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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 402287[Reply]

Discuss plastic surgery and your plastic surgery goals here. This is not a thread to brigade on regarding your dislike of plastic surgery - please create a plastic surgery hate thread to talk about that.

Previous plastic surgery threads below:
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No. 419054

I mean slavic is an extremely broad category. There are a ton of blondes in Poland or Belarus for example, a lot less among south slavic countries such as Bulgaria or Serbia.

No. 419066

Nah, most Russians have the most basic ass shade of generic brown hair. Only in the far northern. parts next to Finland and Belarus do you find a lot of blondes. Everywhere else most people have brown hair.

No. 419071

we're talking about slavs, not Russians specifically?

No. 419091

If you’re East Asian or black, yes. If you’re white/middle eastern then no, go to turkey.

No. 419134

If you are getting fat grafting, you can go anywhere.

Also, if you have a very broad jaw from a frontal view, going to Asia is the only option, as their methods are better for that particular issue than Western surgeons. This PurseForum post explains it well: https://forum.purseblog.com/threads/caucasian-facial-contouring-at-view-plastic-surgery-results.1062102/

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No. 407189[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

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No. 419096

post-wall and not attractive

No. 419097

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No. 419127

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No. 419132

Damn I wanna draw him. Name?

No. 419133

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 417682

Do you drink enough water? Are you on birth control?

No. 418710

>watch western porn
>feel disgusted, sick, depressed, extreme post orgasm clarity, fight or flight reflex activated

>watch jav

>feel clean, happy, enjoy it, no post nut clarity, calmness

I have no idea why this is. Western porn gives me the ick so bad and looks vile, like watching open heart surgery. But JAV is so calming to watch.

(And yes sorry for being porn watching scum. I'm trying to stop nonas)

No. 418711

Western porn is more violent, vulgar, and an assault on the senses imo. It's more appealing if you have ADHD and need bright stimulating colours and extremely rough fucking with lots of swearing and obnoxiously loud moaning etc.
JAV is usually more tastefully shot, the color grading is more natural, the vibe is overall calmer, there usually isnt as much cursing, and the women are more natural looking with less makeup. Although it depends on which title you are watching of course. JAV is more erotic and psychological, but Western porn is very tacky and on the nose.(samefagging)

No. 419125

I'm thinking about having my “first time” with a toy. I'm really curious about what penetration feels like and I want to start using a menstrual cup instead of pads, but I don't have the courage to insert a finger inside myself.

No. 419131

You should definitely learn to stick your finger inside yourself before you start shoving foreign object sex toys in there. I'm serious. You should learn to be comfortable with touching your own body.

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No. 411901[Reply]

>bespeckled large-nosed gentlemen edition

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

>>>/g/392162(unlocking when the old one reaches 1200 posts)
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No. 419078

And English are Anglo Saxons who are Germanic…

No. 419098

Nice to see another nonna of culture.

No. 419120

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He deserves to be in the other thread REEEEEEE

No. 419122

Not into him, but i like it when men are prudes, they are rare gems.

No. 419130

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more pato as a treat

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 414819

Anyone here has Bianco Latte by Giardini di Toscana or Buontalenti by Profumo di Firenze? I know they are super popular between the IG perfume reviewers but I want to ask here if you guys (that have it or have smelled it) think they are super sweet?

No. 418904

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I have the Prada Virtual flowers flanker. I can't do florals so I knew I wouldn't like it but when I first tried it I was still able to smell other notes. I sniffed it again today and now I just smell straight SHAMPOO. I literally cannot smell anything but cheap shampoo

No. 419081

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i'm obsessed with replica: from the garden and i want it to be my daily wear perfume but i can't afford that. anything similar around $50/canadian for the 1oz? the tomato on the vine smell is so important to me

No. 419119

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I bought this perfume from ulta because they were doing a little discount. For months, every time i go to a place that smell perfume, i always sniff this, it's so refreshing and lovely. I had a bath and bodyworks perfume that was similar to this but it was discontinued and i used it up too fast.

No. 419126

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Demeter tomato or wet garden is max 20 dollars, it's less herby though. They have lots of choices like roll ons. I wonder how it would smell if you mixed them both

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No. 417185[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-Actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 419039

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If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
celine dion and the olympics made me think of him

No. 419069

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look at this retard

No. 419107

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After watching Kaiju nº8 and seeing him and learn he likes reading, coffee and mont blanc, I'm like "is like Levi but funnier and taller".

No. 419115

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It kinda is for me, yeah. I'm obsessed with his hands.

No. 419124

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I’m glad you understand me, fellow hand-fag.

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No. 418638[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/409041

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
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No. 419109

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I mostly come here to vent. If I do talk about fun stuff, it’s on other parts of this site or elsewhere online

If you want, how many/what kind of pets do you have?

No. 419112

Get that ghetto shit outta here

No. 419114

does he get an n-word pass

No. 419116

Idk about you all, but i like using whatever looks fun from marshalls.

No. 419117

Is it true that the CIA shifted hip-hop away from constructive stuff like A Tribe Called Quest to "gangsta" crap like NWA and 50 Cent? Where can I read more about this?

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No. 400172[Reply]

Same as last time. Post attractive male bodies, without the face. Use the attractive male or unconventional male threads for that instead.

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No. 418731

That's a classic.

No. 418852

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yep he's ukrainian. @metrolisova on twitter
kek i hate his "crush on you" tat it's such an eyesore

No. 418854

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No. 419110

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No. 419113

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No. 344673[Reply]

Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.
Previous: >>153246

Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.

Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.
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No. 417524

I presume you have low self esteem and allow yourself to be ruled by retarded internet "sapphic" politics where the sentiment is that if you're a woman who is sexually attracted to penis you could NEVER be sexually attracted to vagina in a way that matters. My advice? Log off and start talking to lesbians and bi women.

No. 417620

no, I have a very strong opinion on what's wrong with you but it starts feeling pointless typing this over and over every time someone comes in talking about how they're sexually confused because of the "bi cycle." it's just super weird to instantly forget that you're attracted to women just because you're not in the mood to masturbate to one on a given day. most people aren't masturbating 24/7. it's very normal to be completely turned off from sex because of a breakup or giving birth or getting depressed and it's very common to just go through phases based where you're less horny or turned on by certain thing one month and not the next. I just don't get why so many women lack a strong enough sense of self that they can regularly go through these cycles, KNOW that they go through these cycles and their interest in women/men is gonna come back, and still panic every time.

No. 418648

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I’m not sure if it works for the questioning thread but hear me out.
I’m 29 and I never had a LTR, and now I’m torn on whether I’m asexual or not.
Let me start with the premise that I do realize that the modern identity politics idea of asexuality is a bit of a stretch. They will claim that everyone is asexual, including people who regularly have sex, people who have kinks and so on, while I think that true asexuals are people who just don’t get any sexual feelings at all.

And by that definition I’m definitely not asexual because I experience arousal, and I don’t mind masturbating. But I don’t think I experienced attraction to real people often. What got me wondering is some stupid comment on reddit that stated that “asexual people can have sexual drive but not sexual attraction”.

When I was a kid, I was mostly aroused by very stupid fetish stuff, which I didn’t think much about. I din’t really had any crushes, and I never fell in love with anyone.
In my teens, I read yaoi, yuri, pornographic fanfics, and it felt good. When I was 18, I realized I might be into women because I saw my friend’s boobs when she was undressing and felt aroused. But I was not necessarily attracted to her. I didn’t want to date her and found her somewhat annoying.

I was ashamed that I didn’t have any experience when I was 19-20 so I had a brief period of trying to find a boyfriend on the internet. It was rather boring experience. I wasn’t attracted to them, and I didn’t find any part of their bodies hot. The way it usually happened was this: I was going on a few dates with them, we kissed, and then I dumped them because I did not want to go further. The last guy I dated was very handsy, and I feel that I sort of gave myself anxiety by trying to force myself to be normal and have a boyfriend. I was always making up some stupid reason to escape from our dates, and even though I thought I should have sex with him, I didn’t feel comfortable doing it and telling him it would’ve been my first time, so I broke it off too.

And this is an extent of my dating experience. I switched to women after that but wasn’t very successful in it either. I found a girl on Tinder, and while I also was not very attracted to her initially, she was a great kisser, and after the first time we kiss I had this stupid thought that this is what I was made for. But it all went south after two dates. I also had a lot of “test kisses” with one of my friends, andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 419108

>saw boobs
>not attracted to her
No. Looking at boobs and feeling physically aroused is what normal people mean when they say they are "attracted" to someone in the sense of having a sexual orientation. "Am I intellectually and emotionally attracted to this particular girl's personality enough to want to date/marry/sleep with her?" is a question that is unrelated to your sexual orientation. You are, at a minimum, sexually attracted to women. The people who would call you asexual are completely fucking retarded, internet poisoned morons.
>Like, I’m not thinking about dating them, or having sex with them, or how awesome they are, it’s just that their bodies touching mine are hot.
>not necessarily attracted to her. I didn’t want to date her and found her somewhat annoying.
I think you and I work the same way. I don't get serious crushes on celebrities or fictional characters or hot strangers because there has to be actual chemistry between us in order for me to fall hard, and looks matter way less than personality when it comes to that kind of deeply felt attraction that you really want. I think ultimately, you're gay or bi and just haven't met the right person or fallen in love yet, so you really should keep trying tinder, or join gay social groups in order to meet women more organically and try to find a real connection. At this point, I think it might be a good idea for you to casually date someone you're not crazy about just to get some experience and become more comfortable with dating and sex. The fact that you might be gay or mostly gay is probably another reason you feel confused: since same sex relationships aren't taken for granted as a normal and inevitable part of everyone's life, your interest in women can seriously feel unreal until you've actually dated or fucked someone. or at least, that was my experience. it changes everything.
>I found that reddit comment about “sexual drive, not attraction”, and I feel very confused
You're confused because it's incoherent bullshit. The 'horny asexuals who love sex' demographic will argue very hard about this but they're all coping in one way or another.

No. 419123

Aw, nonnie, don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe you're too much in your head about this? It sounds like you have an issue with the act of sex, but not the attraction? Based on you saying that things like hip touching and boobs are hot, it sounds like you are sexually attracted to women. I'm your age and have about the same experience as you and thought I was asexual in my teens. Turns out I was just mentally unwell and immediately stopped being asexual after therapy, the right meds and most importantly learning that I'm not sexually attracted to someone unless I have some sort of emotional connection with them (and I find them good looking ofc). I'm not at all implying that you're mentally ill for feeling the way you do, but maybe there are underlying issues to how you feel?

I know you talked a bit about this, and asexuality as a label shouldn't be taken as seriously as it is. Tons of redditors and people on tumblr talk a lot about demisexuality, which is on the ~asexual spectrum~ lol. And it basically means that for someone to be sexually attracted to another person, they must have an emotional connection with them. I cannot put into words how stupid of a concept this is kek. Hookup culture has become normalized to the point that needing an emotional connection suddenly it's a whole ass sexuality. The people who talk about this bullshit concept are the same ones who take asexuality way too seriously. And a lot, if nor most, are straight people who want to feel like they are special and a part of a sexual minority. So please take everything they say with a grain of salt or outright ignore it. And I honestly cannot see how a real asexual person is aroused by anything at all.

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