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No. 838519
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behavior. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom. >Is now 20 years old but legitimately plays with dolls>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as antisemitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake pr>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick color (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim. >participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modeled for Covergirl. LATEST MILK
>The goblins are accused of giving other people’s information when filing their fake DMCA complaints >>834161 >>834242 >>835915>Braces sperging >>834346 >>834415 and Anons uncover scathing reviews of Lillee’s “goddess” orthodontist >>834425 >>834426 >>834427 >>834500>Lillee takes a stand on the controversial issue of police reform, claims it to be more important than consent in Disney movies >>834453>Lillee posts overexposed glamour shots on the Shared Stairs, showing off her teeny tiny legs >>834454 >>834455>Lillee shows off her push up skillz, spergs about prediabetes and armpit pains >>834691 >>834894>Lillee admits to routinely going 3-4 days without bathing >>834745>Lillee supports dumplings and/or Asian businesses and really wants you to know about it >>834854>Kate Winslet eats her heart out >>834925>Lillee posts her favourite movies, all are over 10 years old and made for prepubescent children >>835075>The copyright strikes and doxing threats continueth >>835101 >>835157 >>835172 >>835275 >>835407 >>835550 >>837526>HipDot sends Lillee Clueless-themed PR, instantly regrets it >>835163 >>835174 >>835187 >>835204 >>835209 >>835211 >>835239 >>835240 >>835258 >>835260 >>835274 >>835277 >>835326 >>835329 Laur claims the PR manager for HipDot was fired for booking them >>835550 >>835946 >>836042>Anime’s “abuse of women on the bum” is too distasteful for Lillee’s sensibilities >835281>Laur cryptically/not-so-cryptically threatens callouts on Twitter >>835392 for being a “colloidal waste of time” >>835394 >>835399 >>835403 >>835417 >>835843 >>835946 >>836075 >>836077 >>836214 >>836479 >>836711 >>836736 >>836742 >>837145 >>838233>ASMR video showcases an incorrect blowout along with ear-bleeding noise, demonstrating Lillee truly understands what Jeaniez want >>835448 >>835258>Edward Sylvan (CEO), a middle-aged, bald, tax evader has written anarticle on our goblin princess in Authority “Magazine” (likely for some of Laur’s stimmy) >>835648 >>835661 >>835663 >>835666 >>835682 >>835696 >>836209 >>836206 >>836300 >>837046 >>837047 >>837139 >>837140 >>837141>Gummee Jean emerges from her oral surgery >>835719 >>835722 >>835782 >>835884 >>835886 >>836846 >>836910 for which Pheepy buys her a get-well present >>835805 >>837146 >>837148 Luckily she vlogs everything but the surgery itself (TW: mashed potatoes) >>835813 Laur lies about LJ’s blood pressure >>835874 >>835886 and Lillee lies about her palate being cut out >>836057 Laur saves the extracted teeth in a baby book >>837173>Lillee dispels rumours about her being a shit person >>835777>Chonky Sailor Mars lewk >>836058>A Real Live Black Woman asks Lillee for beauty advice >>836110>Bronies rejoice, Lillee sings your favourite theme song >>836114 >>836242>House of Harts, a Dutch clothing brand partners with Lillee, instantly regrets it, drops her like it’s hot >>836385 >>836397 >>836414 >>836477 >>836805>The Lillee Jean story is coming soon to Netflix. Then you’ll see. Then you’ll ALL see. >>836449>German ancestry look is up, Lillee claims Lutherans are renegade Catholics who were chased out of Germany along with the Jews and thinks it’d be totally neat if both side of her family met on the refugee boat from Europe >>836575 >>836587 Anon corrects some anachronisms >>836604>Laur announces that they’re forced to move again because of doxing >>836728 >>836734 >>836759>Lillee finds a kindred spirit in Batman >>836732>A Fashionova Size Small romper is somehow stretched enough to fit on Lillee’s body >>836813 >>836814 >>836818 >>836825 >>836829 >>836849 >>836854 >>836883 >>836916 >>836934 >>836991 >>837045 Anon points out images have been shooped with slimming app >>837091 >>837093>Urban Decay sends controversial Prince-themed PR >>837006 >>837015 >>837257 despite Prince being entirely against his image being used on consoomer products. Lillee stands with Urban Decay, nevertheless, arguing that the collection “elevates” black voices >>837273 >>837441>Lillee reveals she doesn’t know how to take off eye makeup >>837048 >>837100 >>837134>Trying to get new clout for a donation she made last year to a black women’s charity >>837270>Lillee sexualises her vaccine appointment >>837500 >>837501>Laur’s antique store, purveyor of racist goods >>837519 >>837527 >>837533> Botanic Affair, a brand just as scammy as the golblins >>837754 >>837755, announces a “very special” collaboration >>834687 >>837531 – a giveaway! >>837614 >>837620 >>837627 >>837650 >>837655 >>837656 >>837710 >>837716 The winner is predictably a sockpuppet account >>838018 >>838022 >>838031 >>838041 After getting called out, Botanic Affair deletes the post and announces a different winner >>838158 >>838196 >Legal anons uncover that Laur owes $15k in backtaxes >>837798 >>837851 >>837852 >>837896>The goblins introduce their new Mexican sockpuppet >>837910 >>837917>Nicholas Bissell, the county prosecutor in Laur’s sister’s murder case, has his Wikipedia page vandalised repeatedly by Laur in an attempt to use her murdered sister to get LJ a Wikipedia page >>837928 >>837933 >>837943 >>837944 >>837945 >>837946 >>837947 >>837954 >>838075 Wikipedia hands Laur her ass on the way out >>838086 >>838087 >>838092 >>838103 >>838105 >>838108 >>838109 >>838111 >>838115 >>838117 >>838118 >>838120 >>838122 >>828144 >>838179 >>838180 >>838185 >>838186 >>838192 But it’s all Diane’s fault >>838187 >>838232>Lillee reveals she does not know what crowning is >>837993>Laur’s writing a book on her sister’s murder (with a stolen cover) >>838149 >>838152 >>838147>LILLEE COMES OUT AS A CIS WOMAN PANSEXUAL IF YOU DO NOT RESPECT HER YOU ARE PANPHOBIC >>838202 >>838203 Proceeds to deny past homo/transphobia because it’s in the past whatever >>838226 >>838227 She’s already being attacked for using she/her pronouns! >>838273MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2020 (updated December 2020)
Lillee: (removed)
http://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com (goes between private and public) (Suspended) (goes between private and public) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended)
Other relevant links can be found here
>>>/snow/847048 3.
>>698862 4.
>>718259 6.
>>724333 7.
>>736259 8.
>>754981 9.
>>767645 10.
>>773135 11.
>>777937 12.
>>784721 13.
>>794372 14.
>>802142 15.
>>811813 16.
>>833714 No. 838522
File: 1622497920966.jpeg (453.2 KB, 1170x884, 107BC5B4-2A6F-424C-B24F-36F519…)

Thank you, OP.
Lillee wants you to remember all the heroes lost in the Star Wars on Memorial Day.
No. 838523
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IHOP delivery because she wasn’t fat enough before
No. 838525
File: 1622498655847.jpeg (390.01 KB, 828x1478, B61EA227-FC75-414F-93A8-1FF1FB…)

Imagine peaking at 12
No. 838530
>>838525Wait, Lillee was in ESL English? kek that explains the good mark.
In actual fact I'd be willing to bet these are either shooped or incomplete. And if they're not? Well, hell. I don't know or care what grades I got in 7th grade, do you?
No. 838541
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No. 838542
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This comic made by a twitter callout
No. 838543
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No. 838544
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No. 838549
>>838522Knowing her attic school she probably thinks something that ridiculous.
>>838541It still gets me that she claims she's pansexual because she "loves everybody" but only seems to be sexual towards her Indian bot men.
No. 838550
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Justice4Brenda was hacked again.
No. 838556
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>>838550They used a generic “author” template provided by Wix and didn’t edit the auto generated About section.
Laur hacked herself.
No. 838558
File: 1622511288880.jpg (149.64 KB, 1056x793, Screenshot_2021-05-31-20-25-42…)

Lilz has been busy today.
No. 838560
File: 1622511767237.jpg (127.14 KB, 1041x815, Screenshot_2021-05-31-20-24-23…)

I guess they had some quality mother-daughter dirty delete time.
No. 838563
>>838541>>838542>>838543Oh my God, my sides. The lack of collarbones, the crypt-keeper teeth, the arm fat and stupid expressions - it's Lillee to a "T". I especially love how they illustrated Laur's saggy jowls and pancake tits.
I can't wait until the Franzia Freakout starts and she does her usual routine of threatening to sue everyone while also crying about how they're such
victims. Then Laur will sperg about how her 20 year old adult goblin is "just a child" and it's disgusting/illegal to "sexualize a minor". Then she'll incorrectly dox some more people before eventually passing out next to the litterbox.
How much do you wanna bet that Lillee will claim that she's now been the target of a hate crime because she "identifies as pansexual"? Should be an interesting night in the Goblin's attic.
No. 838570
>>838550lol it's too bad Laur doesn't have a little brother she can claim got into her account. That's always a classic.
Lillee identifying as pan is the sexual identity version of 1change4change. It's a completely meaningless empty gesture that will never require any real-world action but that she thinks will somehow make her look virtuous whenever anyone criticizes her. "…but I'm no activist…!"
No. 838579
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From her IG story. Any Anons interested in fact checking this if it's possible?
No. 838581
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Looks like the messages on Laur's wikipedia talk page mentioning Diane got redacted, meaning some moderator must have thought it was doxxing. God luck getting LJ a page now.
No. 838582
File: 1622524505328.png (29.01 KB, 1396x154, Screenshot_44.png)

The edits to Nicholas Bissell's page mentioning Lillee also got deleted.
No. 838585
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And a preview of her pride look.
>>838544kek at that meta reference to the one nazi callout
No. 838595
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>>838585She is facetuning her chin now.
No. 838603
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I’ve never understood why they want a Wikipedia page. Lillee still isn’t notable enough to to have a page. Let’s say for some reason all the astroturfed articles worked and she does get a page, it’s going to be a shitshow. The boolies will add unflattering information and as long as it’s properly cited, it will stay up. You can’t pay to protect your wiki page like Everpedia.
I also found Lillee’s wiki account from 2017.
>I will be emailing Wikipedia
No. 838608
File: 1622547042273.png (142.9 KB, 347x1602, fb.png)

Apologies if this has been posted yet but I found an insane post on the SOMERVILLE6395 facebook page. Basically Laur's JUSTICE4BRENDA fb page. Note the hastags #homosexual and #tranny. Happy pride month! No. 838626
>>838608>>838609>>838614>>838616Back in Jan 2020 Laur said the Facebook page & website has been hacked by Nok
>>751527 Weird it’s all back up now.
Let’s not forget Laur managed Justice4Brenda exactly like she’s managed Lillee’s career by purchasing followers & engagement. She also created sock accounts posing as
PoC to engage with her Justice4Brenda accounts (Cinda Perry & Ray Williamson)
No. 838631
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Laur left reviews on the guy’s Yelp page too.
>he is a homosexual man
No. 838634
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>>838626It was also hacked in 2016
No. 838649
>>838638If you believe the testimony of a convicted murderer trying to get his guilty verdict overthrown, yes. The issue with the entire thing is it’s a bunch of criminals all pointing fingers at each other. Everyone had motive to lie.
Jeff and Brenda could have unknowingly bought stolen jewelry from the mob and the mob tried to rob them. There was a struggle for the gun and Brenda was shot. Or they were in on it and Jeff decided he wanted to use it as an opportunity to murder his wife. There’s not enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt Jeff & Brenda were involved.
No. 838650
>>838637>>838649They could’ve bought the stolen jewelry unwittingly, realized it was stolen making it impossible to sell and planned the robbery to recoup their losses.
This is way more interesting than anything Lillee’s done. Laur should’ve stuck with Justice4Brenda.
No. 838651

>>838631My God, Laur is so uneducated that even if it wasn't for the crappy fake name, we'd all still knows it's her. If this is who taught Lillee in the Attic, no wonder she can barely speak English. It's painful to read anything she types.
Gotta love how it was "Brenda's Jewelery Store", not "his store" or "their store", it was just hers. I know they were married, but every article I've read on the subject makes it sound like it was his jewelry store, even before Brenda came along. Unsurprisingly, Laur comes from a long line of scammers.
Found an old channel belong to good old Laur. It's got a few poorly edited videos that go into detail about the case, it's mostly spliced together newscasts. If you start at 2:17, you can see Laur's parents giving an interview where they talk about Brenda. "She was so concerned with being perfect, everything about her was just perfect.. she was a perfect child" her mom says. That's gotta chap Laurs ass. A normal person wouldn't care, but I can see Laur seething while listening to them talk about their perfect daughter Brenda. Laur's mom overshares a bit too much about her daughters marriage and her father seems a tad jealous of Jeffrey's success/money. Did Laur's parents win the wrongful death suit? I can't seem to find any info on it, apologies if it's been posted.
I don't know how to archive YouTube, but if anyone does, please go ahead and do so before she nukes it.
No. 838655
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>>838654also explains why Laur is estranged from her only living sister.
No. 838657
This may be tangential but here’s this interview with Jeffrey about his then newly opened NH business. Like Laur, he collects antiques kek. He’s also a gun nut who sells jewelry made from bullets. Kind of a weird thing to do when one killed his wife, I guess? And I thought he would briefly touch on losing his former wife but there’s no mention of it. Any reasons for leaving NJ are weirdly whitewashed.
No. 838665
>>838660If that's the case why is Laur not dead? To quote the Scottish, "she needs to take her face for a shite"
*talks crap
No. 838670
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I see the reason for #homosexuality, but not #tranny. Laur reposted that same post all the way up to 2016
No. 838671
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And here's Lillee with the classic "I was ahead of my classmates mentally" shit. That's what a lot of groomers say to their victims Lillee, and you dating a man much older than you so young only makes that statement look worse.
No. 838673
>>838671Rich coming from someone who can't transform a single thought into a coherent sentence. People who are "years ahead" tend to write decently as well (not minding the fact that no teenager is ever that much more ahead and most will realize with each passing year how immature they truly were).
Truly sick of her to tout her "relationship" as a good thing because she was mature. That's definitely a good message to be sending out – although, then again, not like she has an audience.
Am I the only one who finds it a bit funny she's out here calling herself mature but then says "never let it go" if you feel a spark? Only those inexperienced with relationships think a spark is all you need, or that once you have that, the relationship will automatically last forever. People who actually date know that you can feel a spark with the worst people and that you can't romanticize the honeymoon phase because it will eventually run out.
No. 838675
>>838656Thank you. That's what I thought the outcome was but I wasn't sure and couldn't find a source. I can almost guarantee you that they asked for an absurd amount of money
>>838660I wouldn't be surprised if Laur doesn't want it talked about because she not only loves the attention, but she always makes her sister out to be a perfect angel. The woman didn't deserve such a violent end, that goes without saying, but Laur always fails to mention the insurance scheme, the stolen jewelry fencing, and the fact that her other sister was cooking the books for the Jewelery Store. She likes to focus on how horrible and crooked everyone involved was and never makes mention of the allegations against her sister which is weird to me. It's clear Brenda was the more successful and well liked sister so you'd think Laur would take any opportunity to point out Brenda's faults. I guess you can't talk bad about your sister while simultaneously using her death as an excuse to play
victim. I honestly wonder about Laur's parents, the kids had to learn their scammy ways from somewhere, right? It seems the majority of that family is/was always looking for ways to make a quick buck.
>>838654 I remember Laurs estranged sister being mentioned here, mostly because the picture posted of the sister was taken infront of the marina in my town. It's almost like she moved to the opposite end of LI to escape Laur, kek. Can't blame her for that.
No. 838676
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>Dale Pinedale
>Dale Hudson
Laur can’t remember the name of the true crime author who was murdered by Wolf for investigating Brenda’s death?
No. 838678
Overweight, low physical activity individual had a fucking heart attack.
No. 838684
>>838681I disagree.
Laur is the only relationship Lillee has. Laur has shaped Lillee's life in every way possible. Lillee is a product of Laur's cowness.
They are practically the same person. Lillee is still evolving into her final Laur form.
No. 838745
>>838651>her father seems a tad jealous of Jeffrey's success/moneyEaxctly. Also why did it matters Wolf changed cars often?
Still better than waste money on fake followers. Keks
No. 838747
File: 1622635979226.jpg (107.41 KB, 1080x684, Screenshot_2021-06-02-00-32-49…)

This brings the total deleted tweets in 3, days to 1564. Seems a wasted effort, all the "fun" stuff has been documented.
No. 838748
>>838747They are literally stupid enough to say that there is no proof and will claim the screenshots are fake.
Shame about the video and audio recording.
They really should just take their heads out of their arses and just suck it up and apologise and not be scum if they want to get anywhere. Only problem is they don't seem to be the type of people who can take responsibility for anything or admit wrong doing. It's always someone else's fault and their just a
No. 838761
>>838745It doesn't matter to normal people, but I'm willing to bet that Laur/Brenda's parents thought that once Brenda married "up", they'd be getting their hands on some money. The way they focused on his cars/guns/spending habits in that short clip make it seem like they think his money would've been better spent on other things, and by other things, I mean them. Obviously Jeffrey was no saint, but I can't imagine having Laur's parents as my in-laws.
>>838747They always claim that the proof is fake when it paints them in a negative light, which is pretty much always. They'll never take responsibility for their actions, not that it matters much now. At this point, there's really nothing they could do to redeem themselves. Not that Lillee ever had a chance at fame and fortune being so uneducated, unstable, and unfortunate looking, but she maybe could've had a small following. Now? Forget it. I wonder how long they'll continue this charade considering it's only costing them money at this point. Laur's gotta realize this is getting them nowhere as she appears more and more unhinged every week.
No. 838779
>>838525>>838671this really is "I had really good grades but never achieved anything since so its all I have"
god her life since getting pulled out of middle school sounds boring as fuck, she genuinely sat at home with Laur for years barley leaving the house
No. 838787
>>838525This school report seems taken from a cartoon. Doesn't look official at all.
Also no PE grades? I though Lillee was so great at dancing she could teach the teacher ballet.
Why Dance is not PE?
Why functional code twice?
Who brags about the grades you got at 12?
>>838779Lillee is a middle school dropout who constantly brings middle school because she never made it to high school. I agree, it's sad.
No. 838889
>>838862same anon
IS25 at the time was merged with two other public schools– WJPS (a public school that focused on "journalism" and writing) and a special ed school. i remember the special ed school was located in the basement– a lot of the kids down there were pretty impaired, they all had wheelchairs or were visibly slower. maybe….. she was just so bad at her elementary school tests and the teachers there passed her on saying she should be in the "easy" classes?
No. 838898
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This could be yours for 75 dollars
No. 838899
>>838831This was back when we still had the NCLB Act, which would penalize school districts with large fines if kids didn't pass standardized tests and move on to the next grade. So lots of schools would push even the dumbest of the dumb onto the next grade level, even if they were woefully unprepared (like Lillee). NCLB (No child left behind) was eventually replaced with the "Every Child Succeeds" Act in 2015, not that it matters in regards to Lillee because I'm pretty sure she was out of school and in the Attic Academy by that time.
A big criticism of the NCLB Act at the time was that kids who would otherwise have to repeat a year of schooling (due to poor grades) were allowed to move on to the next grade level, as opposed to being left back. Lillee is a prime example of this; her grasp of English is extremely poor. I went to school in NY as well, and starting in grade 9, you have to take the state Regents Exams in most core subjects in addition to your regular final exams. If you fail the Regents, you have to retake the entire class. There's no way Lillee would've passed any of the Regents exams had she continued on to High School, especially the English Regents. No amount of Laur screaming at the administration would've changed that, and I'm sure it played a part as to why she was pulled out of school.
No. 838905
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Her dandruff is on full display in her latest video. I still don’t understand how she watches this for editing and thinks it’s perfectly normal for a booty guru to present themselves like this.
No. 838906
File: 1622725884159.jpg (65.12 KB, 911x522, brow.jpg)

>>838905I'm impressed she has a new shirt.
Final result.
No. 838908
File: 1622728070043.jpg (659.25 KB, 1076x1718, Screenshot_20210603-144607_Ins…)

Can't wait for lillee to talk about herself nonstop and try to drive the topic to how bullied she is.
No. 838913
>>838906Her mouth looks REALLY swollen and she's speaking out of the corner of her mouth. Didn't she have the surgery like 2 weeks ago? No way it's still healing. IANAD but mouth tissue heals faster than skin tissue. Even though it was more intensive than a normal tooth extraction (if she's telling the truth) there shouldn't be any swelling or pain at this point.
I guarantee she poked at it with her grubby little paws and got it infected and now she's trying to cover it up
No. 838914
File: 1622729537172.jpeg (74.87 KB, 625x729, ERZ8KJwWsAIJU0b.jpeg)

>>838898What…what happened to her neck?
No. 838916
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>>838912Yeah and she invested $100 in the company
No. 838946
File: 1622748737033.jpeg (835.69 KB, 1170x1656, 486742E8-94D8-4E96-9F4E-7F7392…)

Laur reported a bunch of wiki editors for sock puppetry. Wiki investigated and ruled they weren’t the same person. Now Laur’s losing her shit. No. 838950
File: 1622749409375.png (137.43 KB, 1175x597, laur2.png)

I feel bad for the Wiki mods having to deal with her inane rambling.
No. 838956
File: 1622752093560.jpg (457.29 KB, 1079x1489, Screenshot_20210603-161923_Chr…)

>>838954Yeah, one of the guys involved is doing a life sentence, and Bissell is deceased, so I'm assuming she's referring to her ex brother in law Jeffrey. After being extensively interviewed by investigators and the DA (Bissell), they found Jeffrey not at fault for Brenda's murder. Laur will not let it go because she's insane and has absolutely nothing else to do with her day. That is, aside from "manage" her goblin daughter and create sock accounts to make it look like Lillee has actual engagement. It should be fun to watch her get banned from Wikipedia though. I can already feel the Friday Franzia Freakout coming on.
Also, top kek at Laur telling Wikipedia that a page for Brenda should've been created in 1995. I swear she's the ultimate boomer.
Screenshot taken from the April 1995 NY Times article stating that no charges would be filed against Wolf in regards to Brenda's murder and the robbery of the Jewelery Store.
No. 838957
>>838948>They sounded just like the stalkerYeah because anyone who isn't buying laur's shit sounds just like a sTaLkEr…
Laur is making such a fool of herself, she's mentally 12 and disturbed.
No. 838958
File: 1622752552836.jpg (316.55 KB, 1080x1652, Screenshot_20210603-160716_Chr…)

Imagine being a 50 something year old hag crying to people about being bullied on the internet. This woman never mentally progressed passed the age of 12. Like mother, like daughter, as they say.
No. 838963
>>838958>sending me messagesShe wishes.
Too bad the only ones sending her messages are debt collectors and eviction notice court.
No. 838965
File: 1622756404074.jpeg (749.04 KB, 1170x1964, E92D87B8-2AA1-4C7C-ABC4-B89F44…)

Lillee’s teaming up with the scammy mlm to teach makeup classes to Indian people
No. 838971
>>838965YT is not a viable career option for the vast majority of people who post videos, as we well known watching LJ.
I hope these classes are free. Otherwise this is disgustingly predatory and wasting time when these women/girls who could be getting training or an education to help them do something viable.
No. 838978
File: 1622763389043.png (33.37 KB, 607x277, avengers assemble.png)

Here's Laur hoping the avengers will assemble for #justice4brenda
No. 838979
File: 1622763491997.png (667.84 KB, 1585x889, Screenshot_45.png)

A character from the band Gorillaz also totally cares too apparently
No. 838992
>>838965The ingredients for the exfoliant/balm stick are garbage. The exfoliant is just a sugar scrub (which is terrible for your face skin as it can cause microtears) and the balm is several kinds of petroleum/waxes. The only ingredient that might do something is the sea fennel extract, but seeing as it's the last ingredient there likely isn't enough for it to be effective.
tl;dr this shit is garbage don't put it on your skin
No. 839020
File: 1622768796518.jpeg (213.67 KB, 828x708, F5F66374-356A-4385-A773-05A587…)

No. 839046
File: 1622770706328.jpeg (296.99 KB, 1170x1156, DD80857C-09D5-4D9D-8FF5-A42ACD…)

Admin just dropped a link for all of Creepshow Art’s self posts and there’s a bunch of stuff from Lillee Jean threads. Laur finally has proof Shannon’s been cyberbullying on the black websites.
>>>/snow/1244574 No. 839091
File: 1622777569806.png (32.34 KB, 1557x176, Screenshot_47.png)

>Unfortunately, Wikipedia is part of the REALWORLD
Holy fucking shit lmao
No. 839136
File: 1622796373625.jpg (402.28 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210604-094454_Sam…)

She is back to posting about old looks like their new. Also her Instagram continues to fluctuate like the dips and rises of a roller coaster.
No. 839140
>>839136This definitely lends some credence to
>>838987Either Lillee's scam dentist fucked up her mouth irreparably (Notice how she hasn't given us a teeth update in a minute…helloooo Gummee Jean) or she finally hit her breaking point and told Laur she wasn't going to be her puppet anymore (optimistic) OR APS finally took her away and put her in a group home with other cognitively disabled people and Laur's trying to cover it up
No. 839151
>>839145 >>838987
Her lives are so redundant, especially when other people are "interviewing" (using the term lightly) her; it's the same bullshit bubblegum questions with no sustenance whatsoever. She'll bring up cyberboolies 15x for no reason and reply with her standard nonsensical word salad while talking out of the side of her mouth. Nitpick, but that "uwu dainty princess" voice she does grinds my gears to no end.
Speaking of her scam surgery, the last time she posted something relatively new, her jaw was more swollen than usual and she was making an effort not to show her teeth. Her lumpy potato face only made it more obvious and she talked out of the side of her mouth the entire video. Who would've guessed that finding the cheapest and worst rated dental office in NY would backfire horribly? Not Laur apparently. Anyway, she just retweeted that horrible "Cady from Mean Girls" look again, so it appears she hasn't done any new videos.
No. 839155
>>839140This is something I considered when I noticed Laur leaning into the Brenda stuff lately.
Sage for tinfoil, but
How likely is it that Lille is a puppet who will push back against her mum? Lillee is well aware that she has no fans and that she is, in fact, a pariah of sorts. She might be an idiot but she MUST know, by virtue of growing up with the internet, that the negative attention she drew to herself is irreversible damage. She has to have seen other people torn down by drama and never get back up. She HAS to know that she is in an even worse position than them because she was torn down for being a lying scammer from the moment she started.
I refuse to believe that she isn't burdened by this knowledge. She's going to start pushing back against Laur eventually. If Laur is depending on Justice4Brenda again then maybe Lillee has already started resisting.
I would kill to see a Venus Angelic style escape. That would be the most interesting milk she ever produced
No. 839166
>>839156> Gypsy Rose Leewas a successful burlesque performer (though also had a crazy controlling mother), Lillee Jean could NEVER
I think you mean murderous Munchausen’s by Proxy
victim Gypsy Rose Blanchard?
No. 839168
>>839162If she is a puppet, you have to consider that a lot of her past/current public retardation is a result of being groomed to be that way by her mum. For all the times we compare her to Gypsy Rose, nobody seems to remember that Gypsy Rose was literally acting like a retard because her mum made her that way. Lillee could easily be an emotionally stunted forever child because Laur
wants Lillee to be dependent.
Very odd how Lillee identifies the most with Repunzel, a girl raised by a hag shut away from everyone else in a tower who knows nothing outside of what the hav wants her to know but still longs for life outside of her isolation.
I'm seeing the signs. If things are shifting then now is the time for tinfoiling.
No. 839170
>>839155My personal theory is that Laur is blowing the dust off of her justice4brenda crusade because they are no longer able to get anyone to come to their "rescue" with the cyberbully sob story.
McSteve and the Sealions, Defango, Patreesha, Tired Lady, Estrella and her Guardians…all of them got tired of Laur trying to wield them like trained pitbulls to attack the callouts. Only a few of those people even still talk to Laur and the only response they give to her twitter freakouts is a generic "oh, is that stuff still happening? wow. that's crazy."
No. 839246
>>839192>>839244I got a heaping pile of tinfoil.
I agree that LJ benefits hugely from her relationship with her mother. But, her mother has also done an extremely shitty job of raising her. LJ's view of the world is she's the best and most talented person on the planet and entitled to everything. If she keeps failing at everything she'll want someone to blame. Because it couldn't possible be her. She's perfect and cute and very special and talented. And Laur being the most involved person is a great scape goat. As anon said Lillee treats her mom like shit. I could see LJ turning on her mom and running to the next enabled. Like Jafar.
I think Jafar could pull an Onision and drive a long distance. Jafar seems to have a fat midget fetish. He could get LJ a passport and set her up in Canada on a marriage visa. LJ would probably fall for anyone who fed her the right lines that she's perfect and they'll do anything to make her famous. If that person has a dick for her "tight" vagina even better.
It's a 50% chance that LJ turns on Laur imo. I'm hoping she does because I think LJ has just as much shit on Laur as Venus had on Margo. I'm sure they'll both get on YouTube and Twitter and rant about how the other is the horrible person and they're just a
victim. It'll be a bigger shitshow the Venus and Margo because in this case there are two nasty mentally ill people and not one nasty mentally ill person.
No. 839247
>>839244Reverse Venus/gypsy situation?
Joking aside its going to implode one way or another. Or they will cling to anything they can but slowly become more and more irrelevant.
No. 839250
>>839246You know that part in Call of the Wild were the dog starts to get lured into the wild by an instinctual force?
What if Lillees scammer genetics kick in and she realises she could get famous and make money by exposing her mum as some kind of monster?
She could apply her shit writing skills and write a Mommy Dearest style tell all about how her mother was behind the scenes. She faked a beauty guru, she blames the failure on Laur, and fakes a Venus Angelic past as a combined effort to hurt her mum and achieve celebrity status.
Their whole family are proper wrong'uns. Even Brenda was doing illegal shit. Deep down inside Lillee is a scammer and we can clearly see it in how she fucking willingly scams every day. It's in her blood to eventually rise up and make her own scam, and it's in her blood to be shitty enough to throw her mum under the bus if it gets her what she wants
No. 839253
>>839246Laur isn't running the show, she's Lillee's attack dog and protector. But she has protected and insulated Lillee to the point that she's really the only person Lillee trusts or cares about. I think Lillee is VERY aware of the fact that her career should be over. I don't think Lillee really cares about that though. Even now, as brands drop her left and right, she gets free products and she gets to sit in her room and play with makeup. She absolutely believes that the only reason she's not an international superstar is because of bullies. Actually being successful would be worse for Lillee Jean. It's easier to be the
victim who "kept fighting against the odds" than to be one of the other thousands of girls who couldn't catch lightning in a bottle.
No. 839264
>>839189there's 0 chance Laur is gonna jump ship. If she were rational enough to make that kind of decision, she would have made it YEARS ago…remember LJ has been trying to be a famous influencer since she was around 14.
Since then, Laur has dumped so much money into fake fans on insta, youtube, twitter and even when insta clears the bots, she instantly uses her limited antiques money and disability checks on buying more fans for LJ.
If Laur had any sanity, she would've seen LJ's acting reel or singing reel or any of her artwork and gently broke it to her daughter that being an influencer probably isn't in the cards, rather than reinforcing LJ's delusions and making her believe she's a beautiful, pale disney princess uwu.
Honestly, I think Laur vicariously lives through LJ (she even has some of her own makeup videos on LJ's youtube) and believes their own lies about being a Covergirl, Teen Vogue model, and going to the MET Gala someday. Laur's just as looney as LJ if not more.
No. 839293
>>839286They would probably eat that shit up because it's "exposure" and "uwu we're best friends and mommy and daughter"
Do you think all the years of pent-up horniness have lead to Lillee starting a secret Tinder account? I bet for sure she's having weird asterisky cybersex with Prince Jafar after Laur's 2 bottles of wine in and snoring on the couch.
No. 839365
>>839329Imagine what they'd do if they got an email asking them to audition for sMothered? I bet they'd take it as a compliment.
On the downside, it might mean the goblins actually get money, which as we know is a dangerous thing
No. 839381
File: 1622881206187.png (817.72 KB, 740x740, ea80ef_6c310d207efb41fe89d2a08…)

LJ's cosplay of Chitoge Ichijō, or in her words "a friend" because LJ thinks its offensive to cosplay Asian characters. I have no idea what this character even is but I can see Lillee being called out by twitter spergs for the eyemakeup being "asian fishing".
No. 839383
File: 1622881926171.jpg (21.42 KB, 280x457, chitoge-kirisaki-49758.jpg)

>>839381100% sure she hasn't even seen Nisekoi. I hate that she calls herself a cosplayer and does like a half-assed version of some of the characters she's trying to portray.
No. 839399
File: 1622902964652.jpg (169.34 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20210605-151817_Sam…)

Is it me or does it look like Instagram is deleting her bots as fast as she adds them. Gotta break out that goblin cash again laur.
No. 839426
>>839407What's creepy is that it seems the first time lj sees pix of her family.
Much healthy eating with the ice cream at the end.
No. 839428
>>839426The way she cut and mushed the ice cream was unsettling. She's so used to mushing and butchering her food she does it with food that legit doesn't even need to be really chewed. Love how she tagged a "heathlier choice" ice cream company. Very telling that LJ thinks she can cut corners.
If Laur was serious about being a manager/momager to a "model/actress" she'd cut off the junk food and only feed her goblin keto.
No. 839438
>>839434Bankruptcy Anon pulled the Trueman bankruptcy records and discovered that all three Truemans are on SSDI. Bless you, Bankruptcy Anon.
We've seen Earl somewhat recently in LJ's "Day in My Life" vlog from fall. He seem fat and frail. They're going to have two SSDI checks soon. I wonder if LJ treats him as shity as she does Laur. Probably.
No. 839449
File: 1622923414270.png (2.61 MB, 2100x1325, shes just fat you guys.png)

>>839445how long are you retards going to keep saying that being 4'9" or whatever is a disability? where are you giant manly freaks living that small women are so rare? kek
pic related…being short and chubby does not get you SSDI
No. 839454
>>839450>>839439So we now can confirm Earl is alive. We can stop tinfoiling that he is dead and Laur is just faking that hes alive for money
>>839402If you look at his posts he very much is not a canadian
No. 839458
My reply was playing into the joke, jesus, you're autists
No. 839462
>>839447A touch ironic considering how she uses "you use drugs" as an insult. It's so predictable that every goblin insult is just psychological projection. Maybe that's why Earl is so zapped of fucking life. LSD and PCP zapped his brain.
It'll probably happen in a few months. Earl will croak. The goblins will hide Earl's body somewhere to try and scam Social Security. They're incompetent so of course they'll get caught. And then we'll have fun news stories and their sobbing mug shots to kek at.
No. 839471
File: 1622934877040.jpg (166.83 KB, 1008x659, -48edsf.jpg)

One of laurs confirmed socks,fan.coa, has weighed in on the Shannon shit show.
Pulled from creepshows thread.would have cross posted the op but for some reason it's not letting me paste the post number.
No. 839505
File: 1622956598641.jpeg (174.12 KB, 750x1034, 13BC4AF8-7639-4C9D-9A62-B92529…)

So Jeaniez can donate 5 cents to them?
No. 839515
What proof is there that she is actually pansexual? I don't want to discriminate, like I understand you can't tell someone's sexuality by looking at them. But the way she describes pansexuality just sounds odd. In her pride makeup vid, she said "Being pansexual, not many people realize just means you love everybody. And it doesn't matter what the persons orientation is, sexual preference, anything, you just love them”. Isn’t ‘loving everyone’ and being sexuality attracted to all genders/sexuality completely different? What women, men, non-binary folks, transgender folks has she showed support or a genuine connection to? The way she has mocked gay and trans people with her fake accounts and didn’t acknowledge or apologize for it. Coming out as pansexual doesn’t sweep all that stuff under the rug. It all just comes across as a fake, half-assed attempt from this white girl trying to join another minority group, thinking that will shield her from owning up to her behaviour.
Okay, you love everyone. That doesn’t mean everyone will love you.
June is pride month and she wants to join the herd.
Also LOL at her ‘coming out’ with her pronouns, she/her. She has always used that and it is obvious by looking at her. Why would you need to ‘come out’ for that? Why is that supposed to be a brave and noble thing to share with others?
Be respectful to actual gay people who have actually had to come out and have it be a traumatizing experience.
This chick just gets more and more horrible in her behaviour everyday.(unsaged autism)
No. 839521
File: 1622973146033.jpg (439.3 KB, 1080x1510, Screenshot_20210606-105103_Sam…)

Looks like she read something like this misunderstood and took what she wanted from it.
No. 839526
File: 1622982408388.jpg (211.3 KB, 1579x608, botwar.jpg)

If the bots doesn't work, guess you have to do it yourself.
She's answering at least twice on EACH comment. Several accounts are commenting two/tree times + 2 answers from LJ. She clearly told everyone in her engagement pod to comment several times.
No. 839549
>>839439Honestly Earl in a couple of ways (and I literally mean a couple) remind me of my own dad. I can guarantee they aren't close because they don't relate to anything and have nothing to talk about. My dad was great, loved him to death, but we weren't close at all and also only made small talk because we were just in completely separate realms of interests, lifestyle, etc.
I highly doubt Earl can find any common ground with a hermit that's addicted to Disney, dolls, anime, and thinks she's a beauty guru. I don't think it has anything to do with overbearing parenting nor Lillee being insufferable, I just think their interests don't match anywhere on the timeline.
No. 839552
>>839539I hope a poop toucher asks her who her celebrity gorl crush is.
She probably would respond that she's a very private person and doesn't want to share. In reality it's likely because she's terribly jealous of pretty celebrities like Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid and Ariana Grande who aren't fat midgets and can't even entertain the idea of finding a lady she finds attractive. It seems like every female makes the goblins rage because nearly every female is more attractive than LJ.
Did any anons watch her live with the pyramid scheme scammer?
No. 839587
>>839566Leave it to Lillee to argue about how someone said
their OWN name when they first met.
No. 839590
File: 1623036493501.jpeg (414.51 KB, 667x1060, 1DEB24A6-66FC-4927-9C67-004A2A…)

Um… this isn’t an awkward shot in between changing expressions. She is literally holding this retard gaze for several seconds long right at the start of livestream.
Also I just watched the 5 minute cut she uploaded on her channel and she’s constantly pulling her shirt lower, doing exaggerated movements, and eye fucking the camera.
In that clip she asks Shalini what she would have to look forward to the most if she were on the other side as a participant. Then lillee talks about having been to a yoga class once and hearing crying babies. She would look forward to good yoga the most… Nowhere in the fucking jet set website is there any mention of yoga and shalini had to save it by saying, yes self care is very important. lmfao g8 research, racist-brain lillee!
No. 839595
>>839590Anytime I think this ginger goblin can't get uglier, she proves me wrong. There's hideous and then there's Lillee, thanks for this picture - it's pure nightmare fuel.
It's one thing to be stupid, but to be stupid, short,fat, talentless, and ugly and not realize it? That's a whole 'nother level. It still blows my mind that she thinks she can be a "beauty guru", kek. Even if we forget all her faux pas, she had an iceberg's chance in hell and somehow she still thought it was a possibility. Anyway, this picture will haunt my nightmares. Laur's genes are strong, and that's not a compliment.
No. 839603
File: 1623043970142.jpg (21.43 KB, 400x400, OPdCUDnF_400x400.jpg)

What the fuck is Laur's new Twitter avatar? Reminder she is a middle aged mother.
No. 839610
File: 1623046372627.jpg (340.52 KB, 2048x2048, E0tW9wgWYAABMLA.jpg)

More legal threats from Laur to a callout.
No. 839611
File: 1623046543277.jpg (204.84 KB, 1080x1279, E0tXh6uX0AErDSH.jpg)

One thing Laur always does that I don't understand is how she's always changing how she refers to Lillee. Sometimes she'll refer to Lillee as her daughter, sometimes Lillee is just a young woman Laur is managing.
No. 839621
>>839610I would love to be a fly on the wall when Laur calls callouts' local police stations.
"Do not threaten me. I now feel very unsafe."
Solid statement coming from Laur.
No. 839622
File: 1623057836912.png (101.04 KB, 1122x516, Reno.png)

Reno (one of the bigger YouTube LJ callouts) got her account terminated yesterday. She announced she was unterminated a few hours ago. The Twitter callouts are very happy in the response tweets.
Goblins must be seething in their attic. Reno was one of the people who got identifying details put in Laur's Twitter handle months ago.
No. 839626
>>839611>>839610From the sound of Laur's statements, it seems awful lot like she's afraid of the same legal procedure she's threatening others with. She really thinks the way out to this is to send a cease and desist and it could (or should) go away, but when the callout slams back with a legal threat, she's turtling pretty hard with "stop writing me, leave us alone."
She doesn't really want lawyers or legal involved in this. A real legal battle will expose plenty of issues with the Truemans and she knows it. She's pretty much shaking now that there's a callout with the money and the legal ability to make good on this, unlike Tati's lawyering up, because they didn't have the balls to actually put legal proceedings on the Truemans.
No. 839627
File: 1623059366790.jpg (209.54 KB, 1080x1224, Screenshot_20210607-103915_Sam…)

Check must have come in.
No. 839633
>>839547Not really. I know they've always did that but it seems more and more obvious and super low quality bots/sock accounts.
She has far less likes and comments and the new accounts are commenting many times very old posts, making it even more suspicious. There's something wrong with the engagement pod, did she lost the admin right or something?
>>839590She went on a crazy rant saying:
we (women) can do what we FUCKING want, we are people, we are personsThe young indian girl looked shocked at LJ's entrepreneur vocabulary and stupidity.
Shalini said Indian gov asked her to do the MLM and it has professionnal credits or something. And you would have thought, LJ as an eNtRePrEneUr would ask more about these details?
No. 839644
File: 1623073393083.jpeg (490.23 KB, 1170x1968, 5918EB9F-E65D-4ACD-8C1B-F8BC20…)

>>839603She changed her profile pic on her Inevitablelrt account too.
No. 839653
File: 1623086271621.png (13.42 KB, 361x215, ffff.png)

Found a FB event Laur created mentioning something I don't think has been brought up on the farms, at the very least it's probably been tinfoiled. It's for a 2013 estate sale of her parents/fathers home, Laur mentions her father gambling all his money and being a hoarder. Doe's it run in the family? Hoarding definitely does, and Laur might as well be gambling with the amount of money she flushes down the drain on LJ.
I don't know if I can post the link or the full thing because it has an address to someone uninvolved., it's not very milky either besides Laur's confirmation hoarding and wasting money runs in the family.
No. 839714
>>839696NAYRT, but It really depends on what drugs you're doing and where you started out mentally/IQ wise prior to doing them. That being said, Laur's issues stem from a few things, IMO. She's obviously not a very smart woman. From the looks of it, she's got a 2 digit IQ and I very highly doubt she went to college or completed any type of education beyond high school, if she even graduated. Let's be real, it's obvious education isn't a priority nor is it valued in the Trueman household. You can tell by the way that they talk and type that they're not very smart people, they can't even manage to use certain words properly. What's worse, they're the worst kind of stupid; they're the type of people that think they're smarter than everyone else. They both tout their "superior intellect" yet neither one can type a coherent sentence.
It's been said that the way you write reflects your thought process. If there's an iota of truth to that than we can see how simple these two goblins really are. I've seen ESL students that originate from countries where they don't use the English alphabet and even they can write better than these two idiots. Half the time I can't even understand what Lillee/Laur is trying to say, let alone make sense of it all. NY public schools are pretty damn good compared to the rest of the country too, so that's not the issue. Low intelligence bordering on some type of intellectual disability combined with long-term social isolation and an undeserved superiority complex isn't really helping their mental or emotional state. It's no wonder they have 0 friends offline.
No. 839716
File: 1623144962986.jpg (318.77 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20210608-102409_Ins…)

The sheer low quality of the bots is hilarious. This group has all the others pictures are posts.
No. 839725
File: 1623155865086.jpeg (377.85 KB, 2048x2048, ED7516B6-EAE4-4E44-BEFC-6CDF04…)

>>839644wow the comparison is uncanny
No. 839726
>>839714Laur, and one can assume Icebox Earl as well, have drilled into Lillee Jean that a formal education is not as important as being driven and "hustling". It's a common thought process/belief in low income/low education areas. They hear an over simplified version of a story "Bill Gates dropped out of school to start microsoft in his garage!" "Micheal Jordan was cut from his HS basketball team! He became one of the most famous athletes in the world!" They just ignore that Gates dropped out of Harvard and MJ was too short for his HS team at the time, so they put him in JV.
Lillee Jean was ultimately failed by the NYC school system. I think, based on how Laur acts about her adult daughter, that she was probably a nightmare for administration to deal with, but Lillee posted a paper she had written in the 7th Grade about Andrew Jackson and it is a travesty. Even while she was in school, it was apparent she had difficulty with sentence structure, coherent thought patterns, and other grammatical errors. Yet she received a high grade (I think an A) on the paper. It was at most a low C or failing grade.
I believe that the bots were originally one of the other manager's idea, but then Laur and Lillee said "well if 50K is good, 500k is better!". I do kind of wonder if by purchasing so many bots, and being involved in international engagement pods heavily based in India (Which Ready Set Jet owner straight up confirmed), if Lillee's account hasn't been tagged in some way be a real account that is automatically followed by bots.
No. 839727
>>839726Lillee is the perfect storm of Karen-style helicopter parenting, low IQ, unpleasant personality, and No Child Left Behind.
If the schools gave a fuck about her they'd have called CPS on Laur after Laur bullied, harassed, and shouted at Janet (a girl who Lillee didn't like in her class) while following her home in her car and encouraging Lillee to take part. But a Bush-era elementary school would have been too underfunded and overextended to give a flying fuck
No. 839729
>>839725I can barely tell the difference between the two pictures, they're that much alike! In all seriousness, I wonder if this is how Laur actually sees herself. Like Lillee, she seems to have some warped perception of herself (and her daughter for that matter), like some type of reverse body dysmorphia. There's something really unsettling about this picture of Laur, I don't know if it's the forced smile or the derpy cross-eyed gaze, but she looks genuinely frightening here. There's nothing worse than a batshit crazy woman with a persecution complex, low IQ, behavioral issues, and poor impulse control.
If Laur is any indication on how LJ will age, she better hurry up and become famous already before the last phase of the Trueman Troll genetics kicks in.
>>839726It almost makes me wonder if she was in remedial classes or something growing up. I can't speak for LJs previous school, but the schools in NY are usually quite good, however there's exceptions like anything else. One things for sure, she would've never passed any of her Regents exams which are required in order for you to move up a grade. They start in grade 9 and even if you pass the class and the final, if you fail the regents you're not moving on with the rest of your classmates. You must pass atleast 5 Regents in core subjects in order to graduate with a Regents diploma and there's no way LJ would've been able to pass any of them. Conveniently she was pulled out of school a year or two before she would've been made to take them, although, if she was in ESL English, she might have been in remedial classes and I think they are exempt from certain Regents exams.
No. 839739
File: 1623167076402.jpeg (385.11 KB, 828x1474, CA4975DF-D539-4712-A5A4-659D27…)

14 or 40?
No. 839741
>>839729Not sure about NYC, but in other parts of NY, Regents is used for placement, it's not a requirement for graduation, or to move to the next grade.
Regents testing is often an opt-in, usually for technical schools (STEM-based programming) or "honours" or magnet schools.
It's a baseline for advanced-placement, and opens up the possibility of taking course hours/earning college credits at a high school level.
Mostly it just looks good when applying for colleges, and for gaining certain kinds of extra access for high school students.
Standard tests and standard diplomas are very much a thing, for "normal" public high schools, Regents students who fall short of the necessary credits, as well as for those in remedial classes or alternative programs (i.e. "city-as-school").
Sage for non-milk
No. 839742
>>839739Kek at her non-existing neck.
It's pretty obvious that she is sucking in her belly to the maximum yet she is still fat as heck, not healthy for a person her height.
But yeah her dear momager has convinced her that she is a petite little princess kek.
No. 839749
>>839741Has it always been that way? I grew up on Long Island (Suffolk County) and even in regular, non AP classes we had to take Regents in English, Science, 2nd Language, Math and I believe Geography. You took your finals, then your Regents, and if you didn't pass the Regents you repeated the class next semester. The only time you were exempt is if you were in remedial classes (and even then, not always). My school had the option of graduating with a Regents Diploma, Advanced Regents Dipolma, and something that was for special needs students that was kind of like a participation trophy. It wasn't equivalent to the other Diplomas or even a GED.I graduated in '05 though, so things may have changed. Either way, LJ had a snowflakes chance in hell. She can barely write a coherent sentence at 20 years old, it's pathetic.
>>839739She's 4'9 and easily a buck fifty here. There's no way she isn't obese if we're going by BMI or body fat percentage. What is this expression she does in alot of her "Candid" photos? She always does this weird thing with her face and it makes her look even more retarded than usual. It's like she tries to look as unattractive and dirty as possible. Also, that's not her neighborhood, is the dentist's office in someone's home? I can't imagine letting those two unwashed trolls into my house, but then again if they're doing dental work on LJ they must have a strong stomach.
No. 839755
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No. 839756
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No. 839757
>>839755jesus christ i knew she was gaining weight but her thighs are ENORMOUS
>>839747agreed, yikes
No. 839761
>>839756dem chin blackheads
protip for dirty little goblins: stop putting 3 or 4 heavy oils on your face every day. despite her claiming "dry skin loves oil" it only loves
certain oils in
certain amounts with proper layering/routine. Not just drenching your face in 3 different smelling coconut oils and then popping high-oil foundation on top. beauty gooroo tho
No. 839762
>>839756Literally, who does this?
At least there's more evidence of "dental neglect" for APS. I'm not a dentist, but this looks like it's not gonna end well for her
No. 839773
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A normal person with a boyfriend would either ignore these comments or NOT respond anywhere close to this. I guess LJ's type is balding men.
No. 839775
File: 1623182063469.png (132.31 KB, 1734x618, Screenshot_40.png)

>It has gone beyond a troll, she is a full on fatal attraction.
These poor wikipedia mods are going to have to keep dealing with Laur's shit
No. 839779
File: 1623183105797.jpg (65.11 KB, 738x601, pimples.jpg)

>>839765I wanted to ask the same anon.
Looks like she has pimples on her gums keks.
>>839767No way these are injection marks.
No. 839783
File: 1623184545488.png (19.05 KB, 1668x43, Screenshot 2021-06-08 163544.p…)

>>839775They protected the article until Dec. 4th, was Laur attempting to edit it yet again??
No. 839784
File: 1623185183006.jpg (92.31 KB, 1080x1028, 195968326_256734999582433_5041…)

>>839783Another admin locked it because Laur kept admitting she was Lillee Jean's mother and was violating the guidelines of adding information on "Living Persons" (which is what the WP:BLP is)
No. 839799
>>839784I also love the admin told her that getting someone to write her a wiki page was most likely a scam. After everyone told her that about everpedia and she and Lillee cried about it.
>>839786I'd bet Lillee knew about it, Laur seems like the person that wouldn't shut up about the latest attack she had been subjected to. I don't think Lillee Jean really cares. She never met Brenda, and Brenda is basically the only other person Laur seems to care about. She's competition, and Lillee isn't going to be upstaged by someone who died over 20 years ago and has gotten far more legitimate press coverage than Lillee Jean ever will.
No. 839800
>>839786I don't know how they are still holding on to this deluded dream of Lillee getting her own wikipedia page. They can't fill it up with lies like they did on Everipedia; wiki editors are going to demand legitimate citations for everything. They won't be able to put in:
-Diamond Earl, session drummer to the stars
-Hollywood Propmaster Laur
-Famous Maritime Artist Grandpa
-Cousin Walter Matthau
-Holocaust survivor Grandpa
-Running-from-the-Tsar-in-her-nightie Grandma
-French Resistance Grandma John in Alsace-Lorraine
They won't be able to claim that Lillee is: a model (she isn't signed with an agency and she's never been featured in a legitimate publication,) an actress (she's never acted in anything, except for fake-crying in her own youtube videos,) an environmentalist (she's never done anything either on her own or working with a recognized environmentalist org,) an entrepreneur (she's CEO of a business that doesn't sell any product or provide any service,) or an anti-cyberbullying activist (she's never done any advocation on behalf of anyone besides herself.)
If you have to leave all that stuff out, you get one sentence. Maybe two, if you stretch it:
"Lillee Jean Trueman is a youtuber from New York. She graduated with a Certificate of Participation from Attic Academy in 2019." No. 839815
File: 1623204105739.png (119.23 KB, 904x840, Screen Shot 2021-06-08 at 9.59…)

New sockpuppet? She's interacting with them a lot. Plus they only have 6 followers but post as if it's their business account? Super weird.
No. 839839
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>>839816It doesn't really sound like Lillee to me but I wouldn't be surprised if Lille made up an anime loving, Japanese person sock account. Also I tried reverse image searching the pfp and got nothing, so it's possible this is a real photographer?
No. 839870
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Is she cosplaying Diane?
No. 839871
File: 1623246198414.jpg (103.22 KB, 764x789, okami.jpg)

>>839816Yeah, this is a real person that happened to randomly interact with one of Lillee's replies to a marvel-related tweet. Lillee latched on because she is getting no other engagement right now (even Miss Lucid has wandered off) and she's desperate to look like she has friends. Okami seems to also be desperate for someone to acknowledge their existence.
No. 839877
>>839871Man, her extremely poor grasp of English somehow manages to get worse every week. Wth does "Im curious if he opened up the multi all those years ago with traveling… or Wanda from accepting the chaos energy" even mean? She's going to be super screwed once her parents are no longer around. She can't even get a basic entry level job, she's got no skills, no desire to learn, and worst of all you can barely understand her 90% of the time. Fame is never going to happen and she can forget about landing a wealthy or even financially secure man to take care of her. Even if she wasn't deformed levels of ugly, her personality is trash and nobody wants to work all day to come home to a mentally stunted adult child they have to take care of. Laur did such a great job of raising her, kek.
Why are her pupils always so big, even when she's in direct light? It's obviously not illicit drugs because it's LJ, but I'm beginning to think she's actually got brain damage as opposed to just being stupid. Wouldn't be surprised honestly. As for cosplaying Diane, I have no clue what she's doing but one things obvious - she's using more filters or face tuning more than I realized. Her face looks slightly less disgusting in this photo compared to those jarring "candid" going-to-the-dentist photos from yesterday.
No. 839879
>>839870I know I watch Bob's Burgers and immediately hit the internet to find a tutorial to look more like sad cat lady Gayle.
Literally what the fuck is this
No. 839892
>>839888Yes. Bitches who don't get basic medical care for their "purrs" don't deserve the love of any animal. It's not a stretch to think the cats are very sick of goblin bullshit and know she's a horrible pet owner that doesn't care about them.
>>839891Those poor creatures.
No. 839899
File: 1623260045358.jpg (708.8 KB, 1080x1801, Screenshot_20210609-123256_Twi…)

From her posting her "off broadway" NYFW pictuces…I never noticed her heels were missing the straps. I bet you could hear her coming from a mile away. Smacksamcksmacksmack. Why would you lose the straps? Those heels are not meant to stay on without them!
No. 839906
>>839899Thats a yikes from me. Good catch Anon.
>>839905I was thinking the same thing. She has tiny feet. A size 5-6 or something. The probably size the straps down for petite legs and not chonker goblin limbs.
No. 839921
>>839915It looks like that woman is telling the Goblins they need to turn off their flash since that's usually not allowed at fashion shows, not the good ones anyway. You should never need to use your flash for a runway show, unless it's some backwoods production where they have no clue how to light the runway. There's usually signs telling people "No Flash Photography" for a reason, but of course the Attic Goblins would think that doesn't apply to them.
They look so out of place there it's unreal. Laur looks like a Times Square tier Glenn Danzig impersonator that somehow got lost when trying to find Sbbaro's, and Lillee looks like she's the pity invite of some charity for 'tards that fulfills wishes. They stick out like two plus-sized sore thumbs. You'd think they'd atleast shower and wear clean clothes to such an event, but apparently you'd think wrong.
No. 839927
File: 1623280082310.jpeg (653.49 KB, 828x921, 8909DAFC-062B-49E7-90DF-243D0B…)

>>839918They got there super early for some reason.
Here’s another candid of both of them.
No. 839938
>>839927She dresses like a 15 year old that doesn’t quite know what’s appropriate for different events and places yet. A runway show? Let’s do a purple flowered dress! A dentist appointment? Let’s go with short shorts and a crop top that don’t really fit!
She always looks so out of place everywhere she goes.
No. 840018
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Laur's apparently now an animator for dc. If her claiming screenshot of cartoon belong to her is anything to go by.
No. 840045
>>840018It isn't perjury to make a false DMCA claim unless you are under oath.
These callout accounts need to realize (as well as the goblin duo).. Lilee and Laur aren't getting away with shit because they are right, or favoritism. They get away because they are nobodies that don't matter.
No. 840066
>>840045Also, it's all automated and bots when it comes to claims. Whether you're on Youtube, Twitter, FB, whatever, you're not getting a human to look at your stuff.
Maybe if you get enough people drawing attention to it, but I'm sure all of these cases are just in a queue not sorted by priority at all. There's guaranteed more claims than there are employees able to look at them.
No. 840077
File: 1623374521413.png (120.27 KB, 612x556, Screenshot_50.png)

She did WIKIPEDIA screenshots too. I would love to see what her report looked like.
No. 840080
File: 1623374905553.png (1.13 MB, 1024x761, download (1).png)

LJ's newest look is gaudy old lady hair clips and headbands. Such a beauty guru with pieces from Laur's jewerly box.
No. 840091
>>840080What look is this exactly? I have no idea what she’s going for.Circus chic?
The tank top strap that so naturally “fell” off her shoulder gets me every single time.
No. 840094
>>840080>>840091I think the look she's going for is "linebacker chic", or atleast it should be with shoulders and a neck like that. Her body is so fucked up proportion wise it's like some biological experiment gone awry. Even if she wasn't ridiculously short and obese, which she certainly is, her limbs are short and stumpy, she's got no torso, she's wider than she is tall, she's got no muscle definition, a weird, flat, dumpy ass, NFL shoulders and a beefcake neck. The fact that Laur told her that her workouts are really helping her look better just shows you how deluded these two are. Not only is she unfortunate looking with a shit personality, her body looks like it was put together with rejected aftermarket parts. Such a booty gooru though.
No. 840122
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>>840117How very tai of you.
Sage for not being milk
No. 840161
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>>840160Though I agree with a CEO/20 yo needs a driving license, I think it's for the best she doesn't drive.
She too dumb and too hysterical to drive any type of vehicles.
She might even be dangerous driving those stupid motorized shopping cart for fat.
No. 840162
>>840153>>840159>>840160I can almost guarantee it's because she just doesn't have a reason to get one. Or, at least a
valid enough reason in her eyes. She's driven everywhere by Laur, and let's be honest, do we honestly expect this agoraphobic hermit to actually go anywhere by herself? Even if she eventually obtained her license, she wouldn't go anywhere without Laur. I mean, she legitmately doesn't have one single friend in real life, she has no one to hang out with. She has no job that she needs to get to either. She has no reason to "need" one with the way her life is.
It makes me wonder when the last time Lillee hung out with a friend. Anyone that wasn't a family member. Has she even went to anyone else's house, or had anyone come over? I'm asking that as a serious question, I honestly don't think she's ever had a sleepover with anybody before, Maybe once and they got scared away.
No. 840227
>>840153I think Lillee doesn't have her license partly because she has anxiety and freaks out/gets flustered easily and her deep aversion to that means driving is a terrifying prospect, but the majority of the reason is "real new yawkers don't drive". We always need to remember Lillee's life experiences and her understanding of the world is largely, almost exclusively, borne of Disney Films. And New Yorkers don't drive in those films. They hail a cab, have a driver, maybe take the subway at the beginning of the film before they are successful. But they don't drive.
Lillee is about as much of a New Yorker as an average tourist. She may live in a suburb of New York, but she might as well live in Middle America.
>>840168Shelsy was an internet friend as well, if you read the blog posts, its obvious they are doing whatever zoom or skype was back then (AOL? I don't know). They weren't in the same place.
No. 840248
More brands sending Lillee shit. Too faced supposedly sent her PR; brand butter london (butter so fitting kek) sent LJ some nail polish and has a discount code for LJ of 25% off. It's not surprising anymore when LJ gets sent PR or sponsored but it's still as disappointing.
No. 840250
>>840229Lazy? I know we discuss at length her lack of hygiene and her fashion sense…but I don't think Lillee is "lazy". Putting aside all the drama that has surrounded LJ, she's arguably been more consistent than most gurus in this time. Most weeks, she's good for 3-5 videos, she replies to everything on insta and reads and filters every comment on youtube. I am struggling to express this, but I don't think Lillee is lazy. She has consistently produced content for the last 2+ years, even more so once she was noticed by Reddit.
Don't get me wrong, I have a host of words to describe her, but lazy isn't one. Out of that household, she's the one that would work…but only in her bubble, her time, and her way. but that's a different issue. How Lillee views herself and the world is ghastly.
>>840243I missed that, thanks anon. I wonder why they didn't post pictures together?
No. 840253
>>840243Yeah Shelsy was a real friend, she's in her school yearbook and I believe their gymnastics blog had pics of them together so I have no idea why
>>840227 is saying that
No. 840257
>>840250she is consistent because she is lazy. her content is the same look day after day, every video is essentially the same length, topic, and mood. the only difference is which amazon Halloween costume she's wearing in a given day.
people who aren't lazy don't buy all their followers and spend hours arguing on Twitter about how not racist they are. people who aren't lazy do actual work.
No. 840303
>>840250Don't get me wrong, I do completely understand your thought process to this, and am open to it, but let's be honest, none of that stuff is truly "hard". Making videos can be for sure, but hers are very simple. Barely any editing, maybe cutting out some stuff, or zooming in, but her videos really are bare minimum. I used to edit in high school, and could probably produce around the same content she does in terms of her editing. And responding to people consistently is also incredibly easy to do. Being on the internet and typing is just…not hard. She's isn't lazy where it doesn't matter. She's lazy in that she barely leaves her room, goes nowhere, doesn't shower, had no interest in pursuing education or getting a different job. She says she works out but that's debatable, she just randomly posts a video or story of her one workout a month. She's absolutely lazy in everything she shouldn't be lazy for. Oh yeah, and she bought all of her followers instead of earned them, so that's pretty peak lazy.
However, I still don't think she hasn't gotten her license due to laziness or being scared of it, I really think it's the fact that even if she got it she still wouldn't leave her house because she has no friends, and doubtful she'd go anywhere by herself, and she knows that deep down.
No. 840305
>>840250Buying followers, churning out the same mediocre content daily and replying to everything does not a productive person make.
You're confusing productivity with someone who has no life. Lillee has nothing but time on her hands to perpetuate a fake following and fake engagement on the Internet which has zero basis in reality.
She is the epitome of lazy.
No. 840324
>>840322but fam, they're 3-4 years out now from being the pansexual version of jeffree star. lillee is gonna own all of 5th ave for her businesses and will no longer be a chubby attic goblin that smells. you just have to believe. believe!! such hard workers. uwu
lillee seems to think she's so special that she doesn't have to work hard. she's just going through lazy motions until the internet falls in love with her and then it will all fall into place. just like charli d'amelio!
No. 840333
>>840324I agree that she's waiting for that "big break", but then on the other hand she secretly knows she's not going to make it
and she came from a scammy family, so she decided to try and buy her way in. I think Lillee is both desperate and self-aware.
(Fixed to add "try" because I accidentally insinuated she has made it, which we all know she hasn't lmfao)
No. 840335
>>840333There's so many ways she could have built herself up from nothing with the help of fans if she actually did things the right way (Ko-Fi/Patreon etc) but agreed with everyone here, she's lazy as fuck and expects fame to slap her in the face.
Sadly the only stuff she's famous for are all the shitastic things she's done. Lillee has no idea how to make it in the real world and it shows.
No. 840347
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Quality followers there lilleejean.
No. 840348
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Just so you can see he is actually on yhe followers list.
No. 840351
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>>840297>sweet smelling menstrual smellGoodbye.
No. 840356
>>840345I checked it out a month or so ago and it was the same results. All of the negative ones DMCA'd and her links at the top. She even DMCA'd Buzzfeed. Shows that no one is planning to fight the claims for various reasons, so they can just get away with it. It sucks so bad that there's no one in place to look at these and see they're fraudulent. They only respond (maybe) if when someone counterclaims, but even that usually goes through an automated system,
AND Laur doxxes them to their employers or whoever else once receiving their info. This system just rewards their behaviour.
No. 840377
File: 1623628661020.png (908.14 KB, 1446x1092, wgrhworhwognd.png) who started a "WikiTubia" page
It was last edited 4 days ago
No. 840380
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No. 840386
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Looking g8
No. 840388
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>>840377>>840378Kek, her most viewed video is her "debunking" one. Yeah, that's what people want. A beauty guru where her most popular video is about drama instead of makeup.
No. 840397
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Front wedgies, so in right now.
No. 840400
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>>840397Her feet are almost blue kek
No. 840406
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Nitpick, but what the fuck is her hair doing? This is how she starts her new video. She's not moving, and when she clips it back it still weirdly sticking out like that.
No. 840407
File: 1623643565156.png (415.88 KB, 564x578, Screenshot_45.png)

>>840406It's several shades darker from how drenched in oil/grease it is. For someone that wants to perceived as blonde she sure does make her hair is dark as possible.
No. 840425
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LJ is teaming with this woman who seems quite full of herself.
Same engagement pod, she is following LJ.
No. 840433
>>840425LJ must be jealous
This girl is only 17/18 and is already a ~newswriter~ and ~motivational speaker~. Plus she has a real high school diploma…
No. 840434
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No. 840437
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No. 840443
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I just shared a image of Lillee's glasses to my mother who works in a optician's office. She confirmed that they are actually OAP (Old Aged Pensioner)glasses made for elderly people.
This leads me to believe she's using Laur's had-me-downs or she's only ever been to the opticians once and hasn't had a check up in years, cause you know she ALWAYS has to let us know she's going to the Dentist office.
No. 840458
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No. 840462
>>840449someone asked lillee why she didnt wear contacts in a q&a awhile ago and she said it was because she was afraid of infections and scratching her eyes. which does make sense. she's filthy and would probably lose an eye to a rare infection because of how much she neglects her hygiene.
it'd be nice if she could get a pair of glasses that have been fashionable in the past 30 years though. the ones she's wearing were likely grandma marks' glasses in the 1980s.
No. 840464
File: 1623700690281.gif (1.02 MB, 498x280, tenor.gif)

some cringe from lillee's tenor. she edits and uploads these herself… why? she genuinely has some kind of reverse body dysmorphia like pt.
>>840458so embarrassing that that picture was the best she could do for her "magazine cover debut." no shoes, unstyled hair, in a drab empty apartment. they really could've have gone to a nice park to shoot or something? anywhere? they live in new york for fucks sake.
No. 840465
>>840458Why would anyone waste 200$ to be in stupid wannabe french magazine that no one reads?
The fact they published those ugly LJ pictures is so bad publicity.
No. 840495
>>840333do you really think LJ has the ability to logically be self-aware enough to see her situation for what it is? I don't think she thinks she comes from a scammy family…I think she lives in her own world of delusion where she has millions of jeaniez fans.
>>840377>>840386I fucking hate that face she makes in most of her thumbnails and this picture. The slightly parted lips like she's some natural beauty…fucking annoys the shit out of me.
>>840406god i can smell her from here.
>>840407she's completely delusional. i've seen videos where her hair is literally this color and she'll say she has blonde hair with a straight face. in what fucking universe jesus LJ.
>>840434Thanks for the advice LJ. If you hadn't reminded me to breathe I would've stopped doing something EVERYONE does automatically, even when they're sleeping. Jesus.
>>840443>>840474>>840484I mean it only took two decades for her mom to take her to a dentist to get her baby teeth fixed. It'll be another few decades before she gets her eyes checked, especially because that's not a cosmetic issue.
Even if she did visit the optometrist, there are plenty of more flattering frames for cheap prices. My glasses were $25 and they don't make me look like a nerd granny. Even if she's afraid of contacts, it's no excuse – ESPECIALLY AS A BOOTY GURU – to wear such hideous frames that don't compliment her face whatsoever. There are plenty of free and cheap frames that are more fashionable/from this decade but you know LJ and Laur are too lazy to visit the optometrist and get her outfitted with proper glasses with the correct strength.
>>840447she barely changes her clothes and has been comfortable with gapped out baby teeth her whole life. what makes you think she gives a shit about her eyesight?
>>840494bite beauty anon posted
>>840297 recently that reported a sweet-smelling menstrual smell and stale body odor coming from lillee.
i think it's a tragic combination of wearing the same clothes everyday and not bathing. she uploads every day and you can see her wearing the same stained nightie 4+ days in a row some weeks. also her hair looks incredibly greasy. it reminds me of those pictures you see after a kidnapping
victim is freed and their hair is disgusting because they were locked up for weeks and weren't allowed to bathe.
>>840495makes sense on the cheap glasses. there are so many online companies that are competing with each other to be the cheapest/fastest/have the biggest selection. she could easily take advantage of that and not binge on the cheap bots for a few days to pay for it. but that'd be too logical for our lilz.
No. 840516
>>840495>do you really think LJ has the ability to logically be self-aware enough to see her situation for what it is? I don't think she thinks she comes from a scammy family…I think she lives in her own world of delusion where she has millions of jeaniez fans.Maybe not
exactly for what it is, I don't think she's aware of how fucked her future is, but I do truly believe she has enough self-awareness that she knows she bought followers and the reasons for it. Her entire persona of saying she has a million or more jeaniez is because she's vehemently denied she's purchased followers since the very beginning, so she kind of has to act like that, it goes hand in hand.
No. 840525
File: 1623758731295.jpeg (697.36 KB, 828x1198, 7A4BCF89-F91F-40D0-A01B-B18F88…)

This looks like a photo of a trafficked woman in a bordello catalogue
No. 840553
>>840546Elyse saga was the best. She was called an "it" by Laur. Elyse was a special kind of
trigger for LJ and Laur because not only was she black, she's a lesbian with a skin condition. I think around that time, LJ claimed that the market was over saturated with POCs and blonde, blue eyed women were in the minority and should be featured more. Laur had spent so long telling LJ that a blue eyed blonde was ideal beauty in America she got angry that social media was obsessed with minority representation.
Elyse also never backed down and told Laur to fuck off any time Laur tried to say "let's just be friends."
No. 840555
File: 1623779235016.jpeg (113.48 KB, 350x828, 7FB95464-EBDF-4851-84FD-21F0E4…)

Sage because this is milk about Tatiana, not Lillee, but posting here as she’s being a bit hypocritical when it comes to the Creepshow Art situation.
Lillee has openly been homophobic, transphobic and ableist. As was CSA on that thread. These DMS are from Tatiana to CSA (from Tatianas latest video) and in them she gives excuses for CSAs phobic language, that she was “trying to fit in” etc, and that as long as her friends accept her apology then it’s okay, rather than entire communities she has hurt.
Maybe Tatiana isn’t as golden as we think(>homophobic, transphobic and ableist)
No. 840558
>>840547Jesus that's the worst thing she could put on her hair. I can see a future where she's going to end up having to shave her head because she's put so much crap in it.
>>840555Tatiana has always come across as a bit of a bandwagon clout chaser. Her tea/rant videos are so bad they go round in circles. They only difference between lj and creepshow is creepshow has a following that she can poach from unlike ljs fake followers.
No. 840564
>>840555Yeah this is kind of bullshit. At least on the LJ threads, unsure about other threads, myself and I'm sure other anons have not been straight up homophobic, transphobic, or ableist. I don't see that here. Someone might claim that us saying Lillee isn't actually pansexual is homophobic, but that would be them not realizing she's a serial liar and tries to find any way possible to be oppressed. She wants to be pale, blonde, and idolized by her skintone, but won't accept her privilege with that. You can easily stay anonymous if you're not expressive, keep it casual, and stick to the topic at hand. You don't have to be homophobic, transphobic, or ableist to "fit in".
I even remember on one of LJ's old threads, someone came on and said some really transphobic shit, and a bunch of anons basically told them to fuck off. But I know I've focused solely on LJ's threads here, maybe she was part of some heinous threads that provoked that kind of speech, but I just know browsing through lolcow, I don't really see that "requirement" of being offensive just to fit in.
No. 840644
File: 1623844340975.jpeg (576.36 KB, 1170x2054, 85B235D3-E1E4-4136-B05E-ACB90A…)

watching Miss Lucid Dreams channel and noticed Laur & Lillee’s sock accounts are commenting showing support on every video. Found a new account claiming to be a Canadian teen.
No. 840647
File: 1623844879884.jpeg (699.5 KB, 1170x2108, EC7956B4-85AF-4A9B-93FC-F40A36…)

>>840644‘Rachel’ left comments too
No. 840649
>>840644>>840646It's so funny to me how they constantly give themselves away without realizing it. Besides the stupid, stereotypical names they usually pick and their extremely poor grasp of the English language, they talk like idiots that haven't been properly socialized. Probably because that's exactly what they are, but it's still funny nonetheless. I know LJ never gets out of the house as she's got no friends and is attached to her mother's plus-sized hip, however what's Laur's excuse? For growing up in (and never leaving) a cultural melting pot like metro NY, she's got an extremely limited world video and hardly any real world experience. I know she's got a low IQ, but that still doesn't excuse it; there's plenty of people with subpar IQs that have had no trouble broadening their horizons.
It makes me think that, despite all her "tough talk", Laur grew up very sheltered with little contact with the outside world and hardly any friends. Not really surprised by that though.
As for Tatiana, I've never been able to watch any of her videos and she just pointlessly rambles and talks in circles. She's pretty much a cow herself and while it's hilarious how she manages to get under the Goblin's skin, the constant "I'm just a poor
victim" spiel got old reallllll quick.
No. 840655
File: 1623851522092.jpg (259.28 KB, 1618x1549, soglamorous.jpg)

From her last vid.
I don't know why she does so much blue eyeshadow "makeups". It doesn't look well at all with her eye color.
Keks at the fact she somehow made her hair look worse at the end.
No. 840656
File: 1623851876208.jpg (717.01 KB, 1079x1792, Screenshot_20210616-085819_Chr…)

>>840655Does she atleast give Credit for ripping off Sophie Turner's met gala look?
No. 840663
>>839749I wouldn't doubt that LI and the City do things differently (or that it's done differently now, it's been a while for me, too).
Where I went to school, only specific high schools offered Regents programming.
Those schools required applications for acceptance and entrance exams.
You would only receive your Regents diploma if qualifications were met - that you took (or tested out of) all the required "basic" classes, and the subsequent levels (i.e. maths 1-3 french 1-3), and the relevant classes for your major and their incremental levels (i.e. basic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, chem lab 1-3, industrial chemistry etc.).
All of these required a C average or better over all 4 years.
AP classes weren't even available until the 3rd level of the required class was completed, or you could test in.
If you received lower than a C in any required class, your option was summer school to fix it, or accepting a "standard" diploma.
Regents wasn't even an option for home-schooled kids.
I have to wonder if homeschooling doesn't require any standardised testing.
Because it was definitely monitored, and anyone who failed the required state tests two years in a row was usually removed from "normal" school and placed in any number of "alternative" programs. Some of which allow for 6 years of high school to get a (non GED) diploma instead of 4.
Lillee would've definitely been in one of those programs.
Or Laur would've tried to get her into one of the performing arts schools, kek. Unfortunately those required entrance exams too, or superb enough talent that grades could be waived.
Attic Academy goblins need not apply.
Sorry for sperg.
No. 840688
File: 1623879957014.png (659.57 KB, 828x1347, 13B858F8-C89D-45E3-9AA9-2F7C5F…)

Sorry for possibly old milk but Laur paid for a vanity certificate for Lillee lol
No. 840710
>>840688why even brag about this? even if her education
was legitimate (as we already know it wasn't), what good is a 98 average in high school if you're not continuing your education? i don't know why she won't just go to cosmetology school and get a certificate there. more bragging points for her, and she could somehow find a legitimate job as a makeup artist. not a great one, but there's plenty of worse ones out there somehow employed, and it's better than sitting with her thumb up her ass buying followers all day. i know we're never going to see an lj redemption arc but she's eventually going to realize life is passing her by…
No. 840711
>>840710Going to school would require effort which we all know she refuses to put forth. Honestly I'd love to see her go to college just to see how poorly she would fail to integrate. People would complain she reeked because she'd wear the same outfit everyday. She'd scare anyone off that could potentially be a friend. She'd throw a tantrum at any professor that refuses to give her an A, or get Laur to scream at them.
Realistically, if she ever attended college, I have a strong feeling she'd pull the same shit that she did in high school and claim she's sick, drop out, and continue to get Laur to take care of her. She's so far gone from reality, I have zero doubts she wouldn't make one single friend in college even if she attended an entire semester or two. She's too outlandish.
No. 840718
>>840711>>840714Agreed, she could never get into a community College, let alone a SUNY (State University of NY) or CUNY (City University of NY) school, which is a shame because they have some really terrific universities. I honestly don't think she could even get admitted to Queensborough Community College at this point in life. Lots of people in the Queens/Nassau area go to QCC for 2 years before transferring out to a 4 year school in order to save $$ while they figure out what they'd like to major in. It's ranked #13 out of 700 plus community colleges, so it's not a bad place to start at all. It's also pretty close to where she lives, I believe it's in the Bayside area, but it's a pipe dream for LJ since she didn't actually get a diploma or make it past the 7th/8th grade.
Out of curiosity, I looked at what a CUNY school like QCC requires in order to get admitted and it's pretty standard stuff. "Ordinarily, students can demonstrate that they meet the University’s proficiency requirements in English and Math based on their SAT, ACT, or NY State Regents test scores." We've already established she never took a Regents exam, so that's out, and I seriously doubt that she ever took the SAT's or ACT's. She'd most likely have to get her GED because that diploma she got isn't even worth the paper it's printed on.
It's all a moot point anyway, she'll never do anything worthwhile with her life and she'll end up like her mother, only I don't LJ will ever move out, get married and have a family. Atleast I hope not, there isn't enough chlorine for that gene pool. NGL, it would be amazing to see Laur have a freakout on a professor for daring to give her little goblin a failing grade though. These two idiots don't do well with authority fights figures and the shock of reality hitting them in the face as they realize their usual empty threats won't do fuck all to help LJ pass a class would be hilarious to watch. I'd be willing to bet that Laur would be banned off campus by the middle of LJs first semester.
No. 840724
File: 1623922786258.png (855.26 KB, 1106x675, baker vibes.png)

>>840655Holy shite, Lilee's serving some real Marguerite Baker vibes.
No. 840742
File: 1623936182123.jpg (188.07 KB, 1079x610, Screenshot_20210617-091441_You…)

>>840725Oh boy, now that you mention it, it looks like she's missing just about every tooth on her bottom right, aside from her front tooth and the one directly next to it (even though there's a huge gap between the two). It could just be the grainy screenshot but even if you zoom in, you can't see any teeth on that side of her mouth (apart from the aforementioned). I honestly wouldn't be surprised considering her teeth started showing a visible shift a day or two after she initially got the metal braces put on. While your teeth are supposed to move throughout the process, I've never seen it progress so quickly as it did with hers. It could explain why she has been recycling old content lately, although this video seems to be recent.
I tried to get a better look at her mouth but it was damn near impossible in this video. She seems to be doing that weird thing with her jaw again while she speaks, where she talks out of the side of her mouth and it's infuriating. When she did open her gaping maw of horrors, she had her hands or beauty products & tools obscuring the view. It seems like she kept doing this weird shit to try and hide that part of her mouth (screenshot relevant). I think she might be reaching new heights of hideous though, she's looking especially rough lately. I would have never guessed she's only 20, she somehow manages to look 8 and 80 at the same time.
No. 840745
File: 1623937516452.jpg (49.5 KB, 775x521, teethofthekeks.jpg)

>>840742That's what I've been trying to do while watching her last videos.
She added old ones before she got the braces and in the recent ones she is twisting her lips a lot, her jaw is lopsided and she's not "full teeth smiling" like in the old video.
She didn't make any dental update.
>>840724Love your references anon. Marguerite has far better teeth than the goblin tho.
No. 840746
File: 1623937803697.jpg (131.74 KB, 678x1535, teethoftheksII.jpg)

>>840745Want to add.
See the jaw? Her mouth is like old people before they put their denture on.
No. 840759
File: 1623947539984.jpeg (66.78 KB, 450x600, with-and-without-dentures.jpeg)

>>840746She reminds me of a python that can unhinge its jaw. That shit is unnatural.
I zoomed in and I can't tell exactly which teeth are missing, but other anons are right, she's DEFINITELY got fewer teeth than last we saw her. That's what you get for going to an invisilign mill and expecting instant results from a cheap quack.
How long til she goes full Gummee?
No. 840777
>>840746fucking looool that is so accurate. now i can't unsee it.
>>840762same. she's like the exact opposite of stunningly beautiful women. even though i'm straight, i can still appreciate a beautiful woman when i see one. sometimes i'm stunned by how gorgeous other women are, but LJ has the exact opposite effect on me. She stuns me with how ugly she is, inside and out. every time I think I've seen her at her lowest, she surprises me with some horrendous shit like her Prince-inspired makeup tutorial.
No. 840795
Over the past several days I have noticed an uptick in overly dramatic rants calling Lillee like a "hideous deformed monster" and similar
>>840780 >>839595
>>839624 Yes, she's short with fucked up teeth and the body of a Wisconsin Karen, but we usually only see way OTT stuff like that when LJ and Laur have picked up a white knight that tries to come here and stir the pot so that they can cry some more about "death threats" and "black site cyberboolies." The Sealions tried it, Elaine tried it, I think maybe one of the 12 year olds from her group chat tried it. What's going on, anons? Did Lillee make a friend somewhere?
No. 840799
>>840795…how does "she's ugly and this is unflattering" turn into an overly dramatic rant???
what's going on anon? are you the white knight? are you the only person allowed to criticize her "fucked up teeth and body of a Wisconsin Karen"? did you forget this is an imageboard where the point is LITERALLY to gossip about cows?
(infighting) No. 840807
File: 1623970096908.jpeg (690.3 KB, 828x1231, 081E9829-7240-4DC2-8F43-BC9DB0…)

Lillee got a bra!
No. 840827
>>840822she also looked better with the Gayle mousey brown wig. It's her natural ratty
brown blonde hair that she never washes that looks like shit and is unflattering on her.
Honestly can't tell if she actually looks better with black hair or the hair just looks better because it's not greasy and looks brushed.
I fucking hate the stupid face she makes in all her thumbnails with her eyes as wide as possible and her mouth slightly open like she's a natural beauty. No matter how many times she insists she does her blush just like Grace Kelly, I will never see it.
No. 840858
File: 1623985001095.png (555.57 KB, 740x416, ea80ef_e3bd31b52b7344a59a46c0b…)

>>840807This look, while simple, is way too complex for Lille to come up with on her on. I wouldn't be surprised if she took some "inspiration" from another mua.
>>840822She doesn't even know how to properly wear a wig. She puts them on straight on her greasy hair with no wig cap.
No. 840923
Lillee is about to add "Mental Health Professional" to her resume. Can't wait for her TEDx seminar
>>840799>>840800You seem upset. Are those posts from you? If it's not overly dramatic, why did you tone down the language from "ugliest deformed nightmare alive" to "unflattering?" Also, how would a new white knight know about previous white knights coming here over the course of two years, dummy?
No. 840931
>>840923I literally used the word unflattering. See
>>840780Do you even know what you're talking about anymore? LOL I mean you're accusing people of being white knights while being the only white knight in the thread.
No. 840943
File: 1624036110246.jpeg (561.77 KB, 1242x1307, 07212C52-1502-4550-A8F7-1D688D…)

She thinks she’s a celebrity kek
It doesn’t take a genius to realize how illiterate she is. She can’t even formulate a proper sentence and wants to talk about education shaming
No. 840957
>>840943Athletes don't mind the inferior education of homeschool because they're trying to accomplish something with their
bodies, not their minds. Keystone School is not something you enroll in if you care about academics, or impressing people with your intellect, and it's definitely not something that should have anyone bragging about a '98' average. Facts aren't 'shaming' unless you live in a fantasy world and demand everyone else conform to it.
No. 840974
>>840931thanks for confirming all the tryhard posts are from you
>>840936when farmers fight it's time to go outside
>>840951it would be sad if lj had some redeeming qualities, but she's a vindictive cunt who has exactly the life she deserves. so many people grow up with shitty enabling or neglectful parents and still manage join the rest of us in reality and learn how to function in a society that doesn't revolve around them
No. 840980
>>840960This…doesn't sound like an extraordinary amount of work for high school? It's actually pretty typical to have 2 or 3 essay questions on exams as well as to have lots of short/long answer questions for homework what is she
talking about?
>shot and splatterproof of dat g8 education
No. 840981
>>840960>I also took briefly Forensic APEither this means she failed out in the first week or, as I suspect, it doesn't actually exist. According to here they suggest taking AP Chem and AP Bio if you want to pursue forensic science in college. If they had an AP Forensics course wouldn't they recommend that? Strange.
No. 840985
File: 1624053716752.png (262.65 KB, 786x645, betawards.png)

Lillee is eagerly awaiting this awards show and definitely for sure can name at least one nominee besides halle bailey and is a big big fan of black culture in general she has so many black friends y'all
No. 840987
File: 1624054367542.jpeg (387.28 KB, 828x1268, 61D78E7F-A1C5-4313-A457-064E5B…)

She did grade 10 to 12 online and only took 6 classes?
No. 840989
>>840943Wow this a lot to unpack.
Firstly, she immediately references online school as enjoyment. While I'm not saying you can't enjoy school, it's not really meant to be "fun" or
that enjoyable, you're there to learn. Again, you can find it fun and enjoyable depending on your interests and (not in Lillee's case) you may see your friends everyday, but let's be honest, in the vast majority of cases people want to be somewhere else.
Secondly, homeschooled is seen with a negative connotation because these people never got integrated into social settings. Social settings are just as important as the actual education, at least in the US where she lives, because connections are major no matter what you work in. If you can't socially integrate and are severely socially inept, everyone notices and it can strongly impact your relationships with other people, your career, etc. Although, this may be a moot point for Lillee considering she'll probably never get a different job with other people anytime soon and live on disability with her parents until they croak.
Thirdly, the fact that she only paid attention to the students that were going off to be athletes (allegedly) is
incredibly telling. It is insanely clear that she values success on how famous you are, but that's pretty obvious already. Also, it's not helping her "stigma" case. She's pretty much insinuating that if you attend online school, it's not about the education, but the fact that you can be famous which is all that matters to her. It's like she can't even grasp that people can find success through knowledge.
Lastly, the elephant in the room, it's absolutely hilarious that she straight up admits she has no friends. It's "no one's business" that she's a shut-in hermit that only has contact with her parents. How can you even defend that type of lifestyle? God her life is so incredibly sad.
No. 840994
>>840943>>840960>>840987It's depressing how stuck she is in high school.
That should be her answer as to why online schooling is bad. She hasn't moved on. She talks about it constantly. Those are her only true experiences.
Although, I can say that it's entirely her fault, not homeschooling in general. Homeschooled kids are able to leave their house and integrate into society, and don't obsess over their high school days. It's Lillee's own fault she never leaves her house or does absolutely anything outside of it, just lives online, which got her stuck in high school and only to able share experiences from it.
No. 841029
>>840943lmao I'm pretty sure 0% of my favorite celebrities were homeschooled; then again I'm not an emotionally stunted shut-in whose knowledge of pop culture begins and ends with the Disney channel.
Every misplaced comma and incoherent sentence fragment LJ types is a G8 endorsement for homeschooling. If I was Keystone Academy I'd pay her an annual salary to STOP talking about them on her social media. Maybe that should be her business strategy, the world's first anti-influencer.
No. 841034
File: 1624077132052.jpg (481.67 KB, 1080x1643, IMG_20210618_233131.jpg)

How long before we get "Shannon was Shaniqua!!"
No. 841049
>>840943God how ironic is it that she asked "Can someone share why someone being homeschooled is 'bad'?" And then answers her own question with the immediately following sentence being littered with grammatical and punctuation errors.
This is coming from the girl who could have gone to HaRvaRd if she wanted.
No. 841074
>>841073I had the same thought, why the random defense about her schooling now? My theory is that she tries to avoid this website for as long as possible because she probably hates reading the truth, but eventually came back and saw some anons recently posting about her being a shut-in and having no friends due to never going to college and online schooling, which
triggered her lol. You can see patterns with what she posts and what we've posted, they line up often.
No. 841076
>>841074She reads here everyday, Twitter, KF and reddit too and every other places talking about her.
She doesn't want to have friends.
trigger must have been something else.
No. 841081
>>841074could also be a deflection. She can "explain" homeschooling but can't explain having a fucked up mouth
maybe i'm a bleeding heart but it's depressing af that she was so excited about FINALLY getting her teeth fixed since her waste-of-space mother neglected the responsible thing of fixing it in childhood
but now her mouth is worse and she has no answer for it other than Laur is a terrible person
No. 841086
>>841073I think
>>840987 might be on to something. 6 classes is hardly enough credits to graduate high school. Also the fact that there are people from other countries going to that "school" is interesting, as countries like the UK have completely different education systems/structures/curricula so a Britbong using Keystone instead of an actual British curriculum based online school is very sus.
Lads, I don't think she graduated. You probably get a certificate for completing a certain number of classes.
I love that her "defence" of homeschool is actually revealing that her education is even more lacking than we thought
No. 841093
>>841086I'm a lazy, forgetful bastard, can some other anon with a better memory remember if she posted her diploma, and if so, can you find it? Lol apologies in advance.
I don't want to join in on this tinfoil if I'm just completely forgetting she posted a photo at some point.
No. 841124
>>841122Hahaha the way you typed this reminded me of the old meme format that's like "Step 1, Step 2, ???, Profit".
Only in this case, Lillee is losing money.
No. 841166
>>841155Pure tinfoil but it could be a tattoo artist. Asian and maritime themes are very popular in American tattooing as WW2 era sailors were among the first people in "mainstream society" to openly display their tattoos. The ones that served in Asia often brought back art and ideas from what they saw there, hence maritime and Asian themes being synonymous with each other during that period in tattoo history. The alleged artist was her grandfather, right? So back then these themes would still be very popular. Maybe the goblins thought a tattoo artist was too working class so they made it sound fancier, who knows.
t. tattoo artist sperg
No. 841172
>>841166Thanks tattoo anon! That was interesting. Though I
think she specified that they were "oil artists", though she lies for a living anyways.
Well, whatever they were, it's hilarious how she says they're "well known" but then doesn't name them.
No. 841176
File: 1624197212619.png (14.75 KB, 352x200, lj.png)

Really Lillee? A hashtag and emoji, totally a caring activist. She would have looked better if she didn't even tweet this. I'm convinced Lillee's only idea of what activism and seeming woke is from what corporations do and say. She even has a rainbowfied logo for pride month.
No. 841203
>>841179>>841190Tbh I've never bought the Jewish larp from either of the goblins. At the very most maybe one or two Jewish relatives are in the family tree but way, way up it. Anything beyond that is a stretch imo. Like, why has Laur not passed on her religion to LJ? Did she get her a Torah? Was that included in the Attic Academy? If she did, why not mention it? Off the top of my head I don't recall any discussion or mention specifically about Jewish
faith, just vague mentions to "wahhh I'm totally Jewish and totally targeted for it guys!!!". I genuinely want to know if either of them have ever set foot in a synagogue. I don't recall any mention of the holidays beyond virtue signalling shit about Hanukkah, a la the Juneteenth tweet. I'm almost certain LJ never had a bat mitzvah and I doubt Laur did either. Call me a gatekeeping Jew, but I just don't get that "vibe" off them. The strongest claim they have is that Jewish mothers are all batshit insane and Laur certainly has that box ticked kek.
No. 841204
>>841203Tbh, I don't think she understands what Judaism is. On one of her replies to her community post (the one asking what the issue with homeschooling is) she said something like "I'm Jewish on my mom's side lutheran on my dad's side." She talks about religion like it's an ethnicity rather than a set of beliefs. I guess that best fits her marginalised
victim mentality best.
No. 841220
>>841203I don't believe it either. Honestly, even if Laur & LJ are Jewish, they clearly aren't practicing or recognize that part of their identity in any way other than to virtue signal and be able to compete in the oppression olympics when confronted by other minorities (i.e. QoB, Lauren Eylse).
I mean they refer to the Holocaust as "roasting their ancestors." I don't know a single Jewish person who would refer to the Holocaust that way, especially if their family was affected.
No. 841227
>>841203I mean it’s super obvious for anyone with a pair of eyes that they’re just using it for oppression points just like Lori loves to remind everyone she’s Latina and once someone said a slur to her.
I was baptised catholic but I’m certainly not practising. It works the same for Lillee, by virtue of having a Jewish mother (even non practising) she’s automatically Jewish as opposed if her dad was the Jewish parent. Maybe Laur practised some Jewish holidays with her parents but it’s clear she never bothered teaching anything to LJ or following those traditions. If anything, LJ knows everything about her own ancestors through internet and never even bothered to read a few books about the religion.
Plus it’s a moot point because I’m pretty sure that lolcow in general doesn’t really care about someone’s religion compared to 4chan or other board, I’ve never seen personally anyone make fun of her because of her Jewish family, just her complete lack of knowledge about it and her indecent larping about a marginalised person.
No. 841228
File: 1624235607860.jpeg (301.22 KB, 1170x2105, 9E7830B8-0E9C-4AA9-B6CD-5733F6…)

Lillee’s live on Instagram and acting weirder than usual.
No. 841232
File: 1624238056686.png (9.67 MB, 828x10211, 15EE64C6-072A-4E53-A4A0-4557C6…)

No. 841243
File: 1624240955275.jpg (489.64 KB, 1080x1136, IMG_20210620_210103.jpg)

One of laurs favorite doxxers is back! She's not following Laur or lillee but I liking every post about doxxing from Chelsea Hoffman. Wonder what she did with all those eggs?
No. 841258
>>841227Agreed. Laur and LJ have also posted about praying to different Saints (like Saint Jude) which is a Catholic thing, not a Jewish thing.
They also say "Happy Yom Kippur," which no Jewish person would ever say. Maybe "Happy New Year," but not "Happy Yom Kippur."
They're so clearly larping being Jewish for minority points it's cringey.
No. 841260
>>841254when she's "ovulating" LOL
>>841232jesus, that pink romper was tragic enough the first time she wore it…is she seriously delusional enough to break it out again thinking it looks good on her? It literally makes her look like she's wearing an adult diaper.
>>841234She's already pandering to the foot fetish people…there's gotta be a goblin fetish and she can finally get some real engagement instead of having mama laur buy all of her followers.
No. 841276
>>841220Holy shit, lmao. To speak about your ancestors being "roasted" is incredibly disrespectful, even gentiles show more sensitivity. Not that I'd expect anything better from the goblins but it's things like this that show how disconnected they are, despite being terminally online. Well, at least Lillee is carrying on the family legacy by getting roasted all over the internet kek.
>>841232Lesbianism cured! Thanks, LJ!
No. 841283
>>841276yeah, another time LJ said her ancestors were "burned to a crisp."
They also tweet about praying to Saints (the most recent one I think was Saint Jude) which is definitely a Catholic thing not Jewish.
Both Laur & LJ also spell out "God" instead of abbreviating his name like "G-D" or "G*D" the way other Jewish people do, because you aren't supposed to write out the word "God" as a practicing Jew.
They're just embarrassing.
No. 841285
File: 1624281611728.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2035, 00B47B14-C0C5-4E57-8C8D-6509EA…)

lookin’ g8
No. 841288
>>841286The goblins are American. They're not fresh off the boat, they're mutts. Having a name of Jewish origin doesn't mean shit when America is such a cultural melting pot. Given how much they lie about their family tree with shit like Grandma John and famous relatives I'm inclined not to believe them. Jews "gatekeep" because of one drop retards like Laur and Lillee. You can see the same thing happen with other cultures, it's preservation. Besides, this is literally a "hate forum" so what else are we gonna do kek. Go back to tumblr if it's too much.
>>841285For someone who wants to be known for her beauty, LJ is fucking dead set on posting the most off putting content imaginable.
No. 841289
>>841286The difference is Laur & LJ are not claiming to be non-practicing Jews. They are fully cashing in their minority card and claiming they are Jewish on their maternal side, which is what makes a person Jewish ethnically (rather than on the paternal side).
And let what go? Laur & LJ's fake posturing and using possible Jewish ancestors as a shield for legitimate criticism of their racism?
No. 841292
File: 1624285717289.png (7.14 MB, 1242x2688, BBF8F417-F6F7-48F2-BFFC-B24DD2…)

the end of this live was just so bizarre/disturbing.. even for her.
No. 841295
>>841294>>841293i hate watch her too. i hate when she says "hello jeaniez" as if anyone but bots, laur, and people who despise her watch her videos. i hate the stupid face she makes in her thumbnails – like she's extremely beautiful with a slightly open mouth. i hate her bullshit black and white opinions on shit. i hate her lack of makeup abilities (every look is the same) while she claims to be a famous celebrity.
she's so fucking annoying but i can't stop watching.
No. 841299
File: 1624290389770.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1980, DE5BE796-3E26-4B22-98F2-6D7333…)

>>841292After she mentions dildos, someone asks her what she thinks of Adam & Eve (the sex toy website). Lillee, thinking they’re talking about the Bible, starts talking about men being “inherently evil”.
No. 841300
File: 1624290498632.png (5.87 MB, 1242x2688, 1C7D86B6-3C94-446F-8AA3-6A631A…)

another gem.
No. 841303
>>841299Anons, be honest, do we think she actually uses dildos? Do we think she's just saying that because she's trying to "prove" that she's not a virgin shut-in and thinks it makes her look cooler? I have a feeling she just knows other adults use dildos, so she's trying to fit in.
I also have a feeling she probably can't have a dildo without Laur having some sort of involvement. Either they went out and bought it together or Laur definitely saw it if Lillee ordered online.
No. 841307
File: 1624291852263.jpg (87.58 KB, 1013x546, illiterate.jpg)

What kind of writing is this?
Good thing she had to type everything at Keystone, imagine her writing with an actual pen.
No. 841311
>>841294 She acts the way she does because there's nobody around telling her to cut that shit out. Laur was never interested in being a parent and so Lillee doesn't view her as such. Laur makes it seem like the sun shines out of LJs dumpy deformed ass and tells her everything she does is just so amazing, when in reality, she's so below average she wouldn't even register on most people's radars if she wasn't so strange. Lillee is a shining example of why kids shouldn't be rewarded for just existing. This girl has zero things to be proud of and yet she acts like she's God's gift to the world. Had she actually finished school or even just left the house once in a while (considering she's 20 fucking years old), she'd realize that her and Laur's relationship is abnormal and is textbook "emotional incest". I don't put all the blame on Laur because at the end of the day, Lillee is an adult and can very easily tell her mom to back off, but she doesn't because she likes being coddled like a toddler. I've met people like her, although they weren't as stunted, and the common denominator between them was they all had a parent that was hellbent on being their kid's best friend.
>>841292 What the hell is she even doing here? And just when you thought she couldn't look more unappealing, she goes and does something like this. Gotta hand it to Lillee, for someone that's never accomplished anything, she somehow manages to keep reaching new lows.
No. 841314
>>841307What I thought it said: Lore u gums, TYSM & Joimg, Postry 2 Youtusel Tonight.
That attic academy did a g8 job of educating this goblin.
No. 841319
>>841303>>841305>>841313Even if LJ managed to order a dildo for herself online without mommy's permission, how/when would she use it? Based on pictures of the attic, they're sleeping in the same bed/very close to each other with the fridge and cat litter all in the same room. Where would LJ even use the dildo? I doubt she has any privacy living with Laur and I don't watn to think about her using a dildo with/next to Laur
But I don't think any anons need to worry. She's 100% a virgin with a totally real, not made-up boyfriend who lives abroad and even if she had a dildo (which she doesn't), I doubt she knows how to use it.
>>841315oh my god i vomited in my mouth a little bit reading that.
No. 841321
>>841311"Lillee is an adult and can very easily tell her mom to back off"
You vastly over estimate how easy that is.
While my parents were no where near this they can definetly be heliocopterery, and my mother a bit smothering. I for some reason went through the extreme version of "autist to normie" in my mid teens. Going from being a deeply fucked up kid people thought would live on their own to just another slightly awkward adult that at some point let it slip they're aspie. And my parents, in their own words still sometimes catch themselves doing things because of how I "used to be".
I'm 21, one of them still tells me shit like "remember to go to the bathroom before (insert event)" and the other got deeply hurt the first time I told her that no, I probably wont be talking to her on the phone every single day when I move out like she does with grandma.
You don't want to hurt the people you love.
(blogging) No. 841327
>>841326It's really hard to feel bad for her when I'm pretty sure she's 100% wanting this. Venus Angelic wanted her mom to stop controlling her social media/life and actively did something to get out from under her mom. LJ does not seem to want that. She's perfectly happy living in her fairytale world of dolls and fake fans that Laur has created for her.
She is wasting her life, but as she said, she could have gone to Harvard but she chose this life instead. She
chose it. She's as delusional, if not more so, than Laur. It's really hard for me to feel bad for her when she's so clearly an active participant in her own captivity. Even if Laur told her to go outside, what would she do? Wear her pink jumper and tan her beautiful ivory skin? Fuck no. She wants to be inside responding to boolies because she's a ~
victim~ and creating horrible makeup videos with 0 skill.
No. 841329
>>841327She's living her 10yr old selfish dream life. She hasn't matured, and doesn't care to, past that point.
I don't think Lillee is mentally handicapped outside of a generally low IQ and some serious dependency problems, but her sexual splurges remind me of a cousin that had brain damage early in his life. When he was horny, everyone and everything knew about it because he didn't control his urges.
>>841318They are face massagers/crying sticks. The first result for gold face massager for me was the Floraison sticks that look exactly like the ones she was holding. She however, referred to them as her face dildos, which really makes me wonder about what she thinks a dildo looks like. Like she's seen a dick before, even if it was 144p and barely sticking out from a fat dude's hairy belly.
>>841295The mouth thing is partially to hide her teeth, but also because some celebrity (an Olson maybe?) Said when they take pictures they say "prune" to make their face look more chiseled and lips fuller. Lillee latched on to it and has never let go. Just think- all Laur and Earl hear for hours a day is "prruuuune" "pruuuuune". No wonder they think the houses are haunted.
No. 841330
File: 1624302634300.jpg (44.03 KB, 640x640, 2000.jpg)

>>838519Hey, I had that barbie
(no1curr) No. 841331
>>841325Guaranteed this is the same anon who was making 900 individual posts in the Lillee thread because "the mods want her to" and she was "banned for self-identifying posts before." I don't know why she feels the need to respond to every single post ITT. How hard is it to not be self-identifying on an anonymous image board?
>>841232Does Laur watch these? Does she have any idea what's going on? Does Lillee go live while Laur is at home, or does she only do her attempted "sexy) stuff while Laur is out? I'm genuinely disturbed by this.
No. 841339
>>841328All of her shoes are summer platform/huge ass heel shoes.
I bet she bought so much of these to look taller but still can't walk with them as her goblin feets can't fit in them and she can't even use the straps top keks.
She must have bought it all online hoping they would fit her uwu size 2, but keks can't wear none of them to walk and just use some of them for her cringey pictures where we can see her feets turn blue.
I'm impress how she has not one single nice outfit/pair of shoes/accessory (purse, glasses) that look nice and are wearable/her size.
G8 use of her disability money.
No. 841364
>>841331I'm unsure about her watching every single one, but I wouldn't be surprised if she does. I know in previous lives, "fans" would be like "tell Laura I said hello!" (Because if someone said Laur instead of Laura, Lillee would block them stating "only Dees calls her Laur). Anyway, after that comment, you could hear Laur in the background yelling hello back. So I'm pretty positive she's always on the lives. Also mainly because she moderates the chat obsessively and blocks anyone that isn't infatuated with Lillee.
In terms of her going out and not being available for the lives, I don't think she leaves the house either. Pretty sure they have everything delivered to their door so they never have to leave. Laur is always on standby when Lillee goes live. Also, Lillee time and time again has been openly sexual about herself in front of Laur, talking about her tits and vagina, etc. I'm sure talking about her dildo is just another regular topic of conversation with them. I agree with this anon
>>841319 that Lillee probably has zero privacy to actually use any dildo if she had one.
No. 841366
>>841364Samefag, but I've got a theory that if she actually has a dildo, that could be why her vagina is always burning and having so many problems because who knows how often she cleans it. Lillee could be sticking
a 30x used dildo inside of her. (Sorry for that mental image)
No. 841374
>>841339LOL strappy heels is an awful idea for someone with humongous cankles. But I'm not surprised, she never dresses for her body type.
>>841329ah thanks for explaining anon. they looked like some "Eyes Wide Shut" sex toy or something so I wasn't sure wtf those were.
>>841331hey just relax, this is a gossip imageboard. instead of playing nancy drew, just try your best to sit back and enjoy the milk.
>>841366Even if she had a dildo, it'd be difficult to use with Laur breathing over her shoulder every minute of the day.
No. 841381
File: 1624324490505.jpeg (756.64 KB, 1125x1309, 14B743DE-889A-4C80-B3AD-D73BDF…)

The fucking audacity. Lillee Jean shared a post on National Indigenous People’s Day and hashtagged her name. A holiday meant to celebrate the culture of people who’s government and churches literally beat the culture out of them and she thought adding her hashtag was appropriate.
No. 841413
Tinfoiling here, but is she being paid/encouraged to do the feet shit by someone? The feet shit in that live was off the rails even for LJ, like here when she goes off of frame and sticks her feet into the frame for no reason: You could ask just about any female content creator and they'd have stories of a weirdo offering them big bucks to include fetishy shit in their videos. Lillee's feet shit and talking about her vagina and dildos really look like she's putting on a show for someone.
No. 841442
File: 1624390122252.jpg (43.41 KB, 356x631, 2dose.jpg)

She got her 2nd dose.
No. 841469
>>841413Honestly the first time her stream focused on her feet it was fishy, but now it seems to be a pattern. There's no way she's accidentally focusing on her feet as much as she is and given that she loves attention – even attention from barely English speaking middle aged Indian men – I'm sure it wasn't hard for Mama Laur to convince her to display her ~beautiful, smol, Cinderella feet~ to her followers.
It's a win-win for them. Laur can finally make some money off her investment – LJ – and LJ gets the attention she so desperately craves.
No. 841478
>>841476Anons here say Lillee is a permavirgin but they forget that moids will fuck actual for real retards if given half a chance. Lillee is definitely a virgin, it's so obvious from her behaviour, but its actually not that hard to believe a guy will fuck her and ghost her (if not just identify her retardation and take advantage of her as their personal bang slab)
Now, PREGNANCY is a whole other kettle of fish. Where I live the mentally incompetent are generally not allowed to keep their children out of concern for their welfare. A spastic with good intentions is still spastic enough to accidentally drown a baby in an inch of water. Can people like Lillee legally keep her hypothetical baby in the USA?
No. 841484
>>841473>>841476There's also sperm banks. I don't know how rigorous the process is in obtaining sperm, but Lillee might get baby fever so hard she ends up at one of those.
>>841478In most cases, yes. Even if you have a history of mental illness, unless you actually have an incident where you harm the child, you're allowed to keep your baby here.
However, there are other methods if you're concerned for a baby with a mentally ill mother. You can call Child Protective Services, but even then, there has to be a lot of stuff messed up for the baby to actually be taken. I've heard a few stories where the living situation was not ideal, but it wasn't "not ideal" enough.
No. 841495
File: 1624458254390.jpg (273.5 KB, 1077x649, Screenshot_20210623-100725_Gal…)

Holy crap, her transformation into Laur is almost complete. Looking g8 Lilz! Your 4th chin seems to be coming in quickly, it'll match your mother's nicely. Practically twins u guise!
I just happened upon this great still as I was frantically fast forwarding through her new "Loki INSPIRED Makeup" video (where she reminds you ten times that she's not replicating the look, it's just inspired by Loki) and she's really packing on the pounds. I don't know if it was the swollen jaw, asymmetrical face, fake voice, freshman 50 or the constant talking out of the side of her mouth, but I couldn't even make it a full 90 seconds. She's gotten more intolerable and I didn't think that was possible. The juxtaposition between how she looks like an old woman yet talks and acts like a young child, well it was just too much for me to stomach today.
No. 841497
Sometimes I do wonder if Pheepy is based on a real person. I don't think he's this super handsome political figure that is tots okay with her evolving sexual preferences, but I do wonder if a family friend has a son around that age that was nice/flirted with Lillee at some point and she ran with it. Laur is a liar, but of the two of them, her lies tend to be based off a grain of truth fertilized with an obscene amount of delusion and bowing to Lillee's wants and will.
>>841473Getting laid is easy. For every ugly girl in a bar, there is at least one guy willing to fuck her just to get his dick wet and claim beer goggles in the morning. As usual, the biggest obstacle in getting Lillee Jean laid is Lillee Jean and Laur. On top of being shy and socially awkward, Lillee has an over inflated ego and Laur would be inserting herself into every moment. But could she get laid? yeah. And the amount of those kind of guys that would happily raw dog it and "assume" she was taking care of BC makes it pretty probable she could get pregnant.
No. 841500
>>841478Yes and in New York, not sure of other states, but you can have a Forrest Gump level IQ and you are still have the right to keep your child. Usually nothing will happen unless someone intervenes, then if there is an incident or concern, they can implement disability services from organization such as DCFS to help the mother. But there is actually no laws saying that a mentally handicapped mother cannot have custody, because of her disability.
I knew of a mother who had IQ in the 60's and husband was similarly disabled. If Lillie ever were to even have children, as long as Laur is alive and showed a "proper living condition" etc., Lillie would likely be allowed to raise the child with mother's help.
Thank god Lillie is never having sex lol. and if she did start a family, enough public eyes is on her that someone might intervene.
No. 841502
>>841491sorry for doubleposting but this is the one I meant to reply to also. Laur is fucked up but there is a lot more fucked up parents out there, and she would not be considered mentally handicapped by the state unless she had severely low IQ or similar issue. Not sure about Lillie's diagnoses officially, but unless she has been evaluated and said a specific mental handicap the state would not even know she is disabled, unless something happened where that evaluation is ordered on Lillie.
hope it make sense, sages for off topic
No. 841518
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No. 841519
File: 1624476841575.jpeg (469.05 KB, 828x1343, BE427591-1FE6-475B-B80F-CBAE54…)

No. 841557
>>841555if she's in middle school here maybe that explains why she looks even shorter than normal.
how can you tell how old she is?
No. 841564
>>841558omg LOL totally missed that. thanks anon
>>841563my bad, totally missed it. but you're right, i should have known because her hair looks washed and styled. it can't have been anytime in the last few years.
seeing this picture, i think homeschooling LJ was an even bigger mistake than i already did. at least when she was in school she wore more than 1 shirt and seems to wash her hair regularly.
No. 841565
File: 1624492143027.gif (1.93 MB, 380x380, 0ea7938f-52f6-4a01-8b7b-e03ac6…)

>>841500Didn't bankruptcy anon confirm all 3 of them are on disability? If LJ is receiving disability without ever having worked a day in her life, then she's legitimately disabled in some fashion. The state just doesn't give that out to anyone, especially if they've never worked and haven't accumulated credits. Even the adults that have worked their whole lives need to get evaluated by a state approved doctor, although it's not hard to find a scummy doctor these days. Point being, if what bankruptcy anon said is true and Lillee is receiving disability, she's got some type of handicap. Sometimes I think she's just really low IQ, but then I see classic LJ gifs like the one I attached, and well…
No. 841574
>>841518wow Laur's looks declined FAST. This would only have been ~2013.
Also Laur is far too close to touching her teenage daughter's ass for my liking.
No. 841603
>>841595not only did LJ not glow up, if anything, her looks and makeup skills have deteriorated since she was 14. back then, she looked somewhat normal. imagine peaking at 14. it's kind of sad.
>>841598to be fair, LJ doesn't have male friends either. she doesn't have friends period, courtesy of attic academy and her psycho ass mom.
No. 841605
File: 1624521664885.jpg (214.48 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_20210624-085843_Sam…)

Starting to really think the feet fir cash angle is real. Her insta followers are Starting to go up again after free falling.
No. 841636
File: 1624549524712.jpeg (518.04 KB, 1660x2148, 340CCB70-D638-4CBC-88DE-442A63…)

>>841565>>841500Bankruptcy anon - confirming LJ was on Social Security in 2018. Here’s the ‘other income’ page from their court docs, they filled in line 8g which is for ‘other government assistance that you regularly receive’
No. 841639
>>841636I never doubted you, but thank you for the receipts! I'm willing to bet that they're monthly income is pitiful, and it really makes me wonder how they're getting approved for places (unless they're on section 8). I grew up on Long Island and when I was in Uni and for a few years after, I was a renter and always had to show I brought home atleast 3x the monthly rent. So if a place was $2000 a month, I needed to be able to show that I cleared $6000 a month minimum. Someone has to be co-signing (and probably helping them with 1st, last, security).
If she is/was get social security payments, considering everything we know (both parents are alive, she's not a student, etc..) I'm gonna make a safe bet and say she's on disability. That also means that her parents income is pretty low, because if it wasn't, she wouldn't qualify right?
No. 841641
>>841598Anon, you forget that LJ was likely the bully. That's why she was treated poorly by her peers. She lied and dressed in age inappropriate clothing. I'm sure there were parents who didn't want their kid around LJ because of how trashy she is/was. Remember when she & her mom followed that girl as she was walking, yelling at her from their vehicle.
Just like her internet bullies where she wishes Covid on them. LJ is the bully. She doesn't want friends, just fans.
No. 841653
File: 1624556608380.jpeg (563.62 KB, 1660x2148, E040D1E3-4302-4CB9-8D37-80B960…)

>>841639Anytime! In their 2018 filing, they marked Earl as unemployed and Laur as self-employed at Travlin’ Tiques Inc. for the past 17 years. Fun fact: Laur claims close to $400 of meals as expenses for her business. Anyway, this is first page from the same court document, in part 3 they list their income and their expenses (I redacted the numbers) but I can confirm that their combined monthly income was under $5k and their monthly expenses exceed their monthly income. I have a feeling that they use someone as a co-signer/guarantor when they sign leases.
No. 841659
>>841641I remember in an older thread someone who claimed they went to high school with her said that she wasn't bullied, but was more of a loner who didn't interact with others. That anon also said she didn't seem weird and seemed pretty normal other than the fact that she missed school a lot. After missing a bunch of school, Laur apparently finally pulled her out of high school and started homeschooling her.
So she did have an opportunity to make friends in high school before she got pulled out junior year or so, but she chose to mostly keep to herself. Another anon asked if she was like the "horse girl" of their grade and high school anon confirmed that she was kind of that weirdo who claimed she had an older boyfriend in Europe or some shit.
No. 841666
>>841653Lovely! I'm not surprised she claims bullshit expenses and uses them as a write off for a business that doesn't even possess a physical address or a business license. I really hope she is still pulling this shit considering she owes the state of NY almost $20,000 in backed taxes. She won't be able to claim shit now and if she's stupid enough to continue trying, she can expect the IRS and the NYS Treasury to climb up her ass. There's no way they're not going to audit her finances. I also don't understand how a family of 3 living in Queens can survive off of less than $60,000 a year. The property tax on my parents house alone is north of $15000 a year in Nassau County, LI/NYC is not cheap, even in the boroughs. I know they rent but it's beyond me why they stay in the metro area. They barely leave the house, they don't take advantage of anything NY has to offer, they're not into theater/ballet/Broadway etc… and none of them hold employment, so why stay? It's not like family talks to them. It's just bizarre.
I've heard people claim that due to LJs height, she can claim disability as she's considered to have dwarfism. Idk if that's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's some type of intellectual disability. It's pretty clear at this point that there's something up with her besides just having a low IQ and a deformed… everything.
No. 841747
File: 1624600998194.jpeg (553.44 KB, 1206x724, 3A0D0C80-C48B-46A8-AA34-599F30…)

Some coomer tweeted this on his porn twitter and I don’t think it’s a troll lol
No. 841753
>>841747"Brunette Obsession", top kek. I can practically hear LJ squealing from here.
Silly pradip, Lillee is a blonde haired fair-skinned Disney Princess and if you don't agree you're probably just Diane.
No. 841765
>>841670>>841680Here you go anons, it was mentioned upthread only a bit ago
>>840943 She claims she was homeschooled starting 10th grade.
No. 841768
>>841765Ahhh totally forgot about that; thank you for clearing that up. Maybe I am misremembering what the high school anon said in a past thread or maybe that anon was just a troll and never went to high school with LJ. Either way, thanks.
>>841753Although I think LJ would normally be upset if someone called her brunette, since this is a porn twitter I can see her being really excited that she's featured. By the way she's posing in these pictures she clearly thinks she's hot shit so I'm sure she and Laur will celebrate a rando sexualizing her on social media.
To be fair, she actually doesn't look too bad in the second photo. I wouldn't go so far as to say she looks attractive, but she at least looks like she's showered recently, the dress doesn't make her look like she's wearing a diaper, and the angle of the photo makes her look taller than she actually is.
No. 841794
>>841768>>841747 Her thighs look considerably smaller than usual in that photo on the right, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's shooping or face tuning her body. That's why she probably likes the all white colored wall, it makes it alot easier. I'm not 100% but that banister looks wonky, it looks like she made her legs and her gut a bit smaller. Did you see her fat stumpy midget legs in those "Going to the dentist, teehee!" Photos? She literally looked like one of the characters from "Little people big world" or w.e. that show is called.
Also, thank you for clearing up when she left school. I thought 9th grade was her last year in public school but I couldn't recall. It's safe to say she was constantly truant, so even though she made it to 9th grade, she was barely there and you can tell by her inability to string together a coherent sentence and her painfully obvious stunted social development. I know the school got on Laur's ass due to LJ coming to school in inappropriate clothing, but was anything mentioned about her truancy? I can see the school threatening to put Lillee on something like PINS and Laur freaking out and pulling her out of school. PINS was a popular program at one point in NY, it was for kids who had a record of truancy and other issues, it stands for "person in need of supervision", iirc. Usually it comes after the parent has been notified but has failed multiple times to correct the situation. I've seen people end up on it for a few reasons but lack of good attendance is the most common one. Administration probably was sick of having to call Laur up to the office because of LJs inappropriate attire and truancy, threatened to put her on PINS (which is done through NYS Family Courts), and the rest is Attic Academy history.
No. 841801
File: 1624634991841.jpg (379.63 KB, 2200x2200, fotor_1624634290602.jpg)

I tried to watch her new video and get a glimpse of the right side of her mouth where it looked like teeth fell out. She's making a conscious decision to try and hide it because all you can see is that huge gap on the bottom, and that seems to be getting worse. I don't know how her and Laur think this can all be solved with some braces, she's about 10 years too late. What's worse, if she was receiving disability like Laur stated on their taxes, she had Medicaid or Child health plus NY which covers necessary dental, so it was just pure laziness on Laur's part. It's not like Laur has ever had a real job so it wouldn't have been hard to make the time, but I guess eating and watching daytime TV was more important than her Goblins gaping maw.
Screenshots of her looking super sPeShuL are from her new video that she whispers through the entire time. At some points you can barely hear what she's saying. She also puts 5 or 6 different skincare products on her face which is probably why her greasy skin is so angry and red even with the white balance turned all the way up. How she can call herself a "beauty guru" while looking like that is beyond me. Atleast brush your hair and teeth and change your shirt. You would think her "manager" would tell her to clean herself up a bit.
No. 841803
>>841747It's interesting that of all the tweets, the only ones that list the name of the woman are ones that they had retweeted from another source…and Lillee Jean. They never caption the ones they post, except the one from Lillee Jean.
Lillee hasn't had any good
victim content in weeks, the Pansexual for Pride Month angle fell on its face because she didn't even try to be clever about it, made a huge gaffe by announcing her totally normal pronouns, and lets be real…announcing you are bi/pan/whatever during pride month doesn't matter if you are dating the opposite sex and have never dated/shown interest in the same sex.
She tried to cry about what's wrong with being homeschooled and even the comments she chose to approve and reply to all "schooled" her in the lack of social interaction.
tinfoil, but I think Lillee may have submitted these herself. With her coming off her horny live the other day, being shut down in all of her
victim avenues, and with a constant chatter on here about her having an onlyfans, she could test the water to see if she gets a bunch of attention from that post and can easily claim "it wasn't me! THEY SAID I WAS BRUNETTE!". Now she can claim she's been "sexually assaulted" and have a new source of trama.
No. 841870
>>841801>>841804I think this too! Especially after I saw Laur's older Facebook posts of LJ describing how beautiful and perfect LJ is/has become. One of the pictures Laur uploaded was of a 17 or 18 year old LJ (looking like the modern day LJ, not when she looked her best and peaked at 14) that she captioned with something like, "I miss squeezing her fat baby cheeks, now she's all hard angles like a model."
Laur is as fucking delusional, if not more so, than LJ. Before I saw that Facebook post, I wondered how Laur could justify outright lying to her ugly daughter that she's pretty or skilled enough to become an influencer/beauty guru and essentially setting her up for failure and disappointment. Now I think that Laur literally thinks LJ is some great, undiscovered beauty – especially as LJ grows older and is looking more and more like Laur. Since Laur has thought/still thinks LJ looks perfect the way she is, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason LJ has never gotten her teeth fixed until now, when her teeth are actively hurting her.
I mean I'm pretty sure the reason LJ is always comparing her teeth to Vanessa Paradis (lol) and her blush style to Grace Kelly (lololol) is because Laur put that idea into her head. Both Vanessa Paradis and Grace Kelly are before LJ's time. Laur's delusion about LJ's appearance might also be how she justifies dumping all of the money they have into LJ's "career" because they're just waiting for LJ the beautiful to be discovered by a talent agency/director. IIRC, Laur has even tweeted about LJ being capable of becoming a Ford Model if she wanted to, on top of being able to attend Harvard if she wanted to.
Both of them live in an echo chamber of delusion. There is no universe in which LJ is considered attractive or talented enough to become a Disney princess in a live action movie, Hollywood actress/singer, or model. LJ isn't even average looking, she's flat-out ugly. It doesn't help that her personality is absolute garbage and Laur the momager is a literal psycho.
No. 841898
File: 1624661907406.jpeg (150.98 KB, 544x1305, 5D6FD6F7-6EFD-40D4-8124-22F667…)

>>841747disgusting. But of course laur will choose to ignore this even though she doxxes anyone else who posts a tweet mentioning LJs name. I wouldn’t doubt it if she tries it with the person who tweeted that Laurs been sexualizing her since her age 12.
No. 841904
>>841898I mean yeah, her mother started sexualizing her when she was young, but that's not why everyone's repulsed. LJs piss poor attitude shot any chance of sympathy people may have had for her in the face long ago. People are repulsed because this guy posted a hypersexual, unwashed, obese ginger tard-midget on his "obsession" porn page. The fact that anyone can look at her and keep their food down, let alone get turned on, is amazing and disgusting in itself. My guess is that the poster is probably a cow himself.
As for doxing, I wouldn't be too worried. It's Friday so Laur's already cracking open her first box of Franzia, but even when sober she rarely gets the person's dox correct. Once in a blue moon they strike gold with help from other people, but mostly everyone has jumped shipped because they realize how delusional and retarded Lillee and her mom are. Left to their own devices, they almost always get the dox wrong and end up looking like boomer clowns.
No. 841911
>>841904>My guess is that the poster is probably a cow himself.I'm thinking it might be a twitter callout/someone from the farm. Anon above
>>841803 mentioned that this person purposefully included her name in the caption, when they haven't done so before with any other one (besides the retweets that already had it). This poster is thinking it may be Lillee, but I think this is a person trying to troll Lillee or maybe even test the waters to see how far they can go without Lillee taking down the tweets due to copyright.
But idk that could just be a shot in the dark because what would they be trying to prove? Lillee keeps up anything remotely positive? We knew that already. Still though, caption anon above definitely made that post seem sus. They might be closer in saying that it's Lillee herself.
No. 841941
File: 1624683348436.png (1.28 MB, 750x1333, aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1tc3AxLT…)

This picture is a mess, something is off about everything in it. Not to be too nitpicky but, Lillee has me wondering if I need to get my eyes checked, I can't tell if that's contour on her cheek or just her ratty hair. Because why would it be so dark on one cheek, and not on the other? Is she going for a very unsymmetrical look with the brows, eyes and contour?
No. 841946
>>841941Ah, I see what you mean. The picture has some odd filter on it and it looks like Lillee went ham with the blur tool. Look at her eyebrows, they're literally dissolving before my eyes.
Is there anything this stupid ham doesn't half-ass? She can't be bothered to put effort into anything, I swear. She's not even one of those naturally pretty girls, she's more unfortunate looking than most people, so you'd think she would be hyper aware of what kind of content she puts out and how she looks in it, but nope! Laur has a 4ft8 160lb retarded midget thinking she's the Cindy Crawford of her generation.
No. 841956
>>841870>Laur has even tweeted about LJ being capable of becoming a Ford Model if she wanted to, on top of being able to attend Harvard if she wanted toLillee also goes with "model, actress,.." whatever in all of her profiles.
How can you be a model without be signed in an agency, or an actress without any role?
If she is so pretty, why not send her pictures to the top NYC model agencies? Wilhelmina, Elite, IMG, New York has the most prestigious model agencies in the world.
Do you think she knows they'll die of laughter if she sends an application?
Also, let's say some producer sign her (for realtv show e.g.), 10/10 Lillee or Laur will sabotage it.
They were talking about going to Dr Phill last year but then Lillee said Dr Phil wasn't even a real doctor and was a fraud.
He owns a PhD, keks so much for Harvard education.
The point is she could have get huge national exposure but still stayed home playing dolls and famous attic guru.
Her own logic doesn't even make sense.
No. 841982
>>841950top kek, anon
did they model Roger after Lillee? That's uncanny
No. 841985
File: 1624725634973.jpeg (658.26 KB, 750x908, EDFC3F05-5B98-45CB-9006-A1C455…)

What is this
No. 841996
File: 1624729351318.jpeg (463.54 KB, 640x984, AF16E901-F762-431B-9720-16A685…)

On her insta story
Full on deranged
No. 842000
>>841994tinfoil but she's reading here for sure.
>American piepossibly referencing American Dad anon, or all the anons who pointed out she's humping the door or both. It's the weird kind of reference Laur will try to pull off when she thinks she's being intimidating kek
No. 842005
>>841994I have this mental image of Laur ( looking like Snooki monster from South Park) and LJ (waddling like Roger from American Dad) trying to sneak into their neighbors backyard to take these sexy pictures to show off…they have a shed?
Must be the storage warehouses for Trutiques.
No. 842009
>>841996>>841985>>841994Someone please tell me she is going to send those to a model agency.
Her shoes are still not the right size, they're too big.
Maybe she bought a bigger size to have a bigger straps?
No. 842011
File: 1624735531278.jpg (591.82 KB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20210626-142220_Twi…)

Lillee doesn't know what GOAT means. How does someone who spends her entire life online not know basic slang? Even worse, why not just Google it so you don't look like a social pariah?
No. 842014
File: 1624736007611.png (Spoiler Image,795.42 KB, 1080x1319, Cupace20210626152535.png)

>>841993Idk what you anons are talking about, LJ is going to be the next hottest thing in the modeling world. Nevermind that her body looks like it was assembled using leftover parts from Laur's junkyard or that her face indicates that she has some type of missing/extra chromosome.
I saw her at a sUpEr fAmOuS photographers house party the other night and snapped this picture for you guys. She's much better looking in person. You can thank me later.
No. 842015
File: 1624736129159.jpg (570.05 KB, 1080x1560, Screenshot_20210626-143451_You…)

Such deep
Many wow
On a timer
No. 842020
File: 1624737916693.jpg (227.63 KB, 2376x1028, Untitled 1.jpg)

I watched her last video: night time shikncare routine.
No. 842034
File: 1624742382836.jpeg (214.23 KB, 828x459, E3088110-A08E-4431-A40D-F6A077…)

She’s putting out a new voice reel soon. Can’t fucking wait.
No. 842035
File: 1624742413620.jpeg (1018.79 KB, 828x1262, E21DFA13-C049-4F83-BAEE-F89EB9…)

Her poor armpit
No. 842036
File: 1624742445584.png (2.82 MB, 828x2829, 53692E27-C0DA-4B26-A923-84996F…)

No. 842049
>>842016Lillee is someone who has found 2/3 good angles and lighting option that work for her, but isn't attractive "in motion". She has no clue what to do with the rest of her body or how to move from one pose smoothly to the next one.
She does have really pretty eyes. But that is her whole package. I mean, some models make a living purely off of one body part (hand, lips, feet, legs). So, in some universe, Lillee could have had a shot at being a model for eye shadow or lashes or something. But because of Lillee's personality, need to be worshipped/admired and controlling nature, she thinks she should be EVERYTHING and everyone just hasn't realized it yet.
Lillee is the type of person that makes it thru auditions for shit like ANTM, AGT, American Idol just so the judges can shit on them. And she's delusional and has enough of an ego to give them the show they are looking for.
No. 842054
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No. 842070
File: 1624758359447.png (1.68 MB, 828x1792, 09ADA442-1EE3-4D92-BA36-ABC9F3…)

No. 842081
File: 1624769195589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1170x2070, E668D1C8-38A8-4CEE-B328-21E083…)

Gummee Jean update
No. 842093
>>842035How long does she keep the strip?
The vaccine was 5 days ago and strips don't hold when you shower.
No. 842094
File: 1624796069854.png (461.98 KB, 546x551, egg.png)

>>842093>showerAnon…. For real though, LJ doesn't upload things in the order they're filmed. She still has videos she hasn't uploaded, hurry up with the anime cosplay video and the voice acting reel already Lillee.
No. 842110
>>842011for being so young, LJ acts like such a boomer.
I remember in her "reading hate comments" video, she tried to say, "no bacon" and i cringed and got the worst second-hand embarassment. it was like she literally googled, "what do the kids say these days" and tried to use as many references as possible.
>>842015wow that's such a shitty contour job even after the excessive blurring in photoshop. maybe this is why she doesn't contour in any of her makeup tutorials?
No. 842115
File: 1624813085896.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1125x1892, F3B0910E-2C5C-4C0A-994F-CC77E4…)

>>842110She’s posted a colour version of the pic and it’s just….strange. Either she had thick contour that she didn’t blend or it’s hair that she blurred to the point of looking like a blob of dirt. I think it’s the latter.
No. 842123
File: 1624817868335.jpg (48.87 KB, 709x387, before_after.jpg)

>>842081Her Vanessa Paradis teeth gap is gone.
No. 842124
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No. 842130
File: 1624821228310.jpeg (62.92 KB, 600x600, AC09317E-94E8-434F-BCC8-002622…)

>>842128Not to medfag, but it looks like generalized microdontia and would have been fixed way faster, easier and possibly for the same price by using veneers. Her braces are done so poorly I almost wonder if she didn't just purchase the DIY kit from Amazon. Horror cases from those testimonies and they move the teeth abnormally quickly
No. 842133
File: 1624822984474.jpeg (46.13 KB, 1000x668, before-ceramicbrace3.jpeg)

>>842123and then some. this will be her in a week
No. 842138
File: 1624825639076.jpg (691.09 KB, 1080x1416, Screenshot_20210627-152640_Twi…)

Attic Piggin translators, what does this caption mean?
No. 842143
>>842138It's a sad reference to comments 9n here to let us know "their watching" ….. girl we know you are. Try taking some advice from on here and stop thinking your right about everything. Some advice is legit and will actually help you get what you want, because what you have done and are still doing is failing epically.
Sorry for the sperge
No. 842150
File: 1624829657132.png (327.73 KB, 1500x1000, how-many-types-of-dwarfism-are…)

>>842138"Cakey" is a perfect description if were referring to her makeup of her pancake tits. However I think she's trying to say she's "tiny and thicc" but really she's just short, dumpy, and frumpy. I don't know how she can look in the mirror everyday and think "damn, I'm a bombshell" when she looks the way she does. It's good to have confidence but you can have that and still improve. She's gotta have some type of body dysmorphia, right? There's delusional and then there's… whatever this is.
She also needs to stop using words like "tiny", "petite", "thicc", etc.. She's short, but she isn't tiny or petite and she's certainly not thicc, just fat and deformed. Thicc usually means you have an hourglass where your boots and butt are bigger than your waist. I won't say small waist because plenty of heifers use the term, but atleast they've got hips and a bust. Lillee's got old lady conical saggy tits, a big waist with no definition, and a wide, flat, dumpy ass. She's got the textbook body and teeth of someone with achondroplasia (not saying she has it, don't want to start medfagging).
No. 842152
>>842150Boobs** and a butt, not "boots"
Saged because I'm an idiot
No. 842163
File: 1624831774452.jpeg (203.51 KB, 541x551, F48E694B-1A53-4C63-8D07-2386CB…)

>>842115Look from actual video. She added contour, brows, everything in editing.wouldn’t be easier to just learn how to do makeup properly instead? She has blurred herself to high hell too and used so much of the cover tool on FaceTune to hide her splotchy red skin. She also made herself look more blonde kek
No. 842175
File: 1624836015131.jpg (156.39 KB, 745x754, Screenshot_20210627-190903_Chr…)

>>842163Ran it through forensics, I did ELA and luminance gradient. I've only uploaded the LG, but if anyone wants to see the ELA I'll happily upload that too. Anyway, witth LG, the entire image should contain bumpy noise and jaggy lines. If you see smooth blurs or straight edges, then you are likely seeing digital manipulation. Her eyes and the area around it, lips, parts of the hair, and her body seem to have been manipulated.
Lookin' g8, Lilz. Keep spewing that body positivity shit though. Inb4 the inevitable "all models use photoshop" post she makes, because she totallllyyyy doesn't lurk here.
No. 842191
File: 1624845072603.jpeg (138.74 KB, 786x583, BDE8AFC9-17C9-4BF6-8F0F-772640…)

Did she get kicked out from an engagement pod?
No. 842195
File: 1624849694769.jpeg (443.64 KB, 690x973, 3FCA6D76-8668-4D70-9BAA-511187…)

Someone else think she’s been enlarging her eyes through editing. They are
Not nearly as cartoonishly big in her videos
No. 842216
File: 1624872802820.jpg (204.99 KB, 1146x760, 20210628_103034.jpg)

>>838519Do you think she knows you're only supposed to put lipstick on your lips? Or is she trying to make her lips look bigger? Seriously, she looked like a toddler who got into mommy's makeup and drew all over her face.
No. 842227
File: 1624890406608.jpeg (849.61 KB, 1170x1412, 75CE7F05-D0D6-4EE9-86DC-2BB40E…)

No. 842253
File: 1624905102746.jpg (153.28 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20210628-132014_Ins…)

It never ceases to amaze me the random people in her engagement pod. Wendy Starland was one of the first people to "discover" Lady Gaga and helped connect her to the people that launched her career. She,MacKenzie Westmore, the older dancing lady, that engagement pod is full of 40+yr old women that are desperately clutching for every lip filler and syringe of botox they can get their hands on to try and stay relevant. Being involved in engagement pods that are mainly filled with random bot farms and the same guys that would have being trying to give away their mix tapes on the street corners in LA is such a boomer look.
No. 842256
File: 1624905563401.jpg (505.71 KB, 1080x1814, Screenshot_20210628-133756_You…)

If you wear headphones or generally hate super screechy noises, beware of this "demo reel". My ear drums are still ringing
No. 842260
File: 1624906076604.jpg (57.59 KB, 500x288, unnamed.jpg)

>>842258I have ear cancer now.
No. 842263
File: 1624908180159.jpeg (296.63 KB, 827x1466, DFF04B6D-7D81-464F-BBE3-0BE278…)

No. 842266
>>842259It would be more interesting to hear her "full" reel, which she won't do until Autumn because of braces (????). It's not difficult to mimic iconic lines. Everyone can do "Hey, it's Harley Quinn" with the super exaggerated accent. If you can have Harley read a medicine's side effects and still be identifiable without saying her name, you might have a chance.
But Voice Acting, at the level that Lillee thinks she wants to, is incredibly hard to break into. A large amount of VAs are legitimate actors in their own right, or work in the animation/film industry on the technical/creative side. There aren't a lot of opportunities for "basic white girl, speaks American English" that aren't filled by someone already working on the team. It's such a basic role that animators aren't going to go look for her reel to fill it.
Let's not even get into the fact that Lillee thinks that Voice Acting is going to be easier than being an actual actor because "real" actors have to take direction and aren't in control of things. She's going to be really pissed with the director sends her feed back on every line and she has to redo them 50 times with the most infinitesimal differences.
If she was actually serious about this, she lives in NYC, She could actually go to auditions. She's had her shots, her mom has nothing else to do all day, she's not pressed for time either. She would find a manager that actually works with talent in the film/animation industry, not just someone that sold some vintage poster to a film warehouse.
She would be putting in the leg work to make this work. But it's easier to accept failure when you don't really try than it is to accept failure when you actually put in work. I think Lillee is leaning into the VA thing because she's coming to terms with the fact her name is trash in the beauty community and it's getting harder to find brands that haven't heard of her. As much as she's DCMA'd everything, she's still a punch line on Reddit, and brands get emailed about her every time they republish one of her posts.
Sorry for the rant, Lillee's blatant willful ignorance and sense of privilege annoys the hell out of me.
No. 842280
File: 1624912702006.jpeg (440.53 KB, 828x1473, 5B063A3F-EED2-40F4-9634-89CBE7…)

No. 842286
>>842280wow such interesting.
it's almost asif this is the only thing she's willing to show
almost asif she lost all her teeth
No. 842287
File: 1624917800489.jpg (207.83 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20210628-170129_Twi…)

Uncultured swine. Literally millions of people in NYC alone eat duck.
No. 842292
File: 1624918959335.jpg (315.9 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20210628-172234_You…)

Totally not sus at all
No. 842329
File: 1624945017775.png (383.07 KB, 720x1282, Screenshot_20210629-063346~2.p…)

>>838519>>842292Guarantee this is Laur and Lillee and here's why I think so. It's a knee jerk reaction to someone posting an old fiction peace she uploaded some three years ago while being called illiterate at the same time.
She really can't help herself
No. 842346
File: 1624962794304.jpg (29 KB, 341x616, gamernow.jpg)

She's a gamer now, anons.
She literally never mentioned Minecraf but whatever.
On her stories she did a lot of really dumb hollow quizzes about her.
No. 842352
>>842329 have I never read this?
chef's kiss The main character's name is LITERALLY Phillip Romance
No. 842353
>>842352We didn't need any more confirmation that Pheepy is basically Lillee's OC but
boy is this a satisfying piece of the puzzle. I'm amazed neither LJ or momager thought to fucking delete it. Not only is it shedding more light on the outcome of an Attic Academy education but it also puts further scrutiny on poor Pheepy Poo.
No. 842357
File: 1624968727646.png (2.12 MB, 828x6463, 11035CC5-103A-48B3-8CE0-D17E83…)

In case she takes the Phillip Romance piece down
No. 842360
>>842357Kek, it's like soneone programmed an AI to generate a shitty YA novel. Beautiful.
Jokes aside, it's pretty unsettling how she used to be able to write coherently 3 years ago. I mean, the story itself is awful but at least it's readable compared to the strange, ESL-level ramblings she posts on twitter these days. I wonder if it's some kind of degenerative brain disorder brought on by having Laur as her only human contact.
No. 842365
File: 1624972162473.jpeg (653.02 KB, 1170x2289, 5D8640D9-93E1-46D2-B6D6-4964BE…)

Lillee is naming her pet turtle Lily
No. 842366
>>842346Lillee use to play Call Of Duty, she's mentioned it a few times when she wants to sound like a cool gamer girl. IIRC, she liked playing the zombie mode. No doubt her only experience, if any, with minecraft is the level that a random 10 year old would have. I doubt Lillee could figure out even basic redstone if her life depended on it. She has no interest in cars, other than posing on one.
It's MW or COD, my money on COD. Lillee's totally a pick me girl.
No. 842382
File: 1624979983317.png (65.25 KB, 366x686, Screenshot_20210629-081647_1.p…)

>>842364There is this poem and her "Women's Makeup Through History" video.
No. 842395
>>842382mmm, dander from fresh blooms, what pleasant imagery
jk now i feel sick thinking about lillie's hair
No. 842396
File: 1624990159117.jpeg (538.96 KB, 1170x1429, 9DA72C91-7D2B-4CD9-BA2D-3160E0…)

We already know they do outrageous shit when her views start dropping and the callouts stop posting. It’s still hilarious to see Lillee, who claims she has ptsd from cyberbullying, publicly admitting she trolls for attention.
No. 842400
File: 1624990715516.gif (692.97 KB, 275x194, 1593541475519.gif)

>>842357holy fuck, i'm so dead i'm a whole-ass graveyard. this is the epitome of classic bad fanfiction. i can't stand it but i'm addicted to it. if you read a single long post on this whole hell site let it be this, please.
No. 842404
File: 1624993003724.jpeg (235.51 KB, 827x1464, F3F1A6CB-4DBA-4CEF-8462-BC2425…)

No. 842446
File: 1625008271089.jpeg (222.82 KB, 626x618, C110AF52-9350-4B5C-BC62-5F05D3…)

>>842404The combination of plaque and a random hair in her braces is making me gag
No. 842472
>>842352>It's seven a.m. in the morningStarts right off with a real banger
>The only features I get from my dad is his sable black hair, and his milky tanWhat kind of milk are you drinking Lillee
No. 842475
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No. 842535
File: 1625062170885.jpeg (839.53 KB, 828x1229, EF4BD908-378B-4A31-B6BA-E9104F…)

No. 842536
File: 1625062224552.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1234, B4970011-4C40-46FA-9C10-82EAAB…)

Laur’s hairline genes have caught up with LJ
No. 842539
File: 1625063614189.jpg (1007.21 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210630_153017.jpg)

The astounding thing is she thinks her shitty exact same eyeshadow look compares to actually talent like this. If she was as famous as she claims why has she never been to beautycon? And am not talking about being a member of the public.
No. 842554
File: 1625070116412.jpeg (232.98 KB, 1000x1202, AB924B88-53F8-4858-AE18-68124F…)

No. 842590
File: 1625088959087.jpeg (71.09 KB, 691x695, D167A6E1-743D-45A6-97D3-EB87DE…)

Looking absolutely fab as she stares at the camera for 2 minutes straight with quivering lips and bugged out eyes. LJ you don’t look sexy. You look creepy and unhinged
No. 842601
>>842600This was just from today lol
Chicken isn’t shredded so she’s definitely reading here
No. 842603
File: 1625095385802.jpeg (858.29 KB, 828x1473, 634BC495-84E2-4AB9-8133-28B9BC…)

>>842601Sorry forgot to attach the pic
No. 842627
File: 1625107019162.jpg (203.28 KB, 1079x610, Screenshot_20210630-222740_You…)

It looks like she's certainly lost teeth, especially on her right side of her mouth. I don't understand how Laur can look at her kids mouth and think that braces are going to fix everything that's going on. I understand she thinks Lillee's uhMaZinG, but there's plenty of parents like that that are still able to look at their kid in a discerning light. If anything, this has only made things worse. Her jaw alignment is all out of whack and you can see how bad it is when she talks, it looks like her whole face is misaligned. With how quickly her teeth are shifting I don't think they'll be in her mouth much longer, plus her dental hygiene is abysmal.
>>842610If they were shopping at Sephora I'm sure Lillee would be bragging about being a VIP "Rouge", like it's some type of exclusive club that 99.9% of actual creators have never heard about. She's so sheltered and out of touch that she would think it was only for sUpEr eLiTe bOoTy goOrUs like her, not realizing that real gurus reach that in a month, easy. I kinda wish she would lie about it so we can hear her try to pronounce "rouge" in her native attic pidgin.
She really needs to give it up already, although I know she never will. She's far past the point of redemption, she'll never be accepted into the beauty community even if she somehow developed talent. At this point she's nothing but internet fodder and a running (waddling, kek) punchline. Lillee and her delusional mother still think that LJ is this young kid about to break into the world of acting/modeling/fame, when in reality she's almost 21 and 90% of Hollywood already had a decent body of work and paid gigs by that age. It's clear Laur thought that LJ was going to be the family cash cow but she never really thought about how that would happen; I guess she thought someone would see LJ and take the initiative to launch Lillee's career while Laur sat back doing nothing and cashing checks and that's just not how it works. Sure, some models have been recruited just by being in the right place at the right time, but Lillee's no standout, atleast not in the way they want her to be. They're both lazy slobs who think that fame is just around the corner and that's why they're always falling in with scammy people who are just looking to make a buck off them… they're just too dense to notice. I'd almost feel bad for them if they weren't such horrible people in every facet of life.
(no1curr, sage your shit) No. 842633
>>842627This is what I really don't understand about this whole saga, is they very clearly think she's just going to be "discovered", but how the fuck is she going to be discovered if she doesn't even leave the house?? Her attempt at putting herself out there is doing the most mundane looks over and over again in a sea of millions of other makeup videos. And the very sad attempt at cosplay every now and again. How can she look at anything she does and find it the least bit comparable? There's "fake it until you make it", but you need to at least have an "it" before attempting to do that. She's trying to make a crystal palace out of dog shit.
And I'm pretty sure they're all in together with the scammy people. They're using her for what they think is fame and a taste at her 1mil followers (which they're dumbasses if they think that's real), and she's using them to look more legit. She's totally in on the con.
No. 842639
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>>842627Sage your retardation newfag. I didn't even read the rest of your post. You know nothing. Sephora is where she got her taste of influencer. Read the threads or stfu.
No. 842659
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Lillee has an interview planned with a New Orleans based streaming radio station on 7/18. The station’s Instagram account only goes back to Jan 2021 but they’ve had a good amount of unknown singers, songwriters & musicians on. They did put out an inquiry for interviews a week ago…no doubt Lillee paid for the opportunity. I’m still confused about what she’s going to do during the interview. Did she convince this radio station she’s a musician? Is she going to sing during her interview? My interest is piqued.
No. 842663
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>>842659This radio station’s youtube channel only has 900 subs and gets less than 100 views a video.If Lillee paid for this, she got scammed massively.
No. 842682
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No. 842691
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This is scraping the bottom of the barrel even for Lillee. Didn’t she say she dumped the pilllow company for body shaming women but I guess diet supplements are acceptable.
No. 842692
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>>842688I noticed that too, top fucking kek.