
Sidenote: Pride is bringing out all the Ace straights who think they are "discriminated against" and belong in the LGB, we shouldn't accept them either.
No. 418269
File: 1559737302344.jpg (122.45 KB, 720x551, 20190605_141600.jpg)

This was said by a troon.They are becoming more entitled and calling themselves female. Jfc why all fashion-culture mags are pro- troon kweer agenda
No. 418271
File: 1559737393854.png (Spoiler Image,2.57 MB, 1188x3552, the delusion is real.png)

>>418250Curiousity got the better of me and I searched wlw and…fucking lol this guy shitting up the tag with his selfies. And yep-his tumblr is filled with naked bruised womens bodies and bitching about terfs, imagine my shock.
But again-hes one of those "transwomen are bio women" and yet when pressed on it offers no answer. I would love to know the mental gymnastics these fools hop through to justify their stance.
No. 418274
>>418250I don't know if this is common for other artfags, but in my experience I've felt some pressure within friend groups and within tumblr (back when everyone posted their art there) to actively draw things that are as progressive as possible. You see it more with randos who will anonymously message you "Why don't you have any X couples?" "Why don't you have any trans X?", and often it starts politely (not always) but then it progresses into harassment and dirtying of one's reputation. I strongly believe artists do this shit because they're afraid of harassment and try to come off as friendly as possible. The reasons also differ depending on if It's a big artist or a small artist.
It's pretty bad. I can't enjoy the content that i like nor draw it because some retard inside or outside my friend group is going to leer at me. I'm not even straight and i still get shit.
tldr; artfags afraid of backlash make drawings as progressive as possible, no room for differentiation because everyone is watching
>>418271>all that pink bondage gear behind him No. 418278
>>418262Can't let women have something without involving men! Men are already implicitly included in the gay/bi/pan flags so changing those isn't necessary, but they need to mark the lesbian one as their territory too.
>>418271>that IMVU avatar tagged #me>assuming people masturbate to him and want to have sex with himoof>instagram: @autogynephiliacwell I mean at least he admits it I guess
The "transwomen are bio women" mental gymnastics probably involve arguing that genderfeels are the only thing that defines if someone is male or female and that biological sex is imaginary, in the same way that a penis on a "woman" is a female penis because it's a "woman's" penis. You have to throw all conventional definitions of woman/female out the window and instead argue that a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman, but that's the direction we're heading in.
No. 418295
File: 1559740047383.png (25.99 KB, 462x464, menwomen.png)

Sage, but, I am so fed up of troons taking over Pride Month and I am grateful that this thread exists. Just knowing I am not the only one with GC thoughts helps.
Thank you.
No. 418304
>>418244Can I…kill myself? It’s so frustrating seeing trannies appropriate this show and the fears surrounding it when they literally aren’t biological females. The fact that the subreddit is run by men should be a huge red flag to anyone.
Also I think the dick/vag fetishist argument is dumb since the word “fetishist” implies that you have such an obsession with genitalia that you’ll date anyone with your preferred genitals for a partner. Like last time I checked, I’m not attracted to all men who have a penis. I am actually repulsed by 90% of men, even the hot ones once they open their mouths.
I just feel like trannies’ arguments and insults don’t even make sense but no one questions them and it’s infuriating. Why can’t we think critically about social movements? It’s actually fucking Orwellian.
No. 418306
>>418169Same, I will never use it. Pink one is way better.
>>418250>using "wlw" in the search bar>going on TumblrThat's why.
To answer the question, on r/truelesbians they have a pinned post with lesbian comics, it's even quite long.
No. 418307
File: 1559742165922.jpg (111.4 KB, 1280x720, lesbians.jpg)

>>418250If you're into anime-style shit, Their Story is a super cute one.
No. 418319
>>418244I'm so tired of men who have built these established careers in fields women have to claw their way into and never stop facing harassment in suddenly ~becoming women~ once they're safe. And no matter how much they surround their rationale in billowing bullshit, it's always something so obviously flimsy and ridiculous like this. "I just connected to this story of a world that absolutely would not threaten me as its built on oppressing women for their reproductive capabilities!!!!" It's like when this comic critic I used to follow had the same moment, except then it was "I was just always so drawn to cool badass punky dykes………………." Yes it's because you're both boring straight men desperate for something to give you insta-meaning and depth and personality without having to build selfhood. Fuck off. I work in a creative industry and I'm so tired of "women's groups" where we all feel awkward because we're obviously gravitating towards each other as real females, talking about girlhood trauma we work off of and fears about pregnancy impacting our careers and issues like housework and self-doubt and harassment and we all have to be Good Girls who remember to include the men who grew up shitting on us because they're in the room too and now soothing their feelings is another part of our womanly job.
Todd VDW was always a boring writer anyway.
No. 418344
>>418274nta, but I've noticed this being incredibly common for anyone who especially decides to be a dedicated tumblr or twitter artist. The ones who pander risk stumbling and being crucified. I think most deliberately go for mid-level artists because they're becoming more well known, but they lack the safety nets of a big name.
I think it's best to do your own thing and ignore those kind of requests and questions completely. Stick to your guns. It seems that artists who yield to the pandering dig a deep hole for themselves. They're suddenly put up on a high pedestal, but, the moment they misgender someone's headcanon on the wrong day, they'll fall very, very far.
At least, by not pandering, they'll be annoyed, but they won't have much against you without looking like someone begging for free art, and you'll have your dignity and a portfolio you can enjoy.
It's a little harder to get noticed w/o trans-pandering, but I have a genuinely supportive base now because of that.
No. 418365
File: 1559751016484.jpeg (291 KB, 1125x1784, F8D83199-1932-4AC2-AA8B-E2F79B…)

Saw this on my feed today. TiMs felt left out, of course
No. 418366
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No. 418367
File: 1559751065548.png (4.79 MB, 1125x2436, F0CB0E1C-F858-449B-B15D-5CDF48…)

No. 418452
>>417849I have so many questions.
What is it made out of? Can it get erections like a normal penis? If not, what is the point?
No. 418456
File: 1559766040162.jpg (16.46 KB, 720x387, FB_IMG_1559765832581.jpg)

Stop the world i want to get off
No. 418469
File: 1559769118055.png (1.14 MB, 644x856, stop.png)

>>418456>>418271Why is it always the ugly and obviously male ones who are like this?
Also another ginger…like why?!
No. 418506
>>417764Imagine being this mad about an old lady doing harmless craft projects
>>417846You can tell which ones are pornsick or hentai obsessed by how high they think their "breasts" should be. No, dude, the bra should not be that high under your armpit and the cups should not be on your collarbone. Even bolt ons wouldn't be that high.
No. 418558
>>418274I'm an artfag. I don't do fanart anymore, but a couple years ago I got hate mail for drawing the gems from Steven Universe with cleavage. God forbid I be a normal lesbian who finds female bodies attractive.
The Homestuck fandom was particularly bad about this. I've seen people get harrassed for drawing the human kids white, for not drawing the trans character's mastectomy scars big enough, and for drawing too many characters thin. It makes me wonder why these people don't just leave everyone else alone and make their own shitty PC art.
No. 418559
File: 1559776638292.png (149.09 KB, 402x503, AGP.png)

they arnt even hiding it at this point, its just a fetish.
No. 418560
>>418559Hentai was a mistake. Why did Japan had to infect the West with their degeneracy, as if we didn't have enough to begin with.
Does this dipshit realize that most hentai is anatomically incorrect, that it's drawn by men? TiMs make me sick.
No. 419110
File: 1559871511291.jpg (388.58 KB, 1280x1107, tranny comic.jpg)

Art made by troons is so fucking terrible and childish, compare pic related (or text related) to OP's image or the sinfest comics in
>>408832>>408833>>408834>>408835>>408836 No. 420503
File: 1560211103712.png (826.65 KB, 1436x2707, Screenshot_20190610-192026~2.p…)

>>417500Here's her threatening someone she disagrees with
No. 420824
>>420503I hate that Leah is like this. I assume that since she is friends with Terri she does actual good activism. I don’t always agree with Terri (especially her videos on motherhood privilege), but she does more for women that most self-proclaimed radfems, and I think people’s negative reaction to her is disproportionate.
But I didn’t like just how crass Leah is (and I love sassy and rude women..) and how she talks about women who need support and help and aren’t quite there yet calling them HOPs and saying absolutely disgusting stuff about them. Then seeing her weird worship of male musicians with fucking creep David Bowie on her walls like what a hypocrite. And now people say she fucks around with shady men, too? Fucking lol
Leah’s face and voice and way of talking also just elicits the
strongest urge to punch her in her stupid mouth