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No. 1429503
File: 1643404778114.png (786.63 KB, 1440x846, 1643396238370.png)

reposting this from last thread since it just got locked
No. 1429504
File: 1643404789014.jpg (650.15 KB, 2316x3088, a1hy19v1xfe81.jpg)

He just wanted boobs, idc about "gender expression is different from gender identity" i will never call this a "she"
No. 1429509
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>>1429503>written by Alex Patersonmfw not the doctor
No. 1429524
File: 1643406709019.jpg (85.09 KB, 1068x598, FKIKf_7XsAgXz4W.jpg)

I will never understand the big deal about being misgendered and/or pronouns. I HAVE to add pronouns to my social medias (sigh) unless I don't want to lose my job due to discrimination and other bullshit like that but goddamn. I have a female name, I am a woman, you can see I am a woman, don't ask my pronouns, assume and be smart.
Sometimes I just tell them I use she/they just to see them crumble when I tell them "correct yourself" when they try to start shit, they just oh so want to be woke. I will only correct myself if I called a woman "sir" due to my tired brain at work, men, tims and zoomers can cry about it and they should work on their problems if a pronoun makes them put a noose on their neck.
No. 1429526
File: 1643406873582.jpg (45.05 KB, 640x487, 6168aac38becd8f89d0855afb8a868…)

>>1428330why does it make you rage? it's pretty obvious copium. "nooo i love how everyone bullies me, i actually get off on it!!!!"
No. 1429538
File: 1643408046011.jpeg (397.9 KB, 1284x1582, B07519F8-C2E8-4662-84D5-FE2F2A…)

Finally! I hope this stays
No. 1429548
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No. 1429566
>>1429524>>1429530The only thing I can't stand is when people call me "they" because "uwu i don't know your pronouns". As if I am not just a normal looking woman. Which makes me wonder if troons get
triggered by being called "they" by wokies who are trying not to
trigger them. If you can't outright call trannies male pronouns for whatever reason try calling them they/them instead and passing it off as trying to be respectful kek
No. 1429581
>>1429566I get mildly
triggered by being "they'd" because it means I look like some kind of gender creature. Rather just be called sir like the last 25 years of my life.
And when they think you're MTF it's offense not because they think your a man, but because they think you're stupid enough to believe in tranny bullshit. Sigh
>> t. ugly butch No. 1429593
>>1429566of fucking course they get
triggered, anon.
"Ma'am" or you're gonna get pepper sprayed, despite none of them needing it.
No. 1429601
>>1429542Imo civilization wont fall because trannies are retarded. Troon acceptance rates are tanking hard everywhere already. The upenn swimmer and matt walsh on dr phil recently directly asking the troons on it what a woman is then them unable to answer is peaking people. This will just end up as a tab in our history books like how we had mental asylums and lobotomies. But leave it to peterson and rogan to push "the fall of civilization" narrative again on their male listeners that already fantasize a post apocalyptic world where women are suffering
>>1429538Tras are trying to frame the app as racist now kek claiming that the ai cant recognize black womens faces as feminine yet no black woman has had trouble getting verified by it
No. 1429608
>>1429566some troons and I think contra mentioned this, it got
triggered when people ask for its pronouns because that means they don't pass
No. 1429635
File: 1643415432050.jpeg (330.09 KB, 1166x1998, 8B4DF97C-57CE-45F8-9E2C-3B50F0…)

Anyone else think this is the year of normie peaking
No. 1429641
File: 1643415815264.png (16.07 KB, 645x770, 29a.png)

>>1429635it's genuinely uncanny
No. 1429750
File: 1643424656978.jpg (31.78 KB, 563x561, d33ebca1a6045244962ca5c39f14ca…)

>>1429538I tried to download Giggle to flex on the trannies but it won't even let me in
No. 1429754
>>1429664From page 15 about the decline of the Arab empire (dated in the text as A.D. 634-880):
"An increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline. The later Romans complained that, although Rome ruled the world, women ruled Rome. In the tenth century, a similar tendency was observable in the Arab Empire, the women demanding admission to the professions hitherto monopolised by men. ‘What,’ wrote the contemporary historian, Ibn Bessam, ‘have the professions of clerk, tax-collector or preacher to do with women? These occupations have always been limited to men alone.’ Many women practised law, while others obtained posts as university professors. There was an agitation for the appointment of female judges, which, however, does not appear to have succeeded.
Soon after this period, government and public order collapsed, and foreign invaders overran the country [Iraq/Abbasid Caliphate]. The resulting increase in confusion and violence made it unsafe for women to move unescorted in the streets, with the result that this feminist movement collapsed."
No. 1429791
>>1429719The username is Jodi for starters, probably written by a mtf larping
>>1429782Genius, 4D chess tier. Use their own tactics against them kek I've even seen they/thems saying this exact thing about being 'made uncomfortable at work uwu'
No. 1429796
File: 1643430467412.jpg (250.21 KB, 720x948, 20220128_150717.jpg)

one of the troons who were invited to the dr.phil show got traumatized when they were asked "what is a woman"
No. 1429844
>>1429664Glubb is a right wing pseudoscience moid and he fails to be able to explain how Greek and Roman societies were degenerate boylovers since their inception and definitely at their peaks.
These guys, especially Jordan Peterson, hate women
No. 1429862
>>1429840>"Couldn't even read me (I'm trans btw)Trannies were never allowed. YWNBAW
>"I have manly features like being black, having facial hair, and a deep voice">"Imagine what black women feel!"Some of these have got to be trolls. The supposed tif one reeked of moid too.
No. 1429878
File: 1643446801678.jpeg (295.87 KB, 988x551, E0F4A466-50F8-4E5B-BDCC-8C98B1…)

Anyone else feel like the Lia thing is gonna snowball into something? He has creepy agp rape vibes
No. 1429885
>>1429867they always stick out their tongues…nasty. what is the reason for that? porn brainrot?
also yet another troon with an anime drawing pic that looks nothing like them
No. 1429891
File: 1643448281375.jpeg (151.45 KB, 640x528, 0858BEEC-5A57-44C1-8EDF-FA3C47…)

They want us to see them as women but they do not have a shred of empathy for us. No matter what happens, we are secondary to their needs. Almost like they’re just sexist men. No. 1429902
>>1429897They pity transgender
victims of misgendering more than female
victims of rape. They really are indistinguishable from the most vile, sexist men out there. Yet we are supposed to love and accept them? They are fucking evil. All trans women are evil if they expect cis women to accept them.
No. 1429916
File: 1643451002639.jpg (54.22 KB, 1001x562, Screenshot_20220129-050404_Red…)

>>1429635I'll take the blogging or cowtipping (?) ban but holy shit, my 8+ year old reddit account that I've never been suspended on got permabanned. picrel is what I believe to be the comment of mine that did it.
No. 1429918
>>1429916Just telling the truth makes these authoritarian freaks crack down on you and perma ban your other account.
They wouldn't even do that for a race sperger
Literally worse than Hitler tbh
No. 1429930
>>1429700>>1429719Yup. Dude saying "I'm still a female" is a man trying out the argument "you said female only, but even a real female transman wouldn't be able to get on here!!! I'm a female by the way! tee hee" which is hilarious because most aidens are glossy-eyed little acorn-heads and the only males they could be mistaken for are pimply little boys. T adds some muscle to the jaw, but it's negligible in most cases. They ain't getting no neanderthal brows.
The idea of the app scanning faces bugs me because I wouldn't think AI is good enough (even if it's hideously obvious to the human eye) but if it's working, then lol. My first thought was someone wearing a woman mask to get in, but they could just steal a woman's photo anyway. Nasty.
No. 1429935
File: 1643453168615.jpg (435.56 KB, 1079x1390, Screenshot_20220129-190026_Red…)

Antiworker mod alt account that is used to dick ride his main account. Typical Fucking predators hiding behind labels to make themselves a victim to society. Piece of shit hope he kills himself soon.
No. 1429939
File: 1643453559793.jpg (29.39 KB, 377x605, 46718896_1948190208819247_7925…)

>>1429518>>1429522>>1429538Men defining themselves as women is a backlash against women's liberation. The goal is to destroy women-only spaces. So no, it isn't the end of civilization, it's men seething. No. 1429940
File: 1643453601722.png (226.84 KB, 1252x1276, Untitled.png)

Trannies waking up to the fact that normies don't see them as women is just fantastic.
No. 1429944
>>1429885They think they look like pin-ups. On the topic of the male gaze, idk if any of you guys have seen the men writing women sub on reddit, but I see AGPs writing about themselves(ostensibly) in the exact same way. Which is obvious, but I feel the need to point it out anyway. Men can't write women, they can't draw women, they can't even imagine women who don't think about being sexy all the time.
I read a book written in the seventies a week ago that switched between a husband and wife's POV from chapter to chapter. The husband thought about her body and how it looked (along with other women's bodies), and the wife thought about how supportive her husband was. Not once did she think about his looks or experience any attraction to him. When they lay in bed together after sex, she thought about how much she felt like a woman. This author was fairly progressive for the time. I just don't think straight men can conceptualize women as thinking about anything but how hot it is that they embody what straight men desire to consume. So of course AGPs think they "feel like women". That's the only thing they think women "feel".
No. 1429945
>>1429940>I guess we don't deserve rights if we do bad thingsCan't wait until this genius hears about the law, police and jail! That is the consensus, yes, that your rights are removed for doing crimes?
People will definitely peak this year if not already with the amount of sexual deviation and crime clearly associated with transwomen. Nobody ever had an issue with their gender representation, many anons in this thread wax lyrical about how they like and are attracted to femme men, the issue has always been the perversion/creeping/bullying and one-sided approach to rights and fairness present in trans activism, where, surprise surprise cis women are always below the transwoman in their desired pecking order.
No. 1429947
>>1429935People of transition???? Like
POC? i'm going to end it lmao I really hope that catches on. Black people will destroy them.
>>1429940>if we're a good girlEven when they're crying, they're jacking off.
No. 1429950
>>1429944>When they lay in bed together after sex, she thought about how much she felt like a womanHe probably should have asked a woman what she thought about in this scenario because it is not getting your womanhood affirmed via poking. You don't need a penis-shaped reminder that you are a female, it is a state of being which doesn't need enforcing or assuring, since it simply is. Men's concepts of what women are, are really bizarre, straight men's idea of us is already strange, and transwomen add a new level of oddness to it all.
It's beyond sexualisation, it's almost like they view themselves as gods and think we were created for and by them, we are not humans but vessels for their sexual feelings and emotions, our image simply a visual expression of those feelings.
No. 1429952
File: 1643456351028.png (170.57 KB, 594x731, Untitled.png)

Absolutely unbelievable
No. 1429993
File: 1643462278897.png (243.16 KB, 524x688, cringe.png)

It's so funny to me how trannies have chosen this little anime-child as their universal mascott. This drawing is about as far removed from how a troon looks as you can possibly get.
No. 1430058
File: 1643471417681.jpg (247.5 KB, 1080x1920, 20220129_094721.jpg)

this looks like that sanpaku eyes meme
>RUN! Do not walk away from these eyes!
No. 1430061
File: 1643472055758.jpg (792.33 KB, 1409x679, Untitled-1.jpg)

A school in California hosted a drag event which aimed to “destigmatize drag” and teach kids how to dress in drag and “build a drag persona”.
If you live in California you should probably get the fuck out of that hellhole. Especially if you plan to have kids.
No. 1430066
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No. 1430069
File: 1643473143709.png (398.5 KB, 724x890, cringe.png)

Just in case anyone can't answer the question of "Why are they always teachers?" It's because they prey on children.
No. 1430087
>>1429542Ancient Greece was obsessed with masculinity to the point women were not citizens/seen as people and they had a fuck ton of weird rules for sex (male prostitutes couldn't fuck women because if the woman gets pregnant the husband isn't gonna raise it and two men fucking is actually super manly) and diseases were rampant. I also think civilization tends to collapse when there's an imbalance like the Greeks had with their hatred towards women. It's unnatural to hate women and have men run every facet of society. On the opposite side of the spectrum I also think being Uber religious and anti sex can have a similar effect on society where people get so repressed they start doing just as fucked up shit (killing people for holding hands, corrective rape, weird fetishes) like during the crusades and shit and pretty much any super religious country now. Whenever society becomes obsessed with gender shit seems to go downhill
Sage for autism
No. 1430118
>>1430111It's not, people just care more about male
victims. All kinds of men are pedophilic
No. 1430122
>>1429964> they mixed up charging him as a 17 year old because that's how old he was when the crime occured with where he should be housed. No, the DA, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, deliberately decided to charge this guy as juvenile and not an adult. He could have been charged as an adult and gone to adult jail.
Anyway, if you live in LA, a group is trying to get this guy recalled. Sign the petition if you want him gone.
No. 1430162
File: 1643482515329.png (3.04 MB, 1673x2868, vtuber.png)

Some woman on twitter made fun of this transbian's god-awful vtuber model for looking like it was trying to cram in as many fetishes as possible, and a bunch of people are having a meltdown trying to cancel her for transphobia in the replies. Deeply funny stuff. No. 1430169
>>1430061drag queens and MtFs are not the same thing, this has nothing to do with TIMs.
If you have a reason to hate gay men then go for it nona, but most drag queens do not want to be women/transition.
No. 1430178
>>1429947By their ideology, saying “people of transition” would be transphobic, because TRAs are always going off about how you don’t have to transition to be trans.
>>1430066If a woman teacher wore shorts as short as those to work, she would be disciplined or fired. But ofcourse they are always accommodating to the trannies because they don’t want to be “transphobic”.
No. 1430182
>>1430118this is the real answer
lot of the children that were
victims of the catholic pedophile priests were girls but people don't give a shit because they think boys being molested is worse than girls being molested. they view girls being molested as a natural thing.
also this
>>1430148 No. 1430192
File: 1643484406653.png (921.39 KB, 2300x1035, 1629445593653.png)

>>1430171this pls, there was an artist in the femboy troons thread who did this, hopefully she sees this post or maybe you can try and reach out to her
No. 1430226
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>>1430162This is in the replies of the post roasting him. These men are incapable of feeling shame.
No. 1430229
File: 1643487181754.png (137.66 KB, 595x971, ywnbaw.png)

>>1430162COPEilation of a handful of responses to this post from the dilation nation.
No. 1430235
File: 1643488017028.png (944.22 KB, 1376x1316, neanderthals want in to fds lo…)

another troon freaking out about fds. why don't they just make their own fucking dating subreddit? are they retarded? everyone knows that the HSTS troons aren't going to bond with women about lying to 'straight' men about having a penis.
No. 1430238
File: 1643488246545.png (2.26 MB, 1888x3328, men mad at women who are more …)

>>1430235 op. here are the comments to the original post along with a deep dive on their profiles, take note of the troon whose wife was stockholm syndromed into being a "lesbian". fucking BLEAK.
or the troon who claims that FDS is full of women stealing money and all sorts of absurd claims and is happily married to another troid.
tbh it is kind of an achievement for FDS that these smegmoids are their biggest haters. says it all really.
No. 1430240
File: 1643488521859.jpg (659.67 KB, 2208x2944, b37g8j3gvja81.jpg)

>>1430238same moid who trapped his now "lesbian" wife. disgusting
No. 1430253
>>1430229>someone who looks fucking more awesome than the writer of the postit's a fucking drawing
>>1430238nice compilation nona. an obvious male being uwu so scared of women who are basically trying to avoid shitty men like what's it to you kaylee you're a wahmen now
No. 1430256
File: 1643490499960.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.06 KB, 1200x1200, media_FAD6_cyVEAg-qXY.jpg)

>>1430229In case anyone was wondering what "Diana's" vtuber model looked like
No. 1430270
>>1430229Fucking FREAKS getting so mad and
triggered over a cartoon drawing not being up to someone's liking, ugh
No. 1430278
>>1430253thanks! imo they hate women like the ones from fds just like they hate older women because we are all more likely to call them out.
>>1430257i wrote a comment suggesting that they make their own sub bc we can't relate to them. i also responded to the one talking about women making themselves pregnant on purpose with trashed condoms that he is such a typical male brained loser with no idea of women's reality.
i deleted them right after tho because i have a fairly niche radfem sub i go on and i would hate for troons to go to my profile and get the sub taken down to spite me and other radfems.
it's amazing that fds has lasted so long when radfem subs regularly get the ban hammer.
No. 1430287
>>1429581nonnie don't take it personally, my sister is butch and despite being an obvious female she gets "he" all the time. it got so bad that she considered going femme to stop them from calling her that.
>>1429750i don't have the app but can you contact support and maybe do a quick video w them to prove that you're female?
>>1429840why are these people so fucking racist kek they wish that black women looked anywhere close to neanderthal ass white men. i'm a straight female but troons have helped me to realize how fucking hideous male bone structure is, particularly for white males. white moids look so closely related to apes with their massive brow ridges among other features, which explains why they've projected onto black people for the longest time, even now with the troonacy insisting black women with hyperfeminine features are somehow masculine. the universal favorite argument tactic for males by FAR is projection.
No. 1430302
File: 1643493877428.jpeg (447.85 KB, 828x1675, 8F1B103F-956B-490E-B48E-F8662C…)

I’m in and I look objectively terrible right now. I’m reporting on all the discourse in this app because these agps can rot in hell with their scam ass neo ditches. How dare you hideous fucks use black women as your scape goats. I got in just fine so shove the ID politics up your asses. Women deserve our own fucking spaces. Lesbians don’t need to suck dick homophobes.
No. 1430325
File: 1643495879536.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2859x1910, 0CA42B0A-69E7-4179-83EB-506B10…)

>>1430162 I just searched up what a womb tattoo is, fucking gross. I’m not even surprised that’s it’s highly connected to hentai shit especially of degrading women. Ofc its tranny “lesbian” Vtuber who probably cries about real lesbian women having a genital preference but degrades women to their womb. Sick fuck, also the amount of weeb trannies in the comment dicking their fellow cheese dick retards.
These are some example of womb tattoo designs and their meanings.
No. 1430342
Because the DA doesn't care about women and girls. He has a blanket policy of not charging juvenile's as minors and decided to do it in this case as well, despite the fact that the guy is 26, was 17 when he committed the crime, and if convicted as juvenile would only go to juvenile jail for 2 years.
No. 1430366
File: 1643498767160.png (36.26 KB, 751x443, Misha on Twitter.png)

lets just ignore articles written on troon retaining their advantages after taking HRT..
No. 1430368
>>1430235>>1430238I really don't understand what's so
toxic about female dating strategy? Not even a little bit. The times I lurked in there I never anything even a little bit edgy or whatever. They were angry but perfectly reasonable.
Besides, angry women feed my energy, so I guess that's why I like it there lol
No. 1430381
>>1430319Girls experience far more CSA than boys do, while men commit far more sexual abuse than women. If it was true that experiencing CSA led to abusing children as an adult, we would see a female majority of child predators, and then (because most women are heterosexual) we'd see a male majority of child
victims, leading to a reverse of that cycle, over and over. We do not see this. It is a consistent fact that men still make up, and always have made up, the majority of child predators, while girls are the primary
victims. These girls clearly do not go on to become predators at an increased rate. I can't imagine a women believing boys are the
victims of CSA at a higher rate than girls, not when I, and pretty much every woman I know, had to grow up with the knowledge that so many of our friends, and often us ourselves, were sexually abused by men. Curious, though, how male pedophiles get caught blatantly lying about having been sexually abused in an attempt to excuse their own behavior. Begone.
No. 1430388
>>14303631) I'm black and it makes me cringe when non white people like you have to virtue signal their non whiteness and start racial drama that will definitely cause some shitty narratives to occur against all non white people
2) stop your racial shitflinging against white people. white women are the majority of this userbase and the majority of female spaces on the internet so don't shit where you eat
(reposted because forgot to sage)
No. 1430389
>>1430380Wouldn't that data be pretty old by now? I'm too mentally boomer to know how cloudflare would track socioeconomic status and race and sex and all that by IP address, but either way, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who's been here a while that we do have a somewhat transient userbase. Lots of new people come and go, even if a few of us oldies stick around.
Either way, I'm not gonna cry just because another woman doesn't like white men with caveman brows. These are the same men who will gladly shit on us for any imagined reason. They don't need our protection.
t. an upper middle-class white woman kek No. 1430390
>>1430238it's funny how angry they get about ""misandry""
almost as if they're men
No. 1430402
>>1430393Oh my bad, you're right, I thought everyone was still arguing about this anon
>>1430287 , didn't realize we'd already moved on to
>>1430363 No. 1430407
>>1430400I just realized someone upthread said the same thing lol whoops.
But honestly watching the infighting is sorta entertaining lol
No. 1430409
>>1430395it's so weird to see men compare fds to incels mgtows and redpillers
apparently wanting to be in a relationship with a man who treats you well is the exact same thing as men manipulating women into entering
abusive relationships and going on killing sprees
No. 1430417
>>1430413Seconded. Excellent work nona.
>>1430409It's because, to them, women having standards and not putting up with their abuse is literally violence. Both troons and "cis" men think that women not wanting to fuck them, despite being bottom of the barrel, dick cheese-ridden, spergy scrotes is the same as them raping and murdering us for literally just existing as women. They view women who only want to commit to men who can provide for them and treat them as a human being the same way they view incels and insane moids who write entire manifestos stating that there should be government mandated sex slaves.
No. 1430434
>>1430415I hope this diaper changing table got sanitized before a vulnerable infant was laid on it. Also, hulking huge person taking photo also tranny? Likely
No. 1430435
File: 1643504510207.png (8.45 MB, 1280x6528, krinkykayleigh.png)

>>1430415Oh my god it's this guy
No. 1430441
File: 1643505098807.jpg (174.57 KB, 1200x900, Laurel-Hardy--Comedy-duo-Stan-…)

>>1430435In another time these two would be one of those comedy duos made up of an overweight guy and a short guy
No. 1430462
File: 1643506789802.png (58.71 KB, 360x127, F0D77478-2430-4F1F-A26D-722AA9…)

No. 1430473
File: 1643507538780.png (287.11 KB, 720x1256, nonce.png)

>>1430435>>1430415 man had a kiwifarms thread made about him when he still identified as a gay dude. The thread was made because of picrel.
No. 1430476
File: 1643507763236.png (102.14 KB, 731x622, 1593599419507.png)

>>1430473(btw those are two separate tumblr posts I just accidently merged them together)
I'm glad his family at least know he's a nonce
No. 1430484
>>1430322Didn't they do a study or some shit that pedos will lie about being CSA
victims to get the court to pity them or whatever? I feel like most rapists rape because they're shitty people
No. 1430498
>>1430483chill out nona, I have not seen anyone on this thread say you can't call a gay troon grooming boys gay, that straight men are the ones raping little boys, or that gay men are harmless. all anyone disagrees with are annoying rants from people who think gay men are any more dangerous to women than the average man. if you wanna make fun of some gay troons, post them. we're already laughing at a gay pedo here
>>1430473 and you're free to join us when you're done seething.
No. 1430501
File: 1643511135388.jpeg (301.64 KB, 828x1291, 9977B842-46E2-45E4-A41C-26ED3F…)

Harrowing account of a
nonnie getting beat up by a heavily armed troon compound called Tenacious Unicorn Ranch (excuse the link to K
w for the other screenshots) No. 1430502
File: 1643511258965.png (121.47 KB, 627x438, 47DC4648-B46E-46A3-9C32-012ABA…)

>>1430501And then the compound cult Leader bragging about it.
No. 1430507
File: 1643512192453.png (1.51 MB, 1951x10017, tranbeard (2).png)

No. 1430511
>>1430502I got so passed when I saw this when it happened. Just imaging a troons THANKING a ugly big ass man for "protecting" them from ONE woman with a sign.
I also believe they were armed too.
No. 1430513
File: 1643512650212.png (262.13 KB, 319x466, m'lesbians.png)

>>1430507also I can't make this accompanying image not shit because I suck at photo-editing, but everything in thread is rebranded euphoric neckbeardism
"Just to be clear, I'm not a 'sexist'. I'm just a teenage catgirl who greatly values her intelligence and scientific fact over any silly biology book written 10 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my gender.'"
No. 1430522
File: 1643513799290.gif (3.46 MB, 420x286, 62536FD6-477E-42CE-B9CB-BBBFAD…)

>>1430507I was horrified reading this and thinking about men making themselves impotent for the sake of their meme identity, until I realised that also means they’re basically removing themselves from the gene pool. God bless and long may it continue.
No. 1430551
File: 1643519692825.png (110.91 KB, 1322x484, quellefuckingsurprise.png)

>>1429891>>1430540Apparently the thread's OP is a trans woman who's "suffered a false rape accusation"
No. 1430567
>>1430563Show us
No. 1430574
>>1430489Yes. I foolishly thought the kind of men who wanted to be women wouldn't hate women somehow even more that regular dudes. How naive of me.
>>1430498>>1430496Exactly. As long as it's funny and actually posting examples of mtfs and not just yelling about her personal opinions on gays, I don't care.
>>1430513>m'lesbiansfuckin lmao. This is what I've been saying. They sound so much like the classic neckbeards. You don't have to wonder where they all went.
No. 1430581
File: 1643526535218.jpg (46 KB, 679x600, FJ6H3YmXsAIub5y.jpg)

the replies in that troon complaining about the horny vtuber troon thread are so funny. Imagine posting this meme without a hint of irony.
No. 1430595
>>1430581hm very curious
how could this be
No. 1430608
File: 1643532332652.jpeg (186.55 KB, 828x594, 9AC5328D-B2B1-4391-8AE7-6E91E3…)

>>1430489I was similar in HS, I thought that since so many women I knew were so devoted to the trans movement that they would return the favour and make women’s lib a priority.
What led to my peaking was the tranny who interrupted Rose McGowan’s book tour to yell at her for alleged transphobia and demanded she detail everything she’s ever done for trans rights be outed as a groomer and rapist. The fact that everyone turned on McGowan the second some rando man yelled at her about troon shit and she didn’t prostrate herself and beg for forgiveness was already weird to me, but seeing no one give a shit or apologise to her when their new trans girlboss icon was exposed as a pedo really changed my mindset.
No. 1430609
File: 1643532537644.jpeg (161.12 KB, 1080x1460, 6E7100DE-B7E0-4397-8C12-AA6095…)

>>1430608Samefag, I just googled this fuckers name and now that his 15 minutes as a stunning and brave activist is up he’s selling sissy porn on reddit. At least now he’s being honest kek. No. 1430613
File: 1643533530339.jpeg (582.35 KB, 1284x1785, 69B2C53A-FC08-45B9-ADE1-50A49B…)

>>1430551>gets called out for defending a rapist because it’s a TiM>”you guys are dogpiling me and now I am having a mental breakdown and want to die! Hope you’re happy!!>commenter quickly tries to back pedal so TiM doesn’t kill themselves over an internet argument >TiM: I’m sorry I love youThese people are legitimately deranged.
No. 1430631
File: 1643539900611.jpg (424.19 KB, 1080x2075, Screenshot_20220130-202430_Red…)

The subreddit r/trueoffmychest is a real shitshow. We already discussed it but they have a fucking shitposting thread for trannies due to excess post about them and of cause the whiny trannies in question had to throw a sook to minimise it. The degenerate ones are everywhere on reddit trying to silence people crying about transphobia. It's hilarious seeing the normies slowly peaking due to the actions of these scrotes themselves. The post doesn't directly say it but these normies don't consider trannies as women kek. I hate that these women tip toe about it. Just say it.
No. 1430641
File: 1643541339891.jpg (70.36 KB, 760x675, cyzp314uhia41.jpg)

>>1430637I don't care about faggots but who exactly has been pissing in you tradthots' cereal lately? did your favorite based and redpilled micro e-celeb have a scandal or something? can you go cope with it somewhere else instead of fighting everyone in the tranny thread?
No. 1430651
>>1430643see this is exactly what I mean. I hate anime too yet I don't get this
triggered over pixels on a kite making forum. I don't say this often but touching grass might do you some good
>>1430646I'm not that anon and I couldn't care less, I'm talking about how you autist keep shitting up the thread antagonizing anyone who slightly disagrees with you
No. 1430667
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No. 1430668
>physically healthy teen>strong morals2022
>Walking sideshow>Dick cut off and destined to join 41% club in the near future No. 1430669
File: 1643544415838.jpg (43.62 KB, 750x422, gia-gunn-rupaul-trans-comments…)

>>1430641>>1430651Can all the HSTS please fuck off or if you're gonna laugh at your troon brethren with us, at least have the courtesy to TRY to blend in. Saying how you don't mind gay men transitioning or being in our spaces, white knighting male homosexual pedophiles, calling other anons homophobes for laughing at misogynistic fags in drag like you stupid scrotes really couldn't make this shit any more obvious you do this shit in every fucking thread.
Pretending you're one of the girls while looking like this fool behind a computer screen hahaha
I almost feel bad for you delusional retards.
No. 1430672
File: 1643544939985.png (649.92 KB, 736x906, lilith.png)

Talking about pick-me HSTS who browse this site reminded me Lilith Lovett exists and the first thing I saw on his twitter immediately shows that trannies know NOTHING about what it's like to live as a woman and still sympathize exclusively with men. Imagine how much harassment women would have to deal with if we acted like this towards men? Men are literally incapable of accepting a compliment without thinking it's a come-on and you want to fuck them. Any woman knows how dangerous it is to make strange men compliments out of nowhere.
Cue for HSTS pickme to swoop in and boast about how much better THEY would treat men while never having to be afraid of being treated like a woman in return. Men would just be disgusted if a freak like Lilith complimented them, they'd never react the same way they would to a real woman. Hell troons think being sexually harassed and catcalled is validating so they probably think women should just embrace it.
No. 1430676
>>1430668>Alt right pipeline>"Strong morals"No, all that is being described is literally the incel pipeline. Terminally ignored boys to nazi men to "transwomen". First they hate women and fantasize about a "trad" society where they get free wife slaves with no competition, then once they realize spamming their Nazi shit isn't working, they just "become the gf".
It's all fueled by the anxiety of the failedmale. They're scrounging for sex and women because they are addicts deprived of their fix. Their only solution now is to become what they desire most, because incel affirmative action (patriarchy) is no longer here to save them from having non-wet dicks.
It says a lot about how males think that this phenomenon is so common, i think.
No. 1430682
>>1430672I would talk shit on Lovett every day if it meant you would calm down and stop whining. I hate Lovett, you hate Lovett, we can make this work, all you have to do is stick to screenshots of whatever degenerate thing he’s said last instead of crying that someone on a previous thread disagreed with you.
I’ll even get started.
Lovett is a delusional tranny but even he has to look in the mirror and realize he’s even uglier than the failed imitation of a woman he tries to photoshop himself in to. He will never understand what it’s like to experience harassment as a woman because every time he steps outside, all anyone sees is a pathetically ugly old scrote. I still laugh every time I remember the last time photos of his real face were posted, because he somehow manages to look like even more of a gross old man than you already know he is.
No. 1430684
File: 1643546532685.jpg (54.23 KB, 634x680, troonperv.jpg)

Perv delusion level: Max
No. 1430688
>>1430684"Pervert". But it's not a fetish.
No. 1430702
>>1430684Nonnies don't hate me but he's right. Most men are perverts and only a few months of the wrong kind of porn addiction away from trooning out themselves.
The only thing keeping males from accepting trannies is how much they hate femininity and see it (and women in general) as below them. They hate troons for besmirching masculinity in males by lowering men to the status of women, that's it. Oh also the fact that they'll larp as feminine sex objects but aren't even attractive. You'll notice moids don't seem to take much of an issue with troons that "pass".
Males are all misogynists with no empathy. Their hatred of troons is motivated by misogyny, ironically enough. They're too retarded to understand it though.
No. 1430703
File: 1643548328888.png (8.5 KB, 1251x93, nsjk2.png)

>>1430700Lol he deleted. I post this not to give moids attention, but so that other actual farmers will learn to notice this type of bullshit lmao
No. 1430706
>>1430702"Everyone" includes women too. We aren't like agp moids.
Also while clearly a lot of men are perverted many of them don't want troon pervs to shower with their kids and wives etc.
No. 1430709
>>1430706Obviously women can be peaked and understand the troon issue but dealing with males is a huge obstacle, politically and socially.
I was gonna mention that as well. They only kinda care about women if they think "their" women are under direct troon threat. They'll never stand up for us in any meaningful way. If they did, the troon issue wouldn't even be a problem in the first place.
No. 1430712
>>1430315The vital point here is representation. Crime stats published by UK govt through both criminal convictions and the CSEW (a self-reporting survey) show that boys aged 0-10 are more likely to be abused than girls of the same age group. Between 10-14 they’re about equal, then from age 14 onwards girls (and then women) are more likely to be
victims of sexual abuse.
The same data sources find that 20% of adult
victims of sex crimes are male - so either straight women commit far more sex crimes than most assume or, despite gay men comprising <1% of the population, they disproportionately commit a lot of sex crime.
Straight men do commit the most in sheer numbers, but that’s predictable. It’s the ones they don’t commit that prove there is a problem in other social groups too. It’s either the gays or the girls, and the CSA data suggests it’s the gays - although that’ll probably be taken over by UWU trans women very soon.
No. 1430718
File: 1643551318609.jpg (164.02 KB, 856x640, 1640279376908.jpg)

>>1430714You will never be welcome here.
No. 1430721
>>1430717Read the thread and stop spouting nonsense you massive retard, this is where the argument starged
>>1430111 So you can bring up gay men in the tranny thread but oh no how dare we say straight men are evil too and that sexuality is irrelevant because this is a tranny thread
No. 1430726
File: 1643551980967.jpg (83.24 KB, 640x855, hj4g3gvjdxd81.jpg)

stop fighting and look at this picture of a beautiful young woman
No. 1430729
>>1430718i want to come here to laught at ugly trannies. and what do i see? you being FUCKING ANNOYING. you being a damn schizo over the gays all the time, schreeching and screaming and being annoying over this idiotic bullshit.
commit suicide or post trannies you fucking retard
(sage your retarded meltdowns) No. 1430733
File: 1643552636939.jpg (387.84 KB, 1080x1341, Screenshot_20220130-152144_rif…)

ignore the HSTS hater it's probably an AGP. YWNBAW
No. 1430737
>>1430735and when you are posting this complaining about me derailing what do you think you are doing if not just derailing with complaining about derailing etc
you're being the same as me
No. 1430751
>>1430309>Go back to TwitterNTA, but: Says the one who is whining "reeee stop being racist, you mean" over a random comment about white scrotes. Holy shit, tradthots really cannot speak badly of handmaidens when they are such equally retarded pick-mes and easily offended. Like, go cook for your ugly nigel instead of white knighting them on fucking lolcow, lmao. (Or you are just a butthurted moid, whatever)
>>1430345>You have to talk about trannies, you must affirm themThat's one of the reasons why I peaked. You can’t just have a "live and let live" attitude, "use the correct pronouns" or some shit, you must suck their dick (both figuratively and literally) to prove that you are indeed ~a good trans ally and totally not a
>>1430681Seconding. Based Giggle for finding a way to avoid these scrotes, we should do the same.
No. 1430755
>>1430753men either think women are just like them (down to being degenerates) or that women are the filler characters of the world
there's no in-between
No. 1430757
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>>1430752Seriously, the autism is priceless
Anyway, since somebody mentioned transpassing, here are some highly upvoted HSTS ladies
No. 1430784
File: 1643558867645.png (440.24 KB, 640x480, eobx6fh237t41.png)

I just came across this AGP on Reddit and his post history is interesting…
5 years ago he expressed interest in crossdressing but worried about his Christian shame holding him back.
3 years ago he started hormones.
2 years ago his wife stopped being a handmaid and left his ass.
2 weeks ago he got the dick chop.
Today he's regretting everything and wondering if he made a huge mistake.
That's what happens when you let the coom control your life. Too bad he already reproduced so his retarded genes will go on to plague a new generation. No. 1430792
>>1430784He says he feels he wasn't "properly assessed". Everything was rushed and just felt like box checking apparently.
I don't see how that's a problem. I thought anyone at any age should be able to immediately access hormones and be approved for surgeries. A serious psychological evaluation over a longer period of time isn't necessary I heard. It's just wasting their precious time. How can this be? So shocked uwu.
No. 1430796
>>1430784imagine being such a pervert that you would throw away your healthy body and life with your loving wife to live out your crossdressing fetish
i'm so happy i'm not male
No. 1430802
>>1430368same here. Or rather, I havev some issues with how FDS run, but is based around avoiding shitty and/or
abusive males. Since a lot moids pretend to be decent people for years, until pregnancy, until marriage, etc., their guiding premise is "drop any dude who even looks like he might be trash and get your shit together so you stop falling for the ones who are clearly trash from jump."
I'd take the criticism of FDS way more seriously, if any of the critics had an alternate strategy for avoiding shitty moids who pretend to be decent and helping women get their heads right so they never date the obviously shitty ones in the first place.
No. 1430807
>>1430802Whether anyone likes the place or not, the fact remains it's one of the only truly female subreddits that exist now. They take great care of it in that sense. As soon as they so much sniff a hint of a male, he's out. Therein lies the crux of the issue. That's why it's "
No. 1430873
File: 1643567636075.jpeg (Spoiler Image,637.75 KB, 1899x3072, E9B826A2-1950-4CE7-A8DD-DCC5FB…)

>>1430784Pretty sure someone posted his horrific SRS results in a thread recently,
spoiler love the comments. I love when they do this to themselves.
No. 1430875
>>14308731) it's been
five days. let the swelling go down and we'll see how natural that shit looks.
2) ground beef? they can't even get their misogyny right.
No. 1430890
>>1430873>very naturalThere are tire marks
>ground beefAccurate
No. 1430894
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No. 1430895
>>1430660They are their own worst enemies. I can’t believe a moid would do that let alone post it on the internet. Actually, no. I can. After this thread I believe men are capable of lows I wasn’t even aware of.
>>1430672The comic is so male it hurts. Because getting these kind of comments from greasy old men (and young ones too) while at work is sooooooo validating and not terrifying at all. I’ve started calling security every time a dumbass customer does shit like this to me at work. They kick them out every time, I love to see it.
No. 1430914
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>>1430873These things look more like a spider's face than a vagina
No. 1430916
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No. 1430931
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No. 1430937
File: 1643575303786.png (2.11 MB, 1447x1691, dykesgonewild.png)

r/dykesgonewild in a nutshell.
No. 1430943
>>1430939>HOo boy this… this is going to take a LOT of time and vodka to get good at. Yes, I turned voice training into a drinking game, every time I stop the video or training because of dysphoria, take a shot. (It gets easier after a couple of shots since I give less of a crap bc I'm drunk… but still… damn this is hard training).Edit:
Tonight's Vodka shot tally: 3 (so far)
No. 1430951
File: 1643576574650.png (594.4 KB, 557x676, 1633027626074.png)

>HSTS are the good trannies!!!
No. 1430970
>>1430961Even in young gay/old gay relationships usually they break up once the young gay is no longer a cute twink. I have also never met a gay couple that was monogamous. They all sleep around on the side or go to gay sex parties together (which often take place at truck stops and in public bathrooms).
I see many HSTS whine that their boyfriends don't treat them like women, but treat them like they would a male partner instead. Don't do romantic gestures, don't treat them gentle, etc. Truth is that a tranny/chaser relationship will NEVER be like a straight cis relationship ever.
No. 1431001
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>>1430951In 8 years he will look like this to avoid his body rejecting his anime sissy dreams lol
No. 1431049
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>>1430733it's probably another troon
No. 1431058
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Jonathan is really upset that for the last 9 months in the UK, actual children aren’t taking life changing drugs to pretend to be something they never can be :c
No. 1431060
File: 1643587619173.png (50.94 KB, 1930x410, I (5'11 F) was behind a girl (…)

here's the look in question No. 1431071
File: 1643588127861.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1111x1771, monopolyman.png)

think i'll pass
No. 1431080
>>1431058Are there any actual studies of kids and teenagers committing suicide because they have gender dysphoria? TRAs always say that "without HRT they will die!" but it seems more of a threat and them projecting on kids than what the reality actually is
I can see it happening because of depression, body dysmorphia, or being bullied for being homosexual and gnc, but gender dysphoria seems very specific. I would think this sort of thing is even rarer in kids under 13.
>>1431071Wish I didn't open ew
No. 1431098
File: 1643590663463.png (559.36 KB, 588x613, hdti.png)

it's crazy how ugly this guy looked larping as a girl when he's alright-looking as a dude.
A lot of this shit's gotta just be gen z's inability to feel anything without being celebrated by an audience imo. Not hating on the kids, but I see tweets from time to time in the vein of "How do you get the motivation to do anything when no one's watching?" without the smallest hint of irony, and I feel genuine despair. Getting internet attention gives a powerful dopamine reward, especially to a young brain.
If trans content got banned from the internet, I think most of gen z would detrans, along with anyone else who's jumped onboard because of internet addiction.
No. 1431101
File: 1643591063849.jpg (498.09 KB, 2220x1549, 22-01-31-01-02-30-233_deco.jpg)

What a very male thing to say
No. 1431113
File: 1643592796716.png (283.52 KB, 755x677, kikomi twitter.png)

Have you guys looked into the bio trans community on twitter? If you look into Kikomi's crew on Twitter they are spot-on with the trolling and actually get trans people suspended from twitter for being "phobic".
No. 1431114
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>>1431060looks like long haired tobey maguire lmao.
No. 1431119
File: 1643593223927.png (2.63 MB, 1477x999, VRoidKikomiBase.png)

>>1430567here's the first iteration of v-tuber kikomi. i can figure out a secure way to drop the files if anyone would like to make their own kikomi-sona.
No. 1431121
VALID and totally not Autogynephilia
No. 1431128
>>1430028nice to see a fellow ex-westlake chap in this thread, haha
i had friends that were on swim team with him while we were in school and they said that he was just the worst. like worse than the football bros
No. 1431131
>>1431119oh my goodness she's so adorable and such a
valid little pixie
No. 1431146
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>>1431104Kek true nona. Reminds me of this post.
No. 1431156
File: 1643597336349.png (857.81 KB, 1121x2150, Polish Activist Tries to Save …)

lol @ this whole article
No. 1431157
File: 1643597423796.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.66 KB, 980x1852, 2017 vs 2020.jpg)

Anyone remember Trans Girl Next Door? It's an autobio webcomic by an HSTS that was fairly popular around the mid-2010s. It caught some flack for playing into sexist stereotypes, but the creator didn't take himself too seriously and seemed to have one foot in reality so it sort of had a reputation as 'that one trans comic not made by an insane person' (this is back when trutrans vs. trender was the dominant narrative).
Anyway, I suddenly remembered him because of all the HSTS sperging upthread and decided to see what he was up to these days. For the past several years, he's exclusively been drawing comics about his struggles with masturbation addiction in this really raw schizophrenic artstyle. I'm so creeped out what the fuck
No. 1431167
File: 1643598663131.jpg (418.58 KB, 1280x1704, tumblr_48526d36e0e40c707dbfdba…)

>>1431157You know I use to think he could kinda pass but this is giving pure man
No. 1431171
File: 1643599187140.jpg (72.97 KB, 1000x1080, faceless-man-in-underwear-male…)

Seethe and dilate this is what you look like beside your delusions
No. 1431177
File: 1643599375942.png (414.02 KB, 718x1123, Sall Grover on Twitter.png)

speaking of language..
No. 1431191
File: 1643601135837.jpg (147.94 KB, 1325x787, Manmade horrors beyond my cmpr…)

Sexist gay men call women fishy. Meanwhile, TiMs.
No. 1431193
File: 1643601280584.jpg (222.82 KB, 1280x1129, tumblr_af3228b935406eaac5cc45f…)

>>1431157Holy shit you weren't kidding. All his nofap comics are so deranged. Also, how can you even have a masturbation/porn addiction? I know moids are constantly saying thats a thing but like, come on. Maybe get a job or something if you need something to do besides jerking off lol
No. 1431204
File: 1643602157111.jpeg (408.25 KB, 1538x2048, 42E9DF41-615D-4F9F-9EAE-618A9F…)

every time i see troon selfies like this i am 100% convinced that they're staring at their own moobs in the screen
No. 1431215
>>1431171Blaire White is claimed to be unclockable yet her fridge body and bad fashion no woman would actually wear
>>1431204Is that really moobs? Looks like silicone implants
>>1431193Male troons have weirder fetishes than generic moids, this one even fapped to other's fapping. I'll be disgusted when someone finds my fetishes sexy.
No. 1431217
>>1429754Dozens and dozens of societies where women
weren’t gaining rights have also collapsed, but he only decides to use these two as data points. Almost like he’s less interested in history and more interested in getting a boner thinking about uppity women getting put in their place.
No. 1431228
>>1431177Why stop there? Why not just call us sentient incubators, or flesh farms, or birth-experiencing individuals?
When I’m pregnant I’m going to have everyone refer to me as a Divine Vessel of Mankind’s Greatest Blessing, and if that makes anyone uncomfortable or takes too long to say then they’re disregarding my identity and oppressing me.
“People pregnant with”. Give me a fucking break.
No. 1431229
File: 1643605276405.jpg (309.64 KB, 1280x820, ew.jpg)

>>1431157Checked out of curiosity and why am I not fucking surprised
No. 1431238
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>>1430951Kek I love it when trannies seethe about cis women. They think they fit other men’s fantasies but don’t realize they’re always and forever will be a delusional man with a botched body.
No. 1431256
File: 1643609457683.jpg (138.29 KB, 693x418, Untitled.jpg)

thread full of cope, the only logical faggot saying dont cut off your dick on impulse is called a chaser
No. 1431296
>>1430087Rome collapsed because the empire was too large to be managed effectively, for one. Even an excellent leader would struggle with maintaining it, and the emperors of late Rome were notoriously shitty due to a combination of inbreeding, lead poisoning, and overall megalomania.
Trannies are indicative of larger systemic issues with gender, but I don't think they precipitate the collapse of civilizations, ffs. Also, re-evaluating gender stereotypes does not always lead to tranny shit, and to imply that doing it coincides with the fall of civilizations is peak male retardation.
No. 1431299
File: 1643615982635.gif (437.17 KB, 500x363, 4BF0E1FA-79DB-4F15-9281-403266…)

Sage for sperg but I would love to set up a subreddit dedicated to documenting troon freakouts and peaking normies but framing it all positively so no one can say we’re being transphobic. Gamestop hon is a stunning sister standing up for herself in the face of cruel misgendering. The trannies who shut down a woman’s shelter in Vancouver are brave fighters in the war against TERFery. Lia Thomas getting boners in the women’s locker room is a beautiful expression of gender euphoria and her teammates are just transphobic.
If I was more of a NEET with less to lose I would do it myself, but I will 100% be there on my alt cheering you on and providing freakout videos where I can. Just be sure to call it something super tongue-in-cheek like TransQueens or TransWinning
No. 1431309
>>1431274Try to convince men clits aren't inside the vag challenge.
>>1431299it would be gone in a heartbeat, but that would be hilarious. The issue as I now see it is the mods. Reddit threatens to shut down subs if they get too big but won't allow reddit to appoint its own (almost all troon) mods. So nothing can be good once it's popular.
Now on twitter, you might have a chance. The humans assessing the content that gets reported hardly speak English. As long as you keep it clean, they've got nothing on you. I've had an absolute blast getting troons in twitter trouble by reporting their ironically twansphobic posts. I search their tweets for (selfie he thinks is passing and irresistibly sexy) captioned: "haha what a tranny" and report for hate speech.
I only ever do it when I see one being overtly, blatantly misogynist, (which ironically, is almost impossible to report successfully.) I know I'm a goblin, but I have to vent my rage somehow. Plus, even if they weren't woman-hating pricks, they've demanded a system that disallows content based on the use of naughty words and hurt feelings with no nuance or sense of humor. Maybe I'm autistic enough that my feelings were really hurt by the t slur! How can you tell? Are you gatekeeping my trans pain?
No. 1431335
>>1431080 read.
Basically “There are fundamental methodology issues with both UK studies that report that almost half of transgender young people attempt suicide. This data is poor quality and should not be relied upon by parents when considering how best to support their children. The misuse of suicide figures is ethically questionable.”
“ This raises the question of whether trans youth are especially vulnerable to suicidal ideation, or troubled and vulnerable young people are more susceptible to the belief that they are transgender (and believe that this is the reason for their distress and that transition will solve all their problems).”
No. 1431354
File: 1643626924434.jpeg (Spoiler Image,618.54 KB, 1045x776, 7B7937CE-897E-4E11-9AC8-9F5820…)

from the new euphoria episode, peep that man body. the bolt ons make how male his body is stand out even more.
No. 1431355
>>1431354holy shit that is
rough kek
this is supposed to be the best a troon can be? I can't believe he let them keep that shot in.
No. 1431358
File: 1643627592831.jpg (290.82 KB, 717x1076, 732191936367218193736373727199…)

>>1431354He looks like a biological mistake. Do troons realize what a affront they are to narure? I know he contiplates 41% each time he showers and has to undress. He's just a man with 2 plastic silicone bags shoved into his man chest and a limp dick. They they try so hard to make him feminine and girl-like with all the 12 year old girl outfits, but its having the opposite effect. What a freak.
No. 1431373
File: 1643629509150.png (143.64 KB, 1182x944, Untitled.png)

>>1431177Thankfully the actual scientists studying this field still know that it's women who get pregnant… for now.
No. 1431379
File: 1643630416372.jpeg (225.86 KB, 1080x1080, 1643605475837.jpeg)

>>1431354i don't want to keep bringing it back to this dude (Sorry) but i just saw this picture and it's crazy how much better he looks as a guy. also can't help but notice how zendaya is dressed like a dude and has a mask on and still is so clearly the only women in this picture.
No. 1431380
>>1431267It was the
>newly foundedthat especially gives it away, aka
>there are now so many porn addicted men pretending to be women that we needed to create a group to accommodate them all No. 1431382
File: 1643631572640.jpg (50.82 KB, 644x800, 9925AAF3-DB24-4CF7-A70B-B86544…)

I don't know where to put this but I was in the Jazz Jennings thread on kiwifarms. They were talking about this angry TIF who gets mad that straight men dont want to date TIMs. She's friends with Jazz's annoying brother Sanders. Anyway she dated a TIM and wow. Wow. The Troon is twice her size.
No. 1431384
File: 1643631706848.jpg (82.53 KB, 546x800, 86A9B45E-DBEE-4FCC-82B5-D5C6B6…)

No. 1431391
>>1431383SA,it looks like a father and daughter cross dressing for Halloween. It gives
>>Thanks for the chicken nuggies dadVibes
No. 1431438
File: 1643637345347.jpg (20.16 KB, 320x318, 200295800481_7286.jpg)

>>1431419Found this pic of you, anon.
No. 1431442
>>1431206KEK have some common sense
nonnie, the bio trans crew all has trans flags in their names and pronouns in the bio, that's how you larp as a fake troon and get them banned while playing an obvious character.
twitter never has taken seriously my report of incels saying death to women but interestingly enough i can get someone banned really easily if they "misgender" me and say i'm not trans kek
No. 1431443
File: 1643637704971.jpeg (36.77 KB, 828x444, 03C19D4F-18CB-45AA-8A8A-A4AAB2…)

>>1431354Also this ugly ass shower scene emphasising his alternate reality Scandinavian yandere dev face with the unsightly scythe nose.
No. 1431457
File: 1643638779407.jpg (289.62 KB, 1786x1014, 1234567890.jpg)

For all the scandi anons with a vpn, I just saw this documentary about a man that came out as trans later in life. He has a network of older trans women that go drinking in Copenhagen. They all talk about the reason for wanting to be women is that they are jealous of the positive attention women get. Also says he's opting to forego hormones because it will affect his sex-drive. It's just bleak, they all seem to live double lives where they act male enough when needed, for their careers or something, but whenever they are looking for sex or looking to emotionally connect with their children - they are women.
No. 1431469
>>1430676Agreed, anon is definitely of the male condition to conflate incel ideology to strong morals. Just wtf. He looks like a child in the original picture.
>>1430681Just report them. Report all of the anons who derail about gay moids as well as the ones who sound like parasitic Y chromoids. Report anyone who is being hostile and infighting like
Don't let the thread go to shit, gyns.
No. 1431474
File: 1643640288804.png (594.87 KB, 1888x2276, locker room talk.png)

>I'm uncomfortable with locker room talk about raping women so therefore I am a woman~
Rapey misogynists are absolutely evil and should die but there is something so distinctly pathetic about males who know that "locker room talk" and then do nothing about it. Men are not males because they engage in locker room talk. You are not a woman simply because it makes you uncomfortable. You are a piece of trash who opted out of your opportunity to educate other men to respect women and instead decided to stomp into women's spaces and make us feel directly unsafe.
So tl;dr: not condoning rape or sexual harassment means you're a true & honest woman! Men are so fucking useless, ALL of them.
> Also peep the comments that claim women are just as bad too, KEK.
I really couldn't imagine girls talking about how cool it would be to rape a man without pickmes with pitchforks running to whoever to report them. Women do not talk like this but even if they did, other women would "put them in line" because we respect men even more than we respect ourselves.
No. 1431495
File: 1643644695358.jpg (151.53 KB, 720x1114, Screenshot_20220131-105137_Chr…)

>>1431484Yeah and as all TIFs she capes for TIMs while TIMS barely do the same for TIFs.
No. 1431517
File: 1643646276001.jpg (367.64 KB, 2048x1076, kneesocks.jpg)

>>1431457Sorry I just can't get over how frumpy this one sitting in the background in one scene looks. The main guy is doing a book reading at an elderly care facility, and for some reason this creature is there too.
No. 1431526
>>1431309I mean, they all still think women get legit pleasure from PiV bc men do. Men are just selfish and vile creatures who can’t think outside their own dick.
>>1431364Don’t say that anon. He’d probably take it the wrong way and get “gender euphoria” bc he thinks he has massive tits or something. Just another way men know nothing about how women and things women use work.
No. 1431554
>>1431260This is the most annoying lie I see passed around everywhere "People have to go through rigorous detailed assessments, they don't just hand hormones to you!!!"
Do they not realize they hand them out like candy these days if you live in a liberal area.
No. 1431564
>>1431496that is very funny because the reddit tranny janny fiasco proved most troons DON'T agree with that sentiment and Doreen was heckin
valid even though he made no effort to present as a woman.
No. 1431607
File: 1643656598281.jpg (456.84 KB, 1080x1599, Screenshot_20220131-201440_Duc…)

Estrogen shrinks bones appearantly
How does anybody believe this shit
No. 1431671
File: 1643662413244.png (37.53 KB, 920x365, bone atrophy.png)

>>1431607I thought maybe it could be osteoporosis, but that's caused by oestrogen deficiency
rather than excess oestrogen. I did find picrel on a trans healthcare website, which made me kek. Basically saying straight up that trans women don't go outside or exercise. No. 1431684
File: 1643663482183.jpeg (155.14 KB, 1241x1173, BCE5E704-08B8-4579-A03E-3C4CA0…)

>>1431169Ummm sweetie, Latinx is a
terf psyop. Same as folx and womxn
No. 1431821
File: 1643672428813.png (330.75 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220131-173505.png)

I stopped checking these threads because of infighting so idk if this has been posted but some tranny on Twitter is claiming Angus Cloud (fez) from euphoria raped him. He got caught making multiple accounts saying the same thing lol
No. 1431822
File: 1643672553437.png (189.2 KB, 720x696, Screenshot_20220131-173513~2.p…)

>>1431821The troon in question
No. 1431848
>>1431496So is self ID
valid or not? If it's not then the tenuous logic of troonacy completely falls apart. Don't you dare misgender those brave bathroom rapists just because they're not good optics! Kek
No. 1431861
>>1431496it's cis men pretending to be women
No. 1431863
File: 1643677696999.jpg (37.91 KB, 646x360, harv.gif-0.jpg)

Jazz body is shaped so weird. His head is the same but his body just looks like a circle he looks so uncomfortable. I really hate his family,especially his mom and annoying brother. Sander is so fake. He keeps going on "dates" with black TIms he's clearly not attracted to. Thing is if Sanders was serious about dating troons he'd date one without a dick. Clearly he doesn't like penis, but because he wants to shame straight men into fucking dick havers he does this fake storyline. It's always black Troons too, so he can be extra woke. The Troon he was "dating" told him he's a "size queen". Basically saying that the reason was because him having a bigger dick makes him have "Dysphoria". Nah, you just a gay bottom who likes big dick. Sanders looked so uncomfortable. It's very clear it's a storyline and Sanders really wants attention. The other twin doesn't act like that.I think he wants his own show but he's a fucking dead eyed cow. Then they brought TS Madison who is a tranny porn star with a horrible fake ass. It's also weird that Ts would be on this show. He used to do a show with a rapper where he would constantly imply men were gay and a lot of the time he'd be talking about hearing it from other troons. So he thought/thinks it's gay. That goes against everything I Am Jazz/Sanders stand for
No. 1431870
File: 1643677978657.png (28.25 KB, 741x283, Montana.png)

No. 1431899
File: 1643680563163.png (13.04 KB, 1076x134, I am a man.png)

why do these people sound so crazy when they write this out. if they truly believed this they wouldn't be forcing normal people to lie to their faces lol
No. 1431900
File: 1643680642580.png (568.71 KB, 1024x578, 23485742395743.png)

>>1431865they think they're Griffith or Ryo/Satan from Devilman Crybaby and don't understand the critique inherent in either of those characters.
No. 1431915
File: 1643683634732.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1996x1366, Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 6.46…)

NSFL one of the worst SRS disasters I've ever seen.
No. 1431918
File: 1643683815088.png (466.62 KB, 2008x1404, Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 6.47…)

>>1431915a lot of copium in the comments too kek
>"keep the big clit!! lots of cis women have big clits!!" No. 1431926
File: 1643684335154.jpg (271.5 KB, 1080x1233, Screenshot_20220131-195728_Fac…)

They know they're men. They just keep telling on themselves.
No. 1431938
File: 1643685811617.jpg (156.13 KB, 1200x898, CmKd4QwUoAE6WIY.jpg)

>>1431918Reminds me of this iconic Assigned Male strip
No. 1431953
File: 1643686838112.jpg (17.33 KB, 308x174, b4.JPG)

>>1431946They shaved off too much of his jaw and now his face appears uncannily large. Tragic, he was a pretty cute dude in his before pics
No. 1431954
>>1431950how are they
always diaperfags/furries?!
No. 1431970
File: 1643688714796.png (201.22 KB, 470x470, template-leonardo-dicaprio-lau…)

>>1431915monumental kek, that is straight up just a deflated dick. these surgeons that botch srs are my heroes
No. 1431971
File: 1643688887657.jpeg (112.82 KB, 827x993, DF45AABF-8C64-45EA-B4C6-FF1AAD…)

I hate these fucking people so much.
No. 1431974
File: 1643689263677.jpg (429.71 KB, 1280x1293, tumblr_3f142fec4f08b7a15b00b8f…)

>>1429498>>1430435How are all these diaper shitting child sexual abuse fetishists so lacking in self awareness?
No. 1431982
Serious talk, when is there gonna be a real backlash against shit like
>>1431974 ? I can definitely sense some troon critical energy brewing in culture right now but when is an actual pedo gonna get confronted or faced with consequences?
No. 1431988
File: 1643690888854.jpg (138.3 KB, 1242x1326, 20220131_224601.jpg)

Just found out about this fun account. No. 1431993
Just found out there's a subreddit for "nonbinary truscum"
No. 1431997
File: 1643691499525.jpeg (76.25 KB, 680x690, FKXq4ZdVEAA8UeP.jpeg)

>>1431988I'm surprised its not banned yet.
No. 1432025
>>1431954Degeneracy breeds more degeneracy. Furries are no longer just dog molesters hiding themselves until the next dog-molester-convention. Now they’re mtf dog molesters who pretend they have multiple personalities, all of whom use nappies and are aroused by incontinence.
Dirt attracts dirt, subhumans attract subhumans, sexually dysfunctional freaks attract sexually dysfunctional freaks.
No. 1432052
File: 1643704337067.jpg (703.15 KB, 2447x1545, 8978788900.jpg)

No. 1432054
File: 1643704534328.jpg (756.67 KB, 1536x2048, 83569265_989975448040924_51125…)

>>1432052written by this person
No. 1432061
File: 1643706058409.png (774.7 KB, 982x581, auer.PNG)

>>1432054He wrote a whole "zine" (= scanned pieces of dirty, probably coomstained paper) full of scribbles about his "girldick". Also kicked down the tv at a trans clinic waiting room like a real ma'am when he was denied treatment.
No. 1432064
File: 1643706511344.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.79 KB, 640x480, 8cs6u4btk6f81.jpg)

i come bearing gifts
No. 1432067
>>1432064Oh my lord
nonnie you shouldn’t have. This makes me feel so good about my own breasts. If anything maybe the trannies are here to peak all women into really destroying patriarchy. They make me feel fucking invincible and like male approval is truly worthless. Sage for blog but the irony of it all is hilarious.
No. 1432069
>>1431915>3rd revisionI know his surgeons are tired, kek. Imagine working on an autistic and demanding tranny's dead ballsack tissue trying to make it into a labia.
No. 1432115
>>1432114i'm so tired
No. 1432150
File: 1643726889453.png (1.28 MB, 1200x1200, untitled(2).png)

>>1431974Made a quick edit. Hope it makes sense or whatever
No. 1432205
This is very very obscure, but it reminds me of this Calvin and Hobbes-esque webcomic I used to read that was made by editing assigned male strips. In it the assigned male kid was portrayed as dysphoric and GNC but otherwise a well-written normal smart kid. The plot was that the kid's father gave him a copy of The Art of War to help him learn to cope better with interpersonal conflict, and he tried to apply the techniques to his daily life. The main theme was how to stand up for your beliefs without alienating people. Very funny and humane, but I think it's fully lost to time after the assigned male shitposting subreddit got banhammered.
No. 1432217
File: 1643735843280.jpg (192.73 KB, 2048x632, E-er-HKWQAIU7rP.jpg)

saw this on PostingTransLs on twitter lol
I actually believe him that his family are a bunch of assholes because he sounds like the kind of entitled, raging prick who's raised to believe he's superior to everyone for being a dude
>>1432061guy looks like the spawn of Elliot 'ET' Page and Stephen King
No. 1432220
File: 1643736312042.png (507.83 KB, 547x827, E9gP9rMXMAU3-mY.png)

No. 1432232
File: 1643737022936.png (594.35 KB, 652x700, E8HntYCXoAMnvzp.png)

No. 1432237
File: 1643737750621.jpg (91.33 KB, 733x1024, E4CKDI4UcAIcEJD.jpg)

No. 1432319
>>1432237>trans look younger than we areThat’s real cute. They think dressing like highschoolers makes them look younger instead of like creepy balding men who obviously fetishize teen girls that they all are
Case in point: leather jacket and Tank Girl haircut on Larry From Accounting there. He thinks he looks good and that’s fucking hilarious!
No. 1432342
File: 1643745700370.png (1.3 MB, 748x998, stacy.png)

>>1432217>put your shoulders backIt's almost like women don't need to worry about disguising their 8ft wide shoulder span
No. 1432438
File: 1643754997500.gif (1.71 MB, 500x281, 33177494da57a79b3cdaf0674adfa7…)

>>1432232>>1432237I can't tell if they really are this deluded or if they're desperately trying to convince themselves of something they know is simply not true.
>>1431973Right, they really have no fucking clue about female anatomy, like most scrotes. But you'd think one writing comic strips about the topic would have a better idea.
No. 1432447
File: 1643756001536.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20220201-175047~2.p…)

No. 1432451
File: 1643756332582.webm (2.95 MB, 434x756, 2849003-5b2953d5f8a946bcc3a72b…)
I've been getting into the kiwifarms I am Jazz thread and I saw this clip, The troons body looks disgusting. It's deformed. He thinks being a woman means looking like a lumpy sex doll. How can he even wipe his ass? I know he does porn but god.
No. 1432478
File: 1643758110745.jpeg (144.85 KB, 827x845, C7643AC0-628A-457C-ABF2-EDE3E5…)

Isn’t it so amazing how troons can never find a woman to go along with their delusion and just end up in a sexless relationship with a different troon
No. 1432502
File: 1643760603509.jpeg (Spoiler Image,831.25 KB, 828x1106, 2C048C7D-F5D5-4452-8E64-CE807F…)

No. 1432505
File: 1643760743488.jpeg (61.43 KB, 576x447, 3DEC64D8-4DB6-4514-AD0A-AF8623…)

>>1432502the resemblance is uncanny
No. 1432526
File: 1643762463213.png (27.93 KB, 1105x228, To all my pre-HRT lesbians, yo…)

you still have the same thoughts about women except now you dress as your fetishes outside.
No. 1432534
File: 1643763665807.jpg (871.68 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20220202_015200_com…)

look at this this she/her specimen that popped up on my feed kek
No. 1432543
File: 1643765049194.png (95.8 KB, 593x521, Witchrun.png)

>>1432505lmao i was thinking of this
No. 1432555
>>1432217I see 3 watches and 2 of them seem to be smart watches
Dumb tranny doesn't know how real people live
No. 1432558
File: 1643766311587.png (565.17 KB, 1080x1409, Screenshot_20220126-171336~2.p…)

No. 1432563
File: 1643766659166.jpeg (124.22 KB, 828x804, 8FB0598B-ADFF-4AB0-AB08-B38BE9…)

>>1432217Stacey is one of the worst
No. 1432570
File: 1643767121684.jpeg (225.64 KB, 828x929, 7620C028-1398-4CE6-B8A8-88B8FD…)

>Ok, she did this
How do media people get away with blatant doublespeak
No. 1432609
File: 1643773152854.png (236.42 KB, 1562x1381, liathomas.png)

Troons mad that Tranny Thomas might be ineligible under new swimming rules (for 6 months anyway).
No. 1432729
File: 1643785500563.jpg (Spoiler Image,738.6 KB, 1920x2560, 20190724-174435-scaled.jpg)

not safe for your eyes
please have eyebleach ready
No. 1432740
File: 1643786746877.png (8.58 KB, 1084x89, So girls can be good in comput…)

I can't roll my eyes any harder.
No. 1432750
>>1432729warning this is gorey
also what is even circled, what is that supposed to distinguish
No. 1432775
>>1432763I literally just browsed all the way to this thread to complain about contrapoints doing this in his videos & you beat me to it.
He has gotten very good at producing them (even if I don't agree with half the things he says) but then he has other troons with their awful "vocal training" deep fried voices read the quotes.
No. 1432812
File: 1643800330711.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1222x2224, 0A00FFD6-E30F-47F9-95BA-693C8A…)

Normies peaking on tiktok.
No. 1432829
File: 1643802364449.jpg (41.16 KB, 313x450, qlfkgk.jpg)

Sage for autism but I stumbled on this pic and it reminded me of TIMs
No. 1432890
>>1432114I watch these predator catching videos and while like 99% of the predators are male, I've seen more trannies get caught than women. The women are with their moid husbands helping. Troons are like 1% of the population but they still follow moid sex crimes.
No. 1432902
File: 1643815558266.gif (521.3 KB, 430x239, 1641030749198.gif)

>>1432729A horror to make the Cenobites proud.
No. 1432938
File: 1643819269950.png (1.13 MB, 1236x1344, Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 11.1…)

at the end of a long thread about:
>my sister was always kinda mean and "maybe a sociopath" (no details given of course)
>after my transition, she used they/them pronouns instead of female pronouns for me, and refused to acknowledge that I'M now the eldest sister, so i cut her off.
conclusion: blaming "basically any" MTF death on the women who were uwu mean to the twans gurl. the absolute derangement.
No. 1432979
>>1432957Ask for a tranners pronouns and then watch them shut down.
>>1432786A nonna suggested looking for srs disasters in the farms so I went looking.
No. 1433013
File: 1643826021241.png (1.39 MB, 970x2106, Untitled.png)

I'm getting some "and then everyone clapped" vibes from this, but still telling how much they hate each other.
No. 1433022
File: 1643827674941.png (438.44 KB, 1406x1232, moidchan.png)

how do tranny moids cope with existence?
No. 1433055
File: 1643830440378.jpg (102.93 KB, 826x953, IMG_3095.jpg)

If you live somewhere with a decently sized ~kweer community~ and really want to upset yourself, download Lex. Every single weird kinky post is invariably made by a TIM - picrel is the profile of someone who posted "I want to hurt you"
No. 1433066
>>1432938But not the men who are actually jumping tims in the streets or murdering their mtf Tinder dates in gay panic? No? Just the women who aren’t moulding their lives around accomodating you? Okay.
This guy sounds fucking painful and his sister is based as fuck.
No. 1433079
File: 1643831583500.jpg (140.25 KB, 795x608, 882q928637281872727272.jpg)

No. 1433080
File: 1643831621949.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.81 KB, 326x313, 8c468a6d81ddc77d12df7da41ad48c…)

The exceptional ugliness of this moid is truly astonishing.
No. 1433091
File: 1643831980505.png (157.73 KB, 1488x1464, stealthrot.png)

>>1432729found this reddit post by a transbian asking if it's possible to fool sexual partners into thinking their infected wound is legit. we can tell (and smell), you hideous moid. No. 1433226
File: 1643842106672.png (1.87 MB, 1221x2048, Screenshot_20220202-174757.png)

i love twitter
No. 1433248
File: 1643843402619.png (2.68 MB, 1416x1697, femme.png)

No. 1433264
>>1433079He is unreal obnoxious and has objectively shit taste. He gave Damn a 7/10 but called Ashnikko one of the artists he was most excited to see more of in the new decade. Damn is the first rap album to ever win a Pulitzer and Ashnikko’s five minutes have been over for ten, but one of them dresses like a blue-haired waifu and gets his dick hard, so of course they have the better quality music.
Sage for sperg I just can’t stand this overblown nutsack.
No. 1433265
File: 1643844275883.jpeg (427.13 KB, 1230x1180, 672025E3-0D68-4597-B3CE-991C86…)

>>1433226Despite hating that website I appreciate that there’s a place I can go to where I can find the most deranged and delusional men wearing bad wigs and awful make up, men who legit think they look like ramona flowers kek. Just endless accounts to stumble upon to remind myself how much i love being a real women even if this world fucking sucks for us.
No. 1433267
File: 1643844575235.png (683.73 KB, 2021x1805, Screenshot_20220202-175417~2.p…)

I can't anymore
No. 1433307
>>1433267Self-aware that he's just an ugly pestering moid, and yet wants to bother lesbians anyways. He should neck
>>1433262Don't forget lipstick! He is so ugly
>>1433091>nothing that goes into a neovaginal canal feels or smells or tastes any different Their stink ditches probably taste like shit, literally. There's multiple accounts of wives complaining about the smell of their transbian husband when they're trying to do oral for "validation". No woman is going to be fooled.
No. 1433360
>>1433226scrote with stringy hair and a 5 o'clock shadow on his jawless gullet in a disgusting, grimy bathroom
>"I feel so femme in this moment uwu"lol just lmfao
No. 1433412
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No. 1433420
File: 1643855975327.png (Spoiler Image,287.53 KB, 746x745, 1643855808173.png)

Brace yourselves.
No. 1433447
File: 1643858124038.jpeg (678.85 KB, 1242x1370, 208660E5-E39F-4D49-BE9F-89C6E9…)

I wonder if “cis” people would get free cosmetic surgery too
No. 1433464
File: 1643860197403.png (38.92 KB, 748x429, Erin, Trail Mom ( ErinInTheMor…)

some good news for teh terves bad news for this troon
No. 1433488
File: 1643862634437.jpg (407.5 KB, 467x598, t3PCF2f.jpg)

>what ffs should i get done, reddit?
the incel to troon pipeline.
No. 1433506
File: 1643863821696.jpg (171.96 KB, 1124x1483, FDxHn3WVgAQgEsb.jpg)

So this troon got rightfully dragged by some random gay guy for looking like a man on a wig. I just hate how these mfs dont even fucking try, it's always "Oh I'm a woman just because I feel like it", if you're going to wear our skin, at least do it right, retard. at the copium in the comments.
No. 1433533
File: 1643867314788.jpg (351.42 KB, 1356x2048, FJl8y-zUUAEFgqU.jpg)

>>1433506>>1433530had to look up who this was and lmao
No. 1433542
File: 1643868469225.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.96 KB, 1249x937, hmmmm.jpg)

>>1429498nsfl; a poster said
Feeling Suicidal After SRS
It’s been well over a year since my vaginoplasty and I’ve never recovered. Dealing for months with granulation and bleeding. Discharge never ends. My depth is getting less and less. Nitrate, dilate, douche, cortisol cream. Rinse. Repeat.
I don’t feel like a human being anymore. I feel like an open wound. I try to distract myself with other things in life. But every morning and every night, my first and last thoughts are still focused on the surgery and how I’d like to die because of it.
No more sex life and even the idea of masturbation makes me cry/cringe.
Any tips on overcoming these feelings of inescapable doom?
someone replied with he went through this to get his fuck hole. click at ur own caution No. 1433547
>>1433022Of course they conveniently omit the fact that
she's 57. Find me a 57 year old tranny that looks even remotely that good.
Also it says a lot about trannies that their first impulse when they look at this famous philanthropist computer scientist is to judge her based on her appearance. No one ever comments on her ex-husband's appearance, go figure. Just goes to show that chopping off your dick won't change your chauvinist socialization.
No. 1433553
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>>1433542this is the revision he got last year. Never seen a wound hole this saggy
No. 1433555
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>>1433553>>1433542I just realized this surgery was by the infamous Instagram doctor
No. 1433574
>>1432237The delusional vanity is a consequence of AGP. They fetishize women to the point of wanting to be one, so by trooning they feel they've become the object of their own desires. That's why they jerk off in the mirror and boast about how "hot" they are. They genuinely believe themselves to be attractive because their fetish makes them aroused by themselves.
Also if they truly believed they were hotter than cis women, they wouldn't constantly be seething about getting clocked, needing surgery, and getting rejected by cis people.
No. 1433594
>>1433079Why would that comment lead to him believe she's a
terf? Nowhere in her comment did she even mention transwomen.
>>1433267Because that is literally what you are. Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's a duck.
No. 1433610
>>1433594"Female" is a
TERF dog whistle. Didn't you know?
No. 1433613
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I think this troon has been posted before when the WiSpa thing was going down. He wrote a whole conspiracy article discrediting the women and calling them bigots and the whole thing being fake. Of course when the tranny in question was revealed to be a serial sex offender he shut the fuck up. Apparently, he spends every waking hour of his sad tranny existence reading "TERF hate sites", so im pretty sure he reads lolcow aswell. Hi tranny! You will never be a womam, go 41% you cant stop your fellow troons from being sexual deviants because that is exactly what you are.
No. 1433625
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>>1433613Anon, how could you possibly seriously say that?? You're wrong.'s actually up to 52% now and climbing
No. 1433640
>>1433022>Probably by actually being able to give birth to children>the male dating poolThey never change, women are breeding stock.
>>1433625If they are made to believe that mutilating themselves is the only way to happiness, 52% of them having suicidal ideation isn't a surprise. Let's not even talk about the fact that passing as the other sex is impossible.
No. 1433656
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i hate how these disgusting men infantilize themselves when talking about their boners
No. 1433661
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>>1433488Bottom is the most goblin looking motherfucker I've ever seen
No. 1433664
>>1433656so do men get boners when they graduate college? when they get married? when they hold their firstborn? no?
funny how being happy only gives them boners when they're dressing in women's clothing
No. 1433699
File: 1643900118871.png (3.19 MB, 1792x828, AB6FC996-5D2D-4D3D-A07A-F56FC5…) new cut video includes a transbian who’s into to kitten play
I want to puke
No. 1433705
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>>1433699Fred Armisen is at it again
No. 1433708
>>1433267Why are transbians attracted to lesbians anyway. I intentionally dress in a way that I like but also to attract female attention.
TiMs feel they’re owed lesbian bodies and it makes me physically ill.
No. 1433710
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>>1431988Chris Fleming lookin mf
No. 1433712
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(sorry for not embedding but I wanted to post timestamp) felt so much love for these women. Especially Rhonda. Fuck these dudes.
No. 1433720
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>>1433712>Male Feminist Disregarded.
>Those commentsAlso disregarded. I hate the internet thanks anon!
No. 1433745
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>>1433699this guy too
>i identify as genderqueer so for me it's very gender affirming to switch and get in the sex swing and be submissive ew
No. 1433770
>>1433712why do I torture myself using these videos of retarded americans kek
the troon stumbling over its words trying to go over all the entry level stupid arguments, seemingly on the verge of tears throughout the whole video
No. 1433795
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Where are the women celebrating male centered month?
No. 1433796
>>1433708It’s because some nasty scrotes think lesbians are “more clean” because they assume that they have never touched a dick. Some even think that lesbians are virgins because they only consider piv to be sex.
Another reason is because moids always want what they cannot have. Obviously, lesbians don’t want to have sex with men. Scrotes hate being rejected by women, especially if it is for their maleness. So that’s where the transbian comes in, demanding that lesbians have sex with them because now they identify as “women”. If the lesbian still recognizes him as a man and doesn’t disregard the fact that he still has male genitals (or a crotch wound that looks nothing like a vagina), he will go ape shit, call you a “transphobe”, and try to ostracize you from the lgb(t?) community.
It’s often about control and domination.
No. 1433932
>>1433795>>1433821But it's transphobic to say "women's studies and women's history"! Some of those "women" were ackshually transmen or kweer! Bigots!
Obviously being sarcastic here, but their stupid tranny ideology can always be turned around back onto them.
No. 1434014

>>1433656>>1433699autist blog sperg:
I will never understand trans idealogy despite being early 20s and growing up in the lgbtq123xyz+ community.
I used to be ok and thought maybe at one point I was trans or enby because I/liberal friends enjoyed the typical male activities and style of dressing until I asked myself. What the fuck was I doing and what makes THAT male?
Eventually i went down the /
TERF/ hole and realized that theres no such thing as a neurotypical trannie and it's all a liberal joke to make us think "we're all women!1! Men and women can think the same!1"
but then eventually I realized shit like this
>>1433712 >>1433656
>>1433226 exists and men see women as something they can larp as to escape the inevitable doom of manhood.
I had a trans 'friend' who switched from being male to female so technically he's the first female to win and be in top 10 (genere). He would talk to me about makeup and 'femme' things but I can't see past him just being a mentally ill larper who thinks being a woman is all jokes and fun.
He even talks about how its "so hard being sexually harrassed as a woman" and post stats about sexual assualt, wage gaps, etc. Despite being a male and nowhere near passing. Also did the same shit of asking for money for GFM as if they were dying of cancer for their bottom surgery and hormones treatment. Disgusting. Fund it yourself.
Why do all these men think being a woman is putting on a dress and wearing makeup and liking heels? It's a fucking fetish and NASTY. I can't bring this up with any of my IRLs without being called a
terf and getting cancelled. Unfortunately same as anon
>>1429524 I have to put my pronouns in my work bio and it makes me feel like less of a woman and I will NEVER consider trannies as their so called "sex".
Also this shit is DISGUSTING as well. This poor dad looks ready to end it. I'd put my kids up for adoption before dealing with a trans child who wants puberty blockers and shit. I always see people say "don't expect a boy or girl because even if your kid is trans you should be happy!1!" ew.
//Sorry for long sperg but I've never talked to anyone about this irl thx
No. 1434026
>>1431346It's even worse in the UK version, where he's 15.
Why are men like this? Socialization?
No. 1434036
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Has Reginald "Regina" Arthurell been posted about here? I searched his name in the past few threads and didn't find anything, apologies if this has been covered…
>Killed his stepfather in 1974 (I am unclear if he went to prison for this at all)>Killed a naval officer in 1981 in a robbery>Went to prison for several years>While out on parole in 1995, he killed his fiancee Venet Mulhall. He brutally bludgeoned her with a piece of wood. She had helped him get parole in the first place. >In all three of the killings, he blamed alcohol>Was a crossdresser but "came out" as transgender while in custody for the third murder. There are photos of him dressing in his murdered fiancee's clothing and posing sexually.>Was released in November 2021 and has reportedly been harassing Mulhall's family via Facebook>Reginald was once again arrested at the end of January for several incidents of unwanted sexual touching against a younger man.>Media indiscriminately reporting on him and his crimes as being committed by a woman. No. 1434039
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No. 1434059
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>>1434045They claim to be a non-binary they/them and are into nerdy comics, so I don't think it's a joke unless I'm just dense.
No. 1434174
>>1433712this video kind of puts into perspective how people offline see trans people vs how terminally online people do.
It was infuriating watching the women talk about what it means to be a women and the men and TIF talking over them not listening to their experiences. The women were mega based, even saying that they believe Amy whateverhernameis Barret is a feminist for being a woman in a position of power despite not agreeing with her political views. I respect that. Fuck Amy and fuck her pro-life agenda but respect that they see her as a woman in power even though they hate her beliefs.
No. 1434178
File: 1643943250734.png (59.22 KB, 725x652, Capture.PNG)

lesbian erasure is the most comically socially accepted homophobia there is, it's like the LGBT movement is cannibalizing itself with rampant misogyny.
you get to be a lesbian! you get to be a lesbian! and you! and you as well! words mean nothing! abolish gender and language! Suck my girl dick TERFs!
No. 1434192
>>1433586>“I am a pedophile. I have felt attraction to the very young for as long as I’ve been aware of what those kinds of feelings were,” Celusta wrote. “I do not believe there’s anything shameful in my feelings. I don’t want to learn how to hide and repress and pretend I’m ‘cured’. This is part of my sexuality, as real a facet of me as any other.”They'll admit this shit then neck themselves when their acceptance rates plummet further
>>1433739The TWAW is for men advancing cosigned by lib fems. Men are all on board with erasing rvery women's-only spaces and activities there is. You cant find an MRA that's anti trans too. You'll get called a
terf by them lol because troons are exceeding in what they wanted for years. Getting rid of women-only gyms, bathrooms, clubs, sports, schools, etc. Everything until women are left to just stay in our homes, never leave or go underground and never have a public presence
No. 1434193
>>1434171kek youre so right
nonnie, my man has a whole basset hound there.
No. 1434199
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So many twitter trannies look like nazi untermenschen propaganda.
No. 1434201
File: 1643946417256.png (53.1 KB, 795x734, Lia Thomas' UPenn teammate say…)

And not surprising the troons are defending this.
No. 1434206
>>1434200It's not a coincidence that troons co-opted a womens movement and try to bastardise it to be about focusing on things that aren't biological, as biology is what divides the sexes. No, it has to be something that benefits or full-on prioritises something men can experience aka be about men, it only should exist if it benefits men. Since there are a tone of men in power, they can happily trot this shit along, while only the religious countries don't since they already/are still holding women down, they don't need to adapt a new method to do it. They think womens rights should be about being sexually available and subservient to men, and don't give a shit about things men don't think is fun or sexy, like abortion, etc, the biological shit. Lib men genuinely think being a women is a role the same way as right wing men, they just define the roles differently sort of (right = women must serve men as mothers, left = women must serve men as sex and therapy providers). Neither suddenly respect women.
No. 1434269
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>>1433447The cries for free plastic surgeries always make me kek. As if it wouldn’t end up exactly like Brazil, where everyone who actually utilizes the subsidized plastic surgery knows that they’re going to become some medical student’s guinea pig. Slightly OT but I recommend this article for anyone who wants to get a glimpse into what happens when you try to make something as subjective and petty as “beauty” into a human right No. 1434276
File: 1643954551354.jpeg (24.82 KB, 720x283, FKjYHK4X0AYiF4A.jpeg)

Based momma
No. 1434295
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Implying women cant sense an ugly white moid tranny from a mile away. Anyone got a picture of this cretura? I know hes ugly.
No. 1434300
>>1434295Why do they always retort with this? No
TERF on earth thinks that women with PCOS aren’t women. Yet they bring it up every fucking time. Women with hormone conditions, intersex conditions, infertility, disability are women. Men are not women, it’s as simple as that.
No. 1434303
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No. 1434304
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No. 1434330
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>>1434295gotchu nonna. the troon is also white so not sure why he's sperging about "non white women" being excluded., they always insult black women. none of these women listed would get mistaken as a troon. this tweet makes no sense. why would cis lesbians be pushed out of female spaces? do trannies think that all cis lesbians are predators like they are? the projection.
No. 1434334
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>>1434304This is so fucking funny to me lollll sorry all
No. 1434340
>>1434014>Why do all these men think being a woman is putting on a dress and wearing makeup and liking heels? Because to them, they think these things are what define women. They can't EVER fathom what it's like to go though female puberty, having to go through your menstrual cycle, keeping up with your birth control, routine visits to your gynecologist to make sure you don't have ovarian cancer or cervical polys and so on.
They just focus on the superficial shit that doesn't mean anything because men can wear dresses and heels too, it's just most of them are too cowardly to do it and own it.
No. 1434342
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some hideous black tranny who does nothing but e beg all day and complain about real women complaining about makeup. when logical ppl asked him why he & the other trannys can’t just make their own videos he says that he’s not a makeup artist. pls tell me why the fuck real women need to cater to & coddle to these psychotic males 24/7 in every aspect. idek what his argument is, trannys be dumb
No. 1434353
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i hope these freaks die painfully.
No. 1434356
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lmao badbunny said something slightly critical of troons so she has to be schooled by Sophie "The Shemale" From Mars
No. 1434357
File: 1643968013274.jpg (93.1 KB, 720x647, image.jpg)

Lmao why is this belivable. I think Radfem Hitler was a troon. He/she begs for attention from nationalist/catholic moids. He regularly posts pics of himself and moids are qt tweeting him that he is a troon. I thought his account was gone but hes still posting.
No. 1434369
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He's totally a valid 36 years old lesbian women!
No. 1434378
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No. 1434381
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Another tradwife account that just gives off AGP vibes. 10,300 tweets and joined May of last year. Either its a terminally online tranny or some ugly fat bitch who wants attention from misogynistic moids (I say fat because she uploaded an xray of her neck and its fucked because of her "huge tits") No. 1434384
File: 1643973006822.jpg (1.49 MB, 1808x3961, handmaiden.jpg)

>>1434378this someone you know
nonnie? or bait? all of her tweets have no interaction
No. 1434385
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>>1434358Found an alleged pic of his face
No. 1434386
>>1434014I relate to this sperg, and I understand the feeling of alienation you probably have not knowing anyone irl who seems to see this crap for what it is.
In Václav Havel's The Power of the Powerless, an essay criticizing totalitarian regimes, he talks about how you can never know how many supporters a movement that forces its participants to comply with actually has.
>And since all genuine problems and matters of critical importance are hidden beneath a thick crust of lies, it is never quite clear when the proverbial last straw will fall, or what that straw will be. This, too, is why the regime prosecutes, almost as a reflex action preventively, even the most modest attempts to live within the truth.He talks about a greengrocer who has a sign outside his shop that says "Workers of the world, unite!" but since it's not his choice to hang the sign, the sign represents his servitude rather than his power. Every other shop has the sign in their window, and no one notices it or thinks about what it means.
>the greengrocer declares his loyalty (and he can do no other if his declaration is to be accepted) in the only way the regime is capable of hearing; that is, by accepting the prescribed ritual, by accepting appearances as reality, by accepting the given rules of the game. In doing so, however, he has himself become a player in the game, thus making it possible for the game to go on, for it to exist in the first place.When he snaps and stops spouting the slogan:
>He will be relieved of his post as manager of the shop and transferred to the warehouse. His pay will be reduced. His hopes for a holiday in Bulgaria will evaporate. His children's access to higher education will be threatened. His superiors will harass him and his fellow workers will wonder about him. Most of those who apply these sanctions, however, will not do so from any authentic inner conviction but simply under pressure from conditions, the same conditions that once pressured the greengrocer to display the official slogans. They will persecute the greengrocer either because it is expected of them, or to demonstrate their loyalty, or simply as part of the general panorama, to which belongs an awareness that this is how situations of this sort are dealt with, that this, in fact, is how things are always done, particularly if one is not to become suspect oneself.I worried for a long time that the world had gone nuts, but I've talked to so many people about gender shit who are ardent supporters in public and say, in private, what would have them branded terfs. The more people speak out on this (especially influential people, which is why everyone will tell you not to read JKR's essay), the faster this monolith will crumble. I don't suggest anyone go out and make your beliefs known–it's potentially life-ruining in this climate to do so–but remember that most people can see the truth as clearly as you can.
No. 1434388
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>>1434036I shouldn't have looked that up. Jesus Christ.
No. 1434389
>>1434379These days I've heard more gay men (and some AGPs) use femme than women. And by gay men I don't mean HSTS I mean like regular degular gay men who wear makeup and are bottoms call themselves femme and have inserted themselves into women's spaces like troons have. I also live in California so maybe the city I'm from is just a liberal shithole idk but I've seen signs for womens events say "gay men, NB's welcome". Gay bottoms have been calling themselves femmes so they can include themselves in convos about misogyny. I think these men are trying to get all the benefits of being a troon without trooning out or actually trying to look like a woman. But still want access to our resources, spaces, and low-key I think some wanna get away with misogyny by claiming to also experience it because they are "femme" lol. I've argued with multiple gay men about this retarded ass shit, they're so confident they can experience misogyny worse than "cis" women (due to them CHOOSING to follow patriarchal beauty standards to mimic us) that is appropriate to identify with us. Let a woman with a strap call herself a top and gay men would lose it
Sage for sperg
It's just frustrating seeing not only AGP rapists but gay moids colonizing our spaces and words
No. 1434392
>>1434073LOL HE DOES
>>1434178This hurts. I grew up with a handful of gay and lesbian friends. As scary as the threat of physical violence was for my gay friends, it was my lesbian friends who suffered the most. They weren't scared of getting beaten up, but they were ostracized, pushed into a culture of heavy drugs, and constantly disrespected. A lesbian couple in an older grade at my school got expelled for kissing and making male teachers uncomfortable, even though hetero couples were necking every lunchtime. I remember being terrified when a girl started flirting with me because I'd associated it with that event, and my dumb kid brain thought it was illegal or something. This is in the late 2000s, and I know things are better in a lot of ways, but lesbians are still under attack. I'm scared that they're going to have to hide and end up in shitty situations.
No. 1434394
File: 1643974470493.jpg (93.55 KB, 565x800, troonstory.jpg)

Some historical evidence for you bigots to prove yet again that Trans Women have always existed and that you don't need to pass to be a woman! (We still pass so much better than you cissies tho this is just a dime in a dozen example)
No. 1434407
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Reddit comments
>s-she’s being forced to make this bill!
>trans athletes aren’t a threat, there was a mtf in the olympics and they placed dead last!
>haha women are going to be screwed over anyway because now the ftms taking testosterone have to play on their teams! (like a 5’ 1” aiden is a bigger threat than a 6’ 180lb scrote lurking in their locker room)
No. 1434421
>>1434413The issue is that most athletes get started in school, so if you write legislation barring boys from exploiting a natural but unfair advantage over girls, it doesn't make any sense to allow girls to exploit an unnatural and unfair advantage over other girls either.
After that the only reason we don't have a special troon division like the paralympics is because people don't want to pay to get a project like that up and running when it's so politically risky to acknowledge that trans bodies are anatomically distinct from cis bodies and always will be. It's not like people wouldn't watch. I think a lot of people would be fascinated to watch nature triumph over nurture. But I guess the people with that kind of money want no part in the troon games.
No. 1434424
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>>1434295>>1434330Would you believe he's autistic and got married on a train (not even a private one but the regular commuter kind) to another tranny who named themselves after a Final Fantasy waifu?
No. 1434464
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this article is a pile of narcissistic, misogynistic garbage. “please, don’t make fun of your oppressors because it hurts my troon feefees” fuck off No. 1434465
>>1434295Ah yes, PCOS that problem that effects ovaries, ovaries that women have. Only women. Such a masculine trait!
This is just an attempt to be like “women is an umbrella term! It can mean many different types of women, like black women, lesbians, women with pcos, trans women!” They want to turn us into a subcategory to further justify their inclusion and silencing of actual women.
No. 1434496
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>>1434421On the subject of a paralympics type thing, an issue I don't see talked about very much is the reality of how short-lived a trans athlete's career would be compared to a cis one's. Puberty blockers cause bone density, brain development, and heart problems. Cross sex hormones increase stroke risk and add more cardiovascular problems. Top athletes have short careers in general. A body is only in its prime for a pretty short time–the median age is 26 and it tends to end at 30–and they have exactly that long to see how much they can max their skill and fitness before it ends. (Which is also why it's not just something to shrug off when a troon takes a woman's place in the olympics. That woman's window might expire in the time between then and the next olympics.)
And, to put it crudely, if you had a transolympics, you'd see horrible injuries and a high death-count that would make the whole thing an expensive, gruesome spectacle. It'd have to be billed as a freak show to be worth it, which I think would attract a lot of attention for a time. There aren't a lot of pro trainers that'd gamble their careers on someone who's going to minecraft bee. There will CERTAINLY be SOME that would, but not a lot. You'll notice that a fair amount (if not all so far?) of MTF athletes were trained with the assumption they would be competing as men.
No. 1434501
>>1434476deep down they all know that they're men pretending to be something they're not
no one actually believes they are women, not even themselves
No. 1434645
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No. 1434646
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No. 1434649
File: 1644002011475.jpeg (48.22 KB, 750x478, 388A6C2C-4653-4C18-81FB-9AF538…)

OP in comments victim blaming, classic
No. 1434653
File: 1644002094990.png (Spoiler Image,83.74 KB, 590x295, F14DF060-01A0-4516-8A97-39DB6A…)

>>1434571Even if they wanted to, can they even if they get the chop? Imagine having an axe wound like that. They truly don’t get that the vagina is so much more than just a hole. It’s also funny when they get “clittys” (barf). I am like 100% sure they have no idea how much a clit actually encompasses, how big it is within the body. Can they even receive any actual pleasure anymore? I call cope.
Reposting for fucking up other anon’s flow lol sorry nona
No. 1434679
>>1434649>perfectly happy with it going on for hoursYeah women have never tolerated anything they detested due to female socialization or limited safe options of escape except…wait, throughout all of human history.
Every rapist male says the same thing knowing full well they take advantage of power positions and female socialization.
No. 1434686
>>1434645This is like a joke, the idea anyone pushed pillow fights and hair braiding sessions on their fully grown adult friends (these being, if anything, <14 year olds doing them, not adults as OP points out) and the friends unsurprisingly making distance after such absurd requests.
If this is true I wonder if the remaining friend spotted something strange when they met, aside from the obvious. Like an unrelated adult man
only interacting with a child for hours is very pedo-ish, and maybe it had bad vibes (let's be real, of course it did) or if he had a semi or said something inappropriate about her panties or something.
No. 1434763
>>1434357>>1434381Its same shit as when everyone discovered that redpillwomen is mostly just men larping as women they want to own
The excessive posting of removing womens rights and emphasis on submitting to a male using old propaganda images of the 40s and 50s is a big sign that it's a scrote larping. Not always tho
No. 1434773
File: 1644010610324.jpeg (276.27 KB, 1170x1594, 035F09C3-E7BA-4112-A9B4-B939BC…)

long story short there’s a blog on tumblr that allows users to submit anonymous gripes they have
and one person basically said: i don’t want my lesbian oc being forced into dating transwomen
and these were just two of the current four comments my god
No. 1434775
File: 1644010699333.jpeg (123.38 KB, 1170x1121, CAFC9E25-793F-43DA-A421-5740B7…)

i just don’t get how you could label this as transphobia
bitch nobody is scared of a dude in a dress, they don’t want their LESBIAN oc dating one.
No. 1434782
>>1434773>>1434775Wtf. These trannies are literally raging over someone else’s lesbian original character, that is fictional, because she doesn’t want to date troons. Why do they care? This person can make their oc whatever they want. It’s strange that they are acting this entitled over someone else’s character.
>it’s understandable to be repulsed by penile genitalia, but don’t frame it as trans women!So they think that lesbians should be okay with their inverted penises they claim are “neovaginas”.Should we just say we exclude all XY?
No. 1434787
>>1434782you’ve got no idea how badly i wanted to say the same thing but i’d get burned to the stake for it there on that site
it makes it worse that the “this is literally transphobia” one is a she/xe wtv type
how the fuck are you gonna be mad because someone doesn’t want their lesbian, who by definition is a female who is attracted to other females, dating a damn trans woman who is a dude with his penis hacked off and/or some ugly moid in a dress
the anon even said the thought of it felt creepy and she didn’t like it
but no she’s the bad guy right
No. 1434790
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also the post/confession in question that set the hoes off in the comments
>>1434775 No. 1434822
File: 1644014995653.jpg (300.59 KB, 641x642, Screenshot_20220204-224543.jpg)

This just cropped up in my Insta feed.
You ask me, the bigger story here is the fact that the tranny in question is lying about having dated him, up to and including Photoshopping himself into pictures of Phelps and his biologically female fiancee.
No. 1434824
>>1434822Troons are delusional narcissists who literally lie every single second of the day when they pretend to be actual women. Why would anybody be surprised to hear that they lie about other shit as well?
I hope Phelps sues the programmer socks off him.
No. 1434875
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>>1434645 >>1434773
men will do anything to invade WOMEN only spaces- whether its calling it transphobia, terfs or assaulting women by going in these spaces without consent. It's so gross and violating.
Idc at this point to be called a
terf but I don't want a MAN in the change changeroom with me where children and my sisters are supposed to feel safe in when mixed/family rooms exist. There's no excuse why they need to come in. "Hurr durr I feel so uncomfortable I have to use the bathroom stall anyways!" Then why the fuck do you need to come in the women's space at all? It's a power trip and fetish. Any NORMAL man would respect that. And if you're so fucked you pay to get your dick cut off then I don't want you near me lol.
Peep this snippet from: MEN HAVE TWO spaces they can go in yet they still want to flop their limp dicks in our space. Could you imagine wanting to relax with your daughter and this scrote comes in talking about how hard it is to be a women?! WTF!!!
No. 1434895
File: 1644020878741.jpg (388.77 KB, 1080x1655, 20220204_162753.jpg)

>>1434875samefag but I cant believe these people exist and feel no shame. Do they think of anyone but themselves? /puke
They ENJOY making us uncomfortable
The question "how comfortable do you feel in spaces that are women only?"
No. 1434897
>>1434332This. GNC women, lesbians,
WOC etc. have been subjected to reproductive abuse, corrective rape and other forms of sex-based oppression over the centuries due to being FEMALES who didn't fit into patriarchal constructions of "conventional" femininity. The question was always their humanity, never their sex. How dare a white moid (i.e. the exact people who oppressed them) try to hijack their struggles for his own benefit now.
No. 1434902
File: 1644021403856.jpg (370.3 KB, 1080x1649, 20220204_163352.jpg)

>>1434895 >>1434875
samefag again but I never realized how much of a goldmine reddit is. sort by controversial for gold.
They even gl as far as putting a FAKE camel toe. I don't even think about these things so WTF. No one can tell me this isn't LARP or Fetish play. ////puke
No. 1434903
>>1434838nona, i think you might be on to something because every alarm bell in my body is screaming after i read that plus OPs replies. it has to be a troon LARP, their favorite way of self-soothing bc they can’t do it in a healthy or sane manner. and i shudder to think what else happened with the little girl to make her uncomfortable, as it’s impossible to post there without skewing the narrative to your favor.
they all fit the same Yaniv/groomer/fetishist profile, but nope, there’s nothing to see here folks.
No. 1434922
File: 1644024322235.jpeg (395.29 KB, 1170x1012, A774D27B-937E-472C-BC94-634993…)

Vile. They demand access to our bodies, and think they deserve to take our body parts away from us so they can attach them to themselves. How does anyone not see these men for what they are? Disgruntled perverts.
No. 1435001
>>1434922answer: no.
for the 10000th time, science has limits and you are a man and it will not work.
No. 1435002
>>1434907dick hadders, kek
>>1434917this is the second time I've seen regular degular used itt
No. 1435003
>>1434922“grow in”
No, again, it’s fucking NOT written into your biological code at all. Your MALE body would have no clue what to do with it. You cannot make these things from male DNA, and female reproductive DNA won’t compute with your DNA, because again, you’re a MALE.
No. 1435049
sorry about that nona
No. 1435086
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No. 1435087
File: 1644041353811.jpg (711.72 KB, 935x553, MhpwLL2.jpg)

>she/they femme lesbian poly tranny
online vs irl
No. 1435096
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No. 1435101
File: 1644044805109.jpg (83.49 KB, 1080x781, Screenshot_20220124-173336.jpg)

>>1434922Imagine you or your daughter/sister dies and some troon attempts to get their vagina harvested so he can be a Frankenstein monster and attempt to pleasure himself with the deceased's gentials. Imagine that most psychiatrists today will argue that trans people are sane, while these psychos salivate over literally wearing your skin and pussy. I can already see organizations lobbying to say women never truly own their vaginas and since uwu trans women never got their fair chance to have one you relinquish the right to bodily autonomy upon death.
No. 1435129
>>1435117>>1435108in my experience trannies hate it when you just ignore their shit. like when they try to girl talk you or whatever just stare at them blankly and do not engage, they hate it
>>1435113 seems something that could work men hate it when women avoid them, for example see al the sperging men do when women look scared after dark etc
No. 1435135
File: 1644049972690.jpg (126.26 KB, 1242x870, erininthemorning 1.jpg)

amazing, couldn't be happening to a more deserving scrote. i support agps cutting off their dicks.
No. 1435141
File: 1644051135945.jpg (67.39 KB, 500x750, 1480588256801.jpg)

>>1435137I am so ready for his downfall, I hate this vile fucker, bring it on
No. 1435191
File: 1644066089522.png (960.35 KB, 760x928, Screenshot_20220205-050127.png)

There's a lot happening here
No. 1435224
>>1435092More like peepers the way they want to look into all our spaces.
>>1435104Right lmao also women are almost always less threatening it’s a no brainer. It’s not bc he is female.
No. 1435234
File: 1644074327166.png (95.39 KB, 2066x844, Untitled.png)

What kind of women do these guys know that put random mermaid emojis in their e-mails?
No. 1435236
File: 1644074409316.png (35.76 KB, 1896x274, Untitled.png)

Women are sooooo dumb, amirite? tongue sticking out eyes rolled back into head emoji
No. 1435373
>>1434269lol im brazilian and didnt even know you could get cosmetic plastic surgery from SUS.
> During an international plastic surgery conference in Brazil, an American surgeon I interviewed told me, “Brazilian surgeons are pioneers… You know why? Because [in Brazil] they don’t have the institutional or legal barriers to generate new techniques. They can be creative as they want to be.”scary shit
No. 1435380
>>1435133Ugh that’s disgusting. There’s so many of those types on there, it’s partially why I don’t play anymore. The one posted in particular runs an FC cult where he calls everyone a “hoe”, has a doormat live-in girlfriend that allows him to larp online as a slutty whatever-race-of-the-week and flirt with strangers because they’re both “poly” (even though I’m sure he’s the only one taking advantage of that cheating), grooms others by buying them in-game shit then starts gifting them things outside of the game, and uses a convicted sexual assault singer (their actual mugshot) as their steam pfp. He even sent a fake pic of “him”, so it was hilarious finding out he’s a fat ugly neckbeard that barely keeps up the mtf lesbian shtick offline.
Behind many of these larps are just scrote tranny neck beards.
No. 1435434
File: 1644086424179.png (661 KB, 948x578, 20220205_154016.png)

>>1435191>>1435433Check this cursed shit out
No. 1435460
File: 1644089575765.png (72.74 KB, 1156x636, trans.png)

>>1435435and the pedo rapist has the gall to be upset we don't want him in our bathrooms
No. 1435464
>>1435280Men often talk to each other like two children having a conversation, they definitely tend to have a lower level of speaking and reading/writing than women do.
If this man thinks women have limited speech it's because they understandably have limited speech
with him and that's as far as his knowledge of women extends.
No. 1435480
>>1434773There's some subterfuge going on here with the commenter who says
trans women are women immediately followed by "it's understandable to be repulsed by penile genitalia"
No. 1435485
File: 1644091502393.jpg (625.19 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2022-02-05-21-56-01…)

Pic related is a "non-binary" dude who says she isn't disphoric about stuff like his genitals or voice but he is about his chest which is why he is taking HRT.Im mostly posting thing cause I believee has high chances of trooning out despite what he says and mostly because I find hilarious they censored his barely different HRT moobs kek.
To me, the fact he wanted something so specific from taking hormones makes me feel he fetishises boobs
Sage for probable off-topic
No. 1435544
>>1435534You're right I was watching the first video he posted about going on hrt and aside from very shallow things about him being nonbinary(having long hair and having make-up),he said that he felt his mood got better and he got confident.Idk much about this stuff but can it be placebo too?
It's still stupid they use hormones as some sort of therapy
No. 1435554
>>1435544Increasing oestrogen levels will also increase dopamine levels in the brain, so it's possible that's what's happening.
It's more likely just the euphoria from living out his fetish though.
No. 1435571
>>1435427right, like how little kids are apparently mature enough to decide when to be trans and should be validated and supported and given puberty blockers….yet in
>>1434684 they’re too immature to understand being trans and are whiny brats for not being able to do so. they’re constantly moving the goal posts to whatever suits them.
No. 1435627
File: 1644102080187.jpeg (63.47 KB, 768x800, 52576773-DB4D-4AB5-A401-312122…)

Just say you were a Nazi and go
No. 1435651
File: 1644103573992.jpeg (865.05 KB, 1170x4494, 792C0D16-78FD-4A26-B3BB-C1690C…)

sage in case this is old news but
I was catching up with the /r/AntiWork drama and discovered from their pinned post that a troon is a mod on /r/rape…… and of he’s a “lesbian”…..
I’m sure this has had no effect whatsoever on women talking about being assaulted by troons……it’s not like reddit mods have ever been known to delete posts to spin a certain narrative…..
No. 1435660
File: 1644104721559.jpg (22.75 KB, 881x365, exulansic.JPG)

Damn, RIP Exulansic.
No. 1435682
>>1435651does anyone have a dump about that mod being a rapist, i remember hearing about it on one of the drama subs but it was buried underneath the sheer rage about antiwork
No. 1435700
>>1435460I can't deal with this shit logic. I myself and my friends who are gnc have been questioned or gotten double takes in the women's room before and yes it does bother us but not because we're mad at other women for being
scared. It just feels bad to be mistaken for a man! Lol. And not only that but women should feel comfortable questioning men in the women's room even if they are mistaken. They want us to feel scared to stand up for ourselves but that's not going to happen. Women have every right to be cautious.
No. 1435702
>>1435651Apart from fds, I don't think there is a troon that isnt a mod on any sub. Any and all female subs from pregnancy, to endo, to twox has tranny jannies
>>1435660And how many mra,mgtow or incel channels you think got this treatment?
No. 1435719
File: 1644110114862.jpeg (131.94 KB, 640x775, E4FD796F-E52F-4E1E-8820-D11B5E…)

Today’s creature
No. 1435732
>>1435717I also ask that myself, especially since with MtF or FtM at least they have a conceivable goal in mind (to look like the opposite sex) but with non binaries… wtf do they even want? I assume they want to look less like their actual sex but what's the practical difference between taking HRT to look like a woman and taking HRT to look androginous? I guess they could take a smaller dosage for the effects to be smaller but is it really that easy to control the results?
I don't know much about male enbies, but in the case of girls I think it might be they don't actually know what they want to be so they just sorta start taking testosterone and let the hormones decided for them. The other option I can think of is that deep down they actually know they're men/women so they start taking hormones to try to validate their gender specialness.
No. 1435744
>>1435717Nonbinaries make absolutely no sense. On the same topic, why do some want to be a she/they or a he/they? Wanting either he or she assigns them to a sex, right? Which defeats the purpose of being "nonbinary"?
For a male that's "nonbinary", he is always a predator, a misogynist that wants a free pass to do so "acceptably", and/or wants to infiltrate women's spaces because he's part of the "non men" therefore he thinks he belongs. Any time it's a female that's "nonbinary", it's because she's an nlog, a pickme, and/or has internalized misogyny.
No. 1435758
File: 1644113836683.png (141.54 KB, 1555x592, umm.png)

They aren't even hiding their troon-widow trapping anymore, be safe ladies.
No. 1435812
>>1435760>>1435768This is why I think women should at least pretend in conversation to have weird fetishes to get scrotes talking and weed them out. This moid is already intent on lying to his gf so if she says she hates troons or fetish shit he'd lie about that too because these men are desperate.
Lying to moids is really easy, especially terminally online narcissists. Mention cross-dressing in a 'positive' light like "oh I've never gotten to try this but I think it could be attractive to me" and give off the totes accepting doormat gf vibes to hear them divulge all their sick twisted fetishes. Keep saying "yeah okay that's hot" and then make them break up with you but make them think it was their idea. You don't want them to feel scorned by you, these men are dangerous.
No. 1435833
File: 1644121434601.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.72 KB, 1944x2592, dJt4kuP.jpeg)

>>1435429he's supposed to be the best for srs, and if pic related is best than troons truly are blind as fuck.
nsfw srs by mcginn
No. 1435844
>>1435434>>1435460this is the same person?
Can't we spam this on twitter with his @ to let woman know (and rub how disgusting troons are to other troons)
No. 1435845
>>1435745That's exactly what it makes me think, kek.
A lot of troons don't seem to realize that modern medicine isn't actually as miraculously advanced as they think it is, and that they're actually pretty much
paying to be the lab rats
No. 1435894
File: 1644127031912.jpeg (444.36 KB, 1242x1825, 8FCF104F-9173-4F0F-BEA0-7FCF06…)

>>1435460Kek he’s so happy about having diarrhea for 3-4 days and calling it a period. How does he have it all planned out in his head? When I’m on my period some months are fine, then the next the cramps feel like murder, but it’s never scheduled so precisely like this.
No. 1435897
File: 1644127219900.png (172.87 KB, 395x623, dff.png)

>>1429498why can't they let us hate them with out turning it into a fetish
No. 1435900
File: 1644127541808.jpg (Spoiler Image,488.71 KB, 1079x779, dear lord.jpg)

nsfw,where the f does it even begin?
No. 1435911
>>1435833ew. yep, deflated sack.
>>1435900omfg gross, ive looked at a lot but this seems the grossest to me. the infected puss…or is that urine? he didn't even get hair removal before doing this so now it's going to grow internally. I think that small hole at the top is the urethra.
No. 1435914
>>1435894The way that they’re so obsessed with period cycles is funny to me. Not to blog post but I wanted to check, I have no idea what day my symptoms occur personally, nor do I count and track my period by the day of my cycle. I use an app that notifies me when my period is coming and it could tell me which day of my cycle I’m on. Do most other women count their cycle or is my experience more common? I thank technology for letting women take less of an active role on tracking our periods just fyi; hypothetically women back in the day were probably more on top of it.
I kind of feel like troons are way too extra about periods which is so creepy and disgusting of them but also so hilarious considering they don’t even know how they work (e.g., the uterus is what causes all of the symptoms).
No. 1435918
>>1435914currently i'm temping and checking cervical mucus because i'm going to ttc soon
but before that? i only used an app and that's what i think most women do
No. 1435923
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>>1435919Does this one work?
No. 1435927
File: 1644129781587.jpeg (323.25 KB, 1170x1469, 65946EAB-C44F-4817-B11A-AB477F…)

>>1435144he didn’t neuter himself fast enough unfortunately
No. 1435932
File: 1644130050387.jpeg (288.23 KB, 1170x669, 056E6C88-2D45-4CF0-9B14-9EF67D…)

>>1435927same anon, love that he’s convinced that he’s a mother now because he’s dressing like a randomized female sim
No. 1435936
File: 1644130317235.jpg (414.33 KB, 1536x2048, FK24TVKWUAY5s77.jpg)

>>1435932this troon is always wearing dresses with mismatched belts and it thinks it has a fashion sense, imagine him in leggings kek
No. 1435941
File: 1644130945009.jpeg (229.33 KB, 623x591, 60A721DD-59A2-428B-BB1E-0528A3…)

>>1435719This dude has some serious thyroid problems, look at the size of that goitre.
No. 1435944
File: 1644131293444.jpg (316.88 KB, 988x922, 4RQDU.jpg)

>>1435941His head is doing this
No. 1435946
File: 1644131884395.jpg (3.22 MB, 2976x4400, Lili_Elbe_1926.jpg)

Why are TIMs so delusional ?
like Lili Elbe(the danish girl) genuinely seemed to believe he was stunning and made men lust after him and women would seethe would jealously but he looked picrel
No. 1435952
File: 1644132941681.jpeg (104.58 KB, 530x615, image.jpeg)

>>1435941Damn it could be his twin
No. 1435954
File: 1644133418273.jpeg (734.76 KB, 2936x1506, B5BBCFA9-B3C1-49C8-BD05-9A6553…)

>>1435946It’s almost impressive how delusional and narcissistic these men are, they truly believe the world is theirs and they can do anything. Reading about this man and his wife, she enabled and encouraged him so I have little sympathy for her, but it’s still sad she was left a lonely, miserable alcoholic. Never give your time or efforts to troons, it will only result in misery.
No. 1435957
>>1435946>>1435954His wife was truly a fascinating person. She was almost certainly a lesbian, having met Lili Elbe at college. Friends later recounted through word of mouth (never in writing, so this is only speculated) that Lili and Gerda (the wife) were merely friends and had no sexual relationship, only marrying because it was expected of close opposite sex friends and they understood each other more than their straight contemporaries.
Gerda painted mainly lesian erotic art and when Lili transition into a woman the goverment dissolved their marriage because he was a woman now in the eyes of the law and same-sex marriage wasn't allowed, and the couple didn't seem to mind at all. They were said by friends in their circles that they had no sexual relationship with each other but Gerda would often have girlfriends who lived with them (Lili is said to have had both girlfriends and boyfriends as well). Lili was also assumed to have been intersex by historians, but again there is no difinitive proof and it is all speculation. Lili eventually died from complications of his sex reassignment surgery.
Gerda later married a man in Itally but divorced him and returned home only two years later, speculated to be because she married as a divorcee/widow for financial stability but she was unhappy being married to a man and would often have trysts with other women which angered him. As that article mentions, she died alone, broke, and in relative obscurity.
Sage for more art history anon sperg but Gerda was fascinating and despite her husband being a troon he was pretty fascinating too, in a train-wreck can't-look-away sort of way. But he genuinely might have also really been intersex from birth. the danish girl is an interesting book/film but is super dramatized and not really historically accurate.
No. 1435962
>>1435957him being intersex might actually explain some of his behavior at the time, I think he probably didn't understand of even comprehend in his own body due to lack of medical science and that may have led him to believe that he was a woman
as for the movie, I've even seen some TIMs(mostly HSTS) call it out for being basically a forced femme erotica film
>This is a frequent trope of “forced femme” erotica, in which such a woman manipulates her unwilling and frequently protesting male partner into crossdressing>Through a “wacky” mixup, Greta’s model is late, so she cajoles her husband Einar to try on the dress she intended the model to wear. He protests, but she eventually browbeats him into it. Of course, then the model finally shows up seeing Einar in the dress, humiliating him.>This humiliation is a frequent feature of the crossdresser/forced femme erotica, from which the script clearly and frequently borrows plot development beats.>This all honest to god happens, and they even have a fucking “Dragged Into Drag” MONTAGE of Greta goading Einar into becoming Lili, which is just as absurd and terrible as it sounds.the person who wrote this article is a TRA but even they can tell that the film is just some bizzare pulp feminization erotica that AGPs jack off to
No. 1435963
File: 1644136606807.jpeg (176.72 KB, 605x960, 541F8481-2D36-4009-8438-2E4EA3…)

No. 1435968
>>1435957This is fascinating, thanks for the breakdown
>>1435963Self-post? (not "hi cow" just suspicious of there being zero reverse search results)
No. 1435975
File: 1644139474633.jpg (77.5 KB, 750x563, Caroline Cossey and…)

>>1435965I mean Caroline Cossey was an intersex male(instead of having the XY chromosome pattern or even a rare XXY, he had a XXXY chromosome pattern) male who trooned out
However his condition and background are incredibly unique, so can't be a used as a general example, on a genetic level this is the closest any male can biologically get to looking like a woman, being a one in ten million genetic freak No. 1435979
File: 1644140099891.png (3.35 KB, 225x225, nmixx.png)

>>1435043The XX looks like 2 X chromosomes kek.
No. 1435981
File: 1644140377327.jpg (6.09 KB, 225x225, download (8).jpg)

>>1435978sure, it was less common, but there were and always have been crossdressing creeps. anon, the guy who had SRS right before his looked like this. are we going to speculate he was super intersex too? come on now. these people were delulu self-obsessed tards as men with paraphilias, and men in general, often are.
>>1435975he looked notably effeminate for a man before trooning out and is a gay dude and actually was a decent looking person either way. even if he were not actually intersex, being HSTS already grants you better passing ability. he's one of the troons with claim to say he looks alright, he admittedly did become a model. lili elbe and his delusions about his attractiveness… not so much.
No. 1435987
>>1435967women with endometriosis can get gi symptoms
but obviously no troon has endometriosis
No. 1435988
>>1435975Um, what the fuck are you talking about? Saying males with XXXY look female is like saying males with Downs Syndrome look female. XXXY moids have 48 chromosomes, and physical abnormalities due to this, like their eyelid folds are fucked and their eyes are too far apart, but they are still tall like other moids. The only difference are some physical defects and their genitals not developing: the balls not dropping and having a small dick, meaning they have male genitals like all other moids. Other than that they are MALE.
And the troon you posted could easily be an XY tranny who has had some work done, I see no difference.
No. 1435992
>>1435988the fact he passed for years without being detected in show-biz is proof imo that he passed, again he's a one in ten million exception
99% of scrotes can't reach his level
No. 1436025
File: 1644150024448.jpg (73.1 KB, 318x186, 20220206_131807.jpg)

that leftatlondon tranny is so fucking fat now. jesus
No. 1436104
>>1435914I don’t keep track rn. I just know when it’s coming. I’m on bc pills though and it’s pretty regular and doesn’t last too long. I assume if I ever try to have a kid I’ll pay more attention to it.
>>1435967I do get it and it’s the worst. Always have. Idk maybe it’s just different for different people. I don’t eat particularly worse on my period than any other time.
No. 1436198
File: 1644169308210.webm (709.95 KB, 480x852, 2Aitvqxx8JKjQA2e.webm)
The faggot lisp and the adam's apple say otherwise, sir.