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No. 397786

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
Stardew Valley general >>>/m/193441
Touken Ranbu thread >>>/m/191809
Visual Novels Thread >>>/m/191784
Yakuza & Judgment General !KIWAMI! >>>/m/213879
nsfw games general >>>/m/128239
FFXIV general >>>/m/226134
LoL general >>>/m/161804

Topics related to gaming
Awful Character Design #3 >>>/m/299904
Battlestation: PC setup thread >>>/m/216287
Mobage Thread >>>/m/186848
Sexism and Videogames Thread >>>/m/259351

Previous thread: >>>/m/358751

Older threads from before can be found with the search function.
Thread #11 >>>/m/329976
Thread #9 >>>/m/294968
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Thread #2 >>>/m/39880
Thread #1 >>>/m/1850

No. 397788

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Now with actual video games

Farmhands pls don't lock, last op a shit

No. 397790


No. 397791

64 was important for the creation of 3D games but my god is it nearly unplayable by modern standards.

No. 397802

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slippery, ugly models, and no minigames. i'm glad i got to grow up with the superior mario 64 experience.

No. 397810

Much better pic

No. 397812

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I fucking love Mario

No. 397831

this is a good list. i agree.
of course, galaxy's OST is the best, but sunshine has so many comfy hits.

No. 397833

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No. 397836

sunshine makes me so happy. for osts i might have to put odyssey at the bottom. sorry jump up super star, the others are too iconic.

No. 397873

Bit of nitpick, but can we include the other missing game threads in the OP next time? like the BG3, Fallout and the Resident Evil?

No. 397897

Yeah there's a few things that either need updating or adding.
Pokemon General 3 >>377133
Baldur's Gate General >>322534
Nu: Carnival Containment Thread >>367812
General Sims Thread #2 >>285833
Resident Evil/Biohazard General >>311690
Zelda Thread >>295708
Fallout General >>384872
Sexism and Videogames Thread #2 >>368628
Women in Game Dev Revival >>242911
I'm sure I missed some that I either overlooked or are farther along in the catalog.

No. 397910

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ty to the nonnies last thread who recommended felvidek. I got it on a whim and it ended up being the best game I’ve played in a long while.

No. 397938

Bought Kingdom Come Deliverance for ps4 on sale real cheap, hope it's as good as people say it is, been wanting to play it for a long time now, anyone played it?

No. 397965

Glad you enjoying it, nonnie!

No. 397981

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Just bought it too

No. 398122

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My sister plays Disney Dreamlight Valley occasionally and Scar is 100% the only good villager in the entire game.
> Sister's PC is fishing in the pond with some characters watching her
> Scar appears
> Literally slides into the middle of the crowd bc his walk cycle is bugged
> "I'm surrounded by idiots"
> Turns and slides away like a total Stacey

No. 398201

There is no worse feeling in this world than completing a video game you get invested in then feeling completely fucking empty afterward

No. 398207

My friend streamed ZZZ to me today and fuck it looks amazing. I fucking love the art direction and how dynamic the fights feel. If only it had one single cute boy i could roll for, but no they would rather pander to the furry barafags instead.

No. 398211

Is he romanceable

No. 398215

he's a gay

No. 398217

I don't even mind some of the men (the regular-ass bear is hilarious to me) but it's so obvious when the women are all waifus with ears or a tail and the men are actual animals what the game's going to favor.

No. 398220

the artist is a lolifag who did some official loli art for yamaha of all things, so i doubt we will ever get bishies. Oh well, getting addicted to a gacha would have taken time out of coding my own game and drawing, so maybe its for the best.

No. 398225

Finished sons of liberty and this is the best experience I've had with a game ever
I still feel bad about the villain, he was one of my favs

No. 398254

Hoyo only does ripoffs of other games so just find out whatever its inspired by and see if it has better moids

No. 398268

Are you talking about when Americans thought nature was created by Zelda or what
I liked the style and how involved the MC actually is but yeah, not a single interesting male design. There are like 4 maid women too so even the waifus don't have any thought put into their designs. It's sad, I don't exactly like the combat but I would keep playing if there were any good characters I wanted to have.

No. 398316

>Are you talking about when Americans thought nature was created by Zelda or what
It's insane how genshintards will deny genshit being a shameless, cheap botw ripoff, a sentiment the Chinese themselves echoed louder than anyone else, but then call every other game a genshit ripoff.

No. 398320

I just cant support anymore waifu shit. It's so obvious to just vote with your wallet. I dont know why they want to alienate women players so bad. Just make cute male characters. wtf

No. 398322

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Which villain? Better not be talking about Vamp. He needs to stop trying to rape my husbanndo

No. 398330


No. 398341

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Kek I forgot all about him… I just can't like anyone who is mean to my husbando, let alone has tortured him and mindbroken him, my poor baby

No. 398348

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His motivation is too likeable. I also like how he sounds pissed off all the time but yeah he's a huge pos

No. 398354

He's ugly.

No. 398363

Anybody else try out First Descendant?
So aggressively Korean grindy/stingy.
But the story is just mildly awkward enough and the gameplay is fun so I'm gonna finish out the story missions.
I don't know why I found it so funny that the asshole teammate is named Jeremy.

No. 398369

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Koopa hands typed this post

No. 398384

Star Rail is a self admitted ripoff of the Trails series just like Genshin is less honestly inspired by BotW. Their character designs frequently rip from other series and gacha as well in a way that I would sometimes consider homage and sometimes consider outright theft. Their event stories and structures are similarly frequently just rips of other games transplanted directly into Genshin or Star Rail or whatever. I don't think they should be sued or anything but it's common knowledge that little Hoyo does is original in origin, they always start with something that's been done and then mix in some coom and barebones lore. It's their recipe for success.

No. 398385

Hoyofags should just consolidate into their own general for all Hoyo properties, considering how poor their reception is when they show up literally anywhere but the designated threads / the mandated husbando nice zones.

No. 398388

There is already Genshin/Star Rail threads, it's fine.
Just post about ZZZ in the mobile game thread.
Free games can be good mindless fun sometimes.

No. 398395

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No. 398433

MOOOOODS remove this pic i don't like iyt

No. 398466

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is he not wearing panty under those overalls?

No. 398478

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Based raiden husbandofag

No. 398483

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No. 398626

Kek what is that filename

No. 398637

No. 398649

KEK i didn't even pay attention to the filename, i looked for this mod in google images and downloaded it

No. 398654

No. 398656


No. 398659

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No. 398674

No. 398684

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No. 398689

No. 398716

This is diabolical.

No. 398727

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No. 398729

No, but they should definitely stop being cowards and add a romance system because the Disney fandom's resulting implosion would be glorious.

No. 398748

No. 398776

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No. 398795

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Ok so where is that nonna that wanted to talk about Kingdom Come because I started playing it like 2 days ago and I want to talk about it.
Just the amount of times I died trying to save anyone really before I got into my skull this is not Skyrim and I can't go about it like Skyrim, it was crazy. And I absolutely loved it. I'm still at the very beggining, just finished the boar hunting quest with Hans.
I ended up saving Theresa by accident when I called up the horse because I didn't know how to unsheathe my weapon, so I thought.. these guys gonna kill me if I get near them, so I'll just get the horse, run the other way, figure how to unsheathe my weapon and save the day. Nothing about this plan worked, but Theresa was saved, and after that I died from bleeding before reaching my destination. Kek
I did learned a good lesson thought: even if you have a sword you don't go fighting men fully armored while dressed like a peasant cus that shit will never work. Hard learned lesson but necessary.
But hey, after that was dealt with I killed a fucking hare and a doe on my own, with my own ridiculously bad archery skills, I am feeling pretty amazing right now despite feeling like the village idiot earlier after Hans humilliated me, got coin from him too at least because I am the master hunter alright (not really, my dog did the hard work, but I guess I get some credit too since I stole the meat I used to feed him and that was fucking hard, I tell you. I wasn't made for this.)
All my hunt meat, you know how much money I could've made with that? An entire day lost, I had other plans but I had to be there hunting. Fucking lost everything after those two cumans, my time, my hunt, and without my dog I'd be dead too. But it's all good, the cumans are dead now thanks to my dog and I have their equipment which came in a good time, my old shoes are almost gone. Gonna actually buy my dog some meat now.. or maybe we'll go hunting again when I get the time.
I really want to learn how to read, I have a bunch of herbs and stuff like that and found a place I can brew potions but all I know is what ingredients I need, I can't understand how to do it and the book is right there! But it will all have to wait, everything seems to be time sensitive and I've got less than 7 hours of sleep since I woke up in Theresa'a house. I also ate something that made me sick, I think it was an apple or a carrot I got from a corpse back at Skalitz, or maybe it was a pretzel… who knew that was bad idea?
Also there might be a man or two walking around Rattay naked because I accidentally stole their clothes when they passed out. And thank God they passed out, for a second I thought I had killed them kek
Love this game. It's like everything people try to make Skyrim to be with all the realism/survival mods, only downside is my guy is fuckin ugly but I'll find some mask eventually and when I do I'll never take it off. Also I wonder if I can give anything to Theresa? That girl really needs a bath, like, it's been days, girl, and you look like you're still digging graves. Or maybe she was, knowing her uncle. She'd probably be the only npc besides the dog I wouldn't mind spending my hard earned money on.

No. 398848

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Me with this. Especially given that housemarque keeps vaguefagging about the potential sequel and then goes "the story is self contained tee hee". Fine, I'll keep obsessing.

No. 398860

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i’m on disc 2 of xenogears right now. i am genuinely in awe of how much i have been loving it. so many things that interest me all wrapped up into a mech-shaped package. it breaks my heart that the game was never truly completed. it becomes glaringly obvious once you get to disc 2 and the abridged storytelling really starts up. it deserves a remake.

No. 398942

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40 hours into playing Rune Factory 4 Special on my Steam Deck and I love it so far, possibly my new favourite game. Nonas who are also into the Rune Factory series, should I play 3 or 5 next? I know 5 has very mixed reception, but I have heard that the main story of 3 is very short and you can complete it before the first in game year ends. I am also worried that I will have ruined it for myself by playing rf4 first, due to the regression in QOL features.
I am also interested in playing Frontier, but I plan on playing it last in case a remaster is released by the time I get around to it.

No. 399106

I’m gonna preface this by saying I’m a big fan of the rune factory series so I’m probably super biased. But if a shorter game is more convenient for you then go for 3. Rune factory 3 was my first rune factory game and then I immediately followed it up with 4, but I was still able to enjoy and sink in 100s of hours into the others. However 3 is the one I’ve sunken the least amount of hours into because it’s so short. Like I was able to romance all the girls to completion before getting married and still clocked only 40ish hours into the game this is for 3 Special. God only knows how many hours I’ve played 3 on the ds when I was only 9 and had no clue how to do anything. Now I do know how to maximize my time in 3 really well, but it really is the shortest game. In comparison I’ve got a little over 200 hours sunk into 5 and 400 in 4 mostly because I played the game on both 3ds and switch to completion.

But a good thing to remember when playing the other games is to not have high expectations, because otherwise you will be disappointed. I know a lot of people were expecting super great things from 5 but just ended up being disappointed because it wasn’t an improvement upon 4 and instead kinda a whole new thing for me it’s very reminiscent of Tides of Destiny and Frontier but with 1’s writing and some modern writing tropes mixed in And I know there were people that were disappointed with 3 Special because it also wasn’t an improvement upon 4 3 Special is just 3 with the skin of 4. And I’ve heard a lot of people say that rune factory 4 ruined farming games for them and all I can say is to not compare games to each other because you will only continue to be disappointed. I used to think the same thing with Story of Seasons Trio of Towns and wasn’t able to enjoy Stardew Valley and the newer Story of Seasons games until I realized that I should stop comparing them and play the games without such high expectations if I wanted to enjoy them. And in spite of the fact that I loved 4, have tons of nostalgia for it, and probably have the least amount of criticism for it, Tides of Destiny is my favorite Rune Factory game. Also I was gonna say just buy Frontier if you wanted to play it, but holy shit when did the price for it go up so much? I bought it for only $20 last year on eBay.

No. 399783

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Any of you nonas ever played pic related? I've been looking into it, the more "realistic" survival craft gameplay looks very interesting to me, is it worth checking out? If I understand correctly the devs are always doing new updates changing everything, so it's the current state of the game good?

No. 399816

Anyone here ever play Signalis? It looks good and has great reviews, but I'm a little wary of how many reviews mention the lesbian robot romance. If it's handled well I'll play it, but if it's coomerbait I want nothing to do with it.

No. 399834

I didn't play it but I watched a playthrough. The story seemed interesting but I just couldn't get over the massive nazi lesbian fetish of the author. Reminded me of that infamous 4chan comic about concentration camp yuri. The soundtrack is good though and it had some interesting concepts, even got me to read The Yellow King.

No. 399851

Played it before, do you like Don't Starve where every second in game counts for prep? Do you like steep learning curves? Then you'll like this game. I played a few years back and even then it felt like I could sink hours in it, there's plenty of fleshed out game mechanics for sure.

No. 399853

>nazi lesbian fetish
Oh? do tell nona? I was kind of turned off by that aspect and I'm starting to know why.

No. 399860

I don't have any deets, it's just apparent from the game that creators are naziboos into malegaze military tragic yuri. Wouldn't surprise me if either of them is a tranny, the game caters to and is much beloved by them.

No. 399868

it gave me humongous agp laincore tranny vibes like an hour into the game so i dropped it. would recommend avoiding

No. 399869

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Somebody recommended this game to me, but i don't like the vibe of it. Dunno how else put it into words. I'd love to play more games with a female protag, but i'm skipping this one.
Just pirate it, play a bit and see if you like it?

No. 399904

I have a bunch of unplayed games on my ps4 that I need to get to, help me choose which one I should start nonnies
>Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
>Edge of Eternity
>Star Ocan: Till the End of Time
>Tales of Arise
>Dusk Diver
Or should I restart Tales of Berseria? I started it years ago but never finished (I think something else I was more interested in got released) so I don't remember the story

No. 399941

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>Star Rail is a self admitted ripoff of the Trails series
Late but it’s actually insane how blatant they are sometimes, like picrel. Granted I shouldn’t give a shit since it fell off after 3rd but it’s pretty funny

No. 399959

kek not only zelda, they ripped animations/attacks from a bunch of other games, but when it's their beloved gacha doing it, it's a reference and an inspiration, when other companies do similar generic gachas like them, then they are ripping off genshin.
I don't play these games and don't really care if they should get sued or not, there have always been blatant Chinese ripoffs of other games, TF2 had at least 2 or 3. I still find it amusing how some genshin/star tail fans can't admit the obvious.

No. 400050

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play Shenmue! i love those games, the fighting itself is okay especially in the first one but i really love the worldbuilding and story. its notoriously "slow" but i like that about it, you can do a lot of mundane stuff like go into most buildings and open drawers. collecting the gacha toys is my favorite. plus ryo is a cutie. hope you pick it and play it nona!

No. 400051

Plus these games can be genuinely funny at times kek

No. 400169

I can agree with the others, it feels a bit odd behind the motivation of the whole nazi/russian fetish. It's ok.

No. 400481

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Which Atelier's alchemy system do you think is the easiest and hardest? I've only played four of them, so I can't really give an absolute answer, but for me so far
>Escha/Logy easiest by far, but also the most boring one
>Ayesha; I often see this one being described as one of the harder ones because it's rather unintuitive or something like that, but it was the first I played, so maybe that's why I got the hang of it quickly. Also the most fun, I think.
>Totori, gotta be honest, I don't remember all too many differences between those two, but I think I sat more there ripping my hair out and wondering why it didn't work out again with Totori than I did with Rorona, so I guess this one's the harder one. Having Chims there to just COPY your stuff made it more managable though.

No. 400543

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Gonna be honest even the post-3rd games still have writing infinitely better than HSR's. Cold Steel sucks but even at it's worst it's like HSR on a good day.

No. 400591

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Oh for sure, even tho zero and especially azure were mid as fuck (I dropped cs1 30 mins in kek) I’d play it any day over soulless uninspired gachaslop cashcow #982727

No. 400597

Of all hoyo's countless weakpoints writing is somehow still their worst. So far zzz's story is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in a gacha, hsr and genshit being high up there, and the gameplay is worse wuwa. Cannot take hoyofags who unironically like it seriously.

No. 400654

>I dropped cs1 30 mins in kek
Was it when Alisa fell on Rean lol

No. 400665

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No surprisingly but that was pretty bad. It was when George’s fatass showed up. I am not going to sit through a game with that ugly obese moidblob creature being one of the main characters. I am particularly salty about him having the same name as my husbando too, doesn’t help that his actual name or whatever the fuck has the exact same spelling as his too, actually makes me mad. I wish that hamphlet killed himself for good before Angie stopped him. It’s whatever though, I don’t think I could handle 4 games with rean as the protagonist.

No. 400689

I really need to start Kiseki. I've heard a lot of people clowning on it, but honestly the idea of such long running continuous JRPG series sounds really appealing to me. There isn't really anything else like that in the era of everything being self-contained in fear of losing potential buyers.

No. 400712

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Do you have a game you always come back to? For me it's Spore, played it for the first time when I was 8 and I've been playing it on and off since then. It definitely show its age now and it's pretty wonky in a lot of areas, but I still have a lot of fun making creatures and continuing old safe files or making new ones. Also since the Sporepedia still works, I like just downloading random adventures to see what I can find (there's been a lot of surprising finds).

No. 400790

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Oblivion… I don't know why. I want to do another go at Morrowind with a strictly mage build, but maybe with Morrowind because it's more time intensive than Oblivion I just go for Oblivion… for example in Morrowind you can't fast travel from anywhere, you have to really grind your acrobatics in order to move quickly, and the combat starts slow and tedious. But fuck is it a good game.
Oblivion is just addicting sometimes I have no idea why, maybe because of this fella? I also want to replay New Vegas again, that's another addictive one

No. 400975

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KEK honestly good call, you escaped before you had to see him become important.
Give it a shot! Even if the later games drop off a bit, I think most of the nonnas on here who have played the starting trilogy, the Skies games, consider it time well spent.
I'm somebody who stuck through the later games too, and even if I get exasperated by what Falcom gets up to these days, I'm still in love with the world they've built. Nothing really compares for me to seeing just a bit more of it with each installment. It truly feels lived in.

No. 400976

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I don't even like this game but I played literal hundreds of hours of it when I was deeply mentally ill and know it like the back of my hand. So I return to it as a comfort game whenever I need something comfortable yet mildly absorbing to take my mind off of things. It's like putting trash TV on in the background for noise.

No. 400981

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Fable and Fable II
I like the simplicity they have in their stories and morality, and the atmosphere is super cozy (especially in the first game)
I don't dislike III as much as some do but it definitely drags more
Also agree with >>400790

No. 400982

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Majora's mask, I play that game in the most autistic ways, I just love it so much, I love seeing my favorite form of my husbando kek.
I also love playing final fantasy tactics, it's just really fun.

No. 400989

I was halfway through playing the first Trails game but there was a weird shift in writing where every character seemed to suck off Joshua while Bestelle was the butt of every joke. I started losing interest in the story and I find the turn based combat in JRPGs to be boring and tedious so the gameplay didn't really keep me hook.

No. 400996

You have to trust the process re: your specific story complaint. Seeing Estelle mature is part of what makes the Skies duology so great. Ditto on the gameplay though, I haven't played the game in anything but the easiest mode since 2nd because I find the combat not very engaging.

No. 401002

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Pretty fair complaint honestly, I notice a lot of people complain about Joshua’s pseudo harem and it’s reasonable but I don’t think it’s intrusive enough for it to affect my opinion on the game. I didn’t even notice it at first honestly, maybe it’s because of Olivier’s homolust and yaoi potential with two future characters. Also josette sucks.
As for Estelle, I guess it makes sense since she’s such a sperg esp compared to joshua at this point in the game (I love her to death tho). I recommend setting the difficulty to easy as well since I agree fc is particularly tedious gameplay wise. I think you should pick it up again, ofc I’m biased because it’s one of my fav series ever but sc and 3rd are outstanding, also the last few hours of fc are fun as hell.

Agreed with everything you said

No. 401017

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The Style Boutique games, especially the first one on the DS. There’s something so relaxing about running a boutique and styling outfits for customers. I regularly play for an hour or so at a time.

I also like to replay SMTIV and Bravely Default as I really enjoy the stories and characters from them, it makes it easy to get reinvested every time. I also actually like grinding in rpgs, it’s very chill.

No. 401247

Ok, I am addicted to Kingdom Come. Just opened my first lock, and it only took me 48 lockpicks! Lmao
I killed a civillian by accident because I thought he was some bandit trying to fight me… I guess I got really paranoid after stumbling onto too many bandits and cumans. Hid his body near the water, rip. When I realized what I did I just didn't feel like taking his stuff, felt bad, it was a huge mistake. Unfortunately loading an early save was out of question, my last save was hours ago, I did too much progress, this is something I have to live with now. I don't even have the excuse of being drunk cus I wasn't, kek, I was lost in the dark, trying to find the road to go back to Sasau and panicked when he started shouting. I am more careful now and don't go into the woods very late at night, it is really hard to navigate anyway.
I gave so many things to Theresa, even a dress I actually bought, and if she wears it I haven't seen it yet, but it's funny how she went "oh Hal that must've cost a fortune" for some silver ring I got from a bandit I killed in the woods. She gave me some savior schnapps too, I wasn't expecting her to give me anything. I love Theresa, too bad her boyfriend is ugly but I'll compensate that by coming home clean and full of gifts.
I can finally read now, time to steal every scribe everywhere. I also successfully brewed a few potions. Also did I say I just unlocked my first chest? It is an amazing feat. Killing cumans and bandits is easy, an "easy" chest is the real deal. Now I've got that confidence like when I had just killed my first enemy, aw yeah it's finally time for tresspassing, good thing I carry light clothes everywhere, my armor is very noisy.
I love how this game got random encounters and sometimes a bunch of guards/bandits are fighting the cumans and I just stay there waiting them finish killing each other and loot everything. Got some real nice armor back at Skalitz.
Next gonna buy better stuff for my horse, I am never abandoning it for another horse. Pebbles forever.

No. 401753

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I started with Graveyard Keeper and it’s so much fun but so hard. I got to a point now where I need blue points to progress and to unlock new skills. However I constantly need items for some quest where I need three other items to craft this quest item. I’m used to crafting in games but I haven’t played a fame that was this complex. Anyways it’s really tough for me to figure out where to invest my few blue coins I have.

No. 401996

It's me again with Kingdom Come.
So turns out Theresa actually wears what I gave her but she only does it in the evening, guess she doesn't want to have dirt on it? It is so easy to get your clothes all dirty even without fighting anyone, so I guess it makes sense. But then again I am always getting stuck in the bushes and falling in the water and getting thrown out of my horse.
Anyway I am now able to break in eveywhere I wish, but I have to be drunk to do so, and I was in a night of crime yesterday, doing every side quest that requires lockpicking and since I have to be drunk to open the hard locks, that gave me the buff 'alcoholic' which reduces all my stats and the only cure for it is a potion I'm having a hard time finding or abstinence. But I cant't, I can't go a day without a drink, I tried and I can't. Look at what I have become, all for the coin. Was it worth it? I am not the man Theresa deserves.
The journey so far: got in the Sasau monastery, stole from the Sasau monastery, stole from the bailiff of Rattay, stole from Sir Hanush of Rattay, stole a horse in Merhojed, stole from Lady Stephanie of Talmberg, stole from the apothecary in Rattay, stole from a random shop I don't even remember where because at this point I was so drunk I couldn't really see where I was going properly and the guards were starting to get suspicious and more than once they stopped me to search and I pulled out the "do you know who I am" card with them kek, I was full of stolen goods, can't go to prison I have a reputation.
I had time to read all the books I stole from the monastery and also killed some cumans. I also did something terrible in the meantime, worse than killing random poachers or knocking out random people to steal their belongings… I finished Lady Stephanie questline and accepted all it implied I am a terrible man.

No. 402003

Kek, you learned to read? Do you actually start out illiterate in this game?
What is Lady Stephanie's questline? You fucked her? Why does being drunk give you buffs in this game? Kek also post your girlfriend Theresa!

No. 402009

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Yes I was illiterate, the books I'd open looked all funny and I had to find a scribe to teach me. During a quest where I am investigating a crime there is a word written on the wall with the blood of the victim, I tried to read it and the guy was "no idea what is that, wish I could read" then I came back after learning and he said what was written judas, the books all make sense now, it was impossible to brew anything without reading, I could see the ingredients in the book but didn't know the steps.
The protagonist is the son of a blacksmith so he wouldn't really know how to read, I could hardly fight too and sometimes I still die because four or five guys do what four or five guys would realistically do to some guy they are fighting: they circle me and sometimes one of them hold me while the other guy hits me. Of course most of the times I just die by bleeding, it's a big problem, if you start bleeding you better run away or end the fight quickly, but it is hard to end quickly when your enemy is fully armored or even to run away wearing heavy armor. And my horse is a coward that throws me off and runs away when enemies attack me.
Also yes I fucked Lady Stephanie all while I am with Theresa. Theresa even accused me of being with the 'bath wenches' which I wasn't, I would never, but I cheated on her anyway… and then later I was sent to see Lady Stephanie's husband because he had a quest for me kek awkward
I knew that woman had something for me, she talked weird and told me all about her husband (a very old guy) and their lack of children and then she asked me to fetch some stuff and I was "well alright", and then she finds a excuse for me to undress in front of her and I did it anyway, it was too late to go back. So now I have to live with the consequences of being a scumbag cheater who killed a random civillian in the woods
Also drinking is a skill for some reason. Being drunk gives me charisma and also makes me better with a bow (a passive skill you can buy with perk points) but being too drunk makes the character walk all weird and the vision blurry. I am still very bad with a bow, only level 2 while my drinking is level 13 lmao

Not my pic but she wears the same dress which was the most expensive I could find.

No. 402066

Being illiterate in a game is kind of awesome not to mention having a drinking level. Maybe I should get this game… I'll at least add it to my wishlist. Nice dress you got for your girl, now post Lady Stephanie?

No. 402115

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Well, if you do just know you can't save anywhere you want until you have savior schnapps which are a bit costly at the beginning of the game. The game autosaves during important points of the story and some sidequests, still people complain because it can get a bit frustrating realizing you didn't save before doing something stupid or dying from falling/bleeding/combat. Happened to me lots of times but now I can brew savior schnapps and have enough money to buy it too.
Henry sucks at lockpicking but it gets easier if you keep failing, you don't have to get good, Henry will stop sucking… or you just do like me and become an alcoholic for your crime spree. Henry sucks at everything and many people just rage quit because either the lockpicking mechanics or the fighting mechanics, the fighting you actually have to get good because there are lots of different things you can do and it was really weird the first time I played, I didn't understand what I was doing but the game will show you and then you have to practice.
I am level 14 on sword and I still suck but I also managed to kill a bunch of enemies by just stabbing them to death kek, I just spot the bandit camp and run into it and stab the first guy I see and if I am fast enough two will be dead before they have any time to react, and sometimes the other bandits see their dead buddies and run away from me kek, I feel so powerful till some heavily armored guy with an axe comes running from nowhere to show me how it is, my thin sword have a hard time with these types.
I got this game on sale on ps4, been in my wishlist for a while but I didn't know I would like it that much, and then turns out there will be a sequel coming out soon, so I guess the cheaper price makes sense, they're trying to get more players probably. Sad thing the fandom is full of scrotes with their rape and sex jokes and casual misogyny. Wish I could talk to a woman about the game but I get why it might not attract many women, no judgement.

No. 402118

No. 402156

I started Elden Ring about a week ago. I already have 20 hours and haven't even beat the first real boss (Margit). I get my ass handed to me every five minutes.
It's my first soulsborn so I cope by telling myself I'm still learning but sometimes I feel straight up retarded playing it.
I can't tell if I'm having fun or not to be honest, but I keep coming back to it.

YEAH! I never finished the first one but still I'm hype!

No. 402160

If you keep coming back that sounds like you're having fun to me, I also had trouble with Margit for ages so I simply went around and didn't fight him until a lot later since there's tonnes you can do without fighting him.

No. 402162

Lmao you can do that?!

No. 402170

the first time i played dark souls 1, i stopped playing for a whole month because the first boss kicked my ass so much. then i came back and figured it out and i was hooked ever since. it's been 10 years now, i'm a devout fromsoft fan

No. 402190

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You can skip all of Stormveil by just walking around it

No. 402201

The guy has been there for eons just waiting to fuck you up, and you just get on your horse and go around him. Amazing, I love video games.

No. 402209

You can skip pretty massive amounts of the game. There's eight great runes and you only need two of them to get into the capital. If you're having trouble I'd recommend heading south to the Weeping Peninsula or finding Siofra River first.

No. 402356

I’m looking for a recommendation.My 53 year old mother very recently got a Nintendo Switch and has been playing Tunic on easy mode and absolutely loving it but she’s almost done and I want to suggest her more stuff. She kind of lacks a “video game common sense” so something that is very heavy handed with showing you what to do but not super easy. I was thinking the Kirby games would be good but if you have anything else I’d be appreciative. She seems to really be having fun and I like listening to her talk about her little fox guy.

No. 402405

Food4Dogs on youtube is also around that age so you could go into what she plays.

ACNH if she's ok with the waiting aspect, Stardew if she likes that kind of game, Mario bros wonder? Cult of the lamb, Pokemon dungeon? Link's awakening, Ori and the blind forest is fairly challenging.

No. 402465

Food4Dogs probably isn't a good metric. The woman may be a retirement age latecomer to videogames but she's deeper into the JRPG genre than most normies and plays stuff like Hyperdimension Neptunia and the Trails series with one of the harder Atelier games being her entry point to the genre.

No. 402467

I really thought she would like Stardew but Stardew is designed for those with some prior knowledge of video games. She had no clue what to do since it kind of just drops you into the game. Cult of the Lamb is a good one I didn’t think of, thanks!

No. 402469

started mhw yesterday. bought it recently as it was on sale am using switch axe.

No. 402470

does she like puzzle games? how about portal?

No. 402473

My mom had similar issues with Stardew Valley. Ended up getting her a Natsume Harvest Moon game (I think it was Light of Hope) and she had no issues with it.

No. 402475

The Story of Seasons games might actually be better in her case. More explanation and slower pace, less features.

No. 402756

I went to the river, lit up all the fires and the dead dragon started glowing, but it's not reacting. Am I missing something?
Also I defeated Margit finally. Took me three-ish hours of back to back attempts, I didn't even try to count. I do appreciate your suggestion but I wanted to prove to myself that I could. It was good actually, I'm panic rolling and over attacking less now.

No. 402870

So I am playing 'A Woman's Lot' Kingdom Come dlc where you play as Theresa, basically her story of how she survived Skalitz and it's funny how the game pokes fun of Henry and at the players tendency of save scumming. Bianca (Henry's girlfriend) literally went "he drinks it (the Savior Schnapps aka saving the game) even before we do it" lmao, look, I only do it when I am about to suicide in a bandit camp… or when I am on a crime spree… or when I am about to make a stupid choice which is almost always… you know what, forget I said anything.
There is also a woman you can talk asking who'd win the tournament and there are a few options and if you choose Henry, Theresa justifies her choice with him being a blacksmith thus probably strong and the woman totally tells how it is, says Henry is fucking lazy and a big loser kek everyone knows it. When I first started the game I lost a fight to a drunkard and had to run to mama so she could patch me up, and then only got what I needed from that guy after asking my friends to beat him up. 4v1, so knightly and honorable kekk
Anyway, I got an achievement for winning the sparring match against Henry, he fights pathetically I had forgotten how bad he was at it.

No. 403121

If everything is lit then there should be a prompt like "Touch Remains" when you're close. That should kick off the boss fight. The pillars on the stairs outside the arena should all be lit to indicate that it's ready.
If you're level 30-35ish you should be good to go to do the rest of Stormveil then it's up north to Hogwarts.
Yeah panic rolling is so hard to get over in this they really punish you with delaying attacks. Side to side or forward is usually better than back. Jumping also works well for any attack that runs along the ground even if it doesn't look like you should be able to jump over it.

No. 403282

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No. 403283

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No. 403485

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Took me two tries to defeat Runt. They put that cool scene where Henry fights him like his equal but the truth is the first time I fought him he master striked me to death and then the second time was very anti climatic… he fell after like two hits or something, it was really fast because I hit him on the head and by luck got the "headcracker" perk activated which knocks out enemies when they're hit on the head, but it is very rare to get. Then he fell unconscious and I wasn't even sure what the hell happened till I saw the button "kill" kek of course I stole all his stuff first.

For days I've been getting seriously bad lag when looting/opening chests and couldn't find a solution, the few suggestions on the internet didn't work.. It didn't happen with Theresa and it was driving me insane. It made it impossible for me to choose what to loot, I had to loot everything or nothing at all and some equipment is so heavy, I just wanted to loot the most valuable piece of armor now, no time for cheap Cuman underwear weighing me down. Then after looking up a bit more I found this lag was tied to my alcoholic debuff. Jesus Christ. Once I dealt with it the lag stopped. I found the potion I needed on a Cuman corpse I think. This long ass time sober wasn't working since I couldn't even drink healing potions as that also makes me drunk. Now no more lags. Fucking weird ass shit, I am never drinking again. Sold all my wine, beer, spirits and moonshine, I had tons of that everywhere: my personal chest, my inventory, Pebbles was carrying lots of that crap around, imagine that. Never again.
This game needs some serious optimization for console. Hopefully the sequel won't have these lags and the renderization will be better, seriously, sometimes characters just don't render at all. Elden Ring got a bit slow now I updated the game and the renderization sometimes takes a while but nothing as bad as the long loading times of Kingdom Come.

Anyway, hopefully today I am done with that ghost quest, it is so much work, they made me get into the monastery (alright I went there before but I didn't even know they had a second bigger library there before my second trip) to get a book hidden behind sets of very hard locks… only for me to find the key after I already had the books, mind you, I was trying to fight my alcoholism so the locks got open the hard way, I was completely sober. Can't believe I almost got arrested for that quest. Then went back and forth to Rattay and Ledetchko. But I guess I might be in for much worse since now they sent me to speak to that nasty priest in Uzhitz, I am not even going to describe what happened there with that guy last time but it was enough for me to reload the game and nope his ass. I didn't go back to Uzhitz after that.
I know I am a bit of a hypocrite too, I was fornicating with a married woman, drinking myself to the point I became addicted, and looting corpses all while Henry goes hard on people doing the exact same thing cus "that ain't very christian of you" kek but at least I am no priest alright, my dumb preaching holds no weight.

No. 403520

Ugly post-wall faggots

No. 403718

>healing potions get you drunk
Kek sounds like snake oil to me, those aren't healing potions it's just moonshine

No. 403730

Unlike the others, I have to defend this game. Ignore the shitty fandom which has been overrun by yuri fetishists and please give the actual game a try. There is zero sexual fanservice and the canon lesbian pairing only gets one short dance scene at the end of the game. I don't see how the use of Cold War era aesthetics must mean it's the creator's literal fetish, the military look is just a male autism thing. I personally find it interesting and unique when mixed with the other story elements, or the horror or violence to be moid-gazey torture porn, the worst it gets is low poly RE zombie shooting with blood and recreating a certain shot from Ghost In The Shell and Signalis's character doesn't have her tits out. The two devs are Germans, Barbara Wittman and "Yuri Stern" (Alex Zwerger).

No. 403738

samefagging since I remembered more, Yuri said that he wanted an Eastern bloc vibe because it's a different setting than what's explored in most sci fi games, it also has a very heavy Chinese flair. I can't see these takes itt as anything but projection because, having played it for 50 hours, it's a lovingly made art project that doesn't glorify its military inspirations and the anon who said the game "caters to trannies" is flat out hallucinating. I think the devs let their fandom have full reign on Twitter, they'll retweet all the hyperactive shipper art, and Alex/Yuri's name change is strange but just don't look at that shit like I do and it has no bearing on the game; it's not like Alex has another account that's full of yuri hentai. There's no suspicious things about sex or gender even when the setting has mind/body technology and modular cyborg people, updates are just bugfixes and QoL stuff. If this came out in 2010 nobody would be seeing trannies around every corner.

No. 403834

I love watching challenge runs as background noise and this one got recommended to me. I'm extremely disappointed. It should be titled "Without doing any damage as Vaan".

No. 403996

Does anyone know why is Deltarune now being called Deltatroon?

I really enjoyed Undertale but only played Deltarune chapter one and then real life have gotten in the way and I haven't found time to play new episodes or keep up with what is happening.

No. 404004

I haven't seen that but troons and gendies latched onto Undertale/deltarune like the leeches they are, so maybe that's why.

No. 404138

Obnoxious tranny fandom but no troons in game (except Kris but given the game’s themes I wouldn’t be surprised if Toby does assign a gender to them to play into the whole “Kris is not your self insert” thing.) I remember back in the day people were convinced metaton was a TIF but I don’t see that much anymore, granted I avoid the fandom.
I really loved chapter two and if you liked Chapter 1 it’s worth it to play it. It has some very uncomfortable moments and does the “killing people is bad” thing way better than Undertale.

No. 404171

The guards in Kingdom Come seem to be onto me now. Sometimes they'd just say "stop for a moment, routine inspection" very polite but now they're coming so aggressive, some guard yelled from the other side of the road as soon as he saw me "SHOW ME WHAT YOU'RE CONCEALING" like some Oblivion guard catching you on the act, I almost had a heart attack, and yeah I had just stolen everything the apothecary in Rattay had. But whats up with that, I am offended he thought I was concealing anything, doesn't he know who I am? Henry of Skalitz, right hand of Sir Radzig Kobyla, cuman hunter, bailiff of Pribyslavitz, master huntsman of Talmberg and Lord Hans Capon only friend how dare these guards speak to me as if I am some random thief. I think stealing repeatedly from the same place got them a bit nervous.
My clean criminal record is now tainted… not for the apothecary stuff, I just told the guy "do you know who I am?" For the 999 time and he let me go kek but in Sasau some guard came yelling I was violating the law and I should surrender, he didn't even say what I did wrong, and for the first time ever I had done nothing wrong so I was curious, the hell this guard is accusing me now. He then says I should pay a fine of I think 10 groschen for walking around in the dark without a torch. Fucking kek. And it all happened in the little church where I previously stole from a corpse in front of the deceased's son. Good times. I'm done with criminal stuff now, I am going up in life and have important matters to attend, I don't want to disappoint Sir Radzig.

No. 404191

There's a troon in the Switch release of Undertale. One of the ghosts becomes an anime cat girl as a bonus boss. Deltarune seems safe so far though

No. 404331

they just released the VA cast for dragon age veilguard. someone called the qunari being a troon in a previous thread kek and it's looking that way since the VA is a they/them woman.

No. 404385

the qunari goes by she/her, that was confirmed by the devs. It's just the regular themlet plays woman thing, like Emma D'arcy.
Most VOs vaguely resemble their characters…not the quanri… Her VA looks like a small asian themlet with frog vioce. I wish they would have cast a proper butch lesbian like Katy O'Brian.

Looking forward to Lucanis, from all we know he's probably going to be my favourite.

No. 405000

I'm relieved the entire cast is cisgender kek. From the gameplay trailer I was 99% convinced Neve was voiced by a tranny, glad to see an actual woman got the role. Not even mad about the themlet, at least she's also biologically female. Gonna be funny hearing the Qunari's testosterone frog voice (maybe).

No. 405123

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Has anyone kept up with World of Warcraft recently? What are your opinions on the state of the game?

I actually enjoyed Shadowlands quite a bit overall, even though most the criticisms it received were absolutely valid. I felt that it had a good amount of content, progression made sense, there was a good level of challenge, Nathria was a great raid, and many of the zones had interesting environments and NPCs, even though the story was shit and nothing really fit the typical WoW aesthetic.

Despite Dragonflight being a return to the usual on paper, something about it felt sort of… wrong to me, but it's hard for me to put my finger on. It feels a little too manufactured, a little too much like fanfiction, and a little too clunky.

I've been trying to play again during the pre-patch, but that same feeling of wrongness remains and is even stronger, honestly, and I think I have to chalk it up to many little things. UI changes that feel very mobile game-y, abysmal lore and storytelling, very generic zones in a game that typically has wonderful environments, bizarre artistic choices, trivial but time-consuming world content, adding and removing complexity from systems seemingly at random, lack of immersion… I could go on.

I can't believe the amount of praise Dragonflight has gotten, as I don't typically have controversial opinions on games, and I'm struggling to enjoy it like I enjoyed other recent and supposedly shitty expansions.
It doesn't seem like there's anywhere worth posting about WoW anymore though; Reddit and the official forums are slightly different echochambers, and /wowg/ has been unusably filled with avatartrannies for many years now. I'm curious if any nonas here have any more nuanced thoughts on the game that aren't just
>wow is now a terrible game by troons and for troons, and you're a mazed retard if you even consider playing it
>the game is the best it has been since legion/pandaria/(insert expansion), and any and all complaints you have are illegitimate
>the story in Dragonflight is so comfy and cozy and I love the wholesome cultural exploration and fun dragon flying and lgbt rep!

No. 405164

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I hope there aren't any more sudoku in this game. My eyes hurt from staring at these numbers.

No. 405165

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OK now I'm actually excited for 1999.
Though I get why Arthur is British now, but he didn't sound like it at all in Whispers.

No. 405277

Is this Nancy Drew?

No. 405322

Yes, Shadow at the Water's Edge.

No. 405423

I'm looking for game reccs, preferably in the $≤15-20 range and not too long but long enough to add some value to the experience. I'm gonna get paid in a few days and need something to burn.

No. 405653

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Finished Tales of Arise a few days ago, while it does have some occasional pacing issues it's honestly one of the more solid Tales games I've played. The comedic moments are usually pretty well timed, and even though you see the romance between the two MCs from a mile away the development and pacing of it felt so natural I could genuinely buy that they fell in love. I think romance in jrpgs tend to be pretty awkward and forced, but personally I felt none of that here.
I just wish they didn't fucking stop and talk so fucking much and let you explore in peace without having everything come to a halt. I also couldn't take John Snow flavored Sephiroth seriously as an enemy for a fucking minute kek

No. 405664

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Magician's quest is the cutest coziest video game I've played in a long time I would have been all over it as a kid

No. 405665

This looks adorable! Tell us more about it nonnie!

No. 405666

Oh my God, I saw Magician's Quest on the front page. Isn't it so cute? I used to play Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times as a kid and was sad there were no other sequels released in the US. Finding out that Japan had so many other releases of it had me irritated.

No. 405668

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I wish they didn’t stop at one game being sent overseas and did all four. There is a group making an english patch for the 3ds Magicians Quest game and they have a gbatemp thread with updates still going on.

No. 405669

From what I understood it's an animal crossing wild world copycat by Konami. The gameplay is very similar except you're a Magic school student, you can learn spells, make potions… I've just started by it seems like it's going to have a lot of stuff to unlock and discover and the characters are very cute.

No. 405673

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God I really wanted this game when I was a kid, but looks like they brought a total of 5 copies to EU because I couldn't find it no matter how many shops I asked (and we didn't have internet connection at the time, so we couldn't order it online)
I'm glad a few years ago I got a R4 and finally could experience it. I wish people didn't close it right off the bat after seeing an screenshot and calling it an Aninal Crossing rip-off. Outside the main setting, it's pretty different than AC and more focused on single-player activities than decorating, so its very fun, plus the villagers have WAY more variety in both designs and personalities. My boyfriend used to be a sentiment TV that would play pranks on the other villagers all the time kek.
Super happy to see others acknowledge the game over here, finding small mysteries around the town is fun.

No. 406062

How do people play fast paced games with mouse and keyboard. My hands are too small to hit all the extra buttons while still keeping them on wasd.
Smashed my thumb a bit so using the controller sorta hurts though.

No. 406063

over a decade of playing mostly mkb, team fortress 2 being my first "real" game

No. 406092

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Sorry for the shit pic but I've neglected my wild world town so bad I got a rafflesia kek

No. 406097

oh noo I did this too. I even removed all the weeds but by now I've been away for so long that once again it probably doesn't even matter
she's so cute even when her face is like 5 pixels

No. 406103

Memories! This would always happen to me, I thought it was a glitch but I guess I was just really bad at maintaining my town kek

No. 406276

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A Blizz worker friend passed me $20, I was thinking I could just reactivate my sub to level through DF (as I quit in the first couple months of DF). I heard the mounts got cooler rigs? I was hoping I could use the new animations with my picrel.

No. 406295

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I don't know what thread this belongs in so I guess I'll out it here since it is a game of sorts!?
I've been wanting a Tamagotchi again so badly lately. I had one as a kid when they were all the basic type and my mind was blown looking them up recently and seeing all of the features included in the newer models.
Picrel has been living in my mind since I saw it… The Uni Angel and Monster Festival Tamas…

No. 406403

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Turbo WoW autist here, take my opinions with a grain of salt because I've been almost exclusively playing on the PTR for 9 years so I can't really speak on the multiplayer components. I also refuse to engage with anything past BfA because 99% of the content just doesn't feel fun to me

>the story was shit and nothing really fit the typical WoW aesthetic

I was surprised how bad Shadowlands was compared to Legion/BfA, it felt like a really shitty patch to me and I didn't really enjoy any of the content in the entire expac besides maybe Torghast or the Venthyr convenant party thing. I remember absolutely fucking nothing about the story besides the Warden plot twist because it was memed to hell and back. I wouldn't say the zones were badly done or had unappealing aesthetics, but they felt kind of bland and uninspired. I did really like Ardenweald because I'm a sucker for foresty/elven-inspired zones. Dragonflight was slightly better and it felt more "lively" but again there was just something missing about it. I enjoyed how they revamped the profession system to encourage interactions between players (in theory because PTR is fucking dead). I do like that it was more of a chill expansion after all the "zomg big bad #10949227096 is coming to kill everyone we gotta stop him!!!" every other patch because it was so overdone. I also enjoyed the zones more than Shadowlands, particularly the Emerald Dream.

> that same feeling of wrongness remains and is even stronger

You're absolutely right about this and for the longest time I thought I was just being a schizo because I couldn't find anyone else genuinely criticizing it that wasn't accompanied by "woke bad". I don't like how the LGBT rep was so suddenly shoehorned in and all at once. IIRC there were LGB characters that had much better storylines and buildups leading up to the reveal? I can't remember any atm but I felt that it was nowhere near as egregious as in Shadowlands/Dragonflight. The transition from BfA to Shadowlands was so jarring in terms of story/aesthetics that it almost didn't feel like the same game to me. It went from "I'm fighting in a war, conflicts/discontentment over decades have been building up and finally it's all boiling over with devastating consequences for both sides, oh shit the naga/Old Gods are here" I still can't believe they blew through arguably the biggest and best candidates for future expansions in 2 fucking patches to "so the writer's waifu tore apart the sky and now we're in heaven???" It feels like WoW lost an extremely fundamental part of its identity and what makes it appealing, and not just in terms of story/aesthetics/content/etc. Idk if I'm nostalgiafagging but most of the new expacs haven't felt as engaging or compelling despite a lot of cool concepts being revealed. In my opinion it feels like our actions don't really have an impact on the game world as it did in previous expacs, which could be due to the fact that we've beaten gods and one of the biggest bads in the game universe already or just bad writing or any other of 1000 different reasons. In previous expacs you could become "immersed" in the story and environment pretty easily, but now there's so much ridiculous shit going on that you can't do it as well if at all.

Bonus nitpicks:
>UI changes
I genuinely do not understand why they chose to redo everything instead of just cleaning things up a bit and refining the graphics. I actually enjoyed the old "grungy" feel of the older UIs, they had so much character and sovl. Now we just have weird silicon valley-core round semitransparent buttons with a corporate artstyle ass icon.
>bizarre artistic choices
I enjoy the more high res graphics (if you've seen the hexagonal oranges laying around in old zones you know) but at the same time something about their execution makes it feel really generic, like the WoW "artstyle" doesn't shine through. I do really enjoy the character customization changes they made back in BfA, I feel like it gave my characters more visual personality and also makes it easier to clock men/troons kek
>typically wonderful environments
At least 50% of my enjoyment of WoW comes from adventuring in the unique environments, idk if they're running out of ideas or something but how do you fuck up one of the most fundamental things of a fantasy world??
>trader's post
I like the new content it brought, but the battle pass system feels really grindy when we already have like 10 different grind systems and also feels out of place. Other times I've been forced to pick between many things I wanted because for some ungodly reason they decided to cap the amount of tender you can get in a month.
>removal of class sets until recently
This one kind of speaks for itself. In Legion basically all the content was based off class identity and suddenly they just start cranking out sets for armor type only? I honestly really enjoyed going on my profession alts and looking at the different class sets to see the differeces in design choices and aesthetics. I'm happy they're starting to bring them back though.

Overall I think the feeling of wrongness stems from the fact that it's very lackluster and doesn't "feel" like WoW anymore, as their decisions gradually deviate from the concepts of the original game or even semi-recent expacs. Obviously some areas needed development or even rewriting but they made unnecessary changes in many areas. I'm optimistic about it regaining that "spark" but I'm kind of losing hope after seeing TWW. I have a lot of fond memories and addiction so I'm probably not going to quit anytime soon, but I'm looking into alternatives. I don't even want to be a hater, but I genuinely struggle with feeling the same enthusiasm for recent/upcoming expacs that I'm debating whether to just fuck off to a private server and pretend that anything after BfA was a fever dream I had after playing 16 hours of WoW straight. If you got here thank you for reading my word wall and I'd be happy to discuss more if you'd like.

No. 406593

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I hope "more looks at the game" means more gameplay video. 1lvl prologue/tutorial where the player is treated like a moron just ain't it. I personaly was disappointed that to be a Tevinter mage you need to have a shadow dragons background. I guess i'll have to pick an antivan crow background so i can be an emo goth mage edgelord.

No. 406712

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For those who play online games with VoIP,have you encountered other female gamers acting as if they're in love with you just because you're another woman in the lobby?
For example, being overly friendly, making sure to point out that you're a woman, saying stuff like "[username], I love you" out of nowhere etc.
It makes me uncomfortable and I've noticed that it usually happens while they're playing with their male friends, making me feel like I'm there for their entertainment or to showcase that she's a cool girl who doesn't hate on other girls. Reminds me of when girls at school would flirt with me as a joke kek.

No. 406763

i hope we get to hear the companions voices for once. i don't get why they made all this VA promo at SDCC, when we don't know how two of the attending VAs sound in the game. It was a bit weird.
I wish we would get a Character Creator demo before the release, but that unlikely.

No. 406782

It is weird. VA promoting video games now, i guess?

No. 406786

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Romhacking is shutting down, say goodbye to years worth of ENG translation of obscure (and not so obscure) games and and fun mods.
This sucks so much god, why do people have to ruin everything for everyone else? From what I have heard (take with a grain of salt, I haven't looked into it) its all thanks to some tranny who wanted to sabotage this site so his rom hack site would get popular on its palce.

Just 2 days ago I downloaded the ENG patch for SMT I… Romhacking uploaded their archives to Interned Archive, but looks like the file is just 11gb, so it might be missing lots of stuff. I will check it out later to see if that's the case.


No. 406811

Huh, I suppose I'm a bit like this. Obviously I don't tell anyone I love them, but I do act friendly and make sure to angage them in conversation. I guess it's always a nice suprise when a woman joins the lobby for me and I immediately feel safer and am more inclined to talk at all. Didn't know it would be percieved in a bad way, or like I'm trying to prove anything to the guys in lobby…

No. 406832

Oh yeah I make sure to be cordial towards them and stay close together(depending on game), because like you said, it is a nice surprise to see another woman who shares the same interests as you. I just think there's a difference between being friendly and talking more vs acting like you love her and trying to get the other woman to play along with it. It also gets weird when they start pointing out stuff about both of us being women, which I find awkward due to prefering to just be another gamer I guess.

No. 406838

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Playing Stellaris again and I guess I fucked up. Got a stupid vassal who is a hive mind so I can't really integrate them into my society and now they just have parts of what would be my territory. I should've killed them when I found them, now it feels like too much work even though I know their fleets are pathetic. They have a territory way beyond my borders, dunno how they did it but I guess getting into a war with them to get their territory would make my empire more vulnerable to attacks and it is already vulnerable as it is, I am fucking boxed in the middle of a bunch of stronger empires, my useless vassal, and a fallen empire that successfully humilliated me last night by declaring war and then marching their big ass ships inside my borders making great display of their power. I submitted before they had the chance to strike because that would be like launching a nuclear bomb onto an ant. They killed the princess to send a message, there was nothing I could do, the princess wasn't even 50, she just recently assumed the throne after the queen died of the old age of 109.
This was right after I got dragged into a war I shouldn't by my fucking border ally who I got a defense pact, I should've known! The fucker is stronger than me and was waging war with another empire who got a vassal that is not so useless and actually had great relations with me until their overlord got to war thanks to my "ally". The worst thing about this war: the guy who declared war on this empire doesn't border it! But I do! And I also border their vassal. Thus I got absolutely destroyed and now my fucking ally is cutting certain relations with me for no reason after all I've done to help them. I got fucking barren worlds thanks to this war and my economy is in shambles when before I used to make so much energy and minerals I had to trade it for other things cus I couldn't store it anymore.
So I am fucked. My borders include my useless hive mind vassal who I should've killed when I found them in the cloning vat; a fallen empire who decided to declare war out of the blue probably due to border friction; my stupid ally who thinks they are some bigshot but hardly moved to defend me (their fleet is real slow and they were really far away); the enemy I got into war recently and their strong vassal; some empire I hate who are also a hive mind meaning I have to wipe them out to get their territory and who I had previously thought had only a small fraction of the space but turns out they have a huge empire far away from my borders too.
And only now I am getting better military ships and developing psyonics, what are the chances I get attacked again.. And I am very worried about my ally, they seem suspicious, I think they might be planning on taking me into their vassalage and they actually have power for it. If they do I am about to insult the entire galaxy! How dare they.
I dunno what to do now, I can't take any of them and I am afraid that wiping out my vassal thus greatly expanding my territory will not only make the other empires more inclined on declaring war on me but also deplete my remaining resources which would mean complete defeat. I see my ally is improving relations with their previous rivals, he might want to join them to get me now he knows we can't win. This war made me really paranoid. I guess I am done being nice to aliens.

No. 406853

Yes, and it felt very fake because she had been indifferent to me (which was I was fine with btw) when she and everyone else in the group I'd joined thought I was male. Then I go on mic for a raid and suddenly she's my bestie kek. I don't think she was necessarily doing it for male attention though, since she was already the founder/queen bee of the group and had everyone at her beck and call, and I wasn't the other woman in the group either. She ended up being pretty two-faced and a massive drama-stir anyway over the dumbest shit, so I think that was just her personality kek

On the other hand, I thought it was pretty sweet the few times I came across women or girls in games with random matchmaking who were on mic and excited to meet another female player, but they were always more interested in sperging out with me about the game or talking tactics than me as another female player.

No. 406867

Yeah my issue with it is that it feels/is fake. If they're sperging about the game and just shooting the shit then it's obviously different.
Your second paragraph is how it should be.

No. 406905

Is this CKII in space

No. 406906

late but Okami

No. 406954


And I am now with an unhinged expansionist military nation and I got a huge territory and a huge army, nothing can stop me now. Too bad for the fallen empire this time, they don't seem interested in attacking me, they gave me a back handed compliment instead of outright insulting me like the others and haven't said anything about the borders. But their end is coming soon.. in about 300 or 500 years if nothing goes wrong of course. Hopefully that eldritch abomination I unleashed won't do anything bad in the meanwhile….

No. 407122

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Anyone pumped for pic related?

No. 407229

Things are going strangely well in Stellaris now. After two wars I seized three systems of my enemies I had previously occupied. They were unable to do the same cus they didn't occupy any planets of mine and were sustaining big losses despite their best efforts and successfully taking hold of some of my outposts but I was not close to winning either (sometime after the first war and before the second they reinforced their spaceport which sits directly in the border and in the shorter path to their shipyard and my fleets couldn't destroy it without suffering heavy losses so I had to take a different, longer route and didn't get close to their shipyard anyway, too many problems with that route, but got some of their ally colonies) so we came to a peace agreement and I kept their systems, it wasn't what I wanted but it was still a win, I didn't came out of that empty handed and it also helped my allies.
One smaller empire doesn't exist anymore, one of my allies probably seized their territory during the war, I think they were allies with my enemies but they were so far away and small I never even encountered their ships.
My two enemies allied themselves with an empire I tried once to be friends with but they were a tad difficult to build relations and I gave up, but here is where it gets good, their fleet is ridiculously weak, and they are at war with some pathetic uplifted species that is dividing their territory. Lmao. I have 2 of these in my systems but one is already integrated so there is zero chance of them rebelling and the other doesn't have space exploration tech yet so they don't know about all these overlords fighting each other in the sky, they are still very primitive. I think this uplifted species was only able to rebel because I weakened their overlord in the last war. Their existence is a pleasant surprise, I don't have to worry about their overlord that much now they're busy and none of them can expand as my empire already borders them, so I can focus on what is important, my two main enemies at the other side of the universe.
They are about to get squashed into non existence and I will vassalize their little minion that has been unhappy with them since we first met. Seriously, the little guys got boxed into a corner and had control of only 1 system, now two since I weakened their overlord, and they have been insulting me for ages probably in the hopes I'd wage war and their overlord would forcibly get involved and lose thus freeing them or get weak enough they could rebel. Yeah it is kinda working but they will be soon integrated into my territory too. It will all be better, they will have food and resources and not have to worry anymore about borders and politics, alright they will have some limited rights but my people don't openly discriminate against aliens, I mean, that eldritch horror coming out of a black hole is feeding off everyone alike, not just xenos, we're very progressive, a body is a body…
The fallen empire has now open borders with my empire because I gave them some dead species they wanted for their alien zoo. Once I am done with my three enemies and their two vassals I will be unstoppable. Soon I will seize my allies and if nothing big happens, we will march to one last war as one and the fallen empire will know pain.

No. 407232

Same for me. It was the first TES game introduced to me and I fell in love playing it. I spend hours just walking around picking flowers and taking in the view and music. It feels like I am in a fairytale. It's so goofy and optimistic compared to grey and grimy Skyrim vibes. Even though I am bad at video games, I never really struggled with this one.
Oh, and The Sims 2. I played it religiously since I got it as a gift when I was little. It's the best out of all the releases and that is the hill I am willing to die on.

No. 407248

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Any other Isaac nonas? I know there's at least one lurking around. I just beat Derilium for the first time and I now don't really understand why people think he's so hard besides just having bad luck, Mega Satan was way more difficult in my opinion because of the smaller area and the stupid rocks and brimstone beam, meanwhile with Derilium I could just run around and dodge until he transformed into his normal form or a more slow moving boss. Anyways, excited to beat Dogma, I only need to unlock a few more things and I should be good to go.
Going to ramble for a second but despite the game being pretty scrotoid in some aspects I really do love the enemy and level designs and all their cool variations, it's also just so satisfying unlocking more items and more bosses and playing around with characters and oh my god it's so fun. Before I got into it I didn't really get the appeal but now I'm 400 hours deep (including Flash/Wrath of the Lamb versions) and it's like toxoplasmosis for me.

No. 407280

1000+ hours Isaac player here yes I agree with how playable this game is once you get really into it, clearly.

Also true about delirium, mega satan is way worse, the only thing with delirium is he can get easier or harder depending on how much he telefraggs whereas Mega Satan is fairly consistent, also if you can Eraser Larry Jr at any point in the run, he's much easier.
When I was doing the Ultra Hard challenge (fuck that challenge btw) I actually went to delirium because I was more confident I could beat him over Mega satan, and I did, but then I got that glitch that doesn't let you win the challenge if you go to delirium. so don't do that, just an example of delirium not being as hard, he can just be situational.

No. 407302

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Replaying the Witcher 3 and I love to excuse the moid writting moments by pretending Geralt is just socially retarded

No. 407320

My headcanon is that he is kinda socially retarded, I made him say so much idiotic shit last time I played it kek such an amazing game though

No. 407326

I thought he was supposed to be socially inept? He comes across just so.. that.

No. 407334

Geralt was initially written as a self-insert for Andrzej Sapkowski kek: a broody, badass guy who gets the fuck all the young women he encounters, despite being "an older guy"

No. 407342

The Boss rush is the worst fight imo. It happens too soon in the run and it can give some annoying combination. Hush can be annoying. I usually get so powerful at the end of a run that the last bosses tend to go smoothly, but I agree that mega satan is harder than delirium, specially when you can farm extra items before delirium and the fights are much easier than the ones before mega satan.
The game is sort of scrotoid, but it's so absurd and silly that it doesn't bother me. I've played a few roguelikes, but isaac is my favorite when it comes to gameplay. I like the synergies and the massive amount of items. It's hard but also really chill. Some other roguelikes are way too hard. Once I get a few successful runs I tend to drop them.
I'm also over 1k hours on it, it's nice to know there are other likeminded nonnies around! Ultra hard challenge was annoying, some achievements seem to rely on having one of the very few powerful combos available. Repetence is so much harder than the previous dlc imo. Tainted characters are so much harder. I never liked greed runs, having to them all again with every character is demotivating.

No. 407398

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Yeah, I can definitely see how Derilium can be a pain in the ass in certain situations but he was really hyped up as the most broken boss. I don't really like saying this but I feel like the people complaining about him genuinely have a skill issue. Also thanks for the tips! I didn't know Larry Jr. could be Erased although in retrospect that makes so much sense considering the non boss variant is very prevalent.

Oh my god, trying to beat Boss Rush was the most stressed I've ever been in Isaac. It didn't help that the first time I assumed it was some sort of Hush variant so I was mentally prepared for that fight instead of the clusterfuck that it is.
I find Repentance quite nice to play, although I feel like I'm only just started to really get into the meat of the game. Downpour and the Mines are probably my favourite chapters to play so far after the Womb, it's a nice change of pace and the bosses are so enjoyable to try and strategise around. Great Gideon kinda feels half assed though. Something I also appreciate about Rebirth and all of the DLCs is the fair difficulty scaling, in comparison WoLT is like a constant punch to the gut. I don't think Flash is really that bad but the brokeness of everything is a challenge to get through. The story in Repentance is also really well put together, I sort of spoiled the ending for myself but I didn't think I'd feel genuinely upset over a game where one of the playable characters is a dead baby full of shit.

Also, nonas what character do you tend to main and what are your favourite items or synergies? I used to play Cain all the time for the gambling boost but recently I've been playing more Samson and Lazarus and trying to work with ??? Any rainbow item or Jacob's Ladder to me signals a good run and the Beezlebub transform even more so.

No. 407410

Of the non tainted it's Cain and the lost for me, Judas and Bethany for the tainted. I absolutely love chaos, I am a chaos gamer and I will take it whenever I can consequences be damned and I like any familiar synergies, just a bunch of little guys helping me kill various representations of my mom.

I think overall the game feels finished (not greed mode, ultra greed mode sucks unless you break it with d20) I haven't played without all the DLC's so I'm not really sure what the game is like without them.

No. 407412

You went from being surrounded and almost dying to being an expansionist military nation?? Woaw. Are you the same anon who plays Kingdom Come Deliverance? You need a blog or something, with screenshots. Or just become a streamer.

No. 407467

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Nah I am not that good, I started again and was smarter about it, decided to make a new empire more suited to my playstyle since I was going too aggressive. I still have that run saved so I will go back to it to see how it turns out, I guess I really need a more powerful fleet asap since I can't expand anymore in that run and war is the only option.
In this new run though I just expanded near other empires borders, then I closed borders with them as soon as they get in contact so they can't expand without spending a lot of resources kek that means I can keep expanding and they are all shitting their pants or trying to get open borders with me so they can survey my systems and try to expand there, though they gonna get boxed pretty hard if they try, the only systems available have only one route to my empire, so if they start a war I just build my spaceports close to it and boost their defenses so they can't come in without getting destroyed.
Btw my enemies are almost gone and there are two smaller new empires and one of them is my subject now, they are quite powerful for a small empire but I guess they just seized the opportunity since their overlord was at war with basically the entire universe. I declared war on my enemies while my allies also were at war with them so it was kinda easy but then I got involved in other 2 wars shortly after and it's quite easy to get overwhelmed, I almost lost a few systems because I had to move my fleet to help my allies and my enemies simply rebuild and started getting my outposts while I was at the other side of the galaxy, the AI is smarter than the last time I played this game, too bad for them I can build my ships real fast and somehow managed to win 4 wars with a fleet that is about 90% corvettes.
I have pirates to deal with now and uprising is happening in some colonies so I guess the war didn't ruin my economy this time but ruin everything else.

And yeah that's me, I was hoping to not be so obvious but I just love these two games and none of my friends play them and I am not that charismatic or pretty to become a streamer. If livejournal were still good I'd go there though, or tumblr if it wasn't full of gender shit and other crap, found some women there as obsessed with KCD as me, wish we could be friends lol

I am almost at the end of Kingdom Come, some very spoilerish things happened and I guess now I can make sense of some stuff that was said in the beginning of the game.
I finished A Woman's Lot questline with Johanka and she shamed me for my sins, literally. She listed all the things I've done and made me go on a pilgrimage from Sasau to Uzhitz barefoot wearing only a white robe. She scolded me for fornicating with a married woman, "taking anything that isn't nailed down" as she put it, and funnily enough Sir Divish also implied he heard something like that too when I asked him where I'd get the money for rebuilding Pribyslavitz kek I wonder if he heard about his wife… I kinda feel bad for him now but hopefully they finally get kids? Kek
Johanka also shamed me for killing and drinking like crazy, only thing I didn't do was lay with the bath prostitutes and get arrested, so I am not that bad. Now I get the buff 'clean conscience'.
Also I remembered I helped some woman to kill her ex husband and his new wife, I knew where that was going as soon as she asked me to steal the keys off his wife and his knife, but then she says "come tomorrow and I'll give your reward", I didn't want any reward, at this point I reject any from the common folk if given the option because I just like helping them and I have enough money from Pribyslavitz, but I go anyway to see if she might still be there, maybe I was wrong and it's nothing like that, but I can't find her so I go do something else and return a few days later. I ask the inkeeper about her and he tells me she killed her ex husband and his wife. Yep. I even went to their farm and there is blood everywhere and she never came back. I didn't feel that bad for helping her until I went back to that farm.

No. 407479

yes what's your favourite weapon anon

No. 407497

I hate when modern "inclusive" video games get rid of choosing your sex at the start of the game, but the character creation is still very obviously just male and female. And also if you pick the totally-not-male-but-enby-option-1 they call you he/him, and she/her if you pick female with no option to change it. The creators clearly know or doesn't care about the bullshit trans stuff but still choose to pander to them by acting like nobody can tell what a male or female looks like. I'd rather they go full troonery so I can turn off the game immediately than for them to lightly pander, like what's the point?!

No. 407504

Yes, however I admit I miss the jank of the older games but that's just because I've been playing the series so long like an autist.
As the other nonna asked, fav weapons? I try to learn a new one for each game I play, but I main DB, IG and Bow. As you can guess, I'm more into the faster weapons. I absolutely blow at GS more than anything else…
I'm just glad monhun is getting into the western mainstream now, it's a nice feeling.
damn you nonnie you got me booting it up again. I've put way way too many hours into it across expansions, it used to be my meditation game I'd play when I was stressed. I remember playing WoTL on Vita when it came out and it had godawful lag…
Incredibly hyped for the new expansion, it's crazy to have these games where the creator keeps on pumping out content after a decade and a half. Tales of Maj'Eyal is another roguelite (going to use that phrase just in case there's a roguelike elitist around about to get pedantic on my ass) that's been in active development for ages, honestly surprised it gets more dlc and people are still in the in-game chat.
Any more roguelites or straight up roguelites nonnies recommend? I'm in the market for stuff to play while recuperating from an injury.

No. 407510

You don't have to be good at games to be a streamer, most streamers suck at games

No. 407512

When you get asked in ACNH to "choose your style" and the two styles are very obviously a boy with short hair and a girl with a ponytail, it's so retarded.

No. 407517

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I can only assume it lures in more people than it puts off, very few people care enough to avoid a game solely because it doesn't use M/F
It probably generates some free buzz too from people online that think it's amazingly stupid or amazingly inclusive

No. 407518

or pokemon where they're now suddenly "inclusive" about fashion options, which means they really just removed every single option that is deemed "too female" so no skirts or dresses exist. I've seen so many woke male reviewers praise them for making all the options "gender neutral" and they don't even realize the "female" options are gone - which I think is a perfect reflection of troon ideology at large.

No. 407523

>I can only assume it lures in more people than it puts off
I think it puts more people off, but it's small enough that people can just roll their eyes and keep playing, but as a bonus they don't get angry troons after them. Everyone is afraid to get cancelled so it's like a safety net for them to go "see, we're totally in know about gender" without actually having to do anything other than change male and female to "option 1 and 2" but at the same time they can roll back on it any time and go "it was never about gender, we just called it option 1 and 2 to be original".

Though I would imagine after hogwarts legacy was directly related to JKR with the biggest and longest (multiple) cancellation attempts that failed, developers may feel a bit more safe in not pandering.

No. 407530

is it only like that in the western version, or is it also in the japanese version?

No. 407570

Explains why moids love him. I fuckin hate that kind of personality, especially for a damn main character. I want to play someone who goes around getting into mischief, not being a brooding, trenchcoat-wearing edgelord

No. 407571

What the fucking shit, there's a playable dragon race in WoW now??? Jesus christ. Remember when this game was just a ripoff of Tolkien?

No. 407583

>female is when skirt and dress
I think the gender ideologist is you

No. 407584

i couldn't play this game, there was too much an emphasis on rape as a concept. i'd never heard characters say rape so many times in a modern game like that. whats the point? plus it's very boring without a party as geralt is dry and uninteresting

No. 407585

I hate how every main character with "personality" is either a saint with no flaws or some flavour of edgy DeviantArt OC from 2011. I would love to play as a genuine retard kek

No. 407614

I think you might be missing the point lmao.

No. 407638

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I hate video games. I suck so fucking bad I'm SO MAD right now. Trying to kill this asshole, 20 attempts in and most of them I didn't even get a hit in. At most I got 3. I lasted about 13-20 seconds against her. At least with Margit and Godfrey every attempt I felt like I was learning something. With this fucking mangy dog it was just pointless, the most pointless soulless task I ever had to do in any video game. With the other bosses I felt like summons made it harder, the fights got way more chaotic. But fuck it, I'm beyond pissed at this point so I think why the hell not. I was doing decent damage, maybe if the summon distracted her a bit I could cheese it. WELL. The summon (ancestral follower +3) DESTROYED HER all by himself. Wtf. I wanna fucking burn my computer what the heeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No. 407647

lol same, genuinely annoyed me when people said this fight was easy, plus getting past all the mages to get to the arena is a pain. I eventually managed to beat it but it took getting used to the timing of dodging his attacks, good luck nonna and don’t give up

No. 407667

The funny thing about this cow author is that he's so socially inept and misogynistic that his own self-insert fantasy is absolutely filled with all manners of comically "evil women" to the point that they actually become compelling female characters. He projects all his hate of women onto the sorcerresses but I found that in doing so, they actually each have their own agency and hidden motives and plans and they're the main driving force of the story. By comparison, Geralt is just there (and has sex with them). CDPR actually has a terrible relationship with Sapkowski and retconned a bunch of stuff in TW3 to make him mad specifically, like making the sorcerresses into mature-looking women.

No. 407686

File: 1722944854765.webp (32.62 KB, 640x640, female-vs-they.webp)

Pokemon Go and their move from male/female to one neutral body type with barely functional sliders

No. 407688

“Gender neutral” and it’s just an ugly twink, kek wtf.

No. 407691

I was watching a girl stream Splatoon 3 and she had clearly never played the series before, when it asked her to choose her style she thought it was talking about hairstyle instead of species/gender kek like they're just making this shit more complicated

No. 407692

It’s funny how it was common for games to not even give you a female option, and is still common for female characters to just be ridiculous fanservice where they walk around in sexy Halloween costume lingerie while the men get actual clothes, and female game critics get absolutely trashed by mobs of people, but the second moids decided they wanted some gender crap (that once again obscures women’s existence), they all got it and call it diverse representation.

No. 407696

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In some old RPGs like Arcanum, if you lower your character's intelligence enough, it would be reflected in the dialogue. Malkavian from vtmb also is a lolrandom retard. Don't know about any non-customizable cretins though.

No. 407715

No. 407769

the Pathfinder and Pillars of eternity games let you roleplay in many different ways, you can probably play a retard.

No. 407826

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Any nonnies who've played Pentiment? I just finished it today and I cried like a baby. It's an adventure RPG set in 16th century Bavaria, it's got huge Name of the Rose vibes and is just such an unique game, I highly recommend it if you're interested in history and especially if you enjoy Disco Elysium (which also made me cry in the end kek). Definitely one of my new favourite games.

No. 407828

Played a year (or two?) ago but couldn’t finish it since I wasn’t in the right headspace. Curious to know the ending so I’ll probably pick it back up one day

No. 407830

I'm playing it right now I'm really enjoying it, I am a certified and qualified history lover so it's really doing it for me.

No. 407833

wtf how have I never heard of this? I'm literally always looking for games set in the medieval and renaissance periods but this one was not on my radar. thank you nona

No. 407837

I took a medieval literature class recently and it’s been very fun to see stuff I’ve learned in game. I highly recommend it too!

No. 407856

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Are any nonnies into farming games? Fields of Mistria just came out and I'm kinda obsessed. I know it's barely a step removed from a Stardew/HM ripoff but the retro anime style is just so cute and the marriage options (aside from two waifus that probably only appeal to moids) are just so good.

No. 407860

I meant I wasn't that good to turn my first stellaris run around. I think I am pretty good at games in general except for platformer and shooting games. I used to play different old games (ps1 and 2, snes, gba) and mmorpgs (perfect world, trickster, lotro, requiem memento mori, megaten, tales of pirates… God, I wasted my teen years with all that crap instead of doing something useful), kinda bad at elden ring but it may be the case of me choosing the wrong class for my play style. Tried a different class the other day and it was way easier but I don't want to start over just yet. I'm stuck in crumbling farum azula right now and it was so hard to get there, I don't wanna respec again but I might have to.

Btw I just won a few more wars in stellaris and a new nation appeared and declared war on me and I never heard of them so I go check them out and it's… my own people on the other side of the galaxy. I have no idea how that happened but my guess is that one of my allies let a colony uprising get out of control and they declared independency and they happen to be my people because of the migration treaty. It is kinda funny.

And in KCD some guy just decided to attempt murder in the middle of a camp full of guards kek that game feels like oblivion sometimes. The guards had already killed the guy but every time a new guard saw the body they started yelling "don't let him get away". The guy he tried to murder is involved with the main quest so I guess he is immortal cus he got attacked anyway, his face is all bloody and he was uncounscious for some time, then got up like nothing happened and went to sleep beside the dead body of his attacker. He did get angry with me though cus I let this happen. I had no idea the guy would do this! Thought the quest was over as soon as we left that town, and I was in the middle of a conversation with another npc! Lmao. Also my game crashed 3 times in 2 days. This game is making my ps4 suffer.

Is it really that bad? I dunno anything about this game, my mom saw some vids and thought it was interesting, I was thinking about buying it for her but if it is like that I might just buy a final fantasy or something else.
Kek I love dumb characters, we need more of them.

No. 407866

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I also liked the romance aspect a lot, there's generally a lot more interaction than in stardew which makes the town feel so much more lively. Which two waifus are you talking about? Adeline and Celine? I kind of disliked Juniper at first but her and Valen being so close makes her interesting again kek what is going on between those two

No. 407869

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Nonnies, I just need to (positively) vent. I love this game so much. I think about it almost every day, not as that much of a complex thought, but, just, as a fond memory. It's free on Steam, and I adore trying out random free indie games. So I downloaded it, intrigued by the creepy looks of it, but instead found my own comfy safe space. Something in this game gives me such a calm, cosy feeling. I know the game is made to look unsettling as fuck, but all the NPCs are so kind, and after wandering around, you become familiar with the world and the disturbingness fades. The giant flats with the tiny concrete apartments, the random screams in the distance, the heavy, hopless atmosphere, getting no background information at all, somehow it tickles my brain in the exact way I need. I love this game. Please give it a try.

No. 407872

I forget her name cause I barely talk to her, but she runs the bath house with her dog. That might be Juniper. But her and Celine kinda gave me bland vibes but I'm gonna talk to them more. Valen is peak and honestly my fave of the waifu options and March/Eiland are my fave husbandos. But overall I like the cast even the nonromance NPCs are really interesting. How non automatic some mechanics are are a bit frustrating tho. Like how money rewards aren't automatically added to your wallet, if you open a door you still have to move forward to walk in, learning recipes involves receiving the recipe and then selecting it and confirming it to "learn" it, etc. But I love everything else so much I will just adapt lol

No. 407892

Has anyone else just fallen out of love with gaming? It used to be such an immense source of comfort and escape for me, and I had absolutely no problem playing back to back hours and hours of a good game– in fact, finding a game that could pull that from me was the best feeling in the world.
That's just vanished for me this year though. When I play games I somehow just feel stressed about the time I could be spending on other things, even though there's literally no new responsibility for me to be stressed like this over. Or I feel like it's pointless and I'm being pulled through a prescribed experience even though nothing's changed. I'm just really sad about it, I really do feel like I've lost something that helped me through a lot of tough times.

No. 407893

I think it's neat but I really wish it was a prettier game to look at. Something about the style just feels so sterile to me, and that's a big neg for me in farming sim games where immersion is important.

No. 407898

NTA, but I don't think it's as bad as anon claims. the Witcher series pretty much a typical fantasy with "dark" themes (wouldn't call it a dark fantasy per se, but it has enough elements of it to be considered adjacent). But some people are more sensitive to it than others, so anon might pick up on stuff some of us just wave off due to the setting and general edginess of the game. I don't expect a game that has fairly graphic violence and death all around most of the map, set in huge areas inspired by a wartorn medieval Europe, to not bring up the subject of rape but again I don't remember Witcher III being at all as bad with it as anon claims. I would have of course preferred it without, but the game is honestly one of the better modern fantasy rpgs out there if you aren't into souls likes so I really recommend it. The DLCs are really good too.
It's ridiculously cheap when it's on sale so if you are curious about it I recommend picking it up when there is a sale going on, it will barely even make a dent in your pocked kek

No. 407900

i LOVE babbdi and it deserves more love than so many other games get

No. 407901

I feel like I just don't have time for it anymore. I'm so tired from work that I often only have the energy for one or two hobbies, and gaming isn't a high priority.

No. 407909

I only main CB in World and now I don't have the space in my head to learn anything else kek
That's only because I thought a sword and shield would be more basic than some of the other weapons and I wanted to go big over the SnS. I love this thing so much, I'm only just learning guard points when I'm at Alatreon lol and whenever I pull one off it's like I opened my third eye to see ten seconds into the future. CB feels awful against a lot of IB enemies, it's just too slow to ever feel like I'm controlling the fight but mastering it feels so rewarding that I can't switch. One of the only other weapons I've tried was HH which feels bizarre but fun. I'd love to get into the ranged weapons but I don't understand the upgrade options at all and I dislike the ammo management.

No. 407915

somewhat. like the other anon said it's not lack of liking games so much as lack of energy or time i'm willing to devote to them. i can still easily get lost in games. i tend to replay my old favorites over and over instead of get new ones though.

No. 407926

It's normal to have phases where you're less interested in one of your hobbies over another. I finished Elden Ring in 2022 and then didn't feel the need to play another video game for about 2 years. I filled that time with other meaningful hobbies and read a lot of books and visual novels (arguably not games). Then the want came back this year and similarly, I'm less interested in books (and visual novels) now. Give yourself a break nona and don't try to force it if it's not happening right now.

No. 407933

The physics in Babbdi are so satisfying I wish it was loved more

No. 407949

I really liked this game. The choices I made were actually making an impact in the world which is surprisingly not always going to happen in RPGs. Also the art was pretty as hell. I got Disco Elysium from a sale a while ago, I'll play it as well when I have the time!

No. 407953

I routinely cycle through periods of obsessing over games and then not touching them for like a year or so. It's normal, especially if you're burned out on a specific type of game. Sometimes I just need something cute and light after a more story heavy game, sometimes I need a break entirely. It's a hobby and should be fun. If I don't feel up to it or I'm not enjoying myself I don't play, simple as.

> When I play games I somehow just feel stressed about the time I could be spending on other things

It's important to tell yourself that you're allowed to "waste time". You're allowed to relax. You aren't supposed to be productive at all times and it's actually not healthy to be. I used to feel guilty about not using my time wisely, but as long as your space is clean, your relationships are healthy, and your bills are paid there's really nothing else you "have" to do. You are allowed to spend your time in whatever way is enjoyable to you. That's what life should be about imo, enjoying yourself. If you really feel stressed over it you could try putting aside a reasonable time each week/day to play. Say, after dinner to unwind or sunday evening since most people relax at those times anyway. That way you can tell yourself you've already completed what you needed to that day/week and this is your "me" time. Try not to be so hard on yourself nonnie!!

No. 407975

OP here, I could literally hug you two right now!! I'm so happy to see more people who appreciate Babbdi!

No. 408002

You're right, gaming has just been such an everpresent hobby for me since picking it up that I think I forgot the interest could come and go like any other.
This was an unexpectedly kind answer nonny, thank you. I really appreciate it right now (I made that post in frustration because I was unable to immerse myself after a hard day), and I hope you have a good week.

No. 408229

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Started playing Bravely Second a few days ago. Haven't touched my 3DS for years and I had completely forgotten how small they were! I have a New 3DS XL and it still felt minimalistic in my hands compared to the switch, but also compared to the switch I had also forgotten how fucking amazing the battery on these things were.
Just sucks that so many 3DS games had additional content that were dependent street pass, those features are unusable now.

No. 408237

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The interiors are pretty cute to me, picrel junniper's bedroom and the doctor's office was also kinda pretty with a pink and lavender color scheme, which makes him look pretty gay I have to admit

No. 408239

>thinks pink and lavender decor makes a man look gay
this is why we can't have nice things

No. 408245

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Nona that doctor lives in a pink house and looks like a lesbian, what can I do.

No. 408247

Ngl I'm sad this design wasn't actually used for a woman, it's very pretty.

No. 408249

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Apparently Valen is a woman according to this wiki. I mean it makes sense, why would her design have a boob outline otherwise kek. https://fields-of-mistria.fandom.com/wiki/Valen

No. 408250

Okay, that's actually supposed to be a woman, I'm just button mashing like a retard and somehow missed it. The design is cute tbh, I like her.

No. 408251

Irl the astrology-isms in her room like the cauldron and crystal ball would have been a dead giveaway kek

No. 408257

The Gameboy > DS > Switch line is so fucking good, Nintendo continues to commit war crimes against the gaming industry and get away with it because they know how to console.

No. 408266

gigabasado, lesbians need this win

No. 408267

ayrt I'm usually a bigger fan of Playstation when it comes to consoles, but damn the Switch is still so damn good despite it's limitations. I can't for when they finally release Switch 2 so we get something a little more powerful, and hopefully with better battery time.

No. 408273

AYRT, you're right, I do like this much better than what I've seen of the outdoors.

No. 408457

I find myself playing more and more little Pokemon romhacks than anything else. They're so easy to jump into, goof around in, do specific runs, or just drop if I get bored.

No. 408460

Man, I wish I knew where to find teams like this, I really wanna work on these kinds of games. It's disheartening finding them AFTER they've shipped a game.

No. 408472

I know nothing about game development, but doesn't it being early access means it's still being worked on ? They might need more people.

No. 408477

Yes it is still a work in progress it seems. I've encountered this one bug where the interact function will glitch out. It's easily fixed if you open and close your menu, but yeah. I believe it was at version 0.11.something when I played today.

No. 408529

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They need serious help an a big reality check, why the hell is the hot himbo with a sweet personality not dateable.

No. 408542

nta but ngl i thought this was a butch woman…im sad it isnt

No. 408565

I would go beast mode if this was a butch woman

No. 408573

Devs missed a golden opportunity. Empty-headed butch waifu who loves rocks would be the number 1 marriage candidate. I would even buy character merch

No. 408575

I have a feeling they're gonna save it for a future update/DLC or something, there's no way the devs are oblivious to the popularity of himbos.

No. 408580

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So I finished KCD. I like that I could go back to Theresa and tell her the late game spoilers and she was "yeah right, I don't believe you" kek and then she asks if we'd still be together and the game gives the option to say no. I dunno who is the heartless fucker who chooses that but there is no other woman for me. If KCD2 gets no Theresa then I'll be celibate.

After I'm done with my 2 runs in Stellaris I'll go back to play KCD again on hardcore mode. I can't stop thinking about it, my life feels empty now. I wish I could forget about this game to experience it again like the first time.

No. 408731

Why design a character that looks like a Stardew Valley flavored Joestar but not make them dateable? Absolute crime

No. 408771

Kek I love seeing takes like this on the "we can always tell" website where anons constantly fight about characters being too masculine or too feminine for their gender and bitch about "draw a boy call it a girl" and vice versa

No. 408772

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Any nonnas that played picrel? What did you think? I'm interested in the Christian symbolism.

No. 408773

No. 408774

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anyone playing star wars hunters?
i like how silly it is, love playing as the two jawas in a trench coat

No. 408775

It's literally based off the Enoch which is Judaism

No. 408776

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I feel my Olric loving nonnies might appreciate this screencap from a cutscenes in summer

No. 408777

I hate this is a moid why devs you had one job..you could've had it all..

No. 408778

Play overwatch if you want an ugly tumblr butch waifu with an undercut so bad

No. 408779

There's a difference between this doctor's design and Astolfo from Fate kek

No. 408786

I saw a video about it which peaked my interest in it, so it's on my to-buy list for my console gaming collection kek but no, I haven't played it either (yet). It seems quite interesting

No. 408788

The only difference is that one is female and the other is male. They are both androgynous.

No. 408793

My bad, sorry for the heathenism kek
Oh what video? I'd love to give it a watch myself.

No. 408794

Playing this game just to post in the yume thread on /g/ where nonnas delusionally pretend male characters are waifus

No. 408797

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Bleeding heart who's incapable of caring. Love this game.

No. 408798

This is thunk provoking kek. I'm imagining a character who "cares" about the glory and social validation of righteous causes but doesn't go any deeper than that.

No. 408799

Played it ages ago on Xbox, didn't realize it got a remaster, pretty standard hack and slash. Strange But very pretty visuals and music. Lucifel is hot.

No. 408967

What game is this?

No. 408984

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Has anyone played picrel? It looks really pretty and it's on sale in the ps store, but my game budget is a bit limited atm so I want to be sure I spend it on something that's worth even the sale price

No. 409068

Rimworld. I love it to death, it's the game I always come back to. Highly recommend to everyone in this thread btw.

No. 409226

What is your most niche favorite JRPG? Looking for something off the beaten path.
Recently finished the Summon Night games and looking for my next fix.

No. 409232

AYRT but unfortunately when a game is still work in progress they're not interested in hiring, they're focused on getting the game out under budget. They won't look for new hires until they decide to do a DLC or something. Ugghhhh. Wish I knew where the fuck to find these teams.

No. 409233

I fucking love Rimworld. Pirated 1.3, never gonna go beyond because I feel like that's the sweet spot. (Plus I heard Anomaly was kind of stupid and shallow.) Last time I played I was using Rimworld of Magic and 300,000 other mods. So cozy, so fun.

No. 409245

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More rimworld logic

No. 409259

File: 1723441085882.webp (165.62 KB, 900x684, the last story.webp)

Most niche? Probably The Last Story. I love how dynamic its world feels (keep a guide close for missable sidequests/items!), all the outfit customization options you get, and the combat system is also very engaging imo. It's a real shame it never took off.

No. 409269

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I remember being like 14 and wasting sooo much time on that Hunger Games minigame on Minecraft. Did anyone else play it? I still remember the first time I won, I was so excited and went out to tell my sister but she called me retarded for being on the computer instead of doing my math homework.

No. 409276

Just saw that Pixel Sprout Studios is looking to hire and remembered your post kek they recently posted on twitter about needing a level designer and lead writer but their website has a lot more open positions, even for pixel artists and animators.

No. 409281

It's actually a very ok monster hunter alternative, basically something to play while you wait for Wilds. I would recommend.

No. 409282

sns and toot. Want to learn lance

No. 409388

Radiant Historia is really good, highly recommend the DS version, 3DS not so much since they ruined the game balance to push people into buying dlc, the new artstyle is meh and the new story sucks.
Hexyz Force is also really fun and has a good amount of replay value
The Dept. Heaven games are also good although the quality may vary depending on the game, Yggdra Union and Knights in the Nightmare are my personal favorites
The dothack games are also neat although the first 4 are pretty much the definition for "doing something mindless while you listen to something else" and the GU games have a completely different tone, also Link kind of sucks

No. 409410

You just unlocked a deep childhood memory for me. I would only play that, Bed Wars, and when I got a little older, the console elytra racing.

No. 409432

no other battle royale game can compete with minecraft hunger games tbh. it was a simpler time

No. 409448

I still talk to friends I made through playing Bed Wars all the time ages 13-15 kek. I hate that Minecraft is so infested with troons and predators, I still play on a survival server with my friends that we've had since 2018. I first started playing in beta, so it's funny seeing how big the game got. It's like zillennial's Pokemon. I would host a hunger games server just to see which of us would win.

No. 409477

NTA but I loved the last story. I still have the artbook that came with the game for it in my room.

No. 409542

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50 attempts and 3 hours in. When she summoned the blood loss guy AND the dragon I wanted to punch something. Fucking cheater i stg.

No. 409545

Loved her fight, she is a really cool boss.

No. 409546

I last literal SECONDS against her second phase. What the fuck am I supposed to do??? She throws a hundred projectiles at you that follow you no matter what, there is no time to even respond. Yeah yeah git gud wtv. I'm not oging to bed before I kill this asshole, I don't care if i takes 3 more hours or 24 im gonna kill her.

No. 409562


No. 409569

lol you're a mage build aren't you? mages get absolutely btfo by her

No. 409670

My favourite game of all time!! So happy whenever I see it being posted somewhere. A Nintendo magazine I had as a kid reviewed it so I got to order it for like £12 from Amazon back in the day, crazy how rare it is now.

Did you guys know the Japanese fandom made it trend a couple of months back? Konami showed zero interest in western fans asking for the 3DS games to be translated but maybe they'd consider making more games if Japanese fans are also demanding it. I wasn't a huge fan of the later games switching to focus on shopping instead of the mysterious, though

No. 409673

AYRT, I actually own Radiant Historia on DS and totally forgot about it until you mentioned it, kek. That'll be next for me then.

No. 409674

Is Knights in the Nightmare actually as impenetrable as it looks? I considered playing it once but just caps of the gameplay made my head swim.

No. 409736

You get used to it quickly once you learn to ignore some of the bloated mechanics like weapon skills and soul transfusion. The basics are: remembering knight ranges and movement on the 2 modes, what elements are weak to each other and to refill gems by swtiching between chaos and law mode. Also probably look up a guide on how to get the true end as you are definitely not getting it without help.

No. 409834

Good to know! It definitely looks like a unique experience.

No. 409958

Rimworld is fun, but I need to get more into it, pay more attention to my tribal colony.
I like the Minecraft Capture the Flag server more, or Dwarves versus Zombies, the Hunger Games servers gave me too much anxiety and my computer was too laggy to ever really win anything

No. 410215

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My great Stellaris empire won't load. It's stuck in the loading screen forever, couldn't find a solution that doesn't involve too much work that might not even solve the issue.
So! I started KCD again on hard mode with all negative perks.
I am hungry all the time, lost all my money on dice because I don't know when to quit and managed to go to prison for accidentally hitting some rando during a fight, and turns out getting arrested in Skalitz grants you an achievement and a game over. Since it was hard mode and hard mode has no autosaves and I didn't manually save… well I had to do it all over again. So I speedrun things in Skalitz but I guess I shouldn't've gotten the beer first cus dad berated me for giving him warm beer and made me get another lol didn't know that was possible.
Died a bunch of times going back to Skalitz because Henry is so much weaker. I also sometimes wake up in random places because of the somnambulant perk, my luck is that I woke up in the cemetery in Rattay, not far from where I went to sleep.
Somehow I managed to win the archery contest against Hans despite the low level and missing a few shots, then I lost the duel because my stamina is horrible due to the consumption perk.
I can't open locks yet and Henry learns so slowly, so my future will be alcoholism once more for sure. On the plus side I remember how to brew savior schnapps because I made it a ton of times on normal difficulty so I made as many as I could as soon as I set foot in Rattay. I wonder if I can make the other potions without having the recipe because I still remember how to brew some of them and I really need the money. I forgot how it felt to be poor in this game.

No. 410249

Nonna your posts about KCD makes me want to pick it up again kek, I tried it for a few hours on ps4 but I gave up since I'm a retard that can't play any type of FPS without a crosshair so my aim with literally ANYTHING was always off

No. 410290

I really should play this game it sounds insane

No. 410292

This sounds like pure misery and I love it

No. 410344

How many nonnies here hack their consoles? I've hacked most of mine, I have a launch model switch that I haven't hacked yet but probably will once a new console comes out. I also have jalbroken my ps vita, psp and 2 ps3's (I got an import of the lightning one and very happy with it!) Also hacked my 2ds xl and it was even the first console I had jailbroken. I did it to pirate the Japan exclusive version of style savvy that added customizable husbandos lmao

No. 410351

I've just hacked my 2DS (have the cute green Animal Crossing version). I've been using it for Netpass a bunch lately and getting new explorers in Tomodachi Life.

I've never played the Style Savvy games even though I'm interested in them - does the JP exclusive one have an english patch yet? I'm kinda interested lol

No. 410354

i did with my switch! i was also lucky enough to have a launch model, and it was my very first jailbreak. i felt so proud of myself seeing atmosphere boot up successfully kek. if any nonnas are on the fence about jailbreaking like i was for far too long, just take the leap! i know i haven't regretted it.

No. 410360

Not as far as I know, unfortunately. Although the game is surprisingly easy to play if you know how to read hiragana/katakana. Whatever the customer is looking for is highlighted in blue and is something you can easily search up in the game. I could actually play it perfectly fine despite not being able to read much else in the game lol

No. 410361

I hacked my PS3 (well paid someone to do it), 3DS and Switch. I've got a fancy computer now so I just pirate things now kek

No. 410444

I'm a poorfag so I have to hack all my consoles (or get R4/ganeshark chips) to be able to play games. The only one I haven't been able to is my Switch because I got a 2020 lite, I refused to buy a switch until they released a pink model and I'm not suffering the consequences kek

My latest jailbreak was a PS3 just some weeks ago, my father bought it on release but we never used it. People joke about the 3DS being easy to hack but the PS3 takes the cake, is just visiting a website and installing an update, all automatic. I still haven't been able to find PS3 ISOs, but we are having lots of fun playing PS1/2 games

No. 410450

Anybody seen the new Dragon Age trailer?

No. 410476

>Oct 31 release
Huh, that's sooner than I expected. It's a much better trailer but I'm still not convinced that this game will be good. I think at best it'll be mid. I don't like how plastic-y and smooth everything is. It looks like they have instagram filters on or something. Some of the animations are kind of janky and the combat still feels too floaty. I'm surprised to see that Morrigan returns (and Anora apparently, according to imdb). She looks young for someone in her 40s.

No. 410519

Oh dear. I really wish they'd just retire Varric at this point. He's interesting but dragging him into each installment is getting old. I'm excited to see about the side characters and their plotlines (Bioware please don't make me hang out with the baldy buzzkill again)

No. 410573

sorry nona, but Solas will literally live rent free in yor head and you'll have to deal with him.

Yes, Bioware, pls let varric rest hehad enough

No. 410579

I hate this shit!!!!

No. 410731

>that kaidan looking ass on thumbnail
I am so un-excited zzzzzz
Of cooourse the og waifu of biowarincels must look young, meanwhile varric looks like a hag (not that he has ever been a looker, but the disparity is jarring). Also tf is that 4-tits outfit? She looks like a pig.

No. 410736

I'm thinking of hacking my switch but I'm a little scared

No. 410757

Does anyone have any projects that they were existed for, but once they released they were trash and faded away quickly?

I remember being so hyped for Starbound, I even donated to the kickstarter campaign. I was so disappointed by how it all turned out.

No. 410763

I hacked both of my 3Dses as well as my Vita. I absolutely love hacking the 3DS i've done it for people irl because it's so fun to me kek

No. 410787

The face and body animations look like they were made in 2010. Morrigan's outfit is ugly, but ofc she looks young and beautiful, moids can't fathom their waifus aging. I bet they'll still complain she is not pretty enough or not sexy enough kek. I can't bring myself to be excited for this game.

No. 410812

Have you never heard of nopaystation? People found a way to get download links straight from sony's CDN servers they use for the playstation store. If you really need to use .iso files there's tools to extract the package files and another one that'll convert the files to iso and act like a disc game if you load it through something like multiman (I use irismanager though since that app recognizes my external NTFS drive)
Modding a ps3 is easy until you're reminded the console is very finnicky with flash drives. Suddenly most of the drives I used wouldn't be recognized on the second one I hacked even after doing the whole song and dance of reformatting the partition to MBR and whatnot. So annoying, but so satisfying when I finally found one that worked.

My vita was the second thing I hacked after my 2DS XL lol. I remember I was so excited getting SD2Vita. Sure I couldn't play physical games but I never had many in the first place for the system. Getting to use a micro SD on that thing is amazing. I also find the whole hacking process pretty fun too! Honestly wish people would ask me to hack their systems for them. I lack someone to truly sperg about hacked stuff with.
Don't be! Buy one of the switch jigs off amazon, they're dirt cheap. Then read the guide for actually hacking your system once before using it again to hack your system. If you feel like you need a visual aid to guide you, blaine locklair should have an up to date one (nintendo modding/homebrew communities in general have a vendetta against videos cause muh outdated qucikly!!! But just keep the website guide open if you do decide to follow a video tutorial)
Here's the guide: https://switch.hacks.guide/user_guide/rcm/entering_rcm/

No. 410831

Mass Effect Andromeda. Don't even get me started. The only thing 'good' about it was the female Turian Vetra but even at her best she was still boring. So disappointed.

No. 410913

It wasn't trash, but I was so hyped for Cyberpunk and the main plot/endings just ruined it.
And then Starfield ended up completely mediocre.

No. 410931

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Nonnies, I need advice.

For some context I am a die hard Dragon Age fan. I have very very fond memories of my time with the games and I loved every second of getting totally immersed in the characters, world and story. The combat however, I do not really care about and play all of them on easymode so I can get faster to that sweet sweet plot.

Now Baldur's Gate 3 winning that award for best narrative piquéd my interest, as one would say. And of course, people saying that it's more Dragon Age than current year Dragon Age. I don't have a PS5 for now, but am planning to buy one for Veilguard so I can put the corpse in the ground and finally do my mourning. So now my plan is to play Veilguard, and then play BG3 so I can end this saga on a somewhat good note. I'm a completionist so seeing that cheeky 3 I thought to myself I'll play the first two games meanwhile before the horrorshow drops on Halloween. I did the same thing for the Witcher 3 (as well as read all the books before that even) and my experience with it was amazing and without match, I know if I hadn't gone through all that effort the experience wouldn't have been half as good.

So basically my question is: if I'm only interested in characters, story and lore, is it worth it to play BG1 and 2 before BG3? I've never played DnD in my life. Thank you.

No. 410932

Seconded, I need an answer to this.

No. 410933

Yeah Nopaystation is the only site I have found with PS3 games (rip vinm lair), the ISO is because the console barely has memory so playing the games straight from an external HDD is ideal. I have heard the PKG -> ISO converters are kinda hit or miss, but I will try them.

I dunno if that will solve it for you, but I downloaded PrepISO and it made the PS3 recognize all the flashdrives no matter how they're formatted.

No. 410943

It's really not necessary, unless you really want to understand a couple of references from Jaheira's and Harpers' storyline. And even then it would be enough to just play BG2, since a lot of things from BG1 were straight up retconned (like the Harpers being a true Neutral organisation that is against both Good and Evil) and BG1 is less "story heavy" (although i kinda like it more tbh). It was a much older edition of DnD rules, ie practically "happened in a parallel universe".

No. 410944

I've tried prep before but for some reason it just never worked for me. I'm fine with using iris though, gets the jobs done just fine.
As for the converters, I've only ever had an issue with converting one game to iso (samurai warriors 4 empires) and that was because the game for some reason lacked the required files to convert. Aside from that I've had games run fine through this method. There's also the option of replacing the internal HDD in the system, but that would require jalbreaking again and reinstalling everything since I think data on the ps3 drives are encrypted.

No. 410973

Never played BG3, but played BG1 and BG2, play them anyway they are good. I prefer BG1 though.

No. 410980

I want to thank you for recommending Rimworld. This game is so fun, I've been playing nonstop for the past few days fucking around with multiple colonies in different terrains and trying to survive them. I never tried it before out of fear that it might be too complex (like Terraria), but it's just the right amount of complex.

No. 410985

I actually think the game will be good. Probably Inquisition-tier. Bioware can't afford another Anthem or Andromeda.

No. 410989

Oh nonnie… The total lack of marketing from EA is a big big red flag that they're pushing this game out to die. Only 1 year ago DAV was still called Dreadwolf and the new tranny director has been on for less than that. It can be surmised that the game has gone through its fourth and fifth reboot in less than a year. The trailers (which show the good part, remember Anthem) show the ugliest, most empty and boring environments. The companions still look like they're from an AI-generated hero shooter despite EA walking back the live service thing. The game is not done. BioWare is not gonna survive this.

No. 411009

I don't recall EA ever doing hardcore marketing for any Dragon Age installment. Not like they did for Mass Effect, which is their flagship franchise. Also, along with the troon they brought back Mark Darrah to help the project along and make adjustments. I disagree with you, but we'll see how it pans out in October.

No. 411251

how are you guys feeling about this and do you think this will be a good competitor to the sims>

No. 411309

games marketing is just like that nowadays. see Starfield, they only had 2-3 month marketing cycle. during covid they realised dropping trailer on social media works just as good as big booths.
i miss dragon age booths, during DA2 they gave visitors inflatable mage staffs

No. 411371

New Silent Hill 2 remake trailer

No. 411372

Gameplay. I've moved from dread to cautiously optimistic about this.

No. 411373

It looks cool, the fact all the female characters shown have the same face with slight tweaks is making me raise my eyebrows but hopefully that's just a marketing thing.

No. 411375

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Andromeda was SO shit that it came back around to being hilarious kek. They actually had in-game dialogue making excuses for the horrible animation!

No. 411380

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What do you mean? This looks totally natural

No. 411384

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The characters looked like picrel most of the time kek

No. 411388

friend and I bought a second-hand copy of Andromeda recently to see just how bad it was (we'd never played), expecting at least some of it to have been overblown. We're playing it unpatched and holy shit is it awful, but also hilarious, so it's taken over our bad/b-movie nights kek. The bar fight scene is probably our favourite so far. Amazing.

Funny as it is though, really not looking forward to ME4 (or is it technically 5?). I loved 1 and 2 so much, but I have no faith that the next one won't just be a different kind of mess to Andromeda/parts of 3.

No. 411411

Remember that the reason Anthem is so bland and forgettable is because Andromeda was memed on so much

No. 411421

Remember when Anthem was supposed to be the Destiny killer.

No. 411426

Been somewhat following the development for this for almost a year, and I'm honestly quite surprised that they seem to hold most promises they've made and are also very active with communicating with the community. I expected it to just be an expensive passion project (the project leader is apparently a HUUUGE simulator nerd) that wouldn't lead anywhere but this looks like it's gonna be pretty cool

No. 411463

Angela's voice acting is so bad im the staircase scene. So lifeless

No. 411488

Has any game made for the sole purpose of being a "killer" ever succeeded?
It seems like studios only ever kill their own games lol

No. 411500

I guess Call of Duty killed Halo and third person style shooters. PT and Amnesia killed cheesey horror for a while.

No. 411507

Didnt know about Netpass, I was just thinking to myself the only way I could get Streetpass hits was when my friend visits every year lol
Excited to try and fill out the world map now

No. 411531

i don't know, i don't like hyper realism in games, it looks like it'll make my pc explode, and i bet options for male/female bodies won't be expansive. probably going to be generic dorito bod + hourglass figure.

No. 411600

as flawed as Andromeda is, i am happy that Bioware tries to scavenge the good bits and not pretend as if nothing happened. i really want to see the conclusion for the 'mysterious donor' and the angaran creators

No. 411633

Finally got a Deadlock invite and wow I am thoroughly bored.

No. 411665

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This is a bit niche but does anyone here remember Toontown? I played this game a lot as a child and was surprised to find there were not one, but two private servers that resurrected this game that I thought was dead. It's super fun and cute with a pretty straight forward turn-based combat system.

No. 411669

I don't know, honestly. I'm probably retarded kek but it'll still be hard for me for a game like Inzoi to compete with the Sims simply because of nostalgia even though I haven't played the Sims since Sims 3. I also don't like the hyperrealism. It just reminds me of games like Second Life or IMVU and I hate those.

No. 411678

Yes, but how do you deal with how grindy it gets? The quests become 'kill 100 pencil pushers' 'kill 100 level 5 bots' and it's tedious. Besides that, what's your favorite world/location?

No. 411802

The hype for Anthem 'killing destiny/the division/etc' and 'fixing mmo-lite/live service games' issues with storytelling' was both intense and annoying for someone who was into destiny at the time kek. I was lucky that I at least had plenty of people to play it with on release because so many in my D2 clan were keen to try it out (and its price also plummeted within days of coming out kek), but it was so jarringly bland and poorly thought out. Made a lot of sense when it came out that apparently the devs avoided looking to games like destiny during development (clearly they didn't learn from any of those games' many, many mistakes and issues), or that it was another instance of a game not having its core elements worked out until way too late in development. Hell, the bulk of the game felt more like a very polished vertical slice or demo level than a map for a live service game, both too small to be varied enough to spend a lot of time in, and too big for the four player limit or whatever it was per instance to be able to get to and complete events together with (iirc getting an alert for an event was proximity based and they weren't even shown on the map until after a patch or two). As for the story… yeah not much to say other than bold of them to end on a cliffhanger and then never touch it again because the roadmap was too ambitious/they gave up. Andromeda could have been excellent or bad but bland enough to get forgotten instantly, and Anthem still would have been a mess because of the design choices behind it and it being the result of yet another company falling for live service's lucrative siren song, despite how difficult to pull off long-term those games actually are.

Was pretty grim though seeing all the cut content concept art and 3D work that artists eventually started posting over the years since– none of it would have fixed or saved the game, but it was clear that the team was being dicked around for a lot of development, and the game didn't need to be as empty as it was.

No. 411845

Fuck this, I'm not having fun anymore. It just feels unfair.

No. 411861

I started playing toontown in the early 2000s a few years after it was released and basically kept playing for most of my life. idk why I've wasted so much time on the game. maybe because of the nostalgia it gives me? took a break from toontown rewritten for awhile but I was trying to max 2 toons before my break and now I'm addicted to dota 2 kek. seeing someone else mention it makes me want to play again… I looked it up and it looks like they made a bunch of changes to ttr since I stopped playing (such as now only being able to carry 2 fogs, changing certain cog suit grinds, etc). maybe I'll get back into it.

No. 411880

Seems like you can go pretty damn bananas if you want to in the character creator, making the face as cartoony or asymmetrical as you want

No. 411881

> that Wallace
Kekkk. Is the game solely about creating characters? If so, wonder if future developers are gonna somehow use this to make character models, it seems like a useful tool.

No. 411991

Really late with checking on Infinity Nikki updates, but god I'm sooooo excited for this! I never got into the app game but this looks like it's gonna be so cute and cozy

No. 412011

It's a life sim game actually! There are already some youtubers who have shown early access gameplay.

Im really excited too! I believe it will be released in 2025, so we have to be patient for just a while

No. 412018

I pre-registered too. Even though I stopped playing gacha shit, I'd like to try this for being a (probably) high efford game for girls and women that has more of an adventure element. Hope it delivers

No. 412028

>do you think this will be a good competitor to the sims
Not really. I feel like the graphics are way too realistic for the audience that likes the sims. I don't think people play the sims for the hyper-realistic graphics in the first place. The sims has a certain charm and style to it while having decent customization that I don't really think these other life sims capture well. Inzoi looks great but extremely generic. Building is also another really surprisingly detailed and complex aspect about the sims and while it does look like Inzois building could be going in that direction it still looks generic and boring.

No. 412048

Amazon announced an anthology series of video game adaptions. Pretty random list of games.
> Armored Core
> Concord
> Crossfire
> Dungeons & Dragons
> Exodus
> Honor of Kings
> Mega Man
> New World: Aeternum
> PlayStation (Highlighting various PlayStation Studios beloved entities)
> Sifu
> Spelunky
> The Outer Worlds
> Unreal Tournament
> Warhammer 40,000

No. 412050

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Not in a position where I can watch the video atm but
>PlayStation (Highlighting various PlayStation Studios beloved entities)
lmao without much context I hope it's gonna be some Captain N shit

No. 412051

how does the actual life simulation part hold up though

No. 412077

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Just finished the Ace Attorney trilogy and now I wanna know what was your favorite case? Favorite character?

No. 412083

>Favorite game
I have a soft spot for AA4 as it was my first AA (played it at the tender age of 7 years old kek) and I absolutely love the art direction in it, Klavier was my first anime husbando ever. I also love all the cases and it has an incredible villain plot twist. However, I will say that objectively AA3 is the best game in the series.
>Favorite case
Turnabout Time Traveler from AA6, Turnabout Succession from AA4, and Rise from the Ashes from AA1. Sorry Investigations, I like Edgy but I just didn't think any case from the duology was in any way memorable.
>Favorite character(s)
Ema is my favourite female character from AA, I remember thinking how I wanted to grow up and be a cool adult woman like her. Mia is my second favourite female character, she's so cool and competent, I just wish she wasn't so sexualized in hindsight.
As for males, Klavier is pure sexo, I love him and his stupid chuuni rockstar cringe. Kristoph is also a really good character, but Godot takes the cake if we're talking about villains. I also love Edgeworth and how sensitive he is.

No. 412084

Samefag just saw you mentioned you only finished the trilogy so disregard the rest of my post talking about the other games kek. You absolutely have to play AA4 now nonnie!

No. 412252

Definitely will get to it when I have free time this month! I’ve heard a lot of weird press on the next trilogy, but I want to get into it myself

No. 412542

File: 1724361702593.png (26.75 KB, 714x190, CringeNomNom.png)

i have been watching john since 2014 and i think he's super funny. i love him so much. he's cringe a lot of the time when he's constantly bitching about trolls but he's also entertaining and stands firmly in my 'comfort viewing' catagory. if i'm having a shit exhausting day and see that john has uploaded, it almost evens the day out completely. his video titles are also kino at times (picrel)(wrong thread)

No. 412543

I think ypur humor is at floor level if you consider that title funny (what does it even mean?), but good for you ig

No. 412611

I stopped watching him after his tranny defending ass started making whiny videos about people unsubscribing him, also his reddit tier jokes during that RE7 gameplay made me uncomfortable, and that video he made explaining to the trannies why his crossdressing is not appropriation kek, so much for "thinking critically", so I guess that video was the last nail on the coffin.
He has funny videos, but mostly the old ones like his clock tower series when he still got scared of things (unfortunately not up anymore, dunno what happened) I think his new stuff is trash mostly because of his mood, and he always seem to be in a bad mood. I hate how he starts getting snarky with his own viewers for any little thing, I find him very annoying now, there are too many guys out there doing exactly what he does and he is not giving much reason to why we should stick around, he just complains like a child, "well, I didn't need you anyway".

No. 412613

Ntayrt but he has legitimately become insufferable to me and it's crazy how he still has these diehard fans that simp for him so hard. It always felt so weird when he'd ignore every asskissing comment just to reply to some person who asked a dumb question or left an obviously lukewarm iq negative comment, something that any other person with a brain would just ignore because it's not worth the time of somebody who gets, at most, 10k comments for popular videos. Like not even a thank you or something to the people who love your content but you'll reply in a snarky manner to some comment that's not even worth the time just so you can get more asspats for being annoying and miserable. His new "epically pwning hucksters" content is mind-numbing.

No. 413085

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Nonnies who have played FFXVI, what do you think about it? My roommate is letting me open his copy and take it for a spin, but reading honest reviews it seems like it's more of an action game and not really all that recommended for those wanting a good rpg experience. I find it very odd since it's one of the most iconic rpg franchises out there but if it's lacking in the department I enjoy the most idk if I wanna invest 40+ hours into it… so I'm a bit conflicted.

No. 413166

It is action heavy, but I prefer action RPGs to traditional JRPG turn based combat. It's like FF15 and FF7R in combat but is more of a hack-and-slash. It's incredibly easy though, super fun, and the giant monster battles make my brain happy. Try the intro before it goes back in time to see if you like it.

No. 413343

I started playing danganronpa 2 and it honestly feels inferior to the first game so far

No. 413366

Not to be that Danganronpa fan but wait for it. It's main draw is once it hits that final act. I promise it's going somewhere.

No. 413380

I’ll definitely see it through to the end. I’m just sad since I liked Mahiru and Peko and they both just died by the 2nd trial. Fat Byakuya was hilarious and it was a shame to see him go so early as well. Out of the ones left now I’m only interested in Hinata, Nagito, Hiyoko and Gundham. Maybe the others will grow on me like the og cast did. I hope the cases get better too.

No. 413381

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>Fave character
>Fave case
Either the finale of the first one or the finale of the third one. Great characters and buildups, and I actually felt smart as hell.

No. 413539

Agreed, the huge world feels like you're not trapped and the early islands never affect later trials. Not to mention the characters being worse than the first and the climax is awful. In my opinion it's the worst game in the trilogy and Komaeda is amazing, but man is everything else around him just not to par.

No. 413720

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I already got 65 hours in Fields of Mistria, I don't remember when was the last time it was so difficult for me to stop playing a game but unfortunately I already ran out of content and the only thing I got left to do is breeding animals

No. 413760

this comment is over a week late so idk if op will see this but no you don't need to play bg1 or bg2. Bg3 has its own story (with references to the previous installments). But I went in completely blind, unaware it was a dnd game when I bought it. And loved it. I think it's a good game if you enjoy character interactions and plot.

No. 414188

Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma trailer was dropped. Thoughts? Not to be a doomer but as a longtime RF fan I don't like the designs, they remind of of Genshin. Not sure how I feel about dual protags either, I didn't really enjoy it in Tides of Destiny. At least the guy with fox ears(?) looks okay.

No. 414191

I think the femc, Kaguya, design is really generic and makes me think they stole a genshit design, but I think the guy is cute. I’m a sucker for long haired anime men though. I’ve been wondering this for a while, but did the old rune factory character designer die or something? A lot of the designs in the recent games didn’t feel very rune factory. I’ll probably still get this game and play it.

No. 414195

Most RF designs are pretty lackluster in general and have always been (they are somehow both cute and bland at the same time), so I don't really mind as long as they aren't straight up ugly.
I'm somewhat excited for something a bit different since I enjoy the more historical setting but I'm also apprehensive, the last entry was such a fucking disappointment both when it came to gameplay and love interests that I didn't even bother finishing the main story.

No. 414199

Inzoi looks so good that it solidified my resolve to get a PC because my laptop won't cut it with gaming.
Sims will always have a special place, but any ill will is completely EAs fault and valid imo. No offense to anyone, but Inzoi looks like the giga Stacy older sister and the Sims 4 looks like Inzoi's retarded little sibling who their mom forces them to take when they go out.
Sims 2 and 3 are also the super popular older sisters who went away to college

No. 414209

I don't have the money to upgrade my computer yet, so I will probably not be able to play it for a couple of years but I'm still excited for it! Now watch EA rush Sims 5 after hearing about the hype for Inzoi

No. 414218

And watch the Sims still do the dishes in the bathroom sink instead of the kitchen in TS5. I noticed so many things in the Inzoi videos and gameplay that we need mods for in the Sims. Let's both save where we can, nonita!

No. 414374

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I love RF, so I'm still interested in it regardless of finding almost all of the designs pretty meh. But seeing the general art direction turn into this + no portraits made me realize that a lot of my enjoyment of the series kind of came from liking Iwasaki Minako's comfy and detailed art style so much… even as a Genshin player I hope RF6 ends up looking more inspired and original than this, but idk how much hope I actually have for future entries these days.

No. 414515

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I think I have lost all hope in the atelier franchise. I thought maybe they'd "return to form" with their new trilogy, but I guess I was too optimistic considering how successful ryza was. Now the new game just looks like hoyoverse slop. God I want Hidari back.

No. 414534

this didn't even register to me as an atelier game I thought it was hsr kek

No. 414537

This is a design people who eat gacha would complain about as being generic.

No. 414592

Even ignoring the obvious coomerbait MC they don't even have crafting in the trailer and people are theorizing they're removing turn based combat in favor of action-based combat.
I'm sad Atelier became this but in a way I'm glad there's nothing hardly Atelier about it.

No. 414616

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Minecraft nona from the CC bunker threads, will you continue hosting the server and inviting farmers? I couldn't get in or ask for anything because CC blocked me after ddos attacks and I guess they deemed my ip to be a part of them. But I still would love to play with farmers and see the server grow.

No. 414685

Anybody else got so used to console 30fps that playing a game in 60fps for the first time made all the animations look like they were going in fast forward?
It's like that weird soap opera effect.

No. 414697

I remember feeling something like that too. But then you play for a bit and the novelty quickly wears off until you go back to playing 30fps for awhile.
Speaking of, I'm going to take this chance to complain about the weird obsession with frame rate. 60 is better, duh, but I don't get the obsession of NEEDING it on EVERY single game. Or the retards obsessed with getting more than 60, it's just not necessary for every game. Maybe it's because I'm not super obsessed with performance but for me, if it's at a consistent framerate and isn't lagging, then it's fine.

No. 414702

Yeah specially when a game gets ported and they make it run on 60fsp just because the new hardware lets it. You end up getting used to it after awhile but the first hours are always very jarring. Old games aren't made for it, they makes it look like those ai-upscale interpolated vidoes of Disney animations, in the P3P port even some animations get cut off early because the frames makes everything go faster.

They are important for shooters, fighing and rhythm games since they got a frame-perfect gameplay. But for everything else it doesn't matter, it's wild how people are now asking for 120fps for PC games, are eyes even able to notice the difference?
30 and 60 look pretty different when you put them side-by-side but as you said the novelty wears off fast as our eyes get used to it, after playing for a while both look the same as long as the frame rate is consistent.

No. 414710

Second ayrt and I agree, there's only a few genres where it really matters. Also I wanna say our eyes can notice a difference in framerate up to either 120 or 140, can't remember exactly off the top of my head. Although some quick googling leads me to believe it's possibly lower than that. Which makes this shit even more overkill if true.

No. 414718

competitive advantage

No. 414720

I don't know if it still applies but BG3 was finally on sale on steam for the first time !

No. 414736

Asking this too. I missed the whitelist windows, and I'm not sure if servernona opened it back up after the ender dragon fight.

No. 414778

File: 1726091027438.jpg (226.61 KB, 747x563, 1000020635.jpg)

I discovered this list of games graded in terms of "wokeness" by a steam group called Woke Content Detector. While they label a lot of things in a stupid way and conflate LGB with Q, most of their comments are surprisingly fact based and are helping me filter out crap or at least mentally prepare myself for trans jumpscares in games. Picrel was actually shared by a Woke twitterist making fun of this group for some of their sillier complaints, kek.

No. 414802

I just can’t imagine having to live this way, where you won’t play Bloons Tower Defense 6 because it’s ‘too woke’.

No. 414804

This is kinda gay

No. 414805

>Elden Ring
Really? Surely sex and gender aren't THAT big a deal in Elden Ring of all things.

No. 414816

>1427 games
It deserves to be made fun of.
Hades is amazing.

No. 414823

>I just can’t imagine having to live this way, where you won’t play Bloons Tower Defense 6 because it’s ‘too woke’.
nonas on this site won't consume something if it's 'too moidy', same principle

No. 414840

File: 1726111544601.jpg (487.75 KB, 1080x3101, 1000020641.jpg)

I am laughing to death after finding this graduate thesis about how Elden Ring's "narrative and gameplay are coded queer" lmfao

No. 414850

Hoyo really did untold damage to modern anime game character design sensibilities. Sure, you could argue a general decline in quality over the years, but the success of ugly smoothbrained Hoyo designs that appeal to the lowest common denominator was really the final nail in the coffin

No. 414851

genshit was one of the worst things to happen to mankind. I'm glad I was never big on these types of games in the first place.

No. 414854

There’s a difference between not playing a game because it’s ‘too woke’ and not playing a game because it’s sexist.

No. 414858

File: 1726123917787.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.45 KB, 850x1201, __yumia_liessfeldt_and_nina_fr…)

Holy shit I was waiting for LC to come back so I could post this abomination. I have never played an Atelier game but I got mildly interested in it because I heard from anons that earlier entries were more "female-friendly" or female-oriented. The art and character designs looked cute and nice, it seemed to have a comfy atmosphere, etc. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this in the Direct. Even though I instantly recognized Takaya Kuroda's and Takehito Koyasu's voices (♥) this looks like a mega-coomer game that I'm not touching with a 10-foot pole.
Pic related, these are official posters. What the fuck happened??

>Civ VI
I had to look up what the fuck that was. And also they're mad that there's an anti-global warming message?
About Terraria, I honestly never saw the sex change potion as having the colors of the tranny flag or any other pride flag. I know there's at least one troon in the dev team (trooned out after the game came out iirc) but the colors just seemed the typical sexist "blue for male, pink for female" thing, although on second thought, it might've been a subtle tranny reference. I haven't played Terraria since before that update (1.4.5) but do they change your pronouns and shit in dialogue? If not, I honestly don't give a fuck even though the lack of explicit male/female labels during character creation are a sign of pro-tranny attitudes… I don't care because I always make my characters male (didn't like the female characters' bodies and clothing options plus their grunts make me feel uncomfortable kek).

Yeah, honestly I mind way less about some pride flag stuck in an obscure corner of the game world than pervasive misogyny and pornbrained design/writing in the entire game's world, characters and narrative. Unless the entire game is about ass-kissing trannies (and there are games like that) I don't give a fuck. Not to mention that there's nothing wrong with being gay even though both anti-SJW moids and the wokies they complain about lump gay people and trannies together. Anti-SJWs just want their games to be about killing and raping without consequence even though there have always been video games with deeper themes than mindless murder and hedonism.

No. 414860

I know me3 is flawed but I would encourage you to give it another shot so long as you play it MODDED. I just started a modded playthrough and it's so impressive what modders have been able to do. It's not just stuff like character outfits or changing weapons stats modders have added new levels, different ending, new romances and new game mechanics.

Not expecting the next Mass Effect to be good but I hope it is.

No. 414869

>Takaya Kuroda's and Takehito Koyasu's voices (♥)
just play Like a Dragon Infinite wealth kek

No. 414892

I consider lists like these as a tool that we can use as per our needs. Like using "bad TERF" list on tumblr to find based women. The examples in the picrel of >>414778 are mostly retarded, but some of the later entries about indie games have saved my ass. A relatively more woke friend of mine was trying to rec me a indie horror game, I looked it up and apparently the protag and a good portion of the cast are nonbinary they/thems. Absolutely noped out of that garbage.
On the other hand, the list complains about a game that they found too girlbossy where the story ends with female mc kicking the villain in the balls, I'm downloading the game as we speak kek

No. 414913

The only explicit ones I can think of are Miq and Mogh and Miq and Radhan. Surely pedo incest isn't the good representation you're looking for.

No. 414926

File: 1726138449885.png (331.27 KB, 1117x1389, pol's trigger warnings.png)

Here's a short compilation of some entries that made me laugh. See if you can guess the game from these descriptions alone.

I find the fact that they consider the mere existence of homosexual people "overt pro-LGBTQ messaging", the presence of abusive parents "anti-family", women with some feminist ideas (which probably amount to "women should get treated with respect") absolutely intolerable, while loli moeshit games about anime girls fighting get their approval, unless they contain "woke" themes such as homosexuality or whatever they call "pro-immigration" lol. It really shows what kind of people they are. Even funnier might be that they also review shit like western romance games for women, or fetish games for moids, and complain that the protagonist is not straight, kek.

They really think every game ever made must cater to them, and don't seem to have a concept of "target audience". As if you need a shitty /pol/ list to determine whether you'll find gay content in a game called "Yearning: A Gay Story". Imagine being one of these retards and actually buying and playing this game just to say "yup, this one's gay, not recommended" on Steam for everyone to see. At least one of the reviewers is a confirmed crusader LARPer btw. You should see their thought process in action: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Woke_Content_Detector/discussions/1/4514380548228907182/
>it becomes clear many stories, characters, and themes are simply based on them and their life experiences (self-inserts).
>it would appear these people are not making games for us (the public at large), they are making games for themselves.
That's just another way of saying
The YouTuber moid who made the review makes some good points, but they're sadly undermined by all the literal /pol/cel bullshit. There's this fantasy setting with a lot of crazy magic shit going on, and what triggers the scrote is that there's too many powerful women cuz women not being weak, useless sex slaves that stay in the kitchen all day is "unrealistic" and communist propaganda. Kekking my ass off. By the way these fuckers speak you can tell they just want to murder everyone who isn't white, straight and Christian.

Yeah, I do the same thing, love that not only it helps you find non-misogynistic games with strong female characters, but also tells you if they're ruined by trannyshit. I just wishlisted/bought a bunch of games on there kek. Also found out that some games I had a mild interest in have pro-tranny bullshit in them, but most of the rest are insignificant, obscure games that I'd never heard of before and are easy to clock anyway, you can tell by the art style alone if it was made by twitter gendies.

No. 414946

>the public at large
They seem to think they are the public and not just part of the public.

No. 414950

hoyo alone can’t be blamed, vtubers are part of the problem too

No. 414959

they’re immortal gods dude

No. 414982

I think my favorite entry on the list is togainu no chi, I laughed so hard seeing a fucking BL game on the woke list. I wanna know what dude stumbled upon that game and DIDN'T know it was gonna be yaoi.
If you ever want to try the atelier series I'd suggest the Arland trilogy or the dusk trilogy. You could also try the atelier Marie remake as well, there's even a deluxe version that comes with the original game and makes it the first time it's ever been localized.

No. 414985

>this looks like a mega-coomer game that I'm not touching with a 10-foot pole. Pic related, these are official posters.
Atelier has ALWAYS had advertising like this, except with 12-13 year-old girls instead of women with adult bodies. I understand why people might not like that the series is moving away from cuter designs (Totori is the cutest) but for me it's refreshing that the past couple of protagonists have had more womanly proportions and mature personalities.

No. 415113

File: 1726187540758.jpg (59.27 KB, 500x500, BUAH.jpg)

Just found out that Voices of the Void has an easter egg related to Gooseworx. And I just now found out Gooseworx is a troon. As if there weren't enough reasons to dislike that game.

No. 415115

>womanly proportions = massive tits

No. 415120

This is so hilarious that it comes off as ironic

No. 415124

>Missing the point of Cyberpunk this badly
I don't even own the game but even I can tell the trannyism in it is making a critique on unnecessary surgery and bodymods, not celebrating it KEK. There are ads everywhere in the gameverse selling a body mod, and use trannies as the ultimate bodymodders in order to promote these products. E.g. brand new customisable nipples in one ad (all the options look ridiculous). Trannies are barely the focus at all, it's mostly "normies", like there is a sidequest where a guy got an illegal mod to make his penis bigger and it starts malfunctioning, so you have to drive him to a surgeon but then a bunch of obstructions occur (little kids crossing the road, road works, traffic jams) that prevent you from driving him swiftly to his location and he's crying and yelling in pain. It's very funny.

>They are lolifags
Kekkkkk of course.

No. 415138

The easter egg referencing the buff fetish youtuber with a TiM boyfriend wasn't enough of a clue?

No. 415183

Vtuber designs are so diverse that it's hard to blame any particular thing on the phenomenon IMO. They're more reflective of trends than setting them. Hoyoshit on the other hand always carries an identifiable set of traits with it which are replicated for their reliable profitability.

No. 415190

Looks perfect for me because I fucking love sudoku. It's about time I started playing Nancy Drew

I recently saw one of the trailers for this game on Steam and for some reason assumed that it was for moids (I only saw the female love interests). I'm glad that's not the case, because this definitely looks good. I know they were trying to emulate 90s shoujo anime chara designs, and they mostly succeeded (imo), except for the fact that the pixel art is too clean, unlike in 90s anime-style console games which had lots of shading and way more detail than this. That's really my only problem with the art, it's too obviously 2020s.
Gameplay-wise, I got Stardew Valley but could never get into it after trying it once. Maybe this one will be better for me? The love interests certainly look more appealing, so that could keep me hooked.

They contradict each other so much, too.
>A futuristic setting where people enhance their bodies with ultra advanced technology? This is tranny shit and goes against what God intended!
>A game where you try to preserve the environment so animals don't go extinct? Liberal communist anti-human garbage!
I see how it would be hard for someone who doesn't know these terminally online, autistic incels to believe they're actually being serious.

No. 415191

I can't believe that just as I was looking for a way to play the first Trails games, a full remake for the Switch was announced, including an English localization! Hopefully they release it soon so I can emulate it

No. 415195

>DX Original, fine
>DX HR, noo transhumanism
Even though JC gets upgrades just the same, they're just nano not mechanical.

No. 415196

File: 1726205187270.png (513.17 KB, 631x723, Destiny 2 9_12_2024 10_05_31 P…)

I love getting best dressed commendations.
I hate puzzle boss fights.
Though thankfully they finally added the exotic mission to the fireteam finder so it took 20min instead of an hour and a half solo.

No. 415198

File: 1726205491363.jpg (200.23 KB, 1000x1159, MV5BNjVjOTczOWUtYjFjYi00ZmMyLW…)

I got the feeling that the underage protags were being sexualized a little because I saw some designs like picrel. This design could've been perfect, it's so cute, until you see the cleavage. Why does a 15-year-old girl's breasts need to be rendered with such amount of detail? That's what I wondered.
My impression is that they were trying to appeal to both sexes, use an art style and setting that appeals to girls, design all the characters as cute and shoujo-like as possible, but also sprinkle the female characters with coomer shit such as cleavage, zettai ryouiki, tiny skirts that show a bit of butt, and arpmit/underboob, to ensure that the female players aren't completely put off by it but also the moids can fap to it. I know there was even an otome game spin-off that I'm definitely downloading as we speak, and taking this new game into account (which might be more of a spin-off than a main game if they're really changing the gameplay drastically) it's clear they're trying to pander to both.
Anyway, I'm going to try those games one of these days, just not these newest entries.

No. 415202

I caved and got fields of mistria, I’m enjoying it so much! So glad I went ahead and got early access, I can’t wait until it’s done but so far it’s scratching that itch. The pronoun nonsense is dumb as hell but has little impact (there are no characters with special pronouns that I’ve noticed so there’s no clunky or confusing dialogue). Lots of quality of life upgrades you can get throughout to make things easier/quicker and lower material costs. Gold accumulation feels slow but I tend to horde my meager crops which might be hindering my progress because they seem to be really good sellers. They need to make milling part of crafting because crafting is so slow to level! At first I thought maybe I’d romance the prince or merchant guy but Reina has coms out of no where with all her cute outfits and food. If Balor keeps saying nice things though I might pick him… or March if he can stop being an asshole for 5mins, no his antisocial behavior because of muh shyness is not cute. Last gripe, some of the tool upgrades feel a little pointless. When are there ever going to be three trees lined up in a row for me to use the axe in such a manner? Also why does the energy expenditure seem to reflect the increased squares hit? Which also feels redundant, why upgrade if it doesn’t mitigate energy depletion?

No. 415372

LOL wtf I never heard of this. What's the easter egg???

No. 415373

File: 1726284230583.png (73.21 KB, 1146x504, manlymen.png)

>90s shoujo anime chara designs, and they mostly succeeded (imo)
Nah you missed the art salt thread where we tore up the male designs.

No. 415489

File: 1726338567887.mp4 (404.47 KB, 480x270, ssstwitter.com_1726337920092.m…)

Any Dragon Age nonnies here? Did you see the panel about them having absolutely no fucking clue who Zevran is? For the non DA nonnies he's a companion in the first DA, no he's not a random unimportant npc that shows up once, he's a whole ass companion and they first show a screenshot of him modded with Witcher armor and then they don't even remember shit about the character. The guy at the back, John Epler is one of the original Bioware staff and he looks like he's fucking dying, and with reason. The troid at the back is the fucking game director and he's completely clueless, goes to show he was just hired for virtue signaling and not because he'd do a good job.

No. 415495

I mean the lady is just the voice actors coordinator, I don't expect her to know all the lore. As for the director…good thing they didn't get to write the thing.

As we are approaching the DATV release, it might be useful to open a dedicated thread? Also to discuss DA fandom drama (which is also amping up)?

No. 415535

Ohhh I wasn't aware of this, I'm gonna watch it now. Thanks anon.

No. 415536

The fucking tranny made a fucking Dame Edna-tier "oh" sound.

No. 415569

There's already a dead dedicated Dragon Age thread.

No. 415586

File: 1726360614073.jpg (121.42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>I know they were trying to emulate 90s shoujo anime chara designs, and they mostly succeeded (imo), except for the fact that the pixel art is too clean, unlike in 90s anime-style console games which had lots of shading and way more detail than this.
This is my exact issue with the game and why I don't know if I'll be able to tolerate looking at it for too long. I don't think any farming sim, modded or unmodded, has ever topped the warm visuals of the GBA Mineral Town games for me.

No. 415590

Perhaps I shouldn't have said "clean", it's more like the art feels unfinished lol

No. 415620

Lovely, I thought it didn't exist anymore. Thanks!

No. 415749

File: 1726437542111.jpg (77.4 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

I've been living under a rock for a while so I only just now heard about Concord and saw the character designs. What in the fuck are these tumblrina dog shit characters

No. 415750

> tumblrina dog shit characters
You get it.

No. 415752

these designs aren't communicating anything about the characters or their fighting style. might be that i'm just not fighting game savvy but all i can conclude is that the second character is supposed to be a tank(?) and the alien is like really fast or something. weak designs.

No. 415753

I've got bad news for you: this is a hero shooter, KEK

No. 415757

when you think about it shooting at people is still a kind of fighting, so imma count it.

No. 415763

Homeless green Ramona Flowers

No. 415765

File: 1726441609373.jpg (315.77 KB, 1920x1080, Chef-RPG-Matcha-Cake.jpg)

Has anyone here played Chef RPG? I wishlisted it on steam but no way I'm buying it for the full price. People mention a lot of bugs and other problems like spelling mistakes, I get that it's early access but still some reviews make it sound pretty rough. Either way I'm more worried if the game is actually interesting on itself than I'm worried about bugs, some stuff I've seen is so reminiscent of Stardew Valley, it makes me wonder if I shouldn't just play SV. There are so many games that seem to have been designed for people who want to play something like SV but have played SV so much they are tired of it, so they play something that looks like a heavily modded SV. And these games are always like double the price of SV, while SV has been much more polished and gotten massive free updates. I'm still probably going to buy it on sale tho cause the art is so pretty.

No. 415768

Don't ever buy games that are early access. Don't fund that sort of shitty business practice, anon.

No. 415812

Are there any games that are like life sims and fantasy themed, where you can also customize your own character? Doesn't even have to be full sims, but atleast enough managment to make it entertaining. Having some form of combat also would be nice.

No. 415814

Project Zomboid

No. 415940

File: 1726511133387.jpg (674.16 KB, 1900x1900, fantasy-life-button-01jpg-0d1f…)

No. 415941

Seconding this

No. 415949

core memories unlocked, I loved this game as a kid

No. 415974

File: 1726524054157.jpg (61.62 KB, 538x298, cortananlog.JPG)

Found this while looking up shit about Halo. I already hated Cortana but this just seals the deal.

No. 416019

File: 1726545083626.png (39.77 KB, 1346x239, Screenshot 2024-09-16 215052.p…)

Only nine more years until the Fantasy Life i comes out

No. 416020

If you like chinese fantasy then you can check Immortal Life, it's fun though combat is a bit shit imo

No. 416101

Id wait 1000 years for fantasy life i as long as they release it in a polished state

No. 416153

I'm interested in this game but I regret purchasing Fields of Mistria in early access even though I enjoyed playing it so I'll probably just wait for the full release. Plus something about the character portraits in Chef rpg is turning me off from it a bit especially the robot(?) girl.

No. 416325

File: 1726674094941.png (2.97 MB, 1920x1080, Warframe 9_18_2024 8_18_41 AM.…)

Why can't we text him back, 'hello from the future'.

No. 416405

File: 1726707538319.jpg (148.35 KB, 616x353, WH4K.JPG)

What’s the appeal of this? Every fan of the source material is either a nazi wannabe or/and a tranny.

No. 416406

its cool.

No. 416434

Warhammer as a whole or this video game specifically?

No. 416569

Can anyone here recommend me video games that actually sexualize their male characters? And don’t say otome vnslop because they don’t sexualize their males at all.

No. 416603

File: 1726759042870.png (322.82 KB, 844x474, image-asset.png)

Do the MC's exposed cheeks on the Vagrant Story count?

No. 416642


No. 416658

Fuck off

No. 416659

File: 1726770132550.jpg (119.53 KB, 1000x563, Touken-Ranbu-Warriors-Screensh…)

Touken Ranbu warriors, there are only guys and they get cloth damage when injured.

No. 416661

No. 416670

serious answers only please

No. 416675

Devil May Cry 3 is the only one I've played that felt like that

No. 416705

If you mean Warhammer in general, I've always interpreted it this way. Everything about that setting is either miserable, or obscenely destructive to the point of redundancy. There is no long lasting hope in that series that things will ever be better or that peace will be achieved. Everybody is against insurmountable odds at all times. One might think that's the point of the series and get really turned off by it and I think that's super valid, but from what I've actually seen from people who care about this franchise, it's actually just to contrast the actual appeal. People like the idea of not being alone in that kind of miserable situation. Even if your up against something you can't really stop, you've got like 50 other guys backing you up in a last stand. I think that's why you always hear about either the space marines or the orcs when people talk positive about 40k because they seem to embody that sort of thing the most. That and people who like nazi aesthetics/edgelords.

The game is a Xbox 360 title transported to 2024 for the dudebros that miss the era.

No. 416710

File: 1726786436490.gif (5.77 MB, 640x398, vocaloid-len.gif)

project diva

No. 416716

>t. has never touched a project diva game

No. 416717

I meant hot guys, fuck off with your safe horny trash that only handmaidens find "sexy".
I've been meaning to check it out for a while. Do I have to make a japanese app store account?

No. 416718

that cyber cat kaito outfit lives rent free in my mind

No. 416719

why? there are sexy outfits you can make len and kaito wear, feed and pet them and put them in any pv with suggestive poses. maybe you're the one who has never touched a project diva game.
i love that one and stylish energy, project sekai could never

No. 416736

What the fuck is this looks like a worm having spasms

No. 416740

kek I love this gif

No. 416760

File: 1726796269239.jpg (34.76 KB, 1035x610, da.jpg)

DA has gone full troon with top surgery scars in the character creator. Of course there's also the usual pronoun choice, vitiligo and whatever else is mandatory to games nowadays.

Peak character design honestly.

No. 416763

WHY? WHY IS IT ALWAYS VITILIGO? Why on earth they feel the need to make a fucking skin disease "woke", I'll never understand

No. 416764

Nta but Touken ranbu warriors specifically has an english localization and is sold in the west. The game is essentially baby's first musou. As for the original game I have no clue as the only exposure I have to this franchise is being a husbandofag and musou enjoyer.

No. 416769

File: 1726797888734.jpg (94.69 KB, 735x809, ec36cc9f860711e7ad1a8ac3e23167…)

He's not really sexualized but I always kind of liked that Raiden wears high heels, he makes it work really well.

No. 416770

>top surgery scars in the character creator
…this world has gone completely mad

No. 416784

That they have top surgery scars as a toggle rather than part of the rest of the scars is so weird and screaming please notice how great and inclusive we are.

No. 416791

File: 1726803623003.jpg (29.84 KB, 257x395, 7fcd0c5ae1274b8c39b739a3a38495…)

I just updated my ps4 and now it only shows a black screen after the logo, nothing else, it doesn't respond to anything and I had to turn it off by the plug. RIP why this shit always happen to me the fuck this update do

No. 416807

that happened to me. it’s a death loop. the only thing you could do is reset the console but you’ll lose all your save data (the games themselves thankfully remain on your account).

No. 416822

Tried everything, nothing works. I'll probably take it to repair. Just my luck.

No. 416823

File: 1726809333925.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x2408, 1000020922.jpg)

If you're OK with Touken Ranbu you might want to check out nu:carnival as well, it's gacha but pretty f2p friendly imo. Similar to Touken Ranbu, characters get clothing damage (picrel) when fighting and you can even place that version of sprites on your main screen kek. Also if you miss out on a unit you wanted, the nukani thread in /m/ has links to recorded scenes for all characters so far.

No. 416824

>png gacha

No. 416825

Kek right

No. 416826

nta but its not like we have many options. I wish i was a millionaire so i could fund my own sexy male protagonist hack and slash ala lollipop chainsaw

No. 416829

File: 1726811436447.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.24 KB, 1080x1920, Fartmachine.JPG)

Mod RE

No. 416832

too bad you're poor and lazy. hypotheticals are supposed to go in the video game sexism thread.(infighting)

No. 416835

No. 416836

Damn who pissed in your cheerios this morning

No. 416837

File: 1726813130129.webp (192.78 KB, 1000x1778, TR_Warriors_Omokage_Wallpaper.…)

No! Like another nona said, Touken Ranbu Warriors is a different game than the online one. It's 3D hack and slash and released in english on Nintendo Switch and PC.
Omokage is so beautiful, look at his back. Can't find any good pics of him with his clothes damaged though.

No. 416838

hmm nice back pussy. I had no idea this game existed. I am def going to get it.

No. 416845

>back pussy
Wtf anon

No. 416856

File: 1726815288354.mp4 (9.79 MB, 1080x1920, My movie 1_2.mp4)

Ayrt, I agree that nukani gameplay is more puzzle-y (see vidrel for an example) and I personally wouldn't put it in the same boat as games where you move around and do shit, but the rec seeker nona was already OK with touken ranbu so I figured battling with png men might be up her alley.
Anyway, nukani has its own thread so will stop shilling it here now.

No. 416857

File: 1726815460967.jpeg (105.21 KB, 1057x810, 5d15578031095e10c253efb46922c7…)

No. 416860

sorry i got horny

No. 416868

Pretty sure Touken Ranbu was only suggested because they were recommending the musou which isn't a gacha

No. 416869

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While we're on the topic of ikemen musou I think Sengoku Basara is also worth mentioning.

No. 416872

Good recommendation. The games still sexualize the women more but there are plenty of handsome men in nice outfits like Motochika and Sakon.

No. 416876

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Kek, perfect description.
Ah Ashley Riot my early husbando. I particularly like his little top that barely covers anything. Sydney is also the creepy half-naked villain option.
Right, this isn't a gacha game thread.

No. 416926

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This is absolutely insane. Tbh I shouldn't be surprised considering how the director and the lead writer are both TIMs.

No. 416928

Because they all firmly clung to their Tumblr phase and Tumblr absolutely idolised tf out of vitiligo for some reason

No. 416946

I already had no hope because of the tranny in charge but of course they'd do this. I did consider buying it still because I love DA and waited years for this, but I don't want to spend my money on this shit. I can't imagine it being any good. I hope that tranny keeps his dirty paws off of my wife. I couldn't stand to watch her be butchered. What is weird though is that everything in DA has been about TiFs yet it's the TiMs with the influence. I'm expecting a supporting character to be a brave and stunning twans woman because no way those narcs haven't given themselves a self insert despite pandering to TiFs.

No. 416962

that one model with it went viral on there a few times and they've never been the same since

No. 417042


Are you a moid, or just a failed pooner?(scrotefoiling)

No. 417144

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I just got back from repair, my ps4 had a hdd problem. So I have it back alive again but I lost everything as it was expected. I don't mind losing my progress on stellaris nor gow (which I was so close to platinum), resident evil, not even kcd but damn.. I have to start elden ring all over again. After I had just beaten the godskin duo, not long after beating radahn in my 99999 try, and the two fingers… I can't do that again, not the two fingers, and not with a fucking mage. I'd rather wake up naked at night in the middle of the forest with a bunch of peasants carrying pikes ready to steal my money in kcd.

No. 417146

I think I figured something out. Hornyposting about ugly men has this… comedic factor. You can play it off as comedic exaggeration and avoid the stigma of horny. If you're posting supermodels then you clearly want to fuck them forreal

No. 417153

I just realized I meant three fingers. I am so upset I don't even remember the nasty numbers of fingers I am at service. I hate them all.

No. 417186

Love and Deepspace? The Resident Evil games have attractive male characters, Leon was always meant to appeal to women. Devil May Cry has lots of hot guys too. Mass Effect kind of if you like the alien designs (they made no attempt to make the human men sexy outside of one really poorly handled romance).

No. 417201

Frankly I've been thinking about this since you asked it and it's sad how few games outside of a limited range of genres provide what you're asking for. Women really do so frequently have to make do with stuff that barely keeps them in mind.

No. 417236

This is infuriating, and what's even more ridiculous about it is that they wouldn't even have to be an explicit option - don't DA character builders have sliders for scar options? They could just have added it there if it was such a necessary addition for the troon director. Pure pandering.

No. 417291

Given this, I'm betting that enby Qunari companion will be a tif who had to prove herself by becoming a warrior and her character will be about how she didn't fit any of the misogynistic retarded gender roles of the qunari, so the solution was to become a mystical third gender.

No. 417339

Because vitiligo is a skin disease that sells.
Im not sure if i'll play the game, but there won't be any fanart from me lol. There is just nothing to draw. Creatures are ugly, chars are ugly, clothes and armor ugly, avengers assemble vibe is ugly.

No. 417340

but i thought vitiligo is a genetic condition like albinism?

No. 417341

it is nonas are just retarded

No. 417343

Dunno. They call it pathology and disease in med articles

No. 417357

lol Dragon Age is going to be such a flop, the characters look hella ugly. Female erasure in full force, disgusting

No. 417404

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Literally 3 out of 4 of the male companions are balding (assuming Varric is a companion). Look at the moid in pic related, absolutely pig disgusting.

No. 417405

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I agree but it’s not as if the previous title had attractive male companions either

No. 417490

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I won't deny there was a fair share of uggos (esp inquisition) but all previous games have some winners

No. 417500

Solas looks like a handsome lad now in comparison

No. 417503

I'll still fuck him but begrudgingly. The other male LIs look like massive faggots.

No. 417522

We say this but looking old and gay unfortunately never stopped Astarion's popularity

No. 417553

leave my brainwashed slave elf alone

No. 417561

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Sorry but his side profile is horrifying. DA2 elves were the worst.

No. 417565

Sorry but I meant picrel as winners not uggos I'd categorize the mage rights lunatic, Sera and the warden hobos as the uggos

No. 417568

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>Forgetting to include him

No. 417570

No. 417577

Alistair outsold Cullen. But I still think Fenris is the prettiest one.

No. 417579

Blondie is super hot.

No. 417586

Zevran was the best. I did romance fenris too but then he dumped me and I knew why he was dumping me but I was an asshole and got with the crazy mage right after that and then put them both in the party so I could listen to the bickering

No. 417617

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Is anyone else playing Dress to Impress or is it just me and the 12 year olds?

No. 417620

Can't believe someone is spending their precious time on this

No. 417872

I have not been on roblox in ages and I know the weird "instragram thot" look was gaining steam before I stopped playing, but I never knew it got this trashy holy shit.

No. 417939

Tragically my friends and I are a little addicted to it, just because it's easy to play in the background while we shoot the shit.

No. 417959

Not gonna lie nona, I really want to. Caseoh made this game look fun kek

No. 418194

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can someone talk to me about games with this feel

No. 418195

The Saw games. They're really good.

No. 418196

yes! i love this era so much. it can't exist nowadays. such a moody, dark atmosphere

No. 418199

i love mario sunshine Im one of those weird fuckers who could only get into the weird mario games, like SMS and Luigi mansion, I don't fuck with none of the other games.

No. 418200

Even if they weren't the best mechanics-wise, I enjoyed the gritty feel of these games. What I love about Manhunt specifically is the life they brought into the characters. The voice actors were fantastic, I loved to just listen to compilations of all the different voice lines. The intention was meant to be shocking and unsanitized. I agree that nowadays this type of (snuff) horror misses the same appeal.

No. 418202

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agree, especially the war dogs, innocentz and smileys, their voice acting is so fun! and the music?! it gives me chills, one of the few video game soundtracks i happily listen to today. it gives me the strangest but pleasing unsettling nostalgia to hear those synths.

No. 418214

I was too squeamish for these kinds of games when they came out as a kid but now find myself too sqeuamish for modern horror (the graphics make the gore too unrealistic). Do you think they are worth playing through for the first time now?

No. 418216

i think you'll laugh at the gore in these games. they were scandalous at the time but so incredibly tame now compared to the bloodfests of modern horror. hell, even normal action games have buckets of blood splattering everywhere it feels like.
i recommend starting with condemned if you're unsure, it's the "lightest" of the genre. you're an fbi investigator trying to solve a bunch of homicides. enemies consist of random hostile hobos and drug addicts and more, and you kill them pretty basically with pipes and stuff. the suffering and manhunt are more violent.

No. 418223

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nnnnnnnona, it was me all this time. i finished my HC run the other day. there's only a void that can only be filled with KCD2, siiiigh…

No. 418226

when I hung out in wokie spaces all I heard was that this game was racist because it didn't have "poc's"

No. 418228

glad it's a niche thing. it's so good like you have no idea, and tbh i'm not willing to share it with anyone. you can't just throw pearls to swines.

No. 418231

The sound design is honestly the part that makes me squirm the most. Go listen to some of the combat noises before you play them to make sure you’d be cool with listening to that on repeat.

No. 418234

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KCD nona, you are my new fave person.

(i'm one of those in tumblr lol)

No. 418249

Manhunt at least does not seem like it is for me

No. 418254

I'm so glad I bought Kingdom Come: Deliverance this last Steam sale because it seems it's an amazing game. I only read some reviews for that woman's story DLC and the moids were seething about it being boring as fuck so I wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sign, kek

No. 418262

i started playing twisted wonderland again but i’m really trying to get into it for real, help me nonnas i do really like it

No. 418270

No. 418271

I think the Twisted Wonderland thread would be more appropriate >>192988

No. 418282

The racism argument feels very american centric and it is so performative it's almost offensive. Bet none of these people care about real life racism.

I wish there were more women in the fandom, fanart, fanfic, weird rambles, anything to fill this void. I am playing it again on hardcore (again again because I lost my last hardcore save) and I am still in the prologue, Henry can't throw one punch without going blue or hungry, and I died way too many times, can't wait till I wake up in the middle of the woods again after safely going to sleep at Theresa's.
I wish there were more scenes with Sir Radzig, it felt so weird when they throw everything on you and then he goes "I'll explain later" but we never have time and when I had the time to go back to him he was just so casual "what do you need lad" I need explanations! A hug too and maybe some time alone in your room so I can… borrow some stuff.

Also is it just me or Henry got chadified in kcd2.

Kek I love this pic.
I got Fritz and Matthew a better place despite everything they made me go through, they're probably still haging together. ba dum tss

I loved it. I think some of the seething might come from people starting the dlc by accident, I know I did kek but it was really good, I don't regret playing it and will play it again once I beat the prologue. Hope you enjoy.

No. 418320

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I agree with your racism comment, nona. It wasn't helped by the fact that the creative director was trolling people left and right, but that's what we get today. how people didn't understand that in 1403 bumfuck Bohemia modern (forced) "diversity" wasn't a thing is beyond me. Also, most didn't get that they weren't the target audience for the game, tbh I wish more developers had the balls like Warhorse has.

btw nona, I feel your pain - there's like two fronts to the KCD fandom: r/kingdomcome and the Tumblr ladies. at least none of them are the black plague. I mostly follow the tag in Tumblr to see if something new pops up, but it's such a niche fandom (thankfully). All the woke and ignorant crew hate KCD mostly because the devs don't care about their feefees lol. (I must say, Rednightmare's fics in AO3 are a banquet if you can tolerate H+H slash).

As for my thoughts regarding some characters:
Nona, I feel you so much. They left so many threads untied because a-they ran out of money and b-they knew they were making a sequel, so I just have these absolutely insane "what ifs?" running in my head. I feel Radzig doesn't care about Henry at all, and sending them to Trotsky is anything but a trap to get rid of Hans and Henry. I think he has something going with Itzsvan, seeing how much of a negotiator he is. Also, what about Martin? Who sends Godwin to Kutna Hora? AAAAHHH NONA I NEED TO KNOW

And nona if you plan on rebuilding Privitslavitz…
If you rob the quarry correctly (because the quest is bugged af), you can send those two over to Priv, where they drink the town dry lol. also Henry can give them the middle finger there too.

And about Theresa's DLC…
When I played the first time on my Switch, I started the DLC by accident and I lost a whole day trying to survive. Which was impossible, since my Henry was greener than his starter outfit and controls/combat was so alien to him and me. So, I went to my last Henry save and picked up the pace. I was so angry and hated that until myself and Henry learnt the ins and out of everything. I went back to the DLC on my second playthrough on PC and played once I finished Henry's main quest and I only can say the DLC has the best story of the game. Not only is a mirror parallel to Henry's story, but how Theresa deals with the aftermath is so mature and filled with love compared to Henry's rage and revenge. I will die for Theresa and my HC Henry refused to hang out with Godwin and have babies with Stef lol

And KCD2 Henry… my baby boy, look at him, siiiiigh. What a dreamy bastard, I love him so much. In KCD he has a rounder face, given that Tom Mckay was 34-ish when he did the mocap. Now with the face cameras and such, it's a toss up between looking older and/or more detailed. I think he looks nicer in the gameplay demo from Gamescom though! WH rounded up his face slightly. I wouldn't say they made him a chad, "it's just better graphics" lol.

No. 418383

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Looks like Level 5 is full-on on the AI train. Right now they're using it for quick concept-art and placeholders, which I technically don't have issue it since it will be all replaced with actual art/voices but it's a slippery trope. If they made a trailer using AI slop, I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they disregard the full creative process and just add untouched AI stuff in their games to cut costs.
A shame when they have one of the best creative teams. Guess from now on I will be pirating/buying 2nd hand the new Layton game and whatever they release next. If I wanted AI stuff/games, then I would just do that from home for free.

I remember Atlus mentioned a year ago or so they wanted to use AI to generate simple base ideas for their concept artists and such as well. I guess this was inevitable, but it's sad it has come this.
Of course videogames are first and foremost a way to make money and that's the devs' main objective, but remember when they actually put care into them?

"Soul" is a buzzword at this point, but between the constant remakes/reboots (often by people who don't care for the author/game's original vision) and AI slop, most games nowadays just don't hit anymore. They feel like pre-made refrigerated meals.

No. 418392

Not surprised Level-5 is taking this approach, their games feel so corporate and soulless sometimes, as if they were made in a lab to maximize sales while trying to appear as wholesome and creative as possible.

No. 418445

If I recall correctly, they also hid from the western market one of their games was pretty much for blockchain shill.
I haven't played any of their games aside Profesor Layton (and a bit of Yokai Watch since my friend had it) but it's sad how greedy they have become, been playing them since its release and I got so many fond memories of it. They're also pretty much the only company who no only translates their games to languages other than english, but also gives
dubs to these languages as well.

No. 418461

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Yeah I think the same. Radzig sounds like he longs for the idea of being a father, like what could have been, but doesn't do anything to fix what he has now. Doesn't help that he looks like a douche, going blind in this game I legit thought he'd fuck me up somehow, he just have that douche face, then I flip flopped between being suspicious of him and trusting him a few times. Well, I guess that might be thanks to every other authority going "you fucking donkey" at me like Bernard and Robard, though Radzig himself said that word by word kek but then sometimes he'd throw a bone and tell me what great job I did even if it had a hint of disapproval on how I did it (guess he doesn't like how I do things because that happened more than once), "good job you donkey" is how he sounds everytime I talk to him.
Martin was a better father, Radzig can't compete no matter how many 'son' he throws in his phrases.

I did hang out with Godwin but when I saw where it was going I loaded the game and refused to do it again lol I felt so dirty. I know I did sleep with Stephanie while with Theresa but it felt less horrible than what happens with Godwin and I also didn't want to make the same mistake twice, I felt really bad when Theresa accused me of cheating after Stephanie.
I dunno why everyone says Godwin is so fun and the best quest in the game, ok, the preaching part was funny but he is such a hypocrite he made me angry. I am also a hypocrite alright but that's not the point.
I liked Johanka's questline a lot better.

I liked some stuff in band of bastards which kinda saddens me it had no Radzig, he just sends you there and barely speaks to you, I did that by the very end of the game but I think that should've been done way sooner, I know they didn't have enough time and put that on a dlc but it should've been a part of the main quests or something, it fits much better as some important side quest than a dlc.
I liked that they sent me to find some bandits camp and I kept forgetting this is not like other games and I could've just gone back and get them helping me but instead I run into the camp like a madman and stabbed everyone with my pointy sword before they figured what was going on. I went back to Kuno and the guy asks me "so where are the bandits"
"Gone, I killed them all"
"Are you insane" is the dude's response. How these characters manage to make me feel inadequate for doing a real good job, it's worse than when I just botch things up because at least they expect me to botch it kek but I ain't doing that anymore, hardcore is really killing me so I'll get all the help I can and maybe try to level up my stealth earlier and actually practice with a bow.

I really like the parts of the game that make Henry so pathetic though, like if you get thrashed by Kunesh and go to mama "Ma! I'm huuuurt ugh, it won't stop bleeedinnng" and the very beginning in that cutscene with him pathetically swinging the sword in front of Radzig. It feels real good when you make him a good swordsman to remember how he started.
The first time I killed a cuman I felt great because Hans had just humilliated me and before that it was Bernard, I was feeling pretty down, the real village idiot. And then Hans gets so friendly after I saved him, it felt so much better than any other game that makes you badass from the start, I never felt bored even after getting some nice armor.
I mean, what is a nice armor anyway when a large group of peasants armed with pikes and maces decide to rob you kek
And btw Hans got really likable, I was so ready to hate him forever because of how he spoke to me and I can't anymore. In the end he is as pathetic as Henry. Guy is always with prostitutes or drinking with a bunch of bootlickers and when he finds a girl he likes he is so retarded about it he can't even act normal and he got no friends, only Henry, he is such a loser kek
I don't really ship them despite being a fujo myself, I guess I love Theresa too much but I'll def read fics that ship them anyway, it is for obvious reasons the most popular ship so I can't escape even if I tried.

Speaking of Tom Mckay, I was a bit weirded out the times other characters called Henry a kid, I mean, it makes sense he is supposed to be young, but I think Tom Mckay looked a bit old so everytime I heard 'kid' I was ???? Till I got used to it. It was a good casting choice anyway because he's got that doofus face that really works for Henry and makes him memorable and charming. Any other guy wouldn't be the same.

No. 418469

Really sad but not super shocking. Level 5 has had some great creative minds behind it over the years but it's also always had notorious issues in the business department. With the desperate state the company came into its most recent round of upcoming releases with, I can pretty clearly imagine what happened to produce this outcome. Still such a shame to see the studio go down this route.

No. 418474

These long posts are insane, unfortunately mainly because of you I bought the game and now I refuse to read any more due to spoilers! I didn't yet download it though

No. 418476

Same, I haven't played it yet, but I bought the game just because of the nonnas sperging here kek

No. 418480

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This game sucks ass. Artificially inflated difficulty and cheap ass sexual horror. A monster with a huge dong who only says "Rape"? Give me a break. It's so clearly geared to a male audience, because to men rape is a gimmick, it's not something they can actually fully empathize with.

No. 418498

It’s painfully unoriginal too. Like 3/4s of the monsters are obviously ripped from other media. I also hate the self-insert tranny character

No. 418507

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regarding Radzig and Martin the whole thing between them. why would Radzig keep an eye on Henry? i get at the beginning when he tells him to try the sword was unexpected but oh so in purpose, but he seems so uninterested in him, like he's just a thorn on his side (or a debt to Martin for cleaning up his mess). and then Henry becomes super useful and he gets used to that. also EVERYONE knew about Henry but Henry himself, he is like Radzig's juicy dirty little secret. Hope Henry follows Martin instead of Radzig, because I feel the former will betray him at the end.

Godwin… i love this lord of debauchery. his quest hit me like a truck. also it contains Henry's best line of the entire game ("where the fuck am I?")i was put off by the amount of vomit tho lol

Kuno and Radzig… i wish this quest was more involved. Henry is sent to watch over them, but he has this major character development were he becomes more… knightly to put it in simple words. he actually becomes a moral compass in this quest, particularly if you challenge Zoul alone, which was amazing (the group fight is so hard because Kuno's band will perish in an instant and then you'll have like 10 mid to high level bandits surrounding Henry). also, any decision you take might give you a "you donkey!" comment from Radzig, since you risked your life doing something you shouldn't. although the best put down is by Bernard in Neuhof.

nona, did you do Hans' DLC? if you enjoy seeing Henry making a fool of himself, you are in for a treat!

regarding Henry, and according to fans' calculations, he's supposed to be between 16 to 18 years old. Hans in 1403 is supposed to be 15, but with the amount of drinking, whoring and gambling i guess it's safe to think Hans is 17-18 and Henry 18, the devs made them older looking on purpose. i mean Tom doesn't look 42 (his current age), but he doesn't look 18 either. but i agree, he does a great job. he sounds and acts candidly, just like a village lad should (in fact he has many, many U WOT M8 moments that are a delight haha), and seeing Henry grow up (and his little expressions aw my heart just can't) is so satisfying. i just love him.

nonas, join our circle of medieval hell asap ilu

No. 418508

Nonnies can y'all convince me to keep playing Disco Elysium? I'm interested because of all the fanart but I'm not enthralled by it yet, how long does it take?

No. 418509

when you reach the second half of the map and unlock access to a certain building, thats when the worldbuilding really starts to get eerie and intriguing. I wouldnt recommend scumsaving failed checks if youre doing it because the failed checks are funnier and can usually be redone if theyre locked behind something plot relevant (though be sure to save just in case it ends up being a fatal one against your morale/health)

No. 418540

If it has AI then I will pirate it, simple as. If they aren't having to pay for people why do they need my money?

No. 418548

I did Hans dlc it was hilarious, but it felt like Hans was more of a donkey than Henry. That poetry book, I told him everything right and he said I fucked up kek I guess next time I will tell him whatever. He also got… handsomely red after drinking that weird potion, I just told him he was great because I was afraid he'd ask me to get more weird potions to fix it lol so he walked around with that nice face, soo much work for a girl he could've just asked out with some flowers or whatever but he decided to act like a redditor, it makes Henry look like some casanova. Does she even know how to read, I wonder? Hopefully not because no one deserves to read about battle tents in that context

In contrast it was super sweet how you can court Theresa, how she thanks for the gifts and sometimes asks if you like that she is wearing what you gave her, and the comment about how she could hear you coming from miles thanks to the heavy armor noise, she is perfect, I really like the little things, these little lines, wish more games did that.
Now Hans needs some lessons from a guy that didn't even think about courting the girl that saved him before Hanush suggested it, that's how bad Hans is at courting. Also I think it's funny how excited Henry sounds after the date "I need to invite her out again sometime" that sounds young…. and I did invite her again way too early and she told me to come back later kek she sounds more mature than Henry especially when he talks about marriage and she doesn't want to get attached to a guy that might not even stay with her, knowing he can meet other girls and change his mind, that was really sad, but of course she cares, she was so upset when she accused me of cheating. I liked how she puts up that very strong front but you can also see her insecurities and that she wants to be happy but is afraid of getting hurt, sometimes she sounds as excited as Henry and then she goes "we're not doing that, be realistic"
I think I have never liked a female character that is a romantic option for the male mc as I like Theresa, I am a bit ashamed to admit it, but many games have either perfect dolls or batshit insane women that aren't even interesting to see.

Did you keep Bianca's ring? I wore it everywhere under gloves because I was afraid of breaking it so when I had no gloves on I removed it as well outside the towns. We barely knew her, only Theresa's dlc gives more info on her but I am soft like that, by Theresa's pov they seemed very happy so I am glad I kept it

Back to Hans, When you talk to him after saving him from the cumans and he tells you to meet him in the bath house, I got there early cus I had nothing better to do and followed him into the room and stayed there until he kicked me out kek it's nice they have lines for that.

I fought Zoul with the group and about 4 of Kuno's men died, it's funny Henry goes "sorry about your men" and Kuno is just nonchalant "it happens". I wanted to reload but I had saved some time ago and did a lot of other sidequests in the meantime and did not want to do all of that again. I'll try something different this time around and also do it earlier.

You guys should play it and tell us what you think. This fandom seriously need more women.

No. 418566

Nonas you convinced me to reinstall and finally finish KCD.

No. 418595

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ay nona, i'm glad you played Hans' DLC did you do the charlatan quest? my first time was a bit of a mess, as i didn't get to see the effects of the revenant in Ledechtko, (my second time it bugged out, the third time i completed it) and seeing good boy Henry learning how to bark like a dog just sent my sides to mars lol. btw, you can feel pity for Hans and give him some kind of remedy to alleviate the rash (something that seems to have extended to KCD2, Henry might have to nanny Hans around Kuttenberg). also, nona, which outcome did you get from the courting thing? the first time Kah-roh-lee-naaah (haha) rejected Hans and it was so funny with Henry trying to distract her father away outside. The 2nd and 3rd times he has the fastest touch and go in per-reinassance times ever, complete with Hanush (i love Hanush so much, why are the characters in this game so good?) cutscene at the end. and Hans' letter… pure poetry lol.

btw, Hans' IRL posts in reddit ("Lurk" Dale is pretty active in the KCD comms), so your dream of redditor Hans is pretty much a reality.

nona! i also loved courting Theresa and i wished i could do more things with her. the tiny little interactions they have. the other day she called my Henry "handsome", as i just had him had a bath and took his armor away for something more fancy. sometimes she cheers for him if he has won the tourney. she seems worried about him when he's out and about. Theresa, from her DLC and some other interactions, always loved Henry, but she knows Bianca is with him, so she's that third wheelin' friend, which is a bit sad, specially because Theressa's father hooked her up with Tobias! Feyfar! omg I SCREAMED when i realized who he was on my second playthrough.

and yes! i'm always wearing Bianca's ring, like the chad my Henry is. btw, if you take Tessa out after you find out about Radzig, you'll get some special interaction! and also, sweet baby boy Henry (sorry) talking about pancakes with honey and chicken drumsticks lol.

it's insane the amount of little interactions all the character have, including the NPCs. have you tried picking up a bandit corpse and walking around a guard? same thing for cumans, they have no right to have so many lines, in hungarian on top of everything! you can interact with all the world with different statuses (like being drunk, for example), and you'll get different results. no game has the right to be this detailed! KCD is such a delight.


nnnnona, you can do it!

No. 418617

I did that quest. It was so weird.
I found that dog before the guy asked me to learn how to bark, didn't know it was tied to a quest so when I heard that weird noise I started looking around the hell was that, and it took me some embarrassing time to figure it was coming from that dog. Then the actual barking was a bit hard because I kept messing up and accidentaly whistling. It was fun though.
Now the most annoying part was, despite my reputation, stealing the rosaries. And that fake blood potion, I had to listen to that dumb story a bunch of times and still got 1 herb wrong. Good thing I had a ton of them in a chest.

As for Hans, that girl rejected him (maybe that red face didn't help kek) and I had a talk with her dad outside that ended with me as a punching bag, he really ruined my fancy clothes. But then I don't feel bad, Hans was like Kuno losing his men "oh well it happens", why did I go through all that for then?

I did take Theresa out after Radzig, I hoped they'd talk about it and was glad they did, he tells her that with no buildup which I found funny but I guess there is no other way of throwing something like that on someone. And she is like "will you still be with me now", she keeps breaking my heart. I ain't no Radzig, girl. Who is the heartless bastard that takes the other choice?

I don't remember if people said anything about me being drunk which happened a lot until Johanka shamed me (and until I figured my game was lagging bad because of the alcoholic debuff), but they sure had a lot to say about me stinking. Went to buy something and the vendor was like "talk fast, you stink", well ma'am I just came back from another town without fast travel and everyone on the road wants to kill me, it's hard to stay clean. But then when you're all clean and with a nice armor you get sir knight from everyone.
Only the Rattay guards had a beef with me cus I stole the apothecary every time I went there, I guess they connected the dots, they got real aggressive and beelined for me as soon as I set foot in the town.
It's funny having high charisma, you can just bullshit your way out of prison, did it all the time they stopped me to search, one time I paid a fine though because I had no torch on kek, seems it's safer to steal stuff with a torch on because the guard saw me from God knows where and came running like a oblivion guard 'stop right there criminal scum!' All that for a torch, I got scared for a moment of being accused of the actual crimes I was commiting (trespassing, stealing, knocking people up to steal, pickpocketing), maybe he could smell me because there is no way that guard saw me in the dark. Also I just remembered a guard tried to arrest me once for "carrying around a dead body" only that guy wasn't dead, he passed out after a beating and while I was talking to the guard he got up and about his day kek
Oh I also got some comments about why I ain't in the monastery when I wear monk robes. I guess the guards need to ask that to the monk I stole it from, he was taking a stroll in the woods.

One unintentional funny thing is when you put money in the chest in Pribyslavitz, the guy just goes shocked "well, I've never!" Kek dude that is MY chest and MY (ok, maybe not really) money and you just told me to put money in there.

I see they are changing the punishment system in kcd2, now that looks fun and I'll definitely commit crimes (well to be fair I've never stopped) and be caught.

No. 418621

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it's just me or Ledetchko is cursed af? Between the weird noises heard while playing chumps, to that dog and the Butcher's wife, i'm always mystified by the weird occurrences there. the revenant noises were absolutely hilarious tho, goddamn the charlatan with his nonsense with the fearless dudes there.

oh, picking up corpses! it happened to me by accident in Sasau after finishing the brawlers quest. grabbed one unconscious dude and the guards plus the bailiff were all over me and sent me 8! days! to jail! i have no idea how i didn't pass the speech check though. i'm sure i was over 15 that time. and woah, the new crime system looks hardcore. you can even get hanged (a feature that was cut from KCD1) for your crimes. seen Henry squirm and scream when he gets branded in that cutscene was hair raising! the Gamescom video shows Henry behaving badly around town, and he does have more nasty dialog options if he goes that route. he can even ogle women now lol. i guess the whole reputation system got an overhaul, while it's still pretty involved in KCD1, now you can look and behave like a total cunt if you want (also smell the part, given that in KCD1 carrying rotten food will make you repulsive to people lol)

and about nice clothes when Hans goes all like "you can grab some stuff from my crate" because he wants his bestie well dressed for his audience with his uncle lol. My 2nd Henry was already in plate and nice combat jupon when i took this quest, so Hans was all like "but you already look the part!" aww naww love them.

pic kinda related? love the art from the labels, although i wonder why they decided to obscure Henry's face.

No. 418623

>when he gets branded in that cutscene

No. 418626

let me try to find the video brb

No. 418629

File: 1727370378079.jpeg (56.29 KB, 1080x763, how-do-you-think-branding-will…)

soz nona, in a quick search i only found this screenshot. will try to look for the video in the afternoon. i'm sure is not in the Gamescom video.

No. 418633

Great now I wanna brand him.

No. 418640

I did not know about carrying rotten food in the inventory. Ok, now it makes sense why people were still treating me badly even after I get a bath. I am a chronic looter, and I got that perk to be able to eat rotten food without going sick so… lmao in retrospect it does make sense, dunno why it never crossed my mind. Once even Theresa told me I smell bad.

Hans never said that to me even though I had nice armor, now I wonder if it's all because of the food or the fact I tend to go swimming sometimes as a shortcut.
I guess no more bad food this time around, no more swimming.

I will probably watch the gameplay for kdc2 again. Can't wait to be stinky in better graphics.
Can't wait for that too. Warhorse is not doing a good job dissuading me from being a criminal.

No. 418647

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neither do i! half naked Henry getting whipped might make me blush (Tom's voice… holy shit! although the whole hoongry Henry thing is getting way too much out of hand). although seeing H+H go out like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid will be really fun!

nona, if the number is red, throw it away. not even Mutt should be fed rotten food!

No. 418649

Don't worry I don't feed Mutt anything that is even orange, I am not a monster, but I do eat it myself kek I also try to sell it to the vendors. I like to think some of them secretly hate me but buy my stuff anyway because they fear if they don't one day they will wake up in an empty house.
I mean, Johanka heard about me stealing despite me never getting arrested, Sir Divish also seems to imply it so the vendors must know all about it. I wonder what Radzig thinks about it.

No. 418655

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now i wanna try another HC run with asshole Henry. i just don't want him behaving badly, but i wanna see the other tiny interactions and secrets if you do so… i'm conflicted nona, so conflicted…

No. 418733

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I wish this didn't flop because now Marvel rivals is the only true overwatch alternative (Apex legends and valorant are great but they lean more on CS:GO). Western devs get shit on a lot for character designs but the female designs for marvel rivals have been so dissappointing. It's just the same body in different skins and it's even worse because the male characters have variety. The gameplay looks great but one thing overwatch was good at was making sure the female characters weren't just copypasted. I wish Sony/Concord tried harder with the designs or made it stylized

No. 418736

samefagging but from the jump Overwatch had Zarya and Mei. Marvel rivals revealed their Psylocke and its the same thing again. Its not even about "representation" but its so insulting when game devs make their scrote characters as hideous or differently shaped as possible.

No. 418755

the overwatch and MHA collab, of course they would have the lesbian character cosplaying as deku

No. 419370

I'm trying to be a little better than I was in my first run but I guess my Henry was born to be a scummy criminal. I beat up those guys in Rattay and couldn't resist, I stole their stuff when they passed out. But I won't steal the apothecary anymore, or any shopkeepers. It is more fun stealing peoples houses than the vendors chests anyway. Right now most I've stole was food. I am stealing eggs everytime I see chickens in someones farm because Henry won't stop being hungry. I know it's a meme at this point but on normal difficulty I never had that problem, I always had more food than I could eat and ended up selling it, now I just don't have enough and have to buy food sometimes.

Rn I am in that hunting mission with Hans and the guy just ran in front of me as I was shooting a rabbit, scared the shit outta me (also made me miss the shot), I never saw him actually hunting in my first run. I legit thought they just teleported him somewhere and he'd come back when the time was up, good thing it's not the case. He is such a fool, and he's got 2 dogs, for what, he's not even using them lmao

No. 419404

A lot of EA accounts have been permabanned for no reason with no possibility to appeal, people suspect yet another hack. Has this affected anyone ITT?

No. 419411

could be a similar thing to what happened to destiny players a few years ago
the game had an update which caused some glitches
the auto cheat detector detected those accidental glitches as a deliberate exploit of glitches
quite a lot of players were banned through no fault of their own
the amazon mmo, new world was it?, had the same problem on launch

No. 419412

Apparently a lot of singleplayer game players such as simmers were also affected. They mention receiving mails about their ban and when they click the link in the mail the page allegedly loops and gets stuck. Could very well be phishing, but this time convincing enough that a whole lot of users fell for it.

No. 419414

can sims ban you for exploits?
maybe it was indeed phishing or a hack
what was odd though when i googled it it seem like an apparent mass ea ban happens nearly every year based on the search results

No. 419417

>can sims ban you for exploits?
Nope, I think only if you upload inappropriate stuff on the sims 4 gallery, but no you can't get banned for cheating or modding a singleplayer game, that would be downright absurd and would cause an uproar.

No. 419421

>but no you can't get banned for cheating or modding a singleplayer game
this has actually happened, i remember reading a few examples,
i know sony wants to ban people modding their games (in ways they dont like),
i also know take two and ea have talked about it in the past
capcom wont ban you but they are looking to block all modding (this was was for the understandable reason that moids created some very perverted mods for some capcom games and capcom didnt like it at all, shame they punished everyone though)

No. 419427

This reminds me of a reddit post I saw the other day on the pirated games sub. Dude used the DLC unlocker on a copy of the game he had for years and had actually bought DLC for, only to get banned a few days later for no real reason. I thought it was odd EA would crack down on the unlocker now after so many years, but now I'm convinced the dude was another account that got hit by of this random string of bans.

No. 419435

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the whole "hoongry boy henry" meme just irks me a this point. it used to be a cute trait, but now everything is I FEEL QUITE HUNGRY and JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED everytime i step into a KCD comm. they made Tom scream out of his lungs that goddamn sentence for a fight taunt in KCD2.

anyway, nona, good to see you! i just found a strange dig south of Rattay and i wish my lockpicking was 15 already, because i'm such a chicken regarding stealing. my Henry is a good boy after all! in fact, the Rattay forests have the weirdest secret spots. i found that murder cabin that everyone talks about just today! i'm off to hunt some boar for Alex now, i wonder what i'll find on my way there.

No. 419445

>this was was for the understandable reason that moids created some very perverted mods for some capcom games and capcom didnt like it at all
This is just a scapegoat, the real reason Capcom hates modding is because they're still salty over the SFxT on-disk DLC fiasco from a decade ago.
The one company that hates all modding because of "perverted mods" is Rockstar due to Hot Coffee PTSD, but that was all their fault too.

No. 419446

there was also an incident where a guy forgot to turn off his nude chun-li mod while hosting a tournament, and everyone tuned in on twitch saw it.

No. 419466

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I've never played any of the big online games like Minecraft, TF2, Roblox, Fortnite, Destiny, WoW, etc (I have played Warframe tho)
Am I really missing out by not playing any of them? Is it too late to start?

No. 419501

What do you think you're missing out on? They're all pretty different games.
I play Destiny and Warframe for the story and don't really care about the multiplayer aspect.
Plenty of people still play this stuff.

No. 419742

Idk I guess I'm worried that I'm missing out on the social/fun aspect. Basic FOMO I suppose.

No. 419797

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Didn't find that cabin yet but I stumbled on the body of a witch between Neuhof and Rattay, and walking a bit from said findings in Rattay's direction I found a cabin with a dead man inside and a bunch of alcoholic beverages never saw that stuff in my first run. I guess I am paying more attention to my surroundings now instead of just blindly running to the objectives because now I am constantly afraid of getting lost in the woods. I am even afraid of sleeping. During Hans' quest I went to sleep in the camp and woke up in the Inn in the Glade beside the pigs. Good thing I woke up 1 hour before Hans and told Mutt to wait in the camp before sleeping, found the camp again in no time.
Can't open locks yet but I managed to get a bandit running from me with my bow. I was over encumbered and couldn't run after him, not even Mutt managed to get him so I just released an arrow in his general direction, he was even behind some bushes but then I see my skills level up and the guy is dead with 1 shot. I am feeling like the greatest archer of Bohemia. Maybe stealing is not all there is after all, maybe I could be a good person this time around and focus on my archery skill instead of wasting my days observing the routine of randos on the intent of breaking into their homes. Martin wouldn't've wanted a Fritz for a son.

When I was going back to Neuhof after ginger in a pickle I saw a bunch of cumans fighting bandits. The bandits lost I'm guessing, I looted about 3 or 4 bandit bodies and 1 cuman while the fight went deeper into the woods. They didn't see me and I have a lot of money now to eat like a king kek no more boiled eggs and carrots.
I also met some lost trader asking for directions to Uzhitz. I suppose I gave him the right directions because I gained some reputation, funnily enough he then went in the opposite direction.

No. 419811

The games still have playerbases, well maybe not TF2?
Just try them out if you're interested.

No. 419932

Played this for a bit and reached kyber1 in the first season as a rieve main, the tank meta got tiring though. Has it gotten any better or is it still tank cancer?

No. 420011

I just got the roan for Lady Stephanie's wedding and… When he says "Well, are you still gonna throw me off?"… His voice was so hot idk… Go to around 2:05.

No. 420073

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I think we are all Stephanies here, goddamn Tom! The last bit where he goes "Are you going to throw me now?" SHIT. I think the last time I kept unsaddling because Henry starts singing every time he goes back on the roan. That quest is really good, but the aftermath, uh, Stephanie keep your hands away from my boy!

nona, the bow is so satisfying. In my first two runs I hated the thing, Henry is terrible with it, his/my aim is shit, but now that I have the Master Huntsman perk, plus used the thing a lot, I'm level 12 in my 3rd run. After level 10 I noticed that it zooms in a little bit, and Henry's arm is so stable that I know where I'm supposed to put the arrow. It feels so natural! But I'm still a sucker for regular combat, it's so much fun. I just beat everything down and steal their carrots lol. Cumans always carry cured meats and such, and now I'm always over encumbered with the goddamn cheeseboard I carry in my inventory lol. I wish I could feed Mutt bread and apples, but no, the beast only eats meat, boo.

Lately I'm hooked on watching KCD2 trailers and such, it looks fantastic. And even if it doesn't, I just can't wait to follow up with the story. From what I gather I think the whole "Henry reset" thing is because Hans got them into trouble. Not in a battle, but because the idiot took the other idiot for a swim, and they got ambushed. There's this bit in the gameplay videos where they are escaping in their underwear and Henry is noticeably wounded, while Hans is fresh as a daisy the mf.. The whole yarn ball of loose ends has me on the floor, oof.

No. 420093

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Maybe if they had added yaoi mode for TF2 it would still have a playerbase!

No. 420097

The point of early access is to fund development. The game may be unplayable or almost done. It's not really scummy. It's pretty clear what it is. Get it if you like a game and want to support its development. However, most developers understand how players see it (even if it's incorrect) and won't do early access till the game is basically done, which mostly defeats the purpose and instead makes early access mostly a way of releasing a game twice, for no reason.

No. 420105

I'm early in the game but so far I like Stephanie more than Theresa. She's so boring to me. I know I'm asking to be bullied by saying this kek (flood detection aaaa)

No. 420110

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boo nona, booo i still LU no mather what

also, Tom (spoilered because it's a pic of him siiiiigh)

No. 420120

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I've been playing atelier Shallie recently and been enjoying it so far. Although I don't really like the battle system in this one. I know atelier battle systems aren't the greatest or anything, but this one feels less fun than E&L. Also maybe I'm just retarded at synthesis but a lot of items feel a lot weaker in this game for some reason. I think the synthesis system itself is neat though.

No. 420121

My dad was watching a real bad movie the other day with Tom Mckay, it was hilarious because I can't unsee Henry now.

No. 420129

was it Final Destination 3? some people spotted him on a Peugeot ad too. from what I know, he's mostly a theater actor who does minor TV/screen roles most of the time. He's gonna be Henry forever now lol.

No. 420130

Is this that terrible clunky kingdom come game with good ideas but dogshit execution and some shitty Czech moid game director who bitched about women and black people years ago?

No. 420134

Yes. We have the dvd unfortunately, awful movie.
C'mon girl that bait is not even good.

No. 420848

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Any anons play Mouthwashing? I haven't been this haunted by a game in a long time.

No. 420869

THERE IS WHIPPING IN THE GAME? How do you unlock the whipping cutscene.
No, describe it

No. 420875

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It's a first-person horror game about the crew of a cargo spaceship who become stranded after crashing into an asteroid. They find out that the cargo they were carrying was just hundreds of boxes of mouthwash and so they start drinking it to pass the time and drown their sorrows. It sounds like a comedic premise, but it's creepy and twisted. The dialogue and storytelling are great, and the characters are great, too. There's way more to it than just the basic premise but I don't want to spoil the story too much.

No. 420882

my switch sdcard blew up, what new games should download? please no boring animu rpgs, visual novels, or other husbandofag-fujobait

No. 420975

I'd recommend Grim Fandango Remastered if you haven't played it before.

No. 420986

that will be available in KCD2, it's part of the new crime/reputation system. you can get either the cane, branded or hanged depending of the crime. and yes, my poor boy will be getting the cane a lot (just because hmmm)

No. 420990

This sounds awesome I am going to check it out

No. 421252

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it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Still some things I don't like (VA is weird at times, but not in that dissociative way in the original, just bad) but i like general atmosphere

No. 421327

Is anyone else excited for the Clock Tower remake slated to come out this month? I'm kinda a big autist for the series so I liked that it was getting a rerelease but considering how underwhelming SH2 looks I'm starting to worry

No. 421341

The consensus seems to be that it's a "not shit" remake. Also the only correct interpretation of SH2 is that James hated Mary.

No. 421494

No I hate the art style they picked, it’s so cheap looking.

No. 421507

Thank you for the recommendation nonna, this game was so cool!

No. 421804

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Hi nonas, I hate to ask but I'm looking for some recommendations. I'd love a game with good replay value or I can easily get immersed in and kill a lot of time (1000s of hours I mean). Some examples I previously enjoyed are Minecraft, Stardew Valley, ACNH, TS4. They do not have to be stylistically similar, since I'm aware my taste isn't as varied as it could be. One of my only turn offs in a game is too much dialogue/reading. If you have a game in mind but you're unsure if it's what I'm after, post it anyways, I could use a little shaking up. As for consoles, I play on Switch, PS5, PC and Mobile. Thank you in advance!

No. 421809

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There are lots of games trying to be stardew, just check if any of them have a style you like. I enjoyed Fields of Mistria recently, just like my first time playing stardew I couldn't put it down. The only issue is that it only has actual content for around 30 hours right now. After that it's still fun to finish up previous requests or the museum, but I'm waiting for an update now because I don't have that much time to kill and I want a goal and character interaction. There is a lot to do in the game though, you can get seasonal insects and fish, there are breeding mechanics that allow you to get animals in pretty colors, the furniture you can collect on weekends is actually cute, if you get the shop upgrade late you'll still have new seed types to try in the second year, and depending on the way you go through the mines there will be a lot left to mine/collect once you reach the current end point. Highly recommended, but maybe wait until it's out of early access if you want a longer experience/also need a big goal to guide or motivate you.

No. 421869

try the civilization series? my personal fave is V but the later ines are good too

No. 421879

Binding of Isaac

No. 421912

I second that >>421879 You can start with just Rebirth and then buy the dlcs if you want. It has lots of good mods so even if you get 100% after hundreds of hours there is still a lot of potential content and there is no dialogue at all.
Balatro is also easy to sink a lot of time in if you prefer something without combat. It's very random though (unless you ponder over every move you make for 5 mins, then almost every run is winnable).
I can also recommend Oxygen Not Included if you want more of a management type of game. It has a super cute artstyle, but an incredible depth.
If you want to be extremely casual the Bloons Tower Defense games could be worth checking out too.

No. 421913

samefag. Cultist Simulator is also quite a time sink. It might annoy you because it is basically just reading, but I personally find it really immersive. It has a very lovecraftian vibe to it and plays in the 1920s I think. It's very easy to play it for 20 hours straight and forget the time.

No. 421929

Maybe Factorio and Slime Rancher

No. 421930

The VA does come off as amateur to me, the awkwardness of the original voice acting had a kind of charm to it that I don't feel here. I like the environments but I hate the over-rendered 4K Super HD look of the character models. James looks like a gamestop manager wearing a cheap aliexpress cosplay of himself, and I think it was a mistake to make Angela look younger in the first place, but they way overcorrected and now she looks twelve. The updates to the gameplay look interesting at least, even though it feels a little TLOU esque. Overall bland, but I do hope it gets more people to play the original series. Was there anything that stood out to you at all? Good or bad

No. 421981

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So Nintendo's been cracking down hard on piracy the past few weeks. I guess the switch 2 announcement is right around the corner, especially given that ryujinx (the successor to switch emulation after yuzu died) has just shut down. Nintendo's also suing a guy that sold modded switches (he's also a retard because he's using no lawyer).

No. 421985

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This game is fucking amazing. I played it for nearly 10 hours straight yesterday. I still retain some muscle memory from BT3 thank god the controls are the same. Gameplay-wise I have a couple complaints, first being that the sonic sway is weird compared to BT3 and it doesn't always trigger on tap, seems like a long press has better chances of triggering it, I think maybe it changed to being triggered only during certain frames reduced from BT3. Second complaint is that defensive vanishing became really easy to do, they clearly extended the window in which you can vanish from an opponent's attack so good players can continue to vanish and counter-vanish for fucking ages (and this already happened in BT3 when it's way harder), huge waste of time, devs need to do something to avoid infinite counter-vanishes. Third is that Z-Counter (renamed to super counter for some reason and now Z-counter is what used to be defensive vanishing) became way too hard, easily the hardest defensive maneuver in this game when it was relatively easy to perform in BT3. Besides this, gameplay is really really good and almost the same as BT3. My other complaint is that clearly they're gonna milk the fuck out of this with DLCs because they didn't include some characters from previous games, but the fact that for example you can't transform into oozaru with kid Goku makes me seethe, I wonder if they're planning a big monkey DLC or some retarded shit like that. They also reduced the costumes for the characters, probably gonna add them in more DLC. At this point I think I will just wait for mods, too much content cut off with clear intent of becoming DLC crap, but at least the base game is big enough to enjoy as is for some time. Online play is good, the servers are pretty decent so far unlike other Bandai gaymes like the Nurutu Storm series which are absolute dogshit, and I'm really really thankful for that. Rarely I felt input lag during online play. A thing to note is that definitely the characters are unbalanced (devs did admit this as this game is supposed to be FUN and not competitive like FighterZ), at least I've spotted a couple that are absolutely cancer like Broly Legendary Super Saiyan, Gogetta SSJ4 and Vegito SSJ2. I've been gitting gud playing only kid Goku who is dogshit and underpowered and I've whoop'd ass of every character I've encountered except these which I found have been pretty hard due to the increased health bar, general speed, unblockable ultimates and power ups they possess. I think that besides these characters I mentioned, even a dogshit unpowered character can still compete fairly against the rest of the roster. I had a really fun fight kid Goku vs GT smol Goku and won 2 to 1, so online can definitely be fun, you just gotta deal with all the retarded rat kids salivating over Broly and Vegito and Gogetta. I haven't tried story mode yet but it looks fun too, and the ability to have what-if battles with adjustable conditions is just gold, definitely gonna play with that later and RP my retarded fighting fantasies. Anyway, easily 11/10 I am cum with this game.

No. 422007

Do you have a Dragon Ball husbando? I'm gonna get this game for SBroly.

No. 422014

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No. I wish they would bring my OG DB waifu though and not in her Super fanfiction slop form. Never happening. I just want more OG DB characters in the game.

No. 422054

I've been wanting to get this to play with my brother and a friend but he keeps complaining about the local multiplayer only having one map available (which is kinda bullshit, why can't we play in alk the maps?). But to me the rest looks so fun!

No. 422060

Ryujinx has always been around tbh and it was always better than Yuzu. At least the latest Ryujinx release can still play pretty much all Switch games and the Brazilian developer probably got some good money to fuck off, since it's hard for Nintendo to sue them in Brazil.

No. 422061

Both LRG and Wayforward fucking suck and the "Western anime" style they chose for it is baffling.

No. 422070

Only watched some of it but it looks promising. I read about people experiencing bugs and stuff but it's so cute.

No. 422137

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Asian gamedevs are shitty misogynists. And in other news, water is wet. I also heard Saudi Arabian investors wanna pour more money into Japanese game companies. And considering the economy, I bet they'll leap all over it, especially Nintendo.

No. 422142

ARE YOU SHITTING ME. It's a fantasy game!! They have healing magic!! How does this affect the fucking game!? Some gamedev is gonna toss in another 500mb of useless top scar.png textures on MY computer? Fuck that gay shit, enjoy me pirating your game AND modding that shit out. Cocksuckers.

No. 422147

The only good banter I ever heard (played for like 80 hours) was Iron Bull saying "yes ma'am" to Josephine.

No. 422304

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Trying to get old games to run is so painful. I unstalled the unnoficial patch and it made things even worse. Now the game won't even start, my screen just flashes black for a second and then goes back to desktop.

No. 422314

Even if it means never getting another Deus Ex game, at least we didn't get one funded by Saudi oil barons.

No. 422340

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AYRT, some of the facial expressions on the character models look really bad during the cutscenes. I agree with you about Angela's new design, I like that she looked older then her age. Hopefully this doesn't make me sound like a moid, but I hate Maria's new outfit. the OG is so iconic and the new one is just bland.

But I really like the banter Maria has with James and her general mannerisms. I lovedddddd the abstract daddy boss fight the imagery of you running down the hall and being trapped by him before stumbling into Angela's bedroom made me pause at multiple points to take it all in. glad they kept the piston room because at first i was pissed because I thought they took it out

Overall I like it for what it is. It will never top the original for me. The limitations of the graphics, uncanny VA, CGI cutscenes, make that game feel like you're in a dissociative nightmare, while this one just feels like a game.

No. 422364

Oh no, I have this game, I recently bought it when it was on sale for pennies I hope it works… it looks so cute

No. 422374

i have never played sh but i really liked bloober team's other games so i might give it a try if it's anything like their usual output

No. 422380

I'm still fighting to get it to work. There was a blissful moment where I played for 15 mins, but then I had to leave and when I came back it stopped working again. If I figure it out I'll let you know what I did.

No. 422523

Kek their games are shit anyway. They invested a lot in this ugly cringy monkey shit but everyone already forgot about it. It's always funny how insecure and child-like asian moids are, they really can't handle women telling them they're shit, they would rather suck each others cocks non-stop.

No. 422588

I'm a huge fan of the original 4 games, I had little to no expectations with this one, I actually went in quite pessimistic. Aside from some performance issues, I was pleasantly surprised. I changed my mind on Maria's design, I'm ok with their change, and the scene where she finds her old outfit is a nice touch. Some of the unreal metahuman weirdness is a bit off putting, especially in Angela. Honestly, given how Konami dealt with previous games with other studios, this was the best one, so kudos to bloober to pulling this off. I think they captured the whole thing really well while also addind extra details, which is a hard thing to do in all honesty.

No. 422758

I've been wanting to play the older Atelier games since I love Ryza so much! but I'm worried about the turn based combat being too complicated or too boring. I generally don't like turning based stuff unless it's simple and fast like Pokemon or Paper Mario… Is it complicated?? Looking at gameplay videos hasn't been helpful

Both Shallies are cute but I have a soft spot for Shallotte

No. 422772

AYRT are they?? I've never touched em but I hear YouTube moids sperging about them every week or so. But then again, it's YouTube.

No. 422842

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i've never wanted to rape james sunderland before now holy hell

No. 422856

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Same. He has pretty eyes even though I find his face average ape-ish. I like how cold is he, somewhat a creep, his actions like touching Angela behind her, his indifferent mention of corpse in fringe when he asks which guy Eddie panically swore he didn't kill I swear he has serial killer charm. Also his sighs in combat are hot

No. 422881

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he was easier to hate in the original because he was so hideous. i still hate him but now i want to violently fuck him in a way that doesn't cause him any pleasure. i agree about the combat sounds. i really like when he's stomping on something and his groaning sound cracks his voice, he sounds so pathetic.

No. 422894

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ayrt and as far as combat goes, for the dusk trilogy at least, is pretty simple. You'll have stuff like support attacks or moving around the battlefield but nothing crazy. You should be fine so long as you make decent items and equipment as you play. I'd recommend playing Ayesha or Escha&Logy before playing Shallie though. Atelier games are pretty standalone titles but the dusk trilogy does sort of have an overarching story to it if you care about that stuff.

No. 422900

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Bungie did that thing where you can only see the cutscene once again gdi.
At least I got Crow and Variks and some thigh highs.

No. 422931

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Is this where I can talk about drakengard 3

No. 422950

I hope he gets assraped by an abstract daddy

No. 422969

Yes, please Nonny. Drakengard 1&3 are my favorite games despite being awful at being one…

No. 422974

I like this design, he's more attractive but I also think he looks more believably like the shithead he very much is

No. 423027

I only accept the first ending of drakengard to be the cannon one lmao. I like 3 a whole lot more. It’s not as janky as I was expecting but I’ve bottom of the barrel almost unplayable games before and 3 is nowhere near what I was expecting when I heard people talk about the gameplay being bad. What I do hate are the side missions though. The timed missions are horrible and make want to rip out my fingernails.
I’m not sure how far into 3 I am yet. I’m barely at the part where I fight Gabriel right before I fight One in her citadel.
I like my crew of retarded moids and knowing yoko taro this won’t end well for anybody

No. 423053

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Finally, people I can sperg to about my weird obsession I had with this game. Drakengard 3 was my first Drakengard game since I had a ps3 but not a ps2 (or anything capable of emulating it at the time lol) I was always fascinated by the concepts in this game and enjoyed the characters. The intoners as a concept is so cool to me and I LOVED that the music would change when entering intoner mode. Especially when you did during boss fights. Also enjoyed Zero's merry band of retards and found them entertaining.
I was also surprised to hear people thought the gameplay for 3 was bad. Obviously it's not the greatest, but it was good enough to have fun with imo. After starting Drakengard 1, I found that game way more janky and slow as hell. I get these games are more for the story than gameplay but I think fans over exaggerate the jankiness of 3.

No. 423059

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I liked it. Zero's design is pretty neat. I liked how at the start of a level she's spotless then at the end it looked like she took a trip through a cranberry factory.
>Also enjoyed Zero's merry band of retards and found them entertaining
I was kinda meh on them but the building a male harem by killing bosses and taking their sex slaves is unique if nothing else.
>gameplay for 3 was bad
It was pretty jank. It was a bad copy of Dynasty Warriors and even that series isn't great. It wasn't until Platinum started doing the combat that DrakenNier got serviceable. It'd love a remake if the combat was redone.

No. 423072

glad to know I wasn't the only one who was sad after switching characters (had to because the tonics are bugged for my main, least I could have gotten the story stuff again for my trouble kek)

No. 423121

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So there is 6 Goddesses called Intoners who rule the land named Zero through Five. Each one takes a male disciple who they bang for fun, vent frustration or boredom. As Zero kills the other Intoners she takes the disciples as her own. Nothing explicit is shown but there is a lot of in game dialogue about it.

No. 423125

Nta but in drakengard 3, all of the protagonist's sisters have a disciple. Their main role is for summoning the sisters demons (it's been a hot minute since I've delved into drakengard lore, so I may be misremembering a bit) But of course, the sisters have "needs", hence the sex slave part. Although I'd say only one of the sisters actually treats her disciple like that, hell I'm pretty sure one of the sisters is a virgin cause she refuses to outright tell her disciple she that she wants him. And yes, the protagonist does fuck the disciples. It's only referenced and talked about a few times though. Picrel is Five's disciple and this sadistic bastard is the first one that joins you on your quest to kill your sisters.

No. 423127

>>423121 i cackled out loudly when i heard "front and rear" on my first playthrough. godspeed zero

No. 423131

posts inspired me to watch vidrel and now i'm sad it's not on pc. rip

No. 423133

I guess I’ve just played way jankier games and was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting
The dragon gameplay isn’t as horrible as the first game too

No. 423135

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All this Drakengard talk made me look up cutscenes. Zero is such a foul mouthed menace. I love her.
I'm >>423121 there's like 8 more of those pics on the right. It's between every level more or less.

No. 423152

I'm actually sorta pissed, did it on my Titan just in case I got server glitched out of a cutscene and ended up missing out on the character I really wanted to see.
Maybe it's finally time to figure out how to just rip the model myself.

No. 423168

I'd like Zero's harem more if they weren't a shota (Yoko Taro's fetish), an ugly masochistic man (could've been hot but he's ugly), an ugly old disgusting man and a sexy retard.
I kind of don't like Drakengard 3 but Zero was cool and likable despite of her edgy Yoko Taro tragedy hentai backstory. The female dragon was cool too.

No. 423176

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Dito is not a shota he’s 22. I will not stand for that slander. I like Decadeus too he looks more like a dilf but I’ll agree with you about Octa who’s also allegedly 22.

No. 423400

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Aren't they all 2 years old actually? Cause of the weird prequel manga? Ngl I had Dito and Cent as my companions the most cause they weren't ugly lol.

No. 423404

age doesn’t matter he is a shota whether you like it or not

No. 423407

oh man that sucks anon, who did you want to see?
I'm otherwise enjoying the season so far, and the Vesper's Host dungeon is being a fun challenge kek

No. 423410

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This game could have been so based if it wasnt for those 2 ugly moids. I could maybe accept Decadus but Octa was a disgusting piece of shit who literally fucked a horse.

No. 423411

Why do they all look like they're from completely different franchises kek

No. 423418

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Thank you for the rec Nona, I bought it and played it over the week and absolutely loved it. It had a very interesting and well-written story, and some parts had my heart racing a little.

No. 423610

File: 1728787751661.png (548.22 KB, 829x711, Destiny 2 9_12_2024 9_26_56 PM…)

Wanted to see my Awoken Warlock guy instead. He's half the reason I keep playing even though it seems to be getting jankier every update.
Need more games where you can play as a glowy alien guy.

Not really into the dungeons, too hard to solo and I'm too anxious to team up when it probably requires talking.

No. 423696

Cute! Hopefully this season gets a few more game engine cutscenes where the helmet can be off for you then anon! I forget what my exos look like kek, I never have the face visible.

>more games where you can play as a glowy alien guy

very true

Ah that's fair, I'm in an active clan so it's easier to find friends/helpers for stuff like dungeons, or failing that I run them with my brother kek. I get that being on mic is daunting though, it sucks that it can be so unpredictable/shit (though in my experience, destiny is probably the most chill fps I've played on mic).

No. 423754

Streamer I follow played this today and idk sorta meh.
Kinda hard to think it was scary when he was completely blase about the weirdness and gave everyone silly voices lol.
I'm not into that lol so random creepy shit though.

No. 423756

I also just finished it based on your rec, thank you nona for sharing an interesting game ITT. I found it interesting but mostly okay, and I'm usually a scaredy cat who gets easily frightened by horror games. Spoiler territory I immediately figured out the "big twist" as soon as the game gave us the information that 3 adult men were stuck on a ship in the middle of space with one woman. It was sadly obvious what was probably going on. The allegorical horror segments were okay but less scary than the reality of their situation. Wish the game had spent more time exploring their dynamic before and after the crash instead of Jimmy's own delusions, as the former had the potential to be much scarier than the latter in my opinion. I think when it comes to horror games once you know you're exploring a delusion the atmospherical scare factor goes down significantly and all that's left for the game to do is to use jumpscares to scare you; the scariest thing in a horror game is not understanding what is going on. I enjoyed it for its aesthetic and for trying to be something new, but as a long time lover of "small group of people trapped together for long periods of time losing their grip on sanity" type of stories the writing could have been a lot better.

No. 423967

This came up in my recommended and I've never liked an unliked a video so fast. I was so happy to find a woman who's also interested in retro games, she brings up small worldbuilding details and fashion, I'm so excited — aaaaaand cue "war on femininity and straight men" REEEEEEing for the ENTIRE rest of the video.
Sigh. I'm so tired. I hate being a woman into games. You have to turn your entire brain off and smile through outrageous sexism to even enjoy the games themselves, and/or become a misogynist handmaiden pandering to your own degradation. It's a straight up humiliation ritual.

No. 423977

>criticizes video games for lecturing people on politics
>spends the rest of the vid repeating the same usual talking points and twitter arguments
The internet is doomed from algorithms, echo chambers and politicization. Content creators must include a lecture from their chosen in-group. They all sound like robots, when will it end.

No. 424048

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No. 424068

I hate moid gamers above anything else, but these pickmes make me angry for different reasons. How blind and retarded do you have to be to parrot incel rhetoric and not realize the trap you're setting for yourself? Kek at her repeating the media literacy argument, while completely failing to have any during this whole video. It's always the same examples, same rhetoric. It's so glaringly obvious she's repeating things she read around. I can pinpoint which Twitter and reddit posts she pulled her arguments from. If you're going to post your face on a video, at least make one single original argument for yourself. I can only hope handmaidens wake up one day.
>You have to turn your entire brain off and smile through outrageous sexism to even enjoy the games themselves, and/or become a misogynist handmaiden pandering to your own degradation. It's a straight up humiliation ritual.
Yes, exactly this. It's tiring.

No. 424109

It was pretty good. But it would have been better as a VN. The "gameplay" parts were annoying and took away from the story.

No. 424144

Yeah I can't find a single female streamer who isn't a spineless handmaiden just going along with the obviously sexual comments their mostly moid chat make towards them. Just constant sexual harassment they never address because they want those sweet sweet subs and donations. It's really depressing because I want to like them, but it's impossible when some actively dislike the women posting in chat.
Like you said, it's a humiliation ritual and it's fucking disgusting knowing there's 100% faggots in chat jacking off to a female streamer getting harangued and her just accepting it like it should be normal.

No. 424149

I swear there is a pickme phenotype kek

No. 424251

I recommended a few streamers in another thread, they're all on twitch. Hsara plays Resident Evil and Daniegirl plays a good variety mostly FPS (not 'comfy' stuff). If you do like Comfy Games like the Sims check out Plumbella and LilSimsie. Jillyeon plays Crusader Kings and a variety of other PC games.

No. 424273

I'll check them out, thanks nona! Idk if I'm too autistic about handmaiden behavior since I've been a bit disappointed in some recs I've seen here before over the years, but I'll certainly give them all a good shot before I make any judgment.

No. 424312

Plumbella, Lil Simsie and Jillyeon all have YouTube channels so you can check out their content there without having to dip into a stream. Plumbella and Lil Simsie have mostly female audiences. Jillyeon’s Crusader Kings videos are really funny. The other two don’t have yt channels but Daniegirl has funny streams currently playing FPS and Hsara’s are really chill, she mostly plays horror games.

There’s probably some others whose names are escaping me rn.

No. 424335

I wouldn't recommend simstubers to anyone over the age of like 12. They almost universally cater to children in very obvious ways. lilsimsie is especially bad.

No. 424343

Same, the other day I watched a recommended vtuber streamer with a pornhub jingle channel reward.

No. 424352

I get why someone wouldn't like them but their content is definitely clean if that's what that nona was worried about

No. 424505

So many devs try to make the next Animal Crossing game but they neglect strict attention on aesthetics. The graphics of vidrel is cute but looks too derpy compared to AC. Even Dinkum, as well designed it is, is really ugly imo. Where's the real Animal Crossing killer??

No. 424918

This looks like a cheap ripoff tbh. I'm waiting for one that has been im development called Puffpals. They're consistent in their updates and it looks cute (overly cute sometimes imo, but to each their own).

No. 425015

Jillyeon is funny but too bad she capes for trannies.

No. 425351

Recommend me tower defense games, no bloons.

No. 425363

Kingdom rush

No. 425545

is there any point in playing true colors? i'm pretty easy to impress and i've liked the other games in the series, but i didn't like how fandom insists steph is a lesbian even though she dated a man. is tranny and gender shit involved to the point i can't ignore it?

No. 425562

Played the game years ago, didn't remember any trans character. Looked it up and apparently the character showed up in voice only in two scenes. I would say you could ignore it.

No. 425735

They made him so damn ugly though, dude got the Leon treatment. Why do they keep making moids into ugly gorillas in Jhorror remakes?

No. 425896

Oh I agree, the gameplay fucking sucked.

I think its easy for you and I to understand why the game is scary. I think a lot of people who have never had to contend with this kind of thing are benefiting from this game.

No. 426140

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Looking forward to Infinity Nikki. There aren't enough games where you can dress up your character in cute outfits like that and with overall cute presentation. Dress up games don't count, I mean more like games with other gameplay than the dress up but that also happen to have dress up elements.

No. 426141

I think remake Leon is cute just not as attractive as the original. Were any of the characters in Silent Hill really meant to be attractive though? I kind of thought the aesthetic the original game was going for meant the characters had to look like ordinary people.

No. 426145

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yeah you're right they really made james so ugly

No. 426150

Like she can go to church or watch porn if she wants true proper femininity. I play old games because I love the atmosphere and creativity borne from limitations.

>Sigh. I'm so tired. I hate being a woman into games. You have to turn your entire brain off and smile through outrageous sexism to even enjoy the games themselves, and/or become a misogynist handmaiden pandering to your own degradation. It's a straight up humiliation ritual.

Video games are the worst in this respect, even modern TV is better

it's only political if they hate it

I'm starting to think so too

No. 426152

I think I should become a streamer and actually buck the trend

No. 426153

yikes I forgot how fugly 2001 James looked

No. 426158

James was always hideous thought

No. 426161

I'm too dumb to tell if this is serious or not. The character is seriously hideous in the old game, at least in my opinion. The remake version looks better, though maybe not handsome to a lot of people's tastes. I'm not sure how much better they could have designed him for the remake, I think they did a good job with most of the designs.

No. 426174

It’s a joke toward that anon saying they made James look ugly, as if he was hotter before

No. 426201

KEK anons not getting the obvious sarcasm in this post is cracking me up.

No. 426219

Well I still like old James's voice more. Would let him smother me with pillow

What would Mary's Jamie look like?

No. 426231

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Whatever you believe at least he didn't get the Harry Mason treatment

No. 426233

chad version Steve Buscemi

No. 426250

Apologies, some nonas just have hideously bad taste it's hard to tell

No. 426330

Egon Spengler

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