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No. 358751

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

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No. 358979

Got Titanfall 2 with PS+ a while back and finally beat it.
Story is cliche and lame but the parkour is so fun, it's too bad they got so much success with Apex Legends that they probably gave up on making another game with a single player campaign.
When the last merc just gets away after slapping the 'APEX' card down, fff.
And I knew something was going to happen to BT because I got minorly spoiled, but then they fake out killing him only to really kill him 10 minutes later… but then the weird helmet beeping in the after credits scene that'll lead to nothing now.

Now It's Doom Eternal next.
And anybody played Control? I have that from PS+ too and I saw a cool screenshot recently so I feel I should play that soon.

No. 359105

Control is great - a fun mash up of x files type inspo with a consistently creepy brutalist aesthetic. If you enjoy it, the story and characters overlap in a lot of other Remedy games, so you've got lots of post game options!

No. 359180

Somebody mentioned Chants of Sennaar last thread, it looked cool and I've been meaning to try out the demo. Immediately mistook the glyph for 'you' as 'river'…
But it's still easy enough to finish the objective just by there only being a few things you can interact with.
I'll play it sometime.

But it reminds me that if it was some old game without achievements I'd just pirate it without thinking. But now if I want the achievements I have to buy it, but also I don't know if I should get it on Steam/PSN/or the Microsoft Store if it's there.

No. 359185

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What was the last game you got truly obsessed with? I'm talking shovelling 150+ hours into it no problem in a matter of weeks level obsessed. I'm not in a good place lately and need something to really take me out of it.
My last one was picrel when it released.

No. 359305

Which of the first two Silent hill is worth playing? I was waiting to play the remake instead but it seems like people are not liking it so I wonder if it would be better to play the original games instead. Also does it have jumpscares? I hate those kek

No. 359311

If you like shooting games and old school SCPs you’ll probably love Control.

No. 359321

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They're both worth playing in my opinion. They have selectable difficulty levels, so you should be able to get through them even if you aren't used to survival horror.The first game has tank controls but you'll soon get used to them.
There aren't too many deliberate jump scares from what I remember. In both games you have a radio that plays static when monsters are near, so it's rare that they'll catch you completely by surprise.

No. 359322

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Definitely Outer Wilds. I finally got around to playing it and for once the hype is well deserved. I got so into it I ended up dreaming about what I was gonna do next in the game kek. Worth forcing myself to play despite having a bad case of motion sickness with first person games

No. 359345

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i'd really recommend all three as the first game was really fantastic at setting up the whole series in regards to the lore of silent hill and the cult especially which isn't really explored in 2 but just used as a jumping off point. 2 is fantastic as a standalone game, but i feel like you really are missing a lot if you don't know the underlying lore of the town even if it works. I'd 110% recommend the 3rd one if you play the games, it follows up on the story started in 1 and the mc Heather is one of my favourite female characters of all time along with Claudia. it brings the series to a very satisfying conclusion and if you ignore the following games, you could see the ending of the 3rd game being the end of it all.
the first one is really, really old feeling though so if that's a turn-off then maybe watch a "movie the game" of the 1st one then play the others. it's not a bad game at all, it's just rather janky if you're not used to older games. make sure auto-aim is on for 1 and 2 at least, trust me, it's not about skill kek
also get a map or no-spoiler list of the things you need to get the good+ endings, in the first game you can very easily miss a required object for the good ending. no idea on the other games as i didn't play them without a guide after the first one. oh the old days of gaming where you had to read the dev's mind lol

No. 359380

I personally like the first 4 games. They were all made by the same devs and are coherent even if they aren't necessarily a linear story. The first game is great to understand the setting. Though you can play 2 separately, it's much more interesting if you understand some of the lore behind it. 3 is a sequel to 1 and I like how it wraps up. 4 is much different than the others, when it came out some people hated it, but I still like it very much and recommend it. I also suggest getting the different endings for them, though some are tricky to get, follow a guide if you need, what influences the endings can be very subtle and have no indication on the game. Any game after those 4 I wouldn't touch.

No. 359381

Samefag to add, the 4 games are centered around the city and the cult. So at least watching the gameplay for the first game is a must. It's the game that explain it's origin and sets the motion for all others to happen.

No. 359430

I loved this game, it was beautiful and haunting, and after I played it I got super into learning about quantum mechanics. So fun and creepy.

No. 359444

I've bought FF12 for my Switch Lite three months ago (since my old PS2 version of the game decided by 2010 to stop working on me) and I've already put 68 hours into it. There's just the mechanic "right weather to trigger hunts" that's being frustrating right now so I've switched to Ni no Kuni 2, which I bought on sale last week or the week before, and I've already put 48-48 hours into it.

No. 359447

AYRT, can you or another nonna tell me what's so compelling about it?
I've heard about this game several times and I'm definitely interested, but every time it comes with the caveat of "don't read anything about it" so I'm scared to look things up in case I spoil myself. Being able to make an informed purchase would be great, though.

No. 359452

if you want as much information as possible this video might be enough.
I played it last year and I loved it, it really felt like I was on some beautiful, immersive journey through space and ancient civilizations and making strange alien friends. it does have a huge "optimistic nihilism" theme though and a few puzzles so if you hate the sound of that maybe avoid it.

No. 359620

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No. 359626

Everyone always mentions Outer Wilds, nobody mentions Outer Worlds.

VN/Otome/BL thread, god I hate these omni western VN's. Just focus well on one demo instead.

No. 359634

ugly as fuck style

No. 359637

it looks good for westshit but westshit vns are never good. since most are made by reddit millennials with that retarded self aware, self deprecating sense of humor, they all read like they're embarrassed about being vns, which put another way means they ham everything up and read like they expect the players to feel cringe for playing them. and then they always add in troonery on top of that. not even once.

No. 359640

I've been playing all kinds of VNs for years and I'm not beyond playing trashier ones kek. somewhat interested in how it plays out because the origin system reminds me a bit of Dragon Age and I wonder if it will do anything interesting with it and the horror elements. probably not gonna touch it until the full game comes out.
I played both and and Wilds eclipsed World for me.

No. 359648

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Has anyone tried using a voice modifier for games with VC? is that even a thing? i bought an extremely moidish game and i really want to play it but i dread moids hearing my voice

No. 359671

Back in the Destiny 1 days, I (and many other women) would use the ps3’s built in voice changer. It mostly worked for me because I’m an alto. But, if you have a very soft and feminine voice, just pitching your voice down with the default pitch tools won’t sound natural. Look into something like Voicemod if that’s the case for you.

No. 359708

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i couldn't get into this game because the style is so damn ugly to me. this alien species is revolting

No. 359889

Anons, what kind of games are you good at, and what genres do you avoid because you can't play them?
I'm mediocre when it comes to my favourite genres, like RPGs and all that, but I think I'm good at collecting/crafting games, grindy games and dungeon crawlers.
On the other hand, I'm shit at FPS/shooting/aiming games (except for games where you hunt like Horizon Zero Dawn) and puzzle games like Tetris, Puyo Puyo, etc.
I think this is probably because I don't have good reflexes and my brain doesn't react fast, kek. I prefer games where I can set the pace and think things through.

No. 359894

Good at most games I'd say, 'general gamer skill' which sounds so stupid. Bad at MOBA's and I dislike online multiplayer games in general so I've never gotten good at them. Bad at JRPG's in the sense that I don't have patience for them any longer.

No. 359906

I'm horrid at mobas, specifically the 5v5 maps where each player has a specific role. I could never learn to coordinate well or bothered figuring out how each role should divide their time despite how formulaic it all is really. I played smite before a lot but I mostly stuck to assault, arena and 3v3 which I did fine at. I sucked at dota kek
On the other hand, I'm good at anything that is 3rd person and is action combat and requires quick reflexes and learning boss attack patterns. I also enjoy those types of games the most. I revel in the part where you memorize the whole fight for the first time and you don't have to rely on your thinking at all, it's just pure reflexes. Sends an adrenaline rush.
Everything else, it really depends.

No. 359915

NTA lol you barely even interact with them after the tutorial. You spend most of the game alone

No. 359921

I can't parry, so I can't get into action games that are heavy on that like Dark Souls etc.
Also don't like RTS kind of games cause it's just too slow and I'm not great at thinking ahead
Even though I'm only ok at FPS games and can't play on higher difficulties I still find them really fun though.

No. 359963

> what kind of games are you good at
RPGs, fighting games (Tekken, Super smash bros, Soul Calibur etc.), "racing" games (Mario kart etc.), casual puzzle games (We love Katamari, Warioware, Mario Party etc.), platformers (Hollow knight, Tomb raider etc ), retro gaming (like old NES/SNES/PSone/Game Boy color games I grew up on), text based games and visual novels.

>what genres do you avoid because you can't play them

FPSs and most war/shoot IRL opponents third person shooters cuz I can't aim for shit. The only ever exception in all my gaming life was RE4 cuz my youngest sister bought the game and was blocked at the first mission and wouldn't continue playing after I helped her and I wanted to know how the story continued. Any real racing games cuz fuck that shit, same with all the sports simulation games, fucking hate it. MMO, whether it's a MoBA like League of Legends or MMORPG because I grew up on console gaming, we had the internet late and I had enough games on console to entertain myself. The only MMO back then we would do IRL was fighting games, Eye Toy 3 or Wii sports bowling (those who know, know).
Stealth games. Played some MGS as a kid, always sucked at the stealth. I remember even my father gifting my a Splinter cell game, never even moved on from the tutorial.
And finally horror games. I'm too much of a flake to play them, I can only watch people play. I remember having a PS2 demo of Forbidden Siren and I could legit not move from the spot where the character, a little girl, was hiding in a cursed and haunted hospital to get to the elevator because the atmosphere was too goddamn scary.

No. 359964

Puzzle games, card games, horror games, roguelikes, strategy games and 3rd person action games. I'm not good at shooters, just average. I can get by without too much trouble.
Fighting games, online shooters and mobas. I'm dogshit at these 3. I'll never play them. I dont understand fighting games, mobas are the most boring thing on earth to me, and online shooters are just annoying. The only shooter I've enjoyed was TF2 and I sucked ass, had to play pyro or engie all the time.

No. 359983

>What games are you good at
I'm really good at rhythm games, 2d platformers. Ok with bullet hell, MOBAs (unwillingly from being forced to play hours of LoL with friends), RPGs, strategy games like civ

>What games are you bad at

Pretty much all shooters especially PvP. Competitive PvP in general tbh. Splatoon is the exception but it's so different from every other shooter out there. Soulslike games, mainly because memorizing a boss's moveset after countless deaths is not fun for me. Card games like MTG and hearthstone too.

No. 359994

What do nonnies think about the recent layoffs from a bunch of companies over the past few days?

No. 359999

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anon jsyk you don't need to parry to play soulsborne games (except sekiro.) i have thousands of combined hours in dark souls, bloodborne and elden ring and i have parried maybe like 2 times. join us!

No. 360009

You talking about playing as a mage or something else? I thought parrying was sorta essential to melee in those games. There's other reasons I don't play them though, no difficulty selector, medieval fantasy aesthetic, super minimal storytelling.

Any examples?
That whole thing with Eidos and the Embracer Group is because they were expecting a giant investment from some Saudi's that fell through, but maybe that was a good thing.
I was sorta annoyed with so many companies being bought by Microsoft and Sony buying Bungie, but it's probably good to have a stable money base behind them.

No. 360010

yeah magic and such are all very strong in dark souls/elden ring, so is simply dodging or using a shield to block. they aren't THAT hard, just require a little more brainpower than buttonmashing the first time you play through, so i try to tell anyone interested in them to not listen to elitist dudebros and check them out

No. 360018

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Any cardfags here?

No. 360082

Not that anon but, even though magic is a good alternative for those who don't want to bother with melee combat, parrying isn't necessary at all; rolling is enough. You can also go for a sturdy shielding build if you want even more leniency with the combat.
I know the Dark Souls games have a reputation of being super hard, but they really aren't, they just require a little bit of patience

No. 360084

hell yeah, do you play Hearthstone?

No. 360114

I only duel in yugioh

No. 360140

Thank you nonnies!

I'm more familiar with SH 4 because of that retarded circumcision theory some scrote made kek
Personally I liked it

No. 360142

The nonas are gonna kill me but I thing the art style is fine.
I do find it funny that the girl looking character with white hair is a they/them kek. Of course.

No. 360151

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Anybody else playing Unicorn Overlord's demo? It's the first strategy JRPG in a while that I think I can really disappear into, and I feel spoiled knowing that SaGa Emerald Beyond (I just trust that I'll always like SaGa releases at this point) is also coming out in April. The plot of UO seems mid but the gameplay loop is already addicting + it's the first Vanillaware title in a genre I really like. Could a girl ask for more?

No. 360152

Also, usual coomershit disclaimer. Yeah, I know what Vanillaware's female designs can be like and have already seen a retarded one in the demo. You gotta pick your battles and I'm gonna give it a pass this time.

No. 360155

I'm bad at 1vs1 games so I thought I was just shit at competitive games, but turns out I actually do really great in teams and I'm even able to carry a bad team by myself lol I'm not sure why

No. 360157

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I have bad taste but I'm liking this edgy little game and looking forward to Chapter 3.

No. 360158

>Also, usual coomershit disclaimer.
Not directed at you nona, but reading your post it just hit me that men spend their entire lives never having to consider if a game is worth it over coomershit that objectifies them. There is just no equivalent, the only games with "sexy" males are like little joke games with body builder characters that look like that as a joke. I don't even know how I would explain it to a male to make him understand, they don't get why it's so draining to see it. Closest thing I can think of is that it would be like telling a leftoid/rightoid to play a really great game, with the only catch being that every character in the game is an outspoken supporter of the opposite political side of them even though it's fully unrelated to the plot. Rightoids can't even handle seeing a person wearing a mask in public, and try getting a leftoid to admit a troon is a man… they just full on rage.

No. 360159

>blackpill political sperging in the video game thread
can you take this back to /ot/

No. 360167

Wouldn't the more obvious equivalent be Yaoi scenes?
If a game was great but had unavoidable gay sex scenes, most men would as uncomfortable with that as women are with busty fanservice characters.

No. 360175

Game's target audience is usually males. They are used to being pandered by default. When they feel threatened they act korean levels of raging fits.

No. 360177

Haven't we already found that to be true even as a rumour like what was in a FF game was rumoured to have a gay sex scene and males went crying.

No. 360188

Yeah they are so used to being the default which is why their trantrums are even bigger when 1 tiny thing doesnt go their way

No. 360194

It was in FF16 and the rumors were wrong, we just see Dion kissing his bf/bodyguard. Tbh I get why the rumor started, the game was banned entirely in some Middle Eastern countries just because of the kiss and game journalist tried to guess why before the game got released.

No. 360196

I started fooling around with RPG Maker XP since it was free a few weeks ago. Anyone have experience using RPG makers? Are they good? I'm not looking to do anything fantastic with it, nor am I looking to depend on it for anything other than hobby. Is XP in particular a good one? Or any comments about that rpg maker or any at all, because I'm new to the idea of utilizing one to create little projects for funsies

No. 360200

The character designs look really uninspired. I'm gonna pass.

No. 360201

You sound amazing. I blood dark souls 1 and 2, but cant for the life of me get through Elden ring. I am up to Malenia. I dont know what I am doing wrong. Maybe I should change my class?

No. 360224

Welp yuzu and citra are officially dead and this will probably lead to other emulators falling

No. 360240

Nintendo has always been more litagious about this kind of stuff so it was only a matter of time. The links are still out there though, and maybe some other devs will take over.
It's not like retroarch and all those older emulators will ever go down. And it's only possible to hack not stand alone emulate PS3 and up so Sony/Microsoft probably don't care as much.

No. 360244

Homebrewed my switch so I’ve been playing games I wouldn’t buy because I’m broke and not a fan of the genre.
World of Horror is so fun! I love it so much even if I’m confused out of my mind, working out the mechanics has kept me engaged if a little frustrated and I’m finally unlocking stuff. The art is fantastic and every time I play I’m excited to find out what’s next or if I’ll find something knew, finally solve a goddam puzzle I’ve been confused about or missing items for. Does anyone know any other games like this? Not even necessarily horror genre.

No. 360245

They’re open source, they’ll probably pop back up. That kind of things like playing whack-a-mole.

No. 360247

>it's only possible to hack not stand alone emulate PS3
Have you ever heard of RPCS3?

Anyways it's always funny to see emulation fanboys seething whenever nintendo does something. Sure they're stingy as fuck and act like assholes when they feel like it, but yuzu had it coming when the TOTK leaks happened.

No. 360248

Actually hadn't heard, but I don't really keep up with this stuff.
Apparently MGS4 is buggy though. Can't think of another PS3 exclusive that would be worth playing.

No. 360252

This was me until I actually played it and realized it wasn't that kind of game. The focus is definitely on the innovative combat. It plays like a beautiful blend of Fire Emblem and Growlanser.

No. 360316

AYRT, yeah it still has a ways to go but I guess that's expected when it's the PS3, that thing was known for being a pain to develop for kek.

No. 360342

>>359620 played the demo months ago and was interested and enjoyed my time. Liked the everytime we touched cover until I found out it was by Dan from the Game Grumps

No. 360527

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nonas, what are your favourite obscure/not well known games? i adore the last door, it hits basically every trope i love, plus the pixel art style looks great. i wish there was still hope for a season 3, but oh well.

No. 360532

same nonnie. i like the annoying edgy humor, plus i think the branching paths in ch3 are going to be really interesting.

No. 360577

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Nonnies is it possible to jailbreak/pirate a ps3 super slim?
I wanna play a goddamn game I've been wanting to get since I was young but I can't find it anywhere and my pc can't run the emulator.

I'm afraid of doing something irreparable to my ps3 but I want to play new games kek

No. 360578

Depends on the firmware I think.
Look it up on the emulation wiki or piracy reddit or something.

No. 360579

Hell yeah, I played this game years ago and I'm rather bummed out that there doesn't seem to be a free version available anymore. Have you played any of the Chzo Mythos games? That's the closest series I can think of to The Last Door.

No. 360592

PSXplace should have some resources you can also look up the ps3dev wiki, I think that has sections for jailbreaking. Hope you find what you need, cause I've had a lot of fun with pirated games on my regular slim that's running HEN! And if you ever get an external drive for your system, I recommend irismanager, it lets the console read drives that aren't in FAT32, which has a small file size limit.

No. 360598

Have you been following the dev updates, anon? It looks like Andrew's going to get himself in hot water with the demon, at least in the Burial path. I'm guessing Ashley will need to save his dumb ass.

No. 360626

>Nonnies is it possible to jailbreak/pirate a ps3 super slim?
I last remember doing this for my ex by ordering some kind of usb jailbreaking device online and then following fairly simple instructions. It's been a decade since then though, maybe simpler ways exist now. I don't think this is a process you can fuck up that easily, I jailbroke a few psps and ps3's as a 12 year old and never fucked something up, I believe in you.

No. 360694

They're great, I'm not too familiar with the newer versions but all the classics were made with either XP or 2003, the potential is limitless and it's pretty easy to get the hang of it if you mess around for a bit or see a short tutorial, it's all very intuitive.

No. 360743

Depends on the firmware, however I warn you it's harder and more of a headache than a "fat" older ps3.

No. 360994

Yay I'm glad, I've been messing around with it and will likely mess around more this weekend.
Anyway is anyone excited for the new Stardew Valley update coming out March 19th?

No. 361026

Yaaa could be less coomer in design but the game really is that good that I'm gonna say please give the demo a try if you're a fan of the genre at all. The story is meh overall but certain characters and side stories are enjoyable. Battles are automated but you set up the squads and conditions. I'm just about able to promote my classes and I'm sooo excited

No. 361066

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Nonnies, i miss playing fps games and i might try Counter Strike 2 but i have no experience with it and i have a bit of anxiety at the thought of interacting with retards, how was your experience with it?
I just feel like hoppin in because it's free, also i don't know if it was only an EU thing but i hope it doesn't pair me with too many slavic loser moids.

No. 361136

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AYRT, I got the game and have been crazy addicted, it's so fun! I don't mind the story being meh, I find the characters more enjoyable than anticipated and the gameplay loop is just perfect for my brain. And despite the coomery elements to some of the female designs, there's still at least a wide enough variety that I'm seeing plenty of women I can personally get into… I'm in love with picrel and Berenice. What units/builds have you been enjoying?
I really recommend any nonna curious tries the demo! Definitely one of the best demos I've played in years, with how much freedom and content it offers you.

No. 361154

strange to complain about moids when you post a gross moidy picture

No. 361166

Strange to complain about me liking something that seems moidy when i want to play an fps game…
Anyway i gave in and it wasn't that bad, i don't feel forced to interact with anyone but i wish i didn't have to hear those usual slavic moids chimping out

No. 361209

Plenty of women enjoy Love Live totally innocently? I remember when I was younger I didn't even realize I wasn't the target audience until I saw the audience in a live concert recording

No. 361250

you're insufferable

No. 361337

Dungeon Keepers is on sale on steam, playing number 2 at the moment and it's just a bit of simple fun, do recommend.

No. 361354

Play valorant or overwatch instead, they have a larger female playerbase

No. 361536

Rhythm games Osu, DJ Max, any Miku game, Guitar Hero (especially drums) I can pick up super quick
SoulBorne but that's because I just keep trying until something works
Fighting games. I've tried but either special moves is too hard to do or it's too hard to remember
Shooters. It feels like chance rather than skill when you get the drop on someone
Rhythm games where I have to sing. I can't sing. My voice is terrible

No. 361539

just started Palia on switch, seems okay but seems like it may get boring after a while? Also the lack of people on the servers kind of sucks

No. 361576

Rpgs, rpgs that involve strategy or just general strategy (CKII?), platformers; honestly I mostly play rpgs. Fallout games, elder scrolls games, mgs games, etc. Fps? If the shootings parts of those games count as fps then yes, I'm pretty decent. Survival strategy games (Rimworld?), just mainly action games I think
Multiplayer except mmorpg because I just personally don't like most multiplayer. Unless it's team based and without vc.

No. 361701

i feel like a kid on christmas day every time a new devlog gets posted. i really have no fucking clue what'll happen next, but i can't wait to see what's up with the police, will they get caught or not? plus i think they'll be going after julia next, especially in burial.

No. 361811

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I just bought this game on super sale and I am loving it so far. Why are the yakuza type games so much fun?

No. 361902

I consider myself good at puzzle games and shooters. I have a knack for min/maxing resource games and ending up in places earlier then I should in rpgs because I tend to play ranged/stealth and sneak everywhere.
I suck at platformers even though I love them. I’m so terrible, I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I can’t gauge jumps to save my life. No matter how much time I spend on them I never seem to get better! It’s maddening, I could barely get through mario odyssey and I still haven’t completed it.

No. 361930

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This game has been like crack to me since it debuted Friday. Highly recommend to any nonnas who like strategy shit.
Story isn't worth much but honestly most JRPG attempts to seriously engage with political intrigue and war piss me off with how poorly thought out they are so I don't mind that it doesn't even try here. All of the support conversations between units are very cute, though.
And it goes without saying that the graphics are beautiful since it's a Vanillaware title.

No. 362217

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Anyone into text based games? I really could use some (free/wip) recs or just talk about them with normal women. I am tired of always having to talk about it with the queerios in the overmoderated tranny heaven forums, but this shit just isn't that popular.

No. 362291

Which are your favorites nona?

No. 362294

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started playing these on the switch recently. it's fun to revisit old games through their online catalogue but i wish they'd add more n64 titles

No. 362338

I played a lot of games in choicescript but I have been recently trying some twine games. Unfortunately I don't know many twine authors besides the choiceofgames forum refugees I think it was thanks to the nft drama people left. Since then, some have came back quietly, which is funny as hell, they have no principles but I guess I am expecting too much from handmaidens and gaydens.
So since I played lots of choicescript Imma talk about them:
I started with Choice of Robots and Hollywood Visionary (this last one is free but you gotta wait like 2 hours before playing the next chapter unless you pay for it).
I really like Hollywood Visionary. The romance in it is quite shallow, I was not expecting any romance at all but since it was there, I just wish it was less generic. Seriously, I'd rather romance our funny friend there (forgot his name) because he's got more personality. There isn't much reaction when it comes to your character being gay either but I suppose this has to do with the author trying to sanitize things because he was a cog writer and it's kinda mandatory so these games tend to avoid "problematic" content even when it could serve the story, I mean, it's 1950 and you can be a commie, there is a whole chapter about it and you can even end up being blacklisted, but I am supposed to believe people respect my pronouns even kek
I do wish there were more games like this though.

Played Heroes Rise which I think the first one was for free at some point, dunno if it still is. I love super hero games and this one was the first I played, but the railroading made me not buy the others, I noticed the choices don't matter much because I did initially like this game so I obviously played it again. Don't recommend unless it's free so you know what to not do if you ever want to write a game kek
Also played Psy High because powers but it's not a rec unless you really have the patience for school kids drama, it was kinda fun though but I wouldn't play it again. Don't remember if this one was free, maybe not. Def don't rec if you have to pay for it, not worth the money.

Paid games that I liked:
I liked Rent-a-Vice despite some railroading, this one is not free and I am sad there aren't more scifi games like this also where your character is not a blushing retard in their 20s. I, Cyborg was really fun too, def recommend of you're into that kind of stuff.
Heroes of Myth. Don't care about the romance so can't comment on it. Been a while since I read it but I remember having lots of fun being a loser wizard faking a prophecy.

Not a favorite but from cog there is also choice of the vampire and it's still free I think, the story was quite short I am guessing because I didn't engage in romance, so I didn't like it much. Only played it once though, felt the writing was dull and it had too many choices that did not reflect in the narrative (maybe I missed them or they are just not there?) The author is the retarded power tripping moderator of cog so maybe that explains it, he's got a stick up his ass seriously, this guy (Jason Stevan-Hill) bans people for no reason and if you go to chooseyourstory(dot)com you get a bunch of cog drama archived. There was also this author who accused a published cog author of plagiarism and Jason shut down all discussion and refused to engage with the accusations which makes me think she is probably right, I didn't play either game but I really hate Jason and seen him being completely unreasonable many times. Fucker also moderates the reddit sub, which many prople complained as they go there to speak their mind since cog is overmoderated

Now for hosted games (paid)
Zombie exodus, it gets rec a lot and I played a bit but didn't like it enough to go past the demo. I do like all the choices and how some are reflected in the narrative, but I guess the player character felt like an unperson if that makes sense, like, had no personality of their own and this is probably the first thing that throws me out of the game.

Unnatural, I don't remember much but I guess it's like Psy High grown up, never played the sequel. I don't think it's bad but I remember stopping playing it because it felt like a chore. I think it has to do with the other characters, I remember them annoying the hell out of me kek I think it might also have something to do with me being fed up of playing young whimpy characters/school settings after Rent-a-Vice and Parenting Simulator

Parenting Simulator
Apparently the author said this story was not very popular, and I guess you can see why when hg and cog have lots of games on school settings. But I like it, look, I just like having kids in games for some reason, there are a lot of games where you are the kid or the student, and I'd love to play one where I am the one teaching them the ropes, but there aren't many games like that. Would be fun to be an old hero training their successor.. I am still waiting for that game, one day someone will write it and I hope it won't have to be me.

Speaking of heroes, there is Community College Hero and Unsupervised (wip so it's free for now). I know I said I was fed up of school settings and teenagers but what can I do? They wear capes! Unsupervised is really fun and I can be unhinged Superboy. If superdad ever comes back from that suicide mission he will be so disappointed and I live and breath for that. Unsupervised is written by a man but he's got another game I like (Highlands, Deep Waters) and I have no complaints. To me it's obvious this guy watched/read the same cartoons/comics I did, Unsupervised does feel like Young Justice at some points. All good in my book.

Community College Hero series has a few games and I like it well enough to keep playing, like it checks all the boxes Heroes Rise didn't, but something about the writing felt dull, like, I dunno, it could be better and the romance sucks but you can play without romancing anyone because there is a plot so that's good. I don't remember if that one was finished, the author kinda disappeared from the forums, guess he is taking a break.

Fallen Hero is another cape game but the writer is a woman and is leagues better than most authors that also write superhero games but she is an enby retard that is almost 50 years old and used to identify as a lesbian, so that really makes me sad. She was cancelled some time ago on tumblr for not getting involved in discord drama, something to do with american politics, she is not even american kek now wish she'd drop the trannyism but she gets lots of messages thanking her for the story that it helped them to figure out they're trans, shit is really depressing, the game has troon shit but you can pretty much avoid it as long as you don't make your mc trans. I made my mc trans by accident once, I think selecting some choice that felt like I was just going to be gnc or "I don't care what people think of me" made me non binary or questioning, I dunno, I totally got it wrong but in my defense I stopped drinking the troon juice years ago and can't recognize that shit anymore Fallen Hero is very popular and 2 books are already released, book 3 is a wip in early stages and you're a hero turned villain.
Since the author is a handmaiden tif, I have more criticism, and this is in regards to her gay male character that can get in a romance with a female as long as she doesn't identify as a woman. I remember people raging at the "homophobes" in the forum/tumblr aka the straight women that asked the author to make said gay character bi. I don't even know where to start with this mess, gaydens calling straight readers homophobes because they wanted to romance a gay character is a fucking game book. It's better if I just go back to the games… so

Highlands, Deep Waters
You're investigating a muder but something worse is going on. Obviosly lovecraftian type of story. I like that I can be a cop and the overall creepy atmosphere. There isn't much romance there either, and it really doesn't matter, it is better without it.

Speaking of cops, my biggest disappointment with hosted games: Wayhaven Chronicles. Basically Twillight but you're a cop. When I bought it I thought it was going to be a story of a muggle detective in contact with supernatural shit, but nah, it's just romance with some weak plot, I'm not trying to trash the game, it's just that I bought something based on the marketing blurb and it was a lie. Probably not the author's fault, but man, imagine buying a muggle cop story with chances of muder mystery and then finding out Edward… I mean, Adam and Nate want to bang me. They're Ava and Natalie in my game cus I played a guy attracted to women but still… I just wanted to shoot vampires and I fired my gun once in the entire game. Heard later that the author hates guns…. why the fuck am I a cop then??? Couldn't I be a intrepid reporter? That'd be fun too. Also since it's a cash cow series, you bet you only hold hands in the first book, don't remember if I can actually kiss the characters, wasn't really invested in the romance aspects, I sure ain't wasting my money on vampires ever again. There are currently 3 books released if I remember correctly, more to come.

Special mention of my favorite dead wip:
From Ashes We Rise, you could be Jason Todd, that's all you need to know. Because it's dead. The author was last seen in 2019 and this is a wip started in 2015, I don't think she is ever coming back even though I pray everyday I am wrong.

No. 362342

Are these any good? I got into the Zelda franchise really late through the Switch emulators so I still need to finish the other available games first.

No. 362444

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Stellar blade looks like those shitty mods for skyrim or fallout. Picrel is what I see when scrotes spam videos and images of that game.

No. 362494

I just wish the guy was wearing something similarly tight and shiny, but that would never happen.
But who cares, it's just so obviously Korean junk and PS5 exclusive on top of that.

No. 362508

I like games with sexy protagonists, but I can’t get over how ugly and nonsensical the design of her clothes are.

No. 362514

Wait, that's an actual vanilla screenshot? kek if you didn't tell me I would've 100% believed it was modded Skyrim, definitely something you'd see on Nexus after turning off NSFW filter.

No. 362515

You're right about it looking like a shitty skyrim mod, the background looks copy-paste from Skyrim and the girls look like when you mod the npcs too much so they stick out weird. And even if we took this as a stupid porn mod, the outfits don't even look sexy. It looks like an outfit made by an autistic moid who thinks more skin = better so you get panty designs that don't flatter a woman's pubic area and whatever the fuck is around her jaw. If you told me his was a screenshot of a mod from nexus I'd believe you. If you asked a straight female artist to draw sexy fantasy armour you'd get something better I'd bet.
Also I hate that moids are acting like this game succeeding will be "proof" of what gamers want from big studios as if porn games don't already exist with demographics and numbers we can see. Not to mention they're usually the most pirated and this is a ps5 exclusive anyways so it's not really going to show anything new vs the countless other porn titles that do ok there. And the retards who meme themselves into buying it are probably better off just rebuying the newest edition skyrim and modding it anyways. This straight up looks bad and I doubt it's going to actually be a blip on the gamer radar after the initial release. It's not going to be replacing Baldur's Gate for what the studios see gamers wanting unless they realize they can scam coomers for microtransactions easier. But then expect porn games more coming out like EA sports titles and Gacha games

No. 362518

Girls… the one in the screenshot IS modded skyrim kek. 9damao is a chinese modding site.

No. 362519

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Kek no nonnas, that picture was a modded skyrim sc. It's just whenever I see posts about Stellar Blade it really gives me nexus mods vibe. The small face weird face with giant boobs and tacky overdesigned clothing with weird openings and transparencies, I should have worded my post better. This is what the game actually looks like. Of course, the graphics are more polished than a modded skyrim, but I still feel it's just a horny mod over whatever gameplay stellar blade is copying from.

No. 362527

Does anyone have switch recommendations along the lines of stardew valley and graveyard keeper? Or just chill cozy games in general?

No. 362528

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i think they're fun. there's different locations you can explore once you gather items and cute characters to interact with. the storyline is simple and none of the missions are particularly difficult though some of the boss levels have given me trouble kek so they're a good choice if you're looking for something relaxing to play.

No. 362529

If you have the nintendo online thing you can play Harvest Moon snes. It's pretty cozy for being such an old game.

No. 362561

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the background for the Steam Spring Sale is kinda cute i wish i didn't associate pink hair and cat accessories with troons

No. 362567

This is hideously ugly. I hate all the designs for this stupid game. And I hate all the braindead coomer scrotes drooling over this Korean garbage.

No. 362636

Has anyone ever played Starbound? I was one of the early backers for the game when it was first announced on Kickstarter. I hate the way the game was forgotten about after launch because of the drastic change from the beta versions to release versions, but I've always longed to find a group of people to play through the storyline with. The 2D minecraft-in-space theme is something I really like. I was just curious if other anons here play it cuz nobody I talk to ever knows what it is kek

No. 362645

I've played Starbound, I think it's fun, I wish it wasn't abandoned I think if it had active updates it'd be great fun

No. 362648

I have but fell off of it quickly. I remember things feeling rather loose and repetitive with the questing and different planets, which is odd because I've played Terraria and enjoyed that. I think it might be still worth it with friends and mods.

No. 362653

>Repetitive without friends
I agree but I think this about all sandbox games. Part of the appeal of them for me is creating like lived in worlds with groups of friends, like for example whenever me and my friends start a Minecraft server we always make a bunch of lore and stuff to make things more entertaining. The one time we played Starbound together it was really fun colonizing the whole solar system and creating little colonies everywhere with unique histories kek.
I wish it wasn't abandoned too! I've seen that there are a lot of really popular mods that expand the game like Frackin' Universe, but I wish that ChuckleFish did more work on the game before deciding to abandon it.

No. 362669

nah, I get it, sounds fun! it was actually my 100+ hour terraria friend I played starbound with, who quit it sooner than me. I've played minecraft and terraria alone before so I wasn't really expecting for it to bore me so quickly. I kind of wish I was more outgoing and could voice chat and find friends easier to play with.

No. 362688

I used to when I had a computer, wasted so many hours on that game, it was so fun, my favorite race was the glitch because they talk funny and I like robots, my character was called Squire which I think fits the race. Wish I could play again.

No. 362713

Kek I am a turbo autist when it comes to worldbuilding, a few years ago me and my friends started a medieval roleplay server and we even drew a few maps for it and everything so deep was the lore of that server. I could never get into terraria, I think because I bought the game soo late that it was already like way too updated for me as a newb to gitgud at. Way too overwhelming for me.
I hope you get a computer soon nona. I used to play the novakid race because I like the wild west theme and I thought they had the funnest armour plus I liked the train-themed spaceship

No. 362939

I liked Donor, Fallen Hero, Golden Rose. Though Golden Rose did test my endurance. Might later check out their Vampire: The Masquerade games because i like the setting.

No. 362947

Oh man I completely forgot about The Golden Rose in my long ass rant, played the demo during wip stages and I loved it. I know people complained about the purple prose but I really liked it, wish I could write like that. Also The Passenger and I, The Forgotten One are other games I forgot about that I also played during wip stages and liked, they're on my list. Heard good things about VtM but I couldn't finish the demo, I just can't get into vampires for some reason.
So, romanced anyone in Fallen Hero? I did Herald in the second game even though I broke his leg during that fight in book 1 book 3 gotta be fun, I am probably very fucked. I expected consequences of my actions but I wasn't expecting banging my nemesis kek

No. 362998

I'm liking Control so far, the aesthetic is totally to my taste.
But why do so many games have to have minor rougelike elements, and crafting, random sidequests with random rewards.

No. 363024

Those were probably popular elements in games during its development. I often spent time clearing out areas in Control just so I could enjoy the architecture and ambiance. Eventually you learn what areas you can just run through and the ones you can’t, that starts cutting down on time. How far into it are you?

No. 363065

Maybe try the Friends of Mineral Town remake and Rune Factory?

No. 363076

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I really enjoy replaying (mostly flash) games from my childhood/teenage years, every few weeks when I have a free Saturday I spend the afternoon and evening playing them. Today is one such day! I'll start with picrel, has anyone else here played it? And if so, which was your favorite world? Mine is World 3 because of the great music, the night scenery and the falling stars in level 3.

No. 363129

The Passenger was good too. I wish there were more creepy/horror stuff.
>So, romanced anyone in Fallen Hero?
Yea, Ortega. I am really interested in a trainwreck that is their relationship.
I bet he'll forgive you kek

No. 363132

Just got to the research sector and met the security lady.
I guess the random mods/quests aren't too bad, but I don't like the random timed quests that pop up. It really breaks the flow, even though I don't think it really matters if you fail the timer just makes you feel pressured to back track.

No. 363175

i read a handful a few years ago but haven't read much since. but i loved Tally Ho, its a comedy story about being a butler and getting into silly and dumb situations. some people don't like the humor but its really my type (and i wanted my boss to be my husbando). i also liked A Study in Steampunk, it was a short Johnlock inspired detective cog that i ended up loving. there is also a philosophical story called Creatures Such As We; an emotional story about loneliness. i can't sell these well because i'm autistic but i hope someone reads one of them

and speaking of trannies, i tried to play a cog called 'Heart of the House' and it had this cringy scene where you're forced to get undressed by an enby servant and the story purposely doesn't tell you its sex. jarring when the story was normal until then..

No. 363178

Backtracking for timed events isn’t worth it imo, only do it if you need to. I hope you enjoy the game, thinking about it is making me want to play it again. Some of the side quests are really fun and give you some really cool stuff, at first I kind of ignored them but regretted it when I started going back for them… some of them were probably more trouble then they were worth though.

No. 363209

I heard of Study in Steampunk, always get recommended but I haven't tried yet, sounds interesting. Now, Creature Such As We is free I think, so I might try soon. Tally Ho is not my cup of tea, it's very popular though. There is Jolly Good by the same author, not really a sequel but it takes place in the same universe if I am not mistaken.

Enby characters always sound to me like they're meant to be women. Only a few times where I thought the enby character was meant to be a guy and that is when the author provide art of said character, throne of ashes by 13leagues comes to mind, that enby guy even gets misgendered by his dad I think kek, and then he asks my pronouns double kek shame cus that story could be good, some paths sound interesting. I think it's funny how this author wants to be accomodating of the delicate tranny crowd (lets be honest, they're all tifs. That story could've come straight out of a YA novel) all while writing "problematic" content I always avoid the enby characters if I can, it's so awkward, especially when the author uses them as mouthpiece plus very annoying to read the singular they, gets really confusing after some time but you can't really say it in the cog forum without getting dogpiled. Unfortunately enby characters are everywhere now if the author wants to be "inclusive". Rip characters turned xir/them I shall never bother to get to know.

Well, the fallen hero author said she used to write horror. Maybe when she is done with fallen hero we get some nice horror by her? Would be nice, or honestly any other established author. I just lost hope on new authors, most horror wips in the forum get abandoned or focus way too much on romance and the plot feels secondary. The genre simply isn't that popular so I guess they have to sprinkle some romance to attract readers but it keeps getting in the way instead of complementing the narrative.
There is also the problem of them sounding pretty similar too, my guess is that these new authors are very young and get inspired by the exact same media that happens to be popular at the moment.

No. 363257

I played Bravely Default yesterday for several hours, kept the 3ds charged and removed the charger for the night. I'm charging it again this morning because it's not fully charged yet and it's not charging at all. I'm worried, I hope my 3DS isn't dead yet. I'm panicking because I have no other charger to try and see if the problem just comes from this and it's a Sunday so it's not like I can just buy a new one right now. If it's from the 3ds I hope it can be repaired because I have too many games I want to replay and some of them are online only so I'm not sure I can download them again after April.

No. 363261

It sounds like it might be a problem with your battery? replacements are pretty cheap, you might want to pick one up and see if that helps. and make sure you back up all your save data on an sd card in case it's a bigger problem than that.

No. 363264

I have to check what's on my sd card and what's on my console because I don't remember anymore. I bought a bigger sd card at some point because of Atlus not release physical copies of their games in Europe but I don't remember how and what I transfered in the bigger sd card. The battery isn't swelling, but I actually had a nightmare like two days ago about that for some reason kek I'm cursed or I can predict the future because it's one hell of a coincidence. My usual retro game stores might sell more 3DS and know who can repair them so if I try to charge mine with another charger and it's still not working I'll ask them what to do, the owners and employees are super nice because I'm a regular costumer. I know they also sell universal chargers with a USB port for different consoles so, I'll get one just in case as well. I really, really hope the issue doesn't come from the port.

No. 363270

NTA but buy only original chargers, not the universal ones. Back when the 3DS XL came out I had no idea they didn't come with chargers and I got a DS/3DS one and it stoped working after awhile, plus they're a bit more potent than original chargers and will kill the battery faster.

No. 363275

My little sister has an original one, not just the universal one I bought for hers (and her 3ds can't be charged anymore because of the port), I'll borrow it and report back.

No. 363277

Update, the issue came from the charger, which stopped working in the middle of the night I guess. I'm so relieved holy shit.

No. 363593

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I'm 140 hours in Baldur's Gate and barely gotten into act 2 because I keep trying different classes and builds, making new characters to RP as, and romance companions. The mods available are really really good as well and it makes character customisation so much more amazing. Every time I'm starting a new playthrough it's genuinely a new experience with different events happening, I absolutely adore this game and the freedom it gives you, and the enormous amount of detail devs put in.

No. 363609

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Who else is excited for Dragon's Dogma 2? I've already downloaded the character creator

No. 363617

It's coming out already? Haven't keep up with it but I so want to play. Unfortunately I only have a ps4, gotta wait till I get a new computer.

No. 363655

Black Desert is only 99 cents, is it worth it past the Korean coomer shit? Reviews say its a major P2W and grindfest but worth it in the end. Beginning gameplay looks alright but everything is so bright. I've wanted it for the character creation, but DD2's free creator just came out and it looks leagues better.

No. 363661

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I've been seeing so much stuff (not on lolcow) about certain games being "stressful" and it's a complete mindfuck to me. Getting into a car accident, moving, work deadlines, THAT'S stressful. Playing a shooter isn't. Like, please start treating yourselves like adults.
Really I'm just upset my friends won't play schmups with me. Just got pick related and it's really fun. I put 5 hours into it in a day.

No. 363670

I'm suspicious of it. It looks really cool but I remember the first game having really bizarre balancing. I would always fluctuate from doing chip damage to killing everything on screen effortlessly.

No. 363692

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Me! I liked the first one a lot even if the npcs were a bit annoying and when it was announced i was quite hyped but i didn't keep up with the development, i have to finish some other games first so i hope to hear good things once it's out!

I'm finally playing the RE4 remake, i'm at the last character but… remake Krauser looks really cute to me….also i don't remember the original too much, i think there was something like that but the wolf interactions were cute here

No. 363713

Haven't tried DD2 character creator but I did sink in over a hundred hours in black desert. I would definitely say that it's worth 99 cents just for the character creator alone. The whole game is indeed very very grindy, it's more of a resource manager and merchant/economist simulator than a mmorpg. I did however find the voice acting decent and main story endearing. Fighting monsters feels really good, it has the best combat I've seen in an mmo since Tera. You do have coomers running around but to be honest there's plenty of normal people playing as well. It's not the type of game you'd take too seriously, especially if you wish to play an mmoRPG and fully immerse yourself. The visuals are absolutely stunning and environmental ambience is very polished as well, I definitely say it's well worth the pricetag.

No. 363755

Also there is a filter option in game that allows you to desaturate the colours or make the environment less bright

No. 363837

Character creator already gave me a warning, I don't think my computer is able to play this.

No. 364032

kek anon there are degrees of stress. If certain games weren't mentally taxing to some degree, they wouldn't be rewarding to win.

No. 364074

NTA I know I'm late but that wasn't blackpill in any sense she just said it sucks female gamers have to care about stuff male gamers don't wtf

No. 364133

I don't really care that much about fantasy games but I messed with the character creator a bit because I just love character creators.

No. 364166

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So apparently it looks like Dragon's Dogma 2 is gonna have adaptive difficulty instead of difficulty selection like the first game. Annoying as hell considering I used to play hard mode to earn the big bags of gold.

No. 364177

Character creator is so much better than the first game, I was disappointed because some people really hyped up DD's character creator to me and then I couldn't get pretty characters at all.

Apparently character creator has all settings on Ultra? Sounds stupid, not sure if true. It crashes for me from lack of VRAM after an hour too.

No. 364178

>i'm at the last character
Do you mean at the last boss? Your post is a bit confusing, nonnie. The wolf parts are pretty similar, the differences are very subtle. Hope you're enjoying the game.

No. 364200

Nonna, have you played Guwange? It's an old CAVE title where you play in a horror/youkai themed old Japan. Now that's a stressful shmup.
Or Dangun Feveron if you want something less stressful and more memey.

No. 364203

Sorry sorry you're right, i wrote that when i was so sleepy.
I've finished it and i liked it a lot! Tbh Ada looks kinda hot too but anyway it was fun, i didn't remember that there were insect enemies and they creeped me out so much because i have a phobia and i kinda have one for eyes too so the last boss really loved me kek.
The scene were Ashley hugs leon was cute too and i've come to accept that the merchant is british at the last chapters.

Next game i'll play will be the Dead Space remake!
I was waiting for it for so long but it seems to be a bit buggy at least when it comes to loading the models and stuff, i hope i'll find a way to fix it or that it gets better, it's not unplayable but it's a bit troublesome and i'm glad Isaac wears a helmet because i hate his face, he's not cute like Krauser at all.

No. 364224

No I've been working my way through their catalog. So far I've done:
>Dodonpachi Resurrection
>ESPgaluda 2
>Akai Katana
>Deathsmiles 1+2
I'm running out of ones I can get for my consoles (Switch+PS4). Like I think maybe there's only Dodonpachi DaiOuJou. It's a shame. I really want to try ESPgaluda 1, Mushimesama Futari, and the final Dodonpachi game.

No. 364234

Why is there a sex toy in the OP image

No. 364238

that's a playstation motion controller, not a hitachi kek

No. 364239

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You don't remember based PS Move?

No. 364331

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I ended up playing Lobotomy Corporation (SCP management game/visual novel) and liking it a lot!! I moved onto Limbus Company, the free gacha spinoff and I love it still but god, I can't get over how comically convoluted the combat is kek.

also I can't wait for Dragon's Dogma 2 to come out, I bet it'd feel like a respite. the ending of the first one still annoys me though.

No. 364337

No. That thing is a crime against god

No. 364350

Somehow I knew somebody would make that mistake when I chose that picture…

If you really love these kinds of games why don't you figure out arcade emulation? No computer?

No. 364355

Aren't those the games from the company that fired a female artist for being an alleged (unconfirmed) feminist on her personal time just because coomers ran a hate campaign against her

No. 364375

yeah. if you really want to talk about it we can take it to the sexism in gaming thread, that whole situation was awful. I personally pirated LB, will pirate Ruina, and won't spend anything on LC.

No. 364379

Are discussions about app games ok to bring up here? or strictly pc/console?

No. 364385

I think? but I'm pretty sure there's a dedicated mobage thread too.

No. 364403

I am completely reliant on my work laptop. I have a personal but it is ~12 years old and chugs shit whenever I turn it on. I try to love a low waste lifestyle so I'm not particularly keen on buying a computer when the only reason I need a new one is to emulate old arcade games.

No. 364415

I wish people would stop making fanart of this game after what happened. Basically all korean fanartists deleted their accounts and haven't looked back but suddenly the english-speaking side is fine with it again and the japanese one continued without knowing I guess. If they play it they should at least keep it to themselves and not provide free advertisement to an openly misogynist studio. The game is good but not that good

No. 364427

Did you get far into the game? I seriously can't get to finishing it because the Abnormalities just get so convoluted to a point it's hard to keep track of and it becomes overwhelming

No. 364432

There's a text version on Let's Play Archive if you just want to see the story

No. 364435

Is the snufkin game on switch good?

No. 364437

I hope you’re pirating it at least if you’re going to play a game from a company that resents its female employees

No. 364439

I want to know this too before spending my money.

No. 364463

Agreed. Even if you pirate it, giving it free advertisement without even mentioming the studio's misogyny is counterintuitive.
I'm not shocked that the West got over it so quickly, though. They love to just say "Korean gender politics are more complicated than we can understand" and then just smoothbrain their way through taking any accountability for their consumerism. When what they're finding "complicated" is the reality of a first-world culture in which the irreprehensible nature of men is still so transparently visible instead of being veiled under pseudo-leftist nonsense.

No. 364501

What I usually see is people who say they don't support the studio's actions but still post their dumb memes or fanart publically. Makes me think they don't care that much about the reality of the situation. It doesn't actually affect them after all, they just want their entertainment. They should at least private their accounts if they don't support project moon but they want the clout that comes with posting of course

No. 364633

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When are people going to snap out of their "Capcom redemption arc" phase? They never stopped being scummy money grubbers and are getting worse as time goes on. I guess they can make another couple of good RE games and everything will be fucking forgiven for another five years. Gonna "break glass in case of emergency" and flop out the Code Veronica remake. Seriously, fuck this dev.

No. 364659

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Has anyone here played Homebody? What did you think the story was? Was it all in her head?

No. 364781

I told myself after BG3 ok no more buying AA games taking advantage of their player base and DD2 was there to prove yeah it's totally possible to ignore these assholes.

The additional oh you can't make a new character without manually deleting your current save (going through files) is ridiculous.

No. 365486

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>No new game option
>No difficulty selection
>Made the health gauge mechanic way more punishing than the first game
>Dragonsplague mechanic which can wipe out entire towns of NPCs
>Have to use a wakestone to revive npcs
>Overall enemy difficulty seems much harder
Disappointed honestly. I should have waited for a sale to buy it.

No. 365577

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Samefag here but I wanted to add more shit I'm so pissed about this game
>Fewer spells in sorcerer vocation
>Character can't fully heal due to heal gauge change
>Required to sleep at your house or inn to fully heal
>Dragonsplague mechanic can initiate when sleeping at inn
>Dragonsplague can wipe entire cities of NPCs including important quest givers
>If enough NPCs die you get locked into a specific ending
>Multiple endings like first game, still no "good" ending
>Fewer enemy types
>Romance system is still odd
>Can visit a brothel with an awkward fade to black scene
>Many missable side quests, similar to first game
My overall opinion is negative

No. 365686

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Nonas what are your top 3 RPGs and why? Need some good recommendations ASAP

No. 365687

What kind of Rpgs do you prefer? Do you like Jrpgs, western Rpgs, or both? Story heavy or light on story?

No. 365695

Both, but I lean towards jrpgs and all stories are good but heavy stories are more interesting

No. 365696

Just so I don't recommend a bunch of RPGs you've already played, what games/series are you already familiar with?

No. 365733

No New game or difficult setting is some bullshit. Why does every game want to be dark souls now?

No. 365734

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Romancing SaGa 2 (but a new SaGa game is coming out late April that is supposed to be a good entry point to the series), Moon Remix, and Trails in the Sky are my top 3 favorites.
Storywise, the Trails series is THE story-heavy JRPG series, so I'd recommend that the most for you. Your mileage may vary with later arcs, but the general consensus with other Trails nonnas on this site seems to be that the Skies games are one of the rare JRPGs that provide a fulfilling experience with a female lead.

No. 365761

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Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2 if you like shoujo and don't mind having an English script open alongside them. If not Tales of Symphonia is always a safe bet.

No. 365785

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Anybody else play Slay the Princess? Bought it over the weekend. I thought it was more pure horror but it's kinda weak. It had some neat ideas but I thought it didn't explore them enough. I think it says a lot when you have to look up a guide to figure out what was going on.
Art work is pretty neat though. My favourite route was Nightmare.

No. 365786

Sorry self reply but I thought Stanley Parable did the whole loop thing better

No. 365787

The only bad thing about Sky is that the series kept on going after 3rd ended.

No. 365809

Any VR players? Walkabout Minigolf is currently working on a Wallace & Gromit themed map.
Can't wait to see how the clay animation will translate to a game that is known for the poly look. They've already done collabs for Myst and Labyrinth, and both maps are a joy to play.

No. 365817

You speak the truth.

No. 365858

Is that fun if you aren't into/good at golf? I got a Quest 3 w AirLink and I'm kinda running out of stuff to do with it.

No. 365868

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I'd say so. Personally, I don't find real golf entertaining at all but have over 100 hours in walkabout. The game is designed in a way that allows you to pick it up relatively quickly. It's not too flashy, but the maps will keep you entertained. Some have gimmicks, but most of them are simple but charming minigolf maps.
Although I will say, it's more fun with friends/in a lobby. Playing solo and improving can be fun, but sharing strats and witnessing cool shots is what keeps me coming back. There's also the feature of everyone being able to play the DLC maps, as long as 1 person in the lobby has it. So if you ever pick it up and want to play with someone, feel free to ask here and I'll set up a lobby if I catch the post in time.

No. 365966

Not yet, but was interested in it. The price seems kind of steep for <10 hrs game time. I'm assuming you thought it wasn't worth the current price?

No. 365980

Anyone buy Princess Peach showtime yet? I prefer to ask nonnies about video games instead of trusting reviews because I don't trust review sites and their capitalist excess.

No. 366003

souls-like games are like herpes in the game industry

No. 366009

It is the absolute worst trend. I wanted to pick up Lies of P because the trailers looked so beautiful, but when I heard it was also a souls-like game with no difficult setting, I didn't even bother. They are literally alienating a lot of people because 'MUH DARK SOULS. GET GOOD' bullshit mentality. Just add a fucking difficult setting. You dont have to play on easy if you don't want to. I usually play most games on normal/standard, but there's nothing wrong with anyone who plays on easy mode.

No. 366021

It's so annoying cause I don't have the time to "git gud." I just wanna be able to pick up a game anytime. I usually lose my skill/knowledge of the game over the period of time I can't play so I've kinda stopped playing games on higher difficulties unless I know I have the time to beat it. And same, I also wanted to play Lies of P when I saw the teasers and screenshots, but when I heard it was like dark souls, my interest immediately fizzled out.

No. 366048

Honestly if there's a 'git gud' game that I really wanna try I just use cheat engines nowadays. Like it's a single player game so who's gonna know.

No. 366186

But I like souls games and don't think they're hard at all. But I also don't give a shit about Lies of Piss. I'd rather play Bloodborne for the nth time than waste time on some bootleg version of it.

No. 366220

Yeah that's the point, we don't need a hundred shitty dark souls clones

No. 366491

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I'm pretty late but I am finally playing god of war on ps4 (came with the ps4 when I bought it) and I am absolutely loving it. My mom played the old ps2 gow games but I was never interested cus the protag is a violent bald buff man and I have no interest in greek and norse mythology so I couldn't see the appeal but I like he's got a kid in this one, so now we started playing it together (mostly me but she is there helping me to solve the puzzles and explore cus I miss so much stuff lol) and it's so fun. I love that kid, even when he goes "wish mom was here" when I am taking too long solving a puzzle. Thank God he dropped the "I am a God" bullshit, it was driving me crazy… and I realized I suck in a fight when I am all alone or he does whatever he wants, all my great combos and finishing moves happen after he goes zapping the enemies, so alone the fight lasts three times longer and I almost die trying to remember how to do certain moves, most of the time I have no idea what I just did and how kek. The story is quite easy to understand (for someone that knows nothing about gow) and a bit predictable though that is not really negative, I like it when I can go "I knew it" just by taking the details of the story. Since I am invested in the story now I might give the old games a try some day, but I'll definitely play the sequel once I finish this.

No. 366563

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How do I counter that fucker, seriously? Yes I'm paying very close attention to sound cues, I check the cams when I hear them and I find nothing. I still end up having him randomly killing me when I leave my computer. This coupled with perma death is driving me insane. Did anyone here beat normal mode? Just how??

No. 366567

It's known to be the hardest WTG for a reason, best thing to do is look up guides and pray, it's really unforgiving, until not that long ago only one dude had completed the hardest mode.

No. 366571

There are a lot people who want to play souls like games, but feel blocked out because of how the fandom is with their obnoxious 'get gud' mentality. Not everyone wants to play on a harder difficulty if they want to casually go through a game. Also, good for you? Some people have a hard time adjusting to souls like games. At this point, it's not even an accomplishment to beat one since there are like 11 games just like it now.

No. 366572

I want to play Lies of P, but I suck at souls games. Let me like what I like.

No. 366590

But get gud is literally how you play souls likes, if you can't do it, you can't, you have to get good. I see more people whining about how it's not fair that a game genre that revolves around being hard and needing practice isn't easier for them, like asking for platformers to have less jumping because you have shit depth perception and can't gauge jump distance.
Basically since Elden Ring came out and yknow what, Elden Ring proved that get gud worked. When people had the chance of missing out on this fantastic game because of a skill issue, they practiced and got good. Sorry if this is an overreaction I'm just so tired of the please everything needs to be casual for me please, like play hades or something.

No. 366594

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the thing about fromsoft games is that they make the games fair. save for a few notoriously dumb bosses, hidetaka miyazaki did not make his games with the sole purpose of fostering an elitist group of nerds to shout "git gud" at each other. his design philosophy is that a game should be challenging not to prove how good someone is at it so they can brag, but to make the player feel accomplished for overcoming extreme difficulties. in that, he succeeds wonderfully. it's not his fault losers spew the "git gud" thing. games that try to copy the "soulslike" formula never get it right, though. they aren't concerned with balancing difficulty and respite, but instead, they ARE made for those elitist losers who have to cling to video game accomplishments to feel good about their lack of other achievements. miyazaki cares a lot about player experience. he wants people to have fun. soulslike wannabes just want to boast a "hard" game for people to chatter about.

No. 366638

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I'm playing Dragon's Dogma 2 slowly, i'm still at the start but i think that i will end up changing my Arisen into a guy, i always struggle in games where you have to create your character and almost always replay them as the opposite gender but i wanted to isekai myself even if i'm apparently too short for that world.
I played the original offline so i'm experiencing that online Pawn stuff for the first time and i don't love seeing the same kind of skimpy and make-up filled Pawns around, i think that i will turn my Pawn into a guy too because there are also a lot of child-like ones like mine (sorry, i find them cute but not if i played a moid? kek).

When i was doing one of the main quests in the city gaol i was weirded out when my arisen flashed her chest scar on the old man?? lmao i know it wasn't shown but still, just odd , i hope to find a cute raider to romance, i miss how much i hated Julien and his retarded accent, so far no one took his place.

No. 366646

IDK about DG2 but I never played as a female or used female pawns when I played the first games. Some of the female-specific stuff was just uncomfortable, like ogres targeting female units aggressively.

No. 366648

I genuinely had a good time with Dark souls 1, 2 and Bloodborne. I think that Elden Ring has a harder learning curb and I felt that when i first got through the beginning of the game. It forces you to play more aggressive, and I'm not super into that. Some of the bosses can be punishing, where I really just want to play a game casually. I hate what the souls fandom has become. Similar to >>366590
and their reddit-like views.
I think the first few games are actually a masterpiece, and it felt good to get through, but I couldnt finish Elden Ring, and I'm okay with that. Now when it comes to the shitty souls clone games, I hate them the most because they really don't know how to balance the system.

No. 366693

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>Ogres only go after females
Tbf the elder orgres in BBI reverse that by only targeting males
But yeah DD1 definitely had a lot of weird vaguely sexist shit in regards to women. Like all the major female characters seem like weeb waifu stereotypes.
Mercedes the proud dark skinned warrior woman tomboy who gets humbled.
Madeline is slutty big boobed con-woman and you constantly bail her out of trouble.
The princess literally looks and acts like a child and the scene where her old man husband (twice her size ofc) strangled her on the bed is akin to rape scene. And you have to save her like a damsel.
Selene is the classic "she only looks 14, she's actually 200 years old you guys" combined with mystical goth girl stereotypes. And surprise surprise you save her.
Quina is the sweet girl next door who is so pure she literally becomes a nun which I always thought was stupid. Ironically the most proactive female character in the game after the nunnification.
Ophis the bandit queen is wearing a skirt with a boob armor corset. Compare that to male bandit leader with his cool armor and helmet.
The prostitutes in the city seemed to be programmed with the presumption that you're playing as a male arisen with a female pawn and ask you why you're playing with a doll instead of them.
And lets not forget the 'sill lingerie' that can only be worn by female characters.

No. 366844

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that's so gay

No. 366888

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this new specimen is from dragons dogma 2 but apparently both sexes can wear which is a step up at least

No. 366899

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Just git gud

No. 366901

You're right nonnie. Not only that but a ton of bosses in fromsoft games are perfectly cheeseable in hilarious ways and if you really find something too hard you'll find a way around it to make it easy.

I guess you didn't manage to watch the second half of the video but this is memeing on DS2 mostly. DS2 is known for having horrible hitboxes and slower combat with shorter iframes but in this video it's shown as the game with better hitboxes while ds1 and ds3 are shown as the ones with shitty hitboxes.

No. 366911

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Yes I did get the joke in the video kek. But let's be real, ds1 has a lot of hitbox issues. It can be quite frustrating
Actually funnily enough I had the most fun with DS2's bosses and hated 3's the most. DS1 is in the middle somewhere but overall thought the enemy and level design was the best. DS2 is supposedly better in the original form but only played scholar of the first sin (though I'm glad for story reasons), nearly gave up in the forest area because the ganks were just stupid but glad I didn't cause I had the most fun with it. I stopped taking it too seriously and stayed for the plot and an altered good time. I had a cheat engine turn off the petrification so I used every summon which was a lot of fun and gave some sweet story moments. They mostly ended up hilariously eating shit at the start of every boss fight so I'd be stuck with a boss with much higher health but I don't remember any bosses feeling unfair or miserable. Aside from the swamp area where I needed a guide, the middle of the game felt long but satisfying to go through. I also cheated about halfway through to double wield the blue flame which was fun as shit and looked pretty cool.
Also got to fight side by side with my waifu so weirdly enough despite knowing ds1 is the better game, I think I'm probably coming back to ds2 first and have more love for it overall in regards to story and characters I really cared for.

No. 366915

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Does any nonna here know what happens in the Estelle/Joshua cameo on Cold Steel?? I'm deathly curious about it but I would never touch that dumpsterfire.
I remember being so disappointed after trying out the first Cold Steel game because the millitary academy setting was actually genuinely so interesting to me and I was expecting Alisa to at least be a secondary protagonist similar to Joshua but… Yeah anyway thanks God that FE Three Houses made a cool millitary academy game.

No. 366919

This kind of rules tbh, I wish I could wear something like this irl

No. 366969

I'm in the middle of the 5th chapter in Bravely Default anf redoing the boss fights against the asterisk holders is getting annoying anf repetitive. Only the dialogs changes a little compared to before and for some battles I'm only getting job points and no exp. Should I skip them in the next chapters or would I get more plot relevant cutscenes if I do these boss fights over and over again? I'll probably just get the last jobs and skip everything until the last boss fight.

No. 366994

I've 100% Pizza Tower, now I feel sad.
It's been SO LONG since I played a game of this kind.

No. 367001

Ironic because as much as Cold Steel was a dumpster fire, I still like it more than 3 Houses because the existing world building made it more compelling than the mess of Fodlan. Like, even if her design was retarded, Alisa grappling with her family's turmoil amidst their involvement in Erebonia's militarization was more interesting than, say, Edelgard's vendetta founded on stubborness and incomplete information. And both characters got watered down with waifu pandering anyways. I think both FE and Trails are similar cases of series losing their substance as they chase profitable trends in modern day (or rather, FE got elevated beyond something it ever was? It never really had the writing chops for serious war stories, the appeal beyond gameplay has always been on the ensemble cast with the player filling in the blanks.)
Estelle and Joshua were alright. As returning characters, I liked them better in the Crossbell arc but it was good to see Joshua get some of the closure you'd expect from an Erebonia arc.

No. 367014

No, I completely agree that FE never had that good of a writing, specially compared to Kiseki but if I'm going to play a semi-harem game I'd rather play something like FE where I can choose the gender of my self insert, romance whoever I want and also play matchmaker. Alisa is cool, I actually like her design, my main problem was that I didn't like Rean and the side cast - and the things I've seen/heard about the later Cold Steel games seems very wanky of his character.
That said, I did dislike the Black Eagles routes due to Edelgard's nonsensical reasoning.
>Estelle and Joshua were alright. As returning characters, I liked them better in the Crossbell arc but it was good to see Joshua get some of the closure you'd expect from an Erebonia arc.
Aw, maybe I'll look up some walkthrough of it on youtube to sate my curiosity

No. 367018

Reasonable opinions, that's totally fair. FE's structure works well for Fire Emblem, especially when the things you listed are what you go to it for. I honestly ended up liking Rean more than expected (more than Lloyd at least) but the sheer length of the Cold Steel arc and Persona-esque social link system were my biggest complaints… Like, I come to Trails for the lore and these games are crazy long. And they seriously thought it was a good idea to lock important details behind optional missables? Trails needs to be itself instead of stealing elements of FE and Persona that don't really work for it.
I'm looking forward to Kuro no Kiseki and hoping it's something of a return to form.
And yeah, I'd recommend that! No need to suffer through this longass arc for scraps.

No. 367020

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This would be logistically difficult, especially with Falcom's limited resources, but if they split the game up a little like they did in Skies SC with the choice between Schera and Agate as your companion to allow players to choose between playing as a male or female character in some capacity, I'd be so happy.

No. 367022

This is honestly what I appreciated the most from dark souls. Also, i was a hollow half the time, or covered by a big hat.

No. 367137

Ok I just finished god of war and it was amazing. Will be playing it again till I can get ragnarok. I hope freya doesn't come to fight me cus I don't want to have to kill her. She's nuts like her retarded son but that would be bullshit.

No. 367274

Late reply but overall I liked it. I think it's because games are so cheap right now. If this was 2015 I would've loved it. The developer is adding a free update with 40k lines of dialogue so maybe then I'll be cool with it's price.

No. 367276

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I'll give it to Dark Souls 2 for the one fanservice outfit they had in the game men wore the exact same thing.
Also gutted Lucatiel of Mirrah never got a ref in future games.

No. 367329

Beat Control, and good thing the version they gave with PS+ included the DLC cause damn that was anticlimactic.
Wonder if I should play the Alan Wake remaster I also got on PS+ first before finishing the connected DLC quest.
Also, didn't know Remedy was a Finnish company this whole time. Maybe I'll try out Max Payne eventually.

No. 367340

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elden ring also let you thot it up as a guy so that was nice

No. 367370

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i enjoyed wearing this slutty silly set while i did my stupid poison trolling in pvp

No. 367382

Seconding this question because I tried the demo and I really disliked the Cooking Mama Peach part so if there's a Lot like it I would avoid but the game is so cute its tempting

No. 367385


No. 367772

For some reason the only game that made me want to improve and get better was Sekiro. Something about it just made me want to try more than DS1 which made me swear off the rest of Fromsoft games.
I wish the story was a bit longer

No. 368468

what game is this

No. 368473

>miyazaki cares a lot about player experience. he wants people to have fun
>puts poison swamps in all of his games
kek joking aside i agree

No. 368560

is helldivers 2 good or is it just more FOTM shit

No. 368561

scrutinized. it's cheaply made but pretty tense

No. 368572

Poison swaps also the gulag level in ds2 . Ugh not to mention the shrine of Amana can die in a fire.

No. 368581

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ngl, i look back on those areas with fondness (blighttown at least because it's pretty easy to get through on subsequent pts but feels like the hardest thing ever at the time), and i was kind of sad that "the poison swamp" in elden ring wasn't that difficult

No. 368626

what upcoming games are you waiting for? i am dying to play this.
the cringe RTS purist from the sexism in videogames is probably seething over it

No. 368638

Why would anyone be seething over this?

No. 368658

I'm not that anon from that thread but as someone who's also into strategy games, this looks like cheap mobile-tier weeb trash with zero depth to it but I hope you have fun with it nonetheless. For me it's Kaiserpunk. It's city building + grand strategy in one.

No. 368659

Nona no offense but this looks like a cheap mobile game from the app store

No. 368689

>Looks like ass
>Happy Touhou allows whatever fan stuff
>Not sure what you mean by sexism here? Does RTS have a sexism problem or Touhou?

No. 368690

I liked it when playing with friends. With randos it gets pretty toxic. Either have a mic or predict whatever the current meta is perfectly.

No. 368713

It's pretty fun

No. 368726

fotm for normies

No. 368801

It's a fangame anons, it's not going to be on the same level as something made by a big company. I think the idea is really cute.

No. 368815

everyone post your three games from recent activity on Steam

No. 368825

Bought a new computer but don't really have money for new games so just Destiny and Warframe like always. At least they load way faster on PC compared to PS4.
And now that I can play Destiny without needing PS+ I should try to play all the games I've redeemed before my current subscription runs out.

No. 368905

for me it's currently balatro, slay the spire and vampire survivors (I have a gambling addiction)

No. 369018

Destiny 2 (I don't know why I keep coming back tbh)
The Hex
Lethal Company

No. 369026

Dolphin (playing phantasy star online), sims 3, and two point hospital. Although that last one is the only game from steam lol.

No. 369027

>phantasy star online
Isn't this an MMO? How does that work? I always wanted to play it as a kid on the Gamecube but mom said the adapter was too expensive and I'd hog the crappy dial-up internet

No. 369035

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Cheating and just including my current games
>Dave the Diver
>Mini Metro/Mini Motorways (for the daily challenges)
Also binging the Nancy Drew series with my sister. Picrel is the one we just finished. 10/10 one of my first emo husbandos is in it and you get to play segments as Bess. One of the most satisfying ones to finish, great atmosphere, cool characters, good amount of puzzles that are organically integrated into the game, and very fun. You may want to use UHS for some hints on some of the endgame puzzles though kek.

No. 369047

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Episode I and II can be played singleplayer completely offline. Although I do think dolphin has ways of going online but I haven't looked into it.

No. 369052

Don't Starve
Princess Maker 2

No. 369054

Sweet! Thanks nona, I'm gonna look into that now

No. 369061

Guys the only thing I play are JRPGs how do I fix this brain damage

No. 369063

Play CRPGs instead (different kind of brain damage).

No. 369066

I recently downloaded i think maybe all Nancy Drew games kek. Can't decide which i should play first.
NTA I have been playing only cRPG for several years. I hope Nancy Drew will fix my brain damage.

No. 369082

3DS gang rise-up

No. 369083

stardew valley
elden ring
civ 5

No. 369091

It's too late for you… (fellow JRPG separatist)

No. 369105

Today I was reminded that Life is Strange existed, and also how much I hated Chloe. It's the reason I never played Before the Storm because it's just about Chloe and her not-gf that I also didn't like or care for. I don't know if other nonnies here played it and how they felt about her, because I've wondered before if I'm the weird one for disliking her since people talk about how she's actually the best friend ever and if you don't you just don't understand good character writing.
Playing matchmaker was always one of my favorite things in recent FE titles. I still need to play engage but I heard it only gets good later on. But I'm also craving a game again where romancing is secondary to the main game, it always makes me feel more attached to characters compared to otomege.
Is it worth the price getting princess maker 2? The price isn't that high but I'm still unsure on getting it.

No. 369112

Not on steam but Dragon's Dogma 2, Sims 3(pirated because EA is gay) and Project Diva Future Tone.

No. 369114

I’m playing through the ace attorney series while waiting for the elden ring expansion and manor lords.

No. 369115

how long until nintendo takes this down I wonder

No. 369116

I feel the same after I played it in person with a friend, we both thought Chloe was an unlikeable character. Saw E;R's video about it all those years ago and agreed with it and I don't like whatever wave of newer fans would damn me for that or overcorrectively say Chloe is the best just because the most vocal criticism comes from scrotes with edgy humor. It IS a mediocre "game", the attempt to write teens by adult Frenchmen was hilarious as well as creepy, it's like diet David Cage.

No. 369119

>Life is Strange
I played it for the first time last year and didn't finish (got up to episode 3 or 4) because I got busy and I was playing with borrowed time so I'll probably never finish it unless I buy it. But I also didn't like Chloe. I found her annoying and wish the game had ended where you save her dad and she ends up paralyzed. Otherwise, I really liked Kate and Nathan Prescott and remember wishing they had more scenes. I also remember looking into the tumblr community for life is strange and found out that there was apparently supposed to be more than 5 episodes and I really hope that those episodes were meant to flesh out other characters that weren't just Chloe.

>Princess Maker 2

You can try the dos version online for free if you want.

No. 369125

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Ishin!
Lost Judgment

(to be fair, they were last opened in Feb 2024, Nov 2023 and Sep 2023 respectively, I don't game much but when I game I game)

No. 369183

Can nonas recommend any good racing games similar to the Forza Horizon series? Open world style racing games?

No. 369189

Justice Sucks, Planet Zoo, Rune Factory 4S thought technically I added On The Run from miniclip as a non-steam game too which would replace RF4

No. 369211

Agreed, I think the game had some heart put into it but I would hardly call it the pinnacle of writing (even outside of Chloe) because the game has some massive plotholes/things that don't make sense in general. And like you said, the awful dialogue writing.
I have bad news for you, the entire game builds up to you having to decide between saving the town or letting Chloe live. Never made an easier choice in my life. I forgot her name but the evil short haired bully girl does get a little bit of grace in the last or second to last episode. The rest is just working towards the ending at that point really.
Also thanks, will be trying it for free!

No. 369217

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Engage is fun, I'd say the quality is pretty consistent throughoit the game; it's either for you or it's not. I enjoyed it as it honed in on the fun of a diversely lovable cast without being overambitious with the story, and the maps felt much better than 3H (although that's not a high bar) to me. Give it a whirl!

No. 369238

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Here are some of my faves:
Danger on Deception Island: A conspiracy involving an orca and a small town on an island with a dark history. Includes one of the best crazy lady characters, good puzzles that aren't too hard, and a really fantastically woven mystery that weaves a few storylines together that you don't know how it all fits until the very end. I come back to it a lot because I love the story so much. A really good flow to solving it too, not much back and forth.
Treasure in a Royal Tower: The best crazy lady Hotchkis is here who also comes back in later games as a phone character occasionally, Marie Antoinette related mystery in a cool castle. An early game but still holds up imo. Like a lot of games, where it ends isn't where it starts so honestly don't remember the premise but it's a story set on humanizing Marie Antoinette on top of the mystery. A few of the games have done this where they take a controversial woman from history and add depth to her. Picrel is based on a grump in the game and the hilariousness of the goodbye lines after pissing people off.
Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon: You're invited on a train by Paris Hilton to try and solve the mystery of it. The owner had a secret mine and one day the train was found abandoned without him and only a dead conductor on board. Your mission is to figure out the location of the mine and what happened before the others who were invited solve it do (including the first instance of the Hardy Boys as characters beyond just guys you can call on the phone). Between deception island for my favourite. The puzzles are quite unique and while the location is interesting (mostly taking place on a train), it's more about the characters and the puzzle chains that are all well done. The plot is more straight forwards but it's cute and wholesome, it's also got a hilarious Paris Hilton stand-in whom I adore. Cause it's a parody written by women it doesn't feel hateful and if anything, she's actually quite smart.
The Final Scene: your friend is kidnapped and being held in an old theatre that's set to get demolished in 3 days, on the last day after a certain point there is actually a demolishion countdown and if you don't complete the game within the time period you and her are in the building when it demolishes (they made a game over sequence where you see the ball flying into the building in front of you before cutting to black supposedly, people claim it only happens if the timer goes off if you're in a particular room). I don't remember the puzzles too much, I think it's less about the puzzles and more finding clues but it's a game that sticks with me for the characters and the cool end sequence. Plus it keeps you on your toes the whole game and teaches you about Houdini cause the theatre is supposed to have been one of his favourites with lots of hidden passages. I might play it again soon I think.
Honourary mentions: Shadow at Water's Edge (set in a Ryokan outside of Tokyo, spooky), Warnings at Waverly Academy (set in an all-girls' school), Alibi in Ashes (play after a few games, set in River Heights and Nancy is the suspect), Danger by Design (France + catacomb exploring), Ghost of Thorton Hall (really great dark mystery imo, kinda spooky too with cool effects).
Honestly if you pick any of the games you're in for a fun time, there are maybe 1-2 duds across the whole series and there's still something to like about them. Ransom of the 7 Ships and Creature on Kapu cave are the ones I'm thinking of but are worth trying after you've done some others. They just don't have a great mystery cause I think both got rushed for some reason. Ransom literally only has one suspect and Kapu Cave has to explain the ending in the end sequence kek.

As for solving them, UHS (Universal Hint Sytem) is your friend. https://www.uhs-hints.com/ It gives you progressively detailed hints for solving the puzzles but also the answer if you're stuck so much better following a walkthrough imo, especially since you might do things in a different order from the walkthrough you are following. You feel more satisfaction at least trying the puzzles using help. The later games sort of integrated this into the checklist, for jr detective difficulty you can click a "hint" button under your objectives. But all games let you call Bess and George and/or Ned and/or the Hardy Boys for hints too so if you're stumped try them. If you have any questions or anything let me know! I've played these games so much cause I found the series back in 06 and been a massive fan ever since

No. 369245

I'm pretty much lost hope on DA4, but I'm somehow still hopeful for the next Mass Effect coming out. Bless Bioware fan women and their hours and hours of very in depth trailer analyses.

No. 369363

I'll probably never forgive Bioware for the trash ending of ME3 but who knows how much turnover in writers etc. has happened since then. Apparently the main writer of Nu Deus Ex is at Bioware now. If they could write a new love interest as cool as Adam my opinion might change though lol.

No. 369413

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NTA but this is a very solid list. Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon was always my favorite, both because of the setting and having the Hardy Boys show up as actual characters. The shopkeeper in the prospector suit terrified me as a kid, though.
I second everything the other anon wrote, and I think Message in a Haunted Mansion is another must-play. It has a sort of classic haunted house vibe with some mildly spooky stuff that is probably not nearly as terrifying as I found it at the age of 6. The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake is also a good one, if only because of the 'isolated in the woods' setting. The NPCs are weaker in this one, but it has probably my 2nd favorite setting and atmosphere of the whole series. The Secret of Shadow Ranch is also fun, and I really liked finding the petroglyphs and getting to ride horses.

No. 369445

I'm obsessed with teamfight tactics.

No. 369461

Ghost Dogs at Moon Lake scared me the first time I played it cause I was so scared of dogs haha. I refused to go out at night cause I was scared the dogs would attack again. It really got the atmosphere down for sure. And Shadow Ranch really is top tier for the horses yeah. I can't believe I forgot about it, especially the love story that gets revealed which was beyond adorable.
Message in a Haunted Mansion might be actually one of the most subtly scary ones cause it pulled a lots of little tricks to make you think you're seeing things if you pay attention, every few locations you go the game will run an animation somewhere on the screen to move something. I think it's mostly moving things at the corner of the screen so it's less obvious. Once I saw a pillow move slightly to the left and I thought I was going insane until later noticed a mirror also move and realized the game had been doing this the whole time

No. 369465

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NTA but also want to add Blackmoor Manor to the list, scared the shit out of me as a kid

No. 369476

I was SUCH a scaredy-cat as a kid, so the subtle animations in Message in a Haunted Mansion messed me up. I used to play the Nancy Drew games with an older family member, and this family member was used to me getting freaked out by the smallest stuff. During that game, I kept INSISTING there were crazy things going on in the background, like the engraving of a swan on a table leg moving for a split second, and my family member wouldn't believe me kek. I remember very distinctly someone whispering 'I see you' in the big entry hall, but the person I was playing with had poor hearing, and thought I was being paranoid because only I could hear it! I felt like I was going insane the entire time, which made me even more scared.
That's another good one! I still get that "Brigitte with her eyes so bright" song stuck in my head. Blackmoor Manor had some legitimate jumpscares, especially with that Ethel lady.

No. 369478

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The frog dream was so creepy and the various other random events are cool, every time I play I feel I get new sequences. Unfortunately I had to stop recently cause I managed to soft-lock the game somehow haha. I'm gonna leave the game running so I can hopefully trigger an event to happen I need new food but the game isn't giving it to me. I think it's expecting me to do something to advance time instead of just sleeping but I'm out of things to do now lol.
Also Loulou is the best. I love feeding her treats, she'd gain so much weight if I was actually at the manor for a week.

No. 369484

but doesn't mass effects future hinge on the success of DA4? It better be performing well.

but I agree with you, female bioware fan analyst are the best

No. 369485

Oh yeah I bet my ass if DA4 doesn't perform Bioware studios just get killed off. Which is scary because that game is directed by a tranny, so the game will have so much troon pandering. I think the large audiences have already started to get tired of it, and I'm not sure a game like that will perform well.

No. 369490

Double posting, this video just popped on my recommended. She talks about the future of ME and Bioware, interesting stuff. I haven't kept up with development, but apparently there's a ME TV series coming out?? And the release date for the next game is rumored to be around 2029, if it ever happens.

No. 369494

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No. 369495

I'm not ready for the stupid discourse that will, as always, inevitably emerge when the next Persona drops…

No. 369513

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No. 369554

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i don't think i'll ever manage to play through ds3 as a man without wearing this set at least once

No. 369561

Paranorma Sight
Danganronpa 3…
Needy Streamer overload

Oh God, I swear I'm not ManlyBadassHero

No. 369598

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Thank you for the recs, anons, i wrote it all down. Think i'll start with the Last Train and few spooky ones. Also i really like how these games look.

No. 369603

You guys can play online with Ephinea. I think you just need to make an account, download it, and you're able to play Episodes I and II. Super super fun.

No. 369622

Card Quest
RE4 2005

This post made me reflect on my steam account and now I'm second guessing all my life choices.

No. 369650

Seems like that's a private server for pc? I knew the game was on pc but I didn't think people were still keeping it alive. Someone is hosting a GC server for dolphin so there's that as well. Either way hope nonny has fun with whatever she chooses, I guess I'll just stick to my offline GC version kek.

No. 369659

I hate Chloe and I hate that drug dealer that they try to make you feel for because he likes puppies how the fuck old is he anyway? He's so gross I hate him.

No. 369698

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we're gonna see five million games like this aren't we

No. 369731

I doubt, "youtuber" games have been a thing for like a decade now and this "group of people fuck around" lethal company micro genre doesn't have nearly enough steam to produce five million more rip offs like FNAF did.

No. 369763

Thing about FNAF is those games are easy as fuck to rip-off considering they're low-budget point-and-click games. Hell, Scott pumped out sequels within months of each other.

No. 369797

>Needy Streamer overload
This was so weird I still don't know what to make of it. Art style was super neat though.

No. 369814

NTA but I liked it for the denpa elements, stat raising, and the sheer number and diversity of endings. I also liked how many references it had to other VNs. I thought it got a little too fake-deep and preachy at parts, which prevented me from loving it, but it was a fun experience. I also wasn't wild about the twist near the end, as it felt cliche. I do understand your thinking it was strange, but most of the weirdness was well-executed.
>Needy Streamer overload
Internet Overdose, Rainbow Girl, and the religion ending were easily my favorites, but they apparently added more endings since I finished it, so maybe I should download it again to check them out.
>Danganronpa 3
I never know how to feel about Danganronpa; it's so varied in terms of quality, and I usually spend as much time frustrated by the writing as I do actually enjoying it. This was my favorite entry in the series, but I can see why a lot of people were angry about it.
>Paranorma Sight
Just started this one on Switch, myself. It seems interesting so far, and I really like it aesthetically. I don't have high expectations because someone told me the ending was poor, but I hope it'll be good until then.

No. 369815

Just finished Paranorma sight, really solid VN, enjoyed the story, mystery was well written enough that I guessed some stuff (with logic through clues) but was also surprised by some things. The ending well yeah, the build up is definitely better than the ending on its own but with how the story goes and what the eventual motive for the goodies is, it couldn't really be spectacular.

No. 369816

>Needy Streamer overload
It'll be interesting to see how the anime adapts it. It's got a ton of buzz with steamers, and the song and has two ongoing manga adaptions. It has to happen. I liked that the best ending was you just did nothing and she realised internet fame was toxic af and left

No. 369865

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Has anyone played Minami Lane? It seems like a cozy/chill simple game but i wonder for how long i would play it since i prefer other kind of games

No. 369985

1. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
2. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
3. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

No. 370023

QRD? I remember hearing about this in college ages ago.

No. 370024

Very based.

No. 370145

What a shit taste, literally the worst troika games' crpg. And thats not event taking into account the fact that it's an incel studio and vtmb also reeks with incelism towards its female characters.

No. 370150

I mean, is there another vampire game with similar gameplay? Cause right now VtMB is the only game I know of that offers vampire role-playing in an interesting setting that isn't a visual novel.

No. 370198

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absolutely based nona, agreed

No. 370567

Started playing Alan Wake remaster before I finish the Control AWE DLC. and ugh, this is why I don't really like horror games, old games with jank controls and limited ammo. Then you can't switch difficulty on the fly so I had to start a new game, but then there are collectables you can only get in the hardest mode.

No. 370616

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don't know what you're trying to get at

No. 371064

The Resident Evil games are so damn boring

No. 371068

bizarre take tbh

No. 371070

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I can't stand this moid, he's been out of the Dragon Age franchise for almost a decade and he still feels the need to inject himself in every conversation about it as if he'd been the sole writer.
My tinfoil is that he's butthurt because none of his later projects got anywhere and so he spends his free time "covertly" shit talking DA.

No. 371079

Which ones? They've been varying in quality and style ever since the beginning, but they are so different to each other I find it hard to clump them all together.

No. 371084

Resident Evil is schloky 80s style action horror. Silent Hill 1-4 is where the real spooks are.

No. 371086

RE4 remake is what prompted my post, not sure if thats a notoriously bad one in the community or not

No. 371249

Old REfags hate it (or at least the original game) because it was the point when the franchise shifted from survival to action horror, plus there's a lot of QTEs.

No. 371606

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I know we got some fighting game stacys around here. Which would be an accessible title for complete newbie? I'd love some tips and advice on avoiding bad habits

No. 371612

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its always good to find a character that calls to you and pick up the game, but if you really want a nice way to ease into the genre you should pick up a more recent/popular release that will have a larger player base such as sf6, GGST, t8 or mk1 since there will be players at your level you can play against and work your way up through the ranks (dont be afraid of ranked!). granblue and sf6 have modern controls that will help with some of the harder inputs, but a lot of these new releases have lots of tools for beginners. there are often guides on youtube you can watch (starting with just bread & butter tutorials can be a game changer) and teching in the practice room will help a lot. good luck, anon!

No. 371613

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Anyone else hyped for this? Not preordering it but, I'm just burnt out from TCM and DDB. I really just want a single player game from these horror franchises but, if the asym curse must live on through each of the withered corpses it creates then so be it… But, I really hope this game is just a slightly less buggy F13 experience pre all the weird balances "patches" nerfs that game went through.

No. 371629

I am excited because the movie is very creative, but i seriously doubt they will bother recreating all the funny creative deaths.

No. 371682

So beat Control AWE and was it insinuating that Alan Wake orchestrated the whole plot of the game as a long con way to escape the Dark Place? that's sorta funny in a meta way, but I also feel like it undermines Jessie's story.
Also sorta lame because Control was a much more interesting game than Alan Wake Remastered which was a pretty generic survival horror.

No. 371821

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Finally playing gow ragnarok and it's funny how Heimdall is so bad at fighting once you're done with his precog bullshit, almost makes Atreus look like some fearsome warrior with his stick, he fights like a teenager kek. Really, I died more to some light elf at Alfheim, Heimdall's only real attack are that bifrost crap, not even when he does that slow shit, like, dude, I am God of Evasion. Anyway, that was really fun, fought him again because I like his quips despite everything. Also he is so ugly.

No. 371853

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It usually looks better than this, I simply picked a bad time to scroll up in this thread.

Personally I think Tekken is the easiest to pick up, as each button corresponds to a certain limb and the directional attacks aren't too hard. It's also more clear in terms of translating attacks, as I find 2D games too fast-paced and 'random'. Tekken 8 worked overtime on creating the best tutorial and features for learning as well.
But overall what the other anon said is right, just find a charater you really love and try picking them up. Fighting game players are the biggest husbando/waifufags there are.
Also tips would depend on the game, but generally the main thing that made me get better was learning how to block and punish by studying the opponent moves.

No. 372012

Is Deathsmiles any good? I was thinking of getting it cause the style's really good but it seems kind of noncey (And far too expensive for what it is).

No. 372034

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Admittedly I'm quite bad at spotting problematic themes, but the only noncey thing I can remember was one of the victory images where they are having a bath. It's honestly not too bad, you can google it.
But the music, map designs and gameplay are extremely enjoyable. I keep getting filtered by the later stages so I still haven't finished it without dying, but it's satisfying to see the improvement and I don't think it's a drag to start it from the beginning due to how nice the game is.
I got it in a bundle and wouldn't recommend it at the price it's at right now, especially with how unnatural the port feels at times (my main gripe is with the menu). You can always torrent it to try it out and see if it's something you want on your account.
There's also a giant cow boss.

No. 372102

You don't understand how much I want to beat him and hear him whimper

No. 372124

>vtmb also reeks with incelism towards its female characters.
Fuck. What's wrong with it? I was just about to play it.

No. 372162

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She is probably talking about the sexualized female characters. It's an awesome game regardless, even more interesting when you play as a woman and manipulate male characters. I don't remember having a single quest that felt boring. Do it, you won't regret it. Just make sure to install the unofficial patch.

No. 372340

Deathsmiles is one of my favorite shmups bc i love the aesthetic and the directional shooting gimmic, I didn't notice any egregious nonceyness other than the tagline having the word "loli" but I just force myself to believe they're referring to EGL fashion. I'm more sensitive than average to this kinda stuff but theres nothing in the gameplay itself that bothers me.
That said I've only played it untranslated in an arcade so I could be missing creepy vibes in the story and I can't speak on the port quality/pricing.

No. 372624

Companies stop releasing games with unfinished endings and patching stuff in later challenge!
Damn didn't realize this happened with Alan Wake II as well.
Just watched a stream archive may or may not actually play it after the DLC's come out.
Might try out Quantum Break too even though it's apparently sorta mid.

No. 372763

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I bought Hypnospace Outlaw a while ago but I didn't finish it until yesterday and I absolutely adored the whole experience, the 90's Internet aesthetic with the humour and writing were so good! I recommend it a lot if you want a chill and funny game. Do you nonas know more games that parody the Internet like this? I know the guy is making a sequel game but who knows when that'll be done.

No. 373006

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In my opinion, I think a Street Fighter game is a good game for learning the basics, since they're slower-paced and more focused on your neutral game. They tend to have larger communities too, I started with SF3 myself (because I'm a poorfag lmao), but I think SF6 is good for learning from what I know of it. But honestly, I'm in agreement with both of the nonas that replied to you, pick a game that looks cool, and pick a character that also looks cool. One of the things I was told as a beginner was to not pick a character that I like, but a "character that's easy", and all it did was burnt me out.
For avoiding bad habits, it depends on what game you want to learn, but I think you should learn fundamentals first, like trying to keep cool and not let nerves let you mess up. If you notice a move is being blocked by your opponent constantly, you might want to use a different move for instance. Also, I agree on knowing the basic bnbs of your character is important, but you should also have a basic idea of what your character is supposed to be doing. Is he rushdown? a zoner? etc, it helps you at least feel less confused while you play.

The fighting game glossary is a very good resource, and the wikis for several games are as well. Sirlin's "playing to win" is also a good read. Most importantly though, have fun with the game you pick up, and good luck.

No. 373069

Google Heather (nuff said), jeanette and velvet velour (not bad as actual characters but the design is bleugh). Also as a m(oid)c you can have a one night stand with super hot women (and get pretty much your own fuckdoll with heather), meanwhile female mcs' only hookup option is an ugly ass ghoul who sexually harasses her.

No. 373120

Can anyone rec me good nintendo ds games? I like story driven games

No. 373178

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Any particular genre? If not:
-The Ace Attorney series are sort of point-and-click adventure games mixed with a visual novel. There are three total, and they're mostly just fun mysteries with an incredibly likable cast of characters.
-Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is an escape-the-room and visual novel hybrid about nine people who are kidnapped, trapped on a replica of the Titanic, and forced to play something called the 'Nonary Game.' If they don't find a way out in the next nine hours, they'll die. It's an interesting mystery that brings up a lot of pseudoscientific concepts and has some genuinely brilliant plot twists. There is one particular plot element that is kind of dependent on playing the DS version as opposed to the PC version.
-Magical Starsign is an obscure, quirky turn-based RPG about kids at a magic school set in space. The characters go on adventures around space, and everyone is named after food. The plot seems silly, but it gets weirdly dark near the end. It kind of reminds me of Earthbound, if you've ever played that. It's one of my most favorite RPGs, but it may not be for you. You can play as a girl, though!
-The Professor Layton titles are puzzle games where an archaeology professor and his apprentice go and solve mysteries. The solutions to these mysteries are often incredibly dumb (and often as crazy as the initial mystery you were trying to find a rational explanation for), but the characters are very lovable.
-Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is also a puzzle game made by the people who did Ace Attorney. It's about an amnesiac ghost who gains supernatural powers after his death. He's trying to figure out how he died before the night ends. The characters and humor are great, and it has some of the best foreshadowing I've seen in a mystery game.
-Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure is an RPG that was ported from PlayStation. It's a cute story about a girl with the power to talk to puppets. The protagonist is in love with a prince, and has to save him, which sounds very cliche now that I'm writing it out, but the writing is genuinely funny at parts. There are also whole musical sequences like a real musical with vocal tracks and everything.
-Theresia is a point-and-click adventure game with some horror thrown into the mix. Your protagonist wakes up in an unfamiliar place, and slowly, must uncover both their past while surviving a bunch of horrific hazards and traps. It's a really unique title for the DS, in my opinion.

No. 373261

Hotel Dusk: Room 215.
I started playing it on an emulator back then and sadly never finished it, but I loved the art, the music and the story was super intriguing.

No. 373341

>Magical Starsign
I played this and I wrote a note on my gamefaqs that apparently the ending is terrible, but I don't remember a single thing about it.
Don't really remember much about Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, or Ghost Trick either.

No. 373346

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Man, hotel dusk is great I totally recommend it too.
There is also a sequel to hotel dusk that is fun too (last window: the secret of cape west) I played both on an emulator, the art is really nice, the music too and the dialogues get so funny sometimes.

No. 373392

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Kek the ending wasn't necessarily bad, but I can understand being disappointed. If you'd like a reminder about the ending, you eventually find the teacher for whom you've been searching. Unfortunately, it's too late to save her and she ends up dying anyways. Of course, there's world-saving stuff, so it's not all pointless, but still a bit disappointing if you've been really focused on saving the teacher. I can see how that could be a bit of a downer, but for some reason, this game has had me in a chokehold for the past 15 years. I found it really vibrant and colorful, and I've always been attracted to cute/kiddy games with some dark undercurrent (but it has to hit that sweet spot where it's not too edgy or tryhard). The planets were very creative, and I loved the idea of a magic school in space. It's nostalgic for me, and I still have the cartridge from when I was a kid. I'm shocked anyone on this site has heard of this game, much less played it, though.
>Don't really remember much about Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, or Ghost Trick either.
I'd still recommend all of these if you really remember almost nothing. 999 in particular is such an amazing experience if you don't know what to expect. The later games in the series are… questionable. I really disliked VLR, but the third game is unintentionally hilarious (the creator went for a more 'cinematic' approach as opposed to a VN format, but the 3D models looked bad at the time they released. There were also numerous absurd writing choices that were very hard to take seriously).

No. 373400

God the ending of that game is such a punch in the gut I love it so much.

No. 373437

>shocked anyone on this site has heard of this game
yeah, before I got my PS4 I played a bunch of pirated PSP and DS games that just absolutely didn't stick with me at all for some reason.

Avalon Code and Okamiden.
Games I played but completely forgot about, Infinite Space and Contact.
Flower Sun and Rain, is trippy and I do remember I had to look up a guide for most of the puzzles.

No. 373486

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New kuro no kiseki 3 info. Falcoom once again proves they’re incapable of making attractive male characters. Wish they could stop being insecure and dress their men sexy again

No. 373491

I've never played any of those games and probably never will, but he's not ugly. Just a generic JRPG dude.

No. 373572

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Someone here enjoy retro arcade games fron 70s to 90s?

No. 373584

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I don't think Van is ugly but I wish "I'm so old haha" would stop being his schtick when he's only 25 kek
I think it's just a preference thing, I actually think the characters have gotten more traditionally ikemen over time but I personally prefer the Skies designs. Cold Steel was the worst for me and Kuro is the best since Skies. Picrel was cute but I hate his personality

No. 373587

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Unrelated, picrel has to be my favorite iteration of the "redhead with a heavy weapon" so far. The Orlandos were not to my tastes… Shirley was genuinely the worst from both personality to design. Cold Steel was a mistake.

No. 373590

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I haven't actually played kuro and dropped the series altogether on cs1 because they really ramped up the coomshit and it made me uncomfortable (it was hard enough to finish azure kek but i persevered for picrel) but that honestly sounds based in an age where female characters in universe and by real people are constantly mocked for dare being over the age of 30, so that sounds funny.

>I actually think the characters have gotten more traditionally ikemen over time but I personally prefer the Skies designs

Agreed, sky also has my husbando so naturally i have a soft spot for it kek but yeah enami really does know how to design an attractive male. The one grandpa gralsritter repulses me though, make him a cute bishounen.

>The Orlandos were not to my tastes… Shirley was genuinely the worst from both personality to design. Cold Steel was a mistake.

I really loved randy when he wasn't acting like a revolting scrote like in the azure intermission (idc when he's just flirty or whatever obviously) and he's one of my fav trails characters altogether. I fucking hate shirley and i sincerely hope falcom kills that annoying retard off. No depth for that otaku pandering waste of a character beyond "haha i'm a loli brocon that assaults women!". Sigmund was mid too. Also celis has a great design and she's voiced by ai fairouz so i can't say much on her character but she is very cute

No. 373635

That has got to be the most uninspired mc I've seen in a while.

No. 373640

>honestly sounds based in an age where female characters in universe and by real people are constantly mocked for dare being over the age of 30, so that sounds funny
Eh, it would be if other characters were calling him old but it's more like him acting like he's so fucking old which is retarded when kiseki has always had older guys running around
>I really loved Randy when he wasn't acting like a revolting scrote like in the azure intermission
Kek, my feelings exactly on Randy, I liked that I could """"romance"""" him in a bromance way with Lloyd to make the Crossbell arc a little more bearable. Honestly he wasn't the annoying scrote shit in that game for me, the way every woman had the hots for Lloyd for no reason was what pissed me off. He wasn't even cute, if he was Wazy I'd get it but really? Lloyd??? I digress though, my original point was more that I actually liked Agate's stupid 2000s ass design more than Shirley or Agate's. It has a certain charm to it.
>Also celis has a great design and she's voiced by ai fairouz
You totally get it on this point, that's a source of bias for me too, kek.
I had to drop CS after the 2nd game because I just couldn't deal with it anymore (I think the high point for me was stuff like Laura and Fie's interpersonal conflict or Alisa's opening up to Rean, but the haremshit got in the way of me taking anything seriously), but I'm going to pick up the English release of Daybreak when it drops this year. At least in terms of how mechanics integrate with narrative, it seems like they've made some improvement. And it also seems like they've scaled back the haremshit from CS levels to Zero levels… So fingers crossed.
Feel like pure shit just want Skies back. Kiseki should have gone the Atelier route and stuck to female protags so that female fans could have at least adhered to a pretense of the games being somewhat for us.

No. 373649

Is anyone excited for Slay The Spire 2?

No. 373651

I would play hearthstone but the pay2win really turns me off it, though it looks fun

No. 373736

I just want you guys to know that I'm currently playing Danganronpa with my sister

No. 373781

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Kathy Rain, a point and click crime themed adventure pixel video game published in 2016. The game is set in the 90s and has a really fucking interesting plot. The character designs are also fascinating. I love it, if you're into these type of games I suggest you nonnas try it out!

No. 373784

I played CSGO (now CS 2, seems like after OW went OW 2 lots of games are copying this shtick… eg Smite with Smite 2) some years ago and it was meh. Try Counter Strike 1.6 and TF2, in my opinion they're much better (especially TF2)

No. 373785

Absolutely, I'm curious about the new class. I wonder if we'll unlock the previous ones later in the game.

No. 373787

Nta but Hearthstone was good in the beginning, but since the year pavel won with the rng book card I felt the new decks relied more and more into rng and that turned me away for the game. I also hate having to buy cards, I mostly played the draft mode.

No. 373788

I wonder what Todd Howard has to say about these Skyrim mods

No. 373793

ayrt, I understand the reluctance because of the pay2win shit, but imo it's really fun to use your brain to create logical methods to beat your opponent with lots of interesting cards that have different attributes and such. I just love strategy games in general. C&C is also a series I enjoy a lot, you can try C&C Red Alert 2 if you like strategy games

No. 373795

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how does this picture make you feel

No. 373800

So happy to hear someone else in thread liked it! I thought the character writing was really really sweet, especially all the old folks and the sci fi/fantasy nerds

No. 373834

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I can't get over how bad this looks. The original creator didn't even know this shit show was being made. Who the fuck thought turning clock tower into some generic anime was a good idea.

No. 373924

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The writing definitely surprised me, I'd say it's one of the best written games I've played in a while. I can definitely tell that a lot of characters were based on Internet stereotypes and even if some are exaggerated, nothing feels made fun of and they feel like actual real users on the web. I love too that they change depending on your actions, their posts will be different and they'll change their website.
The ending is definitely one of the best I've seen, very impactful. I can't wait for Dreamsettler! Hypnospace Outlaw was more inspired by Windows 98 era Internet but Dreamsettler looks more Windows XP. I grew up with that one so I hope the nostalgia hits me hard.

No. 373936

It's not like they're changing meat of the actual game, but yeah. Beyond stupid. Wayforward seems to be incapable of making anything that isn't the most cookie cutter mix of anime/cartoon.

Also, not contacting original creators seems to be usually the norm in the industry. Even if they're still active and actively searching for work.

No. 374104

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Didn't know they added new wolf variants. I literally gasped when I saw a woods wolf lol

No. 374341

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I started playing Darksiders 3 after a few years and holy fuck I forgot how much I loved this queen since I played it for the first time. If it weren't for the capped 30fps this game would be perfect

No. 374862

who up serving the omnissiah

No. 374908

holy shit I need to install Minecraft again

No. 374957

Fighting an urge to install Stardew Valley and spend hours downloading and installing mods only to end up not playing it.

No. 375209

going to see the composer of the last of us soundtrack perform this weekend i'm so excited holy shit!!!!!!! video game soundtracks have always been beloved by me and gustavo santaolalla has moved me with his music in a way like no other, i feel so lucky to be seeing him perform after over a decade of loving tlou soundtrack. i'm gonna replay the games in preparation.

No. 375213

I did this recently but 1.6 update broke all my mods and it's been a pain to track down which ones are compatible and update them all

No. 375334

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Why are Nintendo like this

No. 375338

Nintendo is so shitty but their IP's and consoles are so good, basically guaranteed switch 2 will be a great success but seriously such a shitty company.

No. 375408

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I never bought or wishlisted a porn game on steam so why did it recommend one based on AC6 in my wishlist, I'll never know.

No. 375503

Steam is so awful for porn, I don't want to filter NSFW because then it gets rid of horror and all that so I just whitelist "hentai" and "porn" but it still gets through, I wish all genuine porn games had something (like a tag) that you could whitelist without it whitelisting games that might just be violent.
Also if you ever ask how to filter out porn on steam spaces all the dudes get offended.

No. 375524

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I don't know if this was a universal thing but even if Rikku's costume was questionable to say the least she was always the most liked between my female friends, i admit that i liked her a lot too but i always liked Yuna more.
I just think that it's odd how some kids would see her and their first thought was "i want to play as her" kek, maybe it's the bright colors and her lively look.

No. 375525

I liked her because yellow is my favorite color.

No. 375533

Rikku shaped my taste in women. I love her so much and she'll always be my video game crush. Not just her design but her personality and energy

No. 375742

cause there's robots in it I guess? sorry anon. steam is such a dumpster fire.

No. 375774

Haven't played this game but when I was younger it didn't really register to me as a questionable outfit (removed from context). It has a bit of a beachy island girl vibe which makes it look cute/cool and fun despite how revealing it is. It reminds me of gyaru magazines from the time.

No. 375801

anyone else hates ironic/meme tags? It's not funny and it just fucks up the algorithm

No. 375808

When you are a kid, you barely register sexy designs, because you are… well, a kid, and you don't think about sex or the implications of sexualization. Your body is not sexual, so you don't identify (?) with what you see on screen. Kinda like how a young woman won't be able to relate to an aging woman, menopause, etc.
Like, I'm currently playing a MMORPG I loved when I was 12 and I'm baffled at how I can see my character's panties any chance I get.

No. 375820

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Her design in FFX was not so bad anon

No. 375836

She dressed kinda like yuffie here

No. 375875

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No. 375881

My husband got to play the beta of Skate 4 and spoiler the characters are genderless blobs and you can choose boob or dick size

No. 375885

I'll definitely start filtering if this becomes a frequent occurrence.
True but there are so many other games with robots that they could have suggested instead like haiku the robot or even cyberpunk. I don't even play visual novels. It's the first jarring steam recommendation I got and because of AC6 no less.
Yeah and I also dislike ironic/meme reviews. Occasionally it's fine but I do like to read reviews both positive and negative before making a purchase and having to scroll a long way down to find a non memeish one sucks. This depends on the game of course but so many people seem to be baiting for awards with very little playtime.

No. 376132


No. 376152

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My favorite was Lulu, no one ever mentions her. I loved her crazy belt dress

No. 376157

This is why I won't listen to Nomura slander. Lulu is a fashion icon.

No. 376161

She did seem a bit out of place in Besaid. Everyone else there was dressed like temperate fishing village people. She should have joined a bit later. Maybe in Luca or Beville. Those fluffs don't look suited to sun life.

No. 376175

It's fine, it just shows she's especially dedicated to looking like a bad bitch.

No. 376203

Yeah but i didn't develop basic conversation skills to make friends at that time yet so my friends got introduced to FFX2 Rikku instead, i still prefer the FFX2 design even if it's silly.
Rikku was actually planned to have Yuffie's "role" in Kingdom Hearts but they replaced her because the name similarity would have been too confusing for that chapter apparently.
Kek, i've always liked Lulu too, she's cool.

No. 376296

Why do people hate on Nomura?

No. 376316

Probably Kingdom Hearts. As time went on his emo anime style got more pounced and didn't work well with the Disney characters.
Also zippers, everywhere

No. 376330

Nowadays almost everything I see about him is either people accusing him of ruining games he didn't even work on (like FF16), accusing him of badly doing something for a game he didn't even do (like the story in FF13 or the amount of DLCs in FF15) or blaming him for making Cloud or Squall look "gay" or whatever (now less than before though tbh). Also, belts. Which reminds me of how his designs for Xenoblade 2 were very well received because they looked cool, meanwhile the one edgy male character from that game with a long coat, a big sword and like twenty belts at least wasn't designed by him.

No. 376353

Probably because of his latest design work being subpar (especially in Kingdom Hearts), his weird obsession with belts, zippers and spiky hair, his wacky ass writing in KH, or his tendency to keep games he's working on in a 10 year developmemt hell.

No. 376355

He mainly gets hate for his pointlessly convoluted writing, not his design work.
People also blame him for the stupid time travel/parallel universe bullshit in the FF7 Remake, but that might have been Nojima's fault, not Nomura's.

No. 376356

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Any nona has mil-sim/shooter recommendations? I'm not into those games like Apex or Overwatch that have cartoony themes mixed in (or sci-fi in this case), i want something more realistic but other than Call Of Duty that i've abandoned i don't really know what to try, i'm not knit in that genre yet and i'd prefer something modern, to be honest maybe online only too.
Don't like aircrafts/warships/tanks so i doubt i'd be into anything like that, i don't know what to look for when i check these games and i don't want to waste money either.

No. 376376

If you want super realistic I'd say Escape from Tarkov. I didn't find it very fun though probably because I don't like multiplayer games.
If you have VR I played Into the Radius and you actually have to oil your guns and shave off rust. It's a single player horror thing so I liked that more.

No. 376377

Seconding escape from Tarkov, perhaps Tom Clancy Ghost recon

No. 376449

There is a super realistic milsim where getting winged once will put you down, it’s called Project Reality, it’s a free mod. Be warned it’s very frustrating.

No. 376454

I personally think his designs are shitty but ymmv of course.

No. 376470

Is Yakuza better played on PC or should I buy it for my PS4? I'm starting out with 0 like some anons suggested

No. 376474

Red Orchestra and Rising Storm series.

No. 376475

It should be fine either way, I think. PC ports are pretty good. Console versions obviously work well.
One boon PC ports have is that you can install restoration patches to restore some licensed music that was cut in international releases. Sometimes it goes as far as restoring old models for actors that were replaced too, but it's a matter of taste.
As far as the controls go, personally I've never used a console growing up, so whenever any game recommended controller to me, I could barely operate it. So KBM worked very well for me with a few rebinds.

I hope you enjoy your Yakuza journey! It's pretty popular nowadays to skip to the latest entry, but personally I think it hits so much sweeter when you have the context of previous games. 0 isn't exactly the ideal starting point for that too tbh, but it's pretty self-contained and it's an excellent game that shows off the strengths of the series.

Don't worry about the difficulty too much btw, it's not a very difficult series even if the first boss of 0 might make you feel that way. I'm bad at action games and I beat all games in the series by spamming the generic punch combo. And after the early game, at some point you have so much money you can afford to have bunch of healing items in your inventory trivializing essentially any boss fight.

No. 376495

Thank you so so much nonnies, they sound good and i'll give them better look later, i've heard about Escape From Tarkov but i had no idea that it was a game on it's own and not on Steam? Kinda odd, but no problem.
The VR one sounds nice but i can't play VR myself, maybe i'll just check it out though! I really appreciate the help.

No. 376498

What game are you nonnies enjoying these days

No. 376500

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i'm pretty sick atm and i've been really enjoying power wash simulator. it's exactly what it says on the tin, you just do missions where you wash stuff with a pressure washer. it's really relaxing.

No. 376514

I started elden ring this year but then paused to play gow… I should go back to elden ring now I finished gow18 and ragnarok but yesterday I just restarted ragnarok to complete some stuff I was unable to in my first play. Like the born from fire quest, it is bugged for me, I have a draugr hole that doesn't spawn anything despite the characters acting like there are enemies around. Probably caused by an early fight I had with a hateful draugr in that same hole where I died as soon as I delivered the killing blow kek. There is probably a patch to fix this but I have no wifi rn so I have to experience all the weird bugs, and there are so many of them you wouldn't believe. So anyway, thats my excuse to restart the game, not cus I miss the boy nor anything..

Oh I am also enjoying resident evil 0, though I mostly help my mom to solve the puzzles, she loves that game. Never played that game before, my first RE was 5 (unless you consider that old ass ps1 re: survivor). It's kinda funny to see they just recycled that old stuff and threw in 5 and 6.

No. 376527

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No. 376528

I had fun for about 50 hours. I’m impressed with the review bombing, Sony would be smart to retract all this. Anyway, Deep Rock Galactic on top!

No. 376531

If you think you would like tarkov but dont like multiplayer you should check out the mod single player tarkov. It's a single player version of the game with ai pmcs. Pretty much the only way to experience the full game if you dont no life it.

No. 376546

I'm playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time. After an initial playtest, I decided to play with mods and thank god I chose the cut content restoration mod that retranslates the game because I was having a hard time grasping what was going on.

No. 376562

Original or the ugly remaster

No. 376568

It's the PC version of the Original so I guess it's the remaster? Is the PC-port of Final Fantasy VII that ugly compared to the PSX version?

No. 376588

I mean is it the cute blocky characters or the sexy big breasted Tifa type coomy remaster sorry

No. 376589

Oh, yeah it’s the blocky characters kek. I’m at the honey bee inn part.

No. 376603

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Nta I liked getting cloud in that tub with a bunch of men kek. That game was awesome. How do you like it so far?

No. 376613

I retardedly backtracked into the section right before wall market with monsters and ended up dying so I’m back at Aerith’s house. Outside of that little hiccup, I’m enjoying the game so far. Took me a bit to get used to the battle system though. Had to change the ATB settings to “Wait.”

No. 376678

I was looking this up to see if it's worth getting and the plot is the most bananas thing I've ever seen. I was surprised it even had a plot

No. 376679

I'd say they'll pretty much have to. PSN only works in 70 countries meanwhile Steam is pretty much everywhere except like North Korea or Iran. A tonne of people are going to lose access

No. 376689

I am also playing FFVII on and off and I don't want to spoil anything but I'm currently grinding my level by looking for Yuffie

No. 376713

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No. 376714

I sometimes like to think about this game from the viewpoint of some kid who’s never heard of evangelion before playing it

No. 376716

Samefag, for anyone playing with the Shinra Archaeology Cut Mod, the best dress is clean and shiny. I don't know why it was changed, but I guess it's more accurate to the original Japanese.

No. 376717

Has anyone tried Megaton Musashi: WIRED? Is it fun?

No. 376736

Lol that's cool

No. 376746

Hell Let Loose is great if you're looking for something realistic that requires communication and designated roles. Uses historically accurate maps of real fight locations. Expect to die a lot at start though. It has tanks, but there's designated roles for both using and destroying them.
Insurgency: Sandstorm is also quite fun. But the community tends to play less strategic.
There's obviously the good old reliable CSGO as well.

No. 376752

Thank you a lot nona, i don't mind games that are a bit hard on beginners don't worry! And yeah i mostly meant that i'm not interested in those games that are battleship only and such, your titles sound interesting and i'm super grateful.
CS:GO is okay but it gets too repetitive for me and it's full of retarded slavic moids

No. 376753

You are so right about CS:GO. I played it like 3 times and in one game I got called kurwa, suka blat and putain. Nothing like getting called a whore in three languages to make me want to stick around.

No. 376767

I get you nona, sorry you had monkeys like that kek but yeah they're too common and loud. Personally i don't care about what those moids can say to me, i just don't find it entertaining to hear either silly moids ramble in languages i don't understand, i said slavic but there also a lot of arab and turkish ones for some reason. English is not my main language either but i just want to be able to communicate but tbh with CS:GO i think that the retardation comes from the fact that it's a free popular game accessible to the most retarded moid.
I also don't like how popular games like those are plagued with cheaters so for a simple game like that it just makes it very boring to me after some time.

No. 376773

Honestly I've been playing games online enough that I'm used to it at this point. I was just surprised at the multilingual-ness of it.

No. 376964

the plot mostly consists of text messages you get while on the job, you don't actually interact with people. but yeah it gets pretty bonkers, in a cute way tho
imo it's a great game for when you just need to turn off your brain and do something relaxing

No. 376990

I've played few hours on the weekend and it's super fun, lots of customizations for rogues, story is a homage to '70-'80s super robot shows so if you like your getter and mazingers you're probably gonna enjoy it. The only thing I kinda dislike is paid content (esp. navigators, I've only have two atm and one is sexy onee-san and other look like uwu moe girl). Also deluxe edition is not worth it. I'm playing on switch and it's running nice but I'm a not a fps-autist.

No. 377011

Ok that's good to hear nonny, I was also thinking of getting it on the switch since its more convenient for me

No. 377058

Rune Factory 4S, sometimes Lovely Planet Remix

No. 377315

Nonas has this game Tales of the Shire yet been discussed? It’s a Hobbit cozy game that’s gonna launch this year. Lots of ppl have been anticipating it but since they posted the trailer they got a lot of criticism for the graphics. What do you think? In my opinion it really looks more like a mobile game and could be more detailed/lovely for a Hobbit game! I will see the price and decide if I get it for the switch

No. 377325

Replaying Fallout1, been playing FFXII on DS which I have owned for a while but not played much of

No. 377356

Yet another "wholesome and cozy" game but I'm curious too

No. 377357

Too late but I think you meant blacklist

No. 377397

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Yeah I really hope they work more on the graphics. The Shire is just maximum cozy fantasy place so this could be a great game. Who wouldn't love to live in a hobbit hole?

No. 377438

How's Unicorn Overlord? I might buy it soon on the Switch but I want your opinions as well. No spoilers please!

No. 377454

Hope it's ok to ask here, looking for cozy game recs if anyone's got them but I'm a bit picky:
>no troonshit
>NOT a farming game, I do not enjoy farming. Minimal farming on the side is ok though
>I don't want to play as an existing character unless I can customize them (must be able to play as "myself")
>not set in one single place (like "run this cafe" and you never get to set a single step outside of the cafe)

No. 377458

Can real life sim game nonas explain what you like about them? I mean you're off work and spend it on pretending to do real work? Do you like doing the thing irl too, like in the example wash cars? Or is it just a game thing?

No. 377520

ayrt and i like the power wash sim bc you get the satisfaction of fucking around with a power washer without the physical exertion. it's a pretty braindead kind of fun. can't speak for other sims i don't rly play them

No. 377654

Any example of games you enjoyed? Sounds like you’re looking for sandbox/survival craft or open world RPG type game. Mixed bag of genres and audiences below but I consider them cozy, mainly survival craft gameplay but minimal to no farming and have mods too:
Pal World
Wobbly Life
Disney Dreamlight Valley
MMOs like WoW or FFXIV can also be a cozy experience

No. 377676

"troonshit"? Can you explain?

No. 377761

I'm guessing trans characters or like the sims where you can have a guy with boobs whos able to impregnante others and give birth all at once

No. 377776

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I'm like 10 minutes in and already crying kek

No. 377783

Me with rdr2. Can't wait to watch Arthur die slowly right in front of me.

No. 377810

Doesn't Bg3 have troon stuff in it though?

No. 377818

By their definition, yes

No. 377819

I mean how sensitive are they, it's entirely optional. The only thing is the dude in Act 3 who is totally avoidable I didn't even see him and I did all of Shadowhearts stuff.

No. 377821

3 playthroughs and I genuinely have no memory of troon shit, you can make troon toons and be they/them though.

No. 377825

ps4s up to firmware 11 can be jailbroken now, just in case you missed the 9 version a few years ago or accidentally upgraded

i finally get to play mirage kek

No. 377832

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Picrel is really fun, you should pick it up if you’re interested in something like hollow knight but just the puzzles

No. 377876

I just bought it. I'm loving the atmosphere. Jumping can be a bit wonky but maybe it's because I'm playing with a keyboard.
The game is crazy small, only 33mb.

No. 377879

Probably not without sharting out a paragraph about Starfield pronouns.

No. 377927

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little kitty big city just released. looks cute but apparently it's mainly a collectathon and I'm not big on those. Anyone played it yet?

No. 377941

i was anticipating this games release for a while and i'm kind of disappointed by the sneak-peeks i saw. please update us nona if you decide to play

No. 377966

Jumping feels pretty good for me on playstation so must be a keyboard thing

No. 377985

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I can't stop playing My Summer Car even though I suck at it lmao. Currently drinking while driving my tractor through the Finnish countryside.

No. 377989

just finished the ostrich area and this game is truly something special.

No. 378004

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I feel like people are just going to consider this a glorified personality test (which it sort of is) but I really like the aesthetic and it seems interesting. I hope the writing is actually witty.

No. 378070

The designs are a little pornsick on some characters but the animations are gorgeous. There are a ton of classes and a lot of different squad formations. I like it a lot better than the recent fire emblem games.

No. 378156

The trailer/first look has some of the ending personality types and they're just so .. bland?? Way too bland to be an entire ending, like "collector" hmm I wonder how you get that.
Unless I'm misunderstanding and you get multiple that morphs into one giant personality result.

No. 379715

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Anyone else been having fun with Hades 2? I adore Melinoe, she's so cute and fun. Never played the original since it was spoilered to death for me also, scrote protagonist but I'm really enjoying the second game so far. Death to Chronos.

No. 379880

Zagreus is sexy though

No. 380005

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Apparently it still has several bugs, I remember experiencing some during the demo but it seems they haven't fixed them all. Also it's only about 2-3 hours of content for 25 dollars(22 right now on sale) which seems kinda expensive imo. If you want the mischievous kitty experience I recommend trying picrel, it's on itch.io and is free.

No. 380175

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Nonas, was Life Makeover already discussed? I thought to talk about it in the mobage thread but it's on steam too and when it was shown to me at first i thought that it was just a decent dress up game, never played Nikki games but maybe it's similar.
It even has a 3d world and various things but i find it hilarious how males don't exist except for being 2d husbandos and the female characters look either adult or child-like, so far the worlds i've seen look thriving with nature even if they're urban. Utopia.

No. 380292

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I actually came here to post picrel lmao. I'm fucking foaming at the mouth, the characters in these games are so hot. It's not a major spoiler, just a cutscene you get if you offer salt to Moros. I didn't realize his horns were just a hat, so I was surprised when he was shown without them lmao. I think it's funny that in both games, the two romance-able options consist of a shy dude associated with death and a tough girl who is angry all the time. Like if I had a nickel for every time it happened, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. I slightly prefer one of them, but I'll romance both just so I can see all of the dialogue.

Anyway, the game is really fun. As good as the original, but with some fun new mechanics to mix things up. Strongly recommend. Sorry for editing and reposting this three times, farmhands. Please be patient, I'm retarded.

No. 380295

keep saying it

No. 380402

Armoured Core 6 looks fun, I might get it

No. 380885

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No. 380888

Are you feeling better now

No. 380893

No. 380904

Yeah, that's why I just watch LP's for games like that. I self insert too much.

No. 380974

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Oh Arthur…
Seriously there needs to be a mod or something where he gets his head out his ass and just goes off and bes with Mary and has a nice life

No. 380976

I will never stop loving you Arthur no matter what farmers say

No. 381086

I'm having a blast with it, I finally made it to the 3rd stage boss but died poor Cerberus, I hope we get to free him. Haven't been able to pick it up again since but I'm itching to jump back in. The gameplay is addictive as ever, been loving the axe and daggers in my attempts despite Melinoe being a witch kek. Liking the two romance characters as well, Moros is so cute and I'm super interested in furthering the storyline between Melinoe and Nemesis. It'll be hard to choose who to go for.

No. 381098

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Venting on behalf of my mom kek, but I downloaded Fallout 4 for her after she watched the show and she's been playing it a ton since. She's mostly been wandering around and trying to learn the controls since she's never really played a video game like this before so she got 20 hours logged pretty quick. She then started asking me about this one quest that wouldn't clear (When Freedom Calls - all hostiles are gone but it still says there are some) and Preston wouldn't talk to her character either so I looked into it and they've been known bugs for YEARS and Bethesda still hasn't fixed them. There are fixes out there that people found, but I put it on my steam deck for her and the game crashes any time I try to pull up the keyboard to enter console commands which apparently is also a thing in Skyrim which was apparently done to get the games verified to be playable on the deck. The only ways people have found to get around them is buying a bluetooth keyboard to type the commands in with. How ridiculous, how does a game by a big developer have bugs right near the beginning of the game that either require you to completely restart or buy a keyboard to get around them? I feel bad, she ended up just starting fresh so she could beat the quest. Hopefully there aren't any other retarded issues she runs into later on

No. 381129

Bethesda is a mess at getting games in a working state. Dumb question but have you checked nexus mods? If it's common issue there's probably a mod for it. I can't get New Vegas to start without a bunch of shit.
Cool for your mom to try get into games. I can barely get my folks to use Netflix.

No. 381155

Not a fan of Mary tbh. I don't hate her like many people do, I know a woman's options in 1900 were very limited and they had basically no freedom, but she would just show up, ask Arthur for help, then disappear again. I don't think she ever truly wanted to be with Arthur for real which is not her fault, he's a dirty outlaw.

No. 381160

After the theatre date she asks Arthur to run away with her and he turns her down because he needs to fulfil his obligations to the gang. Mary was ready to leave, Arthur wasn't.

No. 381189

Oh, man. I feel for your mum, nona. The EXACT same bug got me last time I played Fallout 4 and as I was on PS4 it meant I had to abandon my save file. I put a lot of hours into that save: autistically designing my character, building in Sanctuary a little bit, scavenging the surrounding areas. I'm not one for gamer rage but I felt like throwing the fucking game out the window after that kek. Even Skyrim never hit me with a game breaking bug. Absolutely shocking Bethesda gets away with building "AAA" games held together with duct tape and bubblegum.

No. 381242

I'm lucky I never got any bugs with my FO4 run. But with New Vegas I swear I waited months for them to patch the bug that wouldn't let you deal with the BOS peacefully on 360.
Mostly clean with Starfield, but the quest on the clone planet bugged out for me.

No. 381297

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i remember buying fo4 for my ps4 back when it came out because my computer at the time was unable to run it. i really didn't want to, because i don't trust bethesda games on a system when i can't use console commands, and what do you fucking know i had a gamebreaking bug where i had to reset from an hours-old save. sorry your mom went through that.

No. 381312

That video is hilarious, kek

No. 381317

Thanks, I didnt remember that!

No. 381333

Yeah, that's the tragedy of Arthur. He put loyalty to the gang over everything and he was exploited af. Even if he ended up with Mary I don't think it would've worked out. He's still really messed up from his girlfriend and son getting murdered and he's, by his own admission, very quick to solve things with violence. It's not a great combo for settling down.

No. 381337

I can fix him

No. 381350

He wouldn't be Arthur if he wasn't broken.

No. 381395

I will cure him and his TB with my pussy

No. 381399

I don't think that's how it works nona

No. 381537

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I find it hard to admit that i liked some of the Princess Maker games, even if they're a bit too retro for me.
I just completely hate all that weird incest/sexualization and sex worker???life implications. I will sound stupid but i do want kids and i found it so charming to have a game where you grow your daughter and have her talk to you, when i could finally got called "mom" in the 5 i felt so happy kek, too bad that this one was a bit too slow for me. I know i shouldn't have trusted in general but it just made me happy, i wish there were decent games that are similar to that but i'll try Volcano Princess and hope for the best. I like the fantasy/kingdom themes too so at least i can't complain.
When i played The Sims games i would always try to have a nice family but it really can't compare to have the kids look at you and talk to you.

No. 381986

Do farmers dislike him?

No. 382034

Arthurfag here again, I would pay real money for a DLC where he doesn't die.

No. 382039

No. 382067

it's not really like that, it's just that someone went unhinged on the male psyop thread once, also the post got shared on /r9k/ and attracted lots of annoying moids

No. 382095

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No. 382249

Does anyone have any JRPG 3ds recs? I loved Rune Factory 4 but didn't really like Fire Emblem's combat system. I'd prefer games with husbandos or at least a few cute male characters

No. 382434

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Troons are sprawling in minecraft.

I feel the same way. I wish there were more daughter raising sims made for women instead. Have you heard of volcano princess, anon?

No. 382587

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We talked about it a bit in the mobage thread here >>364486. I still play it regularly but like you I have no idea where to post about it because it's both a mobile and PC game kek

No. 382596

Tell me one game that isn't infested with pedophiles and tr*s

No. 382599

No. 382607

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Yeah nona, i was just trying it out recently! It's actually so sweet, i love it but i'll stop playing it and buy it when i can. At some point i was just figuring out the game better without paying too much attention to the story and receiving this letter made me giggle also yeah i called her Ingrid because i think it's a cute name, thanks capcom…
Oh thank you for the direction nona! Yeah it feels a bit awkward haha, maybe if there was a dress-up game general like Nikki it would work? I don't think there's enough interest for it though, i have no idea how phones would be able to run a game like that but because of all that daily/gacha stuff i'd still consider it a mobage tbh. I'm really liking it though, it went beyond my expectations and there are some things i still don't understand but hopefully i'll get there.

No. 382657

Football is not a pedo free sport, all those older managers with younger players who start when they're kids. Plus mostly males play it so there we are. The real answer is super mario bros, they would never hurt children.

No. 382689

If you like dungeon crawlers and party building there's Etrian Odyssey, and for a more standard experience there's Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse (basically a direct sequel) and SMT strange journey (although i recommend the DS version more since it has better art and story at the cost of being harder and lacking some QoL stuff) there's also Radiant Historia but unlike SJ where it's a matter of preference, here i strongly recommend the DS version over the 3DS one since they completely butchered the story and fucked the money balance so they could sell you grinding DLCs.

No. 382734

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what about all the koopa child labor in mario party

No. 382735


No. 382761

oh my god

No. 382810

Have you guys looked into Lullaby Days? I haven't tried it myself but it's a princess maker style game but she starts as a duckling. It's been on my wishlist for a while

No. 382942

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why do i waste so much time in this

No. 382945

What the fuck oh my god I love this game. I LOVE this game and I’ve considered posting about it a million times but I’m so autistic about it in real life that I fear I’d get recognized. Nonny!! Do you play vanilla? Do you interact with ancient science? Have you slayed the bugmaster? Where do you build your outposts?? I haven’t and I have 300 hours in this game. So much stuff to do! Who recommended you this game?

No. 382952

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OH ANON. I have started playing yesterday and I spent around 10 hours so far. Someone was joking that it was the sims but for autistic people, then I got curious. Weirdly addictive. Hmm I have got some simple mods, one of them to allow me to play as a cannibal lady (Sadly only in player model.. No zombie playthrough), another to make my cute puppy able to eat downed people alive (SADLY it doesn't fill her hunger). What else do you recommend?
Hmm I'm currently exploring and scavenging to make some money. I explored the cannibal and holy nation area, now I'm heading south. Still no idea of these things you mentioned. I think one thing I'm looking forward to is getting to a hive? to see the queen maybe? I don't wanna look up things so much that I spoiler the fun. Anyway, this is my lass

No. 382953

I don't really get this game… I played for about 5 hours and it was very repetitive, just walking around, baiting enemies, either getting killed or bringing them over to the city for guards to kill, selling loot, repeat. Like what do you do with the money afterwards?

No. 382966

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she’s so badass… i think there’s mods for butchering people; cutting off arms and legs, and bonedogs eat legs and arms in vanilla to restore hunger, so that could be something to look into. i think i played vanilla for 100 hours other than the mod that lets you recruit up to 200 people. vanilla only allows for 32 i think- it’s been awhile since i opened up the game. but ahhh just thinkin about it makes me spazz out. i love the hivers. they come in multiple colors… i shouldn’t say much more. it’s hard to recommend mods that don’t spoil. i would say get a non animal companion when you can; it really helps build toughness if you separate your team, let one guy get the shit kicked out of him, and bring the other guy over when it’s safe to heal. i was going solo for a long time until BOTH MY LEGS WERE CUT OFF and i had to crawl miles and miles of desert with one character. it took forever. i’m scared to spoil - the exploration in this game is completely unmatched and my jaw dropped dozens of times watching insane new shit unfurl in front of me. i’m trying to think of some more QOL mods since the game can be pretty janky. I would subscribe to hairstyle and character customization mods if you’re interested in that. and maybe dialogue expansion mods? if you’re not worried about mixing up vanilla dialogue and mod dialogue. i also like adding furniture mods just to make my bases look nice but i recommend doing exactly what you’re doing for awhile - being a homeless guy exploring kek. i wanted to post some fanart that i think is cool but i can’t spoil anything for you in good conscience- picrel is just some random non-kenshi art that i found for my post lol. i went in completely blind and fell in love with this world slowly over time. i hope you have fun nonna! save often!

No. 382970

did you have only one guy with you? dying in this game ends the save if you only have one character. if you have two, you can heal each other after getting your shit kicked in. if you’re walking back and forth between one city and the desert, you’re explored like one fiftieth of the entire game kek. i recommend wandering in random directions with medkits and seeing who comes up to you to attack you. there’s an entire story to be discovered at your own pace and it’s just what you learn from npcs and the environment. i am totally in love with this game because you don’t need to be a sweat to progress - you can get knocked out constantly and it will only improve your stats. as for money, i basically saved up almost all of it for a long time until i wanted to build my base? you can spend it recruiting unique and generic characters for your team to expand possible dialogue options as you travel - your characters will talk to each other according to their personalities whether unique or generic. so tldr just take off in a random fucking direction kekk

No. 382972

I'll try that, thanks nona

No. 382976

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I must raise my puppy to adulthood, which is my priority. Maybe become a fearsome kill machine through the journey, get a qt hive prince follower to shine my boots (I'm currently bare-footed), etc.
I will hire someone when I raise more money, I spent all what I saved on that chainmail shirt and a helmet.
>crawl miles and miles of desert with one character
Damn.. Poor wanderer got their nipples fried slugging all the way on hot sand.
I think I will get the dialogue mod.
That art is beautiful! The world sure is an endless sand void but it's extra special when you find the little things. I'm always happy when I stumble upon some ancient broken machine(??) Can't wait to discover wtf happened in the past and the reason things are the way they are now.

No. 383041

why did this make me horny

No. 383117

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Uhhh why is this male being so dramatic, nonnas?

No. 383153

He's coping and seething at unholy buttock, he is also against haircuts and ironing his clothing, lest the wickedness of both actions deceive him into allowing the buttock to go uncriticised.

No. 383326

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nonny.. if i speak..
You might find it hard to travel in the holy nation as a female, especially when it comes to base building.

No. 383333

Project zomboid is so fucking fun. I regret not starting playing before.

No. 383441

well i bought the game to make my own army of male slaves or whatever kenshi is about i guess so thanks

No. 383892

k i have no idea what im doing, ive spent like 5 hours just mining copper and training lockpick after running around the map a little and getting scared, idk im weirdly liking it. i put my boy to work and just tab out or zone out to music

No. 383937

Got the boat in Dragon Quest 8 and keep getting my ass kicked by everything. Angelo is dog shit for a priest

No. 384036

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No. 384119

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I have started my first base in grey desert since I hate drama and taxes. Sending me hiver boys minin' copper then off to sell em at robo city to make sum Cats. The acid never bothers me anyway.
Wondering where I should make a serious, long term base after I make decent money.
Speak you 0 toughness COWARD

No. 384142

do kenshi nonas know of mods to make the males less ugly

No. 384181

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Should we make a Kenshi thread?
The closest is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896748664&searchtext=female
Adds a new bishie race. I can't find any retexture of vanilla faces at all..

No. 384185

im the newfag nona here >>383892
so yes

No. 384190


No. 384742

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Not to sound like an absolutely obsessed nerd but i genuinely love all of the other New Vegas nonnies so much and it makes me so happy to see any posts about it here
Also i find those memes about people asking why the bear has only one head hilarious because it was my exact reaction before i found out that there's nothing wrong with it.

No. 384764

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Is anybody else excited for the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remaster release coming up? PMTTYD was one of my first RPG games and I've played it through 3 or 4 times, I think it's a really fun game and I love it a lot. I was just wondering if anybody else was as excited for the re-release as I am.

No. 384845

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i love you too! maybe we should have a fallout thread now that so many people are new to the game or just feel invigorated to play them again? i for one just finished 100%ing new vegas

No. 384855

I'd be so up for it! i'll confess that i've never made a thread before but if there's enough of us i would think about it. I love New Vegas so much since i was a teen and i'm happy that it's well recognized but perhaps it should be simply fallout themed? Everytime i see a new vegas post or find someone to sperg about it i end up replaying it after a week kek.

No. 384873

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yeah, the show can also fit into it since this is media in general. i think there are enough of us here to sustain a thread? i made the fromsoft thread and was surprised it was so active, and i think there are even more fallout fans here.
i made it here: >>>/m/384872

No. 385324

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But seriously he got tricked by Riven into making a wish again? Cayde's really alive again, not just a memory figment…
Now hopefully our Guardian gets to look cool with their helmet off too.
I'm gonna miss this game.

No. 385369

Ahhhh sorry to hijack your post with your negativity, but I used to love this game so much since day one and it's so depressing for me how it ends, undoing one of the biggest emotional moments of killing fan favorite (coward move) and having Crow, whom I hate since his first appearance as one of the most important characters. I'm so envious of people who like him tho - my good friend does - since they must be enjoying this. I miss the seasons leading up to Witch Queen and Witch Queen expansion itself, it was the best time of D2. Crazy to think it's almost all over now

No. 385577

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so nonnies how we feeling with the fact that trannies won again and made another canon femboy in japan (biological female in english release original) into a tranny

why every translation need to be pozzed these days? fuck threehouse for putting their agenda into this

is is too hard to ask for to femboys to just be femboys? why is trying to discuss that is seen as a hate crime? fuck current year politics, man

No. 385578

Why the fuck is this happening in Mario

No. 385582

Is this new added content?

No. 385583

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That just means the shadow sirens (minus Vivian) are epic terfs

No. 385587

kill yourself. also he's always been a tranny in the jap version with one of the other shadow sirens pointing out how he's not female after he claimed to be.(alogging)

No. 385589

Vivian was always trans or trans-adjacent in most scripts that weren't Treehouse's original censored translation from 2004, because the west had no concept of otoko no ko and transexuality was easier to understand to euro audiences.
Both english versions are pozzed by american politics lol, it's funny in a sad way.

So idk I played the italian version all my life and to see all this ruckus over something I always knew is ridiculous. In 2004 we went "hahaha the witch is a transexual, how funny and unexpected. Cute character btw" without any political shit attached to it. Now all I see is either the most fake outrage (and I have yet to see a single Paper Mario fan present legitimate complaints over this localization choice) or the most fake YAYY VIVIAN IS TRANS REP ♥ ♥ ♥ obnoxious online activism shit.
I miss when things didn't have to be political all the time but I guess it can't be blamed in this day and age with trans shitting up everything.

No. 385591

Because the original three Paper Mario games are not like regular Mario games.
They're more satirical and especially TTYD and Super Paper Mario present both adult humor and heavy topics compared to the usual Mario fare.
TTYD has raunchy jokes that deal with the mafia, murder, suicide, gambling (complete with bunny girl boos), corruption and adultery. Vivian being trans was just another part of its whole absurd and funny edgy image.
Super Paper Mario on the other hand toned it down (even if it had the otaku chameleon) but it still dealt with heavy themes like solitude, depression, death, envy, ennui and love.

TTYD's remaster actually had the crime scene room censored, and I think they removed the hanging sentence noose in the center of the plaza too. Extremely funny to see their priorities change in 20 years.

No. 385614

I was never really attached to Cayde so I didn't think Forsaken was super emotional, especially because that was around when Fillion's new show first came out and he wouldn't/the devs couldn't get him back to voice the death lines.
And even though I didn't think much of Uldren from Vanilla D1, the Forsaken lore sorta made me fall in love with him a bit, and Crow actually lived up to my dumb imagination scenarios. I don't even mind that he does stupid shit to advance the plot sometimes because that means our character doesn't have to.
And Witch Queen, story and everything was ok I guess, but I'll always be annoyed the devs were too lazy to animate facial expressions or something so our character was forced to have their helmet on in all the scenes.

No. 385616

>all those typos
trapschizo please go back to /cm/

No. 385724

>Shadow Sirens bullying Vivian
>"YWNBAW" "Go 41%" "Only women can be witches"

No. 385726

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We just need to turn Beldam into a terf icon. She already has the vibe

No. 385731

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on one hand i don’t care. on the other i think it’s fucked that troon politics extend to nintendo and have such sway on the west. blatant revisionism is crazy

No. 385732

don’t feel like deleting and reposting but didn’t the latest fire emblem game have a lot of fake translations too? something about romances becoming friendships i think

No. 385743

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Kek I went ahead and made this for anyone who is into stickers and tagging. I'll post more on /2X/

No. 385809

Treehouse always translated following their shitty US political compass and it's not just for Fire Emblem or Paper Mario.

20 years ago they censored Vivian and completely removed the crossdressing aspect of the character to follow a political agenta, now they make Vivian trans to follow a political agenda instead.
At least the original spanish and italian translations localized Vivian into a TIM because there was no real commonly known culutural equivalent to otoko no ko that wasn't associated with perverts. As ridiculous as it sounds, trans over here were either seen as prostitutes or sad gay souls, so they opted to make Vivian a sad gay soul who wanted to be born as a woman rather than someone who dress ups as a woman just for kicks.
I don't fully agree with the choice but I understand it.

Another example? 15 or so years ago, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn had Kiza who was a shitty trans okama character. What did Treehouse do? Completely censor him and turn him into even more of a nobody. Nowdays they made him a themlet nonbinary… lmao.
I fucking hate Treehouse and their bullshit. NoE's translators always had more decency than them and they always brought in localizations with none or very few censorship. As much as people want to shit on Xenoblade's english versions, at least they don't delete or outright change the weebiest shit, they just tone it down and keep the gist of it.

No. 385815

It's all just profit driven. Each branch is going to make choices based on what's most profitable within the mainstream. I wouldn't necessarily call it an agenda. If things swung back around to anti-troon sentiment being the majority in the US, Nintendo would once again go conservative to the extent of contradicting original work.

No. 385838

Didn't Xenoblade 3 turn an actual girl into a they/them because her english VA was a tranny?

No. 385859

Which character is that?

No. 385860

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I checked and it seems like she is actually nonbinary in Japan and is referred to as "X-Gender" in the Japanese version. She looks like a little boy in her concept art, but the in game screenshots look like a flat chested girl

No. 385872

She's an enby in Japan too. I think she's meant to be intersex since the game's code lists her sex as 2 (0 being male, 1 being female and 2 being neither; this kind of code was a thing in Xenoblade 2's cast too). And languages like Spanish and Fresh ended up using female pronouns for her when they had no other choice.

No. 385914

> and I have yet to see a single Paper Mario fan present legitimate complaints over this localization choice

It’s not just a localization choice, they changed the Japanese script to have Vivian say “I have the body of a boy but the heart of a girl” to match the English “I thought I was their brother but I was really their sister.” It’s a weird revisionism of the original script, which originally left it vague whether Vivian was just a flamboyant otokonoko or actually had a female identification. I don’t know why having Vivian be trans is more progressive than being an openly gnc gay man anyway.

There’s also the dialogue they changed where an enemy catcalls Goombella and she calls them gross and vomit-inducing. This was changed to them complaining that above ground people are going underground, something that was not a thing in the original game. I guess including catcalling at all is sexist, even if she beats the shit out of them? Every reference to “airhead” is also changed. It feels weird to have so much of the game changed to be less… edgy, or as edgy as a kiddy Mario title could get. Vivian now having a heartwarming speech about how she’s really a hecking valid girl is another example of this game being changed for no reason other than to pander to present sensibilities, because it’s definitely not closer to the Japanese.

No. 385933

>and I have yet to see a single Paper Mario fan present legitimate complaints over this localization choice
I'm a big ttyd fan and I hate the localization kek

No. 385934

>There’s also the dialogue they changed where an enemy catcalls Goombella and she calls them gross and vomit-inducing. This was changed to them complaining that above ground people are going underground, something that was not a thing in the original game.
Wait really? I need to see that

No. 386015

>I have the body of a boy but the heart of a girl
i know nothing of mario lore but isn’t he a shadow? how does that even work

No. 386042

Exactly they're all shadow people, descendants of the Shadow Queen.

No. 386059

That's good. What I meant is that i mostly see right wing reactionaries complaining about this and they don't even care about Nintendo games in general, they just want to complain about wokeness.
That's depressing and embarrassing. Like I said before if you compare the priorities between today and 2004 it's ridiculous: first they censored a weird crossdressing character who was harmless, now they censored the edgier and funny jokes because of feefees but made Vivian trans because you know that Treehouse is infested with woke genderlets.
I don't think it's an off the mark localization for 2004, but nowdays we absolutely have the concept of otoko no ko in the west too. This is another example of both Treehouse catering to the insane amount of gendie Nintendo fans while also feeling good about themselves and doing some heckin validation, seeing as they most definitely are full of gendies in that dev team.

No. 386130

>Every reference to “airhead” is also changed
Are balloons offended or something?

No. 386221

>but nowdays we absolutely have the concept of otoko no ko in the west too
Remember when people (libfems) used to say men can be femenine and wear dresses and still be valid men? This was like a decade ago. It's all about the trannies now.

No. 386224

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Made a collage of various changes. These are just pre-release changes, there are probably more now. Changes include removing the word lunatic, airhead, the catcalling, calling someone tubby, and the phrase 'ladies and germs.'

The lore in the game is pretty surface level. We never find out what species Vivian is or what the whole deal is with the Shadow Queen. Vivian was never meant to go deeper than "what if a cute girl… really turned out to be a boy? wouldn't that be hilarious?" It's treated as a joke in the game and in adaptations of it like Super Mario-Kun.

I guess 'airhead' is sexist. Basically anything that could sound sexist (like the villain calling Goombella a 'good girl') was removed. The female characters still kiss Mario as a reward though, which seems more sexist to me.

It's funny, from their logic this character was originally an openly gay man who kisses and falls in love with another man, and now he was changed to a 'straight trans woman.' I wonder if Vivian hadn't been an otokonoko if they would have actually kept her as a gay man, or if they would have gone with the 2004 localization as a straight woman.

No. 386250

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i love pathologic 1 and 2 so much, its been years since ive played 1 and i played 2 last year, but i still think of it all the time, such good games

No. 386270

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i do too. which do you prefer? i love both but i think if i HAD to choose one i'd pick 1. 2 has much better graphics and better gameplay overall, but i adore the soundtrack and characterizations of 1 so much.
i keep my love to myself because i despise the fandom and am going to go on a killing spree if i see another tranny daniil or eva drawn as a fatass.

No. 386274

Loved this game. I wanna see how others solve the puzzles but the streaming/let's play scene for it is a sausage fest rn. I wish more female streamers played this kind of game

No. 386276

I fucking loathe the fandom since it's one of those games that people won't actually play (before 2 especially) and instead watch hours long video essays that just summarize the plot, not even buying the game they claim to love.
We're never getting the Bachelor and Changeling routes at this rate and it hurts nonnas…

No. 386297

what other not-too-mainstream games do you enjoy? feels like patho has ruined all other games for me sometimes, i just know nothing else is as good

No. 386299

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i love this artist omg they love the hivers the way i do.. my western hive prince looks just like this art. too bad sometimes they put balloon tits on their skeletons though. for my first playthrough i just randomly decided to set up shop in shem which is far enough away from all the factions that would come up to your base making demands. plus it’s in the middle of the map so you’re not too far away from anything. downside is (afaik) you can’t grow much crop in the sand i believe? and to combat this i learned hydroponics (slight exploration spoiler ig).
kek nonna i would always get so paranoid fast-forwarding through new areas because enemies can spring up on you so fast and knock the shit out of you just make sure to save!
i would love to but it would probably run rather slow, i don’t mind that though.

No. 386323

What are farmers favorite indie horror game?

No. 386336

Dredge probably
If Obra and Subnautica were more horror they'd be my faves, realising the water themes.

No. 386344

so, so many. basically everything by puppet combo + torture star, the heilwald loophole, world of horror, little nightmares, my friendly neighborhood (which is not mascot horror), penumbra: black plague, amnesia: the bunker, outlast, and i feel like the pathologic games classify as horror for being so incredibly stressful.

No. 386381

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Is it so hard just to upscale the game and have a warning at the start saying it was a different time blah blah values change blah blah? I guess some of these are a more accurate translation but so much other muck is being put in.

No. 386390

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hmm I like 1 more i think, but if all the routes were put in 2 i might prefer 2. and yes the fandom is obnoxious as fuck, i dont even like bachelor/haruspex shipping like 90% of fans seem to
i thought cry of fear was pretty neat, >>386344 seems like some cool games too

No. 386429

Scariest is probably Phasmophobia. Playing it normally is scary, playing that in VR was something else. It says something even when a game is co-op is still gets my blood pressure up.
The most tense I've been was Five Nights at Freddys. My brother asked me if I wanted to play and I had zero context. I know it's a zoomer meme game now but the first one was legitimately tense.
For overall good horror games (story, themes, mechanics, etc) probably Silent Hill 3.

No. 386458

I don't like horror.

No. 386461

The fears to fathom games are really good.

No. 386463

Home Alone made me terrified of the default message sound on most phones. Highly recommend

No. 386475

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this is such a funny pic of the changeling i love it
but i also must confess i love daniil/artemy, except i feel artemy might fall in love while daniil just uses him like he did with eva.

No. 386477

No. 386480

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I love the Punies in PMTTYD they're so cute. I'm already on Chapter 2 of the remaster and I'm loving the game so far. I even got to level 50 of the Pit of Trials for the special bag item.

No. 386512

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Its not a bad pairing, I'm just not crazy about it, but I cant really judge because my favorite pairing is way worse

No. 386513

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kek OTOH i hate both of those guys so much but i understand their appeal. also based incest shipper. have you noticed they also get trooned a weird amount?

No. 386540

The Cat Lady, I've always been surprised it wasn't more well known. It's one of those rare times a moid has written a compelling female protagonist imo.
The music is some of my favorite of any game, same with the gritty voice acting (David Firth plays some roles too, it's got his seal of approval).
Yahtzee made some freeware point and click horror games years back called the Chzo Mythos series if you want some retro point and click jank with a surprisingly decent plot.

No. 386552

Cat Lady is just so great, great female character, great writing of female trauma not fetishised, great supporting cast, great representations of mental illness and it really makes you feel like you're with her on the journey. Couldn't recommend it enough.
The plot itself is interesting before you even get to any of the other great stuff.

No. 386558

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Recently I loved fear and hunger 1 and 2. Going in totally blind freaked me the fuck out and the atmosphere, despite being mega crunchy, was extremely scary and oppressing. The total feel of helplessness and powerlessness at every turn was honestly amazing. One of my favourite parts of FH1 was jumping down a bloody hole only to land in a dark and creepy cave breaking both of my legs, and then crawling my way around exploring the cave for the next 30 minutes before finally succumbing. Bonus playing as a male and getting some reverse ryona action for those who enjoy it.

Other than that, my favourite horror game of all time is SOMA. I also enjoyed Penumbra and the original Amnesia series. Notable mention to old horror RPG maker games like .flow and fleshchild.

No. 386562

I haven't actually played it myself because I didn't have a way to but I watched a youtuber play it and LOVED The Cat Lady.

No. 386592

Fear and Hunger is crazy fucked up. My first run I got mauled by the dogs right at the start. It really set the tone. I do think it is stupid hard and obtuse. It's almost impossible to get to LeGriffth without a guide. I'd almost recommend Fear and Hunger 2 first since that game is more forgiving. It also dials down the SA stuff massively.
By hole did you mean the toilet ending? I audible lol'd when I got that
With that, Ultrakill and Cruelty Squad I'm wondering if Finnish indie developers are doing ok?

No. 386595

Yes I love Fear and Hunger and having the cute male character dragging himself everywhere due to two broken legs
>dials down the SA stuff massively
No thanks

No. 386597

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Don't get me wrong I'm all for the male characters having an anal bleeding status effect after losing to the ogre guards but being able to sell the child characters to a pedophile catman was a bit much

No. 386599

I loved the sound design in Funger. When you are walking around it's super creepy and quiet then you get this when you fight a boss. I used to have it as my alarm music

No. 386601

True but i didnt sell the little girl, she is my companion with a knife

No. 386606

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I see it a bit like dark souls, in the beginning it's great when you know nothing and thus get completely fucked at every corner but at one point you master the mechanics so by that point it's okay to start looking up the character questlines and stuff online imo. I didn't even know you could get to LeGriffith alive before looking up other ending guides, lol.

Also by that I mean the hole that leads you down to the mines with the elevator I didn't know you could enable kek. Toilet hole was a great gag though I definitely did jump in it and get pissed I had to suicide.

I think FH2 is more polished but nothing beats playing as cute boy getting accidentally raped by disgusting dungeon mobojisans and conducting sex rituals which fuse you together permanently.

No. 386609

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Dark Souls I believe encourages you a bit more to experiment. Death is pretty cheap, while in Fear and Hunger you lose your entire run unless you want to take a risk trying to save with a bed. Until I looked up guides I just stuck with what I know was safe-ish on my last run. I used the Outlander so I could get cannibalism because it was the only thing working for me to heal. I've only got to Ma'habre twice but beaten Fear and Hunger 2. Also I've only completed Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring. So maybe it's a skill issue.
>master the mechanics
No matter what you do the coin flip mechanic is bullshit and I won't hear it any other way.

I wish the brought marriages back in Fear and Hunger 2. They only had this one fucked up thing. It was a neat twist on the old Power of Love trope. Also dude fucked a horse wtf kek

No. 386610

You gotta get her on magic. She is a crazy strong mage

No. 386611

Thank you I will try

No. 386612

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I remember I was shocked at how much more punishing than dark souls death was in Funger, I held onto my one hardwon safe bed for a long-ass time kek. Personally I don't mind how punishing it is, it's all part of the psychological experience of making you feel scared, frustrated and helpless. I enjoy games which manage to evoke rare feelings in me so I loved it. It's probably the same with people are really into Pathologic while others hate it, though I haven't played it myself.

You should try Bloodborne too nona, after original dark souls it was the only fromsoft game which made me shit my pants kek. It's incredibly scary and so fun at the same time, atmosphere is amazing. Afterwards I went and real all the racist Lovecraft books.


typical european male behaviour

No. 386613

RPG Maker sucks so bad though

No. 386616

Yeah I like games that put you in a weird real state too but after that wears off it's just kinda annoying. There's very few games that can keep up that state. I've heard good things about Pathological I must check it out.

>You should try Bloodborne too nona

I've played it. It's been a while but I think I got stuck around Amelia. Honestly this is most FromSoft games for me. I play them too late so I can't summon anyone to help me. DS1 it was Bed of Chaos, DS3 is was Aldrich and AC6 is was Smart Cleaner. I don't know why I keep coming back kek. I'm playing Seikiro now and doing mostly ok

No. 386627

File: 1716739211031.jpg (43.81 KB, 300x450, catlady.jpg)

I've heard good things about The Cat Lady but there's something I want to know before I get it, without major spoilers preferably. Is the supernatural horror stuff in the game actually happening or is it one of those "It was all in their head" kind of horror games, where the protagonist is just hallucinating or dreaming everything?

No. 386631

Oh it's real, spoilers for like the first 10 mins and main gameplay feature she's given the power to come back to life if she's killed and the ending makes it clear it's actually happening. 100% supernatural game.

No. 386633

I had endless hours of fun with it as a child. I will fight you right here right now to defend RPGMs honor. En garde.

No. 386635

It has both. It's very psychological but it also has supernatural elements (like the other anons said, a big plot point is a supernatural ability the protagonist has). I love it and it's very inspiring, the protagonist feels like a real person in the way she acts and thinks. Some images from the game are so good that they're etched into my mind kek. The developer also made Downfall which is nice too (not as good as The Cat Lady imo but still good) but that has a moid protagonist and a strong eating disorder theme. The final game in the trilogy (Lorelai) was disappointing in a lot of parts though.

No. 386637

Like another anon said, it's supernatural but still has a lot of psychological horror. It's a bit before the time of the trend of indie horror games doing the "everything is a metaphor for depression" shtick.
I'd give it a go even if you're skeptical because the game starts off very strong and stays that way throughout, I don't think I could decide which chapter I like the most.
Funnily enough, the asshole moid in Downfall is the creator's self-insert.

No. 386638

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Babbdi. It's silly, eerie, interesting and somehow cozy. And free on steam. I recommend everyone to try it!

No. 386640

It's a good jumping on point for people want to develop games. It's kinda limited and last time I checked it runs on Ruby but anything to help people do their own thing without needing to invest thousands of dollars and a degree is good in my books

No. 386641

Second recommend, it's not long if you just want to complete it but once you get used to it, it's just a lot of fun.

No. 386655

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NIHONGO BEEP NIHONGO BEEP. CUTE!! Anyway, I set my official base in Vain for the same reason. It's perfect! Don't even need wells with a rain collector around getting filled 24/7. My base is right to the hive village in far east vain, I just lure gorillas and bad guys to them and they clean em. Can there be a better place? Cute hive merchants following and begging you every time you go shopping is an unparalleled experience. kek first time it happened I thought he was gonna attack me if I didn't buy something. Have you explored the island to the west of Vain? I thought maybe the queen resides there, but all I found is a tower filled with fogmen. And the buffest mfing fog prince I have ever seen at the top of the place. Wearing cyan silk. Bizarre adventures..

No. 386674

They were my fav growing up too. I have a lot of fond memories of the game, I should get the remake.

No. 386698

>Funnily enough, the asshole moid in Downfall is the creator's self-insert.
Really? Kek he really told on himself. I thought the loser game developer guy in Lorelai was his pathetic self-insert.

No. 386705

Which one do you have, I got RPG Maker XP when it was free and only dabbled in it a little bit, but I do want to make a 'game' because I do have an idea for it, but just haven't really had the time. I want to be able to make better settings, I guess I would have to edit the assets… I'm no good at pixel art…

No. 386710

i did NOT expect babbdi to be here, i almost recommended it too but wasn't sure if it counts as horror. i am fucking obsessed with this game. i wish it was even bigger because i spent 4 hours 100%ing it and exploring every nook and cranny

No. 386740

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>compares funger and ultrakill with cruelty squad
nonner please, only one of these devs has a mental illness

No. 386913

File: 1716798064479.png (309.88 KB, 1573x873, consumerSoftproducts.png)

I think they are all messed up. Cruelty Squad guy is definitely something else. Looking forward to his next game. Love his website

No. 386914

there's nothing very weird or fucked up about ultrakill at all, and fear & hunger is just edgy darkest dungeon. i believe ville kallio is def schizo though. his art is nuts, but really cool.

No. 386953

You play as a blood powered robot while edm blasts in the background. It isn't as edgy as the other games I mentioned but I still feel like I'm having a manic episode when I'm playing and it ramps up

No. 386977

I have been struggling to stay focused in playing any of my games lately and it sucks, has anyone experienced this? It used to be my relaxation hobby but I just cant focus

No. 386979

I'm home from work and I want to play a cozy chill game that is mainly open world or rpg.

No. 386980

I usually have to switch to another game. I sadly lose interest more so in games. i think the problem is, I want more middle shelf games that are 30 hours vs 60-80s. i simply dont have time anymore after a 9 hour shift.

No. 386982

If you have a 3ds, the yokai watch games are pretty neat.

No. 386984

Yea, but in my case it's anxiety or depression related. Sometimes forcing myself to play helps because after a while I get into it, but that's like a 4/10 case thing

No. 387086

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Any recommendations for co-op VR games? My nigel got me a quest so we can stay in touch while he's overseas with work for the next couple months.
I've played Beat Saber, Asgard's Wrath 2 and VRChat so far. VRChat is degen central in pubs but I'd like any recs for cool worlds I can make a private instance from.

No. 387160

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are you new to indie games? there's far more psychotic fast-paced shooters like that. comparing ultrakill to cruelty squad is an insult

No. 387161

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Any game that receives fanart like picrel is guaranteed to be normie friendly

No. 387171

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oh nonnies i wasn't sure if kenshi was my game, but i'm getting more and more into it now that i'm building up my team. i joined the shinobi at the hub so i was running in there to hide whenever the hub got overrun with bandits, then i would loot them. aside from that i'm grinding copper mining and have been gathering people for my team.
i'm trying to play without a guide, but i HAD to know where beep was so i cheated a little. ran all the way to where he was (forgot the name) and picked up shryke along the way who i like. then i bought molly because i like the idea of having a cook even though i don't know how to make her cook… and don't have a base yet.
i am going to save up to buy a bull from the bar outside of the hub. was thinking of a dog but the bulls look big and strong.
also, have this adorable convo between beep and shryke and later molly. silvershade laughed at them. i'm growing attached to my sillies.

No. 387172

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so cute…

No. 387179

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yea lol but ive mostly seen trans daniil, i feel like a lot of ftms use him as a self-insert for some reason

No. 387402

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have any of you nonnies played town of salem? (typical pre-among us mafia game) i have a shit ton of unused referral codes rotting in my inventory and it'd be cool if we could coordinate a lolcow game.

No. 387406

I'm down to play!

No. 387415

Heyy I'm down. I played it once but forgot how to play it. I haven't played video games in a while kek

No. 387417

I'm down for some witch trials

No. 387419

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i just set up an account for lobby hosting
add >NonnieLobbyHost
hopefully most people are able to play friday 5/31 at around 7:30 EST (4:30 PST/5:30 MST/6:30 CST)
I'll have the referral codes out the day before (they're only valid for 5 games before it paywalls you)

>if you're playing on mobile ignore the referral codes i think it just makes you watch an ad instead of pay walling you

No. 387422

No. 387547

What are your depression games, nonas? I'm not really finding joy in my hobbies any more, and I need some inspiration to get that spark back. Doesn't have to be a cutesy, happy game. I'm just curious about what other people find comfort in.

No. 387548

I like Stardew Valley a lot when I'm sick, I've been playing since it came out and atp I try to speedrun it. I like online multiplayer games with quick matches too, like Splatoon, because I find it easier to pick up and put down if the matches are less than 10 minutes each.

No. 387549

probably blue archive? i like how chill the game is, plus most of the girls have really cute designs

No. 387553

The metro series tbh

No. 387555

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.flow or Yume 2kki, sometimes the cool music and designs inspire me to draw but if not they're also no pressure lovely-looking timewasters.

No. 387567

I really like Stardew Valley, I've not got very far in it though as I always go full autismo with a bunch of wiki tabs open and written lists to help me and it completely kills the fun. I do it in a lot of games actually and I'm trying to quit guides and wikis and go back to playing games like I did as a pre-internet kid.

I don't have a smartphone anymore but the game looks cool. I do miss smartphone games as there's a lot of chill gems out there.

They're on my to-buy list. Watched bits on YouTube and the vibe seems very immersive.

Never heard of these games before, but I do love games with good art and music direction. When I'm down the overall feeling of a game is more important to me than actual gameplay tbh.

Anyway, thank you for your input, nonnies. Think I'm gonna see what chill, artsy games I can find for my Switch and finally buy the Metro series. I just checked the PS store and all three games are on sale in a bundle with 85% off, so I'm gonna take that as a sign! :)

No. 387598

I'm the first ayrt and I'm also autismo and did the same things, I'm the type that will remember these things because I love the game and have 500+ hours in it on two consoles kek. Atp my gamestyle is setting up certain challenges for myself, like see how fast I can earn 1million gold, or see how fast I can finish the community centre, and 100%ing the game. I like trying different strats every farm and exploring the different ways to reach my goals.

No. 387600

I'd definitely play with you nonnies

No. 387683

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dark souls 1 is inexplicably comfy for me

No. 387693

The Trails games for me. I've been playing through them slowly for years now, and I'm not in a hurry to complete the series any time soon. The specific way these games are written makes them nice to pick up whenever I'm in the mood like a book and play through to progress the story a bit. It's not so complex that I'll lose the thread or forget how to play even if I put it down for a few months, but it's always reliably there when I want something to relax with.
The first games, the Skies trilogy, are the best and I wish I could go back to play them again for the first time.

No. 387694

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Pic because I'm forgetful and didn't attach

No. 387780

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Final fantasy 8 and mass effect 2. FF8 is far from one of the best FFs out there, I think its got a dumb story but I find it very comfy, I also like the weird mechanics, very different from the other FFs. The card games though make me so stressed, I'm very bad at card games but you can just ignore it unless you really want to collect them.

No. 387802

I wouldn't normally describe a game where everything is out to get you as comfy but I agree, DS1 is peak rainy day gaming. It helps that you can save just about anywhere so it's much easier to pick up and put down than a lot of other games.

No. 387868

Metroid Prime is such a good game when you just want to be isolated

No. 387893

My brother gave me his ps4 that he didnt use that often for gaming, and I’m not very cultured (I only know surface level stuff like FF/RE/Persona etc. the stuff you always hear about), so I was wondering if there was anything in particular on the ps4 you guys would strongly recommend? He bought Horizon New Dawn, God of War and some FIFA games digitally but that’s all. I’m happy to check out other stuff too, pretty open to anything thats engaging story-wise especially

No. 387894

this looks so bad

No. 387895

bloodborne is usually a must-play. If you like climbing puzzles where you can pet the dog id get the last guardian too, short but makes me cri every tiem

No. 387908

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Wtf did they do to my girl Angela? I get they were trying to recreate the strange dialogue but it sounds so clumsy. James and the environments are nice looking but I really hate the Resident Evil remake style combat.

No. 387926

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referral codes
just click play and then picrel will pop up. check >>387419 for the details about the lobby host and time.

No. 387931

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Assuming you're talking about god of war that was released in 2018 (the one with the kid) and not the remaster I'd say do try god of war, it's a nice story, you don't even need to play the old games or know anything about them to understand whats going on. It got some puzzles but nothing too hard and you can alter the difficulty anytime and just enjoy the story. I absolutely loved it. There is a sequel (ragnarok) which is pretty good too.
Sorry I don't have many recs, I got a ps4 a few months ago and the only games I have are gow/r, re2, elden ring and resident evil origins, which is very good too if you're into resident evil and want to try the old games, it's a remaster of resident evil and resident evil 0, it got lots of puzzles like most re games but it's kinda short, it's the type of game you'd have to replay to see different stuff.

No. 387945

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the first time i played dark souls 1 i was legitimately terrified and too scared to play at times, i had to take breaks. on subsequent playthroughs though it's probably the most comfy game for me and i'm not even trying to be edgy. i've fallen asleep to some of the ambient sounds while imagining myself in the lands. they are so desolate and lonely and foreboding but also beautiful.

No. 387964

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No. 387965

Aw she's cute. It's interesting because weight loss and weight gain are both common for SA victims, hating their bodies and developing anorexia or using food as a cope so it's like they're giving both sides. It does make her look more her age but I thought the idea in the original was that abuse had aged her?

No. 387970

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i think i'm mostly put off by her giant bulbous head. but yeah i guess she looks more her age

No. 387971

I thought this was Elliot ellen page

No. 387985

Yakuza 0 is a fantastic light RPG with beat-em-up style combat and a ton of minigames to play. It's so much fun and always has me grinning like an idiot. As a prequel it's the perfect game to start the series with, I can't recommend it enough.

No. 387986

>terrified and had to take breaks
AYRT, glad it's not just me. I had/have the same experience with my first playthrough but something keeps drawing me back. I got into games very late and Dark Souls was my first "real" game in a while so it was quite an awakening.

No. 388016

Does anyone know more schizo puzzle games like La Mulana, Animal Well, Fez, Tunic etc? Preferably games where you dont need to do too much stuff outside the game

No. 388017

Different anon, but is it worth giving the old GoW games a try if I like older games?
Have they ever stated why they're remaking Silent Hill 2,which doesn't really need a remake, instead of Silent Hill 1,which has much more dated graphics? I like Silent Hill 1's graphics myself, but I know there are people who can't tolerate anything older than the PS2 era.

No. 388020

I'd recommend it too! It took a bit for me to get going, but I got so hooked I played the entire series one after another. The games are all very similar to each other, but there's nothing else quite like it.
I'm not really sure about nonna's difficulty tolerance, but while the very first boss might appear hard, the beginning is typically the only hard part in these games besides the optional joke superboss. There are no really hard games in this series, the optimal way to play would be to repeat the basic punch combo over and over, and you can heal infinitely during any fight. Anything flashy is just to be flashy for your own amusement.

No. 388043

I'd recommend Bloodborne too but if you don't play many games BB might be a bit hard to start out with

No. 388047

>Developed by: Bloober Team
Come on, pick a spooky name at least.
They had an announcement of several projects a while back.
One was a normal game, remake (this), weird fake streaming thing (just ended it was terrible), movie and episodic anthology game. I'd say they picked whatever remake they thought would be the most popular. Whichever project does the best I'd say they'd move the series towards that. I'm surprised they didn't try to throw a hero shoot battle pass game in there too.

No. 388054

NTA the older GoWs are pretty fun game play wise. The design is pretty cool, all the locations are big and epic and the bosses are huge. Music is great too.
However the story is a bit of an edge fest. Kratos is a little ball of angry constantly shouting about muh revenge. He does things like toss innocent people into gears to jam them up. Every game has a random gross sex mini game too.
The first one has a pretty ok story, Kratos is pretty tragic in it. The rest make you wonder why I should care about this guy.
You can play GoW 2018 without having played those and I think it works better. He hides his edgelord past from his son and it's slowly revealed what he did in the old games and how he feels guilty about it.

No. 388056

bloober team has been around for awhile, they have a reputation for unnecessarily angsty horror games

No. 388091

I looked through their history there and I take back what I said. Good for Capcom sponsoring a small company like that. I loved the first Layers of Fear. Their name still sounds a little silly though

No. 388126

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starting the town of salem lobby in ten to fifteen minutes check the posts quoted on how to join!

No. 388142

Some sci-fi, Control and Death Stranding.
And since I can't recommend Destiny to newbies no matter how much I love it. Try Warframe, it's free, and has a surprising amount of story for the type of game it is.

No. 388210

I got into Destiny at Lightfall and it wasn't so bad. I don't have a clue what's going on with the story, love my magic ball though.

No. 388230

Great that you still enjoy it, but as someone whose been playing since the first game there's just so much stuff noobs wouldn't get.
Like if you never played Taken King/Red War/Forsaken do you even care about Cayde coming back?
They'll never do it but I wish they'd put a cutscene viewer in game so I could rewatch those first year scenes with the new chara models.

No. 388432

Ever since the Demon's Souls fiasco I just don't trust non japanese companies to remake japanese games, they don't get it for some reason.

No. 388480

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Kek nonna noobie here that never played the tabletop nor the video games, and I want to but I'm not sure in which order should I play… any thoughts? I want to get into Warhammer 40k

No. 388484

NOO I MISSED IT! Can you do another match?

No. 388489

No me neither actually, I just think tech priests are cool so I was playing Mechanicus. Would recommend.

No. 388664

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I HATE how badly Namco is handling Tekken 8.
Characters don't have their niches anymore because the game forces you into a rushdown playstyle. No communication for patches or content update dates. A shitty battlepass for for a game that costs $70. Mostly ugly and badly applied customisation options. Old, hideous and annoying men galore. And have fun getting punished for having good internet by getting matched against the laggiest connections you will ever see in your lifetime despite filtering them out, while the actual offenders don't get to experience any of said lag and get free wins due to it.
It's like they're trying to make the experience as dreadful as they can.

No. 388720

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Literal instant win in beating mum, the first boss in Binding of Isaac:
The character Magdalene (since she comes with Yum Heart + one more heart container) + 3 dollar bill (it randomizes tears) + a bunch of bombs (with different enchantments like Bob's Curse, you can use them strategically when mums hand/eye pops out of a door) + The Chariot card saved for mum (of course you could use other cards/runes/pills before and you can also replace it with The Devil/The Sun) + Spear Of Destiny (passive item, can get from the Angel Room)
This combo is so fucking good like holy I love this game

No. 388729

The more you play the more amazing synergies you discover, God runs are so satisfying.
I love seeing how new players approach it, like I'd never use a bunch of the stuff you did (bar 3 dollar bill) but they must feel like you're unstoppable when a beginner, I would love that feeling again.

No. 388733

There are a lot fun combos. Before the DLC I had all the achievements, but I regret resetting until getting certain items in the beginning of the run to complete it. Somehow accepting the rng is much more fun. I try to avoid doing the same pattern or seeking the same items as I used to now.

No. 388737

kek nonna, the publisher is Konami, not Capcom. In any case, they aren't doing that for any reason other than it's cheaper for them. They disbanded the original dev team and outsourced every silent hill game after 4, most likely to cut costs. Every silent hill made after that was made by small western studio (and all of them suck).

No. 388884

Shattered Memories was alright, it just wasn't a real Silent Hill game.

No. 389039

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Was looking up Arin Hanson to see if he trooned out yet and he was endorsing some random dude's game, praising it as "unique". It's yet another Hollow Knight knockoff.

No. 389042

Arin Hanson wouldn't know a unique thing if it thwacked him in the face, I mean the fact that you looked up whether he started skinwalking women yet was enough of a warning.

But yeah that trailer is awful, it's like hollowknight if you sucked all the love and feeling out of it.

No. 389043

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>think maria's outfit redesign is a horrible choice that doesn't respect the original intent of said design
>ermm actually women are allowed to look normal, anyone who thinks this is an incel
>no, you don't get it, she's supposed to look tacky and sexualized because james made her up
>correct, madame! not showing her belly is CENSORSHIP! just like when they made tifa's tits smaller!
can't win on either side

No. 389047

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I think part of why this discourse is annoying is because her original design wasn't even particularly hypersexualized in the grand scheme of video game women. The developers intentionally gave her a (slight) bit of pudge in order to humanize her. Her skirt goes past her fingertips. She's wearing something under her shirt and doesn't have giant tits or cleavage. Yes, her appearance and behavior are meant to be sexually provocative compared to the rest of the cast, but it's very narratively justified, and even with this decision, she still isn't as scantily clad or curvaceous as most female video game characters. Meanwhile, men are retarded and didn't understand the point of Maria to begin with, so it's impossible to side with them either. In fact, I bet if they had been 100% faithful to her original design in the remake, there'd still be moids whining about the fact her stomach isn't concave. They are not ensouled and therefore cannot understand why James' guilt-induced hallucination ghost wife showing midriff actually is kind of important, they only understand coom.

No. 389054

She basically dresses like a real woman who would be considered dressing revealing but not scandelous, and gamer men cannot handle realism when it comes to women, like you said, they'd complain even with 100% faith.

Her head looks much bigger than her body, angela's face is rounder and chubbier but she's just straight up got helium balloon head, her features are also weirdly large.

No. 389066

I wish they would leave Silent Hill alone, it was perfect as it was. Also I wish the remake trend would die off, why is everyone scared of new IPs.

No. 389076

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I just want a new game. I considered evil within it's spiritual successor and wished the success of those games gave capcom enough confidence to fund another Silent Hill. even if it probably would've been dogshit

No. 389081

How can you say that after what they have been doing to that franchise for the last ten years…

No. 389086

Well at least I got to meet Cayde before the servers went nope…
Every time I know it's gonna be shitty connection, but I just can't wait.

No. 389095

Silent Hill is owned by Konami. Funny you mentioned Capcom because Evil Within was made by Shinji Mikami after he left Capcom. He was the creator of the original Resident Evil, which proves how much sending away your original devs can affect your games drastically. The first RE games were much more horror-oriented and they progressively got more and more into action games as new devs and directors got involved over time. So it's no surprise no Silent Hill game after 4 feels like Silent Hill. Not only Konami got rid of the Silent Team, but they also put every subsequential game into the hands of outsiders. Outsiders that, with the exception with Shattered Memories, only created dogshit that Konami approved. I have no hope for Silent Hill, because whoever is left on Konami and is approving these projects, clearly doesn't understand the franchise. Anyway, technically there will be a new game called Silent Hill ƒ and it will be developed by some chinese studio.

No. 389106

Not including Ruvik was why this game failed.

No. 389108

In that screenshot remake!Maria looks like a teenager getting scolded by her parents.

No. 389119

I've accepted that with so many teams coming in and out of various studios getting an exact 1 to 1 of a series won't be possible but if we got more games like shattered memories that at least tried to stay in the vein of SH despite not being the most impressive graphically or gameplaywise I'd be happy. Capcom and other studios have so many IPs just sitting around left to rot that I'd rather some remake to interest normies in a potential new game than just having them waste away for another 20+ years or at least have it publically be said, "We're not really wanting to do anything with the series for now" instead of being teased with "Oh there's something coming…" and it's a fucking pachinko, shitty mobile/gacha, or some live service shit

No. 389134

Right? I remember loving the first one's story and characters but then I looked up the second one and it just seemed so boring. Why did they get rid of the best characters and plot elements?

No. 389137

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Not only did it get rid of the most interesting characters, the plot also went from an incredible over-the-top nightmare-scape inside of the STEM where anything could happen and it was feasible, to the boring real world and some cult that didn't even have any ties to the weird church in the first game. They just completely left the story of 1 on a massive cliffhanger. So many bizarre choices.

No. 389154

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>being teased with "Oh there's something coming…"
Thanks for reminding me

No. 389162

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The Dragon Age Dreadwolf reveal is imminent, are you guys exited?

I think it'll be fine as long as it's just as 'woke' as BG3.

No. 389166

Holy shit, when/how/where? I'll admit I'll sadly play it just so I can finally put dragon age down into the ground for good. I had such love for the series, I want to be able to mourn it for good.

No. 389177

This shit will never fail to rustle my fucking jimmies hard. It's not fair nonnas, I want my monster fighting game. I refuse to play Strive due to the troon shit, roiding out all the male characters and having a garbage story mode which somehow managed to be worse than Xrd's "comatose manlet with a god complex steamrolls the cast for 1/4 of the runtime".
Reminds me of Platinum teasing a MGR sequel which never seemed to come into fruition.

No. 389197

i would love another darkstalkers, but nonna, strive is not the only option. i was very upset when they ruined and coomified testament, but sf6 is a great game (if not with a limited roster, the world warriors shitting it up again wasn't the greatest idea imo). the story mode is also, not great, but its street fighter so thats to be expected. tekken 8 seems to be a little bit of a mess but a lot of people seem to enjoy it.

my fingers are crossed for remy getting revealed at the summer game fest for season 2 of street fighter, after jamie and ed i'm really hoping we get more male characters designed for womens appeal.

if you mean wanting more paranormal characters in a fighter, i guess you're fucked. mk1 is the only option outside of strive, and well, it looks like shit. my condolences.

No. 389201

>the world warriors shitting it up again wasn't the greatest idea imo
Capcom still has PTSD from SF3 and SFV so they made absolutely sure not to piss off the casuals by giving them all the familiar faces and a fully fledged cinematic story mode on launch. I'm just thankful they learned their lesson, because season 1 SFV was a living nightmare.

No. 389202

I've always been into GG so that's why Strive pissed me off so much. It's so, so slow and the balancing is absolute ass. I remember when people shat on Xrd for the newcomers being too Blazblue-esque, but god, most of the Strive characters are even more boring. Under Night 2 is pretty dead, especially in my region. I really envy burgers and Japanese players for having an easier time not resorting to Discord for matches.
I'm more into airdashers so I've never played much SF or Tekken, but I might as well try.
Wish I had the Testament-chan image saved, they really slaughtered the edgy goth gear hard.

No. 389205

Is Metroid Dread as good as it looks? Not sure if I want to get it, curious if any farmers have played it

No. 389210

i understand they need to make sure their 30+ year old fans are satisfied by getting their mains in the game, but dhalsim and blanka are not it. no one plays them, no one likes them. V was a complete shitshow, yes, and i do agree sf6s launch was so much better. i love the third stike cast, despite the shit balance, and i'm hoping we get to see some of them eventually added to 6. like, really? no alex?

at least we don't have r mika or laura, praise fuck.

i used to be pretty big into guilty gear as well, so i understand your pain. since i didn't like any of the redesigns or simplified gameplay, i was really waiting on whether they would add testament so that felt like a personal attack. and then i was waiting for them to add bridget (i know he was a coom character, but i was hoping they would clean him up into an older and androgynous guy like shion from KOF), and then lol. the game looked ugly to me straight off the bat, there is too much flashy shit that muddles all the moves and that wall break. holy fuck. why would they add that?

i wanted to try under night 2 but i know arcsys published it (sorry french bread) so i didn't touch it, discord communities are ass though. i'm hoping there is going to be a way for people outside of japan to play the upcoming fallen angels complete edition that keeps being teased, but i can't imagine the player numbers will be high.

No. 389219

>no alex?
kek I thought I was the only one who really likes him, I hope they don't go "yeah he was in the previous game already we can bench him for now." There's a pretty significant chance of Remy being included which means that it's also likely that Alex will be added alongside him huffs copium.

No. 389220

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Did anyone else play this? I just remembered it out of nowhere.

No. 389221

I'm a massive remyfag and would love for him to return but I unfortunately do not like the SF6 art style. I'll still probably pick it back up if he does though kek

No. 389228

Wow, floppy disk Windows 3.1
I just watched my brothers play I think.

No. 389234

It is pretty good, although it may not be worth the 60 dollar price tag if you aren't the type to replay games constantly

No. 389238

I just hate how my main was absolutely gutted in Strive. Plays nothing like he was in Xrd.
Discord is just cancer overall. The local scene is all troons so I can't even approach those retards. I just end up playing randos in Xrd, but hate how it's a dead game compared to Strive.
Wallbreak would've totally neutered my Xrd main, I fucking hate that mechanic so much it's unreal…
Arcana Heart is another dead game I enjoy, but nowadays modern fighting game fans won't touch it because m-muh lolis and so on. The vertical movement was really fun.

No. 389267

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I can't recommend picrel enough if you like weird RPGmaker games, or even if you like 2D RPGs. The art is great, the writing is hilarious, and the gameplay is really good for something made by one guy. You spend most of the game as an alcoholic knight trying to solve mysteries with a fussy monk as backup, so the early game kind of feels like Disco Elysium if it were set in medieval Slovakia. The atmosphere is phenomenal, from the weird shit you can do in combat to the slghtly jazzy, psychedelic rock soundtrack. Main game takes only a few hours to beat, but there are a ton of sidequests that people are still figuring out. Definitely worth getting IMHO.

No. 389274

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looks like eastern european hylics. i'll check it out

No. 389279

Wow, love the way this looks. Going to look into it too, is it only on PC?

No. 389282

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pc and mac yeah. that's the sequel, the first game is also worth playing. there's not much of a story, it's kind of just cool visual effects in an rpg style with great music.

No. 389293

Detriot:Become human is NOT a good game. It's fun but it's bad.
My favorite part is Markus You watch him "Give" the androids life, but it seems like the only ones who have personality are the ones who "rise up" on their own. Every fucking andriod that Markus "Gives life" just stands there blankly.They do whatever he tells them, it's almost as if they aren't fucking humans and they don't have free will???
And why isn't their one Andriod who Markus tries to change who goes, "Nah I like my family" when they are "Freed". Markus had a good life with his human, surely he can't be the only one?
Also good or bad route, they DO come off as fucking dangerous and aggressive, because they are NOT HUMANS and Markus comes off like a leader of a bunch of mindless androids. A andriod trying to use real life politics to try to get us to see him as a human, irl actual people suffering from racism would fucking hate that these bitches are acting like what they are going through is anything near what actual people go through

And I hate Kara's story it's pointless, every time David Cage has a playable female character it's "Meets good character, meets cartoonishly bad character! Meets good character! BAD GUY!" and he puts these female characters through all kinds of extreme violence. When you find out Alice is an android, if you don't notice in the beginning, it's weird. Why are their kid androids anyway? How do they regulate that?

Hanks personality is so cringe to me, he comes off like a hard depressed drunken stereotypical cop, but you see him putting tumblr like post-it notes on his mirror. I do enjoy Connor sections more, but I always play him as a 100% fuck andriod kinda guy because to me that makes sense.
I haven't played in a bit, but did the creator of the bots give Markus to his human, hoping that one day he'd rise up and "Free" the androids? Or cause drama? What the fuck was RA9?

And I think the ones who become humans almost always do because betrayal or violence, those are the only ones who fucking seem to have any personality or will. The ones markus converts just become his lackeys.
So it's dangerous anyway. We can't live with a bunch of bots who hate us who can easily be swayed by a motherfucker like Markus.

I know i'm rambling but that game truly is kinda nuts. I probably mixxed some details up.

No. 389312

Will buying a used copy of splatoon 2 provide some colorful escapism to my miserable fucking life

No. 389319

Yeah I’m not a big replayer… ugh i wish nintendo did more sales or priced appropriately. I’ll look around for a cheaper used copy

No. 389329

No. 389350

Aaaay I saved screenshots of this when I first saw it. Big fan of the look, I'm a sucker for low-poly, pixelated textures. That combined with medieval is like a dream come true. How's the music?

No. 389351

You know they're gonna make all the women ugly and crowbar in troon shit like they did in Inquisition. Only I bet this time they won't let you sentence them all to die kek

No. 389354

Try getting Splatoon 3, the second game is kinda dead atp.

No. 389356

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Avalon Code was such a cool goddamn game.

No. 389395

>How's the soundtrack?
Fucking excellent. My favourite is the battle theme, but they're all really good.


No. 389419

Is it a total waste of cash to get 2? 3 is just so expensive if you include the expansion.

No. 389420

It's going to be shit. DA went downhill after DA2. I have no hope for modern western games. They're all super woke now, pandering to trannies

No. 389422

Dark stalkers 3 is my favorite game of the series. I'm sad i'll never get to play Jedah on a new gen console like PS5. Capcom forgot so many of its older games by now. I hate it. I'm sick of street fighter

No. 389423

Every single one of David cage's female characters are horrible, in every single one of his games. Aside from MAYBE Carla from Fahrenheit? He has no idea how to write women. I hate his dumb french froggy ass

No. 389437

I like this game. Only gotten as far as the ice fairy, but I wish there was another game because I love the gameplay mechanics.

No. 389441

Whole game should've just been Conner solving crimes. But I still plat-ed it.
Pretty sure yeah, Kamski wanted the androids to have free will and created the virus, I think he explains it if you have Conner kill the android at his house, but it's been a while so I don't really remember.

No. 389442

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glad to see another jedahfag on here kek.
The capcom fighting collection gave me false hope and it hurts. street fighter’s ok but not worth the hype tbh.

No. 389447

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I probably should've known this was gonna happen and nobody cares but anyway, Final Shape.
We don't actually kill the Witness… It's just buildup. And Guardian only got two scenes damnit. At least Crow was cool. Though I think they sorta ruined Zavala a bit for me.
Hope Asher and Variks show up at some point this year.
All the boss fights felt even more puzzle then usual. Which is really irritating when you die by something stupid like your own rocket launcher or falling off the edge and have to do it all over again.
It was all very pretty and liminal though.

No. 389482

Same! (I never beat the game, lol, should find a ROM and play it again.) The mechanics were so genius and made you actually think. I also loved juggling enemies with swordswings.

No. 389483

Don't forget David Cage also put in a scene of the little girl that Cara babysits walking around the house with no pants on. I'm amazed nobody hasn't outed David as a pedophile yet.

No. 389643

I played a bit of inquisition but dropped it after feeling fatique from the whole "muh open world rpg" that was really popular at the time and still kind of is. I've played DA2 and Origins, out of the 3 is Inquisition bad or just really mediocre?

No. 389681

I wanna vent so badly about how much I hate Stardew Valley, but I don't even know where to begin. I'll just say that I really don't understand how the moid that made this game managed to make so many insufferable characters. Like, what's the point in making "realistic" characters for a farming game? I don't get it. This isn't a dramatic game, a story-driven game, it's literally just some idealization of farm life. Then why make characters insufferable as fuck? I understand having a token grumpy/self-centered character that grows fond of you over time. But no, let's just make characters that seem nice, but then you see their heart events and they are selfish fucktards or whatever. There are only like 4 charas in the entire game that are actually likeable.
I also feel like most of the writing is so pretentious and trying to be "quirky" or whatever, but idk.
I didn't want to post this in the Stardew Valley thread because I don't want to bait with this rant, I just genuinely feel so upset about SV. I wish I liked it, I think the game has potential and even with its issues, it's still a great game with tons of things to do. But I just can't stand the writing at all, omg…

No. 389685

It's based on the Harvest moon genre of games, it's not original it just has a tonne of effort. A lot of the character personalities are copied.
Probably just not your type of game, this genre is very popular.

I only ever married Hailey and then ignored everyone else so can't speak on indepth ideas, though I did see fans complaining that one character helps someone in a wheelchair and they were calling her ableist I thought that was funny.

No. 389688

Same nonnie. The only time I've ever been able to enjoy Stardew was when I played co-op with my mom and ignored every character.

No. 389737

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Really wanna play picrel. Any nonas have recommendations of ps1 emulators?

No. 389772

if you don't like the characters you don't have to interact with them? it's completely fine and fun as just making a megafarm or trying to clear the dungeons or catch all the fish or whatever else.

No. 389773

i did not play it but i downloaded it, i play on open emu, it has every retro gaming consoles, i think it only works for mac tho.

No. 389777

There's a mod somewhere that fixes the wonky translations, or you could play the PSP remake. It's called War of the Lions. I used PPSSPP to play it.

No. 389785

I used to be able to play video games for 12+ hours nonstop, now I get bored after a couple hours… Feels bad nonas…

No. 389801

same. that's why i usually only play games i've played before, or short indie games. i don't have the energy for long games anymore. the only exception i made for this in recent years was elden ring.

No. 389826

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I'm so fucking angry !!! i want to play ace attorney dual destinies so bad, i even created a steam account just to buy it but it's for pc and i have a mac !!! My computer is not powerful enough to run citrus and i can't find the game for less than 40 euros ! i just want to catch up with apollo crying emojis

No. 389837

Yeah as I've gotten older this has happened, occasionally there's a game that bucks the trend (baulders, elden ring, cyberpunk) but for the most part I play 1-2 hours before I'm like nah.

No. 389852

>wants to play games
>owns a mac
What did you expect? Everybody should know this isn't possible by now.

No. 389891

I guess this Duckstation thing is 'new' if you don't want to set up retroarch to play multiple systems.

No. 389911

Are you looking for the physical copy for switch or 3ds, because if you have a 3ds you can install homebrew and then get the game from hshop or cdromance for free

No. 389912

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No. 389925

Have you nonas ever played a game with an ending so bad that it made you retroactively hate the rest of the game?

No. 389953

2 is still pretty active, I don’t have to wait long to get into a match. Also the dlc for 2 is way better than the dlc for 3. But 3 has the better hero mode and salmon run is available 24/7 and still has events running. It just depends on what you want.

No. 389961

I have a crush on Shiver which is what got me curious but after reading more I'm interested in the lore overall. PVP kinda stresses me out now that I think about it so whatever game is more bang for my buck is preferable… Which would be 2. I'll wait for 3 to drop in price. Thanks for the help

No. 390019

I still struggle to belive the game is real.

No. 390035

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SMT IV. It was my first experience with a SMT game, I played completely blind and I had no idea about the series' alignments system. So I simply was nice to everyone like I do in any other videogame and ended up stuck in the Law ending which aside from being a genocide, it made my favorite character kill herself in front of me & another one I liked to sacrifice himself to create an angel or some shit.
After 70h, I finished the game and while the gameplay was fun, the story went so batshit in the second half that I still resent it after all these years and sold it for just $25 back then lmao (but I wish I had kept it for longer because it goes for $80-100 now…)
I started its sequel recently though, I still have no idea of what I'm doing but people hate it compared to IV so I might like it kek

No. 390053

People don't hate the sequel that much. It's mostly that they think the story and characters are "too Persona like", as in, they actually act as a cohesive group instead of just occasionnally crossing each other's path like the main characters in SMT4.

No. 390068

I just see lots of mixed opinions about it, mostly negative (looks like Atlus has a good record on making sequels that are divisive for the fans haha. Desu2, SH2, Apocalypse…)
So far I'm enjoying it though I'm pretty much at the start. I actually prefer they move together, I missed the cast a lot in IV on certain parts.

No. 390136

Your allies turning on you and dying is the common expectation from an average SMT story.
The sequel is hated mostly because people DON'T do that.
If you care for more light-hearted story, the sequel will be better for you. The gameplay is much better too. If you enjoyed the gameplay, I recommend playing V too.

No. 390138

I wish they could bring back instruction manuals, tutorials are so annoying.
It's probably the thing I hate the most on modern games, because there are no manuals they spent like 4 hours handholding you for the tiniest things instead of letting you play normally, makes it hard to get invested in the game when the start is so slow and boring. At least they could add a digital manual inside the game so you could check it anytime while playing instead of wasting time having the characters go "If you want to attack, press the ATACK button! You're so great!" every 5 minutes. Actually there are a handful of gamaes that give you those digital manuals, but for some reason they add stupid tutorials to the game as well, saying the manual simply acts as a reminder of it when it could serve as a replacement with no problem.

Physical manuals were real pretty as well, I loved seeing the artworks and how they designed them. It was like a mini artbook of sorts, plus sometimes they gave you small bits of lore.

No. 390286

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i'm genuinely impressed by how terrible this season 2 is. i'm deleting the game and never touching street fighter 6 again. its over. its cooked.

No. 390309

i'm a turbo retard but i'll try to look into it, if i can access 3ds games for free it would be wonderful.

No. 390313

Yeah that's embarrassing. Capcom and SNK are both blatantly reliant on Saudi funders these days so I'd bet that this is related.

No. 390324

I'm not too familiar with Street Fighter, but what makes this particularly bad? Is it the character choices?

No. 390330

You can totally do that in Apocalypse, the issue is that you have to agree with the edgelord to go down that route, also, depending on the contrast between your choices through the game and your final choice, Navarre may break all your items or Dagda may delete all your demons.

No. 390333

wasting half the roster of the season on guest characters when the series has never used guest characters in a main title is lame, especially with so many legacy characters they can pull from. mai is also really shitty.

No. 390344

Capcom Vs. Snk 3 confirmed?

No. 390365

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If you're interested, there is a Megami Tensei thread here on lolcow: >>299949 It doesn't get that much attention though.
Why is Mai shitty?

No. 390378

Disappointing. I love terry but this is such a boring choice. They could’ve picked anyone else… nice to see Elena back though

No. 390385

Same but with Bloodborne. I think that's the beauty of those games, because they're pretty thrilling to play given the difficulty level but the atmosphere and environment are so immersive that when you come across a calm clearing or a safe spot, it actually makes you feel safe. Your imagination can wander and the emotional ties to the music/ambience trigger those feelings when you listen to them again.

No. 390417

I don't mind any of that as long as it makes sense with the characters/story, but because I knew nothing about the series (or Atlus in general, I just picked the game on a whim when I saw it on a store, remember when games were $30?), spending 70h playing just to see everything burning down and having some pixels accusing me of an ideology I did not agree with left me with a bad taste on my mouth haha.
Now that I know what to expect, I don't mind it much anymore though. I might re-play it someday and try to get the neutral ending….

I post on that thread pretty often actually! While my first experience with SMT was kinda sour, when I found out it had a bunch of spin-offs I decided to play them instead since they're all so different. Haven't played too many so far, but it has been a fun ride.

No. 390422

I was playing Pokemon Violet just now on handheld mode and in the middle of a battle against a trainer my Switch's screen became weird. I think it's broken but I don't know why or how that happened. I turned it off and on a few minutes later and the screen thing is from the Switch, it's not the game itself having a glitch. I'm have to check if I have the same issue if I play with my tv but I like playing on handheld mode a lot more.

No. 390442

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NTA but Mai (currently) is bottom of the barrel, shitty coomerbait with no personality. I will admit that in the older games, I didn't mind her as much as SNK at least gave an effort to give her a personality, but ever since the bankruptcies it's not even close to being the case. She's also not redesigned to fit the Street Fighter games at all, so she looks really out of place. Hell, I'll agree with the author too and say that guest characters have no place in Street Fighter at all, and that's that I'm a huge fan of SNK's games.

No. 390456

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Late but maybe Void stranger? Though I'd only recommend it if you enjoy sokoban style puzzles. There's one puzzle that requires you to take screenshots and do something with them to solve it but other than that, most of the stuff should be solvable if you take notes and screenshot a lot.

No. 390516

Dark and darker is free on steam. Fuck yes. Finally a multiplayer game i actually want to play.

No. 390525

calling it now theres going to be a 'tranny lesbian' as one of the dateable characters

No. 390526

sa pretty sure the director is an actual tranny, so i'm going to wait for this game to get cracked

No. 390585

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Oh, ok, I don't know what happened in the raid. But there's the rest of it.
We destroy the Witness in a 12 man matchmade thing. And then ghost loses his light. But then Cayde sacrifices himself to bring it back to life. Crow's the new Hunter Vanguard and he has a silly manbun now. We get a couple nice scenes with our Guardian getting some lines. Hinting at the cleanup which will probably be the story the rest of the year. Now I have to play it again because my recording fucked up, of course.
I guess it's not 'the end, the end' just yet, but man I'm glad they played the song from the beginning of the first game right at the end there. It was only 2017 when I started playing, but I'm still so nostalgic.

No. 390597

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downloading sh2 to play it again on an emulator since i lost my ps2 long ago. so excited! i haven't played in at least a decade.

No. 390740

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looks like they listened to criticism and made james look less old. he's pretty cute now tbh

No. 390826

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Just finished the Case of the Golden Idol. Really enjoyable little mystery puzzle game that reminded me a lot of Return of the Obra Dinn, it's also set around 1780s and involves investigating causes of death with slight supernatural elements.

Nonnas discussing metroidvania puzzle games ITT made me itch for more. What are your favorite puzzle games in general? For me it would be The Witness, which actually made me cry, and of course Return of the Obra Dinn.

No. 390827


New Dragon Age 4 trailer dropped and it does not look good.(learn to embed)

No. 390835

Holy shit, none of the companions are even slightly fuckable. It's over.

No. 390838

I know right. They make the BG3 cast look like supermodels. Not even worth torrenting this. At this point I will just assume that all media coming from english speaking countries is trash.

No. 390839

revolting in every aspect

No. 390840

Wait that was 4 and not a spinoff thing. When did the art style get so cartoony?
I never played past Origins though so I never gave a shit.

No. 390841

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dark fantasy

No. 390848

Please learn to embed videos. It looks like absolute trash in every possible aspect. Not only it doesn't look or feel like any of the previous games, but it also gives mobile game style. I was expecting it to be bad, but it looks worse than I was expecting.

No. 390858

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Tranny director taking it well!

No. 390864

So besides Dragon Age, any other thoughts about the trailers?
>New Doom
Cool. Still need to beat Eternal though.
>Starfield DLC
I'll just buy another month of gamepass rather then actually buying the game probably.
>Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
Could be interesting, I like any game that lets you play as a short chick.
I actually really want a first person game that lets you play as a short person, even if it's a disadvantage, I think it would be immersive and fun.
>Perfect Dark
Could be cool? Maybe I should play the original.
I don't really care, but the sooner this is out the sooner I can get Outer Worlds 2.
also didn't realize the new Assassin's Creed is set in Japan, I don't care about Ancient Egypt/Greece/Vikings but maybe I'll check it out.

No. 390865

NTA but I'm also into this type of games so I tried Void Stranger after someone recommended it, but the character designs were so coomery that it turned me off completely. Why do scrotes have to involve their dicks in everything?

No. 390867

Holy shit, this is utter shit.

No. 390873

Do you guys buy your games physical or digital? I feel like I’m still paranoid about digital but everyone I know has switched to digital only IME

No. 390875

A lot of games you can't actually buy physical copies anymore. Or it's just a download code in a box.

No. 390889

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No. 390892

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I will never forgive EA for what they did to BioWare. No cute elfs, more ugly old men, and cartoon art style.

No. 390894

>Or it's just a download code in a box.
This infuriates me the most

No. 390906

this is what happens when you give trannies an inch. it looks like the unwanted child of saints row remake and fortnite

No. 390924

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Physical, I don't buy too many games and modern boxes are sleek (specially Switch ones) so space isn't a problem to me. To simply get data I would just pirate the game, I get the same content after all.
Plus I don't like having my ganes/data linked to my console/account in case it suddently breaks or service is cut. Lately that has been a problem ecen with physical copies though, the future and preservation of games doesn't look bright…

No. 390960

I buy physical whenever I can. I find it so annoying they don't sell physical anymore for many games, we really went wrong right there, the future fucking sucks.

No. 390982

Buy games?

No. 390984

I'm hype for avowed because I absolutely love Pillars. I hope it's good.

No. 390988

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As soon as they introduced her in Inquisition and tried to make me give a shit about her, I ignored her.
Oh god they did him so dirty here. He was the only one I wanted to fuck in Inq.
Pegleg Dorian with a piece of cardboard on her head, probably would've been a big hit with Tumblr… 10 years ago
Magekiller, 'cause, get it, Dragon Age: Magekiller, huhu (nice outfit, but needs more man cleavage)
GONNA BE SERA 2.0, CALLING IT NOW, she looks pretty LOL spork penguin of d00m randum! Looks like a copy of Captain Dunn from ME:A, kek
I'm sure he won't be deadpan, worldweary, sarcastic, or snarky, no way, no sir. Captain Hook wants his mustache back.
Tumblr diversity bingo: the character. Black? Check. Moid? Check. Elf? Yup (why do I feel like they decided to copy Amazon's treatment of LotR). Animal sidekick? Yes again. Grey Warden? Of course, they're the jedi of this universe.
We're never gonna get a beautiful female Qunari character ever, are we. Probably just wanted to rip off Alloy. I feel like troons will cling to this one the most (unless she's a troon already).

Bioware really doesn't want people to like their characters, they just want to hit every diversity quota they can think of.

No. 390992

this looks so much like a pathfinder or a divinity game, not dragon age. disappointing.

perfect dark looks kinda fun. and am I the only one who didn't care much for the first outer worlds?

No. 390993

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lmao the top comment

No. 390997

>outer worlds
It was just ok to me, but I like space better then fantasy and I liked Vicar Max.

No. 391005

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This got me good

No. 391031

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The trailer currently has over 100k dislikes. Also wtf is this thing? Is it supposed to be a darkspawn? It looks so fucking stupid, like something out of a cartoon

Kek has the director said anything yet to the backlash? Or any of the game devs?

No. 391032

eh he did have the best personal quest. i liked parvati until she became the writer's talking point rather than just a character. now that I think about it I didnt feel anything for any of the characters except the moon guy and orson. hated ellie.

No. 391038

File: 1717997511578.png (919.57 KB, 1280x1280, 1280px-Terry_SSBU.png)

Terry looks so fucking ugly here like what is with that face?! Dude straight up look like a roided Junjou Romantica seme but as a hentai rapist. Ugh yet another hot vidya man ruined by straight male gamer devs because of their insecurities. In comparison to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he's waaay hotter.

No. 391040

This is what i expected american men to look like as a westaboo

No. 391050

right? terry, like a lot of kof characters, has a wonderful blend of shit and great official art. adding another one shit list.

No. 391051

people suspect taash might me an enby, because women could never be dragon slayer i guess.
can wait for the 'womanhood never felt like me blabla' dialog, here I hoped evolved from 'omg so great to have a female leader' shit dialoge.
why at least make the enby a truly androgenous person?

No. 391061

I'm looking forward to it too. The plot with plague investigation got me hooked and exploring the Living Lands seems like fun, but i would like to see what the character progression and the dialog system looks like. Gameplay looks skyrimy.
Lol. If it will be anything like suicide squad it will such a failure considering how much devs has been putting emphasis on the companions and their stories and such.
I really want to see da4 gameplay video now.

No. 391066

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No. 391068

100% one of the companions is going to be a tranny judging by who's directing it. Awkwafina teehee elf might also be a lesbian since these is the type of woman TIMs want to fuck.

No. 391075

all characters are player sexual, so you'll only get 'the totally gay coded bloke should not be romanced by female players' drama

apparently Weekes wrote most of Taash, so she might be his strong nonbinary qunari self insert. as the fandom has long been asking for a qunari lady to romance, I'm sure people will hate it.

No. 391076

File: 1718011248849.jpg (110.68 KB, 480x600, 47956278_p1_master1200.jpg)

>all characters are player sexual
I've seen this thrown around a lot but what's the actual source? Did they really confirm the return back to the DA2 system? That would be ideal if only they weren't all so painfully unfuckable. The only decent romances look like Luca and Harding and the first one is the unpeemth Fenris close while the second is DA:I fanservice.

No. 391077

>all characters are player sexual
Since when? Dragon Age and Mass Effect always had gender locked romances.

No. 391079

NTA but all Dragon age 2 romances were playersexual.

No. 391080

Not all, Sebastian (DLC guy) was female only, though I admit I remembered wrong and thought Aveline was a male only romance, but I forgot we can't romance her.

No. 391081

The art direction reminds me of mobile games a little bit. Something about the character models.
I know nothing about the companions apart from Bianca who I wasn't exactly a fan of in Inquisition lol. So idk who's already known to the fandom from comics or that Neflix show. Davrin looks hot.
I'm for sure in the minority but I'm still a little disappointed that this won't be a continuation of Inquisitor's story and focusing on their conflict with Solas. I found the premise intriguing (and I'm not a solasmancer so it's not that lol). But it was never going to happen.
Looking forward to seeing the actual gameplay tomorrow and how stripped down the party aspect will be in combat. Hopefully I'll get more hyped after that demo since this didn't do it for me.

No. 391083

the gary kay interwiev on IGN

>“I won’t spoil next week’s reveal but I can say we’ve created a story where you can impact the world and the companions that surround you. Player agency is important to the Dragon Age: The Veilguard experience and allows each player to form unique personal connections with their companions of choice. And, yes, you can romance the companions you want!”

No. 391084

Forgot about him cause I never got his DLC kek, but damn shame. I actually like companions being playersexual, I thought it was the case for DA:I too when I started it and made a cute male elf so I could romance Solas. Surprised me when he turned out straight, I overestimated BioWare thinking they wouldn't change the system back to appease triggered fanboys.

No. 391085

Lol I'm a moron that wasn't Bianca how on Earth did I miss the giant letters spelling Harding smh. She's cool from what I remember

No. 391086

Finally the most smidgen silver lining in this cluster fuck. Which definitely means Trash or whatever is non-binary and any romance with her is "queer". The Necromancer guy also looks fruity in a bad way, not like Dorian who was still a good character in the end and sweet romance despite the homo flamboyance. I'm amazed at how they managed to turn off literally everyone, even old man fuckers of both genders.

No. 391087

Solas is only straight because they added his romance a year before release.

it's 10 years since DAI, makes sense that it not a direct sequel. I still hope we get to see our Inquisitor in some capacity.

Emmrich seems more like a kooky scientist guy, like necromancer mordin. probably will betray you for some magical gadget.

No. 391089

ayrt yeah for sure it's been too long for it to be a direct sequel. It makes sense they'd change directions but just for me personally I would've liked to see a continuation of that story. But I also would've liked to see the game come out 5 years ago so you can't always get what you want lol

No. 391090

Solas will still appear in the story, but it's not centered around him, they implied there's going to be more than one villain.
You didn't miss anything, he was insufferable from what I remember. I don't mind the playersexual aspect tbh, but it's not like any of the companions sparked any of my interest.
I see, that would be good news if the game didn't look so bad.

No. 391092

>Solas is only straight because they added his romance a year before release.

Really? Oh wow, I had no idea about this. Surprising considering how popular his romance ended up being and how hardcore Solasmancers were. Speaks volumes to the fact that they were already starting to lose touch back then (though we all knew). I clowned on Solas like everyone else but something about his personality and voice were really sexy, really regretted that he was straight.

No. 391094

>Emmrich seems more like a kooky scientist guy, like necromancer mordin. probably will betray you for some magical gadget.
Fun and quippy and Doctor Strange-esque and all, but would you have romanced Mordin?

No. 391096

His romance was really specific, you had to be a female and an elf. I never really cared for his romance, but out of all the DA:I romance he wasn't the worst. Regardless if he still betrays and abandons the inquisitor, it is still better than Iron Bull's weird fetish plot and that grey warden nobody cared for.

No. 391098

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Canadian or California developer

No. 391100

Awh I liked all of them so much (except Max who clearly was just not thought of when writing) that my all kill run felt real sad.

No. 391106

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The second time I played Cisquisition I tried to finally romance him with a female elf but after hours of grinding and choosing all the correct romance prompts I encountered a bug where the option to enter into a relationship with him disappears if you flirt with Blackwall once back in the first few hours of the game. Which I did. 60 hours ago.

After that I was so pissed I didn't even finish my replay kek and just let him go fuck himself. There's a similar thing that happens in DA2 that happens when you try to romance Fenris if you flirt with Isabela a few times, but back then I only lost 4 hours of progress and you bet I went back and did it all again for my cute tsun elf. But not for Solas.

No. 391135

SSB flattened Solid Snake's ass, they're just as guilty as the rest of the male gamedevs

No. 391136

>apparently Weekes wrote most of Taash
I knew it. I KNEW IT. I knew there was something suspicious about that thing as soon as it showed up on screen. Calling it now: they're gonna retcon all Qunari women as being trans the entire time. I WILL PUT DOWN GOOD MONEY ON THIS.

No. 391139

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Oh no and I just now saw this. Oh god. I just know he hamfisted all the women's dialogue for the romances. I just know he wrote them all to be quirky and millennial and lobotomized.

No. 391141

How is he still kicking at BioWare when something like 99% of the original staff are gone?

No. 391144

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Hrmmm, I wonder.

No. 391145

i know its a trailer and they're usually glossed up, but it actually looks pretty good. i'm also biased because im just excited to see my waifu the boss in higher quality graphics.

No. 391147

At this point I'd rather have a thembie male writer instead of an openly fetishistic TIM transbian director. His DA novels weren't half bad.

No. 391155

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my body is ready, mrrrrooooooowwwwrrrr

No. 391169

I really enjoyed his writing so far! But it's been 10 years and I fear the woke virus ate his brain…who the fucks name's himself Trick??
And if he's the reason the only masculine female companion is a they/them I'm gonna vomit. I'm sure many people will hate it, we asked for a big qunari wife, not this!

No. 391217

New life is strange game, Life is Strange Double Exposure.
It does not look good imo. Looks like some nancy drew shit, Life Is Strange 1 was more so about Max's relationships with all the one personality trait students, but MAINLY Chloe and overhyped Rachael Amber.
Oh no, another one of Max's friends died, and now she has to use her power to bring her back!" who cares, I bet people would rather have another story of Max/Chloe directly after the first game than this.Sometimes I tinfoil that LIS 2 was originally supposed to be about Max/Chloe after they destroyed the Bay. They'd fit in so well in the story. I could imagine them traveling to start a new life, running into Daniel and Shawn, Max turning back time because she's with Chloe and sees what happened with Daniel. Them all teaming up and going on the run. Shawn dying, and Max/Chloe taking in Daniel. Chloe being mad because she doesn't want Max to take in the kid. Going to the grandparents house, meeting the train hoppers would be a bigger more fleshed out story. Like maybe Chloe could choose to stay with them or Max could convince her, etc.##

Thing is I have a hate/love for the life is strange games, but 1 and True Colors, do have a place in my heart kek. This doesn't look like it'd be fun to poke around in for the cringe, or the world building (Like Life is strange 1 had). Just looks blah.

No. 391221

That's Max?

No. 391222

Looks meh

No. 391233

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No. 391235

Well your picture is Solid Snake, while the protagonist of 3/Delta is Naked Snake/Big Boss who never wears an outfit like that if I remember correctly.
I just wanna say I'm not really an MGS fan because my fav game is the Twin Snakes remake of 1 and my favorite Kojima game is actually Zone of the Enders 2.

No. 391238

varric was never fuckable

you liked the 'asexual lesbian' who couldn't leave the real lesbian alone, wanted you to enable her so she could continue wasting the lesbian's time?

i know that lis2 is better than this shit (even better than true colors kek)

No. 391241


No. 391250

They literally both have ass, every MGS character has ass

No. 391251

Nta but the captain lady Parvati was into? Junlei I think? She started flirting with Parvati first. Also Parvati was bisexual according to what she says in-game. I did think it was cringe to make the shy gosh-im-insecure gal asexual, but it did probably annoy fanboys.

No. 391263

Seeing frame drops in the trailer makes me worried. They kept the same animations from the original it seems, the same clunky animations but with today's graphics. I love the boss and I don't want them to ruin her.

No. 391315

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Ok here you go

No. 391319

sheesh, no. I actually liked her until the asexual romance stuff because it felt so out of left field. I remember being really bored by it and wanting both of them off of my ship during their date lmao.

No. 391367

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Wanted to play this until I found out a tranny made it.
I straight up don't play games anymore if I find out the creator is a troon or sexist/racist/groomer/etc. I'm not gonna support these freaks anymore. Even if the game is literally free kek.

No. 391443

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It's like this was designed in lab by a team of scientists to be as unappealing as possible. I can't believe this is actually real.

No. 391445

His face looks kinda off to me. He looks too young? Happy they got back the original VA though. I was not a fan of Kiefer Sutherland Snake

No. 391452

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Boss looks completely different too. Why did they change her hair color? She looks younger than Snake. She's supposed to be in her 50s right?

No. 391456

iirc he's supposed to be like 28 or 29 in that game if you do the math. Now >>391452 looks weird as hell. They made the boss look ugly. I don't think she looks too young.

No. 391461

The Boss is supposed to look like Charlotte Rampling, but now she looks like Jennifer Lopez kek. I do wonder if they changed her design because they can't steal people's faces for video games anymore

No. 391463

Maybe is easier to mocap? I can't think why they'd change it so much otherwise

No. 391472

Can't they hire a face model that looks as similar as possible to the original design? The recent Resident Evil remakes' characters look similar enough to the original concept art so it's not impossible.

No. 391479

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I dislike how all game studios are just doing realism now. Such a lazy, cheap "art style" that requires little to no care (it's a way to cut corners and photobash shit together for concept art, without caring for making your game stand out from the rest). MGS3 looked great back in the day BECAUSE of the stylized look of it all. And it worked SO fucking well with the 60's James Bond-esque theme.

And speaking of lazy and cheap, Dragon Age's gameplay was about what you'd expect: repetitive, dull, lots of bright flashy colors for VFX to make up for the "mash 1 on your keyboard" aspect. They ditched the skill hotbar for a skill wheel now. Didn't see if it's possible to control your team mates, didn't see any sign of the tactical camera, either. They made Rook a black guy for the gameplay trailer because of course they would, gotta get those diversity points in. The writing annoyed the FUCK out of me. In the gameplay there's a cutscene where the party confronts Solas, and Varric volunteers to talk to him, try to reason with him. And you'd think Varric, realizing the gravity of the situation, would probably call him straight out with a loud "SOLAS!" or something dramatic, right? Nope. Because Varric's "gimmick" is still the stupid-ass nicknames. So he just straight up calls him "Chuckles". Fuck off.

No. 391481

Oops I guess I'm the only one that's actually hyped out about it. I'm sure we'll definitely get some more Chloe content in this one, but I don't care that much about her anyway because she was dragging max into bullshit all the time and was annoying in my opinion.
I get the feeling that they're trying to make a redo of the previous game and correct everything they didn't do right the first time (the plotlines are kinda similar). I also like the fact that the game seems to acknowledge the different endings of the first game, my prediction is that while she's hopping between universes she'll run into Chloe and she'll have to choose between her and Safi or something, with an extra minor plotline that Chloe will get upset that Max didn't do this for her and won't want to help her.
I don't know I'm sort of excited, I didn't really care much for the other games after the first one and the original is major 2015 tumblr nostalgia. Hope the soundtrack won't be a snoozefest

No. 391490

Dontnod are a bunch of pedophiles anyway.

No. 391505

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Varric looks like pic related kek

I'm honestly disappointed. I know DA always had some type of flaw and the graphics were always somehow bad compared to everything coming out at the time. My biggest issue is that it looks very linear, but not in a good way, and the gameplay just looks off/goofy, and this is coming from an rouge main.
Imo they made a huge mistake not showing skill trees or tactical view.

Also where is the character customization? It looks like you pick an "origin" character and customize them a bit, kind of like in bg3? I'm probably wrong

At least I have stalker 2 to look forward to

No. 391507

I have a sneaking suspicion that they changed Varric's hair color because the hair textures or the shaders on the hair look like absolute shit when the hair is light-colored.

No. 391511

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This confirms the leaks a few months back.

No. 391512

Iirc in iinquisition it also looked bad if you used a vibrant color, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're right. The only thing that could redeem this is a good story, but afaik all the writers who worked on the previous games left

No. 391522

What? No they don't. Not at all. So many of them got completely changed. Facescan Chris in 7 was so horrible they went back to handsculpted Chris in 8.

No. 391524

If you like shooting games and an X-files/scp style story you’ll probably love it. It was recommended to me because it allows you to fly so I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. The characters are great and the story sucked me right in, the skills are fun and make shooting all the things worth it. If you enjoy brutalist architecture and things like Escher paintings you’ll enjoy the visuals too, I was constantly just going to areas to gawk at the styling choices which helps because there’s a lot of backtracking.

No. 391534

Your tinfoil would be a nice fic. I liked 2 but felt like something was missing. Haven't played anything by them since, everything seems so damn boring.

No. 391543

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We also get ME like combat, where you don't control the characters but give orders… sucks, imo, and it looks really cluttered.

No. 391554

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Have any of the voice actors for Veilguard been confirmed yet? I swear picrel sounded kinda like a tranny in that gameplay trailer.

No. 391564

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They make characters deliberately ugly and I'm sick of it. Especially since I don't like most anime style/asian games, so I'm stuck with the hyperrealistic and tumblr troon designs every western studio now uses. Is it too much to ask for just one conventionally attractive dude to romance? Even BG3 (which also had pretty ugly characters) had Gale and Shadowhearts as the "safe" choices. DA4 is somehow worse, it feels like it's only aimed for tumblr crowd and nobody else.

No. 391578

Omg, I felt bad for thinking it in case it's an actual woman with kinda stilted voice but it felt like that to me too, nona. It felt weirdly flat, kinda like troons when they try to sound feminine but can't both emote and keep up the act so they sound strained. I really hope it's not the case though, considering the Qunari woman may also be a gender special.

No. 391580

Same nonna, at first I also thought it was a woman with a deep voice but the more it went on the more it started sounding suspiciously trannylike. Just now rewatching her sequences I'm 99% sure, at some points she sounds exactly the way fags do when trying to put on a woman's voice, reminds me a lot of the tranny from Baby Reindeer actually. Maybe Neve herself won't be trans but that voice acting, highly suspicious. Oh man if two companions are genderspecial my sides are going to explode.

No. 391584

DA sisters I don't feel so good… I'm so tired of generic action slop. The gameplay looks clunky and uninspired. And what's with all of the neon? Dragon Age is a fantasy series, not cyberpunk