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No. 948048

Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on
her suspended Twitter, and 22k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 23 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>Speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life. As of Feb 2024, she claims she is single with absolutely no mention of Pheepy.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
>Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.
>Consistently copyright strikes every single thing said about her on the internet. As of May/June 2024, YouTube has been tuned into their copyright strike abuse and stated they will monitor to see any new ones that come in.
MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2024 (Updated June 2024):
https://www.twitter.com/reallilleejean (Suspended)
https://www.youtube.com/@lilleejeanne (New account, old one is still active)
https://teespring.com/stores/lillee-jean?aid=marketplace (removed)
https://www.twitter.com/InevitableLrt (Suspended)
https://www.twitter.com/JeaniezInc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/iamlaur67 (Suspended)
https://www.instagram.com/jeaniezmanagement (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleeinc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeauty (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeaute (Suspended)
1. >>>/snow/833840
2. >>>/snow/847048
3. >>698862
4. >>707075
5. >>718259
6. >>724333
7. >>736259
8. >>754981
9. >>767645
10. >>773135
11. >>777937
12. >>784721
13. >>794372
14. >>802142
15. >>811813
16. >>820665
17. >>825857
18. >>833714
19. >>838519
20. >>844274
21. >>853090
22. >>857281
23. >>862009
24. >>871230
25. >>878034
26. >>888656
27. >>917506
28. >>928152
29. >>935962
30. >>941319
>>941396 >>941665 Lillee says that there are searches related to her being kidnapped and that it is the work of the clone cult leader
>>941577 >>941578 >>941579 More photoshoots in unflattering clothes
>>941841 Laur goes ona very long tangent on Facebook about copyright infringement
>>942845 More pictures at the police station
>>941846 >>941847 Lillee talks about "unethical corporations" that stole her story and children who are tricked to do stuff. Talks about how adults on youtuber discord servers tell kids they will do their homework for them and how one of those adults could be the clone cult leader
>>941848 >>941849 Lillee posts about Cleore saying that Cleore is causing panic
>>941850 >>941851 >>941870 New Voyager episode teaser where Lillee does a GRWM to go to a fashion show
>>941912 Laur and Lillee once again go out to evade the process server
>>941938 >>941939 >>941942 >>941983 The fashion show that she was going to was in fact, a children's fashion show
>>941971 Someone tried to copyright strike Lillee's website
>>942030 Lillee writes about great grandma jean
>>942033 Lillee speaks French
>>942111 Lillee says she is "traumatized" from the AI porn from the clone cult and that they are a unethical business
>>942236 >>942237 Reddit posts related to Lillee get flagged as self harm posts
>>942251 >>942263 >>94272 >>942403 >>942404 Promo and behind the scenes images for Lillee's latest project " The Chorus Our Eyes In"
>>942279 Lillee does an interview
>>942316 >>942391 >>942394 >>942570 snippets from The Trapper Trap now released at a local farm near you
>>942476 Lillee posts great grandma Jean's wedding picture
>>942483 >>942484 >>942485 >>942486 >>942487 New article on a video from 2020 that Lillee claims was a setup by some foreign company to make her look bad
>>943021 Record of 8 insurance policies for the Trueman household despite not having enough to pay for rent
>>943125 >>943267 >>943270 New The Chorus in Our Eyes teaser and images
>>943316 old video from when Lillee was a bit normal
>>943403 Lillee already gets a nomination for best actress at another pay to win film fest
>>943598 >>943599 Photoshoot in a ill fitting Juicy tracksuit top and the same old blue shorts
>>943774 >>943784 The Chorus in Our Eyes gets submitted to a Clown film festival
>>944826 >>944827 Lillee once again sucking her cheeks in and doing duck lips
>>945080 >>945110 New Lillee Jean Talks episode
>>945568 >>945569 Teaser for Lillee Jean Talks with someone that worked in some movies
>>945813 >>945814 Served once again with papers to appear in court
>>946794 Lillee's halloween "costume" that looks like she resued some unicorn headband she had lying around from her booty guru days
>>947801 Bullyish is finally up for viewing to a general farmer audience
>>947301 New logo for Lillee Jean Productions
>>947376 A court case is filed on Lillee by Capital One presumably for not paying debts
>>947564 >>947565 Files show that despite being served with papers countless times the Truemans are still living in the same place
>>947720 Some people on a podcast roast Lillee's dancing and singing
>>947738 Lillee posts more bull about being a Aries and how Aries are vengeful

No. 948063

File: 1732441123714.png (160.06 KB, 322x562, notaninfluencer.png)

Imagine being so high up your own ass that every time you buy new clothes you have to make a YouTube video (not an influencer btw) and also do a press release about it…

No. 948091

Thank you OP for the new thread!

No. 948094

She needs to stop wearing shorts, her legs look like ham hocks

No. 948097

She says "the sitch" like she cool, but Kim Possible was like 25 years ago. More proof you've been locked in the attic for way too long.

No. 948099

ALL her frames of reference are from before she was born. Unless she's 50.

No. 948105

File: 1732472382169.jpg (33.56 KB, 805x116, Screenshot 2024-11-24 131805.j…)

Further proof that they are shitty Jews.(racebait)

No. 948110

Watch her remove every reference to it in 3…2…1…

No. 948123

In her own words she's being "verbally murdered" and "verbally raped". Which is a huge insult towards the those who have actually been raped and the families of murder victims. Even her aunt who was supposedly murdered is not safe from Lillee's narcissism and complete lack of self awareness and was exhumed and used as a prop for sympathy and PR points.

No. 948126

"Because hello, I'm from New York City" I'll forever be mesmerized by Lillee's need to insert references to her being from New York all the fucking time, even when it's completely unnecessary. Guess that's what happens when you have no sense of self and just cling to any small "fun fact" that might trick people into thinking you have a personality.

No. 948127

File: 1732486533328.png (97.45 KB, 1523x752, witchcraft.png)

Imagine telling everybody you are just an innocent Jewish girl and when people visit your website they get to see this kek

No. 948128

>the corrupt nature of the possessor accentuated

Nothing new here…

No. 948129

The Talmud says misuse of the eye talisman will bring demons to your door. She's messing with 2,000 year old Hebrew magic she doesn't understand.

No. 948136

>It'll be on at 8pm eastern time because hello, I am from New York City, that's why!
what? Why does she think she's special because she lives in a suburbanish working class part of Queens? What does being in NYC have anything to do with EST? Does she know that eastern time zone covers the whole eastern part of USA and Canada? Where there are many, many cities?

>but mainly the top places

Right, like you won prizes at film festivals, but mainly the top ones.

No. 948138

Include what you were doing when this page came up

No. 948139

She was born in Flushing and lives in Queens not the heart of NYC. And she's only 1/16th-1/64th Jewish but until 5 years ago never practiced or identified as such. Fucking delusional moron.

No. 948142

she is half jewish, the mother is jewish.

No. 948144

I tried visiting the site from multiple ip's and locations with and without VPNs and I'm always redirected to this page and so are all the other people I asked to check it out kek. The goblins are paranoid af when it comes to allowing people to visit their website.

No. 948146

I got in, maybe by ip, nothing special.

No. 948147

No. 948150

This one is not Laur. I was quoting from the message on the error page. I forgot to green line it.

No. 948152

KEK at the threadpic and title, thank you dear nonna

No. 948158

File: 1732516332275.png (9.97 KB, 657x53, lj.png)

What is even the point of this channel? Is it so her and Laur have another channel to send DMCAs from? It must be exhausting spending all your time googling yourself. Laur really did her a disservice by isolating her and not letting her have real life friends or social interactions. If she wants to be an actress maybe she should use the infinite free time she has to lose some of the weight she packed on during covid.

No. 948161

File: 1732529518031.jpeg (7.04 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

Lillee Jean's art is improving.

No. 948167

She looks like a guitar pick.

No. 948168

Idk why but at least she is improving lol(sage your shit)

No. 948169

File: 1732538521783.jpg (403.55 KB, 1247x1226, Screenshot_20241125_133918_Chr…)

Lillee is still semi-active on tumblr and its just filled with reposts and laur's tumblr has been inactive since 2022.

No. 948172

File: 1732547337991.png (42.79 KB, 225x225, image (2).png)

anon you are too kind, its a filter and its not even centered. its incredibly amateur.

No. 948173

File: 1732548455068.jpeg (6.65 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpeg)

At least its better than this.

No. 948177

File: 1732550419974.png (2.16 MB, 1179x1954, Gramps.png)

No. 948178

Instagram randomly recommended me an account that belongs to an Italian girl with Downs Syndrome. She has the same build as Lillee (and possibly the same height) but she’s way more athletic: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DA_gZwYO7_p/

No. 948181

Would love to see Lillee's bat mitzvah photos…

No. 948189

File: 1732563453991.png (690.36 KB, 982x1952, BullyishDescription.png)

Thanks for the new thread! Here's the description the Bullyish "documentary".
>Limited viewing
Yet YouTube algorithm has claimed 3 songs.
What does Laur think limited viewing means?

No. 948191

File: 1732563842733.png (3.18 MB, 2555x1080, Wide.png)

No. 948194

just call it the 42nd. anyone not versed with the military is going to assume this was a gay division kek

No. 948195

Honestly she probably hired someone on fivver who then traced a photo of her and made it cartoony. We already know they use fivver from priminks video. I do not believe Lillee has the ability or fine motor skills to trace competently

No. 948203

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No. 948204

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we're all proud of grandpa marks, what a brave flamboyant man

No. 948205

kek you know this is going into their evidence folder for their daily harassment of their local police station

No. 948207

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No. 948208

File: 1732583952866.jpeg (Spoiler Image,139.1 KB, 1750x2500, hackedphotoofgramps-supersecre…)

kek nona
using my reverse goatse hack i was able to get Laur's old family photo's and i think this was some of gramps's old army days…

No. 948209

Can't wait for gay gramps to become Laur lore (kek) a la Earl in the freezer

No. 948210

Can't wait for Laur to have a franzia freakout about this one.
Laur try to claim defamation without being homophobic challenge: impossible

No. 948215

From crazy eyes to droopy eye

No. 948219

>visual pictures
when are pictures not visual?

No. 948221

the photo on the right, where she has her butt half heartedly lifted… I know she and Laur think this is a sexy pose and shows off her butt in a good way, but all I see is her spitefully saying, here smell my fart. I'm sorry but I can't unsee it now.

No. 948226

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What friends?

No. 948249

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Laur owes $25,600 in rent and she gets to stay at the house for another 3 months.

No. 948250

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$25,600 (…) to be paid trough OTDA program

No. 948251

It's so strange to me why she doesn't just do the things she's doing without the ego and smugness. Small channels exist, small influencers, small interviewers, it's really not something that's embarrassing or strange. Some of the best channels are lesser known, and the larger ones started off small and were likable and watchable enough to become more popular. What makes it so cringe is that Lillee has this massive ego and pretends she's the most popular, highly demanded influencer. Instead of being normal and saying something like "Tomorrow I'll be interviewing so and so, I'm thankful they're coming on my channel. I'm excited to ask about their work and accomplishments, blah blah blah. You can find more of my content on Youtube, Spotify, and Amazon if you're interested in hearing more." Instead she acts like she's in a middle school play trying to embody the role of a mean popular tween girl, it just feels so unbelievable fake and juvenile. I'm not sure why she's trying so hard to force this weird role onto herself, it's so unpleasant and obvious. Just be genuine for once and stop acting, stop playing whatever role you think you need to play, it's not going to get you anywhere.

No. 948256

i don’t think she knows how to be genuine. she probably doesn’t even know who she really is past whatever laur has shaped her into being. acting arrogant is a common trait amongst poorfag scammer chans…they love sauntering around acting entitled since they know it intimidates people. all they want is someone to hand them $100k for lj just existing. none of them want to work. laur was just convinced she could somehow pimp her funny looking daughter out cause she thinks that being fair skinned with long greasy “copper” hair equals instant success. but laur also doesn’t want lj to become so successful that she loses control over her, so of course she keeps her in this three ring circus type situation, with lj performing to an invisible audience of non-existent people. just lots of dysfunction and ghetto, low vibrational behavior all around.

No. 948257

They lied on the OTDA forms. 100%.

No. 948258


No. 948268

ERAP already paid for a good chunk of their rent during COVID. According to OTDA website, you can’t get ERAP for more than 12 months.

Their landlord is not getting any of that rent money and he’ll have to spend a few grand to get the Trueman stank from the unit.

No. 948269

File: 1732666116869.png (2.19 MB, 1179x1888, Elegant.png)

Why pay rent when you can pay for awards?

No. 948287

So they have three months, which is paid by assistance and then they are out. Or am I reading that wrong.

No. 948288

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No. 948294

You can literally see Laur in the mirror wearing the same exact outfit as Lillee.

No. 948295

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"no makeup"

No. 948298

It's very simple. They want to be professional victims. At some small point in Laur's life, when she was a lot younger, she discovered that when you're a victim, people are nice to you and sometimes they might give you a little money. Probably had to do with her sister's death, and people were kind to her out of sympathy.

This shaped Laur's view of the world. Don't actually work a real job, but grift and lie, and play victim. She instilled this into Lillee. Neither of them actually want to be anything. Sure, in Lillee's fantasies, she's an entertainment mogul, highly sought after fashion model, in demand actress, and international beauty. She doesn't know how to become these things, the work and grit it takes. She doesn't think she has to put in any effort, just that she has to cry victim.

That's the big life lesson that Laur's taught Lillee. Not vocabulary, math, sound decision making skills. She's taught Liilee that to get through life, it's not working hard, getting an education, learning social skills, but to fake victimhood. Unfortunately, this isn't going to get her daughter very far and she's doomed her to a lifetime of bitterness, jealousy, and self delusion.

No. 948302

Are they not embarrassed of living this way? Three adults in a household and not one of them will get a job. They get government money because Earl is old and decrepit. And because Lillee is a little person and retarded (I think). Is Laur claiming to be a caretaker to her two spuds? That’s the only excuse I could think of for her to also be an unemployed loser.

No. 948306

Of course they’re embarrassed. That’s why they copyright claim, dox and harass anyone who mentions it.

No. 948324

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No. 948325

would you hire any of these people? even if Earl weren’t disabled and decrepit, he’s obviously a scamming idiot, Laur is a scamming psycho, and Lillee is barely functional cognitively

No. 948327

File: 1732734673845.png (2.3 MB, 932x1394, Huge.png)

She looks huge here

No. 948336

Every time I check this thread Lillee has gained another inch around the waist.
You'd think with all the free time she has from not working or studying, she'd be able to follow some YouTube exercises or something

No. 948357

How is she getting bigger but her chest isn't?

No. 948374

Ukrainian peasant genes

No. 948381

File: 1732800649075.png (946.28 KB, 1039x1495, Logo 2.png)

No. 948382

File: 1732801455922.png (719.06 KB, 1052x1669, Logggo.png)

Why is the face and neck two different colors?

No. 948386

LJ and Laur once again not understanding how copyright works. But kekkk nonita now that you mentioned the neck I can't unsee it as a worm

No. 948388

It looks like she’s emerging from a vaginal canal

No. 948389

Kek. She forgot to color the face. On the pink bg up thread it wasn't as noticeable. Hope she just leaves it this way lol

No. 948390

File: 1732812865472.png (2.8 MB, 1600x1200, Sandworm.PNG)

I can’t unsee it now either kek

No. 948391

They have the exact same looking legs. The future doesn't look too good for Lillee

This is her natural form. It's her genes and if she had self discipline, she could possibly hold off the inevitable a bit longer but it doesn't look like that's the case. Nothing wrong with that kind of body shape if it's natural and you take the best care of it you can. But it's obvious she's not doing that if she can't even wash her hair.

Subliminal confession? Freudian slip? Could Laur be clever enough to be ironic?

No. 948392

She doesn’t know how to dress her body. She has a wide chest and in this particular pic she chose the one top that makes it even wider.

No. 948395

She has wide everything. Wide chest, wide waist, thick stocky legs, even her feet are wide.
She has the genetics of a stocky peasant girl from a village in rural Ukraine who spent her entire life until her dying day lugging huge sacks of potatoes over her shoulders and boiling bones to make stock for borscht.

No. 948397

File: 1732817441811.png (516.32 KB, 499x483, langnek.png)

No. 948412

This isn't necessarily a compliment or an insult, more just an observation, but I've noticed lately her face is looking more mature. I think it's her jaw, it protrudes a lot more since a year or two ago. She'll always have the weird contorted face and gaping smile when she talks or shows any emotion, but when she's stone faced like this, I can easily see her being like 28 here.

No. 948438

File: 1732854584273.png (572.86 KB, 618x944, 334465r5647678798.png)

No. 948439

File: 1732854934677.jpeg (38.99 KB, 396x549, a2rKAvZ_700b.jpeg)

No. 948441

File: 1732856195571.png (300.63 KB, 628x968, 717436564339823564375632948231…)

>>948382(retarded fanart)

No. 948453

Lol(non-contribution, not even saged)

No. 948454

File: 1732887152980.png (238.81 KB, 1179x1814, Dmca.png)

Her logo is not registered with the library of congress

No. 948456

I am not even suprised that she lied about this anon.

No. 948478

File: 1732907554617.jpg (44.71 KB, 552x355, Screenshot 2024-11-29 140344.j…)

You cannot unsee that one eye is higher than the other once you've seen it.

Also her hair looks like it's been 3 weeks since her last wash. Gross.

No. 948481

I've noticed that too! You can see it in every photo where she looks straight into the camera…

No. 948504

Her nose and lips on that side are also shifted upward a little bit… Or the other half is malformed? Like she's got Bell’s palsy or something (temporary paralysis/weakness in half the facial muscles). She really is Queen of the Short Bus kek

No. 948510

Maybe the reason Lillee and Laur were wearing matching low cut outfits was because they were hooking together to make overdue rent. They probably found some lonely elderly old sucker to open up his wallet. Wouldn't surprised if their best kept secret was that they were working the street corners for years as a team maybe even when Lillee was a minor. Maybe that's the terrible secret Primink found out.

No. 948511

Lillee is a virgin

No. 948512

I also noticed that. Her asymmetrical eyes are extremely noticeable in this picture. Doesn't help that she looks like she hasn't slept all night too.

No. 948521

They’re both way too lazy to do this

No. 948527

watch out nona, she'll send the library of congress after you

No. 948532

File: 1732968026230.png (146.09 KB, 287x528, dmcathis.png)


No. 948540


how exactly do you photograph audio?

No. 948543

>I drew my logo for my website for stealing my intellectual property


No. 948547

Did lj posted crazy instagram stories lately?

No. 948549

File: 1732983360983.png (276.52 KB, 960x677, learning-cannot-be-delivered-v…)

Check your damn self, the link to her insta is in the OP. We're not here to spoonfeed you anon

No. 948552

>Lillee Jean (Christine)

No. 948556

She blocked me so that is why i am asking.(sage your shit)

No. 948561

File: 1732999111194.jpg (28.25 KB, 826x490, ljda.jpg)

There are fun creations about Lillee's obsession with her own sagging ass over on Deviant Art kek

No. 948587

make a burner you retard. it takes one minute out of your retard life(infighting)

No. 948588

File: 1733019417518.png (510.32 KB, 1214x676, 1587055273364.png)

From thread 9. Lillee is one of the few people who would genuinely benefit from buccal fat removal.

No. 948603

Nta but once she blocks you on one account you're blocked on every account. It happened to me, she blocked me and it I looked up her page on alt accounts it wouldn't come up. Instagram has an option to block any other accounts a person you're blocking may have, which is what she uses.

No. 948631

Buccal fat removal usually makes people look older so it wouldn’t be a good look for her. She’s honestly just irreparably ugly. I do think that her ugliness is what first piqued peoples interest in her though (as opposed to the countless other fake and racist influencers online) so maybe it is actually her best asset lmao

No. 948634

File: 1733064368931.jpg (4.5 KB, 168x111, Screenshot 2024-12-01 094447.j…)

Meh I think what first piqued peoples interest in her was how her mother held her prisoner, ignored her medical, dental, and educational needs, and made her believe she was famous. I mean, it's gonna be a book and a movie someday but not in the way Laur wanted.

No. 948636

File: 1733064915155.jpg (10.09 KB, 185x267, Screenshot 2024-12-01 095328.j…)

All I want for Christmas is for her to stop making her lips pucker like a butthole.

No. 948649

The way her cheeks bulge inwards looks uncomfortable though, like she would constantly accidentally bite them.

No. 948656

I think a partial buccal fat removal like what Margot Robbie got would look good on her

No. 948664

The thing that distinguished her from other influencers with fake followers were the racist sock puppet fans that original BGC reddit thread honed in on. But I do remember when I first discovered Lillee it was from seeing her face in thumbnails and wondering why YouTubers were all editing her to look so creepy, only to find that that was her actual face. Her and Laur always writing the POC sock puppets as being jealous of Lillee’s beauty and whiteness just added to the ridiculousness of the situation.

No. 948688

File: 1733094810492.jpeg (167.48 KB, 1290x1248, IMG_1242.jpeg)

Instagram also has some bot system that doesn’t allow you to create an account using a brand new burner email either

No. 948710

Use a third party system like a normal person


No. 948727

Does LJ actually think that tagging cnn would help her be on the news for her bullshit?

No. 948728

all she needs to do is lose weight and learn how to emote/smile tbh, the weird cheek sucking, neck tensing, eye bulging make her look way worse than she is. she's not pretty but she wouldn't be outright hideous if she didn't deliberately make herself that way imo

No. 948779

File: 1733166160611.png (748.26 KB, 1228x1080, InstaStories.png)

>minor children
>What planet is this? Planet stupid? Or just a great scheme to convince viewers of their lies, so they can ungeround make money off me


No. 948783

File: 1733167436009.png (376.1 KB, 1546x1080, PoliceUK1.png)

Here's the police report from that screenshot. It's the hate crime Curtis Price totally committed against her. So it has nothing to do with the deep fakes or NYPD. These are from KF

No. 948784

File: 1733167476362.png (353.39 KB, 1546x1080, PoliceUK2.png)

No. 948787

So much of their old videos weren't archived. Lots of top tier heavy cream milk lost, with only the broken youtube link and horrified comments left to tell the story.

No. 948788

>I am a Jewish woman, only 5'0"

My sides.

Also claiming he has "pedofilic tendencies" while also claiming she is an adult at the same time is gold. Wouldn't that make you no longer his interest then, Lillee?

Also cackling at her thinking just because he made a video means he's obsessed and attracted to her. She wishes this were true. It's probably why they targeted his girlfriend at one point, she's secretly jealous of her.

No. 948806

She can’t report the “deepfakes” to the cops because they were almost certainly made by Elaine at the request of Lillee and Laur. Her duper’s delight smirk and condescending tone every time she brings the topic up makes it so obvious that she doesn’t feel any genuine violation or fear.

No. 948809

If she reported them, why is she using reports against Curtis Price in her unhinged collages instead of the reports for the deepfakes? And her reports for Curtis just prove that any and all of her other reports are complete and utter bullshit because it’s completely made up of lies. Even her saying that she’s 5’0 is a lie. Lmao

No. 948814

Ask your fat retarded daughter what the police report about Curtis has to do with the deepfakes since she’s the one who posted them in succession. And the fact that you’re the first to speak of supposed deepfakes of her on X posted last week is just further proof that you’re the one spreading the pics, there’s been no word of it anywhere else

No. 948819

Jannies can you please just ban Laur once and for all? She's been coming here to stir up shit for months now.

No. 948821

are you new

No. 948828


I’ll never get over how truly, truly stupid Lillee and her mommy are. Laur must have been huffing lead paint or something during her pregnancy, it’s the only way these two could be so confidently detached from reality despite everything and everyone
blatantly telling them they’re the problem.

>so they can ungeround make money off of me
Fucking can’t even proofread, absolutely great. Very professional lol

No. 948831

Laur was in her late 30's at the time Lillee was born. She had fertility problems, clearly has paranoid schizophrenia and was probably drinking throughout the pregnancy. Earl was about 50 then.

Mixing defective eggs with geriatric mold sperm and booze usually produces a baby like Lillee or Chris-Chan.

No. 948833

From what I understand, the Welsh are a tight knit group. I doubt they’re going to let some retarded American piglet bully one of their own.

No. 948837

They reported the fake nudes. Lillee shared emails from NYPD saying they subpoenaed the Twitter accounts. They were probably told to stop talking about ongoing investigations. Elaine’s capable of the doing this but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to report it, especially if they’re in on it. Its more likely one of Elaine’s orbiters decided to fuck with Lillee

No. 948838

The idiocy of linking videos to prove a hate crime has happened, that do not include any hate crimes. The poor desk worker who has had to try and file this one.

No. 948839

Having the cops investigate those videos is the dumbest thing they have ever done bc buying fake online engagement and followers is a federal crime since August of this year…

No. 948842

File: 1733238283509.jpg (25.08 KB, 452x452, Screenshot 2024-12-03 095431.j…)

howolddoyoulook.com has not been kind to Lilz.

No. 948843

File: 1733238375947.jpg (21.16 KB, 411x412, Screenshot 2024-12-03 095157.j…)

Consistently putting her 12-13 yrs older than what she claims…

No. 948848

File: 1733247560290.png (2.6 MB, 1014x1248, Clown.png)

Lillee framed her award from the Clown festival kek

No. 948850

Jesus that’s sad

No. 948857

Imagine needing to feel you've accomplished something so badly that you'll settle for a $15 Clown award your mom bought. Her life is just a tragedy.

No. 948862

File: 1733263574788.png (79.83 KB, 1179x630, Fees.png)

It’s actually $40 plus the cost of ink

No. 948869

File: 1733361356343.png (516.4 KB, 1179x1511, Judgement.png)

The landlord officially got his judgement of possession and the Truemans need to gtfo before March 3, 2025.

It took this man a whole fucking year to get rid of these cockroaches.

No. 948870

File: 1733271407640.png (287.62 KB, 1179x1514, Warrant.png)

And here’s the eviction warrant.

No. 948872

Genuinely happy for him, but imagine the stench that’ll be left behind in the house

No. 948899

Lmao losers. Genuinely can’t wait to see the section 8 apartment complex arc

No. 948902

File: 1733321995613.png (1.35 MB, 1085x802, BLOCKLIVEWEIN.png)

No. 948903

kekkk nonita my sides

No. 948907

Next thread pic I implore you

No. 948980

The 13 year old that laur is harrassing reuploaded his video that laur striked.(selfposting, underage)

No. 948985

I wish he'd stop, honestly no one is watching except (probably) Laur.

No. 948988

File: 1733419287622.jpg (364.48 KB, 943x1273, Screenshot_20241202_072330_Chr…)

She seriously thinks that tagging cnn would help her lol.

No. 948993

I would love it if CNN picked up her story and looked into it, maybe even contact Primink for his side of the story and heard about what Lillee did to the last journalist who tried contacting them.

No. 948994

When was that put out?

No. 948996

The fact that these people are going to be homeless in less than 4 months but are still trying to push their shitty “documentary” instead of applying for jobs

No. 948997

File: 1733430524256.mp4 (1.48 MB, 720x1280, 3544A73B8D72F25E846DB395464167…)

Why wouldn't you reshoot this and not to delight in the role of the ditzy bubble-headed female? Everything she does sets women back to the 1950s. It's offensive to women who studied hard and now work with their brains in real professions. Fuck her.

No. 949001

File: 1733435423197.jpg (211.94 KB, 1320x925, fuglay.jpg)

model btw

No. 949002

the bitch looks like she seen that video tape from the Ring and now every picture taken of her ends up all fucked up and deformed.

No. 949006

Remember when at one point she ranted about how beautiful her teeth were and then listed a bunch of celebrities that also had imperfect teeth but changed her mind and got them fixed and never paid the bill kek

No. 949008

If I didn't know better I would have assumed this was edited to make her look weird and creepy

No. 949009

She is weird and creepy, don't need much editing to bring that out…

No. 949012

This kid really needs to either become funny or fuck off

No. 949018

That black and white crab walk photo of her where she's naked (but covered up by her hair) still gives me nightmares.

No. 949021

File: 1733448436792.jpeg (106.96 KB, 735x1053, IMG_4036.jpeg)

She had the audacity to say that her teeth made her resemble a young Vanessa Paradis kek

No. 949023

File: 1733449412255.jpeg (155.97 KB, 655x777, IMG_6963.jpeg)

How the hell does she see a resemblance???

No. 949030

IIRC She’s said that her celebrity lookalike is Elizabeth Olsen, and years ago some creepy old guy who wrote an article about her compared her looks to a young Lauren Bacall, a compliment she and Laur gladly accepted. There are a few nonnas here who insist Lillee isn’t ugly but I honestly think she’s below average looking, especially for someone in their early/mid 20s, and she’s delusional about how good she looks. You can tell that she’s the type of spiteful woman who hates interacting with pretty women who are around her age.

No. 949032

I think she would probably be average looking… If she washed her hair regularly, stop making crazy facial expressions, lost weight, and stopped wearing clothes that are too small for her, in her worst colours, and fifteen years outdated. But because she's a fatty who makes weird facial expressions no human has ever made before, who can't be bothered to care for her hair and stuffs herself into small clothes her middle aged mother thinks are cool, she looks much worse than the average woman. I don't think her facial features on their own are hideous, but her utter lack of style and self care destroyed any potential she has to look decent.

No. 949037

Most of her features are kind of average or possible nitpicks (bad facial bone structure, very asymmetrical eyes) but she has a weird mouth area even with the teeth fixed and even back when she was skinnier, I think it’s because her philtrum is long and flat. Her puffing her lips out is probably both to make her thin lips look bigger and make her philtrum look shorter.

No. 949049

Is it final?
Or can Laur still pull something out of her flabby fat-ass?

No. 949053

Hopefully final.

Am guessing they are hoping that they can sue the haturs and get millions. Because why work when you can grift.

No. 949057

File: 1733501087918.gif (261.66 KB, 220x220, demon.gif)

Does anyone know what video this gif is from? Does any archive of it survive? It's the threadpic for thread 13. I couldn't find the gif itself nor any references to it in the previous threads.

No. 949064

She was 'cosplaying' Ariel.
It was in the horror-wood-panel attic.
We can see Laur behind her.
If I recall correctly, LJ sang right after.

No. 949072

Tenor gifs Lillee Jean:
She's the one putting the gifs on tenor. Scroll to bottom to find it.

No. 949074

File: 1733515554607.gif (97.87 KB, 200x112, yay-clapping-hands.gif)

Absolute fucking retard

No. 949076

Scrolling through these right now and god they go on forever

No. 949078

File: 1733516250214.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, lillee-jean-the-trapper-trap.g…)


No. 949082

Stop assisting the obvious content creator

>why work when you can grift
Spot on nonita. However the goblins won't sue any of the alleged bullies because
1. There is no case = no indictment
2. They don't have money to take it to the civil court.

These Pepe Silvia tier collages >>948779 are obviously meant to be seen by the people they scam irl.
>Of course the police is involved just look at these screenshots.

No. 949086

I'm not a contact creator, just someone who's really bored and rereading old threads. I'm in the hospital for a few more days and there's nothing to do. Anyway, whats the context for her making that face, is what I really want to know. She's always made weird expressions but this one isn't cute Disney princess-y, it's horror movie level.

No. 949091

Weird video where laur has to help her mentally deficient teenaged daughter get dressed, one of the few times her emotional incest crossed into physical.

No. 949094

Not trying to speculate. It's possible she's both. But the way she acts unnaturally might be an extremely poor attempt at masking which is what autistics sometimes do in am attempt to appear normal and fit in. Or it could be a symptom of borderline personality disorder where people copy bits and pieces of other people's mannerisms and quirks in an attempt to create their own identity since they lack one. They also tend to imitate things people do in movies as well. Which would be an identity disturbance or mirroring.

No. 949095

Both retarded and autistic. Forgot to include that in my previous post.

No. 949107

Lillee behaves like how she thinks a normal person behaves, the only reference points to what she thinks are normal people are Laur and influencers.

No. 949145

File: 1733585492045.gif (1018.19 KB, 640x338, live in the same room.gif)


F.ck I forgot that time when LJ actually did a live with her mom while being together 24/7!

No. 949151

While we are reminiscing, the incestual yoga aka workout on TOP of my mom, attic vid was always my favorite deranged video they chose to make public.

No. 949179

File: 1733608267340.gif (1.63 MB, 480x270, lillee-jean-happy.gif)

These old full retard Lillee gifs are great

No. 949185

Sometimes I forget she was trying to fool people into thinking she's a beauty guru and top Instagram model while looking like a creepy horror movie character completely unintentionally.

No. 949200

File: 1733625796406.gif (695.04 KB, 320x320, lillee-jean-happy-dance.gif)

Kek, right. Like this nightmare fuel. Dark background, her weird and creepy face and expressions, the unkempt hair, and spastic movements.

No. 949221

Every now and again, scrolling through Facebook, someone will use one of her gifs unironically..

No. 949224

it’s the closest she’ll ever come to being a celebrity

No. 949316

kek this is beautiful nonna

No. 949380

File: 1733934652629.png (608.51 KB, 1186x979, FounderOfBullyish.png)

Lillee's insta stories. She calls herself the founder of Bullyish now.

No. 949382

File: 1733934943110.png (1020.09 KB, 1222x1080, LaurNostalgia.png)

Laur is taking a walk down memory lane.
>#tb 2021 NYC Actress Lillee Jean Trueman was featured with 29 other CG picks for a moving Billboard in Times Square NYC! Lillee Jean attended the opening and unveiling of the store and the moving billboard.

>#tb it was 6 yrs ago that Lillee Jean went to Revlon’s Bold Event. @lilleejean #lilleejean @revlon good times on throw backs and then time marches on and you realize you’re an artist, actor, writer, director,producer, model and so much more. Life marches on and new goals are set while others remain locked in a time warp. #revlon

No. 949383

File: 1733935049239.png (717.13 KB, 1242x1300, Tribute.png)

From Laur's insta
>Lillee Jean’s Family Tribute to French Great-Grandmother’s Sacrifices Jean Kuttler #lilleejean @lilleejean

No. 949396

>her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine,…,Refusing to turn "German" during the first world war
We have been over this before, Alsace-Lorraine was Germany before and during the first world war, it became French territory only after the war. Kuttler is also a German name, not French…

No. 949405

Pennsylvania, specifically Pittsburgh, is also home to a lot of German-American communities which is likely what their family was apart of. French immigrants mostly settled farther North.

No. 949410

File: 1733950997065.png (370.58 KB, 616x457, germanempire.png)

Very much part of the German Empire back then…

No. 949412

>while others remain locked in a time warp.
Riiiiight, that's not the Truemans at all.

>she impacted on my family and father
Is your father not part of your family?

>United Artist circuit executive blah blah blah

Is she bitter because she didn't get famous as a nepobaby?

No. 949421

File: 1733967618559.png (105.9 KB, 498x492, quebec-pepe.png)

you are correct, anon. A French family that's been in North America as long as hers has would be able to trace at least one Quebecois, Metis, Acadien, or Cajun ancestor.

At least she finally learned that Jean is a French boy's name only and Jeanne is the actual feminised version. However - correct me if I'm wrong ancestry anons - I believe her ancestry info doesn't reflect the newly retconned spelling to appear ~actually for realsies French like Emily in le Paris~

TL;DR Lillee's a liar

No. 949430

File: 1733983438019.jpeg (402.23 KB, 750x1278, 1612212401377.jpeg)

Reminder from thread 22 (where she does her Ancestry DNA) that Jean Kuttler is actually her great-great-grandfather. But Lillee is stupid and doesn't realise that the French name Jean is a male name.

Marie Jeanne Kuttler does not exist according to all known records.

No. 949431

File: 1733983585737.png (3.27 MB, 828x5440, 1611323320024.png)

Sage for more old milk, but her ancestry results show that she had possible ancesters in Cherbourg France. Not Alsace (Germany)

No. 949442

In French, Jean is a masculine name, it is pronounced more or less as as John (but the n is silent).

Jean as a feminine name is only used in English, you will never see it being used like that in France or that part of Germany, They would use Jeanne, it's pronounced as "szahn" (with the sz sounding like the s in measure, no silent n)

No. 949446

Imagine she has a bunch of nazis in her family tree.
The irony.

No. 949460

File: 1734031517358.png (1.5 MB, 1017x1256, TardFace.png)

Here's a little something for the nonnies who get triggered by Lillee's funny faces. Descriptions (and typos) by Laur
>Lillee Jean a serous Sultry Pearl Queen
>Lillee Jean a serous Pearl Queen
>Lillee Jean a playful Queen
>Lillee Jean a kissing Pearl Queen

No. 949475

File: 1734037410576.jpg (311.21 KB, 670x838, 1000016815.jpg)

>Lillee Jean a serous Pearl Queen

No. 949476

No. 949481

File: 1734040303801.jpeg (246.9 KB, 586x571, IMG_7481.jpeg)

Down to her chin her hair looks unwashed and homeless. Then she uses her moms hot rollers on the ends. So weird, there’s no name for this style besides “The Lillee”.

No. 949520

File: 1734087581019.jpg (49.34 KB, 655x210, Screenshot_20241213-105914.jpg)

She always looks zoned out these days

No. 949530

File: 1734106264210.png (32.5 KB, 221x275, 1728513146375.png)

Agree nona, she looks completely dead inside. Poor kid never had a chance in life.

No. 949531

DOES she even wash her hair anymore? I recall she went to a salon several months ago and everyone here told Laur to keep it up now and take her every 6-8 weeks like a normal woman with color and foils… of course she made Lillee go back to being an unwashed greeeaseball. {{shudder}}

No. 949532

one of you cunts is spamming lillee's manager's number with submissions to various websites and services. stop cowtipping you fucking retards(this is an imageboard, post proof)

No. 949533

How do you know this?

No. 949535

Lilee's manager? That would be implying that LJ had a job. Do you mean her mother? Please provide evidence of these accusations or proof of LJ having a job.

No. 949590

File: 1734216691727.mp4 (2.41 MB, 720x1280, LJTalks.mp4)

Here's something new. Lillee looks like her age and listens what her guest has to say without interrupting her. She looks interested in the story and her reactions look normal.

No. 949599

She's shockingly normal in this snippet.

No. 949613

File: 1734258506715.jpg (37 KB, 264x144, jfc.jpg)

very normal

No. 949614

There's an idea for Lillee. Busk on the street. Laur thinks she's extraordinarily gifted, let her get out there to make rent money.

No. 949618

It’s baffling that she used to be an aspiring makeup guru. Some blush, lip liner and darker (not blonde) brow gel would do wonders for her doughy face. Not sure if she doesn’t do flattering makeup out of sheer laziness or because she wants to look as pasty as possible.

No. 949639

>one of you cunts is spamming lillee's manager's number with submissions to various websites and services


Why would anyone bother. Lillees done. She videod something called The Chorus Our Eyes in and became a laughingstock, and they're evicted from their rental. Laur knows that we know she's no "manager".

No. 949640

One of those shady film festivals probably sold her data kek

No. 949641

File: 1734284524920.jpg (111.68 KB, 1080x1080, 1623257938834.jpg)

Pics or it didn't happen. Like her so-called 'daily death threats' that she NEVER showed- didn't happen.

This is just Laur needing attention and playing fake victim again.

No. 949643

yea nona, or someone who looked at their joke of an imdb page. I mean Laur just begs for ridicule with all of her foolish fuckery.

No. 949647

This has probably been discussed into the ground, but why would a mother deliberately set her daughter up for ridicule, and then fake being her bullies. I mean there must be a name for it, otherwise it's Trueman syndrome.

No. 949648

File: 1734290689442.jpeg (212.45 KB, 1242x2208, RedSweater.jpeg)

Zoned out or drunk? I wouldn't be surprised if she shares a box of Franzia with Laur occasionally in order to cope with their situation. And I don't mean the bullies from "the dark websites kiwi and cow".

Yeah. Laur is incredibly dumb when it comes to stuff like this. In earlier threads she was sperging about a bully signing Lillee up for a college email list. When in reality it was an automated email sent to the whole age group.
Correct me if I remembered the details wrong.

No. 949738

Don't forget getting a roll of duct tape and an egg timer in the mail and assuming it's code for "Lillee's time is up and she's going to be silenced" or thinking random trash in the street is a coded message or thinking someone broke into her house and took pictures of Lillee's old Victoria's Secret nightshirt she kept wearing because someone posted a photo of a copy of it online. Batshit is a major understatement.

No. 949747

The emails Laur spergs about people signing her and LJ up for are the ones in her spam folder. Idk which thread but she posted a screenshot in a video.

No. 949763

I can’t get over how much she looks like a pig that was turned into a human. That should maybe be the next “movie” she writes

No. 949842

What is the point of the belt? Aren't these the same skinny jeans she's been sporting the last 3+ years? The one that looks very, very uncomfortable being several sizes too small?

Dressed very patriotic at least.

No. 949872

Deny, defend, souppenis…

No. 949876

lol she thinks she's "acting with her eyes" doesn't she?

No. 949908

She looks exactly like Laur here.

No. 949912

New career goal:

No. 949924

File: 1734709987998.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1842, HappyHolidays.png)

Either the goblins aren't feeling the Christmas spirit this year or they don't post about it. Maybe they will celebrate Hanukkah instead.

No. 949933

Her eyes are so BLANK.

No. 949949

File: 1734736456369.jpg (22.99 KB, 430x446, Screenshot 2024-12-20 181219.j…)

Laur is aging her


No. 949996

Your caption I kek’d aloud nonna

No. 950036

File: 1734852988589.jpg (497.15 KB, 1080x1973, Screenshot_20241222_075551_You…)

Looks like Lillee has landed her first role in television! Weird that she hasn't plastered the good news all over her socials yet nor listed it on her IMDB page, and only revealed this in her Youtube channel description…

No. 950040

She probably got work as an extra. Which is shocking that she allegedly got that far. They probably had to make edits or move her in the back where she can barely be seen because of her unnatural facial expressions, wooden acting and trying to mug the camera in an attempt to make herself more prominent. Surprised if she did all that they didn't have security escort her off the set. Provided her latest claim is even true to begin with.

No. 950044

The Gilded Age is a period drama, so she’d have to be fitted for a period costume even if she was an extra. I feel like they would’ve posted pics from the fitting somewhere so I’m a little doubtful, but it’s relatively easy to get work as an extra in NYC even if you’re not a SAG member so it is possible.

No. 950061

File: 1734902133677.mp4 (416.03 KB, 720x1280, HappyHolidaysEveryone.mp4)

No. 950062

File: 1734902331308.png (985.11 KB, 1108x978, IMG_1329.png)

Notice the sweater. They will celebrate Hanukkah this year.
She looks different age in every picture.

No. 950103

File: 1734950892713.png (942.27 KB, 1081x705, greatpointNY.png)

The photo on the right was taken on the sidewalk in front of Great Point Studios in New York.

No. 950106

If this isn't fake. Good on her. It will provide good experience.

No. 950126

Agree. If her talent can carry her forward to some kind of career where she can be self sufficient, good for her.

Hopefully Laur doesn't sabotage her or she doesn't sabotage herself with cringy narcissism, utter ignorance of the world, and lack of education.

No. 950156

It's the new Korean dance at school. It's much more than that but if it doesn't lead to anything big she'll be talking about it and exaggerating it for years to come.
Not to mention a poor expensive replica gown a costume designer spent hours making is going to be heavily damaged by grease, BO and a "sweet menstrual smell" just like Venus Angelic did more than 10 years ago with Japanese Lolita dresses at a photoshoot.

No. 950209

File: 1735075219433.webm (10.53 MB, 828x460, FullSizeRender.webm)

Old video that Lillee made, The Pauper of Shoes. This kind of roleplay is something little kids do, not a full grown adult (she was 21 when she made this). There is no script, nothing makes sense, it's just Lillee and Laur doing voices and saying random shit like "Oh my gawd" and "ooh la la!" over and over. My guess is that this is what Lillee does all day, make silly little plays with her dolls and other objects, completely absorbed into her private world.

The childish nature plus the obvious foot fetishism creates something truly repulsive.

No. 950256

The only best friend Lillee needs right now is tons of Summer's Eve. She also needs to wax that sasquatch.

No. 950289

File: 1735248585873.png (608.78 KB, 1232x1080, IdentityTheft.png)

Lillee is going through hate mail while celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah at the same time. This time it's identity theft and insurance fraud.
>Email me for more
Hope nobody falls for their scam.

No. 950336

Laur hasn't used that SNUFF848484 username in 7 years, not sure how old that reddit post above it is. Why is she trying to pass this off as an example of Christmas time harassment when it's 7 years old? Sorry to be schizo, but why are these trolls using email to contact Lillee if they're all brainwashed minors? How many teenagers are going to use email when they have instagram/youtube/twitter to spam her with?

No. 950352

Post it.

No. 950353

File: 1735372419201.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.93 KB, 1228x1228, 1000043773.jpg)

Old ass milk but still scary af and sage your shit anon
Spoiler for crabwalking naked nightmare fuel

No. 950354

I still can't believe this is a real picture they actually took and not an edit someone did to make her look creepy. What were they even going for?

No. 950355

Avant-garde? Sexy? Flexible? Luscious tumbling locks? Kek who knows. The stark contrast of the pitch black attic, her Vitamin D deprived skin, crazy eyes, blank expression, and of course THE POSE just scream horror movie. I could see her scuttling up the wall and hiding in the shadows and having six more crazy eyes pop open on her face like a spider. I don't remember how old she was in this photo. Maybe another nona can chime in.

No. 950361

just wondering why so many posts are saged in this thread, including the milky ones. i forgot this thread even existed because >>950352 is the first unsaged post in this thread in a month.

No. 950363

Shouldn't the eviction says begin soon?

No. 950369

They have until March to find another excuse to squat gtfo

No. 950372

Somebody mentioned it before on here but on this one it is really visible how her left eye is lower than her right eye.

No. 950378

Because there hadn't been anything milky about her lately. Most notable thing lately is the eviction news. Whoever was asking to be spoon-fed was either Laur or a newfag.

No. 950401

File: 1735486335122.png (127.68 KB, 1080x972, InternetSweetheart.png)

From Primink's latest video. I bet Laur would shit bricks if Internet Sweetheart actually contacted Lillee. Kek.

No. 950430

If this real, it will provide great milk for us farmers. Somehow I feel like this was either just an audition or Lillie got a minor roll from whatever online acting college she claimed to be doing. Will probably be short extra #23 who's back is facing the camera the entire time.

No. 950441

File: 1735641802697.png (65.23 KB, 344x616, casting.png)

No. 950452

File: 1735670652972.png (61.4 KB, 816x367, Screenshot 2024-12-31 194250.p…)

From the Primink Discord server.

No. 950455

Hope no one falls for this. LJ has no followers or fans or minions or whatever you want to call it to help her harass Primink or any of her other perceived "enemies". Just Laur. The Truemans are trying to make themselves look more influential than they are, which is that of a gnat.

No. 950457

"AA females" means "African American". 18TLY means "18 to look younger". It's for a scene with violence or sexual content. There's a storyline in The Gilded Age about a black upper class girl.

No. 950468

I think the point the poster was making with that post was that The Gilded Age pays extras $176/day, so this is hardly a promising new career for LJ even if she’s 100% telling the truth
“weird dwarf extra” is fun but unlikely to be a regular thing the background casters want on the regular

No. 950487

lmao nice try.

No. 950536

File: 1735916742544.webp (4.22 KB, 195x168, IMG_7561.webp)

Are her eyes getting MORE uneven!? She’s almost a Picasso painting.

No. 950538

File: 1735918137016.webp (4.71 KB, 195x168, IMG_7560.webp)

>>950536 could her face be sliding down from bone deterioration in her jaw? Her ma neglected the kid’s teeth for what, her whole childhood til she was like 20, right?

No. 950552

I thought it maybe could be because she no longer bulges her eyes out and wears less eye makeup which are both things that could’ve hid asymmetry in the past, but even those considerations aside her eyes seem wayyy more misaligned compared to old pics

No. 950565

It could be something like Bell's palsy, a temporary yet recurring paralysis in half the face, which would stunt the development of the paralyzed muscles over time. But her face moves "normally" in every video I've seen of her, so I think she's just unspecified retarded.

No. 950569

The dentist she went to, was an incompetent with lots of bad reviews.
Hence former clients posting about how their misaligned jaw got much worse and other health issues they went through.

I'm too lazy to search in the former threads, but I remember there were many comments warning her about that and the lack of hygiene during and after the surgery.

No. 950570

I assumed that they thought they found the listing she replied to. Not everyone knows what the acronyms mean on those sites. Maybe they thought AA stood for "alcoholics anonymous" or "abhorrent autist".

No. 950588

File: 1736019850130.jpeg (128.01 KB, 1080x1920, Souppenis.jpeg)

>Update on the subpoenas
Who are these stories for?

No. 950589

I like how she and Laur are so deep into their own fake lore that filing police reports are their new "Korean Dance Performance." August was nearly half a year ago, and of course Lauren Chen's souppenis has absolutely nothing to do with attic goblins, but they trot out their last fruitless trip down to the precinct to harass the desk sargeant as the main subject for their self-published article every other week. It's only a matter of time until "open FBI cyber investigation" is added to her IMDB. I'm just shocked that they haven't been crying about their pending eviction being due to the antisemitic machinations of Pantycult and trying to use that to grift for sympathy cash.

No. 950638

File: 1736088292664.jpg (11.46 KB, 210x202, Screenshot 2025-01-05 093756.j…)

This photo was just taken last month - her left side is falling further and further down. Her misaligned jaw is impossible to disguse at this point.

No. 950657

I feel bad for her, but it also feels like much-needed karma for trying to scam the oral surgeons (or whatever they were) instead of her and her mom just getting jobs and paying for her dental work like everybody else. The two of them always feel like they deserve more than everyone else without needing to work for it.

No. 950668

File: 1736116619505.png (809.21 KB, 928x585, Xmas.PNG)

Her eyes have always been uneven. It’s just more noticeable now because she’s getting older.

No. 950670

She was 16 in that photo, Laur is such a great mother smh

No. 950672

File: 1736123265662.png (36.46 KB, 1292x165, primink discord.png)

Another one kek

No. 950678

He is an anonymous figure, lol ok boomer. Love it when Laur pretends that be dumber than she already is and thinks no one will recognize.

No. 950681

Whoa Laur took this red lace negligee pic in 2017? Lillee was a minor. Also if she’s Jewish why did she do this - just for clicks of her teen daughter, to appeal to Christian guys?

No. 950685

Wait I thought her target audience back then was teen girls using makeup. This is vintage “Santa Baby” look is targeting old guys who remember the 1960s -so in other words pedos.

No. 950686

File: 1736133342287.png (12.6 KB, 355x106, creep.png)

No. 950702

File: 1736168750934.jpeg (121.64 KB, 1172x1465, Insta.jpeg)

True. She ages like milk.

Truemans are obviously Christians. This year they
>celebrate two holidays, Xmas and Chanukah
yet this >>950062 was the only Hanukkah related photo Lillee posted. Laur sharing other people's pictures of menorahs on insta stories don't count.

No. 950715

Primink clearly gives an email address to contact him about the Truemans. He's very easy to contact. They just want his private contact info to dox. Obviously.

No. 950734

File: 1736201736685.jpeg (189.92 KB, 1080x1920, GildedAge.jpeg)

Perhaps "The Gilded Age" will become their new "Korean Dance Performance."

No. 950761

Trained actress? Like someone with a degree in drama or like someone who took two classes at a place in her neighborhood. Cuz one is real and the other is a joke.

No. 950762

File: 1736234744887.jpeg (250.41 KB, 709x641, IMG_7571.jpeg)

It had to be a “class” that didn’t require a HS diploma. “Trained” is as true as “went to the Met Gala” or “I’m a MoDeL”

No. 950771

"trained" is such a broad term, which is why the Truemans use it. It wouldn't be a lie to say she was trained since she attended a few acting classes. But the reality is that she will be up against actresses from Yale Drama School or have a MFA in Theater from NYU Tisch who are also "trained".

and exactly - you don't need a HS diploma or GED to take a few classes at Schreiber.

No. 950788

What exactly do they even think they’ll achieve by doxxing him? There’s exactly 0 people on the Truemans’ side in this feud besides themselves and their 50 sock puppet accounts, while Primink has a large authentic following. It’s not like Lillee’s huge base of adoring fans will harass him into submission.

No. 950804

Real actresses with actual training would just put down actress. She uses actress like a title and puts her names all in caps which shows her far up her own ass she is.

No. 950806

They just want to scare him. It’s their stupid power play to make themselves feel better. They are hateful little goblins

No. 950844

File: 1736371732778.jpeg (170.77 KB, 1080x1920, download.jpeg)

Primink should just take them to court even if they are broke.

No. 950846

File: 1736371978043.mp4 (3.22 MB, 720x1280, OGQwMmI.mp4)

Here's a video of Lillee scrolling through her Encyclopedia Dramatica article to prove everyone how this cult won't leave her alone.

No. 950848

File: 1736374598142.png (1.31 MB, 1278x821, Screenshot 2025-01-08 231435.p…)

She's going a bit crazy with the copyright and disclaimers in her latest video kek

No. 950852

File: 1736377115192.png (181.58 KB, 409x769, Screenshot 2025-01-08 235755.p…)

>incapable of being able to

No. 950854

Primink talks about their eviction in his newest video

No. 950871

Of course, Lillee. Everyone's playing kick the "talented" world renowned A-List actress/director/producer/model/make up influencer/environmentalist/activist LILLEE JEAN TRUEMAN because we're all apparently super jealous and unemployed with no other means of entertainment in the extremely unstable and delusional minds of the Truemans. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

No. 950879

File: 1736423608849.png (284.77 KB, 841x898, Screenshot 2025-01-09 125123.p…)

No. 950931

File: 1736505157247.png (29.36 KB, 427x342, lafrens.png)


No. 950933

Fuck me: I hope 2025 is the year Laur extricates herself from the chokehold that commas seem to have on her.

No. 950938

>My friends
Omg are JaMario making a comeback?

No. 950946

File: 1736538770157.jpeg (122.04 KB, 1080x1920, Logo.jpeg)

>Queen Lillee is now registered with the Library of Congress
Does it really take this long to get an image copyrighted?

>more than 15 minutes have been stolen and placed into YouTube videos, which is intellectual property theft
Oh? The same thing you're doing to Primink >>950848
Goblins take clips from Primink's videos, plaster copyright disclaimers all over them, and upload said videos on YouTube.
Explained here >>950854

>the photoshop you have been shown repeatedly, in the same clips online, over and over, so that it sears into your brain, and you remember to tell the same lie to the next person you talk to

Just like you post the same screenshots and clips over and over again repeating the same lies.

>over 23,000 people watched our documentary in Los Angeles.

I thought buying bot views counts as a wire fraud.

>We have since, added more law enforcement to our team

>the NYPD, Homeland Security, FBI, Queens DA, the Governor of NYS, State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, District Senator John Liu, and our State Attorney General in New York.
Why are their lies always this grandiose?

No. 950958

File: 1736547361683.png (952.02 KB, 1080x951, 1000005846.png)

I just had a nosy and it looks like that weird long necked logo and this.. video of a hideous drawing are both copyrighted via the LoC.

Why bother? Ain't nobody wanting to steal this shit.

No. 950973

Referring to herself as “Queen Lillee” lmao

No. 950974

Is the logo meant to look so vaginal?

No. 950975

The governor of NY is a woman named Kathy Hochul. Lillee is supposedly 10x more important and famous than Taylor Swift, The Pope and Donald Trump combined and being terrorized by an international panty wearing clone cult spanning all 7 continents and she can't even bother to remember all of the names of the people helping her. How ungrateful.

No. 950995

RN their one and only chance to get famous is to record all of the eviction process.
We know they'll blame anyone but them for it, but their eviction is so much more interesting than their stupid bullyish fake documentary.

That would be their only somewhat smart move. And they may even find some idiots to give them pity money.

No. 950996

File: 1736602058768.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1934, Unhinged.png)

Yeah. They went to the trouble of making these useless videos yet Primink's videos stay online. If only they put all that energy into something useful.

No. 951003

File: 1736608794993.jpg (264.76 KB, 608x1080, MV5BMzgzMzY2MmMtMWNkNy00ZjVkLW…)

All I can see looking at that long neck.

No. 951004

File: 1736608933657.png (1.24 MB, 960x2530, FriendsInLA.png)

I looked through their Xeets. There's a girl from their engagement pod who is safe and Al?
Laur's choice for reaction gif is interesting.

No. 951006

File: 1736609360242.png (1 MB, 1305x1058, Logo.png)

Why does everything Laur type sound bitchy?

You're going to prison for that one, nonnie! Kek

No. 951009

>Glorious purpose!
They are plagiarizing North Korea

No. 951016

“because you want too” - yeah even spelling a two-letter word is hard for Laur. Both she and Lillee should go back to 1st grade and start over.

No. 951017

File: 1736621207266.png (1.01 MB, 969x2034, Boomer.png)

Laur is such a boomer.

No. 951018

>lost so much money it makes me sick

What about your landlord Laur? Do you feel sorry for him too? kek

No. 951044

So what is she saying? That she's always lurking around the corner making sure that her very adult daughter is "cool"?
For a while the Truemans liked using the ambiguity of the word "teen", calling her a "teen" to imply she was just a minor when in fact she was 18/19 but she will soon be 24 (I think?) and there is no dispute that that is an adult. How sad that Laur thinks she needs to/is succeeding at making sure llllee is "cool".

It's such an odd statement. Aside from the anon's spot on point about not paying rent to her landlord who is also losing money, it shows how materialistic Laur is. Instead of people losing beloved pets, keepsakes, homes, etc, she says the thought of them losing so much money makes her sick. What a weird thing to say. It sounds like schadenfreude, like Laur was jealous of these affluent people and she's actually pleased that their wealth has been cut significantly.

No. 951063

>So what is she saying?

She doesn't care how much money people have but if people lose money it makes her sick? There's no way to make it make sense.

No. 951067

The chorus our eyes in, full movie by Lillee Jean on Youtube (unlisted)

No. 951068

File: 1736697937603.jpg (166.09 KB, 998x542, Screenshot 2025-01-12 105355.j…)

This is abysmal on all counts. And there's NO plot. Just Lillee running on tiptoe, bumping into a guy and acting socially inept with him, and then they go for coffee.


No. 951069

I'm already getting some serious flashbacks to Birdemic.

No. 951070

They say she won a FIM award…. maybe when something is this amateur you're not allowed to call it a film, so it has to be called a FIM.

No. 951071

Oh my god the whole thing is just them talking about nothing in a park and that’s it

No. 951072

My sides, Laur had his turn on the shutter click sound on his phone. What a fantastic Boomer she is.

No. 951073

Sad when Lillee doesn't seem aware of Ken's "OH WOW" reaction when she says she wants his dick in her for the summer when they haven't even held hands yet. Tells us you've lived in an attic all your life without saying it.

No. 951074

I could only make it a few minutes in. It's just way too cringe. Lillee has no idea who to interact with people outside of her mother, her body movements make her look like she is tweaking on crack. Her self-insert RP storyline of ohh I'm an actor with so many weird stalkers is just shoehorned into the conversation. There is no way to feel sympathy for the character with how unnatural it is.
Also who filmed this, Laur? The way the camera swayed side to side barely focusing on anything made me feel like I was drunk on Franzia.

No. 951076

File: 1736703378435.jpg (122.87 KB, 792x595, toe walking.jpg)

Yall remember Genie the girl kept in one room for 13 yrs and she allways walked on her toes after?

Is that why Lillee's got that jacked up gait when she's walking, and can't run normal either?

No. 951079

For such a money worshipper shes surprisingly opposed to making any.
Best actress in a monthly award. She was probably the only one dumb enough to pay for this scam prize
Birdemic is leagues above this. At least it had more than two actors, a plot and some passion behind it. The chorus our eyes in has zero entertainment value.
I think its a mix of not seeing how other people behave and her being so used to high heels that she subconsciously stays in that pose. Isolation creates all sorts of strange behaviors. I doubt she has neurological problems other than low IQ.

No. 951080

I remember Laur posting something online ages ago where she always asks the manager in the movie theater to turn down the volume for Lillee. I don't know if that's autism or yet another example of being an entitled asshole.

No. 951087

File: 1736710846124.gif (2.14 MB, 498x286, filthy-frank.gif)

I actually though my laptop broke again but turns out it was just their bad audio. This is so fucking bad. Laur's camera makes me dizzy, crazy how they still didn't bother to read one page of instructios on how to frame a shot. The basics of camera work are THAT easy. Lillee is such a fucking clown in the bloopers pretending to know whe she's doing. Her being insufferable and not knowing how to act.. i could get past that, but the lack of the simplest technical things of making an amateur film is and always was getting on my nerves especially.
"There's no white balance" OHHH Congratulation lillee learned what white balance means took her several years of overexposed makeup videos to figure that out.. wonder when she'll actually balance the fucking beaming sky and neon leaves in this video.

No. 951090

Laur you are so desperate for somebody to call the police aren't you? I guess you'll have to fake call the tip yourself becuse nobody cares as much as you.

No. 951091

I think she meant AL that super old man who couldn't figure out how to do a video with LJ one night. Comedy gold.

No. 951092

Can somebody list the highlights in this? It’s too cringe for me to watch

No. 951093

File: 1736712955528.jpg (56.18 KB, 991x445, noises.jpg)

>Put it up so we can see it.

Here ya go Laur, happy to help you with your memory loss.

No. 951094

It's extra funny because Laur was asking the management to lower the sound in a disney princess movie, we know it was nothing with bombs or screaming. But to Lillee, it was CHAOS!!!

No. 951095

>Lillee jogs
>Moid takes photos
>They talk
>They reunite in the park
>They talk again
That's it, that's the movie!

No. 951096

Hmm, my review is a little different:

Lillee runs on her tiptoes.
Moid is taking pics from his phone with the shutter sound turned ON.
They talk for a minute, but she speaks so awkwardly it hurts to watch.
Next time they meet she stumbles and almost turns her ankle, from basic walking.
She says "like" like ALOT.
She complains about walking.
She wishes he would carry her like a fucking baby.
He loves coffee, she loves matcha tea latte.
She proposes sex. Also asks if he's into a threesome.
She thinks they've had 3 dates, although they've had none. He lets it slide.
They head for the coffee shop.

The End

No. 951097

Her jogging on her tippy toes never stops being funny to me. Same with all the smug reels she posts on youtube. Actors are supposed to have body awareness, they're supposed to control their muscles in both body and face very precisely, and yet in every video Lillee looks like a toddler who's just figuring out how to walk and make expressions. It's even hard to her to stay in the screen while standing or sitting because she keeps swaying and throwing her head around, often going out of the picture.

No. 951098

Just watched and NO WAY was this was scripted. It's painful to watch a 25 yr old virgin pretend to hit up a stranger for sex, especially the threesome crap. Shes so fucking awkward I feel sorry for her.

No. 951100

So basically- Lillee wrote this plotless “movie” to make some poor aspiring actor play at being her boyfriend for 20 minutes? I don’t even have the heart to criticize her because that’s so sad and pathetic. She should just do what her mom did and find some old ugly guy to marry her ASAP.

No. 951102

File: 1736719573958.png (239.2 KB, 813x467, Doug.png)

Even Channel Awesome made better movies than this piece of dog shit.

No. 951103

It legitimately sounds like someone took the first 3 minutes of a porno and stretched it.

No. 951105


I watched it, here’s the rundown:

>Lillee’s chunky looking ass running around NY on her tiptoes

>The guy “Enrique” taking pictures of Central Park with his iPhone and the shutter sound on
>Lillee bumps into him as he’s taking photos and then accuses him of taking photos of her because she’s an “actress in small films” and has “stalkers”
>Demands to see his phone to make sure he’s not photographing her. When she finds nothing, she starts awkwardly flirting with him and asks him if he’s flirting with her. Mentions that she makes lots of donations to the “arts” and agrees to go to one of his shows if he comes to her marathon
>Offers him her number and then scrolls through his phone and bitchily tells him that nothing about his photography “stands out”
>Lillee shows off her flabby pale arms as she shakes his hand several times in one encounter
>Enrique takes a picture of Lillee as she tiptoe runs away. If you look at the picture on his screen it’s obviously very posed and not from the angle he was standing at. She’s also wearing sunglasses in it for some reason?
>Cut to next scene, Lillee in a dress holding her phone up in a boomer-like fashion as she takes pictures of plants and glances around while breathing heavily. Starts clomping around unsteadily in her wedges
>Obligatory shot of Lillee’s pig trotter like feet in her wedges for several seconds
>Enrique appears and walks in front of Lillee as she’s taking a selfie flashing her horror movie character grin, she does some particularly terrible acting as she “recognizes” him
>Enrique is disappointed that nobody came to his show, Lillee says she didn’t come because she thought he didn’t “like” her, Enrique forgot about the date for Lillee’s marathon and she whined that “everyone in my life disappoints meee”
>Decide to start their interaction over again, introduce themselves, Lillee’s nasally voice saying “omg you’re sweaty!!” as they shake hands
>Enrique says that the two of them have a “Billy Crystal-Meg Ryan” dynamic and then Lillee starts talking about Kirstie Alley- both outdated references for someone in Lillee’s age group
>Absolutely terrible delivery of “Cat got your tongue, Enrique?”from her trailer
>Enrique offers to buy Lillee a hot dog and she acts incredulous because she looks like “this” (a doughy marshmallow in a dress from Ross) and he should instead offer her a diamond ring or Tiffany’s
>Enrique resolves to buy Lillee coffee, she acts excessively excited. Really gives the vibe that Lillee is imagining being asked out IRL. Says that matcha tea lattes are like drinking “Hulk”
>More of Lillee waddling next to Enrique. She complains that she’s wearing wedges and says that she has a “vision” of Romeo and Juliet with Romeo carrying her off
>Lillee aggressively asking if Enrique is trying to take her on a date, he uncertainly says yes, she then declares that she wants it to be a casual summer fling despite the fact that she’s the one desperately pursuing him and then asks him if he’s in an open relationship which is “very Parisian”, says that it’s their third date so it’s not too early for weird sexual questions
>the end

No. 951106

I'm not able to watch the vid? I think Lillee is lurking here lol

No. 951114

They've already made it private wtf

No. 951119

Kirstie Alley died a couple years ago at age 71. She was in n Cheers 38 years s ago. Is Lillee older than she says? Like 40 years older?

No. 951129

Not this shit again.

No. 951130

>“Cat got your tongue, Enrique?”
Only a grandma would use that expression.
She did something similar with the Korean boy who went at her place.

No. 951143

File: 1736780904092.gif (2.23 MB, 356x200, 1000046103.gif)

Her tiptoe thing is tardism plus too many Disney movies. She thinks running on tiptoe makes her graceful and light on her feet, like a Disney princess. Plus she doesn't know how to walk in heels or wedges.

No. 951150

She seems to deliberately place one foot in front of the other, which is not a natural way to walk. Some professional models do that on the runway, but they coordinate that with hip swaying and control of their arms. They do it gracefully. Here, she's doing that walk looks so stiff and seems not to know how to move her arms in coordination with the rest of her body.

No. 951151

Thank you for your service, nonna. I missed out on the delightful cringefest because they made it privated it.

No. 951155

Also she waits .01 seconds to say that, practically interrupting him. You're supposed to say that when someone takes too long to reply.
Anyway did someone manage to make a backup of the video?

No. 951157

Her thighs are too fat to do the “model” walk gracefully.

No. 951161

File: 1736794533159.gif (1.44 MB, 480x480, 1000046105.gif)

True. Here's another example of how she can't walk in heels, and these heels appear low. Besides her fat thighs, it's like she doesn't use her ankles to walk. She literally waddles or kind of shuffles. It's incredibly awkward, just like everything else to do with her.

No. 951169

Her left foot is pigeon toed too. You can see it in both walking gifs.

No. 951173

File: 1736799091735.png (726.2 KB, 656x1844, StayTheLine.png)

For some reason Laur decided to repost the weird
>I don't care how much money people have
instead of just posting the charity link.

>The enemy is amongst us and we stay the line. That's it.

What the fuck?

No. 951174

She’s graceless, unathletic and has stumpy limbs which is what makes her look like a fat toddler when she’s trying to give beautiful supermodel. She also just has 0 awareness of her body- that’s what makes her “workout” and “dance” videos extra cringe.

No. 951175

File: 1736799804378.png (856.73 KB, 1753x1068, BFF.png)

POV: Your mom is your best and only friend.

No. 951176

File: 1736800219513.png (1.15 MB, 1031x1272, Burgundy.png)

Here's the Burgundy edge.

No. 951178

She looks like a well-preserved 50 year old woman in the last pic. She really needs to stop sucking those cheeks in.

No. 951188

File: 1736809534690.jpeg (486.39 KB, 828x1466, IMG_3863.jpeg)

I went through the comments on Lillee's channel on a video "Lillee Jean through the years: part 12" and it's just Lillee and Laur using different accounts talking to each other. It's just schizoid rambling, they change the accounts but every username is the same style and every comment is written with the same formula, first stating how they "never spend time online so know nothing about this", and then proceeding to write a long seething detailed novel about Primink kekk. But I thought you totally didn't know who he was? It's even more funny when you realize Lillee never explains the situation in the descriptions or comments and still every single one of these totally real commenters seems to immediately know who she's talking about. I did kek at this stupid rambling from Lillee though, it's so middle school to try to bait Primink with this.
>the cops are super aware and very real

No. 951201

Schizo ramblings

No. 951210

She's 2 pantone color of the year too late.

Laur doesn't know what liquid asset means.

No. 951212

There’s 79 comments and they’re all insane. I can’t stop reading

No. 951226

She must bite those cheeks so hard (because she's so desperate for a thin looking face) that I wouldn't be surprised if she wound up with a mouth full of blood on several occasions in the past.

No. 951231

Ironically biting and sucking your cheeks in the way she does can cause premature wrinkles. It can also worsen her jaw issues.

No. 951235

File: 1736882926287.png (1.02 MB, 964x1697, LaurStories1.png)

Laur has activated on insta. These are from her stories. I tried to zoom on the logo but I don't see the identifiers
>mole on neck, beauty mark near lips

No. 951236

File: 1736883021427.png (1.05 MB, 1019x1187, LaurStories2.png)

And then she posted these. You know what that means? Franzia is flowing. Get ready for the freak out! Unless she passes out first. Kek

No. 951238

I'm amazed at how stupid they are with the copyright obsession. There are so many ways people could show her logo in their videos that would fall under fair use. Youtubers don't even need to include the logo though when there is so much cringey video material of Lillee herself, and that 100% falls under fair use. Or is she suggesting that she has copyrighted her "likeness" aka her face? Kekk my sides I've never heard of anything more stupid in my entire life. There is literally no way of legally stopping people from making fun of you on the internet, Lillee. Being delusional doesn't change the fact that fair use covers copyrighted material.

No. 951242

File: 1736888877739.gif (2.59 MB, 270x480, ea80ef_4d502f68b4544f8b8f776aa…)


No. 951243

I’ve never seen someone SO barrel chested. This has got to be a pathology of some sort?

No. 951245

>high cheekbones
LMAO. And by “beauty mark by lips” does she mean that wart-like thing on her upper lip?

No. 951246

Here is the link if anyone wants to watch the "movie" again:

No. 951247


If you were looking for a model, does that pissed off arrogant expression make you want to hire her? Aside from the physical proportions.

No. 951249

File: 1736896517737.png (727.12 KB, 413x1437, Wtf.png)

Insane proportions.

No. 951255

File: 1736898712584.png (807 KB, 709x1179, Model.PNG)

Lillee vs stock footage model

No. 951257

you might even call it a red letter day

No. 951263

Woahh one side of her body is fucked up and that makes sense why her eyes are so crooked. Her left shoulder is higher and I think her left leg is shorter and that’s why she can’t walk in heels

No. 951267

She would be excellent if she got the movie role of the pig that stood on its hind legs in Animal Farm.

No. 951300

The short left leg is so noticeable, I can't believe we didn't see it before… I always assumed she just couldn't walk in heels kek. Her left-sloping lean makes a lot more sense now. To anyone who may be… voluntarily reading along (kek) with legs of different lengths, a 1- or 2-inch lift in her left shoe may help with balance.

No. 951309

File: 1736961021115.jpg (2.79 MB, 4096x4096, 180647442.jpg)

No. 951311

File: 1736961385616.jpeg (145.53 KB, 1080x1920, LaurStory.jpeg)

Chris Chan is more coherent than Laur. What does this even mean:
>Well look at that It's NYC Actress Lillee Jean Trueman Website with logo Copyright protected and filed being using med where it shouldn't.
I mean it's your website. Use your logo however you want.

No. 951312

File: 1736961945270.png (1.65 MB, 1222x1080, LilleeStories.png)

>I'm amazed at how stupid they are with the copyright obsession.
Yeah. Just look at these. The image quality alone is so hilariously bad that nobody would want to use these. There are better looking stock photos with less watermarks. Kek.

No. 951319

She really has the oddest shape. I would think someone of her weight would have bigger boobs. It's got to be another defect of hers. It would take a lot, but she could dress to flatter her shape better. A simple start would be a bra that works. No one is going to want an upright pig as a model.

No. 951320

I am expecting the goblins' output to get increasingly wine-soaked and frantic over the next few weeks. They always get crazier when the reality of their unstable living situation breaks through the walls of their delusion. The last time they had to go apartment hunting was pre-pandemic, before Lillee had officially joined her scummy parents on the defaulted debt docket. They probably relied heavily on her non-existant credit history to provide cover and get them a foot in the door so Laur could confuse the elderly or ESL landlord with her fast talking. 5 years later, Lils has been sued by the orthodontist they never paid and there's an active suit against her from Capital One as of October. I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to get an apartment without having either several months' rent in cash to pay up front or at least a "fair" credit rating. They would need to be applying to income-restricted housing, which would be the end of their upper middle class suburban princess LARP.

No. 951364

They've always rented in that area.

Former adresses are just few blocks/streets away, yet they don't use any of the advantages of their neighborhood.
They just stay home, never use public transportation, never go for a walk around or go to the parks nearby, obviously don't talk to any neighbors…

It was speculated Laur has some shady reasons to always rent in that area, such as taking advantages of the subtenants or scamming some elderly living nearby.

No. 951367

>She really has the oddest shape.

I honestly can't tell here her giant ass ends and her thighs begin, and when you try to figure it out you realize how freakishly short her thighs are.

Of course she can't help her genetics but WHY pretend the internet is thirsting for thousands of pics of THIS when there are really gorgeous women all over the place.

No. 951371

You can still see the joke of Chorus Our Eyes here:


No. 951400

It's so much worse than I thought.

No. 951402

Gotta love how the "bloopers" are no worse than the "script". It's crazypants from start to finish.

No. 951404

At 16:44 she shouts "Yeah!" and it sounds exactly like Laur
Then at the very end
>Special thanks: (some people)
>Specialist of Thanks: Paul Reeves
Made me kek

No. 951405

File: 1737063118024.png (17.28 KB, 610x133, image.png)

Laur is a sloppy drunk

No. 951408

What's worse - Laur posts this shit when she's drunk


she posts this shit SOBER.

No. 951411

Another copied callout video, I can’t find the original, the video might be Russian. Laur in the comments pretending to be different people. They keep mentioning subliminal threats kek

No. 951412

File: 1737074154414.png (823.92 KB, 1179x2581, Merged.PNG)

Laur come on

No. 951413

File: 1737074255756.png (799.94 KB, 1179x2381, Callie.PNG)


No. 951414

File: 1737074446614.png (418.07 KB, 1179x1548, Homo.png)

And we are back to using gay as an insult. Trump isn’t even in office yet!

No. 951436

There’s a video of Lillee’s bikini photoshoot on YouTube. It’s been up for 4 days and the goblins haven’t said anything. Not linking the video in case they claim it’s revenge porn but the channel is called beautiful actress and the rest of his videos are compilations of his favorite porn stars kek

No. 951437

File: 1737121161004.gif (1.05 MB, 260x140, Run.GIF)

Lillee your form is terrible. Please do some research before filming

No. 951443

File: 1737126354928.jpg (263.94 KB, 736x981, 7c48fd6b1fef7ef463025c4bb45d26…)

holy shit her body, these are not human proportions. She looks just like the giant pig sculpture in my city that lives on the side of a defunct restaurant. They're like body doubles.

No. 951450

File: 1737141637844.jpg (119.31 KB, 738x601, Screenshot 2025-01-17 141852.j…)

That bizarre running on tippy toes is another sign of childhood neglect. LAUR you were supposed to seek help for this when she was two or three!

No. 951453

KEK. This is great. Someanon needs to shoop her face on this and let it be the next threadpic. And Laur will claim it's part of the stupid ass "cult" and send it to the poor dumbass cop they claim is on her case. He deserves a laugh too kek

No. 951457

File: 1737143058043.png (179.92 KB, 1272x713, Screenshot 2025-01-17 203828.p…)


No. 951461

Laur is still no better at pretending to be other people than when she was Shaniqua.

Her posts are always full of "I am confused", "I don't understand" and "I have so many questions".

Was Laur kept in an attic her whole childhood too? Why is any adult her age so chronically confused about basics.

No. 951463

Lillee and the fake comments seem very concerned about Primink filing for a restraining order. Did Primink mention this anywhere? Assuming it’s paranoia after sending Primink’s photos to internet sweetheart?

No. 951464

I'm unironically excited for lillees next work. I hope she does another devil wears Prada work conflict movie but longer than two minutes this time, those are my favorite. I still think about "on a literal level, you're an ok guy". She really shines when she goes in and just improvs the whole thing.

No. 951474

File: 1737150887104.gif (762.14 KB, 320x180, Pony_Play1-ezgif.com-video-to-…)

same energy

No. 951475

You can always spot Laurposting because she can't stop asking "Why? Tell me WHY?" like a toddler lmao

No. 951476

File: 1737151632706.jpg (262.65 KB, 1179x704, Sp .jpg)

Comments on her new acting reel

No. 951477

File: 1737151669675.jpg (179.61 KB, 1179x477, Stomach.jpg)

No. 951478

File: 1737151759513.png (149.47 KB, 1179x633, Versatile.png)

No. 951479

File: 1737151852832.jpg (227.77 KB, 1080x1356, IMG_3753.jpg)

I find it funny that Lillee retweeted this because everything about her is fake and she couldn't even afford "the real thing".

>Not linking the video in case they claim it’s revenge porn
Lillee uploaded photos of herself wearing bikinis and someone uploaded them on YouTube. Why would that be revenge porn?

No. 951480

File: 1737151869890.mp4 (3.74 MB, 884x488, RPReplay_Final1737151283.mp4)

This is the powerful scene Laur is talking about. Lillee looks down 4 times for her lines in a span of 30 seconds. Her hand gestures and facial expressions remind me of that time Trump made fun of a disabled journalist.

No. 951481

This is hilarious because not only can’t they buy the real thing, tons of celebrities who CAN afford the real thing have recently stated that often times the real thing isn’t worth it anymore

No. 951482

File: 1737154975822.jpg (38.2 KB, 217x637, Screenshot 2025-01-17 180023.j…)

Laur says, "Lille you are so small like Sabrina Carpenter."

Sabrina is 4'11" and 109 pounds. She has a waist. Her thighs don't rub together. Also, her proportions are normal and she dresses her age. Don't come in waving comparisons with goddesses like Sabrina. Youll get burnt.

No. 951483

Kekk and don't forget that youtube comment above where Laur compares Lillee to Selena Gomez who, unlike Lillee, "doesn't stand out". Incredible.

No. 951484

Why do they always talk about Lillee in third person?? It's so weird to me…

No. 951488

The real star of the show is the booger in her nose.

No. 951490

Lillee is actually shorter than Sabrina, there was a video where she measured herself and she was 4’8”-4’9”. Girls who are 4’11” tend to have pretty normal proportions.

I know she’s not an actual actress so there’s no use in criticizing her acting but even in these 20 second clips it’s so obvious that she’s awful at it. She’s making the Ron Weasley scared face for this entire clip and her delivery is so forced

No. 951491

Nooooo nona why did you have to point this out kek

No. 951494

File: 1737181677656.jpg (834.19 KB, 1440x2848, Screenshot_20250118_002334_Sam…)

Because they think the spelling of "Lillee' is unique and it will break algorithms to put her at the top of Google. Currently if you search Lillee on Google, you get pic related

Just wait till AI search engines are 100% accurate and similar searches just link to their BS. Those two nimwits won't know how to get around it.

No. 951503

Why is she naked?

No. 951506

File: 1737196229256.png (569.33 KB, 542x612, twins.png)

They are basically twins…

No. 951518

File: 1737218331811.png (719.3 KB, 715x800, Same picture.PNG)

No. 951521

File: 1737220205452.png (192.45 KB, 1179x814, What.png)

No. 951522

File: 1737220256131.png (423.86 KB, 1179x1799, Identity.png)

Primink has an identity crisis and a mental illness

No. 951523

File: 1737220311546.png (223.94 KB, 1179x895, Dontwork.png)

The projection is real in this one

No. 951525

File: 1737221032561.png (427.85 KB, 608x436, Airlillee.png)

No. 951528

When did anyone “break in” to private papers? Does she mean public records?

What is she calling “low tier” work? Is that like Trump’s “black jobs”? So Laur is MAGA?

No. 951535

"low-tier work" like having a job with a paycheck and benes as opposed to "high-tier work" scamming online

No. 951540

File: 1737233518000.png (428.97 KB, 662x591, Screenshot 2025-01-18 215055.p…)

Somebody is desperate for attention and/or has sipped to much Franzia.

No. 951546

It needs to be said again, Lillee is a no-talent little nothing, but LAUR now, is the finest most milk-spewing lolcow.

No. 951549

File: 1737245181882.png (1.36 MB, 1179x4696, Comment.png)

Lillee is also extremely unhinged

No. 951550

File: 1737245787654.png (1.14 MB, 1179x3640, Corporation owner.png)

corporation owner=Primink

According to Lillee he’s had a “hitjob” on her since 2017

No. 951551

File: 1737245958234.png (513.25 KB, 1179x1952, Landlords.png)

Primink’s parents are landlords who rent out crack houses

No. 951553

File: 1737246263830.png (179.01 KB, 1179x775, Callie.png)

We have another Callie

No. 951555

File: 1737246584929.png (2.59 MB, 1179x8209, Wtf.png)

Imagine spending your days doing this

No. 951556

File: 1737246711879.png (398 KB, 1179x1532, Hex.png)

Primink put a hex on Lillee

No. 951561

File: 1737248976433.png (1.88 MB, 1179x6042, Asarch.png)

Laur is now saying that Steven Asarch wanted to meet Lillee irl kek

No. 951562

File: 1737249179374.png (392.21 KB, 1179x1692, Wiseguy .png)

This same “person” lives in the same area as Steven Asarch

No. 951563

File: 1737252644298.png (1.14 MB, 1042x1445, Release.png)

No. 951564

Buying a car, going to the dr, college courses, joining the army…these all sound like normal things a 23 year old would do. Maybe Lillee was trying to move out kek

No. 951565

>A man three times my weight

Lillee looks like she’s at least 140lb at a height of under 4’11”. She’s probably heavier than Primink kek

No. 951568

>straight out of a Hollywood screenplay quality stalking

strange thing to say

No. 951576

Or she's implying Primink should be on the next season of My 600lb Life kek

No. 951577


No. 951581

stop cowtipping you braindead moron

No. 951582


>Not too hard for me to go where goblin squatters are, landlord lives there I think, I can knock on door ask what they see & call in a tip. APS can be called by me, and I can maybe get footage for us to watch.

laur is here again to make it seem like lolcow would actually do something other than document and laugh at their antics. are we sure she's not on something beyond the franzia? so much unhinged full on ranting in all of these comments. laur's behavior is escalating rapidly

No. 951583


it's clearly laur

No. 951584

>braindead cowtipping request

checks out

No. 951586

lollll Laur loves the pigs what are you talking abt

No. 951587

are you new? laur has done this many times before. she just wants to point at the Dark Websites and say "see, they are harrassing us!!"

No. 951589

Because no cowtipping is rule 1, loser

No. 951591

https://lolcow.farm/rules learn to read, you stupid fuck

No. 951594

Can't wait to see these selfposts on Bullyish 2: Electric Boogaloo, Laur

No. 951596

We don't create milk, we observe. Creating milk is your job, Laur. And you're doing great, sweetie.

No. 951600

>Laur not knowing Electric Boogaloo is a meme
>"showing your age"


No. 951603

File: 1737266414163.jpeg (11.4 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpeg)

Time for your refill, Laur

No. 951607

File: 1737280179714.jpg (196.69 KB, 1080x719, Screenshot_20250119_094316_Sam…)

You would think they would be focused on finding a new place to live. Instead of posting very slanderous comments on like that could result in a lawsuit. Okay they don't have money to take but they can get charged. Also above is a reminder about false accusations to the police. Also Faking evidence is a crime and it can be traced back. No matter how smart you think you are.

No. 951611

>fake journo

Dude writes for Rolling Stone kek

No. 951612

Is this "deepfake explicit nudes" shit real? She has my sincerest sympathies if it is, that's a fucked up thing to happen to anyone for any reason. But I was under the impression that deepfake porn was usually made of people who are actually fuckable?

No. 951614

Damnit, I missed a classic boxed wine drunk Laur spergout…

No. 951615

I don't think Laur realises that the kind of lawsuit she wants goes both ways and the discovery is gonna be brutal. Every single post they made themself will come to light.

No. 951616

File: 1737303044119.jpg (17.63 KB, 673x56, Screenshot 2025-01-19 110734.j…)

1) English is hard for these two.

2) Getting made for Hollywood isn't going to go the way Laur thinks.

No. 951617

Hollywood would eat Lillee alive, it wouldn't even be funny…

No. 951618

They would interview the poor NYPD officers she's been whinging to, her landlords, former classmates, relatives who know she's bananas, the guys at FML, the people she doxed, the Youtubers she took down, the dentist she scammed, and even her former "leading men".

We'll need so much popcorn!

No. 951619

It's been tinfoiled that it was likely Elaine making that shit with instructions from Laur. Obviously deepfaking porn could happen to anyone woman, no matter their level of normalacy, but most of Lillee's 'followers' are women, so I really doubt it's true for that reason

No. 951620

It’s doubtful. Besides the Elaine tinfoil, the images (that nobody had even seen until Lillee posted them in one of her unhinged collages) looked more like Photoshops than deepfakes. Laur also would run here every 5 seconds in the previous thread to fight with people and say that more nudes had been posted to Twitter- which, again, nobody seemed to know about or have seen besides Lillee and Laur. IMO it’s a pretty clear ploy for sympathy and a way to try and make Lillee seem sexually desirable. She very badly wants to be thirsted after the way other girls on social media are.

There have been instances of what I would consider sexual harassment happening to Lillee in the past (creepy Indian guys flashing her on Live, other creepy old guys leaving thirsty comments on her posts) and she seems to delight in that attention so the switch-up is puzzling. The fact that she’s trying to pin it on Primink and can’t call out an actual specific account that’s making/distributing the pictures, almost as if she’s trying to hide their identity, also makes it feel like a lie. Ive seen similar things happen to other female influencers in the past and usually the first thing they do is ask their followers to report the account.

No. 951623

File: 1737308150011.mp4 (6.63 MB, 720x1280, 6Ly9zY29.mp4)

Lillee's new acting demo reel.

I see she is still delusional about her skills.

No. 951625

Diane disappeared so of course they have to go after the 2nd biggest callout. They have nothing else except each other. The celeb LARP and harassing a ton of people is the only thing that keeps them alive and occupied. Eventually this is either going to become a murder-suicide true crime documentary or a Hulu documentary about the poor man's Anna Delvey and her alcoholic paranoid-schizophrenic con artist mother.

No. 951626

File: 1737310206705.png (1.86 MB, 1080x3299, Statement.png)

This wall if text from X is "Lillee's statement".

>l'd never write otherwise without counsel from my lawyer, the NYPD, and FBI that are heavily involved

If the law enforcement was actually involved they would counsel you to NOT write anything about this.

>As of August 2024, multiple for hire deepfake explicit photos were created of my body and plastered across X

For hire? Oops! You just accidentally snitched on yourself, didn't you? You know who wanted to hire someone to make deepfake porn? Your Bri'ish buddy Elaine.

No. 951629

Primink’s channel was basically done talking about her until she started to harass him nonstop, forcing her to get even more negative attention and lose any sympathy that people might’ve had for her after seeing his first video. Even if she was talented (which she isn’t), this terrible PR would prevent her from ever getting casted in anything. Laur and Lillee are truly as retarded as they are ugly

No. 951630

All the comments and blog posts seem like an overreaction to a short segment in a video on Primink’s second channel. Wonder what’s really going on? Are they finally getting sued?

No. 951632

The goblins started their systematic copystrike campaign last spring reporting links posted on random discord channels ~4 years ago.
Soon after that they started claiming that someone is planning on kidnapping Lillee Jean. They listed stalking and harassment as reasons why they can't be evicted.

>Wonder what’s really going on
We know that they have till March to move out. I wouldn't be surprised if this is yet another big brain smokescreen by Laur the seasoned scammer.

>"high-tier work" scamming online
But of course. Laur is SO smart. She managed to fool all those stupid people so she is definitely too good for any kind of job.

No. 951638

File: 1737322971725.png (1.04 MB, 1263x1078, Cleore1.png)

More posts. Laur has some strange gayop going on. She harasses Cleore and other content creators using sock accounts.

No. 951640

Not to reverse uno here, but wouldn't having to move to a new apartment, that hasn't been disclosed within the context of public court filings potentially be the best thing that could happen to them? Just saying. Maybe I make too much sense, though, and I need to hit the Franzia box again. It is almost 5PM/ET.

No. 951641

File: 1737323375295.png (911.17 KB, 1080x1383, Cleore2.png)

Laur is posing as a man who is trying to make 3 YouTubers make videos about the goblins, fake allegations and Eurovision?
Wtf? How is the Eurovision Song Contest relevant to the goblins?
I wonder who the other 2 victims are.

(Included the original tweets in case of lost in translation)

No. 951642

>Laur is posing as a man who is trying to make 3 YouTubers make videos about the goblins, fake allegations and Eurovision?

This person is not Laur or Lillee, she is a very confused and mentally unwell woman who thinks she is being harassed by the same "agency" Laur and Lillee supposedly are using to harass creators. She has contacted primink, Cleore and Curtis about making a video to tell her story. She does not know the goblins and is not in contact with them, they are only connected in her delusions. She needs help and people probably shouldn't be engaging with her or feeding further into her delusions.

No. 951643

In theory, yes, but the goblins are really really dumb and will doxx themselves in no time…kek

No. 951644

How do you know this? Post caps. This is an imageboard.

No. 951647

File: 1737327663590.png (1.39 MB, 1393x843, 1737326485551.png)

No. 951648

This thread is about Lillee and Laur, not this mentally ill woman who has nothing to do with their antics and degeneracy.

No. 951651

File: 1737334735439.png (380.81 KB, 1179x1684, Primink.png)

Primink is catfishing kids with his avatar

No. 951652

File: 1737334846624.png (219.05 KB, 1179x961, Gasp.png)

People were GASPING at the words

No. 951653

File: 1737334938886.png (424.25 KB, 1179x1604, Primink1.png)

Primink talks about Lillee for hours on discord

No. 951654

Primink is barely even active in his server
Nta but if you're going to claim that someone who Cleore believes is Lillee and Laur harassing her across different accounts is actually an unrelated, mentally ill woman, you should provide evidence.

No. 951657

File: 1737335674815.png (173.62 KB, 1179x703, Cleore.png)

Lillee’s fans somehow know all of her bullies. This one is referring to Cleore

No. 951661

File: 1737336258939.png (459.78 KB, 1179x1731, Cleore1.png)

Another fan knows how awful Cleore is

No. 951664

File: 1737337032454.png (309.2 KB, 1179x1245, Fairusings.png)

This fan knows all about the law and various fair usings

No. 951665

File: 1737337109509.png (425.93 KB, 1179x1638, Cleore2.png)

Another fan knows all about an international cyberbully Cleore

No. 951666

File: 1737337159359.png (371.72 KB, 1179x1433, Girlboss.png)

Yet another fan was GASPING and shidding and GASPING at all the words

No. 951667

File: 1737337329740.png (336.57 KB, 1179x1434, Enterprise.png)


No. 951668

File: 1737338884311.png (3.54 MB, 1179x11557, Insanity.png)

this unhinged comment by Lillee can probably be used in a lawsuit against her. im trying to archive it now.

No. 951669

File: 1737339367657.png (841.83 KB, 1179x2662, Primink Manson.png)

Primink is just like Charles Manson

No. 951670

lmao a “film festival” that provides a “master’s degree” to all entries and is based in kurdistan - this is some straight out of boart shit. BRAVO.

No. 951671

Don’t you have some Franzia with your name on it somewhere?

No. 951674

Sitting in discord servers with zoomers all day can’t be good for Laur’s mental health.

No. 951675

File: 1737348781014.jpeg (25.54 KB, 1160x178, IMG_0686.jpeg)

No. 951678

Laur is basically Regina George pretending she wasn't the main author of the burn book. The whole "international stalking cult" is the perfect cover for her to pull more scams. She's known for making charge backs and pulling bait and switch scams with her antiques "warehouses."

No. 951679

File: 1737371513595.png (389.19 KB, 1242x862, Screenshot 2025-01-20 121028.p…)

(thx farmer!)

No. 951680

Look I know this is unspoken and obvious but the last four digits of all the obviously-laur comment accounts are numbers. In every comment. Laur switch it up, it just makes it way too easy to recognise you (if it wasn’t already something a three year old could spot).

No. 951683

It’s obviously Laur but if you haven’t noticed, that sort of convention is pretty widespread all over youtube nonna

No. 951684

I started watching Curtis Price's playlist on Lillee (it's still one of the top results when you search her on youtube despite her spamming her videos every day, just like Primink's video is) and I was reminded of Pheepy! Kekk I wonder how he is doing. Lillee, we need to know how your French diplomat boyfriend who you started dating when you were underage is doing. We haven't heard a pheep of him in a while.

No. 951686

Steven Asarch did reach out to the NYPD and they didn’t respond. He said Laur provided no evidence there were active investigations. It’s in the article he published in June. The photos weren’t reported until August. How was he supposed to talk to the cops about something that hadn’t even happened yet?

No. 951691

Ah yes, Mojo Mona and Ramen Irmen definelty sound like real people.

No. 951733

>got a new job in a new state so I'm very excited about moving and working somewhere fresh. I am packing today…

Laur and Lillee lack the creativity to actually make up storylines whole-cloth which is why their various sock puppets always sound exactly like them, like and hate the same things the goblins do, make reference to outdated pop culture from roughly 15-20 years ago, just like the goblins. I'd say based on this comment, the Truemans are being forced to look outside of NYC for their new place. Is the Attic Saga getting a Dirty Jersey arc?

No. 951742

I want them to move to fuckass Texas, where people TRULY APPRECIATE THEIR HERITAGE, to be near PT for the ultimate cow crossover.

No. 951746

What’s wrong with Texas?

No. 951750

nothing but PT lives in an area that is absolutely not new yawk and is a solid distance from any urban area, making it affordable for whatever SSDI the trumans are grifting.the culture shock would be insane. nobody would put up with their hysterical behavior, but they could certainly cast PT in their next film for her “big break”. it’s the cow cross over we deserve.

No. 951753

No. 951754

Pixyteri, queen lolcow. /Pt/ is named after her

No. 951763

Lillee believing this is a Master's degree might just be the saddest thing yet. Also this "school" is located in a low-income apartment block:

M&R Pictures Film School
No 200, Floor 23, Eskan Tower B7

Apartments are $275/month. ONLY Laur or Lillee would fall for something so pitiful.

No. 951764

kek the bogus school is run out of a 22 year old guy's bedsit flat in Iraq.Oh Laur you are a great cow.

No. 951769

Is it a certificate or a degree? They are two different things. I know it's not even worth the time to point this out because this Iraqi scam so ridiculous but it's something for the Truemans to know for the future. Look up images of real master's degrees. They don't have the word "Certificate" on them, especially written that large on the first line (which isn't even centered). A degree is higher than a certificate. Also, a Master's focused on directing would be an MFA, and the degree would state that.

>is skilled in the British RP and Queen's (NYC) dialects.

First of all RP is not a dialect. It's an accent.
And no one says "the British RP". Just write Received Pronunciation if you think people might not know what RP stands for. Also, did they mean "queen's" or "Queens"? Again, if you mean the queen's English, that is an accent, not a dialect. Also, why write "(NYC)"? So did they mean Queens as in the borough? At the risk of sounding like a broken record, again, that is an accent, not a dialect.

Someone that skilled at acting/directing with a real MFA would not make that mistake.

No. 951773

This is a bottom of the barrel diploma mill degree, it's not worth the paper it is printed on.
While getting one of these documents to hang on your wall and feel all warm and fuzzy about yourself isn't directly illegal, using them, in some instances, can be.
The FTC considers these degrees "unfair business practices" when you use them to make money or get a job you are not qualified for.
While prosecution for just owning or using one is extremely rare, when the person holding it ever gets involved in a lawsuit, degrees like this will very often be used as evidence by the opposing side to illustrate the untrustworthiness and willingness to deceive by that person.

No. 951785

No. 951786

Clothes look like SHEIN she needs to go get a real job

No. 951792

File: 1737485801501.png (531.1 KB, 660x633, Screenshot 2025-01-21 195520.p…)

No. 951804

But is Primink talking to the police about the Truemans or the TikToker Internet Sweetheart?

No. 951805

Probably both. Where do you think Internet sweetheart got the information on Primink’s family?

No. 951806

This Iraqi dude emailing out "degrees" is sending me one - I offered $10. ROFL.

NOT COWTIPPING, btw - I asked him with no mention of anyone else.

No. 951820

The Iraqi dude says he's the producer of a great award winning film but when you go to the link for it, it says the film is in production. Ladies & Gentlemen we have found Lillee's soulmate.

No. 951825

Be sure to upload an anonymized photo of your $10 “master’s degree” here when you get it.

No. 951826

File: 1737545537483.png (1.34 MB, 1823x1080, StalkerBitch.png)

About time. Lillee is truly unhinged. I don't know what she is trying to prove with these screenshots but it seems like she is obsessed with Primink and not the other way around. Why are you camping in his discord server if he is literally threatening your life? The messages in the screenshot are obviously targeted to your sock accounts.
Also the "Take down Lillee Jean" she has been repeating ad nauseam was posted by a bot. Are you really this stupid, Lillee?

No. 951831

File: 1737552007409.png (5.14 MB, 6022x2499, LilleeMakesAPost.png)

This is the full post, from her website.

No. 951832

The franzia freakout over Steven Asarch was over a new article that hasn’t been published yet? I don’t understand why she complains about Primink not going to the cops and when he finally does, it’s also harassment kek

No. 951834

Thank you for that. Let's look at these new allegations by Lillee:
>14. January 2025, this corporation stole more content, movies, and private IP and created a video that subliminally and literally showed a headstone with my name, and my mother's name on it. The corporation showed my head decapitated (my acting headshot) or various bodies, as well as my mom's nose cut off to make her "Voldemort" with a slogan to brand her as well.The video has impacted the branding of my acting headshot, and created a hateful environment once again unprovoked. The corporation also is in illegal possession of my copyrighted logo, and mocked it in a way that tarnishes the branding, online.

>15. As of January 8th, 2025 on this corporation's Discord Server, the owner encouraged people, and told them he'd SHOW THEM, how to hack into my website and steal, despite being blocked. Some are children.

>16. As ofJanuary 8th, 2025 the person who wrote several defaming articles on my mother and I, and refused to speak to the detectives investigating the very person he protected, went on to unprofessionally mock my Queen Lillee branding, while acknowledging, publicly, and participating in the theft. Thus proving, the bias of all 10 articles

>17. As of January 10-11th 2025, my photos were stolen as a result of this corporation, and more lies were spread on this corporation's Discord Server. Each comment I get on YT are micromanaged by this corporation and overanalyzed to mock, make fun, and defame me further. To illustrate - out of 80 comments, 20-30 over the last few days are analyzed, and mocked. This created a toxic environment, despite me having no contact with this corporation owner, because his "fans" went on to leave hate.

No. 951835

>18. As of January 12th, 2025, my film The Chorus in Our Eyes, which was unlisted on YT for Film Festivals, was embedded into this corporation's Discord server for children to mock and denigrate the film, with defamation such as fake awards from indie film festivals looming. This led to IMDB being vandalized, and rating bombed once again. The person who embedded it, is involved with discussing the deepfake explicit photos of me on that very server. It's an adult man from Belgium in a server full of 12-year-olds, 13-year-olds, some 17 at oldest. Some watch "MOVIE NIGHT" with this adult in private parts of the server.

>19. As of January 13, 2025, 12:00 AM my mom received a random call from Michigan. This company is in Michigan The caller demanded to get on my website, and kept questioning "Is this the right number", despite nobody having this number except an agent or CD; my mom responded by saying "There is no phone number on the block page" and further, it's midnight - blowing this "ruse". The discussion due to the correlation of Michigan, and odd questions at midnight, well as the IP registered on my visitor log, was fully recorded. The detectives were informed since they work the police report on this corporation (for agg harassment, stalking), and sent the phone number that called at midnight, as well as the recording. The suspicious late-night caller's phone number was traced to a former Federal prisoner with gun charges and drug charges. More than one person appeared on the phone, not just the main caller.

>20. As of January 21, 2025 this corporation published a picture of a police department, with an ominous caption of "detectives" being involved. Immediately "fans" of this corporation began tweeting back with my name, alluding to it must be LILLEE JEAN". Creating once again a hostile environment filled with lies, and deceit. UNPROVOKED.

No. 951836

File: 1737555227796.png (582 KB, 921x584, Screenshot 2025-01-22 091219.p…)

Kekked to death by this absolute gem

No. 951837


No. 951838

>>As of January 21, 2025 this corporation published a picture of a police department, with an ominous caption of "detectives" being involved. Immediately "fans" of this corporation began tweeting back with my name, alluding to it must be LILLEE JEAN". Creating once again a hostile environment filled with lies, and deceit. UNPROVOKED.

Unprovoked? Girl you have been posting subpoena porn for months… This is what you wanted.

No. 951840

Is there a reason you list what we can read?

No. 951841

> the owner encouraged people, and told them he'd SHOW THEM, how to hack into my website and steal, despite being blocked.

Bypassing your block script isn’t hacking

No. 951843

Yes. The text from screenshots is barely readable on mobile, there's too much rambling, and only this part is relevant.
Was going to comment on these too but comment became too long.

No. 951844

File: 1737560975166.png (721.13 KB, 1078x1130, Steven.png)

>As ofJanuary 8th, 2025 the person who wrote several defaming articles on my mother and I, and refused to speak to the detectives investigating the very person he protected, went on to unprofessionally mock my Queen Lillee branding, while acknowledging, publicly, and participating in the theft. Thus proving, the bias of all 10 articles
Are you for real? That is probably the nicest thing someone has said about your unhinged videos.

No. 951846

She's reuploading priminks videos with her watermark? That's insane

No. 951849

It's fair use, Primink doesn't care.

No. 951852

I watched her vids and the funniest part is when she reversed the Met Gala pic so it looked like someone photoshopped her pic into Katy Perry lol. She is insane

No. 951876

It's almost as if they believe it's against the law to mock them. That grade school looking logo that they think is so special, the mockery is never gonna stop. It's hilarious.

No. 951879

File: 1737613140657.png (1.71 MB, 1947x1080, IMG_8947.png)

>created a video that subliminally and literally showed a headstone with my name, and my mother's name on it.
Is your last name house? This is about you getting evicted.

No. 951900

Kek what the fuck are those videos? I tried to watch them because I assumed they would be another schizo rant but they're literally just montages of video clips with some free music on top

No. 951901

File: 1737659294659.png (1.48 MB, 980x1672, Headshot.png)

>The corporation showed my head decapitated (my acting headshot) on various bodies
>The video has impacted the branding of my acting headshot, and created a hateful environment once again unprovoked.
The goblins have been provoking Primink for 4 years. Besides no amount of "branding" that headshot would advance Lillee's "career". Really. Even if Primink deleted every video he made about them Lillee still wouldn't make it as an actress.

No. 951904

File: 1737668305779.png (3.18 MB, 1885x1424, Model.png)

No. 951905

File: 1737668361442.jpg (29.66 KB, 216x141, Eyes.jpg)

What is going on with her eyes?

No. 951906

Alcoholic daze like Mommy? Zombified from being completely dead inside? It's anyone's guess.

No. 951909

Whoever made this is making her look a like much more accomplished person than irl. Lillee graduating. Lillee earning honest money. Lillee studying and socializing. These are all things that help a young woman in her early 20s grow and develop skills on her way to a successful life and career. But Lillee thinks these are all beneath her.

No. 951911

If the pic on the right is not photoshopped, then she's finally learning her angles and how to cut a figure. Compared to the one on the left, this makes her look thinner, have a cleavage, and have longer arms, at least above the elbow. Her hair even looks good, shiny and healthy with nice highlights and waves. Good for her. But only if this wasn't retouched or gone through a filter. Full on frontal shots are not flattering for her shape. She looks wide with stubby arms, just box shaped. I'd suggest for the right one, the torso pose is fine, but it would be even better if she turned her head a little more to her left to make her face look a little thinner.

No. 951916

This is a pet peeve of mine but she would also benefit from never again wearing these deep horizontal scoop necklines on any shirt or top, they really accentuate how wide and boxy her ribcage is and how far apart and small her boobs are. Even a normal v-neckline would be an improvement.

No. 951918

Nitpick but there’s something about the lighting of her pics that always makes her skin look odd- she has very pink skin with cool undertones, but the lighting she has in her “headshots” and “press release shots” always has a bunch of weird yellowish shadows/tint that make her skin look dirty. It could just genuinely be because she admitted to not showering regularly so she IS dirty or because I’m viewing the pics with that knowledge and bias, but even when her hair seems washed she still has a smelly look somehow.

No. 951928

i think they're using a phone camera with some auto light balancing feature.

No. 951938

Internet sweetheart posted 3 videos on Instagram doxing Primink and Primink’s mom. He’s claiming Lillee emailed him and shows a message from Lillee saying her mom got Primink’s photo off a family members Facebook page.

No. 951939

Lillee also doxxed Primink's mom and a couple other family members on her website. Same thing for Cleore and Curtis.

No. 951945

I can’t believe they found someone dumb enough to face dox Primink. I noticed all of Internet Sweetheart’s post were made after Primink went to the police and the sender info is cropped out of the message (it’s definitely Lillee and Laur), he could be throwing them under the bus to avoid legal issues

No. 951948

She has uneven eyelids, I have this too but not this severe. I've seen other women with this as well, no clue what causes it outside of plastic surgery mishaps. Maybe just shit genetics like most asymmetrical facial features.

No. 951949

Her uneven liner application isn’t helping

No. 951959

It's easy enough to fix. Just get some double eyelid tape. Korean and Japanese brands sell them. Just put it on the droopy eye and it lifts that lid and you can get more symmetry. It's not permanent but cheaper than plastic surgery.

No. 951965

File: 1737748142308.png (470.39 KB, 1080x1314, Pathetic.png)

>the sender info is cropped out of the message (it’s definitely Lillee and Laur)
It definitely is.

>The suspicious late-night caller's phone number was traced to a former Federal prisoner with gun charges and drug charges.
Yet you voluntarily contacted Internet Sweetheart, a guy with a criminal record and drug charges.

No. 951967

Their not bright if they are going to the police. They are basically just helping make a case against themselves. Am not talking about primink laur am taking about you. As internet sweetheart will throw you under the bus if he ever feels you slighted him.

No. 951969

File: 1737749782694.png (1.23 MB, 1228x1080, DroopyEye.png)

You're right. Can't unsee

No. 951971

Did she get punched? Maybe that puffy eye is swollen.Around her nose is red too.

No. 951973

Now all Lillee’s comments about restraining orders and the police giving her Primink’s identity for her safety make sense. Wouldn’t be surprised if the phone call was Primink’s lawyer or a cop trying to look at Lillee’s website full of doxing and pissed off they blocked access

No. 951974

That would make sense. Primink makes a report, the police can't get on the site, call the ny cops for info or to get the truemans number to speak to them about this and they then misconstrued what happened.

No. 951977

looking like a target ad for women’s multi-vitamins. glad she finally washed her hair. they must have turned their water back on or finally scrounged enough coins together selling recyclables to afford shampoo and conditioner.

No. 951978

That's some kind of dermatitis or rosacea. She's had it for years.

No. 951985

Primink was bullied in school and had bad hygiene? Lillee/Laur is projecting again.

No. 951986

>my mom became friends with his mom to help me gather evidence of his identity

love how casually she admits to Laur stalking people

No. 951991

>internet sweetheart will throw you under the bus if he ever feels you slighted him.
Two fragile egoed serial liars team up? This friendship won't last. There will be so much milk! Internet Sweetheart can't be silenced like that Spanish guy Enrique.

No. 952007


>As of January 21, 2025 this corporation published a picture of a police department, with an ominous caption of "detectives" being involved. Immediately "fans" of this corporation began tweeting back with my name, alluding to it must be LILLEE JEAN". Creating once again a hostile environment filled with lies, and deceit. UNPROVOKED.

Unprovoked? You just said you guys used a fake account to befriend Prim's mom and then posted a photo and said the guy had a dirt ring on his neck. Unprovoked?

Laur & Lillee couldn't stop stoking the fires if they tried, they need the attention too much. Without the callouts, they'd be invisible and they know it.

No. 952008

File: 1737835285498.jpg (6.18 KB, 115x147, images.jpg)

She now has Laur's full FIVE-head. Also, anyone else notice her nose is becoming a SHNOZZ? It's highkey growwwing.

No. 952009

It was always on the wide side but now her nose is reaching potato levels

No. 952010

God she is so unfortunate looking. On top of her retardedness, stunted social (and even motor) skills, and overinflated ego, she's utterly doomed. Idk if I see any way she could possibly make a turn around.

No. 952013

Gourd shaped head, wide potato nose, paper cut lips and lopsided cross-eyes. And yet they had the gall to make all of Lillee’s fake fan accounts into nonwhite women who were jealous of Lillee’s looks kek

No. 952014

She looks like she’s melting, once she starts wrinkling up in a few years she’s going to look like one of those sharpei dogs. I can’t believe how much that jaw surgery fucked up her face, if only laur cared enough when she was younger to get it fixed, but alas, the call of Franzia was too strong.

No. 952037

File: 1737913423846.jpg (102.62 KB, 718x794, Screenshot 2025-01-26 123947.j…)

Could Laur be more pathetic? She's pretending to be a guy watching The Chorus Our Eyes in. Sad.

No. 952038

File: 1737914281481.jpg (69.39 KB, 653x490, Screenshot 2025-01-26 125505.j…)

"Two Me's" kek

why is basic English so fucking hard for them?

No. 952039

Kinda weird to take pictures of your tv while watching a 14 minute long movie to prove on the internet that you actually saw it… def not staged

No. 952040

"DIfferent me's" yeah ms trueman we know you have multiple personalities and none of them are your own.

No. 952041

File: 1737915254521.png (154.58 KB, 322x490, Screenshot 2025-01-26 191342.p…)

Mentioning Lillee Jean in the same post as Chief Zabu is blasphemy.

No. 952043

is this side by side supposed to show us how she's able to look normal-ish but also like she's bursting w chromosomes? Like, she can play her own retarded twin sister? Maddie ziegler better watch out kek

No. 952050


They’re both FAS touched, but thanks for the needless comparison

No. 952053

File: 1737942087874.gif (1.04 MB, 800x448, Bingo.GIF)


No. 952060

Such a strange girl. And then her mom posts gifs of her being strange.

No. 952069

Keks nonna.

Am I the only one who would love to see more "films" where she awkwardly flirts with ramdom guys?
It's too bad she can't find better looking ones, that would make the scenes even cringier.

No. 952070

The dude looks like dollar store Adam Driver.

No. 952073

They’re using fake accounts to talk shit about the guy who interviewed Lillee last year in his comment section

No. 952074

It’s hilarious but also painful to watch. Even this (not attractive) dude was having a hard time acting like he had any interest in or attraction to Lillee’s character at all despite how desperate she seemed. I wonder how their dynamic was supposed to come off in the script, because if I was to write a synopsis it would be “fat shrieky dwarf harasses random man in park and tries to force him to date her”

No. 952091

File: 1738008683489.png (719.83 KB, 2594x893, LaurYT.png)

How does alogging the interviewer one year later help the goblins?


G8 job Laur!

No. 952102

My brain read this in a scathingly incredulous, Judge Judy-esque tone. The unbelievably bad grammar and repetitive rambling just make it frustratingly impossible to decipher whatever point Lillee is trying to make. If they tried to present something like this in actual court ’with police involved’, at best they would get laughed out of court within the first few minutes. And instead of a sound humbling from Judge Judy, Laur would probably be held in contempt of court while Lillee just stands there like a helpless tard.

No. 952113


No. 952146


She’s so smug and unprofessional holy shit. Who crosses their arms when doing an interview? She acts as though she’s so far above him. Gross.

No. 952155

Hawk Tuah toahh
What is this supposed to mean? Attic Pidgin is so fkn confusing, I'm sure it's supposed to be a gotcha too but like??

No. 952156

File: 1738084400610.png (40.94 KB, 910x190, america.png)

Lillee's been a little too proud to be an American lately. She's been mentioning it a lot.

No. 952166

When the goblins get agitated enough to let the mask slip and say what they really feel on SM, their views are indistinguishable from MAGA. I'm pretty sure that- for Laur especially -their anti-Trump virtue signaling was more about trying to demonstrate how authentically "New Yahwk" they are than any fundamental disagreement with his platform or behavior. Maybe they are testing the waters with right-wing flavored content, since they've scammed themselves into a corner with the Film Auteur LARP. There's no money to be made with this fake film festival plan that they went all-in on after ditching makeup, cosplay, activism, and chatshow host. They need cash to avoid living in Laur's jeep with Earl's freezer crammed in back. Right-wing types love to give money to talentless white leeches with a sad sack story about being canceled by the woke mob

No. 952173

Laur has probably called ICE on her Chinese landlord

No. 952194

lol(unsaged non-contribution)

No. 952204

File: 1738135112641.jpeg (8.55 KB, 242x148, download.jpeg)

Proof she never exercises, fuck she's flabby.

No. 952213

You think she’s capable of any thought involved in anything other than her own nose? Lillee and politics? Come on. She’s just fantasizing of being the all American sweetheart. Patriotism is just an accessory. Something like when in comedies misses say they advocate for ending the world hunger. She’s that dense.

No. 952216

If you think MAGA windowlickers need their mouthpieces to be capable of sophisticated thought, of anything beyond "shaddap 'bout slavery" and "deyr taykin er jahbs" things Lillee and Laur have openly cried about ad nauseum, then you're probably a windowlicker yourself. It's not hard to parrot right-wing talking points into a camera and then beg for money to pay for dubious legal expenses.

Really, her only roadblock on that route would be getting the GoFundMe set up and the donation bucks out before they remember that they actually hate ugly women and Jewish people more than they love propping up losers to own the demoncrats and turn on her.

No. 952219

Lillee’s ugliness would probably be a greater impediment to her grifting MAGA money than you think, because conservative men especially hate ugly, fat women. H. Pearl Davis or whatever her name was aggressively pandered to men and they still derided her because of her looks and IMO she looks similar to Lillee (maybe even a bit more attractive and a better speaker, though that’s a low bar). Being very Christian is also a big factor for conservatives and Lillee keeps instead emphasizing her Jewishness for victim points

No. 952262

File: 1738262097328.jpeg (135.42 KB, 1080x1920, download.jpeg)

>she's finally learning her angles
Good for her but she really needs to buy clothes that fit.

No. 952263

File: 1738262352670.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1958, IMG_3618.png)

Who would she even play?

No. 952268

File: 1738267457562.jpeg (209.17 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_4566.jpeg)

Giant fat balloon face

No. 952270

Her face and nose just get wider and wider

No. 952272

Her mutating uneven eyes disturb me, In some pics it's glaring that one is lower than the other and that one is hooded and the other isn't (which is something I never saw in my life though I've seen uneven eyes before) but in others like this one they seem even.

No. 952281

In the blue cardigan pictures her eyes are very clearly uneven to me. In the other one they also look uneven, but the uneven-ness can be masked by squinting and using eyeliner.

No. 952289

can't escape laur genes. soon her hair will start to recede too and they can be danzig twins

No. 952313

Idk if contour would help that potato nose. Not that she would do it.

No. 952329

Internet Sweetheart shared this post earlier and deleted it after a few hours. I can’t find the original post on Lillee’s site anymore. Did they delete the entire thing?

No. 952331

I love the kiwifag thrown into the discord screenshots!

No. 952337

No. 952357

The irony of a guy with Nazi face tattoos sharing Lillee’s story about anti Jewish hate. Well played, Primink

No. 952359

Wow, her acting chops are on full display here. Amazing range. We have:
>Smug woman having an argument
>The worst accent I've seen so far
>Smug woman having an argument
>Smug woman having an argument
>Smug woman having an argument
>Smug woman having an argument
>Smug woman having an argument

No. 952367

kekkk she can’t even keep a straight face while doing that accent

No. 952370

What accent is that supposed to be?

No. 952371

Either Creole or Lapplander, hard to say.

Did she just repeat the role of the bitch from NJ who slobbered on a cookie?

No. 952374

It’s funny that she insists on these “girlboss” type roles in which she’s an educated/skilled woman in a position of authority despite having a room temperature IQ and no high school diploma IRL. She’s just like her law school janitor mother. Has anyone else noticed that she also keeps antagonizing Hispanic men in her dialogues for some reason? (“Enrique” as the love interest she’s an asshole to, “Emmanuel” in that stupid jeans/fashion sense monologue)

No. 952379

the 10 frame animated logo on repeat is sending me

No. 952404

It's sad that she thinks a real girlboss would behave this way. In most corporations she'd be fired the first time she threw one of these childish flip-outs. Real professionals have their jobs because they know how to handle common issues with competence.

No. 952405

It's sad how much she doesn't know about normal people and normal life. This must be how Laur talks to her.

No. 952407

What even is this accent supposed to be? French? Russian?

No. 952417

It sounds like she’s trying to copy the accent of Abbey Bominable from the old Monster High movies

No. 952425

From the description:
>The reel focuses on an original comedic "BABY GRILL" breakup scene, a fierce sisterly "Make It Blue" from season 3, episode 2 of So Lillo Qui scene, and the blunt fire of the "Dime A Dozen" scene, from season 3 episode 24 of her monologue show.

0:00​ Babe Scenes
0:17​ Dime A Dozen Scene
0:32​ Make It Five!
0:47​ I Did The Research.
0:58​ Baby Grill Lives On
01:20​ I'm Thinking.
01:28​ Make It Blue
02:01​ Queen Lillee Logo

No. 952426

The character's name is Dvorya. So it's probably supposed to be Russian accent?

>Short to temper, in this scene written by Lillee Jean, her character Dvorya goes through a myriad of emotions. With not much said, but much focused on the expressions, the last thing Dvorya wants is more infernal talking.

No. 952468

wait, wasn't "dvorya" her brave girlboss russian great-something-grandmother's name? much like jean, it doesn't even sound authentic and was probably mangled from something legit in the generational goblin telephone game

No. 952476

I don't know what's more embarrassing. Her resembling an actual 4 year old playing make believe or her morphing into Laur with a five head and double chin. What's sad is that I can see that she's had actual lessons because for a few brief moments you can see her acting slightly normal (not being good acting. Just being normal). I'd say that she should be this level at grade school, but child actors are damn good and can be compared or best decent seasoned actors. If she had talent her voice would be great for cartoons.

No. 952477

Yes lol and her other character in her “romcom” was named Deborah, which sounds similar to Dvorya

No. 952483

Sad that no one in her extended family has ever stepped in to try to help. They had to know Laur's issues, yet they left her alone with a child.

No. 952484

No one stepped in for Gypsy Rose either and we know how that ended.

No. 952579

Imo gypsy had some sort of mental capacity for self empowerment, contrary to lillee. Can you imagine LJ getting a job? Paying bills? Functioning anyhow like an adult in society? Renting? She’s so stunted she’ll never get away, if anything her biggest problem will be when Laur kicks the bucket. LJ will probably an hero, she has 0 chance of making it even as a homeless prostitute.

No. 952613


Yeah, Lillie isn't smart enough to manipulate a scrote into doing her bidding for the promise of pussy. Her horny ass would probably just end up hunching on the first non elderly dude to breathe in her direction and run away with him, which would probably be even worse for her than living under Laur's saggy tits.


Has Lillie become Laur's new drinking buddy now that she's over 21? Recently she's been looking absolutely sloshed in pictures. I can't decide on if Laur would encourage alcoholism in Lillie to keep her more dependent, or if she prefers to pretend Lillie is a minor

No. 952643

File: 1738955565396.png (754.32 KB, 1629x1073, LaurX.png)

Laur's tweets.
What's the matter? I thought Lillee made funny faces all the time.

I know these engagement pods are scams but I still find it funny that Laur would join a writing community given her poor grammar. The typo in the hashtag #WritingCommmunity is the chef's kiss.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were drinking buddies now. Their situation is bleak and no amount of fake awards from fake festivals is going to prevent the eviction.

No. 952653

Absolute tinfoil but I doubt that. If anything maybe some abuse of prescription meds are going on, but Laur gives me spidey senses that she’s trying to keep Lillee to be this infantile princess, to be her precious little kid star. She didn’t allow her to mature at all, besides exploiting her for pervy photoshoots. Not sure about any of this, this entire family dynamic just feels more true crime to me than just two idiots scamming through life.

No. 952691

File: 1739011885905.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1238, Corporation.png)

Get ready for a total goblin meltdown. The Corporation has uploaded a video that has Lillee's head decapitated on a spider. And a picture of subliminally and literally showing a door with Lillee's acting headshot with blood on the floor. While the Corporation is depicted as Grim Reaper.
(I'm not fluent in Attic Pidgin)

No. 952745

Saw a thumbnail of this woman and literally thought it was Lillee. Amazing how they look alike. Even their makeup style. Didn't care enough to watch more than 2 sec of her video so no idea if she's milky, intelligent, unintelligent, whatever. Just the resemblance is uncanny.(off-topic)

No. 952747

B-but anon! Lillee’s look alikes are Elizabeth Olsen, Vanessa Paradis and Princess Rapunzel!!!

No. 952762

She thinks her monologues are "iconic". She says "Honestly" like my great-grandma talks. But at least she admits her views come from hate watching.

No. 952763

File: 1739121831683.png (23.55 KB, 799x225, Screenshot 2025-02-09 182047.p…)

Looks like the warrant for their eviction was rejected and a new one is pending. Any legal nonas that can explain what this means?

No. 952771

most likely the landlord made some technical mistake in the filing somehow

No. 952781

It’s been a few days and nothing from Lillee about this. Primink must have done something to finally shut them up.

No. 952782

She does this thing in every video where she tilts her head back with half-closed eyes and smiles smugly, it's very off-putting. Like a teenager trying to convince you she's so confident & unbothered, when in reality everyone can pick up on her insecurity. It's not giving fun and approachable, it's giving petty and mean. I also truly don't understand why she keeps filming herself from this low angle.

No. 952783

To hide how uneven her eyes are? The left side of her face is sliding down really bad.

No. 952785

Her face looks fatter and her lips look thinner in her “acting” videos so the low angle seems to be more flattering even though she still looks bad

No. 952844

It looks like she is auditioning for smeagol in a broadway. Her disgruntled faces are so forced and cringey.

No. 952867


Does anyone else think Lilz has bells palsy or something? Her face wasn't this asymmetrical when she was younger. Her fucked up jaw couldn't cause all of this by itself right?

No. 952873

File: 1739380988044.jpeg (151.35 KB, 1172x1465, download.jpeg)

She also does this. The smug smile works.

No. 952874

File: 1739381455750.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.71 KB, 696x354, Beverly-Hills-eye-asymmetry-du…)

Nona, c'mon.
The only part of her face that is lopsided is her eyes, and that's obviously because one socket is lower than the other. She's able to move both sides of her face, her lower eyelid doesn't hang, the skin of her jaw doesn't sag.
This kind of medfagging is so annoying, she has zero symptoms, what even made you think that?
Her eye is lower because that's how her skull was made. It's becoming more apparent now I think because of her styling and her going from crazy eyes to dead inside. Picrel is a photo of a man who has uneven eyes, it's not palsy, just the way his bone structure is.

No. 952900

Like other anon said, Bell’s palsy causes complete facial paralysis- it would make her unable to smile or chew on one side. Unilateral eyelid drooping can be caused by myasthenia gravis, but I don’t think it’s that either- her eyelid just looks like it is literally lower on one side. I think that as she gets older and loses more orbital fat the asymmetry will become more pronounced. She’s definitely very unfortunate looking, but it’s the face she deserves kek

No. 952921

Sooo, eviction when?

No. 952966

File: 1739538049133.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.54 KB, 548x560, images.jpg)

Spoiler out of respect for Sloth.

No. 953019

i’m curious. what do you guys think is going to happen now with this latest eviction? it seems like they’ve really run out of options other than moving to another state entirely, living in a motel or bumming it out of a car. laur will probably come up with something, but what i don’t know.

No. 953020

My guess is that they’ll have to live with family, I can’t see them going to a shelter or something. They may also just move to shittier public housing, but idk how much availability for that there is in NYC. The fact that Laur thought she was just going to live in a nice house in Yonkers or wherever they are and never ever pay rent is beyond stupid.

No. 953023

They've ruined all good will with family. Lillee hasn't had a relationship with her grandparents since she was young, Laur's sisters hate her/are dead…I don't think there's anyone else

No. 953041

Lillee should just get a fucking job so that they can pay rent elsewhere lol, they never had to get kicked out of their current living quarters in the first place. They could’ve just gotten jobs

No. 953065

they could qualify for public housing but laur is too proud/stupid/uppity to live somewhere that isn’t either the upper east side or the suburbs. i was looking at that house they were squatting in and the area was very nice; it was so incredibly stupid for her to think she could be living in a nice middle class suburb and not pay a lick of rent. they need to be living upstate, close to the canadian border, in those little shitty former manufacturing towns where you can still find a house to rent for a couple hundred a month.

scammers think they’re too good to work lol.

No. 953074

It doesn't seem like Laur's too proud to me, it seems like she has NO pride. I mean there are homeless people with more skills and integrity than she can ever dream of.

No. 953075

File: 1739728406561.jpg (31.96 KB, 487x320, Screenshot 2025-02-16 124334.j…)

Repetitive speech must be an indicator of a specific disorder, damn she is not well. Poor Lillee.

No. 953082

File: 1739737746218.png (2.16 MB, 1063x2538, TwitterInsta.png)

Here's Lillee's Valentine's Day posts on X and Instagram. Doesn't seem happy at all.
>LOVE YOURSELF and your family 10000 times over on this day
>Spend today with your family and love their as dear

No. 953083

File: 1739737902582.png (2.23 MB, 1069x1464, ForeverAlone.png)

Full-size pics. It says throwback. How old are these?

No. 953084

>they can live with you they can live with you they can live with you
LMAO nobody wants these stinky ugly troglodytes living with them, that’s why they’re getting evicted. It’s funny that Laur’s desperation for nice free housing is coming through in her posts. Hope the Truemans have fun being homeless!

No. 953101

So, definitely no actual plan, then. Laur, you better get it together. You and your precious crotch fruit are going to be sleeping in your car and showering at the YMCA

No. 953102

Nonna, you're in luck. I happen to be stoned enough to spoonfeed you this goblin trivia because I think it's a funny coincidence that Lillee's feeling nostalgic for this event in particular.
It's from a (free? cheap?) event she went to back in August or September of 2022 >>891607 when she and Laur were avoiding process servers for their landlord's first attempt to evict them. >>893233

No. 953115

I love how her Voyager series involves no actual voyaging, though I guess leaving her neighborhood is as close as she will come to seeing the world.

No. 953149

Legal anon—the tristate won’t evict[i.e. Luna remaining in her squat last winter] during the dead of winter if the defendant claims hardship with no where to go. Essentially the same reason why it’s illegal for the electric company to shut off your heat during the winter. They cannot throw you out on the cold streets.

But they most certainly will toss her ass out come spring regardless. Not only has she’s not paid rent, she is now past the term of her lease. This is considered a “holdover”, in the event of a holdover situation the rent is escalated typically at market point of 120% escalation of base rent. The HUD laws can protect her from the streets during the winter but it will not pause the rent escalation during holdover. Thus, her judgment most likely just doubled.(sage your shit)

No. 953173

Wasn't her eviction supposed to be in March anyhow? Spring is in a few weeks.

No. 953174

File: 1739910030163.png (904.04 KB, 1240x1079, LaurX.png)

Laur's posts on X. What does she even write about?
>You're birthday?
G8 job, Laur.
Why does she hate Mondays? It's not like she has a job. Is it because they can't get served on weekends?

TY! Maybe she is nostalgic about this event because those were the days when they could avoid their problems (consequences of their own actions) by leaving the house.

>rent is escalated typically at market point of 120% escalation of base rent.
What happens if/when they don't pay?

No. 953187

nta but from what i know, they will either garnish any wages, income (unlikely cause they’re broke), etc they get or worst case scenario, they will throw their asses in jail since the landlord can and likely has proof this is more than just a civil dispute or a temporary issue with funds. if he has proof they lied about their income (fake pay stubs, doctored bank statements), lied about lj being on the lease (the jane doe nonsense) or used fake names and stolen id’s/ssa to get the place, it will be escalated to a criminal case. that’s why they’re acting funny…they know what’s up and it’s getting serious.

No. 953191

The court system doesn’t have time for deep diving into a bum family. Because they claimed there was a disabled person on premises, and the courts winter eviction back log this case will most likely be postponed until late spring/early summer.

The number one thing the court wants in holdover cases is recapture/possession of the premises. The system recognizes the family is dead broke, so they might not accelerate the holdover escalation; you can’t get blood from a stone. However, they will most likely have a judgment against them for the rent owed up to the escalation of the term. I will spare you of the judgment and lien options and over all standard default remedies outlined by New York, notwithstanding the remedies outlined in the lease originally. As to holdover amounts, at that point it’s the courts discretion.

The reality of it is the landlord wants the house back, and they’ll most certainly get it. Turnover is where it potentially comes a criminal matter because sheriffs will be conducting the eviction lockout and any interference/pushback is at the very least obstruction of justice. Fingers crossed we get a Laur mugshot to ice the eviction cake.

No. 953196

i have a feeling they will move out a night or two before the actual eviction date but you never know, they might end up staying and trying to block the door. i could see that happening if laur hasn’t come up with any last resort options.

No. 953262

Laur was here a couple of days ago chimping out about how any anon laughing at their imminent homelessness should let the goblins move in with them. Either they haven't found a new place to squat yet, or it's a grimy slum and it's breaking the immersion on their "thriving indie filmmaker" delusion. If they haven't found an apartment yet, I wonder if they'll try to pull a Tuna and attempt to squat in an Airbnb.

No. 953268

File: 1740081373356.png (710.88 KB, 801x1874, TruthHurts.png)

So this is Laur's latest excuse for her talentless daughter not being a famous actress yet? Because they don't know anyone on the inside.
>we hope it makes a difference
No. Your one million fake followers don't make a difference.

Also you can go to auditions without getting recommended you twat. Lillee is just too lazy and unmotivated to go anywhere.

No. 953288

File: 1740095391144.jpeg (71.75 KB, 568x842, IMG_4736.jpeg)

Another Lillee “modeling” pic for that fake Israeli makeup company showing how misaligned her eyes are.

No. 953291

>someone to get you recommended for an audition
Isn't that what an agent does? Why doesn't she get her "client" an agent? Because no one will take her? As her manager she's doing a piss poor job. But she can't get fired.

No. 953292


I don't understand the point of this. They keep putting up fake ads that no one paid for, for some obscure brand that may or may not be in business. Did they pick a shady company because they know they won't go after them and shut down the fake ads?

No. 953297

But Laur knows Vanessa Bryant and Mark Pellegrino. She decorated Johnny Depp's house and was a propmaster for The Alienist and Men in Black. How does she not have any famous connections at all?

The lies are starting to catch up with them.

No. 953300

File: 1740127491473.png (604 KB, 1080x1431, Dvorya.png)


No. 953304

Slavic accent kek

No. 953309

But…but Anon!I thought Laur knew Johnny Depp, Kobe Bryant and… ALL HOLLYWOOD!!!

No. 953313

If you google the brand, Lillee’s IMDB is one of the first results. My guess is that it’s a shitty small brand owned by some old people who don’t bother vetting influencers and Lillee uses it to both pad out her “modeling” resume and show that she’s a Zionist because she and Laur think that’ll make her look better to Zionist producers. Lillee is an absolutely terrible influencer though, the mascara looks clumpy and her skin looks aged. There are genuinely products that I will never buy because I remember how disgusting they looked on Lillee back in her influencer days (prime example is those Good Molecules serums that she would smear all over her face along with her snot, literally so disgusting and made me decide to never try a GM product). She does the exact opposite of making you want to buy something.

No. 953315

There is not a single real review of any of the brand's products anywhere to be found online.

No. 953316

File: 1740151211579.jpg (1.02 MB, 972x2660, Screenshot_20250221-151634.jpg)

When you look up images of this brand LJ's face is in half of them. I guess it's some random small brand that wasn't bothered to look into her and was just glad someone with a million (fake) followers wanted to advertise their shit.

No. 953317

She's shown no proof that she even uses Adah products. And her skin is dull and red around the nose most of the time. Look at her skin compared to the real models and she's just sad.

No. 953318

File: 1740152158846.jpg (878.23 KB, 1080x1935, Screenshot_20250221-152043.jpg)

Samefag, on their Instagram Lillee Jean isn't on there at all. And none of the models on the page are random schlubby nobodies like Lillee. The models seem to either be legit models or influencers with actual followings who know how to dress themselves. None of the models look as asymmetrical, dull, or doughy as Lillee. So who knows what's going on with this brand and their relationship with Lillee.

No. 953319

File: 1740152273055.jpg (125.41 KB, 640x482, adah.jpg)

Laur you can put the word ADAH on any image, it will never make your kid a model.

No. 953320

You nonnas don't remember.. she has no relationship with brand, she pretended to work for them but they don't know anything about her and don't care about her.

No. 953323

File: 1740154149265.jpeg (191.16 KB, 828x453, IMG_4739.jpeg)

She has used their products, if you find the video “ad” she filmed and voiced over for them she clearly shows their products and applies their mascara and lash primer. It’s possible they sent her PR and she took it upon herself to act like they asked her to be in a commercial. She’s holding their night cream here.

No. 953335

She's pulling almost the same shit she pulled with Bite Beauty. Time for Adah to send a cease and desist to the Truemans.

No. 953347

File: 1740216785623.png (593.6 KB, 754x1856, GenerationX.png)

Here's a confusing conversation between Laur and a woman whose name and profile pic I censored.
I must ask which generation is Laur referring to
>They changed the world and not for the better.
>what we have gone thru and seen for 8 years
Is she talking about Lillee getting sued for not paying for her oral surgery or something else entirely.

No. 953350

Just boomer sperging about “back in my day.” Rich how she feels she can be morally superior to anyone when she’s a deadbeat grifter.

No. 953355

Laur is a lazy grifter with a room temperature IQ and 0 achievements in life, she has no business saying how much doctors/dentists who go through 8+ yrs of rigorous post-high school education should be paid. And they were also paid more in the past, so her whinging about “this generation” is retarded

No. 953419

Laur hates this generation of doctors - she would rather have 17th century doctors who slap a leech on you and only charge a sixpence. I see.

No. 953420

>what we have gone thru

What - free teeth worth thousands of dollars?

No. 953423

The goblins don't really do regular healthcare often enough for them to have any kind of legitimate gripe with the system, so I'd bet at least part of Laur's beef with doctors at the moment is that they sued both her AND Lillee over those unpaid orthodontic bills, which is making it impossible for anyone in the Trueman family to pass a credit check to get a decent apartment. Instead of putting forth the effort to find a job and a little place within their fixed income budget, Laur wants to tell her boohoo story to strangers on xitter for the brief dopamine rush she gets from being treated like a poor baby victim.

No. 953535

File: 1740486320849.png (232.6 KB, 1185x229, Screenshot 2025-02-25 132200.p…)

Lillee and Laur trying to get random people fired from their jobs again for the crime of being in a public Discord server…

No. 953539

How can one woman be so stupid. How much stupid can be crammed into one single human head?

No. 953540

The Truemans need to be careful emailing jobs. New York just passed the Creep Act, which makes it much easier for people trying to get restraining orders against stalkers. Getting evicted sucks enough, being homeless while fighting multiple restraining order cases would be even worse

No. 953541

Prison is 3 meals a day and a bed - maybe they realize it would be a step up from their current life.

No. 953543

File: 1740493255191.webp (89.84 KB, 367x551, d1e4607e92aa56d6437ef0f6b4949e…)

>illegal hate speech

What is Laur calling illegal hate speech?

Freedom of speech, lady - nobody has to like your short fat talentless kid. Maybe YOU stop humiliating her on the internet??

No. 953547

File: 1740496836443.png (148.99 KB, 842x662, Screenshot 2025-02-25 161732.p…)

>You've been sweet hearted !!!

No. 953548

Primink has filed for a restraining order in Florida against Internet Sweetheart. 25-DR-001279 is the case number. It pops up if you search cases for Primink’s legal name and/or Internet Sweetheart’s legal name. You can’t get any info on the case because it’s in domestic/family court but it’s a restraining order. You can’t search New York domestic cases by name, but I’m willing to bet there’s a similar case against Laur. Especially since all the information Internet Sweetheart used was from Lillee & Laur. Really interesting Laur’s causing issues using Internet Sweetheart’s name now

No. 953556

No. 953557

File: 1740520149091.webp (67.95 KB, 1200x865, preview-of-tomorrow-nights-gam…)

Primink is a retard and hypocrite who can dish it out, but can't take it. He publishes personal information in his Youtube exposes, but when the same thing happens to him and his personal info gets leaked, he reeees about it and calls it stalking. It sucks that Laur leaked his addy, but he made entire videos on them. How is it any different? They're both retards who published personal info and made it available online for each other to exploit.(whiteknight)

No. 953559

Where did Primink publish any personal information in his Youtube exposes? All he did was make videos about content the goblins published online. The goblins decided to take it personal and tried to take his channel down (multiple times) and since that channel is his livelihood, he has every right to take action against them. Primink never published or gave out their address or personal information and only took action after the goblins and Internet Retard decided to work together to take him on and doxx him and his parents.

No. 953560

Befriending his mom to find out his personal information is psychotic

No. 953562

You're the retard here. Primink making videos of material that Lillee and her mom have published for everyone to see is never comparable to them doxxing him and publishing his private information, not in any universe kekk

No. 953569

Primink’s first video about Lillee mainly talked about the Shaniqua account, shitty art, and Met Gala edits. He’s never published their personal info. I have zero sympathy for the Truemans’ lazy racist asses and atp I’m rooting for anyone who’s against them kek

No. 953570

primink seems to go to lengths to keep his personal life mostly separate from his channel, nowhere did he post his address or where he live. the truemans obviously paid for some online service to dig up his address

No. 953583

Which they would not have been able to do if he hadn't put out that info. Truemans are also using info that Primink put out on the internet and I have no sympathy for either. Different retards, same game.

No. 953584

I'm sorry but you are the retard here. Primink didn't post his picture anywhere. Laur got that because she became Facebook friends with Primink's mother. And in case you didn't know, the goblins use their website as honeypot/doxing tool.
You don't have to like Primink but this is a weird hill to die on.

No. 953586

The goblins didn't have to pay anyone to find out Primink's legal name or general location. They simply abused YouTube's copystrike tool. YouTube requires content creators to provide their legal name and an address. This information is necessary for the AdSense account (monetization). They accept a PO box address but not an alias.

So when the goblins strike someone's video and the person wants to dispute the copyright strike, YouTube helpfully provides the goblins this person's legal name and address.

No. 953590

The Truemans are in the wrong, literally nobody is on their side because they’re objectively bad people in the wrong, and Lillee is a hideous talentless gnome who should get a job because she’s about to be homeless.

No. 953591

hope this guy tattoos Lillee’s logo on himself and the goblins lose their minds when they can’t copyright claim a body

No. 953596

Baffling. She's incapable of putting effort into anything, especially her "passion". She improvised two sentences worded awkwardly and it's clear she had no idea where she was going with it when she pressed record.

No. 953597

File: 1740585238453.jpg (161.79 KB, 862x752, Screenshot 2025-02-26 105003.j…)

I was wondering what these 25 foot-long cosmetics were that our favorite little illiterate was talking about, but she meant '25 as in 2025.

Also they're pretending to be in Manhattan now. You got evicted in Flushing and now you wanna play that you're in Manhattan?

No. 953598

Too bad Adah makeup can't hide two completely mismatched angled eyes.

No. 953599

Smmeone from the 1950s writes her posts. "Your fave redhead blondie"???? Chica you got brown hair. You always had brown hair.

No. 953600

the singing in the opening credits

This is the most professional she’s looked in a long time. But why is Laur acting like this brand sending Lillee PR is the same as them producing commercials together? The brand hasn’t acknowledged them or shared any of these ads? It’s obvious they sent Lillee PR to use and review, not hired her as an exclusive spokesman. It’s embarrassing they’re trying to spin it as such.

No. 953601

Never mind, it’s from 9 months ago kek

No. 953602

>the singing in the opening credits
It's something a schizo or an autist would make

No. 953603

This is how someone raised locked in an attic sings.

Remember the Turpin family that was locked up by their parents, they used to make little videos singing just like this. Luckiily they got out.

No. 953609

If I didn't know about her, I'd think this was an SNL parody commercial.

No. 953611

If even your own mother doesn't like you idk what to say, you must be a monster.

No. 953613

Lillee has been desperately trying to bag a career as an entertainer/social media personality for over 5 years and has not netted a single legitimate fan, she must be a monster as well as a born loser

No. 953618

File: 1740604937010.png (1.2 MB, 976x2197, TV.png)

This guy made another post.
>A friend is majoring in psychology
>found a screen capture of my first post on a site Message board
Don't lie. Laur or Lillee told you about it.

>they sound like losers

Says the guy who takes pictures of his TV. I love how he posted this shit on a group and tried to make it a conversation about actors people love to hate.

No. 953623

I'm convinced it's just Laur posting, nobody else would advertise Lillee like this. The language is identical to all those youtube comments they write on Lillee's videos, starting from pretending "he" doesn't use the internet and thus doesn't know anything about imageboards. Laur loves to write this same character over and over, the kind that has such a Normal Real Life that he thinks "the internet bullies" are all "weird losers"… But at the same time somehow always know exactly what is happening with Lillee all the time and references it saltily kekk. The youtube comments have also mentioned "a friend" writing "a paper" about Lillee and cyberbullies. It's always some bad variation of the same character

No. 953625

I bet he buys Lillee's feet pics

No. 953626

How did you get "Primink's mother hates him" from that comment?

No. 953628

File: 1740608448205.png (1.04 MB, 1789x1080, Degenerate.png)

His room does give those vibes.
>cardboard cutout of woman in catsuit
>cluster of weird pictures
>skull behind TV
>dust everywhere
>grandma curtains

No. 953629

Looks like somewhere an incel would live or loser with no job living in his mother's house.

I thiink the cardboard cutout catwoman is Lillee. Laur, if you want to sound like a credible man, this isn't helping.

No. 953630

I think it’s some random cosplayer. The guy’s FB page is just Zionist shit, reposting random female cosplayers in catsuits and promoting Lillee’s shitty movies

No. 953634

File: 1740617907966.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1179x1825, IMG_8886.jpeg)

No. 953642

Laur that means softcore porn photography. Posting weird feet fetish content is not it either.

No. 953653

Does anyone have a definitive reason behind the Jane Doe nonsense? We all know Lillee lives there. The landlord must've known years ago when he made the huge mistake of renting to them. Why does she lack public documentation and why is great effort being made to conceal personal information about her?

No. 953654

Not abnormal for kids to be listed as Jane or John Doe on a renting agreement, the law doesn't require them to be listed by name.

No. 953658

Lillee is 23 though. Far from a kid.

No. 953661

landlords often list every occupant not actually on the lease as John Doe or Jane Doe
it gives the tenant’s attorney less opportunity to waste time by asking for proof that the named party lives there

No. 953662


>>953661 is correct but also sometimes unnamed parties and/or people living there as not part of the lease agreement will be named as a Doe for formality, then potentially revealed in discovery. It isn't uncommon for the caption to be amended to remove a Doe. It's a CYA move by the filing attorney.

No. 953681

If they aren’t out of the home today, the police can remove them and their belongings Monday. Whenever I start to feel sympathy for them being homeless, I remember Laur did this >>953535 for the last 3 months instead of finding a new home. Laur’s neighbors allegedly hate them >>943771 maybe a good samaritan will record for us

No. 953701

File: 1740779008530.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1562, WW.png)

Just wow.

No. 953702

File: 1740779040835.jpg (424.07 KB, 1905x3000, media_Gk4ibyqXQAE5SaL.jpg)

I mean just look at it

No. 953703

File: 1740779094196.jpg (309.28 KB, 2190x3000, media_Gk4iXC8WkAABDpS.jpg)

No. 953707

File: 1740781226989.png (60.86 KB, 199x211, Screenshot 2025-02-28 231915.p…)

No. 953722

Irrefutable proof that femcels cannot logically exist. This definitively demonstrates that there is literally no such thing as a woman that no man would simp for. If any of you nonas ever feel tempted to let a scrote tarnish your confidence or self esteem, remember this post.

No. 953723

I actually feel so sorry for LJ, she was born into this and likely won't have any character development

No. 953728

File: 1740798942956.webp (280.41 KB, 2000x2666, IMG_4803.webp)

Why are the two of them always naked? Laur appears to be wearing this Wonder Woman costume cape and nothing underneath.

No. 953769

Laur needs to lay off the black hair dye and start wearing bras. She probably has huge saggy tits like Ms. Choksondik from South Park.

No. 953814

Nona is correct, Laur who is grandma age is wearing an $8 WonderWoman costume.

Imagine their moving day - it's all dolls and costumes, cheap fabric Dollar Tree "drawers" and as we've seen from home videos, not one decent stick of furniture. Some "antique dealer".

No. 953853

File: 1740999824313.png (42.39 KB, 754x63, Screenshot 2025-03-03 120102.p…)

Happy eviction day!

The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.

No. 953863

File: 1741011351916.jpg (47.42 KB, 721x235, Screenshot 2025-03-03 090913.j…)

"Glorious Purpose" comes from Loki of Asgard, referring to his goal of taking over the earth.

It also comes from a narcissist living in an attic watching Disney+.

No. 953868

File: 1741019294964.png (525.77 KB, 1425x1593, welfarequeenlillee.png)

No. 953869

From the way too long neck and floating crown to it looking like a malformed guitar pick, this really is the worst logo design I have seen in a very long time.

No. 953870

File: 1741019650783.png (795.59 KB, 910x541, Screenshot 2025-03-03 173319.p…)

No. 953876

NY Evictions can sometimes take +2/3 days given they have to wait for Sheriff's availability, but hilarious none the less.

No. 953879

File: 1741029838640.png (1.05 MB, 1350x1080, Justice.png)

Eviction day? Laur seems oddly optimistic.

No. 953892

Laur wants da haterz to think the consequences will never be the same. She's going to not only fight the eviction but flip it. When the sheriff and posse arrive she'll show them a list with all collected screennames and the sheriff will be so shook by the menacing evil that they'll immediately begin investigating (while apologizing to Laur and thanking her profusely for bringing their attention to this). Will probably deputize her on the spot after being blown away by her screenshotting skills.

No. 953908

Marching band passes by on the street, fireworks and eagle noises in the background. One ray of sunlight shines down trough the clouds and luminates Lillee and Laur…

No. 953918

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No. 953919

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No. 953920

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No. 953921

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New landlord dodged a bullet…

No. 953922

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No. 953923

File: 1741102983557.png (4.89 MB, 2550x13200, Untitled1.png)

No. 953924

File: 1741103043253.png (34.11 KB, 643x130, Screenshot 2025-03-04 164259.p…)

Lying piece of shit.

No. 953925

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No. 953926

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No. 953927

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No. 953928

This one will be copy/paste because it's too long.

Been looking since the end of last year with realtors, below is a list since November, 2023
1. November 7, 2023::
a. 23–12 215th Street bayside @ 6:30pm
b. 33-38 164th St, Queens @ 6:00pm
2. December 7, 2023:
a. 4311 221st Street, Flushing @ 5pm
3. December 22, 2023:
a. 240-60 68th Avenue, Douglaston, NY 11362 4:30pm
4. January 30, 2024
a. 16365 23rd Avenue, Whitestone @ 2pm (after seeing landlord took off market)
5. February 6, 2024
a. 16365 23rd Avenue, Whitestone @ 3pm (2nd showing of house – landlord put back
on market)
6. February 14, 2024
a. 32-50 200th St #ph Bayside, NY 11361 3pm
b. 162-01 Powells Cove Boulevard 2d, Whitestone 11357 3:30pm
7. March 1, 2024
a. 1412 Waters Edge Drive, Bayside, NY 3pm
8. March 11, 2024
a. 18923 44th Ave, # 1, Flushing, NY 11358 6pm
9. March 15, 2024
a. 215-46 23 Road 2/F, Bayside 11360 2pm
b. 1738 Parsons Blvd, Flushing 2:30pm
10. March 27, 2024
a. 223-63 65th Ave, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 4pm
b. 193-107 Union Tpke, Fresh Meadows, NY 430pm
11. March 29, 2024
a. 216-18 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11361 5pm
12. April 19, 2024
a. 1572 209th St, Flushing, NY 11360 3pm
13. April 25, 2024
a. 199-18 Cross Island Parkway, Whitestone, NY 2:30pm
14. June 8, 2024
a. 149-44 14th Avenue Whitestone NY 11357 3pm
15. June 21, 2024
a. 111-10 14th Ave, Queens, NY 11356 5pm
16. June 24, 2024
a. 143-27 21st Ave, Queens, NY 11357 230pm
17. June 27, 2024
a. 15 Prospect Street, Great Neck, NY 215pm
18. July 16, 2024
a. 24117 Oak Avenue Douglaston NY 530pm (wouldn’t accept app disability)
19. August 4, 2024
a. 4368 165th Street, Flushing (sold house instead)
b. 130 S Middle Neck Road, Great Neck (sold house instead)
20. August 6, 2024
a. 214-10 18th Ave, Flushing, NY 11360, 6pm
21. August 7, 2024
a. 25501 83rd Avenue, Glen Oaks, NY (never called agent back then rented out)
b. 1126 143rd Place, Whitestone NY (never called agent back)
c. 3624 Corporal Stone St. Bayside, NY (rented place before we could see)
d. 4921 164th Street, Flushing, NY (rented place before we could see)
22. August 10, 2024
a. 20847 15th Road, Bayside 5pm
23. August 11, 2024
a. 383 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston NY (fake listing)
24. August 13, 2024
a. 16907 22nd Avenue, Whitestone NY 515pm
25. August 23, 2024
a. 27 Clark Dr, Great Neck, NY 11020 130pm
26. August 24, 2024
a. 147-01 Willets Point Blvd, Flushing, NY 11357 3pm
27. August 29, 2024
a. 58-35 256th St, Flushing, NY 315pm
28. September 5, 2024
a. 4740 168th Street, Flushing (turned out house was being sold)
29. September 10, 2024
a. 21721 51st Avenue, Bayside Hills (realtor tried to get in)
30. September 15, 2024
a. 14055 34th Avenue, Flushing (realtor tried to get in)
31. September 16, 2024
a. 3810 215th Street, #2, Bayside 415pm
b. 3620 190th Street, Flushing 5pm
32. September 17, 2024
a. 16315 15th Drive, Flushing NY 3pm
33. September 18, 2024
a. 2901 163rd Street, Flushing 6pm
34. October 4, 2024
a. 5828 206th Street, Flushing 130pm
b. 14576 9th Avenue, Whitestone 2pm
c. 5747 226th Street, Oakland Gdns, NY (waiting to be able to see place)
d. 5766 228th Street, Oakland Gdns, NY (realtor put in to see place - no response)
35. October 10, 2024
a. 5314 194th Street, Flushing 3pm
b. 1574 208th Street, Bayside NY 345pm

No. 953929

c. 2944 164th Street, Flushing 415pm
d. 56-28 134th St, Flushing 430pm
e. 21503 38th Avenue, Flushing NY 5pm (put application in)
f. 8417 Cuthbert Road, Kew Gardens, NY (couldn’t get in waiting)
36. October 14, 2024
a. 6442 229th Street, Flushing 445pm with Simon Shen
37. October 16, 2024
a. 20309 28th Unit 1F and Unit 2F with Simon Shen (put application in)
38. October 19, 2024
a. 3911 211th Street, Bayside NY seeing this Saturday
39. October 21, 2024
a. 58-28 206th St, Flushing, NY 11364 seeing this Sunday at 12pm
b. 14968 21st Avenue, Whitestone, NY 11357 saw at 1pm and put in an application in.
40. October 26, 2024
a. 141 Willets Pt. Blvd. - Bill Vondis at 3pm
41. October 27, 2024
a. 2904 209th Street, Bayside, NY - Bill Vondis at 3pm
b. 6455 229th Street, Flushing - Simon Shen at 7pm (Realtor wanted Asian family)
c. 4921 221st Street, Flushing - Simon Shen at 730pm ((problem with disabled person)
42. November 5, 2024
a. 5647 226th Street, Flushing, NY - Simon Shen at 530pm
43. November 6, 2024
a. 3540 204th Street, Flushing, NY - Aaron Zucker (couldn’t get in owner was renovating)
b. 6147 Bell Blvd, Flushing, NY - (agent did not show up)
44. November 9, 2024
a. 21437 43rd Avenue - 3pm Aaron Zucker
b. 3540 204th Street, Flushing 4pm Aaron Zucker
c. 5910 Cloverdale Blvd, Oakland Gdns, NY with Simon Shen (gas leak)
45. November 11, 2024
a. 2929 167th Street, Flushing, NY - Simon Shen
1. October 10, 2024 – 21503 38th Avenue, Flushing NY (EXP Realty - Zucker)
2. October 16, 2024 - 20309 28th Avenue #1 and #2 (Shen - Bay St. Group)
3. October 19, 2024 – 14968 21st Avenue, Whitestone, NY 11357 (EXP Realty
NOTE ON OTDA as of November 4, 2024
OTDA has already been ordered by the Court (papers are within the folder) to resubmit
payment/paperwork for Vincent Jin for payment. IF I do not hear from OTDA by the end of this
week, I will contact them to inquire about the additional information they may/or may not need to
make sure Mr. Jin has payments processed.
1. October 10, 2024 – 21503 38th Avenue, Flushing NY (EXP Realty - Zucker)
2. October 16, 2024 - 20309 28th Avenue #1 and #2 (Shen - Bay St. Group)
3. October 19, 2024 – 14968 21st Avenue, Whitestone, NY 11357 (EXP Realty
4. November 12, 2024
a. 2929 167th Street, Flushing NY Aaron Zucker
b. 227/08 57th Road, Flushing NY Aaron Zucker

No. 953930

Realtors working with:
Aaron Zucker - EXP Realty (aarondavid433@gmail.com)
Joseph Pedri - EXP Realty (917.330.5725)
Alexander Martinez - (Aaron Zucker’s contact)
Simon Shen - Bay St. Group (realyshen@gmail.com)
1. November 12, 2024 - 2929 167th Street, Flushing, NY (Zucker)
2. November 12, 2024 - 227/57th Road, Flushing, NY (Zucker)
3. October 10, 2024 – 21503 38th Avenue, Flushing NY (EXP Realty - Zucker)
4. October 16, 2024 - 20309 28th Avenue #1 and #2 (Shen - Bay St. Group)
5. October 19, 2024 – 14968 21st Avenue, Whitestone, NY 11357 (EXP Realty
Both houses below we were told were “set in stone” and we were going to sign a lease. Instead
we ended up with my husband being discriminated against for being permanent disabled and a
lot of time was wasted because of this:
7. June 30 - August 15, 2024 - we believed 163rd Street/Douglaston Parkway was the
house we were moving into, and we were waiting for the landlord to get back from
Florida to sign the lease; Landlord came back and told our realtor he decided it was to
“dicey” to rent to a disabled person in his community;
8. August 31, 2024 - we believed 5835 256th Street would sign a lease. I have emails
proving we were sent an application, and Eddie processed $562 for the application
however, once again, due to my husband’s disability the signing never happened.
Been looking since the end of last year with realtors, below is a list since November, 2023 (but
really the list goes back to January of last year). Additional BELOW are houses we were able to
get into but are not disable friendly, meaning the staircases are too steep for someone who can
barely walk:
1. November 7, 2023::
a. 23–12 215th Street bayside @ 6:30pm
b. 33-38 164th St, Queens @ 6:00pm
2. December 7, 2023:
a. 4311 221st Street, Flushing @ 5pm
3. December 22, 2023:
a. 240-60 68th Avenue, Douglaston, NY 11362 4:30pm
4. January 30, 2024
a. 16365 23rd Avenue, Whitestone @ 2pm (after seeing landlord took off market
5. February 6, 2024
a. 16365 23rd Avenue, Whitestone @ 3pm (2nd showing of house – landlord put back
on market)
6. February 14, 2024
a. 32-50 200th St #ph Bayside, NY 11361 3pm
b. 162-01 Powells Cove Boulevard 2d, Whitestone 11357 3:30pm
7. March 1, 2024
a. 1412 Waters Edge Drive, Bayside, NY 3pm
8. March 11, 2024
a. 18923 44th Ave, # 1, Flushing, NY 11358 6pm
9. March 15, 2024
a. 215-46 23 Road 2/F, Bayside 11360 2pm
b. 1738 Parsons Blvd, Flushing 2:30pm
10. March 27, 2024
a. 223-63 65th Ave, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 4pm
b. 193-107 Union Tpke, Fresh Meadows, NY 430pm
11. March 29, 2024
a. 216-18 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11361 5pm
12. April 19, 2024
a. 1572 209th St, Flushing, NY 11360 3pm
13. April 25, 2024
a. 199-18 Cross Island Parkway, Whitestone, NY 2:30pm
14. June 8, 2024
a. 149-44 14th Avenue Whitestone NY 11357 3pm
15. June 21, 2024
a. 111-10 14th Ave, Queens, NY 11356 5pm
16. June 24, 2024
a. 143-27 21st Ave, Queens, NY 11357 230pm
17. June 27, 2024
a. 15 Prospect Street, Great Neck, NY 215pm
18. July 16, 2024
a. 24117 Oak Avenue Douglaston NY 530pm (wouldn’t accept app disability)
19. August 4, 2024
a. 4368 165th Street, Flushing (sold house instead)
b. 130 S Middle Neck Road, Great Neck (sold house instead)
20. August 6, 2024
a. 214-10 18th Ave, Flushing, NY 11360, 6pm
21. August 7, 2024
a. 25501 83rd Avenue, Glen Oaks, NY (never called agent back then rented out)
b. 1126 143rd Place, Whitestone NY (never called agent back)
c. 3624 Corporal Stone St. Bayside, NY (rented place before we could see)
d. 4921 164th Street, Flushing, NY (rented place before we could see)
22. August 10, 2024
a. 20847 15th Road, Bayside 5pm
23. August 11, 2024
a. 383 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston NY (fake listing)
24. August 13, 2024
a. 16907 22nd Avenue, Whitestone NY 515pm
25. August 23, 2024
a. 27 Clark Dr, Great Neck, NY 11020 130pm
26. August 24, 2024
a. 147-01 Willets Point Blvd, Flushing, NY 11357 3pm
27. August 29, 2024
a. 58-35 256th St, Flushing, NY 315pm
28. September 5, 2024
a. 4740 168th Street, Flushing (turned out house was being sold)
29. September 10, 2024
a. 21721 51st Avenue, Bayside Hills (realtor tried to get in)
30. September 15, 2024
a. 14055 34th Avenue, Flushing (realtor tried to get in)
31. September 16, 2024
a. 3810 215th Street, #2, Bayside 415pm
b. 3620 190th Street, Flushing 5pm
32. September 17, 2024
a. 16315 15th Drive, Flushing NY 3pm
33. September 18, 2024
a. 2901 163rd Street, Flushing 6pm
34. October 4, 2024
a. 5828 206th Street, Flushing 130pm
b. 14576 9th Avenue, Whitestone 2pm
c. 5747 226th Street, Oakland Gdns, NY (waiting to be able to see place)
d. 5766 228th Street, Oakland Gdns, NY (realtor put in to see place - no response)
35. October 10, 2024
a. 5314 194th Street, Flushing 3pm
b. 1574 208th Street, Bayside NY 345pm
c. 2944 164th Street, Flushing 415pm
d. 56-28 134th St, Flushing 430pm
e. 21503 38th Avenue, Flushing NY 5pm (put application in)
f. 8417 Cuthbert Road, Kew Gardens, NY (couldn’t get in waiting)
36. October 14, 2024
a. 6442 229th Street, Flushing 445pm with Simon Shen
37. October 16, 2024
a. 20309 28th Unit 1F and Unit 2F with Simon Shen (put application in)
38. October 19, 2024
a. 3911 211th Street, Bayside NY seeing this Saturday
39. October 21, 2024

No. 953931

a. 58-28 206th St, Flushing, NY 11364 seeing this Sunday at 12pm
b. 14968 21st Avenue, Whitestone, NY 11357 saw at 1pm and put in an application in.
40. October 26, 2024
a. 141 Willets Pt. Blvd. - Bill Vondis at 3pm
41. October 27, 2024
a. 2904 209th Street, Bayside, NY - Bill Vondis at 3pm
b. 6455 229th Street, Flushing - Simon Shen at 7pm (Realtor wanted Asian family)
c. 4921 221st Street, Flushing - Simon Shen at 730pm ((problem with disabled person)
42. November 5, 2024
a. 5647 226th Street, Flushing, NY - Simon Shen at 530pm
43. November 6, 2024
a. 3540 204th Street, Flushing, NY - Aaron Zucker (couldn’t get in owner was renovating)
b. 6147 Bell Blvd, Flushing, NY - (agent did not show up)
44. November 9, 2024
a. 21437 43rd Avenue - 3pm Aaron Zucker
b. 3540 204th Street, Flushing 4pm Aaron Zucker
c. 5910 Cloverdale Blvd, Oakland Gdns, NY with Simon Shen (gas leak)
45. November 11, 2024
a. 2929 167th Street, Flushing, NY - Simon Shen (cancelled)
46. November 12, 2024
a. 3634 170th Street, Flushing, NY 5pm Aaron Zucker
b. 22708 57th Road, Flushing, NY 530 pm Aaron Zucker (three other people have
applications in)
c. 2929 167th Street, Flushing NY 6pm, Aaron Zucker
d. 15113 12th Avenue, Flushing NY 615pm Aaron Zucker
47. November 15, 2024
a. 20611 45th Drive, Flushing, NY 3pm Simon Shen
b. 13904 58th Avenue, Flushing, NY 330 pm Simon Shen
48. November 19, 2024
a. 22708 57th Road, FLushing NY 4pm Aaron (went back to see if we can move
application along if possible)
49. November 20, 2024
a. 2929 167th Street, Flushing, NY Aaron 230pm (putting application in and updating
with broker)
b. 21210 43rd Avenue, Flushing NY 330 pm Simon Shen
In closing:
1. What I am asking:
a. I am asking for the court to grant more time for me to find adequate housing, I am
looking daily for housing, not just relying on realtors, but also making the phone calls
myself to try to get into places for appointments; not every realtor calls back;
2. What I am doing right now to rectify situation
a. I am working with several realtors, as well as myself applying for places to move;
b. I currently have two (2) applications for housing processing
3. What I was doing prior to this hearing:
a. I asked for an adjournment:
i. seek TRO’s against two (2) people who have been cyberstalking my family
for the last 8 years (I have reports from the NYPD, Queens County Attorney’s
Office, FBI, and Homeland Security and contact information to give court if
needed); Mr. Jin and Mr. Dong are very aware of what is going on, I have had
the police at our house many times due to vandalism, swatting, etc. and it is
to my benefit to move as soon as I can.
ii. I was going to hire a lawyer for this proceeding, but was unable to find
someone that was reasonable, based on the fact this is a Holdover Petition
and does not require negotiation of money;
iii. I have been daily looking with realtors, (they don’t always get callbacks from
other realtors as they don’t want to share the MLS fee), and I myself have
called to make appointments (list is provided for court);
iv. I had two potential houses, both of which did discriminate against a disabled
person, however I do not have the time to focus on bringing to court
someone on discrimination;
4. Disabled person: I have a letter from my husband’s doctor proving he is disabled;
5. Special Request to Court: I am asking for the Court’s help in trying to shield this case from
public notification, based on the police reports, Homeland Security and FBI being involved
with a massive cyberstalking ring that has been after our family since my daughter was 15
years old (she is now 23 years old) and I have proof for the court to show why this unusual
request is being made. This will be plastered all over dark websites, and made into videos by
members of a Cult called the “Lillee Jean Clone Cult” whose intention is to “take down Lillee
Jean”. As of this time law enforcement does not know why these people have been doing
this to our family for 8 years. We do know that they are dangerous, have sent death and rape
threats to my daughter which the NYPD is investigating and one of their main members, who
lives in Maine, and who I am seeking to get a TRO against with the NYPD, follows anything
that happens to us, including traffic tickets, to put online, and attempts to isolate and
humiliate us

No. 953932

I won't post their current lease agreement as not to dox them, but the yearly rent for the new place is $46800

No. 953933

>b. 6455 229th Street, Flushing - Simon Shen at 7pm (Realtor wanted Asian family)

why does Laur hate Asians so much? Kek

No. 953934

File: 1741104396783.png (13.52 MB, 2480x14036, move1.png)

Laur's proof that they moved

No. 953935

File: 1741104602363.png (9.19 MB, 2480x14036, move2-min.png)

No. 953936

Laur’s real estate agent acted in Lillee’s movies too.

No. 953938

She's not going to go after the landlords who discriminated against her disabled husband despite being very illegal and is going to go after this one landlord for a slip and fall isn't she?
>5. Special Request to Court: I am asking >for the Court’s help in trying to shield >this case from public notification, based on the police
>reports, Homeland Security and FBI being >involved with a massive cyberstalking ring that has
>been after our family since my daughter was 15 years old (she is now 23 years old) and I
>have proof for the court to show why this unusual request is being made. This will be >plastered all over dark websites, and made into videos by members of a Cult called the >“Lillee Jean >Clone Cult” whose intention is to “take >down Lillee Jean”. As of this time law enforcement >does not know why these people have been >doing
>this to our family for 8 years. We do know that they are dangerous, have sent death >and rape threats to my daughter which the NYPD is
>investigating and one of their main >members, who lives in Maine, and who I am seeking to
>get a TRO against with the NYPD, follows anything that happens to us, including traffic
>tickets, to put online, and attempts to isolate and humiliate us

I wonder if they ignored this since Laur filed this herself and sounds completely schizo. Is it legal to embellish facts like this on legal filings?

No. 953939

Laur flooded his house and Earl took a tumble on the 23rd, a week before she says they were supposed to move in on March 1st. No wonder he cancelled the lease

No. 953941

>27. Moreover, my daughter is in the midst of a number of state and federal cases in New York, Maine, Minnesota, Michigan, NewHampshire, NewJersey, Texas and Florida, as well as internationally, regarding (1) excessive cyberstalking; (2) cyberbullying; (3) swatting; (4) doxxing; (5) vandalization of photographs online; (6) identity theft; (7) attempts at DDOSattacks on her websites; (8) attempts at hijacking her websites, to bring them down, by pretending that they own the websites themselves; (9) attempts at placing viruses on her websites; (10) distribution of fake AI Porn of mydaughter with distribution on the internet through social platforms such as X, YouTube, and Discord servers, (with children as young as 12 years old on these servers); (11) spreading anti-semitic hatred; (12) breach of privacy, by obtaining our public records, and then placing this information into YouTube videos, as well as placing this information onto social media platforms; (13) downloading mydaughters films, without permission, from her website, etc. for distribution, to freely watch it on their Discord Servers, and neo-nazi websites, to just name a few things that have occurred.

No. 953948

I bet there never was any discrimination. The landlords most likely checked Truemans' credit score and other publicly available documents every landlord should check before renting.

No. 953951

File: 1741113770548.jpeg (52.31 KB, 640x1136, cards.jpeg)

Lillee has new cards with QR code and all. Very professional. Kek

No. 953952

File: 1741113850541.png (801.98 KB, 1233x1080, Oink.png)


No. 953957

Modeling for Pampers.

No. 953960

Primink’s already filed one restraining order >>953548 Laur might be taking about Lillee being the defendant in a similar case.

No. 953963

They're getting evicted and in the legal paperwork she's describing in great detail Lillee's "career" and "accomplishments."

She talked way more about her own young "perfect" and seemingly able bodied daughter than her own elderly husband who allegedly has spinal stenosis and balance and coordination issues stemming from that.

Someone who allegedly has more important needs and is of a much higher priority than Lillee gets a few quick mentions while Lillee gets pages devoted to how she has a burgeoning acting career, millions of followers and has been terrorized by millions of people in a global satanic groomer cult for the last 8 years.

Very skewed priorities.

No. 953971


No. 953973

Didn’t Laur posts someone’s parking tickets to prove the bullies were felons? Too bad housing court judges are overworked so she probably won’t see perjury charges.

No. 953974

File: 1741133027732.jpeg (107.74 KB, 1179x338, IMG_8979.jpeg)

Laur, you never left the state for any meetings. These documents have enough lies to put your ass in prison for perjury.

No. 953975

>Of interest, is that Homeland Security, is one of the federal organizations that has stepped in, because a member of the Cult, was indicted on espionage and election interference, before Donald Trump was elected President.

Jesus fucking christ.

No. 953979

Is it the old landlord’s responsibility to house them if they signed a new lease and moved in to another property? Isn’t this the new landlord’s issue? They’re not asking to stay extra time, they’re moving back in and asking for another 3 months. That seems outrageous even for Laur.

No. 953980

She lists all of these things she's "definitely" doing, but yet spends all waking hours of her day responding to people on social media and creating more accounts to try and inflate Lillee's number. Laur apparently has 36 hours in a day instead of 24 I guess.

No. 953981

this is like, over 100 properties, right…? it can't possibly be this difficult to find disabled housing in NYC, can it? what the fuck is going on here?

No. 953982

They have atrocius credit. Owe thousands to multiple debt collectors. Been evicted from their house for non-payment. Even disabled housing has standards and I guarantee they don't match any of it.

No. 953983

If you look at the listings, it’s all multimillion dollar homes with $3-4k monthly rent. These types of properties require good credit and a background check. Laur has 2 bankruptcies, 4 housing court cases and $12k tax lien. She needs to lower her expectations.

No. 953984

The fact that the attorney is letting this chicanery go on in affidavits is hilariously unprofessional. It reeks of “muh fee fees” and has very little factual information that’s quick for a judge to parse.

No. 953990

Once the judge sees "cult" they will be like, oh hell no.

They can always apply to NYCHA but Laur's too proud to live in the projects. These places are not that bad, my grandmother used to live in one in Flushing.

Even the lawyer doesn't care.

No. 953996

It took her previous landlord 3 years and multiple court cases to get her out. This guy sends a text and Laur submits? What happened? She has a signed lease, established residency by changing the electric into her name and getting mail. She no longer lives at the house she was evicted from. I have a feeling her motion will be dismissed on Friday and the judge will tell her to go after her new landlord for unlawful eviction

No. 953998

File: 1741185179400.png (243.06 KB, 885x667, Screenshot 2025-03-05 153018.p…)

Don't send pictures of your cat to your landlord if the lease says they are not allowed…

No. 953999

Where did Earl fall? Laur’s statement is intentionally convoluted. It sounds like they were coming back from being at the new place and Earl fell entering the old property.

No. 954000

File: 1741186110669.png (749.65 KB, 838x797, Screenshot 2025-03-05 154600.p…)

Protip: don't dress your 16 year old daughter up in lace, take pictures, and put them on the internet.

Mother of the century folks.

No. 954001

Laur doesn't know how common stenosis is and talks as if people don't know what it is. It's common Laur - people know all about it. It's most often exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle, having no core strength, and wanting easy disability money.

No. 954002

It’s a meme.

No. 954003

I’m too lazy to go through old threads but I recall Laur claimed Earl’s back issues were from a work accident not something he was born with.

No. 954004

Her stories change to suit each situation she's trying to squirm out of.

No. 954005

She's also only been practicing for two years, based on what avoo has to say about it. topkek - amateur hour all around: this isn't to say you can't be a good lawyer with two years under your belt, but you are more likely to be steamrolled by a moron like Laur.

No. 954006

NYC housing court is notoriously lenient towards tenants. She probably told Laur to throw anything she could in just to buy some time. If the judge denies it, they can appeal and tie it up in courts for a few weeks. If the judge grants it, they have to prove their defense at a hearing which could be months away.

No. 954007

Throwing TOO MUCH in just makes you look crazy though. So of course Laur did that.

No. 954008

Can someone give a rundown of their current housing situation for those of us not versed in legalese? I’m kind of confused- they moved out but are trying to sue their old tenant, and the new tenant is also evicting them?

No. 954009

In a nutshell it seems the new landlord Googled them and backed out. The old landlord has the eviction on his side, but she's throwing herself at the mercy of the court crying disabilty and her usual made-up "cult" nonsense.

No. 954010

A tenant is one who dwells in a residence. Laur is the tenant. They were in the process of moving into a new place, during which the new landlord stopped them and told them to forget it. It sounds like maybe Laur convinced the landlord to not start the new lease until March 1st and then started moving in during February. That combined with her immediately complaining about conditions in the unit seems to have compelled the landlord to see her as a problem tenant. He may have even done some digging and didn't like what he found. So she's simultaneously building a case against her former landlord for wrongful eviction to buy more time. Sounds like they never fully moved out of the old place and are scrambling.

No. 954011

It could be their comeback if they started fresh with "Van Life in NYC" content.

No. 954012

File: 1741192287182.png (874.69 KB, 1026x532, newcrib.png)

No. 954015

Can they even afford van life? Asking in all seriousness.

No. 954019


For sure. Can't speak to the housing Courts, but as least when it comes to the NYC and LI civil courts (which is what they'll eventually face if they move the grift eastbound), Judges get irritable fast when dealing with litigants (especially people who got their legal education from Law and Order SVU) utilizing horse and pony delay tactics.

tl;dr: >>954006

The Trumans have been successfully evicted on paper. They did a bad job of securing new housing. They are trying to grift the Court to give them more time to live in the place they were legally evicted from, at this point on paper only, because a new lease fell through.

The NYC and NY metro area is notoriously difficult to rent in, in spite of the law and Courts being biased in favor of Tenants in many cases. Often times, landlords will want good credit, a positive reference history, and 40x+ the rent in income to secure a lease. It can take a while to find an apartment if you don't meet these requirements or don't have some kind of government aid. I agree with >>954009 that new Landlord likely either (a) googled or (b) did a full background check (which is sometimes what application fees go to: credit and background checks) and rescinded a lease offer to the Trumans.

No. 954024

So filing this injunction >>953918
was one of the best days Laur has had in the last 8 years? >>953879
That's sad.

Why would anyone send memes to their landlord?

No. 954025

I bet she put the part in about Earl checking the mail & getting the trash because the landlord has footage of Earl walking around from a doorbell camera or something kek

No. 954026

If anything pisses the judge off, it will be the comment about not having time to pursue legal cases against the other landlords. “It does not seem to be worth our time to pursue a legal action against the new landlord as this only wastes time in getting a home for us” If Laur was truly denied housing because Earl was disabled or her landlord canceled the lease with no good cause…these are illegal. Wouldn’t be surprised if the judge tells Laur to file complaints against the landlords or amend her order.

No. 954027

"With your mommy today"

What on earth, is it normal to talk and text your landlord this often, and using that sort of language over there?

No. 954029

Lillee’s over 18. She’s having to apply on these lease applications as well. She has no steady job and bad credit. Do they really expect landlords to rent to 3 unemployed adults?

No. 954047

It’s not normal. Laur gets way too friendly with people. How many times have we seen her call some person from Lillee’s engagement pod a “life long friend” etc? It’s a combo of poor understanding of boundaries and a manipulation tactic.

No. 954063

All of those adresses are in the exact same expensive area.
Hope the court tells them to get the fuck out somewhere cheaper.

No. 954064

77 properties viewed and none of them wanted to rent to 3 unemployed adults. Keep blaming Earl as the reason you can't find anyone willing to rent to you Laur. I'm sure that makes him feel great.

No. 954068

Earl is a pedophile and a scammer kek

No. 954072

yes but it's not his supposed disability that is losing them housing options like she's trying to blame it on kek

No. 954074

That’s what I was thinking, I googled several of the addresses out of curiosity and they’re mostly gorgeous homes in nice walkable areas. The Truemans have so much entitlement in every aspect of their lives despite never having done any hard work.

No. 954075

Champagne taste with a boxed wine budget.

No. 954076

It's the neighborhood Laur grew up in. Back when her ancestors could afford homes in this neighborhood on their garment worker wages. Things have changed tho.

Her inability to adapt to new things is YET AGAIN at the core of her problems.

No. 954080

Convincing a landlord to rent them a property that's $3700 a month when all 3 of them are on social security and haven't had a job in years is wild.

No. 954082

File: 1741297927771.jpeg (111.45 KB, 640x1136, download.jpeg)

>Lillee’s over 18. She’s having to apply on these lease applications as well.
True. It's been stated many times that Lillee has zero life skills and doesn't know how to adult. It would be very entertaining to hear her explain using her own words how to earn a living, do taxes, save money etc.

She is posting this shit again.
>some traded on the dark web.
Traded? For money?
>"blurred" in videos as well to promote them.
Lillee is the one promoting her fake porn. She keeps bringing it up and telling people that the pictures are still out there.
>detectives willing to speak on my behalf
That's not how any of this works.

I don't know if she actually believes this will help them in housing court. Maybe Laur is teaching her how to scam and they are asking for legal donations if someone emails them.

No. 954083

If they move to like Nebraska, they'd be fine. Could easily get a 3BR for under 2K - they don't even go to "the city" enough to justify living in NYC.

5-10 years ago, it wasn't that uncommon to be able to scam your way into an apartment by photoshopping a paystub and/or assets if the landlord was too lazy to do any additional follow-up.
Tinfoil is Lillee or Laur tried to use their "graphic design is my passion" skills to make themselves seem like they had more cash flow/employment than a background check could verify.

No. 954094

Was she scamming people by selling them fake nudes of herself and using the illegal creation and distribution nonsense as a cover?

No. 954095

Even if Lillee sold actual nudes she probably wouldn’t be able to make any money. The majority of OF girls make about $200 max a month and aren’t hideous deformed dwarves like Lillee. Granted that could be a marketable niche (lmao) but she’d never market herself as that, she’s too delusional about her own looks

No. 954097

maybe laur was sending them to her creepy old men “industry connects” or trying to sell them to the indian guys in lilllees comments

No. 954108

Sorry if it's the sleep meds kicking in but yeah, they could move to Bumfuck, Iowa, or Cornworm, Nebraska, or some place like that and Laur could shill shitty antiques while Lillee floats around rearranging shit and histrionically engaging people telling them she was a famous indie actress, KEK. But no, they want to stick around an expensive af city with no hope of anything happening. I used to sometimes think Lillee could pull away but nah. Laur's doomed her daughter entirely.
Tinfoil but I wonder if they've sold/attempted to sell Lillee's feet pics online but I damn sure won't be looking.

No. 954109

..And she posts the cropped picture right there in her story. Who does this?? I'd be mortified and never give this picture any visibility if somebody did this to me. So strange.
I belive 100% they do sell them to people who dm her abotu them, as she was posting a lot a feet content in the past, but if she had separate website or an account on some feet selling websites I think it would be under a different name so it's hard to find and connect to them.

No. 954110

File: 1741343964526.png (803.29 KB, 741x2151, Forbes.png)

Forbes published an article about AI-generated cp and Lillee is trying to make it about her.
>This is happening to so many women
The article is about minors and her self-insert is incredibly tone-deaf.

No. 954129

>get a 3BR for under 2K

Why would they need such big places anyway?
Earl is in the freezer (or scamming people in Florida under the Beckles Medina alias) and LJ and Laur sleep together.
Are they still trying to illegally sublet some bedrooms?

Laur hates her family, I see no sentimental reason she stays here.

No. 954131

File: 1741371520440.jpg (23.49 KB, 831x78, Screenshot 2025-03-07 131603.j…)

They can't even afford the cheapest rent in the USA, which is West Virginia, but at least they would stop going so deep into the hole.

Sadly, they can't even afford a trailer park, can they?

No. 954132

Not disparaging trailer homes some of them are nice, it's all in what you do with a place.

No. 954140

File: 1741374768321.png (40.6 KB, 1161x445, Screenshot 2025-03-07 200026.p…)

The property they were supposed to move into (but are not, that's why I'm not censoring the address) is listed at $2350 a month.

Laur probably knows the landlord (hence why they are not suing him) and putting a higher price on the lease is a scam that is often done to get more money from government assistance programs (as we know the Truemans are on)

No. 954142

They'd have to go into Suffolk county on LI, which from the looks of their lease potential list, they seem unwilling to do.

Gotta keep up the high-class lifestyle imagery for their fans.

$2350 is still under market for that area, too. Like about $1k a month under for a 3/2.

No. 954183

>putting a higher price on the lease is a scam that is often done to get more money from government assistance programs (as we know the Truemans are on)
Very effective when the Truemans stop paying the rent after some few months and crash for free for more than a year!

No. 954191

So this must be Laur's new scam now that no one in their household can pass a standard credit check: assure the landlord that they're not taking a risk renting to three unemployed layabouts by making promises about paying a significantly higher-than-listed rent (supposedly) backed by guaranteed funds via government housing subsidy bux. Then play a shell game with the "official" move-in date to provide a smoke screen while they move some of their belongings into the property and receive mail at the address to establish residence. By the time of their actual move-in date according to the signed lease, they've already got everything they need in place to squat AND they also have their landlord caught up in benefits fraud that they can use as blackmail to discourage the homeowner from entering the process of legal eviction. Now they have a place where they can squat indefinitely after only having to come out of pocket for a single month's rent.

No. 954196

File: 1741459830055.jpeg (469.64 KB, 750x901, IMG_7676.jpeg)

Wow they’re in so much trouble if the “cult” finds out.

No. 954215

Def the place.(doxxing)

No. 954270

Is it really that easy in burgerland..?
In my country (Europe), gov are severely cutting funds for any allowance: housing, medical, unemployment, etc.
If 3 unemployed people would ask for financial assistance, they'll be happy to get a 25m² unit for slightly less under the market price.

No. 954271

File: 1741532197993.jpg (18.98 KB, 313x420, fatso5.jpg)

How are they getting OTDA to pay $30k when Lillee is clearly not disabled and should be working? OTDA can easily see her videos playing basketball, dancing in parking garages, and constantly claiming to be physically amazing?

Also how is she getting all this welfare while CEO of two film production studios (Lillee Jean Productions and Lavender Fleur? Lillee Jean Beauty Inc is a registered corporation. You don't get welfare if you own award-winning film studios and multiple companies.

And she is online claiming that she has this big ad campaign for Adah Lazorgan.

Earl is well past Medicaid age and not expected to work. It's Lillee who needs to show the govt she's disabled but here they are filming themselves trotting to Central Park, fashion shows, and publishing dozens of articles about how she achieved her success.

Looks like SSDI fraud, OTDA fraud, rental fraud, any other fraud types I'm forgetting?

No. 954272

She defrauded the oral surgeon whose team worked extensively to fix her teeth. That was straight up theft.

No. 954282

From what I understand, it's actually not that easy to get any government agency to approve any poverty benefits for long-term aid, but Laur's plan doesn't require her to be offering these guaranteed funds to the landlord in good faith, it only requires the landlord to believe it long enough for the goblins to establish residence. Once they do, they can squat, like they've been doing for years at the staircase house, whether or not the housing subsidy money ever materializes, and simply
use the benefits fraud or even just the intention to commit the fraud as a threat to the landlord to keep them from trying to use rent court to evict. It's a confidence trick.

No. 954316

Is there no penalty for this in the USA?

No. 954317

of course there is. what a stupid question.

No. 954318

NY Penal Law § 158.15: Welfare fraud in the third degree
Welfare fraud is the crime of receiving public assistance benefits based on some type of fraudulent act, such as making false statements on an application for benefits, not reporting the receipt of another type of benefit such as workers compensation, or failing to report income. There are five welfare fraud offenses in New York. The specific charge you will face depends on the amount of public assistance benefits you are accused of receiving based on a fraudulent welfare act. Under New York Penal Law section 158.15 you could be prosecuted for welfare fraud in the third degree if you:

Intentionally committed a fraudulent welfare act, and
The value of the benefits received was over $3,000
A "fraudulent welfare act" includes engaging in any of the following acts:

Presenting an application for a public benefit card knowing that the application contains false information,
Pretending to be another person in order to obtain public assistance benefits, or
Making a false statement in order to establish or maintain eligibility for public assistance benefits; or to increase or prevent the reduction of public assistance benefits.
For purposes of the welfare fraud statute "public assistance benefits" means money, property or services provided from the federal, state or local government and administered by the department of social services or social services districts.
In order to convict you of welfare fraud in the third degree the prosecutor must be able to prove that you fraudulently received benefits in exceeded $3,000. If the prosecutor is able to prove fraud, but cannot prove the amount of benefits that you received fraudulently, then the court is likely to dismiss the charge.

As a class D felony, if you are convicted of welfare fraud in the third degree your sentence may include a prison term of up to 7 years, a probation term of 5 years, and a fine. You will also be required to pay restitution in the amount of what you received fraudulently.
(Sorry for the shitty format. I just copy/pasted from a NY attorney's website)

No. 954320

I imagine they’re asking because Laur doesn’t seem to have faced any actual consequences.

No. 954325

"Are you in school" is not an insult around here, Laur.

No. 954326

Only Laur could call someone "stoopid" - the irony is not lost on us.

No. 954327

Attention span of a goldfish.

No. 954328

I would suggest you wake up and take the 20 minutes you need to read those three short paragraphs, Laura Renee. The landlord who figured out your scam and booted you out before you could move all your junk into his house might report you himself. It would be better for you if you had a clear understanding of the charges you face.

No. 954329

Nah, she's gonna keep blaming it on her imaginary cult

No. 954334

Not even trying to be funny, but that’s clearly a sped playing basketball. I never believed that Laur was intentionally setting Lillee up to get made fun of until I saw that.

No. 954340

File: 1741637292995.png (303.6 KB, 1080x784, Winning.png)

Aww. I missed Laur's posts. Are the Truemans winning?

No. 954368

Living your life to up the haters is one of the saddest thing you can do. Maybe they are panicking in their private lives over where they're going to live, who cares. What's so incredibly pathetic is, not only are they using social media to pretend nothing is wrong and giddily waiting for the day the haters eat their words, they're vague about it. Just say, hey you cyberbullies, you're all wrong about our housing situation! We're living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood that we can afford because of my thriving movie prop business! They can lie to the void as much as they want and act smug. No matter how much they pretend online, it doesn't change their stark reality: they can't afford a roof over their heads. Rather than honest work, they choose to lie and scheme. They exploit a system that was set up to help truly needy people. How is this victory?

No. 954372

File: 1741692346956.png (14.37 KB, 598x199, Screenshot 2025-03-11 122315.p…)

Love it when she is cryptic like this and expects people to understand what she means.

No. 954379

It doesn't mean anything. Laur does this when she's scammed herself into a corner and doesn't have a plan. She's likely drinking up their 1st/last/security deposit money and having a meltdown.

No. 954382

My tinfoil is their lives are falling apart on multiple fronts. The eviction, whatever’s going on with Primink’s court case and they’re realizing the acting thing won’t work out. It doesn’t matter how much they misrepresent Lillee online, it all falls apart in real life when she meets a casting director/agent.

No. 954387

welp, that showed us! You win Laur! You are living in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood and don't need any assistance, government or otherwise, to do it! Good for you! Keep it up!

No. 954400

All I can think of is that dua lipa song.

No. 954416

Who wants to give Laur a little heart attack? If she reads this, then we can all go and check out the owners of her bots on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/avaneesh.tripathi1/

Laur is busy all day writing him comments in exchange for him sending bots for Lillee. Scam business Monopolize- is sued in California for stealing 50k from a woman for bots on Instagram.(not your personal army)

No. 954421

They have been “about to get evicted and go to court” for years now, when the fuck is it going to happen? It’s the only reason I check this thread now

No. 954427

My understanding is that they have been evicted this time, they’re trying to use the courts to scam their way back into the house they were staying in or trying to scam a different landlord into giving them enough benefit of the doubt to squat in a new nice place

No. 954442

>23:02(old milk)

No. 954445

File: 1741809367275.jpeg (66.94 KB, 640x1136, WorkoutLines.jpeg)

Her pants are so tight that the line on her stomach looks like a scar.

No. 954473

Her out of style outfits and sad awkward poses by the neighbor's fence only make Laur look more and more abusive. Let's call it what it is.

No. 954474

Mods the Abyssal Detective video isn't even 48 hours old yet, it's not old?

LIllee Jean part starts at 23:00.

No. 954475

I watched it from the timestamp and it has no new information so that may be why it was labeled as old milk.

No. 954477

Fair, just saying it's yet another popular channel exposing Laur's antics.

No. 954479

There's snow on the ground.

No. 954480

I don't understand how that relates to what ayrt wrote

No. 954486

File: 1741887042421.png (737.64 KB, 1080x922, Creep.png)

I bet he buys pictures of both of them.

No. 954488

File: 1741888625455.jpeg (270.18 KB, 828x857, IMG_4857.jpeg)

This guy is definitely a creep, he mainly reposts pictures of homely women in red lipstick that he’s thirsty for on his FB (like Lillee) as well as videos of underage girls’ athletics like this one.

No. 954490

Kek what the fuck?

No. 954492

This is genuinely concerning. This is someone who they should be concerned about. But hey he promotes their stuff so who cares if he's a creepy stalker.

No. 954494

File: 1741892996674.gif (1.45 MB, 233x291, Nanidafuq.gif)

Um…. just um.

No. 954495

Any sane person would be disturbed by this but I bet Lillee and Laur see this as a huge win, their first real fan.

No. 954499

He lives in New York less than 2 hrs up the Taconic Pkwy. But Laur's filing TROs on people in Morocco & Europe.

No. 954501

Laur and Lillee pandering to paedos and falsely accusing others left and right of being paedos. They're delusional hypocritical morons.

No. 954503

File: 1741900445133.png (1.54 MB, 1077x2364, Fan.png)

Lillee and Laur seem to be the only homely women who interact with him on X.
This is seriously creepy
>mother-daughter duo who bring the heat
Didn't Lillee mention her height in one of her unhinged reports about YouTubers who threaten her? According to her own logic she should be terrified of this
>When you're 5'0" and your boyfriend stands 6'2"
Why is Laur pimping her daughter?

No. 954514

Proof that being fat doesn’t automatically give you boobs

No. 954515

Wears super tight clothes because she's delusional. Also makes it easier for her to commit return fraud by saying clothes are way too small.

No. 954521

File: 1741958583343.png (405.69 KB, 599x778, Screenshot 2025-03-14 142034.p…)

I bet he also loves her hormones kek

No. 954525

This guy gives me bad vibes, nonas. I'm not sure he's just average neckbeard levels of creepy and weird. I like laughing at Laur and Lillee doing their attic goblin thing, but I don't want them to be harmed by some pedo stalker. They need to stop engaging with him.

No. 954526

>Who wants to romance a woman whilst the petals of her bouquet are freezing?
>the petals of her bouquet
What did he mean by this

No. 954528

So they have an ACTUAL creepy stalker right in their home state and they aren't worried because he ADORES them. My god Laur is so deranged.

No. 954531

Wake the fuck up Laur, this dude is putting picture frames up of you and your daughter and talks about keeping her vaginer warm.

No. 954533

I kinda hope he and Lillee start dating, she can follow in the footsteps of her mother by getting with an old creep

No. 954540

"Your post didn't appeal to me, do better next time!"

No. 954547

This man feels like someone capable of homicide if dumped, but Laur is just pleased while going after people visiting Lillee's website or casually talking about her.

No. 954565

File: 1742026633616.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2353, IMG_1211.png)

They hang out irl? >>948288

Laur sure has weird definition for stalking. Browsing the internet and commenting on publicly available material is not okay but this is.

No. 954568

If you look at his social media, the guy doesn't look like a bad person, spends a lot of time with his kid and seems to be a better parent than Laur will ever be. But the obsession with Lillee is still really weird.

No. 954569

He does appear to be a loving father who doesn't keep his child in an attic. He also has posts supporting Black Lives Matter (Laur is against that) and Trans people, which Laur and Lillee both are against. Sad when your creepy stalker is a better human than you are.

No. 954572

File: 1742054694978.jpeg (369.84 KB, 1283x1948, IMG_4958.jpeg)

So is this guy Lillee’s first real fan? As in someone who organically came across her on the internet and admires her and isn’t a friend of Laur’s or part of any fake engagement spam groups? This is a major milestone for LJ.

No. 954573

File: 1742055209337.jpeg (202.64 KB, 1284x726, IMG_4950.jpeg)

Samefagging, sorry. But what does this post mean? Is he saying Phillippe is part of his name? Did they find a Pheepy? Or was there some truth to the “family friend who’s admired Lillee since she was in diapers” story?

No. 954584

Why would you date someone who can’t pronounce your name? Also have no idea why he went from saying that since his name translates to “bear”, other names that also mean “bear” could be acceptable nicknames, to suddenly talking about horses for no reason. The fact that he chose to list “Philippe” instead of the usual American “Philip” is definitely a very weird detail though. Maybe he did enough digging to figure out that Lillee’s old fake bf was named Philippe, so he’s trying to pitch himself as the replacement.

No. 954624

File: 1742159130525.jpeg (735.13 KB, 828x1279, IMG_4876.jpeg)

Bizarre tribute for Brenda in which Laur makes it all about Lillee for some reason

No. 954630

If the mother is Jewish then the child is considered 100% jewish

No. 954632

Would love to see her Bat mitzvah pictures…

No. 954645

That is one smelly flower. Noone else wants it except that pervert. AKA The Real Phillipe AKA Earl 2.0

No. 954646

that section of her lolsuit about earl insisting on taking out the trash and getting the mail screams disability fraud. the two things she mentions him doing happen to be outdoor activities that an investigator could secretly record to prove earl is faking? sure laur. either he's faking, or laur is lying to the court about her and lillee "staying close to home" because of his poor health. they traipse all over filming movies and doing modeling pretend, wtf? and if he is disabled they must let him sit in his filth all day alone.

No. 954648

File: 1742199402402.png (1.66 MB, 971x2578, simp.png)

Nah. Men will simp for any woman. This guy probably believes Lillee is legit famous because even Lauren Chen has talked about her.

It was tinfoiled in earlier threads that Truemans are being investigated for disability fraud because the adult social services came looking for a person in a wheelchair.

No. 954649

File: 1742199868002.png (1.09 MB, 1234x1080, inmemorial.png)

Lillee also posted tribute to her aunt on Insta.
>In memorial
Stay in school kids.
>tragic to my family this day is
Why does she speak like Yoda?

No. 954650

I know, she comes across as a Jewish stereotype in a Mel Brooks film.

No. 954651

The bottom one looks like she's standing in a lineup trying to look tough.

No. 954652

Laur has her dad’s exact face, not even a feminine version (and Lillee has Laur’s face) lmao

No. 954662

>Lauren Chen has talked about her

No. 954665

File: 1742228886888.jpg (168.8 KB, 1080x1032, IMG_8548.jpg)

In 2020. She is the reason Goblins claim that Homeland Security is involved in Bullyish.

No. 954725

That doesn't mean he's a better person. It just means he's got fewer braincells than the goblins.

No. 954727

Is Pheepy the nickname they give older foreign men talking to Lillee? Years ago anons found the original Pheepy account and it belonged to a different old guy >>778608

No. 954730

Oh wow, you're not kidding! Put a black wig on him and you get Laur! Where as Brenda had a cute little button nose and a megawatt smile

No. 954731

File: 1742311102869.png (191.63 KB, 1340x410, 1591241901602.png)

Yeah she used to call the Lovejeet profile "Pheepy" until she created the "Princephillippe" acct.

saged for old milk

No. 954732

File: 1742311179187.jpg (59.45 KB, 796x771, Screenshot 2025-03-18 111828.j…)

And of course Laur always did Lillee's flirting FOR HER

No. 954735

It looks like Laur is planning to cash at this guy's place anytime soon.

No. 954738

Not surprising Laur makes it all about Lillee when it's supposed to be about Brenda. Brenda was beautiful.

She looked like Debi Mazar with a bit more weight. Laur is a fat lumpy potato faced goblin with a five head and obvious cheap black hair dye.

No. 954739

There’s an updated article on bullyish. The story has changed again, no police involvement until the fake nudes, no mention of Primink. They’re really trying to push the narrative Lillee’s identity was stolen and haters were contacting people pretending to be her. If this is actually happening and not just a cover for their bad behavior with internet sweetheart…there’s a higher chance of it being Laur than a bully.

>Subpoenas were sent by the NYPD, as suspected gambling, illegal trade, and children involved in dangerous ways are all subject to criminal law (INTERPOL as well).

Suspected gambling?

>My documentary, Project: Bullyish, showcasing the explosions sent to my home, the threats to my life, the nonstop harassment and stalking, and the deepfake AI explicit’s, has been relentlessly pirated (with an hour of it recorded by an international, placed on a Dropbox, then brazenly gloated about online). It has been placed on the dark web, as well as, in YouTube videos disparaging my good name for profit and sadistic pleasure. Once again violating my civil rights, my rights as an American citizen, my intellectual property, and my very being. With ongoing NYPD investigations the DA involved, Homeland Security, and the FBI, I refuse to comment or give into such animalistic behavior. Below is my documentary watermarked for those who reach a block (it is for VPN, and certain countries that try to pirate), and the unwatermarked documentary can be exclusively watched here, and only there.**

Why does this sound like the response to a journalist/lawyer asking for comment/clarification?


No. 954740

>Suspected gambling

At some point somebody made a joke in the style of "now taking bets for when Lillee does this or that…" and she took that serious and is saying they are gambling kek

No. 954748

Gambling isn't illegal. Explosions sent to her home? I thought it was a card with glitter.

Illegal trade? WTF is that even?

NYPD, Homeland security, the FBI and Interpol? Because people mock her on reddit? If Laur can't see how crazy she's gone that's just sad.

No. 954749

>deepfake AI explicit’s, has been relentlessly pirated (with an hour of it recorded by an international, placed on a Dropbox, then brazenly gloated about online).

Can someone translate this into English please? How can the deepfakes be pirated, if they didn't create them? WHat is this "international" hour-long dropbox video?

No. 954760

Wonder if she means her “international award winning films” that people on the internet have been laughing about

No. 954761

They have serious credibility problems to put it lightly. There is no way the FBI is going to believe and act on bizarre stories of cults and false, exaggerated, distorted or completely manufactured threats without doing a deep investigation first.

Which would expose a lot and result in Lillee and Laur recieving serious jail time. Lying or wasting the FBI's time and resources are serious federal offenses.

But that's only if they actually went to the FBI and the FBI listened to them to begin with. You don't even have to be a trained FBI agent to detect the Trueman's bullshit.

No. 954765

I wonder if the NYPD and the FBI have professional tard wranglers to deal with false reporters? In five years, the FBI has done nothing about people laughing at Laur and Lillee being delusional and terminally online. I wonder if they've taken an interest in her associate, Elaine, who is now a 764 groupie, despite them being a designated terrorist group.

No. 954767

Kash Patel is personally investigating the Lilllee Jean cult, dontcha know.

No. 954776

She’s explaining to someone why they can only access her award winning documentary through her phishing website. It was pirated by Primink’s discord and put on the dark web. Bullyish has been available on Laur’s public YouTube since December though

No. 954777

Wait in Bullyish they physically walked (stomped, really) to their "old PO Box" to complain about a glitter card, it wasn't sent to their home.

Laur adds lies on top of old lies and forgets what she lied about originally.

No. 954778

Kash Patel hasn't released the Epstein Files because he is so busy researching why some unemployed lady's kid in Queens isn't popular.


No. 954780

Kinda surprised she hasn't contacted Mossad yet to take out the boolies kek

No. 954782

>>954739 So Laur's angry that people watched their award winning film and "brazenly gloated about" it. So is it award winning or not? If she doesn't want anyone seeing it and laughing at it, she's admitting it's crap and she knows it. It always comes back to this all being for no purpose but to fool Lillee. God I hope that's not what Laur has been doing all these years.

No. 954788

File: 1742412768955.png (561.43 KB, 1232x856, laurinsta.png)

From Laur's insta stories. AI can write better movies than Lillee. And nobody in their right mind would use any of her scripts for training an AI.

This was also on Laur's insta:
>What did Lillee Jean do? Lillee Jean Trueman is a NYC actress who is pursuing legal and criminal action against a group of cyber criminals since 2020. Her story goes back way before then, to 2017, but the ramp up, of a cult of people (that is what they call themselves), became videos, non stop verbal harassment, privacy breach, intellectual property theft, cyber stalking, property damage, deep fake AI porn, vandalizing our websites, identity theft, vandalism of home prototypes, doxxing to just name a few of the crimes against this group of people. In fact one of them, who owned Tenet Media, has been indicted on espionage and election interference. Please watch the documentary and read LJs new article out here https://lilleejean.medium.com/bullyish-film-cyber-stalking-bullying-documentary-by-lillee-jean-c7bccad80ec9 #lilleejean #nycactress

No. 954789

Kind of mad Laur didn't submit it for SXSW, I really wanted to see it among other award winners.

No. 954798

File: 1742456891277.jpg (489.56 KB, 1080x1826, IMG_3758.jpg)

The NYPD and FBI deal with schizos quite often.
>Oh look, another person claiming to be targeted by cult/kabbalah/reptilians/MIB/glowies.
Farmers understand Attic Pidgin and know enough goblin lore to decrypt these updates. To normies this must look like absolute gibberish written by a total schizo.

No. 954802

She’s getting sued for saying Primink or another person was being criminally investigated before Aug 2024, emailing something, telling someone Primink or someone in his discord was a pedo.

No. 954803

She should go on Dr Phil kek would pay good money to see that…

No. 954804

You'd think she wouldn't want her landlord or their lawyers to see this is her priority over househunting, but here it is on the public internet.She realy thinks they're gonna sleep on her X posts?

No. 954805

Lillee's the one to be accountable for the bills and rents. She's a mid-20s woman with her old age pensioner parents living with her. Unless she's ready to put them in a care home she needs to take care of them, that's just how it is.

No. 954807

Lillee thinks people are calling her face “messed-up” because they’re threatening her, as in messing her face up and requiring her to need surgery. No, Lilz, people are saying that your ugliness and asymmetry are completely natural. It’s already messed up by genetics. Lmfao

No. 954855

File: 1742548522362.png (951.87 KB, 1080x2332, adah.png)

Lillee claims to be related to the co-owner of Adah. Does someone actually believe this larp?

No. 954856

File: 1742548967114.jpg (271.71 KB, 778x1629, IMG_1631.jpg)

Cool roleplay. He is Pheepy and Lillee is a vampire. And Laur is involved.

No. 954857

So either Lillee is lying here OR Laur is lying on her court paperwork where she said Lillee has never made any money online.

No. 954865

Why do they think the taxpayers of New York need to fund Lillee’s search for fame? She’s perfectly capable of working according to Laur. Plenty of actresses work multiple jobs while searching for their big break.

No. 954871

That's not a real Adah ad. I work in marketing. Professionals would have removed all of the underarm fat, applied the eyeshadow the same on both eyes, and if possible disguised the fact that her eyes are so lopsided. This is an ad for herself, with zero focus on Adah products. Ridiculous.

No. 954875

File: 1742569389658.jpg (20.85 KB, 390x242, Screenshot 2025-03-21 105756.j…)

Can you guess which one of these is a real Adah model? The tall thin one with beautiful hair on the left, or the webbed-neck fat-face on the right?

No. 954886

File: 1742580564990.jpg (273.44 KB, 1080x1401, 20250321_140209.jpg)

Can any legal nonas explain what this means for our squatters? Have they been evicted yet? Why wouldn't the warrant have been issued already? Their eviction date was scheduled for 3 days prior to this declined filing. Is there a backlog with the Marshalls?

No. 954892

this was them trying to get the court to stop the eviction. it got denied because the warrant hasn't been issued, likely because of a back up. it basically is saying they can't file the order yet because they're filing it against an order that wasn't executed yet.

No. 954897

File: 1742599862102.jpg (13.32 KB, 380x336, d4c8c93e76ad692a3bca2d29455ec4…)

After years of essentially being dry milk, the Lillee threads make a comeback with the one thing we never anticipated… a fan. Unbelievable. Not even a casual one, like an actual adoring fan who is displaying framed photos of her mother in his hovel. He even has a hovel like she does.

No. 954906

File: 1742610167433.jpeg (527.59 KB, 1080x1817, IMG_4935.jpeg)

Throwback to when her bestie Patricia Hartmann heavily edited Lillee for a promotional pic because she found her too fat kek. This was back when Lillee was much skinnier than she is now too

No. 954926

File: 1742651519855.png (1.57 MB, 974x2402, pheepy.png)

He IS Pheepy. Lillee's diplomat boyfriend. Love is in the air! Lillee should just move in with him.

No. 954928

He's a dead ringer for Chris chan, holy shit!
That looks like one of ljs pre-homeschooling pics, so she must have been around 14. I wonder if he knows that.

No. 954929

>he's a dead ringer for chris chan
Nonna I was just about to say that, the resemblance is insane. I wonder if he too has autism?

No. 954930

She talked about stalkers so much she manifested an actual one into her life.

No. 954931

File: 1742667149151.png (380.25 KB, 596x736, Screenshot 2025-03-22 191040.p…)

Zap to the extreme.

No. 954962

File: 1742751091391.jpg (216.59 KB, 1172x1465, download.jpg)

She has a cap with her Queen Lillee logo. Merch drop when?

No. 954963

That logo is the WORST - how can they for real think it's good??? So much secondhand embarrassment.

No. 954964

where'd her lips go

No. 954968

File: 1742759356787.jpg (139.02 KB, 1500x1500, chris-chan-1-03d7c74314364f0eb…)

Nonna that is horrifically accurate

No. 954972

Her white mustache is back in full force!

No. 954984

File: 1742776258532.png (3.11 MB, 1179x1559, Cinderella.png)

No. 955001

File: 1742808883939.png (778.05 KB, 584x857, Screenshot 2025-03-24 103143.p…)

Finally some pants that fit her.

No. 955016

Huge improvement! If she stopped carrying crossbody bags on one side and the ok off the dopey hat, she’d pass as a perfectly normal person. Not an actress or model, but a normal person, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

She needs a dermatology appointment though. Her beard and moustache rash is almost purple.

Still, Laur bought her pants that won’t give her a UTI and that’s wonderful.

No. 955025

Perfect casual outfit to go pick up the kids from school or go to the grocery store (if she could drive of course). But happy for her because maybe this is the most normal she's ever felt, and I hope it feels good.

No. 955026

This is a pretty cute picture if you crop out her head, the outfit is cute! Her face ruins it and the hat looks retarded, if it were a normal fitted ball cap instead of being a boxy trucker hat it would be nicer. Even with the hideous giraffe neck guitar pick logo

No. 955043

Good for her! If she just relaxed her face a lil and wore the bag across instead of on one shoulder as a nona pointed out this would be a perfectly normal look- which Lillee might find insulting as she's going for off duty celeb/model/actress but girl.. normal is basically full on baddie or whatever compared to the usual crackhead energy and it should be celebrated imo. For real tho I'm actually really happy for her kek

No. 955135

the outfit is really cute and she looks her age. putting her in crushingly tight outfits with heels and red lipstick makes her look really unfashionable and older

No. 955151

File: 1742958827935.jpg (130.26 KB, 500x750, FF16ADE9-62CA-495C-91590B18689…)

Most recent picture

No. 955153

Saturation turned up to the max and contrast fucked with among other things but finally a color that looks good on her.

No. 955160

Green looks good with vibrant red hair, but Lillee’s hair isn’t actually vibrant red so unfortunately she hasn’t yet found a color that suits her

No. 955163

looks like they found snow/meitu

No. 955168

So if they’re back to pretending she’s a MoDeL is it safe to assume they’re squatting in their attic until the Sheriff comes? Their priorities are mental.

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