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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1936427[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1481070

>What are moovie nights?

When a host is available we hold a "moovie night" where we unite and watch movies together. Please refer to the announcement posts per event to see when they are scheduled. Everyone is encouraged to host!

>What is Tunesday?

Tunesdays are days when we listen to music, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

Timezone Resources
March-October: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230713T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eest&p4=tz_cest&p5=tz_bst&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
November-February: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20231214T190000&p1=tz_aet&p2=tz_awst&p3=tz_eet&p4=tz_cet&p5=tz_gmt&p6=tz_et&p7=tz_ct&p8=tz_mt&p9=tz_pt
Hint: when in doubt, update the date to the current one on the site linked above, it will let you know if daylight savings is in effect.


We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:
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No. 2436356

the subbed version

No. 2436357

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in 1 hour and 15 minutes

Anti Sunday Scaries Club Meeting
> let's assemble to fight off the Monday blues with music! relax with us or do some chores, whatever makes you feel like you made the most out of your Sunday.

Mo 12:00AM AEDT / Su 2:00PM CET / Su 1:00PM GMT / Su 9:00AM EDT / Su 6:00AM PDT


No. 2436391

Anti Sunday Scaries Club Meeting - STARTING NOW
> starting off with jazz mixes but other music is welcome!


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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2426308

sorry i'm the nonna who drew that and i didn't have any socials back in 2015 so i think you have the wrong person (i do actually have an oc with a blue pompadour though funny enough). i hope you find your twitter friend one day!

No. 2426452

Thank you so much for putting my doodle in drawmin I love you

No. 2426571

aw that's okay, crazy coincidence though with the OC. You should draw your OCs on the free topic board, your art style is super cute!

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No. 2159378[Reply]

We have created a page which lists all the posts with missing images (ordered newest to oldest) to make it easier for any anons who may have the images to help out.
Click here to see them!

Due to an incident on August 29th 2024, all the images on /ot/ were deleted. We managed to restore the majority of the images through various methods. To read more about this, check this thread:

Current recovery status:
Only 627 missing images remaining out of 320,118

Updates were slow for a while as we worked through the forensically recovered files, which required some manual work to do effectively. Unfortunately, some images couldn't be recovered. As far as we can tell, many of these were lost well before the incident. The oldest posts appear to have been lost when the threads were moved from /g/ to /ot/ many years ago.

If you have any of the missing images, you can send them in bulk to admin@lolcow.farm, or you can report a post with a missing image and put an image URL as the report reason. We appreciate anyone who can contribute!

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No. 2428639[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like
>report/ignore racebait
>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.

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No. 2436228

For many penile neurosis related reasons. The wurstie needs a carrot dangled in front of him to bother being useful to society - that one day he'll get to unleash his worthless genes into the world when he technically shouldn't. Because of this, it's important to uphold the idea that they have something to look forward to with age, and that age not only doesn't affect them, but makes them "better". A society where moids are treated according to their true value will have them doing nothing (except for hedonism and malice), which is bad for the ruling class.

Another part of it is their understanding of "fairness". It's not "fair" that the more common and expendable gamete is also more likely to go bad - that would imply that a woman who struggles to conceive should just seek a different set of nuts, which is also going to be easy for her because sperm is easy, and that's, like, totally fucked bro. Therefore, it simply can't be - if eggs are more valuable, they have to also be more fragile, and if sperm is worthless and common it has to be eternally perfect, so that both get to have pros and cons. The first woke equality narrative of sorts.

No. 2436414

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KEK they really dont want women to have nice things. There was another robot expo in China and all the male robots were old, fat and busted. Will their ego collapse if they make cute male androids? Recently a video was released introducing humanoid robot called NEO Beta and it was assisting a woman with her bag and there were so many memes made about women "cucking" men with androids. It's pathetic.

No. 2436442

It's interesting seeing how cultural differences affect the ugly male psyop. In Asia, characters like Zangief are seen as obvious gay stereotypes, but in the west he is seen as a manly and cool character to aspire to by western moids.

No. 2436447

So the Japanese are aware of what attracts gay scrotes, and apply gay details to characters based on this. It's funny that they caught onto this faster than western scrotes.

No. 2436472

>goes to page
>all of them are shooped and facetuned beyond belief

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No. 2432184[Reply]

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
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No. 2436382

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The husbandofags have been spiraling and blaming women here ever since the screenshots and photos came out. At least one of them is shitting up the /g/ thread accusing anyone and everyone being some tranny or a scrote for not defending him anymore.
I'm tired of it. Nobody cares about the fucking healthcare shit, everything melted into ball worship and irrelevancy.

No. 2436418

This looks like that asian girl he was obsessed with

No. 2436420

When I see the women I follow on tumblr reblog hairy muscular dudes… sometimes I almost throw up. I support women sexualizing men but since all those videos are taken by gay moids I'm just so turned off… I can feel the male eyes that thought of the pose and filmed it, if you catch my drift. Don't these other women? I feel like I'm weird because I can't enjoy the nice body, hell, the hair isn't even a turnoff for me. Maybe they are are a level of straight I cannot conceptualize kek (I would always rather reblog women, I think)

No. 2436464

Mentioning that motherfucker outside his thread should be considered grounds for a ban. You all are getting so damn insufferable about this stupid fucking moid, stfu about him already

No. 2436470

Weddings are corny to me. The way women act during them is like… the whole thing just seems like a little girl getting a princess party. They go on and on about it’s their special day lol it just seems pathetic to me.

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No. 2435196[Reply]

previous thread: >>2392591
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No. 2436394

It's true though, it's why most nudists don't bathe, they need a layer of grime/oil to substitute the lack of clothes.

No. 2436396

True but these people wear clothes normally which is even nastier

No. 2436441

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I have a Nazi fetish and it fucking sucks having there very little material to my liking.I can’t fucking take it anymore,I just want more worthwhile fascist fanfics.

No. 2436459

There's scores and scores of WWII footage and they're colorized now what do you mean there's no content?

No. 2436469

Not a fashie fan,I’m sexually interested in Nazi/nazi themed stuff.I want art and writings of them being bound and whipped,maybe even getting dominated by them.I want more fashie fetishization,I want them objectified like the scum they are but I can’t get off to real life Nazis for very obvi reasons.

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No. 2425242[Reply]

welcome to the jungle, it’s worse here everyday
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No. 2436413

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>turning 30 in a few months
>still looking for a place to live
>no listings
>get threatened to be kicked out almost daily
>have min wage job

I just want to kill myself. I've been looking for months but everything is too expensive, doesn't allow pets or it's like 20m² for 350€.

No. 2436421

No one is forcing you to pirate media that you don't like. I don't quite understand what you're arguing about.

No. 2436425

Why are you taking her reply out of context? She's saying many people don't buy, they pirate, so "voting with your wallet" doesn't work. Then she continued the discussion about character design in video hames by saying that "voting with your wallet" wouldn't matter anyways, because ugly males are pushed on us by a male run society, hence "ugly male psyop".
Read the thread back if you don't understand what anons are talking about.

No. 2436435

>20m² for 350€.
that's actually a steal where I live LOL. the housing crisis is so bad..

No. 2436468

10 hours without eating and I'm still not hungry, my stomach is totally asleep. That's crazy, what the fuck is wrong with me?

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No. 2416922[Reply]

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
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No. 2435425

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samefag Hayden comes from a weird incestual family and is super into into rough sex/hitting/punching/etc, she used to be photographed with huge bruises all over her legs but I can't find a single pic now. She has pretty serious issues and had relinquish custody of her daughter to her ex but I think she is sober now and finding work again. I don't think Diana's coffee table book had a lot to do with Hayden's issues or that it was genuinely an escort catalogue

No. 2436460

romantic love for women is a psyop created by men and i was the biggest buyer of that psyop. Now i am trying to break-free after years of ingesting that trash that only serves to make women ride-or-dies for men and excuse men's red flags.

Men view relationships as transactions while women view relationships as love or unions.

No. 2436462

You see sex as love and union, men view sex with you as transactional

No. 2436466

i know anon, that was the point of my post.
Also really pisses me off how romantic love is being shilled the most out of all the other forms of loves. We all know why it's being shilled the most tho.

No. 2436471

Moids can experience romantic love. They're just addicted to the initial stages, the same way they get addicted to any other good feeling

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No. 2201280[Reply]

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262
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No. 2436398

they're not wrong though. once I stopped taking on that emotional labor, being out in public got a lot nicer/easier. it's just such a waste of energy to be annoyed by every rude person in the world

No. 2436429

There's a difference between "stop letting rude idiots ruin your life" and "people shouldn't be allowed to shit up the public spaces we all need to exist in". Public nuisance laws were made for a reason, and I don't care how interesting the videos your tiktok algo feeds you are, stop watching that shit in the movie theater.

No. 2436458

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No. 2436467

So you just lack reading comprehension skills? The post doesn't say "this behavior is acceptable" it says "you're going to encounter this behavior." You can disagree with the conclusion "isolating yourself to avoid it won't improve your life" without pretending the rest of the post says something that it doesn't. It's kind of like how encountering illiterate spergs with dumb takes is the price of using kolców.

No. 2436473

Tumblr is full of tim chasers and I genuinely think they’re some of the most rabidly misogynistic females on earth. Sad that that website used to be at least somewhat feminist, but now they’ll just call you a terf for not getting down on your knees and sucking girldick. You know, like all good females are supposed to

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No. 2425069[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2436449


No. 2436453

Zoomers use OCs and self inserts as terms interchangeably and love dunking on literal children so they make these snarky posts about how cringe a 12-year old's shitty Genshin Mary Sue is while calling them "OCs". Happens on Lolcow all the time too.

No. 2436454

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What causes this extreme level of pickmeism in women? I choose to believe all female lolicons are pickmes besides rare causes like yuripedo especially since this woman has a boyfriend. She's blasian so I wonder if it's racial insecurity or she got molested as a kid.

No. 2436456

Men don't feel threatened or cucked when another female character interacts with their waifus (for the most part) so it's a loophole to write characters without making them only exist to suck off the self insert.

No. 2436465

Fairly sure that she has no self respect due to extreme insecurity and is pandering to the bottom of the barrel men because she thinks that's all she deserves. I used to know a girl just like her who even did the same kind of traced generic overrendered hentai art and she was being groomed by pedo men online.

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