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File: 1734478740497.png (3.07 MB, 1520x1556, TUNA.png)

No. 949775

Previous Thread: >>945214
The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s dying dad) by squatting in his apartment, stealing his belongings and leeching off his social security until he died. The gruesome twosome was soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent
>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom government poverty home, which ultimately drove Luna’s mother to relapse and go to inpatient
>Ebil dad’s apartment caught on fire, Luna took the opportunity to garner more uwu points by spreading ashes on her face

Current Saga:
>living in a boarding house with lurch and pumpkin
>has a new friend she goes to the methadone clinic with
>"sober" but still inhales benzos like oxygen
>publicly sharing her "lifting" hauls now
>she vapes now
>was in hospital for 2 months
>secret reddit was found
>publicly back on fent

>stole 353 dollars worth of cosmetics and skincare >>945933
>pillowgate ensues with a horrifying picture of her arms >>946013
>dad cuts her off >>946169, >>946407
>ramps up self harm claims >>946364, >>946529
>complaining about doing sw when she doesn't even have an OF >>946564
>calls out men for being pedos while calling her bf a pedo >>946581
>banned from snapchat >>946765
>couldn't figure out how to use filters on insta >>946766, >>946767
>insight on the airbnb saga >>946783
>claims the only thing that would help her is oxy >>947147
>lunas anime waifu saga begins >>947149, >>947409
>anowexic qween >>947215
>new lurch lore drops >>947244
>dad blocks her >>947511
>nail fungus starts >>948253
>her "beautiful clear skin" without a filter >>948344, >>948351
>fighting with lurch and cutting herself >>948557
>got a new switch lite >>948791, >>948794
>got her bridge pierced again >>948921, >>948922
>facebook suspended >>949024
>nose blush arc begins >>949050
>stole another 100s of stuff >>949112, >>949113, >>949115
>claims she brings her cat to the vet when its obviously sickly >>949232
>harold.jpeg >>949248
>the cursed vibrator dies >>949461

https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/ (inactive)
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

No. 949776

No. 949777

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No. 949779

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No. 949781

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No. 949785

Just because you don't get handed piles of oxy doesn't mean your doctor doesn't care. You're in physical therapy, which is to SOLVE the pain issue. You just wanna be handed pills to get high off. Also, being not being 300lbs would probably help a majority of your "pain"

No. 949787

She’s a fright.

No. 949792

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this new anime girl obsession feels so odd for her

No. 949793


No. 949794

The personalities she goes through…
Do you think it's real BPD or just being a loser poser all the time?

No. 949807

She's doing physical therapy once a week, the rest of the time she sits on her fat ass, and she blames the doctors for her fucked up back. Back problems from being 300lbs and not owning any furniture is not "chronic pain", she needs to stop sitting on the floor and find a park bench to do her seated rehab exercises outside of the supervised weekly visits.

No. 949810

It also doesn't help that she's constantly bored and gets no distractions from the pain. When your attention is focused on a task like work, a hobby, cleaning etc you stop paying attention for a bit until you're reminded of the pain by a certain movement or something. Then you assume a position that alleviates the pain and continue what you were doing.

No. 949816

All BPDemons are loser posers kek.

No. 949821

i think she's around lurch so often and spends such little time interacting with other women that she's picking up weird moid fixations even if lurch himself doesn't share them

No. 949835

She probably is geting familiar with anime aesthetics due to using her switch more often, but a weeb and cosplay Tuna arc would be so interesting, like a discout momo kun. I hope she realizes she can make more money than whatever she's doing currently by playing with coomer fantasies

No. 949836

A 100lbs person's back would hurt from laying down all day.
Fuck my back hurts if I stay in bed too long.
She's just so fucking stupid.

No. 949840

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Sage for ancient milk but re-reading through Tuna's first few threads I found this, it seems the fungus has been among us longer than we all remembered kek

No. 949849

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Her bridge piercing looks so gross. Are those bumps the scars from her old piercing or are they keloids?

No. 949850

just more proof that she is clueless when it comes to anything anime related. She is superficial and just likes the aesthetics of things. I'm glad, because the last thing the world needs is her fat ass in a Rem cosplay.

No. 949851

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didn't see this one posted- I have to say, she's a jump scare every time she pops up, especially a smiling selfie. my first thought when I see her is "oh god"

No. 949852

they definitely look like the starts of keloids, if not they’re at least ugly looking irritation bumps from her not taking care of her piercing properly at all. i hope she does get huge ugly keloids on it, it would serve her right

No. 949855

Conveniently covering Pumpkins fucked up fur after the backlash she got last time for her poor health

No. 949856

Nah, keloids are pretty rare and look way worse than that. She probably just irritated it by slathering crap on it. I bet it's going to get infected soon

No. 949859

It just looks like foundation covered crusty, scabby, pus, chunks.

No. 949861

Those are definetly some big, nasty irritation bumps. You need to completely stop fucking with it so that the bumps go away but there's no way she'll heal them. They're gonna get worse, bigger, bright red and bloody. And shes so gross and unsanitary, slathering on makeup with bacteria ridden hands/tools, it's gonna get infected too.

No. 949864

>the fungus among us
kek'd. Also I feel like I should point out, albeit with no proof other than seeing it, that the pornified anime sticker pack that she purchased was one of the free "gift" options from Wish (or something similar) for a while a month or two back. It came with 100 or 200 mostly AI designs of weird, amputated-looking cropped images of semi-identifiable anime characters. I don't think she technically bought them based on desiring them, I think it was probably just a toss up between which free useless item she wanted more.

No. 949867

The fact that they look like that under the industrial strength filter means they look 10x worse in real life. Grody

No. 949868

jesus. i guess we’ve never seen her toes but judging from the fungus on her fingernails it’s likely her toenails are absolutely rotted out. does anyone know if they have any sort of private sink in their room or is all running water a public shared space? she seems like the pee bottle type so i can only imagine how often she actually cleans herself. like, i’m betting she gives herself wipe downs with baby wipes instead of showering.
i’m betting her “washing” her face is just using a makeup wipe to take off her layers of lotion and foundation

No. 949869

there's no sink or anything in their room. It's just a tiny room with barely enough room to fit their bed, a tiny nightstand, pumpkin's litterbox, and a tv on a small tv stand. They have to use a shared bathroom with everyone else on their floor. Even before when they did have a place with their own bathroom lurch was pissing in bottles though (tuna accidently drank it once) so I wouldn't be surprised if she's taken to it too.

No. 949870

One other item in their room: they do have a mini fridge/freezer combo, w a microwave on top, which maybe came w/ the room (often does w/ kitchen-less accommodations in NYC & surrounding areas.) She never mentions that, bc it disrupts her narrative of 'not having access to healthy food,' but it's there, cut off in the background of some pics, and looks like both appliances are stainless steel, in fine condition. Probably just used for International Delights gallons of high fructose corn sugar/oil 'creamer'/coffee mix, before it gets used as a pee jug.

No. 949873

oh god i forgot about that debacle. thank you nona for reminding me.
i mean a fridge and microwave doesn’t necessarily increase access to healthy food especially when you barely graduates high school to become a full time junkie on welfare and have zero concept of nutrition. she’s a lazy fatass just blaming everyone but herself for her abhorrent living conditions and obesity

No. 949881

Kek I think those are keloids… Does she ever take those piercings off? Don't they need to be cleaned sometimes? Cute headband though

No. 949882

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You don't even know how keeping new piercings clean works but you think you know better than the nonas who are saying they're not keloids? Keloids look fucking gnarly. Sure she's gross and she sucks but Luna just has irritation bumps

No. 949888

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wow luna, skinny legend

No. 949889

Fast food seems to be the only thing they actually spend money on. Does ebt or whatever they get cover fast food too?

No. 949890

In NY, there is an EBT extra allowance on top of regular food stamps that ppl who are homeless, generally, can request and may or may not get depending on the level of proof they have of homelessness. I don't think Lurch & Luna would qualify for it, or would be able to finagle getting that, so basically no. Some bodegas in NY will let you buy prep'd food using the kind of misunderstood rule of 'only cold food allowed' to be sold using EBT, like cold sandwiches. I'm shocked that they're spending $ on fast food, too, so there's a slight chance they have the restaurant allowance based on not having a place to prep food in their home.

No. 949891

nyart and idk if theyre keloids or not, but she's had her bridge pierced 2/3 times and slowly had them get infected and reject. I don't think its impossible that it's scar tissue, but it also could be her foundation gunking up the piercing.

No. 949894

Piercing fag:
They are hypertrophic scar piercing bump, which refers to a raised, firm bump that can develop around a piercing site due to an overproduction of collagen during the healing process, essentially a small, localized scar that appears as a bump around the piercing hole; it's often caused by friction or irritation around the piercing and can sometimes be slightly red and itchy, but unlike a keloid, it usually stays confined to the original piercing area.

No. 949895

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Outside view of the trap house

No. 949896

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No. 949897

>2 sodas each

No. 949898

I appreciate that Lurch has the decency to hide his face from the public, perhaps Tuna can take some pointers from him now that her filters have gone. He looks like a giant fly about to shoot its tongue out and suck those sodas dry.
Incredible that Tuna's only now learning how light works. If only her brain wasn't too fried to put up some decent curtains.

No. 949899

Oh, she's got her filters back, so she can pretend to be attractive again.
Lurch looks so comical constantly wearing a mask. And wearing sunglasses at night. Who is he hiding from, wearing all that disguise? I so badly want to see his teeth. He keeps his mouth so firmly shut in photos. Let's see, Luna, please?

No. 949900

Wtf is her residence technically listed as? Has she doxxed herself before with this place? It doesn't look as ghetto as I expected.

No. 949902

Their filth is escaping from the window and staining the frame.

Love how lurch patched the hole in his jacket with a bandaid tbh. kek

No. 949905

Sun glasses inside and it's dark out. Us he hiding pinned pupils or incredibly insecure about his looks?

No. 949907

Maybe he developed a lazy eye kek

No. 949909

I followed luna back in the day when I was an impressionable teen and now that I’ve reached adulthood I can fully realize the sadness of her existence. Has this girl ever done normal young adult things? drunk brunch with some girlfriends? Taken a trip, fly on a plane? Has she ever gone anywhere outside of New York even? it seems like due to finances the only things her entire life has revolved around are drugs and shitty toys. It’s insane to me that she hasn’t changed in the probably ten years it’s been since I was exposed to her(blog)

No. 949910

it’s one of those former office buildings converted into low income housing. rooms are an efficiency with a shared bathroom on each floor.
not at all. she has no real friends. just a geriatric older junkie boyfriend that groomed her (and hasn’t taken a shit in a month). super bleak. she’s been a junkie, hasn’t really worked. lived in squalor this whole time. just… getting fat, infected, fungusy, and making disgusting content for randos on the internet. super depressing. she was always a cow, but when you think about those questions and the life she’s basically thrown away to glamorize this squalid lifestyle with a disgusting moid… oooof

No. 949911

this. keloids aren’t common on white ppl, it’s melanated skin that needs to worry about keloids. what most people call keloids on piercings is just hypertrophic scarring and is easily treated. Keloids do no go away, and even with serious surgical intervention can grow back.

what’s happening is the swelling is pushing on alllll that old scar tissue causing it to raise up. the only good thing is the scar tissue may keep it from rejecting and pushing out of her skin.

No. 949916

Is he worried tommy two fingers from down the block is gonna break his knees from selling him a bad batch. He sticks out more with this ridiculous disguise. Personally when someone is wearing a mask outside of the subway you look more suspicious.

They’re like a pair of cartoon villains, someone should draw them in a Hannah barbera style. Like the villains from rocky and bullwinkle if they switched genders and body types but way stupider and dirtier.

No. 949917

Stop derailing about the piercing bumps. We do not need 5 anons chiming in that they are not keloids.

No. 949922

She's consistently posted selfies in front of the place for a good while now. Just browse the list of supported housing in the area if you're curious

No. 949930

If you Google image search that picture you can see her address and the street view of what's around. She really is a spoiled fucking brat.

No. 949932

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I'm pretty surprised how nice the area & location is! Doesn't have access to healthy food, my ass. It's only one block from the Metro-North train, which goes into NYC for a few bucks, quickly. When you're on EBT, you qualify for 1/2 price public transportation, too, in NYC.

No. 949935

Mamaroneck is a nice area. I’m surprised they even allow rooming house shit there.

No. 949936

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No. 949937

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every day she has to show off “her own little space” and it’s just stolen junk arranged together

No. 949938

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The scar tissue on that bridge piercing really adds to her look

No. 949940

Why is at least one of those bottles already empty, unless they're old bottles she managed to keep? The methadone clinic req's attendance 6 days per week, only Sundays off, unless you've had many drug tests clean in a row. So, Saturday, you get to take home Sunday's dose in a bottle like that. You have to return the empty bottle to the clinic on the next day. She said she hasn't been drug tested or seen her counselor in a long time there, which is weird & kinda hard to believe.
And, why does she always have to display her methadone as tho it's cool?

No. 949941

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the filter didnt cover her face on this one since she’s half out of frame

No. 949942

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No. 949943

I think these porn anime stickers are used largely to make others uncomfortable in public. It fits her persona of being an uwu victim weirdo punk rock sex worker/addict, who loves to see others squirm about 'what she is,' supposedly.

No. 949944

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Moon face

No. 949945

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No. 949946

and she really thinks slather lotion, moisturizer n such will help her face?

No. 949947

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No. 949948

>delay deny depose
this retard has been on medicaid her whole life at our expense and has never had to deal with actual health insurance ever. hardworking taxpayers could only dream about the free medical treatments and medication she gets. she was in the hospital for over a month and didn’t pay a dime. that would bankrupt the average american. omg i hate her so much.

No. 949950

The best her eyebrows have ever looked. At least the one we can see

No. 949951

Our social activist qween has to make sure she plays the part

No. 949952

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back to covering the fungus instead of fixing it

No. 949953

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No. 949954

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When’s the last time this greasy motherfucker washed his hair? 1984?

No. 949955

No! I wish someone would ask her if they're ombre yellow at the nail bed or something. Maybe she should've used a not transparent, uncolored nail to cover her fungus. That is so putrid and they'll only get worse. I wonder where this will lead!

No. 949956

I hope her nails fall off

No. 949957

unfortunately she only has greenies, which die when it contacts air, it's just a stain now. but she will keep getting them because moisture is getting under her press-ons

No. 949959

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>>unfortunately she only has greenies
NONNIE!!!!! you're a genius, tuna's nails and back are pseudomonas!!!

No. 949960

I think she had osteomyelitis in some bones in her back, which is gotten from injecting drugs, often, and can be from bacteria, a virus, or fungus, but she was on IV antibiotics, which killed the infection. After the infection is no longer active in her bone, there's no lingering pain. If she still had an active infection in her back, she'd been in pain, it'd be inflamed and her life would be at risk, so it's not active anymore. I don't think the fungus nails and her hospital stay were connected.

No. 949961

iirc she did have to try a couple different antibiotics though, which was why she ended up staying so long

No. 949963

No, they take a sample from the area, and culture the bacteria, to find the exact one and give the correct antibiotic. When someone is an IV drug user, rather than sending them home w an IV port & letting them receive antibiotics at home daily from a nurse, they keep them in the hospital to make sure they don't use that port to inject & they follow thru w/ the treatment's full course. That's why she was kept that long.

No. 949970

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Both of you are right. I went back to #50 to dig up the post where Luna mentioned that they did a biopsy to figure out the right antibiotics. Apparently she had already been in the hospital on different antibiotics for a month at that point. No idea why they didn't identify the strain of bacteria right away.

No. 949986

I want them to move out because I'm sick and tired of seeing filth every fucking time, but then I realized thats a stupid wish because they would just trash the next place theyre in. they have zero hygienic standards and would rather get high then stay clean.

No. 949989

that stain is from smoking out the window because they’re not allowed to smoke here but she’s too fat and lazy to waddle outside to chainsmoke. this confirms that pumpkin is living in a cloud of cigarette smoke.
luna, it’s your own fault you live like this when you’re pushing 30. some poor people actually don’t deserve nice things tbh.

No. 949990

i think theyre both full still they both look the same color?

No. 950000

>>949989 Holy shit nona, good eye re: the stain, that's exactly what it is, weed and cig smoke both stain TF out of everything and when she blows it out the window it immediately hits the awning.

No. 950002

In the google street view the stain has been there since like 2019, it did get worse in like 2021/2022 though if anyone remembers when they moved in there

No. 950022

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No. 950028

This 'nice piece'? As in…art? I see a print out of some kind, w/ some stickers stuck on it. Where's the art, the 'nice' and the 'piece' created? Looks like shit, too.

No. 950029

God she didn’t even get the phrase correct

No. 950046

(Sage for OT) Guys, I just realized we have a local lolcow in Germany who’s also called Luna, who’s also on Heroin and who also has a 40+ y/o "fiance". They’ve been homeless or living with and leeching off her grandparents these past couple years, just completed rehab round 18. She gained some local "fame" after a bigger German YouTube channel posted an interview with her a couple years ago. Now she has a couple hundred followers on IG, which she calls "her community" and also a TikTok where you can admire her high off her ass slurring about how unfairly the world is treating her. She’s also quite confrontational and has posted TikToks and IG stories about "hate" she’s gotten before, aka just people calling her out for being high while claiming to be sober and for still exploiting her grandparents. She also has got that "I’m not like other junkies" attitude where she will constantly tell her followers how she grew up in a rich family (they’re barely above average tbh) AND she’s been begging her followers for money. Perfect, right? It’s a shame most of you don’t speak German lol.(off topic, take it to the personal lolcows thread)

No. 950047

Oh, and she’s also been to juvie prison for dealing. This, her social medias plus the interviews on YT with her alone would fill up an entire thread on here, believe me. In one of the follow-up interviews she’s talking about how her and mr fiance fled the country so she wouldn’t have to go to jail, but still kept on selling drugs there so ofc she still had to go to prison eventually, talking about this all while completely high, also with that signature Luna wandering eye. She had the audacity to claim she’s clean in that video. (ot again)

No. 950048

I like the apparent drop of blood spatter right above the 'art,' maybe from a syringe sprayed onto the wall accidentally.

No. 950049

>>950046 Plenty of us are fluent, but Deine Kuh ist mir egal, and no one else cares about her either. We have a personal lolcow thread if you wanna try there.

I'm trying to figure out what the fuck this thing even is. Thought it was a patch at first, but the closer I look, the more it looks like she traced a Yankees logo (look close and you'll see weird uneven bits) on paper, "laminated" it with tape, and then stuck a few random stickers to it. Can't even tell what one of the stickers is, looks like a donut with a human face? kek. They must've gotten their Christmas money and are high as balls.

No. 950054

Did she steal Lurch's phone while he was asleep so she could pretend they were married? Nobody's fooled except Tuna herself.
Yeah, this is weird. It looks like she found the most pixelated logo on Google, printed it out, and stuck it to the wall with stickers. She's got to be tripping balls to make something like this, let alone post it.

No. 950055

"wife" lmao

No. 950056

There's actually even a drop of blood from a syringe spray, on this 'nice piece', at the right side of the hat, where the stars are! Nice touch, Luna!

No. 950057

Ok then, I swear you’re missing out though.

No. 950059

make her own thread then if you think it’ll generate interest - i think there’s german cows thread in w, otherwise just post in personal cows
looks like the type of shit stuck to the bottom of your shoe after walking through a mall

No. 950064

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No. 950066

My new favourite thing every time Tuna posts about her soft fluffy long luscious hair is when someone on the other farms pointed out that she had all of her hair pushed forward. We already know her hair is a frizzy mess, but imagine when she doesn't have it wrapped around her neck like a scarf.

No. 950067

Hey, that's Luna's best quality: her luscious locks! She has to rub that in the face of the woman Lurch used to somewhat-low-key steal from, who wore extensions & wigs! That's why she posts about how her hair looks like real life extensions. Bc Luna is clearly the winner, w/ a broke junkie by her side in a tiny boardinghouse room.

No. 950068

kek it does look like that. Closer I look, the more I think I'm right as far as her printing it out, poorly coloring it, and then "laminating" it with clear tape. Also cracking up that she or Lurch affixed it to the wall with a fucking pushpin, when like 0.3cm of tape would have held it up fine without putting a hole in the fuckin' wall lol.

>>950064 why does this read like something pixyteri would write lmao, we all know her methadone clinic story but she seems especially unhinged right now. Wonder if she's back on crack again. Also I never noticed the hair-scarf thing until >>950066 mentioned it and you're so right nona, I can't un-see it. She must look bonkers out in the wild.

No. 950069

Just note: Amazon gives ppl on EBT 1/2 price membership. If they can't use the membership of someone like Luna's mom or dad, they could get their own monthly membership for $7/month. Also, as of today, Amazon takes EBT cash benefits! They deliver groceries, either for a small cash fee, if under $100 worth of EBT groceries are bought (like a few bucks), and tip is entirely optional & anonymous. Or, as of today, they could enroll in the unlimited grocery delivery program for only $5/month, using their EBT cash benefits, now, as payment. As long as your order is over $35, you can get as much grocery delivery as you want per month. So, w/ their $560-600/month in EBT benefits, they could be sitting quite pretty, w/ this new ability to pay these small, discounted monthly fees w/ their cash benefits, which are about $200/month for each of them–so $400 total. The 'not having access to healthy food' is getting dumber and dumber.(sage your shit)

No. 950070

please sage your non-milk. also discounted grocery delivery for people on food stamps is nothing new, Walmart does it too, Amazon's offered discounted Prime for folks on EBT for years. This is not a "new ability" and even if it were, Luna is too lazy and retarded to do anything with it. She'd rather sell her stamps for drugs or blow them all on candy and whine on the internet about having anorexia.

No. 950071

I apologize! The new ability to pay w/ EBT cash benefits is the 'new thing' that makes her have fewer excuses than ever.

No. 950072

>>950071 No worries, we've all dropped our sage once or twice. And I get what you mean. Luna's just a spoiled retard. Hell, maybe she'll actually look into it now that daddy dearest cut her off. She was always on his Prime account IIRC, but maybe he kicked her off when they got in that huge fight a while back.

No. 950076

Definitely on crack. >>949777 looks absolutely fucking unhinged.

No. 950109

I don't know, has she ever been vocal about using uppers? Surely we'd get a weigh loss arc if she was on crack. I've heard heroin can have a stimulating effect for some and I know that Kratom can be stimulating even though it functions similarly to opiates. Can a junkie nona tell us if this could be opiates?

No. 950110

Low doses of opioids can have a stimulating effect. That's generally why kratom does that, bc it's a low dose of opiates. I think that counter-intuitive energizing effect of low doses usually happens for someone new to opioids, tho, so not for Luna. Also, she's already on methadone, so, that couldn't really happen for her since she's on a heavy opioid daily at baseline. Also, a lot of the 'crack' in NYC these days is actually bath salts, aka synthetic cathinones. It's very hard to find any legit coke or crack now.

No. 950113

Luna's taken crack before but she doesn't talk about it much because it doesnt have a romantic tortured artist aesthetic, it's not her drug of choice and she only takes it when she can't get any other drugs. In the past shes stayed up all night smoking crack and moving all her furniture around. I assume the "My OwN SpAcE" sperging is the new version of that, she's tweaking out and moving all of her stuff from one corner of the room to the other.
>weigh loss arc
lol I doubt it. It's hard to grasp just how fat she is because she knows how to catfish, but I truly believe she is morbidly obese bmi >40. If Metformin and all her other fatty bombatty pharmaceuticals aren't helping her lose weight, taking crack for a few weeks isn't going to make her skinny either. Some people eat while they're tweaking, it doesn't physically stop you from eating food and fatties often find a way to power through any drug that suppresses appetite. Even if she somehow loses significant weight, once she gets access to her precious opiates again she'll stop taking crack, and the crash once you stop makes you binge on food because your body is suddenly screaming for calories.
When she went to the library to download her switch games, she must have used the library computers to find "art" then paid $0.05/sheet to get it printed. This yankees garbage is one of the printouts, the unicorn coloring page up-thread is another one

No. 950114

File: 1734968820284.png (507.66 KB, 828x566, 1475967084187.png)

samefagging but I had to go find it, pic is from thread #2. She kept the flower from her first gas station crack pipe and collaged it into a memory book kek.

No. 950119

File: 1734971469734.jpg (214.79 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20241223-171048_Fac…)

No. 950120

File: 1734971527286.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20241223-170950_Fac…)

No. 950121

File: 1734971560672.png (138.65 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20241223-171148_Fac…)

No. 950122

File: 1734971611774.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20241223-171212_Fac…)

No. 950123

File: 1734971652083.png (547.42 KB, 1080x1688, Screenshot_20241223-171258_Fac…)

No. 950124

She so badly wants ppl to be jealous of her. It's not working, Luna. Almost anyone's life is multiple times better, no matter how you try to re-frame it. It's like she wants ppl to say, 'Oh, gee, I can't afford Olaplex hair mask for $30!,' so she can either say she gets it for free as another brag, or can just leave them wondering. She's chronically broke, deeply unhappy, and risks her freedom to steal Olaplex. No thank you. Most of us can buy a $30 hair mask if we want to, w/ our earned $. I bet she smells like a perfumed dirty, dank sock, w/ those fungus fingernails and smoke stained broom closet that she lives in.

No. 950128

File: 1734974714478.jpeg (107.68 KB, 408x560, IMG_9971.jpeg)

This made me recoil

No. 950130

If Luna was anywhere near as heavy at 10 as she was in high school then, yeah, she needed to lose weight. That doesn't change just cause you're 10. It's a topic that needs to be approached sensitively, but you can't just ignore weight issues in children because you don't want to upset them, or they grow up into obese adults like Luna. Just strikes me as odd here how she's making it sound like that comment was -so- off-base (offhanded as it may have been).

No. 950131

manic is a funny way of saying fent, tuna.

No. 950132

She makes it sound like the dentist was gonna approach her with a wrench and slam her in the face w/ it. That's called 'surgery,' Luna. The dentist wanted to treat you medically, not assault you, fool.

No. 950135

File: 1734979971019.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1290x2291, IMG_1564.jpeg)

No. 950136

File: 1734980051956.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1290x1306, IMG_1565.jpeg)

No. 950137

>>it'll look better in the dark

It'll look better with your eyes closed you tard.

No. 950139

File: 1734984134271.jpeg (905.38 KB, 828x1220, 791DFB92-5966-4D14-9DF8-EE3191…)

seems Tuna was also reminiscing about her crack pipe flower collage today

No. 950140

File: 1734984173409.jpeg (626.45 KB, 828x1406, 08BCC9EE-FB05-456E-AE20-4C56A0…)

No. 950142

Why did tuba stop wearing bangs?

No. 950149

File: 1734990122022.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1179x2124, IMG_8504.jpeg)

No. 950150

I think she'd been having trouble finding decent fent lately. She wasn't begging for $ for her 'content,' but was all sad and cutting herself. Now, that eye's looking awfully lazy and she seems awfully content all of a sudden.

No. 950152

File: 1734990795479.jpg (166.31 KB, 1080x1481, Screenshot_20241223_135134_Sam…)

No. 950154

oh boy, shes walleyed again.

No. 950155

why is her right eyebrow flying away

No. 950157

File: 1734994559084.png (236.7 KB, 471x369, Screenshot 2024-12-23 5.55.03 …)

Anyone know if ppl call her Tuna partly bc she actually looks like one, especially when her eyes become wall-eyed, and her upper lip has that weird upward pointing shape?

No. 950159

I always thought it’s because she’s big and stinky but that makes sense too

No. 950160

is this the third bridge piercing to reject on her? when will she stop trying to make bridge happen?

No. 950163

given her piss poor hygiene tricky piercings like that may never take. who knows why she keeps trying to make it work when it obviously is not.
eyebrow blindness is real. those look god awful like some 90 yr old senile nana trying to paint eyebrows on

No. 950167

B-b-b-but the piercer said this was my best bridge piercing yet! Third times a charm! Uwu!(uwu)

No. 950169

File: 1735004892624.png (1004.06 KB, 864x1939, 1000006563.png)

Both looking at the camera and herself in her phone

No. 950170

Kekkk just perfect

No. 950174

kek definitely got ahold of some fent again. not to blog but as a former junkie nona i can’t imagine looking back at this once sobering up and choosing to leave it there. i wish i understood how her brain functions (barely is the answer)

No. 950175

File: 1735007906733.jpeg (365.86 KB, 828x1098, 69259B65-4D86-4A03-A723-F50929…)

No. 950176

File: 1735008005291.jpeg (466.11 KB, 828x1104, 643D8509-F9F5-44C9-AC12-6317F6…)

No. 950177

File: 1735008041997.jpeg (417.74 KB, 828x1128, 5C2AB5C2-A78F-47A5-A0B1-D6E1DD…)

looking absolutely massive here

No. 950179

>can't close mouth
>tongue creeping out of mouth
>looks to be on the verge of drooling
>wall eyed
>I look rly cute

Sober queen.

No. 950180

that’s why I don't understand why she not only takes selfies fucked up, she posts them online too. like does she find comfort, is it curiosity? like fucking hell

No. 950187

So her roots are 2 inches, how long until she is suicidal unless she gets her hair bleached?

No. 950188

She can stop lying about being a natural redhead now, that's clearly brown

No. 950189

I think she has red pubes, so to be accurate, she could just herself a 'red-pube.' Not a 'redhead.'

No. 950190

What's going on in the background here? Bloody fingerprints on the dirty wall, or…?

No. 950192

looks like she plants her feet there, but these two junkies are so fucking nasty in the weirdest ways idk why theres blood too

No. 950193

they almost match the lines of her last 'self harm'

No. 950194

i see those pizza boxes behind you ana queen

No. 950210

You're in pain because you're 300lbs. Hope this helps

No. 950219

man this bums me out a little. it's one thing to get high grades in Art and English or whatever but to do so well in psych and sociology and forensics… she could've actually gotten into a real/decent university program somewhere. it never could've happened for obvious reasons but damn man. child left behind indeed

No. 950221

She is too fucked up already, after doing drugs for years your brain no longer works the same way. Due to experience I‘m quite certain she does not at all see what we see when she looks at herself in pics and the mirror, she sees something else entirely. Also, I don‘t think she ever sobers up.

No. 950223

yeah it’s strange to think about what her life would be like had she not met lurch and actually dated someone age appropriate who wasn’t a junkie. she might have actually had a chance at being actual functioning human being if lurch hadn’t dragged her into the junkie life. not to say she didn’t have mental illness and wouldn’t have started using without his influence, but he definitely set her on the abhorrent junkie lifestyle path they’re on now. somehow i feel like in a parallel universe she could actually be thriving and receiving the mental health care and meds she actually needs. i mean. she could still end up a cow. but maybe not a 300lb junkie making tissue paper falling out her ass content with a 40 yr old bf who sells his ass for drug money and hasn’t shit in a month type of cow.
agreed. it’s too late for her. there’s no coming back from this, it’s only going to end one way unfortunately… and sooner rather than later.

No. 950229

File: 1735131919865.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x2090, IMG_8538.jpeg)

Merry Christmas! Remember you aren’t owed anything and you can always change your circumstances if you aren’t a wallowing self loathing flaming piece of shit!

No. 950230

I feel like she would have just looked for another junkie scrote to have a toxic relationship with. I don't think having a healthy anything has ever been what she wanted. She would never think it's cool and grunge to be a normal functioning person especially as an "artist" kek.

No. 950231

that’s so scary considering there seems to be a sliver of her left given her random reminisces she does every now and again ( >>950139 and >>950140 ) but shes too far gone.
and completely selfish now. shes never gonna stop doing the hard drugs, never gonna stop being a blubbering retard until she dies.

No. 950235

This is kinda besides the point, but what the fuck kind of high school did she go too?? Bioethics? Psych in literature? Classic science fiction?? These are so niche and interesting for public high school courses, they sound much more like intro university classes just based on how niche, specific, and useless to an educational foundation they are. Did she go to some fancy high school where she never had to take algebra, biology, chemistry, trigonometry, a language??? (smalltownfag so ignore if these are typical high school level courses for a big school or big city but I was so perplexed by this class list…)

No. 950236

I believe these grades are from her one year in college. I think she was at a community college in NY, and then dropped out 'for Lurch.'

No. 950238

College doesn’t have report cards or marking periods

Reposting to Sage my bad

No. 950243

Genuinely not being rude, but are you new to Luna? She has been in love with the uwu broken bbydoll/junkie lifestyle-aesthetic forever. She wanted it, she pursued Lurch as much as he groomed her, if it hadn’t been him it would have been someone equally as revolting. This has exactly what she wanted, except she didn’t want to be broke.

No. 950245

Luna would identify herself as a 'gifted kid burnout' but I don't believe it. I don't see how her grades could be so high if she missed A THIRD of her lessons that year (61/180 days) due to 'mental health', except if her teachers felt sorry for her. Maybe giving her pity-grades to bolster her self esteem and give her a better chance in college. She was the awkward big girl who lived with grandma because mom couldn't put down the needle, then grandma died while Luna was still in school and she had to go live in a traphouse with junkie mom. I'm sure a lot of her teachers felt pity and tried to be a positive influence on her life, her friends' parents definitely tried.
A lot of 'gifted kid burnouts' like Luna are cunning enough to 'cheat' their way through life with zero effort, then around college-age they have a breakdown from their own lack of work ethic. I don't think Luna was ever smart, I think she knew how to tug on heartstrings with her tragic backstory and that's why the only skill she has is 'whining about how hard her life is and hoping someone will fix it for her.' It worked a lot better when she was a tragic teenager, now even her dad has stopped falling for it kek.
Even before Lurch and heroin, Luna only ever cared about chasing a high and she would have always ended up like this. She DID receive early intervention and was sent to rehab after being caught smoking weed at 17, she ignored all the coping mechanisms they taught her and laughed it off because she'd already taken stronger things than weed (adderall and pain pills) and found the idea of rehab stupid.

No. 950246

>random reminisces
I'm pretty sure she dug out that page of her notebook because it was posted in this thread a day before and she reads here kek >>950114 this is an old cap from 2016. The only reminiscing Luna does is when the thread forces her to, or Facebook memories reminds her that she used to have a social life. The taped down hair has gone yellow from cigarette smoke, she had silver hair in 2016, and she chose to crop her grandma and mom from the page when posting this time around.

No. 950252

File: 1735177399602.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1833, IMG_3223.jpeg)

poor pumpkin looks like she’s laying between two full grown people, not one person’s legs

No. 950253

I can’t believe those are legs. Even under a blanket they look like anything other than the human legs of 1 person.

No. 950254

File: 1735182031816.jpg (670.34 KB, 2999x3315, ht-01.jpg)

No. 950257


Nonna, your post is the best Christmas gift of all time.

No. 950263

File: 1735211859087.jpeg (959.79 KB, 1179x1430, IMG_8554.jpeg)

No. 950264

dude she went to pratt and dropped out for lurch

No. 950268

Am I the only one that always assumed she throws most of the stuff she steals away after using it once or twice? Seeing that one of these is almost empty and others have definitely been used multiple times is fascinating. Either she uses huge amounts or she literally plays with skin care products for hours every day while high.

No. 950269

I never assumed she threw them out, personally. I think she has no regard for the high price of these items, since she doesn't ever buy them w/ her own $. If she did, she probably wouldn't slather them on carelessly–but that's how she goes thru so much, I think.

No. 950270

Tuba’s life is so bleak that she’s posting, not about the beloved people, blessings, or events in her life at Christmas, but skin products. If I were her, I’d rope.

No. 950271

File: 1735239666434.jpeg (155.53 KB, 1179x477, IMG_8555.jpeg)

No. 950272

File: 1735239737544.jpeg (180.6 KB, 1179x458, IMG_8565.jpeg)

The difference being people on poshmark actually have valuable things that other people want and set their own price for compensation ?? lmao bitch is delusional

No. 950273

Uh oh, sounds like someone's in withdrawal after all that time spent walleyed.

No. 950275

jesus tuna, the difference is that normal people aren’t buying fentanyl with the money they make selling things secondhand. it’s like she can’t imagine spending money on something other than dope since she steals everything else.

No. 950276

File: 1735242633583.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1759, IMG_3242.jpeg)

Her nails are getting more grotesque by the minute. imagine looking at one under a miscroscope

No. 950277

File: 1735242696139.png (2.62 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3243.png)

No. 950278

thats incredible I'm fucking dead. She's a glow up clean girlie now and she steals vitamin gummies to recover her fat whale body from all the drugs. Mature queen

No. 950279

Can anyone tell me why, you think, Luna has to announce online publicly that she has raging diarrhea? Is it a way to show her ever present suffering, or a way to nudge her 'customers' to let them know she's dope sick, or a subtle hint to followers that they should check in on her and then send her money for 'medicine' or what?

No. 950280

Jesus Christ I thought her arm was a fluffy blanket with flowers on it that she let her cuts bleed onto kek.

No. 950281

am i a decrepit husk or are all these pretty standard items (except for maybe the anti-diarrheal) people keep in their medicine cabinet even if they don't finish the entire bottle/package?

No. 950285

they are, luna just doesn’t steal things that she actually needs usually kek

No. 950288

>AI Coomer sticker
>Raging fungal infection
>Waddling down to CVS to steal pills so she doesn't shit herself
Tuna's life is something else

No. 950290

File: 1735249052738.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1290x2269, IMG_1621.jpeg)

Oh I wonder what it could be? Surely not the exact same picture she draws every time but with different words scribbled across

No. 950293

File: 1735251435727.jpeg (644.47 KB, 828x1129, F5DF73CD-071C-4462-8453-D46A05…)

it’s 100% the same as always. someone tell Luna to steal a lightbulb next

No. 950295

lol. signing it as 'Schumacher'

No. 950296

You'd think she could draw something else of interest, rather than a cute version of what she thinks she looks like over and over for years. Maybe she thinks a tortured, outsider artist sometimes does things like that, obsessively, and one day after her death, all these scum covered stinky doodles will be featured in an art gallery. Dream on, Tuna.

No. 950297

File: 1735254102093.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1290x2063, IMG_1630.jpeg)

Kek the song choice. She posted this same video yesterday but must’ve not got enough comments so she deleted it and reposted today.

No. 950298

File: 1735254218157.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1290x2307, IMG_1631.jpeg)

No. 950299

but anyone can draw pills and needles.

No. 950300

>fresh skincare
>clothes caked in makeup and filth

No. 950301

File: 1735256534900.jpg (310.83 KB, 1080x1101, Screenshot_20241226_154108_Goo…)

Fun fact, if one takes large amounts of anti diarrhea meds, it gives you an opiate like high

No. 950302

But only if you're opioid naive, meaning you have no tolerance. Wouldn't work for Ms. Luna. It's a very, very mild effect, only for those brand new.

No. 950304

File: 1735259807702.png (33.51 KB, 483x159, Screenshot_20241226-230916_Fac…)

Luna Cat is now Luna Shu

No. 950305

File: 1735260201985.png (101.46 KB, 1080x654, Screenshot_20241227-001543_Fac…)

No. 950306

Whoo! Xanny and hand-outs time! Exciting!

No. 950307

File: 1735262254832.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1290x2283, IMG_1634.jpeg)

She looks like a monster

No. 950308

i initially assumed she resold a lot of it bc how else would they have any cash at all? but i've learned that she and lurch are just not money savvy junkies at all.

No. 950310

>And obviously to see her duh
Can't wait for her mom to cut her off just like Papa Tuna

No. 950313

"Never use alone" is this a self-portrait of her being wall eyed and posting those grotesque photos after shooting up? Those eyes are absolutely sending me.

No. 950320

File: 1735318351702.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x2077, IMG_3264.jpeg)

god i hope mama tuna cuts her off next. all of her relationships are transactional. actually not even that because she doesn’t give anything herself. just take take take what she can get from everybody

No. 950322

idk what she's doing to her skin but the freckles on her forehead are looking weird

No. 950326

it's just the filter not reaching the top of her head kek

No. 950329

Who told her that shaving your eyebrows off was a good idea

No. 950330

The filter doesn’t cover her fivehead.

No. 950331

File: 1735328804084.jpeg (628.95 KB, 828x1357, IMG_7493.jpeg)

Did she give herself a chemical burn where the blood is

No. 950332

Jesus she is such a jumpscare. For someone who is so obsessed with appearance and skin care especially she has no problem showing off her nasty inflamed crusty piercing bumps

No. 950334

File: 1735333791976.jpeg (670.54 KB, 828x1251, 1707101F-3F14-4B83-A5FF-CE4F43…)

The fact you can tell her fungus nails are BROWN under those press ons. Why does she refuse to let them be?

No. 950338

File: 1735341591639.jpeg (318.13 KB, 804x512, IMG_9357.jpeg)

Track marks in her fat knuckles is a sad time even for Tuna.

No. 950344

that pinky is so crooked, her thumb is so dark from fungus, wtf Tuba jfc

No. 950351

what’s sad is all she needs to is buff it out. nails don’t need to “air out”, it’s a misconception. but she’s too lazy to even look up the most basic of self care, just like she didn’t know that her slugging cream wasn’t snail mucus but a heavy cream for SLUGGING.

No. 950356

idk where you think you see track marks but jesus the grime and buildup in the gaps of those rings is foul

No. 950357

File: 1735382387835.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1179x2090, IMG_8573.jpeg)

Looks like actual poop under her nails…

No. 950362

Little horrified. Like body horror lite. The tiny burn from over bleaching or maybe a cut? The gross yellow. The texture of that skin combined with freckles and shaved eyebrows. The same woman worried about being the hottest girl in therapy or whatever. What a delusion.

No. 950366

I've said this before but for a junkie doing it herself her hair usually turns out pretty even. My expectations were low and she massively succeeded them.

No. 950370

you can’t buff nail fungus out, you have to treat it with fungicides

No. 950371

tuna for the love of fuck please get rid of your fucking nails

No. 950374

live update from the gross shared bathroom lmao. imagine just trying to use the restroom and a fat junkie is bleaching her hair.
she probably just scrubs the bleach into her scalp the way a normal person showers, then throws a toner on over everything.

No. 950380


it's only even when mommy helps her out

No. 950381

Her result wouldn't be so even if she applied the bleach like that, so I really don't think she does it that way.

No. 950383

File: 1735426027325.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1179x2250, IMG_8583.jpeg)

No. 950384

kek at the filter covering part of her hair on the right. tuna, you can’t brag about the state of your skin when it’s due to a filter

No. 950385

I'm so mad she finally realized that she should not bleach her entire head each time. She deserves to melt her hair off again.

No. 950386

I swear, she wants us to feel jealous of her. Never gonna work, my dear, never. Your life is like one of the levels of hell. I wonder who she imagines her target demographic as: teen girls and early 20's women, who dream about having all the skincare items she has. The thing is, they'd maybe like to afford all that nice stuff, not risk their freedom in the world to stuff it in their coat, and be looked down upon by the entire world. Who does she think she's debut-ing her hair too, like that we're so eager to get a pic of it, play by play?

No. 950389

File: 1735438367265.jpg (663.75 KB, 3106x4096, IMG_20241229_020239.jpg)

Lol she's starting to gain deathfat eyes. They have puffy upper eyelids/brow ridges from all the fat and it makes a triangle shaped dimple/shadow from the the eye to the temple. pic is a comparison with foodiebeauty who has the same thing but much more advanced.
She also changed the colour balance to hide the brassiness. The top looks blonde because she added green to the whole image, making the actually-blonde hair at the bottom bright green.

No. 950390

File: 1735442572076.jpeg (299.51 KB, 1084x828, IMG_6881.jpeg)

Besides the filter not covering her cancerous looking skin what is going on with her nose exactly?

No. 950391

If that's her goal, all I have to do is put my phone down and look around my home that I own, open my fridge and look at the fresh food in there, step on the scale and not have a BMI that's even in the overweight category, etc. I could go on but like… who would be jealous of her ANYTHING? A fat stinky homeless junkie that has NO life to speak of, lives in a broom closet in a druggie house, shares a bathroom, is so fat she has musculoskeletal problems, like pookie I could keep going on and on and on but that is all to say that if her goal is to make people jealous, she actually reminds me to be grateful for what I have and that I'm nothing like her kek

No. 950392

Why does she have intense freckles on only her forehead? Is it just the filter doing heavy lifting?

No. 950393

The filters she uses never cover her entire face. Where the freckles start is where the filter stops

No. 950395

even the more worse-off nonnas stay winning because they don't have to wake up to a creature like lurch tbh. She's literally living a nightmare. I think the skincare and beauty products are all cope if anything. Doing time would probably be better for her than what she's currently doing.

No. 950398

File: 1735469354518.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1179x2154, IMG_8584.jpeg)

No. 950400

I think she actually turned her hair green. She more than likely used t14 or t28, which is extremely "ash" and contains blue and green undertones.

No. 950407

Awww, it's filthy, stained, and used just like her. It's a perfect fit

No. 950408

What is it with cows and their clothing/accessories looking like sliced deli meats? This bag looks vile.

No. 950409

File: 1735524635603.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1170x1334, IMG_3351.jpeg)

don’t worry guys she added some of her grimy junk to the bag as well

No. 950415

You just know the bag smells of cigarettes, cheap body spray, mildew and body odorr; the image is enough to make me gag.

No. 950417

i think you could be right. or she fucked it up some other way. you’d think we would have gotten a ton of selfie spam showing off how hawt she is after bleaching her roots kek

No. 950421

licensed nail tech, you can absolutely buff greenies out. There are two ways to get chloronychia; on the surface of the nail and between the nail plate and nail bed.

because luna is filthy and probably doesn’t prep her natural nail and wears cheap press ons for far too long, she’s constantly trapping moisture between the press on and nail plate, she most likely has it on the surface of the nail. She can just clean the nail, trim and buff it out. You can also just use 91% alcohol or diluted white vinegar to clean and disinfect the nail.

but since she just ignored it and kept putting nails over it, it’s probably worked it’s way further down the nail and now she’ll need anti fungal or acetic acid.

No. 950429

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All I can see

No. 950450

Thank you for sparing me the google search to find out if buffing the nails is enough to remove nail fungus. I love it when people who know what they're talking about add to the discussion.

No. 950459

I’m dying at the hairs on her pinky and ring finger, how would you not feel that? unless youre zoinked out of your mind of course.

No. 950464

LORDY the absolute grime inside the holes of that chain ring. She's so nasty and not in the cool grunge way she thinks.

No. 950467

that shit is visibly deep into her nail beds now, it’s not going to buff out and with her hygiene it’s just going to get worse
this isn’t a little touch of green here and there, it’s rot

No. 950472

it’s not rot, it’s a fungus that feeds on moisture. it being so dark means it’s probably on the surface, but unless she shows us, we’ll never know how bad it is, it’s pure speculation.

No. 950474

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Lunas January 1, 2022 Posts and goals…

No. 950475

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And Lurchs comment on her new years post in Jan 2022

No. 950476

Why would he post such absolute BS and lies like that? How would he have a nice job waiting for him, someone w/ no education who hasn't worked ever? And how would Luna get hooked up w/ a nice job, too? None of it makes any sense. Lurch has a serious case of pretending to be the temporarily fallen golden child. What is wrong w/ him?

No. 950477

More proof (as if we need it) of Tuna’s absolute delusional mindset. She has no idea how to START making changes of this magnitude, and so many within a year?? Girl — start small. Start with getting a job. And maybe do some research on skincare, because you are doing it wrong.

No. 950478

So funny the pipe dreams these junkies have. Two years later and they're more stagnant and sad than ever. Living in a dirty room in a trap house they were lucky to get. Musty clothes with their teeth rotting out. Tunas big events of the year are when she goes to mama tunas to mooch pills and hair color. And lurch is off who knows where doing who knows what. What a sad existence. Happy new year tuna, here's to another year of zero growth (I don't mean the scale).

No. 950479

It’s 2025 nona, so it’s actually three years. Stagnant Tuna.

No. 950481

Goddamn, it's never been this obvious that Luna and Lurch are from completely different generations and want entirely different things. He's talking about going off grid while Luna probably dreams of being a social media influencer.

No. 950483

Lurch has always had a habit of talking himself up with absolute lies. He comments on Tuna's pictures of himself saying how strong and big he is lol and then when the Tessa saga was happening, he kept boasting about how rich his family is and how they own boats and he was some superstar baseball player to be. we have to remember he's been a drug user since probably Tuna was born so his brain is fried and lying is part of his nature.

No. 950485

If his family does have any wealth to speak of, it does him no good, and that's for sure. He doesn't seem to have any contact w/ them. From my experience, ppl w/ wealthy families don't usually just let their family member go to hell when they struggle w/ addiction. They'll often try to help, still, and so I think that Lurch has probably done enough bad things that his family simply didn't want contact w/ him anymore, for reasons related to his personality, outside of his addiction. So, bragging about your family having money, that you have no access to, isn't much worth bragging about. I guess he was trying to lie & say he did have access to their supposed yachts and whatever else.

No. 950486

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No. 950488

completely forgot about her plant phase. rip greenery, you're in a better place now.

No. 950497

>Tunas big events of the year are when she goes to mama tunas
Hey now, don't forget her occasional CVS hauls or the new switch that lurch stole off some poor child just before christmas.

No. 950499

Are you forgetting about her 3 month long hospital stay? Then her allusion to being busted for theft?

No. 950502

Almost all of those goals are centered around vanity, hoarding, and shit she already does.

Her living situation is rancid but she prioritizes losing weight and spending even more time drawing the same self-portrait a billion times over getting a job. And she wants ANOTHER pet despite caring so little about Pumpkin that she can't even be bothered to shoplift high quality cat food or waddle her ass outside to smoke.

This bitch is hopeless.

Lurch's dad certainly wasn't living the high life when Lurch and Luna were living with him. The man didn't even have an actual bed, just a rotting mattress on the floor. If Lurch's family has money, either it's from his mom's side and they want nothing to do with him, or it's from extended family on his dad's side that couldn't even be bothered to take care of a dying old man with congestive heart failure, let alone his junkie son and his stinky hamplanet girlfriend.

I wonder how much of his drug-fried delusional bragging Luna still manages to fall for. You know she must have believed all of it when she was a retarded 17 year old.

No. 950503

honesty I think all of his most outlandish lies are for her benefit only at this point. almost like telling bed time stories to a child? except that would be sweet and actually caring while these two are just tragic

No. 950504

I can't wait for her to put her green thumb to use again, rather than just trapping it under her nails.

No. 950505

When I read this I just picture them both in a cardboard box on the street, half nodded out, coming up with this grand idea that they're going to move away and suddenly live normal lives. Kinda sad, but they're both irredeemably shitty people so…

No. 950506

he's just trying to make himself feel big. it's the same reason why he always claims he's going to beat up other men when he knows they'd mop the floor with him. like most junkies the only thing he has in life is his delusions

No. 950508

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No. 950509

Well, being in Xanax withdrawal is sheer hell mentally, so maybe that has something to do w/ why she feels so awful. Also, admitting to doing illegal things online is not a great idea, but that's Luna for you–and she confesses her mom's illegal actions w/ her prescription, too. How thoughtful of Luna, as usual. Lamictal is for bipolar disorder. It prevents bipolar mania, which is actually a usually very enjoyable state of euphoria & decreased inhibition. But, yeah, that'll make you feel less depressed and anxious…sure.

No. 950510

lmao acting like she doesn’t take 8mg minimum at a time. Does anyone remember why she doesn’t drink? I’m honestly surprised she doesn’t mix alcohol with her benzos to try to stretch them out.

No. 950512

this reminds me of those true crime cases where people prey on desperate people baiting them with a job and chance to go off grid/out of town and then murder them or some shit. def not what happened but lurch seems like he’d be an easy target for scams. i bet someone offered him a cushy job that comes with housing if he puts down a deposit or some dumb shit like that and he fell for it

No. 950513

I don't think he'd have had any money to put down on a scam. I honestly think it was all imagination/lies w/ him. He constantly has to act like he's got an ace up his sleeve. He doesn't deal, despite ppl sometimes saying he does. (Middle manning here and there to other broke ppl isn't dealing.)

No. 950516

Probably her "anxiety" is caused by her sedentary life. I mean she doesn't DO anything, she doesn't leave her broom closet, she doesn't interact with people irl, she doesn't expend energy doing anything besides occasionally waddling for pizza or junk food. I would have "anxiety" too if I didn't move or do anything besides shove food down my throat and sit on my ass in a tiny ass dirty room all day every day for years at a time.

No. 950517

not to armchairfag, but running/jogging/walking/stealing a bike is LITERALLY FREE and would force some dopamine production. the most functional junkies know to move around at least a little to try and force recovery. these idiots can’t do anything right.

No. 950518

I mean i don't consider it armchairing to say that she doesn't do shit so I get why she confuses it with anxiety. Imagine if she actually did enough activity in a day to use up energy and tire herself out? She would probably be able to sleep too, imagine that?

No. 950521

alcohol probably isn't yummy enough for her compared to her usual diet of entire rolls of cream savers or entire cartons of ice cream. I think the closest thing we've seen to her eating "real food" is fast food burgers or pizza.

Seems like a mix of her not doing shit and freaking out about her circumstances (while she's semi-lucid) and also withdrawal from whatever cocktail of drugs she's on and off at the moment. She doesn't have a steady stream of any one drug and tends to jump around depending on what she can get her fungus ridden claws on at the moment.

but nonna! Her cotton eyed joe knee only allows just enough waddling about to steal hundreds from her local CVS once a week! Anything more and surely she'd crumble to dust!

No. 950522

I can't believe she's posting on Facebook that she takes her mother's prescription.

No. 950523

There are thousands of alcoholic drinks that contain about as much sugar as alcohol. She already drinks sweet drinks, so why not add a shot of vodka? I don't think that's the reason. My guess is she doesn't like the effects of alcohol. If you're someone who seems to nod out from fent or get wall-eyed and apply make-up on benzos, alcohol is going to seem extremely boring. I can see her drinking at a party if nothing else is available, but not alone at home. I think her favorite drug is fent, then benzos, then weed and/or sugar and fast food (not sure which one she prefers or if it goes hand in hand). If she doesn't have access to any of these she will do uppers because it's better than being sober to her and it helps with the craving for sugar and fast food. She and Lurch might also look down on alcoholics as junkies seem to do because no matter how low you are, you need a group of people to feel better than.

No. 950524

Everything about this is so disgusting, her skin color and texture, the freckles, the hair, the eyes. She looks like raw undercooked unseasoned chicken(sage your shit)

No. 950525

I haven’t checked on her in like a year, she looks worse than ever. I’ve been following her saga on and off for probably 15-16 years now since tumblr and I can’t believe it just gets worse and worse

Up until last year she looked horrible but you could tell she was still young / in her 20s

She looks SO aged lately like well into her late 30s and she’s not even 30 yet, she’s 29 right? Yikes man(sage your shit)

No. 950529

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Lieutenant Tuna.

No. 950530

She might actually die. Mixing lamictal with all the shit she abuses is a huge risk

No. 950533

Since when has Luna ever actually celebrated the new year? The point of this post is that the celebration of it seems pointless, not a nurse at your methadone clinic saying 'Happy New Year' to be polite.

No. 950535

This is spot on except that self harm is somewhere on the list, probably after fast food. But really it’s incredible imo that she has never become addicted to alcohol, all things considered. She probably would need a steady job to become desperate enough to use alcohol daily

No. 950537

Aww that's horrible, doctors refusing to give benzos to the benzo addict is a sign of society's decline.

No. 950541

It's funny you say that because if I'm remembering right, at one point he was talking about going out to Humboldt County, California to trim weed. The trim scene is practically dead there now but when it wasn't people who came from out of the area to trim/get involved with growing did tend to disappear or get robbed, labor trafficked, etc. So I'm pretty curious where he got that idea in the first place.

No. 950542

Alcohol is a downer, and she already abuses so many downers that have a stronger effect.
Why settle for normal sads, when she can get wall-eyed and miserable from just a couple pills?
Alcohol abuse where I live is much more expensive bang for buck. Stealing xannies from her mum and getting wasted off some pills also weighs less than carrying a 6-pack home every day.
Also maybe it's part of her ana larp, because muh calories, but she forgets that her daily diet of carbs and sugar is much worse on her scales than being a drunkorexic.
She's being efficient in a way that'll fuck her body up quicker and get her in jail for illegal posession or script fraud much quicker.

No. 950543

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>let’s hope
How is this any different than any other day in your useless junkie life?

No. 950545

People take downers, aka central nevous system depressants, bc they enjoy them. It doesn't make them miserable. It's called a depressant or downer bc it slows the action of your CNS, not bc it brings you down mentally. Of course, it might bring your life down, but that's just how the cookie crumbles and separate.

No. 950548

>muh depression and anxiety
I just don't believe it anymore when people say this shit on social media, especially from a junkie. it could be anything: it could be a drug wesring off so she wants more drugs, a dose of reality that is her living situation and she wants to crawl back into being high af, an argument with lurch, just anything.

No. 950554

oh god imagine a lurch and tuna true crime arc. he’s stupid enough to accept any opportunity without doing his due diligence to make sure it’s legit. guess he was too stupid to even make that happen. i wish he posted more about himself online because every time we get a nugget of milk about him it’s so unreal. like how he got attacked by dogs and got a payout for that, how he sells ass for drug money, etc.

No. 950573

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No. 950574

Oh, yeah, that'll be the change in her life that makes all the difference. Don't eat healthier food at home, or use less drugs, or leave Lurch, or get a job. More self portraits is the key to success for Luna.

No. 950577

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No. 950578

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No. 950579

SIMPLY LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE. I HIGHLY doubt he is reaching out to you at all. Wanting him to die because he refuses to give you what you want is absolutely pathetic. You contact his only when you need something (money, asspats, etc). Sever ties and go fuck yourself. He owes you nothing.

No. 950585

She's so delusional. There's no way she'd even be able to hold a real job if anyone was desperate or stupid enough to hire her. Plus she's a massive thief? She was recently caught stealing? She supposedly can't be on her feet for very long? She's stinky and dirty all the time? Why would anyone call you back Luna? There's no hope for her as long as she's still using and with lurch. Each passing year the chance of her ever changing things drifts farther and farther away. Like she can't even be assed to have dreams or "new years resolutions" anymore. Grim.

She probably is still holding out on getting his stuff and nice apartment if he does. She's talked about it before. Her entitlement issues are through the roof tbh. I hope her dad gives everything to charity before giving it to her though, just look at how she and lurch treated roger.

No. 950586

Her dad lives in an apt in Manhattan for ppl w/ low incomes, I think, where they have a housing lottery, which gives you the chance to rent an apt at a very reduced rate. She wouldn't inherit that if I'm correct. I don't think all his second hand belongings would add up to much in terms of an inheritance, and he probably doesn't have a large cache of cash.

No. 950594

he has a rent controlled apartment, which she can inherit, but how could she and Lurch pay even the absurdly low rent?

No. 950598

He is in a Mitchell-Llama apartment which is a very specific type of co-op situation. It’s highly sought after but you still need to pay usually $1-2k in maintenance fees a month.

It can be passed on to a relative but under VERY strict rules, she’d have to live there for 2 years immediately prior to his death and be vetted by the coop board and qualify. You need provable income and have to be reporting that income for those 2 years as well.

There’s no way she will be able to inherit it unless she really worked for it. I’m sure she thinks she can though.

No. 950602

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pt 1

No. 950603

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pt 2

No. 950604

Is she seriously saying “I haven’t asked him for a single dollar” as if it’s a brag? Tuna you’re a fucking adult.

No. 950605

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pt 3 (sorry I couldn’t get it in one screenshot)

No. 950606

She could get a free phone & phone service, which includes data also, thru the program that gives them to ppl on food stamps. They allow you to upgrade to a nicer phone via their site, or switch the sim card into your current phone if it's unlocked. Why does she not do that?

No. 950607

Almost 30 and still BPD raging when she doesn't get the gibs. Does she not have a modicum of shame given that she touched herself on the phone while leading him to believe she was turning her life around? It's like she blocks out her own shit actions because her Dad yelled at her on a balcony as a kid. Kek. She WILL die before him.

No. 950609

People like Luna can't stand knowing someone they tried to manipulate is living guilt free after they've told them to fuck off. He has to be dead so she knows he's not just ignoring her attempts at manipulation and he can't have any pleasures she can't take from him.
>"You're assuming I'm going to die before you"
I wonder why he thinks you'll die first Luna. Is it maybe your fentanyl addiction and the fact that you, apparently, overdose every five seconds? Everytime she talks about how many times she's "almost died" it goes up, but noo, it's impossible to imagine why he's been mentally preparing for his daughters death for years.

No. 950610

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Luna posted on her story that she's tired of haters following her and giving her backhanded comments and knew immediately it was this diamonds and bones chick. she comments on nearly all of her pictures, oftentimes the only one who comments, and it's always some funny shit like this. and of course, Tuna is insecure AF because her eyes are looking at two different directions and she's like "fuck you my eye is dry!!"

No. 950613

she's mad that he's threatening to stop paying for her phone, she wishes he were dead ASAP… so wouldn't the obvious answer be to get rid of the phone so he's no longer in your life at all? the answer is because she still wants one more person to pay for something so she doesn't have to.

No. 950615

She doesn't see how fucking stupid she sounds in this post. Cable and wifi are not necessitates and running up his bill because of it and wishing he was dead is retarded. Get a life and you won't have to sit around all day using up so much data. I hope he does cut her off and then gets a restraining order when she inevitably flips out. She sounds jealous asf that things worked out for him, and even though she was given a large inheritance, she blew it, and ended up in a little shithole with an ugly middle aged man who groomed her. Funny how she talks about her mom now after telling the social worker she didn't deserve help bc she was old and her life was over. Good for her dad for cutting her off.

No. 950616

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Kek I hope she never stops commenting on lunas pictures. She’s delusional about her appearance and needs to hear it

No. 950617

Sounds like a loser actually.

No. 950620

well obviously but that’s beside the point

No. 950621

I feel like she's a stupid farmer who secretly hopes to befriend tuna for both milk and personal reasons. Her own account is embarassing.

No. 950622

Nona, every time she posted her dreams and resolutions before, they were always the same. Lose weight, get blonde, more "art" + some pipe dreams like a job or a move.
She can't even manage the easier things, like losing weight or pumping up shit drawings/poems more.
It feels to me she finally gave up because the only thing she can cross of her list every time is "get blonde hair" (on mommy's dime)

No. 950624

Who needs enemies when you've got a daughter like Luna? I only skimmed it because this post is unhinged and depressing. What stood out to me is that she accuses him of having it easier than most people and that's literally what's been said about Luna for years. She had way more chances than the average person.

No. 950627

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i'll take my ban for this but is def an attention seeking munchie cow herself. also her moid is hideous and has a dead tooth to match tuna kekkkk

No. 950629

>I haven’t asked him for a single dollar
>complains about him possibly not paying for her phone

No. 950631

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No. 950632

Holy shit the narc rage is strong in this one. Looks like he officially cut her off, it's about time

No. 950634

Who cut whom off?

No. 950635

He only threatened to because she was eating all of his data.

Side note, what kind of scummy bitch airs their family's dirty laundry online for pitty? (assuming her habitual lying ass is actually telling the truth).

No. 950636

even if every single word of this was true she would take it all back in a heartbeat if he gave her keys to his apartment and enough money to support her various addictions. people only hold any value to luna when they're giving her what she wants

No. 950640

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No. 950641

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No. 950642

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No. 950643

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No. 950644

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No. 950645

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No. 950646

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looked into it, he cant take care of his grown ass daughter when hes already struggling too, selfish cunt

No. 950648

Wake up babes, new cope for never having worked a day in her life just dropped KEK

No. 950650

I can't wait for her to find out she won't get her dad's apt, bc of those criteria! I wish she'd post more specifically about if she believes she'll be able to inherit it. Has she ever mentioned that directly?

No. 950652

HOW many times is she going to post about this fucking thing? It’s not cute. First off, it’s cheap. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t be cute - but the minute something falls into Tuna’s clutches, it instantaneously becomes grimy. And that is definitely not cute. It’s just pink. Pink, and gross.

No. 950653

It's so obvious she's jealous that he "got it easy" and is living better now. He might've been a shit dad, but we've seen him try to support her and he still pays for his adult daughter's phone after all these years. Didn't she used to post all the stuff she'd steal from him anytime she visited him too Can't really say I blame the guy for being frustrated and ready to cut her off. He's trying not to relapse while having a junkie daughter that doesn't want to get better. Her mom is actively using and supplying her with drugs still too? Of course he doesn't want her involved.

So the "it's meant for artists reee" is just her thinking she's more entitled to it than he is I guess. Not seeing anything anywhere about it being artist-only.

The junkie cope is off the charts. She may not be buying anything because she's too busy nodding off to get a job, but she quite literally overconsumes fast food and beauty products she absolutely doesn't need? She's obviously just seething jealous again.

No. 950654

She likes nails and she likes shopping at temu, why don't she just order nail stuff for like $20 and start doing her own press ons? I know its optimistic but like any hobby would be good for her. Since she won't develop her drawing only painting the same picture over and over why not try something new?
Again, just me being overly positive but it would be such a easy thing to take up for her

No. 950655

Before when a nona claimed to see track marks on her knuckles I didn't see it. Now I see them all over her hand. What else could that be on her upper knuckle on the middle finger? And it looks like there's scars on some of the other knuckles too. How desperate do you have to be to inject drugs into your fucking knuckles? She's not even 30 yet

No. 950658

honestly it just looks like her freckles

No. 950659

Hands, and specifically knuckles, are actually an easy place for many ppl to inject. Tiny veins on each knuckle work well w/ small needles.

No. 950662

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Obvi not freckles.

No. 950664

100% not wking Tuna but it’s obvi not a track mark either. Looks more like Pumpkin scratched her. We know she’s using i’m just not seeing what other nonnas are seeing

No. 950665

That in particular is not a track mark. The other marks on her knuckles were track marks, and I'm sure of that. Right on the middle part, the joint, there are on either side and in the middle, three tiny veins on ppl's knuckles, easy to access w small needles.

No. 950666

she 'famously' had to have lurch visit her on lunchbreaks the last time she had a job to shoot her up, you're dreaming if you think she has the capacity to hit a tiny vein on the hand where the slightest movement would dislodge the needle

No. 950671

There is one building in the program that gives priority lottery access to area residents and also anyone from around the country who is a member of some performing arts union.

Basically you can qualify to apply and not be an nyc resident if you’re a member of that union. It’s not restricted to only artists.

Her father also used to work in the recording industry. She’s shared a photo in the past of some event she went to as his guest years ago where there were some semi-famous artists attending. He was probably also a member of that union.

No. 950673

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No. 950677

Is lurch still selling his ass or something, how would these two jobless losers even afford $900 a month in rent? It's also funny that she has the money to "buy a purse" from the thrift but not a lamp. Anyone who sees her public posts must know that everything she has is stolen. Also the audacity of her trying to call other people unwashed and stinky.

Honestly, a lot of this makes sense. So her father worked in the recording industry alongside actual musicians in the 70s-80s, got addicted to dope because of course he did, hooked up with another junkie at the clinic, luna is born as an accident, dad keeps trying to get clean, uses connections to move on or better his life, tuna's mom never gets clean and enables her daughter, letting her 30 something year old plug date her teen (underage?) daughter. It's no wonder tuna had these delusions of living some sort of 90s grunge rockstar heroin chic life with a "layne staley" look-alike lurch (her words not mine kek). Also makes sense that she seems to resent her father for not being a REAL artist despite him actually having some involvement in the arts while she has done nothing with her adult life besides bedrot and steal.

No. 950679

nobody tell her what a power strip is.

No. 950680

If she wasn't lazy could she move to another state where things are more affordable and idk, maybe GET A JOB so she can afford a place that isn't a junkie shithole? Nothing is stopping her. She has no job or anything tying her to her current city. It's not a crazy concept tuna, people make moves all the time.

No. 950682

You'd think the super cold air would kill the bugs that share a room with these two or she'd buy her own buy spray and maybe stop leaving sugary food/drinks out after all this time. She said a lot about her and lurch being soo cold they're shivering, nothing about pumpkin though. I hope she's stealing sufficient warmth from these two fatsos.

No. 950684

Tuna’s always taking selfies in low tank tops or paper thin stretch pants, of course she’s cold all the time. Ffs, just wear a sweater and get under the blankets. You do fuckall all day anyways
>I’m someone who’s always hot
Even her lard isn’t enough to keep her warm

No. 950687

File: 1736141708906.png (497.51 KB, 854x757, 1736090582045~4.png)

I didn't want to be this autistic but I feel like I have to. Obviously Luna isn't injecting herself, especially since this is her dominant hand (I think). Lurch has been using for many decades, I'm sure by now he's better at finding veins than some nurses.

No. 950692

Respectfully nona, you are retarded. Junkies do not shoot into their fingers, the veins there are so small it's impossible to shoot up. they go for the veins on the back of the hand, or those between the knuckles on the hand, not tiny veins in their fucking phalanges lol. I'm more shocked no one's addressing her aunt(?) kindly telling her to get it together in >>950631

No. 950693

As someone w/ experience injecting into my knuckles, I can assure you, it used to be a favorite spot and is absolutely done. When you tie off your hand, those ones pop out. There are very small needles w/ tiny needles that are used for that.(blogposting)

No. 950697

if it really is that cold and dirty, i feel even worse for the cat

No. 950698

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No. 950701

>steals from the salvation army
Like father like daughter

No. 950704

that bag looks like sad dobby

No. 950705

File: 1736172702848.jpeg (137.33 KB, 581x514, IMG_0368.jpeg)

Her nail is fully just black now. Hand masks won’t fix that rot you dumb fat fuck

No. 950709

File: 1736179965470.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1947, IMG_3522.jpeg)

No. 950710

Lamictal is a med for bipolar disorder. It helps regulate moods, especially preventing bipolar depressive phases, not regular depression. If your life is depressing, is your depression even 'clinical depression' or just a normal reaction to very depressing circumstances, that anyone would have? And I wonder if her doctors see her ups and downs w/ drugs and her borderline splitting, and are trying to see if she might be bipolar bc she's up & down. But, taking Lamictal bc your life is truly depressing will help nothing.

No. 950712

She has the balls to complain about someone else's hygiene when she never fucking washes her clothes!

No. 950713

It's the food old mindset of "if I take this I will feel better" that is typical for junkies. I don't think anyone wouldn't be depressed, anxious and disgusted by their body if they were in her place. But junkies are always on the hunt for that one thing to consume that will fix all their problems instead of fixing their problems.

No. 950716

literally the lifecycle of a junkie kek. Get addicted to something. let addiction ruin entire life. "oh my god i'm so depressed". Get addicted to something else in order to feel better. let addiction ruin entire life. "oh my god i'm so anxious". get addicted to yet another thing in order to feel better. and so on and so on. Tuna has gone from crack to heroin to food to asspats to self harm. I would feel like a fat, stinky, ugly, useless waste of oxygen too if I was in her situation. something something call a spade a spade lmao

No. 950719

>i have no friends. i don't trust anyone. the only time people hit me up is to ask me about fucking drugs or doctors.
This whole post is a joke, but that part got me especially because I don't think I've ever seen her in a normal, symbiotic friendship where there's an even distribution of acts of genuine kindness and effort. Every interaction she's had with someone outside of Lurch or her parents is
>my bestie bought me food
>my bestie took me shopping
>look at this x my bestie got me
I'm doubtful anyone is asking her for anything, but it's really funny to see her complain about it given how much she takes from other people. Doesn't feel too good, does it Tuna?

No. 950722

Her art was never really that good to begin with but it has deteriorated so badly this looks like a child trying to color in a shitty coloring book idk why she bothers and I truly wonder how she sees the art she makes

No. 950731

What about that friend that got her a switch lite? Surely they could send her money! Oh, that's right.. Lurch stole it.

No. 950736

File: 1736202331484.jpeg (697.27 KB, 828x1312, 5650D0AB-7E01-4971-9B57-4EA184…)

Tuna, girl, i am begging you to give your nails a fucking break

No. 950737

I'm curious to see how these nails look as they get dirtier and dirtier in her filthy hovel. Does she think no one noticed her nail fungus in those earlier videos w/ bare nails? She was clearly trying to hide the effected nails as much as possible while doing supermodel poses.

No. 950741

>Finally get to wear them now that my nails are nearly as black underneath

No. 950742

she has one. she was bragging about her obamaphone and its potato camera not long ago. she thinks she needs two phones, and not just any phone, but the latest iphone, and the pro version at that.
being fat and ugly is karma for being such a shitty person kys ugly fatty(a-logging)

No. 950744

Oh, wow. I've had an Obama phone before, and the ones they have are really not bad at all. Yes it only has one lens on the camera, not three, but it really is decent all around. Idk why she thinks she needs an amazing phone, when that one does more than enough, lets you watch videos w/ ease and do internet browsing well, and all kinds of things. It's better than you might expect for a cheap phone.

No. 950751

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No. 950752

even if she did get prescribed opiates for her “pain”, she should know by now it will do nothing for her as she’s already dependent on fucking FENTANYL

No. 950753

For someone who is always struggling and supposedly so poor she really expects luxuries and will complain about anything and everything. She will never be thankful she isn't homeless or having food insecurities and she feels entitled to the best of the best at all times but never reaches logical conclusion that she should get a fucking job. And no, not a cushy office job, any job she can get that will look past the fact she is very visibly a junkie with poor hygiene.

No. 950754

But then she could sell her precious oxy for fent money. Maybe lurchy is tired of pulling weight.

No. 950756

ayrt yeah that was my second thought, because obviously oxy isn’t going to really do anything for her. opiate tolerance goes up hard and fast. it’s a wonder she’s still getting so wall-eyed on the shit she does.

No. 950758

File: 1736226391795.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1488, tunaart2021.png)

Was reading the old threads and this felt appropriate to share. She was having a similar rant, but with slightly better art just a few years back. There's definitely been a steady decline in her appearance, housing situation, and art over the years. It's been forever since she actually drew anything half decent though.

No. 950766

How exactly does one get a meniscus tear when they do zero physical activity? Isn't that an injury usually seen in people who do heavy impact stuff like gymnastics?

No. 950767

Yeah but at her size the joints are probably constantly under pressure every time she stands and that’d be like trail running for average weight people. It’ll be hilarious if she starts needing joint replacements because they will tell her she has to lose weight and it will shatter that skinny waif imagine of herself. Good, respectable doctors won’t do those surgeries if they are likely to fail and if she won’t lose weight for the surgery then she won’t be able to do the immediate PT required to guarantee a successful surgery. The meniscus though is probably just mildly torn too. She can still walk and an average person can go years and years, sometimes their entire life without surgery for what she has. She’s just thinking she will get those coveted pain meds and she’s in for a surprise about that.

No. 950774

For how many years in a row now has she been drawing crappy self-portraits over and over, w zero improvement? Couldn't she draw some other ppl in her life, like her mom w/ her witch chin jutted forward and pointy and jaw length shortened, bc of her tooth loss? That'd be funny. And let's see 'angel boy' drawn more realistically than in the past, too. That'd be hilarious.
All her art is so tumblrina mopey all the time.

No. 950782

Kek - Tuna is so delusional and ignorant that she doesn’t take into consideration that a.) she’s way too fat and b.) fat is INFLAMATORY, thus exacerbating any pain she is experiencing. Her doctors won’t tell her this, because they won’t want risk catching any “fat intolerance” bullshit and why even bother for a stinky junkie that’s really only fishing for opiates anyway? No way is she going to do anything to fix the problem if it requires any effort.

No. 950786

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No. 950787

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chat are we surprised?(learn2integrate)

No. 950789

What could they do for her? As someone said, even oxy's wouldn't do anything for her, bc she's on methadone daily. (And whatever else she injects some days, fentanyl.) And what does she claim the pain is from, really? Having had osteomyelitis, a bone infection, that's now cured, would not cause ongoing pain. So, what did she expect? I truly would love to know.

No. 950791

She expects a magician to make all her problems disappear without having to lift a single fat finger.

No. 950793

they don’t even give opioids to non addicts anymore. this bitch is stupid as hell if they think they’re gonna give them to a junkie

No. 950796

Yup, they don’t give anyone anything anymore. I had a surgery and got sent home with a whopping 6 Vicodin then was told to alternate Tylenol and Advil. What exactly is she expecting? Especially when she’s already a documented drug user on high dose methadone?(blog)

No. 950807

I get 60 oxys every 28 days and have for the past
five years for chronic pain. Sorry you're all junkies that can't be trusted? Doctors who trust you and feel you have a valid reason have no issue prescribing stuff. I've had to change doctors multiple times for insurance and never once had any issues or any doctor hesitate to give me opioids(blogging)

No. 950808

No one cares

No. 950812

>>950807 Do you think that all of the women being sent home with advil or tylenol after horrifically painful procedures like hysteroscopy are "useless junkies that can't be trusted"? Genuine question. You sound male.

No. 950813

Many ppl w/ debilitating chronic pain are denied proper pain relief these days, even the elderly w/ no history of drug use whatsoever.

No. 950818

File: 1736356200464.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1830, IMG_3540.jpeg)

i wish she’d leave pumpkin alone

No. 950819

>>950818 Everytime I see Pumpkin I am so heartbroken. I hope in the next life they are pampered and loved.

No. 950820

The way she holds pumpkin like that pisses me off. I just know she lets go and drops the cat from that height when she's done using her as a photo prop.

No. 950822

Literal poop fingers

No. 950823

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No. 950824

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No. 950825

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No. 950826

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No. 950827

File: 1736363639849.jpeg (222.71 KB, 1170x1565, IMG_7793.jpeg)

She always looks so crusty

No. 950828

her make up is fucked. did she slather it all over face like a moisturizer kek

No. 950834

I think Pumpkin is starting to look better? Her fur isn't as clumped anymore? I wonder if Luna took her to the vet?

I miss it when she did more elaborate and stylized looks like how she used to do old Hollywood hair or idk try different styles of makeup.

No. 950835

I guarantee you she didn't take Pumpkin to the vet. She documents the most banal events every day, and posts them all. She couldn't resist the opportunity to be praised for doing that. She'd never spend her cash on taking Pumpkin there, either, bc that would mean buying a carrier, paying for transportation to a low cost vet, bc she couldn't afford a normal one.
Actual cash, not food stamps, must be crazy tight for her and Lurch, like they probably don't even have two nickels to rub together at times, I bet. She gets free van rides to and from all her medical appts, including the clinic. She doesn't even care to pick Pumpkin up the correct way, let alone spend her precious $ on the vet.

No. 950836

she writes her complaint manifestos like a boomer writes a negative yelp review. the way she places the exclamation points in certain sentences to really drive her point home just makes me kek
i like the addition of “he stole 10k from salvation army” as if she isn’t constantly stealing anything that isnt cemented down
tbh i don’t blame her dad at all. it’s frustrating and annoying dealing with her through this site, i can’t imagine her having a direct line to me whenever she wants more shit from amazon or shein. he probably wasn’t a great dad but he’s exactly the kind of dad she deserves, esp now that he’s sick of her shit.

No. 950837

If she took her to the vet her instagram feed would be 100 selfies holding pumpkin just like >>950818 on the ride to the vet and a exaggerated story about how the vet was the most evil human alive after they told her pumpkin is not in the best health, or a made up/exaggerated story of how the vet said pumpkin is the best most healthy cat to ever step foot in the vets office and tuna is a great pet owner.
She literally documents whenever she moves a trinket slightly to the left on her bedside table or when her free junkie van ride is 4 minutes late.
If she didn't post about it, it didn't happen.

No. 950839

File: 1736369596836.jpg (298.67 KB, 1080x998, Screenshot_20250108_155205_Chr…)

What the fuck is this gunk between her fingers? Revolting.

No. 950840

Nah tuna, the cat just hates you.

No. 950843


tinfoil since you can see her pupils in that pic but fent/heroin tends to leave black smudges on things.

(repost forgot to sage)

No. 950849

It's not that deep. She's a filthy junkie who doesn't bathe properly and never washes her hands.

No. 950850

Doesn't like being picked up or photographed. Let me do both!

No. 950851

It's ridiculous of her to say Pumpkin doesn't like being photographed. The cat's not aware the phone is taking a photo of her. Or, is Pumpkin self-conscious about her appearance?? It's simply that she doesn't like being held the way Luna does it, or in general, or doesn't like Luna's treatment of her.

No. 950853

It really intrigues me how she can be so vain and and obsessed with image and so dirty at the same time. She spends so much time looking at her own face and slathering on products and yet she can't wash her hands.

No. 950856

>jams her pointy press on nails into the cats ribs
>She hates photos
No you're probably hurting her and burning her nostrils with your body odor, fabreezed clothes, ash tray stink, and unflossed teeth, to be honest.

No. 950860

I would say its more of an indication pumpkin doesnt like Tuna. Cats study the ever loving shit out of their owners. We have seen the stain theyve left on the building from their smoking, what if thats the cause of Pumpkin's eyes and annoyance?

No. 950861

File: 1736391723452.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1290x2055, IMG_1820.jpeg)

What is up with pumpkins lip?!

No. 950862

File: 1736393698336.jpeg (676.14 KB, 1170x1837, IMG_3551.jpeg)

i wonder what her excuse will be this time. i really wish pumpkin had been found by someone, literally anyone, other than Tuna. that poor cat

No. 950864

I shouldn't have checked this thread in the morning, now I'm bummed out. I wonder how high she is that she can't see something's seriously wrong with her cat in that picture.

No. 950865

Probably "oh I was playing with her before and she was having so much fun she bumped her lip into her toy too hard! Lol! It's fine! She's the healthiest cat the vet has ever seen!" Isn't this animal neglect at this point? It clearly has several health issues she won't have treated.

No. 950866

Isn't there something that can be done? Can't this be reported? I don’t know how it works in the US, but in Germany, you can report things like this to the local authorities. It honestly breaks my heart, I can’t believe she posted this picture and doesn’t see it. My God, that poor animal.

No. 950867

The cats in bad shape but nobody cant do anything unless you want to break the cow tipping rule. So do what you will, but in the end, they might not do anything even if someone were to call authorities because shelters are overpopulated in america in alot of cities.

No. 950870

It looks like some of her lip was fucking ripped off. That’s absolutely an infection, my cat would get “acne” around her chin/upperlip and it would become infected when I was feeding her out of plastic bowls. Acne isn’t a big deal in cats, but it can absolutely fuck them up if it gets infected and we know shit for brains isn’t taking her cat to the vet. Fuck you Luna.

No. 950872

It looks like Pumpkin has a "rodent ulcer". They have a very distinct look and it looks just like that. Can be caused by so many things and her poor living conditions and care could contribute to a lot of them and it could also be a sign of serious underlying disease. She needs to see a vet either way. I don't think it will go away on its own. Poor baby.

No. 950873

The bitch puts the cats food and water next to it's litter box. Name one cat that shits where it eats.

No. 950875

Yes that's exactly what it looks like to me as well, or heaven forbid it's something worse.

No. 950876

I know we're all focused on poor pumpkin's mangled lip rn, but is that lurch's zombie leg in the background? It looks diseased.

No. 950877

Oh wtf, yes that's definitely his leg. Wonder wtf is going on with that and if it has something to do with all those compression socks she's always stealing

No. 950878

This poor innocent baby. This fat self centered greedy cunt makes me so enraged. Why is it that every single cow on this site neglects their poor animals it pisses me off to no end

No. 950880

She's deleted this off her insta now. No suprise.

No. 950881

Of course she deleted the picture now because she wasn’t getting the asspats she wanted. She’s such a piece of shit. fucking animal abuser

No. 950882

That swelling can be caused by flea allergies, you can see the fleas on poor pumpkin’s ears

No. 950883

File: 1736433870615.jpg (193.92 KB, 660x933, leg-ulcers-poster_660.jpg)

Deep vein damage from injecting in his legs.

No. 950884

Yeah that’s a rodent ulcer and at that stage it’s not going to go away on its own. She needs to stop being a selfish cunt and at the very least grift for money to see a vet. It looks like there may even be permanent facial damage at this point.

No. 950885

Did anyone happen to catch if she ever responded to either of those comments before she deleted the post? I hope one of her followers messaged her about it and she can't just go back to ignoring pumpkins health issue and pretending that post never happened.

No. 950886

Based on her pattern of deleting posts & questions about Pumpkin's health, (and even blocking ppl who dare to nicely inquire if the cat's ok) I don't think even DM'ing her will get anywhere. She's determined to ignore the issues w/ Pumpkin's well-being, and I think she'll just block/delete anything about that, and not take her to a vet. It's very sad that there's not more than can be done.

No. 950887

I mean, I won’t personally do it but no one will know if you cowtip as long as you don’t come here and brag about it.

No. 950888

I think it's an upper lip infection, because Tuna is a filthy bitch with sh!t and fungus infected nails.

No. 950889

Anyone else wondering what the next saga will be? My bets are either on "oh no, Pumpkin escaped!" or grifting for donations to take her to the vet aka exploiting her cats medical issues to get money for drugs and fast food. Because I can't imagine that's going to get any better on its own and we know Tuba won't take her to the vet, so… either she'll mysteriously disappear or it will be her new grifting point. I can't see her going any other direction.

No. 950892

Jesus you’re right that’s fucking disgusting.
Nothing but proper preventative like Revolution will kill the eggs but she could at least shoplift some Dawn while she’s out pillaging and wash the fucking giant bugs off her.

No. 950910

I wonder if tuna ever has moments of clarity where she's just disgusted and embarassed that this is who she has as her boyfriend. Or if his drugs just trump everything, always.
Now not only is she gross and unhygienic, she also had a flea infestation. Fitting. She's gonna spread it thru the building because she takes the cat in the hallway and bathroom. I bet we don't see any new pics of it anymore.

No. 950911

What do you mean by 'his drugs' though? As someone who goes and gets them for her physically, yes, but he doesn't provide much money for them, and doesn't deal. I'm sure she could find another way to go fetch them herself, if she wanted to, but I don't think she wants to leave him at all.

No. 950912

yeah call animal control so they'll take the cat and euthanize it. are you stupid? what do you think the future for a cat as sick and old as Pumpkin is?

No. 950913

Simply as someone who goes and gets them for her. I don't think she would ever cop herself. Too lazy and dumb. All she knows how to do is go to doctor appoints and say oh my pain my back my cotton eyed joe knee. And fails at that.

No. 950914

Way more often than you think. I think she has a "moment of clarity" every time the drugs wear off or when she has to share a bathroom with 20 other junkies.
I don't think she wanted to go home to her "apartment" when she was in the hospital. Maybe ahe missed Lurch but I really don't think, in her sober state there, she once thought to herself "I really miss my cramped room that smells like cat shit and the run down shared bathroom.". I thinks she's now using drugs just to forget the life she forged due to addiction and she won't do better as long as she's on drugs. It's a never ending death spiral that probably gonna be the rest of her life

No. 950917

She's also had moments on her secret tumblr(s) where she has complained about lurch being awful and mean. She also romanticizes and reminisces about her one ex all the time, even going out of her way to reach out to him. I think if something better came along she might leave, but there aren't many junkies doing "better" that would want her. Sane with lurch, he'd ditch her in a heartbeat, but no one better would seriously want him. I'm honestly surprised he was able to sell his ass. Moids will be moids though I guess.

No. 950918

How old do you think pumpkin is?

No. 950920

Pumpkin isn't an old cat and the problems he's having are easily fixable with antibiotics and good ownership.

No. 950923

Anon the way I laughed when I read this. I didn't even notice.

No. 950924

Pumpkin is like 3 years old max, they stole her as a kitten.

No. 950925

>Name one cat that shits where it eats.

No. 950926

She “found” pumpkin around 4 years ago so she’s probably around 4-6 years old

No. 950930

With the amount of times she “finds” stuff im surprised she never “found” multiple animals to add to her hoard in all those years. That’s a good thing tho seeing how neglectful she is with only one cat

No. 950932

Not supporting cowtipping, but honestly euthanasia would be the better option over being trapped in Luna's filthy lair.

No. 950934

Sharing a bathroom w/ that many addicts has to be hell. They have a habit of nodding out on the toilet or elsewhere and being impossible to get up/out of there, or on the other hand, having diarrhea over and over when in withdrawal. Also, not going #2 often makes them have enormous shits when they do go, and I bet the toilet is clogged often bc of that.

No. 950936

moids who pay drug addicts for sex get off on someone degrading themselves for very little money because they're desperate and in need of a fix. it doesn't matter what the person looks like because it's the exploitation that gives them satisfaction

No. 950948

Okay, so nonnies were distracted by the cat lip, then were distracted by lurchs zombie leg, but i cant help but notice how FUCKED that TV is behind that cat. Did they drop it down a flight of stairs? Thats ridiculously bad. Lmfao not surprising though. Probably a free tv that was given to her that she still complained about not working right and punched it or had lurch try and beat it to work. Junkies are another breed.

No. 950952

Well spotted kek. It's like a wheres waldo junkie horror edition

No. 950953

are we sure that isn't tunas leg? it kind of looks like pumpkin is standing on her hips or stomach and that's her leg sticking out

No. 950954

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No. 950955

Damn, that comment practically hurt me it's so savage! Luna must be losing her absolute shit right now. Self destruction incoming, I bet.

No. 950956

Is that her aunt?

No. 950957

Presumably, she addressed her as her niece in an earlier post.

No. 950960

Damn auntie, she probably can't do much better because her brain is fried from all of the drugs.

No. 950963


No. 950964

holy shit that's brutal haha Luna is breaking down as we speak

No. 950966

Lurch probably broke it when the Yankees lost a game. Tuna has complained about him spazzing out when they lose and breaking stuff before. Looks like it had something thrown at it tbh

Rude, but not wrong. This is the worst her art has looked almost ever tbh.

No. 950967

She didn't have to do Luna dirty like that, and for everyone to see too damn auntie. The anime eyes doesn't suit her style of drawing tho. What I usually like about her art is how she mixes harsh lines and adult subjects w cute colour schemes and styling but the eyes is just way too much and it takes what was kinda original and mature and turns it into a mid child's drawing kek

No. 950970

I kinda like the eyes personally just cause it's something new. I think all she's ever done up till now were these animal crossing type faces, moving into anime artwork could at least be interesting. Not good. Just interesting

No. 950981

The failed pumpkin post and the diss from her aunt is gonna have her spiraling and going into hiding for a while I'll bet.

No. 951028

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No. 951029

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No. 951030

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No. 951031

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No. 951032

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No. 951033

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No. 951034

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No. 951035

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No. 951037

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No. 951039

boohoo luna take your fucking cat to the vet.

No. 951050

File: 1736666217221.jpeg (217.11 KB, 1170x1657, IMG_9802.jpeg)

Saged for no new milk. I forgot who this chick even was, until I noticed she followed me on threads and instagram now. Assuming this is her actual account. I didn’t need to see her dirty ass again and I’m surprised she’s still kicking.

No. 951052

take care of your fucking cat tuna.

No. 951054

you mean like your cat is fucked having your lazy selfish ass for an owner?

No. 951059

>I’m down to try anything
except weight loss, exercise, hygiene, and sobriety, those are completely out of the question

No. 951066

>>949851 Without that disgusting crusty makeup she almost looks normal until you remember who she is.
What the fuck my cats food is in the living room room so he can eat and watch TV with me >>950910
Do these people know about flea spray and drops? Even bottom of the barrel people can afford that. What the actual neglectful fuck? >>950873

No. 951075

Fucking kek, Nona.

No. 951077

might just be bc i don't follow her on instagram or facebook but feels like she's been pretty quiet since the pumpkin pic got posted, usually by now she'd be posting some wall eyed selfie about a cold morning kek

No. 951078

I think she's utterly humiliated by her aunt's public diss of her artwork. And the Pumpkin post backfiring didn't help that ego pain, either.

No. 951101

She hadn't posted a thing on instagram since she dirty deleted the pumpkin post.

No. 951104

She outted Lurch's gross zombie leg, he probably screamed at her and told her to stop posting

No. 951108

the comment from her aunt is still cracking me up. probably made her spiral like crazy.
it's weird. she gets really defensive when people ask about pumpkin's health so makes sense she's avoiding posting? if she posts anything else there's for sure gonna a comment asking about pumpkin and she must know that

No. 951110

Kek no wk but her aunt sounds like a loser.

No. 951112

steal some fucking flea medicine and decent cat bowl you fucking cunt

No. 951134

Kek thanks for being brave enough to say it. It seems like people's irrelevant family members on social media always come out of the woodwork to say petty shit like this. It'd be one thing if her aunt called her out on one of her many lengthy, ranting text posts with something that wasn't baseless, but this was just unnecessary and bitchy lmao. It's funny in a sad way. The apple doesn't fall far from the whole damn orchard it seems.

No. 951137

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Tuna in a few more years(non-contribution)

No. 951152

File: 1736792114395.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1290x2279, IMG_1883.jpeg)

She’s back to posting, shorter hiatus than I expected after the pumpkin post

No. 951153

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No. 951156

I would pay to see what she actually looks like out in natural lighting, no filter, makeup caked on like she has zero idea what she's doing, irritation bumps tunneling onto her bridge jewelry that looks like it's covered in foundation and already rejecting. Why doesn't lurch let her know her eyebrows look like a 2 year olds craft project. Oh wait, he probably wasn't even home kek.

No. 951165

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No. 951166

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No. 951167

Luna making sense for once.

No. 951168

Chad Hero vs the Incel child molester

No. 951180

>The skin product labeled "AGED"
Kekk what a loser

No. 951182

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So uneven

No. 951184

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Even the industrial strength filters turning her into a different person can't hide how horrid her eyebrows and lash makeup looks. How does she draw those on and think, 'Yeah. Ok, that works.'??

No. 951185

does she ever draw pumpkin or lurch

No. 951189

her makeup looks so uncomfortable. it's so sticky looking and clumpy.

No. 951225

Is it common to shorten a last name (ignoring the fact that they're not married and will never be)? Part of me thinks she doesn't know how to spell his last name.

No. 951228

Nope. Only self-inserts. Excellent observation btw nonnie.

No. 951233

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Tunas out spreading fleas with her sick cat in the hallway

No. 951234

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and of course she has to go hang out next to the only normal apartment in the building, probably looking to see what she can get her hands on

No. 951237

Pumpkin trying her best to escape the hovel to freedom

No. 951241

Tuna gracing us with da big areola and a marginally different pose to show auntie that she can make grown up art. The thumb even looks like it's the right way round for once!
How much of her atrocious makeup is due to her being high enough to think it looks good, versus using expired, grimy ass melted makeup stuck to the bottom of her bag? She 'rediscovers' makeup and skincare all the time when she's shuffling around her piles of crap and her brand new stolen makeup vanishes into the grimy plushie pile within a few days.

No. 951244

I think it’s just because “Schumacher” doesn’t fit her aesthetic kek

No. 951250

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No. 951251

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No. 951252

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No. 951253

She says every two weeks that a different skincare is "the best skincare ever". She doesn't stick to any of it long enough to have any effect. >>951252 and Honey, this is more like a rats nest. >>951234
She for sure is there to try and propagate some plants. I hope she gets caught. If there's one apartment all alone by its self and she's creeping around it, that's weird and if I were the tenant living in that unit, I'd be pissed.

No. 951254

I guess when you get free insurance you don't understand how it works or when new policies are put in place.

No. 951256

Yeah, Luna, you tell 'em! You're kinda like Luigi, y'know, sticking it to the man? So, this med is so important for you, right, but you won't pay for it? That tracks.

No. 951260

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No. 951261

>wrong dose
I think your doctor knows what they're doing.
>muh pain med not covered
idk what if her insurance doesnt like how she keeps using it and wont do more exercise or something

No. 951262

Your insurance isn't allowed to decide to charge you based on a policy for what they like/don't like for one person, specifically. It's something to do w/ her insurance policies in general, or the prescription details in particular.

No. 951274

insurance companies have an entire department dedicated to doing just that. pharmacy operations. if you're abusing their system they will just cut you off.

No. 951277

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No. 951278

File: 1736919813542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,438.97 KB, 1290x2218, IMG_1479.jpeg)

No. 951279

Yes Rachel tell her! She’s like a darker SanitySam (or what was her name? Pixielocks cool aunt) kek

No. 951282

…Yes the worst of her problems are stuffed animals than say, being a thieving drug addict with no meaningful employment and no prospects.
Fucking numbskull.

No. 951285

Not sure she has ever drawn lurch, my personal theory is that she doesn't because she knows he's fucking hideous

No. 951287

So her father's surname is leskovac? Wasn't really expecting tuna to be Serbian tbh. Ngl, it's pretty pathetic of lurch to be "husband of 11 years" and completely unable to provide her with literally anything other than occasional drugs. Also insane she's still trying to brag about wasting over a decade on the middle aged loser while crying about her current circumstances.

She drew lurch at least once on a handmade anniversary card years back. I can try to find it again in the old threads. It's incredibly rare though, I can't think of any other instances tbh.

No. 951288

File: 1736927278223.jpeg (279.05 KB, 1290x582, IMG_1480.jpeg)

lurking lina’s fathers facebook and it seems that lurch has no qualms with his evbilness. commented this on one of his statuses 11 weeks ago

No. 951289

If you remember what thread the Lurch card was can you post? I'm so curious what her style looks like outside of her usual self insert art

No. 951290

any posts of interest from ebil dad?

No. 951292

If the nonna was referring to the same one drawing of Lurch I remember, it was completely a cartoonish and not resembling him in the least drawing of 'him' naked as a flying angel w/ a leaf over his crotch. Looked like any cartoon male.

No. 951294

uh anon she might be aware of her drug problems since theyre family.

No. 951296

>so angry
KEK auntie is obviously stirring up luna for her own amusement, she knows what she's doing with her comments

No. 951297

What does she mean by I always like their plantain? I'm esl but that sounds weird, like I think I get it but the way she worded that is confusing

No. 951298

It's gotta be a typo. I think she meant she 'likes their plants' and it auto-corrected to 'plantain' for some reason.

No. 951303

>your a grown up
I get that it's nice to see Luna being called out on her shit but her aunt comes off as a bit of a retard herself.

No. 951305

I won't side with the aunt just because she is criticizing Luna but I find it hilarious how much the plushies comment triggered her ass kek. Never really understood people who air out their family dramas this publicly.

No. 951307

lurch has commented on a few of his posts and her dad has a ton of porn bots/ trannies added on facebook. in his public likes it says he likes lana rhoades lmfao(sage your shit)

No. 951310

Runs in the DNA I suppose. Just 3 retards without any sense of how they come across on social media.
>husband of 11 years
Jesus, how embarrassing. Lying and an adult man who has his "wife" living in a box. BTW, someone mentioned how they could afford $900.00 in rent. They absolutely do not pay that. That's probably how much the government is paying and they might be paying a small portion of that. She's mad that it costs $900.00 and coming across like she pays it and deserves better. What an absolute scumbag. I still wonder what it would be like for a friend of hers in real life. Must be agonizing for her friends if she had any.

No. 951313

They have basically zero income. It doesn't matter how much they're "paying", it's tax payer money anyway. The few bucks that Luna makes degrading herself for men are definitely not spent on rent. I have trouble believing that she has ever paid rent with money that she earned.

No. 951316

I hope auntie spills some (alot) of milk kek

No. 951321

$20 is so low for a medication that isn’t covered by insurance, considering some go to the hundreds.

No. 951324

I agree but I legitimately don't think they have more than $5 between them.

No. 951325

How on earth she is able to afford cat food and litter monthly if she can't afford $20 for medication she claims she needs so badly? Do her food stamps cover things like cat food & litter? Sorry I'm not a burger I don't fully understand how they work

No. 951327

Food stamps let you buy human food items, only. Not cat litter, or cat food, or even toilet paper. But they are plenty, usually, at about $300/month per person. There's a cash benefit for ppl w/ no or little income, on top of food stamps, which maxes out around $200/month per person, that you can spend on anything, or withdraw as cash.

No. 951332

if they don't change out pumpkin's litter then it isn't an expense and they are likely feeding her the cheapest possible food

No. 951336

i don’t understand why she chooses to live in such an expensive area. except to leech off her ebul parents, i guess? it’s not like either of them has a job there. just move somewhere cheap cheap cheap.

No. 951337

How expensive an area is makes 0 difference to her since there's no way she's paying for her halfway house out of her own pocket.

No. 951338

Her housing isn't actually a halfway house, bc that's the name for supportive type of housing for people who are like halfway btwn supervision and the free world. They're like a supportive step-down before entering full freedom. Hers is just reduced cost housing, that happens to be accessible to drug addicted/homeless types of people, but offers no support and isn't meant to be temporary. She's called it a 'boarding house.'

No. 951339

At the beginning of the year insurance deductibles get renewed and you have to pay a certain amount before your prescriptions are free. Seeing as how it's the middle of January this is the first refill she's had for the new cycle. It isn't weird at all that the price changed and 20 dollars is likely just her share and insurance is covering the rest. It's crazy she doesn't keep track of her own insurance plan, you can look it up online plus they send a catalog of your new plan every year when you're on disability or medicare/medicaid.

No. 951340

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No. 951342

pumpkin is probably getting a half a can of tuna a day and some milk, tops.

No. 951343

The meds don't get her high so they're not worth her money. Plus then she gets to say poor me, insurance won't cover it can't get it.

No. 951344

She's all set up to receive benefits like section 8 housing and free medical in her area, not to mention access to methadone. I'm not any kind of expert but I would think it's hard to completely start over living off the American tax payer in another state.

No. 951346

Looks like she might've gotten her fungal hands on some fent, maybe? She's using that Down's syndrome-Jolie filter today, but her eye's wandering.

No. 951347

some state plans have dedictibles, some don't. shes probably flagged for being an addict, and/or the plan's policy changed.

No. 951348

She's a jobless addict. She's on medicaid, there is no deductible.

No. 951350

Her Medicaid plan, which is completely free, has no deductible, bc of her income. And plans don't discriminate against addicts, which actually is recognized as a medical condition, and even qualifies ppl for benefits like receiving EBT indefinitely w/out having to fulfill normal work requirements for an able-bodied adult w/ out financial dependents, if you're in a treatment program like Suboxone or methadone. And so, they can't deny her coverage of routine meds for being an addict. Would be different if she were trying to illegally fill multiple scripts for a controlled substance, which would raise red flags, but they don't deny you coverage of any med based on your addiction status.

No. 951353

Omg your comment made me think about how all those disgusting, old fluffy jackets (like the cheetah print one) she always wears must be thoroughly infested with fleas… probably bedbugs too.
First time I've seen someone complain about a prescription costing a whole 20 bucks. I swear she's made a big deal about an RX being like $300 or something in the past so I don't know why $20 is unreasonable to her. But her pain is so so bad she'll do anything to help it right?

No. 951357

literally was about to say… how tf does she want sympathy when they’re 2 grown ass people “in a tiny box” with “nowhere to go” because… why? they can’t provide for themselves? they put themselves in that situation. is she actually trying to say that it’s someone else’s fault they’re in that situation bc of a stimulus check? ugh. the junkie entitlement is unreal.
yeah and also for such a tiny box apartment with no closets where tf does she keep all the shit she steals or buys off temu?? does she just have to throw shit out because they get infested and nappy after one wear?

No. 951359

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Crazy she'll deny spending 20 bucks on her meds but will go steal over 50 dollars worth of face sludge.

No. 951361

File: 1737021212181.png (662.39 KB, 505x592, march27-2021.png)

I found it nonnas. She drew them for their 7th anniversary in March of 2021. You can see the date on the card.

No. 951363

The half-empty stolen cologne bottle that was totally her gift to him, kekkkk. Hilariously accurate drawing though. Of him, anyway.

No. 951366

What is going on with her thumb nail here? Looks like a very weird shape and much too short to be one of her shitty press ons, but it’s too matte to be her freaky fungal nail just looks weird.

No. 951373

I thought it looked like her fake nail broke, but who knows with tuna it could be literally anything

No. 951374

Isn't that just a visually foreshortened dark grey, transparent coffin nail that she's had on for a while now?
I love how surprisingly accurate his dumpiness is, w/ what looks like a plunger stuck on his head.

No. 951376

That kitschy plaque is depressing as hell.
>I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you
They've both lost all their personality traits to heroin and they bring out the worst in each other. Hard to see how someone in their situation could relate to a sentiment like that.

No. 951377

curious, she loves boasting that Lurch is 6'5'' , yet she drew him as the same height as her.

No. 951384

are you seriously expecting this dumb addict to take that factor into consideration when shes drawing walleyed?

No. 951389

Imagine risking your freedom by shoplifting something as stupid as a cheap garbage under eye mask just because you think it'll look cute in a selfie. Jesus Christ.

No. 951390

she already got caught and was only given a fine that she isn't going to pay anyway

No. 951391

I seriously cannot wait for the day she really gets popped for all her lifting. There will be absolutely NO ONE willing or able to even bail her out and it will be miserable for her. I'm sure we'd get so many spergs from her and lurch about it.

No. 951392

She seems to have the craziest junkie luck. I also cannot wait for the day it all comes crashing down, it's what she deserves.

No. 951395

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No. 951396

>hurr durr $20 for my totes CRUCIAL pain medication????!!!11??
>gets food delivered because she's too lazy and strung out to roll down to the corner store
never change, Tuna

No. 951399

So incredibly thirsty she needs sugar packed pop that only makes you more dehydrated. Just drink water you fucking fatass.

No. 951401

She lays around every day high as fuck. Every day is a treat day for her.

No. 951406

>I never treat myself.
also tuna: never cares for her cat. only steals for herself.

No. 951409

Her entire existence is rage bait at this point good lord.

No. 951416

How many drinks did she order? 'All the drinks,' she says. Judging by the gallon or whatever cartons of corn syrup & oil drenched 'coffee' drinks they enjoy, and the Sssips carton of juice they've been seen to have for Lurch to piss in, they probably never drink water.
Considering they share the bathroom w/ so many addicts who might be nodding out/deeply constipated, or in withdrawal peeing out their butts, do you think these two ever do a #2 in the litter box or a Shein bag, for the sake of convenience, & dispose of it?

No. 951417

I caught that too. She probably ordered several liters of soda or something. I just know this gross bitch quite literally NEVER drinks water. Wah I have cottonmouth I neeeeeded my soda poor poor me. The driver did her a favor.

No. 951418

I hope he kept the sodas for himself as a tip

No. 951419

She is such a perpetual victim.
We know Luna doesn't tip anyway.

No. 951420

She used to be on a better health insurance policy, thats why she's acting entitled. Prescribing doctors/shrinks can choose not to take Medicaid, the ones that do take it won't give her the drugs she asks for. She mentions it here >>950508
Idk why her non-addictive muscle relaxer is costing her money, but her old health insurance had a $20 copay and she was fine paying that for seroquel and klonopin because it got her high. She's been bitching about this lamictal script for a while but it must be at least slightly abusable if she's upset the pharmacy won't let her stockpile more pills to take all at once.

No. 951423

She ordered multiple drinks because they need new cups to piss in

No. 951424

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No. 951438

Nah, it's impossible to abuse Lamictal to get high. Increasing the dose too quickly is risky though, so if she takes too much we might get a Stevens-Johnsons syndrome saga next…

No. 951439

if she doesn't have anything to drink then that must mean she doesn't have access to water, so how is she cleaning pumpkin's bowls or providing her with fresh drinking water? she's so retarded that she can't even see how she keeps revealing what a terrible pet owner she is

No. 951440

She has access to water from the sink or tub, and could get a cheap Brita type pitcher. I think she just doesn't like to drink water, only wants sugary beverages.
Since Lamictal is not at all abusable, I think the only reason she seems hung up on it is bc she has the idea that it'll be the cure-all for her negative feelings. All it does is help prevent bipolar depression, and she doesn't seem to be experiencing that. I guess her doctor might believe she's bipolar, but I think her ups and downs are due to other factors.

No. 951451

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No. 951452

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No. 951454

File: 1737142345636.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1290x2289, IMG_1927.jpeg)

God forbid she run out of fake nails and is forced to look at her fungal infection. Out of sight out of mind i guess

No. 951455

File: 1737142491221.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1290x2296, IMG_1928.jpeg)

>feels so good to wipe the thick slimy makeup off my face and put on thick slimy serums instead!

No. 951459

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No. 951462

Two fucking dollars and she still steals them kek. She kills me.

No. 951465

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No. 951466

God, the industrial filters she uses! I wanna see her post her real, dumpy, frumpy face and body again when she 'didn't have access to filters,' and can't get any likes. The confidence is so misplaced w/ these AI generated mashups of her face contorted into a model.

No. 951472

>trying to relax for the weekend
Bitch what??? Lmao. Your weekends are no different from your weeks. Or months or years. You're stagnant, you don't work, and it's like junkie groundhog day, stop playing.

No. 951485

that's what gets me… she wants to have the vibe of those corpo girls on Instagram who make a big deal of finally getting off work and having the weekend to do cutesy aesthetic shit like getting their nails done or having a long 'everything shower'. unfortunately, knowing she lives in a stinky foul hoarder pit with a desperately unwell cat, a drug-addicted slenderman shaped easter island head, and a currently-developing fungal infection spoils the illusion somewhat

No. 951489

They just got rid of most of the IG filters so she's fucked

No. 951509

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No. 951510

I wonder what caused her to suddenly do these horrendous anime eyes now, not that her art was ever good but they make it look so much worse. Also kek at the nipple piercing on top of the clothes! Is this really what she thinks she looks like? Or just a projection of what she wishes to be.

No. 951511

kek at drawing herself about a hundred pounds lighter

No. 951514

File: 1737213093201.jpg (79.15 KB, 908x296, 1000060070.jpg)

Irritation or just residue from smearing her lips in goop?

No. 951516

That poor bridge piercing never had a chance. Laughing about how she said "third times a charm" when she got it.

No. 951517

Hey, she goes 6 days a week to the methadone clinic–don't forget that hard work, in her free van ride to and from, thru her meanie, awful free health insurance. Funny thing is, she only gets Sundays off from that, and Saturdays they close early like at 10 or 11 a.m., so she's resting up after her hard week, on a Friday, but the next day is the most demanding schedule of her methadone attendance.

No. 951519

Kek - neither, but both are part of the equation. This bitch slathers on skin care products with zero understanding of how they work, zero comprehension of how important it is to properly clean your skin, and how important it is to properly hydrate your skin with WATER instead of chemical and sugar filled fluids. But most importantly, she smokes cigarettes heavily, which causes “smokers pucker” - those lines around her mouth, which you don’t generally see on women in their 20’s but she also exists almost 24/7 in a smoke-filled hovel, which is awful for your skin.

Not that I give 2 shiny fucks about what this does to Tuna, but poor Pumpkin - I wish we could free that poor cat.

No. 951520

Cigarettes are $16-20/pack in NYC & the surrounding suburbs. I think that's why she switched to vaping nicotine, which is cheaper. I don't think she smokes heavily anymore, bc it's so expensive & doesn't cause any high.

No. 951524

Pretty sure from historical pictures where the filter isn’t able to totally cover her grim visage that she has perioral dermatitis. For most people with perioral dermatitis it’s not their fault, it’s just bad luck, but if that’s what Tuna has going on it’s no doubt because she’s a walking fungus factory at this point.

No. 951532

Those geek bar vapes she clings to can be between $20-30.

No. 951534

You can buy them for $15 online, but I don't think Tuna has that kind of foresight and money to order vapes online in bulk like smart shoppers do. Those ones and all vapes do last a pretty long time, reducing the cost per puff, even at store prices. I've thought recently, w/ her 'sexy' videos of her blowing vape smoke into the camera, that I bet a 'customer' of hers gave her $ to buy a vape and blow smoke in their face virtually.

No. 951536

ayrt and slight blogpost, but to confirm they DO last a long time, depending on the person - I recently quit but could stretch mine a month. I wasn’t sucking on them like a pacifier though.(sage your shit)

No. 951538

Probably "inspiration" from the manga she checked out at the library and likely never returned >>949559 and her stupid shein free coomer stickers >>947409 leading to a new faux weeb Tuna arc >>949792

No. 951541

I’d suck shit out of Luna’s ass(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 951543

I didn't know Lurch was on the farms

No. 951544

I was just responding to a post that someone deleted dumb fucking bitch(retard)

No. 951545

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No. 951552

Who’s she trying to convince kek she hasn’t been off anything ever, she abuses every drug she gets her fungus-tainted hands on.

No. 951554

Unless you're her dad, then your life is super easy and you don't understand how much Luna suffers

No. 951557

>Off drugs
Does this bitch seriously think she' 'off drugs' or is she still pissed off at her aunt? I'm sure Tuna truly believes she's a sober kweeeen every time she accidentally sobers up while waiting for Lurch to hobble back from his ass appointment with more drugs, but come on, she gets a maximum of 20 minutes of sobriety every week. Unless she means that it's a life long battle to be an addict surrounded by hateful doctors who don't give her benzos.

No. 951559

File: 1737247617692.png (1.17 MB, 864x1571, 1000005864.png)

Darn guess we won't get anymore comments from her aunt

No. 951560

Is that an artistic depiction of what it will look like when the fungal infection on her nails gains sentience, fully taking over her hand, or what? It looks like a meat glove of some sort, but I guess it's just terrible fingerless gloves?

No. 951567

>"Men lie" across the socks.
Kek what did Lurch do? And that care bears hello kitty plush in the lower left is a month old and the white coloring's already starting to turn a dingy grey

No. 951570

Lurch didn't do anything specific this time, she just shoplifted a pair of socks recently that said Men Lie, and must have liked them enough to put them in the drawing

No. 951571

Stolen inspo from her stealing

No. 951578

I may be a dumb bitch but at least I'm not the one wanting to eat Luna's compacted shits(responding to retards instead of report + ignoring)

No. 951606

Imagine calling yourself an adult when you have 0 responsibilities and contribute fuck all to society? Age regressed useless retard. Literally a brain dead child that sucks off the tit of the government

No. 951610

When is tuna's birthday again? This card seems like hard evidence that Lurch was dating her while she was a minor.

How dare her aunt be a bitch about her stolen plushie collection reee. Also, kek at the wonky fungus fingers and insane stomach stretchmarks in this self portrait.

No. 951613

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Lurch has the Same vibe as picrel

No. 951635

File: 1737320927961.jpeg (313.59 KB, 750x993, 591F7F90-364A-476F-BDC9-306049…)

Her favorite things to steal from CVS

No. 951637

Tuna, please steal something useful like any cat food that isn't meow mix, some floss, soap, wash cloths, laundry Detergent. Speaking of, I would legit love to hear her excuse as to how she gets by without EVER doing laundry. She hasn't done laundry ever in the history of these threads. She's just legit wearing clothes that haven't been washed in years? Ik she steals "new" things, but not enough to never do laundry.

No. 951645

I do hope she gets humbled for all this lifting eventually. She’s most likely out of her gourd whenever she’s doing it and like she says here about not paying attention to the cameras she’s clearly not trying to conceal it whatsoever. I know she had that recent incident resulting in a fine but that clearly has not bothered her at all.

No. 951646

Oh, she'll get hers sooner or later. The laws & store rules around shoplifting can be a bit weird, like they can't consider it stealing until you've walked out the door w/ it, and also confronting a customer is often very discouraged bc of how dangerous it could be for the employee, who could then be on the hook for medical/lawsuit. I'm hoping they're building a case and are going to pop her once it reaches felony level at $500, but you'd think that might've happened already. As much as she steals, & not even worrying about cameras, she's not gonna keep this up w/out trouble eventually.

No. 951662

She did have that Sephora (?) scare recently, didn't she? Its on her record or something?

No. 951676

Shoplifting is one of those small crimes where you get away with a slap on the wrist/fine a couple times before you actually see real jail time. She got caught at least once recently, a couple more times and she could very well see real consequences. Maybe less if they are waiting around and building a case on her. A tuna jail arc would be pretty funny even if it would temporarily dry up the milk, lurch would probably go into overdrive creeping on pornbots while she's away.

No. 951685

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No. 951687

File: 1737386609567.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1290x2274, IMG_2016.jpeg)

This bitch is literally never satisfied. She always needs more more more. Of course never begging for anything for her flea ridden sick cat or even for lurch but always only for herself. So fucking greedy and selfish

No. 951689

Taking a Medicare dial a ride van when she's not elderly or crippled you think would be embarrassing. Nope, selfie time.

No. 951690

Hey, that's how she makes her $$, after all! At methadone clinics, companies that give free van rides paid for by Medicaid do a thing where they pay ppl a few hundred per month or something to take them. Like a kickback. They have other van riders go around recruiting new van riders to recieve $ thru this same plan.

No. 951692

File: 1737389353036.jpg (708.54 KB, 1080x1766, 1000038730.jpg)

The jowl

No. 951693

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No. 951694

She really couldn't brush her teeth before taking a picture?

No. 951695

Isn't that her dead tooth? Whatever the brown stuff is I don't think she could brush it out even if she owned a toothbrush

No. 951696

kek what the fuck? is that the filter distorting her upper lip or just her godawful application?

No. 951697

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No. 951698

How long does it take to get so much tartar on your teeth that it looks like a thick layer of clear jelly is covering them? What kind of years old, rotting food would be dislodged if she flossed? Bacteria shit in her mouth non-stop but she feels pretty.

No. 951699

File: 1737390241057.jpg (26.85 KB, 525x553, 1000031327.jpg)

>That Astolfo sticker

No. 951702

File: 1737391692278.jpeg (223.76 KB, 1179x1674, IMG_8816.jpeg)

No. 951703

I knew she had the wandering eye, but here they are in two different postal codes. And "mah chronic pain". Shut up Tuna. Chronic pain in this case is "I want my insurance to cover my opiates so I don't have to."

No. 951704

Fake weeb tuna probably doesn't even know kek

No. 951705

I get professional cleaning done by a dental nurse every 6 months. Also, I always take my little cat baby to the vet if I suspect something's wrong with her, I've got pet insurance.(blogposting)

No. 951706

File: 1737393761429.jpg (439.22 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20250120_131416_Ins…)

No. 951709

I'm pretty sure she does experience chronic pain. She needs a job and a dietitian instead of opiates though.

No. 951711

You can see the swollen lip still on Pumpkin. It’s probably going to abscess but she doesn’t give a shit enough to get him medical attention. Tinfoil but I still think she won’t bring him to a vet because she’s scared they’ll scan him for a chip.

No. 951712

Where would she get the $ from to take Pumpkin to the vet? There are some reduced cost ones for ppl on benefits, but would take some searching and travel, w a cat carrier that she doesn't have, probably in a car ride that she doesn't have the $ to pay for. And that's assuming she cared, which I don't think she really does, sadly. Pumpkin is a cute prop for 'likes' to her. That's all. I think she often has a couple dollars to her name, if that.

No. 951713

we know you and lurch don't have sex tuna. no need to fucking announce it

No. 951714

What makes you sure of that? She had osteomyelitis, it seems, that made her have to get IV antibiotics in the hospital. That illness, whether acute or chronic, does not cause ongoing pain. It's a bone infection, caused by bacteria entering the blood stream from injecting w/ non-sterile equipment.

No. 951715

Her lifestyle is what makes me sure of that.

No. 951716

It's not out of the question that she has chronic pain, IMO, but I have yet to see any explanation from her of why it only started when she had osteomyelitis. She seems to mistakenly think that causes chronic pain. I guess it could be just a coincidence, and her weight/lifestyle have caused her to develop it, and she misunderstands the cause.

No. 951718

Those whitening strips are doing fuck all, holy shit. I'm not sure why she bothers when her basic hygiene is so abysmal. Wouldn't be surprised if she used those as a sub for actually brushing her teeth.

No. 951723

>if I wasn't FAT and POOR
Tuna really out here posting exactly like queen PT.

The irritated inner eyelids, the swollen lip, the visible fleas in that other photo. Poor cat must be miserable.

No. 951724

File: 1737404424845.jpg (277.22 KB, 1080x1904, 1000038738.jpg)

She posted multiple screenshots of more pointless things she wants to buy in her stories. I dont want to spam because it's mostly this sort of shit over and over with mention of her previous "be nice to drug users" shirt she lost

No. 951725

don’t forget stinky, lazy, and retarded. and whose fault is that?

No. 951728

it is impossible to be nice to drug addicts because theyve rotted their brains to the point they react to things like 15 year old. bonus points if theyre a high school dropout and never learned to regulate emotions like an adult. not to mention all the skeevy habits they developed over the course of their habits like habitually lying and stealing and using people. oh wait I just described tuna and lurch

No. 951730

even the pasty ghoul filter isn't helping

No. 951734

if she stopped asking momma tuna for CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP shein shit, i'm sure she could get the money to take pumpkin to a vet. NY has some hospitals that do sliding pay for households under a certain income to try and mitigate animal cruelty.

No. 951735

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No. 951736

File: 1737411329452.jpeg (711.41 KB, 1179x1907, IMG_8833.jpeg)

No. 951738

tuna actually has to care for pumpkin beyond taking a picture though.

No. 951739

Well she was talking about her "customers" today so there's one way she could scrounge up some money for the vet. She was also talking about trading art for trinkets, so there's another way. I'm also sure she could probably get some money out of her retarded instagram followers if she begged for it and posted a picture of pumpkins face again.
But instead every dime she makes goes towards burger king meals, drugs and shein trinkets.
She's such a fucking liar. If that were true she would've just said that the first time she posted a picture of pumpkin instead of deleting it and going offline for a few days

No. 951744

I would love a tuna jail arc kek I would love to see how she is after some forced sobriety, I truly think a stint in jail would be the only way she’d ever be sober for any meaningful amount of time.
She definitely hasn’t taken her to the vet. She’s trying to save face now that she’s been called out (politely mind you) multiple times and simply deleting the previous photo and ignoring it for a few days didn’t satisfy her followers. Not to mention how drugged up she always is she can’t even see how obvious her shortcomings are.

No. 951745

She has access to the internet and steals hundreds in beauty products regularly. All she'd have to do is flip some of the products online instead of using it all in one go and she'd have at least some money. She's too greedy/lazy though.

She'd be so miserable in jail her blogs coming back would be hilarious.

No. 951747

File: 1737421379583.jpg (240.13 KB, 1080x1946, 1000038740.jpg)

Incredibly like tuna to go on a posting spree wanting to buy unnecessary shit hours after publicly bitching about being poor

No. 951749

File: 1737422148836.jpg (58.82 KB, 474x519, 1000060138.jpg)

I will never get over how she brags about her stolen items by saying the full name like it's supposed to be impressive.

No. 951755

She's asking for stupid mugs and trinkets while here cat is sitting there dying and she doesn't care at all about it. Animal abuser but at least she feels pretty in her ugly red lipstick. She's disgusting.

No. 951756

Bullshit she took the cat to the vet. She would have documented it in stupid selfies, and she just stole the "plastic water dish" line from the comment on the post she deleted >>950862 The cat looks worse than ever

No. 951758

I imagine she would liveblog from jail on a contraband iPhone that she keeps between her cheeks. One day she's patted down and busted, but she simply feigns ignorance like she had no idea it was there. Your honour i would like to present exhibit A, this gif of Lurch violantly shaking tunas ass. I rest my case. Please no fanfic ban

No. 951771

Pumpkin is really looking worse and worse. I call bullshit on the vet visit, not sure how it works in the US, but normally they would've prescribed a flea treatment first thing. Definitely not cheap cheap cheap though. This animal would probably be better off living in the streets

No. 951778

If she had taken Pumpkin to the vet, we would've gotten a dozen selfies, not a single picture of the cat, and a 'buh buh buh i need moneys pls' post.

No. 951780

Oh gosh, sorry nonna. I pretty much said the exact same thing as you and a few others. I wonder if she knows that a majority of people see through her panhandling bullshit and lies. I still think they stole that cat from someone's stoop or something–most strays won't be so friendly that they'd approach people and let them grab it. Not only that, but Lurch has been known to trespass considering he was 'attacked' by those two 'pitbulls' (aka he probably tried stealing shit from their porch and the dog's reacted).

No. 951798

we know the fat smelly waste of space didn't go near a vet, that would eat into her precious time spent sitting on her ass zooted on fentanyl and eating cremesavers.

idk how it is in the US, but here you'd usually have cats on some kind of deflea regimen to prevent them, and it's one of the standard things a vet would ask about when you bring them in. hard to believe any vet could see pumpkin looking so scabby and miserable and not immediately suggest a flea treatment.

No. 951799

Random thought but Tuna has over 4000 followers on instagram. She's honestly so retarded to not try to do any of those influenster type apps where brands send you free shit and all you have to do is post about it. That is literally all she does with her stolen hoards of shit anyway, and she wouldn't even have to get off her fat ass to go steal it because they literally send it to your house. It's like everything she loves. Getting packages in the mail, free shit, and posting on instagram. They'd probably send her some actually useful shit too, like cleaning supplies.

No. 951800

File: 1737491497234.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1290x2297, IMG_2034.jpeg)

No. 951801

Oh so like every other pic she posts?

No. 951802

A photo of a person who doesn't exist, bc it's so heavily filtered.
>>951799 That's a good idea. Ofc, she won't do it, but it'd be a great idea for her to do something like start a YouTube, or TikTok–something that'd provide more content for interested ppl & I'm sure would get views, documenting everyday stuff of hers. Enough views, she'd get monetized, creators could make content about her, driving more viewers to her, and the potential to get free stuff to review from TikTok Shop, etc. Seems right up her alley, but I think she'd have trouble dealing w/ 'the haters' so directly. So she could turn comments off if she really needed to.

No. 951803

She's clearly doing something today… spoiler alert it's drugs. That wandering eye is always a dead giveaway. But also, she's doing nothing today… like every single other day. How does one not go stri crazy, living in a shoe box room, never leaving and going out to DO things, never socializing with friends or family, having to inhale the stench every time her cat shits, etc like i just can never imagine living like that every single day of my life

No. 951814

Bridge crust coming in nicely

No. 951827

its adorable how you think this junkie is capable of any of that.

No. 951829

What would she even make YouTube vids or tiktoks about, she doesn't do anything and her life is the exact opposite of aspirational lol

No. 951830

All of us and those on Kiwifarms would be her audience. There are a lot of ppl whose whole following is 'hate watchers,' and that's why I said that I think she'd have trouble w/ comments & could turn them off, if need be. She posts the same type of selfies & the same drawing of herself over & over & has for yrs, yet we still all wanna see what she does next. She could make videos of her just laying in her hovel, going to the clinic, etc., same as her current content but videos. Not holding my breath for that, tho–that's for sure.

No. 951833

so the same shit she does but in video form. come in anon.

No. 951845

She could be the female Bossmannjack. If she live streamed herself applying makeup and skincare for hours and being oblivious to how much of a train wreck she is while making everyone else's life a living hell? I'd watch. Screaming at her junkie (but not like her, they're bad junkies) neighbors while her life is entirely funded by other people. Bonus points if she's caught using on camera. She could fill the junkie shaped hole in our hearts while Bossmannjack is in jail.

No. 951848

Exactly! Idk who Bossmanjack is, but there are tons of content creators who don't do anything special in their videos, are the opposite of inspirational, & yet have blown up hugely on social media, w/ YouTubers constantly making videos about them, too. Tophiachu, the Resilient Jenkins, Ash Trevino. I think it'd be hilarious. Could get her more customers, too, or she could no longer do 'sex work' if she didn't want to.

No. 951850

she could be like a goocheese or a onlyusemeblade and just stream themselves being annoying and getting fucked up. she needs to get into ip2 lol…

No. 951851

I don't understand why she can't be bothered to even steal a flea collar. Of course she's not going to take Pumpkin to the vet, that would require her to put a modicum of effort into caring about something other than herself, but damn girl, you can't even waddle your ass over to the pet aisle when you're on your daily shoplifting trip?

Even without flipping, she manages to find money for fast food and Amazon shopping sprees. She could save up if she really wanted to, but that would get in the way of her constantly feeding her need to consoom.

No. 951853

I mean she's definitely capable, it takes 2 seconds to download an app and tell them how many followers you have and they'll start sending free products. All she has to do is post about them on her story when she gets them like she does with everything else she steals. She doesn't even have to get off her fat ass to do it. But she is retarded and they may send things like lysol wipes and pet supplies instead of goop and trinkets so…

No. 951855

Oh god I want this to happen so badly. She could also be like Cobra and just sit on her bed, get fucked up, rant about the same thing for hours and occasionally beg for donations because she's so, so poor.

No. 951864

File: 1737585049668.jpg (897.85 KB, 1440x3088, 1000030164.jpg)

Sorry nonas left my burner pfp in a screenshot. Idk why it keeps posting the unedited pic. Anyways. Meanwhile Lurch is scoping out hot thots that are the opposite of his bloated girlfriend on Twitter and threads, and making up stories that never happened. Employment opportunity yet his and Tuba have never been employed in the last decade at a legit job.

No. 951866

Lurch is obsessed w/ supposedly being the fallen goldenboy, soon to be back in the priveleged position where he belongs. He always 'knows someone who knows someone' and is being denied his rightful, huge inheritance, due to some unfortunate error–which will be cleared, soon, if he has anything to say about it! What kind of loser always has to invent stories that make him the undeserving angel of some just awful luck, whose good name has been tarnished by the unfair powers that be? Don't worry guys: soon he'll get that inheritance, and he and a Facebook sexbot will ride off into the sunset, finally victorious, like he deserves!

No. 951867

He is so embarassing. Tuna has this old dumbass as a "boyfriend" and she laughs this shit off because she's too lazy to make any life changes. Maybe she thinks she's the "cool girlfriend" by acting like she doesn't have a problem with it, but they're both just laughingstocks and it would be sad if they weren't such shitty people.

No. 951869

Luna is too proud to do that kind of debased streaming despite it potentially being lucrative. It's weird considering she'll let her ass banjo be played tissues flying out and all but…ip2 esque streaming goes against this cultivated image she has of herself. Maybe if she were skinnier she'd be more confident but we all know she isn't going to lose weight (and wonder why)

Her and lurch are birds of a feather, they really believe they're so much better than everyone else. Functional adult and junkie alike

No. 951882

even though i'd love to see her do this, i have to agree. luna is incredibly lazy, the appeal of streaming is interacting with the streamer in real time and luna wouldn't do that unless she was getting free gibs, money and/or asspats. she thinks too highly of herself to put herself in front of a critical audience willingly.
so much for 10 years and being "married" KEK. she always bitches about her dad doing nothing for her but what about lurch? only thing he ever did for luna was introduce her to smack. her brain is so fried she can't realise he doesn't give two fucks about her and has been using her for 10 years, not dating her.

No. 951885

i have to wonder if her relationship with lurch is little more than sunk cost fallacy at this point. she doesn't like anything that requires effort and is willing to tolerate truly deplorable living circumstances if it means she can continue doing drugs and not working to improve her life.

No. 951888

I don't think she needs to stay w/ him just to use drugs or avoid improving her life. All he does, I think, is go physically get the drugs, but I'm pretty sure she could find drugs herself, especially living in a building surrounded by drug addicts, as she says.

No. 951890

anon, do you really think tuna wants to leave lurch. I mean she does basically nothing except get fucked up, steal stupid shit like a teenager from cvs, and post selfies. lurch doesnt do much either whatever work hes doing she would not take on if she lived on her own. junkies like her are so used to having someone around to the point of codependency because they cant stand themselves.

No. 951891

>>951890 Oh–no, I don't think she wants to leave Lurch at all, actually. I agree. What I meant is that I don't think she's w/ him bc he goes and fetches the drugs. I think she is codependent on him, and he is on her, too. Not real love, just supposed usefulness.

No. 951893

>Sunk cost fallacy
Codependency more like, neither of them can afford rent alone. Lurch would prefer a gf that wasn't fat, Luna would prefer a bf that isn't a cheater, but they both gotta compromise if they want a roof over their head. Fwiw I think Luna's just as unfaithful as Lurch, she's just better at keeping it private. Both would leave the other for a "better" partner, but realistically nobody wants them. The dating pool is shallow for brain-dead borderline homeless junkies and they both have unrealistic standards. Both Luna and Lurch think they're more superior to other junkies and chase people out of their league.

No. 951894

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No. 951896

I'm not sure she even knows about IP2 and how streams could fund her life. I vaguely remember her commenting on some lolcow stuff (pixyteri, maybe?) and that's it. I feel like she's not desperate enough to put effort into anything to get money.

No. 951902

collapsing nostril, probably from snorting fent(sage your shit/medfagging)

No. 951903

I don't think she's having that problem. Ppl who inject, even if they have trouble finding veins, often will resort to muscling/half getting the vein rather than switching to sniffing. They get obsessed w/ the act itself of injecting, and find it hard to give up. I don't think she's doing a lot of sniffing, and that would be astronomical to cause that. I don't think she can even afford enough to cause that.

No. 951908

It was Chris Chan! She was also active in hate Abby brown Facebook groups?

No. 951910

File: 1737674857671.jpeg (355.03 KB, 1290x2478, IMG_2066.jpeg)

aww tuna finally acknowledged fakeboi!

No. 951913

Her skin is super clear & she uses a light filter?? She completely deleted her freckles & made herself look like a model, an entirely different person. This isn't technically even a photo of her. It's that altered. Since all her freckles are deleted, that's not at all her skin. I wouldn't call skin covered in freckles 'super clear' and 'like a china doll.'

No. 951915

>my skin is super clear
Teehee. Maybe because she doesn't break out with acne pustules, she thinks she has clear skin? We know she has patchy, red, bad skin. It's also crusty and flaky. She's goofy asf.

No. 951920

File: 1737682603768.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1364, IMG_5322.jpeg)

her wall is disgusting. what even is that?

No. 951921

Luna has to pretend to have a personality and intense interests, like a shrine to a god she doesn't believe in, bc as she herself said, she has no idea who she is, and it's 'driving her up the (dirty) wall.' So she pretends to have a religious fixation, or pretends to be a tortured artist whose art will be viewed when she dies and they'll say, 'Wow, she had mental illness & was misunderstood!' She's always picturing herself like a character in a book who needs to have quirky traits, it seems, rather than herself.

No. 951922

I always imagine it's a combination of layers of tar from smoking, dust, and then the occasional bits of sprayed blood.

No. 951923

I wish she had a few braincells left to realize how boring and depressing these retarded pics are. getting zooted out of her fucking mind she amused by the most mundane things

No. 951941

File: 1737724740009.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1179x2073, IMG_8888.jpeg)

NO filters nonnas (ignore the airbrush feature)

No. 951943

File: 1737725779878.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x2094, IMG_8889.jpeg)

No. 951944

Sure, just with & without the filter, both, you just have a nose job, a lip job, facial re-shaping, broadened cheekbones, better skin, everything different. Perfect symmetry. Let's compare that to when you 'didn't have access to filters' and looked like the person you really are, aka night and day difference. And barely anyone would like your pics, bc they looked as sad as they really are.

No. 951946

If she truly doesn't think there isn't that big of a difference then she is just plain delusional. The skin blur is so intense it blurs the hair around her face and erases the freckles completely.

No. 951950

I don't have time to go back and find it unfortunately but when a nona found her reddit account there were posts about sniffing fent. Who knows how long that went on for until she went back to needles though.

No. 951955

No way in hell she didn't edit this. Her eyes are looking in the same direction. Which makes me wonder, can drugs give you a wandering eye?

No. 951956

File: 1737740755753.jpg (151.45 KB, 1080x867, Screenshot_2025-01-24-18-41-13…)

>can drugs give you a wandering eye?
I thought it's common knowledge that she's high whenever her eyes are drifting apart.
Lots of drugs fuck with the eyes in different ways, like I'd always have to close one eye on ketamine. However, it seems like heroin specifically is known for this. There's a lot of articles about babies of heroin/methadone addicts being born with strabismus, so maybe that played a role since Luna was famously received on the steps of a methadone clinic

No. 951962

Late to the party, but does Tuba not realize that she should just do phone sex?! My company only requires the girls to have a VOIP and work any time of their choosing as long as it's 30 hours a week, pays out $1/ minute, uses the nudes and pics of a model so she'd never have to show her ugly mug and fatty boombalatty body, allows the girls to take time off whenever they want, AND she can work from home and draw the same picture while making money. The clients come to the girls, so she would never have to go searching for clients. As long as she's good at talking and is semi-creative with fantasies, it's very easy to get regulars and make $1000+/week. It just seems crazy that there are always better options, but she chooses the worst ones that don't net her any money.(blogging)

No. 951963

>good at talking and is semi-creative with fantasies
kek she is neither of those things and would likely have difficulty meeting any of the standards you listed considering how dysfunctional she is, if she has any legitimate customers it's because they are aroused by seeing a drug addicted woman humiliate herself and aren't interested in something like phone sex

No. 951976

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No. 951980

please tell me the company name, i'm curious.(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 951987

Still has layers of eye makeup on. Makes my eyes itch just looking at it. Slaps goop onto her dirty face without ever properly removing makeup she’s so fucking foul

No. 951989

The crumb between her lips in the right corner looks rank

No. 951999

File: 1737809478407.png (42.86 KB, 720x293, 1000000232.png)

She's made several posts within the last year talking about sniffing since she destroyed all her veins and having wounds that won't heal. Pic rel is her most recent post mentioning it.

No. 952000

tysm for digging this up

No. 952004

so what if she destroys her nasal passages in the process….wouldnt next be smoking? christ.

No. 952024

i'm guessing that smoking uses up more than they can afford. it'll be their last resort which is coming up fast bc snorting is never as potent.

No. 952067

Just now catching up and I had to stop.

"Ass banjo" "tissues flying and all"

nona, I just can't. Too funny!

No. 952068

File: 1737982254498.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x2100, IMG_8989.jpeg)

What on EARTH could she be tired from

No. 952075

File: 1737991194413.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1179x1670, IMG_8994.jpeg)

p i n n e d.

No. 952077

Why is his eyelash so goopy and stuck together ew that is so fucking disgusting

No. 952079

Everyone who's done drugs knows it's common to admire or at least look at how your pupils are pinned/dilated. This is such a typical junkie picture. Girl what are you doing

No. 952080

File: 1737997797303.jpeg (33.4 KB, 736x586, IMG_1592.jpeg)

Girl no

No. 952082

File: 1737998921756.jpeg (332.08 KB, 1179x1243, IMG_8995.jpeg)

No. 952086

Being morbidly obese, almost completely stationary, eating nothing but junk food, and drug withdrawals. She feels like shit all the time because she's treated her body like shit her whole life. No amount of skincare slathered all over her bumpy fungus-ridden epidermis will ever change that.

Wrinkly old man eyes with thin and dirty eyelashes, so dreamy.

No. 952087

Ew. Let's see a close up of his mouth/teeth. I bet that's a real dream, too, considering he hides it behind a surgical mask daily now.

No. 952096

Imagine your boyfriend being so ass-ugly that you have to try and admire his eyeball, which is bloodshot, bright red around the rim, with cob-web-like crust on the eyelashes. Ew, tuna…..
Can you imagine, though, her sneaking a closeup pic of his eyeball while he's high asf just staring off on the distance? Kek

No. 952100

Remember when she tried to get ketamine treatment once and they laughed her out of the office?

No. 952101

No, I don't! I must've missed that. When was it & what happened? It's so obvious that she just thinks she could get Medicaid to pay for her feeling nice by getting ketamine treatment 'for depression.' Idk if she realizes it's such a small dose, you don't get high on it. It's not that kind of treatment. And I don't think Medicaid ever covers it.

No. 952103

I can't remember when but yeah, she tried to get it. Even so, don't you have to have a history of treatment-resistant MDD to get it? It's not like they just throw it at any crazy bitch with BPD.

No. 952114

This stupid bitch cannot afford ketamine treatment lmao

No. 952116

File: 1738024126478.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1290x2269, IMG_2173.jpeg)

No. 952117

Oh, dear god! Her coat sleeve! Anyone living as disgustingly as she does would be depressed. But that's situational depression, not clinical depression, which is caused by brain chemistry rather than life events. I don't doubt that she is depressed. I would be too, if I were her.

No. 952122

Too bad you can't show off fresh laundry. That sweater sleeve is looking rank.

No. 952125

File: 1738033451245.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1290x2284, IMG_2174.jpeg)

No. 952127

it would be covered by her insurance and she’d get government rides to the clinic if she met qualifications. you have to stay for 2 hours because of how disoriented you are, and your blood pressure goes way up, so it’s monitored by techs through out the appointment. problem is she’s on a cocktail of shit at any given time, 300lbs (blood pressure issue), has a history on paper of being a junkie, actively still is a junkie and i doubt she would start doing CBT/DBT regularly. if she hasn’t tried at least 3 different antidepressants while SOBER she’d be denied. ketamine does help a lot with treatment resistant depression/functioning in general but luna doesn’t want to get better so it’s not going to work. she could also have a med interaction with ketamine and it could land her back in the hospital but none of this matters because she’d rather complain for the rest of her life while laying in her own filth, nothing will get her to improve except maybe lurch dying.

No. 952140

>if she met qualifications
That's why she's asking around about it. Trying to ascertain what hoops she has to jump through in order to qualify, what magic words she can tell a Dr to make him prescribe it. Most junkies work this out before walking into a clinic and demanding the good drugs, but Luna's a retard and only worked it out after being denied once before.

No. 952141

She has never tried to treat her depression while completely sober. No one is going to approve ketamine treatment unless you have a record of other treatments not being successful. Medicaid in my state covers Spravato, but that's it. I don't think she realizes it's not like her methadone where she can take doses at home. You have to stay with your therapist the entire time. I don't even know why she'd think about it other to chase a new high.

No. 952149

What does this post mean? Who's she speaking to here?
Since she's not testing sober ever, let alone consistently, she has to go in every day but Sunday when everyone gets one takehome bottle on Saturday, as far as dosing on her methadone. But, yeah, I don't think she realizes the details of ketamine treatment & that she won't get approved.

No. 952154

It's a song lyric from Don't Follow by Alice in Chains, I don't think it means much.

No. 952158

Ketamine treatment for a junkie sounds like a horrible idea. If it does anything for her she will completely overdo it and even if she somehow couldn't get her hands on ketamine her cravings for her drugs of choice (food, fent, benzos and stealing?) would get stronger. She's always looking for a new drug to fix all her problems. How has no therapist told her that's peak addiction? How hasn't a social worker or therapist or volunteer taken pity and tried to get her out of her depressing situation and into serious rehab and then some kind of job program? They can't honestly think anything is ever going to change as long as Luna lives like this?

No. 952159

She said somewhere that her clinic has never tested her

No. 952160

I remember that. The thing is, drug testing is req'd in order to get take-home bottles. You have to be clean for a certain amnt of time to get those, for one extra take-home per week to start, and then builds up from there the longer you test clean, so you get the reward of coming in less often. If they're not testing the patients there, then when they stopped testing, no one would be getting new take home bottle privileges. That would be very much against the standard regulations that such clinic are under, too, to never test their patients. And those who are already getting take home bottles need to be tested continually to monitor that they're in fact taking their methadone, and not taking other drugs, still.

No. 952162

Basically, she's not benefiting from not being drug tested there, if that's true, bc you're presumed to be un-sober unless proven otherwise by testing. So, there's no possibility she goes any less than 6 days/week. You can stay on the methadone clinic despite never testing clean (almost always), but you can't get take-home doses.

No. 952163

Appreciate the insight as I have absolutely no experience with methadone clinics. Luna lies a lot, but I'm not sure she would lie about the clinic not testing her. I don't really see what she'd get out of that, am I missing something? We know for sure that she's using and I don't find it hard to believe that a methadone clinic is run poorly. Is there an agency that actually checks that they're following guidelines? They might just be giving out doses to whoever wants them and not give a shit if a few bottles get sold to other junkies because it's tax payer funded.

No. 952164

I'm not sure what to make of it, either, completely. She's said that her clinic is overly crowded, and they can be really chaotic inside. But they are tightly regulated & overseen by the gov't, and they don't play around when it comes to who they're dosing and how. It's very regimented in there, w/ many little details about how dosing is done, and you're dosed by a nurse in an orderly, regimented way. They really don't play!!
But, there's so much bureaucracy in there, and sometimes the addicts do try to play games w/ in that framework. I think, most likely, she's exaggerating about 'never' getting tested & there were some slight lapses in the regiment bc of overcrowding, but there's no way she never gets tested, I think. Doesn't really matter in her case, since she's never clean anyway.

No. 952165

One last point, and I'll stop now, about why she likely posted that online: ppl who go to the clinic often have some resentment about the extreme amnt of bureaucracy there around dosing, and their constant urging of the patients to improve their lives & strict adherence to regulations & most of all the amnt of power the clinic holds in their lives w/ daily visits and protocols just to swallow a dose & then go home. I think that's what motivated her to point out the slight flaws in their system & gloat about it.(integrate)

No. 952175

File: 1738098832207.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1290x2290, IMG_2180.jpeg)

Tuna you are nearly 30 years old living in squalor in a tiny dark crowded bedroom, taking drug cocktails every day, having a diet of Burger King and candy, only leaving the dark bedroom to go to the methadone clinic… no shit you feel depressed you fucking idiot. And you choose this because it’s easier than bettering yourself and becoming a productive member of society

No. 952176


No. 952182

Those angry bird eyebrows! So, is the filter the only thing drawing in the front part of her brows, here? Bc it doesn't make sense that the inner part where she does have hair appears to be filled in, but not the outer part where there is no hair.

No. 952183

Return of the moldy thumb nail.

No. 952186

It might just be the filter but her forehead looking real fat here kek. With how huge shes getting are we in for a deathfat slaton saga?

No. 952191

lol it was only a matter of time before she forgot about hiding it.
Also her stolen under eye masks have found a resting point on her fat filtered entitled chubby cheeks

No. 952195

they don’t bother to test her because she’s obviously using
you can still get your methadone if you’re using, you just have to come in and get it from a nurse
the goal of methadone treatment is primarily to help people who want to quit, but a secondary goal is to keep non-compliant junkies out of withdrawals, as it is much cheaper to hand out an inexpensive med than to hospitalize seizing people

No. 952196

To comply w/ gov't regulations & continue to receive funding, and comply w/ medical standards, they drug test everyone, regardless of what their opinion is of the patient's sobriety status. Medical treatment doesn't rely on their perception or opinion or even the patient's info on whether they're sober or not. The whole clinic is very regulated, and that's in every methadone clinic.

No. 952200

Nona, you have a very obvious writing style, kek. I appreciate the insight, but damn, you gotta integrate a little better.
Tuna, those go under your eyes, not on your "cheekbones."
I feel like that grey tanktop has been in the Tunaverse longer than any other article of clothing she has. Also, we know what the base of those nails is supposed to look like when you compare it to the picture she posted previously. There's definitely something going on with that nail; that shit is damn near black.

No. 952208

Late AF (sorry) but why does this look like she's just taken one of those crayon type concealer sticks, scribbled it allover at random, and rolled out the door? Particularly across the top lip to right hand cheek area. Christ.

No. 952209

>that grey tanktop has been in the Tunaverse longer than any other article of clothing

I dunno nona, the old red bra was here for a while too!

No. 952220

girl its your living situation but youre too dumb to do something about it.

No. 952221

File: 1738172618493.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1290x2115, IMG_2204.jpeg)

No. 952227

With the way she never actually washes herself and constantly slathers her face in plundered goop, I'm honestly shocked she isn't covered in acne

No. 952228

not on her face anyway

No. 952233

The way she's blocking the tag with her fungus finger, as if she hasn't already outted the specific store she steals from 20 times already kekkkkk

No. 952247

Back to stealing from cvs, huh?

No. 952253

Ah yes the one she found in the magical dumpster

No. 952303

Withdrawal from benzos is what causes seizures, actually, not withdrawal from opioids.

No. 952306

She needs just regular tea tree oil for her fungus nails lol

No. 952318

File: 1738356550809.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1290x2272, IMG_2228.jpeg)

She’s moved on from finding her clothes in dumpsters to finding them on benches

No. 952320

Clothing left on benches is not safe to be picking up & taking home & wearing, especially literally never doing laundry like she does. A homeless person w/ body lice could've left it there, or who knows what. But she really just steals these things, doesn't she? I'd love to see these magical dumpsters & park benches that deliver free, new clothing, in her giant size.

No. 952322

Yeah when she "finds" clothes in the dumpsters it's just code for stolen. It's hard to believe that she's able to just randomly find clothing her size laying around everywhere she goes. I'm not american but surely the average american woman is not Tunas exact size.

No. 952326

File: 1738368412746.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1290x2049, IMG_2236.jpeg)

the sweater she found outside on the bench and did not even wash is the cleanest piece of clothing she has right now kek give it a week

No. 952327

Yeah, the average burger isn't the most slim person, but Tuna is fucking HUGE. She's tall and built like a brick shithouse. There's a reason nearly all the clothing she wears is cheap, stretchy shit. I wouldn't be surprised if she's pushing three hundred just because of how tall she is.

No. 952336

She's 5'11 right? If you scroll through mybodygallery.com at her height she is closer to the 300 pound body pictures than the 250 pounders.

No. 952348

i’ve been to multiple methadone clinics in different cities and states over the years (travel courtesy dosing)

since tuna is most definitely using some sort of medi-care, the methadone clinics are EXTRA strict because insurances under the medi-care umbrella is what essentially funds these clinics, because almost no one pays with cash or insurance due to the eco-socio level of a lot of addicts.

private pay patients get tested once a month (as do medi-care patients) and depending on what state they have to do a certain amount of addiction counseling through the clinic. Private pay where i live do 20 minutes and MC do 50 min.

for every unfavorable urine analysis, you get docked. Privileges get taken away. After a certain amount of unfavorables they’ll put you on a 30-90 day detox and kick you out. Same thing about missing your counseling. and since they’re trying to pass laws where addicts no longer have to go to clinics but can just get it prescribed from ANY doctor without strings, which would kill the methadone clinics (which is a huge money making business) they are getting more strict. she probably gets one take home a week due to her clinic being closed sunday but she’ll never get any steps due to her inability to just suck it up and do the work. I get a months worth of take homes at a time because i’ve put in the work. Tuna is just to self centered and lazy.

No. 952350

How strict are they? Do they watch the patients give the samples because Luna and Lurch aren't above buying someone's clean piss. I distinctly remember Luna being angry at her mom years ago, because they paid her for her clean piss which unexpectedly tested positive and got Lurch in trouble.

No. 952352

How does the nail fungus not bother her?? Does she even notice?

No. 952353

things that would bother your or i barely even register with her because she fixates on a few aspects of her appearance (hair, skincare) and neglects literally everything else. there's no need to think about her nail fungus when she can just slap a fake nail on top of it and pretend it doesn't exist

No. 952355


Probably the last picture of this article of clothing being clean even though it was found outside on a park bench.

No. 952360

One clinic I was at did require being watched while giving a urine sample to get into the clinic, to make sure you have opioids in your urine when you begin treatment there, but have never seen supervised routine urine samples. But they are all strict. There's no such thing as a lax methadone clinic.
From my experience, they won't kick you off if you always test dirty, but if you're a problem plus you're always dirty, you might get an admin detox, which is a quick taper to zero, and kicked off.

No. 952369

Nonny, Luna is the homeless person with body lice. Her decade of dumpster diving, grave trinkets, squatting, lack of laundry or consistent showering saw to that ages ago. I fear the coat will be infected by Luna and not the other way around.

No. 952375

I wonder if her cat is still alive. If it passed, how long would she let it linger before chucking the poor thing in the trash.

No. 952376

This is a great alternative to the Grimace coat now that spring is around the corner. I don't know how she manages to steal coats and jackets in her size, there's enough material there for a circus tent and she still somehow manages to hide it on her body before waddling out of Goodwill unseen and unnoticed.
Tuna has zero hygiene and probably didn't even notice her moldy nail until enough people commented on it. Hiding her hand in pics didn't make the fungus fuck off, so now she's slapped some nails over it and called it a day. As far as she's concerned, the nail is now fixed.

No. 952378

I notice she puts 'found on a bench' in quotes in her post. Is there any chance this is cutesy language for stealing, similar to how in the Reddit threads posted here, she & others call stealing 'borrowing' to avoid incriminating themselves?

No. 952389

Since the fleece looks like it's been washed a bunch of times she clearly didn't steal it from a store. I could see it having been stolen from a laundromat or the buildings laundry room.

No. 952392

File: 1738516818629.jpeg (982.68 KB, 1290x1367, IMG_2253.jpeg)

No. 952393

God. The only clean thing she has is the pullover she stole from a bench..

No. 952394

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No. 952395

File: 1738523301092.jpeg (580.8 KB, 1179x1895, IMG_9100.jpeg)

No. 952397

Ugh! Do you think she even tries to wash the tub out before bathing in that filthy thing? I can't imagine what kind of crust is on that tub from other filthy residents.

No. 952409

The joke has been made countless times before but…imagine the filth (and fungus) SHE brings to the tub?

No. 952410

Someone in their building put up a sign saying please clean the tub after use, how much do you want to bet she leaves rings of purple gunk in the tub and doesn’t rinse it out after

No. 952427

She wants people to feel sorry for her because of her horrible living situation but posts pictures of her taking a bath with expensive products. She's so blind to the luxuries (no matter how small) she does have.

No. 952428

I think she really tries to flaunt the small luxuries she does have bc she tries to make ppl jealous. She walks a fine line btwn, 'I'm so poor. Feel bad for me,' and 'I'm so lucky. Don't you wish you were?' But using stolen expensive bath products isn't much of a luxury, in the end, or something to be grateful for, in her case. It's just another sign of her crummy, largely self-inflicted circumstances, bc she stole them and could never buy them.

No. 952430

File: 1738589242543.png (73.39 KB, 611x133, 1658691981565.png)

she's just greedy and spoiled. she doesn't understand the concept of earning what she wants or the difference between necessities and luxury items because she either steals everything or has it handed to her by her father or through government-funded programs. she posted picrel back when they were looking for an airbnb (paid for by either her dad or lurch's dog bite money) after getting evicted from their squat and she complained that none of the rooms fit her standards. nothing is ever good enough for her.

No. 952431

File: 1738590273693.jpeg (123.64 KB, 1179x366, IMG_9107.jpeg)

No. 952432

Oh, it won't, bc you don't have bipolar depression.

No. 952433

You know it's nitpicky, but I'd expect a junkie to know how many milligrammes are in a gramm.

No. 952434

I think she meant to say she started at 200 mgs (100 mgs twice a day).

No. 952436

Luna sitting her bare lardy ass in the communal Junkie tub always gives me the heebie jeebies

No. 952443

>lurch's dog bite money
That made me laugh. It's the small things in life.

Girl there is no amount of antidepressants that will make your life less depressing. Does anyone know if she has tried Wellbutrin?

No. 952453

why is her toothbrush on her bed…

No. 952454

I'm sure she has. Not sure if she's currently on it or not, but that's a very commonly prescribed one, and ppl like Luna who are constantly getting 'help' have usually tried almost every med at this point. I don't think Wellbutrin will do anything much for her, since it's her life that's genuinely depressing, rather than genuine clinical depression w/ no outside cause.

No. 952461

File: 1738616875062.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1290x2274, IMG_2287.jpeg)

Holy the line of dark shit on those nails! Also looks like she bandaged up her wrist again. Tuna you are 28? 29? years old. Grow the fuck up already damn

No. 952462

Because it fits the purple aesthetic of the picture. Don't worry, it's just for show and won't actually be used.

No. 952478

thinking about how bad she’ll smell when the lamictal night sweats hit her like a fucking freight train

No. 952481

Well, whatdyaknow? The little butt on her top lip that always looks so weird is disappeared and her lips don't look like ground beef, and she looks like an OF model. Constant catfishing w/ Luna.

No. 952487

This bitch - WHY bother whitening your teeth? Putting on nails and makeup? Bleaching your hair? Begging for/stealing “cute” clothes and accessories? You don’t take care of yourself, your pet, or anything you own. You’re obese, slovenly and lazy. Your putting on airs is just laughable. What a waste of taxpayer dollars and oxygen.

No. 952496

File: 1738687738375.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1290x2298, IMG_2294.jpeg)

No. 952498

She's a whole new uglier person than she was just a few hrs earlier, bc of the filter. Looks like she got punched in the nose, all swollen. Does she really think her hands & nasty fungal nails are so pretty that they have to feature in every pic?

No. 952503

is it going to take her nails falling off or what

No. 952504

Serving party city wig this morning

No. 952508

Lmao It looks like the fungus is growing out which is good I guess lmao

No. 952516

really ironic to be using a filter called “clean” lol

No. 952524

File: 1738728619265.jpg (294.39 KB, 1080x1080, Picsart_25-02-04_23-06-54-839.…)

Begging her to "borrow" this from the drugstore and use it. She can make it a cute ritual with the serums and undereye patches and whatnot

No. 952526

Kek at you adding the kuromi to get her attention

No. 952527

even if she did treat it, the black staining will not go away and will have to grow out and be trimmed.

No. 952528

It’s better than it getting worse to the point where she’ll have to go to the hospital and have her nails removed

No. 952529

the only time i’ve ever been watched was when they told me i was testing (it’s random, you never know) and i went back out to my car for some reason. since i left, i had to do a supervised urine test. they put a little plastic urine catcher on the toilet to make sure you’re actually peeing too. But monthly’s are usually unsupervised. my clinic immediately does a temp test to make sure you’re not sneaking in cold urine but other than that… they kind of have to trust you.

in general clinics won’t do a forced detox on you unless you’re continually using opiates or benzos without a prescription and/or missing counseling and/or refusal to pay. And they’re really pushing long term patients to taper down and being incredibly tight with the rules.

i imagine tuna will be the old lady who’s been in and out of the local clinics for decades selling her one take home to sick junkies to get cash.(blogging)

No. 952530

that’s a weird dose for lamictal… i’ve never seen or had it dosed through out the day like that. It’s usually a 100mg pill once a day to start and then you move up to find a therapeutic dose.

No. 952531

That's not a weird dose just because you haven't heard of it. I'm on 100 3x a day (morning, noon, and night).(blogging)

No. 952532

anon are you a junkie. youre forgetting a major factor here.

No. 952534

Ntayrt, but her being on opioids wouldn't effect her Lamictal dose, which is for bipolar depression.

No. 952537

File: 1738772197946.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1290x2279, IMG_2307.jpeg)

No. 952538

File: 1738772263685.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1290x1932, IMG_2308.jpeg)

She’s been wearing the bench sweater for 5 days now

No. 952539

Massive KEK @ the "CLEAN" filter

No. 952540

the fake prada purse pairs well with the purple grimace body lice park bench sweater kek. literally why even bother, she's not fooling anyone but herself

No. 952541

That purse's straps are rejecting the purse just like her bridge piercing is rejecting her body.
In other pictures it's peeling around where they're attached so badly, Tuna is one stumble away from spilling her entire purse on asphalt. Hopefully that poor piercing can escape too, along with whatever has been stuck in her asscrack for years.

She really reminds me of a glove filled with water, about to burst. Except she's actually bumpy in every direction.

No. 952548

Holy hell the irritation bump. And yet another rejecting bridge. That didn't last long.

No. 952554

Imagine if someone actually DID leave their jumper on the bench, they suddenly realised and went back only to find this big-fat-oversized-toddler-junkie wearing it.

No. 952555

Speaking of her being oversized toddler, I hate the faces she makes in her pics that are clearly meant to imitate little kids. She's into ddlg, and so is Lurch, and she tries to look so unaware and curious like kids do.

No. 952556

Surface piercings reject easily even for healthy people with good hygiene. Can't imagine this one standing a chance

No. 952557

Lmao right, I’m gonna sneak into Walgreens and stick Sanrio stickers on anti-fungal cream a bottle of detergent and a piece of fruit and see if she goes for it. As mamaroneck anon I feel it’s my civic duty.

No. 952558

Omg I'm cackling. Imagine logging on one day and seeing the new haul she posted showing how cute her new hello kitty apple is.

No. 952566

can this please be added to the next thread pic kek

No. 952570

>My lovely friend
I'm nitpicking her choice of words, but she sounds like a 60 year old woman slyly talking about a new romantic interest lmao.

No. 952572

girl you already have half an inch of roots showing. no the fuck they did not.

No. 952574

Maybe they noticed she washed her hair for the week, and that's what they meant by 'did her hair recently.'

No. 952581

This is the only kind of cow touching that I would ever support.

Her brows are so bad, it's actually baffling.

No. 952583

File: 1738860863407.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1179x2277, IMG_9150.jpeg)

No. 952584

She couldn't be any more airbrushed & filtered in this photo. It's not possible! And personally, I hate when YouTubers remind ppl to take their meds, drink water & have some food. If you need a random YouTuber to remind you to take daily meds & perform human functions, something is severely wrong in your life.

No. 952586

File: 1738862481649.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1290x1930, IMG_2318.jpeg)

No. 952587

File: 1738862569125.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1290x2283, IMG_2316.jpeg)

Day 6 of wearing this, sleeves looking rattier already

No. 952588

File: 1738862632064.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1290x2291, IMG_2317.jpeg)

No. 952589

has she posted any photos of her cat's mouth recently? I wonder if he still has that issue

No. 952591

no and she's probably not going to because if it isn't healed then she's knows she'll catch shit over it

No. 952592

It appears to be a rodent ulcer, which doesn't heal w/out treatment, and you know she's not taking the cat to the vet, so I don't think it's going to get better, sadly. It's not a painful condition, luckily, but it should definitely be treated.

No. 952594

What's the shape? You look like an Amazon box with a shelf ass, sorry.

No. 952595

Fat uppercase P

No. 952596

File: 1738876973408.jpeg (740.73 KB, 1290x2011, IMG_2327.jpeg)

No. 952597

This person doesn't realize how dumpy and frumpy the IRL Luna looks, w/ out an IG filter making her look like she can 'afford' to be sloppy bc she has wide cheekbones & a model pout.

No. 952598

that person is fakeboitherottengirl, tuna's somehow dumpier frumpier calf

No. 952600

Chest acne or hickeys?

No. 952601

She thinks her ugly tattoos and badly dyed hair makes her look effortless (and, in turn, good)? She does the opposite. Useless slather of shitty, stolen skincare, badly dyed hair lets her walk around with fungus and filth while being seen as attractive? Looking effortless is minimal skincare, no make up, natural hair and well maintained hygiene.

No. 952602

I think it might be more that she thinks her tattoos & hair give her such an edge that she can then dress more 'simply' aka is broke and has nothing to put on. Like the tats & bleach job are 'doing the work for her' so to speak. Delusion, Luna is thy name.

No. 952603

Do you really think that Easter Island Head is putting his meth mouth and non-existent sex drive anywhere near Tuna's body?

No. 952605

I get what you're saying anon, but maybe if she wore a plain clean t-shirt and a nice pair of well fitted pants. she's wearing a giant purple matted fleece. That distracts from her ugly tattoos and clashes with her hair. I swear all the blue eyed blondes that love purple. It looks so ugly with blonde hair (personal opinion).

Yes. Just because he probably has a limp dick doesn't mean he doesn't moid out. All those sex worker profiles he comments on speak to his still existent sex drive.

No. 952607

File: 1738885277194.jpg (223.25 KB, 1079x769, Screenshot_20250206_154005_Sam…)

Fat lump track marks? (Can't call those tits)

No. 952610

That’s just chestne from being coated in filth and she probably picks at bumps

No. 952611

she’s on so many meds tho that there’s no way she has a sex drive anymore. fucking bleak to imagine her just lying there dead inside while he closes his eyes and pretends she’s like Bonnie Blue or whatever.

No. 952615

File: 1738903419566.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1290x2322, IMG_2329.jpeg)

Tunas been puffing on this vape in her stories all day. She also posted a video of one of her drawings but she’s blowing vape smoke on it the whole time. She must be on something good today

No. 952618

I seen the videos and it's so awkward how she puffs, exhales, puffs again immediately. Sucking on it like it's a meth pipe. Settle down tuna.

No. 952621

File: 1738909089970.jpeg (670.42 KB, 1290x1528, IMG_2330.jpeg)

No. 952622

that’s definitely an anon. who the fuck knows about Soren besides a farmer?

No. 952623

it’s fakeboi

No. 952624

File: 1738921033968.png (3.03 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7131.png)

No. 952625

Keke HUH? All of sorens posts were plagiarized by mixing acid bath and dax riggs with kayla day who regularly and almost always stole all her poetry from a private poetry forum. It was super shitty and cringe too.

No. 952626

File: 1738922776588.jpg (87.33 KB, 589x630, Screenshot_20250207_020515_Sam…)

What is that

No. 952629

I wonder if she blows vape smoke on camera, like she's posted before, bc she has a customer who has a fetish for that? I wonder if she's maybe trying to provoke a purchase from him, which happens when she posts that or something?
There's a kind of bump called molluscum that has a pearly sheen to it. Maybe that?

No. 952631

fakeboi has admitted to lurking here and has interacted with the farms through her tumblr

No. 952632

>he's a piece of shit pedo but most male artists are monsters
The fact that Soren is female so this is a dumb statement anyways and that fakeboi would be willing to excuse a pedo just because you can't expect moids to behave and she likes soren's stolen poetry is crazy

No. 952635

I clicked on a random old thread and it happened to be >>468770 thread #15. It started out with an acid trip and nonas arguing about whether Luna was actually tripping or not since she was wandering around outside. We got to see a picture of her mom as well. Pretty funny, highly recommend.

No. 952637

also Soren’s poetry was about her supposed child abuse so either fakeboi thinks that Soren was lying (obvi) which is like why do you even like the poetry of a liar? or fakeboi believes Soren bc she likes the poetry in which case Soren isn’t a pedo or a monster in fakeboi’s eyes. neither option makes sense.

No. 952645

File: 1738959425600.jpeg (256.87 KB, 1170x1858, IMG_8001.jpeg)

Even under a filter she looks sad and dirty

No. 952649

File: 1738960747971.webp (24.79 KB, 385x250, 6941868-e2b153a999dc48548071f0…)

No. 952650

File: 1738960800456.webp (15.04 KB, 250x438, 6941867-2650bf3f8f11c812a44f34…)

No. 952652

Pot meet kettle

No. 952655

Sounds like someone was on that good stuff, feeling so connected & full of good will, while making typos.
I wonder if this guy got off even harder knowing he wasn't going to pay her for her services & that turned him on, or if that was just an afterthought?

No. 952656

Nona did you scribble this out or did tuna?

No. 952659

Tuna did the scribbling

No. 952661

File: 1738972152915.png (2.05 MB, 1080x1812, 1000013820.png)

Revisited some old threads due to anon. Found her supposed bestie from times when she had friends. She's an indie musician in NY now. Probably not very successful, but she has that effortless-appearing grungy look Luna wishes she had.
Feels sad comparing lives of these two.

No. 952662

Even with the scribbles we can see she's out here calling other men "baby". I wonder what else is under all the scribbles, must have been something she doesn't want people (maybe even lurch) seeing.

Seeing this would probably make her spiral tbh.

No. 952663

Why doesn't she advertise for like an OF and they have to pay to access????

No. 952666

Ofc she calls other men 'baby,' though, bc she's doing SW. That's just part of the job. I doubt Lurch minds at all. I don't think they get it on at all, not even lightly. I wonder if Lurch might hit on sex bots as a way to try to get social acknowledgement/someone to grub drug $ off of, in his mind. He had a woman on the side of some kind in the past who he got $ from.

Still doesn't make sense to me that she doesn't use her Medicaid to see a dermatologist & dentist. They can give you free beauty products like Retin-A. They always find something not-just-cosmetic to prescribe it for, so it's free. Just lazy, I guess.

No. 952667


Looks like she's simply sexting? kek. OF is too much work, requires verification, etc. She's really out here trying to sext people for money kek

No. 952675

File: 1738987191718.jpg (89.77 KB, 691x960, FB_IMG_1738981350160.jpg)

This came up on my feed and I thought of Tuna.(off-topic)

No. 952678

She's looking at this right now, eye twitching, resisting the urge to save the pic and post it to insta because she thinks it's cute and super edgy lmaoo.

No. 952681

i mean, it’s not like Luna goes out of her way to market her sex work. any man who messages her has to have been following her beforehand, which means they see all the gross pictures she posts. they don’t message her bc they’re attracted to her, they message her bc they see how fucking bleak her life is and want to jerk off at the fact that she’s resorted to sexting strange men.

No. 952682

they literally look like sores
GODDDDD i genuinely tried to
block that thread’s pic out of my mindddd jesus
tinfoil but she prob doesn’t want to pay taxes on of income that can potentially affect her welfare

No. 952683

Damn, good for her. I’m glad she didn’t get sucked down into Lunas lifestyle.

No. 952702

she has been degrading herself online for years at this point and she still doesn't take the moid's money first before sending pics? she got so fixated on the money she was going to get that she never stopped to consider that he had no intention of ever giving it to her

No. 952703

I remember rlyblonde. For some reason I thought she had died. This could have been you, Luna.

No. 952708

fwiw I knew Luna and Soren from tumblr back in the day and discovered their threads after. Person is likely a tumblr veteran(sage your shit)

No. 952716

That person is confirmed to be fakeboi who briefly had their own failed thread here. What is with the newfags flooding in lately? If you don't know who fakeboi is please just lurk more and stop posting unsaged retardation

No. 952721

So, no makeup, just turned into a night & day different person. Her dumpiness is visible the same day in >>952624, but then we're expected to believe she has a naturally porcelain, airbrushed rosy glow.

No. 952722

File: 1739055225862.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1290x2293, IMG_2363.jpeg)

No. 952723

I hope they don't fit.

What does she mean "time"?

Like she wears a pair until they fall off?

No. 952724

I'm guessing Luna's upset w/ a male in her life, either the man who didn't pay for her sexting services y'day, or Lurch, or dad?
Also, aquaphor isn't gonna help her 'dry' undereye much, bc it's likely some kind of dermatitis that needs to be treated by a doctor, not just randomly a persistent dry patch.

No. 952726

File: 1739060604255.jpeg (150.55 KB, 1170x532, IMG_3407.jpeg)

tunas bf has been commenting on my instagram kek

No. 952727

File: 1739060737694.jpeg (116.31 KB, 1170x254, IMG_3408.jpeg)

No. 952737

cute bunny nonna

No. 952741

Is that a roach in upper right corner of the pic

No. 952742


Oh my god.

No. 952743

File: 1739098477927.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x2143, IMG_9182.jpeg)

Holy linebacker

No. 952746

Oh! Looks like maybe a smaller one of those German roaches. Damn. She did mention once that there are roaches, iirc, and that the occasional exterminator the building has spray seems to only make the roaches worse and seems pointless.
>>952743 Imagine sitting down to pour out your soul into poetry, and then taking your phone and snapping of photo of you doing that.

No. 952748

if the extermination the building provides is useless there's no reason she can't acquire some treatment herself, have one of them take pumpkin out while the other treats the room, then bring pumpkin bag after it has dried and less hazardous. might not solve the problem entirely but it's better than being so used to roaches that you don't even notice them right next to you.

No. 952752

File: 1739113491401.jpg (228.49 KB, 985x667, Screenshot_20250209_070314_Sam…)

Sure looks like it and blood

No. 952753


Assuming she is still in the greater NYC area, all those halfway houses are going to have roaches. She would have to maintain a great standard of cleanliness to decrease them at the very least, even if she did roaches can come in from neighboring tenants.

She would have to make sure not to leave any food or crumbs laying out, check under any electronic appliances for any roach eggs, make sure no loose papers are laying around for them to hide in.

The German cockroaches have various sizes and instars depending on their age. I don't doubt that's a roach. They usually come out during the night when the lights are off. If you can see roaches out like that during the daytime, it's a sign the unit is heavily infested.

No. 952754

She's not in a halfway house, which is a supportive type of housing, halfway btwn normal life and a place like rehab or prison. She's in normal housing, that has no particular rehab requirements for the tenants, but it has a reduced price bc the bathrooms are shared, and there's no kitchen, so it attracts a lot of ppl w/ addictions & other issues.

No. 952756

We shall name him Randy the Blood Roach

No. 952758

I can't be an alive cockroach can it????

No. 952759

I think so! If you look up German cockroaches, the coloring matches perfectly, and shape. If it were dead, it'd be flipped on its back. Bugs do that automatically bc of their body weight being top heavy.

No. 952760

I think it is, to me it looks like it was running while the picture was taken.

No. 952761

It looks like its alive. Luna's been a dirty junkie her whole adult life so she's probably desensitized to roaches,fleas and small rats. Poor pumpkin.

No. 952765

well at lest pumpkins diet is varied i guess

No. 952766

Oh my god where is the girl covering her mouth holding back vomit image

No. 952767

Roach infestations also give off a weird odor, a musty smell, from all the waste products made by the roaches, I think. This adds yet another layer of funk to Luna and Lurch's bouquet.

No. 952769

File: 1739126990318.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1290x1347, IMG_2354.jpeg)

No. 952770

File: 1739127341421.jpeg (996.85 KB, 1290x1285, IMG_2355.jpeg)

These are from yesterday, didn’t realize how fast I caught >>952769 kek but god her walls are grimy. It’s bizarre how she uploads a post every time she rearranges literally anything in her hoard. She seriously moves a trinket from one shelf of shit to another and gets excited enough to post about it. What a sad boring life

No. 952774

File: 1739133518647.jpg (50.31 KB, 433x650, prm-02-kh0003-01p.jpg)

>two toothbrushes touching each other in same cup as random pens and markers

No. 952776

It's okay, they never get used. They're used for photos and to make people think she's hygienic

No. 952778

Cute bunny! Is it a lionhead?
It's alive and I bet Tuna didn't even notice it when she was taking that pic. Oh my god that's so vile, it's crawling on her stuff during the day while she's staring right at it, and she's so used to this that she doesn't even think to crop it out of the pic. To think we were grossed out by the fungus fingers and mysteriously acquired fleece kek, she's so much filthier than we gave her credit for.
The little corner shelf is probably a roach nest, like the rest of her piles of crap. I'm gagging just at the thought of her using all that junk on her face after roaches crawled all over it.

No. 952793

Roaches makes sense why she's constantly rearranging her hoard and taking pics. Imagine the state of what she chooses to not post.

No. 952799

Bro wtf? Get your bunny off this site. Sick gross moids frequent this site. Lol your bunny deserves better. Also the right autist can garner alot of info from just a picture of your room. The shayna threads are a good example of that.

No. 952801

I think you're thinking of Tai, her other bestie, that committed suicide.

No. 952806

if you have those ugly, tacky grafitis in your room you can't be making fun of tuna

No. 952807

File: 1739225129755.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1290x1635, IMG_2392.jpeg)

Super secret lovely friend strikes again

No. 952808

Bitch, when you've been wearing the same stolen pullover for a legit WEEK, anything will feel soft.

No. 952810

I will now forever automatically be searching for a lone roach in her pics like I'm looking for Waldo.

No. 952812

Girl me too kek. Wonder how many roaches we missed in her pics over the years.

No. 952814

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that friend was fakeboi

No. 952815

Me too. Fakeboi is so far up Luna's ass for some reason, and I wouldn't doubt that she might have some kind of crush on her actually. Given that she's a 'fake boy,' I bet she has an interest in women. I loved some of her comments in the past on Luna's posts, that probably triggered her, by commenting things like that she's 'not THAT fat, really,' when Luna complained about being fat. That's the last thing someone as irrationally vain as Luna wants to hear, I think.
There are so many more useful things she could use than more cheap Shein keychains. Like some Raid. The roaches add a new level of horror.

No. 952816

given that fakeboi is a lurker anon and is so obsessed with luna, i think it's more likely that she wants in on the drama so she can leak it to us. she cannot be genuine, she's so transparent in her attempts to attach herself to her. pathetic really since luna is nearly at shayna levels of non-milk.

No. 952817

File: 1739240710095.jpeg (338.35 KB, 1290x844, IMG_2401.jpeg)

I wonder if this is the “friend”

No. 952818

I wonder if Tuna never tags her "friends" that get her these mystery packages because 1) she's actually buying them herself but they don't match her poor sad bbygirl larp or b) she wants to keep them secret because her junkie brain worries other people might poach them from her.

No. 952819

maybe it’s payment for her “sex work”? shein gift cards for grotesque nudes kek

No. 952821

File: 1739258913963.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1080x1976, 1000000489.png)

Semi recently came across fakeboi in a DID shit talking group on FB, where she claims to have totally been professionally diagnosed with DID. Funnily enough though, Tuna is in the same group and the two aren't FB friends. Spoiler because she's hideous.(do not post random people/off-topic)

No. 952823

this woman looks normal compared to luna's usual grubby friends

No. 952825

probably a high school or childhood friend. maybe a former addict who feels bad for her. it’s surprising how often she burns bridges and still manages to leech off of people.

No. 952826

That fact that this got a red text is fucking retarded. Talking about oribiters is fine in other threads.I bet fakeboi reported this herself and the dumb mods just went with it because they are clueless.

No. 952827

You guys seriously just let this trap house bunny go?

No. 952828

File: 1739298569913.png (385.47 KB, 792x549, 1000011326.png)

Surprised there have been no comments about her nose in this pic. It's got a curve like a back road, surely she's snorting something

No. 952829

I've been noticing that lately in her pics. Not sure if it's a filter glitching or what, but I think it'd take epic, amazing amnts of drugs snorted to deform someone's nose like that. I don't think she could afford that much even if she wanted to. Also, ppl who inject usually get obsessed w that, and find it hard to fully get away from that if they keep using drugs. I know she wrote about switching to sniffing, but I don't see that happening long-term, esp since it's a less cost-effective method. Even if you can't find a vein, ppl will muscle it before sniffing, a lot of the time.

No. 952830

File: 1739299645904.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1298, 1000011328.png)

Are you telling me you DONT think Luna, the burn out heroin addict living in halfway housing for nearly 10 years, might not be sniffing shit in her free time? Her nose is doing some strange shit, I don't think it's filters. Old nose for reference.

No. 952831

File: 1739299815886.png (729.5 KB, 1079x1297, 1000011329.png)

And one more example from 2 years ago where her nose is obviously trying to exit stage right

No. 952832

Well, I would say I think she's doing worse than that, which is injecting anywhere she can, even w/out finding a vein. Not sure what to think, but the facts, like her not having a lot of $ make me think she didn't cause nasal collapse from sniffing a bunch, but something's definitely weird there. I'm positive 100% she's still using drugs, yes.

No. 952833

Why is it going in opposite directions in the last two posted pics here, where her nose is curved?

No. 952834

I thought only coke could fuck up your nose? Surely, this is a filter fail.

No. 952835

heroin can absolutely fuck up your nose, as can sniffing prescription pills if your hygiene is questionable
like, where in the hovel would they have a clean surface to grind up pills?

No. 952836

technically fakeboi has her own thread, maybe that would calm the mods down?

No. 952837

Sorry but how would opioids fuck up the nose? Cocaine is a numbing agent and constricts blood flow. As far as I know opioids don't do that.

No. 952838

It's possible if you sniff epic amounts of fentanyl, for the fillers in it to irritate & do damage, but since it's powerful, you only have to sniff small amnts. You'd have to be going ham over a long period of time of that to cause permanent damage like that from fent.

No. 952839

Fakeboi has a thread on /snow/, (where she used to sperg and post to defend herself) go post her there if you want to

No. 952842

anon here seriously thinking snorting shit up your nose does not cause damage. only coke kek

No. 952845

File: 1739321249470.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1290x2283, IMG_2405.jpeg)

No. 952846

File: 1739321511930.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1290x2286, IMG_2406.jpeg)

No. 952847

Sweet summer child. Junkies will snort anything. If I had to guess she might have been snorting her benzos. She's used them forever and she has always been a try hard. I wouldn't be shocked if she has snorted that long enough to fuck her nasal passages up.

No. 952848

File: 1739323881721.png (792.85 KB, 1079x1200, 1000011333.png)

I promise you we are approaching nasal necrosis

No. 952849

What in the Marilyn Manson mouth is this!????
I thought she said the grey sweats were baggy. >>952817 It looks like she just barely squeezed into them.

No. 952851

Seeing as all her clothing fits beyond skin tight to the point where she looks like a sausage bursting out of its casing this is considered baggy in her world

No. 952852

the shirt is so thin it’s see through lol

No. 952853

Nah, look at some of the older pics, her nose has always looked like a blob fish. What you are seeing is the true tuna fish.

No. 952857

She should consider switching to meth. Then she will be a skinny qween

No. 952866

File: 1739373335919.jpeg (915.58 KB, 1290x1893, IMG_2409.jpeg)

No. 952868

its true tho. the only time she was a normal weight is when she still smoked crack sometimes. i honestly dont think she could ever be skinny not because her body couldnt be like she claims but just because she doesnt have the willpower. she would just binge when she came down off the meth and took benzos.

No. 952869

>she was a normal weight
And when was that? She's always been overweight. Even in those old tumblr pics that get posted whenever nonas argue about whether or not Luna was a pretty grunge girly. I'll die on this hill: food is one of her worst addictions.

No. 952872

i am still surprised that this thing hasn't pushed out yet or she's gotten a serious infection from it. i remember when she first got it and how bad it looked even then.

No. 952875

Her boobs are confusing in this photo I truly can’t tell where they start or end

No. 952876

I agree. Also, why is her ass so shelf-y lately? Does she have rolls being held in by undies or something, under these pants?

No. 952877

File: 1739387199123.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1290x2228, IMG_2410.jpeg)

No. 952878

I can't stop laughing at this pic. The fucked up stare, lopsided brows, double chin rolls, the retard-with-a-crayon lipstick and of course
>whagever man

No. 952879

Wait…the Lamictal didn't perform magic and cure her problems?! I'm shocked! I think she really expected it would.

No. 952880

It's only been two months since her bridge was re-pierced and it's already rejecting again. See the amount of bar visible when it was fresh >>948921 and compare it to now

No. 952881

she lives in only one room…where was she taking the call, then?

No. 952883

There are a lot of fat tweakers out there because they binge when they're crashing especially on empty carbs. I have no doubt that Tuna would be one of them.

No. 952884

To be fair they probably pierced her with a longer bar to help with the swelling and she's too lazy to size down. But those keloids are massive kek it's definitely going to reject bcos she won't take care of it properly

No. 952885

Even when the initial swelling of getting it re-done had gone down, you still couldn't see much of the bar at all >>949537 so it's already rejecting fast. And those aren't keloids, they're irritation bumps and we already went over this topic last thread anyways.

No. 952891

File: 1739406485190.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1290x1988, IMG_2412.jpeg)

No. 952892

File: 1739406648988.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1290x2290, IMG_2413.jpeg)

spoilered for jumpscare, the lip mask she’s using makes her face look freaky and deformed. the filters are so fucking uncanny too and make it creepier

No. 952893

File: 1739406844101.jpeg (905.56 KB, 1290x1733, IMG_2414.jpeg)

No. 952894

I'm sure that if you saw this woman in person, you would never recognize her based on this photo. Why does she always say 'ft my eyes' or whatever? Why that phrasing? And it's 'the moon and me' not 'i'. She's repulsive IRL.

No. 952895

Ew she still has the first bar in?

No. 952896

LOL! As if she takes care of anything properly. She can't even be bothered to do laundry and you think she's sizing down her bar? Silly.

No. 952897

Hello Kitty wouldn’t shove a needle in her arm

No. 952898

Ew what did she already get on them?

No. 952903

File: 1739419518162.jpeg (79.91 KB, 453x314, IMG_1582.jpeg)

Wash your face properly before putting on skin slop ffs, Tuna

No. 952904

I think this is the first time she’s ever spelt aquaphor correctly

No. 952905

does tuna let her doctors know that she’s been jobless for the past 5+ years besides being pity hired to make shitty socks for a friend and selling nudes? she makes no effort to improve her life and wonders why she’s depressed living in a single room with an easter island statue and no bathroom to wash her ass in. she won’t suck it up and get a shitty minimum wage job to at least try to live a decent life because she’s too busy glamorizing her addict lifestyle. taking psych meds aren’t gonna help much.

No. 952906

I assume you're talking about her bridge? But honestly, none of her piercings look like they're doing well in this picture. She's lucky she was ever able to heal any of them with how terrible her hygiene is & probably only buying cheap metals
Maybe she would stop having a dry eye patch and feeling the need to slather aquaphor all over it if she stopped putting makeup on an active irritation? Between the eye, rotten tooth and fungus nails, I feel like she'll be experiencing some medical drama again in no time

No. 952915

"BPD", "breathe", heart in a spider web, written on the wall, taped photos on the wall like a middle school kid… this could totally be Tuba's room. It barely looks cleaner.

No. 952916

Tinfoil: mom or dad bought them to "cheer" her up like giving a lollipop to a kid after a shot at the doctors, but she can't admit it since it would expose the spoiled baby Huey she is.

No. 952924

if she did anything at all with her time she wouldn't feel so depressed. she could actually clean up their room instead of just rearranging her hoard, put some care into her cat, read, write, work on her art, etc. but she does none of those things and spends way too much time just sitting in bed. her back is her newest excuse but she was like this for years before she was hospitalized. of course she's going to feel like shit when the most productive thing she does with her day is take a bath.

No. 952926

Kek the bunny nonny can’t even spell “breathe”. By the looks of her environment she’s a fellow junkie loser who comes here to make herself feel better by comparison to Luna. Kinda hope one of the turbo-autist farmers will figure out who she is as I feel there’s some hydrating milk to be had here.(derailing)

No. 952929

File: 1739468863131.jpeg (1 MB, 1290x1322, IMG_2418.jpeg)

No. 952930

File: 1739468885483.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1290x1932, IMG_2415.jpeg)

No. 952931

What a sad way to live, that a pretty woman entering your range of sight ruins your sense of your own beauty. That's the kind of thinking that can be gotten past w/ effort & time, but will Luna ever get there? Who knows.

No. 952933

The junkie bunny owner would have been so funny to explore.

No. 952941

You don't give a fuck? You could have fooled us by the selfies and filthy nasty room pics you post. Anyone else would be embarassed by such photos but not tuna.

No. 952942

The only things she gives a fuck about are her hair colour, her drugs and social media asspats

No. 952943

She said she does give a fuck, not that she doesn't. Oh, are you trying to say it appears she doesn't give a fuck, rather than giving one?

No. 952945

Redken defamation lawsuit when
>the most productive thing she does with her day is take a bath
Ok but this is actually productive and necessary. Have you seen how many folds the people on My 600lb Life have? She needs to wash all the dead roaches out of her crevices before Lurch banjos them out of her ass on camera.
Prayers for Lola and her owner, Tuna's got her eyes set on that dog and she can see in both directions at once.

No. 952946

I do believe nonita was saying that Tuba truly DOESNT give a fuck because she posts her filth with no shame. Normal people would be embarrassed if there was a few dishes in their sink, for example. Not Tuba. She posts the roaches and filth smeared walls, filthy nails, crusty caked skin, dirty grimy hands. She claims to give too many fucks, but her actions say otherwise.

No. 952949

Yeah my bad. I'm saying it doesn't appear that she gives a fuck. She posts anything even if it's embarassing. Excuse my retardation.

No. 952950

That's ok. Can you imagine if she didn't give a fuck, according to her, what that would look like?! I just can't imagine! Maybe she'd walk around naked barking like a dog with a used needle still jammed into her temple or something.

No. 952954

>Prayers for Lola and her owner, Tuna's got her eyes set on that dog and she can see in both directions at once.
Lmao, nona! I needed that hearty chuckle.

No. 952955

File: 1739503359193.jpeg (343.05 KB, 1290x665, IMG_1800.jpeg)

No. 952956

Uhhhhhhh…… that's really not why you lost all your friends. You chose a groomer and you chose HEROIN because you thought it was a "cool" life. You chose this. Imagine being so damn delusional?? And then blaming "being poor" and mentality ill, both of which stem from the drug use.

No. 952958

Nice try tuna, no one wants to be friends with you because you’re 1. Extremely selfish, greedy and self absorbed 2. A scammer and a user 3. A dirty fucking junkie

No. 952962

No, you did this to yourself Luna.

No. 952963

Wow, good thing Tuna set the record straight on why nobody can stand her! We all thought it was because of the constant lying, scamming, taking advantage of everyone's kindness, stealing, shit talking and general entitlement that put people off being friends with her.
I hope she at least has a good Valentines with the Moai husband who's been there for her through it all. I'm sure he'll shower her in Kuromi plushes and magic dumpster clothing once he finishes trawling through AI foot pics online.

No. 952968

>still thinking about high school

No. 952977

>As if I killed someone
This ghoulish bitch. She knows that she's sold fentanyl to her highschool friends who have ended up in hospital because they didn't know it was fent. Then she denied it was her fault and claimed that all her shit was fent free when they confronted her. She could have actually killed someone for all she knows.

I can understand her being frustrated at normies looking down on her but she went to a fucking public school in new York. Is she seriously trying to suggest she was the only one with mental illness or drug problems in her graduating year?

When even other "victims of the fentanyl crisis" avoid you like a murderer, then you should take a long look at yourself. Junkies stick together for the sake of pooling resources (contacts, EBT, methadone etc.) so for Luna to be banished from junkie circles? Oof. That means she's a total piece of shit who isn't worth keeping around for any reason at all. Junkies won't judge you for your criminal record and are very forgiving when it comes to personality flaws/mental health, but if you fuck them over they will disown you and tell every other junkie what you did so they don't fall victim to it either.

No. 952994

I'm guessing the socks didn't fit her ham hock hooves since she never posted them on.

No. 953005

she sounds so much like pt. this is hilarious.

No. 953007


one, got in a relationship with a pedophile junkie, two, kept asking for money for drugs, three, treated people like shit if they didn't give her money or attention

a normal almost-30-year old would not still be bitter about high school friendships but this one has literally nothing else going on. we honestly might see Tuna die before she takes any accountability and responsibility for pushing people and opportunities away with her shitty ass behavior and actions, which according to her should be forgiven solely because she's mentally ill and an addict lmao

No. 953008

this sounds oddly specific like you might know tuna irl nona

No. 953031

She really thinks her old friends won't talk to her bc she's poor? Never heard of that. There are poor ppl who don't ask for handouts, so that doesn't figure into their friendships. There are plenty of ppl who would take pity on an old friend who was struggling w/ poverty & mental illness, and even addiction, but Luna pushes others away bc she always want handouts, and offers nothing in terms of her company, to others.

No. 953050

nta but there's been multiple tuna threads where people have talked about how the fent lurch was selling killed people, lurk moar

No. 953055

This is so manipulative. What does tuna think is going to happen here exactly? The high school ghosts” are going to read this, rally around the poor widdle victim tuna and shower her with money, drugs, gifts and praise? It’s not a portion of what she wrote, guaranteed that’s all she wrote. Pathetic.

No. 953071

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No. 953085

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No. 953086

File: 1739795090459.jpeg (314.67 KB, 1179x2118, IMG_9342.jpeg)

No. 953089

nice profile pic

No. 953090

>openly flirting with entire couples in the comments
Oh, she's fishing for a way out of the roach infested lurch hovel.

No. 953091

Sad she's low-key excited about 20 randoms adding her on fb. She's so embarassing

No. 953092

we’re closer to her Vicky arc than we thought

No. 953111

Nta but Lurch has no drugs to sell and never sold drugs. It's a well known fact Lurch has always been a middle man and NOT a dealer. The first bundles he's handed to sell would be "lost" immediately and he'd be dead by the end of the day. He isn't responsible for preparing the drugs or even know what was in them and sometimes didn't even touch them. Depending on the street dealer, middle men sometimes just lead tourists to the dealer and later get "commission" in the form of a bag of dope. Lurch is about as knowledgeable about drugs as a toddler judging from his inability to correctly and accurately hit a vein at the correct angle which taught Tuna her bad techniques. Lurch would fuck up making a pb&j- of course he's not responsible for cutting or bundling drugs for a highly regulated cartel. He just gets to lead the tourists to the teenagers selling for the cartels. You're "lurk moar" high horse when you're not even right about your fact is very Tuna-esque of you.

No. 953116

Her Reddit accounts, edgeofhell82 and funeral1996, have been deleted.

No. 953117

Yep. I don't think he even middle mans very often, and he certainly has never been a dealer. Also, Tuna promised ppl there wasn't fent in stuff, when? Bc for the past 9 yrs for sure, all that's been available in NYC is fent. She may never have tried actual heroin. Maybe, maybe 10 yrs ago, there was still real heroin going around, but it may have already been street fent and ppl just didn't know that yet. So, I always find it a bit weird when ppl say, 'What, it had fent in it?!' It's all fent. It's been all illegally synthesized fentanyl and only that for so long.

No. 953118

File: 1739815984092.png (432.96 KB, 1304x1268, image-12.png)

If you're so knowledgeable about Luna anon you could have found this yourself, and quite quickly too. Your spergout about Lurch "acktchually" being a middleman is very Tuna-esque of you.

Apologies that the timestamps seem odd, it was easier to get the screenshots off the other farms.

No. 953119

how are you gonna say someone has a high horse and then put "You're "lurk moar"" kek you sound like a gross junkie too nona, let's see your roach infested drug den

No. 953120

i can see them both still

No. 953121

File: 1739821871180.png (14.04 KB, 376x347, lunaschureddit.png)

They're still there anon, but I went to see if her preferred username these days "lunaschu" was taken and sure enough a new account was created for it 26 days ago. Her last reddit activity was on the edgeofhell82 account was right around when this lunaschu profile was made too. Nothing is posted it to it yet, I wonder if she's going yo try to cover her tracks about ODing and shoplifting and start using this one?

No. 953124

File: 1739822879288.jpg (312.12 KB, 1070x722, Screenshot_20250217_120712_No …)

No. 953126

File: 1739826495093.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1290x2284, IMG_2455.jpeg)

No. 953128

File: 1739827140440.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1290x2274, IMG_2456.jpeg)

No. 953129

File: 1739827559825.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1290x2286, IMG_2457.jpeg)

No. 953130

Lmao wtf does it matter if he's a 'dealer' or a 'middleman'? Who cares if he doesn't get to 'taste' the product he's slinging to people, or if he isn't personally cutting it? They're both scumbags who tell people they're taking the same shit they're selling and it's fent free. Which isn't true, they're lying to people because they know the shit is dirty. And they weren't selling to random people like tourists, it was Luna's FRIENDS. When you give your FRIEND shit that makes them end up in the fucking hospital, going 'oopsie doopsie blame the cartels, it wasn't me' is fucking retarded. Complete disregard for safety for the sake of making a quick buck off everyone around them. This is why they've both been ostracized from the junkie scene.

No. 953131

good news for stretchmark fetishists everywhere

No. 953132

If junkies are so scared of fent they should get clean instead of sourcing tainted heroin from a rotting cigar store indian with a bad leg(derailing)

No. 953133

NTA but it's just because he wouldn't make as much money. He's too retarded to be a dealer, he just gets a little off the top of each sale.
I mean to be fair to that anon, lurch literally isn't a drug dealer. Just the crackhead the dealer sends to do delivery and other errands in exchange for free product or spare change.

No. 953134

Junkie mentality. It's too late, she's going to slouch her way to the grave believing everyone caused her bad life except herself.

No. 953147

>please dox me
You already did that yourself by posting images with location data attached, retard.

No. 953148

File: 1739882377080.jpg (139.13 KB, 1080x999, 90109485838.jpg)

KEK, she already deleted. For context, the bunny anon from upthread came back to attention whore. Makes me wonder what her connections to tuna may be.

No. 953155

File: 1739893685569.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1290x2297, IMG_2469.jpeg)

No. 953156

File: 1739893736099.jpeg (1.98 MB, 1290x2286, IMG_2471.jpeg)

Looks like her lipstick was smeared down her face kek

No. 953157

File: 1739893761810.jpeg (2.03 MB, 1290x2296, IMG_2470.jpeg)

No. 953158

File: 1739893842035.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1290x2266, IMG_2472.jpeg)

feeling like hot shit today after “filming new stuff” yesterday

No. 953159

what are the weird orange patches around her mouth and on her cheek?

No. 953160

She was too high to apply her foundation everywhere on her face.

No. 953161

kek why does it look like she ate from chocolate fudge

No. 953170

The wrong shade of foundation combines with that tinted filter just makes me go "oooh….". She honestly don't see the shade difference between the face and the rest of the body? Just put a high collar long sleeve shirt on if you can't be fucked doing it proper. Holy hell

No. 953176


No. 953184

Serving vitiligo

No. 953194

File: 1739940242190.jpeg (239.42 KB, 1290x2057, IMG_1887.jpeg)

lol. just lol

No. 953195

god what is she filming now. everything she films is bleaker than the last. also considering she just got scammed on top of it all

No. 953202

Guaranteed he's sent her one before and she wrote some "ty so much" kind of message back. People don't out themselves like this unless they've received approval before for this kind of thing.

No. 953207

I really hope she doesn’t bring back the concealer lip…

No. 953208

I wish shed clean that fucking disgusting piercing

No. 953211

What is happening w/ her hilarious eyebrow shape here?! What was she trying to do?!?

No. 953213

well considering she posted >>953194 right after, probably something utterly degrading and humiliating

No. 953216

for someone with all that skin care. Makes me wonder if it’s just junkie sweat and if she even uses anything other than drugs, maybe sells everything after taking pictures of it for more drugs. There’s just no way she uses skin care with that god-awful t zone, and that disgusting crusty piercing.

No. 953224

My impression is that stealing skincare products, arranging them and playing with them is one of Luna's main activities when she's high. It's closer to finger painting than actual, effective skin care.

No. 953225

I agree. She doesn't seem to have any other life than what she presents online. I don't credit her w/ being that cunning & in charge of her online image that she would present herself as using all this skincare, but actually be stealing & then selling it. That'd be the clever thing to do, but not the Luna thing to do. It's like we see her, warts (or fungus) and all, online. She's not able to curate her image that much & do other than what she spills her guts about to all us strangers.

No. 953229

all her mindless posting about skincare yet her breakouts be breaking out. she's so grimey. was the smudged lipstick supposed to be cute? grim

No. 953232

so she sits there and rots and then when she decides to pose for the camera? that’s when she does stuff and then she like shuts down like a phone. OK weird but makes sense. With the crap on display i am still sticking with the druggie sweat acting as her “special shine “she has in her photos that or she’s just that oily :((emoji)

No. 953248

It looks like her belly button is vomiting dead skin cells or something. Like, what’s all that white shit?

No. 953253

Thanks for making me zoom into that. No idea why her belly button is white but her midsection is literally all stretch marks

No. 953256

I didn't see before that she has a white stripe down the bridge of her nose, and a white dot on the end of it. Is that supposed to be blended in highlight, or is it for some reason meant to be a distinct dot and line drawn on?!

No. 953269

File: 1740081945432.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1290x2173, IMG_2495.jpeg)

No. 953271

File: 1740082105693.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1290x1933, IMG_2496.jpeg)

Just more useless junk to add to the hoard and take up space on a shelf somewhere and be forgotten about. but it’s pink!

No. 953272

That's so aesthetic, how the 'wedding' rings her 'incredible' 'husband' of 11 yrs are so cheap, that they blacken her fingers! It matches w/ the black fungus on her natural nails. Kawaii!
>>953157 Can anyone tell me why she painted a bright white line on her nose & called it a day? Was that a highlight she just didn't blend, saw in the pics that it's a full on white line & just said 'fuck it's and posted anyway??

No. 953273

Also, can anyone pls explain this eyebrow look to me? She thought only having brows on the inner part, like mini ones, is a good look? How could she post this & think it looks fine?!

No. 953278

The nose highlighter thing was (is? i dont know) a makeup trend on tiktok, she just didn't blend it at all because she's retarded.
The eyebrows actually look drawn on a bit nicer than she usually does, the lines on the left side look straight and clean at least. Maybe she got one of those cheap eyebrow stencils from temu and it's too small for her face kek

No. 953279

was she trying to follow a douyin makeup tutorial and nodded off halfway through?
also, the clinic should give out stars that say “get a job” and “wash your damn hair” instead of this self-empowerment bullshit

No. 953290

I thought it was a filter, just bc I've never seen her draw a straight line when attempting to do her eyebrows.

No. 953303

File: 1740137686893.png (1.13 MB, 1200x1585, 1000045145.png)

I was reading old threads and saw this, does she even have this anymore or did she sell it?

No. 953305

Pawned it FOR SURE. What a pos if this really was her grandmother's ring. I could see her making the story up though.

No. 953307

I remember this ring; I thought it so lovely.

Luna is such a piece of shit; no wonder her father hates her.

No. 953310


Her selfishness knows no bounds. The thought of her pawning this for drugs absolutely disgusts me. Nice play for attention humblebragging about your grandmother for attention though, Luna.

I sincerely hope that one day she changes, but we all know that'll never happen.

No. 953314

Okay but can we just mention the "I wanted to talk about this but it was overshadowed by my grand mothers death"….like wow Luna sorry her death was such an inconvenience to your post

No. 953330

I was just about to comment on that lol. “I never got to talk about my Jewish grandma who survived the holocaust dying because my other grandma died a year earlier.” And this bitch got into Pratt for writing?

No. 953333

a woman who managed to escape the holocaust, taught children, and worked with the black panthers (x to doubt on that one tbh luna tighten up your creative writing) and her son was a junkie fuck up who impregnated another junkie while in rehab. bleak. never have sons.

No. 953336

But Nonna, she has the black panther fist necklace (you know) to prove it!

No. 953344

File: 1740211280875.jpeg (656.97 KB, 1290x2218, IMG_1985.jpeg)

new account created 6 days ago

No. 953357

Huh. Along with the new reddit profile found here >>953121
maybe she is trying to start over with all new accounts?

No. 953358


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 953359

Please include the roach in the next thread pic!

No. 953364

any other recs for thread pic? if anyone has any creative ideas i can make it all come together. also title edition? the thread definitely has some time to fill up though but i thought i'd be prepared.

No. 953365

Put those stupid puffy stars in the corners of the image

No. 953366

File: 1740256752413.jpeg (31.34 KB, 174x290, IMG_3468.jpeg)

Roach edition and its Lunas face photoshopped on Geralt and the cockroach on the roof

No. 953367

I don't think most ppl know what that's a reference to, and have no idea how it relates to Luna. Idk what that is. A movie or something?

No. 953368

Fair. Thought it was pretty widely popular, it’s the Witcher and the horses name is Roach. This screen is from a bug in the game.

No. 953372

……oh okay

No. 953376

Man imagine being her extended family dying and just before the abyss takes you, you're thinking about (then) baby grandma and thinking "at least our bloodline may persist" before getting hit by the vision of fat, retarded slob roachqueen tuba, who will then put an actual end to it …

No. 953377

It made me laugh nona, I endorse

No. 953383

Luckily the bloodline ends with Tuna. She’s never gonna have children. With limitations of medicine in bringing back fertility for people who regardless if buried or cremated will pose an environmental pollution risk, and her inability to do literally anything with her life that isn’t just further pushing her to require a hazmat suit to not be a danger to people around, I am confident that even if she wanted to, parenthood is out of her filthy hands. We’ve had enough time in human evolution for our bodies to know „these eggs should be microwaved”.

No. 953399

File: 1740321770154.jpg (425.59 KB, 1440x2032, 1000032658.jpg)

She's been stagnant on her main socials, but she randomly popped up in the comments of a group I'm in about decomp stains and other morbid things.

No. 953400

Her loser bf, as in Lurch or someone else?! I'm not aware of her having used drugs w/ any other loser bf.

No. 953403

that comment wasn’t by luna

No. 953405

Kind of strange how this person describes OD'ing, so I think they're not describing an actual OD. The actual experience is a big nothing-at-all, bc you're instantly unconscious. Yeah, there's no panic–bc you're unconscious. If she was remembering OD'ing, then she wasn't OD'ing. She was just really high.

No. 953407

she really has experienced zero growth as a person. how many times has she repeated these words exactly about her overdoses? all she ever says is the same few things over and over again

No. 953408

>Yeah, there's no panic–bc you're unconscious
Suffocating without opiates is scary as fuck and you don't peacefully drift away. There's a big difference. Sharing that in a group for decomp (wtf, by the way) is questionable but the experience she described makes sense.

No. 953409

I've been around a lot of addicts & have never heard anyone brag about OD'ing. It's not considered a 'cool thing,' by anyone I've ever met. Actually, it's an inconvenience for everyone around the OD'ing person to have to deal w/ that, potentially calling 911, if you don't have Narcan. The person may feel unwell after Narcan. It's all something you don't want to happen. So why she feels the need to brag about it, Idk. Makes her someone other addicts don't want to be around, if she's constantly having an OD. Can be legal & emotional headaches for others–cruel as that may sound, I don't mean it that way, but it's a logistical nightmare. Also means they're not experienced enough to manage on their own daily.

No. 953410

i’ve met a few addicts and they’ve said that the effects of Narcan are actually bad enough to deter them from taking too much and risking an OD. it’s like instant withdrawal.

No. 953421

B-b-b-but tunas such a hard-core addict she's overdosed 6 times don't cha know. She's so into the "I'm a junkie!" aesthetic that's probably why she feels cool telling everyone she ODed.

No. 953433

There's no legal issues with overdoses in the US thanks to Good Samaritan laws. Even an addict will, at worst, get drugs confiscated if they're sitting out in the open or if the person goes to the hospital. If someone is strung out on opiates, Narcan will put them into withdrawals since it basically just reverses opiates. If you're not strung out, you just fucked up your high. ODing is never the goal bc that just means you don't know how to handle your drugs and fuck up everyone's high around you. But Tuba doesn't have anyone who wants to be around her anyway besides the King of Complacency aka Lurch so she doesn't have to worry about driving anyone away. To her, ODing is a badge of honor bc it screams "Hey guys! I take drugs!"

No. 953434

wow, its reminds me stupid shit my id overhear classmates saying to a group of their friends, thinking it makes them cool……when I I was in high school right around the time tuna was. shes experiencing negative growth at this point.

No. 953436

The legal problem that can still happen for ppl around the person who OD'd, despite the Good Samaritan law protecting them, is that after the ambulance can come cops wanting to speak to you and/or collect evidence. It doesn't always happen & so what can happen is very unpredictable, but I've seen it go not well before, personally. No arrests, but a lot of stress and trouble.

No. 953452

For a lot of mentally ill people the thought of a painful death is what stops them from trying to commit suicide. Luna knows death could be painless. What's stopping her? Lurch? I have a hard time even imagining Lurch using narcan to save her.

No. 953458

The answer is tolerance. When addicts die of an overdose (whether it’s intentional or not) it’s usually right after rehab, because then their tolerance has been "reset" or at least severely reduced. Luna hasn’t been to rehab or even detox in years and even when she did -correct me if I‘m wrong- she was always still on methadone maintenance when detoxing from heroin/fent. Except maybe the very first 2-3 times she tried to get sober ten years ago or so. But now, she’s on a large dose of methadone, fentanyl and likely benzos, so it’s quite literally impossible for her to kill herself with that. I‘m a recovering addict myself and I never used as much as she did and I tried to kms once with 6x the amount I was used to doing at the time and it wasn’t enough. (Sorry if that’s considered blogposting, just wanted to put it into perspective)

No. 953459

> Luna knows death could be painless. What's stopping her?

No. 953477

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No. 953478

File: 1740423763211.jpg (243.33 KB, 1080x1549, Screenshot_20250224_165744_Fac…)

No. 953479

File: 1740423799723.jpg (476.75 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20250224_170016_Fac…)

No. 953482

Why do junkies always have to play top your disaster?

No. 953495

i actually think its a shamemany women in lunas situation have made major lifestyle changes after having a baby often accidently.I wonder if that’s the only thing that could push her to change. A baby might give her a sense of purpose a reason to quit drugs become responsible…..provide for her family and find a supportive community like a church. But I’m not sure if she can even conceive….?I don't think do drugs even affect fertility?(unintegrated retard)

No. 953497

Anon are you retarded

No. 953507

Tuna, you aren't fucked because you thought you were gonna die by 27. You're fucked because you're a lazy POS who is happy to live the way you do. At some point, it clicks with most people, imo, that it's time to grow up and make changes. You're just comfortable getting high in a closet sized room with your ugly old boyfriend (if he's even still there, wouldn't be surprised if he spends most his time elsewhere), stealing useless things, living off ebil dads and the taxpayers money, and slapping on clown makeup day in and day out.

No. 953515

This is the worst take. If Luna ever had a child it would be a ward of the state and Luna would continue to play the victim card. Children aren't a magical fix-all

No. 953516

“aimless junkie has kid with aimless junkie” is literally how we got Luna in the first place

No. 953525

>But I’m not sure if she can even conceive
Kek if she could, we would have had an oops baby already by now. She doesn't use birth control, even when she could get it free on insurance (due her PCOS and irregular painful periods). Even if her babymaker works, Lurch has limpdick and he's 46 years old, he's not able to impregnate a woman.

No. 953526

Nothing stopping her from killing herself right now if she's so cut up about being alive. That's aloggy but I have no sympathy for people with borderline personality disorder pulling this shit. She's NEVER attempted to kill herself, the only examples she can give are accidental injuries. Boohoo she's bad at injecting herself with heroin and had to be narcan'd six times, not a suicide attempt. Her excessive heroin usage caused her to get a spine infection, not a suicide attempt. Surprised she didn't mention the cheap knife incident where she cut into one of her tattoos, also not a suicide attempt. Most BPD crazies actually DO SOMETHING when they want attention for their "suicidal ideation" but Luna sits around whining and waiting for something to magically kill her.(a-logging)

No. 953530

These read like lurch or one of her recent fb prospective clients

No. 953542

It's so embarrassing to read. Imagine typing all of that out when nobody cares. They're not even talking to each other, just talking to themselves at each other. Luna keeps great company.

No. 953550

Yeah, and Luna’s accidental spawn would be even more hopeless because no stable grandmas to provide any redeemable points of reference,

No. 953555

What I would give for a new Tuna arc where she hits it off with one of these FB guys

No. 953565

Has lurch been active on any of his socials? When was the last time we seen him posted? I bet he dipped kek

No. 953568

Oh, I don't think he dipped. As much as I don't think he cares about Luna or really likes her, where would he go? He's got nowhere better than his roach infested broom closet.

No. 953571

File: 1740534397024.jpg (136.81 KB, 1080x480, Screenshot_20250225_174548_Chr…)

No. 953581

They are desperate for their addiction to validate their victimhood. But no one feels bad for them since they make concious choices to get to that point. So then they congregate with other tweakers/ex tweakers and tell the same crybaby stories for platitudes. Pathetic.

No. 953677

wym luna you’re literally with a creepy old man

doubt he ever would. they’re so chronically codependent on each other

No. 953690

File: 1740772201043.jpeg (590.19 KB, 828x1138, IMG_6732.jpeg)

Target arrest confirmed

No. 953691

Is that a new Reddit acct name of hers, antichrist45? How do you know for sure, if so?

No. 953692

File: 1740773130909.jpeg (299.97 KB, 828x875, IMG_6733.jpeg)

It’s gotta be her. Post history is full of heroin/fent/opiates content, Alice In Chains, Hollow Knight, NYC, she even posted about her hospital stay.

No. 953693

Ooooh, good find nonna. Wonder what she means by her life is "like, over"? Court case on the horizon perhaps? Maybe that was part of why her dad cut her off, she came to him looking for help after getting arrested. Just a tinfoil since we don't know exactly when this happened. Interesting, though. The plot–much like her waistline–thickens.

No. 953695

Is it possible to search on some database and get her court records?

No. 953696

I looked but couldn't find a publicly available arrest record search for New York state except a background check that costs $95. Maybe a sleuthier nona than I can find something.

No. 953697

I wonder if the most likely outcome of an arrest for shoplifting might be a 'diversion class,' where they make the person attend educational classes to help rehabilitate them. Not sure why that'd make her life over except for it being a hassle for her, though.

No. 953698

Life is like over, as in she can't get that elusive dunkin donuts job with theft on her record?

No. 953699

Oh no! Her entire bright future is gone.
I think you're right but there might be some kind of fine as well. And if daddy isn't going to pay for it, that might be what's stressing her out.

No. 953700

Yeah, there has to be more to it than having a record I think. She DGAF abour working and you can often get first offenses expunged if you do community service and pay your fines. She sure as shit can't pay any fines though, as you pointed out. Something's up beyond just her being banned from the store/having a record, imo.

No. 953704

Doesn't Target wait for a felony amount to prosecute? If so she's done. She's posted evidence of her "hauls" and bragged like a retard. Her need to overshare every aspect of her life has given her a paper trail, nice work Tuba kek

No. 953705

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No. 953706

File: 1740780778102.jpg (148.04 KB, 1057x465, Screenshot_20250228_161059_Sam…)

No. 953708

File: 1740781266997.jpg (223.19 KB, 1080x1390, Screenshot_2025-02-28-23-18-34…)

It's a misdemeanor and she stole less than 1k, otherwise it'd be grand larceny.

No. 953710

You're the goat, thank you!!!

Either she's stressing about paying for the stolen items or there were stipulations like gaining employment or maybe even piss tests.

No. 953711


Thanks Nona/s!

It'd be hilarious if she got nabbed stealing a $20 kuromi plush and $5 clearance pokemon socks from gamestop

Does anyone know what the probable outcome will be? Does she need a lawyer?

No. 953712

Yes, thank you, nonna! The US gov't pays for a lawyer for anyone who can't pay for it themselves, so I bet she'll have one that way. I think the outcome will most likely be diversion classes, bc they try to avoid putting ppl in prison for small things & first offenses. Would be 1-2 weeks of going to a class a few days/week for a couple hrs each time. And probably paying restitution/a fine, not huge amnt, but when you have $0, can seem big.

No. 953714

I would pay to see her mugshot lmao

No. 953715

The mugshot? I need to see the bodycam video

No. 953716

>petit larceny
the closest to being petite luna will ever get

No. 953717

I'd love to see that, w/out her precious filters on the video, in all her…uh, glory.
Maybe this could be her best-selling 'content'?

No. 953718

File: 1740787483297.png (2.05 MB, 2052x1536, Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 7.03.…)

skimmed the account for comments worth posting. some lurch backstory and lots of junkie stories included.

No. 953719

Amazing finds, thank you for compiling this. I needed the keks.

No. 953720

awesome job anon thank you for the keks

cackling at her "druggies are like rly smart n stuff"

No. 953721

Very odd that she didn't mention skin care or applying makeup as things she likes to do when she's high in the second post from the bottom in the middle. I don't doubt this is Luna, I'm completely sure it is. Kinda weird though.
Also great find that she sniffed fent in the hospital. I get that addiction isn't easy to kick when you have nothing to live for but that's such a punch to the face to the hospital staff trying to save her life.

No. 953724

kek next thread title

No. 953725

I absolutely believe Lurch did something shady to get this supposed 'dumpster junkie Jesus money' that he found in the ATM being spit out and on the subway car floor. Yes, it's possible to find $ sometimes, but not often & not in that quantity, usually. He has a history of lying to Luna, abt many things: what he's dosing her with, what he spends his free time doing, what his birth yr is and that it's supposedly printed wrong on his birth cert. Their relationship is mutually crap & I don't believe his stories. He's a liar, a supposedly
temporarily fallen golden boy w/ a huge inheritance pending, and it's all BS. Always wants to be rubbing elbows w/ rich ppl & act like he's one of them. He's only as good as his personal qualities, and they all add up to nothing right now. Being a good person is free…but he won't do it.

No. 953726

Yes lurch is a piece of shit and all that but if you sold your ass for dope, would you tell your girlfriend? I'm going to chalk this up to junkies doing junkie stuff rather than lurch being especially shitty

No. 953729

>Kelly Ronahan
Luna following cows always makes me kek. Her being in the abby brown group, fakeboi recommending Soren and now this. Maybe she shoots up to numb the pain of seeing that godawful nerve photo.

No. 953730

The supposed $500 and the $200 are for sure cover stories/lies he told to tuna. And the waiting 9am to 9pm for the plug? Doubtful. He's out getting high and doing other things with other junkies. It's easier for tuna to belive his bs than to come to terms he's just a junkie and puts himself and his addiction before her.

No. 953736

i keep going between “yeah he def sold his ass for that money” to “who tf would pay $500 for that ass”

No. 953738

I think it might be more convoluted than that, different random things he could've done for some money (and I think Luna is bragging & so she's adding a few extra hundreds to the actual amnt.)

No. 953743

I went back in the thread to around the 8th and nothing she posted indicated she was arrested which I find so odd

No. 953744

kek that accidental wound she's referring to is the same one she claimed was the result of a severe self harm episode and begged for money to get it treated

No. 953747

also the way tuna is defending him lines up with past lies hes told her.
>i was on facetime with him
sounds a lot like
>those texts were a joke i was right next to him the whole time
during the tessa saga

No. 953752

>my bf will have his head in his lap and I won't feel shit. It just happens sometimes

Lol. Or maybe he doesn't want to spend his magic atm money on you and he isn't actually giving you what you think? Junkies are nasty. I've been there when one gave their best friend chunk of face powder to shoot up instead of heroin.

No. 953758

Thank fucking god I've never experienced it myself but I believe you that a lifelong drug addict would do that kind of shit to his naive young girlfriend. Luna would be so much better off without Lurch. I honestly don't get why she stays with him.

No. 953759

You have to really not give a crap about that person to do that to them. And I've heard ppl try to give the excuse before, 'Oh, but my addiction, my addiction…that wasn't me, it was my addiction that made me do that!' No, if you really truly care about someone, you give your own to help your beloved person, even if that means you get less high. If not, you two are not true friends at all.

No. 953764

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No. 953765

Zero makeup, just a heavy filter. I hope someone unearths her mugshot.

No. 953767

>I honestly don't get why she stays with him.
Anon, lets stop pretending theres another person on this planet that would tolerate a whiny hambeast like Tuna.

No. 953768

If Lurch really told Tuna that the ATM puked up all this cash by itself I don't think Tuna would care enough to ask if he was lying. Tuna's grasp on reality is tenuous at best but she knows that these ridiculous stories get her attention online. She's probably exaggerating it for karma, if the money even exists. All that's missing from her magic money stories is everybody clapping.

No. 953770

not saying he’s actually attractive or appealing in any way but the first few threads had a lurch dick pic and he wasn’t small. i can see disgusting faggots paying lurch money for some quick sodomy.

No. 953771

Luna, are you a retarded child in a fatsuit? Got that wanderin' eye again! Has lurch been giving you a tiny dose again to shut you up?
And wow, no makeup!? Tell me, how do you accomplish such beauty, you stunner! What an absolute braggart fool.

No. 953772

This isn't a wk but Luna could do so much worse. Many junkies in her position end up with very abusive men. Lurch has been her Moai bodyguard the whole time she's been in the life.
I don't think he has ever actually abused her, he got her mom's approval when she was young. It takes a big guy to make Luna feel smol. He will retarded junkie fight another crackhead that's fucking with her. He will gallantly take on mean social workers. Most importantly, has few expectations of Luna.
This is best case scenario, really. Let them rot together in their junkie closet until she wakes up from a nod one day and Lurch is cold next to her, and her first thought is "How am I gonna get my fix now?"

No. 953773

I think you overestimate the amount of dedication he has to her.

No. 953774

tuna, you are not intelligent. you aren’t smart or gifted. you’re a lazy, low to low/average IQ haven’t done anything except rot in filthy junkie apartments that might as well be squats. you don’t do anything to expand your mind or intelligence, like READING. You wake up, go to the clinic, send your corpse of a husband to cop while you eat junk food and get even fatter while taking unflattering selfies and playing video games/watching daytime tv.

you aren’t a junkie manic pixie dream girl. You’re just a cockeyed moron with nothing to offer the world.

No. 953775

Erm, he screams at her for spilling juice on the carpet. Calls her fat until she hides in the bathroom with a carton of ice cream. And that's only the stuff she was comfortable sharing. He doesn't punch her in the face but I'll bet she was shoved into a wall more than once in a junkie rage.
And if by protecting her you mean calling the cops, hiding behind the cops, and pointing at a man on the floor in handcuffs telling him to die! die!…. I mean… I guess lol. Lurch isn't a tough guy. He's a plump, scared loser.

No. 953780

File: 1740876231328.jpg (125.41 KB, 1080x1064, IMG_20250228_214221_803.jpg)

I found this old picture of Tuna and she looks like a troon

No. 953781

Wtf?!? She looks like a giant plump toddler blown up x20k size w/ the proportions kept the same!

No. 953783

seeing her next to a normal sized woman is so weird because she never posts pictures with anyone else in them but herself and sometimes lurch. reminds me of the picture of her next to that tiny pink car.

No. 953784

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my contribution for next threadpic

No. 953785

It really is jarring. And to think she's gained 100+lbs since then?

No. 953795

sauce pls

No. 953796


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 953808

Wasn't that from some kind of video about gifted artists or whatever? Teenagers with promising careers? Something like that? She really had so many opportunities, it's insane.

No. 953810


Yeah, it was Judge Judy's mentorship program. It was called "Her honour", if I'm not mistaken.

No. 953812

NEW THREAD >>953811

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