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No. 632726
Please make sure you read: before posting.
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/630960The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig was the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: of Taylor’s pets and history: Milk:
> Jonny was kicked from the Slaves for incessant drug use> Taylor admitted to using heroin, this was corroborated by texts from Jonny> Claims they will be attending rehab> Accused former friend Breezexotics of sexual harassment> Has deleted Twitter once again and disabled comments on Instagram> Friends have gone on damage control, trying to save their own reputations> Several YouTubers have made videos on the situationVideos which sum up the situation: Milk:
> Snakes are morbidly obese> Has returned from over a month long hiatus (for now)> Versatile Reptiles, Breezexotixs, and whatever (video anon) are verified with Tripcodes> Still never made an apology video for slandering South Texas Dragons> Admits to live feeding, and knocking rodents out with blunt force instead of a CO2 chamber (as recently as mid Nov, also leaving a live feeder alone with her snake for 20 mins, only checking on it once)> Mushu has been shown without much gill feathering left recently shown much more clearly with facial scarring, even less feathering and stressed posturing> Attempted to purchase two new crocodile skinks on the down low before a smaller pettuber ratted on the cover-up of the deaths> Claiming that she's one of the few pettubers that is actually up front with the accident and the issues they have, despite trying to continuous hide the deaths of her mantis shrimp, lionfish, skinks, pacman frog etc for weeks-months after they happened> More enclosures being shown with completely empty water dishes> Cheese died suddenly, convenietly when she released new merch featuring him, has been pushing her merch harder than usual> She has alluded to a ‘friend’ that has a cowfish twice the size of cheese that she may replace Cheese with (if she hasn’t already)> Gave Cheese a “viking funeral” then sent him for autopsy (put him on a boat during a monetized video)> Videos calling out her care have stated to take over searches for her> In combination with the call-out videos on YT, after she posted the video of Cheese’s “funeral” TND began to hemmorage subscribers> Other pettubers began making (monetized) videos to defend TND and claiming that they were worried that “the bullying against Taylor” might ‘make her’ self harm> Other pettubers begin distancing themselves from TND> TND shuts off comments on the videos and instagram posts around cheese amid mass criticism > Has been bouncing deactivations on her twitter and instagram during the controversy around Cheese> Recent Known Deaths: Orchid Mantis, Mantis Shrimp, Pacman Frog, Crocodile Skinks, Zazu, CheeseUnconfirmed Milk:
> Ursula (Halloween Crab) died of a mismolt, was possibly replaced with another female crab.> Electrical malfunction story was fabricated. Croc Skinks died of dehydration due to her not giving them enough water during a heatwave. Pacman frog died of malnutrition due to only being fed mice. > Gucci escaped from their enclosure and was missing for 2 months. Taylor bought Parada as a replacement. Gucci was found in Gus’ enclosure after eating him. Taylor claimed Gus died of old age. > Had a mite infestation, Bindi (Blue Tongue Skink) had it extremely badly> Mantis Shrimp died after only a few days instead of a few months as claimed> Leopard Gecko is kept in a dark tub> Kronos (Wild caught Roughneck Monitor) is likely dead from wild parasites and poor care, has not appeared in several months including a video about Taylor’s friend Betsy, who allegedly picked out Kronos for TaylorAll Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/450408 3
>>>/snow/460352 4
>>>/snow/478685 5
>>>/snow/499810 6
>>>/snow/522836 7
>>>/snow/531836 8
>>>/snow/542328 9
>>>/snow/548305 10
>>>/snow/557047 11
>>>/snow/572819 12
>>>/snow/590174 13
>>>/snow/603765 14
>>>/snow/614641 15
>>>/snow/638664 16
>>>/snow/648895 17
>>>/snow/663922 18
>>>/snow/679440 19
>>>/snow/693293 20
>>>/snow/712298 21
>>>/pt/592820 22
>>>/pt/597713 23
>>>/pt/603048 24
>>>/pt/630960General Pettuber Thread:
>>>/snow/730730 No. 632735
I’ve been following Jonny Craigs relationship drama for years, so I thought I’d answer some of the questions via Amanda/Chelsea that I saw brought up in the last thread. This is all off of memory, so please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this timeline.
Jonny and Amanda dated for at least 4 or 5 years, after he and his baby mama (I think her name was Lark??) broke up. They were engaged for at least a year, and during the last year or so of their relationship Jonny relapsed and Amanda had videos of him high on heroin that she released after they broke up. Jonny cheated on Amanda with Chelsea and another girl, and photos of him with those two girls surfaced which caused him and Amanda to breauk up. He started dating Chelsea pretty quickly after that. He was quick to call Amanda crazy, and him and Chelsea were pretty relentless in cyber bullying Amanda to discredit her. Chelsea was also getting cyber bullied by Amanda, and I’m 90% sure Amanda was making lots of fake twitter accounts and Instagram accounts to bully both of them.
So Amanda fundamentally hates Chelsea because Chelsea fucked Jonny while he was dating Amanda and then was super rude to her on Twitter & Instagram, backing up all of Jonny’s badmouthing of her, and Chelsea fundamentally hates Amanda because while Chelsea was dating him Amanda was badmouthing her and creating fake accounts to cyber bully her.
Really they should just team up to destroy him, but I think their own pride gets in the way.
Liz and Chelsea have hung out since they both left him, so that’s cool.
No. 632745
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No. 632750
>>632735I've been following that long too. He's so fucking awful and I don't know how more people who follow him don't see his abuse pattern.
He starts out with posts about his "best friend" (the new girl he's fucking), then the "look at my crazy ex!" posts, and then he posts how "she's the only one that ever cared for him so now they're dating"
TONS of "We're so happy, look at us! Look how cute my new girl is! Here's a picture of her in my bed! Look at my ex get jealous" posts. And all the stans love it because #goals.
Amanda had a whole army who was #teamamanda to help in the attacks so I don't know if all the fake accounts were her. It's part of that whole triangulation thing. He pit Amanda against Chelsea and was still telling Amanda he loved her behind Chelsea's back, and telling Chelsea that Amanda is crazy and won't back off. That's what they do.
Amanda and Chelsea would definitely be more powerful combined but even when you realize that you've been projecting hate on to someone all these years who is just another victim, it's hard to let go of the emotion.
No. 632751
>>632749I do tend to agree, but Tyler messaged her about it.. and she chose to not respond.
She hasn't been active on instagram today, nor responded to Emma.
She might/probably is high out of her mind.
No. 632755
>>632752I agree about the rock bottom.
I also think that them doing the livestream was good.. she needs to hear this stuff and snap back to reality. The more it's exposed, the less she can make excuses and hide from it… the more she is forced to think about it and confront her issues.
No. 632757
>>632753Yeah, I'm a bit worried as well.
On top of jonny prob having a hissyfit, the most dangerous time to be using heroin is when you are trying to quit or haven't been using for a couple of days b/c your tolerance goes down and you still use the same amount without realizing your tolerance is down. A very common time for an overdose. I could imagine she is resorting to coping with all this being exposed by using "just one more day" or whatever.
>>632756I def agree that her mom's behavior is weird.
No. 632762
>>632756Dude unpopular thought. I think someone could make a fortune of writing or filming Jonny’s doc now..
He has like 12 years worth of some insane fandom and a story. His generation just isn’t as documented in social media.
(newfaggotry) No. 632769
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clicked on the "pretty ugly little liar" link on rep's video and this was the first thing on there.
What happened to this Jen?
No. 632770
>>632763>>632766Let's just hope he wouldn't be nodded off if she were to OD and that he would actually get her help.
I don't doubt he would cover it up too. I was thinking before that it's entirely possible that she could have ODed before and been Narcan-ed or brought back and that it was kept quiet
No. 632779
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No. 632795
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Pardon. Better photo.
She does have a lot of markings on her arm that suggest to me that she might have an issue with it. Correct me if I am wrong, but I feel like she mentioned having a problem with it early on.
I might be tinfoiling too hard.
No. 632799
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>>632777I was planning to make screenshots but anons were doing a great job writing the synopsis of what happened.
Did manage to get this one however.
Why wouldn't people be insanely worried about Taylor being trapped in an horrific relationship and using heroine?
She has a large amount of subscribers and people are worried, you brush it off as bizarre and fill your twitter with bad poetry and cut and paste lyrics.
THAT is bizarre.
No. 632803
>>632792>>632801Not just that, but it could easily signify a much bigger problem.
Something very traumatic could've taken place.
No. 632810
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I’m just saying. These all could be something irrelevant, but they also could be something bigger.
No. 632826
>>632823>>632823Burns are also considered self harm if they're deliberate.
So she's either very clumsy/careless.. or… not. I think it's something worth keeping an eye on, considering she has issues with depression, anxiety, drugs, her parents obviously suck, and an abusive boyfriend.
No. 632829
>>632795This particular cut was speculated on back in thread #20 (originally post towards the bottom)
Most anons agreed that it looked more like an animal scratch (cats or kronos)
No. 632839
Found an interesting comment on YT regarding cleanslate clinic.
>Em22: Clean Slate is an outpatient type clinic and people, when they first start on clean slate need to be there once a week I believe (it could be every 3 days even, its been a while since my ex had signed up there), for MONTHS before they get to drop down to every 2 weeks, then every 3, then once a month…but that takes a good year, and you have to give weekly drug tests (urine), and every 3 months blood work. You have to apss all tests before you can drop to less apmnts, and if you don't you have to go in more!
They are not a recovery center either. They are strictly a maintenance clinic that ONLY provides suboxone monitoring and prescriptions. They DO NOT provide counseling. They do suggest you get counseling, and attend NA/AA meetings also, but it is NOT a recovery center, only a maintenance clinic. He'd have known that when he/they signed up.
A couple that uses drugs together, very rarely stays together, esp once the drugs are removed, and both staying clean are also highly unlikely. I hope they do, but more likely, one will, and the other wont. They both should cut their losses and just focus on fixing themselves. She should def find a good home for the pets until she can maintain her own sobriety, whether that be on a maintenance program or not, for at least a year before she tries to take care of anything else. Very sad situation on all fronts. But, I wish them both luck, and the maturity to make the right choice for themselves and her, those animals she has already.
No. 632848
>>632846From the Vivitrol page:
Who should not receive VIVITROL?
Do not receive VIVITROL if you:
are using or have a physical dependence on opioid-containing medicines or opioid street drugs, such as heroin. To test for a physical dependence on opioid-containing medicines or street drugs, your healthcare provider may give you a small injection of a medicine called naloxone. This is called a naloxone challenge test. If you get symptoms of opioid withdrawal after the naloxone challenge test, do not start treatment with VIVITROL at that time. Your healthcare provider may repeat the test after you have stopped using opioids to see whether it is safe to start VIVITROL.
are having opioid withdrawal symptoms. Opioid withdrawal symptoms may happen when you have been taking opioid-containing medicines or opioid street drugs regularly and then stop. Symptoms of opioid withdrawal may include: anxiety, sleeplessness, yawning, fever, sweating, teary eyes, runny nose, goose bumps, shakiness, hot or cold flushes, muscle aches, muscle twitches, restlessness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps.
are allergic to naltrexone or any of the ingredients in VIVITROL or the liquid used to mix VIVITROL (diluent). See the medication guide for the full list of ingredients.
What should I tell my healthcare provider before receiving VIVITROL?
Before you receive VIVITROL, tell your healthcare provider if you:
have liver problems, use or abuse street (illegal) drugs, have hemophilia or other bleeding problems, have kidney problems, or have any other medical conditions.
are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if VIVITROL will harm your unborn baby.
are breastfeeding. It is not known if VIVITROL passes into your milk, and if it can harm your baby. Naltrexone, the active ingredient in VIVITROL, is the same active ingredient in tablets taken by mouth that contain naltrexone. Naltrexone from tablets passes into breast milk. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether you will breastfeed or take VIVITROL. You should not do both.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take any opioid-containing medicines for pain, cough or colds, or diarrhea.
If you are being treated for alcohol dependence but also use or are addicted to opioid-containing medicines or opioid street drugs, it is important that you tell your healthcare provider before starting VIVITROL to avoid having sudden opioid withdrawal symptoms when you start VIVITROL treatment. to them, neither should be receiving Vivitrol to begin with.
No. 632852
>>632848Yeah this doesn't look to good.
also from vivitrol page:
Is there a risk of sudden opioid withdrawal when starting VIVITROL?
Yes. One serious side effect of VIVITROL is sudden opioid withdrawal. You must stop taking any opioids or opioid-containing medications, including buprenorphine or methadone, for at least 7 to 14 days before starting VIVITROL. If your healthcare provider decides that you don’t need to complete detox first, he or she may give you VIVITROL in a medical facility that can treat sudden opioid withdrawal. Sudden opioid withdrawal can be severe and may require hospitalization.
Can VIVITROL cause liver damage or hepatitis?
Yes. One serious side effect of VIVITROL is liver damage or hepatitis. Naltrexone, the active ingredient in VIVITROL, can cause liver damage or hepatitis. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of the following symptoms of liver problems during VIVITROL treatment:
Stomach area pain lasting more than a few days
Yellowing of the whites of your eyes
Dark urine
Your healthcare provider may need to stop treating you with VIVITROL if you get signs or symptoms of a serious liver problem.
No. 632856
>>63285420k in 6hrs? it'll spread.
Emma needs to put her foot down, shes likely the only one who can possible influence Taylor at this point. Emma if ur lurking send her this stuff about vivtrol. Hopefully she's consulted with her personal doctor because this doesn't seem like a realistic option.
No. 632857
>>632839Our Care Model
Substance use disorder is a disease which affects people across all socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, geographic and gender boundaries. We view addiction as a chronic disease and believe that long-term remission is achievable through evidence-based medical management, individualized to suit each patient’s unique needs, with coordination and monitoring of behavioral therapy. No. 632859
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>>632722From the first thread.
No. 632868
>>632866i feel like taylor is probably serious but probably thinks it something she can just kind of throw money at and itll go away after a while, shes almost treating it like a cold
she seems to have some more issues that she would benefit from being inpatient to deal with though
jc probably has no intentions of getting better and will drag her down again if she does get clean
No. 632870
>>632861People who become addicted usually make the choice to use the first time, but prolonged use rewires the brains circuitry of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.
I specify "usually" to exclude addiction resulting from medical treatment. Some people become addicted after being administered IV opioids and benzos for acute trauma; they literally never made the choice.
No. 632871
>>632866She's only attempting this method of sobriety because it's one that 1. allows her to stay with Jonny and 2. has no real accountability if she doesn't follow through and relapses.
If she was admitted to an inpatient facility, she would have to split up and leave him, which it has been established she won't. Two drug addicts living together is never going to work because the minute one crumbles and uses, the other is going to as well.
No. 632872
>>632858From what I understand, CleanSlate is for people who are already recovered or in the final stages of recovery.
It honestly looks like a last minute appointment once Jonny's bandmates started talking about why Jonny got kicked out. They went to get an evaluation fully knowing they wouldn't get admitted because they're not sober and he has severe liver damage. Jonny has been in and out of rehab programs for over a decade, there's no way he doesn't know about Vivitrol and who can and can't use it.
No. 632874
>>632866That's why I was saying that they need to be on suboxone. Taylor can get the probuphine implant AND supplemental strips or bupe pills on top of that until she's sure she doesn't feel the craving to "take something," anymore. Then she can coast till the implant needs to be replaced. Reduce implant mg, go 6 months, replace & reduce mg, etc. until she's tapered off.
Johnny needs to get out. He moved in there and never left ~coincidentally~ and he needs to get the fuck out so she can get clean.
Dating addicts romanticize their use, they will. not. get. clean. together.
No. 632883
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Wonder if this is why the what ever video isn't showing up in searches? Never seen this before, and had to get to the video thru related videos.
No. 632885
Was going to post it in the old thread, but saw we have a new one, so…here goes.
Jenn is fairly easy to read and interpret if you think of her not as Taylor's mom, but a delusional narcissist who denies reality when it threatens her delusions. The first thing with this was Taylor moving out, dating Jonny. She and "Papa Dean" (blurgghhh) tried to get rid of him, called the cops, etc. It didn't work. She tried guilt manipulation on social media in public, it blew up in her face, didn't work. Her strategies ran out, so she had to realise that her perfect daughter Taylor (because narcissists can only produce perfection!)'s nasty boyfriend was not hitting the curb anytime soon. So when something drastically ruins a delusion, what do do? You change the narrative to make sure it feeds into it. "Oh it's so beautiful" "we love them both" "true love, amazing couple" etc. She just reinforces her delusions with the very thing that was beginning to crack them.
Nothing Taylor can do will break Jenn's delusions and narcissism. She could quite literally probably kill every animal she has and Jenn wouldn't bat an eye for more than a second to change her narrative to something that portrays Taylor positively YET AGAIN. Look at how she treats Tanner; she can't accept that her kid has PWS and came from HER, she is PERFECT and could NEVER give birth to a child with a disease.
Her husband is just an enabler (co-abuser). He won't do anything to piss off Jenn. He'll just keep feeding it until something directly, and greatly, affects him. And him specifically, not his kids. He's likely to have used them as meatshields, considering that Taylor's narcissistic behaviour is a mirror image of her mother's, so Taylor inherited it through constant exposure and being unable to cope with it by any other means than becoming a narcissist herself.
Doesn't excuse TND ofc, she's still a bitch (so is her mother). Just an explanation based on readings regarding NPD and other cluster Bs, and an unfortunate amount of experience around narcissistic mothers.
No. 632892
>>632887Thank you, anon.
>The majority of the time, there are mental health issues involved.Hence self-medicating. Someone who suffers from depression and anxiety like Taylor will feel instant relief when using drugs that release dopamine and seratonin.
(medfag) No. 632893
>>632735>>632750>>632758Jonny is using common tactics relied on manipulators. He finds his prey, gets his physical fun and some money from them, finds new prey. Dumps the old one, gaslights them and sends his new prey after them. Repeat the cycle.
He'll probably have a new girl within the year (if not already one lined up), and he'll be calling Taylor a batshit animal hoarder, lying bitch, etc. It's what he does to ALL the women he's been with that we KNOW OF. He's probably done shit like this long before he made Slaves.
Just look what he did to Lark, Amanda, Chelsea. He controls, abuses, and even rapes women, and then pits them against each other for his own satisfaction.
No. 632900
And unfortunately, people like him stack potential revenge against their significant others to use against them for manipulation and/or when they break up. So I really think that's a factor in why she's staying with him… She prob feels like she can't afford anymore controversy, and everyone knows that's what jonny will try to do if she leaves him.
I wish she could come up with a way to outsmart him and get out. To end it and make it seem like he was the one that wanted out or make it seem like it's amicable. Maybe let the relationship sort of fade. Maybe put someone more attractive to him in front of him to try and get him to take the bait and leave taylor for her.
If she made him go to longterm (or any) inpatient treatment, that'd be a good start, imo.
No. 632916
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The pictures are all ones that have been posted of Nemo.
No. 632917
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No. 632918
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No. 632923
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posted this in the old thread cause im fucking dumb. jen is going full crazy right now
No. 632926
>>632916I'm so virtuous guys! I spent the whole day at a shelter!
>>632923>best trip I've ever hadWith her daughter having heroin withdrawals, amazing. She's manic.
No. 632930
>>632923Ah, yes, Jen is so Christian, and by that I mean she's a total fucking hypocrite.
Anyone else able to easily imagine her roped up in a pyramid scheme? Like, surely she's tried essential oils on Tanner.
No. 632949
>>632923Jen are you fucking serious right now? What lies? Your daughter admitted herself she's addicted to heroin. Take a tip from your own book, stop focusing on social media and negative posts about your daughter and go fucking knock on her door and actually help her!
And bullfuckingshit to it being the "best trip of your life" - we all know that it's obvious that Taylor is in trouble based on her looks alone. Did it feel good to go on a trip with your daughter showing signs of heroin abuse/withdrawal? Did it feel good that she needed to go home early because she needed to go shoot up with her boyfriend? Stop lying to yourself Jen, you look like a total fool and it is not a good look
No. 632962
>>632916this definitely sounds like high rambling. There’s so much unneccessary shit she always has to include:
Nemo had SO many fleas and was SO anemia and weak and cold and dehydrated
blog but my junkie mom always used to type crazy long rambling paragraphs just like this, really reminds me of that.
No. 632965
>>632962I know what you mean, lately her captions and comments have been like explanations of explanations
She really needs another break from social media you can tell how much of an anxious wreck she is from that kind of crap
No. 632975
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>>632872More from Taylor on this mysterious “treatment plan” she is undergoing. You would think that if she were so determined to prove the “haters” wrong, she would be much more transparent about whatever this so called treatment is. But we all know that it’s non-existent, and comments such as this are designed to placate her teenage stans who have absolutely no knowledge or experience of addiction or it’s treatment so that they can praise her for being so brave and strong. Also, she has “worked so hard” since when exactly?! The Disney trip and the screenshots of Jonny looking for heroin for himself and Taylor all took place within the last couple of weeks and Jonny got kicked out of Slaves for disappearing to go shoot up with Taylor four days ago - so how exactly has she been working so hard? I have a horrible feeling things are going to get much worse before they get better if Taylor refuses to seek help but continues to try to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes by referring to this vague “treatment plan” and how she’s “working hard to get better”.
No. 632983
>>632977Exactly, I mean she's at home all day how hard could it possibly be to go in a room probably 15 feet away and snap a picture? If anything she should be able to take pictures all the time
>>632978Yeah her response was very vague it gave off the impression of trying to cover for Taylor
No. 632984
>>632979I wonder how the other reptiles are. Sabor was having a lot of issues long before Taylor went on her drug binge, and quite a few snakes had bone dry water dishes. Haven't heard a peep about the cresties or satanics either.
Not reptiles, but the hedgehogs haven't been posted about either.
No. 632992
>>632986Yeah they were both doing the
>Well all I know is…both giving themselves a plausible way to say they weren't explicitly lying for Taylor.
I did believe Tyler thought he was doing the right thing keeping things private, and it was clear he really cares about Taylor. Nevertheless, they have to realise that by supporting her in the way they were they were effectively enabling her behaviour and allowing her to continue being an addict. It is 100% true that no one can make an addict recover, but enabling them is not conducive to the addict making that choice. If you keep lying for your junkie friend so they can keep their job, you're just delaying the inevitable wakeup call they would get from losing that job. That doesn't mean he had to go and out her in a dramatic fashion, it means not lying about it when directly asked and not covering for her. Taylor's ability to do her job was compromised by her addiction, and it is absolutely unfair for them to deny her fans the ability to make an informed decision about supporting her.
No. 632996
>>632984I forgot she even had hedgehogs still, it’s easy to speculate something happened but with her history with them and the so many times she’s gone “I love hedgehogs” it’s kind of shocking to just see them fall off the face of the earth.
To be honest I don’t I’ve seen toast in a while either.
No. 633015
>>632997>>633005On what grounds? Monitor lizards are not on the list of "wild animals" in
>>632995, and he has not bitten anyone.
Please review the statutes before speculating.
No. 633034
>>633011don't give her any ideas for new cover up stories, anon! we know she reads here religiously. that would be too convenient for her to decide to "rehome" him to focus on her treatment when in reality he's been seized months ago and given to someone who could actually take care of him.
>>633030nope. She's promised to post an update more than once and has not delivered.
No. 633035
>>632916God she’s really trying so hard to pretend everything is normal and perfect. While I don’t believe she’s going to make a full, long lasting recovery with Jonny around, I do think she’ll probably get clean for a little while at least. Maybe at this point she’s hell bent on proving the “haters” wrong. What will never cease to amaze me is how she spreads that fake, bullshit mentality to her fans that makes them think anything ever so slightly bad to say about Taylor makes you a hater. Criticism = hate in her eyes and I almost feel bad for her tween fans that don’t know any better.
She makes it sound like she’s going to reactivate Twitter and come back to YouTube in a month, expecting everything to be normal. She’s always saying she won’t let the “darkness/drama consume” her. If she doesn’t get rid of Jonny and get clean for good, this cycle is just going to repeat itself. Drama will never stop around her because she willingly invites it by neglecting/killing her animals, lying about just about everything, and just treating people poorly in general. Unless she really changes, this drama revolving around her will never end. I can’t take her promises seriously, because they’ve always been so empty.
No. 633040
>>633035>God she’s really trying so hard to pretend everything is normal and perfect. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Her always citing "the drama" as what's bringing her down is a way to get people to give her attention and make her seem the victim.
She created this mess. She needs to take some accountability. People are not upset for no reason. And people talking about her and gossiping will always be part of being in the public light.
No. 633042
>>633035I give her being "clean" maybe a month tops. Johnny is never going to last and she's not going to dump him so she can get serious about recovery. I have a feeling
if he gets the vivitrol shot, he will relapse once he knows it has worn off in a month. I'm sure she'll go right with him. that is, if they can both stop using long enough to get it in the first place. detoxing alone together in their apartment is going to be nearly impossible
No. 633055
File: 1548698937727.png (2.6 MB, 2224x1668, DCA0FD47-761F-4DD1-95CC-B72C02…)

The top results for taylor nicole dean rn
No. 633058
if anything, I think she or they will go on methadone just to shut everyone up for a period of time. if i'm not mistaken, methadone doesn't require an extensive clean time, I think you just have to show up sick and be observed/evaluated for a few hours before they administer a dose. methadone still allows you to catch a nod, as I've witnessed way too frequently. "I never got as high in my life as I did while on methadone" is a real quote I heard from at least one person. They can request to increase their dose at any times, simply citing "cravings" or whatever, again, as I've witnessed. And they can just skip out for the day when they feel like getting high and go back when they're ready. I truly believe it is quite literally impossible for them to stay sober for 10 days, together, in that apartment, with access to any kind of money, let alone that kind. that shot is NOT happening. and because she so clearly isn't ready and this is just damage control as a response to the band, I think suboxone and similar will be too boring and inconvenient for her. I think methadone if anything, possibly another reason for her vague statements about it - that she caved/plans to cave and went for the easiest fix.
No. 633060
>>632763As an ex-heroin addict and alcoholic, ODing and withdrawals are rarely wake up calls. It's sad to say, but she needs to wake up and go to rehab and even then she'll relapse as long as she's with Jonny. It took my straight edge boyfriend to really pull me out of the lifestyle.
>>632846Im on vivitrol. You can't have hepatitis and recieve it. However taylor should get it. It saved my life. But you can't do kratom on it either.
>>632858It only causes withdrawals having done heroin 3 days prior to the shot. If you use on it you'll feel nothing.
(blog) No. 633065
>>632924I did an animal care/vet course and the first and main thing the teacher told us is that we should never/very rarely use a water bottle. You cannot control the heat so if some young/dumb/weak animal lays on it or near it (assuming contact) they can easily get burned or generally too hot.
The entire post sounds like bs anyway, toys with purring noises? Something I'd make up in a creative task rather than have on hand/within a short period of time
No. 633067
>>633066Everyone here is out to gain something really.
Emma sounds like a genuinely great friend but this is business.
No. 633068
>>633020This is the excerpt where Taylor is mentioned
"The dark side of that success is already creeping in, though. Brennan once crossed paths with a woman who had bought a dog specifically because it had the same medical conditions and permanently lolling tongue as Marnie, an elderly shih tzu who's wildly famous on Instagram. “There’s an influx of people starting accounts for animals who look at them like a prop,” she says. “We’ve also seen influencers go get pets because they need a new story or a new angle.”
It’s bad enough when someone adopts a pet for the wrong reasons, but it is considerably worse when the animal in question isn’t even domesticated. Similar stories of exploiting wild animals for the likes and views are starting to emerge. Instagram in 2017 began auto-populating wildlife photos with warnings about animal abuse; YouTube star Taylor Nicole Dean faced backlash and accusations of animal hoarding when a number of her exotic pets died last year; and ur-bro Logan Paul got in trouble for being complicit in tiger cub exploitation just last month."
No. 633071
>>633050When the news first dropped I thought a timeline would be interesting and serve as evidence, too. But what would be the purpose now since she has admitted to using? If it's something anons want to see I am obsessive enough in researching to put it together. Or maybe another anon who knows her timeline by memory more than I could work on hers, and I could work on Jonny's.
>>633058The money is the biggest enabler of all and prevents them from hitting rock bottom.
No. 633080
>>633020What timing. The article was published yesterday.
Waiting for the latest news and ensuing flame war to appear in the comments on the article.
Speaking of, has anyone else noted the overwhelming number of dislikes and negative comments on the "Queen of Petube" video, even before this past weekend? Wow.
No. 633081
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A comment on Rep's video from an highschool acquaintance of Taylor's. Pretty obvious that Taylor had issues with pet care from the very start.
No. 633085
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she is full of SHIT!
No. 633086
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Has her channel been mentioned here yet? No. 633091
File: 1548703800517.png (326.16 KB, 712x707, f921dda57dabab449646191be67d30…)

I thought she wasn't responding to comments that criticize her anymore or was that just some bullshit she pulled out of her ass too
No. 633104
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Back to gatekeeping drugs
No. 633106
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No. 633118
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No. 633130
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No. 633133
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No. 633134
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wah feel bad for me
No. 633138
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No. 633151
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dont think this has been posted yet
No. 633153
>>6331511. If you have to state that you've been honest, you most likely haven't been honest.
2. Why are you so mad/surprised that people are worried about your animals? You are a literal heroin addict with ~50 animals to care for, it's not exactly a stretch to assume that things may not be quite the way they should.
No. 633156
>>633151Yeah but, you could just post an insta story of them in their cages and not mess up your feed? and if you're so stressed about drama, how do you not know which of is being speculated to be dead or in poor conditions? Surprise surprise Taylor posts a rambling explanation full of inconsistencies and excuses.
People want to see how the enclosures are kept on a normal day to day basis and that the animal isn't dead. Insta stories of her doing maintenance
that she should be doing anyway would suffice and shut everyone up. How hard is it to film yourself doing your normal routine? Unless doing so would reveal that their cages weren't acceptable… Oh wait.
No. 633159
>>633151people want to see your animals because you're a pettuber? the shock!
if I had 50 pets, i'd be posting 50 pics a day to insta stories because who doesn't love posting their animals?? oh right, heroin addicts who couldn't care less about their animals.
No. 633162
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No. 633163
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No. 633164
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No. 633165
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Posting these before she deletes her reply
No. 633169
>>633134It was YOU jonny that put her in this "time of need". Why tf would anyone think you could have any positive impact on her or be of any help to get her out of it?
Dude is dumb as fucking rocks. I can't. Piece of straight trash
No. 633171
>>633151why did she bring up the part about bree?
Even for the simplest shit she needs to find a way to make herself a victim; that had absolutely nothing to do with kronos and happened days ago…
literally just looking for any excuse as to why she hasn’t posted him
No. 633175
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Kronos update has been posted
No. 633187
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No. 633190
File: 1548712530389.png (129.14 KB, 1080x824, Screenshot_20190128-165341~2.p…)

I'm gonna barf
No. 633192
>>633190Matt Dean should be so proud of his little girl. Hooking up with a drug addict who loves calling himself daddy.
Gosh Taylor is going to feel so sick when she’s older and not as blind to how gross and ugly Jonny is.
No. 633198
>>633175ugh its so unsettling the way shes been rambling on lately
why does she end it like a school presentation lol "and that's my kronos update…so yeah!"
No. 633200
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It’s like he’s letting her and everyone know that he owns her and no matter how many people try to help her get away from him, she’s his property.
No. 633203
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No. 633204
>>633037>>633134THIS. Everyone who associates with Taylor has now officially outed Jonny as the bad influence over her, and that he’s toxic for her to be with. Even if she manages to get somewhat better herself, there will ALWAYS be drama surrounding her because of Jonny. It’s hard to root for Taylor’s success when she chooses to be with a rapist junkie for a boyfriend. She needs to fucking boot him to the curb.
What Jonny posted is such a textbook manipulative tactic. The “it’s us against the world babe” mentality he’s so bent on showing the world is disgusting. He’s been outed as the toxic POS he is and all he can say is that is “sucks” that people are talking about him, but that they love each other so much. Lmao, keep trying to use the love bombing and manipulation Jonny. The more this spreads, the more people won’t see you as the “goals couple” you wanted to appear to be.
No. 633208
>>633076Repzillas video was very impressive and well researched. Petty Paige
use to do her research and tried to be unbiased. But people have been criticizing her lately of not doing her research and projecting her personal opinions and feelings on general topics to the specific scandals and invalidating criticism of cows.
She’s all about that feminism, females are always victims, tumblrina bullshit now, and will surely apply it to a TND vid and b’awww about how Taylor’s a HUGE victim and will excuse all her bullshit on other people, further enabling Taylor, ruining all our work, spreading misinformation, and falsely make viewers sympathize with TND. Probably will blame every shitty thing Taylor’s done on jonny, even before they got together. And go on and on about ~not shaming addicts~
TW bullshit.
Not to mention mocking concerned people on Twitter with Taylor last year, calling people who had concerns “bitches”, and saying that all the criticism is “speculation” with ~no proof~ and kissing Taylor’s ass while whiteknighting her publicly.
If PP does come out with a video, and it will be excusing Taylor’s actions, trust and believe, I’m fucking unliking that shit to hell. With PP’s subscribers she’ll get to the top of the search results and fuck up the milk and info.
$10 she’ll not even mention how she shat on others concerns for animals on twitter and blocked those who spoke badly of Taylor, just 2-3 months ago. Just wants the views.
At least repzilla owns an animal, PP has fucked up other expose vids on people with animals and has fully admitted she knows nothing about animals. Really really hope she doesn’t fuck this up for everyone.
Ironic, since PP’s posted plenty of times on here herself, but won’t be assed to even read the threads.
(derailing) No. 633210
>>633208I get not wanting to shame addicts because addiction is truly a terrible thing but it’s so hard for me to feel bad for Taylor.
She had a million red flags. Like 2 or 3 of Jonny’s exes contacted her and tried to get through to her, people who have followed Jonnys bullshit through the years tried to tell her, her parents desperately tried to get her out. She had sooo many warnings and she just wouldn’t listen
No. 633212
File: 1548714320230.gif (1.79 MB, 245x250, 5F2C7842-D882-4BD9-8C3A-3A6257…)

>>633151>because I hurt her when I told her we couldn’t be friendsShe literally tried to blame Bree for her smuggling cocaine across state lines, lied about her drug use to make her friends think Bree was pushing coke on her, and then accused her of sexual assault publicly.
No. 633216
>>633210Not to mention she was addicted to coke BEFORE she even met jonny. She’s been doing drugs since before she even moved to LA, and was doing coke all the time when she was on Post Malone’s dick. I worry petty Paige will shlep it all on jonny, which of course he’s a pos and pushed H on her. But she was an addict, a shitty person, and an animal abuser way before him.
And what you said with red flags, yes some women ignore them, which would be fine. But she went out of her way to mock the red flags and publicly shit on the previous victims. I have no sympathy.
No. 633227
>>633219Maybe she’s holding him outside his enclosure so that people can’t get a real scale idea of how big he is, i.e. whether it’s an old photo or his growth has been stunted?
Even behind held like that, he does look really small. It would be great to see a comparison of all the photos of Kronos since she got him, including those not taken by her (e.g. Petfest visitors’ photos / videos and shots from the magazine interview). Also to compare those photos to stock photos of monitors maybe.
No. 633229
>>633134Aka “Fuck all these haters surrounding me and Taylor. Taylor is mine and always will be. You can’t stop me because i’m right and i’mma show you this in the coming months”
Jonny, you’re an idiot.
No. 633236
>>633224Isn't it like a courtyard exclusively for her apartment residents surrounded by her apartment buildings on all sides though? That's basically a garden. Idk. On the one hand this seems pretty nitpicky, it's really, really hard to lose your lizard if you're paying attention, it's something a kid could responsibly do. I take my beardie in the garden all the time in the summer, the exercise and sunlight is good for them. On the other hand, this is Taylor we're talking about.
On the pool front, they can swim it's not as if he'd drown instantly if he fell in. We don't know whether it's a chlorinated pool or not though, which could be really dangerous.
No. 633237
File: 1548717414909.png (451.15 KB, 1440x2175, Screenshot_2019-01-28-15-15-29…)

In response to someone asking her to make a video showing how an addict takes care of all her animals in a surprisingly nice way lol
No. 633238
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>>633222Idk about the courtyard, but her balcony has big openings, so she should still be careful with him out there
No. 633251
>>633216If her claims of near lifelong chronic pain caused by EDS, migraine, and CRPS are genuine, then she was no stranger to opioids prior to being with Jonny.
>I will say when it comes to the drugs I used mixed with the physical medical problems I have…being under the influence felt like I was just "normal" for once. Like I had to ability to do things without my joints aching, popping, clicking, and throbbing.Notice that she said "drugs" plural.
Heroin will not alleviate the joint popping and clicking of EDS that causes pain.
Has she ever mentioned receiving treatments for any of her chronic pain conditions?
No. 633252
>> And although Jonny is naturally ugly (IMO with his beady eyes, ginger hair, shortness and bad face tats) why is he not drastically changed or scabby all over his face like the photos? Maybe it’s just because I’ve never seen younger pics of him that I can’t see the difference whereas with Taylor she has already begun changing quickly from the drugs.I think he looked more like an average guy when he was younger – I wouldn't have called him handsome, but I wouldn't have called him hideous, either. Just kind of meh. But he looks like hell now. His years of being in a hard-living lifestyle has sucked what little pretty he had right out of him.
Taylor's rough looks I think are more due to her dying her hair to the point it breaks off leaving bald spots and getting fillers that make her lips look comically large more than the drugs. She hasn't been using that long compared with Jonny. But I could be wrong. I've been lucky enough in my life that the only addicts I've dealt with were alcoholics, not hard drug users.
No. 633257
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His new teeth help him.
No. 633261
>>633238I know this is an old picture but it still
triggers me so hard that she is SO bad at handling all of her animals. like I can't think of any exceptions where she holds them appropriately, maybe the rats. but Jonny manhandles the shit out of them
>>633260lol no she paid 53,000 to replace that
No. 633281
>>633274Betsy is a friend of Taylor's she was the pregnant friend who wanted the monitor (which later turned out to be a lie)
The whole assistant thing started when she moved out and would post about how she would spend all day in bed, travel with jc, etc. leading people to question how she was managing to take care of all her pets
No. 633282
>>633278Apparently, she was doing cocaine for a few years before she met Jonny.
How the hell she found cocaine while being homeschooled by her batshit mother is beyond me, but that's from her own mouth
No. 633288
File: 1548721721440.jpeg (450.33 KB, 823x2129, B0147E75-1540-4F22-AC15-288A17…)

Old milk on the kronos ig post: Admitting to impulse buying the monitor without knowing what it was and keeping it in the wrong conditions for months.
At least she admits she doesn’t know anything about monitors and shouldn’t do a care video on them. At least she started to admit it and then backtracked about understanding what kronos needs.
No. 633290
>>633282Jennifer mentioned one time Taylor snuck out of their house in the middle of the night to meet Jonny at a hotel, plus Taylor is a chronic liar.
And let's be real, Matt is most likely all day out working and Jennifer is looking after Tanner 24/7. I don't think it was so difficult for her to get access to drugs.
No. 633293
File: 1548722674707.png (649.88 KB, 1989x2048, 1402966243.png)

Yeah, it's sooooo crazy that people think this, considering you:
-post a photo of a note ACS leaves for you talking about an aggressive monitor
-make all these grandiose claims about the videos you're going to take of them visiting you and of livestreaming your animal enclosures, and then never producing those videos
-Kronos hasn't been seen in ages
No. 633295
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Any theories on who this is who defended Taylor and Jonny in the KF thread? In particular they spoke in detail against Chelsea.
Read all three of their posts. There may be "info" therein that has not been posted here. No. 633300
>>633295I think this is either Taylor, or her dad. Could also be one of her friends, but most of them have acknowledged the situation by now, so it wouldn't make sense for them to accuse everyone of lying.
I considered Mama Dean, but I don't see enough incoherent manic rambling for this to be her.
No. 633303
>>633237doesn't want to influence the kids, but then launches into . sales pitch fo how good they make her feel. right.
>>633236this isn't nitpicking, it's a common space for residents and her aggressive monitor would not be cool just roaming around.
No. 633304
>>633300>>633298The avatar, name and use of inverted commas says forty+ year old to me.
>Messed up needy gfit's someone who has swallowed the crazy ex gf tactic hook line and sinker, I suspect Taylors parents have been preemptively told that Chelsea lied about these things in the past and primed to believe any future allegations made by her or anyone else are false, that she is crazy and obsessed.
No. 633306
>>633298>>633296>>633297>>633300>>633302Lurking About's vocabulary, organization of ideas, and command of grammar is beyond those of any of them.
Did you read their first post at the link? They know details about Chelsea that Taylor and her parents would not know.
No. 633314
>>633306Such as? All this is stuff Jonny probably fed Taylor and Taylor fed her parents. I knew all this stuff about Chelsea and I'm not even remotely involved.
The real story about the Jonny door is that Jonny busted down her door and sexually assulted Chelsea. I think she ended up sleeping in one of his bandmates rooms and he got pissed. Details are a bit blurry.
No. 633316
>>633295I very much doubt this is one of Taylor's parents. While I believe they both would go to extreme lenghts to defend their daughter that post just seems way too acclimated into the forum culture to be made by a 40+ year old who has children and a serious job, and we already know how Jen types like a maniac.
It's probably someone close to them (rather, close to Jonny) but not their parents.
No. 633321
>>633316 why do you think only old people use forums? my dad frequently posts on a bird watching forum. if anything, it reeks of verbiage used on a forum with older people.
>>633317Technically Liz is #3, Chelsea #2. Liz I think has a song lyric.
No. 633330
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This was a comment on Repzilla's video. Anyone know anything about before she was on YouTube?
No. 633338
File: 1548726554329.jpeg (848.58 KB, 1948x1668, 9A3BD2D1-5CFD-4BFA-AED8-CFD9DD…)

This is all the confirmed deaths for the last year shown together. It’s astounding how people still see nothing wrong with this.
No. 633350
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No. 633357
>>633301I think eventually Animal Control would lose patience waiting for her to get back to them and take action. A complaint was made that they felt seemed legitimate. They started an investigation, it seems logical that they would be required to follow through with it, especially since the note left on her door was about a supposedly dangerous animal.
The next step might very well be for them to get a warrant and return if they have enough information to get a judge to issue one. Speculation since I don't live in Texas, but that's what they do here. So much for hiding the heroin then when AC with a police officer are knocking at your door.
Also, around here if they can't get a warrant, they make take action in other ways, like talk to your landlord about the number of pets you're suspected of having. Again, I don't if they do the same thing in Texas, but it's a possibility.
Personally, I think Kronos is gone. Either taken by AC or dead. Hopefully confiscated rather than being yet another casualty.
No. 633365
>>633349>>633350I cannot comprehend how Jennifer thinks you manipulated them into thinking Jonny was a piece of trash. Just seeing their daughter's boyfriend have so many "crazy exes" should've been enough of a red flag.
And to keep doubling down on their denial, Jesus.
No. 633366
>>633330Been following her since waaay before her YT like this girl. She got her popularity initially from being in a long distance relationship (Will, you all are probably familiar). She publicized a lot of it so she gained a lot of fans that way, peek 'goals' culture on the internet. She posted about how Will was there for her as she got out of a previously abusive relationship but ultimately dumped him around a year in because she felt she was 'young' and needed to discover herself more. She was
never great with animals. Way better than she is now, but not great. A few examples being that two seahorses died in her care (once when she was out of town at Disney) and treated it like a joke as she still does today, even taking a picture of it's body in her hand, and another time attempting to bring two of her hedgehogs onto a photoshoot with her but realizing Piper escaped and was found later overheating behind a TV. Of course when criticized on anything she'd pull the 'clearly i love hurting animals' sarcasm etc. That hasn't changed.
No. 633370
>>633367I don't remember her bringing anything
to work but i wouldn't doubt it either. She was constantly handling animals, taking them out to post pics of her holding them, putting them on her chest, etc.
No. 633371
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No. 633372
File: 1548730552684.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, DBFEC2F4-E1C4-4749-952D-82D563…)

While i was scrolling back i found some examples of how not to handle hamsters
No. 633373
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No. 633374
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No. 633384
>>633372God I was so mad seeing her hold that poor monitor like a toy, giving it no support and holding it
sideways.. But who the actual fuck manhandles hamsters like this? And why would you post it thinking it's cute? God, she has no respect for these animals. They really are just props to her.
No. 633396
File: 1548732332487.jpeg (977.15 KB, 1242x1394, 6EB7BFE6-47BB-486B-B6E9-2BEDD1…)

there is also blood smeared up her arm in this photo
No. 633401
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No. 633404
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1/2 on picture of Kronos on 01/28/2019
No. 633407
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2/2 on picture of Kronos on 01/28/2019
No. 633418
>>633357At a minimum, an owner, keeper or temporary owner of an animal is required to provide their animals with humane care and treatment as follows:
Access to an adequate supply of fresh air;
Species-specific food;
Fresh water;
Shelter, as defined by this Code;
Shade* (natural or artificial) and
Veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering. INVESTIGATIONS
State law mandates all animal bites or scratches that break skin must be reported to the local rabies control authority. Animal Care Services is the local rabies control authority for the City of San Antonio and all rabies exposures must be reported immediately. does not have any guidelines specific to hoarding. There is no legal limit for animals other than dogs, cats, fowl, and livestock.
For some perspective on how bad conditions must be before ACS confiscates animals, here is a more detailed article about the case posted in
>>633003. Granted, this was an extreme case of hoarding and neglect, hence the story made the media. But short of their finding corpses and numerous deathly ill animals, ACS works with the owner to improve conditions before stepping in and confiscating. Care Services has seized 136 pythons, some as long as 15 feet, from a Southeast Side home in the 500 block of Kayton.
Lisa Norwood, ACS spokeswoman, said they were smaller ball pythons, two reticulated pythons that are considered the world’s longest snakes. She said 29 snakes were inside the house with no utilities and in glass cages, and 107 others were in a padlocked metal shed in the backyard and were kept in plastic storage bins.
The snakes' food supply, mice and rats, were in other containers stacked on top of each other in the garage.
ACS releases photos of seized snakes; longest snake measures 18 feet
The warrant alleging animal cruelty obtained by ACS claims the snakes and rodents had no water and their enclosures were filthy.
No. 633422
>>633410I think people tend to exaggerated her level of neglect. Its definitely mediocre but it isn't chinese-puppy-mill level bad. Many thousands of pets are probably neglected worse daily. ACS isn't going to do anything until it get's to puppy mill level.
That said a heroin addict shouldn't be looking after 30+ pets. I don't doubt her laziness makes her not refill and clean their water bowls, the biggest immediate thing.
No. 633430
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No. 633437
>>633355>>633358I can't what hard shit this person is on to be in such high stages of denial. """"APPARENTLY""" she has a restraining order on him but noOoO JOnY Is ThE VICTIm YOU GUIESss
It's absolutely infuriating, I'm so glad karma is a bitch and now precious little Jonny doesn't even have a job anymore.
No. 633439
File: 1548736792920.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190128-232919.png)

Hand in her latest story. Those are track marks as evidenced by the bruising (from missed shots) and how they follow along the veins in the hands. They show the ugly reality of the situation.. Nothing to be made light of or romanticized by her. I hope she's taking recovery seriously.
No. 633455
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No. 633456
>>633134this is really gross and reminds me of a generic high school relationship gone bad, clinging to the "WAH WE LOVE EACH OTHER OUR LOVE WILL PREVAIL"
literal 32 year old male acting like a 17 year old who doesnt know how to prioritize his own health or goals in life
No. 633459
File: 1548738344970.jpeg (142.27 KB, 750x695, 3996A961-52D9-4D0C-A8CD-E52CA8…)

Can someone verify?
No. 633460
>>633453I definitely thought that when I first saw that tattoo in her inner elbow. I dont blame her for wanting to cover up trackmark scars, but that was my assumption as to why she got it there.
As an addict in recovery, it's my opinion that she was using soon after she met jonny for months(I think she was smoking it then), then took a real break around this past summer, and has been using very very often these past couple months or so.
There is plenty of evidence that I could easily see as someone who has used that pointed to her using soon after she met him.
Another commenter above said they think she used before meeting him, but I highly, highly doubt that. There is legit nothing that points to her using before she met him that I see.
No. 633462
>>633151>>633165>>633237>>633401>>633407>>633430Good god someone buy this bitch a diary. Nobody being truthful would have to go through that much effort and mental gymnastics to plead their case.
>>633451I have a hard time not believing that heroin is probably how they came into initial contact.
No. 633465
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>>633439And those are all only a few days old. The dark marks are good hits and are very recent. The yellow marks are probably 3 to 5 days old. If she does have EDS, it would explain why the bruises have spread so much.
And there are so many of them.
She is also injecting into both hands. If she is right handed, this could explain all of the missed shots.
I was hopeful that she really had stopped when I saw that the marks on her hand in [pic related from 4 days ago] were nearly healed.
sigh>>633457She must be aware of the fact that the marks are visible. Posting them for the world to see might be a subconscious mechanism for working through her denial.
>>633442This early? Colin says that she has been using heroin for a full year. Her EDS could be a factor in having to move to less optimal spots.
>>633460I don't think she used heroin before she was with Jonny, but she no doubt was already familiar with pharmaceutical opioids.
>>633453The large heart inside her elbow is an obvious cover. My initial response was that the choice of design is dark junkie humor. But perhaps she got the tattoo when she was clean as a reminder to stay clean for the sake of her animals.
The tattoos on her wrists and forearms could also be cover. There are several easily accessible large veins in those spots. I used those after my inner elbows and before my hands.
No. 633466
>>633459She has
- 15 (maybe 16) snakes
- 1 bearded dragon
- 1 blue-tongued skink
- 2 crocodile skinks
- 1 roughneck monitor
- 1 tarantula (not sure on sp.)
- 1 emperor (?) scorpion
- 2 crested geckos
- 1 leopard gecko
- 3 satanic leaf geckos
- 3 rats
- 3 cats
- 1 or 2 hedgehogs
- 1 axolotl
That's 36 - 38 animals,not including fish, and not including that mantis she had that probably is dead.
Idk how she doesn't know how many animals she has??
No. 633469
>>633358>>633358Remember when Taylor was messaging with Chelsea that Jonny had fallen over in her bathroom while high, and that a big part of her was like "oh well, lol"? And she kinda hoped he'd just make it easier on her, and die?
With the way Taylor's parents are both acting and responding to their daughter shooting up with this abusive rapist, I'm starting to think that they feel the same way about her
No. 633472
Same anon who posted
>>633466, for sure has two hedgehogs and forgot about her moon crabs. So 41, not counting the aquatics apart from Mushy.
No. 633481
>>633474And she wonders why people think her animals are dead lol.
If she did her job and showed her animals in her social media/filmed videos of them, people wouldn't have to speculate.
No. 633489
File: 1548740348001.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1242x2208, 63175B64-E9EF-4A33-8B9B-F6C952…)

Hmm what’s the orange tipped item on their nightstand?
No. 633497
>>633489Unreal. This pisses me off so bad. They're legit just fucking lieing to people.
Taylor said in a recent IG comment she goes to cleanslate twice a week and is on a medication that blocks withdrawals. That is suboxone, not vivitrol. Suboxone doesn't make u feel great right away. People still use on it. It's clear that's what they're doing.
Fucking right on the nightstand next to jonny. There's a second one above the one with the orange tip too.
No. 633512
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In case people aren't sure
No. 633518
>>633504There's ways to expose it, but me talking about it here would be cowtipping.
I really think exposing this shit ultimately helps get her out of denial and forces her to address it. But there isn't much anyone can do unfortunately.
The truth is that if she doesn't stop using, her career is over anyways. So she will be the one to do it to herself.
No. 633531
>>633520>>633519Jonny would probably purposely give her Hep C. It's another way to ensure she stays with him
>>633516You can get them easily at CVS and other pharmacies
No. 633535
File: 1548741901615.jpeg (420.11 KB, 1948x1668, 1ECB4B0D-6BE3-4BAA-9808-0E514D…)

>>633489Those are two Luer-Lock syringes. A luer lock allows a needle to be screwed in. The syringe on the right, INB4 she claims this is it, is commonly used to orally administer liquid medications to small animals, and should be kept on hand if you have small pets. Notice the difference in the scale of the opening the scale of the plunger.
No. 633537
File: 1548742043748.webm (2.68 MB, 480x852, syringe-cam.webm)
version in motion
No. 633551
File: 1548742757374.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 0ABE22B9-7FD8-4CDE-AFEB-B3490B…)

chelsea here
can confirm. this is what i dealt with living with him
No. 633556
>>633551So he never cleaned the toilet? I feel for you. Jk
Was this photo a real flushing he did? because it looks like everything's ready to be pulled back out after the pic is taken.
No. 633561
File: 1548743569099.jpg (348.8 KB, 750x750, 1ml-plastic-disposable-heparin…)

>>633512Those and this 1ml 29ga syringe are the two distributed by the majority of needle exchange programs and sold in pharmacies. 28 and 29ga are 1/2" long. 30ga is 5/16". People who inject intramuscularly (substances other than heroin) use the longer.
>>633542The same syringes are used to administer insulin go dogs and cats.>>633552Those are the cottons used to filter. Needle exchanges distribute them in a baggie along with small aluminum cookers.
No. 633566
>>633151God she’s an asshole. Aside from another caption reading like obvious drug rambling - It doesn’t have to be a perfect matching picture with the rest of your perfect matching feed, since that’s all these animals are good for. A temporary story post would be sufficient for many, she posts crappy low quality stories often, but suddenly she acts like that is impossible. And her attitude at the end about how she can’t be fucked to keep track of who she’s posting and who has seemingly disappeared for months, and her annoyance at people wanting to see her animals or feeling attached to certain ones - bitch most of your subscribers never subscribed for you- you are a pet channel, you’ve branded yourself a “pet mom”, act like “all I wanna do is show my cute little animals uwu “ and then gets fucking annoyed and defensive when people want to see an animal. It should be as simple as “sure I’ll go snap a picture and post it to Twitter/my story/wherever since I’m home all day just caring for these things, thanks for your interest, he is a great animal!” but she doesn’t give a fuck about her fans or anything but her aesthetic. “I will only show who I want when it matches my feed (wow)- you all just need to calm down and care as little as I do, and still, after everything, JUST TRUST ME” Fuck her man. You should be happy to post those animals, it is endless content and you supposedly love them so much. And she’s still mocking people’s speculations even though so much has been proven right. This freaking bitch.
No. 633569
>>633566i dont think she realizes she lost all creditably so when shes sitting here like guys "im being honest im not a liar", its like…..yes you are? she acts like people are crazy to be doubtful and question her
unlike her rabid stans most people can use critical thinking skills
No. 633571
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So I don’t know if this fits in, but I’m just curious why he has a barbecue lighter on the floor.
No. 633572
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No. 633573
>>633562Sorry, I'm on a mobile for mice so they look like cottons from here since they are floating.
>>633553Dilaudid (hydromorphone) is tinted or three-sided if it is white, depending on the dose and manufacturer.
Dilaudid can be injected intramuscularly as well as IV. When injected it's bioavailability is over 3x that of oral. It has a stronger rush than heroin but with a much shorter duration.
White round pills that size could also be 10mg oxycodone. Are they scored? Can you make out the marking?
No. 633575
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>>633567yeah I don't see it
No. 633579
File: 1548746044878.jpeg (124.87 KB, 731x755, A68B54DF-2C8C-4927-95DF-3B9B44…)

Another video and return time
No. 633580
>>633535The syringe on the left is an insulin syringe, not a Leuer lock. Good point (no pun intended) to compare needle syringes with irrigation syringes in case she tries to say that's what it is. The latter never come with orange caps.
>>633541Needle syringes can come with a variety of color caps including colorless. Sharps containers are universally red.
No. 633581
File: 1548746911098.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.37 KB, 242x246, quality-roxies30mg-fpr-oral-us…)

>>633551those look like the white roxies to me (30mg oxycodone)
No. 633598
>>633146Yeah, the scabby faces with heroin is caused by the intense itching. You can see her scratching her nose a lot and that's one of the most obvious signs of active opiate use.
I have eds type 4, and that causes any bump or small abrasion to turn into a scar. Any little thing. That's why her face looks so bad now.
No. 633601
>>633595Taylor straight up said “Yeah I do drugs and am an addict”, Jonny posted pictures of them at CleanSlate explicitly stating they were there to fight their addiction, Tyler and Emma confirmed Taylor is in an abusive relationship and also incapable of taking care of her animals, and Jennifer is still in a mindset where everyone is just out to get Taylor and lying about her.
There is a really infuriating and even scary level of denial that Jennifer will take a while to get out of. I bet that Taylor could be saying “I OD’ed” and Jennifer will be still tweeting cryptic lyrics and acting snarky when people call her daughter out.
No. 633639
>>633624she's an addict so she's not thinking about money at all, just the next high. I'm sure they've spent at least 10k on drugs.
>>633638Maybe she just stopped buying subs, or forgot to re-up. I'm convinced she's always buying subs since her channel has been continuously growing even though she's been MIA for months.
No. 633640
>>633639I agree. A growth of 800 subs a day even when she hasn't uploaded in 2 months is very high, I don't believe that she gets this many just from her old videos.
Also let's not forget that one time where she got exactly 2000 subs in 3 hours.
No. 633649
>>633648Long lighters like that don't burn your fingers when you're cooking, that's why it's significant. Stoners use them for bongs for the same reason.
You also can't use candles in a house with reptiles, and it's heavily advised against if you have rats and cats; they're too sensitive. We already know they're addicts, it's drug paraphernalia.
No. 633652
>>633651agreed. It's such inconsequential milk, especially when Tylor just posted a video with actual syringes on the table next to her bed (with a
candle right beside, coincidentally.) pointing to a lighter and saying "omg! drug use!!1!" is a pretty moot point now.
No. 633657
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>>633489Nice fuckin catch anon
Based on her hand track marks, and the fact she’s been shooting up for 1 year + I wouldn’t be surprised she’s gone for her hand, she’s definately still shooting as of 1-2 days ago.
The needles are 1.0mL 31-28 g 8mm (5/16”) syringes. Used for users who’ve only been shooting for a few years, you move to longer needles to inject in muscle and/or when your veins get shitty from overuse and you need a longer needle to reach the vein. Every addict uses the (5/16”) needle.
In Texas you do NOT need a prescription for needles to buy them and I highly doubt Taylor is shleeping to the needle exchange. She probably buys them at Walgreens, rite aid, Walmart, etc. CVS in Texas now asks you for an existing insulin script on the system due to new company policy. But every other pharmacy it takes 2 min top to purchase them, though they require you to sign your name and address in a booklet (log book) at EVERY pharmacy when you purchase needles without script. ESP when you look like Taylor and not some hobo, no ones giving you shit.
Also, this prescription bottle was in an earlier vid (where she sounds trashed) the cat growing up update video. Now it’s all faded and the label is ripped up. Who wants to bet that she stores her dope in there?
No. 633668
File: 1548779689471.jpeg (517.45 KB, 1125x1689, 25E4C196-1B6C-45EB-BCD2-F199AD…)

i was having a look through some of taylor’s tagged pictures and came across this stan instagram. this is taylor “announcing” that the person who made “all those awful videos” about her was banned from youtube. it looks like a group chat with what seem to be some of her young fans? the
pretty irrelevant considering the serious conversations taking place right now, needles on the bedside table etc. but hilarious considering that’s what ever’s channel was reinstated and all of the “awful” things mentioned in her videos turned out to be true.
No. 633679
File: 1548783381421.jpeg (294.02 KB, 750x998, AEF35649-A623-4C04-B2D5-DE236C…)

A lot of people (looks like a mixture of critics and stans) are pointing out that she has more than 25 pets and wonder how she managed to get that number.
Surprise this was her last response on this comment thread.
No. 633683
>>633679You know, as if having
twenty animals as opposed to in the thirties is NBD, esp in a 2 bedroom apartment. FFS, Taylor.
No. 633686
File: 1548784710394.png (237.51 KB, 806x558, Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 12.5…)

Obviously a Taylor indirect…except you can't help someone who's in an enabling relationship and Taylor has rejected everyone but Jonny.
No. 633691
File: 1548786228463.jpg (586.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190129-121138_Ins…)

Wanted to ask is this a swastika tattoo on johnny that he got poorly covered up?
No. 633700
File: 1548786963746.jpeg (85.26 KB, 750x509, 6075E8E0-9EDD-4164-9989-2F9E6E…)

why is she making it sound like she’s already been doing this for weeks?
No. 633708
File: 1548788269453.jpg (284.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190129-135219_Ins…)

I thought she was just going to get the shot? Now shes working up to it? Seriously!? What a freaking liar! Why does anyone believe a word this monster says
No. 633711
>>633708You dropped half that much on a ball python that you never show to the internet Taylor. Jonny's teeth were almost three times that much. Nothing has ever publically been too expensive for you.
Guess your irresponsible spending caught up with you huh?
No. 633712
>>633703“I won’t let the darkness consume me, I’m going back to ignoring the drama bc I don’t need to prove myself to random strangers, I just care about my ~animals~!! uwu”
Already back on her bullshit and going on constant, rambling posts to people, lying about everything as usual. And she does this ALL DAY EVERY DAY. How tf does she think people believe she is getting “better” and taking care of her animals while she’s doing this shit?
She’ll never be able to leave behind the “drama” it will follow her forever the more she keeps lying and associating with Jonny. She’s ruining her own life. She thinks in 2 weeks she will suddenly stop acknowledging the criticism and “hate” and just do YouTube again like everything is normal. Lmao girl you need serious help, you’re delusional. She’s def not off the drugs.
No. 633717
>>633708Outpatient treatment probably wouldn’t work for her anyway, but it’s even more unlikely to work with Jonny still around. If she really wants to get better, she has to kick Jonny’s ass to the curb and admit herself to inpatient detox, and then follow up with an intensive addiction treatment program. Jonny has been on drugs for like a decade, and he always shows he isn’t serious about getting better.
She has so much potential in life, and she wastes it on some abusive piece of trash who does nothing except bring her down with him.
No. 633719
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No. 633727
>>633719How, do you not count, how many animals you have?! Especially when you make (or did make) videos labelled "All my pets"?
She claims they're like her children, can you imagine someone telling you they don't know how many kids they have and had to guess?
No. 633728
>>633719I don't think she bothers with the animals at this point. She just lets her "assistant" do all the work.
Working up to it is just an excuse to use. She's gotta be on top of her shit if she really wants to be clean.
No. 633734
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No. 633735
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No. 633736
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No. 633741
>>633730It would have been when she posted the ghost mantis at the convention, so late October 2018. I'm pretty sure someone posted the screenshot of her tweet or Instagram post of him to the thread at the time.
It's not on her Instagram anymore, of course.
No. 633744
If she becomes an inpatient who looks after her animals? Never known such an irresponsible person in all my life.
Earlier I saw people saying about her buying subs, I don’t know if it can be proven, but there’s this tool that can tell you how many fake profiles/bots/bought followers someone has No. 633748
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No. 633758
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No. 633759
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No. 633760
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No. 633761
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No. 633767
>>633758Is this her asking betsy to pick her up food??
I seriously hope betsy gets paid for dealing with this retard
No. 633787
>>633737>>633718IDK where this $15k number keeps coming from. Jonny said they costed $53k.
>>633718>But if I cannot follow the plan to get on it (vivitrol) then we move towards more aggressive plansi.e. if I can't get sober for just 10 days despite claiming I'm already detoxing, then I will be forced to go inpatient. but I shot up last night, if not today, so my "detox" has yet to begin and the 10-day counter keeps getting reset.
I wonder if her doctor can force her to stay inpatient. I'm not sure about the laws regarding involuntary admission.
>>633752this is the saddest shit. he has willingly trashed every opportunity and relationship he has ever had so he could keep using. now he's trying to get her to do the same thing, so she will only have him, and keep paying for his drugs. I would think he would encourage her to at least put out some shitty bare-minimum videos so he could keep his cash cow's income flowing. I know he doesn't really care about her, just what she
does for him, but without the YouTube money the drug money will dry up soon.
No. 633795
>>633708It’s really weird how she makes it sound like it’s a very, veery slow process. She initially made it sound like they were more than ready to get the Vivitrol shot on the first appointment because both of them were sober enough to get it, but it doesn’t make sense. I swear I saw her posting about how CleanSlate was for already recovered addicts and that’s why they chose that place.
It’s also really laughable money is an issue now. We’re talking about two people who love boasting about money. Either paying 20k each would put a dent on her finances now that she’s not really working, or it’s because she doesn’t really intend to get clean to begin with. This honestly sounds like her half assing it in hopes people forget about it soon enough.
No. 633799
File: 1548801147691.jpg (235.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190129-173039_Ins…)

Apparently she would rather use that money for animals and she has taxes. Excuses excuses. And how could that doctor shes seeing possibly know how bad the situation is if it's just maintenance with no kind of counseling?
No. 633827
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No. 633828
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No. 633829
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No. 633830
>>633782EDS isn't diagnosed by symptoms only, also with dna testing. It's possible she could still be lying, I haven't seen her test results. What does strike me as weird is she's never mentioned what type of eds she was diagnosed with. If she truly was diagnosed by a geneticist she would've been told that.
I have the type where chances are, I'll have a major vein or organ tear by 40 and be dead. So her shit def rubs me the wrong way. Always crying about nothing.
(more medfaggotry) No. 633832
File: 1548805388119.jpg (497.79 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190129-171252_Ins…)

No. 633838
>>633830I remember her saying she had type 3 hypermobile.
And DNA results aren’t always reliable with EDS you can be negative and still have EDS.
No. 633844
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>>633807Caught a couple of her comments before the post was deleted. She only had it up for about 15 minutes.
No. 633867
>>633865The IRS will adjust your payment plan if you have medical expenses. She should know this if she actually had a CPA or attorney who is an IRS Enrolled Agent set up her payment plan in the first place.
It’s all bullshit she’s spouting because Jonny won’t go to rehab.
No. 633879
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No. 633880
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No. 633881
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(No contribution or context)
No. 633882
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No. 633889
>>633882Lol, she’s gonna sit here and say she hasn’t read this “horrible site in months” and then make a snide comment about Kronos, whom we’ve all been speculating about quite recently. Please
Taylor has dug herself into suuuuch a hole, there’s no regaining her reputation at this point unless she truly goes, gets clean, and comes back when she is 100% clean and ready to own her mistakes—which will never happen.
No. 633896
File: 1548814435165.jpg (591.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190129-181223_Ins…)

Jonny grooming his next target perhaps?
No. 633900
File: 1548815048106.jpeg (223.06 KB, 749x932, 55A5E97E-583E-4461-8043-8A1684…)

Apparently rehomed her angelfish
No. 633908
>>633900This actually makes sense, if true, and is a good sign of her recognizing when she can't both take care of her own needs and an animal's needs at the same time.
Not that a reef aquarium is a need, per say… but neither is heroin, Taylor!
No. 633923
>>633920Maybe it’s his excuse he tells Taylor. “Babe i dont know this girl! Its so creepy!!” But probably talks to her behind her back. Wouldnt be surprised tbh. Didnt he cheat on his exs before too.
Also, how hard is it to do an ig story of walking to your reptile room and show off all your animals? Unless it looks like petco in there where theyre either dead or sick
No. 633927
File: 1548818307574.jpeg (220.59 KB, 750x989, 1548390231888.jpeg)

>>633772The Care and Feeding of the Domestic Junkie
>>633787"… emergency detention, protective custody, or commitment of a person with a chemical dependency">>6337955 days ago she declared [pic related]
>I went through hell to recover and I'm so fucking proud of myself. And I'm so proud of my boyfriend too because he recovered too. Now we are about to qualify for a treatment…>>633799
>with the new year coming aroundWe're nearly one month into the new year. I hope she misspoke and isn't that out of touch.
>>633800They will test her to see if she has fully detoxed before administering the shot.
>>633809The doctor is employed by the outpatient clinic. They wouldn't get her money if they deny her.
>>633813Look up Medicaid and Medicare, the only government funded insurance programs. The clinic accepts Medicaid but she and Jonny do not qualify.
>>633827What is her explanation for why she deleted today's video? It got cut off at the bottom.
And is the inside of her wrist yellow with an old bruise, or is it the lighting?
We need to record her stories.
No. 633930
File: 1548818548278.jpeg (236.4 KB, 750x923, 1548390332426.jpeg)

>opium receptorsThat should be
opiate. She has used the wrong term at least twice when describing the treatment.
No. 633931
>>633920>>633923I mean, they've never publicized their address (we know the complex name, but not the apartment number) so to receive mail from a stranger who follows you on the internet is a bit of an overstep. Not like he's got a P.O. box, it just randomly shows up at their (Taylor's) house. I'd be slightly creeped out too. (Not tryna whiteknight! I just think this one specific thing is a privacy issue that many fans ignore and overstep and can definitely make people uncomfortable)
he's still a piece of trash and could have worded it less douche-y.
No. 633939
>>633927“With the disease I have”
Holy fuck she really has to be specific with her wording to make it sound like she’s battling cancer. Shameful that she acts like she has some kind of debilitating problem when she’s just lazy. There are people with actual horrible diseases and terminal illnesses that put in more work and effort into their lives than she ever will.
No. 633942
>>633930didnt she say earlier you had to be clean for 10 days? and that they just started going like not even a few days a go they both posted to their story about it. and she was sitting there saying she made "extra" doctors appointments whatever that means
god this girl lies so damn much she cant even keep up
No. 633949
File: 1548820494607.jpeg (35.55 KB, 181x331, 22531FF6-F2D6-4444-8607-67E978…)

Jonny before the drugs
Look at his fucking t-shirt
>women take back the night march
>march for women to be safe at night from rapists
The irony of this 13 years later…..
No. 633951
File: 1548820641514.png (99.89 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2019-01-29-21-47-32…)

According to Taylor, these are all the fish in her 150 tank. The post got cut off but it's just her talking about catching that one squirrel fish.
No. 633953
File: 1548820697119.png (54.98 KB, 678x157, 1548383572341.png)

She posted this 5 days ago, too. She was letting her young fans think that the health issue she is dealing with is EDS and not drug addiction.
No. 633960
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That'll be about as effective as her 'by myself' tattoo
No. 633967
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not sure if anyone cares, but the fact that there’s a profile icon here instead of a gray person means that she has another Instagram account logged in on her phone. Probably has to keep johnny’s instagram open to see if he’s cheating
No. 633985
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No. 633986
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No. 633988
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No. 633989
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No. 633990
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No. 634005
>>633985She could say all these things, but at the end of the day what matters is that she actually does them. She kept taking breaks to "work on herself", but the first thing she has to do is to actually own up to all the shit she's done. You can go around saying how you want to change, but it doesn't mean shit when you post videos with fresh track marks and syringes on sight, or when your first reaction is to throw anybody that wrongs you under the bus to make yourself look like a victim.
She keeps making it look like the criticism was unfounded when basically everyone except for her enablers has distanced themselves from her.
No. 634020
>>633953everytime she says EDS now, I automatically replace it with drugs. If she really cared about herself and her illnesses then she wouldn't be into hard drugs and heavy junk food in the first place.
Taylor, It's not a disease if you said YES to your first hit and the next.. that's called making a stupid choice. It become a disease once your body begins to depend on it which can likely kill you if you stop cold turkey. You should at least make legit efforts NOW to actually stop before you end up on a hospital bed begging for the pain to stop and quit trying to cover it up on social media for all your 13 year old fans because we all know you're in bed, getting high, and reading here.
No. 634031
>>634017She's pretty naive, but I don't think she really thinks she'll be a recovered addict in 2 weeks. She just thinks if she rambles about treatment for 2 weeks maybe we'll all forget she's confirmed drug use and she can go back to getting high while denying she does drugs, like she has for the entire past year.
Taylor, since we know you read here, that's not going to work. You're a shit liar, and you can't take care of your animals and make videos while on drugs, you just can't. Rehome your animals, maybe you can even get friends to take care of a few so you can have them back when you're clean, kick Jonny out and tell him if he really loves you he can get clean on his own dime not yours, and check yourself into a real rehab clinic.
No. 634034
>>633971Remember when she told emzotic she had
never ever posted here, but tells people she visits her thread every single day, multiple times a day, and is a bit obsessed with reading about herself here.
I bet she got scared when she found out emzotic got busted for trying to use VPNs to cover her post history and circumvent band. Bet she uses the other phone to post here.
No. 634037
>>634034this is one of the few threads where we just have an influx of newfags instead of whiteknights, so i highly doubt she posts here tbh
not only that after the emzotic stuff and general pettubers thread drama i dont think she'd risk posting
No. 634094
You don’t need another phone to have another ig account
No. 634096
File: 1548846730951.jpeg (203.34 KB, 747x740, EAC10BD7-0035-4747-A965-382DA3…)

>>634094Their whole post was about lolcow.
Taylor is so skinny :/
(:/) No. 634097
>>634096Is Gemini also obese like the other snakes?
Yeah, I'm actually getting really concerned. I dislike her as much as everyone else here but ever since it's been confirmed that she shoots up I've just been worried.
No. 634100
File: 1548849936270.jpg (560.22 KB, 1080x1754, 20190130_055809.jpg)

Yep. She's right handed. But whether she's shooting up or letting JC do it, she's still making the choice to do drugs. I doubt he's forcing her.
No. 634114
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for the anon that asked when she got valentino
No. 634154
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I might’ve missed a convo about this but this is probably what Taylor was talking about when she was mentioning some moderation of her comments.
No. 634158
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No. 634159
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No. 634196
>>634096I feel like all of her snakes are overweight. Said this before but how do you manage to overfeed one group of pets and neglect the rest to death?
How long would you need to underfeed a snake so that it's at a healthy weight? Is that possible?
No. 634215
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No. 634216
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No. 634220
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No. 634223
>>634220'previous owner of three years'
Is this new? I don't recall her saying that Gemini ever had a previous owner, just that he was purchased from a breeder.
No. 634233
File: 1548873237584.png (613.83 KB, 1001x963, howcanitbethree.png)

>>634220If the snake was born in 2017 the previous owner could not have had him for three years. Why does she have to lie about everything?
No. 634237
>>634220I laugh every time she acts like taking photos of her pets is so difficult so it takes a week for a better shot. Makes me wonder if these are old photos because apparently it's hard for her to currently take a million photos of her pets… Or maybe the drugs are making her skin so shitty that she has to pick days where she looks decent on camera and also sober for awhile.
She's totally reading here because wasn't it just lately we were wondering where Gemini is
No. 634241
>>634236>>634240Yeah, wonder how the person feels selling it to a drug addict.
Taylor probably paid more than what he was offering, that's probably why he ignored you. Did he say that someone was offering more? He should have told you so you could have the option to outbid or something, I don't know.
No. 634247
>>634240Hindsight is 20/20 unfortunately.
When she inevitably runs out of money, I get the feeling she’ll try to sell him since she spent so much on him. Maybe then someone who actually knows about snakes will get him.
No. 634272
File: 1548876105067.png (5.71 MB, 1125x2436, DC087FAD-1748-4B4C-8285-036723…)

More vague reference to “doctors appointments” on Jonny’s story, before they can get back to rotting away playing video games in bed again.
I wonder whether Taylor asks him to post things like this? I can’t believe that anyone’s convinced that these two are getting help. Doctors appointments is just not how that works.
No. 634289
>>634272Lmao bullshit. She mentioned Vivitrol before and not sure if anyone explained what exactly that is. She claimed you need to be sober for 10 days….no. Most doctors will require you're 100% clean for at least 14 days, and before they give you the shot, they have you take Naltrexone tablets for at least a week. This is because Vivitrol is a shot that lasts 28 days and they need to know if your body can handle it, some people get bad side effects.
No doctor is going to let you walk in and claim you have 10 days sober and shoot you in the asscheek with Vivitrol. A person needs extensive therapy along with it. It does nothing to help with most cravings, especially in a person who's been sober for less than a month. Many people on Vivitrol who aren't serious about their recovery end up trying to get high on heroin/opioids but it doesn't work. So they start doing other drugs instead in a desperate attempt to get high. Vivitrol is just a tool that adds to the benefit of extensive therapy. By itself (like all other addiction treatments) it will fail to help an extremely large portion of addicts.
Plus Jonny won't get Vivitrol because then he won't be able to drink. He's gotta have those Twisted Tea tall boys or he might go berserk.
No. 634306
File: 1548878314977.jpeg (110.49 KB, 750x867, 76B7B358-23D1-412E-82B7-454673…)

Am I crazy for thinking this was directed at Taylor for her overstocked tanks, chubby cats, and tiny rack systems?
No. 634310
>>634272Exactly…how stupid do they think people are? They're saying cause they have sooooo many appointments at the doctors that they're getting extra clean and they're extra serious
That's not how the doctors work? They must be really high
No. 634318
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No. 634319
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No. 634320
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Nit picking but she legit looks like a recovering druggy here
No. 634346
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No. 634347
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No. 634350
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No. 634364
>>634350I’m surprised that she doesn’t have any of these morphs, considering that she also owns a plethora of wild caught animals but preaches about not buying wild caught animals, and also claims to promote rescue while buying the majority of her animals from breeders. It would be just like her to tell people not to get specific morphs yet own them herself.
Not trying to make any statements of the morality of these practices, just pointing out how much of a hypocrite she is. She’s just about the last person who should be trying to tell people what’s right and wrong.
No. 634383
>>634360They don't offer methadone at that facility. Only suboxone and/or subutex and vivitrol.
Someone said suboxone requires a few weekly visits at first.. so itd make sense she's doing suboxone. Plus, you can still use with suboxone, and they're clearly still using.
No. 634422
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Wow…she just said that going to the clinic is the only outing she gets. So…she doesn't do anything but stay at home and go to a clinc?
No. 634425
>>634422The only outing she gets? Didn't an anon say that CleanSlate doesn't offer counseling/therapy, it's only for the medical stuff? If so, so much for the "therapy" she claims she's been getting.
>>634424Agreed, that makes her look so bad. "my daddy isn't okay with me going out with friends and being my own person without him so i going to rehab is my only outing~"
I mean that or she (obviously) doesn't have any real friends that want to be out with her anyways. So she has nothing to do other than be at home all day playing games and doing drugs. What an awful life, it's sad watching Jonny try so hard to flex the oh so amazing life they have just because they don't have to work a 9-5 job. He's so controlling and it's honestly gross, I don't understand how she puts up with it.
I'm guessing she's just waiting for him to die at this point so he can't spill dirt on her. I wonder if they will actually get this shot and she's hoping he will OD since you can't feel the drugs once the shot is in your system.
No. 634426
>>634417welcome to the world of Taylor's double standards.
>>634420and getting Jonny to post it. I thought she wasn't going to make her insta about drugs and treatment because of the kids following?
>>634424probably more the drugs, they are cocooned at home all the time.
No. 634428
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No. 634434
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No. 634436
>>634349I feel like she's just really bad at math, assumes if the snake will be 3 by the end of 2019 now that it's 2019 he's automatically 3 years old. Except that's not how time works.
>>634354IIRC the snake was listed for $6000 or something, she offered $7500 to get it, and then made a video about her $10000 snake saying she "rounded up" like that's how literally anyone would round up $7500 lol.
No. 634437
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No. 634438
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No. 634439
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No. 634440
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No. 634441
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No. 634442
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No. 634443
>>634434Such a shame that she has the potential to become a marine biologist and explore the sea. But nope, being with Jonny, staying home 24/7 and being a heroin addict is LiFE GoALz i guess. [sarcasm]i’m totally jealous of her[/sarcasm]
Also, change the font of your phone anon.
No. 634444
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No. 634447
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>>634443 Is it difficult to read? All the ss i have now are in that font
No. 634449
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No. 634450
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No. 634456
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Ready to Glare is making a video on Taylor.
No. 634460
File: 1548890363433.jpeg (1 MB, 4196x1104, animalcontrol.jpeg)

This is from the City of San Antonio's open database under service calls related to animals. Blacked out parts are her location. These are the three records they have related to the complex she lives at.
No. 634462
>>634444There's a such thing as taking animals to the vet too much. Hasn't she also said she takes her snakes to the vet monthly and the vet always says they're in
perfect condition? Why does she lie about how often she takes her animals to the vet? It makes her look kind of bad. Vets are stressful for animals, and unless there's something wrong, they shouldn't be to the vet monthly.
No. 634467
>>634462The woman barely gets out of bed. There's no way she takes any of them to the vet monthly.
And if she did, she would post the shit out of it on instagram stories to show up the haturz
No. 634473
>>634456>Ready to cash in>>634462I think it's four-monthly. These claims have to do with her materialism, if she's spending the money (even just in her mind) the care must be good, right?
We're not sure she sees an exotic animal vet either?
No. 634476
>>634469I think Taylor is accountable for herself. But that being said, Jonny is a POS and is making himself the sole center of Taylor’s life. I’m glad Taylor lost a lot of public support but I also hate that Jonny probably loves that. He has effectively isolated her from her family and any friends but Betsy. Her puttuber friends who (I believe) actually cared about Taylor (and views but still) are being shut out. And as much as I don’t feel sorry for Taylor because she chose this, my heart aches a little bit when I picture her running outside crying and yelling for her mom to go away bc Jonny was flipping out and going to do something bad if she didn’t leave. That’s not a normal boyfriends reaction to the person he supposedly loves parent. I can’t wait for Taylor to wisen up one day and realize if someone genuinely loves you, they would care if you had a relationship with your mom.
Also he seems controlling af and it’s scary that he reads all her DMs (how he found out about Chelsea messaging her)
I just really wish she could get away from him. But when would she be able to express that desire if he’s reading all her stuff and she’s not allowed to see her mom alone?
No. 634484
>>634476She did just see her mom alone in Disney though, right? She could have asked for help getting out then. I think she just truly is taken in by Jonny's lies. She really thinks he loves her and will change for her or whatever, and that he deserves her support and loyalty.
That's why I have a little bit of sympathy for her in all this. Yes, she was warned, yes, she was an idiot to go into this at all. We know what the exes, her friends, her family said. But we also know Jonny is a pro manipulator, and we don't know how convincing he was to her behind the scenes. I imagine he was pretty charming on the surface at first.
It doesn't excuse her actions at all or what she's put those animals true, and she's still an awful person, but I feel like we shouldn't underestimate the control Jonny probably has over her because that's what abusers do, and we know he's done it in the past to girls smarter than Taylor.
No. 634486
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No. 634487
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No. 634491
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No. 634492
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No. 634495
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No. 634497
>>634493Ss her saying what new pets she wants and whats happened to old pets
Theres another anon here asking about cecelia biting. Its actually one of the lolcow banners
No. 634536
>>634509In some places, people sniff coke as casually as drinking or smoking weed. Sniffing some coke doesn't prepare you for shooting heroin.
She made a dumb choice to try it, definitely. Either way, it doesn't negate the fact that only a true piece of shit would get a girl 10 yrs younger than them to try heroin when they themselves havent been able to fully quit using it for a decade.
No. 634551
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I see we are this stage of his bs
No. 634587
>>634578here's Taylor in the clinic toilet from today
>>634318here they are in the waiting room the other day
>>631010 and some reference images
>>631079 No. 634594
>>634460Wasn't the Animal Control note about her "aggressive monitor lizard" dated November 2018? Nothing from this year is listed.
Taking Star for monthly weigh ins at the vet? Is that like a Weight Watchers meeting for cats? Come the fuck on, Taylor.
No. 634599
>>634597It’s a disaster for two people currently using with nothing else to do and nobody to keep them accountable. It can work well for people who have busy lives who can’t take the time for inpatient detox and/or rehab, and who have strong motivation to get off the drugs.
Jonny and Taylor have no idea how to live like sober adults, and they’re not going to get the idea by getting subs or Vivitrol and then going back to their pointless, isolated junkie life holed up in the apartment.
No. 634604
>>634592Dark hair doesn't equal goth lmfao
She does look better with darker hair, but the fact that she dressed up like this to go to rehab screams attention.
No. 634606
>>634552you're supposed to be in wd before you go on bupe. If you take it too soon you go into precipitated withdrawal, which is fucking awful and makes you feel like you're going to actually die any moment.
Knowing Johnny, if he went to a bupe doc, he couldn't wait that long. That's what I think this is about.
Sub/bupe never makes you feel bad or gross, unless you take too much or something, then you get really nauseous.
No. 634615
>>634604Yea it just shows a level of immaturity most people grow out of in their teenage years.
Hopefully she gets all that teenage angst out and realizes what a dumbass she's been when gets clean.
No. 634627
>>634618Repzilla was researching her for a while, his video is accurate.
>>634608I kinda feel like those are in the threads already and it's not our job to find and send them to a lazy youtuber.
No. 634672
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since anon deleted their post for some reason
No. 634715
>Sunday was snake feeding day and every single snake I own ateShe feeds all of her snakes once a week?
>>634493>>634502I disagree. You never know if something that appears to be irrelevant now won't be milk in the future.
No. 634723
File: 1548934541932.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x2208, 9340893C-314E-4E4B-9C99-0CE43F…)

I thought violet (aka morphine) was a gift from Jonny ?
No. 634728
>>634672my guess is she started to do kratom before heroine to get into Jonnys opiates to bond with him better, and she has addictive personality so she really wanted to try new drugs. i believe her illness causes some pains so she was feeling better after opiates, then gradually switched to smoking heroin and then to incjections.
i also don't believe Jonnys liver damage is severe enough to kill him soon so he is going to live some more, beacuse Taylor doesn't say anywhere he needs special diet for liver and since he is a bit like her pet she would tell on internet he must eat specific foods, but we know they both order unhealthy take aways. therefore - if he is not sick enough to care about his diet and his liver allows him to ingest heroin he is fine.
No. 634745
>>634723Her post on December 17th, 2017,
YES, she claims jonny bought it for her…
No. 634772
>>634730Yes, as confirmed by the leaked texts and her friends saying she was using at the start of last year.
The Kraton bags appeared around that time though, so she most probably started using both at the same time.
No. 634788
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No. 634791
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No. 634792
>>634788Don't know, don't care, but every single one of them is screaming "give me attention."
On another note, I'm getting very concerned for the milk snakes. So far she has posted about the animals that have been talked about here, but we've been discussing the milk snakes for a while and haven't seen anything. Same with the hedgehogs.
No. 634793
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No. 634799
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No. 634845
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No. 634852
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taylor is full of shit. Her assistant doesn't come in 2 times a day. source: i have her on snapchat and i think i've seen her snap taylors apartment/mostly her cats like 5 times since december (granted, I don't watch her stories every single day), plus she recently moved so i doubt that she has time for taylors shit multiple times everyday.
betsy also does take her child into their apartment, since anons were talking about that yesterday.
No. 634855
>>634845Funny how her story went from “oh I have had no issue taking care of my animals at all!” to “I’ve hired more people to care for my animals to make sure they’re cared for”. God she’s so full of shit.
By the way Taylor if you aren’t healthy enough to completely care for your animals on your own - YOU HAVE TOO MANY! Sure for going away on vacation of course you should have someone else care for them. But on a normal daily basis, if you can’t handle what you have on your own? When you don’t even have a real job?? You have WAY to many to properly keep up and care for them all. Holy fuck she’s delusional about her not having too many to care for while she’s on drugs
No. 634858
>>634855The fact she has people care for her animals at all tells me she has too many and is overwhelmed. Taylor always brags about how "caring for animals is my job" and yet she… hires people to do it for her?
I don't get it. I don't have animals so OTHER people can care for them, if I wanted that I'd just be content visiting friend/family pets. SHE literally cannot care for her pets. No amount of "I have people to care for them!" will never cover up that she alone cannot do it and that is a huge red flag. Astounding that her stans can't see that this is a problem.
No. 634862
>>634845If your first thought when you became unhealthy were your animals, then you would’ve rehomed them instead of hiring more people to look at them. Besides, didn’t she already have 3 eXpErTs checking on her animals multiple times a week? She kept pushing that narrative for months.
If you need to constantly hire people to look after your animals, which happen to be (supposedly) your full time job, then you have too many animals, period.
No. 634871
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No. 634877
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No. 634897
>>634878 Agreed!
Please! Stop posting ss of every little thing Taylor does on instagram. These are things people can find for themselves if they're curious. We do not need to spoonfeed anybody TND content that isn't worth discussion.
If it's not milky, leave it. Holy fuck
No. 634905
>>634875>>634873>>634871Pls for the love of god stop posting unless it’s actually relevant and/or milky. We want the cream and these replies are basically watered down skim milk
>>634878>>634897Agreed it’s pretty much irrelevant spamming at this point and the damn font is just making it 10x worse…
No. 634934
>>634927I agree youtube's not the most stable market lmao. She's got an easy gig and wasting so much potential, its aggravating to watch.
Hard times are ahead for youtube. I wouldn't doubt if they cut "creator" costs again. Especially if they don't upload consistantly.
No. 634950
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>>634812>>634810[pic related]
>>634849If she is on her parents' insurance she may have chosen to not use it for treatment so that they wouldn't find out.
>>634890When did she say she could not afford inpatient?
No. 634985
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No. 634990
>>634985I love how she's trying to treat Youtube like a cable company. She's that bitchy customer who doesn't like her husband watching HBO shows with "icky nudity!!! get this one show off my cable!!! I don't care if it's impossible!" lmfao what a retard. Jen has serious issues. Can someone tell me WHY she keeps calling everyone else liars when Taylor has been admitting all of this herself? It's just nuts.
Go help your daughter you nut.
No. 635004
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Anyone notice her social blade has been in red lately.
No. 635050
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Saw this on twitter, lmao
No. 635055
>>634985I'd looooove to know what things she thinks are lies. Is she in denial? There's something wrong with her. At this point why would you even care about anything people are saying about how your daughter treats animals while
she's going to a clinic to recover from heroin addiction????? Why is she not with her or supporting her?? Ugh I just want to know
No. 635072
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No. 635080
>>635072I'm kinda hoping Taylor goes through with this actually. If Elijah wants to step up to the plate and try and play advocate, be my guest. She needs to step away from Jonny.
However, I'm not sure how this would work with his history of possessiveness and her animals.
>>635077Elijah is most known for being Christine Sydelko's ex partner in crime, now turned rapper. Not a great history of responsibility.
No. 635085
>>635072Tbh I feel that jonny will use this opportunity to either kill some of the animals, let them loose, etc or at least
threaten to do so to continue controlling her. She doesn’t care about the animals because theyre living beings but she cares that it’ll give people more fuel on her because so many people warned her that he’d do that shit and he’s already threatened nemo once.
No. 635088
>>635087Yeah This just looks really bad for Taylor. Hopefully she can diffuse him if he explodes on her. There's no way jonny would ever agree to it.
Time to wait and grab popcorn.
No. 635091
>>635080I agree, this may not be good for her animals but it honestly can't be any worse for Taylor than staying there with Jonny, and I can't blame her for not turning to her batshit parents for help because I don't imagine they'd be much help tbh.
I wish she'd kick Jonny out while she's gone and actually bring in people who can keep her animals alive or rehome them too, but maybe it's a start for her?
No. 635093
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No. 635095
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No. 635098
>>635072I hope to god she’s leaving Jonny but who knows. Jonny is such a controlling and possessive POS, there’s no way he’d just willingly let her leave?
Also fuck this guy for bagging on everyone. Tens of hundreds of people have been trying to help her and tell her she needs to stay away from Jonny and focus on herself and her animals since day one. Where were you Elijah? Enabling her just like the rest of her friends? Fuck off.
All her friends seem to feel oh so bad for her now that the truth has come out to the public. Where were they when she was on drugs behind the scenes?? Oh yeah, continuing to enable her and keep it her dirty little secret. Honestly, all of Taylor’s “friends” are fucking gross.
No. 635101
>>635095Apparently Kovu did not live a full life, jeez she's clueless.
Also, if Gus really was eaten, this is an awful lie to keep telling.
No. 635102
>>635097I'm actually worried for her. Considering how abusive Jonny is, I don't think he would approve of her staying away from him, especially with another guy?
If this was supposed to be secret plan, then Elijah might have just put her in real danger.
No. 635106
>>635102That’s what I said. Elijah is being extremely careless right now and it’s obvious he’s ignorant to how abusive relationships work. If he truly wants to help her, he would shut the fuck up on Twitter so Jonny doesn’t go off the deep end. But of course he has to have his time jack himself off on being a white knight.
I don’t like Taylor’s animal care or her general attitude or personality, but I am extremely concerned for her safety and long term well-being. Eijah is generally doing more harm than good right now.
No. 635115
>>635072taylor can barely see her parents w/o jonny throwing a fit, how the fuck is she going to go stay with a male friend?
and why does having a heroin addiction suddenly excuse the fact that she soberly has hoarded animals while knowing she probably cant take care of them all? "cancelled" culture is retarded but its really clear that taylor has been shitty to people around her and her animals
No. 635121
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Damn betsy whats going on??
No. 635123
>>635121It’s just weird to me that she spends the time to defend her druggie friend/make herself this animal expert instead of spend the time with her newborn.
>>635093I’ll be waiting within the next 24 hours for either Jonny’s horrible hissy fit or love bombing.
No. 635131
>>635121betsy wants to be seen as support but doesnt pull taylor, herself, and her newborn away from associating someone whos assaulted and manipulates every girl in his life
what fucking help/support does she think shes entitled to here?
good job betsy, you let taylor hoard the 50 animals she has (that you take care of) and have never tried to intervene in the relationship thats dragging her down! wow! what a great help you are
No. 635137
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mind ur own beeswax
No. 635141
>>635121Betsy you're doing great sweetie /s. Why on earth are they blasting this all over twitter?
>>635130Taylor's LA party circuit phase is incoming.